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No. 2435196

previous thread: >>2392591

No. 2435221

i don't like it but i feel a grossly immense amount of superiority over people who don't have good relationships with their parents. i love my family and i'm fascinated by those who have more dysfunctional relationships with their parents or other family since it's an experience so far removed from mine. i know this isn't a good mindset to have though and i feel like such a privileged bitch for being like this

No. 2435224

It’s honestly scary and fascinating how much childhood inevitability shapes what kind of adult you are. Children are really sponges, while adults are mostly clay, it’s hard , even impossible to unlearn certain patterns, you are mostly working on coping mechanisms.

No. 2435229

I doxxed a woman I liked after she got a girlfriend and I regret doing it now.

No. 2435248

I hurt someone in the most unimaginable way, he said he forgave me, but i don't believe him and i can't accept it anyway.i'm not gonna say anything about it because i lost the right to say anything

I just hope he eventually totally forget about me while i just rot in hell for the rest of my pathetic life because i fucking deserve it

No. 2435259

Wow, new worst anon I've ever come across on lolcow kek.

No. 2435263

gave up on everyone besides JS. being stalked and harassed. /offline

No. 2435269

Today I found out liking Hyperpop is scrote-y. Welp.
I swear to god every single time I like something, I later find out its community is moid/mtf central.

No. 2435272

Just BPD things

No. 2435277

Who cares if it's moidy, just listen to the music and don't engage with its community. I have some transphobic female friends who are also into that genre of electronic music, so it's not all that bad.

No. 2435280

but it's not their fault, people don't choose or ask to be born to shitty parents. Why feel superior over some good luck.

No. 2435281

NTA but yeah, I didn't even realize there were music "communities" to begin with. I thought that was a new thing, for zoomers into 100gecs or some shit.

No. 2435289

what was the other anon like

No. 2435296

Everyone who knows you knows this.

No. 2435298

JS being JeSus

No. 2435299

You disgust me.

No. 2435300

I call my mother fat now all the time, only inside of my head and yell it in frustration when I’m angry when she’s not around. It’s absolutely deserved. She is a deathfat for her height but I absolutely have zero empathy for a woman who constantly moans and complains about her aches and pains but doesn’t realize it’s connected to her pounds of fat on her tiny skeletal structure ruining her life, I just don’t care. The same fatness that has her basically in love with her bed and waits until she’s almost about to piss herself to get up to finally go to the bathroom (which she never cleans, I clean it). It’s even more cathartic calling her fat when I’m upset, I fucking hate fatties and their sloth-like attitude towards life. I can’t help but be mean to people, it’s absolutely deserved, people are walking around basically asking for it. I would never because I somewhat benefit from her existence but the truth is: she’s fat and genuinely needs to lose the weight if she wants to see her 60s.

No. 2435309

Agreed. No one ever sends me a letter, either.

No. 2435315

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Blessed Jesus lover nonnie

No. 2435340

OP, there was still enough space left in the previous thread. You should have waited before making a new one because I had prepared this :

Previous thread recap:

Nona shares the joys of having a full bush >>2393980
Paranoid nona confuses critically acclaimed artist Yoshimoto Nara with Shadman >>2394676
Shitty friend contemplates the way pregnancy makes you fat, discourse ensues >>2394717
Bippie shares common bpdestructive fantasy >>2395657
Goth poser justifies her lack of taste >>2395836
Anon hates everyone >>2396359
Young woman discovers the joy and danger of AI boyfriends >>2396389
Ex 4chan fembot reminisces on her pickme past and the changes she went through by joining lolcow >>2396595
Poor nona dates a fat and bald loser, acts shocked when he’s still a fat and bald loser even on Valentines >>2396646
Anon shares about her Stacy anthropological experiments as a high schooler >>2397300
Debate about the semantic of zillenial, zoomer, millenial etc started by a nitpick over the semantic usage of the word “edit” >>2398222
Nona shares a neighberhood with registered sex offenders >>2398509
Farmer multitasks >>2400442
Anon has low self esteem, compares herself to pornstars to feel better >>2401718
Consoomer loves consooming >>2402853
Farmers share their opinions on the sooper secret ib >>2403526
Bait that nevertheless amused fellow posters with the use of “holly kekkeroni” >>2404056
Another nona dated a bald loser. Is an epidemic afoot? >>2405098
Farmers discuss some random troon’s tacky house and clockability >>2405809
Nona has no backbone but she does have a cuck fetish >>2406567
Trying to help her peer’s bacne problems, nona suggests milking your backyard goat
The farms are filled with redditards >>2407999
Anon thinks irl lesbians actually care that she’s a hetty bettie >>2409206
Farmer shocks peers with revelation that there exists in fact a woman on earth who finds markiplier attractive >>2409781
Anon is jealous, snoops on her boyfriend, ends up developping the same strain of depravity as him >>2410139
Nonnie hates her boyfriend’s dogs, ignites debate on the duties of dog training other people’s pets >>2411079
Food service worker shares insightful tip on dealing with annoying customers >>2411136
Loli related autopedophilic degeneracy, but nona grew since then >>2411834
Farmer spends quality time with online moids >>2413942
Controversial confession of clumsily trying to two-time orbiters >>2417413
Based cougar Stacy shares sexual encounter with non walled scrote >>2419653
Nona still didn’t get over boring franchise, ships Dramione >>2420340
Nona fell for the older man psyop, still wont change her ways despite past experience >>2423931
Another lost /g/ poster shares harrowing insight into the depravity of some women’s sexual tastes >>2424401
Nona reminds us why it sucks that voodoo isn’t real >>2425480
Anon free of the shackles of performative femininity gets unwanted advice on how to get prettier skin >>2427008
Farmer hates disabled people >>2427346
Farmer hates her gross sister >>2431041

No. 2435344

is this a thing on ot threads besides celebritiycows?

No. 2435345

I wish I could say words like moralfag in everyday speech because it's so much more convenient

No. 2435346

No, i just wanted to have fun and potentially make someone laugh…

No. 2435349

I thought it was cute and charming thank you for putting it together.

No. 2435350

I confess that I always assume obese people are stupid. Not subconsciously, I acknowledge it on purpose. If I see an obese person my first impression will be disgust and my second impression will be frustration from potentially having to interact with him or her. To make it a proper confession, because so far it looks like a normal opinion: most of my friends are overweight, and half of them are visibly obese. I've known them for a very long time now, when I almost never judged based on looks but based on our more than 10 years long friendship and other random people I've met as coworkers or clients or outside in general I became fatphobic and regretted not judging based on looks from the start. And my friends don't want to admit almost all of their health issues are caused by or worsened by their weight, they often act like stereotypical HAES activist and the more time passes, the more stupid they become. If my friends knew the many situations they've put me and themselves through because of their obesity made me judge them they would feel betrayed but I can't feel bad about it as long as I keep it to myself.

No. 2435352

Kek, you picked some funny posts to do this with

No. 2435385

>next-door neighbor types
>plain janes
>Not every woman is meant to be model/commercial-pretty
There really has to be a better way to describe this type of beauty, because your entire post sounds like one huge back-handed compliment even though you didn't mean for it to sound that way.

No. 2435388

beauty that is like a cloud or a gust of wind, you witness it often and it's not like a volcano rupture or a tsunami you seldom see

No. 2435390

NTA but it's obvious what the original post meant imo, just because every sentence doesn't contain gushing adoration doesn't mean it's being malicious.

No. 2435393

common beauty

No. 2435442

You can usually come up with decent substitutes in normie language. Moralfag could be morality police, for example.

No. 2435449

I like to see how stinky i can get… I don't have the house much so it doesn't matter but I go maybe a 10 days or so between washes, but have gone over a month before. I like my own smell… I am lucky my husband doesn't mind it, he said yes he smells it but it does not bother him much. I think maybe we're just trained to dislike normal scent? I don't really particularly dislike some people's BO smell if its under control. Sometimes I am more bothered by people who walk past and reek of perfume… or at least it's the same level of offensive to me

No. 2435478

kek nonna I'm surprised how much I can stink up in a days depending on what I ate and what part of my cycle I am. I need to wash myself ever day! I despise strong perfume scent too and I can immediately tell if somebody bought a cheap celebrity perfume from the drug store kek

No. 2435482

I feel like celebrity beauty is overrated, not in the sense that they're not beautiful but just the idea that they're uniquely beautiful in a way you could never see irl. When I was in college it wasn't that uncommon to occasionally see girls that were as pretty as celebrities. Maybe it's just the knowledge that a woman is a famous actress/singer/model gives an awe factor which makes them seem more beautiful to a lot of people or something.

No. 2435487

I could, but it doesn't have the same punch. So sad.

No. 2435498

Every few months I stalk my ex-stepsisters socials to feel better about myself. Seeing her fail out of college and working at McDonald’s makes me happy. Seeing her sad reposts about her break ups makes me happy. She always was in competition with me as a kid especially since we were the same age, so I’m glad in the end I’m the one doing better as an adult

No. 2435509

There is scientific evidence to back up the fact that if you love someone, you'll like or be neutral towards their body odor smell.

No. 2435510

That's actually interesting. I bet that's why mothers love the smell of their babies.

No. 2435520

Very mundane but I'd never confess to it to people irl: I use a prepaid simcard. It saves a ton of money. Downside is I can't just stream music anywhere and everywhere I want.

No. 2435538

True, sometimes my socks smell like a girl I loved and I can't stop smelling them

No. 2435563

I was crying because I missed today's lc movie night. And then this fucking video started playing. I had to stop because I didn't want to cry with long long man yaoi playing on the background. Happy women's day or whatever

No. 2435582

I'm saying this as a woman with pcos
When I see obese people around I always ask myself "How? How do you get to that point?"
At my max I almost reached 198lbs which sure, is a lot but I wasn't a hamplanet for my height, I had chub but also a figure and with pcos, I managed to lose 66lbs with the right tests, diet, hormonal pills etc so when I see people that are shaped like a tomato on sticks I always ask myself how. How do they do not feel bad? How do they not feel their bones aching and sweating that much just to move? It's not a matter of beauty but mobility and practical reasons, I don't even care about my appearance but the thing that bugged me was the constat fatigue, skipped periods, testosterone etc. I know that other people can be fat with many other reason but I don't understand how that many people lose control and let themselves go. In particular, tall and obese men, how much do they fucking eat, are they gluttonous beasts? How do they not feel nausea or their heart going crazy at every movement? Knees hurting? I'm talking about Amberlynn level people, I always look down to them, there's a limit on how a person can be obese without food, other than that is a choice.

No. 2435585

It was a pretty weird add and then some unknown started adding Mrs Doubtfire clips. Like I don't know if it's autism or whatever but I'm glad the room dipped as soon as it started.

No. 2435588

I don’t really understand it either. I’ve never really tracked my weight since there’s no real need to. I just eat what I want when I’m hungry and have been fine. Eating to the point of morbid obesity is such a foreign concept to me, even the more “normal” obesity levels like being 300 lbs. I just don’t understand how you eat that much so frequently.

No. 2435633

Some people have stronger appetites than others. I used to kind of wonder the same thing until I had an ex who was bigger, we went to a BBQ place and they had a place where you could see them cutting the meat. He was full on captivated, "oh my god do you SEE that" but to me it just looked like people cutting meat. Our draw to food was completely different. I think it's almost like how some people have stronger libedos…

No. 2435677

i was very racist to a turkish moid in a video game just now but i'm not really ashamed because he was spamming me with rape threats

No. 2435686

Mental illness

No. 2435702

No I think she's right. That's how you describe this type of beauty, what should be removed is the connotation of negativity from these terms. I used to have a friend that I had a crush on who was always down on her looks and saying she is a "plain jane" and I was like what's wrong with that? You are beautiful, who cares if it's plain beauty… I could never get through to her about it. I honestly contemplated telling her I was attracted to her so she would stop saying no one would ever look twice at her kek

No. 2435705

Hilarious recap kek thanks anon

No. 2435707

Mental illness

No. 2435709

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I mean, I like food. I like to try new things and always prefer good food over slop. I think I have a higher standard since a lot of popular recipes often times are just mediocre to me. But that doesn’t mean I eat to the point of weighing 300 lbs or anything.
Somewhat related, I had a boyfriend who just ate purely for sustenance. He saw no point in making food taste good and it was just a waste of time, effort, and money. He also tried to gaslight me into believing he was the standard and I was the one with the weird holdup around food.

No. 2435769

I fuck with this heavily but it’s made by a tranny. Why can’t these moids just be comfortable being gay men jfc

No. 2435830

I don't think it's "plainess" necessarily but that her and Nina's face are so balanced and perfectly in place that it becomes kind of boring to look at, like if someone drew a caricature of her nothing would be exaggerated or stand out.
To me that's more like classical beauty or classic features, they'd probably be more popular during the 1940s/50s

No. 2435930

Spoilering cause this is embarrassing but in all the years I’ve used lolcow I still don’t understand how or what website nonnies go to where they can search all posts ever made on this site for a specific term or phrase

No. 2435935

Have you tried clicking the search button?

No. 2435937

But when I use the search tab it only searches thread names and thread descriptions?

No. 2435939

idk works for me.

No. 2435942

Woah i remember watching this guy's content years ago when he was still in animation school. Honestly I thought it was a tif…

No. 2436057

Sometimes I see cute things and start crying from how cute they are. One time it was the neighbour's British shorthair cat, another time it was a fucking plushie with the cutest little bead eyes.

No. 2436062

>another time it was a fucking plushie with the cutest little bead eyes.
Awwww I understand that feeling. I think for me it's because I subconsciously realize that something bad's gonna happen to it one day. The cute cat will die, the cute innocent-looking plushie will be discarded, thrown away, or destroyed.
Also, your post reminded me of this lady lol

No. 2436064

The search function is powered by Google, so use it as if you were using Google. To find a specific phrase, you need to put it in quotation marks "like this". Otherwise Google gives you irrelevant shit because it wants you to see as many ads as possible before you get to what you're actually looking for.
Anyway, you even have to do this with single terms "like" "this", otherwise Google will give you results including synonyms of your terms, alternate forms of the words you used, etc. Fuck Google, honestly.

You only get threads as results, not specific posts. You do your search, go into the thread you think might contain the post you want, and Ctrl+F the contents of the post or terms you used in your search to see if the post is actually in that thread.

No. 2436074

nta but theres a lolcow google search function?

No. 2436078

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Go to the board index, look at the botton, there's a "search" link

No. 2436093

Because no one in my life really knows about my weeb past, they attribute my knowledge on niche history and geography to being well-read. The truth is I was autistically obsessed with hetalia for two years and almost solely read history and nonfiction books to find historical basis for my ships. I don't plan on telling anyone the truth since they think I'm a normie. At least I'm good at trivia.

No. 2436097

Kek literally same

No. 2436110

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A oldfriend from university just announced her engagement to her longtime bf on Facebook. Four months ago he groped my roommate at a party that all four of us were at and texted her later that night asking her to come over, and when she brought up his gf he shrugged her off and said the two of them were basically over. She’s the sweetest girl on earth and feel genuinely conflicted about telling her what happened, but I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t. He also got kicked out of a book club another roommates friend runs because he cheated on his gf at the time with another member. Why must the most hideous evil moids trap the most amazing women in their heinous webs. Dear God please get me out of this tiny ass town so I don’t have to be party to this HS level bullshit.

No. 2436119

Be prepared for her to deny everything and be angry with you, to the point of no longer being your friend. Make sure you have those texts on hand at the very least.

No. 2436142

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if things were to not work out with my current boyfriend, i wholeheartedly believe that i would never make another attempt at dating for the rest of my adult life and instead opt to live alone while taking care of animals. i'm what people would consider a kinsey 5 bisexual in the sense i'm not often attracted to men & generally dislike them, so i wouldn't really go out of my way to find another boyfriend. when it comes to women, i'm so deeply convinced that i'd never be able to find a woman who isn't either a gendie herself or drinks the koolaid and would eventually become a TIF later on.

No. 2436145

I think that's healthy. A good family should be appreciated. Good societies are made up from functional families.

No. 2436248

My college is very diverse with its age range and honestly I can't tell if someone is 18 or 40 anymore kek

No. 2436258

Wrong thread.

No. 2436320

This is fucking gross

No. 2436390

What the fuck. I swear I read a Reddit post about this once about some utter nutjobs who believed never showering was healthy because their skin would build up natural oils or some nasty shit.

No. 2436394

It's true though, it's why most nudists don't bathe, they need a layer of grime/oil to substitute the lack of clothes.

No. 2436396

True but these people wear clothes normally which is even nastier

No. 2436441

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I have a Nazi fetish and it fucking sucks having there very little material to my liking.I can’t fucking take it anymore,I just want more worthwhile fascist fanfics.

No. 2436459

There's scores and scores of WWII footage and they're colorized now what do you mean there's no content?

No. 2436469

Not a fashie fan,I’m sexually interested in Nazi/nazi themed stuff.I want art and writings of them being bound and whipped,maybe even getting dominated by them.I want more fashie fetishization,I want them objectified like the scum they are but I can’t get off to real life Nazis for very obvi reasons.(integrate)

No. 2436474

Nazis getting bound and whipped sounds good, maybe you're going to have to write those fics yourself though

No. 2436475

you have to write the fic you want to read in this world. get good at writing your own fic and you will never look back

No. 2436481

I haven't spoke to my ex fiance in nearly 10 years. His dad passed away from cancer a year after my step dad died from cancer. My mum bumped into his mum in the shop and his mum is a complete melt and retard and offended my mum by saying we were lucky when my step dad died because it was sudden and unexpected meanwhile they had 2 years to make memories etc with his dad. My mum threw the comment back in her face and since she's such a retard she didn't acknowledge it and instead invited herself round to my mums house. How about fuck off? What would your gay son think and his new wife? Go be friends with your sons wife's family. My ex and his wife made a gofundme for some reason about all of this and it's still up even though he passed in October and now his mum is sniffing around my family for comfort. How about take the gofundme down and go hang out with the inlaws you weird cunts

No. 2436486

Same… army uniforms and bad guys are a huge turn on. It's only natural nazis would be sexy.

No. 2436730

I took a really good photo of myself and now I stare at it like a piece of art. I've become so vain.

No. 2436798

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i watch rough gay male porn bc i like seeing moids in pain. femdom is not enough. it's too soft. there's nothing like watching a man be humiliated by another man. i especially like the gay for pay or reluctant ones who are clearly on drugs and still struggling and crying.

No. 2436804

The ones that are on drugs are good, and the ones who just look like they're having a bad time, but the moids are still soft. Unless you have good recommendations with actual whipping, not just tickling a sad drugged scrote against the chest with a toy whip.

No. 2436806

this is why im a youknowwhat but 3d irl gay sex is usually just 2 ugly guys grunting so i haven't watched it since i was a teen.

No. 2436808

Wow you're so edgy and not like other gooners or retards. Based fujoshit

No. 2436813

youre funding sex traffickers by watching that vile shit. good job

No. 2436814

Throwing out all the edgy words you know but not making a lick of sense kek.

No. 2436818

Be vain who cares lol

No. 2436821

Sometimes I suspect women into this kind of stuff are just trying to be based or "moidbrained" or take back control. I don't get sexual appeal from seeing people in pain, to me that is a uniquely male experience and anything otherwise is cope

No. 2436822

One time someone caught me doing this is was so freaking embarrassed lol…

No. 2436823

same. I grew bored of bl because of all the melodrama and because most bl artists are fucking shit so now i just watch 3DPDs getting their nipples pierced or someshit. It consumes less time, too.

