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Vote now on the future of VPN posting on this site! Poll closes at 23:59 GMT on the 18th March.

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No. 2432184

Are you a fat loser? Do you want to argue because that's how you learned to get attention in your dysfunctional household growing up? Do you have no friends? Well then, this is the thread for you!

Come here to bait and infight! Post something really stupid, and other anons will fight you about it! Prime topics are: abortion, clothing, eye colour, lesbianism, really anything that you can fight over!

Remember that everyone that disagrees with you is a man, so make sure you call them out for being men!

Last thread

The "rules" are:
>no racebait
You can still do it because jannies are absent for 12-14 hours a day!
>no infighting
This one isn't a rule we only added this so we don't get put on autosage like our last thread, Dumbass Shit!
>don't reply to bait
This whole thread is bait so you can still reply to bait!
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
They should, but no, they dont
>farmhands are always watching
They only watch for 4-6 hours a day because they're lazy


Remember that everyone that uses this thread is: fat, ugly, mentally challenged or otherwise low IQ, attention-starved, juvenile, and generally a loser! Have fun!!!

No. 2432192>>2432208>>2432209

If you put sugar in your coffee you are a weak-willed coward who must sugarcoat everything in your life too. Real people drink black coffee with enough shots to kill a grown horse.

No. 2432194>>2432197>>2432322

>repeat OP
Some brave anon is really trying to kill this thread. Thank you

No. 2432197

Unfortunately if this thread gets killed the retards will just migrate to another

No. 2432198

Dark blonde > Auburn > Light blonde > Brown > Black > Grey > Ginger

That's the hierarchy of hair color

No. 2432205>>2432206>>2432484

Being a parent is a terrible choice because you’re signing someone up for life full of potentially struggle, possibly mental illness and inevitably facing death of those around them including you the parent. If you really loved your child you would think about how sad they’d be when you’re gone and just… not have that kid.

No. 2432206

Average r/antinatalism post but I kind of agree

No. 2432208>>2432210>>2432282>>2432670

As a barista black coffee only passes if the roast/grind/beans are good, otherwise it just tastes like burnt acid. It’s funny because I hate most black coffee but espresso is much better.

No. 2432209>>2432214>>2432640

What is with this coffee elitism? Drinking black coffee is pickme NLOG behavior of the highest order

No. 2432210

I am a filthy pathetic instant coffee drinker and burnt acid is accurate.

No. 2432214>>2432215

It's a joke. But black coffee gives me the shits whenever I'm constipated and that's why I need it.

No. 2432215>>2432216

Deus Crepitus isn't gonna pick you, stop trying

No. 2432216

I have wonderful shits so I have been!

No. 2432217>>2432221>>2432224

Anyone who claims to be an "empath" is a raging narcissist. Also why are they always obsessed with everyone else being narcs? They see boogeyman narcs under their bed and in their own children. What is this phenomenon?

No. 2432221

Deflection and projection

No. 2432224

It's projection. People obsessed with narcissists are either narcissists themselves or in paranoid psychosis. They're usually wrapped up in New Age spirituality so to them "narcissists" are people who they deem evil on some cosmic level.

No. 2432225>>2432237>>2432246>>2432263

Some people here are so fucking dramatic and have no emotional regulation. They'll take a simple comment and extrapolate it to crazy heights, like if someone complains her mom snores some anons will go like "she's a devil woman who hates you and does it intentionally to mentally torture you, call the police and go no contact immediately". A friend hasn't been responding lately? "She's a narcissist user who no longer has any need for you and is plotting to destroy your life. Call the police and go no contact immediately." I know I'm being dramatic in my exxageration too but you know what I mean.

No. 2432237

We're becoming Reddit let's gooo.

No. 2432246

Guess seeing myself as the mother Theresa of lolcow holds weight i have not been staying on business here. My game is going to take an hour to update so I'll do my best in the interim then I'm fuckinf off again

No. 2432263

same thing with the people who hop on posts about anons venting about mental illness and act like inflammatory assholes. why can you not just let people vent instead of trying to be a gigastacy better than thou cunt

No. 2432279>>2432283

I think romanticising mental illness is cute and wholesome. It's just that moids who do it are often predators, if they genuinely wanted to alleviate BPD then all the power to them

No. 2432282

Nta, I personally drink instant coffee and make a "cold brew" instead. I melt the coffee with some tab water then add cold water to it and drink it. This removes the acidity and bitterness a bit and makes it more salvageable. I also kinda like the charcoal roast corn taste of unsweetened coffee.

No. 2432283

Sometimes romanticising your symptoms can be a decent way to cope with them. But yes, any moid who romanticises a woman's mental illness just wants to take advantage of her and should be culled and other things I want to a-log

No. 2432322

it’s not really a “repeat”, it’s something called a thread motif, this is when the threadpic/ description is a specific image or theme

No. 2432373

Most people are average. Even the ones considered ugly could look normal by fixing maybe one of their features (unless it's something really unfixable). I've been thinking about the ugly people I've seen and most of them would be normal looking if they lost weight, got a proper haircut, took better care of their teeth or skin, wore a wig kek. And I don't think this is unpopular but just as there are not many ugly people, there's also not many actual attractive ones. They are a surgery away from not being considered average.

No. 2432386>>2432472

Armie Hammer or whoever the fuck has the most annoying voice i can't believe he is playing twins in a movie it's too much. He has the same voice as Israel's president. That weird tin robot genocidal voice.

No. 2432472>>2432483

Isn't he the one that got dropped by his agents because he is sexually aroused by cannibalism and had many sexting partners wherein he would fantasize about eating them?

No. 2432483>>2432488

What the heck

No. 2432484

>life is hard, that means it's not worth living!!
Grow up

No. 2432488>>2432490>>2432504>>2432514>>2432524>>2432626

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A lot of it has been scrubbed from the internet, but if you research you can find a lot of the cannibal stuff.

No. 2432490

What a strange creature.

No. 2432504

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Is this the last time he was seen in public? It's from 2022, I figured he would lose access to whatever treatments were keeping him sparkly during his degenerate years

No. 2432514

I knew he seemed off. I've a good tell for this. I made an ass of myself once trying to kick out a moid from a party and everyone sided with him and now he's in jail for holding a woman hostage in Spain.

No. 2432524>>2432684

His great grandparents are part Russian and his grandfather was referred to as Lenin's Chosen Capitalist and had ties to the soviet union. Also alma mater of Colombia university in the victorian years, had a Russian aristocrat wife and probably involved in the Bohemian Grove given the time. Hammer's probably are cannibals and do all that illuminati gay shit

No. 2432626>>2432628

Wasnt there screencaps of him talking to a girl about wanting to eat her toe and trying to convince her to go through with it or am I misremembering? I swear the caps are on this very site somewhere.

No. 2432628

Yes, there were. Lots of screencaps of his chat logs were leaked, but it's a bit difficult to find them now. He said some crazy weird fucked up shit.

No. 2432640

What isn’t NLOG behavior to you people

No. 2432670

yeah exactly, i drink black coffee at home because then I can make sure that everything's good, i buy good beans and dial in the grind for each individual bag and then use either a chemex or V60 and it's lovely. but if i'm drinking coffee at my parents place or a gas station or a lunch restaurant or anything like that where it's just drip machine stuff from preground coffee that's possibly also been burning on the hot plate for a while, then it's 1/4 cup milk and two pieces of sugar for me.

No. 2432684

Either his father or grandfather raped/molested a woman who wrote a book about it, too. I can't remember her name.

No. 2432724

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Not sure to post this here or the fandom thread but I personally didn’t care for how they portrayed Nurse Bendy in Alone. Like I get that it’s meant to look theatrical and vaguely unnerving, but it comes across as ‘no more wire hangers’ and semi-campy. Her development in Dumb was nice though

No. 2432841>>2432844

I'm so glad JJBA isn't trendy anymore, goddamn it was literally everywhere back in the day and people wouldn't stop spamming unfunny jokes and references. Ugly ass, overdesigned show. The color palettes were so jarring and ugly as well. Every character is so damn ugly. I can still hear that overplayed Golden wing song, don't even get me started with the "it was me, DIO!" meme uuugh

No. 2432844>>2432958

There was a piano in the middle of the undercover quad at my old high school in senior year and kids were free to play with it. All I heard bleeding into my ears all fucking hours of the day was that Giorno's Theme. Genuinely wanted the world to end hearing it

No. 2432845>>2432847>>2432848>>2432859>>2432925>>2432927

It's weird how Americans try to force their hatred of gingers onto other cultures tbh. I'm not white, gingers are more of an oddity than a defect at my country, plus I got zero reasons to hate them, so I'm mostly neutral about them. It's awkward when I'm talking to my American friends and the topic (hair colors) comes up, they start getting genuinely vicious about them, maybe it's just an in-joke? But sometimes they kinda take it too far. I'll never get it I guess

No. 2432847>>2432858

It's probably from when they considered Irish "non whites" and lesser. Americans can't leave their racists roots behind at all

No. 2432848

I thought that was more of a meme in media. Ameritards unironically shit on gingers even in casual conversation? Holy shit, they're so fucking obsessed with race, they invented hair racism.

No. 2432858>>2432868

Aren't white Americans predominantly of irish descent? doesn't make sense

No. 2432859>>2432860>>2432871>>2432876

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It's not about race. I'm not white and I think ginger moids usually look freakish. They tend to have a weird martyr complex about it too. Ginger women usually look fine and can be very pretty, it's just the moids that look all red like fire demons

No. 2432860>>2432861

Here we fucking go

No. 2432861

Sorry kek. I don't think it's that big of a deal.

No. 2432868

Incidentally growing up in Ireland the gingers were still bullied in school lol

No. 2432871

My bf is a ginger and he’s a sweetie pie

No. 2432876>>2432881

His hair is red, but why is his skin red?

No. 2432881

Sunburn probably

No. 2432921>>2432926

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I’m so glad I was born in the USA. People always try to make Americans feel ashamed but I’d rather live here than their shit holes. I know men and their tradthots slaves are working hard to change that though so I won’t speak too soon. I’m proud to be American.(ban evasion)

No. 2432925

americans are in their majority anglos and ultimately the english hate the irish and scottish because they didnt enjoy being colonized.

No. 2432926>>2432932

I mean this is not the norm. America has KKK and sundown towns, so I don’t see the comparison being relevenat kek.

No. 2432927

Gingers are kind of cute

No. 2432932

Yeah but if they actually hurt black people and get caught they go to prison. It’s not a holiday to go out beating up women.

No. 2432958

In my school it was unravel lol

No. 2432996>>2433004>>2433139

The human body is sacred and I think its disgusting when people sell it for money, whether it's prostitution or porn.
But I love art of sexy cartoon men and sexy cartoon women. Maybe it's because I draw but when there is good sexy images of cartoon people I just can't help but love it. I love any sort of porn drawn by women (men who draw porn tend to miss the point and don't make it artistically beautiful and focus entirely on the coom). But I still love cartoon porn. Especially really good yaoi.

No. 2433004

Fair tbh

No. 2433027

Ughh I wanted a kitty on the pic thread

No. 2433112>>2433135

Everyone posting to the questioning sexuality thread is literally just deeply insecure with an internet addiction and with minimal real life experiences with sex and romance.

No. 2433135>>2433180

Explain your reasoning? Even sexually active people experiment with partners kek

No. 2433139>>2433145

>The human body is sacred
Agreed. I genuinely don't understand how people can have sex outside of marriage. It seems so filthy. But I also like cartoon yaoi lmao.

No. 2433145>>2433152>>2433166

marriage won't make it less filthy kek

No. 2433152>>2433164

I was reading about BPDs on reddit and a scrote user randomly posted a weird "poem" about using his ugly wife as a sex doll for all the actual women he wanted to fuck, completely unprovoked and off topic. It was upvoted by several other moids and had nothing to do with anything

No. 2433164>>2433185>>2434047

share the poem with us dear anon I need a laugh

No. 2433166>>2433168>>2433172>>2433252

I dunno. It just feels different, being each other's first and only, knowing he won't leave you after having sex with you and isn't using you or lying to you.

No. 2433168>>2433178>>2433189

I think being a man's "first" only means you get to keep him for a little longer because eventually he'll get bored and cheat and once that happens he doesn't stop.

No. 2433172>>2433189

I think this is such a naive take. Locking a man in marriage doesn't change their disgusting nature. You can't win with men whether you get yourself a virgin or one who casually sleeps around and everything in between. Men's sexuality is inherently filthy.

Even more true now that men have unbridled access to unlimited amounts of porn. What does being each other's first and only even mean anymore when your man is emotionally cheating on you every night.

No. 2433178>>2433189

They usually break up to have their whore phase in college or if they can’t get other women to have sex with, they just become resentful of their gf

No. 2433179

I feel like if a woman became the president of the US she would be the most sexually harassed woman on earth. Unless she is old and very ugly.

No. 2433180

NTAYRT but that's the point, most people in that thread over analyse middle school crushes and porn preferences but aren't actually reflecting on their real life experiences and how they felt during them, the people who are aren't posting in that thread. This might be unpopular but such a fervent obsession with labels isn't healthy or realistic, because it gets to a point where what you consider "bisexuality" might be another persons "lesbianism" or "heterosexuality" and vice versa. It's all just words

No. 2433185

It was at least 6 months ago so it'll take me a while to find it. The introductory question was "what does he see in her?" and then went on to describe all the sexual adventures he had been on while having sex with her (in his own mind). It ended by saying "what does he see in her? Nothing at all!" but all that's coming up in search is Lord Byron rn. I'll look for it when I'm done work nona, hope you don't have any big plans tonight!

No. 2433189>>2433200

Even if that's true (doubtful), a nonvirgin man is even more likely to get bored and cheat because he remembers all the past women he's slept with and wants to go back to sleeping around.
>Locking a man in marriage doesn't change their disgusting nature.
I didn't say marriage changes an individual moid's nature. But guys who are naturally better are more inclined one way than another.
>They usually break up to have their whore phase in college
That's why you wait until marriage, so you know he's committed.

No. 2433192>>2433193>>2435241

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I like Chapelle roan's music. I like that its not as crass as other modern music.

No. 2433193>>2433195

I think people only really have a problem with the fake lesbian thing. Not for me but I don't think it's so bad when other people like it. It's something slightly different than other things like that?

No. 2433195>>2433202

Her music feels less agressive than anything from sabrina carpenter or doja cat imo. I dont mind mild sexual innuendos but god i hate straight up obvious sexual tones and slurs. You say one bitch in your songs and you lose me 5ever.

No. 2433200>>2433211

These days you’re not finding a man over the age of 20 whose a virgin and waiting for marriage unless there’s something extremely wrong with him like he’s a religious trump nut or gay

No. 2433202>>2433207>>2433227

>5ever (sometimes spelled 5eva or 5evur) is a slang term meaning “more than forever" and the superlative form of its SMS shorthand "4ever." Believed to have originated from a copypasta story that began circulating in early 2011
I will never read this as anything but "sever", I prefer 5eva
>doja cat
>i hate straight up obvious sexual tones and slurs
She seems like and is a 4chan coomer, so that makes sense. I won't talk about how her unhealthy appearance alludes to that with this particular anon but it does

No. 2433207

>doja cat
samefag I have never seen a more curated image result than this. What a terminally online and insecure loser kek even a list celebrities will allow a few unflattering pap shots to appear on the first two pages

No. 2433211>>2433219

Don't be such a debbie downer. They're out there, and I only won't find one if I give up.

No. 2433219>>2433230

I just can’t see why a man who isn’t super religious would be a virgin over the age of 20 and waiting for marriage. I can see why a woman would do it but it doesn’t make sense for a man.

No. 2433227

it sucks because i wanted to like her, some of her songs like say so are cute. Wish she would tone down the sexual stuff.

No. 2433230>>2433232

Maybe he doesn't want to wait until marriage per se, but I can find a virgin guy and convince him that waiting until marriage is good, and something I want to do.

No. 2433232>>2433233

You could probably do that with a super young guy but that’s most likely going to back fire and end with him hating you. Just being realistic.

No. 2433233>>2433240>>2433261

Geez, now you're just being cynical and pessimistic, always predicting the worst case scenario.

No. 2433240>>2433243

No, I’m just basing off of what I’ve seen. Usually guys who marry young/have kids young go through a phase when they start resenting their wife/kids because they think she prevented him from being a man whore in his prime. Or if he’s young and not used to getting attention, the first pick me outside of the relationship who gives him attention he’s ready to jump ship.

No. 2433243>>2433248

I bet these guys whom you've seen didn't even wait until marriage. So it doesn't count.

No. 2433248>>2433256

The rare ones I’ve seen who do it act like that. I’m just looking at it from a man’s perspective, there are so many women who are pretty and nice that they’re always gonna have fomo even if they’d never have a chance with those women even if they were single. It’s easier to wait for marriage for non-religious women because most men have no attractive qualities so we don’t feel like we are missing anything.

No. 2433252>>2433256

sometimes when i read retarded shit like this i wonder if it was written by a moid trying to psyop some poor gullible anon into settling for a moid.

No. 2433256>>2433257

First you say that no moid waits until marriage, now you're saying you've seen lots of them who have? Something's not adding up here.
I'm not a moid, don't be rude. I just don't like the idea of premarital sex.

No. 2433257>>2433266

I didn’t say lots do it, I said the rare ones. Finding a cute guy who is never going to look at porn or fuck other women just because you’re so special, is a nice fantasy but that’s all it is…a fantasy. Don’t get your hopes up.

No. 2433261>>2433266

except statistically what you're looking for is very rare, more if you don't want a super religious man–and even then, you have to factor for all the other stuff that's super important in a partner.
so, you announcing this to random people is more like a weird vanity project fetishizing virginity than anything else because the actuality of it happening to you is low unless you're the type that'd ignore abuse, cheating, other kinds of degenerate behavior, etc, which is still very common in countries where waiting till marriage is more expected. of course it's fine that you wanna do it, i support it better than not having any standards, but your obsessive mindset about it makes me wonder what you'd do if your man acts out after marriage.

No. 2433266>>2433270

>Finding a cute guy who is never going to look at porn
I would accept a guy who sometimes looks at porn, since I do to.
>Don’t get your hopes up.
Hope makes it happen.
>what you're looking for is very rare
It's not as rare as you think. Media likes to portray everyone as promiscuous and involved in casual sex, which skews people's perceptions. Or maybe because you yourself aren't looking for it that it seems rare.

No. 2433267>>2433269>>2433341>>2433346>>2433486

Men cannot be raped or molested and the uptick in men, especially gay ones, with "a woman molested me" stories are outright lying and co-opting women's stories

No. 2433269

I think male children can definitely be molested and it's retarded to pretend they can't be. Adult men are different.

No. 2433270

Oh well if you’re cool with him being watching porn then your chances of finding a virgin increased a lot. I’ve met guys who are virgins and would rather just watch porn. They have a lot of other negative personality traits but if a virgin is all you’re looking for then that works.

No. 2433334>>2433338

being a porn star is as bad as being a lolcow people make fun of you and you give too much about you online, it's setting yourself for failure.

No. 2433338>>2433390

this is a popular opinion nona

No. 2433341>>2433353

they definitely can be molested but when i hear guys be like "omg she forcibly made me penetrate her" like… be for real. men are always accusing women of "claiming rape because they didnt like it afterwards" but thats the exact vibe i get when they claimed to be "raped" by a woman they could easily throw off. and i kind of dislike it being called rape because youre categorizing a woman being on your dick to a woman being forcibly torn open, bleeding, possible permanent damage to her organs and pelvic function, like… its just not comparable. at all.

No. 2433346

Agreed. It pisses me off when men try to play the victims and pretend rapes affects them too. They live extremely privileged lifes where they can walk alone without the fear of being raped and insteaf of being glad about it they prefeer to play the victim card like faggots.

No. 2433353

>men are always accusing women of "claiming rape because they didnt like it afterwards"
This happens because moids coerce women into sex by lying to them which is still rape. They don't see that as rape somehow.

No. 2433390

This used to be popular but sadly people on social media act like having an onlyfans is empowering and how porn stars are "desired by many people", it's all fake and most people trash talk porn stars as if they were lolcows. I have seen many moids with vendettas against porn stars, if one of them gets married those dudes will flame the husband and harass the PS's family. Coomers also seem to trash talk random onlyfans e-girls from what I have seen, the only thing that differs a porn star from a lolcow is the lust their haters feel towards them.

No. 2433407>>2433410

Role of female cops is to basically tell rape victims that they’re liars
If you actually become a female cops you’re literally the biggest pickme. I’d argue because many rape cases are being dismissed by females they’re the only women who deserve to get raped by their colleagues hehehe.

If the world is going down in flames I want female cops to get tortured the most. I’m absolutely disgusted by them. Ew.

No. 2433410>>2433417

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No. 2433417>>2433422>>2433437

So long they dismiss victims of rape and gossip about them in their cute little offices I only wish them horrible things. If a woman actually becomes a cop, she is a traitor to her own gender. By nature she is filth and trash. You don’t know how much of a womanhater cops are.

No. 2433422>>2433487

Did you actually witness this happen and that's where this is coming from?

No. 2433426>>2433439>>2433441>>2433442>>2433447>>2433450>>2433473>>2433492>>2433518>>2442047

File (hide): 1741388217492.jpg (149.77 KB, 1320x1796, 1741385741560354[1].jpg)

Reminder that all men are pedophiles.

No. 2433437>>2433487

This is whatever but only deranged individuals type out the onomatopoeia of their laugh.

No. 2433439

Do you guys really think that 22 year olds look that young? kek

No. 2433441

Stuff like this is extremely sinister to me because, even ignoring the obvious, men will see this and go "see how little it takes for us to be happy!" completely ignoring the fact they're never happy until they feel like they've subjugated their broodmare.

No. 2433442

don’t be that generous nona, Acacia would be over the dang moon if she found out people thought she looked like a teenager in that pic LMFAOO

No. 2433447>>2433455>>2433484

>imagine you’re spending your short days on earth wage slaving and for a moment you feel a bit of peace because your wife sent you a cute selfie of her and the infant you guys created
>you’re a pedophile, aren’t you?
kek i’m not thrilled with the whole trad 50’s let’s all make babies trend that’s going on right now either but be a little more logical anon

No. 2433450

>check that woman's twitter
>absolute non-stop moid seething about this on every single one of her tweets

No. 2433455>>2433456>>2433477

Hang yourself pedophile XY damage(scrotefoiling)

No. 2433456>>2433462>>2433463

NTAYRT and I’m not trying to infight with you anon but it’s obvious that the central point of the fantasy is having a wife and a child, not his wife being acacia brinley

No. 2433462

It's hard to explain unless you know what circles these "innocent" posts are being made by in the first place, but they're basically dogwhistles for tradtards with a breeding kink.

No. 2433463>>2433464

I don't give a shit what fantasies moids jerk off too, this is not the place to defend them.

No. 2433464>>2433465

Theres not even any man that’s being defended though

No. 2433465>>2433466>>2433467

You're not fooling anyone with that "nayrt".

No. 2433466

It must be exhausting to think everyone you’re talking to is the same person

No. 2433467>>2433471

you’re right you caught me, I actually want to marry you and make you my broodmare nonny

No. 2433468>>2433469>>2433529

I think anons who encourage other nonas to partake in degenerate fetishes or have fewer morals are not any less cringe from the very moids they intend to mock and anger. Why should I emulate a thing I despise? Why should I partake in fetishes I know will hurt women more than it would a moid why should make mockery of crimes that affect only women by pretending I'm doing it to moids like anons saying they want to rape a moid when the one who's still vulnerable to pregnancy and std is the woman how is that any different?Although I know that women being more moral and empathetic means that we get taken advantage of I still dont think it's bad to be moral and empathetic but I dont mean pickme levels i still think these qualities make women superior than moids I mean most honest and real war reporters are women most NGOs are started by women. I dont want to become something as abhorrent as a moid

No. 2433469>>2433474

A nonny said she'd rape your 3D husbando, didn't she.

No. 2433471

OMG fuck you kek

No. 2433473>>2433478

didnt somebody find out this girl is a neglectful single mom with an onlyfans lel

No. 2433474

Ayrt Nah kek im into waifus.

No. 2433477>>2433483>>2433485

not to be obtuse but i don’t understand what sounds pedophilic about the wanting to “get married and have a baby” trad LARP fantasy. is it cause A doesn’t look very old in that pic? cause even now when she’s like 31 she basically still looks the exact same as she did back then

No. 2433478>>2433485

nta but yeah, she lost custody of all three of her babies. it makes me feel really bad for them.

No. 2433483>>2433488

Visit that tweet and look at the comments of moids openly admitting it. Then look at their profiles and find the singular pattern of their political alignment kek.

No. 2433484>>2433514

it's probably the context. most fantasy posts like that turn out almost always they feature very young women or even what might be girls, almost never putting out women that clearly are over 25…even when they are, they try to twist it somehow. saw some super right-wing account praise pewdiepie for his idyllic family life and success, specifically praising his very "young" wife. marzia is near his age.

most mothers looking barely like this and are in their 30s. nevermind how this is being said by a blue checkmark account, which are infamous for being run by bots. yes nonna we're paranoid, but isn't like there's an army of trad men running around whipping the endless men obsessed with youth in their circles.

No. 2433485

i kind of agree and i dont know why its such a weirdly sensitive subject that a lot of women in their 20s look similar to how they did as a teenager. in fact i think this makes it even more weird when an adult moid goes after teenage girls because theres hardly a difference between a 16 year old girl and a 24 year old girl's appearance (atleast for me and my friends i've known since then, besides the ones who got on drugs)
sad and shows how moids only care about appearance and fantasies and not reality

No. 2433486

Not even medfagging but a lot of men with "women raped me" stories give strong cluster B vibes.

No. 2433487>>2433491

File (hide): 1741390181869.gif (102.45 KB, 220x123, IMG_8318.gif)

Yes I’ve seen this happening, and it’s logic too, I believe 100% that men just hire them to capture female criminals easier this way. Ultimate cuck job to have just because you can’t find a real job.
>This is whatever
Are you a female cop?
since when are you deranged if you just giggle on an imageboard?

No. 2433488>>2433499

i’m not talking about the individual people responding to the tweet and baiting under it i’m talking about the sahm larp that’s been a trend for the last 2 or so years

No. 2433491>>2433498

>Are you a female cop? since when are you deranged if you just giggle on an imageboard
Jfc anons take everything so seriously nowadays

No. 2433492>>2433495

wait isn't this pic AI generated? her hand and her baby look kinda off

No. 2433495

No that’s definitely a real pic, that’s acacia and her oldest daughter brinley

No. 2433498

Well if you must know I typed every shitpost with an angry face that’s how much I despise them. turns off angry mode
Wait just one more rant, I hate the system.

No. 2433499>>2433501>>2433504

Well, we're talking about the tweet, since that is what has been posted. And lolcow is not the place for moids to come here and go "b-but us moids just want a cute teenage broodmare as a prize for working soo hard, is that so wrong??" All they deserve is dying in a mine or in war.

No. 2433501>>2433503

yeah, we’re talking about the tweet…not the random accounts responding to it…also what i was questioning op’s belief that there’s something pedophilic about wanting to get married and have a baby.

No. 2433503>>2433506

lowest effort, kys(infighting)

No. 2433504

>b-but us moids just want a cute teenage broodmare as a prize for working soo hard, is that so wrong?
Okay NTAYRT but all these people just insisting that Acacia looks like a teenager in that picture has me literally in tears with laughter kek, she looks like a woman in her mid 20’s

No. 2433506>>2433508>>2433511

>lowest effort, kys
NTA but what is pedophilic about wanting to get married and have a baby though?

