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No. 1628600

For random things we like or love, like the Things we hate thread but the opposite.
Anything you wanna talk about is allowed. You might post physical things, ideas, links to random corners of the internet, etc. The things you might post don't have to necessarily be milky/not milky, go as controversial, weird, complicated, pure, simple or vanilla as you'd like
>No infighting
>No things you hate or dislike

Previous likes: >>>/ot/673217

No. 1628603

I love my Nigel but it's extra satisfying when we take a shower together, I put him to sleep and come browse lolcow.farm to shit on moids and trannies while he is asleep. It's my me moment.

No. 1628606

File: 1688863174253.jpeg (75.98 KB, 500x500, 2401A3C2-3055-45ED-9781-ECECB9…)

I like the autistic thread, it’s full of this specific type of autist art that I love so much. There is something so endearing about some autist sitting down to draw this type of stuff because they feel such intense emotions about sonic and religion or 9/11. Almost comforting in a way.

No. 1628623

File: 1688864674536.png (348.06 KB, 528x687, image-asset.png)

I like this makeup style

No. 1628662

File: 1688868184438.jpg (73.51 KB, 334x811, Tumblr_l_2127601986368271.jpg)

cats. and when the cats do goofy shit like this

No. 1628734

No. 1628740

I love eating out. I dislike cooking because I'm not very good at it and I'm often outside so why not order food on my way home.

No. 1630726

File: 1689073495880.jpg (415.88 KB, 1200x1372, nom.jpg)

I wish i could eat it every day, smell it every day!

No. 1630732

File: 1689076069865.png (2.87 MB, 1200x1800, Mojito-1.png)

mojitos in the summer, esp when someone else makes it for me. can't justify the price for cocktails out in this economy rn so I'll have to make them myself

No. 1630741

'Modern' folk music, I've been listening to this for months now and it makes me feel happy

No. 1639991

this snake is really cute

No. 1640021

I like the beginning of this song it makes me feel warm and fuzzy, I love Tillian’s voice

No. 1643127

File: 1690239201490.gif (5.25 MB, 480x270, s1XO32.gif)

Very specific, but I do my own polygel nails, and I love when I'm filing to do product removal and it leaves dust all over my hands. I think the dust exfoliates me because my hands are always super soft after. Similarly, I love how my nails look after I file them to shape and buff them. Something about freshly filed nails with no polish or anything is so beautiful.

No. 1643368

Catching up on threads after taking a break.

No. 1643782

I still love this stupid video, I can quote it word for word and it's still making me laugh almost like the first time I saw it.

No. 1643909


No. 1643926

File: 1690308273525.jpg (28.08 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

10/10 taste. His older videos always make me crack up. Going to watch this again now thanks to you.
One of his old bible games videos always bring me joy.

Anyway, I love this really old game from the 90s for windows called hover.

No. 1643960

I've never watched an AVGN video until now but his delivery is fucking hilarious good lord.
Right now it's storming outside and I like it

No. 1643996

I like it when companies make limited edition versions of products that i already buy anyways because I can justify having something pretty or fun.

No. 1643997

I love my ldr bf. I want to convince him to leave his family, friends, and country behind for me so we can be together forever. He doesn’t need them anymore because he has me now.

No. 1644095

File: 1690319843176.jpg (256.16 KB, 900x1200, 59859031_p37.jpg)

I love Sengoku BASARA!

No. 1645637

File: 1690415518610.jpg (125.07 KB, 1500x999, steak-doneness-from-rare-to-we…)

Well done steak. I don't care what they say, I'm in love with you,

No. 1645639

ugh yum

No. 1645685

why? thats not a catty remark sorry im genuinely curious as to why you like it that way

No. 1645728

It's yummy plus I'm ex vegetarian so I'm picky with meat

No. 1645834

I just really like popping the frame back onto the glass of a new cel, and hanging it on my fucking nerd cel wall.

No. 1645849

No. 1646315

File: 1690477914688.png (6.02 MB, 2048x2048, 1690477902366.png)

I enjoy the vintage pictures of Dolph Lundgren and Grace Jones when they were dating. The photos feel so dynamic, the relationship spark is conveyed so well just through images.

Btw, Grace Jones was being painted by Keith Haring in that one candid.

No. 1646327

It is a crime against God they didn't have kids together.

No. 1646328

When my friends realize the beauty and value within themselves and strive to be the best version of themselves

No. 1646329

Grace Jones will never not be one of the coolest person, she's one of my personal inspirations.

No. 1646330

wasn't she like pro-British Imperialism or something.

No. 1646396

Is she the one that was in that ad that hinted at pegging? I might be wrong.

No. 1646472

I think that was by a drag queen.

No. 1646980

File: 1690515495744.jpg (73.5 KB, 1000x667, TKScover.jpg)

i love the tunisian knit stitch. started doing tunisian crochet a couple of weeks ago and its relaxing to do. making a blanket using this stitch with my spare yarn :))(:)))

No. 1647223

I bought crochet needles where you can fix an extensible cable to do some Tunesian crochet projects I've seen on Youtube. I've only ever done headbands so far but I can't wait to start that (once I finish one sock project and one shawl project).
I wish there were a crafts thread on ot to talk about crochet/knitting/sewing stuff. Knowing what other people are making is so inspiring.

No. 1647247

There is a knitting and sewing thread in /g/

No. 1647689

I like it when i sell something online and everything goes right.

No. 1647708

I’m Tunisian yet I didn’t know something like this existed

No. 1647896

File: 1690602161116.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1086x1309, IMG_5140.jpeg)

i like this anon's name, i think it's cute

No. 1648024

File: 1690622331939.jpeg (495.83 KB, 828x1036, FE24AE81-5D77-47DD-8936-EB4FB8…)

I like pikmin. They are the only men I trust.

No. 1648140

File: 1690637638334.jpeg (22.17 KB, 656x521, I love pufferfish.jpeg)

Fishes. They're so fucking cute I want to have thousands of them at once in a personal giant lake kek. When I was a kid, I used to think fishes are retarded because they just swim and stare into your soul, only now I have realised that I was the one retarded and fishes do have personalities just like other animals.

No. 1648270

File: 1690649833616.jpeg (117.69 KB, 1000x667, IMG_5244.jpeg)

I want to put my finger inside them.

No. 1648363

I love the sound of rain and thunder when I am indoors. It's so peaceful.

No. 1648417

No. 1648456

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>No things you hate or dislike
But what if I like hating and disliking things?

No. 1655328

File: 1691277542786.jpg (6.66 KB, 248x93, Screenshot_20230728_223027_One…)

I play a game which sends cat-shaped notifs and it's so freaking cute, I love it! the cat is actually a character in the game too.

No. 1655332

Is this from tale of food? The cat is Luwu, right? I played that game forever but not in english.

No. 1655364

Yeo nonna, that's the game. I kind of wish we had a thread for TOF on lc.

No. 1655372

Yes, I love that game two. I'm a total simp for YiPinGuo (superior pot?). I love him, kek.

No. 1655381

File: 1691281618429.png (641.13 KB, 992x981, FoodSoul-蟹酿橙-skin0.png)

Shit I just noticed the typo…

You've got a nice taste anon, I also love him, especially his dialect for some reason although it sounds a bit nerdy kek. Another favourite of mine is Crab in Orange/蟹酿橙.

No. 1655948

There is a general mobage thread on /m/.

No. 1681760

Homemade ice cream for breakfist fuck yaahh

No. 1681960

I know this is a month old but I love Dolph Lundgren so much he's so beautiful. I'm not familiar with the woman in your picrel but I'm interested in knowing more about her and her relationship with him, they seemed like a cute couple.

No. 1682882

I like that unlike other sites, on lolcow we don't just make a bunch of new threads for every little topic and thought we have. We just have general threads.

No. 1683748

File: 1693514174491.jpeg (32.92 KB, 375x500, IMG_6591.jpeg)

I love smelling like cotton candy

No. 1683756

ground beef and ground turkey!!

No. 1683889

Orange mango lemonade

No. 1683940

File: 1693532060706.jpg (860.77 KB, 1345x2000, 1692902581166540.jpg)

When you're laying down under a stream of sunlight from an open window in nice weather and can here lawn mowing in the distance, like when you were a kid and came home from school to take a nap

No. 1689803

All the girlies in the husbando thread!!! ♥

No. 1689884

File: 1694072943912.jpeg (142.18 KB, 778x960, IMG_4203.jpeg)

I fucking love pumpkin spice and I’m not afraid to admit it

No. 1689989

Same, I love pumpkin spice lattes. Mainly the hot ones though, but it's too hot outside for one. I might just get an iced one idk, this post made me crave pumpkin spice.

No. 1690023

I love how the autumn air feels after a hot summer, its nice and refreshing

No. 1690447

File: 1694111870268.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1170x1516, IMG_4223.jpeg)

These cute lil chinese sharpei dogs and their floppy faces. So Beautiful

No. 1690460

File: 1694112291385.jpeg (175.34 KB, 800x818, 05C4BE9C-7A62-4B6B-AFC8-DB33C8…)

I love pumpkin spice lattes so much, I want one now.

No. 1690691

File: 1694128298887.jpg (49.49 KB, 600x600, mulino-bianco-biscuits-mulino-…)

I love these biscuits, their name literally means "star bread"

No. 1690741

Thank you for reminding me to ask my coworker for one tomorrow. kek.

No. 1691018

I really like that I can say "she" when referring to someone else on this site. It's nice having a place online where you can assume the other poster is a woman.

No. 1695773

Love and am so grateful for caffeine. 2 hours just passed like nothing even happened. Wonderful.

No. 1695792

I MISS THESE THE MOST I MISS HOME I MISS HAVING A FEW OF THESE WITH MY COFFEE FOR BREAKFAST UGHHHH sorry 4 yelling sometimes being an italianonna in America is a bummer kek

No. 1695797

I like being able to forget things that make me sad easily. Has anyone ever wronged me? I have no idea kek!

No. 1695865

File: 1694551962828.jpeg (856.94 KB, 1500x750, IMG_4498.jpeg)

I love fall time so much. I love living in a further Northern place, we have the best autumnal season. It’s our time to shine, rainforest.

No. 1695872

File: 1694552253360.gif (9.07 MB, 440x440, 1cff4587e36c8d461fe509c70fe946…)

These things! Just hung up two more as I noticed the new lights I installed yesterday hit the one I already had up so beutifully!

No. 1695876

this is what should hang in the crystal cafe

No. 1695919

Ooo what are these called? Those are cute

No. 1695921

File: 1694554174145.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1170x1643, IMG_4351.jpeg)

I actually like this femcel looking Burger King ad. It’s weird and not patronizing. I’d rather have more weird ads like we had in the 90s/2000s than a Corporate Memphis cartoon of disabled trans Muslims or whatever

No. 1695928

women can't be alone without being called a femcel now? bleak
but i agree, the ad looks cute and popularising plant-based options instead of animal products is based

No. 1695981

I recently bought one of those, the labeling said it was a suncatcher!

No. 1696136

honestly that's a pretty great ad. don't see what's femcel about it. it's just great to see an ad about a woman being notmal and not a sexualised caricature or woke talking point

No. 1696200

>0% chicken
>100% done with this shit

No. 1696214

exactly! based ad

No. 1697179

File: 1694646634293.jpeg (689.13 KB, 1170x652, IMG_4579.jpeg)

Convincing myself that there’s a protective forcefield surrounding myself at all times. Makes me feel untouchable.

No. 1697185

turtleneck + filter is making it look like shes burying the 5th moid of the week after eating her only mcmeal of the day

No. 1697186

Based, me too.

