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No. 2172539

Previous: >>2146858

Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread


Articles about useful resources for improving one's art:

Tried and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix

Useful youtube channels:
>where to find art
>other useful sites
painting Amrita Sher-Gil - Three Girls (1935)


Artwork: The Blind Girl (1856) John Everett Millais

No. 2172545

Beautiful threadpic!

No. 2172547

Sorry if someone was setting up a thread themselves but you snooze you lose

No. 2172567

I’ve had something similar anon and talked about it in that thread or an older art salt thread. It made me stop posting as much and I know that throttled my engagement online but I’m ok with it. You could block people and keep your name if you don’t want a new account.

No. 2172716

Salty artist is no artist.

No. 2172740

File: 1726872940124.png (6.06 KB, 275x273, 1726780923223.png)

Oh man, I'm genuinely sorry for fucking the subject and description. I just noticed and it's way too late, shit. Another reminder to not do shit as soon as I wake up.

No. 2172964

File: 1726883335604.jpg (1.07 MB, 1953x2081, harpygee.jpg)

>Gloomy prince love interest goes from lanky to a fatty
This change already happened a while ago but I still can’t stop seething. Why? Why? They were cute, had a lot of romantic art where he was skinny for years, why did the fat moid psyop have to infect this artist too?

No. 2172965

bro looks like an elderly lesbian groomer now

No. 2173036

That's tough nona. Do you still like your comic though? Does webtoon give you opportunities and freedom to experiment at least? And do you have assistants yourself?
Holy fucking shit, I've heard of this but never encountered it myself. Webtoon is so hypocritical, I guess they just don't want to be respponsible of non-webtoon original content. But I could swear I saw strip tease patreon ad comics and moid fetish shit staying up.

No. 2173090

id been wondering if a farmer ever made it to originals, it makes me kinda happy to hear that i could be reading organically produced, nonna-made work. my burning questions are more about the social scene. i've noticed that quite a few originals creators talk to one another, were you inducted into one of these circles or were they too gendie/insufferable for that? any interesting stories to share from behind the scenes? perhaps dissonance in the way some creators present themselves, or if you think/know there are others who dont buy into troonshit, or people with an infamous reputation limited to those in the know…? have you ever seen your work shilled right here on the farm? i might have gotten a little carried away kek, but obviously only share as much details as youre comfortable sharing.
there is definitely moid fetish shit staying up even on the front page of originals, and those don't need to be korean to get a pass. that said i'm really sorry you had to go through that nonna, and the retards hounding you for a troon character sound annoying as fuck too. this isnt even the first or the tenth time id have heard of something like this, troons really are terminally entitled.

No. 2173291

It's all about embracing the cringe with these people until that's about being a basic straight girl with basic straight love interest ocs.

No. 2173342

Wait, the harpy gee artist? what the hell? Why does her new art look worse now?

No. 2173576

I do like my comic! The writers are nice people and it's a fun story/characters. One upside is that they do allow me a lot of creative freedom. I designed the characters however I wanted from a written description and they let me make all the stylistic and artistic decisions I want. So that's nice. I have one assistant currently (they make you pay for those out of your own pocket. yippee!)

>were you inducted into one of these circles
No. I was introduced to the writers through mutual co-workers from a different series I had been on and they were looking for an artist for their webtoon concept. I wish I could answer more behind the scenes stuff but I don't talk to any other originals creators because I'm a total social recluse as I get older. But if I come across any good gossip I'll run straight here, kek
No, but that would be really weird and I definitely would be sweating, kek I hope nonnas would like it because it's very silly and light hearted and I draw the main male character to cater to my female gaze every episode. He's a total himbo.

No. 2173971

What do you artist nonnies do when you don’t feel like finishing anything anymore?
I have become so lazy with art. I can’t bring myself to be interested in what I am doing.
I still love drawing, I just have zero inspiration thus zero care about my work.
I feel pressured because I have work I need to do, too and can’t do anything.
Is it my passion dying? Is it pinterest brainrot? How can I rekindle the passion and bring myself to care about my work?

No. 2174009

Why can't I make a full drawing in one day anymore. I'll have a body halfway finished and then tune out and return like 3 days later, only to then think it's trash and discard it. Am I just a lazy fatty? I miss being young and trash at art because at least I'd pump out like 30 finished drawings per day. Pissed off

No. 2174077

Maybe you just gotta figure out where your lack of inspiration comes from?

I had a similar issue and I figured that the reason for my lack of inspiration was due to the fact that I felt like none of my drawings could live up even close to my imagination. It made drawing feel like not worth, if I cannot bring even a fragment of my imagination to life.

What unironically fixed the problem was to figure out what was it about my method of drawing that I didn't feel satisfied with that created the bad end result, and I kinda had that revelation from one of marco bucci's value videos that helped me to pinpoint the issue. I also fixed my brushes in order to have the feel that I felt more comfortable with and suddenly creating art became fun again and my end results also looked better.

I think sometimes you just hit a wall that you cannot even see that halt you, and often tracing things back helps, like doing simple studies, watching tutorials, experimenting with brushwork etc. Even if it's the stuff you think you already know but there can always be something you sort of missed on the way that is now preventing your progress.

No. 2174298

>draw tons and tons for a week or two straight
>2 week 'refractory period'
>not necessarily burned out
>even if I feel inspired during that period I can barely get anything done
This might sound retarded but I wish I could go hard all of the time instead of having to literally sit and twiddle my thumbs like a dumbass every time the power gets shut off. I'm either 0% or 100% all the time when I wish I could be drawing nonstop and getting 3 hours of sleep every day pursuing my passion and I don't know what's stopping me when I clearly want to draw and am inspired to. It literally feels like wasted time when it feels like everyone I see can hover around at least a steady 80% every day or push themselves past their limits

No. 2174313

I feel this, except in worst cases I end up not drawing for months and then when I do draw, I draw everyday. I also wish I could just be constant at drawing instead of all or nothing.

No. 2174326

what even is the point of the change? now they look like 40yo discord groomer and the kitten he snatched on his minecraft server.

No. 2174327

You can always tell when a male artist is a porn addict just from how he draws women.

No. 2174330

You need to find something strong to motivate you. I am trying to surpass an artist i hate so i use that as motivation.

No. 2174331

nta but wow i actually love this so much kek. spite and hatred as motivation..top

No. 2174332

I become more and more convinced that women who push this psyop either have an autopedophilia fetish and/or have the type of narcissistic insecurity that requires them to be the "prize" in the relationship. Artists who draw fat moids tend to get really bitchy and angry when other women lust after attractive bishies, and it's obviously always out of jealousy kek

No. 2174333

No. 2174346

Actually I keep drawing because I want to be content with my own improvement. There are tons of people I hate who are master artists anyway kek.

No. 2174358

You hit the jackpot. Otherwise why would she make the prince older and uglier but keep the girl like a dainty uguu nymphette. If she wanted to make her ship more interesting why didnt she make the girl fat, or both fat? you never see ugly girl/pretty boy pairings in art but the opposite is super common. Pickmes gotta pickme. Reminds me of how the original Flynn Rider was supposed to be a fat ass until women at disney changed him into a slick thin guy.

No. 2174359

Might be ot but I keep seeing this more and more, even in cases where the man is attractive, they're covered up by the female self insert/character, I don't remember it being so much before. Even moid properties for the most part make the man "average generic face."

No. 2174366

It helps so much, i used to draw for 30 mins once a week but once i made it my goal to surpass this faggot i have been putting 2-3 hours daily. Trying to make it 4-6. But i am also a naturally spiteful and competitive person, you can also use less negative motivations like wanting your favourite artists to notice you or being able to be really good at drawing your husbando, stuff like that.

No. 2174371

Super curious who the artist that fuels your rage is nona

No. 2174374

Range Murata.

No. 2174380

NTA but I was about to ask why out of curiosity till I googled and saw the pedobait works.

No. 2174382

It's the worst thing ever, I wish I could flip a switch and turn into a workaholic. It's also just not sustainable career-wise. Getting things done "eventually" won't be good enough in the future. I genuinely hate it I'm sick of this and feeling my body creak when I try to pick up a pen when it's not the right time. It's like I'm dealing with a toddler except the toddler is myself and I'm clearly trying to force myself because I don't want to sit around ughh

Spite never really worked for me but I think some discipline would do me well. I'm not a naturally competitive person like you mentioned so all my reasons are very introspective, so if anything I want to prove myself wrong and impress myself.

No. 2174383

I support you on your quest, nonnita.

No. 2174385

Looked him up. Fuck that guy I understand your emotions completely. May your skills eclipse his soon.

No. 2174386

thats why i want o surpass him, too much skill wasted on that guy. He peakd in his last exile days anyways.

No. 2174389

I will cheer on you nonna!

No. 2174517

This inspires me too actually lmfao. Keep going nonna.

No. 2174707

File: 1726975618152.jpg (392.37 KB, 1080x1529, 1000003001.jpg)

How old are you? I only ask because wanting to draw nonstop with 3 hour sleep breaks is a very destructive goal lmao that shit will haunt you when you're older if you're not careful. You have to learn to build up the habit and not depend on your mood and inspiration to draw. This is where drawing at least 30 minutes or so per day could count, at least until you finally picked up drawing any time. Pic rel I heard this advice in a video but I don't remember where. There's many similar advice if you google "building up habit vs inspiration".

No. 2174793

I’ve understood to get better I have to practice… but what should I specifically do to practice? Just drawing references and breaking the parts down or is it more complicated?

No. 2174795

I am in the same boat nonny. Sadly drawing isn't straight forward so there isnt a correct way to practice.

No. 2174807

>drawing nonstop with 3 hour sleep breaks is a very destructive goal
Yep, great reply. I do think that doing nothing, or doing novel things that have nothing to do with art is important too, especially if you have a creative/narrative role (worldbuilding, thinking up a story) as opposed to simply drawing for someone else's project. Your brain needs to unconsciously work out things to produce anything of value. Even if it's banal like walking around for an hour or two, you need stimulation to be a good artist

No. 2174851

There's that and then there's just your body giving up on you at the age of 30 for having a sedentary and constant insomniac lifestyle. You're not gonna gitgud if you die early, nonas.

No. 2174856

Personally I start by choosing an aspect of my art that I want to get better at, be it anatomy, lighting, backgrounds, perspective, etc, and then study those areas.

If I want to improve my anatomy for example, I start by studying both in terms of drawing as well as just reading about anatomy or watching tutorials and then I try to replicate what I've learned.

At first it can be something as simple as "all my characters' arms look weird". If arms look weird, I look at photos of arms, do studies of them, watch professional artists works, look for tutorials about drawing arms as well as tips and tricks. I also compare my current arms to other's works and photos and try to pinpoint the issue like "oh my arms are always too short so they look weird" and then I work on fixing that.

I also try to study mindfully so if I wanna improve those arms, just drawing arms is not enough yet alone watching someone else draw. I study by paying attention to things like muscles; what muscles are there, how they overlap, twist and turn, how they look like at different angles. For bones it's the same; paying attention to length, shape/curve and angles/rotation and how they work with muscles.

After I feel like I've sufficiently studied those areas I would try to apply what I've learned, usually by choosing a reference that I would try to replicate, however I would try to replicate it from memory instead and then compare it to the reference to see what I did right and what I didn't, I would also ask for feedback if I can't pinpoint the issue myself. From there I would just rinse and repeat till I'm either happy with the results or just too tired of it and move on to something else.

This method helps me the most because when I improve in one area it also helps me to see the problems in other areas more clearly because of the contrast in skill. It also make improving and studying feel a lot less daunting, since I don't feel the pressure of having to work on everything at once.

Hope this helps even a little and isn't too ranty or confusing.

No. 2174870

what keyboard shortcuts do you the most often? i mostly just ctrl z and c to turn my pen into an eraser

No. 2174872

Right click for color pick, cannot live without it.

No. 2174876

wait do you use a mouse or do you mean the right click from the stylus?

No. 2174877

Both. I'm left handed so my right hand is often on the mouse and if it's not, I use the stylus button.

No. 2174894

>How old are you? I only ask because wanting to draw nonstop with 3 hour sleep breaks is a very destructive goal lmao that shit will haunt you when you're older if you're not careful.
Kek I might've been exaggerating because I was frustrated. I had picked up my pen and realized my 2 weeks worth of juice had run out and I was like dang really? And I still have so many ideas and things I want to draw, but I never seem to be able to catch up. I felt like I was scraping my pen against concrete with every stroke. But thanks, I'll give it a look. I kind of figured it was a lack of discipline anyway.

No. 2174910

s for selection
del for erase within selection and else
p for color pick
[] for brush size
ctrl+shift+a for selection deselect (better to shorten the command but i just love this three move)
ctrl+z lol
ctrl+g layer group
f fill lol

and i'm still spending 10+ hrs on gouache sketches, i'm struggling with anatomy and design choices rn i'm looking if neck too small for his head and how to embroider gold to his ceremonial dress

No. 2174969

Stupid question incoming. I want to have good opsec (aka not post on /ic/ or here), but also I want extremely brutal, non-hugboxy art critique for me to improve. There's Discord servers, but I also don't want to deal with troons or children. What do? Any good recommendations?

No. 2175056

Pay to get critiqued by a professional.

No. 2175121

File: 1727016994723.png (3.74 MB, 2662x1808, aimaybe.png)

Dumb drama warning but I would like opinions please!

I might be ousting myself here but I was on threads whoring myself to authors looking for illustrators and in one of the posts, another author posted a commission work they had received from this artist called Nayomi_Arts. It was a really nice looking art so I wanted to check out their other work only to realize that their other art was barely beginner level, not even remotely close to the commission piece. I made a comment warning that it might be AI however the author (who's the commissioner) got rather defensive about it, which I sort of understand since I made an accusation out of blue but I also felt obligated to point out a potential scam. After observing the recent pieces more it was super obvious that the works were at least painted over photos but my dumbass cannot really tell if it's AI or just photos slapped together and painted over.

Here's their "new art" vs art they posted literally a month ago.

No. 2175140

It's painted over AI, look at the detailing on the jacket or dress sleeve. It has that iconic look when AI tries to do small gold detail and it just looks wonky. Same with ears.
The background looks as muddy as the water on the other picture so that's probably what the artist drew over.
That author got scammed

No. 2175145

Exactly what I was thinking, even sadder is that they're recommending this artist to other authors.

Any advice how I should try to convince the author that it's ai? I know it's not my issue or my business really but I do feel some form of obligation to follow through since I made the accusation publicly. The author told me to message the artist so I did and I'm waiting for a reply (if I ever get one) but are there some areas that I could point to help to drive the point home?

I already mentioned the ear and the dress being blurry and painted over showing pixels but I wonder if there's more.

No. 2175149

File: 1727018406287.jpg (70.92 KB, 506x536, 1000008090.jpg)

I was thinking about that, but I draw mostly anime fan art. Is that too lowbrow or embarrassing for a critique?
It's 1000% AI slop seconded. The weird silly string gold trim AI detail is a dead giveaway if you want to make a public accusation. All you have to do is attach zoomed-in screenshots

No. 2175162

File: 1727018789678.png (825.09 KB, 1324x1410, ai-scammer_nayomi_arts.png)

Lmao just like you said all of her earlier works from just a month ago look like shit, and now she's lying about this being her new "style", what a sleezy scammer. Thank you for the milk nona

No. 2175173

File: 1727019048957.png (794.06 KB, 1166x1504, one week apart.png)

Literally one week later of posting that shitty image she has suddenly magically developed skills through "months" of deep diving into realistic art. Weird how during these months there's not a single progress piece, study, show of new skills of her learning anything and her art still looking consistently exactly like before huh

No. 2175175

File: 1727019094582.jpg (608.31 KB, 945x1935, 1000048063.jpg)

very obviously ai, background might be stolen art put through a filter because the furniture looks normal except that its HUGE compared to the people, especially the desk thing on the side. Unless they're supposed to be tiny thumbalina people, there is no reason a actual artist would do this

No. 2175189

File: 1727019601501.png (240.83 KB, 943x1001, image_2024-09-22_183946226.png)

You're welcome nonna and if you want even more milk, she also posted anti AI stamp on her profile.

No. 2175192

>I also felt obligated to point out a potential scam.
You did the right thing nona, the author got scammed unless she knew and approved of ai/stolen/copied art. I'm assuming not since the artist is lying about the use of ai and is pretending it's all her new style.

The weird thing is you would assume the author first looked at the shitty art and commissioned her based on that since she didn't have any other "realistic" aka ai art at all posted from what I've seen. Wondering if the author personally knows the artist or something since she got defensive about it. And she decided to pay a very mediocre artist to begin with.

No. 2175193

this is so fucking funny and tragic

No. 2175211

You retarded newfag OP, you forgot to add “general art/art salt” you fucking failure, your parents hate you, your fat, you have a bunch of moles, your teeth are built like the twin towers, I fucking hate you OP for breaking the natural laws of the universe by failing to do one simple thing.(infighting)

No. 2175216

File: 1727020830904.png (65.71 KB, 952x333, image_2024-09-22_185713560.png)

Thank you nonna!

Here's the reply I got from the author when I pointed out the AI, based on this comment it doesn't seem on the surface at least that they know eachother, the author feels more like they've been mindfucked into believing that it's real art. Naomi's profile also had some cringy passage about becoming friends with authors so I think she's probably doing a lot of emotional manipulation but that's just my armchair analysis.

No. 2175220

File: 1727021029755.jpg (257.33 KB, 1080x1383, 1000008091.jpg)

The author must have no idea what AI art looks like and is trying to be nice or avoid conflict. It's blatantly AI. There's a curtain coming out of the mirror for fuck's sake. The "artist" should be called out

No. 2175231

File: 1727021812197.png (1.05 MB, 1440x1742, image_2024-09-22_191605104.png)

Here's another one of their "new works" from their threads account where the AI is even more obvious and quite bad I might add.

No. 2175233

Ngl I thought that mirror was angled and that was just a reflection of the curtains.

No. 2175235

I don't think it's AI but a photobash.

No. 2175244

went on pinterest for the first time in ages today and realised that because i'd made a private board containing some reposts of my art, my fyp was full of reposts (and rip offs) of my own art, with the captions being bonkers headlines from sites saying stuff like "Top 5 Insane All-American Tattoos" (i am not even american)

No. 2175359

They're trying to redirect traffic to their sites. Usually people click on an image source if they want to find the artist's page, but those reposts will lead to shitty clickbait articles instead. You can file a copyright report if you want it taken down. If you just want to stop seeing it there's an option to stop showing certain pins.

No. 2175400

File: 1727030212936.png (31.73 KB, 209x175, theaigoop.png)

>>2175231 looks more like photobashing you're right but the humans are still AI generated, they could have at least cleaned it up

No. 2175404

Poor author lady got scammed hard by the ai grifter, she's clearly not familiar with how art nor AI works.
It's funny how it's not even the same style as the previous ai piece. I can't even tell what is going on, is the fire sword going through the guy, is she stabbing him? Where are their hands???
>I don't think it's AI but a photobash.
Both, nona, both.

No. 2175409

File: 1727030660318.jpg (24.37 KB, 459x422, handd.jpg)

Also what is even going on with his hand?, it's one of the first things I've noticed.

No. 2175474

holy fuck why is skeb so ass. worlds most capricious website, for the unlucky few its genuinely impossible to send any requests properly without some error or another popping up (mine being saying theres a shortened url…in a text with no urls). apparently some words get flagged and prevent your request from being sent, good luck finding out which ones though. i tried sending it with barely any words and still no dice, perhaps it's spaces that are getting flagged now? and yes i tried all the usual tech fixes, including flat-out switching devices. one of the most advanced nations in the world and this is the best webdev they can pull off? they couldve underpaid someone on fiverr whose only qualifications are a two-week codeacademy course to make a better site. imagine ticking nine fucking checkboxes off manually in 2024. god.

No. 2175527

Does anyone use Pillowfort here?or Bluesky? For art

No. 2175677

I briefly used Bluesky but dropped it because the feeds were empty/broken and it generally felt rather clunky. Most artists I had seen there were coolers of some kind, sadly.

No. 2175680

*Coomers, sorry for typo kek

No. 2175691

kek, funny typo. Artists are a bunch of refridgerators kekk

No. 2175724

I gave up on Bluesky after a couple of weeks because of how utterly dead it is. You might as well be posting to the void.

No. 2175778

It's fine if a bit dead.

No. 2175782

File: 1727053950512.png (2.25 MB, 1337x1734, 7523.png)

i know most anons here are familiar with basic AI tells but I'd like to note another way to check for ai which is really easy, you just need to load the image into Photoshop and fuck with the curves until you can see the artifacting in the image clearly. once you've trained yourself to recognize how JPG artifacting looks, AI artifacting looks insane in comparison. i used ugly hand drawn fanart with a photo background to compare (sorry to inflict this upon you). there are a lot of different presentations of artifacting in ai (edges bleeding color, random discoloration spots, base colors having hidden wild variance and texture with exposed curves). in this image theres only a handful of tells, but its still quite obvious. as you can see the artifacting on the AI image looks deep fried as hell, the artifacted edges spring out with the curves adjusted, and the base colors are also fucked. you would only have this level of artifacting on a normal jpg if the image was ancient and was saved a dozen times, or you like saved it as a jpg in mspaint (it defaults to the jpg minimum). that's not to mention no professional painting this day and age would render an illustration for a paid commission and save it as a compressed jpg that looks like this, even if their og painting was fucking massive.

No. 2175784

File: 1727053989766.png (1.08 MB, 1610x1070, 743.png)

here is another example with jpg fanart, there is a notable fuzz from artifacting, but it doesn't look like a deep fried meme. this method only works on stable diffusion generations as far as I know, dalle doesnt produce crunchy shit like this, idk about midjourney. iirc there is also a quick method to check through color channels, but i have not tested that myself.

im embarrassed to admit It took me ages to do this because i literally could not find fanart of a comparable level that wasn't ai generated just through google and pinterest

No. 2175898

any other nonna with tendinitis? how do you deal with it?

No. 2175973

i'm genuinely too stupid and esl to understand what i'm looking for here more exactly, is it the weird blur around the characters?

I can see how ai it looks just from looking at it, like how the end of her hair is looping into itself, the giant desk in the corner and the random curtain/thing in front of it, the fucked up details of the clothes etc
It looks like she put ai characters on a photobashed background to me, which the blurred edges an badly proportioned furniture supports?

No. 2176064

Fuck me I'm too far gone. I developed the hairy line habit. Save yourselves while there's still time nonnas

No. 2176095

You can always turn back

No. 2176103

File: 1727096491410.mp4 (1.44 MB, 720x1014, [21-09-17] 1438977374696005637…)

i have been trying to stop chicken scratching for 2 years now, i legit cant. I look at a process videos from artists i like and i am deeply embarassed of how hideous my lines are.

No. 2176127

they're drawing furries so its ok anon

No. 2176135

I solved this by making incomplete lines, they can look good and your brain fills the missing pieces. Going thin - thick - thin - thick at random intervals also helps if you want to make one continuous line but have to do it slowly, the change of size along the line can hide your lack of confidence/wobblyness

No. 2176157

try drawing with pen and paper, restarting your drawing each time you begin chicken-scratching (obviously practice this first with simple subjects or ones you can draw quickly and confidently). The pen and paper part is important because you can't change the marks you put down, so you have to learn how to put them down more accurately and cleanly so that the end product reads well and has clear details.

also, do basic line/draughtsmanship exercises. they seem super beginner and boring, so a lot of people skip them when they're self-taught, but they're usually the beginning to any formal introduction to drawing class for a reason. Ones geared towards line control are always good, but try drawing something in a 'single line' by not lifting your pen from the page as you draw, for an example of one that's a little more interesting and 'creative' than filling a page with thick and thin lines etc.

No. 2176184

File: 1727102590526.png (115.29 KB, 918x1250, image_2024-09-23_174244907.png)

NTA but from what I understand (and I literally just had someone explain this to me like a baby, 5 minutes ago) artifascts refer to a pattern of how pixels form and overlap each other.

As we all know digital canvas is basically just a sheet of pixels (little blocks) but when we draw over it with a pen it leaves a trace that shows your "brush stroke", we as artist normally have a lot of overlapping brush strokes but because AI is basically mathematically generated, it fills every pixel individually instead of lapping them on top of each other.

Kinda like if I drew a digital picture of a purple ball but I made it purple by first painting it red then adding blue on top with an airtbrush compared to if I just painted is purple with like a bucket tool.

No. 2177859

Never thought about that to be honest, but thank you for showing me.

No. 2177860

File: 1727197346062.jpeg (408.8 KB, 1753x2048, EEAA4A2B-D618-4533-AB22-EAC320…)

has popopoka’s face been posted yet? crazy that he’d attach himself to obvious fetish comics where a blind girl is bullied in cartoonishly evil ways

No. 2177861

Yeah this is pretty much what I expected a physical embodiment of the saviour complex/ryona fetish mix to look like.

No. 2177863

>looks like the father of the blind oc
not surprising

No. 2177864

What do you mean, this is typical male behavior. They are rarely ashamed of their sexual degeneracy.

No. 2177868

well yeah but normally they’re either troons (very far gone to start with) or their art is restricted to sexy pin ups or “artistic” nudes not full on ryona involving underage characters

No. 2177870

Inb4 moids start creaming their pants to him because he has the pewdiepie rat phenotype

No. 2177879

sewer rat physiognomy

No. 2177881

I know a moid like that, sadly.
A few years ago my cousin used to draw comics with his cartoon animal OCs in it. Over time, however, he discovered the furry community and got dragged into furfag degeneracy, nowadays only drawing roided furfag barashit. Worst part? He isn't even 18 yet.
I don't know if one can grow out of coomerism/overcome it, if it's possible then I hope so.