No. 2433508

literally nothing

No. 2433511

the trad wannabe lifestyle isn’t pedophilic it’s just that the post looks like it’s fantasizing about having a childbride because people apparently think the lady in the photo looks like a teenager

No. 2433514>>2433517>>2433519>>2433530>>2433531>>2433541>>2433566

File (hide): 1741391207830.png (1.84 MB, 951x1191, marzia.png)

>saw some super right-wing account praise pewdiepie for his idyllic family life and success, specifically praising his very "young" wife. marzia is near his age.
I have seen moids talking shit about pewdiepie "settling" for Marzia instead of having a harem of japanese women considering pewdipie is "a white chad living in japan" , it's super disgusting and shows how those gross coomers should never get a wife. Pewdiepie is a great role model for men, but the "trad" internet dudes could never get a life like pewdiepie's because they would cheat on their 30 yo wives. So it does not matter if you gift them a perfect 10/10 waifu they will always want younger women since they feel entitled to "18 yo virgin aryan girls".

No. 2433517

Aww pewdiepies baby is actually really cute. cewdiepie ♥

No. 2433518>>2433522

File (hide): 1741391347362.jpg (191.38 KB, 853x1097, IMG_20250308_004730.jpg)

Replying twice but the responses are just classic

No. 2433519>>2433533

This fag's rebranding is insane

No. 2433522

KEKK why do they always look like this

No. 2433529>>2433544

I don't think that these rape fantasies are harmful. It's not like women who write cringe moid rape essays on lolcow will ever attempt to assault a real moid and get themselves in trouble because of that kek. They are just your average hets that are desperate for a crumb of attention on a supposed terfy misandrist board. But I feel you… This gimmick that some farmers adopted became annoying sooo fast.

No. 2433530>>2433551

I wish Marzia didnt leave YouTube I miss her content

No. 2433531

true but didnt he date a teenager when he was an adult in like 2011?

No. 2433533

it really is, it's like everyone has collective amnesia when it comes to him. It's like everyone forgot how pewdepie was one of the many people who influenced that whole anti-sjw and manosphere wave against women back in 2014-2019. I remember that video of his when he was defending that sexist professor who was saying how women are dumber and weaker than men.

No. 2433541

It's funny how these guys assume they wouldn't JUST get an Asian wife, they'd get a conventionally attractive submissive one.

No. 2433544

It's true, sometimes it just feels like outright attention-whoring.

No. 2433551>>2433554

What content did she make, I didnt know she was famous too

No. 2433554

She did the like coquettish lolita stuff before it was popular

No. 2433556

File (hide): 1741392866242.jpeg (143.62 KB, 322x442, IMG_3940.jpeg)

Why are we obsessed for having “great role models” for men? Why are we not advocating their non-existence? Oh, that’s right, hettie women are trapped to their bio sexuality towards their favorite rapist class of people kekkekkekekekee which is why they go on a performative misandrist world tours desperately trying to dissociate from them by talking shit about them but engaging in NAMALTing until they find a perfect little hubby to settle down with and finally shut the fuck up with their bullshit. If you’re attracted to cocks then stop coping and trying to be apart of “the club”, you’re attracted to men and that’s what it is, stop trying desperately to make yourself seem better than men because you just happen to be the bottom, not the top (bottom = can feign victimhood/being prey and top is the predator) LOL. You’re attracted to all men, hence the reason why you clutch your pearls whenever people write stuff like this because it’s addressing ALL men and not specific little men, you view it as an attack on your female heterosexuality because you know you’re attracted to the class of people you constantly call trash, pedophiles, rapists, abusers but are engaging with the class of trash, pedophiles, rapists, and abusers because you’re “attracted” to them. Heterosexuality is your attraction towards a CLASS of people which happens to be men. Self-pwning by female hetties every single day, I feel bad for the amount of mental gymnastics and mental loops you have to do to be able to sleep with that

No. 2433566>>2433569>>2433612

I don’t believe he’s loyal. He definitely goes to soaplands and they keep it on the down low to look perfect. He moved to Japan for a reason and it’s yellow fever.

No. 2433569>>2433578

>divorce arc coming
God I hope, the amount of funny to ensue from that

No. 2433578>>2433592>>2433881

No white guy moves to a completely different country where he’s the minority and can’t speak the language for non-sexual reasons. He probably sees Japanese soapland escorts who have no idea who he is.

No. 2433592>>2433614

Moids would scream at you saying, “don’t you dare fucking say that about my favorite YouTuber!!! he’s a wholesome family man” meanwhile his same fans probably fap to anime porn kek

No. 2433612>>2433617>>2435238

File (hide): 1741394787249.png (2.32 MB, 1042x1296, 232333.png)

That's so nasty I hope that is not true, marzia is very wholesome and has been dating pewdiepie for more than a decade. Imagining dating a moid for many years, having a baby with him and then getting cheated on by hookers sounds like an absolute nightmare. Their relationship seems wholesome but you could be right, sometimes their japan lo-fi cutesy vlogs look kinda forced.

No. 2433614

I’d say give it another 10 years when his son is old enough to take care of himself more and he’s gonna pop out with an Asian girl 10+ years younger kek

No. 2433617

Nah she’s probably just as garbage as him. Bird of a feather flock together.

No. 2433622>>2433628>>2433643

Simping for Pewdiepie is a red flag in my book. He's shown himself to be a gross moid like the rest, has titty tattoos, fetishizes an entire people and country. Just because he hides it better doesn't mean there's anything to idolize or take as a "role model".

No. 2433628

He’s the typical yellow fever white nationalist who moved to Japan to get away from the wokes. I see right through it.

No. 2433643

Whats crazy is that he never hid it. People assume he's "changed" just because he isnt sitting in front of a screen shouting at his games anymore

No. 2433711>>2433742>>2433745

Idk if you meant to reply to my post, but my issue lies with people thinking he's "totally le heckin' wholesome guys" when men are literally never that. Ultimately I don't give a shit, he's just another moid.

No. 2433742>>2435260

Don’t mind the retards coming itt anon, thanks to all the recent lc mentions on other sites we have an influx of reddit handmaidens, edgy twitterfags, and moids baiting constantly now. Notice how that anon you replied to was upset when we pointed out how ugly men are the ones wanting tradwives to look like children for their pedo fantasy. Then immediately have posts being oblivious about what men truly mean when they post a very young looking woman with a baby

No. 2433745

True enlightenment.

No. 2433777>>2433791>>2433805>>2433812>>2435217

They should unironically just autosage and purge the luigi thread. Haha, he shot a fat ugly CEO and compared to the other manchurian candidate lobotomies and CIA-ops hitmen they had to offer he looks palatable for the audience of hotdog americans and chronically online minors who are waiting for some Marxist Jesus to save them, we get it, the meme is dead and the zoomies killed it, just get rid of it already ffs

No. 2433791>>2433797

File (hide): 1741401225435.jpg (50.44 KB, 792x387, 1000000367.jpg)

Thought this was funny.

No. 2433797>>2433811

>came from nothing
KEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK that is amazing ragebait

No. 2433805>>2433808>>2433814>>2433827>>2433832>>2435217

the nonas in that thread assuming everybody making fun of him must be a jealous moid is kinda hilarious. no im not a man i just think its funny you got limerent over a yellow fever porn addict who chimped out cause his dick broke

No. 2433808

Exactly kek

No. 2433811>>2433832

Yeah ayrt I thought it was so funny for that reason. Billionaire/CEO defenders always claim this, like why? All of these people grew up with Daddy's money.

No. 2433812

Shot the CEO cause he couldnt fuck his ladyboys anymore

No. 2433814

Actual unpopular opinion, nobody simps this hard for a real person unless they have a serious mental disorder, BPD the first possibility. Obsessive parasocialism? Fantasies? Any "stan" online needs to be diagnosed.

No. 2433817>>2433822>>2433829>>2433834>>2433871

Unpopular opinion: The luigischizos are even more annoying than luigisimps. At least they keep their faggotry in their containment thread.
Fuck off. I don't want to hear about it.

No. 2433822>>2433828

damn you guys heard her wrap it up

No. 2433827

I made a joke that referenced him that was unknowingly capped and shared on his thread. I was incredibly confused afterwards by some of the responses I received on my original shitpost. They did make me chuckle though I think one anon was either on drugs or underage based off of her typing style.

No. 2433828>>2435217

can i say one last thing? i want to push luigi down a flight of stairs and then force him to learn how to do wheelchair tricks

No. 2433829>>2433833

The luigisimps sperging brought droves of redditors and twitterfags though

No. 2433832

Literally this but the jannies love them so much that criticizing them and their beloved moid is grounds for a ban kek. They’re also the ones who’ve been shitting up the amerifag thread for months
If only you could post it in their thread to troll, of course no fun is allowed

No. 2433833

Dont fall for the weegeetard pretending to be a third party

No. 2433834

Contrarian-chan you can just admit it, you belong to us luigischizos. Come home nonny, we miss you…

No. 2433835>>2433839>>2433840>>2433847

Salami is better than ham

No. 2433839>>2433844

Talk more about that anon

No. 2433840>>2433844

Agreed. More flavour

No. 2433844

I dont want any nonnies to think I’m talking down on ham tho cause I still loovee a good grilled cheese with gouda, white cheddar, and ham

No. 2433847>>2433853

Which kind of ham? Most people don't like the big ham roasts you have during the holidays but I find them good in thick slices on sandwiches. If you're talking about the thin presliced ham then yeah, no shit, it's mid and any sort of spiced cured meat is better. Salami is great, but I love prosciutto more. But I can see why people would prefer salami to both ham and prosciutto since salami is less fatty.

No. 2433853

The hams I encounter most often are black forest or hickory smoked cut in thick sandwich slices like you described, I never really enjoyed prosciutto much because I didn’t think it had much flavor and was very thin and slippery compared to a chunky piece of salami

No. 2433855

highly insecure socially anxious people are very exhausting to be around (i dont know how unpopular this is tbh)

No. 2433867>>2433870>>2433879>>2433971

File (hide): 1741403917659.jpg (200.63 KB, 1486x1124, 1000020060.jpg)

'Hero' by Nickelback alone mogs every single song ever released by Nirvana. Especially since Kurt had the nerve to make multiple songs about rape when he almost did exactly that to some mentally disabled girl.

No. 2433870

>he almost raped a mentally disabled girl
Wtf? Post the links and don’t leave us hanging you,!we wanna know the milk

No. 2433871>>2433886

File (hide): 1741404135821.jpeg (175.91 KB, 900x1117, IMG_8948.jpeg)

>You complaining about luigisimps is just as bad as the luigisimps themselves!
Hmm . . .

No. 2433879>>2433890

Based. I don't like the music of either but I'd take sincere Nickleback over tryhard Nirvana anytime.

No. 2433881

I mean for this one guy in particular it could be to live a normal family life without being interrupted and photographed everywhere he goes. Not saying he's not a coomer, he has to be, but it's not like he discreetly moved there alone to go rape children like most men moving to Asia.

No. 2433886

Literally. The only people who whine about gatekeepers are the ones the gate was meant to keep out, and for a good fucking reason too

No. 2433890>>2433924

Sincerity isn't important in music at all. The best musicians practice until it means absolutely nothing to them. I also doubt just because Chad Kroeger is being overly emotional, it means he's being more sincere. Weird way to prop up the art-destroying attitude of zoomers anon

No. 2433924>>2433935>>2433964>>2434075

I meant that Nickelback had a more "cringe but free" approach to them. I never said they were good though. They just did what they liked and believed in despite all the hate. While Nirvana, and specifically Kurt Cobain, were trying to be some profound prophets and something and it was actually cringe because they're horrible people and it nullifies their supposed "deep" messages. And they also sucked.
My unpopular opinion is the political and social believes of 20 yo somethings in music and art shouldn't be taken that seriously because they're just retarded self-righteous people and are eventually gonna grow out of it. You shouldn't treat them as role mdoels or authority over any topic. All their shit ends up aging poorly, too. I came to this conclusion because of the System of A Down line "was fashion the reason they were there [talking about political activism]", fast forward a decade later and being a political activist is actually trendy and fashionable and retarded believes are celebrated because you're on the majority "right side" ot things. Hilarious.

No. 2433935

>were trying to be some profound prophets
Kurt felt extremely alienated by that status, if not outright resented it. That's pretty well documented in his immaturity towards interviews that felt "too serious" and probably part of the reason he became so depressed. Their music is much less insincere and performative, maybe that's the word you're thinking of

No. 2433964

Kinda cute you use SOAD, the universal 20-something nu metal band, as an example of not trusting 20-something fans of music.

No. 2433971

I really like your picrel nona

No. 2434047

Hi nona I can't find the creepy poem bc I don't remember enough of the details but maybe someone else will read this and know what I'm talking about. It's pretty much exactly what you would expect anyways, the moid probably wrote it himself

No. 2434075>>2434120

Your entire post is moot because Kurt Cobain did not want to become famous nor did he enjoy his fame. It's the most likely reason he killed himself. I'm not even a Nirvana fan but everyone knows this kek. You sound clueless about music brah

No. 2434120>>2434149

Doesn't change the fact he was an annoying faggot attentionwhore. If he didn't want fame, why did he sell music and go on live shows? If he was alive today he'd be a TIM.

No. 2434149>>2435316

You guys love making up nothingburger fanfiction to argue about its actually embarrassing

No. 2434272>>2434378>>2435251>>2435262

White chocolate is the best chocolate, idc if it's not real chocolate or I'm just a loser but I like the taste so here I am

No. 2434378>>2434643


No. 2434643>>2434677

Yes. I also happen to be lactose intolerant which is the best part

No. 2434677

I do like the weird "tingly" flavour your dumb chocolate has, when it isn't super cheap. I notice this in nanaimo bars also

No. 2434970>>2434985>>2434986>>2434997>>2435011

File (hide): 1741429693703.jpg (11.14 KB, 274x342, 1651649767249.jpg)

Paying for a gym membership is unnecessary, and can be a waste of time/money. You can exercise at home or at a park and buy your own weights. It's not a bad thing, but I can't stop thinking that the kind of person who unironically pays for a gym membership or to go to a pilates studio is flexing status and wealth and/or looking for a certain community more than they're seeking to get fit.

No. 2434985

The machines anon

No. 2434986>>2435314

I agree with you for the most part with the caveat of memberships for swimming pools. Obviously not everyone has access to one and a gym membership is an easy way to do so.

No. 2434997

>the kind of person who unironically pays for a gym membership or to go to a pilates studio is flexing status and wealth
i know the clean fit pilates girl aesthetic is trendy on social media recently, but not everyone is an influencer. irl people don't know if you're going to the gym or not. also nowadays most people have tons of useless subscriptions (not saying it's your case anon), it's still surprising to me how people with 3 streaming service subscriptions and weekly ubereats orders will call others rich for spending the same amount of money on other things.

No. 2435006>>2435021>>2435023>>2435025>>2435033

I really don't care if moids wear skirts or dresses so long as they look good doing it. In fact, if they did it right, I would encourage it.

No. 2435011

>looking for a certain community
Nothing wrong with using sports to connect with people.

No. 2435021

If it's just fashion and got no fetishistic influence, sure

No. 2435023>>2435024

Yeah moids really need easier access to their penis anon

No. 2435024>>2435027

What? They'd still need underwear

No. 2435025

This reminded me about the fact that men are really ugly. I have seen few handsome men in my lifetime.

No. 2435027>>2435029

Yeah you wish. I'm 100% sure the purpose of pants are to keep moids from exposing themselves and masturbating constantly

No. 2435029>>2435312

No, it was so they could ride horses

No. 2435033>>2435035

ah, the infight that lead to this thread pic for unpopular opinions. it's coming back.

No. 2435035>>2435039

Really? Sorry, I didn't realise.

No. 2435039

Kekk NTA but I didn't realize either. This thread moves so fast, I swear there's a different "regular infight" for every five anons on the site.

No. 2435217

Honestly, the moment it became clear he's worse than the average scrote it should be at least autosaged, nobody wants to see that fetishist anymore.
The anons in that thread think it's 1 singular anon, too. How insane can you be to think everyone except one person is in love with a misogynist?
Based and same. If they want to defend a porn addict moid so bad they can go to Twitter and Reddit where they belong.

No. 2435238

hes gonna leave her for a japanese woman in her early 20s mark my words. I will laugh because fuck this racist big chinned loser and the woman that stuck beside him when he helped turn an entire generation into neo nazis. i dont pity women who date racist scrotes.

No. 2435241

me too Chappel is one of the most talented white girls out there. She has a great unique voice and makes interesting music. Thats all I ask. Also she doesnt use AAVE in her music like the new age white pop girls do. Its so cringey I dont even like it in my new age R&B why would i like it in my pop. Bring back yearning and lyrics that are equivalent to poems please. Random but its why I love Mariah Carey's music so much the older i get she tells a story and isnt afraid to use SAT words kek.

No. 2435251>>2435262

white chocolate tastes like baby vomit please get taste

No. 2435260

God it's so obvious, I've seen a lot of anons who are obviously new here get, like, legitimately upset about "I'm gonna rape him" shitposts kek

No. 2435262

File (hide): 1741449657622.jpg (39.21 KB, 713x713, White chocolate.jpg)

It tastes like picrel

No. 2435312>>2435334

File (hide): 1741452890136.jpg (125.24 KB, 970x582, 0065cd46b67748702bbba36118698e…)

Warrior skirts had pleating, so they could ride horses. You don't think it's a weird coincidence that males are usually the ones who wear pants with complicated belts/buttons/zippers?

No. 2435314>>2435548

NTA but this is what hurts me kek, I love swimming but I don't want to pay a gym membership when I probably wouldn't use 90% of the facilities.

No. 2435316>>2435319

Did you miss the time where he said he wanted to be a woman and to get pregnant?

No. 2435319>>2435323

Nta but if you mean Kurt Cobain, he wrote an album called "In Utero" fag

No. 2435323>>2435330

Yeah, him. He definitely was a horrible person on top of makinf shit music. It's a good thing he blew his brains out. Deserved. Trash taking itself out.

No. 2435330>>2435332>>2435698

So when is it your turn to take out the trash? It’s not like anyone would miss you

No. 2435332

ntayrt but cobain sucks. He was the epitome of a moid larping as a feminist while being a total sexpest. If he hadn't brained himself he probably would have had been cancelled for some Gaiman tier moidery by now

No. 2435334

Fine, then they're required to wear stockings under the skirt. All I said is that if they look nice, I see no issue.

No. 2435359>>2435373

my conspiracy theory is that men make women obsess over belly fat/having a flat belly to punish them for not being pregnant. the only non-flat bellies on women that are allowed (=acceptable in a male dominated society) are pregnant bellies so they constantly have to make women feel shitty for not being thin enough. then women feel freed of the shackles of having to have a flat stomach when they get pregnant and maybe they will want to have 15 children back to back. i know this sounds insane but i bet there is some truth to this.

No. 2435373

No it's true

No. 2435410>>2435412>>2435422

i never heard about ruby franke or 8 passengers before but i'm watching the devil in the family doc rn and i can already tell it's so incredibly biased. literal woobification of the very much equally abusive dad and big exaggeration of the mother's "evilness". the whole vibe is just so icky i find myself even hating the older son, obviously it's tragic for all the children but i can't help it. i wish the way american documentaries portray this sort of situation wasn't always so woman hating and apologetic towards men. i also feel like the mormon church is the true villain in this situation but instead of addressing that, everyone is pushing the narrative that the mom is some kind of serial killer-esque psychopath with no underlying cause behind her actions except for pure evilness.

No. 2435412

Ruby was a famed youtuber for years and is now getting routine strip searches and cold showers now. bad ending

No. 2435421

File (hide): 1741458354947.jpg (102.59 KB, 735x908, ded4901e09044e1935012e394e22b1…)

Nicki Minaj is so cute, especially in alt and J-fashion. I wish she wasn't a retarded pickme.

No. 2435422

Oh, definitely. I've been saying this for ages. The Mormon church dickguards abusive moids all the time, it would be 100% in-character for them to throw the women in the situation under the bus to protect themselves. Mormons are also obsessed with their public image so they would still say "YEAH THE PROBLEM IS SOLVED NOW THE KIDS ARE FINE" even if it wasn't true. In the best case scenario, he knew Ruby was abusing the kids and ignored it. In the worse (and more realistic) scenario, he was an active participant. He should be held accountable too.

No. 2435443>>2435448>>2435452

File (hide): 1741459337739.jpg (46.22 KB, 800x450, lady-gaga-marina-abramovic-beb…)

A lot of mainstream musicians and other celebrities are attempted witches/occultists. IMO it's not even a conspiracy theory, they often brag about it for edge points. What most people who dismiss this don't comprehend is that whatever rituals they do don't even have to be "real" or effective for them to keep doing them. These people are theater kids on steroids, mentally ill individuals looking to ~*cope*~, drug addicts, rape victims, rapists, rape apologists, nepo or non-nepo babies who watched their weird parents do drugs and abuse eachother and then act normal outside, people who had their parents pimp them out, etc.
Many kinds of individuals do fucked up, weird and retarded things in the name of art, or just because it feels right and "affirming" all the time. I believe this becomes even more concentrated and true in certain lines of work. They often cause harm to others, too, and it's pretty easy to do bad things and cover it up if you have money.

No. 2435448>>2435469

What the fuck is going on in this image?

No. 2435452

Ariana Grande having Tarot Cards and calling her self a totes real witch kek

No. 2435469>>2435542

Lady Gaga hanging out with Marina Abramovic at a "spirit cooking" event where they strip a woman naked, cover her in bloody-looking substances and people eat off of her.
Abramovic is a self-proclaimed witch and a performance artist. She likes testing the limits of the human body and psyche, Lady Gaga has discussed going to her to get into that sort of thing. and she's connected with other celebrities like Jay-Z. She's used pig blood for other "spirit cooking" rituals before.

No. 2435542

Kek I was so scared they were eating a human corpse. I was about to have a world-shattering crisis wondering how anyone would let it just fly by. Still weird though.

No. 2435548

I’m the same anon. I love to swim and do a lot more exercise if I have access to a place where I can do so. My best friend got a membership to a gym just because it was mainly aimed at an older demographic and offered water aerobics classes kek. If I ever get rich maybe I would invest in an indoor saltwater pool…

No. 2435638>>2435656>>2435658>>2435659>>2435688>>2435909

File (hide): 1741469330130.jpg (12.58 KB, 193x283, Santa_Caterina-Katharina-Drexe…)

Getting older rules and being young sucks shit straight from the sceptic tank. I feel only pity for adults that say that their teen years were the best time of their life, what a depressing existence they must have.

No. 2435656

Agreed, as a child I rolled my eyes at other kids going "I'm almost X" when asked their age but nowadays I'm almost 24 myself lol.

No. 2435658

I legitimately cannot wait until I am 60

No. 2435659

Teen years were hands down the worst years of my life. I had to be around teenaged moids and there was constant drama and the friends I had were circumstantial rather than the authentic friends I have today.
Getting older rules. I can't wait until I'm 90 and senile and can get away with wandering off and stealing shit and molesting any cute guy I see.

No. 2435688

when i was a teen i was just tweaking and dissociating 24/7, hardly any good memories when you're at the mercy of chaotic circumstances. I don't know if i'm on a better spot nowadays but at least i'm more aware of my shortcomings

No. 2435689>>2435692>>2435699>>2435704>>2435712>>2435718>>2435737

Lesbians that get mad / hate bisexual women do so because they are actually bisexual themselves, and hate that fact. Thinking about your girlfriend leaving you for a man is very straight brained. You think men are superior over women? Hmmmm… totally a lesbian though.

No. 2435692

that makes literally no sense

No. 2435698

Oh so you're a fan of him. Lmao, get better taste, loser.

No. 2435699

Lesbians probably hate bisexual women cause they're usually annoying and also a lot of them are straight women larping.

No. 2435704

Pretty much, actual lesbians don't obsess over bis because…they are lesbians lol. It's very easy to mind your own gay business when you are gay.
The problem remains weird self-hating straight and bi women claiming to be lesbians for the trend, political reasons, etc while insisting their constant lust over moids (fictional or not) is "j-just comphet".

No. 2435712

I don't think you understand how the dynamics in SSA community works because this sounds like something you pull out of your ass

No. 2435718

This is dumb

No. 2435737

You keep telling yourself that

No. 2435738>>2435758>>2435765>>2435892>>2435927>>2436008

File (hide): 1741474732168.jpg (31.19 KB, 736x736, d20d043b427f8263d0c6621bb9338c…)

Listening to an audiobook is not the same as reading. I say this based on the literal meaning of the words. Reading a book and listening to an audiobook both mean you’ve consumed the content, and that’s fine. However, I’ve always believed that the processes of reading and listening are completely different, even if you end up with the same information.
If listening to an audiobook counts as reading, then does watching or listening to a video essay mean I’ve "read" an essay? I know this is purely a semantic issue, and those who argue that consuming audiobooks is reading are referring to something slightly different. Still, I can’t help but find it frustrating when people insist that they’re exactly the same.
Additionally, I’d like to know if there’s actually a difference between reading a book and listening to it, beyond just the action itself.

No. 2435758

>I’d like to know if there’s actually a difference between reading a book and listening to it, beyond just the action itself.
I've heard a couple authors make the claim that writing/reading and listening/speaking do not have a complete overlap in the brain and are to some extent distinct mental processes that need to be trained separately. They claim that their verbal and written communication styles and even vocabulary are very different and also say that they have an easier time recalling facts and names when writing versus when trying to speak.
This should of course be taken with a certain level of scepticism as writers are, as a class of people, full of it.

No. 2435765>>2435988>>2436008

Reading and listening are absolutely two separate skills but I think it's pedantic to say someone who listened to a book hasn't 'read' it, chances are they're getting mostly the same experience as anyone reading a physical copy - they get the same plot, the same vocabulary, the same sentences, they just aren't improving their ability to spell or comprehend writing with accuracy/speed. As long as you're already decently literate, switching to audiobooks is mainly only different in convenience or concentration etc which are just personal preferences.

I would never say I 'read' a video essay because they don't even come in a written format to begin with, it sounds totally unnatural. It's natural to say you 'read a book' even if it's technically not true, it still conveys the same information - you have consumed the content of the book. It's not like you tell people you read something to prove you know the alphabet, you say it to indicate you know what's in it.

No. 2435892>>2435963>>2436008

I get your point but what does it matter. If i said "did you ever read x book?" And someone said "yes! I loved it" but mentione theg listened to it as an audio book, the point is kind of the same and doesn't matter anyway. I just don't understand what context this would even matter in. It is convenient to listen rather than read if you're doing something hands on like cooking or working out. I've had a Kindle where I would switch between the audio format and the written format depending on that.

No. 2435909

My teenage years fucking sucked, it was just nonstop mental illness kek. I question anyone who claims that was the best period of their life.

No. 2435918>>2435920>>2436022

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Society's idea of "morality"/"fairness" relies on everyone ignoring their instincts, aka our best indicator whether someone is a complete unrepentant piece of shit who would be better off dead. I'm talking exclusively about female instincts though, scrotes would just use this as an excuse to sperg about the age of consent because they mistake their paraphilias for thoughts.

No. 2435920>>2435926

Nah if laws didn't exist, most people would be killing each other for pettier reason.

No. 2435925>>2435928

I get kinda freaked out by tiny waists. I'm talking below 23 inches on an otherwise shapely body (or the equivalent size on a taller/shorter body), the way a lot of women have been shooping themselves. But even when it's natural there's something about it that unsettles me. Like "how do all your organs even fit in there." I don't necessarily think they look bad but I definitely don't feel the attraction a lot of other women do, nor do I covet it for myself

No. 2435926

Ah no, I'm not saying that laws are wrong kek. Just that sometimes they make things needlessly complicated.

No. 2435927

For some reason, I can never focus on audiobooks unless the narrator has a really good voice. I prefer reading myself, it's just easier to digest the info too.

No. 2435928

cause it's unnatural.

