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No. 2361221

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching


No. 2361224

Sexually frustrated then. You're entirely too bothered about someone else's marital status.

No. 2361225

can we keep this and GIOYC facing each other at all times

No. 2361228

File: 1737602870869.jpg (124.55 KB, 1500x1125, pineapple upside down kek.jpg)

damn anon you beat me i was right about to make this the threadpic and post my opinion about how pineapple upside down cake is fucking disgusting and a cake where the entire thing is covered in mushy saucy hot fruit sounds sensationally upsetting. I don’t understand how so many people love this (and apple upside down cake…even worse) so much

No. 2361230

peach upside down cake is so good.

No. 2361231

I’ve had sex and this may be shocking to you, I’ve also been married as well. I still think using virgin as an insult to women is retarded, any woman can fuck. Scrotes are easy.

No. 2361232

>Maybe they just genuinely think you’re a loser for being in a good marriage where you don’t have to work or take care of snot nosed babies
That is ok with me ♥

No. 2361236

some of you guys think your arguments that are exactly the thread pic are interesting enough to drag into multiple threads. it happened in mundane shit last night too. and they just aren’t and it’s borderline personality tagging to keep obsessively defending your own honor.

No. 2361237

Damn I want this though

No. 2361238

Okay, bitter divorcee then. You think married women are lame, we get it. You can stop sperging every time you see one now.

No. 2361239

i think we need to bring back the stan threadpics and do away with the screaming into the bullhorn ones

No. 2361243

yeah why did the person who made this thread use this thread pic

No. 2361244

You could’ve left the conversation in the other thread if you didn’t want a response.

No. 2361245

unicorns are real we just have sullied hearts now.

No. 2361246

You've been replying to at least 3 different anons

No. 2361247

File: 1737603396543.webp (115.85 KB, 1777x999, daddie.webp)

the Amerifags threadpics should be stan instead of Alfred. i think Stan is way more representative of Americans

No. 2361249

Well you could’ve not responded to me at all because I wasn’t talking to you.

No. 2361251

I could never leave Alfred on the curb…

No. 2361252

i don’t know who alfred is and i’m too afraid to ask.

No. 2361256

bathing every single day isn't necessary, especially not in the winter. I go two days without showering and nobody has ever called me stinky or dirty.

No. 2361259

i can’t imagine not enjoying it though. i take a relaxing bath every day. it’s where i get my reading in.

No. 2361265

Holy fuck I agree.

No. 2361266

Yeah idgi either. Arguing over SAH(notM)s isn't interesting and everyone knows where they end up anyway.

No. 2361271

ntayrt but like. Nona. Don't bank everything on your nigel. It's retarded. I'm also married and I'm happily married but I am not so retarded to think my husband is some perfect flawless god. He is a human being who I happen to love. But if he cheated on me or started to be abusive or he died I would leave.
Seriously. Get a job. Even my grandmothers in the 1950s worked.

No. 2361273

Alfred is an anime boy from Hetalia he is cute dw.

No. 2361279

Let us have one good thing, nona…

No. 2361283

>or he died I would leave
nta but yeahh you’d kinda have no choice nonny LOL he’d already be gone

No. 2361285

okay good. i looked it up and it looks like a funny concept. i was suspicious momentarily cos that looked like another naughtier word and i was like oh no.. sometimes nonas will casually give me psychic damage with the things they tell me about so i have to be careful.

No. 2361288

>you'd have no choice
Nona I have read some cases.

No. 2361291

File: 1737605345026.jpeg (587.55 KB, 1125x1074, FCD5DABA-D571-4645-88CD-B9FCB4…)

This isn’t really unpopular I feel like every new thread someone posts this opinion.

No. 2361292

File: 1737605365595.jpg (61.47 KB, 600x638, 398432943432.jpg)

i'm going to be real with you all, but women who buy into the psyop tradwife cope are usually the younger ones who don't think they have what it takes to make it out there in the world on their own merit. and so the tradthottery feels like something they can hold onto instead of putting in the hard work like everyone else has such as going to college, doing all the crappy grunt work in it, graduating and then going through the pains of getting a job afterwards and saving money and living in crappy apartments or with crappy roommates or just doing everything possible to reach for the stars even when the stacks are against you via inventing something or selling something amazing and getting loaded off of that. it's easier to be told "yeah you know what you don't have much going for you anyway so just be a man's housewife and all will be taken care of" instead of "actually no, get your fucking ass up and work hard so that you can become self-sufficient because prince charming is not coming to save you". i know this because i was that young girl, i got married, did the housewife thing in the marriage, and then had to leave when the domestic violence started. i went back to school, got my degree, work and decided that i will never put myself through that again.

not to mention, this is a clever ruse made by pathetic alt-right faggots who also have nothing much going for them. if they can neg women into become housewives, they wouldn't try so hard to impress women since she doesn't have much to stand on anyway, economically speaking. the men who actually have something going for them usually end up chasing after ambitious, attractive women who are putting themselves through schools and they end up being the kind of couple everyone envies and wish it was them.

No. 2361293

Water > Tea > Coffee

No. 2361297

Amen. I'm sorry you had to learn that shit the hard way. I like to think our foremothers fought tooth and nail for less and less of us to learn the hard way.
Sure, the rat race is tough, and as a woman it's made artificially tougher because we are told by society we are only good as helpmeat to some scrote.
The truth is moids need us more than we need them. Because in a lot of ways, we are stronger than them. They have life handed to them on a silver platter and all they do is whine, meanwhile women get shit on all the time and we tough through so much.

I'm glad you escaped your abusive shithead. Gives me hope for the future.

No. 2361298

>i know this because i was that young girl, i got married, did the housewife thing in the marriage, and then had to leave when the domestic violence started.
and now every time you see another married woman you feel anxious shes going to experience the trauma you did which is why you believe the idea of a normal, uneventful marriage to be inconceivable, we understand that nonnie. its ok(bait)

No. 2361300

I don't like either. Stan isn't attractive and Alfred is a Japanese creation which makes even less sense for the American thread. Then again, I'm just exhausted of the insistent husbandofagging in every single little thing. I think we should go back to using American and American political adjacent shitpost images.

No. 2361303

Marriage is scary when you have something to lose. I got married when I was in my 20s because I thought I was a dumb ass and the best I was gonna get is getting married to at least be stable. Then as I got older I was like wow I actually can do the work in university and I’m not completely stupid. Now that I own a house and have savings, I wouldn’t get married again because I’m scared he’s gonna take my house kek even if I really loved him I wouldn’t wanna do it because I don’t feel like battling a scrote in court.

No. 2361304

just posting a random pic of a specific American based character is usually easier than taking the time to edit a whole political shitpost image, however you can always make it whatever you want if you make the new thread

No. 2361305

Marriage is really more of a legal thing, anyways. A long term relationship can be just as rewarding. You do you, nona.

No. 2361306

can we use like idk superman or captain America? idk capeshit but I guess that would be super american

No. 2361307

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I am getting so fucking sick of extreme niche political ideals. I don’t give FUUUCK. Let dumb bitches be fucking retarted, oh my god GUESS WHAT. Some people thrive under what conditions you’re describing. There’s always an outlier. stop nitpicking women for fucks sakes anons. Are you Kim kardiashan? Get your ass up and work? BE FOR REAL. Ignore the rest of the capitalist oligarchical bullshit and blame women, amazing. Yes. Wow.

No. 2361308

How about a bald eagle?

No. 2361311

It’s kinda hard because most scrote are gonna wanna have kids or marriage. I wouldn’t do marriage again because of how hard it is to get out of. Took me 5 years to get out.

No. 2361313

Please no capeshit is absolutely revolting, it isn’t 2012 and we’re not on Tumblr. I hate looking at it more than Stan. Alfred at least keeps to LC’s weeb roots.

No. 2361317

i don't think being a stay at home wife or mother is a bad thing in of itself. it can absolutely work if the relationship is healthy the whole way through and the man doesn't have conservatard values and a misogynistic asshole. of course, even moids who are leftists can also be misogynistic assholes, so its a battlefield finding a non-sexist man in of itself. but it is sociopathic to tell young women that being a housewife is totally the move when we don't know who her nigel is or what he's secretly thinking about, and i am of the opinion that if she wants to be a tradwife, then at the very least she needs to do the following:
>has a college degree to fall back on
>has a strong work network, such as previous bosses and colleagues, that can quickly get her a job if she has to leave her scrote
>has at least a few years of work experience under her belt that's not working retail or mcdonald's
>savings, pensions, ira roth, etc, anything she has put away and let it grow in case she needs to dip
>has a very supportive family or friend system to fall back on in case she has to suddenly flee in the middle of the night and a place to crash
>a driver's license
if she's got none of this, she should not be a housewife. being a housewife is something only some women can afford.

No. 2361320

Not everyone can go to college.

No. 2361321

sorry, i don't agree that we should let women fuck around and find out because some of them end up getting murdered and then they can't find out anyway. cope.

No. 2361322

Nta but why not? Just get a trade. Even a cna certificate would be better than nothing.

No. 2361323

Maybe just a marketable/in-demand skill. Not necessarily a degree but a background in web design or experience working with machinery

No. 2361324

some community colleges offer bachelor degrees now. other than that, there are options, like trade school. there just needs to be something for a woman to hang onto in case things go south.

No. 2361327

>She can be a housewife if she meets a specific list of requirements
NTA but youcan unclench your jaw nonny

No. 2361328

Many women who end up in those situations wouldn’t go to school even if it’s free because they’re just lazy and scared of change

No. 2361329

NTAYRT but to bring the topic back to unpopular opinions, mine is that college is fucking miserable and a waste of money. You can’t learn anything in college that you can’t learn in the library

No. 2361330

?? how is this like a weird niche list and not something literally every adult needs to have in general? there's people out there saying they refuse to date adults who don't have a car or is so poor that they have to live with their parents and that is reasonable.

No. 2361332

Nta but college isn’t meant for you to learn, it’s for you to get a degree and get a job. You’re supposed to be able to self teach and unfortunately people who can’t self teach in college aren’t going to make it.

No. 2361334

As a college cuck you’re right, but unfortunately most jobs even shitty low tier peasant ones require a bachelor’s.

No. 2361336

I am trying not to sperg out but like… I get that anons like to believe in each other and support the best options we have available. Yes I agree there are many options available for women in first world socialist countries. But the world is not as easy for everyone. I do not think I need to expand upon that, and if I do leave the fucking basement for a little

No. 2361339

I think some of that has been lost in more recent years. I would also argue that not all colleges and even curriculums in colleges are made equal. College is worth it if you play your cards right and don’t go for a dumb degree at a sham school. But you really get what you put in out of the experience overall.

No. 2361340

But getting a degree doesn’t guarantee you a job anymore

No. 2361342

Yeah, it doesn't because the value of a degree has been completely diluted.

No. 2361343

>has a college degree
nah, i hate school
>has a strong network
No, i hate talking to people
>has a few years of work experience
does loading and unloading the dishwasher count?
>savings in case she needs to leave
usually when you’re married you either share a bank account or your husband just gives you money, so it sounds like it should be easy to save from that
>drivers license
I personally have never driven a car and never plan to KEKK

No. 2361345

>usually when you’re married you either share a bank account or your husband just gives you money, so it sounds like it should be easy to save from that
Nona, I…

No. 2361346

I see college as a guide to show you what you need for your job to not be a complete fuck up at it. You’re supposed to go to the lecture and then go home and teach yourself what they talked about. That’s why when people go to college it’s only worth it if they know what they’re doing is going to produce a stable and good income.

No. 2361347

It depends on what you go to work school for. If you’re going to be a doctor, dentist, nurse etc you’ll definitely get a job. Most people fuck themselves going to school because they’re trying to study something they’re passionate about and not focused on money.

No. 2361349

NTA but she’s not wrong, whenever I need money my husband just sends it to me lel

No. 2361355

I'm not saying that a degree isn't worth it, just that it's not an instant job offer. Universities used to be exclusive and only open to either rich people or incredibly smart people. The more open higher education became, the more competitive the jobs which require higher education became.

No. 2361356

File: 1737607754195.jpg (5.04 KB, 284x177, 77711117.jpg)

"yes, yes, yes! everyone knows the true meaning of life is working in a zambian mine with barely a high school diploma and don't you ever listen to those overeducated chucklefucks."

No. 2361358

No job is an instant job offer. Even when you’re trying to work at Burger King and McDonald’s it takes a few weeks or a month for them to get back.

No. 2361359

nona… did you just repost so you could add elon musk?

No. 2361360

But it is true anon, at least where I live going through and paying for years of college doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll definitely get hired somewhere
I caught that too KEK

No. 2361361

there are people with no fucking arms that work.

No. 2361363

sea sponge ass woman

No. 2361365

There are people with no arms or legs with driving licenses too. Like how retarded do you have to be that you can’t even compete with a limbless person.

No. 2361366

nta but that does not make me want to get a job

No. 2361368

College degree or not, you’re still just a pawn for these billionaires. College graduates aren’t making money anymore. Let’s stop pretending that it’s going to protect you from all the bullshit going on in the world. What’s with all the blissful ignorance

No. 2361369

Speak for yourself. I’m a college graduate and I’m living good.

No. 2361370

…cos you’d run into the armless people there? what do you mean!

No. 2361372

Your use of this website is begging to differ. Your degree isn’t giving you a less basement dwelling life anon.

No. 2361374

you can’t actually because a lot of things require lab equipment, heavy machinery, etc the degree you earn to certify you are qualified also is the important part? good luck getting a job claiming you learned it online or from reading books, trust you.

No. 2361375

Just because I’m on lolcow doesn’t mean I’m broke. I don’t get the correlation. I make 100k a year as a single woman….nothing anti college cucks could say to make me regret college.

No. 2361377

File: 1737608434485.jpeg (47.15 KB, 750x1000, IMG_9631.jpeg)

>>2361375(infight bait)

No. 2361380

Don’t worry about me nonna I’m one of the NEET losers

No. 2361381

I can't stand bacon.

No. 2361382

File: 1737608530861.gif (985.55 KB, 500x313, who.gif)

who lives in a pineapple under the sea??

No. 2361383

spongebob is notably more employed than that nona

No. 2361385

Alcoholism bodies any other kind of addiction, that’s why it’s the most popular one.

No. 2361386

Only because he’s a disability hire. Anon is at least aware of her faults kek

No. 2361387

The exposed corners SpongeBob’s boxers show were always so fucking sexy to me…

No. 2361388

No. 2361389

It's kind of pathetic imo

No. 2361391

He is not a disability hire, he got the job cus he is competent and proved himself when mr krabs needed him most despite squidward undermining his efforts to get the job and shit talking him to his boss. Do you even watch the cartoon?

No. 2361393

File: 1737609281020.jpeg (117.95 KB, 1132x1310, IMG_9632.jpeg)

SpongeBob sex god arch? Should we make him a thread?

No. 2361394

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Nara smith looks like sans the skeleton now in the face

No. 2361396

Can you post a comparison pic so I can see your theory

No. 2361398

did they even watch one episode? he’s literally ready.

No. 2361399

File: 1737609520366.jpeg (198.84 KB, 1284x1065, IMG_5160.jpeg)

Here is what I mean. They have the same look.

No. 2361400

No. 2361402

Why didn’t the artist finish drawing the body…

No. 2361404

File: 1737609676873.gif (502.97 KB, 400x300, IMG_9633.gif)

Ready for this pussy

No. 2361405

woah shes only 23? holy fuck i thought she was like 30

No. 2361406

women who are too honest about their lack of experience with the same sex are just asking to stay permanently single. i know it's a meme for anons spouting "just date a woman" but it is truly that simple if you learned to just shut up and fuck a woman without talking about your past. like of course you'll get rejected by all women if you say you're a virgin in that way, it's too weird to hear it and they don't like being anyone's first unless you're some demi goddess with outrageous tits. i think just keeping that to yourself is for the best.

No. 2361408

She lies about her age from what I’ve heard. Most speculate late 20s and early 30s

No. 2361410

is it not better to be a woman who looks good for her age than lie and say you look bad for an age you’ll eventually be caught as not being anyways.

No. 2361411

File: 1737609926520.jpg (168.09 KB, 1080x547, 019293919.jpg)

What the fuck is up with the names of these children??? Possibly the most retarded combination I have ever heard

No. 2361412

She doesn’t look good for her age she just looks like a lady in her 30s

No. 2361413

I watched him confidently stride to the job he always dreamed of. I watched him lose that confidence in seconds if not for his good friend helping him get back on track. I watched him get there and not get the job because of his fucking pretentious as shit loser neighbor. I watched him succeed despite that moron's attitude. Don't you dare disrespect him like that ever again.

No. 2361418

>Whimsy Lou
What the fuck

No. 2361419

like literally what the fuck did spongebob ever do wrong? he literally invented the pretty patty. he literally put so much heart and soul one of his krabby patties one against THOUSANDS of other burgers. he sold chocolate. he drove a boulder. he literally knit a sweater of his eyelashes and his tears. fuuuucckkc

No. 2361420

it’s gravity for me

No. 2361423


No. 2361425

Not Slim Easy?

No. 2361430

>slim easy
what if he’s fat and difficult
>rumble honey
>whimsy lou
dude. when these kids go to school the bullies are gonna have a fucking field day KEK

No. 2361431

i’m so desensitized growing up with slim shady that’s just a name for me now

No. 2361433

if slim and rumble ever have a single bloated day it’s fucking over for them

No. 2361434

Slim Easy is destined to be a rapper. If he goes for any other profession I will be disappointed

No. 2361437

File: 1737610685234.jpeg (29.55 KB, 306x394, IMG_5161.jpeg)

He’s going to be like logic. Despite being 2% black he’s going cry he can’t say the n word.

No. 2361438

Hello my name is Slim Easy, I’ll be your dental practitioner today.

No. 2361440

It's one thing to give him a retarded name.
It's another that they are posting photos of him online.
I know I shouldn't be surprised but it still bugs me that parents will publicly show images of their kids and toddlers online.

No. 2361441

She was a coward.
I blame lucky for this, his name is already ungodly retarded. That's a name for a golden retriever, not a grown as fucking man.

No. 2361443

File: 1737610880050.jpeg (144.57 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_5162.jpeg)

They recent did a whole thing with ballerina farms and their kids.

No. 2361446

File: 1737611012890.jpg (24.4 KB, 500x501, artworks-000368272041-uylplv-t…)

Logic is an anomaly, he has siblings with both the same parents and he is the only one who looks so white, granted i think his dad must have some decent amounts of european ancestry by the looks of him. left is his biological brother, right is his dad.

No. 2361448

For someone so obsessed with being black I would’ve thought we would’ve started a family with a black woman so they don’t look turbo white

No. 2361449

Kekkk what the fuck, I thought he was just fully white. Kinda reminds me of those viral twin sisters, one was black and one was white with ginger hair.

No. 2361456

>Ballerina seething because Naras rapeape looks 10000000x better than hers

No. 2361459

The exoticals always get the best

No. 2361461

Isn't Lucky a model? Nara got lucky kek

No. 2361463

File: 1737612114920.jpeg (145.91 KB, 1179x1297, IMG_5163.jpeg)

Nara never dated uggos

No. 2361464

Well idk how Lucky and Nara met and got together. I feel like it was more consensual that whatever plane rapist betabux ballerina submits to.
I dont know much about nara either but I can't help but feel like she mostly larps for the camera and gets hired help behind the scenes whereas ballerina needs to legitimately slave for her ugly scrote

No. 2361541

Nara has a South African mom and German father born and raised in Germany. Red flags are already starting if you know any history. She met lucky because she was a model and he saw her Instagram like 2 years before he decided to message her. From there they happened to both be walking the same show in Paris (I doubt that idk). And they hit it off and fell in love at first site. They then would go to walk different shows in different countries and fell even deeper. He goes to Germany to ask her dad for her hand in marriage (they just met) and then later she goes to LA and meets his family and he proposes and they get married. She is like 18-19 he is 21. Idk this gives me the same vibes as ballerina farm. I know Nara seems smitten by him but I think that is part of the mormon brainwashing. He got her so young at the very start of her modeling career. He and his family were plotting on her idc. This story seems sinister if you can read between the lines.

No. 2361545

Also you are kinda crazy to think they are letting Nara biracial aka mixed with Black aka the mark of sinners to Mormons is allowed to live wild and be free with outside help while the blue eyed blonde is slaving away with no help you have to be living in la la land. Nara is being put to WORK

No. 2361547

As someone who was raised mormon (I personally stopped going when I was 16 and my parents allowed me to make the choice) I just don't see how mormon brainwashing had anything to do with it? I know Lucky and Nara say they are mormon but… they don't act like it? It's kind of like when people say they're Catholic but they don't practice. Like they do not dress "modestly" which is a huge thing because of the special underwear you need to wear as a mormon, they definitely aren't wearing it because it's like a t-shirt and shorts. And Lucky had his first kid with just a girlfriend he was dating, sex outside of marriage is a huge no-no, a sin as morally bad as murder. I feel like the mormon thing is a grift because they live in Utah (and Lucky is originally from Utah)

No. 2361548

There is no way you believe Nara is doing work KEK. Nannies are doing everything. She is literally a model nona

No. 2361551

If you left at 16, which I’m happy to hear that. But You can’t possibly know what Mormons are doing nowadays to recruit younger and younger people in this generation. The whole purpose nowadays to get people into Mormonism is to be covert about it. Hence why they are now allowing black people to join more and more openly and rewriting their history that they never said Black people were basically demons. They are getting people with the mommy vlogger tradwife tik toks. They even have a Mormon reality show of tik tokers on tik tok trying to be more progressive by having the girls talk about vibrators and masturbating. Trust and believe Nara is Mormon and so is Lucky. Them being vague about it enough for even Mormons to question them IS the grift.

No. 2361552

If Nara isn’t doing the work neither is ballerina farms kek

No. 2361553

did anyone else feel suspicious of the movie heretic? especially with the intro in the newest edition of the A24 zine?

No. 2361554

Ayrt, I still live with my family who are all active and a lot of my friends are mormon (I live in the state) so I'm pretty up to date about it all. The reality show is funny to them because it is so far removed from what actual mormons are like, it's just not real. I don't know, being in the area and actively being around people who are mormon, Nara and Lucky and the reality tv stars are seen as sinners

No. 2361555

Ballerina Farms isn't either. The husband is the son of the man who created JetBlue kek, there is no way in hell they don't have nannies either

No. 2361559

Didn't she come out recently and said he basically keeps her enslaved and taking care of their bazillion children as well as the house 24/7? Do not underestimate a moid's sadism and his will to turn his wife into a workhorse, even a rich one.

No. 2361565

That could be true, but I just personally think they all are trying to paint some beautiful "trad" grift to sell/push to women when they don't even live the life they are showing. Both of these influencer families have so much money and they try to show how effortless and pretty it all is but try to pretend the money they have is because of their trad lifestyle. I just find it so hard to believe they are actual mormons when the reason I stopped going to church was because I was an outcast by my peers because I was raped when I was 14. Literally all my friends cut me out because being raped was "my" fault, I was a "sinner", and then I had a Sunday school teacher imply that bad things happened to me because I wasn't spiritual enough. I'm not even mentioning all the Sunday school lessons that revolved around passing a flower around the room, telling everybody to rub the petals, until it got to the last person and then holding up the flower and saying "This is a girl who isn't pure, what man would want a girl who is wilted and falling apart?" as some sort of "lesson" to teach girls how awful not being a virgin is. I'm just not seeing how people who don't follow the strict rules can be anything but grifters.

No. 2361567

I don’t believe these are their legit names. I think they’re taking the piss and they want a bit of privacy for their children.

No. 2361570

Not to be rude but they can be perceived as sinners but they are definitely recruiters for the religion the writing is on the wall. They want girls to think it’s cute to marry a man you just met and pop out 3 kids by 22

No. 2361573

I don't know if they're recruiters for the religion per se but I fully believe it's definitely to push a right-wing ideology onto impressionable young girls

No. 2361579

I know people think those women aren’t working but I truly think they are. Mormons think sacrificing as a woman will lead you to salvation. So the more you sacrifice and suffer the more rewards you’ll get when you get to Heaven. Which is why ballerina farms does natural births back to back. Also Mormons are synonymous with right wingers. You cannot be a democrat and Mormon that’s an oxymoron kek.

