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File: 1741876034183.png (29.31 KB, 265x231, unpopular opinions copy.png)

No. 2442637

Are you a fat loser? Do you want to argue because that's how you learned to get attention in your dysfunctional household growing up? Do you have no friends? Well then, this is the thread for you!

Come here to bait and infight! Post something really stupid, and other anons will fight you about it! Prime topics are: abortion, clothing, eye colour, lesbianism, really anything that you can fight over!

Remember that everyone that disagrees with you is a man, so make sure you call them out for being men!

Last thread

The "rules" are:
>no racebait
You can still do it because jannies are absent for 12-14 hours a day!
>no infighting

This one isn't a rule we only added this so we don't get put on autosage like our last thread, Dumbass Shit!
>don't reply to bait
This whole thread is bait so you can still reply to bait!
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
They should, but no, they dont
>farmhands are always watching
They only watch for 4-6 hours a day because they're lazy


Remember that everyone that uses this thread is: fat, ugly, mentally challenged or otherwise low IQ, attention-starved, juvenile, and generally a loser! Have fun!!!

No. 2442646

It's because vanilla is the better flavour

No. 2442648

Only low-functioning people that want to be children forever enjoy the taste of chocolate

No. 2442649

You're so right, anon. Can I ask your opinion on: cherry, pistacio, and mint flavors?

No. 2442650

Loving sweet things is a sign of immaturity. Whenever I see adults gushing about how much they love sweets I’m like….are you 12? Eat some salsa and chips or something. Why are you 32 still binging on chocolate chip cookies and Halloween candy?

No. 2442652

Cherry > pistachio > vanilla > mint > chocolate

No. 2442654

I want to say this is a cringeworthy "I'm so different and mature" opinion, but I also agree. I like REFINED flavors, like CARAMEL

No. 2442655

KEKK. How do you feel about people who get cravings? I get intense cravings for chocolate or soda once every 3-8 weeks. I'm not sure what triggers it.

No. 2442657

Most of the time they are very immature and have issues with responsibility. They want to be 12 years old forever so they can always be blameless victims. It's disgusting and makes me cringe whenever I see an adult eating something sweet. Grow up.
NTA but you should go to therapy and find the root cause of why you're struggling.

No. 2442659

Interesting! For me:
Cherry > vanilla > pistachio > chocolate >> mint
Most mints are too strong for me, but when I find one I like, it's not too bad.

No. 2442662

File: 1741876589292.jpeg (475.47 KB, 869x1026, IMG_9416.jpeg)

Reposting my unpopular opinion, which got deleted from the previous thread.
Also, I'm not a scrote, and I'm not a tradthot. I'm not baiting, I just want to vent my unpopular viewpoint. Don't reply if you don't like it.(ban evasion)

No. 2442663

Suicide shouldnt be stigmatized and resources shouldnt be censored. It should be seen with the same mentality as bringing and new baby into this world. I think it would also encourage parents to think twice before bringing a creature onto this earth.

No. 2442664

I still like the idea of stealing moids from women and calling it bait will never change that. Be mad at the men, not me

No. 2442665

Nobody gives a fuck.

No. 2442666

File: 1741876735492.gif (1.82 MB, 265x231, unpopular opinions.gif)

I'm angry that you beat me to it.

No. 2442667

Infights are some of my favorite content on here, the more drawn out and bizarrely vitriolic the better. I wish more of them were left alone to gloriously metastisize for my enjoyment.
Kek, that was one of my mom's favorite sayings when I was a kid.

No. 2442668

We have sweet taste buds for a reason, it just feels enjoyable to those who like it. It's not that deep, what is this schizo armchair psych babble kek
Also nta but you're saying talk therapy cures a more physical craving?
You've seethed about it and posted it enough on other threads already, nobody cares

No. 2442671

It should be stigmatized because the government would abuse it. “In debt? Can’t work because of a disability? Here’s this pamphlet for our low cost suicide center”. They could just get everyone who can’t be productive to kill themselves because it’s cheaper than actually making good help aids like free health care.

No. 2442672

It's not even true tho

No. 2442673

Suicide is only stigmatised because the government has one less citizen to tax lol

No. 2442680

I really like it, but it's too pretty. The point of having it be ugly and boring is to deter posting and attention.

No. 2442684

NTA but that's fair.
I like your proposed thread op pic, it's cute. Maybe you can make another one for a different thread sometime.

No. 2442692

Hello kitty is ugly as hell. I’ll also add that pink is a pretty ugly color, especially hot pink. The only pink that looks nice is pastel pink.

No. 2442696

But that already happens and people are killing themselves and blaming random websites and the person over the goverment or whatever it is that drove them to anhero. My biggest problem with the stigmatization of suicide is that it never leads to better the life of people who are in the same mental state, they just end up finding ways to blame the websites where they got the info on how to properly rope.

No. 2442697

You're responding to bait, anon. Don't worry, I know I don't need therapy for having cravings kek.
I only like Hello Kitty because two of my friends do, and I get a rush of affection when I see it. Otherwise, I don't see what's so special about her. Maybe she wasn't for my generation or something.

No. 2442701

I'm terrified that she's "canonically" a little girl and not a cat. like explain the ears.

No. 2442705

Subscriptions and not one-time payments were the downfall of society.

No. 2442708

I think it’s supposed to be a little girl in a furry suit

No. 2442709

Replies are just hating. I agree
If you have a child with someone, and you arent married, and they break up with you a year later, youre just a baby mama.

But if you had a child with someone, took time to invest in a marriage, Traveling, and all that, that person is less likely to throw you away and move on. and even if they break up with you, they have to file a divorce and at least you are an ex-wife. But what do i know, Im retarded and thats just my two cents

No. 2442712

That's even worse kek. I keep somehow thinking of a horrible abomination like that Tusk film…

No. 2442715

Picky eaters are annoying and really just want attention. They always have to be so loud about it “EWWW I CANT EAT THIS IT HAS TOMATOES AND ONIONS ON IT.”. Just eat the damn tomato and shut up, no one cares that you have the taste buds of a toddler and only like chicken tenders and fries.

No. 2442716

You already posted this somewhere else yesterday

No. 2442721

Agree. Good thing there are alternatives.
I'm pretty sure she posted in vent or things you hate thread. It's fine.

No. 2442723

Your parents getting divorced is not trauma, and hrown adults who were children of divorce need to stop talking about it like it is.

No. 2442736

The divorce alone isn't trauma. It's what led up to it that is.

No. 2442752

Very true. Unless you're allergic to multiple things then there's really no excuse to not be eating vegetables or fruit or just trying a new food now and then. We should never get to a point in society where we accommodate picky eaters because then we're just validating their mental retardation. They'll know how detrimental it is to be a picky eater once they hit their late 20s/30s and the effects of having a shitty diet finally kick in. The mildly autistic ones who write novels about the fact they can only eat microwaved mushy chicken nuggets with radioactive ketchup 6 times a day are the worst and they should be made to live off the land so they can grow up.

No. 2442761

Same. A lot of foods picky eaters hate are ones packed with proper nutrition. You need those vitamins and minerals, man.

No. 2442789

Y'all sound so miserable

No. 2442790

Yeah it’s usually shit like them beating each other in front of you lol

No. 2442793

i thought tusk was funny

No. 2442795

File: 1741879119864.png (86.42 KB, 500x318, IMG_7746.png)

>>2442662(report and ignore)

No. 2442796

I sound miserable for having really intense chocolate cravings every 1-2 months?

No. 2442800

I have an equal if not greater disdain for parents that actively enable their children in this regard. They're almost invariably obnoxious 'boy-moms' who get dominated by literal children or absentee fathers that don't give a shit and think that reheating frozen fries is cooking.

No. 2442809

Same. I hate Kevin Smith's movie but I love that one. It's a really great dark comedy.

No. 2442876

File: 1741882736236.jpeg (350.86 KB, 669x868, IMG_3602.jpeg)

Oh my god LOL I’ve seen this ugly troon before and yeah when you put her next to actual grown man, she looks like a woman
Well yeah? Because that is a woman? Looks like Dasha with a short haircut

No. 2442880

The guy in the second photo is a biological man though. I wouldn’t look at most tifs and think they’re women, I’d just think they were short men.

No. 2442887

I don't get why some anons on here are so obsessed with thinking they can clock every troon kek. 99% of TIFs don't pass but some do and only their frog voice gives it away, that's not shameful to admit.

No. 2442889

That’s something I’ve come across kind of a lot over the last five years, younger millennial and older gen Z biological men have much more estrogenic and effeminate looking faces than men of previous generations? The strong jaw, hunter eyes, royal roman nose, its very rare to come across now. Like, the moid in the second picture looks like if he pulls his pants down he’ll have a pussy.

No. 2442892

NTA, I’m not obsessed with “clocking every troon”…I just genuinely thought that man was a woman because of his weak features…

No. 2442899

even actual men look like trannies now..without even trying

No. 2442933

Can't we have something new as the threadpic, this one is getting boring

No. 2443095

File: 1741891924742.jpg (459.1 KB, 1586x1991, 1ce6f2a6fd0465a02ddfbb48613800…)

I don't hate strawberries but I don't know why they are so popular, especially strawberry flavored things. I find artificial strawberry flavor disgusting and I don't know why it's so loved. I don't like the scent of them either, it honestly makes me a little sick.
I also hate that strawberries get the tittle of the cutest fruit, when raspberries are way cuter and better tasting. Raspberry sorbet is delicious and I would eat it any day over strawberry ice cream, bleh.