No. 2435938

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Sometimes I wonder if people would, in the long term, be less lonely if we were more openly rude to each other. It would suck booty, but people could find their true "tribe" who genuinely wanted to hang out with them instead of navigating a bunch of fake politeness. Plus it wouldn't bother you that much if someone insulted you because we'd all just be used to it.

No. 2435943>>2435950>>2435956

Wanting to be famous is inherently corny and lame. Like you really wanna be popular that bad huh lol

No. 2435950

100%. I always cringe when I remember these two guys I met who kept talking about getting famous and complaining about no one knows them, super pathetic and lame.

No. 2435956>>2436874

If you're actually successful in becoming famous, I can respect that sort of blatant ambition. Way less cringe than pretending they're above wanting fame, I can't stand pretentious celebs who pretend they don't like/want it while doing typical celeb stuff to maintain their popularity.

No. 2435963>>2435988

Nta but it makes sense to acknowledge the difference imo, not in a pedantic reading-is-superior way, but because it's just not the same experience. If someone asks me if I read XYZ but I actually listened to it I would just say "oh I listened to the audiobook" and then continue the conversation, it would be weird to say "yes I read it", it's a different action. It's like saying you walked somewhere although you actually drove there, it may not matter much but people wouldn't use the terms interchangeably.

No. 2435988

Yeah it might sound pedantic but I think theres definitely a difference, just like >>2435963 said.

If we accept that reading books and listening to audiobooks are basically the same, does a person who listen only to audiobooks could be considered an avid reader? I do agree that it's pedantic to make a difference in a normal context, but it's stupid when I see these random women on TikTok talking about how great readers they are because they listened to 20 audiobooks in a week.

No. 2436000>>2436001

I think rancefag's taste is kinda based

No. 2436001

A rapist moid?

No. 2436008>>2436017>>2436053

The only reason there is even a ‘debate’ about this is because of people that are either too stupid or lack the attention span to sit down and read a book getting offended when they are reminded that they in fact have not read the book. Most people consider reading books in and of itself to be what makes someone intelligent, instead of the reality of it being what you read and how you engage with and analyse what you read. Audiobook listeners want all the perceived benefits of being seen as a ‘reader’ without having to put in any of the work required.
It matters because they didn’t read the book, they listened to it. It’s not the same thing at all. It’s just another example of how the meaning of words gets changed and watered down to suit people.

No. 2436017>>2436022

Ntas, but kinda cringe opinion.
>Most people consider reading books in and of itself to be what makes someone intelligent, instead of the reality of it being what you read and how you engage with and analyse what you read.
This is why I hate bookfags and readingfags. They all read retarded TikTok/Wattpad tier stories and think they're geniuses for it. Instead of reading about scientific topics and things that actually benefit you somehow. If I wanted another corny romance, I'd watch a day time soap opera.

No. 2436021>>2436037

It's okay to parents to not support their pregnant teenager. The parents are not prepared to fulfil the cost of raising another person in their household. This does not apply to rape, coercion, or when the teenager had no knowledge of sex ed. But if they had sex knowing the risks, they need to reap the consequences, it's their responsibility to take care of it.

No. 2436022>>2436026>>2436058

Very true. I just saw a reel explaining how women often ignore their instincts to avoid offending others (e.g., going in an elevator alone with a strange man rather than taking the next one), and it was eye-opening. Ignoring instincts and patterns just to be nice and fair is how women end up in a ditch, yet it's expected of us.

You're literally agreeing with anon that the contents of the book matter, not just the act of reading. How is it cringe to say that reading and listening are different actions? Some of you take this way too personally. It's fine that you don't read.

No. 2436026>>2436041

>going in an elevator alone with a strange man rather than taking the next one

The book "The Gift of Fear" actually talked about this. It was really validating to read some parts of it because "uggghhh that's discriminatory" mindset that guilts women is so entrenched in our psyche.

No. 2436037>>2436044

if the girl wants to keep the kid i can understand if they don't want to take care of her child, but if she wants an abortion they should help her get one

No. 2436041

Oh I'll check it out, thanks anon!

No. 2436044

Yeah of course

No. 2436053>>2436060>>2436070>>2436243

>Most people consider reading books in and of itself to be what makes someone intelligent, instead of the reality of it being what you read and how you engage with and analyse what you read
I agree, except this would completely support the idea that audio books ARE functionally the same as physical books. It doesn't matter how you 'read' a book, it matters how you engage with the content - which is exactly the same whether you listen to it or read it, providing you pay proper attention. You are absorbing the exact same words, the exact same information. What prevents someone from engaging with the writing by listening to it instead of reading it? Putting the act of physically reading a book on a pedestal makes it clear that you DO think that 'reading books in and of itself' is what makes you intelligent, or 'a reader'. What really matters to you? The story itself, what the author came up with, or the fact that you have the 'attention span' and 'put in the work' to complete the task of reading it? That's completely and utterly performative.

Reading written language is extremely important to developing literacy, it can't be entirely replaced by audiobooks. But oral storytelling has always been part of the way humans communicate and it's absolutely bizarre that you think someone can't engage with or analyse something that wasn't written down.

No. 2436058>>2436070

It's because she's implying reading in itself automatically makes you smarter.

No. 2436060


No. 2436070>>2436075>>2436298

Nta but this only partially supports that idea if we pretend that most people listen to audiobooks while sitting down with their eyes closed which they don't. People listen to podcasts and audiobooks while doing the dishes or driving, which makes it very different from reading and much less immersive. You can't do anything else while reading, but nowadays a lot of people can't feel satisfied focusing on one thing at once - in fact that's precisely why they pick audiobooks over books, because it requires less concentration and because they can do something else at the same time.

She said that it's what people believe. Your opinion makes sense because you have reading comprehension issues.

No. 2436075>>2436120

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No. 2436087>>2436088>>2436092>>2436113

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I pick my nose and eat it and I believe this is why my immune system is so unfuckwithable. I can not get sick

No. 2436088>>2436089

I really wish I hadnt read this

No. 2436089

No. 2436092

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>anon's immune system after completing 20 reps of booger-eating every day except Sunday, since preschool.

No. 2436103>>2436107>>2436132>>2436200>>2436367>>2436787>>2436801

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Right wing beauty standards for women are inherently pornbrained, fixated on the unnatural and trannylike. Even their "trad" fantasies don't feature strong women without makeup or artificial/cosmetic procedures, but IG models and slavic women with lip fillers, botox and breast implants in "sundresses". The only "natural females" they venerate are underage girls, and they still love to compare them to little boys (who right wing men also want sexual access to) anyway. There's a reason so many right wing scrotes hang out on Grindr and turn out to have AGP, why they claim to "hate" porn but refuse to actually stop watching/funding it and venerate sex traffickers like Andrew Tate, etc.

No. 2436107>>2436109

This easily applies to Democrats as well. Is the politisperging central thread slow right now or something

No. 2436109

Nope, otherwise republican men wouldn't be malding and seething about leftist women who keep their natural features (like Kamala's daughter lol). It's not even political or "sperging", it's an unpopular opinion on a specific culture. Republican women are socialized even more than women as a whole to dislike their natural female bodies, revile things like body hair and aspire to an artificial concept of womanhood under the guise of "tradition" (it isn't even traditional, it's aggressively modern, abusive and gauche). It's disgusting.

No. 2436113

same but only alone in my room

No. 2436116>>2436132

The unfortunate reason some pro-"sex work" people insist that being against prostitution is the same as "demonising sex workers" is that some sex workers (not all) date their pimps, and part of their job is to groom young women and girls into the industry. If you say it's wrong to be a groomer, it's wrong to sexually exploit vulnerable women/children, people who are entrenched in those very activities and identify themselves with it feel attacked and hated. You're telling them they're evil and that their pimp boyfriends (who they see as their angels) are villains. The kicker is that none of them can figure out a way to say this without exposing themselves, so they hope that by repeating that everyone must "hate" them, they can get people to shut up.
If you ever state that sex trafficking, porn, etc are bad and you get accused of "hating sex workers" with no explanation or elaboration, understand that this is probably a big reason why.

No. 2436120

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No it's ok anon ♥

No. 2436132>>2436134>>2436361

This implies that lib men are somehow less into porn and trannies which is definitely untrue. Men of all political opinions mean "youthful and conventionally attractive" when they say "natural", they don't care if makeup and cosmetic surgery are involved. Young women who identify as feminist but still do just a "little bit" of filler and botox may look good and natural today but they will also look unnatural and trannylike when they age.

Makes sense but women dating pimps can't be that common, I think a lot of people feel attacked because they watch porn or know OF girls personally.

No. 2436134

Satisfying men's sexual desires is tied more to a woman's worth in right wing spaces because they invoke the notion of "needing" (not choosing, outright needing) to please men. Leftist men are degenerate perverts as well, but there isn't nearly as much pressure to conform to their fetishes. You aren't degraded and made out to be an unruly woman or somehow masculine/male-adjacent if you don't get the filler and botox in lib spaces.

No. 2436200

They always want to perpetuate the idea that conservatives are beautiful blondes or beauty and brains while liberals are ugly woc with ugly brown features. As annoying and retarded as they are I'd rather be around male feminist chubby chasers or whatever libmoids act like

No. 2436243

>I agree, except this would completely support the idea that audio books ARE functionally the same as physical books.
They aren’t.
>'reading books in and of itself' is what makes [you] ‘a reader'
Yes that is true.
>What really matters to you? The story itself, what the author came up with, or the fact that you have the 'attention span' and 'put in the work' to complete the task of reading it? >That's completely and utterly performative.
The story is important sure, but what I want is to discuss the story with people that have actually read it. Not half-listened to it while doing other tasks. Which audiobook listeners frequently admit to doing, almost as if they don’t have the attention span to focus on one thing at a time. It’s not ‘performative’ to want people to actually do the thing necessary for a hobby. And yes I do think that people that can’t focus on one thing at a time, or comprehend the written word (baring some disability) are stupider than those that can.
>But oral storytelling has always been part of the way humans communicate and it's absolutely bizarre that you think someone can't engage with or analyse something that wasn't written down.
Never said that people can’t analyse with things that aren’t written down, but that it is the most important part of reading, which listening to audiobooks is not. Reading is the decoding of physical symbols and characters and comprehending their meaning. When someone is reading to you, you are not decoding. I’m well aware of the long oral tradition that all of humanity has, but again, speaking is not the same as writing.

No. 2436266

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There will always be a nonnie who will judge your media consumption, call you a pick-me or a moid and you can never be perfect to a group of internet strangers. That's why you shouldn't take it too seriously.

No. 2436294>>2436296

Making marriage one of your life goals is lame.

No. 2436296

It's almost as if people are different from each other and have different dreams and goalposts

No. 2436298>>2436334

I just don't see what the point is… I only read, I've only listened to an audio book once cause it came free with a book I got on kindle, but the experience was pretty much the same. "Muh reading experience" it's a fucking book. It's kind of retarded to obsess over it to that point. Like, MAYBE you are slightly engaging more, with what though, the hunger games? It's not such a difference that I can even muster care if someone says they read their audio book.

No. 2436307>>2436331>>2436336>>2436365>>2436368>>2436375>>2436376>>2436464>>2436652

I hate those feminists who hate on Luigi because “he’s still a moid!!! He’s probably done something sexist before!!!” Why don’t YOU get off your ass and shoot someone then? Instead of holing up in your dingy dank room gooning to shota.

No. 2436331

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Your post reminded me this post.

No. 2436334

Not everyone reads YA slop. Why insist that there's no difference or that it shouldn't matter to others? Nobody debates whether playing and watching a video game are the same, or whether playing and listening to music are the same. People who insist on saying they 'read' their audiobook are ironically the ones who view reading as something 'better', otherwise they wouldn't mind saying they prefer audiobooks.

No. 2436336

Your husbando is ugly, get over it.

No. 2436361

Most prostitutes are dating their pimp

No. 2436365

The jump in logic to assume people who hate luigi for being a sex tourist are shotafags is crazy kek, and nothing is stopping you anon from shooting someone if you want to, why is it someone else’s responsibility?

No. 2436367

I think you’re spot on anon

No. 2436368>>2436382>>2436418

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Oh I get it. You're mad because your "boyfriend" is a confirmed asian woman fetishist who likes trannies. Now you're lashing out at random autistic women on the internet instead of writing an angry letter to the man who's not even into 90% of his fanbase, white women. Funny tantrum, anon.

No. 2436374

Azealia banks is for sure a Hollywood escort because she’s still invited to so many high profile events and makes money despite basically being unemployed.

No. 2436375


No. 2436376

He has. So yeah.

No. 2436382>>2436969>>2436978

File (hide): 1741524481429.jpg (50.53 KB, 749x747, 1659542179132648.jpg)

The husbandofags have been spiraling and blaming women here ever since the screenshots and photos came out. At least one of them is shitting up the /g/ thread accusing anyone and everyone being some tranny or a scrote for not defending him anymore.
I'm tired of it. Nobody cares about the fucking healthcare shit, everything melted into ball worship and irrelevancy.

No. 2436418

This looks like that asian girl he was obsessed with

No. 2436420

When I see the women I follow on tumblr reblog hairy muscular dudes… sometimes I almost throw up. I support women sexualizing men but since all those videos are taken by gay moids I'm just so turned off… I can feel the male eyes that thought of the pose and filmed it, if you catch my drift. Don't these other women? I feel like I'm weird because I can't enjoy the nice body, hell, the hair isn't even a turnoff for me. Maybe they are are a level of straight I cannot conceptualize kek (I would always rather reblog women, I think)

No. 2436464>>2436574>>2436686

Mentioning that motherfucker outside his thread should be considered grounds for a ban. You all are getting so damn insufferable about this stupid fucking moid, stfu about him already

No. 2436477>>2436482>>2436489>>2436529>>2436553>>2436649>>2436935>>2436957

Weddings are corny to me. The way women act during them is like… the whole thing just seems like a little girl getting a princess party. They go on and on about it’s their special day and go on and on about how “every little girl dreams of this day” lol it just seems pathetic to me. I don’t get why they can’t just go out to a nice dinner with their family, get married at the court house, use the 30k they’re gonna use for a wedding to buy a car or some shit and call it a day.

No. 2436482

Wasn't there a study (or pseudo-study but those can sometimes have merit) that couples who spent a shit ton of money on their weddings usually split a year later

No. 2436489

I think that's what most people do. Mine was a pretty simple beach wedding, i didn't do the dj or dancing or anything. Marriage, then big dinner. I think it was around 3k, 2k of that just going to paying for everyone's drinks and food. I only know one person who spent more than 10k and she said it was kind of exhausting and regretted it.

No. 2436529

I have a colleague who’s doing constant overtime and worked until she was 9 months pregnant just to pay for a wedding. They already have 2 kids so I just think what’s the fucking point? The scrote is so ugly too.

No. 2436553

They are corny. Whenever I express my dislike for weddings, women automatically label me as a pickme. I genuinely don't care about weddings, I think they are overrated. I get why women like them and why it is important for them but I'd rather just sign a paper and be done with it.

No. 2436574

If you hate men so much why don’t you go out and kill one? No you won’t because you’re a pussy ass bitch.(infighting/alogging)

No. 2436649

Probably not an unpopular opinion here, but yeah I agree. If my bf and I ever get married we’re probably going to just go to the courthouse and then throw a party later. Spending tens of thousands on a single day is insane.

No. 2436652>>2436663>>2436699

Your faggot husbando fucks trannies lmao(infighting)

No. 2436663>>2436687

I'm sure you wish that were the case, Tiffany, but no man would ever lay a finger on you. You're too ugly and bitter.(infight)

No. 2436686

No. 2436687>>2436701>>2436710>>2436713

She means the ladyboys that fucked him up for harassing them

No. 2436699>>2436703>>2436706

I didn't know this and I fully suspected it. I don't get the hype, the minute I saw him I clocked him as the prototypical comp science moid who thinks hes smarter than he is with deep seeded sexism and an Asian fetish, and this was before the Asian fetish was confirmed. I swear to God it's something about the physiogynmy, I spot it from a mile away. I used to go to school near a major CS college and its like 60% of them were this exact archetype. His manifesto was garbage too and you could tell he thought he cooked.

No. 2436701>>2436797

Be patient with the weegee handmaidens, they’re too busy gargling trannyfucker balls to work on their reading comprehension(infighting)

No. 2436703>>2436706

Nona if you read some of letter responses he’s exactly how you described to a T, kek. Typical STEM scrote.

No. 2436706

Oh yeah he is super super pretentious but actually slow. Like brain damage slow.

No. 2436710>>2436718>>2436738

Anon… I know. The schizo poster is just hating on him because she knows she could never acquire a man half as attractive as him, so she's chimping out at other women's tastes.

No. 2436713

It could also include her considering she's just another LARPing TiF infesting this board.

No. 2436718

Okay pickme(infighting)

No. 2436738>>2436747

>half as attractive
He is ugly as sin.

No. 2436740

cosmetic surgery makes people look bad. this isnt to comment anything on the morality behind getting plastic surgery, i simply disagree when people try to argue in favor of cosmetic surgery with points like "its natural to want to improve your appearance". i dont agree that cosmetic surgery makes any actual improvement over the unaltered face in the vast majority of cases (excluding reconstructive/corrective surgeries). if you can ever tell a person has had work done they look unbalanced and uncanny.

No. 2436747>>2436751>>2436755

So she would have to settle for someone truly bottom-of-the-barrel. No wonder she's so miserable.

No. 2436751>>2436757

80% of moids are bottom of the barrel and that's being generous. Beautiful women and the majority of women who practice femininity and obsses over their looks end up with uggos anyway so i don't know where you're getting at

No. 2436755>>2436757

Pickme moment(infighting)

No. 2436757>>2436764>>2436776

Ugly Becky that will never get an attractive boyfriend moment.
Can't relate my boyfriend is a qt. Sucks for you, though.(infighting)

No. 2436764>>2436773

Oh yeah definite pickme KEK anytime someone on LC brags about her scrote he is like 30 and balding, why are you caping so hard for some porn addicted scrote you don’t even know unless those antics are familiar for you and hit too close to home?

No. 2436773>>2436774>>2436777>>2436780>>2436784>>2436831>>2436872

He's my perfect type. And I get to dominate in bed. Keep crying in your schizo containment thread, NLOG. Your mother must be sick of having to put up with a bitter loser like you.(infighting)

No. 2436774>>2436826

What does your moid look like

No. 2436776>>2436826

>bragging about scrotes
are you retarded

No. 2436777

No. 2436780>>2436826

Post pics of him or your boyfriend is made up and fake

No. 2436784>>2436826

Post pictures of him

No. 2436787

It is strange to me the way you criticize these women's appearances over and over again under the guise of politically feminist analysis, it's kind of hypocritical as well. It's not even the first time you do this, you've been posting about conservative women's looks for the past 2 months intermittently and comparing them to opposing parties, as if that's all that matters about them: their looks. You're petty, superficial and weirdly obsessed with this argument for god knows what reasons. Inb4 "you're on of them" I'm not even American, I just want you to be honest about your pettiness and shit talking proclivities, you're hanging out at LC for fucks sake, no need to pretend you are a saint when half this site is doing exactly that: shitting on other women's looks

No. 2436797>>2436860>>2436888

>they’re too busy gargling trannyfucker balls
You all seriously need to stop talking this way. It's absolutely revolting and gross, cumbrained even

No. 2436801

Left wing does the exact same thing except it's giga titty goth girls and hentai. Applying politics is retarded when it's a society wide issue

No. 2436826>>2436836>>2436888>>2436896

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No. 2436831>>2436841>>2436843

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>He's my perfect type. And I get to dominate in bed. Keep crying in your schizo containment thread, NLOG. Your mother must be sick of having to put up with a bitter loser like you.

No. 2436836

Probably what the Nigel looks like kek.

No. 2436841>>2436853>>2436888

Aw, poor coping Becky.(infighting)

No. 2436843

I'm so confused, scrolling up I thought she was talking about luigi

No. 2436853>>2436866

File (hide): 1741553615615.gif (437.96 KB, 275x257, 1659524842582.gif)


No. 2436860>>2436883

>ackshually you guys really need to police your tone about my husbando fucking trannies, accurately describing what he did is no ok with me!”

No. 2436866>>2436880>>2436888

File (hide): 1741553807408.png (32.64 KB, 133x331, you.png)

>anon after her mom reminds her it's been weeks since she's taken a shower or brushed her teeth(infighting)

No. 2436872>>2436877>>2436879>>2436881>>2436891>>2436895>>2436908>>2436909>>2436916

Pathetic. You wouldn’t care if his dick enters a tranny or prostitutes bussy, as long as he fucks you then it’s a-ok. The same types of people who get upset when people call you whores, because that’s exactly what you are. You’re a retarded whore with no standards simping over a privileged criminal you’ll never meet while getting mad at males, particularly incels, for specifically saying that you are a crazy whore for simping over a violent criminal over a male who at least pretends to be semi-decent. You are severely brain damaged, have zero shame, and no standards, godspeed to your future.(infighting)

No. 2436874

I think craving fame and begging for it until people give it to you is actually much more corny and pathetic than just existing on your own and achieving fame through people being interested in you and what you do

No. 2436876>>2436893>>2436903>>2436930

This thread got weird and trashy hella fast. Let me guess, someone mentioned him again outside his thread, right? God damn

No. 2436877

Shut the fuck up. Just because you're undesirable doesn't give you an excuse to be an internalized misogynist.

No. 2436879

Moid, kys(scrotefoiling/infighting)

No. 2436880>>2436882>>2436892

File (hide): 1741554055248.jpeg (86.95 KB, 800x533, 1698584449147.jpeg)

lol. oh no. you got me. I'm white, I'm a woman, and I use my hands to wash my ass.

No. 2436881

kek seethe harder xy(scrotefoiling)

No. 2436882>>2436886>>2436888

Clean your room, roach.

No. 2436883

The lack of self awareness is so funny

No. 2436886

File (hide): 1741554179101.gif (1.3 MB, 220x220, 1700137038964.gif)

No, I'm gonna keep posting on LC.

No. 2436888>>2436900

No. 2436891>>2436898

They hated her for telling the truth

No. 2436892

It is probably projecting, just like the rest of its kind always is.

No. 2436893

Yeah I'm so fucking tired of this shit, it's boring. Everyone's so pissed and ready to fight for no damn reason.
>Inb4 this is Unpopular Opinions
It's been happening in other threads too.

No. 2436895>>2436914

I knew it. There is a male seething over Luigi around the board, go fuck yourself and stop spamming your hateboner, you gay ass retard(scrotefoiling)

No. 2436896

No, post a real picture of your moid and not a drawing

No. 2436898>>2436901


No. 2436900

Good on you for pointing out the obvious you absolute moron.

No. 2436901>>2436905

>nuuuu everyone who hates my ugly trannyfucker husbando is a m-moiddd

No. 2436903

It started with an anon saying Luigi haters are all shotacons or something

No. 2436905

Not everyone, just you. You're not even trying to pass either.

No. 2436908>>2436915

I agree with the luigi haters but this >>2436872 post is iffy.

No. 2436909>>2436919

Smiling because I know I’m not a scrote unless you dumbasses seriously want a pussy verification for every single little thing someone says that goes against the mold. I’m just a disgruntled retard who’s tired of the other retards shitting up the website

No. 2436913

Reminder: Your husbando is ugly

No. 2436914

I don't even find Luigi attractive, but I fully support you and other nonnas out of the pure seethe that keeps getting generated by xys. He's been at it all day, spamming multiple threads.

No. 2436915>>2436923


No. 2436916>>2436926

Smiling because I know I’m not a scrote unless you dumbasses seriously want a pussy verification for every single little thing someone says that goes against the mold. I’m just a disgruntled retard who’s tired of the other retards shitting up the website(learn2delete)

No. 2436919>>2436924

Its the only way they can cope about farmers not being a handmaiden for the pornsick scrote

No. 2436923

Why would a farmer care about insulting incels. Luigi is an ugly trannyfucker and handmaidens eat it up, this is not about incels.

No. 2436924

Noo it's clearly one male who is in every thread at every hour of every day

No. 2436925

I’m not even a weegee pickme i just really love and support you gals and our husban- I mean YOUR husbando and I hope the evil bitches hating on his pornsickness go die! ♥

No. 2436926>>2436946

kek did you delete and repost the exact same thing because you forgot to switch your vpn ip? Not fooling anyone.

No. 2436930

>this thread got weird and trashy
You’re trying so hard to detach yourself from the innate jankiness of this website. You’re merged with our jank and weirdness, there’s no escaping it you dumb contrarian.

No. 2436932>>2436936

>unironically posting a meme some scrote misogynist made

No. 2436933

Kek the full on meltdown

No. 2436934

Mods have to start banning any retard mentioning him outside his thread, it is insane the way this faggot is posting about him at every possible thread and somehow never gets banned

No. 2436935

I have a colleague who’s doing constant overtime and worked until she was 9 months pregnant just to pay for a wedding. They already have 2 kids so I just think what’s the fucking point? The scrote is so ugly too.

No. 2436936

And it is true considering that one thread in /g/ has a weekly meltdown over nonnas thirsting for murderers.

No. 2436937

I've only seen this gif at 4chan meme threads. Not fooling anyone

No. 2436940

I love seeing them seethe about not getting a reply back

No. 2436946>>2436956>>2436958>>2436974>>2436975

File (hide): 1741555125244.jpeg (291.47 KB, 750x707, IMG_3987.jpeg)

No. I as a woman should be allowed to call another woman a bitch, cunt, slut, and whore on a website that calls women fatties, retards, and other colorful language but suddenly anons (correctly) calling another anon a whore is suddenly not okay. Yeah, the luigi handmaidens are low IQ hypocritical whores who likely aren’t getting any themselves or can only get moids who look like Dexter, so basically men who look like they’re about to be on FBI’s Most Wanted. I’m tired of being called hysterical, crazy, schizo, for saying the truth. They’re retarded whores that can’t be saved. Say it with me anon, because you know it’s true, they’re retarded whores that can’t be saved, and you don’t have to actively hate women to know what’s what.

No. 2436956

That doesn't explain why you deleted and reposted the same post but keep seething moid

No. 2436957

>the whole thing just seems like a little girl getting a princess party
Because it's exactly that. But the main people are adults so there's alcohol and fancy food during said princess party. Organizing a big wedding seems too expensive and stressful, I would rather keep that money to plan a long, more expensive honeymoon instead. There's no way I'm ever getting married though.

No. 2436958>>2436972>>2436990

So you just think any woman with a boyfriend is a retarded whore? How is this not regressive? You're not saying anything new, it's just the same shit a neckbeard fapping to women being abused on video would say.

No. 2436962

Me signing petitions to free jodi arias

No. 2436966>>2437065

>why is nobody taking us seriously?
>why do men call us hysterical, delusional, childish
>makes an entire thread for some ugly caveman retard who’s technically a criminal removing all politigsperging aside
>fangirls sober them like they’re 12 years old
>spends their time trying to send letters to him like he’s a young 2010s popstar
>will act schizo and insane themselves if you tell them that maybe you shouldn’t be devoting your life to worshipping this one dude
>instead of being self-aware it’s always “b-but men do this as well”, “are you seriously being discriminatory towards my sexuality towards the same sex who loves fucking trannies, excuse me?”
You are the reason. We need to start ramping up the judgement and shame towards these femtards, like seriously.(infighting)

No. 2436969

Thats the thing, the try to mask it as “healthcare hero” but at the end of the day its the same old male worship underneath the mask

No. 2436971>>2436977

This is correct though, luigifags are hella weird for a 3d scrote.

No. 2436972>>2436984

>So you just think any woman with a boyfriend is a retarded whore?
NTA but yes lol. Why would you ever reward your natural predator with becoming their housekeeper breeding sex slave?

