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File: 1726147169638.gif (4.03 MB, 480x270, 1643238930458.gif)

No. 2161624

No. 2161627

File: 1726147301652.mp4 (2.11 MB, 576x1024, 978546720957952717.mp4)

No. 2161636

Why is he petting his own head first? wtf is that purring sound? is this satire

No. 2161663

he looks like one of the chadification edits

No. 2161665

i wish i understood what he’s doing kek

No. 2161683

File: 1726153253499.mp4 (138.19 KB, 516x360, zootopia.mp4)

i accidentally made a new thread

No. 2161696

I was going to post a video of a scrote reacting to a video of some woman getting sexually assaulted on camera and saying that no man tried to help her and the scrote reacting to it said to not expect random men to help her, they go on the internet telling you how much they fucking hate you and would watch you get raped and do nothing and this is why I don’t give a shit if they die, they kill themselves or get hurt, fuck scrotes they all deserve die.

No. 2161777

he's giving you his lice

No. 2161868

No. 2162388

Yess love the op pic.

No. 2162390

A true classic!

No. 2162792

File: 1726236741400.mp4 (3.19 MB, 1080x1080, saya.mp4)

btw this was animated by a minor, what's up with kids getting into saya no uta nowadays?

No. 2162810

No. 2162890

File: 1726243440729.mp4 (4.56 MB, 408x720, OHAHAHAHA.mp4)

No. 2163093

File: 1726254865587.jpg (1.65 MB, 2871x4032, sbfaxc2awf291.jpg)

Whatever this is

No. 2163099

this is probably the cheapest, ugliest cosplay i have ever seen. I bet it would evaporate if you tried to iron it.

No. 2163116

What is the QRD on the threadpic, I keep seeing it lately

No. 2163144

One of the worst tattoos I've seen so far.just nasty

No. 2163161

I hope this person gets jumped repeatedly. This is dumbfounding.

No. 2163165

yes his videos are at least partially satire i think he realized thirst traps are cringe so his way of getting around that is to lean into the cringe

No. 2163322

I'd disown my kid if they did this

No. 2163549

The vn wasn't even good to begin with. It's a dated piece of loli coomershit by an overrated moid writer who gets dicksucked by weebs for being "edgy".

No. 2163857

You'd get attacked for saying this in /m/ but it's true

No. 2163861

Because zoomers love this generic "cute girl but evil" shit

No. 2163903

god i thought i was the only one who thought this was retarded, its way too try-hard and the artstyle doesnt fit the aesthetic at all

No. 2164055

this made me curious to look up what's this vn about and honestly the concept is right up my alley but lolishit completely ruins it
lacey always made me cringe with how unfitting and bad the art is. if you're going for a 2010s girlsgogames vibe why make the character look like it's some weeb middle schooler's vent doodle

No. 2164641

I can’t lie I find threadpic cute

No. 2165798

No. 2167969

File: 1726573456337.webm (130.7 KB, 380x400, poor newjeans.webm)

No. 2168036


No. 2168062

File: 1726583230606.mp4 (3.6 MB, 720x1230, 3333333.mp4)

No. 2168107

This reminds me someone I know irl who thought she could become a man because she wanted to be Alastor:((emoji)

No. 2168108

i may not like kpop but does anyone else feel bad for these girls?

No. 2168135

i feel bad for all south korean women, the country is fucked

No. 2168251

shes actually vietnamese but yes she’s a kpop idol and unfortunately kpop idols are expected to have a positive reaction to anything their fans do especially female idols

No. 2168339

there was video where someone was putting stickers on the idols . can’t find it but they looked soo uncomfortable while security just kept going “don’t put stickers”

No. 2168388

and people still think all Korean men are just like thread gif kek

No. 2168640

most kpoopies understand the difference between korean men and idols that are forced to be femgazey, there are actually a lot of korean radfems that are male group stans

No. 2169223

File: 1726636573152.png (557.63 KB, 931x1034, Screenshot_20240917-221237~3.p…)

No. 2169269

File: 1726641173883.jpg (152.83 KB, 600x678, tumblr_m1b2jisqqw1r2swvyo2_640…)

I will confess, even though I am almost 30 now I also watched a no commentary playthrough video of this VN many years ago when I was still a teenager. I think kids, teens especially, are drawn to edgy content to try to seem more mature for their age and shit, even though every adult I talked to online way back when was like "NO!! ENJOY YOUR YOUTH WHILE IT LASTS!" I otherwise did and I agree with them even now. It makes me annoyed that shit like FNAF, Poppy's Playtime, and other edgy horrorshit is just especially aimed at kids now and kids are exposed to implied graphic violence and shit. It was bad when it was Happy Tree Friends, it's still bad now.