No. 2361583

that’s honestly funny as fuck of them if true

No. 2361585

they are zoomer parents so i wouldn’t be surprised if they’re being fr

No. 2361588

I hear a lot of stories of these tardwife mormons who end up getting seriously fucked over.
Nara and Ballerina are both set up to get cheated on. Lucky already sinned by having premarital sex so he probably wouldn't see any issue with cheating on Nara. Ballerina farms guy already is a total creep. The birthing stories I heard from the wife make me want to vomit like she says shit like "thank god the bleeding stopped in time for the performance" during one blog when she had to give birth a few days before a recital. I heard from one tardwife I forgot her name but she was a big youtuber who got fucked over. They have their own secret venting communities where they talk about how they are in hell to other tardies.
It's sad to see such ambitious women end up selling their souls to scrotes when they could have been self made women, married and have kids with a hot young man who was basically her bitch due to her being financially successful, and had kids with him.

Are there any women who get trophy husbands? It seems so fucking weird to me that I never heard of that.(off-topic)

No. 2361592

This, the Ballerina Farms scrote forced her to have 8 out of 10 births unmedicated. The only times she was able to ask for an epidural was when he was out of the room. When they first met she didn't want to go out with him at all but since his dad owns JetBlue he put himself in the next seat over in a flight she was going to take. He gives her nothing and he forces her to do all the house chores child rearing and farming despite her begging him to hire a nanny. And all of this is presented as a good thing and sold as propaganda on their tiktok page. In the end these kinds of religions are essentially about abuse and domination of women and children and as long as you're "practicing" this core tenet and are rich everything is forgiven.

No. 2361600

>Are there any women who get trophy husbands?
No. Even if the man was cute in his youth, a man is still a man and that means they can't do anything to take care of their bodies like putting lotion or sunscreen on, and then of course the hair loss comes swiftly, so they end up looking like they're middle-aged when they haven't even reached 30 yet.

No. 2361602

Literally though if you are a wealthy woman just get a new moid when the old one goes bald.
That's what happens to trophy wives anyways.

No. 2361685

Naw ballerina farms is. Her husband said no to nanny’s and only allows them if his wife is bed ridden from exhaustion.

No. 2361686

I consider lolcow to be a social media website even if it's not technically a forum or a site you can sign up to.

No. 2361688

Mormons are just the white people version of Muslims. Mormonism is Islam for white ppl.

No. 2361716

I agree with you, I think it's dumb when people say here that they don't use social media. Like what do you think a social medium is?

No. 2361719

I’m happy I’m 32 so I’m glad by the time red pill zoomers and gen alpha get into office to take away womens rights completely, I’ll be too old for it to have an affect on me. The younger generation of women are screwed.

No. 2361728

You seem emotionally invested in this idea that because one is blond-haired and blue-eyed, she can't be doing more work than someone with darker features and ancestry.
I'm here to tell you that privileged swarthy hikkineets exist, and aryan laborers do too. Both can have racist communities, too. Life is not always so simple. You too can achieve your dreams.

No. 2361731

Same thoughts here anon, if I were living today as my 15-25 year old self I would have been completely boned and have had kids by then. I wouldn't have gotten to live the life I've been having. Feel sorry for women who don't realize early marriage and motherhood brands your life forever and completely alters it but not always for the better.

No. 2361735

Climate change and pollution are going to destroy us long before that happens.

No. 2361741

Gen alpha and zoomers will be in control of politics with the next 30 years and with how much this generation hates women more than any generation before….its not looking good for yall

No. 2361746

by the time that happens we millennials will likely be long dead from all the microplastics we have consumed in our lifetime

No. 2361747

The only people who are justified in having trauma from the pandemic are the ones who actually experienced serious consequences for it. So anyone who got really sick, their relatives got sick or died, workers who still had to go in for their jobs, people who lost genuine life opportunities. You would think this isn't unpopular but I'm sick of seeing this sentiment on social media that somehow just staying inside traumatized the little zoomers so bad, even as a zoomer myself. Just being told to stay indoors and being online a little more isn't traumatizing and it also shouldn't automatically turn you into a troon, a porn addict or some other retarded shit unless you were already an easily influenced retard to begin with, sorry.

No. 2361749

>this generation hates women more than any generation before
Why do you think this? I certainly don't believe them to be the "most feminist generation" or anything, but I don't think gen alpha or gen z are significantly more misogynistic than boomers or gen X are/were either.

No. 2361750

All the red pill content being pushed online. I know of kids like 12 years old who watch Andrew Tate.

No. 2361758

People who assume that using Lolcow makes you a loser, miserable or a failure in life are coping. When I read posts like >>2361372, it just seems like projection. We have rich nonnas, we have homeless nonnas, we have actual diagnosed retards and smart people. There are talented artists and other creatives mixed in with people who can't do those kinds of things. Some celebrities know of and have discussed this place, too. The only common thread is having some awareness of cows and internet "culture", and being weird/terminally online enough to find out about this place.

No. 2361762

She's right. Being rich, an artist, or a celebrity doesn't make you not a depressed loser. This site is dedicated to e-celeb losers.

No. 2361767

I agree and I lost life changing opportunities from the pandemic and got very sick back then. Hearing poor little zoomers complaining that they had to talk to their classmates on tiktok or whatsapp instead of face to face in middle or high school back then makes me want to deck them. On the other hand just mentioning I caught covid in 2020 without going into details make people go "oh it was just like a cold or like the flu right? haha slacking off at home must have been nice" like no bitch it really wasn't. It makes me understand why the young adults who graduated and looked for jobs between 2008 and 2012 and became neets for far longer than they wanted were seething when others pretended the economic crisis back then was harder for them at the time.

No. 2361773

*talking about e-celeb losers
You don't have to be one to discuss them. Most "normies" are "depressed losers" if you want to broaden the definition enough to include those wealthy/successful in life.

No. 2361789

yeah and honestly, who in the fuck is not suffering in some way shape or form nowadays? things have gone to hell in a basket within the last decade and it's going to get worse from here. its difficult to be a sane, healthy, happy and financially stable person as more and more things get fucked up for everybody involved. lolcow is the one place on the internet where i can actually find way more females to interact with freely than anywhere else, and i can voice some politically incorrect statements without having some sped sperg out about me being a terf.

No. 2361795

people who act pissed off when a woman is quiet or keeping it to herself in public or while working at her job are weird. people get viciously angry when someone is new and tries to be social to find friends because its seen as pathetic or clingy, but then they react angrily if another person acts disinterested in getting to know anyone despite being the new person. or even if the person is not new to the scene, people still get mad if she's not screaming her head off at any point it seems. when a moid is quiet, yeah maybe some people might find him creepy, but they never act as hostile than if he had been born female. wonder why.

No. 2361798

They think a quiet woman thinks she’s better than everyone else or secretly judging them

No. 2361801

yeah but if she tried to talk to anyone she doesn't really know, she'd be seen as desperate and weird.

No. 2361811

Can confirm. I've been bullied alot for being quiet and have been called shit like rude and annoying for it. People would usually think I'm really smart, retarded, or a bitch with no in between.

No. 2361820

Someone who's friendly with ghosts

No. 2361834

Nobody with a shred of sanity names their child rumble honey. Yes the child will be beautiful and rich but that still doesn’t make up for it. I refuse to believe it. There’s no way that’s her real name. They probably have very unique names but not those ones.
Although I actually quite like whimsy lou kek.

No. 2361853

They're the children of someone named "Lucky Blue" with sisters named "Pyper America" and "Starlie Cheyenne". I don't know why so many women who hate-follow Nara blame her for the names or think they're so infeasible. Her husband low-key groomed her, and he's from a weird Mormon family with weird names.

No. 2361868

i have been through this all my life, however i get the added double whammy of racism as being black and quiet must mean i am up to no good kek. people have called me selfish, autistic, mean, aggressive, bitchy, and stupid, all at once and sometimes at various points in my life. there’s no rhyme or reason to it and after a while it just turns into noise. all of these people who had horrible things to say about me minding my business ended up either being narcissists, cunts themselves, controlling losers, low iq insecure twats with emotional problems, or envious asswipes. if you have a life and/or a healthy mindset, you don’t worry about what other people are doing. you just live your life. ignore all these motherfuckers who try to control you, bully you, tell you who you are or aren’t…they suck! being quiet and private is not a sin. it’s actually your number one red flag to avoid them…again some of the worst people i have ever known in my life are the same ones who are offended by my being quiet. it’s because something in their soul is not right; it’s like a demonic energy that comes out of them.

No. 2361876

The way I got called a snub by my professor (it was in a meeting but one of the other professors told me) since I was quiet and didn’t smile at him kek, he even lowered my grade for it.
That creep was fixated on Donna Summer and he thought I looked like her. He was so gross.

No. 2361878

They are real names? I thought they were fake to protect them.
How can you name your child Slim Easy, that’s sabotage.

No. 2361879

This is like Mormonism on boss mode.

No. 2361886

No. 2361898

love everything you wrote, i absolutely get where you're coming from when race comes into play. i obviously don't understand the black experience since i'm latina, but i feel like the stereotypes in both of our groups in that we are supposed to be gregarious and very extroverted makes people disappointed when they come across a quiet or even a shy black/latina woman because it ruins their little racist fantasies. i'd imagine they'd be miffed if they came across an asian woman who doesn't play up the submissive silent feminine type, either. thank you for your advice, i'll just ignore the retards who force me to talk if i don't feel like it.

No. 2361935

I think I'm fairly normal kek. The thing that led to me to lolcow was simply the fact that I as a weeby teen followed a minor e-celeb and wanted to see some light gossip for fun once in a blue moon, it's basically my version of the gossip magazines my mom and aunts used to buy occasionally.
Then the troon takeover happened in EVERY other online space and irl and I remembered this site had troon threads so I went back, since then this has quite literally been the one single space I've seen women be able to be fully honest about troons without backlash. I will fully admit that I am miserable about the troon situation specifically, the fact that they get to sexually harass women and mutilate children while stripping us of female rights does make me feel sick. I just don't think that negates my normal basic life and turns me into a basement dweller kek

No. 2361952

But then we'll end up having the most awkward sex ever

No. 2361956

I'd say Jehovah's witnesses are the Muslims of white people.

No. 2361982

You can just say you don't have a lot of experience, I guess having had sex once or twice is still better than being a total virgin in the eyes of normies, also for a lot of people, virgin=prude.

No. 2361986

you're welcome anon. love yourself and take care of yourself and never apologize for who you are. the world is never happy with anything you do. people will terrorize you for being bubbly and talkative, say you "talk too much" or that you're "annoying". then turn around and criticize someone for being quiet and not talking to them. it's madness. to hell with everyone and what they say. one day you'll wake up and be like, fuck these hoes lol.

No. 2362013

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creating an identity around whether or not a cock has been inside of you was and always will be a bad idea

No. 2362016

Seethe and cry about it whore(infighting)

No. 2362019

maybe now i know why straight women get iffy around y'all lmao(infighting)

No. 2362020

do osa women really have to make their insecurity about having sex with men everyones problem?

No. 2362024

do women who have never had sex with men have to turn it into some victim status to make it everybody's problem? no one cared about gold stars until it had to become a thing because some random woman made a snarky joke a million years ago. let it go.

No. 2362025

If you keep seething cock will be restored out of your pussy and you will be a GS again. Keep it up nonner.

No. 2362029

Not even gay moids talk about cock as much as gold star lesbians, it's perplexing.

No. 2362032

>victim status to make it everybody's problem
Funny because the only ones who seethe about the existence of goldstars are always crybully women who've had sex with moids and project their insecurity to those who never did. Sorry you got trauma from men but it ain't my problem.

No. 2362033

I now understand the bechdel thread anons

No. 2362034

You're the one who said the word first, bihettie.

No. 2362037

Nta, I'm straight but the way you phrased this is giving me second-hand embarrassment… I can feel the jealousy leaking from your comment

No. 2362041

because you always attack lesbians who's had a past with men and stir the pot first. us outsiders looking in keep seeing this pattern here and everywhere else. its the same tired fight.
i am fine with women who has other sexual experiences but creating a label out of it is weird.

No. 2362049

Fucking hide the thread. You're actually doing this to yourself if you don't hide shit you don't like.

No. 2362050

>us outsiders looking in keep seeing this pattern here and everywhere else.
what are you talking about? normies hate goldstars.

No. 2362061

Ever notice how the anons who've been seething about the Goldstar thread really act the same as TIMs when it comes to women wanting their own spaces?
>oh you have a genital preference? this triggers my bottom dysphoria!! you're excluding me from lesbian spaces!!!
>oh you hate seeing trans women in female bathrooms? why don't you stop thinking about trans women cocks for one second you fucking bigot. (I know you secretly want this)
Anti gs:
>oh you're a goldstar lesbian? you're triggering my past trauma with men!! you're excluding me from lesbian spaces!!!
>oh you hate it when women in lesbian communities talk about their experience with men and are obsessed with men? ackshually you sound cockobsessed
Same old shit.

No. 2362066

No stake in the game here but I kekked at your imagename

No. 2362074

They want it all without giving anything back, they feel entitled to the unconditional support, emotional labor and inclusion of lesbians but they wouldn’t have the nerve to do that kind of shit with straighties and even bisexual men, they would immediately be put back into their place. They go into spaces like that because nobody respects lesbians like they should so they love to mow down on the very little boundaries lesbians are able to put up and defend with their lives. They want to treat lesbians like an emotional dumpster about their moids throws them away, almost like a refuge they fuck and dump once the next scrote comes along and swoops them up. These women are sloppy disgusting bitches that need to be really investigate and change their behaviors and attitudes

No. 2362075

in what way? mormons are the ones with a new prophet and they believe in polygamy.

No. 2362076

honest to god some of the bitches here would unironically tell me directly i was dirty because i was raped in the past.

No. 2362078

Because you need to take your smoke beeping activities away from the lesbians who know how to behave and be useful, shut your ass up and go away my god(infighting/racebait)

No. 2362082

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I think if the moid lead singer of band suddenly has kids out of wedlock he’s cringe and ruins the general vibe of his music. It makes him unattractive to me and irresponsible too.
I don’t care if female artists do that and it doesn’t bother me.
I just don’t like it when babies are brought into art like that and I’m not anti natalist but it’s annoying to hear moids go on and on about how having a baby is like the greatest love in the world and there’s nothing like it but goes on year long tours and probably fucks fans in between it all. I think male musicians shouldn’t have children I guess.

No. 2362083

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watching the autistic showdown between the different /g/ sexuality threads has been funny

No. 2362084

jay z killed avicii

No. 2362086

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Anyone who says that is disgusting and morally corrupt. I'm sorry that happened to you. You're strong for surviving.

No. 2362087

Kek resorting to headcanons now because everyone is calling out on your retardation? Anyone here can go and see in that thread thar non-consensual experiences obviously don't count. Nice try though. You all really act like tranny BPDemons.

No. 2362096

Rape doesn't count as sex though, and this has been said in the gs thread already. Unless you call the shitty sex you willingly had with a moid you regret as "rape", you can still be a gold star.

No. 2362110

please stop being rude to strangers for no reason, i am an entirely unrelated person who walked into this conversation and that was my first contribution to it. that is the impression i got having to read this garbage.
this is the same person i think but i just want to say disgusting.
thank you, love that story and that painting.

No. 2362111

It’s always others who bring up gold stars and get mad about made up scenarios kek.
It’s the same with l4l, I guess that a woman solely wanting someone with her same experience (sexual orientation) or a woman who had the luck and opportunity to discover her sexuality in that manner triggers many schizos.
And I’m bi , but I can still see it kek.

No. 2362112

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Based Judith poster

No. 2362116

>i am an entirely unrelated person who walked into this conversation and that was my first contribution to it.
mhm, totally believable. an unrelated anon would conveniently post their rape story during a gs discourse in an unpopular opinions thread to paint lesbians as unsympathizing bitches instead of venting in the vent thread.

No. 2362119

Right kek?

No. 2362122

No one deserves to be raped or attacked for it but it’s weird as hell to bring that up randomly.

No. 2362123

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Sorry that happened, but the gs discussion doesn't pertain to you.

No. 2362125

what the fuck? i walked in, saw a few of the nasty posts being made, and that is my honest to god reaction to reading. i struggle every fucking day with feeling dirty and ruined, the only thing that made me stop feeling that way was being in a support group and seeing other women feeling that way and feeling almost violently strongly NO. NO YOURE NOT. and it actually ended up working on me eventually because i was eventually unable to view myself as the only exception and the worst person in the world and the only person alive who could ever deserve it. funny that. so yeah just so you know, you’re probably not affecting the retards on here having this same stupid slap fight over and over. but you’re hurting those of us who were raped and have to scroll past it in random ass threads constantly. it’s not just this debate it’s the pig one the cocksucker anon like it’s just fucking constantly being told how dirty i am and it’s making me lose my shit dude. i didn’t go to thread and read every post. i didn’t see the posts saying it doesn’t count if it was nonconsensual. he was my first boyfriend and i stayed with him a while so the line got blurred down the road eventually just so you know that doesn’t even really help. i can’t hide a certain thread as you said it goes into a bunch of other threads. these posts with the male dirtying you rhetoric are pretty constant.

No. 2362128

i made my own post dark triad anon

No. 2362133

My unpopular opinion is that there are waifu/husbando fags on /g/ who actually deserve to be bashed whenever they make their "interests" public.
>The women that want to fuck Jeffrey Epstein
>The women that want to fuck Dylann Roof
>The women that want to fuck Ghislaine Maxwell
>The women that want to fuck Jeffrey Dahmer
>The women who want to fuck Ezra Miller
>The women who want to fuck the ugly potato-nosed bitch who tortured hamsters and cats and cheered Chris-chan on when he was raping his mother
etc. There are more than this. For example, I just remembered Paki-chan dicksucking Varg Vikernes, and the anon who wanted to fuck some old Nazi scrote and was talking about how in love with him she was here on /ot/.
Kink-shaming is good.

No. 2362137

i didn’t know this was common here and it explains a lot. the amount of women who can thirst after men who rape and abuse women etc still… disgusting.

No. 2362138

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>The women that want to fuck Jeffrey Epstein

No. 2362140

It sounds more like you think you are the dirty one (not true) and you just projected and assumed that GL think of you that way, which is a big assumption kek. This is what I mean when I say that some women are so deeply insecure that they create a false narrative.
Discourse about gold stars started as soon as troons and bihet started co-opting lesbianism. It was a non issue before.

No. 2362141

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>The women
>Not that woman
I don't go to /g/ that much but I'm both not surprised and quite surprised. Time for some snooping.

No. 2362144

>it’s not just this debate it’s the pig one the cocksucker anon
You’re a retard if you take Bj-Chan seriously.

No. 2362148

respectfully i don’t know how to make you understand that it wasn’t just in response to this argument if you don’t understand it from the novel i just typed. it’s the overall sentiment on this website that men dirty you and it’s kind of rough being exposed to it constantly. like if even women like you guys think that about me… my support group really was a bubble. i don’t think sex or men make you dirty i’m sorry and that conversation kind of existed because of that underlying sentiment. it was something that took me a very long time to unlearn. i was raised a certain way that instilled those values in me. i wasn’t really speaking to any one person in that argument personally. it’s just like. can you guys not see that saying stuff like that just hurts so many other women? who cares if someone has had a dick inside of them.

No. 2362149

File: 1737665364151.jpg (1.33 MB, 3072x2228, jael-sisera-painting-182861777…)

I love Artemisia because she got tormented by moids, but instead of wanting to be pitied she dedicated her life to depicting rape apes being brutally killed in baroque master paintings to send a clear message to everyone who gazed upon her work that she was nobodies bitch and that moids are worthless spermbags who deserve death.
Turbo gigastacie from the past.

No. 2362150

Fucking men is absolutely disgusting, sorry.

No. 2362151

>who cares if someone has had a dick inside of them
You for instance

No. 2362152

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No. 2362155

>weird to bring up an unpopular opinion on the unpopular opinion thread

No. 2362156

male aligned thinking

No. 2362157

I don’t think you can call rape sex. And sex is just weird if you think way too much about it at the end of the day kek.
Genitals are all weird looking too and the things humans do during sex are weird, so I never get the “fucking men is gross”.

No. 2362158

every time i wanna kill myself it’s shit like this that brings me back to center. i’m not even joking. fuck letting a man get his way. hed love if i died. i’m going to spit on his fucking grave.

No. 2362161

How am I male aligned when I pointed out that she’s the one being her biggest critic while pointing fingers at others?

No. 2362162

what the fuck are you talking about

No. 2362165

>refusing to fuck men is male-aligned
Sorry you fell for the leftie liberal male feminist psyop.

No. 2362166

You have this sweaty body against you, the air becomes warm, you have their breath against you, they are secreting fluids too…it’s gross of you think about it, hetero, faggot or lesbian sex.
But faggot sex is the ultimate gross act, all the particles of caca floating around and the shit in rectal ampulla just being tossed around , ew.

No. 2362167

oh fuck no you demented cunt. i just said you’re male aligned for thinking men dirty women. don’t you fucking dare malign me like that.

No. 2362168

IDK if this is an unpopular opinion here but I think if a moid is convicted of raping a woman or child there should be an option for the person who was assaulted by him to publicly stone him to death.
>b-b-b-but this will make moids scared of women!

No. 2362169

are you underage? why do you talk like that

No. 2362170

If moids are right about anything, it is the notion that they are dirty creatures, yes.

No. 2362171

I read somewhere that faggots have a Pavlovian response to shit, so when they smell a whiff of caca they get horny since the smell means it’s time for sex.

No. 2362174

(First time responding to any of your posts) I agree with what you are saying first of all, but there are several baiting anons (both male and female) on this site that actively target abused women who post here for whatever reason just to troll them. Of course moids don't dirty women, but there will be anons here who will jump at the opportunity to bait you into an argument just to trigger you. The "lesbian" threads are a prime baiting ground for these trolls and one of the reasons why I never go in them kek.

No. 2362175

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No. 2362177

I’m glad I made you laugh nonna, because I’m kekking too.

No. 2362179

do i have to kill him can we just put him in a cage so i can throw a couple at him whenever i get pissed. i pretty much do that anyways if i’m really struggling it turns to anger sometimes and i’ll like contact his bosses or some shit online so that i know even if nothing happens they’ll be calling him in to let him know some crazy bitch said he’s a rapist and he’s gonna have a face to face confrontation with his boss and have to explain and that is gonna be a bad fucking day for anyone. like that’s the worst case scenario for me, best is he gets fired. so like highly recommend that if any man did that to any of you.

No. 2362180

honestly thank you so much for saying this. i know BJchan is insane but it’s like the more subtle trolling that really makes me think there’s a lot more demented people on here than there are. and there are like also definitely some weird people on here that will jump down my throat if i use any adjectives to describe their alignment or thinking buttt lol. that definitely do feel that way but damn sometimes it like gets to me when it seems like there’s too many of them in too many places.

No. 2362181

>do I have to kill him
Best options are that he is killed or forced into a cell with a moidrapist who hates men who rape women.
He shouldn't be allowed out in public where he can harass other women.

No. 2362184

>everything i dont agree with is trolling
You all people are so mentally weak.(namefagging)

No. 2362185

In the "you're not allowed to leave the religion" way and the cult behaviors and conditioning.

No. 2362187

i just strongly don’t even like imagining my rapist being raped stuff like that makes me feel weird. it’s just such a fucking disturbing act that to me it’s like up there with the foulest cruelest acts of torture. i don’t think i’d get any enjoyment in harming him physically i think i just want him to feel like fucking shit for twice as long as every time i feel like shit. it’s unfair the burden is on me. he should have to sit in a cage and think about what he has done with no fucking video games. honest to god i should have just said nothing and paid someone to delete his steam account because that would have been the thing that hit him where it hurts but he wouldn’t have known why it happened so it would have been useless to me and i’m not gonna like. commit a crime now that he knows i’m out for blood and get in trouble myself so.

No. 2362189

NYART but anyone who shames a woman for being raped is either a moid or a pickme handmaiden to moids. No other way around it

No. 2362193

Agreed. No woman should be raped.

