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No. 2326679
>>2326486 I was considering that exact IUD, but I never read that heavy periods were supposed to be a symptom. The doctor I saw initially said it works at reducing symptoms immediately.
It's so scary how little gynos care about us, it's part of the reason I almost never go. I don't see myself going to a gyno any time in the future to be completely honest.
No. 2326694
Probably incoherent ramble incoming. I think I need to swear off ever coming to this website. I don't know how many lesbians are in this thread, if any, but /lesgen/ is a shithole full of bait and people taking the bait.
I haven't had sex with a woman in a long time and haven't dated a woman in years. I have no idea how lesbians in real life feel about women who had experiences with men before realizing they were a lesbian. I've always known, but I allowed a man to have sex with me in college because he entered my room without me knowing and got in my bed and touched me and got angry and threatened me until I gave him what he wanted, but anyway, the "gold star" arguing (a gold star lesbian is one who's never had sex with men) about how all women who have ever allowed a man to have sex with them are bisexuals and whores and yadda yadda, and the thing is is I've never heard a woman irl use the term gold star, but I have been asked if I've had sex with men before, and what am I supposed to say, no? I never really thought about it, because I am not attracted to men, I don't want to have sex or date them, but I did consent to sex with one multiple times. Truthfully, I don't want to date bisexual women and have been swiping left on all of them by default, but I guess the realization that lesbians might not consider me one of them is making me spiral. I feel disgusting. When I went to the police he told me he hoped no woman would ever love me and I think he made it into a reality. Lesbians really do think women get tainted. There are plenty of people who are completely alone at 40 who never marry or anything and that will probably be me in like 15 years. I just feel ill. I really have to swear off checking this shithole. In my mind, no woman wants me anyway, so what's the point of taking care of myself? I lost a ton of weight this year and am no longer obese for the first time in my life, but all it's done for me is get male attention. There's no one who cares about what my body looks like, and frankly, if it's already permanently ruined, I don't see any point in putting in uncomfortable diligence to keep it in good shape. I think… I have had a fantasy for a while where a woman will want to nurture me and be patient with my mediocre sex ability (less for lack of passion or imagination and more relation to anxiety) but I have realized that women think insecurity and weakness is repulsive. Well, the ones who don't are fucking psychos who will take advantage of you for validation. I wonder sometimes reading some of the stuff women post here how much of it the women around me are secretly thinking.
No. 2326703
nonnie, happened to me too. People are so quick to burn you because of transphobia recently, let them rot inside their death cult.
No. 2326707
>>2326694What kind of scumbian would hear your story about being raped by a man and use that horrific story to make a debasement about removing your "gold star"? What are you, a fucking kindergarten stickerboard?
Those bitches aren't worth pissing on if they were on fire and sound as insecure and moidbrained as scrotes who mald over straight women's body counts. I will give grace and assume it's just men larping as women if you've only ever read that narrative posted on here. God damn…
No. 2326712
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>>2326697It's for the best, I'm such a fucking stacy I keep spamming everyone I know with the new sheglam Harry potter collection, no one has said a peep about it so far, so sometimes it's better to just be yourself, enjoy your life and make new friends or let everyone know that you just don't give a fuck about internet retards with idiotic self-made problems.
No. 2326734
>>2326725>lesbiansIf it's consensual you're not a lesbian…
>>2326727I can say I'm a unicorn, it doesn't make it true. You don't just have CONSENSUAL sex with people you're not attracted to. Are you all dumb? If she didn't want that sex then it's not consensual.
No. 2326749
>>2326739Which is incredibly fair because lesbians back then had a reason to want to be het everywhere in the world. If you're not from a third world country or a super religious family you literally have no excuse to fuck men though.
>>2326740>>2326747>>2326742It's really like I'm in /r/actualtroonbians. Lesbians can have sex with men because it makes my girlclitty hard!
(bait) No. 2326763
>>2326756thank you
nonnie, that means a lot to me ♥
No. 2326776
>>2326768They'd rather tell other people that lesbians having sex with men is normal and
valid than tell young lesbians they should avoid having sex with one
No. 2326793
>>2326750It's funny because when a moid comes out as gay everybody believes him, even if he just came out of a 50 year marriage or being a womanizer etc it doesn't matter, they just say "oh he was repressing himself" because people can accept that men are rational agents who have rational reasons for what they say and do. I remember watching a show once where a moid came out as gay and explained to his wife that the sex wasn't this awful thing it was just a chore he had to do, like washing the dishes, and that makes sense to me. Why can't that be the case for a lesbian? Personally I'm bisexual but I can tell you I've had consensual sex with people I wasn't actually attracted to for multiple reasons (like wanting to make the relationship work). Sex is an action and anyone can do it, it doesn't change your soul lmao. If you feel that a woman you're pursuing is saying she's a lesbian falsely then you are entitled to your own discernment. But there is no need to police anons like
>>2326694 lol. Truthfully I just don't understand people like you, what do you get out of scrutinizing and nitpicking the sex life of someone you don't even know? This is a vent thread not an interrogation
No. 2326795
>>2326787this logic also only works on young girls who already know they're lesbians and won't want to fuck men by that point kek. young women with no experience tend to fuck men
before finding out they're not into that and only into women… but knowing that requires having experienced a conversation with a woman irl
No. 2326797
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>>2326779kek truly mindbroken this wouldn't happen to them if they stick to the bisexual thread which is mostly febfems anyway
>>2326792looooooooool it really is like in actualtrannies lmaoooooooooo
No. 2326801
>>2326702I don’t feel like lying, and it’s on Switch anyway. Not impossible to pirate but they know I wouldn’t go to the trouble.
>>2326703I’m sorry that happened to you
nonnie. I feel like someday they might recognize it for what it is but be too proud to reach back out.
>>2326706They are very hypocritical. One’s always bitching about Taylor Swift for having a jet but still but from Amazon and use AI, SHEIN and other fast fashion.
>>2326712You are a true based gigantic. I’m a bit old for new friends but I’m not sweating it; I’ve always preferred solitude.
>>2326735Oh, poor Nona. I’m sorry you saw that. Please keep yourself safe. I love cats too, and I understand feeling obligated to know but digital self harm is a thing. Please be careful. I’ll hug my cat extra tonight for you.
No. 2326820
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(infighting, derailing) No. 2326832
>>2326694why do you want to be a lesbian so bad i don't get it. you consented to fucking a man MULTIPLE time.
>don't want to date biyour lack of self awareness is perplexing.
No. 2326841
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Retards ITT will be defending this(bait)
No. 2326847
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i’m excited for 2025, it feels good to be halfway through the decade already lol. feels like every decade since the 80s has just gotten weirder and weirder and weirder. Y’all have any plans for New Years eve?
>>2326844nta but cause we’re naturally wired to wanna fuck men probably
No. 2326856
>>2326853keek i saw it while bouncing through imageboards when lolcow went down in August and saved it, super cute drawing i love it amazing job nona
No. 2326869
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Fuck this gay earth!
No. 2326885
Shit, I should've trusted my intuition. My sis got a job and she had to be in a close quarters with an instructor for a week, when she told me about what her teacher was like, I got bad vibes that she sounded like a major cunt but I kept it to myself because it might seem rude.
Turns out, the teacher was a major cunt, despite how well my sis tried to frame it, she was getting yelled at, criticized constantly, no matter how she reacted the teacher kept calling her out as having an attitude, the directions were incredibly unclear, but my sis goes "well she was nice and she said she'd pray for me" she got you to burst into tears multiple times and quit the job after freaking you the fuck out and giving you instructions that caused you to nearly fuck up. "But she's a cancer survuvor" doesn't mean she had the right to do that.
Now my sis is blaming herself and crying about how she isn't mentally strong enough for the career she worked hard for. What the hell.
No. 2326898
>>2326864Probably what I will end up doing or try other sites that still support freedom of speech.
>>2326886Moron, don't post actual racism here it's against the rules. There is a reason why I said "I would have cut the middleman out and posted here if I could". This site is good for a lot of things but racist related vents are not one of them.
No. 2326922
>>2326798>>2326817nonnas never heard about Ricky Martin, Hugh Jackman, Bruce Willis, and every other closted celebrity in existence
>>2326898ntayrt but why do you need to make racist related vents to begin with…
No. 2326948
>>2326934you look like you anon, be glad you stand out
>>2326932the alternatives you see online are STD poser men with fugly faces but long hair so girls love them or girls trying to sell Onlyfans by doing the goth baddie gimmick, they are honestly pretty lame, I feel like being alternative isn't as cool as it once was cause a lot of people have piercings, tattoos. Hm..
No. 2326959
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Didn't mean to write this much but: I genuinely hate my grandmother and think passing away would be a mercy from her shitty life that's she's too slow to be self aware of. What kind of life is it to have been a young mom of 3 kids, walked out on by a deadbeat cheater she's STILL pining for to this day, no jobs no education just SSI, mentally retarded with no formal diagnosis but everyone can tell you're "off" and thus babies you, a body ravaged by seemingly ALL genetic illness+side effects from the meds so now you're aging 20 years more than you should be, and a bible thumper to boot?? All the years of negligence to her kids/us grandkids, coddling of moids in the family (even the criminals) yet if women are going through anything she's absent, the spergouts when we try to curb her hoarding (I genuinely believe we're gonna wake up one day to her crushed in her own room), her habit of shutting down serious discussions (that she insists she be a part of) because she's too soft to handle them, the way she never leaves the house and just lives through us and the news, the way she doesn't do anything to about the ADHD she WAS diagnosed with and expects us to handle her shit that she won't tell us about till the last minute (but later complains that WE misunderstood her and WE need to work on communication), IT'S ENOUGH. And worse yet when I vent to others that have gripes with her they're in full agreement, but when I say it to her face suddenly they're jumping in to shut me down and say it's not worth it. I don't love or respect her. I know it's awful to feel that way because it's not her fault, she's not evil, that I should be understanding as a fellow autist and woman, and non-family members give me nasty looks when I discuss her but I dare anyone to spend 3 days with her and not want to bang their head against the wall
No. 2326968
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This came up all of a sudden and I'm sorry for posting this here I really should talk to someone but I can't and no one reads these so it's good it's fine to do. I sound like a fucking schizo but I need to get this out, I'm sorry, I feel like I'm suffocating and I'm going to be sick and I'm just thinking about everything and it's stressing me and that's stressing me out even more because I shouldn't be like this right now, I'm supposed to be okay this just feels wrong and completely alien because I'm supposed to be okay. I think everyone knows what I'm talking about so I'm not sure to articulate this without sounding stupid and maybe you don't and I'm being a narcissist again, this shit sucks I was thinking completely normally today and all of a sudden my head's like a plate of fucking scrambled eggs I hate feeling this I never wanted to feel like this. It's like something is sitting on my chest it's horrible.
I'm going to go bed I think and I hopefully will cringe at this because I returned to normal because it's bad to be like this. I'm okay and I'm also sorry.
No. 2326970
>>2326922Sometimes it feels better to just be
toxic instead of having to expend more effort to carefully tiptoe around the issue. There is sincerely nothing I can do to fix or solve the issue so being
toxic anonymously feels like one of the the only ways I can speak the truth that nobody else wants to own up to.
No. 2326974
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I'm a hopeless case. I've been procrastinizing a lot and I really need to finish a paper by tonight put can't put myself to work and instead I'm searching up 'robert pattinson bulge' on google images. need someone to slap me out of it
No. 2327023
>>2327019I wish this was the case because I could get over him faster but I haven't looked at any pics of him for one month and saw one yesterday and my heart was thumping again….
It's new years eve and I'm depressed because I just know he's probably celebrating somewhere with some other girls. I'll never find a man as handsome as him again, I'll probably remain celibate.
No. 2327048
>>2327042>>2327045Is it? I admit I am no expert and all of them said they're diagnosed BPs, but then again many psychiatrists aren't very good in my experience and misdiagnoses are common, especially if said diagnoses rely onto what the patient is saying. And judging by the BP diagnosed women and men I know their perception of reality is horrifically skewed. I also heard some of those with a therapist saying that the therapist made them "feel like good people" and that they were happy about it and happy knowing how to cut "
toxic" ties so I am very skeptical about the things they might discuss there.
The worst part is that you are inclined to feel sorry for them or even perceive them as
victim if they talk about being oppressed
victims and you don't know them for long. So I always only notice it when it's too late and I am already having to deal with the consequences and block or set things right with others and distance myself from them. It's frustrating. I guess self-pity is already a huge red flag. There is a difference between random venting or talking about problems in real life and actual wallowing in self-pity. Today you also have a lot of these people attacking online friends and getting meltdowns for getting more "likes" as them, poisoning most fandoms that I had fun with before.
No. 2327072
>>2327058This is my experience as well. Lots of people behave worse, not better, after getting therapists. A lot of the therapies focus on validation and teach them to be more assertive which usually makes them worse.
Like this whole "I don't owe you anything" that every brat is throwing around these days stems from there. "Not owing" someone something makes sense when you talk about a bad, one-sided relationship with someone when you aren't their mom. Today many use it as excuse to behave like pieces of shit.
The parenting or lack of it makes everything worse too. I grew up in an environment where being rude would always come back at me immediately, even if my bad behavior was grounded in unawareness. It was often nothing bad, but usually resulted in myself feeling ashamed so I learned and never did it again. This is how it works. But many parents will attack the person that their kid was rude to, simply for complaining and this is very, very bad and it shows so much these days.
It doesn't help that most kids get diagnosed early now so retaliating when someone is mean to you might even make you seem like the rude one because you're attacking a poor mentally ill kiddo or adult that behaves like one. And almost none of these people ever work either, so they aren't challenged. If they had a job maybe they would be forced to learn to keep themselves in check. But some of those I know are hitting the 30s soon and they are still in university and never worked for a single day.
No. 2327075
>>2327073Yeah I think it depends on whether or not you consider yourself at fault or at least partly at fault for it or not.
If someone believes that it's always the others who are the bad ones consequences will only confirm their beliefs that everybody was mean to them. They fail to see the relation between cause and reaction or deem their deeds good or harmless.