No. 2177897


No. 2177898

he's not as ugly as the past artist salt face reveals to be honest. haven't seen any of his comics though which I'm sure would change my opinion

No. 2177908

Every single comic is just a blind loli getting bullied in cartoonish ways.

No. 2177913

File: 1727200361681.jpg (88.64 KB, 826x1082, 1000008448.jpg)

Also his bully character is a BLATANT ripoff of Mary from Ib kek

No. 2177918

I can already see his rat face being posted on the unconventional attractions thread

No. 2177923

The caption will either be "idk who this is but he's cute" or an elaborate and detailed fantasy about blinding him and chaining him up in the basement to re-enact his material with the roles reversed

No. 2177925

To be fair, his face itself is conventionally attractive. He has large eyes, he's not fat and has a decent jawline. The top pic tells me if he was normal and cleaned himself up and didn't draw evil shit then he could pass as one of those misunderstood nerd boys tumblrinas like to attach to, but he's just unclean and his eyes are dark and soulless. You can just tell by looking at him that he's capable of horrific things outside of the canvas.

No. 2177930

File: 1727201489102.jpeg (235.29 KB, 1259x2048, 50762353-D44E-49FE-92FB-63EFD1…)

he has a few yaoi photos. if only he were gay and drawing these two getting abused and not girls

No. 2177933

no he isn’t you fat blind retard he’s an average scrote you could find literally anywhere. solid 5/10 if we’re being generous

No. 2177958

will you stop sucking the pedo coomers dick?

No. 2177966

File: 1727203265071.png (282.25 KB, 593x623, sicklyfrench hands.PNG)

>300K+ followers
He's like that Sabu guy. The women get brutalized while the faggots/femboys get drawn lovingly. But Popopoka's apparently French so no surprise there that he's a degenerate. I scrolled his media tab for a sec and saw these Slenderman appendages

No. 2177976

Uhhhh, link to the vid?

No. 2177978

wow a actual autist!

No. 2177979

We're all autists here tho

No. 2177986

File: 1727204161802.jpg (10.11 KB, 474x265, OIP (32).jpg)

damn you're right.

No. 2177988

Why the fuck are his hands so veiny it grosses me out.

No. 2177991

she wasn't? it's the other anon.

No. 2177998

what did he do with the seal that's so nsfw…

No. 2178042

kill your self(a-logging)

No. 2178047

voldemort ass hands

No. 2178115

File: 1727209242760.jpg (68.63 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,…)

Sorry for minivent but I hate how people will offer up to "help" you with your art and they don't get how rude that is. Not talking about constructive criticism or anything like that. I mean when you've got the job to do something, like say you approved of designing a few artworks for an event, new artists come in telling you "Can I help??? I'd love to help and do the art too!!! It's no problem at all, just say the word!" like yeah no shit this is a great gig that I worked hard for and they trusted me to make it in my own style and I'm an artist who loves to make art, why the heck would I let you take it from me? Honestly it's even worse when it's a personal project… like come on we aren't 5 years old and sharing a drawing.
I'd get it if they're just kids, but adults do it constantly and it's ALWAYS strangers who you barely even know. It's like they come from a background of being "the artsy one" in the family so they assume they get to be the one to make everything creative they want and everyone will be happy and praise them for it.

No. 2178314

File: 1727221334572.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1225x1295, rpjbk5hb4sqd1.jpeg)

Speaking of misogynists something about this artist is also off. Wouldn't be surprised if something sinister came out

No. 2178345

how old is he? looks 30+

No. 2178354

>women are drawn like lolis
>men are drawn like ugly hairy worms from men in black

No. 2178362

I’m the nona who first pulled him up on this and I’m glad you did too because it seems his comics are only getting worse, with more disgusting scrote fanart clogging my feed no matter how much I block. There’s always something sinister about a moid who finds his sense of humour in violence towards women, no matter how benignly he tries to disguise it.

No. 2178365

the mix of moeshit anime and ren and stimpy styles makes me deeeply uncomfortable

No. 2178519

Who’s the artist?

No. 2178559

I know he posted his face for female attention kek

No. 2178569

the blind little girl getting bullied artist

No. 2178643

a male drew this? astonishing

No. 2178748

File: 1727238658332.png (5.42 MB, 832x15676, nayomi ai art.png)

Ok more milk for the thirsty. Apologies for the wall of text, I also got Dmmed by the author, they were not happy and are in complete denial.(cowtipping)

No. 2178750

damn a wasted yaoi potential

No. 2178755

yaoi men are actually attractive

No. 2178851

>"you've been bashing my name all over"
All over? As far as I know nothing's been said about her anywhere else than lc, smells like we've got a cow lurking around kek

Though her work is SO obviously AI and nothing like her own mediocre art so it genuinely wouldn't surprise me if several people have posted about her elsewhere since the author revealed it and she might have a following that caught onto it.
>"I am pretty good when it comes to changing art styles"
LMAO girl we've seen your mediocre art, it's all the same kek
Funny how she serves up a load of words instead of just super easily proving her "months of training" with the ton of examples she would have from it, or even just showing some layers

No. 2178856

I id make a vague post on thread asking for advice but I never named her or posted the works, just asked if they as an author would want to be informed.

I in fact got DMmmed by another author who knew both this artist and the author who commissioned the work and this author had warned the artist long before I said anything but they're totally on the artists side, even threatning to call me out for "harassing" the artist despite telling me to DM the artist.

I also just loove how she tries every manipulation tactic on me, first coming off as "professional" and "reasonable" then getting angry and edgy to back to pity, to calling me jealous.

I was practically able to imagine them shitting themves when I called them out, cause at many points when I dropped evidence or questions, they would go silent and then type for forever.

No. 2178872

File: 1727247693975.png (3.86 MB, 827x10404, author talk.png)

Here's also my conversation with the author, as you can see, they're in complete denial and just choose to believe the artist despite of proof.(cowtipping)

No. 2178874

his eyes look empty. This man has no soul

No. 2178880

You could draw two sticks and call them moids and fujos will still eat it up its more embarrassing the artist in question is a pedo loli coomer, Have some integrity

No. 2178897

File: 1727250598981.jpg (30.72 KB, 564x564, 1696140729910.jpg)

Drawing legs is so fucking hard.

No. 2178906

Wait until you get down to the feet. That's when the boss music starts.

No. 2178907

i find feets easier to draw, they are way easier to stylize too

No. 2178922

>got DMmmed by another author who knew both this artist and the author who commissioned the work and this author had warned the artist long before I said anything but they're totally on the artists side, even threatning to call me out for "harassing" the artist despite telling me to DM the artist.
Huh, odd behaviour. They know the artist is a scammer but still take their side?
>I was practically able to imagine them shitting themves when I called them out
kek yes that was obvious, just wait until she finds out she's a certified lolcow now
The artist has clearly gone to her crying about being boollied and is in denial about being scammed. It's frankly inevitable that more people will call her out for using ai on her book art (assuming she has at least a small following and the book is half-decent) so she's only hurting herself

No. 2178949

this is so funny, thank you anon for the caps. they must know each other. the whole thing is bizarre. it would be easy to pull up layers for any digital artist, but yet she can't do that? and the author just believes her? apparently refusing to provide any basic proof for her massive jump in skill level isn't suspicious at all, because they talked about her improving! and if anyone calls her out, they're a bad person and their art is probably AI kek

>you can put any art work in and get a match to a degree

this was the funniest thing she said. 3% and 91% are exactly the same to her I guess. they must be friends, no point trying to convince her anymore. if she has any sort of following, people will notice soon enough

No. 2178950

Yeap.. I'm starting to think they know each other, also the author blocked me.

Honestly I think so too at this point. Another weird thing is that the way they type is so similar, grammar mistakes at all. Not saying they're the same person necessarily but it definitely feels like there's closer contact between these 2.

No. 2179034

Kudos for not giving up nona, these fucking asshole scammers need to be called out. It's so obvious that this person is using AI, and the fact that this "artist" was unable to provide a single screenshot of evidence of working on this painting proves it.

No. 2179045

File: 1727267419255.jpg (42.19 KB, 466x604, 7fad41b5cfa3b39fccdca179756cc5…)

How do you study from anatomy books like Anatomy for sculptors, do you just copy? I want to learn how to draw muscles.

No. 2179057

You use it as reference, breaking down the shapes until they're simple for you to draw. That's how I learned usually.

No. 2179061

File: 1727268877214.png (242.61 KB, 603x590, Screenshot 2024-09-25 055320.p…)

Guess who's back

No. 2179064

That Japanese handwriting is horrid. She needs to drop the LARP

No. 2179065

File: 1727269232483.png (65.86 KB, 603x536, Screenshot 2024-09-25 060004.p…)

the failed attempt at "bro" speak is also back

No. 2179068

>Uaaaa uso!!
The Gen Alpha / Zoomer TIF speak is so embarrassing

No. 2179076

File: 1727270527368.png (1016.41 KB, 1200x948, Nayomi_Farts.png)

>Honestly I think so too at this point. Another weird thing is that the way they type is so similar, grammar mistakes at all. Not saying they're the same person necessarily but it definitely feels like there's closer contact between these 2.
Ngl my first thought was that it's the same person, having a secret art account and a public author account. But it's more likely they're just close friends, because frankly Nayomi_Arts is bad enough at art that a real author would hire someone better. You wouldn't blindly believe someone had improved by 50000% with no art to show for it in a few months unless you knew them and wanted to give them a chance as a friend.

Also picrel is from Nayomi_Arts twitter, this was her "improved" art in May so this is AFTER her supposed art classes that led to what she referred to as her new improved style.

No. 2179080

Wow. This author sounds braindead. Def would not read one of her works, even if it didn't seem like typical YA fantasy booktok slop, you can tell it wouldn't be written well just by her grammatical/spelling errors. Like other nonnies I don't buy the full tinfoil that they're the same person, but yeah they know each other IRL probably or are just that close over the net. I wouldn't be surprised if they're both AI scammers (lol an AI cover for an AI book) which is why they're getting that heated

No. 2179084

She's going to get cancelled or have people @ her for having AI slop on a book cover. I don't know why she wouldn't want to cover her ass

No. 2179099

Let me guess, shes claimind to get diddled to use the excuse of "it was actually normalized to me!"? I dont think her cancellation was reasonable at all but shes just so cringe. Super milky too, thanks for sharing her shenanigans. This is like modern day emo wolfkin kids.

No. 2179114

File: 1727274148438.png (1.62 MB, 2000x2626, nayomi_arts-draws_sockpuppets.…)

It seems like she's using sock puppets to hype herself up. Also I think we should note that the other shitty ai/photobash art >>2175231 was also a commission for an author, so she's already scammed 2 people

No. 2179118

File: 1727274396790.png (2.44 MB, 642x4718, author ai dm.png)


No yea, I thought of the possibility as well of them being the same person mostly after seeing the grammar similarities but after looking through both of their profiles and history, it just doesn't make sense as they both post a lot of content and I doubt you could manage 2 identities to that degree. So most likely case is friends, it would also make sense why the author would hire her for "realistic painting" despite there being no portfolio to speak of.

The only shitty thing is that doing covers for authors helps her credibility so she might get more commissions that way.

Oh and I forgot but the other author who talked to these 2 also shared DMs between them and nayomi.

No. 2179119

For the more tech savvy nonas, does photobashing mean you take real photos to use them in the background? If so would it be possible to find the real photos she used, or do you think she created those by AI too and then bashed them together? Surely she's not so stupid she'd use images that aren't free to bash…? Or she could get sued by the real owner. Though I am literally stupid so idk how it works and imo the background is messy and looks like AI.

No. 2179120

Oh daamn nonna, I didn't even think about her using stock puppets but it makes sooo much sense.

No. 2179131

So here she says she did not approach the client with a realistic style, but that the client is the one who asked for it. And only afterwards did she decide to keep doing it for commissions. Interesting kek

No. 2179137

Photobashing basically means taking photos and cutting, pasting and layering them on top of eachother to create new completely new art, tho most just do it to steal and paint over.

You could think of it as a fancier form of cutting pictures and letters out of leaflets and newspapers and gluing them into a piece of paper.

No. 2179147

im not even Japanese and even i can tell this is a shitty larp, is this girl ashamed to be black or Hispanic that she needs to larp as nipponese?

No. 2179155

What are some unconventional ways that inspire you to draw? I really like the houses in DAD.

No. 2179161

File: 1727277477299.jpg (242.95 KB, 1080x1936, IMG_20240925_161656.jpg)

Ask her what this dent is then
No way you can fuck that up by accident and think that anyone's body looks like that

No. 2179174

File: 1727278445631.png (505.91 KB, 612x572, Capture.PNG)

I will also question where the arms are or going. Also they are both blind the guy only has the eye sclera, no pupil or iris. While she has a blank stare, staring at nothing.

No. 2179180

Good point, his whole arm is missing on the other side with no evidence at all for where it's supposed to even go

No. 2179197


Both of their arms are completely fuck, dude is missing a whole arm and a hand. Girl is missing half of her arm and her fire hand looks like it needs medical help. I Would like to hear the artist's explanation and whine about that.

No. 2179210

Hi, Louhi_kko! At the very least, you probably should've censored your signature. This an anonymous site after all

No. 2179214

Oh damn, I totally forgot that. Well hello back!

No. 2179224

File: 1727282080452.jpg (381.32 KB, 1080x1528, Screenshot_20240925_193223_X.j…)

Ok, this is sus as hell. Reminds me of the bots that just take random artwork and post it under tweets looking for artists to commission

No. 2179225

File: 1727282167743.jpg (435.34 KB, 1080x1718, Screenshot_20240925_193138_X.j…)

No. 2179227

this is definitely a bot the gamer tag is a big giveaway

No. 2179232

So now we can come to the conclusion that none of her art is her own?

No. 2179242

This never happened to me before, but I agree it sounds very rude. What an odd thing to say. Sounds like something a kid would say, j professional circles I've thankfully never seen this. Rude asf

No. 2179253

Yea so many of these works are also traced as hell. Even the more recent ones in their instagram, you can just see how they're all slightly different styles and proportions.

No. 2179433

File: 1727295327104.png (352.51 KB, 577x551, Screenshot 2024-09-25 131012.p…)

Samefag but I forgot to post this slightly older post. You will never out-bara this level of bara. All fat moids are frothing at the mouth from jealousy right now.

No. 2179702

true and honest gay man everyone

No. 2179953

>they both post a lot of content and I doubt you could manage 2 identities to that degree
Oh you sweet summer nonnie

No. 2179977

AI is making artists go paranoid schizo and I'm all for it. Let's call it "AI derangement syndrome".

No. 2179980

No. 2180004

You cant draw can you kekkkk what a faggot

No. 2180009

File: 1727343654138.jpg (237.14 KB, 1080x1319, Screenshot_20240926_080909_Chr…)

posting this for any anons who think their skill level is too low to take comissions

retarded bait

No. 2180047

Of course this tim's name is Lilith.

No. 2180062

Kek he had to add the HRT shit because no one in their right mind would spend fucking $50 for a halfbody that looks like it's done in 2 minutes with one eye and your non-dominant hand.

No. 2180069

found the kiwifag

No. 2180078

Go to midjourneys page and type "toddler". Let me know if you still cocksuck that pedo machine after knowing whats it used for.

No. 2180084

Damn is that retard Finnish? Asking because of the apron is finnish design

No. 2180134

Oh noo, As a finn we do not claim him!

No. 2180158

Its a woman

No. 2180169

Marimekko is worn around the world and the kitchen in the background doesn't look Finnish. But the fact that she uses "gentlemen" as a singular points to her being ESL (or retarded).

No. 2180210

does anyone here is/was part of adoptable communities? I was really into those as a teenager but I changed my mind so quickly as of now since I now feel like I don't truly own my characters, yet I can't let them go.

No. 2180490

In your mind you can own whatever you want… Just do whatever you want with that shit but don't post it online

No. 2180540

I love seeing fellow nordic nonas in here! I'd never admit to anyone irl that I'm on lc but I wish we could be friends lmao the local nordic art scene is so woke and troony it's killing me

No. 2180571

Art salt threads have a lot of nordics for some reason. I used to gossip about finnish art school with fellow nonnas here.

No. 2180835

Has anyone gotten info on what's going on with QMENG? I saw people mentioning that she deleted all of her art on her instagram and was unfollowed by VIVINOS and other people involved with the making of Alien Stage. I thought QMENG and VIVINOS were milkless?

No. 2180880

looked more into it apparently it was troons seething that qmeng as a lesbian GASP DRAWS BL??!!1. qmeng should know better than to delete all of her art over some retard westoid fans but she probably was tierd of the harassment

No. 2180884

samefag heres a xitter link to the retardness https://x.com/leiamons/status/1838595348081840548

No. 2180910

western yuri fans are annoying, lazy dogs. also i think this is a better fit for the fandom salt thread i don’t think i can sperg for the 1029393939th time on how shit they are here without it being off topic

No. 2180911

>retardo they/themoid gendies getting mad at women over nothing

No. 2180939

This is not the antifujo containment zone. Fuck off

No. 2180979

Bitch I’m a fujo. Liking dick makes you straight idk what to say.

No. 2180984

So it's a good thing that she got ran off?
Heaven forbid someone writes something they aren't sexually attracted to.

No. 2181002

what does that have to do with art salt? gtfo and stay in your containment threads my god

No. 2181135

File: 1727388153173.jpeg (241.51 KB, 945x2048, GYRCXu1XgAAv-U7.jpeg)

screencaps, just entitled gendies sperging about fictional women over the wellbeing of a real human

No. 2181146

gendies and twitterfags dont deserve to be yurifags

No. 2181151

File: 1727388322350.jpeg (184.04 KB, 1170x1312, GYQAuBhbYAAFXXc.jpeg)

the audacity to reduce QMENG, co-director and animator of the project to vivino's "ebil fujo gf!!" is fucking insane. this is why no one wants to make content for you schizos, you are unhappy with anything that dare intrude your pure, undegenerate yuri

No. 2181154

File: 1727388350657.jpeg (229.2 KB, 1170x1585, GYQAuBbakAIylf_.jpeg)

No. 2181155

Why are they so passive aggressively obsessed with this woman kek

No. 2181170

File: 1727388540051.jpg (78.51 KB, 1080x461, GYRvQP1bsAAg18j.jpg)

and now the back pedalling
>writing fictional men into stories is so misogynistic but what else can we expect from stupid fucking women

No. 2181191

This is why yurifags deserve nothing. How do you manage to make up 5% of fandom but still rival the majority with your retardation?

No. 2181192

The thing that always gets me about these people is that they don't have any hobbies or really do anything at all besides consooming free media they hate and complaining about it on Twitter. Sounds utterly miserable

No. 2181216

File: 1727389288078.jpeg (938.2 KB, 2739x1380, FuooODUWAAEOq68.jpeg)

Ik this better suits the fandom discourse thread but as a longtime QMENG follower it genuinely pisses me off shes reduced as some "fujo gf" when shes a genuinely talented artist and helped vivinos in many of her animation projects. Im willing to bet these sperges havent taken the effort to see QMENG's original media and see the implied yuri ship in the Messiah Project because evil fujo hands animated it.

No. 2181236

I honestly can relate to qmeng on this..being a yuri artist is 10 times hellish than if you're a yaoi artist for obvious reasons you'd get harassed to draw futa from troons get sent weird shit in dms or have your art be edited by troon with titscars on your butch characters and dicks on your fem ones (including a child) it's truly soul crushing. being a lesbian myself and wanting to draw lesbian art I would just recommend drawing for yourself but having gone through that it's no wonder why so many former lesbian artists turn to bl as I did but I just imagine it as it being genderbend art of my yuri ocs because even if the audience can be a bit rabid atleast it's majorly women

No. 2181246

Seriously, imagine being yelled at when you don't draw yuri as well being yelled at when you do draw yuri because that isn't enough. The only way to win is to never draw it at all so these freaks don't find you in the first place.

No. 2181257

himefujos are god's strongest soldiers, i used to be an yuri creator that liked occasional BL content, and having to tip toe around many landmines that would either set off yurifags sperging youre making "malegaze coomer shit!!" or trannies who demand you make "futa cock girlcock unless youre an evil terf kys!!" drove me insane i erased my public presence entirely.
i keep my yuri content to myself now but i have no surprise to artists who switch to drawing BL only since the only obstacles to avoid are gendies, otherwise its free reign w/ creative freedom without fearing about "misogynistic representation setting women back" for exploration in fictional tropes….

No. 2181265

No offense, buy I wonder if this is why there's so much infighting nowadays about bl being about "pseudowoman".

No. 2181269

>malegaze coomer shit!!
Tayrt I'm so sorry you went through the same shit I did fem yuri artists are truly doomed in this troonified hellscape but Holy fuck this.I used to get this from self proclaimed "lesbian" tifs all the time I mean what do you expect retard? I'm a lesbian so ofcourse I'd draw the vagina and boobs? They expect me to put more emphasis on the dildos? Fuck no

No. 2181275

Tbh I never have drawn my moids as "pseudo women" that shit feels troonish to me imo I draw ryona kek

No. 2181278

Lesbians can also contribute to the objectification of women. Cope.

No. 2181287

you fags get so up in arms about what "constitutes" as objectifying a woman, by the time you correct and fix the character, its just a generic jane doe with no personality or appeal lest it unintentionally fall into x trope thats actually male gaze! the horror!! the root of the problem will always be moids and scrutinizing the way a women portrays a woman character 0.5% incorrectly whereas moids get away with genuine misogynistic fapfodder because "thats just what men do, its up to the women to make the content they want to see!" always fucking sets us back.

No. 2181294

File: 1727391113514.jpg (155.39 KB, 1920x1080, plsgodno.jpg)

So what other forms of art do you nonas like besides drawing or painting? I like to do polymer clay modelling sometimes but I'm still very much an amateur at it

No. 2181297

this is the pipeline from "radfem" to "mask off homophobia"

No. 2181302

I used to try and make figures of my ocs out of soft clay (like, the stuff they sell in plastic wrap for a buck at most) just for fun. It turned out trash but I had lots of fun kek. Might actually try and get into the world of clay in the future.

No. 2181303

You finish your futa porn sketch.(infighting/baiting)

No. 2181306

They're uncomfortable with lesbian eyes on them it's why they try so hard to make the fact that we only want to see boobs and vagina male-adjacent. They're uncomfortable with lesbians and need to sperg about "duh dykes! duh dykes are misogynistic!" whenever they feel threatened. Most straight/bi women don't like lesbians. Don't give them the time of day and just draw/watch/read whatever makes you happy.
Troons always use their HRT shit to guilt trip people into making them consume their shitty art. Who the fuck is pulling $50 out for this garbage? Also who the fuck wants NSFW in this artstyle???? ew

No. 2181307

No. 2181310

ive been getting into doll sewing and making little clothes for them! when im too lazy to embroidery i paint the faces with fabric paint, since the plushies are display only i usually dont have to worry about chipping.

No. 2181315

nyart but no its not…

No. 2181316

Lolcow radfems are insufferable and you're lying to yourself if you think otherwise. They constantly whine about gendies ruining media with their brainrot politics but they do the exact same thing here and just use feminism as the moral cudgel instead. I'm not endorsing female sexualization, I hate it too, but the way people talk about it in here reeks of mental illness.

No. 2181322

File: 1727391944692.jpg (101.55 KB, 1440x1508, _0318ren_ instagram.jpg)

I also tried cheap soft clay and it was terrible to shape things with, so I understand why children use it to make slime… I'm still too intimidated to try human figures and I've only made nonhuman characters like pokemon but I'd love to try making something like picrel
That sounds adorable, handmade plush dolls are so lovely and unique and I want to learn to sew properly just for that reason instead of trying to get some factory mass production custom ones from alibaba

No. 2181325

Both straight and lesbian women are traitors. Having sex at all is misogynistic.(baiting)

No. 2181334

God I could talk your ear off on how much i despise the accessibility of mass produced alibaba plushies. after experiencing plushie making myself, its insane how these grifters complain how "expensive 1 sample is!!" for their shitty FOTM plushie when these are top artisans who have to draft and create a fabric plush out of nothing and usually from shoddily drawn references that only show the front/back. A shit ton of work goes into making these and its sad that these plushies will usually be forgotten and sold off when the hype for FOTM goes down; all the craftsmanship and production to waste for the next fandom.
I have such high respect to factory workers who can churn out these detailed 10cm dolls because it is incredibly time intensive and irritating to fiddle with the tiny pieces, its such a shame people dont really consider it an art and moreso a "product" to make easy money off of.

No. 2181335

damn…wow nonney

No. 2181345

Needle felting! But starting to get into sewing plush and embroidery as well, I just love all of the textile and fiber based skillsets.

No. 2181350

>factory workers
Right, it feels so scummy to imagine the likely middle aged or older women in a factory getting paid a few dollars per hour to sew some quirky twitter artist's FOTM heckin blorbo that gets upsold for like $30+ each, especially when they churn them out in the hundreds and thousands for like $2 a piece to manufacture

No. 2181359

That's a great one, I've tried needle felting kits before and they are pretty fun. Needle felting in general seems underrated, it's like the fluffy version of sculpting and it feels easy to get into

No. 2181365

3D, I wished I had space in my apartment to make sculptures. I sewed some small plushies but they look like shit, it's genuinely just a hobby. If I ever have space for it, I would love to make dioramas!

