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File: 1726147169638.gif (4.03 MB, 480x270, 1643238930458.gif)

No. 2161624

No. 2161627

File: 1726147301652.mp4 (2.11 MB, 576x1024, 978546720957952717.mp4)

No. 2161636

Why is he petting his own head first? wtf is that purring sound? is this satire

No. 2161663

he looks like one of the chadification edits

No. 2161665

i wish i understood what he’s doing kek

No. 2161683

File: 1726153253499.mp4 (138.19 KB, 516x360, zootopia.mp4)

i accidentally made a new thread

No. 2161696

I was going to post a video of a scrote reacting to a video of some woman getting sexually assaulted on camera and saying that no man tried to help her and the scrote reacting to it said to not expect random men to help her, they go on the internet telling you how much they fucking hate you and would watch you get raped and do nothing and this is why I don’t give a shit if they die, they kill themselves or get hurt, fuck scrotes they all deserve die.

No. 2161777

he's giving you his lice

No. 2161868

No. 2162388

Yess love the op pic.

No. 2162390

A true classic!

No. 2162792

File: 1726236741400.mp4 (3.19 MB, 1080x1080, saya.mp4)

btw this was animated by a minor, what's up with kids getting into saya no uta nowadays?

No. 2162810

No. 2162890

File: 1726243440729.mp4 (4.56 MB, 408x720, OHAHAHAHA.mp4)

No. 2163093

File: 1726254865587.jpg (1.65 MB, 2871x4032, sbfaxc2awf291.jpg)

Whatever this is

No. 2163099

this is probably the cheapest, ugliest cosplay i have ever seen. I bet it would evaporate if you tried to iron it.

No. 2163116

What is the QRD on the threadpic, I keep seeing it lately

No. 2163144

One of the worst tattoos I've seen so far.just nasty

No. 2163161

I hope this person gets jumped repeatedly. This is dumbfounding.

No. 2163165

yes his videos are at least partially satire i think he realized thirst traps are cringe so his way of getting around that is to lean into the cringe

No. 2163322

I'd disown my kid if they did this

No. 2163549

The vn wasn't even good to begin with. It's a dated piece of loli coomershit by an overrated moid writer who gets dicksucked by weebs for being "edgy".

No. 2163857

You'd get attacked for saying this in /m/ but it's true

No. 2163861

Because zoomers love this generic "cute girl but evil" shit

No. 2163903

god i thought i was the only one who thought this was retarded, its way too try-hard and the artstyle doesnt fit the aesthetic at all

No. 2164055

this made me curious to look up what's this vn about and honestly the concept is right up my alley but lolishit completely ruins it
lacey always made me cringe with how unfitting and bad the art is. if you're going for a 2010s girlsgogames vibe why make the character look like it's some weeb middle schooler's vent doodle

No. 2164641

I can’t lie I find threadpic cute

No. 2165798

No. 2167969

File: 1726573456337.webm (130.7 KB, 380x400, poor newjeans.webm)

No. 2168036


No. 2168062

File: 1726583230606.mp4 (3.6 MB, 720x1230, 3333333.mp4)

No. 2168107

This reminds me someone I know irl who thought she could become a man because she wanted to be Alastor:((emoji)

No. 2168108

i may not like kpop but does anyone else feel bad for these girls?

No. 2168135

i feel bad for all south korean women, the country is fucked

No. 2168251

shes actually vietnamese but yes she’s a kpop idol and unfortunately kpop idols are expected to have a positive reaction to anything their fans do especially female idols

No. 2168339

there was video where someone was putting stickers on the idols . can’t find it but they looked soo uncomfortable while security just kept going “don’t put stickers”

No. 2168388

and people still think all Korean men are just like thread gif kek

No. 2168640

most kpoopies understand the difference between korean men and idols that are forced to be femgazey, there are actually a lot of korean radfems that are male group stans

No. 2169223

File: 1726636573152.png (557.63 KB, 931x1034, Screenshot_20240917-221237~3.p…)

No. 2169269

File: 1726641173883.jpg (152.83 KB, 600x678, tumblr_m1b2jisqqw1r2swvyo2_640…)

I will confess, even though I am almost 30 now I also watched a no commentary playthrough video of this VN many years ago when I was still a teenager. I think kids, teens especially, are drawn to edgy content to try to seem more mature for their age and shit, even though every adult I talked to online way back when was like "NO!! ENJOY YOUR YOUTH WHILE IT LASTS!" I otherwise did and I agree with them even now. It makes me annoyed that shit like FNAF, Poppy's Playtime, and other edgy horrorshit is just especially aimed at kids now and kids are exposed to implied graphic violence and shit. It was bad when it was Happy Tree Friends, it's still bad now.

And non of those are even like, a dogshit 18+ loli porn VN like this filth. I'm with the other anon, Saya no Uta would be a really excellent horror story but the loli ruins it. Fuminori was in such an abused mental state that you could replace Saya with any other normal looking adult woman and Fuminori still would've been down bad and simped for her simply for being the only normal looking female present in his weird mental illness meat world.

No. 2169313

Same age and same story here anon lol I really liked it at the time but I didn't really understand the concept of loli because I was still so young myself, now looking back on it that part is so gross and unnecessary like you said

No. 2169321

Honestly most vns would be better if the guy was paired with a woman his age. Idk why lolis enamor japanese galges so much? Every bishojo stars the token loli, who you can romance, without any repercussions besides the one pedo joke.

No. 2170269

No. 2170273

its because men like lolis its not so deep its like asking why female otomes always have abusive bishies, its what women like

No. 2170280

It's because moids are pedos.

No. 2174052

No. 2174610

File: 1726970135238.jpg (173.4 KB, 1334x1334, bc099c7f0772f0ddd9420ece8ef0a2…)

No. 2174712

Average Vivziepop fan

No. 2175410

File: 1727030785503.png (42.48 KB, 691x325, Gillian Flynn.png)

No. 2175415

Sounds like she's training for the handjob Olympics

No. 2175905

watch a scrote be like "do girls really do this"

No. 2176897

I gave her comedy special a chance and then got bored halfway through

No. 2177715

No. 2177948

It's so funny to me that bronyism started as an ironic meme on /co/ but autists thought it was sincere and, in an attempt to be cool and in with the crowd, memed themselves into loving it.

No. 2178363

No. 2185080

File: 1727565511151.mp4 (7.37 MB, 464x848, M3cfV2d.mp4)

No. 2185084

When he put his hand on her, that's when the cringed hit like a wall. I don't know what I was expecting.

No. 2185088

she looks like she would post about her nigel here in the /g/ thread

No. 2185109

It's sad because this girl is cross-eyed and clearly trying to sexualize the fact, that's why she keeps forcing those weird ass faces

No. 2185114

It’s always the fat couples

No. 2185117

Everything about this is tiktok, from her outfit to the retard body language to the stinky coomer shit. I wish the app would get nuked already.

No. 2185122

> nyo. i dyon’t like thyat!
Why do fat bitches talk like that?

No. 2185124

I don't get it. Why did he randomly strangle her?!

No. 2185127


No. 2185130

File: 1727567136754.png (3.15 MB, 1170x1562, stop.png)

Why’s she so cross eyed?

No. 2185136


No. 2185138

trying to emulate ahegao but failing miserably

No. 2185139

I am still confused, I will post what I hear and someone can explain what it's meant to mean
>You're taking a really long time looking at beans
>Yeah sorry I can't seem to find your bean on this shelf
>Oh mai gawd
>You didn't like that?
>No I don't like THAT!
>You ok?
>Ya Im Gucci
>Babe you're Good Will at best
>You're horrid! You are horrible
>Im great for you
>queu strangling with Kraft Mac n Cheese staring in the background
Is it supposed to be cute? Funny? I'd kill myself if this were me

No. 2185142

NYA but I assume it’s meant to be quirky? She looks like a teenager lel

No. 2185149

I'll do my best to translate from cringe sex pest speak to proper nonny language:
>I can't seem to find your bean on this shelf
"I'm making a joke about finding your clit"
>Ya Im Gucci
>Babe you're Good Will at best
"I'm negging you by saying you're a thrift store" (Goodwill is a secondhand shop, while Gucci is a known brand. He's trying to add onto her joke and failing.)
>cue strangling with Kraft Mac n Cheese staring in the background
He's repeating their sex life in the middle of the grocery store. That is 100% a thing he does during sex and she has memed herself into thinking she gets off on it.

No. 2185150

God I hate this retarded whore

No. 2185368


No. 2185541

Belle Delphine skinwalker

No. 2185690

File: 1727596844477.png (1.75 MB, 2048x2048, 9hW0mGy.png)

No. 2185720

Who is this?

No. 2185749

is she wearing handcuffs

No. 2185814

does she post her moid? I bet it's an ugly soy scrote

No. 2187735

File: 1727709823368.mp4 (1.46 MB, 480x854, US4jdIR.mp4)

No. 2188157

I'm sorry this made me laugh

No. 2188159


No. 2188162

What's wrong with this?

No. 2188165

i wish i could make a deku impression this good

No. 2188202

Look at his fat little hand. Two hamplanets trying to act all cutesy and like a real-life hentai…This is killing me kek

No. 2188352

The new danganronpa dub sounds promising

No. 2188362

this generation is fucked

No. 2188422

now THIS is what this thread was made for

No. 2188427

I wish I could unwatch this

No. 2188453

File: 1727735924970.png (567.57 KB, 566x1008, 1000008815.png)

Why is this expression so scary?
This is funny to me. Edgelord scrotes need to get bullied.

No. 2188755

No. 2188767


No. 2188770

nta but i guess it's the soy radiating from that guy and the fact that he's arrogant enough to use his face as part of his dumb, moralfaggy meme.

No. 2189470

File: 1727803219248.jpeg (269.8 KB, 1080x1964, IMG_8944.jpeg)

No. 2189478

This is our generation of “artists”.

No. 2189485

not really cringe

No. 2189487

How is shipping yourself with a pedo not cringe

No. 2189503

bait account

No. 2189593

Average yume

No. 2189942

Yeah that's what I'm thinking too, but still, good lord above.

No. 2190577

No. 2190578

Someone told her she has a beautiful smile and they really shouldn't have.

No. 2195448

File: 1728202522058.png (496.11 KB, 903x798, Ep52AWf.png)

No. 2195629

Why would anyone conceivably wear this? Might as well wear "please punch my lights out".

No. 2195630

To the institution this kid goes.

No. 2195846

No. 2196865

File: 1728268193396.jpg (452.63 KB, 1280x818, large.jpg)

What a waste of materials and fabric

No. 2196872

t. Sheinbaum Goldstein(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2196954

This is so fucking funny. Nazi brony/furry autism is something else.

It seems like bait accounts are becoming a lot more common. People are getting so desperate for engagement even if it’s negative.

No. 2196999

No. 2197277

this story was so fucking lame especially the ending, god i hate that one trick pony ass bitch

No. 2198652

File: 1728400427585.mp4 (16.16 MB, 576x1024, 1728400214146 (1).mp4)

No. 2198660

File: 1728400782151.png (18.68 KB, 647x97, 1728182162287.png)

No. 2198664

Couldn't find a reaction image strong enough to illustrate my disgusting

No. 2198665

This is how I see every fat person, male and female.

No. 2198785

God I want to punch him so bad

No. 2199050

"He's So Crazzzzzzzy Love Him"

No. 2199959

why the fuck is bevers on my lolcow

No. 2202372

No. 2202375

this guy has at least 50 GB of loli porn in his computer

No. 2203377

Guys like this give me serial killer vibes. I can imagine her waking up in the middle of the night to him smothering her with a pillow.

No. 2203419

>sims with the goofball trait

No. 2204363

File: 1728750721569.png (311.95 KB, 500x374, Y3Wy8FJ.png)

No. 2204367

What's a terf, is that like a "right wing feminist"?

No. 2204396

File: 1728752884678.mp4 (5.5 MB, 720x1280, 0DBEE9E9-8763-4630-9E6C-D9E402…)

No. 2204397

why are bong moids like this

No. 2204399

No. 2204400

It's the inbreeding

No. 2204430

1) You're such a newfag
2) TERF stands for trans exclusionary radical feminist, it's basically second wave feminism and only women can be radical feminists. But trannies use the word anyone they don't like in order to demonize them, they'll even call the pope a terf.

No. 2204925

File: 1728779607813.mp4 (2.12 MB, 360x640, nzw1aVT.mp4)

No. 2204940

Alright, this wins the thread.

No. 2204941

Trying too hard to skinwalk some e-boy she thinks is hot

No. 2204951

Vivian herself is a bit of a ham

No. 2204957

she's pretty it's a shame she's kind of fat and dating a tiny hand creep

No. 2204963

fat men should be exterminated button —→(emoji)

No. 2204965

His "humor" is obviously fucking forced. She never laughed in any of the clips until he kept repeating the joke. He sounds mentally retarded as well and looks that part while he's at it.
Couldn't get past the 1st second. Thought it was some ugly gigantic baby at first.
Phones, social media, the internet, and cameras were a mistake.

No. 2205230

Incels say women live on easy mode, but men can be disgusting fat retards like this and there is somebody who thinks they are funny.

>try so hard to be edgy
>still put tw and use pen instead of knife

No. 2206605

does farmhand know what an emoji is

No. 2207173

File: 1728935156731.jpg (Spoiler Image,137.13 KB, 736x967, 19f924b11015549a6b3eac32248c57…)

theres a bit to unpack here

No. 2207179

if this woman was a farmer she would sperg about the koolaid man on the husbandofag thread 24/7

No. 2207187

>"femcel girlfriends"
That ain't no biological woman

No. 2207202

Those are shitposting groups

No. 2207313

this is how bj-chans are made

No. 2207377

Allow me to present Mormon "humor" with Studio C, BYU's version of SNL.

No. 2207379

ngl i would that emo black crayon

No. 2207380

this is better than modern SNL

No. 2207386

File: 1728946470136.png (421.58 KB, 720x904, insnigpd7fj71.png)

here he is, nona

No. 2207391

are mormons even allowed to be faggots? the fuck

No. 2207407

This was Mormon?

No. 2207547

File: 1728958821205.jpg (9.84 KB, 320x318, 8c8vueyfthlb1.jpg)

christ nonnie why'd you have to unearth my repressed trauma like that

No. 2208860

File: 1729034359841.png (135.47 KB, 1158x697, chatbotfag.png)

No. 2209363

ew i can feel her trying to make me lauggh but failing miserably

No. 2209403

No. 2214106

This vore animation,the voice acting,the animation itself,the sound effects are disgusting and cringe worthy the worst part is that it was a commission.

No. 2214318

I wonder how people develop vore fetish.

No. 2214539

File: 1729408540990.mp4 (2.12 MB, 720x1280, Snapinsta.app_video_2C4FFA41D7…)

No. 2215451

Almost 400k likes for some shitty try-hard cosplay.

No. 2215454

File: 1729459003837.webp (17.87 KB, 250x324, Ogre.jpg)

what the fuck. is he even sentient.

No. 2215476

Her vids are so intriguing to me. She is married to some lobotomized giant and claims to have had his children, yet all of her videos are recorded in a completely empty house. No dish ware, no beds, no place to sit. Every room looks like that one. Any video of them sitting somewhere they're on the steps or the floor. She claims she just likes it that way but clearly they do not live there. They probably live in a trailer park or something. There also likely isn't any children. She'd definitely include them in vids if there were. Maybe she isn't even married to that creature either, maybe she found him roaming the mountains and decided to dress him in real people clothes and use him as a prop.

No. 2215488

they both look mentally retarded and like they were shaken like a blendjet when they were babies so i guess it’s a match made in heaven. congrats to them, i guess? that probably explains why she’s virtually neglecting them kek

No. 2215498

File: 1729460120988.jpg (94.51 KB, 1800x900, Phoenix-Wright-Ace-Attorney-Tr…)

the bottom of her feet are dirty af too so the trailer park theory holds. they enter empty homes for sale and film ogre breeder propaganda

No. 2215500

>ogre breeder propaganda

No. 2215510

holy shit he looks insanely retarded

No. 2215545

She is always yanking him by the arm to get him to move into frame

No. 2216680

File: 1729533578700.jpg (80.91 KB, 512x663, gd3yso4ni3341.jpg)

have some retro cringe

No. 2216692

That pic is satire, right? It has to be.

