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No. 2318973
>>2318922This is such a sad response to give that
nonnie and I hope she reads mine instead of yours.
No. 2318997
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I'm kind of sick of people making comments about my driving anxiety. The comments are not a regular thing and they don't directly call me a loser but they do make small, snide or sly comments like "well you never drive anyway" as if I'm just lazy or expecting people to give me lifts. The thing is I passed my test first time with only 2 minor faults in 2019, and I was driving in my fairly rural hometown for around a year. I even drove over the motorway with no google maps for 2 hours, alone, for the first time at night! I know that I am not a necessarily "bad" driver but I'm not confident at all, and quite anxious behind the wheel unless it's a quiet night on roads that I'm familiar with. The thing is, I didn't ask for people to make comments about my anxiety and I also don't ask/expect people to taxi me around at all. I currently live in a busy city in the UK that's notorious for extremely bad and aggressive drivers to the point where people make memes about the standard of driving here. I drove here a few times when I first moved here, and although I didn't crash or anything, it was still busy and stressful and extremely overwhelming.
I obviously struggle with anxiety, and because of that I feel extremely ashamed of not being "normal" and capable of doing normal things like everyone else can. But what makes me feel even more unmotivated and even more shit is when people make small comments about it as if I am lazy. I am not lazy, my brain clearly works very different to yours, and I wish you would just respect that and please not point out my insecurities out loud as if it's going to help anything. It's very easy to point fingers and call me an autist or that I'm scared to drive when you haven't lived a day in my shoes or what it's like to feel like a loser or abnormal because I struggle to control my anxiety. This shit is ruining my life and I really need to be on medication and tackle my fears but damn I wish people could keep their rude comments to themselves and let me fix my life on my own without rude comments. But yet if I were to bite back at these people and call them retarded for having children super young or making dumb hurtful life decisions or make comments about their own mental health that would probably be too far, right? I'm seeing this pattern of people thinking it's okay to pick at my faults or flaws but I could never possibly do that shit to them because that would be unacceptable.
No. 2319130
>>2319112I'm not fishing for pity and there's nothing redeemable about myself
if there's anyone I wouldn't ever want to interact with as a friend, it's certainly myself
No. 2319211
>>2318973i just read it
nonnie and it was really kind of you to take the time to respond and i think i am wise enough despite the influence of emotions to recognize that your response is a better solution/way to go about it rather than just basing my worth, especially as an artist, on how skinny i am or how pretty i am. its incredibly fucked up but i have been crying over the coverage of luigi, a male, and how he can gain such admiration not only for his act but who he was as a person. i dont want to seek admiration from what i do, its so fickle and holds me back because i feel i cant compete with anyone. thus, aligning with what you said, i must compete with myself.
i will say that my particular creative outlets are not illustration, though for a project i do need to improve in that regard so hm! maybe i will take you up on the offer to ask for advice in that thread.
nonnie im getting my period, im insane this evening
No. 2319237
>>2319235>only retards use drugsonly retards who never tried anything say that.
drugs make your brain work differently so you can take a substance and see yourself or your skills in a different light. even a one time experience of a different mode of operation can remove self inflicted constraints of the ego that fuck with artistic expression, lower exaggerated shame and increase self confidence.
No. 2319251
>>2319246You look retarded when you say
>just do some drugs??? in response to anons saying that they feel like they’re not capable of making art, and then trying to double down on it by saying that doing drugs “lowers your inhibitions” kek. I don’t think snorting a few lines will help our
nonny create the type of art she’d like to
No. 2319414
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>Selling on eBay for 2+ years
>Sold over 55 items in those 2+ years
>Made over $1500 so far
>Never received a negative review
>Never sent a parcel out late
>STILL have to wait 2 months for eBay to release funds
It's so ridiculous. My buyer paid me on 18 December, I shipped the item on 20 December, and eBay tells me my payment will be ready late March 2025. It's such a joke. Whenever I ask about why my money takes so long, it's always "you don't have enough history on your account." I've been selling on this account for TWO years. When am I gonna have enough of a history? 5 years? 10 years? Just let me have my fucking money. I've never broken the terms of service, I've always had positive reviews, I always ship my items on time, WHY do I get treated like I'm a criminal bootlegger smuggler? It's fucking eBay not the bazaars of Algiers. Let me have my money eBay. I could understand a week, or two weeks, but more than 12 weeks?? Just to get a payout of $45? Such a fucking joke. This is why people don't sell on eBay.
No. 2319573
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>have crush on a my good friend of a couple of years
>know she isn’t into me, but still want to be her friend so try to get closer with her
>end up being very clingy at a party with her after getting very drunk
>couple of weeks later…
>she finds out that I was into her which is why I was so clingy that night
>proceeds to tell all of our mutual friends how she felt predated upon and how she doesn’t want to be around me anymore
>she hates me now
>basically all of our mutual friends have sided with her
>mfw I never laid a hand on her
>mfw I never said a word about how I felt to her
>mfw she said she felt “icked out” that I felt that way about her
>mfw when she bullshitted a bunch of reasons to explain why she never wants to talk to me again (her words)
its hard being a certified lover girl nonnas
No. 2319574
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I miss Britney Venti, I hope she's having a good Christmas
No. 2319576
I think that I struggle with identity issues because how I view myself is very different from how I'm being perceived by others. Maybe I'm a retard or an autist (and I actually mean it, maybe I should get checked) but when people describe me I often think "Yeah, no" but not in a superior kind of way, I'm puzzled.
I've been not been educated in the best way and I believe that good people can do bad things and vice versa but I think that what I do is basic human decency.
People describe me as kind, caring, the "mom figure", always there, always ready and when they do it's not like that I want to be edgy or shit like that by saying no but I think that what I do is the most normal shit ever. Yah of course I'm there when people need me, of course I can offer solutions to problems, of course I can support people and care for them, one time I offered to be a delivery person for groceries to a sick friend and I was viewed as some kind of saint. I think that's normal. My friends tell me that I think too much about things and their explanation but the thing that I think about is how they would pinpoint that, I mean it's not normal? One time a friend said "Most people wouldn't do a lick of what you do" and I'm like that's rough? People are that shitty? I get it, maybe I'm the overthinking retard and I would totally accept it as a label but it makes me a little sad thinking that people automatically assume that other people are shitty so if I do something kind, that comes to me automatically, they make surprised comments about it. It's not like I don't like compliments, its just baffling how kindness is being seen exceptional, that's all.
No. 2319612
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i love you…why don't you love me…this is worse than a breakup, i feel my heart slowly crumbling into pieces only you can put me back together again yet you turn away from me
look only my way please
it's a self fulling prophecy i hate it
i hate you
please don't go
don't leave me for her
No. 2319757
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was studying abroad in Korea, installed an app, matched with a guy, 10 days of texting we meet up, all we do is talk and we're still in touch even though I'm back in the states but during our little outing I felt he was trying to see how I felt so he could act accordingly and I was doing the same. anyway, I drunk called after the date and to me I felt like I got friendzoned. if I was prettier I feel like the outcome would be different, now I just feel like he's friends out of pity. I feel like I'm playing hard to get rid of but if we don't go without talking he sends a text. we didn't flirt before meeting but it was subtle, like we'll see. I'm just upset because I wish I was better. after meeting there hasn't been any sign he's still romantically interested in me GRRRR
No. 2319793
>>2319584>>2319573Samefag as before, but this is why I don’t bother coming out to my friends (I’m bi anyway).
Some women tend to be so weird and take you as a literal predator or think that you automatically have a crush on them, but they’ll joke about trying girls on the same breath kek.
No. 2319843
>>2319757continuation of vent
he was definitely romantically interested before meeting me
during our outing (I refuse to call it date because he didn't say it was a date but according to my friends it was a date, also he was also dressed for a date)
> made a reservation (bare minimum, nice gesture)> commuted like an hour and 30 minutes to see me >tried to meet me by my dorm (considerate, bare minimum)>got off at the wrong place so we met at the restaurant, after saying 'I thought you would wait for me outside, I arrive and I see him outside, with no puffer waiting for me (cute)>opens the doors (bare minimum, nice gesture)>he leads me to the table and he had already poured water into the cups (bare minimum, nice gesture though. customary in Korea, girl friends do it for me too)>when we sat down he very cutely and shyly hands me a hot pack, I use it and when I hand it back he says its for me (so cute, boyfriend material)>offered to pay for dinner (but then I made a petrified face because I'm so stupid and anxious) I said no, then he was quiet, asked if I had a Korean bank account, I said yes, and he till said he could pay with his card and then I can send him my half. we ended up splitting it>before meeting I expressed how I was sad asians don't really hug and he said "yup especially between men and women unless they are in a relationship". kept saying he would hug, pet me, maybe even hold hands when we met. at the end when he said bye, he veery quickly gave me a side hug that I wasn't expecting but I couldn't even hug back because it was that quick. overthinking that because of what he said but also because he didn't have to hug me, he could have just waved bye. but also it could have been a friendly hug and out of pity.
No. 2319859
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I'm trying to get used to wearing skirts again, it's an uphill battle but I don't want to let my body dysmorphia dictate everything in my life - it's already starting to affect my relationship with others and how I view other people's bodies (with quite some internalized jealousy that I really try to ignore).
I have wide hips and a wide ribcage, which means the area in between is free real estate that's mainly fat (idk if I'm a "true" hourglass, I feel like I'm just a freak with a wide ribcage) so anything with an elastic waist just goes SHLOORP and cinches my waist; making it look like I'm wearing something that is too small, even if I size up. I didn't think too much about it until I looked at myself in the mirror a few years ago and realized that my wide ribcage makes it look like I have a giant muffin top when it's just…I'm just shaped like this. And now I can't unsee it whenever I wear skirts. I try to cover it up with wide belts but they can't save me all the time. So I'm trying to learn to not think about it.
I feel like denying myself these skirts I so love is denying myself my femininity. I of course have a few dresses I enjoy wearing too, but it's hard to find ones that fit how I want because of - again - my waist, since I also have a pretty long torso.
No. 2319945
>>2319843I can't possibly know your situation but here is my analysis. The nice gestures are because he is asian, being polite is the norm. This goes for paying for you too, because you are female and he is male. Declining the man's offer to pay as a woman and splitting it is the polite thing here in America but he probably took it as an insult or a rejection from you. This part makes me think he took it as a rejection, like you were mortified he even thought about paying for you kek
>then I made a petrified face because I'm so stupid and anxious) I said no, then he was quietOverall he could've been initially into you, but got turned off by the interaction. The thing about asian men is that they expect women to act submissive, in the way that they think women will shyly fend off advances but "let them happen" if the woman likes him back. Frankly they are really annoying to date even if they are polite so don't worry too much about it anon.
t. asian
No. 2319954
In my new workplace there are a bunch of lesbians, and I made friends with two of them.
I invited them over for pizza and when I saw one of the two out of work (we work in food context, our uniform is rather ugly and plain) I just fell in love at “first” sight.
I can’t help but think of her all the time. I want to talk to her, I want to talk about her, I want to see her, I want to kiss her. I can’t stop fantasizing about her kissing me, even listening to music which makes me imagine her in all sort of contexts.
Every day I walk into work thinking of how much I want to see her, I don’t even mind if she’s in another department as long as it allows me to get a glance at her.
I felt like this once in my life, her stare is just too intense and I struggle to put two coherent words together. She’s fun, interesting, yet mysterious and impenetrable. At times I think she might be interested, at times I think I’m just delusional. I think I am reading too much into things because I want to still hope for it to happen.
I will probably never understand how she feels about me without asking directly but it’s too early for that.
Everytime I try to flirt I just pussy out adding “as a friend” to the sentence. I’m just that pathetic.
I feel as if I’m walking in a fire that will destroy me inside out and not leave any ashes.
No. 2319955
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>>2319953i’m sorry nona. you can spend Christmas Eve with us ♥
No. 2320053
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So my sister is a lesbian and has been in a relationship with a woman for six years. Tonight was the night where my sister came and introduced her to the family so we could spend Christmas eve together. I've met my sister's girlfriend before and she is such a lovely person, really nice. Anyways, I was sweating the whole time because my dad is honestly kind of a pos, misogynist kind of person. I was hoping he wouldn't even be at Christmas eve but he was there.
And I spent the whole evening with him just because I wanted my sister and her girlfriend to have a somewhat decent night. I hope this doesn't make me sound like 'gay savior' or I guess technically 'lesbian savior'. I just can't stand my own father, even as thirty year old woman, and I don't want to hear him say anything crazy to anyone else if I can prevent it. So I just distracted my dad the whole evening by being with him. It was honestly torture KEK.
But at least it's over. I need a drink.
No. 2320054
>>2320053You sound like an amazing sister, honestly. God bless you
nonnie. Hope you enjoy the rest of your night.
No. 2320067
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Tonight and likely tomorrow will be rather boring and depressingly silent due to tense dynamics in the house, and my mom was too tired and busy to go see the light show with me. We're all just sitting in the dark on our phones and not talking to eachother, but tonight I'm watching a Christmas movie and I'm excited for tomorrow because I brought some presents for myself that I told myself not to open until Christmas day. It'll at least be somewhat alright so I'll be happy.
No. 2320087
>>2320080I haven't spent a holiday with my reconstructed "family" in years
my father is a literal manwhore who every other week gets a new "girlfriend" decades younger than him, while being nearly 70
worst part he's so insistent on having them meet me as if it gave him any sort of credential as caring about "family values"
I'd rather not even think about it
No. 2320245
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I will die alone. I will never have a group of friends, and I know this because I never have had a group of friends. All my efforts mean nothing. Everyone hates me even though I try my very hardest. Being ignored after pleasant exchanges hurts so much more than anything else. I've been abandoned countless times. I will never resemble a human being. Being positive doesn't change a thing, a year of that later I'm still alone and ten times sicker with no one to visit me. I'm almost 20 it's just never happening. No person would ever stick with me. I will never find a girl who'd date someone as fucked up as me. It hurts so much knowing how unloveable I am. I wish I could be reborn as someone normal.
No. 2320255
>>2320245I was super lonely and had low self-esteem at your age too anon, now 10 years later I have multiple friend groups and feel genuinely cared for. Don't give up, these things take time. You're way too young to be giving up on life, you're still a teenager. Try to look for groups for a particular hobby you have, you probably won't immediately click with someone but you can definitely build friendships slowly over the years. Be persistent because you can have those connections you crave, but have a little more confidence in yourself first because the way your attitude is now will become a self-fulfilling prophecy if you're not careful. Once you have a more secure sense of worth, people will be naturally drawn to you. And if someone doesn't like you or ignores you, don't take it personally. Think of it more like, wow they missed out on getting to know me, that's too bad for them and move on. Good luck anon, I'm rooting for you.
No. 2320273
>>2319945now that i think about it , he probably did take that as rejection.
after dinner we went to a cafe, then we took a walk to my university and we went to the music room and then the game room. going down the elevator, he asked me what i was looking for on the app and how i found out about the app and i freaked out cause the app is really niche and i genuinely forgot how i even found the app too so i didn’t even have an answer for him and then the elevator started making a sound so i just pivoted the conversation to that and said language exchange (yeah..).
i’m giving (or gave) mixed signals just as much as he did. or maybe im the problem because im socially awkward ! he literally asked me what i was looking for and i had my chance and didn’t answer directly , its my own fault.
and the reason i rejected him paying is not because of “american politeness” or anything. i’m latina and its normal for the older person and male friend/family member to pay as well. the reason why i declined and made a petrified face was because i was worried maybe all he wanted was to hook up . since the day we matched on the app and started talking he said he would help me move out of my dorm and give me late night car rides so I thought there was a chance he wasn’t being nice for nothing. from the advice of a male friend, he told me to make sure to pay for my things in case he uses it against me. me making a petrified face was because i’m socially retarded. I wasn’t rejecting him , i was guarding myself
as for males paying in korea, i wouldn’t say i entirely agree. I see a few couples our age that i know split the bill, and friends tend to split or take turns paying for small things. considering it was a first date it was probably different for him though.
he likes me enough to be friends , and at that point we had only known each other for 10 days. he was romantically interested based on some texts, maybe not now since im a social retard and visual disappointment.
now I'm just being critical of myself and I think he's only in touch out of pity.