No. 2436824

Really? I've seen the opposite. If someone is interested in true crime/ryona/gore then they're probably an edgy woman.

No. 2436828

Wait until you hear who the main audience for 50 shades of grey is.

No. 2436829

when I was in highschool I took a selfie of myself and used a filter to make it black and white and put it as my phone background. My friend saw it and went you use your own photo as your background? I changed it so fast lmao

No. 2436830

Gooner and retard aren't "edgy" terms, kek. Go watch your musty 3DPD gay porn, freak(infighting)

No. 2436833

>Anything I don't like is moid-brained
Nah, I was making shitty drawings of anime boys being hurt since before I had internet access. Maybe you cannot comprehend my swag.

No. 2436834


No. 2436840

I never said it wasn't, just that it's not always some weird way to LARP as a moid or something. Look at whump communities, they're like 99% female.

No. 2436846

lurking scrotes triggered itt(scrotefoiling)

No. 2436847

Trying way too hard

No. 2436850

The fact this average /g/ post got all the anons itt outraged with their feathers ruffled kek

No. 2436852

Yeah it feels like overcompensation

No. 2436855

God I hate Tumblr so damn much, who ever came up with this dumb ass term? "Whump", really?

No. 2436859

I had a friend in school that could draw anything. She was amazing. I loved watching her draw during class. She could even draw people and had such a cool style. I'm so jealous of anyone that can draw its like a superpower. Imagine being able to just draw shit you want. I feel so retarded trying to doodle.

No. 2436862

Maybe it depends on the demographic? Most female artists I end up following mention or draw it at one point or another.
Of course, the vibes seem different. One is "haha but he cute tho" while with men/trannies its "I genuinely want to see women get murdered in real life."

No. 2436863

handmaidens and moids mad(scrotefoiling)

No. 2436864

I know no1curr but it actually came from Fanfiction.net in the early 2000s. I agree that it sounds dumb though kek

No. 2436865

>average /g/ post
The only person I can think of posting similar madness is JD Vance anon, which I highly suspect it's a scrote(scrotefoiling)

No. 2436875

No way a JD Vance fucker could be this based

No. 2436878

I have videos of moids getting their asses whipped so hard they’re bruised and bleeding, plus it’s Russian so you know a lot of them are straight or terrified that they’re going to be recognized and killed for engaging in homo shit, but I don’t think I can share porn links here

No. 2436884

It's always Russians, huh?

No. 2436885

Can you stfu about it already? For real. I'll give you 20$, a good deal

No. 2436887

pick one. you can't understand my hatred for males i guess. seeing them suffer in porn is fucking hot

No. 2436894

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No. 2436912

You're literally pornsick and gooning to trashy 3DPD porn but I am the male? Fuck off

No. 2436918

based. ignore the retard seething, its probably one of those anons who believes men can be raped kek

No. 2436931

I don’t know how you nonnas manage, male on male makes me vomit , it looks dirty, and it does nothing. I used to read yaoi but I got the ick on it on that too at a certain point.
The hetero stuff is disgusting too because it’s just women being beaten up or being treated roughly, I don’t touch that either.

No. 2436938

If non exploitive porn existed I would maybe enjoy scenes of women getting eaten out and being pleasured properly. Before I peaked on all this shit I used to search “slow, love,
Real couple” kekkk, what a letdown it was, I never understood those who watched open and actually got aroused.

No. 2436944

Sometimes I just watch myself in awe and thing “gosh I’m so lovely” and kiss the picture on my phone kek. It’s good to be your own number 1 fan.

No. 2436945

Why do you think men have some invincible mental fortress and can never possibly be psychologically terrorized by a woman, you're just being a coward and trying to paint women as always being the weaker ones.

No. 2436954

In russian army rape is a disciplinary measure. There are some rather shocking ukrainian drone videos of it happening.

No. 2436959

Watch her do mental gymnastics and elaborate on why does she think this way about women

No. 2436992

Psychologically terrorizing males as a woman is based
Vast majority of militaries in human history have done this too, males are so weird

No. 2436998

who said anything about gooning. i watch porn a couple times a month. and thankfully there's so much gay for pay and straight shit to enjoy. moids like watching each other suffer too, it's the top gay search term kek

No. 2437045

the mental illness excuse works only in neets living with their parents. Either you go out and do some exercise to get food or someone feeds you, no wonder that the most deathfats are constantly provided food like what if I don't? What are you gonna do? Stand up? yeah kek.
It's gluttony.

No. 2437405

I wish moralfagging was bannable, that's my confession
Exactly kek, there's been way worse confessions and fetishes that don't even get 1/3rd of responses like this. OP's is like a beginner fetish post

No. 2437434

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You can learn to draw too nona. Unless you have something like disabling, violent hand tremors anyone can learn. It just takes practice and time.

No. 2437573

I like to cut apart stuffed animals and stich multiples together, or multiple heads onto one body or add legs. I don't do anything with them, I don't show them to anyone, don't sell them etc. I just do it because I like to create monsters.

No. 2437589

This is normal and good. I make art and write things for no one to see. It’s good to create things free of wanting validation.

No. 2437611

I highly recommend learning. The amount of power you get is extremely rewarding despite the pain.

No. 2437661

ntayrt but that's awesome, and something I do sometimes as well. (It annoys me when my family sees something I made and immediately start talking about how to monetize it. That's not the point.) "The act of creation without wanting validation" like you said, if more people felt that way, many would be less intimidated about learning an art.

No. 2437704

I'm talking to a 6'4 guy and he takes approximately two days to reply. I'm not stupid and I know he's probably not that interested if he takes that long to reply but I want to fuck a tall guy so bad so I'll just keep waiting for his replies. Forgive me, nonnas.

No. 2437707

for context I live in a thirdie shithole where all men are 5'5 femboys at best

No. 2437772

Well, heck, if you manage to arrange something, just pump and dump him and you've lived your dream. Don't let the long awaited replies or anything else affect you emotionally and you might be good.

No. 2437886

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I am glad your books are flopping, its insane how you could have everything in your favour (looks, generational wealth, connections, the whole package) but your writing is so shit that not even a fucking Pinguin publishing deal could savage it and now you're back to the regular workforce because a entire trilogy couldnt buy an actual active, organic fanbase in the thriving age of tiktok and social media, if that is not a testament to your dubious skill as a writer then I dont know what will. Stick to writing moids fucking each other in the ass next time and leave high fantasy to the actual nerds, cheers.(wrong thread)

No. 2437913

Kek what author is this about?

No. 2437928

My first thought was Xiran but I think she just writes shitty sci-fi fanfiction with the names crossed out.

No. 2437952

You can’t pump and dump someone that doesn’t care, it doesn’t work like that kek

No. 2437972

we'll pump and dump each other

No. 2438036

I was bored and ended up creeping on the ig of a company I used to work for, and in a picture they posted of their display room I saw there's a piece of my art hung up on the wall. The bosses were complete cunts to all of the employees really, underpaid all of us and they would put me down specifically whenever I expressed wanting to learn more about design and art, which they specialize in, since I was merely a lowly retail staff back then. Kiss my ass you fuckers, I always knew you were just negging me to try and keep my self esteem low hoping I'd work for slave wages for you forever and think that was all I deserved. Enjoy the art I blessed you with, may my spirit live on through it and may it continuously radiate the energy you cheapskate assholes and your pie faced nepobaby deserve.

No. 2438123

Muscle takes too much time to build for strength, maybe I should eat a shit ton of calories, balloon up and become a deathfat because I can at least crush moids who approach me kek

No. 2438148

I am a recovering otherkin from before the internet. I still have dog mannerisms and I've struggled to get rid of them.

No. 2438150

Try upping your protein intake maybe?

No. 2438176

My confession was mainly a joke but yeah this is good advice. Protein rich foods are delicious too

No. 2438190

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I really like Ptolemaea by Troon Cain, I gave a try to the rest of his music but it's boring as fuck, so I guess I feel less bad for liking a Tim song.

No. 2438271

Oops! I thought only the second half was being silly. Sorry for my autism, nona, kek.
I love protein rich foods, too, but you can also supplement with protein powder if you get tired of trying to eat it naturally. It worked for me! Get a tasty one if you're not good at ignoring flavors and don't mind spending a little extra.

No. 2438385

this is my favorite confession I have read on here. You sound interesting

No. 2438438

Idk why but I like when people get spooked by my burping. It sounds dominant and rough.

No. 2438515

Forced to see a social worker in person once a week after threatening to kill my bitch ass (now ex) bf. I posted Jodi Arias pic along with the confession a while back which is now forever archived in lolcow's own caps thread. (New achievement unlocked)

Lost my job in the process and costed my family thousands in court, tried to rope myself inside the cell but I was just held in solitary confinement before being moved to the loony bins and bailed out right before my second attempt.

I've been trying to stay busy. If I don't, I feel like everything is going to crash. Every interaction with anyone related to the case feels like a test to see how well I can suppress my anger and act polite. I genuinely despise them all and fuck no I don't think the crime matches the punishment. I swear to fucking god I hope that fucker is just as miserable, cheating and lying bastard. Fucker got me knocked up and pressured me into taking the pills after buying them using my credentials and became physically/verbally abusive when I became severely depressed and stopped leaving the house. Towards the end of the relationship I was definitely losing my shit as well since my body just finished recovering from abortion and OD and I started working part time but I found out my ex was talking to chicks he met at clubs behind my back. (Yo dude, remember how you grabbed me by the hair and woke me up at 4am and swung at me and tried to drag me off the bed and grabbed my dead grandparents photos and waved them at my face saying they're probably embarrassed of what a whore their granddaughter turned out to be and said you're gonna cut off all my hair if I'm still in bed when you get back home? All because I flirted with your friend out of spite after you cheated on me and kicked me out of the apartment at middle of the night so you can have a party with your friends? What did I do when YOU fucking cheated on me?? I cried. God I was so fucking weak and stupid, all I ever did was cry not knowing how much anger was building up inside me.)

Anyways, I'm jumping from one pink collar job to another, except this time I'm learning a trade. I'm getting old now so I wanna make sure I stick with this and make this my career/valuable skill for next few decades. Interactions with the law enforcement has been unpleasant to say the least and it's hard to move on while still facing very legal consequences of my actions (ex pretty much got off w/o much issues since I've filed a police report just once in the past and left out details and facts that might make him face serious legal consequences. he left in every little detail of things I did and left out parts that he did, saying all the injury on me was self harm. pretty swag.) BUT what can I fucking do, multiple failed suicide attempts and now I'm under feds radar so getting any illicit substances that will kill me is harder than ever. Lesson learned, gotta keep living on.

No. 2438576

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My grandfather groomed and married my grandmother when she was only thirteen, she hated his guts and kept having babies by teens in her neighborhood (boys her age). She ran away at 17 and never looked back, I dont blame her for not loving any of her children.
His grown children including my mother worship his ass because he did the bare minimum and stepped when his child bride left, so I accused him of raping me as a little girl because I am tired of four retards kissing the ground he walks on (theyre not even his children lmao, we learned this a month ago from DNA tests)

No. 2438582

How did that turn out?

No. 2438589

Apparently them knowing their mother was raped at thirteen and the fact he'd kiss his daughters in the mouth isnt enough to flag daddy as a pedophile. My mother is on damage control mode and has gotten in a fight with my father because he doesnt ever want her to mention him in our hosehold by she loves daddy for staying unlike her bitch mom. My two aunts flat out dont believe me and weirdest of it all, only my uncle (youngest child) is supportive and removed his portrait from his home.

No. 2438594

Based fucking uncle and dad. I wouldn't be surprised if that disgusting old scrote molested your mother or aunts. My friend's half sister was essentially raped by their dad since she was a preteen and she won't hear anything negative about him. Sexual abuse really damages children's psyches.
Don't ever slip up. Keep your story straight and take the lie to your grave.

No. 2438597

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Everyone always shits on libs, but in real life I'd still rather be around them than other lower/working class people. They're just much more pleasant to be around, more carefree, more kind, more accepting, more open and more non-judgemental. Meanwhile when I accidentally step on someone's toes at my place, they look like they'd love to row me up and shoot me for being a few shades too dark, every success I tell my environment is immediately met with jealousy, every positive mention gets countered with an endless stream of negativity, they always assume the worst case, the slightest bit of deviation from the norm is met with ridicule etc. I just wish I could fully jump into that "upper middle class liberal bubble" and never come out again.

No. 2438603

I will, thank you for your input nona.
What frustrates me the most about their responses is that those three women are as feminist as you can be on the open, pro-choice pro superior education for women and all that jazz, but the second you touch their daddy dearest its how he was the best because he was the only who stayed whereas their child bride mom got away. If your fucking husband and brother have to tell you to rethink your own choices how low have you sunk as a woman.

No. 2438607

I think men who just go to the gym and get really big instead of getting therapy or self reflection are the worst. They look gross, they think they're confident but the go are so fragile. They think gym life is life changing, but too bad it isn't usually for the best because it's their whole personality, to be big.

No. 2438614

Their pro-feminism might actually be the key to this. Of course feminism is good, but there's a part of liberal leftism that takes gender equality to a conclusion where they ignore rape and assault statistics on men in order to support the idea of the naturally nurturing and inherently good moid. They ignore that most men make an active choice to take advantage of a society that victimizes women, choosing to instead paint moids as innocent victims. In their minds, of course your grandfather couldn't help but marry and rape a 13 year old if that's what he was "taught" to do. And they ignore that in order to do this, they must villify the true victim, your grandmother.
Of course, they could just be hypocrites and refuse to turn on your grandfather because they're bitter their mother left. Or have been molested as previously stated. Maybe you'll find out more as the situation unfolds.

No. 2438616

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I still shlick it to the decidedly not legal animu husbandos i had in middle school, they meant a lot to me in those years and still have a special place in my heart and vagina, sorry.

No. 2438647

whats wrong with that? who tf cares, god women are so weak nowadays. My friends and i were schlicking it to south park yaoi back in hs.

No. 2438649

NTA but fandom discourse, unpopular opinions, fujo vs antifujo, and more threads are constantly reviving an infight over this topic kek

No. 2438650

No. 2438653

Proof that LC is overrun with twitter tards and Tumblr TIFs

No. 2438662

They are cartoons, it's fine. Age them up in your head and draw them older if it bothers you kek

No. 2438701

You won't hear any arguments from me on that!

No. 2438865

well, yeah, retard. No woman is getting hurt or dehumanized from husbando art.

No. 2438867

Don't put words in my mouth. I support my weeby lesbian/bi nonas as well.

No. 2438888

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You cant come up with an actual argument so you resort to insults, lol.

No. 2438896

I read r/EatingDisorders and r/AnorexiaNervosa to motivate myself to just lose weight the healthy way, because what do you mean people are trying to fatten up their parents by slipping extra fats/oils in their food? It’s the competitive part especially that sickens me, especially the people who end up causing their overworked mother to develop one it breaks my heart.

No. 2438897

Okay ♥ Yay ♥

No. 2438899

Not all lesbians are terminally online weebs. Some actually touch irl pussy.

No. 2438902

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Hey guys there's a lovely new fujo infight containment thread: >>2428892 Maybe you can have this conversation there for a change. Yknow like you're supposed to.

No. 2438905

Get laid, loser. Why you gotta drag lesbians down with you. All of the lesbians i know of are gigastacies that dont need anime porn because they are actually licking pussy irl.

No. 2438908

kekk so you admit your dont actually have sex with women only coom to sexualized drawings of anime women drawn by men

No. 2438910

Man part of me feels a little bad every time her name and face are posted because I'd rope if I personalityfagged so hard I got doxxed and then my face was used as a shorthand for a certain type of person but she's also annoying as fuck, has no sense of online safety, and doesn't seem bothered so whatever

No. 2438912

If you stopped being a twatter lardwhale you wouldn't have the need to project so hard.(infighting)

No. 2438919

ironic coming from you

No. 2438923

I mean I'm not the one with a fixation on virginity. You can call me a virgin all you want. I'm just gonna suggest that maybe not eating like a pig and masturbating to yaoi all day might help you a bit.(infighting)

No. 2438938

>I'd rope if I personalityfagged so hard I got doxxed and then my face was used as a shorthand for a certain type of person
Well yeah that's every nona's worst nightmare. Though it is funny that the userbase of a website designed to stalk and shit on other women's looks would never handle the same thing being done to them.

No. 2438948

Good for your grandma nona, I'm glad she got out. People are really weird in situations like this.

My aunt's first husband was an abusive, violent drug addict, but he was very good at keeping up a friendly, charismatic facade. My aunt divorced him, and my retarded cousin sided with him and liked him better even though he basically walked out on her and never sought custody. She liked him because he was "cool" and let her drink underage: basically a friend rather than a parent. My aunt is kind of eccentric, but she worked as an RN for almost forty years and was very responsible. Deservedly, he died in a motorcycle accident in the early 2000s. Today, my cousin and her boyfriend are basically NEETS who still live with my aunt despite being in their late thirties. They make a little money off of a small weed farm they have on my aunt's property, and they generally treat my aunt like crap because my cousin hasn't gotten over her weird worship of my deadbeat psycho ex-uncle. I think maybe he groomed my cousin or something, I just don't understand why she worships him.

No. 2438950

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>Though it is funny that the userbase of a website designed to stalk and shit on other women's looks would never handle the same thing being done to them.
NTA but the only thing that would actually bother me about being doxxed on here is the lurking scrotes kek

No. 2438951

>a website designed to stalk and shit on other women's looks
You're here too, Morality-chan.

No. 2438957

I get tired of people so easily. Idk if it's autism or depression or just how I am because a few days is usually where it's at before I block them out of nowhere. I just have no energy

No. 2438983

NTA but I don't think she's trying to moralfag, I also find it ironic how we'd all piss and moan and die if we got discussed like some of the cows here do. But the difference between (most of) us and the cows is that we aren't attention-starved retards who never grow or learn. They're cows for a reason and the average person would be boring to discuss and nitpick at length.

No. 2438998

Tbf though not all of us even follow cows. I virtually never check the cow boards, I’m mostly here for the anonymity and funny posts (which are admittedly fewer these days).

No. 2439001

I'm glad I don't have to hang out with this girl anymore. She's my friend's friend, she's clearly autistic and on top of that she looks like a tim. I feel bad for thinking that about her because maybe a troon would feel flattered for being compared to a woman, but something about her gave off tim and made me uncomfortable kek.

No. 2439002

I think my college boyfriend was the longest most serious relationship I'll ever have. I dated one other guy since him and it only lasted a few months. I've wanted to find someone else for 5 years now and move on from this relationship because it's so fucking pathetic to be in my late 20s and still thinking of my college relationship. Am I pathetic?

No. 2439004

>longest most serious relationship I'll ever have
>college years
>5 years ago
You'll be fine, anon. You're probably just lonely. Make more friends and date around.

No. 2439005

Snark subreddits feel so gauche and cringe but threads here about our cows don't give me the same sinister vibes idky

No. 2439010

People who only use /ot/ are the reason why it's not funny anymore.

