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No. 2346502
Atone, and if you can't, let's settle this with our fists.
>>>/ot/2321071>>>/ot/2321071>>>/ot/2321071 No. 2346553
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>>2346548I don't know what's worse: having a mom who believes in manifestation, or a mom who believes in reincarnation and treated you like shit because she's not done being angry at her own dead mother.
No. 2346649
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>>2346524I loved this book so much I stole it twice. Not even because I lost it, but because I wanted to own both the soft-cover and the hard-cover editions.
No. 2346658
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I love when lesbian girls like me and even sometimes I flirt with them, I'm straight.
No. 2346747
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>>2346574my mom does the same thing to the point of gaslighting!
>if she doesn't acknowledge it, it ceases to exist!i used to attend school sick with the flu and colds. it was so bad i had a stomach ache, throat pain, i was throwing up snot, was not able to speak, and had to blow my stuffed nose every minute. disgustingly sick. they only let me stay home when i had a high enough fever. the fever had to be high enough, otherwise i just imagined it, in her retarded opinion. sometimes the teacher made a call to her when this happened and then i was given a pill, which was taken out of its plastic film container. i still trusted it and it worked. however, she used to give me her sleeping pills at home because i was given adhd meds and could never sleep. she was offended that i could not sleep and said
>if you want to be an adult so bad then here, take this, adults need this to sleepi took it and slept well but could barely get up and got withdrawals from it, which she bullied me for. i got leg cramps, dizziness, migraines, saw stars. i did not even know what happened back then. things started making sense when i moved away and went no contact. picrel, this movie is creepy asf and the mother here reminds me of my own mom.
No. 2346800
>>2346683That's wonderful nonna, I'm glad you were able to take something good from that mess. You're doing a lot of good, believe me.
>>2346721Why are you embarrassed about that? Plenty of parents pay for their child's university education. It's much better than a loan.
No. 2347408
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Back in 2017 when Onision drama was constantly happening, I didn't have much to do and I was learning programming so I decided to develop a "VN" in RenPy where you are a young girl and Onision's wife manipulates you to visit them in their mcMansion. Then basically you have to navigate dodging him and his wife or fall for their manipulation tactics. Never finished it and lost data on PC where I developed it so unfortunately can't really upload it anywhere..
No. 2347869
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I infought for hours during the hellmas VPN ban and didn't get banned once lmao
No. 2347870
>>2347869kek that's the way it
should be.
No. 2347990
I'm really going to miss tiktok because of corinna. I love how she makes no fucking sense. She makes me laugh so hard, and I don't laugh in a patronizing way. I genuinely love her.
No. 2348015
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I'm so desperately unemployed and broke right now, that I am coming to criminal ideas on how to get money, how to get a job. My applications keep being ignored or rejected. At this point I even applied to an intelligence agency as a delusional joke. I am going insane. I do think of harming others. Retarded, unhygienic scrotes get to have comfy, easy jobs, meanwhile I am ignored with decades of experience in hard work? I started acting like a Karen, and recording wagies doing their jobs wrong. I put up complaints and reviews. So many jobs replaced by machines. The men who get better jobs and clout are narcissistic fuckwits. I applied to anything ever, and heard nothing back yet. It's infuriating. I think the only sure solution would be to convince a wagie to quit their job so I can take their place. I have been through hell at wagie jobs, and now it feels like they are discarding me. As women we are worth nothing to these scumbag leeches. Fuck this society and it's withering infrastructure. I shat in public last week and did NOT flush.
No. 2348037
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>>2347990ot but its rather refreshing to see the comment section be kind, albeit ironically, though its a breath of fresh air compared to the try hard catty comebacks normies tend to do all the time
No. 2348043
>>2348036Are you a retard that needs to be euthanized too?
>>2348038>assumes i’m going to become a bangmaid whore to shit out kids for my ugly husband so basically a “wife” KEK
No. 2348066
>>2348037Corinna and her friends Michael and Sydney all got into some drama with one another the other day. Corinna said Sydney and Michael would make a cute couple, and Sydney was like omg he's like a brother to me, would you date your hot brother? And everyone roasted her for saying "hot brother" and she was like guys I'm not saying I would ever find my brother hot, you know what I mean! It's even funnier when you realize Michael is definitely a homosexual. Anyways they're all friends again!
No. 2348178
>>2348053Found her!! Her name is Kala
No. 2348192
>>2348178yesssssssSSSSSSS. If I'm remembering her lore correctly, she's adopted and has an older sister with a baby. Her and her mom fight a lot. Also I fucking love her comeback in the video I linked. "I'm easy to see." BASED.
No. 2348203
>>2348192Her crashouts remind me of PT. She had one just a few days ago over her sister being apparently verbally
abusive to her? She made a vid asking if it would be considered a threat when her sister says things like "just wait and see.." and the comments were full of people asking her if she is just misunderstanding her sister kek
No. 2348227
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>>2347921You have more guts than me, I never told anyone it was me. The hair ties it was like I had learned how to tie two of them together, like pic related and I got excited and did all of them.
No. 2348496
>>2348495KEK fucking amazing…
>I hope you know “over 9000” is also a meme or else I just need to go ahead and apply for Medicare…I do. I like to quote it randomly to myself like an autist.
No. 2348596
>>2348213I think people just have different types. This is especially true for women, because most men are unattractive (as opposed to most women being at least semi-attractive) so attraction to men is more them fulfilling your preferences than them
actually being attractive. Thus one man could be perfect to one woman but absolutely revolting to another.
No. 2348644
I will never be feminine, I will never embody the traits I embody physically, mentally, I will never relate to other women. I'm tired of seething over whores, submissive women, bimbos. They always win cause they are willing to suck cock more, don't tell me they don't. While I have a mental blockage against being feminine. If someone is attracted to someone, they are attracted to them because of their sex, firstmost while I mentally don't fit my sex therefore no one can be attracted to me. I know that men don't love women, only women love men and this pulls the man in(and his love for her doesn't come from any other source than him liking the sexual services she provides him, the woman pulls the guy in, women are basically the feminine pull energy and get the male validation as an exchange), but I'm in so much mental anguish over being this way. To me it is unacceptable that a woman is sexually submissive, while most women are that, I can't accept it, I don't fit in, I don't relate to the "woman" identity, I'm not sexually attractive, what creates sexual attraction is polarity. I can't cause that. I'm a freak and a reject. I don't even wanna date, but it hurts. It hurts not being feminine so fucking much. The strong desire of a man towards the woman is basically a love confession in every romance book, I can't fit into this hetero dynamic. I'm so bitter over whores, they make me feel so powerless how easily they submit, they literally haunt me, the female sexuality haunts me, the female body haunts me, the female body from porn images and what it does in them haunts me, the sexual images women post online haunt me, I will never be that. I'm mogged by whores my whole life, like a stinky femcel.(blackpill outside of containment)
No. 2348676
>>2348644“Other women” do you think all women are feminine? Get out of the man-made prisons you’ve put yourself. You don’t need to be feminine to be a woman, yes , not even when media tells you that you have to follow all these useless retarded rituals, get off of social media if this is the effect.
I have never done my nails, I don’t have a nightly skin care routine or expensive make up, I prefer my hair short, I like videogames , photography too, I like clothes too. It’s kind of reductive to distinguish people in “feminine” and “masculine” , when each individual is an agglomeration of both.
No. 2348681
>>2348644“Woman identity” means jack shit, are you drunk on the gender ideology kool aid kek? You need to do nothing other being born a woman to be one.
There’s no behavior, no clothes, no thoughts, no smell, no action that makes “women”. I bet you don’t even hold the same standards for men.
I feel like you suffer from extreme internalized misogyny or something or maybe you’re just a tranny scrote trying to larp, get off the damn cell phone and go out.
No. 2348871
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>>2348644>I'm tired of seething over whores, submissive women, bimbos.You could always quit doing that.
No. 2348886
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I am super jealous of that white youtuber moid with yellow fever that has the super cute male coquette bf he makes blogs with. It pisses me off that i will never have that kind of love from a man as a straight woman.
No. 2348971
>>2348965Nonna why are you defending your nigel here? If he's really one of the good ones, then you have nothing to prove. Go enjoy your loverboy or use the boyfriend brag thread on /g/.
>>2348970>I show my bf lolcow but he totally doesn't post here guys because I'm so intimidating!!Christ on a cracker why would you admit to this?
No. 2348981
>>2348971he doesn't post on imageboard or social media because he is aware they're time consumers and he needs to either work or play his autistic games while on his computer. I monitor him constantly because he gets distracted reading wikipedia.
>>2348976sure, he has a nice ass.
No. 2349020
>>2348990That's interesting. I wouldn't say I view bots as lesser people because I have never viewed a bot as sentient, but I love testing the limits of chatbots because it reveals a lot about other people who use them. Kind of like the secret life of internet users.
>>2348965DA but I feel like this is the right way to be in a relationship. "This person is different and better than everyone else in some way." is normal to me when choosing relationships whether that's friends or partners.
No. 2349123
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Lately whenever I read about some awful sex crime a moid has committed I go to r/transgendersurgeries and seeing all the perverted males castrating themselves for coom makes me feel better.
No. 2349480
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A family member moved to a city with a well-known engineering school. I’m considering getting an internship locally there for a summer to see if I can nab a student before they graduate and hit the wall. I already scoped out the competition on some dating apps and the odds are in my favor. Yes I am aware I sound like a psycho.