No. 2320275
>>2320245I felt this way even younger than you. Hell I would befriend you
No. 2320294
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Friend posted that she goes by any pronouns except she/her
No. 2320296
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How it feels being near people you don't want to be near.
No. 2320454
my long time friend confessed to me a while back, talking about 'knowing what my opinion is on these kind of things, but he's been in love with me for a long time'. I'm openly celibate and would never get with a man despite being straight. Apparently he assumed my opinion wasn't all that strong and he can get me to put out if he's patient enough
I'm in a male dominated field, and I can really only have one friend at a time. That's just the capacity that I have since I like to spend my entire free time with that one person, so I literally wasted years on someone who was never really my friend and was trying to get sex from me
I tried to give him some time, thinking he's just awkward about rejection, but then I kept being friendly and inviting him out for stuff. He always rejects my invitations now, only dry texts me, sometimes even being rude in a very thinly veiled way and didn't even wish me merry xmas. The effort he usually puts in went down drastically, and it's to be expected, but I'm angry that if it weren't for him seeing me in a sexual way he wouldn't even have the basic decency to wish me some happy holidays or jingled fucking bells
I really need someone to vent to about personal stuff right now, but I know I can't even text him anymore. I'm angry because he fucked me over and now I'm left alone during a holiday season when I could really use a friend, and because of this fucking sex pest leech I'm alone. I could've had a head start with looking for an actual friend years ago if he didn't decide to roleplay as a decent person and waste my fucking time
I'm going to finally extend my avoidance of men to friendships as well. I've learned my lesson
No. 2320461
>>2320458>He just started talking about how much his family loves me and how cute it was that his nephew came to me for help to write his letter to Santa before going to anyone else even though his nephew has only met me a couple times.Ah the typical deflecting the subject to try and focus on the positives.
>He started saying “well I think the issue is I still feel like I’m 25 so it doesn’t seem weird to me that a woman would be 18-19”So he admits to just being emotionally retarded kek? Like a woman says she feels mentally younger it's often due to trauma but any moid who claims this is just a pedo. And even 25 and 18/19 is still odd to me. One's straight out of high school and the other probably has a medium role in their company.
No. 2320472
>>2320265>>2320329My mom and siblings treated me similarly for being sensitive about things like that too. Like that other
nonnie said don't let that shit trick you into becoming a cold and uncaring person. I tried that for years while I still lived at home and it completely ruined positive relationships I could have had because it started leaking into everything. I became completely apathetic about anything to do with emotional situations involving myself and people I truly loved. Now that I don't live at home I allow myself time to cry if I read something that makes me sad
(which is daily kek). It's better to be sensitive and allow yourself to feel those feelings. Women like us can't make ourselves apathetic to suffering we hear about. It's just not meant for our hearts
No. 2320494
>>2320472I appreciate your words
nonnie, thank you. I'm glad you were able to let yourself feel things again. I feel like others can act cold (from my perspective at least) so casually, while I have to force myself a lot to the point where it's not really sustainable long term, so it's definitely not for me.
No. 2320573
>>2320494I'm happy that my words helped you
nonnie! ♥ Happy holidays and if anyone tries to make you feel like shit about it remember there's nothing shameful about being softhearted.
No. 2320644
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I hate Christmas and all holidays, I just don't get along with anyone in my family I am too retarded for socializing and everyone's happier when I am not there, but then they expect me to be there anyway. If you're not super happy and bubbly during the holidays everyone starts to get really sad and weepy, but nothing changes if you are happy. I wait for things to change but nothing changes. I hate people who attribute all of their flaws to ADHD or autism, I hate being told by my family I am ADHD or autistic when the only thing I've been diagnosed with is depression, so let me be depressed in peace. Being alone makes me happy, just because 'normal' people get happy when they're surrounded by other people that doesn't mean I have to be.
No. 2320688
>>2320684Clothing is so irritating, I’ve stopped buying things all together. Everything is made of polyester and acrylic now, it’s hard to even find cotton panties kek.
I love Vinted cod this! I always get 100% wool sweaters when I can. United colors of Benetton is also pretty good, although a bit expensive.
No. 2320692
>>2320680Nonna you should probably do some introspection on why you crave compliments for your looks that much, rather than for what you do and accomplish. I can also guarantee it's not because you became "ugly", you're only 27. It's just how it is when we don't wear makeup.
>Husband says I look older but not bad, but idk if he would tell me if I looked bad or honestly if he would even know"Not bad"? Sorry but he should be happy he even has a woman by his side, lukewarm dumbass.
No. 2320696
>>2320684Thanks, that makes me feel a bit better. After I decided to get back on the wagon I bought the brand of foundation I used to use and it looked horrible, highlighted all my texture and looked cakey. I thought it was my skin… then decided to look it up and turns out the brand had reformulated a couple years back and people were complaining. Clothing quality has been fucking garbage, I went to the mall and it seems like every store's clothes have that weird flimsy plasticy feel. The shape is fine but it just looks cheap despite costing a shit ton.
>>2320692I definitely feel like the real problem is why I need to feel validation like that. For years I didn't care, I'm not sure why I have recently, or how to go back to not caring. I'm also representing my husband badly, I asked if I looked older and he said "we're all aging, who cares" which means yes and I asked if my looks had faded and he said no. But again idk if he would notice anyway.
>>2320689Probably this…
No. 2320701
>>2320498My parents tried to beat my emotions out of me as a child (sometimes literally) and I've had overall a pretty shitty life with little emotional support from others, so I don't think that's it. I was told growing up my feelings on things were stupid and to suck it up all the time so it's what I tried to do to fit in as I said, but I still end up feeling those things on the inside and like I have to force it whenever I try, like it still just doesn't come easily to me to be so apathetic towards things even though I've been so beaten down.
Also, in my experience I feel like people who have easier lives tend to actually not be very sensitive or caring towards others and more easily take to being apathetic because they've never experienced much pain themselves, so it's harder for them to feel empathy because they've never been through many bad things. To them, it's other people's problem, not theirs, and they don't tend to see the suffering of others as something that could happen to them. Thus, they can more easily not feel much unless it affects them directly. I've been through a lot of bad things so it's not as easy to emotionally distance myself, even when I'm burdened by my own problems. I've experienced so much pain that I can imagine it more clearly in others, and I can't act cold very well because I know what it feels like to be treated coldly by other people. It makes me feel bad because I don't want to become the same type of person as the ones who hurt me.
>>2320573Happy holidays to you too
nonnie. Thanks again
No. 2320765
>>2320740nta but I've been treated this way no matter what I did. When I worked in retail and we all had the same uniform it got way worse than usual, so the part about presenting yourself a specific way is a lie.
>>2320710Do the people who get shocked when you tell them your age try to subtly apologize by making lame compliments or jokes about how young you look and how you're lucky because you won't get wrinkles too soon? If that's the case make sure absolutely don't laugh at their shitty jokes, don't say "it's fine" or "it's okay", make them even more embarrassed for disrespecting you. No need to insult them, just looking at them like they're idiots when they're surprised is usually enough.
No. 2320802
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Nona’s I’m currently staying in a gulf Arab country to visit my parents and I’m stressed out of my mind because they want me to get a residency permit but it requires a full medical exam and I am 1. A heavy weed smoker (have stopped for the last 2 weeks but it’s detectable in blood for months at the rate I smoke) and 2. Have NEW nipple piercings and a belly ring which whatever but the nipple piercings are newish and pierced for the second time and id really prefer not to lose them by having to take them out for an x ray and 3. I have an IUD which id have to disclose. Anyway apart from feeling like a big western whore and worrying about what this evil govt can do to me I also am stressed about my parents finding out as even though I’m an adult we’ve just started rebuilding our relationship and they’re very conservative and any one of these things would shock them, nevermind the triple whammy of all these factors. I can’t sleep as I’m so stressed and I’m trying to convince my dad I don’t need a permit but he’s being pushy about it. What do/ breathing techniques so I can stop panicking and sleep because whatever is gonna happen will happen.
No. 2320814
>>2320811It’s not so I can live here it’s for visiting purposes so I can stay longer w/o visa but I’m tired so maybe I’m not making sense in my post. Basically I don’t really have a
valid excuse, all my siblings live abroad and they have them
No. 2320835
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I hate my dumbass family. Today is Xmas and I woke up alone. Both my mom and sister chose to spend their Xmas with their stupid ass friends. I can't believe I flew here and wasted my Xmas with them when I could've been with my bf who'd actually spend time with me. Anyway, Merry Xmas nonas!
No. 2320848
WHY AM I NEVER FUCKING ENOUGH?? I'm the one always helping her out whenever she is holding dinner parties; I help out with cooking, cleaning, serving guests (my siblings), etc. I'm the one she calls for every five minutes each Christmas to help her with something. But still, at the end of the evening I ALWAYS get a "anon, you finally started helping out with the guests! At the ripe age of X! You just got off easy all these years because your siblings had to help all the time when they were teens, so it's good that you finally picked up the slack!". I WAS A GODDAMN TODDLER WHEN MY SIBLINGS WERE TEENS! My sister sometimes butts in and helps out with the coffee, but she usually stays out of it, and my brother doesn't even try (he probably doesn't wanna bother with it, since he is already paying her rent, new phones or whatever handout she guilts him into sending to her bank account).
I do everything I can to ease her workload, I ask her if she needs anything, and I never complain, I'm on my feet a lot and unlike my siblings I'm the only one that also goes to her place to help out whenever she has dinner parties with her friends. But still, at the end of the night, I get that goddamn quote. I don't know wtf I do wrong and why it's not enough.
No. 2320859
>>2320857my mom is mildly narcissistic, it doesn't solely exist on the personality disorder level. it's a spectrum.
>he probably doesn't wanna bother with it, since he is already paying her rent, new phones or whatever handout she guilts him into sending to her bank accountyour mom probably sees financial contribution as more valuable along with your brother being a male so having lower expectations for him. are you financially dependent on them still?
No. 2320862
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I WANT A CAT SO BAD. I WANT A CAT SO FUCKING BAD!!! I'D BE SUCH A GOOD CAT MOM. I want to have a cat. I'd buy her raw meat and learn how to cook her cat food from scratch and I'd DIY cat shelves and a little cat tower/tree thing so she could run around. I would play with her every day and harness train her if she wanted and make a cat balcony and snuggle when she wants but also give her space. I'd get TWO cats even if necessary I WANT A CAT SO BAD. I want her to purr on my chest when I'm sad and lonely and I want to pet her and boop her nose. Everytime I go for a walk I look around me and in windows to see if I see a cute cat perched somewhere so I can make faces at it and goo and ga. I'm so obsessed. I'm going to cry if a cat doesn't show up on my doorstep right fucking now
No. 2320863
>>2320859You got a point, I just have a hard time diagnosing her as a narcissist for some reason. It feels like it's so common with boomer parents and I don't want to use the term narcissism lightly.
>are you financially dependent on them still?Luckily, no. But I'm currently studying to become a programmer, and I have a feeling she is expecting me to give her some handouts as well once I get my career started. I'm definitely painting her as an awful mother right now but I can promise you all that she is a good mother in a lot of other aspects, she is just…well, a bit unpredictable and entitled.
>>2320862As a first-time cat owner I 100% support you getting a cat nona, go and adopt one! It was the best decision of my life, and by the sound of it it seems like it would be the best one both for you and your future kitty!
No. 2320998
>>2320952It's bullshit, along with any justification about being ~consenting adults~, or the idea that
abusive power dynamics are the one and only reason age gaps are bad - it can be, but it's not inevitable and a lack of abuse doesn't suddenly make it ok. If there is one reason anyone needs to be against age gaps, it's that it's nearly ALWAYS older men with younger women. If that doesn't make you immediately question the phenomenon and judge people who enable it, you're either male or a very short sighted pickme.
No. 2321066
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No. 2321068
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No. 2321094
>>2321027What if someone at 30 doesn't have any sexual experience and is an naive autismo and is still babyfaced enough for people to assume she's much younger? That kind of person could attract older predatory scrotes right…
Also, men are shitty at judging women's age in general. And some 30 year olds look younger than their age. So unless its online dating where people see your age, 50 year old scrotes could go after 30 easily. It still makes it super gross to me to go after someone who's visibly at least 20 years younger than you. Sure it's not as bad as going after a literal 20 year old, but it's still bad
No. 2321134
Last night I had the worst restless leg sensation on my left leg and I think it's only going to get worse because of the scar on my hip. I really hope exercise will fix that. Sometimes I get a numb sensation on my big left toe but it's probably my mind fucking with me when I'm cold.
>>2321102I would date you even if you just shower twice a week, don't give up just for
that No. 2321147
>>2321137If you go to the 30+ thread you quickly see that this is the main plight. As a women the expectations are endless, at 30 you're supposed to have it all, to have reached anything you're supposed to reach as a woman in life. After that it's over and if you aren't married, don't have kids, don't live in a perfectly clean house, don't dress perfectly boring, modest and mature, don't have perfected your cooking skills, don't work the perfect yet humble and not-upstaging your partner job, don't take care of your parents, still have a hobby of your own,…then you're a hopeless failure and deserve to die alone.
30yo moid still living at his parents, still studying and no part time job, still no skills? He's still young, still has his entire life ahead of him, he will definitely become super successful, he deserves a perfect (younger) partner and he's of course entitled to shit on any women more successful than him.
Best example: my brother. Late 20s, still in university, studying abroad for years, still completely financially dependant on our parents, yet constantly shitting on those waste of space liberals/leftists, including our normal 20yo uni student sister who never says anything too woke in front of him and is working half time. As for me, I might be working a well paying job but it's a super easy job, me and all my coworkers are so lazy and of course I'm ugly, fat and a loser for still being single (like him). Our parents? Never say a word against him.
No. 2321167
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>Have 10+ books on my Christmas list
>TiM brother bought picrel because he thought it sounded the most interesting
>”When thirty-four-year-old Ms. Shibata gets a new job in Tokyo to escape sexual harassment at her old one, she finds that, as the only woman at her new workplace–a company that manufactures cardboard tubes–she is expected to do all the menial tasks. One day she announces that she can't clear away her colleagues' dirty cups–because she's pregnant and the smell nauseates her. The only thing is . . . Ms. Shibata is not pregnant.”
I’m glad to get a book but I am still weirded out he chose this one over the mysteries and fantasies on the list.
No. 2321233
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Boyfriend came over and we were cuddling on my bed with my cat, the cat eventually ends up taking more and more space and eventually my boyfriend falls off the bed. He at no point asks me to move him, nor do i want to but he’s saying he thought I would’ve prioritized my boyfriends comfort and not the cats. I didn’t know how to tell him I prioritize my cats comfort more
No. 2321241
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Today I went to my local post office after my postman called me saying a package had arrived for me, and because I was only free to go to the PO when he would be out for deliveries, he told me to look for X person whom he'll tell the location of the package. Once I arrived, I tried to ask this old guy about where X person was and he immediately started screaming at me , going all schizo about how I was there at the wrong time and he's tired of me constantly bugging him to do someone else's job (??). Like bitch what? When I tried to reply that I wasn't asking him specifically to do anything, the postman asked me to pick up the package he just yelled harder and left the room. Thankfully one young dude beside him solved my issue (the package was literally out in the open, I just had to sign a receipt and the process was done in 1 minute). I'm annoyed by myself for not yelling back, I froze up on what to do because this is a third world country and post office people are rumored to mess with your packages if they don't like you personally. I took a couple sneaky pics of the area including the old fucker's face though, and I am hoping to overhear his name (sadly no name tag) the next time I go so I can at least report him later. I've seen him yell at other people for no reason in the past too, so if I wait a bit asshole will most likely be unable to link me to the complaint.