No. 2362194

This was my reaction to hearing Stevie Wonder's Isn't She Lovely for the first time. Really awkward lyrics and topic to explore in a song, but it's his art so he's free to do whatever he wants I guess. Celine Dion did it in a better more subtle way with A New Day Has Come where it can sound like a general motivational song about life getting better after meeting a special someone or something, but in reality it was about her giving birth to her son. If I hadn't read the story, I wouldn't have known. While Isn't She Lovely is so on the nose with it lol.

No. 2362195

I’ll imagine it for you nonna. I’ll never get tired of wishing harms on rapists and pedos. I even think they should be tortured before being killed.

No. 2362197

Nona I think that rapists should just be put down. I know you don't want him to be raped and just want him to think about what he did but I think just euthanizing him would be the best thing for women who survive assault. Over time it would help you move on and give you the peace of mind you deserve.

No. 2362198

honestly i’m fine with you imagining it. i think if you direct death rays to him hard enough he’ll probably get a stomachache and not know why so i approve. i’m like that lady who wanted to send negative energy to harm david lynch except towards my rapist. sometimes when i’m in a foul mood i just try to energy beam it to him instead.

No. 2362201

i have suffered for a very long time while he’s gotten away with it so i think that would be dissatisfying if he were just put to sleep today. like he would have escaped all the shame and guilt and slipped away to where i couldn’t confront him.

No. 2362202

The fact is that a rapists knows that what they did was wrong. Even when it’s not violent, don’t even think for a moment that they don’t know what coercion means. Why do you think they seek reassurance right after?
They should get a taste of their own medicine.

No. 2362203

I should even correct this by saying just he, because I’m talking about men kek.

No. 2362210

Stop expecting a rapist to experience guilt like a human being. Rest assured someone like that has no soul, just a body and barely functioning brain. It's best to kill them

No. 2362215

I'm so sorry this happened to you, nona.

No. 2362221

Ugly animals automatically get bad reputations, when in reality “good looking animals” are almost always shitty too.
Look at dolphins, koalas, otters etc..

No. 2362243

File: 1737668769779.jpg (252.55 KB, 848x1728, rethelnemesis.jpg)

You're not alone nonna, I have a folder full of paintings of women enacting judgement on men. It has a special place in my heart.

No. 2362252

Cleaning is truly one of my favorite things to do, I used to be a total slob when I was young but I don’t know what happened to me when I moved out kek, I turned into martha stewart and loved organizing and cleaning my first house and making it really feel like my home. I think it’s cringe as fuck when people complain about cleaning up after themselves. I doubt this is an unpopular lolcow opinion but I know it’s not extremely popular IRL

No. 2362263

It’s so nice when the house smells and looks tidy kek. Also doing small tidying up and cleaning each time saves up a lot of time when you have to clean better.

No. 2362291

Idk why women get upset when female predators who are like 30+ go after 18-19 year old boys. It’s like have you ever spoken to a teenage boy? Vile little demons, an emotionally abusive older woman coming in and messing their mind up might actually whip them into shape to be a better man one day.

No. 2362303

Having seen what I've seen, I believe all men cheat. If given the opportunity. Some just don't have one because nobody wants them. And if they happen to be loyal even when tested at a certain point in their life, it doesn't mean that he won't 5, 10, 15 years down the line. It's actually more likely as time goes on, after things like pregnancy, weight gain, menopause etc. If they're in any way inconvenienced, they absolutely dgaf, and are not interested in preserving anything, even a happy long lasting marriage. They'll always put their needs first.

Honestly it baffles me how women agree that men cheat all the time, but turn around and in the same breath say there are faithful men out there. I've even seen this coming from an online 'loyalty tester' (she slides into a man's DMS upon the gf's request and surprise, almost all of them fail. Ones who 'pass', probably caught on or wouldn't pass irl) and she said that there are 'very few, but they're out there!' There isn't. None. Like am I alone in thinking this? It really feels that way.

No. 2362304

I hate hate hate love. HATE IT with every fiber of my being. It is such an excruciating farce to have to be chained to a dude. It makes them predatory, blackmailing, obsessive, cumbrained, insufferable shits. Every relationship I get into I've wanted to get out of. Even they were not BAD per se, I had to get out.

I don't see what people get out of it. It makes men and women absolutely mental. It makes men turn into monsters and harrass and oppress women. So it is just POISON to me when I look at it from the outside and see it on a societal level. It introduces nothing but social disease., people get addicted to, and succumb to, like a narcotic. Nothing you could do could make me want to chain myself to an insufferable moid. Holy fuck its such a joke for a woman. I thank god I'm a lady that has to get out of relationships the moment I try them out. I've never been able to stay in one for long because i get so claustrophobic in them. I can enjoy fantasy but that is absolutely it for me.

You people obsessed with love have the worst luck, the WORST cards dealt to you of all. All these people obsessed with their loneliness. I dodged such a life-cratering bullet by being (genetically?) incapable of loneliness. And what do you know i have the parts do get off by myself and it is so perfect that way. Without the hell that comes with a moid.

No. 2362305

if they don't cheat, they either wish they could, or they watch porn.

there is no such thing as a monogamous man who is fully devoted to one partner.

No. 2362308

I find moids under age 23 to be repulsive. But I can tell you most of the times the moidings are approaching the older women rather than the other way around. I remember when I used to be in some fandoms and shit teen moids would hit on me even though I was like 10 years older than them and in a relationship. They'd be really aggressive about it too, literally begging for me to be be their internet girlfriend(no, they didn't know what I looked like, they just got word that I was a female). Shit is so nasty but thank god for the block button.
Men are just creepy, even when they are boys.

No. 2362316

Gonna reply to your opinion with my own.
I think most women would be more spiritually satisfied and fulfilled with a good friendship with another woman than any kind of relationship with a man.

No. 2362320

>I think most women would be more spiritually satisfied and fulfilled with a good friendship with another woman than any kind of relationship with a man.
literally me. i have a few best friends who are like sisters to me. i feel no desire to waste time with a moid. men are unappealing to hang out with 99% of the time, and my friends are also single so there's no buzzkill boyfriends around. we have so much fun together.

No. 2362328

Shitting out multiple kids in early adulthood will do that to you.

No. 2362340

based. this was an instant save for me.

No. 2362344

NTA, but can you dump it in /m/ please?

No. 2362359

She’s an adult woman with agency nonna, he’s like 5 years older than her? You’re acting like she’s a helpless child.

No. 2362374

see >>2361541
He was 21 when she was 18 and he was randomly DMing her. One of them is a moid in a cult and rushed into marriage after previously having been married to some other woman, kek. You don't have to be a child to be groomed, come off it already.

No. 2362376

you could be groomed at 45

No. 2362379

I think that if a domain hasn't been set up after 4 years, it should be automatically de-issued. So tired of domain names being held by randos for 15+ years because they're trying to sell it for 20 thousand dollars. Just give it up.

No. 2362380

Nta but 21 and 18 isn’t a concerning age gap. Zoomers have gotten to the point where they want to claim anything bigger than a 2 year age gap is rape because you infantilize yourselves too much

No. 2362381

So when can a grown ass woman be held accountable for being retarded then.

No. 2362383

I'm not a zoomer, if I had a daughter and she was fresh out of high school, a 21 year old Mormon moid with a previous marrigae under his belt hitting her up would still be a creep. I don't know where you come from where that'd just be normal, but I can't relate.

She's still a retarded tradthot, but that doesn't change that your favorite tumblr boy model is a creepy groomer, and that their children's names are from his culture, not hers kek

No. 2362390

18 and 21 is only 3 year difference. You’re crazy if you think that’s a big deal. Luckys ex was a 27 year old woman and he was actually under aged….he wasn’t some seasoned old divorcee kek

No. 2362394

I'm not raising anyone for 18 years just for them to be converted to Mormonism by some scrote, I don't care if it's an age gap of 5 seconds lmfao.
>Luckys ex was a 27 year old woman and he was actually under aged….he wasn’t some seasoned old divorcee kek
So, his family was okay with creepy age gaps, meaning they saw no issue with him creeping on some girl a bit closer to his age, and probably preferred that because it's closer to "trad values". Cult member shit. I don't know how you think that helps his case?

No. 2362396

3 years isn’t a creepy age gap, that’s normal. I get everything else you’re saying but a 3 year age gap isn’t grooming.

No. 2362399

Kek you know that LC has been completely taken over by twitterfags when age gap discourse is a prime bait topic

No. 2362401

LOL wouldn't that be nice. Women don't get me either and i get nothing but judgement from them. I'm not racist or sexist or ageist I'm a misanthropist supreme. I dont get people. I sure as hell dont get what drives men, but i don't get what drives women either. They universally hate me, even when im my most benign unassuming self so i dont hold out for anything.

No. 2362402

Grooming isn't defined by age gaps either way, that's twitter zoomie mindset.

No. 2362404

not me, i am a true man needer and woman hater(bait)

No. 2362410

Maybe she wasn’t groomed, maybe she just genuinely believes in that religion. Just because she’s a woman doesn’t mean she can’t make stupid decisions with her own brain. He can’t be controlling her too much if she’s always posting slutty half naked photos on instagram.

No. 2362412

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No. 2362431

>Women filmed her assault and was issued a gag order, and is being charged with a felony for "recording it without consent"


Men are fucking trash. Also go to hell swine :D(emoji/this is an imageboard)

No. 2362432

Who said it's because she's a woman? I'm saying he's a literal cult member who was previously married. He comes from a community that grooms people and does shady shit all the time. Not everything is about gender alone. And no, if you just graduated from HS you're not coincidentally picking the same religion as the older moid you're dating. There is an influence. If he was a Muslim, I'm sure you'd be singing a different tune, kek. Mormons are scum, deal with it.
>He can’t be controlling her too much if she’s always posting slutty half naked photos on instagram.
??? They are models, it's their job.

No. 2362433

Objection: dolphins, koalas and otters are ugly to me. Capybaras, too, and all those popular trendy "cute" animals. I only find canines and felines adorable despite their dangerous nature. Other animals are ugly, especially insects and sea creatures. Horrifying alien abominations.

No. 2362437

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She hates his ass

No. 2362440

Smooth Criminal

No. 2362444

Extremely based. I haven't been in a relationship before but I arrived at the same conclusion. The way it makes people play mind games and gender wars is so retarded. If relationships weren't a thing and having children was done in some systematic boring chore-like way without all the drama that comes from a relationship, society would probably be better. People would be less inclined to have gender/sex/romance/relationships/dating on their mind 24/7 and would treat others with more respect. Maybe they should find a way to genetically alter humans into being asexual or something.
>inb4 romantic love and sexuality aren't the same
Yes they are. They're intertwined and feed into each other. It's literally nature's way of tricking us into having kids to continue the species. Overcoming this makes you more evolved imo. But I admit I'm horny and want "free" sex. Wish hot straight castrated male prostitutes existed. Sigh.

No. 2362451

why is this so funny. she looks like she’s the angel of death.

No. 2362455

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I think children are precious and that some people vilify them way too much.
I don’t think I’ll have a child since I mainly want to focus on my career and I don’t think I’ll find a scrote I like enough to chain myself in that manner. But despite this I find children very endearing, their wonder and curiosity always reaches me…I know that they can be rowdy, snotty, cry babies even poopy too, but it isn’t their fault; I still find them enriching and quite humbling too…I have learned many things that I forgot about as I grew up through interacting with them. Children are sinless , untainted from manmade evils, moralities and notions.
I wish every child had a nice life , security and loving parents, knowing that there are children living in poverty , who are sick or worse being abused makes me feel so sad.

And their chubby cheeks and round bellies are so cute, I always used to cuddle my baby siblings back when I was a teen, I never minded “babysitting”; they lost their chub after their fifth birthday kek, I was so sad.
Anyway I’m tearing up over babies as I type this. And no I’m not pregnant, it would be an immaculate conception otherwise kek.

No. 2362457

Did you see any of the clips? She looks exactly like this the whole time. At one point he kissed her cheek and she leaned in like she thinks about him dying every day

No. 2362459

Light and Ryuk

No. 2362461

But see, without the rape culture everything would be fine. No rapeapes no problem. Unfortunately cumbrains abound. Masculinity is weaponized so i think its the origin of all evil.

No. 2362478

i refused to watch live and i peaced out at the elon nazi clip. proud of her for being a frigid cunt to him though. i don’t know how she hasn’t poisoned him. melania didn’t you see the posts about barron and the lotus flower… melania baby…

No. 2362482

You all are putting way too much faith into this woman kek

No. 2362495

I used to daydream about having kids a lot but I don't think I'd be a good mom. I'm emotionally cold and kinda narcissistic so I don't think it would turn out well. I'd be able to spoil them, but I don't think I could smile at them. My nigel really wants kids though so I might have one or a few anyway.

No. 2362497


No. 2362500

the unintegrated redditors must perish

No. 2362505

Children are not a “shut up” gift. If you aren’t committed and you aren’t willing to do your best (or know that you can’t from the get go)then don’t have them. I think it’s pretty cruel to bring into the world an innocent being just to appease a scrote.
You’ll end up resenting yourself and your child eventually.

No. 2362508

And they can still feel that you don’t love them by the way, they are incredibly empathetic despite not being able to communicate as well as a full fledged adult.

No. 2362527

Are you a person with a functioning brain, or a robot that spits out phrases that don't apply contextually?(beep boop beep)

No. 2362584

Only children 4 years old and under are cute. After that they can fuck off.

No. 2362813

I think fashion and makeup isn’t always bad, it’s just used as a tool for moids to control women, humiliate them and make money. I hate the drag/troon faggotry that has influenced a lot of women recently with their clothing and makeup choices but I think to discard all fashion just because moids are heavily involved in it is kind of retarded..

No. 2362829

Most of the things "women overreact" about is just gaslighting push bc women are typically right when they're "over reacting". The woman who was "over reacting" about her husband being weirdly close to the new coworker was right, the woman who just "had a bias against men" ended up being right, and majority of the time when women have flipped on "innocent texts" like "k" it turned out the man was being passive aggressive. Women can tell but men are scared of the fact we can tell so that's why they resort to gaslighting

No. 2362838

You’re right. When I was in a shitty relationship and tried to point out how my ex scrote was being an asshole he would try to flip it on me and ask if he should post to AITA on Reddit. Implying that I was obviously in the wrong since I couldn’t possibly have a legitimate complaint. I was so flabbergasted by the response at the time I should have just told him to do it.

No. 2362873

People only like reformer pilates cuz they're lazy

No. 2362919

Joyce Mckinney did nothing wrong

No. 2362957

>>Would you forgive him if he cheated?
And what if he took your forgiveness as permission and made a habit of it? Since you're relying on him financially with no way to support yourself, it puts you in an unequal position to him should things go south. He has leverage over you. There are plenty of kept wives where the man thinks because he makes the money and supports the woman/family financially, that he is entitled to do whatever he wants, and some demoralized women even accept it (by then, they're either emotionally checked out or just very self loathing). Honest question, and I want a real answer, not a halfassed "I dunno 'cause it won't happen lol". Think realistically for a moment.

No. 2362974

nyart but this girl seems so misogynistic and selfish. She thinks she's being such a great and wonderful dream wife to this guy, but the truth is he likely finds her submission completely pathetic and will seek excitement elsewhere.
Worse of all her simpering tells moids that they can find a doormat woman of their own to use and degrade. It's glorified prostitution, and moids never see just one prostitute.
If she really wanted a man who would truly love her she would need to be respectable, and that means standing up for yourself and taking care of yourself. It will make those dogs think twice about cheating if they know you have the resources to up and leave him the second he fucks up. Males like that shit too, they are like dogs who require accountability to keep themselves in check.

No. 2362977

Total hypocrite but meat shouldn't be eaten every day

No. 2362980

I agree as someone who likes meat. It's expensive, red meat isn't great for your health if you have it daily, and reducing the amount of meat you consume can help ease greenhouse gas emissions related to the livestock industry.

No. 2362990

I mostly just eat meat from animals I kill myself. I eat meat often in the spring and winter, a couple times a month in the summer and fall

No. 2362997

Based cavewoman

No. 2363008

Most vegans are narcissists.

No. 2363013

No. 2363015

Not unpopular kek

No. 2363018

"Lifestyle" vegans (those who eschew animal products beyond just food) are hypocrites. So leather and fur goods which can be passed down through generations are inhumane, but faux materials that break down after a few years and shed microplastics into the environment are totes okay? The ones that are against secondhand/hand-me-down animal parts are crazy to me. The animal is already dead and we can't perform necromancy on a fur wrap to bring them back, is it really more respectful to the animal that nobody wears the wrap to stay warm in the winter and their sacrifice goes to waste?

No. 2363020

getting married young and then divorced is as big a red flag and makes you as undatable as being a single parent.

No. 2363025

any anon asking for racebait convos to be normal here need to be permabanned on site. Tinfoil, but I think they're actively trying to degrade the health of the board.

No. 2363026

File: 1737704231650.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.09 KB, 800x600, First_lady.jpg)

Duh, they almost got a divorce recently and is this like his 3th marriage kek.
Also she did nudes, eek!

No. 2363027

We go in circles on this topic because newfags don't seem to understand that all it does is open the door for mentally ill polfags to infest and fester.

No. 2363031

exactly nonna, it has to be an indication of low impulse control + low IQ to be so desperate to sperg about race science and statistics or whatever the fuck, to the point where they can't foresee how it'll cause massive days long infights, that will derail many threads. Unpopular opinions, Vent, GIOYC and other threads will be swamped with polfags and turbo retarded newfags shitting them up by shit flinging racial epithets back and forth with each other. Even the mere suggestion of having them on any thread should be hit with a permanent ban. idc anyone who disagrees is a freak.

No. 2363035

The only vegans I've ever liked were ones that never talked about it and then would do things like if they met some nomadic goat farmer who lived alongside her herd in beautiful symbiosis the vegan would drink the milk and not shit themselves about "muh exploitation".

Turning to race shit is moid deflection 101. You tell them about all the horrific shit their sex does and they go "duurrr well what race tho?!"
All of them.

No. 2363036

I think she hates him but she’s just as evil as the rest of them and that’s why she won’t walk away.

No. 2363037

I would never date someone who was either. Both are way too much baggage to expect someone who hasn’t already experienced those things themselves to take on. Plus completely unfair to mar their own future experiences. The ex partner. The fact it means they can’t make something work on a fundamental level. It’s understandable with abuse or with older people but if you’re in your twenties and divorced there’s something seriously wrong with you.

No. 2363062

I'm not a vegan, but I don't see how killing a creature then using its body is "showing respect", sounds like a cope of a guilty conscience. When someone dies or gets killed, anything done to their body that isn't burying it is considered disrespectful. I also don't see how the animal "made a sacrifice" when it didn't really choose to be slaughtered, if it had the choice it would choose to live.

No. 2363065

She was so hot wtf

No. 2363071

Right wing moids complaining about western degeneracy are laughable. They're happy to uplift and marry prostitutes and porn star mommies while seething about women like Michelle Obama for being black and saying they shouldn't let their children become landwhales, kek. They had to AI gen sexual photos of Kamala while insisting she was the prostitute, too.

No. 2363074

Nta but burying a body is respectful in your culture, various cultures don't do that and didn't do that althrough history. I think it's a very self centered look on these things. People use nature as tools, because that's the point of our species, bodies are nature too.

No. 2363076

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The older I get the more I wonder why humans couldn’t be more like elephants. They are the perfect mammals imo. They are sweet, highly intelligent, jokesters who are scared of bees like me. And the best part is they weigh tons by just being herbivores. I wish we could be more like them.

No. 2363092

I hate that you can’t say y’all on this site without some language expert nonna immediately replying “go back” as if regional dialects aren’t a thing and as if the English language isn’t a colonizer language meant to be bastardized. Y’all is easier to say than you all. English is such a pretentious yet stupid language. I’m jealous of people that don’t have to speak it.

No. 2363095

>Pretends not to be a Twitterfag
>"English is a colonizer language meant to be bastardised"

No. 2363096

Ebonics is it’s own language separate from English and it’s more effective at communicating your feelings than English ever was. Because English is all about being pretentious and holier than thou while not saying much of anything. Other languages cut to the chase while still being poetic. Even Ebonics is like that. Also ask a Brit how to say tortilla or any Spanish word and they can bastardize it to hell. but say y’all in their presence and they will have a conniption. Rich coming from a nation of people that got their funny accents just to differentiate themselves from the poor. Nasty language. Don’t learn it try Chinese kek.

No. 2363097

Did I lie? I don’t use Twitter

No. 2363099

Spanish is also a colonizer language.

No. 2363100

Bastardize that hoe too

No. 2363106

You're sure it's different enough from standard English to be its own language and not a dialect?

>Also ask a Brit how to say tortilla or any Spanish word and they can bastardize it to hell.

It applies to almost everyone trying to pronounce something that's from a language they don't speak. Not trying to defend Brits in particular here but there are sounds in some languages that don't even exist in others. I can't pronounce "th" well no matter how hard I try because I'm ESL and it doesn't exist in my mother tongue.

No. 2363111

That is understandable but the Y exists in English they can say tortilla correctly. They just choose not to because they are being obnoxiously pretentious and see two Ls so they pronounce them even after being told it’s wrong. Brits are petty don’t let them fool you.

No. 2363118

How is speaking proper english holier than thou kek

No. 2363119

If you dont know the history of the English language I suggest you go learn it

No. 2363123

I like sending nudes. I don’t show my face and maybe send them once every 5 years but any time I do it turns me on. I don’t do it for the validation I already know my body is nice I do it BECAUSE my body is nice and meant to be photographed and admired. But only by a select few. I wish revenge porn and the naked female form wasn’t used against us so much. It’s not fair. I look the best naked. And the 2nd best in figure hugging clothes. But both will get me marked a whore. I wonder why

No. 2363128

I agree - it isn't healthy.

>older woman coming in and messing their mind up might actually whip them into shape to be a better man one day
Negative experiences never produce positive outcomes in moids - they are mentally too weak to withstand the trail and self-reflect, forget about empathy for people in similar circumstances. An abused moid will never contribute anything of value to society - its default reaction is to chimp out.

No. 2363133

File: 1737714234146.jpeg (23.25 KB, 326x195, 74D6A77D-B499-4664-B67B-062CC3…)

god dammit you got me

No. 2363135

I’ll never forget how they treated Michelle, calling her a man and all that. Disgusting.

No. 2363136

You can just use "you" for plural, too. Or "you guys/girls/people etc.". Easy.

No. 2363140

Sending nudes is retarded and if they get leaked it’s also your fault for being stupid (different discourse if they’re taken against your will).
You can’t trust anyone , even husbands kek.
>but my body is so good!!
Look at yourself in the mirror and have sex in real life if you want to share kek. And yes you’re a cheap whore.

No. 2363144

What if I've sent them to my nigella

No. 2363149

I don't think this is an unpopular opinion. Only 40 IQs do it.

No. 2363151

I also find it weird, and I don't get how people get aroused by that, it's so impersonal and distant.

No. 2363165

It’s still retarded in my opinion. Women are better obviously, but you can never know what a bitter ex might do kek. For the amount of risk the reward isn’t worth it.

No. 2363168

I’ve never felt truly sexy after sending nudes, I would ruminate on it a lot. I was also insanely insecure back then. Every relationship where I sent them ended up being extremely toxic with really bad breakups, sending nudes seems to unlock insanity in men. It being her fault they were leaked is definitely an unpopular opinion though, it’s a slippery slope towards blaming women for everything bad that’s ever happened to them.

No. 2363179

>it’s a slippery slope towards blaming women for everything bad that’s ever happened to them.
Kek you sent them so it’s obvious you would hold that opinion. Scrotes being criminal isn’t your fault obviously and you can’t control the actions of others , with that being said willingly pressing the send button with your sensitive pictures is utter lack of self preservation given that by now revenge porn is a well known phenomena.
Getting your shared nudes isn’t akin to rape , coercion or someone taking video or pictures of you without your consent. Still a crime though.

No. 2363180

And no it isn’t the same as being intoxicated and being assaulted before you make that comparison.

No. 2363201

>And yes you're a cheap whore
Why so vitriolic?