No. 1697307

File: 1694653439012.jpg (105.28 KB, 960x548, 52a102b236e99710bc48f45e2a3c56…)

Ik people like to go back and nitpick shows but AHS sn 1-4 was great and well-written. I feel like so many modern shows need to take notes, It wasn't a remake or spin-off, they had a diverse cast without making the entire thing about the character's race, sexuality, religion, age, or disability. Hell Jamie Brewer even had multiple love interests! She wasn't just the "Down syndrome girl", it's also nice to see a cast that was majority women.

PLL was a good example too (minus the pedo shit). it was a good mystery show that kept everyone interested, good amount of comedic relief + filler, unlike the nonstop drama that seems to happen in modern shows, actual character develop instead of just non-stop victimization of characters. Who knows, it seems like ever since 13 reasons why came out it all became like this

No. 1697321

Is PLL worth trying to get past the pedo shit? I watched the first episode and was so enraged I couldn't go any further.

No. 1697326

No. 1697338

Yes! It’s so bad it’s good.

No. 1697356

Hmmmm… I might need anons to watch it with to cope. I'm going to consider hosting it.

No. 1697366

yes it is, thankfully even the actors came out and said how much they hated ezra kek

No. 1697597

File: 1694664264527.gif (244.59 KB, 400x400, 868969414_1669889.gif)

I like sleep. Goodnight nonnies!

No. 1697621

no. don't fall for the shilling

No. 1697627

I love the Hannah pig cupcake scene kek

No. 1698092

Are these from eurospin? I love them too nonnie.

No. 1700648

File: 1694994180279.png (542.02 KB, 899x657, Schermafbeelding 2023-09-18 om…)

I like the peace sign. It's so simple but everyone knows what it means, such a strong design. I like the late 60's/early 70's 'aesthetic' as well, it's just so pleasing.

No. 1700649

File: 1694994304366.jpeg (23.79 KB, 474x318, photo_2023-09-12 08.41.57.jpeg)

These things. Idk what they're called.

No. 1700663


No. 1700665

File: 1694996362056.jpeg (104.6 KB, 1080x1080, photo_2023-09-09 19.34.36.jpeg)

I googled it and it seems legit. This one is kinda different though, but I got it by typing "Frogs" into google. Thank you nona for naming these green funny things, now I know it's "Frogs". I fucking love Frogs.

No. 1700719

I love the feeling of being tired after a long day of fun in the sun, especially when it was a beach day

No. 1700731

I really like Rose's segment on Epicurious's 4 levels! I don't understand all of the science behind it or even retain half of it lmao but I love how she breaks it down and explains every differing step between the cooks.

Also I love that when Epicurious tried to remove her segment from that series, literally everyone in the comments was asking where Rose is. It truly wouldn't be the same without her, we love Rose!!! I love that everyone loves Rose.

No. 1715929

I just painted my nails bright red and it actually matches with my skin tone so well

No. 1780347

File: 1700514077581.png (1.19 KB, 150x22, youre so fuck.PNG)

When a fanfic I'm reading has kind of awkward dialogue

No. 1780352

It reminds me of an old thread where anons were talking about their autistic boyfriends attempting to dirty talk during sex and not really making any sense

No. 1780385

File: 1700515122546.jpg (26.99 KB, 346x259, old.jpg)

The smell of used bandaids that I use. I'm not some pervert that dig up used bandaids from the trash

No. 1780764

I kind of understand this, actually.

No. 1780983

File: 1700546423743.gif (30.28 KB, 200x198, protection foryou.gif)

Being divinely protected

No. 1781286

I really like this fairy

No. 1781287

Oops it's an angel, lovely still tho

No. 1781755

Being unemployed. Now I can focus on sports.

No. 1787065

File: 1700864146995.jpg (106.78 KB, 1242x742, I LOVE WOMEN.jpg)


No. 1787087

File: 1700865656650.jpg (87.61 KB, 1080x1054, fuck yeah.jpg)


No. 1787100

File: 1700866272002.gif (447.99 KB, 240x320, 021441C2-7B20-45A8-B26B-AE973D…)

I love
red cabbage
frozen nanner (makes it ice creamy textured)
oat milk

No. 1787124

File: 1700867212490.jpg (52.55 KB, 300x300, ab67616d00001e02914fc8060b9e72…)

I'm having trouble embedding this but I really like jungle/drum and bass music. I got into it during the pandemic. It's fast-paced but not so much it's mentally overwhelming. You can walk or dance to it. Nostalgic and makes me wish I was born a few decades earlier. I think I'm gonna spend the rest of my life pining for the past.

No. 1787195

I miss this aesthetic/interface in games

No. 1787320

Goodnigt! I miss Blingee so much

No. 1787767

File: 1700897484158.jpeg (98.07 KB, 680x559, IMG_2332.jpeg)

This image

No. 1787769

Can they still eat/drink with that on?

No. 1787786

Pretty sure most make the mouth part with elastic so yes!

No. 1790633

File: 1701066612645.jpeg (170.89 KB, 790x785, IMG_1838.jpeg)

I got one of those round blankets shaped like a tortilla. It’s soft af and my cat loves it too. We be chillin like two beans in a burrito.

No. 1790637

Quirky asfff

No. 1790652

cute! it sounds so comfy

No. 1790711

I really love introverted cute dudes with soft hair, mustaches, and giant cocks

No. 1790725

I love mine, I actually bought it as a gift but liked it so much that I kept it kek
One fun thing is that I keep finding that other people I know own one too, I know it's popular but it's still a little coincidental surprise. It's so delightful visiting someone's house and spotting it laying somewhere and saying, "hey, I have that one too!"

No. 1790744

I dont see the appeal, it looks like wrinkled old person liver spotted skin.

No. 1790958

Isn't the shape super inconvenient?

No. 1791122

File: 1701105509415.jpeg (101.38 KB, 600x792, IMG_1839.jpeg)

Not for cocooning up like a fajita.

No. 1791132

Stardew Valley. On the switch. Cuddled on the sofa with a blanket and hot water bottle as it is very cold

No. 1791182

File: 1701108632968.jpg (165.63 KB, 736x841, 4684f8285198e6d68815373dd00e5c…)

harry potter. i read so many books every year from so many varying genres but in the end i always end up liking hp the most.

No. 1791190

This is fucking with me so bad cause it looks like a real tortilla. I cannot believe it's a blanket

No. 1791191

Put down the blunt nona lol

No. 1791222

No. 1791685

File: 1701142277073.jpeg (145.24 KB, 799x1447, IMG_4128.jpeg)

IBS is kicking my ass and all I can think of is how much I miss this stuff. It was like chugging wet sand that could easily kill a person, but it worked so well.

No. 1791690

I had a dream the other day about Harry Potter. It’s been probably 10 years since I even thought about the actual series (not counting jkr drama) and it’s got me thinking I should return to the books

No. 1791952

Smoke salmon

No. 1791984

No. 1792008

I like Asian guys with super intense angry eyebrows

No. 1792009

My samurai

No. 1792161

do it! the first book is kinda wonky to read as an adult because it's so obviously a children's book, but the writing just gets better and better and it's so enjoyable to watch the characters grow up through all books.

No. 1794564

File: 1701323438977.png (172.12 KB, 276x366, 5Pm2S4w.png)

Lee Deok Hwa must be one of your faves

No. 1794693

No. 1798104

i love my hair length right now. i havent had hair this long since 2018. i want it to grow longer so i can do cool hairstyles. peace and blessing to u all nonas

No. 1798131

File: 1701619514916.jpeg (21.71 KB, 474x316, 326216.jpeg)

No. 1798819

I was joking. Is he actually someone you're attracted to?

No. 1804308

File: 1702067233590.png (45.05 KB, 826x416, nirakul.png)

I love Nirakul Archives, this cool personal website made by an artist with a super distinct art style. It's laid out like a point and click adventure game, with some text-based rpg sections as well. It's a lot of fun to go through and explore all the different paths. I especially like hovering over every single image to see what I can interact with, kek.

Wish there were more websites like this. If anyone knows of anything similar, please share!

No. 1804435

File: 1702077495047.png (285.3 KB, 640x872, 7FA71F0B-90C0-43D8-B517-BBAF87…)

I love the entire dream hate thing. I love how the internet has collectively agreed to hate on one ugly and cringey moid, for the sole reason of being an ugly cringey moid. It warms my heart to see everyone bullying an ugly scrote and making fun of his appearance, knocking down his confidence. It needs to happen way more. Dream edits make me laugh so much, like when they edit it so he says terrible stuff or make fun of his appearance. So childish but so hilarious, warms my heart

No. 1804446

LMFAOO or how everyone started drawing that one pic of him practically kissing the mic

No. 1804452

omg what the hell anon i love that artist too, i didn't check the latest stuff they had, i don't even remember how i've found them out

No. 1805182

There's nothing better than eating a tuna melt and biting into a thick slice of juicy tomato. Something about the texture of the tomato is perfection with the tuna and cheese.

No. 1805391

File: 1702147885791.mp4 (817.46 KB, 768x720, YKhVqoTdKN6IjU0e.mp4)

poast it anon i want to laugh too
my favorite is this post that captioned vidrel with
>me when i have a magnet implanted in my forehead and forearm

No. 1805713

The coconut edit is the best nonny

No. 1813917

this video.

No. 1813927

File: 1702674285297.jpeg (211.48 KB, 828x429, IMG_1819.jpeg)

everytime i get the terf azumarill banner i feel like ive been blessed a little

No. 1814008

File: 1702677905325.jpeg (43.57 KB, 434x453, IMG_7774.jpeg)

When I find a moid being sexist in the comment section and I reply with “small pp” and someone likes my comment


No. 1816019

File: 1702781619156.jpg (60.6 KB, 1023x638, GBdtqzDaYAAxeFW.jpg)

i love mice

No. 1816024

No. 1816026

NTA but doing a re-read is the best. You view everything so much more different as an adult. I first read them all from age 16-22. It's even more interesting now in my 30s.

No. 1827731

This whole channel. Better than mukbangs tbh.

No. 1827756

When I read them I was the same age as the protagonists and each new book they aged with me it was nice. I don’t think I would have liked them if I started older.

No. 1840539

File: 1704492813922.png (3.02 MB, 3160x2400, pbdg4l7i1a381.png)

I love potatoes. They're tasty, they're filling, they're healthy, they're not expensive, they're easy to grow, there's tons of ways to prepare them and they're all delicious. I'm not a very good cook but they're so forgiving. From time to time I like to eat simple boiled unseasoned potatoes to appreciate their taste and in a way it feels like a way of honouring them. The older I get the more I deeply love potatoes. What a great, humble food.

No. 1840562

Wait are they actually healthy? I always thought they were sort of a "nothing" food. Not healthy, but not unhealthy. Just sort of empty calories

No. 1840568

After weeks of renovations, tours, vetting, and cleaning, I handed keys over to a single mom with a kid who is battling cancer. I didnt expect this job, but now I have it and I realized I can help women find quality housing, without price gouging.
Next step is researching grants and such that could be helpful to tenants and finding a solar panel grant- that way electric could be included and reduce bills! Its a small step, but I hope I can help the community more and more.

