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No. 2373642
>>2373600Its this
>>2373631They know true male nature themselves
No. 2373688
>>2373682Incest and other deranged paraphilia are aberrations against nature. It’s not like every scrote has a caca fetish.
But I’d say that domination and misogyny is programmed into them. Am I being bio essentialist kek? I can’t really answer whether it’s nature or nurture that makes scrotes like that, I think it’s both.
No. 2373761
>>2373636Sure, normal dads, we're talking about aggro degens as
>>2373600 described.
No. 2373790
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Shoplifting is bad. I don't care if you stealing from Walmart, or any other millionaire company, people will never convince me that stealing is good. If you're going through tough times why don't you just panhandle for money, after all you don't care about self respect kek. Actually I see panhandling to be more respectable.
No. 2373816
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>>2373790i’ve always stolen. i don’t have a moral issue with it at all if it’s from chains, especially where i’m from you’re somewhat
encouraged to steal because of how egregious the price points are for simple groceries. i personally don’t really steal much anymore unless i have/want to, i get nervous, but it doesn’t mean i won’t. i stole some nail polish a few weeks ago because, why tf would i spend 10-20 dollars on some cheap nailpolish when i’m already paying the store $30 for all of my other stuff?
No. 2373819
>>2373801I thought the problem is that usually, when someone steals, a worker has to pay for what was stolen, usually someone like cleaning staff or a cashier, which are the people that get the most affected by such things.
I mostly know that it does happen in my country when people use fake bills. Like one time a woman paid with a fake bill of 100 dollars and the cashier had to take that out of her pockets because the woman just never went back to that supermarket which is a big company in my country. People would say it's "morally" Okay to steal from that big supermarket, but it doesn't just work like that, someone will always have to pay.
No. 2373827
>>2373816 and where i’m from this is not the case. all of my friends who’ve worked in the supermarkets that upsell shit, steal themselves along with most of their other coworkers. in my country there is a big debate right now about how fucked the supermarkets are and price gouging
No. 2373902
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>>2373891Settling down isn’t the same as being conservative. Plenty of liberal women get married and don’t make a big deal about it. I’ve never seen a conservative women I’d think is pretty, I think they adopted this personality to compensate for being ugly.
No. 2373918
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>>2373912Is have to see what these “attractive” people look like with my own eyes. White people think anyone not obese and has blonde hair is pretty. In real like I’ve never seen one who didn’t looked cooked like thanks giving dinner. Is it because makeup is a sin?
No. 2373937
>>2373917nta and im not even trying to be rude but i’ve found this to be true as well
>>2373918the whole concept of veganism is so annoying to me, but going vegan just because your “husband” said so is…patheticò
No. 2373950
>>2373939Yes. Anytime a man is rabidly seething about some evil careercunt girlboss you can be sure it’s because she jilted him. They just kind of ignore wallflowers. It’s also partially because of attitude, liberal women are “uppity” and thus
trigger strong emotions which their animal brain associates with attraction. my heuristic is that no truly attractive woman would have to pander to moids grievances
to get them to like her, she’d just… exist lol. Competition is stiff among instathots though so tards who couldn’t cut it being a regular thot become an intellectual thot. Sad.
No. 2374292
>>2373550I like her music and acting and find her pretty, but your post is interesting. It's a thing I think of a lot when it comes to any female artists all together. I don't think any of them have the ovaries to actually make feminist music, because it means being ostracized from the music industry and getting attacked and harrased over it. Even Diamanda Galás, who I love and respect the work of musically and vocally, is a faghag at the end of the day and started hee entire career because of her gay brother dying from AIDS. Majority of her songs are vague and not about women struggles, or are about libfem ideology shit like being against the death penalty (though that was a cover) and being pro-gay etc. She also makes femdom bullshit songs and songs about killing men over a relationship ending or cheating, which imo is pathetic and not feminist at all. Being in a relationship with a man is anti-feminist by default because it goes against all the principles of feminism. It makes me so sad that no woman out there actually practices separatism and applies that in her art, and not even the anons on lolcow do this. Hope this doesn't start an infight but I'm so tired of opening any thread ever and seeing
>man>men>moid(s)>relationship(s)>sex>Nigel(s)>boyfriend>husband>men think/want/project/say/do/don'tEtc. kind of discussions. I know someone's gonna say
femcels don't exit but like 99% of discussions about men on this website is basically
>they don't accept me and want me the way I am and want so they're bad, surely complaining about them 24/7 will change their minds and things will look up for me eventually!All the "misandry" here stems from not being able to get a man, then it flies out of the window once they get one. How disingenuous. Funniest part is when they try to keep the misandry act while also having a Nigel and talking about him. It's so embarrassing to witness. You were never misandrist to begin with if it was all about not bagging a man. And I think the same thing applies to misogynistic men who make getting a girlfriend their entire life purpose and personality, and act like being single is the epitome of depression and the worst thing they ever had to go through. It's sour grapes kind of thing until they finally get the grapes, but they have to act like they still don't like the grapes to keep up an image and act tough or something. Both genders are guilty of this and it's so retarded and frankly pathetic. They can't even stick to any real principles or beliefs at all.
>inb4 it's being heterosexual and can't be helped!You're an evolved animal with great intelligence who is capable of more than basic animal instincts, why is it different all of a sudden when it comes to this one thing that ignoring and unlearning can actually benefit you? Following this instinct is literally destructive and harmful to you, why not have any preservation instincts against it instead? I will never understand this. I'm horny af and want sex, but I can rein in these desires because I know trying to chase it and getting involved with a man will literally end my life as I know it and like it, so I prefer to compromise sex over my personal life and happiness. Why can't other people do this?
No. 2374319
>>2374306Bad news: Cooking does not kill prions.
Good news: If you don't live in a shithole then this is largely a non-issue with commercial meat…for now.
No. 2374397
>>2374378Unironically be careful for cinnamon.
Also turmeric, cumin, and saffron.
No. 2374415
>>2374356Except BBQ is actually fully cooked and seasoned and tastes like something that isn't period blood stench.
>>2374358Bases. I found my culinary twin.
>>2374370I brought up Chinese steak as another variation of preparing the cut itself in a better way. Are you retarded? Not surprised when you eat bloody tasteless meat, your brain must've shrunk from the lack of nutrition.
>>2374375American moment. I get my minced meet from the butcher who minces it from select parts of an cow carcass hanging in the shop, and I season it at home with home ground spices.
>>2374390Steak eaters are indeed the posers of the food world as nonna said. It's just a cut of meat but you HAVE to base your personality and intelligence on it. This is why steak eaters are pickmes, both male and female ones.
No. 2374455
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>>2374422Have you seen the marbling on Japanese steaks? Cows there are actual planets.
No. 2374472
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I don’t like red meat, I just eat it once in a while for nutritional value. I’m also Italian and living in Tuscany where meat is very good, but I hate “bistecca alla fiorentina”.
No. 2374528
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>>2374521Minced meat nonna I think you would love this. Here in some regions of my country we have many wild boars, so locals are encouraged to hunt them; we even have festivals dedicated to boar based food. One of them is “ragù”, which is made with minced boar meat. It’s cooked in tomato sauce, red wine and herbs, it’s so delicious, it’s much more richer and flavorful than normal minced meat.
No. 2374539
>>2374472Picrel look so gorgeus I wish I could eat this every day.
>>2374531Nta but boar sausage best sausage
No. 2374544
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>>2374531I hope you’ll fulfill that wish nonna. Bolognese ragù is super good too, you can even try to pair it with gnocchi rather than pasta. It will have a different flavor profile, but still very good!
No. 2374547
>>2374539The thing is that it’s very delicious, but once you’ve chewed the flavor out I don’t like the texture that remains kek.
But if you like meat and visit Florence or Tuscany in general I really would recommend it. It’s a bit pricey though, but it’s worth it.
No. 2374552
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>>2374547They pair the bistecca with oven potatoes though, and the potatoes are so yummy, I think they add beef fat or something.
But I’ll stop sperging about food now kek, it’s really one of my favorite subjects to talk about kek. Last time I sperged about onions.
No. 2374600
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I don't trust most people who use the word pick me nowadays. It seems to me that a bunch of people discovered it not long ago and changed the meaning. There's literally a nona here saying liking steak is pick me behavior.
No. 2374613
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I hate this type of nose, I think they call it barbie nose. I really don't understand how people find this attractive.
No. 2374630
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>>2374626I had to reference a doll because I wasn't sure if they did have noses they were after my time, but jesus christ. These dolls are retarded. Size of the little nose lol
No. 2374632
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>>2374630this was a plot in the show
No. 2374650
>>2373861I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion as much now but I'm completely convinced moids and anybody obsessed with the family institution and "family values" is in reality a control hungry scrotemonger who only benefits from a society that traps women in marriages, without BC, without abortion, without divorce, with puritanical morals that bully her into a meek shell. Since the beginning of time thats all family has ever been about for moids and and depraved women. Its just been a depraved fetish like any other.