No. 2181422

ik you mean it as hyperbole though I am very passionate about the topic and ill uhm achtually it anyways, but 2$ is an understatement and I fully believe the plushies are well worth the 30$ upcharge resellers make them, they are intricate products to stitch together and plush fabrics arent cheap even in manufacturing (along with the added charge of different fabric types, embroidery intricacy.etc) as with fast fashion, no sewn product is completely machine made, and there will always be hands in the process of creating the product.
this is said with no malice btw i just wanted to sperge about my appreciation for seamstresses, that shit is hard work!

No. 2181903

I made one for a good friend and while i'm not an amazing seamstress it really put into perspective all these 2d artists who whine and moan about not getting a proper wage for their art and then will turn around and pay overseas workers peanuts so they can turn a profit for something they didn't make. I have a friend that sews plushies for cons and the amount of obviously digital-only artists selling factory slop makes me so disappointed.

No. 2181986

By the time they fixed and corrected the female character they'd just make her into a male so they can draw yaoi. No way in hell I'd let troons or people who split hairs about what is and isn't problematic when drawing woman scare me off from drawing women in general.

No. 2182062

nta but if you are drawing yuri porn you are objectifying women. You want your cake and eat it too. I don't care if you do, i like my fair share of yuri slop because of reasons outside being attracted to women, but there is no point to denying you are contributing to female objetification.(infighting)

No. 2182086

no lesbian can ever objectify a woman as a moid can and thinking theyre in any way comparable is nuclear levels of retardation, lesbians arent the ones making fleshlights

No. 2182088

File: 1727436547905.jpg (279.94 KB, 750x1093, 1727309995314.jpg)

There are levels to it. Just like how a woman objectifying a man will never be on the same level as a man doing the same to a woman. However, that doesnt mean its not objectification. There are definetly some crazy ass lesbians out there like lolicon morinaga milk who writes schizo babbles like this, or that one yuri artist who fell for the futaloli coomslop pipeline. It doesn't mean they're free from criticism just because they are lesbian yurifags, specially when most yuri fans are men. I don't know why yurifags ITT get so pissed and claim homophobia!!!11! when this thread also shits on straight women who objectify women. Some women don't like any form of female sexualization and are tired of it and wont support it even coming from a woman, deal with it and woman up and own to it and draw your slop the same way yaoifags draw their slop despite constantly being accussed of shit by tifs and some rare gay moid pickmes.

No. 2182094

This lends itself to the problem with female characters as a whole and how so much of them are either shallow fluff or male gaze.
The high standards basically fucks most ideas over, doesn't it?

No. 2182098

File: 1727437371467.jpg (132.02 KB, 686x991, [22-04-19] 1516436082010730497…)

It has nothing to do with that, at least for me. I just hate when female yurifags put themselves on a pedestal when, lets be honest, the majority of yuri fans are men. There is no point to denying you are objectifying women just to save face on a weaving basket forum, just own it. Men are allowed to hate any form of sexualization, but suddenly when women are the same they have to be accountable for pickmes and yurifags feelings. Be cringe, be free, as they say.

No. 2182099

i dont know what you think this proves? that there are extreme pedophilic degenerates in society and i dont consider women into little girls "lesbians" theyre just pedophiles. also if some straight women are into little boys aka shotafags does that mean the whole of straight women are objectifying children? but i agree with you that lesbians should just keep drawing what they want i may not have the energy to deal with troons for it now but i hope i can in the future

No. 2182103

>i dont know what you think this proves?
that women can be criticised for what they draw, they arent exempt from criticism just for being women. I was never trying to imply that lesbians are pedos, just that women can also contribute to female sexualization, moreso when the people consuming their art is mostly men.
>but i agree with you that lesbians should just keep drawing what they want i may not have the energy to deal with troons for it now but i hope i can in the future
good luck nonny, sounds though.

No. 2182132

Rarely I defend lesbians or homos in general in this site, but I gotta say, sexualization isn't this evil concept moids created, it's literally just human nature to feel sexual attraction and see people on an erotic perspective when you're attracted to them, and yeah that includes the physical aspect. Lesbians sexualize women because they're… attracted to women?? They ain't hurting anybody unlike men, their "sexualization" and "objectifying" ain't getting people raped, so what?

No. 2182134

we are talking about yuri artists here, the majority of yuri is consumed by men. I agree with you but this was never about ''lesbians bad because they are attracted to women'' this is about art featuring sexualized women because this is the ART thread.

No. 2182185

File: 1727442254473.jpg (176.18 KB, 721x1179, Screenshot_20240927_085303_edi…)

I wonder how her fans are able to stand her attitude
can't even compliment her art

No. 2182186

No. 2182187

>so they can turn a profit for something they didn't make. I have a friend that sews plushies for cons and the amount of obviously digital-only artists selling factory slop makes me so disappointed.
Ugh, I hate this too, as a digital-only artist trying to get back into anime cons. Now you're expected to have huge inventories of crap manufactured in China in your store if you want to get it, the quality of art doesn't even seem to matter, as long as you've gone ahead and paid to get it printed as a tiny acrylic or enamel pin. AA feels like fast fashion for artists, FOTM mass produced junk, few with unique, handmade items like AA was in the early 2010s and earlier. I blame AA staff for this obviously, they are the ones setting the standards.

No. 2182195

File: 1727442636557.png (1.27 MB, 1155x846, Screenshot 2024-09-27 100908.p…)

You should be able to tell this person is insufferable just by looking at their art, tbf

No. 2182200

Why do I feel she's skin walking a better Japanese artist?

No. 2182201

she's heavily inspired by kaneoya sachiko

No. 2182206

File: 1727442992163.jpg (83.42 KB, 565x700, 61664ecf5f95f6e3a506a996208aad…)

I also feel like she's drawing heavy inspiration from Litchi Hikari Club

No. 2182209

File: 1727443129866.png (271.53 KB, 600x746, nice_to_meet_you.png)

Scrolling down on her account, she also seems heavily inspired by zukich (eastern euro artist who's been around a long time) and Panty and Stocking.

No. 2182221

I don't get why cons choose to accept so many vendors who only sell keychains. It's such a boring item and I only have use for 1 on my keys and maybe 1 on my bag and that's it. Is the market for keychanis really that big?

No. 2182227

i really do question why people itt lie so damn much and i also question how anyone believes it…like sure, jan, you just happened to go through something eerily similar to what the current thread topic is. okay kek

No. 2182233

you sound like aidens on twt squealing about fujos objectifying gay men by drawing yaoi caricatures kek. no woman is being objectified in the pic you posted, it’s a cartoon

No. 2182235

Is this the banana breeding license artist who's been posted before here? What an attitude kek

No. 2182236

its literally a yuri manga made by a scrote lmfao.

No. 2182240

Yeah in the past few months I have seen a rise of plushes. It seems now every single artist wants to make them and it leaves me a bad aftertaste knowing how badly the people in the factories sewing them are being treated.
I know almost everyone is technically selling stuff they haven't made themselves, but shit like acrylics or can badges are relatively easy to make, meanwhile sewing (specially such little things) is a torture and all the workers get are pennies.
I only buy from people who sell plushes they have actually sewn themselves.

Talking about handmade stuff, the other day I saw this Youtube video and the idea never crossed my mind despite how obvious it is!
I knew about shrink plastic, but on all the vids people simly drew over the plastic itself. Using stickers and some resin coating makes it look better AND is easier.
I'm definetly printing my art on some vinyl and trying this someday,

No. 2182257

Keychains are always going to be a mainstay and never going away, it's simply a lot easier for people to buy a few keychains then finding a place to put 10 prints.
That said, I think the pandemic really changed the AA scene. Plushies and other niche merch existed before that, but were considered way more niche and special. It's like after the pandemic all merch artists decided they should essentially make their own clothing lines and other insane forms of merch that 90% of the time do not like wearable or quality.
As for things like the cost of plushies; to make it pay a liveable wage in a western country, that was already almost never going to happen. With how many factories are making these intricate plushies and selling them directly themselves, I don't think it matters much if it was the factory or twitter artist nr 35 who did it. I think a lot about how someone who knits would never be able to sell a knitted sweater for a proper price that includes a liveable wage + cost of the yarn because that price is so high and could never beat factory made sweaters. I have also heard about people who will try to find a place to locally make a product they're trying to create, even if it's pricier, but find that the quality manages to be significantly worse then some random Chinese factory.

No. 2182258

damn and that doesn’t negate my point

No. 2182261

so you dont think female sexualization exists in art?

No. 2182296

keep shifting the goal posts, sis

No. 2182303

how? this whole discussion is about the sexual objectification of women in art. What makes a lesbian exempt from it when straight women arent? i genuinely dont get why some of you act so offended.

No. 2182304

>The only way to win is to never draw it at all
The only way to win is to keep drawing nona…
>the majority of yuri is consumed by men
Citation needed. Readership stats point to a 50/50 gender ratio (in Japan). It's probably more of a male thing outside of Japan but this 'yuri is consumed by 99.99% men and one lone woman' lie is weird

No. 2182306

>Citation needed.
we have anons itt crying because they cant post yuri without troons attaching themselves to it. Its also a porn genre that sexualizes women so ofcourse moids are going to be attracted to it.

No. 2182309

Anyone have those yuri convention photos where it's just men as far as the eye can see and not a woman in sight?

No. 2182315

Men with a fetish are hyperactive, they're a cancer online and will colonize anything that remotely tickles their obsession. Still doesn't mean that it's 90% men, most women are more lowkey in their interactions with yuri, so it looks like there are less of them in contrast with loud men
>event known to attract weird men repels women
Shocking. Yuri cafes are full of women

No. 2182316

lol lets pretend that yes, a genre with only sexy women kissing eachother totally has a 50/50 female/male fan ratio, how does that change anything? are women into yuri not sexualizing women? why is it sexualization when men and straight women do it but not sexualization when lesbians do it, despite it being the same outcome? again, i am not saying its wrong, i just dont understand the point of denying it.

No. 2182334

can we get a fetishizing for ten dollars

No. 2182338

its not fetishizing if its done by actual lesbians. Either you guys cant read or you see anyone saying anything that isnt ''omg ur a queen god's strongest warrior'' to yurifags and see red.

No. 2182342

this whole thing of disliking something because men may enjoy it or assuming a woman into sexy women is also automatically pandering specifically to men by creating content involving sexy women is stupid as hell though. nothing is “safe” from a guy’s libido, not even your male ryona involving femdom with the girl dressed in a burka or whatever slop you’re into, stop letting men live in your head rent free. women should be able to post about attractive women without some buzzkill going “b-but what about the man who might see this and enjoy it?? AAAAAIIIEEEEEEEE”

No. 2182344

File: 1727448898417.png (49.99 KB, 117x169, mewatchingtheinfight.png)

Anons who do trad art and use colored pencils, what's your favorite brand to use and why? Cheap or pricey? Any unconventional/unpopular likes? Any "hacks" you recommend for better looking art?
They're on the cheap end but I like the staedtler pencils with striped barrels. Nice hard lead that my heart loves and my wrist hates.

No. 2182347

i'm a woman and rarely speak up about liking it because i don't want to be associated with the troons infesting those spaces or be put into the same bag as those performative "omg i love girls!!!!" fake gay women with a porn addiction since they're obnoxious. i just kinda read it because i like seeing the romance dynamics between the girls and that's about it and it's not even a sexual thing for me since i don't read nsfw yuri
true you can draw anything and a moid somewhere will jerk off to it. one time i posted a fanart and i got some guy commenting that it was "breedable". it was just a normal sfw drawing with nothing remotely weird or sexual about it

No. 2182355

thats not the point though. Again none of you can answer my question, why isnt it sexualization if done by a lesbian? i never even said its bad, i just think its stupid to lie about it when no one itt would deny their yaoi or yume slop is sexualizing men. You calling women calling sexualization ''feminists moralfags!!'' or whatever but you are too afraid to call your yuri nsfw shit for what it is, which to me proves you are well aware it is sexualization but you are too afraid to admit it.

No. 2182359

you can’t read and also are unpleasant, probably fat(infighting)

No. 2182361

you are going to catch an infighting ban, you still have time to delete

No. 2182363

Nta but I'm curious what you think about yumes then? If lesbians making art of women despite being women themselves is considered "objectification" what about yumejos who still perpetuate the male gaze and its narratives?

No. 2182375

i think its the same thing. Thats why i said its not a lesbian thing, lots of women draw stuff like that and i dont understand why they cant be criticized just for being women. Again, i never said it was bad. If yumes/lesbians want to draw sexy women good for them but dont lie and pretend you are above anyone else. Fujos also objectify men. Anyone who draws nsfw or sexual art does, doesnt matter the gender of the artist or their sexuality. So i dont understand why yurifags are here coping about it and thinkign they are somehow the only ones that dont sexualize the sex they are attracted to.
i dont know where you are getting this from kek

No. 2182382

File: 1727450766997.png (513.65 KB, 785x533, 1720740286063.png)

So basically
>everyone sexualizes and objectifies the sex they're attracted to
So then why is it bad when lesbians do it? Or is something more you're intending to tell?(infighting)

No. 2182395

i literally never said it was bad. This whole thing started because a yurifag was claiming she was somehow exempt from being criticized for drawing sexualized art involving women just because she was a lesbian yurifag, which is cope and wanting to both complaing about ''feminists moralfags'' while simultaneously trying to put yourself on a pedestal and claiming that your sex and sexual orientation somehow makes you immune to sexualizing women. Yurifags can be so obnoxious at time, when they arent crying about how yuri attracts scrotes(duh) they are crying because straight women dont give them the pass for drawing sexualized women just because they are lesbians. You like sexy anime girls, you aren't opressed. Stop crying wolf when a super small minority of women dont like what you draw and learn to accept people arent going to always like what you like like how fujos and yumes have to deal with retarded shit here all the time.(infighting/derailing)

No. 2182432

File: 1727453285699.jpg (Spoiler Image,138.93 KB, 900x724, tumblr_mvjubfH0tG1qf9djko7_r1_…)

Omfg this artist is retarded AF. Trying to imagine Suzzan Blac be this triggered by people seeing parts of themselves in her pieces that are based on her own sexual abuse. (Gonna spoil this piece of hers because gore.) Art is supposed to reach a person emotionally if you achieved that it's always a good thing. Of her art is just for herself why even post it.

No. 2182509

Anyone here ever completely started fresh before after getting big? I feel like it's the only option for me now, I hate the audience I've gathered.

No. 2182531

Main thing to note about resin is yellowing. I've got pieces from trading in AA that were stored in a box out of sunlight that have gone piss yellow over the years, I don't think there's any real way to stop the chemical degradation so it's just something to keep in mind.
nta, but agreed on your points. I had the misfortune of helping out an ex with a tshirt business attempt (kek) and quickly noticed that trying to keep things local was both expensive and shittier quality than getting it done overseas. The only reason I got into learning how to knit and sew these days is to make things for myself and have deeper knowledge as to fiber and material content. There's no way in hell I'd ever bother with trying to sell handmade things for profit, especially in a country too retarded to understand the difference in quality between materials and processes.

No. 2182555

Didn't do it, but I understand the feeling. I've thought about it several times. I'm a lesbian artist that basically only draws lesbian fictional couples. Take a wild guess on what kind of audience I've gathered from this kek. Sadly it really is something I love doing, so even though I've thought about starting fresh on fandoms less likely to be troon infested, it would be very unlikely the result would be any different.

If you end up doing it, though, I'd suggest analyzing the kind of person that follows the art you want to create, just to take a peek at what audience you may gather. Good luck nonna!

No. 2182572

Gonna run through the brands I've tried in order of preference, unfortunately I'm not into blending so I don't have working knowledge of that with these. I dislike scratchiness over paper so I lean toward softer leads:
>super worth at original yen price point, absolute hell at export price
>very creamy and smooth without feeling sloppy like prismas
faber castell pitt pastel
>specific to doing soft pastel work
>surprisingly smooth and not too chalky feeling
>unfortunately expensive
" albrecht durer (watercolor pencil)
>absolutely smooth
>color load for watercolor conversion is excellent
>nose bleeding expensive
>smoother than verithin with same erasability, great for sketches, consistent quality and no weird chips
>good pricing but color range is mediocre
I will not buy these pencils again:
>packaging and concept is cuter than actual quality
>on the harder side of lead, decent on watercolor
>very overpriced, get on sale
caran d'arche supracolor (watercolor pencil)
>scratchy and hard, no joy
>color load when water is applied is good though
>sometimes good deals pop up
>old formula was better
>fine until a weird chip in the lead shows up that scratches the shit out of the paper
>probably used an older formula but lead was generally too soft and sloppy
>lots of dust
>also had the same weird chips problem as verithin
>definitely had its lead destroy at least one of my electric sharpeners
>hard to argue against bang for buck though, expansive color range and reasonable pricing
I don't use colored pencils as a solo material though, I strongly prefer to use it paired up with watercolor or posca so that base color coverage isn't as labor intensive and I can use it to do hue shifting and textural effects.

No. 2182598

This is super helpful! Thank you nona for your indepth response

No. 2183645

Petty as hell but this is one of the reasons I hate artist merch. I like things such as stickers and prints but pins, badges, lanyards, plushies, keychains, etc are sweatshop made stuff that someone is slaving away for peanuts to make while the artist puts a huge upcharge on despite only creating the concept. I know that it's become con standard to have "merch" for your table and not just basic stuff such as stickers and prints but these artists are normalizing these kind of practices and at the same time alienating handmade items which can't compete with factory made goods at cons. Plus most merch is basic as hell. It's causing people to have a skewed perception of handmade goods as well bc they see prices that artists are asking at cons for an item that looks identical to its copies and wonder why something made from one person with minor flaws and defects costs so much more.

No. 2183799

File: 1727498762351.jpg (113.41 KB, 1758x874, 2024-09-25_Spacechannel90_1839…)

Seems she's going to pander to coomers more

No. 2184029

Man, I get wanting to draw cute and sexy women but she does draw like a scrote sometimes

No. 2184086

It's the same as constellor in my eyes. They started with yaoi to explore sexual topics safely, then they projected onto trans men and now they've gotten over their personal issues with female characters and go full coomer because they feel comfortable with the sexualization of their own gender/bodies. The increased amount of attention online probably helps too

No. 2184130

like clockwork. now there are TWO former troon ocs who turned trad/pickme and panderers to coomer artists now

No. 2184133

I don't know why this doesn't surprise me in the least.

No. 2184138

pickmes who draw pinups of women are always insecure fatties irl

No. 2184140

In a way it makes me happy to see they got over their body/sexual issues, but it's also sad they more often than not end up pandering to men.

No. 2184144

It takes long for the resin to yellow (I got a bunch of resin stuff from all way back 2009 on my decoden era and the majority of pieces are still fine) so I think I can live with it.
At least is better than buying stuff from a sweatshop

No. 2184163

please what the fuck is the full image of this. i cant imagine the context

No. 2184189

File: 1727521739953.jpg (163.57 KB, 1000x1000, 1000_F_316010690_Wm9W2fSc2KTVv…)

>you can draw anything and a moid somewhere will jerk off to it. one time i posted a fanart and i got some guy commenting that it was "breedable"
blog incoming but something similar happened to me. i made a quick doodle of myself as the nerd emoji just to try out some brushes for fun maybe about a year ago and for some reason it immediately blew up becoming my most liked piece. there was absolutely nothing sexual about it (think of the emoji but with hair basically), it was just a quick silly drawing. some moid with a velma pfp qrted it with "would" and when i checked his page it was full of porn with female nerd characters from various shows and cartoons

No. 2184193

No. 2184205

You haven't seen manicured artist women who do the same thing?

No. 2184208

Iirc she is fat irl. When she used to draw herself she was chubby

No. 2184209

99% of them are insecure ugly pickmes like fanny or racist uncle, i have seen actual stacies sell yaoi djs at comiket though

No. 2184223

So if I drew my taste in men that might attract gay moids? Well fuck, guess we can't win.

No. 2184231

and tifs

No. 2184274

File: 1727531994621.jpg (199.66 KB, 720x1248, Screenshot_20240927_124152_edi…)

I kind of feel bad for her. I can't imagine having my personal characters being turned into elsagate trash by strangers. people have no boundaries

No. 2184276

i genuinely have no idea who this is

No. 2184291

Sage for blogspot but I'm so happy Constellor finally got over her tif phase! I followed her a couple of years ago because I loved her artstyle, so it makes me glad she stopped with that bullshit, but at the same time is bleak that she went full circle and is now drawing coomer stuff, I could even argue her at regressed because of it. I hope at least she's doing it for the money and not because of some remaning fucked up ideas about womanhood

No. 2184317

>I hope at least she's doing it for the money and not because of some remaning fucked up ideas about womanhood
so whos gonna tell her

No. 2184322

In my country's con scene there's one or two artists that actually have their own machine to make badges and a lot of other artists get their badges from them, so at least badges are probably fine-ish, but yeah.

IIRC it looks like that one character that is like an evil teacher with a compass arm. I don't really know what's her deal but I saw her in Baldi mods.

No. 2184323

didnt she got groomed by a moid and became a tradtard?

No. 2184379

There's nothing happy about a woman abandoning her own interests (however cringe they may be) to draw coomshit art for moids.

No. 2184441

You're happy a young woman took a nosedive into misogyny and got broken by cheap groomer dick? Her art skills are shit now and so is her subject matter, fat coomer girls with giant tits aren't as good as you think they are. The best she's ever been is when she was just into some light bl, before she became a tif into the concepts of sex work and shitting out raunchy nsfw content. I guarantee you she's drawing all that shit because her boyfriend has a fat fetish and she has to suck his dick. Insecure girls who become tifs never really grow into a healthy mindset because the issue is a deep-rooted hate for women, so they either keep mutilating themselves or go the opposite direction by becoming sex-obsessed pickmes who only see womanhood as being sex objects.

No. 2184546

I wish more female artist drew hot men no matter how much it makes moids seethe.

No. 2184561

same sis, it's really sad that no female artist draw hot men, not a single one. god i am depress

No. 2184567

File: 1727547876255.png (116.41 KB, 1668x898, they mad.png)

Any other nonnies following the DAD AI drama? basically some AI shillers are throwing a tantrum because the owner decided to ban AI altogether. All forms of it, so even word generators and using AI as reference. These NGMI manchildren are throwing a tantrum because one single art site didn't pander to them. Ofcourse they are all furfags that can't draw for shit. Hate entitled AI shillers so much, literally all art sites bent down to accept your shitty xerox machines, can't we have one site to ourselves?

No. 2184568

nta but thats not what anon said

No. 2184580

>"It's better you take reference from a uniquely generated ai image than from a living human being's work."

No. 2184583

i think the high horsing from the1banana is a bit cringe, but i don't see the point in participating in DO art daily if your doing sums out to typing a sentence and hitting a button. what's even the point of being on a site that's meant to drill basic routine into you if you're not going to earnestly participate?

No. 2184584

File: 1727548396289.jpg (99.4 KB, 582x762, Screenshot_2024-09-27_184433.j…)

also that illis guy's art is so horrendous. It has a genuine autism vibe to it. He also said he uses ai because he couldnt find artists that drew cute animal characters… this guy is 100% generating weird furfag porn

No. 2184592

i think he's based for that tbh, fuck ai users. Even if you only use ai for generating ideas you are still promoting ai usage, which ultimately hurts artists, women and children.

No. 2184645

You make it sound like anyone's seething matters. Artists just draw what they like

No. 2184701

File: 1727552825389.png (246.11 KB, 778x788, GYkFyISasAAAmI8.png)

Anyone knows which program/app is this? I'm a CSP slave but I'm weak to anything that has customizable UI colors so I would like to try it.

(I saw the pic on Twitter, but OP is korean + I use Nitter because no acc so I can't ask)

No. 2184916

No. 2184996

Like >>2184916 said, it's MagicalDraw, there's also an app. I don't think you can change the UI colors tho.

No. 2184998

Thanks a ton!
Looks like the yellow is simply part of the UI… But Magma2 seems nice

No. 2185001


i really liked that bunny boy oc they had but they made it a tif, what ever happened?? if we get a constellor good end coom arc i hope that bunny is saved

No. 2185005

File: 1727563080521.jpg (123.75 KB, 1153x693, sai2s___painttool_sai2_dark_mo…)

if you're willing to switch to sai 2, you can fully customize the ui colors with a fan-made extension called SAI2S. you can change everything and there are a few presets floating around out there. it's a few bucks and its worth every penny, especially if you already have sai 2.


No. 2185008

File: 1727563235155.png (94.03 KB, 612x641, unknown.png)

does anyone know what this was about? got this screenshot from a server i'm in

No. 2185027

File: 1727563749005.jpg (233.98 KB, 1080x939, Screenshot0.jpg)

It's from a reply to picrel, 3 years ago. No idea who the artist may be tho.

No. 2185066

what a blast from the past its a shame most of the old art salt threads images have been wipped.

No. 2185095

>almost cried and had a panic attack when you get caught being a worthless thief
>wouldn't have cared if artist you stole from got hate
never forgot just how worthless tracers are as human beings.

No. 2185587

I fucking hate banana but I hope he doesnt fold this time as he normally does.

No. 2185636

File: 1727590813670.png (596.59 KB, 893x833, keg.png)

the gooners have gotten hold of kate lmao

No. 2185637

She's a pickme so I bet she loves this shit.

No. 2185644

She's such a weird kind of pickme though, she panders to gender specials, is currently trying to get that "wlw" crowd after pushing het with extra steps pooner yaoi for years and is peddling Kate as a pin up girl. I think she just doesn't have a backbone and will bend for any form of validation. I wonder how she's gonna balance the tiktok minor fanbase with the twitter gooners. She already couldn't take twitter picking on her age progression art.

