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File: 1735619032378.jpg (Spoiler Image,56.45 KB, 600x900, 1000020460.jpg)

No. 2326676

previous thread: >>>/ot/2318944

No. 2326678

I promised myself I'd get off my ass and reply to my friends before the year ends but it's coming up too soon and I'm getting horrible anxiety over it. I just can't, the only option is to ditch permanently forever because I start physically getting nauseous when I hover to download the apps again.

No. 2326679

>>2326486 I was considering that exact IUD, but I never read that heavy periods were supposed to be a symptom. The doctor I saw initially said it works at reducing symptoms immediately.
It's so scary how little gynos care about us, it's part of the reason I almost never go. I don't see myself going to a gyno any time in the future to be completely honest.

No. 2326680

Did we really need to use this picture? It's gay.

No. 2326682

you're gay

No. 2326684

woah what is threadpic from

No. 2326685

Yeah, so what? Why is every anon so against lesbians? What did we ever even do to you?

No. 2326686

i had sex with youre mom

No. 2326687

No. 2326688

I'm so fucking tired. I sleep 3 hours I'm tired. I sleep 8 I'm tired. 10. Over 12 I'm tired. Either I need to be drugged with something to fix up my brain or I should just die. I have no motivation to talk to anyone or to ever return. I want to be alone forever. Am I depressed or developing schizoid pd or some shit.

No. 2326689

The side effects I had from the mirena actually ruined my life for a year and a half. I was told the lie that I shouldn’t be experiencing any of them because the hormones from it were localized unlike the pill. I cannot recommend anyone get it after what happened to me.

No. 2326690

My first vent of the thread is about how much I hate threadpic.

No. 2326692

No joke my first instinct when I scrolled past was to assume we were being raided again. Nothing the hide button can't fix but that pic is unsettling on a quick glance.

No. 2326693

I also hate the threadpic.

No. 2326694

Probably incoherent ramble incoming. I think I need to swear off ever coming to this website. I don't know how many lesbians are in this thread, if any, but /lesgen/ is a shithole full of bait and people taking the bait.
I haven't had sex with a woman in a long time and haven't dated a woman in years. I have no idea how lesbians in real life feel about women who had experiences with men before realizing they were a lesbian. I've always known, but I allowed a man to have sex with me in college because he entered my room without me knowing and got in my bed and touched me and got angry and threatened me until I gave him what he wanted, but anyway, the "gold star" arguing (a gold star lesbian is one who's never had sex with men) about how all women who have ever allowed a man to have sex with them are bisexuals and whores and yadda yadda, and the thing is is I've never heard a woman irl use the term gold star, but I have been asked if I've had sex with men before, and what am I supposed to say, no? I never really thought about it, because I am not attracted to men, I don't want to have sex or date them, but I did consent to sex with one multiple times. Truthfully, I don't want to date bisexual women and have been swiping left on all of them by default, but I guess the realization that lesbians might not consider me one of them is making me spiral. I feel disgusting. When I went to the police he told me he hoped no woman would ever love me and I think he made it into a reality. Lesbians really do think women get tainted. There are plenty of people who are completely alone at 40 who never marry or anything and that will probably be me in like 15 years. I just feel ill. I really have to swear off checking this shithole. In my mind, no woman wants me anyway, so what's the point of taking care of myself? I lost a ton of weight this year and am no longer obese for the first time in my life, but all it's done for me is get male attention. There's no one who cares about what my body looks like, and frankly, if it's already permanently ruined, I don't see any point in putting in uncomfortable diligence to keep it in good shape. I think… I have had a fantasy for a while where a woman will want to nurture me and be patient with my mediocre sex ability (less for lack of passion or imagination and more relation to anxiety) but I have realized that women think insecurity and weakness is repulsive. Well, the ones who don't are fucking psychos who will take advantage of you for validation. I wonder sometimes reading some of the stuff women post here how much of it the women around me are secretly thinking.

No. 2326695

You got raped buddy

No. 2326697

about to lose A friend group of 10 years because I’m playing hogwarts legacy (got it for Christmas). Didn’t even sperg about it, they saw my gaming activity and are angry at me and got even more so that I won’t ’repent’. Ngl, it’s sad but at least I don’t have to walk on eggshells anymore.

No. 2326698

>but I did consent to sex with one multiple time

No. 2326700

What a hideous threadpic

No. 2326701

i’m convinced this 17 year old girl at work is shittalking me all the time, i’ve never even done anything to her. man i just feel bad for her. her siblings work at the place too and they don’t seem to really talk and another minor coworker was talking about drinking with her. like what the fuck? i’ve seen her mom before but she doesn’t seem like she has any guidance and i just feel fucking bad for her. genuinely. some people really do just have shit home lives and just take it out on other people. just pity despite her practically bullying me at work.

also i fucking hate this threadpic

No. 2326702

if you wanna try to salvage it say you pirated it but having to walk on eggshells with your friends is terrible too

No. 2326703

Relatable nonnie, happened to me too. People are so quick to burn you because of transphobia recently, let them rot inside their death cult.

No. 2326706

Of course, they would never hold the same energy for all the game companies partially owned by Saudi Arabia. I hate Nintendo adults.

No. 2326707

What kind of scumbian would hear your story about being raped by a man and use that horrific story to make a debasement about removing your "gold star"? What are you, a fucking kindergarten stickerboard?
Those bitches aren't worth pissing on if they were on fire and sound as insecure and moidbrained as scrotes who mald over straight women's body counts. I will give grace and assume it's just men larping as women if you've only ever read that narrative posted on here. God damn…

No. 2326709

Gold star used to just be a term among misogynist gay men who never got over the "ew girls are icky and have cooties" phase. The reason you don't hear women use it irl is because most of us don't get a meaningful choice when it comes to interacting with men and many women, lesbian or not, don't reach adulthood without some form of assault. The whole gold star rhetoric doesn't work for women because, unlike gay men, we have a very real and legitimate risk of being assaulted by the opposite sex. Thus, gay moids can use gold star rhetoric all they want because being with a woman is only ever a choice for them, if they have sex with a woman, they are rightfully tainted in the eyes of fellow gay moids. That doesn't work for women because we often don't get a choice in the matter, and it's unfair to view survivors as tainted.

No. 2326710

No one's ever given me a hard time about it in real life because I've never told anyone. I have no way to gauge what someone in real life will say. I've met a lot of women who dated boys briefly in high school before coming out, but I don't know. I guess I can never really know what other people are thinking. I feel like the obsessiveness with being gc on here is just trolling because it removes all nuance from the situation in which it may have occurred. Normie women probably don't view women with past confusion as tainted, but normies also don't want to deal with damaged goods.

No. 2326711

>mfw the bpdemon starts begging me to show some human decency and that she thought i understood she struggled with mental illness when i get angry she spread horrific rumors about me and tell everyone the truth

No. 2326712

File: 1735621905824.jpg (548.12 KB, 1340x1785, 1000104783.jpg)

It's for the best, I'm such a fucking stacy I keep spamming everyone I know with the new sheglam Harry potter collection, no one has said a peep about it so far, so sometimes it's better to just be yourself, enjoy your life and make new friends or let everyone know that you just don't give a fuck about internet retards with idiotic self-made problems.

No. 2326713

the threadpic is scary and reminds me of zalgo from yume 2kki which is also nightmare fuel

No. 2326717

>>but I did consent to sex with one multiple time
uhhh are we just ignoring this? You getting raped is one thing, but consenting to sex with men after is another. I'm really sorry about your non-consensual experience and the ways it might have warped your psyche. You are not a lesbian though, why do you want to cling to the label? I mean you can do it, but anyone who knows what I quoted is in their right to not believe it. Is there a reason why you want to cling to the lesbian label so badly?

No. 2326721

Sounds like she is not attracted to men and does not want relationships with them. In what clown world does it make her a bisexual?

No. 2326723

She's not attracted to men but had consensual sex with men… okay. Plus bicycling exists and it makes people be attracted to only one sex for prolonged periods of time, not to mention her non-consensual experience obviously fucked her up regarding men.

No. 2326725

Anon, do you realize how many lesbians have had sex with men in their early lives for one reason or another? People are more nuanced and complex than your childish understanding of sexuality.

No. 2326727

Again, she is not attracted to men and does not want relationships with them. Are you stupid?

No. 2326729

Bicycling? You sound like a 16 year old.

No. 2326733

really anon?

No. 2326734

If it's consensual you're not a lesbian…

I can say I'm a unicorn, it doesn't make it true. You don't just have CONSENSUAL sex with people you're not attracted to. Are you all dumb? If she didn't want that sex then it's not consensual.

No. 2326735

Just saw this video about an automatic litter box that literally killed two cats and I feel sick. Video contains the evidence including bloody photos. I'm trying not to lose my shit and cry myself to sleep. I love cats so much, I can't take it. Please cuddle your cats tonight.

No. 2326739

Pretty much every lesbian I've met over 50 years old had a period in her life where she tried to convince herself that she's straight and forced herself to date men. I'm glad that experience gets rarer and rarer with each passing decade, since it now seems that there are anons who can't even conceive of the possibility.

No. 2326740

Well it's either bait or you're mentally a child. Either way I'm not taking you seriously.

No. 2326741

I've refused to watch it because I can't take it, but warn people who have cats to check it out if they are considering one of those litter boxes. Please sleep well anon and have sweet dreams about safe and happy cats.

No. 2326742

File: 1735623117810.jpg (12.5 KB, 329x329, 1000020469.jpg)

>I dated and had sex with a man, but I didn't really enjoy it or feel fulfilled by it. The only thing that truly satisfies me is sex and relationships with women, and I want to marry a woman.
>So you're bisexual?

No. 2326743

It's literally the same gold star mentality anon was talking about, it's just bullshit bait. I love this cat kek

No. 2326745

I just found out that my sister blocked me. I never use instagram but randomly decided to check something on there and now I'm racking my brain to understand why she even did it. We had an argument over text over a year ago, maybe that was it?? She acts normal around me otherwise. I don't even post on or use insta (not for the past 8 years) so I feel like she must have blocked me to talk shit on her story about me. So damn annoying

No. 2326747

>You don't just have CONSENSUAL sex with people you're not attracted to.

Lmao, I hope this is bait or you really are a sheltered retard. Touch grass, your lack of life experience is immature and terminally online.

No. 2326748

Maybe she posts cringe and she doesn't want you to see. That's why I blocked my sister kek. My sister is really critical, not saying you are, but I just know she'd make fun of my art

No. 2326749

Which is incredibly fair because lesbians back then had a reason to want to be het everywhere in the world. If you're not from a third world country or a super religious family you literally have no excuse to fuck men though.

It's really like I'm in /r/actualtroonbians. Lesbians can have sex with men because it makes my girlclitty hard!(bait)

No. 2326750

I thought the goldstar label didn't include sexual assault by moids? Still it doesn't change the fact OP has consented to sex with moids a few times in the past, so maybe that's where her hangup is. I just don't get what's so wrong about using the bisexual label instead. OP sounds like she's one herself (especially with having sex multiple times with a single moid that she probably like) but seems to look down on them.

No. 2326752

Bait used to be believable

No. 2326755

i’ve practiced such incredible restraint lately

No. 2326756

I'm really proud of you for that

No. 2326758

A bisexual can choose to only associate with woman. Still doesn't make them lesbian. The attraction to men is still there, they just choose not to act on it.

No. 2326760

straight women also hate having sex with moids, that doesn't make them bi or a lesbian. Simple as

No. 2326762

>If you're not from a third world country or a super religious family you literally have no excuse to fuck men though.
I don't think you understand just how virulent homophobia, particularly against women, still is. Even in your precious first world non-religious communities. I'm very happy for you if you happen to live in a place that is completely supportive of you dating women, but this is not the norm for most of the world.

No. 2326763

thank you nonnie, that means a lot to me ♥

No. 2326764

Sure thing, you said it buddy

No. 2326765

Gold star was never meant for lesbians in the first place. It's gay moid jargon and should have stayed in that context.

No. 2326766

It’s fine, the faster the thread fills up the quicker we can get back to cat threadpics.

No. 2326768

Christ, god-forbid tell someone who had consensual sex with a man that she's not a lesbian because it must be bait. Literally who wins by saying lesbians don't fuck men? Why is this such a controversial statement in the first place?

No. 2326769

I like the way you think anon

No. 2326770

I've seen it being used in lesbian spaces way more often in gay moids though.

No. 2326773

You throwing away all nuance and life experience is a clear attempt at rage bait, nice try though. Just pick something else to bait with, sore loser.

No. 2326776

They'd rather tell other people that lesbians having sex with men is normal and valid than tell young lesbians they should avoid having sex with one

No. 2326777

What's that supposed to do?

No. 2326779

bisexual women getting mindbroken because random people on the Internet told them they're not lesbos

i mean they can't fkin decide their sexuality they seem genuinely mentally challenged no wonder they fucked scrotes

No. 2326780

Not the first time lesbians have borrowed something from gay moids to their detriment, probably won't be the last.

No. 2326783

Even on this supposed fringe website that goes against the mainstream rhetoric, lesbians just can't catch a break huh… I feel like I'm on r/actualtrannies

No. 2326785

get some of your energy out so you can sleep

No. 2326787

Oh sorry I didn't realize it personally my responsibility to save every young lesbian from internalized homophobia and misogyny.

No. 2326788

>to their detriment
I find the goldstar label pretty helpful in filtering out the fakebians though

No. 2326789

Unnuanced would be sperging out at her for getting SA'd and parroting the goldstar crap. I don't really care about doing any of that. I'm just wondering why someone who has had consensual sex with a man want to use the lesbian label so badly when she's clearly a bisexual.

No. 2326790

>lesbians not sleeping with men goes to their own detriment
what, what is this rape conversion rhetoric?

No. 2326791

What is so difficult for you to understand about the fact that you can have sex with people you are not sexually attracted to? You think that prostitutes are attracted to every worthless scrote they fuck too?

No. 2326792

Being elitist about other people's sexuality is so bizarre and pathetic. Maybe you should take a break from the internet.

No. 2326793

It's funny because when a moid comes out as gay everybody believes him, even if he just came out of a 50 year marriage or being a womanizer etc it doesn't matter, they just say "oh he was repressing himself" because people can accept that men are rational agents who have rational reasons for what they say and do. I remember watching a show once where a moid came out as gay and explained to his wife that the sex wasn't this awful thing it was just a chore he had to do, like washing the dishes, and that makes sense to me. Why can't that be the case for a lesbian? Personally I'm bisexual but I can tell you I've had consensual sex with people I wasn't actually attracted to for multiple reasons (like wanting to make the relationship work). Sex is an action and anyone can do it, it doesn't change your soul lmao. If you feel that a woman you're pursuing is saying she's a lesbian falsely then you are entitled to your own discernment. But there is no need to police anons like >>2326694 lol. Truthfully I just don't understand people like you, what do you get out of scrutinizing and nitpicking the sex life of someone you don't even know? This is a vent thread not an interrogation

No. 2326794

You keep glossing over the point on purpose, this isn't a conversation in good faith, you're just trying to kick up dust and keep the argument going.

No. 2326795

this logic also only works on young girls who already know they're lesbians and won't want to fuck men by that point kek. young women with no experience tend to fuck men before finding out they're not into that and only into women… but knowing that requires having experienced a conversation with a woman irl

No. 2326796

Yeah I feel bad for OP but I feel like this kind of spiraling over the correct labels and this insecurity with her sexuality must be coming from somewhere.

No. 2326797

File: 1735624476002.jpg (1.03 MB, 1724x1271, fakebian compilation.jpg)

kek truly mindbroken this wouldn't happen to them if they stick to the bisexual thread which is mostly febfems anyway

looooooooool it really is like in actualtrannies lmaoooooooooo

No. 2326798

if a moid nutted inside a woman for 50 fucking years im not believing he's gay. sorry you hang out with retards kek

No. 2326799

Gold star comes from gay moids who literally rank themselves by how little they've been exposed to vaginas. They literally have the term "double gold star gay" to describe gay men who haven't slept with a woman and were born via c-section. Because in their mind, merely passing through their mother's birth canal somehow makes them less gay. Lesbians deserve better than gay moid leftovers, especially ones borne from serious misogyny.

No. 2326800

I wish most lesbians were actually elitist about their sexuality and gatekeeped more.

No. 2326801

I don’t feel like lying, and it’s on Switch anyway. Not impossible to pirate but they know I wouldn’t go to the trouble.

I’m sorry that happened to you nonnie. I feel like someday they might recognize it for what it is but be too proud to reach back out.

They are very hypocritical. One’s always bitching about Taylor Swift for having a jet but still but from Amazon and use AI, SHEIN and other fast fashion.

You are a true based gigantic. I’m a bit old for new friends but I’m not sweating it; I’ve always preferred solitude.


Oh, poor Nona. I’m sorry you saw that. Please keep yourself safe. I love cats too, and I understand feeling obligated to know but digital self harm is a thing. Please be careful. I’ll hug my cat extra tonight for you.

No. 2326802

you're not a prostitute though, or are you? you constented to have sex with men MULTIPLE TIMES. Even after your first bad experience, you just kept going and going. Idc if in your soul you're actually a lesbian or not, if you exhibit bisexual behaviour, then do all of us a favour and call yourself one.

No. 2326803

Ah, yeah, you must be the official representative of young lesbians worldwide. You know their lives, you know their minds, you know everything.

No. 2326804

I genuinely asked that in my OP in good faith and as you can see I'm not writing anything near close to the actual baiters we have now. But keep attacking me I guess.

No. 2326805

>she's never heard of a lavender marriage
Wow bait really did used to be believable

No. 2326806

Of course a vagina feels better than a moid's asshole. Gay men see women as walking fleshlights.

No. 2326807

Fucking weird, anon. You're weird.

No. 2326808

>bi woman speaking over lesbians
of course

No. 2326809

Attacking you? Anon please, grow up a little.

No. 2326810

Take it to Twitter, cry baby.

No. 2326811

You are so melodramatic lol it's an imageboard not the UN

No. 2326812

I'm weird for not wanting lesbian communities be overrun with troons and fakebians? Sure…

No. 2326814

Typical. Betting the people validating OP are probably bisexual or straight women themselves anyways.

No. 2326816

Live your life off of the internet anon. Take a step back.

No. 2326817

my dude you got your dick up for women you had 12 kids youre not fucking gay KEK why is everyone so afraid of the bisexual label????????? and its not my fault you base your opinions of sexuality on heterosexual normie retards

No. 2326818

Why should I give a shit about what men like, especially gay moids. I'm a lesbian and only care about women

No. 2326819

You're just so special

No. 2326820

File: 1735624876835.jpg (266.97 KB, 1080x757, 1000020472.jpg)

schizobabble(infighting, derailing)

No. 2326821

It's a generational divide. We finally have anons who grew up where homosexuality is widely normalized and accepted that they literally can't imagine a world where it wasn't and gay people just had to pretend they weren't.

No. 2326822

Got enough question marks there champ?

No. 2326823

Why do you believe sexuality is inherently tied to the things you do instead of who you are attracted to? You're acting like a genderist.

No. 2326824

Calling it schizo babble because you lack reading comprehension isn't going to get you any points with your imaginary gatekeepers.

No. 2326825

If you only care about women, then why are you using misogynistic moid jargon made by men who literally can't handle the thought of vagina?

No. 2326826

you dont have sex with someone youre not attracted to unless youre a literal whore fucking retard(infighting, derailing)

No. 2326827

It's just disingenuous in my opinion, I don't think they actually believe what they're saying.

No. 2326828

Honestly I think you're right. A lot of people are privileged these days and have zero perspective

No. 2326829

This is so low effort it's actually making me sad.

No. 2326830

>instead of who you are attracted to
Except the ones who consensually fucked a moid must have been attracted to that moid one way or another, especially if they had gotten as far as going on dates and fucking.

No. 2326831

You need to go back.

No. 2326832

why do you want to be a lesbian so bad i don't get it. you consented to fucking a man MULTIPLE time.
>don't want to date bi
your lack of self awareness is perplexing.

No. 2326833

People mad at threadpic is funni to me I hope the next one is really scary

No. 2326834

Pick one out, you could be the one

No. 2326835

I doubt OP is a 50 year old woman though. Most of the people in this site are zoomers and already grew up in a time where homosexuality is accepted in most first world countries.

No. 2326836

Threadpic jumpscared me but it also represents exactly how I feel when I'm venting

No. 2326837

Yeah homophobia has been completely eradicated.

No. 2326838

I felt bad for her until I read that. She sounds like she sucks in bed too.

No. 2326839

On one hand I'm happy because it's a sign that the times are a-changing. On the other hand, the lack of perspective is frustrating.

No. 2326840

Baiting was an art form back in my day

No. 2326841

File: 1735625213316.png (174.08 KB, 2000x1183, z.png)

Retards ITT will be defending this(bait)

No. 2326842

i hope the newt one is funny and makes us all laugh

No. 2326843

That's not the same thing at all. The OP specifically said she was not attracted to men. The OP in your screenshot is attracted to men. Nice try chump.

No. 2326844

im from a thirdie religious country where faggots get murdered and i still never had the urge to suck cock even when i didnt know of the word lesbian. how is it inconceivable that some people were never okay with the thought of fucking a man and we just naturally are like this

No. 2326845

I'm not the anon you replied to retard I'm just trying to explain the apparently very difficult concept to you that it's possible to consent to sex without sexual attraction. I'm glad you've never had to do it but that doesn't change that it happens

No. 2326846

Oh, here we goooo everyone it's time to talk about SUCKING COCK

No. 2326847

File: 1735625427546.png (30.44 KB, 256x256, yasssssss.png)

i’m excited for 2025, it feels good to be halfway through the decade already lol. feels like every decade since the 80s has just gotten weirder and weirder and weirder. Y’all have any plans for New Years eve?
nta but cause we’re naturally wired to wanna fuck men probably

No. 2326848

>it's possible to consent to sex without sexual attraction
See >>2326760

No. 2326849

Just because there's a Pride parade every year doesn't mean that homosexuality is accepted. I'd love it if every anon here could say with certainty that their parents would be just as overjoyed if they brought a woman home for the holidays as a man, but that's not the case for many of us.

No. 2326850

bj chans activation phrase

No. 2326851

This is the vent thread and this protracted argument about whether someone is lesbian/bisexual does not belong here. Further infighting/derailing after this warning will get a longer ban than usual.

No. 2326852

Do you know what thread you're in kek

No. 2326853

I was staring at this cow trying to think of why it felt so familiar and then I realized it's because I drew it kek

No. 2326855

ANYWAYS. I’m hating this trend of people having no personal style. “It girl” aesthetic and it’s the same hoop earrings and birkin bag. I don’t care how much it costs, a birkin screams to me “I want people to think I’m rich and cool so bad I got this extremely overhyped bag anyone can own a dupe of. please like me, this bag is my personality.”

No. 2326856

keek i saw it while bouncing through imageboards when lolcow went down in August and saved it, super cute drawing i love it amazing job nona

No. 2326857

I see plenty of personal style in real life, but online it's an over saturation of what's trendy. Even when there is an "influencer" with a unique style or maybe a retro style, it's so over the top that it doesn't feel authentic, practical or livable. Just camera fodder.

No. 2326858

i think expensive bags of any brand are unnecessary, i’ve been carrying the same old tote for many years and its never failed me

No. 2326862

My housemate vacuumed his room at 5 AM and woke me up. God he's a fucking retard. At this point I believe he does shit like this out of spite because once he was already warned by the landlord about blasting super loud music during quiet hours. And I have it the worst because my room is directly under his.

No. 2326863

>4chan now enforces the "can't be racist on any board except /b/" rule now
Dead website, Hiroyuki's shit tier moderator screening ruined 4chan. The ads were cancerous enough. Why fucking bother with a scrote filled website if I can't even express my deepest, most masculine ire in the form of taboo slurs? Especially when social media is already so censored and worthless. Obviously I can't even express my feelings fully here otherwise I would've gutted the middleman a long time ago. A shame.

No. 2326864

Just go onto a different chan

No. 2326865

How are they even going to reenforce that on boards like /pol/?

No. 2326866

But that's what you're really advocating for, that lesbians do suck cock. Sex with a man doesn't involve just hugging and kissing(continuing derail after farmhand warning)

No. 2326868

Is it even possible to groom someone unintentionally? Someone spread rumors that I groomed her when I was still underage and I didn't understand the gravity of what was happening, nor did I even know she viewed the incident as grooming until she spread the rumor after she had a bpd split on me since it was over a decade ago. I didn't even know how old she actually was until later, I was just a retarded teenager who didn't know any better. She conceded that I didn't mean anything bad but she still sees it as grooming and idk if that's even possible or if I'm just starting to fall for the bpd gaslighting? I was just a lonely teenager.

No. 2326869

File: 1735627107912.jpg (27.5 KB, 735x644, c1286c6da79cd4b091e7283bc2daee…)

Fuck this gay earth!

No. 2326873

But I'm straight.

No. 2326875

then itll just fuck you

No. 2326877

File: 1735628568110.jpg (47.23 KB, 736x885, 1000104789.jpg)

No. 2326879

Hate this OP, it's too spooky

No. 2326883

Why would someone choose this stupid fucking picture as OP

No. 2326885

Shit, I should've trusted my intuition. My sis got a job and she had to be in a close quarters with an instructor for a week, when she told me about what her teacher was like, I got bad vibes that she sounded like a major cunt but I kept it to myself because it might seem rude.
Turns out, the teacher was a major cunt, despite how well my sis tried to frame it, she was getting yelled at, criticized constantly, no matter how she reacted the teacher kept calling her out as having an attitude, the directions were incredibly unclear, but my sis goes "well she was nice and she said she'd pray for me" she got you to burst into tears multiple times and quit the job after freaking you the fuck out and giving you instructions that caused you to nearly fuck up. "But she's a cancer survuvor" doesn't mean she had the right to do that.
Now my sis is blaming herself and crying about how she isn't mentally strong enough for the career she worked hard for. What the hell.

No. 2326886

This why I hate nonblack women because they dabble in white supremacy just as much as their scrotes. Female solidarity is a joke(racebaiting)

No. 2326898

Probably what I will end up doing or try other sites that still support freedom of speech.

Moron, don't post actual racism here it's against the rules. There is a reason why I said "I would have cut the middleman out and posted here if I could". This site is good for a lot of things but racist related vents are not one of them.

No. 2326903

I don't want friends or family or a partner or marriage or acquaintances just leave me the fuck alone please leave me the fuck alone. Unfortunately food and electricity and water and essential life things need interaction with people. Why does dying take so long then

No. 2326908

just use instagram?

No. 2326918

OP you’re sick for choosing this thread pic

No. 2326922

nonnas never heard about Ricky Martin, Hugh Jackman, Bruce Willis, and every other closted celebrity in existence
ntayrt but why do you need to make racist related vents to begin with…

No. 2326928

Had to install Python twice for some stupid program that lets me download YouTube videos. I DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT COMPUTERS

No. 2326932

>I was alt since middle school because I felt it was a perfect community for outcasts and people who didn't fit in the beauty standard
>literally every alt girl in online spaces right now is a giga baddie stacy with thin waist and big ass and big tits and perfect hourglass and perfect face
>now I don't fit in not even in the alt community as an uggo with no curves

No. 2326934

but seriously why the fuck does everyone look the same, did everyone became just clones or what, why do they all have almost the same face features and why do i look so different from them

No. 2326940

Cheers to freedom nonna. Enjoy your game and hopefully new friends.

No. 2326942

Makeup, camera angles, and filters?

No. 2326943

Filters and heavy make up kek

No. 2326945

Kek this makes me hate faggots even more than I do

No. 2326946

Gatekeeping would have kept Transbians and fakebians away. But instead it’s only us who get shitted on by every letter of the alphabet. I don’t blame other lesbians for being weary and skeptical at this point.

No. 2326948

you look like you anon, be glad you stand out

the alternatives you see online are STD poser men with fugly faces but long hair so girls love them or girls trying to sell Onlyfans by doing the goth baddie gimmick, they are honestly pretty lame, I feel like being alternative isn't as cool as it once was cause a lot of people have piercings, tattoos. Hm..

No. 2326951

What is the program?

No. 2326952

I wish onlyfans was banned

No. 2326954

kek nona you said it best about alternatives STD poser men. sounds like my ex except he was too broke to afford shit like onlyfans (still is)

No. 2326956

True everything's superficial now and overtaken by normies trying to find themselves.