No. 2436973

What do you mean my unibrow ugly STEM husbando has yellow fever and pornsickness… HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DIFFERENT!!!

No. 2436974>>2436979

Moid. Stop spamming this thread with your crush, you parasite

No. 2436975>>2436982

I can't believe anons are calling you a moid just because you're "too mean". Everything you said is simply correct. Retards need to stop thinking random anons are scrotes just for not sugarcoating opinions.

No. 2436976>>2436988>>2437012>>2437040

>Women like this should not be allowed to vote
Please fucking hear yourself. All of you are just coping anyway and making shit up about him being a trannyfucker because you desperately want a reason to shit on the women in that thread because you've been brainwashed by your misogynistic parents. God go back to whatever cesspit you crawled out of.

No. 2436977

Tbh most of them are probably tourists

No. 2436978

This is why the 2d husbandofags are the only based ones. I’d hear a lovely nonna sperge on her love for Dazai than hear about that retard kek.

No. 2436979>>2436986

Are you the anon accusing anyone who doesn't excuse a moid's pornsickness of being a moid? If so, stop.

No. 2436982

Nona its just the go-to cope for weegee handmaidens, they even accuse each other of it kek

No. 2436984>>2436989>>2436991

What if he's my sex slave. Or are you too brainwashed to think a woman is actually capable of enjoying sex?

No. 2436985>>2436996

You're grammar a shit.

No. 2436986>>2436995>>2436996

Go suck Luigi's dick, gay boy

No. 2436987

You’re either a scrote or a fucking ugly femcel who cant get a boyfriend so you seethe at Luigi. Either way I feel sorry for you.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2436988

>Implying you're replying to a woman

No. 2436989>>2436993

This is like the retards who say “but you are not considering dominatrixes!!” When someone calls out how abusive BDSM is.

No. 2436990>>2436994>>2437046

No, I’m saying specifically the luigi de/g/ens are retarded whores that need to be actively banned. An unrelated issue but a fun and enjoyable thread like dumbass shit thread gets the purge but something that is entirely cancerous and has been attracting twitter/tiktok/tumblr gnats with pozzed political adjacency gets to stay. Moderators don’t have any standards, are newfags just like the new fleet of posters they obviously cater to the most and are explicitly anti-farmer and anti-lolcow. Only someone who hates this site would powerfag so hard to become a mod just to make the website as unusable as possible for the same people they have vendettas towards.(infighting)

No. 2436991

Are you that nonna that posts every week about how she "punishes" muslim men by giving them sex before marriage? kek

No. 2436993>>2437001>>2437004

No retard, it's because you think a woman completely loses her autonomy as soon as she has a boyfriend. You're being a misogynist and dehumanizing a woman that isn't isolated and a loser like you.

No. 2436994>>2437023

You enjoy calling other women "whores" a lot, don't you? Kys(infighting)

No. 2436995

Shut the fuck up TiF.

No. 2436996

Luigi would like that
>doesn't get the meme

No. 2436999

Fairy Tail is the best battle shounen

No. 2437001>>2437003>>2437006>>2437007

Noticing a clear pattern on gendered abuse isn’t misogyny or dehumanization, pick up a book retard.
You enjoying beating up men doesn’t cancel the women being mistreated into these relationships.

No. 2437003

I’ll always screech “abuse!abuse!” For every BDSM retard I see, I don’t care.

No. 2437004

Then go be free and autonomous while you have to ride his dick, cater your entire life to him, and care about him. I don’t understand anons here who act like they don’t know what relationships are, he isn’t going to be the pet, YOU are going to be his pet kek. You have already fell into the retarded idea that you’re a girlboss that’s going to handle and control everything, so that means his retarded ass virtually puts no effort, you never see men engaging in the same prideful conversations like your types do because they know you’re going to do everything for them, the emotional and ideological labor included which is what you’re doing now. Moids live on easy mode and bitches like you make it easy for them. No wonder fujos admire men so damn much, it truly is easy to be a male kek

No. 2437006>>2437013>>2437031>>2437058

>You enjoying beating up men
I assure you 99% of the nonnas who claim to enjoy abusing and/or raping men are just performing to "fit in" kek. Hence why deep down they bow down to some nasty yellow fever trannyfucker neanderthal.

No. 2437007>>2437017

It's this perception of women as forever victims that just circles back to misogynistic thinking.
>All women with boyfriends are brainwashed whore servants!!!!

No. 2437012>>2437025

File (hide): 1741555976371.jpg (46.14 KB, 622x622, 7d4b866e3017dbf878d26c0c427d94…)

Nonna you are reasoning in vain. It is literally a moid talking to himself and using lax moderation to sprinkle in his incel shit. This thread should've never lifted the vpn ban.

No. 2437013

Your guys' internalized misogyny is so fucking blatant and sad to see, keep putting it on display.

No. 2437014>>2437022

We have to be harder, it’s the only way. I don’t care if it pisses off the regulars here, we have to have some kind of standards. We have an ugly man psyop thread that literally tells these retards to not worship ugly males but we have the most active thread in /g/ that worships an ugly man who’s a criminal. Kek

No. 2437017>>2437026>>2437027

>women forever victim
You are just putting random words in my mouth now because you have no points.
You beating up men (which by the way it’s the joy because they let you due to sexual arousal, not because you have actual “power”) doesn’t cancel the fact that BDSM is a world that protects and enables male abusers.

No. 2437019>>2437028>>2437041

Hybristrophilia isn't a harmless sexual fetish, it has lead to a great deal of human suffering. How many kids grow up into unstable homes because their mother had a fetish for violent criminals? I lose all patience when kids get involved.

And it seems to be all through psychology and criminology, much of the push for rehabilitative justice is coming from women in that industry who are simply horny for criminals. I know it's a lot, because I know hybristrophiles are attracted to that field. What sort of job would someone unfathomably obsessed with serial killers and true crime be drawn to? We can admit that men get into industries to sate their deranged fetishes, the same is obviously true for these hybristrophiles too. Psychology and Criminology should be screened for potential hybristrophiles, potentially by measuring their sexual arousal by reading stories of rape and abuse. And if they are wired that way, we simply can't have them working with criminals. They will get horny for them and they will put the thumb on the scale for early release.

It's not quite pedophilia levels of suffering, but I am absolutely certain there's thousands of people that have been killed globally because some hybristrophile judge, psychologist or criminologist advocated for the early release of a criminal. There's probably thousands of kids out there that have no hope of escaping abuse, because their hybristrophile social worker that deals with their father is just so aroused by him. I think hybristrophiles should be deeply ashamed of their disgusting preference.

No. 2437022>>2437033>>2437074

>We have to be harder on women!!! I'm just looking out for women's best interests by calling them retarded whores that can't think for themselves!!!!

No. 2437023

File (hide): 1741556073007.gif (523.65 KB, 220x220, IMG_3988.gif)

No. 2437025>>2437030>>2437039

You do realize if you browsed his threads you'd see he's very easily hateable.

No. 2437026>>2437044

When I say that heterosexual relationships and kinks are inherently disadvantageous for women I’m not saying that your boyfriend beats you up everyday, but I’m analyzing a pattern.

No. 2437027>>2437036

>(which by the way it’s the joy because they let you due to sexual arousal, not because you have actual “power”)
Yes they're sexually aroused by being submissive to a woman you dumb fuck. It doesn't have to be rape just for a woman to have power in a consensual relationship, oh my god.

No. 2437028

Are you… exercising your… freedom of speech right now? OH FUCK NO I’M REPORTING YOU

No. 2437030

It's not about hating luigi, it's about using that as an excuse to openly writing incel manifestos about muh females here.

No. 2437031>>2437048

Almost everything said by anons here is a performance

No. 2437033>>2437038>>2437049

No offense but people like you only prove Islam right kek(bait/ban evasion)

No. 2437035

What the hell is going on itt

No. 2437036

> It doesn't have to be rape just for a woman to have power in a consensual relationship
You truly have no brain cells for this conversation.

No. 2437038

No. 2437039

nta but why would anyone want to unless you're a wigifag?

No. 2437040

You should not be allowed to vote. Imagine the amount of problems that could be solved if we excluded women like you from being active political citizens kek, I think I could actually walk outside without someone’s boyfriend/husband trying to steal my fucking shit or scream at me.(bait)

No. 2437041

>It's not quite pedophilia levels of suffering, but I am absolutely certain there's thousands of people that have been killed globally because some hybristrophile judge, psychologist or criminologist advocated for the early release of a criminal.
Kek I actually never thought of this before. These handmaiden whores are truly a menace to other women. Yuck.

No. 2437043

I agree, that’s why I’m saying it. I am willing to listen to a nonna sperge about him than to hear a luigifag.

No. 2437044>>2437055>>2437064

But they're not inherently disadvantageous. A woman can be controlling towards a man and sexual enjoyment out of it. It's perfectly plausible. You're just trying to justify your thinking of men as some powerful force of nature and women as permanently weak, lesser, and incapable of acting the same way a man could act towards a woman.

No. 2437046>>2437060

>de/g/ens bad
>dumbass shit thread chatters good
Both are shit and should be criticized, also the dumbass shit thread is still there its just autosaged. All because you can’t bait retards or have a fast pace chatroom doesn’t make the thread nonexistent, if you wanna chat so bad go shit up cc or the pirate board

No. 2437048>>2437052

I know, I'm tired of dealing with these fujolards who think their scrotum worship is peak feminism on the daily.

No. 2437049>>2437053>>2437056

Tbf the only women who are fit into the tradfag christian mold are the women exactly like the luigifags. They need their rights revoked, voting ability revoked, they can’t drive a card without having a guardian or caretaker with them, and they need a man taking care of them. I’m so serious honestly. Very little women can exist without needing to worship males, the non-worshipping ones who can stand a day without worshipping penises need to be placed at the forefront instead of these degenerates(bait)

No. 2437052

For real, damn it

No. 2437053

Are you on crack? Wtf is this??

No. 2437055>>2437062

>women as permanently weak, lesser, and incapable of acting the same way a man could act towards a woman
Yeah let's ignore biological differences and statistics for some girlboss power fantasy.

No. 2437056>>2437067

Absolute tranny. I'll take the ban, you guys have ruined lc for the day anyways(scrotefoiling)

No. 2437058

Its absolutely all a performance kek at the end of the day they suck off their nigels and let him dominate them all the time

No. 2437059

File (hide): 1741556559459.jpg (29.17 KB, 736x709, 1000033452.jpg)

All of you are mentally ill.

No. 2437060>>2437068>>2437069>>2437112

Is offtopic not for offtopic chatting purposes? You can stick your nose away from the fat labias of the moderators, I know it’s easy to get sucked into it but pull yourself out of it and think for yourself. Off-topic is for casual conversations and chatting and the mods who keep saying to not have it be like a chatroom are far removed on how imageboards work. Nobody wants it to be like discord, people with an IQ above 100 realize the internet is for talking with other people.(infighting)

No. 2437062>>2437070>>2437103

Why do you hate yourself and your sex so damn much? You cannot even process fictional media featuring us being dominant, truly pathetic

No. 2437064>>2437072

> A woman can be controlling towards a man and sexual enjoyment out of it.
Okay, why isn’t this translated into reality then? Why are these relationships where the man is the one performing not the majority rather than the minority?
Again I’m interested in the bigger picture, you are talking from personal experience, we are not on the same wavelength here.

No. 2437065

File (hide): 1741556620461.jpeg (65.62 KB, 750x531, 1633181422244.jpeg)

really not beating the moid accusations at all.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2437067

You wish I was one. If I were a tranny I would have to be a male and we all know you penis-worshippers would love that kek(infighting)

No. 2437068


No. 2437069>>2437073>>2437078>>2437080>>2437120

File (hide): 1741556714787.jpeg (267.83 KB, 1250x1434, 1663535184727.jpeg)

This is why dumbass shit was banned

No. 2437070>>2437077>>2437082

Oh sorry, let me welcome troons into women's sports and prisons because biological differences are a hoax and there is no way troons would abuse women any more than women abuse men.

No. 2437072

For every man that loooves being beaten up there are 10 more women who feel the actual need to perform extreme kinks , to their own detriment, just because being a “frigid prude” is bad. In the current society we live in sex positivity greatly benefits men only; the sex positivity we were promised was the one centered on female pleasure , but instead we just got the “you should like being chocked, be sexy for your boyfriend and accept anything!”.

No. 2437073>>2437079

Fucking Tumblr.

No. 2437074>>2437081>>2437083

Looking out for other women isn’t persistently coddling them like they’re children. Do you want to be the childish, stunted and navel-gazing women that society keeps calling you or do you actually want to face reality like an adult which isn’t nice or comfortable? Idgaf about setting up hugboxes for skanks with no standards for themselves and others. You can’t have it all: you’re either the fucker of the oppressor or you don’t fuck them. Choose one, and stop performing so hard, because if you fuck and love them then you don’t hate men. So pathetic(infighting)

No. 2437077

Who's talking about troons?

No. 2437078

>dumbass shit in the dumbass shit thread is why it was banned

No. 2437079>>2437105

u say that like tumblr is still relevant KEK

No. 2437080>>2437084

That’s infinitely better than whatever the fuck this shit is. Be serious kek

No. 2437081


No. 2437082>>2437085>>2437093

It doesn't fucking matter what a bunch of brainwashed women do. That doesn't mean it's inherent to women's nature or that they can't be dominant just because they have less physical strength. They can have power in other ways over the guy in consensual sex.

No. 2437083>>2437088

Men can fuck women and still be misogynists. Why can't it be the same for women? You're just trying to keep pushing close-minded thinking.

No. 2437084

Aw nu I'm pro dumbass shit kek

No. 2437085>>2437091>>2437092

Even if a women are dominant they cannot dominate men because men are physically stronger.
>in consensual sex
Then you're not actually dominating anyone, just LARPing to be dominant.(ban evasion)

No. 2437088>>2437094>>2437095

>Why can't it be the same for women?
Because you don't actually have the power to harm men.(ban evasion)

No. 2437091>>2437101

maybe before weapons were common

No. 2437092>>2437099>>2437123

You're retarded and would easily agree that in consensual sex a man would dominate a woman. Just be honest that you're a virgin that doesn't actually understand sex or the very clear, obvious difference between a woman performing submissively vs a woman performing dominantly, which can be just as masculine or powerful or aggressive as a man would be like in the Amazon position.

No. 2437093>>2437104

> They can have power in other ways over the guy in consensual sex.

No. 2437094

This has nothing to do with her point kek

No. 2437095>>2437100>>2437107

Women can cheat. Women can be absolutely cruel and hurtful and abusive. They're just brainwashed out of this. I feel like I'm preaching to a herd of internalized misogynists right now.

No. 2437099

You don’t understand that they are both performances kekkk

No. 2437100

NTA I think women should literally physically abuse their moids more, there has to be a way. Via gunpoint, grab him by the nutsack and twist it until he falls to the floor and then you're golden, no?

No. 2437101

You cannot rape a (living) man from 5 feet away though. And once that gap is closed he can disarm you easily. In fact women who possess firearms for self defense are killed in greater numbers by said gun by an aggressor than men.

No. 2437103>>2437126

The whole subversion of reality is a coping mechanism. 9/10 women just flop like a fish on their beds and allow the dominant class, the males, to fuck them. There wouldn’t be thousands of blogs, videos, forum posts, articles and discussions about how men are absolutely awful at being the main driver of the sexual experience resulting in a lack of orgasms and overall pleasure from sex through the female POV. Women of course don’t say a damn thing to their moids about their lack of sex prowess and care for their sex partner because they expect and want the male to be the dominant one that pursued them, a lot of males fail at this bare minimum thing and have figured they should just use the woman as a human flesh light and carry on, because you know what those men understand? That these same unsatisfied women will allow them to fuck again, again, and again. Despite your larp about being “dominant”, that’s just not the truth about the average female heterosexual experience. You are an anomaly compared to the hundreds and thousand of women who want to be pursued, dominated and protected by a man. You are also lying, because I bet you’re also included in that same group, but are still endlessly performing for strangers on the internet. Stfu(infighting)

No. 2437104>>2437115

There's your problem anon. You can't even envision a woman acting the same way a man would act, even though it's perfectly possible.

No. 2437105>>2437110

Are you new? There's an active Tumblr Hate thread, a Radfem Cow thread where Tumblr users selfpost and shit talk each other, and a shit ton of assorted Tumblrina TIFs lurking and posting here.

No. 2437107>>2437114>>2437116

But for every shit a woman does a man does 100 worse, why is that nonna?

No. 2437110>>2437117

>assorted Tumblrina TIFs
Oh shut the fuck up already Jermafag, you have tif taste in men. You're just an aggro retard baiter itching to call anyone a tranny, even if they're just women that like femdom.(infighting)

No. 2437112>>2437127

You’re on LOLCOW not fucking 4moid, hk, cc, or some bunker thread on a cuck site. Mods and anons complained for years that the dumbass shit threads were attracting newfags and posters who don’t even frequent the cow boards. Its a problem when chat threads attract trannys, baiting moids, and personalityfags to ruin everything, they wouldn’t be post here if we shifted the focus onto cows again like how the site was pre/m/. On /ot/ you would get told to fuck off if you said you didn’t browse /pt/ or /snow/ but now it’s the opposite

No. 2437114>>2437122

Because of societal conditioning that has already been proven to start affecting them at like 6 years old. It's brainwashing plain and simple.

No. 2437115>>2437128>>2437129

Because a woman can’t act the same way kek. Even if I fucked a scrote in the Amazon position it wouldn’t be the same. Women’s domination, at least the one you are talking about about, is still catered to center men, while males’ is centered on men aka themselves. Dominatrix is the same as submissiveness.

No. 2437116

>why is that nonna?
Bcuz wymyn were just taught to be soft uwuuu it totally isn't related to the fact that if you act shitty towards a man he can punch your lights out in a microsecond due to biological differences.

No. 2437117

Calm your shit, I'm not the anon you think I am kek.

No. 2437120

ngl I laughed pretty hard. That's cute.

No. 2437122>>2437149

Are chimps, gorillas, lions, and most other mammals with significant sex dysmorphism also societal conditioned to live under a patriarchal structure?

No. 2437123>>2437135>>2437140

File (hide): 1741557620944.jpeg (Spoiler Image,55.48 KB, 980x980, IMG_3990.jpeg)

>which can be just as masculine or powerful or aggressive as a man would be like in the Amazon position
It’s not. You’re fucking with somebody, the male, who is the actual biological representative of “masculinity” and aggression, which is why femdom is purely larp. It would take less than a few seconds for your nigel to show you who’s the boss, he just lets you because the wolf needs to wear sheep’s clothing to get into your pants. You’re the one who clearly does not understand the dynamics between man and woman without the pale, sickly, /g/ tards brainwashing you with their fantasies of somehow grabbing and abusing a man who’s physical stronger than them in a PHYSICAL action such as sex. Oh yes, the dominant person who is practically the arbiter on what you’re allowed to do with him (because the property owner can dictate and decide what’s allowed with its property) is just sooooo dominant, aggressive, meanwhile this is what you’re doing, even in this position you still look like you’re submissive. Retard.

No. 2437126

No. 2437127>>2437175

>complained for years that the dumbass shit threads were attracting newfags
After autosaging it those issues just got worse, proving that thesis wrong.

No. 2437128>>2437132>>2437134>>2437135>>2437139

Male dom
>calls you a whore
>restrains you
>chokes you
>fucks you roughly
>rape play
Female dom
>amazon position
>orgasm denial
>maybe caging
>slapping him around too I guess

No. 2437129>>2437133>>2437147

>it wouldn't be the same
And why the fuck not? It's not catered to center men if it's just a woman attracted to men fucking a man because she ALSO has a body capable of experiencing sexual pleasure, women aren't brainless sex dolls they're human beings like men that can also be assertive. You just constantly see women acting feminine and being doormats so you think that is synonymous with female biology when it's not. It's just brainwashing.

No. 2437132>>2437135>>2437141>>2437147>>2437202

You absolute fucking retard. You can call a man a whore, you can restrain a man, you can choke a man, you can fuck a man roughly in the Amazon position, you could make a man do ddlg if you're into that shit, you can pretend that you're raping him. These are ALL THINGS that women can do.

No. 2437133>>2437143

Do you realize that you made exactly no point whatsoever other than saying
>noo it’s not true!!!

No. 2437134

>calls you a whore
>restrains you
>chokes you
That's not inherent to males kek

No. 2437135>>2437150

Yeah, a moid can fuck a woman to death and the only time a woman can fuck a moid to death is if he's 80 years old and even then he dies because his heart gives out. I don't know why anons are against recognizing the inherent power imbalances between male and female.
Women need to whip males more. Maybe cut with knives.
>pretend that you're raping him

No. 2437139

The dude who can rape, mutilate, and destroy your life sets the rules, so with the active threat of those very things happening, he sets the rules. Of course the moid, who has access to his never ending supply of pussy, will allow his property to do a few things to give it an illusion of power. Predators who are known for their obsession with sex and porn also like to get into the shoes of the oppressed, just like how rich people love wearing clothing that hobos wear because it’s literally just creative LARP for them which they at least know is subversion of their actual reality.

No. 2437140>>2437148>>2437162

>the male, who is the actual biological representative of “masculinity” and aggression
What about faggots. What about feminine men. You're just repeating the same tired nonsense, that gender roles are ackshually innate.

No. 2437141>>2437144

You can't really make a man do anything. He can always just leave. Also calling males whores is meaningless, it's a misogynistic insult and they aren't insulted by the accusation.

No. 2437142>>2437146

Anyway, why are these whores pretending they would do any of this to a man when they love to brag how they would deepthroat weegee's balls over in their thread?(ban evasion)

No. 2437143>>2437169

That is literally what you're doing by saying
>it just can't be the same, okay???

No. 2437144>>2437152

>Also calling males whores is meaningless
NTA but that's because whore literally means prostitute. Call them sluts instead.

No. 2437146

Its all a performance to try and fit in

No. 2437147>>2437155>>2437161>>2437178>>2437184

File (hide): 1741558066417.jpeg (56.65 KB, 544x430, IMG_1639.jpeg)

Sometimes I am just surprised. The sooner we let go of the “we can be just like men!!” and focus on the material reality of what happens to us and how society clearly has a pattern on influencing women from tender age the sooner we’ll actually achieve a speck of anything.

No. 2437148>>2437162>>2437177

Most people are straight anon, sorry. We're not talking about < 5% of the population exceptions to the rule.

No. 2437149>>2437158>>2437174

Lions live under a matriarchy and yes apes have a hierarchical structure where both males and females are dominated by one aggressive male until he gets too old and is replace by the next violent ape. But it’s not always consistently violent, sometimes apes have benevolent male leaders who can step down from power without being killed. They absolutely have a social structure and a comparatively primitive culture compared to humans but it’s there. Check out demonic males by dale peterson

No. 2437150

>I don't know why anons are against recognizing the inherent power imbalances between male and female.
Because it's not the same in a consensual relationship. And if you used weapons or drugs it doesn't even fucking matter.

No. 2437152>>2437159>>2437173

That's not an insult for moids.

No. 2437153>>2437163>>2437172

Women who get with those really skinny, disabled moids with no control over their muscles and are wheelchair board and are in relationships with them are the only true female rapists I think.

No. 2437155

They're so dumb thinking that just acting like a moid will work

No. 2437158>>2437167>>2437174>>2437180

Aren't bonobos matriarchal? And some other type of monkey

No. 2437159

call him a faggot or microdick or whatever then. There's enough stuff that triggers them.

No. 2437161

File (hide): 1741558232933.jpeg (22.61 KB, 539x289, IMG_1640.jpeg)

Notice the pattern and open your eyes, rather than turning your head to the obvious.

No. 2437162

>what about faggots
Like >>2437148 said, they are also like less than 5% actually of the entire global population. Once you touch grass, you figure people don’t actually give a shit about your political views and will do what has been most necessary and natural to them. You’ve been unfortunately been successfully psyop’d into things that are actually somewhat dangerous for you and risky.

No. 2437163>>2437181

Yeah inserting a flaccid noodle dick into your vagina is totally raping him… lmfao get real

No. 2437167

Bonobos aren't monkeys, they're apes. But yeah bonobos are matriarchal and basically have sex all the time kek. Female bonds are super strong but the males will throw each other under the social hierarchy bus for female approval/benefit.

No. 2437169

A scrote calling you a dirty slut has more meaning than a woman calling her Nigel a dirty slut kek.

No. 2437170>>2437176

File (hide): 1741558297222.jpg (75.3 KB, 1080x904, 1000022115.jpg)

i think everyone in this thread should hold hands and agree to disagree. no more sister wars. then we can talk about something else less controversial, like abortion

No. 2437172>>2437181

Gosh I see them as victims honestly kek. The women I mean.

No. 2437173>>2437481

File (hide): 1741558324834.png (460.29 KB, 500x561, pepperoni.png)

You have to say it the right way.

No. 2437174

If lions live under a matriarchy why do they have to fight the new domineering male when he inevitably wants to kills their cubs? If chimps live in a non-patriarchal society then why do invading males violently rape females from the enemy troop?

Chimps and gorillas are not bonobos you retarded fucker.

No. 2437175>>2437185

More like proving it right because it showed they only cared about having a fast moving, constantly bumped, and popular thread. It’s why after dumbass died more bait threads gained traction, you can’t undo the affect and how many people it attracted. They don’t care about being comfy and silly like they say because the dumbass shit thread has few active posters and other sites don’t have active bunkers outside of lc downtime

No. 2437176

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I acree but Lolcor is too retarded unfortunately

No. 2437177>>2437187>>2437279

File (hide): 1741558403310.jpg (6.48 KB, 194x259, images.jpg)

So you're telling me if a masculine aggressive woman fucked a feminine girly guy in the Amazon position, she wouldn't be the dominant one that's more in control? That picture wasn't even a fair depiction of how similar the Amazon position can look like to a man fucking a woman. I understand if you guys are just GNC women that are cynical because of conforming feminine women, even if they're femdoms, acting the same way again and again that doesn't cater to how you would want to act and what feels right to you, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. The majority of women act the same way not because it's biological or impossible for them to act differently, but because of conditioning that is literally PROVEN by scientific studies.

No. 2437178

I have no idea what the fuck happened honestly. I mean can you really be shocked by these same people who parrot the same construct/socialization nonsense that trannies and gendies do? You were bound to get these people who actually think they can be the same as men from that flawed thinking.

No. 2437180

Sort of, it’s more like both male and female bonobos are constantly deescalating conflicts with each other by placating each other with sex and grooming. the more powerful or higher status bonobos are receiving favors much more often and are giving a lot less. Both males and females can have high social status, it’s not exclusively female.

No. 2437181

Hey I did say 'I think', so are they the only female molesters?

No. 2437184>>2437191>>2437198

File (hide): 1741558614005.jpeg (28.33 KB, 629x394, IMG_1641.jpeg)

Sometimes I truly feel enlightened, I want to make someone see my point of view but they are still stuck on their regressive ways.
You being psyoped into thinking that femdom is girlboss and true woman power is another feature of the pattern I talked about. Just the same as the “having a bush is sexy!” Stuff that’s been spreading around nowadays. Patterns, patterns everywhere and no one sees it.

No. 2437185>>2437205

If those anons were newfags/moids/twitterfags or whatever other bullshit was used as justification, autosaging the thread would have fixed or bettered the problem. It has not, instead it got ten times worse. Simple as.

No. 2437187>>2437197

>So you're telling me if a masculine aggressive woman fucked a feminine girly guy in the Amazon position, she wouldn't be the dominant one that's more in control?
No? Sex acts don't erase biological differences and the fact that sex is inherently more risky for women. I don't really believe in the whole dominant/submissive thing in the first place, but it's biological fact that sex is risky for women. Whatever position you do it in doesn't erase anything like risk of pregnancy, STDs, or anything else that women bear the brunt of.