No. 2363203

Men who talk down about other races of women are a red flag but most women are flattered by this behavior and think it’s cute so it works

No. 2363205

I agree to an extent, but I absolutely fucking hate that stupid law where minors who send nudes to adults also get put on the sex offender's registry for "distributing CP." What the fuck is that supposed to do except discourage victims of abuse from coming forward?

No. 2363206

masturbating on your own is less toxic than the engaging in the protracted humiliating egotrip known as dating

No. 2363207

White men fetishists are the fucking worst.

No. 2363211

> hate that stupid law where minors who send nudes to adults also get put on the sex offender's registry for "distributing CP."
This is so dumb

No. 2363250

I'm not sure if abortion is a banned topic or anything I just always see like 2 sides to the abortion topic but I feel like I rarely see the opinion I have on it so I wanted to see if anyone here agrees or thinks I'm retarded.

Pro lifers always say "life begins at conception" and focuses on the fetus being a baby and a human life even when it is the size of an apple seed or something.

And then pro choice people say it's a clump of cells and isn't a human life until it's further developed and can actually feel pain or whatnot.

I see how both sides think and it makes sense to me to look at it either way, and in my opinion it technically is a human life and a baby even when it looks like a tiny seahorse BUT I still think it's up to the pregnant woman on whether she wants to keep it or not. People always focus on whether it's a life or not but imo it doesn't really matter, even if it is a life it's dependant on the mother and it should always be up to the mother on whether to keep it or not. But I'd never say that to anyone irl just in case they've had an abortion and would rather just consider it a clump of cells. Cause I see their point I just disagree.

So yeah, tldr, I do think a fetus is a human life I just don't think it's in anyone's right to tell a woman what she should do with that human life while in utero.

No. 2363266

Samefag I just wanted to add it's not as if I never see this take I'm sharing I just rarely see it focused on in discussions or on the news or very public discussions about abortion. And the few times I've seen this side shared it's always dismissed as being pro murder and equated to a family annihilator or something. It's like people think you have to see a fetus as just a clump of cells in order to justify abortion, not that it even needs justification outside of the mother wanting it for whatever reason she wants it for.

No. 2363288

Was I a cheap whore if I did this in my retarded youth

No. 2363296

Yeah. I had a best friend that was married young and divorced by like 25/26 because she couldn't stop her habit of sending nudes via Snapchat then cheated on a work trip. She never told me I found out from mutual friends, I have never used Snapchat but she was posting her nudes as stories by "accident" a lot. Her ex is remarried and she can't get a date

No. 2363302

Nonna I was like around 14-16 when I did it, not 24/26 kek. I barely knew anything about sex and didn’t have it at all in real life but still did it because I was retarded and wanted male validation

No. 2363308

both sides do that because both arguments are knee-jerk emotionally reactions when in reality none of the so called moral reasoning matters at all since the argument isn't about the baby's so-called humanity but rather the views and feelings of the people fighting.

No. 2363309

From my understanding, the life at conception/clump of cells back-and-forth is more over the figurative 'life' than the literal– as in, what's really being discussed is about the potential existence of a fully realised human being (or soul), and whether it's murder or not to destroy such a potential well before birth. It's a semantics game to prop up either being pro-choice or pro-life.

People grieve the potential of a child rather than the fetus itself (often through a deterministic manner, eg 'god's plan' or 'could have been the one to cure cancer' etc), and so treat abortion like murder of that imagined potential, so the easiest way to combat that is to diminish and dehumanise the fetus by saying it doesn't count until it reaches x level of development outside of the usual abortion window. This also plays into the legal side of things, as you can only really penalise having an abortion (or even worse, a miscarriage) if you consider its nature a crime akin to actual infanticide (which it absolutely isn't). Or if you just really, really hate women, I guess.

In the literal sense though, yes, that clump of cells is in fact a living, developing human, regardless of what anyone has to say about it or how far along it is– it can't be anything else. However, that doesn't change that a woman has every right not to keep it, nor should she be forced to feel guilt or mourn for a potential she isn't ready for or never wanted to create if that's not how she feels (and if that is how she feels, then that's okay too, of course).

No. 2363312

>as in, what's really being discussed is about the potential existence of a fully realised human being (or soul), and whether it's murder or not to destroy such a potential well before birth.

this isn't true at all abortion has nothing to do with the child.

No. 2363323

The worst part is that Nara is absolutely doing this for the trend
She'll want to go back the the same shit she was doing before lucky in a few years but now has kids to damage that she already ignores anyway

No. 2363330

Agreed wholeheartedly. Damn nonnie I wish I had this kind of eloquence.

No. 2363378

nta but animals eat each other to survive, humans are just a more evolved animal. If we're going to take a life in order to nourish ourselves and live on, then doing so mindfully while not letting its useful parts go to waste (since its corpse must be disassembled anyway in order to procure its edible parts) is just as respectful as burying the disjointed parts in the ground. Most cultures who do that can be reminded more tangibly of the life that was extinguished so they could go on. If we were less evolved animals lacking consciousness, their corpses would be left to decompose naturally, without a burial, as most animals do. Bugs eat the corpses, as bones become dust and nourish the soil, thus continuing the cycle of life in another form. So we're doing our best with what makes sense according to our customs and human consciousness, since most other animals don't keep mementos. I don't know if I worded this right, hopefully the idea comes across somehow.

No. 2363383

Because when she takes pictures of her body she is horrified and wants to shame women who see their naked body as art

No. 2363384

There are lots of people who rush into marriage based on vibes and the honeymoon period of dating, people are more impulsive and have less wisdom when they're young, whereas experience is usually the best teacher. Some well meaning people get pressured into it by their partners, and in wanting to make them happy, oblige. Others do so to cover for unplanned pregnancies, some are brought up in cultures which encourage marrying young and not having sex outside of marriage, etc. There are a variety of reasons someone might marry young and need to divorce later, so I disagree that it's a red flag. It's just too wide of a net to cast for it to mean anything definite and conclusive about a person.

No. 2363386

It’s literally a dog whistle that they are misogynists and believe in race science. Women fall for it because they are simply racist kek

No. 2363388

Honestly, if I was to get married and divorced I'd just go no-contact with my ex and wouldn't tell anyone kek

No. 2363399

The only reason they get “flattered” is because usually men of their own race constantly shit on them and compare them to other races. Of course they’re going to feel validated when someone is on their side for once. It’s a vicious cycle tbh. I for one hate white dudes that are like LMAO WHITE WOMEN AM I RIGHT ARENT THEY THE WORST HAHA?? Like you’re a white moid KEK even the worst white woman couldn’t compare to the psycho autism white moids bring.

No. 2363407

I see black and Indian guys using the “our women are ugly” move on pretty white girls more than I see white men do it. It usually works too and they just sit there giggling like a school girl over it.

No. 2363411

Yeah this is one (of the many) reasons realistically speaking why there will never be a female unity and why feminism will always be the weakest movement out of all movements. While the quote "a misogynist is someone who hates women as much as they hate each other" is retarded in hindsight it is true in some situations with some women being more misogynistic,vile and hateful and wanting to take the bread out of other womens mouths more than any moid I knew.

No. 2363416

Yeah it's mostly men of color that do it while white women enjoy it and they make fun of women of color together. So I'm confused about anons delusions,she seems to live in some made up reverse world. I'm sorry but you have to be butt ugly like so fucking ugly for it to be the reverse and for a white moid to do that to you. The only white moids who I see doing that are right-wing groyper incels and this site is filled with failed e-girl hideous pickmes who crave scrote approval from 4chan so they saw some moids hyping up a Japanese woman on 4chan so now she has declared all non-white women a enemy. These type of women are so simple kek.(bait)

No. 2363421

Like I said it’s a never ending cycle of someone shitting on their own race to flatter another one. Very common with POC moids because they fetishize the shit out of certain races.


Huh? I’m using them as an example. Of course it’s in the favor of white women too. You guys need to get out more.

No. 2363432

I don’t think it’s just a red flag when scrotes talk shit about just their own race but any race of women. For example if a white scrote is going on about how he feels Indians etc are ugly, he’s probably not going to be a good bf even to white women. Usually racism correlates with sexism and other personality flaws.

No. 2363438

>you have to be a butt ugly white girl for white men to shit in you

Now I want to know what fantasy world you live in

No. 2363449

I love being American. Idk why Americans are the only ones not allowed to be happy they’re American and have to self depreciate all the time.

No. 2363451

Where I'm at you can get away with being ugly if you are a blonde blue eyed white woman but if you are a brunette white woman with dark eyes then you can't get away with that. The colorism in white communities is crazy. So many women talk about how barely any men approached them or showed interest in them before they went blonde. Being a brunette woman is kinda not the easiest in terms of dating. Either way I went a bit off topic in my reply but yes a white woman can get away with being ugly if she is the stereotype of what people think is white.

No. 2363459

>why Americans are the only ones not allowed to be happy they’re American
As a non-american I have never felt happy about being american either.

No. 2363460

Americans are always happy about being American, what are you saying kek.
By the way I can always tell someone is American when they come visit here, you just have a certain vibe and face and most of you are loud (but I can’t really complain either, Italians are also rowdy).
Like I can differentiate between a white British person from an American one and same goes for a black person too kek.

No. 2363461

Fellow southern woman?

No. 2363466

It’s kind of pathetic when you see a scrote shitting on women of his own race kek. Black scrotes are especially disgusting, sometimes they speak in a very condescending and racist for lack of better words , about black women.
I had this classmate of mine who had a crush on me that behaved in that manner.

No. 2363467

Kek not really, I’m hot too nonna. I just don’t take pictures and send them.

No. 2363476

If it were art you would take artistic nude pictures , because nudity doesn’t have to be inherently sexual by the way; you could paint your body too. But putting on a pair of g strings and opening your legs or taking a picture of you open like a rotisserie chicken isn’t “art” come on, you are just horny and want attention.

No. 2363477

I hate that shit so much. I’ve actually heard scrotes say “if she ain’t white she ain’t right”. Vile.

No. 2363482

File: 1737735607668.jpeg (Spoiler Image,137.3 KB, 828x1025, IMG_0945.jpeg)

See picrel for example. The nudes you’re sending aren’t art kek.

No. 2363497

>b-b-b-but this will make moids scared of women!
That won't make them scared of women, that will just make them double down. Men are not scared of women. They are more physically capable, more confident and less moralfaggy so they don't waste time and have the support of other moids.

No. 2363504

they might just start killing every woman they rape if they are risking death keeping us alive

No. 2363507

>you just have a certain vibe and face
That’s interesting. If you had to put it into words how would you describe it?

No. 2363509

File: 1737736820531.jpeg (62.3 KB, 1008x987, IMG_1256.jpeg)

Ok that makes more sense but now I want to know where are you from? Is this also in burger land? I’m a burger so shitting on white women is still a popular meme. My sister also has a white bf who also has no issue shitting on white women. He isn’t a terminally online gryoper incel but was raised in our community (Mostly non white people).Same with other couples I know where they have a white boyfriend. If anything a lot of them are like pic related kek

No. 2363516

people like soren who make up satanic ritual abuse or gangstalking tier delusions should be required to be hospitalized for life. i can’t believe a danger to society like soren was ever allowed to stay out. i’ve noticed these schizos all have a fixation on CSA and weird bodily functions and it churns my stomach to think of what she did before she died.

No. 2363518

It’s not an insult by the way! I like the American face.
I don’t know how to describe it kek, it’s just “American”.

No. 2363522

I didn’t take it like that don’t worry nona! When I was abroad I was mistaken for basically any nationality that wasn’t American. I was the only person in my group this happened to so I was curious if maybe I just didn’t have an American face kek

No. 2363528

I think porn addiction, onlyfans and AI gfs are overall a positive thing. It gives moids stuff to do, makes them more passive and allows girls to use their looks to get rich. Not everyone has the smarts to so the option being open is always a good thing. Only stupid radfems cry about these things.

No. 2363531

at the expense of the teenage girls oblivious to what their peers are watching until they try to force violent kinks on them. and the female performers being raped and abused.

No. 2363538

i would be so afraid to be a celebrity nowadays. every once and a while you hear about a celebrity taking a stalker to court. i still feel so bad for bjork with the bomb or mitski having that delusional person make up absolute nonsense about her.

No. 2363541

Do you think the word “colonizer” wasn’t used in discussions before Twitter was created? Do you think people don’t have conversations about ….colonization….outside of Twitter? You guys will hear commonplace academic jargon that you learned from Twitter and will be convinced that the same discussion didn’t exist outside of it Another retard did the same to me when I used the phrase “black community.” That phrase is in decades old books, it didn’t spawn into conversation because of Jack Dorsey. It has to be either europoors who learned English from watching marvel movies with subtitles or retarded burgers with missing teeth and overdue light bills who see words like that and sperg on about that dying app. Way to expose yourself.

No. 2363543

Porn addiction pavlovs males, who are generally simple-minded, into worse and worse fetishes (rape, bestiality, pedophilia) over time. Studies show that this has an effect on how they treat women, children, and animals in the real world. Onlyfans extrapolates this, in the male mind, to all women. It makes them think all females should be accessible. It's also a pyramid scheme that entraps teenage girls, and ruins the lives of the women who join it. AI gfs are the epitome of objectification, and can only exacerbate the issues described above

No. 2363545

the idea of men abusing women in the future for not living up to the ideal of their ai waifu is chilling

No. 2363548

Samefag, Nearly every country in the world has an Independence Day for a reason. Colonization is literally global. But autistic fail daughter’s read “colonization” and “community” and reeeee on and on about Twitterfags. I get second hand embarrassment.

No. 2363556

Sex being a sellable thing hurts all women, and it generally hurts women who are already vulnerable the most

No. 2363559

You're right. This site is filled with illiterate zoomzooms who think "colonize" is a Twitter word because they've never read a book. They don't realize how twitter-brained they actually look every time they start complaining about the word because that's their only exposure to it.
You could probably convince them things happened in history that never did.

No. 2363560

more like asocial faildaughters

No. 2363566

It really isn’t a positive thing retard

No. 2363569

It really isn’t a positive thing retard, porn , only fans and ai promote the dehumanization of women and the commodification of their bodies.
When a scrote starts to see every woman as a porn category he won’t feel sorry about entitled. Kinks are becoming mainstream and you have scrotes who hide behind them to abuse and even rape ( see Neil Gailman).

No. 2363579

The joke is they're not even language experts. I've seen ESLtards complain about native English speakers using words like "y'all". Sorry the world's not speaking Bosniak, but if you can't even put together coherent sentences in this language, you have no right to seethe about regional dialects KEK.

No. 2363582

I don't think anything will change for women

No. 2363597

I think it’s only going to get worse for women in the USA with the next 30 years. Image the kind of men Gen alpha are going to push out.

No. 2363600

>makes them more passive
Okay go outside alone at night then. You should be fine.

Porn actually conditions moids to associate anger with arousal because a lot of moids will search up violent porn when they're angry with women to decompress. Then when they have sex with real women, who they supposedly love, they can't get it up because they don't have their abuse material to meet the dopamine threshold. Suddenly they're faced with the reality that they can only coom to violation. But their brain matter is so dumbed down at that point that they can't actually stop consuming the porn to get better and will take about 5-10 years to get clean. By that point they are already balding and past their prime.

Anyway if you were asked out by two guys, who were equivalent in all the ways that matter to you (sense of humour, intelligence, appearance) and the only clear difference was that one regularly masturbates to pornography and the other never looks at it. Who would you rather go out with?

No. 2363606

I kind of get what you're saying in that porn addiction generally makes men more pathetic. Men nowadays are more likely to spend every waking minute since puberty jerking off instead of studying or doing anything productive to attract women, which in turn makes women gradually grasp more academic and subsequently corporate power than them (see: test scores and schooling now favors women) but it doesn't make them passive. It just makes them big aggressive retards who disrespect women and see them as objects. Both are true.

No. 2363632

I don’t understand how women get manipulated by men so much because they’re kind of bad a lying and it’s very obvious when they’re up to something. They’re stupid as hell.

No. 2363633

i agree with this but have no idea what it has to do with divorced young people being as bad as single parents

No. 2363636

guess you must be so ugly no one’s ever bothered trying cos men will bend over backwards for one crumb of pussy

No. 2363639

Yeah but it’s obvious when they’re doing that.

No. 2363647

there are a lot of women in relationships choose to go along with being manipulated just for the sake of not being alone and feeling desired

No. 2363651

This weird backwards post kek

No. 2363652

since when is “y’all” ebonics?

No. 2363653

I had a friend whose bf wouldn’t let her come into the apartment when his female best friend was visiting and made her go to the park or something. Then when it was discovered he was cheating she was crying and having a fit and I’m just like….come on wasn’t it obvious they were fucking?

No. 2363654

straight women want romance and marriage and children with men. they think if a man is appealing and kind to her it’s genuine. sometimes it’s obvious and women avoid those men and think if a man is less obvious about it she’s assessing the situation correctly comparing the experiences. do you not talk to other human beings besides on here lol

No. 2363656

none of that makes sense reversed

No. 2363662

You don’t make sense backwards

No. 2363665

I can’t understand what you’re saying esl anon

No. 2363666

okay retard

No. 2363668

Ya Gotta work on the English

No. 2363672

I’m sorry you’re lonely.

No. 2363673

I don’t understand why zoomers don’t like capitalizing their letters. It also looks better when you do it.

No. 2363709

Who cares what moids think or feel. I for one prefer easier university admissions and job searching over men frying their brains with porn. Also violent crime is going down all the time too, it's working. Just because you can't find a boyfriend who isn't porn addicted doesn't mean others can't, your failures are your own.

No. 2363740

Women are being raped and that’s sad you admit you struggle with being good enough to get into school or get a job on your own merit.

No. 2363741

Are violent crimes really going down due to porn kek? I feel like you hear rapes being more violent and cases of children raping other children.

No. 2363743

No. 2363756

I’ve heard a lot about underaged girls dying from extreme sex like a gangbang in the bathroom type thing or an anal gone wrong thing too. It’s proven to make your brain crave more extreme things to get off.

No. 2363757

It’s extremely hard if not impossible to feel bad for those types of women. They’re just so extremely delusional, dumb and in fantasy land thinking their moid could never. If a moid breathes, he’s guilty

No. 2363805

>Also violent crime is going down all the time too
Nayrt but men across the world literally made homosexuality illegal because they didn't want to be raped every 3 minutes too like they were doing to girls and women. although tbh those men who made homosexuality illegal still raped little boys anyway

No. 2363809

Some of you are just as bad as the “pick mes” you screech about. It’s embarrassing

No. 2363824

Enlighten us oh dear farmer. Guide us naive cows into safety and enlightenment. You might be our prophet, the one who will save us all.

No. 2363945

I only want to date males who were virgin losers as teens because the thought of dating a man who had sex with a teen girl grosses me out, even if he was a teen at the time too. Idc if that's unreasonable of me, knowing he has memories of fucking a teenager is too freaky for me

No. 2364217

A whole bag of chips is ok as a meal

No. 2364219

no it's not because it will give you a tummy ache

No. 2364221

chips aren't fit for human consumption

No. 2364228

wait, why would it do that?

No. 2364250

Most sane LC user.

No. 2364268

same but its because non virgin men disgust me, they dont have the same risks as women so they genuinely have no reason to wear a rubber. I always think non virgin men must be infested with STDs

No. 2364288

Why are you so obsessed with virgin moids? Being a virgin past 22 is fucking lame.
>t.old virgin

No. 2364326

Virgins are bad at sex

No. 2364328

Duh but they also haven't learned any bad habits yet

No. 2364331

non-virgins have been tainted, the best is getting a virgin and teaching him yourself

No. 2364335

File: 1737756915359.gif (258.43 KB, 220x166, 1737488935063.gif)

>Girlfriend-free boy I can build into a sweetheart from the ground-up

No. 2364340

idk, one time me and a friend ate a bunch of chips for dinner because we were lazy and watching a movie and then we both had a tummy ache and vowed to never do that again

No. 2364357

That's cringe, please don't. Just hook around until you find someone who already fits your tastes, trying to mold the first gu- virgin into a mold is pretty abusive

No. 2364361

>nooo you can't abuse the poor precious virgin males!! you have to waste time on shitty manwhores like me

No. 2364363

sorry for not wanting STDs and not liking whores

No. 2364369

File: 1737757935744.webm (1.34 MB, 576x576, 1732285696556.webm)

>trying to mold the first gu- virgin into a mold is pretty abusive

No. 2364373

That's just sad, stay away from schools….

No. 2364377

No, i am going to storm into ever college dorm and kidnap all the virgin moids for my harem while you cry and hug your std-ridden manwhore.

No. 2364380

There's a middle ground between loser virgin and STD riddled slut.

No. 2364387

Is that what your nigel tells you while he jacks off to barely legal teen porm and struggles to get hard?

No. 2364391

men who sleep around are totally worthless. i'm sorry this is how you have to cope.

No. 2364399

Complaining about "manwhores" is sour grapes

No. 2364411

>wanting a dick thats been inside several women, animals and trannies and would fuck literally anything with a hole
why do you hate yourself so much anon, its honestly sad you value your self worth based on men wanting to fuck you when men will put their dicks in anything

No. 2364413

Incestfags and bdsmfags are pickmes who give moid excuses to abuse women and then claim that "women are into it anyways"

No. 2364414

No, actually we should slut shame scrotes more

No. 2364417

i have a man kek. he also has no STDs, no deviant sexual behavior, no attachments to exes, no porn addiction, no kids, and no baggage, plus he's totally devoted to me. can you say the same?

No. 2364426

No it's not kek, when I hear about a guy's high body count I don't feel envy, I just think "ew"

No. 2364430

and your post smells like semen. I personally don't care that much if a man is no virgin, but why would I seethe at other women having a different taste?

No. 2364437

>t. manwhore

No. 2364444

Agree. Men are the biggest whores alive. They're actually so simple minded just think of how many brain rotted porn sick men there are and they never grow up they just succumb to their erectile dysfunctions. I can't stand them and they act so slutty aka sleazy and don't even have the self awareness to recognise it. Ive been approached by so many slutty men when I've just been minding my business I barely acknowledge any male in public since I cba with unwanted advances. It's detrimental to mankind and my dating life because I'm just immediately turned off by strange men because I've had so many off putting interactions. They need to learn to police themselves and check each other's behaviours. It's retarded how males are raised with such self entitlement and girls constantly get told how to behave and act yet our male counterparts are fucking animals. The birth rate is down in the west because women don't want to settle with assholes

No. 2364445

I hope you two dummies understand that to a moid being called a manwhore is a compliment.

No. 2364449

I didn't even use the word manwhore you absolute retard

No. 2364450

No, its not. They only think its a compliment if you imply they fuck hot chicks. Men hate being reminded they must pay for sex and settle for fatties if they want to have casual sex.

No. 2364451

We should start telling everyone that the more sex they have, the more their dicks shrink until they're so thin and useless they'll be damaged goods and unable to please a woman.

No. 2364452

manwhores are disgusting, who cares what they think

No. 2364465

Women's sports are kind of embarrassing. I just can't really take seriously how i'm supposed to gush over how "strong" and "peak performance" because it's impressive for a woman to reach the level of mediocre male performance. I'd rather praise doctors or scientists.

No. 2364470

How is it embarrassing for a woman to be a professional athlete…?

No. 2364471

File: 1737761164740.gif (146.24 KB, 220x166, 1000032055.gif)

This post smells of NERD

No. 2364474

I’m pretty sure there’s a baiting XY in this thread right now.

No. 2364475

Stop thinking about males? Problem solved.

No. 2364476

whats the source of this gif?

No. 2364477

No idea kek, I just googled "dodgeball gif" to trigger that anon's PTSD

No. 2364478

Because a professional female athelete is as good as a mediocre male athlete. Peak female performance is as good as the average male performance. You'll never be the best at it, a man will always be above you. It just feels like it's constantly highlighting how inferior physical capabilities are compared to men.

No. 2364482

I'm not a moid but i've figured you would say said that, kek. I just hate anything related to "oh you're good!… for a woman"

No. 2364485

Here's an idea: stop thinking about males. Some of you man-haters are really just man-obsessed and nothing more.