No. 2443099

File: 1741892038923.jpeg (128.31 KB, 950x1029, IMG_5645.jpeg)

If my mom was exceptionally beautiful and had babies with an uggo and I ended up looking more like my dad than her, I’d be kind of mad at my mom. That’s what Dennise Richard’s and Adrianna lima did to their daughters.

No. 2443100

File: 1741892111005.jpeg (1.04 MB, 2048x2048, IMG_5646.jpeg)

They’re popular because of how they look. They’re a cute/pretty fruit but don’t taste that great.

No. 2443101

Lola is really pretty. I think they just talk about this on the show so people will view her as the underdog and support her onlyfans even more. Her new show is basically an advertisement for their mother/daughter onlyfans pages

No. 2443104

This thread will die anyway once the VPN ban happens and all the retards that use it can't evade bans everyday. Maybe we can choose a new thread pic and thread description once they're all gone and the thread goes back to how it was pre-2024.

No. 2443106

File: 1741892303891.webp (60.2 KB, 640x960, IMG_5647.webp)

She’s average looking. She definitely looks more like her dad and barely looks like her mom at all. I’d be pissed if Dennise Richard’s was my mom and I ended up looking like that.

No. 2443107

you think unpopular opinions was less infight and retard central before you came here kek?

No. 2443108

Its true but I understand some retards have different language quirks that make them think it means something else

No. 2443111

>Still doesn't know what happened

No. 2443116

no i know you’re referencing dumbass shit being autosaged and the baiters from there migrating over here, i’m just saying what makes you think unpopular opinions wasn’t still full of retardation just like what we deal with daily for several years prior to the last? unpopular opinions has been full of weird behavior for almost the last decade

No. 2443122

Nope. Try again.

No. 2443126

Kekk this sounds like those people who think once you hit 25 you have to be le mature adult and let go of anything that's considered even remotely childish or fun. So they all start dressing and acting like what they think an adult is like and emulating their grandma. Which is unironically more immature because an actually mature person wouldn't need to posture so hard that they're an adult now. It's like a kid wearing his dad's clothes and pretending he's a big adult now so he won't eat any sweets or watch cartoons anymore because that's not a grown up thing and it's gonna make him look like a little baby. So he has to compensate for his insecurity by rejecting anything he deems childlike. Kinda like how teenagers have a rebellious phase too now that I think about it.

No. 2443127

File: 1741893294797.png (108.61 KB, 1102x437, v2.png)

ok well, if you’re going to expect anons to guess what you’re thinking instead of elaborating on your thoughts, i’ll go ahead and elaborate myself; it’s quite inaccurate to try to say that unpopular opinions was somehow less bait riddled prior to ‘24, this is a screenshot of the second unpopular opinions created and it proves it’s been full of max level retardation since the very beginning kek.

No. 2443129

I don’t reject everything child like but as an adult your taste buds should’ve mature enough to find sweet food mostly disgusting. If you gave me a nice lemon tart I’d love that, will I sit around eating a bag of snickers and twizzlers? No because it’s childish slop.

No. 2443130

NTAYRT but that’s the only major change I remember being made to /ot/ in 2024? Unless you’re referencing the blackout that happened for a few days which I don’t understand how that relates to the UO thread

No. 2443138

Damn, that's too bad. I saw twizzlers came out with a weird new orange flavor filled with cream. They were pretty good.

No. 2443139

So you’re supposed to not like something because it’s childish not because it’s unhealthy or actually just tastes bad kek

No. 2443141

I eat the egg shaped reese’s as much as I can when they’re in season. Highlight of my day

No. 2443144

>Your taste buds should be mature enough to find sweet food disgusting
What do you mean by this precisely? Like if you’re an adult who enjoys caviar, pâté, oysters, and shit like that you shouldn’t also have the ability to enjoy some butterfingers?

No. 2443146

File: 1741894031884.webp (273.44 KB, 2000x2000, The-Details-Behind-‘RHOBH-Deni…)

kek I got their names mixed up, that's the fake good girl™ one, she has group prayer sessions on their show and disavows everything the other one does. Sami is basically an egirl clone of her mom and is the one they're really banking on atm

No. 2443147

I don't really see food taste as a sign of maturity, it's just food and people of literally any age can eat it and find it tasty. My older (50+ years old) relatives still like chocolate and eat birthday cake when it's their birthday and it doesn't suddenly mean they aren't mature adults anymore kekk. It's very silly (and ironically enough, immature) to hinge maturity on things like that in general. It's just a display of insecurity and trying to posture to others that you're an adult while an actual mature adult wouldn't really give a fuck or base their maturity on whether or not they had a candy.

No. 2443149

>You want to be a blameless victim if you have some carrot cake
>You must desire being 12 years old forever if you like nutella with your crepes
Kek whatever you say nona

No. 2443150

I think it's about tolerance. I hate foods that are too sugary or salty when I'm not really eating them

No. 2443154

File: 1741894261592.jpeg (118.24 KB, 1200x676, IMG_5648.jpeg)

Sami barely looks like her mom as well. The only thing they got from their mom is her eye color.

No. 2443156

Idk I think she's really pretty, not in the same way as her mom but her serious face/deep voice will probably appeal to her generation more than another wild things bimbo. She always seems tired and depressed, zoomers really like that

No. 2443164

She looks like an average woman who got a lot of plastic surgery and uses filters. Definitely cannot compare to her mom’s looks at the same age but that’s the consequence of beautiful women breeding with ugly men for money. The uglier genes will always dominate and they don’t realize it.

No. 2443170

Can't argue with you there nona

No. 2443177

I'm 100% convinced that the anons who keep complaining itt about this thread being bait and infight central are infight-hungry themselves.

No. 2443486

"Parental consent" sometimes is a fucked up concept. Sure it can prevent kids from doing dumb things but nobody ever talks about when it's used for the parent's benefit. You have grifter parents who allow their kids to troon out, you have child marriages. A pedo father could rape his toddler daughter and argue it's okay because HE consented.

No. 2443493

Removing parental consent is a troon/pedo fixation. Most people don't really think about it bc it's such a natural/obvious concept but they seem to always be presenting unlikely scenarios where that would somehow backfire and work against the majority of parents, when it's really mostly safeguarding children from the pedos discussing it

No. 2443509

I'm guessing they mean COVID

No. 2443510

>pedo father could rape his toddler daughter and argue it's okay because HE consented.

No. 2443524

No. 2443539

We’re talking about requiring parental consent for kids to do things. I don’t get why this needs to be turned into being about pedos when normally pedos are very anti-parental consent kek

No. 2443542

It's just an example of when "parental consent" can go wrong, what's so hard to understand about it? It's the same shit that happens with child marriages. Obviously the child doesn't consent but the parents do.

No. 2443553

Young children needing to be directed and given imposed physical boundaries from an adult caretaker is a completely unavoidable law of nature. Without that they would die. When people live in a government system, that system can impose rules on parents to set boundaries on what is permissible parenting, those rules can be up for debate to some extent. For example, most cultures don't permit child rape. Thats as philosophical as one needs to get, no need to be asking stupid shit like "why are parents???" Focus your curiosity towards something more productive.

No. 2443566

We should introduce feral packs of children into certain areas to create a new social/ecological niche. We need to find out how much young children are capable of without being mollycoddled by agents of the state

No. 2443588

Because that’s just an example of a child being sexually abused by a mentally ill parent? Parental consent laws also do not and have not ever allowed children to have their parents consent to sexual activity with them on their behalf, that’s not something that’s ever existed.

No. 2443592

You can recognize that parental consent laws need to exist for things while also being against child marriage

No. 2443603

Tattoos look bad on pale skin and look way better on dark skin. This is coming from someone who hates tattoos btw.

No. 2443627

File: 1741919881867.jpeg (10.43 KB, 300x168, images.jpeg)

Is it because they stand out more? Imo tattoos in general are awful because people just get random junk tattooed on themselves with no thought or planning.

No. 2443636

I think tattoos in general are just so unappealing, and when people who get tons of tattoos regret them later and then just black their skin out instead of removing the tattoos it’s just absurd

No. 2443643

Tattoos just look like shit

No. 2443660

Thank god I’m not the only one. I thought I was going crazy. Everybody around my age has tattoos and they just look like shit 100% of the time and ruin most outfits

No. 2443797

File: 1741942451201.mp4 (2.03 MB, 720x1280, 1741939391515298.mp4)

When Asian women act quirky I don't find it cringe. They manage to pull it off. I don't even have a race fetish either

No. 2443803

Japan’s kawaii propaganda is so successful that they are always painted with the halo effect now kekk.
>I don't even have a race fetish either
You sort of do

No. 2443804

The scrote ruined everything kekk

No. 2443816

Nta but there's a huge difference between this >>2443797 and a really loud/unwashed western Harry Potter fan posting a tiktok of them doing animatronic movements with their hands.

I think the reason is because they aren't obnoxious about it. If weird otaku in western countries were more low-key or chill no one would be viscerally disgusted or annoyed by them. The problem is generally autism and lack of manners

No. 2443819

I still find it shocking that Denise had multiple children with Charlie Sheen… I wonder how she feels about the gay pedo rape allegations against him

No. 2443829

also shes presentable, hygienic and normie looking.

western geeks are hard to look at, for the most part. fat, weird fashion, and yeah…the autism

No. 2443856

Presentable nerds exist in the west but are very likely to hide their powerlevel to not be associated with the unwashed autistic ones, or they'll signal their hobbies in a more subtle way with a keychain or a phone strap in their everyday life. I imagine the girl in that video is cosplaying for a con (the last Tokyo Comic Con had Mads Mikklesen and Jude Law as guests so a lot of Japanese HP fans cosplayed and took pictures with them) or for a trip to Universal Studios Osaka.