No. 2185715

Thanks nona!
Funnily enough last month I downloaded the trial version of SAI out of nostalgia (and because I enjoy the simplicity of it and its stabilizer), so I will keep an eye on that extension.

No. 2185731

>doesnt even care about the character autistic lore
>still draws porn of it
coomers are insane

No. 2185768

File: 1727605560553.png (64.7 KB, 470x862, keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…)

he just banned a NGMI aifag beg, so i doubt he's going to fold. Pretty funny to see the AIshillers coping about it.

No. 2185770

Why on earth is a richfag like mr beast hiring an AI concept artist? Why hire an "AI concept artist" at all? Press the button yourself you cannot be THAT lazy

No. 2185773

File: 1727605724796.png (128.12 KB, 1702x828, beg aifag.png)

this beg crying is funny he's been drawing for an entire year, doing some retarded 1000 figure challenge without showing signs of improving. I wonder how he used AI because his art is absolute garbage.

No. 2185781

he hired a convicted pedophiles on the registry you think he cares about the morality of AI? he's a greedy abusive fuck. He would suck cock for views. I hate him so much and i am glad his empire is finally falling.

No. 2185796

If he used AI for figure or anatomy studies, he was doomed from the start kek.

No. 2185801

Damn I might join dad after all..but the ic coomers still keep me at bay..so maybe not

No. 2185804

you dont have to interact with the community tbh so i dont know how it having coomers affects you in any way. All parts of the internet has coomers, sadly.

No. 2185952

man its crazy how much tracers are carbon copies of one another (ironic kek). i was about to type a whole tinfoil on how it could be yeurei until i realized she didnt have a patreon, but the stories match up eerily well.
>very popular artist
>68k followers in 2021 according to wayback, albeit in october and not in june
>uses exactly the same justifications she did down to the wording ("i didnt trace 1:1 i changed some things!!1!")
>was called out for tracing prior but her followers/friends dogpiled the person and the incident was memoryholed (iirc also had all mentions of it deleted)
>traced a lot from ask in particular
>the only reason she got found out in the first place was because she sent her followers to dogpile some absolute nobody instead of settling things privately (falls into "i wouldnt have cared if they sent her hate either")
>reads similarly to the first part of her google doc apology wherein she posted her thoughts unfiltered, especially the whole anxiety thing
>was also drawing more coomery slop before getting exposed, oop mentions leaning into coomshit for cash in the thread >>>/ot/827723
like i said, i doubt that its yeurei instead of that artist nonnas managed to sleuth out, but the similarities are striking.

No. 2185981

Sometimes I wanna join/engage with cgsg but the artists in there are obviously majority women so they are cream of the crop

No. 2185992

>obviously majority women so they are cream of the crop
>majority women

No. 2185998

a bunch of them are clearly fags and tifs, i am pretty sure the owner of the server is a fag

No. 2186004

not just a fag one of the artist in their recruitment art was outed as a pedophile kek but nooo pls join the totes woman group which keeps shilling how good "female" artists they have!!

No. 2186005

Tifs are women, but I don't lurk there often so from what I've seen a few times the art is way better than the other stuff on /ic/ hence "cream of the crop" and better than what I could make anyway

No. 2186014

>one of the artist in their recruitment art was outed as a pedophile kek
who? all i know is that some guy in the server harassed a female artist before, which is why i dont want to join. Men and women just dont mix and i just want a safe space for women because despite spamming how ''its totes mostly women!!'' we already know they have an alt right shotafag bi moid and a guy that harassed a female artist. So it proves moids cant behave like humans. Plus i remember one of those cgsgfags defended that pickme artist who was friends with stonetoss.

No. 2186146

File: 1727624371035.jpg (478.22 KB, 1020x2486, 82532946.jpg)

>pays rent in NYC
>no day job
>only sells commissions which don’t go above $80
>youtube videos range 500-2k views
>not a gallery artist
>IG reels have hundreds of thousands of plays with some reaching a million
So is this just another rich kid living off her parents’ funds or can you really make that much of a living off reels?

No. 2186166

I don't understand what the hell is going on with the light source. Why are her tits glowing where the dress is touching? I already knew about the boob and joints pimple lighting coomer art style, but glow tits is a new one for me.

No. 2186170

File: 1727625400824.gif (986.06 KB, 498x281, smh-cigarette.gif)

>making an "it's my birthday! retweet my art" type post
>Smol Heckin Bean [trans flag emoji] (he/she/they) retweeted your post.
>Smol Heckin bean [trans flag emoji] (he/she/they) followed you.

No. 2186172

I think he thinks Kate’s skintone is a tan and that’s his attempt at a tanline kek

No. 2186179

I fucking hate those people who legitimately use "heckin!" Or bean unironically. So fucking annoying I wanna punch them.

No. 2186257

i'm sorry for deceiving you anon the actual username didn't have any of these words but it was something equally cringe

No. 2186319

my condolences anon, happy birthday tho!

No. 2186373

Your mistaking the femboy oc moid and the harasser moid (who drew Trump fan art and studied a loli artist). They kicked out the latter and kept the former unfortunately.

No. 2186680

File: 1727642324725.jpg (474.42 KB, 1080x1767, Screenshot_20240929_213824_Chr…)

opened an artist's media tab and it's 99% retarded reaction images and 1% art. why do this

No. 2186691

no, the femboy/shota oc moid is the one that drew the trumpt fanart and did the studies of the loli artist, you can still find it on his tumblr. It was studies from white datura which is gross because he openly traces from irl children, his art is grossly realistic.

No. 2186700

This has always been my main complaint with Xitter. I ended up making an account to follow some artists, but I hate its format. If the artist is like you picrel, I think twice before following.

No. 2186707

I don't understand why they dont make personal accounts to spam reaction images.

No. 2186730

She shouldn't have posted her ugly over designed shit characters online in the first place.I don't feel bad for her at all.

No. 2186747

You deserve that for trying to farm engagement in such a pathetic way kek

Not everyone is serious about art so it makes no sense to separate things

No. 2186768

what's the backstory to this? I went to the artists twitter but I couldn't tell from the comments either

No. 2186862

File: 1727647793101.jpg (335.34 KB, 1080x1511, Screensh0t.jpg)

Tbh even reading the quotes on this tweet didn't help but, from what I read, the coomers making content like picrel of one of her ocs, Miss Circle, finally got to her.

No. 2186886

what is happening here? am I seeing rape and cum in these thumbnails? is this shit allowed on youtube?

No. 2186895

wow i feel sorry for her now, even if her oc is ugly as sin

No. 2186907

i wouldnt wish this upon anyone but considering half of her "audience" are literal children watching her 2edgy4you baldy rip off this was inevitable sadly..not blaming her but she really shouldve cultivated her audience better

No. 2186909

File: 1727649862333.jpg (27.09 KB, 828x888, jaw drop.jpg)

Is it true you need to draw for 10000 hours to get good at art? if you draw for 3 hours a day that means you will become a pro in 10 years. I hear that number being dropped a lot and i find it crazy.

No. 2186914

I've heard of it too but I like to make pitiful excuses for myself by adding in all the hours I drew as a toddler/child kek. Surely I'm so close

No. 2186917

you need to be 18+ to post here

No. 2186923

>The concept stems from a 1993 study by K. Anders Ericsson, a Swedish psychologist, on expert performers in domains like music, chess, and sports. Ericsson found that experts in these fields had accumulated an average of 10,000 hours of deliberate practice.
it's from an actual study anon

No. 2186927

I have been reading a lot of those self improvement books and they drop that number a lot, it's from an actual study so it has some validity to it, albeit i have seen some people try to discredit it saying its biased or something. I find it crazy as someones who draws for at least 2 hours daily and started drawing super late, but also it's a bit motivating knowing that i will be good in 10 years lol.

No. 2186929

It requires real practice, and not just copying anime or art trends. I think the 10,000 hours study has been debunked, but it does take a shitload of time. You will have to work for it.

No. 2186932

Yeah, i know. Thats why i find it even more insane. Its 10000 hours of deliberate practice. Makes me understand why talented chinese artists tend to go insane.

No. 2186938

>but also it's a bit motivating knowing that i will be good in 10 years lol.
or… you could get better in 4 years by doing deliberate practice and follow a curriculum, your goal should be to get better fast and seeing how many resources are out there there should be no excuse for not to do it ofcourse life gets in the way and some start late but the point stands

No. 2186943

Adult aged artists who say that younger artists being good is demotivating are people with the worst types of personalities and those who I would expect to stop being my friend if I achieved something. Whenever I go to their pages it's almost always some generic slop done in the same angle with no interesting poses or it's all just been chibishit after chibishit for like, 5 years. They don't want to put in the work to improve, they want success to fall in their lap. It's the same type of person to get hyper defensive if you just tell them to flip the fucking canvas to find their mistakes.

If you guys have personal experience with these artists who cry about being shit but do no experimenting, tell me because it's fuel for me to keep working hard to learn new shit.

No. 2186945

This shit makes Baldi look like a cinematic masterpiece.the bar is really that low for kids geez I feel bad for them.

No. 2186946

Do you have any curriculums to share? I have been following my own. Ofcourse, i dont mean that i will only be good in 10 years, the study is meant to reach mastery of a subject. So yeah, i will probably be good enough in 4 years, but to reach mastery you need to study for 10000 hours.

No. 2186955

NTA but my path to gitting gud was to reference gainax/trigger anime since their anatomy is pretty well defined compared to other anime shit, then I began to reference irl pics found off pinterest to actually hone my anatomy skills and I began tackling more and more dynamic poses from there as well as referencing the coloring of other artists I admired. I'm autistic AF so I want my anime art to look genuine, not like deviantart weeaboo shit.

It's a bit unconventional but drawing blocks and spheres was boring and I only ever wanted to draw anime to begin with. Learning some basic anatomy skills from referencing anime done by talented artists helped me learn enough basic anatomy that I could reference irl pics and actually know what I was doing, because life drawing when you're still a complete beginner is ragefuel. You don't know how any of it works. Though I'm not sure if you're wanting to draw anime and I could be giving you completely irrelevant advice. If you wanna draw anime, Naoki Saito is a fantastic youtube channel that gives advice on how to improve and make your art more appealing.

This video is real as hell as I've accidentally done it before a few times getting obsessed with specific artists and it was the time I saw the most improvement.

No. 2186959

Those are the same types of losers who sympathy bait about not being "a big artist"/losing followers once a month. Whenever someone tries suggesting they clean up their media tabs from reaction pics other NGMIs swarm in like hornets bitching about being allowed to use their page however they want

No. 2186960

I have been meaning to try this for ages but i can never choose one single artist to copy. I have mostly just been doing figure drawing and ecorche for practice. I also did the 250 rotated cubes in perspective from drawabox and i enjoyed it, i want to go back to doing the cylinders another time

No. 2186967

this is simply an overly literal and autistic way to process a fact that should mostly just motivate you to keep practicing because more practice is better

No. 2186969

Yes, i never said it was demotivating. I just never understood how much time and effort it takes to be really good, it made me more conscious of how i spend my time.

No. 2186973

Reels don't get you any money at all. I have a bunch of reels with between 500k-2mil views and they're just for grabbing an audience, but whether that audience stays depends on the type of content you do. It's a dopamine hitting number and not much more.

No. 2187535

File: 1727694045977.png (461.57 KB, 598x724, 78sdfsf.png)

Next time I go to a con I will take a walk around and then sit down on my table and draw marker skeches of whatever is popular to sell them, if this person can sell this for $67 so can I

No. 2187734

i know this is the art salt thread but i am happy she can sell her art for so much, good for her. The sketch is cute too

No. 2187736

The sketch is fine though, even more considering she did it on the go at a con. Good for her that she can sell it for that much.

No. 2188116

Sorry, yeah, it was a typo when I inserted the parenthesis. Chooby is the trump fan artist.

No. 2188138

NTA Why is compiling your best art in an easy to share post pathetic? Always put your best foot forward if you're looking for engagement.
Normies valued my shitty traditional stuff I rushed for at con over my polished digital art. Not 60 dollars value, but still value.

No. 2188598

Weird but in my personal circle the artist I know who is the most insecure about this exact thing is also by far the best artist in our social group. It’s very strange and confusing. Despite being an exceptionally skilled and talented artist with a very loyal following she regularly dissolves into hour long alogging rants to ree about random 16 year olds (half her age) being good at art, even if they’re not as good as her so I don’t understand why she cares anyway. We’ve asked why but all she does is repeat how angry and miserable it makes her. She’s selling her art for thousands of dollars while literally random high schoolers drawing their fan OCs ruin her day it makes zero fucking sense

No. 2188619

File: 1727741261092.jpg (29.9 KB, 315x420, 41ed836622c2674c85ff87e4fc20fd…)

>You deserve that for trying to farm engagement in such a pathetic way kek
making a post with 4 pictures and a short caption encouraging people to share it is not pathetic. you sound retarded and really unpleasant to be around

No. 2188806

Girl you weren't even happy with the birthday wishes you got because it came from the 'wrong' kind of followers. You sound like a choosy beggar.

No. 2189000

The state of childrens illustrated stories nowadays is so sad. When I was small I read books like Shirley Barbra, brambly hedge, Peter rabbit and dinotopia. Now if you go to the kids section to buy a picture book it’s all at generated or that same outlineless blob style that corporations use. What happened to beautiful art for children?

No. 2189001

Shirley barber not Barbra.

No. 2189015

Everything is driven by proffit now. The days of carefully drawn advertisements, books and posers its long gone, now you can generate bullshit in 5 seconds and put 0 effort and get money from retards who are used to eating slop.

No. 2189026

File: 1727763991002.png (1.82 MB, 1260x853, SamanthaOldvsnew.png)

Kids unfortunately are an afterthought these days and like other anon said the bottom line is money, not nurturing creativity/imaginations. No more Discovery Zones, no more flash games, no heavily modded SIM sites, and no more fleshed out kids books. Out of curiosity I googled the American Girl books, which used to feature gorgeous gouache, but now they've been heavily edited down in writing and art style. Hell even if not every kids book had a pretty style (that David series comes to mind) you'd at least get more variety on the shelves And to sperg for a sec Nellie's hair being blonde instead of red in the remake cover is a huge oversight if not just a complete lack of care

No. 2189057

File: 1727767938336.jpg (103.31 KB, 626x495, enchanted-adventures-captivati…)

Isn't it at least partly due to actual market research though? Kids like brightly colored simple bobble-headed cartoons over realism. Cartoon images also say "for kids" in a way realism doesn't even if the drawing is of kids. With that said I remember being a kid (who loved books) and hating simple cartoon covers for books even back then. Picrel is closer to what I liked as a kid (though I would have preferred the humans to be a a bit more realistic in proportions tbh).

I would actually find it really interesting to see what kind of art kids actually like, since a lot if the time we just know what parents buy for their kids which isn't necessarily the same.

No. 2189067

File: 1727769133687.jpeg (88.38 KB, 616x497, B2D4CF13-3E56-4002-85B8-7DBC26…)

The illustrations weren’t exactly beige and boring. Though they did use more natural colours though since they were drawn with traditional mediums like gouache, watercolour and oil paints mostly.

No. 2189069

File: 1727769157773.jpeg (74.79 KB, 481x638, B97C4C02-8FED-4F00-9740-4B438C…)

No. 2189080

I loved these books. My favorite doll was Molly.

No. 2189088

The art is clean, made good use of the paper size and you get to own a piece of actual art (as in not a digital file). The price is fair if you ask me.

No. 2189094

Yeah I wasn't complaining about the art itself, just surprised at the price when people at cons usually complain when anything is over $15 (at least over here)
I later went to the girl's profile and turns out she was at a furry con, so that explains why people were willing to pay higher prices kek

No. 2189108

If you want to be a lesbian artist and avoid a male/troon audience, you need to be loud about being a terf kek

No. 2189143

File: 1727777307229.jpg (380.22 KB, 1080x1472, bd.jpg)

>"P-pwease wetweet my awtwowk!! O-oh you don't want to… Did I mention i-it's also my b-biwthday? Pwetty pwease??"
Yeah, not pathetic at all kek just post art people want to see instead of begging like that. Posts like that are most likely going to get less engagement than your usual stuff because your existing followers don't care about reposts (or you as a person for that matter), compilations oftentimes look less appealing on the timeline (preview details get lost) and generally no one will give a fuck about your random assortment of good works (unless it follows a clear theme/looks eye-catching when put together). Not to mention that a lot of people won't want to contribute to your obvious engagement farming unless you have some sob story attached to it that makes people feel like they can actually help you out by sharing ("no one remembered my birthday irl so the best present you can give me is a retweet!!"). But that's way overdone, the current birthday post meta are silly artworks like picrel that make people think the person is interesting or relatable on top of being a good artist.

No. 2189168

File: 1727781363770.jpg (114.43 KB, 735x728, e2aa42e8ffb50148bbe71760c7793a…)

thank you nona
they weren't birthday wishes they were just reposts and followers?
>"P-pwease wetweet my awtwowk!! O-oh you don't want to… Did I mention i-it's also my b-biwthday? Pwetty pwease??"
>no one remembered my birthday irl so the best present you can give me is a retweet!!
this is the art salt thread not fanfiction thread. you're just putting words in my mouth
> But that's way overdone, the current birthday post meta are silly artworks like picrel that make people think the person is interesting or relatable on top of being a good artist.
i was too busy having fun celebrating my birthday to draw but next time i'll make sure i have a picture of a moid laying ass up in a tight bodysuit ready to post. how is that any less pathetic than what i did?
i swear some of you love getting your panties in a twist over the most miniscule things. it's not that serious

No. 2189178

>"i swear some of you love getting your panties in a twist over the most miniscule things. it's not that serious"
>keeps replying to obvious bait for to sperg over and avatarfagging
some of you should learn to ignore.

No. 2189181

no you don't get it her thoughts are so special and interesting they MUST be shared

No. 2189182

my apologies it was just the most fitting picture i had

No. 2189188

I always loved overly detailed drawings like that as a kid, kids art these days is so bare and bland

No. 2189247

this is probably considered too stimulating or some other crock of shit (though it's lovely), and also it wouldn't surprise me if kids books aimed at lower reading levels also don't want elaborate or interesting illustrations because it makes it harder for kids to read due to being taught to read/write by using sight reading/whole word reading and guessing based off of clues such as illustrations, rather than by learning phonics and other more helpful techniques and enjoying the pictures as a fun bonus.

No. 2189250

File: 1727787619205.jpg (406.49 KB, 1024x1024, m91833073548_1.jpg)

Did anyone else read this series just for the cover art? I always liked the colors and that vaguely anime-inspired but still cartoony look (Of course whether or not the art holds up is a different story)

No. 2189264

any good milk in the artist sphere this thread is boring as shit these days(spoonfeeding)

No. 2189406

That's stupid kids will like anything you put in front of them. Its up to the adults to be sure its quality. But adults dont give a shit nowadays, kids are growing up watching elsagate and mr beast instead of cartoons with actual artistic merit like plaza sesamo or peewe's house. Gen alpha is going to group up to be so devoid of soul, just like how zoomers who grew on calarts garbage developed horendous artstyles.

No. 2189430

>That's stupid kids will like anything you put in front of them
I actually was a kid once for like nearly 18 years, I thought a lot of art for kids was fugly so I hated it and avoided it literally due to how it looked. I refused to watch shows like spongebob and cow & chicken because the characters were that repulsive looking to me. Funny you mentioned peewee, he looked ugly and acted retarded so I was freaked out by him. Books that had ugly art didn't interest me either and if my parents gave me a notebook or lunchbox that had ugly art on it I'd just put it at the bottom of the pile and it never got used. I also remember finding the simpsons so ugly I would refuse to wear a shirt with lisa on as I found it too embarrassing to wear something that ugly. Kids do not magically just like everything.

No. 2189442

Pretty sure the only way to get paid a little bit more for views is via YouTube shorts and videos. I don't think Instagram even pays anything and TikTok very little.

No. 2189457

>no true children falacy

No. 2189599

File: 1727810158089.jpeg (Spoiler Image,459.73 KB, 1996x2048, 4FE3B65D-5F1F-4123-A4DC-01C77A…)

i feel like this artist (wonbin_lee_) is just painting over actual images of women, but i can’t verify. his art is overall very soulless in that it chases whatever is trending, warning for sexy pinup

No. 2189602

File: 1727810297917.jpeg (Spoiler Image,332.24 KB, 1437x2048, 9B1B4DC6-761E-4DEE-BAFD-031436…)

actually he’s a really insane coomer too kekkk how do you get this after looking a tiger

No. 2189606

Once again, if you ASKED for retweets for your birthday and you RECEIVED retweets for your birthday, then you got what you wanted for your birthday but you're still whining about it. Because it was not from the kind of followers you wanted. That's classic whiny behavior and I hope more UwU smol beans follow you since that's the kind of audience you deserve.

No. 2189616

how do you regress this much in 3 years

No. 2189634

File: 1727811425761.png (1013.44 KB, 786x796, 5C6B5CF3-40DE-4036-B974-D373E8…)

i don’t think he’s improved or regressed he just switched up the style and drew her at a different angle. his gallery is just same faced anime girls with big tits in the same handful of positions. it’s ai tier. this is him btw. can also scroll through the qrts of https://x.com/limart05/status/1775945220611268817?s=46 if you want a quick kek

No. 2189642

if you are going to a coomer at least be kjg or okinawagori levels of good

No. 2189679

He's painting over AI. That's why they're so weird.

No. 2189681

No. Being skilled as a coomer is a waste of talent and an abomination. If anything coomer regression/stagnation is perfectly natural and trad and based.
I may have seen this before, but I don't remember the art looking like this. It's sorta endearing.

No. 2189685

The simple anime face with 0 shading slapped onto the realistic shaded body looks so bad god, he should've either stay with his old style or learn how to simpl5 bodies

No. 2189702

i want to be a skilled coomer the world needs female kjg

No. 2189707

You know what. I'll make an exception just for you. Prosper

No. 2189729

File: 1727813720789.jpg (53.18 KB, 685x487, 4942589600636.JPG)

Is it possible to get good at traditional art after drawing exclusively on digital or am I doomed

No. 2189763

Yes. It takes practice just like anything else. This is like asking if a musician can get good as drums if he only played guitar before. The fundamentals will still be the same but you'll just have to learn the technique.

No. 2189810

is it possible to hold an actual pencil after holding a stylus? it’s like my grip on it isn’t remotely correctly kek. i feel hopeless. also what eraser brands do nonnies use? i could google it but i don’t know kek

No. 2189816

>also what eraser brands do nonnies use?
ai forgot the name of it but that one thats like playdoh i always turn it into a benis to erase its really fun

No. 2189833

File: 1727817056107.jpg (10.97 KB, 344x342, 1000008274.jpg)

Is it bad if I want to stick with traditional art forever? Is that bad if I want to do commissions or become a popular artist one day? It seems like everyone online overwhelmingly does digital

No. 2189881

yes nonnie it’s really bad, midgets will come to your location and kick you to death if you do this.

No. 2189893

Not if you kick them first

No. 2189900

I'll get my dog to eat them

No. 2190056

What the other nonas said, they will arrest you and all.
Jokes aside, lots of people ended up doing mostly/switched to digital because it's way more affordable (free art programs + a $50 blind tablet will last you for ages) and digital tools make the work flow easier. I'm sure if traditional tools were cheaper lots of people would go back to it more often.

No. 2190057

Yes if it's needed you can print it digitally like they do for mangas

No. 2190076

File: 1727821830705.jpeg (2.16 MB, 1858x1366, 7661B667-F06C-4A18-9A92-18EA2F…)

Tbh, with AI images getting more sophisticated, it might be beneficial to you to work in traditional media. Especially if you can sell physical products. Some people like the analog texture of traditional media as it has a different feel compared to sleek digital media. Sort of nostalgic and personal, some people like to see the marks and smudges of pencil as it reminds them of the person behind the drawing. There are a lot of successful illustrators who still use traditional media and it is part of the appeal of their work. Even if their technical drawing skills are subpar, if they use the materials well it can elevate a simple drawing and make it more interesting.

No. 2190122

Yes. I saw them at the library one day and was obsessed with the cover art so I read a few. The stories were boring as shit. I distinctly remember reading the "whose afraid of fourth grade?" one.

No. 2190156

I remember reading a ton of this series and never heard anybody else mention it before until now. I also remember liking the art, especially her quirky outfits, but even when I was younger I felt like the gimmick of the series was really horrifying.
It's centered around a girl who has a weird curse where because she wished she could be anyone but her, she gets spontaneously 1-way bodyswapped with different people to literally walk a mile in their shoes.
There's this one book where the conflict is that she gets warped into her dad's body right before he has to go on a quiz show and it's painted all like, "oh no, she hasn't studied for the questions, so she's gonna totally mess it up for him!" but I couldn't get over how nightmarish it'd be to be in your own father's body. I think there's another where she gets warped into a clown and goes to the bathroom to put on the clown suit for his job and it's a subtle and glossed over detail but I felt super disgusted with the idea of changing clothes as an adult man. I still remember this vividly

No. 2190388

Nice try, but this isn't worth infighting for. Art compilations are fun and a way for people to "recycle" older art for likely a lot of people who haven't seen it yet.

No. 2190542

File: 1727852180485.png (15.11 MB, 3609x7408, image (6).png)

Do you often draw people with down syndrome?

No. 2190549

File: 1727852810806.jpeg (856.85 KB, 828x1105, 1724604513583.jpeg)

Can't be a coincidence…

No. 2190553

not pretty often, but this is a useful resource for people who want to?

