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No. 2361228
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damn anon you beat me i was right about to make this the threadpic and post my opinion about how pineapple upside down cake is fucking disgusting and a cake where the entire thing is covered in mushy saucy hot fruit sounds sensationally upsetting. I don’t understand how so many people love this (and apple upside down cake…even worse) so much
No. 2361247
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the Amerifags threadpics should be stan instead of Alfred. i think Stan is way more representative of Americans
No. 2361271
>>2361238ntayrt but like. Nona. Don't bank everything on your nigel. It's retarded. I'm also married and I'm happily married but I am not so retarded to think my husband is some perfect flawless god. He is a human being who I happen to love. But if he cheated on me or started to be
abusive or he died I would leave.
Seriously. Get a job. Even my grandmothers in the 1950s worked.
No. 2361283
>>2361271>or he died I would leaventa but yeahh you’d kinda have no choice
nonny LOL he’d already be gone
No. 2361291
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>>2361247This isn’t really unpopular I feel like every new thread someone posts this opinion.
No. 2361292
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i'm going to be real with you all, but women who buy into the psyop tradwife cope are usually the younger ones who don't think they have what it takes to make it out there in the world on their own merit. and so the tradthottery feels like something they can hold onto instead of putting in the hard work like everyone else has such as going to college, doing all the crappy grunt work in it, graduating and then going through the pains of getting a job afterwards and saving money and living in crappy apartments or with crappy roommates or just doing everything possible to reach for the stars even when the stacks are against you via inventing something or selling something amazing and getting loaded off of that. it's easier to be told "yeah you know what you don't have much going for you anyway so just be a man's housewife and all will be taken care of" instead of "actually no, get your fucking ass up and work hard so that you can become self-sufficient because prince charming is not coming to save you". i know this because i was that young girl, i got married, did the housewife thing in the marriage, and then had to leave when the domestic violence started. i went back to school, got my degree, work and decided that i will never put myself through that again.
not to mention, this is a clever ruse made by pathetic alt-right faggots who also have nothing much going for them. if they can neg women into become housewives, they wouldn't try so hard to impress women since she doesn't have much to stand on anyway, economically speaking. the men who actually have something going for them usually end up chasing after ambitious, attractive women who are putting themselves through schools and they end up being the kind of couple everyone envies and wish it was them.
No. 2361297
>>2361292Amen. I'm sorry you had to learn that shit the hard way. I like to think our foremothers fought tooth and nail for less and less of us to learn the hard way.
Sure, the rat race is tough, and as a woman it's made artificially tougher because we are told by society we are only good as helpmeat to some scrote.
The truth is moids need us more than we need them. Because in a lot of ways, we are stronger than them. They have life handed to them on a silver platter and all they do is whine, meanwhile women get shit on all the time and we tough through so much.
I'm glad you escaped your
abusive shithead. Gives me hope for the future.
No. 2361298
>>2361292>i know this because i was that young girl, i got married, did the housewife thing in the marriage, and then had to leave when the domestic violence started.and now every time you see another married woman you feel anxious shes going to experience the trauma you did which is why you believe the idea of a normal, uneventful marriage to be inconceivable, we understand that
nonnie. its ok
(bait) No. 2361300
>>2361247I don't like either. Stan isn't attractive and Alfred is a Japanese creation which makes even less sense for the American thread.
Then again, I'm just exhausted of the insistent husbandofagging in every single little thing. I think we should go back to using American and American political adjacent shitpost images.
No. 2361307
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>>2361292I am getting so fucking sick of extreme niche political ideals. I don’t give FUUUCK. Let dumb bitches be fucking retarted, oh my god GUESS WHAT. Some people thrive under what conditions you’re describing. There’s always an outlier. stop nitpicking women for fucks sakes anons. Are you Kim kardiashan? Get your ass up and work? BE FOR REAL. Ignore the rest of the capitalist oligarchical bullshit and blame women, amazing. Yes. Wow.
No. 2361317
>>2361298i don't think being a stay at home wife or mother is a bad thing in of itself. it can absolutely work if the relationship is healthy the whole way through and the man doesn't have conservatard values and a misogynistic asshole. of course, even moids who are leftists can also be misogynistic assholes, so its a battlefield finding a non-sexist man in of itself. but it is sociopathic to tell young women that being a housewife is totally the move when we don't know who her nigel is or what he's secretly thinking about, and i am of the opinion that if she wants to be a tradwife, then at the very least she needs to do the following:
>has a college degree to fall back on>has a strong work network, such as previous bosses and colleagues, that can quickly get her a job if she has to leave her scrote>has at least a few years of work experience under her belt that's not working retail or mcdonald's>savings, pensions, ira roth, etc, anything she has put away and let it grow in case she needs to dip>has a very supportive family or friend system to fall back on in case she has to suddenly flee in the middle of the night and a place to crash>a driver's licenseif she's got none of this, she should not be a housewife. being a housewife is something only some women can afford.
No. 2361329
>>2361324NTAYRT but to bring the topic back to unpopular opinions, mine is that college is fucking
miserable and a waste of money. You can’t learn anything in college that you can’t learn in the library
No. 2361343
>>2361317>has a college degreenah, i hate school
>has a strong network No, i
hate talking to people
>has a few years of work experiencedoes loading and unloading the dishwasher count?
>savings in case she needs to leave usually when you’re married you either share a bank account or your husband just gives you money, so it sounds like it should be easy to save from that
>drivers license I personally have never driven a car and never plan to KEKK
No. 2361356
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>>2361340>>2361342"yes, yes, yes! everyone knows the true meaning of life is working in a zambian mine with barely a high school diploma and don't you ever listen to those overeducated chucklefucks."
No. 2361360
>>2361356But it is true anon, at least where I live going through and paying for years of college doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll definitely get hired somewhere
>>2361359I caught that too KEK
No. 2361382
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>>2361363who lives in a pineapple under the sea??
No. 2361393
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>>2361391SpongeBob sex god arch? Should we make him a thread?
No. 2361394
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Nara smith looks like sans the skeleton now in the face
No. 2361399
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>>2361396Here is what I mean. They have the same look.
No. 2361404
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>>2361398Ready for this pussy
No. 2361411
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>>2361399What the fuck is up with the names of these children??? Possibly the most retarded combination I have ever heard
No. 2361430
>>2361411>slim easywhat if he’s fat and difficult
>rumble honey?
>whimsy lou dude. when these kids go to school the bullies are gonna have a fucking field day KEK
No. 2361437
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>>2361434He’s going to be like logic. Despite being 2% black he’s going cry he can’t say the n word.
No. 2361440
>>2361437It's one thing to give him a retarded name.
It's another that they are posting photos of him online.
I know I shouldn't be surprised but it still bugs me that parents will publicly show images of their kids and toddlers online.
No. 2361441
>>2361402She was a coward.
>>2361411I blame lucky for this, his name is already ungodly retarded. That's a name for a golden retriever, not a grown as fucking man.
No. 2361443
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>>2361440They recent did a whole thing with ballerina farms and their kids.
No. 2361446
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>>2361437Logic is an anomaly, he has siblings with both the same parents and he is the only one who looks so white, granted i think his dad must have some decent amounts of european ancestry by the looks of him. left is his biological brother, right is his dad.
No. 2361463
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>>2361461Nara never dated uggos
No. 2361464
>>2361461Well idk how Lucky and Nara met and got together. I feel like it was more consensual that whatever plane rapist betabux ballerina submits to.
