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No. 2442637
Are you a fat loser? Do you want to argue because that's how you learned to get attention in your dysfunctional household growing up? Do you have no friends? Well then, this is the thread for you!
Come here to bait and infight! Post something really stupid, and other anons will fight you about it! Prime topics are: abortion, clothing, eye colour, lesbianism, really anything that you can fight over!
Remember that
everyone that disagrees with you is a man, so make sure you call them out for being men!
Last thread
>>>/ot/2432184The "rules" are:
>no racebait You can still do it because jannies are absent for 12-14 hours a day!
>no infightingThis one isn't a rule we only added this so we don't get put on autosage like our last thread, Dumbass Shit!>don't reply to bait This whole thread is bait so you can still reply to bait!>rest of /ot/ board rules applyThey should, but no, they dont>farmhands are always watchingThey only watch for 4-6 hours a day because they're lazyDO NOT ENTER THIS THREAD IF YOU HAVE AN IQ ABOVE 90!Remember that everyone that uses this thread is: fat, ugly, mentally challenged or otherwise low IQ, attention-starved, juvenile, and generally a loser! Have fun!!! No. 2442655
>>2442650KEKK. How do you feel about people who get cravings? I get intense cravings for chocolate or soda once every 3-8 weeks. I'm not sure what
triggers it.
No. 2442657
>>2442650Most of the time they are very immature and have issues with responsibility. They want to be 12 years old forever so they can always be blameless
victims. It's disgusting and makes me cringe whenever I see an adult eating something sweet. Grow up.
>>2442655NTA but you should go to therapy and find the root cause of why you're struggling.
No. 2442659
>>2442652Interesting! For me:
Cherry > vanilla > pistachio > chocolate >> mint
Most mints are too strong for me, but when I find one I like, it's not too bad.
No. 2442662
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Reposting my unpopular opinion, which got deleted from the previous thread.
Also, I'm not a scrote, and I'm not a tradthot. I'm not baiting, I just want to vent my unpopular viewpoint. Don't reply if you don't like it.(ban evasion)
No. 2442666
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I'm angry that you beat me to it.
No. 2442667
Infights are some of my favorite content on here, the more drawn out and bizarrely vitriolic the better. I wish more of them were left alone to gloriously metastisize for my enjoyment.
>>2442662Kek, that was one of my mom's favorite sayings when I was a kid.
No. 2442668
>>2442657We have sweet taste buds for a reason, it just feels enjoyable to those who like it. It's not that deep, what is this schizo armchair psych babble kek
Also nta but you're saying talk therapy cures a more physical craving?
>>2442662You've seethed about it and posted it enough on other threads already, nobody cares
No. 2442684
>>2442680NTA but that's fair.
>>2442666I like your proposed thread op pic, it's cute. Maybe you can make another one for a different thread sometime.
No. 2442697
>>2442668You're responding to bait, anon. Don't worry, I know I don't need therapy for having cravings kek.
>>2442692I only like Hello Kitty because two of my friends do, and I get a rush of affection when I see it. Otherwise, I don't see what's so special about her. Maybe she wasn't for my generation or something.
No. 2442709
>>2442662Replies are just hating. I agree
If you have a child with someone, and you arent married, and they break up with you a year later, youre just a baby mama.
But if you had a child with someone, took time to invest in a marriage, Traveling, and all that, that person is less likely to throw you away and move on. and even if they break up with you, they have to file a divorce and at least you are an ex-wife. But what do i know, Im retarded and thats just my two cents
No. 2442721
>>2442705Agree. Good thing there are alternatives.
>>2442716I'm pretty sure she posted in vent or things you hate thread. It's fine.
No. 2442876
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>>2442505Oh my god LOL I’ve seen this ugly troon before and yeah when you put her next to actual grown man, she looks like a woman
>>2442508Well yeah? Because that is a woman? Looks like Dasha with a short haircut
No. 2443095
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I don't hate strawberries but I don't know why they are so popular, especially strawberry flavored things. I find artificial strawberry flavor disgusting and I don't know why it's so loved. I don't like the scent of them either, it honestly makes me a little sick.
