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No. 2305353
Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and real men being shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unnatractiveness, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currsprev thread
>>>/ot/2278909 No. 2305371
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This butt ugly creautre manages to get with Beyonce, but it still wasn't enough, so not only dod he cheat on beyonce, he also raped a 13 year old girl. You give them an inch, they take a mile. Why the fuck was Beyoncé with this thing.
No. 2305430
>>2305414additionally. doctors tell women that they're not allowed to have sex when undergoing IVF treatment. men will still leave their wife for not putting out during this time.
just like how doctors also routinely tell women that they're not allowed to have sex until 6 weeks post-partum -at the earliest-. and men will still leave or have the gall to whine about 'muh dead bedroom' that entire time. nurses have described walking in on husbands raping their wife in the L&D ward.
No. 2305446
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Nonnies, I'm devastated by how hard ATJ has faceplanted into the wall. He's not horrible looking, but I cannot believe he's only 33. What the fuck happened? Why is he so wrinkly, why is is hairline already receding and why is his pretty face bloated already? Is it drugs/alcohol or are moid genes just cucked to expire at 25? This is so sad.
No. 2305449
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>>2305446Samefag, this is what he used to look like for comparison. RIP.
No. 2305469
>>2305431Can’t believe this women larped as a feminist
>>2305446Surely this guy must be lying about his age then? An age-matched relationship with him would look like grooming.
No. 2305510
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>>2305407This is why stories and myths of women screwing men over and having them fucked up by cheating, getting pregnant from another man, and letting the baby be raised by the husband knowing damn well that the child isn't his is hilarious to me. It's such a painful way to get under a man's skin because of multiple reasons at once:
You're attacking his value of "muh bloodline" by having him raise and bond with a child that isn't genetically his. Imagine the shock and mental waterboarding a moid has to go through to be so narcissistically obsessed with his own worthless genetics, only to find out that the boy he spent all that time laughing, playing with, helping out, raising, and protecting isn't even his real son in the way that "matters" to himself. He probably wants to KILL that boy now.
You're attacking his expectation of your "womanly trust" by going behind his back and taking dick, which stings because it's a reflection of what the average moid would do to any girlfriend in a heartbeat. He expected you to be "better" because you're a woman and his wife, yet you still cheated, so this stings him.
You're attacking his finances, because that's years of his income going into raising a CHILD (something very expensive to take proper care of) that he otherwise wouldn't want and would most likely never help if he knew it wasn't his.
All three of the man's ego, his expectations, and his finance are all simultaneously attacked from the scenario of a woman having another man's baby and passing it off as her husband's. And because of the nature of this scenario (how pregnancy works), this triple-attack is exclusive to something only being able to be performed by a woman. Only women can be pregnant, so unless there's a rare case of "switched at birth", there's no way for a woman to be unsure that a baby is her own. Meanwhile, any man that is effectively lied to by his wife is pretty much "blind" on the real identity of his own baby. A unique, devastating attack on a man that can only be done by a woman, which is so hilariously sad that it's almost poetic.
No. 2305521
>>2305371I hate the psyop that she's a girlboss icon. She's just a fucking cuckquean. Beyonce still looks good though, even in her 40s, yet Jay-Z has
always been hideous. There's no doubt in my mind that she gives zero fucks about her husband cheating on her with a minor. She was a minor too when he started grooming her. She probably thinks this is normal and was only upset that her ogre husband was unfaithful. Yet she still took him back.
Women in apparently every echelon of society are fucked in the head by the sexist messaging that exists everywhere, but I hate that other women still have a part in promoting the ugly man psyop as well. That's not terrible enough though, it has to be
more terrible in that these women are held up as female empowerment. It would almost be less offensive if they would just admit this was blatantly anti-feminist and they think women are lesser. The closest comparison in newer pop music icons being shoved down our throats as 'feminist' is Sabrina Carpenter. She also wrote a song about her embarrassing moid, but for some reason everyone sees this as empowering instead of a self-humiliating plea to level with an ugly man. Also both of them objectify themselves in front of their heterosexual female fans. I also never understood that shit. Could you imagine millions of straight scrotes watching their favorite male musicians gyrate on stage nearly naked with their bulges popping out?
Moids will deride each other for being simps, but women would do much better if we socially punished other women for simping, and straight up ostracizing those who allow themselves to be consumed by ugly men.
No. 2305708
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>>2305510Also reminds me of how moids will refuse to date single mothers and joke at their expense, but expect women to be okay with his own offspring from a previous relationship. Then they attack women who don't want to raise a moid's children as unmotherly or even unfeminine.
At the same time, a single mother wouldn't be able to date a moid who was okay with supporting her children, because there's always a chance he's just a pedophile.
It's obnoxious that women have to be defined by their potential parenthood, but truth be told, moids do not make for good parents on their own most of the time. This stereotype almost exists as an evidence of male failure, even if on the flip side it pressures women into roles they might not want for themselves and have so much to lose from. And it only really benefits moids. A moid can always leave, but a woman can't. It's annoying when moids bitch that they aren't seen as
valid parents like mothers are, even though everyone will give asspats to a father for doing the bare minimum.
As much as moids bitch about literally everything, especially child support and cuckolding and 'divorce rape', they can always just be what they actually are: Sperm donors. They
can just walk away from their responsibilities. I will never forget the reason I use to see this ugly scrote's face everywhere. He too left his girlfriend and child to pursue his gay little YouTube dreams and find himself or w/e. I hope the woman he left actually cucked him and that the child he abandoned isn't cursed to look this ugly.
No. 2306011
>>2305955You sound like a retard and enjoy your scrotefoiling ban.
>Do not defend ugly men ITT>>2305956No, I love my white men with lips.
>>2305971>Angelics in terms of looksAngels were portrayed as beautiful blonde cherubs. That's a nasty hairy Italian.
No. 2306024
>>2306011If you can't even find kpop moids hot i'm assuming you're not even attracted to men to begin with
>Angels were portrayed as beautiful blonde cherubs. That's a nasty hairy Italian.You sound like a nazi.
No. 2306025
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does something so blatant happen in your country?
No. 2306030
>>2306024Where did I mention k-pop idols? Are you lost?
>You sound like a nazi.You sound like a Tumblr faggot kek gonna tell me to check my privilege and donate to black trans women next? go back
No. 2306035
>>2306030>>2305871>K-pop fans were talking about wanting to milk cow Jimin's udders and snorting the dandruff out of their ugly Koreans scalps like crack cocaineRetard.
Praising blondness and then calling Italians nasty sounds like polmoid tier stuff. You go back.
(scrotefoiling) No. 2306046
>>2306035That's not the post you were replying to though, lost retard. Do you even know where you are? Everyone collectively agrees kpop moids are ugly as shit and there was a huge infight when they were posted as an example of hot moids.
No1currs about your scrotefoiling, your nasty hairy Italian will never be attractive and blondes are objectively hot. Go back to Tumblr where you can perpetuate the psyops and moralfag about everyone being a licheral nazi, pearlclutching faggot
(infighting) No. 2306055
>>2305798Things are grim and have been for a while. At this point,
if women want to have kids, they should probably just raise them with other women who want kids too. They don't have to be lesbians or anything, just very close friends living and working together for a common goal. I am definitely biased towards separatism though, and I know that might be hard to find, but it's not impossible. I think finding an attractive man with a fatherly, loyal personality is harder, just because there's sadly not enough of them to go around.
I think also maybe not as many actually want children as we're forced to believe. There's less pressure than there was in the past, so maybe with less demand males will realize they have to step up their game if they want to successfully mate. At the very least, they'll realize how lucky they are and accept that getting to raise a family at all is a privilege. Idk, hopeful thinking.
No. 2306085
>>2306063This. I prefer handsome blond men to handsome dark haired men, but blondness is no excuse for ugliness. I hate it when moids think they are attractive just for having blond hair or blue eyes and that it makes up for also having fugly faces or lard bodies. They still have to be
actually attractive too. Blondness isn't very common where I live, and a lot of the time I see blond moids who squander it and choose to be unkempt fatasses. It's so sad.
No. 2306158
>>2306063AYRT, not all blonde men are hot, but they're definitely better than hairy italian apes
>>2306090>Thinks k-pop fags are hotYou go back kek
>>2306100There was literally a blonde Russian hottie posted in prev thread just today, lurk moar
>>2305225 No. 2306180
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>>2306177Wow, yeah, total down syndrome vibes. Let me guess, he also has FAS and nasolabial folds. SJWtards are so annoying kek, post a hairy woke minority you think is cute then.
No. 2306182
>>2305763hybristophilia is a one way road to being a domestic violence
victim, not to mention that this fag in particular is also a roidpig
No. 2306207
>>2306191youre example of a hot blonde man is literally a mediocre man with downie eyes
>>2306180Also this isn't 2016 anymore your sperging about tumblr is outdated.
You on the otherhand can go back to 4chan where you and your fellow ilk can circle jerk over mid downie blonde men who look like they do gay for pay porn.
Blonde men can be hot but you are posting mid blonde men while shitting on hot brunette men, are you one of those incels mad that women found luigi hot and will never find you hot?
No. 2306222
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>>2306180Blonde sped or Luigi's Mansion ('Happy Meal: free CEO toy with gun' inside Edition).
No. 2306223
>>2306201How am I race-baiting if Italians are white, you sped? Do you hear yourselves?
>Wanting to a-log because someone doesn't find your objectively ugly moid attractive It feels so powerful making you retards seethe this easily KEKK keep going
>>2306207>Reddit spacing >Scrotefoiling Louigitards are all struggling to rb their two shared braincells together I see.
>>2306219>mogs No. 2306232
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>>2306222More like: Banned for luigisperging outside containment edition kek
No. 2306234
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>>2306223All this infighting and you have yet to prove the aesthetic superiority of blonde men. Come on anon, we're waiting…
No. 2306241
>>2306237Mine was also just a joke, why are you genuinely getting
triggered about this? anons itt are way too aggro about nothing. I will have fun with my sped bowl cut, have fun with nothing and keep smelling your own farts, retardnona.
No. 2306243
I talked about blonde men which promoted a bunch of
triggered anons calling me a nazi. Hence why I'm bringing up the woke minority men I should be into according to you empresses of wokeness and racial diversity. I never said Luigi was ugly because he's Italian, he's simply ugly and happens to be Italian. You seem lost.
No. 2306302
>>2306161He's gay or autistic
nonny. The only reason straight non-autist men shave is for sports or occasionally acting/modeling.
>>2306165The russian man is really dopey looking and the definition of mid. Also has the troon dreamworks smile. Lots of russian men are hot he's just not one of them. I don't think Luigi Mansion is hot either (it's definitely the halo effect of the robin hood-esque murder making everyone think he is) but he's better looking than the dopey blonde. Thinking either of those men is objectively highly attractive means you fell for the psyop though.
>>2306295Can't just be that because I know natural blonde women who don't wear sunscreen at all and they aren't red like that. It's not just in the summer either, blonde moids look like sweaty lobsters year round. Yeah not necessarily dirty blondes though.
No. 2306345
>>2306339It's definitely hormonal. There's a reason why the pooner caricature is pink, testosterone increases red blood cell production among other things. Off topic but it's fascinating to me how women who take male hormones tend to get the worst effects (baldness, facial bloating, bulbous noses, skin tone of an alcoholic etc.) within a few years, while some men are lucky enough to hold them off for a decade or so.
>I've known dark haired moids with rosacea before too but it never looks as bad on darker haired menDark haired, light-skinned people tend to have an olive tint to their skin, which filters out some of the redness, in addition to the reason you mentioned.
No. 2306513
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>>2305758He stopped doing daily vlogs on YouTube, so thankfully we are spared his hideous mug. But yeah, he somehow managed to shackle a different woman as well. He's also known for being something of a narcissistic douchebag now, so he's not nearly as popular anymore.
No. 2306526
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You're beautiful beyond compare
Takes more than beauty and seductive stares
To come between a family and a happy man
Jolene, I'm a woman too
The games you play are nothing new
So you don't want no heat with me, Jolene
We been deep in love for twenty years
I raised that man, I raised his kids
I know my man better than he knows himself (uh, what?)
I can easily understand why you're attracted to my man
But you don't want this smoke
So shoot your shot with someone else (you heard me)
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I'm warnin' you, don't come for my man (Jolene)
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Don't take the chance because you think you can(newfag)
No. 2306642
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>>2306526Why did he model his look after a bisexual male prostitute arteest? It looked ridiculous on Basquiat, but Jay-Z's monstrous physiognomy turns the look from hobo-chic to straight up homeless.
No. 2306699
>>2306672Yeah most famous pop 'artists' have somewhere between a limited and zero contribution to writing/producing their songs and you're definitely not supposed to think about them when you listen, Tswift being in the notable minority who obviously write their lyrics because otherwise they would never be that cringe if a pro lyricist wrote them.
But nonetheless I think the criticisms of her dating that ogre hold because she should have the self-awareness to not perform songs that could be interpreted as autobiographical while living with/married to that hideous creep, just in case people are naive and think she wrote them. I also just feel bad for her daughter, she looks fine but imagine what an out of world gorgeous and genetically gifted child Beyonce could have had if she'd chosen a handsome and talented man to procreate with instead. At least I don't resent my parents because they were both hot, if I had one hot parent and one hideous parent I'd probably be so mad at the hot parent for fucking me over.
No. 2306713
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>>2306513His face reminds me of the Columbine shooter
No. 2306823
>>2306513I bet some scrote told this woman she couldn't do any better. He doesn't look human.
>>2306526His moustache hair is so nasty, not going to provide a close up because it's
triggering. They are like 4 inches long and sparse, i can't believe a supposed baddie like beyonce subjects herself to that, let alone the fact that he's a monster. Solange needs to beat him up again.
No. 2306903
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>>2306857nta but I googled him and was physically repulsed by the results. Somehow, that isn't even his worst photo. He looks like a fucking cartoon
No. 2307487
>>2306526>I raised that manThis sentiment is so deeply disturbing to me. I see it in so many un-awakened women. Why is it
good that you "raise" a man as though he is a child… Why do so many men become the child in romantic relationships? It disgusts me that there are 40 year old men that act like children just as much as it disgusts me that some women cater to them and treat them as though they are their children. It's repulsive to me because it's so latently incestuous.
Also kek at the fact you still saged the post No. 2307602
>>2305837This. Everytime i see a man with a nice body he has to ruin it with some cringe tattoo.
Worst part is so many women keep drooling over it in comments.
Ive also seen them comment 'he needs tattoos and hed be perfect' on the ones that dont have them its depressing
No. 2307606
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People in the comments and quotes defending this cadaver No. 2307650
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Hideous looking moid that was already ugly even before aging. His music is only tolerable as retail store background noise and he just lacks as a solo artists. People pretend like he has a sense of style when he’s just a straight version of sam smith genderfuck clown. Young women are gaslit into showing mercy to this ugly rat well past expiry date.
No. 2307680
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>>2307650I still think about this monstrosity
No. 2307706
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>>2307650>>2307680Samefag, had to include this
No. 2307728
>>2307691>>2307700>>2307716nta, if the woman
knows the man is married and sleeps with him anyway she's a male-aligned terrible person. the man broke his vows, the woman broke the trust women place in each other
No. 2307736
>>2307730It’s the responsibility of the partner that cheats obviously, but I don’t really care if mistresses get called sluts or receive backlash too. They knowingly get with these scrotes, I don’t get why you’re white knighting for Pickemes.
There’s literally nothing more pickme than being a mistress willingly.
No. 2307783
>>2307763If a scrote I am with cheats on me I’m going to leave kek, there are no second chances. Just because I have some smoke for the mistresses, while still primarily blaming the partner who cheated on me, doesn’t mean that I’m a cuckhold retard.
You’re projecting extremely hard here nonna.
No. 2307796
>>2307783>projecting extremely hardt. fantasizes about mistresses out to poach her used meat dildo on an imageboard
>doesn’t mean that I’m a cuckholdNot for lack of trying from your whore, evidently
No. 2307826
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>>2307819It's not the whore part that's sad. It's the pedestalizing and bangmaiding for a whore.
And the fact that nonnies here see partaking in this as unavoidable really shows that this thread is just giant cope after all.
No. 2307892
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>>2306025Even 29yo(!) Angelina Jolie(!) had to play mother to 28yo Colin Farell. Timothee Chalamet is also 29 now, he would never even play the father of a newborn.
How insanely shitty actresses over a certain age are treated vs. moid actors who get to play alongside basically little girls all their lifes is the most brutal showcase of the psyop.
No. 2307994
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>>2307819Anon never said men don't cheat or that they aren't fickle and pointless but that women who go out of their way to pursue married or attached men are pathetic losers and deserving of mockery and scorn, which they are. This has been explained and repeated multiple times. Not trying to infight because I would really love to discuss the 25th anniversary of digimon for the next 6 hours straight with you, assuming you're free tonight
No. 2308340
>>2308103Yeah. Not all are such addicts that they can't stop if they choose to. If they respect you, they will. I'm confident mine doesn't at least, but it may not be worth the effort to gain that confidence. May not be worth bothering at all.
>>2308247>Are you single tooNope. I have bf basically as described in the post. 10 year age gap. I understand it sounds bad but idc anymore. He's vaguely aware of this but trusts my intentions.
No. 2308352
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>>2307892I hate Colin Farrell's face. If I know he is going to be in a movie, I instantly have a lesser opinion of it. No watch is necessary.
I don't know what it is. He has the phenotype of an extinct proto-human. Maybe it's his dark, beady eyes, flared nostrils, and thin monkey lips. Or maybe it's just that he's old– but apparently he's
always been kind of ugly, only less ugly by virtue of being younger. Absolutely fucked up that we're suppose to believe that Angelina Jolie is old enough to be his mother, or that he's young enough to be her son. His bottle blonde hair here is so unsettling with his roots showing and dark caterpillar eyebrows and during some parts of the movie, stubble. His brows are always in a DreamWorks flux, they are never just neutral. He actually looks significantly older than Angelina Jolie in some of these scenes, wtf.
He's one of the few actors that you can ask
'are you blind?' if someone claims he's attractive and sincerely mean it. He almost has that handsome kind of 'rugged'/'mature'/'masculine'
(all words of the psyop, but you know what I mean) appeal in some shots, if you squint your eyes to blur the details, but if you actually see him clearly, you see how retarded and goofy and punchable his face is.
Bonus sperging: Val Kilmer in the back as Phillip II looking absolutely disgusting, very sad that Angelina Jolie had to be paired with this creature. His ugliness is historically accurate, but it still offends me. I'm glad he got assassinated.
All those poor women who were married off to this repulsive man as political tokens. He had
seven wives. That's not just a movie, that's real life. This is why pick-meism is so heinous to me in the modern world. Women in the past were forcibly wed by their male family members to the most ugly, old, disfigured scrotes for a modicum of power, but we actually have a choice now, at least in the first world. Exercise the right to reject fuggos for being fugly. It's more important than voting.
No. 2308359
>>2308342I wonder if it's because of his acting skills. A lot of people talk about how good he is at acting, and this goes for a lot of scrotes who are ugly. It's like women can't appreciate these skills without also claiming their attraction. I don't think most of these women actually want to fuck Willem DaFoe, or most other well-established actors. I know it's pickme bs at it's core, but maybe it's also because they know the worst thing they as women can be is ugly, so they can't stand the idea of someone they like (parasocially or otherwise) being considered ugly too, even if it's a man. To them, it's devaluing their worth and discounting their abilities, because they assume these men would be devalued in the same way they would be, on account of how old or unattractive they are. That's not true of course, if you're talented you're talented regardless, and it matters even less if men are attractive in terms of success, but maybe that subconscious mentality might have something to do with all the women claiming he's fuckable. Just a genuine but misguided appreciation for someone's work.
No. 2308529
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For some reason, there's a lot of Dexter memes or discussion around lately and I have no idea why other men act as if this man is handsome. This might actually been one of the most hideous-looking moids I've ever seen and he isn't even disfigured. A large bulbous toddler head, neanderthal-like features and a terrible complexion that's too similar to his hair so he constantly looks like he has some form of jaundice or a mysterious illness that is slowly turning him into a gingerbread man. Yet other men view him as a chad. If a woman were to have even remotely similar skin texture or a large forehead they would say she's hit the wall and that she's mid but this neolithic monstrosity is hailed as attractive and masculine. Not to mention the actual show is terrible too and just another generic "he's literally me" cringe-inducing slop for other mediocre males to consume and convince themselves that they're also hero chads.
No. 2308540
>>2308529I'll tell you girls a little secret: the vast majority of specimens moids call "chads" aren't chads, it's what they wish was a chad - what they find relatable and attainable. Naturally, what they want women to consider a chad also.
The actual chad is the guy they seethe about and call a faggot.
No. 2308546
>>2308340>He's vaguely aware of this but trusts my intentions.Your intentions, which are manipulative and selfish in nature? Maybe he shouldn't trust you at all kek. It's not normal to gauge partners based on how easy it is to push them around. Very scrotey mindset. It's not ok when men do it to women, and it's not ok when women do it to men, either. You may be happier with someone you actually respect.
>>2308529I hate this motherfucker. The cadence of his voice when he talks makes me want to eat glass. But
>>2308533 Yes the point of his character is so he blends in. Most of the time when people call him attractive they're referring to when he's drenched in blood and murdering rapists, which to be fair is an extremely hot thing for a man to do, but
visually? Ugh. His Kubrick stare..
No. 2308698
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>>2308452What's crazy about this is during the filming of Antichrist, they supposedly had to use a stunt double because they thought his penis was too ridiculous and unbelievable. "So large it confused everyone in the room". Apparently, this is what it is meant by 'confusingly large'.
Moids are so fucking self-conscious they can't bare to let larger cocks being taken seriously in artistic male nudity. I thought they meant it was so enormous it was some deformed knee-knocker of a dick, but it isn't. Scrotes only want to see big penises when they are jacking off to women being punished by them.
No. 2308776
>>2308762This is the most cringe and desperate ~dark triad Stacey~ LARP comment I have ever read kek. Married men bring nothing
but drama and baggage (unless you count their walled-ness as a bonus ig)
No. 2308793
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Unmotivated women who never leave their rooms always think that chasing married hags makes them calculated femme fatales or w/e, when the actual voluntary mistresses I've known and seen the results of firsthand thanks to being related to them just have kinda pitiful auras which everyone around them can sense, and they were always left MUCH worse off after messing with mediocre dick. Any woman with half a brain knows why unfaithful men are as whoreish as they are, and it's not because they're desperate to share their talent of giving amazing oral kek
No. 2308842
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>>2308792I don't care that he's playing Patrick Bateman, but he walled hard af. Now he looks like he has gay sex for drugs. What happened? He was cute when he was younger, now he looks like an entirely different person. This is a tragic timeline. No. 2308851
>>2308793Do you guys live in small towns by any chance? Where do you see this onslaught of women pursuing used cock? I have genuinely never witnessed this, only used cock pursuing women. Sure, some of those women say yes, but the relentless orbiting is always from the used cock.
This isn't one of those situations where you mentally minimize your Nigel's whorishness by pretending he was provoked, right?
No. 2308861
>>2308796This is Willem DaFoe.
>>2307606 originally posted a Twitter link with a bunch of fangirls defending his hotness, and another nonna was wondering why Willem has so many simps. Then another nonna said it's because he has an enormous dick. I have heard this too because during the filming of Antichrist the director said his penis was huge and distracting so they need a body double with a smaller penis.
But I looked it up and found this video when he was younger and naked, and it doesn't seem that extreme to me. I think Lars von Trier is just insecure about his own penis.
No. 2309551
>>2309543I think it really varies. The best way to tell is to look at his family history, if you can find family photos, father, brothers, uncles etc look for patterns there.
The only clinically proven hair loss prevention drug (which doesn't even work half the time), doesn't actually regrow hair, it just stops further loss, so if he's got a busted hairline at 30 but not bald, best you can hope for is that fin works for him and stops it there, but it's not going to get better, that's for sure.
No. 2309553
>>2308944Yes, it gives me the same vibe of fat, impotent moids who say shit like, "I almost went into the Marines, but I punched the drill sergeant in the face." The number of moids I have met who say this and look like slobs who would be out of breath in five second is astounding. They always like the Punisher or the Boys or something equally faggy and they have no sense of humor but 'dark'. It's all moids with revenge fantasies where they are powerful and dangerous, but they're just obese in reality and so mad about it.
By default, I avoid scrotes who are attracted to edgy aesthetics. Somewhat similar to this are metalheads. I always liked the goth look personally if I am being honest, and I assumed it would be long dark haired men with androgynous makeup and sexy clothes, but for the most part it's just skinny losers prematurely balding (if not straight up bald) with hobo beards. They think they're so badass for their autistic fixations on metal subgenres and 'darkness', but they're mostly a bunch of ugly wimps with horrible sociopath personalities to boot. At this point, I hate to concede but the Labrador retriever boyfriend people have a point, as obnoxious as that trend is. No moid is immune to moidery, but moids with an obsession with darker and edgier aesthetics are almost always the most likely to be insecure people, and for good reason because they have lots to be insecure about.
No. 2310494
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Kind of related to the psyop, but why is there a lack of knowledge about what women find attractive? Women have a pretty good idea of men find attractive. Meanwhile, the things that men produce to show each other what women find attractive is off the mark at best. Is it cluelessness or deliberate ignorance?
No. 2310711
>>2310494I think this is a case of moids being more receptive to supernormal stimuli. Notice how everything they're attracted to visually is always excessive. They like breasts, and the bigger the better for them, even if women recognize a point where they become grotesque. They like skinny waists, and they don't care if it looks like there's no feasible way for organs to exist inside. Same with ass/hips, they prefer it to be ridiculously thick and wide in proportion to the rest of a woman's body. They even think this way about male bodies. Most women prefer fit, athletic builds on men, but moids seem to believe the most roid-fueled, musclepig fridge bodies are impressive/attractive. It's probably part of the psyop to distort female perception, but I think moids legitimately have poor taste and cannot provide reliable metrics of beauty.
In a way, he's right. It's hard for a male with 'prey eyes' to look good. Some males look alright with round, large eyes that have a negative canthal tilt, but for the most part they are kind of ugly and lose their appeal quickly with any amount of age. 'Hunter eyes'