I dont know much about nara either but I can't help but feel like she mostly larps for the camera and gets hired help behind the scenes whereas ballerina needs to legitimately slave for her ugly scrote
No. 2361565
>>2361559That could be true, but I just personally think they all are trying to paint some beautiful "trad" grift to sell/push to women when they don't even live the life they are showing. Both of these influencer families have so much money and they try to show how effortless and pretty it all is but try to pretend the money they have is because of their trad lifestyle.
I just find it so hard to believe they are actual mormons when the reason I stopped going to church was because I was an outcast by my peers because I was raped when I was 14. Literally all my friends cut me out because being raped was "my" fault, I was a "sinner", and then I had a Sunday school teacher imply that bad things happened to me because I wasn't spiritual enough. I'm not even mentioning all the Sunday school lessons that revolved around passing a flower around the room, telling everybody to rub the petals, until it got to the last person and then holding up the flower and saying "This is a girl who isn't pure, what man would want a girl who is wilted and falling apart?" as some sort of "lesson" to teach girls how awful not being a virgin is. I'm just not seeing how people who don't follow the strict rules can be anything but grifters.
No. 2361602
>>2361600Literally though if you are a wealthy woman just get a new moid when the old one goes bald.
That's what happens to trophy wives anyways.
No. 2361728
>>2361545>>2361552You seem emotionally invested in this idea that because one is blond-haired and blue-eyed, she can't be doing more work than someone with darker features and ancestry.
I'm here to tell you that privileged swarthy hikkineets exist, and aryan laborers do too. Both can have racist communities, too. Life is not always so simple. You too can achieve your dreams.
No. 2361758
People who assume that using Lolcow makes you a loser, miserable or a failure in life are coping. When I read posts like
>>2361372, it just seems like projection. We have rich nonnas, we have homeless nonnas, we have actual diagnosed retards and smart people. There are talented artists and other creatives mixed in with people who can't do those kinds of things. Some celebrities know of and have discussed this place, too. The only common thread is having some awareness of cows and internet "culture", and being weird/terminally online enough to find out about this place.
No. 2361773
>>2361762*talking about e-celeb losers
You don't have to be one to discuss them. Most "normies" are "depressed losers" if you want to broaden the definition enough to include those wealthy/successful in life.
No. 2361789
>>2361758yeah and honestly, who in the fuck is not suffering in some way shape or form nowadays? things have gone to hell in a basket within the last decade and it's going to get worse from here. its difficult to be a sane, healthy, happy and financially stable person as more and more things get fucked up for everybody involved. lolcow is the one place on the internet where i can actually find way more females to interact with freely than anywhere else, and i can voice some politically incorrect statements without having some sped sperg out about me being a
No. 2361834
>>2361583Nobody with a shred of sanity names their child rumble honey. Yes the child will be beautiful and rich but that still doesn’t make up for it. I refuse to believe it. There’s no way that’s her real name. They probably have very unique names but not those ones.
Although I actually quite like whimsy lou kek.
No. 2361868
>>2361795i have been through this all my life, however i get the added double whammy of racism as being black and quiet must mean i am up to no good kek. people have called me selfish, autistic, mean, aggressive, bitchy, and stupid, all at once and sometimes at various points in my life. there’s no rhyme or reason to it and after a while it just turns into noise. all of these people who had horrible things to say about me minding my business ended up either being narcissists, cunts themselves, controlling losers, low iq insecure twats with emotional problems, or envious asswipes. if you have a life and/or a healthy mindset, you don’t worry about what other people are doing. you just live your life. ignore all these motherfuckers who try to control you, bully you, tell you who you are or aren’t…they suck! being quiet and private is not a sin. it’s actually your number one red flag to avoid them…again some of the worst people i have ever known in my life are the same ones who are offended by my being quiet. it’s because something in their soul is not right; it’s like a demonic energy that comes out of them.
No. 2361876
>>2361798The way I got called a snub by my professor (it was in a meeting but one of the other professors told me) since I was quiet and didn’t smile at him kek, he even lowered my grade for it.
That creep was fixated on Donna Summer and he thought I looked like her. He was so gross.
No. 2361878
>>2361834They are real names? I thought they were fake to protect them.
How can you name your child Slim Easy, that’s sabotage.
No. 2361935
>>2361758I think I'm fairly normal kek. The thing that led to me to lolcow was simply the fact that I as a weeby teen followed a minor e-celeb and wanted to see some light gossip for fun once in a blue moon, it's basically my version of the gossip magazines my mom and aunts used to buy occasionally.
Then the troon takeover happened in EVERY other online space and irl and I remembered this site had troon threads so I went back, since then this has quite literally been the one single space I've seen women be able to be fully honest about troons without backlash. I will fully admit that I am miserable about the troon situation specifically, the fact that they get to sexually harass women and mutilate children while stripping us of female rights does make me feel sick. I just don't think that negates my normal basic life and turns me into a basement dweller kek
No. 2362013
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creating an identity around whether or not a cock has been inside of you was and always will be a bad idea
No. 2362024
>>2362020do women who have never had sex with men have to turn it into some
victim status to make it everybody's problem? no one cared about gold stars until it had to become a thing because some random woman made a snarky joke a million years ago. let it go.
No. 2362041
>>2362032because you always attack lesbians who's had a past with men and stir the pot first. us outsiders looking in keep seeing this pattern here and everywhere else. its the same tired fight.
>>2362037i am fine with women who has other sexual experiences but creating a label out of it is weird.
No. 2362082
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I think if the moid lead singer of band suddenly has kids out of wedlock he’s cringe and ruins the general vibe of his music. It makes him unattractive to me and irresponsible too.
I don’t care if female artists do that and it doesn’t bother me.
I just don’t like it when babies are brought into art like that and I’m not anti natalist but it’s annoying to hear moids go on and on about how having a baby is like the greatest love in the world and there’s nothing like it but goes on year long tours and probably fucks fans in between it all. I think male musicians shouldn’t have children I guess.
No. 2362083
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watching the autistic showdown between the different /g/ sexuality threads has been funny
No. 2362086
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>>2362076Anyone who says that is disgusting and morally corrupt. I'm sorry that happened to you. You're strong for surviving.
No. 2362110
>>2362087please stop being rude to strangers for no reason, i am an entirely unrelated person who walked into this conversation and that was my first contribution to it. that is the impression i got having to read this garbage.
>>2362096this is the same person i think but i just want to say disgusting.
>>2362086thank you, love that story and that painting.
No. 2362111
>>2362041It’s always others who bring up gold stars and get mad about made up scenarios kek.
It’s the same with l4l, I guess that a woman solely wanting someone with her same experience (sexual orientation) or a woman who had the luck and opportunity to discover her sexuality in that manner
triggers many schizos.
And I’m bi , but I can still see it kek.
No. 2362112
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>>2362086Based Judith poster
No. 2362123
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>>2362076Sorry that happened, but the gs discussion doesn't pertain to you.
No. 2362140
>>2362125It sounds more like you think you are the dirty one (not true) and you just projected and assumed that GL think of you that way, which is a big assumption kek. This is what I mean when I say that some women are so deeply insecure that they create a false narrative.
Discourse about gold stars started as soon as troons and bihet started co-opting lesbianism. It was a non issue before.
No. 2362141
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>>2362133>The women>Not that womanI don't go to /g/ that much but I'm both not surprised and quite surprised. Time for some snooping.
No. 2362149
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>>2362110>>2362112I love Artemisia because she got tormented by moids, but instead of wanting to be pitied she dedicated her life to depicting rape apes being brutally killed in baroque master paintings to send a clear message to everyone who gazed upon her work that she was nobodies bitch and that moids are worthless spermbags who deserve death.
Turbo gigastacie from the past.
No. 2362157
>>2362150I don’t think you can call rape sex. And sex is just weird if you think way too much about it at the end of the day kek.