No. 2437191

The illusion that one day or that just in certain contexts women are having the SAME advantage of men is what keeps us meek and obedient. Wake up.

No. 2437197>>2437207>>2437215

All of those things can be worked around.

No. 2437198>>2437219

> Just the same as the “having a bush is sexy!” Stuff that’s been spreading around nowadays
To a normal nonna this would look innocuous and actual progressive, but see the nuance. See it nonnas. Patterns, patterns everywhere. It’s genius, our own brainwashing, a master plan truly.

No. 2437199

i'd like to throw this out there, i get zero sexual gratification from thinking about hurting/dominating men. it is however, very very funny to talk about it in explicit detail.

No. 2437202>>2437206

Only if they let you

No. 2437205>>2437225

Yeah they just moved onto other chat/bait threads. They never shit up cow threads unless they have a close tie to that person or its a lost moid asking for porn. People got filtered when they realized you had to post milk or gtfo, now it’s just how well can you fake being a woman or how popular your bait is. Its obvious the affects of having chat threads lowered the posting quality and made gatekeeping impossible

No. 2437206>>2437214>>2437216>>2437222

Not if you disabled the guy with weapons or drugs in the context of rape. And in the context of a consensual relationship it'd be the same thing with a submissive woman, they'd be choosing to let a man do that to her, probably because of brainwashing.

No. 2437207>>2437217

See? It’s truly genius. I am weirdly fascinated by it and I would applaud it if it didn’t affect me this much.
A century old machine, built especially for us. An armor that shapes itself constantly.

No. 2437214

Truly. A man made incredible machine. You can see the results of it clearly here. Thanks for the example nonna.

No. 2437215>>2437226>>2437238

Yes, by giving women additional responsibilities. We're the ones who have to do any of the following to ensure we don't get pregnant:
>take birth control
>track our cycle
>get an IUD and change it every 5 years
>get a tubal/bisalp if we never want children
>keep condoms on hand
>make sure the moid is wearing the condoms correctly
>take plan B if all the above fails
There's more if you want to worry about STI risk, but I figured pregnancy is a fair argument because men can't get pregnant. I'm sorry anon, there is nothing that you can do to make sex equal between men and women. Femdom does not take away inherent risks, nor does it give the woman less responsibility to worry about in her sex life.

No. 2437216

Yeah go rape a male by gunpoint kek

No. 2437217>>2437224

Can't come up with an actual argument so you've resorted to schizoposting, nice.

No. 2437219>>2437229

Hold on, I'm not as evolved as some of the other nonnies here yet. Is the psyop that moids are trying to get us to post bush pics or some weird crap like that?

No. 2437222

You arent doing any of that

No. 2437224

You are far too behind to notice it, I made my points quite clear my dear nonna.

No. 2437225>>2437250

So following your logic, the autosage was useless in the first place (since "they just run to otget threads", making the whole stated reason for the autosage void) and did nothing except ruin an innocent thread.

No. 2437226>>2437239

None of those things are actually that inconvenient or make it impossible for a man to be dominated by a woman.

No. 2437229>>2437231>>2437232>>2437236

The fact that anything a woman does is grasped and transformed into something “sexy” and sexually appealing. That’s what I’m talking about nonna.

No. 2437231>>2437242

You can sexualize men back, you just see it in mainstream media less because of the patriarchy.

No. 2437232

Oh shit, I thought that was something everybody already knew. My bad.

No. 2437236>>2437244>>2437306

Men get to exist in neutrality, while what women do is constantly under scrutiny and even when we are close to getting it it’s soon enough grasped and backtracked into “sexy”
>woman should be able to age without pressure
>women shouldn’t feel the pressure to shave, they deserve to be in their natural state
Bush is sexy

No. 2437238>>2437247

time to google how to do homemade sterilizations

No. 2437239

girl tubal ligations and bilateral salpingectomies are actual fucking abdominal surgery get fucking real.

No. 2437242

Can you honestly shut up and go to X or anywhere else where your opinion is shared? You are not adding anything into the conversation, not even something worth debating.

No. 2437244>>2437255>>2437306

Bush is objectively sexy, at least

No. 2437247>>2437253

Legitimately, go to r/childfree and find a doctor on their lists who can refer you to a surgeon to get it done. DIY abdominal surgery is a no.

No. 2437250>>2437261>>2437272>>2437346

If the thread was so innocent it wouldn’t have caused those same posters to shit up other threads in retaliation. After it was closed you had multiple anons shit up meta and bait for weeks. Chat AND bait threads shouldn’t be on lc at all but the site culture has changed for the worse so it’ll stay this shitty and bring in men and trannies. The fact mods have even locked ot to help keep away anons that only come here to shitpost instead of dicuss milk but failed is enough to show this is lolchat and now lolcow

No. 2437253>>2437266

I meant in the male, I'm not ruining my hormones lol.

No. 2437255>>2437257>>2437265

But why do we have to completely turn EVERYTHING we try to claim as a normal state of being as something sexy? Why does it have to be sexy to be worth existing?
And we are the secret allies of the man made machine too kek. Whenever I think about this I just get a feeling of doom and sadness.

No. 2437257

True, that's just my opinion, we shouldn't advertise anything as sexy

No. 2437258

In my opinion consensual cannibalism isn't a crime. Would I want to share a neighborhood with one though? Probably not.

No. 2437261>>2437273>>2437289

This is literally just headcanon kek. Meanwhile the one sperging about fujos and derailing dumbass shit for 3 days straight ended up admitting running to meta to complain about the thread afterwards to get it shut down.

No. 2437265

File (hide): 1741559826976.webp (45.98 KB, 640x640, IMG_1642.webp)

I wish I didn’t open my eyes.

No. 2437266>>2437268

Same answer honestly. Vasectomies are an easy-peasy outpatient procedure so any guy who drags his feet on it is just making excuses.

No. 2437268


No. 2437269>>2437275

Can we stop with the poetry, a blade is a blade, a blade is not a penis, a vagina is not this lump of meat that is "penetrated", it is an organ another organ can insert itself, and it doesn't have to be penis. This thinking of adding onto these layers of symbolism is what causes this feeling of suffering. It is a patriarchal idea that enforces a feeling of degradation when the inability to see reality objectively, as sex being an act of organs rubbing against organs is what causes unnecessary suffering. Domination is so synonymous with men that you haven't even thought of redefining it for yourself, to be able to choose whether or not you can throw away a man's fertilizer is a form of power. You're asleep anon, wake up.

No. 2437272>>2437302>>2437346

ot is literally the part of the site made explicitly for "discussion, debates and sperging" why some of you are so bent up over fast threads and "chatrooms" is weird. the baiters are annoying and have been rampant lately but it wasn't always like that even in fast threads

No. 2437273>>2437283

Congrats you understand that bait/chat threads bring in retards that complain when rules to don’t bend to them. It was easier when you had anons complain about what was considered milk in /w/ than whatever the fuck /ot/ is dealing with now. Lc shouldve never allowed chatters and threadshitters in the first place just to appease the moids that asked for a /b/ board back then.

No. 2437275

>You're asleep anon, wake up.
That’s my current line for today nonna, pick something else.

No. 2437277

Just stop with this shit I'm getting secondhand embarrassment.

No. 2437279>>2437281>>2437282>>2437307

She could only do that if the man lets her. He still has all the autonomy over both his and her body by the virtue of his strength. The only time a woman can have autonomy over a man’s body against his will is if the woman is an adult and the man is a child. A lot of men hate this time in their lives when female authority figures have actual power over them and never want to experience it again.

No. 2437281

Great analysis nonna

No. 2437282>>2437295

I relate to not wanting to be the physically weaker one shacking up with the physically stronger one but maybe there's just no point in analyzing it deeply anymore, if you don't like it just accept that's your own preference, doesn't mean that a feminine woman can't be controlling towards a guy in a consensual relationship.

No. 2437283>>2437316

If we shut down any thread that has bait in it, lolcow would be empty. Nevermind the amount of undesirables any ot threads could attract still completely pales compared to the kind of newfags certain cow threads attract. Don't even try to deny it, it's the main reason why there's so many imageboard-foreign zoomers with tiktok lingo are posting here now. They did not decide to google "dumbass shit" or "absolutely retarded shit" or "malehate" and landed here after searching through page 23 of google. They come for cows.

No. 2437289

>fujo sperg

Makes sense tbh

No. 2437295>>2437301>>2437303

> but maybe there's just no point in analyzing it deeply anymore
There is a point and you don’t get to backtrack now after shitting up the thread. We should speak up about it actually.
There’s actually no point in saying “but femaledom!!! And sub men!!” when someone talks about the abuse of facilitated in these spaces and roles though since you brought it up.

No. 2437296>>2437304>>2437310

This is more of an unpopular lolcow opinion but I’m actually really jealous of those tiktok housewives who don’t have to work and who’s husbands pay for all their clothes and nannies makeup and are totally obsessed with them

No. 2437301>>2437312

I just feel like you're going around in circles to avoid the point that regardless of what happens the most often, that doesn't mean it's impossible for it to be different, or that physical strength can't be overcome in different ways to achieve a desired outcome.

No. 2437302>>2437309>>2437326>>2437339

Yeah ot was made for discussions because the /b/ board was so over used by moids and newfags that mods had to split it. Lolcow was made for cow discussion and anything that deviates from it made the site terrible. You can look at all the old threads on ot and see just what kind of posters it brought and how they were only interested if women posted here. I’d rather have threads focused on boring cows instead of letting retards run rampant and be able to be called personalityfags. Moids wouldnt be posting on kf about how well they try to blend in, troons wouldnt be posting here calling other anons retards for letting troon hate “live in their head rent free”, and we wouldn’t have anons that don’t know pt or lack basic knowledge of the site to post here.

No. 2437303>>2437313

And I know that you are the same retard because you type the same way each time by using
>consensual sex
>consensual relationships
In each sentence.

No. 2437304

Samefag I’m not talking about the trad housewives who keep chickens and breastfeed their kids until they’re like 4 I’m just talking about rich wives who don’t have to work

No. 2437306>>2437315>>2437333

File (hide): 1741560692953.jpeg (27.68 KB, 512x353, ghows-LG-0e19cfb3-cb75-4552-93…)

>Bush is sexy
"G-gee nonnies I don't know whadda say.."

No. 2437307>>2437318>>2437323>>2437330>>2437335>>2437336>>2437342

>muh strength muh strength
I hate this thinking that strength is was equates to domination and control. Sharks are stronger than humans! Gorillas are stronger than humans! So are elephants, lions, tigers, and so many other animals. Humans have tamed, controlled, and killed many of these animals not out of pure strength, but out of intellect and tools. So what if a man is stronger than a woman during sex? She should bring a gun and shoot him, what's the point of he's stronger than her? He's too busy being dead. To think that strength is what dominates your belief system and understanding of power shows that you are an ape brain in a society with much more complex understanding of power. Human-pill yourself.

No. 2437309

> troons wouldnt be posting here calling other anons retards for letting troon hate “live in their head rent free”,
Kek this

No. 2437310>>2437311

File (hide): 1741560737048.jpg (24.47 KB, 400x278, 1000033049.jpg)

It boggles my mind that "influencers lie about their lives" was widely known and accepted years ago, but nowadays everyone on the internet suddenly seems to be guzzling Gullible Pills.

No. 2437311>>2437322

I’m not talking about influencers nonna I’m talking about just regular rich people who post themselves on instagram and tiktok, not everyone on ig, tiktok, twitter etc is an influencer.

No. 2437312>>2437314

> I just feel like you're going around in circles
>proceeds to go in circles and say nothing

No. 2437313

Well I'm not trying to hide it anon. You're also just being stubborn at this point.

No. 2437314

No. 2437315

File (hide): 1741560857588.gif (636.33 KB, 284x200, GO AWAY.gif)

No. 2437316>>2437354

They easily get banned on the cow threads when they self announce their presence but because lolcow has chat threads they can go see people baiting and chatting and decide to stay. Chat/bait keeps them here even if their respective cow threads are what made them aware of this site. Also this site wouldnt be post on tiktok under femcel tags if we didnt have off topic boards. We’d be treated like kiwifarms instead but since we have more active moderation and active posters in non cow boards we end up welcoming them

No. 2437318>>2437321

Too bad we are talking about human on human

No. 2437321>>2437327

And you can't fucking think of how this could be applied to humans.

No. 2437322

Samefag there’s this one rich girl who’s the wife of a business owner, I don’t think she qualifies as an influencer cause she doesn’t have very many followers but she does post about the stuff she buys and the vacations she takes and herself going to like pilates classes and shit and I’m just like damn.

No. 2437323>>2437324

Anons are talking about having sex with a moid, if you're going to shoot him dead are you referring to necrophilia? What are you talking about

No. 2437324>>2437331

I think you're autistic.

No. 2437326

ok i'm trying to see your point, are you saying you'd rather have lc be purely cow threads with no other discussion? i guess yeah that would keep trolls out, but i think the site would just keel over and die from lack of traffic at that point. it would go the way of cc and be more prone to awful raids. i just like the idea of women having a space/ib to chat and argue and shitpost on, i feel like lc fulfills that in its current form even with all of its problems.

No. 2437327

No because a human is a human and a shark is a shark. Your logic can’t be applied here nonna.

No. 2437330

>So what if a man is stronger than a woman during sex? She should bring a gun and shoot him, what's the point of he's stronger than her? He's too busy being dead.
kek Nonny most of us are not out here trying to fuck dead people

No. 2437331

You're just never going to fully dominate a male.

No. 2437333>>2437338>>2437341

File (hide): 1741561238492.jpg (1.22 MB, 2687x3356, President_Barack_Obama.jpg)

“My fellow former president, I uhhh believe the nonas of lolcow.farm are discussing the bush that grows on a uhhh woman's outer genitalia but let me be clear, bush you ARE uhhh sexy to me."

No. 2437335

>in a world full of SHEEP be a LION

No. 2437336>>2437362

>you should bring a gun
So you haven’t tamed nothing kek

No. 2437338

I read this with obama’s voice

No. 2437339>>2437351

>Yeah ot was made for discussions because the /b/ board was so over used by moids and newfags that mods had to split it.
Literally making shit up

No. 2437341

No. 2437342

I thought this would be about self defense or like women in physically demanding jobs but I wasn't in the infight so I was kind of shocked to see this was about sex

No. 2437346>>2437353>>2437362

Ntayrt but chatroom threads aren't fun. Threads with interesting themes are fun. I like threads like the Food general, the tinfoil, the tech thread, etc., because there's an actual theme for the discussions. It's not just rapid fire shitposting. If I want to shitpost, I'll just go to my groupchat to do it with my friends. I don't see the appeal of doing it on LC unless you don't have any friends.
>shit up other threads in retaliation
They still do this lmao. They've been trying it with Mundane Shit lately, so now instead of a thread about mundane events we go through, it's yet ANOTHER boring chatroom thread.

No. 2437351>>2437373

Go ahead and look in the catalogs for old ot threads. Ot originally was called /b/ to emulate 4chan and then changed to ot because anons asked for other topic threads to be labeled instead of all being posted on one board. Those /b/ board threads were sent to sty and manure so they’re still here

No. 2437353>>2437358

>chatroom threads aren’t fun
You must’ve not been present during dumbass shits glory days…

No. 2437354

I thought those 'chat/bait thread' users don't visit cow boards? You tards can't even keep your narrative straight.

No. 2437358

No… I was… they just weren't fun lmao it always seemed like it was a thread for friendless people to go to pretend to have friends

No. 2437362>>2437368

god made man and sam colt made women shoot them to death in order to fully dominate them, sexually
okay sure everyone has aspects of the site that they don't use or find enjoyable. i just don't get calling to ban/shut things down because you (not you but the other anon) don't personally like them.

No. 2437365

If you're in this thread, you aren't in position to criticize dumbass shit thread.

No. 2437368>>2437380

Not everyone wants to have sex with a corpse kek, better to just not have sex at all, no?

No. 2437373>>2437410

I don't have to read catalogues because I was literally there when it happened and was amongst the anons who requested it (not the chaotic moving around of threads and killing thread links though). I regret to inform you that, even though moids could be much more open back then, a lot the 'moid-like' speech and pickme shit was literally just nonnas in their younger years since we all came from cgl, were used to 4chan and it was different times then. A lot of cow threads who were popular back then aged horribly for that reason too. Equally a lot of oldfags aged out of cow threads too and mostly hung out at /ot/ in the end.

No. 2437380>>2437384

File (hide): 1741562029078.jpg (13.54 KB, 247x264, 1531703320128.jpg)

it was a joke nona. im making fun of how ridiculous this conversation is

No. 2437384>>2437403

You do realize some anons are genuinely so fucking retarded that it could plausibly be a real argument, right? You're in the thread that only retards use.

No. 2437387>>2437406>>2437433

File (hide): 1741562189115.jpeg (98.4 KB, 1080x1069, FaCbfMhXwAEOayk.jpeg)

I think moids hate fat women so much because they could easily tackle and cripple them.

No. 2437403>>2437418>>2437420

alright its on. lets argue about how retarded everyone in this thread is (except for us of course). i'm taking the side of everyone itt actually being statistical geniuses and representing the upper echelon of high-IQ savants which is why they miss the points and social cues of each other, creating endless infights. you take the side of everyone itt eating boogers and making poop sculptures, banging their heads into the walls inbetween posts.

No. 2437406

I think you're right. I've had some moids give me the same wary look they usually reserve for other moids.

No. 2437410

I agree that old threads were filled with pickmes used to 4chan and moids were able to make cow threads asking for porn from costhots under the guise of keeping up with milk but I’d rather have ot threads for discussing cows or communities that enables cowish tendencies like the old gc threads instead of having unpopular opinions being active because anons would rather bait instead of post milk. Just sucks that any thread on ot is bound to attract bait because any kind of argument can also be seen as just harmless discussion with disagreements, you can’t ban opinions like how you would ban unsaged whiteknighting in snow or pt so it’s easy to get away with shitposting and derailing

No. 2437418

Can I join in? I want to be a tinfoil anon who thinks you're both retarded for not seeing the bigger picture: this is a thread mostly used by mods and admin, utilizing their spare devices in order to push metrics showing there are way more users using the site than is feasible, in order to generate more money off ad revenue and selling user data. Anyone else they rope into their fake infights is a bonus.

No. 2437420

ummm akshually this thread is for those of us with below 90 iq thats what it says in the thread description

No. 2437432

I think yuripedo is funny.

No. 2437433>>2437437>>2437439>>2437832

i doubt it. trained muscular women don't have a chance against moids, it's not different for fat women.

No. 2437437>>2437446

The average moid can't stand against 450 pounds falling against them.

No. 2437439>>2437447>>2437451>>2437458

what is with you people thinking that every man on this earth is the terminator?

No. 2437446>>2437597


No. 2437447>>2437459

The terminator types are the most likely to hate women the strongest stfu with your coping

No. 2437451>>2437452

women are not dominating men, ever

No. 2437452>>2437455

Fuck you femcuck. I'm going to go suck a man's dick and swallow his load dominantly just to spite you.

No. 2437455>>2437465

>YOU are a femcuck
>that's why i'm going to suck his dick and swallow his cock, yeah that will show you!

No. 2437458>>2437464

I find it kind of funny, considering how many videos we've seen posted on here of some bitch boy getting his ass beat by a woman he tried to harass kek

No. 2437459

>hate women the strongest
what do you mean? i doubt women being a bit stronger will do anything

No. 2437464>>2437467>>2437500

post the videos

No. 2437465>>2437469>>2437484

We actually do it in the 69 position so as I suffocate him under my 400lbs layers of fat while I suck his dick, really I'm the one dominating him.

No. 2437467>>2437471

Anon, I love you a lot, but I saw the last one like a week ago in a random /ot/ thread. It was some dude getting his ass beat by a black woman, I think. I'm not going to hunt around for a random video I saw and laughed at before going to bed. How the hell would I even find it now?

No. 2437469

but then you are dominated by your own heart failure, really makes you think…

No. 2437471>>2437502

can you describe both the man and the woman physically

No. 2437481

Wtf is the context of this? Why is the baldie naked kek

No. 2437484>>2437493

No. 2437493

Absolute cinema.

No. 2437500>>2437513>>2437518>>2437519>>2437520>>2437550>>2437593

File (hide): 1741565021062.mp4 (981.49 KB, 336x640, -eaBRN7MlBuZ9slo.mp4) [play once] [loop]

Shes probably talking about this one

No. 2437502>>2437513

Fuck, I feel bad for not remembering, it was right before I was going to sleep kek.
The moid was either white or brown, and she was a black woman, she may have been heavier than him. I think she throws him to the ground at one point, and they were by a tan/brown wall, made out of stone or brick.
third time's the charm!

No. 2437513

YES that is it, thank you, anon! My etetnal gratitude! And as you can see, I was even misremembering parts >>2437502 like the road being made out of stone bricks instead of the wall behind them kek. Sorry for deleting my post over and over, I kept fucking it up.
Anyways, yeah, this is one of the many videos I've seen of women thrashing scrotes on lc, so the blackpill stuff comes off as anxious NEET sperging more than anything.
I think the scrote either hung himself or developed a fetish about it.

No. 2437518

So funny and satisfying to watch.

No. 2437519

how tall do you nonas think they both are?

No. 2437520>>2437524>>2437536>>2437543>>2437593

File (hide): 1741565544633.mp4 (4.14 MB, 480x834, 2sFqWSbU7-MQ0HQS.mp4) [play once] [loop]

samefag but the original video's origin is some moid harassing a random black woman, she gets pissed off and fights back. a scrawnier male is probably going to lose a fight against a bigger woman especially if she has fighting experience (you can tell the woman in vidrel has some) lol. Not all moids are the hulk. An autistic /b/tard who talks about how he can rape all females (hes probably as scrawny as daniel larson) is not going to win a fight against amanda nunes. Yeah, moids are stronger than women on average, especially if they're taller and bigger than said women, but can we stop pretending women aren't built for hunting too? Male strength is only really there for intrasexual competition.
Also here's this gem (stud/lesbian beating the shit out of a scrote) 00's studs were something else kek

No. 2437524

Hawt lady.

No. 2437536

I'm the retard who couldn't remember the original vid, and anon, I could kiss you for delivering twice over. I hope something good happens to you every day of this week!
I agree with your assessment, but I think women are also hindered by their fear when it comes to getting into physical altercations with moids. I'm not saying they shouldn't be, but it can really fuck you up if you're anxious instead of focused on the fight.

No. 2437543

The way his pants keep sliding off is so hilarious

No. 2437550

Kek this is so satisfying to watch

No. 2437557

Whew that last sentence. Smells like ballsack and smegma in here!!!!!!(scrotefoiling)

No. 2437569

Why is it always black women or latinas beating up moids? Do white women have any guts to do anything ever??(racebait)

No. 2437585

I miss driverfags. I wish they would return and beat up the luigifags

No. 2437587

I couldn't care less about Luigi, why are you bringing this up? Take your meds damn

No. 2437592

>Chronically masturbate to yaoi
>Making gains
You can do both of these, women, believe in yourselves!

No. 2437593

Hope to be like these based queens someday tbh

No. 2437595>>2437615

File (hide): 1741568742018.jpeg (58.8 KB, 1080x803, IMG_1499.jpeg)

>not reading fanfics/doujins in between sets

KEK weakling

No. 2437597

This is a video game

No. 2437602

Ever heard of multitasking?

No. 2437615>>2437623

Reading lolcow between sets is the best, especially when there's a retarded infight you have no part in

No. 2437623

>lolcow in public

I’d never take that risk tbh

No. 2437624>>2437626>>2437627>>2437628>>2437629>>2437630>>2437633>>2437641>>2437645>>2437703>>2437716>>2437719

File (hide): 1741570475323.jpeg (1.79 MB, 1284x2179, IMG_5604.jpeg)

I wonder if the Katy Perry Stan’s from the other thread still feel the same after she’s been hanging with a 17 year old glamour model

No. 2437626>>2437645

Whichever make a wish kid she hangs out with doesn’t make Teenage Dream any less wonderful nona

No. 2437627

Oh man… this girl looks like a sped, it feels like Katy's doing charity work.

No. 2437628

it’s actually very nice of her to still do meet and greets

No. 2437629>>2437646

that shirt better not say what i think it says

No. 2437630

What is wrong with Katy Perry meeting up with her fans? I don't get it

No. 2437633

Gross as fuck

No. 2437641>>2437643>>2437645>>2437646>>2437659>>2437828

How are anons not noticing the "breed me" shirt on a child

No. 2437643

Who says they aren't noticing?

No. 2437645>>2437705>>2437712

Thanks for reminding me to listen to teenage dream! I can’t believe after 14 years this still hasn’t reached a billion views
We’re noticing it I think we’re all just choosing to ignore it

No. 2437646

>>2437629 did, and the rest of us are trying to teleport to a timeline where that doesn't exist

No. 2437659>>2437663

Yeah but Katy didn't dress her??? How is it Katy's fault?

No. 2437663>>2437665

Got enough question marks champ? You sure do take this stuff personally.

No. 2437665>>2437669

There's not a global shortage of question marks I can use as many as I'd like?????? See I just used a bunch and nothing happened

No. 2437669>>2437675

Nonna no. Now I don't have enough question marks to last through the week. How am I supposed to deal with this

No. 2437675

I'm so sorry I didn't realize my actions had consequences I'm crying now this is just like Venezuela

No. 2437677>>2437688>>2437697>>2437735>>2437852

The users here are so tragically unfunny, I get second hand embarrassment. Going to be that nona and say anons were a lot funnier prior to the last few years.

No. 2437678>>2437683>>2437692>>2437696>>2439824

File (hide): 1741573996147.mp4 (3.08 MB, 720x1280, 1998087665.mp4) [play once] [loop]

can katy fans explain why is she like this…

No. 2437683

Holy shit. This is so embarrassing it hurts me. Not a fan but I guess coke and alcohol

No. 2437688

The lolcow's own caps thread is dire.

No. 2437692>>2437693

Can someone explain why she has a nipple piercing pocking through her shirt

No. 2437693

because only wearing a white tshirt without nipple piercing holes is too boring apparently

No. 2437696

This is how weegeetards sound

No. 2437697

All the funny anons left

No. 2437703

I mean, brief fan meet-ups aren't the gotcha you think you are, assuming that is one. but I do want to add that the "breed me" shirt reminds me of the nonna that claimed Katy is an elegant class act that has inspired tens of millions of girls to aspire to greatness instead of being trashy and going to clubs like her superstar peers allegedly encourage.

No. 2437705

I'm just surprised so many anons have such basic ass taste.

No. 2437711>>2437714

Peeing in the shower is gross.

No. 2437712

This song is mid.

No. 2437714>>2439212

No. 2437716>>2439994

what in the baby prostitute…

No. 2437719

Katy fell off so fucking hard, I still had respect for her when she did the Vegas residency. Not anymore. She shouldn't had come back.

No. 2437723>>2437732>>2437763>>2438172

People on social media really believe they have hyperfixations because the algorithm knows them too much, so it makes sense that lots of people will nowadays think they're autistic, everything is made for people to get exhausted after spending hours using their phones and it makes them unable to socialize normally and drains people's social batteries because you've been socializing all day long, of course at some point you will feel tired even if you were just sending random memes to your friends.

No. 2437732

File (hide): 1741576117516.jpg (134.57 KB, 1170x1137, 6bc.jpg)

This is the truth

No. 2437735

This post was authored by someone with severe social media brain.