No. 2327078
>>2327073which only means they could get away with it
if their behavior was truly unsustainable they would either stop or be stopped, as in, sufficiently ostracized that they could only ever impotently seethe on their own until they change their mind or die alone having ran out of people to grift from
>>2327072>This is my experience as wellI'm saying this as someone who is and has been, exhibiting every symptom you mentioned, only distinction is I'm painfully aware that it only comes from a place of privilege or perceived as much, I've literally gone through homelessness because of my behavior and still yearn for more, I know it'll never stop until I either drop dead from one too many slap in my face or kill myself
No. 2327084
>>2327078>if their behavior was truly unsustainable they would either stop or be stoppedThis. I was in an Asian only fandom recently that was perfect and chill until one nutcase had her first meltdowns and got racist against Japanese (who make up 99% of the fanbase) for not retweeting her art (they didn't retweet because her art is shit and Japanese are more honest than westerners in that regard).
I was about to become a friend with her but instantly cut ties and told her why. And everybody else did the same. She of course got even more meltdowns, cried, attacked and insulted everybody who follows her and later those that unfollowed for following her in the first place if they wanted to unfollow. We simply have no future vision so we couldn't know what person that is.
Anyway everybody agreed that the fandom was too beautiful and precious until now and we don't want to sacrifice it so she was collectively blocked by basically everybody. No idea how much she screeched afterwards because her account got private but she deleted it now.
Slowly things are getting chill again, artists go from private to public again and we have fun. Fuck these people. Never be nice to them once the overstep a red line. Chase them out or you will regret it.
No. 2327085
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When a man MARRIED to a woman with 2 kids comes out as gay, everyone believes him and refers to him as gay, no questions asked. but if a woman who lives in the patriarchal, homophobic and misogynistic hellworld that we call earth dares to actually go against her socialization and society and come out as a lesbian after being in an uncomfortable relationship with a male , we have retards on this website arguing for hours about how she's not sparkling clean kawaii yuri enough and should go back to dick.
How can you be a lesbian on lolcow and think like a yuri obsessed discord mod moid, lurk more
No. 2327097
>>2327095Only the first arc with Chad or whatever his name was as good and I will die on that hill. Back when the series was more down-to-earth and more like a character story with supernatural shit happening.
To be fair it didn't get an anime season in ages I think so there is a lot of hiatus between the last anime and the new one. But I have lost interest in it ages ago too. I stopped when Aizen was revealed to be the big bad which must have been in 2007 or something.
No. 2327105
>>2327098I have the same with fat. I always wanted to be normal-weighted but I never get over the BMI of 15 which sounds like I had bulimic but I am not. It's some inherited shit maybe or mutation, I eat normally and even more than a good bunch of people I know.
Nowadays people understand that overweight isn't always the fault of the person but they still claim so when it's about skinny people. I can gain muscles though which is why I train a bit to get some shape and not be a skeleton, but nothing can be done about the food I can't do more than eating burgers and kebabs and other shit that's supposed to make you heavier (though I mostly eat it because I love it). I assume you also have an issue with gaining weight.
If you as a doc they will most likely just tell you "eat more" or in your case "train more" and simply not believe what you say.
I doubt it's this, but just to be sure: be sure to get enough proteins when you train. I don't think you're vegetarian since you would have mentioned it though. But maybe you don't absorb proteins well. Maybe something can be done about that. Once you have them it might work (a little bit, at least)
No. 2327113
>>2327105Yeah I've been trying to bulk with beans and chickpeas and meat like a gymrat moid. Don't think it's doing much either kek
>>2327102I get this. It's painful, I've started to desensitise myself to it because I'll get hurt reading all of that shit. Being a woman is so tiring.
No. 2327115
>>2327102The percentage of men that are pedo is driving me nuts. And yet they still associate it with gays or other sexuality when 99% of pedos are het men with families that rape little girls. Gays exist too but in general being into kids is neither gay, nor lesbian nor het, it's a different type of sexual "attraction".
I am not even the guy can't tell fiction apart from reality but I will always side-eye every dude that likes anime girls that are canonically like 16 (which is bad enough) and even looking like 12. Strangely no man that I know as non-pedo likes these girls and every second man that does eventually reveals to be into women 20-30 years younger than him so I think there is a connection. It might be different for women and shota since women are more interested in shipping, whereas loli fags always draw art in which the kids are getting raped by faceless self-inserts. And you rarely ever hear of pedo women anyway. Again they exist, but they are so fucking rare compared to men you never hear of it unless it was some prominent teacher that did something with her 16 year old student. Not that I wouldn't condemn that too, but it's very rare and as horrible as it is, raping literal babies or girls younger than 12 is on a whole other level of degeneracy.
No. 2327122
>>2327119>>2327113Same with news in general. Especially since the many wars have started I outright stopped watching news because I was getting suicidal from this.
I am not enjoying my life to the fullest now and ignoring suffering, but I cannot help anybody by watching civilians in like 10 different countries dying in agony every day from dawn till midnight so I rather randomly donate some Euros to
victims of famines and wars because maybe someone will actually profit from this even if it's just a little bit.
No. 2327152
>>2327145End it abruptly with "sequel TBA".
No seriously, just summarize the rest of what you want to say quickly. Yes it sounds shit but do that first. Once you have this rephrase your lines to make them sound a bit more professional, add a few quotes. Depending on how much time you have left you can add more it's important that you have the end and the skeleton first because that will make you feel like most of the work was done.
What paper is it anyway? A term paper or your master's thesis?
No. 2327177
>>2327165>and it went surprisingly wellThis is the most important part. It means that the content is good, the research and result make sense. So contentwise your paper is good too because you're saying the same things.
You improvised when you did the speech, improvise again. Mention the important points and connect them shortly.
I know papers that are short as FUCK. Like literal summaries or quick reports with a bunch of footnotes.
No. 2327269
>>2327177You're right. Honestly the stakes are only high in my mind and nothing that bad could happen. I don't want to half ass it at this point but I'll try to stop over-complexifying everything. I hate how most moids are socialized to be overconfident in their capacities and just half-ass everything in their life without realizing their faults, but I need to stop having the exact opposite mindset and doubt everything I do if I want to pursue this career.
Thank you for your grounding words, I wish you a great new year kind nona.
No. 2327328
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>>2327095It finished years ago, it just never got adapted into an anime so there's money to be made.
The author also wrote a bit of a sequel with Ichigo's son.
No. 2327334
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Hello nonnys. My brother got a coach purse for Christmas because he’s a degenerate. I want to steal it because it’s cute and wasted on him for a multitude of reasons. What is the best approach to stealing it and passing it off as being misplaced? He’s going to get surgery in a few days and I think when he is incapacitated from meds is my best opportunity to both steal it and gaslight him. Any ideas?
No. 2327421
>>2327413You smell like ballsack
>>2327412Competing with other males (over shit that doesn't matter) is kind of what drives them
No. 2327432
>>2327428So it’s women’s fault if men are like that? Please. There are single moms breaking their backs in order to take care of ungrateful sons because their deadbeats father left them and you know who they get mad at? At the parent that stayed.
This argument is redundant and retarded.
No. 2327442
>>2327437hence why I feel suspicious about any judgement based off spirituality
but I'd be genuinely curious what some artist would pretend their inspiration actually comes from
surely art and theology were historically very much the same, but nowadays I'm afraid it's mostly used as a vessel for various neurosis, including but not limited to, what has been mentionned
No. 2327484
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I think that if my roommate appeared physically different, I would date him. Why do the people that I relate to the most have to be so physically incompatible? and that's implying that he would even be interested in me. I hate thinking this shit. I know there's the exact person I want out there. It's not him, but he's pretty damn close.
No. 2327493
>>2327482Males have always had less responsibilities and have been more coddled. They can be incompetent in every single aspect of life and suffer no consequences. I'm so sorry that your family does this too, nona.
>>2327455Kek are you the anon who just said that Dana is too old to go to music festivals at 31?
No. 2327527
>>2327511Same… feels worse the older you are too.
I'm currently at my parents house with my brother but he rather stays in his room than spending time with me. My parents are at friends house and my little sister who is always crying how lonely she is suddenly has parties to attend to (like every weekend). Most of my old friends married and got pregnant young, and everybody who doesn't have a family yet is still spending the evening with other couples. After a certain age there's just nowhere you can go to if you're single.
No. 2327543
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>>2327539my bad, i meant the part where you wrote "feels worse the older you are too" and i'm scared i'll wake up ten years from now, still friendless, and it just gets worse since by then my parents will be senile and my siblings and everyone else will have families to tend to that it just wouldn't be the same. this is not me putting you down i hope i'm not coming across that way! i've been friendless for years now, and i think to myself, well it's no big deal, i don't need anyone. but i do, everyone needs other people, that's just how it is. i also gave up a long time ago, but i think i want to try at least one more time in 2025 to see what will happen.
anyway happy new year's eve.
No. 2327554
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i posted about my plane crash dream last week because i had a flight coming up. the scary thing is the south korea plane crash mirrors (almost exactly) the scene set in my dream…i was behind this fence and everything. however a second plane came tumbling down after it. im not psychic its just very sad and odd
No. 2327557
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i hate my square shaped wide face so much
No. 2327733
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>>2327700>my long distance boyfriend wanted me to move to BrazilPlease, don't.
t. brazilian>>2327714Uruguay sucks. They didn't have laws against possession of cp, trannies can self-id there and is boring af.
> beautiful, temperate, socialized, safe, democratic, anti-corrupt, and joyous> Canada has cannibals that kill and eat people but don't do any jail timeNonna… You've never been to Uruguay or any LatAm country, right? I hate Cuckanada too, but come on…
No. 2327744
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>>2327733No, I haven't, but if Uruguay is that bad, then I'd suggest Chile instead.
Have you ever been to Cucknada?
Have you ever been in fear of being eaten stabbed and then cut up and eaten alive by a moid on a bus? And then rolling in your grave when he gets no prison time, is allowed to legally change his name, have his criminal record sealed so that none can find out what he's done, and consequently find employment in a restaurant as a kitchen cook, so that maybe your mourning mother or daughter will be unknowingly fed by the same man that slaughtered and ate you? Have you ever feared that? I have. No. 2327757
>>2327755I'm specifically talking about fear of cannibals.
>GirlAre we on Twitter right now?
No. 2327761
>>2327733lol well I'll just move to my bed then damn kek
>>2327738He's a decent guy, looks pretty, average height, watches anime n plays games with me, cleans, educated. That and, adorable, like a puppy
>>2327753I did. I got a sexy nerd who works at a card shop with muscles
No. 2327768
>>2327716You got played
nonnie. Sounds like she just didn't want other people flooding into Canada anymore kek. Canada may be a shithole right now but at least it's better than any LatAm country.
No. 2327772
>>2327768Makes me want to stay in America tbh lol
It's just everything is so expensive. But I guess that's life.
>>2327770I'm in the USA in one of the central states.
No. 2327774
>>2327771>Thinks I drink the waterEven I'm not that retarded. Look up "fluoride" if you haven't already.
>>2327772Canada is even more expensive than America. Don't listen to these shills, they're feds trying to trick you into coming to Canada so that you can be trapped to pay high taxes to prolong the regime. You're blessed to be American, you live in the greatest country on Earth. Just make your Brazilian nigel move to where you are, moids are slow-minded they can be convinced of anything.
No. 2327785
>>2327443Nta but I doubt it's from that because plenty of killers come from non-
abusive, normal homes with moms that do pretty much everything right
No. 2327917
Once again a woman in my new friend group is trying to compete with me and is making me miserable. I do everything to help these people, I’m kind and supportive, I don’t talk at all about my diet, achievements, clothing, money, anything that makes me seem different, and yet it still happens. I didn’t mention my dietary preferences at all but this one woman had to go off about how she would die being vegan, how everyone she’s known who went vegan was sick and ill, and how she survives on a beige diet. Ok? Congrats? I’m not sure why she thought that would be appropriate, and it made me so uncomfortable. All she seems to do is flirt with this other girl’s boyfriend in front of her and yet as a fellow autistic woman she’s meant to be someone I can relate to. I’m so sick of people putting me down or trying to compete with me, Jesus Christ, even the normies at work are friendlier than this. It’s gonna get to a point where I look people like this dead in the eye and tell them to kill themselves because I don’t know how else to respond to their childish behaviour
No. 2327937
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WTF is wrong with people
No. 2327942
>>2327917She was probably pretending to be autistic to get extra leeway for
toxic behaviour. I know that's what I would do if I was a
toxic shithead.
No. 2327950
>>23279375 years?? I wouldn’t last 5 weeks with a guy who needs me to baby him through his
toxic masculine ass wtf
No. 2327953
>>2327934I know you’re right and that’s what hurts the most. I wish I could just cut the bullshit and be friends with women, I wish I didn’t activate whatever protective mechanism they have (and I’m not attractive, fun or intelligent so I don’t know what the hell
triggers them) and I hate not having female friends. I’ve met one woman who seems reasonable because she’s old and chill enough to not give a fuck about competition but I don’t want to believe every woman is like this
No. 2327979
>>2327974She’s a retard for getting into a relationship with that kind of man. I don’t feel sorry, you knew how he was.
Her teaching him empathy (did he really learn though) is just useless labor that she could have saved herself if she chose a decent man from the getgo. Being bob the builder is the almost stupid thing you can do.
No. 2327982
>>2327974>weird brainwashing experiments on him to reengineer his entire personalityDamn so trying to get a misogynistic
toxic masculinity incel to change is seen as brainwashing experiments? Go back to Reddit
No. 2327991
>>2327987Look at the picture again retard, who looks like they're being abused? Who has the ig account humiliating their partner in public? You just believe the woman's narrative because she's a woman. I see a psychologically
abusive woman, there's no evidence in that picture that he's a shitty scrote except her claims. Again, imagine if the roles were reversed, and the guy was calling his wife retarded in front of the whole world.
No. 2327992
>>2327991>You just believe the woman's narrative because she's a womanOf course I do, I'm based
>imagine if the roles were reversedWhy do you retards always use this argument, men and women aren't the same
No. 2327993
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>how it feels knowing the hellmas ban made me normal again watching this entire infight go down
training for the final arc when the last chances of goodposting are gone from inevitable vpn ban.. i have to do everything i wanted to do, post everything i wanted to post and read stuff without having to read zoomer slop while i can… why is life like this? why can’t I just have one good fucking thing that lasts?