It doesn't matter that there are supposed decent ones, since they all hide their political leanings, lie to your face about who they are, to get in your pants. Its all hell if you're a woman you dont benefit from any of it.
Is it possibly the worst fetish known to man? Is it actually the most disgusting arrangement in human civilization? I'm starting to think so, because it is so pervasive and "worshipped".
Family centered moids are conniving, controlling fetishists and nothing else and pretty much any percieved benefit of "family" is a psyop to coerce a female into throwing their life down the tubes.
I think in nature its perfect. You never have to get chained to anybody or any institution or any morals. Looking back on human history, males look more disgusting than i have words for. "Family values" its nothing but a moid fetish to entrap a woman so she has no option to escape.
And like i said i dont give a fuck if there are good men because engaging requires you to filter through the ones that try to entrap you in some way or another. Its all entrapment and nothing else.
No. 2374682
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I hate vegan men, I think they should have their heads impaled on spikes
No. 2374687
>>2374666idk i agree with you and i feel like most would. facial harmony is super important and all of us know how the human brain recognises faces. if certain things aren’t proportional or look ‘fake’ our brain will associate it with the uncanny valley or something similar.
i’ve considered getting injections but if i did i’ve always told myself it would have to be just one thing and not to go overboard. if anything, i want to get a lip-flip without much ml. just so my lip is more apparent when i smile.
to me, non-invasive surgeries like that feel akin to piercings/body-mods, and i don’t see much of an issue with it (aside from the retards who balloon their face up and get it everywhere every 3 months)
while i agree everyone can choose to do what they want, invasive and repeated surgeries are awful for the psyche and destroy peoples lives, quite literally. i think people should be able to ‘tweak’ their face/body, so to say, but to completely manufacture a new one, firstly just looks weird and unnatural, and secondly terribly harmful to not only themselves but also those around them. it’s insane thinking about all the mega-botched ‘celebs’ who kept getting approved to turn themselves into a blob of plastic
No. 2374688
>>2374666It doesn't matter which woman you are, they're all introduced to degenerecy at some point. Being attractive is pretty much being damned too because then you cant escape the stalking and predation especially when you're a child and people overlook your voice.
But the "family values" fetish is probably the nastiest most disgusting one in existence because youused to be unable to escape it and it was actually called MORAL. People need to call it out for being the filth it is.
No. 2374692
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>>2374650With the titles and powers bestowed upon me, I proclaim you enlightened priestess
No. 2374700
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>>2374613It makes people look younger and more neotenous, but thats not necessarily better imo. Even here, at best it looks the same to me, her facial harmony seems slightly worse. I think it's more a socially ingrained thing rather than objective
No. 2374718
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listen and learn, nonnies
No. 2374759
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>>2374729You honestly sound like you should be put down anon. Who would kill their kid because they got cancer? And what if your daughter became "retarded" because of your son or boyfriends rape or violence? Then you should be double be put down for all our sakes
(ai shit outside of containment ) No. 2374782
>>2374768You basically model your behavior and values on a moid from the deep south thats too mentally and financially destitute to care about anyone. A lot of people come back from cancer but not a lot of people have the bitterness to kill their own child . And if that child was sexually abused by your boyfriend you'd deserve to be sterilized and have your eyes gouged out so you could never look at a man again.
Honestly just sterilize yourself now
No. 2374794
>>2374777That’s because you project the whole “women are the epitome of nurture and self sacrifice”. I wouldn’t kill my child with cancer obviously , I would care for them and I like to think that I would also care for my child if they had an intellectual disability (only girls though) or if they became disabled later in life.
But you don’t know how it feels to be in the caretaker’s shoes and I’m sure that plenty think of this and even feel guilt about it. We need spaces for women where they can openly vent.
No. 2374800
>>2374790And you think that keeping a child in that miserable state is merciful and holier than thou?
You think that nonna is fantasizing about brutally killing these people but that wasn’t the point of her post.
No. 2374813
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>>2374808Where did nonna talk about children being molested?
No. 2374815
>>2374810Thats not what she said initially, sthats obviously not what im going to be focused on here. Trying to make herself sound reasonable after the first statements isn't going to cut it anymore.
That kind of person can't be trusted with anything. It goes far beyond motherhood, and pet ownership, you know they're going to be the most insufferable person in your group.
No. 2374829
>>2374768Okay I found it here. If my child ever got molested I would spend money in getting them therapy to cope and I’d do my best, just like if they got a curable cancer.
But I think we can also talk about extreme conditions , what if they get an aggressive , incurable cancer? Like pancreatic cancer, which is too far advanced for operating; they’re in pain and they’re suffering and palliative care isn’t doing anything. I don’t know what I would do.
What if they get so badly assaulted that yes they end up not only with severe PTSD but also permanently disabled and again in pain. I don’t know what I would do and I don’t think I would be ready to have that sort of conversation. It’s easy to say what you would do when it’s not happening to you.
No. 2374832
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>>2374828I honestly agree with all of that but thats not what she said earlier on. She agreed that if the child became "retarded from moid abuse" she would rather kill the child. Talk about having no solidarity with your own kind
No. 2374842
>>2374832I think if a lot of people just admitted they don’t have the emotional love or care to deal with kids when it gets tough, less
abusive parents would exist. You can call me whatever but at least I recognize that aspect of myself and don’t have kids. I wanna live a life of having fun and I don’t wanna deal with negativity that I can’t get rid of.
No. 2375218
>>2374577Having pets is completely different and not nearly as much of a commitment, dogs and cats die after like 16 years and a lot of pets live much less than that. Raising a child is also much harder, you have to teach them how to live in society and all these complex things and try not to have them turn into a bad person while with an animal you just have to teach some basic things like where they poop and some funny tricks if you want. For children you also have to birth them yourself and go through the process of pregnancy unless you adopt. I would never have kids but I have a couple of pets because the responsibility between those two things is just on a completely different level and I'm confident I can handle one but not the other. When I'm depressed I can just give my cat some food, change the litterbox then go right back without it being an issue and she'll come to me if she wants to. But if you did that to a child it would be neglect and probably fuck them up mentally.
>>2374600Me neither. You get called a pick me for basically having any differing tastes from other women lol. They don't realize to be a pick me you need to actively be pandering to men and doing it for their attention. They'll call any random autist a pick me for being into something and not even realize she just likes that thing. They just end up sounding misogynistic and like they're trying to police what you can and cannot like as a woman.
No. 2375531
>>2375317I second this.
>>2375079What if I do both?
No. 2375779
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Not unpopular here but becoming more unpopular irl: retard is not a slur and I will never stop saying it. And I will never acknowledge any adverse reactions I get. I dont care I don't care. That is all.
No. 2375786
>>2375779my best friend from HS is a teacher now and she tried to "correct" me the last time i called something retarded in front of her and i was just aghast at how times had changed. ill never stop calling shit retarded
>>2375782dont make me say it
No. 2375803
>>2375786I remember I said "retarded" once in front of a new group of friends and they looked at me like I killed a child. People are retarded now.
>>2375779I'll never stop saying it
No. 2375806
>>2375779I hate when people associate shit like downs syndrome with being retarded.
No. a lot of people who I have met with downs syndrome are fucking spiritually ascended above everyone else. Meanwhile I am a retard for using this site.
No. 2375821
>>2375809>desperate to have their own version of the n-wordThis is how I feel too. Like, the word retarded will never have the same effect, but they want to be
victims so bad.
No. 2375825
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>>2375756This is why we need to slut shame men
No. 2375841
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>>2375831>>2375832that sounds humiliating, i’m sorry
nonnie. don’t fear of the retards we will protect you
No. 2375845
when I was in summer camp my legit retarded ass used to scam kids out of their pokemon cards. Tried that with this downs syndrome girl and she handed my ass to me. Saw my life flash before my eyes before a counselor saved my life.
She got her cards back. Learned a valuable life lesson
No. 2375850
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>>2375841Thank you
nonnie, I’ll be in your care.
No. 2375859
>>2375854Have you never heard the term "retard strength"?
I swear to god a downs syndrome moid could probably kill a silverback gorilla with his hands tied behind his back
No. 2375860
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>>2375853you guys never heard of tard rage?
No. 2376042
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Teenagers are insufferable for a lot of reasons, but them disliking high school is a feeling that makes perfect sense and shouldn't be a reason to look down on them. For one, just look at teachers. Half of the time, they're either pedophiles who need to be beaten and kicked the fuck out, or emotionally stunted morons who need to be monitored themselves.
No. 2376061
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Bees are CUTE. All bees. They're the most adorable thing smaller than a cat.
No. 2376082
>>2376061i think they’re cute too and always tried to protect them when kids in elementary school tried to mess with them. one time, i was holding my hands over one and some retard scrote kicked my hands onto the bee.
i didn’t kill it, but it stung my hand and i thought i was dying. i ran around the school crying and holding my hand out like it was going to fall off
No. 2376086
>>2376082How can you still love them after being stung. Masochist??