No. 2326959

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Didn't mean to write this much but: I genuinely hate my grandmother and think passing away would be a mercy from her shitty life that's she's too slow to be self aware of. What kind of life is it to have been a young mom of 3 kids, walked out on by a deadbeat cheater she's STILL pining for to this day, no jobs no education just SSI, mentally retarded with no formal diagnosis but everyone can tell you're "off" and thus babies you, a body ravaged by seemingly ALL genetic illness+side effects from the meds so now you're aging 20 years more than you should be, and a bible thumper to boot?? All the years of negligence to her kids/us grandkids, coddling of moids in the family (even the criminals) yet if women are going through anything she's absent, the spergouts when we try to curb her hoarding (I genuinely believe we're gonna wake up one day to her crushed in her own room), her habit of shutting down serious discussions (that she insists she be a part of) because she's too soft to handle them, the way she never leaves the house and just lives through us and the news, the way she doesn't do anything to about the ADHD she WAS diagnosed with and expects us to handle her shit that she won't tell us about till the last minute (but later complains that WE misunderstood her and WE need to work on communication), IT'S ENOUGH. And worse yet when I vent to others that have gripes with her they're in full agreement, but when I say it to her face suddenly they're jumping in to shut me down and say it's not worth it. I don't love or respect her. I know it's awful to feel that way because it's not her fault, she's not evil, that I should be understanding as a fellow autist and woman, and non-family members give me nasty looks when I discuss her but I dare anyone to spend 3 days with her and not want to bang their head against the wall

No. 2326961

I night download love and deep space again, the cards they have released have been so good, but you can’t enjoy anything without spending money in order to pull cars and you have to battle. I wish it was a simple dating sim, I just want my hotties.

No. 2326968

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This came up all of a sudden and I'm sorry for posting this here I really should talk to someone but I can't and no one reads these so it's good it's fine to do. I sound like a fucking schizo but I need to get this out, I'm sorry, I feel like I'm suffocating and I'm going to be sick and I'm just thinking about everything and it's stressing me and that's stressing me out even more because I shouldn't be like this right now, I'm supposed to be okay this just feels wrong and completely alien because I'm supposed to be okay. I think everyone knows what I'm talking about so I'm not sure to articulate this without sounding stupid and maybe you don't and I'm being a narcissist again, this shit sucks I was thinking completely normally today and all of a sudden my head's like a plate of fucking scrambled eggs I hate feeling this I never wanted to feel like this. It's like something is sitting on my chest it's horrible.
I'm going to go bed I think and I hopefully will cringe at this because I returned to normal because it's bad to be like this. I'm okay and I'm also sorry.

No. 2326970

Sometimes it feels better to just be toxic instead of having to expend more effort to carefully tiptoe around the issue. There is sincerely nothing I can do to fix or solve the issue so being toxic anonymously feels like one of the the only ways I can speak the truth that nobody else wants to own up to.

No. 2326973

>the "truth"
Hmm. hopefully this doesn't include dragging non white women into generalizations and myths

No. 2326974

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I'm a hopeless case. I've been procrastinizing a lot and I really need to finish a paper by tonight put can't put myself to work and instead I'm searching up 'robert pattinson bulge' on google images. need someone to slap me out of it

No. 2326975

You can't even say Free Palestine on IG without Mr Noseberg getting uppity about it(racebait)

No. 2326976

I'm with you.

No. 2326990

tired of myself acting constantly neurotic whenever I end up having to interact with moids
I'm afraid being terminally online is finally getting to me to the point of harmfulness irl
best I can do is be cold and act like an uppity bitch to hide my contempt and disgust

No. 2326992

Idk why but I can’t seem to attract anyone, I go on dates and put my best foot forward but I always either get ghosted or get a “it was nice but…”. My super awkward friend that is not much prettier than me has normal and sweet men falling over their feet for her, despite her being a pretty policing SJW (hates Rowling, pretty immediate to call out what she considers “cultural appropriation”, non-binary etc). I must subconsciously give out some super weird vibes or something

No. 2326996

Yeah probably. You'd probably be better off being in a less formal (IYKWIM) setting and getting to know guys over a longer period of time.

No. 2327000

My family always made fun of me for taking precautions not to get me or them sick for the holidays, especially during covid. Two of my family members are high risk cases due to being medicated for cancer and the likes. One was hospitalized earlier this fall due to covid complications and nearly died. So when I got sick before Christmas I told them I would stay home. Cue phone calls and messages calling me hysteric and sensitive, which lead to me taking the trip to see them anyway because fuck it, right? They insisted. Now my whole family is sick and one is getting hospitalized again. I'm being blamed for it, despite me being the only one who has ever looked out for these people in the past. I'm no longer hysteric and sensitive, now I'm inconsiderate and thoughtless. Wish I cared more, but I don't. I only want to go home and never celebrate Christmas with these people again.

No. 2327001

A physical illness I have became popular among munchie zoomies and tiktok millenials, so now when I share my diagnosis with friends or even family members I get scoffed at. I'm not even mad at the munchies at this point, just like… How is scoffing and "oh, everyone fucking has this now" a normal response to someone you ostensibly at least like sharing something intimate? Inconsiderate jerks.

No. 2327004

You could be choosing potential love interests that aren't suited to you, are in your head and take the dates too seriously, or you keep encountering straight up fuckboys who are only looking for sex which is most men especially if you are finding them on a dating app. Don't take dates seriously would be my advice.

No. 2327009

Cutting off my bippie friend, can't wait for her to spread lies about me, tell everyone who wants to hear it I'm a narcissist and whatever else she says about her long list of ex friends. God I wish I never even met her.

No. 2327011

I'm burning out from my studies, chores of living alone, and especially endless daily routines and appointments
all of that and for what? nobody cares about all the work I put in anyway and it might as well just makes me seem less approachable
so what's the appeal of not ldar in current year again?

No. 2327013

They literally asked for it, are they stupid?

No. 2327016

Thank you farmhands for spoilering that, hated seeing it in the catalog.

No. 2327019

I was sad and missing my ex but then I saw a recent photo and he looked so ugly… like… wtf was I thinking? Has this ever happened t0 you before? Where your ex is more attrcative in your mind but then you see recent pics and you feel like you dodged a bullet?

No. 2327022

Sorry to say but I HATE most bipolar people and almost everytime I get involved into some drama garbage or get hurt by a real life or online friend that turns out to be despicable asshole it's bipolar shitters.

Save for one exception they are all exactly the same too in my experience.
It always goes like this:
>acts like total a asshole and hurts friends and/or followers
>those people feel hurt so they eventually alienate or quit friendship after suffering for too long from their bullshit
>BP baby starts crying and throwing a big "WOE IS ME" drama, alternating between blaming themselves for their "obsession to ruin everything I love" and expecting pity and blaming everybody else, like an angry toddler
>due to the latter part, people don't engage and ignore the self-pitying parade
>said ignorance triggers them further, making them ->
>act even more like total asshole and hurt friends and/or followers
Rinse and repeat.

I have 0 pity for these people. I don't care about their illness. I have depressions too and other stuff. Must people have illnesses, most people suffer. It's simply nobody's job to tolerate this asshole behavior. The only ones that do are therapists that are literally getting paid to listen to their trash.

I know one (1) good BP person, so they do exist but they're rare. Maybe she's the only one that gets proper medication or maybe it's just that she has a mature personality that doesn't make her act like an evil, spoiled brat.

No. 2327023

I wish this was the case because I could get over him faster but I haven't looked at any pics of him for one month and saw one yesterday and my heart was thumping again….
It's new years eve and I'm depressed because I just know he's probably celebrating somewhere with some other girls. I'll never find a man as handsome as him again, I'll probably remain celibate.

No. 2327025

all me

No. 2327028

yes, because I realized I was only in love with the version of him that I created in my head

No. 2327042

Isn't this borderline tho

No. 2327045

Nta but they do share overlapping qualities, sometimes borderline can present as a very tame bipolar, but you can't "therapize" your way out of bipolar it's legit some fucked up chemical imbalance in your brain so if the bipolar is unmanageable and it affects personal relationships you should be medicated for it.

No. 2327048

Is it? I admit I am no expert and all of them said they're diagnosed BPs, but then again many psychiatrists aren't very good in my experience and misdiagnoses are common, especially if said diagnoses rely onto what the patient is saying. And judging by the BP diagnosed women and men I know their perception of reality is horrifically skewed. I also heard some of those with a therapist saying that the therapist made them "feel like good people" and that they were happy about it and happy knowing how to cut "toxic" ties so I am very skeptical about the things they might discuss there.

The worst part is that you are inclined to feel sorry for them or even perceive them as victim if they talk about being oppressed victims and you don't know them for long. So I always only notice it when it's too late and I am already having to deal with the consequences and block or set things right with others and distance myself from them. It's frustrating. I guess self-pity is already a huge red flag. There is a difference between random venting or talking about problems in real life and actual wallowing in self-pity. Today you also have a lot of these people attacking online friends and getting meltdowns for getting more "likes" as them, poisoning most fandoms that I had fun with before.

No. 2327052

I broke my foot today now I’m sad cuz it hurts to walk and my house is not disability friendly. It’s so hard to get around and I don’t think I can go back to work for a while. I hope they don’t make me go back when I have to wear a huge boot and crutches cuz I work at a primary care clinic…

No. 2327054

I have a friend who's medicated BP, and she acts like a teenager. Very reliant on attention, will have occasional meltdowns etc. She's lovely a lot of the time, but her parents refused to discipline her when she acted out as a child and it shows.

No. 2327058

psychiatric diagnosis and treatment only exist as a placebo to validate their condition instead of working out the underlying issue of never having to deal with the finding out part of fucking around

No. 2327072

This is my experience as well. Lots of people behave worse, not better, after getting therapists. A lot of the therapies focus on validation and teach them to be more assertive which usually makes them worse.
Like this whole "I don't owe you anything" that every brat is throwing around these days stems from there. "Not owing" someone something makes sense when you talk about a bad, one-sided relationship with someone when you aren't their mom. Today many use it as excuse to behave like pieces of shit.

The parenting or lack of it makes everything worse too. I grew up in an environment where being rude would always come back at me immediately, even if my bad behavior was grounded in unawareness. It was often nothing bad, but usually resulted in myself feeling ashamed so I learned and never did it again. This is how it works. But many parents will attack the person that their kid was rude to, simply for complaining and this is very, very bad and it shows so much these days.

It doesn't help that most kids get diagnosed early now so retaliating when someone is mean to you might even make you seem like the rude one because you're attacking a poor mentally ill kiddo or adult that behaves like one. And almost none of these people ever work either, so they aren't challenged. If they had a job maybe they would be forced to learn to keep themselves in check. But some of those I know are hitting the 30s soon and they are still in university and never worked for a single day.

No. 2327073

Tbf I know plenty of (undiagnosed) people that have repeatedly dealt with the bad consequences of their actions and they still never learn. So I don’t know if it’s that.

No. 2327075

Yeah I think it depends on whether or not you consider yourself at fault or at least partly at fault for it or not.
If someone believes that it's always the others who are the bad ones consequences will only confirm their beliefs that everybody was mean to them. They fail to see the relation between cause and reaction or deem their deeds good or harmless.

No. 2327078

which only means they could get away with it
if their behavior was truly unsustainable they would either stop or be stopped, as in, sufficiently ostracized that they could only ever impotently seethe on their own until they change their mind or die alone having ran out of people to grift from
>This is my experience as well
I'm saying this as someone who is and has been, exhibiting every symptom you mentioned, only distinction is I'm painfully aware that it only comes from a place of privilege or perceived as much, I've literally gone through homelessness because of my behavior and still yearn for more, I know it'll never stop until I either drop dead from one too many slap in my face or kill myself

No. 2327080

My retard dad who thinks he's hot shit and that we'd all be nothing without him just hit with another "When I die you'll all be shameful and sorry with your shitty lives" like damn bro I thought you wanted us to have good lives like you say and that's why you supposedly slave away all day? Cool man, I'll be happy probably.

No. 2327084

>if their behavior was truly unsustainable they would either stop or be stopped
This. I was in an Asian only fandom recently that was perfect and chill until one nutcase had her first meltdowns and got racist against Japanese (who make up 99% of the fanbase) for not retweeting her art (they didn't retweet because her art is shit and Japanese are more honest than westerners in that regard).
I was about to become a friend with her but instantly cut ties and told her why. And everybody else did the same. She of course got even more meltdowns, cried, attacked and insulted everybody who follows her and later those that unfollowed for following her in the first place if they wanted to unfollow. We simply have no future vision so we couldn't know what person that is.

Anyway everybody agreed that the fandom was too beautiful and precious until now and we don't want to sacrifice it so she was collectively blocked by basically everybody. No idea how much she screeched afterwards because her account got private but she deleted it now.
Slowly things are getting chill again, artists go from private to public again and we have fun. Fuck these people. Never be nice to them once the overstep a red line. Chase them out or you will regret it.

No. 2327085

File: 1735658669650.jpg (35.32 KB, 519x649, 1733832188879.jpg)

When a man MARRIED to a woman with 2 kids comes out as gay, everyone believes him and refers to him as gay, no questions asked. but if a woman who lives in the patriarchal, homophobic and misogynistic hellworld that we call earth dares to actually go against her socialization and society and come out as a lesbian after being in an uncomfortable relationship with a male , we have retards on this website arguing for hours about how she's not sparkling clean kawaii yuri enough and should go back to dick.
How can you be a lesbian on lolcow and think like a yuri obsessed discord mod moid, lurk more

No. 2327087

Unfathomably based

No. 2327095

how the fuck is bleach still an ongoing series in 2024
like how much more can you milk out of 'teenage hooligan w/ big sward' ffs

No. 2327097

Only the first arc with Chad or whatever his name was as good and I will die on that hill. Back when the series was more down-to-earth and more like a character story with supernatural shit happening.
To be fair it didn't get an anime season in ages I think so there is a lot of hiatus between the last anime and the new one. But I have lost interest in it ages ago too. I stopped when Aizen was revealed to be the big bad which must have been in 2007 or something.

No. 2327098

Idk why some people want to be toothpick high metabolism skinny like me, it sucks. I could work out 24/7 and not gain anything, it's a curse. My dad never works out yet has roidpig looking legs so I definitely inherited it from my mom I think. I've been trying bulking and lots of workout for quite a while but nothing seems to be happening.

No. 2327100

Kinda off topic but how does this relate to their mania/depression or how is it comparable to unipolar depression, stupid question. I'm trying to understand it but this reads to me as borderline as well

No. 2327102

I actually hate men. I can not stand any of them. Reading about the horrific child rape and torture the degenrate evil muslims in the UK have been doing makes me want to fucking kill them, I just want to open their throats and fill them with glass. Why, WHY do we have to live this life with such a disease? Why can't men just die? It's driving me insane that the world and reality could be so much happier, so much less violent, so many women and girls would flourish, if men did not exist.

No. 2327105

I have the same with fat. I always wanted to be normal-weighted but I never get over the BMI of 15 which sounds like I had bulimic but I am not. It's some inherited shit maybe or mutation, I eat normally and even more than a good bunch of people I know.
Nowadays people understand that overweight isn't always the fault of the person but they still claim so when it's about skinny people. I can gain muscles though which is why I train a bit to get some shape and not be a skeleton, but nothing can be done about the food I can't do more than eating burgers and kebabs and other shit that's supposed to make you heavier (though I mostly eat it because I love it). I assume you also have an issue with gaining weight.

If you as a doc they will most likely just tell you "eat more" or in your case "train more" and simply not believe what you say.

I doubt it's this, but just to be sure: be sure to get enough proteins when you train. I don't think you're vegetarian since you would have mentioned it though. But maybe you don't absorb proteins well. Maybe something can be done about that. Once you have them it might work (a little bit, at least)

No. 2327113

Yeah I've been trying to bulk with beans and chickpeas and meat like a gymrat moid. Don't think it's doing much either kek
I get this. It's painful, I've started to desensitise myself to it because I'll get hurt reading all of that shit. Being a woman is so tiring.

No. 2327115

The percentage of men that are pedo is driving me nuts. And yet they still associate it with gays or other sexuality when 99% of pedos are het men with families that rape little girls. Gays exist too but in general being into kids is neither gay, nor lesbian nor het, it's a different type of sexual "attraction".

I am not even the guy can't tell fiction apart from reality but I will always side-eye every dude that likes anime girls that are canonically like 16 (which is bad enough) and even looking like 12. Strangely no man that I know as non-pedo likes these girls and every second man that does eventually reveals to be into women 20-30 years younger than him so I think there is a connection. It might be different for women and shota since women are more interested in shipping, whereas loli fags always draw art in which the kids are getting raped by faceless self-inserts. And you rarely ever hear of pedo women anyway. Again they exist, but they are so fucking rare compared to men you never hear of it unless it was some prominent teacher that did something with her 16 year old student. Not that I wouldn't condemn that too, but it's very rare and as horrible as it is, raping literal babies or girls younger than 12 is on a whole other level of degeneracy.

No. 2327116

But it’s literally this though. You add more calories to gain more mass, your body isn’t going to make them out of nowhere, it’s just going to be super hard and you’ll probably feel sick from the quantity of food, hence why it’s not viable in the long run.

No. 2327117

I started baking when I woke up and it's been 7 hours and I still haven't had a proper meal or sat down for longer than 5 minutes. Fuck this stupid shit I'm never staying home for the holidays again. I made the mistake of making cinnamon rolls last week that were apparently so good I just had to make them again which literally doubled the workload. This is why I stopped baking when I was in middle school, whenever I made one thing my parents liked I had to make it over and over and in bigger quantities. Just enjoy it the one time and leave me alone.

No. 2327119

It's really getting to me anon, I don't go out of my way to read news touching on these topics but I can't get it out of my mind. I just can not believe what those men re capable of and I can not comprehend how the rest of us allow them to live. They are literally demonic, and we allow it. It's too much.

No. 2327120

It’s men, even faggots are pedos kek, the 40 year olds pray onto teenagers on Grindr, even the whole “twink” thing kek, you’re just called homophobic if you point how weird it is . It’s not the sexuality, it’s men.

No. 2327122

Same with news in general. Especially since the many wars have started I outright stopped watching news because I was getting suicidal from this.
I am not enjoying my life to the fullest now and ignoring suffering, but I cannot help anybody by watching civilians in like 10 different countries dying in agony every day from dawn till midnight so I rather randomly donate some Euros to victims of famines and wars because maybe someone will actually profit from this even if it's just a little bit.

No. 2327123

My mom keeps touching me and it makes me so uncomfortable. She likes to touch our legs when we're sitting, shell use any excuse to run her palms through my body. It's not sexual but it almost feels like it you know? Like how you would touch a partner in public.

No. 2327125

Do this even exists with animals? I have never heard of animals fucking others of the same species that aren't pubescent yet. I swear it's a human male degeneracy, probably psychological.

No. 2327128

Sometimes I enjoy the adrenaline I get from starting fights with my abusive dad. You raised me, you get the fleas thrown back at ya. I'm old enough to fight now kind of mentality. It's petty and stupid but at least I don't do it with anyone else because nobody else triggers me.

No. 2327137

Rousseau predicted this

No. 2327138

look up otters

No. 2327145

I'm crying because I have a paper to submit that will be published and I'm paralyzed by the fear of making mistakes, sounding dumb and getting judged as my writing will be available to be read by everyone forever. I already spend tens of hours into it and can't finish it now that the deadline approaches. I only have a few hours left and am breaking down and almost considering just giving up and not publishing even though it's such a huge opportunity.

No. 2327147

If it makes you feel any better, no one reads anymore anyway. So you probably won’t face the amount of criticism that you’re worried about, if any.

No. 2327149

Does anyone else with adhd have a severe problem with their eyes glazing over words? I try to read posts on here but my brain won’t read anything unless something catches my attention. I don’t know how to explain it l, but it’s ruining my life and it’s getting worse.

No. 2327150

It's academical publishing so those people do read and are very critical, and I'm especially worried about my current and future peers. But you're right, it is such a niche that it won't be read by that many people. Thank you.

No. 2327152

End it abruptly with "sequel TBA".

No seriously, just summarize the rest of what you want to say quickly. Yes it sounds shit but do that first. Once you have this rephrase your lines to make them sound a bit more professional, add a few quotes. Depending on how much time you have left you can add more it's important that you have the end and the skeleton first because that will make you feel like most of the work was done.

What paper is it anyway? A term paper or your master's thesis?

No. 2327161

I really wanted to go snowshoeing over the holidays but I sprained my ankle in the most retarded way last week slipping out of bed to pee in the middle of the night. It hurts to walk so I've been basically laying around the house all week. I hate feeling so lazy and cooped up especially during the holiday break. I'm tempted to suffer through the pain and go up the mountain tomorrow anyway, but I'm scared to make it worse. Sigh

No. 2327165

Basically I participated in some seminar and presented my work to an audience of researchers, and now I have to send the written account to be published with all the other works from the seminar in a collection. Most people don't buy these books as they're expensive but they are purchased by all the main academic libraries. I was terrified to present my speech at the time and didn't even get to finish my written piece so I freestyled most of it with rough notes and it went surpsisingly well. But putting everything together now feels even worse especially since I know it will be set in stone and attached to my name. Anyways, thank you for your great advice, I'll do this.

No. 2327172

i wish i didnt genuinely feel really sad and a sense of loneliness and dread hearing other women talk about how much they love their boyfriend or husband. ive never even been on a date or held hands with a guy and i live in a really rural town with almost no guys my age. i even installed a dating app once and there was like..20 guys in my whole area. i feel so isolated and alone why couldnt i have been born in a metropolitan area fuck my life

No. 2327177

>and it went surprisingly well
This is the most important part. It means that the content is good, the research and result make sense. So contentwise your paper is good too because you're saying the same things.

You improvised when you did the speech, improvise again. Mention the important points and connect them shortly.
I know papers that are short as FUCK. Like literal summaries or quick reports with a bunch of footnotes.

No. 2327194

I have 5 mental disorders, and all of them are on the severe side. My brain is a prison and no medicine helps. A lot of my problems can’t be helped. I look and act so normal , but I can’t keep up the act anymore. I can’t keep living this way. Why me. Why me of all people around me.

No. 2327217

Years ago my grandma “gave” me her car even though I didn’t have a license and no one was willing to teach me how to drive. They made me put the car in my own name even though I was begging them to not make me do it, because I had bad vibes. Well, my mom didn’t have a license or car at the time so SHE drove the car I was “given”. She got into multiple crashes while not having insurance or even a license.
Years later, I’m 20 and finally got my license and a car. I try to get car insurance and I’m rejected each time. I call them and they send me issues. There’s like 5 different issues all caused by my mom, but since the car was in my name I have to deal with them. I try for months trying to get them removed saying it was my mom and I don’t remember the instances (borderline lying but what else can I do) I get all of them besides 1 removed. Insurances still won’t accept me. I try over and over to get it removed and they just keep saying I have to talk to another company but then that company says I need to talk to the previous company. I gave up. Now I’m 22 and still can’t get insurance. I forced my dad to add it onto his plan at least, but I have no idea what I’ll do when I move states. I just wish these companies were more helpful

No. 2327220

In my part of the world, NYE is our big holiday. Me and bf got sick like 2 days ago, so we're celebrating at home. Only thing is my bf doesn't give a crap about doing anything related to NYE.
I made a ramen soup just so this day would feel a little more special, and this just feels like any other day. Wish I had just taken acid.

No. 2327233

>they/thems and he/theys and other troons in my life complaining about their family over the holiday
>me: "what did they do?"
>of course it's all related to their parents using she/her for them or in one terrible awful case using he but accidentally lapsing back into she/her when they were discussing childhood memories
>"that sucks, what did you all get for christmas?"
>bunch of expensive shit and actual money to help pay for rent
they're so spoiled and they don't even see it omg

No. 2327269

You're right. Honestly the stakes are only high in my mind and nothing that bad could happen. I don't want to half ass it at this point but I'll try to stop over-complexifying everything. I hate how most moids are socialized to be overconfident in their capacities and just half-ass everything in their life without realizing their faults, but I need to stop having the exact opposite mindset and doubt everything I do if I want to pursue this career.
Thank you for your grounding words, I wish you a great new year kind nona.

No. 2327296

>study : "omg i hate studying i just want to play chess or browse"
>play chess and browse "omg i hate chess fuck this shit"
why cant i just enjoy

No. 2327297

this spoilered threadpic is reminding me of when dumbass shit was still around and someone made the OP a picture of a girl drinking from a full diva cup KEK

No. 2327304

Pretty crazy how important sleep is. I do japanese flashcards everyday and after a couple good nights of sleep it's just so much easier to get through them. I wish I could get better sleep more often

No. 2327317

another new year spent alone.. while everyone else is having fun with friends, i'm sad and alone

No. 2327328

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It finished years ago, it just never got adapted into an anime so there's money to be made.
The author also wrote a bit of a sequel with Ichigo's son.

No. 2327329

nonna i understand the importance of this as i have a little experience with academic writing and research (though i have yet to publish anything, so not nearly as much as you) and i feel it would be a shame to throw in the towel or let your fears stop you from moving forth. you care so much about this paper and i am sure its reflected in your work. worst case you make a mistake, recognize it, and take care at fixing it the next time you publish something. i think its admirable to even have the courage to publish something. best of luck! show off your hard work!

No. 2327330

I feel like I'm autistic and don't understand how to make plans with friends. Like an example of a convo in the gc a couple days ago:

>Me: Do you guys have plans for new year's eve?

>Person A: I'm free
>Couple B: Read, no response
>Me: Presents a couple choices, wanting to accommodate what people want to do
>Person A: So many good options
>Couple B: No idea about new years we might go somewhere idk
>Me: Internal confusion because why don't we figure out our plan together now?

Then today:

>Me: Messages Person A directly to see if they want to meet at a local spot

>Person A: That might be fun, thank you for the invite
>Couple B: What’s everyone plans for tonight?
>Me: Internal confusion again because I've been trying to make a plan with you guys, my friends, and you haven't really said anything??
>Me: Suggests local spot
>Couple B: We are having a family issue so are going to play it by ear. Probably won't do local spot but if you guys are doing anything let us know!!
>Me: Once again confused because then why ask if you couldn't go or didn't like my suggestion?

I don't get what's so hard about saying "That sounds good, we're free at this time" Or "Let's do XYZ instead" a couple days in advance. It seems like people are obsessed with being spontaneous and want to wait until the last minute so can see what their options are without committing to something.

No. 2327332

feeling very lonely about the fact im spending new years eve with my mom like a loser
i guess its ok but yeah

No. 2327334

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Hello nonnys. My brother got a coach purse for Christmas because he’s a degenerate. I want to steal it because it’s cute and wasted on him for a multitude of reasons. What is the best approach to stealing it and passing it off as being misplaced? He’s going to get surgery in a few days and I think when he is incapacitated from meds is my best opportunity to both steal it and gaslight him. Any ideas?

No. 2327341

i fking hate making plans at this point idk what it is but people are so fucking flaky and indecisive. reading this enrages me lmao

No. 2327342

this is crazy because they know it’s not you. if they can’t identify the person in the accident cos she doesn’t have ID they have to take her in lol

No. 2327353

>Person staying upstairs
>Never go upstairs cause I hate person
>They leave for a few days
>Have to pee
>Someone in bathroom downstairs
>Whatever go upstairs
>It's messy wtv
>Go to wash my hands
>There's no soap
>It's actually absolutely empty, not one singular drop
>You can tell it's not like it ran out of soap a day ago
>Get absolutely disgusted
>Replace soap and wash hands
I knew not to eat that person's food, out of hate. Now I have a whole other reason. There's no soap, ask if we have any extras, if you don't want to ask, go buy some yourself. Wtf.
I also went in the room because I've been missing a bunch of my favourite cups and they're all there with some miscellaneous food that shouldn't be there. It's so upsetting.

No. 2327370


Well at least it's not just me!

No. 2327405

first floor apartment was such a mistake i'm going to fucking kill myself. someone new moved in and plays their music all day and i can HEAR IT and it's driving me absolutely insane. when my kid is asleep i run white noise on the tv to try and block it out but while he's awake whatever he's watching isn't enough to mask the thumping of the music. i also obviously can't wear headphones/earplugs since i need to be present/aware. i feel like crying because there's literally nothing i can do (management doesn't care) and i have to be subjected to this shit while some retard mouth breather stomps around and listens to music for hours every single day. just wear fucking headphones dude you live in an apartment that's the decent thing to do

No. 2327406

The weird thing is that they have her name on file for being the person in the accident. Yet I’m still getting punished for it? They also denied me due to that car not having insurance for years (I wasn’t driving it, had no license). I got a lot of the issues caused by my mom removed due to it being her name on record instead of mine, but it took months. The last issue on my history is something complex and they can never tell me what it is due to them always saying I have to contact another company. And then that company says I actually need to contact the previous company. It’s something related to what my mom did, but I’m not sure what it is. Oh well!

No. 2327407

Reading this kind of made me happy that I don’t have friends. I’d hate to deal with shit like that

No. 2327412

I am usually not the biggest man hater on this site, I'm somewhat sympathetic, but I'm beginning to wonder if men lack something spiritually that women have. Like their eyes are a little more dead or something. Not all of them but more often. I'm in some discord where people share art they like and some of the biggest coomer males, the "inspiration" they post and their art lacks aesthetics or feeling, it's just hyper tit women, like they're constantly chasing sexual gratification. Or at least the worse ones. It fucks with their empathy centers too I think. Sometimes I wish I could peek into their internal world and see what it's like in there, if its literally just the constant need for pussy that's so depressing and I'm so glad I'm female

No. 2327413

and what's your enlightened meaning of life? social gratification?

