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No. 2278909
Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and real men being shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unnatractiveness, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currsprev
>>>/ot/2262944 No. 2278912
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He must have a humiliation fetish because why would you post this ugly shit knowing your bulge is inadequate? Muh “grower not a shower” cope, no dude, you just have a small penis.
No. 2279024
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People calling her shallow, lonely, bitter etc for having no interest in romance movies with ugly men while the lead actress looks way better than him, holy shit.
No. 2279034
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Why are some female artist like this?
No. 2279075
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>>2279034Virtue signaling psyopping NLOGism
No. 2279115
>>2279024They always assume any woman that actually has standards must be alone and bitter as if you can't complain about ugly men and still be in a relationship with a guy you don't find ugly.
>>2279034>>2279076>>2279075Yeah, this has always been weird to me because if anything I've been the odd one out for liking pretty boys and 2D characters over ugly men. Literally every normie woman (and man) I've talked to just says they look gay and when I say I dislike beards etc they'll say I'm weird.
No. 2279178
>>2278948Pretty sure he is, just closeted. He constantly attends pride shit and posts thirst traps to music popular with fags like Charli Xcx. He clearly enjoys the attention he gets from them
probably because he's too ugly and shrimpdicked for actual women to thirst over him. Also, fully agree with you re: bulges. How are they not embarrassed? If it was me I'd get at least semi-hard before taking the picture to at least maintain the illusion of having a penis and not a peanut.
No. 2279701
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>>2279153>>2279411Young Taylor Hanson
No. 2279729
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>>2279024Kek I was just about to post that, these pickmes are delusional. Yet another reason for me to hate this movie
No. 2279802
>>2279083bara men
are fat
No. 2279875
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One of the most popular ships in arcane includes picrel and he gets uglier as the series goes on, saddest part is its not even scrotes self inserting. Literally brunette astorian
No. 2279896
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The winner of the Mr. World 2024 contest was a puerto rican dude that looks GAY.
No. 2280477
>>2279024I never watched this movie because it was before my time, one, and two, yes, he is ugly.
Also when this movie came out, he was already in his 40s and Meg Ryan was still in her 20s. I think most of the other female characters were in their late 20s-early 30s and all the male characters are in their 40s. Barf.
No. 2280811
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Males cannot be legitimate incels. you can really only truly be an invcel if you're a sexual minority. why do beautiful women do this to themselves. his mouth looks like a hairy butthole
No. 2280815
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>>2280811I was literally about to post this. She's trying her best to convince herself in the replies that he's attractive. Imagine being stuck to this scrote for life. Kek
No. 2280819
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>>2279178I mean… he’s also always smooching up on his dickrider friends Austin and that other dude that used to work at Buzzfeed (forgot his name kek)
No. 2280925
>>2280811Sadly most black/brown women are conditioned to see white men as the prize no matter how musty they look
>>2280861The psyops clearly affects women irl though, this thread isn't just about celebrities or movie castings. The average woman is extremely psyoped to assume ugly men will make up for it by being "kind" or "funny" or "treating her right", when in reality ugly moids are just as shit as hot ones and often even more because they know you're out of their league and end up resenting you for it. Assuming an ugly moid must have good qualities to be picked is part of the psyops. We shouldn't even be thinking about his good qualities in the first place when there's men who are physically attractive
AND kind all at once. That's settling.
No. 2280979
>>2280917>Older fathers also increase YOUR HEALTH RISKS like giving you diabetes and seizures during pregnancyThis is actually an interesting concept that I'm pretty sure is related to selfish spermatogonia. It happens to explain why according to some coping wursties in academia, the male reproductive peak is well within their selection shadow (those claims are from around 40 years ago, when advanced paternal age effects were also flat out denied). So why the discrepancy?
One of the paradoxical properties of sperm is that it acquires more "virulence" as it gets more mutated and deformed. Standard fertility science is liable to confuse sperm invasiveness with sperm quality = if it's good at "infecting" (fertilization), it's "high quality", everything else be damned. Unfortunately, as with many things in life, high quality specimens get outcompeted by the deformed and the diseased through higher replication rate. In that sense, men are like their sperm.
>This clonal growth of mutant spermatogonial cells, which is likely to take place in the testes of all men and may occasionally be associated with testicular tumors (26), leads to the relative enrichment of mutant sperm over time.This is partially why age reigns supreme and no amount of "healthy living" actually fixes the inevitable mutations from 30 years worth of cell replication. Your middle aged father could be declared a "man in his peak" by a dozen decrepit doctors based on his passable somatic health. His sperm will still be mostly autism ridden, choking out any remaining good sperm with every passing day. This is a fact most males are unable to accept - a male's reproductive peak isn't really measured by his ability to fertilize.
How does that factor into pregnancy complications? Fetomaternal conflict is caused by selfish interests of the paternal genome - by default it shoots for 100% of your resources (which results in you and the fetus dying). Under normal circumstances, that ambition is countered by maternal defenses. Within that goldilocks zone lies the formula to successful pregnancy. It's not implausible that "virulent" old sperm will result in "virulent", resource-hoarding fetuses - most anti-mother pregnancy complications like gestational diabetes and preeclampsia are rooted in overactive parasitic mechanisms in the fetus and the placenta.
Lastly, what does this mean for your long term health? Fetal microchinerism is an unavoidable consequence of pregnancy. I'm gonna go ahead and conclude that nothing good can come out of having your stem cell pool polluted with mutant, oncogene-ridden, immune system dodging, pluripotent, literal sped stem cells.
No. 2280984
>>2280932Yes, science has always had a sexism issue so this coming to light feels like a win for us imo.
>>2280940Sorry if you were replying to the post I deleted because I made some spelling errors.
>>2280942Nah, reminds me of worms. Worms are great but I wouldnt call them cute.
>>2280979Good post. A lot of salty redpill manosphere males base all their shitty opinions off of their own emotions (ironic lol) but they cannot argue with the science.
No. 2280989
>>2280940My dad had me when he was like 41, but every one of his children are retarded, myself included, but at least we're not very ugly
>>2280985>both parents are left handed>sister born left handed>other sister kind of ambidextrous >im right handedGenetic lottery? You nonnas are frightening me
No. 2281015
>>2280925No I get it, but I feel like you don't quite get my point, which is that this random civilian woman is beautiful and in a relationship but she's not out there talking about mens' looks or saying "this human mop is the sexiest that any man could look!" or saying "you should date some greasy guy like me, their virtues exceed any virtues that a classicaly handsome man could offer" or anything like that.
>>2280989>every one of his children are retarded, myself includedI love you kek
No. 2281307
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I have a theory that drugs like Viagra perpetuate the old man psyop. I think it's invention made old guys more bold and more likely to approach young women out of their league. The worst part is that Viagra apparently has applications for treating menstrual cramps, but scientists would rather focus on the fact that it makes their pp hard.
No. 2281533
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2 ugly scrotes with a dedicated female fanbase
No. 2281624
>>2281260This is so fucked to say.
>>2281559I am going to avoid the obvious and say really uber tall, lanky moids with massive torsos and comparatively short legs.
>>2281564You are supposed to say the guys that hang off the end of the garbage trucks.
No. 2281631
A beer belly will never ever be attractive, I don't give a shit if you fathered a continent's worth of children
No. 2281649
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>>2281559everything above 15%
No. 2281713
>>2281695 and it's not about any of that, I just don't like masculine features, it unattractive. They remind me of balloon animals.
No. 2281714
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>>2281708Picrel is more unattainable than a gym bro
No. 2281718
>>2281687Everyone in this thread has ancestors who were old when they had their kids.
Idiots and bad actors itt
mix up attractiveness discourse and eugenics discourse.
It's one thing saying old people aren't attractive (normal), it's a whole other can of worms saying old people shouldn't breed (eugenics)
Idk why it's happening, it's not even a thin line.
No. 2281731
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>>2281726no, you just don't like being told WHY you "prefer" skinny men. notice how you added embelishments to your descriptor, like pretty, as if fit men can't also be pretty.
>>2281728every vampire in that movie was muscular. even the skinnier ones like edward and james had put in work. not even going to mention how buff the others were.
No. 2281741
>>2281731>as if fit men can't also be pretty. only if they don't go further than that pic imo. past a certain point they won't look androgynous anymore, which is the whole appeal. a body like
>>2281714 pulls it off better tho
No. 2281743
>>2281735>Where do you think you are?Not on stormfront
There's a huge difference in finding or not finding someone attractive and dictating who should have children and who shouldn't
No. 2281746
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>>2281738It's 6-1!! Nonnas have spoken
No. 2281760
>>2281747Was every single ancestor of yours a young model?
Why do you not include other factors like intelligence in your breeding criteria?
>>2281755Because we have already seen what happens when an ideology espousing eugenics beliefs becomes popular and it's not pretty
No. 2281779
>>2281766It was not just Jews, it was other "undesirable" nationalities too, as well as disabled people. If you wear glasses, you're on the list. But there's no reason it will be the same nationalities targeted this time. It could be yours. It could be any criteria you don't fulfill.
>>2281767You have plenty of retarded and ugly men in your family tree, yet here you are arguing against your own existence
No. 2281800
>>2281798Take your meds, sperg-chan, why are you this easy to
trigger? I don't give a shit about your sourceless statistics that take into account thirdie shitholes that don't even have gyms, it's an extremely popular hobby especially amongst moids of all ages. You need to call your therapist and analize why being proven wrong on an anonymous imageboard immediately and unwarrantedly unleashes your tard rage.
No. 2281801
>>2281779Wdym "this time" nobody is targeting specific nationalities, there's not even an anti-granpa eugenics program in the works jesus, we barely have any power. I hope one gets made though so you can stop posting.
Even besides not wanting more ugly autistic men being created it's just straight up unhealthy plus risky for both the parents and offspring.
No. 2281805
>>2281800there is no rage, and it's not sourceless, if you're interested you can google it yourself but we both know you won't.
>This number represents a calculated estimation using 184.59 million worldwide memberships in 2019 and a global population of about 7.7 billion.even more funny, of those 2.4% of people that do, i'd wager 1.4%-1.8% are men.
frankly it's funny that you're projecting that i'm being proven wrong, when your entire drivel has been about how sooo many people go to the gym and look like gymrats even though statistically and OBJECTIVELY that couldn't be further from the truth. you can spout all you want about how its so common and extremely popular but its not, because thankfully your own retarded opinion is just your retarded opinion and not in the realm of real life.
No. 2281807
>>2281805>I-its not sourceless!! I just won't bother sourcing it and continue sperging and derailing!!!!Taking your meds is a powerful thing
>>2281802He gives me gay for clout Harry Styles vibes, even in
>>2280819 he looks disgusted to be pecking him kek. Imo his entire schtick is being popular with faghags who think he's a woke king so he's just larping, but you never know.
No. 2281842
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>>2281779>It was not just Jews, it was other "undesirable" nationalities too, as well as disabled people. If you wear glasses, you're on the list.Hmm
No. 2281856
How hasn't the eugenics tard gotten redtexted yet? Jannies do your job
>>2281810Actual sped behavior kekk it's so funny how worked up you get
No. 2281903
>>2281888ntayrt but it's a fact that older men (and women tbf) have drastically higher chances of producing retarded or disabled children, men's sperm quality objectively deteriorates with age and society keeps encouraging them to breed which results in more retarded and disabled children, why are you so
triggered by this fact?
No. 2281904
>>2281718But old people shouldn’t have children kek. It goes for women too. Geriatric pregnancies are an actual thing. The quality of the egg and the quality of the sperm especially declines as you age. Take Down syndrome for example, the age of the parents is a significant factor too.
You have more chances of aborting spontaneously as a woman and the child also has higher chances of having birth defects and disease.
Retards like you like to shout eugenics eugenics, but I can turn the question in a way you’ll agree with pretty easily: is it ethical for a human being to have a child despite the fact that they’ll be old and that the chances of that child being born with defects is higher than if said person had the child earlier in their life?
No. 2281905
>>2281901Are you fucking retarded???
I'm against the eugenicsperg wanting us to breed with dusty sperm,
you're wking them. If you're NTA why are you using the eugenicspergs argument and seething at anons who tell them to shut the fuck up???
No. 2281913
>>2281904>>2281901Ok nta but why are you replying to her saying that nobody should dictate other people's reproduction if you agree that young women shouldn't reproduce with old men? Maybe you all got confused at some point kek
>>2281904>is it ethical for a human being to have a child despite the fact that they’ll be old and that the chances of that child being born with defects is higher than if said person had the child earlier in their life?This, it's not just about "ew ugly old men" but some of us actually think about the children too, we don't want to bring children into this world if they're going to be in pain or unable to live like a normal healthy person, those geriatric scrotes who keep having children past the age of 40 don't think about their future kids at all, they just care about cooming inside young women to "leave their legacy" in the gene pool, they only care about being "manlier" than their peers, as always they only care about themselves
No. 2282010
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>>2281559the fact that he has so many female fans is deeply confusing to me, disney is truly powerful.
tbf he is just one person and I haven't seen this body type being shilled besides this.
No. 2282031
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>>2282010its just the pants being so high waisted making him look weird. he is ugly as sin in the face though.
No. 2282096
>>2281946Not skelly (how skelly are we talking anyway?), but lithe. No, I have pretty much the same taste I had at puberty, not a virgin.
I think a change in taste might have something to do with capitulation/filtering attraction through what your potential mate makes you look like.
No. 2282108
File: 1732911223799.jpg (99.65 KB, 454x800, 1391977350554.jpg)