I’m genuinely wondering, mods I’m not fighting with her goshhhh!!
No. 2376088
>>2376086theyre still cute and little, also honey is very good for us!
i only got stung once and was also very retarded and overreacted. i don’t like when they’re super close though, but i won’t bat them away if they’re on plants, i’ll just watch
No. 2376264
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>>2376215True. I'm from Venezuela, picrel is our national dog, the Mucuchie, it originates from an area called Merida (average temperature: 16°C, 26°C at most). Most retards here, particularly careless moids, incorrectly assumed they could bring these poor dogs to their hot ass states where the average temperature is around 38°C on a good day, causing the breed to freak out in masse and attack people out of sheer desperation, turning this breed into an infamous pet option nationally, which is unfair. This happened with huskies too, most huskies here are miserable, deranged and mentally ill because they're literally out of their natural climate, which should be freezing cold
No. 2376556
>>2376215I think there should be more efforts to breed "lookalike" breeds of highly specialized dogs. People who want hunting dogs but who then don't go hunting, herding dogs without giving them a herd, and dogs meant for snow. Breed dogs that look similar but that don't have the extra thick coat or herding instincts and so it is just a pet.
But some dogs like tiny chihuahuas still have no fucking business being in my cold ass country, you see them shiver terribly in winter despite being put in a little jacket and shoes. It's cruel!
No. 2376664
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Home screen customization is an eyesore most of the time.
No. 2377532
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fancy seeing you here, bj-chan
No. 2377771
>>2377765Disagree. Having no sexual attraction to anyone is pretty liberating tbh. Too many people in this world think with their genitals that lead to them making stupid/illegal decisions that they'll regret later.
Asexuality is a blessing disguised as a curse.
No. 2378978
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we need to bring back cable, i miss channel surfing…
No. 2379499
>>2379494I dont buy it either, but for a slightly different reason. It's because males are too fucking old to be falling for shit like that. For over ten years, everyone has been beaten with the PSA of "internet safety" and "don't believe everything on the internet". How is a grown man so retarded that he lets himself get catfished? When they're caught, they're either lying that they "never knew", or are legitimately too retarded to be using the internet. Either way, he wouldn't be a
victim in any sense of the word, IMO.
No. 2379561
>>2379195It's true. Once I found out my dad was exactly the same as every other man when I was in my 20s, I realized all men are the same. He said and did sexist stuff when I was a kid that I was too young to get. Men suck. I'm glad my mom left him
>>2379440You're a retard
No. 2379592
>>2379584I do think this is partly true, but men are taught to be competitive from a very young age. Women are also taught to compete about stuff, just less meaningful shit. Just look at the constant competition most women are in for who is the prettiest, skinniest, "smallest" etc etc. I don't think it can be 50/50, but it can be a lot closer than where we are.
>>2379589kek I have had the exact same thought before
No. 2379593
>>2379589A shame this is unpopular but I can see how it's useful for society to turn 20s women into naive, trapped baby making machines. It's less useful for society to have established and educated women in their 30s having babies because it cannot predate on either as easily.
If I wanted to give enemies bad advice, I'd tell them to have children young.
No. 2379603
>>2373790I don't have an issue with shoplifting, I just have an issue with the lifters themselves. It's a coin flip whether they
will only steal from stores or if they'll steal literally anything that isn't nailed down (and probably waste all their "saved" money on drugs)
No. 2379733
>Women who call themselves misandrists shouldn't fuck men.
I agree, but also, men who are misogynistic shouldn't fuck women either. The truth is, neither actually hate hate each other, they're just angry the other doesn't want them so they throw a temper tantrum about how much they ~hate~ the opposite sex until they get what they want. Ofcourse, the way each treats the other is different once they aquire each other, but that's due to preconceived ideas and stuff. But also all that previous resentment causes tension in the "relationship" and dooms it to fail at best, become miserable and abusive at worst. The ones who truly hate the opposite sex don't bother with them to begin with. I have nothing to say on sex being degrading or whatever, that's arbitrary shit and is down to one's perspective and intentions with it. You think it's degrading because you want to degrade someone during it via a certain position, so you assume everyone else must be thinking the same secretly. In other words, projection much?
No. 2379738
>>2379733There's the slight, subtle, ever so tiny, mild difference that people
die when scrotes "throw tantrums."
No. 2379842
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I find this type of vanity super cheap looking.
No. 2379846
>>2379811It's hidden because if it wasn't it would
trigger the fuck out of visitors and cause a ridiculous amount of raids and attempted ddos. Don't be stupid.
No. 2379865
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>>2379842I googled "trendy vanity" and it's basically just your picrel in different fonts kek. This one looks inconvenient with the tiny off-centre mirror.
No. 2379881
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>>2379575I feel like most of the time, the term "eugenics" is used as a no-no word on behalf of people that want to justify their existence as disabled individuals. Not wanting a disabled kid, or to breed with a man with a family tree of shitty genes isn't "eugenics", that's mother nature, a feature in what's known as Natural Selection. It's not weird to not want an ugly scrote with weak physical or too many unintellectual qualities, and it's even less weird to not want a child that mentally stays a child for the rest of their life. Is this not what animals know by intuition to practice in nature? No cute little mallard duckette wants to fuck an ugly mallard drake with a skinny neck, feathers too bald and greasy, and human assistance to even find some worms to eat. That's just the duckette's common sense to avoid crossing her genes with a genetic dead end, and to avoid being stuck with fugly ducklings that aren't gonna make it.
No. 2379883
>>2379878My post doesn’t say anything about money? Also, it’s not about “money and resources”. Reread my post, I said it’s
hard to adopt a child. It’s not an easy task, and not because of money or fiscal resources. Re-starting this infight every single other day about how much you hate pregnant moms gets really annoying, I’m surprised you haven’t been permabanned.
No. 2379908
>>2379900>Most humans want instant gratificationYeah I won’t lie nona I do prefer the gratification of giving birth to my own babies who are made from my DNA and cuddling with these beautiful beings that
I created with
my body and time and energy, as opposed to spending half a decade searching for somebody else’s child
No. 2379911
>>2379907And do your consider your own mother
No. 2379940
>>2379935Yeah but based off what you’ve shared it’s obvious when you said this it was in reference to her
>You wanna ruin your body for a man who isn’t going to even appreciate itKek if my child was on lolcow talking shit about me for losing my teeth while pregnant with her I’d pay for a hitman to come put me to sleep
No. 2379962
>>2379947I think people who are brutally maimed in car accidents are ruined too, doesn’t mean I dislike like them. They’re just permanently physically damaged. This
triggers you because you’ve been taught all you life pregnancy is beautiful and makes you a martyr deserving of ass pats because you made the biggest sacrifice.
No. 2379977
>>2379962I've never been taught that, you're just assuming I have because I have way more empathy and awareness than you do. I can't even have children, and my mother was a terrible woman. I would still never call her ruined. You're now redirecting it to people in accidents with mutilation, but you know it's not the same thing. The term "ruined" is specifically reserved for women and girls. It's a gross, pedophilic, misogynistic, objectifying, and dehumanizing term. I don't know why I'm even bothering in explaining that to you because your internalized misogyny is not my problem, but your brain is super smooth and wrinkle free girl. I'm not
triggered for calling you out.
No. 2379984
>>2379979You’re absolutely right, I keep forgetting the phrase
report and ignore keek
No. 2380030
>>2380022Ah, she said housewife
or high income elite, read the whole post first
nonnie No. 2380044
>>2379780My take on this is that having that sort of bond with a scrote isn’t worth it at all. Women sacrifice way too much in family dynamics, yes even when they’re also working, in fact they end up doing most of the housework and childcare all the same in almost all instances. I’d love to have a child honestly, a daughter, but I don’t want to be forever binded with a man.
Nonna came at it badly. So I’d like to redirect and discuss better rather than infighting retardedly.
No. 2380068
>>2380020>>2380031I don't hate them for their desires, it's not something they can control, but it does get pathetic when their whole "misandry" is caused by not having a handsome bf. It's gonna
trigger that one anon who told me to go back, but it really is similar to incels who hate women because they won't date them. It's a retarded reason to hate someone or a group of people regardless of gender. And it proves my initial post about this topic. Moids don't have real reasons to hate women though, I understand that. Women do have legitimately reasons to hate moids, so why on earth pick "he's not dating me!!!!" as one? Extremely retarded and anyone who is saying otherwise is lying to themselves. It just means they secretly love them and are being sour grapes about them.
No. 2380135
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>>2380132You’ll be the first to be converted nonna
No. 2380141
>>2380124That would be so fun.
>>2380132Sorry, didn't mean to spook you.
No. 2380164
>>2380160I was using the term ironically but the fact of
>>2380145 remains
No. 2380194
>>2380186It definitely happens from time to time. But generally speaking attractive people get with attractive people, unless there’s something compensating for it.
Saying that it’s solely out of pure luck is just a cope.
No. 2380211
>>2380199Who’s the more famous one? Who is the one who has more contacts in the industry? Is he much younger?