No. 2190554

they all have the same face like some kind of dystopian horror movie

No. 2190556

File: 1727853711325.png (259.21 KB, 890x360, scr-downs.png)

Is it tho? All the drawings look like shitty mean spirited caricatures to me

No. 2190557

huh, I grip them exactly the same

No. 2190560

finally a nonny drawing guide, stay still if you are reading this i am drawing you

No. 2190562

downies are fucking ugly tho how is it a mean caricature, just because they arent kawaii moe waifus?

No. 2190572

Nayrt but they may be ugly but they're not THAT ugly, they still look like regular human people albeit with a distinct appearance.

No. 2190574

Honestly the biggest issue is the ugly lumpy tumblr art style. Yes people with Downs have weird faces but the middle woman looks like a frog lol.

No. 2190579

nah they are deformed, the girl looks like she did her research its kinda stupid to nitpick on it because she drew the ugly tards ugly.

No. 2190585

I think downies are usually ugly and I think her art is ugly, but either way they just don't look like they have down syndrome to me. If I saw >>2190556 without the rest of the tutorial, I would never have guessed that was the intention. The addition of earrings is also a weird choice, can't say I see body modifications as as a typical feature on retarded people.

No. 2190587

I draw anime faces. Does that count?

No. 2190593

No, why should I?

No. 2190645

Get a simple dust-free eraser and cut it into smaller pieces if necessary. A lot of artists shill kneadable ones but I hate how they feel, how much random dirt they pick up and how quickly they go stiff. They are only better than regular ones if you want really subtle erasing

No. 2190674

no but this looks like a useful guide if someone wants to draw them for whatever reason. i don't see what's wrong with it besides the tumblr-ish artstyle
>A lot of artists shill kneadable ones but I hate (…) how quickly they go stiff.
ntayrt but mine turn way too soft and sticky over time. imo they're only good for pencil drawings when you need to lighten the tone of an area without ruining the hatching

No. 2190820

they never do this tranny shit with men

No. 2190857

>i don't see what's wrong with it besides the tumblr-ish artstyle
I can't believe someones hands wrote this unironically

No. 2190866

Now why in the world would you be doomed nonna? You already know the fundamentals, and it's not like you have to learn every type of traditional art that ever was, and even then it's not like it's hard to learn the basics of something like watercolor, just hard to master. You got this.

No. 2190887

I know this is stupid to ask. But which fandom do you think will help grow followers fast? I figure it's just a fast way to grow your following.

No. 2190888


No. 2190890

oof… I don't know if I can do that low…

No. 2190893

If you're already planning to grift, there's no such thing as "too low" after that. Might as well grift properly.

No. 2190894

Time to grit my teeth then

No. 2190895

File: 1727887665758.png (250.8 KB, 556x1006, filters_quality(95)format(webp…)

Look at big pop up fotm trends?
Pic related as a good chance of being a memed design.

No. 2190922

If you want to try grifting, putting your own twist on really huge IPs that everyone knows (think Scooby Doo, Vocaloid, Sanrio etc) might be better than wasting time on shit like Genshin or JJK that has lots of competition.

What the fuck is that

No. 2190935

Thanks nonna I actually like Sanrio

No. 2190936

File: 1727890305458.png (163.98 KB, 361x313, 789.png)

Relating to the other day's discussion, this video showed up on my YT recomended and I got curious until I read "manufacturing".
Sad plush-making has become something to order to sweatshops instead of a craft.

No. 2190952

File: 1727891143150.jpg (142.5 KB, 720x1176, 1000020955.jpg)

Isn't this a little pretencious? Making a post crying about wanting getting a job, and posting only one model you made, whose design doesn't even belong to you in the first place.. kek. Also it seems like the artist is an attention whore, another post is also him whining because a wip he uploaded got more likes than the final piece. I wouldn't hire somebody who behaves like that but maybe I'm in the wrong here lel

No. 2190960

Be warned, they might smell your lack of passion, the fandom is saturated as it is looking from the outside. And worst of all, those who followed you for genshin might unfollow as soon as you post something else.

No. 2190963

File: 1727891774580.jpg (198.94 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_b3fb18bb244d79dbfea55b8…)

Disability art tumblr is truly a gift

No. 2190964

File: 1727891971902.png (1.2 MB, 806x825, inclusivity final boss.png)

This artist is something else.

No. 2190983

File: 1727893050207.jpg (490.32 KB, 1280x1600, tumblr_0653630334824c0d6621305…)

It's like the final form of the ugly tumblr artstyle

No. 2190985

nona pls be real downs people are objectively not fun to look its a deformity, but like another nona said i do not read these as downs characters unless someone told me?

No. 2190997

>whose design doesn't even belong to you in the first place
this is actually pretty normal, especially if you're trying to get your start in the industry and haven't any previous production work to show (or you do but it's under an nda or some shit). I neither know nor care who your picrel is, but if he is looking to work as a character modeller (maybe with a side of texture artist) then he's likely trying to show that he can work off of and translate concept art/model sheets rather than flaunt his own design skills.

No. 2191000

stop shitting up the thread already, there's a thread in /m/ to post bad art
explain it to me like i'm five then

No. 2191001

No but these look like normal (ugly) tumblr style kek. Turning Red (never saw it) apparently had a downs girl but she read as an angry gremlin lol.
Words mean nothing anymore.
Is she sharing info on how to get manus for your own plush as well as making them by hand? That’s not bad I guess but I still haven’t taken the leap to do any manu for pins or plush or clothes yet because it’s such a huge market with not a lot of return if you can’t sell your product.

No. 2191012

No, she just tells how to design spreadsheets and such for manus and how to deal with them.

No. 2191061

Does anyone know if there is an art improvement community? I tried some Discords from artists on youtube but they were pretty dead and I don't really wanna go on 4chan and such

No. 2191139

Improvement in what sense? the DAD/LAS discord seems nice

No. 2191377

Anons that draw every day, (or have built up a habit where they consistently draw), tell me about your typical day!
>How often
>what time of day
>how do you get started
>what do you typically do in an average session?
>do you have a lot of completed pieces or unfinished ones?
>Do you have any rituals that work for you?

No. 2191504

File: 1727918424061.jpg (122.12 KB, 1140x760, il_1140xN.5842834733_ohsi.jpg)

I think a lot of artists see overseas plush manufacturing the same way they see overseas printmaking/ acrylic charm making where 99% of the process is automated, it's such a weird disconnect from the craft. I have access to an embroidery machine and making custom 'in the hoop' plush is relatively easy if you know what you're doing, but you can tell when something is hand made because ith plush are usually 'flat' like picrel. All of her plush look like they'd have to be hand sewn. I don't understand how people can be all 'fast fashion bad!' and then use the same sweatshop factories for their fotm plushes.

No. 2191522

File: 1727920632074.jpg (557.74 KB, 1536x2048, [21-04-07] 1379854507304124418…)

>How often
2-3 hours a day
>what time of day
later at night althought i am trying to start drawing as soon as i finish brakfast now
>how do you get started
make a list of what things i want to work on then start
>what do you typically do in an average session?
>do you have a lot of completed pieces or unfinished ones?
i am 100% in study mode, so no finished pieces
>Do you have any rituals that work for you?
I like to keep a tracker. I normally keep two, one for drawing and one for my general life.

No. 2191567

File: 1727923971230.jpg (314.02 KB, 1920x1080, 656665 (1).jpg)

How do you draw diverse looking female characters without them looking tumblery?

No. 2191581


tumblr character design emphasizes uglyness and looking "out of the norm" and "off beauty standards". just draw someone who's hot in your eyes, while pushing boundaries to explore other body features and working them in ways that can seem attractive. i love drawing women with body hair so i try to draw it in a way that looks attractive to me instead of doing a bunch of hatched scribbles on their legs and arms like troons and tumblrites do.

No. 2191585

It's very upsetting to see as someone who does enjoy the craft of plushmaking. I especially hate seeing mass produced fandom nuis/dolls commissioned by fanmerch artists, it feels grosser to me when it's done off someone else's IP. I wish when people wanted complex niche fanmerch like plushies, they would take to learning how to make it themselves instead of just consooming.

No. 2191590

NTA bur limiting female character design to beauty and attractiveness is a lame move, though. there is nothing wrong with drawing ugly and truly unconventional women.

No. 2191593

File: 1727927019103.jpg (53.7 KB, 520x323, Monster-1.jpg)

>just draw someone who's hot in your eyes
funnily enough i always thought this was the problem with tumblr forced diversity. They arent interested in drawing diverse characters to expand their horizons and develop their skill, but rather to moralfag about how ''all humans are beautiful uwu''. It's why male artists get away with drawing hideous men and same faced women(aside for the difference in beauty standards). I find it interesting how even while trying to break beauty standards most female artists still want their characters to be perceived as attractive, meanwhile male artists dont care if their male characters are perceived as so and allow themselves to explore truly disgusting designs. Naoki Urasawa is a good example of this, all his men(minus johan) are really unconventional looking and diverse, while his female characters rarely break from the samefaced moeblob mold.

No. 2191601

try and draw "average" people, someone who isnt a beauty but isnt ugly.

No. 2191614

File: 1727929957080.jpg (146.53 KB, 724x1024, EMZ_kVvWkAw5WrC.jpg)

>How often
Every weekday at least, because it's my job. I draw more on the weekends if I'm not on break for my project.
>what time of day
midday to past midnight kek.
>how do you get started
Load up my current wip/s and see which speaks to me the most to finish for my personal art. And I just go and do it for work. I make coffee if I'm sleepy/ or lazy.
>what do you typically do in an average session?
Sketch/Ink/Render for personal art.
>do you have a lot of completed pieces or unfinished ones?
I have a gallery of finished ones but it hasn't been the same since I started my project since all my efforts and finished art pieces went there.
>Do you have any rituals that work for you?
I should do it more but walking outside helps me think of ideas. Making coffee is something to do to psych myself up when I'm sleepy or unmotivated.

No. 2191619

I've always found this weird and selfish in a way. Congrats your a small business owner with the power to hire sweatshop labor, I guess.
>How plushies are made
>I send the manu the design

No. 2191632

Draw a lot from life, try and find unusual (not necessarily ugly, just different) female references across the whole age spectrum so you have a better understanding of how different features actually look and change the impression of a character design. I feel like a lot of artist's problems when it comes to female characters is that they rely on a very narrow reference pool and a handful of features they've memorised that they slap onto every design.

Subtlety is key when it comes to actually designing your female characters though, you want to have them look both 'diverse' but also normal within their setting/your style. Play around with details like eye and face shape, the underlying frame of the body + varying weight or muscularity on top of that, hair styles and textures, and try to tell something about the character through all of this. Unless a character is supposed to represent a beauty ideal, don't have her look like one, she needs to look like herself, if you get me.

Tumblr-style diversity fucks up by being too messy, trying to make everything unique with no sense of balance, and often 'miscasts' characters by doing things like catering to what I have to assume is wish-fulfilment by eg making the popular, queen-bee pretty girl character look like an unkempt bog troll with a pile of features that archetype shouldn't have in order to say that those traits/everybody is beautiful etc (also making the character blend into the rest of the cast designed with the same philosophy). There's also often a lack of cohesion across the cast aside from clutter and each character ticking too many diversity boxes (that are often also conflicting kek).

No. 2191642

the obsession makes this all seem quite fetishy I gotta be honest
unless the artist also has a major defect

No. 2191664

I remember these threads discussing how these youtubers always keep their own manufacturer a secret and pretend it's because going through a bunch of shitty ones is building character for you as an artist. They're selfish people at the core, they want you to go through a bunch of slave labour shops who can't meet your demands so you waste their time and go to another shop in the end just so they don't have to "share" their own manu, even though sharing would just be helping out the manu company by giving them more jobs and money

I do think them showing some of the process is useful though, it lets people think about how real toys are made this way too.

No. 2191674

>even though sharing would just be helping out the manu company by giving them more jobs and money
b-b-but muh trade secrets nonnie

No. 2191686

>they would take to learning how to make it themselves instead of just consooming.
Nona you don't understand, if they had to make each one manually it means they would only be able to sell a few (with luck) a month and buy quality materials, meaning they would be more expensive and 4 plushes don't pay rent!!!!!
I wish they could go back to "normal" merch like acrylics or simply sell commisions, but no every artist now must have the same merch as a store.
The nui thing makes me sad, last year or so I saw some at Mercari JP and got excited thinking they were dmade by the seller, until I saw they all were manufacturated in china (I guess its the manu's "signature", but all of them have heart nipples and paw hands for some reason).

No. 2191689

Nonas who do commissions, how do you deal with gendie clients? I can usually get by just by not commenting, but when they demand to be called by the wrong pronouns or for me to make something troon related (like drawing their tit chop character) it makes me feel terrible. I'm earning money on catering to a cult that literally mutilates kids, and I'm putting my name on it for all to see in the future. But if I refuse they'd get suspicious and out me as a gc terf and I wouldn't get the money that I need and would get banned from all the groups.
At least if you draw some gross fetish shit like furry art (not that I've had to so far) it's just for gross people, it's not actively putting your name on a medical scandal cult that literally hurts kids and mentally ill people, you know what I mean?

No. 2191690

gatekeeping my slave labour shop run by a different culture and race, they're my personal slaves and this is totally normal

No. 2191692

>but no every artist now must have the same merch as a store
I think the "artist" market has moved over to be more of a "designer" market.

No. 2191695

>I don't understand how people can be all 'fast fashion bad!' and then use the same sweatshop factories for their fotm plushes.
This is how I feel about most items in modern artist alley, they are like fast fashion cheap shein knock-off bootleg anime merch. Some artists might as well be reselling bootleg merch for how basic their designs and art is.

No. 2191696

Yeah, I guess the emphasis on having a brand is also a product of that.

No. 2191699

File: 1727944371134.jpg (52.58 KB, 540x506, Screenshot_20231011-181455_Ins…)

Handmade stuff will always have a charm to it that commercially made stuff just doesnt have. People who spend years honing their craft also can achieve a quality to their work that is on the level of commercially designed goods but still made by a singular person. The only plus is that factory stuff is cheap(for all the wrong reasons) and usually more durable. It's sad so many artists would rather choose the cheap way instead.

No. 2191701

I think unfortunately with doing any job you’re going to have to do things you don’t want to do, I think your only options are to either do it anyway for the money and the potential boost in clients or be subtle about refusing, say somethings come up and you can’t take their commission or something like that. Me personally I have no problem with shamelessly taking their money.

No. 2191702

File: 1727944717305.jpg (62.82 KB, 750x1000, knifemiku.jpg)

Bit of a vent but I'm so jealous of artists who manage to get big call out posts of cons allowing AI. I wish artists of my local big convention would group up together and demand the con bans or openly denounces AI, but everyone is so afraid to get banned for criticizing the con (they're very ban happy of criticism) that people just allude to not being happy about it and then censor themselves out of fear.

The con organizers refuse to say anything negative about AI and give long rambling nonsense replies that just say "AI is a sensitive topic and this isn't the space for it" by which they mean you're not even allowed to discuss it in public at all or you get banned.

This year the staff did actually organize a live in-person discussion at their smallest convention (it's about 1/10 of their regular cons in size) about AI. Which this person only advertised by mouth to a handful of people, at the convention, and it was held in the middle of the day during artist alley hours so if an artist wanted to take part they'd have to leave the table they paid for to be there for an unknown amount of time. Obviously nobody turned up for this discussion so the staff then snarkily said artists clearly don't care about AI art after all.

All this leads me to think the con uses AI art themselves. But the kicker is their art is so unbelievably shit and they haven't updated it in years so it's clearly not AI, so it must just be the artist alley staff that use it in private to grift or something.

No. 2191705

I will go out of my way to buy things at cons that are hand made, even if they’re worse than what I can make. I just have a soft spot for amateur art and the crappy handmade stuff is just so charming and adorable to me. I understand why artists want their stuff to look professional but there’s a point where their stuff stops feeling like it’s made out of love and starts feeling like a profit first brand, and mass production just makes things seem kinda soulless

No. 2191713

just lie about having full slots ez

No. 2191718

nta, but that wouldn't work for me as people go "are your coms open?" and only after i've said yes do they say what they want

No. 2191733

>(…) there’s a point where their stuff stops feeling like it’s made out of love and starts feeling like a profit first brand
It's not a feeling, almost (if not everyone) who sells stuff is because they want to profit from it since they see it as their job, it's never out of love.
That's why I don't buy fanmade merch anymore unless they're made by JP artists (their copyright laws don't let them profit from merch, so they make them because they actually want to, they either sell at a loss or just enough to cover materials) or is visibly homemade, they see characters and series as just more bulk for their shop.

No. 2191740

>It's not a feeling, almost (if not everyone) who sells stuff is because they want to profit from it since they see it as their job, it's never out of love.
That's just not true. I love to sell because I love the fandom I make art of, I also just love to create art and share it. Making money and loving your craft aren't mutually exclusive. I don't know anyone in my area who sees it as a job, if anything it's annoying how unprofessional they all are

No. 2191742

Can you change your model so you announce when they're open instead of letting people ask individually?

No. 2191744

I don't think that would help? Then they'd know for sure coms are open when I deny them the gendie flavored commission lol

No. 2191748

NTA but what I do is to make a "comissions open of X slots" tweet and only accept DMs, ignore the replies to the tweet (make sure you mention this on the post/image). On the weirdos I just go "sorry, the slots are taken already sorry!" and accept the normal ones.
Since they're DMs no one will know when you actually accept the commisions so you can ignore the gendies freely.

No. 2191751

Sorry for doublepost, but you can also add something akin to "Please tell me upfront your idea/what you want to commision, that way I can get you back sooner" to the rules when you open commisions, and ignore the "Are you open?" DMs/replies, that will help you weed out them and since asking is agaisnt the rules you have the right to ignore them.
More extreme is to went thru the commisioner's profile or serach for "C0mn for [username]", gendies are very easy to spot and the search can give you a idea of what they will ask for.

No. 2191762

I'll use these posts as a cope for my shitty handmade crap merch I made for myself over the years kekkk

No. 2191796

File: 1727956205222.jpg (90.85 KB, 735x882, 9a483efb7cb19c0e506466744f4295…)

Every time I see a sexualised woman paired with a fugly ass moid on my Pinterest feed, I seethe. Genuinely, what is the appeal here? Lots of other straight ships sexualise the woman while leaving the moid pure and untouched even though the ship targets a mostly straight female audience, which is annoying enough already. But this? It's okay if the artist is only attracted to the woman, but does she have to make the moid genuinely difficult to look at? I yearn for the day the tides turn, and these types of artists start snapping out of the ugly man psyop and calling pairings like this problematic or some shit like that. The sheer disgust I feel at art like this motivates me to make female gaze art to make up for these artists' sins.

No. 2191813

nta but thanks nonas, this will help me avoid gendies. Though I'm paranoid that they'll know each other and someone will let it slip that I accepted theirs after telling someone else the slots were full already lol
I'm also a nona who is a fan of hand made stuff. It's cool getting to support an artist, and there's a lot of charm in the little variations and "mistakes" that come from hand made art

No. 2191820

she is so pretty why can we see only half of her face to make room for the pimple faced foot?

No. 2191832

Simply wait until you get another request to reject the other. That way you can say "I was out for a bit and I start by the top of my DMs, so I fulfilled the slots before reaching yours" or somthing along these lines. Tbh they don't care that much, if they get annoying just block, the average troon has less power than you think.
Gezz even telling them you're scared of drawing troons even if it's a comission because you're cis and don't want to represent them badly or in case other people think you're fetishizing them can do the trick.

No. 2191849

Anons, which youtube channels/videos do you think are the best or worst to learn from? I usually recommend sycra. I only like samdoesarts for the videos he makes where he watches tiktoks by better artists and gives a decent pointer every now and then. Otherwise he is basically worthless imo. Mmmmonexx also has videos for "broke students with no money" Which I have not gotten the chance to sit through yet.

No. 2191870

File: 1727964029953.jpg (270.08 KB, 1000x707, 7522441_p0.jpg)

I draw consistently, but not every day.
>How often
Every other day or 3-2 days then 2-3 days off. I have to balance drawing with other things.
>what time of day
Anytime, but usually past midnight, I'm a night owl.
>how do you get started
I usually have a rough idea of what I'm drawing, if I don't, I'll just study. I feel more motivated if I see drawing as a means to an end. Mundane tasks in my days are like this, I shower because I need it to feel clean, I make my bed because I like my room tidy. The same goes for drawing, it's just a process to achieve the final result. Sometimes I stall, sometimes I skip a day, sometimes I love it and spend hours and hours doing it.
>what do you typically do in an average session?
>look for references and set them up
>pick a background noise, which can be a podcast, music, youtube video, shitty tv show, white noise, or anything really. It depends on my mood.
>draw until I'm done, hungry or sleepy.
>do you have a lot of completed pieces or unfinished ones?
Unfinished ones. I like sketching way more than rendering, I self indulge a lot and have a giant collection of sketches and lineart. I don't like posting my art so I don't care about refining them.
>Do you have any rituals that work for you?
I always pick something to listen to depending on my mood. It could be white noise to a shitty TV show. Sometimes I need something to distract me from a tedious drawing process. I have designated themes I like hearing or (sort of) watching during drawing sessions that boost my interest on days when I feel lazy. I try to keep those videos and audios exclusive to my drawing sessions. Maybe I pavloved myself into associating drawing with cozy or entertaining moments in my brain with these, but at least it works.

No. 2191873

File: 1727964247200.jpg (60.78 KB, 563x592, 1000016211.jpg)

The artist is at least aware that he is weird looking, can't find the other part of this comment but in the next panel the mom says 'he looks gay'

No. 2191875

File: 1727964404352.png (49.05 KB, 188x202, Screenshot 2024-10-03 070604.p…)

based mother

No. 2191876

they look like racial caricatures

No. 2191877

The hyper-coomer art paired with the fugly moid is so bleak and revolting. Sorry but who is going to wear some skimpy tank top and no bra and a miniskirt in front of their mother to show off their FUGLY boyfriend?

No. 2191881

It’s supposed to be a flex on her part

No. 2191882

Literally how.

No. 2191886

Look at how beautiful I am in comparison to my charity case male. Look how virtuous I am for letting him have me!

No. 2191890

This is based off the artist and her own wasian boyfriend

No. 2191891

well now it just got worse

No. 2191895

Saging for race related junk but this just kinda seems like a black woman saying she likes weird looking white guys.I wonder if the artist is one of those types who likes loser nerds who listen to Weezer.

No. 2191900

NTA but she said specifically making the character attractive to her own gaze, not making them attractive to the general public. I love men and women with greek features, particularly the defined bigger noses, so I find those extremely attractive. Meanwhile I'm aware that other people might find those features ugly or not attractive, but to me they are. The key is drawing something you find hot without caring if others are on board with it or not.

No. 2191928

what was the name of that one artist who drew her obvious self insert as like this teenage girl and paired her with this gigantic gray haired scrote, both also wore white military uniforms

No. 2191930

Check the previous tread, pretty sure she was mentioned there once or twice

No. 2191938

tried that, but those pics sadly seem to be lost

No. 2191944

The French pedo bait artist?

No. 2191951

And sharing them is justice, got it, spoonfeedchan.

No. 2191955

….how did you get that from what the anon said?

No. 2191957

File: 1727972715658.png (525.9 KB, 687x548, dngcfgmydt.png)


No. 2191958

Almost everyone around here (and online from what I see) see it as their work, and they sperg a lot whenever cons don't let them in or put roadblocks because muh rent!!! Just look around Twitter to see people complaining about their salary coming from events kek
I know you can both love something and make money, but as the other anon said sometimes it reaches a point where it feels souless. Making a collection here and there is fine, but if they chum out new merch constantly it starts to seem the artist doesn't really care about the media.

No. 2191967

File: 1727973900419.png (98.5 KB, 231x214, no words.png)

KEKKK it's the one with yaoi anatomy-tier shoulders

No. 2192002

File: 1727975409348.jpg (800.87 KB, 4093x2894, bigshoulda.jpg)

you reminded me that i had this saved kekkk

No. 2192019

Kek that’s hysterical

No. 2192025

File: 1727976738562.jpeg (926.3 KB, 1500x1536, FOKPBMRXoAYqJHb.jpeg)

What is this comic artist I just found that completely ripped off hamletmachine?

No. 2192028

File: 1727976809938.jpeg (81.71 KB, 616x900, FOKPDf3XMAU71Eu.jpeg)

I can't believe this isn't Starfighter fanart but a whole ass comic

No. 2192029

File: 1727976895051.jpg (30.03 KB, 386x500, starfighter-romance.jpg)

For reference

No. 2192037

the uke literally looks like a short butch woman

No. 2192044

That goes for most ukes

No. 2192045

the gigantic balloon tits with pimples kek

No. 2192046

File: 1727977516627.jpeg (414.04 KB, 1451x1255, EkZbpM6XYAUeG3u.jpeg)

Kek I had the same thought. Had to go check if it literally wasn't a woman, apparently not. Artist seems to be an eurofag, I've seen her genshit art around dokomi

No. 2192047

Imagine ripping off Starfighter of all things kek. Also as a fujo I hate when the smaller guy looks like a twelve year old, his head is so big compared to his uwu smaw body too

No. 2192050

the black haired guy looks geriatric holy shit.

No. 2192081

i thought it was a woman..youre telling me that is a man?

No. 2192088

it was an obvious joke babes

No. 2192092

the dark haired guy looks like what real life adaptation actors playing handsome anime boys look like, and i obviously mean this in a derogatory way

No. 2192160

Does anyone have good recs on videos teaching construction?