Are nonna's thinking about men with a tapered waist? It was hard to find examples but I remember seeing that physique on men being more prevalent before the 2000's (these guys were muscular but their waists came in and appeared smaller than their shoulder width) this is genetic and I have noticed men these days, even fitter men, have wider waists then guys years ago. Its most fictional characters I see with the tapered waist now.
No. 2282109
>>2282096They use skelly as a psy-op for normal moid fitness. The reason so many women transition is because they're surrounded by skinnyfat/roided faggot uggos and then use pics like this
>>2281714 of actual appealing male bodies as thinspo/malespo because the idea of an attractive male body is so absurd that the only thing they can do is attempt to emulate it. The only way to find picrel is by looking up male thinspo and it's not even thinspo or anorexia they're just not fat
No. 2282111
>>2282032Show me your pure young boys and girls family tree
>>2282080>sexual preference = eugenics I have no words about your "logic"
>>2281743 No. 2282119
>>2281946I think a guy with a lithe but still muscular build is the most "skelly" I go before I lose interest. Nothing wrong with the build itself, I just don't get it. But I won't came here sperging out "your taste wrong actually".
>>2282108Are we doomed to never see this again? This is literally perfect yet no man came close to the build where I'm from.
No. 2282125
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>>2282109>They use skelly as a psy-op for normal moid fitnessNo I don't kek, I was browsing through the ideal male bodies thread and saw a couple of skellies like picrel. Literally bones rattling.
>>2282108This body type is so hot, I could've sworn you could also train your hips to be this small.
No. 2282131
>>2282101exactly nonna! this is one of the rare places where women actually understand this and where I don't get bashed for my opinion
everywhere else I'm mostly told to be "kind" and "give chances" to any guy,which I clearly won't
No. 2282138
>>2282111Online genealogy trees are for male 4chan autismos
like you. You'll just have to trust my word when I say that the last three generations on both sides reproduced before 30. My parents were the oldest at 27 each.
>I have no words about your "logic"I have words about yours. No matter how it may feel to you, not being picked isn't "eugenics".
No. 2282150
File: 1732912090189.jpg (Spoiler Image,109.98 KB, 546x1000, 1000_F_112754042_9H13dDONRKET8…)

>>2282125>skellies>bone rattling>ribs aren't even showingNGMI
pic rel is skelly for scrotes, that is just a slim moid
No. 2282176
>>2282108Fridge waist occurs with age due to male skeletal growth (bigger ribcage, wider hips) and intraabdominal expansion. Basically, your absolute minimum waist circumference increases (independent of muscle mass or subcutaneous fat). And old dude could go skelly and still wouldn't have that "V". There are no grandpas with waists even if they're shredded, only fake lats-waists.
>>2282168Good example of a physique that isn't possible for a moid over 35. Note the near complete lack of lats + very tapered, light yet muscular waist. As you age, you can't have all of the above.
No. 2282178
File: 1732912851392.jpg (426.18 KB, 993x1600, stock-photo-skinny-young-man-p…)

>>2282156>>2282157Sorry it's hard finding a good male ana pic. I found this though kek, does anyone still have that cute guy picture from stockphoto from the first threads.. I miss him
No. 2282195
File: 1732913120003.jpg (Spoiler Image,210.5 KB, 776x1043, thick thighs are my demise.jpg)

>>2282110Like this?
>>2282119You'll see it more in fiction, I have seen a few guys where I live with this physique but its pretty rare because most men these days are going for that roidpig look.
>>2282133You know exactly what I meant with the comparison, referring to skeleton, not fat/muscle build/distribution. All these things play a part and yes, the roidpig look is in atm.
No. 2282204
File: 1732913423316.jpg (24.47 KB, 474x474, fe18a7a3d02a4adccce57ec463c2b7…)

Need a guy with this "slutty hunk mode" physique. This is what men should strive for.
No. 2282205
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>>2282194skellyfication camps for boys when?
>>2282195Not a perfect example and not dissing your taste, but pic related always disappoints me about bodybuilding physiques.
No. 2282223
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>>2282205Thanks but I was referring to his thighs, they are quite muscular and that anon said she was into that(sorry maybe it was you?)
No. 2282240
File: 1732914279969.jpg (60.16 KB, 475x750, 1392402704062.jpg)

>>2282232Ah ok fair enough. What about this guys physique is this nearer to what nonnas like? Muscular but he also has slight curves.
No. 2282281
File: 1732915192603.png (659.77 KB, 1079x705, SeJ2gha.png)

I'll never forget when kpop fags tried to portray this ugly gremlin as this buff dom daddy because he was so much uglier than even the other bts members(kpop)
No. 2282287
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>>2282281and picrel is more or less what they thought he looked like
(kpop) No. 2282371
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What do you think about indian men?(racebaiting)
No. 2282406
>>2281946"hey nonnas are you too young and/or a virgin??Cause only immature girls with an underdeveloped sexuality like thin twinky men."
Men can like whatever the fuck they want but women are weird and immature if they dont desire older roidpigs. You call it a meltdown but fags like you are simply annoying cause I know damn you would never call a man immature for liking skinny young women.
No. 2282417
>>2282406nta and its funny how you equate skinny and muscular for men, with skinny and fat for women. obviously nobody would call a man immature for liking skinny women because that's standard peak female beauty, not overweight with boobs and or ass. people DO make fun of men for liking overweight women though, and even moreso for liking muscular women, where even other men make fun of each other for liking those things.
also, muscular and fit men are the peak male beauty, no matter how much you seethe about it, it won't make skinny twinky men attractive.
No. 2282425
>>2282010This shit made me and my fiancé burst out into confused laughter when we saw this movie in theaters. Genuinely almost started crying from laughing so hard. That man is
WIDE kek I was so repulsed
No. 2282435
File: 1732920292142.mp4 (1.87 MB, 720x1280, 235742664635635454325425345431…)

>>2282413>do not defend ugly men ITTTake that fucking back.
I like them skinnier but this is good too
No. 2282465
>>2282459>feminine menlol you are part of the psyop there is nothing feminine about hot fit men like
>>2282435 those ugly roidpigs you fags keep shilling look like actual gay porn stars and strippers
No. 2282469
File: 1732921217645.jpg (155.97 KB, 1000x668, sexysex.jpg)

>>2282456You are right, I'm just a jealous fatty. I actually flick my bean to this everyday.
No. 2282474
>>2282469i dont understand anyone who can like this, i like fat thights but these and
>>2282195 are so fucking repulsive. They dont look like juicy legs anymore they look like ugly deformities
No. 2282477
How does this
>>2282469look like this
Not even in the same ballpark.
No. 2282487
File: 1732921641807.jpg (180.37 KB, 1024x728, LDN-L-LAPRIDE-PARADE-0612_50.j…)

>>2282484nah the average pride parade looks like this. you wish.
No. 2282505
File: 1732922033137.jpg (80.18 KB, 1000x562, ab219de57d5903139cf0ee7f7d2982…)

I dont like muscular dudes because it reminds me of the gachimuchi homos. I just cannot separate this type of muscular body from faggot porn.
No. 2282525
>>2282519its pretty funny how men come here to get blackpilled. Sorry moid but drinking choccy protein drinks and lifting weights with your faggot men wont get you out of being a 4/10
>>2282520are you forgeting those bitches are calling women into hot fit guys like
>>2282435 dykes itt?
No. 2282531
File: 1732922521269.jpg (180.6 KB, 1280x1280, 1000035804.jpg)

>ITT: Jailhouse fags from /fit/ telling you this a female ideal in-between beating it to Hellenic towelboys (not gay)(ai outside containment)
No. 2282540
>>2282523Kek you really want to turn this into "women who like thin young adult men are pedo-adjacent"
The point is that the typical 16 year boy has more strength than the average adult woman so its stupid to think that you could emasculate an "twinky" adult man
No. 2282548
>>2282540I don't want your scrawny faggots get that to your head, I want non dysgenic men like
>>2282108 who can actually defend themselves, not this
>>2282125 shit
No. 2282549
>>2282539They are hot.
>>2282435 is fit. Hypertrophy roidpigs pretend he isn't because they're seething. What is there to understand?
No. 2282554
File: 1732923078471.png (665.35 KB, 852x696, 1720140766607.png)

Yuzuru won. Deal with it roided faggots.
No. 2282590
>>2282459>>2282457Nobody ITT likes roidpigs. Fit men=/=roidpigs and bonerattling skellys aren't fit. If you have to change the definition of terms to fit your narrative you already lost.
>do not shill ugly men ITT>>2282459This, they're literally part of the psyops. It's likely the weebs who want their bfs to look like emaciated clamp boys
No. 2282595
>>2282590some anons said they like big thighs on guys like this
>>2282223>>2282195>>2282204and a couple of skeleton simps couldn't help themselves and comment how gross or whatever it looks even though they're obviously not roidpags. even though nobody before that was trying to pick a fight and say how disgusting skinny chicken legs are on men lol.
No. 2282599
>>2282484>>2282496Except the term roidpig is being misused by retards who get
triggered some of us don't find stickbugs attractive. I'm pretty sure most nonas can agree bodies like
>>2282108 are peak male form.
>>2282554KEK that chicken little face in comparison to his body
No. 2282601
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>>2282587pick your fighter, the hottest actors of 2024
No. 2282603
File: 1732924609784.jpg (167.54 KB, 731x1024, 1000035812.jpg)

>>2282590I'm not the one routinely calling fit young men "women" and "bitchboys" because they aren't 45 years old and meduka tier wiiiiiiiiide.
But yeah, an actual honest to God skelly>fit if the skelly's proportions are better. Seethe.
No. 2282611
>>2282459How is that feminine? Maybe it's just you who associates being skinny with being feminine. Again, part of the psyop. Women have more curves and are more biologically predisposed to storing fat in certain areas for evolutionary reasons. You can also easily tell that they have a male body. Skinny men without fat bellies are not feminine
>>2282573He's just Asian, you can just say you don't like Asian men
No. 2282619
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>>2282607>a normal leanfit man being anything but a dyel to obese pigs from /fit/damage control
No. 2282622
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I love skinny androgynous men
No. 2282632
File: 1732925325669.mp4 (4.14 MB, 462x726, b4c34df0b9fc8414737f9f8a32ede5…)