I also hate that strawberries get the tittle of the cutest fruit, when raspberries are way cuter and better tasting. Raspberry sorbet is delicious and I would eat it any day over strawberry ice cream, bleh.
No. 2443099
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If my mom was exceptionally beautiful and had babies with an uggo and I ended up looking more like my dad than her, I’d be kind of mad at my mom. That’s what Dennise Richard’s and Adrianna lima did to their daughters.
No. 2443100
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>>2443095They’re popular because of how they look. They’re a cute/pretty fruit but don’t taste that great.
No. 2443106
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>>2443101She’s average looking. She definitely looks more like her dad and barely looks like her mom at all. I’d be pissed if Dennise Richard’s was my mom and I ended up looking like that.
No. 2443116
>>2443111no i know you’re referencing dumbass shit being autosaged and the baiters from there migrating over here, i’m just saying what makes you think unpopular opinions
wasn’t still full of retardation just like what we deal with daily for several years prior to the last? unpopular opinions has been full of weird behavior for almost the last decade
No. 2443127
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>>2443122ok well, if you’re going to expect anons to guess what you’re thinking instead of elaborating on your thoughts, i’ll go ahead and elaborate myself; it’s quite inaccurate to try to say that unpopular opinions was somehow less bait riddled prior to ‘24, this is a screenshot of the second unpopular opinions created and it proves it’s been full of max level retardation since the very beginning kek.
No. 2443146
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>>2443106kek I got their names mixed up, that's the fake good girl™ one, she has group prayer sessions on their show and disavows everything the other one does. Sami is basically an egirl clone of her mom and is the one they're really banking on atm
No. 2443154
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>>2443146Sami barely looks like her mom as well. The only thing they got from their mom is her eye color.
No. 2443627
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>>2443603Is it because they stand out more? Imo tattoos in general are awful because people just get random junk tattooed on themselves with no thought or planning.
No. 2443797
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When Asian women act quirky I don't find it cringe. They manage to pull it off. I don't even have a race fetish either
No. 2443803
>>2443797Japan’s kawaii propaganda is so successful that they are always painted with the halo effect now kekk.
>I don't even have a race fetish eitherYou sort of do
No. 2443816
>>2443803Nta but there's a huge difference between this
>>2443797 and a really loud/unwashed western Harry Potter fan posting a tiktok of them doing animatronic movements with their hands.
>>2443797I think the reason is because they aren't obnoxious about it. If weird otaku in western countries were more low-key or chill no one would be viscerally disgusted or annoyed by them. The problem is generally autism and lack of manners
No. 2443829
>>2443816also shes presentable, hygienic and normie looking.
western geeks are hard to look at, for the most part. fat, weird fashion, and yeah…the autism
No. 2443990
>>2442672Why not?
>guy who makes no promise to stay with you forever will probably break up with youWhy have sex with such a guy?
No. 2444029
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I don't find this guy sexually appealing, he's objectively attractive, but i just don't see it (for context this was posted as an example of "peak" at the ugly man psyop thread). This pic in particular is so airbrushed i cannot process it as a real human being but an edit. Besides, i think he looks way too young (maybe late teens at most) and i find it creepy to even imagine myself hanging out with him in a non platonic way. This is more of a personal opinion, but i also don't find his "feminine" features appealing at all. There are beautiful men whose beauty i admire and feel attracted to, but this type of beauty…i cannot find it sexually appealing
No. 2444048
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Every woman should swap all their panties for period panties. My quality of life has been 100x better since I got period panties so now I wear them nearly every day. They naturally catch any unexpected period blood, keep me safe during the period and don't leak through. I've only had 1 small leak in like 5 years, and that was because I wore the same low flow pair for several days straight when I usually swap daily. They also catch any other random vaginal discharge (nothing embarrassed me more as a young kid, thought people would think I peed myself), and the extra padding hides the vulva shape if you wear tight pants (like leggings or for working out) which is sometimes an embarrassing issue that makes going to the gym awkward. I just love period panties, I can't see a reason why you shouldn't swap all regular panties for at least low flow versions.