No. 2439029

I kind of want to get tased with one of those crazy police tasers with the darts. I'm just curious what it's like. Have any of you been tased with one of those things?

No. 2439041

I assume it's the level of moid activity

No. 2439044

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Nonnies don’t try to mental gymnastics their way into believing what we’re doing is morally right or pure. We know most people think it’s in poor taste, we just don’t care. Snark subreddits meanwhile break their back thrice over in an attempt to justify that what they’re doing is different from what we do. It’s that absolute disconnect and refusal to self reflect that makes it feel weird for me, especially when combined with the average redditor being more normie aligned than you or I.

No. 2439066

The average person is way too mean and shitty and vindictive regarding Casey Anthony. I don’t think she maliciously killed her daughter and to me the case highlights the fact that motherhood isn’t for everyone and we need to stop shaming women into birthing children they never wanted. Abortion should be celebrated as the humane choice and we should side eye people try to encourage women not to have abortions unless the child is 100% planned and wanted. Casey should be allowed to live her life. She’s not a danger to anyone.

No. 2439072

This is a little bit of an insane take… idk how you can twist it that killing her kid is all abortions fault. She had access to them, was not in a crowd where it would have been a big deal, and she could have just given the kid up for adoption. She definitely killed her daughter but my personal theory is it was on accident. I think she accidently overdosed her kid on xanex, people would ask her where her kid was when she went out and she'd say she was with the nanny "xanny" her parents also said her daughter would sleep for like 10 hours at a time and wake up with really dark undereyes. Dark undereyes are classic for Xanax. Once it happened she covered it up by trying to pretend it was a kidnapping. Not going to get into the other stuff she did since it would be to long but she was a genuinely insane person and the death of her daughter was just the most visible tip of the iceberg of how much of a mess she was.

No. 2439075

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Call me the average person then because murdering your own little daughter, throwing her body in the trash, blowing off the whole situation by partying for a month and then trying to pin it on a fake nanny is fucking evil, who gives a shit if it wasn't malicious. She was a retard yeah, and she still stone cold murdered her own 2 year old girl. And not only that, she got away with it. Literally why anyone would feel bad for her after she committed such evil and still got to live her life is beyond me. Listen to this entry from her diary:
>I have no regrets, just a bit worried. I just want for everything to work out okay.

I completely trust my own judgement & know that I made the right decision. I just hope that the end justifies the means.

I just want to know what the future will hold for me. I guess I will soon see – This is the happiest that I have been in a very long time.

I hope that my happiness will continue to grow – I've made new friends that I really like. I've surrounded myself with good people – I am finally happy. Let's just hope that it doesn't change.

No. 2439076

she killed a kid and gave her xanax so she could party, didn't she put the body in the trunk of her car? she should be thrown into a volcano

No. 2439086

At least once a week, I will have a thought about how crazy 9/11 is—especially the jumpers.
I also thought 9-1-1 and 9/11 were somehow connected until I was in middle school and asked a teacher kek.

No. 2439091

We aren't mean enough to her if anything. People would be easier on her if she at least did SOME time in jail and wasn't trying to become a trump grifter. In a way, she is asking for it for trying to remain a public figure.

No. 2439098

You're a fucking idiot.

No. 2439100

This has to be bait. There's no way it isn't. No one is this retarded

No. 2439106

Your argument about motherhood only applies to like, teenagers who have to hide their pregnancies and gave birth in the school bathroom and were scared shitless. Not a grown woman who chose to have a child and then chose to fucking MURDER it when it was a TODDLER. Your logic is retarded unless you're baiting

No. 2439138

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i genuinely find trans shit interesting thru the lens of anthropological analysis and psychological/body horror. it's fun seeing a troon and trying to trace what made their "egg crack". like was it enstars? was it greek statues and mslash? was it homestuck? was it anime porn? are they a gay boy who flipped his wrist one too many times and ended up thinking pink = girl? they all come from the same handful of places ultimately

No. 2439146

This is why I didn’t completely hate I Saw the TV Glow kek

No. 2439154

She should have been your mom

No. 2439199

I love being love bombed so damn much. This guy who I just started dating isn’t love bombing me and it has me itching for it right now. Oh well that’s good for me in the end anyways.

No. 2439208

I'm going to dump my boyfriend because I like my husbando better and I can't love two men like that

No. 2439240

I started doubting my last relationship when I thought about how my husbando would never treat me the way my ex did kek

No. 2439283

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Wtf is up with this particular pheno and being a sperg on imageboards

No. 2439284

Is that Romania nonny?

No. 2439287

No. 2439288

she's kinda cute too bad it comes with mento illness

No. 2439290

Is it the dead eyes?

No. 2439300

>This particular pheno
If I had to guess: it's because they're cute, but not that cute (for lack of a better description). They're capable of getting attention but they probably have to seek it out themselves first, which, combined with mental illness, leads to attention whore antics.

No. 2439301

I've posted in the Luigi threads despite not being a fan. I just thought the shitposting was funny.

No. 2439308

I know a girl that looks exactly like her and she's been attention whoring in the internet for over 10 years.

No. 2439320

autist stare

No. 2439321

I'm attached to one plushie like it's my child. Sometimes I act maternal to it, it feels adorable

No. 2439342

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i traced this and some other sewing patterns from that website in adobe illustrator. i'd pay for it but $15 for 5 downloads per month is ridiculous especially when converted to my local currency

No. 2439343

Which website nonna, do you mind sharing? I went to the website on your picrel and it doesn't have that many patterns.

No. 2439352

No. 2439400

Yes? Do you really think men and women are equal? Do you know where you are?
They're hating on you but I agree. I think misogyny will never die out because everyone (including women) is so hung up on their mother and how their mother wasn't perfect and that's why the number one demographic hated by people isn't rapists or pedos but abusive mothers. Tbh I unironically think that if you kill your baby before it turns like 1 year old it should still be considered an abortion. They're not even a full blown person yet…

No. 2439420

it's not about misogyny, it's about murdering a child. Anyone who hurts or kills a child deserves no sympathy. They deserve all the hate that comes their way.
>>killing an infant should be allowed
psychopathic. The fuck kind of bait is this

No. 2439429

I hate being brown and poor, people always give me that look like they think I'm a refugee or something and ask me if I need social assistance bitch yes but I was born here

No. 2439467

You've clearly never been around any babies in that age range, have you? They can speak, smile, move, and they're not a full person? Could you really kill that life, or is that just your delusional imagination? Your argument doesn't even make sense because she killed her child who was over the age of 1 to get pumped and dumped by scrotes but boohoo keep crying about misogyny.

No. 2439589

I've gone from binge eater to the "I only drank ice coffee today" meme during the last few weeks. I just hate cooking and eating.

No. 2439662

I have a nigel for more than 10+ years, we are a stable couple as for now, but I never posted about him and I find nigel talking the most boring topic.
When I was young I thought that if I would turn into a boycrazy type girl once I got my own nigel because I thought that I didn't know yet how "love" felt like and now even after 10 years, many nice things with my nigel, him being better than the average moid (he basically worships me, pays for everything, cares for me etc you know, the bare minimum but somehow this is not normal around moids) I never shared and I don't feel the need to share and talk about him and everytime a friend of mine fawns over her own nigel I feel so…idk, uneasy? I don't know what to say because that concept is alien to me and while I love my nigel, I wouldn't say that randomly or share, meaning talking or posting pics, to random people. Am I an autist? Why is this being seen as suspicious? I simply don't like boyfriend talk, I find it boring as fuck and I don't want to engage in that because what the fuck I'm supposed to do? My nigel often gets me expensive shit and people don't know until I wear/use them meanwhile I don't notice this shit in others and even when I wore a ring that was gifted by him, a friend of mine told me "Ohh you didn't tell me that he got you this!"
Why would I ? Boring topic, move on. I like to share about myself, not my relationship with others, move on.

No. 2439665

are you still attracted to me? But genuine answer (you don't have to answer if you don't feel like it). Because from what iv'e seen most couple lost attraction to each other 2-6 years into the relationship once the honeymoon phase has completely dissolved.

No. 2439672

I don't date to surf up the honeymoon phase high because I'm not a retard, as long I feel good in a relationship I stay and everyday is a honeymoon if you choose the right person and you don't date only to avoid being lonely.

No. 2439693

I’d kill 1000 psychotic cunts like you, ayrt and Casey Anthony just to save 1 baby girl.(a-logging)

No. 2439827

some people just relate to others through their relationships, I guess. I feel similarly about people who prattle on about stories of random coworkers and vague friends (not mutuals).

No. 2439840

I feel you. My best friend once told me as a child that I was annoying because I only ever talked about my boyfriend at the time (she was right) and since then I've never spoken about my relationships with others since kek

No. 2439851

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I feel embarrassed when I see male living spaces memes because my room is kinda similar. I just don't have any gaming/monitor stuff like they do

No. 2439853

This isn't even too bad by moid standards, though it helps there's no smell kek

No. 2439854

anon i have nothing but sympathy for mothers who abort, or who decide they cannot keep their child and give it up, and even "the prom mom" who was a teenager who gave birth to a baby in a bathroom and then put it in the trash. my sympathy extends to her because teen pregnancy is absolutely horrible, and she had told no one, so she obviously realized that she could not have this baby nor safely tell anyone so she could get it aborted.

casey anthony did not need to kill a child in order to get rid of it. yes she'd be judged for giving the child up for adoption but to kill it, and then lie about it all while wasting police resources and leading them on a wild goose chase is deranged. then she accused her dad of doing it and that he sexually abused her. this is after her parents clearly spoiled the fuck out of her and let her get away with anything she wanted. just think about it for awhile.

No. 2439959

File: 1741727608653.jpg (14.71 KB, 736x499, bf5d761e98e9e7919cc286a82ff7e2…)

i bought porn

No. 2439964

When I was 15 I really wanted to fuck Holden from Cather in the Rye, I viewed this loser as my ideal boyfriend for some reason. I was really lonely at the time and felt like only he understood me.
Probably my most embarrassing fictional crush, I don't know what I was thinking.
Real teen angst hours.

No. 2439965

Dumbass take. She was obviously just a psycho.

No. 2439978

2d or 3d?

No. 2440010

guy at work kept bullying me when no one was around. would make remarks about my intelligence and my abilities. falsely accused him of SA and left the company so i can get unemployment money. in my country u need to have a reason for leaving a company and the SA allegations worked. i know it was wrong but saying he bullied me without credible evidence wouldnt have worked. yes im a bad person to an extend, but i wouldve never done it if he didnt bully me.

No. 2440016

i got perma’d from here a while ago and i just evaded and kept posting. not to the extent i did before but kek. can’t stop me

No. 2440019

Perma for what

No. 2440029

I swear to god if you paid for some 3D scrote's onlyfans I'm going to convert to spirituality just so I can manifest a permanent overdraft into your bank account

No. 2440067

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Ordered a cosplay in L size and the shirt doesnt even button on me. It's asian sizing but I feel really bad. I think I've been in denial about my weight gain and size. I fit in M American size and can fit in F size japanese clothes but its a little uncomfortable now, and burger sizing is really nothing to base your perception on. I couldn't find the one I mean, but I feel like PT in those pictures of her with a cosplay fully unzipped in the back lol.

No. 2440079

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No. 2440087

>cosplaying for fun

No. 2440093

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Relatable nonny. If male prostitutes were a thing i would def pay for one too. It sucks being an ugly, shallow, horny woman

No. 2440095

You do know what site you're on, right?

No. 2440107

i feel for u nonna. have you ever tracked your meals before? its easier than it sounds if youre committed. every week i keep tellin myself "time to reign it in" and yet…

No. 2440111

Hope you get raped fr and no one believes you(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2440115

Whats poppin Teri

No. 2440119

Ahh, I used to be really on top of this. Ironically now that my life has improved and I have more friends, I go out a lot more and eat a lot more unhealthy food, which has been making me feel bad. It feels so not fun to order low calorie options when my other friends are getting pasta or something delicious lol. I feel you on the that last part too. I'm trying to get back into meal prep and volume eating, and intermittent fasting too maybe…

No. 2440128

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I never falsely accused a scrote of rape or anything like that, but I never gave a flying fuck whenever I would hear stories about them being falsely accused or whatever. We're "bad" people, and that's okay.

No. 2440137

I don't want to be that anon, but is it really so bad to have fun when you eat out? You can always balance it out by having your next meal at home be "healthy" or doing some more intense exercise if it's that concerning.
Also maybe I'm amerifat but a size M feels pretty small to me! That's like average/slightly smaller than average to me.

No. 2440155

i hope you're not in any danger of retaliation nonnie. i'd be more careful with social media. do you live far away enough from work for it not to be a problem?

No. 2440174

I like leaving a plate of fries to sit for a few hours to go cold and harden before I eat them. It has a nice texture.

No. 2440198

Kek this was redtexted, wtf

No. 2440265

ayrt, i also attribute everything to just being better off now. i have a far better job than i used too and the additional income has been spent too generously on restaurant food tbh.

No. 2440306

You need to go and take a good look at the case and then come on back and let us know if you feel the same. Casey is a sociopath and a narcissist.

No. 2440309

I like to sniff puppies. They smell like pure innocence when they don't smell like poop or pee.
The poop and pee makes them smell like chaos. I dislike this.

No. 2440314

Aren't Asian sizings comedically stupid though? Like you have to be a skele or else you're fat, with no in-between.

No. 2440321

I got blackmailed by a tranny who groomed me and guilt tripped me into calling him a little girl names and use ““she/her” pronouns or else he would would have a massive breakdown. He would also use me as a doormat and an emotional leech. He would also copy my mannerisms to “act more feminine” (gross) without my consent and wear my clothes, So i lowkey feel justified.

I accused him of being a predatory manipulative narcissist and called him what he was, a tranny and a man, And he blackmailed me and stalked me and threatened to send it to my job if i didnt take my “transphobic” comments back. More of a vent than a confession but whatever.

To be honest i kind of threw in that he was a child groomer and accused him of rape to gain publicity. But still, enjoy your tea.

No. 2440327

He was probably doing all those things you accused him of lol

No. 2440357

1 hour of young skinny guys being roughly fucked and humiliated by muscular guys, supposedly straight boys and i know those are set up a lot but the boys look drugged and in pain so it’s hot
male prostitutes do exist tho. i’m not ugly i just like seeing men sexually destroy other men

No. 2440370

I went back and looked at the case after all the hate and I feel differently knowing more details about her. She’s a bitch and should be in prison, or at the very least should have lost her right to vote.

No. 2440372

I block most people within 3 days of meeting them and for absolutely no apparent reason

No. 2440378

Almost kind of embarrassed to be seen riding in a Tesla these days, used to think they were pretty cool cars and still think from an aesthetic standpoint they’re nice (not including the moving dumpster that is the Cyber Truck, which probably would’ve been cool if Elon hadn’t fucked up the design) but with the current political context? Fucking ugh. I wish Elon would fuck off from Tesla. I feel like the average Tesla driver leans left, or at least they used to, idk how much actual damage he’s done to the brand outside of the chronically political crowd.

No. 2440380

Even ignoring the politics, those things are dangerous

No. 2440396

The cybertruck is literally a block of metal. If it gets hit, it doesn't take damage but you will. It's why medieval soldiers could die from falling an inch because their armor was too strong. Normal cars take damage so you don't

No. 2440543

ewww anon trade it for something

No. 2440547

I was bad today. I bought a bag of chips, haven't done that in 3 months. They're so expensive now. I also drank soda, I've cut back a lot but not today I guess. And for food I ate cup ramen. Nothing healthy today.

No. 2440570


No. 2440572

See I wanna do this but I'm afraid the scrote's family will come and murder me

No. 2440573

You are thick as pig shit. Next time do 5 minutes of reading before you flap your gums about how it’s misogynistic to hate someone who killed a 4 year old girl.(infighting)

No. 2440578

The recent Tophiachu shit is making me so depressed. If you don’t know she and her mom + brother were sleeping in their car in a church parking lot. In the middle of the night they got carjacked and her brother was shot dead, tophia was thrown out of the car and the carjacker driver away with her mom and dead brother inside the car but eventually crashed into another random car. A security guard in the area got involved and shot the carjacker and it’s unclear if the carjacker or the security guard shot tophia’s mom but she is apparently stable and in the hospital. Of course there’s many problems with Tophia but where the actual fuck is she supposed to go now? She doesn’t have her brother or her mom and her dad is in jail. This has the be the bleakest thing to ever happen to a lolcow it’s up there with that munchie amputee girl.

No. 2440606

I have fucked two of my boyfriends closest friends

No. 2440620

To think that her brother was the only one who could drive and that car was their shelter… makes me want to puke

No. 2440623

Left work early Monday pretending to be sick, called out yesterday for the same reason, called out today for yet again the same reason. I've been here almost three years and I call out one to two days a month. I feel immense guilt and anxiety over it but I fucking hate my job and I've been trying to get out for a while. I also delude myself that fuck it life sucks who cares if I get fired I'll get unemployment and finally be free.

No. 2440660

What's your job nona?

No. 2440700

A guy sent me a picture of him wearing his sisters underwear once

No. 2440703


No. 2440704

Men are incredible. Just not even seeing anything wrong with betraying their best friends for some pussy. Also you’re based anon.

No. 2440709


No. 2440845

Every story I've posted on this site has been creative fiction, I used to do the same on fanfiction comment sections but way more cringe. The only true stories have been about encounters with demented tranny males, their reality really is stranger than fiction kek.

No. 2440847

More anons than you think probably do this. Welcome to the internet the place of lies

No. 2440868

i stole a teabag from someone at work because i forgot to bring my own..

No. 2441006


No. 2441016

Kpop is banned here

No. 2441022

Am I retarded for thinking that was Russian

No. 2441043

It's not? I put it in a translator and it says "what?" in Russian

No. 2441209

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The groups of women who help ruin my life several years ago by covering up my ex-boyfriend’s cheating (because the other woman was cooler than me) are all starting to have their lifestyles catch up to them. Weight gain, bad teeth from smoking, alcoholic eyes, shitty relationships with ugly men. Meanwhile I’m in the best shape of my life, making a ton of money at an easy job, and am moving to a really beautiful town soon. I can’t stop feeling like picrel, I can’t stop beaming when I think about it. Karma is actually real

No. 2441498

I think her brother was the only one that had a job. Poor Toph, having to witness all this, I can't imagine. I also hate that people online are unironically calling her brother brotherchu and mamachu for her mother like guys… this is serious lol.

No. 2441500

It's always a treat to watch retards face the direct consequences of their bad decision making.

No. 2441509

I ordered a shirt from an online shop with Asian sizing once (never again) and it legitimately looked like children's clothing. I didn't even attempt to put it on kek

No. 2441519

>I think for me it's because I subconsciously realize that something bad's gonna happen to it one day. The cute cat will die, the cute innocent-looking plushie will be discarded, thrown away, or destroyed.
NTA but oh my goodness, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who gets hung up on thoughts like this kek

No. 2441886

I love new car smell so much. I'm kind of addicted to it. Even oldish car smell is good to me. I love the smell of gasoline too, it's so fucking good. I wish I could have a bottle of car smell spray and spray it on my couch so I could lay my head in it all day. It kind of makes me horny too. I wish I could have sex in a car. Anyway, I don't have enough money for a car so I'll just use my memory and imagination.