Genitals are all weird looking too and the things humans do during sex are weird, so I never get the “fucking men is gross”.
No. 2362166
>>2362157You have this sweaty body against you, the air becomes warm, you have their breath against you, they are secreting fluids too…it’s gross of you think about it, hetero, faggot or lesbian sex.
But faggot sex is the ultimate gross act, all the particles of caca floating around and the shit in rectal ampulla just being tossed around , ew.
No. 2362168
>>2362158IDK if this is an unpopular opinion here but I think if a moid is convicted of raping a woman or child there should be an option for the person who was assaulted by him to publicly stone him to death.
>b-b-b-but this will make moids scared of women!good.
No. 2362174
>>2362148(First time responding to any of your posts) I agree with what you are saying first of all, but there are several baiting anons (both male and female) on this site that actively target abused women who post here for whatever reason just to troll them. Of course moids don't dirty women, but there will be anons here who will jump at the opportunity to bait you into an argument just to
trigger you. The "lesbian" threads are a prime baiting ground for these trolls and one of the reasons why I never go in them kek.
No. 2362181
>>2362179>do I have to kill himBest options are that he is killed or forced into a cell with a moidrapist who hates men who rape women.
He shouldn't be allowed out in public where he can harass other women.
No. 2362202
>>2362197The fact is that a rapists knows that what they did was wrong. Even when it’s not violent, don’t even think for a moment that they don’t know what coercion means. Why do you think they seek reassurance right after?
They should get a taste of their own medicine.
No. 2362243
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>>2362158You're not alone nonna, I have a folder full of paintings of women enacting judgement on men. It has a special place in my heart.
No. 2362303
Having seen what I've seen, I believe all men cheat. If given the opportunity. Some just don't have one because nobody wants them. And if they happen to be loyal even when tested at a certain point in their life, it doesn't mean that he won't 5, 10, 15 years down the line. It's actually more likely as time goes on, after things like pregnancy, weight gain, menopause etc. If they're in any way inconvenienced, they absolutely dgaf, and are not interested in preserving anything, even a happy long lasting marriage. They'll always put their needs first.
Honestly it baffles me how women agree that men cheat all the time, but turn around and in the same breath say there are faithful men out there. I've even seen this coming from an online 'loyalty tester' (she slides into a man's DMS upon the gf's request and surprise, almost all of them fail. Ones who 'pass', probably caught on or wouldn't pass irl) and she said that there are 'very few, but they're out there!' There isn't. None. Like am I alone in thinking this? It really feels that way.
No. 2362305
>>2362303if they don't cheat, they either wish they could, or they watch porn.
there is no such thing as a monogamous man who is fully devoted to one partner.
No. 2362308
>>2362291I find moids under age 23 to be repulsive. But I can tell you most of the times the moidings are approaching the older women rather than the other way around. I remember when I used to be in some fandoms and shit teen moids would hit on me even though I was like 10 years older than them and in a relationship. They'd be really aggressive about it too, literally begging for me to be be their internet girlfriend(no, they didn't know what I looked like, they just got word that I was a female). Shit is so nasty but thank god for the block button.
Men are just creepy, even when they are boys.
No. 2362316
>>2362304Gonna reply to your opinion with my own.
I think most women would be more spiritually satisfied and fulfilled with a good friendship with another woman than any kind of relationship with a man.
No. 2362374
>>2361541He was 21 when she was 18 and he was randomly DMing her. One of them is a moid in a cult and rushed into marriage after previously having been married to some other woman, kek. You don't have to be a child to be groomed, come off it already.
No. 2362383
>>2362380I'm not a zoomer, if I had a daughter and she was fresh out of high school, a 21 year old Mormon moid with a previous marrigae under his belt hitting her up would still be a creep. I don't know where you come from where that'd just be normal, but I can't relate.
>>2362381She's still a retarded tradthot, but that doesn't change that your favorite tumblr boy model is a creepy groomer, and that their children's names are from his culture, not hers kek
No. 2362394
>>2362390I'm not raising anyone for 18 years just for them to be converted to Mormonism by some scrote, I don't care if it's an age gap of 5 seconds lmfao.
>Luckys ex was a 27 year old woman and he was actually under aged….he wasn’t some seasoned old divorcee kekSo, his family was okay with creepy age gaps, meaning they saw no issue with him creeping on some girl a bit closer to his age, and probably preferred that because it's closer to "trad values". Cult member shit. I don't know how you think that helps his case?
No. 2362432
>>2362410Who said it's because she's a woman? I'm saying he's a literal cult member who was previously married. He comes from a community that grooms people and does shady shit all the time. Not everything is about gender alone. And no, if you just graduated from HS you're not coincidentally picking the same religion as the older moid you're dating. There is an influence. If he was a Muslim, I'm sure you'd be singing a different tune, kek. Mormons are scum, deal with it.
>He can’t be controlling her too much if she’s always posting slutty half naked photos on instagram.??? They are models, it's their job.
No. 2362437
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She hates his ass
No. 2362444
>>2362304Extremely based. I haven't been in a relationship before but I arrived at the same conclusion. The way it makes people play mind games and gender wars is so retarded. If relationships weren't a thing and having children was done in some systematic boring chore-like way without all the drama that comes from a relationship, society would probably be better. People would be less inclined to have gender/sex/romance/relationships/dating on their mind 24/7 and would treat others with more respect. Maybe they should find a way to genetically alter humans into being asexual or something.
>inb4 romantic love and sexuality aren't the sameYes they are. They're intertwined and feed into each other. It's literally nature's way of tricking us into having kids to continue the species. Overcoming this makes you more evolved imo. But I admit I'm horny and want "free" sex. Wish hot straight castrated male prostitutes existed. Sigh.
No. 2362455
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I think children are precious and that some people vilify them way too much.
I don’t think I’ll have a child since I mainly want to focus on my career and I don’t think I’ll find a scrote I like enough to chain myself in that manner. But despite this I find children very endearing, their wonder and curiosity always reaches me…I know that they can be rowdy, snotty, cry babies even poopy too, but it isn’t their fault; I still find them enriching and quite humbling too…I have learned many things that I forgot about as I grew up through interacting with them. Children are sinless , untainted from manmade evils, moralities and notions.
I wish every child had a nice life , security and loving parents, knowing that there are children living in poverty , who are sick or worse being abused makes me feel so sad.
And their chubby cheeks and round bellies are so cute, I always used to cuddle my baby siblings back when I was a teen, I never minded “babysitting”; they lost their chub after their fifth birthday kek, I was so sad.
Anyway I’m tearing up over babies as I type this. And no I’m not pregnant, it would be an immaculate conception otherwise kek.
No. 2362505
>>2362495Children are not a “shut up” gift. If you aren’t committed and you aren’t willing to do your best (or know that you can’t from the get go)then don’t have them. I think it’s pretty cruel to bring into the world an innocent being just to appease a scrote.
You’ll end up resenting yourself and your child eventually.
No. 2362974
>>2362957nyart but this girl seems so misogynistic and selfish. She thinks she's being such a great and wonderful dream wife to this guy, but the truth is he likely finds her submission completely pathetic and will seek excitement elsewhere.
Worse of all her simpering tells moids that they can find a doormat woman of their own to use and degrade. It's glorified prostitution, and moids never see just one prostitute.
If she really wanted a man who would truly love her she would need to be respectable, and that means standing up for yourself and taking care of yourself. It will make those dogs think twice about cheating if they know you have the resources to up and leave him the second he fucks up. Males like that shit too, they are like dogs who require accountability to keep themselves in check.
No. 2363026
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>>2362437Duh, they almost got a divorce recently and is this like his 3th marriage kek.
Also she did nudes, eek!
