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No. 2262944
Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and real men being shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unnatractiveness, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currsprev thread
>>2229150 No. 2262966
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No. 2262969
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No. 2262975
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No. 2262993
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>>2262966>One of the hottest things a guy can do is make you feel totally safeWay to make a basic requirement for any man to be in your life in any capacity "one of the hottest turn ons"
No. 2263006
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These women at the ratecelebs subreddit annoy me so much that they can't actually rate men objectively and are only harsh on women. They nitpick gorgeous womens looks but some uggo guy gets a 10/10 because they're thirsty for scrotes and their standards are low
No. 2263022
>>2263011if women say they like guys for their personality
>wah wah i was a nice guy and still that stacy bitch didnt suck my dick!if women say they like men for what they provide
>these lazy bitches live on easy mode they all want a rich chad while they sit on their asses all dayif women say they like men who take care of their looks
>reeee noo thats gay you are a lesbian!1!!literally what the fuck do men want god they are so whiny
No. 2263026
>>2263022>>2263011If thirstposting ugly celebrity
>she is only saying that because he is rich celebrity normal guys that look like that have no chancesIf posting couple with pretty woman and fugly scrote
>she is only using him for beta bucks and must be cheating on him whore reeeeIt is sad but also kinda funny how these women bend over backwards to please the incels and they only get more hate.
No. 2263051
>>2262993He’s only making you feel “safe” from
other men. It’s wolf in sheep’s clothing psyop, they trade some sort of illusory “safety” to become their property.
No. 2263065
File: 1731769941474.jpg (101.88 KB, 968x598, GbNbtDDWkAAy-BD.jpg)

it's easy and rightful to shit on ugly moids but i have a special kind of hatred for the nerdy lefty woke chill guy moids from my country (ger) who all look like picrel. makes me want to barf because there are thousands of clones of this type of moid running around out there.
No. 2263127
>>2263103What's the point? I don't want moids posting themselves as airbrushed bishies in the net, males should strive to be sexy and attractive
IRL, that's literally the whole point
No. 2263133
>>2263065There’s an army of millennial dudes who look like this and call themselves golden retriever gamer boys looking for a goth black cat muscle dommy mommy cozy gamer book girl. They’re so boring and skinnyfat and slovenly it drives me insane.
I think Adam Sandler style clothes and mainstream “hip hop” pop culture also wrecked men’s appearances because these type of guys also just show up in giant t-shirts and basketball shorts, sweats, or baggy jeans every day, like they barely managed to roll out of bed.
It actually pisses me off when I think about how genuinely ugly AND boring most men are and everyone just accepts it. At least in certain circles you can be around men with actual standards though.
No. 2263144
>>2263127I agree but at least a handful of them could get body dismorphia and that's neat
>>2263065They are mass produced
No. 2263147
>>2258783>>2258819That retarded haircut was created so lower class moids wouldn't have much work to upkeep without barbers. And since Britain is averse to male beauty (it's in their genetics), so of course it got popular with their gangs in 1920s and onwards, then got adopted by the military, I think the most remarkable example of this was in ww2 with German moids. Literally the work of poor and lazy moids.
>>2262966Absolutely retarded. I seriously question the mental health of pickmes.
No. 2263165
>>2263005Men truly invented the concept of women becoming walled because it’s what testosterone does to them. This dude is wrecked. It’s also why their cope is pretending that being old and ugly is “masculine” and being genuinely beautiful is somehow bad.
>>2263152Some of it is because the new wave of goths are just people trying on costumes they buy online to signal that they’re cool and sexy and mysterious. It’s not an exclusive underground culture based on real life social spheres anymore, so it means nothing to them to date some hideous neckbeard normie. And it’s also why there are 50 goth women for every goth man now, because it’s about fashion and attractiveness instead of real world social and art venues.
No. 2263170
>>2262966Yeah, Mr. Roid Stomach, looks very safe to be around.
>>2262969You have to be kidding me.
No. 2263175
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I have a lovely gift for your eyes nonna, I love you all.
No. 2263177
>>2263065Why do they wear baseball caps? For what is the shield? They only sit the whole day in front of their pc. Or were this photos shot on a rare outing?
Hi fellow Ger nonna. Idk a single one of those dudes, I am absolutely out of the loop with German pop culture.
No. 2263180
>>2263065They enrage me kek. They always have the “nice guy” behavior type as well.
I don’t know if it happens to you nonnas but ugly males just piss me off. I had one try to talk to me while I was out with my friends; a friend of his dragged me over to him because he had apparently expressed interest in me as if he was in the supermarket buying his favorite make of pasta kek. I had the most awkward conversation ever and I told him no thanks when the friend( I guess she was playing the helper kek) asked to exchange social media. Why do ugly scrotes think they have a chance with women who are out of their league?
No. 2263196
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>>2263177kek i'm out of the loop as well but it enrages me when i see these moids on my tl because apparently they are relevant in nerdy/youtube spheres. i call it the mark forster (picrel) phenotype.
und ich glaub der 5. v.l. in der 2. reihe ist crazy swiss otaku melonpan?? bin mir aber nicht sicher. No. 2263198
>>2263193Lol, I am sorry for you,
No. 2263203
>>2263191I think so too, but they always act so surprised when they get rejected. So you get to like me solely for my appearance (since you know nothing about me) but I have to give you a chance despite finding you ugly as shit? Male logic truly baffles me.
That or maybe he thought that since I’m black I’m just ready to get on my knees for any type of white dick kek.
No. 2263204
>>2263196Lol, back when I was in Uni, in the 2010s there was a dude with this style. I told him he looks like a hipster (I didn't mean it in a bad way, it was just so stereotypically, and as an autist I like to categorize, kek). He was not amused, I think. Come on dude, have some self-awareness.
What gets my in your example, how harmless and goofy he tries to look. Mimicry.
No. 2263205
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>>2263196When I say that I like nerdy guys I only mean these kek
No. 2263208
>>2262966I wonder if trannies like him pretend to be into these roidpig masc fatties because every single chaser who's willing to fuck trannies ends up trooning out himself and thus they're left with no Manly Gays to make them feel feminine and womanly.
>>2263065Fucking same, this type of scrote is a total waste of DNA. Moids will really mock women with bangs or blue hair as if we weren't absolutely plagued with pube-bearded receding hairline having obese redditor soyjak clones, disgusting.
No. 2263225
>>2263205Men are constantly enraged at the idea that women might want an actually handsome nerd in decent shape instead of some fugly double-chinned sack of dough with nerdneck who’s already squandered his youth and health.
However, it always ends up being women who accept bottom of the barrel zero-effort losers, and men who expect that the nerd girls they pursue are beautiful and all diet and dress up and look like onlyfans models.
This is also one of a hundred reasons I advise women stay away from poor/struggling men at all costs, single is better than with a poorfag male. Men who achieve wealth are usually better looking as a result of grooming, fitness, clothing style, and social expectations of their work and peers, and so you can find handsome men who are also nerdy, smart and in high paying STEM careers. Meanwhile mommy’s-basement millennials running podcasts after clocking in at 7-Eleven still want you to look like Megan Fox (or more accurately, their preferred “nerd” girl influencer of the month) anyway. In fact the biggest losers are more likely to resent their partners for growing older and their bodies changing because they focus only on porn and influencers, while men who actually have their shit together are more likely to be the type to be proud of their wives long term as aging adult women, mothers etc. because they have actual solid life priorities. Settling for ugly losers is always a lose lose trap that women fall into all the time thinking that they’ll be less shallow when it’s actually often the opposite.
>>2263211It’s just Hayden Christiansen. Anyway plenty of smart, bookish men with good STEM jobs look more or less like this for their jobs or work/social events, which is really the kind of “nerd” women should want, not Funkobrained lootbox-huffing gooners. Guys in actual professional fields with genuine accomplishments are the type who can have a real conversation about something substantial, honestly it’s “burned out gifted kid” hobbyists who cope by posturing at being knowledgeable and deep and hyperfixated while reading off Wikipedia.
No. 2263242
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>>2263241please be joking. you think this is attractive?
No. 2263250
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>>2263242NTA but he does have very pretty, feminine features. Androgyny isn't for everyone but he really is beautiful. Hyunjin is also really pretty in an androgynous way.
(do not defend ugly men itt) No. 2263254
>>2263233It's the inverse for me,
nonnie. Maybe because dark eyes are so common where I live that I find blonde and blue eyed men like scandinavian moids hot
No. 2263292
>>2263022To be chosen for nothing at all. Unconditional love, like the one for a baby.
But oh wait, then the moid doesn't feel special and malds that you're a whore because you could love any other moid for nothing too.
No. 2263336
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>>2262985He is cute but he doesnt have the eerie but alluring vibes. Maybe something more like Ian Somerhalder or Lorenzo Zurzolo
No. 2263340
>>2263256I see nothing wrong with moids plasticsurgerymaxxing to look good.
>>2263270>>2263278We're not discussing k-pop, retard, just their looks. It's not like the west has any attractive scrotes left.
No. 2263348
>>2263343ok! i can't take screenshots right now but here is the thread is the archive in case it gets removed No. 2263369
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>>2263348Men are so pathetic. These men aren't even in the top 50 percentile of men that are attractive on Instagram. Meanwhile, their likes are full of unrealistic ethots and deepfakes of Natalie Portman when she was a kid
No. 2263372
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Kek I just know this guy probably looks like a literal swine
No. 2263400
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No. 2263404
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>>2263400Jesus how ugly are the guys that post there
No. 2263405
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>>2263400kekk nursing their butthurt by pretending it's da ebil twannies
No. 2263407
>>2263372he had to invent an imaginary chad to dunk on
femcels for him. he’s not even the main character of his own revenge fantasies. christ that’s depressing.
No. 2263416
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>women so mean
Your sex literally rapes kids and women and murders them too
No. 2263434
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>>2263426Chad has always meant a guy who is popular among women, but usually moids depict him as some roided bearded guy, not prettyboys like the ones in
>>2263400 No. 2263440
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>>2263432>ctrl+f chad>14 resultsLMAO chadsexual holy shit
No. 2263441
>>2263440in men's heads being chadsexual is worse than being a pedophile
No. 2263461
>>2263452They should cry about it though. Dick size is important for many women no matter what pickmes say.
Actually, looks and dicksize should be taken into account when moids try to get a gf. If you are 10/10 with a small dick, you should aim for a less attractive woman to compensate, like a 7/10. If you are 5/10 with a small dick, go for a 2/10. The problem is that we don't know their dick size before we have sex (usually) and at that point you already like him or might be dating, so they need to pre-empt our disappointment and make up for their flaws in advance. Trying to 'get away' with such a flaw is a mistake, he'll just be the perfect guy she agonizes over wanting to break up with because she's so unsatisfied. But if he's way better looking then she might not see it as such a big sacrifice.
No. 2263463
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>>2263458Theyre malding because they want to be Chad's towel boy concubines but they're too ugly
No. 2263469
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No. 2263470
>>2263440They always whine no matter what, women already have shitty standards right now, an ugly balding , fat , discord mod scrote can find a 7/10 girlfriend.
We might as well be real and only go for the top tier men, mediocre scrotes will finally have something to whine about it.
No. 2263473
>>2263466It doesn't have to be huge, it just has to be normal and not tiny. I have in fact broken up with a guy eager to eat pussy because his dick was small and I was grossed out by it.
btw defending small dicked guys in this thread is like defending ugly/old/fat guys. This is a thread for women with standards.
No. 2263477
>>2263466Why do you have to choose only 1 thing though.
An average sized dick and one who does actually enjoy eating you out isn’t asking much.
No. 2263480
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They're so delusional. The majority of broken families is because men crave CHILDREN, leaving their wives when they have cancer, fucking their coworkers, getting gaped in the booty, etc
No. 2263482
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>>2263478It's particularly fun when you know they're lurking and seething.
No. 2263488
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Women are supposed to settle for THIS? Can men really blame them for unironically being comfortably alone than forcing themselves to pretend to like a gross fugly cunt that treats them like shit?? Uh hello??
No. 2263495
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Same men that think you should #looksmatch #settle because you're #eggless and #walled
No. 2263500
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>>2263483Him if he were in a better band
No. 2263501
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>>2263408>incel moids on 4chan aren't even ugly>some are downright gorgeous …
No. 2263507
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I'm laughing, how ugly are these freaks? They're delusional or underage
No. 2263511
>>2263508He was salivating all over his keyboard when typing that out. Schools are filled with busty milfs and they all want shota cock!!
Sure thing buddy.
No. 2263512
>>2263452To any moid lurking: Dick sizes absolutely do matter and your shriveled up shrimplet will never feel the warmth of a woman's pussy kek keep on malding.
>>2263461This, I've had to reject handsome moids after seeing they had a microD. Such a shame, they should be forced to warn you they're packing peanuts so you're both spared from the disappointment and embarrassment of making them pull their pants up and leave.
>>2263466Quit lying, pickme. Even if he's a master at pussy eating, tiny dicks are the ugliest thing in the world and an instant turn off. Even faggots want their bottoms to have big dicks, it's visual.
No. 2263513
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Are they retarded? Women find most men ugly is because they only listen to other scrotes full of copium like this.
No. 2263523
>>2263506Post it
nonnie I want to see
No. 2263529
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>>2263508For real. Meanwhile
No. 2263535
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>>2263524>a t-ton of them a-a-are attractive So what's the circumference of your penis, /gayge/?
No. 2263537
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>>2263523i found it lol. tbf i forgot how high the exposure was. still, way cuter than most dudes i see outside nowadays. i was 16 when i saved this don't say nothing about him looking underage.
No. 2263542
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>>2263537You have got to be kidding LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
No. 2263544
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>>2263537That's it? That is your one example to prove A LOT of 4chin moids are hot?
No. 2263546
>>2263541>>2263542tbh i don't care if you think he's hideous i'm just offended you think i'm this guy who's picture i saved over a decade ago.
>>2263544i didn't say all, not even close to all. even avatarfags think they have rights
No. 2263559
>>2263551>goes to /soc/>goes to first thread>trannies and incelsWowie. I'd post a link but I think it'd derail the thread further
>>2263557He expects women to fuck him,
No. 2263571
>>2263369>not enough nonwhitesI love how this was the first thing on this guy's mind, moids truly love black cock more than any woman ever could. In these threads black men were barely mentioned and even asian men get routinely shat on like the kpop guys. Men of all races in general were also mocked. Yet men are still convinced it's all about women hating only whites specifically and wanting to be banged by black men because they personally fantasize about black cock so how could women not do the same. It lives rent free in their minds.
>>2263372Their definition of "chad" isn't even what most women in this thread are into (bearded men, muscles, square jaws, super masculine, older). I never got pumped and dumped by anyone yet I still dislike ugly men because I just…Have eyes? It's about as retarded as saying men hate ugly women because they got cheated on by stacy or something. Like no they just hate them because they're ugly kek.
>>2263414It's always weird how much they fixate on women being childless and even more copium acting like it somehow makes an ugly moid's ugliness and worthlessness be cancelled out if he has spawns. Like nah you're still ugly, you just managed to successfully convince a woman with no standards to fuck you, which isn't even that hard when most women have been psyopped to hell and back into lowering any standards they have. Really funny how they pretend most women only want chads when even stacies end up dating ugly men (just look at female celebrities) that are beneath them in every way. And average women fuck ugly men regularly to the point where it's actually rarer to see a couple where the guy isn't ugly compared to the woman. But they will keep coping about how women only want chads to try to justify why they (as an ugly man) didn't get a gf (all while other ugly and average man continue to get good looking gfs)
No. 2263573
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>>2262985Kek I remember this dude from the Percy Jackson fan casts. I’d say picrel is her male equivalent.
No. 2263575
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Let's form a prayer circle that this guy specifically doesn't wake up in the morning
No. 2263579
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ahahahahah someone please respond to this
No. 2263586
>>2263575>you can make a woman attracted to you by your hands aloneNot if you're ugly everywhere else. A guy could send hand pictures but if he's ugly the attraction will go away pretty fast. Also ironic how he posts this alongside a pretty woman, they're allowed to like those but for women surely it should just be about having le manly hands and that's enough for us! Imagine how laughable it would be to say all a woman needs is her girly hands to make men be into her even if she's otherwise ugly.
>>2263579They always assume every woman wants le alpha masculine chad male when in this threads it's mostly been women complaining about men being overly masculine, hating roidpigs, testosterone ruining them, wanting men to be prettier, younger, softer features, if anything.
No. 2263590
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>>2263569No micropeen cause i'll catch a ban, here's the thread for
nonnie's enjoyment though: behold, the pinnacle of 4chode beauty:
No. 2263593
>>2263414>If you bred you're successful The entire purpose of a front pole, everyone, straight from the front pole's myopic dickhole.
This is all they exist for, so why pick anything other than Chad sperm?
No. 2263594
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>>2263590Nonnies, are your panties not ready to drop for these total Chads??
No. 2263606
>>2263348>Ho;plywood is dead and Womens natural sexuality has been ruined by hormonal birth control, social media, hormones in food and em waves from their phones wrecking their ovaries.They don't know what's going on
I'm sure the plethora of non stop porn online depicting children, incest, rape, violence, ect designed specifically for scrotes has done nothing to their already depraved sex.
No. 2263643
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>>2263640Men when they find out that women also want a partner they find attractive
No. 2263644
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>>2263452>manlet >chinlet >dicklet>hairletDaly reminder that none of the average /fit/izen's problems (including malding at this thread) would exist if their moms fucked a Chad as nature intended.
(No, not whatever attainable walled pig ugly men pretend is a Chad, but the hot men ITT you're malding about in the first place. To think you could be one of them if your mom didn't do exactly what you say women should do. Sad!)
No. 2263649
File: 1731795735296.gif (Spoiler Image,1.78 MB, 374x277, 1000000386.gif)