No. 2444058
>>2444029Tbh in general I don't really like handsome squidward faces. I like more rounder, friendlier looks.
I don't know why rosy cheeks are unpopular with both men and women.
No. 2444142
>>2444048Unfortunately my vag freaks the fuck out if I don't wear cotton, and the sensation of panties is uncomfortable to me (I wear boxers). Both in combination is suicidal.
I'm fucking jealous though, the part you said about hiding the shape of your vulva when wearing tight clothing sounds great.
No. 2444176
I hate the way zoomers talk. Idk what kind of voice or accent this is but it’s like nails on a calk board. They can’t get through a sentence without saying like or bruh.
No. 2444781
>>2444699Nonsense. We are in an era of everything being deception. We are
literally in an era where pandering can give you a career you would never have otherwise, because people are easy to manipulate. It's actually nonsense to look at someone who has exclusively obsessively talked about their ex BF and think they're totes a Rill Dyke. Straight girls pretend to be about it all the time, and bihets like Eilish are a dime a dozen. It's healthy to be casually suspicious of something presented to you in the media with tons of contradictions. The whole "accept everyone at face value without questions or else you're a bigot" thing is the whole reason the lgbt community is under fire right now. You're damned for exercising common sense.
No. 2444815
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I'm so fucking tired of americlaps. They have the laxest gun laws in the civilized world precisely for shit like this.
>no one will stand up for us
Who do you want to stand up for you? Women in other countries? Some have already fought and protested their way into obtaining rights and created a society that procures them in the long term, and most foreign women already have it worse than you. Perhaps the men then? How much of a retarded handmaiden do you have to be to think that men will spontaneously care about women's rights kek. American women only have other American women to stand up for them, and as much as they bitch and moan and want to become "refugees" in other countries I do not see even one sizable protest anywhere in the country for women's rights, which means that most American women are content with their current situation, and how would they not be when a good bunch of them voted for what they have right now. Either organize a protest, or mass kill scrotes with your 2nd amendment, or fuck off with your crocodile tears. Maybe just admit that you think you will get welfare and healthcare in Canada/Europe and don't want to fucking work ffs.
No. 2444867
>>2444843I think a lot of people in other countries are too wrapped up in the decadence being sold to them on social media. Most people aren't streamers, onlyfans thots, tiktok influencers. You see the loud minority. Most people are wagies, suffering while carrying rotten baby boomers on their backs like packmules. People can't afford critical, life changing surgery or even basic healthcare, are rarely given access to decent nutrition and safe foods unless they can afford Whole Foods prices, etc. A lot of Americans are going to experience extreme poverty soon. America
isn't Russia. There's no excuse for this level of exploitation. Children are shooting up schools and adult men are mowing down crowds of people. What makes America so ugly is that for a long time now, they could have protected people and fixed things but they simply don't want to. Only rich people matter.
No. 2444948
>>2444893NTA but no it's not.
>>2444829No, I know about the USA. I know that Americans are too insulated to realize how good they have it. No matter what Trump does, your country will still be the dream for millions of people around the world and you'll still have the chance to have a good life there, even as a working class person. Too many chronically-online Americans complain about the cost of living in major cities, as if the USA isn't the third biggest country on Earth with millions of settlements and hundreds of millions of homes to choose from. The USA is the greatest nation on Earth and it's cringe when Americans pretend that it isn't.
No. 2444989
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>>2444918Is it really?
>>2444981My friend, you've had roughly equal periods of time where the other side has ruled and neither have actually addressed any of the issues you all keep bitching about.