>This disgusting feminine looking twink could never protect me from a bear. I could literally break his petite bones in half. Only a young dyke whos into pegging would salivate over skelly fags like him.
No. 2282643
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>>2282617>isn't THAT skelly>still thinks an objectively fit man is somewhat skelly and needs bigger baratitsCope and seethe that only other men like this kekw
(do not defend ugly men itt) No. 2282654
>>2282649>a little more muscle definitionare you blind? this
>>2282632 looks absolutely nothing like this
>>2282622. i am certain you are trolling because there is no way you are actually this fucking dumb and blind.
No. 2282658
>>2282654nta but before anon posted that bait anons were calling
>>2282435 skelly
No. 2282662
>>2282641Imagine thinking this faggotry is average
>>2282622. Id cry if the average moid was built like a xenomorph.
No. 2282663
>>2282633Yeah the posts are really aggressive/autistic and nobody has a folder full of fit guys ready to be posted besides weird obsessed /fit/ scrotes.
All male defenders itt should get redtexted.
No. 2282672
It's well known that shaming young women and girls for liking skinny pretty men is part of the psyop
>>2282505Straight men should look like this but for women
No. 2282679
>>2282659Where. I swear all of you people are blind and think a male needs to look like an iceberg of muscle mass or else he's an anorexic skelly twinkie
>>2282673Based underweight moid
No. 2282680
File: 1732925969226.gif (2.56 MB, 190x200, 1646645953091.gif)

>>2282673>clearly anorexic mangtfo fattie
(infighting) No. 2282683
File: 1732926021319.jpg (96.15 KB, 1500x1125, L.jpg)

>>2282662The average man is built like picrel. You have nothing to cry about.
No. 2282695
>>2282643He does need bigger baratits. Funny how we all collectively agreed bodies like
>>2282108 was peak male physique until certain XY chromosoids started shitting up the thread shilling low effort stickbug bodies
No. 2282706
>>2282695Why would men, the people who mostly consume porn of men who look like
>>2282108 be trying to shill skinnier bodies
No. 2282721
>>2282706Because they're seething straight moids, not faggots. Are you retarded?? Why would moids ever shill bodies like
>>2282108 that take time and effort to craft instead of the attainable low effort skelly look
>>2282622 ? and even following your logic that they're fags, how are you unaware of how huge twink categories are?
No. 2282738
>>2282721Skelly is not low effort at all. If you went outside you'd see most males are skinny fat at the smallest, and hamplanets at the largest. To be skelly like that a moid needs to be active and not eat fast food and junk food everyday. Might as well ask a fish to fly.
The male in picrel you responded to, the supposed chad, has a hideous body shape. Could be the angle. I do not despise muscles, but he looked like he skipped leg day and his tits are not flattering, plus his arms are unflatteringly bulky. You can just tell by how skinny his neck is that he has an ugly soy face, too.
No. 2282750
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>>2282673You must be a sphere if this is "anorexic" to you. Medium build, yes, boyish, yes. Face kinda ugly, sure. But "anorexic"? Waddle back.
No. 2282758
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>>2280917both of my parents had me when they were 40 what does this imply for me
No. 2282763
>>2282746>>2282738Literally your average /fit/ post kek, they're really losing it.
>>2282754That's the community
you're from, silly! You were clearly referencing /ot/ in LC, nice try though.
No. 2282767
File: 1732927418222.jpg (482.59 KB, 1058x1077, 1000035826.jpg)

It's fashion model Serge Sergeev, walking for Ludovic de Saint Sernin. Are you one of those fabled "visual moids" I keep hearing about who get fooled by makeup?
No. 2282768
File: 1732927420075.jpg (113.91 KB, 800x1112, 1348801534004.jpg)

FFS can we stop the retarded infighting and just accept people here have different taste and stop being examples of the ugly man psyop in action? Like what you like. Here is my peace offering, i'm hoping hes a compromise (not skinny but not huge muscles either) we need to unite against the real enemy - the "dad bod" cult.
No. 2282778
>>2282746Yeah cuz I can see their faces
>>2282750>the pointy nipple hanging outArt
No. 2282795
>>2282601Might get dogpiled for this because he is a bit walled already but I feel like the only decent one is Jensen Ackles, he aged pretty well.
>>2282768I approve of your taste,
nonnie the erect nipples are hot kek No. 2282802
File: 1732927897057.jpg (301.45 KB, 1813x875, stay away from the kids.jpg)

>>2282769I looked up the thread and it appears it was the "skellyfags" who started this retardation. Theres a few threads on this site to post guys you are attracted to, im not sure why anons just dont go there there would be no fighting.
>>2282771This, we must unite against the real enemy! They grow stronger the more we infight.
No. 2282804
>>2282790Why was that enough to
trigger this massive moid-tier spergout and derailing? That's not even what was said, anon just asked if skelly lovers were young or virgins and nobody else brought it up until you all started sperging about how every moid with skin on his bones is a roidpig
No. 2282818
>>2282800I've had several relationships and I'm not what you would call young at this point yet this still keeps being assumed, it's just annoying really. Gonna start assuming you're a virgin too when you like something I don't like.
No. 2282829
>>2282810I wonder if there's overlap between the fujofags who constantly derail threads with their infighting. Same perpetual
victim complex, same "THEY STARTED IT!" when it clearly wasn't the case, same accusations thrown to the opposite side ("you must be a yuripedo/hime!" "you must be a gay moid into roidpigs!). I'm tired.
(fujo outside containment) No. 2282844
>>2282797Wait till you remember you literally admitted to joining the infight up thread kek you're not slick
>>2282830You're based
No. 2282862
>>2282845It's quite literally what the whole psyop is but now anons itt are deciding that
not liking older mid moids is the psyop. What the fuck happened
No. 2282881
>>2282844I barely even contributed considering I posted here like twice, said I think it's stupid to hate on women for liking skinny guys and that was about it, I don't see how this is being slick or whatever.
No. 2282884
>>2282876For the nth time:
Skellies are not fit.
No one ever said anything about mid older moids, you fucking mongoloid. Is your brain so rotten from the anime porn you think a healthy muscular moid is automatically mid and old?? Take your meds
No. 2282912
>>2282879Good taste nonna!
No. 2282919
File: 1732929374236.webp (447.69 KB, 1478x2658, qt link.webp)

(this thread is for 3d only)
No. 2282935
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Hopefully this will make at least one of you chuckle
No. 2282936
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>>2282883Straight from the horse's mouth.
No. 2282953
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No. 2282961
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>>2282953Another about leo, I remember the girls liking him when I was in school but even when he was younger I didnt like him.
No. 2282966
>>2282932It's just kind of stupid to go and defend moids in this thread of all places. Also "objectively good looking", I don't think so.
>>2282936Yup. In the end they're all just hiding their weak jawline then pretending it makes them a manly chad somehow. If anything having a beard just makes them look like insecure uggos hiding their weak chins behind hair.
>>2282953They bring up Leonardo dicaprio as if they have even half of his fame or money kek
No. 2282968
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>>2282961OOf should have posted this one first but basically i'm glad people are calling out that younger women actually dont like ugly old scrotes and most age gap celeb relationships are about money
No. 2282980
>>2282966>It's just kind of stupid to go and defend moids in this thread of all places. This, it's such a pickme act. When moids I like get called ugly by another woman I never get offended, much less to this degree of taking it personally.
>>2282908>Do you have any braincells remained? Do you? It's "remaining", you aggro ESL retard kek. Keep projecting. >>2282901
>>2282905These are really hot, they just kinda have that boring male version of an ig face kek. They're cute, but they're clones.
No. 2282982
File: 1732930295239.jpeg (Spoiler Image,74.37 KB, 720x964, IMG_0294.jpeg)

Found this on hinge earlier.
No. 2283059
>>2282935as they should, ugly men kill the gene pool, they've been allowed to reproduce and have destroyed everything, a lot of times even if the woman is good looking, an ugly moid will pass his bad genes to the daughter
so ugly women are basically ugly men's fault
No. 2283209
File: 1732933827238.png (579.12 KB, 572x924, 1732916725487.png)

Repost from celebricows. He was already kind of a butterface but now he's hideous, and I'm not even usually a beard hater
No. 2283388
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Do the couples you know seem matched in attractiveness level, or are the women generally better looking than their boyfriends/husbands?
I've personally noticed that couples in real life seem to be more matched in attractiveness than couples in the media (or celebrity couples for that matter). However, this may be biased because I live in an area where there are more men than women, so the women can be more picky about who they date, plus a lot of men here are super into health and fitness.
Checking what the latest research says on this, a recent meta-study showed that couples do tend to be closely matched in physical attractiveness. I suppose this could be because people have lower standards for male attractiveness so the rating scales are off, but my inclination is to believe that the ugly man psyop is a Hollywood invention.
No. 2283392
File: 1732940085275.jpg (63.29 KB, 680x1029, 1000035830.jpg)

>>2283277Actually skelly like picrel or what malding American /fit/izens here call "skelly"?
No. 2283424
File: 1732941505356.jpg (36.54 KB, 828x656, 1000035838.jpg)

Found the semen demon. His name is Zhengyang Zhang, a cismoid fashion model. His waist is due to corseting.
No. 2283456
>>2283424>semen demonKEKK. God, that smug tranny/faggot expression. Elliot Rodger mixed with Jeffree Star vibes.
>>2283433>>2283445You mentally ill retards need to leave this thread already and stop shilling ugly moids. He's suffering for no reason because he's ugly as shit.
No. 2283457
>>2283445>>2283447>>2283449>>2283454the fact that that post is getting so many replies after 2 anons expressed they immediately thought of trannies when looking at his body really makes you think. btw
>caping for weak nerdy scrotes this muchwew
No. 2283465
File: 1732944535502.jpg (127.94 KB, 924x1594, honsani.jpg)

>>2283442King skelly Alex Consani kek
No. 2283466
>>2283463This is the weirdest reach I've ever seen. Nobody said they're into this femboy shit wtf is going on. Anything less than GI Joe is the same as men in skirts?
>>2283465He has no hips nor broad shoulders
No. 2283483
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i posted this in the reddit hate thread but i want to talk about it here too. does anyone think that part of the reason older men are appealing is because men your age/younger are just so fucking beta? i'd also immediately dump any moid who'd rather play a video game than fuck me. there's just this miasma of laziness, entitlement, mental immaturity and permanent whiny baby boy mode that so many men 30 and under project
No. 2283517
>>2283498>>2283485Only immature weeb virgins and little girls like skinny men. Cope and seethe all night.
>>2283510The millenial tumblr random capitalization on Bisexual is making me cringe, stop that
No. 2283698
File: 1732959199396.png (325.44 KB, 1677x1941, Ron_Stoppable_transparent.png)

Sage for cartoon cringe sperging but this fag was part of the psyop. Kim deserved better.
No. 2283715
>>2283483I think this is part of the psyop. Besides the financial stability, it's definitely the (mistaken) perception that older scrotes are 'more mature'. The saddest part though is that a lot of them are neither in reality. If they don't understand when they are young, they are never gonna understand. I unfortunately interact with older moids regularly, and so many of them are just as addicted to vidya as their younger counterparts, and usually just as financially unstable as well. They're literally just ancient fuckboys, but they hide it better. As soon as they are talking to a woman who use to play vidya too though, they make it very clear they spend a lot of time and money on their gaming 'hobbies'. I also know of several living situations that are just four or five guys all rooming together in the same house, making little better than minimum wage, and all they do is play vidya. The crazy part is they are all 30+ and think this is normal and they will surely get their own place when they get married somehow. It makes sense I guess if they are younger, but they literally waste their youth and money on video games and wonder why no woman wants to date them anymore.
I think this is why it's also related to the pathetic side-chick thing some younger women indulge with married scrotes. They assume that because the man is older, is married, and has a house and children, this is evidence he's a
valid mate choice since apparently another woman picked him, without realizing that any scrote entertaining the idea of fucking a random girl should automatically invalidate him. More pathetic is when they are foolish enough to believe he'll leave his stable home life to actually marry this random girl. It's very depressing. One of my friend's parents met in a similar situation, except her dad was already planning a divorce anyways and they did get married. He's well over a decade older than her mom and while she wants to go out and live her life now that her kids are adults, he's almost 70 years old and just wants to vegetate on the couch and play mobile games on his phone. He never played any vidya before phones became a basic necessity in the developed world. He also gets injured frequently, so she still has to take care of someone, this time her own husband.
I get why younger women are repulsed by their moid peers, but they have no idea that they are trading out one pile of shit for another different pile of shit if they fall for the 'mature, established, older man' meme. Chances are, it'll be an actual pile of shit if they marry them. On top of aging poorly, moids do not take care of themselves outside of momentary pleasures. They depreciate faster than cars, and it's gonna be all maintenance once they hit 40. This age keeps going down too. Now moids in their 30s will describe their obesity-laden joint pains or diet-induced headaches and all their other bodily failures on 'getting older', while still promoting men in their 50s as 'peak'. I've seen enough women who still have life in them
stuck in these positions, forced to be caretakers to their elderly spouses. It honestly haunts me.
And yet these decrepit old scrotes will still play video games, especially if they are too old and decrepit to win at anything else in life.
No. 2283725
File: 1732963953371.jpg (87.5 KB, 850x659, 1000019280.jpg)