Whatever, at least my package was full of cute weeb shit that gave me enough dopamine to counteract the bad mood from this motherfucker. I hope he steps on a nail daily
No. 2321273
>Mom 70 + still working
>Not well off
>Went through major surgery
>Still cooked for us despite the whole family telling her to sit the fuck down and rest
>Ends up buying a gift for my boyfriend
>Accepts him with all her heart
>His mom doesn't even bother to get him anything.
>Doesn't/hasn't worked
>Super well off
Am I missing something? Is it a culture thing? Every year (other than this year) I've gotten this woman a gift. The first time, >I< got the gift for her, based on my culture's food and she didn't even thank me, she just thanked him, despite ME getting the gift, not him. Like, cool idc if you don't get me a gift, but your son who could have easily left you homeless let you stay with us, you could be a bit more grateful. You have the fucking money too. My mom went out of her way, to get my boyfriend something. Why can't you get your son something?
I cannot stand this woman. At first, I never understood the whole "disliking mother-in-law" but now I get it. I really thought I could have a decent relationship with her, but apparently not.
No. 2321293
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Relatives I have not seen in a long time are visiting tonight and I am in a really bad mental state for a variety of reasons I can’t divulge to anyone irl and my hair looks horrible today because it needed to be cut and I didn’t use enough hairspray and I am the only ugly person in my family of beautiful people and I don’t know how I’m going to interact with these people tonight after work. I’m using all of my mental energy just to hold myself up, I can’t take the pressure of knowing they’re pitying me and trying to appear put-together when I’m not. I don’t know what to do. I look like a retard with this hair too and I have adult acne at 26 meanwhile my cousins are teenage girls with perfect skin and perfect everything. I could just break down and cry right here at work. I don’t want to go home and face them I really don’t know how I’m going to do this
No. 2321333
The nonnas thirsting over husbandos like Viktor or Silco from Arcane are genuinely tragic. The same goes for anyone idealizing real or fictional trash. These men practically scream their hatred for the world—and by extension, for you. Yet somehow, you interpret their disdain, cruelty, and emotional unavailability as depth, complexity, or even love. It’s painful to watch, really. Even in fantasy, you cling to a narrative where suffering equals affection. Take Luigi Mangione, for example. There’s an endless supply of men like him in universities—pseudo-intellectuals who romanticize violence and decay, whose words drip with disdain for the very women they manipulate. These men remain single because most women can instinctively smell their festering misogyny. But not you. You think you deserve his flavor of malice because you’ve been taught to equate a man’s hatred with passion.
Men who harbor the capacity for violence cannot truly love; at best, they can hate you in ways that flatter your insecurities. That’s why you kneel for these failures, thinking their brokenness makes them profound. In reality, it just reflects your own despair. You don’t fantasize about love—you fantasize about suffering because deep down, you believe that's all you're worth.
No. 2321408
>>2321333Do you believe your projection makes you profound, nonna? No one here claimed to be fantasizing about "love". They're turned on because Luigi is a man of action and changed the course of history with a bullet. He could have said a bunch of meaningless and rehashed diatribe anonymously on an imageboard instead but we wouldn't be discussing him at all would we? The fact that you think women here are prioritizing a romanticized idea of love
in the first place, speaks to how out of touch you are with the temperature here and women in general
No. 2321438
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I legitimately want to beat the shit out of moids who act like they're in so much pain when it's obvious that they're just attention whores. Shut the fuck up, teenage girls take needles better than you, you smelly fucking faggot. There's many things more annoying than moids who act like they can't handle a little pain and complain like they're princesses, but it is still so blatantly obnoxious.
No. 2321464
valid response
No. 2321546
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>>2321469Omg don't get me started…I think it's ok to have a sexy character of age, so long as she's not one dimensional and lewding the plot into oblivion. HOWEVER I came across the kobayashi dragon anime and was enjoying it as this yuri slice of life (i am a yuri connoisseur) and it seemed at first to be about two women, a grumpy office lady and boisterous dragon lady adopting a little girl together and just living life, and I was hoping for lesbian domesticity and a little adventure.
Unfortunately there were s*x jokes that involved the little girl character, and shots that seemed inappropriate and revealing. It wasn't accidental after a while. On season two, they introduced this new character that LITERALLY is about four foot and looks/acts like a child, with like G cup tatas- like wtf? How can one take this show seriously? I feel so sick and disappointed, because I was starting to enjoy it, until this weebshit, and now I'm not going to finish the show, because I can't see any more of this shit. Why is such a sexless country so obsessed like this?
I've only found one japanese yuri about adult women (i read more korean/chinese stuff to find stuff about actual adults) and it's called otherside picnic. Yes it's written by a guy, but it's not a r34 adjacent show. The light novels are gripping, scary, and realistic in terms of the the development of relationships and characters, it really keeps you guessing with plot and action. Unfortunately I do think you have to actively dig to avoid this weird pervy stuff in anime. I can't say what culturally went wrong for them.
No. 2321563
>>2321531What? How is it weird to point out that both Japanese and Korean societies are both awfully misogynistic?
>you dont even know what k-dramas i watchYou complained about rape in shows… if there is no rape in k-dramas. Whether you haven't seen it in them or not is irrelevant. The fact is male on female violence is very prevalent in both because it is very prevalent in both societies. Anything else is koreaboo cope.
No. 2321635
>>2321610>you have a lot of unpacking to do.>>2321618You should have given up here anon. What happened after
>>2321625 was completely predictable and you should have known better (d/rp)
No. 2321670
>>2321651AYRT God this reminds me of a quote I read by Gail Dines in a pdf called "Toward a Critical Sociological Analysis of Cartoons" where she said
>It is contended that women feel stronger affiliation toward men because of the socialisation process in our society which promotes the idea of female inferiority.Like I read that back in July or August and it keeps coming back to me whenever I am confronted with the reality of how female characters Vs male characters are written.
No. 2321671
>>2320655Me again, still have the shits
I feel like I'm dying anons
No. 2321672
>>2321641I know one but she's known as a pickme waifu because she protects the useless mc at the cost of her own health. More paranoid than chess master though.
Its an arc in the long run but people just see the honeymoon "can you choose me" waifu part and it's not something ever recommendable, a good chunk of "I'll do anything for you" before getting to the "okay, wait a sec, you need to figure your shit out."
No. 2321692
>>2321591It's not that people go out of their way, it's that Dandadan is one of the most popular new shows right now. It makes sense that some people ended up watching that instead of other better shows if they're lesser known in comparison. Not as many people are talking about the shows you mentioned even though they're better (at least Orb, I haven't watched Negiposi). Generalizing all anime as that is still stupid though.
>>2321610Yup. Other shows are capable of having strong female characters who go through adversity without there being rape scenes kek. That was definitely there for some extra fanservice, as much as the fans try to defend it.
No. 2321697
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Nonnas I watched Sonic 3 today and the random zoomer moids who were sit next to me made weird comments about Maria when she appear screen with Shadow, zooomer dudes are completely brain-rotted and porn addicted and always crack weird pedophilia jokes all the time and it's sad.
No. 2321699
>>2321671Take peptobismol and rember to drink lots of water otherwise you’ll get dehydrated fast nonna.
I pray for your poor asshole too, last time I had a stomach virus I shifted for a full week and my booty hole was so itchy and it was burning too, but I had to shit every time and couldn’t stomach anything apart from water. It was so bad that it sounded like I was peeing kek.
No. 2321730
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I had a crush on this one guy and I started reading his twitter and it was a big mistake…
No. 2321745
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I NEED HIM SO FUCKING BAD!!! How am I supposed to sleep when my bedsheets still smell like him I’m going insane
No. 2321785
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I am at the risk of losing my job due to not meeting vague and unreasonable standards. I have to provide for myself while I am studying at the most difficult university in the country, and now I am having a mental breakdown over my finances… If I slip up I might lose everything I have. And on top of all that I have mental illnesses I can't treat in the shithole country I live in. Honestly the only reason I haven't taken my life yet is because I am a coward. I used to do well in life before I got too mentally ill to function, and lost all the scholarships and housing I had, so I've managed to land a job. I got lucky with this job, since I could get closer to graduation, but now I am just completely fucked to the point I feel incompetent doing literally anything.
No. 2321811
>>2321699A full week?! Your poor asshole
Thank you for your advice
No. 2321855
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>perfume smells great when taking a whiff from the bottle
>smells absolutely awful when applied to my skin
No. 2321915
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I hate my back pain i cannot take it anymore. I have been suffering since i was 8 but my mom keeps blaming my use of the computer even though i already had extremely bad back problems as a child and no other of my loser compuer nerd friends has the same problems. She knows i have diagnoses scoliosis but refused to get me treatment as a child and now i am paying the consequences, i feel in pain 24/7 even when i am only 23yo. I should feel young, not like a decrepit old woman who spent her life carrying cement bags up the stairs. I tried going to pilated, but most of the classes are ass focused, and i dont care about that. I genuinely have the same thoughts as pt 24/7 due to my back pain, i cant stand it anymore. I also have no money to see a doctor and the stretches and excercises i do barely help
No. 2321944
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>>2321915Have you ever tried a TENS machine?
No. 2322025
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People will say that I'm easygoing and relaxed and easy to live with etc etc but then the moment that someone makes me marginally upset because of reasons that I clearly explain, wow! Suddenly the very same people say I have little control of my emotions, I'm difficult, impatient, etc etc!
Holy hell, do they think I get upset because I've been psychopathically hiding my true emotions all along? I don't even scream or throw things or whatever else, but they act like I'm having some tantrum
Bonus points if I'm being "hysterical", but they're the only one that somehow starts crying unprompted (men and women alike)
No. 2322037
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I hate it when scrotes overshare their loser lives to me at work. I don't give a fuck that you were beat up and mugged, but I guess I'll act like I'm so sorry for your inability to defend yourself as a male. I really don't understand the point of moids almost bragging about how weak and faggoty they are. Like, I don't know, learn to pack a strap or hit the gym and learn self defense or something.
>"hurr duur that's why I don't trust CERTAIN people!"
That's nice, but do you realize that's exactly how many women feel when we experience or witness the exact same, if not, worse scenarios committed by scrotes to our own gender? Just food for thought.
No. 2322049
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i feel so awful right now, nonitas. every girl friend of mine experiences being sought after by guys and whatnot and i never went through that and it makes me feel like a disgusting uggo. it's incredibly retarded, i know, but being a kissless handholdless virgin at my age takes a toll on my self esteem even though i don't think i'm ugly at all. god damn. and EVERY single time i liked a cute guy, he was after a girl cuter than me and it made me feel like vomiting. fucking shit nonitas i think i'm gonna be a virgin at 40 and gain superpowers.
No. 2322110
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I just want to make friends with NORMAL women who dont support men. Why is that so hard? I had a double date with these two women my wife and I met a few weeks back, to try to get to know them better. One of them works in an LGBTQ++ community, which isnt the worst, but I'm concerned she is a tranny supporter. I just want to be friends with other rad fems and pro women only people. I hate that being openly gay means you have to support trannies as a women, when gay men dont have these issues. I feel like I dont even have to ask if she is pro tranny or not, a lot of her stories about her job answered that for me.
No. 2322148
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No. 2322161
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>>2322151May we find solace within one another during this trying time sob
No. 2322204
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I made the mistake of looking at a tech gossip site to catch up on the latest Elon drama and learned of rumours that there will br a huge layoff at my company in a couple weeks, with my org hardest hit. I'm on maternity leave and a visa that's tied to employment. How tf am I going to enjoy the next couple weeks knowing that I could be out of work soon?
No. 2322205
I got my period on Christmas and while mine are always rough, this one is gnarly enough I had to cancel my weekend plans. If this shit don't clear up by NYE I'm going to feral scream.
>>2322197Nonna he's not worth it. This isn't me being like all moids are bad, but the bare minimum a boyfriend can do is not be a whiny jealous cretin about his girlfriend's husbandos. Good men encourage it and take pride in their gf's excellent taste.
No. 2322299
>>2322288There must be men who accept that someone doesn't want to suck dick right? I would never do it and I never will and if a guy would pressure me into this I would simply dump him
>>2322291Nta but you don't have to be a lesbian to find dick sucking degrading and be appalled by the inherent power dynamics of the heterosexual intercourse
No. 2322307
>>2322299There are men who feel neutral about it and can do without it as long as they get PIV after I think, but I’d say that most men like receiving oral, just like most women like receiving.
I honestly don’t mind giving it, not that I’ve had a lot of experiences, but I like making the person I’m with feel good and as long as they’re clean and not pushy I happily do it. But the two people I’ve been with also gave me oral after so I guess I’m biased kek. Scrotes who don’t eat back don’t deserve it though.
No. 2322312
>>2322299But I mean if you’re literally vomiting at the thoughts of being with a man….
Heterosexual sex isn’t supposed to be misogynistic and centered around the fact that the woman getting penetrated is being defiled and ruined by the man who is penetrating as if they aren’t both engaging in it.
It’s society that molded hetero sex to be viewed as degrading and for acts like fellatio to be seen as degrading too (see the jargon “suck my dick” etc).
There’s nothing inherently misogynistic about sex in itself if you think about it, the body parts are those, there’s nothing much you can do kek.
No. 2322321
>>2322312Sorry but sucking an organ that men use to piss with is degrading
And imo it is the inherent nature of penetration. Just like women are not capable of raping men because rape is an act of penetration, women can't naturalny dominate men in a sexual position because they are the ones who are penetrated. The who is penetrated is at a risk of pain, discomfort, bleeding etc., also pregnancy, therefore has to submit to the one that penetrates them. Something entering your body IS invasive.
No. 2322359
>>2321333>The fact that you think women here are prioritizing a romanticized idea of love in the first place, speaks to how out of touch you are with the temperature here and women in generalWomen believe, defend and protect scrotes even when they're proven to be
abusive and praise them for basic human decency characteristics that are a requirement for women whether it's fiction or in real life. The majority of women are pickmes, misandrists are far and few.
(anti-het women sperging) No. 2322368
>>2322364Leave Romanianon alone
>>2322366We can just bully those people like usual, we don't need to be schizo in order to do so
No. 2322445
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i feel so pathetic because im in my early 20s still living at home, still finishing college, doing isolating work but its easy and pays good. i have a loving family and boyfriend and time to volunteer and create, but sometimes i see people living what looks like an exciting life making enough money to move out and explore and push the limits. i look at the alida thread and wonder if i should strip like her, but my boyfriend wouldnt want that for me, and im scared of most men. my family would also be curious of why im out so late. i feel so restrained but maybe its for the best? what do i even seek? i dont like partying, but when i visit my boyfriend sometimes i just feel like i want to break free at night and do something freeing and out of my comfort zone but im such a pussy. why do i have such infantile thoughts? i even thought of maybe teaching abroad in a year but im too nervous to live alone as a female and in a foreign place, at least to adjust initially id panic. i just dont know what my mind feels im missing out on, why it comes around so often over the years, and what it is im truly seeking because it certainly cant be partying with retards or showing my body for money. is it approval? freedom? change? maybe its something i need to allow myself from the inside. i mean i used to see girls doing drugs being adored and enjoying life so i did drugs for a bit alone in my bedroom and all it did was take a year from my education and make me obsessed with not eating but i did feel free and euphoric. when i met my nigel, he stuck by my side into sobriety and true growth. i take medicine, go to therapy, but i just cant help but think maybe im castrating myself in doing so, that i need to go be free doing what other girls do, and not in my bedroom making things or going on walks. i need to explore and meet people and flaunt myself online right?
No. 2322487
>>2322483if it helps
nonnie we met online initially and id never have the balls to interact with a man irl with romantic intentions if this ever fails but i guess im more mentally stable as a normie so ill just oscillate between the two
No. 2322489
>>2322445You’re not pathetic or a loser for having a boyfriend, you’re a pathetic retard for this
>look at the alida thread and wonder if i should strip like her, but my boyfriend wouldnt want that for me, and im scared of most meFew 20 year olds have big money to do whatever they want unless their daddies and mommies are rich, you are deluding yourself by watching tiktoks. I’m 21, no boyfriend, studying in college and doing the most mundane stuff, I take that vacation once a year , which consists in going to my aunt’s beach house.