No. 2444997
>>2444989>pretty boring from the observer's point of viewSo divorced from sexuality that even during sex they take on the role of observer rather than an active participant
>isn't really as intense and dominating>dominatingPornrotted to the point that they believe sex is about domination and submission instead of mutual pleasure and love
>ends up looking goofy an awkwardSelf-conscious to the point of worrying what one looks like during sex because they can't be lost in the moment; they can't lose control for even a moment without fear
Zoomers are "cooked" as they say.
>>2444992You're arguing with Americans that have been force-fed Cold War era propaganda for generations. Anything Russian is evil to them because they have small brains and can't think critically.
No. 2445023
>>2445004I don’t look down upon them at all nona, I just feel very sorry for them. They’re
victims of inhumane exploitation, their genetics and bodies are being sold, and not even for very much money.
>I knew someone that got paid $70k to be a surrogateShe deserves much more than that for growing a human; $5m bare minimum for using her body, taking up 9 months of her life, stealing her families genes, traumatizing her by forcing her to give birth then go home without the baby, and then probably still getting bothered by this child because surrogate born children and adopted children often do become curious about who their real mother is and try to seek her out
No. 2445030
>>2444989You're right. Party really isn't the driving force of all evil, I was making a blanket statement. I think we agree on a lot of things, and I think the decadence needs to be stopped. But I don't agree with a majority of working class people carrying the wealthy on their backs, from any country, and I think Americans not having access to iPhones or goods from slave labor wouldn't hurt them, but the rich will continue to do what they've always been doing. They will always incorporate slave labor, exploit thirdies, keep wages low while profiting exorbitantly. Americans have a lot to be grateful for, but that doesn't mean they need to bow down and be grateful to wealthy oligarchs or conglomerates. They absolutely need better education on where their materials come from, who is hurt via the ultracheap goods they consoom, how people suffer. All of those things can be true at once. Americans feel fear because their representatives are allowed to be embarrassments that lie freely, treat other countries representatives with disrespect and disregard, exploit whoever they want, lead sheep into bigotry and hatred.
>inb4 it's worse in other countriesYes. But America has the
means and the
resources for otherwise, and they choose glutton, decadence, deceit, and exploitation every time. Some financial strife wouldn't be the end all be all, but average wagies are going to be wrung out and hung to dry while the same wealthy people lose nothing and aid no one. Just because someone expresses distress or complains about negative changes or threats doesn't invalidate the strife of others. "Oh yeah, well at least you don't get bombed or starve to death you ungrateful fat cunts" doesn't help anyone or make any positive changes or advancement.
No. 2445043
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>>2445023You know, it's kind of mind blowing that people can understand that it'll fuck with baby animals' minds to separate them from their mothers too fast after birth. So why do people assume human children are perfectly okay? I haven't looked into any studies, but I have this strange intuition that separating an infant from its biological mother as fast as possible does some instinctive psychological torture, even if it's just by a fragment to the baby's mind. Even in surrogates where the woman is carrying the fertilized egg of
another woman, I can only imagine how the infant is still going to feel after being immidiately separated from the woman who at least birthed it. It spent nine months growing in her womb, surrounded by her flesh and blood, listening to her heartbeat, picking up the sound of her voice, and even
learning emotions from her if late enough in the pregnancy. The baby is born just to be separated from the woman who may not be biologically related, but is its mother in the way that MATTERS at
this point.
No. 2445094
>>2445043Being held by your mother, feeling her heartbeat, hearing her breathing, and obviously drinking her breastmilk are indescribably crucial for the cognitive and nervous system developments of babies. Even if the egg is from the buyer/boss, the babies body is still growing in their real moms body. Their little bones, organs, eyes, hands, feet, are all developed from the body of the mother carrying them, not to mention hearing her voice all day every single day while they’re living inside her body too. And you’re absolutely right,
victims of abandonment, losing their mother, surrogacy, or other avenues of adoption are often more likely to develop cognitive issues, problems with developing their skills, and other mental illnesses than their peers who are cared for and raised by their real mother.
