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No. 2436199

ITT: Post random things you hate and explain why you hate them. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) so long as you don't come here to start a retarded in-fight with your personal issues.

Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbours, coworkers, etc., use the vent thread. For advice with your personal daily life use the advice thread.

Keep the borzois in mind. Thank you.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/2342535

No. 2436205

Even as a plush toy, they're still horrible

No. 2436207

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I hate how whenever a scrote does something terrible, everyone has to try and blame some shit like “society, the boolies, childhood”. The media does this shit every time some incel shoots up elementary kids. It’s always the fault of society(or a random women) for this shit and not the moids fault or joker movies telling scrotes that their retarded self made problems is actually societies fault.
Women never get any empathy when they do something wrong (like saying something mean once).

No. 2436214

fuck you

No. 2436217

Raindrop drop top borzoi haters never stop stop

No. 2436226

Whenever people's advice to a child neglect or bad upbringing is "Call CPS!1!1!" like do you truly believe CPS is going to do anything? Unless they enter the house and see the child being beaten to death or raped in front of their very eyes they are not going to do jack shit. Why would they give a shit about a child who's neglected emotionally to the point of developing a PD if they have food and shelter and aren't being physically harmed?

No. 2436229

Where I'm from if there's no written legislation against what is happening to the child, police don't give a shit. A parent could parade their kid out in public to humiliate them, which doesn't make out legislation for physical abuse. Pimping out a child won't get the parent in trouble because the parent is not a fiduciary responsibility like a teacher or babysitter which has legislation, and only people who buy the services get charged.

No. 2436353

Most makeup on (western) moids. It's weird cause I definitely like a bottom lash line emo eyeliner or the normal color correcting they do on actors in movies for example, but the moment I see a too pale and smooth face, too deep lip color or god forbid blush I scream, despite liking feminine looking men. Lowkey feel bad about it because I don't want to be an homophobic boomer man kek. I think that's also why I could never get into kpop, I always thought they looked better with darker skin (still, asian men are usually less jarring than white ones with makeup on).

No. 2436363

When women get snippy and tear each other down because they’re both vying for the same moid. Very pathetic, we should be better than this.

No. 2436389

When people say the full price of an item, like "I paid 49.99$ for that", just say 50$, it sounds ridiculous.

No. 2436507

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Anon(s) who chimp out because of the ugly male psy op thread. I won’t scrotefoil but it’s such a strange thing to be mad about.

No. 2436524

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I tried zero sugar coke for the first time and it is one of the most disgusting beverages on earth. I like normal coke but this is unfit for human consumption. Who exactly is drinking this and whats wrong with you?

No. 2436543

I hate coke in general

No. 2436549

When someone posts their reptile showing affection towards them, and then some dickhead has to comment with "reptiles don't have the capacity for love!!!". Duh, but they can trust and bond with their owners still. A reptile willing to be close to a human says a lot. Plus, is it so bad for humans to imagine that it's love, even if it's not? Part of the reason most people get pets is the joy we receive from them.

No. 2436561

I really can't tell the difference between normal, diet or coke zero. They all taste the same to me kek

No. 2436572

I hate nonvirgin men

No. 2436585

It's because their shit taste is being criticized

No. 2436595

they're retards who think they know everything and can't handle ever being wrong because they're men. ive never seen women go out of their way to comment shit like that. anole lizards and black throat monitor lizards can solve problems in order to get rewards in as little as 10 minutes, tegus are thought to be capable of a form of rem sleep and also can be trained just like dogs. their brains are large enough you can call a tegu by its name and it will come, geckos are seen going out of their way to get pets from people. even more studies show they are capable of emotions besides base needs and can even show signs of frustration. all of these things are seen in typical pets but because lizards aren't fuzzy it freaks people out or something? people have preconceived notions about reptiles and don't want to change those views for whatever reason despite the science being right there. they can feel and show emotion, people just don't know reptile body language.

No. 2436599

It is a very odd thing to get mad about

No. 2436605

Techtrannies and the way they code.
>oh, this program I coded gives an error that breaks everything?
>here, try to download 92439874728 more trash off github to fix it
>oh, the trash you downloaded off github gives an error that breaks everything?
>here, try to download some more shit off github to fix it

No. 2436607

It's seething moids. Don't be afraid to call out the obvious.

No. 2436628

Those shitty AI story ads on YouTube

No. 2436640

I hate any sort of splenda taste and when its in something it's all i can taste which is probably why i had such a negative reaction to it tbh. Normal coke has just a typical sugar sweetness, idk about diet coke though

No. 2436671

>Guess what!
and expecting me to really guess… No… Just tell me…

No. 2436672

Moids literally post that thread on their ugly scrotechans to seethe about it every full moon.
They definitely digitally troon out and come here to try and start discourse.
We have discovered a truth they have tried to hide from us for millennia.

No. 2436676

Did you just use the word "they"? Are you a gendie?(baiting)

No. 2436682

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Lidl's peppermint tea SUCKS! It's not minty enough!

No. 2436684

When has that happened

No. 2436685

Go back to unpopular opinions

No. 2437708

I hate concerts

No. 2437986

The phrase "gender war". The fact that this is basically the modern "war of the sexes" which was used in the times when women couldn't even vote says it all.

No. 2438355

She's very talented and i love the bag, but why is she refusing to show the other side of her face? it's so annoying and unnecessary. It's not even the first time i see someone do this

No. 2438362

I hate how I look in photos. I have terrible posture and a huge nose that casts a shadow over my face regardless of light intensity or position and it makes me look deformed. I also have NO ass.

No. 2438364

Only good looking angle on camera. That's really it.

No. 2438378

Having no ass is cool again, the thick trend is dying. Everyone is taking out their bbls and losing weight

No. 2438394

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How sanitized and overly cutesy/positive everything in children's TV is now. No wonder they're turning to weird shit on the internet for entertainment, honestly. The only alternatives are either animated therapy sessions or shows which try to be Saturday morning action cartoons but with no actual sense of danger for the characters, like what is the point? A good example of what I mean is dinosaurs. Kids like dinosaurs because they're big, scary and badass. What child are the abominations in picrel actually supposed to appeal to? I'm mainly talking about younger kids who are stuck watching whatever their parents decide on, at least the older ones have a bit more agency.

No. 2438412

Same. I don't like taking selfies in the first place but I feel like the phone camera emphasizes the lines on my face. I have people telling me I look fine and that I look way younger than my actual age but I almost always look horrible in my photos. I don't know what to believe. Makes me think phone cameras are gaslighting me to make me feel insecure.

No. 2438413

I hate how most female streamers have the most forced high pitched voice and they just stand like plants on multiplayer gamers just trying to act cute instead of being entertaining. It’s so transparent and it’s bad enough to have to watch unfunny moids trying to be funny, watching them pretend those moids are funny by doing nothing but giggling just makes it worse. Legit feels like the only female streamer I can handle is KPopp.

No. 2438414

Afaik phone cameras have a bunch of post-processing effects which you can't fully turn off, so it highlights things even beyond what a human eye would notice.

No. 2438429

Makes sense. I never really looked into it since I avoid taking photos of myself unless I really need to like for medical documentation. I guess I shouldn't blame people too much when they apply filters on their selfies then.

No. 2438991

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I hate goth troons. I want to make clear I hate every troon kek but the ones who decide to skin walk that gothic girl who never paid attention to them, are some of the ugliest creatures out there. A mix of the innate uglyness of tims, the tacky clothing, the lack of makeup skills and the evident fetishization.

No. 2439021

Speak your truth anon, I hate them too. They're so gross, the skinwalking aspect is really sickening

No. 2439030

i had a tif skinwalk me after she realised i wasn't going to be her big tiddy goth gf… her goth phase consisted of buying two black graphic tshirts but she was convunced she was so goffik. also tried to get my haircut.
it's so much creepier when moids do it tho. stalker ass shit.

No. 2439203

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No. 2439469

That nose ring looks like Hitler's stache.

No. 2439553

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Hate is too strong of a word, I don't hate any animals (besides komodo dragons), but chameleons creep me out.

No. 2439557

But… cool colors.

No. 2439670

When you're just venting and someone's reaction is to jump to blaming you no matter what the situation actually is. For example if you got hurt by accident and it was unavoidable they'll say it's your fault and you should've known better. You could get cancer, have your whole family die in a car crash, have your pets die and this kind of person would somehow find a way to spin this to be your fault and find it in themselves to personally attack you instead of being empathetic. I'm exaggerating with these examples of course but that's what it feels like.

No. 2439695

I know what you mean and I hate this too. I used to try and figure out why people acted like this because it pissed me off so much kek, and I think it's related to the just-world fallacy. Some people can't accept that bad things can happen for no reason because the thought of that scares them. So whenever they hear about anything bad happening to someone else, they have to come up with a reason why you could ACTUALLY have prevented it if you'd just done X (because they want to convince themselves that it wouldn't happen to them even though it absolutely could). It's so exhausting to deal with.