No. 2327418

That fucking sucks, I never speak to my neighbors, but I would actually consider speaking to the guy upstairs, esp if its a pattern.

No. 2327421

You smell like ballsack
Competing with other males (over shit that doesn't matter) is kind of what drives them

No. 2327425

The fact you only think in terms of gratification is clocky.

No. 2327427

I'm so terrified of my future. Since I was a teenager I always felt like I was destined for failure and I've been trying so hard not to do that, but the clock is ticking and I suck at my job that I went to university for. I can't do anything else. "It's not too late to change careers!" that's absolutely true for everyone else except me. I know it makes no logical sense but the rules are different for me in my mind. Why can't I have a normal thought process? Why can't I be successful? Why can't I ever feel like I won or achieved something even if it's right there? I hate myself so much and I don't really know why at this point, I just do, and I just know whatever comes next will be a failure because I'm a failure and failure is what I am. I don't fully understand it but that's how it works.

No. 2327428

You're totally right and it's one of the cause of a lot of issues with men imo. I think women are both naturally more in tune with spirituality or whatever you want to call it, are more intuitive in general. The lack of depth in the eyes is very true and telling. It's funny that you mention art because it's also why women generally have a deeper sense of aesthetic and beauty than men, as they have an ideal and know how to sublimate. You can see it even with younger girls who have innately a bigger sense of care for things, like doing things right and pretily. It's like most men lack a sense of ideal at all, or something that goes beyond their ego. They aren't in touch with love, whereas most women I know prioritize being loving and caring towards people and things as much as possible. I know that all I mentionned is also conditioned by gendered sociabilization but it has deeper roots. That's also why men who don't have a good mother/female figure in their life become the most degenerate psycopathic beings : a man in a vacuum without a motherly and/or beneficial feminine figure in his life to transfer her goodness onto him is not much more than a beast.

No. 2327430

Yes they lack empathy nonna

No. 2327431

I hate how much i miss you. Everyone knows how poorly you treated me- even the ones who continue to stick around you. I miss them too. I know I never meant a damn thing to you, but you kept me around as narc supply because you thought I'd never leave. It makes me sick that you'll continue to get whatever you want in life because your obnoxious persona people find so charming. But you'll never be able to be truly close with anybody. Maybe that's enough punishment for your behavior. Also I should make another callout post for you topkek.

No. 2327432

So it’s women’s fault if men are like that? Please. There are single moms breaking their backs in order to take care of ungrateful sons because their deadbeats father left them and you know who they get mad at? At the parent that stayed.
This argument is redundant and retarded.

No. 2327434

on a website centered around gratification from derision?

No. 2327437

Yeah, gratification is part of being human and can be found on every aspect of life. Weird thing to nitpick.

No. 2327438

It is true that there is very old documented beliefs around men missing something internally that women have innately. We used to have established coming of age rituals for men because the ritual for women was understood as occurring along with the menstrual cycle, naturally . A lot of indigenous beliefs aligned with this concept.

No. 2327439

>want to wait until the last minute so can see what their options are without committing to something.

God I hate this so much. The worst is when someone agrees to something and then last minute gets what they consider a "better offer" from someone else and flake. This shit is so endemic to our generation it makes me hate everyone.

No. 2327442

hence why I feel suspicious about any judgement based off spirituality
but I'd be genuinely curious what some artist would pretend their inspiration actually comes from
surely art and theology were historically very much the same, but nowadays I'm afraid it's mostly used as a vessel for various neurosis, including but not limited to, what has been mentionned

No. 2327443

No need to get angry nona, this is not what I implied at all and I wasn't talking about single mothers once. It is a fact that most degen serial killers and psychopaths lack any empathy because of abuse in their childhood mostly coming from their mothers. I'm not blaming every mom in the world who has a shitty son, I'm just saying that men that grow up without the goodness of feminine influence often become soulless - some can grow out of it and find goodness themselves, but it's a lot to ask of a moid. In that case this isn't the mom's fault necessarily, abuse is a cycle that repeats itself and it's hard to break it. Men just innately lack something that women have and they don't even realize how much they owe women in their lives for basic human qualities.

No. 2327445

Yes, if you're empty inside and literally just a vessel to fulfill animal urges

No. 2327449

can you prove you're not?

No. 2327450

I'm sorry to break it to you, but you're also moved by gratification. You're not a superior, enlightened being.

No. 2327453

We’ve got a Buddhist over here

No. 2327455

My idiot sister is talking about getting ready for her rave. She's so excited it's really annoying. She is 30 years old so I have no idea why she is like this. Even if she did have friends to go with her she would be too old to go raving. I am tempted to steal her phone so she can't go.

No. 2327457

I don't need to, I think most people have an internal self that isn't just "i need pussy, I need social power, i need etc etc"

No. 2327458

I'm not saying I'm not I'm saying women tend to not ONLY be that like men are

No. 2327459

Bitch not this again

No. 2327460

woah i totally forgot raves are a thing

No. 2327462

Nobody over twenty nine is allowed to have fun

No. 2327463

Everyone I have known that was into raves were maladjusted cluster B’s with a drug addiction. I never understood the appeal.

No. 2327465

Let her rave

No. 2327471

you have to be over 18 to post here

No. 2327475

Is there any other reason for her not to go to a rave? Not only is 30 not old but haven't you ever heard of PLUR?

No. 2327477

>Everyone I have known that was into raves were maladjusted cluster B’s with a drug addiction. I never understood the appeal.
Why does raving attract to most unhinged people? Kek

No. 2327482

Lol, on New Year's Eve my mom decides to call my aunt and says that my sister is already working and "now it's just x left, she's more closed off" but my brother has also been unemployed for years, longer than me, and I'm trying SO hard. At least I've been doing courses and jobs, trying to find my path.

No. 2327484

File: 1735683523824.png (1.31 MB, 903x680, mermaidman.PNG)

I think that if my roommate appeared physically different, I would date him. Why do the people that I relate to the most have to be so physically incompatible? and that's implying that he would even be interested in me. I hate thinking this shit. I know there's the exact person I want out there. It's not him, but he's pretty damn close.

No. 2327485

Then they wonder why I speak even less LOL I really hope I die soon or manage to move far away next year and never see these people again fucking assholes. Why pretend to like and care about me just to constantly throw jabs at my personality. Fucking tired of this bullshit. Yet when I explode I'm too much LOL and when my brother or sister do it it's okay. LOL so it's okay for me to be "closed off" after all. DIE DIE DIE KYS YOU CUNT.

No. 2327487

Is this really how you're going to spend New Years? Recycling baitposts?

No. 2327491

I hate nye. All I've done tonight is feel sorry for myself and spy on the neighbor boys' party. 2024 was shit, I didn't do anything useful all I did was burn bridges.

No. 2327492

Crash the boy party and ruin it

No. 2327493

Males have always had less responsibilities and have been more coddled. They can be incompetent in every single aspect of life and suffer no consequences. I'm so sorry that your family does this too, nona.
Kek are you the anon who just said that Dana is too old to go to music festivals at 31?

No. 2327496

It's a baiter who keeps posting this story to sperg about how women who go to raves are evil or something kek, just ignore it.

No. 2327497

Had no idea what this picture was at first, I thought it was fanart of Dana for a solid 15 seconds before my mind clicked.

No. 2327511

Hate new year. Reminder if my loneliness. Hopefully 2025 goes well.

No. 2327515

A rave sounds fun. It’s just an all night party at a club right? Music festivals are retarded because fuck camping at a concert and those nasty pay showers, but idk what’s wrong with essentially just a night at the club. Seems weird to complain about.

No. 2327517

NTA and idk who Dana is but I think any age is too old for a music festival, those things are disgusting. I wish they were less common. Nothing more disappointing to see an artist you like is on tour but they’re only playing at fucking gross ass festivals.

No. 2327518

A lot of raves play shitty music to be honest.

No. 2327527

Same… feels worse the older you are too.
I'm currently at my parents house with my brother but he rather stays in his room than spending time with me. My parents are at friends house and my little sister who is always crying how lonely she is suddenly has parties to attend to (like every weekend). Most of my old friends married and got pregnant young, and everybody who doesn't have a family yet is still spending the evening with other couples. After a certain age there's just nowhere you can go to if you're single.

No. 2327530

Yes there is, and you're there… on lolcow.

No. 2327533

nonna if anything else, your post has given me some sort of wake up call. i've been feeling scared of opening up to new platonic connections and even romantic ones too for the longest time, and i realize that even though there's a sense of peace and quiet from being solitary.. after a while, it just becomes depressing. i think 2025 will be the year i will finally come out of my shell and befriend other single women. maybe something you might be open to, as well?

No. 2327537

Thank you nona I love you. Happy New Year.

No. 2327539

huh how did my post awake that in you? I feel so tired of all of this, I tried so much when I was younger and never succeeded, I basically already gave up a long time ago

No. 2327543

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my bad, i meant the part where you wrote "feels worse the older you are too" and i'm scared i'll wake up ten years from now, still friendless, and it just gets worse since by then my parents will be senile and my siblings and everyone else will have families to tend to that it just wouldn't be the same. this is not me putting you down i hope i'm not coming across that way! i've been friendless for years now, and i think to myself, well it's no big deal, i don't need anyone. but i do, everyone needs other people, that's just how it is. i also gave up a long time ago, but i think i want to try at least one more time in 2025 to see what will happen.

anyway happy new year's eve.

No. 2327546

Thank you, anon. I get it, being 40, 50, no longer being able to rely so much on my parents and still living like this is my worst fear but it scares me so much, that I just always repress it instead of trying to do something to change it.

No. 2327554

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i posted about my plane crash dream last week because i had a flight coming up. the scary thing is the south korea plane crash mirrors (almost exactly) the scene set in my dream…i was behind this fence and everything. however a second plane came tumbling down after it. im not psychic its just very sad and odd

No. 2327557

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i hate my square shaped wide face so much

No. 2327560

Do you have a strong jawline? Trust me, women are jealous of our strong, sculpted faces.

No. 2327563

I used to hate mine too nonna and tried for years to contour it to a triangle shape but everything always looked terrible. Embrace it nonna, it's a unique face shape and you can wear some really flattering hair styles

No. 2327583

I agree with second anon. I am women jealous of your strong, sculpted faces..

No. 2327599

I currently live in the US but i keep having thoughts about going back to the UK because i feel like my life would be better if i wasn't risking my life everyday by driving. However i look up properties in the UK and the pay for the jobs i am currently doing an associates degree in and i realise i might have to stay in burger land for the rest of my life. Idk how i feel about it. It's very boring here and i don't feel confident opening myself up to people here the way i did in the UK. It's much easier to make friends for me in the UK rather than the US, people here are very fake and it's hard to discern their intentions.

No. 2327606

I'm bailing on a NYE party because I'm really tired and don't wanna drive 45 minutes there and back again with potentially a lot of drunk people on the road. I feel bad because a lot of people have already canceled on the party, and my friends are gonna have a pretty empty house, and they spent a lot of money on champagne and stuff. I kinda feel like a bad friend right now. But also if I did show up, I'd be exhausted and no fun to be around. Still not sure if I should push myself to just go or not …

No. 2327615

bunch of fucken dumb ass bitches. always throwing away the manuals and charging cords and shit. fucken stupid as fuck.

No. 2327616

I’ll start exercising in order to reach my body goal, spending less time on the phone (I’d like to reach a 5 hour average hopefully) to study more and use my free time to read books this new year.
So it’s a goodbye nonnas, I’ll try my best not to come here kek, thanks for the infighting, unpopular retarded opinions, the occasional sweet nonnas, the nonnas with nigels, schizos and even bjchan. I’ll still hate trannies.
Have a nice year.

No. 2327624

The bop house on tiktok is disgusting for a million reasons, but I can’t help but to think being a porn star use to be taboo and now these barely legal girls are not only so open, not ashamed, but being PRAISED for it. What the fuck is going on. Like normal just out of high school girls, and they are wearing it like a golden badge of honor.

No. 2327626

>made a bunch of fruit and berry themed crochet keychains earlier this year for my family
>made strawberry, apple, and watermelon ones
>all use mostly the same colours so i didnt have to buy new yarn
>my brother requested a watermelon one because its his favourite fruit
>an israel supporter saw him with the watermelon keychain this week and accused him of being antisemitic
>my brother tried to explain its just a fruit keychain but they didnt believe him
>i caused a bunch of trouble for my brother just by making a silly fruit keychain

i feel guilty because its kind of my fault for making it but at the same time i feel like getting triggered by a fruit keychain is fucking insane

No. 2327645

> start talking to moid
> it’s going well, he seems kind, respectful and interesting
> suddenly starts making jibes at the way I do things, being patronizing
> “oh anon I would never do that” “you’re playing that game at a party? That’s not really a party game tho” “I bet you didn’t even bring an umbrella lol”
> immediately turned off and outright angry at his behavior

Nonnas, how much is this me being paranoid he’s going to be abusive or shitty and how much is cute teasing? I’m so sick of how every man I interact with puts me down or acts like a manchild around me, it’s like I activate their protective instincts and then immediately emasculate them so much they rage kek

No. 2327647

It's negging and you don't have to put up with it from anyone

No. 2327648

How do I stop attracting these chodes, they make me want to murder all men

No. 2327650

it sounds like he just doesn't like you

No. 2327658

Stop second guessing yourself. He IS a creep. I'm serious. Do not second guess yourself with males.

No. 2327664

I hate her boyfriend so fucking much

No. 2327671

I met a weird moid who claims he's straight and I know guys joke about being gay but
He holds his guy friends hands, kisses them on the lips, cuddles with them naked on the bed and probably more. I don't mind, but it's just so weird to deny this. It just makes his girl friend look like a beard.

No. 2327673

I wish I could kill every single hoyoverse fan and reverse the damage it has done to certain online circles

No. 2327674

he should stop talking to me then, that’s idiotic kek

No. 2327677

how do my upstairs neighbors party multiple days a week, be awake at all hours, and never leave their shitty little apartment? who is providing these useless retards with money so that they can continue to be total wastes of oxygen? I'm so sick of living under these dumb fat jobless assholes holy fuck just leave your dumpy apartment for once and get a job or get some hobbies besides blasting crappy music, drinking, yelling, and dropping large heavy objects on the floor. I called the police on them for the hundredth time today and this time the police actually got out of their patrol car and told them to turn their music down but of course they started back up again with the music a few hours later as if they weren't just asked to stop by the police earlier in the day. apartment living is terrible, I need money for a house. please universe let me win big in the lottery this year so I don't have to share walls with lowlifes anymore I'm going insane from all the noise and their trashy inconsiderate behavior.

No. 2327694

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No. 2327700

I'm a little sad because my long distance boyfriend wanted me to move to Brazil by now but I told him I want to keep visiting and spend a couple months there. But Brazil is not for me. It's new years n he just told me "I gotta go pay attention to my friends because you're not here"
Which, yeah fair point. But the way he said it seemed a lil mean.

No. 2327702

Maybe compromise and move to Uruguay together? That way it's foreign to both of you so it's equal. Plus Uruguay is better than most other countries.

No. 2327705

Nonna you're funny cuz we were talking about moving to Canada or something lol

No. 2327708

I just want this fucking year to be over holy hell. Should I just go to sleep?

No. 2327714

Canada? Do you want to have a live of shit? Never go to Canada. There's a reason why every young educated person with half a brain is leaving Canada. Why would you choose Canada over Uruguay? Uruguay is beautiful, temperate, socialized, safe, democratic, anti-corrupt, and joyous. Canada is none of those things. I'm not joking around. I'm not being factitious. Do not go to Canada. If you go there, you will regret it. Forever. Don't go to Canada. I'm warning you now so that you don't waste your life and your dreams and your ambitions in that shithole of a country. I want you to promise me now that you will drop that folly immediately and suspend all thought of going there. Please for the love of God and all things that are holy and sacred in this world please listen to me. Also Uruguay has capybaras and Canada has cannibals that kill and eat people but don't do any jail time. Would you prefer capybaras or cannibals? Seriously don't go to Canada.

No. 2327716

Your passion has reached me. I wont trade one shit hole for another. I'll look into Uruguay or literally anywhere else other than Canada. I don't wanna be eaten.

No. 2327719

yep. night nonners! happy new year ♥

No. 2327720

Thank you I'm so happy I could prevent you from making the biggest mistake of your life. God bless you and I pray that you will live a life of prosperity peace and love in Uruguay.

No. 2327733

File: 1735706313802.jpg (161.84 KB, 1080x841, Screenshot_20250101_013333_Gal…)

>my long distance boyfriend wanted me to move to Brazil
Please, don't. t. brazilian

Uruguay sucks. They didn't have laws against possession of cp, trannies can self-id there and is boring af.

> beautiful, temperate, socialized, safe, democratic, anti-corrupt, and joyous

> Canada has cannibals that kill and eat people but don't do any jail time

Nonna… You've never been to Uruguay or any LatAm country, right? I hate Cuckanada too, but come on…

No. 2327738

Why are you dating a brazilian

No. 2327740

>Uruguay sucks. They didn't have laws against possession of cp
You just reminded me of a kiwifarms thread, where a guy says he wants to move to Uruguay because jailbait is legal there lol

No. 2327744

File: 1735706909326.png (516.47 KB, 749x701, will lee baker.png)

No, I haven't, but if Uruguay is that bad, then I'd suggest Chile instead.

Have you ever been to Cucknada?

Have you ever been in fear of being eaten stabbed and then cut up and eaten alive by a moid on a bus? And then rolling in your grave when he gets no prison time, is allowed to legally change his name, have his criminal record sealed so that none can find out what he's done, and consequently find employment in a restaurant as a kitchen cook, so that maybe your mourning mother or daughter will be unknowingly fed by the same man that slaughtered and ate you? Have you ever feared that? I have.


No. 2327746

Depressed me has become the new normal to my family. I could lay in bed for days with the lights off and it doesn’t phase them anymore. This is just “the way she is.” They can’t help me, but it would mean a lot if they were still concerned and not numb to my daily suffering. I’m trying really hard to get better and they just see me not improving as some kind of failure or lack of trying on my part. Every day it gets harder and harder to stay.

No. 2327753

Same question here as a brazilian nona, i hope she got a qt eye candy at least

No. 2327755

>have you ever been in fear
Girl she is brazilian. Of course it's more realistic being cooked alive in a bus or sexualy assaulted or just shot depending where she lives, and tbf I wouldn't want to live in canada either but cmon now

No. 2327757

I'm specifically talking about fear of cannibals.
Are we on Twitter right now?

No. 2327761

lol well I'll just move to my bed then damn kek
He's a decent guy, looks pretty, average height, watches anime n plays games with me, cleans, educated. That and, adorable, like a puppy
I did. I got a sexy nerd who works at a card shop with muscles

No. 2327762

Ok I get you're retarded

No. 2327766

I mean I'm not the one that cut off a full sentence to hyper-focus on the first clause that is removed from context. If you read the full sentence you'd realize I was specifically talking about fearing cannibals. The whole reason I replied to that is because the Brazilian doubted the veracity of my cannibal claims. I'm not the one talking in Twitter lingo either. But, "go off" "queen" and keep "slaying!"

No. 2327768

You got played nonnie. Sounds like she just didn't want other people flooding into Canada anymore kek. Canada may be a shithole right now but at least it's better than any LatAm country.

No. 2327770

What's your country? EU? USA?

No. 2327771

What twitter lingo? The normal word girl? Maybe you should be more worried about what your government is puting in your water to make you like this lmao

No. 2327772

Makes me want to stay in America tbh lol
It's just everything is so expensive. But I guess that's life.
I'm in the USA in one of the central states.

No. 2327774

>Thinks I drink the water
Even I'm not that retarded. Look up "fluoride" if you haven't already.
Canada is even more expensive than America. Don't listen to these shills, they're feds trying to trick you into coming to Canada so that you can be trapped to pay high taxes to prolong the regime. You're blessed to be American, you live in the greatest country on Earth. Just make your Brazilian nigel move to where you are, moids are slow-minded they can be convinced of anything.

No. 2327776

You don't know how good you have it.

No. 2327779

i feel absolutely nothing about this being a new year, which is proof that i am completely dead inside

No. 2327780

Just move to Brazil. Try it out, you might like it.

No. 2327785

Nta but I doubt it's from that because plenty of killers come from non-abusive, normal homes with moms that do pretty much everything right

No. 2327788

I stayed in my long distance boyfriends country for a few months and realized I actually like living in America lol. I made him move here instead. Don’t live somewhere that you hate just bc of a moid nonnie

No. 2327793

i think i have prediabetes. diabetes runs in family. i fucking hate my doctor so i don't know how i'm going to bring this up.

No. 2327809

pleaseeeee god this year let me find a job i like and stick with it. please let me get hired to this job i want so i can leave my current shit job pleaseeeee please

No. 2327810

Does your doctor know that it runs in your family? If not, tell them. If they do, then bring up your symptoms and ask for a blood test to check your A1C. I completely understand having a doctor you despise because I hate my primary doctor with a passion but your health has to come first. Pre diabetes isn’t something to fuck with.

No. 2327814

my friends are hanging out together for new years and it's my fault I'm not there, I misunderstood the days and I live the farthest away so I couldn't drive over and join in when I realized that, but I'm still a bit sad I couldn't be there with them. They live near each other and hang out almost every day, and I appreciate them coming over once a week because it is about an hour drive, but I wish I could just see them whenever like that.

No. 2327839

I added a guy I talked with in a game for a while.
I thought that we were getting along well, but when I finally added him it feels like we're not talking as well.
He apologized for being depressed and untalkative, and when I asked if I was bothering him he responded instantly with "no quite the opposite, I want to talk to you" but that he didn't know what to say.
He still texts me good morning and goodnight everyday. I do know that he is indeed very depressed. I just feel like I put in a lot more effort into our convos than he does.
I miss talking with him like how we were before and this whole thing is causing me anxiety.
I think I should start distancing myself from him and cut off attachment. It's very difficult to do because the only other people I have in my life are pretty busy and I never want to bother them. I have to fill my time with something else but I don't know what. I get attached to people easily because I have barely anyone in my life. I wish I could convince my brain to stop caring.

I feel like I have a very difficult time connecting with people overall. I really do try my best and almost everyone likes me at a surface level, but I desire a deep, close bond.
I want a close friend to talk to almost everyday. Conversations that feel effortless. Really get to know someone and have them know me. Talk about anything with them. Someone I feel I can be myself around.
I'm trying so hard but I can't find that.
I know that in my core I'm a deeply lonely, clingy person.
And no matter how busy I am in life, how many hobbies I have (ones that I truly enjoy too) - this loneliness within me never goes away.
I don't know what to do about it.
I know why I'm like this probably.
I obviously didn't receive much love growing up and my parents passed away when I was young. I do not have a single family member.
All comes down to your family in the end, doesn't it?
I have this silly clingy desire to always want to talk to someone.
I realize how pathetic I sound in this vent, but please don't kick me whilst I'm down.
I don't know what to do. I've tried many things.(unintegrated posting style)

No. 2327851

I'm not Brazilian bf anon but same. Which country is your bf from?

No. 2327856

well its hard to say but if youve only been talking to this person privately for a couple days then its usually pretty dry in the beginning. its really rare to meet somebody you can just 100% be yourself around instantly. can you not talk to him about the game you met in? i hope you can find something that eases your loneliness this year

No. 2327885

Is there some kind of therapy or training that makes you unable to react to people screaming at you? I have family members who will randomly slam open doors just to start arguments, the whole house is screaming 24/7. How have the neighbours not called the police for disturbance yet? I want to be blankfaced and not flinch and just shut them out permanently

No. 2327911

my bf broke up with me today literally on the 1st day of 2025. happy new years everyone

No. 2327917

Once again a woman in my new friend group is trying to compete with me and is making me miserable. I do everything to help these people, I’m kind and supportive, I don’t talk at all about my diet, achievements, clothing, money, anything that makes me seem different, and yet it still happens. I didn’t mention my dietary preferences at all but this one woman had to go off about how she would die being vegan, how everyone she’s known who went vegan was sick and ill, and how she survives on a beige diet. Ok? Congrats? I’m not sure why she thought that would be appropriate, and it made me so uncomfortable. All she seems to do is flirt with this other girl’s boyfriend in front of her and yet as a fellow autistic woman she’s meant to be someone I can relate to. I’m so sick of people putting me down or trying to compete with me, Jesus Christ, even the normies at work are friendlier than this. It’s gonna get to a point where I look people like this dead in the eye and tell them to kill themselves because I don’t know how else to respond to their childish behaviour

No. 2327934

>even the normies at work are friendlier than this
what makes you think the 'autistic' girl herself isn't a normie too? intrasexual female competition is in fact as normie as it gets, the outliers are the women who don't do this shit. also keep in mind there's a big overlap between developmental trauma and autistic traits, so you might in the end just be dealing with a bitter, disappointed with life bitch. take care and don't let contentious women ruin your mood noni.

No. 2327937

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WTF is wrong with people

No. 2327941

I have to admire the patience of these retards to deal with their manchildren. How do they have the time and energy and pickme compassion man…

No. 2327942

She was probably pretending to be autistic to get extra leeway for toxic behaviour. I know that's what I would do if I was a toxic shithead.

No. 2327947

She turned him into a blubbering vagina and he went along with it because he's a spineless retard. How did you miss the fact that they're both as bad as each other?

No. 2327948

Nah, she’s genuinely autistic, more obviously so than me and diagnosed much earlier. If anything we should be able to bond over our shared experiences and she’s a cool person for the most part so it hurts even more to be rejected by her

No. 2327950

5 years?? I wouldn’t last 5 weeks with a guy who needs me to baby him through his toxic masculine ass wtf

No. 2327953

I know you’re right and that’s what hurts the most. I wish I could just cut the bullshit and be friends with women, I wish I didn’t activate whatever protective mechanism they have (and I’m not attractive, fun or intelligent so I don’t know what the hell triggers them) and I hate not having female friends. I’ve met one woman who seems reasonable because she’s old and chill enough to not give a fuck about competition but I don’t want to believe every woman is like this

No. 2327954

your writing style gives the vibe that you're intrafemale competitioning a random post on an image board

No. 2327955

I wouldn't last 2 days kek ayrt. I have no energy and absolutely no patience whatsoever. Moid says "I struggle with thinking I need to be strong and macho when I'm surrounded by moids playing cum games in the men's bathroom"? Blocked.

No. 2327959

She just did a public humiliation ritual on him. Dude is buckbroken beyond repair. She'll be pegging him next.

No. 2327964

Why should you baby a grown man kek.

No. 2327968

She needs to beat the shit out of him and dump him after that

No. 2327974

Or accept that she chose him in the first place, accept that she is free to leave, accept that he is a human soul with his own dignity, and that she shouldn't try and do weird brainwashing experiments on him to reengineer his entire personality. What a fucking psycho. Imagine someone doing it to you.

No. 2327977

Damn you're allergic to jokes and fun

No. 2327979

She’s a retard for getting into a relationship with that kind of man. I don’t feel sorry, you knew how he was.
Her teaching him empathy (did he really learn though) is just useless labor that she could have saved herself if she chose a decent man from the getgo. Being bob the builder is the almost stupid thing you can do.

No. 2327981

What makes my insane boomer father so blind to himself? Like he's always screeching that my mom and I are screaming at each other all the time and shitting up the house with negative energy when we literally have calm conversations when he's not around. 99.9% of the screaming in the house is his own extremely loud voice that could literally shatter glass. How is he this old yet has the vocal capacity to scream for over than two hours straight? Whenever there's an argument with my mom he loves to say "Look how insane you're acting! Look in the mirror!" while he's literally fucking jumping up and down in his seething rage over nothing while she's just standing there unamused, calm, and done with his shit. He'd threaten me as a kid to take me out into public naked to embarrass me and make the public laugh at how "insane and crazy and evil" I really was on the inside and I remember being intuitive enough to think "yeah you're gonna be the one seen as insane not me, I dare you to do it". He never did it though because he was a chicken.

No. 2327982

>weird brainwashing experiments on him to reengineer his entire personality
Damn so trying to get a misogynistic toxic masculinity incel to change is seen as brainwashing experiments? Go back to Reddit

No. 2327983

Bet he wasn't any of those things and she's one of those psychos who grooms her sons into becoming troons

No. 2327985

…What. Where do you get that conclusion, genuinely. Troons must live rent free in your head.

No. 2327987

>she chose him in the first place
Abuse apologist speak spotted. Of course instead of blaming the shitty scrote we say he can't help it and that the dumb woman chose him so she deserves everything thrown her way.

No. 2327988

I know someone with two sons who both trooned out at like 7 years old. She was dressing them up as girls before they even knew what was going on. Two boys, both have dysphoria. Statistically impossible without grooming.