Those are the tree questions you should ask when you see it kek.
No. 2380218
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>>2380211Sam Arron Taylor has a better looking hubby than every man Adrianna Lima like ever dated
No. 2380269
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This is probably influenced by my own experience with my stupid low porosity hair, but when I see hair like picrel, I can't help but think that it looks and feels dirty or itchy.
No. 2380507
>>2380446They’re not saying a child should get raped. They’re saying the
victim should speak out.
No. 2380521
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Annoying shitty song
No. 2380708
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Beyoncé just won her 34th Grammy. Truly the most overrated artist ever. Everyone rightly complaining about this on twitter gets called out. Mostly because she is a black woman. Ironic because she is recently whitefishing kek
No. 2380712
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>>2380091Women are so overly concerned with being teh righteous ones they'll start policing each other's thoughts like they do with their own.
No. 2380811
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It's really easy to date attractive men. Women just value the idea of "Love" too much. Most women will fall for the first guy that shows them attention which is normally a sub-average-grotesque moid. If women just had the mindset of men, date people based on how it benefits you vs how much you think you love them many women would be happier. If women did this then maybe men would be pressured to look better and not be fat. The uglies would die out with their genes someday too, hopefully. You'd think this would be an unpopular opinion on this site, but I see nonnies sharing their ugly moid stories often
No. 2380969
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You'll notice that any woman who gets excited by certain kinds of people is invariably an ugly or ordinary woman who hides behind wigs, eyelashes, and 10 kgs of makeup. Thr types who will make up a thousand reasons why they can't exercise, eat healthily, cut back on alcohol and marijuana, and drink more water. They bloat up and squeeze their 60 pounds of fat into Shein or Temu waist trainers only to look like the wardrobe from Beauty and the Beast.
No. 2380990
>>2380976And I meant every word
>>2380987She's having a stroke, I think she's left us
No. 2381044
>>2381035Drunk white women will also approach cops and take their hats off and put them on their own damned heads. There is definitely a type of person that doesn't view
anyone as human beings, and it's interesting that they're often Caucasian. That said, men do that to all women. Nonblack women thinking it's okay to touch black women's hair is absolutely a phenomena too despite the fact that
>>2381024 is trying to armchair diagnose you with meitis
No. 2381060
>>2381044Who cares what drunk white women do? You seriously think that’s an actual thing a woman can do to a fucking cop? Hahahahahha, anon pleaseeeee don’t make me laugh my ass off right now. A cop would whip his fucking pistol faster and gun that bitch down like she’s ready to fly a plane in a twin tower. They can’t help but flinch when a fucking child goes up to them and says hello, please don’t be ridiculous. Even whiteness doesn’t save a white woman from getting targeted by cops who
trigger happy and rearing to go at all times. I understand that random ass white people love touching people’s hair and having no sense of boundaries whatsoever but trust me, most people don’t give a shit about you.
No. 2381082
>>2381044Nyart but I had a little black girl come up to me, touch my hair without asking, and asked how it did that.
I had no fucking idea how to answer.
I think it's just weird to randomly touch someone's hair (or anywhere beyond a handshake). The kid gets a pass by me tho because kids are retarded and don't understand boundaries.
No. 2381163
>>2380681That's why we need a new Luigi to rise and
pew pew another CEO
Elon first!
No. 2381204
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Alex wolf is very sexy(there is a thread for this on /g/)
No. 2381343
>>2373801NTA In my experience, people who steal from Walmart do not stop at Walmart. They are cleptomaniacs who end up stealing from any establishment they deem too big — basically a snowball effect. The "one cupcake a day" mentality ends up making them steal from smaller places or from other people and being really high and mighty about it. Theft is generally a shitty practice, big chain or individual persons. I'm sure the people who jack fake nails are doing nothing bad, but my own moral compass would eat me alive for accidentally forgetting to pay for stuff. Plus racial profiling is a huge problem, if I get
caught, well, I just fucked it up further for my already screwed race kek
Lying about what breed of apple I got at self-checkout, however… I regret nothing. Paying 8 FreedomBux for a pound of apples is far better than paying 14 FreedomBux.
No. 2381423
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>>2381346I agree it's not amazing, I'm just pointing something out about how people act. Why is pederasty historically common (and often venerated) across all cultures and races of men, why is "prison gay" even viable (for both sexes, even), and why is the subject of whether traps are gay tolerated in any context? Why is tranny porn popular among men? Why are there so many weird middle-aged couples who've settled into a seemingly regular domestic life, only to decide they want to be swingers/cuckolds/cuckqueans/etc and engage in same sex activity? We can blame porn brainrot all day, but even pornography was invented by people (mainly men) seeking money at the cost of human dignity/quality of life/social norms, and speaks enough to the mainstream to keep its attention to this day.
There are many, many bisexuals claiming something else based on whatever is socially convenient at the time, or whichever sex they feel more drawn to, and they basically get away with it because it's so common. Heterosexuality dominates in all societies because it's the union that brings about children, and it typically feeds into clear, easy-to-follow hierarchical lines between the sexes (eg patriarchy), but your "heart" doesn't have to be fully in it to lead that life. Nature doesn't really care if you can feel aroused by both sexes as long as you're continuing the species, and a lot of bis aren't fully 50/50 anyway. In contrast, there's little to no gain in openly being bisexual. Maybe some social clout if you're in an LGBT-friendly society, or for greater ease if you plan to "play the field" with no secrecy and don't want to confuse people. Opposite sex attracted people are also more likely to want to breed. The average man or woman that has same sex fantasies or crushes, but has a job, spouse and/or kids (or has mostly preferred the same sex, with only a few exceptions they can play off as unexplainable "blips") isn't very likely to come out as bi. Instead, you'll notice weird shit in your daily life being pushed as normal, like "that one friend" or cousin, cases of girls doing things and claiming they're "just practicing for boys", private sexual activity between "straight" women that they both enjoy (then they go on to have husbands, agree to homophobic shit, look down on lesbians, etc), "straight" men trying to insist their obsession with big dicks or seeing shots of other men's hanging ballsacks and asses is purely sympathetic, "lesbians" insisting their ongoing crushes on male celebrities or even men in their lives is "just comphet", "gay" men calling female celebrities "mommy" and going on about their bodies or wanting said celebrities to peg them and/or privately "experimenting" multiple times with their straight female friends, and incessant debates that make no practical sense to a "true" straight person.
tl;dr: Bis will literally just gaslight you (half-joking)
No. 2381446
Anonymous now No. 2381445
>>2381441Why would I be forever stuck somewhere? I live in a lower middle class area but If I wanted to sell the house I could. The 3k you probably spend to live with roommates, I spent that on renovating my kitchen by myself. Just because you need a slum lord to do basic repairs for you so your house doesn’t go to shit doesn’t mean everyone does.
No. 2381472
>>2381465Any place that’s super nice to live is going to be over 2k a month to live. If I’m going to be living in lower income areas anyway, why would I spend 400-900 a month on rent when I can spend that own a house I own? And my
Mortgage will always stay the same, no slum lord to raise the prices when ever the devil feels like it.
No. 2381504
>>2381490Nope, I lived with my parents but when they started being
toxic I wanted to move out. I didn’t wanna live with a scrote or roommates. I compared the option of renting and a mortgage, the mortgage is way cheaper. Even if I did become rich, I still wouldn’t leave tbh
No. 2381610
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Raising your kids to be over a certain degree of religious is child abuse, especially in developed countries where it's largely incompatible with 99% of other people's lifestyles.
No. 2381612
>>2381555Exactly what
>>2381559 said, the amount of horrors that happened in asylums and mental hospitals especially towards girls and insane women was basically like one big mind control facility. I agree with you that something clearly needs to happen with the large amounts of crazy homeless people on the streets but it definitely shouldn’t be reopening many asylums which were
>>2381497Their depression is treated more kindly by society which is why so many people are content with men being loser bums who only play video games. Women with depression are just seen as a typical woman doing her “hysterics” as per usual, so people are shocked that she spirals into absolute insanity and ends up dead because people don’t take mental illness in women seriously. Mental illness is an extension of womanhood and mental illness in men is seen as “misunderstood chump” which is why they are quick to call mass shooters who are male misunderstood lonely depressed males kekkkk. Only real humans (the men) can commit violence and be sad!!!! Fuck this society
full of horror stories
No. 2381613
>>2381559ntayrt we were supposed to make them more ethical and more rehabilitation/independence focused but instead we just got rid of them in order to save money.
There are legit some people who are not fit to be among society and there's nothing wrong with keeping batshit/potentially dangerous insane people involuntarily institutionalized.
No. 2381623
>>2381619I agree. I would say lobotomize moids but Im sure that would somehow make them somehow more ape-like than they already are.
imo if all the men were culled mental illness in women would quickly become incredibly rare. I think women are far more sane than society gives them credit for. A moid wouldn't be able to survive as an actual woman, the lack of constant validation and the societal expectation for a woman to be self loathing at all times would make their heads implode.