No. 2439704

when people are venting about people who do X, then start backtracking when I say I do X lol. Nah it's valid keep calling me out lol

No. 2439706

Did you read the OP? It says don't vent here.

No. 2439709

She's not venting, she's saying she hates a person who tries to blame her for whatever she's venting about. Read carefully.

No. 2439715

That makes sense. A lot of people believe in things like karma too so maybe that's why they think anything that happens to you must be deserved even when it's not and it was just totally random.
Exactly, thank you.

No. 2439732

>How sanitized and overly cutesy/positive everything in children's TV is now.
Yes this. Children's media is fucking bonkers right now. TV shows like you said is badly animated slop without any artistry or passion whatsoever.
Then you move over to books and they're suddenly all about pooping and farting with ugly gross art. Kids deserve better.

No. 2439736

I hate playing word games and they allow the most bizzare unheard of words (like we're talking random diseases only found in specific monkeys in south america) but don't allow basic normal modern words. I was just playing one and they wouldn't allow "june" but "jun" was allowed. what the hell

No. 2439914

what does this pic even mean

No. 2440039

The whole thing about chameleons turning a bunch of rainbow colors or changing color depending on what they're touching is a lie anyway. They do change color but it's a pretty limited range compared to what Big Chameleon wants you to believe.

No. 2440074

Pretty sure it's meant to be used in reaction to art or a post. You know how Americans scare Japanese artists because they'll comment stuff like "HOW DARE YOU MAKE THIS!!!" or "KILLING MYSELF AS WE SPEAK!!"
It's meant to be in the same vein.

No. 2440356

When women are into astrology

No. 2440362

They’re cute but the eyes are unsettling

No. 2440364

Even worse when males are into it. They're extra autistic about it.

No. 2440472

Absolutely,,, cannot stand when. Like. People type,,, like this.
Punctuation was meant to be used a certain way. Shit like this is coupled with poor reading comprehension amd media illiteracy.

No. 2440475

Undiagnosed adhd havers

No. 2440505

My mom is like this but extreme schizo too. She can hear just a few words of a sentence and then butts in and goes absolutely insane. I could tell her "So I fell off" with the rest of the sentence intended to be "my bed this morning", and then she'll butt in and scream "You fell off the stairs at the station? You're going to cause them a lawsuit? You selfish lazy leech, it's also your fault you fell cus you're clumsy" like bitch absolutely what

No. 2440506

Crytypers. Genuinely what motivates them to do this? I understand being upset and frantically messaging a friend needing comfort, but deleting all your spaces as if you're roleplaying a movie script? "Icantbreathrightnowimcryingtoohardeveythtinghurtsomggomgomgo" I'm not reading that

No. 2440973

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>Usually I don't like X, but this one is great
You know nothing, shut up

No. 2440988

Crytyping is one of the funniest tumblr social contagious just based on how it assumes that crying causes uncontrollable finger and hand spasms kek. Soooo performative.

No. 2440998

Reminds me of my parents. I'm incapable of venting about anything to people properly irl because I was raised like that too so every time I get hurt or cry I automatically shrug it off because when I didn't that's how people would react. Reminds me of how some other anons on this site are as well anytime someone complains about anything.
I find this obnoxious too and it's always other women doing it. Makes me feel weirdly disconnected when I go into female dominated fanbases because I don't type like they do kek.

No. 2441339

I don't like when people call pasta noodles. It's only noodles when it's an instant ramen, or pasta in a soup like alphabet soup or chicken noodle soup.

No. 2441769

Why can't things be a one-time purchase anymore. I fucking hate subscriptions I'm not paying jack shit

No. 2441776

More things should have the winrar model of subscription

No. 2441812

The worst one is when people call lasagna sheets ‘noodles’.

No. 2441869

anons that use DA or SA that is so fake and gay and deserves an unintegrated ban for being retarded.

No. 2441882

I cant tell if they are new or just baiting so someone can call them a newfag and start an infight

No. 2442098

; I wish we were able to have more positivity on this board. I remember once getting into a back and forth with one anon where I said we don’t need to insult each other or be mean to each other even if it isn’t technically against the rules or infighting to be bitchy and rude, and she essentially responded with the age-old “LC is licherally a website for making fun of people!! this isn’t your chatroom hugbox!!” Which like yeah lmfao I know lolcow edists for the purpose of making fun of cows. But why does that mean we need to be shitty or crass to other nonnies? How is wanting to have fun together or choosing to be nice just because you can “hugboxing”? LC being an imageboard doesn’t mean that we need to behave like shitty 4ch baiters. I just really don’t appreciate the intense wave of 4chan tier baiting and bullshit behavior.

No. 2442104

Whenever anons say this it just reminds me of the "too many emotions" lady who snuck into the gym during that part in mean girls. This is just normal communication to me, don't you all have siblings and close friends you can talk to in this way and understand that it's affectionate bullying? Why would you come to one of the only places for women that is like this, when every other community is rife with women who walk on egg shells and are afraid to say anything offensive to each other? They're pretty easy to find and many discuss anime or anything "unusual" here

No. 2442114

You took the words out of my mouth anon. I can't even count the amount of times I've had an interaction exactly like you've described over the years, but it's really ramped up in the last 3 or so years. The edgy "imageboard culture" nonsense makes no sense, that isn't a functioning community. We come here to mock weirdos and we don't do it to their face because that would be cow tipping, but anons come to /ot/ to openly mock other posters with no prompting. The complete lack of responsibility or self awareness, the refusal to act like an adult in an adult space, the constant doubling down on misunderstandings instead of just admitting when being wrong, policing other women's speech while openly a-logging and filling up threads with pointless accusations instead of ignoring or reporting posts they find distasteful. It's like watching middle school fights.

No. 2442116

There is a huge difference between joking banter and seething hatred being spewed at anyone who doesn't align with you 100% and that's what we're getting most of the time.

No. 2442121

It's the same miserable sped. Take a gander around recently bumped threads in /ot/ and /g/ right now. Someone tell that fat angry bitch to take her pills and go to bed.

No. 2442131

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AYRt kek I understand that, and it’s easy to identify when it’s just lovingly shitflinging and just teasing each other but stuff like bitching out at anons in the vent thread, or going super crazy at users who may feel comfortable expressing their feelings or thoughts that could be different from you or cringeworthy to you and choosing to infight and hatefully post towards them, especially on what is, as you said; one of the only places for women that is like this.
>The complete lack of responsibility or self awareness, the refusal to act like an adult in an adult space, the constant doubling down on misunderstandings instead of just admitting when being wrong, policing other women's speech while openly a-logging and filling up threads with pointless accusations instead of ignoring or reporting posts they find distasteful. It's like watching middle school fights.
Literally exactly what you described, I’m NEET so I’ve obviously spent a lot of time on lolcow over the last half decade and our pool of users seems to be losing its capacity to cohere to LC’s standards

No. 2442140

"Angry sped" you've just decided that anyone who disagrees with your inability to integrate, in any way on lc is angry about that and not just mildly annoyed until the vpn ban is restored. You guys can't help yourselves, it's every day

No. 2442141

Great post, again taking the words out of my mouth

No. 2442144

I don't come to lc to share my deep feelings on things so this has never bothered me. Again, why can't you just go to literally any other community for women where performing kindness and femininity is mandatory?

No. 2442152

It’s not particularly about constantly choosing to be kind to each other, but even simple stuff like if you don’t like what a post says, choosing to report and ignore it instead of infighting?

No. 2442157

>your inability to integrate
I've been here the whole time faggot. Look at you still bitching and moaning! God damn you crazy bitch

No. 2442158

Huh? I'm referring to the bait and autistic ranting in unpop

No. 2442161

nevermind i'm retarded lol. i saw /g/ mentioned and my first thought jumped ahead

No. 2442167

Why do anons always do this "kindness and femininity" shit and not see how misogynistic it is? Kek we're asking you to act like an adult and not a 4channer. Being anonymous does something weird to your brain chemistry where you think being condescending and insulting in every response is somehow the better way to interact with other women than to just treat each other with some respect. It's so childish the way some anons go off and defend their edge lord behaviour like they are some defenders of free speech and women's right to not be nice all the time (as if other women were where that energy should be directed anyway)

No. 2442197

Why does it bother you so much and not me or the anons who have been engaging in abrasive way with each other for years? It's weird and dumb to come here, observe the way anons communicate and then go off on a soapbox rant about it when there are so many generic places that aren't like that. It reeks of moid bc it's like they can't handle the idea of women being anything other than welcoming and accommodating. Maybe you just say stupid shit and can't handle being called out since that doesn't typically happen anymore? Unless the woman is independently successful like Rowling, then all bets are off ofc

No. 2442205

NTAYRT but just because something doesn’t bother you does not mean you have the right to speak for what the over 8,000 other anons feel. There is no one singular way “anons communicate” kek, and we’re obviously referring to baiting, responding to peoples vents with rude and shitty comments in an attempt to be funny, trying to start an infight in response to harmless posts, it’s pathetic and unintegrated behavior. Trying to act like thats “how anons act” is just flatout wrong.