No. 2192165

I've seen the rest of the design and it's so fucking boring.what a retarded crybaby lol he needs to grow a spine.

No. 2192257

How to draw celebricows posters tutorial

No. 2192367

Lets not pretend like people would be willing to pay the prices it would cost to manufacture merch either by the artist themselves or locally. So the only other option would be for everyone to only have prints and/or small books. I know some nonnies here would love that but lets be realistic, it's not what the average con goer buys.
Literally just use alibaba

No. 2192495

>So the only other option would be for everyone to only have prints and/or small books. it's not what the average con goer buys.
There's still a ton of different kind of merch that can be done locally/homemade or with automatic processes though; stickers, charms, 3D charms (air dry clay etc), acrylics, shakers, metal pins…
First time I see someone saying the usual con buyer doesn't look for these thingd though, is the scene so different in the US? Over here the main things people buy are prints, stickers, charms and from the booth next to you with Alliexpress bootlegs.
Still the bottom line is not whenever they sell or not, but how artists (an non-artists, I have seen a handful using them as well) now feel entitled to sell what always have been luxury items/merch like plushes and bags, there's literally no reason for it. I guess the "X did it so I have to as well" spread and they all want to jump in the boat, but to be honest if you need slave labour to not starve you should either find a real job or get better with your art.

No. 2192502

>Draw a girl, call it a boy
In all seriousness, have people called this out? Is it just the character designs or the entire story?

No. 2192504

New Twisted Disaster video, she's more of a personal mini cow for me because while she can say some decent things, she also says a lot of stupid shit. In this recent video she talks about art style and though it starts off fine, she of course brigs up the "nonbinary" gender crap and of course her trying to appeal to the zoomers with her zoomer slang talk (you're 31, you're not one of them lol) and while it's true that her style did change in the last 10 years and has gotten slightly better, I still find it funny how she says she does things like trace to learn people's style and practices more with colors, she doesn't mention talking about study anatomy all that much.

Her style continues to perplex me over the years because it's so clear that she's trying to do the whole cartoony thing and I personally love cartoony styles but for some reason her stuff doesn't appeal to me. Even with the dark aesthetic that I also really enjoy, her stuff just doesn't pull me in. I know people have called her style DeviantART tier and I can't disagree but it amazes me how it hasn't gotten past that stage and she hasn't even been on DeivnatART (from what she said) for a good while.

Also side-note but it's dumb how she complains about how she doesn't get as much views anymore like she used to when she admits she doesn't use a script and she's too lazy to edit when she goes off on tangents so it feels more "rambly". Like some people don't mind that stuff but as a whole, I would say the average viewer on YouTube watching art commentary do prefer scripted and/or structured format over off the cuff rambling.

No. 2192513

I'm betting the white one is the self insert.i get copying hamplanet- I mean hammachine but atleast copy the good parts

No. 2192514

Glad to see you alive twisteddisaster chan

No. 2192527

Her style reminds me of a sparkledog adoptable where the artists adds details that either clash or are unnecessary to make the design pop or something. Even with the dark aesthetic, it feels more like it’s a Halloween decoration if that makes sense. Plus her influences are very spot on, at least from some of the recent art. That’s what I get from a brief glance on her DeviantART anyway.
>she hasn't even been on DeivnatART (from what she said) for a good while.
I don’t know man, I think 15 years is a long time in your art journey.

No. 2192529

>artist can draw beautiful girls
>can't draw men if their life depended on it
>can draw great men
>can't draw women at all
anyone else noticed this in some artists? I'm curious if you've got some examples

No. 2192627

We have one here at >>>/m/347403 that could use some more posts

No. 2192672

I wasn't joking, that spoonfeed anon feels entitled to things for the most obtuse reasons. If she wasn't TA then my bad.

No. 2192677

The dude oc is also a transman lmao

No. 2192694

File: 1728002955503.jpeg (Spoiler Image,62.19 KB, 564x670, 72v53rkpz89c1.jpeg)

Are you sure it's a tif and not a tim?

No. 2192702

Artists are oftentimes best at drawing things they've practiced a lot. If they prefer to draw women they'll draw more women and vice versa. It's not weird or even interesting.

No. 2192719

Author said so herself, I used to follow her. I think she's nuked her instagram.

No. 2192725

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No. 2192748

So tired of seeing y2k, early 2000s cartoonn art style, SO tired of that jotakak tif art style, so tired. Why is that shit so popular? I'm probably beating a dead horse

No. 2192768

Jesus christ..
>hawaiian and korean
Kek, really? Looking at him I thought the artist must be an Adam Driver fan

No. 2192800

this is probably fat

No. 2192848

I know how you feel, it's the most annoying shit and whoever draws like that are always insufferable or a troon too
I block every brujoari clones that I come across

No. 2192872

The faux 2000s style is so forced, and it’s even worse when people comment that they could’ve been fooled for the art being from an old CN/nickelodeon pilot that never got greenlit.

No. 2192875

You would have liked AI trash?

"people with DS do NOT look the same"
>all the drawings look the same

No. 2192895

File: 1728020040186.jpg (371.33 KB, 1220x1859, IMG_20241004_023151.jpg)

Imagine spend almost $800 for a shitty AI trailer and think this is the future of cinema.

No. 2192897

I guess only 800 isn't so bad compared to the tens of millions that production companies will spend

No. 2192904


No. 2192928

I can't speak for anyone else but I wouldn't mind going to a con and seeing mostly stickers and prints here in the us. Those things are usually cheaper, so more in my budget, and smaller/space conservative so you can collect more and from a wider range of artists, and they display nicely. Though I'm also a sucker for stickers and collect them.

No. 2192988

It's hilarious because I know another artist that fits this description that isn't >>2191957 KEK

No. 2193028

>So the only other option would be for everyone to only have prints and/or small books.
That's the majority of what was sold in AA for years and it was just fine. I always went into artist alley to look at art in the form of prints, not buy bootleg-tier anime merch. It seems like graphic design in the form of physical merch has become more valued than genuinely nicely drawn or interesting art (even the prints have been reduced to a bunch of busts, that sort of lazy art would get you ridiculed in the past, see vidrel) Even in a place like AA, no one cares about art, which is why it feels like fast fashion for artists. I mourn the loss of books like zines, sketch compilations, comics, small artbooks being sold in abundance in AA. Makes sense, because the majority of current AA sellers don't illustrate, they design merch.

No. 2193036

ayrt, I'm aware. That said, the costs of a booth/table and the competitiveness of getting one has skyrocketed. There's absolutely a market for those but there's so many these days that are specifically looking for more charms of x series to add to their collection, or other character merchandise. Even more so with series that barely have any official merch (I'm looking at you fire emblem).
I would love to see more small artbooks or sketch collections myself, but I know from friends that getting those printed can get pretty pricey and people often don't want to pay more then they'd pay for a large print for those books.
For what it matters, I do agree that the types of merch people are making is absolutely getting out of hand. But I can't blame them either because those kickstarters and PO's are seemingly making absolute bank, enough for them to live of.

No. 2193041

File: 1728041291866.jpg (392.62 KB, 1080x1212, Screenshot_20241004_081658_Ins…)

This cured my impostor syndrome thanks

No. 2193061

God I wish I had these rendering skills, why did I waste my time grinding anatomy like a nerd instead of learning to use colors and composition. I could be making a bank.

No. 2193239

I like it cause it uses clean, hard lines. It only looks ugly to me when people who don't do fundies use it. I'm tired of the copy paste anime inspired art styles or that ugly messy art style with the shiny eyelids tifs use.

No. 2193333

File: 1728061346692.png (6.7 MB, 2361x2450, Twisted Disaster Recent Works.…)


>sparkledog adoptables
That actually makes a lot of sense, it really does come off more like a 2000s sparkledog where she puts way too many clashing and/or unnecessary elements that just end up throwing off any sense of cohesion which can either appeal or detract (in our case). Like with her cyclops cat character that she pretty much treats as her pride and magnum opus of character design that she's worked on (she actually may not but just the way she goes on and on about her in her Twitch streams gives this impression), those black/white stripe pants just throw things off with the dominant black/purple combination. The design on the right has a much better color flow. And don't get me started on the Halloween one on top right, I don't understand how anyone can find a look like that appealing with so many conflicting clashing details going with it (she did admit the outfit was designed by one of her gendie zoomer friends though so that might explain it? kek).

Aside from character design, I feel like maybe the reason why she puts so much unnecessary detail into her work is to compensate for her lack of fundamentals? I just don't know kek. I try to look at her stuff and think of something good about it but I just cannot, there's just so many distracting and detracting things going on. She prides herself on how great her inking is and how she's gotten so much better with shading and highlights and I think that might be another problem. She goes way above and beyond with the shading that it makes her overly simplistic style look unappealing when a simple flats or minimal shading style might benefit her style more.

No. 2193749

I think you nonnas would like this art channel, if she hasn't already been posted.

No. 2193791

Her art kinda sucks imo..I feel like learning from her will unimprove my skills

No. 2193809

>her art kinda sucks
she can draw better than anyone itt to be honest

No. 2193825

I've seen a few of her videos and though I can't say that I'm hugely into her style because I'm not particularly drawn to anime styles, she really does have good sense of anatomy.

No. 2193837

I love her voice and she gives good advice imo

No. 2193844

What exactly is wrong with her art?

No. 2194034

NTAYRT Maybe an ironic criticism given the topic of the video but from my perspective as a figure drawing instructor: poor shape language, figures lack movement and fluid gesture, lacks control of volume and form. Results in awkward figures, lumpy shapes, disjointed lines of motion and short, choppy forms. Lowers the overall impression of her art because the shape language is clunky and vague, lacking an impression of volume and weight in space. I don't think she sucks at art though, this video could be useful to any artists who are less skilled than her but will not be useful for those more skilled than her. That's not uncommon.

No. 2194045

>this video could be useful to any artists who are less skilled than her but will not be useful for those more skilled than her.
Good. Then it's useful for everyone ITT.

No. 2194065

The videos not bad but I find avatar tubers annoying and obnoxious.

No. 2194075

Am the anon that linked the video, those are some interesting points, I haven't thought much about those advanced aspects of figure drawing.
Based on the art threads, it seems like there are quite a few (beginner) artists here that want to draw in a similar type of "hot anime guy with a focus on anatomy/construction" style, myself included. Personally I'm a big fan of her art and the fact that she posts her exercises.

No. 2194085

AYRT, they are good to learn only if you really want to grind the advanced fundamentals. Not strictly necessary to create some very good pieces. I think her video is good because it's actually helpful. I'll always take a thoroughly explained lesson at the intermediate level over a barebones video from a super-advanced artist. As >>2194045 states, it is likely to be useful for the large majority of artists at the very least. Many artists would be challenged to attain the level of skill she exhibits in the video, even if she's not deeply advanced.

No. 2194165

Why do so when you can learn from better artists like james gourney? When it comes to the basics and color principles it's better to learn it from classical realism artists who mastered it for decades.

No. 2194190

I get this probably appeals to the youtube audience, but this video would be a million times more tolerable without the anime girl vtubersona and memes

No. 2194258

I Know this is old and the moid chimping out for "insulting his favorite coomer artist" is fucking hilarious but alice vu 100% uses ai in her work

No. 2194260

File: 1728118907342.jpg (Spoiler Image,721.78 KB, 3000x1688, GRpFafxbMAImMma.jpg)

samefag this is the art she draws, spoiler for coomershit

No. 2194291

I don't mind avatars that represent the person as they really are, and I even think it's cute and fun. But as soon as it goes over into vtuber/playing a character territory I just can't stand it. The difference is so minimal, yet I love one and hate the other.

No. 2194305

The one good thing about AI is that it drastically lowered the value of hyper rendered coomer slop like this. What's the point of being upset over getting accused of using AI if the work you're putting out is just this shit? This is not art, it's just more soulless porn. If it isn't AI it might as well be

No. 2194336

I agree with you, but at the same time it also means coomers now have easier instant gratification and don't have to break the bank for it as they should be doing

No. 2194395

Another good thing (for me) is that thanks to AI I started to study color and composition nore seriously to be able to make art more complex/that stands out more against how basic AI is often, as I draw in an anime style and that's the one the most replicated. Glad it shook me to stop making character standing on a white/basic background.
It's sad to see random artists get jumped with AI accusations just because they made one or two mistakes though, not to long ago there were 2 really bad cases on my current fandom (one of them was a guy that started to make patreon coom after he gained attention and cleared he doesnt use AI tho, wish he had left forever kek)

No. 2194486

>All this leads me to think the con uses AI art themselves. But the kicker is their art is so unbelievably shit and they haven't updated it in years so it's clearly not AI, so it must just be the artist alley staff that use it in private to grift or something.
Nothing more depressing than finding out your local artist alley is run by AI grifters
sometimes i look at pieces like this and conclude it was created to take degenerates off the mating pool, make the worst moids get addicted to fictional porn so the chads get the real women

No. 2194503

I'm not joking when I say I find this video disturbing.

No. 2194528

Awww come on, they are cute

No. 2194531

nta but this feels like this was made by a paedophile

No. 2194532

How come

No. 2194533

No. 2194536

I love them I love Alice the rat and her mate

No. 2194538

does anyone else here draw with essential tremors
i want to make my lineart cleaner, but not even stabilizer/predictive stroke tools can save my ass
i go through this but in phases it's terrible when you get stuck drawing one sex for a while and then have to get back in the groove of drawing the opposite

No. 2194691

Furries have truly ruled the art world for years

No. 2194693

I don't find them disturbing but I did watch the rest of these videos and it's literally just gay furry art kek it's interesting listening to them describe it like it's deep and experimental. I guess maybe it was in the 80s.

No. 2194885

it looks ugly and sexual, it's not cute imo

No. 2194967

Oddly enough, my first exposure to this was on John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight. The rat art has been a running gag on the show for a while. I still think it’s pretty funny lol

No. 2195102

zoomers are just discovering about this furfag?

No. 2195125

How long did it take you to get good? i have been going for 5 years and still a begginer RIP.

No. 2195279

This video has a more quantitative means of identifying AI slop from a technical perspective rather than the hands having 6 fingers and shit looks off. This can be invaluable to digital artists.

No. 2195354

I feel like you'll never reach a point in your life where you think "yeah, my art is super good." At least not for me and many inspirations that I look up to. I think everyone remains insecure about their skill at least a little, even if they have world renown or are great artists. I look back at my art from earlier in the year and miss how good it was, even though at the time I felt it was garbage. I think if you give me a year I'll hit my "peak" again before I get bad. I've only been drawing seriously for about six years though.

No. 2195374

That guy draws alf and family guy porn I wouldn't put it past him

No. 2195377

he's the alf porn guy or are there several? when i am bored i watch old footage from 80s/90s furry cons and there was a guy that used to draw his female alf oc.

No. 2195473

File: 1728205689152.jpg (549.98 KB, 1080x1648, 7e8eofuieodofroeoiffoeot.jpg)

Study more

No. 2195531


What helped me was a) accepting that some of my stuff will be pencil-linearted and that it's a cool look, and b) my iPad.

I ink on the ipad and colour at the computer. IDK if this works for you, but might be worth testing if you get the chance.

No. 2195533

That's the worst part, I study every day. I don't draw animu though.

No. 2195655

File: 1728218784096.jpeg (343.21 KB, 1200x1029, IMG_3059.jpeg)

My every waking moment is consumed by the desire to draw, but as soon as my pen touches the paper I feel frustrated and upset. It’s like nails on a chalkboard. Is it over for me nonnas

No. 2195670

It's a male and female rat
It's classy

No. 2195675

Getting good depends on what your goal is. For example there are plenty of people who make a living off their art who aren't good artists. Just look at people who have built a kawaii empire, they can draw cute little animals or creatures that are super marketable - but if you asked them to draw an anatomically correct human they'd be on the same skill level as a 12 year old posting on deviantart for the first time.
There are also separate art skills, like how there are people who can draw amazing humans but legit cannot draw backgrounds, and I know a masterful landscape artist whose humans shockingly look like absolute shit kek

No. 2195708

Then you're probably studying wrong, the same way people study for an exam by simply memorizing every text when all that method gives you is forgetting the info 2 days after the exam.
Try studying from other books, different styles or media (sculpting helped me in drawing as well), apply the recall method to your studies…

No. 2195880

I feel you Nonna! Right now I'm in a deep perspective study and it frustrates me, but I'm really wanting to draw and find all these bgs I wanna draw, but get fed up the minute my pen touches paper. Usually, I take a break and do a study of an artist I like with a simpler style and then come back to what I'm initially working on. I think you also need to address why you wanna draw so bad. Me, I just like creating but sometimes I realize it's not that I WANT to but that I feel like I should. Like every minute I spend not drawing is a veritable waste and that my ability to draw is deteriorating, if that is the case I start trying to undrstand why I think that. I don't really have a massive goal for my work, but sometimes I get in my head that I'm not "succeeding". I get a lot of irl feedback for my work, but I don't do social media or comissions, so getting likes and praise and money for my work and I worry about whether having those things are "making it" or are tangible means to being a successful artist. I don't think like that usually but when you see people talking about it in most online art spaces I can get kinda caught up in the feeling that I'm fucking up somewhere. But there is no "right way" to make the art you want Nonnie, if you need to step back and reflect on why this is happening that's also part of your own growth as an artist.

No. 2196250

Nonnas I'n (finally) getting an ipad soon and I'm really excited even if I know the apple ecosystem can be restrictive compared to a PC/android.
Do you have any favorite brushes or tutorials that you'd recommend? I'm mostly familiar with Clip Studio Paint and Paint Tool Sai, I'm considering installing CSP on it as well and I would assume it's going to run ok-ish (the pro model is too expensive so I'm getting the M2 Air) but I want to ask if anyone ITT has hands-on experience with CSP on the ipad.
I've read good things about Adobe Fresco as well, so I'll be giving that one a try.

No. 2196548

Nah, the other videos featured art with same sex rat pairings. You should watch them if you still think it's classy lol

No. 2196987

I feel like these anatomy things focus way too much on torsos because it has the most complex muscles so you can flex your knowledge for knowing how to put a ripped abdomen together.

Agree, especially on the lack of control of volume and form part. Like I already implied I think she has the problem a lot of western-trained artists have i.e. hyperfixation on making anatomically perfect figures with every single muscle rendered in their places but sacrifice shapes and weight for them making the artwork look stiff and unappealing. That said, I still do think her art on her portfolio looks really nice.

No. 2196989

>it has the most complex muscles
its really easy to draw torsos though. Leg and arm muscles are the real pain in the arse.

No. 2196991

They are, I didn't word my sentence well enough. I meant more like "seemingly complex muscles" when in reality torsos are pretty simple to draw compared to how the muscles in your limbs contract and move.

No. 2196992

Crap, nonna, I feel like this too. >>2195880 made a really good and helpful comment. I just wanted to express my solidarity with these frustrating feelings.

No. 2196994

File: 1728285320482.png (284.54 KB, 843x468, asdhasjdhasjhdajshd.png)

Does anyone know what technique he's using to construct the head? i thought it was an asaro head but it's way more simplified than that.

No. 2197004

File: 1728287420299.jpg (38.46 KB, 600x600, cute_dog__pixel_art__by_skipth…)

Light-hearted question, what do you think about pixel art as a style?

I asked an older gamer coworker who's in her 50s and she hates it because it just looks like the bad quality art of her youth. She doesn't consider it a style at all. But I personally love pixel art, I think it's cute and it reminds me of crafting like cross-stitches or making patterns using bricks or tiles

No. 2197015

I think it can be cute but calling much larger images pixel art while they're just using super thin lines and ms paint style shading isn't pixel to me. Pixel should always be small scale with thought out lay outs. The one you posted is fine I'm thinking of those artists with massive canvases that really defeat the pixels art category.

No. 2197048

Kek remember when the pixel filter got so popular and everyone and their mom used it for their raster art and tagged it as pixel art.

No. 2197055

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No. 2197108

What book is this from? i dont remember it from fun with a pencil. This is miles more useful than the shitty ball method.

No. 2197121

don't pay for the csp subscription through the app store, and get the annual plan, it's a lot cheaper.

No. 2197123

File: 1728301497007.jpeg (176.13 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_2005.jpeg)

Could be Drawing the Head and Hands by Loomis. Also look at the Reilly Method for head and figure construction. Proko learned Reilly but ended up teaching Loomis and I think he does a hybrid. You don’t have to ascribe to only the Asaro or Loomis or Reilly methods.

No. 2197128

I tried the reilly method and i didnt like it. I need something more solid to work off.

No. 2197188

cute video but i’ll admit she didn’t tell me anything i didn’t already know

No. 2197232

"Content creator" nonnies who seem woke but are actually raging crypto-terfs, how do you feel about cringe gendies and trannies making up a substantial part of your audience? I'm actually really happy that my audience seems to be mostly women, even if they pretend that they're not. I would despise having a mostly moid audience. But I still hate the fact that the art I love to make naturally appeals to genderspecials. I worry that I'm going to get called or sussed out for subtle crypto-terf signs like never putting pronouns in my own bio or my OCs' bios. I'm scared if I make it big enough, they're going to ask me to make trans/nb characters or some dumb shit like that, and I'm either going to have to give in or ignore them and risk being cancelled. Am I being paranoid?

I was considering playing the dumb "I'm from a non-western conservative country, I don't understand gender the way you civilised westerners do" card but given that many chronically online teenagers from all over the world get brainwashed into transing out solely because they know English, I really don't think that would work. If any nonnies have tried ways to skip the obligatory virtue-signaling rituals though, I'd love to hear your stories!

No. 2197241

I accepted the fact the shit I'm gonna make will always attract these people. Might sound like I'm throwing in the towel but you have to understand these things come and go like rivers in the wind. It will pass. And who knows, maybe several years by now being a genderspecial is seen in the same way as being a scene girl.
By the way, what stuff do you make that tends to attract these people. Oftentimes the art you cultivate lures different walks of people from coomshit usually attracting men to more artsy angst attracting women and tifs.

No. 2197244

ignore all comments asking about pronouns or trans headcanons. if someone directly asks say that you are okay with people interpreting your OCs however they wish and any pronouns for yourself. don't be too scared because most gendies are actually terrible at clocking crypto terfs

No. 2197250

Turning off notifications from people I don't follow has been very good for my anxiety and mental health kek.

No. 2197258

honestly, any time a person demanded to see pronouns or identity related information, I would shut them down by saying that I like to keep that information private. I can't see a lot of pushback that gains traction after saying that. That way, you can hush the demands for your identity being revealed, while not revealing your opinions about gender identity.

No. 2197301

You're overthinking it, they don't care that much. I have a decent following, never put pronouns and haven't gotten into anything yet. I'm even fully honest and reply with "Sorry, I'm not from the US and don't really understand how you view gender, but that's a boy/girl! :)" when someone bugs me about it and they have been understanding so far. As long as you don't "invalidate" them (aka denying their pronouns, saying gender isn't real, etc) they're fine.
Do you get so many replies/questions about gender to beging with?

No. 2197328

File: 1728316850428.png (740.33 KB, 1080x1571, 1000033718.png)

>How do you get this from looking at a tiger
It's from the dream tiger design that lots of artists were redrawing after a pic related artist dreamt about it, it was very wholesome to watch happening in real time but of course coomers can't leave anything alone
I recommend checking it out because some of the art was really beautiful before it became the latest meme

No. 2197340

The only conclusion that I got from the whole Buboosenchan shit that was going on a while ago is that i hate everyone involved

No. 2197348

File: 1728317625989.jpg (18.66 KB, 428x368, fc137b1534d9f16acd85edf4075a53…)

>Saw the head
>Looks super cool
>Scroll down

No. 2197393

Content creator anon here, thanks nonnies for all the advice, you're all such a big help! I really appreciate it and I'll definitely keep your advice in mind!

I think you're right that that gender ideology may be recognised as a phase in the next few years. I am very curious to see it all go down. I bet a lot of artists are going to look back on this time as wince-inducing at the very least. To answer your question, I make art with diverse characters, to be vague. My naturally child-friendly art of non-sexualized women has repelled TIMs from me so far at least, 10/10 would recommend.

I admit I don't get many questions about it. In my specific niche though, all the other artists either pander to or are genderspecials, so that sort of behaviour feels expected. I admit I am also paranoid due to witnessing lots of friend-group drama and backstabbing for similar reasons pre-peaking. My audience does ask for representation of different cultures, which is the sort of diversity I don't mind, but it gives me the impression that gender-related requests are not a far reach.

Googled her and am horrified and baffled. She gives me second-hand groomer vibes ngl. I wish kids (and teens to a lesser extent) weren't able to access such degeneracy so easily.

No. 2197398

Apologies for double-post but she's posted way worse things than above. Her pinned tweet is hilarious. Apparently she's been accused of being a gooner or something.
> I hope they are at least asking their parents for permission and showing them my videos.
You literally make hentai drawing tutorial tiktoks, no teen is showing that to their parents.

No. 2197409

I’m trying not to tinfoil but those videos are explicit. That is not how to draw milk or how to “sing” into a mic. One guy was crying? Wtf. She’s a coomer.

No. 2197443

NTAYR but yeah that's the whole thing. Making tutorials for NSFW matters and hidding it from TikTok's filters (but not from actual people) by changing the subject slightly.
Why she would post them on TikTok out all places I do not know, I guess she gets more attention there.