You’re not special , shut up.
No. 2322495
>>2322453She basically wants to be a hoe kek, that’s what her useless rant is about.
Let her live her dream and realize that it isn’t so shimmery and that people, especially scrotes , have little to no regard once they get what they want from you.
No. 2322504
>>2322410Trannies flock with other trannies and gendies, they bond over that. Once they find themselves they make group. It’s also still trendy to be a troon right now.
You are not the problem.
No. 2322508
>>2322495>>2322489its incredible how nasty and aggressive some of you can be, and leads me to believe (based on how you deal with your own misery) perhaps i am leading a decent life! i dont want to whore myself out, its the concept of freedom and acceptance that people with money and no priorities or restraints get to have which i understand is an illusion, i am prone to envy of that.
my boyfriend doesnt like partying and i dont know that id enjoy the scene, i just want some adventure and freedom and to be around fun people. im sorry i articulated this poorly i do not want scrote attention and im amazed at the anons who have started to speak FOR me
No. 2322521
>>2322514>>2322516>>2322496thank you nonnies for being kind and understanding. i think i just need to do more inner self confidence work and find my own version of “train hopping” that is both exciting and safe enough for me, and maybe interact with some more people in life
>>2322520unfortunately i am immature, ive been completely sheltered and isolated for most of my life and im not sure how to break free from that or understand the experiences or how those people tend to be because ive never dealt with it
No. 2322522
>>2322508But what do you exactly mean when you’re talking about the so called other girls? I think you have a very idealized vision of youth. Like a nonna said, most 20 year olds aren’t rich and aren’t stripping, taking drugs or partying every night.
I pretty much do the same stuff you do , minus the boyfriend, and I go to big clubs maybe once every three months and to a local one every Thursday when I’m not busy studying, but it isn’t this “freeing experience” you’re making it out to be. Life is just pretty boring nonna.
No. 2322539
nonnie yeah maybe i need to up my medicine but that wouldn’t strengthen my common sense, i do hike a lot I guess I just need to get off lc and stop comparing myself to others online/irl and enjoy life
No. 2322585
>>2322566Only the ‘big chin’ might be tranny-like but I doubt it it’s probably not that big and if it was plenty of women have chad jaws, it’s based.
>>2322578>the party girl scene here at LCWhat?
No. 2322587
>>2322569OP can't vent on a vent thread because some NEETs have it worse? She's coming from the wrong place but it's just growing pains. This website got so damn hostile after COVID.
>>2322567Who is this "you" you're speaking of? I'm not OP.
No. 2322594
>>2322587Then stop schlicking her off you nugget. Babying retards is unhelpful to everybody, and if you’re literally coming
here then you obviously want opinions, surely? Oh and let me guess, she’s upper-middle class?
No. 2322601
>>2322590Funny how you got all that from my single sentence kek. Write a novel while you’re at it, you have lots of creative imagination.
I’m not really jealous, I’m satisfied with my life for now, nonna has a pretty good life too and even got out of addiction yet can’t see that, it’s more sadness and pity than jealousy.
No. 2322612
>>2322605I'm just saying why other anons took offense, I'm not trying to censor your Internet freedom.
>>2322601You may not be jealous but there are definitely people seething about it. Her OG post was misguided and dumb, especially when she brought up alida's loser ass but damn you would have thought she said she was absolutely going to quit her job, break up with her nigel and become a prostitute with some of these responses
No. 2322619
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>>2322589The mental imagien i have whenever i pop out a new can of beer while sitting in front of my screen alone and blasting some CC
No. 2322633
>>2322624Are you retarded and can’t follow a conversation? Backread.
>the x is craaaazy rnnn girlVery clockable origins
No. 2322693
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I feel retarded because my crush hasn’t texted me in a day and I’m super anxious about it but he has a legitimate reason not to. I hate texting and I hate waiting around for texts but I’m still addicted to it. We haven’t even been texting that long anyways.
No. 2322701
>>2322693Learn to be independent, otherwise you’ll start basing your self worth on retarded stuff like his texting style or how many messages he has sent.
Get a hobby or go and rub your clit kek.
No. 2322817
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Drunkard boyfriend engages me physically (grabs tits, slaps ass) and when i confront him about how lazy he actually is in bed he cries about how sex is only for procreation for him. Says all he was looking for was to start a family. And that's fine, me too, but way to make me feel like just a means to an end. Gets even more wasted because he thinks I'm going to leave him, the worst he's ever been, falls and gets a deep cut in his arm. I spend the night taking care of him.
He has a lot of trauma he doesn't talk about, but so do I. My step brother committed suicide and my father is dying from cancer. I was recently assaulted by a close friend. I cut so many people out of my life because they were cruel, but my bf has been here with me through it all. And hes all i have left. He never leaves my apartment. I'm so overwhelmed.
No. 2322852
>>2322817>Gets even more wasted because he thinks I'm going to leave himAt least he's right about that.
Anyway my vent for today:
>be me>collect tote bags throughout my teens and 20s because they're perfect for stealing with>have stolen chicken, steak, pork, shirts, apples, breakfast cereal, nail polish, bedsheets (2 in the same day from different stores), fiction books, nonfiction books, imported korean skincare, seeded bread, purple lipstick, red lipstick, carrots, ear cuffs, sunglasses, milk chocolate, white chocolate, dark chocolate, vanilla paste, lined notebooks, dot grid notebooks, plain notebooks, mechanical pencils, post-it notes, large eggs, sanrio keyrings, trolley tokens, bottled water, overnight lip exfoliation balm, huge as fuck candles, literally anything and everything>mother finds out in my mid-late 20s>wants me to stop>suddenly feel no desire to use tote bags anymore and all my totes have lost their purposeSad.
Don't know where to go from here. My whole physical appearance has been based on being able to blend into the background up till now. Might dye my hair and get into itabags just to feel something.
No. 2322886
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I know I'm not capable of love or sexual desire, only limerence
No. 2322925
>>2322910I pray for you too nonna. Mine was so damn painful, I tried popping it at first but I was way too gentle and it hurt. I tried an hour ago and squeezed more firmly kek.
Getting pimples like these ones is so annoying , I once got one near my inner lip, it was HELL. Anyway I usually get them when I have an ingrown hair (? Is it called that way if the hair is long), I got lazy and didn’t use my shaving cream.
No. 2322947
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No. 2322953
>>2322933I think I can explain if you’re straight like me nonna. The fact is that men nowadays lack any sexuality, charm and the way they act around women is just so fake, superficial and materialistic. I don’t feel like scrotes are in any way genuine towards us and even when they like you , they really don’t, they just like what you can give them.
If I think about my ideal man in my head I can feel attraction and I even created an ai chat bot (yeah I know) where I romanced him and eventually had “Esex” and I got excited.
No. 2322960
>>2322949Oh never mind kek. I think you’re simply on the lower side of libido then nonna, it’s not really a flaw. Do you masturbate?
Maybe you can check up your hormones , especially your thyroid hormones and your cortisol.
No. 2323014
>>2323007Actually I argued with that one kek. Normie is not the opposite of NEET and is objectively more subjective
>>2323006Less normie on the normie spectrum of course but I guess to me the normie not normie binary is more to do with hobbies and personality. If the agoraphobe is some regular 50-year-old farmer man who occasionally does gardening for money but talks to nobody, yeah he’s weird but not not a normie. On the other hand some chronically online 4chan freak who freelances and hangs out with egirls, autists and edgy weirdos isn’t a NEET and has a social life but just… isn’t a normie at all
No. 2323021
>>2323011Ask the guest of honor about how he and your stepdad became friends!
Ask him what advice he has, or the craziest adventure hes ever had?
Or, float around the party and stay out of the way.
No. 2323071
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>>2323068If you miss you’ll blast your whole face away and you’ll have a chance of surviving with no face and months of intensive care.
And face transplants aren’t that good yet nonna.
No. 2323085
>>2322445Go urban exploring. Find a friend who will go urban exploring with you.
I will. I'll urban explore with you. I'll bring snacks and mace. And bear spray. For the crackheads.
No. 2323119
>>2323107My bad, next time I’ll ask for permission to contribute to the discussion
>>2323115Sorry, I got
triggered by the book-reading comment. I really like books man.
No. 2323142
>>2322383Sucking penises is degrading I hate how there's anons on here who treat anyone as that one schizo if you think like this. It's degrading bar none. "But wuh about cunnilingus?" Eating pussy is literally seen as degrading by a ton of men who refuse to do it, and unlike dick sucking most women don't squirt or whatever the fuck it's called so all dudes get is a little bit of pussy juice mixed with their spit. They don't have something crammed down their throat, choking them, they don't get bodily fluids flooding their mouth and throat that they choke on and are forced to spit or swallow. How the fuck does eating a woman out equate to any of that shit to you? Also the comment you make on society depicting it as degrading also proves my point. If men literally see it as an act of humiliation, why the fuck would a woman want to perform it if she doesn't want to be disrespected? Keep that love bullshit out of this. If a man loved you, he wouldn't want you doing such a humiliating act to appease him, when he can already have piv sex with you anyway as you have a vagina. Fellatio is literally redundant for a woman.
Eating a woman out is different, especially as women need external stimulation to get aroused. Male animals in a lot of mammalian species lick the females external genitalia for the exact same reason. This has all been said before. Honestly when I read this shit it sounds like a fucking psyop. How the fuck can you even remotely compare the two?
No. 2323144
>>2322999>>2323014I'm the anon you were originally responding to and I don't really mind if you have a different take from mine, I'm just not sure if I understood so forgive me if my reading comprehension is poor. But do you mean if a person has weird hobbies and personality like the 4chan type you described, then they aren't more normie to you, even if they talk to other people and go outside a lot more for example? I guess I could see that if that's the case, but I personally would still consider them more normie than someone who spends all day at home and doesn't talk to anyone, has no friends and no job, because they're technically succeeding more socially and look more outwardly normal. I consider myself more normie than some of the people I know for example, because they've been at home for years, have no friends, no relationships, no job or anything like that, basically can't function in society very well and are easily clocked as autists, while for me people always say I seem normal and they would never guess I browse a site like this.
No. 2323150
>>2323144I see, I guess we both just interpreted things differently. I think it’s due to how it’s used by the people I know around me (weebs) but your way makes perfect sense and I just never really thought of it.
>>2323142I agree with everything here
No. 2323178
>>2323142Wish I could see you people function in the real world sometimes, because you’re just so fascinating.
You don’t like doing it okay, no one is trying to change that, but you just sound retarded when you come up here and say “it is degrading!!!”, don’t talk to men all together and I might take you more seriously. You’ve already “degraded” yourself if you’re with a nigel or want a nigel. You’re the same as the nonnas who suck dick kek.
Eating pussy isn’t “clean” either and you still get bodily fluids, delicious sure, but they’re still bodily fluids.
No. 2323191
>>2323178I don't date men.
Women can suck dick if they want to but don't pretend it's on the same level as cunnilingus.
No. 2323201
>>2323195I’m bi and it isn’t the same obviously and I’ve had sex with both. I might be the weirdo here but I see sex as something mutual, in the sense that I both receive and give. A male body is shaped that way and a female body is shaped in that manner, it can’t really be helped.
I don’t think that hetero sex is inherently misogynistic and degrading. The problem is the way society views it and yes most men project onto it as a means of conquer and domination, main reason why I am selective. But when I get to that point where I’m in bed with someone I do trust them enough to do those acts, I don’t see pleasuring my partner as something degrading , it’s just us two in the room.
When you ask for the specifics I am absolutely agreeing with the nonna that said that cunnilingus for women is more “necessary” though, it’s kind of a no brainer.
Sorry for the rant. If nonnas could reply with their opinions without crashing out it would be nice because I’d like to hear different perspectives.
No. 2323204
>>2323201I just think that if you think that giving oral to a man is degrading then PIV is degrading too and therefore being with a man all together is degrading too, does that make sense?
Nonna earlier said that she doesn’t date men, which is fair, but I can’t understand those nonnas who have nigels or who clearly partake in dating men that have this sentiment (which is different that simply saying I don’t like doing it due to x reason).
No. 2323231
>>2323226I was almost drowning once, like real drowning. I was 8 and I was with my friend who was 9, we were diving to catch hermit crabs and to touch the seabed. I suddenly got a cramp and panicked, my brain stopped functioning and I was just gasping for air while wailing around desperately while clinging to my friend and bringing her down with me kek.
My dad swam like Michael Phelps that day , he reached us in like a minute or two and brought us back to the shore.
No. 2323253
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>>2323237Maybe a sea lion might save you
No. 2323262
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I do hate Disney adults or some of them anyway but I came across a vid of a woman getting glitter sprinkled on her head at Disney. Her account and content is pretty harmless but her comment section is full of scrotes and pick mes insulting her purely because she was featured in that ugly obese scrote meatcanyons animation. I know it’s not a new thing but it’s harrowing to see some normie be subjected to this just because some terminally online autists found her.
No. 2323282
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Just noticed the person ive been cyberstalking for the past few months has statcounter on their site. Oh my god. Its over for me. FUCK.
No. 2323297
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>eat above mantainance for once
>proud of food I cooked and dish I created
>proud of reaching intake needed on workout days
>see video of some fat woman
>random ass disordered thoughts appear
No. 2323345
i almost ruined the most genuine friendship i've had through my own narcissism and self-obsession, by using this selfless person who cares about me as a dump for my own problems. i know that i'm broken, i just don't know how to fix myself. sometimes i wish i could die to save the world from myself. i'm in therapy and on medication but nothing feels like enough. still, i'll ride it out, and i'm going to do better in that friendship and not use the person that way anymore. i just have so many terrible emotions and it's like they never go away no matter what i do, so they're just festering inside of me forever, i close my eyes and it's still there but i'm praying that one day it stops. the only solution is to escape outside of myself which isn't possible. if only i could be outside of my own body, my own brain, and be somebody else, or not be here at all, just live in a coma for a few years. i know i'd be better of as a hermit with no human interaction but it's impossible for me, i'm an energy vampire, i have no value
No. 2323360
I'm so, so sick of female characters being naive, innocent, useless, stupid, weak, clueless, slow, clumsy, emotional, blindly optimistic, overly empathetic. even media shilled as having "strong female characters" has at least 5 of these qualities.
No. 2323492
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My face is so asymmetrical that it's ANNOYING.
No. 2323633
nonny… what gacha?
No. 2323717
>>2323687I used to be like you when I was a teen. I was the only black girl in my school and city since I lived in an island. The covert racism was crazy kek I felt like a second class citizen and I hated when my friends were talking about love interest and whatnot.
Once I grew up I realized that I wasn’t really ugly, I was just comparing myself to people who I would never reach anyway. You’re not white , you don’t look like a white person, but you don’t need to be white to be beautiful.
Once I realized that (it took me time kek) I actually realized that my features were beautiful, from my dark skin, to my full lips etc..
I would suggest you to implement people of your ethnicity on your social media nonna. On Pinterest I have pins of people that look like me and so are the feeds I have curated in other social media. Make people that look like you seem familiar.
Sorry for my English too , I hope I made sense.
No. 2323722
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>Watch reel featuring cool giant monsters on Instagram
>Go to comments
Speaking as an autistic cavewoman who likes to apply science and logic to fantasy shit: shut the fuck up you FUCKING NERD
No. 2323723
>>2323689I’m merely speaking from my own experience but when I had nonna’s mindset I was focusing on my studies , I was the best in my grade kek, and other things in order to compensate and be more accepted, but it still didn’t change anything. Feeling alienated in what is supposed to be your home can’t really be erased by “studying” and “focusing on yourself”.