No. 2442209

>why does it bother you
well this behavior seems to bother the farmhands who usually choose to ban these assholes and delete their post histories

No. 2442275

There's been non-stop discussion about bans that farmers disagree with recently, like baiters not being banned but the person responding to them will be. This is because newfags cluster together like fungus and mass report anything that offends them, which are usually typical posts that they internalize and complain about

No. 2442356

Usage of the bold feature. Boomer energy.

No. 2442372

This will be a major issue if vpns are banned. So there will be like 5 posters at any time and it will be slow because anyone who actually posts is banned. The shitposters will leave because the authentic posters are banned. Serpent eating itself.

No. 2442391

I don't know what the answer is then. You would think the retard thread is enough for them, but nothing ever is

No. 2442405

Before, most of the snark was contained to cow boards and was directed at the cows. Now, since so few anons on /ot/ use the cow boards, they direct all their snark onto each other. Couple that with Zoomers' overall communication disability and it's a perfect storm to make the board retarded.

No. 2442424

"Incorrect username or password". Or. Tell me which one it is, for fuck's sake.

No. 2442427

How far back are you talking? I randomly picked "Things you hate #17" and there's an infight within the first few posts >>1134316

No. 2442433

noodles and pasta are made from different ingredients, retards. it's not the shape. i hate people like you who are so confidently wrong.

No. 2442434

That's 3 years ago anon kek, it's not far back at all.

No. 2442438

Idk I remember reading that wealthy moids used to be dragged out of their elite clubs trying to fight each other over their opinions. Nonas are smarter than them but to me this is another sign that they will eventually displace the moids entirely, so Idk why it's such a big deal to some of you anti-progress/henpecking anons

No. 2442442

Stop capitalizing idk you freak.

No. 2442447

Double what?

No. 2442449

Who the fuck capitalizes "idk" ? Anon did twice in her word salad.

No. 2442450

Nona wants me use the zoomer lowercase "i" and I refuse to do that for her or anyone. I would have to go back and correct it to a lowercase i, which would make me feel like a fucking retard so it's not happening

No. 2442452

Idk stands for "I don't know" You're suppose to capitalize I, that's like the first thing they teach in English class.

No. 2442453

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Not being able to have threads about DSP, WingsOfRedemption, Boogie2988 and Sam Hyde because it will inevitably attract moids and their bullshit. Instead we have to stick to mostly girly cows. Shit feels like when men nerfed women's sports in the 1910s. Fuck me.

No. 2442454

An abbreviation isn't a proper noun you retard.

No. 2442456

you don't capitalize abbreviated proper nouns. using internet abbreviations isn't proper english anyway.

No. 2442457

You are wrong, but even if you weren't, there are people who call EVERY pasta "noodles" (whoch is what i was talking about in my post) so this post was completely irrelevant and useless.

No. 2442458

Abbreviations are even more likely to use upper and lowercase letters together. You need to choose between grammar-fag or obese thread camper, not alternate between the two

No. 2442460

Why are we infighting about internet slang kek this feels like something a bunch of middle schoolers trying to be "philosophical" for laughs would do at the lunch table

No. 2442462

pasta is only made from durum or seminola. you're wrong.

No. 2442464

Again, this is literally irrelevant

No. 2442467

Because anon is retarded. I am still wondering what this >>2442438
drug induced rambling is about.

No. 2442469

it's not because you were claiming pasta and noodles are based on shape or what foods they're in which is wrong. you're just a wrong as the people you're complaining about using the terms interchangeablely.

No. 2442484

I don't understand (again) why anons suddenly can't relate one concept to another one, without step by step directions and a detailed redditesque explanation. And these are the anons always calling everyone else retarded first, which makes sense since they always feel frustrated and angry by how complicated and stressful the world is. Anyways I'll assume you have a drug problem since that's in forefront of your mind but it was about henpecking retards who take the board too seriously when it comes to infighting. If you were able to simply follow the discussion, you would be able to figure that out yourself. I can see why irregular and unexpected capital letters frustrate you so much, holy fuck

No. 2442533

NTA but I felt like I was having a stroke reading >>2442438

No. 2442636

The "it's gonna be May" NSync joke people make every year. It's not funny.
I also hate when I'm eating almonds and the skin gets stuck in my teeth.

No. 2442670

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i hate not getting enough sleep, it drives me nuts and then I collapse in the early afternoon and caffeine can't help. Wish I could knock myself out and sleep for 20 hours straight

No. 2442676

Sorry for what you're going through but your pic made me laugh like a retard.

No. 2442679

Why are they so expensive too, what the fuck do you mean one of my wanted subscriptions is gonna be 300 dollars a MONTH now.

No. 2442695

I agree. Having to deal with the general bitchiness of some anons on here always turns me off of posting. You'll say something harmless and get some overly aggressive anon responding and trying to argue for no reason. They come off as pathetic and bitter and they're really just using the anonymity and le site culture as an excuse to be assholes to other posters and to start infights (that will get them banned kek). I view them as just another type of cow.

No. 2442714

>You'll say something harmless and get some overly aggressive anon responding and trying to argue for no reason.
If I care to engage, I first try to patiently explain why I think they overreacting. If they're still aggressive after that, I try to give them the internet equivalent of a pat on the back and let them know I hope they feel better. This defuses them about 40% of the time for me. Then I stop responding.
I just pretend it's a really sleep deprived woman on the other side of the screen, and act accordingly.
It doesn't solve the problem, it's still annoying cow behavior. But anons who have actually misunderstood something apologize, and it can piss off an infighter enough to make a post that gets them banned.

No. 2442718

&nd its always the most mundane shit like “oh nooo but his parents divorced” or “he was bullied in school” but women go through the same thing and never kill innocent bystanders because of it. the XY chromosome is violent and fucked

No. 2442734

holy fuck, the same thing happened to me, when i dropped this weird effeminate scrote and he trooned out and started wearing the stuff i used to wear. like down to the exact brand. tranny fashion skinwalkers need to be studied

No. 2442812

Agreed. I remember being a kid and really enjoying shows that had realistic designs or "dark" themes, it made me feel so mature and grown up. It feels like anything for kids now is just pure brainrot. Bluey is pretty based though, I like that there's no LGBTQ+/tranny shit shoehorned in, the family genuinely loves each other and the mom is also silly and fun with the kids. It's refreshing to see that dynamic instead of the mom character being the no-fun buzzkill.

No. 2442826

I feel this in my soul. I know several scrotes from my old goth crew in my hometown that I used to go out dancing with back in the day trooned out, it sucks because one of them was actually kinda handsome too. I thought the whole point was that their fashion choices are "subversive" and "pushing boundaries" and now we can't have pretty guys wearing makeup and dressing up anymore without the entire world going "omg that means U MUST BE TWANS and your egg is cracking" or whatever, it's such bullshit. Totally ruined the aesthetic for me and now I assume any male who wears makeup is just moments away from going full troon, we were robbed

No. 2442895

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I hate how uncreative furries are. They draw in the same two art styles and draw the same two animals. They are afraid to make the characters “ugly” and just focus on the coomability of the charatcer. They never make anything unique or fun like picrel.

No. 2442897

snails dont deserve this

No. 2442904

that got a chuckle out of me but honestly i respect the op's creativity like who is making an anthro snail. i respect it

No. 2442914

Every furry literally has the same OC, which is hilarious considering how paranoid they are about copying designs.
>Gay moid: a buff husky, either grey, brown or black with some Edgy Highlights
>Straight moid: an obese female fox or wolf with big boobs, will have sparkledog colours and a full head of humanlike hair
>Woman: a wolf, cat, or MAYBE a rabbit, will either be an emo or a Disney princess

No. 2442920

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I don’t thing the artist is even a furry.
But I don’t think anthropomorphic animals are inherently gross. It’s kinda like “what if humans evolved from snails instead of monkeys?” Or “what if snails were more like us?”
I think they can be really cool when they are not sexualized.

No. 2442928

An anthro artist's level of degeneracy is directly correlated to how creative they aren't. Occasionally the degen ones will try to be NLOB by having a reptile OC but it will be the most boring, Bojack Horseman-tier design ever put to canvas.

No. 2442994

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I hate TIMs/trannies/men in lolita dresses. Its even worse when its a rare, sought after dress, and a troon got his grubby man hands on it, and hes literally too fugly to make it look good. Like god, can we have our own thing for once

No. 2443012

he looks hideous and his outfit fails

No. 2443014

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Unfortunately, sex sells and nowhere is this more true than in furry art. Not many people are going to want prints of an anthropomorphic snail. They all want canines because they're "attractive". I had this artist's crap show up in my feed and guess how much someone was offering to buy this for? $3600.

No. 2443015

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I am the same, nona. Even the ugliest ita woman isn't nearly as bad as the average moid in lolita. Especially TIMs because you know as soon as you clock one, the handmaidens are already rushing to kiss their unwashed taobao fetish shoes. They, just like any male that does anything slightly feminine, get immediate praise and validation even when their co-ord or personal hygiene is absolute shit just because they are male. Their presence makes the entire fashion look horrible between their styling itself or the spineless handmaidens who kiss their ass. I wish lolitas had more courage to push these moids away.