And non of those are even like, a dogshit 18+ loli porn VN like this filth. I'm with the other anon, Saya no Uta would be a really excellent horror story but the loli ruins it. Fuminori was in such an abused mental state that you could replace Saya with any other normal looking adult woman and Fuminori still would've been down bad and simped for her simply for being the only normal looking female present in his weird mental illness meat world.

No. 2169313

Same age and same story here anon lol I really liked it at the time but I didn't really understand the concept of loli because I was still so young myself, now looking back on it that part is so gross and unnecessary like you said

No. 2169321

Honestly most vns would be better if the guy was paired with a woman his age. Idk why lolis enamor japanese galges so much? Every bishojo stars the token loli, who you can romance, without any repercussions besides the one pedo joke.

No. 2170269

No. 2170273

its because men like lolis its not so deep its like asking why female otomes always have abusive bishies, its what women like

No. 2170280

It's because moids are pedos.

No. 2174052

No. 2174610

File: 1726970135238.jpg (173.4 KB, 1334x1334, bc099c7f0772f0ddd9420ece8ef0a2…)

No. 2174712

Average Vivziepop fan

No. 2175410

File: 1727030785503.png (42.48 KB, 691x325, Gillian Flynn.png)

No. 2175415

Sounds like she's training for the handjob Olympics

No. 2175905

watch a scrote be like "do girls really do this"

No. 2176897

I gave her comedy special a chance and then got bored halfway through

No. 2177715

No. 2177948

It's so funny to me that bronyism started as an ironic meme on /co/ but autists thought it was sincere and, in an attempt to be cool and in with the crowd, memed themselves into loving it.

No. 2178363

No. 2185080

File: 1727565511151.mp4 (7.37 MB, 464x848, M3cfV2d.mp4)

No. 2185084

When he put his hand on her, that's when the cringed hit like a wall. I don't know what I was expecting.

No. 2185088

she looks like she would post about her nigel here in the /g/ thread

No. 2185109

It's sad because this girl is cross-eyed and clearly trying to sexualize the fact, that's why she keeps forcing those weird ass faces

No. 2185114

It’s always the fat couples

No. 2185117

Everything about this is tiktok, from her outfit to the retard body language to the stinky coomer shit. I wish the app would get nuked already.

No. 2185122

> nyo. i dyon’t like thyat!
Why do fat bitches talk like that?

No. 2185124

I don't get it. Why did he randomly strangle her?!

No. 2185127


No. 2185130

File: 1727567136754.png (3.15 MB, 1170x1562, stop.png)

Why’s she so cross eyed?

No. 2185136


No. 2185138

trying to emulate ahegao but failing miserably

No. 2185139

I am still confused, I will post what I hear and someone can explain what it's meant to mean
>You're taking a really long time looking at beans
>Yeah sorry I can't seem to find your bean on this shelf
>Oh mai gawd
>You didn't like that?
>No I don't like THAT!
>You ok?
>Ya Im Gucci
>Babe you're Good Will at best
>You're horrid! You are horrible
>Im great for you
>queu strangling with Kraft Mac n Cheese staring in the background
Is it supposed to be cute? Funny? I'd kill myself if this were me

No. 2185142

NYA but I assume it’s meant to be quirky? She looks like a teenager lel

No. 2185149

I'll do my best to translate from cringe sex pest speak to proper nonny language:
>I can't seem to find your bean on this shelf
"I'm making a joke about finding your clit"
>Ya Im Gucci
>Babe you're Good Will at best
"I'm negging you by saying you're a thrift store" (Goodwill is a secondhand shop, while Gucci is a known brand. He's trying to add onto her joke and failing.)
>cue strangling with Kraft Mac n Cheese staring in the background
He's repeating their sex life in the middle of the grocery store. That is 100% a thing he does during sex and she has memed herself into thinking she gets off on it.