>>2445058Something I learned recently is that the mother losing a loved one during her pregnancy can be an event that causes issues with their childs mental health later in life, it makes sense if a little infant who just popped out the womb and is learning to survive will just try to be cute and get taken care of by whomever is in their immediate area, but I do believe that losing your mother or your mother selling you (even if she doesn’t pass away) are still things that can negatively influence the health of their brain and thoughts throughout their later life
No. 2445107
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Indians wouldnt consider Brits Indian if the occupation had never ended but me and my Native American brethren are supposed to consider pasty ass fucks who dont have a single drop of native blood in them the same nationality as us who were treated as beasts of burden and/or slaves by European Colonizers? Every time one of these lily-white fucks opens their mouth you can feel the vitrol they hold against us Natives and yet we are supposed to agree we come to a common ground when it comes to our problems as a nation?(racebaiting)
No. 2445184
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>>2445177Good good good, now retrieve the nubile egirl temptresses, so that they may host my progeny
No. 2445187
File: 1742017790125.gif (2.51 MB, 173x267, AHHAHAHAHAHA----------YOU.gif)

Beer sucks!
It tastes like trash, it's not cheap, it's a neurotoxin and it turns you into a retard
Getting drunk for fun makes you a retard and anything that happens to you while drunk is 100% your fault.
Fuck you
No. 2445406
File: 1742038264396.jpg (268.44 KB, 960x895, liberator.jpg)

>>2444961All imperialism is evil, but russian version is especially vile, russians have a culture similar to islam, it is incompatible with humanistic ideals. They are a nation of shameless liars, since soviet times they keep implementing the same propaganda tactic, repeating a lie no matter how ridiculous, until it sticks. They are a nation of thieves, they have invaded their neighbors unprovoked countless times throughout history. They are a nation of rapists, rape is a traditional disciplinary measure in russian army. They are a nation of murderers.
(racebaiting) No. 2445840
>>2445671>I think going 50/50 re: relationships is understandable if you're both young and not super richI generally agree but the thing is, I personally believe that if a man genuinely loves a woman, he'll never truly allow 50/50, even if he's young and not super rich. I dated a young ambitious man who was on the lower end of middle class almost poor and despite all that he was still paying for our dates. And yes, I did offer to pay and I felt guilty cause I knew he was short on money, but he didn't want to hear any of it. He always wanted to buy me stuff, even if it wasn't much, and didn't accept anything from me. I think a man who really loves his gf would try his best to cover most of the expenses, like 30/70 instead of 50/50 or at the very least he would NEVER ask for her money. Like he would allow her to do whatever she wants with her own finances, and help with rent, but he isn't gonna like borrow money from her and shit like that. Even if he's aware you're both struggling, he'll want to be as helpful and needed as possible and make your life easier. This is what a man in love behaves like, not a fuckbuddy, not a roommate, not someone who sees you as a temporary gf, not a mama's boy.
No. 2445860
>>2445847That's just male psychology and I don't understand why nonas are offended about muh gender roles, this is just what men think. If a man is stingy with money around you, it means he doesn't really loves you as much as you think he does. If he treats you as his piggybank, ask you for money and shit, holy hell thats even worse. I've been observing various relationships for years, and the worst lazy shitty husbands were the ones that waited for their wife to pay for them. Also don't take this as meaning you need to be a tradwife, what I'm saying is that a good man wants his wife to have her own source of income, and doesn't need her money, and he would rather help her and make himself useful. Even if she makes more money than him, he'd be happy for her, but he wouldn't expect her to provide for him.