No. 2328038
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I'm in a discord server for an r18 game and a couple of idiots just keep using bdsm language for every fucking thing it's driving me up a wall, no the mc isn't in a "24/7 dom/sub relationship" just because his boyfriend is the classic domineering asshole top that likes to use toys sometimes! A tsundere going "dame~" during sex while spreading his legs by 165 degrees does not mean he has a "consensual nonconsent kink"! I'm so fucking tired
No. 2328039
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>>2327085>>2327087Only scrotes who you were content enough to have sex with benefit from this rhetoric that lesbians do like dick and have sex with men. Good job on letting your anger out on gs instead,
nonny! because we all know how not having sex with men is actually so lesbophobic and moidbraind but reading yaoi is peak feminist and lesbian uwu uwu
No. 2328066
>>2328057Dick is abundant, free range and easily accessible, made for the common woman, looks like mosquito mouth ready to suck all of the intelligence/discernment/reason out of his
victim. Pussy is just amazing I have nothing else to say
No. 2328074
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I'm actually so disappointed in my friend. Yesterday she said that it's awful when women talk about men's dick sizes or their experiences sleeping with them. She also said that it's objectifying to only want to hook up with a man to get pregnant, something someone has suggested to our mutual friend who wants children but is single. I'm sure that suggestion was a joke, but my friend who was offended by it took it very seriously. I'm blown away by her misplaced empathy towards men. It's so retarded.
No. 2328075
>>2327412Been feeling this as well. Even men that claim to have a lower libido act like this and it always makes me feel really disconnected from men as a whole. Their libido almost always manifests in ways that are gross and dehumanizing and that seems like it's the core of the problem rather than how much they have of it, because I used to have high libido for a woman and I never acted like they do. Even the supposedly less bad men in chats I've been in always end up saying weird sexual shit out of nowhere and their taste in art is mostly what you described. It doesn't make any sense because if you have lower libido and supposedly don't hate women why would you even want to see hypersexualized images all the time? I wouldn't even care as much if they weren't so brazen and open with it too, at least in the past those behaviors got unanimously shamed but now it's like a large portion of them embrace it and think this is okay just because they're on the internet. It's so common for male artists to end inserting hypersexualized shit into their work too even when they're otherwise skilled.
And for the empathy thing it's like they're always operating on a lower level. I could be having my meanest day and it'd still be nicer and more thoughtful than their best "nice" behavior 9 times out of 10, and this gap always makes me feel pretty disconnected from them. It's like they're autistic and cold compared to me when I'm not even a normal person to begin with
No. 2328102
>>2328079>>2328087Being picky is a good trait for women, my mom does the same thing and she ended up with an alcoholic
abusive husband who cheated on her and never helps around the house. You're definitely better off staying away from the weirdos and bad men if you can't find someone better.
No. 2328113
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BPDfaggotry incoming
Wish I could stop splitting on my boyfriend for little to no reason. Not even just because it's bad for the relationship but it's so distracting!!!!! I have shit to do!!!
There is no time to be screaming and crying and hitting myself when I only have one day left of holidays. I should be having fun and relaxing. And of course when I think of that I get annoyed that he's "making me feel this way" and hate him more.
As long as he's far away it will keep escalating like this. Maybe as long as he exists in my life…but if he didn't I'd just find someone else to make me feel this way. Hoping that when we're in the same timezone again it will be easier to get reassurance.
No. 2328136
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My gyno refuses to put me on meds because of my low weight caused by "untreated mental illness". She says I should go to the psychiatrist first before even considering any other type of treatment that my body couldn't withstand. My parents are scared, they know there's something very wrong with me and that'll be very probably diagnosed with a disorder then put on meds, they're literally doing their best to ease my anxiety and neuroticism without having to resort to a psychiatrist or sedatives. But tbh, if I'm in such a bad state of mind, to the point I'm visibly underweight and struggling with basic tasks, would sedatives be actually a bad option for me? Atp I'm desperate, I'll admit. I haven't known peace for a long time, I just want to rest, everything it's too bright and loud and it's hurts, I can't sleep, I just want to rest I don't care if I can't generate a thought again, in fact I don't even want to think or process a thought ever again, my mind literally bullies me everyday. I need help I can't do this alone
No. 2328146
>>2328079I’d rather be alone than settle. If the market is so shit that I can’t find anything I’d rather relax in my own kek.
Society has drilled on women the idea that we must absolutely find someone but it’s not true.
No. 2328254
>>2328189I think I don't really want a relationship, I just love the idea as well. I think I just live too far in my head and just can't get out. I'm genuinely 1000% convinced that if I had someone who fit all my standards in my head in real life, I
would not take them. Because reality is disappointing, reality ruins everything. I'll stay in my head forever.
No. 2328267
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It makes me laugh whenever people on here try to upstage you. I decide to take a break from using a specific thread but then that one person just has to suspiciously do the same thing I’m doing at that exact moment and try to ape me and then they do it worse is the funniest part kekkkkkk why does this always happen to me???
No. 2328271
>>2328267It's time for your meds,
No. 2328419
>>2328261I think they're bi too but so many people still argue that those men are full homo like the famous ones listed here
>>2326922, even from literal fags on gay forums idgi
No. 2328491
>>2328441Same. It's hard to stop being like this when I've never been wrong. People will tell me I'm just mentally ill and overthinking things negatively but then go on to prove me right
>>2328458They think stuff like that is a compliment for a woman because of how the beauty standard and ideal woman for them is basically a child. All it takes is being slightly shorter than average and not looking "old", especially if it's a weeb male
No. 2328567
>>2328527I got a doberman puppy and signed him up for a guard dog class. He's a sweet baby. Once people see you have a big dog they wont bother.
If you hate dogs, al the legal weapons you can get. Sprays, tazer, pocket knives, guns. We will never have the strength, but we can arm ourselves.
No. 2328661
>>2328572Having a boyfriend is a comparable affliction
>>2328579I'm Australian, it's just they don't cover it because the surgery is 'experimental' in that requires multiple prosthetic joint replacements etc. when it's only actually covered by public health fund for one joint. If I get the surgery to temporarily stop it advancing I would be less eligible for the prosthetic replacements and then would be perma-fucked so I'm trying to think of a solution before shambling around like a zombie spastic becomes incontinence
No. 2328795
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I am so sick of Chihuahua discrimination and hatred. Most of it is delusion and heightism. Chihuahuas are, by fact, the most LOYAL breed of dog. They aren't as friendly with strangers like golden shower retrievers because they are more protectives of their owners! People hate them for that because they cant comprehend that a dog is self respecting enough to not kiss your ass just because their human.
People perceive them as barking a lot more than other ddogs, but this is another racist myth. Every time i walk outside i get barked ay by a shitbull, fagador, and bagle. They never shut the fuck up even tho i been here for years. Yet no one complains about those breeds yapping? Chihuahuas are only agressive because people constantly abuse and disrespect them for being tiny picking them up, taunted them. Thse pussies would never taunt a asstralian shitpard.
Chihuahuas are female coded.
There is no recorded cases of Chihuahuas killing people. Seriously. Zilch.
Other dog breeds are responsible for 99.99% of dog committed atrocities, but chihuahuas get a disproportionate amount of hate. This is true for women, as society constantly fucking hates on us when males are responsible for 99.99% of all bad things.
I am so sick of these amazing dogs getting bullied for no reason. They mog every other shitty dog breed with their longest lifespan and 0% kill rate.
No. 2328806
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I want to add that chihuahua hatred is also a sign of rage and insecurity. Why do people feel fear when a germ shitpard bark at them, but they feel homicidal rage towards a chihuahua just existing? You are a fucking CHIMP! Why would you want to "punt the rat"? Do you hear yoursef? I would be stoned to death if i joked about killing shitbulls, but chihuahua slurs like "Rat" and joking about chihuahuas death is super funny! Honestly fuck dog people. They love dogs but would happily kill chihauhaus whilst sucking shitbull dick. I chihuahuas are honorary cats in my opinion. I fucking hate other breeds but chihuahas, inlove them so much. I have every beverly hills chihuahua movie. I am still crying over the loss of the animated series. We get ONE THING!
No. 2328813
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>>2328806See the chadwawa and the cat? If this was any other dog the cat would be shredded. They are honorary cats
No. 2328898
Seriously, whenever my cousins and my brother are together, all they do is talk about things related to me that are embarrassing or that brings me bad memories. Yesterday it was obnoxious because all my brother does is make fun of me or say that I don't know how to take pictures and shit, and my cousin follows him by trying to make sure everyone remembers that one time I was afraid of something or said something stupid, it goes on through the whole fucking day and night if possible.
So yesterday everyone was like
>you just want attention
>everything was done like this or that for you
And no? It wasn't, I was honestly annoyed because the new year's celebration is one of my favorite ones, and I was remembering some stuff, so then they all acted like I'm insane and like none of the stuff I remember ever happened. So of course I got passive aggressive because everything I do is wrong anyways.
Then I corrected my cousin because he said something retarded and my brother's girlfriend reeeeee'd at me saying that I shouldn't correct people because it's roooode, this is like the third time she says that, it's so retarded because I've been made fun of and corrected constantly throughout my whole life, which also meant getting humiliated too, because I'm retarded I guess.
Today I spent the whole day sleeping because I felt like shit too, I drank too much, which is something I truly never do, and honestly it was nice, if it wasn't because I was sick I would've still locked myself in my room anyways, I'm just sick and tired of always being wrong, being ugly, being fat, being retarded and I guess an attention whore now because I don't want to take a picture while being made fun of.
Like seriously, this is why I also barely take pictures of myself, I know my face is asymmetrical, but my asshat brother always makes sure to remind everyone of that, and I also don't know how to pose because I'm fat and anything that's creative looks retarded and I'm too ugly to look nice by just standing there.
I just hope I fucking die this year.
No. 2328980
>>2328795>>2328806>chihuahuas are honorary catsAs a little girl I had cat autism and also felt this way. They are hated for similar reasons that people hate cats too (not nice enough (allegedly), associated with women). Chihuahuas are amazing and I love them.
You are so correct and so based.
No. 2328993
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>>2328806>>2328795Literally the best breed of dog to exist, they are so cute and precious. Nobody can make me hate them at all!!!
No. 2329039
>>2328995It sounds like bs to me . If a scrote is into CNC is because it’s the closest thing he can do akin to rape without the consequences and guilt, he’s not sexually aroused by the fake pretend.
Retards who engage with this shit and justify by saying that it’s because of “muh coping mechanisms” and that their relationship are so full of trust and that in reality it pains the moid but he does it all the same are naive.
No. 2329076
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My boyfriend told me I have "beautiful" features more than "cute" features. He said that on the "cottagecore e-girl witch" to "Tomie IRL office siren voodoo witch" "scale", I was more leaning to "Tomie IRL office siren voodoo witch". He said that I look predatory. I don't know if this is negging or not.
No. 2329097
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At risk of sounding nlog or whatever I'm so disappointed with and bored by a lot of games graphics lately. I wonder if I would've liked BG3 more if the aesthetic wasn't super ugly? I liked Elden Ring and Wukong but there is no space for games with sexy characters I guess, ever since I was a kid I thought they were cool and badass and I don't think it's just coomers who want to play hot characters imo. It's just more interesting to look at. All arguments that it causes dysmorphia or is bad is bullshit and if we had more games with hot girl aesthetic, the amount of thriving vtubers would drop exponentially which is better for the world overall. Why can't I play as a beautiful fairy woman and also have decent gameplay
No. 2329107
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>>2329099Exactly! Make the men unrealistic too. If they made a game that actually indulged beauty and cool costuming/armor choices while still having decent gameplay it would attract tons of players, I'm beyond tired of western games trying too hard to make things "realistic", it clearly isn't working in their favor. I don't play mobile games and Infinity Nikki is super cute but isnt for me and I couldnt justify buying it. Just let us have the ability to make things look cool gdi.
No. 2329111
>>2329106No it's also on PC and PlayStation iirc
>>2329107>couldnt justify buying it. It's free
No. 2329113
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>>2329104Thank you for the rec, I'm just bitching/daydreaming about how I want a pretty rpg. I don't think IN would hold my interest but I think it's adorable
No. 2329134
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I feel like I'm going nuts. I wanted to post on the Desi thread but this one is more of a personal rant.
Do desi men, South Indian in my case, change and take responsibility after marriage, if they never lifted a finger growing up?
I'm 39 and my younger, early 30s brother is hankering for a wife aka a mommybangmaid all rolled in one. My Mom's looking through the arranged marriage websites. He's a high-flier, great career in the mid 6-digit salary range. But my mother used to and still does everything for him - cooking, washing/ironing, cleaning, playing secretary, therapist etc. I had to take care of him growing up and have continued to be pulled into whatever drama he's got going on because I'm a NEET who can't seem to escape this nightmare.
Ever since he's found a few potential "candidates" for his future spouse, he's been taking on this hyper-competent tone of voice and acting like suddenly he's a prize catch, that he's the model of a potential Husband, all reasonable. As if the last 30 years of my mother and myself didn't do anything to help.
He doesn't spend a single cent to help - he'd buy a $50 meal for himself and give us a few spoons of the food while eating the rest for himself. He'd complain about all the things wrong with our house and we'd have to scramble to fix things while he, again, wouldn't pay. The classic textbook narc whose first angry reaction is coming home and hurling rape threats at random women and extreme misogyny if some poor shop saleswoman dared offend him.
My father passed about 13 years ago but he was a huge misogynist and generally unpleasant person too. His anger was passed down to the both of us but my brother only takes it out on my mother and me, never physically, but verbally. He's the perfect picture outide. At other times, he's navel-gazing and talking about himself and his problems 24/7.
It's kind of crazy-making if I think too much about it. Do men change after marrying women they perceive as better than women in their family?
No. 2329274
>>2329251I feel your post so much, especially
>urgent things no one needs.This is the worst. Seeing how you lost your time and sanity into delivering something that didn't matter really pisses me off.
No. 2329310
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i just realized that i got fat. i've been in denial for so long and kept gaining weight, but now i can't ignore it any longer. i finally took a long look in the mirror without my figure concealing clothes and i am just like the cows i laugh at.
No. 2329350
>>2329172Don't know what to say to that other than I'm so sorry that happened to you and I hope everything regarding future employment works out for you.
>>2329216>>2329241Can't do the caring for a family member one because that one can be checked/requires proof here, but I might do the travelling one sometime in the future, a quick google session tells me it's often even seen positively by employers here, thanks for the suggestion.
No. 2329395
>>2329392Don't be upset
nonnie he was just stopping by to say hello in the only way he can now. Treasure those dreams, he loves you even now.