No. 1840570

based, potatoes for the win. I fucking love potatoes

No. 1840578

Plain boiled potatoes are a daily staple here like rice is elsewhere and I fucking haaaaaaaaaaaate them. They only taste good when you hide them in a complicated meal

No. 1840588

File: 1704495198435.jpg (1.71 MB, 1583x2048, roasted-potatoes.jpg)

i love potatoes, both the healthy and unhealthy kind. yeah fries, hash browns, gnocchi are amazing but so are plain potatoes with a bit of salt. i love steaming them and eating them with a bit of salt and butter, and some nice steamed salmon. and then the next day i toss the leftovers in a pan for another simple and easy meal.

potatoes are starchy so they keep you full even though they have relatively little calories compared to pasta and bread. they also have a lot of vitamin c and other nutrients. i think you only have to add salt and then you have all the necessary nutrients in a single ingredient meal.

No. 1840611

I like blueberries.

No. 1854713

File: 1705270302132.jpeg (293.7 KB, 1440x1080, FIxoshIWQAEZb6m.jpeg)

I like searching up my favorite character in Google images and seeing the official beautifully made renders and fan art of her.

No. 1856602

I like when people on social media call men like dream ugly and men like case oh fat, I’m a hater fr

No. 1856606

It took 3 tries, but i get it

No. 1864732

File: 1705960546017.jpg (83.02 KB, 736x646, b8c89ba6eead57ffd042ccd01b36e6…)

I like it when moid singers who use a delicate and feminine singing voice switch up to their deeper or natural one.
I prefer when it's spontaneous and unexpected, like in a live, i think that they just can't sing the original version after some time but it's really cool when you hear that they're just putting more passion into it instead, usually they look and act kinda faggy too, so seeing them switch all of the sudden and focus their moid energy into the voice delivery is impressive to me.
I sound like i'm sperging about some 3D husbando but i'm really just talking about voices and attitude kek, i don't feel the same about female singers.

No. 1864742

I like it when nonies are fighting like retards, then make up in the end

No. 1864745

File: 1705961943699.png (62.74 KB, 116x320, Bild_2024-01-22_231720612.png)

I like this caramel vanilla sugar that comes in a salt mill, it's so good on coffee. This small cafe in my area started using it on top of ther caramel macchiato one day and i had to search for it online as soon as i got home. It's such a small but pleasant addition to foamed milk

No. 1864748

I looked for this because of your post and had it in my basket until I saw the ingredients. Now I'm just gonna try making my own… I've made caramel before, I think this could be doable by making some hard brittle caramel and soaking some hail sugar with vanilla. I drink a lot of caramel macchiato at home. I have a new goal now anon

No. 1865200

File: 1706003287489.jpg (33.99 KB, 735x733, 767dda243febbdd39371fb64086644…)

Straws. It may seem silly, but when you have sensitive teeth like me straws are gods gift to humans.

No. 1865508

I like to remind people in the comments of praising a man celebrity that he raped or beat a lady or is a pedo, and that therefore he is not worthy of any praise. And that he should be in jail.

No. 1865523

good job, nonna. i once met a girl at a party who had a fake ig account, complete with fake followers and a moid display pic, that she used specifically to post under ronaldo posts that he's a rapist. it was always something like "too bad he's a rapist" and then she'd log off and never reply, while hundreds of moids would reply to her post all shocked and confused.

No. 1865524

Queen shit fr(do not use twitter/tiktok lingo, integrate)

No. 1865552

File: 1706039838242.jpg (583.23 KB, 1463x2048, 1000007994.jpg)

These are seriously cute.

No. 1866038

The towel kitten

No. 1881239

I like when I get instant tranny vibes from something or someone online and my thoughts are confirmed, it makes me feel like I have a superpower and also I'm glad they almost never pass no matter how hard they try

No. 1881242

This woman and her voice

No. 1881307

File: 1707370132264.jpg (42.44 KB, 407x745, Screenshot_20240208_182832_Chr…)

This plush in particular

No. 1881358

File: 1707380137171.jpeg (31.92 KB, 375x380, IMG_9241.jpeg)

I hate Wesker but I’m losing my mind at this fanart it’s so cute

No. 1882793

File: 1707494531054.jpeg (165.67 KB, 448x838, 053321BE-D1B8-41A1-8EC5-EB11D1…)

my best friend got me this one after i giggled at in walking past the display in the mall. i adore aubrey

No. 1883066

When I yawn super hard, sometimes my throat(?) makes some sort of noise that sounds like a TLOU clicker. I think it's pretty awesome.

No. 1883210

File: 1707524509526.jpg (285.24 KB, 2400x2400, hot sauce.jpg)

I like hot sauce. Picrel is an example of a hot sauce that I like. I like most of the hot sauces I've tried.

No. 1883797

I love 'nonnie' I don't like how it is redtexted, it is like a term of endearment

No. 1883968

File: 1707593931179.png (300.6 KB, 270x730, Screenshot 2024-02-10 at 2.40.…)

I love Kombucha. Specifically this flavor.

No. 1883987

you have good taste

No. 1884016

Hell yeah that one and the gingerade are my favorite

No. 1884044

File: 1707599335289.png (420.25 KB, 860x785, 95-955352_italian-chef-kiss-em…)

the peach one and the lemon berry

No. 1884233

What exactly does kombucha taste like? I've been wanting to try it for the health benefits but too scared to and there's also so many options for kombucha in grocery stores so I have no idea what to pick. When I think of a fermented drink, I think of pickle juice so I also don't know what to expect.

No. 1884246

File: 1707611639884.png (669.95 KB, 1094x1292, IMG_4910.png)

For me it’s Tangerine Dream
>taste like spicy orange creamsicles
>same name as one of the best prog bands ever

No. 1884247

tart, carbonated tea

No. 1884308

File: 1707616297080.jpeg (534.47 KB, 865x1299, IMG_1643.jpeg)

I like pacific punch. It's the best Monster flavour in my opinion.

No. 1884344

Monster is my one vice in life so I’m dying to try all flavours kek. Heard this one is good, what would you compare it to?

No. 1884373

my mouth salivated at this post. been over a week without drinking monster. might buy some today, my favorite flavors are mixxd (fruit mix but mostly cherry), khaotic (orange) or the pic you posted. monster energy drink is definitely my vice but I try to not drink more than two per week.

No. 1884398

File: 1707626687343.jpeg (113.45 KB, 1280x720, E420ED27-BF9B-4372-95B7-116AAD…)

using this to to get porn off the homepage but max reebo fucking rocks

No. 1884403

I like the thumbnail of this video.

No. 1884431

based. max is a legend

No. 1886150

This one is like the best flavour I swear to god. I like all the flavours but I never buy anything besides pacific punch, that's how good it is. The main flavour notes I get is like cherry, apple, tangerine, and maybe some raspberry. It's like the perfect tropical punch blend.

No. 1891317

File: 1708162338046.jpg (231.68 KB, 1200x1200, spicy peanuts.jpg)

I like spicy peanuts. They're a great snack.

No. 1891576

Sims CC creators who compile all of their old cc to download at once. Even better if they compile their cc from each year instead of just the old stuff. I don't know why it's not more standard for creators who have been around for a while and have a lot of cc.

No. 1908120

I love chasing a stiff sour drink back with a nice piece of beef jerky, or chocolate. How do you drink your alcohol girlies?

No. 1909009

When I pop a pimple and can literally feel it pop. I just had one that popped in two places.

No. 1909395

File: 1709405508212.png (767.05 KB, 522x731, this fucker.PNG)

I'm starting a new playthrough of Disco Elysium, I beat it three times.
This time i'm going to be a STRONG very stupid racist, who is a pest to everyone but doesn't do any drugs. I'm playing it like a strong immature kid who knows his strength and just acts like an asshole to certain people. I may play it again as another build. I always love Hobo Cop kek it's so funny to me. So far in the racist run I feel so bad because kim is constantly shitting on me, even my inner thoughts shit on me. I love this game, I also really like Physical Instrument and think the drawing is fucking hot.
My favorite playthrough is Being super into the cryptids and "Mysteriousness" of the case.

No. 1909470

File: 1709409515879.jpg (75.32 KB, 628x973, fef68c215fa559826d65d94b395e45…)

cute nona, i love that game and i wish you lots of fun, i don't want to derail and turn this into a videogame discussion but
> i'm going to be a STRONG very stupid racist, who is a pest to everyone but doesn't do any drugs
Made me kek, you just described the average Ceasar's legion member from Fallout New Vegas

No. 1909477

I don’t really do chasers but sometimes after work I like to have a nice strong IPA with tofu dumplings. Or a hard seltzer with ice cream. Depends on what flavor of bad my day is

No. 1910541

wingstop is so good they always pile the 5pc wing orders up to like 8

No. 1910544

and its always nice big fat pieces too, like a half a tender instead of just a little baby boneless wing

No. 1910581

Godspeed Nona! You're doing the thing I always feel bad about doing in games where I like the side characters and want them to like me (Kim is too precious for me to act like an asshole and disappoint him).

No. 1912093

This kid is so funny and lively

No. 1914646

File: 1709830547711.gif (9.91 KB, 170x107, 554o1_250.gif)

Transparent gifs of cute stuff

No. 1914658

File: 1709831004464.png (218.44 KB, 471x314, strawberries.png)

This brand of strawberries you can get at Costco. Literally the best strawberries I've ever eaten in my life and my area is known for having great strawberries in the summer. If they weren't so expensive I could eat the whole container in a sitting

No. 1914663

i like men

No. 1914676

That's Neko atsume! What a throwback

No. 1914685

File: 1709832806986.gif (53.9 KB, 360x294, AS001238_15.gif)

I'm so thankful for Neko atsume tbh

No. 1914693

File: 1709833066667.png (610.23 KB, 1024x1024, torinote_20240304_114759.png)

the app is still available! they also have a really cute one with musician birds called tori note, i love games like that

No. 1914700

I think they will release a sequel this year as well?

No. 1914716

File: 1709835023476.png (1.27 MB, 1125x654, Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 1.12.…)

NTA but they are! It's supposed to come out this summer. I'm excited, I love comfy cute games like this

No. 1915161

File: 1709853038246.jpg (189.8 KB, 1200x1200, wholesomeyum-Stuffed-Sweet-Pot…)

I fucking love potatoes

No. 1915177

File: 1709853639820.png (1.84 MB, 1080x1080, golden-pheasants-also-known-as…)


No. 1918164

File: 1710036502458.jpg (228.04 KB, 800x1202, Piata_Mare_din_Sibiu02.JPG)

Eyed Transylvanian houses, so whimsical

No. 1920075

I posted >>1840539 and I love you fellow potato loving nonnette

No. 1920717

File: 1710177698148.jpg (1.07 MB, 800x600, 1000014385.jpg)

I like touching flower petals, it's nice.

No. 1920724

Me too I love walking in the morning and seeing all the robins with their fat bellies chirping around. I think to myself "oh hello robins what a surprise seeing you out" and they go "bird noises" and I say oh ho ho! so comical you robins are. Life is so full of whimsy.

No. 1920749

File: 1710179742963.jpeg (120.69 KB, 720x720, 21FC91BA-D23F-43EB-A1B8-575819…)

I used to dislike Sanrio a lot because I felt ashamed of being associated with the egirl image and because it’s so easily mocked, but now I love it because it’s moid repellent. I see moid posts about how Sanrio girls are red flags. They hate any interests in cute things that don’t help them sexualize us. So I will not back down for my love for Sanrio anymore!

No. 1920758

I cannot imagine anyone mistaking you for an e-girl just for liking sanrio unless you actually look and dress like an e-girl. Normies don't know about that, they might vaguely comprehend you like cute japanese stuff or are a girly girl at most. I've also never been mocked and definitely not sexualized for it, are you just talking about stuff that happens online and doesn't actually matter…?