No. 2216713

I thought for a moment you had posted a little girl..

No. 2217535

>Maybe she found him roaming the mountains and decided to dress him in real people clothes and use him as a prop.

No. 2217551

Why is it always Pokemon??

No. 2217554

i am glad that all of these hacks found their demise

No. 2219314

File: 1729660466571.jpg (372.79 KB, 900x595, cringe.jpg)

No. 2220788

File: 1729745330709.mp4 (2.57 MB, 576x1024, 3BMo2bmg8mEDFTWd.mp4)

No. 2220793

I hate overconfident ugly men so much.

No. 2220797

Alternate universe Idubbbz

No. 2220798

So you just want me to kill myself huh

No. 2221023

No. 2221568

cringe gold. what the fuck.. IS THAT ALLOWED???
deeply deeply disturbing

No. 2222561

File: 1729833213243.jpg (260.59 KB, 1530x1326, 1669209334639.jpg)

No. 2222710

Kek anon

No. 2223124

File: 1729869465625.png (623.14 KB, 893x819, 1I9HZPA.png)

No. 2223133

Damn. That would've been so cute if she wasn't posting her boobs. I love those mermaid tails, they're fun to swim in.

No. 2223137

Ralph as in Ethan Ralph? There is no mountain big enough to capture his swollen frog anatomy.

No. 2223151

The lack of enthusiasm makes it so much more embarrassing than it would have been otherwise kek
>With the exception of Germany
Of course.

No. 2223164

all his gunt is in the inner mountain caves

No. 2224346

File: 1729924663679.png (989.04 KB, 1391x851, draco robes.png)

No. 2224494

File: 1729944441574.png (38.11 KB, 747x288, 1jqu2bV.png)

No. 2224497

I really hope this story is fake.

No. 2224502

Sounds like pornrot but the problem is that men introduce their pornrot to women verbally irl too

No. 2224537

Im sure at least the part of him being hot is fake

No. 2225744

File: 1730011216151.jpg (Spoiler Image,171.76 KB, 1319x1608, 20241027_083959.jpg)

No. 2225751

terrifying but also well made it scares me that shes dead though

No. 2225773

Imagine what he paid for that.

No. 2226134

hopefully it put him debt hell

No. 2230098

File: 1730241970760.mp4 (12.15 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000csanntnog65mn7siqa…)

i know this guy is satire but i audibly sigh whenever i see any of his posts

No. 2230206

I know a Hasan fangirl irl and I genuinely hate her.

No. 2230222

Sandy doesn’t deserve this

No. 2230450

someone explain this to me

No. 2230453

Have at it. (I'm marrying dumbledore apparently)

No. 2230491

Lavender Brown
Professor Lupin
Professor Umbridge
>lost the ring
>came for free food
also Harry
>sings dedicated song
>hooks up with DJ
>drops the cake
That janitor with the cat
>gives drunk speech
>flirts with guests
>bouquet toss fight
Weasley Twins

No. 2230751

File: 1730279908090.jpg (338.84 KB, 1280x960, 1677078820244.jpg)

No. 2230824

Tumblr vibes

No. 2231022

File: 1730293706246.jpg (541.78 KB, 1080x1192, Screenshot_20241029_203342_You…)

No. 2232917

No. 2233607

File: 1730409584814.mp4 (15.65 MB, 720x1280, AAF3639E4B53EFF5E53E3270CDAB6.…)

No. 2233622

Mad Eye Moody
Voldemort (KEK)
>The one who cried
>Who lost the ring
Also Filch
>Who came for the free food
Hagrid (canonically accurate)
>The singer
Fred and George
>Hooks up with the DJ
>Who drops the cake
Draco (by """accident""" knowing him)
>Who gives a drunk speech
Lavender Brown
>Who flirts with guests
>Who fights over the bouquet toss
Also Harry

No. 2233633

Lavender (oh shit)
Lavender (double oh shit)
>lost the ring
>came for free food
Lavender (triple oh shit)
>hooks up with DJ
>drops cake
Mad Eye Moody
>drunk speech
>flirts with guests
>bouquet toss fight
Fucking Voldemort kek

No. 2234381

File: 1730456056104.mp4 (5.36 MB, 576x1024, 6546525-ad7391f4c2b54803aa8c16…)

No. 2234383

Every anon on this site the millisecond Jodi Arias gets released

No. 2237375

File: 1730644589256.jpeg (Spoiler Image,225.83 KB, 2047x1213, 6A2D54E7-CEB5-45E2-BB7D-8C74E5…)

No. 2238276

Is this the dog poop lube guy? Kek

No. 2238281

The video was spoilered…I don't know what I expected.

No. 2238295

some of you really should specify what you post behind a spoiler

No. 2239049

File: 1730747243593.mp4 (3 MB, 360x640, 728374774.mp4)

No. 2239051

This was already posted

No. 2239054

why are men

No. 2239062

Is he fellating poop???

No. 2239064

What's it look like?

No. 2239074

I think I’m gonna puke

No. 2239091

File: 1730749014266.mp4 (6.11 MB, 480x854, RDT_20240913_193727.mp4)

No. 2239102

i clicked this before reading the replies and i regret it. this is vile
it would be nice to get a warning, since the last spoiler was just the power puff girls…

No. 2239108

Why do they sound so soulless? Why are there so many tenors? Why do half of them look diseased? Why are they all moids? What kind of cursed choir is this?

No. 2239109

Why are his glasses taped

No. 2239119

It's a gay choir

No. 2239126

That… actually answers every question I had. Someone should study why faggots have too many tenors, that choir is vocally unbalanced.

No. 2239321

This is cringe thread not nsfl thread.

No. 2239821

why are millennials such sex pests? leave us alone

No. 2239940

They look exactly how I would expect

No. 2239944

This is standard shit you'd see in a presentation at why you should work at "insert company here".

No. 2240042

i fucking hate this kpop dogboy threadpic. i lose every time before i even open the fucking thread. fuck you jake.

No. 2240067

my love for him balances your hate. dogboy i will lovingly protect you in my armpit.

No. 2241624

File: 1730849466539.jpg (56.06 KB, 640x533, 1000000218.jpg)

No. 2241627

File: 1730849507750.jpg (143.66 KB, 1241x1485, 1000000217.jpg)

No. 2241638

No. 2241713

Forever sad that Corpse Husband went offline. He had such glorious cow potential.

No. 2241729

I'm just mad as hell no one got creepshot photos simply so I could see if he was lying about cutting his face with razorblades. You know the dude hasn't left his house in 3 years

No. 2242236

File: 1730861183415.jpg (127.3 KB, 1200x900, 1000000222.jpg)

No. 2243344

File: 1730873350701.jpeg (249.8 KB, 1170x835, 1660533274202.jpeg)

No. 2243348

File: 1730873377325.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1242x2136, 1671300388258.jpeg)

No. 2243378

Based tbh

No. 2243514

Do you think this is a win for us? Is this a blow to the ugly male psy-op? He had to disappear after getting exposed as an ugly fatass.

No. 2243518

Is this a reference to something?

No. 2243520

File: 1730875327479.jpg (272.49 KB, 720x1316, 1716834240393.jpg)

this you

No. 2243890

File: 1730879474941.jpeg (469.18 KB, 1242x794, 1674135481923.jpeg)

No. 2244292

File: 1730885808216.mp4 (5.77 MB, 576x1024, mZBkSP1EutvKZlDV.mp4)

No. 2244621

yeah it's so fucking based that it's always women who declare how proudly anti-intellectual they are i'm just a girl hashtag shit

No. 2244630

File: 1730896408393.jpg (Spoiler Image,217.51 KB, 595x723, 1717448780682.jpg)

No. 2245151

NTA but this is that person that tattooed the image of Corpse Husband's hair

No. 2246241

File: 1730924219172.jpg (4.03 KB, 221x228, co.jpg)

I still get notifications about a comment i made on a meme page saying "imagine him choking you (heart eye emoji)" with picrel attached

No. 2246257

Autistic theatre kids trying and failing to act like bullies is hilarious

No. 2248304

File: 1730986627477.jpg (370.65 KB, 720x1173, 1723767284871.jpg)

No. 2248447

File: 1730993281080.webp (78.29 KB, 960x960, 1721273602322.webp)

No. 2248451

File: 1730993502352.jpg (21.34 KB, 640x480, kerm.jpg)

why does the lady playing the witch look like she's going to burst into tears every picture

No. 2248452

They are all so ugly

No. 2248455

I miss celebricows, hope ameritard nonnas stop seething soon

No. 2248591

I’m sorry but being bald with that bull hoop nose ring does her no favours. She looks so ugly

No. 2248762

File: 1731002020548.jpg (133.47 KB, 1345x1280, 1707014872075.jpg)

No. 2249990

No. 2250086

File: 1731044927423.mp4 (2.15 MB, 854x480, 1711522483451.mp4)

hidden gem from the fetish art thread

No. 2250088

I want to kill myself

No. 2250144

Idk why but I find this very funny

No. 2251115

the disgusting sock-full-of-jello-being-swung-around foley on the ass expansion kek. sounds like that stock effect used when a character steps on something gross or bites into a wet sandwich

No. 2252290

File: 1731163397785.png (809.96 KB, 720x1156, xmxflLn.png)

No. 2252658

this shit PMO so bad

No. 2252682

File: 1731180244318.gif (220.75 KB, 424x320, giphy.gif)

No. 2253768

File: 1731234065845.webm (Spoiler Image,3.9 MB, 480x852, 1730964893284494.webm)

No. 2253845

Imagine being that girl and letting a man that a child could probably drop degrade you publicly. Why is nobody stopping them? Please tell me they got kicked out and arrested or at least fined for this. If they came in my store doing this shit I would be calling the cops for public indecency.

No. 2253849

Dear fucking god this was next level unbearable

No. 2253853

Isn't this literally illegal?

No. 2253882

imagine if the races were reversed

No. 2253887

no, imagine if the sexes were reversed, the races reversed already exists on several porn sites and as influencers, like Nara Smith, and some other black girl with a white husband that literally picks cotton on their cotton farm. even HSTS troons don't survive the criticism, even Nikita Dragun was criticized harshly for having three men on leashes as accessories, he didn't make them crawl or dress half naked.

No. 2253910

What would that supposedly do

No. 2253911

>man clutching at her thigh as he sits on the ground
on that gigastacy shit

No. 2253914

there is literally a white scrote with an asian gf acting like a dog in this very thread.

No. 2253919

day ruined

No. 2253927

They both look gay

No. 2253932

File: 1731249367202.jpg (100.4 KB, 828x1223, okay.JPG)

No. 2253935

You cant convince me the two short black haired ladies arent the exact same person to the right.

No. 2253938

you would drag her for being an evil white woman putting a collar on a poor black boy. but when a black male does it to a white woman then it's all a joke. but remember women were the first slaves.

No. 2254127

Retard, she’s asking because swapping the races is also clearly offensive but of course you would miss that twice and double down.
Protecting this bullshit narrative onto anon as if you aren’t the one seeing blatant misogyny as anti-white racism first and foremost.

No. 2254466

Stop projecting

No. 2254474

Degeneracy aside, imagine how disgusting those floors are. Hope she got a huge splinter.

No. 2254484

Ghetto gaggers is literally worse and gets millions of views with barely any pushback.

No. 2254509

Everything is ok if it's kInKy guyz. I'm so sick of it.

No. 2254518

??? Idiot, maybe you would do that

No. 2254524

>turns around and shows her face
KEK I knew it. Always the ugly fat bitches that degrade themselves in public like this for moid approval. And the moid looks like a faggy little anorexic, fucking hell.

No. 2254543

How is this not illegal? Disgusting. I hate men so much

No. 2254545

This makes me fear for our future if not a single person is stepping forward to go wtf. So many men seemed confused but okay with seeing a woman on a leash, crawling on the floor. Holy shit. I hate men so much

No. 2254617

File: 1731277116000.png (93.84 KB, 855x561, cBr22do.png)

Given that the average woman is obese or overweight (depending on the country), and the average Lolcow user is likely to be sedentary, we can assume that the average BMI on Lolcow is roughly 30.

No. 2254629

Ikr, she looks exactly how I expected her to look kek. It's a specific type of narcissistic woman who would happily agree to this, one who isn't quite ugly enough to quell her massive ego but definitely not pretty enough to calm her pickme spite either.

No. 2254649

That's why they're in a hardware store, mostly populated by middle aged men.

No. 2254651

>devolves into deeply personal insult of the woman, every single time
I swear you're all retarded

No. 2254660

Look at the big smile on her face anon she's not a victim kek, she's a retard who deserves to be called out as such. That being said we do need to talk more about the nasal, incel phenotype, anorexic manlet who most likely suggested this idea, I'm shocked his wrists can even hold up that leash without snapping.

No. 2254664

Plus these two strike me as the kind of attention whores who would only post the "teehee so quirky" reactions to their degeneracy

No. 2254665

The scrote is a straight up bobblehead.

No. 2254669

Did you take the time to draw this…?

No. 2254672

>anorexic manlet
the guy has a normal, healthy build. do you like roidpigs or fat neckbeards anon?(bait)

No. 2254673

>a woman so desensitized to her own degradation that she has a smile on her face isn't a victim
Next youll say she was asking for it, huh

No. 2254674

I changed the text from an existing image lol

No. 2254675

No she just edited the text on a popular image. Hate you retards

No. 2254676

>Omg muh roidpigs
Also autist.

No. 2254681

I think you're legitimately just retarded

No. 2254683

File: 1731278917083.jpg (157.19 KB, 720x985, 1000000281.jpg)

Winning post. Absolutely disgusting.

No. 2254693

This is bait. These pictures of the same retard couple from last time are from twitter

No. 2254695

Why ruin the fun like that dude? The woman who posted them constantly talks about how attractive her boyfriend is. It's an emotional truth that women like this exist.

No. 2254703

Of course they do, but last time anons were crying about how one of their own posters could do this when it's fake

No. 2254707

Have you seen some of the Nigels on this site, nonny?

No. 2254709

>The heart emoji
Is this the same retard that posted her fat nigel here? She talked in the same obnoxious manner

No. 2254713

Samefag, in one of the farmer servers I'm in, one of the girls is obsessed with a Hispanic child looking 30 year old with a recessed chin and a pubestache, and she claims he's the most attractive man in the world. He's so fucking ugly.

No. 2254716

How dare you hijack my post and reply as if you're me to post these hate crime pics.

No. 2254722

It had to be done.

No. 2254723

>Bi pride flag
I see.

No. 2254727

Unfortunately yes
>recessed chin
Every single time topkek

No. 2254730

nta but you're probably not that far off you've just deluded yourself into thinking your disgusting fat neckbeard/roidpig is different

No. 2254737

I've only seen one… the nigel who's supposedly hotter than paul dano, he looked sad and scared

No. 2254738

I refuse to believe she is bi. She's "bisexual" in the same way Shoe0nHead is "bisexual", ie pretending for her ugly fat retard's porn fetishes.

No. 2254751

File: 1731280486338.jpg (50.57 KB, 828x817, 1000000283.jpg)

No. 2254753

I don't know why you're so convinced I'm a roidpig/fatty enjoyer when the scrote who I was talking about is CLEARLY a tiny bobblehead kek, hence why I described him as one. I don't even have or want a Nigel.

No. 2254756

There's being a man with a healthy build and then there's being a man wearing skinny jeans which are baggy on his shapeless twig legs.

No. 2254765

let's see what you consider to be a normal, healthy build then kek. inb4 it's a "dadbod"

No. 2254771

Kinksters and trannies really love defiling their local home depots don't they

No. 2254776

File: 1731281400227.jpg (Spoiler Image,161.59 KB, 806x1025, 1000028913.jpg)

You seem very upset that I insulted this ugly man but sure kek. Spoiler for non cringe. I agree with the nona who posted this in /g/

No. 2254777

File: 1731281417658.png (1.73 MB, 1280x960, 1657268624775.png)

>pulling this shit in my happy place, Home Depot
Eternal damnation isn't enough.