No. 2363035
>>2363008The only vegans I've ever liked were ones that never talked about it and then would do things like if they met some nomadic goat farmer who lived alongside her herd in beautiful symbiosis the vegan would drink the milk and not shit themselves about "muh exploitation".
>>2363025Turning to race shit is moid deflection 101. You tell them about all the horrific shit their sex does and they go "duurrr well what race tho?!"
All of them.
No. 2363076
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>>2363037The older I get the more I wonder why humans couldn’t be more like elephants. They are the perfect mammals imo. They are sweet, highly intelligent, jokesters who are scared of bees like me. And the best part is they weigh tons by just being herbivores. I wish we could be more like them.
No. 2363106
>>2363096You're sure it's different enough from standard English to be its own language and not a dialect?
>Also ask a Brit how to say tortilla or any Spanish word and they can bastardize it to hell. It applies to almost everyone trying to pronounce something that's from a language they don't speak. Not trying to defend Brits in particular here but there are sounds in some languages that don't even exist in others. I can't pronounce "th" well no matter how hard I try because I'm ESL and it doesn't exist in my mother tongue.
No. 2363128
>>2362977I agree - it isn't healthy.
>>2362263>older woman coming in and messing their mind up might actually whip them into shape to be a better man one dayNegative experiences never produce positive outcomes in moids - they are mentally too weak to withstand the trail and self-reflect, forget about empathy for people in similar circumstances. An abused moid will never contribute anything of value to society - its default reaction is to chimp out.
No. 2363133
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>>2362459god dammit you got me
No. 2363168
>>2363140I’ve never felt truly sexy after sending nudes, I would ruminate on it a lot. I was also insanely insecure back then. Every relationship where I sent them ended up being extremely
toxic with really bad breakups, sending nudes seems to unlock insanity in men. It being her fault they were leaked is definitely an unpopular opinion though, it’s a slippery slope towards blaming women for everything bad that’s ever happened to them.
No. 2363179
>>2363168>it’s a slippery slope towards blaming women for everything bad that’s ever happened to them.Kek you sent them so it’s obvious you would hold that opinion. Scrotes being criminal isn’t your fault obviously and you can’t control the actions of others , with that being said willingly pressing the send button with your sensitive pictures is utter lack of self preservation given that by now revenge porn is a well known phenomena.
Getting your shared nudes isn’t akin to rape , coercion or someone taking video or pictures of you without your consent. Still a crime though.
No. 2363205
>>2363140I agree to an extent, but I absolutely fucking
hate that stupid law where minors who send nudes to adults also get put on the sex offender's registry for "distributing CP." What the fuck is that supposed to do except discourage
victims of abuse from coming forward?
No. 2363309
>>2363250From my understanding, the life at conception/clump of cells back-and-forth is more over the figurative 'life' than the literal– as in, what's really being discussed is about the potential existence of a fully realised human being (or soul), and whether it's murder or not to destroy such a potential well before birth. It's a semantics game to prop up either being pro-choice or pro-life.
People grieve the
potential of a child rather than the fetus itself (often through a deterministic manner, eg 'god's plan' or 'could have been the one to cure cancer' etc), and so treat abortion like murder of that imagined potential, so the easiest way to combat that is to diminish and dehumanise the fetus by saying it doesn't count until it reaches x level of development outside of the usual abortion window. This also plays into the legal side of things, as you can only really penalise having an abortion (or even worse, a miscarriage) if you consider its nature a crime akin to actual infanticide (which it absolutely isn't). Or if you just really, really hate women, I guess.
In the literal sense though, yes, that clump of cells is in fact a living, developing human, regardless of what anyone has to say about it or how far along it is– it can't
be anything else. However, that doesn't change that a woman has every right not to keep it, nor should she be forced to feel guilt or mourn for a potential she isn't ready for or never wanted to create if that's not how she feels (and if that is how she feels, then that's okay too, of course).
No. 2363323
>>2361464The worst part is that Nara is absolutely doing this for the trend
She'll want to go back the the same shit she was doing before lucky in a few years but now has kids to damage that she already ignores anyway
No. 2363330
>>2363309Agreed wholeheartedly. Damn
nonnie I wish I had this kind of eloquence.
No. 2363388
>>2363020Honestly, if I
was to get married and divorced I'd just go no-contact with my ex and wouldn't tell anyone kek
No. 2363421
>>2363407Like I said it’s a never ending cycle of someone shitting on their own race to flatter another one. Very common with
POC moids because they fetishize the shit out of certain races.
>>2363416>delusionsHuh? I’m using them as an example. Of course it’s in the favor of white women too. You guys need to get out more.
No. 2363459
>>2363449>why Americans are the only ones not allowed to be happy they’re AmericanKek
As a non-american I have never felt happy about being american either.
No. 2363460
>>2363449Americans are always happy about being American, what are you saying kek.
By the way I can always tell someone is American when they come visit here, you just have a certain vibe and face and most of you are loud (but I can’t really complain either, Italians are also rowdy).
Like I can differentiate between a white British person from an American one and same goes for a black person too kek.
No. 2363466
>>2363399It’s kind of pathetic when you see a scrote shitting on women of his own race kek. Black scrotes are especially disgusting, sometimes they speak in a very condescending and racist for lack of better words , about black women.
I had this classmate of mine who had a crush on me that behaved in that manner.
No. 2363482
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>>2363476See picrel for example. The nudes you’re sending aren’t art kek.
No. 2363509
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>>2363451Ok that makes more sense but now I want to know where are you from? Is this also in burger land? I’m a burger so shitting on white women is still a popular meme. My sister also has a white bf who also has no issue shitting on white women. He isn’t a terminally online gryoper incel but was raised in our community (Mostly non white people).Same with other couples I know where they have a white boyfriend. If anything a lot of them are like pic related kek
No. 2363518
>>2363507It’s not an insult by the way! I like the American face.
I don’t know how to describe it kek, it’s just “American”.
No. 2363541
>>2363095Do you think the word “colonizer” wasn’t used in discussions before Twitter was created? Do you think people don’t have conversations about ….colonization….outside of Twitter? You guys will hear commonplace academic jargon that
you learned from Twitter and will be convinced that the same discussion didn’t exist outside of it Another retard did the same to me when I used the phrase “black community.” That phrase is in decades old books, it didn’t spawn into conversation because of Jack Dorsey. It has to be either europoors who learned English from watching marvel movies with subtitles or retarded burgers with missing teeth and overdue light bills who see words like that and sperg on about that dying app. Way to expose yourself.
No. 2363543
>>2363528Porn addiction pavlovs males, who are generally simple-minded, into worse and worse fetishes (rape, bestiality, pedophilia) over time. Studies show that this has an effect on how they treat women, children, and animals in the real world. Onlyfans extrapolates this, in the male mind, to all women. It makes them think all females should be accessible. It's also a pyramid scheme that entraps teenage girls, and ruins the lives of the women who join it. AI gfs are the epitome of objectification, and can only exacerbate the issues described above
No. 2363559
>>2363548>>2363541You're right. This site is filled with illiterate zoomzooms who think "colonize" is a Twitter word because they've never read a book. They don't realize how twitter-brained they actually look every time they start complaining about the word because that's their only exposure to it.
You could probably convince them things happened in history that never did.
No. 2363569
>>2363528It really isn’t a positive thing retard, porn , only fans and ai promote the dehumanization of women and the commodification of their bodies.
When a scrote starts to see every woman as a porn category he won’t feel sorry about entitled. Kinks are becoming mainstream and you have scrotes who hide behind them to abuse and even rape ( see Neil Gailman).
No. 2363600
>>2363528>makes them more passiveOkay go outside alone at night then. You should be fine.