No. 1920760

Sanrio girls have existed for decades prior to this e-girl bs. The only people who think what you described are pornsick zoomers, so their opinion is meaningless anyway. Eventually it will die out and whores stop putting kuromi all over their OF bedrooms. Enjoy what you like.

No. 1920764

Yess!! They have such a wonderful velvety texture.

No. 1920771

Yes a lot of men think girls who are into Sanrio are BPD so they stay away. Also, I love my Sanrio travel pillow, kek.

No. 1920778

Yes, that is my point, that I have working myself up over rude comments online that don’t actually matter and mean nothing in the real world!

No. 1920787

File: 1710181131240.jpeg (149.96 KB, 1008x1792, 00D5904C-49E5-4AB0-B62B-88B152…)

Yeah, moids make memes like this one about how girls who like Sanrio are all mentally ill and should be avoided.


No. 1920788

Oh fair enough, because I have loads of sanrio shit at work despite being otherwise normal looking and nobody cares thankfully

No. 1920821

It makes me sad when things women always liked that were cute are made into weird egirl/thot material. All I gotta say is no matter what women like, men will always be trash. Life is too short to give a fuck

No. 1920832

This is one of the ugliest moids I have ever seen.

No. 1920891

File: 1710190059220.png (16.11 KB, 275x187, 1710190006471.png)

DavidRM'scThe Jorunal 8. This shit is so fucking good. TJ8 blows any journaling and note taking software out of the water, it's better than Evernote, Notion, etc. The only problem is that it is PC/Laptop only and it lacks syncing features. However, this program is amazing. It's like a text editor and diary all in one. It has so many different features, more than I can out. My favorite one is that I can load webpages into the program and modify them with background images and text formatting. I pirated it on a whim and I'm so glad I did.

No. 1920894

Only women can make fun of BPD Sanrio women imo

No. 1920895

*Only BPD Sanrio women can make fun of BPD Sanrio women

No. 1920945

No. 1920946

Sorry for the unholy amount of quotes, idk what happened.

No. 1920952

ROFL you must really want that link

No. 1920967

Don't know if I can share links on here but it is on DirtyWarez.

No. 1920975

File: 1710196074559.gif (152.79 KB, 268x348, 3730870f6hpzmoaje.gif)

Thank you for the rec, I've been searching for a good note program so I don't have to deal with ugly ass Word Office anymore.

No. 1921021

File: 1710198723379.jpeg (268.99 KB, 1707x1625, 6829CAED-D3C3-4DAA-A862-BC3A06…)

I love getting green shakes with protein in them. Makes me feel so healthy and put together. I have to get a decent blender for home

No. 1921034

what do you add to it nonna

No. 1921128

he didn't look like that before he met the hello kitty girl with BPD and daddy issues

No. 1921154

Ot but I can’t believe normie(?) men nowadays upload pictures like these, it seems like these wannabe gigachad selfies with the obvious jaw clenching and delusional stare used to be only circulated among incels on their lookism forum but I see more normie men unironically posting pictures of themselves clenching their jaws like they’re taking the worst shit of their lives.

No. 1921289

File: 1710211586805.jpg (95.54 KB, 590x290, New Project (76)(181).jpg)

I LOVE ancient Egyptian culture.

No. 1921413

I went to Jamba Juice and got a shake with kale, ginger, a bit of peaches, and protein (green and Ginger with whey protein)

No. 1922213

Thanks anon. I can't find it (yet) but I got the trial version and I like it so far!

No. 1922225

I think eventually all the ironic cultural bits from 4chan disperse among the internet until they reach the screens of normies that can't differentiate between irony and reality so they start to unironically behave in retarded ways.
I also love Ancient Egypt it's such a fun thing to read up about when I'm on the bus or the train. I love the artwork, culture, history, everything is so interesting. You have good taste nona.

No. 1922241

File: 1710275510292.png (10.85 KB, 210x260, 1706465459134.png)

same I love it when anons use pic rel

No. 1922304

File: 1710280365410.jpg (1.95 MB, 3811x2098, Marsh-Scene-Tomb-of-Menna-1924…)

I love it too, I recently got into it and sometimes I spend time looking up gods and their myths, some stories are insane cough the set lettuce thing cough in a good way kek. The art is impressive and the clothes look so cool in it.

No. 1922310

File: 1710281057744.jpeg (122.98 KB, 1242x1230, IMG_7674.jpeg)

I love the San-X kuma plushes so much. Not even just how cute they are, but how soft they are too. I sleep with picrel every night. It has the most perfect texture, size and shape to hold like it was designed for sleep. These rilakkuma/korilakkuma plushes are perfection and I need more

No. 1922383

it's very parasocial but I like how evenly matched in autism youtuber krimsonrogue and his wife appear to be. when he features her in his videos, it feels like they're both at the right level to find each other funny and charming instead of cringe or embarrassing, as someone less autistic might. isn't that all us autists can really hope for? someone who enjoys our cringe jokes and interests, who can also make us happy with their cringe jokes and interests? I just think it's very sweet. hopefully he isn't a secret freak like every other man on the internet.

No. 1927259

Ryan Goslings project from over a decade ago, Dead Man's Bones. I love this album, I saw someone using their audio for a video and I think its cool to see other people liking it because I was clowned. Can't believe it came out in 2009.

No. 1927615

I love that you can specifically smell when spring arrives. It immediately gives me a mood boost and a bit of energy.

No. 1928722

Oh my gosh me too!! I love the distinct smell of spring and summer in the mornings. I came here to make a post about how I love the expression people make when looking up at a bright sky, I think the eyes squinting is so cute.

No. 1929159

I love movies from this company because it has the best intro logo. Perfect transition from real life into the cinematic world.

No. 1929290

File: 1710720628031.gif (1.63 MB, 498x288, its fucking nothing.gif)

I fucking love Metalocalypse. I randomly stumbled across it on Adult Swim when I was a kid, but quickly changed the channel because the screaming and gore scared me, kek. I've been having a hard time emotionally lately, and it's one of the few things that makes me forget my worries and genuinely makes me laugh, or smile at the very least. I love these retards.

No. 1929309

Do you like Coffee?

No. 1929322

Rediscovered this song a few days ago, I just love the absolute nostalgia of it

No. 1932466

Obsessed with this guy’s videos at the minute I feel like a cat

No. 1935841

I love this song.

No. 1936699

File: 1711235197440.png (996.77 KB, 729x546, tnah_a_2086835_f0018_oc_2.PNG)

I love it when I crack a pomegranate open and its seeds are arranged like a rolled-up isopods tiny feet. Looks cute.

No. 1936768

this is butt rock

No. 1938164

File: 1711340461241.jpg (132.42 KB, 1179x1124, 1000003559.jpg)

No. 1938191

>can stab men and get away with it
god has its favourites

No. 1938195

Bestie goals

No. 1942003

This dance is cool

No. 1942023

Jammin to this with my titties out thanks nonna

No. 1942624

Oh my God I love Uchiha Elsie

No. 1942986

File: 1711756109212.jpeg (111.67 KB, 736x477, IMG_0062.jpeg)

I love cat images.

No. 1942987

i always google "cats (blank)" like cats hugging or cats traveling for threadpic images lol

No. 1942997

File: 1711756769562.jpeg (81.31 KB, 950x1237, IMG_9685.jpeg)

Based and cat-pilled. I think cat images are just so funny. Just look at ‘em.

No. 1943017

Based, I've always loved the unspoken commitment to cat thread pics on lc

No. 1943108

i love french fries. theyre always there when times get tough.

No. 1943110

Thoughts on curly fries?

No. 1943145

Even better

No. 1943162

Love them so much

No. 1943589

I like curly fries but they're too much after a few of them. I think the simplicity of a regular French fry is so beautiful

No. 1943775

usually superior, but thats mostly b/c they are usually seasoned. any type of seasoned fry mogs an unseasoned fry any day

No. 1954943

File: 1712515882989.png (265.58 KB, 540x446, tumblr_9becea495b286111d47acfd…)

Everybody look at this transparent kitten image

No. 1965750

I love this video. I think it's so sweet and my dad would absolutely do the same thing when I was a young weeb.

No. 1965755

Cute and cozy

No. 1965865

Just discovered that they have a Geoguessr World Cup and I love watching their huge 8hr VODs, there's also some cute (albeit very awkward) players as a bonus.

No. 1971917

File: 1713572000674.jpg (40.74 KB, 569x420, Rubberduckie1970~2.jpg)

As an autist I've never understood why a lot of other autists (mainly male ones) dislike taking showers and view it as a chore. I adore showering. I find it very relaxing at the end of a long work day, and it's a nice time for me to unwind and gather my thoughts. I love feeling clean and being in the water. It's very comfortable to me.

Feeling dirty is actually what makes my skin crawl. I don't even want to enter my bedroom while I'm wearing my dirty work clothes. I hate the feeling of being sweaty after physical activity, or when my face feels oily. Having things stuck in my hair is upsetting too, or when my hair feels oily. I can't stand it. I know that you're supposed to avoid washing your hair every day, but I usually do it anyway just because I feel uncomfortable if I don't. I'm very out-of-sorts if I go a day without showering. It just feels wrong, like I haven't "reset" properly.

No. 1972724

File: 1713640320946.jpeg (255.34 KB, 697x914, IMG_0443.jpeg)

She is peak character design

No. 1973350

File: 1713678986267.png (40.05 KB, 594x365, queen shit.PNG)

This clap back era of j. k. rowling, she is so fucking funny and accurate is unreal. I run to her twitter every time she posts

No. 1973723

I love online window shopping. Just throw everything in my cart, exit page after a while and still have the dopamine rush.

No. 1973740

I hate feeling dirty AND I hate taking showers. My trick is showering after the gym because the thought of putting clothes back on my sweaty body is repellent enough to make me shower.

The real solution is having a bath but that's for my next apartment.

No. 1973773

Same nonnie. I don't understand how people go days without showering, I'd be so paranoid about smelling bad and making clean clothes dirty. Admittedly I used to hate showering and then I met someone who reeked of sweat all the time. I had to hold my breath when talking to her, made me realize how gross I was too.

No. 1975824

File: 1713844447181.jpg (141.05 KB, 735x864, 37c0f5755547d2cd776093bf891715…)

Working! There was a time where I struggled so hard to find employment, when I wanted nothing more than financial independence, when I was scared I would be trapped in my situation forever. Because of that, I view the ability to work as a blessing. I do this all for little me that was scared she would never have freedom! Every payday makes everything beyond worth it.

No. 1975833

Samefag but I also appreciate that jobs give me structure. I can be aimless.

No. 1976090

Not autistic but bathing does make you feel amazing and so fresh. Laying on clean, freshly washed sheets right after taking a shower >

No. 1976408

Same, even cold fries are pretty nice

No. 1976444

Yes! I sometimes long to return to my days of NEETdom but working has given me so much freedom and stability.

No. 1976453


I love putting ice in chocolate milk

No. 1976490

I like the sound of clicking. People with ballpoint pens have no power over me.

No. 1976518

i like AI, it's fun to play around with it and unironically helps me with my own art.

No. 1976534

Me too nonnie. The ones who are seething about it are the ones worried that AI will stop them from getting rich any more.

No. 1979113

This guy who makes chocolate.

No. 1988951

I like when I post headcanons or little things I imagine about my husbando and other husbandofags join in to give their headcanons about their guys. I can't explain it well but other husbandofags know what I mean, you could post like
>"I think Leon's fav color would be blue!"
And someone could be like
>"Reigan's favorite color would probably be green!"
It's very cute. I appreciate when an anon posts something that makes me think of what my husbando would or wouldn't be like.