No. 2329488
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>>2329478Have you ever thought of ordering an iron fish? It's this big fish made of iron that you drop in a pot of boiling water, then you drink the water after it cools down. Some people even cook soups with the iron fish inside so that it adds more iron to the food.
No. 2329525
>>2329521I honestly have no idea. I noticed that pills or liquid iron supplements always have a really strong after taste, but with the iron fish I don't notice it at all. I usually cook soups, pastas, or oatmeals with the iron fish and I never have notice any metal taste.
>is the iron leached just a teeny weeny bitI'm not sure how much leeches into the food or drink, but I used to have really bad anemia but when I started cooking with the fish all my blood levels went back to the normal range and I didn't need to take pills anymore, so I think however much iron the iron fish releases was enough to alleviate my anemia symptoms.
No. 2329544
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My sister and her husband took the kids to some spa thing for xmas eve, now they are going to another spa without the kids. I'm visiting my mom because I have my only long ass holiday from school, we both got the flu a few days ago and both have a fever and a nasty cough. My sister fucking announced last week that she is dropping the kids here, my mom says that we will see because we are both kinda sick. She gets huffy and puffy and says she will ask the other grandma who is a boymom who refuses to take the girl child, the boy she would take. So today, her husband dropped the girl off and now my mom is entertaining her after I cooked but now my fever is 39 and I feel like shit. I seriously feel so angry, I feel like dying (dramatic) and this bitch really risks her whole family catching this shit? it's not covid but there's all sorts of shit going around, I also somehow need to be better by Tuesday and need to be well enough to actually travel back home via car thank God, but I'm so appaled. Countdown to the day next week where she will use her little online presence to act like a victim and a great mom for dealing with a sick family at the beginning of the year.
TLDR: don't have kids if you have a shit support system made of a cancer survivor with a still shit immune system and a pensioner.
No. 2329563
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>>2329536You got this
No. 2329567
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My parents are doing the absolute most for my sister, buying her all this new stuff and cleaning her room up for her and generally just supporting her a ton meanwhile I'm an afterthought to them. Whenever I try and talk to them about my troubles they say "Oh well you'll get through it." It's not like they've left me on the streets but sometimes I wish I could just have their support in the same way that they support her. The worst thing is she always pretends like they hate her and like she's the least favorite lol. I support her too and want to help her, and she's a good sister to me too, but sometimes I wish someone would help me too…
No. 2329753
i'm honestly scared but i'm thinking of taking at least a year off from university to come back home and figure my life out. my mom died last year, and i tried going back to university in the fall but it was honestly a lot harder than i thought it would be. especially so soon after her death. like i just barely managed to get by with good grades, but i know my general performance wasn't that great and my professors only put up with me out of pity. i wouldn't show up for classes a lot, i would just do my work like essays and homework and turn it in early while i would lay up in my apartment feeling like shit. plus, i've been going to university abroad and i'm tired of living in france. i miss spicy food, and i'm tired of living in my dinky apartment with my weird perv landlord who is always trying to get in my business. i cried really badly a few days ago when my dad stopped by to drop off some bbq for lunch, and just the look on his face when we were talking about me moving out of my short stay rental broke my heart. i think that was when i realized i couldn't go back.
plus i have so many things i need to work on in the states that i've put off for years. i've admittedly used living abroad to run away from my problems and minor inconveniences instead of buckling down and dealing with them. it's little stupid things that are easy to fix, like getting my driver's license renewed, actually sitting down and figuring out what i want to do with my life, working on something meaningful like my art or writing a book. i've wasted so much time being frivolous and just not being responsible and it's starting to bug me…i'm too old for that now and i feel the urge to take responsibility for my own destiny instead of just expecting shit to fall into my lap. i just feel kind of ashamed of the fact that i'm taking time off. i know my family won't understand and they'll probably try to encourage me to go back but i just can't anymore. i don't have it in me. i even thought about moving to a bigger place near my university since i saw some actual one bedroom flats in the area but i just mentally can't do it anymore. it's not just being in another country that bugs me, i have no friends and no family in france so i'm essentially all alone most days. and without my mom there to come visit or support me, i have no motivation to do anything anymore. that's not good for my mental health at all and even though i'm an introvert and usually don't mind being alone, it was starting to drive me nuts. i just hope i am making the right choice.
No. 2329884
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I’ve been going through some health problems and have been losing my hair. I wanted to braid it in hopes that I would feel better about how it looks despite it being fairly thin now. After four tries that progressively looked worse and worse I gave up. Now my arms hurt, I feel ugly, and my hair looks even worse than if I had done nothing at all. This sucks.
No. 2329938
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New years resolutions be like
No. 2329986
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I am so so so so so fucking tired of my boyfriend smoking cigarettes constantly it is so fucking disgusting. How does he not understand it is so fucking annoying to constantly be hacking up his lungs and spitting out gross shit 24/7 every time I buy tissues that shit is gone within a few weeks I just don't even get them anymore. And now because of that he uses up all the paper towels and overstuffs the fucking trash because he needs 1 paper towel per 1 fucking gross smoker snot. We do our laundry together so his gross tar soaked clothes mix with my clothes. It doesn't even matter anyway because my whole room smells like that shit, my whole apartment. I don't even want to sleep next to him anymore. Plus he's balding. Ever since he moved in I started hacking up shit too. He promised he would quit smoking but he gave up and started again in secret like a bitch. He kept trying to gaslight me about it too. Now here we are 2 years on with him wasting all his money on cigarettes and weed and drugs and it pisses me the fuck off. I used to hust tell myself it's okay because he's a sweet guy but he isn't even sweet anymore he just pisses me off so bad. I want to fucking die anons why did I do this to myself. I don't know what to do
No. 2330006
>>2329996>How can you stand a smoker as a non smoker? I truly don't know. I guess our intimacy has petered out so I mostly avoid being close to him. And I know how terrible and retarded of a living situation that sounds like trust me. This is extremely TMI but
it makes his semen rancid too so I don't really like sex with him. It fucking sucks because I have a high sex drive but he just turns me off. Our relationship used to be so good it makes me cry so much sometimes… every once in a while he asks me why I'm always so sad and I don't know how to say it's because he repulses me. I've tried to talk to him about how I can't deal with him smoking but moids never change. I should've just given up on dating
No. 2330012
>>2330006Well duh, if he smokes that much it’s bound to happen. This is the main reason why it’s a hard boundary for me, I wouldn’t stand being with a smoker, I’ve cut dates for that and I don’t fell ashamed.
My grandpa used to smoke a pack of Marlboro red , daily, which is 20 cigarettes, the walls of the house were yellow and when you would enter the house you would just be hit with with disgusting smell , I hated visiting; he died of lung cancer at 70. This is the life you’re going to have if you stick nonna, plus a higher increase of health issues on your part, because second hand smoke also affects you.
Cut your losses and accept that the relationship has reached its course. You can breakup, a relationship is not a life sentence kek.
No. 2330013
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>find someone with the same niche interests on tumblr
>she makes several posts asking people with the same interests to dm her and befriend her
>work up some courage and dm her
>she never answers
>she keeps making more posts about how people with the same interests should dm her
why nonnies? am i creepy or somethin?
No. 2330014
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>>2330006Also he’s probably aging fasted due to the smoke too. These are two twins, guess who’s the one who smokes.
No. 2330015
>>2329986Holy shit kick him out. Bare minimum stop washing his clothes. When he complains tell him the reason why, that he stinks and you’re tired of his poor choices effecting you too.
>he’s baldingThere’s no redeeming this anon.
No. 2330021
>>2330019I'm sorry
nonnie, I hope you can find some respite.
No. 2330033
>>2330015>>2330001I've thought a lot about breaking up, it just makes me cry because we're best friends and I would be so alone without him… I know I should be okay being by myself but I feel like college makes me want to die already and if I no longer had that support, well I don't know what I'd do. It would be a good idea to separate out our clothes though. What I've been thinking about doing is asking him if we could sleep separately but I mean we might as well break up then.
>>2330014I just don't understand why people smoke. It's so gross, and it's essentially paying money to kill yourself and ruin your belongings and piss people off when you can do that for free. I fucking hate it
No. 2330088
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>>2329151Thank you for that insight anon, hadn't considered even that is a larp for entrapment.
Right now his biggest gripe is how shameful my
fathers suicide looks like to families that would potentially "offer" their daughter to our family. He's been making my mother feel bad about things beyond her control instead of being grateful for all she's done since my father exit stage left from our lives.
Then yesterday my mother drops the bombshell that she wants to continue helping to cook and clean for him and that I'd help support him mentally etc after he's married so the wife won't be burdened by him.
I'm- this is like a Neverending soap opera and I wish to go to a new show.
The poor woman wants to marry him off so she can "settle" him. I've refused to get married because I can't reveal lesbian status to an Indian family, we're not really like the younger generation. I wish I'd taken care of myself about 20+ years ago instead of being trapped under the weight of my father and my own anger/shame etc.
No. 2330155
>>2329134>>2330088It’s so funny, my friendship group is on the opposite side of this. The two desi girls in the group are being pressured SO HARD to get married but even though they’re both smart pretty accomplished women they keep getting offered awful man babies like your brother. It’s funny how the prized sons turn into difficult to offload burdens when reality hits.
My one non desi friend who dated an indian dude for five years got put through HELL by that vegeta hairline, small man syndrome, rat faced, mama’s boy bastard (i was rooting on that relationship’s downfall the whole time).
So no nona, they don’t; I genuinely don’t understand how desi women are so awesome and are so lovely to have around and the men are….like that
The married brown men i know are also manbabies. It’s like they never disconnect from the teat; it must be so crazy making having to deal with that bs everyday nona.
You’re a trooper; it’s never too late to start building a life for yourself too. Women are long lived, you could easily have at least 20-30 years of good health to be free. Don’t let those people waste more of your time.
No. 2330205
>>2330202I think there is an originality in the nostalgia. Real 2000s fashion isn’t the same as 2020s y2k either.
That being said, is it just me or does gen alpha bleed into gen z? I don’t think they’ll be much different from younger zoomers.
No. 2330230
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>>2330205You could say that about any generation. There’s even a term for it picrel.
No. 2330277
this is exceedingly petty, but i don't care. i need a place in town to stay for a weekend and my sister is super willing, but her house is really gross and i dont want to stay there. i wish she could keep her shit together and not have stuff like cat litter and turds scattered around the box on the floor and the air in there wouldnt feel thick with stuff. she lives right up the road from me, but we never hang out at her place like she was hoping when she moved in there, and she's so embarrassed of it that she doesnt invite anyone over anyway. she's capable of cleaning, the worst she has is ADHD that she doesnt help herself at all with, to the point that she'll complain about being bored at home and is surprised when i suggest she catch up on cleaning like she's always saying she wants to, like she never considered it. of course i've tried to help, but when someone is habitually dirty and totally fine with living in it, all youre doing is bailing out a sinking ship. i've even tried kind of mean things like telling her how all the small stuff scattered around her floor could be eaten by her cats and result in them being hurt or at least a costly vet bill, but it doesn't help. she has a roommate too, but the roommate is just as gross and okay with it, so there's nothing i could do that someone who lives with her couldn't. ugh this could be a cozy fun sleepover thing but i'd have to spend 4 hours in a hazmat suit clearing a spot in her room to sit.
No. 2330339
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No. 2330456
>>2330433yes another
nonny bringing up silexan clinically studied lavender oil!! it does help with anxiety without major side effects. i used to take it regularly when i felt more anxious, and still do when i anticipate being stressed or irritated.
No. 2330474
I just bit on a piece of ham that had cartilage that I didn't expect, now I want to rip my fucking teeth out. I want to throw up.
>>2330458Terribly actually, I'm sleepy all day (Even right after waking up) then at night I can't sleep until like 3am. Idk if it has any correlation though, I do typically have the temperate issue
although I also typically have sleeping issues so… No. 2330478
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Its been 40 days since i was dumped. I ache for the touch of a man right now. Maybe i should try hooking up with a hot guy on an app soon but im scared of men.
No. 2330493
>>2330479Odd, I don’t think it’s sexual at all? Even family do this. It’s not sensual or anything, kind of aggressive, just a quick peck and more in the realm of the head, it’s not like they’re brushing your hair aside to slowly and gently nibble your ear
>>2330490You’re not. You’re the normal one.
No. 2330507
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why are there so many sex posts
No. 2330510
>>2330500What the fuck did I just read
>>2330503Seriously kek is it all bait or what?
No. 2330541
>>2330520Also, the 4 lesbians I know of irl:
>married to a woman, constantly gossiping about her coworkers behind their backs>nitpicks the politics of every woman she talks to, constantly finding reasons they aren't woke enough. recently, it was that wearing a hula skirt is cultural appropriation>has an eating disorder, constantly wears her gf's clothes and says how much bigger the clothes are on her and how they are falling off>is "into fashion" and makes constant comments about how the women around her aren't dressed properly>>2330527I guess I just don't see it?
I'm just sharing my experiences, and it feels like, at least the lesbians I have met, are just as catty and cliquey with each other as straight women. There's not the unconditional love and forgiveness that straight women have for literally all men. Straight women performatively hate men while secretly being willing to forgive them for anything, while women performatively love other women, while waiting to tear them down. This is just how I feel.
>>2330528If that's true, they're doing very well at stirring the pot.
No. 2330610
Getting flooring replaced at my house, that I paid for, on a schedule that I requested, and of course my mom fucking spends days yelling at me to redo my staircase, then yells at the guys installing the floors. It's 1 layer of varnish that can fucking wait, but no, she had to do what she's always done to construction workers, and shows up yelling at them for working on the floor at all because I wanted to put a cabinet in last. I needed the flooring in to fix a closet or the measurments are wrong. I bought shit that is damn near scratch-proof and I do not care if I need to cover it again to install some dumbass cabinet. I'm not delaying shit another month just because it causes her anxiety about stupid scratches on a floor going in a house with multiple pets and 2 roommates. I felt like I stood up to her, barely kept myself together, got way too pissy anyway but what fucking ever. I feel bad for one of the guys getting told bullshit from the stand-in supervisor, only to get blamed for shit and yelled at by someone who doesn't live here, but at least he was glad I was nice. I don't fucking know man, contractors can be dumb but don't fucking scream at them. At least she apologized kindof but she's not allowed back if they're working. I'm done.