No. 2443018

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yes, i should have clarified that his outfit is also obvious 30$ amazon ita slop, the most blood boiling troons are in ones in decent dresses, but look ugly in them.

No. 2443027

based lolitanona calling it what it actually is. a fetish. most of the time they dont even go for good looking reputable dresses, its always the pink amazon ita slop and its always XL because normal dresses cant fit their bone structure. the coords are always wonky because men will never really understand female fashion. bleak

No. 2443028

seeing trannies out in public dressed in regular women’s clothing is enough to make me gag, i can’t even begin to imagine what encountering this smelly sack of temu would feel like

No. 2443055

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Trannies and low quality women's clothing from temu: A match made in hell

No. 2443056

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Needs to be illegal imo

No. 2443058

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I hate acne scars. Wdym my skin isn’t suppose to look like a pile of gravel?

No. 2443062

i used to think furry shit isnt zoophile related but… it really is. i mean i know theres plenty of furries who dont want to fuck real animals but the way theyre all obsessed with dog dicks and dog vaginas is disturbing. being attracted to anatomically accurate drawings of animal genitalia makes you a zoophile in my books

No. 2443068

Do poor people with tons of tattoos ever regret their decisions when facing financial issues? I'd be so goddamn embarrassed if I had to consistently e-beg for rent money or whatever if I looked like a dive bar bathroom covered in shitty full-body tattoos. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of work and for what? I'd wanna kms every time I face any financial turmoil and have to look down at my 25+ scratchers and/or a horribly done back piece I never even think about unless it's brought up.
I don't mean people who've gradually acquired their (quality) tattoos over the years without impulsive decision-making, btw. I mean when someone goes from having little or no body mods to full-body shit in like a year with little to no forethought.

No. 2443073

>art by creeps dot com
we can tell

No. 2443097

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The gay moids who are into furry seem like the ones most prone to zoophilia from what I've seen. They're the ones also most likely to buy porn paintings like that and hang it on their walls too. It's extremely creepy.

No. 2443186

I zoomed in on his face and laughed out loud. Thanks for posting nona, holy shit

No. 2443233

Most embarrassing behavior.

No. 2443274

I fucking hate cyclists. You are a danger to yourselves and yet it's drivers' responsibility to coddle you. They also happen to be the biggest male Karens to exist

No. 2443277

Roadmen are lethal on those goddamn electric bikes. Actually deranged individuals.

No. 2443287

The ones where I'm from ride on normal bikes and are weirdly the most entitled kek. Electric bikes are faster and their riders tend to integrate with cars thankfully

No. 2443289

I don't understand why they insist on being in the road when there is a sidewalk available to them. Oh, boo hoo, you may have to slow down a bit if a mother and her child are walking on the sidewalk? Would you prefer to get mowed down by a fucking truck instead because you're biking on the tiniest stretch of pavement between an embankment and 50 mph traffic? Imagine taking that risk thinking you're somehow the better person in the entire scenario.

No. 2443305

I'm not sure but in some countries it's forbidden to ride on the sidewalk. I understand, but they can seriously just fuck off from the roads.

No. 2443311

this is why we need bike lanes

No. 2443321

There's definitely an overlap with real life zoo shit, many of them have been caught raping animals and some post real animal genitals (even their own pets in some cases) on their social media coomer accounts

No. 2443342

Cyclists are even a danger to other cyclists
They cannot be let on sidewalks cause they are mentally ill, I live somewhere were they ride on the sildewalks even tho it is illegal and they rather just run the mother and child over than slow down or pay attention to what's going on around them

No. 2443344

We have bike lanes where I'm from and they don't give a shit about them.

No. 2443352

i agree and i feel the same way about motorcyclists. tired of hearing people talk about "motorcycle season is coming up! please be extra mindful of them on the road!" they're the least mindful people on the road, cutting between lanes of traffic while going 100mph. and we're supposed to feel sorry when they get in accidents and die immediately. if they don't care about their lives or safety why should i?

No. 2443365

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No. 2443381

Same. I start getting breathing and heart rate issues from the lack of it, almost felt like I was going to have a seizure

No. 2443469

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Joe Locke and his ugly fag face. It makes me angry just to look at him, he should have to apologise to everyone he ever interacts with for the state of himself. All of his features are wonky it's like his mother was doing jumping jacks while he was in her womb.

No. 2443587

Why get mad at me? Lasagna sheets still aren’t noodles. I never said it had to do with the shape, just that I hate that people call them that. Personally I hate people that can’t read, and yet confidently make statements based on what they think they read. And then have the gall to call everyone else idiots…

No. 2443595

Me too, nonnie. What makes me most angry about him is that he could pass as a human being if he stopped styling his hair in that way that makes his balloon head look even more inflated, got his ears pinned back, and hit the gym. He is probably pretty rich and could do something about his appearance but he chooses to remain an ugly twink for some reason.

No. 2443632

Thought this was timmy chalamet and I was about to bitch out at you for not spoilering his fugly mug

No. 2443784

The word "yummy" and people who say it.

No. 2443807

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The way Israel supporters justify themselves on here. It's annoying enough whenever it happens in unrelated threads but I specially hate when they get called out and then infight. You have the right to an opinion but don't expect everyone to agree and not see through any hypocrisy.
>but Hamas are murderers! (and not the IDF ig, which are supported by their government unlike Hamas)
>but pro-Palestine OC art is cringe! (totally justifies the bombings right?)
>but Islam is a sexist religion! (even though Judaism is too)
And in case I get banned, if not then ignore this last part: why me and not them?

No. 2443811

Nonna kek, I hate him too, he’s so ugly it makes me seethe. Dumbo ears and troll face.
Thank god he’s a faggot, I heard he’s with a much older scrote by the way.

No. 2443813

I’d rather live in Israel than any Muslim shithole and that’s the end of it.

No. 2443838

The bombings and children who didn't chose to be born there dying have nothing to do with where you would chose to live. Unless ofc you consider that if you lived in Israel, the IDF would draft you (yes, they draft women).

No. 2443844

The "children" of Palestine would grow up to become terrorists either way. Even without the Israel thing, Palestinians are still arabs and Muslims and are batshit crazy. Look up Israa Ghrayeb case. Never heard of something like that happening in Israel. Almost as if they're more civilized…(racebait)

No. 2443846

>and not the IDF ig, which are supported by their government unlike Hamas
Hamas are literally the governing power in Gaza wtf are you talking about, took power democratically too

No. 2443852

They had to force out Fatah for that

No. 2443859

Yeah whatever if I’m picking a side I’m not picking the side that thinks I’m an infidel and wants to stone me to death for going outside and not even other Muslim shitholes want them. so yeah that’s my reasoning for supporting them.

No. 2443877

Exactly. That’s why these thembys and LGBTQ for Palestine nonsense makes me cringe so hard

No. 2443895

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As much as I hate Islam, jews hate goys too. To the point of despising their own allies for being christian, not to mention how Israel houses pedos from all over the world. This is why I pick my side based on who's being genocided rather than who's religion is worse, otherwise it's like picking between AIDS and cancer.

No. 2443911

The Jews in my country aren’t driving trucks of peace through crowds and beheading people so, again, whatever.

No. 2444015

Idk if that justifies genocide tho since that kills the scrotes AND the women

No. 2444030

I hate the word quirky, specifically the way it's used to mean that any person who happens to be weird decided to do it it on purpose to stand out in some way. Notice how this word is often used to describe strange girls/women and never strange boys/men. Moids are allowed to have interests in whatever they like and have their idiosyncrasies but any woman who is less than completely conventional is accused of doing it on purpose in order to seem a certain way. It reeks of the idea that women do not have depth and would only do something for surface level reasons. Sure, there are both moids and women who pretend for attention/to seem more interesting but sometimes a person is just strange and there's no ulterior motive or desire.

No. 2444113

Nta but you're fine with picking the side that would rape and behead you and happily sends men to other countries so they can drive trucks into crowds of children and women? Why? Yes judaism is gross and misogynistic like christianity and all religions, but at least jews aren't beheading and attacking non-jews (they hate them, but not as actively). Not to mention that you don't even have to pick a side, idk why western people have to be guilt-tripped into helping a group of people led by literal rapists and terrorists (who have been regularly genociding minority groups for decades!) while not even the neighbouring shitholes want them. Like that should tell you something. Bitching and crying on behalf of people who would spit in your face and kill you because you're a free woman is the ultimate pickme move.

No. 2444141

Alogging anyone under the age of 60 who drags their feet while walking.

No. 2444173

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But they are working hard to enable those massacres indirectly, now they suggest palestinians should be deported to Europe among other places.

No. 2444191

Anons who can't stop projecting onto cows. Stop derailing threads because you simply have to post an entire essay about why it's actually okay for a cow to become some prescription crackhead because she lost weight it's totally okay to lose weight on meth!!!! Or some shit. Like shuuuuut the fuck up.