No. 2441893

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i like to stalk my ex from 5+ years ago on reddit (he never gave it to me btw, im just a weirdo e-stalker) and gloat about how much of a loser he is now. he used to neg me about my ethnicity and my socioeconomic class because his were the 'better' version of the same category.
but he's the loser who has a useless grad degree, tonnes of student debt and was kicked out by his parents for being a loser leech. he used to shit talk his younger brother for being a failure to launch but while we were together, his brother moved out and has been self sustainable since. loser ex on the other hand moved back to live with his parents (right before i dumped him) and seems to have achieved very little since then!
yes, i'm an obsessive weirdo but being able to see this jerk (who talked so much shit, i could write a list but it's not very interesting) fail to improve is so satisfying! i also feel like people would secretly think less of me if i admitted to doing this.
sometimes i almost want to taunt him and harass him online for being a compulsive liar but that's too much effort and too weird for me.

No. 2441896

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The last time I was raped, I freaked out my rapist. I look back on it now that it was me tired of being a victim as I was raped and molested before. Didn't report because he died few years later. Ok here we go.

>Be me

>In abusive relationship with narcissist
>Both of us young and fresh outta high school
>Find out he has a huge collection of CP on his phone.
>Not loli or peter Scully type shit, nudes from past girlfriends and young girls he groomed
>Fuming and upset at him
>Says "it's like a trophy collection"
>I was a weak and spineless slug at the time, lay down on my bed and sulk while crying
>Force myself to calm down by sleeping
>Ex undresses bottoms and starts raping me and telling me to calm down/get over it
>Turn around like picrel and smile
>Ex goes wtf because he's raped girls before and has never had that reaction before
>Rape session shortly ends
>Not report because I don't report or speak up anymore because my own family swept my abuse under the rug before and branded me an evil liar


No. 2441901

Nona this reminded me… when I was younger (hs) I was addicted to pills and used to hang out with this older guy just to score. One time I was passed out on his couch and he groped me so I pretended I was seizuring and when he got scared I started laughing so hard. He stopped immediately and started asking if I was ok and even got me water and was so fucking freaked out. I was so high that I thought it was a good idea and in the end it actually was kek. too bad there were other times that not even that would have saved me

No. 2442155

I've started to eat meat again after 3 years of being a vegetarian. Bought chicken for the first time in years.

No. 2442181

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If it makes you feel any better nona, I used to be a vegan pusher until I witnessed people breaking down in real time from going vegetarian/vegan. Some people genuinely benefit from animal protein I guess, you can still help animals buy being an organic fag and purchasing only chicken meat grown locally

No. 2442315

I LOVE ghosting. I do it all the time. To people I date, to friends, to my family. Then I complain that I'm lonely. But nothing beats the feeling of power when I cut things off and disappear into my own solitude, away from the problems of others.

No. 2442348

Now anon, what in the actual hell?!

No. 2442417

Sometimes I'll put glue on my skin, watch it dry and peel it off for the sensory fun. I am no better than a kindergartner. I rub scabs for the same reason whenever I have them.

No. 2442428

Being poor and losing my job is unironically one of the best things that happened to me health wise. Being forced to eat tofu, beans, rice, and cabbage basically everyday unironically improved my health kek when I get a job again I'll definitely go back to stuffing my face with bread and meat and sweets tho

No. 2442431

Tofu and beans are really good. Cabbage both fresh and pickled too

No. 2442435

Yes I started making my own kimchi and sauerkraut and it's really delicious and cheap. Cabbage is a godsend poorfag food

No. 2442441

Sometimes some simple boiled cabbage soup with salt is where it's at too. Refreshing and sweet

No. 2442459

kimchi is annoying to make because it takes forever but it's worth it.
cabbage soup with tomatoes is my go to comfort food.

No. 2442470

I never tried cabbage soup before but if two nonnas recommend it then I definitely will before the cold season is over, thanks for the suggestions may you dream of cabbage

No. 2442539

You've missed out. Start, it's really good!

No. 2442911

Don't act like you've never read worse before.

No. 2443954

I'm so attracted to the guy that works in the coffee van near my apartment and genuinely haven't stopped thinking about him in over a week and I only feel a tiny bit guilty because I'm engaged. The heart wants what the heart wants and my heart currently wants this guy whose name I don't even know.

No. 2443957

Go for it

No. 2444004

I hate when a female artist gets claimed by faggots, even if I don't like her or the music.
For ex. I've liked gaga since the debut because I liked her upbeat songs and weird aesthetic, of course fags came and claimed her for some reason, fags are also obsessed with Britney and worshipping her 2007 meltdown even if they don't know why she was like that and they only saw that as "kek le quirky meltdown am I right ladies?", there are fags dancing to Chappell Roan and are obsessed with Ariana. Even if I don't like her at all in both music and attitude, I wish more women artists pandered to females only like Sabrina Carpenter, yes I know she also does stuff "for the gays" but she has way less fag fans. Idk when a woman debuts and fags makes her an icon I automatically see them as a fag thing and I see them as dirty, I would be so mad if I was a singer and I couldn't reach to women enough and gay men saw me as one of them. Fag fans of a popstar are ten times worse than a kpop girl.

No. 2444006

>Lady Gaga
>Chappel Roan
These two actively pander to gays, not a lot you can do about it. Lady Gaga's case is specially disappointing because she's actually talented, couldn't give two shits if the gays claim Roan tbh

No. 2444007

Chappell wants gays to love her tho

No. 2444009

Gaga's case is weird because back in the day she said she was bi and played off of it as the "scandal" as if it was scandalous to be gay and now she retreated that shit saying she was an ally and faced no backlash, if she was a guy that claimed to be bi and then retreated that, the fags would've destroy her.
Chappell tried to be a lesbian but the gay money was too juicy, I always wonder if gay men are so big as a market that artists feel the need to pander to them and kiss their asses, last time I checked women were most likely to buy music and go to concerts, in fact the screaming fangirl archetype is a female teen, meanwhile these artists kiss the ass of grown men once they know they landed it, what the fuck.

No. 2444016

> I always wonder if gay men are so big as a market that artists feel the need to pander to them and kiss their asses
My guess is that these artist in particular aren't looking for success with the general public but a "reliable" niche

No. 2444020

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I just know one of my favorite indie artists is a crypto and it makes me so happy. Her works are just way, way too insightful of how shit men are for her not be. She's also around my age (early-mid 30s) and been in fandom spaces since her teens. The worst dirt I saw anyone dig up on her was just that she drew some slightly edgy art like 10 years ago. It's also in how she runs her fandom generally smoothly and handled controversy and contempt in a very mature manner. So I'd genuinely be shocked if she was the twaw type. Especially since gendies are in her fandom like flies on shit, if she were the type to buy into the bullshit she'd have trans'd out her characters long ago. Confession because I feel embarrassed to have a parasocial relationship like this. Part of me is even tempted to send her some kind of fanmail just gushing over her work and leaving it at that.

No. 2444639

A huge motivator for me to move out is being able to be super autistic about the kitchen. I'll have a perfectly functioning methodically thought out minimalist kitchen and fridge, I can't wait. I love my parents but they buy so many useless things that stink up the fridge or lay in a drawer and never get used.

No. 2444767

I hopiumed myself into believing in an afterlife just so I can cope that I'll be with my historical husbando one day.

No. 2444769

Wait when has gaga walked back being bi? Didn't she literally mention eating pussy when she was questioned

No. 2444770

Nah gay men will spend their finance job money on concert tickets and diehard stan

No. 2444775

Do you remember when gay men were obsessed with wasted, humiliating pap pics of female celebrities? Like women coked out, blackout, near passed out in flash paparazzi pics and that was considered edgy and cool to use as your avatar and banner. Gay men are also weirdly obsessed with embarrassing or unflattering pictures of female celebrities, like fergie pissing herself or LDR when she was fat

No. 2444854

They still are

No. 2444870

I find cellulite, scars and stretch marks hot. Sometimes it's "oooo cool a mark", I have a simple mind

No. 2444872

She self posts so much more than you realize. I knew. We all knew, we just turned a blind eye to be polite.

No. 2444878

Tinfoil thread?

No. 2444884

Why are you being cryptic and schizo

No. 2445026

I like browsing sperm/egg donor sites when I'm bored

No. 2445029

For me it's small town Google reviews

No. 2445031

Sometimes there's some hilarious ones. They're probably trolls but I find them so funny.

No. 2445048

I’ve never known how to flick a cigarette correctly, I always flick the entire cherry off

No. 2445052

Tap. If it doesn't come off she isn't ready.

No. 2445120

In school I used to fake allergies to avoid school by scratching hard enough or nicking with a knife, not enough to break skin or anything but enough to cause swelling that looked like idk, hives. I'd also fake asthma attacks sometimes to skip activities because I was lazy.

No. 2445173

Kek based unhinged trickster. I once got out of class by putting a paler foundation on my face than usual, made my lips and cheeks look less pink and I flicked some water on my forehead to make it look like I was feverish and unwell. The nurse’s office immediately noticed how clammy and pale I was and I got to skip my exam. I felt like a real Ferris Bueller that day

No. 2445181

Sadly nowadays you need a doctor's certificate for everything. At my uni there's no adverse circumstances applications available if say, you pass out in the middle of an exam or some shit. You need to warn them like 5 days in advance with a doctor's certificate which is ridiculous

No. 2445183

My friend and I were/are both allergic to ants. We’d go find fire anthills during PE and purposefully anger an ant. We did this at least once a month in 5th and 6th grades, our parents would always get us, we’d take a Benadryl nap and then chat on the phone all night once minutes were free after 7. We both didn’t like being at school. We wanted to go home and play neopets or RP warrior cats and yap, kek.

When I was older I just told my later period teachers I probably wasn’t gonna be in class. I’d slip out the door and quickly cross the street and head over to the train tracks and cross those too, then walk through a nice neighborhood and into a park. Never got caught or reprimanded. I’d usually just smoke weed (yes I brought weed to school with me for the purpose of smoking at the park later, my parents smoked joints inside so I always smelled like straight up weed anyway). Really crazy what you could get away with if you got good grades regardless. I should’ve been expelled for the shit I did but nobody ever got mad cause I wasn’t causing trouble or bringing anyone down with me, and I had a high GPA.

No. 2445185

There have been times anons have made my mental health go from bad to worse to the point of me just wanting to give up and kill myself

No. 2445192

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No. 2445205

Ministry is currently my favorite band and I kinda hate myself for admitting it because ew.

No. 2445209

No. 2445212

The girl reading this

No. 2445219

The user in the lc own caps thread

No. 2445237

Feel like that accounts for multiple anons.

No. 2445421

>Really crazy what you could get away with if you got good grades regardless. I should’ve been expelled for the shit I did but nobody ever got mad cause I wasn’t causing trouble or bringing anyone down with me, and I had a high GPA.
That was the exact reason I couldn't get away with stuff the two or three times I tried. You're better than that, anon! and all…

No. 2445475

When I was 10 or 11 I was seen as super smart by the teachers due to being accelerated a year or two and I also had straight As to prove it. There was this kid who'd harass me during breaks and one time I hit him back pretty hard, there were witnesses but I was convinced I could get away with it because of my reputation and I did. I still feel a little morally weird about it sometimes (the weaponisation of my reputation, not hitting that little fucker).

No. 2445526

I’m gonna get pregnant because I’m tired of my scrote making lame ass excuses not to have a kid yet. If he doesn’t like it he can leave and sign over his parental rights and my family will help.

No. 2445528

dont do that to the poor child jfc

No. 2445529

This is ragebait, dont fall for it

No. 2445531

Please do not do that.

No. 2445541

File: 1742050495557.jpg (70.6 KB, 900x1200, 1685972879093.jpg)

This is true, and anyone who simps for working class people's character is probably sitting in that cushy lib bubble and imagines anything outside of that being like an 80s-90s movie.
Working class people deserve compassion on the grounds that they're human beings, but if you're honest with yourself, this unfortunately comes with the understanding that a lot of them are horrendous fucking people who certainli wouldn't do the same if they or any of the powers they voted for had any power.

No. 2445546

It’s not, I am so serious
Do what? I have a huge family that will love the child and I’ll love it myself, don’t need him at all. It’ll have a better life than a lot of kids whose dads are around.

No. 2445552

not having a father fucks your life up, stop being so selfish.

No. 2445555

>not having a father fucks your life up
Not true.

No. 2445556

The father being in that kid's life is probably going to have more adverse effects than if nona raised the kid on her own with the help of decent family

No. 2445559

school shooters are almost always fatherless

No. 2445564

there's alot of options you have, what's going on with you to want to baby trap him?
i don't understand the rush too, you can just break up with him and date someone who has the end goal of starting a family or even marriage

No. 2445578

No actually they’re not. In fact most of them got their guns FROM their fathers along with their violent mindsets and trauma.

No. 2445583

I don’t want to baby trap him, I just want a baby. If he can’t be arsed to be a father yet then I won’t pester him for money. If he’s serious about wanting to have kids with me then he can step up. His choice. I picked him because he seemed like he was keen on starting a family soon but all I’m getting is excuses and recently he keeps talking about wanting to buy a boat despite using the excuse “we don’t have enough money” to delay it. He’s wasting my time. I no longer care what he wants. Im only with him in the first place because he said he wanted marriage and kids but that’s obviously a lie. Km going to make out like it was a whoopsie and I’ve looked it up, the pill fails often.

No. 2445588

You sound mentally unwell.

No. 2445594

His sperm will be lazy and listless and your egg will hate him so the baby will come out fucked up in some way. It is best to find a new moid who you feel strong chemical attraction to and then spermjack that one instead. Or ideally, have their sperm compete

No. 2445602

I read that too fast and completely wrong my bad, don't agree with your choice not that my opinion on it matters, but planning for this is basically the same as artificial insemination so why not that (assuming you're 30+) Are you holding on to hope that he maybe will stay and what he needs is a push, or is your plan to get pregnant then leave?

No. 2445604

I was trying to find a post in the previous unpopular opinions thread and ended up reading a whole infight that involved tradthots and Acacia Brinley looking like a teenager or not, with various pic comparisons to show different anon’s points. My brain feels fried, my skin feels greasy and I’m dehydrated, it’s a beautiful day outside but I’m sitting in bed looking at my phone. It’s moments like these that make you truly conscious of life.

No. 2445605

>His sperm will be lazy and listless and your egg will hate him so the baby will come out fucked up in some way
Not taking any advice from someone who thinks eggs and sperm cells have personalities. He’s actually not lazy, he comes from a very lazy family but he’s hard working and makes decent money. Any baby can be born fucked up, it’s always a gamble and you gotta be willing to risk it.
How so? Because I’m not willing to have the last remaining years of me being fertile wasted only for him to do what scrotes do best and dump me for a younger woman?

No. 2445619

You are so desperate it's sad. You're too mentally unwell to be a mother. Don't do this.

No. 2445620

File: 1742054512100.jpg (Spoiler Image,49.61 KB, 500x333, nonas_son.jpg)

>Not taking any advice from someone who thinks eggs and sperm cells have personalities
Sorry anon, I won't interfere any further. A place for everything and everything in it's place

No. 2445625

>what scrotes do best and dump me for a younger woman?
You also sound like a moid trying to neg us

No. 2445627

You’ve got nothing else to say because I didn’t fall for your “fatherless children become school shooters!” Fucking nonsense. What exactly makes me unwell? Because I take charge of my own womb instead of letting a scrote decide? He shouldn’t be fucking me with no condom if he doesn’t want this to happen and he shouldn’t have told me on our first date that he wants kids.

No. 2445629

>Because I take charge of my own womb
No one talks like this. Are you replying to yourself too? As if a nona would actually believe this kek

No. 2445630

It’s literally true that this is what scrotes do. They have a woman their own age to “build” with and when they’re ready they dump their 30 year old wife and get a 22 year old and get her pregnant right away.

I’m convinced most women do this as well since a lot of people I know had kids BEFORE they got married. Most kids are not planned. This one will be but I’ll act like it wasn’t.

No. 2445633

You’ve got the reading comprehension of a brick.

No. 2445635

Yeah no they don't. Even using June Lapine as the most well known and mocked example, she took one step out the door and immediately bumped into a moid who married her and they had a baby. If it wasn't him, it would have been one of the other millions of moids who wanted to. And she gets by on her pickmeism, not her looks or personality. That's for sure

No. 2445636

Her husband is short and ugly and a catholic. That’s 1000x worse than not having a father around.

No. 2445637

She's a tradfag and always dates ugly men. If she wanted a himbo, she would have picked him

No. 2445644

I value intelligence over looks so I’m not getting a himbo. Looks are still important though. My bf is a good mix of both.

No. 2445765

File: 1742060743225.gif (533.7 KB, 270x360, 1000033713.gif)

I actually think it's funny when schizoid anons camp in threads just to go "THIS SUCKS, NOT FUNNI" and/or accuse people of random shit, especially if the thread is about something completely unserious

No. 2445776

Who called you unfunny this time?

No. 2445778

Ackshually no one, I just remembered a funny exchange where a bunch of posts got redtexted

No. 2445791

It's really not… you gotta step outside. Despite what dudes say most people marry their own age and even when they're the type that doesn't, you can spot it a mile away. It might happen sometimes but mostly they are guys who are very unsuccessful and feel behind their peers, especially the female ones, they hope by dating younger they can look more impressive. In college i set my age range to around 60 because i wanted to bully old guys who matched me, but i ended up lowering it cause i felt bad. They are not married, dont earn a lot, and have some deficency like a drinking problem. Even looking at rich people, you have guys like Leonardo Dicaprio who go young but they never settle down, and you have people like Jeff bezos who dates women his own age. Men are not actually less attracted to older women, as evidenced by "milfs", the ones who say they go after younger women and older women are walled hags are usually just coping for an insecurity. Irl i know a lot of men and women, and they date their own age. even my uncle who got an overseas bride who didn't speak English, she was like 45 to his 55. Young to old couples are very rare, i think I've even seen one walking around like twice.

No. 2445794

>you gotta step outside
saying this on /ot/ is like kicking a hornets' nest

No. 2445805

I feel bad when I see a well thought out post not get any replies

I want to reply but I'd get a ban for "derailment" or the reply not "contributing" to the thread enough

No. 2445838

a video was posted in a cow thread recently and im in it, you can see the back of my head. im in danger kek

No. 2445853

My face was on the Internet many years ago already

No. 2446434

You think Jesus jumped off the cross when everyone left or something?

No. 2446437

Jesus wept, but not as hard as you did.

No. 2446448

Con artists have to make it believable, christian-chan
He was a whore, a scoundrel, a fraudulent trickster who deserved to get roasted on that cross. I don’t care about him, men will never feel what I’m feeling

No. 2446452

File: 1742085854861.jpg (174.12 KB, 1000x1000, 71dnhA6gexL-2102893039.jpg)

Idk I tried to post about this anon three times in the vent thread and still fucked it up. If that isn't proof of empathanon's christhood, then what is, she is protected, this anon

No. 2446455

Christ-Chan Sonichu is truly protected by a holy power.

No. 2446456

He was moid who was literally an attention whore who stole his teachings from other women and till this day, many praise him for it. That’s where he belonged and arguably worse, I hate men.