>>2263641Ugh I'm so bored with that thread already. Let the schizos tell eachother it's all women's fault they're horrible and unlovable, maybe they'll rope and rid us of their inceldom
No. 2263652
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No. 2263660
>>2263480Men want young pussy
>That's nature, just accept it, literally normalWomen want young cock
>Reeee think about the broken families! Can you imagine if women actually
acted on what they want and torched everything in their way to get it, like men do?
No. 2263663
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>>2263414>tfw these moids have wilfully created a belief system which puts them below Ethan Ralph in terms of valueI would honestly just kill myself ngl
No. 2263673
File: 1731796843313.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.19 KB, 473x1024, 1731796639620510m.jpg)

the moid in that thread that said
>I look normal, I’m a decent guy, better than those brutes to any extent
posted a picture of himself
No. 2263675
>>2263672They specifically imagine THEMSELVES as the cucked husband and sperg out at the thought of their future wives leaving them for someone better. It's like the classic poly dilemma, where the man throws a hissy fit the instant he's reminded who
actually has options.
No. 2263679
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>>2263127>What's the point?!I got the image on Pinterest, young girls on Pinterest get standards and are less likely to fall for the psyop (they love bishies) and if Photoshop needs be on men then so be it, don't let them grow up and think Pedro Pascal or John "baby face" Legend is the sexiest man alive.
Do it for the kids.
No. 2263746
File: 1731802055996.png (220.82 KB, 1101x1193, moid cope.png)

>>2263348surprised to see some moids agreeing, although its probably just men poking the hornest's nest to see their fellow manchildren take the bait
No. 2263751
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>>2263652>>2262944>men kicking attractive young men to the curb and making a little competition between the least intimidating and most offensively low-low-mid tier moids to appease men and ostensibly care about their appearance to womenAll of this points to the fact that men have always had small egos and couldn't never shoulder body image issues that they claim to have as seriously as women. Women get 10x the amount of body dystoria and eating disorders compared to men, I'd laugh if any guy told me he had an eating disorder/body dystoria because of media exposure.
>>2263210search up douyin men on Pinterest, a million searches got you covered by gen-z kpop and cdrama lovers (note: they are all face-blind and may compare some guy to a kpop-idol kek)
No. 2263755
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>>2263746The thing about these hollywood actors is that most of them WERE hot and they didn't get their 'sexiest man alive' title until they were middle aged and half as good looking as they used to be. Who the fuck would pick that Johnny Depp over this one? There are plenty of hot actors imo but they don't stay hot forever.
This is obviously because those shitty magazines are marketed to dim middle aged women who would be intimidated or threatened by genuinely sexy men and prefer a more approachable looking guy who looks like he might help around the house or something.
No. 2263776
>>2263507This coming from the board that
>has a personalityfag that spams cropped cp>invented the term cunny>used to have general threads to talk about little girls in movies until they got banned>to this day they complain about how the mods are mean boolies for deleting their pedophilic posts about underage actressesbut no, women are the real predators actually
No. 2263784
File: 1731803832641.jpg (20.27 KB, 456x258, slow clockwise circles nom nom…)