No. 2444199

This is demonic and a inhumane pattern of thinking, why are the children responsible for acts you "predict" they will commit? And you wonder why they hate us, this was the justification Nazis had for the murder of civilians but such a common take with normies in Europe/West on the Arab v Jew question. It's not hard to say you don't want anyone to die for a piece of land especially children?

No. 2444202

Idgaf if men like that die, like I said it's the women and kids dying that bothers me. In a perfect world they never should have been involved
I thought I was paranoid for thinking that if Israel wins, they'll come for us next, but those articles make me think I might've been right…

No. 2444207

why are anons here surprised that each Abrahamic religion has their own version of the word "infidel" jews have goys,muslims have kafirs and Christians have heretics they all fucking suck shit. but regardless how much you think your shitty "religion" is the right one doesnt mean you can go and rape and massacre women and children (and also act like a troon wearing the clothing of the women they rape) because you're "le chosen people".
imagine writing this spiel, if the vietnam war happened now some of you would excuse it because its so far away and theyre not white like us! but its too much when those actions have consequences on where you live,fucking racist bitch as if those same "superior" jews arent raping children in gaza and protecting westoid pedos, sorry but you wont get any asspats go back to sucking idf solider cock handmaiden(derailing/polisperging)

No. 2444224

I looked him up, he's from the island of Mann in the UK. So he is basically the result of centuries of inbreeding and genetic bottle-necking. I wouldn't be surprised if is a carrier for several genetic disorders.

No. 2444227

Go back then. Why do trannies get so worked up about palestine? Is it bc it's so far away, that you don't actually have to lift a tiny faggot finger and can just screech at women, if they don't support barbaric child rapists?(responding to bait)

No. 2444244

>Saying "child rapists" in reference to jews and not in reference to gazans who kidnapped an 11 year old yazidi girl and kept has as a sex slave for a decade(replying to redtexted derail)

No. 2444245

In my city we now have a big groups of teenagers with broccoli and Edgar haircuts cycling in the street - which wouldn't be a problem if they didnt throw things at cars, yell at passersby, ride right in the middle of the street and dart in front of vehicles in a game of "chicken" (which they literally do on purpose so that you'll almost hit them and then they can retaliate). And then if you complain about it, people who haven't experienced it go "ThEy'Re JuSt kiDs gOiNg OuTsIdE!!! What else are they supposed to do? Stop being such a Karen!" One of these kids are going to get killed someday. I know teenagers have always been assholes but I don't remember them being aggressive and dangerous like this when I was young.

No. 2444329

A lot of their behavior is reinforced by social media. Kids grow up seeing people act like total assholes and get millions of views for it, if not actual cold hard cash, and they start to think of it as acceptable. I worked in an elementary school for a while and when the fourth grade classes did posters on 'What I Want To Be When I Grow Up,' there were a significant number of them who wanted to be streamers or influencers.

No. 2444351

Plot twist: I'm arab. I want this entire filthy subhuman race to be eradicated. You wouldn't understand because you don't have to live the life I do and see and experience the things I do. You sympathize with these disgusting creatures because you naively presume they're human, but they're not.(racebait)

No. 2444422

I hate feeling hungry, it's literally the worst shit that anyone could feel.

No. 2444446

That's how I feel until I eat kek. I eat and I'm like "that wasn't so bad", until I'm hungry again. Then it's worse than torture.

No. 2444448

Why doesn’t Europe just tell them to fuck off? It’s what Hungary and Poland do. Genuinely don’t get it.

No. 2444460

CPS (at least here in the States) is incredibly limited on what they can do. I worked in my county's human services department, and it's fucking depressing to have to send kids back to a situation where you know they're not going to be happy in but you have to because there's such strict guidelines for actually removing children from their family home. There's of course good reasons to keep families together but things have to be really, really, undeniably awful to have children put into foster care if the parents decide to fight it. I'm talking provable cases of rape/incest, children literally starving, that kind of thing. And the foster care system sucks. Everyone knows it, which is why even CPS is hesitant to place kids in it and would rather 'rehab families to be just above the line where they have to step in.

No. 2444479

There's always one anon bringing up child rapists in Israel (as if they weren't present anywhere else) and even if that's true, on the other side you have "people" literally worshipping a child rapist, actively trying to make toddler marriage legal, beheading women for daring to not be submissive to dick and brainwashing children into being soldiers for their pedophile god. Who's the handmaiden? Someone not standing by women's abuse no matter what or someone who will put aside her rights to coddle people who fucking hate her?

Because of muh wars (often there are no wars in the places these moids come from), muh cultural enrichment (aka Islam) and muh workforce (almost none of them work and prefer to go around raping, selling drugs or driving trucks into crowds). Also if you don't blindly welcome pedophile criminal moids and their handmaidens into your country you're "racist".(replying to a response to a redtexted derail)

No. 2444506

Does CPS in America not monitor or check what type of foster families are permitted? And how do they get paid for fostering the children ?I never understood how the system is any different from how orphanages do their business.

No. 2444543

Same. I used to be into alternative men, but now I prefer to avoid them since I fear them going from liking piercings, makeup, alternative fashion to sissy shit.

No. 2444724

CPS does monitor foster families and does vet them beforehand but it's also a critically understaffed field. I knew people who had 50+ families whom they were all supposed to support on a daily basis, not including taking on enquiries or dealing with emerging situations. Bad people with bad intentions who want to take advantage of broken families can act like decent people when someone's paying attention, as rare as that happens. Only the most dedicated people go into social work to begin with, you need years of education and training, and they all burn out so quickly because of the emotional load and the stress it puts on you. You see some really messed up stuff, and you know that that's just the tip of the iceberg.

The idea behind fostering inside of a family unit instead of an orphanage system is financial (the state doesn't have to pay for the building, employees, upkeep directly) and protective (if you keep a bunch of vulnerable/poorly adjusted/traumatized children in one place…). It's also, in an ideal situation, better for the child or children in that they have a stable home life, aren't institutionalized in a facility, and are supposedly exposed to functional role models. Most fostering actually takes place within the extended family (so usually grandma or auntie) and is intended to be temporary (ie: crossing your fingers and hoping mom and dad get their act together enough to put food on the table/not sell their kids for drugs). Out of family fostering is a last resort, for children who have nowhere else to go, and it'd bleak as fuck. There's good people who honestly want to help these kids (but don't have the resources/support/time/training to do so usually), there's people who are essentially baby farming like it's 19th century Britain, and there's absolutely nasty people who are active exploiters/abusers.

No. 2444886

File: 1742004438141.png (193.52 KB, 302x394, u can make it thru the rainn.p…)

I hate the movie hereditary with a passion kek, I hate how ugly the zoomer FAS actress is, I hate how ugly the kid from the naked brothers band is, why did the cast need to be so disgusting to look at? Toni Colette isn’t that terrible looking so why did her fictional kids need to be such hogs? And why are they so stupid too, I know it’s a fake story and it’s supposed to be absurd just because it can and yadda yadda but Milly looked like she was like 14 years old, she can definitely check if her cake has nuts in it. I don’t know if they were trying to pass it off as the chocolate cake being so dark and the nuts being chopped so fine that she couldn’t see them but I fail to believe thats even possible. And when the brother runs away to go get high and then they have to try to rush to the hospital and she gets decapitated and he just drives home, I find it stupid how we’re supposed to believe that neither of the parents would notice that their nut allergy child did not come home with the kid who is now non verbal for some reason. And then this asshole leaves her corpse in the car for his mother to discover. And spoiler alert for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet even though its been out for like a decade, but the movie ends with the little girl having to get murdered because apparently she is “a king of hell” who was born into the body of a little girl and needed to be moved into the body of a man, so they took her retarded ugly brothers body and moved her spirit into his body. Thats it. Thats the whole thing. And this movie received so much appraise when it came it, but looking back now I really fucking don’t like it at all.

No. 2444923

Most "extreme horror" is fucking garbage. When it's not tasteless gorn schlock, it's overly convoluted psuedo-intellectual shit for the kinds of people who think Neutral Milk Hotel made good music.

No. 2444972

I couldn't escape stills from Antiviral when it came out over a decade ago, this revival reminds me of that

No. 2444978

the whole time i was wondering why they cast an indian guy to be the son without explaining it? don't ban me for racebaiting i don't have a problem with irl adoption but he looked nothing like the actors playing the mother and father.

No. 2444983

Horror movie characters aren't very smart. That's the premise of all horror movies lol. That's why they all die. Same with haunted houses, I'm running out of there asap

No. 2444988

I think they were all supposed to be Indian only light-skin Indian but he didn't get the light-skin genes.

No. 2445151

I rarely see it applied towards actual strange women, just normies of both sexes who think liking normal things makes them "weird" and redditor types

No. 2445195

I hate that everything is riddled with advertisements. Ugly billboards interrupting nature, unskippables, online recipes filled with so many it crashes if you scroll too fast, social media forcing them down your throat. I get that ads are funding the existence of things but this level shouldn’t be considered normal. Books are more enjoyable than ever knowing some loud pop up isn’t going to show up. I use adblockers but damn.