are generally more attractive, but not to the extent of Sean O'Pry. A slightly positive canthal tilt is almost always preferable to a negative one on a man, but only
slightly positive. However, moids being moids, figure that means extremely positive canthal tilt, neanderthal-esque brows, and intensely hooded lids. It looks alien to us, but in a moid's brain, it's probably a striking appearance. They don't really comprehend balance and harmony that comes natural to female senses. They have to autistically analyze 'beauty' to even come close, and they still miss the mark most of the time. So it's a bit of Column A and Column B, but never underestimate how fucked male perception is.
No. 2310740
>>2310494>Is it cluelessness or deliberate ignorance?I think it's a bit of both. On one hand, a lot of them genuinely seem clueless. I've had men ask me about what I like and they seemed surprised, and society and media pushing all these wrong ideas about it and the psyop being so dominant doesn't help. But on the other hand, this is also a product of a lot of them not taking a deeper interest in female perspectives and tastes / not listening to women overall, because a lot of them think that's beneath them and will spout lines like "the fish won't teach you how to catch it" to justify listening to other men over women. They claim we don't know what we want and then make up that we actually need the opposite of what we said and will throw tantrums when they see what women are actually into by calling those men gay beta males as copium. Or just claim it's all birth control even if the woman explains she's never once been on it. They also tend to generalize all women's tastes, assuming if one woman likes x so does every other one and don't seem to see us as individuals with our own preferences.
So overall I'd say it's leaning more to the latter being the biggest problem, accentuating their cluelessness.
I think women have a better idea of what men find attractive because we're pretty much bombarded all our lives with it and with the idea that we have to be desirable to men. Undesireable women tend to internalize things more and just be observant of why they're undesireable and be able to comprehend this (probably due to just not being as violent and entitled as males) while ugly men will become incels and will just go shoot up a place and blame everyone but themselves for not getting female attention. Probably also because they're a lot more dominated by their need to coom than women are.
No. 2310779
>>2310740Something else I forgot to add is, the whole idea about how men are supposedly visual creatures and women aren't worsens this too, because then we're assumed to not really care that much about looks compared to men. Then when this is proven wrong the incels cry about how women are actually liars and hypocrites when that was total bullshit in the first place created to accomodate for how undesirable males can't handle that women
are also visual just like they are without shitting themselves. This in turn makes it even more difficult to discern what it is that women actually find attractive when so many are out here saying personality is all that matters all the time to try to calm down the rape apes or just because they fell for the psyop. While with men they're allowed to unapologetically talk about exactly what they find attractive physically 24/7 without being called shallow and gay, therefore their preferences are more clear.
No. 2310786
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>>2310509Retarded muh skulinitee cope for the fact that youthful eyes have more periorbital fat. It has nothing to do with looking like a bogged alien and everything to do with the fact that large retracted eyelids automatically make you look 20 years older, even if they're a feature of your phenotype.
No. 2310794
>>2310711It's because moids are not meant to exist past certain age. They're also not meant to get everything they want, especially not early in life. Simple as.
In the natural environment, their tendency to seek out hypertrophy or exaggeration provides a selective advantage. Because this reward based process never stops and only escalates, you can expect it to get progressively worse with a) unnatural life expectancies of postindustrial society and b) early exposure to supernormal conditioning.
The fact that this trait exists and is detrimental to fitness in the modern context while being useful in nature typically indicates that the animals would die to disease and predation before it would have the chance to cause evolutionary harm. Antagonistic pleiotropy.
No. 2312398
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we should do this to all ugly video game males, edit and mod them them to be better looking
No. 2312590
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No. 2312597
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>>2312592Instagram models could only dream of having such a cute and unique face NATURALLY
No. 2312629
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Kratos is a butterface but they will never be forgiven for taking his slutty lil waist
No. 2312659
>>2312624I remember a video where Sam Hyde said something like
>If a woman found me attractive I'd think I was doing something gay and immediately stop whatever it wasThey know women will put up with whatever so they want to humiliate us by looking like big bloated bald trash bags
No. 2312662
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>>2312659Forgot who that was for a second and got jumpscared jesus christ. Please don't tell me some poor woman is with him.
No. 2312781
>>2312654Say what you want about PSL wursties, but at least they've publically moved out of this fortress of cope. Meanwhile the life of a normie frontpole is consumed with palpable subconscious fear of aging while shilling "sexy decrepitude" outwardly. 0 of them would choose to be 50 over being 25, and the more they shill grandpas the more it's true.
>>2312614I think the defining feature of moid psyche is conflating what they wish was happening with what's actually happening. An impenetrable wall of wishful thinking. Perpetual "manifestation", followed by anger at reality.
0 women choose Kratos over Leon.
>>2312624At this point I believe that male homosexuality (given its well know poligay/socially enforced aspect, see: ancient Greece) is nothing but a negative externality of heterosexual male mating strategy. Grooming attractive young boys to be gay, either through rape or social shame, is how old fuggos eliminate competition.
No. 2312948
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This girl is getting dogpiled because she didnt post an obese beergut for a dad bod. I dont like dad bods myself and its also a part of the psyop but the way these retards have completely twisted what it originally meant is insane.
Spoilered because his hairy body is disgusting No. 2312981
>>2312948>>2312963his muffintop is disgusting.
Even entertaining this is slop. There's no fucking thing as a dadbod. What amount of "dad"ing is even going on? Males don't carry or give birth. Even the ones who don't immediately abandon their kids outright still barely parent them anyway.
No. 2313050
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>>2312948Except shes a pickme bitch claiming men with muscles must be on steroids. Fuck her.
No. 2313056
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>>2312948Shes literally promoting the ugly man psyop
No. 2313446
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excuse me why???? Are women from "good" Asian countries marrying foreigners for money???? I don't get it the moids in Korea or Japan look way better why settle for this
No. 2313510
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>>2311246Don't have exact measurements but a tapered waist is ideal. I notice that outside of dadbods, the bodies that women commonly thirst after tend to be Y or V shaped
No. 2314034
>>2312590That man is so ugly, jesus. Why even bother trying to make a sexy cover or whatever if you're just going to completely ruin it by putting an ogre next to the woman. If that was his prime I'd be scared to see what he looked like at his worst. No wonder lots of women think they're asexual when this is what was marketed as a sexy man.
>>2312613>>2312614>>2312654Peak male copium kek. I like how that retard assumes any male that isn't ugly doesn't "look like their proper gender", as if not being an ugly bald walled faggot= not male anymore. Guess having a full head of hair and not being ugly makes your dick fall out instantly. The psyop and copium is so crazy they genuinely think every male who isn't repulsive looking is a woman or too effeminate. Imagine if women said shit like this about attractive women to men, like the second you look attractive for a male you must be a man now, kek. It's so gay how they try to school the women in these posts on what actual male attractiveness is too, like how would you know what's attractive in a male unless you're a closeted faggot and even then faggots don't tend to like the same things as women anyway. No woman is out there telling males that actually women in their 60s are in their prime and way hotter than 20 year olds, yet it's a constant behavior for males to try to sabotage young males. When women do bring up age it's usually in relation to the males being way older and predatory compared to the younger women, while for men they'll see some woman be into a young guy the same age as her and still endlessly seethe about it and tell her she should be with a walled old man instead. Don't see women seething about men dating women the same age as them nearly as much unless they're terminal pick mes who've been brainwashed by walled males to think older men are always better.
>>2312963They think it makes them more masculine and cool to have tons of body hair when it just makes them look like apes. That and they're lazy.
No. 2314043
>>2313800I was going to reply that money is part of the psyop.
Your comment made me realize that bangmaidenry and essentially female exclusive indentured servitude is never criticized by so-called commies. Interesting.
No. 2314048
>>2314034I don't think sabotage is true, moids in their 50s/60s are genuinely having more sex than those in their 20s. They were 20/30 in the 90s and in comparison incels aren't getting any. They can also afford to pay for sex because they're boomers so there's that.
I do think this sabotage take that keeps propping up is just people not realising that friends was filmed 30 years ago
No. 2314130
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>>2314098Does your autism prevent you from touching non-smooth textures without flying into a bpdemon rage anon? I'm single so that I'm free to whisper into every hairy moid's ear how much I adore and worship his luscious and perfect body hair, how much you love it and how he doesn't have to change a thing
(defending ugly men) No. 2314158
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>>2314155I love a bit of subcutaneous fat on muscle but am also the anon who enjoys hairy men kek
No. 2315406
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>yfw when you realize fatherhood, monogamy, being a "provider", personality, status, education, and in fact most social structures are all a manifestation of the ugly man psyop
No. 2316033
>>2280917Some guy I know is living prove of this, old bastards really give their off-springs mutations.
His old geezer had him when he was around 36 years old, which resulted the following;
Mentally insane moid who has mood swings, one moment he is normal then chimps out if he is slightly
Hates when others tease him, but loves to make everyone else feel like shit with his fucking attitude and “jokes”
Always needs medication and some kind of cream for his failing skin.
He is a brat to his parents but a little bitch when other dudes fight him when he opens his mouth (barely has any normal friends or friends at all)
And he is ugly as hell and never had a girlfriend and only attracts his looks match and is sour about it MEGA KEK
His father should’ve just cut his usesless tubes, because his half brother looks and acts better than him and of course his brother’s dad is the same age as their mother.
No. 2316119
>>2316033This is so real. Not every mentally unstable moid was fathered by an elderly scrote, but almost every moid fathered by an elderly scrote is mentally ill. Or just plain low IQ. Not only that, but they always have some other fucked up physical issue. The mother's age seems irrelevant, old or young, it doesn't matter. If the father is a fossil, their sons turn out like golems. I haven't noticed a specific pattern of what physical issues they have, but there's always something wrong with them, usually multiple things. I met a moid with a fucking harelip and some rare form of dwarfism and sure enough, his dad had to be at least 40 something when he had him. It's not always this extreme, sometimes it's just gross skin disorders, but they are almost always fucked in the head in a very noticeable way. A lot of times they are simply very, very stupid, which would be okay in vacuum, but this also almost always results in antisocial and/or criminal behavior. Sometimes even passing on their decrepit genetics in the process.
It's very jarring when you can see the difference between their siblings who were fathered at a younger age. Same dwarf harelip moid had an older brother who is a normie Brad type with a regular life and family.
This was the most eye-opening truth about biology for me. I understood everything else in feminist theory, but the topic of moid age was when I fully realized how bad it was. Moids are so defensive of their worthless sperm they will refuse any responsibility when things like this happen and just blame mothers for being old, but it never makes sense because you see these patterns emerge even in age gap (younger mother/older father) relationships too. These are problems that affect the whole of humanity, from societal woes to the gene pool. They can't bare to be honest with themselves and just point the finger at women instead.
The most nefarious part of the ugly man psyop is convincing women they should want older, 'high status' moids and their dusty cum. Nothing sickens more than seeing old men shilled all over Hollywood. I don't like Timothee Chalamet because he looks like a rat, but at least he isn't a geezer and at the same time, it's crazy that he's viewed as 'young' when he's nearly 30. Just because most male actors you see are at least 40 yrs old and paired with women 20 years younger than them. It's so evil. I
almost rather these women be paired off with butterface men their own age or younger than attractive (in their youth) men who have been past their prime for a quarter of a century. I honestly don't know which is worse though: young women paired off with ugly face moids their own age, or young women paired off with post-wall moids who were maybe once handsome, but now very old.
On one hand, moid genes degrade quickly and viciously with age, on the other hand, a moid who was ugly from the start probably already has bad genes.
No. 2316139
>>2315423>My first reaction was that, oh, golden retriever bf? You mean a hot blonde surfer guy with a sunny personality?Kek that was my exact same thought when I first heard the term. You're right that the examples online are often women coping hardcore about their ugly nigels showing the bare minimum of kindness. Though irl I can recall two decent looking examples where I thought "damn he's essentially like a dog". The first one is a moid in my study field with decent face/body (buff and slightly above average face wise) whose body language is extremely receptive and upbeat, especially to the woman he often hangs out with. I love watching them from afar because she will just walk straight while listening to him or concentrate on doing a task and he'll be troting next to her, almost crouching over her space while yapping on- and gesturing eagerly and looking like he's trying to gauge her every reaction.
The second example is my childhood friend who was genuinely model-tier handsome but has probably hit the wall be now.
No. 2316143
>>2316119>On one hand, moid genes degrade quickly and viciously with age, on the other hand, a moid who was ugly from the start probably already has bad genes.It’s wild to think about how men’s genetic legacy has been shaped by their own violence and control. Over time, their traits don’t just degrade physically, but morally too. Women, on the other hand, have been oppressed and forced into suffering for centuries, yet they’re still expected to carry society on their backs. The truth is, patriarchy has messed up the gene pool for millennia. The first humans were likely healthier and stronger, but that all shifted as patriarchy took hold. It almost feels like male violence, including rape, was used to intentionally create weaker, more broken traits—building a society where men’s decay is the norm, and women’s resilience is ignored.
No. 2316145
>>2316135I think the obsession with romance is an escapist cope. Not just in the meme sense, like a psychological cope to deal with stress of reality. That being said, not all coping mechanisms are unhealthy, and not all are healthy either. Romance can be rife with ugly man psyop (but not always! look at the romance fantasies moids make fun of) but that aside, heterosexual women have to sate their urges somehow. The alternative is actually pursuing it in real life, and being disappointed at best, or murdered at worst. I think also women are more resilient than moids and therefore rely more on coping mechanisms, and imo, generally do it better. When moids rely on fantasy to cope, they let it consume them entirely and throw temper tantrums when they can no longer fantasize (which is largely outsourced too, women can usually fantasize without external stimuli). Men who fail at coping just kill themselves and others.
No. 2316160
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>>2305353I don't like kpop or kmedia but they are the only media where they hire decent looking moids. I don't care that women are required to be stacies if men are also required to be chad pretty boy.
No. 2316184
>>2316143And the insane logic moids use to explain it too. 'Men have shorter lifespans because they fought in wars to protect women!' (as in war or w/e) They try so hard to push the narrative that it's supposedly to protect us, but they don't seem to mention how they are protecting us from other moids like them, and we're just suppose to assume that when they go off to war for example, they aren't doing the exact same thing to women of the enemy moid outgroup.
Every bad trait they have, they try to twist into something for our supposed benefit. It's either for the emotional manipulation of women or their own psychological weakness in avoiding the truth. They all know that moids commit rape and violence, but it's never them personally
even when it is, then you just don't know the full story waaaaah, so they have to place the worst members of their sex in a different category. "They're not men, they're animals/monsters/something inhuman and not men!1!1!1" But these crimes are mainly perpetuated by men, even if it's 'not all of them'. Rape and rapists are spoken about in this way especially, because that's a specifically male crime committed by males, and these tendencies are often times actually hereditary. It's also the only one they can't turn into a game of mental gymnastics, at least in the developed world. The only option is to deny it outright and pretend that women do this as well secretly and get away with it. They can't contort it into a potentially good thing, like how violent men just say they're only violent to protect women. It's outright sexual violation with no 'moral' justification.
But they did just that in the past. You can still see it today in many cultures. It's to keep a woman pure, humble, undistracted from her duties, etc., whatever excuse to give unworthy moids sexual access to females. It's horrifying to realize how long this kind of mentality has sculpted humanity. In places where patriarchal control is even more domineering, there is an observable correlation between the ugly sickliness of the males and the consequences of male sexual control. This happened everywhere for thousands of years, maybe even more, and there's something dreadful knowing that. Could it have been avoided, or is it just a biological imperative of males rooted deep in the inherent physical differences of the sexes? If males didn't rip sexual selection from the domain of females, would humanity look different today?
In any case, the very least we can do is combat ugly man psyop in our everyday lives. Make sure to remind your female friends to focus on themselves and to reject any ugly, old, and poorly behaved moids. It won't undo the damage, but it's the bare minimum imo.
No. 2316210
>>2316135>Why do men exist?Males and sexual reproduction exist to promote genetic diversity. In an unpredictable and hostile environment, a higher rate of de novo mutations produces an advantage, assuming proper selection is exercised. (This is why prey species mutate faster). Modern males do not experience any selective pressure from females, predation or disease, so all mutations (most of which will be deleterious by definition) survive. The reason why paternal age effect exists is because the high male mutation rate continues past natural survival window (classic antagonistic pleiotropy).
>What's the point of fatherhood?"Fatherhood" is a male niche-carving strategy, a makework fake job, if you will. It doesn't really exist in mammals, only paternity does. Mostly it has to do with maintaining human male social structures, the entire point of which is democratization of sexual access.
>How do you raise sons?There is no way to raise them to be something they don't have the capacity to be. In nature, the negative externalities of maleness are reduced by high mortality from disease, predation and intrasexual competition. In captive environments (industrial society), those rate limiting factors are eliminated so everyone, male or female, is their hostage.
>Is romance a social construct?Yes
>then why do women by large love the genre?Because male brood parasitic tactics (such as "farming" maternal and prosocial adaptations of females to sell them on the idea of taking care of a male that fucks them) work. Being male is an amoral state of continuously looking for ways to gain access to the female soma so his germline can continue. They have been honed over millions of years, and if women didn't fall for them decently often, there wouldn't be 8 billion of us today.
Romance could also be something akin to terror management tactic, like religion is for mortality salience. Something to distract from conscious or subconscious awareness of being locked up with your predator/parasite. This, unfortunately, would also be positively selected for.
>Are we just force-fed this thing like we're being brainwashed?Yes
No. 2316217
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It's sad how even Stacy has to settle with ugly scroates.
No. 2316222
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>>2316218This one is even uglier.
No. 2316228
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>>2316222Ric Ocasek is one of the only celebrities who gives credibility to transvestigating schizo-anons. I don't care if it sounds cliche, picrel
is my high school gym teacher after meeting a woman who is slightly younger and into rockabilly. I've never seen anything like it
No. 2316231
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>>2316217Every single time I see a thumbnail pic of Adriana Lima’s husband I always think it’s an edit like that Will Smoth meme with the tiny eyes
No. 2316264
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Were Prime Dicaprio and Monica Bellucci looksmatch?
No. 2316266
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>>2316264Same question with Shalom Harlow
No. 2316273
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These are looksmatch according to pick me
No. 2316274
>>2312629See its shit like this that makes me understand when scrots complain about the ugly women in video games.
I'm trying to escape. Why the fuck are you giving me this shit when I am looking for fictional husbandos? It's bad enough that Kratos is bald but now you wanna make him fat and dumpy? Fuck off.
No. 2316277
>>2316264No, I don't think any male could match her beauty honestly. Especially not a male with that scraggly hair. Also peak the vampire in the background kek
>>2316273These facial averages are so inaccurate because the women's faces include women wearing makeup. Still blackpilled on the ugly males though
No. 2316278
>>2316273I kind of agree but I feel like her skin looks a lot better than his. As
>>2316277 said, she's also wearing makeup kek.
No. 2316286
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>>2316277>>2316275>>2316272>>2316270Dicaprio and Chico in my opinion are the most handsome moids that have ever existed, they should be a standard for the entertainment industry, it's a shame that the two hit the wall quite quickly.
No. 2316295
>>2316143>>2316145>>2316184>>2316210If human history stayed on the right path, 60% of children would not reach adulthood, and the healthy women would be alone looking after their children or in a small community of women.
Society would be less developed.
No. 2316301
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>>2316280>That's what it was like for humans before around five thousand years ago. Then came forced marriage etc.Arranged marriage was common among many pre-colonial Aboriginal Australians (hunter-gatherers), and often involved teenage girls being married to adult men. However, this pattern isn't ubiquitous among hunter-gatherers.
No. 2316331
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>>2316274I would be more sympathetic if it wasn't so one-sided for so long. Ugly women in vidya is a new phenomenon for them, but we've been subjected to ugly scrote after ugly scrote. All the while we have to witness what is likely only the surface level of moid depravity on screen if we play vidya. I'm not a huge fan of 'girl games' either, so I completely understand
>>2313501 's experience as well. I can't suspend my disbelief with him, his sole appeal to edgy teenage boys is alienating to pretty much anyone who isn't an edgy teenage boy. And now these edgy teenage boys are grown so they change his look and personality to be more appealing to them, since they're 'matured' and post-wall themselves.
The worst part about the newer games is that it also appeals to the exact kind of pickmes that shill this repulsiveness, all because he's a 'grumpy dad uwu'. I have female friends who simp for this shit, and the way they talk about the series, I just know they never played the original trilogy because the content of it would make them fucking hurl if they were familiar. But they only know the old and ragged pig-gut fridge-body father figure Kratos, and they NLOG about why they like him. I never liked him before because of his obnoxious popularity with impotent moids trying to emulate his mad-at-daddy power fantasy, but it's the pickme following from the newer games that make me detest him.
No. 2316370
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>>2316359Got curious and decided to look that up. Is it this one?
No. 2316374
>>2312614>>2312654Hilarious how straight scrotes can't stop arguing with women about what women find attractive. You have a bunch of women telling you right to your face what kind of man they're attracted to and you still refuse to listen and believe it? They really think they get to dictate everything about us, even our thoughts
When have they seen a bunch of women try to argue with moids about what moids find attractive in the opposite sex? We don't. we know exactly what kind of woman (and child kek) men want to fuck, we're bombarded with it every single day no matter how much we try to avoid it. At most there are times when women try to change minds about beauty standards, saying it's wrong to hold women to such unnatural and impossible standards (true), but that's not the same as arguing about why aging features like wrinkles are actually more feminine, how moids are lying about their tastes or how an ugly but natural feature is normal in women but "it's different for men", or any of the other bullshit these retards tried to argue
No. 2316422
>>2316374>At most there are times when women try to change minds about beauty standards, saying it's wrong to hold women to such unnatural and impossible standards (true)And then they try to take our very fair demands for realistic treatment and some understanding and instead use it to celebrate themselves. They still disparage us at the very same time, sometimes in the same breath without an iota of self-awareness. (Like fat moids who refuse to date equally fat women kek.) While I understand why body positivity was important for women, they stole our movement and claimed it for their own self-congratulatory purposes. Women just want to see depictions of women who are allowed unique facial features, body types, etc, some which might reflect them,
some that don't exist solely for the sexual titillation of males, OR AT THE VERY LEAST if none of that is possible, to be viewed as real people who deserve respect despite failing to conform to male fantasies… and then moids pretend they too are also somehow
victims of the extreme beauty standards promoted in society? It's a fucking joke, and they ruined any progress by insisting that males should also be allowed to be fat, ugly, and old, as if they fat, ugly, and old moids don't run the governments of most countries. I can't take the movement seriously when it's this co-opted. There needs to be an offshoot or something like how other forms of feminism are differentiated from libfems, but I suppose challenging beauty standards are already a feminist topic.
What I also noticed is when men hide behind body positivity to mask their own pathetic mediocrity and insecurities about female sexual preferences, that means they can no longer say they dislike a female, real or fictional, based on their appearance, even if they actually do. They just say that she's annoying or something along those lines, totally not because they think she's ugly. It's always some excuse about her personality or worse, morality. You literally can't trust moids to even give accurate descriptions of a woman. In the past, while this wasn't good either, they would just say a specific woman is ugly and that's why she is bad, but you knew then that you couldn't rely on their judgment because it's purely penis driven. It's an instant dismissal. Now more 'progressive' moids will make up elaborate stories to justify their hatred for an unattractive woman because they know they can't just say that. They'll straight up lie before they recognize how simplistic and selfish their mindsets are. A man can be rugged and grizzled because it's 'realistic', but God forbid a woman have visible muscle because that's 'unrealistic', despite also living a rugged and grizzled lifestyle. Suddenly she's a man or mannish. If they can't say that, then they say it's because she's too aggressive and mean-spirited or w/e, even if it's not true. You can't trust moids to present an honest interpretation of reality.
No. 2316504
>>2316295Moid absurdity: We live in a world where power flows not to the deserving but to a privileged few—an elite class of men who inherit wealth and opportunity rather than earning it. Platforms like 4chan reveal the failures of this system: spaces dominated by those too unhinged or entitled to function in society, ranting endlessly about a world they feel should cater to their mediocrity. Contrast this with Lolcow, a space shaped by women’s perspectives, where conversations are creative and nuanced. Women aren’t men, and that difference matters. While patriarchal spaces spiral into chaos and self-pity, women spaces spark dialogue and ideas that could change the world.
Yet, instead of valuing the brilliance of half the population, we’ve spent millennia suppressing women’s creativity and intelligence. Even science—the supposed pursuit of truth—has been captured by the wealthy elite, designed to serve the interests of the top 1%. The very idea of science has been corrupted, reduced to tools of observation and control rather than liberation. Imagine the progress we’ve lost because women were excluded from knowledge. A society that genuinely valued women’s contributions would be more just, more intelligent, and more sustainable—not just for women, but even for those disillusioned men screaming into the void. Everyone would be happier if we didn't live in this world worshipping fossilised cums.
No. 2316647