No. 2381630
>>2381613It’s more complicated than that. We shifted from an asylum model where you sent unstable people away for treatment and long term care, to a community mental health model. The idea is that individual communities would have the resources to help and treat unstable people, preventing from having them shipped to a second location with little support. Unfortunately those resources didn’t really materialize, made more complex by increasing rates of drug addiction which can
trigger psychosis in individuals. Our prison system is the support we provide for these people now.
No. 2381637
>>2381497100%. On top of the misogynistic bullshit which saturates the healthcare field, scrotes get handled with kid gloves because they're more likely to go rabid when their brains break (and are accustomed to living with male privilege anyway.) Plus there's the ridiculous idea that "oh but men always suffer in silence, so they must be in soooo much pain if they're acting out!" I've legitimately seen grown men get handled more delicately by doctors/nurses than
children. It's pathetic.
No. 2381641
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>>2381608They think that if you were born rich, you obviously deserve it and have a right to everything good before anyone else. After all, you must naturally be smarter and have better genes than other people, and people who weren't born into success must be the opposite. That's why we have highly eugenic, competent and mentally stable individuals like Elon Musk in charge.
They also like to imagine themselves as future richfags, and they don't want The Poors taking up spots. It's funny to do that while literally being poor and locking themselves and their children out of stepping stones to success, but we're not talking about sensible people here.
No. 2381651
>>2381641It's funny how people actually believe we
ever moved on from feudalism. Spiritually, we're still there.
No. 2381816
>>2381791Destroy boymoms
>>2381813>willing to play the traditional role of provider >will to play the role of oppressor basicallyWe are regressing holy shit
No. 2381841
>>2381800Dude I am FULLY on your side with this one. Avoidants don't make hundreds of "rules" for their partners. They also don't cry or threaten to get what they want. They also don't try to invade every single aspect of their partners' privacy. What do anxious attachment types really want? They want to snuff out ever bit of independence their partners have, and make sure they can't make independent decisions or feel safe being themselves. The reason? If their partner has independence, there's a chance they could use that independence to leave.
Anxious attachment is FAR more
abusive, even though avoidants get more bad press for whatever reason. Avoidants will just tune out eventually, then leave in the dead of night without giving an explanation – they've just had enough. Which is pretty
toxic, imo, but not NEARLY as
toxic as the things anxious folks put you through.
No. 2381850
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>>2381841Even worse, take an anxious attachment who cannot for the love of god fucking communicate what they want. The one that falls under picrel category. At some point they're convinced of their victimhood status and only use it to police their relationships. I'm an anxious fearful little baby! You can't breathe wrong in my direction or I'm going to get hurt and lash out! Like picrel they HATE when you're assertive and I'm convinced they want you to be an anxious baby like them too
>Avoidants will just tune out eventually, then leave in the dead of night without giving an explanation – they've just had enough.Kek I admit on a bad day I can be like that.
No. 2381863
>>2381800I don't think that's an unpopular opinion. Everyone of any attachment style, personality, issues, etc, has the potential be
abusive, and everyone has the potential to not be
abusive. Unpopular opinion: Even bippies. I'm generally weary of bippies but I don't wanna discard the possibility that an individual did the work to become a normal person who interacts healthily with others.
No. 2381864
>>2381863It is though. Everywhere you see anxiousfags whining about how avoidants are mean and evil and abyooseev by ditching them, you never really see the opposite.
>everyone has the potential to beWell of course, but that wasn't my point. Avoidants just get way too much of the blows
No. 2381897
>>2381877Nothing inherently wrong, but the issue is when they’re manipulative/demanding/rapey/generally gross and shitty to said fans. Female celebs probably don’t have as much of an issue, but any male that gets any kind of acclaim or attention even in small fields will invariably become a nasty piece of work to the women he sleeps with.
Inb4 “but they know what they’re getting into!” Often not, especially if he portrays an image contrary to how he actually is.
No. 2382012
>>2381800Avoidants are typically just
abusive and manipulative
No. 2382018
>>2381850One of my very anxious friends handmade some Christmas presents for a lot of people and mailed them out. It was a test to see who would write her a thank-you note, and nothing more. The ones who did not write the thank-you note were on her shitlist and didn't even know it. Same friend once told me she had a doctor's appointment and couldn't hang out that day and had to reschedule. I said, "OK, I hope everything goes well, and let me know when we can meet up!" I apparently got on her bad side because I didn't say, "What is your appointment for?" and later that day didn't text to ask, "How was your doctor's appointment?" I get that I could have been more inquisitive, but I didn't want to cross a privacy boundary. Personally I'd hate it if someone was pushy about my medical goings-on.
Point is, they'll make up scripts in their heads for you to respond, and when you don't respond properly, you're in trouble. Shit's scary because you never know when you're doing or saying the wrong thing. And when they DO tell you what to say, and you do the thing exactly, you feel totally insincere like you're just reading lines. I don't get it. They should rebrand "anxious attachment" to "controlling attachment".
No. 2382126
>>2382073Related story, I was really good friends with this kid who was my neighbor. We met when I was 7 and he was 9, and remained good friends for 4 years until he moved away. We made home movies together, wrote comic books, built a bunch of forts and tree houses, literally bffs. When I was home from college one summer my parents told me he and his family were visiting. They said he was really handsome now and we should hang out. They pushed it, they even bought us a bottle of wine to share on the patio while the parents caught up. Turns out, at the age of 22, he was in fact really good looking. However, some latent schizo tendencies had emerged. He spent 2 hrs talking to me about government spies and being able to see demons. It was awful. He hit me up later and even after I told my parents about the shizo crap, they still tried to encourage us to hook up because childhood friends to lovers was the cutest thing in their minds. Ugh.
No. 2382147
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I wholeheartedly believe that people who rape the butter with the knife and take chunks out have to have lower IQs than those who evenly scrape it in a pyramid. You are an ape with zero planning skills and you act on your animalistic instincts rather than making your life better and easier in both the short term and long term.
No. 2382150
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>>2380647Skin treatments don't make your eyes appear bigger, your eyebrows look better, your lips pinker etc etc. Not even defending makeup as a whole, but cmon, anon. You can have amazing skin and makeup would still make you appear more conventionally attractive. I just think moids should be the ones being forced to wear it.
No. 2382313
>>2379575It hurts their feelings.
The only fact that matters is that abortion is less cruelty than having a baby with down's syndrome. There is nothing noble about genetic disorders.
No. 2382318
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>>2382315>You can LOVE someone after one day. To be fairrrrrrr…isn't the reason why people say against this is because they're doubting
the other person's genuine love for you after just a day?
No. 2382325
>>2382318Yeah cause some people pretend to be in love and are manipulative, but that doesn't mean other people can't have genuine feelings.
>>2382320It can be the same thing. Love is a very broad concept.
No. 2382334
>>2382315So what happens in this scenario.
You meet someone, you fall in love because you are sure you 100% have this person figured out. Later on, their mask slips and they do or say a bunch of stuff that had they revealed earlier in the relationship, your feelings of love would have never stuck.
>Well that's easy, they lied.Yeah, but you fell in love with the lie. Not the person. So did you actually love in the truest sense?
No. 2382336
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More of a crack-fueled opinion than an unpopular opinion but bjork is kind of the female luigi
No. 2382357
>>2382342>>2382346I don't think people were concerned if you fancy yourself shallow, they were leaning more towards you don't really know if a scrote will be
abusive or violent or generally just a shit to live with after day one. Hot guys don't deserve hall passes.
No. 2382367
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>>2382336i mean… luigi killing that bug was basically just his bjork welcome to bangkok moment, i get it
No. 2382419
>>2382372That's exactly my point! I'm tired of people trying to define love because at the end of the day, even after 10 years of marriage you can't know someone fully and that person could mess up any time. So why does it matter what love means to someone? Why does it matter if someone is already in love one month into dating? I'll give you an example. This old lady, she started dating her (now dead) husband when they were both 14, and married at 21. They literally grew up together. After she married him her husband turned into a monster, an
abusive drunkard. Inb4 anyone talks about red flags, he NEVER hit her before, he didn't verbally or emotionally abuse her and he wasn't even an angry drunk until they married. These people were childhood sweethearts, first love, first everything! So in the end, dating someone for years means jackshit.
No. 2382443
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Traveling is overhyped. I think it's nice but there's no way so many people nowadays love it so much. Also, a question, do travelling actually make you more open-minded, smarter? Most of the people I know that love travelling came back knowing nothing new.
No. 2382456
>>2382445>>2382443Most people travel to emulate a lifestyle and a certain social statuts. This is why it's always accompaniated with selfies at every recognizable sight that they'll be able to gush about to their friends and coworkers. They do not care about the sights or the culture in itself, it's all very much commodified, they have a predetermined parcours and program of the day. Which is the exact opposite of anything that is actually beautiful about traveling. There's no discovery - they already know those places prior to visiting, no adventure, everything is purposefully safely planned, no exchange of culture -the only place they will go might be clubs, and even then, it's not likely they'll mix with locals. They come as they go, they're not transformed, nor changed, just full of cheap goodies, selfies and less money in the bank account.