>>2330377Depends. I always avoided prescribed medications since I don't want a pill to be my go-to for calming down, but I was given Ativan recently since I need new PMDD treatment. It works almost too well for me, I only take a half dose as-needed and it's nearly instant relief. I'm a little worried I just have a predisposition to addiction since most meds/drugs I've tried always made me a bit too happy/excited. I probably should have taken it today to deal with the above bullshit but I don't want it to be an escape button all the time, I think I'd end up reliant. I can completely see why people get addicted to benzos because of it though.
No. 2330629
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The more im around people that pry into my life, the worse I feel about being single these past few years. Its been about maybe 3 to 4 years since being in a relationship, and the last few I was in were so traumatizing. But now I feel forced to go be in one just so I can feel normal. No one these past few years has caught my interest though and i genuinely dont find much men attractive. So I know if I force it, ill be a different kind of miserable. Why can't I just be single and celibate without having to feel like im a loser for it? Everyone I know at work is married and always ask prying questions about my life. And if I say im single, they make it seem like I announced it got diagnosed with something. Like it's just pity or judgement. It makes me just hate people even more.
No. 2330636
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Any man who says he is a fan of Taylor Swift is a huge red flag for me. It feels so disengenuous like "hmmm what's the easiest way of making myself seem non threatening to femoids" look buddy I'm not even a fan of hers but I know as sure as shit you aren't either.
No. 2330687
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Could anons rattle rattle me? Usually it works when I do it to myself, but not today for some reason. I only ate two ham sandwiches today, nothing on them just ham and bread, and this stupid voice in the back of my mind is going "oooh fatty fatty boom boom lardass" like fuck off that's barely two meals. I don't have a ED, I'm just short and unfortunately shaped so I'm neurotic about gaining because I'll look like fatvegfemme miss her threads so much
No. 2330711
>>2330632Nta. Retards like these love to use that one statistic and the divorce rate among lesbians as a gotcha, but it’s always so stupid. Realistically, hetties would score higher in divorce statistics, but unlike lesbians, het women practice copious amounts of mental gymnastics wether it’s about the emotional neglect of their huzzbans, or their moids just being pieces of shit or simply not being able to leave the marriage for various reasons.
>>2330629>Why can't I just be single and celibate without having to feel like im a loser for it?You will feel like one only if you let this mentality get to you. I have been lowkey bullied at my workplace the first 2 years of being there for not being with a moid besides having nosey people asking about my business in that department. Felt the same way back then, but I just started to ignore them and even make other snarky remarks if provoked, now they don’t talk to me like that anymore and hearing them complain about how they have to cook 3 kinds of meals after work almost daily for their scrotes makes me feel relief.
Just realize that your co-workers are the definition of “misery loves company” if they care so much about your relationship status. Next time they start being nosey, you can offer them an autograph if they give the same fucks they would give to a celebrity kek.
No. 2330715
>>2330550People hate confronting it because it is also confronting the general hatred women have for other women. That attention to detail is used on men to pick out their good qualities and build up a positive image, whereas women keep logs of other women's insecurities to use against them if they do something they don't like. Nitpicking their politics, their appearances, and their personalities. I don't believe men are capable of love, but women are only capable of loving men. Men abuse them by default and they will make excuses for them and love them unconditionally anyway. The way ALL women, straight and lesbian, treat men and women, is night and day.
>>2330711Wouldn't the divorce rate also include lesbians who divorced men?
No. 2330761
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I was having a polite conversation with my coworker about weight, diets, the summer body, etc, and not once did I imply that I was uncomfortable in my body. Then suddenly, he hits me with, "You're like me anon you wouldn’t say no to losing 20 lbs by magic, haha." out of nowhere. I’m not skinny, but I workout and have a nice, toned, curvy body with a cute face. He, on the other hand, is a a full-on food addict, a fat slob who secretly eats ham, chocolate, and pizza while hidng in the work toilets and his face is distorted by his fat. I’m attractive, and he’s ugly. I’m fit, and he’s fat. He also looks like picrel. Yet somehow, in his mind, we’re the same because I don’t look like Belle Delphine or any of the OnlyFans whores he jerks off to on weekends, I can't with scrotes anymore.
No. 2330764
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I love laughing at Pixyteri, but the monologue in my head sounds awfully adjacent to hers. I can't stop thinking about how old I am, and how in return that makes me ugly. I think about it nonstop and I am 28. I can only imagine how much worse that will be in the future. Please help me please help me please help me. Why are you hurting me. I don't wanna die.
No. 2330767
>>2330764Therapy will help you. If therapy will misgender you and make you eat tanning pills, you could do some journalling exercises to figure out why you're so obsessed with being old and ugly. If you don't address this soon you'll never be the kawaii aidoru your windchime papa wants you to be, and instead you'll be misgendered for life at the UTI clinic.
Ganbatte, nona-chan!
No. 2330783
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I accidentally made fun of the name of a co-workers cat and now I feel bad.
No. 2330803
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>Mother insults me, accuses me of weird random shit
>Ask her why she said that
>"I didn't say that, I misspoke, I don't remember saying that five minutes ago, you're being cruel"
Guess who isn't getting my new phone number
No. 2330813
>>2330482>>2330537That's insane nonna especially then pube thing, he has to be told how unacceptably retarded that is seconding
>>2330581If you have this long history with him it might be worthwhile to see if he's receptive to learning how shit he is at sex anyway
No. 2330986
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>tfw desperately trying not to tear the zoomer they/them enby (woman) in my class a new one in the class discussions.
I'm obviously going to be respectful, but Christ almighty these people are such a meme. They all parrot the same brain dead gender takes and I'm so tired of it.
No. 2331032
>>2330541>If that's true, they're doing very well at stirring the pot.DA but for real they are kek. If it's any consolation
nonnie I consider myself a normie lesbian who dates bi women and get so bored of the samey conversation topics in those threads that I just go on /ot/ or /m/ to talk about my interests. It's like the same 3 people who argue with vpn-fuelled bait and fill up the thread anyway kek.
>>2331007>Do you have a link to it??NO!!!!!!!!!!! I mean I
do because she's watching another of his videos on my youtube account as we speak but I'M NOT GIVING IT TO YOU!!!
>>2331009God I relate, she even reads her own tarot and got me my own tarot cards for my birthday last year with a book on how to read them arghhh. Going insane nonna. I could've bought a plushie that would've gotten more use.
No. 2331058
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I genuinely want to be blown up. If I was on fire and my mom had water, she'd drink it and laugh.
No. 2331067
>>2330751>apparently being abused and humiliated in canon means you're feminineGenuinely sick of this type of thinking, been seeing it more and more these days.
A male character cries because everyone he loves is dead and this apparently means he's either a woman or an annoying crybaby. Just want to enjoy male tears in peace, man.
No. 2331088
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i cleaned my room (mainly from dust and paper) and now i feel a lot better. i haven't smoked weed in days and it was enough, sucks when the weed apathy kicks in to make you lazy as fuck. i hope i can stay like this at least for a month.
No. 2331145
>>2331111It is harmless, especially compared to organized religion, it's also just fucking stupid and wrong, and I think that's enough reason to hate it on principle.
>>2331139I'd love to hear an actual explanation why the position of the stars supposedly correlates with human personality.
No. 2331154
>>2331145Fancy elements like carbon are made in the nuclear fusion fires of stars, once they explode they get spread out around the universe ending up on planets. I am mostly made of carbon therefore the remaining stars are like my cool aunts giving me advice with the their billions of years of space knowledge.
Things made of boring elements like hydrogen or helium get nothing and it's right to shun them.
No. 2331159
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>>2331156What do the stars say about me, wise one?
No. 2331169
>>2331146If people weren't selling their "readings" to people, it would just be fun. But even when they say "$120 a reading, JUST FOR FUN!" you have to think about why someone would spend that much money on a bunch of lies. Because they think it's real, legitimate, or some sort of information that will guide them. So people who practice astrology for profit are grifters. Period.
>>2331151There's no book that would prove anything, which is why anon is asking for an actual explanation. It's a rhetorical question, really.
>>2331156That literally doesn't mean anything and you know it lol
>>2331159They don't know, they can't handle the fact that maybe they've been following something with too much sincerity that is, at most, "for fun". Like basing your entire life off of whatever the Sonic Totem says. Astrology/tarot nonnies go off, but fuck off with the "I can read you to filth" bullshit. You can't read shit, go to DBT and stop relying on lies and liars.
No. 2331210
>>2331177You aren't alone, I don't make major decisions necessarily but certainly have relied on Sanic a lot over the years. It's something I could probably never explain to most people in my life even though it's connected to a lot of my life kek
It's become more surreal with the modern sonic movies being a thing
No. 2331272
>>2331231If you have a round face it can thin your cheeks. If you already have a narrow face it looks bad.
>>2331253Shoo you
No. 2331333
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I hate that I'm so unlovable, and I hate that I'm such a failure. I honestly just want to reste my life with a healthy brain instead of one that has been mentally ill and constantly thinking about wanting die since since day one. I have some great odds, and I am stubborn, but my mentally ill brain keeps messing everything up and making me a constantly awkward mess despite how hard I try. I will never get married, I will barely pass uni and be a failure at whatever workplace I end up at. I can't connect with people properly because I'm constantly aware of how dumb, ugly and awkward I am and how much I hate myself. Maybe I could turn it around with the right help, but no doctor or psychatrist takes me seriously despite having a 20 year long history of self-harm and suicide attempts.
No. 2331444
>>2331433Please don't do it
No. 2331487
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Starting to freak out about quitting my job. What if the one I want doesn't hire me? I was unemployed for months and now I’m panicking. I wasn’t even clear during the screening and I have to spend the weekend stressing about calling them back to mention the project I’m interested in. Also feeling extreme guilt because one of my aunts saw me working there and told my mother she was so happy to see me working and said I was so nice to the customers. Now my mom had to tell her I’m unemployed again. I also saw so many neighbors there kek, why is this shit town so small? Gosh I'm such a fuck up. I know I should have waited for the other job to hire me but I was so miserable in the former one. But I was probably going to quit anyway…? I'm pretty sure kek
No. 2331498
>>2331483Movies and shows keep using songs now that I loved
years ago when I was an angsty 12 year old and its so jarring to me lol.
No. 2331508
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I'm watching Sam Hyde's video about Elon Musk and it's so fucking faggy kek
No. 2331525
>>2331444Took some anxiety pills and distracted myself with some youtube bullshit, so I'm good for now
Gotta do something about my get upset -> want to cut -> get upset for wanting to cut -> want to cut even more because now I'm doubly upset
>>2331452Already eaten my allotted amount of calories today tho
No. 2331541
>>2331525I'm sorry
nonny, that is a really hard cycle to break out of. I'm proud of you for distracting yourself. Even if it feels small, it's still progress. You're doing what you can, and that matters. One step at a time okay? ♥
No. 2331557
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>try to anhero
>get stopped by mom
>get sent to looney bin
>years go by
>depressed, still suicidal
>mom tells me to stop being a parasitical neet and get a job or degree
>ok, i enroll in college
>tell my therapist i enrolled in college because of my mom threatened me
>she tells me thats wrong, that i should only do things if i want to
>tell her the only thing i want to do is to neet
>she tells me i cant do that
>i tell her i understand, thats why i enrolled in college
>she tells me i cant do things i dont want to do
>shit goes back and forth until the session is over
Holy shit what do people want of me? they dont want me to die, they also dont want me to go to college and force myself to do normie shit i dont want to. I was born retarded, ugly, thirdie and a fujoshi. It was over before it even started and they still get pissed at me when i try. I will never be some normie woman who wants to get a degree to then get a job to then get married to then get children. I am just happy surfing the web and watching anime, not much more. I fucking hate living.
No. 2331573
>>2331563Don't be sad
nonnie, 2025 will be your year! Just gotta take it step by step and try not to overdo it, easier to turn big goals into small ones than vice versa
No. 2331590
>>2331557Your therapist doesn't want to push you into anhero territory again, so she's telling you what she thinks you want to hear.
You can try to be blunt with her and tell her straight up that you don't like platitudes and sugar coating, it only makes you feel worse. She might take the hint, or she might not.
You definitely need to tell her that you want practical solutions to your problems. Pick a small, simple problem and discuss what you can do about it. Anything goes, as long as it's relatively small- basically, don't try to get her to fix your suicidal tendencies or retardation, get her to fix your eating and sleeping habits, or something similar. Then do the things she suggests and give her feedback during your next session. Keep doing that. Once she sees that you respond well to productive conversations, she'll be more straightforward.
And it doesn't matter if you only want to surf the web and watch anime, that's perfectly fine, you don't need to be a normie woman to be happy and fulfilled. But you need to do something with your life in order to watch anime and scroll all day. Jobs aren't there for emotional fulfillment, they're a means to an end. School is a little different, these days the subjects you study don't have much correlation with the job you get at the end, so it's a good idea to study something you enjoy. Even if you don't like it much it's still going to help you adjust to normie life and shows you've done something during the time you were unemployed.
Please keep us updated nonna, I'm sending you strength and love for the year ahead. I've been in a similar situation, and I know you can make it out.
No. 2331673
>>2331572>>2331590I tried explaining it to her, but she kept recommending me to find a job or do some courses instead. Things i dont want to do either and are way harder than opening a book and pretending to care about lectures tbh. It made me really frustrated because i am putting the effort into improving my life, but that doesnt seem to be enough for her. It's like she doesnt understand my problem, i know its hard for normal people to understand that some people just dont have any form of motivation to live, but i thought a therapist would at least be more understanding to it. It felt like talking to brick wall. Thanks for the encouragement nonnies.
>>2331610>Why did you try an hero?mom had cancer and was on the brink of dying, my only friend was some creepy scrote that tried to rape me, i am a thirdie, i had undiagnosed ADHD, plus some other bullshit i dont remember.
>get a job in that field to buy more anime and fujoshi shit in your time off.thats the thing, i live in a shithole. The average salary here is less than 100 usd. So i dont even have the motivation to work just to consoom. I think working would actually push me to finally rope for good.
No. 2331686
>>2331675>>2331676i didnt mean you specifically i meant society in general. its like ever since i was a little girl all of society has been screaming at me telling me that im small, im weak, im defenseless, im vulnerable, im powerless, etc etc, and at a certain point it gets boring. i had to vomit up all the fake bs they shoved down my throat. i took self defense classes and i carry a weapon and im street smart. i dont have to be afraid all the time because i have faith in myself and i believe in myself. im not a sitting duck now, and maybe i never was. i can do things on my own and go places on my own. men are looking for vulnerable women everywhere on this earth, not just clubs.