>>2263766kek other nonnas may gang up on you but I'm on your side, women have no use for hookup culture having men brute force everything and everything to gain from men staying and learning how to actually use his tongue correctly plus all stimulation from getting piv is all from clitoris being close to the vag anyways
No. 2263791
>>2263590Men will never know what it feels like to make a woman flustered with only a smile
(no kpop) No. 2263806
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Whats everyone's opinion on height? personally, i dont care. I think an already hot man's beauty can be enhanced by being taller, but an ugly tall man makes me shiver, they look like serial killers and scare me. I dont know why so many men care so much about height when it doesnt matter if you already ugly, i perso nally dont care about height as long as the man is taller than me and since i am a womanlet most men are. pic unrel i just find it funny my meitu king oshi is taller than elliot rodger.
No. 2263829
>>2263790average is enough and more looks better than less and that's all there is to it.
It's just funny how men want to radicalize themselves over having a normal sized dick and think about the race of dick and being a cucked by said dicks than to ever learn how to eat pussy
No. 2263842
>>2263824>If you are under 5'7lol
nonny where do you live? the average height for men in most countries is 5'7 or above. Its funny because men think all women want is some 6ft gigachad but most women are okay with average height men, unless they are tall themselves.
No. 2263845
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>>2262969No one is this clueless or stupid, I refuse to believe it.
No. 2263855
>>2263242NTA but yes, especially against moids we are forced to look at day to day in media. In a just world this would be base level moid.
No. 2263870
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>>2263819there's not much else to say, it's quite literally just 1:1 to what we have
pretty sure it was mentioned in an earlier thread and I don't want to encourage this kpop poster by collaging and her trying to spin this
>>2263791 as the hot alternative, I can alrady see this happening in my head
No. 2263877
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>>2262975Alright this is a bit tricky because if you are just talking beauty equivalent I would go with young Tom Welling/ young Jensen Ackles and a few other American actors but if they mean style wise (as in Megan's image being this specific type of sexy) I dont know of any males who are marketed in that way expect actors who have been in vampire roles. And the Pedro Pascal comparison is so laughable even Stevie Wonder is chuckling.
No. 2263897
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>>2263065Picrel: the right leaning American equivalent
No. 2263903
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I've never seen moids hit the wall so fast as I do here. It's completely uncanny, I can't believe it's real.
Is it just all location and being in the north pole?
No. 2263924
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I would genuinely rather have a fat guy than a skinnyfat guy.
>your average "my nigel has an okay body"
No. 2263928
>>2263922"natural muscle" means fuck all. practically nonexistent on men nowadays, as if they're doing manual labor 24/7 lol. i was replying to you because if you want an actually hot guy with muscle, he will need to do to the gym. and no, it doesn't mean he's a roidpig.
>>2263924fuck that's so gross
No. 2263930
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>>2263606>>2263895I'm honestly into this theory about birth control making women like uggos idk about the other schizo shit
No. 2263954
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>>2263807>>2263797>>2263814He looks good. The "fakeness" is just makeup, get used to it.
(do not defend ugly men itt) No. 2263960
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>>2263954He's had his entire jaw removed and replaced with interlocked jelly bracelets, he will be unable to chew solids by the time he's 50 and bogged
No. 2263970
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>>2263954I imagine if he'd let his natural jaw grow he would have been handsome. He had a cute face. Getting his nose and jaw rearranged before puberty prevented any chance of him being proportional. He always looks like he's in the in-between stages of transitioning into a woman
No. 2263972
>>2263915Whats with your bitchy attitude? No need for that and several of us disagree, you havent given any examples.
>>2263914Yes, they do, as stated previously alex jones/joe rogan are what are typically called roidpigs not your typical fit non red faced/body guy.
No. 2263983
>>2263758This is just moidspeak for "we hate women and blacks alike" kek show me a single time scrotes have held other scrotes accountable instead of blaming everything on le evil foids
>>2263776I had no idea mods had any shred of decency, it's likely just because CP is illegal on the internet as a whole but still surprising. I'm pretty sure reddit still has hundreds of subs dedicated to CP.
>>2263808This, small dick psyops nonnas act like only shrimp dicks know how to use their tongue. You do know you can have a moid give you oral
AND have a decent dick on top of that too, right? I don't even care about how small dicks "feel", they're just ugly as shit to look at
No. 2263992
>>2263966NTA but he's objectively not ugly, he's not my type either but he has objectively good features. Quit being a retard just because they didnt post your specific husbando
>>2263970He seems to have the exact same jaw here, I doubt he had that done, probably just weak chinlet asian genes. One thing I can appreciate about kpop even if most men look too faggy for my taste is how they always know how to style them to make them look x1000000 more handsome than when they were broke nobodies. Except for when they put those uncanny demonic animu contact lenses on them and make their skin ghostly white, some korean standards are still pretty retarded but at least they're way more equal amongst the sexes
No. 2263994
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>>2263992You are quite frankly
delusional. Kpop may have brainwashed you into forgetting that men develop and grow into their features in their 20s, but that doesn't mean Korean men are genetically special. They get extreme plastic surgery in their teens. His chin is "the same" to you because he was a prepubescent child you retard.
No. 2264009
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>>2263994They're just better. They rarely bald, don't have beard and have more melanin.
(no kpop) No. 2264012
>>2263983>act like only shrimp dicks know how to use their tongueno one stated this, no one stated that retarded equivalency of shrimp dick = amazing oral.
Don't try to paint other nonnas in a bad light as being psyopped, at worse they said they don't care/care AS MUCH as clit stim.
> You do know you can have a moid give you oral AND have a decent dick on top of that too, right? It's about priority of things, that's what we all want it's just that the dick really isn't the centrepiece for women to get off on it's the eye-candy, surveys show 70-80% of women cannot get off on piv, but absolutely nobody here is defending ugly penises/ small penises we're just talking about the reality of piv for women's orgasmic pleasure, we all want the same thing
also stop replying to the kpop-fucker, just mass report her posts defending the meltie
No. 2264026
>>2263216you don't know if he's fit in that pic because of the baggy clothes, but he has a much better face structure than the other fag and styles himself better and has no beard, literal minimum effort shit that most men are too retarded to do. i'm a glassesfag and i'd much rather have
>>2263205 than
>>2263196I wish all nerds looked like the former
No. 2264042
>>2264027about once a year I have to go and look for that one lolcow post where an American
nonny was crying about wanting to end her engagement because she'd never get uncut European peen again kek
No. 2264045
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>>2262988I tried and it generates some ugly old moid
(ai outside of containment) No. 2264049
>>2263755>>2262944Yes, this is literally why. The Sexiest Man Alive award is for an issue of a magazine that is primarily read by middle aged women who are less interested in twinks. They give the award to the sort of person they think their customers will like.
The psyop is definitely real but I'm not sure if this particular magazine award is worth kvetching about. I know my mom likes some of these actors kek.
No. 2264055
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I think it was in prev thread that a nonna mentioned moids seething when she said Leo DiCaprio was only hot in Titanic, but my unpopular opinion is he was mid even back then. Yes, this was his peak, but he was still a 6/10 at best. How the fuck is this bloated obese ugly faggot STILL shilled as handsome to this day when he was an average twink even in his best role?
No. 2264066
>>2264055I never found him personally attractive. I felt like he was too boyish looking for too long so IMO I did prefer his looks when he was older but that period in time where I was a fan of his appearance was short lived. In retrospect I think he did look his best around the Titanic era but I guess he's just not my type for whatever reason.
>>2263960Do we know how these jaw surgeries age? I actually do feel bad for the people who get them in their youth if they aren't adequately informed of what may happen to them once they're older as a result of those surgeries.
No. 2264067
>>2264039samefag not defending tiny dick scrotes, but average or slightly above average is my ideal. there was this male pornstar whose retarded artistic name i forgot, but he was known for having a ridiculously huge dick and i saw it and it was absolutely disgusting. coupled with the fact that dicks that are too huge can hurt you, i'm just not that crazy about huge dicks.
>>2264042ayrt i think cut dicks are disgusting, it's not all about the size, of course i'd like a good-looking penis attached to a good-looking moid
>>2264048i agree.. there was a thread where someone said a slightly curved dick also feels better
>>2264051>part of the clitoristhat doesn't mean the G spot isn't real at all, just that it's not a separate organ or anything, but that's irrelevant. If a moid's penis can reach and stimulate that part of your clit from inside your vagina, that's a good thing
No. 2264070
>>2264063a big baby with huge forehead wrinkles
>>2263960ok he doesn't look so good here. the tiny jaw with the long thick neck help understand why korean webtoon artists are obsessed with shitty anatomy moids kek
No. 2264076
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>>2264055He was cuter in Romeo and Juliet
No. 2264091
>>2264067thank you for that we don't ALL need to like the same proportions those dwellers rope to and it's not a slight on women for not wanting it either, it
just makes them look even more retarded for fixating on it, everyone wants it at least average
No. 2264093
>>2264067I don't see why there's any controversy over this. A woman can't change her internal anatomy, some women will prefer one kind of size over another as a result of their personal anatomy. It's like the one thing that doesn't fit the thread IMO.
>>2264070I saw the movie recently. He doesn't actually have noticeable forehead wrinkles at rest, in that shot he's pulling a facial expression. But you can tell who is going to develop forehead wrinkles pretty easily, it all comes down to how they emote with their forehead and eyebrows. Some people have really expressive foreheads/eyebrows and they wrinkle their foreheads when they are making facial expressions. One day those wrinkles will be permanent, on their face even at rest. You can start to see it on teenagers. If they spend a lot of time in the sun unprotected (like for sports) those expression lines will have already started to etch themselves in.
No. 2264127
>>2263930My brain will have more rewarded activity when looking at money vs
any moid. Moids are worthless, even hot ones. Top kek is this what gets funded these days?
If nothing else, women on BC are more likely to pick the kinds of moids who whine about BC changing female preferences, because BC removes sex drive and therefore sexual attraction. Pre-BC females (teen girls) universally prefer youthful "chads".
No. 2264129
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I think the whole "women want big porn dick" thing came from men not understanding that porn actresses fake ALL of their orgasms, that it in fact does not feel good having a busted cervix and that if they gender-swap the same ill-proportioned abominations they masturbate to on a guy it would be the ideal that women should worship and somehow they tried to apply this thinking onto all women.
I blame all men watching, creating and distributing porn (by which I mean all men)
No. 2264284
Seeing the reaction of 4channers to this thread has been the most entertaining 24 hours of my week.
> Ignore them, they're all stupid virgin femcels who got pumped and dumped (fascinating paradox)
> Um… um… but would these ladies p-pretty please tell me what kind of men they do find attractive?
Kek. Men mystify the female sex so hard that they put us in this weird box where we're both the target of their hatred but also some kind of elevated species of mythical faries they crave validation from. It's that same fascination that leads 4channers to troon out, as if womanhood can somehow rescue them from the pathetic, unlikeable selves that they are and will still be no matter how many botched surgeries they undergo. The reality is that we're just as human as men are. There is no magical, fairyland explanation for woman's attraction to men: we like hot men exactly the same way that men like hot women. Face, chest, build, ass, dick, personality and all. But men hate having to face this reality, because it means being confronted with the same expectations that women have shoved down our throughts every single day of being alive. Cry harder, 4channies.
No. 2264285
>>2264269point still stands, if women are
en masse (if these moids are to be believed) willing to venture into blatantly illegal territory for nothing but shota (this also contradicts their "foid = gold digger" theories since most of these schoolboys/students don't have jobs, and if they do, it's because their families are seriously financially struggling), then maybe women do actually prefer youth?
No. 2264292
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>>2264268that's 100% it, men like creating these situations in their head, pretend like they have empathy like women but in reality fap to shota-self insert hentai, look at real-life incidents project their fetish shit everywhere and think "hurr durr I wish that were me".
Men caring about boys is also hilarious because men would 1000% violate more boys than the average women by a long shot and yet somehow they try to do this Schodinger's cat thing for women's taste in men just so we look like the worst possible offenders in every context. No. 2264395
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Picrel being considered "the female gaze" is part of the psyop.
No. 2264511
>>2263369>Not enough nonwhitesWhy do they
always default to racism when that had literally nothing to do with the discussion kek
No. 2264554
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>>2263348I found a surprisingly based reply on that thread.
Predictably most of it is ugly moids seething though. There's this one anon who keeps whining about how he's short, ugly, broke and has no social skills who keeps arguing with everyone who tries to give him advice about how it's useless because he was born ugly. Why bitch about women not giving you a chance if you don't see a point in even trying to be more attractive?
No. 2264560
>>2264554that was 100% written by a
nonny lol
No. 2264585
>>2263806>Whats everyone's opinion on height?i think proportions are way more important. some short people are built like borderline midgets/deformed bobbleheads and it makes them look ugly.
something i noticed with short men is how their height insecurity makes them compensate in a very annoying way. they don't take up much space
physically so they try to
mentally make themselves appear bigger by acting like loud and obnoxious "class clowns". see jestermaxxing
>i perso nally dont care about height as long as the man is taller than me and since i am a womanlet most men are.same
No. 2264734
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>>2262966>>2262969>>2262975I apologize on behalf of these retards to Megan Fox because all of these men are ugly as fuck and should be publicly beaten.
No. 2264768
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>>2263065I’m so glad you’ve mentioned this because these types are fucking everywhere in nerd spaces. I hate them so much. I flinch everytime I see a woman talk about her “cute” bf and then a creature that looks like that walks out.
>>2263897I hate these things even more. Men are so fucking ugly!!!! I hate them!!
No. 2264926
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>>2264395>>2264407NTA but probably because the female gaze isn't 1:1 and will never be 1:1, women are not socialized to consider men as objects the way they do onto us.
Men are culturally defined as default, as protagonists and choice-makers, the one who engages in action, not the one acted upon.
Boys are rarely are encouraged and aren't inclined to identify with female characters and girls are told to suck it up when there's always a softcore porn view of women in every film/tv/media outlet, even to something like Schindler's List which was meant to be some serious historical fiction, it felt like the Spielberg couldn't help but try to get his rocks off still
A female POV/stories are a thing, but none of that is anything like the male gaze and will be seen as lesser or less serious inherently.
The female gaze is more taking it back and defending rather than going on the offensive and objectifying men.
I hate Sofia Coppola, she drived this shit backwards No. 2264965
>>2264926>schindler's listkek, funnily enough in the movie he made the Amon Göth hotter than he actually was, he was fugly and geniunely evil
i don't know if it was on purpose though, to fulfill a fetish of his
No. 2265009
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>>2264965definitely fetish, especially with that scene were the
Jewish maid was trembling in fear in wet clothes in the basement and Amon Goth threatening her every 3 secondsSame with Oskar Schindler.
Very serious and moving fetish, Mr. Spielberg thank you.
I have a mental bingo card for films and video games and director fetish/game dev fetish is always marked off first, keep track of this shit for just a week or so and you'll be shock at how passively this shit gets written off then it'll be your default to zone in on.
No. 2265053
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>>2264585womanlet here, tall men (5'10 and up) are ideal but not a prerequisite so long as he's taller than me by a couple of inches (I'm 5'2).
I did hear Joel from Vinesauce say he was manlet and not tall and that stated he was only 5'11. Scandinavians on average are taller but it made me laugh, men really make their own insecurities.
No. 2265070
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>>2265009but i dont get it, how do you think you can exclude sexuality in any domineering system? the violence, sadism, fetishism, game and their sexual conflicts, always were a thorough part in the dictatorian regimes, slavery, genocides.. you name it.
it would be a mistake to pretend its not part of the history or a non-existent phenomenon.
that aside, the film was so weighty, it needed the rupture with glimpses of sensuality, erotisicm, life, as that too lies alongside.
And it was twisted, because it was found there, in the basement, in the cold, intertwined with death.
That scene is also embedded with two others about seduction and commitment, in the mids of horror.
the difficulty with these kind of themes is to not side and not make it clunky and leechy and trecherous.
if too focused on the purity of the wound, you never are able to touch it. But if you only rely on indulging in it, you miss out on what it is.
No. 2265091
>>2265065Don't want kids, they've never had a problem with it, some tall guys are even into the size diff.
This is a non-issue but if womenlets do ever do want kids
>>2265068 apparently they should reach higher and shackle up with tall men then it's a done deal, a lot of tall guys definitely don't have a problem with it.
No. 2265109
>>2265103It's over
nonny, even nerds have horrible skin and they spent their days inside. They don't tin their windows or wear 15 spf while indoors
No. 2265118
>>2265009wow, he made schindler hotter was well
i wish i had the brains to thin veiled identify fetishes in media made by moids so i could avoid as much as possible. in schindler's list what even is the fetish? hot nazis with jewish women? jewish moids being cucked? why even insert it in a movie about the suffering of your own people?
>>2265053kek why are the proportions so different? it makes look like indonesians are finger sized
>>2265065nta but as a womanlet, but i simply don't care, there was a time I hated my height but not anymore
No. 2265130
>>2265079I know that nonna,just let me be delulu because I feel like crying every single time i see how most guys look like.
Men literally told me it's gay to apply skincare when I told them their skin will age badly.
No. 2265171
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>>2265070> how do you think you can exclude sexuality in any domineering system?I never said I wanted that, but the women don't even speak on their individual stories or do anything, they are ornary things meant for cheap shock and/or get men off.
They get raped the whole film, cry the entire film and submit. What makes it porn is that you're not there to listen to what they have to say it's all visual stimuli each time they are on screen plus the taboo-ness is enough for good ol' Spiely and others like him to cream.
I remember Schindler doing an embarassing "I could've saved more" monologue and at that point I tapped out, the Jews were a backdrop to how cool he looked surrounding him and signalled for men to say "that would've been me."
tl;dw - Shocking misery porno for 3 hours.
>>2265118I like to think whenever both an Indian and Netherland moid talk he has his head in the other guy's crotch
No. 2265346
>>2265232to all the moids lurking, you have no excuse for balding anymore, finastride exists to stop your balding. Get your doctor to write you a prescription for a 3-month supply for $8, it's cheap and it's one pill daily.
+ minoxidil for actual regrowth of hair
>>2264642I mean, it is Australia so I'm actually inclined to to believe that
No. 2265426
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>>2265130>deluluintegrate more, stop the copium to defend men none of that shit will make anyone change their mind.
That goes for all the kpop new fags, it's the one rule for this board.
No. 2265508
>>2264614>taller guys make me feel safe it's the exact opposite for me, reminder that as a woman you're statistically more likely to be abused by a moid you
personally know than by a stranger and tall moids have more mass (and thus physical strength) on average
No. 2265566
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>>2265565get a step stool
No. 2265611
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>>2265053Just to add, 5"8 is a prerequisite,
I definitely like 5"10-6ft more.
If anyone wants to visually show what they like:>>2265508At that point it's paranoia, if you don't feel completely safe then it really doesn't matter if he's taller, he's also bigger and stronger even if he's skinny/ skinny fat, men keep on muscle much more effortlessly than women and naturally have testosterone coursing through their body, height isn't going to the deciding factor on abuse. Short men don't hold back more and it's not like one's harder to escape from.
No. 2265614
>>2265508I feel similarly, though mostly it's just that I find tall men less relatable personally. I also dislike that tall men tend to have the most scrote-like behavior in my experience. Especially if they are noticeably over 6 feet. At least in the states, most of them realize that a lot of women fetishize height, and the taller, the rarer. So they think all they have to do is show up and be tall, and they'll still have women clamoring over them even if they are ugly, fat, stupid, etc. They're literal ogres. I can't imagine how greedy and lazy a man has to be to be tall and fat. Worst yet, men have ugga ugga cavemen brains and instinctively respect the biggest moid in the room, so they act very entitled, or 'confident' and 'relaxed' which is just a scrote byword for arrogant and thoughtless.
It's better in states where men on average are taller, since it's less special and you might actually meet one who is also handsome and decent, but I definitely prefer shorter men overall, both in appearance and temperament.
However I would never suggest that other women just 'give short guys a chance!' or anything like that if they aren't attracted to them. I realize this is more of an unusual (dysgenic?) taste. Even if I prefer shorter men, I'm glad that moids can feel self-conscious about something they can't actually change about themselves, and it's something they also impose on themselves in their own primitive minds. We are constantly bombarded with judgments on our immutable physical traits, and they barely get a fraction of it. I never tell moids I prefer shorter men and that I know other women who prefer shorter (or at the very least average height) men. Maybe it's kind of shitty, but at least publicly, I want there to be a height standard because at least it's a fucking standard that most women can agree is attractive. Don't want them getting uppity kek.
I do think though that women who want to date taller men should move somewhere the average height is also taller. 6' 1"+ moids in a land of manlets are fucking insufferable half the time and usually just as ugly as their shorter counterparts.
No. 2265627
"Lower your standards or you'll end up alone!!!!" Like kek,are you threatening me with a good time? They think this is offensive to a woman given the state of modern men. I hate it particularly when women tell me this,I'm so sick of this nonnas,women being brainwashed to believe getting a man and a relationship is the main goal in life.
Blogposting but you should see the bitches who settled for uggos and popped a kid and how superior they feel to their single friends,it's hilarious.
>>2265426I'm not even a kpop fag but I can at least appreciate all the effort that goes into their grooming,unlike western men who find anything related to that homosexual,except for trimming their ugly face pubes.
>>2263806I want him to be 1.9m+ if possible,so this means 95% of men are already thrown into the trash. Height is super important to me. 1.8m is not enough,if I wear heels I'd be almost as tall as him,I want that size and height difference.
He must have a nice build if he's tall, lanky dudes with narrow shoulders and hips that look like noodles are disgusting.
You should've seen how
triggered some men and women were when I expressed this opinion irl kek.
>>2265620>Plus smaller men usually have smaller dickskek no,the smallest dick I've ever felt was on a guy that was 1.94m tall with a lanky build.
No. 2265629
>>2265611>it really doesn't matter if he's tallerIt does, if they have more body mass they can cause more violent/impactful harm to you if they decide to hurt you in any way.
>it's not like one's harder to escape from.Short moids are easier to run away from than tall ones simply because of leg length/coverage.
>>2265614>>2265617>men have ugga ugga cavemen brains and instinctively respect the biggest moid in the roomI suppose that's also why shorter men tend to overcompensate and turn into abominable roidpigs, depressingly enough. The ugly man psyop is affecting men too kek
No. 2265633
>>2265629keep in mind that small men, when given the opportunity against a womanlet, will not be able to resist finally being able to use their strength against her. they tend to be more psychologically
abusive than taller men because they can’t just reach for their strength and mass every time. this doesn’t mean they are inherently less violent though and i would be nervous about them being excited about getting to use it.
No. 2265634
>>2265632Disagree nonna,I've seen plenty of tall guys with nice body frames,and they weren't all the gymbros. But for a man to have narrow shoulders than me,a woman,is absolutely a no,that's how lanky they were.
That's my preference,I don't like short men.
>>2265629>I suppose that's also why shorter men tend to overcompensate The manlets I've dealt with were the most insufferable and egoistical men I've dealt with in my life. And the overcompensating thing is so true,be it by hobbies or retarded social activities,like some of them bragged on how much money they spent when they out at pubs or restaurants.
They also got angry much easier,deep down inside they know they're subhuman,that's why they want a hot gf,to validate their existence and show they aren't lesser men. Even if they have big dicks,they should never be used as anything more that a vibrator with hands.
No. 2265641
>>2265638You didn't understand a single word I said. I meant some guys have a nice frame without going to the gym,the gym will not make your bones wider or taller. Why should I be insecure when I'm fit kek.Are you projecting?
I've dated tall gym guys so they're not some magical unicorns.
No. 2265665
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Look, I like men taller rather than shorter but well proportioned long legged men aren't always a guarantee on tall guys, they can have the proportions of a t-rex, an insane inseam and look overall janky.
Just pick on ratios for whatever height you desire.
No. 2265670
>>2265617I think I have the same experience, but with an opposite effect, funnily enough. Manlets in my experience have always overcompensated for their height, but in a good way. Like they felt they were less worthy and had to try harder to keep me. I am not attracted to height, so it wouldn't have mattered, but I do appreciate the extra effort. They were mild-mannered and very sensitive to my desires. One of them was a little too sensitive though, extremely artsy theatre-kid type, and I didn't want to deal with it anymore.