>>2283698>virtually, if not then completely useless on 90% of missions.>acts hypocritical about his friendship with Kim. He always thinks Kim needs to support him, but he is such a flake who often dipped at pressures to not stay on her side.>initially acted like Kim couldn't have any friends besides himself, which is weird that this was even a problem because he's too old for that shit>socially unintelligent as hell, even for his age.>genuinely not even cute.>always eating slop and in the grossest wayYou know, I'm starting to wonder if this is why I never had crushes on teenage boys when I was a kid. Fictional or real life, it's like they're the physical embodiment of all the worst traits found in males. I like to think that after she went to college with Ron, she soon realized that he's NOT what she wants, dumps him and doesn't stop him from dropping out of college (because Ron really strikes me as a dropout).
No. 2283788
>>2283488>>2283517We're talking about his body not his face retard. You care so much about not shilling ugly skellies itt but have to bring up anime when nobody mentioned any of this shit. Also isnt a bishie supposed to be pretty and young? Why would you use pretty anime bois as an insult unless you dislike young and pretty males? kek
>Only immature weeb virgins and little girls like skinny men. Cope and seethe all night. >no normal het woman wants a corsetted moid.Right cause mature women like decrepit, fat and bara gay pornstars.
Go back fag.
No. 2283793
>>2283787He looks especially ugly because of his attitude imo.
Muscular guys should be beautiful, like of course strenght is hot, but since every gymbro is an uppity self-loving, secretely insecure, superficial cunt, it became ugly
You just know you're dealing with a garbage person
like I don't get why he's calling her ugly, what does that have to do with anything???
That's why a lot of women are into lean, skinny guys that don't look like they try hard at the gym. His body might be healthy (though I doubt that eating so much is healthy) but in his head he's sick
No. 2283804
>>2283788His body and face are both equally revolting. Next.
>have to bring up anime when nobody mentioned any of this shitWe're mentioning it. We've been saying you skellylovers are underage retards still thinking men irl should look like emaciated clamp clones.
>Also isnt a bishie supposed to be pretty and young? Why would you use pretty anime bois as an insult unless you dislike young and pretty males? Too bad he's not a cartoon and he's not an "irl animu bishie", just an ugly skelly faggot.
>Actually seething at my baitKek, never change retardnona. Things like this really prove you're all underage cancer.
(baiting/infighting) No. 2283817
>>2283809Its ok if you were too retarded to realize I just copied and pasted the comment you said made you seethe kek
>>2283815>Still has to pretend anyone ITT likes old ugly roidpigs to shill her skellies when we want young muscular attractive men Yawn + go back, faggot
(baiting/infighting) No. 2283819
>>2283388The women always look better than the man in my experience for people I've seen irl, including in my own family. It's not as extreme as in hollywood if it's just regular people, but there's still a pretty big gap even in the average couple, unless they're very old. The women will have their hair done, makeup, matching clothes, shaved, while the men just look kind of unkempt and are usually balding. My mom looks about 5-10 years younger than my dad even though they're the same age. I wish the ugly man psyop was just a hollywood thing.
>>2283420I like skinny men and hate trannies. Almost every tranny is either anorexic (not just skinny, there's a difference) or fat.
>>2283483I don't find older men appealing, I'm a bit older myself (nearing 30) and it's not like they dropped their video game habit as they aged unless they're genuinely 40+ and were too boomer for games, in which case they're usually so ugly and walled I wouldn't even want to have sex with them in the first place. Older men are beta too and can barely even get their dick up as they age.
No. 2283826
also that chinese retard actually looks like an alien. very ugly and unfortunate body.
No. 2283828
File: 1732974284985.jpg (31.13 KB, 640x561, 1696984944945.jpg)

Just admit this thread isn't for you if you keep having to derail and post bait. This thread's purpose is not to defend skinny versus muscular males it's to discuss the shilling of specifically old/walled males throughout all of media. Begone.
No. 2283829
File: 1732974314884.jpg (244.58 KB, 780x1147, 1000000469.jpg)

>>2283753Hate this shit so much, but this is very true. When I had moid friends back in school, they were obsessed with picrel and how 'fun' and 'quirky' and 'original' it was. They also tried to convince me that it was a good thing the female lead was cool, hot, and capable while the male characters were ugly losers, because it's 'empowering' or whatever. To be honest, I actually have no idea what happens in the show because the sexual dimorphism of ugly loser guy and badass babe was too off-putting for me. Kim Possible was also popular with them, so I think they run on a similar principle.
No. 2283839
File: 1732974606199.jpg (12.11 KB, 376x134, images.jpg)

I'm not into the xenomorph but more males should start wearing corsets. Broad waists just look unfortunate.
No. 2283842
File: 1732974726241.jpg (50.4 KB, 640x851, been-lifting-for-about-8-month…)

>>2283839yes sister slim waists on men are perfection
No. 2283847
>>2283842I'm gonna throw up. Delete this before skellyfags unironically start saying this is hot
>>2283845Hot, I like this one
No. 2283860
File: 1732975453948.jpg (388.65 KB, 983x1559, Screenshot_20241130_110141_Chr…)

>>2283854They don't even think Xenomorph skelly is that hot kek, they're literally just sperging to be contrarian and own da old roidpig lovers! (nobody ITT actually likes walled men or roidpigs). Shit like this is what gives you away as immature underage cancer more than being obsessed with muh animu bishies, and if you're actually pushing 30 getting
triggered because other women don't find your anachan corsetted haggots with dragqueen faces attractive you gotta grow up.
(baiting/infighting) No. 2283864
>>2283209He looks so much worse when he was already ugly to begin with
No. 2283876
>>2283871It's funny because we all collectively agreed ITT muscular toned bodies were best until that baiting /fit/fag sperging about eugenics likely posted us on 4chan again and they alllll crawled out of the sewers to shill skellies and claim that any woman with standards must be a scrote. And like clockwork here they are again kek
>>2283869 they just can't help themselves
No. 2283882
>>2283878sorry real men
trigger your virgin weeb skellyfag lesbian eyes
(bait) No. 2283894
>>2283893You guys have no idea what an anorexic man looks like
t. actual anakun enjoyer
No. 2283901
>>2283893There's also no way anyone with a BMI under 30 would consider
>>2282767 anorexic
No. 2283905
File: 1732977001323.jpg (20.41 KB, 460x323, kdkfdoodokfd.jpg)

What does liking both muscles and skellies say about me?(take it to /g/)
No. 2283912
>>2283910are you retarded?
>>2283911that's why i said rough estimation. that lack of food is eating your brain bigly!
(infighting) No. 2283916
>>2283909Yeah, it's just weird.
>>2283905It says you have varied preferences in bodies. As long as you're not into ugly fat men I think it's normal.
No. 2283926
>>2283909But you got mega
triggered and started a multiple day long sperg when you got called young weeb virgins too. So basically we're not supposed to say anything about skellies and let you shill ugly men in the ugly man psyops thread? kek don't think so
>>2283924What I'm saying kek it's easy as fuck for men to build and retain muscle too in comparison to women.
No. 2283930
>>2283919I actually think calling any woman who isn't into muscular bodies little girls, immature, and so on is more of a typical male action, they do this all the time to any woman into boy bands or anime or whatever. I've never seen a man have a problem with women who are into muscular bodies unless he's an obese incel or can't build muscle himself due to his own laziness, and even then they still won't shill skinny male bodies and will hate on women who like that body type as well.
>>2283926You basically came onto this thread and started acting like any woman who isn't into muscular dudes must be a virgin weeb or something then got surprised when you got backlash. I think it's fine to shit on skellies and I dislike anorexic men as much as the next person, but making those assumptions about anyone who isn't into muscles is just odd and unreasonable.
No. 2283932
>>2283912Damn burger queen, you got my malnourished brain genuinely wondering how non-burger men aged 16-25 don't drop dead with this utterly common "BMI 17" physique.
>>2283924I'm guessing the anachans have observed that 40% of US moids are obese. Since getting fat is so hard and losing weight is so ez, mad respect to them for grinding that BMI rank.
No. 2283961
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>>2283952>the completely normal body in questionYou need to die of starvation in whatever 3rd world shithole you're from already so I don't have to keep reading this slop.
(infighting) No. 2284023
File: 1732983615489.webp (144.84 KB, 1500x2000, 1000002706.webp)

Get me out
No. 2284061
>>2284036Kek I didn't know about that, but it doesn't surprise me.
No. 2284100
>>2284036Didn't participate in the infighting or whatever this is. I actually prefer more muscular physiques funnily enough, but that's fucking hilarious.
I think the hard thing for gymcels to accept is that, regardless of whether or not a woman likes muscles, you can't lift away ugly. Even women who are supposedly into ugly monster-maxxing ogre-mode roidpigs only do so to emphasize how smolbean they are by comparison. But even they gag in private.
Face comes first before anything. I prefer more muscular physiques, but I would still choose a skinny moid over a muscular moid every time if his face is more beautiful.
No. 2284104
>>2283977The infight would end if certain anons stopped getting so
triggered when other nonas say we don't like their skelly scrotes. Why does this affect you so much?? So fucking what, an anon said you were immature weebs. How can you be on imageboards being this thin skinned, we call each other retards here constantly. Woman up and stop getting so
triggered when nonas rightfully tell you to stop shilling ugly scrotes. Goddamn this thread used to be actually moderated and jannies would put an end to it with a single redtext.
(infighting) No. 2284108
File: 1732989814974.png (586.63 KB, 897x622, ANDREWttate.png)

No. 2284126
File: 1732990460298.jpg (127.23 KB, 1500x1000, go1_049-2000-4bf2bf595aa841a7a…)

watching this show and like
3 out of the 3 lead girls are hotties
1 out of the 3 lead men is good looking, the two others look meh as fuck
why does it have to be like this? this show is supposed to be aimed at women
No. 2284198
File: 1732993057195.jpg (15.75 KB, 300x450, 1000000470.jpg)

I was watching the Substance, and maybe this is a part of the commentary, but even the supposedly hot young moid the protagonist takes to bed was a hatchet-face fugly. She went through all of the self-imposed medical trauma, existential crisis, and even fucked up the entire process, for a night with a nearly 30 yr old moid whose face is literally lopsided and hammerheaded. He's not even the worst one either. Truly depressing.
No. 2284229
File: 1732993998800.jpg (92.08 KB, 269x353, yucky.jpg)