No. 1988993

File: 1714725935942.png (138.11 KB, 301x315, Screenshot 2024-05-03 1.40.42 …)

I love Seinfeld bad. The show and characters of it, not the pedo actor. How can it be one of the most successful shows ever not have even a flicker of a fandom. I wish westaboos liked it so I could get cute Elaine fanart. I need Jerry x Elaine fics. I want George fan merch. Idk.

No. 1989047

I heard the humor didn’t translate very well so it did poorly overseas

No. 2008433

The crackling noise ice makes when you pour water over it.

No. 2008436

seinfeld dubbed in japanese is fucking unhinged and uncanny valley. also japanese don't really get irony/sarcasm the way westerners do, which a lot of the jokes rely on.

No. 2008446

me but with happy days

No. 2008473

Seinfeld doesn't have a fandom because it came in the days before fandom. Seinfeld is so successful that it actually permeated the main stream of culture and is immortalized by its impact. Man hands, double dip, all these terms were invented by Seinfeld. Even those (unfortunately retarded loser) people that haven't watched it live in the world where Seinfeld once reigned. It is a miracle show. Watching it actually cured my arthritis.

No. 2008498

I love the cycling community, they bully moids for being fat and not shaving their legs kek. Too bad the male cyclist phenotype is so ugly.

No. 2008500

When my favorite estonian rapper gets his balls from behind (hole included) pics leaked

No. 2008518

File: 1716075079254.png (1.08 MB, 1280x720, meow.camera_486961787839390076…)

whenever people post screenshots of Bob, she's so silly looking

No. 2008520

Um… link?

No. 2008543

holy shit this is such a mindfuck

No. 2008547

Tommy Cash? If so: link, please.

No. 2008551

why would you want to see some random moids butthole…?

No. 2008555

Tommy Cash is not a random moid to me. If it is him.

No. 2008556

I was trying to manifest tommy nudes by speaking into the universe. I made it up I'm sorry the YouTube 777 angel number girls told me to. It's not my fault

No. 2008564

late but hard agree. even if i do dread going to work i can't beat having money in the bank and the possibility of my own place (i'll be a rent pig but still) later this year

No. 2008567

George's japanese voice is how I imagine Mamiya from Sleeping Dead would sound kek

No. 2008569

Oh well. I had tickets to see him live once and he cancelled, I’ll just add this disappointment to that.
If there are ever butthole pictures of him I’m sure he’d be the one posting them.

No. 2008571

I think it's going to happen someday. I want to believe

No. 2008619

No. 2008645

>Too bad the male cyclist phenotype is so ugly.
Don't they usually have big thighs and asses?

No. 2008650

nta but where I'm from they're all malnourished looking with inverted asses.

No. 2010643

File: 1716215070698.jpeg (682.46 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_4797.jpeg)

The guys circled in yellow all have male cyclist phenotype. The guys with the orange arrow look like they could potentially be cute but it’s impossible to tell with the gear.

No. 2010652


I avoid taking showers when i'm depressed (i have chronical depressions like any respectable woman does) and i can't really explain why, it's a form of self-sabotaging, like i don't deserve to feel good, but it's not just showering it's everything, getting clothed, getting food, brushing my teeth, it's just me and my thoughts, stuck in the middle of doing nothing.

No. 2040746

File: 1717848689108.jpg (118.3 KB, 640x626, tumblr_oqa7uwRgDx1v17msto2_128…)

When my kitty is asleep and I pet her and she does that mwrrr sound

No. 2040773

why would they need to shave their legs for cycling? that's so odd. I want to know more.

No. 2040988

Diff anon but apparently it's to do with aerodynamics/less drag. Swimmers do it too. Hard to imagine but it's proven to make a difference in speed. In ball sports it's sometimes done to make it harder for others to grapple you. Runners sometimes do it because they wear sports tape and taking tape off of hairy legs sucks. Or not having hair in an area (that can get into wounds) can improve healing time too.

No. 2046442

File: 1718216304071.jpg (76.45 KB, 600x282, goosebumps-covers-e14451782292…)

I love goosebumps books and the covers are so gorgeous, I sometimes wish I could get the "Welcome to Dead house" or "Stay Cheese and Die" hand painted and framed so I can hang it on my wall.
I also love those stories + the episodes of the show.

No. 2046480


I love these too! The artist is Tim Jacobus and he actually does sell prints of some covers in his online store.

No. 2046597

I got recommended this video about the artist a few weeks ago

No. 2049476

File: 1718416467431.jpg (721.05 KB, 1382x2048, MV5BMTYxNDMyOTAxN15BMl5BanBnXk…)

I love this movie. It's so opulent, both in the colors/filmography and the actual wealth shown. It's my go to when I don't know what to watch, I'll need to read the books.

No. 2049683

I love goosebumps too + I grew up reading them and wrote an author’s report on R.L. Stine in like third grade. I remember I always thought it was great that he wrote every book to have a boy and girl main character whether they were siblings cousins friends etc so every reader could have someone to relate to. Slightly ot but I loved the fear street series based off his books on Netflix as well because 2/3 of them were significantly featuring lesbian couples which felt really healing to all of the times I read his books as a little girl

No. 2051827

File: 1718575912372.jpeg (266.88 KB, 1200x801, gakko+11.jpeg)

I love everything about Atarashii Gakko.
They just have such a nice energy to them. I love their music and I love their personas

No. 2051849

File: 1718577923888.jpg (188.44 KB, 828x1200, The_Mule-463762773-large.jpg)

i love this movie so much i must have seen it 5 times in the last month it's so silly and serious at once

No. 2051870

File: 1718579217261.jpg (517.5 KB, 1770x373, ddsfds.jpg)

I like these two anons and I wish I could find them so we can all talk shit about 2049 and how retarded it was compared to the original.

No. 2051872

>apparently it's to do with aerodynamics/less drag
Nop, nothing to do with that at all. It's so if they crash and get a wound it'll A: be easier to clean and B: not hurt like a bitch when they have to peel the bandages off.

No. 2051921

No. 2052078

Coolest girl group ever, no other even compares.

No. 2052099

My biggest fear is someone here basically showing that there’s something messed up about the group. I know I shouldn’t place them on a pedestal and that the entertainment industry is disgusting

No. 2052157

nona… I'm just skimming the wiki and I already see red flags. most of them were 14 when the group was formed.

No. 2052177

Oh for sure there's at least one something dark behind the scenes but that's unavoidable in their industry. All things considered they're doing pretty well for themselves.

No. 2054617

Diamond paintings at the thriftstore piss me off irrationally, pay to have your unwanted trash taken to the landfill instead of dumping it at the thrift you fuckers

No. 2054630

kek wrong thread anon

No. 2055490

File: 1718768818999.jpg (94.87 KB, 407x499, Tumblr_l_4005808532579195.jpg)

I love this Louis Wain piece.

No. 2061783

I love revamping clothes and accessoires. I found an old cotton scarf with ugly tattered fringes so I took them off, I took off the little pills and am sewing some lace on the edge and it looks so much better! Thinking about adding tassels and maybe some beads if I can find them, I barely have to think about what I'm doing too it's just relaxing to do. It'll be such a cute granny scarf, can't wait to finish it!

No. 2061807

Mending clothes is so enjoyable. It makes everything feel like yours. I have tons of clothes I plan to edit, I get excited thinking about what I'll do.

No. 2062084

Hope you can get to it soon nonnie! I've been doing it a ton in the evenings and like you said, your clothes really become your own.

No. 2087851

I like observing how people act in front of the opposite sex (that they are attracted to). Its so funny because they're always suddenly the most awesome person on earth and they start saying and doing dumb shit kek.

No. 2087882

Thanks for sharing anon

No. 2087993

File: 1720909940939.jpg (62.22 KB, 736x741, aa2a929c09893fd72aa2b2252fd8a4…)

Girls with really, really big (natural!) lips. I imagine they are what angels would look like and, not that looks have anything to do with personality, they're always very sweet ime.

No. 2098521

I love how it feels when my phone vibrates

No. 2098564

I like how beautiful and eye-catching the woman in this gif is. She is truly photogenic it’s insane

No. 2098933

File: 1721599363464.jpg (371.99 KB, 1400x1400, 1000019921.jpg)

these are stupid good

No. 2098941

File: 1721599554310.jpg (10.28 KB, 233x217, images-_1_.jpg)

No. 2098955

On top of that if they have an insanely huge smile, I love that. Women with big mouths are gorgeous

No. 2098956

File: 1721600202077.png (124.16 KB, 626x244, Capture.PNG)

No. 2098976

Lol that's so rude

No. 2104905

File: 1721946276612.jpeg (188.3 KB, 1024x768, IMG_3070.jpeg)

I love you mifepristone
I love you Misoprostol
I love you Plan B
I love you Ella
I love you Mirena
I love you Kyleena
I love you Paragard
I love you Skyla
I love you Nexplanon
I love you Depo Provera
I love you Nuvaring
I love you Annovera
I love you Xulane
I love you Twirla
I love you Alesse, Beyaz, Loestrin, Nordette, Ocella, Previfem, Reclipsen, Yasmin, Yaz, Diane 35, Dianette, Azurette, Ortho Tricyclen, Trinessa, Seasonale, Seasonique, Levora, Slynd, Jencycla, Orthoa Micronor, and all the others I'm forgetting


No. 2104927

My pair of old navy skinny jeans that I've had to have had for at least 10 years now. There's no holes in them and they basically feel like pajama pants when they're on at this point. These jeans have literally been with me for almost everything it seems like. I think I would actually cry if I had to give them up or see them go.

No. 2104929

Most of these suck ass though kek

No. 2105041

File: 1721954184105.mp4 (1.01 MB, 720x722, E5SEQNjA3DNsxnGB.mp4)

I like this video of a cat cuddling up to the family dog after he's been missing for two weeks a lot

No. 2105047

No. 2105057

aw babies

No. 2105061

This things we like thread has been alive for a year and its not even halfway full but the things we hate thread fills up within like 4 days

No. 2105067

There are at least 10 specific [thing] hate threads in the first 3 pages alone. It's tough. Girls here could use a little more love

No. 2105071

File: 1721955966239.png (646.19 KB, 1920x1080, Adventure.Time.Fionna.and.Cake…)

big fan of this guy.

there aren't a lot of places to expel hate without consequence or justification, to be fair

No. 2105075

File: 1721956429669.gif (1.46 MB, 600x386, hush little baby .GIF)

I love this gif

No. 2105076

File: 1721956666292.jpg (134.12 KB, 1080x1350, [24-07-03] 1808434258908000625…)

i really like this photoshoot this nonny posted on another thread. Made me pick up a pen and start drawing husbandos.

No. 2105077

File: 1721956719560.jpeg (285.13 KB, 2048x1069, DCA3B699-80B8-4BB0-9A4F-2041A3…)

its kind of edgy but i like this wonderwoman design

No. 2105079

File: 1721956811879.png (973.28 KB, 605x1091, im hungry.png)

I love huge waffle cones

No. 2105081

File: 1721956954025.gif (328.52 KB, 300x300, champagne cliiiiiiink!.GIF)

getting drunk

No. 2105093


No. 2105094

I need my husbando drawn in this pose before I die

No. 2105095

File: 1721957727810.png (957.31 KB, 1920x1080, Adventure.Time.Fionna.and.Cake…)

her and pb were so good in the fionna and cake au

No. 2105122

File: 1721960054513.jpg (62.26 KB, 907x613, FJoId-GWYAw4lY_.jpg)

Ugh I love Marceline so much. She's so caring to Ice King and PB, and she becomes so emotionally mature throughout the show. Also she has awesome fashion sense.