No. 2254791

>calls normal man anoerexic
>posts man of similar build
what did she mean by this

No. 2254796

Wait, do you really think the scrote in >>2253768 looks even remotely on the same level as >>2254776

No. 2254799

you just posted a roidpig (natural moid-level produced steroids still count btw)

No. 2254802

they're similarly thin from what I can see

No. 2254806

File: 1731282570887.png (Spoiler Image,83.75 KB, 231x428, 1000028915.png)

Once again spoilered for non cringe but these are not the legs of a man who takes care of his physique. And even if they were this is like the most embarrassing hill to die on kek

No. 2254821

and you're dying on it kek

No. 2254824

Cope harder fatty chan, I am extremely petite and kawaii. I can fit in your pocket.

No. 2254829

I'm not the one getting oddly defensive over some misogynistic kinkster uggo being called names but okay

No. 2254830

She insulted all of womankind with this bullshit, so no I will not go easy on her.

No. 2254854

How do her knees not hurt so bad

No. 2254924

she is probably used to it lol

No. 2254929

Still terrifying though not a single person said a thing. Women work and go there too, but umm men are silent on this??

No. 2254932

File: 1731286947879.jpg (36.67 KB, 780x440, tinkbell.jpg)


No. 2254935

I was wondering this too but maybe it's because someone is recording them?

No. 2255659

>Insecure faggot who secretly wants a huge fat cock up his ass but doesn't want to admit it so he has to screech left and right about how sexy his girlfriend is
>Insecure pickme girl who thinks this is kinky and she's actually empowered by being publicly humiliated, also showing her ass and pussy in public will surely make her beautiful right??
A match made in heaven. I'd beat the shit out of them both.

No. 2255980

File: 1731349735265.png (434.23 KB, 744x782, YLvYZWj.png)

I hate everything about this

No. 2256060

File: 1731352946222.webm (6.11 MB, 576x1024, jzSQla6ntCPQm-oy.webm)

for anyone wondering. yes, it's a tif

No. 2256080

I would kill myself if I was in this class

No. 2256086

I can't even cringe, young weebism has a place in my heart.

No. 2256275

I'm so glad recording randos was not common when I was in school

No. 2256327

File: 1731360391151.png (885.81 KB, 1196x1678, gothrightexists.png)

No. 2256333

Heather wishes she was this woman

No. 2256335

What the actual fuck why is she wearing a bdsm collar she looks like a middler schooler

No. 2256343

Wait shes not a middle schooler??? You're telling me this is a HIGH schooler?

No. 2256410

Lol no you wouldn't. You'd stammer and get mad. What the fuck is with all the cringe edgefags lately. You aren't tough

No. 2256412

That's a child. Like a middle schooler it looks like. Why was this posted on social media by an adult, specifically a teacher?

No. 2256414

NTA but judging by the other students I'm pretty sure it's a middle school

No. 2256529

Same. Reminds me of the time I hanged out with friends during anime club back in high school minus the pride flags and questionable clothing like the collar she's wearing.

No. 2256597

It's just a fasion thing to kids I believe. I'm actually apalled the teacher though this appropriate to post online. I guess the bar for public school is that low

No. 2256619

I feel so fucking badly for nonnies who are mothers to school aged children right now

No. 2256668

Who is heather?

No. 2256675

i really don't think thats an actual woman

No. 2256686

Something that always makes me cringe is when newfags try to use chanspeak or subculture-specific terms in an aggressively incorrect way. Incorrectly using "glowie/glow in the dark" is a dead giveaway that you're a tourist or newfag who just discovered lolcows.

No. 2256697

The troon/gendershit… It's joever, nonas.

No. 2256717

we had furries and emos…this too shall pass..i hope

No. 2256724

>we had furries
NTA but they still exist? Wdym "had"

No. 2256731

god i cant help but feel horrible for her. if it was a male autist id happily heckle and make fun of him but to see her unaware of the insults and jeers shes surely getting from the others… makes me sick to my stomach, i hope she remains unapologetically cringe and free despite it.

No. 2256754

>if it was a male autist id happily heckle and make fun of him
Well here's a male one then

No. 2256760

I am sure he walks her like a dog because if she stands up she will make him insecure about his height

No. 2256932

I can't watch more than 3 seconds of this. The other replies are making me curious to see her face but I just can't keep watching. Congrats nonnie, you won the thread.

No. 2256970

Everyone's disbelief and disgust and forced politeness is unbearable to watch their reactions are almost funny jfc I hate pickmes and degen moids with the passion of a million suns

No. 2257131

this dude looks like a boy version of me

No. 2257133

..so fat men. he looks like seth rogen or jonah hill or the fat kid in barnyard phenotype ugly ahh white fat boy

No. 2257139

No. 2257141

No. 2257143

File: 1731398892301.mp4 (14.27 MB, 480x854, hPvW4LO.mp4)

No. 2257165

File: 1731403486268.jpeg (69.58 KB, 589x1099, GcKjeXZWYAAIEi7.jpeg)

why did i think this is null

thread tax

No. 2257173

No. 2257175

beyond cringe

No. 2257206

Seeing pickmes like this just break my heart.

No. 2257247

i hope i dont wake up tomorrow

No. 2257572

implying a kinky bitch is not hard to beat up, they're the most doormat of doormat pickmeishas around, And the men into this are tiny little faggots who have to pretend theyre machismoto to get a boner he's probably like 5'5" and 140 lb.s, anyone who isnt a total unmovble sphere could beat them. Easily.

No. 2257611

>>2257175(do not post porn)

No. 2257617

get em, your energy is refreshing. female edgelords shall inherit the earth

No. 2257714

This one's hot though because she's lesbian and her girlfriend owns this property and made sure nobody except the two of them were there.

No. 2257726

File: 1731443747656.jpg (399.11 KB, 1080x925, Screenshot_20241112_213420_Sam…)


No. 2257733

The hell kind of name is that? KEK

No. 2257785

This has such a sinister energy

No. 2257817

troon ass post

No. 2257890

I'm not a tranny. Women who debase themselves in public for moid attention just disgust me.

No. 2257940

soooo based ''she'' posted this for men to jack off to ''her'' girlfriend

No. 2257950

Pretty sure it was originally by lesbians for lesbians, if the strange quality and amateurish filming is any hint.

No. 2257953

i dont get it why did she piss herself

No. 2257957

yeah sureee just like those thots who dress sexy ''for themselves''

No. 2257959

I think the context is from the link above

No. 2257989

oh im not clicking that btw

No. 2258011

…I think it was obvious why at the beginning of that clip.

No. 2258025

We got captain Piss Defender over here

No. 2258404

this is actually sick, can we not turn this thread into efukt? i'm not tryna watch porn I just wanna see cringe

No. 2258425

It's probably an edgy attempt to beat one with the dog leash

No. 2258488

So is nothing allowed to be for lesbians without it secretly being meant for any possible male watchers? Kek. It’s like you expect lesbians to not be into women.

No. 2258552

Thanks for reminding me that site exists. God I wanna die.

No. 2258566

are you autistic because i clearly said that the clip was of humiliation porn so thats why the urination was happening

No. 2258571

Wait what is this? What was originally there?

No. 2258574

bondaged woman pissing herself outside

No. 2258575

It involved lesbians?

No. 2258581

No other woman was seen in the video just someone claiming it's their girlfriend, just click if you're so curious >>2257173

No. 2258883

You can't blame het women, they are obsessed with men and can't comprehend when women aren't.

No. 2259751

File: 1731548650777.jpeg (196.97 KB, 828x938, IMG_5854.jpeg)

No. 2260223

File: 1731574573881.png (517.58 KB, 1170x913, 82BOyrh.png)

No. 2260224

File: 1731574599963.png (262.71 KB, 584x680, LoSHHG3.png)

No. 2260305

Late but I feel spiritually connected to this post and your energy. Wish we could beat up losers together nonna

No. 2260585

obviously he wouldnt say this but how elevated would it have been to say
>kamala turns off her bodycam

No. 2261015

File: 1731620566424.jpeg (48.94 KB, 597x597, zsbX5kQ.jpeg)

No. 2261037

Based last option but Ew at everything else

No. 2261069

wait can we talk about this though

No. 2261073

this one is funny, you wish you had a friend to make this with be real

No. 2261168

yeah it's a stupid tranny meme that hits close to home. but it's also the TRA's fault for making it the default label for anyone who hates them and diluting the word. no, the rw tradwives who voted trump are not terfs. no, those weird lolicon edgelord 4chan girls are not terfs. they may even call themselves that but the word has lost all its meaning.

No. 2261335

No. 2261516

kek who even is this lady
i love your energy

No. 2261869

Everytime there's a song with beautiful female vocals and then a moid comes in mid-song and starts rapping absolutely retardedly. Often the rap lyrics barely have anything to do with the song either. Why is it so common? It's so fucking cringe to the point it ruins the song.

No. 2262231

File: 1731707798711.jpg (787.83 KB, 1500x2000, bafkreicsf5cvjjayezyukmr62jxqc…)

I hate Adobe too but this is just cringe,this is from the voice acting cast from The Digital Circus BTW.What a bunch of losers.

No. 2262232

They look like soyjaks.

No. 2262235

File: 1731708044644.jpg (61.55 KB, 1080x310, wut.jpg)

is this proven to be effective? i know damn well my voice doesn't feel very good after i try pitching it up

No. 2262237

Sounds like typical Arinator denial kek

No. 2262247

Dumbest people alive

No. 2262248

File: 1731708762551.jpeg (685.65 KB, 1521x1706, IMG_3316.jpeg)

>everyone who works on the show is ugly including the tranny who created it

Not surprising tbh

No. 2262252

Genuinely some of the most unfortunate facial proportions I've ever seen. How is he so long and yet so blocky.

No. 2262254

Something about these pictures screams self-hatred kek

No. 2262255

My favorite part is how hard he went on the filter but it doesn’t disguise his overwhelmingly male features

No. 2262263

File: 1731709573975.png (360.47 KB, 450x500, 1715763761480.png)

>Don't we all want to read incest and beastiality erotica with our friends?

No. 2262266

Fat white women are something else

No. 2262275

Was playing soduku on my phone and I kept getting ads for these wattpad shows.

No. 2262323

File: 1731712506273.jpg (94.45 KB, 1319x1444, 1000000358.jpg)

No. 2262326

What's cringe about this? This is funny

No. 2262331

She's a beast, uh
I call her karma (comeback)
She eat your heart out
Like Jeffery Dahmer
Be careful
Try not to lead her on
Shorty's heart on steroids, cause her loves so strong
You may fall in love when you meet her (meet her)
When you get the chance you better keep her (keep her)
She's sweet as pie but if you break her heart, she turn cold as a freezer
That fairytale ending wit a knight in shining armor, she gon be my sleeping beauty, I'm gon put her in a coma
Man I think I lover
Shorty's so bad
I'm sprung and I don't care
She rock me like a roller coaster
Turn the bedroom into a fair (a fair)
Her love is like a drug
I was tryna hit it and quit it
But the mammas so dope
I messed around and got addicteeed

No. 2262332

The worst part is this isn't even the worst example.

No. 2262349

Not a rapper, but R.Kelly on do what you want with Lady Gaga comes to mind.

No. 2262360

I posted in wrong thread. Meant for chuckle thread, but too late now so I've decided its under category of "polyamory is so cringe"

JayZs verse in Monster.

No. 2262432

FUCK Jay Z's Monster verse and everyone who allowed it to stay on the record. He's so fucking off beat kek

No. 2262551

>Tfw no best friend to read incest bestiality erotica dick fight island with

No. 2262979

File: 1731763959732.png (1.07 MB, 1170x1737, FBCSQbo.png)

No. 2262982

I swear this has been posted like 10 times

No. 2263012

i don't understand why these retards think terfs are the group who "appropiated" feminism because what have trannies ever done for actual women and women suffrage? they don't really give a fuck until it starts to affect them (if it ever does because most trannies do NOT pass lmfao)

No. 2263013

I don't think any of them pass in real life, where they don't have filters and angling to help hide their manliness.

No. 2263370

File: 1731785322869.jpeg (109.45 KB, 977x537, IMG_7955.jpeg)

Men telling women that they’re “appropriating” feminism for not wanting to include men is the most male thing I’ve ever seen kek.

No. 2263446

the reverse of this is when the entire song is rap but the only good part is the chorus with female vocals. It happens too many times.

No. 2263619

File: 1731794254258.jpg (5.8 KB, 168x300, 1000000383.jpg)

No. 2263662

What a waste of a nice cover art

No. 2263782

Absolutely. Men invading a women's movement to try to mansplain feminism is wild.

No. 2264448

File: 1731853496390.webp (55.97 KB, 584x693, 7kaj9id6pjud1.webp)

No. 2264454

kpoppies are kinda cute they are like the emo wolfkin girls of the 2010s. I used to be friends with some in high school and they were so dorky and cute.

No. 2264485

File: 1731855060757.gif (344.41 KB, 278x278, 424327ab3de0d8d4e0e19d6547b5fe…)

if you were actually friends with them you'd know they are extremely boring to be around. 90% of what happens in their brain is kpop related. they don't know how to talk about anything else. they genuinely become retarded when they get into kpop.

No. 2264507

nah one of them was genuinely one of the funniest persons i have ever met, i used to be super jealous of her for being hilarious. I tried to get into kpop but i might be too retarded or too racist for it, i could never tell them apart and the music was bland.

No. 2264555

File: 1731857658705.jpeg (95.48 KB, 950x764, kYWvjkK.jpeg)

No. 2264573

She would turn him into a plantpot and then go on with her day kek

No. 2264667

I can't tell if this is meant to be sad or the artist's fetish

No. 2264864

File: 1731877639054.jpg (155.7 KB, 720x806, 1000000429.jpg)

No. 2264865

This was a DA trend years ago, it's 100% a fetish.

No. 2264877

I remember when at first it was supposed about treating your waifu with love, but moids had to act retarded and make it about hurting the waifu.

No. 2265514

File: 1731918456958.png (455.42 KB, 736x674, Jaee6IS.png)

No. 2265515

No. 2265646

Imagine having a younger sibling and catching them making this

No. 2265651

I wonder how much gacha heat content is actually made by kids.

No. 2265796

File: 1731943664599.jpg (146.02 KB, 1284x877, GckijOGaMAAX7SV.jpg)

i'm not sure if it fits the thread but if i had to see this so do you

No. 2265816

File: 1731945304565.jpg (22.33 KB, 335x363, F9N32ytrEQRrw.jpg)

stacy moment

No. 2266197

File: 1731964493564.png (168.25 KB, 1054x896, transangelicuwu.png)

No. 2266827

File: 1732008550629.mp4 (7.71 MB, 886x1280, RPReplay_Final1732008142.mp4)

No. 2266829

What thread is this kek

No. 2266834

>but I poop from there
isn't that a line from an 80s movie spoken by a child?

No. 2266837


No. 2266880

this made me wheeze laughing I'm sorry, it's so stupid

No. 2266881

This is why she's the best horse

No. 2266882

I'm curious why they always characterise Twilight as a shy anime waifu kek

No. 2266899

File: 1732014882253.png (463.89 KB, 471x888, 1728695397246.png)

Tamers is the only brony that understands twilight.

No. 2266910

File: 1732016228642.png (451.9 KB, 1124x1054, josCzyQ.png)

No. 2266911

Woke up just to see an opinion so fucking wrong in every way imaginable.

No. 2266919

lol it's that bitch with a /snow/ thread

No. 2266937

that's ragebait shes an annoying attention whore with a thread in /snow/ she also larps as a tranny

No. 2266958

Alright, I was lightly cringing at first, but as it continued (esp that last clip) as she stands there recording and giggling actually made me feel something in my stomach. It's like a mixture of disgust, pity and anxiety. Two girls trying to be the Cool Girl in different ways. So humiliating.

No. 2267035

File: 1732024126268.jpeg (333.72 KB, 1170x2296, 1656916476379.jpeg)

No. 2268001

File: 1732061354428.mp4 (3.29 MB, 576x1024, Download(1).mp4)

No. 2268031

here you go whatever the fuck this is

No. 2268286

>for over half my life
explains many things

No. 2268291

This is usually the first step of adultery.