>>2331685thats a different anon youre replying to, not me.
No. 2331688
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How the fuck do I know a destransitioner and she's thinking about taking T and retransitioning to some genderdemon she was never on T before why now?? Why now??
No. 2331690
I fucking hate my classmates, I'm an uni student doing my masters degree and my classmates all they do is whine. I understand shit is hard! I understand wanting to vent cuz there's a lot of work, sometimes you can have a hard time organising yourself, and sometimes teachers can be annoying, I get it! But why complain all the goddamn time and not do anything to fix it? If you have an issue with a teacher then at least try to talk to him instead of seething on a goddamn Instagram chat all the time. They whine about all the work we have and then later they say stuff like "I'm going to tell the teacher to move the deadline" or "should we lie to the teacher about what we had to give him?", why not work instead of complaining all the damn time? And like I get it, you shouldn't burnout yourself, you should know to take breaks and not be a machine, but then why does it feel like I'm the only one who knows how to organise myself? Why am I the only one who always finishes stuff before or during the deadline?
It's a small group so interaction with them is inevitable. I always try to be invisible in class too, so whenever they whine I just don't say anything cuz I don't want any trouble, tho I have been tempted to say "shut up already". The only thing really keeping me sane is the fact that I'll finish my masters next year, and after that I'll never see them again (tho secretly I wish some drop out before that).
No. 2331709
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>getting off ssris (have been on them on and off for 8 years)
>i feel better and less empty and have more creativity
>but my desire for romantic and sexual affection is back and i feel painfully lonely
god i hate my life
No. 2331713
>>2331704How the hell is she getting brainwashed? Low self-esteem I guess
>>2331711The trade off to being a silicon valley bro is being hideous and an incel, though
No. 2331719
>>2331648thank youu nona i didn't expect to actually get good advice but this is an amazing suggestion. im just so shy sometimes but we do have a lot of cool live music events here so i should give it a try. i never go out alone but i need to start trying lol since none of my current friends or bf care about doing anything. i will remember my lighter! that's such a good suggestion really thank you
>>2331672>>2331676i agree with you both lol i see both sides. tbh the whole reason i want to go with the people i already trust is because i like to get fucked up drinking and smoking and they will be with me the whole time. the clubs i enjoy are also a little rough so it sucks when i don't have anyone willing to go with me. i just wish things were different lol. i will have to be content with some other events alone i guess even though i love my sketchy clubs and hanging with my friends (when they actually rarely agree to go)
No. 2331725
>>2331720i probably already have brain damage from being on effexor when i was like 15 so i dont even care
No. 2331744
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>practically starved myself during my last year of college before i stopped going so i could get a job
>was back to my og skinny petite body
>unironically had a thigh gap i didn’t even know i had it was so nice i finally felt like those normie girls i was jealous of on the internet when i was a sad and impressionable teenager
>universe says nope
>pcos says fuck everything with my body and says “it’s time to bloat!”
>birth control was sort of maintaining the weight i had lost and kept hormonal acne at bay
>stops taking it because of health anxiety
>bloats up like a fucking balloon
>bacne from the hormonal imbalance going absolutely insane i look like a roided gymbro high on testosterone with this amount of bacne
I want to strap the creators of this world to a fucking pole, attach ropes to their arms and legs to a truck and then get inside the truck and smash my legs down on the engine and pull their limbs until it rips out of their body and drive over their remains. I’m so fucking sick and tired of this shit, I CANT EVEN HAVE ONE THING NOPE NOT ONE THING EVER IN THIS LIFE. I CANT BE FREE OF MOIDS, I CANT BE FREE OF SUFFERING, I CANT BE FREE OF CHRONIC FATIGUE, I CANT BE FREE OF CONSTANTLY FEELING LIKE IM FIGHTING FOR THAT TRUE GENUINE FEELING OF PEACE AND TRANQUILITY WHERE I CAN SIGH WITH A DEEP KNOWING SHIT WILL STAY THE SAME… shit just isn’t the same man
No. 2331751
>>2331550Your dad sounds annoying to live with but Poor Things isn't actually a story about a woman being raped, it's about a woman leaning bodily autonomy. It's not everyone's cup of tea and the first half of the movie feels absolutely awful to watch but I appreciate that even though she takes part in sex work she is never actually raped even though it would have been so easy for them to throw that in as a scene.
I don't think anyone should be forced to watch that film if they don't want to, and tbh I would be
sus of any man watching it
No. 2331797
>>2331786That too I won't disagree, it's also a surreal examination of the born sexy troupe
I don't think it's a film everyone should watch but imo it's not without merit is all I'm saying
No. 2331895
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I've been sick as a dog for over a week and I'm lying in bed and can't breathe for shit. Why.
No. 2331900
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>>2331895This post is a talisman of longevity. May you heal.
No. 2332042
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I got stressed last night and ripped my fingernails out of my right hand. I’ve been doing well so not entirely sure where that came from, but now it hurts to do anything so I’ve just been laying in bed crying most of the day.
No. 2332091
>>2331433Idk you sound retarded. why would you want to cut? it hurts and it leaves scars and does nothing for you. You need to find better ways to manage your anxiety because this is not productive at all.
(this is what i would tell myself idk if it helps but i tried)
No. 2332105
>>2332102I might not be dying of horniness everytime but I still like to have that release before bed, it helps me close off the day and feel like I took time for myself
(No lighting candles and meditating or whatever boring activity I could do instead won't do)
I just wish there was more sole-male stuff aimed at women
No. 2332171
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Decided to do Dry January this year because I’m a functioning alcoholic who won’t remain functioning for long if I keep this shit up to improve my health, but holy fuck. I don’t even have a sweet tooth normally, but my blood sugar and dopamine must be all over the place because I’m craving sweet things like crazy. I want to lose some weight but I won’t be able to if I’m still getting empty calories from eating candy instead of drinking. At least it’s not alcohol I guess, I’m trying to give myself some grace during this first week.
No. 2332198
>>2332189>larp as someone else’s life for a whileit sounds like you're suggesting murder and identity theft anon. Probably makes more sense to keep the person alive who wants to be that way imo
jk but the suicidal person shouldn't run from her problems but confront them. Your advice is really bad, this is something alcoholics are known for
No. 2332240
>>2332228>>2332198It’s hilarious how nona said they had a plan to kill themselves 2 hours ago and none of you cared to respond until advice you didn’t like was given then all you cared about was arguing against said given advice. Telling someone to not kys and create a life they do like is running away from their problems instead of facing them? Or watching too many movies? I sometimes forget on here that people are turbo autists who read things literally and jump to the stupidest conclusion of murder and identity theft for telling someone to dye their hair and change where they live kek
>>2332233why does it make you depressed not being unemployed?
No. 2332265
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I'm worried about my relationship. It feels weird.
We both feel bored often, but can't find ways to have more fun. We're so fundamentally similar, but also different in ways that I feel drive a large wedge between us. He doesn't mean for it to be this way, but I often feel wrong and strange trying to be creative or share my interests with him. The former is the hardest part, I struggle to show him anything I've made or writing ideas I've had. It's almost like my will to "be myself" gets sapped because there's some base level requirement to "prove" something to him, often in the form of a small argument. I feel like I need to literally insist on myself, and I don't want to. I hate doing that. It's a constant push and pull. He's getting better about it, but it's tiring. I'm trying not to lose myself. I know he doesn't want me to, either. He gets sad if he senses me pulling back on things, but he makes it hard at the same time. I don't know. I don't mean to be annoying, but I guess I am. Maybe I'm just too sensitive, or he's too irony-poisoned.
No. 2332310
>>2330986Try to casually peak everyone else behind the tifs backs. If you're lucky some of them might be gender critical too.
A good way to peak semi-wokes is to point out "phobic" things like "Tif was being so homophobic earlier, like since when does a boy liking pink mean he's not a real boy?? are we in the 1950s???".
No. 2332323
I am the most cucked person in the world right now. I guess it’s always the case with TIFs, huh? But I question her sense of self, what even is the real you? You change your entire course, are clearly ok with being viewed as a girl now, just for a man, you want to be his manic pixie dream girl. You fucking cut your hair in the exact same cut as Ramona Flowers for fucks’ sake. I hope he breaks your heart, really. And he liked you like that, models you like that. I hope he fucks you over. I wonder what will happen then, if you’ll feel the pain I feel, who you’ll model yourself after next. Just another heterosexual man getting his ego stroked having someone so beautiful wanting to be with a toe-rag looking creature. In fact, she changed her entire being for you, pulled the self-hate out of you by the power of dicksucking when no sanity could. I hate that I can see the love in your eyes for such a thing.
No. 2332483
Eating with such a small stomach it's so ASS, everyone in my family has this problem, it's just a thing for us. Can't ever indulge, always gotta be careful with portions or drinking too much. Been like that since ever, it's so boring and frankly infuriating. Most people struggle with overeating issues/ binge eating and here I am, feeling like a damn balloon after half a cup of soda, wish those were my problems. It's always normies talking about how they ate 2 packs of cookies by themselves and still feel hungry, only thing actually stopping them from eating more being guilt, how tf is that even possible?? If I had a big stomach I'd be fat as hell tbh, eating whatever I want whenever I want, sounds like a dream. No wonder so many are overweight nowadays, if I could, I'd be too
No. 2332544
>>2332537Well, the ones who will really only look at women through the lens of their weird fetishes aren’t worth anyone’s time anyway tbh, I get what you mean about options though but there’s a reason fetishized women often prefer to specifically avoid those men too despite it limiting their dating pool. I know it sucks because the masses of moids are shallow losers but hey, if one is actually worth spending your life with, then great, and if not, better to be alone anyway. A man with correct priorities will see you for who you are. And if they don’t, life is fulfilling by pursuing your dreams, being good to others, being kind to yourself, and surrounding yourself with people who are kind to you in turn, not just a significant other. I wish you the best anon.
No. 2332565
>>2332559NTA but it is absolutely a real thing.
Doesn’t make it any less silly but it is a thing for many people. Why do you think there are so many fat people walking around. They’re wearing their addiction for all to see
No. 2332594
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I hate seeing women make tranny comics and emphasize how “male” they are. It’s like have you literally ever been around a man? Or a group of them? If you ever said that shit in front of them you’d get BTFO’d immediately. And as much as I hate trannies I’d still feel bad because it’s clear that you hate yourself and have a very warped idea of males.
No. 2332601
>>2332568>>2332590i'm jumping in here to say that being able to overcome addictions is like… kinda fun actually. just fucking do it. you'll feel like shit for a few days and its pretty motivating.
i've quit multiple substances with no help and balls to the wall cold turkey and now i'm convinced nothing will ever kill me
No. 2332635
>>2332274Sorry for responding so late, thank you so much nonna
♥ I'll screenshot this because I need to read it. Thank you, it made me feel better
No. 2332637
>>2332625thanks for the advice anon, i started therapy recently so hopefully it can help.
it's definitely a way for me to cope in stressful situations because when my studies and personal life were going good i lost 10kg in a matter of months due to not binging and just eating normally. but nowadays my mental health has been spiralling and it's been hard to control the urges. but i know i can pull myself together again like i did before.
i know it's something i'm in control of and no one is forcing me to binge but it's just really frustrating to be at war with your own head 24/7. but people elsewhere in the world are dying from starvation so i will survive kek
No. 2332654
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>>2332637Tbh you should find another way to manage your stress, like journaling or doing something creative. Or making a vision board or something to help keep you grounded and motivated. Weightlifting has done wonders for me and my stress so I highly recommend trying that too. I hope it gets better for u anon!!
No. 2332657
>>2332606i'm not badass kek i just refuse to be a loser and blame "addiction" for my own personal failings/lack of control or willpower. everyone can do hard things, stuff that you think is impossible. you just have to prove it to yourself over and over before you start to really believe it.
for me it was
alcohol, ssris, kratom, adderall, vapes, and weed/whatever other plentiful drugs i've done and had access to. the feeling of being able to squash your overwhelming desire to continue using by going thru a few days of hell and leaving it behind you is powerful
No. 2332827
>>2332785Ntayrt, but there is a whole thread about Diet & Fitness in /g/ with a lot of good information regarding exercise. Here's a post I made about getting started with weightlifting a while ago:
>>>/g/426081I suggest you lurk the past threads there for more information and inspiration too, there's a lot of good conversations and interesting discussions that happen in them.
Sorry to repost, I messed up the link No. 2333054
I’ve been going through spiritual psychosis for months now and I have no idea how to break out of it so I’m just waiting for the existential dread to subside even though I know it probably won’t
>>2333029I’m pretty sure they took the name to make sure no RadFem subreddits would take the same name
No. 2333057
>>2332885>PCOSI instantly left that sub with the amount of TIFs and genderspecials there. I hate it when they take this disorder and transforms it into proof that troons are
valid instead of an unfortunate health condition. Ditto for any of the female-aimed subs. I still see tifs trying to colonized r/otomegames but thankfully some saner users were quick to shut these down.
>>2332888But when women want their smut to be free from titchops and troonshit suddenly we're the terfs? finding good bl and femgaze het that isn't troon or bodypos slop is so damn mind-numbing. And you know what's worse? Most of these tifs doing it are self-hating straight women who think their sexuality makes them a bigot. It saddens me to see such promising creators turning their art into tumblr vomit to please a small pocket of people who probably cancel you without a moment's notice.
No. 2333077
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>>2333059two posts pinned and both are about how troons are hecking
valid kek the state
No. 2333079
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>>2332874Because women are fucking retarded and always want to be nice and inclusive. I really want actual female centric spaces to exist without the extra sides attached. Like, can we just exist? Men never apologize for having male only spaces, but it seems women always have to be welcoming. fuck that shit. 2025, I'm gonna be a massive bitch.
No. 2333286
>>2333273I agree
> a lot of people also convince themselves that their shadow's personality is their real personalityIt explains the very drastic behavioural change amongst zoomers compared to other generations, and this cultural phenomenon increased across generations during and after the pandemic.
It’s an interesting though piece though, makes me wish there was a psychology thread on this website kek
No. 2333289
>>2333273A thousand times yes to this. I wish there was more knowledge on the theory of the shadow vs the core/ego or whatever it's called, but then again it would just be in the form of shitty YouTube videos by channels that talk about "dark empaths" so idk.