No. 2382516
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>>2382502tbf down syndrome doesn't seem to cause much suffering to the child. It's characteristic of them to be happy and social, it's their carers who suffer.
What we desperately need is a way to detect autism prior to birth, afaik it's impossible. But low functioning autism means a legit retard who needs lifelong care, and they tend to be violent and difficult. Reminder not to have kids with old men, especially if there's an age gap, because nothing causes autism like geriatric sperm!
No. 2382517
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>>2382341yeah and she got hanged for it
No. 2382630
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>>2382225>it’s legally required for the mother to abort the child once any genetic anomalies are detectedWhat are you on anon, that isn’t what happens at all? It’s the natural result of widespread prenatal testing and a culture not averse to abortion. can still choose to carry the baby to term if they want but most women choose to terminate.
No. 2382745
I love the skinny and tall model look, but bodies like this are disgusting and not at all visually appealing. Can't believe people in the comments are jealous.
No. 2382756
>>2382750If my kid doesn't like vegetables I would just give them no choice. I will serve them soley vegetables until they eat them.
>But some kids will just never eat rather than give in!You just didn't deprive them long enough.
No. 2382759
>>2382757So we're not allowed to have opinions without it meaning we're jealous or vengeful. Got it
>>2382758And what did I fucking say, I don't care that she's not curvy or fat. I said I like the skinny model look, but that this is too far in my UNPOPULAR opinion. Kek
No. 2382780
>>2382775how tall are you?
and that's another anon because more than one person think you're jealous of the skinny girl
No. 2382782
>>2382781Would you say
>but bodies like this are disgusting and not at all visually appealing. Can't believe people in the comments are jealous.?
No. 2382795
>>2382784Wait why do you like model-skinny but not this person? One of the reasons her arms look so off-putting is because they look like long hockey sticks hanging off her torso.
and so do her legs a bit too actually. I also think you would look way better 30lbs heavier at 5'7 but "disgusting" was a bit much to describe this woman
although she does have almost the same body as my ex who trooned out. I see tons of women who look like this (repost/bad tranny spoiler)
No. 2382798
She's beautiful, and her from the waist up looks great - but Her legs freak me out.
No. 2382808
>>2382798Okay fuck this actually, her legs are wobbly in the first
video (that I thought was a pic) and that's clearly filtered and edited to absolute shit>>2382745
. Her arms change completely when she moves them and my unpopular opinion is that tiktok has succeeded in giving you all face blindness or the inability to see filters that every single plain/boring chick uses to create this same mono-face
Yes anon, I agree after all and also find this "disgusting". I apologize for challenging you on that, you've got great instincts
No. 2382849
>>2382826Nta but that girl is not a normal weight. This nona
>>2382808 even pointed out that the video is clearly super edited.
No. 2382855
File: 1738734500330.png (2.68 MB, 3000x3000, NOT_A_FACE.png)

>>2382849The body filtering is atrocious but I want to point out the face blindness thing because it's really bad
No. 2382856
File: 1738734558298.png (3.77 MB, 3000x3000, Lima_control_test.png)

>>2382855samefag, here is Adriana Lima for a reminder of skin texture and natural lighting (+human skull)
No. 2382876
>>2382745>>2382798Idk when she's not editing the fuck out of these vids she looks normal in jeans and jacket.
Nonnas I think you'll find most women with decent figures look better when they wear form-fitting clothes. Why does this have to be an infight jfc let an unpopular opinion be.
No. 2382886
File: 1738738508757.png (1011.88 KB, 1875x1243, uncanny_vom.png)

>>2382876I'm tired of completely average women using pixar-tier CGI to pretend they're supermodels and then hiding from the world for the rest of their lives (like Kylie Jenner) because they don't really look like that, creating countless BDD zoomers and entitled scrotes. If you have seen videos that aren't filtered to look a Chinese psy-op, please post one of them. I already changed my opinion to say that anon was jealous to agreeing with her, since her reaction of disgust was probably the uncanny valley effect. I think reddit made the term meaningless but it's kind of insane and dystopian that everyone has just accepts people have these "avatars" now
No. 2383016
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>>2383011I guess I haven’t grown up yet then because I don’t trust the little demons. I’m the same way with children as I am with adults, I don’t like them until I know them personally.
No. 2383067
>>2382798She looks wonky and her weird long hands and arms when she puts her hands on her hips give the filtering and editing away.
Her mannerisms annoy me IDK
No. 2383091
>>2382030Salo forums had an entire write up on the history of the AIDS crisis and that pilled me on the homosexual question. You know they're having promiscuous casual sex constantly, but you don't know the extent of the depravity, the actual horrific implications of what they're doing, until you actually read up on it. There seems to be no self correcting mechanism in the gay community for their most egregious elements either. The pedophiles only got exiled from the mainstream LGBT community because the lesbians demanded it. NAMBLA used to be right up front in center in the pride parades back in the 1970s.
Every city has a public park or toilet that's completely unusable because they're constantly having anonymous gay hook-ups there. They have the internet and even catered apps to meet up with, and they still decide to fuck in public like animals.
There's a very large sadistic streak in the homosexual community too. During that AIDS crisis in San Francisco homosexual men would taunt other homosexuals after infecting them with "the gay cancer", relishing in the fact that they were going to die too. Which makes the uwu wholesome cuddly bear homosexual image the media portrays on shows like Brooklyn 99, where they're soft and tainty and fluffy and do nothing wrong, and are more wholesome souls than everyone else, pretty insidious.
No. 2383137
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>>2383016I want to say something that will 100% get the feds making my doorstep look like a light show.
No. 2383218
>>2383215I'll go further. When I read stories about a 15 or 16 year old scrote having sex with his 23 year old female teacher, I don't think it's ever rape at all. I think the reason that boomer men laugh and say things like "lucky him!" isn't because of "
toxic masculinity," it's because they
know it isn't rape.
No. 2383236
>>2383218It's still an adult taking advantage of a horny teenage boy. When I look at a teenager now I literally see a little kid, they look like actual babies. People aren't saying it's "rape" in the violent sense but it's rape the same way rape by deception still falls under rape. Not to mention a lot of female groom
victims enjoyed being sexually molested as kids, because the perpetrators had groomed them into thinking it was a fun little game and they got an orgasm that made them feel good. The shame of knowing that is part of what keeps them feeling like it was all their fault, and pedo moids use it to say the kids totally consented and wanted it.
No. 2383238
>>2383236Many 15/16 year old boys are
themselves rapists at that age, so I don't see them as uwu little babies. Teenage boys and girls are completely different.
>a lot of female groom victims enjoyed being sexually molested as kidsThis is a common line peddled by men with rape fetishes. Most women in loving romantic relationships don't even come from sex, what makes you think child rapists are bringing their
victims to orgasm?
No. 2383263
>>2383242Your body reacting to stimulation isn't the same thing as "enjoying" it anon. I'd hope someone who works with CSA
victims would realize this.
No. 2383271
>>2383263Anon said that it was specifically used to shame the
victims into keeping quiet because of the "enjoyment" they felt from it. Picking over the exact wording is pointless. You should be protective of rape
victims who were coerced or groomed into engaging "consensually", not just the
victims who fit the helpless overpowered damsel archetype you have in your head.
No. 2383291
>>2383236>>2383263Kids being shamed into thinking it's their fault and that they enjoyed it and brought it upon themselves is pretty much THE literal definition of grooming. Pretty sure anon was just saying the pedos make them think that way. Just looking at the gay community of young gay boys/teens being raped by adult men as their introduction to sex (at the very least legally, even if you don't personally think it's actual rape). They STILL very often speak fondly of their experience and the practice even though they were legally a
victim of child rape. And when a guy who was a
victim of it dares to speak out about how it's traumatized him they all shame him for it and call him homophobic. Yet all these "well it happened to me and I was fine" guys then go on to traumatize a bunch of young boys themselves and the cycle continues.
No. 2383367
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>>2383291The teenage boy is more likely to be a threat to the 23 year old woman if we are being real. We should be more worried about her being raped in a situation like that.
No. 2383368
>>2381864I think you're right.
Avoidant: ditches someone without trying to work things out first. Or they turn off their emotions, act cold, and within a short amount of time just up and leave. Yes, it is a very shitty thing to do to someone but … the coldness is a defense mechanism against a controlling person who won't let them do or say anything without it being wrong. Who is more
abusive? The anxious jealous one who won't let you see your friends or relax with a book or work a little late at your job without making you feel bad …? or the one who finally has enough of that shit, shuts down emotionally, and ghosts?
I guess it makes sense to call abandonment
abusive, but there is usually a good fucking reason for the sudden abandonment, and it's that the abandoning party felt that bringing up their issues was unsafe. The one that gets left behind refuses to see what they did to make someone run for the hills, so they go and shit on avoidants without looking at themselves at all. They're just squishy sweethearts who only wanted infinite love. They only wanted to own your soul.