No. 2197444

File: 1728321365319.png (648.71 KB, 1080x1214, Screenshot_20241007-121756-712…)

Surprised nobody's talking about this here, since it's been pretty much all over art twitter. This artist called Yaelokre just set up a google submission form where her fans can send her legal team(?) links to any fanart or fics she doesn't like, whether it's actually porn of her OCs or just something she finds "offensive," and she'll get it copyright striked. All of her main characters are children so it's understandable why she'd be so upset about people sexualizing them, but now she's being accused of sending her fanbase of mostly minors to actively search out porn to send to her. Someone sent her a screenshot of a death threat left on an explicit fanfiction of her OCs on Ao3 and asked her if she was okay with her fans acting like this.

At the end of the day, it looks like just another case of proshippers vs. antis, so, another day ending in Y.

No. 2197461

honestly, she's right. If you make porn of my characters after I explicitly state that you shouldn't and especially when they are children, then you deserve to at least have your account banned over this.

No. 2197475

i don’t agree with this but whatever. to me, once you release your ocs as part of a public ip it’s corny to whine about people doing whatever they please with them. legally it has a basis but it goes against fandom culture imo

No. 2197491

there was a bit of discussion about it over in the fandom discourse thread >>2196690 with some extra caps >>2196730 >>2196767. i generally agree with what the nonnas over there were saying: she doesn't seem mentally equipped for this level of popularity at all, and she's gonna burn a lot of money on a crusade that's doomed to fail.

No. 2197493

Lmao at the poors man Anne Rice

No. 2197500

I actually think it's a good thing she's calling out coomers who are drawning porn of her child characters but sending your underage audience to be the watchdogs? She doesn't think that'll expose them to degeneracy?
But seeing how coomerfied every fandom is it can encourage gatekeeping in sfw fandoms, in a way this can cull the coomers out but it can also result in them making revenge porn in turn too I wouldn't wish a coomer audience on even my enemy

No. 2197509

Maybe it's because I'm ESL too but does this "please include pronouns" stuff actually happen to anyone? I'm a butch lesbian who gets confused for a man all the time yet I've never had a gendie ask me for my pronouns in my entire life nor have I been asked to include them anywhere despite hanging around the regular garden variety woke people. If I was asked to make a trans character I'd just smile and tell them I'll think about it. I have never heard of anyone being outright cancelled for not having any trans characters in their roster, it sounds like some kind of a they're gonna turn the frogs gay kind of fearmongering. Also like >>2197258 said it's none of their business to begin with and most people respect it when you tell them you want to keep details about your personal life private.

No. 2197512

If you have the copyright and people abuse it you're allowed to strike it. That's all there is to it. It's no different than a big brand like disney or sanrio doing it.

She is clearly not at all telling kids to go search up porn of her characters, that's the dumbest ass stretch of a conclusion I've ever heard, like come on don't be a retard people.

No. 2197516

I don’t care if proshippers get bullied for their right to sexualize children characters but I don’t see this going well for both sides whatsoever.

No. 2197518

When you publish something, you have to accept that it's no longer in your control and you can't force your audience interpret things the way you intend them to. I have projects I'm never going to spread past my direct circle of friends because I would rather die than see my precious characters be headcanoned and shipped to shit, but I have other projects that I'm not as emotionally fragile about that I'm more comfortable sharing. Either don't engage with your fans at all to preserve your own vision or just accept and come to terms with that people are going to do things with your characters that you're not going to like. It sucks, but it is what it is.

No. 2197521

Guys. Please just admit you are racists and stop attacking this mexican KWEEN you white ppl (lol)(this is an imageboard/integrate)

No. 2197527

File: 1728324948502.jpg (147.42 KB, 720x419, 20241007.jpg)

This is an imageboard.
Here an screenshot of the Tweet, that Nitter instance is unavailable right now.

No. 2197528

Honestly her content is ultra cringe but people calling her "a groomer" because a child might see her video are schizo virtue signalers who need to find better things to do with their lives.

No. 2197530

I don't think she is a groomer, but to be honest posting porn-ish content on a plataform whose userbase is 70% kids and teens is in bad taste. That app is filled with that kind of content though, so it's not her alone.

No. 2197537

Compared to all the extreme gooning content and straight out IRL porn she's probably the most innocuous and harmless ones to moralfag about but that's what you get for being a female artist not into drawing slop for men.

No. 2197547

>how do you feel about cringe gendies and trannies making up a substantial part of your audience?
I make sure to never cater to them in any way shape or form in my art. When called out for not having enough troons in my art I ignore it and wait little over a week or so before deleting their comment. If you delete it right away they may notice, if you go a few days without replying they usually give up and forget about it.

I've also got the advantage of being esl so I can always default to "my culture doesn't really do that". You gotta pretend to be more normie than you are. Pretend you don't know much about troons at all. I don't have pronouns in my bio either, I've never been called out or even asked about it since posting art online.
I used to use the excuse that having she/her can make men discriminate against us women so I didn't like writing it out so they know to target me, but that kind of stops you from pretending to not know much about troonism so I don't recommend that one. It's always best to just avoid pronouns.

If I was directly confronted about it in a way I can't avoid I'd give a bullshit answer like "you're free to headcanon whatever you like…" and ALWAYS make sure to make it about more than troonism: "…you can headcanon them having any sexuality, gender or nationality or even as being an animal! It's cool that you guys are so creative" that stops the focus from being on just troons.

No. 2197556

All she needs to do is age restrict her videos or something tbh. But there's far more horrific content on tiktok, this is tame in comparison to all the other shit kids would run into on that platform.

No. 2197559

that's what I'll do, thanks, on pc I have an older permanent license

No. 2197570

We complain about male artists over here as well, you're acting as if we are targeting her for being a woman. We just find her content weird, you're reaading too much into it.

No. 2197572

You're not wrong, this guy also drew on modern incest pedophile fanart of Dexter's Lab and Lilo & Stitch and hosted it on his website.

No. 2197574

>not into drawing slop for men
all porn is inherently moidish

No. 2197577

Demonstrably false based off the existence of fanfiction

No. 2197582

that is also influenced by moids to some extent, but I won't derail

No. 2197586

Yes it happened in an online class I took. Half the people didn’t comply, myself included, which gives me hope this will die. It’s really bad in most creative professional settings.

No. 2197588

By that logic everything is influenced by moids so everything is wrong.

No. 2197601

that's great, means you can backup your workspace, brushes and settings to the cloud, and restore it on the ipad.
you'll have to close the app and restart it afterwards.

No. 2197604

and erotic therefore is not according to your logic?

No. 2197605

Why does everyone on tiktok draw like this

No. 2197638

Gosh her voice is so fucking grating and annoying,she's full of shit and a bad artist too.I hate TikTok artists so much.

No. 2197878

people are going to draw so much porn of these things now, has she never heard of the streissand effect? god she's dumb.

No. 2197885

she draws anime, if teens are looking at her anime tutorials its because they have already been subjected to animu degeneracy. Its up to the parents to control what their kids are watching, it's retarded to call her a groomer when kids shouldnt even have phones and they can easily find worse things on the internet.

No. 2197946

Some things I've noticed about newer/zoomie creators: They have no sense of scale, and think the indie IP fandom sizes cap at "medium sized discord". Because of this, they try and play BNF and creator, which doesn't work. They don't get that you have to detach yourself from your fandom, or else you get retards trying to argue with you over your own IP. And finally, they think having porn/suggestive art drawn of your characters against your wishes only happens to "bad people" (i.e. "Haha I drew you pregnant because you posted wrongthink!"). When porn of these characters is inevitably drawn, she's probably going to have a meltdown, and internalize it as a personal failing somehow. What a pity.

No. 2197963

if you are the type of degen who thinks drawing porn of child characters is "funny" then you deserve to be doxxed and sued

No. 2197964

Wasn't there a semi-famous artist who drew porn of one of their own well known characters? I don't remember which character it was but this post made me remember something like that happening

No. 2198018

kek this is hilarious, i cant wait to see her try to sue some random ass artist from mexico over cartoon porn. She makes proshitters look sane in comparison. She honestly sounds really sheltered.

No. 2198020

You have to be over 18 to use this site.

No. 2198027

It's honestly insane she thinks she can threaten artists with a lolsuit when even disney cant keep coomers from drawing minnie mouse with her asshole prolapsed. It's all going to backfire on her so badly.

No. 2198058

reminds me of loulouvz/spaicy

No. 2198078

that girl is crazy. I dont understand artists who hang onto their bad ideas for so long. Shes been at this spaicy shit for over a decade and never garnered a fanbase. This is why you dont turn your ugly ocs into ideas, you get too attached to them and they hinder your progress. She reminds me of Panpizza/rebeltaxi.

No. 2198080

Did you just get on the internet yesterday? KEK

No. 2198100

Fucking KEK these video titles are sending me. This feels like the first female coomer artist posted that doesn't appeal to moids. Like even those 2 yuri artists ended up drawing futa.

No. 2198104

Yuri is for men thought they were already pandering to men.(infight bait)

No. 2198133

Kek true but one of them made some plain autobio looking comic before going futa so it seemed like an actual fall from grace for himejoshi in my eyes.

No. 2198145

Anons need to learn that japanese artists dont give a shit about the whole anti/pro discourse and they are all pro degeneracy/free speech. Reminds me of the delusional touhou anons defending ZUN even thought he's an open coomer.

No. 2198157

>They're still defending his ass in that thread.
And these same anons will turn around and put women on stakes. This is why moralfags everywhere are never worth taking seriously, even on lolcow.

No. 2198171

Weebs put japanese artists on a high pedestal and then, when they have to face the truth that all their favourite artists are pro loli they throw tantrums like babies.

No. 2198336

File: 1728372938816.png (525.31 KB, 1191x762, holly instagram.png)

Kek which one of you sent this to Holly Brown?

No. 2198344

File: 1728373285265.png (551.04 KB, 974x725, holly comic.png)

Samefag but it's a shame her thread is dead because she was a fun cow to keep up with. Even though the milk has largely dried up, she still has her moments. She's planning on making yet another extremely unsexy NSFW comic which starts off with two strangers fighting and literally one page later they start kissing (she hasn't posted that one yet but has shared some WIP on her socials)

No. 2198347

>And these same anons will turn around and put women on stakes.
They just said the games aren't coomer and ZUN has never wanted to make his games coomer which is true, I don't know how you can confidently tell they're the same people that are constantly shitting on anything women do, if anything they probably think women are based when they draw whatever they want

No. 2198351

Have you ever had a great art idea for years only for someone to have the same idea and make it big, so now if you did it you'd look like their copycat?

No. 2198362

kekk tbh holly was such a fun cow since some anons were actually hoping she'd improve she didnt

No. 2198365

Those anons were pissed people called touhou girls lolis when even ZUN has adressed them as so. They would be the first ones to raise their pitchforks at a female shotafag.

No. 2198367

Yes, I despise when that happens.

No. 2198370

File: 1728376917655.jpg (330 KB, 1280x1808, Kim_Jung_Gi_2018_Sketch_Collec…)

I know he's hated here, but damn i miss his art so much. It's so hard to find artists that just have fun drawing and don't stay in their comfort zones for fear or money. I can count with one hand the amount of artists that have art that just oozes fun and instantly inspires me to draw. A shame his pickme protégé only inherited his worst traits.

No. 2198371

File: 1728377036626.jpg (566.48 KB, 1080x974, hc.jpg)

Is there really a difference here? You can not tell there are 7 years between these, it just looks like she switched mediums. Glad she's still creating whatever cringe she loves though.

No. 2198372

Kek the CSP studio vine brush god she's still so lazy.

No. 2198375

No. Make things once you get the idea instead of sitting around doing nothing. Not to mention that yours would've never looked the exact same anyway and things don't need to be original to succeed. Just look at the way oreo buried hydrox for example

No. 2198378

you can tell she drew the leaves in the middle

No. 2198379

See, she's improved because she's learned to use clip studio assets that don't blend with her style and traced backgrounds. I really wish for her to improve but she never fucking does because she's stuck on her weird mha ripoff comic and doodling without thinking about what she's doing. Like look at >>2198344 what the fuck are those lines? It looks like she drew this in 5 minutes rushing through everything. You'd think that after completing "over 500" comic pages she would have great lineart and poses, but she doesn't.

No. 2198385

File: 1728379673167.jpg (479.18 KB, 780x1171, w perspective.jpg)

>traced backgrounds
Maybe she traces the basic structures and then freestyles without ruler

No. 2198387

How do i avoid this? this is so frightening

No. 2198391

Just study and expand your skills instead of drawing the same things every day

No. 2198395

File: 1728380707825.jpg (132.99 KB, 719x782, allergic reaction.jpg)

keep experimenting with different styles and pray it wont be you. even "pro" artists regress

No. 2198396

i feel like in this case its less about regressing and more about having shit taste, the skill is clearly there .

No. 2198402

Tbf iirc it was a combo of the dreadful weekly schedule, his wife who would helped started writing her own yuri manga, and then having a baby.

No. 2198403

Holly has been my personal cow for years now, even before her getting cancelled in..whichever year it was. I must admit though, a part of me feels bad for her. She even attempted to troon out at one point

No. 2198407

File: 1728382101910.jpg (212.55 KB, 736x1286, 51ebea3ed0a9bed9327a6649a41939…)

The simple faces look fine but he's just drawing detailed versions of them that end up looking like shit because the proportions stay the same for whatever reason

No. 2198408

File: 1728382135415.jpg (Spoiler Image,23.26 KB, 480x534, d5e.jpg)

He's basically doing this

No. 2198414

It seems like he's taking inspiration from porn because that fucking alien look is very popular with coomers

No. 2198426

File: 1728385159419.png (1.11 MB, 970x1379, akebii.png)

reminds me of the author of akebi and how he regressed in the latest chapter. It actually jumpscared me. I don't know what the fuck happened to his art, his new faces look so flat and creepy.

No. 2198433

File: 1728385670823.jpg (Spoiler Image,105.1 KB, 718x812, 1000021795.jpg)

Does anyone know why josei manga often have illustrations of half-naked (or straight up nude) women.
Is it just internalized male gaze or
are a lot of josei mangaka closet lesbians or bisexuals.

No. 2198436

No. 2198437

michael jakson corpse looking ass

No. 2198444

I do think mangaka are more likely to just enjoy drawing the same sex as sexy, call it bisexual if you want.
Saying this since male mangaka sometimes do it too, they're usually just clocked as gay though.

No. 2198448

Now that I'm back to the project grind, I find it really inspiring and envying to see artists very good at documenting their creative process on top of the discipline of working on something so long. I think making something like this would really put things into perspective for viewers and myself tbh. Any anons working on long projects too? How do you deal with the monotony?

No. 2198452

Nah power fantasy isnt the same as drawing a guy sexy. Some skinny fat manlet drawing his oc all roided and with 3 billion gary stu powers isnt the same as some dolled up woman with her tits out and with a waist the size of her wrist.

No. 2198464

File: 1728388502655.jpg (141.77 KB, 736x1008, f0b18baef5c9b0f4d7d611e409a58b…)

It's similar enough. In both cases they are giving what they consider to be desirable traits to their ocs.

No. 2198473

Some people just like drawing women.

No. 2198477

>times when male mangaka are clocked as gay
>right, a power fantasy where oc is all roided and with 3 billion gary stu powers
Ngl you're headcanoning a whole world out of that.

No. 2198482

nah being a fit man is correlated with being strong and powerful, being a big titty woman is purely for the moid gaze

No. 2198486

It's lolcow brainrot.

No. 2198489

Nah you just hate it when people point out the obvious. A female mangaka drawing hideous hentai monster women is no different from normie women who buy lingerie or put on make up. Women are socialized to always look sexy and appealing for men and your beliefs are always going to reflect on your art. It's why so many straight pickmes draw hentai and lewd girls but you don't see straight men drawing sexy bishies for women.

No. 2198499

It's the sudden amnesia of shounen manga and fujo/yume spam that gets to me.
>you don't see straight men drawing sexy bishies for women.
Male mangaka aren't that stupid. They read the surveys given to them, they know who makes fanart and of who.

No. 2198503

Idk but I like this eroticism especially knowing it was drawn by a female.

No. 2198514

I dont know but I do smell something very similar to fandom thread brainrot of preferring drawing/reading female focus art as a woman means you're gay, kek.

No. 2198617

isnt this the mangaka who drew Sakuran?

No. 2198657

Internalized misogyny to assume this artist you know nothing about is drawing her characters as fanservice only for males. And do you think lesbians don't buy lingerie or wear make up? Kek

Same, there's just something about it.

No. 2198666

Oh god, this is Akebi? I've never actually read the manga, only watched the anime and saw some manga panels on Pinterest. I always thought the art style and character designs were adorable. This looks almost like something out of the "Land of the Lustrous"

No. 2198680


It feels more genuine tbh.

No. 2198824

File: 1728407161391.png (714.71 KB, 736x630, blairschool.png)

I was bored and clicking through links of featured artists on Holbein's website and found an artist who founded an art school. I looked at the some of the classes out of curiosity and they use MidJourney generated pictures to advertise the painting course. I'm so sick of this shit everywhere, shouldn't this false advertising? Like they couldn't even use work a student did with permission?

No. 2198851

thats a disgusting insult to mucha omg

No. 2199349


god i miss her thread can we bring that shit back

No. 2199555

where do you libfems come from?

No. 2199590

It's honestly sad women can't escape sexualization even in stuff made for us. I read a lot of shonen(mostly spokon) and i have never seen a male mangaka draw their male characters lying on the floor with a massive bulge while giving bed eyes, it's definetly pickmeism. No wonder so many weeb female artists troon out nowadays, it's sad.

No. 2199594

You're being silly treating her like she drew anything close to Sonico. You should try reading the synopsis of her stories before putting her in a box for a single illustration.

No. 2199603

Straight men aren't drawing their male characters looking like gay porn models kek it's stupid to think it has nothing to do with women being raised to only consider themselves valuable if they are fuckable. If you and that anon like that michael jackson monstrosity power to you, but that doesn't mean other women have to ignore how weird and gross it is.

No. 2199627

Even RISD uses AI shit on their website

No. 2199633

>erm why are these women naked in art for all these manga about prostitution, infidelity and the beauty industry

No. 2199640

Didn't the Dr. Stone artist say straight out that he uses gay porn models for his male characters?

No. 2199649

it's in romance novels written by and for women too, we are such cucks. part of the escapist fantasy is feeling beautiful and desirable but you don't have to focus on the woman's body to do that, you can make the male character attentive and please her.

No. 2199652

File: 1728441441720.jpeg (89.13 KB, 1024x764, f29e4b1accfeaa3210ea561dbeaec0…)

doubt so, boichi's guys are crazy ugly while his women always look like blow up dolls, he's one of the most coomery shonen jump authors

No. 2199658

I've heard variations of that claim since naruto, I honestly think it's a marketing ploy

No. 2199659

File: 1728441772472.jpg (159.5 KB, 1024x728, d7698bc4ed680e8914bc2806de37e4…)

Nah, he does. He uses porn as references for both, gay porn for male.
Funny enough, his female characters were considered so uguu tjat it was a turn off and it became a fujobaity series instead, so now the merch goes in that direction.

No. 2199663

File: 1728442016043.jpg (Spoiler Image,146.55 KB, 850x635, sample_586f4786d6f32ff13724a21…)

The anime style isn't boichi's style. Boichi style is ugly rendermaxxed roidpigs. I doubt he uses gay porn, he probably uses naked buff guys and thinks thats the same as the torture porn he uses to draw his women, pic rel. He's gross.

No. 2199667

Nah, I believe it.
Rather, references are references. I don't they care too much where it comes from as long as it works.

No. 2199673

File: 1728442768876.jpg (274.36 KB, 836x1200, i_014.jpg)

why do you believe it in the case of boichi? he's got one of the worst porn brainrots in SJ. He did a whole book on how to draw guys and they are all ugly power fantasy roidlets. If he was using gay porn as references you would think he would pick up on how to draw hot men but that's obviously not the case with him.

No. 2199676

Who do you think watches gay porn?
Considering how much people here complain about gay man tastes being bad, this is a surprise.

No. 2199678

There's a commercial in my country about "manga fans" and I can't help but think these drawings were made via AI.

No. 2199679

Boichi is a hentai artist, he clearly knows how pornified women look like and he draws them like they came straight out of pornhub, but his dudes just look like generic power fantasy roidpigs with 0 sex appeal. So i don't know why anons are using him as an example of one of the ''good ones'' when it doesnt even show in his work. His women always have hard nipples and are contorted like worms to show their ass, why dont his guys look like that then? anons choose the absolute worse guy in SJ to use as an example.

No. 2199680

Kek Dr. Stone is so cringe, this looks ridiculous

No. 2199682

File: 1728443434121.jpg (196.92 KB, 836x1200, i_016.jpg)

I used to read his hentai shit to laugh at how retarded and ugly it looks. His artstyle is so utterly disgusting. Prime example of the differences between how male artists potray male chracters as power fantasies vs how pickmes normally project onto female characters and potray them as sex dolls. This is from his book on how to draw cool male characters.

No. 2199684

Who said he's one of the good ones? The original point was just that he uses gay porn made for gay men as references, calm down lmao.
Nonna, that not actually Dr. Stone kek.

No. 2199685

I'm so tired of garbage like this being treated like realistic sex dimorphism when this is just some scrotes power fantasy, like you said.

No. 2199690

I feel like this may be a joke, considering the mc of Dr. Stone is an twink.

No. 2199694

It looks like those ai filters, also this ad is so cringe kek

No. 2199695

File: 1728443834739.jpg (254.9 KB, 836x1200, i_017.jpg)

the whole discussion was about how male artists dont draw their male characters like gay porn models, anon used boichi as an example and i just proved she was wrong.
He's not a twink, just a generic shonen protagonist. They had to tone down boichi's ugly ass artstyle for dr stone, but it's still ugly and stiff. He's got one of the absolute worst cases of sexual dimorphism in manga.

No. 2199696

>he probably uses naked buff guys
that's the most likely case

No. 2199699

Post gay porn models for gay men so we can make sure kek

No. 2199700

>They had to tone down boichi's ugly ass artstyle for dr stone
this, a lot of popular manga's would just be nothing coom-bait if it weren't editors telling authors to write a coherent story

No. 2199704

I actually use gay porn to draw hot men lol they actually look sexy instead of stiff and ugly. That's why i know this guy doesnt use gay porn, he's way too misogynistic to look at gay porn and draw sexy men.

No. 2199705

Gay men are men and jerk off to anything vaguely male, just like how straight men treat anything vaguely female. The alarmingly high rate of furfaggotry in gay male communities should tell you how much shit taste they have.

No. 2199708

So it seems the joke of me requesting hot dude pics on the sly did not land…

No. 2199711

it wasnt a funny joke

No. 2199718

I appreciate you nona.

No. 2199722

So you didn't read the synopsis of her works?

No. 2199728

Whoever draws like this needs to be shot immediately. But I wonder what the inverse of this would look like.

No. 2199730

Why should it matter?

No. 2199803

Okay, thanks for being honest at least! Shoujosei and Moyoco Anno has issues but this is the least of it, hope we can have a more honest conversation with it when you actually read her works.

No. 2199845

Good old Holly. I don't even go out of my way to be mean to her because I feel bad for her mental illness but she's only made marginal progress over the span of 7 years, it's more like something you would achieve in a year or two.

Everything she draws looks so weightless and without any form. I don't know how she does it.

No. 2199905

I've always liked how he drew Dr. Stone because all the pretty male characters make up for the female coomcreatures imo. It's at least a better ratio of skin being shown than in other shonen manga and I'm also not into skinny bishonen

No. 2199964

That anon literally said it’s either internalized moid gaze or she’s a closeted lesbian/bisexual kek

No. 2199974

It's absolute retardation.
>Why would a female artist draw attractive, sexy women??? She must be bi or a lesbian, why would a straight women draw anything but husbandos to coom to!!!
>But a male artist doing the male equivalent of that is naturally just doing a power fantasy.

No. 2199980

It's like she finally gave shoujosei a try after all the anons telling her to read before judging but she didn't get far enough kek.

No. 2200118

>Why would a female artist draw attractive, sexy women??? She must be bi or a lesbian, why would a straight women draw anything but husbandos to coom to
This but unironically

No. 2200161

Yes, that is in fact why I am not bothered by both the male and female in het femgaze art being sexualized. I am not straight and its a 2 for 1 special. If I wanted to see sexy men only I would read yaoi. I hate how some nonnas act oppressed because someone drew a stereotypical pretty girl in femgaze art.

No. 2200574

Het femgaze art is for sexualizing men only, if you want to see sexy women you can read yuri or malegaze het

No. 2200679

>I cannot fathom anyone producing anything not about coom

No. 2200687

>big boob naked anime lady is DEEP and HIGH ART.

No. 2200749

straight men dont draw sexy men so it's very obvious it's a female artist only phenomenon

No. 2200873

my artstyle is so fucking BORINNNNNNNNNNNG

No. 2200927

>I cannot google and read summaries of manga, not even a reply in this thread that summarized it in a short post.

No. 2201033

meanwhile the only thing nonnies post in the art rate thread is guys in bunny suits picking a wedgie and half naked centaur amputee crap kek

No. 2201047

You're right but they're going to tear you apart for this because cooming to anime boys will end misogyny or something

No. 2201143

File: 1728568613856.jpeg (159.32 KB, 1000x844, FeXlQlMakAIovcp.jpeg)

What are your opinions on Golden Kamuy and Hetalia then

No. 2201253

Rhino faces are not attractive

No. 2201309

You could not get these kinds of clever arguments anywhere else

No. 2201594

Is it better to practise anatomy and lineart traditionally? Will my improvement translate into digital art too?