No. 2445871
>>2445860>I don't understand why nonas are offended about muh gender rolesI hate zoomies so much. Women have fought tooth and nail for the last hundred years for the right to vote, the right to work, the right to have their own bank account, all for the principle that women are equal to men and don't need to be babysat by them, and now zoomers like you go around saying how much you need a big strong man to take care of you and buy you stuff.
>>2445862>she thinks this is an insultSad.
No. 2445880
>>2445871>all for the principle that women are equal to men >equalThey're inferior and they're supposed to make your life better but ok. And yes that's an insult, WHY would you PAY for a man? That's a scrotoid! He doesn't need your money, why are you the one who is babysitting him?
My mom was the provider of my house, and she was miserable. Now she's dating a man who is willing to kiss the ground she walks on and she's a thousand more times happier and peaceful, and yes she still has her job and her own money, but now she's with someone who doesn't need her money.
No. 2445893
>>2445880>>2445886>Men are inferior>That's why he takes me out, he picks where we go, he's in charge of the money, he dominates me in bedNo.
>WHY would you PAY for a man? That's a scrotoid!Uhhhh, because I love him? Are you so incapable of love, that you can't realize this?
>My mom was the provider of my house, and she was miserable. And my mom works at Nintendo, and can tell you all the cheat codes.
No. 2445895
>>2445871Women are so cucked with this mentality and being brainwashed into giving up their money to men. You dumb idiot, he benefits just by you giving him your TIME. You could invest that money. spend it on yourself and female friends, or donate it to women's shelters. But you would choose to pay a man just to spend time with him. Men are laughing their way to the bank knowing that liberal feminism has made women bend over backwards to serve men not only emotionally, mentally, and sexually, but now financially as well.
>>2445880Based. I've never seen a woman who was happy paying 50/50 or being the breadwinner. Because all the men who allow women to do this are greedy and selfish. Men know they are supposed to be useful to their female partners, the ones who aren't are severely mentally ill.
No. 2445904
>>2445895>Women are so cucked by refusing to be on a monetary leashWhat?
>liberal feminism has made women bend over backwards to serve menOh, I didn't know you were an antifeminist tradwife that wanted to go back to the 1950s.
>all the men who allow women to do this are greedy and selfishAs opposed to you, doing the exact same thing, without greed and selfishness.
No. 2445906
>>2445904How does investing my money in myself and my female friends make me a tradwife?
>monetary leashExplain this more?
No. 2445909
>>2445904>>2445895i find both of your takes to be retarded. Truth is the thinking of one leads to a miserable life where lazy hobosexual men attach themselves to you and secretly use your own money to cheat on you and buy other women stuff meanwhile the other one leads to a unhappy tradwife life where you are married to a older man not knowing when he will cheat on you and replace you.
Both are sad, probably because most women end up unhappy with men no matter which type of relationship structure they chose. Being single seems the way to go.
No. 2445932
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>>2445926I guess I need to spell it out for you
>>2445929>if he doesn't want to prostitute you he doesn't love you No. 2445943
>>2445909>meanwhile the other one leads to a unhappy tradwife life where you are married to a older man not knowing when he will cheat on you and replace you. That's literally not what I said. The guy who was paying for my dates, buying me random gifts, and choosing to be a servant in bed eating me out and not even caring about getting off himself was 5 years younger than me. I lost him because of my poor decisions, and because I didn't understand his worth at the time. I wanted to be the one who gives him gifts, the one who makes him happy in bed, only to realize much later that my mentality was retarded. He wanted me to be independent and self-sufficient, to have my own thing, but not to the point where I would be his mommy, that's why despite being poorer than me, he never accepted anything. And it wasn't an ego thing, he just didn't want to mooch off me. There was never any discussion of being the tradwife, because tradwives put themselves at risk and they can be
victims of abuse. The idea is to date a man who doesn't need your money, and who would rather give you his money. It doesn't mean you give up your job and passion and become the housewife tm, it just means he tries his best to enrich your life. A man like that would be supportive of your career because he wants to see you happy.