No. 2185150

God I hate this retarded whore

No. 2185368


No. 2185541

Belle Delphine skinwalker

No. 2185690

File: 1727596844477.png (1.75 MB, 2048x2048, 9hW0mGy.png)

No. 2185720

Who is this?

No. 2185749

is she wearing handcuffs

No. 2185814

does she post her moid? I bet it's an ugly soy scrote

No. 2187735

File: 1727709823368.mp4 (1.46 MB, 480x854, US4jdIR.mp4)

No. 2188157

I'm sorry this made me laugh

No. 2188159


No. 2188162

What's wrong with this?

No. 2188165

i wish i could make a deku impression this good

No. 2188202

Look at his fat little hand. Two hamplanets trying to act all cutesy and like a real-life hentai…This is killing me kek

No. 2188352

The new danganronpa dub sounds promising

No. 2188362

this generation is fucked

No. 2188422

now THIS is what this thread was made for

No. 2188427

I wish I could unwatch this

No. 2188453

File: 1727735924970.png (567.57 KB, 566x1008, 1000008815.png)

Why is this expression so scary?
This is funny to me. Edgelord scrotes need to get bullied.

No. 2188755

No. 2188767


No. 2188770

nta but i guess it's the soy radiating from that guy and the fact that he's arrogant enough to use his face as part of his dumb, moralfaggy meme.

No. 2189470

File: 1727803219248.jpeg (269.8 KB, 1080x1964, IMG_8944.jpeg)

No. 2189478

This is our generation of “artists”.

No. 2189485

not really cringe

No. 2189487

How is shipping yourself with a pedo not cringe

No. 2189503

bait account

No. 2189593

Average yume

No. 2189942

Yeah that's what I'm thinking too, but still, good lord above.

No. 2190577

No. 2190578

Someone told her she has a beautiful smile and they really shouldn't have.

No. 2195448

File: 1728202522058.png (496.11 KB, 903x798, Ep52AWf.png)

No. 2195629

Why would anyone conceivably wear this? Might as well wear "please punch my lights out".

No. 2195630

To the institution this kid goes.

No. 2195846

No. 2196865

File: 1728268193396.jpg (452.63 KB, 1280x818, large.jpg)

What a waste of materials and fabric

No. 2196872

t. Sheinbaum Goldstein(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2196954

This is so fucking funny. Nazi brony/furry autism is something else.

It seems like bait accounts are becoming a lot more common. People are getting so desperate for engagement even if it’s negative.

No. 2196999

No. 2197277

this story was so fucking lame especially the ending, god i hate that one trick pony ass bitch

No. 2198652

File: 1728400427585.mp4 (16.16 MB, 576x1024, 1728400214146 (1).mp4)

No. 2198660

File: 1728400782151.png (18.68 KB, 647x97, 1728182162287.png)

No. 2198664

Couldn't find a reaction image strong enough to illustrate my disgusting

No. 2198665

This is how I see every fat person, male and female.

No. 2198785

God I want to punch him so bad

No. 2199050

"He's So Crazzzzzzzy Love Him"

No. 2199959

why the fuck is bevers on my lolcow

No. 2202372

No. 2202375

this guy has at least 50 GB of loli porn in his computer

No. 2203377

Guys like this give me serial killer vibes. I can imagine her waking up in the middle of the night to him smothering her with a pillow.

No. 2203419

>sims with the goofball trait

No. 2204363

File: 1728750721569.png (311.95 KB, 500x374, Y3Wy8FJ.png)

No. 2204367

What's a terf, is that like a "right wing feminist"?

No. 2204396

File: 1728752884678.mp4 (5.5 MB, 720x1280, 0DBEE9E9-8763-4630-9E6C-D9E402…)

No. 2204397

why are bong moids like this

No. 2204399

No. 2204400

It's the inbreeding

No. 2204430

1) You're such a newfag
2) TERF stands for trans exclusionary radical feminist, it's basically second wave feminism and only women can be radical feminists. But trannies use the word anyone they don't like in order to demonize them, they'll even call the pope a terf.

No. 2204925

File: 1728779607813.mp4 (2.12 MB, 360x640, nzw1aVT.mp4)

No. 2204940

Alright, this wins the thread.