No. 2327991

Look at the picture again retard, who looks like they're being abused? Who has the ig account humiliating their partner in public? You just believe the woman's narrative because she's a woman. I see a psychologically abusive woman, there's no evidence in that picture that he's a shitty scrote except her claims. Again, imagine if the roles were reversed, and the guy was calling his wife retarded in front of the whole world.

No. 2327992

>You just believe the woman's narrative because she's a woman
Of course I do, I'm based
>imagine if the roles were reversed
Why do you retards always use this argument, men and women aren't the same

No. 2327993

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>how it feels knowing the hellmas ban made me normal again watching this entire infight go down
training for the final arc when the last chances of goodposting are gone from inevitable vpn ban.. i have to do everything i wanted to do, post everything i wanted to post and read stuff without having to read zoomer slop while i can… why is life like this? why can’t I just have one good fucking thing that lasts?

No. 2327994

>I'm allowed to abuse you because we're not the same
Nice argument spastic(infighting)

No. 2327995

Squid game guy mentioned!?!?!?!

No. 2327997

I see two retards honestly

No. 2327998

Yeah he's a retard for letting his psycho bitch wife do that to him in front of the world. Spineless wretch of a thing.

No. 2328001

I don't understand what she's doing that's abusing him. The comments are all full of support for both of them.

No. 2328004

Most people are retarded

No. 2328005

Yeah but how is she abusing him? You're making no sense.

No. 2328006

Maybe I'm just getting older or I'm depressed. I felt nothing this new year. The hotel and club a few streets away does this firework show at 9pm and 12am every NYE and I watched it as usual and recorded it but this time I felt nothing. It's just another day, and more to do.

No. 2328011

IDK anon would you let a man sit you down like a toddler and try and rearrange your entire personality just because you had sex with him a few times?

No. 2328015

I felt so hollow this new years too (and Christmas as well really). I'm usually one to get excited about silly things like that, I don't know what's up.

No. 2328017

Did you have people around with you? This year I was too tired and depressed to do that and decided to leave them alone temporarily so they could enjoy their fun without my bullshit

No. 2328021

Christ I want to be home in my apartment but I'm so tired and hungover I might not live to make the 2 hour drive. I also have an interview on Friday I cba going too. Waaaah

No. 2328026

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No. 2328029

men aren't people

No. 2328038

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I'm in a discord server for an r18 game and a couple of idiots just keep using bdsm language for every fucking thing it's driving me up a wall, no the mc isn't in a "24/7 dom/sub relationship" just because his boyfriend is the classic domineering asshole top that likes to use toys sometimes! A tsundere going "dame~" during sex while spreading his legs by 165 degrees does not mean he has a "consensual nonconsent kink"! I'm so fucking tired

No. 2328039

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Only scrotes who you were content enough to have sex with benefit from this rhetoric that lesbians do like dick and have sex with men. Good job on letting your anger out on gs instead, nonny! because we all know how not having sex with men is actually so lesbophobic and moidbraind but reading yaoi is peak feminist and lesbian uwu uwu

No. 2328041

wow so edgy! you'd fit right in on elon musks new and improved >>>x.com!

No. 2328043

Men deserve to be shoved into a woodchipper and their remains used as soil fertilizer. Don’t be an annoying faggot

No. 2328050

Really weird that it's already 2025. My brain seems like it's still stuck in 2021 (no, not 2020) and I don't even think it's a pandemic thing. Feels like time is passing way too fast while I just get more behind and it's hard for me to keep up with everything so it feels kinda overhelming and scary. It's like everyone is running a marathon and I'm crawling on the ground trying to keep up. I guess time moving faster is what happens as you get older but it's hard to feel that good about the new year when I'm in this headspace. Doesn't help that I'm sick

No. 2328057

Funny how it's always bishits who have to make a PhD thesis about their sexuality and why they were pressured by ~le society~ to have sex with men. Goldie lesbians (the only real lesbians) will simply tell you they like eating pussy. Non-goldies can keep seething, they WNBAL.

No. 2328066

Dick is abundant, free range and easily accessible, made for the common woman, looks like mosquito mouth ready to suck all of the intelligence/discernment/reason out of his victim. Pussy is just amazing I have nothing else to say

No. 2328074

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I'm actually so disappointed in my friend. Yesterday she said that it's awful when women talk about men's dick sizes or their experiences sleeping with them. She also said that it's objectifying to only want to hook up with a man to get pregnant, something someone has suggested to our mutual friend who wants children but is single. I'm sure that suggestion was a joke, but my friend who was offended by it took it very seriously. I'm blown away by her misplaced empathy towards men. It's so retarded.

No. 2328075

Been feeling this as well. Even men that claim to have a lower libido act like this and it always makes me feel really disconnected from men as a whole. Their libido almost always manifests in ways that are gross and dehumanizing and that seems like it's the core of the problem rather than how much they have of it, because I used to have high libido for a woman and I never acted like they do. Even the supposedly less bad men in chats I've been in always end up saying weird sexual shit out of nowhere and their taste in art is mostly what you described. It doesn't make any sense because if you have lower libido and supposedly don't hate women why would you even want to see hypersexualized images all the time? I wouldn't even care as much if they weren't so brazen and open with it too, at least in the past those behaviors got unanimously shamed but now it's like a large portion of them embrace it and think this is okay just because they're on the internet. It's so common for male artists to end inserting hypersexualized shit into their work too even when they're otherwise skilled.

And for the empathy thing it's like they're always operating on a lower level. I could be having my meanest day and it'd still be nicer and more thoughtful than their best "nice" behavior 9 times out of 10, and this gap always makes me feel pretty disconnected from them. It's like they're autistic and cold compared to me when I'm not even a normal person to begin with

No. 2328077

There are days where for some reason everyone I interact with is just a bit shittier to me and it's a mystery trying to find the reason why. Like I'm either completely ignored/invisible or if I interact with someone they're dismissive or outright rude.

I went to a pharmacy and was being nice when asking for advice but she was saying the same sentence repeatedly to the point of condescension and it was kind of like…ok? What's your problem? Move on. If I need help and ask round, nobody would help. People will back into and bump into me like I'm not there, even if they acknowledge the presence of others. Shopkeepers watch me with distrust as if I'm about to ransack the place. I go to a cafe and as everyone else is leaving they say bye thanks for coming! I leave, I say bye and I'm totally ignored, as if I did something wrong sitting at a table sipping my latte. And I try offset it by starting off strong with a smile but it has no effect, like nothing counteracts the bad vibes.

I might be coming off as entitled or delusional maybe but they're isolated days. No difference in how I act or present myself, but usually I'm welcomed with a smile, people are happy to help and respond well to me being friendly or just normal. Just some days are "off" and it's hard to pinpoint why. Almost like I've been cursed for the day, and on those days I want to go back home and stay inside.

No. 2328079

My mom was making fun of my friends and I for still being single at 30 as being "too picky", rich coming from someone that grows bored of her relationships after a couple of years - including the fathers of both me and my siblings.
But she is right, we ARE picky because we refuse to settle. I refuse to date someone that I find "ok" just for the sake of it. But I'm also struggling with dating because I guess I'm giving off some weird vibes or something that only weirdos get off to and get obsessed. But my friends? I don't get how they don't have men and women fawning over them. Both are ridiculously beautiful women, come from a great background, don't have a lot of baggage, and have creative, enriching careers. I don't know what's going on the dating world when even they struggle.

No. 2328082

Fuck all of you tbh I constantly get ignored and talked over. In real life and online. I'm going to become a complete discord degenerate this year it's one of my new years resolutions along side my more positive life improving resolutions. I have many sides.

No. 2328084

Cool, good job on letting your anger out on rape victims

No. 2328087

Samefag, but god just thinking about this makes me upset. The fact that I can't attract anything other than obsessive weirdos that fetishize my existence either as a tall woman or as their trophy "nerd girl" makes me feel disgusting. That's the one thing they obsess over in conversation with me once the mask is off, and actual normal men don't want anything to do with me. I want to be in a normal relationship with a normal person.

No. 2328088

Except the ones who seethe at the existence of gold stars are always those who willingly consented sex with moids. Rape is one thing (which doesn't count as having sex anyways) but finding a moid you like enough to have sex with is another.

No. 2328094

I don't think you're entitled, it's normal to expect good treatment especially if you haven't done anything wrong and you're being nice yourself. It probably just depends on how those people are feeling that day and your luck, this happens to me too and it always just feels bad, like I did something wrong to deserve it so I would overanalyze my looks and personality to try to find out what caused it so I can prevent this from happening yet I couldn't find anything. So my only conclusion is that other people are just shitty for no reason sometimes or they're having a bad day so it's out of my control. It can feel bad knowing you can't really do anything and that people are just shitty like that though.

No. 2328095

I think I'm destined to be alone. Maybe I'm too picky for wanting someone who can accept me for who I am and not shit on my issues or laugh in my face and give retarded "advice" about them. I'm too scared to take the mask off around people, and for good reason. I have mask 1 over mask 2 and even revealing mask 2 makes me sick with anxiety. I've met people who've seen the real me, but they're just friends.

No. 2328102

Being picky is a good trait for women, my mom does the same thing and she ended up with an alcoholic abusive husband who cheated on her and never helps around the house. You're definitely better off staying away from the weirdos and bad men if you can't find someone better.

No. 2328111

i need to stop doomscrollign but idk how to

No. 2328113

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BPDfaggotry incoming
Wish I could stop splitting on my boyfriend for little to no reason. Not even just because it's bad for the relationship but it's so distracting!!!!! I have shit to do!!!
There is no time to be screaming and crying and hitting myself when I only have one day left of holidays. I should be having fun and relaxing. And of course when I think of that I get annoyed that he's "making me feel this way" and hate him more.
As long as he's far away it will keep escalating like this. Maybe as long as he exists in my life…but if he didn't I'd just find someone else to make me feel this way. Hoping that when we're in the same timezone again it will be easier to get reassurance.

No. 2328120

I feel your pain, nonna. Even when I've cast a wide net and tried to date guys who were nerdy and weird like me, i got negged and patronised for being … nerdy and weird. When it wasn't normal misogynistic men my own age it was creepy, predatory older men, and when I tried to interact with nicer guys I found they were either already taken or scared off by me. I think a lot of men now are scared to settle down and see women as disposable because of dating apps and social media, they'd rather build their fragile egos by bullying or objectifying women rather than building relationships. It's gross and I hope you find a guy who's worth it some day.

No. 2328136

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My gyno refuses to put me on meds because of my low weight caused by "untreated mental illness". She says I should go to the psychiatrist first before even considering any other type of treatment that my body couldn't withstand. My parents are scared, they know there's something very wrong with me and that'll be very probably diagnosed with a disorder then put on meds, they're literally doing their best to ease my anxiety and neuroticism without having to resort to a psychiatrist or sedatives. But tbh, if I'm in such a bad state of mind, to the point I'm visibly underweight and struggling with basic tasks, would sedatives be actually a bad option for me? Atp I'm desperate, I'll admit. I haven't known peace for a long time, I just want to rest, everything it's too bright and loud and it's hurts, I can't sleep, I just want to rest I don't care if I can't generate a thought again, in fact I don't even want to think or process a thought ever again, my mind literally bullies me everyday. I need help I can't do this alone

No. 2328143

If I were like that, I wouldn't have a boyfriend or friends. Or I'd only date pedophiles or something.(bait)

No. 2328146

I’d rather be alone than settle. If the market is so shit that I can’t find anything I’d rather relax in my own kek.
Society has drilled on women the idea that we must absolutely find someone but it’s not true.

No. 2328148

BPDdemons demoning like always

No. 2328157

Happy new year. One of my closest friends is uncharacteristically ignoring me. I have zero expectations or faith that 2025 will be good.

No. 2328162

It's been like a week since the goldstar discussion and bisluts are still mindbroken by it. Incredible.

No. 2328189

I think a lot of women, me included (ESPECIALLY), are in love with the idea of a relationship. I love the fantasy of sleeping next to someone, great sex, experiencing things together, etc. I'm fine without them, but whenever a date I thought went great turns out to be a fail I still get a bit hurt and feel lonely. But I've never had a very long relationship, so it's easy for me to get sucked into the idea and the notion of having some sort of romantic worth.

No. 2328254

I think I don't really want a relationship, I just love the idea as well. I think I just live too far in my head and just can't get out. I'm genuinely 1000% convinced that if I had someone who fit all my standards in my head in real life, I would not take them. Because reality is disappointing, reality ruins everything. I'll stay in my head forever.

No. 2328256

Goldstar bihet blah blah aside, do anons consider men who leave their wives 100% gay or bisexual, too? Because it's not a matter of bihet shit or whatever, it's just the hypocrisy of society and yes misogyny (or lack thereof when applied to the gay man) does have a role in it. Or are men wired different? Genuine question.

No. 2328261

>Genuine question
It's androcentrism. I think in the case of gay men having been married WITH kids is actually worse because it means the dude had to get his pee pee up and cum inside a woman, multiple times, for several years. Anyone believing such person is 100% homosexual is delusional. It happens because of androcentrism but it doesn't make it a truth. Such men are bisexual as fuck and within the gay community they're shunned from serious relationships.

No. 2328267

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It makes me laugh whenever people on here try to upstage you. I decide to take a break from using a specific thread but then that one person just has to suspiciously do the same thing I’m doing at that exact moment and try to ape me and then they do it worse is the funniest part kekkkkkk why does this always happen to me???

No. 2328271

It's time for your meds, nonnie!

No. 2328273

Thank you for the answer

No. 2328280

Don't know where else to put this. Something I never expected about aging is what it feels like to see old fashion trends resurface. It's so surreal to see what appears to me as people who've traveled through time just casually walking around like it isn't weird as fuck to be wearing bell-bottoms. I remember cutting the flare off and resewing my old pants because they were so uncool kek.

No. 2328294

Whenever I see it I'm torn. I'm glad they're back and that people are enjoying them again, and if they're happy, that's nice. But I'm also dying of cringe and mortified at the same time kek

No. 2328315

It’s time to stop telling perfectly reasonable women they’re “psychotic” and crazy for noticing things a well-adjusted person would!!!!

No. 2328316

Nta but could you at least elaborate what the situation was so you don't look like a schizo?

No. 2328321

I really want to move out but I can't leave my mom alone with my dad. I could take her with me but she can't work and she can't survive on my income only. I hate him so fucking much.

No. 2328333

ordered food for my family and everyone but my food came i feel like a bitch for crying but i have to work for the next 6 days straight and the anniversary of my cat dying is in 2 days i want to fucking kill myself i just wanted to eat before work i want to die i want to just fucking die i’m a child

No. 2328338

Why does my father's brain automatically twist anything my mother and I say into the worst possible tinfoil versions of ourselves. I could tell him "hey, I just checked my timetable for this uni year and it's going to be a lot more travel than last year, and I'm surprisingly excited" with a chill tone and he'll start slamming open doors and yelling that I'm a lazy retard who whines about having to travel because I'm a lazy retard and will never bother to achieve my goals in life. Like what, how do you purposely misinterpret something so bad. You just wanna fight.

No. 2328408

i wish my trashy mentally ill parents had never brought me into this horrible world
self-improvement is cope. i was doomed from the beginning due to my shit genes

No. 2328416

I still wish she didn't tell me but maybe it's the post period happy hormones but I feel so free from any emotional burden like yes who fucking cares for her and her shitty family situation

No. 2328419

I think they're bi too but so many people still argue that those men are full homo like the famous ones listed here >>2326922, even from literal fags on gay forums idgi

No. 2328423

Women are held to a higher standard than men. Tale as old as time.

No. 2328426

Ma'am this is an anonymous website. You can't be "upstaged" or aped here unless you're personalityfagging.

No. 2328428

Telling women who chose to have sex with men doesn't mean that they're held to "higher standards" to be a lesbian. Sorry, but having sex with a woman, whether it's a bi man or not, is not something that will ever be considered dirty or humiliating in the mainstream. It's just how it is in society.

No. 2328430

Nta but I think the point isn't that women are held to higher standards to be lesbians, it's that men are held to less standards

No. 2328432

Is that why 90% of world still thinks George Michael is "gay" despite him (and many other supposed "gay" celebrities) having sex with multiple women

No. 2328436

you could start shaming ssa moids for having sex with women if you want, as a part of your activism but most people dont think that a man choosing to have sex with the superior sex would ever taint him.

No. 2328441

My intuition is never wrong. And I'm told my intuition is just severe anxiety but it's not wrong so I don't care. I'd prefer if it manifested in a different way than severe anxiety but if this is the way the goddess made me then so be it. I'll take the terrible intrusive thoughts and physically sick symptoms as long as they can weed out people like that.

No. 2328445

i'm addicted to chess

No. 2328451

I accidentally just took a swig of days-old hot chocolate mixed with coffee because I'm retarded

No. 2328458

I'm hanging out with my friend group today and someoe brought a new moid. I'm going to be hostile towards this person whenever I see him or just not go out if they bring him again. Why is it okay for guys to try and flirt with this line "You're so small, like a kid. Legal jail bait. I like that"
Excuse me wtf did you say asshole? Do you think that's flattering to me to compare me to a child and tell me you're into it? You insulted me and outted yourself as a pedo. Fuck off

No. 2328476

idk what the hell im doing with my life

No. 2328485

good god. i had a panic attack? 5+ years ago and my mom still fucken tells people and laugh about it. this bitch needs to shut the fuck up stop telling random ass people things they dont even need to know about. fucken annoying.

No. 2328490

A TIF friend that knows I'm a terf hasn't reached out since I told her and she just send me a snapchat video, I'm terrified.

No. 2328491

Same. It's hard to stop being like this when I've never been wrong. People will tell me I'm just mentally ill and overthinking things negatively but then go on to prove me right
They think stuff like that is a compliment for a woman because of how the beauty standard and ideal woman for them is basically a child. All it takes is being slightly shorter than average and not looking "old", especially if it's a weeb male

No. 2328493

Had a dumb fight with my bf and went for a walk to cool off. Went to a gas station for a beer and cigarettes, my hair messy, my face probably red and swollen from crying, my glasses all fogged up. Then the moid behind the counter winked at me as I left. He was good looking so any other day I might have been flattered but today it was really fucking weird and just pissed me off more

No. 2328515

why do you spell it "fucken"

No. 2328523

I'm sorry but he probably thought you were having sex or something. Like a "rough night ehh?" kind of thing.

No. 2328527

No matter how much I train or eat I'll never be strong enough to defend against these retards. Please send me a genie who can grant me a wish of being able to enhance my strength up to 100x…

No. 2328528

>Get unexplained spinal injury at 22
>Surgery that would fix it is $50k at minimum, probably 100k and it's not covered under public health insurance
>Earn minimum wage
>If it's not fixed I'll probably end up even more paralysed and in excruciating pain for the rest of my life


No. 2328535

A pretty woman commented on my boyfriend's social media post.
I don't think it means anything and I also don't think anyone but me could handle dating him (maybe vice versa) but it hurts my feelings.
I feel lame after typing this, helps a bit.

No. 2328538


No. 2328541

No thanks and wouldn't work.

No. 2328544

I can't keep living like this, amplifying one need to cope with the pain of not having another. It's just so ingrained in me that I don't know what else to do or I try to change and end up inadvertently doing the same thing.

No. 2328564

She should have realized that dispite your different views and opinions you still wanted to be her friend. I'll be dissapointed if it's a negative snap. Tell me how it goes Nonna.

No. 2328566

not true

No. 2328567

I got a doberman puppy and signed him up for a guard dog class. He's a sweet baby. Once people see you have a big dog they wont bother.
If you hate dogs, al the legal weapons you can get. Sprays, tazer, pocket knives, guns. We will never have the strength, but we can arm ourselves.

No. 2328572

I came to vent a bit about bf issues but this comment gave me a reality check. I'm sorry for what you're going through, I can't even imagine how difficult it must be. I'm sending all my love and luck to you

No. 2328579

Are you American by chance. Just wondering because the health care system is such a joke there

No. 2328661

Having a boyfriend is a comparable affliction nonny.

I'm Australian, it's just they don't cover it because the surgery is 'experimental' in that requires multiple prosthetic joint replacements etc. when it's only actually covered by public health fund for one joint. If I get the surgery to temporarily stop it advancing I would be less eligible for the prosthetic replacements and then would be perma-fucked so I'm trying to think of a solution before shambling around like a zombie spastic becomes incontinence

No. 2328706

my mom is literally so dumb she is literally so dumb IM DUMB because she birthed me we have the same birth defect and low iq HOW DOES SHE NOT UNDERSTAND AHHHHHHH

No. 2328718

It’s for the best because things need to change. I need to do this. I still miss him though. I know I might never see him again. I’ve spent NYE and New Years rotting in bed not having the motivation to get up but at least he venmoed me $50 to doordash food at our parting because he knew I was too depressed to cook

No. 2328727

samefag but wow, do you have a name for your diagnosis? I am sending you my nonnylove as well

No. 2328729

That's not what samefag means

No. 2328738

i hate my race, its hilariously pathetic but it makes me suicidal among with a bunch of other shit going on around me. fuck this

No. 2328741

Thank you so much anon. Yeah we've only been talking for a couple of days so you might be right but if that's the case then why were we getting along so well at the beginning? I appreciate your kindness and I hope you have a great year yourself

No. 2328742

samefag #2 thanks for correcting me

No. 2328746

That's not what samefag means. You need to lurk more before you post. God newfags are annoying.

No. 2328751

>Why don't you send us pictures of yourself anymore??

Because you upload my pictures to random websites all over the internet. Because even when I ask you not to do that, you still do it anyway. Because now there are hundreds of photographs of me online when I've never wanted to be online. Because you are too socially inept and low IQ to realize why that's a bad thing. Because thousands of people have found photos of me on the internet because you post them against my consent.

Having low-functioning family members with BPD is hell.

No. 2328765

I take cute selfies of myself basically for my Google photos at this point to document my year to myself because I don't have an Instagram and think it's cringe to just have a grid of your own face and I'm single without a crush so like who the fuck would want to see them. My last ex never seemed to ever want photos of me or with me just to take creep shots when I looked ugly and sleeping. I miss being a teen or in my early 20s and getting fucking compliments when I posted a photo because like it's what fucking millenials use to do and now I've just got this habit for no reason but also like I'm cute and just actually do want attention sometimes but like from someone I fancy and it might lead to somewhere. The best selfie I ever took was many years ago and I was dating a guy and within 5 minutes of posting it he invited me to stay over and it wasn't even a nude (which I've never taken) just a nice photo of me and my cat and idk. I took some selfies last night drunk on new years and they're cute and silly and they're just going to be in my Google drive and honestly sometimes I hope I have a stalker or hacker or that ex that invited me over and use to have all my passwords cause we lived together and my passwords are so cliche and make believe he's the audience just because I know he's a fan. Anyway I miss having some romance in my life

No. 2328795

File: 1735781008583.jpeg (410.07 KB, 1000x667, IMG_5510.jpeg)

I am so sick of Chihuahua discrimination and hatred. Most of it is delusion and heightism. Chihuahuas are, by fact, the most LOYAL breed of dog. They aren't as friendly with strangers like golden shower retrievers because they are more protectives of their owners! People hate them for that because they cant comprehend that a dog is self respecting enough to not kiss your ass just because their human.
People perceive them as barking a lot more than other ddogs, but this is another racist myth. Every time i walk outside i get barked ay by a shitbull, fagador, and bagle. They never shut the fuck up even tho i been here for years. Yet no one complains about those breeds yapping? Chihuahuas are only agressive because people constantly abuse and disrespect them for being tiny picking them up, taunted them. Thse pussies would never taunt a asstralian shitpard.
Chihuahuas are female coded.
There is no recorded cases of Chihuahuas killing people. Seriously. Zilch.
Other dog breeds are responsible for 99.99% of dog committed atrocities, but chihuahuas get a disproportionate amount of hate. This is true for women, as society constantly fucking hates on us when males are responsible for 99.99% of all bad things.
I am so sick of these amazing dogs getting bullied for no reason. They mog every other shitty dog breed with their longest lifespan and 0% kill rate.

No. 2328806

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I want to add that chihuahua hatred is also a sign of rage and insecurity. Why do people feel fear when a germ shitpard bark at them, but they feel homicidal rage towards a chihuahua just existing? You are a fucking CHIMP! Why would you want to "punt the rat"? Do you hear yoursef? I would be stoned to death if i joked about killing shitbulls, but chihuahua slurs like "Rat" and joking about chihuahuas death is super funny! Honestly fuck dog people. They love dogs but would happily kill chihauhaus whilst sucking shitbull dick. I chihuahuas are honorary cats in my opinion. I fucking hate other breeds but chihuahas, inlove them so much. I have every beverly hills chihuahua movie. I am still crying over the loss of the animated series. We get ONE THING!

No. 2328807

My wrist was dislocated for the last three days and finally popped back in with the loudest cracking sound I have ever heard. Still hurts like fuck, but at least I can move my hand again.

No. 2328809

I think chihuahuas are cute but that may be my personal bias as someone who’s always been called a whiny annoying ugly short bitch

No. 2328812

i feel so retarded. i spent an hour today trying new drawing android programs and was frustrated, but the next one i was going to try, infinite painter, is exactly what i wanted. i'm glad i know what i'll use now but i'm PISSED i bought a couple other apps i didn't really like.

No. 2328813

File: 1735781781212.webp (5.88 KB, 243x186, IMG_5513.webp)

See the chadwawa and the cat? If this was any other dog the cat would be shredded. They are honorary cats

No. 2328826

If you were tall and male with the same personality then you would probably be seen as intimidating(but in a good way). This is what i mean when Chihuahuas are women coded because scrotes value brute tard strength over any other attribute that is actually beneficial like loyalty or kindness.

No. 2328833

My mom's boyfriend has been in my life for a really long time. We have had a very complicated relationship, but he's been the only "father figure" type of man I have ever known.
When he started therapy last year him and his therapist were able to bond over vinyls. He hadn't had a record player in a really long time, but would constantly rave about how much better music was on vinyl. He would bring up all the time about how he wished he had a setup, but it was too expensive to get into. His therapist ended up closing her practice and I feel like it really set him back a lot, and he hasn't been doing the best lately.

For Christmas I spent about $1k to get him a fairly decent starter set up. I got a record player, speakers, and a handful of records from all of his favorite artists. I really put so much thought and effort into this gift and got the best of the best that was within my budget. He seemed to really love the gift and recognize how much thought I put into it when I gave it to him.
Yesterday he calls me and tells me he is concerned that he will get too into the vinyls, and that he will spend too much money on them. So he's asked me to return everything. When I got off the phone with him I just kind of cried. I don't even really know why. It's better than he told me he won't use it rather than it just being a waste of money, but damn. Rough.

No. 2328837

Australian Luigi NOW for this nona NOW NOW NOW!

No. 2328859

wtf… I’m so sad for you just reading this…

No. 2328873

What's wrong with ibispaint?

No. 2328885

i'm a retard and kept misclicking the minimize ui button and the undo button. i was using the undo on the screen instead of other options. it's not a bad app, but keeping the layers open still takes up too much space when drawing with my tablet vertically. i believe infinite painter has more flexibility with the UI which i'm excited to try out.

No. 2328893

I've been not improving for a year. And I feel like the reason is… I don't want to keep doing what i'm doing. So here's to a new year where I do what I actually want to, and not just what I feel is expected of me

No. 2328898

Seriously, whenever my cousins and my brother are together, all they do is talk about things related to me that are embarrassing or that brings me bad memories. Yesterday it was obnoxious because all my brother does is make fun of me or say that I don't know how to take pictures and shit, and my cousin follows him by trying to make sure everyone remembers that one time I was afraid of something or said something stupid, it goes on through the whole fucking day and night if possible.
So yesterday everyone was like
>you just want attention
>everything was done like this or that for you
And no? It wasn't, I was honestly annoyed because the new year's celebration is one of my favorite ones, and I was remembering some stuff, so then they all acted like I'm insane and like none of the stuff I remember ever happened. So of course I got passive aggressive because everything I do is wrong anyways.
Then I corrected my cousin because he said something retarded and my brother's girlfriend reeeeee'd at me saying that I shouldn't correct people because it's roooode, this is like the third time she says that, it's so retarded because I've been made fun of and corrected constantly throughout my whole life, which also meant getting humiliated too, because I'm retarded I guess.
Today I spent the whole day sleeping because I felt like shit too, I drank too much, which is something I truly never do, and honestly it was nice, if it wasn't because I was sick I would've still locked myself in my room anyways, I'm just sick and tired of always being wrong, being ugly, being fat, being retarded and I guess an attention whore now because I don't want to take a picture while being made fun of.
Like seriously, this is why I also barely take pictures of myself, I know my face is asymmetrical, but my asshat brother always makes sure to remind everyone of that, and I also don't know how to pose because I'm fat and anything that's creative looks retarded and I'm too ugly to look nice by just standing there.
I just hope I fucking die this year.

