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No. 2218977
>>2218855Kekking at this. You’re so scared of being alone that you would put up with a scrote like your nigel. Pathetic.
Sonic totem says you’re a retard
No. 2219086
>>2218898It's not that deep nona, his family probably all have big noses and it shaped his perception.
A question for you sonic, will I have mind blowing sex next week?
No. 2220856
>>2220854again i ask…>>2220854
No. 2222725
nonnie has been reading it wrong the whole time..
No. 2227354
First, I hope that, regardless of your answer to my question, Sonic, the best of luck is granted to
>>2226926 this anon
Second, am I at a positive turning point in my life right at this moment?
No. 2228852
>>2228654You need to ask her this question for the real answer.
Will I find motivation to read and write this week?
No. 2233589
>>2233572It might mean that the population of an endangered butterfly dies out all at once in exchange for my roommate having a wonderful night. I'm willing to accept that. Sorry everyone. Sorry butterflies.
Will I learn a secret tonight?
No. 2233748
>>2233746ok sonic this is affecting me emotionally. Because I hope my friend and I stay in touch forever and ever. Because it's been since elementary school at this point. I want to be there for them (platonically) for the rest of their life. I really do think that this is my duty. To take care of the people I care about. It's the one thing I can do that's positive aside from all the horrible imageboard cancer I post everywhere, and the prejudices I hold.
Sonic is God real?
No. 2268729
>>2211315Dear sonic, it’s your pen pal writing you. Are you doing alright? Anyway. Is what I think the soulution is, the right choice for me?
You can be honest, but I kind of already sense and know it as my future has foretold me and I might go further but for now I need that answer. Thank you.
No. 2268731
>>2268729Excellent choice sonic.
Furthermore, should I do that thing, y‘know that one thing?
No. 2268737
>>2268735Thank you. What is your opinion on
that decision?
No. 2297228
>>2297188Fuck no
nonnie grow a backbone
Sanic will it rain tomorrow? I want to go shopping
No. 2297293
>>2297188Why do you want that?
Anyway, Sanic will I start seeing some returns this week?
No. 2299013
>>2298984The last number of your post is 4 so the totem says to ask again.
Is that a clear explanation?
No. 2310000
>>2309116you were right sonic
Will I meet the man of my dreams in 3 years?