Porn actually conditions moids to associate anger with arousal because a lot of moids will search up violent porn when they're angry with women to decompress. Then when they have sex with real women, who they supposedly love, they can't get it up because they don't have their abuse material to meet the dopamine threshold. Suddenly they're faced with the reality that they can only coom to violation. But their brain matter is so dumbed down at that point that they can't actually stop consuming the porn to get better and will take about 5-10 years to get clean. By that point they are already balding and past their prime.
Anyway if you were asked out by two guys, who were equivalent in all the ways that matter to you (sense of humour, intelligence, appearance) and the only clear difference was that one regularly masturbates to pornography and the other never looks at it. Who would you rather go out with?
No. 2364369
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>>2364357>trying to mold the first gu- virgin into a mold is pretty abusiveand?
No. 2364471
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>>2364465This post smells of NERD
No. 2364477
>>2364476No idea kek, I just googled "dodgeball gif" to
trigger that anon's PTSD
No. 2364607
>>2364579Answer the question
>>2364582"It's muh spirit that matters" yeah if you're anything other than a overly empathetic selfless girl who is content with tending people's fee fees you're literally the worst for wanting more for yourself.
No. 2364623
>>2364591Women can't rape men
>>2364602Analogy doesn't apply because a manual labour scrote still has more value than a woman of his same economic status
No. 2364638
>>2364607Well if you aren't one of those overly empathetic selfless types, you won't give a fuck about what other people think, right? Go want more for yourself. Dare to dream
No. 2364648
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>>2364623>Women can't rape menthats what the law says
No. 2364654
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>>2364562-Smarter on average
-looks better on average
-less likely to be bald
-Has a soul
need I go on?
No. 2364681
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>>2364651This shit has been going on for more than a millenia, and even after "progress"
having rights because scrotes want more wage slaves a rapist became the president of the united states. Women can't even agree that "men are dangerous" without them shit piling on you.
No. 2364705
>>2364673periods are a small price to pay to not be male
>less likely to get STDsmen actually have STDs at higher rates because they're whores
No. 2364930
>>2364816Nona. We are
human beings. Most animals can brutalize us in hand to hand combat. Pound for pound we are the weakest of the great apes by a longshot. A 1 armed chimpanzee could kill most men. Yet here we are, top of the food chain. Stop falling for the brute force meme.
Just do what our monkey ancestors did and learn to use a fucking gun.
No. 2364991
>>2363095Nonna this would surprise you but in linguistics we have that concept of language users regaining their linguistic agency by adapting the language of the colonizer to they culture/needs and by multilingual and multicultural practices.
>>2363096Okay anon, but I dare to say that almost every language has it's diverse forms to denote class differences.
No. 2365098
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I think the whole "mirrored image" thing is bullshit (not completely false ofc but the importance is overstated) and let me tell you why. When I stand next to someone I know in front of a mirror, I'm looking at their flipped image, so my brain shouldn't be "correcting" their flaws. But they always look exactly the fucking same. I don't stare at their reflection thinking "HUH??? WHO IS THAT WITH THE MISALIGNED EYEBROWS AND WONKY LIPS???" they just look like their normal selves. Plus there's the fact that so many people look different on camera than they do in motion irl. I'm convinced this is a psyop by tech companies who don't want to admit their cameras aren't really a 1:1 equivalent to the human eye, surely flattening a 3D image onto a 2D plane which relies on lighting and ~processing AI~ fucks with the depth and angles more than just flipping it? Sorry to any sciencefags I've offended but I was looking in a mirror with somebody else before for an unrelated reason and this is the conclusion I reached based on facts and logic.
No. 2365168
>>2365098damn you're right. there's no more coping possible. thanks anon.
>>2365122>I explored it with my mind and it's not possiblekek fascinating. imagine thinking that anything you don't comprehend just doesn't exist. the reason women shouldn't have sex with moids is because they're misogynistic pos, likely to give them diseases from the cheating, that's it. plenty of unfeminine women have sex, what you're saying doesn't make sense. a woman can be the one guiding someone who's performing oral sex on her or touching her. lay off the porn and hang out with people who don't discuss oral sex 24/7
No. 2365239
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Lookism is actually good and necessary in this society, everyone needs to strive into becoming better looking. It's good men obsess with their looks as much as women do.
No. 2365266
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>>2365264it's because human eyeballs are horizontal not vertical
nonny No. 2365291
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>>2365286Social media and porn have societal consequences that gacha doesn't
No. 2365340
>>2365317Why are you even comparing women and moids though? Why does "well a moid scored higher" mar your perception of
female excellence?
>historically women have far less achievementsWhich means we should be celebrating every achievement we're blessed enough to hear about. Unless you want generations of little girls to grow up and see nothing but demoralized adult women who won't even show up for each other, you know, like a lot of us did.
No. 2365356
>>2365352I admire your DDR skills
No. 2365370
>>2365330i understand americans and our neuroses over race are annoying to be exposed to but oh my god, nonamericans are so annoying.
>>2365335that's what america has always been though, it started with niche religious groups, why do you think they're called the "pilgrims"?
No. 2365377
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Peanut allergies are fake. Anyone who claims that they're allergic to peanuts has Munchausen syndrome, or they are a victim of Munchausen syndrome by proxy.
Ever notice that there are way more people know that claim that they are allergic to peanuts than there were before the Internet age? It's because more and more people were introduced to Munchausen syndrome by the internet. Before, nobody knew what that was besides psychologists and doctors, but now everyone knows about it. They know that if they fake something, they'll get attention for it, and since most parents nowadays are addicted to cellphones, children yearn for attention. That causes them to act out in ways to get attention, like pretending to die from eating peanuts. In other cases, it's sort of like Gypsy Rose Blanchard and her mother: the parents want their child to be special, unique, different, so they begin brainwashing the child from a very young age to believe that it's allergic to peanuts. After a few years, the child will be conditioned to react negatively to the presence of peanuts. And just like that, suddenly nobody in their class can bring in peanut snacks anymore. It gives the parents a sick satisfaction knowing that they ruined lunch time for dozens of other children in a twisted power game. It takes 30 minutes of research to realize that peanut allergies are just a new way for the pharmaceutical companies to increase their revenue through a mutually-beneficial relationship with severely mentally ill people that are starved for attention. All of the symptoms of peanut allergies are psychosomatic in nature.
My own case study (March 2024):
>Meet a scrote that claims he is allergic to peanuts.
>He claims he has a deathly anaphylactic response to peanuts.
>Invite him to my home.
>Serve him cookies with peanuts inside.
>Nothing happens to him at all.
>10 minutes pass.
>"You know, there's peanuts in this!" I say.
>He immediately freaks out and his throat "begins to close up," he promptly injects himself with his EpiPen
>He storms out after I tell him that I'm on to his sick game.
Notice that before I mentioned the peanuts, he was totally fine. That's because he wasn't really allergic. He convinced herself that he would die if he ate peanuts because he was very mentally ill. It was crazy to witness because had I never mentioned the peanuts, he would have continued to act completely normal. It's like as soon as I said anything about peanuts, his eyes glazed over and suddenly his Munchausen syndrome behaviour took over. He must have thought I was going to coddle him or say that he was brave instead of laughing at him. When he didn't get the positive attention that he desired, he promptly left in a bad mood, because he knew his deception wouldn't work on me.