No. 2364489

The average male is so sedentary and disappointing these days the gap is probably smaller than you think.

No. 2364490

Sorry i don't enjoy being nerfed in the biological department and i would've liked the chance at being the best at something instead

No. 2364491

>t. Proto-Tiffany

No. 2364496

yea, and a man will always be physically inferior next to a gorilla. that's not the point of sports

No. 2364497

I'm convinced most humans would gladly eat everything as long as there is a lot of sugar and a little fat mixed in. Even shit.

No. 2364499

I'm a loser virgin myself and no way I'd want a virgin moid to be my first lol.

No. 2364501

Stop thinking about males so much, what are you, dickmatized? Letting the thought of a male drag you down is the most retarded shit.

No. 2364506

I get why they troon out. If you don't enjoy being feminine, you are unable to relate to a lot of your peers. Women are smart on average but they choose to go on dumbass shit that doesn't pay amd doesn't give them social power instead of becoming doctors, but that's changing a bit at least.

No. 2364511

Do you even lift? I'm genuinely asking. You have a very palpable nerd aura emanating from your words like I just imagine you pushing your taped-up glasses back up your nose as soon as you press "new reply".

No. 2364512

Gorillas are not humans. What is the point of sports then? Do you think these athletes dedicate and sacrifice so much of their youth, time and body so they are not the best on their field?

No. 2364513

ok? enjoy your whore then, why do you have to shit on women who dont want them.

No. 2364514

kek can you go outside and pick a moid you would think you can beat up in a fight?

No. 2364515

It's hard to feel bad for you types sometimes.

No. 2364519

Being of lesser strength only means "lesser being" to scrotes. You should change your mindset.

No. 2364520

I do enough excercise so i have muscle, so an average amount i guess.

No. 2364521

No, but I could probably find one I can outrun/outlast on foot. Are you the type of person who does everything for other people's approval? Becky mentality.

No. 2364522

What does enough mean. How many hours do you get in a week.

No. 2364525

I would agree but if that was the case women would be more serious about getting into STEM and getting into positions of power.

No. 2364526

What do we live under? I'll give you a hint, it's not a matriarchy, it's a….

No. 2364528

No. 2364529

Kek of course you're bitching about not being as strong as a man you're not even as strong as the average woman. Only 4 hours a week KEK.

No. 2364530

Must be boring and bleak to constantly think of yourself as a "weaker man" rather than a different kind of human

No. 2364543

I know that, i understand. But when are women going to wake up to their abuse? If you're a teenager i get it, but how are you over 20 years old and not disgusted with the way society treats women and not choose female solidarity above anything else? Do they not have pattern recognition? This isn't about being le based misandrist, if you have self respect you would have boundaries and realize the patriarchy crosses them far beyond a single line. Look at how many retarded women voted for Trump, black women voted mainly for Kamala because as black women, people are way nastier to them so they can be a bit more peaked but honestly, it's mainly about race, women in general rarely ever put their sex first.

No. 2364545

Okay but apply this to people killing themselves doing manual labor. Why haven't all the little workers in America risen up to defeat their evil overlords? Because this is the way life has always been from the moment you are born til the day you die. Same logic.

No. 2364550

Do you want me to work out 9 hours a week? I don't have much time to work out more than 1 hour 4 days of the week. I have to do cook and clean.

No. 2364552

The world would be a much better place if women had higher standards for the men they choose to have kids with.

No. 2364554

Truth. My ex's former girlfriends taught him to eat pussy in the worst ways possible (they all probably faked their orgasms) so when he finally got to me he was absolutely awful at eating my pussy and told me "but all of my exes loved it when i did it this way, something must be wrong with you!" Better just to get a cute virgin moid and teach him how to please you

No. 2364556

Give all women guns and if a man fails to woo her during courtship she should shoot him

No. 2364557

The workers doing manual labour aren't sexually harassed because they are male, they go home and abuse their wife instead.

No. 2364560

The spider method. Unfathomably based.

No. 2364562

What's good about being a woman other than not being a rape ape staistic

No. 2364579

Degrading or insulting yourself because you aren't a man is a complete disservice to yourself and your health

No. 2364582

Literal retards and amputees in the Special Olympics mog you with their resolve and spirit.

No. 2364591

you can rape men and in most countries its not illegal

No. 2364594

My weird unpopular opinion is that the sky and outer space are horrifying.

No. 2364602

Don't be retarded you know it was an analogy.

No. 2364607

Answer the question

"It's muh spirit that matters" yeah if you're anything other than a overly empathetic selfless girl who is content with tending people's fee fees you're literally the worst for wanting more for yourself.

No. 2364623

Women can't rape men

Analogy doesn't apply because a manual labour scrote still has more value than a woman of his same economic status

No. 2364627

It's "muh spirit" that kept your ancestors from dying in the brush when they weren't as strong or as fast as their peers. You will never become anything more than a self-pitying loser because you're too caught up in the wider spectacle to master something.

No. 2364634

What's good about being a man? Being a soulless rapist?

No. 2364635

Internalized misogyny is beating her ass. She'll never make it

No. 2364638

Well if you aren't one of those overly empathetic selfless types, you won't give a fuck about what other people think, right? Go want more for yourself. Dare to dream nonnie.

No. 2364641

I don't care about living just to live. What the fuck is the point of staying alive if i'm just surrounded by degradation and subjugation of women in media, workplace, conversations, the fucking state and laws and everywhere i put my eyes on and other women happily comply.

No. 2364643

because you can create your own mental and physical pocket of the world? get your own place.

No. 2364648

File: 1737765380085.jpg (29.85 KB, 381x431, 1656397610734.jpg)

>Women can't rape men
thats what the law says

No. 2364651

Ever consider that some of those women feel the exact same way as you, but are paying lip service so that the rest of society won't catch onto them? Instead of doing Lie Down And Rot, how about you speak up when you see something degrading, and persuade other women to your way of thinking? Get enough support behind you, and you might even be able to do something about misogynistic laws. Or keep whinging on lolcow I guess.

No. 2364652

>Analogy doesn't apply because a manual labour scrote still has more value than a woman of his same economic status
Are you a scrote?

No. 2364654

File: 1737765572405.jpg (127.37 KB, 736x454, the pretty horsebreaker.jpg)

-Smarter on average
-looks better on average
-less likely to be bald
-Has a soul
need I go on?

No. 2364660


No. 2364673

>stronger, faster, bigger thus can fight off a rapist
>no pregnancy even if you do get raped
>since you can't get pregnant the abortion laws don't affect you
>no periods
>no menoupause
>less likely to get STDs
>people respect you, don't doubt your intelligence even if they don't anything about you
>you are more likely to be favored by your parents and everyone around you
>get payed better
>people, especially women come at your defense even if you're a piece of shit
>people respect your opinions and boundaries
>not being a target of degradation
>there are plenty of attractive women so you actually have a chance of having an attractive partner
>women are good people so you actually have a chance to being loved by someone other than your mother

How does pointing out that fact make a scrote? I'm not saying she legitimately has more value, but that's how society sees it.

No. 2364679

Being a good looking, tall white guy with blonde hair and light eyes must be life on easy mode. I wonder what their world is like.

No. 2364681

File: 1737766347716.jpg (813.78 KB, 2165x3261, 1000002935.jpg)

This shit has been going on for more than a millenia, and even after "progress" having rights because scrotes want more wage slaves a rapist became the president of the united states. Women can't even agree that "men are dangerous" without them shit piling on you.

No. 2364686

No one's reading that. Men go broke talking to males on OF who manage the accounts of a woman that wouldn't touch her customer base with a pole.

No. 2364688

Blonde men are ugly

No. 2364691

We live in a society unfortunately. If i want to ever get a well paying job and power i need to climb the social ladder and play into the role of what people like a woman to be. Not too this, not too that, too mean, too ugly, too slutty, too prudish, too meek, too bossy, i'm just fucking sick of it. I don't have some retarded knitting or husbando hobby that i can live on, so unless i esentially create my own delusional world i can't exist as as a woman.

No. 2364705

periods are a small price to pay to not be male
>less likely to get STDs
men actually have STDs at higher rates because they're whores

No. 2364722

It's totally fine to bring up everything you've done for a person in most cases.

No. 2364816

But what's the point of being such an enlighted being like a woman if half of the population can easily brutalize and rape you and state will protect them, and most women would throw you under the bus for those scrotes

No. 2364820

I mean personally the only people who have been physically violent towards me have been women. Anyone can hurt you, not just men.

No. 2364824

Nta but the point is that it makes everyday life more fulfilling. I'm not getting raped on the street every day of my life.

No. 2364827

Easily demoralized people are so fucking annoying

No. 2364872

If you were a moid you'd still find a reason to be an insecure faggot as moids tend to be. It's about your mindset, not your body.

No. 2364893

Have some compassion anon. You see a pathetic person who easily throws in the towel and roll your eyes when you don't even know their story. They could very well have a good explanation as for why they get demoralized easily, like not getting enough support in their formative years. I hope it's not someone you're friends with because it would make them extra sad if they knew you found them annoying instead of wanting to help them brush off and get back on their feet.

No. 2364916

I think scrotes have some kind of 6th sense where they know if a woman isn’t attracted to them and it makes them more attracted to her and if they can sense she’s attracted to them, they don’t want her.

No. 2364917

Classic feminine inability to identify with other women, dressed as feminism (i'd rather celebrate female doctors). Men see another man doing a cool trick and admire him, say "dudes rock" even if the trick is mundane. Men see a man in a sports car with a gf out of their league and think "i wish i was Chad, how do i become Chad" then watch retarded videos about pulling women. Women like you seethe with jealousy and undermine female success because you literally can't picture yourself in the shoes of another woman.

No. 2364920

Men also rape and kill. They're fucking mental

No. 2364921

I think you're right kek. The only guys I've had be attracted to me are ones I'd never date in a million years.

No. 2364930

Nona. We are human beings. Most animals can brutalize us in hand to hand combat. Pound for pound we are the weakest of the great apes by a longshot. A 1 armed chimpanzee could kill most men. Yet here we are, top of the food chain. Stop falling for the brute force meme.
Just do what our monkey ancestors did and learn to use a fucking gun.

No. 2364933

>God Created Men and Sam Colt Made Them Equal

No. 2364991

Nonna this would surprise you but in linguistics we have that concept of language users regaining their linguistic agency by adapting the language of the colonizer to they culture/needs and by multilingual and multicultural practices.

Okay anon, but I dare to say that almost every language has it's diverse forms to denote class differences.

No. 2365005

Maybe they don't want to sound like pretentious know it all. It might seem dumb because obviously you'd think you should at least try to pronounce words as accurately as possible but it's a thing. If I decided to pronouce McDonalds accurately as an ESL instead of with my first language pronounciation I'd pass for a pretentious bitch. Same if I prnounced names that end with -ey like Disney accurately. I agree with you but that's how it is where I live, and I assume that's the same everywhere else.

No. 2365098

File: 1737791287896.jpg (46.46 KB, 526x516, 1000031000.jpg)

I think the whole "mirrored image" thing is bullshit (not completely false ofc but the importance is overstated) and let me tell you why. When I stand next to someone I know in front of a mirror, I'm looking at their flipped image, so my brain shouldn't be "correcting" their flaws. But they always look exactly the fucking same. I don't stare at their reflection thinking "HUH??? WHO IS THAT WITH THE MISALIGNED EYEBROWS AND WONKY LIPS???" they just look like their normal selves. Plus there's the fact that so many people look different on camera than they do in motion irl. I'm convinced this is a psyop by tech companies who don't want to admit their cameras aren't really a 1:1 equivalent to the human eye, surely flattening a 3D image onto a 2D plane which relies on lighting and ~processing AI~ fucks with the depth and angles more than just flipping it? Sorry to any sciencefags I've offended but I was looking in a mirror with somebody else before for an unrelated reason and this is the conclusion I reached based on facts and logic.

No. 2365168

damn you're right. there's no more coping possible. thanks anon.


>I explored it with my mind and it's not possible
kek fascinating. imagine thinking that anything you don't comprehend just doesn't exist. the reason women shouldn't have sex with moids is because they're misogynistic pos, likely to give them diseases from the cheating, that's it. plenty of unfeminine women have sex, what you're saying doesn't make sense. a woman can be the one guiding someone who's performing oral sex on her or touching her. lay off the porn and hang out with people who don't discuss oral sex 24/7

No. 2365225

Men can't be whores, lock and key theory is real even if it makes people mad.(bait)

No. 2365230

how is comparing men and women to keys and locks any more real than comparing them to pencils and pencil sharpeners, or dirty q-tips and ears?

No. 2365239

File: 1737806237137.jpg (66.56 KB, 1024x683, 43432222.jpg)

Lookism is actually good and necessary in this society, everyone needs to strive into becoming better looking. It's good men obsess with their looks as much as women do.

No. 2365241

you're right, they're walking disease vectors

No. 2365247

Try drawing something and then flipping the image. Then you'll understand mirror effect.

No. 2365264

I still don't get why mirrors flip things horizontally but not vertically. I've watched YouTube videos about it but my dumb brain still doesn't get it. I'm going to keep believing they're portals to the doppelganger dimension because that makes more sense to me.

No. 2365266

File: 1737812010134.png (16.72 KB, 1101x369, horizon.png)

it's because human eyeballs are horizontal not vertical nonny

No. 2365271

This seems to make sense, but then the pupil, the only part that actually sees, is a circle.

No. 2365272

I think it's because the eyes are positioned horizontally but then it shouldn't flip if I close one eye. Mirror mystery continues

No. 2365282

People who complain about gacha games being predatory need to stfu. No one is holding a gun to their head and making them buy pulls and if they have that little self-control then they would find another way to ruin their lives anyway.

No. 2365283

That key is going to get very dirty and broken very fast kek

No. 2365285

>I'm going to keep believing they're portals to the doppelganger dimension because that makes more sense to me
Well duh, why do you think mirrors are so creepy to so many people?

No. 2365286

I feel the exact same about social media and porn. Just close the tab you fucking loser.

No. 2365291

File: 1737814828179.webp (62.03 KB, 1269x1161, mrp2fg07n5p61.webp)

Social media and porn have societal consequences that gacha doesn't

No. 2365293

Based Serbian anon

No. 2365311

That 70s show

No. 2365314

The average woman does not work out more than 4 hours a week lmao. The average woman is fat and sedentary.

No. 2365317

I understand your point. I wouldn'f say this to anyone irl or anywhere else online, that's why i posted it in unpopular opinions. It's just that i'm insecure about being biologically weaker and historically women have far less achievements so celebrating a female athlete for reaching "peak female performance" which is the equivalent of an average/mediocre male athlete performance is not really a win to me.

No. 2365323

sports should be about honorable competition, which female athletes partake in. i don't care to watch sports because i don't have that unga bunga in my brain but i feel like a lot of women would have fun if they watched female sports and talked to their friends about it rather than like arguing about music artists.

No. 2365328

Women who date men who like to hunt are kind of setting themselves up for failure. I get hunting for nourishment because it’s a necessary evil, but hunting because you just like to kill stuff is a red flag.

No. 2365330

I find funny the americans who whine about any immigrants at all. I get not wanting low iq scrotes that bring their misogynistic culture here but there's nothing wrong with women and maybe some men that just want to work here and assimilate, especially since often the countries that they come from are countries that America has invaded and stole resources from. You are also immigrants to America. This is going into tumblr/racebait territory but i wonder how many of these nonnas are white?, is it about race? Ethnicity? Are black people whose ancestors are slaves from Africa immigrants?

No. 2365331

Unless you were groomed at 14 or something, it's still 100% your own fault if you go down this path and choose to fuck up your life over clout/coom.

No. 2365332

Sounds like you're mad that the athletic girls don't like you.

No. 2365335

Not my problem, they can stay in their countries or go somewhere else that wants them. America is done being the garbage dump for everyone who wants to leave their shithole behind.

No. 2365336

Not really kek, female athletes are just women like anyone else. Just because you don't think of someone or something someone is doing as a mediocre thing doesn't mean you're jealous of it.

No. 2365340

Why are you even comparing women and moids though? Why does "well a moid scored higher" mar your perception of female excellence?
>historically women have far less achievements
Which means we should be celebrating every achievement we're blessed enough to hear about. Unless you want generations of little girls to grow up and see nothing but demoralized adult women who won't even show up for each other, you know, like a lot of us did.

No. 2365344

I pity weak-minded types like you. Should I just send over the rope and the chair?

No. 2365345

I just don't really think sports is female excellence. I get it if they enjoy it and celebrate within their own spaces but it's not much of an achievement as a class.

No. 2365346

And you think that because you're weak and a loser kek.

No. 2365349

Anything that women are doing well that sets a good example for others to achieve is female excellence. I'm sorry that you can't see the value in coordinated physical activity or the women who work hard to condition their bodies for such activities.

No. 2365352

Don't lie, I know you find my DDR skills impressive

No. 2365356

I admire your DDR skills nonnie.

No. 2365369

>it's not something like music, dancing, art, etc. Where it's subjective. Sports are objective
You know they do figure skating in the Olympics, right?

No. 2365370

i understand americans and our neuroses over race are annoying to be exposed to but oh my god, nonamericans are so annoying.

that's what america has always been though, it started with niche religious groups, why do you think they're called the "pilgrims"?

No. 2365377

File: 1737819742866.jpg (56.68 KB, 500x500, peanutallergy.jpg)

Peanut allergies are fake. Anyone who claims that they're allergic to peanuts has Munchausen syndrome, or they are a victim of Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

Ever notice that there are way more people know that claim that they are allergic to peanuts than there were before the Internet age? It's because more and more people were introduced to Munchausen syndrome by the internet. Before, nobody knew what that was besides psychologists and doctors, but now everyone knows about it. They know that if they fake something, they'll get attention for it, and since most parents nowadays are addicted to cellphones, children yearn for attention. That causes them to act out in ways to get attention, like pretending to die from eating peanuts. In other cases, it's sort of like Gypsy Rose Blanchard and her mother: the parents want their child to be special, unique, different, so they begin brainwashing the child from a very young age to believe that it's allergic to peanuts. After a few years, the child will be conditioned to react negatively to the presence of peanuts. And just like that, suddenly nobody in their class can bring in peanut snacks anymore. It gives the parents a sick satisfaction knowing that they ruined lunch time for dozens of other children in a twisted power game. It takes 30 minutes of research to realize that peanut allergies are just a new way for the pharmaceutical companies to increase their revenue through a mutually-beneficial relationship with severely mentally ill people that are starved for attention. All of the symptoms of peanut allergies are psychosomatic in nature.

My own case study (March 2024):
>Meet a scrote that claims he is allergic to peanuts.
>He claims he has a deathly anaphylactic response to peanuts.
>Invite him to my home.
>Serve him cookies with peanuts inside.
>Nothing happens to him at all.
>10 minutes pass.
>"You know, there's peanuts in this!" I say.
>He immediately freaks out and his throat "begins to close up," he promptly injects himself with his EpiPen
>He storms out after I tell him that I'm on to his sick game.

Notice that before I mentioned the peanuts, he was totally fine. That's because he wasn't really allergic. He convinced herself that he would die if he ate peanuts because he was very mentally ill. It was crazy to witness because had I never mentioned the peanuts, he would have continued to act completely normal. It's like as soon as I said anything about peanuts, his eyes glazed over and suddenly his Munchausen syndrome behaviour took over. He must have thought I was going to coddle him or say that he was brave instead of laughing at him. When he didn't get the positive attention that he desired, he promptly left in a bad mood, because he knew his deception wouldn't work on me.

No. 2365385

Female figure skating is different than male figure skating. Male figure skating is more about looking strong, and doing a lot of tricks, what would the female equivalent to Hanyu Yuzuru be? Female figure skating seems to prioritize looking dainty, beautiful and elegant, but those standards are not so much about women's physical capabilities to pull off those movements, but more about a beauty standard so a lot of those girls are starved to look like an eternal 12 year old and their performance gets nerfed by the consequences of it, i believe this to be the case for dancing as well.

No. 2365391

File: 1737820218064.jpeg (746.09 KB, 1179x1963, IMG_4812.jpeg)

The rise of peanut allergies is from pediatricians recommending parents to avoid feeding infants peanuts, preventing them from developing ability to digest them.

No. 2365392

The reality is that how it was in the past does not matter. It's Americans today who should decide how we're moving forward, and most Americans are fed up with millions of immigrants pouring in. We don't care what manipulation tactics others use to try to get us to agree to make our quality of life worse. Trump was voted in because he listens to what Americans want and tells them what they want to hear on large issues like immigration and inflation. The state we're in now is a direct consequence to ignoring the will of the people for too long.

No. 2365393

My Asian mom

No. 2365394

I know if you have a kid with peanut allergies they’re not making it to middle school kek

No. 2365395

The pilgrims were settlers building a civilization from nothing. Immigrants go to an already built civilization.

No. 2365399

i understand being critical of immigration but i was making the point that cultural retardation is still very present today, and comes back and forth through generations. trump did not win by a large margin, and he was voted in because conservatives want a daddy figure who makes them feel like winners when shit is never going to get better. the housing crisis is probably the number one issue but fat chance that republicans do anything about it.

No. 2365403

You say that as if there being millions of extra people in the country doesn't affect the housing crisis

No. 2365407

tbh too much of the time, immigration politics are subsumed into race politics. the reason most people are against immigration isnt because of the race of the immigrants, its to do with the actual conditions at home. alot of major cities in the usa are going through a housing shortage, that means that theres too little housing for the population that's already here. if more people immigrate into the country, the housing shortage will just get worse, and rents will continue to climb. thats just one of the reasons why i support reduced immigration. its not because i hate mexicans, or somalians, or whatever race, its just because i dont want the problems here to get worse, and a higher population exacerbates an already significant problem

No. 2365419

it will have some impact but it is not the primary reason. mexicans are not the reason americans throught america can't buy a house, especially when they're poorer, probably renting, and more likely to live in multigenerational households. and probably not why people can't find housing in expensive cities. a lot of these illegal immigrants have been here for years before shit was so bad, the problem is government never encouraged more housing built and housing is treated as a speculatory asset.

No. 2365421

>trump did not win by a large margin
He won all seven swing states. That's pretty good, especially considering all the analysts predicted he wouldn't even win one

No. 2365427

the government isnt responsible for building houses? its the real estate companies and the construction companies. the problem with illegal immigrants is that they're "non-persons," as in, they aren't counted towards official statistics. so if theres a town and theres 1 million people in it, but of those 1 million 200k are illegal immigrants, then to real estate and construction companies, the town only has 800k people. this is how illegal immigrants affect the housing market, because it skews the statistics that companies rely on to decide whether or not to start new construction on housing units.

No. 2365430

File: 1737822072066.png (114.67 KB, 1803x1378, IMG_4813.png)

It's just basic supply and demand. More immigrants = more demand for housing = price of houses and rent goes up. It's not complicated.
pic sort of related
>a lot of these illegal immigrants have been here for years before shit was so bad
Yeah, but the massive influx during the biden years caused the shit to get so much worse

No. 2365432

You are a man.

No. 2365438

File: 1737822321083.png (128.72 KB, 809x994, IMG_1949.png)

Virgin men >>>>>>>> non virgin men

No. 2365445

they could (and should), like encourage change to regulations to make it easier to build, give money to states, and encourage developers like they give subsidies to farmers.

No. 2365446

Some people enjoy being in abusive relationships. It’s exciting for them.

No. 2365450

I don’t believe bhad bhabie has cancer. I think she’s lying.

No. 2365451

Or they can prevent immigrants from lowering wages and raising rents

No. 2365453

i know what youre saying, but that still doesnt change the fact that illegal immigration negatively affects the housing market. immigration into the usa is already very easy, if people want to immigrate they should go through the correct legal channels.
bhad bhabie has cancer?!

No. 2365454

File: 1737823018715.jpg (33.28 KB, 655x637, marcjhruowl11.jpg)

No. 2365465

File: 1737823451205.png (166.58 KB, 470x419, Capture.PNG)

No. 2365470

File: 1737823681998.png (326.26 KB, 1000x1000, the woman who would've married…)

no cherry no marry

No. 2365478

Moids obsess over ugly faggots like your pic rel or hyper masculine roid pigs for male attention. All Lookism does to a scrote is worsen their misogyny and increase their faggotry. Actual qts who pander to women don't do shit like that, they get their style choice by women and increase their androgyny.