No. 2268335

Yeah they’re definitely fawkin

No. 2268356

And it's over that thing who looks like Kurtis Connor in a baseball cap.

No. 2268363

I remember a few months ago when some unhinged nonnies were thirsting for her. Mommy issues

No. 2268371

Shes cringe but you have to admit shes kinda hot too

No. 2268374


No. 2268375

It's cringe but why is she hot?

No. 2268379

why she kinda….

No. 2268381

Put her in a coma? Is he saying he's going to punch her into unconsciousness?

No. 2268383

No. 2268384

I never thought having that kinda face was possible in real life…

No. 2268390

You guys are joking like… straight as a noodle evidently

No. 2268391

File: 1732085710001.gif (292.48 KB, 216x270, 1000000485.gif)

No. 2268394

I genuinely need an entire study demonstrated in an at least two hour long special on why Indian content is baked with pure cringe

No. 2268413

the average iq in india is 82

No. 2268423

Not my Indian ladies tho they're geniuses they're smart queens

No. 2268599

File: 1732105620743.mp4 (17.43 MB, 640x640, tumblr_qzb5id2bto1yjjroe.mp4)

repost from the kinkshaming thread

No. 2269340

they look like siblings

No. 2271186

the sexual tension is insane

No. 2271814

File: 1732261409832.png (1.41 MB, 1130x1954, II8vzga.png)

No. 2271821

>"fight like siblings"
Girl they are fighting like they both have crushes on each other. If they aren't already fucking, they are going to be soon. Feel bad for the girl posting this one.

No. 2271886

>that last part
at the very very very least, the dude is definitely thinking about fucking his girlfriend's friend. I feel like everyone here already knows that though. Reposting just to add this though, vidrel is why I hate it when normiefag women and scrotes love to dismiss obvious signs that a moid wants to fuck another woman as, "Oh you're just being jealous", or "Oh, they're just being playful". Normiefag women and scrotes will unironically look at obvious signs that a moid is about to cheat (or already is) and go like
>"your boyfriend still has nudes of his ex on his phone? Why are you being invasive? And those are precious memories, you can't control his life!"
It's surreal.

No. 2271929

>talking about promiscuous women while filming himself shirtless and showing his nipples in HD on the world wide web for free multiple times
ok bro

No. 2271935

I can assure you with full certainty this man is gay, there's no doubt on my mind. DL men are a disease upon women and this earth

No. 2271941

I don't know how normie women do it man they seem so retardedly content by virtue of delusions or complete ignorance of men's nature, they deadass witness their moids and girl "friends" literally flirting right in front of their faces and just giggle about it. I'd attack both of them after previously going into a public psychotic breakdown

No. 2271953

Who knows, maybe she’s pinkpilled about the whole thing and is just glad she doesn’t have to fuck him anymore.

No. 2271955

the "how I'd keep a man with money as a woman" sealed the deal for me, like this is definitely a gay man treating women as competition.

No. 2271969

Yes, it's just a matter of whether he's aware of it or not.

No. 2271997

Faggot thinks about farts all day

No. 2272632

File: 1732314530626.png (29.26 KB, 546x141, incel-bros.png)

No. 2272650

how is it pinkpilled for a straight woman to emotionally support and care for some nasty scrotoid that she isnt even getting good sex out of while he fucks her friend

No. 2272662

ngl i wish my mom was this cringe and free

No. 2273011

File: 1732344919037.jpg (183.92 KB, 1280x1071, 1732316852496798.jpg)

No. 2273015

File: 1732345754381.jpg (30.39 KB, 720x573, 1000035404.jpg)

>mrw I've made all of these

No. 2273026

File: 1732347656719.jpg (504.16 KB, 2160x2660, 1731780679496.jpg)

No. 2273027

Why censor that thing's name

No. 2273031

It's not utilitarian if he's gonna be constipated for the next 3 days. Moids are retarded.

No. 2273035

File: 1732348737172.jpg (548.4 KB, 1280x1829, tumblr_2944bc838b0c5777a63f8b7…)

>NYC fits

No. 2273044

>those shoes

No. 2273046

Apologies it was cropped in the screencap I nabbed, his user is thepolarisbear

No. 2273052

is she cosplaying the trashbags of nyc?

No. 2273054

I think she's a pigeon

No. 2273056

looks more like the rats of nyc

No. 2273119

>she’s older than him and has a child yet is talking like an infant
So painful to watch

No. 2273130

The fake anime voice combined with the blatant lie that she talks to people in the real world like this makes me feel so much secondhand embarrassment. I have yet to meet a human being in the real world who talks like an anime character naturally.

No. 2273463

File: 1732380207327.png (138.37 KB, 375x310, eQuMAWw.png)

No. 2273478

iranian women cant go out without a headscarf in public because they'll get beaten to death and these retards are simping for a misogynistic scrote

No. 2273569

File: 1732382547344.png (251.53 KB, 538x591, gLXs4oM.png)

No. 2273616

File: 1732383869835.jpg (111.91 KB, 1080x885, FBWbX9ZUcAYD_h4.jpg)

No. 2273761

This sort of thing fucked me up as a kid. I prevented me from telling my mother anything and kept quiet because I knew I was getting beaten either which way. To this day my mom thinks me as a liar because of this fucked up "parenting method."
Not cringing, just seeing my child self flinching in fear.

No. 2275121

Ngl I love this blog. Especially when they post nice old ladies in mismatched designer labels.

No. 2275474

The shoes are the only nice thing about that outfit. Just say you have no taste and live in a rural shithole nona lel

No. 2275591

The fact that none of the normies know what's going on and just want a picture like they're looking at a disneyland mascot but the 10 year old kid at the park knows what a furry is makes me nervous about the future of the world. Internet degeneracy should not be mainstream. All furries have admitted they're mainly into it for sexual reasons too. He should not be near those kids at the park for that reason alone.

No. 2275911

>Internet degeneracy should not be mainstream
Too late for that

No. 2276014

File: 1732542530073.mp4 (7.86 MB, 480x852, 1732144475592.mp4)

No. 2276018

I don’t understand why people are trying to say we have to be accepting of them because they admit it most of the time and why should we accept people who want to fuck animals?

No. 2276111

i know he's still in diapers practically but it kinda pissed me off the way he handed her away the moment he realized he has to share his mom now

No. 2276122

Eh did he really though? It just seemed like he got distracted and just wanted to leave that's normal kid stuff though

No. 2276291

he just looked bored

No. 2276294

File: 1732560384112.mp4 (6.46 MB, 480x854, 9mx1FGh.mp4)

I win

No. 2276298

Honestly yeah it would hurt my head to live life like this. More mentally taxing than any job.

No. 2276301

they should stop giving internet access to the mentally challenged

No. 2276307

we need labour camps

No. 2276309

she's apparently a lesbian

No. 2276320

they all say this, but she collabed with the dylan troon so if shes a ''''''lesbians''''''' then its probably a troonsbian

No. 2276332

Retards like this should be taken to Iran and Afghanistan to truly see what acting like this promotes

No. 2276333

Makes perfect sense, bimbocore retards love troons because they see performative femininity as a good thing

No. 2277182

No. 2277198

kek his movements are so creepy and unnatural, i thought it was sped up at first

No. 2278189

Genuinely what happens when you think about yourself too much.

No. 2278199

All this tells me is that no matter what meals scrotes make, they'll always be inferior to anything the average woman can come up with. Sweet fucking Jesus, I'll trust a teenage girl to make me a lunch over pretty much any moid.

No. 2278310

File: 1732675127398.mp4 (610.11 KB, 720x870, JE1D9DFo3BM93gLf.mp4)

No. 2278322

File: 1732675596238.jpg (63.94 KB, 768x768, 1000019235.jpg)

They blend in very well with the packs of raw Tyson chicken.

No. 2278334

Don't men live less when they're single and more when they're married to women? Why are they displaying their retardation this proudly?

No. 2278387

checked the tiktok and they just got married. huh.

No. 2278400

>sloppy joe
>ground beef on rice
the category that’s literally grease-saturated slop is the only one referred to as chow. you know this moid has the world’s dirtiest pillowcase.

No. 2279003

This entire video is cringe, and it was randomly recommended to my feed.
>Pearl's dumbass genderbent Goofy-like voice and stupid question
>Nick being against race-mixing, yet he's fucking Irish and Mexican, two brands of "white" that actual white supremacists shit on with every breath.
>This self-proclaimed Italian chick actually arguing back and forth and bringing up her black boyfriend to prove a point, yet her boyfriend didn't do or say a single thing to defend their relationship IIRC.
What's most annoying about this video is the fact that this woman actually thought she would "own" Nick by sitting there and going back and forth and even bringing up Italians and shit. I'm not saying this as if I agree with Nick, I'm saying this because Nick is a rage-baiter and arguing with him is like arguing with a five year old. He has his head all the way up his own ass, any effort to change his mind is going to be a waste of time. All this did for her was make her look like an idiot to both his fanboys, and to people that are smart enough to know better than to take this tranny-chasing, ethnically confused faggot.

No. 2279027

I don't mind this

No. 2279078

yeah seriously. this is hot as fuck.

No. 2279547

This is so cringe, I don't understand how anyone, including children, don't feel revulsion at the way these two talk to each other. Not to mention the conversation itself is painfully boring.

No. 2279551

Isn't her kid and entire teenager by this point kek

No. 2279558

The acting itself is cringier than the subject matter in this case. "Ya girl (winks)"

No. 2279562

Looks ironic to me, at least a little.

No. 2280344

No. 2280350

This made me realise that fandomism is quite literally just female autism

No. 2281445

File: 1732876040941.jpg (95.49 KB, 747x739, hmmm.jpg)

indian men swapping around the genders of these memes because they get so massively butthurt over meaningless things

No. 2281446

Indian humor is so puzzling it feels like I'm looking at the panels of a meme a 14 year old made in 2007

No. 2281453

do they realize how homosexual this looks

No. 2281457

the original meme was
>When a girl calls me cute
on the left and
>When a guy calls me cute
on the right
but they put guy on the left and girl on the right because it makes them mad thinking about girls not caring about their opinion

No. 2281462

Tbf nona, men just aren't capable of being funny, so of course their attempts at humor are puzzling

No. 2281492

Bad news, she married him

No. 2283389

File: 1732939903551.jpg (258.18 KB, 1080x1215, 1000016194.jpg)

No. 2283399

File: 1732940403132.jpeg (704.62 KB, 1170x1995, IMG_4980.jpeg)

That guy’s Reddit account is a treasure trove.

No. 2283410

this makes me nostalgia, reminds me of 2010s ''humor''

No. 2283414

Why do they all dress like this? Genuine question. Is there a reason why they are too lazy to look around when they go outside and see what's on trend? Or is it a rite of passage to dress like a frumpy middle school girl circa 1989 for them.

No. 2283421

They are dressing as the woman or girl that they are most attracted to. This usually, but not always, is the girl who rejected them when they were younger.

No. 2283440

There isn't a woman on this planet who's ever wore a cheap satin nightgown paired with neon pink and black tiger striped leggings. I need a better answer.

No. 2283755

>liquefied diamonds
So…liquid carbon?

No. 2283801

They dress as the ideal girl in their heads.

No. 2283803

They dress as the unfashionable scrote interpretation of their dream girl.

No. 2283927

I love you Jodinona, I giggle every time that case gets recommended to me on YT.

No. 2283936

this type is the severe autism type who just throws together whatever female signifiers he can get his hands on. this type often wears bizarrely paired costume jewellery and inappropriate stripper heels or old new balances

No. 2288482

I don't find this cringe either lol but I can see why it's here.I bet they smell like cologne and sweat.good for them I guess,the music is cringe though.

No. 2290257

I hate the term cinnamon roll so much
Men grow up with zero demands in terms of looks while women are forced to develop an eye for aesthetics even if they choose not to dress up. If you get the most autistic woman who as a girl wore nothing but graphic tees and jeans and ask her to dress up, she'll come up with something at least a little coordinated. Men, otoh, are actively discouraged from caring for themselves. They actively wear clothes that don't fit and don't go together, and don't groom themselves, so their brains don't have any information on fashion to go by once they're adults. This is them doing their absolute best to mimic the beauty of women with their atrophied braincells.

No. 2293482

No. 2293674

I lost
A living bean bag chair.

No. 2293810


No. 2294151

I remember when she was in every cringe compilation

No. 2294256

I wonder where she is today… hope she's doing okay

No. 2294268

remember how every amv edit would have this song? Also that happy song

No. 2294362

File: 1733589018061.png (1.13 MB, 1099x1384, tY302Ba.png)

No. 2294411

Cringed so hard I had to hide the pic. You win.

No. 2295640


>9 holes including hands

Was she crucified?

No. 2295675

File: 1733626293747.jpg (61.42 KB, 612x279, i.jpg)

No. 2295694

Kekk, fucking Wilma and Fred lookin ass fuckers.

No. 2295715

implying at least four of them have dicks small enough to fit in her ears and nose, ouch

No. 2295718

You just gave me horrible, horrible flashbacks to the bad fetish art thread on /m/ kek

No. 2295882

I got a feeling of schadenfraude watching him realize how cringe-inducing his audience truly is these days kek

No. 2295895

She made a collab a few days ago on some other account, she's still a sans fan girl kek. I'm happy for her tbh

No. 2296103

No. 2296107

>I really hope that I get full 100% Mexican
And this is how I know you're 100% American
>I hope that I'm Bad Bunny's cousin
I would kill myself tbh

No. 2298552

File: 1733722590557.png (526.76 KB, 1125x968, 6cp49m2.png)

No. 2298736

>all these white people save for one acting surprised they have mostly euro ancestry

No. 2298783

File: 1733739724625.png (548.49 KB, 601x888, lI1z219.png)

No. 2298810

Americans literally cannot conceive of political discourse that doesn't revolve around arms

No. 2298871

Why are zoomers so pornsick this is really gross

No. 2301758

File: 1733837936877.png (1.49 MB, 1080x2400, qhFIXQK.png)

No. 2305054

Dude. She's cross eyed with a giant mouth. The only thing going for her are her post-braces teeth.

No. 2305064

File: 1733990330245.jpg (72.39 KB, 1329x228, Capture3~2.JPG)

No. 2305089

File: 1733994984701.png (1.14 MB, 1290x1930, EG0J3oK.png)

No. 2305111

File: 1733998442331.png (50.89 KB, 1080x762, Screenshot_20241212-020829~2.p…)

this entire website is a trip

No. 2305153

>finally in 2XL

No. 2305158

File: 1734004823484.png (23.17 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_579A9.png)

All I could think of

No. 2305421

Didn't the guy who made this take pics with andrew tate?

No. 2305480

File: 1734026333884.mp4 (14.16 MB, 854x480, nTsaNjk.mp4)

No. 2305491

There's probably a significant overlap between the two groups.

No. 2305980

File: 1734047026443.jpg (75.11 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg)

Yes, he's also the guy who got this kanna tattoo apparently. He's a weird edgelord who sperges against Jewish/black people (despite hanging around Andrew Tate?)and makes videos about how much better 2d women are than real women

No. 2305988

File: 1734047311234.mp4 (1.49 MB, 720x1280, a_GPjZEr2pz4lU4V.mp4)

No. 2305989

If that's him in the thumbnail, I can see why he's "given up" on 3D women of his "own" "choice" kek

No. 2305994

File: 1734047587820.mp4 (13.78 MB, 720x1280, Snapinsta.app_video_AQN6vrC-er…)

last post

No. 2306012

File: 1734048346178.png (1.06 MB, 946x2048, YzXBEJ7.png)

No. 2306019

File: 1734048607687.png (708.96 KB, 1290x1851, 4YZKCNa.png)

imagine being more sexist than a tradfag

No. 2306039

>I hate that parable
This exchange perfectly encapsulates the average tradtard's "ideology" kek

No. 2306043

It's so funny how you can hear the begging for women's attention in all his antics and yet nobody knows he exists kek

No. 2306065

Well Pearl, you aren't a real christian. There's nothing more christian than forgiving an ex-onlyfans creator and helping her change her life for the better.