No. 2365391
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>>2365377The rise of peanut allergies is from pediatricians recommending parents to avoid feeding infants peanuts, preventing them from developing ability to digest them. No. 2365430
File: 1737822072066.png (114.67 KB, 1803x1378, IMG_4813.png)

>>2365419It's just basic supply and demand. More immigrants = more demand for housing = price of houses and rent goes up. It's not complicated.
pic sort of related
>a lot of these illegal immigrants have been here for years before shit was so badYeah, but the massive influx during the biden years caused the shit to get so much worse
No. 2365438
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>>2365225Virgin men >>>>>>>> non virgin men
No. 2365453
>>2365445i know what youre saying, but that still doesnt change the fact that illegal immigration negatively affects the housing market. immigration into the usa is already very easy, if people want to immigrate they should go through the correct legal channels.
>>2365450bhad bhabie has cancer?!
No. 2365470
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>>2365465no cherry no marry
No. 2366570
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>>2366448it’s crazy to me how people have been having babies since before governments even existed kek, cause its within our innate human nature to want to reproduce. people had babies during the plague, during ww2, during all kinds of disasters. it’s the ciirlce of life!
No. 2366603
>>2366581People were wanting to fuck him as soon as the smiling man photo came out.
You have to realize, a lot of people just want these ceo fuckers dead.
If a guy who was like a 6 out of 10 who wasn't vomit inducing with his shirt off actually killed Trump and wrote on the bullets and got away with it, people would be thirsting over him too.
Ask yourself, why would the elites want us worshipping people who kill them?
No. 2366886
>>2366870LOL Do you really think America wants its top Universities overrun by Asians? They used Asians anti Blackness to kill two birds with one stone. Get the asians and the black people and women out of our schools ASAP. They do not need to "perform better" that is a myth. It was already proven that they don't prioritize extra curricular activities which is what actually sets students apart not their grades. Everyone who applies to top universities are averaging 4.0 GPAS and high SAT scores. You have to add more to the table. A lot of them simply need to volunteer more. Also did you know most of these international Asian students you see at these top performing schools are rich as shit and are paying their way into these top schools. Thats really why there is so many of them. Not because they are oh so much smarter. It's time we stop believing in stereotypes and start believing in the obvious truths.
>>2366882You are so unbelievably racist that you believe that Black people and Latinos have to utilize sob stories to make it into top universities and aren't just as smart and capable. Affirmative action was not created because the brownies of the world are too stupid to make it into college. It was created because the whities of the world are too racist to believe that other races can be smart. You bigots have more smoke for the underprivileged getting access to education than the richest people in the world using mommy and daddy's blood money to pay for a dorm so their kids and grandkids can go to those schools with impunity for forever just so that they can use that degree to shill temu products on tik tok
(racebait) No. 2366940
>>2366927>>2366930let me guess, everything and everyone is racist except you? whites, asians, hispanics, arabs, jews, natives, indians, the new york post, the sunday post, the monday tuesday wednesday post. is there anything you don't consider racist besides black women?
(racebait) No. 2366958
>>2366927if all the data on this has been manipulated and faked, how come nobody has ever tried to debunk it or recalculate it by now? it's been done for many skewed statistics or science myths. also, a child having bad grades does
not mean they're "inherently stupider". many factors have to be taken into account, and grades in school aren't even the best way of gauging intelligence.
No. 2366978
>>2366967>Idgaf about Asians being discriminated againstOf course you don't kek what a surprise. I'm not asian nor white, but why you guys always underestimate other
poc group's problems? Somehow you all always have it permanently worse than literally anybody and nobody can complain about their own discrimination. It's not a competition
No. 2367060
>>2367015Holy shit, sorry Nonna. I noticed guys who project "women can just fuck anyone!!" Are just saying they would fuck any women who approaches. That really sucks about the hpv. Men make me so fucking sick
>>23670565 is not a lot for 18 years of sexual activity
No. 2367218
>>2367203Men with high body count are the same as women, it’s just misogyny that deems women who sleep around as whores, while men get to be the same. I don’t really care what one does with their body, but I would not date someone who sleeps around a lot as they won’t probably value intimacy and sex the way I do. I also think that town bicycles are worse than women who sleep around kek, but that is just my own bias.
Also high can be subjective , for me anything in the double digits is high, since I am 21.
No. 2367241
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>>2367203How any woman can love a non-virgin is totally beyond me.
>>2367225Extremely based
No. 2367527
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>>2367522When you're a virgin you either get old creepy rapey moids who want to talk to you at the grocery store or moids your own age and in your peer group who see you as a non-entity. They don't even need to know your non-sex-having truth or your age for this to happen. It's like gravity.
No. 2367579
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>>2367571I dont know about the other anon but they never bring it up to me, I just chalk up their dismissive behavior as knowing I'm a virgin. I swear I'm really not a turbo autist, just a little shy and introverted. I've been told I look young for my age, but I don't think I do, males my age should know I'm around their age. Especially in school. I just don't know how other women get boyfriends. Like how do you even get to the talking stage. 90% of males are boring and have no personality and the ones that do are taken or can smell the virginity. It's like some unknown art I'm not privy to and this is my thesis.
No. 2367582
>>2367579>get boyfriendsthis is how I would have phrased my issue as a virgin. I would have been really embarrassed to lead questions or discussions with "I'm a virgin!!!!" when I really had no experience with men. even as a virgin (who lost that relatively young) I fully understood how obsessed with the concept coomers are. there so many women on lc talking about their virginity lately and it is so weird to me. Most of the time it's not even a sexual question and then this happens at the same time as
>>2367568 this fucked up post.
No. 2367586
>>2367563Being a virgin definitely doesn't make you weird, so many guys aren't worth it. I hate how normalized porn is too
>>2367571I'm not but that seems accurate, they would try to start weird sexual conversations with me and it just felt uncomfortable
No. 2367590
>>2367588I don't tell them I'm a virgin but they either sense it or eventually admit I've never been in a relationship (i.e likely virgin) but when I say that latter part I'm telling other women/friends because they ask, but other women like classmates, or friends, like to keep males around, either boyfriends or mutual male friends. So then they know and treat you like the group pet.
>>2367589I'm telling you, males don't really want virgins, it's code for teenager.
No. 2367608
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No. 2367653
>>2365335>Extract natural ressources in other countries, leaving nearly nothing to the residents of said countries>Destabilize, wage wars, assassinate local resistance to ensure resources remain available>People leave their shithole in hopes of getting better scraps since their capital is flowing away from the country, why not people too?>Take in foreign workers because it helps with putting pressure on the job market>Do this for decades>Now America is done being the garbage dump of the world!>Still doing all of the aboveOpposing immigration is wholly understandable but this "we aren't a garbage bin for the world" rhetoric is so fucking funny, yes, yes you are, your elites wanted this. Illegal immigration might be reduced but it'll never go away as long as the mechanisms behind it stay in place
>>2365848>I have been called a nazi for suggesting countries should only take women and children as refugees kekThis is actually a good idea because a huge portion of male "refugees" in 2025 are liars. Most actual refugees flee to neighbouring countries or countries with a similar culture, they don't want to be too far in case the situation is resolved. In MENA countries you'll find many female refugees, widows, women with no family left, it's so bad. There's a reason why most "refugees" in Europe are men.
No. 2367987
I have 2 unpopular opinions to share, one is a tinfoil and the other is more of a vent.
1- TIFs probably popularized male body positivity and fat acceptance, male body hair, micropenises and being a fag so they can lower the standards of what is considered a man and they can pass. Notice how most art and social meida about that are by TIFs.