No. 2445206

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the boy cat vs girl cat i've been seeing on socmedia, and how some women will post their male cat following them and watching them put on make up (hint: he is just bored and wants to play)
it reeks of boymom energy and misogyny, applied to fucking cats

No. 2445224

kek this is so pathetic, imagine hating women so much you project your misogyny onto cats

No. 2445378

Tbh I hate men so much I project my misandry onto male cats… like I can never see myself getting anything other than a female cat. But I'm different

No. 2445380

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Their facial differences are pretty noticeable

No. 2445384

He's Jewish KEK

No. 2445386

No. 2445391

I've actually met "childfree boymoms" before and they were basically like this.

No. 2445397

Lmao NTA but I also thought he was Indian at first

No. 2445398

I fucking hate the gen alpha term "goon" aka masturbate. Didn't it mean like a coomer who also grooms kids with porn or some shit back then? I also miss when "goon" meant "henchman". Joker and his goons vs Batman. Not whatever the fuck the alphoids have going on

No. 2445400

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I always thought of little bunny foo foo. The fairy turns them into scary monsters

No. 2445413

You entirely missed the point. Yes, Charlie purposefully took the nut chocolate, and yes, she purposefully stuck her head out to be decapitated, because she was possessed by Paimon who wants a male host. You can see when a character is possessed when a ray of light shines on them and when they do a clicking noise with their tongue, one of Paimon's habits along with his affinity for the color orange for example. Also the son is attractive, you cherrypicked your picrel from a scene where he literally banged his head against a table repeatedly.
>that's the whole thing
The "whole thing" was the family/cult orchestrating the movie all along and you can see hints of this from the very start, from cult members hiding around their property to their symbol on the pole that decapitated Charlie to the herbs in the baby bottle the granma gave Charlie.
They're not really, that anon just purposefully left out Charlie being possessed and the fact that the parents were asleep when the kids came back from the party.

No. 2445414

If we can just randomly possess characters to drive our plot, then what is the point of anything. Metaverse-tier bullshit

No. 2445433

He can't do it to just anyone, which is why the cult is there. Since he's a demonic spirit and the cult members need to prepare the hosts (be it through psychological harm or rituals) to make their souls less resistant, he has to wait on them to sufficiently weaken them until their spirit is broken. Charlie was easy since he possessed her since she was a baby, and he couldn't possess Peter until later because the mom went out of her way to hide him from her granma (the cult's high-priestess).

No. 2445434

>Also the son is attractive, you cherrypicked your picrel from a scene where he literally banged his head against a table repeatedly.
He's cute but he needs to get that mole checked out

No. 2445437

Your description sounds more interesting than watching it, this happens when I read reddit movie recs all the time. I wanted to go back and look for the cult members bc I enjoy easter eggs and technically should like this but it's so boring and weird. Idk you're not wrong I guess but it still sucks for some reason and I connected w nona's rant >>2444886

No. 2445489

>the son is attractive
Nta but the son is FUGLY and I disregarded everything you said after this

No. 2445663

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I hate how most people think rural areas can’t be/aren’t more polluted as cities lol. Just because there are trees everywhere doesn’t mean it isn’t polluted with pesticides, petrol chemical plant waste, fracking, etc. look up Louisiana’s “cancer alley”. Rural areas have far less pushback and regulation regarding these things than cities do. I hate the ignorant romanticization of rural life in general.

No. 2445668

Also kek at people who tell people to move to these places because the housing is affordable. It’s cheap for a reason.

No. 2445737

I remember seeing everyone shitting their pants over this movie when it came out and people kept posting about how horrifying it was. I finally watched it and I was just pissed off on behalf of Toni Collette’s character and I hated the brother. Also nitpick but what teenagers EVER would stand there chopping nuts at a house party to put on top of a cake? That was hilariously convenient and super unrealistic.

No. 2445757

Imo (as someone who lives in a rural area) they're dirtier, more polluted, full of factories spewing chemical shit into water and air, the people care less about being clean so they will just dump trash and gross stuff in the forests, it smells like cow shit AND there's just… nothing. There is no cool places and usually young people escape to cities as soon as possible. Imo it's also more dangerous because there are a lot of sick lunatics who can prey on women, children and animals without being caught because half of the time there aren't even security cameras around kek

No. 2445779

>You can see when a character is possessed when a ray of light shines on them and when they do a clicking noise with their tongue
How am I supposed to know she’s “possessed” when she seems mostly normal, just like probably a slightly retarded kid who’s constantly stimming by clicking her mouth? They didnt say in movie “You’re possessed by paimon”, they said “You are paimon” so I assumed she was born with the spergy demon spirit in her body and was so retarded to the extent where she accidentally killed herself
>The son is attractive
Dude…I don’t even need to tell you how wrong you are kek
>The parents are asleep when they came home
Once again wrong, the parents literally talk to Peter from their bedroom but don’t actually get up to go look at him or the sister. >>2445434
Looks like he got it removed after I googled him lmao

No. 2445796

I feel the same way kek, I always thought the way the party and the death scene after it are written together were pretty inconceivable, which yeah I know movies are supposed to be absurd and not mirror reality entirely yeah yeah but she couldn’t use her eyes to see the group of girls standing putting nuts all over the cake? She couldn’t smell the scent of nuts after being all chopped up? The Paimon inside her disables her that remarkably?

No. 2445821

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I hate it when people spend a ton of money and then just put it on a credit card with no plans on how to pay it. I don't mean situations where it's some kind of emergency I mean, just pure consumerism slop like subscription boxes or doordash. Really these two piss me off in general but when it's put on a credit card it's like. What the fuck are you doing? Just destroying your credit for no reason? I feel like my generation is the most financially illiterate one ever. Maybe that's just because zoomers are young but the things I hear out of my peers are insane. "Oh I have thousands in credit card debt lol" "No I'm not paying it off" "I doordash meals at least a couple times per week" (why) "You should sign up to this subscription it's soo convenient" I met a girl once who told me she thought having a high credit balance was GOOD and was somehow free money?? and she laughed about how her mom freaked when she found about how much she spent. What the fuck is gonna happen to these people when their parents die and can't cosign for them/bail them out?

No. 2445834

Job automation, credit card debt, cost of living crisis, inflated housing market; it's all a recipe for an economic depression that will rival the one in the 20s. The 2030s are gonna be a really crazy decade for a lot of Western countries.

No. 2446012

Retards who defend Chris Chan or absolve him of blame. Who cares if he's a retard, he's still a rapist and they can lick the shit off his hemorrhoid infested ass for even trying to see the human in him and not his mother.

No. 2446112

>How am I supposed to know she’s “possessed” when she seems mostly normal
It's supposed to be subtle and only become blatant at the very end when Peter becomes possessed and clicks his tongue as well. You're not supposed to know everything from the very start, the hints are subtle and and it needs rewatchability.
>the parents were awake
Blatant lie. Vidrel. It's morning when tey talk to him and check on Charlie. Btw to anyone interested: bottom left corner at 03:02
>Also nitpick but what teenagers EVER would stand there chopping nuts at a house party to put on top of a cake?
The girl was literally apart of the cult. It's shown when Peter looks at her online profile. I get that it's easy to miss but again, this movie's appeal is the details and the fact that you notice something new every time. The theme of the movie is inevitability and how everyone was doomed from the start

No. 2446123

We’re never gonna be able to live on our own anyway, no shit I have credit card debt. I stopped giving a shit once I realized how fucked everything was anyway.
>what’re they gonna do when their parents are dead
Thankfully my parents are only a couple decades older than me, I’m not retarded enough to have kids, and I can off myself when they’re gone.

No. 2446131

Anon, you purposefully chose a scene thats edited differently kek. Watch this version (normal cut, which most people probably saw this version) from 3:33 to 3:40 and turn your volume up all the way. You can hear the parents say “Okay, good. They’re home” but don’t bother to go check on their kids. And I didn’t think peter became possessed by Paimon, charlie’s spirit had to go into peters body, so I thought the tongue clicking was a sign that Charlie’s consciousness had moved into peters body.

No. 2446136

File: 1742072499768.jpg (176.02 KB, 461x810, 1000052263.jpg)

This movie I started, it's ass but I'm pirating

No. 2446140

Thank you for being so autistic about this movie, this has been really interesting for me kek
NTA, and I did not see this version! My understanding was the same as the other anon's, that the parents were asleep when they came home.
That was the most retarded part of this movie for me btw. None of the demon or orchestration shit, but the parents would make the older teenage son take the special needs daughter to a PARTY? With HIGH SCHOOLERS? And then go to bed before they got home? Why would they even be okay with the daughter being out so late??

No. 2446161

Are you a Midsommar fan?