No. 2306097

I used to say "abort male fetuses" as a joke but i truly mean it nowadays. How does his mother live knowing that she destroyed her body and wasted 18+ years of her life keeping this thing alive just for it to turn out like this.

No. 2306099

File: 1734051084915.jpeg (534.78 KB, 1397x2048, FUBrKfaVsAArJ8x.jpeg)

I hate white male weebs so much.this is pretty much worse than being cringe.

No. 2306113

They don't actually have kids because he is of a hominid species too genetically distant from homosapiens. thus, i conclude that they cannot reproduce and are lying.

No. 2306116

He needs to be reported to the authorities and have his hard drive checked asap

No. 2306131

I always wondered how men get weird autistic special interest in their waifus? They just obsess over them and revolve their whole life around them. Men are pathetic.

No. 2306140

File: 1734053126017.jpg (75.16 KB, 500x500, artworks-212U5LKzyRjIZJJv-S3oO…)

This guy isn't even an actual waifufag, he's just an attention whore. He's not dedicated to one singular character and just trend hops onto what's popular. Like he and multiple moids got tattoos of this girl when that was popular, yet never brings her up again

No. 2306209

I don't think any woman in the history of time has ever been as beholden to male attention as this reactionary faggot. It's so obvious he's doing this all for asspats from the absolute bottom of the barrel scrotes.

No. 2306210

this doesn't make me cringe, it just makes me angry. we need a "you rage you lose thread"

No. 2306216

Pearl mad about being a foreveralone grifter who embarrassed herself over beliefs she doesn't actually have, all because she was so desperate to get picked by some moid. Honestly, she'd probably pull in more moids by being a degenerate OF thot.

No. 2306224

>they're just drawings lololol
>ogling literal children
Put this freak in an incinerator and have some fat grannies and aunties piss on his ashes.

No. 2306227

I… what?? Is this some Aaron Bushnell wannabe?? Pathetic.

No. 2306228

Do you think she would ever go the route? I always thought it would be a matter of time before she did that, but she insists on still being her dumpy self whilst trying to appeal to men who find her ugly.

No. 2306245

She's gotta break someday. There's only two ways to go if she's going to base her self worth on validation from the worst moids ever. Although the latter might be worse if she gets together with someone physically and sexually abusive. As much as I hate her for shitting on other women out of spite, I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

No. 2306311

that's basically the twitter hate thread kek

No. 2306540

to paraphrase richard nixon; that was the faggiest goddamn thing i ever saw

No. 2306547

File: 1734093010780.png (642.11 KB, 680x682, IMG_4901.png)

Could you be put on a list just for saying shit like this?

No. 2306587

No. 2306591

His face looking like that kills me every time

No. 2306611

Ngl he kinda has nice ass and thighs despite being skinny. But this is so goddamn hilarious.

No. 2306613

i am going to gaslight myself to believe this is the ending to superbad

No. 2306640

No. 2306643

File: 1734103721582.gif (419.14 KB, 675x1200, 3467.gif)

No. 2306650


No. 2306662


No. 2306668

No. 2306678

Wrong thread

No. 2306710

I geniunely can't post what I want to do with those moids because I will get banned
It feels like reading Lolita all over again, except it's worse. That one is beyond cringe, truly awful

No. 2306819

>chud after learning he's 0.1% black

No. 2307882

File: 1734208191426.mp4 (Spoiler Image,1.17 MB, 720x1280, pRW1ke5Rx1BcXVYE.mp4)

No. 2307889

KEK the last sentence

No. 2307895

File: 1734209390533.jpeg (88.25 KB, 743x751, GePKTafXoAArXaJ.jpeg)

No. 2307899

>fighting inner psychological wars in a world that hates her and trying to survive from being murdered,raped,attacked everyday
>cant even fucking close a porn tab

No. 2307902


No. 2307921

As cringe and pathetic as this is, if seeing quitting porn as a glorious heroes journey is what gets men invested in doing it, I can get behind it. They're legit so fucking embarrassing though kek being such a slave to their hindbrain while simultaneously having such delusions of grandeur.

No. 2307959

File: 1734213381427.jpg (48.47 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg)

After reading this I finally understand stuff like making boys stick their hands into a bunch of pissed off fire ants. Anything less is just spoiling them rotten.

No. 2307970

We all might have bitter differences in opinion on this site, but there is 100% likelihood we all felt the exact same thing upon reading that, considering the rites of passage we must endure.
Let's call this "class consciousness".
>this moidpost made me a feminist after all this time

No. 2307975

KEK Real

No. 2307976


No. 2307977

>After reading this I finally understand stuff like making boys stick their hands into a bunch of pissed off fire ants. Anything less is just spoiling them rotten.
wait, what?

No. 2307979

Instead of deleting and rewriting the post you could have scrolled up one post

No. 2309434

File: 1734310264671.mp4 (1.88 MB, 720x1280, 1000057652.mp4)

>femboy x masc girl

No. 2309474

zoomers trying to make strict gender roles ''queer'' will never not make me laugh. This bitch legit believes that an extremely pinky girly woman and her masculine man is somehow revolutionary.

No. 2309478

Feminine woman and manly guy duo, wowza! Woke as fuck!

No. 2309528

Why do they have Bob's Burgers just playing on their monitor. Just for the vibes? Do they just keep it on going on like those 24/7 channels based on one show on satelite?

No. 2309640

I really hope theres an actual tranny genocide in 2025

No. 2309769

No. 2309860

No. 2309870

File: 1734364332545.webp (30.67 KB, 640x1385, IMG_5009.webp)

Imagine being male

No. 2309871

God, me too. Every day I wake up hoping they all broke out of their fetishistic stupor and killed themselves

No. 2309886

The younger generation is filled with brain rot. I hate this time line

No. 2309998

I lost

No. 2310383

File: 1734388977233.png (144.72 KB, 657x737, V4X4ajO.png)

No. 2310393

Reminds me of the redditor who messaged me unprompted and asked if I was willing to step on cockroaches and film it for him.

No. 2312505

File: 1734518498024.mp4 (5.38 MB, 480x854, IXJh8wq.mp4)

No. 2312517

lost. kam for the fundamental crime of being CRINGE

No. 2312568

File: 1734523599494.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1179x1915, IMG_9049.jpeg)

The sexual dimorphism in the UK and Ireland astounds me to no end.

No. 2312751

File: 1734539206340.mp4 (1.67 MB, 576x1024, VID-20241210-WA0004.mp4)

No. 2312779

this doesn't bother me but only because I honestly think she's a troll from what gets posted in the fakeboi thread, or she's really not thinking about it too deeply at the very least and it doesn't actually mean anything to her but the views keep coming so she keeps posting like this

No. 2312808

Lost. Can't fucking stand this type of content.
The type of person to overuse semicolons while not even using them remotely correctly is the exact type of person to write this kek

No. 2313013

File: 1734551890947.png (361.18 KB, 1238x1382, IMG_4200.png)

all the retards in my country love posting on linkedin

No. 2313019

I thought this was a mother driving her retard son to school

No. 2313021

No. 2314044

I think the heavy filtering makes the moid look like an ugly child. Irl he probably looks older and even uglier.

No. 2315481

File: 1734695044322.jpg (506.25 KB, 1079x1351, 1000030732.jpg)

No. 2315493

File: 1734696361007.jpg (103.86 KB, 576x1006, 1733691618373.jpg)

you should've added the unedited picture of her

No. 2315494

This reminds me of a girl who posts here

No. 2315496

i am sure yuripedo would still tap

No. 2315683

she's ugly but still looks good for a 29 year old. could pass for an ugly 16-18 year old

No. 2315725

Why isn't this in the jirai thread? Foid? jfc I can't with these losers kek

No. 2315737

why do i feel like this is a troons account whos stealing actual womens photo and making fanfiction like those "blacked" ntr fetishist moids do?

No. 2317562

No. 2317573

It's just a homely woman. The jiraikei cow thread on /w/ features a lot of her posts.

No. 2318280

No. 2318288

child rapist

No. 2318295

I dont know if you mean the youtuber or the PUA moids kek

No. 2318445

File: 1734955811487.webp (15.73 KB, 622x591, how-do-i-get-my-pou-to-this-st…)

Late but he looks like a dying Pou KEK

No. 2319497

No. 2320042

File: 1735090972692.mp4 (1.4 MB, 480x634, TSROX0H2UXq3IDT2.mp4)

No. 2320044

Don't even need to press play, this video is distilled, concentrated cringe.

No. 2320045

I don't know why, but I was expecting this faggot to tell us that getting into a fight with a gay can get you infected with HIV.

No. 2320046

I'd kek so goddammit hard

No. 2320058

File: 1735093105276.gif (1.19 MB, 498x498, KEK.gif)

No. 2320194

File: 1735118244910.jpeg (370.44 KB, 1170x1704, 1712952795156.jpeg)

No. 2320249

pure cringe beam. have to restrain my alog rage for this one, just more evidence that anti-cocksucker chan was always right

No. 2322228

File: 1735289061269.jpg (87.09 KB, 761x443, Screenshot_20241227-003955_You…)

No. 2322248

who is this?

No. 2322250

I don't remember his name but it's some ifunny user

No. 2322272

I want to a-log this bitch so much. How does she claim to be a radfem terf and yet advocate for children being molested in some of her tweets? Med Gold? Isn't that the dude who said a child who got molested should have enjoyed it and let it help them grow instead of crying about trauma? She reposted his tweet and they're best buddies too, equally worthless lives

No. 2322275

can you post caps nonny? sounds insane

No. 2322283

I wish but it was around 2022 or something, digging through that far in tweets will just crash my browser and bring me back to square one and the search function is garbage. But basically med gold said it was pathetic that a 13yo kid got traumatised from being molested and said it should've been maturity and should've enjoyed it or something and the bitch retweeted and supported him. On another note, "terfs" who cosy up to conservative redpill moids simply because they happen to hate troons together are the actual scum of the earth. You might hate troons because they appropriate womanhood, he hates troons because he hates everything else as well and is incapable of empathy. Your life is as worthless as his.

No. 2322311

File: 1735299570436.jpg (2.61 KB, 214x235, bleak.jpg)

doesn't that medgold guy have some facebook group cult of teenage girls he grooms into eating disorders? I remember seeing something like that on his xitter, any nona feel free to correct me because I don't wanna look more into it than I already have

No. 2322330

What the actual fuck? I'm seconding this now.
I'm gonna make my a-log thoughts on moids come true, ugh.

No. 2322331

Yeah he does, I think it was talked about in one of the old coquette threads

No. 2322333

No. 2322342

So stupid that it made me laugh

No. 2322344

File: 1735305997391.mp4 (Spoiler Image,4.98 MB, 720x1102, vPuAcel5MQnJCEmb.mp4)

No. 2322351

What the fuck KEK

No. 2322406

omg ariana in kaiserredux when?

No. 2322909

Exactly the type of shit I'd expect to see at Walmart

No. 2323326

File: 1735351708802.jpg (487.46 KB, 1489x1861, tumblr_1a57017c1cfd1b920f1c0c3…)

Pretty sure it's ragebait but still cringe nonetheless

No. 2323330

Women are just weird as fuck. We will do shit like this then say no homo afterwards.

No. 2323332

No. 2323334

File: 1735352307775.jpg (57.26 KB, 680x518, GeFd5LqXcAAG539.jpg)

Yeah we

No. 2323452

Anon that isn’t normal

No. 2323462

File: 1735361630070.jpg (49.26 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f…)


No. 2323479

File: 1735362493397.jpeg (132.5 KB, 828x618, IMG_6921.jpeg)

No. 2323504

File: 1735364609790.jpg (46.06 KB, 750x567, feeling homophobic.jpg)

No. 2323508


No. 2323713

File: 1735389257305.mp4 (828.9 KB, 1280x720, 1000019649.mp4)

No. 2323879

kek the replies to this compared to the lesbian thread (they think every woman in that video is straight)

No. 2324139

No. 2324166

i've been looking for this fucking thread since i saw this screenshot but can't find it. does anyone have a link. i need to read it so badly i love this kind of unironic crazy person rpf nonsense

No. 2324663

File: 1735469018088.png (Spoiler Image,787.7 KB, 1242x1386, y9UIm70.png)

No. 2324664

No. 2324668

Leave my wife alone

No. 2324697

Do tifs actually call themselves twinks

No. 2324792


No. 2327695

Autistic men need to be experimented on.anyway have some ancient cringe.warning it's EXTREMELY cringe and awful gosh seriously,furries are mentally handicapped to even find something like this arousing.

No. 2327706

File: 1735703824262.png (334 KB, 503x380, 8410f3a969484c4ca3840182de9c9b…)

I lost again and no,it's not photoshopped it's unfortunately real.

No. 2327729

Its weird that none of them are particularly good at it

No. 2327730

They are… looks like a class to learn how to keep a man

No. 2331248

File: 1735935940788.mp4 (1.3 MB, 480x854, irishrap.mp4)

No. 2331501

I remember this. I used to cringe back then but now i think its kinda soulful and endearing.

No. 2331760

File: 1735956740911.mp4 (6.84 MB, 720x1280, DEF039BB-6F72-4F46-8F11-97EC25…)

No. 2331762

That booby asian girl is really hot…

No. 2331791

"Hi bestie can you my hubby sniff you for a tiktok? wear something sexy too"

No. 2331822

File: 1735960286293.jpeg (53.5 KB, 1170x834, GgVAKH0aMAAErLz.jpeg)

No. 2331824

Why would the street be quiet if they're at a protest?

No. 2331837


No. 2332294

File: 1735997567290.jpeg (100.65 KB, 1287x1285, IMG_4332.jpeg)

No. 2332295

George Washington would hate these motherfuckers

No. 2332312

I'm distracted from the cringe by them being cute so I guess this is a successful tiktok. the clothes are kind of tacky, I wonder what event they're at

No. 2332325

Super cute. Her husband is ugly af though. Like ew… It makes me sad to see cute women with hideous men.

No. 2332327

Autism in men and trans go hand to hand it seems.

No. 2334866

>>2322344 Could have been worse, just look at the buffoons in China of all places.(no porn)

No. 2334873

im so sorry but these are incredibly hot. dont condone being a degenerate in public but the fantasy is arousing

No. 2334887

How so?

No. 2334889

Lesbian try not to be scrote brained challenge (impossible)(bait)

No. 2334896

>posting literal porn where a woman is being fingered with a shoe
Pass away

No. 2334899

Why was she pulling on her boobs like that KEK

No. 2334902

What did she tie her up for? Shopping?

No. 2334903

one is a cringey Cleary for sex yoga but this is literal moid bdsm humiliation shit which we dont even know was consensual at all so the comparison doesnt make fucking sense and also…why do you have that saved?

No. 2334904

People have killed themselves over less embarrassing posts than this kek

No. 2334907

I'm always wary of shit like this.

No. 2334949

File: 1736153678755.jpg (Spoiler Image,188.13 KB, 1080x1611, Screenshot.jpg)

I found it on this person's account after she showed up in our group. We were pretty kinky but we think she crossed the line.

No. 2334977

File: 1736157866763.mp4 (4.99 MB, 540x960, spotlight-snap.mp4)

YA media and its consequences.

No. 2334980

It's cringe but at the same time I find autism like this endearing kek

No. 2334984

Late as fuck reply but I can't get over the stalker's horrendous voice acting kek, it would have been creepier if they were silent phone calls.

No. 2335004

File: 1736162854660.mp4 (5.21 MB, 854x480, RJcPIL1.mp4)

No. 2335007

It was already unfunny and then they took out shovels and beat the joke into a bloody pulp with that last line.

No. 2335036

File: 1736165683387.mp4 (6.72 MB, 540x952, output_video_677bc89a94df89.10…)

The dancing is horrid and he's wearing a mask and glasses because he's ugly.

No. 2335038

once again I can not tell if her cringe is self-aware or not

No. 2335126

No. 2335135

Words cannot describe how much I hate the nasty tiktok men who wear these retarded masks. They're so pathetic.

No. 2335162

So much brain rot in one video. You know this man hates women who plays videoplays and probably uses slurs against them. kek

No. 2335341

Seeing as guys are way less likely to be stalked and orbited in an unhealthy way I always think guys who do this without face reveals must be fuck ugly.