No. 2105126

Excited for season two anon? I desperately want Andrew Rannels and Donald Glover to get a duet song. Seriously, I would give anything.

No. 2105142

He is actually rubbing his scent all over him to show dominance and ownership

No. 2105148

Someone posted one of the photos from that photoshoot in the attractive man thread. I get why there's so many redrawings of it

No. 2105166

File: 1721964885838.gif (495.32 KB, 500x282, 1000007986.gif)

>Marceline is so caring to PB

No. 2105174

The marceline x pb enemies-to-lovers storyline never really did anything for me, it just didn't have enough umph

No. 2105182

The dog belongs to him now.

No. 2105191

File: 1721967206092.gif (910.18 KB, 450x252, tumblr_nxabvwnUU81u7960do1_500…)

Do you not understand the concept of character development? In Varmints, PB has an emotional breakdown because she feels like she's failed at all of her duties. In the tunnels, Marceline reminisces about how she'd convince PB to ditch meetings and be rebellious. At the end, Marceline watches the pumpkins so PB can rest. The idea is that Marceline has learned to be responsible and show concern for the things PB cares about. That's why they're able to date again; Marceline has become more responsible, and PB has become less controlling.

The same principle applies to her relationship with Ice King. She moved around a lot to avoid him, but during the show, she stops running from her past with him and tries to empathize with him instead.

No. 2107961

i LOVE when i get a new vape and the flavor is so robust

No. 2112598

File: 1722383222657.jpeg (2.88 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5588.jpeg)

These fluffy flying seed things

No. 2112626

File: 1722384316322.gif (14.67 KB, 232x244, tree54.gif)

I like pixel art. The color and size restrictions create pleasing pieces.

No. 2112629

File: 1722384647679.jpeg (311.23 KB, 675x1200, IMG_3139.jpeg)


No. 2112720

I kind of enjoyed all the cum talk KEK

No. 2113740

Corn starch. Amazing cooking ingredient that makes delicious thick food.

No. 2113773

File: 1722442578381.jpeg (868.83 KB, 1557x1519, FE378E83-3D19-4BA8-9B2B-078AE1…)

Turkish mythology(posting shota bait everywhere)

No. 2115852

File: 1722550519833.jpg (386.45 KB, 2560x2560, 81OAxIOGWtL.jpg)

I like seaweed snacks. I recently tried these chili lime ones. The burning sensation is pleasant. I try not to eat them too often though because of the high iodine.

No. 2115873

The sesame and avocado oil ones are the best. The Wasabi ones are physically painful though.

No. 2116235

i had an addiction to the cheddar ones. ate so much daily im surprised i didnt have any iodine related issues…

No. 2116323

>child bf

No. 2116351

I'm assuming it's a parody of >>>/ot/2094992

No. 2122942

File: 1722881617607.png (142.69 KB, 489x457, 1648077614065.png)

I love Harry Potter so much. Can't wait to get cozy in fall and reread the books. So happy we're getting a tv-series as well!

No. 2122948

I love this

No. 2148821

I like nonnies

No. 2148842

I love nonnies too

No. 2149548

File: 1724379671585.jpg (177.46 KB, 720x958, 1000004607.jpg)

Being right. Can't believe people believed a man

No. 2150236

Ugh I love her. I knew that fat retard was lying "she followed me into the bathroom" you fuckin wish.

No. 2150464

vegas because i like neon signs that overstimulate autists and gambling

No. 2150552

File: 1724441054024.gif (6.49 MB, 500x700, las-vegas-sign-animation-vd35z…)

wish more movies took place in vegas. Fear and loathing is absolutely awesome. I just want to live vicariously through actors as a non american.

No. 2153096

I love yoddeling. It sounds so fun.

No. 2153142

File: 1724558038451.jpg (60.77 KB, 480x360, 61piVNTqSOL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

I love Altoids, specifically the peppermint flavor. The other flavors suck. I love the fresh mintyness and if I could, I would eat an entire can of these everyday but I can't because my stomach hurts after eating about a dozen of them. They also have 1g of sugar in each one so that's a lot at my pace. Now, I just buy them occasionally to treat myself.

No. 2153147

File: 1724558205381.jpg (28.01 KB, 640x1136, 15a1d1e1502b36_0108c4ba_1280.j…)

I ate an entire container of the cinnamon altoids once during an absent minded late night gamer session. I ended up shitting myself at the cash register at work the next day. I didn't realize, it just seeped out and felt spicy.

No. 2153148

where is the lawrence of arabia nona, i need to speak to her about this ridiculous flaming british queen i watched for almost 4 hours

No. 2153276

File: 1724565669654.jpg (184.23 KB, 2000x2000, 1630441458588.jpg)

KEK was it worth it tho? I actually haven't tried the cinnamon one but I think I will now

No. 2158380

Puss in Boots 2. I have always disliked 3D movies for looking so lifeless and ugly, but i just absolutely adore the art direction of this movie. The humor and characters are splendid too.

No. 2158399

Me and my family went to watch the movie and really enjoyed it. Last animated movie that made us laugh and tear up was probably zootopia and coco. Don't wanna have high expectations but I hope Shrek 5 will be just as good if not better or else

No. 2158428

File: 1724895383946.jpeg (226.91 KB, 2158x1076, IMG_2278.jpeg)

This was taken by people in a submarine when a shark came and explored it. It’s probably a Greenland shark so she’s probably hundreds of years old guessing by how big she is. I also didn’t know they could have light eyes.

No. 2158486

I like the way my coworkers and supervisors are all supportive of one another and understanding. Nobody pressures each other to do things we don't want to do, and nobody is made to feel guilty for leaving, even if that leaving occasionally leaves us in the pits. It helps because it's a phone line, but we're all trained like social workers, and the sensitivity to people we speak to also translates to how we treat each other. It's the first job I've had where I didn't feel like I was being extorted and treated like shit for pennies. Extorted, possibly still, but no longer putting up with abuse for pennies.

No. 2167815

Sweaters with embroidery on it.

No. 2172144

File: 1726844810686.jpeg (574.86 KB, 828x752, IMG_3032.jpeg)

I like the old trend of making merch shitting on boys like this for girls. I recall my sister also having a sticker on her guitar that said:” boys are stupid. Throw rocks at them.” And I thought it was the funniest shit in the world. Is this type of stuff even a thing anymore? Or are there too many boy moms that would sperg about it.

No. 2172147

Omg I loved happy bunny when I was younger. I'm pretty sure that sticker would make people screech about "muh men's mental health." I'd buy it, though

No. 2172653

File: 1726869560429.jpg (203.78 KB, 1500x1500, d2da1ff4971281063534fd40db54e7…)

Freshly clean sheets
I probably change my sheets much more often than necessary because I looove that cozy feeling and comforting smell of tucking myself in clean sheets at the end of the day
So nice so relaxing mmmmm

No. 2172681

i would kill for this. i loved happy bunny when i was a kid but my mom wouldn't get me anything with it because she thought it was too rude kek.

No. 2174115

File: 1726948418230.webp (25.12 KB, 750x422, 4525852895373.WEBP)

I used to hate these faggots (my personal cow always uses them as reaction images) but I watched one episode and they’re so funny and retarded. I bought a mug and plushie of hachiware already.

No. 2183909

I would literally buy a figure of Elsie if it was ever mass-produced so fast I'd be out of breath. If lolcow ever somehow needed funds to stay aflow and they needed to make money. They should do this. I know it's a pipe dream but a girl can dream!!

No. 2183916

I usually have dirty sheets because I'm a neet and don't feel too urged to clean them regularly but maybe thinking about this and imagining how it feels will encourage me.

No. 2183997

File: 1727503443005.jpeg (150.35 KB, 736x732, IMG_3181.jpeg)

I think cows are such cute creatures and I unironically love cow print. I especially love baby cows. They are so sweet and delicate.

No. 2184061

they have cute eyelashes

No. 2186911

Quitting a job with no notice! "Effective immediately" is my favorite phrase.

No. 2205303

I fucking love those "subtle foreshadowing" videos on tiktok/instagram kek. I've been having so many belly laughs from them.

No. 2230632

File: 1730270065056.jpg (35.73 KB, 500x375, and me.JPG)

you will never understand how much i love monkeys. i would work 7 days a week at a monkey sanctuary for no pay if they let me. i would literally kill myself right now if it made the life of one suffering monkey better and if i found out someone i know wished harm on monkeys i would kill them. not even out of anger, just a sense of obligation, and i'd go to jail and regret nothing. they could not send my ass to the rainforest to study endangered monkeys because i would shoot so many poachers, i'd become a conservationist with the highest body count in the world. i don't care if they're impoverished and got kids to feed, i'll shoot them. like i will literally join the army and move to a country where you can have guns so i can kill 10 of them for every dead monkey, i will go full rambo. then when i die if god is real he'll send me to heaven to play with baby monkeys forever. i hate humans so fucking much for hunting and abusing them i hope we all die out soon. i would level cities to give monkeys more forest to live in. i would give a monkey my house and my breakfast and my dinner and i'd starve before the monkey does, and yes i'd want it to eat my corpse so it can go on chimping and being happy.

No. 2230634

ily nonnie

No. 2230656

This is kind of cute

No. 2234226

I like how scrotes are banned from this site. Sometimes i look at old threads from the dark ages when they were at least some what allowed and i feel so thankful they are now banned. It's amazing how easily scrotes ruin things, even when they barley do anything.

No. 2234240

and yet they still manage to shit up this website with their braindead "contributions"… le sigh.

No. 2235490

File: 1730521738904.gif (261.31 KB, 220x220, 1000016039.gif)

I like (you) nonnies, you probably wouldn't like me very much if not for the great equalizer that is anonymity but I cherish this place dearly

No. 2235497

jfc turn the computer OFF

No. 2235499

there is something deeply wrong with you

No. 2235506

Telling on yourself a bit

No. 2235509

It's a silly cow giving a kiss because this is the cow site. Your mind is AIDs

No. 2235515

>incel shilling thread on /ot/
>zoophile psychosis
I see

No. 2235518

We know what you watch then I guess

No. 2235528


No. 2257846

File: 1731446864777.png (2.47 MB, 920x1489, i want a baby.png)

I love David Bowie as king Jareth. It makes me kek unbelievably how this dude wanted a baby so badly he was willing to disappear out of nowhere and steal it

No. 2257883

Cows are always so sweet and they’re so soft too. I don’t know what all the attention whores who we keep up with did to earn being compared to them…

No. 2260947

File: 1731618651133.webp (107.34 KB, 714x1024, Beach-Candy-Board-Goldfish-2-7…)

There is something about animal shaped snacks that makes me enjoy them more
An infantile part of my brain that goes "har har big fish devouring small fry" when crunching on goldfish crackers or "arrrr I bit the bears head off" when eating gummy bears

No. 2260967

Mythical creatures have always been obsessed with babies tbh, they even dump their own changeling babies on us in hopes of swapping them just because the vibes are better I guess kek

No. 2261039

I like dipping raw carrot in vegenimte and eating it
their faces look so gentle and peaceful. their whole appearance is so unbothered and kind. i love them too.
haha i get you! and alphabet spaghetti, did you have that?