No. 2443866

What is that trying to accomplish?

No. 2443868

Every women more right-wing than me is a nazi, but every women more left-wing than me is a libtard tankie. Every women older than my is a hag, but every women younger than me is an immature baby. Every women fatter than me is obese and every women skinnier than me is anorexic. Every women prettier than me is a slut, but every women uglier than me is a whale. Every women who hates men more than me is a feminazi, but every women who hates men less than me is a pick-me. Every women is stupid, except me, who always has correct opinions. I am the best and the true standard of femininity and womanhood.

No. 2443870

I think she's just glad he didn't give her HIV.

No. 2443873

This gone girl ass copypasta

No. 2443876

Aren't all women like that?

No. 2443990

Why not?
>guy who makes no promise to stay with you forever will probably break up with you
Why have sex with such a guy?

No. 2443991

I’m glad my mom said no to me wearing all those Japanese fashions as a kid, because honestly they look like shit and it would’ve looked even worse on me as a non-Asian. And to think there are adults who dress like that.

No. 2443995

When I read manifesto chans posts, I can’t really understand why she was wrong or why the mods hated her.

No. 2443996

I’ve noticed many of them have this obsession with Harry Potter recently

No. 2443998

Link? Haven’t been here for a while

No. 2444005

The easiest way to get out of a relationship that you don’t wanna be in without looking like an asshole and you can play the victim, is just by asking to look at his phone. There’s always gonna be something in there to be used as an excuse to leave.

No. 2444008

Because the mods at the time were pickmes and their excuse was “pink pill posting attracts moids and causes them to post CP!” I’m not even joking. For a while if you said anything slightly man hating or even feminist you’d get banned and told to go back to 2X. They hated her because she was 1000x smarter than those crusty chode worshipping discord kittens could ever hope to be.

No. 2444029

File: 1741963009608.jpeg (62.31 KB, 736x736, 1741735001654.jpeg)

I don't find this guy sexually appealing, he's objectively attractive, but i just don't see it (for context this was posted as an example of "peak" at the ugly man psyop thread). This pic in particular is so airbrushed i cannot process it as a real human being but an edit. Besides, i think he looks way too young (maybe late teens at most) and i find it creepy to even imagine myself hanging out with him in a non platonic way. This is more of a personal opinion, but i also don't find his "feminine" features appealing at all. There are beautiful men whose beauty i admire and feel attracted to, but this type of beauty…i cannot find it sexually appealing

No. 2444036

He looks like a kid. I don't want to fuck him, I look at him and feel the compulsion to cut the crusts off some white bread smooth peanut butter sandwiches.

No. 2444040

I also don't really recognize his features as feminine, rather as features of someone who's really young. He looks like he goes to middle school.

No. 2444045

How about you go and have sex so you stop with this weird obsession and fixation on the topic? Did some fuckboy break your heart and now you're traumatized and can't stop thinking about virginity and saving it for marriage or something? Get a life.(infighting)

No. 2444048

File: 1741964374171.webp (30.13 KB, 679x710, Soft_Reusable_Menstrual_Period…)

Every woman should swap all their panties for period panties. My quality of life has been 100x better since I got period panties so now I wear them nearly every day. They naturally catch any unexpected period blood, keep me safe during the period and don't leak through. I've only had 1 small leak in like 5 years, and that was because I wore the same low flow pair for several days straight when I usually swap daily. They also catch any other random vaginal discharge (nothing embarrassed me more as a young kid, thought people would think I peed myself), and the extra padding hides the vulva shape if you wear tight pants (like leggings or for working out) which is sometimes an embarrassing issue that makes going to the gym awkward. I just love period panties, I can't see a reason why you shouldn't swap all regular panties for at least low flow versions.

No. 2444049

Working isn’t really that hard most of the time and it can actually be a fun way to kill time. It’s coworkers who make it hard.

No. 2444050

He looks like a frog

No. 2444055

It largely depends on the job but I agree in my case. The customers don't help either sometimes.

No. 2444058

Tbh in general I don't really like handsome squidward faces. I like more rounder, friendlier looks.
I don't know why rosy cheeks are unpopular with both men and women.

No. 2444060

Me neither, it's just that anons in that thread refer to these features as "feminine(?)/beautiful" in men

No. 2444062

I have never heard of period panties before, this sounds like a great idea because I too am a lazy fuck and hate ruining a nice pair of undies with my fluids but I'm not sure, I have worn boyshorts and boxers since I was 16, it's been almost 10 years, not sure if I'm too old to get used to new things.

No. 2444074

You're so right queen, don't let the haters get you down!

No. 2444138

What would be a "feminine" guy, then, if not he?

No. 2444142

Unfortunately my vag freaks the fuck out if I don't wear cotton, and the sensation of panties is uncomfortable to me (I wear boxers). Both in combination is suicidal.
I'm fucking jealous though, the part you said about hiding the shape of your vulva when wearing tight clothing sounds great.

No. 2444145

I was thinking about buying some of these but I'm concerned they'll feel uncomfortably wet. Pads can definitely feel wet so I don't see how you won't have that problem with cloth.

No. 2444151

File: 1741969174423.jpeg (67.06 KB, 757x720, E809E3CA-FE40-43FC-8429-54F89E…)

Cringe lol

No. 2444164

I bought a set and I love them but now all this information about period underwear containing forever chemicals like PFAS is coming out and I'm wary of them.

No. 2444176

I hate the way zoomers talk. Idk what kind of voice or accent this is but it’s like nails on a calk board. They can’t get through a sentence without saying like or bruh.

No. 2444345

Mine never feel wet, while pads do. I think it's because they're thicker and hold more liquid or something.

No. 2444427

Fabric softener smells terrible, deteriorates fabric faster and leaves a gross residue. In fact all perfumed cleaning products suck. "Luxurious" smells have the opposite effect, making whatever it touches feel cheap.

No. 2444430

"Lesbians" who are attracted to fictional men aren't really lesbians.

No. 2444441


No. 2444445


No. 2444454

My period is so light I have never leaked and I can free bleed after going to the bathroom every couple hours.(not an opinion)

No. 2444456

I feel like I would have to go throught 3-4 pairs a day for 3 days because I'd just fucking hate to sit in blood clots all day. With a pad I can just take one and throw it away, but with these I'd have to have a lot of pairs ready unless I want to sit in dirty old blood all day.

No. 2444465


No. 2444495

You got alexandrias genesis or sth

No. 2444558

We all know this

No. 2444671

I can't believe this is an unpopular opinion, this is objectively true. What gay man is attracted to fictional women lol? I hate fake 'lesbians' so much.

No. 2444675

based. ive seen too many yumes like this. its always one of the most masculine characters in the series and theyre always like
>well if it was real life id like real women!

No. 2444695

They always end up being completely straight virgins or bi every single time.

No. 2444699

According to some people here hating fakebians means you're secretly a self-hating bisexual.

No. 2444781

Nonsense. We are in an era of everything being deception. We are literally in an era where pandering can give you a career you would never have otherwise, because people are easy to manipulate. It's actually nonsense to look at someone who has exclusively obsessively talked about their ex BF and think they're totes a Rill Dyke. Straight girls pretend to be about it all the time, and bihets like Eilish are a dime a dozen. It's healthy to be casually suspicious of something presented to you in the media with tons of contradictions. The whole "accept everyone at face value without questions or else you're a bigot" thing is the whole reason the lgbt community is under fire right now. You're damned for exercising common sense.

No. 2444815

File: 1742002092397.jpg (61.59 KB, 851x782, Screenshot_20250314_180557_Fir…)

I'm so fucking tired of americlaps. They have the laxest gun laws in the civilized world precisely for shit like this.
>no one will stand up for us
Who do you want to stand up for you? Women in other countries? Some have already fought and protested their way into obtaining rights and created a society that procures them in the long term, and most foreign women already have it worse than you. Perhaps the men then? How much of a retarded handmaiden do you have to be to think that men will spontaneously care about women's rights kek. American women only have other American women to stand up for them, and as much as they bitch and moan and want to become "refugees" in other countries I do not see even one sizable protest anywhere in the country for women's rights, which means that most American women are content with their current situation, and how would they not be when a good bunch of them voted for what they have right now. Either organize a protest, or mass kill scrotes with your 2nd amendment, or fuck off with your crocodile tears. Maybe just admit that you think you will get welfare and healthcare in Canada/Europe and don't want to fucking work ffs.

No. 2444823

Americans consistently overestimate how bad it is in the USA and consistently underestimate how bad it is in other countries. It's confusing. America is the best country on Earth and even the poor can live well there.

No. 2444829

You don't know much about America. It isn't about what it amounts to next to third world countries–its that everyone toutes how great it is when its rife with unnecessary exploitation. Sure, it's great that there's no cartels (bar the border states). Access to food is something to be very grateful for. They're currently annihilating the middle class, healthcare bankrupts you, etc. Also Trump is now going to decide who is "mentally ill" enough to take their guns away or deny them guns–slowly, it's being chipped away. This "golden age" of America that's always described will be completely obliterated. Trump is a Russiaboo and intends on forcing everyone except the high class into poverty. It's a first world country built upon exploitation and that's exactly how it will collapse.