No. 2446166

Right? So much about this movie was really fucking ridiculous, but toni colette forcing her special needs daughter to go with her son to a party to basically have her supervise him and then not giving a fuck if she even made it back home is enough to make you laugh at how shittily it’s authored kek

No. 2446170

My bad, in that case yes it is weird.
>thinking Charlie possessed Peter
Sadly Charlie was fully gone from the moment she died. Having it look like she contacted the family via the oija board was a ruse by Paimon. Characteristics that make Paimon recognizeable within a host are
>tongue clicking
>obsession with decapitation/hurting a head (think the table smash scene or how Charlie collected animal heads, and how he made Annie decapitate herself)
>mocking half-smirks
Autistic details about the last one below
During her outburst, Annie tells Peter he's always making a stupid face, which he doesn't. Towards the end of the movie Paimon makes Peter's reflection smirk at him. So it's implied he made Annie hallucinate it on Peter's face.
Not all parents are perfect and not all parents make the best decisions when they're in grief. They are human.

No. 2446172

Sage for double posting but just because you don't bother picking up on any of the details throughout the movie doesn't automatically make it bad. It's because of mindsets like this that some movies are dumbed down and have blatant expositions, redundant and preachy messages, etc. Hereditary has some flaws but calling it bad just because you refused to pay attention and because the characters have fuckups (while one of them is losing their mind to the point of needing group therapy, too) is nonsense.

No. 2446174

Ok major spoiler alerts ahead for any anons who haven’t seen Midsommar yet kek. When I first went to see hereditary and midsommar in the theaters obviously I enjoyed them both because I was the type of consumer who ate whatever was spoonfed to me and believed every good review I’d read, so every one of my friends and family members being like
>Wow Ari Aster is such a genius! These movies are art!!
I agreed cause I thought they must really know what qualifies as art (and I realize now I was wrong). Looking back now, just like his first movie, I feel the content of the movie midsommar was super absurd, and not really in a good or cohesive way lol. Her sister committing a murder suicide and it resulting in her going to Sweden with her boyfriends annoying, shrill friends, slowly killing them all (but not of course, after her boyfriend cucks her and impregnates a little girl- cause it wouldn’t be a movie without that, amirite?) and the cult adopting her after performing ritual murder of two of their own scrotes. And the obvious reason a lot of people love this movie is cause they love overwhelming horror, the sunshiney aesthetics and cult vibe is tumblry and makes a good screenshot, but Ari isn’t really the worlds best screenwriter. He’s very much Netflix writer level

No. 2446180

>just because you don't bother picking up on any of the details throughout the movie doesn't automatically make it bad
You might need to go back and re-read my original post. I’m allowed to hate a movie because the cast is ugly or the story isn’t enjoyable for me, it’s not nonsense for anons to share something we hate in the things you hate thread kek. If you love the movie Hereditary so much feel free to go take the time to rewatch it, but I paid attention to the movie and this is still how I feel. A demon turning a child retarded and then making the child basically commit inadvertent suicide so that the demon could go into a horrendously ugly scrotes body? I’ll be honest with you anon, that sounds like a bad movie to me KEK

No. 2446183

gonna powerlevel and say that I hated the way when I was first watching it, I could see the minute they weren't actually in sweden. I told my friend it looks like hungary or something and it was.

No. 2446188

It's ok to hate a mpvie, but if you're complaining about things that don't even apply to it because of misunderstandings or because of blatant headcanoning/misinformation like in this post about Midsommar >>2446174 then it's pointless. It's ok if you don't like the cast or if you still don't like the movie even now, but writing misleading posts (not saying it was your intent) isn't constructive

No. 2446190

Nta(s) but I could have written both of those posts

No. 2446197

>you're complaining about things that don't even apply to it
Are you like, trying to argue or something? Because I’m allowed to complain about whatever I want in the things you hate thread. And actually yes, the appearance of the cast and the way the story is written are both things that apply directly to the movie and the quality of it.
>because of blatant headcanoning/misinformation like in this post about Midsommar
What are you talking about? Nothing I said about Midsommar is incorrect? Literally the story is about a college girl whos sister commits suicide and then murders their parents, after a few months of mourning the girl goes with her boyfriend on a trip to sweden with her obnoxious guy friends, the Swedish cult welcomes her in and feeds her drugs while her boyfriend impregnates a small girl and their friends are slowly murdered, including the boyfriend in the burning house sacrifice scene. Nothing I’ve said about this movie is headcanon or misinformation, I saw it multiple times kek.

No. 2446426

>the appearance of the cast and the way the story is written are both things that apply directly to the movie and the quality of it
I said in my last post that idc what you think about the cast. Since you dismissed a lot of the writing, I figured I'd at least clarify things. That wasn't supposed to offend you
>Nothing I said about Midsommar is incorrect?
Dani didn't just join the trip for no reason, the woman the bf fucked is not underage, and you said "and the cult adopting her after performing ritual murder of two of their own scrotes"; if you're talking about the cliff scene, those were a man and a woman, and Dani doesn't become May queen until way later, and they were pretty much testing her and the other foreigners until then to see who was worthy of joining. Again, idc if you hate these movies, and Midsommar has a lot of negatives, but you don't have to misrepresent it.

No. 2446454

People who fucking stare at strangers. Were you raised in a barn? Stop looking at me, faggor.

No. 2446465

When I worked in food service, I hated when customers would try to have full-on conversations with me while I was on cashier duty. I could just feel the entire line's eyes focus in on us, their impatience turning into festering hatred, as a moid would try to talk to me about cars or some shit. Yes, sure, they were being friendly (and most of the time they weren't trying to hit on me) but I was on the clock and had to deal with the consequences of a horde of angry caffeine addicts not getting their double shot mocha lattes in a timely fashion. I didn't mind when it wasn't busy though, and one of my fondest memories was when an old man told me about his granddaughter's birthday that day and how he'd made her a handmade teddy bear.

No. 2446580

>and the cult adopting her after performing ritual murder of two of their own scrotes
>if you're talking about the cliff scene, those were a man and a woman
She means the two men that were burned to death alongside her boyfriend.

No. 2446606


No. 2446632

Anon it sounds like you didn’t pay very close attention to this movie, because there were several deaths throughout the movie kek. It’s the black guy, the moving weird only sometimes by a sweet at home, blonde the girl, the movie it’s in plassic the piece of shit placing the annoying being shitty, and then her boyfriend shit out house. The suburbs are menurated, the black sad and the brunette banded were and skilled.

No. 2446637

Do you have autocorrect on, or am I having a stroke and therefore spending the last few moments of this precious life on lolcow dot farm.

No. 2446660

When you eat and your lower teeth go in front of your upper teeth. I still cringe hours later.

No. 2446750

Kek I apologize anon I posted this a few hours ago when I was in the process of falling asleep for a nap, I’ll correct myself,
>The moving weird only sometimes by a sweet at home
I have no idea how it turned into this, nor do I know who I was even referring to kek
>Blonde the girl
I don’t know if I was referring to Dani because she’s the only one who survives in the movie
>The movie its in plastic the piece of shit placing the annoying being shitty
I think I was referring to the shithead Mark who ends up being skinned because he pissed on the ashes tree
>And then her boyfriend shit out house
Christian, the one who impregnated a young girl
>The suburbs are menstruated
No fucking idea what thats supposed to mean kek
>And the brunette banded were and skilled
I think I meant to say “the brunette was killed” I don’t remember her name but there’s like an indian girl in the movie too who gets murdered.

No. 2446795

How does this sound like a joke? Have you not seen the movie? That’s exactly what happens, that’s how the story ends.

No. 2446798

Anons get drunk, tired or steal their cousin's adderall all the time and don't go full retard when typing out posts like that

No. 2446800

I’m sorry my post was a little incoherent lmfao, but it’s not because I was “case in front of a drug” or “get drunk”, I was half asleep and didn’t wake up until later when I noticed how little my post makes sense, and then I corrected it.

No. 2446803

File: 1742105723447.gif (530.74 KB, 500x350, 497e6a28bd3350ec8f107f9bb0e3cc…)

No. 2446804

AYRT kekk no worries, anon. ♥ I'm always nervous my posts are incoherent when I'm falling asleep on lolcow, I guess you caught my karma. I was also seeing a lot of weird posts around the time you replied so I was even more mystified.

No. 2446807

This is actually sad(baiting infights)

No. 2446809

NTA but, why are you being so weird about this anon? I’m sorry my post was nonsensical but I re-explained what I was talking about?

No. 2446814

That anon tried and failed at a shitty/unfunny joke and keeps going with it. You're the same anon or part of the newfags who post in LC own caps and ruin threads by licking each other's taints whenever one of you act insanely cringey. I actually prefer the infights to when you guys try to be funny and get angry when people point out that you're not

No. 2446815

What do you mean anon? Like >>2446807 is trying to be funny or you think I was trying to be funny..?(report and ignore)

No. 2446818

Anon wrote this retarded bait >>2446632 and then responded to themselves or had one of their retarded friends do it, then came back later and wrote out an "explanation" where "she" had to correct literally every single sentence in her post. It was dumb and attention-seeking and ofc when it gets called out, "another anon" swoops in to reassure the retard and tell them they're relatable and/or funny(baiting infights)

No. 2446825

What are you talking about? How is that bait in any way? That’s literally what happens in the movie? I’m sorry that I was falling asleep in the middle of authoring my post, but me not making any sense and then correct myself after waking back up isn’t bait.
>and then responded to themselves or had one of their retarded friends do it, then came back later and wrote out an "explanation" where "she" had to correct literally every single sentence in her post. It was dumb and attention-seeking and ofc when it gets called out, "another anon" swoops in to reassure the retard and tell them they're relatable and/or funny
Where do you think I responded to myself? How is it dumb and attention seeking for me to post about something I hate in the corresponding thread? Could you just help me understand in which way describing the movie and correcting myself is “bait”?