No. 2351174
>>2351170i'm all for hating men and all but that's a bit too much nonna
poor child hasn't harmed anybody
No. 2351175
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I basically got hit on by a 60 year old british actor (don't ask me who he is because I won't say it anyway) and I'm afraid I will sink deeper into this shit. I know we live in an age of male celebs being exposed as psychos and creeps and I hate myself for it but I still want to try it, well for now I just talk to him and nothing sinister happened yet. This makes me horny as fuck and I wonder if I'm having a manic episode or what
No. 2351191
>>2351181different anon but no. 60 year old men aren't interesting, if you've been around someone's granddad, your own dad, or hit on by creeps at a young age you'll see.
>>2351186>his mind is brilliantyeah definitely manic OP, sorry
No. 2351195
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>>2351170Hm, if I was in such a scenario, I don't think I could kill the kid outside the womb. Give him up for adoption? Yeah, because I don't want a son either. That, and because I don't think I could kill any newborn after spending nine months carrying it, and 5+ hours pushing it out. If I was pregnant and KNEW I was carrying a boy though? Yeah, I would put that little shit to sleep. What's interesting is that in ancient or old Japan, it was normal to kill unwanted babies fresh out the womb. They called it, "sending the soul back", I think. I don't think it's wrong to not want a son. I do think it's weird to want a son OVER having a girl, though. Obviously thirdies with misogynistic cultures would want a boy over a girl, but average, good-life having western women begging to have a boy over a girl? I don't get them. What excuse do they have to want a boy over a girl?
No. 2351217
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>>2351202i mean you've seen what the average young british man looks like right? now imagine an older one? and we're supposed to believe that's well kept…
No. 2351219
>>2351205I'm not baiting though. Lolcow is literally the only place I can talk about it because I would never tell about this anyone irl out of fear
>>2351206currently I'm masturbating like 3 times a day and it doesn't help, I just go deeper into the rabbit hole of degenerate 3D porn hentai. I tried a few kind of meds in the past and nothing helped me really. Now I only take hydroxizine which helps me go to sleep when I just can't stop my thoughts from racing
>>2351209His only known relationships were with women
No. 2351233
>>2351181>it's about exploring a situation that you never thought you would encounter.i've never encountered the situation of having sex with a homeless migrant with aids
to want to experience something new you'd have to assume it'd feel good, a 60 year old wrinked up limp dick that smells of old soap is probably not a good experience bit whatever floats your boat i guess
No. 2351238
>>2351219>I'm not baiting though. Lolcow is literally the only place I can talk about it because I would never tell about this anyone irl out of fearBut you already told us about this multiple times in the other confessions thread. Why do it again and again if not for attention
>His only known relationships were with womenBeards are a thing anon. Many celebrity relationships are PR. Tbh I kind of hope he truly does turn out to be closeted so you can stop posting about him kek
No. 2351483
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I bumped into my bitch ass neighbor's car
I will not tell them, it was me. Though I didn't check if there was any damage, her car is all kinds of fucked up
No. 2351590
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nurturing my inner child by reconnecting with my childhood interest of watching medieval torture documentaries
No. 2351834
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>>2351595it's just a sphinx cat that's been edited to hell and back kek
No. 2352028
>>2351964Yeah I will keep that in mind (probably be a lazy depressed faggot who just wants to sleep from low fatigue) but thanks nonna for your suggestion
>>2351974That’s hours away from me but I live in an environment where it feels swamplike, there’s a bunch of weird ass birds, lizards, tropical plants/trees and big tree branches and shit so that’s what I mean tits basically like living in a rainforest kek
No. 2352106
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My Mom was so real for this
No. 2352147
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>>2352106Did you do this nonna or do you have some kind of tard sibling that needs wrangling?
No. 2353026
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I showed my bf this photo because I thought it looked cool, but he wasn't impressed and said he'd call me a pickme if I dressed like that. I'm upset.
No. 2354237
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I have an autistic interest in geiko and maiko culture and kimono in general. I’m your standard white burger so it’s a bit embarrassing talking about it with others. I always worry I come across as an out of touch weeb.
No. 2354246
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is the most Tumblr sexyman-esque of the group.
No. 2354307
>>2354240please share
>>>/g/ I'll be waiting for your posts
No. 2354415
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>>2354296It’s not that different from back in the day. Rich businessmen, politicians, anyone who wants to display wealth or how cultured they are. There are some public performances and plays that they participate in where you can see them too. In the modern era they take on the role of cultural ambassadors and are viewed as sort of living embodiments of traditional Japanese art, crafts, and culture.
No. 2354441
>>2354415>>2354296A lot of foreign tourists want to see them too. Either in private sessions or during theater representations.
>>2354237There's a geisha and maiko museum in Gion, in Kyoto if you ever go to Japan, it's really cool especially if you're interested in fashion.
No. 2354464
>>2354269what in particular interests you about it?
Is it because Bush did it?
No. 2354486
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>>2354441I would love to go! Unfortunately Kyoto has been implementing a lot of new policies to cut back on tourists. Gion especially has had additional restrictions put in place in an effort to protect geiko and maiko. I’m sure it’s a lovely city but I would want to see Gion if I went!
No. 2354510
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>>2354486Samefag but I thought nonnies would enjoy this photo of skrillex with a geiko and maiko kek. Thank you for listening to me sperg I appreciate it.
No. 2354532
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>>2354237have you ever read 'geisha: a life/ geisha of gion' by mineko iwasaki? it's a memoir about the author's experiences of being a famous geiko who was trained since age 5. i used to really be into geiko/maiko stuff when i was younger so i read part of the book but never actually finished it. i unfortunately don't remember it very well since it was a while ago, but i've heard other people saying that it was really good and i remembered liking it as well so i would recommend it!
No. 2354661
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So, you know how we can't cowtip?
I just snapped and "cowtipped" people in my real life. People I hate, people that I think deserve to suffer, and trusted me enough to tell me compromising details about themselves and THEN manipulate me and use me. It's been years. I have suppressed the urge to report this fucker to the appropriate agencies for years. And today I did it. And it feels so good. So fucking good to think that finally, they may be held accountable for something, even if it isn't for the pain and suffering they cause others. They can suffer now and I'm hopeful I'll hear about it soon. If I do, I'll post an update here, because only here will people tolerate my gleeful schadenfreude
No. 2354668
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>>2354532This has been on my to read list for awhile! There's a lot of bad literature and translations on geisha so hearing another
nonny recommend it is reassuring. If you're still interested in the culture Maiko-san chi no Makanai-san is a really cozy manga read. It's about a two childhood friends moving to Kyoto to become geikos, except one ends up being the okiya cook. It's equally about cooking, daily life, and friendship as it is about geiko and maikos!I know it has a live action and anime adaptation but I can't comment on those.
No. 2354674
>>2354665Bad as in reportable?
nothing that's serious, just welfare fraud, tax fraud and some stealing from businesses. Usually I would say fuck it, we're all struggling against a fucked up system, I don't want to be a narc. But after watching this person do the same fucked up manipulative interpersonal shit to other people with no accountability and seeing their smug face all over the place, I decided it's time to be a petty fuck who gets down on their level and gets dirty. If I could throw water in this bitch's face without repercussions, I would. If it was legal, I would bite this bitch's face off. I basically learned I'm a fucking bitch too.
No. 2354694
>>2354680I wouldn't say I became what I hated, but I thought I was above hitting below the belt. Clearly, I am not. But I actually kind of like it. I'm not above ruining someone's life if they fuck with mine.
>>2354681thank you, if anything comes of this i'll update
No. 2354706
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My first ever bi awakening was cure moonlight in pretty cure kek, I think I must have been 12. She was so beautiful and elegant and I was sobbing like a baby when I watched her backstory.
Tsukikage Yuri, you’ll always be in my heart.
No. 2354765
>>2354698they told me, assuming that I wouldn't seek vengeance after they fucked me over. I didn't expect to be a rat either but I hate them more than the strength of whatever 'morals' I have left.
No. 2354770
>>2354726Liked the art style and story in heartcatch more sorry kek. I liked the movies too.
Another one I liked a lot was Futari wa pretty cure and pretty cure 5.
No. 2354883
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I feel bad because I haven't been able to talk with a friend of mine for too long since I have a job that's very time consuming tbh, like I go to work early at 7 am and I'm back home by 8 pm most of the time, either because I'm also working out or just because of my job.
And because it's kind of a costumer service job, I can't really take small breaks to respond to her messages too often, so I take hours to respond, like 4 hours or more.
Then I get home and I'm tired and not really feeling like being social, so I tell her goodnight and go to sleep early.
I also haven't been able to open Instagram again, I don't get it, I kind of want to open it because it's fun to send stuff to my friends but I always feel a tightness in my chest, it's the same with discord or honestly any social media type of app, I can only respond to my family and I kind of do it out of obligation.
Today I spent the day watching movies at home and shitty Netflix series.
No. 2357330
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I get accused of being underage and/or a zoomer often despite being 29
No. 2358918
>>2358487White women are unironically allowing this. I have a polish girl in my department who dated her manager who's a turk, a muslim and 10 years older than her. He got her pregnant, they have a daughter and ofc she will be raised a muslim. Society is doomed for real
Sure our countries would still allow the imigrants for cheap labor etc. But if locals stayed together without mixing and dating muslims, it wouldn't be such a problem. White right wingers unironically need to start chimp out more
No. 2359072
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Someone should just kill him and feed his body to the pigs already.he is such a waste of oxygen.same goes to the rest of his family
No. 2359087
a personal cow of mine that I went to school with had severe anorexia on and off up until a few years ago, when she started going the munchie route [pots, eds, mcast, bringing stuffed animals with her everywhere, attempting to get a service dog]. to me, it was obvious she just exchanged her ED for the munchie instablogger lifestyle. there were many times I wanted to post her in the anachan thread, but I was too scared it would somehow come back to bite me in the ass, so I never did. I checked in on her recently, and I am so fucking shocked. She now officially has Wernicke syndrome, probably from her years of being anorexic; I feel so bad, wtf… At first, I thought she was possibly fibbing, but I checked her parents' social media, and the videos posted there are impossible to fake; she has gone full wet brain.