>>2316187>>2316207This one was always pretty. Beauty isn’t built in a surgeon’s office. The truly beautiful—like Cha Eunwoo—were always beautiful. Surgery and filters can polish, but they can’t create that effortless harmony that real beauty has. Women see through artificial faces instantly; outsiders to K-pop see it even faster. Fans of the ‘ugly’ idols know the truth, too. They justify their attraction with personality and kindness, they settle—even in their fantasies.
K-pop once thrived on poor families sacrificing everything for a chance at stardom. Now, fewer are willing to gamble their children’s futures, leaving a small pool of wealthy boys—often born to older fathers, with none of the raw beauty of their predecessors. Beauty in men is a rarity, sadly. Even at its best, the industry didn't push some beautiful men because they made the other members uglier in comparaison.
>>2316565Unfortunately, many users on this site are either men or pick-mes intent on derailing meaningful conversations. Lolcow remains far removed from the depravity of 4chan, and genuine, engaging discussions still happen here. Discord has potential, but only when the moderation isn’t a complete disaster.
No. 2316652
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>>2316468I agree that it's fun to watch their sanctioned displays of violence, but their violence isn't always limited to other moids. The aggression of fighters is all too often extended to women as well. If it were purely a tool they use to display their prowess against other moids, I could appreciate it more but unfortunately it isn't. I'm glad people are starting recognize what a piece of shit McGregor is now, for example. Moids always use to simp for that ugly ass leprechaun, but there were signs before he was a psycho.
I hate when moids and pickmes try to excuse their criminal behavior outside the cage as just a tragic side effect of CTE. No one should be surprised when these men turn out to be monsters when they choose to make their living literally hurting people. They use this excuse when any athlete in contact sports is involved in a domestic abuse scandal or worse. If only we could retire them from society after they're old and their entertainment value has been wrung dry.
No. 2316720
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>>2316274Why the flying fuck are you sympathising with scrotes when they have not only filled games with ugly moids since the beginning but also have made sexist games pushing the idea young women want short hairy ugly creeps?
No "ugly" female character could compare to the general ugly moid character in any game. Men actually get off on denying husbando's to their players and also push this ugly man psyop. Its fucking insidious.
No. 2316722
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>>2316652I hope McGregor's wife takes all the money it's crazy that she financially supported him since the beginning and put aside her life to have his kids all for a moid who looks like this. They're not even married, I don't know if she'll be able to get child support but Irish law may be different
No. 2316896
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The fucking irony. I dont care if its clickbait and he actually supports this (I didnt watch the video despite youtube implying I did) I'm sick of ugly moids trying to police womens sexuality or even having the audacity to speak on it especially as he looks like a typical neckbeard.
Moids are always bitching about fiction, drawings but mostly writings for women while demanding any women in their view be sexualised so they can get off.
No. 2317036
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do people writing these headliners really think if they keep writing bullshit like this over and over again it will somehow change our perception of reality?
No. 2317043
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>>2317036it's really depressing how they try to bend reality to sell uggos like that
No. 2317050
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>>2317046it's a real thing you can buy
No. 2317120
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Thoughts? Looks like a James Franco morph
No. 2317177
>>2317036They don't look alike at all. Strangely I think his features would make for a beautiful woman.
>>2317120Not my type but not bad. I think really masculine looking men can end up looking 'mean' and I don't like that. Maybe he would look better in motion but from this picture alone he's dipping a bit too close into 'mean-looking' territory for me.
No. 2317184
>>2317120Better face structure than most men, but his eyes are too close. This is a personal opinion, but I prefer light hair, though I don't mind dark hair either. However, if a moid has dark hair and thick brows, I expect to see darker, longer, thicker eyelashes too. Otherwise they start to evoke a similar aura to Marko Jaric for me. It's disappointing when a dark haired moid doesn't have luscious, sultry eyelashes. I would also prefer different styling. To each her own, but he'd probably look better clean shaven, he seems to have the jawline for it. Longer hair too. I like that curly texture but only when it's grown out. It looks like medium pile carpet at that shorter length.
No. 2317379
>>2316927imo femboy hooters are borderline pedo fantasises, it's never a normal looking androgynous male they depict, always some shota with a BBL. but i've heard of some things, like this nail salon in China where it's hunks in aprons doing your nails and there's what
>>2317128 talks about, i've seen a video of this establishment where it's like a waterpark with clubs or smtg and the males are shirtless and carry around women, but it was all in another language so i couldn't find out more.
No. 2317458
>>2317211>>2317342Funnymen want to challenge the social hierarchy, and they do this with 'comedy'. Since they're ugly, they're usually towards the bottom and always looking to manipulate others or use transgressive humor to safely undermine at other moids, especially ones who are more attractive or successful than them. It's safe because they can always retract and say 'I was just joking'. They also try to pressure women with their humor, and try to normalize uncomfortable topics to gain sexual access to women. Notice how funnymen always try to make light of sex, and it's always very gross? And yeah, there is a direct correlation between ugliness and funniness. There's desperation in a moid's random and unnecessary funnyman humor.
Attractive men simply don't do this. They don't need to be funnymen, so they are just generally more pleasant to be around. When they are being funny, it's much more simple and light-hearted. Ugly funnymen build their entire identity around comedy, and build their comedy around transgression and challenges to the status quo, so it's always edgy and uncomfortable and sarcastic. All around mean-spirited, pathetic, and disgusting. You absolutely can tell how desperate an ugly man is in changing his place in the social hierarchy by how frequent and dumb his jokes are. The funnyman cope is hard to unsee once you notice it.
No. 2317478
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>>2317211IME of socializing with so many fucking people because of my work, I would say this is at least true for me. It's like what this anon
>>2317342 said,
>the more ugly a moid is, the more random and dumb is jokes get.Can we add "older" with ugly too, about this? Because IME it's older scrotes can never just shut the hell up. Anyway, comedian type moids always go on and on about women, and humor, and how comedy is so essential, and how "women love funny guys because of muh social eVoLutIoN" (probably to cope with being ugly). But have these moids ever considered that, what if some women just don't give a fuck about their ideal man being funny? If a moid is attractive and has a decent personality with interesting hobbies, I don't even give a fuck if he's funny at that point because his appeal is already cemented. It makes sense that ugly, loser moids will want you to believe that "funniness" is the key to all male attractiveness, forced jokes and forced laughter from women is all they can do for their "appeal". Or maybe I just never liked class clowns. I prefer moids who know how to shut the fuck up over moids who don't, and wannabe comedians never do.
No. 2317492
>>2316896Imagine if men were actually accountable
>Men are OBSESSED with these DISGUSTING porns(Rape, racism, incest, pedophila, ect) all very common most popular porn genres.
No. 2317548
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>>2317480Funnyman humor serves the purpose of challenging their competitors and normalizing their sexual desires. It's so gross. It's part resentment, part social manipulation. If they keep 'joking' about something long enough, it stops being taboo, and if anyone calls them out on it, it's 'just a joke'. I knew a moid who 'joked' about fucking little boys. Guess who wasn't surprised when his dorm got raided for CP. I had a friend who's Nigel always 'joked' about anal. Likewise, it wasn't very surprising when my friend broke up with him because they weren't sexually compatible. There's so many examples of this in my life and once you know, you will pick up on it too.
Funnyman humor exists to test boundaries and safely retract any transgressive opinions under the guise of 'a joke'. Once you see it, it's hard to unsee it. Anytime a moid 'jokes' about something, you can assume he's being serious, but is too afraid to state it outright. It's very cowardly, which is expected from ugly, weak, low value moids. Attractive men only use humor in a light-hearted way, and it rarely feels uncomfortable because there isn't some hidden anxiety motivating it.
This is why ugly moids say women just don't have a sense of humor, despite trying to shill that women are attracted to funnymen. If you call them out on their bs, they will instantly try to explain how they are just joking, it's akshually funny, and that you just don't get it.
No. 2317602
>>2317576I don't find it particularly attractive in moids, regardless of looks. Genuinely good humor is a feminine trait to me, so I really only find other women funny for the most part. When a moid is
actually legitimately funny, it doesn't have any bearing on my attraction to him. I might like him more as a person, but it doesn't make me want to fuck him anymore than I did before.
Aside from looks, utility is more attractive in moids for me. Personality should be gentle and easy-going, but firm when I need him to be. Humor doesn't really factor in. If they have interesting skills, it can be attractive, but 'comedy' is easy access and kind of worthless as a skill, save for maybe manipulating other moids sometimes. I rather they be skilled artists or craftsmen, or have even some kind of sport or athletic pursuit as a hobby. If they are just simply 'funny' and they make that their entire being, ugly, fat, worthless, but oh-so funny, it's a major turn-off for me.
No. 2317616
>>2317548Well said, this is definitely something I've noticed too. They always tried to make me feel crazy for calling it out, with words like "It isn't that deep, you're taking things too seriously, stop being so sensitive, you just don't get it, why can't you understand a joke". When the problem was never that I don't understand jokes, it's that I could sense their genuine ill will and contempt for women under them as well as their poorly disguised fetishes as you said so it always made me uncomfortable, and then I couldn't even voice my discomfort without just being told I'm overreacting. It's like they wanted to insult me and other women and expose us to their sexual degeneracy while evading accountability by painting those behaviors as a joke and my reaction as just hysterical. Yet if the roles were reversed and I made similar jokes about men, they would never be okay with it. I know because I tried it once and they got put off immediately. I also started reflecting on why I find certain things funny, like whenever I make a joke and it's a common thing for me it tends to be because it's something I genuinely believe to be true, the joke is just an exaggeration of reality for comedic effect, but it still has that basis. While if it's just random or for shock effect it's typically just a one time thing. Therefore, if a man keeps constantly making those supposed jokes, it's just because it's what they actually believe in some way, exactly as you've stated.
Also, I saw a similar scenario for the anal thing, except the male I knew has never had a gf, not only for being ugly but also because he would make these jokes about liking anal (as well as rape) around women to begin with. I knew another one who made jokes about lolis and one day the mask slipped and said he wanted to fuck actual underage asian girls and got backlash for it, promptly deleting his comment. And yet people will still tell me I'm taking this too seriously when it's just basic pattern recognition really.
No. 2317631
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>literally simping for a character designed to be an unlikable degenerate murderer with an oedipus complex
No. 2317632
>>2317548Great post anon, this is something I've noticed as well. And like
>>2317616 points out they will gaslight you trying to convince you that you're being unreasonable for not "getting it" or being too uptight. Make your fucking "jokes" it makes it easier to weed these freaks out.
No. 2317666
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>>2317616>>2317632Yes, it makes no sense that women have a bad sense of humor if we're supposedly attracted to it and it's the most valuable social trait of a moid. If anything, that would mean women have a very keen sense of humor. It's like when moids try to say they are more 'visual' than women, but they have little sense of personal style and aesthetics.
I remember when people tried to gaslight me into think comedians like George Carlin and Bill Hicks are geniuses ahead of their time. They just hate women. Bill Hicks straight up has a bit in standup about
incestuous pedophile rape threesome between two sisters (literal children), and big black dick or w/e. I don't even want to pull it up, but it was so disgusting and evil, like how is this humorous? What is comedic about that?
>"iTs tHe AbSuRdItY!!!1!!2" No, it's just a display of his perversion, and then disgusting scrotes clap and laugh because they secretly get off to that shit too. I showed these bits to women who supposedly liked them, but they were just ashamed, and apparently the excuse is that it's nostalgic, something they remember enjoying with dads. It's horrifying because I can't imagine being raised by moids who think those kinds of jokes are funny. I hate funnymen.
No. 2317685
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>>2317666recently stand up comedy has become popular in india and it's just filled with the worst looking men you can imagine, even worse than the average Indian moids and they all tell these horrible jokes where the punchline will always be something gross or related to porn
No. 2317688
>>2317666So true. Every moid I've met that was really "into comedy" or prided themselves in being le epic funny guy was just a bisexual misogynistic faggot that thought way too highly of himself. I don't know why, but they're always SO GAY and oedipal, like mommy issues leading to insecurities that make them unstable/violent/hateful and act like Ralphie from Sopranos.
Related, but sometimes I feel like I'm not very funny but it's only because I usually feel like, as a woman, I don't have the right to be. Boys are raised in a way that encourages them to be gross, weird, annoying, and grating, while girls are only ever rewarded for being reserved, quiet, and polite. I have so many funny thoughts in my head but I literally never think to even say them out loud.
No. 2317713
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>>2317700Their impressions are okay until they inevitably devolve into gay rape comedy. I liked the Seagal bit too but honestly most of their comedy is unwatchable. I have a female friend who likes it, and her favorite is Stavros. He's unironically hideous. She think Nick is cute though, but honestly any man next to Stav is going to look 'cute' by comparison. Half of his comedy is how repulsive he is too. I hate this sleazy porn store owner look a lot of moids are going for today too. It's not funny, quirky, or ironic. It's just gross.
No. 2317724
>>2317688If you're funny as a woman you'll usually get poor reactions from men and them not even understanding you're capable of joking, thus taking all your comments seriously. Happened to me when I made a light hearted joke a while ago, it was just an obvious silly comment and didn't have anything malicious about it yet this guy still interpreted it as just me being a dumb woman and felt the need to correct me when I wasn't even being serious. Typically the more misogynistic, ugly and insecure the man is the more likely this is to happen, I think. Those guys will assume you're serious 9 times out of 10 unless you make it extremely obvious or straight up tell them you're joking, while a less misogynistic one (at least in comparison) will be more likely to notice you're just making a joke. The former will also be unable to take any jokes against men, while the latter can be more receptive to them or at least not immediately shit their pants over them.
No. 2317759
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>>2317120He’s just too old. The bone structure can’t stop soft tissue from sagging in unsightly ways. Peep the changes in the cheek and eye areas. Also the brow ridge is supposed to catch more light, his isn’t because the wrinkles stop it from forming a true shelf. There’s zero definition.
No. 2317893
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The ugly man psyop is prevalent in fighting games but unusually so in Tekken 8. At least in Street Fighter 6, the men and women look like they belong in the same game. The men and women in Tekken look like they are from completely different genres, its insane
No. 2317923
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>>2317914Pic related
could we make this next threadpic? No. 2317956
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>>2317922My dad was in the special forces and he's the type who nitpicks every unrealistic detail when watching a movie, and he practically groans at the sight of older actors playing active-duty special forces because he knows in the real world, that’s just a fantasy. he’s shown me photos of his special forces buddies when they were younger and let me tell you, they look like they just walked off a male model runway. But hey, Hollywood's golden rule is to cast a bunch of 50 year old steroid junkies
No. 2317993
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>>2317859Yep, it's just another pillar of the ugly man psyop. It's so deeply ingrained that despite its obviousness, we don't always recognize it until it's pointed out. Everyone tells us we don't want a 'boring' man, and the answer to that is funnymen. But funnymen are almost always ugly. Notice how in romcoms the male lead is usually hideous, while the female lead is always beautiful or at least quite pretty. She doesn't even have to be a comedian herself, just conventionally attractive. It's always been right there, especially since romcoms are aimed at women. I can't stand romcoms for this reason. It's male wish fulfillment, that they can just win a woman over by being funny, so now you have these ugly tryhard funnymen who think they deserve a gorgeous woman because it's been shilled in Hollywood for so long, and honestly, society as a whole. Funnymen aren't ground zero for the ugly man psyop, but it contributes greatly to its prevalence and it has to be combatted just as greatly. Whenever people diminish my tastes as 'boring' (aka looks are actually important to me), I have to laugh because anyone can be humorous. Funnymen make their entire character based around how funny they are, and they're usually not that funny. They're just subversive, petty, and frankly quite gross,
on top of being ugly. They peaked when they were the class clown in middle school, and their comedy has never evolved from that stage. Value looks first in attraction, then any skills that suggest actual self-mastery. If we supposedly value personality over looks (which is part of the psyop in itself), then we should value actually good personality traits, not attention-seeking, duplicitous, irreverent ones.
No. 2318016
>>2317893I grew up with fighting games, and it was less noticeable when the graphics weren't as advanced. Now that the graphics have gotten better, there's no denying how busted and ugly most male characters were intended to be while the female characters are walking sex dolls in unironic porn costumes. Ngl, I only liked Darkstalkers because I could play the cute swamp thing merman, and that still doesn't make up for the literal succubus characters (and that god awful catgirl), including a lolibait one.
It's honestly hard to say which fighting game has it the worst, especially since even Japanese games are infected with ugly man psyop, but the genre as a whole is a good example of how hypocritical moids are when it comes to whining about ugly women in vidya. I almost want to say the Japanese are somewhat better because they will throw us a pretty boy sometimes, but then the stylization is so much more jarring between male and female characters as a whole. It's less disconcerting in something like Mortal Kombat, but that's only because the early games used real actors for the most part. There's still a distinct difference in how these characters are presented, like Scorpion vs Kitana, for example. Tekken 8 looks really bad though and I think you might be right. I haven't played it, but are there
any actually attractive male characters?
No. 2318021
>>2317775Yes, like I said men who aren't as insecure, ugly or misogynistic tend to be more receptive to women's jokes. I've even had men like that step in when the retarded ones didn't understand I was making a joke and tell them to stop being stupid and to not take me so seriously, but I still feel like it's more common to encounter the types that react negatively.
>>2317893God, that's terrible. Perfect example of the psyop, showcases this retarded idea that with males hyperrealism and detailed wrinkles= hot, but women have to be drawn in a super simple way and all look the same.
>>2317982Right, like at least have it be equal for both sides. If only the men were hot and the women were all busted up they'd be crying about le woke feminists ruining games but old ugly men are totally okay in their book
No. 2318024
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>>2318016Samefag, meant to post this. Demitri is suppose to be a vampire, but he somehow makes vampires and unsexy concept. They're all in the same anime style, and the male characters by large are so much uglier than the female characters still.
No. 2318079
>>2317993You're right! It was so natural to me, but moids who consider themselves funny DO act like they're entitled to a beautiful woman because we were taught funny=good personality. Reading this and the last thread about the funnymen psyop is so eye opening. Good looking men don't have to crack jokes to get attention, and men who "joke" about controversial and depraved things aren't really joking at all. I'm gonna go for moids who are cute at the least and like to hear me talk
if such a moid exists.
No. 2318130
>>2318079This is just personal experience, but handsome men are almost always nicer to me than ugly men. It sounds crazy, but moid goodness seems to correlate with their attractiveness. I don't know if it's just the halo effect, or if being attractive has has led to a more positive, less resentful outlook on others. In either case, good-looking men tend to be generally more pleasant and sociable. The hard part is actually finding a cute moid who isn't already taken. They are a rare breed. Attractive women are a common sight, but for every 10 attractive women, you might have 1 attractive man. In some places this ratio is worse. It's rough out there. I hate to say it, but if we're being realistic, not all of us can get a cute moid because there's simply not enough to go around. You either have to compete with other women (not good, it contributes to the mindset that men are the prize and choose their mates), settle for an ugly scrote (don't), or just remain single. Even if you find a cute moid, they won't remain cute forever, and just because they are generally more pleasant/sociable, doesn't mean they can't fall for typical moid temptations. Honestly, it might be better to remain single with all that in mind. Keep searching but try not to be disappointed, and furthermore, never settle for less. Everyone, including other women, will tell you your standards are too high, and you'll never find a boyfriend like that, blah blah blah, but they assume having a personal front pole Nigel is the penultimate goal for a woman. It isn't.
>>2318098Very real. I am from a military family and I would never date a military moid, even though my father was one and he's one of the most upstanding males I know.
He also gets annoyed like >>2317956 's dad at action movies that cast post-wall scrotes in roles like that, he was special forces too, lol are you my sister? I've met twice as many
problematic ones as I met decent ones. It's too much of a gamble in a long term relationship. But here's a good example of what I mean from earlier. I use to work on a military base in a min wage service job, I had to walk in the rain without any weather appropriate clothes to get there, as I was broke being the first time I was living on my own. A very cute soldier moid ran up to me in the rain and gave me a raincoat, gloves, scarves, a hat, and some other stuff, that he just bought
specifically for me. I never met him before. He offered me a ride and he understood respectfully when I declined. The weather meant that my job would get more calls than normal, and every moid who was rude or short with me for the delays was ugly, old, or fat. I remember distinctly a short, middle aged, balding scrote with a face mole doing the whole Karen (that also needs to be addressed but beyond the scope of ugly man psyop thread) routine with me. Every moid who was patient were fit and
at least mid and friendly. Sorry for the blogpost, but I think that's when I started to notice a difference in moid behavior based on attractiveness. I have no real scientific basis for this, just purely anecdotal, but I do believe attractive males are generally better people than unattractive males. I think this is probably the worst part of the ugly man psyop. Hollywood shills the idea that not only are ugly men funnier, smarter, and more interesting, but also better people than those supposedly boring, unfunny, stupid hotties, yet this has been the opposite of my own experiences.
No. 2318144
>>2317922This reminds me of the 'dad strength' meme that started as a joke, but now moids are going around unironically parroting this as an actual, real phenomenon that is totally true and not just a fantasy. If anything, when it does happen in real life (an adult son being weaker than his middle aged father), it just tells me how pathetic his genes are that he can't produce a son who does nothing more than play video games. Then there are threads like this. don't believe this isn't a fake story made up by some boomer on Reddit to feel good about his aging body, but if it were real, then I would think the old man's genes are so shit he can't produce a strong son
despite him working out regularly. It doesn't make me think old men are secretly super strong. It just makes think they can only produce weaker and weaker offspring, and we should be pickier than before.
No. 2318155
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>>2317982There are a few token hot guys, but nothing compared to the women.
>>2318016I think they used to have more attractive male characters before like in KOF, what happened?
No. 2318158
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>>2318155SNK published KOF, which isn't related to Tekken at all. They also have shifted to making their male characters ugly and their female characters all bimbos, look at what they did to Samurai Shodown. Charlotte's redesign says it all, while pretty male characters like Sogetsu got botched. They've done the same to characters like Ash Crimson, while making King into another basic pretty girl with big boobs. Look at City of the Wolves for example, three waifus with the same animu girl face and ugly and botched male characters.
No. 2318168
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I remmeber in tekken tag tournament that some were handsome, but thats a very old game now
At some point they decided to add wrinkles to every moid
At least the new mortal kombat has more good looking ones since its a timeline reset so everyone's young. Not very optimistic about the next one though
No. 2318192
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>>2318168I wonder when the next MK is going to come out after them already cancelling all their future DLC support for MK1, but I liked all the slutty teases for the males in MK11.
No. 2318227
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>>2317379This could never happen in the west
No. 2318238
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>>2318016Soul Calibur and Guilty Gear both have a better selection of hot guys it's just that Tekken 8 is more popular.
>>2318155Jamie from Street Fighter is cute
No. 2318272
>>2318204I try to listen these songs in a vacuum, like you're meant to self-insert or simply relate to the scenario, but their moids truly are so horrific, it's distracting. I never listened to Beyonce for example, but like in the beginning of the thread, there is something comical when you imagine a woman singing about Jay-Z of all people, when she is beautiful/rich/influential and could have any man she wanted. All that power, beauty, and
that is what she wastes it on? It's also not enough that these men are ugly, they're also terrible people. There's literally no reason to be with them, not even the personality cope. They all abandon their families, have gross public images so you can bet their private lives are worse, atrocious opinions and beliefs. There is
nothing attractive about any of these moids, some of them don't even have influence and money, at least not more than these pop stars themselves.
Benny Blanco is also an example of the funnyman psyop. Vidrel is the kind of bs they consider 'funny', and they insist that women find this attractive.
No. 2318670
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Hopelessly walled but his hair looks great. I really wish men could actually keep their hair or, failing that, do everything possible to replace and maintain it.
No. 2318677
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>>2318670I HATE how his eyebrows look like they’re melting off his face. All walled men have an expression on their face that looks like you’re holding them at gunpoint and they’re begging to be spared.
No. 2318720
>>2318144The best proof against this is the recent Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul fight. 58yo Mike is considered the best of all times while 28yo Jake is a random youtube gymbro. Everybody thought Mike would teach him a lesson but in the end it was more like elder abuse.
My dad is very strong but he's also much taller than average plus he physically worked all his life and he nevertheless admits that he can feel his fitness declining. But these internet dads are not like him. There's a new settlement there I live and none of the 30yo, 40yo young family dads build their houses themselves. It reflects in their hobbies too, when they're not playing video games, they just uselessly flock around their gfs, like a young child or handbag (while always wearing sweatpants and hats, again like a kid). No idea how they can delude themselves that they'll magically turn into superman once they have a child. It's not like they help their fulltime working wifes raise them anyway.
No. 2318962
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>>2318720I mentioned this in a previous thread as well, how the psyop was so strong and the fantasy was so desperate, the only way moids could cope with Mike Tyson's loss was saying that he took a dive for money. Everyone wanted to see Jake Paul put in his place, but if you aren't blinded by make-believe, it was an inevitable outcome. It actually astounded me to see just how far the cope ran, there was just so much commentary from moids, especially older moids, explaining how Mike Tyson would have totally beat him to death if he was allowed to go savage on him, like the good ole days. There were even debates about whether or not this was noble of Mike Tyson to throw the game (if he was sullying the sport or putting his personal on the line to make more money for his fam kek), like they just assume that
of course Mike Tyson could have destroyed Jake Paul, if he weren't being paid to lose.
The moids are certainly coping with their own age-related deficiencies, but I also think this plays into how immature male brains are, generally speaking.
None of us are surprised when one of our female icons faces the effects of aging, because we know they are mortal people, and society is sure to remind us how disposable they think women are once our novelty wears off. Only the most rabid fangirls are deluded enough to believe otherwise.
But a lot moids seem to have this very childish hero worship mentality. Their legends never die, despite being human as anyone else. They naturally form cults around whoever they think the top moid is. The way they talked about the fight before it actually happened reminded me of how little boys will say shit like "my dad is going to beat you up!" whenever they fight on the playground with other little boys. It's embarrassing to see, yet very commonplace.
Picrel Mike Tyson at age 20. He was a legendary fighter in his youth, there's no doubt about that, but damn, he's
always been ugly, even in his prime. I want to like combat sports because in theory moids beating the shit out of each other is very hot, but it just attracts fuggos with anger issues who are extremely prone to also taking this aggression out on the women around them. Don't get me wrong, I hate Jake Paul. He's thoroughly uglified himself
even though he was alright in his youth, and he is best known for being a shitty person, but I also hate the glorification of Mike Tyson's character by the very same moids who find Jake Paul reprehensible. Jake Paul is a shitty person, so he deserves to lose, but Mike Tyson is also a shitty person who abused multiple women in his life. There's no 'moral' side to pick here. Like we're all just suppose to forget about it in Mike Tyson's case because he use to punch really good lmao???
No. 2318985
>>2318962Lol, lmao even. Of all athletes, boxers have some of the shortest shelf life. Especially if they're actually fun and not some circle running faggot """""outboxer""""" type like Floyd Mayweather and the like.
You are literally geriatric by 25 as a boxer, period. Everything that exists past that is fanservice and matchfixed cringe.
No. 2319580
>>2319513Depends on how long you plan on keeping him around. If for some reason you want a long term relationship, it definitely does, but you should prioritize actual physical attraction first. Looks fade, and that's especially true for moids, but so do personalities. Or more specifically, how you might
feel about their personalities might fade. Maybe you prefer a more somber, introspective personality, but after time, you might realize you find that actually boring and pretentious. Or conversely, you might think you like someone who is very cheerful and light-hearted, but then it becomes obnoxious to you. You definitely don't want to shackled to someone you don't enjoy the company of, but most moids aren't that nuanced or complex. You have to
know you'll generally feel favorably about whatever their general disposition is because there will likely never be as much depth as you hope there is. It's not impossible, but it's not the norm either, so you can't realistically expect it. This is the real reason personality is a meme in relationships, moids usually don't have well-developed ones. They just want you to think they have something else to offer you if they lack sexual appeal, but they can't even really give you that either. You might just be buying a lie, then you're stuck with a fuggo.
If you are looking for something short term and replaceable, not really. Personality might play a role in actual sex, but that's just a separate skill and isn't entirely dependent on personality. In either scenario, the only thing that really matters when it comes to personality is making sure they don't exhibit any traits that are red flags for instability and violence. Looks will always play a more important role than personality in both cases.
It's depressing listening to stories of women who love their Nigels, but don't actually want to fuck them. Sometimes it's low libido, but I think more often than not it's just a cope for realizing they aren't attracted to them and will likely never be satisfied. You don't want to live like that, no matter how much you enjoy your Nigel's 'personality'.
Basically always pick based on physical attractions first, then use personality to sort through whoever passed the looks qualifier. Where it matters is ensuring they aren't psychopaths. Physical attraction is the minimal requirement, personality is for narrowing down these selections based on looks afterwards.
No. 2319764
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downton abbey is 100% part of the psyop. it was produced by a hideous fat old man while being marketed to a female viewing audience, and… welp. picrel has all the main couples. the young decent looking guys either die young, are assholes, or are gay.
No. 2319797