No. 2328980

>chihuahuas are honorary cats
As a little girl I had cat autism and also felt this way. They are hated for similar reasons that people hate cats too (not nice enough (allegedly), associated with women). Chihuahuas are amazing and I love them.
You are so correct and so based.

No. 2328982

women with rape fetishes are so confusing to me. like i understand masochism but how can rape even be a fetish, if you want it then its not rape. is it a weird way to say they like rouge sex? i just dont get it can anybody explain this
t. just saw girl on twitter talking about how she wants her discord e-bf to rape her

No. 2328991

My mother is very severely mentally ill and has been abusive to me basically my entire childhood. I selectively speak to her these days, but today I ended up writing a heartfelt message to her about her mental illness, how it has effected me, my own mental health struggle and how I would be willing to introduce her to the service I use to get mental health help and medication (and that I would be willing to pay for her to get a subscription). I don't know if I should send it or not. I love her despite all the horrible ways she's treated me and in spite of all the times where I was filled with nothing but hate for her. I don't necessarily want anyone to tell me whether or not I should send it because ultimately only I know the context of this situation. I just wanted to post this and get it off my heart I guess.

No. 2328993

File: 1735794401079.jpg (62.72 KB, 564x564, 25c4fe284da2f4efd4408231d6df33…)

Literally the best breed of dog to exist, they are so cute and precious. Nobody can make me hate them at all!!!

No. 2328994

basically means wants to get fucked hard and totally dominated

No. 2328995

They claim it’s the idea of a guy being so attracted to her that he has to rape her, or it’s the thought of it as rape vs wanted sex that absolves her of the guilt of wanting sex. Although it all sounds like porno addiction edgy pick me bullshit to appeal to moids who fantasize about rape and wank to rape on tape hourly meanwhile animals and babies are getting raped to death everyday in the real world

No. 2328998

yeah thats what i dont get because i cant imagine these types of girls actually enjoying some hideous ugly midget guy forcing himself onto her (kind of thing that actually happens in reality)… i dont get why they dont just call it this >>2328994

No. 2329011

I think there’s a lot more pornbrained low self-esteem bitter jealous neurotic women in the world than we’d like to believe. Intrasexual competition is fucking crazy

No. 2329025

Samefag, I just sent the message. I guess we'll see what she says. She'll probably just completely reject me or even say something snarky, so I'm bracing for that.

No. 2329027

You use all the songs for him that I listen to when I think about you. Every time. I just need to move on, but it’s so difficult.

No. 2329034

I wish anime never blew up.

No. 2329039

It sounds like bs to me . If a scrote is into CNC is because it’s the closest thing he can do akin to rape without the consequences and guilt, he’s not sexually aroused by the fake pretend.
Retards who engage with this shit and justify by saying that it’s because of “muh coping mechanisms” and that their relationship are so full of trust and that in reality it pains the moid but he does it all the same are naive.

No. 2329040

I agree. I loved when it was still unpopular, 10 year old me would have never uttered that I was watching anime. That mentality has sticked kek, I don’t tell anyone, because the mainstream anime watcher is just too cringy.

No. 2329042

Still ugly and still look like rats

No. 2329050

I'm in such a pathetic parasocial relationship. I began playing a game around a year ago where the total players reach a peak of 800 during weekends. Since it was made in the 2010s and is war themed 99% of the demographic are older semi-autistic scrotes. I became obsessed and got pretty good at it, but never used voice or really communicated. Recently in a server I go in, this one moid plays every single day during the evening and he's really really good at the game, which embarrassingly impresses me A LOT. I always join his group, and he even invited me to it once which made me blush. He calls me bro and is always communicating with the group on different play methods and is very nice and inviting to his team. As well as, helping new players and doesn't have a stigma against them. I feel like I've just created an idealized version of him though because I've never personally talked to him or know anything about him. All I know is his play style and how he sounds. It's genuinely driving me crazy and making me skip out on IRL activities just so I can go on the game to join his group so I could hear him or read his messages. I think I need to muster up the courage to try to talk to him and ask him for his discord or something so then he can either decline me or show his true colors and make me lose interest. I have dreams about the game, probably from playing too much, and I think about him multiple times per day.

No. 2329053

At least you acknowledge that you're being silly, he's just some random guy that plays a game you like. There's nothing remotely special about him, he just likes the game and all gamers prefer consistent and reliable parties for a smoother gaming experience. Maybe you need to take a little break or at least socialize more outside of gaming to break the limerance.

No. 2329055

I feel like due to being nearsighted and not being able to see faces unless i'm right in front of them i'm always automatically peering at the faces of people I talk to try and figure out how they look/who they are and that creeps people out

No. 2329063

I feel like I'm substituting it for a relationship that I crave, but have no luck finding in the real world since I'm repulsed by moids IRL. My friends just think I'm addicted to a weird game, and it's eating at me that I can't tell them about it because it's extremely foolish and embarrassing. I'm trying to picture him as obese and ugly right now to try to help.

No. 2329076

File: 1735801090316.jpg (117.11 KB, 1280x1280, 1650782782583.jpg)

My boyfriend told me I have "beautiful" features more than "cute" features. He said that on the "cottagecore e-girl witch" to "Tomie IRL office siren voodoo witch" "scale", I was more leaning to "Tomie IRL office siren voodoo witch". He said that I look predatory. I don't know if this is negging or not.

No. 2329078

you have to be 18 to post here

No. 2329081

I'm 19, thank you very much

No. 2329082

Are you dating a discord mod kek

No. 2329084

in that case, i think your boyfriend is dangerously close to trooning if he's using those phrases

No. 2329085

I love when you guys make up fake conversations kek

No. 2329086

I had musically before it was TikTok when I was like 12 or something and just realised I never deleted my account or posts. So there's videos of 12yo me on the internet still up there. Probably buried forever but damn. Kill me.

No. 2329088

Ok well I embellished it a little, but it did happen nonny

No. 2329089

Well, that's just rude

No. 2329090

Becoming a NEET sounds nice. I don't wanna talk to people. I'm not even socially anxious on what they think of me, I just don't wanna be around them anymore.
But I still have 3 years left of this degree and kinda do love my job so nah.

No. 2329092

i’m so sad nonnas. this girl at work snitched on me for something extremely harmless because she got in trouble for something and decided to drag me down with her and it worked because she’s friends with management. i’m so fucking sad. i never even did anything to her. why would she do that? thankfully someone told me who did it so i will be avoiding her for the rest of my time at this shitty fucking place

No. 2329095

sorry, you asked. it's not negging, just really troonish ways of describing someone

No. 2329097

File: 1735802973630.jpg (Spoiler Image,57.42 KB, 371x386, 1000000229.jpg)

At risk of sounding nlog or whatever I'm so disappointed with and bored by a lot of games graphics lately. I wonder if I would've liked BG3 more if the aesthetic wasn't super ugly? I liked Elden Ring and Wukong but there is no space for games with sexy characters I guess, ever since I was a kid I thought they were cool and badass and I don't think it's just coomers who want to play hot characters imo. It's just more interesting to look at. All arguments that it causes dysmorphia or is bad is bullshit and if we had more games with hot girl aesthetic, the amount of thriving vtubers would drop exponentially which is better for the world overall. Why can't I play as a beautiful fairy woman and also have decent gameplay

No. 2329098

It's obvious that anon is lying and writing fanfic though. "Her" bf never said that, she's just farming for complimentary replies. It's best to not engage with ridiculous fanfic

No. 2329099

you'll probably get shit for this but i feel the same way. i love playing pretty characters in games. weird fantasy clothing is fun to me, and i don't mind the scantily clad designs. let the men be scantilly clad too so everyone is happy!

No. 2329103

Technology has made holding a grudge easier for people. Imagine being so mentally ill that you save pictures of people and conversations you had over a decade ago in hopes that you’ll get the opportunity to whip them out.

No. 2329104

Have you anons tried infinity nikki?

No. 2329106

i've been thinking of trying it, looks adorable. is it only mobile though?

No. 2329107

File: 1735803895060.jpg (70.16 KB, 400x400, 1000000231.jpg)

Exactly! Make the men unrealistic too. If they made a game that actually indulged beauty and cool costuming/armor choices while still having decent gameplay it would attract tons of players, I'm beyond tired of western games trying too hard to make things "realistic", it clearly isn't working in their favor. I don't play mobile games and Infinity Nikki is super cute but isnt for me and I couldnt justify buying it. Just let us have the ability to make things look cool gdi.

No. 2329108

very true

No. 2329110

Kek a friend of mine had a mentally ill guy cyberstalk her when she was a teen and pushed her off social media entirely and whips out fake convos from over a decade ago all the time and pretends she like, holds a candle for him or something. Shits wild, he will never let it go. People are crazy.

No. 2329111

No it's also on PC and PlayStation iirc
>couldnt justify buying it.
It's free

No. 2329112

oh no, it'll be my new fixation

No. 2329113

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Thank you for the rec, I'm just bitching/daydreaming about how I want a pretty rpg. I don't think IN would hold my interest but I think it's adorable

No. 2329127

What do you do when everything fucking hurts? Genuine question

No. 2329134

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I feel like I'm going nuts. I wanted to post on the Desi thread but this one is more of a personal rant.

Do desi men, South Indian in my case, change and take responsibility after marriage, if they never lifted a finger growing up?

I'm 39 and my younger, early 30s brother is hankering for a wife aka a mommybangmaid all rolled in one. My Mom's looking through the arranged marriage websites. He's a high-flier, great career in the mid 6-digit salary range. But my mother used to and still does everything for him - cooking, washing/ironing, cleaning, playing secretary, therapist etc. I had to take care of him growing up and have continued to be pulled into whatever drama he's got going on because I'm a NEET who can't seem to escape this nightmare.

Ever since he's found a few potential "candidates" for his future spouse, he's been taking on this hyper-competent tone of voice and acting like suddenly he's a prize catch, that he's the model of a potential Husband, all reasonable. As if the last 30 years of my mother and myself didn't do anything to help.

He doesn't spend a single cent to help - he'd buy a $50 meal for himself and give us a few spoons of the food while eating the rest for himself. He'd complain about all the things wrong with our house and we'd have to scramble to fix things while he, again, wouldn't pay. The classic textbook narc whose first angry reaction is coming home and hurling rape threats at random women and extreme misogyny if some poor shop saleswoman dared offend him.

My father passed about 13 years ago but he was a huge misogynist and generally unpleasant person too. His anger was passed down to the both of us but my brother only takes it out on my mother and me, never physically, but verbally. He's the perfect picture outide. At other times, he's navel-gazing and talking about himself and his problems 24/7.

It's kind of crazy-making if I think too much about it. Do men change after marrying women they perceive as better than women in their family?

No. 2329151

Anon, no. He's larping to trap some poor woman into a marriage. The second he has her he'll revert to the vile mood ways you and your mother have dealt with for decades.

No. 2329154

You type like a 15 year old. Pick a book rather than wasting time on discord.

No. 2329156

Idgi, games with these characters still exist.

No. 2329159

Wish gaps on your resume were accaptable. When I'm working I'm working, and I do it well, too, so what's the issue with NEETing around for two years and live off of my savings?

No. 2329172

Same. I got kidnapped and cannot get employed because of the gap in my resume but when I work, I'm a great worker. Just want to work and mind my business. Society is fucked up and weird

No. 2329212

So happy to be heading home after a week with family for the holidays. My mum is such a control freak narcissist who will bring up the most random times from the past to bitch about like the time when I was going through fucking puberty 20 years ago and raised my voice at her but God forbid you bring up her decade plus of domestic physical and emotional violence tyranny and the fact I'm on medication because of the clinical depression and anxiety stemming from childhood. Cannot wait to have a good night's sleep tonight. You can't even shit in peace in this house without an inquisition over it

No. 2329216

Just lie and say you were travelling or caring

No. 2329218

Yeah I use the caring excuse. I do happen to have elderly parents too so they can't question me.

No. 2329219

No. 2329231

it's 1 pm on a thursday and my neighbours are blasting techno music. why

No. 2329241

I have gaps in mine and my dad who i haven't saw in years has agreed to lie and say I was caring for him, people don't ask when it comes to family. I agree it's bullshit. I lived off savings for like 15 months what's the fucking issue

No. 2329246

I had a fight with my housemates on NYE and have not said a word to them since the new year started. Not even on purpose, it's just funny atp.

No. 2329251

>was asked to urgently make tons of templates the very day before my annual leave so my coworkers could use them to do work I'd normally do while I wasn't there
>come back today
>no one used any of them and they want me to urgently make the changes they could have made using the templates
I cannot do this anymore. I can't keep doing work no one uses, work that needs to be redone, urgent things no one needs. I feel like I'm trapped in an absurdist play about corporate culture and I'm just a side character used for a running gag.

No. 2329254

I don't know where else to ask this (definitely not going on some legal advice subreddit) but is it illegal under any law to parade a child naked for the purpose of humiliating them in public? I was video recorded crying as a child while people around me stared so that counts as CSEM but is the act alone going to constitute anything? The videos still exist on one of my father's USBs

No. 2329264

Sorry nonna

No. 2329274

I feel your post so much, especially
>urgent things no one needs.
This is the worst. Seeing how you lost your time and sanity into delivering something that didn't matter really pisses me off.

No. 2329296

How tf do I stop limerence? I still think about the abusive pos I dated half a year ago.

No. 2329305

Your mind is dwelling on him because you have unfinished business. Karmic justice wants you to key his car, and these cosmic signals are being sent to spur you into action .

No. 2329306

Just got told they're not gonna teach me to drive because I'm too mentally ill and I might risk crashing and killing myself because of potential suicidal tendencies. Dumbasses why would I pay thousands of dollars to kill myself? Fucking retards.

No. 2329310

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i just realized that i got fat. i've been in denial for so long and kept gaining weight, but now i can't ignore it any longer. i finally took a long look in the mirror without my figure concealing clothes and i am just like the cows i laugh at.

No. 2329317

This is literally me but with the anachan cows, can't even shit on them anymore, I ain't better

No. 2329328

In my country I'm sure that would fall under child abuse

No. 2329329

Hate it when you've bought a specific seat on a bus/train/plane and some dickwad friends or family duo ask if they can trade you so they can sit together. No, I chose this seat for a reason and you waited too long and got shit seats apart as a result. It's rude to even ask because of thr social pressure. If I say no I still have to sit next to one of them, and they'll be mad at me the whole time for it which makes the whole trip awkward.
Thr ONLY time it's somewhat ok is if it's a small child who shouldn't sit next to some strange adult man they don't know.

No. 2329330

the fact that you acknowledged your problems means you're better than most cows, and you can recover

No. 2329331

Over here there isn't specific legislation for that so it's futile. It might be seen as shitty at common law but otherwise nothing sadly

No. 2329333

probably worse in korea

No. 2329350

Don't know what to say to that other than I'm so sorry that happened to you and I hope everything regarding future employment works out for you.
Can't do the caring for a family member one because that one can be checked/requires proof here, but I might do the travelling one sometime in the future, a quick google session tells me it's often even seen positively by employers here, thanks for the suggestion.

No. 2329358

>buy a nicotine vape on a whim while at the headshop
>extra retarded bc I don't even smoke
>find that I am pulling from it often
>hurr why do I have no appetite?
>realize it's from vaping nic
Not buying another. Too addictive and I don't need the weight loss to be another reason to keep going.

No. 2329368

Because you didn't hear it from her: You're a great friend. My own friends can't even bother driving a half hour to ever come hang with me, and yet you flew international at a significant expense just to be the soundboard for her man problems. I know what it's like to have these one-sided friendships where you put in all the legwork to never have it reciprocated. Your husband is kind of right, insofar that two things can be true at once–she married an asshole and she took advantage of your friendship in order to cope which is silly because it's all ending in divorce anyway.
When she gets back home please do not let her keep sucking you in with that dynamic as she might have assumed an expectation by now that you will go to great lengths to be her knight in shining armor. Hopefully the experience leads her to forming some independence.

No. 2329371

Everytime I talk to a scrote I always get extremely flustered and I cannot control it. It’s way worse if they’re my age or attractive. I don’t even like them or want to date them. It’s so embarrassing and i feel like it makes them think I have a crush on them, or it’s the opposite and they think I’m extremely rude due to me trying hard to suppress it. I was online schooled for all of my teen years, and didn’t have a job until I was 18, so I never really spoke to men. Im in my early-mid 20s now and it hasn’t gotten better. It’s just so humiliating I hate it. I don’t even want to date them and I normally hate them. I’m also in a woman dominated field, so I don’t even work with men at all. Which is good, but also bad at the same time because I’ll probably never get over it now.

No. 2329379

I fought the guy who cheated on his wife with my mom today. My mom scratched me while holding me back and the guy basically left with a smirk because he got my mom's and my brother's approval (Im the only one who opposed this relationship).
Felt horrible. What should i even do? The world felt at odds with me all the time.

No. 2329381

Why bother with him though? He'll be remorseless anyway and would cheat on his wife with anyone who would give him the opportunity so it's not worth any potential assault charges. What the fuck is wrong with your mom and brother? Did he feed them some bullshit story?

No. 2329383

They are spineless nonna, my mom is basically a mat for a man and my brother just approves it because it's less of a hassle and he got a drinking buddy.

No. 2329392

>Spending nice quality time with my dad
>Wake up and realize it was all a dream, my dad has been dead for six months, and he's never coming back
I just cried into my pillow as soon as I woke up. Why does my subconscious hate me?

No. 2329395

Don't be upset nonnie he was just stopping by to say hello in the only way he can now. Treasure those dreams, he loves you even now.

No. 2329397

The bond you two shared was so strong that he crossed the ocean of space and time to see you again. He's dead but the love that you two shared reverberates off all things through all times and returns to you tenfold. Take comfort in realizing that all separation, even death, is illusion. Love is so powerful that it shatters the order.

No. 2329401

Hello, Luigi? I have a job for you… I hate rich fucks so fucking much it's unreal. This old fat fuck is also the guy from a video often posted by incels, in which he says that women don't give a fuck about men and if he died no woman would care about him and women are just whores who will leave a good man for a chad the moment they lose 10 punds and start to look better kek

No. 2329427

If she had kids with him she shoyld be careful that he doesn't "kidnap" them and she loses contact with them. And she sounds like she had a low self esteem to put up with this bullshit, she should be grateful you were here for her the whole time. If you didn't mention that you traveled to Japan just for her I would have assumed you were talking about someone I know.

No. 2329433

>"health delivery" industry
Nta but I wanna know, whats this

No. 2329477

Yeah probably I feel really resentful towards him. I feel angry for the way I was treated especially because I poured so much patience and love into it. But I am also angry at myself because I allowed it to happen. I don't want to get in trouble with the law so I'm not going to do anything dumb or illegal but I feel like I have to do something or I won't get peace. People always say "be the bigger person" or "living a happy life is the best revenge" but I don't feel that way. I don't believe in magic or anything but I made one of those sour jars and wrote every awful thing I want to happen to him on notes, stuck it in the jar and then poured a bunch of gross and nasty stuff into it. I drove to the cemetery of the city were he lives and buried it there. I do feel a bit better already. What else can I do? Any ideas?

No. 2329478

Holy fuck I am so tired and so cold ALL THE TIME. I have a doctors appointment on Monday with my new doctor, we're going to discuss the results of my bloodwork. I can see the results online so I already know my iron is low as fuck, this has been an ongoing issue for years but the exhaustion has been really hitting hard the last few months. I'm fucking praying that she will just order me the iv drips. Pills don't work for me. I've been ordered multiple different brands of pills from multiple doctors over the years and they never work. I just want the fucking drips so I can feel normal again. I've gained so much weight over the last couple months just because I can barely get myself out of bed and ready for work, let alone out to the gym or for a walk in the cold weather. I honestly feel like if I don't start getting some of my energy back I will need to quit my job or take a leave or something. I can't fucking do this much longer

No. 2329488

File: 1735838816847.jpeg (105.12 KB, 1920x1280, iron fish.jpeg)

Have you ever thought of ordering an iron fish? It's this big fish made of iron that you drop in a pot of boiling water, then you drink the water after it cools down. Some people even cook soups with the iron fish inside so that it adds more iron to the food.

No. 2329491

Nta but I need this now thanks for the suggestion

No. 2329499

You're welcome. They last a long time too. A lot of people don't realize that cooking with iron can help anemia, even just using cast-iron pans to cook food releases a bit of iron into the food to boost blood iron levels. There's also no metallic after taste when you use the fish, or at least I never had an after taste when I use them while I cook oatmeal and stuff like that.

No. 2329512

The Internet algorithm is being very racist and annoying today, I'm going to read a book and not engage with it for the rest of the evening/night

No. 2329521

>no metallic aftertaste
Interesting, how? Or is the iron leached just a teeny weeny bit so you can't taste anything? Every time I take iron liquid supplements I'm gagging to death because it tastes like metal and blood

No. 2329524

maybe it cooka de flavor away

No. 2329525

I honestly have no idea. I noticed that pills or liquid iron supplements always have a really strong after taste, but with the iron fish I don't notice it at all. I usually cook soups, pastas, or oatmeals with the iron fish and I never have notice any metal taste.
>is the iron leached just a teeny weeny bit
I'm not sure how much leeches into the food or drink, but I used to have really bad anemia but when I started cooking with the fish all my blood levels went back to the normal range and I didn't need to take pills anymore, so I think however much iron the iron fish releases was enough to alleviate my anemia symptoms.

No. 2329530

Okay thank you for the answer

No. 2329536

please wish me luck nonnas, i need it right now.

No. 2329542

Good luck! May everything go well in your favour!

No. 2329544

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My sister and her husband took the kids to some spa thing for xmas eve, now they are going to another spa without the kids. I'm visiting my mom because I have my only long ass holiday from school, we both got the flu a few days ago and both have a fever and a nasty cough. My sister fucking announced last week that she is dropping the kids here, my mom says that we will see because we are both kinda sick. She gets huffy and puffy and says she will ask the other grandma who is a boymom who refuses to take the girl child, the boy she would take. So today, her husband dropped the girl off and now my mom is entertaining her after I cooked but now my fever is 39 and I feel like shit. I seriously feel so angry, I feel like dying (dramatic) and this bitch really risks her whole family catching this shit? it's not covid but there's all sorts of shit going around, I also somehow need to be better by Tuesday and need to be well enough to actually travel back home via car thank God, but I'm so appaled. Countdown to the day next week where she will use her little online presence to act like a victim and a great mom for dealing with a sick family at the beginning of the year.
TLDR: don't have kids if you have a shit support system made of a cancer survivor with a still shit immune system and a pensioner.

No. 2329553

samefag, I also got angry at my mom for agreeing to this shit, it's my house she lives in because I inherited it and I could be an asshole and just say "not in my house", but I would never. I just wish she wasn't such a pushover and that my sister wasn't such a fucking asshole, I would've gone home last week if I didn't get sick but I also lowkey worry for my mom because she ran the fever first so I've been doing the chores as best I can, told my brother in law to clear the driveway from snow at least, that shit will give you a heart attack if you do it this shit ffs.

No. 2329561

What the fuck about that other grandma being just a boy mom. What a freak.

No. 2329563

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You got this nonny!!

No. 2329567

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My parents are doing the absolute most for my sister, buying her all this new stuff and cleaning her room up for her and generally just supporting her a ton meanwhile I'm an afterthought to them. Whenever I try and talk to them about my troubles they say "Oh well you'll get through it." It's not like they've left me on the streets but sometimes I wish I could just have their support in the same way that they support her. The worst thing is she always pretends like they hate her and like she's the least favorite lol. I support her too and want to help her, and she's a good sister to me too, but sometimes I wish someone would help me too…

No. 2329576

thank you nona, I've never heard of these but that sounds like a great idea and I should look into them

No. 2329577

I understand that both of the kids have been a hassle before, even I flatout refused to take them both overnight a few years ago because the boy is super high energy but these days I think it's manageable and I kinda cannot fucking stand kids or noise. This grandma is so odd, she has like 4 kids, is younger than my mom, fit, only cares about coming off as rich and like she belong in this specific minority. She also gave up my sister's husband to go live with his grandparents when he was like 9 and even that is just weird. He only seems to be the only decent man out of the 4 kids, just very quiet and takes orders well, he was the second kid and it's just such bizarre lore. I would understand if she was struggling and I cannot judge a mom but she kept on having kids, only him he shipped off to abroad and rejects the girl grandkid. I feel so fucking gaslit around these people, it's unhinged.

No. 2329583

Retard moid keeps talking about his exes at work and constantly moving his FAT body in my way when I’m trying to get around him to do my actual job. No one wants to hear about whatever failed relationship you had with whatever poor pathetic woman who decided to bump uglies with you, retard. Ugly balding fat moid. “Look how much weight I gained after the breakup” like yeah we can all see that, fatty.

No. 2329588

Only women are allowed to gain weight after breakups imo

No. 2329607

same. it hurts when anons openly admit to being racist and complain about "mutts" or how mixed people (or people they assume are mixed but aren'tt) look, like i can't help that. i can't unmutt myself. i'm trying to stop being self hating but it always comes back when i'm reminded of how inhuman i am. all my features are so exaggerated and bulbous so i can't even pretend to be anything else even if i lighten my photos. i always feel and look like a shrek character or a caricature

No. 2329660

what a weirdo. feel bad for the girl.

No. 2329718

I've been sick as fuck since Christmas and it's starting to get so old

No. 2329725

if you actually think those posts are real, you need to grow up and see the bigger picture. retarded moids post shit like that to produce a response from women because they hate women. it's all bait at the end of the day. just report them for baiting. ofc, reporting only really works when there's a vpn ban, but i digress.

No. 2329746

But after 6 months of gain & pain it's time to stop and hit the gym again for a different kind of pain & gain

No. 2329753

i'm honestly scared but i'm thinking of taking at least a year off from university to come back home and figure my life out. my mom died last year, and i tried going back to university in the fall but it was honestly a lot harder than i thought it would be. especially so soon after her death. like i just barely managed to get by with good grades, but i know my general performance wasn't that great and my professors only put up with me out of pity. i wouldn't show up for classes a lot, i would just do my work like essays and homework and turn it in early while i would lay up in my apartment feeling like shit. plus, i've been going to university abroad and i'm tired of living in france. i miss spicy food, and i'm tired of living in my dinky apartment with my weird perv landlord who is always trying to get in my business. i cried really badly a few days ago when my dad stopped by to drop off some bbq for lunch, and just the look on his face when we were talking about me moving out of my short stay rental broke my heart. i think that was when i realized i couldn't go back.

plus i have so many things i need to work on in the states that i've put off for years. i've admittedly used living abroad to run away from my problems and minor inconveniences instead of buckling down and dealing with them. it's little stupid things that are easy to fix, like getting my driver's license renewed, actually sitting down and figuring out what i want to do with my life, working on something meaningful like my art or writing a book. i've wasted so much time being frivolous and just not being responsible and it's starting to bug me…i'm too old for that now and i feel the urge to take responsibility for my own destiny instead of just expecting shit to fall into my lap. i just feel kind of ashamed of the fact that i'm taking time off. i know my family won't understand and they'll probably try to encourage me to go back but i just can't anymore. i don't have it in me. i even thought about moving to a bigger place near my university since i saw some actual one bedroom flats in the area but i just mentally can't do it anymore. it's not just being in another country that bugs me, i have no friends and no family in france so i'm essentially all alone most days. and without my mom there to come visit or support me, i have no motivation to do anything anymore. that's not good for my mental health at all and even though i'm an introvert and usually don't mind being alone, it was starting to drive me nuts. i just hope i am making the right choice.

No. 2329814

Annoyed with myself for overindulging during "the holidays." New Years is over and I feel like dehydrated trash. Christmas through New Years, ended up drinking way too much. I didn't make a fool of myself or anything, but I feel guilty. Good thing there's not a party everywhere I turn anymore. Good riddance, celebrating. Ugh. And ouch.

No. 2329828

My bf is being cold and distant recently and I feel like I'm going crazy. Then he complains when I get too pushy just to get more than two sentences from him.

No. 2329855

Break up with him. Or just bring up the possibility. Then you might find out what’s really going on in his head. Otherwise you’ll just be blindsided

No. 2329884

File: 1735855098016.jpeg (984.35 KB, 1125x1112, BD5792E5-1E52-47CF-85DA-8E1DE7…)

I’ve been going through some health problems and have been losing my hair. I wanted to braid it in hopes that I would feel better about how it looks despite it being fairly thin now. After four tries that progressively looked worse and worse I gave up. Now my arms hurt, I feel ugly, and my hair looks even worse than if I had done nothing at all. This sucks.