No. 2359126
>>2354846>>2354860>>2354869you have a disgusting soul and i hope you suffer
t. really ugly woman
No. 2360029
>>2359882I feel the same way
nonnie. I'm more depressed with my friends because I can't even get them hyped to maybe do something that ISN'T illegal, just troublesome. Maybe one day we'll cross paths and be like Bonny and Clyde except Bonny and Bonny. Maybe not have the same ending as them though
No. 2360054
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I want to write a rape story. Not one that's exploring the trauma of the characters or as the beginning of a revenge tale or even as some kind of fantasy revenge towards someone. No, I just want to write a short rape story purely for the fetish of it.
I'm so sorry.
No. 2360055
>>2360029Bonny and
Nonny. The badass crime duo story we were denied.
No. 2360083
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>>2360073I'm going to moralfag you for posting such a scawy image
No. 2360098
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I'm trying to lose weight and I find it more inspiring to see fat people I don't want to look like, than skinny people I want to look like. I used to be neutral about obese people, but now I find it hard to not see it as a personal flaw. Anything that feeds into my superiority complex keeps me motivated.
(Also I'm blind and retarded and I couldn't find a recent-ish thread just to make fun of fat people, so please point me the right way.)
No. 2360099
>>2360081It's not bait. Im just not autistcally providing the details of my story because I know women who post here irl and as irrational as it is, i fear their judgment if they knew I posted that.
I really wanted to write a romance story but I stopped and seriously criticized the ideas I was putting down and realized it was just a rape story masquerading as a romance.
Probably too influenced by those "dark """romance"""" stories I've been reading recently.
No. 2360148
>>2360098My fattest friend was always the biggest hater of fat people, always criticizing them behind their back and calling them too fat when no one else thought about it because they were busy with their own lives. But I don't think it's bad to use them as motivation honestly, just don't tell them about it kek. I use people like that all the time!
I used to be a super whiny depressed person who'd crawl to my friends for reassurance ALL the time, then one day an even whinier depressed person joined the gang. They were so fucking annoying I had to take a step back and realize that was exactly how I was acting too. I was so repulsed by their behavior and how they'd always ruin the mood that I wanted to be NOTHING like them and I decided to not vent to my friends anymore. It really broke me out of my
toxic negativity circle to see my own flaws in someone else.
No. 2360207
>>2360113They are some of the most self hating women out there, selling themselves out to appease their oppressors, even though he's still going to go for the real thing whether digitally or not, because most men would go as low as they can get away with, and pedophilia tends to be a spectrum. Pedos see their
victims as objects for their pleasure, everyone knows men will fuck grapefruits and animals if they think it'll make their pp feel good. Men who like little girls for their vulnerability sickly see them like they'd see a shrink wrapped item waiting to be torn into. DDLG is just "acceptable" pedophilia. They are still getting off to the idea that their partner is a vulnerable young girl, doesn't have to be exact as long as they can believe in the fantasy.
No. 2360252
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The amount of anons with brothers that admit to being into brother/sister incest fiction is genuinely blackpilling.
No. 2360260
>>2360252Tbh I took that post as
because they don't have a good relationship with their brother, that they don't understand how siblings can interact like that platonically.
No. 2360312
>>2360252I'm still wondering about that anon in the fetishes thread doing weird shit with her real life half-brother
>>2360292I thought tifs only liked gay ships
No. 2360496
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I think it was pretty cute how Adar loved his orc children. I wish I had a dad like him.
No. 2360985
>>2360927I don't know if maybe I'm just crazy but I am afraid to be around TIFs because of testosterone cream. The effects that shit has when you are around someone who uses it is crazy… I remember an article about how a
toddler boy basically started going through puberty because his father was using the cream. It terrifies me
No. 2362513
Thank god you googled it nonna, I can’t imagine if you had gone to your parents and yelled
>mama!papa! Look at what I can do!’ No. 2362516
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I've been really wanting to dress more… Brazenly, I guess. It's a little shocking to me because my whole life I've fairly really insecure about my body and never felt the need to show off my body, even if I liked it. Now I'm at the stage where I'm thinking "fuck it, I'm not severely deformed or anything, I'm young and I'm probably hot to someone". Of course a part of this plan is to work out more and put on more muscle, but I don't really think I was drawn to revealing clothes the other times that I was focusing more on my body. I kind of want to exude more confidence and "rogue sexuality", I guess. I'm not sure if this thing is a part of me or my own male gaze. Recently I've been considering getting either a navel or nipple piercings, and I'm probably going to go through with either one of those. Maybe both, who knows. What I know that I don't want to manifest are my daydreams about sleeping around with various guys and having rougher sex as a part of this new persona. Although it's alluring right now, I'm going to be honest.
What's funny is that all of this started for me when I saw this fanart of genderbent Dennis from IASIP. I immediately thought "Oh… It looks really good on her, maybe I could do that?" Not as revealing as her outfit in picrel, but the idea, the essence is the same.
No. 2362538
>>2362518nta but i only have a problem with her because her horrible english
triggers me, not because of the husbandoposting. all esl anons should try reading a fucking book & integrating.
No. 2363002
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>>2347869I got banned for being esl.
No. 2363192
>>2363188And I can’t even find women in general, o tried dating apps too. But it either goes nowhere , they’re poly or in open relationships, they want to be friends or they want threesomes with their ogre boyfriends.
I’m not super out as in I don’t yell that I’m bi or dress in a certain way to signal, I just live , would I have more success if I became a gendie kek?
No. 2363286
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>>2363217Atayart I don’t really care about race, I was just super insecure for no reason kek. Thanks nonners for not being hostile about it though
>>2363188>EuropeOof and you would think there would be more gay women there, apparently not. I think Europe caters to gay scrotes rather than gay women unfortunately, plus all of those lesbian bars and shit have been getting converted or changed to include trannies and bishits who like bringing their male partners (it’s happening here in the US as well especially in New York) so it’s getting even harder. I wasn’t really the type of person to go in those places anyways but I wish there were more inclusive female spaces for gay women. I feel like was just one of the rare bishits who’s interested in lesbians but I completely 100% understand why they don’t want to date us and definitely don’t have to.
>>2363192Kek I think because of that most people are admitting they only became gay as a fad, a good majority of people are just straight and thought larping as a gendie or a “queer” would give them some social brownie points and then took it off when it no longer gave them any ego boosts. I’m also tired of relationships being surrounded by the idea of constantly having sex and fucking
>>2363221>picrel>people>all so tiresome No. 2363508
>>2357330Same nona. It's the womanchild effect.
>>2360054I've always wanted to write a fic about raping my husbando for the fun of it but my writing skill isn't good enough for it. I say go for it
No. 2363624
>>2363508kinda piggybacking off of your post, but it reminds me that i've actually had the idea of writing something about some rando raping my husbando, me comforting him, and then brutally murdering the person who raped him in pure rage. then i would come back to my husbando all beaten and bloody bc of the fight he would comfort and nurse me back to health while hiding me from the police. the focus of the story would be a lot more on the whole revenge part of it though bc i have no interest in writing an actual rape scene. i would probably just find him unconscious in some dingy alley with his clothes all torn and beaten up.
idk it might be kinda weird but ig i just have power fantasies about wanting to protect my husbando and keep him safe. it's kinda random bc otherwise most of my other thoughts and ideas about him are pretty innocent and wholesome
No. 2364017
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I'm a Jew chaser. I think it's because Jewish men are usually smart and successful and mama's boys so they're less threatening than other men but it's so embarrassing. Sadly most Jewish moids are ugly as hell which makes fetishizing them a little harder, also I'm very pro Palestine and it's hard to find Jewish moids who aren't Zionists. Whenever I see an (attractive) Jewish moid my ears perk up and suddenly I'm very nice to him. I've specifically sought out Jewish men to date recently, and my current boyfriend is Jewish. He's very aware of it and think it's funny but also likes that I have this fetish (?). Hell I haven't even told my friends about him yet because it'd be embarrassing if they knew I was a Jew chaser. At least when I fetishized East Asian men it wasn't embarrassing to admit to.
No. 2364020
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>>2364017I know what you did there, anon.
No. 2364046
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>>2364020Kek I'm actually a Kyman shipper, Style is still cute though.
>>2364026I wish you luck anon, I considered using Jswipe at one point because I was so desperate kek so I definitely get it. I really like their features as well, curly hair, the nose, glasses (usually).
I'm ngl I think one of the reasons why I'm also drawn to them is because I have a big schnoz which has been one of my biggest insecurities forever and usually they're nicer/don't care about it or even like it No. 2364102
>>2364017me but with mena guys, mediterraneans
and jews kek. i just like any ethnicity that looks "swarthy" i guess, it looks hot.
and also want to know what it feels like to sit/rub on a big nose No. 2364106
>>2364063I’m Slovenian and Polish on my dads side while I’m Irish and Scottish on my moms side. Have my dad’s nose though.
>>2364102Mediterranean men are so hot. My ex was of Italian descent and he’s one of the hottest men I’ve ever seen.
>spoilerSame here. It’s the perfect foil for my pussy.
No. 2364242
>>2359535And even then, women love far more deeply than men even when their choices are total trash. Women will love some ugly disgusting broke loser more deeply and do more shit for them than any guy will for his supermodel wife. They'll go above and beyond to pander to what he likes and sacrifice everything for him, even their bodies to have his child and fake orgasms. Meanwhile men claim to be these huge romantics then treat women like shit and can't even do the bare minimum.