No. 2446829

I know we are all autistic here, but girl, this is literally somebody trying to bait you into an infight. Just stop responding before you catch a ban for derailing the thread. They even accused you of selfposting in lolcow caps and me of being your bee eff eff who is responding to you for "totally organic interactions".
It's a schizo, leave it alone.

No. 2446831

File: 1742107580846.gif (1.7 MB, 480x270, tumblr_inline_o4c2ywfoh81srob4…)

>but girl
Smooth take off there captain(baiting infights)

No. 2446832

NTA but what’s wrong with saying “girl”…why do you feel the need to complain about so much?

No. 2446834

>why do you feel the need to complain about so much?
>just let me in(baiting infights)

No. 2446835

I’m sorry but, what? Kek, my post is asking you a question…

No. 2447163

I hate when I post something here and a nonnie replies disagreeing but then proceeds to say exactly what I was saying. Many such cases! Some nonnies have such a knee jerk reaction to disagree/be a contrarian that they don’t even stop to think that they’re actually agreeing and making the same points as the nonitas they reply to.

No. 2447232

File: 1742145505942.jpeg (167.7 KB, 1119x913, IMG_9276.jpeg)

I hate when im trying to use a vpn and i have to see y’alls retarded ass bans.

No. 2447238

Whoever posted that is a genuine retard who was not paying attention at all

No. 2447271

It was a stupid questions thread though.

No. 2447301

Why would that question get banned? It's literally a stupid question that someone missed the answer to.

No. 2447418

File: 1742153324310.jpg (229.99 KB, 720x1144, 02393920229222TikTok.jpg)

Don't even want to check the comments because I'm sure most of them are women saying "slayyy, you look gorgeous".

No. 2447427

Lord please grant my nonas the ability to navigate our blessed lolcor.
anon wasn't banned for being retarded in the idiots asking questions thread, she was banned for ban evasion, as seen in the screenshot

No. 2447453

check it and post it, atleast we can have a laugh outside of the tiktok hivemind
how did janny know they were ban evading though? they didnt post a ban screenshot or anything, that could have been a random nona that got mixed up with someone

No. 2447475

They can tell when an anon ban evades because of their cookies

No. 2447476

ban evaders always clear cookies though, otherwise it wont work

No. 2447492

this one clearly didnt

No. 2447577

File: 1742161062124.png (1.26 MB, 968x1161, IMG_2366.png)

Hasan Piker. Why do people even thirst after him? He looks like a hulking ogre.

No. 2447581

He's a sleazy retard. I wish he and Ethan Klein would both just fuck off.

No. 2447584

All of the words on his shirt are perfect descriptions of the pain it feels to look at shilled fugly scrotes like him. A self-descriptor of the psych attack. Amazing.

No. 2447587

I hate sex. I hate that people have sex. I feel disgusted that my parents have had sex, and I wish it wasn't necessary for reproduction. But even then, people would still do it. I wish nobody would do it at all. It just grosses me out and makes me uncomfortable. I never want to do that with somebody. It's disgusting. I wish sex didn't exist in this world. Motherhood is beautiful, and I wish sex didn't have to be involved for it to happen. Genitals are for using the bathroom, not mashing together with another person's, and definitely not for someone's mouth to be on. I can't believe that most adults on earth have partaken in sex. It sends me into autistic rage. Sex should be made illegal. I wish I could understand why people like it, because I feel so dumb and frustrated for feeling this way. It has nothing to do with pearl clutching, masturbation doesn't disgust me the same way. Sex feels evil. Why would people do this with each other? I feel betrayed that people I love have had sex. It feels unfitting for their characters. What the hell is wrong with me? I know this is retarded.

No. 2447588

Exactly. I found that photoshopped pic on tumblr and it’s been in favorites folder ever since.

No. 2447589

He's doing what pays off. By dressing and acting like a performative woketard, he is successfully appealing to a lot of women he wants to have sex with. He wouldn't do it if he lived around anon-women, he is surrounded by retarded pick-mes and they are attracted to this. This is the reason why they all do embarrassing or retarded things we don't (personally) understand

No. 2447595

They’re both so gross

No. 2447596

Cause they were banned already for another reason nonny

No. 2447599

H3h3 literally makes me vomit, and I don’t even particularly like Trish Paytas but I hate how much of a piece of shit he was to her for no reason?

No. 2447600

He's just angry bc he looks like an overfed cow that is always about to give birth

No. 2447601

>how did janny know they were ban evading though?
ive begun to realize more and more that most anons are very unfamiliar with how this site actually works

No. 2447604

Tis why I prayed to the Lord, that he may endow them with divine knowledge, or grant anons the courage to lurk moar.

No. 2447605

Anon is saying that when she hit post, she saw this old ass ban from september 23 2024 from another anon who used the same VPN location as her. It happens a lot

No. 2447610

Only a newfag would post this

No. 2447611

only god can help these newfags at this point kek

No. 2447614

That was close. That post almost seemed really dumb but it can't be since another anon has validated them. I guess they aren't a newfag after all

No. 2447766

I think I see what anon means, normally you won't get caught ban evading unless you actually announce it or repeat the thing that got you banned

No. 2447781

I don't know if anyone else has this experience, but I've noticed that so many broke, deadbeat baby daddies LOVE to use speech-to-text, and I hate it. You'll literally hear their entire text message argument with their baby mama.

No. 2447802

I fucking hate mac and cheese

No. 2447811

Let's say I make Post A that gets banned for infighting, then I switch IPs with my VPN and I make Post B. If Post B isn't reported, most times the ban evasion won't be caught. If Post B is reported, let's say for infighting again, then when the farmhand goes to review the reports they'll see my post and have access to things like my IP, my device type, my browser, my cookies, etc.. If my device type, cookies, and browser match to a ban that already exists, then I'll be issued a ban for ban evasion.

Sometimes, the farmhands don't need to wait for Post B to be reported. In particularly egregious cases of ban evasion, a farmhand will watch the posts as they come in and delete posts that are coming in from the ban evader using the same aforementioned method of matching device statistics.

No. 2447822

Why cant they just ban evade the ban evasion ban? lol. What if that person changes browsers and clears cookies, and what if they just have a popular choice of phone? (i.e, the most recent one.)

No. 2447825

Well geez, sorry that I didnt spend years mindlessly browsing this site enough to learn every single thing about it.

No. 2447833

>Why cant they just ban evade the ban evasion ban?
I never said they can't.
>What if that person changes browsers and clears cookies?
It'd make it harder to tell, but usually there are still ways. Continuously engaging in the same pattern of rule breaking, e.g., always baiting about the same topic (à la BJchan), always using the same threads, having a recognizable typing quirk, etc., etc..
>What if they just have a popular choice of phone?
There are much fewer anons that post here than most would care to admit. The chances of more than a dozen anons having the same phone or device is lower than we'd think.

Anon A uses iPhone 12, she posts using Safari, she uses NordVPN, she only uses /g/ and /snow/. Anon B has an iPhone 12, she posts using Chrome, she uses ExpressVPN, she only uses /ot/. Even though they both have the same device, Anon A and Anon B have enough differences between them that it'd be hard to mix them up.

No. 2447838

Regulars coming back within 24-48 hours to talk to me and asking what I've been up to as if it hasn't been only a day since they last came in. Holy shit find something else to do with your time. I've been at work, because yes this is infact my job.

No. 2447849

Okay i see. Thank you for spoonfeeding me, nona. Nice to know janny has pretty much all of your data then kek. How much posters do you think regularly use this site btw? it does feel kind of dead at times.

No. 2447862

>Nice to know janny has pretty much all of your data then kek
None of it is valuable personal data. LC is still infinitely less invasive than social media. Without the minimal amount of data collected, they'd have no way of moderating the site.
>How much posters do you think regularly use this site
Way more lurkers than posters. IIRC the last time there were stats released, it was something like 5.6k posters during a 2 week period. Those stats are from more than a year ago, so they may not be reflective of stats for 2025.

No. 2447864

I could have written this. I thought I was the only one who was like this.

No. 2447898

I always thought that the two kids were intentionally cast for their odd features. The girl kind of looks like a creepy doll or if a kitten became human or something. And the guy having a prominent mole on his face reminds me of how moles were seen as a sign that a person practiced witchcraft in the late Middle Ages.
Honestly I didn’t love hereditary the first time I watched it but now that I’ve seen it again and noticed all the little details I agree with the hype. I don’t think midsommar is as good but it still has some really creepy imagery, especially the hollowed out dead bodies stuffed with hay.

No. 2447922

so you missed the ace wars on tumblr too then?

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