No. 2329918

nothing hurts like growing up without internet access among peers with internet. i always felt like i was a step behind everyone else. if i learned something new, i was so proud of myself and would go around talking about it. then they would casually mention it one day in a way that made it clear that it was something people with phones and internet knew about effortlessly and my self esteem would be crushed and i would feel so stupid and behind everyone else. every time i thought i caught up to people in terms of general knowledge, they would drop something that made it obvious how little i knew about anything. i always felt so left out and behind everyone else all the time and i still do even though i've become more internet poisoned than any of my friends back then ever were.

my friend would always quote vine memes and i genuinely thought she made them up herself and i thought that she was so funny and creative. when i finally used the internet years later, i learned what memes were and i felt so betrayed and tricked when i discovered that she was just quoting vines. another friend told me that obi-wan kenobi was her uncle and told me about how he fought darth vader or whatever. because i had never watched any movies i believed her and thought her uncle was some kind of war hero. there was always some distance between me and everyone else because they were in on all the internet jokes and pop culture while i was completely disconnected from society and i was reminded of the fact every day. nonas talk about not letting their kids have internet access and while i agree that internet exposure can ruin kids, they don't really understand just how lonely and isolating it is.

No. 2329938

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New years resolutions be like

No. 2329943

I do always keep things like this in mind when I think about my hypothetical future children and what to do with them regarding Internet usage. It does sound uniquely isolating.

No. 2329986

File: 1735859726796.jpg (45.26 KB, 1078x580, Tumblr_l_223379846122597.jpg)

I am so so so so so fucking tired of my boyfriend smoking cigarettes constantly it is so fucking disgusting. How does he not understand it is so fucking annoying to constantly be hacking up his lungs and spitting out gross shit 24/7 every time I buy tissues that shit is gone within a few weeks I just don't even get them anymore. And now because of that he uses up all the paper towels and overstuffs the fucking trash because he needs 1 paper towel per 1 fucking gross smoker snot. We do our laundry together so his gross tar soaked clothes mix with my clothes. It doesn't even matter anyway because my whole room smells like that shit, my whole apartment. I don't even want to sleep next to him anymore. Plus he's balding. Ever since he moved in I started hacking up shit too. He promised he would quit smoking but he gave up and started again in secret like a bitch. He kept trying to gaslight me about it too. Now here we are 2 years on with him wasting all his money on cigarettes and weed and drugs and it pisses me the fuck off. I used to hust tell myself it's okay because he's a sweet guy but he isn't even sweet anymore he just pisses me off so bad. I want to fucking die anons why did I do this to myself. I don't know what to do

No. 2329996

How can you stand a smoker as a non smoker? The smell ruins my day kek. Heavy smokers also have “that odor” on them 24/7, it’s impregnated on their clothes and skin. Don’t let me get started on the teeth too, how can you kiss tobacco mouth? It’s rancid.

No. 2330001

You leave before you get second hand lung cancer

No. 2330003

He’s cheating

No. 2330006

>How can you stand a smoker as a non smoker?
I truly don't know. I guess our intimacy has petered out so I mostly avoid being close to him. And I know how terrible and retarded of a living situation that sounds like trust me. This is extremely TMI but it makes his semen rancid too so I don't really like sex with him. It fucking sucks because I have a high sex drive but he just turns me off. Our relationship used to be so good it makes me cry so much sometimes… every once in a while he asks me why I'm always so sad and I don't know how to say it's because he repulses me. I've tried to talk to him about how I can't deal with him smoking but moids never change. I should've just given up on dating

No. 2330012

Well duh, if he smokes that much it’s bound to happen. This is the main reason why it’s a hard boundary for me, I wouldn’t stand being with a smoker, I’ve cut dates for that and I don’t fell ashamed.
My grandpa used to smoke a pack of Marlboro red , daily, which is 20 cigarettes, the walls of the house were yellow and when you would enter the house you would just be hit with with disgusting smell , I hated visiting; he died of lung cancer at 70. This is the life you’re going to have if you stick nonna, plus a higher increase of health issues on your part, because second hand smoke also affects you.
Cut your losses and accept that the relationship has reached its course. You can breakup, a relationship is not a life sentence kek.

No. 2330013

File: 1735860966352.jpg (82.72 KB, 2000x1000, confused.jpg)

>find someone with the same niche interests on tumblr
>she makes several posts asking people with the same interests to dm her and befriend her
>work up some courage and dm her
>she never answers
>she keeps making more posts about how people with the same interests should dm her

why nonnies? am i creepy or somethin?

No. 2330014

File: 1735861061310.jpeg (60.34 KB, 640x360, IMG_0678.jpeg)

Also he’s probably aging fasted due to the smoke too. These are two twins, guess who’s the one who smokes.

No. 2330015

Holy shit kick him out. Bare minimum stop washing his clothes. When he complains tell him the reason why, that he stinks and you’re tired of his poor choices effecting you too.
>he’s balding
There’s no redeeming this anon.

No. 2330016

Is she avoidant?

No. 2330018

>it makes his semen rancid
Gross what the fuck. If you can't even enjoy sex with him then what's the point? By the way, you are altering your own microbiome even just swapping spit with someone like this and fucking up your own dna. Please be pickier about who you fuck and get a healthier man.

No. 2330019

I beg and beg on my hands and knees for a different "what if?" anxious fixation and then when it comes I can't recognize it for what it is and I freak the fuck out. Idk what to do anymore lol I just exist in a mindless whirlwind of anxiety, one day at a time. I fucking hate it here. My nervous system is ruined because of these dumb cunts.

No. 2330020

Tapas is being infested with wattpad tier shit I can't take it kek. If I wasn't reading my premium fastfood manhwa on there I'd uninstall the app.

No. 2330021

I'm sorry nonnie, I hope you can find some respite.

No. 2330023

these guys look almost exactly the same but I guess it's probably the guy on the right because his under-eye and neck

No. 2330025

maybe??? but she answers other asks people send to her blog. maybe she has a zillion messages to go through? then again, maybe i just suck lol

No. 2330030

this is why I was sad when RSS feeds died, you could just subscribe to the webcomics/manwha you wanted and not have to even look at a shitty app they were on full off other bullshit

No. 2330033

I've thought a lot about breaking up, it just makes me cry because we're best friends and I would be so alone without him… I know I should be okay being by myself but I feel like college makes me want to die already and if I no longer had that support, well I don't know what I'd do. It would be a good idea to separate out our clothes though. What I've been thinking about doing is asking him if we could sleep separately but I mean we might as well break up then.
I just don't understand why people smoke. It's so gross, and it's essentially paying money to kill yourself and ruin your belongings and piss people off when you can do that for free. I fucking hate it

No. 2330037

holy shit just break up. you're acting like you're about to end a 30 year marriage. I know a breakup can be rough but you're gonna fucking be okay, god damn.

No. 2330038

Then enjoy your stay nonna, not much we can do if you made up your mind anyway. Be the tobacco martyr kek.

No. 2330041

Home girl is sucking battery acid dick because she’s afraid to be alone.

No. 2330043

> I fucking hate it
Doesn’t seem like you hate it that much. You’ve been doing fine for two years.

No. 2330051

Find a new best friend.

No. 2330074

I just gagged in my mouth reading that spoiler. Jesus. Throw all smokers to the curb

No. 2330088

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Thank you for that insight anon, hadn't considered even that is a larp for entrapment.

Right now his biggest gripe is how shameful my fathers suicide looks like to families that would potentially "offer" their daughter to our family. He's been making my mother feel bad about things beyond her control instead of being grateful for all she's done since my father exit stage left from our lives.

Then yesterday my mother drops the bombshell that she wants to continue helping to cook and clean for him and that I'd help support him mentally etc after he's married so the wife won't be burdened by him.

I'm- this is like a Neverending soap opera and I wish to go to a new show.

The poor woman wants to marry him off so she can "settle" him. I've refused to get married because I can't reveal lesbian status to an Indian family, we're not really like the younger generation. I wish I'd taken care of myself about 20+ years ago instead of being trapped under the weight of my father and my own anger/shame etc.

No. 2330091

My right hip still hurts from ballet and my lower spine is always cracking fucking hell

No. 2330127

I made scrambled eggs, nothing extra added, and my dad made a stank face, pointed at it, and asked what it is. What the fuck do you think it is? Tired of this retard.

No. 2330132

If this is your original image you should delete the file because it gives away your exact location.

No. 2330135

Where is this kek? It looks so cool.

No. 2330139

NTA it isn't her image

No. 2330145

my husband is a fucking loser, and I deserve better. He’s been jobless for a year, and is content playing games all day. He doesn’t do chores, and never does anything nice for me. He’s 7 years older than me, yet I take in literally everything. Fuck him. I feel like such an idiot every day that passes and I am still here. I’m an idiot!!!

No. 2330146

What made you get with a geriatric in the first place

No. 2330155

It’s so funny, my friendship group is on the opposite side of this. The two desi girls in the group are being pressured SO HARD to get married but even though they’re both smart pretty accomplished women they keep getting offered awful man babies like your brother. It’s funny how the prized sons turn into difficult to offload burdens when reality hits.

My one non desi friend who dated an indian dude for five years got put through HELL by that vegeta hairline, small man syndrome, rat faced, mama’s boy bastard (i was rooting on that relationship’s downfall the whole time).

So no nona, they don’t; I genuinely don’t understand how desi women are so awesome and are so lovely to have around and the men are….like that

The married brown men i know are also manbabies. It’s like they never disconnect from the teat; it must be so crazy making having to deal with that bs everyday nona.

You’re a trooper; it’s never too late to start building a life for yourself too. Women are long lived, you could easily have at least 20-30 years of good health to be free. Don’t let those people waste more of your time.

No. 2330182

>no job, going insane in isolation and brokeness, want to kill myself
>have job, i’m autistic and retarded, everyone at work hates me, i’m too tired for everything else, want to kill myself
should i just get the rope nonnas

No. 2330202

Sometimes it really sucks being a zoomer because all it feels like our generation has nothing original in terms of fashion style. We always are so nostalgic for another time period. It makes me wonder what types of style gen alpha will have to offer though.

No. 2330205

I think there is an originality in the nostalgia. Real 2000s fashion isn’t the same as 2020s y2k either.
That being said, is it just me or does gen alpha bleed into gen z? I don’t think they’ll be much different from younger zoomers.

No. 2330230

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You could say that about any generation. There’s even a term for it picrel.

No. 2330277

this is exceedingly petty, but i don't care. i need a place in town to stay for a weekend and my sister is super willing, but her house is really gross and i dont want to stay there. i wish she could keep her shit together and not have stuff like cat litter and turds scattered around the box on the floor and the air in there wouldnt feel thick with stuff. she lives right up the road from me, but we never hang out at her place like she was hoping when she moved in there, and she's so embarrassed of it that she doesnt invite anyone over anyway. she's capable of cleaning, the worst she has is ADHD that she doesnt help herself at all with, to the point that she'll complain about being bored at home and is surprised when i suggest she catch up on cleaning like she's always saying she wants to, like she never considered it. of course i've tried to help, but when someone is habitually dirty and totally fine with living in it, all youre doing is bailing out a sinking ship. i've even tried kind of mean things like telling her how all the small stuff scattered around her floor could be eaten by her cats and result in them being hurt or at least a costly vet bill, but it doesn't help. she has a roommate too, but the roommate is just as gross and okay with it, so there's nothing i could do that someone who lives with her couldn't. ugh this could be a cozy fun sleepover thing but i'd have to spend 4 hours in a hazmat suit clearing a spot in her room to sit.

No. 2330317

I just found out the support group community for the chronic illness I have has a secret frat boys club that they use to rate women and talk about how they would fuck them. I wanna vomit. I don't spread my face around so I was spared but I feel awful for the other women and wanna tell them. I know this is common moid behavior but being reminded of it is so upsetting. I wish they'd all do the world a favor since they're already a waste of space. The men in this group are disgusting and most have suspected personality disorders

No. 2330328

I wish this person had never joined our friend group. Everyone loved her because she’s a big name on my hobby’s community and she organizes the biggest events, she’s extremely charismatic, but I feel wary of her… it’s uncanny how nice and overly sweet she is. How she hugs and kisses everyone, how she will cuddle anyone she just met. I’ve had the worst experiences with people who get super touchy and I’m put off and really fucking jealous of how everybody is centering her as soon as she got into our friend group. Seeing her cuddling and kissing the hands of the friend I have a crush on (who’s known to be super hermetic and only until recently has been initiating physical contact with me) on my fucking bed made me want to legit throw up. I got so upset, the next day she noticed, and she tried to comfort me by also hugging and kissing my neck and I just wanted to cry. It’s the second time we all hang out and it’s already like this, and she’s here to stay. I’ll have to see her holding hands with the girl I like and sticking to me as well tomorrow. what should be a fun gathering at the beach will have me at the verge of vomiting the whole day. And I’ll just grind my teeth and smile, because I’m the only one who feels like this.
It’s weird, the person I like actually once told me she had a really uneasy feeling about that girl. Told me about how her attitude weirded her out. And now I’ll have to put up with her maybe forever lmao

No. 2330333

spent more money to improve my home office with a monitor mount and new keyboard. it's worth it but i spent so much money recently too.

No. 2330335

Wow sorry really unhelpful but I’m like this, I’ve never heard about anyone who was as physically affectionate as me. People think it’s funny that I hold hands with literally everyone kek

No. 2330339

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No. 2330343

Wtf kind of hobby is this? This sounds borderline sexual harassment. What kind of person kisses someone's neck?

No. 2330377

Are sedatives that bad? I suffer from chronic anxiety but everyone keeps telling me to avoid medication at all cost, I would try something else if I could but it seems my body doesn't cooperate anymore

No. 2330380

Felt, my hair got so damn thin thanks to PCOS. I love braiding my hair but I'm scared of traction alopecia, fml

No. 2330383

i miss my granny so much. i am in the back of my parents car, going to visit my widowed grandfather and other grandparents. i haven’t been to visit them since her funeral almost two years ago. i am terrified to go to the house that she is no longer in. she is nowhere. i haven’t seen my grandfather since her funeral and i really have nothing to say to him, especially because he is basically deaf so all communication is really difficult. i am scared to cry in front of everyone when i get there. i can still remember how she laughed and i miss her so much. i feel pathetic. my friends manage their grief much more gracefully. i just want to go home and hide from my fear

No. 2330384

these pimples are so huge and PAINFUL and hideous i dont want people to see me like this!!!!!!! i have a 10 hour shift tomorrow and the thought of talking to a single other human being with this ginormous cyst between my eyebrows makes me want to KMS!!

No. 2330414

I'm always either too hot or too cold I'm fucking suffering

No. 2330433

you could try CalmAid instead. It's made from lavender and actually works. You could also try magnesium supplements.

No. 2330456

yes another nonny bringing up silexan clinically studied lavender oil!! it does help with anxiety without major side effects. i used to take it regularly when i felt more anxious, and still do when i anticipate being stressed or irritated.

No. 2330458

how are you sleeping? poor sleep makes it hard for body to regulate temperature.

No. 2330462

more people should know about it

No. 2330469

Seriously. If some random kissed my neck, I'd be freaked out. A lot of the things anon listed are sexual but they're all "friends"?

No. 2330474

I just bit on a piece of ham that had cartilage that I didn't expect, now I want to rip my fucking teeth out. I want to throw up.
Terribly actually, I'm sleepy all day (Even right after waking up) then at night I can't sleep until like 3am. Idk if it has any correlation though, I do typically have the temperate issue although I also typically have sleeping issues so…

No. 2330475

I percevied it as like a hug, neck might be more intimate but it wouldn’t be odd to pull a friend into a hug and kiss their ear/hair if you’re an affectionate person, and that’s the general area. I think a friend has missed or just went for the neck to me too before, but it’s probably dependent on what kind of people you’re around

No. 2330478

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Its been 40 days since i was dumped. I ache for the touch of a man right now. Maybe i should try hooking up with a hot guy on an app soon but im scared of men.

No. 2330479

Yeah if someone kisses my ear, I'm outta there. That's more sexual than the neck

No. 2330482

Just had the worst sex of my life with a moid I’ve had a crush on since forever. He kissed like a dog and couldn’t stay hard, the whole time he was trying to pound away he kept making this hideous screwed up face like he was about to cry and at one point his sweat dripped into my eye and burned like hell. He wanted to rotate through all these positions and it was starting to aggravate my hypermobility so I put a stop to it and he immediately switched over to jerking off with this dead eyed expression. He was yanking so hard it was like he was trying to pull thing off kek and I was just shocked into stillness

It’s really a shame. He’s treated me super well on the dates we’ve been on and we’re childhood friends so our families know each other and get along too. Also he’s exactly/was the inspiration for my physical type…but alas he’s definitely pornsick and I don’t wanna support a moid through that. He’s still texting me like everything is fucking normal; I’m debating between straight up ghosting and waiting it out so it’s not too much of an ego blow and we can resume being friendly

No. 2330488

Life is too short for bad sex nonnie

No. 2330489

>she tried to comfort me by also hugging and kissing my neck
I'd be asking what are we, because??

No. 2330490

I wish i had whatever gene normie women have that makes them tolerate men and even make them boycrazy. How the fuck are women content with this. I'm just a defective abnormal woman at this point.

No. 2330491

>he kept making this hideous screwed up face like he was about to cry and at one point his sweat dripped into my eye and burned like hell.
My fucking sides. Sorry that happened to you tho

No. 2330493

Odd, I don’t think it’s sexual at all? Even family do this. It’s not sensual or anything, kind of aggressive, just a quick peck and more in the realm of the head, it’s not like they’re brushing your hair aside to slowly and gently nibble your ear
You’re not. You’re the normal one.

No. 2330497


No. 2330501

oh…. ok

No. 2330503

Dude wtf is going on itt

No. 2330504

I'm not sure if lesbians love women as intensely as straight women love men. Maybe it's just because I don't know any lesbians irl, but even in lesbian spaces, they're all just nagging, moralfagging, and frankly just bitchy with each other. Straight women worship the men in their spaces. I think being born a lesbian is a quick ticket to never experiencing love. I can count on one hand all of the lesbians I've met in real life, and they're just as passive aggressive and catty towards other women as straight women are. All I can do is schizoidmax.

No. 2330506

Bait used to be believable

No. 2330507

File: 1735884418687.jpeg (41.9 KB, 736x552, B4B82177-D0FC-4489-AA8B-5AB94C…)

why are there so many sex posts

No. 2330508

Please don't reply to bait, these posts are blatant enough

No. 2330510

What the fuck did I just read
Seriously kek is it all bait or what?

No. 2330512

You got a good giggle out of me I'll give you that much.

No. 2330513

If these and >>2330494 are serious the blackpill spergs are 100% correct

No. 2330520

I'm serious. The gc general and lesbian general have been nothing but infighting for days. Every other lesbian group is full of bisexual women and trannies, so I can't really compare them.

No. 2330527

>being born a lesbian is a quick ticket to never experiencing love.
men are not capable of loving women in the first place so i would argue that lesbians actually are the only women that have the opportunity to experience romantic love that is reciprocated

No. 2330528

>Every other lesbian group is full of bisexual women and trannies, so I can't really compare them
And you trust this one? Kekk. I’m just saying the infighting rose tenfold after the VPN ban was lifted. It’s obvious there are dedicated baiters, I’d say a good 25% are actual virgin lescels though.

No. 2330530

Also, the typo “gc” I recognise - I wouldn’t be surprised if you were that baiter there just coming here because you’re bored of no one interacting with you. The hellmas thread anon that pointed out you can clock someone from typos like this is correct.

No. 2330537

Laugh away nonna, bad sex is hilarious. At one point during foreplay he also pulled on my pubes and asked if I liked it. I’m excited to make fun of him with people that don’t know him as soon as my holiday pto runs out

No. 2330538

There are not that many blackpill anons. Bj-chan is one anon with a recognizable posting style. Either way they are right and at least half women's oppression is because women are complacent in it.

No. 2330541

Also, the 4 lesbians I know of irl:
>married to a woman, constantly gossiping about her coworkers behind their backs
>nitpicks the politics of every woman she talks to, constantly finding reasons they aren't woke enough. recently, it was that wearing a hula skirt is cultural appropriation
>has an eating disorder, constantly wears her gf's clothes and says how much bigger the clothes are on her and how they are falling off
>is "into fashion" and makes constant comments about how the women around her aren't dressed properly
I guess I just don't see it?
I'm just sharing my experiences, and it feels like, at least the lesbians I have met, are just as catty and cliquey with each other as straight women. There's not the unconditional love and forgiveness that straight women have for literally all men. Straight women performatively hate men while secretly being willing to forgive them for anything, while women performatively love other women, while waiting to tear them down. This is just how I feel.
If that's true, they're doing very well at stirring the pot.

No. 2330542

Seems like there's someone baiting and falseflagging on both sides (being both pro-gs and anti-gs). When the thread was first created, at least the seething over bisexuals seem to come from genuine lescels who are just venting. But now I think the resident baiters have found another FOTM topic to latch onto to instigate infights.

No. 2330543

>pulled on my pubes and asked if I liked it
Why are men so retarded? Where would they even get the idea to fucking do that, they have pubes too… It can't be something they saw in the porn they love so much, is it?

No. 2330545

Nobody loves women

No. 2330548

Why is that?

No. 2330550

What you’re observing is definitely real and I feel like it gets swept under the rug because people want lesbians to be this feminist ideal. Like women in general are less confrontational and have more attention to detail, and it makes sense that those things can turn into passive aggressive nitpicking if you’re in a bad headspace. I think lesbian dating suffers from a scarcity mindset that isn’t helped by the (albeit arguably justifiable) reluctance to date bi women, plus women being socialized to be too self sacrificing leads to a dead relationship being dragged on forever. I know a lot of miserable long term lesbian couples too

No. 2330551

Sorry, but this just sounds like normal women things. Why are you applying this to all lesbians?

No. 2330564

maybe she's european kek

No. 2330566

No. 2330569

Scrotes hate women and women also hate other women and often themselves.

No. 2330581

Don't ghost, just tell him how shitty he was so maybe the next girl he fucks doesn't have to deal with that shit too.

No. 2330583

>plus women being socialized to be too self sacrificing leads to a dead relationship being dragged on forever
lesbians have the highest divorce rate compared to other sexualities

No. 2330607

I think Im going to have to break up with my boyfriend. He just doesn’t pay any attention to me and I need to beg him to even hangout with me. Our conversations are all near meaningless. It hurts so bad. He is my first relationship ever and we started dating when I was in high school and we are about to hit two years this month. I don’t even know how Im going to move on when we share the same friend group, go to the same college, I planned a lot of my future around him, stupid mistake I know but loved him and I still do and It just sucks. I thought I was going to marry him at one point. I know theres no other option but it really hurts. I wont date any more after this. I am very young. I just dont know how to move forward if we break up when he is so present in my every day life.

No. 2330610

Getting flooring replaced at my house, that I paid for, on a schedule that I requested, and of course my mom fucking spends days yelling at me to redo my staircase, then yells at the guys installing the floors. It's 1 layer of varnish that can fucking wait, but no, she had to do what she's always done to construction workers, and shows up yelling at them for working on the floor at all because I wanted to put a cabinet in last. I needed the flooring in to fix a closet or the measurments are wrong. I bought shit that is damn near scratch-proof and I do not care if I need to cover it again to install some dumbass cabinet. I'm not delaying shit another month just because it causes her anxiety about stupid scratches on a floor going in a house with multiple pets and 2 roommates. I felt like I stood up to her, barely kept myself together, got way too pissy anyway but what fucking ever. I feel bad for one of the guys getting told bullshit from the stand-in supervisor, only to get blamed for shit and yelled at by someone who doesn't live here, but at least he was glad I was nice. I don't fucking know man, contractors can be dumb but don't fucking scream at them. At least she apologized kindof but she's not allowed back if they're working. I'm done.

Depends. I always avoided prescribed medications since I don't want a pill to be my go-to for calming down, but I was given Ativan recently since I need new PMDD treatment. It works almost too well for me, I only take a half dose as-needed and it's nearly instant relief. I'm a little worried I just have a predisposition to addiction since most meds/drugs I've tried always made me a bit too happy/excited. I probably should have taken it today to deal with the above bullshit but I don't want it to be an escape button all the time, I think I'd end up reliant. I can completely see why people get addicted to benzos because of it though.

No. 2330611

does anyone else have new years anxiety, like you're scared it'll be a bad year or something bad will happen. i hate this feeling

No. 2330618

being lesbian goes against female socialization

No. 2330626

source? I looked it up and all I found was that out of same sex couples lesbians divorce the most because gay men don't really get married (and I've heard it's mostly due to financial issues too, women on average get paid less than men so ofc a lesbian couple will get paid less than a straight or gay couple)

No. 2330629

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The more im around people that pry into my life, the worse I feel about being single these past few years. Its been about maybe 3 to 4 years since being in a relationship, and the last few I was in were so traumatizing. But now I feel forced to go be in one just so I can feel normal. No one these past few years has caught my interest though and i genuinely dont find much men attractive. So I know if I force it, ill be a different kind of miserable. Why can't I just be single and celibate without having to feel like im a loser for it? Everyone I know at work is married and always ask prying questions about my life. And if I say im single, they make it seem like I announced it got diagnosed with something. Like it's just pity or judgement. It makes me just hate people even more.

No. 2330632

Anon is probably misleading stats like how every retard says lesbians beat each other up when its lesbians talking about past partners, including males, that make up most of the violence women face. Makes sense for lesbians to have high divorce rates when most probably had to live a life of being closeted or as most zoomers would say “comphet” because of how dangerous it is to be a woman living alone. Most women can suck it up and just live with their dead bedrooms while only feeling whole with other women but chalk it up to moids being moids and that most heterosexuals have sad love lives anyways.

No. 2330636

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Any man who says he is a fan of Taylor Swift is a huge red flag for me. It feels so disengenuous like "hmmm what's the easiest way of making myself seem non threatening to femoids" look buddy I'm not even a fan of hers but I know as sure as shit you aren't either.

No. 2330644

She looks pretty in this photo

No. 2330671

>keeps failing dates
>ponder for a bit on why
>makes it more clear in my dating profile that I don't want kids
>suddenly gets 1/3 of the matches I used to get
Dating in your 30's is hell. Too bad I'm too shy and awkward to meet people anywhere else

No. 2330673

I was his first kiss, the first woman he cuddled with, the first woman he slept with, the first woman that actually gave him attention and affection only for him to throw me in the garbage bin and use me as a stepping ladder. So much for being the first love of a man. Don't believe that shit about men never forgetting their first love, maybe they can't forget them because they fumbled them and treated them like trash and only realized that much later, but being the first love of a man is like setting yourself up for more trauma and abandonment and failure

No. 2330685

Isn't there a quote from Trevor Noah where he talks about his mother saying "men want an exotic bird to keep in a cage"? Basically men want to prove that they are man by effectively "braking" a woman with autonomy. It's a tale as old as time, look at Shakespeares "taming of the shrew" for an example

No. 2330686

>I've had more than one ex who was disappointed when I told him I hadn't been a whore at college. Men are secret cucks tbh.
Kek did we date the same guy? Mine was switching back and forth from "why are you a virgin" to "I'm glad you're only mine" all the time. Always got the feeling he wanted his buddy to fuck me so he can jerk off watching us.

No. 2330687

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Could anons rattle rattle me? Usually it works when I do it to myself, but not today for some reason. I only ate two ham sandwiches today, nothing on them just ham and bread, and this stupid voice in the back of my mind is going "oooh fatty fatty boom boom lardass" like fuck off that's barely two meals. I don't have a ED, I'm just short and unfortunately shaped so I'm neurotic about gaining because I'll look like fatvegfemme miss her threads so much

No. 2330693

let it go, you'll be fine

No. 2330696

The oneitis develops because they see them as an easy fuck however the slut is not fucking them so they get obsessed with the idea of it. Once they get to fuck them and get into a relationship the fantasy goes away and soon he'll be lusting after another e-whore.

No. 2330711

Nta. Retards like these love to use that one statistic and the divorce rate among lesbians as a gotcha, but it’s always so stupid. Realistically, hetties would score higher in divorce statistics, but unlike lesbians, het women practice copious amounts of mental gymnastics wether it’s about the emotional neglect of their huzzbans, or their moids just being pieces of shit or simply not being able to leave the marriage for various reasons.

>Why can't I just be single and celibate without having to feel like im a loser for it?
You will feel like one only if you let this mentality get to you. I have been lowkey bullied at my workplace the first 2 years of being there for not being with a moid besides having nosey people asking about my business in that department. Felt the same way back then, but I just started to ignore them and even make other snarky remarks if provoked, now they don’t talk to me like that anymore and hearing them complain about how they have to cook 3 kinds of meals after work almost daily for their scrotes makes me feel relief.
Just realize that your co-workers are the definition of “misery loves company” if they care so much about your relationship status. Next time they start being nosey, you can offer them an autograph if they give the same fucks they would give to a celebrity kek.

No. 2330715

People hate confronting it because it is also confronting the general hatred women have for other women. That attention to detail is used on men to pick out their good qualities and build up a positive image, whereas women keep logs of other women's insecurities to use against them if they do something they don't like. Nitpicking their politics, their appearances, and their personalities. I don't believe men are capable of love, but women are only capable of loving men. Men abuse them by default and they will make excuses for them and love them unconditionally anyway. The way ALL women, straight and lesbian, treat men and women, is night and day.
Wouldn't the divorce rate also include lesbians who divorced men?