No. 2365480

my argument is it's not the main reason and to build on it, deportations wouldn't happen fast enough at a large enough scale to make much of the difference. nevermind that illegal immigrants are often working in construction as well so then you have fewer builders too.

No. 2365482

Obsessing over handsome men does nothing for lookism type posters because they're genetic failures. The best thing to do is to prevent them from ever existing in the first place.

No. 2365488

True, I couldn't give a fuck about them. Tbh even qts show their 3dpd side so it's better to go 2D

No. 2365497

I hate family and marriage and children with every fiber of my being it is all ripe dogshit

No. 2365525

The leading cause for pregnant women is homicide. It’s not even worth it.

No. 2365802

All of these problems can be solved by executing almost all of xy population and only leaving 20% alive

No. 2365848

this is the solution. everytime a scrote comes up with immigration issues I ask them "who is causing the issues? surely not children or women" and they shut up immediately. I have been called a nazi for suggesting countries should only take women and children as refugees kek

No. 2365871

Too bad the virgins are all violent porn addicts by the age of 13.

No. 2365874

Same with the non-virgins, but we should be banning porn immediately

No. 2365889

>her bf wasn't a virgin
cope harder

No. 2365897

I kek so hard every time I see this

No. 2366048

Children should have the last name of the mother

No. 2366120

This thread is the hotbed of misogynists and pick new posting blatant bait and not getting banned because it’s “unpopular “. Obviously anyone saying female athletes shouldn’t be celebrated, caring about porn sickness in men is just the EVil RaDFeMs and all the other gay shit posted here the last two days is men and trannies being proud of being sexist in our spaces and it’s insane how you guys haven’t realized this

No. 2366174

The anon defending manwhores was another big tip-off that men camp out in this thread.

No. 2366177

I know a manwhore who lurks this site, so probably.

No. 2366182

Me too. Wonder if it’s the same manwhore.

No. 2366185

What's with the double standard? Just call him 'whore' and 'slut'.

No. 2366205

No. 2366208

Right like why the need to emphasize how ~many it is~ we should call them betasluts

No. 2366448

You’re bat shit crazy if you still want to have babies with how the world is going. The government has already said “we don’t care if you die from pregnancy complications and need an abortion to live” and you want to reward that system with a new wage slave…

No. 2366526

I think the Luigi is hot thing is a psyop. None of my irl female friends find him hot, just people online

No. 2366567

based nona. Keep killing weak peanut allergy moids.

No. 2366569

10 percent of moids are worthy of life AT BEST.

No. 2366570

File: 1737866129829.gif (1020.57 KB, 428x240, tenor-1425547552.gif)

it’s crazy to me how people have been having babies since before governments even existed kek, cause its within our innate human nature to want to reproduce. people had babies during the plague, during ww2, during all kinds of disasters. it’s the ciirlce of life!

No. 2366571

have you seen the sentient toes that grass touching normie women want to fuck?

No. 2366575

i agree with you, but also babies are so fat and cute and i want one

No. 2366576

I believe once the thread locks the conversation should have to be over, I wish that dragging a a previous infight from the end of the preceding thread into the subsequent one deserves to be a bannable offense now.

No. 2366579

NTA but ugh there must be a baby boom happening because I keep seeing babies everywhere and it’s psyopping me into wanting one. Their tiny faces are so sweet.

No. 2366581

You're so right but something about the huge community of people obssessed with Luigi smells fishy to me. Maybe I should take this to the tinfoil thread

No. 2366586

not to pull a how to lose a guy in 10 days moment, but the ai baby generators are mocking me

No. 2366593

I remember like 2 days after wigi was found at that McDonalds there was already a full documentary released about his life? that was what made me realize that something is amiss kek

No. 2366603

People were wanting to fuck him as soon as the smiling man photo came out.
You have to realize, a lot of people just want these ceo fuckers dead.
If a guy who was like a 6 out of 10 who wasn't vomit inducing with his shirt off actually killed Trump and wrote on the bullets and got away with it, people would be thirsting over him too.
Ask yourself, why would the elites want us worshipping people who kill them?

No. 2366678

That's how I feel during my ovulation and before my period but then I remind myself I can barely afford a dog.

No. 2366857

Getting rid of DEI will impact white women the most. White men know this but also know white women are more loyal to their race than they are to their gender because they are the original believers of the race psyop. Hence why they are able to get them to vote against their own best interests again and again for damn near a century or more. White men see that white women are turning more and more to their careers and having babies later and later in life if at all. Ever since I was a kid I learned about the "browning of america" theory where white people feared that there will come a day that they will be outnumbered by minorities and they will. They want to get rid of discrimination laws to keep white women from being hired so that they have no choice but to rely on white men and become SAHM. Its all so obvious. The biggest recipients of Affirmative Action and DEI have always been white women. What are these white men in power complaining about the most? WHITE Women caring more about their education and careers than motherhood. They are banking on white women's racism and bigotry to get them back in the kitchen. And it worked. White men know they are a global minority they are outnumbered everywhere and they blame white women for it.

No. 2366859

Can you guys stop dragging American politics into every thread?

No. 2366861

DEI discriminates against Asians

No. 2366863

no tf it doesnt

No. 2366864

this is happening globally honey bunches wake up and smell the neo nazi roses

No. 2366867

Having a guy using fingers and vibrators on you is better than PIV sex

No. 2366870

Yes it does. Asians are overrepresented relative to their population in college and many high-paying careers. They need to perform better than any other race does to gain entry into college. DEI allows employers to discriminate against Asians in the name of "diversity"

No. 2366876

How funny since Affirmative Action got taken away Asian's acceptance rate lowered while Black and Latinos stayed relatively the same.

No. 2366879

>this is happening globally
I literally live on a communist dictatorship, tf you talking about

No. 2366882

Because it was taken away in name only. They are using essays where they talk about hardship and diversity in college acceptance now to bypass affirmative action being removed. You can look at the average GPA and test scores for asians vs. blacks or latinos, they are much higher. Asians with the same scores as the average black applicants don't get in.

No. 2366886

LOL Do you really think America wants its top Universities overrun by Asians? They used Asians anti Blackness to kill two birds with one stone. Get the asians and the black people and women out of our schools ASAP. They do not need to "perform better" that is a myth. It was already proven that they don't prioritize extra curricular activities which is what actually sets students apart not their grades. Everyone who applies to top universities are averaging 4.0 GPAS and high SAT scores. You have to add more to the table. A lot of them simply need to volunteer more. Also did you know most of these international Asian students you see at these top performing schools are rich as shit and are paying their way into these top schools. Thats really why there is so many of them. Not because they are oh so much smarter. It's time we stop believing in stereotypes and start believing in the obvious truths.
You are so unbelievably racist that you believe that Black people and Latinos have to utilize sob stories to make it into top universities and aren't just as smart and capable. Affirmative action was not created because the brownies of the world are too stupid to make it into college. It was created because the whities of the world are too racist to believe that other races can be smart. You bigots have more smoke for the underprivileged getting access to education than the richest people in the world using mommy and daddy's blood money to pay for a dorm so their kids and grandkids can go to those schools with impunity for forever just so that they can use that degree to shill temu products on tik tok(racebait)

No. 2366889

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No. 2366891

As a latina stfu already tbh, everyone knows Asians do perform better at college, that's just facts. Not that I'm ashamed of my own ethnicity, because I understand the reasons why most of us choose working/trades rather than college, it's not a matter of intelligence but moreso priorities

No. 2366892

As a latina you stfu for also believing in stereotypes.

No. 2366895

it's not a stereotype, it's systemic discrimination against asians to the benefit of latin and black applicants

No. 2366896

My whole family is literally into trades. The only ones that actually went to college were privileged enough to pursue it even as immigrants. There's a lot at play in here than simple "stereotypes"

No. 2366899

nta but your family is not the epitome of the Latino experience. Not a single member of my family has worked a trade and I'm second gen. We aren't well off, either

No. 2366902

I don't agree that crying is healthy, at least not for me personally. Crying is just awkward, and when I do it I feel ashamed of myself. It's an urge at times but it's equivalent to wanting to eat something unhealthy. Not to blog but I'm challenging myself to not cry for the entirety of 2025

No. 2366903

Okay but it's not an uncommon thing. Several factors affect our stats at college, why get mad at the truth?

No. 2366907

How much do you have to hate yourself to believe the piddly performative equity offered to a slim margin of us actually matters in the bigger picture? Some of just want better for ourselves and actually pursued an education, even through poverty. I'm so fucking tired of these skewed statistics presented by the exact people who benefit from the idea that we only excel because whitey pities us occasionally. Fucking bleak

No. 2366914

Jfc stop being so damn cringe at least

No. 2366927

Bitch stfu. Can you not understand that racism is EMBEDDED into this country down to our very grades. So yes let’s use the racist supreme courts findings about racist harvards data to prove the theory true that black and brown people are inherently stupider. I’ve literally got put in a remedial class in hs only to find out my grades were top notch and my past teacher just wanted to “teach me a lesson” for talking back aka having an opinion while having dark skin. This is not my only story. I have cousins that were given lower grades simply because of their race and they didn’t believe they could perform well. Black and brown schools are notorious for being underfunded and overcrowded and filled with racist teachers who hate the very kids they teach. It’s on purpose. I don’t get why you idiots believe numbers on a chart and not peoples lived realities.

No. 2366930

And you’re article is from the racist NY POST the jokes write themselves kek

No. 2366938

Same with me, I just hate being vulnerable, it's akin to showing weakness to me.

No. 2366940

let me guess, everything and everyone is racist except you? whites, asians, hispanics, arabs, jews, natives, indians, the new york post, the sunday post, the monday tuesday wednesday post. is there anything you don't consider racist besides black women?(racebait)

No. 2366958

if all the data on this has been manipulated and faked, how come nobody has ever tried to debunk it or recalculate it by now? it's been done for many skewed statistics or science myths. also, a child having bad grades does not mean they're "inherently stupider". many factors have to be taken into account, and grades in school aren't even the best way of gauging intelligence.

No. 2366967

Idgaf about Asians being discriminated against theyre model minority’s and usually have white peoples interests in mind(racebait)

No. 2366978

>Idgaf about Asians being discriminated against
Of course you don't kek what a surprise. I'm not asian nor white, but why you guys always underestimate other poc group's problems? Somehow you all always have it permanently worse than literally anybody and nobody can complain about their own discrimination. It's not a competition

No. 2366985

do you think the little old asian ladies who got physically assaulted by moids at the height of covid deserved it? come on

No. 2366993

Even if it’s true that black and Latinos only get into college because of affirmative action, so what? Life is about cheating the system and using what you have to claw your way to the top. I don’t see anyone complaining about legacy students.

No. 2366994

Reminder of global rule number 7:
>Do not instigate or engage in race related arguments. (racebaiting)

Report racebaiting posts and do not engage.

No. 2367004

Some of men’s hate towards women is jealousy. I think most men want to be pretty girls too. I used to think men were hating on pretty women because they want to fuck them and now I’m realizing they’re some what jealous of how they look but won’t admit it because they’d look like faggots. They think if they were pretty girls they’d be living a life of doing only fans, getting dressed up and having fun.

No. 2367007

I don't think they want to be pretty girls necessarily but the object of (their own) desire

No. 2367010

It's envy. Men can't fathom having looks and a personality since women and girls are much more socially adept. Men have had to create systems around bigotry to keep them on top everything is a threat to a stupid cunt

No. 2367011

Idk if they literally want to be pretty girls but I think they are jealous because they think their life would be easier if they were one

No. 2367012

one thousand percent. i’ve gone to cafes alone and gotten a little lunch with like a smoothie and a tarte as dessert and had a stranger express jealousy as a way to open a conversation with me. my brother in christ i bought these items at the counter just there. i am not impressed with your black coffee you wince as you drink. it’s not that bad and no one made you order that. they live in a prison seething about the things we get to enjoy. i take personal pride in living life as close to the easy mode as they envy without any of the weird sexual projections like i did only fans to afford it.

No. 2367013

This, they masturbate to OF thots or porn daily, hate themselves for having no self control and then start seething at all women because of their own incompetency. When you realise 90% of moid’s problems with women are just projection you realize how pathetic they are

No. 2367015

My last relationship ended because the moid got so much envy about me and started to project that I must have been cheating on him when I became depressed my step dad died and said he can't trust me being home alone for days cause I could just step outside my apartment building and find a random man to fuck. He literally said I could walk out my door and fuck anyone. The most backhanded compliment I've ever gotten. Anyway he had an active dating profile, and cheated on me and gave me hpv. I've never cheated on anyone and have only slept with 5 men in my 18 years of being sexually active. Now I have to wait for the summer to get another smear to see if the hpv is gone

No. 2367018


No. 2367024

It's so fun and rewarding to know rather than support me through grief he took it as an opportunity to get one over on me to boost up his ego. It was a blessing in disguise as my mother keeps telling me and he did me a favour. Just wish he didn't give me a potentially cancerous virus and now I feel too ashamed to date lol. Meanwhile he's probably spreading hpv far and wide and then when the women get their results from the doctor they'll be told you don't have to disclose your status while dating since it's so common ie since men don't go for cervical screenings and men can't not be promiscuous women carry the burden of males being super spreaders. I told my ex and then it all came out with his dating profile but according to him he wasn't meeting anyone for real. Yeah right.

No. 2367056

>have only slept with 5 men
>only(infight bait)

No. 2367060

Holy shit, sorry Nonna. I noticed guys who project "women can just fuck anyone!!" Are just saying they would fuck any women who approaches. That really sucks about the hpv. Men make me so fucking sick

5 is not a lot for 18 years of sexual activity

No. 2367063

Pls go to 4chan to bitch about ‘da whores’

No. 2367065

Sexual partner 3 has yet to be beat yet if you're interested

No. 2367067

In fact in my head sexual partner 3 is what I refer to as my sexual awakening at age 24. Breaking up was hard cause the sex was always exciting during those 6 years.

No. 2367157

Nta but 5 is really not a lot of partners, it's just average.

No. 2367203

It makes sense why men don’t want women with a high body count. What I don’t understand is, why most women are cool with dating men with high body counts. A man who has slept around with a lot of women is a red flag, women knowingly marry men like this and think “tehe I’m not like all the other girls he’s settling down with me because I’m special, he just didn’t love them” and then are shocked when it turns out he’s gay, a pedophile or a cheater.

No. 2367212

Men with high body counts will always compare you even if it's only subconsciously to the other women he's been with. I believe men that have a high body count will always miss the "high" of that lifestyle and when they settle down with someone they're bound to get bored and try to relive it. Women need to stop dating, marrying, and having kids with these degenerates. It only causes suffering and broken families. Women on the other hand are actually capable of loving truly, and don't benefit from hookup culture anyways, so women with high body counts are less likely to cheat and break apart their families to relive that life, since they hardly benefitted from it anyways

No. 2367218

Men with high body count are the same as women, it’s just misogyny that deems women who sleep around as whores, while men get to be the same. I don’t really care what one does with their body, but I would not date someone who sleeps around a lot as they won’t probably value intimacy and sex the way I do. I also think that town bicycles are worse than women who sleep around kek, but that is just my own bias.
Also high can be subjective , for me anything in the double digits is high, since I am 21.

No. 2367225

I don't get it either. We should slut shame men.

No. 2367239

Low self-esteem/women are conditioned to go for a "nice" man and have no standards beyond that

No. 2367241

File: 1737916817552.png (Spoiler Image,136.76 KB, 720x710, 1721513434329.png)

How any woman can love a non-virgin is totally beyond me.
Extremely based

No. 2367487

Fully agree with you and all the nonas who have responded to you

No. 2367498

Males dont want virgins either. When they say they want virgins they mean teens.

No. 2367502

Men have no incentive to take care of themselves either. If the women they are sleeping with ends up pregnant they can just ghost them. Most countries dont have laws that force whores to take care of their sperm goblins, its the woman that ends up getting her life ruined.

No. 2367522

i used to have to lie about not being a virgin before i lost it because men wouldn’t even be subtle about being obsessed with the idea of being the one.

No. 2367527

File: 1737932740577.jpg (47.74 KB, 563x398, 9b97842eecacce372b2960e5d5d41d…)

When you're a virgin you either get old creepy rapey moids who want to talk to you at the grocery store or moids your own age and in your peer group who see you as a non-entity. They don't even need to know your non-sex-having truth or your age for this to happen. It's like gravity.

No. 2367528

Some of them do, but a lot of them actually just mean they want virgins and even prefer older ones because they want someone educated, stable, and closer in age to them. I've met a lot of men who were interested in me for being an older virgin.

No. 2367530

At what age does being a virgin become desirable?

No. 2367534

It's always desirable if you're desirable outside of that quality alone. If you're ugly, out of shape, poor, mean, and stupid, you'll have trouble even as a virgin.

No. 2367538

But I am none of those things, males just stay away from me like we're the same side of a magnet. At least women are nice to me. I swear males can sense when you're a virgin and find it distasteful because they all want the Madonna-Whore complex, not just the Madonna.

No. 2367541

It could be the circles of men you happen to interact with. The kind of men who want huge sluts aren't the kind of men you want, so you're not missing anything if that's the case. Try branching out more.

No. 2367545

Yeah good point, I've been surrounded by males at school, then college, and now I work with primarily women. I don't know where to meet more normal males since I'm always told the normal ones go to college/university but for me that isn't the case. Maybe they work at libraries? Animal shelters? I'm at a loss.

No. 2367561

>I swear males can sense when you're a virgin
I actually wondered about the same thing before because I used to get guys assuming I was a virgin even though I never even said anything about my sexual status. It wasn't in a derogatory manner and they actually seemed interested in me but it weirded me out how they knew

No. 2367563

They do and I swear because of the prevalence of porn you're seen as a weirdo if you're a virgin, like you did something wrong.

No. 2367568

Sometimes you really do need to put others down to feel better about yourself. You don't need to say it to their face or even behind their back, but just considering that others are/have it worse in some aspect is often good for you and keeps you grounded.

Nobody wants to date you and you wish you looked like that hot girl instead? But that girl has no personality, she's literally got 50 failed messy relationships behind her, men used her for her looks and pumped and dumped her and gave her STDs in the process. She's not actually having a better life than you.

No. 2367571

They don't know (unless you're a turbo autist), they just ask or imply it to get you to talk about having sex. They hope you're a virgin so they can be the one to "ruin" you

No. 2367573

Weird and gross mentality tbh

No. 2367574

>But that girl has no personality, she's literally got 50 failed messy relationships behind her, men used her for her looks and pumped and dumped her and gave her STDs in the process. She's not actually having a better life than you.
This is what moids tell themselves when the women they're obsessed with are happy and have moved on. This isn't an "unpopular opinion" for men, you sound like a bitter scrote(scrotefoiling)

No. 2367577

I thought you meant like, "I'm not a failure because at least I'm not a deadbeat parent/drug addict" or something, not coping and seething about Stacey.

No. 2367579

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I dont know about the other anon but they never bring it up to me, I just chalk up their dismissive behavior as knowing I'm a virgin. I swear I'm really not a turbo autist, just a little shy and introverted. I've been told I look young for my age, but I don't think I do, males my age should know I'm around their age. Especially in school. I just don't know how other women get boyfriends. Like how do you even get to the talking stage. 90% of males are boring and have no personality and the ones that do are taken or can smell the virginity. It's like some unknown art I'm not privy to and this is my thesis.

No. 2367581

sometimes i wonder what you guys look like

No. 2367582

>get boyfriends
this is how I would have phrased my issue as a virgin. I would have been really embarrassed to lead questions or discussions with "I'm a virgin!!!!" when I really had no experience with men. even as a virgin (who lost that relatively young) I fully understood how obsessed with the concept coomers are. there so many women on lc talking about their virginity lately and it is so weird to me. Most of the time it's not even a sexual question and then this happens at the same time as >>2367568 this fucked up post.

No. 2367585

pink hair dye, two dreads and the back of my head, skinnyfat

No. 2367586

Being a virgin definitely doesn't make you weird, so many guys aren't worth it. I hate how normalized porn is too
I'm not but that seems accurate, they would try to start weird sexual conversations with me and it just felt uncomfortable

No. 2367587

See, don't you understand how hard it is being a non-ugly virgin. Don't you understand that's what makes males stay away?

No. 2367588

i only had men attracted to me for it so i really don’t get why they wouldn’t be dying to be that person for you. men used to try and manipulate me i used to have to lie to get them to calm down.

No. 2367589

see that’s why i’m horrified cos she was notably not a virgin so what the hell is wrong with these nonas

No. 2367590

I don't tell them I'm a virgin but they either sense it or eventually admit I've never been in a relationship (i.e likely virgin) but when I say that latter part I'm telling other women/friends because they ask, but other women like classmates, or friends, like to keep males around, either boyfriends or mutual male friends. So then they know and treat you like the group pet.
I'm telling you, males don't really want virgins, it's code for teenager.

No. 2367591

i literally know that isn’t true from experience. the other anon saying it’s because they want to ruin you is right. they’re evil and obsessed with purity.

No. 2367592

No. 2367593

If they wanted to ruin me they'd try and befriend me, but maybe they know I wouldn't fall for that because I'm not a people-pleaser when it comes to moids. I don't know, I'm so confused. When I try to get advice from people in real life they say to go to a bar.

No. 2367608

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No. 2367650

The fact that anons are offended by this is hilarious to me, you ladies just don't know what it's like to be ugly and coping. I quite literally have hot friends, male and female, who have a string of failed relationships behind them while my less attractive friends are in happy long time relationships. Seeing that a woman isn't necessarily happier just because she's hot and can get laid isn't some "gross moid mentality" to me.

No. 2367653

>Extract natural ressources in other countries, leaving nearly nothing to the residents of said countries
>Destabilize, wage wars, assassinate local resistance to ensure resources remain available
>People leave their shithole in hopes of getting better scraps since their capital is flowing away from the country, why not people too?
>Take in foreign workers because it helps with putting pressure on the job market
>Do this for decades
>Now America is done being the garbage dump of the world!
>Still doing all of the above
Opposing immigration is wholly understandable but this "we aren't a garbage bin for the world" rhetoric is so fucking funny, yes, yes you are, your elites wanted this. Illegal immigration might be reduced but it'll never go away as long as the mechanisms behind it stay in place
>I have been called a nazi for suggesting countries should only take women and children as refugees kek
This is actually a good idea because a huge portion of male "refugees" in 2025 are liars. Most actual refugees flee to neighbouring countries or countries with a similar culture, they don't want to be too far in case the situation is resolved. In MENA countries you'll find many female refugees, widows, women with no family left, it's so bad. There's a reason why most "refugees" in Europe are men.

No. 2367705

I don't judge other people to feel better about myself, I judge other people because their behavior and life disgusts me.

No. 2367987

I have 2 unpopular opinions to share, one is a tinfoil and the other is more of a vent.
1- TIFs probably popularized male body positivity and fat acceptance, male body hair, micropenises and being a fag so they can lower the standards of what is considered a man and they can pass. Notice how most art and social meida about that are by TIFs.
2- I'm so tired of being bombarded by relationships and/or sex and gender wars topics everywhere I go. Irl, in social media, on LC etc. Please, for the love of life, become actual people and talk about actual topics, I'm begging you. It's so pathetic to be so obsessed with these topics and bring them into every single thing 24/7. It has to be classified as a mental illness in the DMS-5 or something already. It's not natural or normal to see everything ever from the lense of "opposite gender attracting/replusing". I thought we were supposed to be evloved, this kind of behavior and line of thinking is so animalistic and basic instinctual, it's a sign of low IQ to me. Act evolved and actually intelligent and talk about something that doesn't pretain to reproduction in a direct or indirect way, PLEASE. I'm starting to understand the Bechdel test thread now. We need something like that but life scale. If you talk about that bullshit in an inappropriate setting, you get arrested. Social fixed.