>>2359882Idk, you could have no real connections with people and still not really want to do that because you don't feel like dying or you have other interests that don't involve others. Not having friends, family or a relationship doesn't mean you can't have other things going on in your life that would deter you from killing people.
No. 2364962
>>2364017>I think it's because Jewish men are usually smart and successful and mama's boys so they're less threatening than other menOh dear, mama's boys are often
the worst. Mediterranean men are a nightmare because of their mama's boy tendencies, it's like it directly correlates with crass attitudes. Every negative thing you hear about italian or arab men applies to jewish men.
Now, despite all of this i still feel you, i'm a Jew chaser too kekkkk
I think it's their nerdiness and repression that i find cute. And now that i think of it, there's a subset of mama's boys that just ends up being super soft, kind and obedient, those are ideal. Nothing embarrassing about wanting an intelligent docile man
No. 2365254
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I would be the first person to resort to cannibalism in a survival situation. This isn't an edgelord brag or anything it's just that I definitely inherited unga bunga Germanic/Anglo savage genes.
No. 2365426
>>2364962>And now that i think of it, there's a subset of mama's boys that just ends up being super soft, kind and obedient, those are idealYes you get it. I saw a really cute Jewish boy at a plaza I was at a few months ago and I would've flirted with him if not for the fact he could've been underaged, looked anywhere from 16-19.
>Nothing embarrassing about wanting an intelligent docile man nonny!Sadly my current bf is more domiant but he's also very patient and gentle with me which I like a lot. He's also pretty smart.
>>2365255I said ATTRACTIVE Jewish men
No. 2366017
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For a long time, due to comments from people around me, I’ve come to wonder if it would have been better if I had been born a man. I won’t lie; even when I was young, I thought maybe I was trans, kek. Over time, I’ve learned that the people who commented on my preferences or the way I look are ignorant, they’re the kind of people who assume makeup = woman, body hair = man. However, putting aside superficial things and concepts of femininity and masculinity, I wish my body were less feminine. I envy androgynous people. I don't consider myself a gendie but if I'm honest I would say the way I feel matches what they call "agender". I feel stupid kek.
No. 2366161
>>2365548I'm 32 lmao.
>>2365863I don't even want to get married or have children and I don't care about sex either, but it's so weird how my normie mom couldn't raise me as a normie.
No. 2366865
>>2361479How about educational porn where there are actors and actresses discussing topics in a casual way and demonstrating things in a consensual setting?
xruniversity dot com
No. 2367185
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I might possibly be the stupidest person to ever exist because, for years, I’ve felt conflicted about how little feminine I am. These past weeks, I’ve realized that this stems from comments made by classmates and acquaintances, comments I’ve internalized so much that I convinced myself I’m the epitome of masculinity, kek. But after analyzing and looking at myself in the mirror a thousand times, I’ve realized that I’m just an average woman. I’m not extremely feminine, but I’m also not masculine as many have made me believe. I hate myself for listening to others opinions and for being so dumb.
No. 2367351
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Just found out that 4chan is older than me.
No. 2367645
>>2367625>a drunkard, who drinks every day>coke head>violent drunk I doubt he looks good given his habits
>he’s the oneKek you are a retard, but at least a self aware retard with a bit of self preservation I’ll give you that. Did you break up or did he breakup?
No. 2367675
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No. 2367691
>>2367675Kek the nonna deleted , but she was saying that she wants to play fake rape and it’s the only thing that gets her horny since she psyoped herself through porn (I wonder what kind of content she even watched ew).
She has a boyfriend who eats her out and who is normal, but she can’t help but wish he would just “take” her.
Mental illness innit.
No. 2367718
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>>2367710When I eat this dish of my country , called ndengu and chapati I let out the most horrendous gas bombs on earth (in fact I prepare myself by not going out kek).
No. 2367790
>>2367770Tell us more about the ferry operator
nonnie. Or is the ferry magic/sentient and therefore doesn't need an operator?
No. 2367803
>>2367793My favorite ones are
>Travel Alone Idea>It's Time to Travel / 旅する時間>Solo Solo Travelthose are all Japan reviews hotels, ferries etc
>tletter his movie length north korea trip is a must-watch
>Grounded Life Travel>Jeb Brooks No. 2367823
>>2367808I love her already. I can already picture one of the teens on board as a bubbly local whose cheery demeanor grows on the protag… eventually. Enough to be friends and pen pals and maybe
roommates or girlfriends in the epilogue. Maybe there's a filler episode where our protag does a chain of deals to trade with a mysterious old lady passenger. Damn nonna, you'd make an awesome mangaka, this story is lovely!
No. 2367893
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i enjoy watching nerds start dating each other on the internet and bragging about it to everyone every chance they get because those relationships always crash and burn lmao. i love seeing them silently change their discord profile info and private their twitters. so funny
No. 2368139
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I want to confess that I´m totally becoming obsessed with Twilight. It all started last week when I wanted to watch a movie during knitting. I decided on Twilight and it was so enjoyable and heavily nostalgic to me, that I ended up watching two more of the movies. Next day I decided I wanted to reread the books in English (only know book 1 in my native language) and ended up ordering almost all the books (used). So during the weekend I watched all DVD specials that were available on youtube and got sucked even deeper into the rabbit hole!
No. 2368167
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i feel kinda retarded because i stayed up all night playing a video game some nonna recommended to me recently and now because of my dumbass actions i'm forced to go through today on less than an hour of sleep.
i have no one to blame but myself for my retarded decisions
No. 2368517
>>2368476I wish I could go back to being a klepto but then I remember how bad I am at being sneaky
Whenever I was a kelpto it was my kelpto ex encouraging me to do it
No. 2368535
>>2368531>walgreensToo many security cameras, too small a store, too high priced merchandise
Try Walmart instead
No. 2368552
>>2368476>>2368517You two reminded me that I encouraged my friend to steal makeup from a supermarket chain store when she wanted me to buy it for her. I even said I'd back her up if she got caught by saying "I'll pretend I asked you to hold onto it for me since I only have a basket, and then I forgot to ask you to give it back when I was at the checkout. If you slip it in your bag now it'll look natural." She stole it successfully, and I stole a bunch of fruit that day and let her have some kek because she was hard up on cash and was eating crappy foods. Truth be told I didn't want to buy her makeup because, 1. It's an unnecessary expense and, 2. I don't believe in wearing it because women are best in their natural state #feminism.
Tbh I've stolen in front of cameras before just as an experiment and I've not been caught. I swear those cameras are used more for shittalking the customer's clothing than checking who is stealing kek.
That reminds me I hated my retail job so much because my boss didn't do shit about the moid customers stalking me that I used to let kids steal the imported american candy. Long live thieves. I love thieves. Thievery is always morally correct.
No. 2368646
>>2368549I wanna be evil, I wanna spit tacks
I wanna be evil and cheat at jacks
I wanna be wicked, I wanna tell lies
I wanna be mean and throw mud pies
No. 2368989
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I fear I may be turning into a single quirk chungus. I'm getting cringer and cringer by the day since I've weaned myself off lolcow for a bit.
No. 2369010
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>>2368989Don't kill your cringe,
nonnie. Kill the part of you that cringes.
No. 2369109
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When I was like ten or eleven, I got a similar haircut to picrel. It looked awful, but I liked it at the time. Or at least I did until my uncle told me that it made me look like a "sexy little boy". after that I never bothered cutting my hair again kek
No. 2369127
>>2369109your uncle is a fucking pedo,
No. 2369312
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I feel really jealous of gay men. Not in a TIF way. I just feel like its impossible to have the kind of relationship dynamic i want as a straight woman. Every man i met treats me like a child because i am short and have a high pitched voice, and they get angry or uncomfortable if i tell them to dress or do certain things for me(like shave, dress in cute clothes, be more submissive). I just dont want to be the hole in the relationship, as gruesome as that sounds. I wish i had the choice to decide wheter i want to top or bottom like gay moids. I feel really sexually and romantically frustrated and i know i will die alone and a virgin because i will never have the type of relationship where men see me as their equal as a woman. I just want the relationship those fags who make vlogs i watch have, i just want to hug a cute boy who doesnt see me as a thing to penetrate and that makes an effort to look nice for me like i would do to them. Its not fucking fair.
No. 2369322
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>>2369312>i will never have the type of relationship where men see me as their equal as a woman.and you think fags do? kek no sweaty theyre still moids
No. 2369326
>>2369324ok but men are the same BUT also dont even put effort into their appereance. Like is that so hard to ask? at least most faggots try to look good for eachother.
>>2369322what do dragfags have to do with what i said? ''bottoms'' in gay relationships literally starve themselves so their 'tops' can buttfuck them. You cant even get straight men to wash their asses.
No. 2369345
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>>2369326most of them look like this
No. 2369356
>>2369349>They're going for women that are surged up and 19those men are not cute tho, i mean cute guys that desire to look cute for women in ways they would be perceive as feminine by their insecure mind. I am not talking about the closeted homos that want to look like roidpigs to impress other men.
>>2369354But i dont want to baby a retarded scrote. I want a pretty guy to doll up to me like how male peacocks look pretty for their women. I dont want to be the surrogate mom to some retard and teach him how to behave.
>>2369345those guys are like 50yo
nonny kek i could cherrypick and post all the cute twinks too but thats besides my point
No. 2369363
>>2369356and I'm telling you again, they exist. They're in relationships, married, living in areas you apparently don't have access to, etc. Expecting a cute guy to have style or want you if you yourself are not cute is delusional. Like this is hilarious because I think some of you either live in bumfuck nowhere or you're aiming way above your means.
>>2369357Glorifying gay men for being self absorbed is what we are resorting to? Kek most gay men don't have style either.