No. 2384158
>>2383215Just like it isn’t the same as a wife being raped by her husband? There are different types of rape, but it doesn’t make them less than.You’re not really making a point here.
Sometimes these site is weird regarding certain stances. Yes teenagers can be vile , they can be killers and rapists too, but it still doesn’t justify a grown adult taking advantage of the dynamic between a pupil and a teacher.
I hate scrotes and don’t care about grown men being raped or teen boys being “raped” by teen girls, but you’re being gross.
No. 2384161
>>2383218Men say that because they actually don’t give a fuck about male
victims and when they bring them up it’s only to silence women talking about their experiences.
It’s not like they care about female
victims , they also think that a scrote getting a girl drunk and then bringing her back to his apartment to have sex isn’t rape either.
No. 2384335
File: 1738813928481.jpg (97.53 KB, 720x720, Suicide_Statistics_Meme_2018_v…)

Lol at men who blab about how their life is so hard and they neck themselves more than women. Sorry but I feel they neck themselves because of their own doing.
Common man situation
>be man
>cheat on wife
>bail on loving family
>wife takes everything because he cheated
>commit suicide
Next scenario
>be man
>fuck your own life up
>commit suicide
Scenario 3
>be man
>become pedo and live life as a lonely cretin that indulges in disgusting and illegal pornography
>can't undo it
>commit suicide
Scenario 4
>be man
>get groomed by internet and become trans
>finally get bottom sugery
>holy shit you realize your junk is actually gone
>commit suicide
There's way too many abuse stories of women reporting that their abusers took the easy way out and killed themselves that were all men. Sorry but I feel nothing. Pic old but related
No. 2384345
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>>2384335you're right. and since the male has crab in a bucket mentality, many suicidal moids makr their entourage miserable or try to take other people down with them.
No. 2384385
>>2383367Thisss. I've seen teachers get straight up SA'd by moid students. Ofc pushing the "actually it's the teacher preying on HIM" narrative puts them in danger because no one would believe a young teacher got raped by a male student. Female teachers are probably one of the only ones moids would be allowed to rape AND play
victim about.
That being said, they spent so much time fear mongering to us about how moids don't want us when we're old, when we're moms, etc but then rape old women and moms anyway. What gives?
No. 2384391
>>2384345Elon musk
Elon musk
Elon musk
Elon musk
No. 2384417
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Britney Spears is not as unhinged as people think she is. She does have a few screws loose (see how she types/talks in picrel) but she's not needs-to-be-in-a-asylum insane. Those videos of her dancing are just her having fun and enjoying her life, but I guess people think it's suddenly so insane just because she has smudged eyeliner.
No. 2384740
>>2384724If a moid is any good, then he'll keep talking to
nonny long after it's established that she is not sleeping with him and will not be doing unnecessary favors for him. There's nothing wrong with warning
nonny ahead of time that AMALT until proven otherwise.
No. 2384762
>>2384724Men (see: "good" men with families, wives, friends, steady jobs, etc.) will literally rape children, the elderly, disabled people, dead bodies, animals, and inanimate objects, but we're soooo narcissistic for catching on to their little opportunistic attempt at friendship. Go back.
No. 2384788
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I feel most women truly dgaf about feminism because they don't want equality, they want to be the exception.
No. 2384791
>>2384788Bingo my nonnita. That’s why radfems never reach anything concrete outside of online spaces, if women truly wanted change we would be much more loud and numerous.
Most women are content as long as they have a “good enough” scrote, they’re “feminists” until they get a nigel.
Is penis truly that strong?
No. 2384879
>>2384724Although we have many legitimate worries, some of us seemingly never break free from this pattern of whining, sobbing, and becoming
triggered at everything. It's not healthy.
No. 2384937
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>>2384928My precious …h-how could you betray me like this?!
No. 2384977
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I can't stand the Elon and Grimes threads because they are chock full of retarded redditors who do not give a fuck about integrating and keep using awful butchered aave slang, now they're bleeding out in the amerifag and trump containment threads, i cant believe its gonna be four more years of this shit.
No. 2385246
File: 1738868109003.png (Spoiler Image,66.56 KB, 720x710, you on the left.png)

If your nigel isn't a virgin, you are a cuck.
No. 2385321
>>2385258>Not you againWhere was I previously?
>>2385264Women don't like being cuckqueans either.
No. 2385335
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>>2385326I'll take left. You can have the right one all to yourself.
No. 2385349
File: 1738872357719.jpeg (204.33 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_3717.jpeg)

>>2385335>>2385337or i could just continue to date women
(don't post ai pics) No. 2385504
>>2385326My first time left me feeling used kek. I was 20 and just fresh in college. This guy approached at the library and seemed nice, he was 21. Fast forward and we went out for two months, he seemed really genuine and kind.
He invited me over to his place one day. I felt comfortable going, I was a retard and thought that we would really watch a movie like he said kek and maybe do some foreplay.
Anyway I ended up being coerced I think? I felt so pressured , he was not gentle when fingering me but he slowed down once I asked (apparently he didn’t believe me when I said that I was a virgin at first); it hurt when he tried penetration and he seemed so fed up that I didn’t really feel like saying no.
He fucked me twice and then he got cold right after, I walked home in tears kek, I felt like a sack of meat. I don’t know if I can truly call it rape since I did say yes and I ended up orgasming too.
But I’ve not had sex ever since. I wish I saved myself for someone who at least cared for me. Having sex with someone equally inexperienced feels kind of sweet. Sorry for the vent, it felt fitting somehow.
No. 2385548
>>2385525Your experience was traumatic nonna. I hope you are okay now. Men can be so cruel at the end of the day…I truly hoped to find a kind boyfriend kek, real love! What wishful thinking. I wish 20 year old me has the wiseness I have now.
Not that I want to compare your experience with mine, but as for me I just felt deeply confused, he wasn’t mean or super forceful, he stopped when I told him that it hurt too much to do it from the top and I’m glad he didn’t push me down at least. The thing that I’m most ashamed of though is that in the end I did enjoy it physically, I can still remember him telling me not to be too loud since I was moaning a lot and asking me if I was enjoying myself since I was so wet. I feel like it’s not my space to say that I was raped. I was just stupid to believe that he ever wanted something out of it.
No. 2385553
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>>2385548That day my hope in men and naivety got truly stolen.
>they aren’t autistic. they understand body language. he knew he was hurting youMaybe that’s why I got ghosted right after? I don’t think he ever felt remorseful though.
No. 2385564
>>2385504>apparently he didn’t believe me when I said that I was a virgin at firstI'm sorry, nonna. That sounds horrible. I fucking
despise the mentality that men don't have to try anymore (if they even did in the first place) and can be as rough as they want if the woman isn't a virgin. It makes no difference whether she is or not! It's like when they stop romancing their wives and just grope at them whenever they're in the mood like autistic cavemen, and then wonder why the spark in their relationship is dead. Total scrote death.
No. 2385575
>>2385548i really wanted the fairytale too, although in my case i was lied to and manipulated with all kinds of love bombing i feel embarrassed i ever fell for. i will say that i’ve been on support groups and seen a lot of women who orgasmed from their rapes and feel ashamed and invalidated. it’s not anyone’s fault that your body reacted and it’s normal to like. want to enjoy sex. it is very confusing when you are coerced and it’s presented to you as love and normal sex. i can’t say if it was rape for you or not. but i didnt immediately realize anything besides i was really hurt he hadn’t stopped and in pain from the whole experience. he told me those feelings were all normal and he did the same thing and wasn’t violent towards me and responded a couple times to try and make it less painful seemingly before speeding back up. a lot of time that is what rape actually is. the people we allow closest to us taking advantage of our love and trust and biding their time before they harm you. it’s about opportunity and control a lot of the time. it’s easiest to control a
victim that loves you and isn’t going to assume the worst of you. i think people assume rapists enjoy violence and i don’t think all of them get off on just causing pain at least alone. and i think honestly it’s not empathy and altruism that makes them pull back a little when a woman is in a lot of pain. but in both of our cases noise could have been a fear of theirs and also he wanted to do it a second time and my ex stayed with me for a while after he did that. they’re going to want to do it again probably. i wouldn’t invalidate yourself or assume other women who have had their boundaries pushed would be angry at you for questioning your experience. in my experience actually women jump at the change to tell girls who are first going through something and doubting it to trust their instincts because it is the greatest form of harm reduction in cases like ours. the sooner the woman being harmed realizes being treated like that isn’t okay, the sooner she will eventually leave whatever situation she is in that she is being harmed. like truly if you wanted to explore support groups or talking about it, no one will be angry at you or think you’re invalidating them. you are absolutely welcome in those spaces even if you decide it was consensual. you deserve compassion too no matter how you feel about it because even if it wasn’t rape, at the end of the day what he did to you was not okay. not even believing you are a virgin is a callous way to take someone’s virginity and he could have been careful and not hurt you at all if that’s what he wanted. men are vile. you deserved so much better.