No. 2446460

Do you know which women? I enjoy this content, from non pick-me women

No. 2446466

No he was not.
>fraudulent trickster
Could be
>roasted on that cross
He wasn't even burned on it you absolute pleb
I need to know the women that Jesus stole from so I can worship them

No. 2446471

Look up Mary Magdalene and the other female apostles. Mary likely got her teachings from other sacred goddesses, which is why many say Jesus feels feminine well, yeah, because he stole that stuff from other women and somehow he became the poster child of “Christ” which is highly female in nature. Look up Cybele/attis, black madonna, but Mary Magdalene is also a fraud as well because of it because those teachings came from other places/deities as well. They’re all frauds, and they will never feel like me, they are pieces of shit who’s stolen teachings are built into major Abrahamic religions that feel like pyramid schemes.

No. 2446475

Hush, yes he was. He was a whore and a trickster. Stop mansplaining you fucking retard, I know my shit so don’t patronize me.

No. 2446649

You’re right. The ones pissing and whining about women over 25 are the terminally online autists. Not to cape for scrotes but you’re less likely to see “decent” ones online because they’re out living their lives instead of sitting on the computer seething about women

No. 2446652

File: 1742091419916.jpeg (73.34 KB, 497x617, IMG_9415.jpeg)

I just realized that I might have helped on the leaking of a classmate's nudes.
it's been 7 years since it happened but it just hit me that I probably was the one who gave away the key to get them out of her account.

No. 2446663

I shoplift sometimes. Why pay when you can not pay

No. 2446731

The horse breaking scene in Spirit is kinda hot

No. 2446754

File: 1742099899577.jpeg (56.41 KB, 640x480, IMG_7785.jpeg)

I steal my cousins leftover adderall to take for work on busy nights. It helps me with focus but I get so sleepy after 2 hours

No. 2446778

>so sleepy after 2 hours
Sounds like you actually have adhd, nonna

No. 2446855

I’ve suspected it. Unfortunately whenever I’ve brought it up at doctors appointments its either brushed off or I get some bullshit story that if I never got diagnosed as a child they cant diagnose me now.

No. 2446866

File: 1742110042810.png (688.05 KB, 786x1008, true-beauty.png)

Im pretty but very unphotogenic and my nose looks fucking giant in pics so i edit the majority of my pictures, I don't care because I get a ton of compliments from strangers irl approaching me to tell me im so pretty and look like a model etc. So as long as im not catfishing I don't think it matters
But I do wish I could more often take a photo where I look how I actually look in the mirror
I know some people who are average looking irl but their facial features photograph really well and it just feels unfair like why cant I be pretty in pictures too. So I shall continue editing I guess

No. 2446869

File: 1742110585904.webp (12.45 KB, 475x260, he-will-always-be-prime-minist…)

hes sooooo hot i know the maplechans hate him but idk is it even that deep?

No. 2446872

take a look at any recent photos and you shall be cured

No. 2446940

File: 1742124459895.gif (14.67 MB, 500x527, VID_20250316_131256_525-ezgif.…)

i seriously need to stop looking at these pre-T pre-everything TIF twitter e-whores it's giving me psychic damage fuck my stupid homo life

No. 2446944

I'm definitely not as pretty as that kek but I kinda have the same problem. My face in pictures does NOT look like me and I know it for a fact, it's very annoying.

No. 2446963

Honestly same. I don't understand why I look good irl but terrible in pictures… My face looks better in analog photos but digital for some reason turns me to shit, especially phone cameras, my god I dread those. They totally change my face proportions

No. 2446965

File: 1742128272395.jpeg (83.84 KB, 1024x576, IMG_1712.jpeg)

It is that deep when this retard has plummeted the economy and let dogs and cats in at anyhow, at the expenses of the locals.
But any white scrote that looks half decent will do for you dimwits.

No. 2447042

I can’t wait to move again because that means I get a new IP and so I get a fresh start on the website kek

No. 2447057

Are you gonna be using a new device too?

No. 2447082

File: 1742136814621.jpg (21.21 KB, 736x736, 9e585252fd0ba5e59e10515dd9a587…)

Just watched a gore vid of a Syrian rebel drowning in his own blood after getting shot in the neck and I'm not ashamed to say it was the hottest shit I've seen in a long while. Took him like a minute to bleed out and all I could think of was just how nice he looked as he was dying. I'm not a sexual sadist, but it just feels so natural for a man to die in battle. Killing & dying is enrichment for them, it's why so many are falling over themselves for a chance to participate in some gay ass war.

No. 2447085

Depends if I can afford a new one at the time, probably not. I don’t know if they do device bans here though

No. 2447612

I find the guy who plays Leonard on the big bang theory tremendously hot, i don't even want to look up his real name because I only know him as Leonard from the big bang theory and I don't want to break my immersion.

No. 2447635

Leonard is literally the ugliest one imo

No. 2447644

I would take the multiple levels of cringe contained in this post to my fucking grave

No. 2447650

No. 2447652

Leonard>Raj>Howard>>>>>power gap>>>>Sheldon

No. 2447655

i have always envied women who can lust after the most average/ugly moids on earth, i wish i wasnt shallow

No. 2447663

Raj is a mega misogynist though

No. 2447675

/ot/fags don't know about /g/ silly they think we're on Discord right now

No. 2447728

Me too nonna
Alas, the ugly male psyop thread will always be my home

No. 2447787

tbh it's still shallow because it involves caring a lot about someone's looks over their character, and also ignoring that it's a two way street: is he also someone that appreciates the outer individuality of someone and even their deviations from what's conventional? almost never the case.

No. 2447853

Lobsters and crabs are repulsive to me as animals. They are no different to me than insects and bugs… they're like giant sea roaches.

No. 2448055

File: 1742181419887.png (2.46 MB, 2388x1668, IMG_4388.png)

thinking about all the embarrassing luigi posts i made on my bare ass raw home ip during the hellmas vpn ban as a now ex-luigifag (dropped him long before the latest reveal so it's not entirely related to that). god i'd commit real life alogging just to get rid of it all before the next vpn ban commences, my posts probably spanned in the thousands. hell, i'd fuck admin if she promised to delete it. or maybe clean her house, walk her pets if she has any, literally anything. can't believe i even infought over that faggot.

No. 2448087

I'm severely face blind sometimes and honestly half of people look alike to me, the only differing thing being gender and skin tone

No. 2448091

Can I ask how old you are, anon?

No. 2448092

The threads move so quickly one is made every 5 seconds. Nobody's going to remember or bother digging up from that pile

No. 2448093

No. 2448094

File: 1742183658416.jpg (6.17 KB, 245x245, daf2f7d8ed4deb059fa88fb928c84c…)

Honestly no one cares anon. Why would anyone be personally invested in your feelings for a well-known male celebrity, one way or the other?

No. 2448095

Can someone spoonfeed me what the new reveal is? I stopped caring once we hit new years kek

No. 2448098

Oh, don't even worry kekk. Trust me, sooo many more 27 year olds have done way more embarrassing shit. You're in your 20s and hormonal and probably some sort of mentally ill (not being mean, it's just you're on lolcow. The odds are against you).
You probably annoyed jannies, but just behave, don't infight anymore, and follow the site rules as long as you're here. You'll probably be back in their good graces eventually, compared to other infighting retards.
If you need more reassurance, go into /snow/ and find any cow that was documented on this site at your age or younger. Be relieved the most you did was act extremely retarded on lolcow dot farm in a /g/ thread for a number of months.

No. 2448099

Something about him going to a brothel or some shit in Thailand and getting beaten up by ladyboys, anons finally getting reality checked he's a redpill trad weirdo, more yellow fever or some shit

No. 2448100

because it's turbo cringe pickme garbage. legitimately some of the worst shit posted on the site, worse than what i used to post in other /g/ threads. i need to get baptized.

No. 2448104

This is such a weird post. Again, the jannies don't give a fuck what you post here. No one really does unless you're annoying and shit up the thread or write weird things you can only imagine a redditor saying

No. 2448110

That's… what she said. The anon I replied to said she was shitting up the Luigi thread and infighting over him. So I told her not to worry. If the jannies noticed her being retarded, they have bigger problems now, provided she continues to behave.
Did you read my post? Please keep the infighting about what jannies care about to the VPN ban thread, it's getting weird seeing it outside of containment.

No. 2448116

I did shat up an /ot/ thread for a while before his containment took off to be honest. I apologize to everyone who criticized him you were right

No. 2448161

Why am I such a whore? I hate myself. I wouldn't even feel this way if another woman did the things I've done which isn't a lot, but I feel so ashamed.

No. 2448162

>the latest reveal
What happened?(scroll up)

No. 2448163

For god's sake, read the rest of the thread before asking. Someone was already spoonfed.

No. 2448393

I relate to and understand the now doxxed Pumpkin girl and to a degree null when she was PLP as well, it's my "if my life went 3 degrees to the left, I would be exactly that cow". I larped as my much older cousin at 9-10, dropped it (got doxxed) by about 12 and went into fujoism and moderating a huge (at its peak about 70k? subs) fujo/gay porn group at 14. I never larped as a man or drew degenerate porn and don't have any satanic kinks like nullification, rape and pedoshit, but I had a "persona" and feel like if I could draw at that age, I would have had dished out something on the "fucking my bishie dadsona incest comic" level just for the attention, without feeling anything about it. I have no trouble understanding how a person can turn out this way and it's strange to me sometimes when nonas in these threads wonder wtf should happen to you to become this kind of retard. I wanna say "nothing special", but then realize what kind of childhood I had and yeah.

No. 2448433

I bit the bullet and drew a ton of pictures of my character having nasty alien sex with some poor unsuspecting person's character because I find them hot. It makes me smile. I am proud of myself.

No. 2448522

I feel like a loser because I keep looking at my old photos and memories with my university boyfriend and crying over them.
I’ve dated another person since then but it didn’t last very long so this is my longest relationship. It feels like he was the love of my life in this stupid lifetime and I fucking hate it. It’s been years and now he’s getting married to someone else. He also traumatized me so I’m really afraid to date anyone else. The only reason I dated the other guy was because he actively pursued me out of nowhere; I can’t go on dating apps or make an effort to date because I have panic attacks. Why am I like this? I feel so pathetic and ashamed. I can't tell anyone about this because they’d tell me to get over it or think that I’m insane.

No. 2448691

File: 1742230536057.jpg (47.9 KB, 489x487, cows.jpg)

i'll still somewhat regularly check my ex's friend group's socials to the point where they're personal cows for me (and because it makes me feel better about myself). it feels weird to check on them so long after me and my ex broke up, but some of the laughs i get out of seeing posts of their aliexpress tier cosplays or general weeb/coomer cringe makes it worth it.

No. 2448710

I’m having drama with my sister right now and I (at first ironically) asked advice from chatgpt and it actually gave me really good and solid advice kek. I screwed around with it a bit and gave it made up scenarios and it pretty consistently had good advice.

No. 2448713

>Trusting a robot over your brain
So sad.

No. 2448720

Everytime my family asks to borrow money I just lie and say I don’t have any and come up with some huge bill lie. I’d rather just pretend to be broke then have to be in a constant cycle of them borrowing money.

No. 2448731

my sister did the same thing with chat and it gave simiilar advice (and more importantly encouragement) as mine.

She literally told me that she basically talks to me, her bf and chat. Idk how to feel about this. I dont want this to be my future

No. 2448899

File: 1742239927171.jpeg (206.07 KB, 1161x1823, based alan yume.jpeg)

I'm not as attracted to my IRL Nigel (husband) as I am to my fictional husbando. At first I thought maybe my formerly strong sex drive just kinda dipped over the years because I'm getting older, but ever since I discovered my 2D husbando it's like something awakened in me and he makes me absolutely feral. He's the only thing I think about when I fantasize. Feels bad

No. 2449275

>I'm not as attracted to my IRL Nigel (husband) as I am to my fictional husbando.
Nonna, I'm as bad and I feel like it's really isolating because not many people will talk about this. It's really hard for me as someone who grew up reading a lot of books and fantasising now being in situations where I will be literally reading husbando content while an actual living breathing moid is breaking the fantasy with their farts and dream of making mozzarella cheese with a cloth they ordered on Amazon. I love him but I genuinely wish I could step into a permanent life where I can live out my husbando fantasies

No. 2449323

File: 1742250401375.jpg (45.07 KB, 554x554, 1000020704.jpg)

Honestly? Yeah, I'm feeling the same fucking way, man. Maybe it's the autism, but since I was a teenager, I was more interested in fictional scrotes than the ones that exist in the real damn world. After baby's first relationship fall out, it only took me a week to rebound back to Sync The Tempest from Tales of The Abyss.

No. 2449343

File: 1742250911117.png (167.94 KB, 320x285, 1660075989666.png)

I am using AI in all my classes. I dont know how depressed uni students managed to study for class before the sentinent toasters took over our lives. But there is no way i can study when i feel like this. Last week i had a manic episode and i bought rope and searched how to hang myself, i didnt do it but now i have a rope with a slipknot knot ready to use hidden under my bed. There is no way i can actually sit and read 300 pages long texts about capitalism in this mental state. So i found some text to speech AI and i am using that.

No. 2449348

You probably wouldn't be suicidal if you weren't constantly doing immoral and unethical things

No. 2449354

i wouldnt be sucidial if i was rich and i didnt need to study some lame degree

No. 2449358

Ethics be damned anon, the only thing that matters is getting a passing grade. I used it the whole way through of an algebra class and some dumb history class. I can't use it anymore because i have to do exams in person and most of my homework is based on stuff i did irl, which isn't a complaint tbh because it takes me 20 minutes.

No. 2449360

Ive discussed this with my yume friend before about how women get these expectations from fiction in our youth and then we get to be teenagers/young adults and realize real men are boring, balding and abusive and it SUCKS. if i met a man as brave, kind, smart and funny as my husbando i would totally hop on it but i havent met a guy like that so far… atleast, one in my age range, ugh

No. 2449366

But you're not studying. You're cheating.

No. 2449370


NTA but do you consider listening to audiobooks cheating because that's basically what she is doing

No. 2449372

and? as long as i pass who cares

No. 2449391

I assume your university would

No. 2449402

Nta who cares what they think. If they were about morals then they would let you go to their schools for free and not charge thousands of dollars for it and hundreds for books.

No. 2449409

File: 1742253611605.jpeg (83.59 KB, 1200x1724, IMG_2129.jpeg)

I like to defend cows only when anons are being absolutely insufferable kek

No. 2449414

its a thirdie uni i dont think they will care. We didnt have class today because the teachers are busy rioting.

No. 2449422

Kek people can be suicidal for many different reasons. Stop acting like a retard on purpose

No. 2449434

My friend gifted me some hand made expensive candies made with fresh ingredients, she bought them in december, gave them to me last month because I couldn't see her before then and I still haven't eaten the candies. I doubt they can expire that fast because they're full of sugar but I don't like them and I know that because I already tasted them long ago. They're still in my bedroom and I want to just throw everything in my trashcan but it would make me feel bad for my friend. I hate gifts for this reason and I thought she remembered that but maybe she thought this would be a good enough gift anyway.

No. 2449441

Some anons are so rabid they'll straight up make shit up and if you call them out on it you're a wk. "She has literally killed kittens before" "No she hasn't" "go away whiteknight" ????

No. 2449453

I shudder to think what the quality of your professional work will be like. Call me an old hag but there is no way you're learning anything just by asking chatgpt to do everything for you.
>I dont know how depressed uni students managed to study for class before the sentinent toasters took over our lives
By dedicating time and effort. What do you do with your time? What's so pressing that don't have time to read a book?
You can't do basic things without AI because you don't even try. You can't read a 300 page book because you probably haven't read anything longer than a chatgpt answer since they released the first version. From one mentally ill person with suicidal tendencies to another, filling your time and brain with useful things instead of finding cheap comfort in boredom will do you good.

No. 2449492

Every day throw one candy in the trash. This is the equivalent of you eating a candy a day. Tell yourself "instead of putting this candy I don't like in my mouth, I will not eat it." Now you can feel less bad about it.

No. 2449622

File: 1742262152664.jpg (60.28 KB, 1280x696, spaceballs-keep-firing-asshole…)

when I was like 12 i watched spaceballs and i ended up shipping these two kek kinda miss when i had that much passion for things

No. 2449631

I want to CONSOOM! I want to BUY CRAP I DON'T NEED! Lord stay my hand the world doesn't need more microplastics and I don't need less money in my bank account I need more!

No. 2449636

Can't you regift them? She doesn't need to know.

No. 2449692

I don't give a shit if a moid loses weight. I find it absolutely pretentious and retarded especially if he wants people to celebrate and congratulate him. Even if he moved from deathfat to roidpig in a few months. You're a man, you're not supposed to gain fat easily and you let yourself get to that level so it's nothing to celebrate when you realise you can't fit in doorways anymore.
I don't share this mentality for women, since it's much easier for them to gain weight and harder for them to lose weight.

No. 2449700

I did everything without AI but I don't blame you. Not like being a moral upstanding student ever got me anywhere and a lot of degrees are becoming increasingly useless anyway.

No. 2449716

there is nothing useful about college tho.

No. 2449735

>Me walking in my local Bookoff

No. 2449845

File: 1742278938618.jpg (2.63 MB, 2278x2278, cats.jpg)

got a new crush on an awful fictional character a few weeks ago and magically all my issues with binging in the past year vanished. don't even have to think of him 99% of the day, the animalistic cravings and compulsions, borderline blackouts are gone. i guess it wasn't too bad because i'm at least tall and muscular so i didn't get fat, but still, it was really unhealthy and my body felt bad all the time! i mean, on one hand, yay? on the other hand i'm impressed at how mentally ill i must be for a switch to just go off in my mind like that. i'd be a cow if i wasn't a pathologically boring and passive person in every other way.

No. 2449847

Share on the husbando thread kek. I think it's still oddly wholesome, after all, if it works it works

No. 2449891

I have never dated anyone officially (nor had sex) and was a khhv until a year and a bit ago but i somehow ended up in a situation where i had essentially three (real human) suitors/ boyfriends. My life kinda feels like mamma mia… I have so much love for them all but I know its evil (although not too evil given I'm not even dating any of them)

One of them I met on exchange and I really really like him but I had to leave like a month after we met. I live 30 hours of flights away but sometimes I wish I could just move and be with him (although in practice it would make me miserable. How strange it is to be anything at all…

No. 2449938

File: 1742285732415.jpeg (344.42 KB, 1284x935, IMG_5695.jpeg)

I learned four years worth of high school math in a month using chat gpt. It’s definitely been more helpful than any teacher or book. People fear monger about students using ai too much.

No. 2449944

You didn't learn shit, AI isn't reliable if you want real information

No. 2449947

NTA but if it's high school math AI is perfectly capable of doing that, it's not that complex

No. 2449952

It’s reliable enough because Im passing exams using it. If it’s not teaching me anything, how am I passing the exams? I learned less in 4 years of high school due to teachers being biased and trying to throw any kid who’s a bit quiet into retard classes.

No. 2449962

I do fear for the future, because this mindset of ‘I’ll just get AI to do it for me’ doesn’t go away when they graduate college. They continue to be just as lazy when they enter the workforce. A whole generation of college graduates who can’t be bothered to do anything that requires even a little bit of effort on their behalf, and instead just palm it off onto someone (or something) else.