No. 2444843

Man I feel so bad for Americans. In here we have free healthcare, cheap food (and eggs), universities are free, houses are affordable, etc etc. You can come be a refugee in my country nonna.

No. 2444859

I think people underestimate that there are people fighting against the bullshit that goes on in the country, particularly in regards to Trumps retarded schemes to "save money". Most of the stuff he is doing will either not go through or be reverse once at least saner republicans or a lib party in general comes into office.

No. 2444860

What country?

No. 2444864

Mexico :)(no emojis)

No. 2444867

I think a lot of people in other countries are too wrapped up in the decadence being sold to them on social media. Most people aren't streamers, onlyfans thots, tiktok influencers. You see the loud minority. Most people are wagies, suffering while carrying rotten baby boomers on their backs like packmules. People can't afford critical, life changing surgery or even basic healthcare, are rarely given access to decent nutrition and safe foods unless they can afford Whole Foods prices, etc. A lot of Americans are going to experience extreme poverty soon. America isn't Russia. There's no excuse for this level of exploitation. Children are shooting up schools and adult men are mowing down crowds of people. What makes America so ugly is that for a long time now, they could have protected people and fixed things but they simply don't want to. Only rich people matter.

No. 2444873

No. 2444876

How are you so sure? He deliberately humiliated Zelenskyy on television. He is building ties with Russia. Elon Musk is parading around the government, already gave ugly little kids access to everyones social security information. Trump was strongarmed into promoting teslas. You can't possibly believe this is all "dramatic doomer theatrics".

No. 2444879

My sister. Where?

No. 2444885

File: 1742004411389.png (37.89 KB, 369x301, v.png)

>noooooooooooooooo we cannot be like those subhuman russerinos nooooooooooooooooooooooooo i must be able to afford the new iphone every 2 weeks and fund my hedonistic lifestyle thanks to foreign slave labor and record corporate profits fueled by foreign wars aghhhh if i work for shit like in any other country is ameriover!!

No. 2444893

…it's illegal to be gay in Russia. Everyone hates Putin. I really don't care if you hate America but this is deliberately obtuse.

No. 2444897

I think all of those things are bad. I also tend to really like Russian people. I think iphones are terrible and that slave labor should be banned. Are you pretending that Putin isn't an evil piece of shit to pwn the Muricans?

No. 2444918

How is this unpopular, it's basic common sense.

No. 2444948

NTA but no it's not.
No, I know about the USA. I know that Americans are too insulated to realize how good they have it. No matter what Trump does, your country will still be the dream for millions of people around the world and you'll still have the chance to have a good life there, even as a working class person. Too many chronically-online Americans complain about the cost of living in major cities, as if the USA isn't the third biggest country on Earth with millions of settlements and hundreds of millions of homes to choose from. The USA is the greatest nation on Earth and it's cringe when Americans pretend that it isn't.

No. 2444957

It's not illegal to be gay there and Putin has brought the country up from its knees after the collapse of the ussr. Do you actually talk to people there? People who grew up there in the 80s/90s onward?

No. 2444958

>the USA is the greatest nation on earth
Because they have free will to get morbidly obese and shoot off a few rounds?

No. 2444961

Not that poster but Putin isn't as "evil" as any other leader.

No. 2444962

what if they were all cuntboys and therefore theoretically TIFS

No. 2444964

Yeah he's totally normal. Aspirational, even. Stand up guy. Good head on his shoulders. Really cares about the people.

No. 2444973

Think about it

No. 2444981

I don't believe ingratitude is the driving force of anger here. Again, the country has the means to care about its people but won't. That wage disparity everyone covets because "everyone has a chance at making it big" is rapidly closing. I agree, many Americans are delusional. But that doesn't mean they should quietly take being assraped by Republicans now.

No. 2444989

File: 1742008185711.png (231.54 KB, 1006x955, 1732766104871.png)

Is it really?

My friend, you've had roughly equal periods of time where the other side has ruled and neither have actually addressed any of the issues you all keep bitching about.

No. 2444992

Far as I can tell he's a fairly conventional center-right politician that, if anything, acts as a moderating voice that keeps the ultras in check. Like any world leader running a large multi-ethnic empire he certainly has blood on his hands but that's hardly unique. I'm not sure if I'd call him a good person necessarily but I do think that he's largely mischaracterized and misunderstood here.

No. 2444995

>putin is just misunderstood!

No. 2444996

I think you meant "any more evil" kek

No. 2444997

>pretty boring from the observer's point of view
So divorced from sexuality that even during sex they take on the role of observer rather than an active participant
>isn't really as intense and dominating
Pornrotted to the point that they believe sex is about domination and submission instead of mutual pleasure and love
>ends up looking goofy an awkward
Self-conscious to the point of worrying what one looks like during sex because they can't be lost in the moment; they can't lose control for even a moment without fear

Zoomers are "cooked" as they say.

You're arguing with Americans that have been force-fed Cold War era propaganda for generations. Anything Russian is evil to them because they have small brains and can't think critically.

No. 2444998

If you have to have a hysterectomy you should take that as a sign from God that you’re not someone who needs to be having kids, not as “Oh I should hire some underpaid wageslave to get impregnated with my ugly husbands sperm so she can carry a child and then I can buy it off of her"

No. 2444999

That fujo honestly sounds like a virgin. It wouldn't be surprising, since apparently zoomers are the generation who have the least sex.

No. 2445002

Holy double trips of truth

No. 2445003

Yeah, most “lesbian” fujos are just virgins who e-date their friends to complete the lesbian larp

No. 2445004

I never know how to feel about surrogacy. I've read about anons' thoughts on them here before, and they make good points, but I knew someone that got paid $70k to be a surrogate. I think some women understand the risks involved and still choose to do it for the financial aspect. I don't think they should be looked down on.

No. 2445008

NTA but I don't look down on the women who get paid to do it, but rather the couples who pay these women. I think that anon feels the same way.

No. 2445023

I don’t look down upon them at all nona, I just feel very sorry for them. They’re victims of inhumane exploitation, their genetics and bodies are being sold, and not even for very much money.
>I knew someone that got paid $70k to be a surrogate
She deserves much more than that for growing a human; $5m bare minimum for using her body, taking up 9 months of her life, stealing her families genes, traumatizing her by forcing her to give birth then go home without the baby, and then probably still getting bothered by this child because surrogate born children and adopted children often do become curious about who their real mother is and try to seek her out

No. 2445030

You're right. Party really isn't the driving force of all evil, I was making a blanket statement. I think we agree on a lot of things, and I think the decadence needs to be stopped. But I don't agree with a majority of working class people carrying the wealthy on their backs, from any country, and I think Americans not having access to iPhones or goods from slave labor wouldn't hurt them, but the rich will continue to do what they've always been doing. They will always incorporate slave labor, exploit thirdies, keep wages low while profiting exorbitantly. Americans have a lot to be grateful for, but that doesn't mean they need to bow down and be grateful to wealthy oligarchs or conglomerates. They absolutely need better education on where their materials come from, who is hurt via the ultracheap goods they consoom, how people suffer. All of those things can be true at once. Americans feel fear because their representatives are allowed to be embarrassments that lie freely, treat other countries representatives with disrespect and disregard, exploit whoever they want, lead sheep into bigotry and hatred.
>inb4 it's worse in other countries
Yes. But America has the means and the resources for otherwise, and they choose glutton, decadence, deceit, and exploitation every time. Some financial strife wouldn't be the end all be all, but average wagies are going to be wrung out and hung to dry while the same wealthy people lose nothing and aid no one. Just because someone expresses distress or complains about negative changes or threats doesn't invalidate the strife of others. "Oh yeah, well at least you don't get bombed or starve to death you ungrateful fat cunts" doesn't help anyone or make any positive changes or advancement.

No. 2445043

File: 1742010004741.jpg (45.44 KB, 680x703, 1660870089398.jpg)

You know, it's kind of mind blowing that people can understand that it'll fuck with baby animals' minds to separate them from their mothers too fast after birth. So why do people assume human children are perfectly okay? I haven't looked into any studies, but I have this strange intuition that separating an infant from its biological mother as fast as possible does some instinctive psychological torture, even if it's just by a fragment to the baby's mind. Even in surrogates where the woman is carrying the fertilized egg of another woman, I can only imagine how the infant is still going to feel after being immidiately separated from the woman who at least birthed it. It spent nine months growing in her womb, surrounded by her flesh and blood, listening to her heartbeat, picking up the sound of her voice, and even learning emotions from her if late enough in the pregnancy. The baby is born just to be separated from the woman who may not be biologically related, but is its mother in the way that MATTERS at this point.

No. 2445057

Shopping instead of adopting is a gross display of arrogance, decadence, narcissism

No. 2445058

Babies have a very small period (usually 5-7 months post birth) where they've yet to learn stranger anxiety. It's why anybody can pick up and hold a very young baby, but once they reach a certain age they'll start to instinctively cry and try to get away from any stranger. It's an evolutionary trick; if the baby's mum dies, which was so common in the past with birth, another woman can step in and become the substitute mother without much fuss from the baby. Young babies instinctively try to befriend anyone they interact with to inspire the protection urge humans experience when it comes to offspring. It's why adoption of infants below 6 months of age are usually so successful compared to adoptions of infants post 6 months of age.

No. 2445073

>mother dies
>one bitch, two bitch, dead bitch, new bitch
never mind, babies are sociopaths.