No. 2261424

File: 1731646010996.jpg (72.93 KB, 600x800, yum.jpg)

remembering the time I got a male nurse holding my forearm for some injection and his arms were so very gently holding my wrists and he had internet cables for veins my god, never happier to have barely visible veins because he kept trembling and re-positioning and positing his arm to make sure the needle went in right

No. 2261559

File: 1731659027774.gif (1.05 MB, 440x300, elmo-fire.gif)


No. 2261575

Now you made me remember that time I got my COVID shot from this gorgeous young doctor with glasses and how visibly nervous I got, kek. Pure eye candy.

No. 2261840

File: 1731683930017.jpg (Spoiler Image,163.29 KB, 735x908, 1000001144.jpg)

Niceee, I also got to peep some paramedic blondie in the hallway, everyone could tell he looked hot under the mask, inverted triangle phenotype and seriously tall as fuck, seeing people look up at him to talk oh man.
The last guy was more of a QT than hot; glasses, boyish-face, acted sweet, gentle and was smart sounding when he informed me on whatever he was yapping about.
Thinking back on it I'm honestly surprised at how I lucked out seeing so many cuties in one hospital.
10/10 would be anaemic again, pic unrelated

No. 2262201

We don't have alphabet spaghetti here, but I do make alphabet soup and enjoy finding random words in the spoon. I even took a picture that time I found God in my soup lol

No. 2262261

File: 1731709480088.jpg (289.98 KB, 1290x1671, 1000000285.jpg)

I hate having sexy doctors or nurses it makes me so mad. In a similar vein a couple years ago while getting my teeth cleaned the dentist was so sexy and at one point he pulled his chair so close to me his stomach was touching the side of my head and I had to immediately focus on not letting the intrusive thoughts win

No. 2267332

File: 1732035692000.jpg (79.69 KB, 735x922, 1000016029.jpg)

I love women into vintage fashion, beauty, history, etc. They are always so passionate and truly seem to love what they do. They're much more educated all round and I love learning from them. They are also some of the sweetest ladies I have ever met. It's not a lifestyle I am in or even close to, so I do feel nervous interacting with them sometimes, but I have never had a sour experience. I love you vintage women out there, I always cheer you on.

No. 2267768

I like the music they play in mexican restaurants

No. 2267775

this fucking picture nona kek

No. 2267965

Disappointed in myself for finding it as funny as I do

No. 2268669

File: 1732111737690.jpeg (58.96 KB, 625x543, IMG_5481.jpeg)

body glitter is so pretty i love it

No. 2268681

File: 1732112741101.png (1.28 MB, 870x873, vintagehearts.PNG)

Bless you nonna, this made my whole month. Praying your pincurls always fall perfect!

No. 2269173

I loved living near a forest and knowing after the rain I could get a random treasure hunt of mushrooms to find and identify, and then learn about them later that day, or make spore prints of them!
You can get those big nori sheets and just throw them in a pan and let them crisp up with a little butter and seasoning, yum

No. 2271033

File: 1732217770028.jpg (345.62 KB, 2048x1365, cowowc.jpg)

I love cow-crossovers so much, especially if it also involves someone I didn't know yet, so I get another whole series of threads to read up on.

No. 2271491

and i love the cow image you used on your post. one of my favourite things about this site is when theres cow themed images relating to the topic

No. 2276434

When I kill a fly with my bare hands.

No. 2282625

File: 1732925201318.jpg (87.08 KB, 736x1104, 1000000245.jpg)

When I catch my baby sleeping. It's just so cute. Picrel not my baby but similar cutiepie.

No. 2284680

The doodle thread. It and the anons in it are so lovely, it's my favorite thread.

No. 2291366

File: 1733426380243.jpg (42.28 KB, 736x414, 8bb26c924abf53a899a8d8576651ef…)

i love kakapos. why does new zealand get all the cool animals??

No. 2291369

File: 1733426444777.webp (61.15 KB, 630x789, IMG_4717.webp)

Holy shit i love baths. I just took one for the first time in atleast five years and holy shit i love being in water. If i was rich i would build a bathtub the size of god. I wish there was a lake or beach nearby i could sit in nude. I wish i could breath underwater and be in it 24/7.

No. 2293865

When you ask someone for money and they send more than what you wanted.

No. 2297605

File: 1733698333942.png (35.43 KB, 569x582, fuckyouchiebukuro.PNG)

Love how uta-net asks you if you're from the EU and that, if you, located in the EU, click on No, Ms. Uta-Net-san, I am not from the EU, it will take you to uta-net.

No. 2314124

When nicknames take out the middle part of someone's name instead of the first or last. It feels more creative.

No. 2316637

File: 1734790840651.jpg (88.36 KB, 626x535, RADio.jpg)

When I reach a space between broadcast zones and the radio stations battle for dominance. It's usually a mess but sometimes there's entertaining music mashups. The latest one was a mix between Hardy's "Psycho" and Pat Valentino & His Orchestra's cover of "In The Mood" and it sounded cooler than it had any right to.

No. 2341028

File: 1736498962425.jpg (1.26 MB, 1918x915, 1000000847.jpg)

For some reason I find c section scars to be very cute and endearing, even ones larger and darker than picrel

No. 2341030

My mom tells me I was super interested in her scar whenever I saw it as a toddler and she found it hilarious.

No. 2341050

That is pretty cute, like checking the door you arrived through is still closed or something lol.

No. 2341176

I lowkey love eating sticks of butter. I only do it once a week if I can help it but it's so good. Ive noticed that I crave it more when I cut down on sugar or eat more meat. To anyone who feels grossed out by it, you simply havent tried good butter. Mine is grass-fed quality salty butter from cows raised on pasture. Also make sure that it has some yellow and orange tints to it.

No. 2341177

Do you just chomp on it like a popsicle? Don’t you end up with mad greasy poops?

No. 2341187

Butter is not the only thing I eat and try to do it few times a week. I mostly eat it by itself or a side dish. I really like chewing some meat and then putting a piece of butter in my mouth as well. Tastes like heaven.

No. 2341194

>you simply havent tried good butter
What's a flavourful butter brand you recommend

No. 2341203

French butter is really good but I take mine from local dairies. Kerry, plugra and president are fine too.

No. 2341207

File: 1736518067763.jpg (84.78 KB, 1200x720, 1000022272.jpg)

Fellow butterfag, I see you.
Never eat whole sticks of it but sometimes I slice off a square with a sprinkle of sea salt. Mmm.

No. 2341217

i tried this years ago and vomited after 5 minutes

No. 2341239

I'm reading the novel Butter (I won't spoil and I'm not finished but it's a crime book) and I highly recommend you do too if you're not already aware of it.

No. 2341327

I like to use kerrygold butter as "dip" for sea salt kettle chips. it's so decadent and delicious.

No. 2341345

When I was a kid I was crazy underweight an it'd make me crave weird shit so I would wait until night and eat softened butter with tons of sugar sprinkled on top kek.

No. 2341351

I mean, that's like half a cake
The other half being flour and eggs

No. 2346820

File: 1736895823450.jpg (59.3 KB, 550x413, fansub-moo.jpg)

Fan subbers/ translators are the unsung heroes. I've been looking for forever for a subbed version of a certain japanese musical. Sadly, there is none avaliable, but I did stumbled along an obscure blog with it's subtitle file. Bless you!

And in general I'm finding that there are a lot issues cropping up with mainstream subbing/dubbing companies. It's nice to see fans taking power back into their own hands.

No. 2348283

Idk where else to post this and since I like the video I'm putting it here. YT randomly recommended it to me and Idk, I just found it interesting and relevant. I'm watching old videos rn but going by the titles of the newer ones it seems she improved her life.
Anyway what do you nonas think? Do you relate?

No. 2349686

I miss old anime tl notes. It always makes me happy when I watch an older anime on a pirating site and the translator just straight up adds their own commentary and opinions with a bunch of emoticons.

No. 2349693

File: 1737079131712.jpg (58.59 KB, 1000x1000, ponds.jpg)

I like Pond's Cold Cream, specifically the one designed for moisturizing dry skin.

No. 2361858

I like the Lolcow apartment thread so much, it reminds me the time I lived with my friends.

No. 2362043

File: 1737659616495.jpg (53.25 KB, 736x736, c8f7c47618c3874baa8ec5018b7df8…)

I love Pinterest

No. 2362051

File: 1737659880613.jpg (260.01 KB, 735x981, 93ea8463542a5a788e01a43dce6371…)

I don't care how immature they are, there's nothing I like more than wearing graphics tees of things I like.

No. 2362719

pinterest solidified my identity tbh

No. 2362727

How do you use it? I only use it to look at pictures of hot men and yaoi fan art

No. 2362733

No. 2362736

well first, get your mind out of the gutter. I used it to make boards out of hobbies and interests, which included cooking, japanese fashion subcultures, learning to save money (so fukin need right now). While I virtually never completely followed up with a each boards completely, it at least would get to try cooking instead or ordering doordash, saving a few dollars for tomorrow, just pit the idea in my head.

No. 2363923

File: 1737748298536.jpg (1.26 MB, 2749x1577, '66_Plymouth_Satellite_Convert…)


No. 2363949

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No. 2363951

I literally live in fear of somehow losing access to my Pinterest account. I would die.

No. 2363971

File: 1737749141503.jpg (83.28 KB, 980x650, suzuki-samurai-sj-1-3.jpg)

me too

No. 2364013

File: 1737749825586.jpg (4.98 MB, 6016x4000, 1968_Dodge_Charger_440_R_T_Mag…)

hell yeah

No. 2364950

I love Brenda

No. 2365091

Music fanzines that are not retarded

No. 2367053

File: 1737905285721.jpg (52.31 KB, 421x500, b4e75fc12a3cb31e9ecddab5624ba3…)

I love this 90s type of fashion

No. 2367166

File: 1737912250959.jpg (351.9 KB, 1280x725, 1000000448.jpg)

I recognized that delia catalogue immediately. My friend would get them in the mail and let me rifle through her leftovers kek

No. 2367171

File: 1737912467487.png (1.02 MB, 1000x569, 1000000450.png)

2/3 I don't think I've actually known anyone growing up who could afford or were allowed to order from delias, but it was visually interesting. Having friends that could afford magazine or catalogue subscriptions was cool enough to me.

No. 2367173

File: 1737912593968.jpg (110.86 KB, 1200x800, 1000000449.jpg)

3/3 they ended up pivoting into more boring, bohemian hipster wear in the 2000s but they never changed their gold standard of all their models looking exactly the same. Had a friend order a pair of ballet flats from them once and that was considered ridiculously impressive among 12 and 13 year olds.

No. 2370083

File: 1738100822613.jpg (139.67 KB, 736x736, 4b48a98441c1b128a16dc57139f81d…)

I love moodboards, collaged and anything similar, it tickles my autism.

No. 2370487

File: 1738117393163.png (736.81 KB, 909x624, Screenshot_2025-01-29-03-19-53…)

I love winter because every night my cat gets under my blankets and I fall asleep cuddling her. She makes me so happy.

No. 2371889

File: 1738201501215.jpg (143.79 KB, 624x1020, 48766449767.jpg)

Women doing "masculine" things.

No. 2371910

Me too! Did a silly visionboard collage at my lunch break and it is really satisfying to see it on my desk

No. 2375038

File: 1738346064295.gif (293.08 KB, 480x270, 1000009536.gif)

I've completely moved out of my fucking apartment. My lease is over. The move is finished. No more cleaning! Now I can finally rest.

No. 2375111

Same! My long hair cat doesn’t cuddle me but the short hair one does. It’s so cute and makes me so happy. He starts purring the second he’s under the blanket and tucks himself against me, I love winter!!!

No. 2375207

Seems performative, but we need more women in those positions to support the economy.