>>2319646I don't think it's a terrible example. 'Old man speed' and 'old man strength' are both fake, almost undoubtedly kek. You would think this is obvious regardless, and according to Mike Tyson, he literally lost half his blood months before due to an ulcer flare up or whatever. This is actually a great example, because it doesn't actually matter if a moid knows anything about boxing or not, or even if they actually care about any sort of sport at all. The average moid does not care (even if they pretend they do to seem more m-m-muh skalline), and this was a highly publicized event between a moid who is hated and another who isn't, but should be. Normies don't even care that Mike Tyson literally suffered a near-death experience requiring several blood transfusions months before the fight, but sometimes they might use it if they do happen to know, in justification of why they think might Mike Tyson still could've won. Oh, if only he weren't recovering for such an harrowing ordeal, so brave. If anything, this would point to the idea that obviously he is getting older and his body isn't what it use to be.
Now that the dust has settled, more moids are willing to accept the truth and of course use it as an excuse to hate Jake Paul more. Like you have said, and I had said in my previous post, he is extremely unpopular. I actually addressed this point, moids just want to see their daddy figure beat up a moid they dislike. In fact, they don't actually care what their daddy moid does, he could do the same to women for all it's worth to them. Jake Paul is disgusting, but then so is Mike Tyson.
He is a literal rapist. It can be eluded to, but I guess I can't stress this enough. He was past his prime when he went to prison. For rape. This is indisputable. People dislike Paul for good reason, but no one (least of all moids) seems to care that an ugly ogre scrote like Mike Tyson, who is a literal rapist and did time for it, is still lauded as an icon. He's even defended from these REEE FAKE rape allegations to this day, because of moids fear the The same boogeyman, especially if they are ugly. The fact anyone can sit here and gossip about whether or not he sold himself out for a show he was not fit for, or that Jake Paul is awful for fighting a geriatric man for clout, or whether or not Mike Tyson still had a chance at all, is ridiculous when he should be locked up. He was released on parole after three years of his six year sentence. He is allowed to be celebrated as an legend, despite being a a real life rapeape.
The comments in this vidrel for example point to the general opinions I had to listen to when I was working the night of the fight and after. I don't want to say where I work, but I get a lot of face to face interactions from average moids who would be the type to sympathize with Mike Tyson and see him as a hero figure. So many retarded front poles asking for my opinion, telling me how they couldn't wait to see Mike Tyson kill Jake Paul. If I mentioned he was very old and busted, it was 'nah, he's still Iron Mike!' and that yes, they just wanted to see Jake Paul lose because he was
annoying and he would deserve it for being such a douchebag. It would be one thing if they just disregarded the fact Mike Tyson is a straight up woman abuser who served time for rape, but that actually isn't enough. The few times I did bring up how Mike Tyson is an actual rapist, it was met with the same shit moids always say when it comes to rape. "She was lying! It was mishandled! What woman wouldn't want to fuck Mike Tyson, it was consensual!"
Look at Mike in his 20s, he's fucking fugly as hell, but moids still think this is what women would want to fuck? Because he's a musclepig ogre who is muh skalline? Ugly man psyop mindset. I'm glad you weren't subjected to retarded scrotes commentary, but I was. All the old, ugly man coping, all the rape defense, the simplistic moid mindset is so frustrating. Ugly men can rape and abuse women and we're suppose to respect him and forget about it 30 yrs later because a younger moid is annoying. He is an old, ugly ogre scrote who abused his first wife, raped an 18 yr old, has had other accusers, and the moids say we should still respect him and that Jake Paul is akshually the bad guy for beating up a poor old man who is just trying to support his family uwu. That is, if they even accept reality. If they don't, and many of them don't, they lionized him and overlook the rape accusations to call the women liars, as they always do in ugly moid defense. Read the comments in vidrel. Even if boxing moids know better, the average moid
doesn't, and it doesn't matter to them. That's the point. It just reveals the average moid mentality.
Though I have had heard boxing moids try to argue other older boxers came out of retirement for a match and did well in the past, but I won't get into that cope, because this is long enough as it is. No. 2320094
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Yes, picrel before and after are the same person. This pretty boy went out of his way to turn himself into an ugly emo fag. Why do men do this? It’s like they want to look like shit on purpose?
No. 2320120
>>2320104>some men have an issue with being perceived as a pretty boy even if it results in women liking them for itThat is also a possibility. Moids crave male social validation more than female sexual attraction. Even if it detracts from the natural attention they'd get from females, they can still have access to females while avoiding male competition if they just appeal to other moids instead. It's like an alternative path to roidmaxxing, except instead of muscles and tren, it's eyeliner and ket. If he's still young and most of his friends are into this dark, edgy aesthetic, he might just want to fit in with them and grow his influence in that community.
Less likely, but he might also think he has a better chance at certain types of alt girls if he's apart of their subculture. I know one moid who did this. He only dressed and acted emo to better his chances at an emo girl or goth chick.
Ironically, I was one of the 'goth chicks' in question, even if I wouldn't describe myself that way, and I definitely prefer cute blond sporty boys with happy-go-lucky attitudes. natural beauty > makeup and clothes No. 2320571
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>>2320495This is so true. Picrel is actually Alain Delon's youngest son. I couldn't believe this is the same person. He's only 30 in the second image and looks like
that, despite looking like
that in the first image. I am honestly still unsure this isn't just another moid with the same name.
No. 2320594
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>>2320581Probably. He needs to lose weight, but he's just average. Skinny fat, ig. Moids have to maintain a very low body fat percentage or they look hideous, but it probably wouldn't save him either. Moids age worse than milk. They age like strawberries.
No. 2320657
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>>2320622>>2320594>>2320581>>2320571First in picrel is Alain's first son, Ari Boulogne. Alain never recognized him as his son, but Ari was raised by Alain’s mother. Despite starting drugs as a minor, Ari still looked better than Alain’s youngest son, Alain-Fabien Delon. Alain’s second son, Anthony Delon (bottom in picrel), was always attractive. Even at 62, walled as he is, you can still see the remnants of his looks. Meanwhile, Alain-Fabien never looked great—your chosen pic isn’t even representative of how he looked when younger.
Nonnies, we desperately need more studies on how aging male sperm mutates and produces ugly, deranged sons. Alain-Fabien is living proof: both ugly and insane. He literally shot a teen girl at a party, nearly killing her. He was spawned from Alain’s fossilized semen when he was 59 years old.
No. 2320677
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>>2320594Samefag again, I also want to point out that Alain had this son at age 60. His oldest son, Anthony Delon, didn't expire nearly as quick as Alain-Fabien. Alain still had him when he was nearly 30, but the first pic was from when Anthony was in his early 20s and the second pic was in his early 30s. One was from around the filming of A Thorn in the Heart, the other was Desert of Fire, if curious. He needs to pluck his unibrow, but his face is attractive, and in his 30s he's older, but still handsome for his age. Alain-Fabien only turned 30 this year and is melting into a blob. Even the supposed gods like Alain Delon cannot save his genes from the ravages of age. Old men shouldn't have children. Their children age even quicker, are less attractive, and have lower IQs and mental issues.
>>2320622I have no idea, but it's possible. He was a model/actor and uppers are popular with them. I honestly think though it's because he was conceived of ancient sperm.
>>2320657Thank you, nonna. You got to it before I could finish my post and I'm glad other people are noticing too.
No. 2320682
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>>2320657Forgot to ask this in my previous post as well, was it Ari? I thought it was Anthony, and picrel is Ari, but I have no idea for real. I was just looking through Wikipedia. The point still stands though, because Ari when he was young was more attractive than Alain-Fabien overall.
No. 2320792
>>2320622Wanna hear something funny, nona? This moid's mother is a Dutch supermodel.
>>2320705Ari passed just last year of an overdose, and it must've been terrible having an
abusive (I heard Alain was crazy to his wife and children) fuck father who wouldn't even acknowledge you. RIP
No. 2320798
>>2320705No, I meant I thought Anthony Delon was the bottom row in
>>2320657 picrel. The same moid I posted in
>>2320677. That's Anthony Delon, his first (legitimate) son. I thought he was older than Ari Boulogne (illegitimate son, posted in
>>2320682), hence why he didn't claim him because he was cheating, but I might be wrong about that and the birth order. Alain had at least 4 children, his three sons (Ari, Anthony, and Alain-Fabien) and a daughter. Kind of ironic the worst one is named after him kek
No. 2320855
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For Christmas, let's talk about the ugly man psyop in holiday movies!
I was watching the Santa Clause 2 with my family. Tim Allen plays a man cursed with the Santa Clause body horror transformation after killing the previous Santa Claus. But it's a family Christmas movie so it's not scary. Of course, he also needs a Mrs. Claus. He physically transforms to look more like the iconic Santa Claus, becoming older and fatter no matter what he does. They couldn't get the original love interest from the first movie so the female romantic lead is played by Elizabeth Mitchell. What gets me is Tim Allen is already old by the second movie. He was nearly 50. So you'd think (no, nonnies know better) they would cast a similarly aged female love interest, but Elizabeth Mitchell is only 32 in this movie and also conventionally attractive. Tim Allen has always been a typical ugly funnyman. Even in his character's normal form, he is chubby, goofy, and old, but somehow we're suppose to believe this is a wholesome romance. I thought at least Elizabeth Mitchell's character would undergo a similar Santa Clause body horror transformation where she becomes old and fat too, but not even Mrs Claus is allowed to be fat and old, let alone looksmatched with an ugly man who already has an almost 20 years on her without the Santa Clause transformation. Scrotal Claus can get even older, fatter, and bearded, atop of already being old and ugly, but God forbid his wife be a true counterpart.
The craziest part to me is that the Santa Claus makeup somehow makes Tim Allen look less decrepit than in his non-Santa Claus form. He's not suppose to look young obviously, just jolly, but Tim Allen's normal, un-caked face is just worn and ragged af.
No. 2320881
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watched the holiday today since it's christmas and was fucking astounded and disgusted that they made my queen kate winslet end up with JACK BLACK like in what world…..?
No. 2320904
>>2320881They don't even look like the same species.
If you took away their modern clothes and effects, Kate Winslet looks like royalty, while Jack Black looks like a Down syndrome fieldhand peasant who would never be allowed this close to the King's daughter without being stuck like a pig on a guardman's pike. This is what I imagine the Moldovan town rapist from that one 4chan meme looks like. Jack Black has always been ugly, but he straight up looks retarded in that pic. The Holiday is suppose to be a romcom, but I would completely believe you if you told me this was a screencap from a modern retelling of the Hunchback of Notre Dame where he was cast to play Quasimodo. Who tf directed this.
No. 2320934
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Imagine being an actress in your early 20s, and the character you're playing has a romantic relationship with a moid 13 yrs older than you and he looks like this. Imagine accidentally grazing your lips against those teeth when you have your inevitable kissing scene. Vomit. His teeth are so jacked up they have a key-like profile. I was always distracted by how doofus-y he looks and how pronounced his nasolabial folds are, but holy shit, I never noticed how disgusting those chompers are. Zooey Deschanel is a nepo baby, she didn't have to do this to herself wtf.
No. 2321078
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There is nothing worse looking than a short gymbro. I believe that the gympill for short guys is actually a deliberate psyop to make them even uglier. Have you noticed how gyms are full of insecure short dudes? I do. They look worse after gym, IMHO. They look like Neanderthals compared to a moid with normal height when they are all roided. Truly disgusting. Reminds me of picrel. I think there is nothing a short bald moid can do at this point, it's truly over. And yeah, I belive height is an important metric. I'm sorry, but short moids have stockier builds and paired with their shortness it makes them look weird. A moid should have long and lean limbs, not… whatever those guys have.
Bonus point for them dressing up. This is truly "putting lipstick on a pig" situation, especially if they choose snug formal suits. Just… why? A suit is supposed to accentuate a lean build, making more elegant, not snugging their Neanderthal limbs. Truly gross, there is nothing more vomit inducing than a short, stocky moid in a suit. Have some self-awerness, retard.
No. 2321564
>>2321411Men age the way they do due to intrinsic factors. Healthy lifestyle helps, but they will still have the same general rate of aging their niche predicts.
There's actually a massive (manufactured, imo) debate as to whether aging is a controllable accumulation of damage or an innate, programmed process. And no matter how much you squint, it still looks programmed.
Some lifestyle choices were shown to somewhat combat the "bloated" pro-anabolic male-pattern aging (veganism or plant-based diet), but it has to be a lifelong commitment to have an outward effect.
No. 2321567
>>2321473no I meant that he's chosen by god lol
other than that, he is well loved and supported by an insanely huge community of people and a role model for them so there are many reasons for him to want to take care of himself. Also he has literally zero money related stress compared to an average person. Ray William Johnson also looks almost exactly the same as he did over 10 years ago, also had huge success in youtube and probably little money related stress in life.
No. 2321575
>>2321491This one is true. Married men have a slower rate of aging and higher life expectancy. The inverse is true for women.
It would be curious see if Korean 4Bers have explored the healthspan perspective of minimizing male presence. Absolutely everything points towards the fact that having a male will damage you physically (which is why the whole "loneliness" as a health issue shit is transparently male biased - it doesn't apply to you and never did).
No. 2321619
>>2321578No, it's literally just being married. With marital stress and all.
>Marzia isn't aging in any way as wellMarzia is 32. No matter what lolcow and reedit will tell you, it's not normal to look different between 25 and 32 for a woman. She is aging internally though, that much is beyond question. And, hypothetically, if Marzia had that money without Pewdiepie and the kid, she'd age even better.
No. 2321694
>>2321667It's usually because they ignore/hate their wives and ignore the fussing over their health. Being a shit person will reflect internally and externally. The roughest looking scrotes you see are either single or the stereotypical misogynistic boomer dad memes.
>>2321619>it's not normal to look different between 25 and 32 It is normal to look a little different, especially if you have kids within that time frame, but its not like once you hit 30 you start melting. The differences will be subtle, like a few more fine lines or some gray hairs start growing in, a FEW extra pounds. Shit like that. Scrotes just use examples of women who live like absolute shit and abuse their bodies with drugs, alcohol, and indiscriminate sex with a bunch of different moids as examples of "walled" women, when the average woman who leads a decent lifestyle won't look that much different at all.
No. 2322510
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What do you guys think about Brian Johnson? He's the retired Venmo CEO who started spending millions and doing all sorts of tests trying to slow down his aging. He posts videos detailing some of the strategies he's tried, although most of it boils down to improving sleep, diet, and exercise routines.
No. 2322682
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Everytime I watch an older movie and there is a cute male actor in it, I google him and get instant depression
No. 2322847
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Saw this guy on my YouTube feed before, i looked up to see if he was married (he has a kid in one of the videos i just saw). Ofc the comments on this photo were all "looks don't matter, a 4 can win a baddie over with his personality!1!".
No. 2322969
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>>2322510He's a fantastic case study on why male walling isn't reversible. Starting with head and gut expansion.
No. 2323000
>>2322682How do women cope with scrotes being like this? Women age too obviously, but I can always somehow recognize a woman when I see her picture from years ago, unless she becomes a fattie.
But men just rot, quite literally.
No. 2323121