No. 2369367
>>2369363>and I'm telling you again, they exist.aha sureeeeeeee thats why we have like 20 ugly man psyop threads of examples of men not putting half the effort their gfs do
>or you're aiming way above your means. lmfaoooo literally men aim way above their means all the time yet they manage to get girls who put effort into their looks anyways. Go be a pickme somewhere else.
>>2369364kek there are literal models who date uggos, stop putting straight scrotes on a pedestal when they do absolute no effort whatsoever and pickmes just throw themselves at them anyways.
No. 2369374
>>2369371Woah kek, I simply said to not make it your whole objective.
Scrotes already have the audacity. I actually think that uggos should just learn to stay on their lane.
No. 2369377
>>2369308Gingers are cute to me , but they age so badly. I only like them in the small window between 20 and 24.
Fat men are disgusting to me though.
No. 2369380
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fuck it, since that nona admitted she finds caseoh attractive, i will post my worst deepest secretest childhood attraction. i wish i was baiting.
No. 2369382
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>>2369380mento illness get help
No. 2369383
>>2369378Kek, I’m not that nonna.
You just sound lame , especially when you think that gay scrotes are somehow better just because “they’re in tune with their femininity” or whatever.
No. 2369386
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i’d self-insert into this scene in daydreams…
No. 2369394
>>2369388And it’s not defending. I’ve literally told you that where I live scrotes dress well, despite not being gay.
I’ve also seen faggots being a mess many times, so being gay doesn’t automatically mean you dress well.
No. 2369398
>>2369392i didnt say it made them better or whatever, just that i think its cringe that most men are so insecure and that i wish they would be like homos and just enjoy wearing nail polish or at least didnt act like fags towards it.
>>2369391they literally cant, they dress like shit. I know all of you suddenly live in a country/place where ackshually all men do put effort onto their looks but we all know its just to be contrarians. Having so many ugly man psyop threads proves my point.
No. 2369406
>>2369404>I grew up around black men who were always interested in fashion oh, i dont like black men so i would find them unattractive anyways kek sorry
>>2369401meh i already tried several types of men and they are all deeply insecure. I dont know why i even put effort into my looks anymore if men arent going to do the same.
No. 2369456
>>2369451She could be in a smilar age range.
>>2369434This is the reason why I'm always offended whenever people assume I'm in a long distance relationship once they learn I often travel to the same country for summer holidays. As if I'd spend time and money on that. The gamble isn't worth it.
No. 2369524
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I feel sad while listening to that rotten girl Miku song because it reminds me of when I was in high-school and how I felt really conflicted about how God would think of me for being into anime and shounen ai. At my school we would go to Church at least once or twice a month to pray and I would always cry because I felt horrible for being a sinner and always thinking unpure things like wishing I was liked by boys, wanting to see two guys kissing, or killing the kids that bullied me.
I honestly would've cried a lot while listening to this if I had been the same me of my high-school days. Kek.
Now I just play degrees of lewdity nonstop and roleplay degen scenarios with bots to pass the time.
No. 2369627
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>Befriend one of the most beautiful women I've met
>She confesses that she has a fat fetish and loves chubby men and women
Holy fuck.
No. 2369637
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I stole underwear from a shop once.
No. 2369683
>>2369647Kek, one of my friends used to be a klepto, but she got captured in a YouTube video where a guy is wandering our city lamenting how bad it is kek. She and some other people are being forced to empty their bags outside a department store and there's just a
huge pile of stolen goods, all the while this useless moid behind the camera is going "woahhh no waaaay duuuuuude that's crazyyyy" Funny as hell but it's one of the things that spooked her into changing her ways.
No. 2370003
I have come to terms with the fact that I do like women, I always had that thought in the back of my mind and I’ve even had crushes (including my best friend) that I forced myself not to have because I was to chicken to deal with it. I’m not comphet or anything like that, I know I’m bi kek, I just couldn’t accept it for a long time.
I tried dating apps recently, where I just put women, but with no success though, I only found unicorn hunters, some ugly trannies or poly couples. So I’ll try to be more out there in real life from now on, I can just play it off by being friendly if it goes south kek.
I’ve not come out to anyone , I told my mom about a rando (XY) that I was flirting with without specifying the sex and she said “oh by the way was it a woman? I don’t even know your sexuality nowadays” which felt oddly accepting , so I think I’ll be more comfortable telling her eventually. My mom is the most important person to me and I look up to her a lot ; she’s an immigrant and she also believes in God, but I think she would be okay if I liked girls too as long as I’m happy.
No. 2370007
>>2370003To the nonnas who are bi or lesbian, do you have straight friends? Did you come out to them? How did they react?
I don’t like any of my friends right now and I don’t want them to behave differently towards me with this new information…
No. 2370850
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>>2370844Pretty privilege is really something
No. 2370885
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Every time a man interrupts me in conversation I call him emotional, I need to find other ways to not let men interrupt me without being too confrontational during meetings so I don’t make everyone else uncomfortable.
No. 2370938
>>2370888My stupid ass was even searching for “making love real couple”. I’m so embarrassed, but I’m glad I opened my eyes immediately.
I don’t get women who can enjoy porn.
No. 2371329
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This is actually a very minor and unnecessary confession, but my favorite dress of all time is from Shein and when my friends compliment it I kinda just laugh and go "right?" because they absolutely - and rightfully - loathes these chinese resellers. I just REALLY lucked out with the quality the one time I ordered from them because I was obsessed with finding a denim (or denim-esque) dress in this style.
No. 2371527
>>2371329A couple of my most beloved items were from aliexpress or other cheap chinese retailers back in the day, some lasted a shockingly long time. But I really did just get lucky because many other things were garbage quality, that was a risk I was willing to take at the time but now I refuse to buy anything from shein unless it's from an op shop.
Anyway that's a really cute dress so I'm jealous!
No. 2372193
I dont remember if I celebrated my now deceased cats last ever birthday. I mightve celebrated it the day after, as theres a newish looking toy that was probably from then, or it was for another pet and she didnt get anything.
I remember staying in my room on her birthday, to
1) enjoy peace of mind and avoid a toxic moid roommate
2) fix my sleeping schedule by distracting myself via the internet
3) excitedly watching the return of some scrote I had a parasocial relationship with. I didnt know the reality about moids back then. He was offline for years, back then I really missed him. Im an idiot
My cat ended up dying of an aggressive cancer later that year. I brought her for a checkup months before I was told she had cancer, but the moid vet didnt even mention cancer. Another cat girl got cancer, so I put all my focus onto helping her, as she was the older cat (I assumed the older girl would die first, no it was the younger girl who I didnt know had cancer). I hardly paid attention to her, meanwhile she eventually had cancer, too. I lost both cats only weeks apart.
My cats were more loyal to me than most people. She was even there to comfort us on the day of my other cats cancer diagnosis. Yet there I was on her last birthday, preferring my own comfort and peace of mind over her last birthday on Earth. Yes, I at least celebrated my older cat girls birthday, alone as my roommates were being horrible the day before.
I could just kick myself. I never deserve another friend, cat or human, ever again.
I want to put flowers for her on her upcoming would be birthday.
No. 2372218
>>2372193You sound like a very lovely and compassionate woman nonna. Your cats were loved, even in their final moments. Don’t beat yourself too much because you really did try.
You deserve companionship, both in furry form and human relationships.
No. 2372296
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I dream of marrying, having children and a happy family but i am extremely nitpicky of moids so i am still a boyfriendless virgin at 23.
No. 2372702
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I love lurking r/lainfluencersnark. Picrel making me keeeeeekkkkkk
No. 2372910
>>2372723Kekkk anon
>>2372839She’s an Ariana Grande impersonator kek
No. 2376102
I waited months for a specific perfume release and it ended up smelling horrendous. Devastating
>>2347971nonna ew. The one and only patron saint of lolcow is PT. Alex is similarly fat, retarded and schizophrenic sure, but she has none of our queen's natural charisma.
No. 2376239
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There’s this girl in my course, she has a pretty face, she looks like an uglier version of Leighton Meester, but she’s so fat.
Her stomach protrudes and her arms are fat too, she almost wobbles when she walks. It’s such a shame.
No. 2376270
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>>2376256>slowly killing herselflook, please stop forcing me to defend fatties. the average reduction in life expectancy for obese people is only about 3 years which is nothing. also with ozempic and dozens of other weight loss treatments coming out, such deaths will be a thing of the past. stop worrying about other people's weight, if they want to lose weight they have the easy option to now.
No. 2376273
>>2376251>>2376256>>2376249Kek I didn’t know I would call the fattie brigade over. It’s really not a moid thing or anything, I just found her face beautiful and we sets near often so I tend to look. It’s just that she would literally look better if she lost the extra weight, healthy is synonymous with beauty as much as the body positivity movement preaches otherwise and visceral fat on a young woman is pretty sad.
But it’s not like I’ve told her or bullied her, she can keep gorging herself with food with no care, my “evil” thoughts won’t reach her don’t worry kek.
But your reactions are kind of fascinating.
No. 2376302
>>2376291I can appreciate beauty without being an ape that wants to only fuck thanks, don’t compare me to a scrote. Are you one of those who thinks that women can’t have any preferences kek, since we’re all women yaas!!
This is a confession thread, I’ve not harmed anyone, but I think I must have hit a soft spot for you.
>doubt you think about that of every fat woman or fat moidUh..yeah? Fatness is ugly to me. Fat scrotes disgust me so I don’t really care in the first place. Fat women can be beautiful, but they often look better when they lose the weight.