A 50/50 doesn't work because realistically speaking, women give so much more in a relationship. That man gets a woman (a huge privilege), women also give birth, and they're better at raising kids, women are also better at handling household chores, finances, planning, perform better at their job, and are more productive during the day. Any self-aware man would try his best to make his woman as happy as possible as a result, because he would understand her struggles, he would work harder and strive to be better for her.
No. 2445945
>>2445929I just hate how that is their ONLY act of love and that's throwing money at someone so they do something he wants. Like i wish men loved taking care of their partners when they are sick or doing some emotional labour too, or child labour or loving and being attracted to their partner even if she ages. But instead it's all about throwing money at someone. Don't get me wrong though, being with a moid who is financially responsible and pays for things is still so much better than being with a lazy bum parasite who will use you like a mule and take your money.
>>2445932you're being cringe. I understand your point but stop being sperg.
No. 2445952
>>2445943>I lost him because of my poor decisionsGee, maybe it's because you never once paid for him despite his findom fetish, and you have a misandrist attitude and call every man's a scrotoid.
>>2445945>you're being cringeOn lc. When in Rome, do what the Romans do.
>>2445946That's what I did with my bf
No. 2445973
>>2445963>>2445964I hope you don't think you can be a total misandrist AND fall in love with a male.
>>2445967Love requires sacrifice.
No. 2445979
>>2445973watch out we got a hobosexual over here.
No. 2446243
File: 1742077799870.jpg (64.58 KB, 828x762, 462555663_1764664727690891_607…)

>>2446212my unpopular opinion is that I like listening to people's mundane lives. Especially when women talk about their kids. I think it's sweet.
No. 2446277
File: 1742079971018.jpeg (137.58 KB, 446x537, FCCDED36-17C3-4C0F-9352-1ED391…)

>>2446243I also like listening to people and their mundane events, women usually have more variety than men in my experience. It’s why the mundane thread is one of my favorites.
No. 2446806
>>2444998People act like having children is a right when it isn’t.
If you are infertile or partnered up with a woman there’s either adoption or IVF. If you are a faggot you don’t have any right to anything other than adoption.
No. 2446865
>>2446852naive and overly charitable interpretation of most young women but okay. I'm all for outliers, don't get me wrong. Its not
that uncommon to not be an incorrigibly vain POS but if it wasn't the majority behavior we wouldn't be living in the world we live in!
No. 2447008
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I fuking hate the song Somebody I Used to know, I don't know why it's still so popular to use it in memes. I hate the lyrics and I hate the fucking bongos (?) used in the song itself. I'm just so sick of hearing it and if I could never hear it again in my life, I would be satisfied.
>>2445675Happiness is a warm gun is their only good song in my opinion
>>2446822>Tastes like drinkable bread You'd love kvass then nonna
No. 2447090
>>2447071I am personally hoping he dies before his own birthday, which is in May
>>2447081I hope it's electric chair and they put some corn kernels on that thing so we get to have popcorn afterwards
(luigi sperging outside of containment) No. 2447171
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The person qrting the artist is a ragebaiting tard, but genshits don’t deserve respect so I kind of agree
No. 2447185
>>2447160actually, pickmes are girls who do and say things deliberately in order to be picked by men. being attention seeking has nothing to do with it, you can be attention seeking in a way that would deliberately put off men.
>>2447154basically "nlog pickme" became a buzz word on tik tok and now zoomers think any activity that is critical of feminine performance makes you an nlog, except like i said to them its always "nlog pickme" so they wrap all the way around back to retarded and say being critical of femininity means you want to be picked by men
No. 2447209
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I continue to not understand why people waste calories on alcohol. You have to consume like 400 calories of it to even start feeling a slight buzz, and it, at best, tastes “okay.” You could eat a WHOLE SLICE OF DELICIOUS CAKE for that amount of calories. Why am I drinking a whole meal’s worth of fizzy piss water to feel next to nothing?