>>2322847I don't understand why this woman would do this to herself. Is he extremely wealthy? Was she raped as a child?
He looks like a pedophile barffffffff. His eyes are uncanny, like he's some kind of parasite entity walking amongst humans, but ig that's what moids are anyway. It becomes more obvious as they get older, when their human disguise starts slipping. This is also a good example of why short hair has been shilled (sometimes legally enforced) for so many centuries. It's much more obvious when a moid is balding when he has long hair. More disgusting too. When they get to the point in
>>2322847, they can't help but advertise how far they've expired. It's like looking at a glass of moldy milk. Moid age can't be measured in years, only centimeters off a hairline. No wonder styles like vidrel are becoming more common now, among both balding and non-balding moids. It's way easier to fraud the wall while trying to look 'alt' and pretending it's not just a combover. The Edgar cut and similar hairstyles have the same effect. I watch these videos to see which haircuts moids are getting to hide their bad hair genetics, but honestly it's pretty instinctual. That's why we have a couple nonnies saying they suddenly lost their attraction to moids after they change their hair. Most women like longer hairstyles on men, and if a moid looks bad
even with long hair, he's just too old to procreate with. It doesn't matter if he's only in his 20s. The hairline shows a moid's true age.
No. 2323149
>>2323121KEK that hairstyle looks so fucking shitty.
Also, to add insult to injury, it's not just his hairline that shows his age. Apparently (I'm not sure how much of this is a bit) this guy was an alcoholic for 10 years. During that time he got a hair eating fungus from wearing a batman mask all the time or something. He went to a doctor who gave him pills to treat the fungus but he didn't take them because it would of required him to stop drinking (for the time he was on the medication).
No. 2323158
>>2323118Also this is extremely true for me as well. I still shower and take care of myself, that's stuff I do for me to feel comfortable, but I have long since stopped caring about fashion, makeup, etc. I also use to care more about bodybuilding (not in the masculinizing way, I heavily focused on the muscle groups that make women more attractive), but I switched to my true passion of strength training. I don't care if it makes me look like a man, it's what I enjoy.
There's other sports I do either now or in the past, but nothing is as hated by moids as female strength training. And even bodybuilding can be hated too if they don't realize the trim waists and thick ass and thighs of women they like on Instagram are a result of bodybuilding, but that's an aside because moids are just stupid af. There's no prize to be won amongst moids if men like this are allowed to fuck beautiful women. It's honestly something all women should learn eventually, that they should prioritize their own interests and not compete over moids or even worrying about attracting them. I thankfully learned this very early on in my own life, and anytime I see these hideous moids with beautiful women, it reaffirms this truth. It's unfortunate most women only learn this when they're geriatric and lost decades of their lives chasing their One True Scrote.
I would personally like to live in a world where all people are healthy and beautiful, but we literally can't do all the work if half our DNA comes from moids and they're like
that. At the very least, women should just realize there's no way every one of us can mate with a handsome moid, so we might as well be happy while we're here. A lot of times that's as simple as not entertaining moids who look like
that. Blogposting, ik, but it always annoyed me when my irl friends ask me why I don't care about dressing up. Look at what you'd be dressing up for, ugly moids all around us who think it's an invitation? No thanks.
No. 2323174
>>2323149Moids age themselves prematurely too, yeah. They do stupid shit like become alcoholics and apparently wear a Batman mask constantly wtf lmao??? Do they just think this shit is quirky? I haven't actually watched the video yet, but I am guessing so. Also proof that funnymen are just ugly if that's the case. I'm assuming that's what is meant by 'personality' in the original post.
They don't have two X chromosomes, so they're more fragile and susceptible to all sorts of damage. I never understood why moids seem to be hardwired do all this shit that destroys them so quickly when they are biologically less resilient, but maybe that's just nature trying to get rid of her rejects. I don't care if it's a bit, because it reflects the sad reality of a lot moids who are just content to destroy themselves. Especially since a lot of them know if they manage to bag a woman they'll have a nurse for life.
No. 2323197
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In the last thread some anons were wondering whether very young Leo and some celebrity women he attended a party with back in the 90s were a looksmatch. In the pics usually posted they're always pulling a face or are mid-talking but in this pic from the same day (that I saw for the very first time) he gets mogged so brutally kek Even the supposedly most perfect young actor moid still manages to look like an ogre, just look at his low quality skin, his unkempt hair and brows, his thin unshapely lips, his smallish eyes, his pig nose, his fat ear lobes… meanwhile she is an absolute angel. And once again, what does that mean for us normal women? We're doomed.
No. 2323207
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>>2323197Shalom Harlow is so pretty. And moid actors are mostly ugly, these two were never looksmatched. She's a supermodel and although he's a successful actor, he never would have made it to runway. She looks way better with this male model she used to date. Note: he's not an ugly midget like Leo.
No. 2323225
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>>2323197A pretty woman and a “pretty” man are worlds apart. The woman is always prettier.
No. 2323261
>>2322847>>2323121>>2323149Is there anything worse than a balding man who insists on keeping it long? That includes the combover style in that haircut video (I mean, the stylist cannot possibly think that combover Bieber bangs look good, especially with that trucker beard, this just feels like outrage bait). Balding with short hair is unattractive, but balding with long hair is undignified and shameful on top of being unattractive. How low does a woman's self esteem have to be to marry a guy like this? Especially batman-mask-guy's wife who apparently quit her job to support his full-time youtube career
after the alcoholism and head fungus shit.
No. 2323289
>>2323275The fact that it is extremely common for women who kiss bearded moids to develop pimples afterwards is crazy. Moids never bother to clean their face pubes. Even babies that bearded moids kiss get it too
No. 2323308
>>2323149Not clicking on the vid because the thumbnail's terrifying enough, but this man is so selfish and cruel to expose innocent people to his ugliness. He's actually so ugly that it should be punished. He intentionally goes around looking like that because he doesn't care about our senses and may especially want to make women uncomfortable. I actually hate him and I don't even know his name. All I need to know is that this fag didn't follow doctor's instructions because he's too weak-willed. God or whatever's running this show really expects us to pair up with these creatures?
>>2323158Based, nona.
>>2323306Because straight men know we'll take anything.
literally peer pressured by parents, friends, EVERYONE, to not be too "picky" when you really just have the most minimal standards No. 2323748
I was thinking about the concept of "hoeflation" and I think it mostly ties to looks. But! I'm a historyfag and I also noticed that women become more attractive with time while the men got uglier.
I know it's not nice to dis on the women of the past, I'd also look rugged if I lived a hellish life they lived. But if you look at people today and people of the past you will notice that women become more youthful and healthy looking with time. I tie it to partially the cosmetic industry and better standards of living for women. It's easier to look like that if you don't pop out babies non-stop and get beaten by your husband on a regular basis.
While with men… they got uglier. Have you seen the men of the past? Yeah, they also didn't age well, but they had more chiseled, masculine faces, better hair and very good figures from playing sports or manual labor. Obviously, there were a lot of uglies and post-wall moids (and damn, if they hit the wall, they hit it hard). But! Today's moid is nothing like his grandfather. He ages in a very unappealing way (getting balder and fatter) and has worse figure (either flabby or a roidpig, no natural lean muscle). Also he dresses worse since formal wear became less popular, so now moids dress like they are in their basement jerking off to CP even they are outside.
It all led to men becoming more interested in sex (since they see more attractive women=more neuron activation), while women became less interested in it (same thing). We still have the brains of out ancestors, so we judge by similar metrics and standards, so an average woman is still subconsciously attractive to us, while the man is uglier. It all leads in women seeking out men who would be abundant in the past (the so-called chad, who would be average around fifty years ago) or bedroom death or lower birthrates, what have you. I think "hoeflation" is somewhat real, but more so because the baseline for moid's looks dropped so low while our brains remained the same, that an average man is unattractive to a woman on a biological woman.
No. 2323753
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>>2323718>>2323575I love men titties when they look good
No. 2323757
>>2323752I would tie to men choosing women with neothenic features with time. While it's attractive on a woman in men's eyes (since they are all closeted pedos), it's still not optimal. It wouldn't be too bad but those features are passed to male offspring, so men basically get puffier faces and more feminine (more fat % and being prone to obesity) features. They also have fucked up hormones. You also would notice that the average height got higher with time, but there are still a lot of short moids. I also tie it to them choosing women with a smaller frame, which leads to shorter and more frail moids in the future.
Anyway, instead of "hoeflation", I call it "moid devaluation". Like Nigerian currency, they are abundant, but useless.
No. 2323775
>>2323768Doubleposting, estrogen darkens nipples. A man with dark nipples has abnormally high amounts of female hormones in his body. It means he’s literally an estrogenated pseudo-transgender. Enjoy your pregnant looking men I guess
>>2323770I’m too ESL to explain this properly but please bear with me. It seems like ugly men reproducing creates not only ugly men but also the kind of woman males find attractive. In a world ugly men (as in soft features and weak jaws) are weeded out women will start to look more masculine. Effeminate women with weak features were bred by the ugly man psyop. For example I have a very masculine dad and a very feminine mom, I look like a Neanderthal. Because surprise surprise, huge jaws and thick eyebrows are dominant features. The ugly man psyop increases sexual dimorphism in terms of attractiveness. It uglifies men and “beautifies” women at the same time. This doesn’t help women at all, it just increases the likeliness of an ugly man landing a hot woman.
No. 2323779
I wouldn't call women without neothenic features ugly. Adult woman is an adult woman (less neothenic features). Ugly woman is an ugly woman. Those are not the same. Neotheny is basically looking prebuscent.
Anyway, we are basically breeding ugly males and there is no end in sight. Unfortunately, soon we are going to breed out good-looking men completely and hit the bottleneck of male ugliness. Then… what? It's an interesting scenario.
I would tie it to sexual revolution. But not the historic event. There was silent sexual revolution going on for millennia since the prehistoric times but like industrial revolution, it accelerated in the last century starting with the sexual revolution we know.
The problem is, it was less "free love" movement that benefited both men and women. Only "beta" low value men saw any benefit from it, since now they had better access to women and pornography. While it was good for LWM for a while, since it gave them a chance to breed, with time they started breeding worse and worse males to the point that they are so low value, they weren't able to pass their defective genes at all. It created a weird scenraio: a low value breeds, but with generations his offspring becomes even more low value and useless. It's basically a dead-end, and the betas of the past screwed uo their sons for life since they passed their defective genes that only accelerated with selective breeding of betas.
Basically, the creation of a low value male is an exponential growth of male ugliness and we are seeing it accelerating with time. So, where it all started? When the first beta caveman used tricks to breed. He doomed all the maledom, quite like the fabled butterfly.
No. 2323862
>>2323841Social media and incels have rotten your brain. No one is a “1,” “5,” “8,” or “10.” There’s a basic level of attractiveness that we all agree on, but from there, it’s subjective. Luigi isn’t attractive to you because no one is attractive to everyone. You’ve been brainwashed into thinking that your worth as a woman is tied to your fuckability and that fuckability equals attractiveness—but it doesn’t. Almost every woman can be made “fuckable” with the right makeup and clothes, but that doesn’t mean she’ll be attractive to all men.
You’re confusing love with hate. You hate yourself for not being liked by everyone because, yes, that’s what femininity is about—being liked and tolerated by men. It’s beyond stupid. It’s impossible to be attractive to everyone. Not everyone will fall in love with you, and that’s okay. Same goes for men. What women are forced to see as attractiveness in men is actually masculinity—traits like being bigger from roids or having emotionless eyes. Women aren’t aliens; they want healthy, fit, non-deformed men with functioning brains.
By rating people on a scale, you’re admitting that you can be rated too, and it destroys your self-esteem because it’s impossible to be a “10.” No one is a “10,” and that kills you inside with your learned feminine need for approval. Stop this madness. Luigi isn’t ugly, but he’s not a “10” either—no one is. Stop thinking this way. Your mind has been colonized by male ideas. You’ll never be free if you continue to use their language and live their lies.
Liberation is realizing that being fuckable has no value—men would rape anything. Being attractive only matters to the people you find attractive. Your life shouldn’t be ruled by this poisonous need to be better than everyone else. There is no meritocracy in beauty. Wasting your time, money, and mind in the pursuit of being a “10” is a lie. What your partner finds beautiful in you is already there. Stop caring about ugly men. They’re just men—you shouldn’t care about them. Focus on the rare men who deserve your attention, if you choose to give it. Only focus on the cuties, not ugly, attention-starved goblins who are so warped inside that they see hate as love. You’re better than this. Be free, nonna.
No. 2324157
>>2324118I don’t find him attractive at all. I pretty much dislike everything you mentioned about him, plus, his weirdly long toes.
>>2324136Dante from Devil May Cry before they made him ugly to soothe men's egos.
No. 2324767
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piercings and tattoos, yay or nay? i like piercings in cute alt guys but tattoos are absolutely repulsive, they are like beards, very trashy.
No. 2324852
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>>2324767tbh i don't mind tattoos as a means of decorating the body, but scrotes just ruin it getting shit tattoos just to look tough or covering up their shitty skin texture, i unironically like the symmetrical Polynesian tattoos, pity that their men have terrible shoulder to waist to hip ratios, i'd donate them all some corsets if i could.
No. 2324913
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>>2324767I like tattoos on men in theory, to some extent, if they are actually good and enhance his features and aren't too distracting, but if we're being realistic, it's never that.
They generally look ugly, poorly done, thuggish, and they hide the body if the tattoos cover more than 50 percent of the body. They get tattoos of the stupidest shit too, like no one wants to look at a big boob vampire woman or appropriated Japanese woodblock art on your skin in ink. If they are a black or Mexican moid, the tattoos only get worse from here. More often than not, I'll see a cute moid with tattoos, but the tattoo is some stupid shit that only lowers my opinion of them. It never enhances their appearance, but even cute moids getting tattoos is uncommon in the first place.
To me, when a moid gets tattoos, it's like he's realizing he's not attractive enough naturally and can't get by on good looks alone, so he has to tat himself up to look 'tougher' or 'more manly'. It's just m-m-muh skilinity maxxing, and it kind of annoys me pickme women simp for tatted up moids.
Picrel is Andrew England, and a lot of normie women thirst after him. I could use any man with tattoos as example, because most of them are fucking ugly, but it's not even fair. This is possibly one of the best case scenarios for tatted moids, the tats are generally symmetrical and follows the flow of his body, it's not extremely offensive, and the art is relatively well done. The moid himself isn't hideous either, at least in comparison to the orcs that normally have this amount of tattooing. And yet it still looks bad.
would find actually cute moids with tattoos, but they are so rare, and it's because cute moids don't actually get tattoos. Tattoos are just another part of the muh skilinity cope. When cute moids do get tattoos, they are usually small and hidden, and if not, they just make them look worse.
No. 2324919
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>>2324913Samefag, here's Jake Andrich, who is an onlyfans whore. He had a cute face and broad shoulders, but he just looks gay af because that's who the tattoos and facial hair are for. Can you imagine fucking a scrote and looking up at their chest and seeing just old crusty bearded man face on their pecs? Moids are just use tats to expand their bloated muh skilinity.
No. 2324920
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I have a (very autistic) hobby where I pull random scrote selfies from the internet and fix their hairlines. This is the one that struck out to me the most. He went from boss baby to a solid 5/10. All I fucking did was fix his hair and add eyebrows. I’m speechless
No. 2325094
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>>2324767Most are ugly but I like some like irezumi. Tattoos rarely make a man more attractive, usually they become more unattractive or don't change attractiveness imo
No. 2325099
>>2324767i hate all piercings especially facial piercings. i loathe septum rings in particular. tattoos are very rarely well done, 98% of the time they look like shit.
also any kind of partially shaven haircut is hideous and should be condemned
No. 2325112
>>2324767I don't care much for piercings as long as they don't look like a complete freak. Septum piercings and nose piercings in general are hideous, but ear piercings like a helix or eyebrow piercings, even lip piercings can be fine. A lowkey punk vibe can be hot. Tongue piercings are too 3edgy4me. Tattoos on the other hand….
>>2324913 I could NEVER fuck something like this, it makes him look like some sort of demon or beast, it's creepy as fuck. It's weird because I like tattoos and I wish I had tattoos but moids with tattoos do nothing for me. If anything they can ruin his appearance and make him look like a thug or criminal, especially if it's a poorly done tattoo.
No. 2325179
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Can we have an autistic shit flinging contest about eye colours?
No. 2325189
>>2325179It's retarded because green is the most rare color. Meanwhile absolutely nobody of the billions of people living in Africa or Asia will ever look at you just because you happen to have dark brown eyes. This always reminds me of that one farmer years ago who regularly had meltdowns, threatening to kill herself because she wasn't blue-eyed kek
Regarded muh dark eyes, dark aura, whatever, I have noticed this trend among PSL retards, many of them seem to be indian and therefore they try to hype up random old indian beggar or peasant moids who happen to have huge jaw and cheek bones (and no cheek fat because they hardly get by) as superior to young white or east asian models.
No. 2325192
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>>2325179Only eye color I dislike are those piercing blue eyes. Imagine waking up to this in your bed. Horrifying.
No. 2325235
>>2325192Is this shooped or something his face looks off like a toddler was put though an adult filter, so weird.
>>2325194First thing I thought of too those light blue eyed huskies give me the creeps.
No. 2325243
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>>2325235Pretty sure he just looks like that
No. 2325275
>>2324920Seconding nona
>>2325159 who recommended this thread
>>>/m/368108I'm really hoping you can channel your autism powers to good use there, it's such a delightful thread
No. 2325325
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>>2325243Why do so many moids look like different variations of Burke Ramsey? (forgot picrel)
No. 2325426
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I drew this forever ago but I figured it fit in this thread better than whatever thread I originally posted it in
No. 2325617
>>2325426all of the stuff on left makes you ugly tho and can't make you more attractive than you are. it's not something that should be praised. i bet this was made by someone who aspires to it and believes they can be made more attractive.
random people on the street are generally better looking than celebrities in most countries, because looks alone aren't enough, though that's partly because celebrities are on the older side (women too).
No. 2325669
>>2325617>all of the stuff on left makes you uglyNta, but um, yeah? That's the thing. Men have forced women (many already more generically blessed than the vast majority of these whiny moids to begin with) to this point of self mutilation to stay afloat against beauty and body trends that moids created, while a moid as creepy as the ones who loiter outside of gas stations at 11pm get the sexiest moid alive treatment. Who praised this?
>i bet this was made by someone who aspires to it and believes they can be made more attractive. Are you dumb?
No. 2325694
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Why bleach your hair, starve yourself, get plastic surgery and fillers when this is what you get out of it lmao
And it's not just filters I saw her in a YouTube video, I get that she looks fake but you can't deny shes like society's ideal of attractive and though some yellow fever weebs might find this dude attractive he's very fuggo
No. 2325819
>>2325426Great contribution to this thread
>>2325740Yeah their personalities are just as repulsive as their looks if not more. Some of them could look better physically if they weren't so retarded about how wearing something else and having long hair makes them "gay". They're also unreliable and want constant princess treatment and coddling from women rather than wanting to be a prince and treating women well themselves
No. 2325873
>>2325740It's not even that, but how utterly boring they are. I decided to lurk r4r sub for the lulz but it was dry and boring as hell.
Most dudes think playing vidya is their personality.
>What can I tell people about myself so they would know what sort of a person I am? Oh, I know, I like video games and memes.Wow, how deep.
>I mostly play online shootersHow utterly unique!
>And my favorite single player game is Withcer 3Daring today, aren't we?
If you list "playing vidya" as a hobby, at least talk about something else except top 10 games on steam charts, for fucks sake.
What's next? Watching TV is a hobby? Eating food? Oh, wait…
No. 2325945
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No. 2325968
>>2325694Not only is he bald, which already detracts at least 4 points from a man's attractiveness on a 1-10 scale, he isn't actually balding that bad
and his head has a weird shape.
He has some hairloss in the corners, but he could easily get hair plugs and spend at least a fraction of the money his poor woman does on Botox and Ozempic. The
worst part is that he rather her tolerate his gross, weirdly shaped, shaved head than putting in the effort. If you're going to shave your head, you should at least have the decency to make sure your skull looks normal before you do it.
He knows now though, if he didn't before, and if he hasn't fixed it yet, he actively hates his gf. He has no excuse.
No. 2325984
>>2325426this is very good
nonnie but
>designed by wardrobe peoplekek did you mean stylists?
No. 2326396
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I know the money he has is crazy but you couldn’t pay me enough to hang around that thing
No. 2326397
>>2325984She means natives of Narnia
>>2325873When males turn 10 they choose one random YouTuber or something to emulate for the rest of their lives.
>>2326396Why is that creature popular
No. 2326958
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Women (the ones with good tastes, fellas,) think men only get more attractive as they get older. :)
Even when men bald, shrivel up, and have to use diapers because getting their prostates checked regularly is GAY, and now they have lost bladder control along with their cancerous prostate that had to be fully surgically removed. Very handsome, am I right?(:))
No. 2326978
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What happened here?
No. 2326991
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>>2326978The 1990s one is styling his eyebrows like that satanic pedo church leader military guy. So maybe other than that but I would feel like I'm fucking someone's dad for sure
No. 2327020
>>2326978No 25 yr olds moids look like the one of the right where I live kek. The left one is still a more accurate representation
t.balkan, unfortunately
No. 2327139
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Thoughts? Apparently the average American male is 5'9" (175 cm), 199 lbs (90 kg), and has a waist circumference of 40.5 in (102 cm)
No. 2327303
File: 1735669399295.jpg (100.07 KB, 1119x486, 3244324324.JPG)