No. 2445087

KEK pretty much I never thought of it that way but yeah

No. 2445094

Being held by your mother, feeling her heartbeat, hearing her breathing, and obviously drinking her breastmilk are indescribably crucial for the cognitive and nervous system developments of babies. Even if the egg is from the buyer/boss, the babies body is still growing in their real moms body. Their little bones, organs, eyes, hands, feet, are all developed from the body of the mother carrying them, not to mention hearing her voice all day every single day while they’re living inside her body too. And you’re absolutely right, victims of abandonment, losing their mother, surrogacy, or other avenues of adoption are often more likely to develop cognitive issues, problems with developing their skills, and other mental illnesses than their peers who are cared for and raised by their real mother.
Something I learned recently is that the mother losing a loved one during her pregnancy can be an event that causes issues with their childs mental health later in life, it makes sense if a little infant who just popped out the womb and is learning to survive will just try to be cute and get taken care of by whomever is in their immediate area, but I do believe that losing your mother or your mother selling you (even if she doesn’t pass away) are still things that can negatively influence the health of their brain and thoughts throughout their later life

No. 2445099

You're right, and it's freakish when people try to deny this because they want to defend surrogacy, or they feel some sort of anxiety that human babies are still human babies in the womb is like…adjacent to anti-abortion arguments.

No. 2445107

File: 1742012854130.jpg (17.26 KB, 594x336, gettyimages-641467370-594x594.…)

Indians wouldnt consider Brits Indian if the occupation had never ended but me and my Native American brethren are supposed to consider pasty ass fucks who dont have a single drop of native blood in them the same nationality as us who were treated as beasts of burden and/or slaves by European Colonizers? Every time one of these lily-white fucks opens their mouth you can feel the vitrol they hold against us Natives and yet we are supposed to agree we come to a common ground when it comes to our problems as a nation?(racebaiting)

No. 2445119

I've done a lot of research on Elon Musk. He isn't evil, he's just misunderstood and misrepresented.

No. 2445127

He’s also incredibly spergy and often says/does obnoxious things

No. 2445132

Far as I can tell he's a fairly conventional center-right politician's lackie that, if anything, acts as a moderating voice that keeps the ultras in check. Like any world leader running a large multi-ethnic empire he certainly has blood on his hands but that's hardly unique. I'm not sure if I'd call him a good person necessarily but I do think that he's largely mischaracterized and misunderstood here.

No. 2445136

I cant stand when people, males especially, make low self-esteem jokes about themselves. Like am I supposed to think it's funny you chirped about how worthless your life is? I avoid males who do this.

No. 2445150

Honestly they shouldn't say anything at all. Not a peep.

No. 2445159

I believe you've done as much research on him as Elon Musk understands relational databases.

No. 2445164

No. 2445172

If you typed words out that sounded like your lisp when you speak, your fans will think you're cool, hip and young again. I pwomise

No. 2445177

Heth the player of gameth, player of gameth

No. 2445178

personally i think the stan smith yume as mentioned in the fandom discourse thread is actually really cute

No. 2445184

File: 1742017270712.jpg (41.18 KB, 1000x667, 454f.jpg)

Good good good, now retrieve the nubile egirl temptresses, so that they may host my progeny

No. 2445186

KEKKKKK why does this look exactly like him

No. 2445187

File: 1742017790125.gif (2.51 MB, 173x267, AHHAHAHAHAHA----------YOU.gif)

Beer sucks!
It tastes like trash, it's not cheap, it's a neurotoxin and it turns you into a retard
Getting drunk for fun makes you a retard and anything that happens to you while drunk is 100% your fault.
Fuck you

No. 2445188

Yeth thaddy

No. 2445381

Having kids really isn’t that expensive and they only complain because they really don’t wanna spend money on those kids because they had them just because they wanna say they have kids

No. 2445385

Elon stop selfposting and go back shitting up the grimes thread.(hi cow)

No. 2445389

>Far as I can tell he's a fairly conventional center-right politician
Get some new material.

No. 2445399

Beer tastes like what I think piss tastes like

No. 2445406

File: 1742038264396.jpg (268.44 KB, 960x895, liberator.jpg)

All imperialism is evil, but russian version is especially vile, russians have a culture similar to islam, it is incompatible with humanistic ideals. They are a nation of shameless liars, since soviet times they keep implementing the same propaganda tactic, repeating a lie no matter how ridiculous, until it sticks. They are a nation of thieves, they have invaded their neighbors unprovoked countless times throughout history. They are a nation of rapists, rape is a traditional disciplinary measure in russian army. They are a nation of murderers.(racebaiting)

No. 2445419

Most white characters are being replaced by non-white people not because of some weird propaganda/rage bait it's because white people don't want to be in the entertainment industry and find it a waste of time

No. 2445420

There’s not enough money in the entertainment industry these days for it to be worth all the abuse.

No. 2445449

Cultural similarities would explain why Russia seems to be so buddy-buddy with Islam.

No. 2445462

Thank you. I felt like I was in an alternate dimension seeing people bat for putin.

No. 2445500

wealth is often a secondary motivation for people wanting to break into the entertainment industry. many people, particularly men, just want to be famous because they desire the attention and all the privileges it will afford them. scrotes are willing to be broke if their name is still enough of a commodity for them to be able to exploit women. look at that loser corey feldman and his "angels"

No. 2445523

This thread is even more fun since the new layout. Anyone who thought that we would be put off posting is even more of a retarded fat loser than we are.

No. 2445524

I kind of agree, but it really depends on where you are. It’s very cheap to get stuff second hand.

No. 2445577

I like newfags because they dont have a bleak outlook on life like oldfags do

I also dont care about fujoshis vs yumejoshis, male waifu coomers should be our main enemy

>inb4 redtext

No. 2445598

Lolcow is the only place where you'll be called a pick-me for saying boys don't deserve to be raped/abused but if you can openly lust over murderers, rapists and misogynists.

No. 2445608

They’ll call you a pickme with internalised misogyny for saying Casey Anthony deserves the death penalty. They’re either larping scrotes taking the piss or dumb as a batch of shit. Don’t take any notice.(dragging an infight across several threads)

No. 2445626

What makes you think its the same anons? do autists not understand how anonymous image boards work.

No. 2445653

I bet you were the anon defending that little boy rapist in the yt hate thread a few days ago

No. 2445655

No, I have no clue WTF you're talking about and I'd never defend a rapist

No. 2445671

I think going 50/50 re: relationships is understandable if you're both young and not super rich. By your mid to late 30s or marriage time, though, it's ludicrous and betrays a serious lack of commitment/trust. There's little to no reason for grown-ass people to be doing it, it just makes them fuckbuddies who live together. Either share funds, or whoever is making the most money (typically the male, but not always) covers everything.
And yes, I believe in emergency funds for if a relationship goes south.

No. 2445675

The beatles only have like 5 good songs

No. 2445677

Anon you are too reasonable for this thread

No. 2445681

I thought everyone did this? Although i have seen some past-middle aged people who still do 50/50 due to low income

No. 2445701

Most "classic" artists are unremarkable.

No. 2445711

The Seinfeld effect

No. 2445724

NTA but what's that?

No. 2445744

5 is being generous.

No. 2445833

I want a real druggie thread. Not that pitiful weed thread, it’s cute, but where are the junkie anons who take crazy ass drugs and start seeing blue aliens and want to talk about it. So boring, come on I know some of you do insane drugs

No. 2445835

Do it. I want to read crack-chans experiences.

No. 2445840

>I think going 50/50 re: relationships is understandable if you're both young and not super rich
I generally agree but the thing is, I personally believe that if a man genuinely loves a woman, he'll never truly allow 50/50, even if he's young and not super rich. I dated a young ambitious man who was on the lower end of middle class almost poor and despite all that he was still paying for our dates. And yes, I did offer to pay and I felt guilty cause I knew he was short on money, but he didn't want to hear any of it. He always wanted to buy me stuff, even if it wasn't much, and didn't accept anything from me. I think a man who really loves his gf would try his best to cover most of the expenses, like 30/70 instead of 50/50 or at the very least he would NEVER ask for her money. Like he would allow her to do whatever she wants with her own finances, and help with rent, but he isn't gonna like borrow money from her and shit like that. Even if he's aware you're both struggling, he'll want to be as helpful and needed as possible and make your life easier. This is what a man in love behaves like, not a fuckbuddy, not a roommate, not someone who sees you as a temporary gf, not a mama's boy.

No. 2445843

>I personally believe in gender roles
Okay, thanks for your opinion.

No. 2445846

Take it as gender roles if you want, but if your moid actually gave a shit about you he'd rather sacrifice himself to see you eat instead of being thinking about himself lol

No. 2445847

straight relationships make me sad, they are basically like a form of prostitution. I do understand that a man spending money on you is a good thing since it shows he cares and is interested in you but it still makes me sad how this is the only way men know how to show their love. Like psychopaths throwing their money at people hoping it makes them stay.

No. 2445848

>if your moid actually gave a shit about you he'd revert back to 50's chauvinism
Whatever floats your boat

No. 2445860

That's just male psychology and I don't understand why nonas are offended about muh gender roles, this is just what men think. If a man is stingy with money around you, it means he doesn't really loves you as much as you think he does. If he treats you as his piggybank, ask you for money and shit, holy hell thats even worse. I've been observing various relationships for years, and the worst lazy shitty husbands were the ones that waited for their wife to pay for them. Also don't take this as meaning you need to be a tradwife, what I'm saying is that a good man wants his wife to have her own source of income, and doesn't need her money, and he would rather help her and make himself useful. Even if she makes more money than him, he'd be happy for her, but he wouldn't expect her to provide for him.