No. 2330723

Only gay men stan her

No. 2330751

Some idiot on tumblr has taken my favourite character of any franchise and queer-theoried into a non-man, because apparently being abused and humiliated in canon means you're feminine. Of course, the other idiots on the site eat it up and the theory has now become accepted site canon on why the popular but highly problematic m/m ship is actually canon.
I know I should just ignore it, but such blatantly mischaracterisation just makes me so angry. Because all that shit couldn't be further from the truth and the implication that abused/humiliated = female is so horrifyingly sexist, I'm baffled these supposedly progressives don't see that.
Fuck everyone fawning over that shit "analysis".

No. 2330754

And once they’re with the slut they’ll bitch about her being a slut kek. Scrotes are just retarded.

No. 2330761

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I was having a polite conversation with my coworker about weight, diets, the summer body, etc, and not once did I imply that I was uncomfortable in my body. Then suddenly, he hits me with, "You're like me anon you wouldn’t say no to losing 20 lbs by magic, haha." out of nowhere. I’m not skinny, but I workout and have a nice, toned, curvy body with a cute face. He, on the other hand, is a a full-on food addict, a fat slob who secretly eats ham, chocolate, and pizza while hidng in the work toilets and his face is distorted by his fat. I’m attractive, and he’s ugly. I’m fit, and he’s fat. He also looks like picrel. Yet somehow, in his mind, we’re the same because I don’t look like Belle Delphine or any of the OnlyFans whores he jerks off to on weekends, I can't with scrotes anymore.

No. 2330762

I don't think you've met many grown up gnc lesbians

No. 2330764

File: 1735908677411.jpg (7.8 KB, 236x232, oldandugly.jpg)

I love laughing at Pixyteri, but the monologue in my head sounds awfully adjacent to hers. I can't stop thinking about how old I am, and how in return that makes me ugly. I think about it nonstop and I am 28. I can only imagine how much worse that will be in the future. Please help me please help me please help me. Why are you hurting me. I don't wanna die.

No. 2330765

I wanna go out for a few hours because I've got absolutely nothing to do and don't have the brain capacity at the moment to read something, but I also don't wanna leave my comfy bed.

No. 2330767

Therapy will help you. If therapy will misgender you and make you eat tanning pills, you could do some journalling exercises to figure out why you're so obsessed with being old and ugly. If you don't address this soon you'll never be the kawaii aidoru your windchime papa wants you to be, and instead you'll be misgendered for life at the UTI clinic.
Ganbatte, nona-chan!

No. 2330773

This girl in this Facebook group constantly rage quits when called out. She uses autism as an excuse to be a mega bitch when she doesn’t get her way and she wants to be a makeup/food vlogger. Her makeup is so ugly.

When she starts picking fights, she gets at least 300 comments on whoever’s post she fights on. One of these days she’s gonna end here because she’s that fucking stupid. I’m tired of moids and stupid women who don’t know shit whiteknighting her

No. 2330783

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I accidentally made fun of the name of a co-workers cat and now I feel bad.

No. 2330785

Give us her channel nonners

No. 2330788

Literally same nonna. I'm sorry you're like me. Currently in the no job period. This will probably be my last year in this earth. Can't function.

No. 2330792

>boyfriend didn't show appropriate amount of concern about my safety
>throw plastic cup at the wall in rage about this and it breaks
Maybe he's right to not be concerned. I hate being like this and also want to beat the shit out of him.

No. 2330801

I have zero friends but I like to walk around the city at night and interact with people, it gives me enough social interaction to not rope. People really are willing to walk up and talk to you if you look approachable.

No. 2330803

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>Mother insults me, accuses me of weird random shit
>Ask her why she said that
>"I didn't say that, I misspoke, I don't remember saying that five minutes ago, you're being cruel"
Guess who isn't getting my new phone number

No. 2330805

I thought so too but I've seen too many guys profiles on Hinge state they like her and I've had bfs of my friends tell me they like her too. Gay men being actual fans of hers are fine but for me its the fakery

No. 2330813

That's insane nonna especially then pube thing, he has to be told how unacceptably retarded that is seconding >>2330581
If you have this long history with him it might be worthwhile to see if he's receptive to learning how shit he is at sex anyway

No. 2330822

wrong, don't tell him. then he will know to hide his pornsickness and then he will string along the next woman he dates. leave him as trash so women with an ounce of self-preservation can avoid him.

No. 2330837

My dad is the exact same. I truly wonder what goes in his head

No. 2330853

It's due to inherent insecurity. Moids pick the virgin innocent shy type because they know they're not on the slut's league enough. But if the slut gives them a chance you can bet they'll throw the virgin to the street. It's the same with passport bros who want a submissive conservative Asian to own the evil western white women but if they finally find a white woman into the void the trophy wife goes

No. 2330871

I'm beneath all the trannies, all the weird diaper fetishists, all the LARPING ewhores, all of the autists. My life is worth nothing and it has been communicated to me on multiple instanced that I am SUBHUMAN. I continuously do not have any kind of living quality. Everyone's given up on me or has done something awful to me. I have no support system.

I do not understand how do some of these mother fuckers stay alive and are treated with respect and dignity while I have been treated like a sack of shit my whole life despite me doing the best that I could. Placing effort into my looks. Taking meds to try to get my mental health in check. Using any kind of resources that I can lay my hands upon in order to improve my situation.

I just want to live a normal life and everyone has given up on me while these mother fuckers that have access to resources that I never will are purposefully wallowing in their mental illness and showcasing it online while being showered with praise and money.

I cannot stand my life any longer and everyday I wonder why the fuck did it have to be me. I cannot tolerate any form of disrespect any longer but I am too ill to be able to stand up for myself.

No. 2330895

i probably shouldn't respond to this bait but i need you to know that i love my wife and imho she hung the moon and the stars in the sky

No. 2330898

narcissists cannot process their own bad behavior or criticism. hope not giving her your new number goes well, and she doesn't find out.

No. 2330899

has anyone ever cut off all their friends and completely started over? I don't have that many friends in the first place but I'm realizing the ones I have are completely one sided friendships, I give and they take. I spent a day with one friend and she talked about herself the entire time and didn't ask me one question about what's going on in my life. Spent a weekend with a different friend, exact same thing. I also had to drive and pay for everything. I'm over it. They are mentally ill and will probably not change, think personality disorders, substance use disorders, I've been misplacing my empathy on them without realizing I've just been being used the whole time. I wish them well but I can't do it anymore. I want healthy normal adult friendships. I know it will be lonely for some time but I feel hopeful that I will put my energy towards meeting new people this year.

No. 2330901

Yeah. Once I cut off everyone I knew, changed my phone number, email address, deleted all my socials, changed my legal name, and moved 1000+km away. It's easier than people think and it's really rewarding. You have the change yourself, not just your friends. There's a reason your friendships are one-sided isn't by chance, it's something that you're doing to draw these freaks to you.

No. 2330903

wow that is extreme but inspiring. I am in therapy and actively working on myself and why I get into these types of friendships.

No. 2330906

Extreme circumstances call for extreme solutions. Keep going to therapy and working on yourself. There's no reason to associate with people that bring you down, none at all. Starting over isn't a bad thing, it's actually liberating in many ways. There are people out there that want to be your friend so badly, and they want to treat you well and support you, you just have to find them.

No. 2330908

My body is forcefully keeping me away from the phone and internet kek I don't know if it's my glasses or I need to enlarge the text font size but one look at the threads makes me so nauseous

No. 2330919

Found out my bf is cheating, or trying to. He also got defensive when I asked to see his phone. Thankfully we haven't had sex yet, despite being supposedly exclusive. I'll just say I'm waiting for marriage now lol. Instead of calling him out and ending it, I want to get somethings out of him and start looking for the next person to date. Dating moids is exhausting though and if it weren't for my parents, I'd have given up and stay single forever and maybe adopt. In b4 "just do that now" no. My relationship with my parents weighs hard on my heart.

No. 2330937

you're absolutely right. thank you for your response anon

No. 2330986

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>tfw desperately trying not to tear the zoomer they/them enby (woman) in my class a new one in the class discussions.
I'm obviously going to be respectful, but Christ almighty these people are such a meme. They all parrot the same brain dead gender takes and I'm so tired of it.

No. 2330995

I hate astrology and people who believe in it. I especially hate women who believe in it for making us look like fucking idiots. I hate everyone who believes in bullshit spiritual woo woo of any kind and otherwise anything that is completely outside the realm of material reality.

No. 2330999

>Some idiot on tumblr has taken my favourite character of any franchise and queer-theoried into a non-man, because apparently being abused and humiliated in canon means you're feminine
Oh lord who is it nonnie

No. 2331001

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>obviously going to be respectful

No. 2331003

Same. Logical intellectual stuff like programming is associated with moids but dumb bullshit like astrology is associated with women. What a fucking joke.

No. 2331004

Literally my mother. She has a law degree and has been studying psychology for 10 years, and yet she was telling me today how she watched a man who connected with his 88 other selves to predict the future for 2025 and now she's going to follow his advice.

No. 2331007

Woah, what was his prediction?? Do you have a link to it??

No. 2331009

I knew Ivy League educated women who believed in the power of crystals and other woo. Absolutely baffling.

No. 2331015

I like those people because they are very easy to market to.

No. 2331032

>If that's true, they're doing very well at stirring the pot.
DA but for real they are kek. If it's any consolation nonnie I consider myself a normie lesbian who dates bi women and get so bored of the samey conversation topics in those threads that I just go on /ot/ or /m/ to talk about my interests. It's like the same 3 people who argue with vpn-fuelled bait and fill up the thread anyway kek.

>Do you have a link to it??
NO!!!!!!!!!!! I mean I do because she's watching another of his videos on my youtube account as we speak but I'M NOT GIVING IT TO YOU!!!

God I relate, she even reads her own tarot and got me my own tarot cards for my birthday last year with a book on how to read them arghhh. Going insane nonna. I could've bought a plushie that would've gotten more use.

No. 2331035

I just got into a passive agressive almost-argument with an uwustrology believer and she pulled out the "my enslaved ancestors were beaten for their religious beliefs" guilt trip, and what the fuck am I supposed to say to that, that doesn't make me sound like an insensitive asshole?(emoji)

No. 2331043

It can be really fun as a hobby tho

No. 2331048

Same, nona. They're so fucking stupid and it makes women look bad because it's pretty much only women who do it.

No. 2331051

sometimes i go on omegle and recreate her sperg meltdowns, the reactions are funny. acting like a retard is so freeing

No. 2331058

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I genuinely want to be blown up. If I was on fire and my mom had water, she'd drink it and laugh.

No. 2331067

>apparently being abused and humiliated in canon means you're feminine
Genuinely sick of this type of thinking, been seeing it more and more these days.
A male character cries because everyone he loves is dead and this apparently means he's either a woman or an annoying crybaby. Just want to enjoy male tears in peace, man.

No. 2331088

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i cleaned my room (mainly from dust and paper) and now i feel a lot better. i haven't smoked weed in days and it was enough, sucks when the weed apathy kicks in to make you lazy as fuck. i hope i can stay like this at least for a month.

No. 2331101

I finally returned home and I can eat my gyozas , I’ve been daydreaming about them. I love food, god bless food.

No. 2331105

Beat him and convince him no one else will love him

No. 2331111

Astrology is by no means worse than Christianity. Catholic women make us look like retards and actually do harm in society, astrology is just fun. Men believe in retarded shit all the time, why can't we have fun?

No. 2331117

Astrology is just pretend play for women so they can have fun with characterizing the people around them. It rarely negatively impacts their lives. Meanwhile men will rot in their rooms all day playing video games. Those are fictional too and far more damaging but they don't feel retarded for killing make believe enemies with pretend swords.

No. 2331126

Astrology is space racism

No. 2331133

NTA but no that's the whole star seed thing, astrology is fine in comparison to all the other weird cosmic guidance beliefs.

No. 2331139

Astrology isn't exactly bullshit, pisces gemini and capricorn moids are just as terrible in different ways as they're described

No. 2331145

It is harmless, especially compared to organized religion, it's also just fucking stupid and wrong, and I think that's enough reason to hate it on principle.
I'd love to hear an actual explanation why the position of the stars supposedly correlates with human personality.

No. 2331146

Astrology is supposed to be fun. Just keep it to the people who believe in it and don't shove it down the throats of those who don't, simple. It's supposed to be a self-growth tool for yourself by reading your negative traits and reforming them into positive ones, not to police or predict anyone else.

No. 2331151

You can use Google for free and read books about it. It has been the longest running theology going in human consciousness.

No. 2331154

Fancy elements like carbon are made in the nuclear fusion fires of stars, once they explode they get spread out around the universe ending up on planets. I am mostly made of carbon therefore the remaining stars are like my cool aunts giving me advice with the their billions of years of space knowledge.
Things made of boring elements like hydrogen or helium get nothing and it's right to shun them.

No. 2331156

you're probably one of those irritable bitchy ever complaining signs like virgo or aquarius or aries

No. 2331159

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What do the stars say about me, wise one?

No. 2331169

If people weren't selling their "readings" to people, it would just be fun. But even when they say "$120 a reading, JUST FOR FUN!" you have to think about why someone would spend that much money on a bunch of lies. Because they think it's real, legitimate, or some sort of information that will guide them. So people who practice astrology for profit are grifters. Period.
There's no book that would prove anything, which is why anon is asking for an actual explanation. It's a rhetorical question, really.
That literally doesn't mean anything and you know it lol
They don't know, they can't handle the fact that maybe they've been following something with too much sincerity that is, at most, "for fun". Like basing your entire life off of whatever the Sonic Totem says. Astrology/tarot nonnies go off, but fuck off with the "I can read you to filth" bullshit. You can't read shit, go to DBT and stop relying on lies and liars.

No. 2331175

First ayrt, I don't judge anyone who makes bank by grifting anymore. Hell you could sell AI art and I'd give the thumbs up. I do, however, judge dumbasses who willingly buy it. As the twitter lingo says get that bag sis or something.

No. 2331176

I don't believe in astrology but I think there are probably some coincidences and similarities between people born and experience life milestones at the same time of year as each other, and that also people (well, women ig) develop an affinity with the archetypes that they are constantly told apply to them.

No. 2331177

>Like basing your entire life off of whatever the Sonic Totem says
I've actually made major decisions based on Sanic kek

No. 2331179

How did it work for you?

No. 2331191

Went pretty well, mostly. I moved based on Sanic. It's kinda like if I'm stuck on a decision. I flip a coin. If I like the result I'm sure to do it this way, if it's not then I should try different approaches. It's about removing doubt I guess. Sanic is the same but a lot more fun.

No. 2331210

You aren't alone, I don't make major decisions necessarily but certainly have relied on Sanic a lot over the years. It's something I could probably never explain to most people in my life even though it's connected to a lot of my life kek
It's become more surreal with the modern sonic movies being a thing

No. 2331212

Can the /pol/ posting stop? Seriously, suddenly every thread in /ot/ feels like 4chan

No. 2331229

I'm just reporting every suspect post as a male or a racist. It's been very boring on here since Hellmas

No. 2331231

why do attractive people look good with their lips half open but when I do it I look retarded…

No. 2331236

>moon in leo
lol it figures

No. 2331237

hate fact printer goes brrrrr

No. 2331240

Can someone give me a fucking job why the FUCK did I get a masters?

No. 2331242

I'm actually going to start doing this. Not even because I believe in daddy sonic, but because I am indecisive as fuck.

No. 2331249

there is a sense of security when you put your decisions on something or someone's else hand. I'd rather rely on a sonic totem or astrology to make my decisions than let a male choose anything for me.

No. 2331253

Maybe you're just retarded as it is

No. 2331264

I hate when people phrase cutting an addict out of their life as them trying to help said addict in hopes that they’ll reach rock bottom and get help. I wish they could be honest and say they’re doing it because having an addict in your life is miserable and cutting them out is really the only thing you can do to protect yourself from the associated drama. Cutting someone off as means of controlling THEIR behavior is retarded cope.

No. 2331270

Leos in moon are based fuck off

No. 2331271

No because once I close my mouth I don't look retarded

No. 2331272

If you have a round face it can thin your cheeks. If you already have a narrow face it looks bad.
Shoo you

No. 2331275

Could be the size of your lips or the visibility of your teeth.

No. 2331292

Oh my god..I just realized I'm a neet

No. 2331299

There's some bug or cockroach or I don't fucking know in the walls or table or I don't know either and it makes tapping noises literally every five seconds in ten-second intervals and I don't know where the hell it is to kill it or get rid of it
I'm going to start hallucinating that sound in my dreams at this point I wanna burn down the house it's driving me insane hearing it ALL THE TIME

No. 2331301

Ha, I've been on the recieiving end of this. I'm sure I deserved it though.

No. 2331305

How did things shake out in the end with the person who cut you off?

No. 2331313

My mother, who still looks after my severe autist brother and is still wasting her life self-sacrificing for her other leeching child. We're not close but not hostile, either.

No. 2331333

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I hate that I'm so unlovable, and I hate that I'm such a failure. I honestly just want to reste my life with a healthy brain instead of one that has been mentally ill and constantly thinking about wanting die since since day one. I have some great odds, and I am stubborn, but my mentally ill brain keeps messing everything up and making me a constantly awkward mess despite how hard I try. I will never get married, I will barely pass uni and be a failure at whatever workplace I end up at. I can't connect with people properly because I'm constantly aware of how dumb, ugly and awkward I am and how much I hate myself. Maybe I could turn it around with the right help, but no doctor or psychatrist takes me seriously despite having a 20 year long history of self-harm and suicide attempts.

No. 2331338

Seeing my ex following girls on instagram then unfollowing them the next day when they don't flw back is so pathetic, he thinks that just because he got the chance to date me he's now some gigachad who can go after any girl but he doesn't know the reality that I was the only one stupid enough to date him. And he's the one who broke up with me. And yes, it's also pathetic from me to stalk him, cause honestly I genuinely loved him. I feel like one of these days he's gonna realize 99% of women aren't willing to put up with his boring loser ass like I did however I don't think he will ever return to me. He's way too prideful to do that. He'd rather die alone and bitter than acknowledge he fumbled me.

No. 2331357

whyyyy did my roommate need to suggest that the single huge pimple on my neck is a bug bite?? it doesnt itch, theres only one of it, there are no puncture marks like if it was a spider or anything. but now she's planted the seed and because ive also been feeling under the weather its made me additionally worried its the potential bite making me sick

No. 2331433

I want to cut I want to cut I want to cut I want to cut I want to cut so fucking bad, my entire being is SCREAMING for a razor blade to slice my skin and the high I get to escape from my misery for a bit. But I don’t want to deal with the shame, and it would be cruel to hurt myself now that I have a friend living under my roof. But I’m about to break

No. 2331444

Please don't do it nonny.

No. 2331452

Instead of cutting yourself, cut some vegetables and make some soup.

No. 2331458

thread pic makes me nauseous

No. 2331483

I’ve watched The Batman 2022 since it was on sale on Amazon prime , the visuals were so nice and I loved emo Bruce Wayne , even with his little nirvana soundtrack kek.

No. 2331487

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Starting to freak out about quitting my job. What if the one I want doesn't hire me? I was unemployed for months and now I’m panicking. I wasn’t even clear during the screening and I have to spend the weekend stressing about calling them back to mention the project I’m interested in. Also feeling extreme guilt because one of my aunts saw me working there and told my mother she was so happy to see me working and said I was so nice to the customers. Now my mom had to tell her I’m unemployed again. I also saw so many neighbors there kek, why is this shit town so small? Gosh I'm such a fuck up. I know I should have waited for the other job to hire me but I was so miserable in the former one. But I was probably going to quit anyway…? I'm pretty sure kek

No. 2331498

Movies and shows keep using songs now that I loved years ago when I was an angsty 12 year old and its so jarring to me lol.

No. 2331508

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I'm watching Sam Hyde's video about Elon Musk and it's so fucking faggy kek

No. 2331525

Took some anxiety pills and distracted myself with some youtube bullshit, so I'm good for now
Gotta do something about my get upset -> want to cut -> get upset for wanting to cut -> want to cut even more because now I'm doubly upset
Already eaten my allotted amount of calories today tho

No. 2331541

I'm sorry nonny, that is a really hard cycle to break out of. I'm proud of you for distracting yourself. Even if it feels small, it's still progress. You're doing what you can, and that matters. One step at a time okay? ♥

No. 2331547

There's a follow up mini series from it called the Penguin. Penguin is a piece of shit but Sofia is the other protagonist is awesome. No emo Bruce though

No. 2331550

I think my dad just watched The Nightingale… AGAIN. there is a scene with the mother getting raped by two men and her partner is forced to watch and then shot, all this is happening while there is a screaming baby in the room why the fuck does he want to watch that? For a second time? Why? He is always watching movies where people are screaming in agony being abused and killed. He also watched the different versions of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo where a woman also gets raped multiple times. This is the man my mom says i should be grateful and have respect for because i don't work or earn money and he pays everything in the house. Why the fuck do these movies, especially the Nightingale and other shit like Poor Things exist in the first place? None of that shit should've ever been made. What is the point? These movies don't inspire people to go protest against sex crimes or have empathy for rape victims, the disgusting actors and producers who make millions off this shit never use the money to persecute and go after predators and bring justice to real life victims, so what's the point of it all? Fuck my dad for watching that shit i will keep treating him like he is actual disgusting shit from a butt and i unironically look foward to humanity's downfall.

No. 2331557

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>try to anhero
>get stopped by mom
>get sent to looney bin
>years go by
>depressed, still suicidal
>mom tells me to stop being a parasitical neet and get a job or degree
>ok, i enroll in college
>tell my therapist i enrolled in college because of my mom threatened me
>she tells me thats wrong, that i should only do things if i want to
>tell her the only thing i want to do is to neet
>she tells me i cant do that
>i tell her i understand, thats why i enrolled in college
>she tells me i cant do things i dont want to do
>shit goes back and forth until the session is over

Holy shit what do people want of me? they dont want me to die, they also dont want me to go to college and force myself to do normie shit i dont want to. I was born retarded, ugly, thirdie and a fujoshi. It was over before it even started and they still get pissed at me when i try. I will never be some normie woman who wants to get a degree to then get a job to then get married to then get children. I am just happy surfing the web and watching anime, not much more. I fucking hate living.

No. 2331562

Thank you dear, you are very sweet. It's a hard habit to kick, it's like an addiction that never leaves your body no matter how long you manage to keep away, I wish someone had told me that when I was a teen instead of how it's a cry for help.

No. 2331563

Looking at my 2024 vision board, trying not to bawl my eyes out because nothing came true even though I tried so hard.

No. 2331572

therapists say whatever they think you want to hear, you should listen to your heart and try and take small steps out of your comfort zone. college is a great step and definitely worth it, it might seem scary and pointless now but you'll be much more secure with more education and social life behind you!

No. 2331573

Don't be sad nonnie, 2025 will be your year! Just gotta take it step by step and try not to overdo it, easier to turn big goals into small ones than vice versa

No. 2331575

don't be so hard on yourself, just try again, it will be okay

No. 2331590

Your therapist doesn't want to push you into anhero territory again, so she's telling you what she thinks you want to hear.
You can try to be blunt with her and tell her straight up that you don't like platitudes and sugar coating, it only makes you feel worse. She might take the hint, or she might not.
You definitely need to tell her that you want practical solutions to your problems. Pick a small, simple problem and discuss what you can do about it. Anything goes, as long as it's relatively small- basically, don't try to get her to fix your suicidal tendencies or retardation, get her to fix your eating and sleeping habits, or something similar. Then do the things she suggests and give her feedback during your next session. Keep doing that. Once she sees that you respond well to productive conversations, she'll be more straightforward.
And it doesn't matter if you only want to surf the web and watch anime, that's perfectly fine, you don't need to be a normie woman to be happy and fulfilled. But you need to do something with your life in order to watch anime and scroll all day. Jobs aren't there for emotional fulfillment, they're a means to an end. School is a little different, these days the subjects you study don't have much correlation with the job you get at the end, so it's a good idea to study something you enjoy. Even if you don't like it much it's still going to help you adjust to normie life and shows you've done something during the time you were unemployed.
Please keep us updated nonna, I'm sending you strength and love for the year ahead. I've been in a similar situation, and I know you can make it out.

No. 2331602

Don't worry I wrote out 101 things I wanted to do and only achieved 11 kek. Shit happens.

No. 2331610

Why did you try an hero? Was there something about the you then you didn’t like? Have you changed since? You don’t have to be a normie. You can get a job with skills you have hopefully developed since being a NEET, like at least some form of literacy towards technology and get a job in that field to buy more anime and fujoshi shit in your time off. I never had a career I wanted to do, I just want the money to be a consoomer

No. 2331625

i'm surrounded by people who don't want to do ANYTHING EVER. for any plan, i have to pick a place, time, event whatever and then constantly remind them of it so that we actually go, every single fucking time. i want to go out and have fun, like it's friday night and i want to do things and be pretty and have fun with friends. but everyone would rather stay in their rooms watching tv i just don't get it. i love to stay in too but just once in a while i would like to actually go out and enjoy stuff. yeah i know i just need to find people who also do but it seems like literally nobody wants to, and no way am i gonna go out and clubbing with randos that i hardly know

No. 2331648

I cut friends off like this because I got sick of feeling like I was begging to hang out or like they didn’t care as much for me as I them. Wouldn’t recommend clubbing alone but maybe try going to live music events in your area alone. Alone you are more likely to make friends with people as people are more likely to approach you, especially in smoking areas, just have a lighter kek. I have made so many friends in the last 5 years this way, ones who actually go outside because I met them outside.

No. 2331649

>no way am i gonna go out and clubbing with randos that i hardly know
that's part of the problem. if you want friends that go clubbing, you usually meet them at the clubs. you have to put yourself out there in the situations that you want to be in to find your people.

No. 2331666

Probably not the best advice to tell a woman to go out to a club alone

No. 2331672

at a certain point trying to limit my world and make me feel small and helpless all the time just gets tired. there's always a chance that something bad can happen, but i can't let the fear of bad things happening control my life and keep me from doing the things that i want to do. obviously be safe and keep your well being in mind, but i just think it's disingenuous to act like going out alone is a death sentence.

No. 2331673

I tried explaining it to her, but she kept recommending me to find a job or do some courses instead. Things i dont want to do either and are way harder than opening a book and pretending to care about lectures tbh. It made me really frustrated because i am putting the effort into improving my life, but that doesnt seem to be enough for her. It's like she doesnt understand my problem, i know its hard for normal people to understand that some people just dont have any form of motivation to live, but i thought a therapist would at least be more understanding to it. It felt like talking to brick wall. Thanks for the encouragement nonnies.
>Why did you try an hero?
mom had cancer and was on the brink of dying, my only friend was some creepy scrote that tried to rape me, i am a thirdie, i had undiagnosed ADHD, plus some other bullshit i dont remember.
>get a job in that field to buy more anime and fujoshi shit in your time off.
thats the thing, i live in a shithole. The average salary here is less than 100 usd. So i dont even have the motivation to work just to consoom. I think working would actually push me to finally rope for good.

No. 2331676

Im not trying to limit your world i couldn't give a fuck but clubs are a bit different from other third place spaces since men will be at them specifically looking for vulnerable women.

No. 2331681

you can be alone in a club and also not be vulnerable

No. 2331683

i'm a bitter mean bitch in my 20s and i'm disappointed but i can't be surprised, it was inevitable with the life decisions i've made. every day i'm so passive aggressive to my mom but when i try to move out this bitch will give me so much shit. i'm still young i suppose but my childhood my adolescent feel like a fucking graveyard of time and all wasted.

No. 2331685

Yet you're telling OP to go to clubs alone to meet other people clubbing. Just saying probably not the best advice to tell a woman to go to a club alone. A concert alone I can understand since there's more security but I wouldn't rely on fucking doormen keeping me safe

No. 2331686

i didnt mean you specifically i meant society in general. its like ever since i was a little girl all of society has been screaming at me telling me that im small, im weak, im defenseless, im vulnerable, im powerless, etc etc, and at a certain point it gets boring. i had to vomit up all the fake bs they shoved down my throat. i took self defense classes and i carry a weapon and im street smart. i dont have to be afraid all the time because i have faith in myself and i believe in myself. im not a sitting duck now, and maybe i never was. i can do things on my own and go places on my own. men are looking for vulnerable women everywhere on this earth, not just clubs.
thats a different anon youre replying to, not me.

No. 2331688

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How the fuck do I know a destransitioner and she's thinking about taking T and retransitioning to some genderdemon she was never on T before why now?? Why now??