Tried to find some data about weightg differences between the sexes, could only find this one from 2009. You'd think that there would be more overweight women due to the difference in how we store fat (and cultural influences), but no there is more overweight men than women
>>2327139I wonder what the average is if you don't count obese and overweight moids.
>>2327154I think this also has to do with the American diet, I've had experiences with friends who went to different countries and lost a significant amount of weight without changing eating habits. There must be something in the water here.
No. 2327444
>>2326958>the ones you want to attract So the shallow hot Stacies who wouldn't give you a second look until you're their last option. You know, what you've been orbiting hoping to bag since middle school.
No one believes you're hoping for a nice serious Becky who's sexually attracted to employment, especially not you.
No. 2328150
>>2328062Best thing about the Luigi thing is his "personality" (killing a CEO) haloing him, but many also believe he didn't do it, thus voiding the "personality". You can find an abundance of inoffensively chuddy podcel gym techies with the exact same stats and no one pays them any attention.
This is how you get redpill faggots thinking you can become sexually attractive as a male by manipulating "vibes" and "aura", or "shooting your shot". Female heterosexuality is like writing le tragic hurtcomfort yaoi fanfics about shounen cardboards - it's fully about which ugly to mid male gets the correct random exposure. He doesn't have to be hot or any different from the rest, he just needs to be in the right place, at the right time, with the correct attitude. The affection starved heterosexual woman will then invent his sexiness and sell it to herself. Bleak.
No. 2328180
>>2328150> Best thing about the Luigi thing is his "personality" (killing a CEO) haloing him, but many also believe he didn't do it, thus voiding the "personality".huh? it's other aspects of his alleged personality that endeared him to people. being kind, going out of his way for people, being well read and thoughtful.
the ugly man psyop only focuses on looks, but it's been a long ass time a male was presented as this type of kind, caring individual for no ulterior motivation.
No. 2328435
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Everything about this makes me want to throw up
No. 2329190
>>2328435I hate all of them and their muppet faces. Why can't all these political commentators that disguise it as a humor be at least cute? Hopefully once they retire they'll start picking hot guys that don't look bloated from alcohol.
>>2328150>Female heterosexuality is fully about which ugly to mid male gets the correct random exposure. He doesn't have to be hot or any different from the rest, he just needs to be in the right place, at the right time, with the correct attitude. The affection starved heterosexual woman will then invent his sexiness and sell it to herself.This is spot on, but it's not exclusive to us as much as you think. This is pretty much exactly how my sister got her cute bf, and we're both ugly twins (they literally called us "the ogre twins" in hs) so it gave me hope. His parents were divorcing and she was just there at the right time pampering him and they've been together 4 years now, marrying in June.
No. 2329995
File: 1735860232609.jpeg (62.78 KB, 640x853, 5fb4784a86da6.jpeg)