I just, sincerely, don’t get it. Picrel, drank one of these last night, and halfway through I was like “why am I doing this.” It tastes perfectly fine, but not great, because no alcohol tastes actually good. And I’d have to drink like two more cans just to feel anything? WHAT IS THE POINT?
Am I insane or is everyone else insane?
No. 2447220
>>2447215You had me in the first half
>>2447209I feel the same way,
especially factoring in costs. I get so confused seeing people at shows ordering drink after drink and getting sloshed out of their minds. Like you're a 250 lb moid paying $14 per drink just to get shitfaced for one night at a music venue. It's insane
No. 2447243
>>2447209Funny enough I've never thought a cake, or any dessert, as "delicious". I was eating a fruit tart yesterday and halfway through I said why am I forcing myself, and threw the rest away. I'd rather just eat the fruit.
I genuinely like the taste of some beers
People just have different tastes
(learn2integrate) No. 2447303
>>2446936I used to read a lot of popular books, like Malcom gladwell or whatever popsych or career thing was trending.
Most modern books are actually anti knowledge, most of the studies in them can't be replicated and are worthless. You are actually worse off for reading them.
No. 2447347
>>2447336I'm addressing the claim that "women fought tooth and nail"
Most women didn't fight at all, it was a small bourgeoisie minority
No. 2447362
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>>2447333Well then working class is fucking retarded and they deserve to be exploited. I was born in a working class family and I had to watch my grandma serve my granpa and not even having her own money and other shit like that and I'm GRATFLEFUL for those 10% of "privileged" women who fought for my rights because now I don't have to live with a man in order to support myself and I don't need to have sex or have kids, because I never wanted those things anyway. But the society still favors (straight) couples and paying rent and everything is much easier when you are with a scrote so idk why are pickmes complaining so much? Your life is still financially easier simply because you allow a scrote to fuck you. For women like me who choose to not involve literally any male in their lives life is financially harder. But I'd rather choose that over the past where I would be FORCED either into marriage or I would get lobotomized or burned on the stake or, at best, locked in a monastery. So fuck you.
No. 2447383
>>2447381I think anon's saying that the freedom of choice to not have kids won't last when women don't produce enough kids anymore to keep the economy going.
For now thirdies will produce plenty of them and that's why we've been importing them en masse.
No. 2447424
>>2447417We live in a world with the highest rate of human trafficking and basically all moids watch porn. How pandering to men by being with them benefits women actually?
>we are literally programmed to want thisWeird, when I say that women say I have internalized misogyny and it's a women's choice to have kids and a man kek. Except I say it in the context of breaking the programming, not embracing it.
No. 2447491
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>>2447417>we're>wewho the fuck is "we", man? You speaking French? Your "we" does not include ME. Even when I was a kid, I just never found real happiness at the idea of marrying a scrote and giving birth. I never liked childbirth enough to actually want to do it myself. Some women just don't really have a "domestic" mind, or a "mom" feeling, you know?
No. 2447792
>>2447788Rape is also natural. And homosexual behaviors exist in nature too
Enjoy your natural humiliation and submission then because sucking STD filled dick is natural
No. 2447803
>>2447491Just for the record "maternal instincts" are from hormonal changes that only happen when you get pregnant and have a baby. Women aren't biologically programed to care or want random babies the way media/myths portrays it, those instincts are physical changes and only come with pregnancy.
I think it's great that we're made this way, because if you choose not to have a child you don't feel like you "miss out". But if you do have a baby even if you were dead sure you didn't care to have one before those instincts still kick in, so there's a high likelihood you'll change your mind and like it.
I'm fully pro choice of having/not having, I've just seen some women be scared of having kids due to "not having maternal instincts" when they literally aren't supposed to have them yet!
No. 2447910
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Benny blanco would be ok looking if he got a nose job, fixed his teeth, lost some weight and eye brows