No. 2376825
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i always end up getting really fucking annoyed/over any moid i'm in a relationship with by a year mark. just like 100% done and over them, every single time. which is usually fine but i can't leave the current one bcus of financial and practical reasons. it made me question whether i was using him, until i realized he's literally doing the same thing in one way or another. so i will have to grin and bear it for another year.
kms but also i might just go ahead and cheat on him, i don't think in the grand scheme of things cheating is as bad as people make it out to be unless you're married or don't use protection. every time i've ever heard of a girl cheating on a guy my first thought is always "well what did he do to deserve it" or "that's probably not the whole story"
No. 2377276
>>2377271nta and same nonna, even the people i've been closest with drifted because i'm such a
free spirit. i'm the type of person who will do whatever other people want to do, and not to completely misplace the blame, but if they wanted more of me, they could have reached out
No. 2377339
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I go on Chinese websites for specific fashion content because on western websites it’s mostly full of fatties, politics, troons, terrible outfits or all of the above. I know it’s mean, but I really just want pretty pics and Asians go crazy with aesthetics.
No. 2377379
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>>2377297there's no way women see boring pedo-pandering characters. like this and think "so adorable". women do not want to watch anime children making sex jokes and doing weird fake voices.
No. 2377451
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Well, looks like I'm into doing crazy shit with bots, what now.
No. 2377567
>>2377515>I think some otaku women see weeb degeneracy/consume degenerate shows so much that they just become used to itas someone who was a fan or had a "oshi" this is actually true,im not going to name which vtuber it was but i was heavily invested in her streams while covid was going on so much i got to know her personally because i was the only engaged female fan in her moid ridden fanbase but unlike the moids i never got myself romantically or parasocially involved even though im lesbian i always saw her as a character so when she started doing some gross pander shit i didnt take in account that this was a real person saying lolishit and misogynistic jokes and not a character made by a nipponese moid
and i was also a bit oblivious to these jokes since im esl until her moid fans repeated them and i got what they meant my breaking point was her playing into "cunny" (literally means child vagina) jokes when before she'd used to demean these moids and playing a game with pedo beast shit in it (and now she crys to me in dms that she lost her female fans yeah no shit you pedo pickme bitch) cognitive dissonance and loneliness can be dangerous in these circles if youre a fan of vtuber you must keep yourselves aware at all times that youre watching a real person trying to act like a toddler and pandering to the lowest caste of moids who do actual real harm in the world do not support pedo panderers at any cost because it only harms real women
No. 2378104
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I got whiskey drunk last night and attempted to buy an electric piano on Amazon payments ($80 for 5 months) but when I woke up realized I fucked up and paid $450 up front. Now I have like $300 dollars left in my account until I get paid in two weeks. I’m waiting for it to be delivered so I can immediately return it and pray the refund can be put back on my card asap. I’m such a dumbass. Pray for me nonas.
No. 2378165
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I'm cheating on my Nigel by thinking about Dio Brando during our sex. It helps me climax also
No. 2378188
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I subscribed to an onlyfans in a manic episode and i dont regret it.
No. 2378229
>>2378222No, i am going to get shit on for it.
>>2378223The queen would never do that she doesnt need to show her fat rolls to get lesbian feeders at her feet.
No. 2378239
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>>2378231Ok its this fag i find super cute and have been obsessing over for a few weeks. In my humble defense i am stressed and just started college and every moid in my school is ugly and rancid. I also started listening to Lana del Ray because he likes her music. I always fall in love with homos, why was i cursed with liking cute guys instead of masculine pigs.
No. 2378246
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>>2378241He tops too wich absolutely sucks because i feel like tif self inserting as the guy he fucks and wanting to be him.
No. 2378255
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i wish i was a fujoshi, they seem to be having fun… when i look at two men going at it i just feel like a cuck. i even got troonfoiled once for saying i don't like yaoi
No. 2378510
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I'm in a group of friends and it's amazing, I love them and we all get along great. However, sometimes I get insecure and feel like I'm secretly the least liked, the fifth wheel. The group consists of two sets of best friends and me. They both have conversations in their messages that they'll screencap for the chat and sometimes I worry they're talking about me too.
No. 2379152
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There's currently a collective dogpiling of my scrote cousin happening in my family. he has finally pissed off everyone and we are all cutting him off aside from his mom and I want to bring up that he molested me when we were both younger but I'm too scared I don't want to make my parents sad
No. 2379207
>>2379152I think your parents would be much more sad that you would bottle up something like that from them. I'm sure if you told your parents what happened they would probably be pretty upset, but they'll be upset because they love you and care for you. They'll also be grateful that you would be comfortable enough with them to discuss such a personal and traumatizing issue with them. If you never told them and they somehow managed to find out later on, they would be so much more devastated because of the fact that you had to suffer for so long alone and without their help.
Also the last thing that I would want is for that scrote to get away with doing something absolutely horrid like that. Make sure that your family realizes how horrible your cousin is and that he deserves no forgiveness or second chances. No one deserves to be hurt like you did, and disgusting men like him need to face the consequences of their actions as much as humanly possible.
No. 2379266
>>2379227Yeah I think it would probably be best if you told your mom especially if she's already suspecting something. I think it would put both of your minds at ease when you both talk it out even if it might be kind of uncomfortable or distressing at first.
I'm not sure what your dad is like ofc, though if you are seriously concerned about him doing something rash then it would probably be best to only tell your mom for now. Discussing your concerns on how to inform your dad without making him do anything crazy is something you should also probably bring up with your mom. I'm assuming she would probably know best on how to tell him without setting him off too much since she would likely be most well trained on how to handle his hysterics. You should probably tell your dad at some point though since it's probably not a great idea if you hide this sort of thing from one parent and tell the other. If he found out you were doing something like that he might feel upset by that too. You don't need to tell him right away, just maybe figure out some strategy to break it to him calmly and gently.
I'm wishing the best for you nonna and I hope everything works out for you. It sounds like your life might be a bit tough right now, but I know that you'll come out of it a lot stronger and a lot better afterward ♥
No. 2379302
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A certain college degree which was always 70-80% women in my country (actually, It still is) started to become an interesting option to moids ever since It hit the news on how underrated It is or how many people who conclude It can easily find jobs.
Everytime I now see a moid asking about the degree in imageboards or forums, I quickly jump to misinform and spread fear mongering because I don't want them there.
No. 2379325
>>2379302What degree is it
nonnie. Nursing?
No. 2379383
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>>2379302Me too kek. A few years ago when I was a fresher all the SWE/CS moids acted insufferably smug about their degrees and made fun of other STEM and non-STEM students, even those adjacent to their field, for their ‘Starbucks degrees’. You couldn’t stand in line at the cafeteria without some bitch talking about his hypothetical FAANG internship and daydreaming about a big salary out loud. If you were a female student it was even worse because they used it to try and pick up girls.
Now they’re crying and pissing their pants because the IT bubble has burst and their jobs are being outsourced to India and/or threatened by AI. Exact same moids (as in name, surname, SSN) that laughed in my face a few years earlier are now asking me about my workplace and trying to get references kek. I just tell them we’re struggling too and nobody is hiring but the truth is my industry is doing okay, I just don’t want my QOL to suffer by having an annoying retard at work.
What’s wrong buddy, I thought my degree was for dumb bitch females who wanted to get into SWE but weren’t smart enough?
No. 2379781
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I hate that I apparently have so high standards for a partner. My ex boyfriend was all the nice things you can ask for, but I hated his lack of purpose or goals, or just that he wasn't hard working kek. He was lucky and didn't have to much to live comfortably though. Sometimes I wonder if I should date him again, marry him, and move to his country which is way better than mine, just because I doubt I'll ever find someone I actually love, respect and admire.
No. 2381154
>>2381146Same, it's such a lengthy and exhausting chore for me that I feel like I'm misunderstanding how it works for other people. Like, does everyone else replace the sheets but not the duvet cover? Because I always replace the cover at the same time as the sheets and that's probably the hardest part. I also heard americans don't have top sheets at all? And I don't have a dryer so I need a warm enough day that my sheets will actually dry, which isn't common in winter.
I'm otherwise a really neat and clean person but it's just such a pain in the ass. I shower at night and I don't have sex so hopefully I'm not getting my sheets that dirty in the first place.
No. 2381159
>>2381155 and i basically do the same thing. its summer for me right now too so the last time i washed my sheets i didnt put my duvet cover on and have just been using the cover itself as a blanket
No. 2381353
>>2381236I'm so sorry anon but the idea of your brain being like "defensive mode
ACTIVATE" and spraying people with water for no reason made me kek so hard
No. 2381899
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I keep going to /soc/ to give useless advice to depressed e-girls that post their nudes there. A part of me hopes that I can pinkpill them into hating moids but it never works, I still try though.
No. 2382013
>>2382003Samefag but I'll probably stop doing it after I start volunteering in a women's shelter like I'm planning, I just have a huge savior complex that needs to be fulfilled somehow.
And hey, at least I'm not trying to change coomer moids.
No. 2382288
>>2382216How old is your boss? This is my relationship with my boss except I do not reciprocate it. He literally confesses how much he loves me and cares about me, but it makes me very anxious. I suck it up for now because he's my director and I believe we are more as friends as he realizes how impossible the situation is, but I cannot imagine romanticizing this type of dynamic even if he were theoretically young, hot, and single. Even though I know I'm in my position for my own merits it bothers me that outsiders would look to it as favoritism for how much he gushes about me. He's apparently blabbed about me so much to his family that he mentioned even his wife thinks I'm his 'favorite.'
Still I'd take this over my female bosses of the past who always put me down and never elevated me in the workplace.
I hate this so much.
No. 2382426
>>2382288I'm actually older than him.
I think that what you're describing is different and not ok. I've never spoken about feelings with him or acted in any way that was unprofessional, and if he had, I would've been extremely disappointed.