I know that other women have dealt with really shitty moidlets though and it probably does have something to do with their inferiority complexes. My thinking is it depends on what the average height of men is in a location, because of moid relational hierarchies. Where I live right now, men are a bit shorter on average so the Napoleon complex penalty doesn't really incur. The manlets I do happen meet who overcompensate in a shitty way are very obvious in their red flags at least, usually they're roidpigs and wobble around like little meatballs on toothpicks (they always skip leg day).
>>2265619I feel that though not as extreme, but I think for a lot of women the contrast is what's attractive + 'safety'. I think it would be more palatable if tall men had didn't generally have acromegaly face and have a decent frame. I think tall men can be cute if they have pretty faces and good physiques. I prefer short, but height isn't a big deal to me either way. When I lived in a place where men were generally taller, this was much easier to find. Where I live now it's much more rare to meet tall guys who are fit and cute, so it disqualifies most tall men here from start.
>>2265629Yeah, it's not as common where I live, but I still see short men nerf themselves this way. Part of the appeal to me with shorter men is they tend to be cuter. Then some of them just start roiding out, prematurely aging themselves, they lose all their hair and get bad skin and all the other shitty aspects that come with that. The saddest part to me is that they can usually achieve good, natural physiques much more easily than taller men. I think to some extent it's also just laziness tbh, so at least they advertise pretty plainly that they would be shit, height aside.
Anyways, I still maintain that women should collectively shame short men regardless of personal preference. I think penis size obsession is another one of those things moids care too much about because they have caveman brain tbh, but like with height, the more things moids can feel self-conscious about, the better. If I'm being honest, all the men I been with were more or less the same size (though one was notably girthier), regardless of height.
>>2265627>>2265621I don't know if tall men are dicklets or if they just look like dicklets? Maybe they really are, or maybe they're just average and it looks smaller on their taller bodies? I haven't been with enough tall men, but the ones I were pretty similar in size to others.
Ngl tho, larger dicks at least look more attractive, but you don't see them most of the time so they're lower priority to me. That's not even considering showers v growers and also application which I figure is more of a personal preference. I would like to think they feel nicer too, but considering how it's usually treated like a humiliation or punishment by pornbrain moids, idk.
No. 2265690
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>>2265619> don't view men taller than me as the same species, thing for tall men is like a fetish for aliens or furries/anthroMales give such fucked up comparison out of nowhere for something so mundane
>>2265629you really underestimate the strength of smaller moids, I'm not saying this to win an argument but to legitimately stop you from carrying around this paranoid idea of shorter = easier to escape, damage done by an axe and a smaller axe is still lethal and "you can just run away" is not a good argument, in fact it's the exact thing that I'd hear from a moid trying to give empathy to women
(scrotefoiling) No. 2265707
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>>2265675that's literally just not true. working out your shoulders makes them wider. why do you think swimmers have such big backs? i'm starting to doubt that you're "fit".
No. 2265713
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>>2263500his hair is ruined now
No. 2265730
>>2265629>Short moids are easier to run away fromlolno,some of the fastest runners I know are short guys
and when it comes to strength,men are generally stronger than women regardless of height, it's basic biology
No. 2265790
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Does anyone else here find the suppression of female heterosexuality weird? I was in a Discord server discussing how I wish video games had more men in sexy clothing and I immediately got told I was shallow and weird by men and women alike, because I should be able to appreciate suits and basic uniforms because there is more to attractiveness than merely visual and looking at me like I'm insane for being sexually attracted to mens bodies. Meanwhile moids have tons of video games with sexy women in slutty clothing and no one bats an eye and it's normal, but if a woman wants men in those same clothes suddenly it's bad? Not to mention I'm autistic and one of the symptoms is having difficulty with subtext and I don't want to look at deeper meaning for a dull outfit when I just want to fap, but women in general shouldn't have to create a deeper meaning in something just to be aroused period.
No. 2265811
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How did you guys feel about him? Do you think his “attractiveness” was shilled?
No. 2265825
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>>2265811Who is this and why should I care?
>>2265790Spam your discord with raunchy Gintama content.
No. 2265831
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>>2265829So you need high IQ to care about 3DPG celebs? That's news to me.
(derailing) No. 2265834
>>2265811He's quite attractive imo.
>>2265790It's 100% real. I've had this conversation once or twice with irl friends. Imo a big part is the desire to demonize female sexuality, yes, but that doesn't explain the normalization of "straight lesbianism, i.e., societal encouragement of straight women sexualizing or appreciating the sexualization of other women in media and irl. The other aspect of this behavior is twofold:
- Women are sex. Women are supposed to be sexualized. being sexualized is a female trait.
- Men are sexualizers. They are
not supposed to be sexualized, because being sexualized is a female trait, thus emasculating them, and emasculation is violating to men.
So you have the following dynamics:
- Men sexualizing women: good, natural, should be encouraged;
- Women sexualizing women: unnatural but makes men's pee pee hard so it's
valid and encouraged
- Men sexualizing men: the sexualizers are males, so they're fulfilling their natural role. The sexualized are male, which is wrong. So men are disgusted but are also able to understand their behavior. It's not normalized or accepted, but since one half is doing the right thing, it exists in a weird limbo
- Women sexualizing men: Extremely emasculating, disgusting and unnatural. It's highly offensive to men, thus
extremely unnaceptable, more than the previous category because women aren't supposed to enjoy sex.
No. 2265843
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>>2265834>- Men are sexualizers. They are not supposed to be sexualized, because being sexualized is a female trait, thus emasculating them, and emasculation is violating to men.Oh no! Poor manbabies are such fragile snowflakes!
>It's highly offensive to menEverybody should continue to offend them.
>>2265837I care for Canada as much as I do for Pakistan. Irrelevant third world countries that produce nothing of value.
No. 2265849
>>2265840She replied within like 3 seconds of me posting, clearly doesn't have the mental bandwidth to read full paragraphs.
>>2265843>Poor manbabies are such fragile snowflakes! They are, society encourages them to stay retarded forever. Are you under the impression I'm defending them?
No. 2265851
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>>2265843The annoying faggots have unfortunately woken up. They care more about ugly naked 2D men and fingering their pussy than actually reading and educating themselves, so what makes you different from a porn addicted scrote? This is a fucked up world
(bait) No. 2265860
>>2265855None of that has any connection with what was written, jesus christ.
>>2265834 Has zero mentions of anime and it addresses the fact that female sexuality is natural but treated as unnatural by a male dominated society. Please learn how to read, I'm begging you.
No. 2265868
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The average nigelfaggot posts:
>why is female sexuality so hated???? why is it wrong to like picrel??? some faggot with his disgusting ass showing is clearly what all females secretly want No, you’re just an indoctrinated faghag who’s had her brain damaged by internet reinforced fetishes that caters to men who stick their penises in anuses. You are not well, seek help.
>>2265860Female sexuality is
not natural and is reinforced by men. Saying this will get me hated by many women but it’s absolutely true. And this mention of “male-dominated society” if it’s in your sexuality to be subjugated and always have your sexuality validated by males, then what would happen if society wasn’t male-dominated but female-dominated? What if there weren’t as many men in the world? This is just proving my point, female heterosexuality is likely not natural, the very fact that nearly 98% of women come out of the womb magically pining cock is something I can never wholeheartedly believe as a natural phenomenon. It’s something that once you’re taken out of your mother’s womb you’re straight to female programming camp and then it’s a done deal for the rest of your life until you start deconstructing this programming.
This thread is clearly it for me and I only post in it occasionally to see what’s going on but deconstructing my sexuality has made me realized I don’t have to be a lesbian, bisexual, or hererosexual, and all of these groups seek some kind of biological purity for their sexualities that I can’t really get by because if I say it’s not natural, I’m suddenly snowballing into justifying the existence of loony troons and genderspecials.
(infighting) No. 2265879
>>2265868I'm not sure I'm understanding you correctly.
>Female sexuality is not natural and is reinforced by menand
>if it’s in your sexuality to be subjugated and always have your sexuality validated by malesAre you saying female sexuality, for women themselves, is built around being subjugated by men? Female sexuality exists despite men, not because of them. Sex is natural, thus sexuality is natural. We are not less natural or less human than men. The concept that women's sexuality is built around being subservient is a male construct that is pushed on us.
No. 2265887
>>2265864Purityfags on lolcow are not that different from 4chin moids when it comes to attractive/sexy men.
>>2265878Your lesbian propaganda is futile. Why are you even in this thread? You're not into men in the first place. Leave.
No. 2265896
>>2265868I think sexuality in humans is natural, saying that for women it suddenly
isn't for some reason, I can't help but think there's something pretty wrong in that.
No. 2265915
>>2265701Blackpilling. Ropefuel, if you will.
>>2265690This seems to lead to more "paranoid" conclusions (to avoid all moids altogether) than just lanklets.
No. 2265928
>>2265815>your sexuality is catered to 24/7 and shilled through every single facet of society, you are perfectly fine.No it fucking isn’t. Where is the porn featuring attractive men? Where are 3dpd shows and movies featuring attractive men? Why is there significantly more media catered to straight men than straight women? Having an ugly post wall scrote with a hairy chest isn’t being catered to, it’s only catering to other men scared of genuinely hot guys.
>>2265851>They care more about ugly naked 2D men and fingering their pussy than actually reading and educating themselves,Reading and educating ourselves on what? Or are you just making another empty statement. Why don’t you tell moids to educate themselves? It’s insane how your weird breed of polilez asexuals act. What’s wrong with a woman fingering herself to 2D moids?
>>2265868My sexuality has been shaped by media aimed by women and celebrities popular with women. I’ve been attracted to random prettyboy cashiers as a kid before I even had the foundation for a sexuality. Are you asexual or something? Genuinely curious.
>>2265895>Take this chain of thought to a less male obsessed place to dodge the other woman rival hating, male worship and dick obsession here.Is men gooning to balloon tit anime hentai considered female worship now?
>>2265904Saying that heterosexuality in women is unnatural is in fact lesbian propaganda.
No. 2265931
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>>2265815The scrote has delusions
(scrotefoiling) No. 2265933
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>>2265907Or maybe his son
No. 2265946
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>>2265928>Where is the porn featuring attractive men? That's why you should ditch 3DPD and convert to being a weeb.
No. 2265962
>>2265946I like this sort of stuff but weeb fujo stuff is going to immediately be disregarded, regardless of quality. Why try to convince people, especially here?
People think Free is too much.
No. 2265973
>>2265916I see their perspective, I wouldn't consider it misogynistic (not sexist) sexist is nonspecific to sex. and wouldn't be quick to call them autistic, asexual or any slew of arbitrary insults you continue slinging from what visceral reaction you had from their post that said a lot of men are fags. I think yaoi makes the majority of males uncomfortable in the camp that the anon described; women sexualizing men, which is fairly accurate. Men seethe over yaoi and depictions that break the veneer that most men are straight and sexualizing women in excess is good. One anon actually responded with relief from the pressure of hyper sexualized women which surprisingly most ignored in this thread. You can believe most men are straight as they want you to in vain but the propensity for bisexual fag behavior in men would prove your assumption otherwise.
>>2265928>Is men gooning to balloon tit anime hentai considered female worship now?What? In a way I suppose? Ew it's repulsive but much of the discussion here is centered around men and vague implications of sex with men not balloon tits or mens prevailing sexuality lel. I don't understand this logic. Are you trying to argue you're the male worship equivalent of men gooning to balloon tits? Why? Why are you holding yourself to a standard the same as them? But yes, I'd consider cooming to anime tits some form of female worship, whether that commands respect or dignity is a seperate thing. You can worship something but fucking hate it at the same time. Men do this with women.
>Saying that heterosexuality in women is unnatural is in fact lesbian propaganda.No it's not, things aren't binary. You seem to have missed the part of the anons post about purity and instead spewed posts of insults and doubling down on your own purity. If heterosexuality is natural without question does that make homosexuality unnatural? That's the natural conclusion of this logic just simply erasure? There's little discussion here just affirmation. This just reads like tradthot spew. Try not to friendly fire at other women for being autistic retarded asexual lesbians in your own words. You're arguing in the same vein a white moid bitches about a black female character existing in any media in place of himself. There is plenty of escapist fantasies for women of handsome men and you're free to cook your own up free of prejudice yet you're arguing banal nonsense, that you're not getting enough representation in media and only seeing ugly men. I don't disagree with this but I think you should do something about it. Than be the change and make some works with handsome men in them. Commission a artist that you like to make porn of handsome men. Is your goal to make actual men not ugly or just fictional shit? This is not a sisyphean task, it's just males looking hot.
No. 2265977
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>>2265961Gee, it's almost as if it wasn't drawn by professionals, but by fans doing it in their free time. Professionally-made porn for women hardly (exceptions being
>>>/m/367812) exists.
(derailing) No. 2265981
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>>2265971If you're going to shitpost, at least attach an image.
(derailing ) No. 2265987
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>>2265980The closest you'll get is tentacles and some odd R18 otome game (very rare).
(derailing) No. 2265990
>>2265790It's weird isn't it? I literally knew a guy wracking his brain over women liking men, what they saw in them, why they even liked them. I was just floored? Has society buck broken the masses so much that women call themselves bi while men make no effort to cater towards women. None of it make sense.
>>2265989That's…not what she meant?
No. 2266021
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>>2266001You made me search that term and I have to ask why it's called
Tokyo After School Summoners when it's pure furry bara shit? It's like making a docudrama about teen suicide and calling it 'The Misfit of Demon King Academy'?
No. 2266039
>>2265829Don't know who the hell that is either and it's weird how people acted like everyone has to know or else they're low IQ
>>2265834Pretty accurate. A shame you got mostly retards replying to you misunderstanding your points. I think it's pathetic how men claim to feel emasculated by being sexy for women, it's literally their entire purpose to cater to us but they reversed everything.
They were the ones that were supposed to be sexualized and women were the ones that were supposed to be the sexualizers, if anything, so they could convince us to want to fuck them. Like how male birds try to be pretty but the female birds are more plain or whatever.
No. 2266053
>>2266039Generally what happened that lead to women in peacock roles while mean are made into the peahens despite us still working under the same courtship rituals of old? It doesn't make sense that men should be plain when various cultures in history have had their men dress up all nice, but in our modern ecosystem, men are forced to look ugly and plain for the patriarch's sake than the women who actually choose whom to mate with.
Every guy I met had no clue what they generally liked. They had a type but often make stark expectations out of coom while women live by their needs even if they don't know themselves. I would kill to live in a world free of souless tech, where we lived under the trees, and men dressed sexy for our amusement but that's my inner weird hippie talking.
No. 2266098
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>>2266065Heh, too dramatic.
No. 2266176
>>2266097It just means on average nona. There is a well established link between body size (either width or height kek) and faster aging/more cancer. It obviously doesn't mean no short person will ever get cancer, but it's true that
generally, healthy short people have better odds than healthy tall people. If you want an extreme example of this phenomenon in humans, look up Laron syndrome.
No. 2266182
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>>2265565where the fuck do you live where you cant reach the stove at 151 cm??? The fucking netherlands?? i started cooking when i was 8 years old and 140cm and could reach the stove and fridge just fine, i only had issues with the tallest freezer shelf.
A lot of countries have average heights for women of 150-155cm, youre describing literal dwarfism little person problems.
No. 2266196
>>2263983>This is just moidspeak for "we hate women and blacks alike" kek show me a single time scrotes have held other scrotes accountable instead of blaming everything on le evil foidsidk i don't care enough to go on 4chan and copypaste you something from b or r9k but it's true. they hate themselves so even when they see themselves in a subject they only project hatred.
- a woman
>evil whore slut roastie etc- a person of color
>ugly ni** pajeet etc - an attractive white man
>evil chad dooming us all- an ugly nerdy white man (themselves)
>loser virgin beta faggot foreveralonealso nowadays 4chan is normie shit so you do in fact see "whiteknights" and "wokies" around more often
No. 2266237
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I hate that guy from the office, John whatever the fuck. I hate him so bad, his face is so punchable.
No. 2266252
>>2266243exactly. you can easily stay fit and healthy as a short woman; they aren’t eating right and staying active. i don’t know if it’s due to my shortness but i honestly see a lot of muscle change very quickly without much effort. i think my body composition changes more quickly in either direction tbh.
>>2266239i know a handful of asian women who are right on the line or just below 4’10 who are completely fine. 4’11/5’ is still a normal height honestly, just a bit below average. i only know like one person who needed to sit on a pillow during drivers ed and grew a bit before adulthood and it wasn’t a problem. people on here act like we are all 4 feet tall with weird t rex proportions or something lol.
>>2266234basically all really tall men die of heart disease too it’s crazy i feel relieved my heart doesn’t have to work as hard.
>>2266224i was thinking more car rides plane rides etc. i’m never stuffed into a too small chair and can almost always even sit cross legged places. i love road trips - every ex i’ve had had been miserable trapped in a car that long. i can make a little nook anywhere i want and be comfy and content.
No. 2266273
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>>2266269if this chart is to be believed then still pretty short. the only tall averages are just white people countries in the continent of asia kek
No. 2266276
>>2266268Why exactly would a man just not wearing anything be gay?
What's the mental process?
No. 2266287
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>>2266268No, I don't think so.
No. 2266303
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an actual attractive male(do not defend ugly men itt)
No. 2266322
>>2266287Who's he from?
>>2266292Hate to prob but what went down if you don't mind me asking? I knew somebody who did the same thing only to get instantly shut down and called a feminazi over…wanting more cute boys. Imagine having such low self esteem that a woman would love more cute men that don't even exist.
No. 2266389
>>2266342it’s not your metabolism you just are literally smaller so you need less energy to run your body. i honestly think i have a fast metabolism but i might just be convinced of that because of how in nature larger animals tend to have slower metabolic rates than smaller animals like a hummingbird. i’m not really sure how to tell.
>>2266275yeah i’m from the US and i have known a lot of people my height.
>>2266332they seem like they should be nicer but they’re so bitter it’s so weird. the one time i dated a manlet he sexually assaulted me but he was also constantly weird about “dominance”. his friends would tell me how much he liked i was the only one he ever dated smaller than him, most women were bigger than him and they teased him about that rightfully. i would have had such bad body dysmorphia over that shit if i were them. he’s such a passive aggressive nit picking nightmare i know he made those women’s lives hell too out of insecurity and resentment. he would tell them he “was throwing me around” like WHAT??? and was like obsessed with my size in a way people are rarely open about. it got creepy honestly. but despite all of that, if i held his hand the wrong way he would correct me like the person whose hand is on the outside is in the lead and the dominant one and he was he man? meanwhile i’m like huh i switched the way i was holding my hand cos it got sore what are you talking about? like even being the dominant one in the relationship unequivocally wasn’t enough, he bossed me around we had to do whatever he wanted he was physical with me… and he still INVENTED a power struggle that wasn’t there??? like okay.
No. 2266393
>>2266268Lowkey same, I know nonnas are dragging you for this but it feels kinda gross and uncomfortable when a male character is finally getting the slightest bit sexualized and then I realize it's probably for a gay moid audience because they'd never think of giving female audiences fanservice. I do agree with other nonnies that it's retarded letting that ruin your enjoyment of sexualized men entirely, but it does feel icky when you remember it's probably not meant for you, but to appeal to moids like every fucking thing is.
>>2266332>I'm 5'2 and live in a thirdie shithole where most men are 5'5 at the tallest.Kek same, why is this a thing? Does being a thirdie cause moids to be underdeveloped and never reach their proper height? It's honestly pathetic seeing moids be insecure about their height when our entire country probably has a total of 10-15 tall men in total, but at the same time they
should feel ashamed of being soy manlets because what the fuck. I just walked past a group of like 10 people and both the women and the men were all roughly the same height, hell world.
No. 2266400
>>2266275I am from Europe and 4'11 isn't abnormal here at all. It's not the most common height but there are still plenty of women who are that short, it wouldn't stick out at all.
When people talk about how tall Europeans are really they're just conflating the Nordics and the Netherlands with the entire continent (and even in the Netherlands there are loads of short women from Moroccan and Turkish backgrounds being short as a woman still doesn't stick out much)
No. 2266433
>>2266389God yes they're so insecure in their masculinity. I'm so sorry you had this experience, sounds nightmarish tbh. I used to have a stalker that was really short and it seems like they need to make up for their insecurities with aggression. Kek at the fact that he said he was throwing you around. You just know in his ape mind he thinks he's like this strong tall Chad dom next to you
>>2266393It's so tragic, I don't know if it's a race thing or underdeveloped country thing (maybe lack of nutrients in childhood makes thirdie men short???). It's pathetic when they're insecure and even more pathetic when they're confident because kek. Sorry but they just can't win, it's very unfortunate to be a thirdie manlet because you don't even have the money to make up for your height disability
No. 2266445
>>2266435this isn't the "post hot men" thread,
No. 2266558
All the talk about men looking gay for the slightest things unrelated to sexuality (even happens on other boards too like that video of the cute emo guy) makes me wonder what anons consider straight looking in the first place. They have the same mentality as men calling Twilight and Bieber gay back in the 2010s.
>>2266413>>2266435there were examples posted already several threads ago (some were also in one of the previous thread pics) and a rating scale made but even then not everyone could agree
No. 2266600
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No. 2266754
Kek self harming 4chode faggots will come here to bitch about
>W-w-well which man DO you high standard Stacy femcel lesbians consider a Chad then?!?Almost as if that's the whole point, you terminal retards. There are no young attractive moids left. Not even celebrities. ITT we discuss the psyops. If there were a multitude of attractive men we could offer up as an example of our standards, this thread might not even exist.
>>2266709So true. God, he's hideous. Can't stand the women who shill him because
>"He's just SO charismatic!!"Give me a fucking break, surely we could get a hot young muscular dude PR trained to be charismatic too. This thing looks like your average Mexican construction worker who catcalls girls in their school uniforms.
No. 2266778
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>>2266393This was made for gay men, according to you.
No. 2266785
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Two people in a selfie. Were the man isn't less attractive. And the moids are seething.
No. 2266849
>>2266053Modern fashion is extreme for the way it allows men to look like slobs, but the huge difference in average attractiveness between the sexes didn't happen in the last twenty years. I get why nonas wish human social dynamics were more like those of birds, but unfortunately this is as retarded as trannies pointing to clownfish. Humans are mammals, and that's the main reason things are the way they are. Birds (with a few exceptions like ducks) don't have dicks. The male birds cannot rape the females, so they have to appeal to the female birds in some other way i.e. intersexual selection. Mammal reproduction leans much heavier on intrasexual selection, which usually means males fighting each other for the chance to mate. This is why supposedly straight men are so gay, other men play a role in whether they get to fuck. To make things worse, human women have disadvantages even compared to other mammalian species, since we can't abort pregnancies at will and have to deal with bleeding once a month.
But like you said, things have gotten noticeably worse on the male looks front, and I personally blame antibiotics. Men have shit immune systems and this is especially noticeable in infant mortality. Even when a culture kills or neglects girl babies more often compared to boys, they still end up with more women than men growing to adulthood, simply because male babies die at such high rates without modern medicine. Now all the boys who would've died from pneumonia at two months old get to grow into adults, and this has gone on for multiple generations. It's dysgenics in action. We've ended up being surrounded by subpar ugly moids who couldn't have survived without being coddled by modernity chimping out because they're not good enough to attract a woman. Since this filter for genetic quality no longer exists, it's even more important for women to avoid garbage males. We're the only ones who can still enforce evolution.
No. 2266894
>>2266893Well…yeah? Fat men have even less excuses to be fat and they're
never presentable/hygienic, even famous fat guys who have endless money look like shit.
No. 2266960
File: 1732020426278.jpg (69.41 KB, 736x414, 1176542ec4c6009b48834130b48b8c…)