No. 2450051

When I was a kid I thought snorting coke was snorting Coca-Cola and thought that was a horrible painful thing to do

No. 2450057

My teacher is a gendie, so I pander to the gendies in my class assignments.

No. 2450058

Gotta do what you gotta do

No. 2450072

I've worked for people I absolutely loathe but when they were trumpers all I had to do was pretend to agree with him and they were a lot easier to get along with. It absolutely killed me inside, but unfortunately it's like having a Bible thumper employer. They won't stop breathing down your neck until you throw in some amens.

No. 2450210

File: 1742306816355.jpeg (64 KB, 599x431, AA1psAIh.jpeg)

I love categorizing people into looks, mostly facial features. It's so interesting because you can take literally ANY facial feature and it exists naturally in all races. You'd think only asians have monolids - but no you can find it naturally in white, black, middle eastern etc groups. same with wide or flat noses, or big and hooked noses, cheekbones and face shape… you find it all everywhere! It's just that certain traits are dominating different areas. Especially so because no race has ever truly been fully isolated, maybe 10 generations back they had 1 different race in the family and that left that tiny mark.
I love it so much when I see two people who look like each other but they are different races with no relation whatsoever, they just happen to look like copies of each other in different colors. It's very autistic of me.

No. 2450225

I see why this would be interesting. And yet, when someone tries to cosplay as a different ethnicity, it looks weird and uncanny even though people can have all kinds of features in any race! Just look at Martina Big or that terrifying Koreaboo girl in /snow/, for instance. The human face is so simple but so complex at the same time.

No. 2450449

File: 1742318106156.gif (2.24 MB, 250x275, 1658413467654.gif)

I have dated two men simultaneusly that come from the same country. I adopted a snack from that country into my regular diet, the first guy taught me it. I ate it while the second guy was over, he noticed and asked where I learned it from. I lied and said I saw it on TikTok.

No. 2450772

My friend who used to make me giddy with butterflies every time we hung out is becoming a personal cow of mine at an astonishing rate.

No. 2450773

I am so fucking nosy I want to know what's happening to make you say this.

No. 2450780

No. 2450789

You're gonna need to give me some time to compile kek

No. 2450793

Nta but do it nonnie I want to know too.

No. 2450801

File: 1742334664751.jpg (238.83 KB, 673x715, 72jjud.jpg)

I cannot lie to myself any longer: i love needy, clingy, kind of pathetic men. I want somebody who's up on my ass 24/7 asking for attention, be it physical or emotional, like some kind of puppy. I want that in my life, I love pathetically needy men

No. 2450805

It's not as good as it seems ngl. You'll get annoyed after awhile

No. 2450834

>believes and insists she's asexual
>thirsts after mentally ill men regardless
>believes people can't tell her sex in public despite looking like a normal girl
>thinks she'd be kidnapped if she went to the US because of this…?
>complains when people stand near her in public and talk to each other
>complains about me overcomplicating my life if I put (minimal) effort into anything
>thinks she knows better about everything because of her tiktok education
>argues about useless shit
>spergs the fuck out if anyone asks for a source for her claims
>"I'm above reading sources"
>drags said arguments out for hours, brings our other friends into it
most recently:
>claims to have autism, diagnoses me with autism, can't define autism, tells me I'm narrow minded and uneducated when I present the diagnostic criteria
Kind of run-of-the-mill but still frustrating. I didn't want to go too much into detail. I had actually a crush on her for almost a year and we really clicked at first but I could see this was going to happen eventually…

No. 2450841

What causes this

No. 2450870

nta but she sounds like a huge control freak and possibly some shade of narcissist too.

No. 2450884

Under-socialised and spends too much time online. That's why we clicked to start with.

No. 2450955

Whenever I see a whinny bitch on Twitter talking about AI when their art is absolute garbage I get the urge of scrapping their entire gallery and make an AI model out of it and spam the replies with "YOU ARE REPLACEABLE!!"

No. 2450962

Oh wow

No. 2450974

doing all that just to spite some poor artist is genuinely psychotic jfc

No. 2450977

It's the tracers and the grifters who LOVE ai. Literally just shitting out copycat ai images and then tracing over them and pretending it's their art, building entire websites off ai. It's pathetic

No. 2450996

Amateurs doing what they enjoy bothers you that much? God forbid people create art for fun and not to be the next michelangelo

No. 2450999

NTA but that's what makes it so egregious. There's a lot of really up their own asses anti-AI posts on tumblr, and many of them are about how AI is going to "completely replace artists like me!!!" And then you check their blog and it's completely shit, absolute slop, sometimes worse than begtier art.
AI debate aside, I understand why anon feels like that, because these people are so obnoxious that sometimes I feel like that.

No. 2451028

But why be so petty when ai imaging is genuinely horrible and used commonly for exploitation

No. 2451037

File: 1742345452067.jpeg (654.24 KB, 1125x1101, A80EA650-B66D-498A-9127-A70CD0…)

I have an autistically good memory about people and I accidentally freak people out a lot because of it. Usually I manage it well, but I forget anons probably don’t want me to ask followup questions just because I remember when they posted about X three months ago before. Multiple times I have tried just being nice and asking how X went only for the op to get (somewhat rightfully) paranoid and delete the new post about X. I don’t mean to be creepy, I just am sometimes. Sorry nonas.

No. 2451042

Anon. She never said she would do it. She said she gets the URGE. Everyone replying is acting like she's already bought a subscription or something.

No. 2451044

every artist on this planet made tons of shitty art before they got good at it. the whining makes perfect sense since the existence of ai is taking away many things like motivation to learn, low entry commission jobs and even jobs that would pay a lot. why spend thousands of hours learning a skill ? should complaining about this only be reserved for skilled artists? those already have job opportunities and know their way around. it really fucks with people who want to learn it the most imo

No. 2451047

I don't think that's creepy, nona, that's sweet. I probably would do the same if I ever recognized another anon. Well, the couple times I have, the other anon has admitted they were the poster I thought they were. So maybe you just had bad luck a couple of times kek.

No. 2451067

my former coworker was like this and it was kinda freaky but we just memed on her about it. like a patient who had only come in once before id be like "hey [coworker] what's their dogs name? what is their kid studying in college?" i dont think it comes off as creepy, just be upfront that you have a crazy good memory

No. 2451075

based hater

No. 2451342

Whenever a kid says they were born in 2010 or later my brain short-circuits. Like, you're lying, nobody was born that late. Kids stopped being born in 2009!
God I'm getting old.

No. 2451360

I think this movie is so mid but this song is so insanely good. When I was a kid I would replay the ending just so I could hear this song lol

No. 2451504

I love bisexual men hate

No. 2451545

You are me, nonna, I do that shit IRL and it freaks out even my friends sometimes, not to mention randoms. "How do you know that…" you mentioned it once, 5 months ago, in a conversation w/ someone else.
I compensate by having no idea what I myself said, ate or done yesterday

No. 2451558

>Kids stopped being born in 2009!
Wild that anyone born 2007 is legally an adult as that was 18 years ago kek

No. 2451561

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I think you should do it and then you can get your own thread. Trickle-down lolcow economics.

No. 2451580

File: 1742390363925.jpg (31.04 KB, 720x691, 9e0be650801e49a657781eb3cf4b24…)

My (a little bit chaotic) friend who introduced me to LC in the first place doesn't realize that her posts are super clockable to me because she has a distinct writing style and just don't know how to integrate. I also know what threads she frequents because she refers to them and I know her personal interests. Sometimes I reply to her posts to back her up, or to really challenge her views, or to make hilarious unhinged jokes I would get judged for irl. All without her knowing it's me. I've gotten pretty addicted to LC and browse it nearly every day but to her I pretend I just go on once in a while.

At least 9/10 times it seems I was spot on because she eventually sends me screenshots of the posts because they were so funny she wanted to share it with me, or made her mad because they challenged her and saw through her lies (because I had first hand experience and knew what she was omitting from saying to make her get more sympathy from anons). It's so funny when she shows me a screenshot like "so I posted a thing on lc and look what this mean retard replied to it" and it's a screenshot of my secret reply and I just go "that's a bit harsh of them, I wouldn't put it like that" but I would, and I did, and she needed to hear it!

No. 2451615

You think your friend is smart enough to see this post right here and immidiately start piecing together that it's YOU that's always responding to her?

No. 2451627

Bestie, is that you?

No. 2451656

I don't shave my legs and have a sense of superiority over women that do. I'd say pubes and armpits too but I can understand why that'd be a sensory nightmare for some

No. 2451659

fuckin newfags, man

No. 2451663


No. 2451664

It defeats the whole purpose of being anonymous ugh.
By the way when do you stop being a newfag? I’ve always wondered.

No. 2451667

Ntayrt but at least to me it's sound understanding of board culture along with general knowledge of LC and its history which is usually a year or so of actively using this website

No. 2451674

I mean, pedants say it depends on when you started using the site. I would say youre an oldfag if you've been here before covid. But if you integrate, no one gives a fuck.

No. 2451680

ha, I'm far superior because the only thing I don't shave is pubes, I may trim them a bit once every 3 months or so.

No. 2451685

Never. I’ve been on this website since is began and I’m still called a new fag kek

No. 2451686

You guys have a weird relationship, kek

No. 2451693

File: 1742397146792.jpg (186.37 KB, 960x1280, hunger-games.jpg)

My confession is that when I watched the last hunger games movie I didn't know who Hunter Schafer was and I thought this was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. F

No. 2451707

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I purposefully took more clients so I wouldn’t have to deal with my mother-in-law when she’s here.

No. 2451713

I like to send my shitty TIF ex who is obsessed with Hinduism (she's white; just schizo) cryptic anon messages to freak her out lmfao.
I just google random shit like "what's unlucky in Hinduism" and write bullshit out of it. It's definitely all nonsense but not like she can tell the difference either. I can tell it freaks her out because she'll start posting "reblog/retweet/repost and something good will come your way" posts en masse on all her socials after I send them.

She raped her cat and younger brother so idgaf if this is fucking her up mentally.

No. 2451730

not too late to delete

No. 2451774

Holy shit, Honter hit the wall hard. And then found new walls to hit.

No. 2451811

Since when I was a kid I would listen to music and run in a circle in my room so I could "immerse myself better into the scenario" like a freaking hamster or rat. I still do it in secret when my boyfriend isn't home. Back when I was a kid my mother would say "oh she is walking again" when I would do it.

No. 2451836

KEK nona this is hilarious. you're just giving yourself enrichment, i support it

No. 2451853

Nonna I jump around playing scenarios when I listen to music, it’s so fucking embarrassing because I can’t listen to music if I don’t do this. I’m detoxing myself though.
I used to jump for three straight hours before.

No. 2451861

This is good. This is stimulation and exercise. Consider not "detoxing" yourself, and continue doing this for your mental and physical health.

No. 2451875

It’s not good when your mom comes to check on you and sees you sweaty and panting because you were jumping around kek, this was some years ago.

No. 2451876

What sort of scenarios?
I've pretended to be an artist performing the songs and dancing on stage before, it was certainly a good workout. And a pretty common thing to do I think.

No. 2451882

>I have a whole other persona where I’m famous and sing the song I listen to
>I have scenarios of different OCs of the different shows I watch and I use the music as a background and have my own AMV I guess kek
Anyway it’s embarrassing

No. 2451921

My brother does this too. Instead I space out while imagining something to the point that when I snap out I have my hands in odd positions kek. We are just having fun!!

No. 2451924

File: 1742410049352.jpg (28.13 KB, 612x418, 1000141789.jpg)

Dear nonnas, be cringe, be free, just dance around, walk around, jump around, and look at your relatives/friends/roommates/pocketmoid in the eyes while doing so, my family doesn't ask about it and assume I'm just working out.

No. 2451926

Anon, you're so funny. You could have just said you were exercising. Which you were.

No. 2451939

Omg I do this too. I imagine myself being the singer and performing in front of my crush or my coworkers like in a demented disney movie and then they all clap kek

No. 2451953

File: 1742410857738.jpeg (10.02 KB, 302x167, images.jpeg)

>You think your friend is smart enough to see this post right here and immidiately start piecing together that it's YOU that's always responding to her?
Absolutely no way fam kek she doesn't use /ot much. It's not always me responding to her as I don't catch all of her posts, I just know it's hers when I do see it. At no point have I been the single person to reply to her posts, multiple anons do. And she screenshots all posts so it's not like everything she shows me is what I wrote either. I'm not even the only person in our friend group she shares them with as she often also posts them in our girl group chat. Wouldn't surprise me if some of the others stepped in to defend her posts sometimes after she's outed herself.
>Bestie, is that you?
Yes, * it's me!
>It defeats the whole purpose of being anonymous ugh.
She's the one who started it by sharing her own posts telling others like me "look at what I wrote on lc and what people replied to me". So I don't feel guilty for just assuming an anonymous post could be her. The fact that I happen to be successful a lot of the time isn't my fault. There's a couple of occasions I think I've been wrong. To be clear I never reply to her posts after she's showed them to me, that defeats the game in guessing that it is indeed her post.

No. 2451957

Adorable, based, keep at it girlies!

No. 2452047

I wanted to post booty & puss but I don't want to get banned

No. 2452083

File: 1742417237882.jpeg (105.09 KB, 749x675, 0E71C0EC-7C03-4920-9747-C858C0…)

I scratch the dry patches of my scalp till they bleed so I can pick the scabs off the next day

No. 2452094

File: 1742417455908.jpg (81.45 KB, 923x1141, 1000004954.jpg)

as a kid i never gave a fuck about aunts and uncles i never saw and now as an adult i dont gaf about nephews i never see either. like, i dont send pictures of my pets to my brother b/c i know he doesnt care for animals but he sends me a pic of one of my nephews with mess all over his face and i gotta fawn over it or they think im some kind of evil childhater. these kids arent even old enough to remember they have an aunt out of state, it shouldn't offend ppl that im not that invested

No. 2452127

Maybe it's the autism but I don't care either. If I don't have a relationship with them how am I supposed to care. I haven't seen these people in over 10 years.

No. 2452146

i thought you were going to say you use AI to write your assignments but all you did is just turn a book into an audiobook? >>2449348 boohoo that's so ebiiilll and immoral!!! how could you?????

No. 2452195

File: 1742420854236.gif (8.28 MB, 640x488, bye-chat.gif)

I love lying on the internet, making up fake stories to make myself seem more interesting is so much fun ♥

No. 2452209

same here nona, I have a sister who never even liked me. She has two kids, I get the birthday and christmas presents, but I never message my sister. I tolerate the kids and prefer them to my sister but I don't know my sister? what have these kids to do with me? She has also hijacked every holiday but my mom is equally autistic as I am and doesn't fawn over kids, but she does see and like them a normal amount. I just hate unorganic intimacy.

No. 2452212

same, I often use anonymity as a weapon and enter random conversations just to derail them and cause arguments on purpose

No. 2452215

In what ways do you usually lie? Sometimes I consider doing it but I'm not sure which lies would be the most fun

No. 2452240

File: 1742421791128.png (430.11 KB, 640x537, EuBnJ_1WgAEfR1r.png)

I like making up long, fake life stories, I like creative writing, so for me it's just a fun writing exercise. I also find it funny that anons believe what I say without proof, I never had a situation where someone called me out on my bs.
Funny thing is that I almost never lie in real life, not even white lies, I just do it online.

No. 2452445

File: 1742425469642.jpg (17.42 KB, 384x384, 32659.jpg)

I have posted in the amerifag thread even though I'm not american

No. 2452494

That's what my mom does every christmas, too.

No. 2452524

seeing people insult others online is kinda funny to me because I can't help but imagine if they'd be so bold in real life. I remember when someone was shit talking another girl - I think it was about her looks or race - and all I did was side eye her and her eyes bulged and she looked like she shit her pants or something. wasn't even trying to be intimidating.

No. 2452698

This is more common than you'd think

No. 2452710

I've never had an energy drink in my life and plan to keep it that way. I don't even feel like I'm special or different from people who have, it's just funny to be a virgin with energy drinks

No. 2452804

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I willingly post inflammatory opinions on both sides in containment threads just to see the chimp fight against themselves. I find it better than being in a infight

No. 2452807

So you're the monkeys and the guys betting on them? What a con.

No. 2452813

No I'm the guy with the stick with a banana on it. And I bet on both monkeys to be baited

No. 2452837

you're the masterbaiter nona

No. 2452843

File: 1742434912323.png (576.09 KB, 1733x879, 1737748021830.png)

Dont word it like that

No. 2452853

File: 1742435334780.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1284x2047, IMG_5707.jpeg)

I always judge scrotes in age gap relationships like this but in a hypocrite because my bf and I have the same age gap. I’m subconsciously jealous because it’s easier and more socially acceptable for them.

No. 2452855

ew he looks like that caveman from baki

No. 2452860

They both look so retarded kek

No. 2452870

Holy shit you’re right… I’m crying

No. 2452878

File: 1742436150878.png (44.16 KB, 498x162, IMG_9337.png)

I can’t go into much detail but when i was a young sheltered retard, i once put my face into the ass of my older brothers girlfriend as a “joke” and she told my parents and brother. Im so embarrassed and It still keeps me up at night i can’t believe i did that shit.

No. 2452890

Kek what was the thought process behind this? I was always a sheltered retard and I can't even imagine doing that.

No. 2452893

They're milking the age-gap hard.

No. 2452901

I haven't looked at lolcow in 3 days. A big deal for me.

No. 2452905

I was attracted to women but didn’t know it at the time. I was reallly sheltered. I only learned what sex was when i was about 16.

No. 2452916

I usually lie when I argue with people online and want to make my arguments seem more valid.
Person 1
>Recent studies show that plant-based diets are better for heart health.
>As a cardiologist I can tell you that plant-based diets are actually not nearly as effective as you're suggesting. I’ve treated hundreds of patients and the data you’re citing is wrong and biased.

No. 2452956

A sin on this site, but god i feel so blinded by the fact that Michael Jackson is a pedo because i enjoy his music so much. I was even devastated when he died because i'd never get to hear new music from him again. Now i have to settle for the weeknd who is a degen, but at least he doesn'y diddle kids. I yearn for music by a man in a silly high pitched voice, sue me.

No. 2452959

Me with literally every 50s male musician.

No. 2452963

I mean MJ was a trailblazing musician don't get me wrong but I don't and never have reached for hi music, plus him being a gay pedophile is as obvious as R Kelly peeing on teenage girls

No. 2452990

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We got a scary twisted cycle path here guyys.

No. 2452992

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>4 days ago
Stop living the past. That anon probably has a whole new identity by now

No. 2452998

I name my pet after a degen anime. I love her dearly and the name sounds like something religious so nobody knows this.

No. 2452999

this is why i want lolcow to stay niche forever. 4chan could never have shit like this happen kek.

No. 2453003

I love my niece and love babysitting her but i hate my brother and feel intense hatred whenever hes around and it’s so hard pretending i dont hate him but i have to if i wanna see my niece kek

No. 2453007

>and it’s so hard pretending i dont hate him but i have to if i wanna see my niece kek
That makes sense. Do what you have to nona

No. 2453008

Kek i know but we all know one lolcow minute is equal to 2 earth days so i might as well

No. 2453162

it definitely does on slow boards. a few months ago some of us trolled this idiot on /cgl/ and he got mad and flounced.