No. 2437763

Every single person who calls themselves audhd are just extremely histrionic imo

No. 2437781>>2437807>>2437826>>2437844>>2437916

probably not an unpopular opinion but I think Twisted Wonderland has one of the dumbest concepts and it's incredibly cringe whenever anons post about it. like I'm not telling anyone to play anything highbrow but harry potter disney schoolboy furries is for middle school girls

No. 2437807

What do you mean? I think it's fun, plus there's another otome game about going to a magical school where there's lots of hot guys like Wizardess heart.
Like, Twisted Wonderland mixes all of the shit everyone likes
>Harry potter
>bishified Disney guys
>genderbent bishified Disney characters
>"I can fix him" bad guys gallore
>reverse harem
>some fujo/implied fujo sprinkles
>catboys and dogboys

No. 2437826

File (hide): 1741579167299.jpg (54.25 KB, 489x600, Leona.Kingscholar.600.2916370.…)

Can't hear you over my sexy harem

No. 2437828

"sneed me" would have been ebin and style

No. 2437832>>2437841>>2437859>>2437874>>2438619

File (hide): 1741579271863.webm (655.19 KB, 640x640, 1659841614141780.webm) [play once] [loop]

not true

No. 2437841

Wow how she hauls him, absolute queen

No. 2437844

File (hide): 1741579753970.webp (105.62 KB, 1046x1200, IMG_1730.webp)

I love all the silly little disney fags in the game, IDC. its retarded and thats what makes it so much fun. its the best big fujo series we currently have.

No. 2437852

If you're talking about the post above you yeah, it's redditor humor.

No. 2437859

She truly wiped the floors with him.

No. 2437874

KEKK that's the kind of shit I'm talking about!! I love her, I hope that moid cries whenever he remembers this.

No. 2437916

I back up the other nonnas, that is part of the appeal and it was designed by a woman who likely saw it as personal wish fulfillment. main reason why i fell off of it is because i find the gacha annoying and events boring, but it was nice seeing newer well-made Disney inspired stuff that isn't the annoying live action remakes or terrible 3D like Wish for once. and beyond that, romantic fantasy is a huge genre right now in novels among women with many of those novels being deeply immature even when they have sexual content. lots of women are gonna lap up escapist and fruity fantasy no matter the quality or form.

No. 2437975>>2437976>>2437984

When I first started watching anime, I was amazed by how attractive the male characters were. Even in shonen and seinen stuff the male characters are attractive. Growing up with American cartoons, male characters were almost always ugly, average, or funny looking. I don't know if this opinion is unpopular but does anyone else feel this way about anime?

No. 2437976>>2437983

No, I agree. Anime at least tries (not so often nowadays) to make their male characters attractive because they know that women and girls make up a large amount of fans who buy merchandise of their husbando. Most Western animation is still focused on kids (and usually little boys) and the toy industry. It's hard to sell action figures of Bishie #5689 as opposed to Mega Ultra Zord with a jetpack.

No. 2437983>>2438056

Whenever people talk about getting crushes on characters or getting weird fetishes from the cartoons they watched growing up, I could never relate. I just never saw cartoon characters like that. When Avatar first came out, a lot of girls gushed over Zuko, but I didn't get the appeal since I never found male characters from American cartoons attractive. It wasn't until I watched Hetalia at age 13 that I actually found an animated male character attractive for once.

No. 2437984

Depends on what you're watching tbh. Majority of the western shows I grew up with had hot or cute dudes. My current husbando is from a western show. But it's also up to taste and preference, I like more pronounced features, and anime style character are usually more bland due to the simpler art style.

No. 2438054>>2438077>>2438219

I wonder if neurotypical kids being socialized by autistic kids in online spaces is contributing to a rise in psuedo-autism.

No. 2438056>>2438476

>hetalia is anon’s sexual awakening
What character did you find cute nona, I’m so curious.

No. 2438077>>2438102>>2438219

Neurotypical kids are out in the real world having sleepovers and doing sports and extracurricular activities, not being raised on the internet

No. 2438102>>2438112

If only this were true. Any teacher will tell you the modern day classroom is completely overrun by cellphone usage.

No. 2438112

Oh yeah, forgot younger gen alpha were a thing.

No. 2438172>>2438180

Real. More ridiculous even, people who believe their inability to focus and short attention span is due to adhd. Because watching 35-second videos for five hours a day is completely unrelated. Or people who use extremely common feelings/situations (e.g. a messy room, a lack of motivation) to self-diag two mental illnesses and never try to improve or take some responsibility ever again.

No. 2438180>>2438196

My friend likes to insist that I have ADHD, and doesn't seem to believe that no, I just fried my attention span watching too much Youtube during the pandemic. Wouldn't be surprised if other folks are getting pressured into thinking there's something wrong with them by their friends or the wider internet social culture.

No. 2438195

Thank you for informing the class that you are: Terminally online, not diagnosed with one or both conditions, desperate for attention and equally desperate to avoid any and all responsibility, and inclined to speak over every autistic or ADHDer because they can't understand your full neurospicy experience.

No. 2438196>>2438197

Chances are you did anon, like most of us. Even if it's not tiktok, we all use our phones while doing something else etc. It's not surprising that suddenly everyone and their mom reports having adhd and autism. And yes as you said there's also either pressure or wanting to find a community leading people to just lean into it.

No. 2438197>>2438202>>2438224

That's what I'm saying, I did fry my attention span watching Youtube during the pandemic. My friend just doesn't believe that reasoning and keeps insisting it's ADHD. I imagine some others are in a similar place, and they aren't all telling their friends to stfu and stop being a retard.

No. 2438201>>2438212>>2438470

The mods don’t like the users here and I can’t wait for the next 2 years when this website is completely dead and they have to shut it down

No. 2438202

Yes I understood what you meant. Sorry if my reply was confusing!

No. 2438212

What did you get banned for kek

No. 2438219

Just say normal.

No. 2438224>>2438256>>2438345

The mods here have political preferences in their bans also. Can’t wait till this site is dead in the water.

No. 2438248>>2438259>>2438354

Pick me genes evolved to guarantee the survival of women in male dominated societies, pick mes are more likely to get positive attention from men (shelter, goods, protection) and it's near impossible to change the genetic material right now. It's too deeply ingrained in women, closely linked to our mating instincts. It's like teaching a rooster to not crow and fight.

No. 2438256

It will happen soon enough, thankfully.

No. 2438259>>2438499

Acthully they aren’t and this very site is full of accounts of pickmes getting fucked over, ditched, shafted and left with nothing. Even Elon musk was truly buckbroken by amber, not any of his concubines. Women’s brains probably did evolve to get colonized by their (especially male) offspring althougheverbeit so you’re kinda right.

No. 2438345

Real. I love getting banned for saying trump and conservatives aren't evil but all the people who say they are evil and everybody who likes them is retarded are fine apparently. Very fair

No. 2438354>>2438499

Nah, it gets you some short-term simpbux from men and makes it easier to find a low-quality partner, but ultimately being a doormat to men will fuck you over. We have extensive proof of this on this very site and the other farms.

No. 2438470

No. 2438476>>2438523>>2438591

File (hide): 1741630656394.jpg (67.69 KB, 542x700, Axis_Powers_Hetalia_Arthur_Kir…)

Arthur Kirkland. I thought he was so fucking handsome. I loved pirate Arthur and punk Arthur.

No. 2438499

What types of women are the ones who are better off in society though? Also, pickme doesn't need to be full blown pearl types, some of it is more subtle like putting holding women to higher standards while letting scrotes do whatever they want

No. 2438523

File (hide): 1741632359076.jpeg (833.47 KB, 1125x1697, 3EBA5121-6A68-4E33-BC24-349ACA…)

Kek, based taste nonny. Arthur is a total cutie so I understand where you’re coming from.

No. 2438525>>2438628>>2438633>>2438707

This site feels so boring now. Maybe I've outgrown imageboards. The internet as a whole is pretty boring.

No. 2438591

Anon, I fucking love you.

No. 2438619>>2438642

File (hide): 1741637429920.webp (190.25 KB, 1200x900, IMG_9820.webp)

Based based. I am pro-separatism (I believe that is what the argument was about?) but people who genuinely try to argue that women are weak children just because sexual dimorphism exists are as dumb as troons who say men can become as strong as women are. Women can definitely knock down males if the circumstances of the fight are in their favor. I see a lot of debate about women in the military and in physically demanding jobs. When moids were sent to war, women would always take the hard jobs. They did fine, except for the fact that they were never recognized years later and were believed to have just stayed home. Women defending their land means defending themselves. Making them do nothing instead of work or fight leaves them vulnerable. It’s insanely laughable that people think women in these jobs look like your average 120lb woman too, they’re usually built. Or at least have a good build for whatever their role is. Women have great eyes too, they make amazing snipers.It’s important to recognize sexual dimorphism but it as important to recognize that women were built to hunt and endure. Anyways, sorry for that spergout I’m just tired of people treating moids like they’re super saiyans. Some are really strong, some just aren’t. Strength should be promoted in women no matter what.

No. 2438628

Yeh, same.

No. 2438633

They fucked up doing the mass ban thing a few months ago

No. 2438642>>2438654

No one was arguing that women were so weak that they couldn't do demanding jobs. They were talking about women in physical fights with men and how sexual dimorphism favors men in that context. It's important to be aware of. Cool they used weapons, cool they were capable of doing physical labor, but that wasn't really relevant. But I do like that you guys pointed out that women are also predator animals like men, they can also be dangerous hunters in nature. Women do underestimate how strong they could be.

No. 2438654

File (hide): 1741639854293.jpeg (52.85 KB, 267x400, IMG_9822.jpeg)

I did mention women in fights with males though, they can knock men down. Your average woman is much smaller than your average man but it’s not just because of sexual dimorphism. Women starve themselves, focus on areas like their glutes, don’t train, etc etc. Of course, most of the time a male will win against a woman in a fight. I never disagreed with that. I said I believe that we should recognize sexual dimorphism and the fact that women are predators (thank you for also acknowledging that). My argument is that I just think the extent of dimorphism is kind of misinterpreted because of other factors that weaken women. It’s just treating males like they’re that strong that activates the autism in me. I do agree that in heterosexual relationships and sex, males are often privileged and have power over the woman. Women should avoid being pick-me’s. Most of the time males across many species are stronger than females because of intrasexual competition, males are more impulsive, so they become violent towards women too. I brought up the military and physically demanding jobs because males often try to exclude women from them legally to keep women weak and in the home. The real mind fuck with heterosexual relationships isn’t even the fact that the moid could knock the woman down, that’s why I also dislike that being brought up when arguing for separatism, it’s the fact that they want to leave the woman vulnerable. I hope you can understand what I am saying

No. 2438697>>2438708>>2438715>>2438798

File (hide): 1741641346296.webp (110.59 KB, 1080x1384, IMG_5609.webp)

I don’t think Bonnie blue is the way she is because she was traumatized or something, I think she just has anti personality disorder or is a narcissist. Idk what it is about her but just looking in her eyes, she seems like she would’ve been a serial killer if she wasnt born a pretty blonde woman.

No. 2438707>>2438741>>2438761>>2438764>>2438775>>2438810>>2439770

Kiwifarms doesn’t tell women how to speak and act so that’s probably why it’s more popular/entertaining than this place

No. 2438708>>2438717

That's a pretty accurate assessment for most sex workers in the western world who only do online sex work tbf. Personally, i feel like the cliche of the traumatised sex worker only applies to in person prostitutes who probably sleep with men purely to get drugs or something.

No. 2438715

This kind of person used to look really enviable in black and white. Shame

No. 2438717>>2438730

I think most of them genuinely enjoy the “positive” attention from men

No. 2438730

I've always felt that way too, especially reading through cow threads of sex workers. A lot of them don't even make more than a lot of mcdonalds workers and claim 9-5s are degrading, it's highly likely getting creeped on by nasty men actually makes them happy because their brains are badly wired to begin with, trauma be damned. I hate to bring up Shayna, but she is the perfect example of this, she uses sex work to chase the high of being famous on tumblr.

No. 2438741

They do however have a seething hatred for women, blacks, and the Jews though. Also kiwi would be bearable if they would just delete the mile long blogposts kiwi autists insist on posting.

No. 2438761>>2438788

I don't think that's the reason it's popular. But anons who complain about LC should try out kf. The beauty parlor has similar cows to here

No. 2438764>>2438854>>2439765>>2439770>>2439780

Kf is a much better site, you don't get accused of being a moid for having a conservative or slightly less popular opinion. The average quality of discussion is a lot higher as well. I only come here for cows that didn't take off on kf.

No. 2438775

I wish every person who thinks KF is better would go to KF and stay there. God I hate Kiwifags so much stop importing your board culture that no one wants. Free updoots for saying nigger as many times as you can

No. 2438788>>2438796>>2438806

There are some cows there that I wish were popular here. Other than that I prefer site culture here, I feel like the average nona and I have more in common than the average KF BP user and I do. Also I don’t think their memes are funny

No. 2438796>>2438915

Can I ask which cows? I'm always curious about the difference.

No. 2438798

Looks like a tranny

No. 2438806>>2438828

I get that. My main gripe is how they're allowed to derail a thread for hours or days, and so much useless shit in between milky post. And yeah they're extremely unfunny

No. 2438810

File (hide): 1741645727325.png (194.58 KB, 1440x1442, 1655406680965.png)

>doesn't tell women how to express themselves

No. 2438828

There’s some good threads but it’s always the ones women mainly use, the chris chan threads are good too of course. The best threads are the cows that aren’t really that niche though in my opinion. The rest are just “Wouldn’t fuck her” “I want to rape sjws” “insert blog” “Niggers x300”. I actually wouldn’t even give a fuck about the occasional off hand comments/conversations if it wasn’t all they talked about. It could literally be the most random cow ever and they’d still be polisperging. But my god do they need stricter rules on derailing

No. 2438854>>2439577

>The average quality of discussion is a lot higher as well.
on what fucking planet

No. 2438900>>2438936>>2439017

Most expired food is fine as long as it's not moldy or rotten. I've eaten many things that expired years ago with zero negative consequences. I've had milk and eggs that expired weeks ago, it smelled and tasted fine and nothing bad happened.

No. 2438915

>Stephanie Cianfriglia/the Womb Wizard *
>Erin in the Morning/Anthony Reed
>Tranny Sideshows on Social Media
>Trannies posting their Ls Online *
>SRS/GRS surgeons and associated horrors *

>Samantha Violet Bushart and the Sammierverse *
>ForeverKailyin/Kailyn Wilcher
>Corissa Enneking and Juliana Aprileo *
>Kelly Lenza

Beauty Parlor:
>Jill C Noyes Rodrigues/ Rodrigues Family Ministries
>Quiverfull Movement Lolcows
>The Luna, PT, and Tophia threads are pretty good if you want to read more discussion

If it has a * it's a particular favorite of mine. As far as I can tell everything associated with Ethan Ralph and Grift Wars isn't worth the effort of reading. Honorary mention to Cynthia Hanson/WogglebugLoveProductions, an autistic woman who yumes an anthropomorphized cockroach from the Wizard of Oz.

No. 2438936

Agreed, particularly true for packaged food. I never get sick aside from the sniffles once a year, definitely never get any stomach problems, and I totally credit my iron stomach and immune system of steel to my indiscriminate eating habits. Corporations are over-cautious with expiry dates because they are so wary of liability, but it's generally fine. I live near a couple of discount warehouses that stock cheap food rejected by big supermarkets, usually they're short dated but they're still clearly safe and legal to sell.

No. 2439017

Eggs last like 3 months in the fridge and nobody knows this. I've gotten stomachaches from old expired food like granola so I definitely disagree with what you're saying

No. 2439122

I wish more choreographed dances were actually on beat/rhythm instead of trying to convey the lyrics through movements. Or at least incorporating both approaches at the same time.

No. 2439130>>2439167

File (hide): 1741664512979.jpg (58.67 KB, 500x601, 1000000741.jpg)

This villager was fashioned as a purposeful dig at all the hulking burando sanrio weeaboos that infest Japan

No. 2439131>>2439140>>2439143>>2439163>>2439170>>2440022>>2440034

Believing in aliens is equally as retarded as beliving in ghosts

No. 2439140

Not retarded at all?

No. 2439143>>2440030

Disagree, aliens are compatible with science and fundamentally possible because humans are possible, if we can exist in the universe then it logically follows that another type of life could exist somewhere else under different conditions.

No. 2439163

it's platinum retarded to think we're the only place with life in the universe, but ghosts make no sense since your spirit can be reborn into the same timeline and even the same body! silly, anon.

No. 2439167

Lmfao I can see it

No. 2439170>>2439602

Boomers faced absolutely 0 adversity in their entire life and you could be almost medically retarded and still get a house and raise a family off of a single, normal salary. They literally had to make up shit to be scared about like aliens and the paranormal. Meanwhile in our gen you get replaced/displaced/spat on for literally just existing, and get to pay a massive amount of taxes if you can even find a job - in order to be able to share an apartment (paying more than 50% of your salary) and die of cancer because everything is full of plastic. That's scary enough

No. 2439212

‘Cause you’re getting piss on where you stand to wash yourself. It’s as gross as men who piss in the sink.

No. 2439217

Whether we all want to admit or not most people want what they can't have and you'll never be satisfied

No. 2439227>>2439228>>2439238>>2439260

Suicide is okay and people should be allowed to die if they please

No. 2439228>>2439233>>2439234>>2439244

Not to sound like a deep redditor but the only reason suicide is a crime is because the government has one less citizen to tax lol

No. 2439233

Basically, yes. If suicide was legal I'd be dead. Instead, I'm forced to wage.

No. 2439234

They need worker ants.

No. 2439238>>2439247

i kind of hear you but the effect a suicide has a on a family or community is literally insurmountable. i would rather stay alive being miserable than make my dad and grandma's lives a living nightmare. like i dont think you can comprehend it if it hasnt happened to you but its horrific. even if you think youre literally nobody there ARE people who would notice youre gone

No. 2439239>>2439542

File (hide): 1741674670977.mp4 (1.47 MB, 480x602, CFExFNOnfzj_AnHM.mp4) [play once] [loop]

I like this

No. 2439244>>2439246

… it's a crime?????

No. 2439246

In some countries yes. Or it'll get the police knocking at your door giving you basically the equivalent of one in the countries it isn't

No. 2439247>>2439252

What if they deserve the suffering

No. 2439252

i dont know if we can say who deserves what

No. 2439260

I see why people take the hard way out when it's easier than living
Signed a multiple time suicide attempter

No. 2439542>>2439545

Kentaro Miura died on the toilet with his pants around his ankles watching this

No. 2439545

No, Miura's favourite girl was Chihaya, the flat and depressed one.

No. 2439559>>2439565>>2439573

File (hide): 1741703939011.mp4 (9.12 MB, 752x752, 8aa0ddb8bc9e39ba7b0c729edc0a12…) [play once] [loop]

I unironically think ear rape is funny, I grew up with ytp's so I guess I'm just used to it? I'm aware that it's childish and low brow but it reminds me of better, simpler times when I was a child on the internet.
Also sound warning for the video (obviously lol)

No. 2439565

Same. If it's got some sort of shock to it, like a jumpscare or earrape, my neanderthal sense of humour will chuckle.

No. 2439573>>2439574

"stupid" humor is easily superior, much like retarded slapstick makes old and young alike kek

No. 2439574

>makes old and young alike
Old and young dumb people. I've never liked slapstick humour and I've heard the illegitimate bastard son I've given up doesn't care for it either

No. 2439577>>2439578>>2439580

People in this site are way dumber than kf, it's not even close

No. 2439578>>2439741

by "People" you mean the handful of schizos and male agitators that obsessively stalk this place right?

No. 2439580

NAYRT but I think it's just site cultural differences, you have to have an account to post on kf while lcf is an imageboard and completely anonymous. So it makes sense that people act more strangely and unhinged, if you say something retarded there is no consequence (other than penitential ban) you can just move on and no one will tie it back to you, unless you're avatarfagging or have a very distinct typing style. And I like that about lolcow, it's got that imageboard magic!

No. 2439598>>2439599

If you’re an older woman it’s pointless trying to give younger people advice or trying to prevent them from making stupid mistakes. Most young people only want advice from older men, no matter how trashy he is they’re going to follow his lead. Thats why if you’re an older woman and see a younger girl trying to date older guys, just don’t even bother intervening because they’re always going to turn it on you and make you the bad guy. Younger people only see older women as people to take care of them, not to give them advice or help.

No. 2439599>>2439606

Shut the fuck up. I love advice from wise older women and so do many other women and girls who aren’t hopelessly doompilled like you. If even one younger woman benefits from it then it was worth it.

No. 2439602

I hate pretty much all boomers that aren’t my parents. My parents took full advantage of every single privilege they were ever offered and now their children reap the reward. My bfs parents for instance have been nothing but lazy fucking leeches squandering everything they have their entire life and now they’re a financial burden to him. Boomers who have no money or property to help their families should be ritualistically killed like in midsommar.

No. 2439606>>2439609

There’s always exceptions to the rule. I noticed younger men and women always see older men as mentors and older women as just nags.

No. 2439609

It's more a fear thing. People don't want to anger older men so they nod along.

No. 2439678>>2439681

>America thread is whining about their country being taken over by oligarch dictators and how they can't afford anything
>Canada thread is whining about how all their political parties are useless, how they can't afford anything, and that moving to America would be so much better
We love to see it

No. 2439681

Who is "we"? Talk like a person and not a robot regurgitating repeated Twitter phrases.

No. 2439682>>2439701

Normalise Polyandry.

No. 2439701

I wanna be a sister wife but in a lesbian way.

No. 2439719

mental illness is rising because people are micro dosing literal torture techniques (cycling through deprivation and overstimulation) on themselves and convinced they're living normally

No. 2439741>>2439748

I've been using both sites since their inception and imageboards for much longer. I can usually tell if who I'm talking to is a moid or a foid. People on this site like to blame phantom moids all the time, probably because they fall for obvious bait from them. No, the main userbase of this site is actually just stupid on average.

No. 2439748

>unironically using "foid"
>refering to farmers as "people on this site" and "the userbase" in an attempt to distance
>praising kiwislupers who defend trump and elon's retardation
I'm afraid your condition is terminal, you just conveniently ignore all those posts on kiwifarms that get mass sticker reactions of "dumb" or "autism" etc.

No. 2439765>>2439778

Kek kiwifarms is where zoomer scrotes go to feel like they're a part of a sekret doxing club. The vibe is far more hostile and they're always fighting over stupid shit.

No. 2439770

>the site with unironic tranny jannies and /pol/tards is t-totally better, i'm a heckin conservative woman guys, we're not misogynstic i swear, ignore what you already know

No. 2439778>>2439784

All their good threads end up getting ruined by retarded moids sperging out over bullshit (usually to do with race or women or both) and asspatting eachother. I used to like them for doxxing trannies and other reprobates (still appreciate those users), but they've become hilariously biased re: politics to the point of crying over right wing rape apes getting doxxed and censoring evidence of such.

No. 2439780

Went on KF to see wtf was going on with Tophiachu and it was just nonstop racebait. Every time I check there Kiwimoids are inventing new kinds of phrenology.

No. 2439784

KF used to be like a guided tour of the zoo. Now it's like waking up in an exhibit.

No. 2439818>>2439822>>2439825>>2439829

Sounds like some of you get a lot of autistic and dumb stickers on kf.

No. 2439822

>sounds like some of you got DOWNVOOTED

No. 2439824

Genuinely wtf
>If our house is bare minimum clean you better be ready to get your dick sucked!!
I like Katy but ew

No. 2439825

>Kiwifarms has their own version of the updoot and downdoot system

No. 2439826

Thank God there's no upvotes, likes, or stickers on LC. One of the last remaining discussion sites without them.

No. 2439829>>2439830

Imagine cultivating a redditor mindset on an entirely different website, amazing.

No. 2439830

It's hilarious because Kiwifags HATE redditors and will foam at the mouth when Reddit is mentioned but are basically the same. Imagine using right-wing Reddit, how embarrassing

No. 2439970>>2439980>>2439989>>2439990>>2439991

Europeans want to hatefuck Americans so bad

No. 2439980

Hetalia yaoi ships came to life?! Life imitates art, as they say.

No. 2439989

I can't help having a feeder fetish nonnie

No. 2439990

Any European anons with this mindset out there? Call me!

No. 2439991

File (hide): 1741728848006.png (58.76 KB, 347x191, 1000033668.png)

Or maybe I want them to hatefuck me

No. 2439994>>2439995>>2439997>>2440002>>2440026

She’s a 17 year old sex worker. She sells bikini and underwear photos but she isn’t on only fans yet because she’s too young. Katy Perry knows who she is and still posted with her on instagram anyway but most celebrities women problem don’t see this stuff as a problem since they have been selling sex since the same age

No. 2439995

Seeing videos like this makes me want to say something NLOG-y. I hate normies and attention seekers

No. 2439997

>17 year old sex worker
Armageddon can't come fast enough.

No. 2440002>>2440026


Sorry for being a newb here but is there a bigger thread on this situation? I recently learned about it and was fuming. Her family and every one of those people around her are evil and deserve prison

No. 2440022

I don’t think the type of aliens we imagine (weird skin, big bald heads, ET style) are actually what aliens look like, but it’s obviously completely plausible that there are living beings on other planets

No. 2440026

I’m not sure if there is a piper thread, but if there are anons who are familiar with her and consider her to be milky enough for it then by all means feel free to start one up

No. 2440030

Idk I’m not really up to date with space stuff but has there been any scientific finds re:life outside of earth? I do kind of feel like earth really is just that girl and a special snowflake. Like I could believe there is ‘life’ out there but it would be like an amoeba or something

No. 2440034

You could also argue that not believing in aliens is pretty narcissistic (because the universe is freaking MASSIVE, there could easily be some form of life on other planets)

No. 2440077>>2440081>>2440106>>2440140

It's not bad to be a golddigger. People make golddiggers out to be these evil, manipulative women, but at the end of the day they are marrying grown men who sure don't make it to marriage without realizing that their wife REALLY cares about money. Sometimes women are even up-front about only caring about money. Men are not (completely) brainless, they agree to these things as much as the women do. And anyway, men are also using the woman for something too
(e.g. the social boost he gets from being with an attractive women, sex, housewife things, etc…)

No. 2440081>>2440091

I'm not against golf digging because it "hurts men" or whatever, they deserve everything they get. I'm against it because it's basically prostitution with extra steps.

No. 2440091

A woman dating/marrying a guy because of his money and a hooker putting her safety and health at risk everyday by offering $30 BJs to truckers, and then having to give her earnings to her pimp just isn't the same to me anon.

No. 2440106

It makes men think they can be a terrible person physically and mentally and still get a pretty woman and they’re not wrong. They know they can just flash a nice purse or some makeup in a woman’s face and have her groveling for a chance. The kind of men who use money to get women are usually disgusting, the men who are good looking and have money wouldn’t tolerate gold diggers because they have options.

No. 2440130>>2440139>>2440149>>2440151

Only women can be incels. Men can be ugly and still find a woman who appreciates them for their personality. If you are ugly as a woman it doesnt matter how interesting you are, men will never truly love you or pick you over stacy.

No. 2440139>>2440142>>2440160

I disagree. I have seen some homely ass women with cuties. You just have to go through the masses more than other women.

No. 2440140

I ALMOST get it if the guy in question was some sort of golden retriever type that is totally clueless and naive, but is that realistic? Nope. What's actually happening is this: the status quo normalizes power imbalance stacked against women. Many men already commodify sex and accessing women, with many finding mutual enthusiastic consent completely optional, therefore have already a digger type mindset about relationships by default. Women are subject to far more digger behavior from men in general.
However society can't indefinitely take the consequences of this unchecked greed and opportunism and still remain relatively stable, so it needs to pressure women to be relatively less transactional in spite of statistically facing more risks. It's like a MLM scam. Too many cultures obsessively try to appease a low (perhaps not the lowest) common denominator among men in spite of them being the #1 reason why societies rapidly degenerate.