I'm sorry you're going through this, nona, I can only imagine how uncomfortable it must be to work like this. I hope you're right and he knows it's an impossible situation, but if it gets too far, consider talking to someone because a work environment like that is not healthy and it sounds like he's taking advantage of his position to pressure you, whether he's conscious of it or not. Don't let what people think bother you. Focus on doing a good job and that's it. I hope it gets better.
No. 2383627
My apartment roach infestation has gotten seemingly worse in the past few weeks. I got sick a week ago and I haven't had the energy to clean much, and holy shit I didn't think not doing anything for a few days would have it escalate this badly.
First, I found a baby roach on my snack bags while at work, the next day I notice a roach crawling from under where my bulletproof vest I wear to work is hung right as I'm getting ready to put it on, today, I find a baby roach crawling on my vest as I'm at work. I took off my vest and shook it to see if any more roaches would come out, but I saw no more, but I've been hyper focusing on trying to tame this roach problem for a while, even when I barely have any energy to make dinner.
I don't want to become this person who walks around and has roaches crawling all over them. But I'm literally that person right now, and I feel so ashamed. I did contact pest control in my apartment and they came twice in a month. I have decluttered here and there, but I know I should throw away more stuff.
I freaked out the other day after pest control came and there was a roach crawling on my computer chair, then realized more roaches have been making their home in the router that sits on my desk. I bought roach bait stations that are coming in the mail in a few days, I've been killing as many roaches I see wandering. I fear the apartment I'm in is fucked. I believe my upstairs neighbors may be the culprit, if not then maybe it's me. Maybe it's the old woman neighbor up and across from me, or maybe the person next to me. But I just want this to end now.
No. 2383640
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>>2383627Hey nona I'd recommend getting this or something similar. Also, get some roach bait, the kind that they take back to the roach nest and poisons them all. If you are seeing little roaches there's almost certainly a nest somewhere nearby. Calling pest control is the right move!
No. 2383646
>>2383631This is why I’m not on any BC kek, I’ll go without it as long as I have to.
Thank god for being celibate and scroteless. I think I would spiral if I gained weight , not that I hate fatties. I just don’t like fatty me.
Besides nonna BC increases water retention, so it makes it much easier to gain weight. Good luck on your journey!
No. 2383684
>>2383669I have bad cramps too, but ibuprofen and water is sufficient at least for now.
The problem is that doctors don’t literally do anything other than telling you to get on birth control, it’s so annoying that female health is dismissed this much.
No. 2383789
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Been banned from the r/TeachingUK subreddit at least 10 times and Mumsnet about 1000
No. 2384108
>>2384008Never liked IM but I love Dio. Old school metal and dadrawk in general are so OTT in a good way that I can't hate them as genres, but I am a dedicated hater of every musical pedo of the era which a lot of rock and metal musicians sadly were. Still like some of the songs though.
My confession is that I have no guilty pleasures. Everything I like gets thrown in the queue and I don't care who knows. I
do in fact listen to everything, yes even Mongolian throat singing, yes even mumble rap if I like it. I've even been known to like a few Kid Rock songs. I'm not American or a Trumper, I just like what I like. Cry about it.
No. 2384182
>>2384157Same. I never felt excited by real men, I didn't have crushes growing up and I only really ever dated them out of FOMO and boredom. My husbandos always satisfied my needs.
>I will never have family or kidsI'd like kids one day but I can't imagine being married to a 3D scrote, the thought makes me feel ill. Perks of being a sperg.
No. 2384569
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>>2384157Me with Xavier. No scrote can ever compare, he set the standards too high. Apart from the looks , which are top tier, I just love his personality, so soft spoken and gentle , yet passionate and fierce. The only good men are the fictional ones.
No. 2384571
>>2384177Me too nonna, it dries me up like The Sahara desert, I find it disgusting.
The most annoying thing that makes me hate them is not that though, it’s that they never tell you they’re bi until you find them cheating or words come out that they’re a public toilet who fuck anything that walks(since they don’t owe you anything you know?). But I can recognize them easily fortunately.
Also they always complain about hetero women not wanting them on social media, it reeks to f desperation and it’s pathetic.
Bi scrotes are all depraved also, they’re the ones who are into extreme kinks, open relationships, polyamory and other bullshit like this. Some women think that they’re in tune with their femininity but these scrotes are just like the straight ones, misogynistic as fuck.
No. 2384759
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I'm religious and catholic, and yeah, I gotta bite my tongue quite often around here. I don't mind, because I'm not the one to force anyone to stop doing things just because of my own personal beliefs, besides, that's just the nature of this website and several anons got religious trauma by virtue of being born female, it makes sense they hold deep hatred against any religions so I don't judge. But I guess my confession is that I'd be lying if I said I didn't find hurtful or deeply offensive the way anons talk about those beliefs or Jesus, it's often very crude and I've to consciously ignore those comments so to no start a pointless infight
No. 2384782
>>2384759I love you nonita. I believe Jesus is the only real good man with Charles Ingalls. I also believe you are doing the right thing because he would want us to forgive them.
Another confession I have is that while I do not approve of troons I saw that many of them are just disturbed individuals with a troubled past that aren't actively being creeps and I keep them in my prayers. I hope they do what's right someday and I don't wish for them to die, just to get better. I stopped engaging in the MtF cringe thread or the man hate thread because it filled my heart with too much hate and I didn't like that feeling.
Though I cannot get rid of my hatred for muslims especially their moids kek. I supposed it's something I must learn to turn the other cheek to as well.
No. 2384921
>>2384919That's fucked and
even more why I hate pro-ed retards online promoting medical detriments. Hope you're better now
No. 2385203
>>2385143kek he literally just watched me sit at my desk and listen to it. i pretended to find it amusing the whole time, because i also almost felt bad.
and i wanted his money duhi just went to check on how it's going and i guess he gave up on it kek, he probably ran out of money to fund his viewership
No. 2386002
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I feel so justified looking at Asian study inspo because I also consume pencil cases. I’m an artist and study hard for school so I have a lot of supplies to carry around/use but I’m so happy I’m not the only one with pencil case autism . Even as a child I was obsessed with stationary and thought I was weird for it KEK
No. 2386293
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I haven't washed my hair in almost two weeks
No. 2386508
>>2386471Nta but agreed, supporting cheaters or homewreckers will never be based and feminist because these women are doing this out of their lust worship obsession with men and hatred for women.
There are some rare cases where a woman cheating is
valid but a majority of the time it is not and these women act so weird and cunty with you whenever there is a man around because they are competing with you.
No. 2386627
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I look at myself in the mirror and i really want a facelift. I am 23. I dont know why but i look SO OLD. It doesnt help i am always being called señora(old woman) on the street either. I feel like i would actually be model tier with a facelift. It makes me so self-conscious. Ofcourse, i wont get a facelift, i am a poorfag. But the fact that i could look so pretty without my saggy skin and nasolabial folds makes me suicidal.
No. 2386642
>>238662723 is very young to have facial sagging
nonnie, so either you've got a bit of facial dysmorphia, or you've got a serious mineral/collagen deficiency. maybe try some supplements for a few months - specific collagen pill, and iron, magnesium, copper, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A are all minerals that contribute to skin elasticity.
No. 2386677
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There's an EDM song that I really want to learn how to contact dance to, but I'm so untalented and ungraceful I fear I'll end up looking as corny and uninspired as Jill with her light whip.
No. 2386994
>>2386991If you buy something from Amazon, you can have it sent to a pickup spot, usually in a Whole Foods or something.
The better question is
why? No. 2387008
>>2386994I didn't even think of that! Thanks
I like the way it feels, I think I have vagismus because nothing fits in there so this is my alternative. I don't know what made me this way. No. 2387043
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I NEED ntyfag’s APH Israel OC to fuck me so bad. It’s funny because I detest shitrael and am very pro Palestine, which in all honesty, probably adds to it. Not sure if she even goes outside /m/ but it’d be embarrassing if she saw it kek
No. 2387152
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Currently browsing LC in public. At Disney world no less. Cheers!!! Just had a fat chode of a pickle, banana, and a frozen rum and coke after riding rock n roller coaster. You know they’re changing rock n roller coaster to fucking MUPPETS??? Glad I got to do it before it’s ruined by those annoying bastards
No. 2387245
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i think i have yellow fever
No. 2387443
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Cant take it anymore, i am going to masturbate to gay porn the entire weekend.
No. 2387625
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had to confess to my nigle of like 1 month that im into to male ryona after he saw i had gurochan bookmarked one day when we were watching YouTube on my computer. he seemed relieved that i wasnt into the harder stuff associated with that website but i could tell he had underestimated how strange i was until then and it threw him a little b/c he's a normie anyway that was 10 years ago and we're married. i evangelize about fujoism to him weekly
No. 2387761
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this pic randomly came up on my feed and I was instantly possessed by lust and wound up cumming two times while being transfixed by her hips and legs in this image I can see why TV stations refused to air whatever performance this pic was from.
No. 2387797
>>2387786The celebration of natural state thread
You think people would be more accepting of hairy natural stuff instead of plastic surgery and bald shaved crap
No. 2387891
I've been going through some health stuff that near killed me and while I'm happy to be alive, the medication has completely changed my looks. My face is puffed up and round, I've got an awful rash on my shoulders and for months I lost a ton of weight and now I'm gaining rapidly again, and worst of all my hair fell out in chunks and left me balding, causing me to shave it all. I am a complete stranger to myself. Nothing feels normal.