No. 2453241

The deathfats thread really made me wonder how people get so fucking fat. I don't know how it happens. Personally I eat whatever i want whenever I want, never exercise, am in my late 30s and am only in the slightly overweight bmi (like 1 digit). I like soda and snacks and beefaroni. I eat entire containers of oreos in one sitting sometimes, never portion anything, I just eat anytime I get hungry. I don't understand why I am fine. Even my health is totally fine. I don't leave my house other than once or twice a week and walk less than 5k steps when I do. It's just baffling.

No. 2453245

It's your metabolism, which is influenced by genetics! Pretty neat, huh?

No. 2453262

I thought that was a fattychan myth. Atleast everyone claims it is. That's neat though!

No. 2453419

File: 1742471917275.jpg (103.91 KB, 1115x1345, hexbugs.JPG)

When I was younger I stole my cousin’s hexbugs and attempted to masturbate with one. If you don’t know, they are basically little vibrating pills with silicone feet so when you turn them on and place them on the ground, they skitter across the ground like bugs. In my mind, these looked all too suitable for placement on the clitoris.
They are, however very hard, as well as angular in all the wrong places. If you think the silicone feet would feel nice, they do not. They are very stiff and feel like a comb. Not exactly painful, but not anything to write home about.
He never got one of them back. The blue one, to be exact.

No. 2453423

Thank you for posting this, I had always wanted to know how it would feel to attempt to masturbate with one but I felt too ashamed buying a toy like this to use for that. I ended up just getting a normal bullet vibe.

No. 2453430

Based on the obese people I know irl, you're more likely to be that fat if you were taught horrible habits as a child so you feel hungry all the time even if you have eaten more than enough food to sustain yourself. And most of the people I know who are morbidly obese but not deathfat are kind of in denial so they know their weight is excessive, they logically know they eat too much but they don't realize to what extent. One of them has hormonal issues that don't help and she was raised by her crazy OCD jewish family so everyone in her family acts like they have an eating disorder from all the religious restrictions. She admitted that as soon as she lived alone without anyone threatening to beat her up for eating non kosher food she started eating total garbage to compensate. Deathfat people who can't even get up and cook or order food by themselves tend to have an enabler.

No. 2453440

Metabolism is definitely real, mine got destroyed by radiotherapy and the difference what I can eat without gaining weight since then is pretty depressing, like 700 cal less per day to maintain the same weight.

The effects are super exaggerated by the deathfatties though which is why some people call it a myth.

No. 2453451


Anecdotal, but the obese adults I have known (never known anyone who is quite as large as a death fat), it also seems tied to trauma and/or alcohol addiction. I knew an obese woman who actually lost weight during her pregnancy because she wasn't able to drink.

No. 2453475

Deathfats are constantly eating. Every 10 minutes they have to have something in their mouth. And not just a normally snack either, but an entire pack of Oreos (you eat one in a day, they eat 3), ramen, cheeseburgers. Their bodies never feel sated and they think about food all the time too. You'll be hanging out with one and the subjects they bring up are "have you tried x thing from KFC? I ate a new candy yesterday, it was so good. What's your favorite ice cream?" They'll eat more than one kilo at lunch or dinner. The amount of food they eat is unfathomable to you.

No. 2453481

>I just eat anytime I get hungry.
Fat people eat when they are bored.

No. 2453503

>I like creative writing, so for me it's just a fun writing exercise. I also find it funny that anons believe what I say without proof
It's mutual, I take answering as a creative exercise. Doesn't matter if I think it's a fake post I answer as if it's serious because that's the fun of the game! It's like a little roleplay

No. 2453594

Kek i used to masturbate eith hex bugs and this moving hamster toy i had til i finally bought a real vibrator.

No. 2454011

I love making fun of fat and ugly people. I'm proud that I have not and never will let myself go to the point of becoming obese, and I'm proud of my natural good looks. Only thing I regret is not being richer so I could take better care of my appearance. This is something I could never discuss with my radfem friends, so I'm glad I have this site where I can make fun of ugly landwhales and trannies alike.

No. 2454086

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I know about secret milk about this pretty well-known female streamer/content creator but all of the milk I could find is sparse/has been deleted and actively suppressed where almost very few only know about it unless you truly look for it or someone else randomly mentions it and sends you into a rabbithole. The milk only came from the aloggers of her current partner but it’s still good, messy, trashy delicious milk. Anyways it’s not serious milk, it’s just really funny because it would go against the innocent good gorl unproblematic image if people found out she was a cheating whore. I’m sure even if it got thoroughly proven and exposed that nobody would care since cheating culture is heavily normalized now (side chicks, side dudes, baby mamas, all of that) but I’ve been waiting and still waiting if some retarded internet slapfight drama happens and then it just gets immediately exposed. I’m so petty and bitter I just want to see a bunch of people’s careers and reputations destroyed right in front of me kek

No. 2454413

I miss the era of cringe usernames like "xXxst3v3nscr34mzxXx" or "imm0rtalwolfgirl01"

No. 2454606

File: 1742522897138.jpg (35.15 KB, 616x521, text me BACK.jpg)

im on hinge and tinder almost exclusively for the ego boost. i have little to no interest in dating rn but i like seeing how many people i find attractive also swiped right or liked my profile kek

No. 2454620

You take your youth and health for granted, someday you might be fat.

No. 2454645

Nta but I'm going to remain lithe like my grandparents. My mum also got more fit since becoming a widow. If she wasn't my ma I'd think she'd got a bbl, she just walks on the beach everyday. Fuck I wish I was retired

No. 2454729

thought my pussy stank but i just checked and it smells like glue and froot loops.

No. 2454751

You have bv

No. 2454755

My cats LOVE LOVE LOVE a dry food that smells extra yeasty, and I feel self conscious every time I sit down on the sofa and can smell it.

No. 2454756

No. 2454820

What are you implying

No. 2454862

i have a crush on my online best friend, she likes me too im sure, sucks bc we live in two different countries, bordering at least. i try to date ppl, but i just keep thinking of how theyre her. been like this for 4 years. i want to meet up with her, i wonder if ill like her irl as much as i do on the webz

No. 2454983

I hate hanging out with groups of women. There’s an absolutely cursed effect where they all start putting themselves down, ie im so stupid/ugly/old etc and then the reply is no I am so ugly/fat and it just turns into this self-reinforcing miasma. It just drags me down. I know they have to vent and we all have some insecurities or whatever but I just have no patience for it and the more of them there are the worse it is. Inb4 not all women yea I know this I still hate this phenomenon.

No. 2455001

In a perfect world I would like to be a mother and have a daughter, but the reason why I’m childfree and even relationship-free is the way mothers are treated, by both society and their male partners. I think women sacrifice way too much in hetero relationships. Also the danger pregnant women face from their intimate partners deeply scares me and I also wouldn’t want to be forever tied to a man.

No. 2455049

I feel the same, which is why I'm strongly considering having a kid on my own via donor sperm. I always thought I didn't want kids, but then I realized most of my serious fears and concerns revolved around the father (worst case scenarios like abuse, cheating or custody battles, but also 'normal' shit like judging my post partum body or expecting sex too soon or not pulling their weight around the house). Cut the moid out of the picture and suddenly everything seems manageable because there won't be some potentially dangerous uncontrolled variable with massive power over me and any children for the rest of our lives. Mitigating that much risk makes me so, so much more optimistic about having a child.

No. 2455066

Told the guy I like at work that I like him and would like to go out sometime, it was well received but why am I so autistic. Why could I not have flirted like everyone else. Terrible and now I regret it

No. 2455175

I know my period is coming cause the ex i haven't though about for the past month I suddenly want to dox him and make him khs and also target his fat friend who pisses me off.

No. 2455191

I regret the last guy I dated so much. He was a rock bottom type of situation. If my step dad didn't die a few months into it all I would have ended it far sooner. I'm not even sure what his teeth looked like cause he was so fucking insecure and always covering his mouth or barely fucking talking. He threw up gak from smoking every morning and never cleaned his bathrooms. Gave me hpv and the worst thing is the sex was shit and the one memory I can't shake is when he was doing it from behind and I turned to look at him and it's so indescribable how ugly he looked and out of shape. He was skinnier than me and couldn't last long and wouldn't let me take the lead cause he was a massive pussy with an inferiority complex. I wish I could just get rid of that fucking image from my brain. It's like an intrusive thought and when it happens in public I have to literally shake it off and omg. Somehow the men I've met in my 30s have been so much worse than the dudes in the teens and 20s which is mental. I'm going to die alone

No. 2455193

Mothers are treated better than single childfree woman and young girls. Stop believing in the propaganda that mothers aren’t respected, if they weren’t they wouldn’t be able to use their “mother” title to spiritually and emotionally damage their children and use her title to allow predators (XYs) into the home at will. Women are the closest to their children yet they don’t have “control” over who gets to be around them? Yeah, nah, the family unit is still respected, stay offline and go observe IRL that mother and father are in the female oppression game together.

No. 2455195

Same, the new trend of "funny" usernames is so lame.

No. 2455201

this is a wild post because you are disrespecting mothers yourself kek women are mistreated regardless of their status as mother or not

No. 2455203

You traumatised that poor hexbug for life, you monster

No. 2455209

Pointing facts on what mothers do is not “disrespecting”, what’s disrespectful is that you think mothers should be able to get away with their assistance of scrotedom because they are mothers, proving my point that mothers have a higher status over other women and are therefore untouchable and can’t be criticized.

No. 2455267

and where did I say they can't be criticized? your posts reek of mummy issues, I'm sorry she didn't treat you well but most mother's do a great job and are still disrepected by society at large because they're women.

No. 2455272

Opinion discarded.

No. 2455274

you're clearly upset kek maybe one day she'll love you anon(infighting)

No. 2455275

No I think I’m upset because you’re br*tish and have gaps in your teeth that can have trains run into them like tunnels.(bait/self-censoring)

No. 2455278

why are you self-censoring?

No. 2455279

NTA but I use my Bong teeth for the greater good of our glorious metrolink and rail services you scurvy cunt

No. 2455281

kekkk the queen would be so proud

No. 2455282

taking your anger out on anon because she is a bong will not make your mummy love you(infighting)

No. 2455286

I feel like kind of a bitch when I reject people who ask me out. I’m never mean about it I always am very chill like I’m married lol and let them down gently but it makes me feel like a cunt

No. 2455290

australlians and Canadians (most) also use 'u' for mum

No. 2455295

The answer is asking your parents were you verbal as a child or not
There’s enough cavities in your britbong teeth to hide muslim rape gangs from the knife permit cops
I’m actually close to my mom. I’m just tired of having reasonable arguments and people interjecting personal fairy tales as to why mothers are not disrespected and hold a higher status than other women. Mothers are not innocent from keeping patriarchy alive, that’s just facts.(infighting)

No. 2455300

>I’m actually close to my mom.
so stop disrepecting her kek according to you mothers just use their title to "spiritually and emotionally damage their children and use her title to allow predators (XYs) into the home at will". so which is it? is yours a 'not-all-mothers!!' or did she abuse you and throw you to an XY?(infighting)

No. 2455304

NTA and she's having a weird meltdown, but two things can be true. Women are definitely mistreated in society, but there have been a lot of cases where mothers were given leniency because they are mothers. Situations where authorities will not step in because she is the mother of the children, as opposed to a babysitter or stranger. It's been discussed on this site and threads in this board before.
But I don't think it really matters in the long run. We're in confession thread, not unpopular opinions.

No. 2455305

I’m not disrespecting her individually I’m criticizing the role mothers as a class play when it comes to upholding and uplifting the patriarchy. Get a grip, seriously

No. 2455307

definitely not most canadians, don't lump us in with them

No. 2455309

Oh you're totally right, and I agree. I just found ops posts hilarious because she was trying to make a point about mothers having more respect than childfree women, while simultaneously disrepecting them through insinuating they're at fault for moid behaviour.
you've calmed down, did mother come and give you a hug? good for you anon(infighting)

No. 2455398

When I argue with someone or someone greatly disappoints me I fantasize to kill myself and leave a suicide note where I blame them for it.

No. 2455410

> He threw up gak from smoking every morning
Smokers are my nightmares, I would never date one. Someone who chronically smokes just has that “smell” on their skin, mouth and clothes.

No. 2455413

yeah ur just a poor mans america

No. 2455418

> can't shake is when he was doing it from behind and I turned to look at him and it's so indescribable how ugly he looked and out of shape
What did you even like about him nonna? From the sound of it it sounds like they were keeping you at gunpoint to be with this man, but that wasn’t the case. What compels a woman to stay with a scrote that repulses her this much? Fear of being alone ? I’d rather be alone with my rose toy than be with this scrote you described kek.

No. 2455436

I have the choice between a paid for vacation where I could meet a barkeeper again that was super sweet, or I could stay at home with my partner I generally want to lose this year, but I don't know when or how since he relies on just me and my money.. but he makes me feel like shit all the time. Today he screamed at me for nothing again, moments after he came home.. and I don't want to live like this anymore. I take care of the animals, (dogs, cats, chickens), I do everything in the yard, tell him what to do, he has to go through re-education for a new job..

Now.i don't want to go on the vacation bc I'm afraid I'll cheat or kiss that barkeeper. But at the same time I'm afraid to stay home bc he'll now be here every night and I just can't tolerate most shit anymore.

No. 2455440

File: 1742578042653.webp (80.47 KB, 850x863, IMG_1772.webp)

Dumb dumb. Another one who acts like they’re keeping her hostage in a relationship, you don’t have the ovaries to leave but you have the ovaries to cheat?

No. 2455442

>Today he screamed at me for nothing again
Uhh grab a fucking cast iron pan and hit that piece of shit in the head with it? The fuck

No. 2455445

>I'll cheat.
I hope you’ll use a condom for fucking at least but
>kiss that barkeeper
Some of you nonnas aren’t afraid of herpes enough in my opinion.

No. 2455454

“Nonnas my boyfriend is the love of my life except he treats me like shit , is jobless, uses my money and makes me do all house chores. What should I do?”

No. 2455457

if seeing a dr at your job on the down low b/c you're not on their insurance is medical fraud, im about to you know what nevermind

No. 2455459

And he probably fucked 10 other girls in the meantime kekk

No. 2455478

Feel like a hostage. There's a kid involved (not mine) but I'm the one she tells about the abuse with her mom and step dad. My partner relies on my money to keep a flat (I'm no longer allowed to send him home to, meaning I can't escape for any time ever— which is seen as hostile and not in the interest of reconciliation.)

I'm not afraid I'll cheat, and I certainly don't plan on it. I guess I do just miss being seen as anything i am right now. Screamed at for complaining that he didn't get me any birthday/christmas presents, but used my card to pay for nieces and brothers presents. I feel so used and lonely (ass end of country side, I only habe him in person)

Yesh I'm a shit person, i want away from him desperately, but am too terrified of his reaction.. I'm sorry.

No. 2455489

Didn't you complain about this guy in vent thread? What is it with you and "not being allowed" to kick him out?
Kick this faggot out, dump his stuff, buy security locks for the windows, and change the locks on all the doors in your house.
>but this little girl relies on me!
She's not your kid, and what are you even doing for her? Listening to her abuse and going "sorry, that sucks"? You're not doing anything concrete to help her, file a report with CPS and get the fuck on.

No. 2455494

You are still a dumb dumb and now a shit person, but to yourself.
What are you even doing for this girl? You can’t even adopt her or anything. Is the father your partner?
There’s literally nothing that is forcing you to be with this bum apart from yourself, so don’t complain retard.

No. 2455510

just leave, suffering in silence isn't noble and you're setting a terrible example for that little girl

No. 2455514

Read the post again and tell me where I mentionned youth and health. And no, I won't be obese, I take care of myself.

No. 2455525

I did. I was glad to discover that the school had already filed with child protective services in my country, we called them before they called us since she did confide in a school therapist first but we heard earlier and wanted answers. Her mom and stepdad wanted to sit her father down to explain what happened, I was told I had no place to be there, I agreed.

They had hit her, they were upset about child protective services up in their ass and I genuinely don't believe my Partner even cares. "That's just how parents sometimes are." Like no they aren't and he's defending his ex after having talked to her for 8 hours. My mom might have given me like 4 slaps in a lifetime, but how the kid described it? I feel so twistedly caught up in everything. I should take responsibility.

I genuinely don't know when and how to bow out. How could i keep the contact with the little one? Am I taking on too much responsibility?

No. 2455542

I want away and out so bad. I'm just so terrified of his reaction. It's so funny, my friend who I managed to get out of a terrible relationship recommemded him to me. Now i feel bad about complaining about him to her. She had it much, much worse too.

No. 2455558

Yes, get out. What makes you think you're so important to be involved anyway? If she or CPS contact YOU then go from there, otherwise the school and child services have this in hand.
And everything to do with her has nothing to do with this relationship. Does he hit you, or are you just afraid of a screaming meltdown? Look up resources for domestic violence or go to /g/ for relationship advice. Your constant crying and repeating yourself over and over makes you sound like a genuine low iq retard.

No. 2455885

I can’t imagine messing up my life for a kid that’s not mine but maybe I’m just a heartless bitch

No. 2455949

whenever i get annoyed at my dog, i watch videos of pitbulls mauling little dogs and feel instantly grateful for him

No. 2456113

lol no you did the right thing, I would rather have someone do that than attempt to flirt with me cause it's impossible to tell if someone is legitimately flirting with me or just being friendly/bantering, especially at work. I can't tell you the amount of times I thought someone was into me and then they were just being nice

nta most people naturally have a harder time keeping weight off as they get older even if they stay active, and you could also end up getting some health condition that makes it harder to be active and keep the weight off like psoriatic arthritis which hits you out of nowhere and causes skin problems too

No. 2456266

This is going to sound confused as hell, but sometimes i feel like an incel because i feel like if boys did approach me or show me any interest when i was a naive teenager or in my early 20s, i would have given dating a chance. I believe that still being a virgin in my late 20s is still a choice in the sense that i've observed aesthetically challenged women like myself act very desperate and try to date, but i've never felt compelled to copy them, even though some are successful mainly because i have unreasonably high expectations in what man i want to date, also i just have never been physically attracted to anyone irl. I do feel insanely weird having no experience with men at all so late into my 20s because almost every woman regardless of what they look like has had at least one boyfriend by now. There is a part of me that wants to date at least once just so i can know first hand what it's like, kind of like wanting to see the grand canyon or something. I'm surrounded by ugly and annoying moids i'd never want to share a bed with so i guess i will never know.

No. 2456402

File: 1742618478157.jpg (27.36 KB, 641x350, 1000001997.jpg)

The funniest way I like to bother this new gen on the Internet is to call them a pedo mid argument. They are scared shitless over accusations and terrified of being in "exposing" videos because they're brain rotted by Tumblr moralfagging, anti edgy, and seeing how people get witch hunted online. They are absolutely scared of any of that stuff happening to them, especially with "believe all victims!!" They know at least a handful of people will believe me with no proof. Just disagree with any zoomer online, take the tiktok comment section for instance. Once you have them responding to you about whatever, twist the argument into something that implies they said what they said because they're a pedo. They shit their pants immediately kek

No. 2456511

Can you give an example bona? Might come handy later

No. 2456513

I was in a very similar boat, almost exactly the same except a little older. I tried dating and, yeah, I couldn't find anyone I was attracted to. You're not missing out on much honestly.