No. 2440142

those women still put effort into their looks i am sure. You are not going to find a hot man with a girl that looks as unwashed as a moid.

No. 2440149

The males on incel forums who "graduate" are often butt ugly but end up easily finding a mid e-girl. Males have it easy. I also believe you must have a really small amount of romantic prospects to actually be incel. Gays, especially lesbians, end up being single until they're older due to having a really small amount of women who can actually reciprocate, same thing for gay males sometimes. unlike straight male "incels" who are just autistic and only go after neurotypical women (who scientifically do not like autists). The men in incel communities just want to larp as oppressed so they say sex is a right, they can't get that right, therefore they live in a gynocentric society.

No. 2440151>>2440161

Are you mwtally retarded

No. 2440160

File (hide): 1741735433869.jpeg (106.15 KB, 640x699, IMG_5615.jpeg)

Give one example of this then. I can give you 109393399844884 examples of this with men tho. I’ve never seen a woman as ugly as this man with a nice looking bf.

No. 2440161>>2440165


No. 2440165>>2440167

Well are you.

No. 2440167>>2440169

I am not the one that can't spell, so.

No. 2440169>>2440173

But you're the one who equates an obvious typo due to quick typing to illiteracy, so

No. 2440173

Maybe re-read your post before sending it next time.

No. 2440178

Hey now, this isn't a chatroom.

No. 2440250>>2440270

Even if you're not misandrist yourself you shouldn't attempt to stand up for men. Moids rarely step in when Andrew Tate stans and incels are having misogyny fests, why should we shut down misandrist women?

No. 2440270

Exactly. Any woman who get offended on behalf of men, misandrist or not, are just pathetic

No. 2440575>>2440577

Any man who purposely seeks out a mentally ill woman like a BPDchan and gets abused deserves it. Plus the mentally ill woman deserves to get rich off him.

No. 2440577>>2440582

Very true I hope they get falsely accused of rape and lose every penny to their name. They want to take advantage of a mentally ill person to coerce them into humiliating sex yet they end up ruining their lives. It’s poetic.

No. 2440582>>2440584>>2440585

The ones that "joke" about how mentally ill women are better in bed need to be shot. "Grippy sock girlfriend teehee" you just want someone who lacks boundaries so you can surprise rape them and say it's just your kink. Even if the woman is a raging BPDemon I'll still support her over any moid

No. 2440584

>haha I love crazy women, the hot -crazy -scale am I right?
>gets life ruined by mentally ill woman
>no, not like that!!!!

No. 2440585>>2440590>>2440591

File (hide): 1741765373158.gif (437.66 KB, 480x270, 470372203.gif)

>surprise rape
Most rape is a surprise anon. What the fuck is "grippy sock", why do idiot loser scrotes keep comparing vaginas to socks

No. 2440590>>2440592

It's a psych ward thing.
>Grippy socks, also known as-skid socks or non-slip grippy socks are given to psychiatric patients as an alternative to shoes when their own are confiscated for safety reasons
Psych wards are nicknamed grippy sock jail. But basically just fetishising psych ward patients and "crazy" girls

No. 2440591>>2440595>>2440596

File (hide): 1741765811484.png (529.05 KB, 680x738, C024510A-0736-4B37-A003-11E49B…)

Its the socks they give patients who get institutionalized in low level psych wards. Explains why you never see normiefag memes talk about how they have to take out their draw strings from their sweatpants and hoodies or how their favorite wire bra is ripped apart

No. 2440592>>2440595

I see, ty for this info nona. I thought it was bc so many have turned to intercourse with each other and the anal passage is much smoother than the vaginal canal, texturally

No. 2440595

Why's it always the twittards with the most neanderthal looking pfps posting this shit
Kek noooo ew. Tbf that's probably what they do though

No. 2440596>>2440598

This is very interesting. Wouldn't the grip parts on the top make it easier to climb smooth walls?

No. 2440598>>2440600

Kek I want a pair now so I can try. Then I'll be properly institutionalised for being a demon who can climb walls

No. 2440600>>2440602

File (hide): 1741766121855.jpeg (21.2 KB, 465x343, V8FMuka.jpeg)

Yeah me too, especially now that I know this is a thing. I've also had a sock quality issue for some time now so this could solve both dilemmas

No. 2440601>>2440603

There's no such thing as "breakfast food" or "dinner food" imo. Food is food. I understand how some foods might be more packed in energy and are preferred to be eaten at the start of the day but being treated like a demon for putting some sides of bacon on your potato and bean dinner is so weird to me

No. 2440602

Same, my socks wear out in just a month or two. I don't even wash them "wrong" or anything, fabric these days is just shit

No. 2440603>>2440604

Breakfast foods are great but it grosses me out hearing people talk about eating oatmeal or breakfast blogging in a quiet room and eating the breakfast foods on video. I didn't know I hated this until recently

No. 2440604>>2440609

Streamers eating cereal on stream is both gross and funny to me. Though I'll always be a perpetuator of the "eating cereal at 3am" meme.

No. 2440609>>2440617

This is p much the worst one for me. I don't mind if there are other sounds but it's always completely silent and they're eating in a loud/gross way. One of the olson twins said they hate the sound of people eating bananas and now I notice and hate that too. I think only "really white" families eat dinner in complete silence, like the kind who don't use loofahs or wash cloths when they shower

No. 2440617>>2440619

I can hear the milk slurping and the banana mashing in their mouth followed by crunching of weet-bix.

No. 2440619

>milk slurping
me when I go days without checking on my cows and open all their threads at the same time

No. 2441025>>2441053

Boys who are incarcerated in juvenile jail should be allowed to get into controlled fights with no objects. Staff should also be just a tad unaware when the inmates are trying to commit suicide. Sorry for the edge.
Come on, most of these boys are beyond help and will continue hurting others into adulthood. Some just go straight to adult prison once they're of age.

No. 2441053

I agree 100%

No. 2441079

Psychiatry is a cope. How come no psychiatrists is able to cure any patients? I think it’s just a cope/scam

No. 2441085>>2441093>>2441102>>2441110

A lot of women on this website have penis envy

No. 2441093

>t. some idiot that's never read freud and has no idea about what psychoanalytic terminology really signifies

No. 2441102

File (hide): 1741801938567.jpg (57.51 KB, 474x671, OIP (60).jpg)

>t. crack junkie

No. 2441110>>2441141

true, i wish this could be me

No. 2441141

I kek'd irl

No. 2441241>>2441286

It doesn’t make sense to me why anons would rather have threads they don’t like deleted, rather than just hiding them. It makes me think maybe they’re jealous that their posts don’t get responses(for example people who cry about being depressed etc in the vent thread and get no response).

No. 2441286

That would make sense if it weren't for the fact that certain threads attract outsiders that bait and shit-stir (like this one, the Luigi thread, etc.). That's the real reason I think anons want threads like this one shut down.

No. 2441294

File (hide): 1741809824298.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1284x2189, IMG_5629.jpeg)

Being ugly has its perks. I used to be so jealous of the pretty weeaboo girls who could post pictures and videos and get tons of attention but if I did it I would get roasted. Now I’m glad I was never a part of that group because imagine turning 35, and you want to become a dental assistant or work at a law firm and you have shit like this all over the net and your employer or coworkers see it. Life ruined forever.

No. 2441302>>2441308

I know she's disgusting and had serious issues but I can't help but find bonnie blue very attractive.

No. 2441308>>2441320>>2441624>>2441829

File (hide): 1741810470653.jpeg (82.28 KB, 636x382, IMG_5630.jpeg)

She is pretty but obviously lying about her age. I’d say she’s 30-35

No. 2441320>>2441324

In the photo someone posted yesterday she looked about that age. She looks like she's in her 50s and trying to stimulate her bloated russian oligarch husband in the denim twat shots

No. 2441324>>2441341>>2441628

File (hide): 1741811007376.jpeg (133.96 KB, 634x793, IMG_5631.jpeg)

She said she’s 25. Don’t believe that for a second. I don’t mind her because she irritates people by constantly boasting about fucking college boys. It’s funny seeing normies cry about how she’s a predator lol

No. 2441341

Her body looks young tho and she legitimately did look like a hardened 20-something in the other pic I saw. Maybe she's just fucked up genetically and trying to make the best of life while she still has time. I would probably act this way if I were aging at rapid speed too

No. 2441350>>2441365>>2441909>>2441912

File (hide): 1741812381216.png (987.81 KB, 1200x800, IMG_5632.png)

Her body looks like a woman in her 30s to me. Plus the fact she’s been married and had an established career as a recruitment consultant before all this makes me think she’s not being honest, the math of her life history doesn’t make sense. Right is when she was married….she looks like she was actually 25 then. I get why she lies though because the porn industry prefers younger.

No. 2441365

Sabrina Carpenter + empathchan = this person. I agree tho, she is lying

No. 2441624

Isn't her "older" face just plastic surgery? It's obvious she's got shit done regardless of her actual age

No. 2441628

She's still ridiculous for saying men should cheat on their wives with her though.

No. 2441829

She looks like a skeleton. Are you ok?

No. 2441842>>2441878>>2441905>>2441911>>2441920>>2441959

File (hide): 1741832710656.jpg (86.7 KB, 736x981, 1000049349.jpg)

It will never not be weird for me how non Japanese, +20 years old on TikTok are buying these overly expensive backpacks made for little children, JAPANESE little children. I remember a fatso adult in my non-Japanese tropical country with that other aliexpress pink strawberry small backpack in her huge back I legit couldn't hold my disgusted expression. Cutecore is the bleakest "aesthetic" out there, is just pedophilic Manga and white girls squeezing themselves in mezzo piano shit. Ew.

No. 2441878

I don’t wtf cute core is but wearing kids backpacks has literally always been a trend tbh

No. 2441884

Moids cheat seconds after getting married too.

No. 2441888>>2441907

The alternative to being pumped and dumped is becoming his live-in housemaid fleshlight? No thanks

No. 2441905>>2441957

File (hide): 1741840145309.png (219.6 KB, 363x470, Screenshot 2025-03-13 002514.p…)

I never understand why some people get mad about adults wearing these bags. Without the context of the bags being made for japanese children, i don't see how it's an issue for an adult to want to use them. I think the pic you posted looks cute and i can see why somebody would want to buy it, plus it's just a nice practical backpack that looks to be of good construction. The bag in pic related was initially designed for children yet adults still use them and there's no backlash on that. Also i see regular adults and older teenagers wearing those cheap avengers backpacks blatantly made for little kids, and nobody says anything. I just don't understand why some anons care so much, it's quite different to squeezing into actual childrens clothes and ddlg.

No. 2441907>>2441913>>2441915>>2441963>>2441978>>2442050>>2442052>>2442146

I feel so sad when I read posts like this. Are these the only experiences you guys have had? No ones ever been begging to honor you?

No. 2441908>>2441912>>2442268

Not everyone needs to bathe everyday. I can go a week without showering and not stink. Showering everyday is just a way for companies to sell all their useless skin care and lotions to dry out your skin.

No. 2441909

She looks like a demon in human form.

No. 2441911

I wear and make stuffed animal backpacks and there is nothing pedophilic about that, what the fuck kind of logic is this?

No. 2441912

I live the same way tbh, i don’t bathe every single day
this does not look like a real human?

No. 2441913>>2441918

>begging to honour you
Yes it’s an honour to be the one to scrub the shit stains out of a man’s draws for the rest of your life..
Fuck off scrote.

No. 2441915>>2441917>>2441918>>2441943>>2441949

I have that, and we're married, and it's awesome. I'm always getting my way.

No. 2441917>>2441919>>2441921

>I’m always getting my way teeheee!
Women don’t talk like this. Go and wash your balls, nobody is falling for it.(infighting)

No. 2441918>>2441922

Anon what are you talking about…? When I say begging to honor you I mean treat you right and love you with their whole being. It sounds to me like what you’re describing is an abusive relationship.
Kek thats wonderful

No. 2441919>>2441922

I love when anons tell us all how women are supposed to speak kek

No. 2441920>>2441923

Didn't expect anons to disagree with this, I only see pedo pandering e-girls wear these

No. 2441921

>women are only allowed to speak a certain way
kek go back

No. 2441922>>2441926

Stop samefagging and go contribute to the rates.

No. 2441923>>2442844

Maybe go outside once in a while

No. 2441925

Unhinged behaviour from the scrotefoilers.

No. 2441926>>2441927>>2441928

It always makes me laugh when tards who just want to infight accuse everyone (usually several people) whos disagreeing with them of just being the same person lol. I can only imagine how much funnier it is for the farmhands who can actually see the separate post histories

No. 2441927>>2441929>>2441931>>2441932>>2441935>>2441940

Yeah ok we all just need to find a man to honour us, because as women we are inherently dishonourable. FUCK OFF SCROTE.(retard)

No. 2441928

What's really amazing to me is that an off topic board for women only is so obsessed with policing the behaviour of other women. You can't even wear a backpack, apparently kek

No. 2441929

>we all just need to find a man to honour us, because as women we are inherently dishonourable
Where did this even come from?

No. 2441931

You know you have to be 18+ to post here, right? You should act like it.

No. 2441932>>2441936

>OP says it makes her sad to see so many anons have been treated poorly
take your meds pls

No. 2441935

this comment just reminded me that alphoids are like 14 now and know how to navigate to lolcow…oh dear god

No. 2441936>>2441940>>2441953

File (hide): 1741841215926.jpeg (450.7 KB, 869x1026, IMG_1133.jpeg)

This is who you’re replying to. You realise this site is infested with scrote and trad larpers? Get a fucking clue

No. 2441940>>2441943

NTA but just to clarify are you saying OP from the “why by the cow” post is the same anon as >>2441927 ?
Dang. It must be weird to be a man and be typing out “fuck off scrote” kek..

No. 2441943>>2441946>>2441949

Where on earth did you get that from? That I’m implying that? No the latter post is mine.
This post >>2441915
Is the same person as the “why buy the cow” anon.
Either way what’s your explanation ? For dog piling me when it’s an obvious scrote/trad larper?

No. 2441946>>2441948

>Where on earth did you get that from
Not to be rude anon but you responded to my post saying “this is who you’re replying to” and then included an image of the why buy the cow post..

No. 2441948>>2441952>>2441953>>2441968

Maybe I should have said “this is who you’re defending”
Have fun being chums with all the scrote and trad larpers I guess.

No. 2441949>>2441956

What? I'm >>2441915 and I definitely did not post that trad wife shit, my husband and I had sex before we married. It's so stupid to try and tinfoil who is who, how long have you been using imageboards? You need to chill out

No. 2441952

I’m not even the anon from the post you were responding to. Thats why my post says NTA at the beginning..

No. 2441953>>2441962

hey i’m the post you tagged and how the hell is saying take your meds to someone who’s acting crazy defending them LMAO what?

No. 2441956>>2441958>>2441963

File (hide): 1741842093681.jpeg (186.61 KB, 869x988, IMG_1133.jpeg)

So why did you respond to them?
You people are dumb as fuck. Accusing me of being a newfag. How could you not sniff the tradlarpery out a mile away?

No. 2441957>>2441959

File (hide): 1741842108515.jpeg (58.94 KB, 800x800, IMG_9901.jpeg)

Nta but it's impossible to know what these are enough to want one without also knowing they're for children. The only exposure they get outside of their purpose is scrotet anime if not outright loli porn. It's also not like a seeing a random Disney princess bag that could be resized for adults because they're (a very pricy) part of the uniform. I'm a Bong and I always explain it would be like trying to make these bookbags for primary schoolkids into a thing, they're either a pedo or pandering. If an adult wanted a sturdy leather bag in a similar style there are plenty of options out there without resorting to A) buying expensive stock from Japan meant for families B) used bags already handled by a real child or (most likely) C) skeevy shops catering to fetishists by cranking out cheap imitations.

No. 2441958

ntayrt but once again how is just responding to a post defending them? you’re incoherent

No. 2441959>>2441982

Uhh that bag in your picrel is ugly as fuck and >>2441842 is cute and stylish and well made. It's just an objectively nice bag.

No. 2441962>>2441965

MALE(report and ignore)

No. 2441963>>2441972

I responded to >>2441907 not the post you keep screenshotting, what the fuck

No. 2441965>>2441966

i’m not even sure what this response is supposed to mean. you think i’m male? or you think the person i was responding to in both of my original posts are male kek? care to elaborate anon

No. 2441966

I think that anon is just trying to kick up dust, to be honest. It's just a little bit too comical with the all caps.

No. 2441968>>2441970>>2441971>>2441972>>2441974>>2441981>>2441993

I’m glad I’m not the only one noticing how many males and tradthots are running around here with their obvious baiting and defending scrote shit. Last time an anon mentioned how creepy it was for men to post pictures of young looking women with children as a way to show how great being a trad was but all the men only cared about how child like she looked and not the fact she was a mother. Men purposely responded with shit like “so its bad to be married now huh!??” While ignoring the obvious pedobaiting xitterfags use to rake in engagement because retarded moids can’t dream of starting a family with a woman over the age of 15. The vpn bans can’t come soon enough

No. 2441970

Here we go again with the acacia brinley trad meme
>The VPN bans can’t come soon enough
Yes, and I’m thrilled for them so we can stop having our threads shit up with schizophrenic diary entries like this one ♥

No. 2441971>>2441976

Crazy to me that despite yourself being seeming coherent you stick up for a poster who is obviously very confused. Like, some of you are just so weird it's outside of my grasp.

No. 2441972>>2441977>>2441978

That post is the same trad larpery as the other post, probably typed by the same stubby beta male hands
Right? Thank you I’m not the only sane person left on the site. They are so fucking dumb to fall for it.

No. 2441974>>2442012

nta but who keeps acting like A looked like a child in that picture? she looks like a woman in her early 20s. i have no idea why you think 21 year old women are supposed to look like kylie jenner

No. 2441976>>2441977>>2441979

Fuck off trad larper and go worship Elons botched penile implant on X.

No. 2441977

These aren't healthy responses, you need to get offline for a while.

No. 2441978>>2441980

NTAYRT but I am the person who wrote >>2441907 and I don’t understand what the hell is traditionalist at all about being in a healthy, happy relationship where you’re treated with care and not pumped and dumped, as you described? Most tradfags don’t give a fuck about treating their wives and gfs lovingly.

No. 2441979

Why does the term trad keep coming up? Really the only trad post during this whole discussion was the "why buy the cow don’t have sex before marriage” post

No. 2441980

Nona just leave it, they're purposefully trying to get anons worked up because they're bored.

No. 2441981>>2441985>>2441990

Why don't they just move to the middle east and join a caliphate if they want that? American/european women poison scrotes when they try this. I don't know why this isn't discussed more in the ~history community~. Lurking scrotes, you will be poisoned almost immediately in a handmaid's tale scenario bc "your" women won't ever tolerate it, they literally don't have it in them. The most accurate part of that book/movie was the pedo husband being poisoned by his wife slowly over time until he went crazy and died. Every single time moids try this, it is what happens. Maybe we should allow it Idk, they won't shut up about it

No. 2441982>>2441988

File (hide): 1741843097655.jpeg (101.27 KB, 1000x715, C1F108F0-90D5-4919-A6AE-87D658…)

A bulky bag like that is meant to carry school books, not whatever animecore or jojifuku shit you bought on aliexpress. How old are you if you think bags meant for kids look good on adult women?

No. 2441985>>2441987

>man i wish anons here were treated better in their relationships
>lurking scrote, you will be poisoned immediately in your handmaids tale scenario
literal psychosis

No. 2441987>>2441991>>2441992

We're not in the "post like a moid" thread so I'm not sure why you're responding to me or in this manner. Can you please go back to /m/? I'm sure several new lolis have appeared by now

No. 2441988

That isn't even the same kind of bag anon. The bag in the original post is completely rectangular and looks more like a messenger bag. Regardless, it's a backpack. Grow up.

No. 2441990>>2441993

What is this schizo babble

No. 2441991

NTA but it made me kek that she greentexted words you posted and your response to that was “you sound like a moid”…to a sentence you posted lmfaoo. The jokes write themselves with this one.

No. 2441992

what the heck is moidish about either of those sentences though

No. 2441993>>2441994>>2441995>>2442003

Are you pretending to be a new person or are there two retards active in the thread specifically dedicated to retards?

American and European women poison American and European moids when they try to larp as muslim control freaks. I know that in addition to never understanding anything, the idiots in this thread also can't keep up with dialogue so here is the post I was responding to, moron >>2441968

No. 2441994>>2441996

Anon what the fuck does this have to do with anything being talk about here??

No. 2441995>>2441998

No we can see who you’re responding to its just that what you’re saying doesn’t make any sense and is basically derailing at this point

No. 2441996>>2441999

Why do you need me to take your hand and draw the connection between trad-obsessed incels and muslim scrotes? Why is this so hard for you?

No. 2441998>>2442002>>2442003

>I don't understand anything so it's derailing durrrr

No. 2441999

Because you've gone totally off the rails and are taking your scrotefoiling to new heights of crazy

No. 2442000>>2442004>>2442009

Fuck it, turn the vpn ban on imo. We'll suddenly have a lot less "confused" women on lc, which means I don't have to take time out of my day to "explain" basic concepts and ideas anymore

No. 2442002>>2442005

No anon, whats derailing is you getting unnecessarily angry at my initial post being disappointed that so many anons seem to have been treated carelessly, and then trying to turn it into something about muslim men? Yeah that does kinda qualify as derailing

No. 2442003

have you considered logging off

No. 2442004

So self righteous lmfao

No. 2442005>>2442007>>2442008>>2442011

>defending muslim moids
>I'm doing it for the women!

No. 2442006

I've got several virtual machines open all with windows of this thread and I am planning strategic samefags all just to fuck with this one anon.

No. 2442007

What? This response doesn’t even make any sense?

No. 2442008>>2442013

What?? I'm just laughing at this point

No. 2442009

>I don’t have to take time out of my day to explain basic concepts
Well yeah you don’t have to be on lolcow right now, you can close your tab because it seems like its upsetting you kek

No. 2442011

i know schizochans having a tantrum is funny for like 20 minutes but i wish we had a more effective reporting system that resulted in farmhands and administration being notified

No. 2442012>>2442014>>2442017

the xitter thread that posted the photo with the young woman and her baby shows that males are face blind and obviously want to live out their pedo fantasy. They purposefully choose women whose looks can make their age seem ambiguous to them so they can dream about child brides while seeming trad or deflecting it to wanting a wife to birth their child. A woman can look really young and still be in her mid to late 20s and other women can acknowledge that like other anons here but moids see a young woman and take it at face value that she is underage because to them that is the only reason she is attractive. Men have always conflated beauty with being a child and constantly use that as cope because males hit the wall at the speed of light so they can’t believe a woman can be an adult and be beautiful. Its not obvious at first but looking at the way men respond to those posts you can see what they really mean, its like pedos who use butterflys and swirls in their shit to signal to other pedos

No. 2442013>>2442015>>2442018

I'm just trying to figure out if there are actually multiple women who can't figure out the connection between incel trad larpers and muslim culture in the middle east. Is it that I said moids could be harmed in a fictional scenario that triggered so many of you at once? Again, we are in the retard thread

No. 2442014>>2442028

I’m not saying this to be flippant but if you think Acacia Brinley looks like a literal child in the photo of her with her baby, I think theres a possibility you could be the one suffering from faceblindness kek

No. 2442015

But this discussion isn’t about muslim culture in the middle east and hasn’t been the whole time, until you brought it up less than 10 minutes ago. It doesn’t make us retarded to not be following along with thoughts in your head.

No. 2442017

>They purposefully choose women whose looks can make their age seem ambiguous
you have got to be kidding me KEEEKK, looking at that photo you can see acacia is in her 20’s. she does not look like a child or teenager. please get real.

No. 2442018>>2442023

Anon that isn't the point, it's that muslim moids have nothing to do with the discussion at all, you're the one who brought it up unprompted in the middle of all of this and are now accusing anons of defending muslim men because they don't understand why you're even talking about it.

No. 2442019

Kekk sorry nona, I hope you had a good evening during all this!

No. 2442020

i love this donald glover gif

No. 2442021

Don’t even engage with scrote or trad larpers except to report, outright insult or tell them to fuck off. They don’t have jobs (that goes for the so called provider scrotes too kek) so will literally argue and larp for days on end.

No. 2442022

if you are someone who thinks acacia looks like a young teenager in that picture, then i think we should take a field trip to the local middle or high school so you can see what teenagers are looking like with this generation. if you see a 12 year old it’ll make me laugh when you shriek “she looks 5!!” kek

No. 2442023>>2442024>>2442027>>2442032>>2442033

>child brides mentioned multiple times and how western scrotes want that
>child brides currently legal in the middle east
multiple retarded anons
>but where is the connection? stop derailing, i'm so confused!

No. 2442024>>2442029

Just report and ignore the scrote larpers, especially this post >>2441852

No. 2442027

File (hide): 1741844525262.png (11.03 KB, 548x58, you are actually retarded.png)

NTA but take a look at picrel kek. It hasn’t been brought up multiple times, it was brought up randomly in one single post where you’re going on a stream of consciousness rant about the middle east when the discussion we were having was about something completely different.

No. 2442028>>2442031

File (hide): 1741844538162.webp (70.73 KB, 640x772, 28EE997C-4BA7-41E8-8DDB-D240B7…)

Yeah because the photo they used of her is flitered to hell and back. She doesn’t have to look like a literal child when moids take her photo and airbrush it to make it look like shes a teen instead of using her actual photo. You can compare her candids with her instagram posts and see exactly what photos moids are more inclined to use for their tradshit. Doesn’t help that she does the same to herself and actually had to deal with cps because she left her kids to play ontop of her car while she went to take pics for her OF. Moids arent using her face for being mommy of the year they like her because she has an OF and is scared of aging

No. 2442029

I knew I smelled vinegary balls. Ty nona

No. 2442031>>2442047

the picture of her and brinley? it looks pretty much the same as when she first uploaded it

No. 2442032>>2442034

It was brought up out of the blue in the middle of another discussion anon, all I'm saying is it makes sense why anons were confused, especially when it's presumably the same anon who keeps screeching about the tradlarpers who are totally in the thread right now. You are so up your own ass it's amazing.

No. 2442033

but we weren’t talking about child brides or what western men want though

No. 2442034>>2442036>>2442038

Nah, you seem like a scrote too. No woman would get this offended by me "derailing" to remind scrotes they'll be poisoned if they go hard for their child bride goals. Anyways I'm not responding anymore so enjoy your containment sewer(report and ignore)

No. 2442035>>2442040

If everyone in this thread is a scrote except like two anons why even keep posting on the site? We're all scrotes and you're the one real woman here, it's like The Thing.

No. 2442036>>2442046

>Talking about how anons getting pumped and dumped and surviving shitty relationships is sad and they deserve better
>But nonny, child brides are legal in the middle east and that’s what Western men truly desire!
Those two things do not connect kek, that is 100% derailing

No. 2442037>>2442039

why buy the whole hog when all you want is a little sausage now and then?

No. 2442038

How does this not make you physically cringe when you type it out?

No. 2442039

No. 2442040>>2442043

i don’t know how long the scrotefoiling ban is but it should be like 2 weeks, at this point it’s just getting insane

No. 2442043>>2442044

I'm glad she's pro VPN ban for this reason

No. 2442044

I’m hoping the VPN ban does actually go through and they don’t just forget about it like the lolcow awards

No. 2442045

Mares eat oats and does eat oats but little lambs eat ivy

No. 2442046>>2442050>>2442052

>>Talking about how anons getting pumped and dumped and surviving shitty relationships is sad and they deserve better
You never said this though?. You said they deserved it and that the only way they can have honour is if they get married.