A few weeks ago I bought a beautiful, long wig in a color I've always wanted my hair to be, and every Saturday since I've put it on, dressed up in some cute clothes, put on a pair of glasses I don't usually wear and gone out to museums or other events pretending I'm someone else. Instead of a bald, chubby woman in all black I'm a short, round-faced lady in colorful clothes with stunning, long hair, and it's keeping me sane for the time being. I could never do this daily because it's too much work, but just having one day a week being a different person, someone people notice and smile at in the street, makes all the difference to what it's like to be a stranger to myself.
No. 2387896
>>2387891first of all i'm so sorry you went through that, and also have so much respect to you for getting through it, you sound incredibly strong nona. the fact you're still standing and in your body is amazing.
i can't imagine the physical changes you must be experiencing, but if a wig makes you feel nice like how makeup does for some others, that's great. while you're waiting to recoup yourself you should invest in some cool wigs of styles you've always wanted to try! i want to do that too to be honest, i know plenty of women who don't
need wigs but do it purely for the fun. at the end of the day, you are a strong person, but having those little moments of visibility are always lovely, don't feel ashamed
No. 2388215
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I’ve been called an nlog so much I’m just going to accept it, gimpgirl style.
No. 2388324
>>2388265Some people are very dumb
nonnie. Most people who use the term nlog nowadays don't even know what it actually means. Same with pick me.
No. 2389127
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nonnas I really like this guy in another country am i going to make it??
No. 2389203
Don't date him
LDR sucks
No. 2389606
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All men are just some guy and 90% (or more) are porn addicted coomers. 5% just love to fuck lots of women and don’t want a serious relationship. Makes me sad. Wouldn’t even mind an open relationship if I was the primary partner but they don’t even want that. I guess I’ll live with my parents forever and just enjoy the attention I get from men a few times a year and be thankful I get to go nice places and do fun things when a guy does hit me up. Some women don’t even get that much.
No. 2389754
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he said i have school shooter vibes ""in a hot way"" because i wear eyeliner and use tumblr and shamefully enough it still hasnt deterred me from wanting to fuck him. god help me(retard)
No. 2389761
>>2389754Sit and observe, I’m already having my popcorns while waiting for the shit show.
Do you seriously think that a scrote who tells you “you look like a shooter” as a compliment is in any way decent? He’s probably a porn addict , edgelord, 4chan user.
No. 2389768
>>2379383I dont know what to do, I have been dating one of these tech bros for three years, I need to break up with him. I simply fell out of love. He loves me a lot and I'm scared of how he's gonna react when I do it because I know he's gonna be devastated.
Plus, this tech bubble pop thing has been true I guess, since graduating in 2021 he has had one job for around a year and claims to be applying to jobs all the time. But he just cant find one. Now he hardly leaves the house, has no motivation to do anything but game with his friends until 3am and "work on his game" because he wants to be a game developer.
To me, that isn't a good career path, just hoping your small indie game will blow up that is gonna take years to complete. I would never say this because I don't want to crush his dreams. But I told him "just get a regular job in the meantime, like at warmart or whatever!" But his response is basically "I dont wannaaa" and he's only interested in large companies where he is a programmer working from home.
Well, whatever, I could go on and on about this. Sorry for ranting I am just so stressed. I wish we could just be friends. His goals do not align with mine at all.
No. 2390181
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I think I still have romantic feelings towards my best friend even though she has made it clear that she doesn't feel the same seeing that shortly after she moved abroad she started dating someone seriously. I've been trying to convince myself that I'm over these feelings and that I can still stay close to her platonically because we both value our friendship but it just pisses me off any time she brings her up her man whenever we chat and I feel like a bitch because she's not even doing it in a obsessed way and it's clear that he makes her happy and less lonely. She also mentioned a few times that this guy is eerily similar to me, apparently we have the similar interests, habits and quirks, which kinda irritates me even more like it would've bothered me less if she wasn't also into women because then I could've at least written this off as a sexuality incompatibility thing.
What stinks is that idk how to resolve this aside from just ripping off the bandaid and never talking to her again, which I don't want to do bc she's so kind to me and she's one of the few people in my life that understands me and is genuinely supportive of me. I've tried to move on by trying to date and experience romantic attention in hopes it would both help me sort out my feelings for her and also give me someone else to pour love into but so many people in this country are incredibly conservative and homophobic, it's hard. I'm also too scared to like bring my feelings up to her or our mutual friends because I'm scared that if she knows, she'll tell her moid and he'd convince her to cut ties with me or worse yet, she herself would distance herself from me to avoid causing any drama between her and her man.
I guess there's nothing else to do but grit my teeth and stay pathetic and hope these feelings eventually fade.
No. 2390191
>>2390181This happened to me too, nearly exactly. Kind of eerie. She also compared me to her boyfriend a lot, and I felt like I was competing with him for her attention. I was mostly okay with things but I definitely spiraled when she came out at bi. I never confessed to her, but we got into a huge fight (that was my fault) and I haven’t spoken to her in over a year now and I probably never will again. I think about her every day, and it still makes me sad when I hear a song I know we’d sing together or read some book I know she’d love but can’t tell her about, etc.
What I’m getting at is that you’re probably doomed, but you should try your hardest to value the time you have with her.
No. 2390634
>>2390623Ahaha and this is a video with a green screen, she isn't cleaning the window, she's just moving the hand around aimlessly!
No. 2390658
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>>2390648I'm laughing too much, my jaw hurts
No. 2390947
>>2390881Went through his Google Photos, it backed them up despite being deleted from his phone
>>2390882You're right
No. 2391402
I am a hooker and I reported another hooker to the IRS today.
I escort / sugar alongside a full corporate career, to fund my masters. Decent looking to cute guys I actually like, for years.
A year ago I ended up at a dinner with a random girl who was all loud and proud about how she has 4 married old men funding her life, 50k a month or something coming in from these guys, they are so disgusting, she hates them and just loves money, men suck unless they give you money etc.
I was like ok fuck it and had a drink and tried to kiki with her about how annoying the guys I see can be when they want to stay up all night etc. She honestly did not want to be my friend at all, talked down to me, etc. Thought I was small potatoes as a sugar baby etc.
I went home and never thought about this person again, except then I moved, and it turns out she lives in my building! A mutual friend told me this girl texted her saying "ugh that dirty escort girl moved into my building" and then "hows your little scammer friend, I see her carrying around birkins" etc.
For the record - I have some insane bags. Because the system I run, that she talked down on, works.
Our mutual friend now hates her, for unrelated reasons. Turns out that the mean girl is a lot worse than I could have ever imagined - she flies in girls from other countries to pimp them out to her network. And has been run out of various cities multiple times for attempted theft in night clubs - trying to take watches from drunk men. And she doesn't pay her taxes, has never has paid her taxes.
I've seen the girls she is pimping around. They look about 20 years old. So I reported her to the IRS lol, considering reporting her for human trafficking as well. Someone should just scare her straight.
I think she is picking on me because I have information that could ruin her socially. She's convinced everyone in our upscale building that she's a real estate agent. Terrified I'd tell people she's an escort.
I am a pretty mature person, and I don't judge anyone, and I am a bit scared of her. Anon IRS tip seems reasonable, hope she gets audited and out of this lifestyle.
I never speak to her when I see her around. If she's telling my neighbors I'm an escort, they'll eventually see me out in the common area doing actual work calls or with my decent looking bf SD and be like huh she doesn't look like an escort she looks normal.
I don't think I need to engage with her or talk to her at all, ever. Hope she just gets audited and it never even crosses her mind that I could be the one who tipped them off(unintegrated posting style)
No. 2391556
>>2391469I want to preface this by saying that throughout these relationships, I was extremely mentally unwell and not doing anything to better that. My girlfriend and I began dating online and since we had been together, we had established that both of us felt much more romantically and emotionally involved with women, but that we still enjoyed men’s sexually. we would separately talk to guys by talk I mean Sexting, but it never really got past that until about a year into our relationship at this point we had already been fighting. Our relationship was not good and I had never had sex with a man before, and I wanted to lose my virginity in that sense. the guy that we had picked was someone she had already known, but that I did not know I think that should’ve been the first red flag. the first time that we hooked up with him it went ok. a second time we had planned on all having a threesome again and before he came to my house, he was going to pick her up and they had sex separately without me. I had no idea this was gonna happen and this was not some thing that I was OK with or that, I thought it was gonna happen and I freaked out really badly. after that incident, I was really freaked out and not sure where our relationship was going to go. The second time that we had sex with him. It was kind of weird and to this day I feel uncomfortable and gross about the way that that went down and I’m kind of mad at my ex for putting me in that situation even though I did, want to I guess “lose my virginity”. a few months after that, one of my male friends started kind of being affectionate with me and he was really respectful and kind, and I think that because men had always treated me so violent and rude that it really caught me off guard. It felt nice to have someone appreciate me sexually in a way that wasn’t predatory or scary feeling my girlfriend was cool with me sleeping with this guy, but then eventually changed her mind that she wasn’t even though she was the one who had kind of initiated loose boundaries in our relationships when it came to other people. eventually I stopped sleeping with the other guy and we both decided that we shouldn’t talk to people separately because it would create some type of issue so we started talking to and dating the same people and we started dating my current boyfriend after we had been together for three years. we separately matched with him on Tinder, and we eventually met up and started hanging out all the time and the three of us began a relationship. this is already so long so I’m not gonna get into what happened within that relationship, but it was fucking insane. over summer I found out that my girlfriend had been cheating on my boyfriend and I with a 30-year-old DJ (she was 20). My bf and i have managed to stay together without our ex a it’s definitely not easy but i’m lucky to have someone going thru the exact same situation at me by my side
No. 2392133
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how i feel seeing my diamond quality posts in the lc screenshots thread
No. 2392354
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I confess that reading (unintegrated posting style) made me laugh