I've been seen as crazy for suggesting that the way people act online whether it be other opinions they secretly have or larping is often them acting on their shadow. Which is why you can never pinpoint someone's true personality ways or type online and talking to people online is like playing Machiavellian tag.
No. 2333301
>>2333291Nta but shadow in analytical psychology, or Jungian psychology
>>2333293The age my prescription melatonin is actually meant for…
No. 2333308
>>2333286>>2333289I think a lot of cruelty on the internet comes from it. Probably some troonery too.
>>2333291I think it's affected my behavior too since I have a history of being chronically online. The only thing that has helped me is acknowledging its a state I can easily go into and not just in Be Nice™ repackaged kinds of ways.
No. 2333320
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Shadow self just makes me think of dark triad stacy… I wonder how she is now
No. 2333561
Late, but:
>>2327766>the Brazilian doubted the veracity of my cannibal claimsOkay, I didn't explain it well, but I wasn't doubting, on the contrary: what i was trying to say is that violent crimes are extremely common around here. Last decade there was even a sect of cannibals who sold human meat snacks, search for "Garanhuns cannibals". Regarding impunity, there is a paradox here: on the one hand, you have police violence and inhumane conditions in prisons, on the other, rich people can pay their way out of prison, and our constitution prohibits both life imprisonment and the death penalty, so even the most violent criminals are released after a maximum of 40 years (it was 30 until recently).
>>2327738Kek, this. Our moids are not worth it.
> High rates of domestic violence, rape and femicide> High rates of pedophilia> Moids raping animals is not uncommon, especially in rural areas.> Lots of alcoholics and druggies> Lots of beer guts bc they drink this shit like water> One of the countries that most consumes and produces porn> One of the countries that most consumes and produces, specifically, tranny porn> Being a hypersexual degenerate is seen as the pinnacle of masculinity, not ironically there are men who take boys from their family to brothels to lose their virginity when they turn 12> “Parental alienation” law> Shitty, restrictive abortion lawsThe only advantage of scrotes from here is that they usually shower every day and brush their teeth three times a day, and typically take care of their appearance, but you can still find the kind of retard who thinks cleaning their assholes is gay or some shit.
No. 2333584
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>tfw genuine Giga Stacy, confessed to by scrotes and female friends alike to the point where on FOUR separate occasions I was cited as their “awakening” by someone confessing to me
>trouble keeping friendships for this reason
>somehow every woman i fall obsessively head over heels maladaptive daydreaming for hours about them for is straight or bisexual with a boyfriend (and even without a boyfriend my self-esteem is too low to think I can compete)
Wtf guys.
No. 2333587
>>2333441>She will also get way more shit for not conforming and be told she's just a pick me and must hate other women and think she's special, even if her struggle is genuine and she doesn't even hate other womenWomen are raised from birth to center their whole lives around men and if you don't you're seen as weird in general. If it's not women themselves ostracizing you, then their shitty men sabotage female friendships. Some girls will change their whole personality and hobbies for a guy, yet I'm the NLOG pick-me for wanting to talk about literally anything else.
If you don't want to listen to a dumb bitch who goes back to the same disrespectful cheating ape for the 100th time despite telling her 99 times not to, you're a bad friend.
If you just wanna have fun at a bar and don't want to focus on hunting for a medium ugly lay that will treat you like shit, then you're boring.
Once they do get a man, then it's why does he do this and that to me.
Then they have kids with this man and it's game over and they just become mom, no hobbies no nothing while he still gets to game with his buddies and go jogging. But sure, male "loneliness" epidemic wah wah.
I have three whole friends in this world who I can talk to about fun stuff and shared interests, and we all happen to be with normal men who aren't selfish, mentally ill animals. Nothing compares to the feeling of pure freedom when we hang out together, sucks that some women don't get how good they could have it.
No. 2333591
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>be me
>go to school for animation after dreaming about it your whole childhood
>I work my ass off and accomplish so many things my first semester
>never been this happy in my entire life
>my arms and hands start burning and going numb
>turns out i have carpal and cubital tunnel in both arms from my job and school
>on winter break, I can’t even grip my pencil anymore to draw
>im seeing a doctor but surgery is impossible without dropping out and quitting my job for recovery time
>cannot quit my job or id be homeless
>break down and cry multiple times a day because my life is falling down before my eyes
>start becoming schizo and reading every single lifestyle change and treatment I can get right now
>internship portfolios are due and I can’t even drive or hold a pencil
>more crying
>read a study that carpal symptoms lessen with lower BMI and in the study women under BMI 20 have less pain than women over BMI 20
>im bmi 24
>start becoming more schizo and realize my symptoms got less severe during the semester when I had lost weight and came near BMI 21
>realize I might be coping but I have no choice I’ve exhausted everything else
>start water fasting to lose 20 pounds as quickly as possible
>mom realizes this and thinks I’m Ana Chan
>now I’m just hungry and sad
>and can’t do the only thing that makes me happy
>I should rope maxx
No. 2333599
>>2333591Jesus, hang in there nonna.
Are you doing arm exercises? Have you talked to your school about this? Take care of yourself, no matter what you still have the techniques you got in your head.
No. 2333605
>>2333591Nonna if you live in burgerland you should:
1. Apply for medical withdraw from university, contact you department dean or Dean of students if you have to
2. If you are under 26 stay on your mom's health insurance and get surgery now
3. Stop wasting time with anachan bullshit, you will fuck up your body more
Get your shit together now and fix your arms before you permanently disable yourself
No. 2333606
>>2333524I feel the same way. I was really big in online communities around 2013-2019. I remember the shift from Skype to Teamspeak to Discord.
I swear that after the pandemic something about online communities just changed. I can't really put my finger on what though. Maybe it was me maturing and growing, but now it's like even if I try to join an online community I find it impossible.
Firstly, it feels like if you didn't manage to join it within the first week, then you'll never really be apart of it. You'll just be ignored and you'll never really make it past the newbie status. Secondly, it feels like there's way too many people that are chronically online. It's like their whole lives are Discord, so there's nothing really to talk about outside of that. When I was big in online communities, we were always chatting about our daily lives, what funny stuff we saw out in the streets, how work was, etc., but now it feels like everyone just talks about boring stuff they saw on Twitter or TikTok. Thirdly, it feels like now only social-rejects and losers wanna be a part of an online community. It's like pre-pandemic, I could find all these interesting places on the web filled with people that knew how to communicate and make friends, but now it feels like the only people left in these communities are the friendless autists that never picked up the "How to Socialize for Dummies" book, so they all end up just using the internet as an echo chamber for themselves.
I remember when the pandemic happened, it was like all the communities I was a part of suddenly and slowly fizzled out. From February 2020 to January 2021, all those communities I was a part of and loved and was so active in for years went up in smoke. I guess that's what happens during a plague. I was just so caught up in the fear and the quarantines and the deaths and the politics and I guess everyone else felt the same. We were all so isolated, so you'd think we'd turn to the internet and those online places for comfort, but it's just not how it played out. I can never really talk about the pandemic with people - when it comes up in conversation, rarely, we exchange those surface-level "what a crazy time" remarks, but it never goes deeper than that. I guess everyone knows what it was like, and we all suffered, so maybe it's pointless to talk about. Regardless, after the pandemic I could never really find an online community that I liked, no matter how hard I tried. Everything became so different.
I'm really glad that I still have a few friends that I still talk to from those days. I've never met some of these people, but we've been talking almost daily for more than a decade, and strangely I consider them to be some of my closest friends. I think sometimes maybe people underestimate the connections we can make through the world wide web. The internet has degraded so much since then though. It's changed for the worse in so many ways. Maybe I'll never have the chance to meet people or be a part of communities again like I had in the past.
Sorry this sort of turned into my own vent/ramble, I just wanted to let you know that you're not the only one that sees the change that happened. Online communities just aren't the same anymore. I don't know why it happened or how it happened, all I know is that it happened.
No. 2333699
>>2333591If you’re serious about pursuing animation do what
>>2333605 says. Something very similar happened to me but I had to quit my career. Take care of yourself now nona, the anachan shit is just an attempt to treat your health problems with no certainty it will do anything. The surgery you know will do something. Do the surgery.
No. 2333713
>>2333533I feel you nonna I often feel the same. It's confusing to have so many people around you but still feel lonely, but this just means that you aren't connecting with these people enough to satisfy your emotional needs.
I honestly don't have any advice except to put yourself out there more, which is hard, but you should actively seek to join clubs, start hobbies etc.. to find people who share common interests with you. Social media could be another option. I've found pretty good friends on instagram through sharing hobbies and interests with them. Good luck to you.
No. 2333739
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I'm gonna sound uber-egotistical and ungrateful here, but this is the thread for that.
I can't bear still living with my mother in my thirties. I own half of our home and the housing market has been abysmal forever, but now especially so, so even trading that in would give me a shithole with zero public transport around. And I like my apartment very much.
But every time my mother goes on another vacation or trip, I pray something happens and she never comes back. I am wondering how can she even afford so many trips when she earns less than me and works less than me in general.
Being at home with her is torture because the half-blind half-deaf crone blasts BOTH tv's at near max volume and she only watches conservative news and talkshows. All the time she's at home except when she sleeps. She reads the same drivel before bed and at work every day so she's always on some braindead boomer topic whenever she even tries to talk to me at all. She reduces EVERYTHING to politics.
Still, what annoys me more is that when she's away, is the only time I can keep this home clean. Everything this woman touches gets covered in grease, dust, dirt and sometimes even shit. Every morning I wake up to the bathroom covered in her hair and toothpaste absolutely everywhere, coffee ground, sugar, crumbs and oil over every flat surface in our kitchen (and she blamed me for a cockroach infestation), skidmarks in the toilet and on the fucking bathroom walls. I am good at cleaning. She never even wipes the counters and keeping up with the amount of dirt she accumulates around her is nearly impossible for someone working 12-hour shifts.
I don't have time to take care of an obese and struggling to walk adult who never learned to clean with the cognitive abilities of a 5 year old who not only shits everything up, but also breaks EVERYTHING and refuses to spend her precious "for my next vacation" money for fixing anything she destroyed. She's fine enough mentally and physically to go cross-country though, but aparently not enough to know how to use a toilet brush.
And whenever I bring any of it up with her, she just makes excuses. The same ones for decades. Or starts screaming bloody murder, like she did all my life. And when I vent to friends, they say I should be grateful, because she birthed and raised me. She birthed me as a shotgun wedding baby to extort my father and abused me since infanthood to the point I had to make more "friends" so that it wouldn't be suspicious to anyone that I visit them to only basically eat at their place and would spend as much time after school on the streets so I don't have to return home until my curfew. The only clothes I had vere random hand-me-downs from everyone around, same with books and toys. But she always found money for herself, like she does still.
I'm thinking about how her boss is cutting her hours (and thus paycheck), because he probably figured himself how useless and dirty and toxic she is, which means more hours of her at home, me being blasted by political propaganda non-stop on my rare off days and even more shit for me to clean.
I hate this life and genuinely can't wait for her to fucking die and live me to live my own life instead of being sysiphus but for cleaning shit after a humongular human toddler.
No. 2333755
>>2333749You seem pretty lucid and self aware so I’m seconding
>>2333750, you probably just have too pointy elbows or something similarly egregious
No. 2333763
>>2333755KEK yeah I'm gonna assume anon is just one of the kinda-cringe cosplayers or lolitachans, I think that's the most likely demographic to have horrible moid followers and no serious than gossip posted here.
>>2333749I'm sorry you have to deal with that, I wouldn't wish harassment or stalking on any of the cows here
except Onision. Don't let the posts here get to you and stay safe, taking breaks from social media might help.
No. 2333768
I recently learned about that astrologist Laurie Rivers so I checked out her podcast to see what the rest of her January predictions were and it was literally 2 hours of her rambling about the most useless shit and 10 minutes of actual information. I wasted 2 hours listening to this shit I should've just tried to look up a summary or something
>>2333739nonnie if it helps I don't see how you're ungrateful when you're describing your mother as
abusive and the equivalent of living with a man. that shit will genuinely drive you insane. I mean she literally neglected you to the point where you were starved.
your friends sound like they kinda suck too ngl.
No. 2333774
>>2333739How are you a grown woman and stuck in a
toxic marriage with your own mother? Move out. You will never get these years back.
No. 2333785
>>2333774The housing market where I live is absolutely abysmal, nona. I've been looking into it, but no luck and zero possibilities. We have a nice apartment by many standards, but selling it now will only allow me the shittiest of apartments in bumfuck nowhere.
Renting will eat up most of my sole income as well, so I am basically stuck here by the virtues of living in poorfag land. Staying with friends is probably not an option either, because their living situations are almost somehow shittier than mine.
I know it sounds like an excuse, but I don't wanna lose a nice apartment near my job with a ton of infrastructure and public transport just because of my bitch of a mom. And as she is the owner of the other half of the flat, I'd need her agreement to do anything with the property, which she never will grant. Because she knows she's useless even if she'd never admit it.
By the analogy of a marriage, I am basically a trophy wife waiting for my husband to croak it to get his shit, lmao.
Maybe her being at home more will finally drive me desperate enough.
>>2333768Mostly I am able to ignore it, tbh, but when she goes away and I start my deep clean, I just get so disgusted and tired and overwhelmed.
At this point I don't even go to "her" room and have a complete separate set of dishware and cookware only I use, because hers get so gross I wouldn't touch them gloved.
The only thing she does is clean cat litter because she's "sensitive to smells", but she can't smell her full set of rotting teeth obviously.
No. 2333820
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I wish it was more socially acceptable to be into teens media as an adult. Not in that brony-bluey-autism way where I cry and go "i-it heals my inner CHILD who never got this" like bitch no I'm just an adult who likes chill low stakes stories without a bunch of sex and violence to make it "adult". I still like the casual setting of hanging out with friends in a mall with the biggest plot drama being a fashion related catastrophe, I like stilly girly stuff with mermaids like picrel. If they made the same style of movies with and for adults I'd watch them but they don't, so I'll happily stick to teen movies. I'd even argue the fact that adult women still watch influencers talk about fashion, silly "story times", watch them bake and cook proves there is actually a market for it and it's not just me. Not for men though, they'd just watch it for the coom but women should be allowed to still like teen movies.