No. 2442047>>2442054>>2442058

File (hide): 1741845147834.jpeg (69.52 KB, 736x736, 9FF5E243-5AA9-4896-A32F-740BCC…)

Compare the original photo with the one that moid used and you can see what they were trying to go for. They even smoothed out the wrinkles in her hand, if they just wanted a tradwife they wouldn’t need to over filter the fuck out of a photo of an already young woman to make their point

No. 2442050

No she didn't because the anon you're replying to was >>2441907 not the pump and dump anon

No. 2442052>>2442057

>You said they deserved it and that the only way they can have honour is if they get married.
I don’t think you read my original post then anon, because this post >>2441907 says
>I feel so sad when I read posts like this. Are these the only experiences you guys have had? No ones ever been begging to honor you?
And I’ll walk you through what I mean when I say that. First, I’m expressing how much it disappoints and saddens me that my nonnies are constantly hurt, abandoned, abused, by men in their past. It does make me quite sad when I see that nonas have been pumped and dumped. That’s a shitty thing to go through, and it’s not something I want you guys to experience, because I believe you’re deserving of care and love. Secondarily, I asked the question “No ones ever been begging to honor you” not as a way of asking “no man has ever been begging to marry you” kek. Honoring your mate doesn’t only exist through marriage. Honoring or being honored by the person you love is exactly what is says, them treating you with the highest possible quality of communion that a relationship can have. It doesn’t inherently or only mean “marriage” though I do know OP’s post was about pre-marital sex. I was responding to the part of the post that’s about a moid using you for sex and then dishonorably discarding you.

No. 2442054>>2442056

but this photo looks identical to the one that you tagged anon. if you think they smoothed out her forehead wrinkles why didn’t they bother to photoshop the rest of her face lmao?

No. 2442056>>2442059

File (hide): 1741845700130.jpeg (156.25 KB, 1182x973, B230AF17-5EF6-474B-A70A-82C48D…)

She literally pink kek

No. 2442057>>2442061>>2442064>>2442068

Nobody cares trad larper I ain’t reading all of that. You’ve been samefagging and shitting this thread up with “I don’t want to get pumped and dumped!” Congrats you’ve scored a long term subscription to your scrotes mediocre chode, if that’s the only way you can find honour then you should be put down like a sick dog.

No. 2442058

NTA you can call me a retard for this but I’m not really seeing a difference other than the second photo is a little redder toned, like it was screenshotted while someone’s phone was on night mode

No. 2442059>>2442062>>2442066

kek ok but that doesn’t make her look younger or make her hand and face wrinkles/shadows disappear at all

No. 2442061

That's not the same anon as the pump and dump anon, for the forth, maybe fifth time? She doesn't even agree with pump and dump anon, your logic makes less than no sense.

No. 2442062>>2442065>>2442069

Nta but you’re grasping at straws. All of that was clearly done with the intention to make her look younger.

No. 2442064>>2442071

Telling other women they should be put down like dogs is very feminista of you nonacita.

No. 2442065

wait how am i the one grasping at straws? what straws am i grasping at by saying she looks the same. how is android night mode gonna make acacia look younger kek?

No. 2442066>>2442077>>2442081

Anon are you even a farmer if you can’t tell how shooped this is? If all you can say is the color changed then you probably believe everything you see that’s posted online is real

No. 2442068>>2442073>>2442075

I explained multiple times in my post that finding marriage isn’t the “only way you can find honor”, I said that the men you date should be begging to honor you as in they treat you in an honorable manner. It’s really not hard for all of the other users to understand.

No. 2442069

Shut uuuuup omg can you losers get a LIFE

No. 2442070>>2442077

Can someone at least post a proper side by side?

No. 2442071>>2442078>>2442082

I don’t care, they are terminally retarded and it’s the only way to ease their suffering at this point. Coming here telling us to marry scrotes in order to find honour like some fucking Muslim. All of you pickme trad larpers should be euthanised. It’s the kindest thing to do.(retard)

No. 2442073>>2442088>>2442115

I didn’t read your bullshit fucking post, you have nothing of value to say and you exist to promote chode worship.

No. 2442075

She just doubling down because it's easier for her ego to say "nuh uh I'm right" than it is to say "oh that wasn't you? my bad"

No. 2442077>>2442079>>2442081>>2442084

File (hide): 1741846265557.png (1.73 MB, 1460x1000, acacia.png)

Mostly the same to me tbh

No. 2442078

You are so dumb, you are mixing two posts together like they are one in the same when the posts weren't even agreeing with each other. And neither of those posts brought up muslims, you did.

No. 2442079>>2442085>>2442089

What would be the purpose of editing it like that except for to make her look younger? Why would they bother? Why not just post it?? Just think about it for 5 seconds….

No. 2442081

it looks to me like they didn’t really put that much effort into trying to make her look younger if that was their intent though, cause the shadows and spots on her face essentially look the same it’s jus that the first one looks like she has a super red face

No. 2442082

Also, a-logging is against the rules retard. If you're this worked up that you'd wish death on other women you seriously need to get offline. Focus on your hobbies and shit.

No. 2442084

Anon I'm going to be honest it just looks like someone took a screenshot on "comfort view" so it's a lower resolution than the original and has a strange tint.

No. 2442085

But this doesn’t really look to me like someone took the time to edit it though, it looks like a screenshot of a screenshot of a screenshot of a 9 year old photo kek, i think that could be whats effecting the images quality

No. 2442088

I'm promoting being worshipped though, thats all

No. 2442089>>2442094>>2442099>>2442101

Anon It’s retards baiting by acting dumb and being oblivious to the photo edit to get you to respond. Just let the thread die out

No. 2442094

but if it was edited then why didn’t they edit away what’s actually making her look older instead of making the photo blurrier as a whole and adding a red filter

No. 2442099

Why does it being a lower resolution because repeated screenshots not make sense to you? There is no doubt that moids are pedos but I really don't see them putting in that effort to make such miniscule changes on an image, especially when the yellowy pink tint is so unflattering?

No. 2442101

No anon we can see the differences in the photos its just that we’ve concluded that the differences in the images aren’t due to editing

No. 2442105>>2442122>>2442138

Why does everything have to be labeled as baiting or scrotes, are we not adults? Can we not disagree and talk about why without flinging shit and saying other women should be euthanized kek. It's exhausting honestly, every discussion becomes bad faith when "bait" or "scrote" gets thrown around every chance an anon gets.

No. 2442111>>2442119

I see it's gross fat fujo arguing hours. Will return when daylight rises and you dumb whores are forced back into your XXL coffins.(bait)

No. 2442112

i’ve probably said this before but I wonder how the farmhands feel when they wake up and read through all this keeek

No. 2442115

>I believe you’re deserving of care and love
>I didn’t read your bullshit fucking post, you have nothing of value to say and only promote chode worship

No. 2442119>>2442125>>2442126>>2442127

What fun and playful banter, this is the kind of affectionate sibling like interaction I come to lolcow for.

No. 2442122>>2442132

File (hide): 1741847628745.png (239.84 KB, 1496x608, 07D27783-8A25-44CA-BD7F-A9B9C4…)

We can’t have nice things because moids and trannies constantly out themselves as posting here on other sites. Some threads are definitely women only like the vaginal health threads so at least we can have that since males don’t even know what an IUD is, how hard it is to deal with pcos symptoms, or how it feels to struggle with pmdd.

No. 2442125

>me, unironically

No. 2442126>>2442127>>2442130>>2442137

If it doesn't apply then it can't hurt you. Meanwhile, there's a moody cantankerous bitch on the verge of a blood sugar crash angrily thumping away at her keyboard with her sausage fingers rapidly jumping between threads to complain and cry. She needs some juice and a snackie.

No. 2442127>>2442129>>2442130

>i'm too sensitive and triggered for lc and everyone who notices is fat!!1

No. 2442129>>2442130>>2442133>>2442135

You felt seen huh big girl

No. 2442130

I can't take any of you seriously kek

No. 2442132>>2442136>>2442204

Literally wtf is the point of secretly maleposting? I can understand lurking to see what women talking about, I can understand that moids post obvious bait because harassing women online is their bread and butter, but what exactly would they get out of integrating and participating in these threads undetected? An ego boost from 'getting away with it'? I love lolcow because I am a woman who relates to other women, men cannot relate and surely would enjoy imageboards for men more.

No. 2442133>>2442142

>gets called a gross fujo fattie, reacts predictably
"I know you are but what am I" is super integrated anon. Women do that all the time and definitely not moids, not at all

No. 2442135

This made me kek too hard

No. 2442136

Literally yes. They take screenshots and post it in their shitty little failmale communities bragging

No. 2442137>>2442143>>2442149

My mother used to make a hobby out of going on forums and causing shit and "trolling" people and the anons like >>2442126 are so eerily similar to her typing style I sometimes wonder if it's her. This is a woman who really loves the smell of her own farts.

No. 2442138

Because there literally ARE scrotes posting on here. And I'm not scrotefoiling about any nonnie in particular, it's just literally the truth. Kiwifags constantly post here and brag about it. This isn't a female only imageboard because female only online spaces are impossible due to males ruining everything they touch.

No. 2442142>>2442145

See how conspiratorial and high strung you guys are over some stupid shit? Don't worry, you are seen and you are loved for your bravery and courage

No. 2442143>>2442148

You are actually schizo kek

No. 2442145

You're like, so funny, anon

No. 2442146>>2442150>>2442159

Imagine having such low self-esteem that you need external validation of a man down to being honored. Can't you just honor yourself on your own? Are you that much of a loser with 0 redeeming qualities you can't even love or appreciate yourself and you need someone else to do it for you? Pathetic. Actual people with proper personalities and achievements don't need that.

No. 2442148>>2442150>>2442151

I'm just making a point about weirdos who come here just to stir up shit, like yourself. I don't think that poster is my mother, it's a joke.

No. 2442149

This reminds me of the post where anon claimed they saw men on lc "all the time" some of you lie a little too much

No. 2442150>>2442176

See?? It's literally this >>2442148
You're going to grow up to be just like my mom kek

No. 2442151>>2442156

The only motive for those posts was to shift topics because the argument already taking place was insufferable and insane, nothing more.

No. 2442156>>2442168

That's only obvious in your own mind anon, it just looks nonsense to anyone else. Post something thread related if you want to move things along.

No. 2442159>>2442176

>Imagine having such low self-esteem that you need external validation of a man down to being honored
This isn’t really grammatically correct but, that’s not what I’ve said in any of my posts, because our discussion was about being in a relationship with a man and then him dumping you after you guys have sex. I was saying that when you’re in a relationship with a man, you deserve to be treated honorably by him. I’ve reiterated this in a couple posts now.

No. 2442168>>2442171

>pretending that works
No. Sometimes these psychos need a reality check.

No. 2442171

Well I guess thanks for trying kek

No. 2442176>>2442179>>2442185>>2442196

Your mom sounds awesome. Let me bang her.
Being in a relationship of any kind but especially with a man is a big L. Literal failure in life and means you're incapable of living on your own because you're a weakling loser. No matter how "perfect" he is, nothing beats the feeling of achievement you get by living alone and being single. Hopefully you'll develop braincells one day and see this. For the record, I'm single and I've never been in a relationship and I'm a virgin as well, and I'd rather stay this way than bother with any of this fake and gay retardation literal 0 IQ faggots fall for all the time.

No. 2442178

wasting your time arguing online is stupid. enjoy hobbies and good company instead

No. 2442179>>2442184

Ok anon, I’m happy you’re having a happy life. But all I was saying was that anons who do choose to be in a relationship deserve to be treated well.

No. 2442180


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2442184>>2442186>>2442194

Not true at all, you were just trying to neg them for not wanting relationships and seeing through the bullshit. Have fun losing your personhood in a relationship, I guess.

No. 2442185>>2442189>>2442191>>2442192>>2442199

I'm almost struck speechless by the cringe of this post

No. 2442186>>2442189

That's not at all what she was doing, but you're clearly trying to rile up anons again.

No. 2442189

Not as cringe as dating and being in a relationship or getting married like an NPC with 0 life goals.
I just joined the conversation lmao

No. 2442191

I'm not. I'd rather have 20 anons like this than even one retarded "pump and dump" poster

No. 2442192

If it helps, posts like those are the reason I don't engage with most anons anymore because clearly they are not people you would ever want to be near in a 100 mile radius

No. 2442194

>You were just trying to neg them for not wanting relationships
I actually wasn’t trying to be mean to anyone. All I was saying was “This saddens me to read, you deserve to experience love"

No. 2442196>>2442203

File (hide): 1741849855823.png (2.15 MB, 869x1207, This isn’t a chatroom.png)

No. 2442199>>2442210

File (hide): 1741850012346.png (1.3 MB, 854x1324, so they callin you bob.png)

I get the feeling its one of those zoomies who just got their first solo dorm and part time job and feels like total #Girlboss kek

No. 2442203>>2442207>>2442208

>this isn't a chatroom.jpeg
>posts cringe coworker meme

No. 2442204

controlling or trying to have influence over what women say, do, or think.

No. 2442207

You could say that about every meme that gets posted here though

No. 2442208>>2442212

ayrt, you’re right anon, this isn’t chatroom. that’s why i didn’t post a diary entry and instead responded with an image, on our imageboard.

No. 2442210>>2442211

That is literally better than being a loser in a relationship who's building a "life" with a male, relying on his money, staying in his place, sacrificing and compromising to stay with him and all those other retarded things "people" do in relationships. But keep deluding yourself that it's the better option. You'll regret it once you're a mom of 4 and he's out with his friends 24/7 or cheating while you're stuck at home cleaning and taking care of the kids or have a job on top of it all to truly kill your spirit. He'll always be the winner and the one who benefits and you're always be the one who suffers no matter the arrangement. There's no wining in a relationship with a male no matter how "good" he is. Plus that shit os for bored people who have nothing to do with their lives and they're looking for something to fill the void with. People with a life and goals wouldn't give it up for anyone. Yourself should come first and be your #1 priority at all times but I guess this is not normie enough to you or something.

No. 2442211>>2442221

anything else you wanna share

No. 2442212>>2442213>>2442214>>2442216

What you did was literally chatrooming though, exactly what you were criticizing. It being an imageboard doesn't mean responding with images instead of text… you know that, right?

No. 2442213

NTA but responding with just a picture isn’t “chatrooming” and never has been?

No. 2442214

>It being an imageboard doesn't mean responding with images instead of text… you know that, right?
kek so you think anons are required to post a comment every single time we make a post with an image? newfags trying to make themselves sound like seasoned oldfags is always a knee slapper

No. 2442216>>2442218

Posting a meme and just not adding a comment isn’t the same as posting a big long paragraph about how you’re so much better than others for not desiring human connection

No. 2442218>>2442220

It's chatrooming.

No. 2442220>>2442230

That isn’t really a thing on lolcow, whatever you’re referring to

No. 2442221

The sky is blue. The grass is green. The ocean is blue. I like cheese. Eggs are the best breakfast item. Sugar apples are the best fruits. Pink is the best color ever. Music makes everything better. Brown bread especially whole wheat with grains > white bread. Shrimp and salmon are the superior seafoods. Sugar and sweetness is overrated. Alcohol free unsweetened beers and wines are so tasty. Getting drunk is overrated. Vaseline > overpriced lip balms. I hope you enjoyed my list.

No. 2442230>>2442234>>2442237

The only reason it was brought up was because it was that anons filename. Rules for thee but not for me etc.

No. 2442234

It looks like that anons filename just says “this isn’t a chatroom”. And those posts are very different though? One post is a long, personal rant about her own life and how she believes herself to be morally and emotionally superior for her status of life, (you know the type of thing you’d post in a personal chatroom, not in unpopular opinions thread) and the response was just a meme. Responding with just a meme, a gif, a photograph is not at all uncommon and has never once in the entirety of /ot/ history been referring to as “chatrooming” or treated as that sort of behavior lol.

No. 2442237

responding with a pic of spongebob isn’t really against the rules, but unpromptedly posting a whole spiel about your own life isn’t what unpopular opinions is for and its not what anyone here was talking about

No. 2442244

newfags now thinking that hm, replying to other anons is considered discord shit kek. no, we are allowed to talk to each other and it has never been a bannable offense to reply to an anons post (especially a cringe, copypasta wannabe esque comment) with a meme.

No. 2442266

If you think someone is a scrote, report and ignore them. If someone is baiting, report and ignore them. All responding does is give them what they want.

No. 2442268>>2442295

>I can go a week without showering and not stink.
I doubt this very much. You can always tell when someone doesn’t bathe every day.

No. 2442284>>2442289

Straight women can watch lesbian porn and not be attracted to women.

No. 2442289

I'm more inclined to believe they hate women, since they're using porn. This would have been really shocking to hear in the katy perry era tho

No. 2442295>>2442299>>2442303

Your doubt serves as testament to your body odor.

No. 2442298>>2442351>>2442488>>2442492

Anyone who says they have "AuDHD" is faking both and probably has a personality disorder. The only reason there's a huge overlap is because so many people are faking autism these days. Tbf some of the blame is on the psychiatrists who have widened the definition of autism to include 90% of people on this gay earth in the first place but it's still annoying.

No. 2442299

I don't even shower every day in colder seasons and am fully aware the daily showering anon is the least likely to smell bad out of all of us. Also a week is way too long, 2-3 days max.

No. 2442303

It's not only about body odor. Is about being clean filthy anon.

No. 2442351>>2442420

I've been saying! "Audhd" has been snatched as a buzzword by bpdfags who think they seem less histrionic and more likable in their deeply, horrifically online microcosm. Never had a diagnosis, just self-disgnosing off preferring the vibes. Ironically everyone else seems to know they're crazy and lying except for them.

No. 2442406>>2442408

The only way to determine if someone is objectively attractive is to imagine them bald.

No. 2442408>>2442421>>2442430>>2442480

In a perfect world, wigs would be required for baldies. They would be issued a fine for going out in public without one.

No. 2442420

it's a stupid term anyway. autism has other more common comorbids like dyslexia and depression but no one is out here like i have AuDys or AuDep.

No. 2442421>>2442429

Wrong. I want to know if someone is bald. Don't let them hide their shame!

No. 2442429>>2442477

This is true. They should have to wear an identifying patch on their clothes so that everyone knows they're bald, but still wear a wig so that we don't have to see baldies. I think that would be best

No. 2442430>>2442432

That's exactly what a baldy would say and want. Powdered wigs became fashionably with aristocracy probably because some bald king made it so. Them ridiculously pointy shoes become fashionable, because some noble had a tumor on his toe or something.

No. 2442432>>2442439

Sorry that I don't like seeing bald people. It's gross to me it's like looking at an amputee. I would rather they all have to wear wigs so I didn't have to see it

No. 2442439>>2442444

It's gross but you're hiding them from unsuspecting women who don't know better. Andre Agassi wore a wig because he was bald as fuck and it was deceiving to women!

No. 2442444>>2442477

That's why I think they should wear the patch on their clothes too or maybe get a tattoo on their forehead with a "B" for bald

No. 2442477

No, this anon is on to something. With a program like this, we might be able to finally eliminate balding from the gene pool.

No. 2442480

In the perfect world hair transplant should be required for baldies

No. 2442488

>Anyone who says they have "AuDHD" is faking both and probably has a personality disorder.
100% yes.

No. 2442492

I've never met anyone before that has both autism and ADHD. It's something I exclusively see online.

No. 2442493>>2442494>>2442501>>2442515>>2442749

File (hide): 1741871297472.jpeg (3.55 MB, 3069x3069, IMG_5640.jpeg)

The main reason trans women are so pushy isn’t only because they’e men but because they know most of them can’t pass or blend in with biological women so they have to force themselves into women’s spaces. Most trans men can blend in with men so they probably don’t feel a need to cry about being in men’s spaces as much because they usually won’t get clocked.

No. 2442494>>2442498

>trans women
>trans men
go back lmao

No. 2442498

I’m not going to change my language because you’re paranoid about twitter users

No. 2442501>>2442505>>2442507

>Most TIFs can blend in with men
Probably the most retarded thing I read on here all morning.

No. 2442505>>2442506

File (hide): 1741871649543.jpeg (181.87 KB, 1536x997, IMG_5641.jpeg)

If I saw this person walking around I wouldn’t think it was a woman

No. 2442506>>2442508

Get your eyes checked or get tested for autism

No. 2442507

NTA but there are a lot more tifs that can pass as men than tims who pass as women. Most tifs can't pass because they're dedicated to being genderkweer, but I even remember anons making a meme out of an interview with an FBI agent who specialized in undercover ops discussing it kek. Of course, the number probably drops further when the tif opens her mouth to speak.

No. 2442508>>2442511

File (hide): 1741871781217.jpeg (734.91 KB, 1284x1454, IMG_5642.jpeg)

You really think this person looks like a woman?

No. 2442511>>2442512

File (hide): 1741871827482.jpg (12.76 KB, 228x275, bait.jpg)

No. 2442512

If you saw that person you know you wouldn’t think that’s a woman. Be serious.

No. 2442515>>2442520

File (hide): 1741871987834.png (55.06 KB, 659x674, retarded cowtipper.png)

we're gonna see a lot of retards like this one because some dumbass decided to send a link to lc to a well-known troon on tumblr and he posted it for his entire following of troons and handmaidens to see

No. 2442520>>2442522

I’ve probably been on lolcow longer than you’ve been able to choose your own bed times

No. 2442522>>2442526

>Reddit-tier comeback
Go back.

No. 2442526>>2442527

I never said anything of support of trans people in my post but because of being an iPad baby zoomer your reading comprehension is poor

No. 2442527>>2442529

>I never said anything in support of trannies
>I only used TRA language and supported TIFs!

No. 2442529

Most regular people who don’t support the trans movement still refer to them as trans people because no one uses tif or troon outside of lolcow

No. 2442530>>2442568>>2442573

We make fun of millennials all the time but I'll take early 2010s and all the corny shit that came with it rather than this post pandemic tiktok microtrends era

No. 2442568>>2442616

The best days. I don't care how "cringeworthy" they were or how supposedly blindsided by nostalgia I am.

No. 2442573>>2442574

File (hide): 1741873756301.webp (1.12 MB, 1200x800, Jameel-Graphic-4_11.webp)

2010s were good. The early 2000s were gross and cringe

No. 2442574>>2442581

Zoomers were gross and cringe as teens too. They were even worse.

No. 2442581>>2442585

kekkk they actually seemed pretty cool overall until gender became their whole identity and The Xanax Problem really took them out. I think gen alpha will have issues with gambling tho, bc of their ipad addictions. Millennials were obviously groomed into alcoholism (jersey shore) and coke use

No. 2442582>>2442595

I hate adults who are afraid of dentists, grow the fuck up. It’s literally one of the most retarded phobias ever, I researched a bit why it was so common and the only results were people hearing stories from others. Really fucking ridiculous.

No. 2442584>>2442586>>2442619

Stealing another woman’s boyfriend/husband sounds so goddamn hot. The beauty of it, the forbidden romance aspect

No. 2442585>>2442589

I personally hated all the cringe thirst trap dancing videos they produced during the Covid era where they dance and just think they look so cool.

No. 2442586>>2442597

File (hide): 1741874380981.jpg (125.91 KB, 900x1200, s-l1200.jpg)

No. 2442589>>2442591

Gyms were closed so that probably kept a lot of retards healthy. I agree it was cringy tho

No. 2442591>>2442628

I can’t wait for Gen alpha to get older and make fun of them for that era lol

No. 2442592>>2442596

This thread is a circlejerk because any actual unpopular opinion gets you called a scrote or is labelled as bait, and gets deleted

No. 2442595

I agree, and I believe it's the exact same reason as to why so many people, especially adults from a certain generation, believe the whole nerd/jock/stacy bullshit applies in real life. It's all bullshit from American tv. It fucked up too many people's brains.

No. 2442596>>2442599

What do you expect anons to say? No one else agrees so they can either ignore the skanky-anon or respond angrily, which means it's bait

No. 2442597>>2442600>>2442618

Imagine thinking that’s bait. I think about it all the time and it makes me hornier knowing I had a moid override his self-control to desire me

No. 2442599>>2442612

They shouldn't say a single word to her. They should listen to what she has to say, and that's what no one did.

No. 2442600

>imagine thinking that's bait
Imagine the kind of woman who would express this thought to women who don't care or want to hear about it

No. 2442601>>2442604>>2442644>>2442759

Only pick-mes and people with narcissistic personality disorder go hiking. Outdoor activities are the biggest psyop in the last 20 years. Why would you CHOOSE to go hiking if you could watch a nature tour on Youtube instead? They only do it for social approval and Instagram.

No. 2442604>>2442607

kek idk I'm not an outdoorsy person but there's something different about seeing shit IRL and not through a screen

No. 2442607

Not really? Seeing it through a screen is better than real life because you can adjust the visual settings like contrast, sharpness, and lighting to maximize your enjoyment.

No. 2442612>>2442614>>2442619

Who tf are you guys talking about kekk

No. 2442614

File (hide): 1741875261142.webp (21.31 KB, 490x318, IMG_9415.webp)

It's a meme

No. 2442616>>2442620

I know for sure I'm not blinded by nostalgia because I remember very well how everything was, there were many things I didn't like or find corny obviously but it was still way better than the 2020s. Also idc what everyone else says, yes men will be men but people in general were not as pornbrained as they are these days.

No. 2442618

Men cheat with unattractive/fat women and trashtalk them behind their backs. I can't see whats so hot about it because they dont see it the same way you do but whatever gets u going kek

No. 2442619>>2442622

Some pick-me who wants us to know she gets aroused by ~stealing~ moids who are in relationships. Anon added a dramatic flare
>They should listen to what she has to say, and that's what no one did.
which made the post seem more interesting and funny than it actually was >>2442584

No. 2442620

Everything after 2006 was a mistake

No. 2442622>>2442623>>2442624

File (hide): 1741875487196.jpeg (475.47 KB, 869x1026, IMG_9416.jpeg)

No, it's this post which got deleted.

No. 2442623>>2442630

This again? I'm willing to believe it's a weird woman at this point I guess, she's pretty vehement about it. She probably grew up with a lot of brothers or something

No. 2442624>>2442630

Why would you take a screencap of your own post

No. 2442628>>2442629>>2442631

Zoomers are gonna get absolutely destroyed by gen alpha in like 10 years kek. I don't think they understand how cringeworthy all the uwu e-girl gender tiktok dances looksmaxxing sigma shit truly is.

No. 2442629>>2442633

I don't think Gen Alpha will be able destroy anyone. Most of them will have below 80 IQ. We'll be lucky if they're able to speak in full sentences.

No. 2442630>>2442634

I didn't. Someone else did and posted it in the /meta/ thread.
I am weird, yes. Mostly I'm mad of getting accused as a scrote, and having my post deleted. I wasn't even part of the infight.

No. 2442631>>2442645

They definitely have a lot of material to work with lol what can zoomers say about us? We like craft beers and mustache finger?

No. 2442633

They're just autistic, not retarded.

No. 2442634>>2442639

>I didn't. Someone else did and posted it in the /meta/ thread.
No, they didn't. They posted a different photo.

No. 2442635>>2442638

I think vanilla flavour is better than chocolate flavour

No. 2442638

I switch back and forth. Sometimes I get vanilla cravings that are so strong, the idea of eating chocolate makes me nauseous kek

No. 2442639

My mistake. I got it from upthread.

No. 2442640


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2442641

No. 2442644

>They only do it for social approval and Instagram.
I like to go on solo hikes, especially when mushrooms and berries are in season. I feel kind of gross if I just stay inside all day and the isolation and quiet are part of the appeal. Won't argue that a lot of people out there are just doing it for social credit though.

No. 2442645

I really hate that this type of edgelord culture got mainstream, we used to mock these people.

No. 2442749

TIF fucker detected

No. 2442759

I like getting fresh air, exercising and seeing plants and animals. It's also free or cheap to do. I feel so great after a day of hiking.

No. 2442844

Nobody is wearing that outside

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