2- I'm so tired of being bombarded by relationships and/or sex and gender wars topics everywhere I go. Irl, in social media, on LC etc. Please, for the love of life, become actual people and talk about actual topics, I'm begging you. It's so pathetic to be so obsessed with these topics and bring them into every single thing 24/7. It has to be classified as a mental illness in the DMS-5 or something already. It's not natural or normal to see everything ever from the lense of "opposite gender attracting/replusing". I thought we were supposed to be evloved, this kind of behavior and line of thinking is so animalistic and basic instinctual, it's a sign of low IQ to me. Act evolved and actually intelligent and talk about something that doesn't pretain to reproduction in a direct or indirect way, PLEASE. I'm starting to understand the Bechdel test thread now. We need something like that but life scale. If you talk about that bullshit in an inappropriate setting, you get arrested. Social fixed.
No. 2367995
>>2367987I think you're right about TIFs popularizing that stuff but I don't think it's about passing. It's purely that they are so desperately insecure about their appearance that a) they want to transition in the first place, b) it's less devastating to their self esteem to convince themselves they like fatties and uggos because they know hot guys would not want them back, and c) they think being vocally forgiving and accepting towards unattractive men will obligate men to do the same for unattractive women (never gonna happen)
People who are confident in themselves and happy with their bodies aren't going to troon out (delusional AGPs excepted), if they are 'dysphoric' then you know their body image issues preceded any concern about passing.
No. 2368253
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No one cares if troons use female bathrooms if they don’t look obviously male. I don’t understand why they can’t get this.
No. 2368695
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>>2368683Also teachers have flaws. For example some teachers might not really wanna help a student because they’re black or not popular. They also get frustrated by “stupid” questions and dont have time to sit and explain every little thing. With ai all students can get an equal unbiased education at their pace. At situation like pic related would’ve never happened if ai was her teacher.
No. 2369224
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Some people in terf friendly spaces like lc radblr ovarit etc overcorrect themselves when trying to acknowledge biological reality. Yes the average male is stronger than the average woman and it's unfair for males to compete against females when they start out with an advantage (even if they suck and end up losing to women in terms of skill), but some take it to an extreme like "any skinny moidlet on the streets could snap the neck of the most fit female athlete with one hand tied behind his back, if a moid tries to rape you fighting back will get you killed so there's no point" like that's straight up infantalizing women and makes me feel like these are the people TRAs point to when they say their bullshit about terfs hating women. The average terf isn't like that, but still I see such comments frequently enough to be annoyed
No. 2369230
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>>2369224I mean I just think women should be allowed to conceal carry. It will make moids think twice about raping because now they will have to consider locating and disarming beforehand.
Also the whole strength meme is retarded anyways. I said it before: Humans are weaker than most animals in hand to hand combat, take the strongest man in the world and put him up against your average gorilla and it's still no contest. Yet which one is in the zoo?
We need to put the moids in the zoo. No. 2369239
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Smoking 1 cigerette in an open space around people is the true cure for anxiety attacks. People who chain smoke of course are retards but otherwise I see no issue with it.
No. 2369253
>>2369246If the universe can't exist without a higher being creating it, how did god exist without a higher being creating him? He just exists because of "magic", which is more
valid than "science", I guess?
No. 2369264
>>2369246The real unpopular opinion is it doesn't matter. It literally bears 0 effect on us to know the truth. Sure, it's interesting to now, but then what? The higher being will reveal itself to us or something? I don't think so, why haven't that happen yet through the power of believing then? Also, believing in a higher being just created
abusive harmful practices so it's better to ridicule it and dismiss it to improve our actual tangible existence, which is more important than knowing if there is a higher being of some sort or not imo.
>>2369256Genuinely shut tf up and find something else to think about. We have this bullshit discussion 24/7 on this website. Move on already.
No. 2369267
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>>2369264reddit would agree with you
No. 2369282
>>2369277Sure, but we don't have proof as of now, so it's better to move on to more important things in our lives.
>>2369279Congratulations, you're very special and different, want a cookie?
No. 2369295
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I consider atheism to be a religion and as someone who thinks all religions are retarded by extension I believe atheists are also retarded
No. 2369300
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Having any sympathy for a trans person is insanity. You want to transition, fine. But don’t make me accommodate your ass. The day trans women are allowed to enter women spaces is the day I will off myself.
No. 2369325
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>>2369304>>2369305>>2369309>>2369311Guess my opinion is the truly unpopular one after all. My lived reality is less important than some retard's need to feel special according to you.
No. 2369339
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>>2369253>how did god exist without a higher being creating him? It's quite simple
No. 2369397
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Everyone should practice animism or at the very least polytheism. Believing in one person creating life is why people are narcs and men think they have the right to control women and our bodies. It’s better to believe everyone and everything can be a God than god being one person and that person being a pedophile man or a man who forcefully inseminated a virgin teen. But those better religions got assblasted by Europeans and Middle easterner’s shitty religions and now we all have to suffer the consequences of their narcissistic depravity
No. 2369407
>>2369330Every religious person is extremist by default, because they don't see anything wrong with their religions. I talked to some weirdo schizophrenic spiritual guy from Australia a few times before and he's maybe planning on killing himself to ascend or whatever. It takes a certain kind of retardation and extremism to dedicate yourself to bullshit beliefs with 0 evidence to begin with.
>>2369333They banned 4chan so they're aware of it, but lolcow isn't banned so they probably don't know about it. But at this point I lowkey wanna gamble my life since I'll probably never make it out alive either way.
No. 2369440
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>>2369397>Believing in one personkek like Satan? Some religions state that God isn't a person or human but the manifestation of intelligent design and all things. God is everyone and no one, etc. Others (like the trinity) believe and preach heavily that God is "3 people" - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. You're right that lots of people believe incorrect things, in general though
No. 2369458
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>>2369450There was a 50/50 religion. It just included lots of slavery and child sacrifice. I think the issue has always been the same
No. 2369534
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>>2369532Agreed. The first one that comes to mind is Adele lol
No. 2369565
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>>2369549Seconding this, it's not the weight for her but the makeup and surgery/injections.
But I agree with
>>2369532 because I used to browse a lot of "before and after" photos of weightloss and for a small minority of people the face was a massive downgrade. I think people in the biggest risk zone are people who store a lot of fat on their faces. For example I saw an obese woman with a cute perfect little button nose and round cheeks instead get a high thick nosebridge and deep nasolabial folds. Fat cheeks also means once you lose it the skin gets droopy and you look much older. Using a random moid pic because I don't wanna shame some random woman kek but it demonstrates how losing weight can change how your facial features are seen
No. 2369616
>>2368488If their only hobbies are gaming and anime, they have 0 female friends and don't go out much they're guaranteed to be a virgin. Other than that basically what
>>2368565 said. I think it's easier to tell when a guy is one because they usually make it obvious by how poorly they interact with you and things like being openly into cartoon/anime porn. A woman could be a virgin and still talk to men irl normally and not be so openly degenerate in comparison
No. 2369734
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>>2369616Why does this happen though? Why are most virgin men so weird?
I have friends who are virgin and all of them are just normal women.
No. 2369897
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>>2369224I see your frustration, but remember that some of those women are going to be around 5 ft or have a petite build, and they're very aware that despite going to the gym as much as they can there really is not much they could do to defend themselves even against a skinny man. Usually the difference between a skinny and a fat man is literally just fat, the strength is the same.
No. 2369900
>>2369849The ideal situation would be to have men socialize with women in a non-degenerate culture. Popular TV, music, and social media all encourage sluttiness and lack of responsibility, while most people are too mentally defunct to maintain a healthy relationship, so they engage in serial monogamy, dropping ship whenever a relationship stops suiting them and start over. This creates the issue that men who engage in and conform to popular culture are irredeemable sluts who will leave their girlfriends/wives the second they stop getting everything they want, while men who do not engage in the culture of sluttiness often do so not out of genuine contempt for that way of life and desire to have a more peaceful and noble existence, but because they don't meet the bare minimum standards physically and socially to interact with women in the first place. There are men who actively reject the status quo on this issue, not because they are considered losers but because they value a loving partnership of mutual trust and respect, but they are few and far between. Even some of those who start out with pure intentions become embittered by meeting waste after waste. If you don't meet a good man young, you probably won't meet him.