No. 2335345

Do you guys remember when everyone was making these kind of skits about quarantine and vaccination during covid. Even worse the weird BLM ones made by white people alone in their rooms pretending to be arrested

No. 2335418

these posts made me lose. Fucking cringe and gross.

No. 2335424

really sorry you're stuck only liking men lmao must be a grim existence

No. 2335435

Idk why I keep seing cringey horny posts on lc lately

No. 2335444

File: 1736186004078.jpg (58.93 KB, 550x1000, 81QW20WR7pL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

>all the women are drop dead gorgeous while the husband looks like mr clean

No. 2335451

Tiktoks like this have gotta be made intentionally for white failmoid sexpats. The fetishy undertones are so blatant in this case.

No. 2335455

she married him because he can clean up dirt & grime & grease in just 1 minute

No. 2336829

the cut off scream at the end made me fucking cackle

No. 2336885

No, but I absolutely need to see those! Post them if you can, nonnie!

No. 2337064

File: 1736256556946.png (139.41 KB, 814x588, Screenshot from 2025-01-08 02-…)

I like seriouseats but it's so fucking reddit sometimes.

No. 2337314

omg kate bush

No. 2337429

this retarded shill paid by ccp

No. 2339208

Looked him up because I thought it was satire and now this song will be playing in my head for days.

No. 2339213

I'm ESl and don't understand the joke. It just sounds like she's saying "Shake that ass," what's she supposed to be saying?

No. 2339549

It's supposed to be a play on "shake that ess'" (ess as in "espresso" because of her song). It's sadly very weird and cringe

No. 2339597

File: 1736396077303.mp4 (2.81 MB, 320x462, 728374778.mp4)

No. 2339598

Nothing is funnier to a man than a woman suffering.

No. 2339601

File: 1736396316904.png (140.35 KB, 368x451, X5PKy4g.png)

I lost, i couldn't even finish the video.

No. 2339619

Honestly he deserved that

No. 2339622

So you didn't see him ask a woman for her extremely young daughters hand in marriage or him creep extra close to a jogger and mock her

No. 2339897

God I wish I could send a man double his size to harrass him everywhere he goes.

No. 2339978

I just want to see him beat up

No. 2339995

File: 1736432036454.webm (1.18 MB, 320x418, 1694605664013.webm)

No. 2340191

which one? they're all booby
imagine getting paid for making sweaty women in skin-tight clothes rub their crotches on you all day..

No. 2340497

File: 1736459514456.mp4 (6.52 MB, 720x1280, 1735901253962.mp4)

No. 2340507

No. 2340513

Old news, but Bart Baker going from a parody YouTuber to a pickme for the CCP is still some premium cringe kek

No. 2340534

I didn't cringe but I guess it's good rage bait. What the fuck is his problem

No. 2340557

I cant get over the irony of him making fun of celebrities for being fake and screaming free speech when people didnt like the edgy and gross content in parodies.

No. 2340581

Another one featuring a /w/ tier filter kek

No. 2340652

File: 1736468452721.png (1.1 MB, 1280x720, kYSoh4m.png)

a bit of a blog post but one of my cousins ​​does white monkey's in china, he's not even white (he's a light brownish middle eastern man) but they can't tell the difference, he also shills china irl too and talks about how great china and mao are

No. 2340721

"Women are bumbling retards without personalities and I'm smart and special so I'm not a girl." Bet she has exclusively male friends too because girls are too much drama.
This is actually hilarious

No. 2340752

I really want someone to ask her why she says she's not a woman. What do these people answer then?

No. 2340766

blah blah blah gender roles. it always comes back to gender roles. they're almost more sexist than alt right incels when it comes to this shit.

No. 2341114

They avoid saying it ("i just don't feel like a girl") , but if they had to say it, it would be something like:
>i am just not dumb, naive, soft, subservient and quiet you see

No. 2341143

This moid and pickme went to the Home Depot and thought it's the Hoe Depot smh

No. 2341181

Reading this made me feel like I'd time travelled to 2012.

No. 2341264

"I dont have to explain my gender to you!"

No. 2341343

File: 1736529989965.gif (Spoiler Image,346.64 KB, 250x250, 3dgifmaker35378.gif)

No. 2341628

Damn I completely forgot about him. Never liked him.

No. 2341684

I thought this was Billy Boyd for a second and my heart dropped

No. 2341956

How much longer is this guy going to camp out on this thread

No. 2341957

delete it if its a selfpost retarded admins why keep giving him attention

No. 2342008

He followed me on Twitter back in 2016 until I deleted in 2021 and I genuinely don't know why. Did he just follow everyone for a follow back? Some weird automatic following tool?

No. 2342293

File: 1736600999838.jpg (65.81 KB, 940x616, Modern_punk.jpg)

No. 2345966

File: 1736808281095.mp4 (19.17 MB, 1280x720, vaginnnaaaaaa.mp4)

This shit won awards

No. 2345996

kek it looks like it's from a dystopian sci-fi movie, this can't not be a parody

No. 2346144

File: 1736816445393.mp4 (19.17 MB, 480x854, Ma8KnGu.mp4)

>drag is art

No. 2346145

Ballsack chest

No. 2346150

art is subjective and this is pretty funny ngl. maybe I have the humour of a 12yo.

No. 2346153

This is gross and an insult to dolly parton. Moids are always sexualizing her, its so creepy.

No. 2346453

what is this even from?

No. 2346602

This would be funny if this wasn't supposed to be a specific person. That's what makes this hurtful to me. The silly booby humor on its own is whatever

No. 2346611

Emilia Perez

No. 2346631

The same reason millennials were obsessed with elfen lied 20 years ago

No. 2346785

File: 1736894550053.png (3 MB, 2048x1536, mC7GcMf.png)

No. 2347178

its an overdone comment, but this has to be ai music right? i dont want to believe a human composed this

No. 2347504

File: 1736950452230.webm (760.86 KB, 320x568, 1672256334903.webm)

No. 2347507

Ew, this is how tranny stuff gets shilled in the lesbian community.

No. 2347508

I hate this so much.

No. 2347509

the kawiwi voice is so gratting i bet she thinks she looks like a cute anime grill or something

No. 2347512

That was the worst part. Like she really thinks she kawiwi? Her and her husband are cringe af

No. 2347524

These poly men all look like they spend thousands of their wife's dollars a year on funko pops junk food and porn

No. 2347525

of all things, this the kind of black dude white men don't lynch?

No. 2347528

it isn't, how many times does she reference her "twisted humor" in songs? she thinks she's hilarious.

No. 2347541

the average fujoshit TIF in any fandom says shit like this so casually i thought the white dude was the English teacher and this was some ancient mreg fxm omegaverse fantasy.

No. 2347543

oh nonnie, it's what she wants to hear

No. 2347546

phonk makers and their listeners need to be executed en masse, what the fuck is it about some girl doing vocal exercises that it needed to be made into an edit audio.

No. 2347557

I'll admit that I thought the femboy was an actual man because the jaw and cheek area were a tad grayish like how scrotes usually have after shaving and there was something very scrotally psychotic and narcisstic about the eyes(like those selfies posted to TIM subreddits where they're just eyefucking themselves). The "fashion" is also so incredibly tacky and distracting, my goodness.

No. 2347565

damn, saving the white race takes some drastic measures.

No. 2347569

faggot couldn't even cut out the background between her hair and her neck, truly inferior genetics visible in this video.

No. 2347598

nice save

No. 2347606

Mads Mikkelsen, eat your heart out

No. 2347702

I hope someone offs this faggot. Why are men so okay with showing their illegal fetishes online?

No. 2348298

I keep randomly remembering this video

No. 2348427

File: 1736999695543.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1397, 250115-215147~2.png)

Saw this on Etsy and uh why do we allow these useless retards to drive a vehicle?

No. 2348436

>first responder
holy shit imagine you are dying and this mf parks next to you with his cringe mobile, i would do a flip and die right there from the cringe

No. 2348440

The second amendment sticker in the midst of it all is what's taking me out

No. 2348446

The statement that "if you go far enough left, you get your guns back" continues to ring true.

No. 2348450

Are they selling a used car or something? Yuck

No. 2348460

Bro look at my first responder I am going to die

No. 2348510

>hatchet man sticker
kek it's a juggafur

No. 2349993

No. 2349994

i bursted laughing at the fnaf nursery

No. 2352281

File: 1737227061416.mp4 (1.49 MB, 1556x886, ScreenRecording_01-18-2025 19-…)

No. 2352295

This bitch even made that specific doll skinwalk Elizabeth from Sister Location kek

No. 2352308

Aaaaa the coin Damiano the coin

No. 2352528

File: 1737235408655.mp4 (5.55 MB, 720x1280, Snapinst.app_video_AQOzWai52LT…)

No. 2352534

Why are Americans like this

No. 2352542

They really should've beat the shit out of her

No. 2352817

File: 1737248315776.mp4 (5.43 MB, 640x346, 6795615-c470fa8ed6bd92cda03a84…)

No. 2352819

The captions and the sped up audio are retarded

No. 2352866

White Woman cringe(racebait)

No. 2352962

She looks like she's on something

No. 2352966

it makes me laugh even harder

No. 2353003

She's obviously a very drunk hick. They probably all act like this when they're drinking.

No. 2353163

cried laughing at her valentino punching bag lmfaoooooooo cringe queeeeeeeen

No. 2354231

No. 2356928

Thoughts? And do we have an autism / neurodivergent faker thread?

No. 2356951

>And do we have an autism / neurodivergent faker thread?
i dont think so, it would be awesome if someone made it. Most of my DID faker cows are dry, but it would be funny to discover new ones.

No. 2357051

People want to have an identity to complain about SO bad, I wonder if all this incessant self-induced nothingburger hysteria of histrionically describing oneself will birth another Silent Generation. Next gen gonna be born with thousand yard stare and speak three sentences a day, rationing themselves

No. 2357134

Cringest post in the cringe thread

No. 2361202

File: 1737601978756.mp4 (12.35 MB, 720x1280, Snapinst.app_video_AQMDeNJTyE-…)

No. 2361204

Retard lol

No. 2361357

did they hire that twiggy white guy that looks like a chud to play woody? hes got moves ngl

No. 2361362

This is the kind of autism Jill wishes she had.

No. 2361397

I don’t care for hazbin hotel, but I wish I was this passionate about something tbh. I don’t think it was that cringey. the fly swatter bit did unironically make me laugh kek

No. 2361495


No. 2362009

File: 1737657898637.jpg (556.63 KB, 1414x2000, bafkreiebbzlzcdkrukbon3tu3la63…)

No. 2362091

Trashy as hell. Never once have I thought I would cheer for a little boy trying to fight his mom

No. 2365631

File: 1737832118858.png (574.31 KB, 968x1279, jZsYplb.png)

No. 2365632

File: 1737832142731.mp4 (1.68 MB, 480x854, r7E6vZc.mp4)

No. 2365667

I honestly love the fact she has a Valentino punching bag in her room kek

No. 2365669

>Emotionally spicy
Well that's, uh, certainly one way to describe it kek

No. 2365902

The punching bag made me cry of laughter, I have actual tears in my eyes right now kek

No. 2365930

>thinks that underwear is a bad sensory experience
>thong stuck so far up her ass it's giving her a wedgie
I'm sorry?

No. 2365970

I'm so grateful I don't really understand what this is trying to say

No. 2366249

File: 1737854330757.mp4 (7.37 MB, 854x472, fZyX3cu.mp4)

No. 2366251


No. 2366252

He's not part of the family

No. 2366255

Is there context. Please

No. 2366258

Nevermind I found it, it's a skit

No. 2366285

I thought so. Thanks

No. 2366387

yeah that's… juggernuggets? he's been doing this for like a decade now. he's friends with that cancer faking dude boogie.

No. 2366400

File: 1737860307066.jpg (221.49 KB, 720x1280, 1000000446.jpg)

You ever just have the feminine urge to strategically burn pages from a book and hold them up with your fat manicured chicken talons to post online and claim they blew on your doorstep from the CA fires?

No. 2369484

File: 1738069672665.png (562.29 KB, 897x853, n1dBx6G.png)

>it's a plastic gun btw

No. 2369494

Kind of a nitpick but I cringe whenever someone doesn't change mirror pics to be the right way. It's especially cringey when they're wearing something with clear lettering.

No. 2369495

File: 1738071344978.jpg (128.51 KB, 1080x654, 1000054716.jpg)

No. 2369501

Wow, a japanese, gun-obsessed, MAGA pick-me… Now I've seen everything. You just KNOW every retard asian fetishist right-wing moid thirsts over her. I didn't even know you could collect guns in Japan? Is that legal?

No. 2369539

Op said it’s not a real one. I just wanted to say that my troondar is tingling.

No. 2369699

They look like props. They aren't even burnt

No. 2369716

All guns in japan are fake. They have highly realistic toy guns, but yes, it is illegal to own any real guns.

My troondar is tingling as well.

No. 2369718

File: 1738084096238.gif (739.76 KB, 500x383, 1000032148.gif)

My troondar is beeping like crazy

No. 2369720

Ngl its weird as hell that his first action is to punch her… we know how that kid is going to turn out

No. 2369742

The maga part isn't really weird. You can find a bunch of japs who love Donald Trump

No. 2369749

That's a man, right?

Yeah, clearly desperate for attention. And Trump has fans all over the world, unfortunately.

No. 2369767

This indeed is cringe. I lost.

No. 2369773


this cringe retard got married. My condolences to the wife, hope she divorces him soon.

No. 2369995

i don't even care about the kid or mom i'm so distracted by twerking woody and jessie kek

No. 2369997

Let me guess, he's talking to a potential victi- I mean, "milady"

No. 2371648

File: 1738191771451.jpeg (324.04 KB, 1333x2000, 1738020602950.jpeg)

What a painful read

No. 2371666

It blows my mind that the author of this is a woman.

No. 2371705

Raceplay written by men is more extreme so I'm not surprised the author is a woman

No. 2371723

This is why bots will replace us. Even chatgpt would write trash better.

No. 2372414

No. 2372428

the pfp is 10 times cringier and more horrifying than what you posted

No. 2372553

Erotica written by men has such shitty, over-the-top, worse-than-PornHub level dialogue. I'm almost certain the author is probably a troon.

No. 2372861

File: 1738259887831.jpeg (1.5 MB, 2320x2320, 1738020684684.jpeg)

>I'm almost certain the author is probably a troon
The author of >>2371648 ?

No. 2372868

Kek I thought this was written by the TIF shooter

No. 2375397

File: 1738359147301.jpg (165.21 KB, 1170x1247, GifVtQ_XkAAD41L.jpg)

I found these on xitter, I don't know what they are from but they give booktok energy

No. 2375405

File: 1738359226006.jpg (130.97 KB, 1170x1150, GifVtQ9XsAEVDsz.jpg)

No. 2375407

>scary shifter
>grouchy bear
Wtf are these lame ass nicknames

No. 2375408

yeah, that thing totally smells like toasted marshmallows

No. 2375410

File: 1738359503352.jpg (187.32 KB, 1170x1278, GifVtQ-XoAAW6we.jpg)

Daddy alpha is the worst one though

No. 2375411

File: 1738359611222.jpg (126.88 KB, 1170x1150, GifVtQ-WcAEZx_L.jpg)

This one is the most datable, still cringe though

No. 2375412

Thanks nona, I hate all of these.

No. 2375420

Yeah this one is definitely the worst with the DreamWorks face and the hand around her neck. Is this for some kind of Wattpad fanfic?

No. 2375422

that nigga does NOT read romance books. he watches PORN!

No. 2375423

Why are they all paired with the same girl? Are they all about the same book or something? Or is this someone's self insert

No. 2375427

>inventor of technology
No idea why that cracked me up kek

Pretty sure it's a self insert

No. 2375438

File: 1738360806643.jpg (85.94 KB, 1079x558, 1000019997.jpg)

tall bitch larping as a shorter bitch kek, she should be up to his neck.

No. 2375443

Straight women were a mistake.