No. 2333833
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>>2333820Strawoman argument. No one cares unless you make it your whole identity and shove it in people's face. If you're choosing to hang around people who neg you for your authentic interests, you're annoying them or choosing bad friends/partners
No. 2333863
>>2333524I feel this. Even when people aren't that much younger than me they're usually still immature and don't know how to hold conversations properly, so I don't think it's an age thing. It just doesn't feel worth it trying to get into those communities online anymore when there aren't even any quality people to interact with.
>>2333606>but now it feels like the only people left in these communities are the friendless autists For real, I feel like it was way easier before to find decent people but now it's like it's filled with degenerates, trannies and people who don't know how basic social cues work. I would think post pandemic with how many normies got into fandoms and new hobbies that it would be the opposite. It's also weird to me that the pandemic had that much of an effect on how others communicate when personally it never changed how I interact on the internet.
No. 2333902
>>2333894My ex got in a relationship with a girl who was exactly like me when we started dating, except much younger. After a while that girl contacted me and we sat together and had a heart-to-heart, because my ex was badmouthing me so much to her that she was interested in the whole relationship.
I told her that he was a rapey druggie with a huge narc ego, and surprisingly, she listened to me. Because I, without knowing, told her the exact shit he did to her, because he did that to me when we were dating.
We are sworn sisters now with a shared hatred for the scrote, and have been for over 10 years now.
It's women's solidarity, basically, that if you know a scrote is shitty and
abusive, you tell her. Some girls would rather shut you up as a liar because they believe the scrote more (dick-riding or being gaslit or both), but if she's happy living like that, know she probably is too stupid to see it or just needs more time to take your side.
It's a good opportunity for being bitchy about your ex and someone understanding fully and maybe even becoming lifelong friends. Godspeed nona. If she sees something suspicious already, she will be more doubtful after your words and you can gain a sister too.
No. 2333904
>>2333902damn that's awesome
nonnie, especially that you now have a strong friendship! I wish it could be like that for me but I think most women would believe him more than me … i look like the sterotypical 'crazy ex' and am way younger which doesn't help. though iirc this guy's longest relationship was only a year so i'm crossing my fingers for her
No. 2333905
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I have this habit of checking actors age whenever I watch some tv show or a movie, and basically every time the female cast members are younger than the male ones, doesn't matter if they're romantically connected or not, doesn't matter if it's science fiction or drama or something else, doesn't matter if the work of fiction is old or new, this tendency is still there and it drives me mad. Sometimes there is some older woman who plays some part in the story ofc but in the grand scheme of things this is rare. Most roles with any dialogue lines are for women in their 20s and early 30s (and the second is more rare than the first). Actresses past 35 basically don't have roles in this industry besides playing mothers, meanwhile 35 year old actors have a whole range of things to choose from… it was one of the things that completely discouraged me from acting. Not only I wouldn't have as interesting choices as men to begin with, but also my "expiration date" would be much ealier than that of men. I hate this so much.
No. 2333937
Oh anon. I remember when I had my first meltdown in front of a family member. It was the first and last time. That person looked at me with disgust and just left me there and I was wailing on the floor in the dark basically whole night, unable to move. They never looked at me in the same way either, and they said that if I won't "get my shit together" I will be locked up in the "insane asylum". Since then I knew I had to always fake and pretend around my family in order to protect myself. I know nobody would help me if they knew how bad it is for me. I read stories about people having supporting families and friends, like, even helping them take a bath when they couldn't get out of bed, and I was like??? Really? Nobody would ever do that for me. And some people would even be happy if I killed myself. I know that my aunt wanted to persuade me into selling/renting my apartment to my cousin and her child, and for me to move in with my grandma to her 1-room apartment (literally just 1 room and a kitchen). So she wanted me to take care of the grandma and share 1 room with her, while my cousind would live in my own apartment. They wanted to get rid of me and my aunt thought I was too crazy/weak/stupid to be able to go to work and pay the bills in order to sustain my apartment. So yeah, you can't trust a family like that. The best thing you can do is to cut everyone off, so you don't have to fake you feel good, and you don't have to be afraid someone will stab you in the back, and save enough money in order not to need anyone. Fuck people
No. 2333942
Long vent, sorry. Grandma's losing her memory and her general function is slipping. I'm not taking it well. My parents are supposed to be here in February to set the both of us up with at home care long story short I'm retarded with congenital health issues and we both need more help than we're getting, but I'm not sure she's going to be lucid enough to make informed decisions by the time they get here. They could be here earlier, but then they'd have to pay extra for the flight and get a hotel room or something. And they're too cheap to do that so February it is. Worse than that, Mom's already talking about petitioning a judge to force Grandma into care, and I about lost my shit. She hasn't even said "no" yet!
I love my folks but I know how they are: They're going to call her up guns blazing and insist that she needs help and that she doesn't get a choice in the matter, and that's going to make her mad enough to write them out of the will, again. I gave them a way to appeal to her position as the family matriarch, by telling her that they're getting help for me and asking her to set a good example and see the same person so that I can understand that it's okay. There's still a chance she turns it down, but I can't understand why it's so hard for them to empathize with her. Like you could know this woman for all of five minutes and clue in that she's strong, stubborn, and independent to a fault. God I love her so damn much. But she's not the kind of person who accepts help for herself, ever. But being a leader/role model? Always. Ensuring that her family will be okay when she's not around to keep us in line? Definitely.
But she's calling me every day because she can't figure out her computer anymore, and I call my parents to inform them but they don't seem to get the urgency. I don't mind going over to see her, and really welcome it because I don't know how long we'll get to see each other, but it's so hard watching her shrink day by day. I'm almost glad that Mom doesn't live nearby anymore, this is so hard on me I can't imagine what it would be like for her. My brain completely short circuits when I imagine trying to do the same with Mom and then it's just constant crying because I can't face the thought of her vibrancy and sharp wit and determination eroding away. Gonna stop this here because the crying's gotten bad and this vent is way too long already. Please hug your relatives for me nonushkas. Sending you all my love because all of us need it.
No. 2333945
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My co-worker apparently doesn't know roman, our word for novel, doesn't stand for romance and now she thinks I like bodice rippers and tiktok dark fantasy slop.
No. 2333953
>>2333942>>2333937I had this mindset for a long time because of how I was raised, my parents never offered any support for my mental health issues so I just learned to keep everything to myself and never reach out to anyone. I also thought that no one cares and that I'm a burden for wanting to talk to people about my problems. But then I met a few great friends that genuinely listen and want to help me when I am down. You probably feel like no one wants to listen because of the people around you but trust me if you find the right people they will listen. I still struggle opening up to people because I always feel like I am annoying them in the back of my mind but it's getting better.
I also recommend signing up for therapy of course, because those professionals will be able to offer you better support than your normie friends. But supportive friends are also important
No. 2334011
>>2334004Don't worry
nonnie I got over my ex who also dumped me in about 3-4 years kek. I always thought the saying time will heal was bullshit but apparently it worked for me
No. 2334018
>>2334004This is normal
>>23340113-4 years is not normal. I know my ex is still hung up on me 6 years laters and it freaks me out, just move on ffs
No. 2334019
>>2333953Ok anon but where do you meet friends in your late 20s/early 30s when most people around that age are preoccupied with relatinships or even starting family and having kids and you're just not interested in that stuff at all. I don't really have anything in common with those people, they would see me as emotionally stunted and I have nothing to offer to them
Also I've been in therapy for years and with no result
No. 2334030
>>2333833>Strawoman argument. No one cares unless you make it your whole identity and shove it in people's face.I don't shove it in people's faces. If someone asks a normal question like "what did you do this weekend" or "who's your favorite actor" and I want to be honest I end up telling them naturally. And people absolutely judge and make fun of an adult woman for casually watching Hannah Montana even if she just mentions it once. Just like
>>2333843 they assume the person MUST be a mentally stunted autist and can't possibly just be a woman who likes that kind of media.
>or choosing bad friends/partnersYou can't always choose who you hang around, you get stuck with your family and coworkers. Just like you got stuck with an annoying coworker, I got stuck with ones who judge you if you watch teen movies as an adult. I can of course lie and not mention it (which I do) but as a social human being I do actually like to share my interests with others sometimes. Men get to watch grown ass men literally just kick a ball for hours upon hours while they scream at the tv in unison, and that's totally normal and acceptable and they get to talk about nothing else ever when they hang out without anyone judging them or acting like they must be autistic for doing so.
No. 2334168
>>2333999it sounds like you're not ready to date. you don't trust your judgment which is key in being able to protect yourself. read lundy bancroft's why does he do that, you need to be able to trust your instincts and act on them. autistic women are disproportionately abused and targeted by men, they can tell we're different and see us as good prey.
once you get better at trusting yourself, you may benefit from going on dates and getting used to building the skill of figuring out your standards and rejecting men early. the femaledatingstrategy subreddit is dead now but look at the handbook and past threads, dating as a woman is learning to reject men because the risks of being with the wrong man are catastrophic for women.
No. 2334235
Here's a vent.
>me, 31 y/o
>accepting I may never find a good man to be with
SUDDENLY… an ex from high school contacted me. Huh. Interesting. I broke up with him because I was going to college and I didn't think he was going anywhere. So we started to chat.. and hoo boy. He almost had me with the engineering degree. I feel like I almost got tricked into something, but thankfully this isn't my first rodeo.
>discloses he has 3 KIDS, one of them is less than a year old
>still lives with children's mother, but says she's abusive / mentally ill / so on and so forth
>says that she constantly hacks into his accounts and spies on his messages
>last ex was also abusive but for different reasons?
>says that getting current GF pregnant was "a mistake" but he loves his kids - wait, how did you make the same mistake 3 times?
I thought about it for about a day once all of the information came out. I said no. He didn't explain exactly why his gf was constantly going through all of his messages, but if it's because he's been messaging women like me, especially while she has all these kids with him, I'd probably be doing the same thing.
It is possible he wasn't lying to me, but I feel like I would be absolutely retarded to believe him. The penis isn't worth it.
Too bad he was the ex who I had the best sex with. But if this MF can't put a rubber on to prevent a baby, lord knows what else he won't do or prevent from happening
No. 2334241
>>2334235Nonna wtf you lost me at “Has 3 kids”.
Yeah swerve that mf.
No. 2334256
>>2334245you don't even know how to spell his name
>>2334255im so excited for the vpn ban to come back lol
No. 2334295
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Just read 200 pages of queerio slop written by a they/them because my friend picked out a book for us both to read and I didn't want to seem like a bigot or something by tapping out.
No. 2334310
>>2334306could you please go back to the tinfoil thread and stop being retarded about general guidance for infectious illness. Google would help you tremendously
>>2334262I have broken every single humidifier I've ever had. It's always after cleaning it as recommended - taking a tiny little q-tip with a diluted mixture of white vinegar and warm water and rubbing all the yellow and red algea off the tiny, fragile, plastic humidifier parts. I've ruined $20 humidifiers and a $150 humidifier, and after that, I stopped fucking buying them. I'll just boil a pot of water on the stove, jesus christ.
No. 2334311
A friend of mine got fucked over by a fuckboy, big time. He lied straight to her face, and she believed every lie he told despite all of us telling her this was a car crash waiting to happen because the way he was love bombing her was giving bad vibes. As I told her; the brighter the eyes, and the more charming the accent, the bigger the red flag. Be careful and protect your heart with this one.
Of course, it turned out that we were right. He kept promising her that they were dating, but telling everyone else that she is crazy and just "won't get the hint", because to the guys he is in his "casual phase".
She of course broke down completely, she feels disgusting, objectified, and used. This is the second person she ever had sex with, and he had promised her over and over again that he "wasn't the casual type", "would never hurt her like other guys", "he wants to settle down and have children", etc. And I get it, I feel her pain, because my dumb ass has fallen for the exact same antics by similar moids - it's like they are made by design and follow the same script. Her christmas, new years, and birthday were ruined by this awful fucking scrote.
I know what she is feeling, I know how much it hurts, how stupid you feel and all the fucking shame that hits you like a hard, sudden shower whenever the realization of the reality of it all hits you. And there is nothing anyone can do but give her time to heal. My sister and I are doing our best to be there for her, but we can't do much. She said she wished she had dated around much more when she was younger, and this is the reality of how it is half the time when you are a straight woman and a romantic to boot.
At least her sister works at the same share office, and is going to see what she can do to get the guy booted. Other people there got the ick from him too and also really like my friend, so they will back her up. A couple of us that works close by have also agreed to visit if he ever shows up at the office to laugh at his small penis that struggles to stay soft.
No. 2334393
>>2334376>“No. You’re not staying with us.”This was hilarious to imagine unprovoked but
>She terrorizes my parents pets to the point they put up cameras around the house so they can monitor her when they’re not home. They’ve caught her doing weird shit on the cameras when no one’s around and she’ll give them the middle finger on the camera when she walks by too. I don’t know why they haven’t kicked her out yet. I didn't mean to quote this much but it just kept going. It sounds like you might come from a messed up family and there is some kind of weird symbiosis between your parents and the gf/sex toy.
No. 2334423
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The joy of finding a new pretty boy actor to enjoy….finding out that he’s going to be in a dracula movie (i know i know i just find the setting fun) and then the disgust and horror when i find out the director is a literal pedo rapist and the actor has worked with this freak for multiple films….guess i’ll always have piracy. The hatred i have for men is truly bottomless; they ruin EVERYTHING
No. 2334441
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>>2334438samefag i hate moids
No. 2334449
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>find sexy nsfw art of an obscure character you love
>he was given a vagina
No. 2334492
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I am not sure how much more of this I can take
No. 2334565
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>>2334501I fucking hate it. For me it wraps around to the front near my hips, feels like I just did three rounds on a stairmaster with no breaks. Also the ibuprofen finally went into effect so the edge was taken off the worst of them. My back and hips still hurt but at least I can heat up my dinner now.
No. 2334574
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I don’t want to go back please don’t make me go back i can’t stand the people there. i don’t want to stay here but i’d rather do that that go back. i hate them so much nonnies you don’t even understand. i just want to evaporate and float away in the wind. the holidays went by too fast.
No. 2334594
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>>2332323This post got so weird halfway through kek
No. 2334609
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Im so spiritually weak. Even being around people I like upsets me. They are so much stronger than I am. I feel like a subspecies. I love life I think people are fundamentally good and Ive never been seriously wronged by anyone but still there is something that always overwhelms me, makes me retreat. Like I’m being blinded by the sun and have to turn away from it despite wanting its warmth and light. I’ll never enter on to the stage of life, make anything of myself or be a good friend