>>2266393One of the most popular gacha games among women heavily features slutty males and it's by women for women. The slutty male characters for men is often barafaggotry or (effeminate) shotas or femboys.
No. 2267041
File: 1732024462000.jpeg (27.83 KB, 702x205, IMG_4352.jpeg)

>>2266456Why do scrotes even come here? This place is a ghost town compared to 4chan. I never go into their spaces to complain about their misogynistic rape and murder "jokes". Why did men evovle to be retards that want to invade our spaces no matter what?
No. 2267192
File: 1732032031236.gif (624.68 KB, 320x240, bed slappa.gif)

>>2267187what would male sexy look like then? i am honestly super glad they did a genderbent of sexy anime girls but with men, i am so tired of ''male sexy'' being repulsive maledom garbage like picrel.
No. 2267205
>>2267142>I can literally hear a lisping “hot stuff comin’ thru” from this imageKEKKKKKKKK
>>2267192>>2267198Why is it so hard for weeb autists to understand others definition of a sexy man doesn't include inbred looking 2d faggots dressed like dragqueens at pride? Stop breaching containment and stick to your threads in /g/.
No. 2267210
File: 1732032729999.webp (124.83 KB, 800x1000, jamescharles.webp)

>>2267207Meanwhile, fujocoomers definition of a hot man:
No. 2267216
File: 1732032975995.jpg (115.32 KB, 1400x1400, 1000035583.jpg)

>>2267210Meanwhile yours:
No. 2267218
File: 1732032999209.jpeg (42.99 KB, 450x600, j3FIbLCg_Wgve5N6W0-ZW.jpeg)

>>2265790Me personally I hate when male characters are too covered, but this doesn't strike me as sexy for some reason, like it's doing too much. If I try to put it into words, it's because i don't appreciate manwhores as men are already whorish and hypersexual by default so exacerbating the fact it's kind of repellent and vulgar to me. I think picrel,
>>2266287 and
>>2265843 are nice
No. 2267220
>>2267211Nta but
>newfag who doesn't understand a new thread being created means it's supposed to serve a different purpose than the one it spawned from calls others newfags>>2267212>>2267213Nobody's "ruining slutty men" for me, certain designs just look retarded and tranny-lite as opposed to sexy. Also, I've yet to see an actually attractive 2d husbando posted in LC. I'm a former weeb myself, but holy fuck do nonnas here have awful taste. Fucking Gojo JJK and faggots like
>>2266778 >>2266960? Fucking really?
No. 2267221
File: 1732033157186.gif (1.69 MB, 426x241, 1000029358.gif)

"Male eye candy being ridiculed and treated like fags is part of the psyop" and "women have different tastes" are two statements that can coexist. It's bad enough when this derails the BL thread once a week.
No. 2267224
File: 1732033259752.jpg (536.02 KB, 1080x1457, 1000035587.jpg)

No. 2267241
File: 1732033736446.jpg (79.08 KB, 620x1043, carni.jpg)

>>2267199Why not? What's wrong with leather?
(derailing) No. 2267248
>>2267192>i am honestly super glad they did a genderbent of sexy anime girls but with menThis kind of sexualization looks awkward and tacky on female characters, it looks even worse on males
>>2267237>It's better when men accidentally reveal themselves and are embarrassed or unaware, and I can pervertedly stare at him, and think about him without his consent Based
>>2267240We don't like your yaoi slop, get over it, let it go
No. 2267252
File: 1732034053626.jpg (126.13 KB, 620x1043, dante.jpg)