No. 2445862

Ok nona, keep paying for those lunch dates

No. 2445871

>I don't understand why nonas are offended about muh gender roles
I hate zoomies so much. Women have fought tooth and nail for the last hundred years for the right to vote, the right to work, the right to have their own bank account, all for the principle that women are equal to men and don't need to be babysat by them, and now zoomers like you go around saying how much you need a big strong man to take care of you and buy you stuff.
>she thinks this is an insult

No. 2445880

>all for the principle that women are equal to men
They're inferior and they're supposed to make your life better but ok. And yes that's an insult, WHY would you PAY for a man? That's a scrotoid! He doesn't need your money, why are you the one who is babysitting him?
My mom was the provider of my house, and she was miserable. Now she's dating a man who is willing to kiss the ground she walks on and she's a thousand more times happier and peaceful, and yes she still has her job and her own money, but now she's with someone who doesn't need her money.

No. 2445886

*the men are inferior, not the women, before you twist this

No. 2445893

>Men are inferior
>That's why he takes me out, he picks where we go, he's in charge of the money, he dominates me in bed
>WHY would you PAY for a man? That's a scrotoid!
Uhhhh, because I love him? Are you so incapable of love, that you can't realize this?
>My mom was the provider of my house, and she was miserable.
And my mom works at Nintendo, and can tell you all the cheat codes.

No. 2445895

Women are so cucked with this mentality and being brainwashed into giving up their money to men. You dumb idiot, he benefits just by you giving him your TIME. You could invest that money. spend it on yourself and female friends, or donate it to women's shelters. But you would choose to pay a man just to spend time with him. Men are laughing their way to the bank knowing that liberal feminism has made women bend over backwards to serve men not only emotionally, mentally, and sexually, but now financially as well.

Based. I've never seen a woman who was happy paying 50/50 or being the breadwinner. Because all the men who allow women to do this are greedy and selfish. Men know they are supposed to be useful to their female partners, the ones who aren't are severely mentally ill.

No. 2445904

>Women are so cucked by refusing to be on a monetary leash
>liberal feminism has made women bend over backwards to serve men
Oh, I didn't know you were an antifeminist tradwife that wanted to go back to the 1950s.
>all the men who allow women to do this are greedy and selfish
As opposed to you, doing the exact same thing, without greed and selfishness.

No. 2445906

How does investing my money in myself and my female friends make me a tradwife?
>monetary leash
Explain this more?

No. 2445908

>That's why he takes me out, he picks where we go, he's in charge of the money, he dominates me in bed
Yes, he takes me out because that's his job, to be creative and find ways to make me happy. And who said he's in charge of the money? He's in charge of his own money, not my money. That's the point, my finances are not his business. And who said anything about dominating in bed kek. Men who are super in love tend to choose the role of a servant in bed, he cares more about your pleasure than his. But a momma's boy is more likely to be into it for his own fetish.

No. 2445909

i find both of your takes to be retarded. Truth is the thinking of one leads to a miserable life where lazy hobosexual men attach themselves to you and secretly use your own money to cheat on you and buy other women stuff meanwhile the other one leads to a unhappy tradwife life where you are married to a older man not knowing when he will cheat on you and replace you.

Both are sad, probably because most women end up unhappy with men no matter which type of relationship structure they chose. Being single seems the way to go.

No. 2445923

File: 1742066164153.png (11.14 KB, 551x332, This is you.png)

No. 2445926

Why are you involving me in your kink? I did not consent.

No. 2445929

In straight relationship, a man doesn’t respect you or love you if he won’t spend money on you. It sucks but if you wanna date men you have to submit to their prostitution standards or be single because you’ll have to protect their ego and make them feel like a man by letting him bring home the bacon. It’s hard dating men because it’s like….why do I need to be your escort for you to respect me?id love to be in a relationship where we don’t even think about who pays for things but I know that’s never gonna work with scrotes.

No. 2445932

File: 1742066416880.png (17.83 KB, 551x332, 1742066164153.png)

I guess I need to spell it out for you
>if he doesn't want to prostitute you he doesn't love you

No. 2445939

>If you buy lunch for a guy he doesn't love you
What is this nonsense?

No. 2445941

Unfortunately, thats how men show their love. If you meet a guy who doesn’t wanna spend money on you and buy everything it’s because he doesn’t like you. I don’t make the rules. That’s why I don’t date because the kind of guys I’d want are always gonna make less than me and if they’re willing to give me a chance I’d just be their sugar momma in a loveless marriage.

No. 2445943

>meanwhile the other one leads to a unhappy tradwife life where you are married to a older man not knowing when he will cheat on you and replace you.
That's literally not what I said. The guy who was paying for my dates, buying me random gifts, and choosing to be a servant in bed eating me out and not even caring about getting off himself was 5 years younger than me. I lost him because of my poor decisions, and because I didn't understand his worth at the time. I wanted to be the one who gives him gifts, the one who makes him happy in bed, only to realize much later that my mentality was retarded. He wanted me to be independent and self-sufficient, to have my own thing, but not to the point where I would be his mommy, that's why despite being poorer than me, he never accepted anything. And it wasn't an ego thing, he just didn't want to mooch off me. There was never any discussion of being the tradwife, because tradwives put themselves at risk and they can be victims of abuse. The idea is to date a man who doesn't need your money, and who would rather give you his money. It doesn't mean you give up your job and passion and become the housewife tm, it just means he tries his best to enrich your life. A man like that would be supportive of your career because he wants to see you happy.
A 50/50 doesn't work because realistically speaking, women give so much more in a relationship. That man gets a woman (a huge privilege), women also give birth, and they're better at raising kids, women are also better at handling household chores, finances, planning, perform better at their job, and are more productive during the day. Any self-aware man would try his best to make his woman as happy as possible as a result, because he would understand her struggles, he would work harder and strive to be better for her.

No. 2445945

I just hate how that is their ONLY act of love and that's throwing money at someone so they do something he wants. Like i wish men loved taking care of their partners when they are sick or doing some emotional labour too, or child labour or loving and being attracted to their partner even if she ages. But instead it's all about throwing money at someone. Don't get me wrong though, being with a moid who is financially responsible and pays for things is still so much better than being with a lazy bum parasite who will use you like a mule and take your money.

you're being cringe. I understand your point but stop being sperg.

No. 2445946

Well, go on a first date with a guy and pay for it and see what happens to you lol

No. 2445952

>I lost him because of my poor decisions
Gee, maybe it's because you never once paid for him despite his findom fetish, and you have a misandrist attitude and call every man's a scrotoid.
>you're being cringe
On lc. When in Rome, do what the Romans do.
That's what I did with my bf

No. 2445957

Pick me alert

No. 2445958

>misandrist attitude

Not that anon but…umm what????

No. 2445961

>men don't like misandrists
Gee, who would have guessed?

No. 2445962

you are a moid aren't you, why do the moid lurkers always come out when anons talk about how women shouldn't spend money on male parasites KEK.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2445963

Go back

No. 2445964


No. 2445967

>nona is spending money on her bf so he doesn't leave her

No. 2445971

I had a bf whose only form of love was paying for stuff and buying me things. It became pointless for me to be with him after I started making my own money kek

No. 2445973

I hope you don't think you can be a total misandrist AND fall in love with a male.
Love requires sacrifice.

No. 2445976

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This you?

No. 2445978

No. 2445979

watch out we got a hobosexual over here.


No. 2445984

I just know he's ugly too

No. 2446020

I don’t understand when people say they didn’t know having kids was hard and they’re mad because no one told them….ive never had kids and no one ever had to tell me having kids was hard because I can see that by walking outside. Like, have they never been to a super market and see a bad ass toddler screaming and acting a fool in public?

No. 2446031

I don’t understand how anyone can hold that opinion, like do they not remember their own chlidhoods? Or were their child years so easygoing that they never experienced hardship?

No. 2446212

Men are boring but a lot of women are boring and uninteresting. Pretty soulless as well. I feel nothing talking to them and being around them except my female family members.

No. 2446214

I agree with this, I'm also boring and uninteresting so can't really expect others to be different tbh

No. 2446224

It’s even worse when they think liking anime and consumer slop is a “personality”

No. 2446243

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my unpopular opinion is that I like listening to people's mundane lives. Especially when women talk about their kids. I think it's sweet.

No. 2446277

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I also like listening to people and their mundane events, women usually have more variety than men in my experience. It’s why the mundane thread is one of my favorites.

No. 2446442

Belongs more on the confession thread but same. Or when they go into stuff they've created, like art, music, their own characters.

No. 2446802

I wish misogyny was the same as misandry, women would just need to log off kek.

No. 2446806

People act like having children is a right when it isn’t.
If you are infertile or partnered up with a woman there’s either adoption or IVF. If you are a faggot you don’t have any right to anything other than adoption.

No. 2446822

What do you think of alcohol free beer? I love it. Tastes like drinkable bread or cake, depending on the brand. So refreshing with a slice of lemon and a few mint leaves soaked in it.

No. 2446827

For the last 20 years men have spent most of their free time LARPing as low class mercenaries in virtual reality machines that could create any possible scenario to exist. For the last twenty years women have idolized being entirely body and sex focused, dumping most of their free income into their appearance. So I guess what I'm saying is that the average person has been signaling that their values align with being a permanent underclass for a while now

No. 2446836

So like you say, for the last 20 years moids have been gaming while women have been working on self-improvement. Actual guns aren't designed like video game controllers or kbs and their games are focused on keeping them addicted, not anything of value or that will teach them anything

No. 2446851

looksmaxxing is retarded and genuinely adds nothing of real value to society. Unless 'the commons' to you is being able to stare at hot people. Again, peasant class mentality. You are a crop.