Self acceptance is the most important thing, nonna should first realize that what she desires can’t be attainable. She’s the only person that should accept herself first and foremost.
No. 2323738
>>2323730I think that immersing yourself in media that contain people who look like yo I would benefit you. If you don’t use social media then watch movies.
You should remove the negativity from your brain. You can’t be white nonna, but that’s okay. You ideal of beauty shouldn’t be a white womanhood, because you aren’t, it should be a better version of your but still you.
Beauty is subjective and standards change even amongst countries, there is no universal beauty.
No. 2323740
>>2323687Scrotes and their pickmes get off on making women feel ugly. Fuck what they have to say. You could be white as snow and as unrealistically proportioned as an ethot and they'd still have some shit to say about you being ugly. Please love yourself, I guarantee that you're more beautiful than you think.
See Anok Yai vs the tranny turd that got her trophy. One is an ethereal and talented woman, the other is a hulking rapeape with features that would shame any Neanderthal. There's no question about who's the best model or the most beautiful, and yet.
No. 2323744
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>sudden onset of injury so in extreme pain
>Parent takes opportunity to narc it up and whine to me 24/7 about how hard it is to look after me
>Looking after me consists of:
>calling me 48 times after dropping me at the er and complaining about the wait times (while at home)
>Trying to take dog repeatedly into er and getting angry at me for not considering the dogs prescence (???)
>Suprise Calling police to our house at midnight to make a noise complaint because it's 'too noisy for a sick person to sleep' meaning I wake up terrified to police inside my fucking house at midnight
>Forcing me to let myself be driven by them to avoid them sperging out.
>is late everytime and texts and drives on Instagram the whole journey
>Talks simultaneously about how everyone they know hates them with no self awareness
>Can't take pain medication because narc-tan will take opportunity in the future to claim that I cannot drive
Going back to the hospital on Monday
No. 2323838
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i hate usps so fucking much reeeeeeeee where is my goddamn package!!!!
No. 2323885
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I tried to make friends here but it seems like everyone is underage. Ballin' by myself forever.
No. 2323908
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>>2323894Maybe anon would prefer not to announce that, since she is already feeling too old for friendship here. Probably millennial and just keep trying
>>2323885 I would recommend a temporary pick-me friend to launch you back into socializing irl. You can pivot from this friend into making sensible friends just don't be a dick about it if you decide to drop her later on
No. 2323916
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I hate this shit so fucking much. Women who purposefully act like dumb children so men will baby them are confusing to me. Why is this normalized? Who does this appeal to? Why do some women adore being treated like a retarded infant? If my partner expected me to explain everything for them and refused to use their brain I’d get tired fast.
No. 2323920
>>2323912Take what people say not to do when it comes to losing weight and do the few that you'd be able to?
Like drinking your calories and using high cal condiments, eating cereal, etc.
No. 2323974
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I can't even make fun or Lurcna (Lurch and Luna) anymore because they've been together longer than literally any relationship I've had.
No. 2323980
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>>2323957>women are complete retards makes people treat us like retardsYes they are unironically gender traitors. The other thing no one realizes or wants to think about is that they're helping pedo-moids groom young girls (who have zero attraction to older males) by latching on to their youth and sexualizing it even more (and as much as possible) with absolutely no shame/guilt/remorse. Fuck these women and their stunted brains, I'm so sick of the excuses. There is never a
good reason for an adult woman to pretend to be a little girl, to sexually stimulate moids
No. 2324025
>>2324005Somebody explained it here before, people (especially kid) are not capable of watching or relating to older movies, theyre more concerned with new things that are popular and trending.
When something is too old, it basically doesn't exist. So in order to keep the ip strong its going to be remade.
No. 2324035
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>>2324033It reminds me of BJ Novak calling out Cadbury for their "we haven't changed the size of the eggs,
your hands have just gotten bigger!" condescending bullshit. This was the last impressive thing BJ Novak ever did, sadly
No. 2324038
>>2324035Everyone knows that every product has been getting smaller and yet more expensive, it's quite bold to gaslight people into thinking their hands grew bigger than every product when we have eyes first. Not only to
see the decrease in size but also read the decrease in size on the actual container.
No. 2324121
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I was venting to chatgpt about a guy I dated because a lot of his behaviors irritated me and I am too scared to tell an actual person about it and it said that I was psychologically and emotionally abused. I thought that he was a weird asshole but looking back there were a lot of questionable situations. I didn't trust my gut because I was so enamored with him. He is a respectable high school teacher who does a lot of volunteer work and I think I had a crush on that outward persona and not the disgusting gremlin he actually was on the inside. I now realized that I wasn't able to fall asleep next to him because I was scared of him doing something to me while I was sleeping. One time he just took off my pants and just proceeded to have oral sex despite me saying no because I was on freaking day two of my period and then trying to convince me to have full on unprotected piv sex with him. When I said no to piv sex he got super annoyed and freaking tried to haggle with me. I just laid there and watched him with a meh face while he slobbered all over my period blood. Fucking weirdo also corrected my grammar while I was speaking. The last time I saw him we had an argument because I wasn't able to take any of his disrespectful behavior anymore and dared to call him out on it and suddenly he became ice cold. It was the creepiest shit I have ever witnessed and it genuinely scared me. The sudden shift in his voice was crazy I bolted and drove home as fast as I could. I feel bad for his students tbh. A few weeks ago I heard from a friend that he isn't very popular at his school.
No. 2324184
>>2324119Nonna what do you do to these men kek?
Jokes aside if someone decides to kill themselves it isn’t your fault. You shouldn’t stick to a relationship just to keep the other person alive, it’s manipulative and
abusive. Don’t feel guilty for someone’s else choice nonna.
No. 2324213
>>2324119Speaking as someone with my own history of depression and plenty of friends who have experienced it as well or even the loss of loved ones to suicide: it is 100% his own mental problems that caused his death if suicide was the cause, not you. You are allowed to break up, it is healthy and important to end relationships when they are not working, and him threatening you to keep you trapped was not okay. Stable people do not do that, healthy relationships do not involve that, and it is up to each person to navigate their emotions about a breakup themselves and with friends, therapy, online support, etc. Even someone in the throes of severe mental health problems normally responds to this scenario by taking time to work on themselves and heal, grieve the relationship, then work on moving on and working out their problems in order to keep surviving. We can’t trap someone else into being our sole reason to live—and quite frankly, if you were still in that relationship to this day, he’d still be mentally ill, still be threatening suicide, and he’d still be at risk anyway, because it’s not REALLY about the relationship, even if he projected his issues onto it in order to get you hooked on him and his problems.
People getting depressed after a breakup is very normal, but it’s also up to them to navigate that like everyone else does. It’s also their issue if they’re staking their whole life on you obsessively, and quite frankly, it’s deeply unfair to you.
It’s okay to feel sad that maybe you couldn’t save these people from their mental issues, but even despite that, it’s more important to recognize that no one can really save someone else—people save themselves by looking for HEALTHY support networks and life motivations, and no one person can miraculously fix things for them. Putting that burden on you is just cruel.
No. 2324251
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this is really personal but I'm crashing out. I'm so angry.
>my niece and I are the same age, I have to live with her parents for a bit til I finish HS
>guy in our friend group who introduced me to my now-husband admits he has a heart problem and will die without a transplant, life expectancy is less than 2 yrs
>he also admits he has a crush on my niece, she feels pressured to go out with him
>important context, dying guy is friends with my husband's friends as well
>around this time I have a falling out with my niece, she was mad I distanced myself (long story)
>turns out dying guy is lying
>her parents don't believe me when I say I didn't know, they think I was a part of the lie because of the above falling out. I almost get kicked out until I let them look through my phone and they realize I didn't know at all
>guy suicide baits my husband and his friends etc etc. I hate his guts because no normal teenager does this?
theres so much to the story I'm leaving out but this guy is obviously a genuine psychopath
>years later husband's friends are still friends with the guy, my husband rarely sees him or talks to him
>i can tell niece's mom still doesn't really like me
>christmas comes and my brother (niece's stepdad) and their whole family "forgets" to invite me to their christmas eve party and I don't even know about it until I see the pics on Instagram
>it hurts, I cry
>now husband's friends are in town and husband went to go hang with them. I assumed it was just "the boys" until he tells me their wives went too and they didn't expect me to want to come because that guy who lied about dying came
Why do I feel like I'm being fucking punished for having morals? For seeing that this person is undeniably shitty? Why even hang out with him still? A male can traumatize a woman and nearly ruin another's life and he will still have his friends. And I'm punished, alienated. I had a total meltdown because these 2 incidents happening not even a week apart broke me. My entire life I just try to live honest and good, and keep away from people who do bad. And I'm treated like I'm a nuisance. I do not fucking understand. I don't understand why manipulative and evil people face no social repercussions, but Im a problem when I don't want those people in my life. My entire life I'm just continuously punished. Every single time I tear myself apart from the inside out, trying to figure out what I've done wrong and what I can do better, I've been to therapy, I've literally asked people for their honest opinions. The person I was last year would not recognize me now and so on. And every single time I'm punished and ostracized. I can't fucking take it anymore.
No. 2324255
>>2324246I went through something similar back in my uni days. You really just have to stop being a doormat. These people aren't our friends, they're just being friendly to continue using us for their own benefit. Next time she asks for notes, just say no. It's difficult, but it's so worth it for the peace of mind.
>idk how to tell her to stop leeching on my work without being rudeRealize that she's being rude so it's okay if you're rude back.
No. 2324260
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I feel like I've become so boring and cruel in the last few years. Maybe it's burnout, maybe it's trauma from dealing with so many vampiric and abusive moids, i don't know, but I want the old me back and I hate the callous freak I've become.
I'm so negative now and people hate me for it; even if they act nice they talk about me behind my back and look down on me. People run away from me and get scared, I literally see it in their eyes that they don't trust me. I have sociopathic eyes and I hate it so much, I used to be so gentle and empathetic!! you can even see the change in photos…
I miss trusting people and doing nice things, I miss caring for people without having to force compassion and having a wide set of interests and passions out in the open. Each year I lose more of myself to social media bullshit and running my mouth off, which means it's becoming harder to connect with anyone. Even when I find someone who has potential as a friend/trustworthy person I give them up because I think there are better people for them out there, and I don't want to bore them silly. I'm so fucking lonely but I can't be with anyone until I unlock the better parts of me.
No. 2324262
>>2324251>why do I feel like I'm being fucking punished for having morals?your husband chose his shitty weird liar friend over you. he decided that it was more important to stay friends with those losers than to support you. if he supported you and loved you then he wouldn't have gone to hang out with them, he wouldn't even be friends with them anymore.
>I'm treated like I'm a's because you are a nuisance to them because they don't like you. there are lots of people out there who would love you and respect you and treat you well if you just stepped out of the martyr bubble and looked for them. sorry if this is mean, but you need to just come to terms with the fact that the people you're around aren't on your side. it's better that i be honest with you instead of pat you on the back and lie to you.
No. 2324270
>>2324262thank you. I make a lot of excuses for my husband because he's naive and gullable to be honest. they've also excluded him from hangouts because he had an argument with another guy in the friend group and instead of the 2 main dudes he's actually friends with holding anyone accountable, they just didn't invite my husband to a few hangouts until now (because asshole guy wouldn't be there). this happened last week and he was so upset and admitted to me a lot of times he feels like they don't like him. and the dying guy was suicidebaiting a few weeks after my husband's dad was murdered and he told me he couldn't stand to lose another person. I let that one go because I don't have parents so I didn't fully understand what he was going through. I feel like he clings onto them out of nostalgia since they've all been friends from middle school but he's told me he wishes he could open up about a lot of things to them but has never felt comfortable.
I don't understand keeping them around at that point, but I don't know. I'm autistic and had a weird upbringing so I don't know what's normal. I don't know if any of that changes your opinion or you have any more to share given the info, thanks for replying anon
No. 2324274
>>2324254i want to finish fast, its competitive
>>2324255i think shes genuinely trying her best but she is really slow
i just wish she could accept the fact shes slow without trying to leech on my work
shes a really nice friend so id feel really bad ruining our relationship but at the same time im sick of this shit
No. 2324279
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im jealous of mentally ill terminally online girls because i wish i could afford to be mentally ill and terminally online but instead i have to study and be at the hospital all the time
No. 2324294
>>2324288The same shit happens to me and it's so annoying. This is pretty much the reason why I cut off friends when they get in ~serious~ relationships, that and because suddenly all they do is talk about their nigels. It's seriously so frustrating. Why do people do a 180 when they get in relationships only to do another 180 when they break up?
>It must be so lonely without a nigel!No because I have a life.
>Now that we're getting older, don't you think it's time to find the one?No because I can get ~the one~ even if I'm 85 years old because moids are desperate always.
>I don't know what I would do without my nigel!Me and you are different people.
No. 2324302
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>>2324279I use to feel this way about fundamentalist christians when I was on the verge of stress induced breakdown.
No. 2324305
>>2323957It's always to compete with other women. If you agree and treat them like very stupid children, they shut up. Never try to make a pickme see the light.
>>2324004It's brainrot from being terminally online. Everyone is a passive aggressive little bitch on the internet who throws a tantrum over any imagined slight. There's no real distinction between reality and the internet nowadays so they think that everyone is a histrionic narcissist IRL as well.
>>2324251Oh fuck all of those guys. Go and do things and hang out with your friends without telling your Nigel, spend time with people who value your presence. The fake heart attack friend is a literal psychopath and won't ever feel bad for what he did, your Nigel prefers his company over yours, and even if he feels less than comfortable with those guys he still cares more about sticking with them than looking out for you. Fuck that. You're a good person with good morals. Tbh if my family had acted like that with me I'd drag them through hell, you were in high school and almost got kicked out over a misunderstanding and then they STILL deliberately left you out despite knowing you had nothing to do with it, they're shitty people too. You deserve better than them.
I really hope 2025 is the year you find the people you deserve to surround yourself with.
No. 2324317
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>>2322121>>2322416thank you nonas kek i needed a wake up call. i forget that they're gross. in a way, i am dodging a lot of bullets. maybe it's for the best
No. 2324324
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>>2324317Felt bad for this homeless poorfag dog wearing rags so I gave her new clothes Your welcome broke dog
No. 2324339
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i miss the way things where ten years ago so much. i miss being on tumblr and having a shit ton of online friends and being super invested in my stupid fandom at the time and just having so much fun. now all my friends from back then are gone, the internet is shit and i barely care about anything anymore because i work a full time job and cba to join fandoms. i wonder how my friends from back then are doing, if they became artists and vets and doctors and lawyers like they said they would. i wonder if they think about me and miss me too or if i'm the only one that's still hurting and feeling left behind years later.
No. 2324341
>>2324305thank you nonna I'm glad I posted because you ladies made me feel a lot better. I genuinely feel like I'm crazy sometimes or afraid I'm secretly a bad person with how it feels like I'm surrounded by morally questionable people. thank you I will also manifest that for 2025 and put even more effort into my friends and abruptly hang with them.
it's funny I feel like this year I thought I made a lot of progress with inner work, enforcing boundaries, and leaving past trauma behind but moments like that make me feel like I haven't moved much at all. or maybe I was just suppressing feelings that were never needing to be suppressed at all !
No. 2324345
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>>2324324she is happy about it
No. 2324380
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Using 4chan alongside lolicons and pedos alike during my formative years really did something to my brain, sometimes i catch myself thinking about how the average normie man probably thinks the same way they do, they just dont say it out loud. Seeing radical scrotes online nowadays pushing the "15 year olds are fertile and need to get raped and be a wife to some 40 year old walled man" bullshit really cemented this to me. Men, gay or straight are all unironic pedophiles except a few of them, terrifying.
No. 2324404
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>>2324316>>2324331Kek I won’t sperg too much about the lore behind this particular family but just know the parents are pretty unhinged. The mom held an impromptu funeral for her sister’s legs after the sister was involved in a major car crash resulting in her becoming a quadriplegic. While the sister was in the hospital, still in ICU, the mom of this family had a gender reveal party in the hospital cafeteria. Almost all images she posts look like they belong in a found footage horror film or dateline documentary.