>>2284217It's even worse when he smiles.
No. 2284238
>>2284104Nta but are you really asking why people would be annoyed when you generalize them and call them virgin little girls for simply not liking the same thing you're into. Especially when some of your side was literally asking them their age and if they're a virgin directly and they simply engaged with your questions. I guess you could call everyone dumb for not ignoring you if that was just bait, but you genuinely seem to believe every skinny man is automatically ugly and anorexic rather than just be pretending. Also, even if this is an imageboard you can't expect to just be an asshole and go around insulting anyone who isn't into your muscular moids and expect to get no backlash for it, you sound more thin skinned yourself if you expect everyone else to not really give you shit when you're actively being annoying.
No. 2284247
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>>2284126I can't get over this picture. Look at how big and bulbous his fucking head is compared to his co-stars. He looks like a little baby-man sitting up on the balustrade, kicking his feet like a small child waiting on the exam table for the pediatrician. He's all dressed up in his Sunday best, complete with a little toddler comb-over and bowtie. It's almost like they photoshopped him to make him look more disproportional. I thought maybe he was just done dirty by the promotional picture, but apparently he just looks like that, picrel.
No. 2284248
>>2284238Didnt even finish all your sperging but yes, you're supposed to be more thick skinned and not get this easily
triggered and write paragraphs defending skellies. Other nonas think your taste is shit, boohoo poor boolied skellyfags. Get over it and make your own thread, retard.
(infighting) No. 2284262
>>2284108FTM physiognomy. He has that gender cult stare. His name is 'Jaidyn'. So obsessed with projecting muh skulinity he's willing to take a literal sex-trafficking chinlet seriously at the cost of hating women.
If I didn't have the misfortune of knowing scrotes who were actually like this, I would think this is a transman trying very hard to pass after finally ditching the Hawaiian shirts and gauged earplugs.
No. 2284276
>>2284272We've discussed this in the bunker thread, but no they're not. LC has always had a culture of cattiness and mean girl Regina George types, you can see it in threads from 6 years ago and nothing changed. This isn't a newfag thing.
>but if you read the full sentence she's saying you can't do that while expecting no backlash/no reaction from itAnd you can't shill ugly men in the ugly man psyops thread and expect no backlash or reaction from it.
No. 2284298
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>>2283840I think because of the style it's less obvious. There's always been gonk characters, but they were played for laughs, male and female both. However, I recently watched My Hero Academia, and there's only really male gonk characters and for the most part, they are still heroic in their own right. It's like the only characters who are ugly are male, and they're still allowed to be good. In older anime, a gonk character was meant to be ugliness personified, so they were suppose to be representation of what not to be, both inside in and out. I hope this doesn't become a trend in anime.
Anime has an aesthetic standard, but you're right, it isn't immune. They're just not 'ugly guys'. But there's not really ugly people in anime anyways. That doesn't necessarily mean there are hot guys either, especially if there are beautiful female characters to compare the male characters to in the same anime. Not ugly is just average in anime. I think instead you have to look at 'plainness' in character design. Male characters tend to be more plain, more average, more easy for a male viewer to self-insert into, but female characters tend to have more unique features, like unusual hair and eye colors and interesting (or lbh cute and/or sexy) outfits. Generally more expressive faces with larger, more beautiful irises as well. I hate seeing anime where the male lead just dresses like a normal dude, with short dark hair and dark eyes, but is surrounded by more flamboyant looking female characters. It's so boring. This is why you see this dynamic most exemplified in isekai, which is aimed at almost entirely at moids.
No. 2284325
>>2284104>still seething when everyone moved onJust one more reply and you'll surely convince yourself it's the others who are
triggered, gambatte
No. 2284335
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No. 2284339
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>>2284282I thought that the ass shots were maybe a commentary on how women self-objectify to satiate the male gaze, but it did make it very difficult to watch. If her intent was to disgust the viewer, she succeeded, but this is definitely not a horror movie to watch with a moid because they'll have a completely different reaction. I don't know enough about the director to assume intent, but you might as well be right, and it proves the point either way. Even if it is suppose to be something about self-objectification for moids, moids are going to be salivating over this movie instead of being horrified.
And it's not just him either, I thought the other male characters are ugly too. All the old ugly scrotes are old and ugly, but then also all the hot young men she's suppose to be having the time of her life with are just mid at best if not straight up fuggo. Like her boyfriend is actually somehow the same age (the actors portraying the Sue and her bf are apparently both 30), but I legit thought it was suppose to be an age-gapped relationship. I guess at least he had the one (disgustingly hairy) male ass shot in the movie though kek.
No. 2284381
>>2284345My dad was blond but grew a ginger beard. Luckily he doesn't have a beard anymore but it looked terrible.
A lot of men grow ginger beards for some reason even if their hair is brown or blond.
No. 2284394
>>2284345its like how frogs signal to other animals that they are
toxic by having weird colors
No. 2284414
>>2284389>>2284381>>2284377It's actually because they are signalling their danger,
>>2284394 is right. Never trust a bearded moid.
No. 2284420
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there are so many of these shitty reality shows, its also always pretty women picking ugly men
No. 2284426
>>2284325Kek so true
>>2284335I'm glad at least people are saying the beard looks bad instead of saying he's hot.
>>2284405Yup, it's their cope. They think only women hit the wall too
No. 2284449
>>2284444It's meant to be oh so wholesome to males and normie pickmes, that the pretty girl gets
humbled with a hideous creature moid and learns that personality triumphs over looks. I guess it evokes the same feeling as seeing an ugly, disabled, and diseased puppy get chosen from the pound.
No. 2284523
>>2283483the amount of women i’ve known who had boyfriends who had enough hours on steam weekly for it to count as a full time job and jerked off more than they had sex… like just leave there’s something very unhealthy going on in that relationship and in his mind and body lol.
>>2284472imagine not being multifaceted omg
No. 2285195
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Why does it feel illegal to be attracted to men who are ripped with well defined muscles and not the disgusting joe rogan type? Men who are not fit(fat or skinny) age horribly. I also hate the stereotype that these men are somehow more evil and abusive than fat or frail uggos. Sorry the image is so blurry i can't find the HQ version.
blog but My dad was all about health and fitness . He had a six pack and everything up until his late 50s, and because he was always fit he was once able to chase after some teenager all around the fucking neighborhood who stole my bike until he cornered him and got my bike back. Imagine a fat fuck or skinny faggot doing that for his children? Whats the point of a scrote if they can't protect their family? Anything less than being fit is unacceptable for a scrote.
No. 2285255
>>2285245Can you infighting retards stop trying to rewrite history? You do not recall correctly, it started with skellyfags seething at their ugly chingchong dragqueen-tier xenomorph rightfully getting called ugly and you ugly pickmes wking him. Enough, they're ugly. If you can't even stop yourself from doing exactly what
>>2285224 >>2285239 anons described, you dont belong ITT.
(infighting) No. 2285281
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This is supposed to be the “handsome and young” prince from the Wicked movie kek. I’ve noticed everybody in that movie is fucking hideous Ariana looks butchered as fuckk and the other woman looks fine but her face looks so wide because of the camera shots but imo Ariana actually did a decent job and they both sang pretty well but my god… that little spongebob she’s with is fugly to the highest order and I like how Ariana’s friends in the movie was an ugly gay asian man and a fatty to make her look more beautiful/skinny in comparison to the actors. I also like how he’s basically cucked by this ugly old bastard in picrel so they’re basically implying Ariana’s ex-husband looks more decent than her current stolen boyfriend kekkkk, it’s just ugly old shilled bastard galore
No. 2285287
>>2285195Who the fuck made this
>>2285281>handsomeConventially I guess, he should've shaved that poop smear beard a little better
No. 2285317
>>2285309>FAT FAT FAT FAT REEEEEEE YOU'RE FATIf projection makes you feel better.
>accidentally reminding what really started the infightIt wasn't an accident, I'm reminding you skellyfags started it. Now quit seething, tard
(infighting) No. 2285321
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>>2285195>>2285195How does that feel illegal? That's literally what moids want women to like? The fact is the majority of the time they think their body can make up for their face and you see that over and over again in media.
>Whats the point of a scrote if they can't protect their family? Sex? I don't care how "protective" he is when I've seen time and time again these fit moids use their strength against women or just choose to be a bystander instead. Nor would the average nonna even think about starting a family with one. There's a study where when women are primed with male on female violence they prefer less masculine faces and bodies over time
No. 2285327
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>>2285322Cranky because you're a smelly
femcel virgin, aren't you? Shut the fuck up and go schlick it to this already, aggro spergy autist.
(ai shit outside of containment ) No. 2285354
>>2285327Hide the thread if you're going to infight for days in a row
>>2285349Exactly I've been reporting it every post it makes, for 'infighting' 'continuing to infight' 'several days long infight' etc and it gets banned for AI. Nice, jannies.
>>2285346It is just this one person that jannies refuse to ban, except for posting AI I guess
No. 2285360
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>>2285349Pretty sure it's been clocked as gymcel gayops to """""subtly""""" sway farmer tastes towards attainable bald gymslop, woo like "who will protect the family" kinda makes it obvious.
/fit/fags have been norwooding about picrel physiques being attractive to women since that board existed, it's the one thing that hasn't changed kek
No. 2285365
>>2285361Funny you should say that, a brief look at /g/ hot bodies thread reveals a resident roidpig losing an inch from his hairline every time "ugly
femcels" aren't into 30 year old ham golems
No. 2285384
>>2285321My thoughts exactly, both on the muscles thing and what you said about protection. I remember talking to zoomer men before about this and they acted like I was being unreasonable when I said men should try to protect their gf if anything happens, since they're stronger than women. I thought this was just an obvious thing, but they started making excuses and claiming it was outdated and that you shouldn't expect that from men, they even implied I was being sexist at one point. Yet they still expect women to do things for them like have children, do chores at home, be feminine, and so on. Most of them are genuinely useless and would leave you to die if it was too troublesome for them to deal with.
>>2285346I don't think the concept of the thread itself is bad at all, it's just that from time to time you'll get retards like this who will then proceed to constantly shit up the thread and call you whiny if you think being overly agressive and infighting for days is annoying.
No. 2285397
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>>2285376kek you didn't lie. 100% the exact same porcine wurstie just left all of his remaining hair follicles ITT
No. 2285406
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>>2285376Dudes on fit have known about the thread since the first one was made
No. 2285429
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>>2285422If he skips his daily stick of butter and 10 lbs of grass fed beef frenulums, he might lose enough calories from seething to actually see his abs. Pic unrelated
No. 2285466
>>2285401It'd fit in better on /g/ anyway because this thread really is just the companion thread to the Ideal Male Bodies. This thread is just for moid-obsessed anons to infight about their sexual preferences. The majority of posts are "he isn't hot, but he is!" and then "no, he isn't hot! this one is!" over and over and over again. There's no actual discussion about the psyop going on, and if there is, it gets drowned out pretty quick by anons posting which moids they find attractive.
>>2285406It's because the homosexuals on fit use the Ideal Male Bodies thread here, so when this thread was made, one of those homos went to fit to reee about it. That's how they found it so quickly.
No. 2285468
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>>2285453Fithomos and nonaspheres think
>>2285360 is where are his organs concentration camp mode, skellyfags think picrel is my 600 lbs life deathfat
No. 2285503
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The infighting here is getting played out so how about we talk about what things perpetuate the psyop. What
>>2281307 said was interesting, adding on that I think viagra also made erectile dysfunction less significant; pornsick males in relationships could just take viagra instead of fixing thier porn addiction.
No. 2285517
>>2285503Such disorders can be mitigated by departure from old men. Old cock is not the same as young cock in both aesthetics and performance, and no amount of chemically induced swelling will make it the same.
The curious thing about forcing yourself to get hard when you biologically shouldn't have that capacity is that it ultimately leads to penile scarring (Peyronie's disease) and loss of penile volume. Before anyone asks - yes, high mileage cock (whether it's intercourse or gooning) can LOSE SIZE.
No. 2285590
>>2285571They act like them fucking tons of women is an attractive trait when it just means they're whores with low impulse control and probably have STDs, then turn around and act like women have to be virgins for them. Even virgin men feel like they're already corrupted with the amount of porn the majority of them watch regularly and it's awful
No. 2285598
>>2285571Even if vags did get loose, here's the fun part: you can tighten a loose muscle fairly easily. However, what's hands down the biggest challenge in medicine today is fibrosis. Nothing reverses it, nada. And whoever tells you they found a way is lying. Once the normal mechanic properties of healthy tissue are compromised by excess collagen fibers there is absolute fuckall you can do. Few people know that technically, even the initial stage of skin aging is characterized by
excess collagen, not linear collagen loss. Fibrosis is the kiss of death in every tissue, full stop, but it's especially impossible to address when it occurs in a fragile fibrous sponge that is dick.