It starts early
No. 2330290
File: 1735874245178.png (20.73 KB, 422x630, luigi.png)

>>2328062>Just post Luigi in this threadFinally, a drawing that captures his spirit
No. 2330348
File: 1735877520242.jpg (49.66 KB, 1280x720, gman.jpg)

>>2328150>he just needs to be in the right place, at the right time, with the correct attitudeThe right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.Image is relevant to the thread.
No. 2330451
File: 1735882157422.webp (54.72 KB, 750x500, harveyno.webp)

what the absolute fuck has happened to this man?
No. 2330966
File: 1735923857552.jpg (695.97 KB, 1080x1954, 1000002889.jpg)

This is for a Dior fragance. Couldn't they find a younger moid? What is this haggard scrote doing in the front page, he needs to be hidden away.
No. 2331578
File: 1735948639567.jpg (352.33 KB, 1080x1058, 64467346446.jpg)

British men are truly something
No. 2331589
File: 1735949186369.jpg (657.34 KB, 1200x800, SCR_01431R.jpg)

I just saw a trailer for that new movie with Sophie Thatcher and Jack Quaid. I hate his face so much and I don't understand how he ever got as much work as he has when he's so hideous. He's always paired with some beautiful woman way out of his league too. He has such a punchable face.
No. 2331624
>>2330290Forgot the shark teeth
No. 2331859
File: 1735962775973.jpg (861.58 KB, 1233x2524, Screenshot_20250103_194708_Thr…)

Just saw a woman post this
Moments after I saw an endless barrage of male commenters calling a girl who was just chubby "obese" lmfao
The woman who posted picrel was really overweight herself so I guess it makes sense but it's funny because these fat men don't want her, they want smaller women
No. 2332076
File: 1735976591488.png (Spoiler Image,3.48 MB, 1481x2327, barf.png)

Holy shit even male strippers, whose ENTIRE JOB is supposed to be looking attractive, are hideous and walled. I looked at dozens of websites and there wasn't a single one that didn't make me want to barf. If I wanted to see a fugly roided faggot in a speedo I'd just go to the local YMCA. Men are constantly surrounded with representations of gorgeous women to fill even their most retarded niche fantasies from the moment they hit puberty, while women can't even pay good money to see a decent looking guy. They get everything handed to them on a silver platter to the point they think seeing sexy women is something they're entitled to by rite of birth, while women are browbeaten into guilt just for having bare minimum standards. Can you even comprehend how psychologically different you would be if you grew up surrounded by images of beautiful men objectifying and dehumanizing themselves for your pleasure instead of the other way around?
No. 2332098
>>2332076>Can you even comprehend how psychologically different you would be if you grew up surrounded by images of beautiful men objectifying and dehumanizing themselves for your pleasure instead of the other way around?Damn.. yeah.
>>2332089>Who wants an angry 5'5 stripper named punisherMy exact reaction kek, maybe he wanted to be a professional wrestler initially
No. 2332134
File: 1735982331180.webm (2.82 MB, 576x1024, 50cda044b6a0c69e091c2fe0172805…)

>>2332076>>2332093In the west you have to hire ugly male strippers yourself, in asia they hire handsome female gaze models to walk around to entertain women. This would literally cause never ending reeeing from men if it happened in the west.
No. 2332144
>>2331859>gentlemen, fellas, doodsvery obviously looking to scrote validation instead of what her pussy actually wants
>>that's someone who isn't going to judge if i lick my fingers clean after going out for BBQx to doubt, also, gross. and once again looking to eemoosions instead of what her pussy wants
>that is hoodies big enough for me to hide inso you admit it? you admit that you only look to scrotes with "dad bods" to feel less fat?
No. 2333679
File: 1736059698919.jpeg (183.59 KB, 1200x700, IMG_5939.jpeg)

Watching Fantastic Beast and they really paired this beautiful witch with the poor, fat, midget muggle. This is so devious and insidious. Newt is ugly ass fuck but at least he wasn’t borderline offensively ugly.
No. 2333860
File: 1736081640866.jpeg (666.38 KB, 828x1292, IMG_5109.jpeg)

Netflix France posted this with the caption « it’s getting less cold and we know why » meaning they’re hot
I genuinely can’t they’re all so ugly
No. 2333900
File: 1736087941299.jpg (226.68 KB, 1079x668, 1000004548.jpg)

>>2332134we had this once. remember what they took from us
No. 2333930
File: 1736090875695.jpeg (3.1 MB, 4032x3024, 47014.jpeg)

nonnie , didn't even notice it was AI, oops)
Posting a pic of Jameson (whiskey) advert made in 20th century instead.
No. 2337886
File: 1736292030510.png (484.47 KB, 584x498, 1984.png)

>>2333900funny how those scrotes that complain about muh woke agenda never talk about stuff like this. It was done 100% to not hurt moids feefees, meanwhile moids are still allowed their titty bars and naked hoes everywhere
No. 2337948
>>2334054It is mentally ill but times are tough
nonnie so I do it
No. 2337967
File: 1736296300598.jpg (79.49 KB, 736x849, cat.jpg)

I genuinely want to laugh whenever women pride themselves on not being as shallow as men and claim to care about personality and kindness yet they are also the ones who criticize other women for not perfoming feminity and engaging in beauty rituals. They will literally fawn over a busted middle aged man and in the same breath point out the wrinkle on your forehead and advice you to get botox. Some women don't even say it to be mean, they genuinely think they are being nice by pointing out your flaws and giving you beauty tips like a "big sister" would kek
No. 2338001
File: 1736297417431.jpg (30.95 KB, 385x256, 1000018845.jpg)

>>2333900There was a court case with one of their models Benjamin Bowers (picrel) who claimed Abercrombie 'referred him to a sexual predator' who was allegedly forced to masturbate in front of a camera 'to achieve a facial expression desirable in the industry' among other things.
The company was also sued for practicing hiring discrimination against minorities
No. 2338036
File: 1736298399647.jpg (Spoiler Image,685.31 KB, 3616x1323, shut up asscrack mold.jpg)

Spoilered for those who know who asmongold (more like asscrack mold) and dont want to see his cursed face, he basically made a tweet insulting womens looks while looking like golums ugly inbred and experimented on brother. The fact men as ugly as this have no problems saying this shit publicly has shown how far this psyop had gone. I did include some tweets bashing him but the fact so many were agreeing with him and not pointing out he looks like a rusted brillo pad come to life (but no where near as useful) is depressing.
No. 2338073
File: 1736299626540.jpg (Spoiler Image,801.25 KB, 2312x2012, thats you bro.jpg)

>>2338040>>2338069Oh I decided to peek his twitter and its funny hes another delusional moid who thinks he isnt part of the fat people group (spoilered for humpty dumpty MF and his verbal crap)
No. 2338077
>>2338073Let me fix his post.
>Women don't want to have to babysit their husbands or boyfriends all day every day.>Then to add to it that there is really no reason for women to get married anymore. Why get married to someone who's basically a 20-30 old toddler that you babysit, and he'll lie, cheat, AND THEN he'll steal from you with a divorce.There we go. Better.
No. 2338095
File: 1736300938802.mp4 (Spoiler Image,1.91 MB, 720x976, hottestminivan.mp4)

>>2338040>>2338047Cars these days are filthy sluts seducing our men
No. 2338112
File: 1736302505155.jpg (49.13 KB, 647x925, ba6740fa5c2caa058c7a084a8be8e3…)

>>2338098IKR?! People quickly forget the orangutan prostitute, men are animals.
No. 2338122
>>2338109No one is, its basically natural selection right now where moids who are genetically wired to be good are the only ones who are good. A small % of the population
>>2338113We should have these schools for boys specifically to train them to be good nigels, and graduation should require them to complete this as a mandatory credit.
>>2338114There was this UK show I recall where they gave a bunch of 10 year old girls and boys separate houses to live in for a week or 2. The girls managed to do pretty well as a team and the boys had literally destroyed the house by day 3
No. 2338151
File: 1736305300203.jpg (28.32 KB, 279x320, Bring_Your_Husband_To_Heel.jpg)

>>2338113>>2338125Found it
"Bring Your Husband to Heel is a 2005 BBC Two documentary series that featured a professional dog trainer teaching women to use dog training techniques to improve their husbands' behavior. The men were told they were participating in a show about relationship roles." No. 2338178
>>2338073Serious question - do moids have a neurological predisposition to some kind of reverse-anorexia?
Is this spheroid able to perceive that he is obese? Or is this flyover skinny?
No. 2338185
>>2338036Not surprised, he's an 'anti-woke' streamer, this sort of stuff is his thing. He made a video on Love and Deepspace a month back
>>2338178I think it's just a byproduct of the prevalence of obesity in the US. Men are quick to call fat women undesirable but don't believe themselves to be fat either since they aren't morbidly obese.
>>2327303 shows there are more overweight men than women in America
No. 2338187
File: 1736308342948.png (34.86 KB, 770x281, Untitled.png)

>>2338151KEK moids are such sensitive faggots that can't even take a fraction of what they dish out
No. 2338446
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>>2338187He looks like a gijinka of an old boot
No. 2338647
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>>2338001gigabased, noting this down.
No. 2338718
File: 1736350750735.jpg (908.28 KB, 3024x4032, answer me.jpg)

>>2338159>white women fuck dogswhy were you watching white women fuck dogs?
No. 2339145
>>2338299It’s because they see many women (rightfully) spending their time and energy with dogs rather than settling for their less than mediocre asses. They are openly jealous over innocent attention being given to animals.
The men who actually believe the sex thing are actually insane due to the actual reality of animal rape. Either insane or projecting like usual.
The male members of zoophile social sites faaaaar outnumber the amount of female members. Their most popular
victims are dogs.
Women actually have cause to worry about this type of thing. I believe it’s very common. More common than most are willing to accept.
Never browse those forums because you’ll become paranoid around single men who own large female dogs and gay men with large intact male dogs because men are the ones who are actually doing the raping and there are so many of them that they even have a online map locating themselves for contact. There are so many of these men that they regularly meet up through these sites and detail their experiences raping each others pets. There were so so many of them in my area. It depresses and horrifies me and I don’t even like owning pets as a concept.
No. 2339487
File: 1736390356796.jpeg (273.21 KB, 750x839, IMG_3417.jpeg)

Reminder this is probably where these tards are coming from, all for an ugly caveman
No. 2339503
>>2305521late as fuck reply but I was watching some sort of youtube video or documentary and a woman in it said how beyonce has all these boss bitch lyrics (that's not how she put it, I just don't remember how she said it) like "if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it" and dumping guys for cheating her etc. yet she lets her scrote publicly cheat on her over and over again and doesn't do anything about it.
and not to derail but there's a whole theory that gay Z orchestrated aaliyah's death so that beyonce would be more famous and not be overshadowed by aaliyah.. it sounds crazy but there is actually a lot of evidence. it would make sense honestly, if he did that then beyonce probably had to agree not to leave him even if he humiliates her over and over again.
No. 2342162
File: 1736583632437.jpg (24.47 KB, 612x395, gettyimages-94269064-612x612.j…)

>supposed to be a lady-killer
>every female character in the show wets her panties over him
>is shorter than the main character
I can believe grown men playing 17yos but i cannot believe fonzi being a pussy magnet, sorry but this ugly manlet would not get so much pussy irl. He's like the og ugly man psyop.
No. 2342335
File: 1736604671263.jpeg (33.37 KB, 480x355, IMG_0253.jpeg)