No. 2375522

yayy happy for you nona!

No. 2376571

File: 1738430560525.jpg (189.46 KB, 1080x1370, Screenshot_20250201_182007_Gal…)

I like cute custom mobile themes. If anyone else does and has a Samsung, THENEW has a couple new free themes at the start of each month.

No. 2376576

I loved when Firefox/google had more customizable themes, I used to have a super cute moomin background and taskbar back in like 2012

No. 2376588

In my dreams I would have a galaxy z flip with a cutie theme. I love these

No. 2376591

I love Samsung customization. I made my own theme from scratch, except the icons. My brother knows of an app where you can design and create icons and fonts from scratch but I didn't bother with going that far. I customized everything else though.

No. 2376598

I have a Z Flip and I'm so happy with it. Definitely my favorite phone I've ever had.

No. 2376606

File: 1738432340898.jpg (523.95 KB, 1078x2400, 20250201_194153.jpg)

That's so cool! I'm always thinking I'd love to some day design one myself, too. For the time being, I like scouring the Web for cute matching wallpapers to go with the theme, picrel being my current.

I loved those, too, and was gonna recommend Infinity New Tab as an alternative for modern Web customisation, as it's what I'm using, but a quick Google search says it's shady, so maybe something else like that instead.

No. 2376622

I love your wallpaper, so cute!

No. 2376628

File: 1738433536700.png (959.46 KB, 748x747, screenshot.png)

I love jamjam's and maxxie's themes, most of them are paid but jamjam has a few free ones, I have one by jamjam that's a dog in a apple house (picrel) and I love it so much

No. 2376635

The background is cute but what the fuck are those shoes the girl on the right is wearing? Open-toed laced boots with fringe? Ew

No. 2376647

File: 1738434515944.jpg (2.69 MB, 1440x2820, Screenshot_20250201_212706_One…)

Cute! Guess I'll share mine. The icon pack I went for, "cute camera", has a girly 2000s look to it to go with the Winx Club wallpaper I made. For some reason, I can't take an actual full screenshot of the home page but whatever.

No. 2376650

File: 1738434594761.jpg (2.89 MB, 1440x2988, Screenshot_20250201_212832_Sam…)

Samefag, I also customized my lock screen and the clock showing on it. Showing my autism but oh well.
>inb4 how do you even read that with those bright colors
I just can, idk.

No. 2376699

Gosh, these pixel ones are so precious. I'm an absolute fiend for apples, so I'm very tempted to get it now, thank you for sharing.

Sharing your home screen can be pretty revealing, which is why I couldn't ask you to share yours, even though I was curious to see. Your wallpaper is very pretty! It reminds me of the Pixie Hollow MMO, what with the clean fairy sprites layered over a painted background.
>the clock
I'll be honest, I couldn't even find it at first, much less read it, kek. The animals are cute, though, very nice touch!

No. 2376712

>Sharing your home screen can be pretty revealing
Thanks for your concern, I'll probably be fine though.
>I'll be honest, I couldn't even find it at first, much less read it, kek.
I get that a lot, lol.
>The animals are cute, though, very nice touch!
Thanks! I also added a line from the first opening song in Italian above the clock, using an app called Phonto where you can turn texts into images with whatever font and color you want.

No. 2377321

I switched to tide free and gentle liquid detergent and it works so well that I really don't think I can go back to cheaper brands

No. 2379997

File: 1738607926935.jpg (128.03 KB, 736x1076, 584b2fd5768c3b52854a82cf835453…)

Kinda specific, Diana's hair. I've always loved her haircut, her hair color. Maybe I also love her kek.

No. 2380009

I knew a woman in her 20s who had feathered hair a couple years ago and everyone went mental over it. She had a pretty/refined face like Diana's and it was so unique and pretty. It would be nice seeing hair like this resurrected instead of mullets for the last 20 years. Cap-highlights also look way and more natural better than foils (what Diana has)

No. 2380027

I always thought feathered hair was so pretty. I have super curly hair and I never straighten it so I probably couldn't try it on myself kek. I'll just admire it in photos

No. 2380035

File: 1738608664190.jpg (45.99 KB, 400x331, 1000012307.jpg)

This perfume I bought on a whim from TJ Maxx. It smells like a very clean, spicy soap. Apparently it's for men but I don't care. It makes me feel like I'm the cleanest, most fragrant (and beautiful) woman at some 40's socialite party, absurdly long cigarette holder and all.

No. 2385853

File: 1738891748097.jpg (42.86 KB, 432x432, monkey.jpg)

i'm so happy i get to experience celebrity crushes. they're so fun. back when i was the age all the other girls became obsessed with boy bands and actors i thought i would never get one. it took me a while but now i know what it's like!

No. 2385860

>chimply amazing
Brought a tear to my eye….. happy for you nona

No. 2386971

File: 1738959047795.png (1.55 MB, 1800x1950, bandages.png)

I like hydrocolloid dressing. Usually I have clear skin, but once a year I'll always get a huge painful cyst somewhere on my face. It used to be very annoying because it'd last for 3 or 4 weeks. Now, I use a hydrocolloid dressing on them for only a week and they're gone. I think hydrocolloid dressing is a really great invention and I'm happy that they're so cheap and available.

Pro tip: instead of buying those over-priced "pimple patches," just buy hydrocolloid dressing or blister bandages, since they're the exact same thing but so much cheaper. A pack of pimple patches costs $20, but a pack of hydrocolloid dressing only costs $5.

No. 2396800

File: 1739431800292.png (1.55 MB, 960x960, s-l500.png)

Spongebob valentines (I wanna get these for scrapbooking)

No. 2397799

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No. 2401702

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No. 2401895

This post is SEOmaxxed

No. 2410341

File: 1740108744389.jpg (30.38 KB, 400x400, GjUrTydXgAAEHkq.jpg)

I like it when infights genuinely sound intellectual

No. 2410347

File: 1740109056138.jpeg (270.15 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_0198.jpeg)

I love delicious food and drinks.

No. 2410470

I like it when anons come up with really childish nicknames for cows and they catch on.

No. 2410889

File: 1740152148642.jpeg (173.33 KB, 960x721, IMG_1759.jpeg)

I love B. Kilban’s cat illustrations. I’m so jealous of the boomers I see wearing shirts with them on it kek

No. 2412031

Boa reminds me of being a child and listening to her music from the 90s/early 2000s is like my minds equivalent of when people pet their cats with toothbrushes

No. 2416771

i like it when manhating nonnies move the goal posts on what constitutes as an attractive male and i hope that none ever reaches it because the process of male rejection is funny and wholesome

No. 2416772

File: 1740431802931.jpg (12.55 KB, 275x243, 1738456309785.jpg)

I like these fat fluffy ponies

No. 2416777

I like supermarkets and grocery shopping. Feels refreshing and lively.

No. 2416799

Thank you for posting this pic to illustrate your point. I like these fat fluffy ponies now, too.

No. 2416819

File: 1740432993523.webp (61.23 KB, 582x610, AECED3B4-8272-47F3-AA2C-F6D317…)

I like the pony too. It reminds me of when cows are shampooed and blow dried.

No. 2416824

First time I see it. They look so cute.

No. 2416864

Girl group Atomic Kittens having one member visibly pregnant in the music video from 2002 and not in any way letting that stop them is cute as fuck and based actually.

No. 2416867

i swear i have heard a similar song to this but not this one.

No. 2416873

File: 1740434709318.jpg (5.04 KB, 235x214, 765rg6.jpg)

Maybe it did stop them since no one has heard of them. It's much more likely this was a failed PR tactic since this didn't happen in the 50s

No. 2416897

Can you keep the faggy pics for ants to a minimum please

No. 2416915

File: 1740436142973.jpg (165.36 KB, 600x383, what-is-this-1b7bb81e3a-252305…)

>for ants

No. 2421114

I LOVE reading posts where polyamorous people cry over contradicting boundaries in open relationships. It's almost like your partner gets jealous when you sleep around but insists on doing it themselves because polyamory is for selfish people.

No. 2421118

I enjoy that too

No. 2421147

Months ago, i got new window wipers and they make me very happy. I also replaced the headphone caps on my headphones and i love how new and fresh they are. Makes them feel brand new.

No. 2426998

File: 1741007800617.jpg (317.49 KB, 2000x1500, 1000001886.jpg)

Don't know if this is just an American thing, but I love salt on watermelon

No. 2427000

Yesss. Lately the watermelons I've been getting have not been that amazing, and salt always saves it.

No. 2427003

im not american but i love it too!

No. 2427486

File: 1741038592492.jpeg (164.15 KB, 1080x720, 3lA4iQV.jpeg)

When I finish cleaning the house, I love the feeling of a clean home.

No. 2427561

File: 1741042584771.png (66.19 KB, 659x609, ohhhhh.png)

sweet potato fries and yellow mustard oh my gawd

No. 2427567

Are you with child

No. 2427578

i better not be!

No. 2427586

File: 1741043616911.jpg (162.95 KB, 648x810, Black-Forest-Cake_3.jpg)

Being able to eat sugar a few times a month is better than fentanyl for me. (I had fentanyl once in the ambulance when i broke my ankle, it was sublime, i get it.) But I get ridiculously sick from sugar and have to eat it extremely sparingly. I will make huge batches of cookies and eat 3 and send the rest to my neices. I'm not kidding those little hits of sugar are better than the best fentanyl. Thankfully i get really sick and stop myself from going too far…but my god. Why does god do this to me? Well im actually grateful he does nvm

But all I cant think about is baking a cake now

No. 2435675

The Night series. Currently listening to Lily Lily★Burning Night. Also, while I'm at it, Nico Nico Choruses.

No. 2435706

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I love this woman. She was there for me when I was small and obviously autistic, when no one else really was. She gave me confidence when everyone else thought I was too retarded for academics. I owe a lot of my success to her guidance. I hope her days are filled with smiles, always.

No. 2435711

She is so beautiful.

No. 2435725

File: 1741474075590.jpg (92.41 KB, 600x1200, 1000001212.jpg)

Literally every painting of Judith beheading Holofernes.

No. 2435739

File: 1741474920137.jpg (906.63 KB, 950x1100, dbvjwu-2eaec25e-75ca-4b0e-83f4…)

Deviant art and these old art styles. Makes me so happy I got to experience it during it's peak.

No. 2435742

This is such a beautiful post

No. 2435764

Vidrel is the ultimate nostalgia for me. It perfectly captures that whole culture and time period for me, from the humor, the characters, the drawing style. Each time I watch it I am transported back to middle school.

No. 2435779

FUCK, THE NOSTALGIA thank you for this anon I hadn't thought about that vid in years!!!

No. 2435812

File: 1741478223581.png (930.21 KB, 500x375, C3243B26-116F-49DC-82E3-58029A…)

A nonny after my own heart!!! So glad someone else remembers it, I was obsessed with that artist and picrel back then. I love looking at the art even now, it has soul to it. Reminds me of when fandom was more about just liking something that was too weird for most people at school, so you had to go online to talk about it instead. Good times.

No. 2435940

File: 1741485126047.jpg (38.32 KB, 600x510, spirit_of_the_rainbow_by_amuri…)

>I love looking at the art even now, it has soul to it. Reminds me of when fandom was more about just liking something that was too weird for most people at school, so you had to go online to talk about it instead.

Same anon ♥ Also the pic you posted is so real kek I loved art styles like that when I was a teen. I loved abusing the doge tool in Photoshop 7.0 to get that shiny hair look kek I remember spending hours looking for drawing tutorials on deviant art. Aw, those were the days..

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