No. 2446852

You're the only retard saying women care about this. That's why I said self-improvement, to correct your dumb take

No. 2446858

and by people I mean other women, since men don't live to be an appealing morsel for other peoples eye gaze.

No. 2446865

naive and overly charitable interpretation of most young women but okay. I'm all for outliers, don't get me wrong. Its not that uncommon to not be an incorrigibly vain POS but if it wasn't the majority behavior we wouldn't be living in the world we live in!

No. 2446936

I hate this wave of people who think reading books makes them superior. And yes, I read. I enjoy reading. And that's why I can acknowledge that books are no different than other forms of media, ie. also mass produced trash. Just because it's words on a page doesn't make it inherently more intellectual unless you're reading to learn or studying. People will recommend me books, classical literature, self-help books, biographies, I read that shit and most of it is trash. You are not smarter because you read kek

No. 2446939

Tall guys are overrated, it's nice to look at but really impractical
the ideal height for a man is 10 cm (4 inches) above yours, you can do way more things in bed (like have missionnary sex while looking each other in the eyes) and you can both be the little spoon

No. 2446943

It doesn’t make sense to me that Christian women will keep a baby with a terrible scrote they’re not married to because “I don’t believe in abortion” but they’re fine with having sex before marriage. I mean if there’s a hell you’re already going there so you might as well go to hell for something that improves your life….

No. 2446947

Technically, by their own logic, they buy a one-way ticket to Hell the moment they have sex which doesn't result in a pregnancy because that's a waste of the potential life in the gametes. And that's likely to be MOST sexual encounters, even between married couples. So they might as well get an abortion if they want one kek

No. 2446953

If you're an adult and you "can't" drink water unless it's flavoured and your fluid intake is mostly soda, you're a loser. Obviously if you have legit autism or something that's the exception

No. 2446978

God yes. They tell me to read something I enjoy and I simply don'y enjoy any of the books I've looked through.

No. 2446990

I legit don't understand those people, I love water I could drink it all day long, it's literally the perfect beverage. Imagine hating plain water, I suppose they're too used to sugary sodas and insulin resistant, which I also don't understand because ingesting all that sugar constantly would eventually make me want to kermit

No. 2446991

Some places do have worse tap water than others to be fair but like, still

No. 2446999

Well we don't drink tap water in my country, but filtered water, so maybe that's why water doesn't taste ass to me

No. 2447008

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I fuking hate the song Somebody I Used to know, I don't know why it's still so popular to use it in memes. I hate the lyrics and I hate the fucking bongos (?) used in the song itself. I'm just so sick of hearing it and if I could never hear it again in my life, I would be satisfied.
Happiness is a warm gun is their only good song in my opinion
>Tastes like drinkable bread
You'd love kvass then nonna

No. 2447009

>Somebody that I used to know
It spawned a lot of covers that are WAY better than the original

No. 2447048

There is nothing even remotely attractive about Luigi and his face is gross and the fact that there are cute comics about him is so sad and pathetic(luigi sperging outside of containment)

No. 2447052

This is actually quite a popular opinion.

No. 2447058

Luigi death as my birthday gift

No. 2447061

When is your birthday?

No. 2447062

Thank god

No. 2447071

August, hopefully he gets killed in prison by that time

No. 2447074

I don't read anything besides textbooks but I have more respect for people who can sit down and read fiction rather than listen to audiobooks while they're doing 10 other things at once.

No. 2447075

May your birth date wish come true Inshallah

No. 2447078

I hate men who say they like to “read” but only listen to self help audiobooks while at the gym. Same with women who only read cringe ass romance books. I’m sorry women.

No. 2447079

Wishing for it to come sooner, hopefully around summer time. I’m sure they’re dragging this psyop shit out as long as they can milk it before his trial

No. 2447081

Hoping they choose death penalty for that fuggo(luigi sperging outside of containment)

No. 2447090

I am personally hoping he dies before his own birthday, which is in May
I hope it's electric chair and they put some corn kernels on that thing so we get to have popcorn afterwards(luigi sperging outside of containment)

No. 2447127

Day 24 of pleading to the mods to ban any mentions of this moid outside his fuckass thread, amen

No. 2447140

Gotta report it, nona. I'm doing my part.

No. 2447146

Based. The only books I could power through were novels mostly. I don't know if it's me being retarded since I'm ESL but insist on reading in English, but the prose in most novels is legitimately impossible to comprehend. I can't understand who's talking or what's happening. No one talks the way novels are written, so it's very confusing to me most of the time that I just end up dropping it since I don't know wtf is going on. The only exceptions are usually autobiographies disguised as novels, like No Longer Human and Girl, Interrupted. Agatha Christie's books are also straight forward to the point. And I find older novels from the 1910s-1950s easier to understand. Modern stuff are literal gibberish. Like Steven King for example. I couldn't finish Carrie because the descriptions were too long and unnecessary, went nowhere, and didn't even make sense anyways. It felt like I was reading an AO3 fanfiction where they exaggerate and complicate their writing as much as possible to appear smart and as good writers, except this guy actually got published. Decent ideas, poor execution imo. But again, it could be me being retarded.

No. 2447149

The description of this thread is so corny.

No. 2447152

No fucking way I'm having sex with a 160 cm manlet. Failed psyop. They literally look inhuman and disgusting, like they don't have limbs or organs.

No. 2447154

I fucking hate how women perceive being critical of make up as a "pick me" thing now. Youtube and tiktok is full of women making fun of women who openly talk about not wearing make up and they call it a "pick me" thing. They call themselves feminists but the actual feminist analysis is non existent. They behave like typical mean girls. Where did we go so wrong?

No. 2447155

The superior version is vidrel

No. 2447160

I mean, pickmes are attention seeking by default. If you only bring up the fact you don't wear makeup/you're critical of it when somebody else mentions their makeup routine it kind of makes you look silly at best and annoying at worst, like who asked lol

No. 2447168

Who asked about that person's make up routine though? Literal female children are indoctrinated into the femininity cult even ealier than before because all they see on social media is women spamming about their 1000 dollar make up shit kek. If only they put half of that effort into promoting anything of actual value

No. 2447171

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The person qrting the artist is a ragebaiting tard, but genshits don’t deserve respect so I kind of agree

No. 2447174

Dude on the right mogs every single 3dpd moid on this earth deadass

No. 2447176

Not an achievement whatsoever.

No. 2447182

I think sequins and fake gems on clothes are so fucking ugly. I don't care if people think it's pretty and "2000s style" it's ugly.

No. 2447185

actually, pickmes are girls who do and say things deliberately in order to be picked by men. being attention seeking has nothing to do with it, you can be attention seeking in a way that would deliberately put off men.
basically "nlog pickme" became a buzz word on tik tok and now zoomers think any activity that is critical of feminine performance makes you an nlog, except like i said to them its always "nlog pickme" so they wrap all the way around back to retarded and say being critical of femininity means you want to be picked by men

No. 2447209

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I continue to not understand why people waste calories on alcohol. You have to consume like 400 calories of it to even start feeling a slight buzz, and it, at best, tastes “okay.” You could eat a WHOLE SLICE OF DELICIOUS CAKE for that amount of calories. Why am I drinking a whole meal’s worth of fizzy piss water to feel next to nothing?

I just, sincerely, don’t get it. Picrel, drank one of these last night, and halfway through I was like “why am I doing this.” It tastes perfectly fine, but not great, because no alcohol tastes actually good. And I’d have to drink like two more cans just to feel anything? WHAT IS THE POINT?

Am I insane or is everyone else insane?

No. 2447215

Word "pick-me" has lost all meaning. Now it just means "any woman that does anything I dislike." Similar to the word "incel" which now means "any man that does anything I dislike."

No. 2447220

You had me in the first half
I feel the same way, especially factoring in costs. I get so confused seeing people at shows ordering drink after drink and getting sloshed out of their minds. Like you're a 250 lb moid paying $14 per drink just to get shitfaced for one night at a music venue. It's insane

No. 2447243

Funny enough I've never thought a cake, or any dessert, as "delicious". I was eating a fruit tart yesterday and halfway through I said why am I forcing myself, and threw the rest away. I'd rather just eat the fruit.

I genuinely like the taste of some beers

People just have different tastes(learn2integrate)

No. 2447303

I used to read a lot of popular books, like Malcom gladwell or whatever popsych or career thing was trending.
Most modern books are actually anti knowledge, most of the studies in them can't be replicated and are worthless. You are actually worse off for reading them.

No. 2447309

It's crazy how much of this women nitpicking other women over minor stuff (like if they wear makeup or not) is literally just sexual competition but we can't talk about it.

No. 2447322

>the first "woman" in the video is literally a tranny
Nothing ironic about males lecturing women about not performing femininity well enough. And gullible women are eating this shit up and performing even harder kek

No. 2447323

Looksmaxxing is the only that matters. If you looksmaxx you can get a better quality partner and enjoy a higher quality of life.

No. 2447331

Basically every woman can be attractive with a proper make up. If you are not attractive with bare face, then you are not attractive at all. An average woman can be turned into an instagram model with make up. But even without any make up a high fashion model face will still be considered above average.