+ 100 slutiness points
No. 2267258
>>2267240Literally nobody is saying slutty 2d men can ONLY be liked by gay men, you sped. We're just saying it PERSONALLY looks ridiculous and unsexy
TO US. If you can enjoy ugly yaoislop, more power to you. But don't try to shill your uglier 2d men here.
No. 2267261
>>2267241This isn't nearly as bad as
>>2266778 though. For example, the incubi fag is wearing a top that mimics a bikini shape that doesn't really do anything for him, while this guy is wearing a top that highlights his shoulders and upper abdomen better, imo
>>2267250Male sexual diphormism and attributes are different, they got straighter hips, broader shoulders, etc. What looks already awkward on a female physique looks straight up disproportionate on males
No. 2267271
File: 1732034474614.jpg (397.31 KB, 1447x2039, 1708921867721.jpg)

>>2267240Yeah, accusing sexy drawn males of being created 'for gay men' strikes me as a purely American thing (where LGBT+AIDS culture is big and obnoxious).
No. 2267278
File: 1732034591085.jpeg (Spoiler Image,77.76 KB, 502x640, IMG_0201.jpeg)

>>2267268Ok? And? Still looks goofy to me. This is literally you nonna
>gnam! Look at how sexy this is>nonnas this is the epitome of handsomeness >what? Why don’t you like it! You’re just weak!? Did you know that men used to wear garter belts , corsets and skirts?And this is the image
No. 2267279
File: 1732034606540.jpg (101.66 KB, 900x940, 13b8f4764dc513af0718d42d4551a8…)

>>2267258>TO US>pluralTo you and a bunch of your samefag attempts.
No. 2267281
File: 1732034627198.jpg (297.66 KB, 549x540,…)

>>2267252>>2267271Now these are proper male sluts, finally
No. 2267286
File: 1732034722102.jpg (53.17 KB, 600x960, 51cf14e1abc5b830405d03b42bec28…)

>>2267259Why? I never thought it ridiculous.
No. 2267292
File: 1732034878506.jpeg (Spoiler Image,104.21 KB, 587x640, IMG_0202.jpeg)

>>2267285Lingerie is sexy on both men and women, but men look shitty in women’s clothes, that’s a fact.I don’t get why you think that question is a gotcha kek. A female body and a male body are quite different and certain clothes look unflattering on each sex.
This lacy drawls are much sexier on a man compared to the panties and a straight woman or a bi one is more inclined to be attracted to this.
Sorry you didn’t get to sperge with your yaoi nonnas kek.
No. 2267295
File: 1732035078422.jpg (2.22 MB, 1748x2480, Gilgamesh.full.3308836.jpg)

>>2267283It seems you don't go to /m/, like ever.
No. 2267297
>>2267275Nope, try again. Maybe sound it out this time if you're too much of a sped to get the difference between saying one particular design is ugly and faggish and thinking ALL depictions of sexualized men belong to gays.
>>2267285Why did you say be honest like its a gotcha kek. Of course lingerie is only ridiculous in the body it wasn't made for KEK.
>>2267286This bitch doesn't even have a nose, you have to be kidding me now.
No. 2267299
>>2267290It just looks unsexy nonna, it isn’t men saying it to us. Faggotry is repugnant to most women who are attracted to men. Why are you getting your panties in a twist for nonnas not liking your scantily clad otome men?
Sorry I don’t like men taking it up their ass kek, you can peg your bf while he wears your thong, but don’t get mad at us for not being turned on.
No. 2267301
>>2267297>Of course lingerie is only ridiculous in the body it wasn't made for KEK. what about
>>2267278 ? or is it also ridiculous because men arent supposed to look hot for women thats a female job only
No. 2267311
File: 1732035429391.webp (Spoiler Image,220.67 KB, 853x1280, IMG_0203.webp)

>>2267298But they aren’t the same? And you can still see ass and even cock since they’re see through duh.
Again it’s a matter of bodies, the panty shape better suits a female bottom. The boxers or even the briefs are made for a male body.
If a woman wore boxers they would look unsexy because you’d have an empty pocket in the front, while in men it accentuates that space and might even make you excited if they’re lacy too like the picrel I sent.
This is an example of a woman wearing a more covering type of underwear that still suits her body and therefore looks sexy.
No. 2267313
>>2267305Nta but
>can you explain why besides screaming ''faggot faggot!!''?You need people to explain to you why men in women's lingerie is faggotry?
>like whats the difference between you and incel moids that think men taking care of their apperance is gayThat taking care of one's appearance isn't gay. But only a faggot would wear a woman's thong,a bra, thigh high socks and have a womb tattoo. Are you autistic?
No. 2267322
>>2267309>I mean, YOU are the one that cant separate ''sexy'' from female, so you are the one with the tranny brainworms.What?
>Havent you realized that most agp men only start wearing revealing clothes when they identify as women? dont you think thats sexist to think sexualizing yourself=woman?Again, what? This sounded much better in your head didnt it kek. For the nth time: Moids being sexy doesn't make them faggots. I think shlicking it to yaoi has rendered you brainless
No. 2267324
>>2267313>But only a faggot would wear a woman's thong,a bra, thigh high socks and have a womb tattooso basically you think like a tranny, men cannot wear those things because sexualizing oneself is for women only.
>>2267318because less skin=sexier, since when does more covered skin=sexier?
No. 2267337
File: 1732035795104.jpeg (Spoiler Image,93.85 KB, 634x811, IMG_0204.jpeg)

>>2267324Less skin doesn’t equal sexy retard
>>2267319See? A jock strap is actually made for men and looks sexy. A woman with a jockstrap would look ridiculous.
I literally used the boxer briefs as an example I didn’t even say that only boxers are sexy. I just said that clothing made for males looks more flattering, but nonnas here is crucifying me and telling me that I’m actually brainwashed by patriarchy for not finding men in lacy thongs and leather bikinis sexy kek.
No. 2267342
>>2267337>Less skin doesn’t equal sexy retardyes it does, fully covered men arent sexy
>jock strapmy sides at you defending disgusting jock straps of all things, they literally looks as sexualized as the anime guys you keep claiming are for fags. Men also love them because they open right in the ass.
No. 2267347
>>2267328I hate gay moids but the one thing they got right is that jock straps are sexy.
>>2267337People will say your pic is gay, but it's literally perfect lingerie for men.
>frames their cock/hips/ass in an attractive way>emphasizes their obliques>masculine, doesn't look like he's try to crossdress but look sexy in a way that complements his body No. 2267348
So then is the problem the material or what? if jock straps were lacy then they wouldnt be sexy? because i genuinely dont understand how you can find jock straps sexy but not the exact same thing but prettier. Jock straps literally look like
>>2267210 from the back. How are they less faggy than
>>2266778 ? i genuinely dont get it.
No. 2267355
>>2264024youre speaking such hard truth and youre
triggering all the secret scrotes/people who have small penised nigels and are trying to not seem mad about it. Ive been there before, he had an average penis and I had to harp all day about how size doesnt matter and its ok if it doesnt always feel like much. But now that I experience not this, I know how foolish I was being. It makes miles a difference to be with a goldilocks dick. And yes, a goldilocks dick will always be much larger than average and I can prove it.
No one is talking about needing to hurt their insides with extreme length, thats so weird and it hasnt been brought up. As if length is the size in question here, thats like a tall guy bragging despite being so skinny I could breathe on him and he'd fall over. listen, no ones perfect and no one has to date someone with all around perfect features. But this is the ugly psyop thread. Penises don't look too appealing to begin with. But has anyone ever seen a guy full frontal nude? I'll give benefit of the doubt, maybe some people here are virgins and haven't seen this before and are biased from only seeing images online.
But mens penises on average a swear are so much smaller than most people think, and when I say small I mean you'd be taken aback by how small or narrow it is, especially on a taller guy. I think it's true just arguing about big vs small is a little too simplistic.
What's visually disturbing to me personally is a thin penis rather than just short, especially if this is casual and flacid. Point being, majority men walk around with HALF a pinky (thats generous in length if we're discussing just flacid) and if I'm in the ugly man thread and I want to say something, I want to say I'm tired of hearing ANY defense for penises, if we are nitpicking eyes and noses penises are the farthest thing to nitpick. Their whole lives center around that thing.
No. 2267357
File: 1732036365092.jpg (1.22 MB, 1920x1080, 41bcfb91-7451-4b23-a075-3574f1…)

>>2267198LaD is even more popular but you're just going to infight about it.
No. 2267358
File: 1732036390265.jpeg (270.64 KB, 1600x1600, Xysaqa-Mens-Rainbows-Jockstrap…)

>>2267350I agree. Because i cannot imagine being against latex and lace but being pro jock straps whent they are a stapple of gay moid fashion in pride. When you search jock strap most of what you get is pride themed ones kek
No. 2267360
>>2267348The problem isn’t the material . It’s that one is made to be flattering on a male body, while the other is made to be flattering on a female body.
A thong looks visually better on a woman who generally has rounded hips and fuller glutes, seeking a square , sucked in butt in a thong does nothing for me.
Jock straps , boxer briefs look better on a man because a. They have a pouch for their penises b. They hug their bodies in the right place. A woman with boxers isn’t sexy to me.
No. 2267361
File: 1732036412176.jpg (922.05 KB, 2000x2357, Shinjuku.Assassin.full.3205726…)

FGO peaked with him.(off-topic)
No. 2267363
File: 1732036491037.jpg (1.31 MB, 2000x2829, Shinjuku.Assassin.full.2724639…)

No. 2267364
>>2267360This tbh
>>2267362Stop being obtuse for fucks sake
No. 2267378
>>2267369As a woman who wears boxers/brief (I got no hips or ass) boxers designed for females still look different
>>2267370It's not my fault you're retarded, go coom to your faggot yaois or whatever
No. 2267391
>>2267375Please keep it to yourself before they start to sperg about yuripedos and how now it makes sense why no one's agreeing that their faggot animu succubus are sexy.
>>2267386You've literally had multiple people explain it to you multiple times like the sped you are and all you've done is reply
>but why? why? why is it faggot shit? why why why?like the real life autist you are. Some things are simply beyond your mentally challenged short bus comprehension. Now quit shitting up the thread with your retardation, we're all getting tired of you.
No. 2267394
File: 1732037460118.png (Spoiler Image,415.58 KB, 933x287, adsafdfasfd.png)

literally whats the difference betweent the two? outside the fact one is marketted as sports wear and the other is marketted as sexy wear?(derailing)
No. 2267399
>>2267396its literally related to the thread
>beauty double standardswhy are women allowed to be sexy but men arent?
No. 2267402
>>2267399>claims women are "allowed" to be sexy as if it were a privilege and not literal part of our oppression and degradationTranny take
>but men aren't?They sure can. Male lingerie simply isn't hot.
>>2267401Plenty of nonnas curr considering we're all sick of fujotards shitting up every thread. Go back.
No. 2267403
File: 1732037934890.jpeg (25.06 KB, 640x658, a-long-time-ago-i-roleplayed-a…)

She always does the same shit all the time
>Spams ugly repulsive yaoi pics
>Infighting ensues
>Cries at /meta/ over "moralfags" and "antifujos"
>Thread gets locked
Ugly psyop nonnas pls don't interact with this retard anymore, your thread WILL get locked, don't let it happen
No. 2267434
>>2267421Are you here to always say that wanting to see men in lingerie is internalized misogyny or some other bullshit kek?
Lingerie is flattering , if you don’t like it it’s a personal taste. But seeing someone dress up for you is quite cute in my opinion. You call this ugly men psyop but can’t even handle men in lacy briefs kek.
>>2267429I put way too much faith on you, you’re more stupid than I thought. You completely missed. And again, I didn’t even say that only the jockstrap is sexy , but the briefs too or any kind of male underwear on a male. You’re becoming boring.
Go back to your cross dressers now.
No. 2267440
>>2267424rich coming from nonna “only panties are sexy!”. You still haven’t answered my first question, why do you only see panties as sexy?
Look no one is shaming your for liking cross dressers or trannies, it’s stupid, but if it rocks your boat it’s your problem. But don’t come here and try to make it seem like we’re the weirdos for finding it ugly kek.
No. 2267450
>>2267440>why do you only see panties as sexy?i already told you, because they show more skin.
>Look no one is shaming your for liking cross dressers or trannies, it’s stupid, but if it rocks your boat it’s your problemunlike you i dont think clothes have genders. I wouldnt call you a crossdresser for wearing pants and tell you you are a tranny if you dont want to put on make up or shave. You are the only one reinforcing gender stereotypes and saying panties=woman and boxers=male.
No. 2267468
File: 1732039710846.jpeg (307.1 KB, 1616x2198, GJMRpy9XIAAdrpM.jpeg)

I made the thread
>>>/m/433523 No. 2267472
>>2267459incredibly based take. so many handsome men look even MORE handsome without facial hair. facial hair is for
>a) covering up ugly faces or specifically ugly lower half of face (these men for sure should grow a beard, they need that crutch BAD)or
>b) men over the age of 50otherwise learn to shave you gross moids
No. 2267473
>>2267468>You must design your own entry, no submission of existing characters/designs. You are free to use existing characters/designs for inspiration, but the final submission must be your own.Boring, I thought it was gonna be more of a rate/roast my husbando thing.
>>2267470Yeah, men who are cock guzzling faggots.
No. 2267483
>>2267394Eww what the fuck. Men will never look good in underwear the way women do. This is lingerie for gay men.
>>2267459I try to do that every day, facial hair is really ugly and they always have crumbs and shit mixed in. It always looks so lazy and gross, too. When did it become okay to look so repulsive? No wonder so many men never have sex now.
No. 2267501
>>2267477How many times do you need to be told there's other ways for men to be sexy that arent crossdressing?
>>2267481What does creativity have to be with your tranny fetish again?
>>2267497>Women who dont think fags are hot must be dykes No. 2267510
File: 1732040719971.jpeg (32.78 KB, 554x554, images-6.jpeg)