The advertised "treatment" for used up death grip cock is collagenase injections. Yes, an enzyme that indiscriminately melts collagen. No prizes for guessing what happens next.
No. 2285614
>>2285590Virgin men mechanically damage their cocks by gooning, so they're effectively high mileage.
The male reproductive tract is also mostly immune privileged. What this means for you is that his prostate and testes are a repository of every pathogen he ever encountered, sexually transmitted or not (yes, they store shit like flu or COVID-19 lmfao). There's a reason why prostates become inflamed and enlarged with age, and it's not just testosterone. Every time you rawdog a moid, he will ejaculate some of the trash he collected while whoring, into you.
Oh, and they also transfer vaginal microbiome between women, which shocks most girls with "unexplained BV" and "recurring UTIs" when they learn about it. It's not happening out of nowhere and it's not "just the way vaginas are", it's dick. All dick, but especially high mileage.
No. 2285697
>>2285614Yep, it just shows that every ugly thing they say about us is all projection. They're the ones who are most damaged by their sexual activity, whether it be excess masturbation to pornography or indiscriminate promiscuity. Turns out the best way to avoid this pitfall is to aim for younger, virginal males instead of used up ole scrotes.
It reminds me of the 'white women fuck dogs' meme, when most bestiality crimes are committed by men. They're also the only ones who really consume this sick shit and all kinds of fetish material. The only women who engage in 'kink' are deeply traumatized and usually sexually abused as children. Moid sexuality on the other hand is easily manipulated and quick to degenerate into strange and unusual depravity, because all it takes is a thought and enough biological motivation. Think of any weird lolcowish fetish like inflation or hyper bodies or even scat. It's almost all males.
I am also starting to think the 'all women are bisexual, and all men are either heterosexual or homosexual' is a part of the psyop. It's almost unsurprising women are starting to identify as bisexual when their natural heterosexual inclinations are so hard to satisfy when they are surrounded by the scrote menace and women generally are beautiful and more pleasant in personality. But moid sexuality seems to be so easily molded by outside influences like pornography. The normalization of femboys was actually surprising to me, but maybe it shouldn't be with this in mind.
Like on the topic of the ugly man psyop, here's a theory: we all know that pushing ugly men is one way for males to lower female standards, but what if some of this is actually what some secretly bisexual moids find attractive, like unironically? What if bisexual men are actually far more common than we think, and it's honestly what they think is attractive? Some of this is obviously insecure straight moids lying to themselves and women when they portray goofy geeky fatsos as the ideal, but fags really do like the roidpig look. This seems to correspond with the more 'conventional' (as in male-defined) view of male beauty. Maybe some of them aren't being actively malicious, they are just gay (or kind of gay).
This is why women should be the only arbiters of beauty. Even when men aren't trying to actively destroy our boundaries, they literally just have shitty tastes because they are biologically fucked.
No. 2285724
>>2285670Face is always the most important. I said this before when they were still bodysperging too. Whatever your preference is, face always comes first. I assume this is the case for most women here as well. No one can outlift or outdiet an ugly face. It is way easier for men to change their bodies with any amount of dedication, so it's not that it's irrelevant, just that face will always be the priority, and honestly so should all physical traits that are immutable. Women are judged for everything, and they definitely don't hold their punches for things we can't change about ourselves without extreme artificial augmentation, like our youth, breast/ass size, labia, especially our faces, etc. Women can perform all the 'feminine' rituals of make up and hair removal and personal style, but it won't matter if she has a witch face.
Men should likewise be judged for everything, but there should be an emphasis on their faces, age, height, bone structure (like should to hip ratio, regardless of muscle), penis size, etc.
I also have a preferred style for males, but that's window dressing that varies from individual to individual. It's like the slutfag-suitfag argument last thread, it just distracts from the primary issue, which is that ugliness transcends everything, and it's something innate.
No. 2285734
>>2285281I think he would have been fine in the role if he were a decade younger. He looks like once upon a time he was a stereotypically handsome young man, but he's clearly too old to play the role of a college student.
Off topic,
but when I saw Wicked on stage, the actor for Fiyero was sooo hot. He had a slim but angular and defined jaw, cute straight nose, almond eyes that tilted upwards like a cat's, and looked to be in his early 20s, mid 20s max. I was not far from the stage and couldn't take my eyes off him even when it was someone else's line. Then when I looked the actor up afterwards… He looked so average in pictures. I was immensely disappointed. No. 2285750
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>>2284420Also this show was created by Ashton Kutcher, who literally defended his ugly man friend Danny Masterson during his rape trial last year, amongst all of his other issues. He loves pimping out girls to ugly men.
No. 2285874
>>2285571>but they work like pencils in a pencil sharpener. Shorter with every use. Think of their hands like the blades just withering away at their length and girth with every deathgrip goonsesh they have.This analogy is so fucking accurate kek, many times I've had the misfortune of being on the reddit frontpage and getting the top posts in random local subs, many of them were about this. Young moids losing all feeling during vaginal sex because its not the same as their dry death grip and asian tranny midget fetish porn. Literally nerfing themselves out of reproduction for the coom, good riddance.
>>2285670I agree face is more important, but imo this would cause even worse infighting kek I don't wanna be exposed to the creatures
nonnie's find hot nor be called a scrote when I say they're ugly.
No. 2285883
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Keep this in mind
No. 2285895
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>>2285306I beg to differ.
No. 2285900
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>>2285883kek curvature and shrinkage is literally what penile fibrosis does so my sides are in orbit
(spoiler) No. 2285923
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>>2285895moid character designers have seen the power elf and vampire characters hold and became jeelous so now we get ugly ass elves. we need to retvrn
No. 2286001
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>>2285571>women should prefer electively virginal (attractive) menExtremely based. Remember, ladies, no cherry no marry.
No. 2286067
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>>2286019It's the gender switch of this meme but the "I don't" is le wholesome guy who totally isn't like every other moid in existence who would take care of le children you're presumably going to have
No. 2286400
>>2286393Who tf gets so offended over women wanting fit, strong partners? Men are
supposed to be at their peak, fit and healthy, in fact, more women should reject fatties, skinnyfats and out of shape men
No. 2286411
>>2285360Really don't get why the gymcels seethe so much especially when anons here don't want roidpig bodies, the bodies they do like tend to be more attainable with less muscle mass.
>>2285281Glinda having less attractive friends is in character for her. I think he looks fine for his age and he did well in the movie but he was too old for the role. I think a lot of the casting in that film was weird though.
No. 2286412
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naw bro i can't with this again you guys are literally brain damaged
No. 2286447
i apologize for calling the guy gay, didn't know it'd cause a huge fight kek
>>2286441i don't think it's inappropriate at all, my post was just an observation. when i say someone looks gay it means nothing more than just gay. it's like stating the sky is blue.
No. 2286468
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>>2286454My gaydar is always correct
No. 2286505
>>2286454Both women and men are psyopped. Straight moids don't make an effort to look and act attractive because 1- they don't give a shit about what women want and 2- they associate caring about their appearance with being female (inferior) or unmasculine or effeminate or some other bullshit, and they don't want to appear weak like gay men (in their opinion).
Straight women in turn start to subconsciously associate men who take care of their appearance with homosexuality (since no straight moid wants to "look gay"), and gaslight themselves into not wanting their men to be beautiful out pretty anymore, instead seeking ugly slobs.
Then everyone keeps parroting the same gender stereotypes about beauty being for women and beautiful men being effeminate and homosexual because beauty is a woman's thing.
No. 2286506
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>>2286490Unironically one of the biggest and earliest pushers of the psyops. Crazy to think this show also came out during a feminist boom era, and coincidentally all this show did was encourage women to date down and lower their standards.
Charlotte, the youngest and arguably most beautiful woman in the friendgroup and the only one with based, rigid standards (still remember the episode where she dumped this "perfect" moid because he wanted her to give head and she absolutely refused) ends up settling for this ugly fat bald fuck. Her first husband (played by the better looking Kyle McLachlan) was literally perfect for her: rich, high class, kind and respectful. But of course the ugly moid writers had to make him some sort of impotent porn addict who couldn't have sex as if to be like "SEE, FEMOIDS?? Perfect chads are bad in bed, you gotta get with an ugly old baldie who will rock your boat, like me!".
No. 2286552
>>2285614God, that's disgusting
>>2286505Very well put. Beauty should be men's thing, they're the ones who are supposed to win us over since we have a lot more to lose by interacting with them.
No. 2286575
>>2286505I don't think men who take care of their appearance are gay, but I can definitely agree with other women that when it gets to the point of him being narcissistically metrosexual it just isn't appealing. And this isn't just a straight woman thing, straight men are also rightfully annoyed by pickme women who refuse to do something as simple as enjoy swimming in a pool to not ruin their extensions/make up.
I also think you're forgetting natural beauty is still a thing. I like a man that's naturally gorgeous and doesn't particularly care about it (yes, they exist). If a man knows he's too beautiful and does things like faggot tiktok thirsttraps, then yeah, that's a turn off. It all comes down to being too full of yourself. Men don't find IG thots who constantly post their body attractive either, narcissism is an ugly trait in either sex. You're supposed to humbly and subtly flex your beauty on occasion.
No. 2286663
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Drake is one of the biggest ugly man psyops examples imo. He's so fucking ugly and disgusting I was actually shocked when I learned normie amerifag women genuinely thirst after him. He literally has that fat beer bellied Latino uncle phenotype. Some ugly men being shilled as hot I can kind of understand because at least they have a certain appeal or aesthetic, but this faggot is just ridiculous. I can't with his ridiculous effeminate persona, his cringe lyrics, his cringe lightskin expression… Such an irredeemably ugly beast.
No. 2286726
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>>2286663I've never heard of him being thirsted over, only memed because he poses gay kek
No. 2286732
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>>2286663>>2286726God, he is so ugly. He was always ugly to me, from when he first started his career and still now. He looks like a camel to me.
No. 2286761
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>>2286663I have not seen one attractive American moid rapper. They're all horrifically mid or ugly, and spew the most sexist shit
No. 2286771
>>2286575>Men don't find IG thots who constantly post their body attractive eitherLots of them thirst over OF models and women who post thirst traps online in general, unless you mean that they usually won't want them as their wife or gf and will think they're sluts, but they still find them attractive. They'll say they don't find women who are overly concerned with makeup and beauty attractive but then go on to like girls on social media who do just that and also use tons of filters on all their photos. I agree narcissism is an unnatractive trait in general though and I see your point about how men who are overly into themselves can be offputting.
>>2286732That's an insult to the poor camels
No. 2286779
>>2286575Men lust over sluts and thots and plastic surgery chans, why do you think some OF models earn so much?
Men will shout left and right that they hate sluts but will salivate and lick their asscrack full of poop to get a speck. They cheat on their wives and girlfriends for them kek.
Men are just so hypocritical they end up being disgusting, at least to me.
No. 2286802
>>2286672>>2286726I shit you not I saw amerifag women unironically calling your picrel hot and calling him daddy. He poses like such a blatant effeminate faggot I couldn't believe my eyes. Women's standards are in hell.
>>2286771>>2286779>unless you mean that they usually won't want them as their wife or gf and will think they're sluts, but they still find them attractive.Bingo, men wanting to fuck plastic surgery-chans and OF thots doesn't mean they don't simultaneously hate them and find them retarded. I'd hypothetically also find a retarded narcissistic tiktok moid hot, but I wouldn't want him as a boyfriend.
No. 2286826
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>>2286761I hate Carti so much, he's the perfect example of a vile misogynistic faggot. His fanbase consists of zoomie edgelord 4channers who are either in denial about his blatant faggotry, or unironically YASSS KWEEN him but in a bro way and say stuff like "I used to be homophobic until God Carti made it based". Oh, but of course he's still an
abusive deadbeat who raps about nothing but violence against women. I doubt he's even bi, he might just be a full blown misogynistic faggot. He's so disgusting, you can tell he was malding and seething when he dated Iggy because he truly believed he was the baddie in the relationship. I wouldn't be surprised if he trooned out
No. 2286829
>>2286826Didn't he deliberately skip out on being there for Iggy when she was
giving birth to his son? Imagine having such little respect for women that you won't even be there for one when she's giving birth to your fucking son.
No. 2286836
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>>2286761This post reminded me of how much I hate grills, what a stupid way to flaunt wealth. Hate how guys fuck up their teeth to make themselves cooler to other men
No. 2286928
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>>2286826He deadass wears thongs KEK
No. 2287319
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>>2286928I think this flavor of misogynistic effeminate closeted black rapper sexpest needs to be studied because there's too many of them. Lil Uzi is another that comes to mind. Blatant faggotry on display, but he still dates and publicly humilliates women. He was dating one of the city girls (can't remember which one, but the one that isn't dating Diddy) and was publicly degrading her on IG live knowing she'd never talk back to him because he buys her million dollar purses. They're all so ugly, this is your physique on faggotry and womanhating.