No. 2447332

Shotas are ugly

No. 2447333

Most women didn't fight for that stuff though. It was always the top 10% of women fighting. "Equality" has made life objectively worse for the bottom 90%. Zoomers can't help but notice this, they're not stupid

No. 2447336

Hmm. I think you fundamentally misunderstood what that anon wrote.

No. 2447347

I'm addressing the claim that "women fought tooth and nail"
Most women didn't fight at all, it was a small bourgeoisie minority

No. 2447353

>"Equality" has made life objectively worse for the bottom 90%

No. 2447362

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Well then working class is fucking retarded and they deserve to be exploited. I was born in a working class family and I had to watch my grandma serve my granpa and not even having her own money and other shit like that and I'm GRATFLEFUL for those 10% of "privileged" women who fought for my rights because now I don't have to live with a man in order to support myself and I don't need to have sex or have kids, because I never wanted those things anyway. But the society still favors (straight) couples and paying rent and everything is much easier when you are with a scrote so idk why are pickmes complaining so much? Your life is still financially easier simply because you allow a scrote to fuck you. For women like me who choose to not involve literally any male in their lives life is financially harder. But I'd rather choose that over the past where I would be FORCED either into marriage or I would get lobotomized or burned on the stake or, at best, locked in a monastery. So fuck you.

No. 2447365

My husband always did 50/50. But it's because of how he was raised with his mom as the breadwinner and dad spending more time with raising him. He is a great husband, but i lament the 50/50 thing. It's a huge scam. Men simply like working more than women, they will work in an office 10 hours a day every day and think nothing of it.

No. 2447366

Ah to clarify, my grandma worked her whole life, on a farm when she was a child, and then in a factory as an adult, all while she was carrying for a child and washing my granpa's dirty cottons and cooking because he wouldn't do any of that. She was earning total pennies, much less than my granpa, and she had to feed the kids on her own etc.

No. 2447368

Because women now have to work full time and also do all of the chores and child raising

No. 2447370

No woman "has" to do those things in first world countries.

No. 2447371

Women still worked, what is with this myth that women were never in the work force?

No. 2447372

>do all of the chores and child raising
huh, you arent forced to do this. Literally just dont have children with scrotes. And i would rather work than have to be a bang maiden for an ugly scrote.

No. 2447375

Unfortunately, society dies if women don't have children. Not my problem, but this situation probably won't last forever.

No. 2447378

Then it has to die I guess

No. 2447381

ok but you understand no one is putting a gun to your head to have children, right?

No. 2447383

I think anon's saying that the freedom of choice to not have kids won't last when women don't produce enough kids anymore to keep the economy going.

For now thirdies will produce plenty of them and that's why we've been importing them en masse.

No. 2447384

they always worked you fucking retard, it's just that now they're actually compensated for it and allowed to keep their money outside their husband's, father's or son's reach

No. 2447387

Thats not the reason why they import thirdies and you know it.

No. 2447396

But it's not just that they always worked, it's that you now HAVE to have dual income to even afford a house. That's been the biggest change.

No. 2447401

you dont have to if you dont marry moids

No. 2447417

Ok but 90% of women aren't man haters and DO want to "marry moids". We're literally biologically programmed to want to be with moids and have kids with them. Setting society up to mainly benefit childless women that hate men isn't a great idea long term

No. 2447419

>inflation and the housing crisis is actually le feminisms fault
women have always had to depend on dual income. even making their children work

No. 2447421

then thats their problem them. Why do i have to lose rights because becky is too pussy to raise her standards and marry moids that actually know how to change diapers? not my fault.

No. 2447424

We live in a world with the highest rate of human trafficking and basically all moids watch porn. How pandering to men by being with them benefits women actually?
>we are literally programmed to want this
Weird, when I say that women say I have internalized misogyny and it's a women's choice to have kids and a man kek. Except I say it in the context of breaking the programming, not embracing it.

No. 2447431

Yeah really. My great-grandmother had like 9 siblings and none of them finished high school because they all had to work to support the family, and some of them died as children too. This is just how it was and people then had loads of kids for this reason, more income streams to support the household and it was pretty much expected at least one wouldn't make it so best have lots

No. 2447491

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who the fuck is "we", man? You speaking French? Your "we" does not include ME. Even when I was a kid, I just never found real happiness at the idea of marrying a scrote and giving birth. I never liked childbirth enough to actually want to do it myself. Some women just don't really have a "domestic" mind, or a "mom" feeling, you know?

No. 2447591

So they're importing thirdies from the goodness of their hearts is what you're saying?

No. 2447609

no, its because they work for free and dont ask for human rights

No. 2447630

Ntayrt, I’m childfree and in my 30s now. All my “childfree” friends had an kid except a few moids who got snipped. Kind of annoying how that happens. I’d get sterilized happily but my insurance won’t cover the procedure I’d trust. So unless you’re at least 28-29 the chances of you changing your mind are unfortunately pretty high.

No. 2447681

Most “gothic” and “alt” clothing looks really bad and cheap unless it’s vintage.

No. 2447735

Being LGBT is inherently degenerate and morally degrading. Just look at how linked LGBT stuff is to kink culture, bdsm, etc. All faggots are degenerates and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.

No. 2447752

Ok before anyone else replies to you I’m gonna just let you know you’re on an imageboard full of faggots kek…you still got time to delete this nona

No. 2447754

Opinions like this are too edgy and incomprehensible. You condemn them all, you condemn random people whose only purported crime is being attracted to the same sex. Including women.

No. 2447759

Male sexuality is degenerate by deafult, doesn't matter if they're faggots or straight. Women who let men fuck them are degenerate too.

No. 2447761

Keep going. You won't be able to do it anymore on the 19th. Enjoy it while you can.

No. 2447763

LGBT is heavily linked to kink culture to the point it's inseparable. That is degenerate

No. 2447764

Ooo NTA but what happens the 19th? Is Hellweek starting back up?

No. 2447767

Are you blind?

No. 2447772

Oh the VPN ban, oh yeah

No. 2447776

Ok ntayrt but that’s just the day the poll closes, we don’t really have any way of knowing if the mods will actually follow through with the ban

No. 2447779

>straight women will say this while literally sucking STD-filled dick
Kek same as fags

No. 2447788

Heterosexuality is natural and normal, being a fag is often a result of child molestation and social contagion, regardless if you're gay or lesbian. Lezzies are the same as their male counterpart.

No. 2447792

Rape is also natural. And homosexual behaviors exist in nature too
Enjoy your natural humiliation and submission then because sucking STD filled dick is natural

No. 2447793

There's a reason why lesbian relationships never work out and often have dead sex lives, look at how bitter you are. Also sucking cock is not natural, just as homosexuality is abnormal.

No. 2447801

I'm not a lesbian, I'm a celibate bisexual, I don't give a fuck about lesbian sex lives. But I think lesbians will never create the amount of degeneracy that straight couples create. Homicide is the leading cause of death for pregnant women. Let that sink in.

No. 2447803

Just for the record "maternal instincts" are from hormonal changes that only happen when you get pregnant and have a baby. Women aren't biologically programed to care or want random babies the way media/myths portrays it, those instincts are physical changes and only come with pregnancy.
I think it's great that we're made this way, because if you choose not to have a child you don't feel like you "miss out". But if you do have a baby even if you were dead sure you didn't care to have one before those instincts still kick in, so there's a high likelihood you'll change your mind and like it.
I'm fully pro choice of having/not having, I've just seen some women be scared of having kids due to "not having maternal instincts" when they literally aren't supposed to have them yet!

No. 2447818

>But if you do have a baby even if you were dead sure you didn't care to have one before those instincts still kick in, so there's a high likelihood you'll change your mind and like it
>she doesn't know about the regretful parents sub

No. 2447835

Guys get diagnosed with Avoidant Personality Disorder and Women get diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. Both of them are too similar and only one gender gets the BPD crap diagnosis more often. Many women that suffer from BPD may just be avoidant, specially the "non offending quiet BPD" ones.

No. 2447842

Straight relationships aren’t that bad if you can accept you’re not special and your scrote isn’t either. I wouldn’t ever think my scrote wouldn’t do something shitty because statistically he most likely will and there’s nothing special about me from all the other millions of women it happened to for me to think he wouldn’t do something horrible to me. A lot of women get super hurt and struggle to leave bad relationships because they thought they were special, and the bad things that happen to other women wouldn’t happen to them.

No. 2447846

are you thinking of autism because avpd and bpd arent even remotely the same thing

No. 2447868

Women of all races, backgrounds, cultures, etc. need to join together, square our problems off, support each other - and get rid of men. World peace would be possible.

No. 2447910

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Benny blanco would be ok looking if he got a nose job, fixed his teeth, lost some weight and eye brows

No. 2447913

He looks like a walmart employee

No. 2447914

So true, but pickmeism is so fucking strong it's so frustrating. And it's worse when everyone argues what race has the worst pickmes as if it isn't an issue in varying degrees across the board.

No. 2447916

>lost some weight and eyebrows
I’m pretty sure being eyebrowless would do him 0 favors anon kek

No. 2447927

Unfortunately, no. Even in this edited photograph, he's still intensely ugly. His type of ugliness can't be fixed through surgical intervention. It would be like trying to shine a turd until it's a diamond. It won't work. He would be best off being lobotomized and put on display in a eugenics-themed zoo that teaches visitors about the dangers of reproducing with ugly men.

No. 2447956

>Rape is also natural
Natural… how? just because its "natural" doesnt mean its normal wtf

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