No. 2367995

I think you're right about TIFs popularizing that stuff but I don't think it's about passing. It's purely that they are so desperately insecure about their appearance that a) they want to transition in the first place, b) it's less devastating to their self esteem to convince themselves they like fatties and uggos because they know hot guys would not want them back, and c) they think being vocally forgiving and accepting towards unattractive men will obligate men to do the same for unattractive women (never gonna happen)

People who are confident in themselves and happy with their bodies aren't going to troon out (delusional AGPs excepted), if they are 'dysphoric' then you know their body image issues preceded any concern about passing.

No. 2368009

100% agree with point 2, i think gender wars are such a thing partly because people aren't having sex and getting into relationships like they used to. Being obsessed with the other sex like "men like this so bad" (even for innocuous things) or "men like this so good" (even for awful things) is a way to maintain a kind of intimacy, even if it's just words, even if it's apparently negative. It's like how most self-described misandrists are the biggest male-loving women out there

No. 2368021

You are so retarded. A man who is restrained is physically vulnerable. A man being pegged is by your own definition dominated.

No. 2368025

Spot on. Funniest part is the opinion after my post is about sex, yet again LMAO. You can't make this shit up. I'm a virgin and will probably never get into a relationship because I'm disinterested in it but also I'm not really relationship material, yet I'm not as obsessed with it as people who can actually get into one and have experience with it. I'm over it without even engaging in it. Wish other people were as enlightened as me but that's asking for too much I guess.

No. 2368043

god giving men an erogenous zone in their prostate is proof that men are a joke

No. 2368050

Nta but wasn't the prostate orgasm thing debunked

No. 2368053

Sad day for fujos if true

No. 2368061

I just think it's a sign that god has a sense of humor and even god thinks men are inferior if it's true.

No. 2368064

Debunked in what way?

No. 2368074


No. 2368096

I remember anons discussing it at some point and some anon said it was debunked and provided some sources on it, but I never bothered to save it or screenshot it. Sorry. I'm waiting for someone who knows what I'm talking about to weigh in.

No. 2368099

It got rebunked when I fingered your dad

No. 2368101

Kill him when you're finished and I'll give you 10% of my inheritance money.

No. 2368107

poopy fingers

No. 2368157

Same. I'm not even trying to make myself feel better, other people (especially men) are just worse than me in a lot of ways.

No. 2368198

Most girls who look 100000x better than me deal with stuff from men I’d never deal with and they date men id never touch so it does make me feel good. I’m not as pretty as them but at least I’m not dealing with baby daddy drama or getting beat on

No. 2368253

File: 1737990780044.jpeg (1.59 MB, 1284x2147, IMG_5194.jpeg)

No one cares if troons use female bathrooms if they don’t look obviously male. I don’t understand why they can’t get this.

No. 2368260

Nah we do. Most of those troons on social media use a lot of filters on their posts.

No. 2368263

Anon, you don't believe the "We just want to pee?" rhetoric, do you? Does anyone remember what that website which catalogues TIMs making porn in women's public bathrooms is called? Google isn't being very helpful here.

No. 2368264

I think the ones who kind of pass are usually gay so yes I believe that for them.

No. 2368265

>No one cares if troons use female bathrooms if they don’t look obviously male
who is this "no one"? and are you that bad at clocking troons? i dont want a moid in my bathroom regardless of how he looks like

No. 2368267

Gay men don't belong in the women's bathroom.

No. 2368268

His face is so uneven he looks like a Picasso painting wtf

No. 2368270

People have clocked me as a troon many times and I’m a biology woman. If I saw that person irl and they looked like that, I wouldn’t know.

No. 2368271

faghags like you is the reason fags invading every womans space while mocking women

No. 2368273

What about what I said was fag hag?

No. 2368274

nayrt but thinking gay moids can go into women's spaces just because they're gay

No. 2368275

I didn’t say that though.

No. 2368276

>I think the ones who kind of pass are usually gay
>No one cares if troons use female bathrooms if they don’t look obviously male
implies that you don't care if gay moids go into women's bathrooms. which they don't belong in no matter what they look like, because they're still men.

No. 2368277

No it doesn’t imply that. She asked if I thought they were in there to perv on women, and I said no. I never said they should be there. This is why reading comprehension is very important.

No. 2368279

Why do you think these grown men are in the women's bathroom then?

No. 2368280

The ones who are gay and put a lot of effort into looking like women, are in there because they want validation for their delusions or they don’t want to be attacked in the male bathrooms. From my experience the ones who really put effort into their looks, like makeup etc are gay and they wish they were straight women, the perverts usually don’t care enough to try that hard.

No. 2368281

>they don’t want to be attacked in the male bathrooms.
So it's okay for them to use the women's bathroom? Why are women supposed to be a buffer for violent moids?

No. 2368283

No I never said it was ok for them to use the female bathrooms. If I didn’t say it don’t add it to the sentence kek

No. 2368284

But supposedly no one cares if these types of men are in the bathroom, if I understand correctly?

No. 2368289

I don’t think anyone would care irl because they don’t know. If I saw that person irl in the bathroom, I wouldn’t even notice them. They just look like a typical white fuel with a bad bleach job to me.

No. 2368290

White girll*

No. 2368295

If you don't have sex on the first date you're not really compatible and the relationship is doomed.

No. 2368303

Troons should have their own bathrooms but if they look like women, no one’s gonna cause a big stink about it because they won’t know they’re troons.

No. 2368315

I don’t get why society promotes pregnancy as beautiful and power but periods as gross and something you should be ashamed of

No. 2368328

because periods mean you haven't done your job as a woman, which is to get pregnant.

No. 2368340

I don't think it's that deep, I think it's just because leaking blood from your vagina and you can't hold it up like pee is kinda weird and uncomfortable if you think about it

No. 2368344

Giving birth and pregnancy is way nastier than that

No. 2368355

> is kinda weird and uncomfortable if you think about it
it's a sign of a healthy functioning adult female body, so kindly shut the fuck up

No. 2368362

The idea of cultural appropriation is so r dumb. It’s usually the libby younger second gens who always bring that crap up, meanwhile the people of those cultures don’t really care because they’re healthy, confident and secure in themselves to know their culture isn’t being degraded or threatened just because some burgerfat got really inspired by their culture. I think it heavily depends on context, some white retarded teenager trying to be a black moid from the hood or some white woman wanting to wear a hijab is entirely different from a white/black american woman wanting to wear a qipao because it’s stylish. It’s always other burgerfats screaming about cultural appropriation to others but again those people from those very cultures could care less and even find it cute/endearing that someone else likes the stuff from their culture, am I wrong? These people scream about white supremacy but want to stop the literal process of cultural exchange that could help normalize and spread their culture to other places to make these people educated and aware of it, what the fuck do these types even want? Kek

No. 2368364

Because everyone loves shit coming out of their arse hole too despite it being normal and healthy, right?

No. 2368366

Jeff Mangum is a talentless soyboy

No. 2368367

What is it with comparing period and shit? Are you stupid? Shit is literally disgusting human waste, period is the shedding of the uterus and it isn't disgusting or full of bacteria and disease like shit is. I don't want to scrotefoil but it sounds like you don't know much about periods

No. 2368380

Needing to take a shit won't get you banished to a shed for a week like having your period does in certain countries.

No. 2368412

'not loving it' and 'weird and uncomfortable' are very different opinions and you know it. stop needlessly shaming women and our bodies for functioning as nature intended you fucking loser.

No. 2368488

>I swear males can sense when you're a virgin
Is there any way to tell if a guy's a virgin?

No. 2368513

By looking at him

No. 2368536

What do I look for?

No. 2368546

its extremely pathetic when a woman says something like
>i don't need an expensive engagement ring
>my man can propose to me with a candy ring and i'd be happy
>it doesn't matter how much it cost as long as it's pretty
>if you really liked him you wouldn't care about a ring
>real women that aren't superficial don't care
you're not even married yet and you're already going down on 2 knees appeasing him financially? you're appeasing a hypothetical man in your head and letting him be as cheap as possible just for a crumb of a chance that he'll think you're nlog and he will stay with you? grow a spine

No. 2368557

His lack of game with you

No. 2368560

Can you be more specific?

No. 2368565

>awkward approach
>doesn't seem to know what to talk about with girls
>Maybe a little too formal with you
>nervous but considerate

No. 2368571

I don’t find children cute, they make me uncomfortable actually and I feel like you have to force yourself to gush and fawn over how cute they are so you don’t look weird. They’re also really blunt so if you’re having a bad day and they point out you’re fat or ugly it’s even more of a buzz kill. If they were my own kid and said something rude I’d just slap the shit out of them but they’re not mine so I just have to awkwardly laugh and say “now that’s not nice”

No. 2368653

I just kind of wanna know what it's like to be pregnant

No. 2368655

Teachers are going to be replaced by ai within the next 100 years. I didn’t believe it at first but I was able to get to speaking level Japanese in 6 months and I was able to learn highschool level math in one month(something teachers couldn’t do in 4 years).

No. 2368656

theres nothing wrong with a woman being a gooner so long as she isn't bothering anyone. if a woman is an otherwise productive member of society i could care less if she gets home and goons every second until she goes to sleep. women will never be the sexpests men are, let them goon.

No. 2368669

No. 2368677

I don't think you are using the term "goon" properly. It's not the same as cooming, it's specifically looking at worse and worse porn so you get aroused by shit like gore, cp, etc.

No. 2368683

anyone can already purchase homeschool programs for their kids that cost less than putting gas in their cars to drive to school, ai will just make them better.

No. 2368686

i use goon b/c i extend this attitude to even women with degenerate interests, idc if a woman likes gore

No. 2368695

File: 1738014875276.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1284x2017, IMG_5196.jpeg)

Also teachers have flaws. For example some teachers might not really wanna help a student because they’re black or not popular. They also get frustrated by “stupid” questions and dont have time to sit and explain every little thing. With ai all students can get an equal unbiased education at their pace. At situation like pic related would’ve never happened if ai was her teacher.

No. 2368700

The ~le goonette epidemic~ is just a projection by scrotes to minimize their own sex pest behavior anyway.

No. 2368701

I think you mean coomer because most gooners are interested in "No limits" type of content

No. 2368750

im saying women are allowed

No. 2368777

Women are allowed to watch cp?

No. 2368812

no, thats illegal duh

No. 2368946

Goonettes read shitty erotica on AO3 and otome games, not fucking kiddie porn. How did you even come to that conclusion, lol

No. 2368951

No limits means child porn, which is what many people in the actual gooner community have in their bio.

No. 2368967

I doubt most goonettes realize that no limits is a dog whistle

No. 2369020

i think there's a difference between these statements. like 1 and 3 are fine with me. i don't have expensive taste so an expensive ring is lost on me tbh and yeah, if it's pretty who cares? but a man should make the effort, i agree, and letting him off the hook on what should be the most important in your relationship that he takes first is just letting him off the hook forever. he'll never grow as a partner and he'll never grow as a person if he can't even manage to buy a fucking ring and get down on one knee.

No. 2369123

Whoever made this channel is such a faggot. Can the time in history where no one romanticizes or "cutsies" mental illnesses and personality disorders come eventually? This shit horribly glosses over the fact that BPD and ASPD are horrifying personality disorders for everyone who has to deal with people like that, so they can style this concept in a way that's "for kids to understand". It's like if someone made a Muppets show about what personified addictions look and act like. If you wanna be educational, why do it in such an immature and superficial way?

No. 2369124

Why do kids need to understand personality disorders? They're too young to be diagnosed with them, and if this is for kids to recognize the signs of personality disorders in the adults in their lives, then that's just incredibly sad.
>be a kid
>self-diagnose your mom as being severely mentally ill
>be unable to do anything about it

No. 2369129

This channel is for mento illness fakers. They are meant to be quirky and relatable for people like Jill.

No. 2369195

bj chan what are your thoughts on the poop ghost that inhabits every penis

No. 2369224

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Some people in terf friendly spaces like lc radblr ovarit etc overcorrect themselves when trying to acknowledge biological reality. Yes the average male is stronger than the average woman and it's unfair for males to compete against females when they start out with an advantage (even if they suck and end up losing to women in terms of skill), but some take it to an extreme like "any skinny moidlet on the streets could snap the neck of the most fit female athlete with one hand tied behind his back, if a moid tries to rape you fighting back will get you killed so there's no point" like that's straight up infantalizing women and makes me feel like these are the people TRAs point to when they say their bullshit about terfs hating women. The average terf isn't like that, but still I see such comments frequently enough to be annoyed

No. 2369225

I mean there are cases of 14yos raping 20yo women so they arent in the wrong. Its less about painting women as weak and more about taking the ''pow innocent baby'' label off young moids who commit sexual crimes against women.

No. 2369228

Guns are the great equalizer.

No. 2369230

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I mean I just think women should be allowed to conceal carry. It will make moids think twice about raping because now they will have to consider locating and disarming beforehand.
Also the whole strength meme is retarded anyways. I said it before: Humans are weaker than most animals in hand to hand combat, take the strongest man in the world and put him up against your average gorilla and it's still no contest. Yet which one is in the zoo?

We need to put the moids in the zoo.

No. 2369239

File: 1738049296308.gif (175.6 KB, 90x90, 1736355561320.gif)

Smoking 1 cigerette in an open space around people is the true cure for anxiety attacks. People who chain smoke of course are retards but otherwise I see no issue with it.

No. 2369240

*away from people

No. 2369246

Not believing in a god is Retarded. I’m not religious at all, but the idea of all of us, the earth and everything in it, and other planets existing through no higher being is just a crazy take in my opinion. It’s more believable that this was all created than believing it just exists because of “science”.

No. 2369253

If the universe can't exist without a higher being creating it, how did god exist without a higher being creating him? He just exists because of "magic", which is more valid than "science", I guess?

No. 2369254

kinda agree nonna. i’m agnostic and don’t tend to sperg out on most religions. however, i think that the ‘god’, the creator, or whoever/whatever it may be, would be far beyond any human-beings comprehension

No. 2369261

NTA but I find it fascinating that every (scientific) explanation of the origin of the universe is impossible according to our current laws of physics. Either nothing existed before the Big Bang, and then something suddenly did (not possible) or the Big Bang simply transformer what existed before into what exists now, meaning that something always existed (also not possible). It's easy to understand why our chimp brains would start believing in something like magic.

No. 2369264

The real unpopular opinion is it doesn't matter. It literally bears 0 effect on us to know the truth. Sure, it's interesting to now, but then what? The higher being will reveal itself to us or something? I don't think so, why haven't that happen yet through the power of believing then? Also, believing in a higher being just created abusive harmful practices so it's better to ridicule it and dismiss it to improve our actual tangible existence, which is more important than knowing if there is a higher being of some sort or not imo.
Genuinely shut tf up and find something else to think about. We have this bullshit discussion 24/7 on this website. Move on already.

No. 2369266

Nta but obviously it would matter. Atonement for our sins, working towards receiving entry into a higher level of heaven, avoiding hell. Etc. sure, religion could be used as a pawn to get people to cooperate and “fall in line”, but why is it that most religions hold very similar frameworks? There is historical proof of certain religious figures existing. If these religious figures who try to warn people of doing good to avoid hell, then believing in their word and of gods existence holds a lot of weight.

No. 2369267

File: 1738052648006.gif (101.34 KB, 220x124, IMG_7936.gif)

reddit would agree with you

No. 2369270

anon are you really being serious right now? like really?

No. 2369275

The topic at hand is the existence of a higher being who created the universe, hell and heaven are irrelevant to that. How did you or anyone ever jump at the conclusion that the creator of the universe wants to be worshipped and classifies people as good or bad to throw them in heaven or hell accordingly? Why would a powerful creature that created an entire universe give a shit about the deeds of its creations that much? What even defines good and bad deeds to the higher being and how would we know our idea of it aligns with this higher being's idea? It's all so uncertain, vague and arbitrary, not to mention contradictve amongst different religions. And if these teachings and ideas of religion were objective and innate, why do some of us reject them? Either way, I know I'm a good person who did nothing wrong and I was actually oppressed and wronged by this very higher being, so if I get to meet it after death, I'll give it a piece of my mind for what it put me through. I'd demand compensation, too.

No. 2369277

I said if there was a proof of a god, then worshiping one and following their commandments would be important to our well being. What about that is shocking or offensive.

No. 2369279

As an atheist, I can’t stand atheists.

No. 2369281

you're being extremely disingenuous.

No. 2369282

Sure, but we don't have proof as of now, so it's better to move on to more important things in our lives.
Congratulations, you're very special and different, want a cookie?

No. 2369283

Wtf are you talking about? Do you think I’m here trying to preach the lords word and convert people? I don’t even assign myself to any religion.

No. 2369286

Exhibit A of why I hate atheists. Calm down. So we don’t believe in god, why does someone believing in one piss you off. I don’t give a shit what other people think brought the universe into existence.

No. 2369287

as an agnostic, i can’t stand anyone really if they’re retarded, nihilistic and contrived with their beliefs yet swear theirs are tru. they sound the same as the religious people they shit on

No. 2369295

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I consider atheism to be a religion and as someone who thinks all religions are retarded by extension I believe atheists are also retarded

No. 2369298

Then what are you kek

No. 2369299

she’s awesome and enlightened

No. 2369300

File: 1738055169332.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1284x1818, IMG_9370.jpeg)

Having any sympathy for a trans person is insanity. You want to transition, fine. But don’t make me accommodate your ass. The day trans women are allowed to enter women spaces is the day I will off myself.

No. 2369302

Because thd "people" who believe in god are going to execute me if they find out I don't believe in their bullshit and have been abusing me with their cult behaviors and practices? God believers are the most evil and vile, and being neutral about them just enables them.

No. 2369303

File: 1738055257001.png (Spoiler Image,987.66 KB, 1619x1469, 65656546.png)

A Sonic fan

No. 2369304

Exhibit b. We’re not talking about extremists. We’re talking about people who believe in a higher being and co-sign to the idea of there being commandments/atonement. Go to therapy instead of whatever this is.

No. 2369305

This is retarded and you know it. If you don’t you need to be executed, and not in a sacrificial religious way if that’s what you’re about to accuse me of kek.

No. 2369309

>god believers are the most vile
sure, some of them are. Way to generalize like a sped.

No. 2369310

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No. 2369311

you are quite retarded, and that's okay nonnie

No. 2369313

Atheists are annoying because most of them want to argue with religious people and both parties live rent free in eachother's heads. Religions that evoke a higher being with arbitrary human centered rules are fucking retarded too. I am an animist and don't believe that the spirit energy gives a fuck if you steal shit from walmart.

No. 2369321

"NPCs" as a concept are real in the sense some people are egocentric animals who live for self-gratification and are incapable of abstract thought. Religion used to keep these people from ruining society.

No. 2369325

File: 1738056591164.jpg (170.75 KB, 1440x483, Screenshot_20250128_122750_Sam…)

Guess my opinion is the truly unpopular one after all. My lived reality is less important than some retard's need to feel special according to you.

No. 2369330

nyart but doesn't 'killing apostates' fall under the extremists category?

No. 2369333

ah youre saudi that explains it..i hope you use a vpn nona, be safe.

No. 2369334

Religious people are annoying because they're schizophrenic

No. 2369339

File: 1738058030798.jpg (3.04 MB, 1500x9002, gnoctism.jpg)

>how did god exist without a higher being creating him?
It's quite simple

No. 2369340

>because they're schizophrenic
Not all of them. Sometimes they have severe OCD instead and will beat the fuck out of their kids if they eat the "wrong" kind of food by accident because they didn't know that some candies aren't vegetarian.

No. 2369390

Finding a good lifelong friend is harder than finding a good lifelong romantic partner

No. 2369397

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Everyone should practice animism or at the very least polytheism. Believing in one person creating life is why people are narcs and men think they have the right to control women and our bodies. It’s better to believe everyone and everything can be a God than god being one person and that person being a pedophile man or a man who forcefully inseminated a virgin teen. But those better religions got assblasted by Europeans and Middle easterner’s shitty religions and now we all have to suffer the consequences of their narcissistic depravity

No. 2369407

Every religious person is extremist by default, because they don't see anything wrong with their religions. I talked to some weirdo schizophrenic spiritual guy from Australia a few times before and he's maybe planning on killing himself to ascend or whatever. It takes a certain kind of retardation and extremism to dedicate yourself to bullshit beliefs with 0 evidence to begin with.
They banned 4chan so they're aware of it, but lolcow isn't banned so they probably don't know about it. But at this point I lowkey wanna gamble my life since I'll probably never make it out alive either way.

No. 2369412

This cat gif is the cutest thing ever I love it so much

No. 2369438

I get you nonna, but what i always struggle with is: if everyone's god then all pedofiles are god, Putin is god also. Putin is YOU and ME also.. and i can't comprehend tha, doesn't seem correct.

No. 2369440

File: 1738064419189.png (51.96 KB, 800x720, Shield-Trinity-Scutum-Fidei-En…)

>Believing in one person
kek like Satan? Some religions state that God isn't a person or human but the manifestation of intelligent design and all things. God is everyone and no one, etc. Others (like the trinity) believe and preach heavily that God is "3 people" - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. You're right that lots of people believe incorrect things, in general though

No. 2369450

>The father and not the mother
>The son and not the daughter
This shit is why males believe they're supposed to rule the world. I can't believe so many women preach this made up thing by males and for males. Literally their little jerk off book so they can feel like they have meaning.

No. 2369458

File: 1738065521784.png (1.28 MB, 2375x1331, child_sacrifice_slave_religion…)

There was a 50/50 religion. It just included lots of slavery and child sacrifice. I think the issue has always been the same

No. 2369489

>than god being one person and that person being a pedophile man or a man who forcefully inseminated a virgin teen
what? do you think the bible says God took human form to impregnate Mary? He isn't Zeus, who literally raped multiple women, sometimes as an animal, according to greek myth. That's what polytheism gets you…

No. 2369500

Why do people waste so much time and energy on religion when they can work on their confidence and improving themselves emotionally/mentally?

No. 2369503

Religion is the copium some people need to get through life. A lot of people aren't mentally capable of adhering to any tangible goals in life without the belief that some higher authority is watching over them and judging their actions. I honestly wish I could be religious because then I wouldn't be such a doomer but it's too late and I can't go back

No. 2369507

it comes down to whether or not you believe in a spiritual side to human nature. If you do, then following and practicing a religion will strengthen and feed that spiritual side. It's like exercising your body, or feeding your brain knowledge - but exercise/knowledge for the soul. It is separate from the emotional/mental parts of human nature, and isn't related to confidence. It is it's own thing.

No. 2369532

Some women look better with some extra weight. I don't mean obese though. Yesterday for example I watched this video is this girl who lost weight, she looked cute in her before picture, the after looks like a random Instagram girl. This doesn't apply to moids though.

No. 2369534

File: 1738073497720.webp (38.88 KB, 940x529, Adeles-Transformation-Over-The…)

Agreed. The first one that comes to mind is Adele lol

No. 2369536

I think this is more due to the eyebrow situation

No. 2369537

She def got plastic surgery, look at her lips. So sad.

No. 2369549

Yeah, it's the surgery not the weight loss that makes her look weird.

No. 2369562

She looks so much better after, she looked like Melissa McCarthy.

No. 2369565

File: 1738075562632.png (1.44 MB, 1016x918, before-after.png)

Seconding this, it's not the weight for her but the makeup and surgery/injections.
But I agree with >>2369532 because I used to browse a lot of "before and after" photos of weightloss and for a small minority of people the face was a massive downgrade. I think people in the biggest risk zone are people who store a lot of fat on their faces. For example I saw an obese woman with a cute perfect little button nose and round cheeks instead get a high thick nosebridge and deep nasolabial folds. Fat cheeks also means once you lose it the skin gets droopy and you look much older. Using a random moid pic because I don't wanna shame some random woman kek but it demonstrates how losing weight can change how your facial features are seen

No. 2369616

If their only hobbies are gaming and anime, they have 0 female friends and don't go out much they're guaranteed to be a virgin. Other than that basically what >>2368565 said. I think it's easier to tell when a guy is one because they usually make it obvious by how poorly they interact with you and things like being openly into cartoon/anime porn. A woman could be a virgin and still talk to men irl normally and not be so openly degenerate in comparison

No. 2369687

This is anecdotal, this is my opinion, but the only people I know that have smoked weed and don't enjoy it are the evil people in my life and their true ugly thoughts must be too much for them to handle in full clarity

No. 2369734

File: 1738084968719.jpg (37.49 KB, 736x668, 0bbfb9f3ef6994d9ed115f53d514eb…)

Why does this happen though? Why are most virgin men so weird?
I have friends who are virgin and all of them are just normal women.