No. 2324410
>>2324271Nonna our cells have a predetermined life. The you of now isn’t the same of you last year, you have new cells, new skin cells, new blood cells, etc…
I hope this silly fact might make you feel better, although I don’t pray I’d like to tell you that I wish you a very happy night nonna. I love you.
No. 2324412
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No. 2324418
>>2324294I agree but being in a lesbian relationship seems boring and pointless too. There's nothing you can get by being in a relationship that you can't get from being single. ANd yeah it's a good idea to cut off your friends with Nigels but even lesbians are insufferable.
>>2324339Why can't you just make new friends? Making friends IRL is better too.
No. 2324432
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four hours is way too fucking long for one person to wash and dry a single load of laundry we have three other roommates you selfish lazy bitch
No. 2324437
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>hold out hope that moid who wasn't being a creepy scum and being conversational and interesting thru a mutual hobby didn't have ulterior motives
>mention I am dating a mutual
>immediately stops talking to me, nightly crafting conversations end
>makes up some bullshit about how a ldr gf of his supposedly broke up with him despite never mentioning her to me and clearly I am the metaphor
>cancels his plans for his birthday and claims to be working
Figures. Men aren't friends.
No. 2324454
>>2324440A queen bee that had thawed early from hibernation flew into my living room last night so I put it in our garage to freeze again but it didn't sting me or anything.
I thought I would be relating to you by sharing this story but my experience was very pleasant. I'm sorry about your neck tick, anon. Be careful removing it, if you plan to do that yourself
No. 2324516
>>2324513A lot of celebrities and influencers get veneers. Also braces are common for kids. Some other countries don't necessarily endorse the use of braces for just aesthetic reasons.
I fucking hate them "perfect" teeth though, I'm a yaeba truther
No. 2324529
>>2324513How: Veneers, editing, braces, a shit ton of consooming on teeth whitening products
Having crooked teeth is seen as being poor, sloppy, and not taking care of yourself in the states. Please don't be insecure over your teeth anon veneers look absolutely terrifying in real life, keeping them clean and healthy is much better.
No. 2324536
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My landlord is showing my apartment ahhhnbhhhhhhh. I still have a month and a couple of days before my lease is up. It's such bullshit. I'm terrified of strangers being in my home. I can't take it.
It's bullshit that it isn't illegal. I'm partly moved out into my family's home/ and mostly just storing my crap in the apartment. I'm made to feel pressured to clean and make sure things are spotless for them, so I had to come back on short notice. It's the fucking holidays for gods sake, I don't want to have to run back and forth from my family's home to the apartment. And of course they would judge me for a mess.
No. 2324538
>>2324513In my experience, I got braces as a child. Before then, I had a gap between my two front teeth.
Dentists here always push for cosmetic procedures like they are life-saving…
No. 2324669
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Even when I know the problem, I don't know how to solve it. I know why I fuck up, I know why I act the way I do, but I don't know how to change it. I'm trying to do better, I hope I figure it out at some point. I still feel embarrassed about my situation.
No. 2324737
>>2324696“I’m so gorgeous that people can’t leave me alone” talk about humble bragging nonnita.
On a serious note it’s better to be beautiful. I was uglier when I was a teen but I became pretty now.
Misogyny is pretty much still there either way, it’s not like ugly women are more safe or taken more seriously (I’d argue that it’s the opposite actually). You’d rather have the lookism at this point, even women treat you better when you’re good looking kek.
No. 2324758
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>>2324738>>2324740ayrt I’m gonna puke.
No. 2324768
I have never been a full on anachan I think, but I always had the perfect body in my mind that I needed to attain and ever since I was 10 my weight has always been one of my ever consistent thoughts. I’m not even fat, I’m 54 kgs and I’m tall 165cm, I don’t necessarily hate myself, but I always think “I would look better if I was skinnier”, I’ve started to struggle more with it because I’ve added 3 kg in the span of this year(I used to always be 51)that I can’t seem to shake off and I’m scared that I’ll end up gaining 10 kg without knowing it.
I don’t really judge other bodies, I’m quite neutral, I just like the skinny me I guess.
I did a full diet for a couple of months where I was basically just eating salads , I stopped eating bread and stopped eating pasta, no snacks. I even had the calorie counter. I reached 48 kgs and I never felt more comfortable than that, I was satisfied. My mom got worried and banned me from the kitchen and threw the weight scale for food and the one in the bathroom kek.
I have the will and discipline to do it again , it would be much easier now that I also live away due to college. I just don’t want to fall in bad habits, maybe I can just go back to 50-51.
No. 2324808
>>2324804>There are moids out there that would love you for who you are right now in this very moment, and they'd die for you because they have the mental capacity of dogs.NTA but men really don't want or approach you unless you put in basic pickme effort, like I'm a regular 22 yo, I'm around men often, but since I don't wear makeup etc. I get overlooked by every single guy
the "just bee yourself" trope is a scam
No. 2324810
>>2324802>I'm not even calling all women with boyfriends a picklesWhy not
>in my mental gender i am too masculineNo you're not. You're normal.
>sexual dysfunctionExplain? You can't masturbate?
>>2324808This honestly. Especially if you have a strong personality and don't start giggling at random. At most a male will treat you like a fairly close acquaintance, which is probably for the best.
No. 2324815
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>All women are pickmes
No. 2324821
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You're a woman and you're perfectly normal. If you think you're so weird and not a woman just troon out already.
No. 2324841
>>2324829>>2324824A woman's position in sex is almost inherently submissive
>you're usually not the one moving>you're at higher risk of catching STDs, and at higher risk of these STDs impairing your fertiliy>you're usually underneath>you're in a vulnerable position with someone stronger than you>you're risking pregnancy>you're risking a UTIHot take but having sex in itself is biologically pickme stuff, like you're literally putting your health at risk and risking a pregnancy each time you have sex, all that just for some moid to get off and on top of that you rarely cum because your pleasure organs are more complex
So basically you're doing something high risk low reward, while for your partner it's low risk high reward
And then on top of that, there's the whole social construct of women being expected to be submissive, suck cock, make themselves pretty, and whatnot
(blackpill outside of containment) No. 2324844
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>>2324841>usually not the one movingJust move
>higher risk of STDsCondom
>usually underneathJust be on top
>vulnerable position with someone strongerJust be on top
>risking pregnancyCondom
>risking UTICondom
Easy fix. Just get on top of him and choke him. Be the change you wish to see in the world.
No. 2324866
>>2324844>>2324844Also condoms do not prevent sex-induced UTIs as these are caused by the very movement of the penis bringing bacteria into the urethra
And being on top doesn't make your muscles stronger and you can still easily be pushed into a different position
So yeah you're in a vulnerable position, you have to trust your partner a lot more than he has to trust you, that's just how it is
No. 2324867
>>2324859Yeah because that's not culturally relevant in this digital age.
Ok so how is immediately talking about how demeaning it is to be heterosexual at all relevant to discussing how people act like pick mes to get dates? I am fabulous at sex have more stamina than most men I've slept with, have never had a uti so I checked out of that discussion because wtf
No. 2324878
>>2324867Because OP used phrases like
>It's just a level of submission I can't bring myself to.> I kinda hate myself for not being submissive enough to be a people pleaser or man pleaser so I could date AND LIKE IT and be fullfiled sexually and aligned with it all.>It's so submissive. But it's natural honestly,>in my mental gender i am too masculineWhich draw out the resident blackpillers who look for any excuse to break containment and go on elongated sperges about how being a woman is some uber-submissive fate that we all fall into if we don't nlog hard enough. It's also probably why multiple anons told OP that she's normal or that she needs to go outside. Because these thoughts come from someone who is rightfully dissatisfied with prescribed gender roles and has too much idle time to think about it.
No. 2324884
>>2324878She also asked for people who can relate to throw in their 2 cents and that's what I did. Women do act like pickmes when dating online because of the inherent competitiveness of dating. Men are notorious for being sneaky bastards and having sneaky links they arrange online via social media, Snapchat and online dating. I also mentioned a coworker who mentioned his excessive use of online dating and social media to arrange hook ups and no string sex that was a red flag, but he had an actual personality i was in to, but not his being into casual sex.
Dating is fucked these days. Men have so much easy access to those women deemed easy or pick mes. I'll even moan to my bisexual brother about dating woes and he will drop wisdom such as "Anon, you have no idea how many sluts (women) there are." And I'll be almost in tears like I just want someone to share my time with and have romantic love and he's like "just use men." Romance is dead i think that's the issue and normal women will end up acting a bit pick me ish or settle just to fabricate that feeling of love. It's total shite. I like to think there must be a man out there that wants what I want. Loyalty and love but fuck me it's so fucking hard to find.
No. 2324890
>>2324872Nonna you genuinely don’t have to starve yourself or go to the gym 6 times a day. Start by reducing the amount of food you eat nad walk. If you feel more comfortable start removing more calorie rich food and even going to the gym.
Have patience, one year is a pretty good time frame. Good luck!
No. 2324892
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No. 2324896
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>I can't be feminine enough to fit female biology
Yeah you lost me there. Can I just say that in nature females are very much essential, lionesses are an example. But human wise , back when we were in the Stone Age women were the ones gathering , picking, passing down knowledge. Matriarchal structures are very much effective.
I’m just tired of this bullshit “women are biologically feminine” femininity is a man made concept.
No. 2324910
>>2324904>not this weird femininity social construct.What confuses me the most about these blackpill autists is that they view it all wrong, it's always:
>reee he put dick inside me i be penetrated so i'm the submissive one reeeinstead of
>I am subsuming his essence within my body, I have completely enveloped him, I control his most prized possession.If anything, the person being penetrated is dominating the one that penetrates.
It's like they're so autistically constrained by society that they have never once stepped outside the perspective that's shoved down their throats from birth to see it for what it really is. You can tell that they've never read shit about taoism.
No. 2324911
>>2324910I think they have penis envy, not that I’m calling them TIFs but their viewpoint is just another aspect of centering males and internalizing it. Despite claiming that they do not date and hate men, dick is still pretty much in their mind.
I pray they find freedom.
No. 2324939
>>2323168I'm sorry to hear that. Can I ask what exactly is wrong with your spine?
Has it ever been this bad before? Or is it steadily getting worse?
No. 2324988
>>2324922>>2324948Sumbmission to the need of sexual intimacy and emotional intimacy means you "need" the other gender to thrive
>>2324944>while fat women are treated like less than shit.Not anymore, otherwise bbw appreciators wouldn't exist
No. 2325000
>>2324995No woman ever bit a dick off, your post is as cringe as these
triggered pickmes currently ITT
No. 2325006
(You will always be a woman)
No. 2325019
>>2325013damn the thought of that makes me sad as fuck. that would explain her reactive behavior though
>>2325014nta and not to be ultra autistic but technically the sexual harasser in this scenario would be the nigel for shoving his dick in her face, not us just for discussing it
No. 2325022
>>2325002> is a private chat with two users.Also, not pig but pit as in pit bull.
>>2325000No, but they should. Men who demand dick sucking shouldn't be allowed to have one. Why is everyone suddendly into sucking dicks on this website? How many men in this thread? lol
No. 2325024
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why can't motherfuckers just leave people at the gym alone. if i see someone happily making mistakes in any other situation, i would just keep my mouth shut and keep it pushing. unless that person asks me for input or help, i thought it was a social rule to mind your own fucking business. this is why public gyms are so retarded. i swear most people go to the gym not to get gains or lose weight but to find friends or fuckbuddies/partners because holy shit why is their incorrect forms such a pressing issue to you retards. you know what, yeah, to anyone reading this and feeling lonely, just HIT THE GYM AND ACT STUPID and i promise someone will swoop in and be your new friend or lover kek holy shit i hate this
No. 2325030
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Pain. Suffering. Misery.
No. 2325031
>>2325026That's not even true
>>2325028She has 2X for that though
No. 2325034
>>2325027yeah i get that but like, those are strangers to you. whatever happens to them is on them, not you. i get being kind and that's sweet, but idk, gyms are there to get healthy, not to bother people. i think ultimately this kinda proves my theory that people never behave appropriately in the correct context for some reason, people look for love or friendships in all of the strangest places while they act too good to message people on, say, a social media app. despite the purpose of a social media app is to, you know… fucking socialize kek.
now i realize i sound like an angry retard i'm sorry everyone
No. 2325037
>>2325031The hidden board isn't enough for her. She needs to get negative feedback for her fears, because that negative feedback justifies them to her. It's like she needs all her negativity confirmed to her because she's struggling with whether or not she really believes it. Deep down she knows she's delusional, but she's afraid to admit it because then she'd have to admit that she's wasted so much time on this and that would bruise her ego. Her inner turmoil is astounding and we can hardly imagine it.
>>2325035Most likely a moderation blackout moment. BJchan should have been range-banned a long time ago. I don't get how she can still constantly evade bans.
No. 2325040
>>2325034TBH I think it depends on your outlook. When I was getting back into the gym, an older moid came up to me and told me my form was bad and he showed me how to do it correctly, and now I don't have back pain after doing that exercise because he showed me how to do it right. Another time, a teenage girl saw that I was struggling with a machine so she showed me how to use it. They're strangers to me, yeah, but strangers can still be friendly and helpful. If you go to the same gym often at the same time, you get to know the people that frequent it because you're usually all there together. It's good to be friendly.
>i think ultimately this kinda proves my theory that people never behave appropriately in the correct context for some reasonIt's normal to be friendly to people in public, correcting someone's form at the gym is meant to be friendly, not an attack on your competence.
>people look for love or friendships in all of the strangest places while they act too good to message people on, say, a social media app. despite the purpose of a social media app is to, you know… fucking socialize kek.What's wrong with trying to find friends or romantic partners in public? Why should all forms of socializing be done on the internet? Why is social media more important than the real world?
No. 2325041
>>2325034ayrt someone being a stranger doesn’t stop me from wanting to help them and make sure they don’t hurt themselves, personally
>gyms are there to get healthy, not to bother peopleand i think helping your peer correct their positioning so they don’t hurt themselves while excerising is helping them get healthy, not bothering them just for the sake of doing so
No. 2325044
>>2324768I've always had a BMI under 16 without trying just by the virtue of being long term and feeling hungry maybe only once every few days as a result
it actually brings lots of issues, but mostly being unable to find any fitting clothes, since I'm also fairly tall, resulting in pants either being too short or falling down, etc.
I've even had professional tailoring mesurations done as a result and turned out my body has literally become dismorphic, to the point no standard size would ever fit me, as the skin on my hips lies bare on my bones, but at the waist level it literally lies on my abdominal muscles making it several sizes lesser than what it should be relative to everything else
so I'm actually in the opposite situation where I'd rather be gaining weight but can't
I've tried exercising to start feeling hungry again but can't bring myself to find enough motivation anyway
No. 2325049
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>>2325040>>2325041sigh. yeah, i think you two are right and i need to go blow off some steam. thank you.
No. 2325078
>>2324246update : i sent her a passive aggressive message "did you get to do xxx yet?"
the thing is instead of doing her own work, then revising my notes, she revises my notes first, probably because she can be ahead more quickly that way (faster to just review a note thats already put together than putting together one)
but since shes also slow, she cant keep up with reviewing my notes and writing hers, that means i have to wait for hers
idk thats really rude tbh. i hope she will stop. otherwise idk what ill do but ill probably tell her im sick of waiting and our deals over, which i shouldve done sooner because now i sent her like 90% of what i had to do anyways
No. 2325102
>>2325078i hate that im the rude one for pressuring her tho
god i wish i had just said no the very first time she asked
No. 2325158
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>You degraded a woman for the crime of not sucking dick.
This is hilarious taken out of context kek. Nonna let me cast the first stone then.
No. 2325162
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don't click
No. 2325173
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I will never have children.