No. 2287389
>>2287319I doubt they’re even actually gay or bi tbh
>>2286663are you sure you didn’t fall for one of those jokes where people pretend to thirst over someone to make fun of them? I refuse to believe this without caps
No. 2287540
>>2287383I think he's a predatory bisexual scrote who hides behind his effeminate posturing to prey on vulnerable girls, like the worst kinds of tranny narcissists. If he was just gay, he would be less reprehensible and only target other moids for his sexual abuse.
I wouldn't be surprised if he fucked males as well and I pretty much expect it, but my bigger concern is that he hurts females, and the pickmes who that inflated his value enabled him.
I almost think the emphasis on his faggotry is a distraction, like with P. Diddy. All I ever hear about from moids is that he's a gay rapist, but he also definitely raped women as well. They still don't care that any of these disgusting men victimize women, just 'lol gay'. It's ironic that we're expected to acknowledge and care about male rape
victims, but after the P. Diddy scandal blew up, I have seen a lot more scrotes than women
victim blaming the males he hurt and just dismiss them as a bunch of faggots kek
No. 2288252
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>>2288241Tried watching it like a decade ago and I could not deal with these dolled up women getting degraded by uggos
No. 2288424
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>>2286506>>2288252Can you imagine if the genders were reversed on SATC and they cast women the leads didn't looksmatch with? Not in this dimension. With one exception, I enjoyed Samantha's relationship with Jerry 'Smith' Jerrod. He was handsome, 20 years younger, adored her and was there for her when she had cancer. There was no reason to end their relationship. Samantha's character development could have reached a point where she felt truly loved and didn't feel the need to be promiscuous any more but the writers were like nah, what about your old ex who constantly cheated on you? Isn't he tempting?
No. 2288769
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I hate that I saw this while scrolling the tranny thread. I'm one of the nonas that gets accused of being lesbian because I rarely find any moids good looking. And yeah, most are hideous to me. But this guy used to be fucking gorgeous. One of the hottest guys I've ever seen. And this is what he does, becomes a tranny. FUUUUUCK. This world is a joke
No. 2288875
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Children's media got us started on the psyop young. I always felt something was off with this pair and it hit that Jerry looks like the moid from King of Queens with his way too hot wife. There were also attractiveness imbalances in cartoon and video game couples, and girls were raised with the expectation to settle eventually like the beautiful and capable women before them.
on a good moid note, Jerry gave up his wizard powers so he could marry Theresa because wizards can't marry non wizards and he co-runs a successful business with her.>>2286663Late but thank you! I remember how he blew up with Versace when I was in hs and hs girls and grown women were unironically thirsting for him.
I think it could mostly be chalked up to him being light-skinned? Maybe women looked at him in a more favorable way because of colorism idk No. 2289091
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>>2288875Not black, and I don't want to start anything racebait-y, but grew up in a predominately black area and I have definitely noticed this. However it was usually a beauty standard enforced on females. I would see black moids denounce beautiful darkskinned girls as ugly just because they were darkskinned, while thirsting after an actually unattractive girl (like football-shaped body, beady eyes, potato nose) just because she was lightskinned.
I can't speak from personal experience, but I also noticed that the ugliest black scrotes would act like darkskin women should be more subservient towards them because they were 'ugly'. Like they should feel lucky to have a personal moid at all, no matter how ugly (or darkskin) they themselves were. These women weren't actually ugly most of the time, but these black poles just acted like they were because they were darker. They would also presume they were more masculine for some reason? Darkskin women could have feminine hobbies and interests and be conventionally attractive, didn't matter to them. So supposedly this was even more reason for them to be submissive, because if they actually stood up for themselves, they would be bullied for being aggressive, mannish darkskin women. It use to piss me tf off especially because some of these women gave into this mindset and became pickme incarnates instead of just telling them to fuck off. But I think this is why a lot more black women who didn't fall into this trap also don't fall into other libfem traps and tend to be better about avoiding obvious bullshit.
I haven't really noticed the beauty standard in reverse, or at least it was never voiced to me, but the stereotype I always heard was that lightskin moids were more 'feminine', from both other moids and women. So maybe the subconscious thought process is, he's lightskin, so he's more sensitive? I knew a lot of white women who like Drake too, but I don't think it's because he's half Jewish/white, because they generally liked darker male entertainers as well if they had a similar persona. I think it's because he has a more artsy, emotional personal aesthetic which is just more appealing to a lot of women, and most men we're forced to see are ugly either way, so maybe they just pick the ones who at least sort of appeal to them when it comes to how they present themselves. It's sad, but I think this is a similar cope like with Timothee Chalamet for example. He has rodent phenotype, but he has that sensitive vibe, and men in entertainment are usually even uglier, so they pretend the ones that are the least offensive to them are hot.
That's also why I'm not convinced Drake's completely gay (though I can believe he's fucked men dl), and trying to frame him as a homosexual and emphasize it is a part of the psyop. Like I remember seeing memes like picrel for a decade. He's still ugly, but some of it just seems like another case of moids trying to shit on things women like. Even now a lot of moids focus on how queer he is for all the preening he does, instead of the fact he's a pedophile groomer, though thankfully the perception has changed a lot since his beef with Kendrick Lamar.
But long before Kendrick popularized the image of him as an abuser, it was a constant REEE HE'S GAY from moids. I always thought Drake looked like an beestung puppy and made cringe-inducing music, but it annoyed me (though the memes were funny at first) that the only reason moids didn't like him was that he was popular with women and had a sense of style, even if it was a shitty one. It just REEKS of jealousy. Drake was a known ugly weirdo sexpest even before Meet the Grahams, and it just showed for years that the main scrote form of attacking sexual competition is to call them gay for doing things women find appealing.
It's just something very easy to observe with moids whenever they try to deflect the wrongdoings of males in general. They just specify that it's
gay males (even if grooming girls is specifically NOT GAY), or
black males, or whatever category of male they are not a part of, even though all males are capable of doing shitty things and are, in fact, generally shitty. Like Drake is bad because he's gay and weird, not because he's an ugly man who does shitty things. He's weird because he takes Ozempic and gets surgery and he's half Jewish, but him trying to 'befriend' underage girls isn't the weird part, like
>>2288069 said. This was known for years, and people just excused it as him trying to be a mentor or a friendly big brother type. Or even just a fan. They want to distract us from the actual red flags plenty of 'normal' men exhibit by dismissing these concerns and just focusing on his body image obsessions. And him being gay/Jewish/mulatto/Canadian/whatever the fuck. Anything but him being a shitty, ugly man, which is what most of these moids who focus on his 'gayness' are.
No. 2289238
>>2289167As it stands right now, there are not enough beautiful men to go around sadly, and many women feel compelled to marry moids who they are not attracted to, just to get married. It would have to be slow and gradual and correspond to other trends like subjectifying female sexuality.
Perhaps after undoing female socialization, which may happen with the rise of women opting out of reproduction, it's possible. A lot of women just won't play the game at all given the choices, but there's still a lot women who do because they are lonely and think a relationship with a moid will fix that. I doubt most women will want to share a man, no matter how handsome, so women will likely stop settling and having children with ugly men and choose to remain childless. Those who do will have their bloodlines die out eventually unless their genes just so happen to produce a random, attractive offspring as more and more women over the course of generations simply refuse to settle. That or perhaps if there's some ethical eugenics program where they can purchase sperm without male contact otherwise, they might raise them single or with other women. But in the case that's not an option, only the most beautiful women will have children with the most handsome men, which will probably increase attractiveness in humanity overall. However I also wonder if women did have free mate choice and the societal conditions to facilitate free mate choice, would beauty in women even give as much status as other attributes like education, wealth, career, even personality, etc? Right now, beauty is the primary standard by which women are judged, and that's because of moid choice.
Women are by default more beautiful (which is probably due to male selection, but also general physiological differences), so I don't think it matters, but I wonder how women might change as well. It's typical in many animals that the female is larger and stronger, but it's rare in mammals. I don't think women are going to get ahead by being stronger or more athletic than men either. In a world where women have choices, I imagine females would become even more intelligent over time instead. But in any case, the first part would be undoing the ravages of female socialization and removing the current gender roles (not tranny shit, just the shit women are expected or forced to do).
I think I remember reading somewhere that penis size in humans evolved to be proportionally larger because it was ornamentation that females selected for. This is unlikely now or in the future because men don't walk around naked anymore and it's considered kind of uncouth to talk about so boldly (let alone seriously), but if women destigmatized their preferences for larger penises and were allowed to openly choose mates based on this, then yeah. On the other hand, I read a differing theory that basically states it as an extension on the shovel shaped glans: larger penises are better at scooping out competing males' sperm. If that's true, maybe if women were completely sexually liberated, and freely fucked whoever they want, whenever they want, but I don't know if that's natural for women tbh. I also heard somewhere else that penis size depends on how much testosterone a male fetus was exposed to in the womb so idk. If it's not fetal exposure, then it would probably have to be women in general consistently choosing mates based on penis size.
Either way, I think men would become more attractive overall, but it would take a very,
very long time after deprogramming women. We would probably see overall better health as well. In places where women have nearly zero, moids are usually very inbred, ugly, and prone to all sorts of congenital diseases and other health problems.
No. 2289326
>>2289275That is true but we can’t discount male-only mate choice that was the status quo for millennia. No way it didn’t screw up the gene pool.
>>2289238Yet another example of how monogamy is a male meme. If we followed the stud principle for like one generation we could fix it for all time.
No. 2289354
>>2289091I'm the first ayrt and I'm mixed race and light so this is all my lived experience when I say you were dead on about everything especially with the harsher standards enforced on darker skinned women (automatically seen as masculine even though they could dedicate the most time and money to feminine hobbies and upkeep and are generally very pretty/light-skinned women are seen as more attractive even if their faces and bodies are fucked etc etc). Light-skinned men get the short end of the stick in being seen as feminine compared to darker skinned men but they're still uplifted and I've seen women and girls wanting to get with mixed and light skinned men for the odds of offspring inheriting certain traits ("good" hair, light eyes).
In short, his light skin and dorky softboi image (his light skin covered his ugly mug in the eyes of colorists and continued the psyop) made him look harmless and it took over a decade for most people to look past the surface and I love your analysis, nona!
No. 2289379
>>2289275I cover that under 'general physiological differences' in the same sentence. Males lack an additional X chromosome, so they are more susceptible to damage. Males serve a different purpose to females in reproduction (and in general), and I more or less subscribe to the theory that male purpose is to introduce variability through mutation. Females should be considered the default instead. That's also why male intelligence tend to vary greatly between geniuses and retards. Retardation is also much less common in women, as are geniuses, but average female intelligence is less variable and generally higher, especially now that women are actually allowed to thrive and we'll probably see female intelligence rise.
I do think neoteny was selected for in women though, otherwise it doesn't really benefit women to have more cute features. If anything, we're more vulnerable because it. I believe moids when they say the disturbing things about wanting to fuck minors, and I don't think it's
just pornsickness, even if it certainly makes it worse. I guess there could be a case made for a correlation of neoteny and intelligence though, if we overlook that. Men are less neotenous overall, though I think this is also a case of male physiology. The question of whether the average moid could ever be as attractive as the average female has a catch. Moids age very poorly as a matter of their physiology. While their life choices certainly don't help, males aren't meant for longevity. This goes for many animal species as well, not just humans.
So while I think there could be a time when moids
at their peak could be equal to women in attractiveness, the question is, how long will that last before their beauty expires?
I also remember someone sharing a TikTok or short vid in one of the previous threads where a doctor or dentist was talking why humans don't have large canines. The theory proposed is that females domesticated males to some extent. If that's true, then there was a time in evolution when males were even more brutish and ugly than they are now, but that female choice somehow softened them. It could in theory happen again where men are further beautified.
No. 2289392
>>2289379>male purpose is to introduce variability through mutationThat is hardly disputable. Sexual reproduction evolved specifically for this.