No. 2204941

Trying too hard to skinwalk some e-boy she thinks is hot

No. 2204951

Vivian herself is a bit of a ham

No. 2204957

she's pretty it's a shame she's kind of fat and dating a tiny hand creep

No. 2204963

fat men should be exterminated button —→(emoji)

No. 2204965

His "humor" is obviously fucking forced. She never laughed in any of the clips until he kept repeating the joke. He sounds mentally retarded as well and looks that part while he's at it.
Couldn't get past the 1st second. Thought it was some ugly gigantic baby at first.
Phones, social media, the internet, and cameras were a mistake.

No. 2205230

Incels say women live on easy mode, but men can be disgusting fat retards like this and there is somebody who thinks they are funny.

>try so hard to be edgy
>still put tw and use pen instead of knife

No. 2206605

does farmhand know what an emoji is

No. 2207173

File: 1728935156731.jpg (Spoiler Image,137.13 KB, 736x967, 19f924b11015549a6b3eac32248c57…)

theres a bit to unpack here

No. 2207179

if this woman was a farmer she would sperg about the koolaid man on the husbandofag thread 24/7

No. 2207187

>"femcel girlfriends"
That ain't no biological woman

No. 2207202

Those are shitposting groups

No. 2207313

this is how bj-chans are made

No. 2207377

Allow me to present Mormon "humor" with Studio C, BYU's version of SNL.

No. 2207379

ngl i would that emo black crayon

No. 2207380

this is better than modern SNL

No. 2207386

File: 1728946470136.png (421.58 KB, 720x904, insnigpd7fj71.png)

here he is, nona

No. 2207391

are mormons even allowed to be faggots? the fuck

No. 2207407

This was Mormon?

No. 2207547

File: 1728958821205.jpg (9.84 KB, 320x318, 8c8vueyfthlb1.jpg)

christ nonnie why'd you have to unearth my repressed trauma like that

No. 2208860

File: 1729034359841.png (135.47 KB, 1158x697, chatbotfag.png)

No. 2209363

ew i can feel her trying to make me lauggh but failing miserably

No. 2209403

No. 2214106

This vore animation,the voice acting,the animation itself,the sound effects are disgusting and cringe worthy the worst part is that it was a commission.

No. 2214318

I wonder how people develop vore fetish.

No. 2214539

File: 1729408540990.mp4 (2.12 MB, 720x1280, Snapinsta.app_video_2C4FFA41D7…)

No. 2215451

Almost 400k likes for some shitty try-hard cosplay.

No. 2215454

File: 1729459003837.webp (17.87 KB, 250x324, Ogre.jpg)

what the fuck. is he even sentient.

No. 2215476

Her vids are so intriguing to me. She is married to some lobotomized giant and claims to have had his children, yet all of her videos are recorded in a completely empty house. No dish ware, no beds, no place to sit. Every room looks like that one. Any video of them sitting somewhere they're on the steps or the floor. She claims she just likes it that way but clearly they do not live there. They probably live in a trailer park or something. There also likely isn't any children. She'd definitely include them in vids if there were. Maybe she isn't even married to that creature either, maybe she found him roaming the mountains and decided to dress him in real people clothes and use him as a prop.

No. 2215488

they both look mentally retarded and like they were shaken like a blendjet when they were babies so i guess it’s a match made in heaven. congrats to them, i guess? that probably explains why she’s virtually neglecting them kek

No. 2215498

File: 1729460120988.jpg (94.51 KB, 1800x900, Phoenix-Wright-Ace-Attorney-Tr…)

the bottom of her feet are dirty af too so the trailer park theory holds. they enter empty homes for sale and film ogre breeder propaganda

No. 2215500

>ogre breeder propaganda

No. 2215510

holy shit he looks insanely retarded

No. 2215545

She is always yanking him by the arm to get him to move into frame

No. 2216680

File: 1729533578700.jpg (80.91 KB, 512x663, gd3yso4ni3341.jpg)

have some retro cringe

No. 2216692

That pic is satire, right? It has to be.

No. 2216713

I thought for a moment you had posted a little girl..

No. 2217535

>Maybe she found him roaming the mountains and decided to dress him in real people clothes and use him as a prop.

No. 2217551

Why is it always Pokemon??

No. 2217554

i am glad that all of these hacks found their demise

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