>>2267478some moids need a beard to improve their appearance and they definitely should NOT stop shaving. its the lazy ones/the ones that falsely believe it looks better on them that are the problem
No. 2267534
>>2267513Gendered bla bla. Panties look like shit on a man. It’s not patriarchy , it’s not misogyny that makes me think that only women can wear panties, it’s the fucking male body that looks like shit in it.
Stop trying to be an intellectual, you just sound stupid and bitter that we don’t find your yaoi hot. It’s been 3 hours, stop.
No. 2267543
>>2267519no, now he just looks like a homeless frog kek. still froggy regardless.
>>2267536imo it's deceitful. i don't want to date a chinlet in disguise.
No. 2267547
File: 1732041310540.webp (Spoiler Image,51.15 KB, 615x410, IMG_0206.webp)

>>2267509What? You’re clearly a lesbian nonna, go and read the comphet paper!
According to nonnas this is the epitome of sexiness kek.
No. 2267550
File: 1732041384640.jpg (1.59 MB, 3300x2460, 20241119_193545.jpg)

>>2267536that's what i'm saying. beards don't improve anything to young or middle aged men that don't actually need it.
No. 2267551
File: 1732041388522.jpeg (Spoiler Image,72.55 KB, 980x655, IMG_0207.jpeg)

Lingeriechan when she returns home to her bf probably
No. 2267574
>>2267563You just want your man to be in panties and a bra , it isn’t really that deep as you’re making it out to be. You have a fetish for cross dressers. It doesn’t have to do with patriarchy or misogyny.
There’s fine men’s underwear lingerie that works well for them but you refuse to see it as such because “not revealing enough!” and “muh panties”. If you were arguing on the fact that straight men do in fact see putting effort (grooming even wearing lingerie) as emasculating while still expecting women to be clad in lingerie I would agree with you, but you just want to pass your fetish as something so profound kek.
No. 2267582
>>2267575That’s you actually. I find men , at least their bodies sexy, even the one in the lacy boxers that nonna sent, I just don’t care about a man in a thong, it does nothing for me, same goes for a man with a bralette, nothing.
And I don’t get why you’re acting so pissy when women here have told you that they don’t find it attractive.
No. 2267584
>>2267581You're right,
nonnie. I was just mentioning stuff that isn't lingerie that men can do to please women.
No. 2267612
>>2267597Putting words in my mouth out of nothing. Lingeries can be both for men and women, I already said that. Sexy isn’t only applied to women retard. What i and other nonnas have been telling you is that certain clothes look more flattering on a male or a female body, that’s it.
Again you’re just mad I don’t like your men in panties kek and you’re still trying to make this intellectual argument on how I’m apparently conservative for saying that I don’t get wet when I see a man in a bralette and a thong kek.
Are you a gendie nonna? Because you’re speaking exactly like one.
No. 2267632
>>2267621You’re the only retard here, have you realized that you’re literally arguing about men in panties and no one is agreeing with you?
And they have already explained you the reason why and you’re still trying to frame it as misogyny for some reason kek.
Men and women have their respective lingerie, a man in panties still looks like shit and the reason why is because he is built like a male, that’s it. A woman with men’s boxers is the same too.
No. 2267636
File: 1732043116476.jpeg (26.37 KB, 554x554, images-6.jpeg)

>>2267633the only time i ever see bulge on men is if they wear shit like this
No. 2267644
>>2267635I’m not that nonna kek, this is an anonymous site dumbass. My stance has always been that men just look shitty in it, not that it’s faggotry or trooning.
I’ve been wasting my time with you way too long though kek, but your stupidity is kind of fun.
No. 2267649
>>2267644How am i supposed to tell if it isnt you, like you said its an anonymous site.
>but your stupidity is kind of fun.your stupidity is also fun anon, glad we have something in common
No. 2267659
>>2267650even tifs talk about smelling more when they're on testosterone hrt, it has to be either shit hygiene, increased sweating or both
also i fucking hate moid cologne so much it's unreal, please just shower instead of smothering everyone with that putrid "macho scent"
No. 2267665
>>2267650if they're fat then they're going to have a bad smell no matter what. they can drown themselves in deodorant, but they simply have way too many rolls and crevices for the stink (bacteria) to form and smell. if they get down to a reasonable weight then the smell goes away.
some of them refuse to put on enough deodorant, if any at all, and its fucking disgusting
thankfully i live in a part of europe where smell is very important and you can immediately make a bad reputation for yourself if you smell. most moids here have deodorant + cologne on at all times if they are outside.
No. 2267682
>>2267676I live in Italy! I would say that Italian scrotes tend to take care of their looks on a larger scale. The ones I’ve gone out with always smelled nice and were clean. Even their ass too kek, we have bidets here and it isn’t considered faggotry behavior to clean your butt? Can any burger nonna confirm that American men don’t clean their asses? Have you ever had an encounter with a poopoo man?
But there are exceptions here too obviously and the men here are still as shitty.
No. 2267692
>>2267566All of this and they need to style their hair or get better wash and go cuts. Most men now have the worst hair and they would look better if they actually tried. I'm talking about young men who still have their hair of of course.
>>2267650In my experience men don't bathe well enough, they never throw their smelly shoes out before it becomes an issue, they half ass everything, they eat large amounts of offensive smelling foods that sweat out, and half the time they have piss or shit in their underwear. They never notice they smell and they act offended if someone tells them.
No. 2267693
>>2267682yeah in terms of hygiene i think southern european men take care of themselves pretty much the same across the board, i've seen most of the balkans + italy + spain. also idk i think parents here teach their sons to clean their butts in the shower from when they are small. we don't have bidets like in italy but the only time i've smelt men that smell like actual shit poopoo were old men on the bus… and i think they were literally shitting themselves from old age unfortunately
i have been to america though and i can confirm many people in public places smelled so bad there though. men especially but also some women too. i had the unpleasant experience on public transport there sitting next to people who did not seem to wear deodorant but sprayed themselves with perfume or body spray. sweat + perfume worst smell in existence, absolutely HARAM
(ban evasion) No. 2267728
>>2267566>>2267534>>2267509>>2267501>>2267483>>2267473>>2267421>>2267408>>2267403>>2267337>>2267313>>2267304>>2267299>>2267297>>2267282>>2267278>>2267273>>2267264>>2267258>>2267248>>2267237>>2267205>>2267203>>2267200>>2267179>>2267187>>2267194>>2267195>>2267196>>2267199>>2267220>>2267259>>2267368Why do asexuals get to police womens sexualities this much? Also the typical "n-no women are above coomer outfits we like personality and subtlety!". If you don't like slutty outfits on men, and I'm not just referring to a particular type of outfit; then you're either asexual or a lesbian.
>>2267210What fujo finds james charles hot you absolute retard
(derailing) No. 2267729
>>2267654People bring up the statistic about how everyone today has more female ancestors than male ones, but there's more than one way to interpret it. I've seen people say it means women were going for only the most attractive men, but after reading about how primitive cultures work, to me it seems more like a minority of men killed, outlived and generally kept other men from breeding. Being good at cracking skulls doesn't necessarily mean a man is handsome, but he can successfully deter other men from having access to women. The women don't have much choice in such a scenario. This is also the explanation why so many men care more about what other men think about them: their status within their group is more important for whether they get to have sex than being attractive to women.
Luckily, human history hasn't been just nonstop murderrapefest macho insanity. When the culture allows it, women select attractive mates and presumably affect the gene pool that way. You could test this theory by checking if cultures where women historically had more freedom have more attractive men today. It seems true to me anecdotally.
Tl;dr men didn't evolve to be ugly, but there hasn't been a strong enough selection pressure for them to be handsome. Capacity for violence and gaining resources have generally overshadowed women's preference for attractive men.
No. 2267795
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>>2267547NTA and not a fujoshit but I see what your issue is. You like old palumbolic pigs, so of course they'd look repulsive and gay in a succubus getup. Stick to burqas.
No. 2267797
>>2267795But picrel isn’t the same as what nonna posted
>>2266778The man in picrel is handsome. I don’t really get your point when you’re saying I like roided pigs just because I don’t like scrotes in skimpy leather bikinis and overgrown painted toenails. You sound stupid as fuck.
(do not defend ugly men itt) No. 2267859
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>>2267510You refuse to understand a huge amount of women are never attracted a bearded men, ever. No matter what. It doesn’t matter how “cool” a moustache is, it KILLS a man for me. There’s nothing facepubed man can do to become attractive in my eyes. Instant game over. NO MATTER WHAT. I’ve felt this way since reaching puberty and will never change. It’s an ingrained part of me: beard = subhuman. It’s not a preference, it’s a demand.
>>2266244Built like a toe
No. 2267963
>>2267210James Charles
>>2267278Don't fucking post this
>>2267286Goofy fucking hair
>>2267295Needs longer hair and a more detailed face, cute
>>2267510To the gulag
>>2267728Do not respond to so many people what the fuck
>>2267859Sweet potato
You're welcome. Now please go back to fighting the good fight.
(>do not respond to so many people what the fuck) No. 2268068
>>2268048Anon do you realize how genuinely hard it was to be fat in those times kek?
Does anyone here even understand why the human body evolved to store fat in the first place? In preindustrial environment it's impossible to be a hamplanet no matter how hard you try unless you're a literal king. You're gonna tell me that moids whose job was to pvp deathmatch in an ancient society were manospheres? Fugly and not bishies by far, sure, but fucking porkers? LOL
No. 2268070
>>2268068you can do this thought exercise all you want but he literally quoted in the video a historian that lived 2000 years ago
>the condition of their body fleshy–not compact, dense flesh like pork, but flesh that is somehow more flabby"doesn't mean they were hamplanets it means they didn't have visible 6 packs which sounds completely right given that they ate barley and fucking fava beans 3 times per day
No. 2268456
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I missed the suitfag-slutfag infighting thank goodness.
>>2268039My problem with this is I realize the kind of retardation it'll devolve into. I know the historical reality, but I hate any normalization of ugliness in men via m-m-muh skilinity. At least when they're gymbros, they're unlikely to get too gross unless they are abusing PEDs. It was better when moids were convinced peak performance was a wide-shouldered, wasp-waisted silhouette of low body fat percentage and high muscle. Yes, higher musculature is usually unattractive, but it's not easy to achieve naturally anyways. The result is usually just athletic and trim.
Ever since the 'dad bod' or 'bear mode' (which is literally just the gay word for the former, weird that straight men use it) was normalized, it's been disastrous for the male race and women as a byproduct. Regardless of how you feel about either, let's be honest, most women who liked them meant a high muscle, medium fat bulky build. It's not even that high of a body fat percentage, maybe like 18%-25%. It was only fat in comparison to previous ideas, and the women who do like it only like it because it looks 'strong' and makes them feel safe or small or whatever. Now men will say they have these body types and will be 30% body fat or more with scrawny flabby arms and barely any muscle, which no woman actually likes no matter how much moid propaganda is pushed on her, unless she has an obesity fetish.
We all know the reality of what a post-partum female body looks like. That is technically peak female performance from a biological sense, but we always see images of women who lose all the baby weight quickly and look as good as they did before they were pregnant, as unrealistic as it is to see zero evidence of it on their skin. There's a huge pressure for women to look as young and virginal as possible, but men can look old and fat and they can still cope by pointing at their masculine heroes with their chubby sausage fingers, "b-b-but real warriors would have looked like me, this is the male ideal!!1!1" Gladiators are one of these hero types for men. I don't care what the reality may have been. I won't contest that they were probably social reject-looking bloodsports piggus. But there is no excuse to normalize the ugliness of male role models when female role models are held to ridiculous beauty standards. Especially since we are more likely to occupy whatever given role women are depicted to have in films and other media, and moids are rarely warrior prizefighters today. Scrotes will only use it as further excuses to be even fatter and more disgusting. Fava beans, onions, and garlic? Can you imagine the smell? I bet scrotes will go further with this and use it to dismiss or even promote any sickening odors they produce from gassiness and lack of bathing. The full video even discusses how they sold their sweat as an aphrodisiac. Barf.
Gladiators need to be depicted as spry, handsome young men with strapping physiques to combat this. We don't want the grotesque realism of ugly stinking criminals championed in art, least of all as protagonists.
That being said, I always hated Russell Crowe's face. He has a lazy eye and a Play-Doh head. Was there a time he was ever cute? He was already old af in Gladiator. He's also jealous over the sequel, which I haven't watched and have no interest in, but just goes to show how jealous old scrotes can be of the younger ones kek.
No. 2268525
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No. 2268536
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No. 2268549
>>2268496Yes. Imo beards aren't horrible in the sense it can hide an ugly man's face if they're well kept, but having a beard is just admitting you're ugly and have to hide your face under thick, coarse hairs kek. If a moid 'looks better with a beard', he's simply not attractive in the first place. Every man I knew who were so defensive about having to shave were ironically right about it, because they were fucking hideous underneath it. I wish they would just admit they were ugly instead of pretending it was 'manly'.
But most of the time it's just laziness, and the beards themselves are festering grounds for germs.
>>2268536Bald + beard is probably the worst combination too. It's almost always a cope for balding scrotes to avoid looking like a thumb, but I've seen younger scrotes shave their heads and do it too because they're trying to emulate the Kratos look. I hate GoW so much.
No. 2268561
File: 1732103176915.jpeg (311.05 KB, 1200x798, 627FD34C-D266-48B5-9B8D-7314A2…)