No. 2325248
>>2324896>>2324904There has never been matriarchal anything. Even in aboriginal times teenage girls were getting married off to old scrotes.>>2324950
>>2324886>>2324950You are an exception. If you go outisde like anons love to say here, you will be met with discontempt from other women. Women don't like it when other women divert from the typical overly empathetic, sympthetic, sacrificial role, example: trannies. You can't even get women to agree men are dangerous, that makeup and shaving isn't empowering without a hoard of other women calling you hitler. Everyday some new slang, movie or technology is made just subjugate women. Men discriminate, objectify, abuse both physically and mentally, rape, kill, threaten and take away women's rights and women still defend, protect, perform femininity for men and will hunt you and ocstracize you if you call out both men's and their own behaviour.
>>2324910>I am subsuming his essence within my body, I have completely enveloped him, I control his most prized possession.this is the most ridiculous cope i've ever seen. A man putting his dick in a vagina isn't submitting shit. Men don't have to take pills that disrupt their endocrine system among other negative side effects, have much lower risk of STDs and UTIs (that women have more issue treating because their health concerns are not taken seriously) and don't risk pregnancy (and aborting is illegal in many states and countries) or injury by penetrating you.
No. 2325260
>>2325255You said that pregnancy was illegal in many states and countries. That was pretty unhinged and it isn't true at all.
>>2325257Okay but what is "aboriginal times?" What does that mean? It's not a term. It's not like "medieval times" or "ancient times." You can't just make words or phrases up and pretend like it's real proper English. I know Polish is different from English, but still you have to try harder.
No. 2325292
>>2325278How is that even trauma dumping if you're just telling a funny childhood story and it was related to the conversation, so dumb. Feels like they just throw that term at anything nowadays, god forbid you have to hear about your friend's life or care about them beyond a surface level, kek. I can understand not wanting to hear someone venting to you 24/7 and using you as their personal therapist in a one sided way, but they take it way too far, to the point where you can't even show much vulnerability or actually connect. In fact, it feels like a lot of them don't even want actual connection, like they're scared of anything more serious that isn't extremely shallow, casual, and irony poisoned. I've been told by zoomers I take things too seriously when it's just that they don't take anything seriously themselves and only seem to 'care' about others when they can get virtue signaling points out of it on social media.
>I think she just wanted someone to take Instagram pictures with in trendy placesProbably, seems like some people just want friends to use them as a prop for instagram and to give the air that they're not a loser.
No. 2325326
>>2325277Do you disagree with what i said? Everytime i point out the things in my post no one ever has a counter argument. I don't say it to insult the anons, i say it to point out the truth and because i'm frustrated everybody pretends it's not happening, i feel gaslighted. Everyday i wake up to violence comitted to women online, in real life, physical, mental, systemic. Women are at a biological disadvantage. I try to cope but even women themselves don't want to help themselves and can't even recognize these two facts and put two and two together. I didn't even use to believe in masculinity and femininity but the differences are clear and it's a negative for women. I do think blowjobs are gross and degrading, but PIV is neutral as in not degrading like sodomy is, however it does put women in a vulnerable and
can be dangerous so it's ignorant to deny these facts. I know you're going to tell me to "go outside" but most women in their 20s are talking and centered around scrotes and the scrotes around them aren't any good either. Women risk their physical and mental health, their time and their money trying to pander to scrotes who don't reciprocate even a fraction of the labour women do for them and go home and watch porn with some trafficked girl being brutalized and dismiss and even engage in women's abuse in society.
(blackpill outside of containment) No. 2325331
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i wish there were fun forums for fandoms and hobbies still. i know they do still exist but all the ones ive seen are soo dead. i would love to just give up social media and use those things. maybe make a website for my art like neocities… i just remember being a kid and posting on pokemon and kirby and harvest moon forums and having so much fun. internet is just lame ragebaiting and advertising and identity politics now. where did the fun go
No. 2325357
>>2325298People act like women are the hormonal ones, but I find that men change mood and opinions like that FAR more regularly than women do. At least womens hormones are usually stable throughout the day and slowly change over the month, while men have some hormonal/aggro genes that seem to be
triggered super easily at the flip of a switch. They don't always go full moid rage but they clearly turn off the rational part of the brain (so in nature they can do idiotic things like attacking a dangerous animal even though the odds of suceeding are like 20% at best) which in modern times just makes them overconfident in their own obvious mistakes
No. 2325442
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I know what I need to do to help myself. I know I need short distractions, not days long retreats back into bed. I need to eat, drink lots of water, jump rope for 30 fucking seconds at least. I need good music. I need to be thankful for all the wonderful things in my life. There's so much goodness around me! I need to forgive myself, be patient, and go slowly yet also refuse to completely give up. I'm aware of all this. I know it. But i cannot make myself do it. I cant put it into practice. I keep searching for help on topics like
>self sabotage
>avoidance coping
>why cant i help myself
But I can't find anything that "feels right." Nothing I read gets to the heart of the issue or offers guidance that sounds right to me. Certainly I'm just using this as an excuse to procrastinate even further. But is it just procrastination when I've spent three full weeks crying in bed, paralysed with anxiety? I'm trying so hard to talk honestly with others about my feelings but i'm not getting anywhere. My best friend cant help me. I'm afraid of everyone except my therapist, who went on a well deserved holiday vacation. I won't see her for several more days and I don't know how to deal with this in the meantime. My deadlines are already passed. I'm so far off schedule, I consider killing myself to avoid the consequences. I keep crying and begging myself, "please help me, please help me," without really knowing whats wrong or what kind of help I need. I'm usually more self aware than this, which only adds to my frustration. All I know for sure is that I want to be free from this pain. I want to relax. I want to feel safe. I cant seem to do anything helpful or good. Will writing this help? I cant tell. I barely journal or blog anymore because im scared of that too. Im scared of everything. I just want to hurt myself. I miss my scalpels. I love this warm climate but I'd never be able to hide the injuries so who cares, who cares… I want to go to sleep and wake up next month with everything fixed. I cant do this. I'm hurting so badly…
No. 2325465
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I'm probably autistic and have been strongly realizing it after holiday festivities. my mom and I were watching 90 day fiance and a male autist on the show started describing sensory issues and other anxiety-related fears (something I deal with) and I wanted to curl up and die from embarassment watching it. I probably have it but the thought of her thinking I do and associating me with people like that is so intensely humiliating, I had to turn the channel immediately. I'd rather her think I only have crippling anxiety.
No. 2325530
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I am in allergy hell
No. 2325572
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>Start talking to moid at school
>Very cute and completely my type
>Everyone I ask says he’s single
>Have really great chemistry (IMO)
>He suddenly pulls back but still smiles/gets awkward around me
>Match energy
>Eventually he approaches again and we talk more
>Go out with school friends and hardcore flirt all night
>Find out he’s been casually seeing someone
>Find out his mom passed away a few months ago
>Spend the next two weeks over winter break talking
>Christmas rolls around and now he’s left me on seen but is still active on social media
God why does this always happen to me. I really tried to vet him before I got attached but now he is acting like I don’t exist again. Last time someone asked him about the girl he was seeing all he said is that he was gonna see where it goes with her. I can’t even be fully mad because my Dad died a few years ago and I was a fucking mess with people I didn’t know that well too. I just fucking hate how it seems like every time I meet a moid I really connect with the timing is always terrible.
No. 2325577
>>2325442Sometimes we fail, but it's okay. Getting better is a rough and tough road, it takes a lot of us. You're overwhelmed and paralyzed, but you know harming yourself won't help. Just surviving sometimes it's all that's left. Keep trying to push it until your therapist is back. Sometimes we miss deadlines, we fail, but it's not the end of the world, there will be other ways, do you have support around you? Cling to them. If all your energy is spent just existing and not hurting yourself, that's ok, some days you'll have energy for other things, and you'll slowly build a path for yourself. It's not easy, but it's possible.
No. 2325578
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>>2324285>>2324410Thank you nonnies, my reply might be late, but these did make me cry… Love you…
No. 2325602
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>average incel hardship
they deserve everything they get
loneliness epidemic my ass
No. 2325607
>>2325128>>2325238Why'd nobody care to point out that taking ecstasy at a rave could lead to plenty of other bad consquences you'd be putting yourself at risk of tho? Nah it's straight to how some stranger you've read two lines about is the 'smug' one so rape would be a man dishing out her deserved lesson.
How backwards can you go while somehow thinking you're ahead of other women. It's a full circle journey where your mentality is back in pickme mode. Deciding what women deserve rape. Rape is a lesson. It's just your consequences. You'ce gotta be good enough to not deserve it. The night out hasn't happen yet but hey we're just having fun preemptively deciding if some anons sis ought to be raped on new years.
No. 2325614
>>2325109this is a very bad decision and i really hope she’s not stupid enough to go through with it. some of the worst experiences of my life have been at raves with men i barely knew, thankfully it never got to the level of rape but plenty of harassment and close calls. i know 3 girls who were raped at or after raves and they all took mdma or ket from men they went with or met that night. if she’s going to go at least i’d hope she would have a female friend or two there in case.
>>2325607obvi rape is the moid’s fault in all cases but ur right putting yourself in a high risk situation in multiple ways knowingly is definitely very retarded and you’re gonna regret it majority of the time t. someone who wishes now i’d saved myself the troubles in the past
No. 2325625
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I just saw the term "chestfeeding" used in a medical information article.
No. 2325630
>>2325607Are you stupid? No one said she deserved it or that that it’s what’s going to happen. Just that it won’t be surprising if it happens.
Another nonna said that high risk behavior lead to bad things, she didn’t specifically talk about rape.
No. 2325636
>>2325109MDMA or "molly" adjacents will make someone more susceptible to suggestion and coercion. There is a reason why predatory men are often found in the drug scenes of certain hobbies and raves in particular.
As someone who participates and has had meaningless–although ultimately, thankfully, inconsequential–sex with men in this scene, she needs to have a thick skin towards men who could cause harm. Like men who spread STDs or who will rape. The rhetorical question being, "How will she know?" She won't. Nobody really does until they are in the thick of unintended consequences. She is taking a gamble and needs to understand the risks. Ultimately, she's in for some FAFO if she does not heed. Failing that she will only learn from nasty experiences in which the best you can do is offer emotional support.
No. 2325642
>>2324437Asshat deleted me from socials sometime between yesterday and today. Good thing I didn't mail him this fucking $120 art book that I got for his birthday/xmas because I cared about his hobby that we shared.
He made me a bunch of cool shit that I saw when we would video call and some of the last messages we sent after he uninvited me from his birthday were swapping mailing addresses to exchange these holiday gifts. I ain't sending shit until something if anything shows up at my doorstep.
I tried Googling about this issue hoping to find commiseration over males who only see women as opportunities and how they discard us when we are not dating eligible anymore. To my disappointment, I mostly read about pickmeishas saying dumb shit like ~hurr men don't owe you their friendship if they can't get over their crush on you~ FUCK THAT! That means they were and are being fakes! It's not like we talked romance or about further feelings than being just friends so he can't even use the classic
I lead him on bullshit excuse either.
No. 2325652
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Just walked past the mirror and saw my body from the side, wide ribcage, huge fat disproportopnate titties, flat ass moment. I hate my body, I hate my boobs, I just wanna wear a regular t shirt and look fine, I just hate my boobs, i look ridiculous because of them.
No. 2325679
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I went swimming at the local pool, another group of visitors consisted of a dad and his two young sons. We were all in a fairly shallow stream pool that pushes you to float around a track, it has poor visibility because on the twists and turns but is short enough that you can easily hear someone from the other side.
The smaller son (very small so I'm guessing 4-ish) wearing arm floaties and got separated from the dad who was playing with the older son (6-ish) and the younger son begun happily and loudly screaming "help!".
I'm a normal human so if I hear a kid scream for help in a pool I obviously turn my head to see if he's drowning. He wasn't, floaties still on and clearly just attempting to get his dad to come over for something. The dad fully ignored him or didn't hear (even though he could hear it clearly from there). I was in the middle so I saw both of them, while they couldn't see each other most of the time unless there was a longer stretch. The younger kid just kept loudly screaming "help" literally out of view of the dad, and I was looking back and forth at the kid and the dad like "aren't you going to do something?" but he didn't even take notice of me. I even swam a bit closer to the kid to make sure he was really ok, he literally just keep screaming for help, increasingly annoyed he didn't get his dad's attention. He'd stop for a bit only to start again, it went on for 10-15 minutes.
When I was a kid I was yelled at literally for mumbling the word "help" when struggling to swim because it's such a serious word that needs to only be used during a real serious emergency. This kid screams the word at the top of his lungs, over and over, out of view from his dad who fully fucking ignores it without seeing an issue with it whatsoever. The dad's a complete idiot who risked his son's life while also letting his him bother the rest of the swimmers by screaming. I'm so annoyed with it but when I ranted to my friend who was there too she just kept going "kids will be kids, who cares" when I'm not even angry at the kid but his dad for being a jackass.
No. 2325690
>>2325685i literally think listening to the way women talk about rape
victims or wish rape on other women for going to parties that they’d like to physically harm other women themselves to punish them. i’m not really talking about children right now.
No. 2325691
>>2325640It's true that there are evil pickme women who will
victim blame and side with rapists, and I'm truly sorry your dealing with those pieces of shit anon. But that's a far cry from committing rape itself. Like other posters said, the average woman has
plenty of chances to sexually abuse kids in her care but it's still a majority male crime.
No. 2325700
>>2325691i think since women aren’t pedophiles it’s more likely they would harm adult females. and i also don’t think it’s out of sexual desire. there is just something sick about the women who hear about bad things happening sexually to other women and talk about them like that. like they are glad something happened or might happen. especially imperfect
victims. it sounds like how men talk.
No. 2325703
>>2325700Most women aren't allies to rape
victims when things don't happen in a movie-like alleyway abduction scenario. They are often performative about support of sexual assault
victims. Sometimes the anons on this site suck ass
No. 2325718
>>2325707Blackpill anons are basically TIFs by their own admission so of course they believe in the
"hurrdurr performing misogyny means I am exempt from it" retardation.
No. 2325748
>>2325640Why do women not rape little children them? Even when you take childcare into consideration, where women are vastly represented, it’s still men who commit the majority of rapes.
Women can rape children, but they don’t.
No. 2325759
>>2325704You’re probably a raver who takes molly or engages in other high risk behavior, that’s why you’re so butthurt kek.
Going to raves and going to parties isn’t equal to having a sign that says “rape me” goodness gracious, but adding drugs and also going with acquaintances and no close friends , INCREASES the risks. We don’t live in a perfect world and rape is a very concrete risks for us women, pointing it out that engaging in risky behavior is dangerous isn’t being a pick me or being evil.
I hope her sister returns safely obviously, it’s so moronic of you to think that we are salivating at the thought of her being harmed.
No. 2325763
>>2325759>>2325751>>2325757Why are you playing dumb when the linked posts are right there available to read kek
>Sometimes it is your fault if you get raped>I'm going to laugh when something bad happens>I'm going to point and laugh and take her phone awayThese are DIRECT QUOTES. There's "muh accountability" and then there's this. This is
not a fucking normal mindset to have in response to women getting assaulted, no matter how dumb you think they are.
No. 2325766
>>2325707>talking to a manIt’s not talking to a man that we’re talking about dumbass
>it’s never the woman’s fault you should literally be able to be alone with a man and like idk change in front of or some other non sexual nudity and literally expect to be fine.But it doesn’t happen in the real world. It’s never women’s fault if they’re raped obviously, duh. But right now there are factual risks that play into it and taking drugs, being inebriated etc are factual risks.
I wish I could also go out at night without having anxiety , I wish I could dance without a care and enjoy parties too, but that nagging thought is always there, I must be on alert because I know that in those moment my risk is significantly higher than say when I’m walking in the daylight.
No. 2325769
>>2325763The linked posts are from
>>2325704 by the way in case some of you are too lazy to scroll
No. 2325770
>>2325763Are you aware that those are different nonnas kek? There’s the sister of the raver and then there’s the other nonna.