No. 2375446

>inventor of technology

No. 2375451

File: 1738361463576.jpeg (48.33 KB, 720x801, 1733057888823.jpeg)

tall women prefer tall men, and that's understandable. but these same women become irrationally upset when they see tall men dating women under 5'7, going as far as to label both as pedophilic

No. 2375464

Sorry that we are awesome and cool i guess

No. 2375466

Why are people so transfixed on height? It's just not something I really think about in any context much less like in that tweet. I would understand if you were on either end of the bell curve like with gigantism or as a little person but this goes beyond that.

No. 2375469

File: 1738362046255.png (730.85 KB, 1213x751, IMG_5849.png)


No. 2375472

They love the idea of being a dainty uguu frail woman

No. 2375473

Straight woman cringe is funny. Straight man cringe is disgusting

No. 2375489

It's less complicated than that, like I'm considered very tall for a woman in my asian country at 5'7, and I'd like to be with a guy who's just a bit taller than me, I don't care if he's 5'9 or 6'5, I just want him to be a minimum of 2-3 inches taller than me, A 5'10 woman would probably want a similar deal, but many tall men date women much shorter than they are, which reduces the eligible market of tall men for tall women to date

No. 2375514

It's less complicated than that, like I'm considered very tall for a woman in my asian country at 5'7, and I'd like to be with a guy who's just a bit taller than me, I don't care if he's 5'9 or 6'5, I just want him to be a minimum of 2-3 inches taller than me, A 5'10 woman would probably want a similar deal, but many tall men date women much shorter than they are, which reduces the eligible market of tall men for tall women to date

No. 2375529

shoeonhead vibes

No. 2375564

"at least she's honest about it"

No. 2375565

are they werewolves?

No. 2375582

No. 2376171

imagine your co worker sending this you this at 2 in the fucking morning
https://files.catbox.moe/5a8zbn.mp4(this is an imageboard)

No. 2376886

File: 1738443244559.jpeg (551.59 KB, 1179x1462, IMG_4453.jpeg)

No. 2376893

Oscar worthy. Also he's definitely a fag.

No. 2377042

his fashion says otherwise

No. 2377125

File: 1738452822325.mp4 (9.66 MB, 1280x720, Vd8I7oL_x4r5hx.mp4)

these people vote

No. 2377154

What is the context of this show, why does he only invite people with income kek

No. 2377164

financial advice channel

No. 2377180

You just know shes the biggest NLOG ever lmao

No. 2377342

File: 1738466080702.mp4 (1.05 MB, 480x852, 1700746730757.mp4)

now, the opposite end of the spectrum

No. 2377361

I get her >>2375451 now

No. 2377367


Yep. Tbh they should’ve beat her up for acting like a retard

No. 2377943

File: 1738515243793.png (772.31 KB, 828x1628, khB5nJ7.png)

she has a point, like it's driven by jealousy, but they are right that these "smol" women and men are often involved for fetish reasons, which is not healthy for a relationship

No. 2377957

i agree its super fucking weird. We already know men like women to stay youthful for pedo reasons, so why would it be different for height?

No. 2377961

You guys post this exact premise constantly and its become dejavu. At this point I don't give a fuck anymore, who really gives a fuck, you never get tired of posting the exact same screenshots over and over. They're all adults and I don't care anymore solely because you insist on having the exact same debate every week

No. 2377962

someone's mad

No. 2377963

so is it my fault my nigel is a foot taller than me…i think women who think like this have porn brain rot. the only relationships where this is obvious is when its a ddlg coquette fag

No. 2377964

why do you give a shit ppl point out moids are disgusting. unless you're one of those freaks that want to be a petite waifu to a 2m tall ogre.

No. 2377965

There’s not many attractive tall single men. They are literally just trying to shame shorter women into not being their competition anymore because let’s be honest, the focus is on the women every single time and then justified with men are pedos as if that explains why you’re telling a woman who is shorter than everyone that SHE is the pedo any time she falls for someone she doesn’t measure to see if the height difference looks too dramatic with. God forbid someone’s relationship gives someone else the ick. Those people never have anything to say about BDSM and people who walk around on leashes. It’s literally just trying to outcompete with short women for the type of men they were the ones to declare as valuable in the first place?

No. 2377966

that's clearly way over a foot, don't take it personally.

No. 2377968

she is literally calling out men in that post, it's not that deep and don't take it personally.

No. 2377971

She literally only talks about tall men in her post? shes shaming men, not women. I think its weird men like such a wild power imbalance. Its a redflag.

No. 2377974

I was agreeing with the initial premise but i forgot she linked that post and not this one. Which is genuinely disturbing to hear that’s how they think. I don’t think anytime someone says “I have a tight one” anyone involved is thinking about children. The jealousy over short women being cutesy is insane to me.

No. 2377976

> I don’t think anytime someone says “I have a tight one” anyone involved is thinking about children
you havent been around coquettes or men enough i fear. Men literally thing ''lose pussies'' are a sign of aging. Stop defending creepy men and their enablers.

No. 2377977

You wish. You repeat the same stupid shit over and over and it's tired.

No. 2377980

You guys claim you're blaming men but you're literally just sperging about coquettes. Coquettes are annoying but men literally rape babies and kill people so idgaf about the niche microcosms annoying women invent!

No. 2377981

Imagine defending your nigel on lolcow of all places.

No. 2377984

We can hate both? what is this autistic black or white mentality. Thats like saying you cannot complain about getting robbed because someone just got stabbed. Coquettes are pickmes.

No. 2377986

Coquettes are a plague on humanity but at this point a short girl can’t breathe without being accused of pedo baiting. No one here is defending a DDLG ass bitch. It’s saying a normal ass small person can’t date a tall person without “knowing he’s imagining her a child” like what? I don’t have intrusive thoughts about pedophilia so it really creeps me out seeing people who think like that.

No. 2377987

nobody cares if some giant moid wants to date a small lady and they all move on with their lives nbd. but the ones who post like "oh I am such a smol little bean and I have LARJ MAN" all over social media deserve to be clowned on because they're inviting people to stare and comment

No. 2377989

Probably because like clockwork you post the same screencaps, the same conversation, over and over and over. Yes water is wet. Make a thread at this point instead of terrorizing the rest of us with the same old shit we've seen dozens of times the last six months.

No. 2377992

Actually you're just giving them the engagement and attention they want with their ragebait, congratulations for being boomer adjacent

No. 2377993

the two examples provided are women who obviously do it to show off. Why the fuck would you post your manbun ogre who towers over you and has to bend down to kiss you on fucking tiktok if not to pedolarp?

No. 2377994

I am not even the anon who posted the screenshots. Lots of anons hate coquettespergs. Sorry it bothers you.

No. 2377995

exactly. they get attention and nonas get to laugh at them. everybody wins

No. 2377997

It's ugly bastard monster larp, not pedo larp. No one who isn't retarded thinks these women are underage.

No. 2377998

>engagement and attention
>on lolcor
i doubt any of those people know about this obscure basket weaving forum

No. 2378000

But you aren't laughing, you're seething and wagging your finger. Kek.

No. 2378002

you could say the same about shayna because shes obsese and looks like a crackhead but she still pedoplarps

No. 2378003

this one is just a picture with no context of a couple with a height difference where the woman looks and is dressed like an adult and the person posting about her spergs the fuck out about her vagina. no one is defending a ddlg ass bitch but at this point it’s either intrusive thoughts about pedophilia at best for some of the people who inexplicably get obsessed with this dynamic.

No. 2378005

someone's missing the lol in lolcow. couldn't be me.

No. 2378006

>intrusive thoughts about pedophilia
For real. Telling on themselves.

No. 2378008

dont you think its weird for men to date women so short? i am short myself and i attract that type of scrotes. They are weird as fuck and get off to being able to easily overpower you.

No. 2378009

You've said "couldn't be me" and "I fear", I guarantee you orbit the same xitter spaces as the croquettes you claim you're above. Go back.

No. 2378010

So you have intrusive thoughts about pedophilia?

No. 2378012

anon i came itt at >>2377987. multiple anons are disagreeing with you.

No. 2378014

like staying focused on that particular post. i have literally never heard a short girl talk like that. ever. i have only heard the women obsessed with this dynamic say such vile and graphic things. like that post fully went into child vs adult genitals FOR NO REASON. they were normally dressed people kissing. i never see the videos where someone who is like i’m tall i’m 5’8… but my mans is 6’9 so i’m still teeny in his arms hee hee. because that i saw in the past way more, with way more videos of average or tall women making jokes about not dating manlets. no one said anything about them being pedos and i laughed at how mad it made men. now that it seems like short women are jumping on to the trend though, crazy shit is being said casually. women have ALWAYS complained when a short woman “stole” a tall man from a tall woman like “everyone who is into me is shorter than me and the guys i’m into date a short bitch who doesn’t even need that height” as if she doesn’t deserve her boyfriend and the tall woman had something stolen from her lmfao.

No. 2378017

You mean multiple anons are using cringe twitter lingo that regularly cops bans for lack of integration? Got it.

No. 2378021

i’m personally tiny and i actually have no interest in dating men above like 5’10” because of the kissing awkwardness pictured above. i would probably still be accused of this because i am like three inches taller than a midget and a man who is 5’5 is half a foot taller than me. i’ve dated men that short and had no problem with it, however if someone is closer in height to manlets they actually get super passive aggressive about it and i could never date a short man with a complex. i can’t blame women who are closer to average height and closer in size for wanting nothing to do with short men who will neg them and not let them wear heels because their man feels insecure though. like have you guys SEEN how men below six feet victimize themselves for no reason and become aggressive and insane about it to overcompensate. i also think some short women date really tall men because it’s turned into a status thing. and i do see the ddlg ass bitches trust me, but no offense most of those women are like average or slightly above average in height and that’s why they have to date giraffes to feel smol.

No. 2378034

>like have you guys SEEN how men below six feet victimize themselves for no reason and become aggressive and insane about it to overcompensate

this is the real reason i think women don't like dating manlets, they make their height like 30% of their personality and not in a fun way. like they have to prove they're sane before i'll give them a second look. even a chihuahua can be cute if it's chill, but one of the insanely territorial yappy ones, i would never be able to deal with.

No. 2378036

I'd rather be with a bumbling idiot a foot taller than me than with a man with an embarrassing scrappy doo disposition that tries to strut like his 5 inch dick weighs 30 pounds to overcompensate

No. 2378038

Actually crazy person logic. Am I a pedophile now for wanting to date a man with hair still? I’m not even the anons obsessed with being edgy talking about reverse age gap relationships, women who want to date men in their early twenties have not spent any time in their early twenties with them because holy shit they might as well be mentally 16. Signs of youth = signs of health and I’m personally not questioning myself for wanting to date a man in my exact age group who has retained his hair and skin elasticity. Like for me that’s just condemning my children to melt at 25 and die young some day because of whatever genetic flaw these men have that make them age like that. Saying anyone who wants someone youthful looking still, when people can look young into their forties, is PEDOPHILIA is actually insane.

No. 2378045

>mens favourite porn tags are barely legal, teen
>they shame women for not shaving(adult body trait)
>most actresses stop getting roles after 30
>the aging industry being fueled by women who develop complex thanks to men

No. 2378053

>scrappy doo personality
STOPPPP why is that so accurate?? my ex manlet was still taller than me but HE was the creepiest person i’ve ever dated about my height. he was the only one who ever made me feel dehumanized about it. his friends even told me behind the scenes he was talking about picking me up and carrying me up the stairs and throwing me around in bed and me standing on my tip toes to kiss him. he had only dated women his height/mostly taller and had a complex over it. he was always pulling me on to his lap or picking me up in front of people. i don’t even think it was that much of a fetish, just him being completely pathetic and loving how i made him look taller for once. he was so insecure about his height he made all his friends look at his dick so they would know he had the biggest one, i shit you not. it’s like you guys knew my fucking ex. he didn’t even have to do all that he could have just stood next to me normally but he had to be weird about it.

No. 2378054

Your list is missing the countless men who get bold while anonymous online and straight up tell women men prefer underage girls and anything older is post wall. They don't have to subtly imply being pedos, they will not only admit it but lecture women on how they need to accept it as long as there are no consequences.

No. 2378080

pedophiles live socialize and commit their crimes online. i would not be shocked by any very online man or porn addict being a pedo.

No. 2378221

File: 1738526986940.mp4 (1.68 MB, 680x1280, skirt go spinny.mp4)

No. 2378619

No. 2378638

File: 1738539511157.png (2.31 MB, 1284x2778, xuhzRyG.png)

ot but I knew a family who made it a point to talk about how they wanted to marry fellow tall people to get "tall genes" because tall people were more aesthetically pleasing

No. 2378644

that’s like every tall person especially with blonde hair and i’m saying this as someone who is a natural blonde. they get weird as fuck and so eugenics-y so casually.

No. 2378653

>taller than the average adult man

No. 2378666

i would honestly rather kill myself than be an ugly woman taller than most men. that is so fucking rough.

No. 2378668

Taller doesnt equal attractive. All those men are so fucking ugly

No. 2378669

Is this a different family from the one with the chick who kept getting taller as her tiktoks went on? I wonder if these people only attention whore about their height online or if they subject others to it in casual conversation irl

No. 2378673

that’s why they’re doing this and why they cling to it. they know deep down they are ugly. they know. they just are using their height as a cope. you knowwww they make jokes in private like “i’m really a four but my height boosts me up to be a solid eight!”

No. 2378682

File: 1738540553406.jpeg (301.91 KB, 1090x2152, FWSNz4H.jpeg)

the same family, she's 6'1

No. 2378683

Tall women are hot. I'm extremely short and we get so much attention from freak moids for being small or "childlike" and it's solely because moids are intimidated by anything big enough to fight off their attacks. Don't get brainwashed into parroting their bullshit

No. 2378726

Tall women are amazing. It's sad you hate yourself this much (or other tall women)

No. 2378738

Damn your life must revolve around humiliating yourself for male attention. Makin men insecure about their height while being completely unsexualisable is a total win for anyone who's not a pickme thot.

No. 2378768

File: 1738542285190.webp (55.03 KB, 640x1159, B197B709-6D1E-4078-8800-014577…)

Seeing Girl Defined on LC is a bit of a jumpscare. They’re fucking weirdos and are really fixated on being blonde and tall because of their Austrian genes. Which gets weird when you learn their Austrian genes are from actual Nazi mayors. They’re all big fish in a small pond and are generally insufferable.

No. 2378994

None of the women posted look like children, they look like women in their 20s or 30s. Also why does everyone think that all short women are skinny? Does a chubby short woman look like a child? Does one with large breasts?

No. 2379099

File: 1738549647145.mp4 (6.94 MB, 462x854, pJPV94l.mp4)

No. 2379103

Me when I hear Joy Division at Walmart

No. 2379110

Very unfortunate looking

No. 2379135

File: 1738551065044.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1124x1505, 6B90A80C-7355-4518-BA29-3F522F…)

I watched this once through and immediately knew it was filmed at Nola in Palo Alto, CA. Picrel is from google reviews and I circled the gator painting that is also in the video.
I can’t really explain how knowing this information makes it even worse but just know they’re paying a premium for garbage food and even worse cocktails. My contempt for that restaurant and the people who frequent it is immense, so it makes sense someone like this would go there.

No. 2379256

fucking beeeassttttt

No. 2379395

No. 2379448

Isn't she a religious tradwife type? I wonder if it bothers her that she's taller and wider than her husband. She looks like she could pick him up and toss him really far.

No. 2379553

Dating some ogre of a moid so you can feel uwu smol in comparison is cringe no matter if you are short or tall yourself. Stop giving confidence boost to uggos who happen to be tall. Women are not supposed to fight over men.

No. 2379746

It's funny that the average height moid looks more attractive than the rest of those ogres

No. 2379747

File: 1738601043670.mp4 (1.83 MB, 540x958, Snapchat-1089295423.mp4)

Christian Rickroll

No. 2380706

File: 1738627704703.mp4 (4.2 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@flutterdollie_17386…)

Hopefully this hasn't already been posted.

No. 2380710

Heart it, thanks nona. Oh this was meant to cringe at? I win.

No. 2380726

No. 2380734

There but for the grace of God go I… I'm so glad DID faking, gendershit, and TikTok weren't a thing when I was her age.