Trying to shill sex work as romantic to young women with an ugly rat male lead
No. 2268572
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>>2268554It's definitely a red flag, and I inherently don't trust a man with this look on instinct alone, but it's very clear why when you even think about it just a little bit. No wonder villains use to be depicted as bald with facial hair. We should go back to doing that. I think a lot of young women would stop fangirling after villain characters if they looked like that again kek.
Funny thing about misogyny too.
The article in the screenshot says the judge ruled that the 'bald' comment was what's offensive, but had nothing to say about the 'cunt' part in regards to the moid whining that he was called a 'stupid bald cunt'. There are people excusing it in the comments, saying it doesn't have the same severity as it does in other places like the states, but fail to realize how they made a crude word for female genitals as casual as a cheeky little insult. But 'bald' is the problem word here.
No. 2268586
>>2268549>they're trying to emulate the Kratos lookMy boy will never stop being slandered. Kratos is now THE example of this. Dammit.
I don't think they are trying to emulate the Kratos look more like Kratos' design was changed to emulate a look already popular. That's why I don't vibe with his redesign, Kratos shouldn't be reflecting popular contemporary fashion trends, he should look singularly unique. Random guys on the street should not look like
the God of War. His ugly weird pointy soul patch was perfect.
No. 2268639
>>2268554It's funny because I've known moids who get this look then wonder why they get rejected by women and still want a gf. They're so stupid and entitled to female attention despite doing nothing to really earn it.
>>2268570It should be solely because as women we are expected to not have any hair on our faces either, so why should men get away with having tons of it on theirs. I don't care if they grow more of it naturally, there are hairy women out there too and they're still pressured into shaving and told they're ugly if they don't. You get shit for even having ungroomed eyebrows or some slight hair near your lips from men yet they expect us to put up with beards because muh masculinity. Fuck that.
No. 2268716
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Moids who constantly have a spiky 5 o'clock shadow despite having shaved recently disgust me, they really need to invest in some facial laser hair removal because it makes them look beyond walled and haggard.
No. 2268725
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Not fully anti-beard (it depends on the moid) but I think we can all agree this type of disgusting past chin length pube beard should get you put down like a dog
No. 2269099
>>2268496My moid was not hairy at all and always shaving and even shaved I could feel the beginning of his annoying stubble poking me when I was kissing him, my chin would always get red because of it. It was also itchy when he was going down on me, I can't imagine how bad it must be with a full beard.
Also unpopular opinion here, but I think SOME moids can rock the buzzcut look. Like a hot clean shaven punk with defined jawline and piercing eyes and nice eyebrows.
No. 2269108
>>2269099if they grow their beard out it's actually less irritating for you, you'd never feel it when he went down on you and you would never get a red chin from being scratched. at worst you might find his beard ticklish or not like it for some other reason, but it wouldn't scratch you anymore.
any cut facial hair is sharp and itchy, long facial hair is harmless and soft.
No. 2269256
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>>2269099Like this nonnita?
No. 2269330
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>>2269256>>2269099the key to this look is having a full head of hair but choosing to shave it, as opposed to balding and coping
No. 2269388
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how dare women be attracted to young fit men, they should choose the walled 64 year old
No. 2269414
>>2269256Finally an attractive moid ITT. He's got major faggot face though, sad.
>>2269330Yikes kek he's either ugly as fuck or that chinese shooping makes everyone look uncanny
>>2269388This is a major improvement compared to all the decrepit moid x barely legal actress castings we're bombarded with, but unfortunately he's still mid.
No. 2270003
>>2268716I hate his face so fucking much, almost every movie someone has recommended to me with him in has been horrible. The movie themselves weren't good either way, but his presence degrades the experience further. I don't understand why though. He's obviously pretty ugly, but there are definitely uglier actors out there. I don't know what it is about his face that makes him so punchable.
But on the beard topic: I don't think beard means they are automatically dirtier, but they generally are. Saying that all hair is unhygienic is kind of silly though, because you don't shove foodstuff into a hole in the back of your head. That's what happens with beards though, and you have to assume that the moid thoroughly cleans their face. Most of them don't. One of the reason they have beards in the first place is they can't be bothered to shave. The other reason is because they know they unattractive and have to use them to cover their bad skin, weak chins, or fucked up jaws.
Sure, some handsome men are still handsome with a beard. But that's because they were already extremely handsome in the first place. They would probably look even better without one. If they are truly beautiful, you would actually be able see their sculpted jawlines and clear skin without a beard in the way.
If you're attractive, your facial beauty remains regardless of how flattering or unflattering your hairstyle is. I think the same can be said about buzzcuts. Most women don't like it, but I think a few rare men can pull it off, and only if they are extremely handsome. Even then, they'd probably look better with hair.
The issue with these 'masculine' styles is they can only really be worn by the most beautiful men and still look good. In your average moid, they just serve to highlight their less attractive features. A buzzcut might make a man's facial beauty a centerpoint, but on the average moid, there is no hair to distract from flaws in their face like shallow cheekbones, big nose, weird head, etc.
I don't hate beards because I do realize some men are pretty ugly and need that built-in burqa, but on the other hand, you don't really know how well-kept that beard actually is. I'm not opposed to a man hiding his ugly mug under a beard of shame, assuming he keeps it neat and clean. I just sadly know a lot of moids don't.
No. 2270014
>>2269388Harris looks mid to me, but saying he looks like a 19 yr old is crazy wtf. Standards are so low that a man who is in his mid 20s and looks in his mid 20s is apparently a teenager to some women.
I honestly don't know if she's virtue signalling or not. It sounds like it based on her wanting to fuck Antonio Banderas (barf), but then I remember a lot of men age like shit so idk. Are some women so use to seeing old scrotes in movies and watching the average moid decay like tissue paper that they don't realize what a 27 year old man looks like?
No. 2270078
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The domino effect of Selena Gomez one of the women moids universally crush on choosing to date Benny Blanco and then in turn her boosting his state as a "sex symbol"(yuck). Is how we got to that man being declared the sexiest men. Remember ladies when you date ugly men you make them hotter than they actually are and doom other women to dating uggos like them.
Notice how when scrotes get the girl everyone wants they instantly start degrading her to humble her.
No. 2270089
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>>2270078Yeah, same as when Pete Davidson got shilled as attractive for dating Ariana and then Kim. Luckily women are waking up to the psyops, no one's buying Benny Blanco being cute, much less sexy
No. 2270104
>>2270078He's ugly and he has a shitty personality. They're not even pretending like ugly guys are a trade-off for funny/nice/thoughtful/caring/etc anymore. Not only will you settle for an ugly scrote, he'll act like shit and treat you like shit, see, even Selena Gomez had to settle!
We already knew this was the agenda, but this is so mask off.
No. 2270149
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i enjoy eddy burback's videos but they are NOT looksmatched and this girl is so inactive on social media i have to wonder if he pays her to pretend to be his gf
No. 2270369
>>2266734Moids already seethe about women dedicating their attention and affection to pets instead of them. Now imagine the seethefest those men will have about robots. Please god let me live long enough to witness it, it would be so fucking funny.
No. 2270385
>>2270377sorry, i didn't mean to worry you. i don't think i'm invalid or ugly myself, i just mean other people (men and women both) would likely describe me as ugly because people generally hate recessed faces lol.
>My point was that when I go out, all I see is normal women with uggos.i agree with you, most couples i see outside the woman is way more attractive than the man. men probably think "he offers her so much money and status bruh" but no, she's just coping and dating an ugly guy because tons and tons of men are just… unattractive.
No. 2270455
>>22704491) you have to pay for AI to make sexy stuff and i'm not willign to pay
2) for ai to make something, it has to be widely available online already, otherwise the AI hasn't had anythign to train on, so the results would probably be shitty
No. 2270487
>>2270331>>2270377They definitely don't go outside, like you 99% of the time I go out I just see normal/average women with ugly men. The reason they think all women have these super high standards for looks (not true since most women have been psyopped) is because they basically got rejected by women, especially ones way out of their league, and then start coping and justifying this by turning to incel shit to say it must just be because women's standards are just too high that they can't get a gf. They go online and see dating app memes about women only wanting a guy who is 6 feet, has money, muscles, chad, whatever, and convince themselves this must be why they rejected them. Meanwhile guys uglier, fatter and shorter than them are out there getting gfs (unfortunately) but they blind themselves to this truth because it would mean having to admit to themselves that they are the problem and not necessarily women's supposedly sky high standards. Because by saying that's the problem they put it on women and avoid having to do any real work on themselves. When they meet a woman who actually does have high standards they use this as a confirmation that all women are the same too, even though the average woman is dating some ugly broke guy, and since they don't go outside and see normal people this just becomes their reality. It's really pathetic especially when the bar is already in hell for most women and they can't even meet that.
No. 2270509
>>2270504Maybe they are good fathers.
It's far more important to find a good co-parent then someone who just looks good
(defending ugly men) No. 2270523
>>2270509This happens even when they don't have kids though.
It's stupid to think ugly men have better personalities and can co-parent your kids better automatically compared to attractive ones too when if anything ugly men still have shitty personalities
and they look like garbage on top of it. I've given ugly men a chance in the past and they all treated me worse than my current bf who I actually find attractive. Also if a guy is ugly it's not even good to have him be the father of your kids in the first place since you'll just be bringing more dysgenic people and possible incels into the world. It's better to get with someone you actually find attractive and on a similar level to you
and has a personality you vibe with than settle with someone you're not even attracted to just to not be alone.
No. 2270535
>>2270523>>2270525>dysgenicThe fuck is this eugenics lingo
Ironically, any online autist using it shouldn't procreate by their own rules
No. 2270538
>>2270529It seems like it's a pretty common thing when I go outside and see women with makeup on, pretty hair, decent clothes, normal face, and then their bf looks like just some ugly guy that doesn't put much effort into his looks, has facial hair that looks unkempt, and is usually balding (or already bald). To me that's ugly and not really nitpicking especially when women would get called ugly for less.
>>2270535Are you lost? That word has been used in these threads and on this site tons of times and this is the ugly man psyop thread of all places.
No. 2270544
>>2270538>Are you lost? No, but have you lost the plot?
You can totally talk about the ugly man psyop without straying into nazi territory
No. 2270562
>>2270557True, it is also used by terminally online autists that would be labelled dysgenic by their own criteria
Never irl have I heard that word come out of anyone's mouth
No. 2270670
>>2270610Woke agenda makes it so kek. No one wants their child to be disabled or chronically sick, it isn’t a “blessing”, no one wants a retarded child, but you make do with what you have.
I think there should be more spaces where parents of disabled children can actually vent and share their struggles without morons telling them that they should consider themselves lucky.
No. 2270971
>>2270544Like others have already pointed out, not wanting to fuck ugly men and have their spawn isn't being a nazi, kek. You're free to choose who you want to fuck, you just sound like men who say women not wanting to fuck and have kids with them is oppression. Or a tranny saying women not wanting to fuck them is transphobia and makes them a nazi/bigot/
TERF/whatever other buzzword.
>>2270562You keep trying to use this as an epic gotcha but it's men who are supposed to be chosen by women, so they're the ones who have to prove to us they're that they're worth breeding with, if you're a woman who wants kids. And even if I ignored this and went with what you're saying, I see no problem in choosing not to reproduce if you're ugly, autistic and just in general have problems. It's just selfish to still want them if you genuinely have lots of issues and you know they'll inherit them.
No. 2271053
File: 1732218978317.mp4 (1.81 MB, 360x640, 7348590485.mp4)

>"Women are so obsessed with shopping, they spend way too much on clothes, shoes, nails and hair, they take hours in the bathroom to wash, shave, put on makeup and so on, plus they always nag if the house isn't spotless! Me, as a man, I don't need much at all."
>"Us moids are simply visual creatures, looks are most important to us, it's biology! Females? They only care about status and income."
Nothing they ever say makes any sense. Nobody is more visual than women, it's even proven that we notice way more details than them, so how should we bear laying with something visually unappealing? I really don't get how normies/pickmes do it, I always immediately see dozens of flaws.
I recently came across videos of chinese actors having dance scenes in movies and it made me think that this simply hasn't existed in the west since forever. No moid would ever put in the effort to stay slender, flexible, take care of his skin and hair, wear pretty clothes that accentuate his waist and then perform for a female audience. Yes, something like Chippendales exist but it's crude and just not the same, probably more appealing to fags (or very desperate old women).
No. 2271398
>>2271371Has to be for peacocking reasons considering the amount of scrotes like
>>2267510 who desperately need it to hide their chinlets. Beards are basically make up for scrotes.
No. 2271409
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I think this is the best thread to get this off my chest, so I'm gonna just come out and say it. At work, I gotta look at the profiles of different men that come in. When I look at the dates of birth for the men that are supposed to be my age or close, they're always built like a house and have faces that look twice their age. Sometimes, I see men that are younger than me by mere months or even a few years and they still look twice their fucking ages. Like I take one or two seconds to be genuinely perplexed that they're so young and yet already screwed into aging so bad. It's insane to think that possibly stress alone could've made them physically age this bad? Are some moids' genes just bricked that fucking badly? I can't even say it's just that they're ugly, those moids really looked so genuinely fucking older and old. At first, I thought it was pseudo science that scrotes physically age faster than women, but now I'm convinced that something about that article must've been right.
No. 2271543
>>2271409>>2271442>It's insane to think that possibly stress alone could've made them physically age this bad?kek anon you're giving them too much credit. majority of moids:
a) drink
b) smoke
c) are barely physically active
d) have terrible eating habits
e) all of the above
No. 2271556
>>2271371Just spitballing here, but they are a clear, undeniable sign a male has gone through puberty, something you can see at first glance. It might also have something to do with the handicap principle. A beard can give the enemy an advantage in a fight, since they can grab it and attack the guy's head directly, so a beard might be meant to signal the man is so strong he can survive despite nerfing himself. The other
nonnie might be right and beards could have developed to let moids trick women about the quality of their skin and bone structure. Nobody really knows.
No. 2271565
>>2271371A lot of traits are simply an aimless side effect of another trait that does have an adaptive reason to be expressed.
Some nonas are probably aware that nose and ear hair density increases with age. Facial hair is in the same category. There's no purpose for it specifically, it just happens due to lifelong effects of testosterone on the hair growth cycle (it speeds it up).
No. 2273292
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Every single time news breaks of a 20 year old woman sleeping with an underage man the only negative comments are from middle aged women with haggot husbands. They’re always saying shit like
>letting him touch your boobs is equivalent to rape, you’re traumatising an innocent baby
Meanwhile said innocent baby looks like this.(bait)
No. 2273339
>>2273292Men would never defend female
victims like these pick mes defend their precious males. Imagine being middle aged and still being such a cuck.
No. 2273450
>>2273432No I don't. But 17 year old dick is not worth going to jail over.
No. 2274090
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I'm so glad more and more women are just calling out these ugly failed moids rather than let them spread their BS in silence
No. 2274097
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Why do these retards keep shilling him as "extremely attractive"?? He's fucking not, damnit. Why our generation has old men as heartthrobs???
No. 2274113
>>2274090I just saw this- anyway, I think all of these accounts are ragebait bots. Especially accounts that seem like they are run by women. Either just creepy males manually typing ragebait all day, unemployed, or bots. And why 28? The age just gets lower and lower.
>>2274106Hes going to be Pedo Pascall in a few years
No. 2274135
>>2274132Bots run by males based on certain incel talking points, posting ragebait for indoctrination reasons and Elonbux.
>Aphrodite dating>talks about how males are the best and women are all ugly and washed outShe wouldn't say that (I did see that acc in the comments)
No. 2274141
>>2274135Yeah, just say
“Woman bad
Man good
Follow for more advice”
and collect shekels
No. 2275737
>>>>2266744when i become dicator, I'm forcing all hot men into this
>>2266734InshaAllah, women will be free