No. 2369745

Virgin men probably get as skeeved out at how over sexualised women are in the media and probably what helps keep men othering women as this entire different species.

No. 2369819

tbh most virgin women are weird also

No. 2369827

Ba'al didn't need nor had the sacrifice of children. That was religious propaganda spread by the Yahwehists. Yahweh used to have child sacrifice too but gave it to their rival opponents in order to slander them. Ba'al is not the same as Moloch.

No. 2369849

They’re porn addicts . I think that nowadays the less a man has interaction with women the more weird he is.

No. 2369853

But men whores are disgusting too kek, so I think it’s just the Y.

No. 2369897

File: 1738090415538.jpeg (9.48 KB, 168x300, shortvstall.jpeg)

I see your frustration, but remember that some of those women are going to be around 5 ft or have a petite build, and they're very aware that despite going to the gym as much as they can there really is not much they could do to defend themselves even against a skinny man. Usually the difference between a skinny and a fat man is literally just fat, the strength is the same.

No. 2369900

The ideal situation would be to have men socialize with women in a non-degenerate culture. Popular TV, music, and social media all encourage sluttiness and lack of responsibility, while most people are too mentally defunct to maintain a healthy relationship, so they engage in serial monogamy, dropping ship whenever a relationship stops suiting them and start over. This creates the issue that men who engage in and conform to popular culture are irredeemable sluts who will leave their girlfriends/wives the second they stop getting everything they want, while men who do not engage in the culture of sluttiness often do so not out of genuine contempt for that way of life and desire to have a more peaceful and noble existence, but because they don't meet the bare minimum standards physically and socially to interact with women in the first place. There are men who actively reject the status quo on this issue, not because they are considered losers but because they value a loving partnership of mutual trust and respect, but they are few and far between. Even some of those who start out with pure intentions become embittered by meeting waste after waste. If you don't meet a good man young, you probably won't meet him.(posting like a scrote)

No. 2369903

so obviously a moid post that it has to be bait(report and ignore)

No. 2369920

Very obvious lol.(report and ignore)

No. 2369924

File: 1738091405510.png (198.18 KB, 400x595, IMG_0782.png)

Eating ice cream every day is good for me actually

No. 2369925

uh, is this a joke? adele has never looked better fat kek

No. 2369930

this isn’t an unpopular opinion at all, idk if you keep up with the Alt-right cows thread but a lot of those women love to claim ice cream as being a superfood

No. 2369932

Nah, you're right. Moids being stronger on the average doesn't mean there's no use in learning self-defence skills, including the ability to use weapons. Guns or pepper spray won't do shit if you don't know how to use them, and some general knowledge in self-defence might also teach you how to use improvised weapons. In a similar vein, I really hate it when some radfems and GC-adjacents almost go a full circle back to the brain sex hypothesis, by claiming that hormonal differences (mainly testosterone) or reproductive roles somehow dictate our personalities, saying shit like "women are naturally nurturing because we are primed to have babies." Do they even hear themselves?

No. 2369934

Omg eww please say sike. You just reminded me of when i stumbled upon a white supremacist website that had white skinny blonde women selling their gargled milk. I was flabbergasted. Apparently they think white people being one of the few humans that don’t develop lactose intolerance makes them Gods. Incredibly dumb. Lactose intolerance isn’t even that bad you just fart a bit more who cares.

No. 2369938

oh my god i totally forgot about white power milk KEK, i remember the guy who started the site turned out to be black and tried to sell it off as being some kind of art project?

No. 2369944

File: 1738092353398.png (313.92 KB, 1031x752, OEdq7dm.png)

Nta I firmly believe it was but but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't. Like they were claiming it was all Ivy League educated women.

No. 2369949

Women should be allowed take steroids, if they choose. The newer ones don't give you man face. I wanna get stronk

No. 2369951

Omg I can’t believe this is real i was hoping it was a fever dream.
That has to be the most bizarre shit I’ve ever heard. Put him on a list.

No. 2370386

i hate men

No. 2370402

First, why did they design it like a Wikipedia knock off? And second, were they actually selling this shit? I'd just sell regular milk or something cheaper, like mix chalk with water

No. 2370407

Always, nona. It's the one thing I'm grateful for. I cant imagine not being able to defend yourself in places like the uk

No. 2370409

the uk has a lower murder rate than the safest states in the us though

No. 2370431

File: 1738115108683.jpg (153.74 KB, 1280x945, tumblr_61aac7544b88633d2e5ac1f…)

i'm realizing how pointless being a radical feminist is. i'm always going to be one but it's like
>you're hated by EVERYONE, from radical commie anarchist troons to bible thumping right-winged retards to the casual normie woman dating seth
>you're never ever going to have a real platform
>you can find spaces to connect with other rfs on, but those spaces are going to be relentlessly pruned, trolled, you will get banned eventually, etc.
>a large base of your supposed ideological mates can't commit to anything (can't stop wearing makeup, can't stop fucking or centering their lives around men, can't really do anything irl to help women)
>women as a class are so disadvantaged everywhere, physically and socially and economically and etc.lly that real political change is sure to never come? most powerful country on earth would rather have a racist, pedo, rapist moid than an overqualified woman
>the average woman is genuinely happy to be subjugated so long as she isn't violenced. "nooo she isn't!!!" she is, the average woman will go crazy for booktok rape fantasies and fenty makeup and spinny skirt tranny poetry
i guess i'm having another black pill moment tonight but damn it's so grim out here

No. 2370434

If it was pointless why are so many moids desperate to silence you? Keep going nonna… Don't believe their lies…

No. 2370474

I feel the same way nonna but I can also sense the tides turning. I know a lot of troons who are getting sick of it all and desisting, and i'm hoping the ballerina farm thing and other situations like it will kick a lot of would-be tradwives back to reality. I guess i still have hope idk

No. 2370498

The best way to go about "feminism" or help women as a class is to stop shitting on women and just shit on men. To start any change, women need to change first. Yes i know, i just said to not shit on women, but we can't deny that female "socialization" (nurture vs nature?) is one of the root problems. Women's martyr behaviour is our first obstacle to tackle. But the thing is, do women like it? Do women enjoy being selfless even at their own expense? Do they think, do they believe sacrificing themselves and their own needs for everyone and everything is the right thing to do? If women want to be this way what do we do? It is beneficial for reproduction and continuing of humans for women to have these behaviours, so biologically it would make sense. What do we do nonas?

No. 2370505

>Do women enjoy being selfless even at their own expense?
yes, it feeds into their egos. male or female everyone wants to feel like they're better than and you can derive superiority from being the better person, see the whole of Christianity

No. 2370562

File: 1738122659568.webp (17.97 KB, 600x315, IMG_8371.webp)

As much as I loathe gender ideology, all of the anti-trans laws being passed are an omen of much worse things to come. Even as a detransitioner myself, I just can’t find a silver living in all this. A blanket ban won’t stop people from transitioning, it will just create a black market for it. In fact, there already is a black market for it. I knew a troon who brewed bathtub estrogen and sold it online. I don’t think that “trans kids” are going to commit mass suicide or anything but they may very well end up buying hormones contaminated with god knows what online and end up poisoning themselves. And it never ends with troons. “First they came for the communists…”

No. 2370674

Kill yourself already or stop sperging about this topic 24/7

No. 2370677

idk why the mods still allow blowjob anon, what the hell are they doing?

No. 2370687

If there was an all-female university the males would be fighting to get into it and act offended at the prospect of women-only educational spaces.

No. 2370690

nyart but i ship bj anon with the farmhands. They have something cute going on.

No. 2370694

Is it weird I feel bad for retards like Nancy Mace? I feel like she's the politisona of your average ovarit user. She thinks she's fighting for women's rights by sleeping with the enemy but now that they have the power they want, the power she helped shill, they are going to send her dumbass right to the kitchen.

No. 2370696

File: 1738134413619.jpeg (52.48 KB, 1241x202, IMG_5395.jpeg)

BJ Chan is like a predator animal, we need her to keep the population of Nigelfags in check. I started to like her when she said picrel

No. 2370707

>starting to like a woman obsessed with hating other women

Kekkkk classic lolcow

No. 2370710


No. 2370711

She hates the game, and slightly the player.

No. 2370715

She only spergs out about Nigel-havers and sex because she secretly wants it but is upset she can't get it in the specific way she wants. That's why it's on her mind 24/7. I even remember she wrote one big wall of text where she admitted this but I could be wrong or mixing her up with another sperg.

No. 2370717

She wants to be a man who has sex with women, she writes about that constantly.

No. 2370723

I get your logic, i think this is just step 1 of killing the hydra of gender ideology, it'll certainly come back. But i don't care if adult male troons give themselves heart attacks and cancer with horse piss. Women aren't driven by fetish like men are, so if you stop handing out troon diagnoses the number of FtMs will significantly decrease. I think it's fine that it goes back to black market. Take CP, it's all black market but it says something that pedos have to hide to share CSAM whereas a country like Japan sells child gravure pics out in the open. Sorry for the gruesome example, but something is seriously wrong with countries that are okay with institutionalized troonism, like how there is a difference between countries where child abuse is taboo vs. accepted. So gender ideology losing its legitimacy is a net positive. But it's not enough to make HRT harder to access, trooning out your child should warrant a visit from CPS.
>And it never ends with troons.
Hoping it extends to all the other paraphiles and creeps who hide behind sexual minority status
>But the thing is, do women like it? Do women enjoy being selfless even at their own expense?
They like it on some level, moral masochism brings satisfaction, otherwise they wouldn't repeatedly do it. But it's a really, really shitty deal, so they complain about their own martyr complex because it's just not that great of a situation.
This is true for about every political movement these days. The reason why organizing is hard now is because RFs of the past stopped working towards mass goals and retreated into LARPing in mini-cults (like most of the left, btw), we can't let down girls like they did. >>2370434 nailed it

No. 2370726

stuff like reposting face reveals and bringing back up old trolls/personalityfags or re-telling stories about posts they’ve made should be considered a bannable offense now because it seems to be something that attracts them back to the site. just one recent example, anons making jokes about hyperactive spergs writing incoherent sentences possibly being she who shall not be named has resulted in her ban evading. I think that should be considered its own form of baiting

No. 2370727

No, she would've ban evaded anyway.

No. 2370730

Guess she wants to be the one whose dick is sucked after all

No. 2370732

i understand that, but that doesnt change the fact that giving them the attention they crave and making them feel like a special topic by constantly bringing these losers back up, giving them nicknames, sleuthing out which posters could possibly be them, even when they’re banned; it still makes them feel invited back to the website, which is why i’ve started to feel like bringing back up personalityfags should fall under the bait umbrella now.

No. 2370734

The stalking of luigis maybe ex is creepy as hell

No. 2370737

Isn't it already? I've seen people be banned for encouraging personalityfagging. What you're saying makes sense, mods should just crack down on it more.

No. 2370738

i most often see the (report and ignore) ban usually added to posts that are directly responding to personalityfags and trolls, however i haven’t seen bans added to comments bringing them up out of nowhere during conversations, reposting old images shared by them, or just telling stories about previous posts they’ve made which was what made me realize that maybe our website could benefit from disallowing stuff like that. Unless of course the posts just get deleted instead of redtexted, which i think is even better kek

No. 2370744

Being rad helped my confidence and I do my best to abide by it . Radicalism has always been unpopular nonna, I don’t think there will be a time where all women gain female class consciousness.
As for what I do in real life , I make it a priority to donate to an exclusive women’s cause every month kek.

No. 2370750

Doja Cat looked better before she alwas bald and skinny

No. 2370753

People to claim to have tryophobia and hemophobia are all a bunch of liars, especially if they are women in the case of hemophobia. Are you telling me you just scream at your pussy when you have your period? Those hoes are just looking for attention.

No. 2370767

why would I have sex with male bj chan after she enlightened me on how horrible and oppressive dicks are? She should have thought about that before she started spitting all those hard facts.

No. 2370769

>Hoping it extends to all the other paraphiles and creeps who hide behind sexual minority status
nyart It's going to end with the abolishment of women's rights.
>t. I hate troons but not interested in cutting my nose off to spite my face

No. 2370790

The left and the right both don’t give a damn about women, they just push it in a different way. I wish women just became a terrorist group or something, but hoping for female class consciousness is wishful thinking when we have women who think that stating in the kitchen and depending on men is the perfect lifestyle and women who think that hookup culture, sodomy and choking and estrogenized males are peak feminism. It’s looking bleak either way.

No. 2370795

Samefag, but if you have to choose a lesser evil the left is your choice kek. But democrats should stop banking on this mindset.

No. 2370808

Nona, gender ideology means the abolishment of women's legal, effective rights. If you don't even recognize women as a sex, how can you have sex specific rights and facilities etc. Troons got one inch of influence and started demanding rape shelters get closed, access to toilets, heavy censorship, getting women to lose their jobs. Anyone who spends time with leftists knows they hate us having sex-related rights and recognition of sex-specific problems. The parties i orbited or was in wanted to ban women's gatherings, this is really common mindset for the left and it's even worse for centrists trying to be 'woke' or whatever. It goes even further back than gender ideology. Dems and hypocritical pseudo-leftist eunuchs dangle abortion in front of your face to get you to accept anything, including the effective erasure of your sex from law. If troons succeeded we would have way more problems than abortion or being hunted for being transphobes. Dems and leftists aren't the guardians of your rights. The former let abortion slip from them and did nothing because it could help them get an election, the latter is a bunch of old geezers, perverts who like to surround themselves with young people and young women in particular so they can fuck them. They do not care

No. 2370883

I don't even care if there's a troon at the public toilet at the train station or whatever it is people are freaking out about, I just don't want them in the changing rooms.

No. 2370899

When men say women expire in their 30s, it’s not because they’re some sexless virgin but it’s because they’re projecting. They spent their youth cheating, using their looks to get by, ruining the life of every decent girl they meet and then when they start balding at 25 they notice they can’t get away with it anymore. I’ve seen many good looking teenage-early 20s men, dump their gf who is wife material because they want freedom to fuck everything that moves in college. Men want a world where they can be whores in their 20s and then when their sex drive slows down and their looks fade they have a batch of virgin 18 year olds they can pick from to marry.

No. 2370930

I agree nonna. I also want to add that women thrive after 30s. They finish their studies , their jobs are more stable too. And aging doesn’t even mean you grow to be ugly kek, my mom is 40 and she is beautiful and I’ve seen so many women her age who are beautiful too.
Nonnas don’t be afraid to age, it’s not this demonic phase retards like to describe as.

No. 2370937

Which is the same thing nonna. I don’t care about adults transitioning, especially if it’s their money they’re spending, but placing males in female spaces is retardation and misogyny.

No. 2370940

I could kiss you (on your cheek) right now.

No. 2370960

The reason people try to down grade university and say it’s a waste of time/money and going doesn’t mean youre smart is because it’s not dominated by men anymore. If university was still dominated by men, people would still see the value in it.

No. 2370962

No, it's because there are people getting worthless degrees in gender studies or [insert group] studies who end up working at Starbucks

No. 2370978

You don't want them in female only spaces where you personally feel vulnerable, it's the same thing.

No. 2370993

Painting cheating to get a head and manipulating the system as a bad thing is a rich people tactic to keep people poor. While poor people are being honest and trying to do things the right way, rich people are finding every possible way to get themselves and their kids a head. That’s why so many people being upset with affirmative action is funny when rich people have had their own affirmative action for centuries, which is legacy students.

No. 2371021

no one likes cheating except cheaters

No. 2371025

You think the 1% of the rich in our country got there by being honest and fair? Of course theyre gonna tell their wage cuck slaves to be honest and fair because it makes it easier for them to lie to you.

No. 2371037

yea, but why would i as an honest person want more people cheating to get ahead of me when i work hard? that does nothing to stop the imbalance and only places more cheaters in positions of power. i'm glad affirmative action is dying

No. 2371038

The way that newfags use kek and nonnie/nona etc. shows they're coming over from oomf bestie Twitter and it's so grating

No. 2371045

I tried to point this out and got told to stfu so now I just use them liberally idgaf kek nona

No. 2371047

I haven't really noticed, in which way do they use those words differently?

No. 2371055

Hetalia fucking sucks, it's painfully unfunny and the characters are all very ugly.

No. 2371056

All bisexual men and at least 60% bisexual women love scrotes more, sexually and emotionally, it’s just that dating men sucks and since they aren’t completely straight or faggots they aren’t forced to stick trough and they can go and use women for emotional stability. These kind of bisexuals are the ones who always crave dick and who will eventually cheat on you with a man.

No. 2371058

This is the unpopular opinion before the flood comes onto me kekk

No. 2371061

Bisexual woman always end up marrying a scrote in the end

No. 2371076

File: 1738170166805.jpg (59.29 KB, 735x850, 443322.jpg)

I think this mentality is why so many books suck nowadays. Writers don't write books to be read anymore, they write crap that they hope can be adapted into a Netflix show. I've been part of various writing communities and all they ever talk about is which actor should play what character in their book. If any writing gets done at all it is stale and void of descriptions or creativity. It's like they forgot that a book is a whole medium of its own to tell a story through. If you have to link to a youtube playlist and ask people to read this chapter while listening to this piece and imagine this actor to see the story as intended, why don't you become a movie director or even a script writer instead?

No. 2371079

I actually think most bisexual women settle for men and would actually prefer to be with women more

No. 2371082

You wouldn’t get it

No. 2371086

Seems to stem from forced nostalgia. Fujo’s first yaoibait I suppose.

No. 2371095

I disagree with you on that. If bisexual women truly wanted to be with women, they would just find and date each other. There's no real excuse to not be with another woman when you live in a 1st world country in the 21st century. IME, I think female and male bisexuality are different wirings in the mind. When males are bisexual, they're much more likely than women to actually fuck and date their own gender, even if they ultimately settle for the opposite when the clock ticks and they suddenly decide to want a family. Meanwhile, female bisexuals frequently seem to think that just sitting in their rooms and remembering that one time in high school where they were dared to kiss another girl and didn't hate it means that they're definitely bisexual. Male bisexuality is more likely to involve actually fucking both men and women, whereas female bisexuality is having a fantasy or a drunk makeout session every once in a blue moon. Perhaps this has to do with the fact that males are less wired to be picky about who they put their dicks in, but that doesn't contradict my point.

No. 2371100

at the risk of starting up the bi discourse again, it’s bc bi males are insecure fags and bi females are straight.

No. 2371101

No one wants to acknowledge the probable link between the exploding number of tism kids and maternal obesity

No. 2371103

Why do you think that, is it because moids are the most irresistable and loveable sex and us lowly women can't compare?

No. 2371106

This is a retarded mindset that plagues the majority of millennials and gen z. It happens in pretty much every area of interest too not just books. I blame it on YouTubers being unskilled literwhos becoming famous for the laziest shit and booktok in a similar vein. That and asspats going on in fandom/fanfic communities where criticism is not welcome. So I guess the the general coddling of these generations. Damn maybe boomers were right about participation trophies.

No. 2371107

I'm gonna cut to the chase and ask: are fat/obese women aware that they don't look pregnant, just more fat? Does it hurt their feelings?

No. 2371108

No, it’s because being bi or lgbt is very appealing in current year for women, so a straight woman who finds idk some celebrity hot is like woaw I’m hecking bisexual now teehee bc I find boobs mcboobs very hot. Meanwhile an insecure male does not wanna be out as a fag bc everyone but fag finds them disgusting and reprehensible so he settles for half straight to not admit how fully disgusting he is.

No. 2371113

A bi man is just a faggot in denial

No. 2371119

That doesn't explain how women in homophobic environments still can be bi.

No. 2371125

Like who? Lmao

No. 2371128

I'm speaking from experience.

No. 2371155

I think bisexual men are either, men who like sex with men but don't want to date a man/troon.
Or gay men who for whatever reason don't want to be called gay, these men usually date women, have a kid, come out as bisexual and you NEVER see them dating or showing interest in a woman again.
I see any man that was sexual with a man as gay. Especially the DL ones who try to explain how they are straight with a dick in their mouth/ass.
I find them the most disgusting subgroup of bisexual scrotes.

No. 2371164

I think there's a third kind of bisexual male where they do like women sexually but hate us as people so they force themselves into a prison gay like scenario of "wow this is a Real Woman she likes video games and all the autistic shit i like!" as a cope for their misogyny. And since men are perverts anyway the faggotry doesn't bother them, solong as the troon has a "feminine penis" or whatever

No. 2371167

I agree with you nonna. DL men deserve to be stoned to death publicly. Bi scrotes are basically a flavor of “faggot on denial” and they have no benefits, that’s why I strongly advice women to stay far away from them, given the fact that they also tend to be poly, troon out and into extreme kinks.

No. 2371186

/pt/ farmhands > /snow/ farmhands > /m/ farmhands > /w/ farmhands > /ot/ farmhands > /g/ farmhands

thats my ranking. /pt/ farmhands are the best and the /g/ farmhands are the worst in a close tie with the /ot/ farmhands. i know that the /w/ farmhands get shit on a lot because of their bans, but i rather active moderators over lazy ones that aren't here for 12+ hours a day

No. 2371197

The grudge is an amazing movie.

No. 2371199

They made a movie about my life?

No. 2371235

Posts like picrel make me feel disappointed and like I’m not having any fun or feeling any true interest with current literature, literally everything is just written because
>omg maybe netflix will turn it into some low budget slop!!

No. 2371244

White men should NOT have brown/purple dicks. It looks like a shrivelled, aids-ridden sausage stitched to the crotch. They should be scorched with hot iron as punishment for this crime

No. 2371246

Kekk nonna

No. 2371247

There are white moids with brown dicks?? Are you sure they didn’t just shit their pants?

No. 2371248

Ok, retard. Have fun being unemployed and having to larp as a tradwife sugar baby for some gross moid for a place to live because any woman = DEI hire

No. 2371253

i actually worked hard to get where i am, maybe if you did the same you wouldn't be unemployed

No. 2371254

Men will find new ways to disappoint you everyday. Yes it’s a thing

No. 2371255

They are some who have brownish parts, it’s kind of ugly I’m sorry kek. Never seen one in real life looking like that though.
I think that when it matches the skin color it looks more nice.

No. 2371259

Kek , I love how some people forget that affirmation and equality acts benefits women too. Do you think corporations want women , who might get pregnant and take paid time off, kek? No they wouldn’t, so much so that here in my country they are even sneaky about it and ask if you have a partner or plan a family.

No. 2371272

the male workforce isn't large enough for women to all become unemployed anyways. ai is a bigger threat to most women losing their jobs than eradication of dei

No. 2371294

Ok so made up bullshit, copy that. 10-4.

No. 2371303

Most non designer clothing is made in sweatshops buying from shein isn't that outrageous

No. 2371328

If ai and robots become sentient enough to revolt in like 4000 years, it’s going to be mens fault. Humanoid robots aren’t even possible yet and men are already planning to rape them and abuse them.

No. 2371333

>4000 years
The world is ending on 29 May 2061 lol. There's not gonna be a "in 4000 years." I do agree though in theory, if the world wasn't going to end, the robots would be moids' fault.

No. 2371335

Why 29 May 2061? I thought the next big computers go evil thing was in 2038?

No. 2371336

If I told you, you wouldn't believe me anyway.

No. 2371346

Tell me pls

No. 2371354

>1 year after i finally hit retirement age
what da hell…. i can’t even manage a full retirement cruise before the world ends…..

No. 2371387

sometimes i think we'd be better off under the rule of a rogue AI overlord.

No. 2371390

File: 1738184707057.png (Spoiler Image,30.89 KB, 537x998, whitemilk.png)

It's up here on internet archive if you want to have a poke around. My sanity makes me believe it was a parody of panty selling sites but my grip on things is fragile at best.


No. 2371392

Anavar it apparently the one influencers use

No. 2371408

You can still get manface tbh. My stepsister took this and definitely had some masculinization and her voice is super deep.

No. 2371453

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