Males serve the same purpose as predation and disease (doubly funny if you look at examples of STDs and parasites enhancing male fitness). Human society is a context in which a species is effectively prohibited from adapting to it, something that would surely lead to extinction of the host species if it could happen in nature. Technology is allowing us to somewhat delay the inevitable.
No. 2289922
>>2289914Holy hell this comment
>You can still get laid and get hot women without hair. And if a woman doesn't like you because of your hair, shes not the type of wonan you want. My balding has alerted me to the red flags of women way earlier. Margot Robbie is mid but if young women don't want to be with somebody who has the head of a grandpa it makes them basically evil?
Some are also claiming that balding always comes from the moms side, meaning them losing their hair is once again us womens' fault…
No. 2290188
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They are supposed to be looksmatch
No. 2290194
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>>2290188Also this woman is Monica Bellucci
No. 2290203
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>>2290196It's a standard northwest European phenotype. In all these morphs, the woman is much more attractive than the man.
No. 2290225
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>>2290208Search human phenotypes. I discovered that bunn it's the ogre phenotype.
No. 2290238
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It's incredible how big the attractiveness gap is between men and women.
No. 2290247
>>2289914He looks like a pedophile and the child he'd kill and rape simultaneously, disgusting waste of DNA.
>>2289922>THIS level of cope Kekkkkkkk sure bud
No. 2290262
>>2289091Light hair is considered more 'feminine' for men which is why some women dislike blond men.
>>2289238Chadification of the gene pool would take centuries and something like sperm donation.
No. 2290265
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>>2290225Meanwhile female ogre phenotype
No. 2290273
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>>2290265This is how brunn women look alike.
No. 2290751
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Being a straight woman is so bleak. Every day I go outside and every day I see at least one woman that makes me stop and stare.
The best a moid could get is 'kinda cute'.
No. 2290901
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I'm pretty sure this image is meant to be ironic given they wrote "25 year old barely legal girl" but can we talk about how people pretend women dating men way older like this are totally fine and normal just because they aren't underage? Never in my life would you catch me dating a 40 year old man and I'm in my 20s but somehow the only time you can talk shit about it is if the guy is dating someone underage. Yet if a woman did the same everyone would be coming for her regardless of if the guy is a full grown adult.
No. 2290972
>>2289167Yes. Too bad women are still in a social cage where they believe they are bad people for having standards
>>2289273You can't work on genetics, so doesnt matter what men do or not. They wouldn't mate and their subpar dna would get bred out, as nature intended.
No. 2291102
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Are we really supposed to believe that when researchers created the "perfect human being" the best they could come up with was this troglodyte?
No. 2291404
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Dave Blunts and his girlfriend
No. 2291534
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>>2291102Randall-looking ass
No. 2291774
>>2290702Are you from India? It's the only country whose history corresponds to that off the top of my head. Then again, most African-Americans are descendants of slaves if they aren't recent immigrants, yet they're not 'conquered' or 'emasculated'. It's also a racial stereotype and not just color. In the case of Indians (for example), they aren't considered black in America because they aren't African, even if some Indians have skin tones comparable to African-Americans. African-descended people are also often associated with the image of athleticism or crime, so it probably contributed to the stereotype that many Americans have with them. Ironically, a lot of people think of aboriginal Australians as black even if they are the least related to Africans. That's just racism face blindness though.
>>2290715I was thinking the same thing, like it's just the default that women have natural mascara and eyeliner and lip tint, and no one thought to even mention it at the very least? It definitely skews the perception of what a woman is expected to look like.
If anything, it just goes to show that most women everywhere (especially Europe) are so pressured to wear makeup, it even shows through in composited images. I don't wear makeup, but I hate when moids say stupid shit like 'no one is forcing you to wear it hurdur'. You see the pressure even in fucking anthropological photography, implying that if you don't have eyelashes or lips as contrasting as the 'average', you don't look like the average woman and should correct that.
No. 2291788
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>>2291404This image is sickening. This would be ugly bastard humiliation rape porn in any other circumstance, but ugly man psyop has normalized shit like this. "He probably has a good personality, looks aren't everything (except when it comes to women)" type bs. It's literally evil and has an extremely demonic aura. Princess Leia and Jabba the Gut. The only consolation is he's probably too much of a deathfat to actually fuck her, or at least that's my cope. What had to happen to this woman to place her in this predicament? It can't just be the lure of money and fame.
No. 2291809
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>>2291102I watched the Eternals recently, and I whole-heartedly believe that part of the reason it flopped was there were no handsome men to carry the movie. In previous capeshit films, the characters at least had the time to become recognizable in the franchise, then here they introduce a bunch of new characters who are all fuggos and legit tried to pass them off as hot. These are supposed to be movies about demi-gods, but no one can honestly see this man as a divinely inspired ancient immortal being, roids or otherwise. It was so funny seeing articles about how ripped he got, trying so hard to shill how badass that is– it was roids. Plus his physique is achievable without them and he still looks like shit.
No. 2291823
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>>2291809>I whole-heartedly believe that part of the reason it flopped was there were no handsome men to carry the movieThis is a great point,
nonnie. It's insane to think about old hollywood haggots being SO dead set on pushing their psyops that they're losing money when they know teen girls and women are such a huge driving force that can be easily marketed to by just slapping some hunks onto basic slop.
Part of me wonders if it's because they've caught onto the fact that when starved from handsome men to thirst over, normie women will unfortunately meme themselves into finding any revolting moid attractive. The Sherlock tv show literally had the two fugliest male leads imaginable and it amassed an incredibly large female fujo fanbase who wrote and drew explicit porn of these disgusting men.
And hollywood excecs have always had this mentality when it comes to our media.
>"Why should we bother catering to women if they're already used to getting crumbs and happy consuming moid slop anyways? Why should we give them handsome men if they can psyops themselves into finding Jimmy Fallon hot?" No. 2291909
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>>2291823I think they have caught onto this social trend, but your point about fujoshis is interesting. They're missing a critical part of why fuggoslop is appealing to some women: it's sexualizing ugly
men, not women. That's why it's always fujoshit and rarely self-inserts. It still exists, but nothing compared to all the yaoi produced. If they were aggressive in their gaybaiting (without alienating the male audience lol), they can get away with some women accepting fuggoslop. But I think even fujo women are disturbed when they have to watch their favorite fuggos have romantic or erotic scenes
with women. I don't think it's because eww icky straights or that it's taking away from their favorite ship. I think subconsciously, they are disgusted by having to watch an objectively unattractive man be in a relationship with an objectively attractive woman, and presented sincerely. It's okay when it's two gay ugly men fucking each other, not when it's an ugly man fucking a hot chick. When there are more female characters, they see the stark contrast of what men and women are expected to look like, especially since most movies and TV shows always cast young, beautiful women. When it's mostly just ugly men, you can almost see it as a stylistic choice, but as soon as a conventionally attractive female character enters the scene, their inhuman ugliness is more apparent and unnatural. Take David Tennant for example. There's a lot of cultural factors contributing to its popularity, but the romance in Doctor Who was acceptable or even lauded because it's fleeting, and while Tennant is less attractive, the difference in attractiveness is less noticeable. In comparison we have his role in Jessica Jones, which was received with mixed receptions at best. The focus was on a female character, David Tennant plays an actually sexually predatory character, who preys on an actress who makes the difference is
very noticeable, especially since David Tennant at this point is no longer quirky and 'boyish' (if ugly), but now old, bestubbled, and somewhat bloated. Krysten Ritter has that fragile alt-girl appeal and there's more American glam (for lack of a better word) as oppose to his somewhat charmingly bland and dorky Britishness. Some of the moids I know enjoyed his character in Jessica Jones and thought he was an effective villain, but all the women I know absolutely hated it, whether they were fans of Doctor Who or not. Even if they are into the teehee villains cringe. It's like they waved his ugliness in our faces and we had to acknowledge that, yes, he is ugly, and it feels like assault and torture to see ugly men with pretty women. I've actually heard some moids complain there was no explicit rape scene in Jessica Jones. I haven't actually seen the show, so I have no idea, but they thought it would be more effective if it were shown, for some reason. Wonder why…
Also I think with Jimmy Fallon, he's just lucky older women remember him as being kinda cute in his youth. He was still mid at best then and had that Ezra Miller-esque sociopath state, so he's a part of the psyop nonetheless. It's just now even more ridiculous because he's old and fat, but I have no doubt it's only older Millennials/Gen-X and up women who like him. If he made his debut as old and washed up as he is now, he would not be received well. Almost every younger woman I know just think he is annoying.
No. 2291935
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>>2291925I cannot understate how refreshing it is to not be around a sweaty moid whose every sentence is an attempt at some podcast zinger, which is usually a chickenshit attempt at testing the waters in the dominance hierarchy anyway. Conversely, effortless hotness results in effortless, benign, more innocent, nothing-to-prove attitude. A hot man is above being a jester.
It makes sense that ugly males are "funny" - moid "humor" is mean-spirited because its utilitarian purpose is being able to take safe, retractable jabs at better males to see what their chances are without getting their mugs uninstalled. Wit truly is the weapon of a beta.
No. 2291937
>>2291919Makes sense. Humor is one of the few ways a moid can make himself 'more attractive', but it's basically just social status among other moids. I don't think even most women who date 'funny' men find them attractive, really, they just see them as less threatening and more socially integrated. I always hear that men are funny and women are not, because women don't have to be, they just have to be fuckable. But women are usually much funnier without even trying. It's just the only thing moids care about in women is how fuckable they are to them personally, so they keep memeing how unfunny women supposedly are and what good sense of humor men have. It's like the 'men are visual creatures' thing, but they have a worse sense of aesthetics than women, and literally their eyes perceive less color than women. There's so many times I see a woman on social media doing an obvious bit, but then several scrotes will believe it's real and not just comedy, and use this to justify why women are stupid or whatever. But they somehow have a better sense of humor. Every funnyman tells the same kind of jokes that only really appeal to other men. It's all just cope, and honestly these standards should be reversed.
No. 2291958
>>2291947>>2291935I've also noticed that isn't just a way to test the waters with a more physically impressive male, but as a way to undermine more intelligent people, especially women. If they're losing an argument, they just say their opponent is being emotional (or conversely, autistic) and simply didn't get their joke, even if the context of said joke makes no sense. That way they can still cope outwardly that they're not dumb, akshually their opponent is dumb for not being able to tell they're not serious, even if they clearly were.
This is why you really can't take moids seriously in an honest conversation, let alone a debate. They can always fall back on this excuse. They're serious, until they're not. Then they're just trolling you all along, haha, so dumb, stupid women.
It's better to just not engage with them on a deeper level, and arguably at all.
No. 2291961
>>2291958Wow, were you secretly there?
Jk but one of them was literally eavesdropping to a channel I was in with one of the less retarded moids and jumped in after I said his videos weren’t funny to explain that ackthually they were.
No. 2291965
>>2291956I do think that humor is largely irrelevant to what women find attractive. I personally prefer it when moids are entertaining, but it's not a replacement for actually attraction.
Furthermore, I think it's actually because women have better social sensibilities in general. The lack of funny male characters in femgaze isn't so much that it's inherently attractive or unattractive, it's that women know there's a time and place for everything. Do you need to have humor in a dark romance like Twilight? No, it would ruin the tone of the story.
A lot 'funny' moids try to be funny everywhere, all the time, no matter how inappropriate it is. It's obnoxious and embarrassing. It's so annoying that women are starting to view humor as unattractive by association alone, especially because most funnymen aren't actually funny. Like think about the things most men think are comedic. They just repeat memes and try to be 'subversive', in varying levels of offensive depending on their political beliefs. They only know shock humor or toilet jokes. And then they do it all the time irreverently? It stinks of desperation. So they have almost memed being funny as an unattractive trait in men based on their own behavior kek. Which does make sense, it is a male tool in male social schemes.
No. 2291971
>>2291961Also I might as well have been. I use to lurk in similar kinds of discords because I just wanted to learn more about what the fuck is wrong with men, from personal observation. And this behavior seems to be applicable to all sorts of men, it doesn't matter if they're rwingers, lwingers, normies, etc. They all seem to do this.
I've had many similar experiences, though it usually goes more like some moid making an unfunny joke, and me asking why it's funny, them not being able to explain why it's funny, so then I autistically dissect the joke and them going 'well you ruined it!', because they have to low-key admit that you can only enjoy moid humor if you're an unthinking mouthbreather.