No. 2385609
>>2385575Thank you for the response nonna, you’ve truly reached me. Thank you for your kindness truly.
I’ll maybe try to evaluate that option, I think I might even benefit from therapy too maybe…
No. 2385700
File: 1738884133683.jpg (43.98 KB, 736x782, 1000032431.jpg)

I don't mind when anons hornypost. I think it's funny.
No. 2385710
nonnie says "virgin till almost 17" as if that's the height of pure innocence
No. 2385729
>>2385710he was the last in his friend group is what i meant. he was the “nice guy” that was actually convincingly kind for a few years until. like that was the best of the group.
>>2385704weirdly the ones who lost it at like 12-14 more way less pushy than the ones on the edge of seventeen. i think they were less desperate and the ones who were “withheld sex” (my exes words btw) until that age were like impatient and never lose that initial pushiness to finally get what they want. i also feel like the later a man loses his virginity the more likely he is to be a cheater and a whore. i think most of them cheat at first and have a whore stage but the ones who have sex later try and rack up bigger numbers than the other guys like they have something to prove.
No. 2385733
>>2385729>like that was the best of the groupthe most delicious dogshit still tastes like shit
>i also feel like the later a man loses his virginity the more likely he is to be a cheater and a whore.And what makes you think a guy waiting for marriage is more of a whore than a guy with 3+ body count?
No. 2385766
File: 1738887918043.gif (461.16 KB, 500x375, 284815f79d432394e713d3667daed8…)

Would a male who isn't a virgin even want to be with a virgin though. I don't think they would. Males aren't caring, they're opportunists, they either would want to have sex with a virgin for a power-trip or they won't want to because they don't want to be gentle and hand-hold through the process. But I am glad I didn't lose my virginity in high school to some ugly rude faggot. They were all ugly rude fags.
No. 2385792
>>2385766>Would a male who isn't a virgin even want to be with a virgin though.Why would you want a nonvirgin moid to begin with? It's a not even an issue.
On the other hand, being a virgin makes you more attractive for virgin guys.
No. 2385797
>>2385766It happened to me, but it took a few years of being good friends and building that trust up before I took the plunge to ask him on a date, and
now we are buying a house together. I'll always be glad I never lost my virginity or tried dating guys in high school that would have been fucking terrible kek.
No. 2385843
>>2385834I have a hard time believing this.
>if a man likes youKek
No. 2385850
File: 1738891633971.jpg (3.04 MB, 3072x2304, 1640283678183.jpg)

>>2385846Yeah except no one laughs evilly or gives you swirlies but they treat you like a clueless sexless being. Like a Thing instead of a woman. Even other women treat you that way. I am not even masculine or unsightly. There's probably some genetic defect or personality quirk that makes you a virgin past a certain age that normies can detect and make sure you stay that way forever.
No. 2385867
>>2385863>someone who gets off watchingNo, that part isn't necessary. You're thinking of a cuck
No. 2385869
>>2385865Lol that's funny
nonnie. I'll send that meme to him.
No. 2385874
>>2385864You don't need to mention being a virgin for people to know. You don't think people discuss their relationships with others? Am I meant to lie and say I've been in relationships before to people who've known me since high school? I guess I can get away with that for people who haven't known me for that long but I can't imagine making up fake imaginary past relationships. You're dumb.
>playing dumbAbout what? Not everyone has had sex and been in a relationship before. People also don't talk about what it's like, either. At least not with honesty.
No. 2385882
>>2385879You're just vindicating me so I don't care.
>I don't even think you're a virginWhat does this even mean? That it's so unbelievable that a woman hasn't had sex before? Incel logic.
No. 2385918
>>2385906>what’s causing you to be paranoid about such a specific circumstance?I'm not paranoid, I just don't want to do it. I asked because I don't see why you're so upset, unless it's because you
would kiss a moid that has licked someone else's anus. So is that true?
No. 2385944
>>2385934I was going to say this sounds almost exactly like my first time except I made the moid wait a year, pay for a honeymoon suite hotel room and expensive alcohol and we stayed together for a few years afer that. Were you expecting a
one night stand on a filthy alley rug, anon? what a strange typo kek
No. 2385953
>>2385929nobody ever said theres anything wrong with that anon, you sound a little combative
>>2385917ooh that sounds so uncomfortable keekek.
No. 2385957
File: 1738895663816.png (86.32 KB, 735x835, how-to-draw-an-easy-lisa-simps…)

>>2385951>humble bragOvert brag: I'm honeymoon suite nona and have also taken 3-4 male virginities as well (including the other honeymoon suite virgin)
No. 2385962
>>2385956Well to be fair you're not a guy
>>2385957Why should I care you've taken male's virginities? Also are you going to these hotels specifically to take male virginities?
Is this a job for you I don't understand if it's a reference to something or what No. 2385963
>>2385918>I don't see why you're so upsetNona nobody is upset with you, I was just lurking the thread and when I noticed that for some reason ass-eating specifically had been brought up so many times it got me thinking
hm, why is ass eating becoming so prevalent in this conversation so I didn’t think it would do any harm to ask you what has you so focused specifically on ass eating and not some of the other hundreds of disgusting things that men do, sexual and nonsexual. I’ve never kissed a man who’s eaten ass because my husband has never eaten my ass kek, but I was just getting kinda curious what exactly was pushing this specific concern with ass oral
No. 2385965
>>2385957Virgin guys are for virgin girls.
Stop taking their virginities from us.
No. 2385971
>>2385951>Nice humble bragsTo be honest I don't consider it bragging, if it makes you feel better i wish i lost my virginity to someone else
>>2385957THIS is bragging kek (no offense to you anon)
No. 2386019
>>2386011Thanks for apologizing. Maybe I just got a bit confused.
>>2386012So there's nothing wrong with rejecting a moid just because he's licked someone else's anus?
No. 2386033
>>2386026Well, here's the thing. Not only would I reject a moid because he licked someone else's anus, I would also reject a moid because he licked someone else's genitals. If the first is okay, surely the second is okay too.
No. 2386042
File: 1738898335823.jpg (Spoiler Image,117.29 KB, 1000x562, b42ab6dfa956f3df00de3deeff0c92…)

>>2386035There have been a lot of bait posts lately but it's understandable that you would want to lose your virginity to another virgin. If you had more than one sex partner, you'd want a moid who wasn't one so he'll be less likely to judge you or cheat on you for revenge. Really your only dignified option is finding another virgin because non-virgin moids will just fetishize the experience and make it gross
>>2386037Tbf this ended in my early 20s, so anon will have to get to work if she doesn't want to Mary Kay Letourneau herself or lift and go with picrel
No. 2386181
File: 1738910454744.jpg (95.42 KB, 750x1000, 3783257642578.JPG)

>male genitals are really giant
Damn where do you live???
No. 2386868
File: 1738953499223.png (904.48 KB, 1272x954, Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 12.26…)

I thought the wacky lesbian hour animation was funny and didn't deserve all of the hate it got in the western animation thread
No. 2387582
Anyone who unironically claims to be a Starseed or have an “Indigo Child” in 2025 is pretentious, annoying, and dumb
>>2387527I’m surprised this is an unpopular opinion because this is just objectively true
No. 2387597
>>2387588There was a convo in /snow/ about this woman named IntuitiveMegan who claims to be a Starseed
>>>/snow/2085952, Unicole Unicron is another Starseed cow I’ve been getting into. There are celebricows who believe they’re starseeds like Willow Smith & Melanie Martinez and I’ve seen a lot of it from TikTok and Reddit as of late too. Maybe it’s just because I’m too much of a cynical/pessimistic/skeptical person but the idea doesn’t make much sense to me, mainly because it relies on the idea of “raising the planet’s vibrations” but apparently the spiritual beings and angels can do that in a split second if they wanted to yet according to new agers we’ve been reincarnating for at least millions of years on Earth trying to “raise its vibrations” and we’re gonna continue for at least quadrillions of years more until we succeed at it. Also the matters of the death of the sun and the universe, the possibly cyclical universe, the astronomical amount of time that the Earth didn’t exist and will not exist, etc. I could go on for so long about all my issues with the belief system if I wanted to
No. 2387604
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>>2387597Wow, these people actually believe they're descended from aliens.
No. 2387906
File: 1739018168432.webp (159.05 KB, 1440x960, 1000003260.webp)

I'm a unapologetic pickme for American billionaires. I genuinely believe some people have the capacity to change the world through sheer effort and vision.
No. 2388050
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>>2388035Even back in the days when white women had few rights in past, there were laws made so that black women would have to work and couldn’t be stay at home moms. So, I think the main target of their hate for dei is trying to get white women back where they were before. They want to go back to the days they could have their wife at home making them a nice hot meal and could go to work and sexually harass all the women there with no consequences. When they’re complaining about birth rates they’re not talking about us.