No. 2380741

why cant these people just make mlp and naruto recolor ocs like on the good old days

No. 2380746

I'm convinced fatties' fat cells replace their braincells

No. 2381222

kek an ancient classic. hope shes doing well nowadays

No. 2381487

File: 1738676175020.mp4 (6.33 MB, 640x360, di5YH1738673280603.mp4)

No. 2381531

I don't disagree with the message but the execution is so hilarious. The guy singing in the background is the cherry on top.

No. 2381697

I lost at the damn threadpic

No. 2382635

Of course he's ugly,ginger and a neck beard even more cringe with the furry shit.

No. 2382643

No. 2382698

File: 1738725237884.jpg (731.36 KB, 1080x1336, 1737947106615.jpg)

No. 2383325

File: 1738770014530.png (71.32 KB, 682x147, 1000021543.png)

No. 2383949

File: 1738795554599.mp4 (4.91 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_717005935253815629…)

No. 2383954

Absolutely a work of fiction

No. 2384543

File: 1738828101680.png (815.75 KB, 643x900, 1738745897363.png)

No. 2384551

Face of a psychopath

No. 2384570

this site has been ruined

No. 2384843

File: 1738852949029.mp4 (4.31 MB, 540x960, output_video_67a4c9f9905210.89…)

No. 2384844

This is tranfiction. Cumming in under 3 minutes is only something a gooner moid would think is impressive. If I use a vibe and I'm properly motivated I can easily do it in under 30 seconds

No. 2384855

>Doughy Marie g-spot Doughydough

No. 2384875

I can do it in under a minute even without a vibe kek.

No. 2384880

Her body legit kind of disturbs me, I know it’s probably normal to proana people but her legs look like they can barely hold up her body.

No. 2384881

No. 2384901

Don't disagree with the placement of this in this thread but cringe is inherent to any serious protest (as opposed to cowardly/milquetoast "protests" that are basically lip service and have zero impact) because the intention is to cause discomfort, which is an essential part of change.

No. 2384915

Hope she gets better someday.
At the start I thought she would be for real because she was acting kinda weird but then she just… showed things everyone does when they're concentrating on something. Mental illness fakers make me unreasonably mad.

No. 2385327

Honestly, compared to most of the other fan-made ones, this isn't that bad

No. 2385624

How the fuck is that adhd? Everyone does this. Does the whole planet have adhd?

No. 2385636

What is the black shit all over her arms

No. 2385802

No. 2386090

No. 2386092

File: 1738902104878.mp4 (1.56 MB, 720x1280, Video-700.mp4)

No. 2386157

This is just plain sad.

No. 2386229

File: 1738914293450.mp4 (1.57 MB, 720x900, b6495b47-a360-4c64-aab7-a3f499…)

No. 2386442

File: 1738932755842.jpeg (134.37 KB, 1200x700, IMG_4474.jpeg)


kpop virus and it's consequences

No. 2386961

She sounds so bored lmao, honestly if I was a vtuber pandering to horny men I'd be unenthused too

No. 2387006

File: 1738960343464.jpg (3.7 MB, 1231x9909, 1738925357524.jpg)

No. 2387066

She literally had such a lovely body beforehand, what the fuck.

No. 2387071

Do troons understand how chromosomes work and that there's no alternative version of themselves that's female

No. 2387104

Those pictures were edited and wonyoung doesnt look like that anymore, come on, she and her agency said she lost weight because of her schedule being too full and being taller than the average idol, shes gained weight back to a healthy look since her break from being mc.(kpop)

No. 2387108

File: 1738963361143.gif (819.55 KB, 278x258, f6c50520b8e26dbfb6fbcce8618471…)

No. 2387137

She still looks like a spastic in both, just with a worse body now

No. 2387148

She still cant dance, but now she's a skelly. Gross

No. 2387155

They don't understand science or biology. Their skeletons and DNA will always be male.

No. 2387893

It actually says in the stupid comic that even the bones were male but they found female "hormones" on his remains, wtf? How does that even work?

No. 2387958

File: 1739022526270.mp4 (2.01 MB, 480x854, VhlveNo.mp4)

No. 2387962

tbh, male kpop choreo is always shit

No. 2387965

but its not a pedo fetish you guysss

No. 2387973

do you normally have this much trouble figuring out if someone is joking

No. 2387978

>retarded animu blushing and yuribait
yeah male-made, also why would scientists waste such technology on some coomer that died of being a deathfat with a hormonal imbalance, do you really think you're more important than say Betty White or hell, if we're in schizo imagination tech territory, why not Alan Turing?

No. 2387979

what's the joke?

No. 2388083

Weak faggot struggled to pick his gnome gf up, whats the point of being that tall

No. 2389167

File: 1739073442729.mp4 (2.36 MB, 480x854, n0sx6uq.mp4)

No. 2389168

now this is what i call a butterface

No. 2389192

Ew, you were not joking

No. 2389196

>stops at hairline

No. 2389204

No. 2389208

Vexy looks better than whatever than thing is

No. 2389299

I don't know what I was expecting but that's the face of a guy with a bowl cut heavy on the helmet bangs and a twitch prime to pokimane

No. 2389984

Eww he has that onision caveman brow and retard stare

No. 2391091

File: 1739146111105.jpeg (415.22 KB, 1536x2048, dXP2oxN.jpeg)

No. 2391110

Did you watch the twerkoff between Hasan and miz? Me either

No. 2391296

File: 1739154169790.png (712.58 KB, 975x626, e.PNG)

Reminded me of this Etsy review I saw a while ago.

No. 2391310

>I don't know what drew him to wanting this
He wants to fuck it Michelle.

No. 2391314

Everything about these movies but especially these two are pure cringe

No. 2391333

>they were going to have even more of that shit.
Can we please leave Jim Carrey in the 90s where he belongs? He should have never made a movie after the Truman Show.

No. 2391336

I don't know, as it's been said, he basically killed his girlfriend but still somehow keeps getting roles.

No. 2391340

File: 1739156264688.png (848.1 KB, 1009x1059, IMG_7556.png)

incel cow Travis Fodor / Kevin Handler, who recently went viral on TikTok for his creepy videos and his life size sex doll.

No. 2391345

File: 1739156481777.jpeg (61.85 KB, 720x718, IMG_7559.jpeg)

Here's a picture of him holding her head
Does he have a thread here yet?

No. 2391525

File: 1739166493105.jpg (178.85 KB, 600x338, peasant man.jpg)

What the fuck is going on with his face? It looks medieval. I am seriously disturbed.

No. 2391604

File: 1739171585298.jpg (249.57 KB, 720x1122, 1000000566.jpg)

Did soren rise from the dead like Jesus christ

No. 2391605


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2391624

Not enough angel fawn gore fetuses spinning in circles on the playground to be Soren

No. 2391635

I see your point and I raise you
>now that your witch is dead, you suck her ghostly toes
Either way whoever this retard is, they're abysmally embarrassing

No. 2391684

Kek at her bending her knees so they'd look taller than they actually are

No. 2391686

Lmao he looks like Jerma. This made me laugh more than cringe tbh.

No. 2391716

it has to be bj-chan

No. 2391732

If only.

No. 2391746

I think deep down Michelle knows but pretends she doesnt.

No. 2391967

You know they smell like shit and protein farts

No. 2392402

I'm almost certain BJ-Chan has some sort of subjugation fetish. Even some of the most hardcore radfems I know don't talk about cock and sex this fucking much.

No. 2392720

File: 1739232272153.gif (1.01 MB, 360x202, nyaagh.gif)

I know we're a bit off from a new thread, but I'm politely offering picrel as the next threadpic if nonnies want to stick with the moids acting as cutesy animals theme.

No. 2392872

File: 1739241516162.mp4 (12.89 MB, 1280x590, vid_1739241315.mp4)

imagine being murdered, and some pick-me influencer uses that for clout and calls you weird

No. 2392882

Is he poking his dick with the cube? What's he trying to do?

No. 2392884

God I hate the uwu short bitches with their Neanderthal bfs.

No. 2392887

I feel bad for laughing but the dance is so retarded

No. 2392899

File: 1739243098219.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1155, nsRAQC5.png)

she's cringe but endearing

No. 2392921

she looks like a big sturdy tree

No. 2392937

I wish I could be told this, I would take it as the utmost compliment

No. 2392960

I wish I were built like that naturally, like she isn't just taller than the average male, but sturdier as well and without any intense exercise program. If I were built like that, I wouldn't take shit from any moid

No. 2392969

damn i wish i had gigastacy genes, i always date manlets because i like short guys but my biggest fantasy is being taller than them and princess carry my manlet to bed

No. 2392978

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No. 2393027

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No. 2393046

Not sure if this is the right thread for your post, but that's insane. Why are so many people (and it's especially moids, I've noticed) openly embracing slop-ifying the internet? I feel like it must stem from insecurity over their inability to write/draw/make music, combined with laziness and sense of entitlement over having the credit for work done without actually doing it.

No. 2393049

cringe but tru

No. 2393056

the state of israel must be trembling after seeing this

No. 2393150

Why are we emoting like this when lipsyncing still ugh

No. 2393156

…your third eye isn't open. Fucking lol these are the same people that virtue signal about mental illness and abuse but when a victim isn't perfect its all about how they're bad vibes. Lord people talk too much and everything they say is so meaninglesss

No. 2393633

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No. 2393640

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No. 2393729

Bro why would you post this with your fucking face attached wtf is wrong with people

No. 2393730

>because nobody wants to give me their seed now
KEK. But I had no idea that 67% of the population has herpes. What the fuck, that's disturbing.

No. 2393739

I think you're right. Men are ego driven and will commit crimes, so unethical things and step on others to feel superior. Top scientists, entrepreneurs and CEOs steal other people's work for their own gain all the time, it's believable that they would exploit AI for that same purpose.

No. 2393761

Women are frequently the same way, but they're more like rats that drag all the other rats down to be like them. Its like this endless trite shit. Men just pretend they aren't trite, but they're pretty much the same.

No. 2393823

She's probably thinking of oral herpes statistics (2/3), not genital herpes (1/6).

No. 2393922

It's basically useless to worry about, because unless you're celibate there's always a chance to contract it. Even then, there's a risk of contracting it when being born if your mother has it.

No. 2393967

Or you can only date virgins instead of std-ridden sluts

No. 2394108

A virgin can have it too though, that's the thing. Most people who have it aren't aware and don't have any symptoms.

No. 2394212

Getting cold sores is a type of herpes. A lot of people get when children and it's dormant.

No. 2394220

The ones on the lips or the ones in your throat?

No. 2394257

No. 2394268

You can get cold sores in the throat??

No. 2394277

File: 1739315977212.webp (24.34 KB, 560x380, canker-sore.png.webp)

Yeah, I get them when I eat something too hot. They appear on the soft palate. You can sense them there and see them in the mirror, too. And um akshully, they're call canker sores.

No. 2394284

You're talking about something else entirely.

No. 2394315

Oopsy daisy. My bad.

No. 2394434

>A virgin can have it too though, that's the thing.
But they're much less likely.

No. 2394488

>It's basically useless to worry about
Not with the symptoms this girl described…

No. 2394624

>I don't know how im going to tell my parents thisss
KEK bitch who tells their fucking parents they have herpes LOL
does she not know you can still have unprotected sex if youre not actively having an outbreak? top fucking kekkkkk i love rabid attention seekers like yesss tell us about your genital sores while crying it makes me feel good af about my stupid baka life

No. 2396033

No. 2396115

No. 2398526

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No. 2398537

oh wow this person must be actually mentally challenged i almost feel bad for the deathfat scrote

No. 2398557

kek the scrote seems just as disabled to me

No. 2398669

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No. 2398739

This made me chuckle because it's so awful

No. 2398772

I can't tell if this is for or against muskrat

No. 2398774

I thought the same thing.

No. 2398842

It's pretty typical con autism tbf

No. 2399374

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No. 2399381

Average bladee fan

No. 2400806

KEK I can't stop watching this. It's so ridiculous

No. 2401280

You're not the only one, I think I've watched it at least 10 times kek. It's so addictive, why do they spin like that? How is he keeping a straight face?

No. 2401384

Nta but it’s a pretty normal mexican dance. It’s just funny because of the faggotry

No. 2401400

It's obviously against him, he's portraying musk as plankton, who is a short, ugly freak married to a computer

No. 2401417

This is a fucking TERRIFYING picture jfc, I scrolled up the the bottom of the thread and panicked before I saw it was a sex doll kek

No. 2401427

Butterface Andy.

No. 2401527

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Just saw a video on him and that tiktok of him mimicking a womans screams is horrific, he looked relatively 'normie' before this too. he claims that it's a troll and everyone is retarded for believing it but he's spent thousands on sex dolls, kek

No. 2401597

this legit looks like him in a wig

No. 2401712

I can't find ANYTHING about him

No. 2401766

ntayrt but me neither, here's the video i watched

No. 2402209

Waste of a good face

No. 2402239

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No. 2402240

>good face
he looks like every faggy commentary youtuber with a mullet, get taste

No. 2402243

Normal and not mentally ill or deranged.

No. 2402257

Compared to the average male he is very attractive

No. 2402262

Nta but that's already what the average male looks like kek

No. 2402332

>he looks like every faggy commentary youtuber with a mullet
nta but, oompaville right? kek. i think its just strange because that type of man is average, plenty of women would settle with a man like that. a good comparison would be ted bundy. young, unassuming men with fresh faces that look like men you know and interact with. it’s even more bizarre because he’s partaking in a fetish that only bottom dwellers or super old freaky looking scrotes do(at least this publicly). literally becoming a caricature of buffalo bill for the coom and hating women when he would have just done fine if not for being a faggot degenerate

No. 2402583

I'm polish and a guy like him is a 10/10 Chad here

No. 2402756

File: 1739720587730.mp4 (Spoiler Image,3.16 MB, 720x1280, tP87h_4YoiNT6ppm.mp4)

No. 2402757

I lost. How to get someone to kill themselves on their birthday.

No. 2403427

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No. 2403549

What do you mean? this is a glorious piece of art and should be saved on durable physical media before the internet goes completely dark

No. 2403559

cringe in an endearing way.

No. 2403563

Ptsd because I had to suffer through every hipster shouting TOP THAT when this went viral years ago

No. 2403566

No, he's not. Stop inflating the ego of hideous scrotes.

No. 2403676

You're teling me this is sincere and not a gag?

No. 2404057

I swear I'm not trying to, I'm just polish

No. 2404062

I lost it when they started circling each other.

No. 2404166

gold anon i love it i wish i had a funk posse

No. 2405360

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No. 2406956

File: 1739948382055.mp4 (1.8 MB, 540x944, Snapchat-683251454.mp4)

If I was that teacher, I'd bodyslam the retard and show him who's truly alpha.

No. 2406974

This isn't cringe this is the funniest thing I've watched in months kek

No. 2407005

Happy birthday Pryocynical

No. 2407009

he sounds like he makes my little pony episode analysis on youtube, what a fucking sped i feel sorry for its parents

No. 2407047

Tbh she’s only 18 and unironically has autism so it’s no wonder she acted like that. She seems sweet though, autism aside.

No. 2407057

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No. 2407060

I really wish every photo of this ogre was spoilered

No. 2407067

The fact that her biology isn't screaming for her to run away from this abomination because it will obliterate the benfits of her gene pool lets me know she really has lobotomized herself with the alcohol and pills.

No. 2407076

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tfw genuinely trying not to get involved in her insta comment section to tell off the uggo scrotes who are being incredibly mean to her

No. 2407088

I had the same reaction to this as when I accidentally unspoiler Dana/Eli porn. It just looks like a pile of smelly flesh, I guess Selena has been kind of gross to me too since the new teeth/lobotomy but it's mostly the cavemoid. I agree it should be spoilered

No. 2407130

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No. 2407131


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2407222

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No. 2407235

I wonder how many of these people are actually white or extremely white passing.

No. 2407313

This is giving me secondhand embarrassment kek. Instead of worrying about the racism we face, they're crying and howling about boys not being interested in them. Can these women please have some self-respect?

No. 2409040

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No. 2409058

that Elmer Fudd voice

No. 2410569

This rabbit hole goes so fucking deep. He might be a horrorcow.

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