No. 2331690

I fucking hate my classmates, I'm an uni student doing my masters degree and my classmates all they do is whine. I understand shit is hard! I understand wanting to vent cuz there's a lot of work, sometimes you can have a hard time organising yourself, and sometimes teachers can be annoying, I get it! But why complain all the goddamn time and not do anything to fix it? If you have an issue with a teacher then at least try to talk to him instead of seething on a goddamn Instagram chat all the time. They whine about all the work we have and then later they say stuff like "I'm going to tell the teacher to move the deadline" or "should we lie to the teacher about what we had to give him?", why not work instead of complaining all the damn time? And like I get it, you shouldn't burnout yourself, you should know to take breaks and not be a machine, but then why does it feel like I'm the only one who knows how to organise myself? Why am I the only one who always finishes stuff before or during the deadline?
It's a small group so interaction with them is inevitable. I always try to be invisible in class too, so whenever they whine I just don't say anything cuz I don't want any trouble, tho I have been tempted to say "shut up already". The only thing really keeping me sane is the fact that I'll finish my masters next year, and after that I'll never see them again (tho secretly I wish some drop out before that).

No. 2331693

some clubs and clubbing events are not any different from a concert. go to a Taylor Swift midnights party and club with swifties lol

No. 2331704

To detransition and retransition is some wild brain washing.

No. 2331709

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>getting off ssris (have been on them on and off for 8 years)
>i feel better and less empty and have more creativity
>but my desire for romantic and sexual affection is back and i feel painfully lonely
god i hate my life

No. 2331711

looking at the twitter accounts of silicon valley guys has made me realize that it has been over for me before it could have even begun. why wasn’t i born a 135 iq shape rotator….

No. 2331713

How the hell is she getting brainwashed? Low self-esteem I guess
The trade off to being a silicon valley bro is being hideous and an incel, though

No. 2331717

>getting off ssri
girl, give it a month

No. 2331719

thank youu nona i didn't expect to actually get good advice but this is an amazing suggestion. im just so shy sometimes but we do have a lot of cool live music events here so i should give it a try. i never go out alone but i need to start trying lol since none of my current friends or bf care about doing anything. i will remember my lighter! that's such a good suggestion really thank you
i agree with you both lol i see both sides. tbh the whole reason i want to go with the people i already trust is because i like to get fucked up drinking and smoking and they will be with me the whole time. the clubs i enjoy are also a little rough so it sucks when i don't have anyone willing to go with me. i just wish things were different lol. i will have to be content with some other events alone i guess even though i love my sketchy clubs and hanging with my friends (when they actually rarely agree to go)

No. 2331720

Congratulations. I didn’t last long on SSRIs as they didn’t make me any less depressed. Everything mundane and I was still suicidal but too lazy to kms or they just caused me to have nightmares so I would wake up stressed anyway (Zoloft). I saw a video the other day saying brain shocks can cause brain damage, unsure if true or not as conflicting information on the web, so be careful to taper yourself off

No. 2331725

i probably already have brain damage from being on effexor when i was like 15 so i dont even care

No. 2331726

i would rather be a wealthy and intelligent “incel” (most of these guys could get gfs if they tried hard enough) than a retard

No. 2331727


No. 2331735

im so bored that sometimes i think death would be better, nothing is fun anymore. everything is either completely boring or annoys me why life

No. 2331736

depression can do that

No. 2331738

Has the genderdemon been diagnosed for autism or they BPD? There’s no way someone with gender dysphoria would flip flop back and forth, there has to be something else going on. Pharma need to stop handing out hormone pills

No. 2331740

if she never learned to manage or process her dysphoria it's not surprising. a lot of women may not even identify as male but still like the effects of T or getting the mastectomies.

No. 2331744

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>practically starved myself during my last year of college before i stopped going so i could get a job
>was back to my og skinny petite body
>unironically had a thigh gap i didn’t even know i had it was so nice i finally felt like those normie girls i was jealous of on the internet when i was a sad and impressionable teenager
>universe says nope
>pcos says fuck everything with my body and says “it’s time to bloat!”
>birth control was sort of maintaining the weight i had lost and kept hormonal acne at bay
>stops taking it because of health anxiety
>bloats up like a fucking balloon
>bacne from the hormonal imbalance going absolutely insane i look like a roided gymbro high on testosterone with this amount of bacne
I want to strap the creators of this world to a fucking pole, attach ropes to their arms and legs to a truck and then get inside the truck and smash my legs down on the engine and pull their limbs until it rips out of their body and drive over their remains. I’m so fucking sick and tired of this shit, I CANT EVEN HAVE ONE THING NOPE NOT ONE THING EVER IN THIS LIFE. I CANT BE FREE OF MOIDS, I CANT BE FREE OF SUFFERING, I CANT BE FREE OF CHRONIC FATIGUE, I CANT BE FREE OF CONSTANTLY FEELING LIKE IM FIGHTING FOR THAT TRUE GENUINE FEELING OF PEACE AND TRANQUILITY WHERE I CAN SIGH WITH A DEEP KNOWING SHIT WILL STAY THE SAME… shit just isn’t the same man

No. 2331751

Your dad sounds annoying to live with but Poor Things isn't actually a story about a woman being raped, it's about a woman leaning bodily autonomy. It's not everyone's cup of tea and the first half of the movie feels absolutely awful to watch but I appreciate that even though she takes part in sex work she is never actually raped even though it would have been so easy for them to throw that in as a scene.

I don't think anyone should be forced to watch that film if they don't want to, and tbh I would be sus of any man watching it

No. 2331763

Poor Things is disgusting as fuck.

No. 2331786

It's not about a "woman" learning body autonomy. It's about a literal toddlers brain having a ton of hypersexual encounters in a woman's body. The brain is that of a toddler, the movie is stating that toddlers would have tons of uninhibited sex and be joyful and happy about tf

No. 2331797

That too I won't disagree, it's also a surreal examination of the born sexy troupe
I don't think it's a film everyone should watch but imo it's not without merit is all I'm saying

No. 2331802

Ok Emma

No. 2331803

Thank you! I was reeing about this when I watched it. I was ill informed by the trailers and thought it was a modern take on the Bride of Frankenstein, then afterwards when looking for articles that validated how I felt about it all they spoke about was “woo feminism! empowering autonomy!”. It honestly felt like when neckbeards try to justify lusting after their loli waifu by saying “um actually she is a 9000 year old vampire”, except ok what if we put a toddler brain in an adult body, can we now fuck it? And even overlooking that part as possibly being a misunderstanding, what about the scene where she has sex with a man who gets his son to watch as some sort of “sex education”, isn’t that a crime? Having sex in front of minors? Why are they condoning this?! I’m angry all over again

No. 2331810

i never watched that but its my rule that i dont watch any movie with sex scenes or especially rape scenes. theres no reason for them its just for men's cooming purposes and only detracts from the experience for me. same reason why i dont read eroge visual novels. im not trying to sound like a prude but explicit sexual content should be separate from something trying to tell a meaningful story

No. 2331814

I hear you nona, I don’t understand why sex scenes in movies can’t just be alluded to if it’s crucial to the plot. They make me feel uncomfortable too and means I cannot watch any movies with my family that are not made for literal children because Hollyweird sticks sex and nudity in to everything now and excessively too. I unfortunately didn’t check anything out about Poor Things before watching and just clicked on it on Disney+ and then was met with hours of basically porn with predatory undertones.

No. 2331843

I need to make that rule. Don't think I can watch another "actshually this movie is ~deep~ because it shows a woman's experience getting raped/abused and how that's bad" movie. All the moids I know love stuff with dark themes and while I can appreciate some aspects, there's so much suffering for female characters. Like at what point does it go from examination of a woman's abuse to exploitation for shock value/sexual gratification? We all know getting raped is bad why is it in so many movies as the defining component for female characters, and so graphically too? Do I really need to see that pain over and over?

No. 2331858

101 is lofty goal and 11 is better than zero! Good job

No. 2331871

I'd try this but I hate the fucking smell of lavender.

No. 2331872

Ever since I started my skincare jouurney with the goal of clearing my hyperpigmentation and texture, it feels like my skin picking problem has got worse. I use metal tools to pop my pimples and blackheads now, and they leave awful scars. The open wounds and pores also introduce bacteria (yes I sanitize both my skin and tools) so I get even more pimples/boils. I just can't stop doing it. It feels awful.

No. 2331875

sorry but going to rough sketchy clubs and getting fucked up on booze and weed sounds hellish, I wouldn’t want to do that either I’m sorry to say. Maybe they just aren’t into that but would do other things. Maybe an option somewhere in between party mode and home tv binge you could find something you and your friends are both into

No. 2331895

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I've been sick as a dog for over a week and I'm lying in bed and can't breathe for shit. Why.

No. 2331900

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This post is a talisman of longevity. May you heal.

No. 2331903

Thank you blessed nona

No. 2331908

I'm currently in this situation as the boring homebody kek. Been slowly ghosting my friends who love to go out and get fucked up because although I think it's fun too, it's been kinda spoiled by too many bad experiences. Getting groped in mosh pits, cornered into conversations by guys who won't take no for an answer, my drink's been spiked before too. I realized even if I like music and dancing with my friends and getting drunk I needed to be on guard the whole time and ready to deal with moid bullshit towards both myself and my friends. staying home and smoking a joint just sounds a million times better. No ill will towards my old clubbing friends though and I hope you find your people, just perspective from the other side I guess. I met all the coolest people I know in the smoking areas of hole in the wall bars and still go out sometimes but it's lost its magic for sure

No. 2331913

Hope you feel better soon

No. 2331935

My dad didn't do his fucking taxes and idk how I'm going to get any financial aid…

No. 2332042

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I got stressed last night and ripped my fingernails out of my right hand. I’ve been doing well so not entirely sure where that came from, but now it hurts to do anything so I’ve just been laying in bed crying most of the day.

No. 2332069

how do you even do that. Pliers?

No. 2332091

Idk you sound retarded. why would you want to cut? it hurts and it leaves scars and does nothing for you. You need to find better ways to manage your anxiety because this is not productive at all.
(this is what i would tell myself idk if it helps but i tried)

No. 2332096

I keep fapping to male gaze porn due to the lack of novelty in the few female-oriented nsfw creators I know
I feel ashamed of myself everytime especially because most of the time I end up getting off to the thought of being objectified
I should just stop porn altogether but ngl it feels too good, imagination or even audio porn just don't get me as horny
Idk what to do

No. 2332099

at least now i know that even though the thought of being able to trust someone when you're most vulnerable feels good, it simply isn't something you should actually do

No. 2332102

If you can't do it without outsiders input you're not horny enough, so you might as well just not do it.

No. 2332105

I might not be dying of horniness everytime but I still like to have that release before bed, it helps me close off the day and feel like I took time for myself
(No lighting candles and meditating or whatever boring activity I could do instead won't do)
I just wish there was more sole-male stuff aimed at women

No. 2332119

I thought 30 was old as fuck and smashed through the wall??? I was so excited to be old, irrelevant, and left alone by thirsty scrotes.

When I was younger it was thirsty old guys trying to steal my youth, and now it's thirsty young guys trying to capitalize on my maturity.

Leave me aloneee, when will I find peace

No. 2332122

How about vintage porn? It’s aesthetically nice since they actually had to try back then and just due to time you know what to avoid if the actress was exploited. For instance keep away from Lynda Lovelace stuff. I’ve recently discovered Marilyn Jess and many of her scenes genuinely look better than entire Netflix movies.

No. 2332127

Trying to avoid interacting with my family so I've become nocturnal but now I can't go outside either because of that. God leave me the FUCK alone

No. 2332141

I seriously doubt vintage porn isn't male gazey, I'm not complaining about poor quality, I'm complaining about the fact the woman is taking up 90% of the screen, that the actors are super fucking ugly, and in general the camera angles and positions are made to please a male spectator

No. 2332159

I feel that I'm otherwise a great friend, I'll help all my friends out and go above and beyond in making sure they're comfortable with me. But my main flaw is that I'm possessive. Not in the way that I would openly lash out at them but the kind who will fester silently and heavily struggles to join them in their happiness when they have someone else who also brings them joy. I always feel like I have to be their top priority or I'm nothing, like I'll get thrown out with the trash the second they find a person who fulfills their needs better than me. And having a really low self-esteem, to me even an unwashed sock would check the boxes necessary. I'm damaged by the bad relationships and friends I've had in the past where I was quite literally completely abandoned out of nowhere because they just got tired of me and felt like they exhausted the resources I was offering them, and the transactions between us weren't necessary to them anymore. I hate this life-crippling trait so much and I keep sabotaging my relationships and avoid getting too emotionally invested in the people around me to protect myself from the pain I know they're capable of inflicting upon me. I don't know what to do. How the hell can I work on this?

No. 2332164

I will kill myself, I am starting to plan everything out

No. 2332171

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Decided to do Dry January this year because I’m a functioning alcoholic who won’t remain functioning for long if I keep this shit up to improve my health, but holy fuck. I don’t even have a sweet tooth normally, but my blood sugar and dopamine must be all over the place because I’m craving sweet things like crazy. I want to lose some weight but I won’t be able to if I’m still getting empty calories from eating candy instead of drinking. At least it’s not alcohol I guess, I’m trying to give myself some grace during this first week.

No. 2332173

Switch to fruit and nuts

No. 2332178

My friend said she felt more understood and cared for by her ex who she shit on for years when he hit her up for a "quick fuck" and they had a one night stand in comparison to our friendship
I don't know if we should be friends anymore

No. 2332189

Seek professional help, not Lolcow. Rather than actually kys just “kill” the self you don’t like metaphorically and start again somewhere else, change your appearance, move away, get a different job, go places you wouldn’t usually go, larp as someone else’s life for a while, fake it until you make it.

No. 2332198

>larp as someone else’s life for a while
it sounds like you're suggesting murder and identity theft anon. Probably makes more sense to keep the person alive who wants to be that way imo

jk but the suicidal person shouldn't run from her problems but confront them. Your advice is really bad, this is something alcoholics are known for

No. 2332222

From personal experience (both me and my father quit drinking) it's easier to quit if you embrace the sugar cravings rather than fighting them. My father got through the first few months before not drinking became a habit by eating lots of chocolate, I got really into waffle fries, we both gained weight in the short term but ended up skinnier than when we started because the sugar cravings eventually go away and you're not drinking your calories or drunk snacking anymore.

No. 2332228

My God why do some of you give advice like you're literal teenagers who watch too many movies

No. 2332233

ayrt, thank you guys, I'm sorry for all of this. I just found a job and am starting it next week, but the circumstances that make me so depressed, I can't take it anymore. With this job, change might come, but it will be slow. I don't know whether I have the strenght to live through it. If I am presented with a loaded gun right now, I would shoot myself. I'm not strong enough to see the end, it feels like I have no future

No. 2332238

I can’t find the wagie thread but my manager comes in two hours late every single day so I decided that I’m not going to do anything until he gets here even though I’m technically on the clock. It’s just tiresome because it’s a low skill wagie job that requires multiple people. I asked him before about why he schedules himself so early in the morning despite having a hard time getting up and ready and he’s like “idk lol I guess I don’t care”
I’m convinced he’s just a perv and wants to match his schedule with mine. When I briefly worked nights, he also decided he wanted to work nights. Now I’m back to 6 am schedule and he also scheduled himself at 6 am but the lazy fuck isn’t here.

No. 2332240

It’s hilarious how nona said they had a plan to kill themselves 2 hours ago and none of you cared to respond until advice you didn’t like was given then all you cared about was arguing against said given advice. Telling someone to not kys and create a life they do like is running away from their problems instead of facing them? Or watching too many movies? I sometimes forget on here that people are turbo autists who read things literally and jump to the stupidest conclusion of murder and identity theft for telling someone to dye their hair and change where they live kek

why does it make you depressed not being unemployed?

No. 2332248

Ah no, sorry if I didn't make myself clear (esl retard here). I'm very happy I'm finally employed, but, in order to begin to live a little, I need to change my living situation, which will take a lot of time. These things don't happen overnight, y'know? But I feel like I don't have the strenght and will to survive this, in order for things to start looking up again. I'm sorry

No. 2332260

What is it with anons outing themselves accidentally? I'm still scarred by a anon who accidentally leaked her twitter and turned out to be a e-thot or something. Ugh.

No. 2332265

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I'm worried about my relationship. It feels weird.
We both feel bored often, but can't find ways to have more fun. We're so fundamentally similar, but also different in ways that I feel drive a large wedge between us. He doesn't mean for it to be this way, but I often feel wrong and strange trying to be creative or share my interests with him. The former is the hardest part, I struggle to show him anything I've made or writing ideas I've had. It's almost like my will to "be myself" gets sapped because there's some base level requirement to "prove" something to him, often in the form of a small argument. I feel like I need to literally insist on myself, and I don't want to. I hate doing that. It's a constant push and pull. He's getting better about it, but it's tiring. I'm trying not to lose myself. I know he doesn't want me to, either. He gets sad if he senses me pulling back on things, but he makes it hard at the same time. I don't know. I don't mean to be annoying, but I guess I am. Maybe I'm just too sensitive, or he's too irony-poisoned.

No. 2332266

lolcow doesn’t seem like the worse forum to accidentally out yourself on because you can delete it immediately after and the only people that can see are the mods I’d imagine.

No. 2332269

Self posting or advertising isn't a new concept on lolcow. It's bannable too. Some anons don't care as long as they're not being connected to their more unhinged anon thoughts.

No. 2332274

No need to apologize. Baby steps. The fact you even had the strength to look for a job and not only that, you managed to get a job because they obviously saw potential in you is amazing and you should be proud of yourself. Even if you feel you have a long way to go, the fact you did what is actually the hardest part in my opinion means that you can easily do the rest with time. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Life is a journey, sometimes it’s slow, takes detours until you’re back on track but every day is a new day to do something that makes you happy, to learn something new, get a new hobby, an interest, to change something you actually don’t like too much to something you do actually like a lot. Every day is progress since this morning and yesterday. I hope you feel better soon nona

No. 2332299

Im gonna have to kill myself. Im just too lazy to live. I don't care about any career, i geniunely don't like any hobby, i'm sick of seeing and hearing misogynistic shit from scrotes and pickmesnevery day when i don't look for it, and i'm just too mentally ill. The problem isn't anything around me, it's just my brain. My brain and the world around isn't worth fighting for.

No. 2332307

>I know it will be lonely for some time but I feel hopeful that I will put my energy towards meeting new people this year.
I cut out a friend like that so I really get the pain. Though when it's all of your friends and you don't have anyone else to fall back on I recommend keeping just one of them. Pick the one that's the easiest to stand being around. Still phase that last one out too, just see them way less. You will eventually stop seeing them too but going from having friendships (even if draining) to complete loneliness can be VERY hard. Wait until you've already found new potential friends to hang out with until you cut the last old one out. You've spent years being used by these people, so you using them a tiny bit at the end is fair.

No. 2332310

Try to casually peak everyone else behind the tifs backs. If you're lucky some of them might be gender critical too.
A good way to peak semi-wokes is to point out "phobic" things like "Tif was being so homophobic earlier, like since when does a boy liking pink mean he's not a real boy?? are we in the 1950s???".

No. 2332323

I am the most cucked person in the world right now. I guess it’s always the case with TIFs, huh? But I question her sense of self, what even is the real you? You change your entire course, are clearly ok with being viewed as a girl now, just for a man, you want to be his manic pixie dream girl. You fucking cut your hair in the exact same cut as Ramona Flowers for fucks’ sake. I hope he breaks your heart, really. And he liked you like that, models you like that. I hope he fucks you over. I wonder what will happen then, if you’ll feel the pain I feel, who you’ll model yourself after next. Just another heterosexual man getting his ego stroked having someone so beautiful wanting to be with a toe-rag looking creature. In fact, she changed her entire being for you, pulled the self-hate out of you by the power of dicksucking when no sanity could. I hate that I can see the love in your eyes for such a thing.

No. 2332328

do men even know the feeling of alienation, or do they mistake it for the feeling of not having their ass kissed by society?

No. 2332332

The latter.

No. 2332336

I know the intent here is to imply men can't possibly have the same feelings a woman does, but alienation isn't sex specific. Ugly, retarded, useless, combative, autistic moids are heavily prone to alienation. Whether you feel sympathy for them is a separate issue.

No. 2332337

Wow that's awful. I definitely don't miss being a teenager. It'll get better anon, I promise.

No. 2332343

What the fuck happened to the old users on this website

No. 2332346

>I question her real self
A narcissistic self-loather

No. 2332350

I think narcissism does corelate with full blown BPD

No. 2332352

Got probably approached by a scrote in public who asked me to go get a drink with him. I said no and I genuinely thought he was going to beat me in broad daylight. I somehow managed to pace around and have him in front of a descending flight of stairs and he decided to go down them and leave me alone. I might have been the one pushed down the stairs by the look in his eyes. And then people wonder why we can't say no

No. 2332356

They're still here, they just changed, like everything does. You relied on everyone staying the same, but people are mutable.

No. 2332365

Don’t know why you’re assuming, the boyfriend in question is 21-22, granted we’re slightly younger.

No. 2332367

>granted we’re slightly younger.
That's good. So like I said, it's difficult being your age because when you're older you'll realize that you're pining over the type of person people refer to as "a cow" here

No. 2332371

male alienation means being male which goes along with being misogynistic, and being a misogynistic man inherently puts you in the boy's club. and nowadays it's easier for male maladjusts to find and suck each other off, in ways it isn't really for women because there are less of us. and many of these women end up shackled to males (often ending up defined by sexual trauma instead, which is alienating but in a different way than what i'm thinking).

No. 2332426

Getting so many cringe memories of dumb shit I did as a child for some reason aaaaaaaack I want to shoot myself in the face. They're not even objectively that cringe but ugh.

No. 2332483

Eating with such a small stomach it's so ASS, everyone in my family has this problem, it's just a thing for us. Can't ever indulge, always gotta be careful with portions or drinking too much. Been like that since ever, it's so boring and frankly infuriating. Most people struggle with overeating issues/ binge eating and here I am, feeling like a damn balloon after half a cup of soda, wish those were my problems. It's always normies talking about how they ate 2 packs of cookies by themselves and still feel hungry, only thing actually stopping them from eating more being guilt, how tf is that even possible?? If I had a big stomach I'd be fat as hell tbh, eating whatever I want whenever I want, sounds like a dream. No wonder so many are overweight nowadays, if I could, I'd be too

No. 2332487

im so tired of being fat and having issues with food it literally ruined my life. if only this one issue were fixed my life would be great. and i realise its such an easy fix, i just need to eat less. but food controls me so much. theres not one minute that goes by without me thinking about it and as much as i try to resist eventually i give up. im so tired of this shit. the only time ive successfully lost weight was when i was taking eca stacks but those gave me crazy mood swings and when i stopped i gained the weight back.
the only reason why im not morbidly obese is because i exercise like crazy to compensate, but this only gets me to maintain a slightly overweight bmi. if theres anything i could wish for in the world is just to have a normal relationship with food. sounds like such a first world problem and i know it is but this is just the reality

No. 2332492

The duality of a nonna

No. 2332503

kek i guess everyone wants what they dont have. i wish i could switch places with you skinnyanon

No. 2332507

My feet and legs got way too dark after falling asleep at the beach. Tan skin looks so good on others but not on me for some reason, my skin is not glowing it just looks hyperpigmented and dull, like leather. I just want to go back to my original skin tone damnit

No. 2332521

I always kek when I had fallouts with friends who later become fans of my artwork at cons/online without realizing. One example: someone who pretends I don't exist, had a sister buying my merch and didn't recognize me until it was too late. I still got my money and gave great service regardless. Also when they tag eachother on my posts without knowing its my art because they want their friends to see

No. 2332534

I've had a terrible day and I've taken it out on people online including being a bitch on lc for no reason, this is my apology to the universe. I'm gonna go chill now.

No. 2332535

you could glow too if you moisturized, but tbh sometimes that shine is from literal oil. why do you think black people are obsessed with lotions, oils, and butters?

No. 2332536

I have a sugar addiction and it fucking sucks. Nobody else even takes it seriously and everyone tries to undermine any attempts at getting over it. Food addiction is such a big issue and people barely even talk about it

No. 2332537

Man, I think I have to come in terms with the fact that the type of man I’m into tends to have a certain fetish for a race, so I’ll probably never have a chance. They’re otherwise pretty well-adjusted, emotionally intelligent, social, decent looking men but their nerdy side makes them gravitate towards certain women, and it’s just so discouraging and such a turn off. I wish my ethnicity had positive stereotypes, so (decent) moids would be as blind about attractiveness as they are when it comes to those women, solely because of being blinded by a fetish. I feel like I have to go above and beyond for the bare minimum. I see so many of these guys fawning over very average/below average looking women as if they were goddesses. Good for them cause it’s usually the other way around…this not supposed to be racebait which is why I’m being vague. I’m just being envious, is all. And I’m not saying being fetishized by moids is inherently good I’m just saying that it comes with certain advantages such as having more options.

No. 2332544

Well, the ones who will really only look at women through the lens of their weird fetishes aren’t worth anyone’s time anyway tbh, I get what you mean about options though but there’s a reason fetishized women often prefer to specifically avoid those men too despite it limiting their dating pool. I know it sucks because the masses of moids are shallow losers but hey, if one is actually worth spending your life with, then great, and if not, better to be alone anyway. A man with correct priorities will see you for who you are. And if they don’t, life is fulfilling by pursuing your dreams, being good to others, being kind to yourself, and surrounding yourself with people who are kind to you in turn, not just a significant other. I wish you the best anon.

No. 2332554

same nona. i've tried quitting cold turkey and it didn't work, but eating only a little doesn't work either because i have no moderation when it comes to sugar. bleak. someone should lock me up

No. 2332559

sugar addiction isn't real, do some research into it. it's likely your gut biome influencing your eating habits and cravings. believing in sugar addiction is actually contributing to a placebo effect as well.

No. 2332564

I finally realized why this dude lied to me about his age. He said he was 19 then 23 lol I think he's 27. I'm 30, so I didn't understand why he went for so much younger, when trying to flirt with me.

this 25 year old guy was trying to flirt with me, then asked how old I was, saying stuff like making sure I'm 18 or whatever since it was an all ages show. oh ew so do I look like a child?

how fucking creepy of that first guy if I really was young, to lie about his age like that.

also the way they all start acting like I want to be their cougar when they find out my age is gross. they're like the little boys who cling to the teacher

No. 2332565

NTA but it is absolutely a real thing.
Doesn’t make it any less silly but it is a thing for many people. Why do you think there are so many fat people walking around. They’re wearing their addiction for all to see

No. 2332568

addiction is physiological. lack of willpower is a moral failing.

No. 2332590

im going to spike you with heroine and then see how your willpower holds up then

No. 2332594

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I hate seeing women make tranny comics and emphasize how “male” they are. It’s like have you literally ever been around a man? Or a group of them? If you ever said that shit in front of them you’d get BTFO’d immediately. And as much as I hate trannies I’d still feel bad because it’s clear that you hate yourself and have a very warped idea of males.

No. 2332596

from what i've read there are some studies that show sugar is an addictive substance and has a similar effect on the brain as some other substances like nicotine. obviously not as physiologically addictive as something like heroin but it has an affect on your dopamine receptors and your brain can become dependent on it to release dopamine. i know a lot of fatties use it as an excuse to not do anything about their diet but drug addicts do the same thing.

No. 2332601

i'm jumping in here to say that being able to overcome addictions is like… kinda fun actually. just fucking do it. you'll feel like shit for a few days and its pretty motivating.
i've quit multiple substances with no help and balls to the wall cold turkey and now i'm convinced nothing will ever kill me

No. 2332604

You’ll choke from how much dick you’re sucking, slow down.

No. 2332606

can you tell me which im curious now kek. you sound badass nonna

No. 2332614

>acknowledging how cruel men are is white-knighting them

Hope this is bait because if not you’re an absolute retard kek

No. 2332618

Proof fat people are just mentally weak people. Everyone tried to say otherwise but in the end it’s just that your genetics failed your brain to lack the self-control others are capable of, kek

No. 2332621

Manspreading might or might have not been a certain countries anti-feminist propaganda but I'm convinced it's an actual problem. How is it possible for two men to take up SIX seats in a bus? I swear at this point they're just asking for someone to kick them in their exposed nuts.

No. 2332625

Find out WHY you eat so much. Get to the root of the problem and fix it anon. If not you’ll just keep cycling.

No. 2332635

Sorry for responding so late, thank you so much nonna I'll screenshot this because I need to read it. Thank you, it made me feel better

No. 2332637

thanks for the advice anon, i started therapy recently so hopefully it can help.
it's definitely a way for me to cope in stressful situations because when my studies and personal life were going good i lost 10kg in a matter of months due to not binging and just eating normally. but nowadays my mental health has been spiralling and it's been hard to control the urges. but i know i can pull myself together again like i did before.
i know it's something i'm in control of and no one is forcing me to binge but it's just really frustrating to be at war with your own head 24/7. but people elsewhere in the world are dying from starvation so i will survive kek

No. 2332645