No. 2456603

I thought you were talking about gen A until you mentioned tumblr

No. 2456630

Again, I didn't mention being merely chubby or fat, I specifically said obesity. So it's really weird how some of you are insisting that I'll become obese one day. Whatever, I'm done with this conversation.

No. 2457027

I hate masturbating so much. I don't do it often because it makes me feel disgusting and like a coomer moid who can't control his animal instincts but sometimes I get horny and it seems like a good idea.

No. 2457044

It shouldn't make you feel disgusting it should put you in a good mood lol

No. 2457062

Spend less time on this website. This is an example of what a Twitter libfem (idc she was right) meant when she said being overly aggressive with shaming moids for certain things, will eventually loop back around to shaming yourself when you want to do it too if you’re not careful. There’s a balance.

No. 2457099

It literally doesn't matter. Do what you want.

No. 2457100

A bit late but I also like to make fun of obese people and I like that nobody cares as much about the HAES movement online because its main advocates are dying from obesity these days.

No. 2457150

I pity ugly people and I don’t make fun of them or treat them badly, they cannot control it. Think of yourself too, you’re probably uglier than you think you are kek.
Fat people are a free zone though, they do annoy me.

No. 2457153

Honey you’ll never reach the level of degeneracy of a scrote kek, don’t compare yourself to that. A coomer is most of the time a porn addict who watches porn to the pint that it hinders his life and who consumes brutal content too because at a certain point they fry all their dopamine receptors and they need more and more each time. Gross, they should be all shot dead.
With that being said you didn’t offer much information, how often do you do it? Do you do it that much to the point that it hinders your personal life? Do you also watch porn?

No. 2457315

File: 1742673563458.jpg (114.78 KB, 1198x1200, FDIgmXPX0AY11G0.jpg)

I am happy with the fact my aunt who used to be the live-in whore of a rich dude is now selling her ass for weed to her former rich friends because thats the best she can do at fifty. I would never feel this way towards any other woman but she'd gloat about how good her life was for just letting an old rich moid fuck her and called working women and feminists bitter and ugly and made fun of immigrant poor mothers (despite herself being an immigrant) Good luck now you dumb bitch, who's laughing now?

No. 2457568

you could still become obese, especially if you're short. it's more possible than you think.

No. 2457782

I know a lot of people hate this ship, but I really like JetSpike from Cowboy Bebop.

No. 2457784

It's okay I want Ganondorf to fuck Link, obviously adult Link, please I am not one of those

No. 2457801

thanks for the kindness, nonnie

No. 2457807

No one was thinking otherwise nonnie kek

No. 2457813

I had to get ahead of it because I just know one nonnie is going to bring it up either to be silly or to fuck with me kek

No. 2457931

Im reading the newest Hunger Games book (Sunrise on the Reaping) and I am legit open-mouthed sobbing kek this book is honestly so fanservicy and I fall for that shit hook line and sinker brava Suzanne Collins

No. 2457972

Not a confession per se but just dumping it here because ita 1 am and I have no fucking idea where to put this: I am chronically terrified of my future, well of the future of anyone as a whole. Recently I learnt a v ery good teacher I had in school was rendered paraplegic after a car crash, his two sons took care of him for a couple of years but had turned out to have been draining his savings, when the two fuckers fled his oldest daughter had to return from abroad to help her father. He had been so neglected by the sons that he only lived a couple of more months.
This man that worked hard to help every kid suceed in his subject and feel comfortable at school wasted away in such horrible way. This is what makes me freeze most of the day, that the future will be so bleak and horrible that every outcome is nightmarish.
I have been (possibly) sabotaging myself because I want to die subconsciously as a result of the fear of the future, and having my schizophrenia worsens over the years. I have it from my grandfather's side (he had an episode while working, attacked another worker and two others jumped on him, he was blungeoned to death)
Sorry for the vent, I have no one to tell this(wrong thread)

No. 2457977

If you know this is a vent, then perhaps it goes in the vent thread.

No. 2457989

i will, thank you nona

No. 2458044

Many such cases. It’s pretty retarded to completely rely financially on a scrote and being jobless, without your own money.

No. 2458196

Sometimes I wish I could lab grow random pairs' babies just to see what would happen

No. 2458365

I resent my boyfriend for being Jewish and have fantasized about physically assaulting him on numerous occasions. Also I say stuff like implying he’d rape our eventual kids or that he thinks of me as a sex object to press his buttons because I really don’t think he’s suffered enough. I love my boyfriend, but he needs to be put in his place like most moids(bait)

No. 2458367

>Also I say stuff like implying he’d rape our eventual kids
Why why why would you put that in his head if it's not already there? Moids take that crap as permission.

No. 2458368

He was legitimately disgusted and disturbed by that, so hopefully not. I’ve also misandristsperged to him on numerous occasions. I am addicted to making my boyfriend feel like shit

No. 2458381

This is fucking weird, why bring baby rape into it? Like why were you thinking about him raping your offspring?

No. 2458389

I wasn’t thinking about it. I said it to piss him off and make it upset.

No. 2458401

Why are you dating a man that you think would rape your kids? Even if it was a retarded joke you didn't even think about before saying? You're fucking a guy you think would rape your kids.

No. 2458413

i don't want to live without my gf! i want to set myself alight in what remains of her apartment!

No. 2458417

Okay, but why?

No. 2458421

Wait sorry I had a minute to think about this. It's bait, right?

No. 2458423

this is actually really fucked up, the fact you thought of raping babies.. you are a sick pedo just for doing so. even if you say it was a 'joke' you are no better than scrotes who joke about it too

No. 2458424

It's bait, nonna.

No. 2458436

I actually dont think it is

No. 2458448

I don't want to believe somebody this retarded exists

No. 2458466

You're dating a man that you think will rape your children in your own words. You're fucking a man you genuinely believe will rape your children because of his religion kek, so you must be fine with that thought.

No. 2458468

It has to be bait. She started with randomly bringing up that her bf is Jewish, going right into baiting him about child abuse because several nonnas here would probably think fantasizing about assaulting your bf is based, saying "misandistsperged" in a reply. Like if it's not bait, I'd be genuinely impressed because it reads like a /pol/ regular trying to sound like one of the girls.

No. 2458478

Then don't date him? Being single is way easier than whatever weird nonsense you're involved with.

No. 2458480

>fucking a moid you think would raoe your children
>insinuates that he deserves to be told he would rape his children due to how he "really is"
So you're a schizo pickme fucking a man you think would rape babies? Can I ask if you have an eating disorder too because I've never really seen this level of retardation and hostility from someone who doesn't have an eating disorder.

No. 2458489

Then clearly he's at least, somewhat a weirdo who you shouldn't be dating? Or maybe you should, if you're this nuts. A match made in heaven

No. 2458502

> sjw
imagine calling someone an sjw because they think you saying your boyfriend would rape babies is disgusting

No. 2458504

Shizo pedo freak, kys

No. 2458510

Then just leave, it's not that hard m8

No. 2458511

its not that, its that YOU bought up and even think of him raping babies

No. 2458517

Girl. Just leave if you think he's going to rape babies.

No. 2458523

If the baiter comes back report and ignore.

No. 2458547

Can we please start banning for responding to obvious bait? Anons need to learn somehow.

No. 2458811

if it's just because you wanna know what they look like you could use faceapp

No. 2459259

one time i was at a bar and i found a wallet on the ground. i could tell from the id it belonged to a scrote so i took the credit card and used it to buy drinks all night. then at the end of the night i put the card back and returned it to the bartender saying i had just found it. sorry random scrote.

No. 2459277

I prefer men under 6' because I'm barely 5' and being around tall moids scares me. My dad and brothers are all 6'+

No. 2459306

I'm in my 30s and have the humor of a 10yo. I need to grow up as they say, but it's too late now. I'm still laughing at toilet humor-level and adjacent jokes

No. 2459351

I've had the same sense of humour my whole life but toilet humour is moid-humour and annoying imo. Like if you think of a good friend you've known forever, they probably find the same type of stuff funny they always have just like you

No. 2459619

I like being dogpiled online because it makes me feel relevant and adds some spice into my life

No. 2459622

>Sorry random scrote
WEAK. He should be thankful he paid reparations for being XY.

No. 2459631

You did the right thing. Don't feel bad.

No. 2459903

Bought a shitton of crap when last month and I don't even know why. An order from aliexpress just arrived and it was 3 extremely similar lipsticks and some more assorted makeup. I rarely wear makeup, why the fuck did I do this?

No. 2459922

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I fell in love with a character that I enjoyed the lore of. His story is precious and I think he deserves more content due to the way his experiences are portrayed in the game. His voice actor is a woman but I chalked that up to being on the younger side.
>mfw I found out the official source says he's 14.

No. 2460181

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I think some people with Down syndrome are adorable. It warms my heart when they try their best to overcome their disability and work a job or something.

No. 2460186

My confession is that the woman in this picture looks like me

No. 2460199

Don’t want to generalize but the few times I came across one at my previous work they were just genuinely nice, happy to do their jobs well and pleasant to be around. Much more than I can say for the teenagers and early 20-somethings with attitude who glare at everyone at the cash register and act as if you’re beneath them for existing, as if the place didn’t offer the best hourly rates and benefits in my country for young people’s first jobs.

No. 2460211

you look like petah griffin?

No. 2460226

Where I live they hire downies/mentally deficient in a specific big drugstore in the very city center (just something I noticed bc you rarely see one working here and that place seems to take them a lot) and yeah. Always nice and really trying

No. 2460229

my confession is they kind of scare me, the same way midgets also scare me. the proportions and the sameface creep me out.

No. 2460286

Where I live, there's a café where all the employees have down syndrome. I love seeing them all happy to work and they have such great service.

No. 2460494

I watch caseoh all the time and find him really funny

No. 2460497

next pandemic gives everyone downs babies and the next generation is happy but the last.

No. 2460499

There was a pretty big group of people with down syndrome at my old college and I loved them, they were all so friendly and happy to be there.

No. 2460638

I laughed about Blaire White being an alien/UFO conspiracy theorist while I’m even farther down the rabbit hole, way more schizo about it and similar topics and semi-believe the Prison Planet conspiracy

No. 2460689

I used to watch Jerma, is he similar?

No. 2460706

i think jerma's a little more intelligent

No. 2460869

Not sure, don’t watch him. He plays indie horror games which I like. I find his discord media sessions funny when his fans edit “thirst videos” but they are actually photos of him edited to make him bald or really ugly

No. 2461007

Tried getting high one more time and it once again gave me a terrible internal dialogue while everything felt and looked demonic. I was getting close to wanting to shoot myself or run to the hospital to make it stop. I'm sticking to drinks after this.

No. 2461494

I take so much pleasure in the fact that anyone who sees a recent photo of my abusive thieving ex never forgets him. He's so super morbidly obese now that people are disgusted by him. I hope he never loses weight and I can't wait to see him in court. Maybe this time he'll actually show up.

No. 2461525

I didn't tell the landlord about our two cats to avoid pet fees. $250 extra deposit each and then pet rent that's $40 per pet on top of that? What are they gonna do, take their ass to work? The landlord is very hands off, I've never met him and only have contact with him through email. I looked through Reddit for opinions before I moved in and I was shocked at the amount of people defending the large deposits and fees.

No. 2461994

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I feel attracted to people who are taken

No. 2461999

Same anon, he's quite the character and very entertaining.

No. 2462020

I think anyone who has bought illegal drugs [fent, cocaine, street pills etc] should be publically shamed as hard as men that have been Me Too'd, white people N-word droppers, and celeb cheaters are. The drug trade is IMO the single most evil thing that exists. It causes a non-insignificant percentage of the world and society's ills. The amount of harm it does nearly globally to the poor, children, and women should never be discounted.

No. 2462021

You should have put this in the unpopular opinions thread because druggies get harsher punishment than a lot of violent criminals.

No. 2462025

While I don't agree that druggies should get harsher penalties than violent criminals I do think that anyone who is in prison for selling hard drugs should get equal punishments to violent offenders. The amount of harm they do to their community and cash in on is despicable.
I did consider posting this in unpopular opinions thread but I didn't think it would be controversial enough since druggies are pretty universally hated here.

No. 2462113

When I was five or six I used to fiddle around with computers and daydream of magic that would make this technology come up with whatever I wanted, like pictures of whatever I was thinking. Now many decades later we have AI, but it's absolutely not magic and I hate it.

No. 2462137

I'm more of the opinion that it's dealers that should be more harshly punished, especially the ones who loiter train stations all day long. Drug dealers are not dealt properly with in Europe.

No. 2462427

He is so entertaining! And he isn’t crude or sexual like many other male streamers

No. 2462542

I didn't shower yesterday. Need to wash my hair so bad but I don't want to…

No. 2462953

I hope Justin Bieber gets the Liam Payne treatment next.

No. 2463046

File: 1743029288004.png (128.38 KB, 365x379, 1000032079.png)

I think I'm kind of, like…accidentally manipulative. Not in a malicious way, I'm just weirdly good at lying and bullshitting my way through problems or out of situations/confrontations kek

No. 2463055

street smarts

No. 2463058

File: 1743029798391.jpg (142.09 KB, 1024x1536, tips meine nönnie.jpg)

I rubbed a hole in my panties

No. 2463163

icarus flew too close to the sun

No. 2463172

I want trannies to straight up die.

No. 2463244

I have small hands and small breasts, so they are the perfect sizes for each other and I wind up using them double-handed like stress ball toys whenever I'm watching TV.

No. 2463253

lmao is this a hetalia germany cosplay?

No. 2463255

the attractive men thread makes me nervous because I feel nothing, it makes me feel like i'm broken and asexual after all

No. 2463257

I thank god every day that I wasn't able to procure the materials for my planned cosplay of France as a greasy pudgy 13 year old.

No. 2463267

same, i sometimes want to post a guy in there i think is hot but i remember i dont really want to fuck him… or anybody, in general, so i dont

No. 2463278

you manifested ai, this is all your fault

No. 2463281

No, it needs to be Kanye

No. 2463282

that thread is garbage, don’t worry about it

No. 2463286

Try looking at the unconventional thread? How does that make you feel?

No. 2463288


No. 2463291

I've worked a couple of jobs where I've had coworkers with Down's Syndrome. Some of the nicest, most pleasant people I've ever met. They try their best too. I would trade 99% of my current coworkers for them in a heartbeat.

No. 2463294

I mean isn’t that normal..huh? Do people really go around and think “oh I want to fuck this one!”

No. 2463316

I feel like a lowkey munchie because I always sleep all day to avoid interacting with my fiancé’s family. I just moved in with them because my family kicked me out but I still haven’t adjusted entirely and feel like I have to act in front of them. Meanwhile I’m dealing with bad cat allergies because it’s spring and migraines from a root canal. I notice myself using the fact I feel ill a lot to avoid shit and I feel pretty lame. I wanna get out of this cycle.

No. 2463330

>sleeping because you can’t function through your life
>was somehow kicked out by parents
>somehow has a fiancé and is engaged despite having no home or apartment to yourself and has to rely on a moid to get by

No. 2463340

I hate the sound of moids laughing in public. It's not even that I'm scared they're laughing at me thanks to anxiety, I just hate the sound of the male voice laughing

No. 2463346

Well it's nothing to be afraid of, so don't be. Don't waste your life even thinking about men's laughter, it doesn't matter

No. 2463357

I believe in cheating “just in case” at the beginning of a relationship, but just keep it top secret and make sure to do it in a way that won’t get you caught. Legit makes you less anxious.

I also don’t believe in being totally honest about your past in dating, e.g: hide your past as a sex worker or otherwise sordid shit.

I’m a lot more morally grey than I thought(integrate)

No. 2463359

Freak behaviour

No. 2463361


I’m a freaky girl, yes.(integrate)

No. 2463373

I never said I was afraid of it? It just sounds grating and annoying and retarded in the same way that idk, hyperpop music does

No. 2463375

I got into kinning at 16 and at 22 I am still a fictionkin. It’s so over for me I’m aware.

No. 2463383

>I’m a lot more morally grey than I thought
there's nothing "morally grey" about cheating kek

No. 2463389


Doesn’t stop moids from doing it, esp the ones that never get caught. Women have such a strong sense of guilt that they never will. Get ahead of them or get played

No. 2463394

that thread is strange. The moids posted look so perfect i don't process them as humans, they're boring to me
>Doesn’t stop moids from doing it
it doesn't change the fact you aint better

No. 2463398


Lol, moral grandstanding on lolcow of all places. Feel better now? This is a website for making fun of strangers and dissecting their lives but cheating is a hair too far?

No. 2463402

i'm just stating the obvious, you pointing out a person is stealing a purse won't erase the fact you're mugging someone as well

No. 2463405


Pointing out the obvious IS moral grandstanding, because you’re pretending it’s not obvious to the other person. Captain obvious

No. 2463425

>because you’re pretending it’s not obvious to the other person
You stated in your original post that you do think cheating is a morally grey action on your part, which is bs, it's simply not, will never be. If you knew that already you wouldn't even try to frame your actions as "grey"

No. 2463426

File: 1743046157706.jpg (115.7 KB, 736x893, dbc776d4d13d2b7eab5d893c317315…)

Same. I just can't find most of them attractive even if they aren't necessarily hideous. My taste is very specific.

No. 2463512

Ntayrt but I feel this. I have a very specific type and most men just aren’t and never will be it. Maybe it’s a positive since it helps with decision making when dating for me.

No. 2463548

I used to make fun of people who claimed they had "chronic Lyme disease" and tell them it wasn't real because I thought it was a fake disease.
Since finding out Lyme was an escaped US bioweapon (no I'm not going to post proof, Google it if you care), now I feel really bad for making fun of those people.
Now it makes perfect sense why mainstream medicine denies it's a real thing.

No. 2463561

I often find myself talking aloud as if I'm entertaining a chatroom at times. Or as if I'm in a vlog. I worry that someday I'll get to the point where I accidentally do it in public. I even imagine myself in esport interviews, answering the random questions the interviewer in my head asks me. I desperately wish I was a famous streamer with a comfortable life from the ridiculous amount of money it makes me. Maybe one day I'll get the courage to try

No. 2463612

When I'm irritated with someone (absolute chimp rage), I almost never freak out outwardly. Instead, I will mentally wish them the most disgusting shit I can come up with in the moment, like I'm a dollar tree witch casting curses. "May you find out you have terminal leukemia tomorrow", "may your father go blind", etc. Like the chillest I can do is to imagine how they fall down the stairs and get paralyzed. Not proud of myself, not really ashamed.

No. 2463722

i do this too. it's not healthy but i also don't see much wrong with it because they'll never know what i'm thinking and i would never want anything bad to actually happen to them, i'm just upset at the moment and bad at processing my emotions.

No. 2463735

I look like quenlinblackwell

No. 2463737

What if it turns around and it happens to you though? I always get paranoid when I do that and think about karma kek, so I just end up wishing runny diarrhea.

No. 2463748

My laugh sounds like an owl hooting sometimes. I need to fix it but you can't just fix a laugh.

No. 2464647

I miss playing Monopoly with my family so I play by myself now. I play as three people and keep track on a notepad of each "player's" moves.

No. 2464656

She's pretty, just has the most insufferable personality

No. 2464694

My brother told me that he's thought about transitioning, and I told him I would kill him if he did it. Not my most mask-on moment but…

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