The quote you’re citing is
>Sometimes it is your fault if you get raped, not in the sense that you have a sign on you that says “rape me!!” , but there are certain decisions that are high risk and that increase your safety exponentially.Be at least truthful when trying to make a point.
No. 2325781
>>2325778no it’s not. you’re trying to
victim blame women who go out at night as if they should know better. i’ve had more safe nights than safe boyfriends. there’s no knowing what to expect.
No. 2325790
>>2325781Again you’re being disingenuous, going out= being raped just like boyfriend=being raped.
If you want to also talk about intimate relationship then yes, absolutely, being with a boyfriend poses and increase risk of sexual assault, marital rape happens often enough unfortunately.
I don’t get the “gotcha” you’re trying to imply here and I feel like your position derives solely on an emotional reaction. Women aren’t at fault when they’re raped , yes, you aren’t responsible of what someone does. At the same time pointing out certain behaviors and circumstances isn’t
victim blaming.
No. 2325804
>>2325770…retardanon, the fact those are different posters makes it
worse, not better.
No. 2325805
>>2325773>>2325766>>2325759>Hey, saying you're going to laugh and say "I told you so" to a rape victim or even take her phone away is fucked up no matter what the setting is >LOL YOU MUST BE A RAVING PARTY GIRL WHO WANTS TO DRINK AND TAKE DRUGSKekkk you can tell
exactly what demographic of posters are committed to missing the point this hard
No. 2325825
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I will view this current discourse in the same way that I view the woman who slept with 100 men in one day without even learning that HIV can be transmitted through sex BEFORE she did the challenge. I will acknowledge that this is a terrible and depressing deed, but the fact that such low intelligence/awareness is the main drive for the problem at hand, this is honestly natural selection. I'm not particularly laughing at women like this, but my empathy is not going to be very high. If playing mommy wommy babysitter teacher doctor diaper-changer for every absolutely retarded and coincidentally female fucking mong that walks this earth is the modern standard for what it means to be a feminist, then I am simply not. I feel like that's okay, because sometimes, you gotta call a spade a spade. I can excuse reckless behavior if she's a teenager, but a grown woman acting this recklessly about where she's going and who she's going with? Nothing to laugh at, but nothing to be shocked at if she ends up on the news. I believe that moids are the worse sex, but some women are so retarded that it forces you to let go of "girl power".
No. 2325830
victim blaming, that’s what you’re literally doing. You’ve been sperging on how women who rave and take drugs deserve to be raped
No. 2325838
>>2325829she doesn't use a condom for blowjobs and the documentarian was like "what about HIV?" and she said "is that how you get that? huh" and he was like idk I think so. you're actually really unlikely to get HIV from a blowjob but you can get so many other things it's still stupid.
I watched like half the documentary this morning and I started to feel like it was all an elaborate ruse but I guess there's footage of her fucking on OF? it was all so retarded I literally couldn't make myself believe it
No. 2325842
>>2325825How is it natural selection when a naive retard gets raped, her life ruined and possibly impregnated by a moid? Why even focus on the
victim at all instead of the literal subhuman animal that runs around? It's not "calling a spade a spade", you just have zero emotional attachment to how awful rape is, which is why you can write retarded walls of cope on here. Yes, you are not a feminist and on the same level as pickmes going out of their way to not address everything but the elephant in the room - which is fucking moids.
No. 2325850
>>2325842>naive retard So women are just these poor damsel who know nothing? Stop this infantilization.
>why are you not taking about the moids who do the raping! No one is battling for them or saying that they’re justified. You retards have no point to make and try to shift the subject of the discourse.
No. 2325884
>>2325850You're justifying the rapist for picking the "right"
victim. Let me say, that even if all women stopped taking drugs or drinking, there would be a new low easy target based on something else. There will always be a woman vulnerable in some way. There is always an opportunity for them. As much as as I dislike how some women put themselves in danger and wished they didn't, what's the actual danger again?
No. 2325896
>>2325884They'll never contemplate the actual danger because that forces them to reckon with the fact that they could do everything "right" to protect themselves and still be victimized by moids. Scapegoating other women allows them to put distance between themselves and
victims and have just a teensy bit more false sense of security. If those women stop being such easy targets, then they're next and they don't want that. Much easier (and safer!) to just sit and speculate from the sidelines instead of putting real effort into keeping women out of danger or, in an ideal world, taking power away from moids.
No. 2325950
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Don't mean to catastrophize and sorry in advance if this is TMI, but I have a very high suspicion that I have colon cancer or at the minimum precancer.
I had a few anal fissures that appeared about a decade ago that formed non-painful piles over time. While I thought the worst of my problems was just having to deal with an ugly butthole and occasional bleeding, I noticed over the past year that I seem to have formed thrombosed internal hemorrhoids which also do not hurt but pop out of my ass whenever I take a poo, and make it feel like something is always 'there' in my butt. There has been infrequent yet noticeable instances of bright red bleeding in the toilet or on the paper that could just be from these hemorrhoids getting irritated, but maybe not. The worst is the constant bowel changes. Some days a normal poo, other days–ribbon-like poo, diarrhea, and I have had three AWFUL instances of impacted constipation which were so traumatizing that I actually remember them as I often needed gloves, laxatives, stool softeners, and hours of working to get it out of me. Legitimately cannot remember any other instance of being this constipated with the exception of one episode in my childhood. Yet three episodes happened now within a 6 month timeframe.
I'm fat, stressed, and don't go to the gym as much as I should. I'm in my 30s too which is about the time our generation is falling ill with ass cancers according to research.
What's worse is being an amerifag through all of this. Because healthcare tends to be a headache and an expense I do not have a primary care physician established at the moment to seek a referral for a GI specialist (one often needs referrals from PCPs for insurance to cover specialist visits in case non-burgers are wondering). By chance, I had an ER visit back in spring due to a UTI (costing me several thousand dollars as my current insurance was not effective until a week after the fact..) where I had a CT contrast performed. The MD reading my scan thankfully observed a gastric hernia and recommended surgical consultation. I got this in a letter and am using this as my "in" to cut out the fucking need to wait 1-2 months extra for a PCP appointment just to get a referral to a GI for a colonoscopy. The GI office I called also has a wait time of a few months to be seen but at least they can, although I had to doctor shop GIs to see who could see me soonest and who had the best "rating" as burgerdoctors can fucking suck–I actually found "homeopathic" doctors in my fucking health insurance's covered network lookup!!!
Let's just say I pay top dollar for the "best" health plan in my company just to have Luigi insurance–in fact, when I tell doctor's offices my insurance carrier they ask if it is the privitized plan or Medcaid–because this insurance is so very shit and is something given to low income folks, makes me feel GREAT for us. I'm angered knowing the insurance may deny the coverage for the colonoscopy despite all of the alarming symptoms and how I will have to fight that. Or perhaps worse yet, if I DO have cancer and thinking about all of what they will deny because it's cancer.
Not to sound dramatic, but that kind of trauma would legitimately be the final straw to radicalize me. What would I have to lose at that point?
Thanks for reading and sorry for the gross, I don't want to alarm my friends and loved ones. Pray that it's all a nothingburger and my butthole is just ugly nonnas.
No. 2325955
>>2325920> but being a grown woman and going to rave with strangers + attached to a man you don't know + taking drugs that make you susceptible to suggestion and coercion is VERY likely not going to end wellThat’s what everyone has been saying but saying this according to these retards is
victim blaming kek.
The sister nonna was not on the right when she said that she would laugh though.
No. 2325966
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>>2325957guess I'll ask my gastroenterologist on my next appointement
turns out I hit all the symptoms
No. 2325990
>>2325967It's the pharmacological effect of the drug that research calls "prosocial." That can include altered sensations, increased energy, empathy, impulsivity, and pleasure. It acts by increasing the release of the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in parts of the brain. Because of its affects on the brain this stuff is EXTREMELY neurotoxic and long term use has shown oxidative damage to the brain.
I am telling you nonnas right now that you should never take this party drug unless you are fully prepared to face the worst case scenario consequences. Not to say all of my experience with it have been bad. However, this drug has made me feel so euphoric that I felt completely safe having sex with dangerous people and getting into dangerous situations. The people I've seen who use this drug long term are legitimately fucked in the head crazy and the saner ones who at least had presence of mind to stop eventually have all told me they are not the same. Be very careful.
No. 2325998
>>2325992The crazy thing is that it's a great party drug in the right circumstances i.e. no room for creepy men to predate you. At even the microdosages I was taking, it made me very conversational at parties, energetic, empathetic, and literally eliminated my negative thinking to the point where I recall wondering "Wow, is this what normal people feel everyday? A quiet mind and positivity?"
It helped me break out of my shell, and I was sad when I ran out. And that's why I never bought it again. It was the best social drug I had ever taken, and just imagine getting hooked on something like that as it slowly eats your mind.
Beautifully awful but not worth it.
No. 2326002
victim blaming
No. 2326004
>>2325998Samefag and sorry to get sentimental but I really do feel that drug created a "phantom" me in a reality where my brain and personality are actually that likeable and carefree. As opposed to my everyday masked persona where people can see right through the performance and see that my socialization is forced and phoney while in my head I ruminate on
toxic thoughts. It's like it gave me a temporary mirror to an innocence that I can never reclaim due to my damage. I grieve that wonderful person I had for a short time, and lament that it would not be worth the risks. Ugh, sorry.
No. 2326007
>>2325996nah, my parents told me they loved me all the time and I'm like this
>>2325993 too
No. 2326014
>>2326004that's delusional because simply being in a "psychologically happy" state is not going to solve any of the life issues that makes you (rightly) unhappy
and that's how most drug users develop tolerance, because at some point, this feeling of delusion fades away
drugs are best only tried once and then never again
No. 2326029
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My hookups roommate just walked in on us and I’ve genuinely never cried like this in my life. Privacy is such a big thing for me and he just barged the fuck in and I feel so dirty and disgusting. They’ve both promised this won’t become gossip in their circle but I’m not sticking around to find out. Why is it that every time I give men a chance they use it as an opportunity to disappoint me in a new way.
No. 2326032
>>2326024Kek, I understand what you're saying anon but damn if I haven't met some legitimately wonderful and happy people..I dunno man.
>>2326021Hell yeah it is. You basically fall in love with a version of you that doesn't exist. It's why I don't necessarily pursue amphetamines because I love how productive and energetic those make me too.
No. 2326051
>>2326044>cheap way for the pharmaceutical industry to make moneyAnon what? If anything big pharma lobbies against drugs like cannabis and mushrooms because they have been proven effective at combating ailments in therapeutic doses. Re: Therapeutic and controlled, not recreational.
Big pharma occupied trying to sell you on lab-created experimental drugs to offset symptoms produced by our polluted environments and harmful lifestyles brought to you by capitalism.
No. 2326067
>>2326063is there anyone more demeaning and invalidating than telling someone that their depression can only be "cured" by "taking your meds"?
it's like they pretend that either your problems are not real, or unsolvable, and that you should just stop worrying and be emotionally stunned for the rest of your life
it's about as
toxic as any coping mechanism, except this one is socially acceptable to the extent someone heavily benefits financially from it
No. 2326068
>>2326063>There's some evidence that antidepressants can treat mental illness. I mean did I contest this or..?
But now that you broach the subject, I did a paper in college and found out the majority of psychiatry is just best-guessing which drug combinations will work to address someone's mental instability. Anon, I know it's very scary but many common medications are prescribed with experts who openly admit that they have no idea
how these drugs work. I'm not saying it's all a bad thing, just that "the powers that be" don't have the handle on issues that we are led to believe. Please cease the aggressive attitude anon, I have two college degrees and a mediocre middle management salary in a pharma adjacent field. I have experiences and expertise that inform my opinions and that is not diminished just because I admit I took some party drugs once upon a time–just like the docs, lawyers, and politicians do fyi.
>>2326065>They were all ecstasy addictsUh no. Sheesh you are being an asshole.
No. 2326069
>>2326051tbh the people who get a therapeutic effect from cannabis are surprisingly slim and overreported, and I say this as someone who has had a med card for almost 10 years. pharma companies haven't jumped on weed (at least in burgerland) because it's still federally illegal. otherwise you'd better bet your ass they'd have put mass produced weed in a pill already.
>>2326067>is there anyone more demeaning and invalidating than telling someone that their depression can only be "cured" by "taking your meds"?anon we're on lolcow. Take your meds is like the most common refrain here.
No. 2326163
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Fuck whoever decided to include shit like this in programming interview tests. Wtf is this bullshit even? I'm watching some youtube videos on how to solve them and yeah, once someone explains them it starts to make sense and it's even a bit fun, but it's the kinda thing you should only see in those old ass puzzle magazines you would buy for long trips way back when.
No. 2326190
I thought I've accepted my place as the boring friend in my best (or closest) friend's life, but just mere hours ago she texted me that I can't come with her to a New Year's Eve party that she's going to because her friends hosting the party said so. We were planning to go together before; they had a rule of everyone bringing something to drink and eat, I went to a store and bought nice booze and ingredients for a cheesecake. I won't be baking it but I'll sure have the alcohol. It hit me quite hard. We've known each for so many years, spent every NYE together, I even briefly had a crush on her, but that fizzled out and I'm alright with that. It just hurts how much she's changed this year, she's met these new people whom I had nothing against and idk. I know it's just always the same old thing with me, our hangouts are almost always the same, we tend to talk about the same things etc… She seems to not want to spend time with me anymore unless she really has nothing to do these days. I just can't keep up with how much more exciting and new these other people are. I'm not mad at her for having friends, I'm not even mad, just upset, I don't know at what exactly. I guess I just wish I was more outgoing and had other options right now. Writing this it seems comical how highschool drama-y this whole thing sounds. I'm spending this NYE alone, probably lurking here.
I thought about drinking right now but I'm hanging on to the hope that she'll change her mind and we'll have the bottle together. I know it won't happen, but yea, it do be like that sometimes.
No. 2326195
>>2326051This is just retarded though. Antidepressant work, just because they’re lab grown doesn’t mean they’re harmful. Big pharma is a scam as a whole, but medicine is real.
The chances of you having results on medication is higher than the chances of you having results on therapeutic weed, which is not denying it’s positive effect by the way.
No. 2326206
>>2326195>Antidepressant work, just because they’re lab grown doesn’t mean they’re harmful. Big pharma is a scam as a whole, but medicine is real.100% agree. I maintain that the people who don't believe in psychiatric medication simply didn't have a chemical imbalance or their brain chemistry didn't respond to the specific med their doctor prescribed.
But it's also true that there is no chemical balance that can overcome a
toxic environment.
No. 2326216
>>2326206you just needed a bit of humility beaten into you
chemicals are the equivalent of beatings for the privileged
No. 2326225
>>2326195>Big pharma occupied trying to sell you on lab-created experimental drugs to offset symptoms produced by our polluted environments and harmful lifestyles brought to you by capitalism.Where in the statement does it say "all big pharma drugs are harmful"?
It's kind of tiring to have productive discussions on lolcow when I feel all the time arguments are assumed/strawmanned just so someone can feel they can respond to something about it.
No. 2326340
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>>2326336The straps are like this, which is comfortable, at least for me. The bra is also very cute in the front. It has a lacy flowery pattern.
No. 2326383
>>2326378samefag but I hate how these retards always somehow get with women while I don’t and give normal bi women the shittiest reputation. I could treat you better nonna than this.
Just try to distance yourself more and occupy your mind, it will pass.
No. 2326384
>>2326272I don’t know your specific situation, but if it helps you feel better your exact situation described in your post happened with my mom and I (a few times) while I was a teenager. I’m in my 20s now and our relationship is really good and we haven’t fought in years. It’s really fucked up of your mom to say that to you though
nonnie. In my case we both said horrible things to eachother so I think that’s why it was easy to forgive and move on once I got older and less angry about everything.