>>2342284This reminds me of the Brady Bunch episode where Marcia crushes on an old moid when she's only a teen. There's even a quote like "oh Marcia, your first older man!!!" in like a positive way kek. The seventies were something else
No. 2342498
>>2342462left has longer and slimmer legs, making him appear overall taller than the right, even though they're the "same height". actually left is technically shorter since they're aligned by the top of the hair.
it's actually pretty clear why Luigi is popular if this is female ideal kekkk
No. 2342893
I joined this technical course for being a secretary and one of the teachers for one class i had is an ugly balding fat scrote and he is so fucking disgusting to look at, it gave me a reality check. I dropped out of university twice due to my own retardation and took for granted being able to choose female only teachers and opt out of looking at ugly moids. I'm tired of being surrounded by ugly shit and looking at disgusting scrotes. I hate ugly scrotes so much i'm so tired of all this ugly shit. I want money, be around beautiful people and beautiful things. No, seriously, i used to be like "life is shit what is the point" and let my non-related mental illness run my life because i didn't care about anything, but now i'm grateful for my beautiful mother and for gracing me with her face, i even rather look at my father who i considered disgusting than look the specimen that is allowed to teach and be obnoxious instead of being euthanized for visual terrorism. I can't keep living like this, i cannot be subjected to such filth, i either become smart and rich or i kill myself. I'm done with depression shit, i'm going to work hard for myself and for my mother so i can create and curate my own world of beaitiful places and select people. I took a vocational test and apparently i'm suited to graphic design and art related stuff but i'm not creative enough to hit it off big and those careers are pestered with gross scrotes, pickmes and NEET, i don't want to be around, asociated or have anything related to NEET shit. What careers or work areas have good looking men or mostly women dominated that are profitable? I'm ready to normiemaxx.
No. 2342989
>>2342919There was a hospital here that used poor quality sperm from men who came to get tested for infertility, against their knowledge of approval and of course the women were told it was a different sperm donor.
One of the men who struggled to get his wife pregnant really badly wanted to be a dad so when he then like 20 years later found out his sperm had been stolen to impregnate someone before he actually got to become a real dad he said it felt like he had been raped. I think there are sick freaks out there who use their own sperm, or use shit quality sperm on purpose to punish women and innocent children because they're psychos. I would rather get pregnant from a one night stand then a donor bank, they cannot be trusted whatsoever.
No. 2343013
File: 1736637483569.jpg (53.05 KB, 1196x370, true.jpg)

Was browsing this thread as this popped up on my timeline I think its relevant kek
No. 2343027
File: 1736638687808.mp4 (2.88 MB, 720x1280, 1000018924.mp4)

>>2332531US scrotes wouldn't be able to tolerate that thing here, there would be an outcry of "imagine if men asked for this," and "w-what if the genders were reversed" despite there being two successful breastaurant chains in the country. Just look at what they say under videos at beaches or raves when women interact and touch cute muscly guys who are clearly into it
No. 2343034
File: 1736639134504.png (267.21 KB, 1080x1275, 1000018925.png)

>>2343027Here's some examples
No. 2343828
>>2342919I genuinely can't think of a bigger scam than sperm banks. Holy shit:
>Paying money for something innately worthless (sperm)>Not being allowed to verify the quality of said sperm by assessing the donor's appearance >Donors are allowed to be as old as FORTY FIVE >No guarantee that the janitor or the 90 year old medical director won't swap the sample with his>No legal recourse for the above because hurr durr no such thing as wrongfully born babyConceiving with donor sperm is something between paying an ugly redditor to nut in you and having anonymous sex through a truckstop gloryhole. Peak UMP.
No. 2343864
File: 1736706654294.jpg (62.77 KB, 1080x1350, 472504496_635168249040884_5939…)

I do not fucking care if ironic or not, anyone who finds this thing attractive has very bad brainworms. Old, ugly, probably smelly, what the fuck.
No. 2344121
File: 1736719438557.png (1.78 MB, 1665x712, 17272662.png)

Insane how moids praise Marvel Rivals because it's not "woke DEI slop" meanwhile the average male character is hideous and made that way for "muh diversity" points, it's the same shit they clamor against.
No. 2344338
File: 1736726892839.jpg (53.42 KB, 528x528, 1000018957.jpg)

>>2344121How did they make namor so mid looking?
No. 2344464
File: 1736730076627.jpg (103.99 KB, 720x669, 76861734534507095.jpg)

>>2344121Why did they give reed richard's that beard, it makes him look like a middle aged alt right content creator.
>>2344416Yeah, the female fandom was a big proponent of batman and nightwing's popularity. So much so that DC has been upping the fanservice for nightwing with thier recent comics
No. 2344502
>>2338073Imagine not only posting this retarded take but attaching your whole ass government name to it.
Honestly, would anyone really be sad if we euthanized this scrote?
No. 2344534
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>>2344477Sucks that its the part of western comics that the mainstream likes to focus on, there's so much stuff that would do better if they were manga. Imagine how much better something like the crow would do if it was a manga, i'm not suprised that its more popular
No. 2344536
>>2344522hard disagree on the hard labor roofing men nonna. blue collar men always look about 3x their age from being out in the sun all day and not wearing sunscreen because thats gay, eating like shit, and working dangerous projects. do u really think genuinely gorgeous men are sacrificing their bodies and lifespans like that? I've lived in a bum fuck town full of them and they're dumb as shit, woman-hating, bloated, over-tanned, gross slobs.
I for one see pretty boys all over my college campus pretty frequently. It seems boys my age are interested in going to the gym consistently.
No. 2344558
>>2344535Not saying it would be better, just it would be more well known
>>2344519Active-adjacent fields are good like lifeguards, they are expected to keep a level of fitness in thier job
No. 2344715
>>2344121I like how they went out of their way to make some characters actually uglier.
>NamorHe is the resident Marvel hottie on a good day who runs around half naked
>ReedHe always looked better clean-shawen, he legit looks like a hobo with a beard. It's the worst look for him
>ThorHere he looks uglier and older, like some middle aged dude who is going througg his "I'm a though viking" middle age crisis arc
>HawkeyeLately, he was pretty hot in comics, his All-New, All-Different series made him especially cute
>CapNo comments. Just awful
I can get behind Bucky and Iron Fist, but otherwise they all look disgusting. Actually, they look worse than their comics and MCU counterparts. I have a tinfoil that it was done on purpose so not scare moids with ugly characters. I have no other explanation fir this.
No. 2345047
File: 1736776081405.jpeg (36.15 KB, 623x623, Dd_FHnkU0AAXYY0.jpeg)

>>2343927And yet you can see the photos of egg donors. Curious!
You can also usually infer from the irrelevant ugly man friendly nonsense in donor profile that he hit the wall a decade+ ago (e.g. "phd in molecular biology, 25 years of experience"). It's unbelievable that you are expected to PAY for this. No wonder some women just resort to collecting from facebook hobos, you'll get literally the same outcome. Virtually all known genes for intelligence are X-linked, who the fuck cares what your PhD is in if betabux isn't a factor? Looks and youth are infinitely more important.
No. 2345066
>>2344536NTA, but where I live the college moids are the woman-hating skinnyfat bums, and they are pasty as well. The hard labor moids are low-income so they're desperate for any job, so they have impressive bodies and a nice tan. Once I saw a male working on a roof and his body made me stare even though I don't find that shit normally attractive, it was just so random to see some muscled young man on top of a house. Also it's nice to see males lift heavy things and help each other, whereas college moids always have some weird complex where they think they're good for anything. Once at college some people were handing out free samples and of course I took one, a few seconds letter a male asks me if he can have it. I wanted to punch him. I just hate college moids.
>>2344624This is the one true answer, though.
No. 2345104
>>2345096For example: also I didn't even need to link this. Why? Because the genes on the Y chromosome mostly have to do with being male and male sex determination. By definition it cannot contain anything having to do with complex, globally human heritable traits, dubious or proven. If intelligence is heritable, the genes will
have to be on the X.
No. 2345233
File: 1736783766133.png (1.66 MB, 1469x937, uggo.png)

Watching the 2020 Emma movie adaptation with Anya Taylor-Joy and THIS is supposed to be the love interest? And we're supposed to believe he's attractive and that Emma AND Harriet are in love with him?
No. 2346098
File: 1736814621276.jpg (76.29 KB, 1140x797, 1000018977.jpg)

A common talking point in manosphere spaces is the lack of healthy weight women, but I think the reverse isn't talked about enough. Manosphere scrotes will often parrot that there is a higher percentage of obese women over men, but they also neglect that there are more overweight men than women, and less healthy weight men compared to women in general. Moids don't realize how good they have it
No. 2346218
Female bodies are built to store more subcutaneous fat. Males are biased towards visceral fat storage, but that has to do with their faster rate of aging. A male in his prime should naturally and effortlessly have low adiposity.
No. 2346436
File: 1736834093896.png (2.27 MB, 1284x1735, Screenshot.png)

These pickmes make me feel violent
No. 2346447
File: 1736835024071.jpg (180.35 KB, 1592x2132, 1736646600712.jpg)

>>2346436It honestly makes me laugh when these pickmes lie to their moid fanbase. I almost admire them for accidentally setting those fat basement dwellers up for dissapointment once they find out women dont want fatties and instead want sexy bishies like pic rel. Men really live in a bubble where everyone coddles their feelings so they dont hurt themselves or other, its like they are never allowed to mentally evolve past 5 and thats why so many of them are so inmmature well into their 40s.
No. 2346628
File: 1736887309687.jpeg (186.86 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_0805.jpeg)

Is this (drew starkey) supposed to be the new heartthrob kek? The new project of Guadagnino named “queer” has him as a main character and it has been hyped quite a lot. Not particularly interested since I hate romance and I hold no interest in a fag love story, maybe if it’s yaoi, but real life faggots just look gross to me.
I feel like guadagnino loves the “old man , twink” thrope, the next one will probably be about an adolescent faggot and a 40 year old bear faggot.
No. 2346644
File: 1736887672713.jpeg (578.2 KB, 1139x1986, IMG_0806.jpeg)

Now that the site is back I wanted to share this with you nonnas kek.
What compels a woman to be with a sack of lard completely surprise me.
Fat rolls are so gross and smelly since men don’t even properly clean themselves, fat men have titties too and the fudgy stomach is the most disgusting part.
No. 2346647
File: 1736887901352.jpeg (Spoiler Image,85.43 KB, 539x566, IMG_0807.jpeg)

>>2346628NSFW imagine in picrel, although it’s not real.
This particular shot made me cackle. The prosthetic is horrendous and he looks like slender man.
No. 2346664
>>2346644my best friend back home likes fat guys because she's been into feederism since before we were even in high school. i assume anyone who
prefers a fat partner has similar perversions
No. 2346666
File: 1736888696891.mp4 (3.83 MB, 720x1280, 739673463.mp4)

China is so wild, how is that allowed in the middle of what looks to be a mall…? kek
No. 2346817
File: 1736895497378.png (2.82 MB, 5440x1912, rednote_screenshots.png)

>>2346753don't think they will have to
No. 2347388
>>2346644>outgoinglack of shame
No. 2347396
>>2346830in theory, yes, but in practice is unnecessary and is not recommended bc the skin on the labia is sensitive esp when in relation to hormones and most estheticians will likely not take that into account plus if they're treating stuff like pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, or are too abrasive then that's an open wound that could get infected.
but even beyond that, the amount of women's insecurities feels like it's inversely proportional to men's insecurities, women have like 100 cosmetic concerns while men have -10, there are exfoliators safe for genitals, but still when have scrotes put in the effort to do that?
No. 2348033
File: 1736980827929.png (23.91 KB, 753x207, masculine.png)

If you actually want your bf/husband to be attractive you're masculine now apparently
No. 2348042
File: 1736981105447.jpg (85.58 KB, 640x768, 113ccabc-ed71-4da0-960b-5b587b…)

>>2348033>If you only date attractive men you're being masculine!Okay. And?
No. 2348051
>>2348039Honestly if she took off all of that retarded shit
she would be ugly which is most black women who decide to put ugly eyelashes and other race’s hair on top of their heads, it’s gross unflattering cosplay of white/asian women and it’s advertising such intense self-hate as well
No. 2348102
File: 1736983154765.png (Spoiler Image,55.64 KB, 222x176, tobedeletedstaightaway.png)

Spoilered because of an unbelievably ugly male, but the woman on the right really had sex with this creature. Let's disregard the fact that she abused her children alongside her little unironically retarded scrote creature, but i never want to hear a single man or pickme complain that women are too picky about men's looks when it's clearly the opposite. The cops really told this man to look straight at the camera and he couldn't do it, they should add another charge for failure to comply.
No. 2348230
File: 1736989285727.jpg (77.68 KB, 699x701, FgBmwZeXEAs9GQy.jpg)

Its sad to see how even women with money and influence still somehow don't manage to escape the psyop. SSSniperwolf is annoying, but she is rich and pretty. Average and ugly men can get pretty girls, but are women, even rich and pretty ones, bound only to ugly males? He doesn't even have personality going for him, the scrote can't even keep both of his eyes open but still cheated.
No. 2348278
File: 1736992014525.jpg (349.26 KB, 1080x1440, 最近很会做饭_1_朱百万_来自小红书网页版.jpg)

Signed up to rednote and was immediately greeted with pics of cute guys. This is already so different from american social media, why isn't western social media like this?
No. 2348602
>>2348278the average chinese moid looks like shit and will guaranteed cheat on you.
>>2348542>>2348585it actually created a negative effect. chinese males will actually get mad and attack/harass women for not picking them and there is a high prevalence of incels. also, rich families sometimes adopt baby girls to raise as a wife for their sons and it has increased human trafficking and sex work overall. many younger wealthy chinese women end up marrying down if they are too picky.
No. 2348662
>>2348602yeah chinese moidlets are raised to think they can get away with anything because they’re the prized son.
with 1.4 billion of them there’s bound to be some attractive men, but i’d imagine they’re even more insufferable due to their status. the average chinese moid (really any moid) is ugly as sin.
they’re blessed with aging slower though, so even if they’re butt ugly and 40 you could still confuse them as a 22 year old healthy man.
No. 2348685
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>>2348303No, average person look average, it’s kind of stupid to expect a whole country to be made up of beautiful people kek.
This is the average Chinese man.
No. 2348766
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>dl figure drawing pack for artists
>all the women are pretty, even the fat ones look nice
>suddenly i get jumpscared by this creature
i gagged, why is this ugly scrote allowed to be photographed professionally? you have to pay for these(i didnt) btw. Imagine paying for this.
No. 2348787
>>2348692And here's the part no one is ready for: while the baseline ugliness of males is elevated due to resource coercion, (comparatively) beautiful males would still be a minority due to the fundamental premise of mammalian sexual dimorphism - only a few select males are meant to breed. Long term pair bonding and inclusion of sexually mature males in the family unit are unnatural and harmful to genetic quality in the long run. This is likely a result of adult males adapting to "farm" female maternal attachment to make it encompass themselves.
If resource coercion didn't exist, high mutation rate and innate genetic "defectiveness" of males would probably still produce 90% of (relative) subhumans and 10% of breedables.
No. 2348815
>>2348787>the fundamental premise of mammalian sexual dimorphism - only a few select males are meant to breedThis is the case for all species with sexual dimorphism, not just mammals.
>Long term pair bonding and inclusion of sexually mature males in the family unit are unnatural and harmful??? Birds have long term pair bonding, and the males are prettier than the females, even with rapist ducks.
What makes mammalian and particularly human reproduction so bad for male attractiveness is pregnancy. Women's physical adaptations to childbirth leave them weaker, and pregnancy makes them even more vulnerable. A woman can't gather enough resources to feed a child on her own, and even multiple women working together can't hunt as effectively as men, which means too little protein for the child to grow. An uggo who shares his kill with his offspring will have more and stronger children than a handsome guy who moves on. Human babies are simply too resource-intensive for a male's attractiveness to be the only factor in whether his genes get passed on in a group of hunter gatherers.
That's not a psyop, just reality. What is a psyop is the massive push of male ugliness now that women can feed themselves and their kids alone, and can choose to prioritize genetic quality if they wish.
No. 2348827
>>2348787Honestly not sure I agree. I think natural selection could play a role here and the 10% you’re talking about could rise… assuming the gene pool isn’t so tiny we go back to incest. Like some populations swing taller for example.
>>2348815Are you really implying that at no point in human evolution was there female selection pressure for genetic quality? Come on.
No. 2348899
>>2348815I specifically said mammals to preempt birdfaggotry, kek. Anyways,
>birds have long term bonding An ape is not a bird. You're also forgetting that in most birds, females are the ones with gene-deficient chromosomes. Comparing humans to birds is a "muh trans fish who changes sex" argument.
No. 2349059
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There’s never been more hideous men on television than there are now
No. 2349124
>>2348815So much delulu here.
>Women's physical adaptations to childbirth leave them weaker.No. Females are adapted for endurance.
>A woman can't gather enough resources to feed a child on her own.I need you to try and visualize a species where a) population growth is rate limited by 1 pregnancy per (realistically) a couple years per 1 female and b) females are hyperspecialized and entirely helpless. I'll save you time: you and I wouldn't exist. Moreover, females did in fact procure the most calories via hunting
and gathering, with only one of them being from a more consistent source. Wanna guess which one?
>even multiple women working together can't hunt as effectively as menDelusional and long disproven.
>which means too little protein for the child to growDietary protein, animal or not, isn't required for a child to grow. You have no clue about how gestation works.
>An uggo who shares his kill with his offspring will have more and stronger children.An uggo wouldn't be the one typically getting the kill. Appearance is the absolute measure of genetic quality, which in turn is a measure of health. Also, humans hunted in groups, most of which included women.
>Human babies are simply too resource-intensive for a male's attractiveness to be the only factorBeing resource intensive is precisely why genetic quality is the deciding factor in a prehistoric setting.
You also constantly flip flop between comparing humans to animals in trying to prove the "natural" pair bonding to justify modern monogamy, while ignoring that most animal males are useless after mating. In humans, the pair bonding time limit mediated by reproductive necessity has a maximum of around 4 years. You can also infer that human females aren't built for a lifelong bond from a sheer number of gestational adaptations that exist specifically to ensure that a woman can re-mate with a different male.
No. 2349250
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Nonnas I’ve started to watch this show, it’s easy and straight to the point.
What do you think of the faggot actor? He’s handsome to me , but there’s something off putting in his appearance kek. But he’s definitely the better version of Henry Cavill.
No. 2349261
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It's wild to me that Heidi had over 10 procedures done (and I'm pretty sure she still gets stuff done till this day) while Spencer just got fatter and fatter. He also should have gone under the knife.
No. 2349265
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>>2349258Anyway let me return to the topic . He has a nice face but he also looks weird. When you see him walk he walks like a faggot though kek.