(posting like a scrote) No. 2369924
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Eating ice cream every day is good for me actually
No. 2369944
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>>2369938Nta I firmly believe it was but but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't. Like they were claiming it was all Ivy League educated women.
No. 2369951
>>2369944Omg I can’t believe this is real i was hoping it was a fever dream.
>>2369938That has to be the most bizarre shit I’ve ever heard. Put him on a list.
No. 2370431
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i'm realizing how pointless being a radical feminist is. i'm always going to be one but it's like
>you're hated by EVERYONE, from radical commie anarchist troons to bible thumping right-winged retards to the casual normie woman dating seth
>you're never ever going to have a real platform
>you can find spaces to connect with other rfs on, but those spaces are going to be relentlessly pruned, trolled, you will get banned eventually, etc.
>a large base of your supposed ideological mates can't commit to anything (can't stop wearing makeup, can't stop fucking or centering their lives around men, can't really do anything irl to help women)
>women as a class are so disadvantaged everywhere, physically and socially and economically and etc.lly that real political change is sure to never come? most powerful country on earth would rather have a racist, pedo, rapist moid than an overqualified woman
>the average woman is genuinely happy to be subjugated so long as she isn't violenced. "nooo she isn't!!!" she is, the average woman will go crazy for booktok rape fantasies and fenty makeup and spinny skirt tranny poetry
i guess i'm having another black pill moment tonight but damn it's so grim out here
No. 2370562
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As much as I loathe gender ideology, all of the anti-trans laws being passed are an omen of much worse things to come. Even as a detransitioner myself, I just can’t find a silver living in all this. A blanket ban won’t stop people from transitioning, it will just create a black market for it. In fact, there already is a black market for it. I knew a troon who brewed bathtub estrogen and sold it online. I don’t think that “trans kids” are going to commit mass suicide or anything but they may very well end up buying hormones contaminated with god knows what online and end up poisoning themselves. And it never ends with troons. “First they came for the communists…”
No. 2370696
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>>2370690BJ Chan is like a predator animal, we need her to keep the population of Nigelfags in check. I started to like her when she said picrel
No. 2370723
>>2370562I get your logic, i think this is just step 1 of killing the hydra of gender ideology, it'll certainly come back. But i don't care if adult male troons give themselves heart attacks and cancer with horse piss. Women aren't driven by fetish like men are, so if you stop handing out troon diagnoses the number of FtMs will significantly decrease. I think it's fine that it goes back to black market. Take CP, it's all black market but it says something that pedos have to hide to share CSAM whereas a country like Japan sells child gravure pics out in the open. Sorry for the gruesome example, but something is seriously wrong with countries that are okay with institutionalized troonism, like how there is a difference between countries where child abuse is taboo vs. accepted. So gender ideology losing its legitimacy is a net positive. But it's not enough to make HRT harder to access, trooning out your child should warrant a visit from CPS.
>And it never ends with troons. Hoping it extends to all the other paraphiles and creeps who hide behind sexual minority status
>>2370498>But the thing is, do women like it? Do women enjoy being selfless even at their own expense?They like it on some level, moral masochism brings satisfaction, otherwise they wouldn't repeatedly do it. But it's a really, really shitty deal, so they complain about their own martyr complex because it's just not that great of a situation.
>>2370431This is true for about every political movement these days. The reason why organizing is hard now is because RFs of the past stopped working towards mass goals and retreated into LARPing in mini-cults (like most of the left, btw), we can't let down girls like they did.
>>2370434 nailed it
No. 2370744
>>2370431Being rad helped my confidence and I do my best to abide by it . Radicalism has always been unpopular nonna, I don’t think there will be a time where all women gain female class consciousness.
As for what I do in real life , I make it a priority to donate to an exclusive women’s cause every month kek.
No. 2370808
>>2370769Nona, gender ideology means the abolishment of women's legal, effective rights. If you don't even recognize women as a sex, how can you have sex specific rights and facilities etc. Troons got one inch of influence and started demanding rape shelters get closed, access to toilets, heavy censorship, getting women to lose their jobs. Anyone who spends time with leftists knows they
hate us having sex-related rights and recognition of sex-specific problems. The parties i orbited or was in wanted to ban women's gatherings, this is really common mindset for the left and it's even worse for centrists trying to be 'woke' or whatever. It goes even further back than gender ideology. Dems and hypocritical pseudo-leftist eunuchs dangle abortion in front of your face to get you to accept anything, including the effective erasure of your sex from law. If troons succeeded we would have
way more problems than abortion or being hunted for being transphobes. Dems and leftists aren't the guardians of your rights. The former let abortion slip from them and did nothing because it could help them get an election, the latter is a bunch of old geezers, perverts who like to surround themselves with young people and young women in particular so they can fuck them.
They do not care No. 2370930
>>2370899I agree nonna. I also want to add that women thrive after 30s. They finish their studies , their jobs are more stable too. And aging doesn’t even mean you grow to be ugly kek, my mom is 40 and she is beautiful and I’ve seen so many women her age who are beautiful too.
Nonnas don’t be afraid to age, it’s not this demonic phase retards like to describe as.
No. 2371076
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I think this mentality is why so many books suck nowadays. Writers don't write books to be read anymore, they write crap that they hope can be adapted into a Netflix show. I've been part of various writing communities and all they ever talk about is which actor should play what character in their book. If any writing gets done at all it is stale and void of descriptions or creativity. It's like they forgot that a book is a whole medium of its own to tell a story through. If you have to link to a youtube playlist and ask people to read this chapter while listening to this piece and imagine this actor to see the story as intended, why don't you become a movie director or even a script writer instead?
No. 2371095
>>2371079I disagree with you on that. If bisexual women truly wanted to be with women, they would just find and date each other. There's no real excuse to not be with another woman when you live in a 1st world country in the 21st century. IME, I think female and male bisexuality are different wirings in the mind. When males are bisexual, they're much more likely than women to actually fuck and date their own gender, even if they ultimately settle for the opposite when the clock ticks and they suddenly decide to want a family. Meanwhile, female bisexuals frequently seem to think that just sitting in their rooms and remembering that one time in high school where they were dared to kiss another girl and didn't
hate it means that they're definitely bisexual. Male bisexuality is more likely to involve actually fucking both men and women, whereas female bisexuality is having a fantasy or a drunk makeout session every once in a blue moon. Perhaps this has to do with the fact that males are less wired to be picky about who they put their dicks in, but that doesn't contradict my point.
No. 2371106
>>2371076This is a retarded mindset that plagues the majority of millennials and gen z. It happens in pretty much every area of interest too not just books. I blame it on YouTubers being unskilled literwhos becoming famous for the laziest shit and booktok in a similar vein. That and asspats going on in fandom/fanfic communities where criticism is
not welcome. So I guess the the general coddling of these generations. Damn maybe boomers were right about participation trophies.
No. 2371235
>>2371076Posts like picrel make me feel disappointed and like I’m not having any fun or feeling any true
interest with current literature, literally everything is just written because
>omg maybe netflix will turn it into some low budget slop!! No. 2371255
>>2371247They are some who have brownish parts, it’s kind of ugly I’m sorry kek. Never seen one in real life looking like that though.
I think that when it matches the skin color it looks more nice.
No. 2371390
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>>2369951>>2370402It's up here on internet archive if you want to have a poke around. My sanity makes me believe it was a parody of panty selling sites but my grip on things is fragile at best.