No. 2201603

Anons I feel like I just won the lottery. I snagged a 24 count box of faber-castell polychromos in my poor quiet little town. The white one has a broken lead but I'm still full of mirth, who cares I'll just sharpen it. Come share in my joy, now I have no excuse to mope around and stall and do anything other than draw and draw. There's even a little booklet showing how to use them I'm gonna lose my mind!

No. 2201621

so glad for you! go use those pencils!

No. 2201644

Unironically yes unless the transitions feels jarring to you. The reason trad might be better is to really hone in on the lines and shapes of a subject. You can still practice digitally but it isn't the same as measuring a subject while drawing on a canvas.

No. 2201730

it makes me uncomfortable that janelle wilkins aka sherlockgrim is asking for commissions and harassing people for them when she’s a known dog fucker who harasses her boyfriends rape victims

No. 2201732

You have any proof for those claims?

No. 2202069

Because the women in femgaze het art are drawn more tastefully. I prefer how women draw women and how women draw het. Male gaze art is ugly and dehumanizing.

No. 2202134

the hetalia guy is a faggot, and golden kamuy baras are hideous and the naked parts are obviously played for laughs

No. 2202136

so? men can easily go, pick up any manga thats not yaoi and distance themselves from sexualization. Women cant even open a josei manga without the mc being sexualized to hell and back.

No. 2202603

iirc the author complains constantly about having to draw male characters, he was essentially wrangled by his supervisors into drawing something that wasnt coombait. in the behind the scenes excerpts he says he threatens to mix his drawing ink with his boogers everytime he has to draw a male character.

No. 2202720

I hope manga editor get paid well because every time I hear about them it's them having to constantly tard wrangle mangakas and forcing them to not have turbo ultra coom shit every single page. Shounen manga editors doing a service for humanity.

No. 2202722

File: 1728643291134.gif (935.97 KB, 200x190, rage.gif)

I am still seething after all these years over twitterfags bullying manga materials. She used to upload quality tutorials pretty often, nowadays we are lucky if she uploads once a year. Her voice nowadays also sounds genuinely depressed in contrast to her cute and cheerful voice from before. Why do twitterfags have to ruin everything? it makes my blood boil.

No. 2202731

File: 1728644104210.png (1.38 MB, 938x1236, slop.png)

The copium. They pander to both fujos and coomer but they obviously pander to women in the safest way possible. Some of you will praise male artists for doing the absolute bare minimun(and not even that in the case of boichi because his guys are hideous). I wish i was a male artist, i would draw disgusting coom creatures with impossibly sexualized outfits then add some generic moid that maybe is shirtless and i would get a flock of women praising me for being super feminist uwu.

No. 2202743

File: 1728645634797.jpg (164.19 KB, 937x928, ebfe4a6fbf1bac66712370aeefc3b5…)

Golden kamuy men are ugly roidpigs and anyone who claims they are peak sex appeal are retarded. Hidekazu might just be a fag but i think it might be the only case of a work originally intended for moids taking notice of its female following and pandering to them instead. Based.
Lmao, i see a lot of pickmes try to rationalize this or maybe they genuinely think this by saying "b-but it's just as sexual! in fact men in suggestive poses while being fully clothed is totally the same as a near naked anime woman in suggestive poses!". Shit pisses me off. I hate the myth that women like more subtle fanservice, we too are visual creatures.

No. 2202749

File: 1728646049415.jpg (66.95 KB, 850x478, sample_48f02d682c53c0b9c78221d…)

No, anon you dont get it. Boichi drew one ugly guy with abs that makes it equal to pic rel. He's a true feminist.

No. 2202750

I wish artist discords were actually useful for learning among other artists but the ones I've been in are basically a place to asskiss one particular artist (the one who made the discord) or just an already established friend group composed of gendies with mediocre art who will ignore everything that's not about trannies.

No. 2202752

You will never find a free discord that both gives constructive criticism and it's free of trannies. In fact, i would say it's almost impossible to find an art discord where you can receive genuine constructive criticism. I genuinely really like the rate your art thread on /m/ because they can actually give you harsh criticism instead of sugar coating it.

No. 2202754

The fuck are those creatures? They look like aliens or children

No. 2202759

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boichi is garbage at drawing so his women always look insanely uncanny

No. 2202760

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More like mucha yassified.

No. 2202763

I know I am responding late but it wasn't a same-sex rat pairing, it was still Alice the rat, her bow was just off. Leave her alone she's just a rat girl.

No. 2202766

The way the farthest girl's butt is so over rendered compared to everything else in the image and it being coloured like a mango for some reason is making me kek. It makes me feel like I'm looking at a padded mouse pad

No. 2202770

What happened? Why were they bullying her?

No. 2202772

Ignoring the fact that an anon already said this particular manga's subject matter justifies this drawing >>2199633

Women as a whole in most if not all societies are groomed from childhood to value themselves according to their attractiveness and youth. Thus it becomes a woman's ultimate goal and validation to be desirable by men, even if she uses the typical cope of "I'm doing it for myself" (hint: the reason you feel better when you dress sexy, wear makeup and show skin is because you've been conditioned to want to do this for the benefit of men)
Sometimes a straight woman might draw sexualized women because of other reasons, yes that's very possible and it does happen, but the reason why it happens so often, and why men almost never do it, is this. We are taught to be hyperaware of our own appearance and dare I say, fetishize ourselves (internalized male gaze). Thus it becomes a woman's "power fantasy" to be "beautiful" (fit society's beauty standards) and desired based on looks, unlike a moid's power fantasy which is about being strong and able to defeat others (some of these power fantasy characters do end up being attractive to women by pure coincidence though). It is "normal" for straight women to depict themselves sexy and vulnerable like this, but not for straight men, for a reason. Men aren't groomed to want to be sexy to please women at all times.
Also note that this is different from just drawing female characters normally. Women can be interested in drawing female characters for reasons other than coom, but when they sexualize the character while being straight for seemingly no reason it's clear something's up.

Also the way male artists attempt to cater to a female audience is rarely on par with what female artists do to please a male audience. There's a huge difference between the two for this same reason, women are seen as sex objects but moids aren't so less is expected from moids, and also moids are used to being catered to, unlike women. When women like something that was intended for men, it's usually either just a coincidence (see old shounen manga) or a weak attempt at getting the fujo/yume bucks (newer shounen manga). But you'll almost never see the same degree of fanservice for women vs fanservice for moids in either case. Male characters in shounen are never going to look as coomery as the average female fanservice character.

That being said, I wish newfaggots stopped throwing a tantrum whenever another woman so much expressed her attraction towards a male cartoon character that the newfaggots don't personally find hot. Literally who gives a shit that some women like Golden Kamuy or JJK men, taste is not universal and not everything is a motherfucking psyop to like "ugly roidpigs" like they seem to think.

Just say you don't like muscular guys, it's not a psyop that other women that aren't you find muscular guys with handsome faces attractive jfc

No. 2202775

NTA but they were bullying her because Twitter "artists" are a bunch of whiny toddlers that can't accept anyone so much as suggesting that they're drawing things "wrong". The excuse they used as justification for bullying her off the site was literally, I shit you not,
>IT'S JUST MUH STYLE!!!1111111
they actually think that a random artist giving anatomy advice is "unconstructive criticism" and a personal attack against them and their lazy, shitty, pathetic art skills. I don't blame her but she was way too sensitive, if she had learned quickly that those people are just retards that shouldn't be taken seriously, and doubled down, they probably would've left her alone after they got bored of the latest fake controversy.
>>2202772 (me)
I definitely believe that the people who always have to start an infight over other women liking other things, if they aren't trolling, must have actual Asperger's or something kek. Imagine not being able to comprehend that there can be a middle point between "ugly moid psyop" and "my taste." Said middle point being "women aren't a monolith and we all have different tastes."

No. 2202778

I'm annoyed. I got asked if my art commission offer is AI. It never happened to me before. I didn't spend 10 years in art schools for retards who can't draw as good to imply that i'm a thief. Thanks for ruining my offer bitch, now all the simple people will have a suspicion in their head about it. She either is that dumb to not look at my gallery where it's clear that i draw for a decade and there's a visible progression, or she did that on purpose.

No. 2202780

Just because you find golden kamuy guys attractive it doesn't mean other women have to kiss the ground the moid artist walks on. There are also women who like fatties, that doesnt make fatties attractive.

No. 2202781

(triple post kek)
It doesn't matter if he references gay porn, because at the end of the day, it's the way he draws males and females that matters. A lot of things change when the artist translates what they just learned from the reference to the actual drawing. A man and a woman could both reference straight porn, but the way the moid will draw a female based on that will be radically different from the woman's drawing. People focus on the specific parts of the body of the sex they're attracted to, and the sex they're not attracted to, in different ways, and put stronger emphasis depending on it. Also, the way this coomoid draws guys is super gross but not in a sexual way, as is typical of coomer art, the guy has a disgusting-looking greyish skintone while the girl's skin is more pinkish and paler, not to mention the gross muscle detail on him which is non-existent in the female body.

No. 2202794

>Just because you find golden kamuy guys attractive it doesn't mean other women have to kiss the ground the moid artist walks on
Who the hell said this? I just said liking muscular 2D characters that look handsome isn't part of any psyop like it is implied by the posts I replied to. Said posts were claiming that those characters are "ugly roidpigs" and if you claim they're hot you're "retarded" as if a man being muscular automatically makes him objectively ugly, or as if liking a muscular man was unnatural. You don't have to like them, just stop acting like your taste is the only one that matters or the only correct taste because it's not, and if you actually believe it you're a veritable autist/retard/underage sperg.
As far as I know, other anons just said that there are male mangaka that draw hot guys and that was one of the examples given. They never said we should worship those mangaka, especially not if you don't like the way he draws men kek, just to be clear I obviously disagree with the take that women drawing pornified women is equivalent to moids drawing actually ugly muscle beasts like this >>2199682
And equating women with a fat fetish to women who find the Golden Kamuy guys' bodies attractive is just autistic as fuck, exactly what I was talking about. One falls outside of what's considered conventionally attractive, the other does not. They're not comparable. Not my fault that you can't tell the difference and are only capable of black-and-white thinking.

No. 2202801

Again, that's your taste and it's fine. But golden kamuy characters are definetly not conventionally attractive, which i assume is the appeal for women who aren't into traditional pretty boys(that are made by women, for women). You can like those same faced roidpigs all you want, that doesnt mean we have to nod and agree with you. I am not going to applaud a male artist for drawing ugly roidpigs just because women happen to latch onto them, specially when he wasnt even trying to pander to women and it was pure luck. Women latch onto any piece of media that has a mostly male cast, that's why ugly shit like south park has a massive yumefujo audience. That doesn't make the south park blobs handsome.

No. 2202808

Dr. Stone had a seperate writer as well (he also wrote Eyeshield 21, a sports manga), so the editor was at least not alone.
Also, is it true that Golden Kamuy was helped written by his wife and and that the fanservice had her ideas?

No. 2202822

>aren’t starved sticks with triangle faces
Kek, this made me laugh.

No. 2202823

Beauty standards aren't subjective though. I don't know why some women get so pissed other women don't want to lower their standards and instead subject male characters to the same rigorous rules female characters are subjected to.

No. 2202825

>most straight women will be attracted to men that look like men and aren’t starved sticks with triangle faces
Then why do most anime targetted at women like free and yuri on ice have skinny bishies and not hairy barafaggots

No. 2202827

So slimbim twinks are the epitome of biological performance? News to me. lean muscular men were suppose to be all the rage these days but I guess you showed us, nonna.
Swimmers build are popular with women but they aren't the same as skinny bishes. You have to accept your ideals of what of good looking man isn't the same as the normal woman, Psy-op or not.

No. 2202829

This is why we can't have nice shit. Anime is possibly the only medium where men are somewhat held to the same standards as women(skinny fit, youthful, fully shaved, pretty face, pretty hair, fashionable) but nooo pickmes gotta invade it and turn it into yet another medium where ugly men are praised while women cannot break the mold in any form because it angers men. Why can't we have one single medium that doesn't need to pander to pickmes jesus fucking christ.

No. 2202830

>Yuri on Ice
>skinny bishies
It was popular because of gay shipping, but the mc was a fat normal looking guy that wouldn't look out of place in a shounen romcom and the Russian guy was old and balding.

No. 2202832

So it's pickme to like men with a bit of meat? Nonna, I do agree that anime doesn't need to buckle under nlog shit, but getting mad over a few Nonnas' taste in men is downright retarded. Who in the hell cares?

No. 2202834

File: 1728655599283.jpg (650.28 KB, 1920x1080, MV5BZmQyMWJjYWUtYzgzZi00MmNiLW…)

Insane thing to say kekk they're both cute

No. 2202838

No, i literally never said that. It's pickme to sperg about women not finding the golden kamuy attractive and call bishies ''starved sticks with triangle faces'' as if liking roidpigs make you better.

No. 2202841

Then stop getting angry when women dont like bald roidpigs.(infighting)

No. 2202846

This started because >>2202775 got angry about anons calling golden kamuy ugys ugly kek(infighting)

No. 2202849

>women will be attracted to men that look like men
is that why the heterosexual orgasm is less than 2 percent for women? You claim to love your hairy ogres and yet your body betrays the truth. Roidpigs and dadbods will never be attractive stop lying to yourself.

No. 2202850

He looks like a cross between the senpai in nagatoro and an idolmaster producer.
This started because someone lost their mind over a woman drawing a woman.

No. 2202856

>taste is subjective uwu
>noooo you cannot say my husbandos are ugly reeee also your husbandos are ugly sticks i like REAL MEN not those faggy dorito chinned anakuns
kek the hypocrisya you guys are always the same, its always ''b-but its subjective'' but then you get mad when women dont like your barafags and start sperging about bishies.

No. 2202879

This is the art thread you dolt

No. 2202881

Osomatsu-san also changed course to more explicitly pander to women after s1. Unfortunately the core character designs for that will always be nemu-tier but I respect the people making it for embracing the fanbase instead of freaking out and trying to alienate them in favor of males.

No. 2202893

If taste is subjective then why get mad when women don't like the same thing you do? anons weren't even infighting, they were asked their opinion about those animes and they just responded according to their personal taste. It's always the anons that say taste is subjective that start sperging when other women have a different taste from their own.

No. 2202897

In what ways are they considered "roidpigs?", genuinely curious?
It's all in the autism kek.

No. 2202900

Aren't golden kamuy guys baras? baras are considered roidpigs.

No. 2202955

yes and baras are for faggots

No. 2202956

Why are their faces so flat? The pink hair girl doesn't even show signs of a nose. The rendering only makes it more obvious

No. 2202967

File: 1728661348710.jpg (145.55 KB, 1080x1658, 1000016421.jpg)

Literally this

No. 2202968

animu moeblob and realistic guy
they look like they're from different series

No. 2202990

File: 1728661988162.jpg (826.63 KB, 1600x1155, somali1_148-149.jpg)

Always felt this meme was a bit mean, the 2020s anime girl was from a manga written and drawn by a woman about a child getting adopted by a dying robot, the manga ended up canceled due to the author's mental health deteriorating.

No. 2202998

File: 1728662326811.jpg (118.96 KB, 1084x1200, GTpHkRCXgAAd1He.jpg)

Nobody in this thread called him a feminiest? At most, people posted that he used gay porn as references.
Only on lolcow can people confuse a man looking at gay porn as an act of feminism, lmao.

No. 2203001

To be fair it looks exactly the same as any other modern anime girl, you could swap it for a love live girl and they would look the same. At this point i am starting to miss even the ugly 90s styles like saber marionette J, because at least it was unique in it's uglyness.

No. 2203037

late 80s, late 90s and early 2000s were where anime peaked and hasn't improved since. I can't get over the literal real time retardation of anime as less and less of them take from other wells but the same incestous one where the trends are. To make this more on-topic, artist in the anime industry have grown lazier and even refuse to adapt actually acclaimed manga for the sole fact it wouldn't sell (or worse, anger otaku for not pandering to them). People often forget, they have selling power, and if the main drivers of profit aren't happy, most anime studios would've died in like a year.

No. 2203267

Sorry if this question is retarded, does anyone have favorite basic pictures that is a realistic breakdown of the muscle groups for drawing men and women that would be easy to reference?

No. 2203278

File: 1728670547130.webp (56.45 KB, 700x880, Understanding-the-human-figure…)

I like using this book. It has turnarounds, 3d models and breakdowns of both men and women from top to bottom.

No. 2203350

sorry nonas I am a bit stupid and confused, who is this LIMART guy? Does the wonbin Lee coomer guy have two identities or am I very stupid

No. 2203360

thank you so much!

No. 2203418

I'm not willing to go back and watch the video but I'm telling you they were gay rats with gay rat dicks, maybe I'm remembering it wrong but the fact remains there were rat dicks and rats making out sloppy style with stylized drool kekkk

No. 2203441

I watched it and don't remember rat dicks. It was creepy but not nearly as bad as you were making it out to be.

No. 2203730

They honestly look inbred. At first I thought that was like a intentional thing in Dr. Stone, but no they all look like this.

No. 2203734

We just gotta give it up. The Japanese aren't going back to drawing noses on their anime girls. Only dots and triangles for the foreseeable future.

No. 2203736

I wonder if anime characters will even have noses in the future

No. 2203768

Fwiw the artist was stopped.

No. 2203865

Art nonas, when you complete a piece from start to finish about how much percentage of your total energy and effort do you feel you expend on each pic? For example, do you put 100% of your effort into each piece or do you maybe rather put in 80% and go for 100% only on special pieces? I ask because lately I feel like I’m not capable of making art that looks any better than total dogshit unless I devote 100%, or even push myself extra hard into 110%+ level. Is it just me? I’ve practiced art for years and am a well-paid professional at it. But I feel like I devote 110% of my effort just to barely achieve a result as nice as my peers, who I get the impression aren’t forced to completely exhaust themselves just to make decent art like me. I’m also significantly slower than them. Why does it feel like other people can make good art while putting in a good mix of effort and leisure, while unless I devote 100%+ I can’t even do a decent scribble?

No. 2204176

I totally get you. Though I think there’s some perfectionism getting the better of you. As it can appear that other people are having an easier time, when really they're just posting the results that they want you to see. A carefully crafted blog of artwork that might have even been made months in advance, and then they queue them to post even if they haven’t drawn anything in weeks. I get how you feel though, Ive struggled to make a finished piece for years now. Though I have a non-art related job and it takes a lot out of me.

No. 2204579

Thank you nona,I'm fighting with art insecurity all the time, and then I just need to be reminded that ppl with this kind of "skill" level have the balls to open commissions..and sometimes, they even get clients

No. 2204583

Hidekazu's work is pleasant to the eye ngl, hetalia aside ofc

No. 2204586

what's with this brazilian hatsuna miku obsession on twitter? out of all of the nationality mikus with much more interesting and prettier designs why did they go for the most boring one?? is it the jeans booty shorts? the tiny top?

No. 2204588

It's the coomerisms.

No. 2204594

It was just the first one that kicked off the country Mikus. And then there was the drama over Brazil banning xitter and then undoing the ban. Because it was the first it’s the one that got the most fanart of the original design.

No. 2204596

miku (well-known character) and racial fetishism brings all the artist coomers to the yard. it's like the appeal of gyaru to male weebs, it's jersey shore type of like made acceptable to weebs.

No. 2204597

The most annoying thing about that trend is that for some reason retards think a character drawn with a tan and super light tan lines is brown so removing the tan is white washing even if the skin tone is the exact same colour as the tan line.

No. 2204598

I'm new to posting in this thread, although long time lolcow lurker, reading gossip from all sorts of threads lol.
I'm certain that it's been discussed somewhere before, but I just wanted to ask;
Would anyone have a non-biased advice and good tips&tricks to opening comms/advice for first time selling at a con?
If this has been asked over and over, plz let me know what thread I can find more info from if you don't mind. Thank you nonnies~(integrate)

No. 2204600

There’s actually a more specific thread in the catalog where people discussed what things they’ve had success selling. Sadly current consensus seems to be that selling flavor of the month is the path to success. Also con tables are really expensive now so expecting profit might not be reasonable without a large following and doing multiple cons. Do it if you think you’ll have fun and not break the bank doing so.

No. 2204640

Thank you dear
I'll snoop around and see what I can find ~

No. 2204723

I’m a hobbyist artist but I agree. I feel like I can’t just sketch without having a finished piece in mind so I hardly ever draw now because I don’t want to put in the effort to finish it. All of my drawings are stuck halfway done because I just don’t want to finish shading/rendering but I’m not satisfied just leaving it flat shaded. I really respect artists who can put in 100% effort and actually finish pieces.

No. 2205287

How many nonnas here have jobs that are completely unrelated to art or anything creative? I see so much bullshit online with studios/companies and even just social media in general that I’m honestly so grateful that I don’t do this shit for a living anymore. The idea of doing commissions again makes me want to vomit. I don’t get to draw as much as I want, and I worry about my skills degrading seeing as I only get a little bit of time and energy to sketch/scribble. I guess I was just wondering how others felt? Are you glad you do creativity as a hobby? Do you guys manage to set aside time to make finished projects?

No. 2205323

WHAT not Alf!!

No. 2205367

Nonas help me with my moral art dilemma please. I hate trans ideology for obvious reasons, supporting it is on par with openly being a supporter of FGM or being a nazi, it's really insane shit. But the majority of my social circles online are woke TRA who love nothing more than trans-everything. My moral code says don't take the trans commissions, and don't pretend to be an ally. Just stay silent.
But I need to eat and pay rent, and with a low paying job commissions really do make a difference. Do I lie and pretend to be on their evil side just for money? I can't stop thinking about when the troon trend has ended I'd have to be one of those people who go "yup, I openly supported kids getting mutilated, just for money!" that's just so scummy. To cover my ass I would have to pretend I didn't know how bad it was, but I do know so it would be a lie. I feel seriously conflicted about it.

No. 2205376

Whats your job? i am on the same boat. The idea of living off commissions disgusts me, i used to do them for a while and made lots of money but it made me quit drawing for a few months because i hate turning my only hobby into my livelihood. Nowadays i am studying to be an accountant, hoping i can make enough money to live comfortably and draw whatever i want on the side.

No. 2205390

commissions is not a creative job

No. 2205396

Same as me only replace the accountant part with being a nurse. I'd rather deal with iv infusion than draw another trannypilled fetish for money.

No. 2205424

nonas i’m trying to post my art again on Instagram after not posting (and not drawing much either) for almost a year. i have an account that i would sporadically post on for the past 2-3 years that accumulated literally 4 followers. I've had a (fairly) popular art acc in the past when i was a teenager so i know my art isn’t shit, but i’m wondering if the instagram algorithm has just given up entirely on my account. last 2 posts ive made have gotten no likes at all. should i make a completely new account to reset the algorithm?? or just keep posting consistently on this one and eventually I’ll start having more than 0 people see my posts?? i miss having people other than myself see my characters lol

No. 2205441

Continue posting regularly on a new account but try making one on twitter as well, maybe that'll grow quicker. Reels would do better than normal posts on instagram though. Just look into the way other oc artists on there or tiktok do it, it doesn't require that much effort to make a video.

No. 2205454

File: 1728834348922.jpg (649.53 KB, 1639x2048, pewpewpew.jpg)

What artists inspire you to draw when you have art block?

No. 2205474

File: 1728836100656.jpg (200.64 KB, 736x981, dockta.jpg)

Not a specific artist, but seeing trad artwork with beautiful hatching (or just well-done trad art in general) makes me feel inspired. Even though my hatching and linework is trash.

No. 2206872

File: 1728914793782.png (1.36 MB, 2000x2844, akebi.png)

Super late but the art in the manga took a nosedive lately. pic unrel, i like it when hiro draws nature.

No. 2206897

File: 1728918324164.jpg (341.33 KB, 844x1200, 22-n.jpg)

i wonder if he was on a tight deadline or something. he's always had some uncanny stuff once in a while (picrel jumpscared me) but generally i thought the anatomy, clothing and movements always looked great.

No. 2206900

File: 1728918540075.png (607.4 KB, 658x935, 20141204.png)

Definetly, he makes some pretty funny fuck ups sometimes.

No. 2206910

File: 1728919514571.jpg (243.32 KB, 736x1308, 1000016477.jpg)

Kotteri. I love the way how she colors things, it reminds me a lot of French/Belgian comics and the boys she draws are cute

No. 2206920

>and the boys she draws are cute
well she is a bl artist

No. 2206924

This is really cute but it pisses me off its not horizontal.

No. 2206968

File: 1728923824881.png (2.19 MB, 1304x734, safsdfwef.png)

No. 2207065

You're sure about that? I followed her on tumblr before she deleted her account and now on twitter and I've never seen any BL from her.

No. 2207269

least mentally ill pickme

No. 2207273

It's completely in line with gendie logic since gender is just a feeling disconnected from both your physical body and societal treatment.

No. 2207278

File: 1728940201400.jpg (2.76 MB, 3740x2261, tumblr_63507a9099d03222317fad6…)

its funny how far her "catboy" regressed, it went from femboy bait tif to fat titty fat ass catgirl that can get pregnant but is still totes "he/him, a man!!!!"


shes a pickme because she made the skinny bishie a fatfag and finds him more attractive like that

No. 2207282

>draws coomshit where the female character has tits bigger than her head
>not a pickme

No. 2207285

They're gonna jump you for this one.

No. 2207289

And they are all going to claim to be ''lesbians''.

No. 2207290

File: 1728940671553.jpg (1.52 MB, 2904x4089, GZyDYkfWMAQiCtx.jpg)

you have to show the full image of the geriatric old man petting her and calling her kitten. look at that leg KEKKKKKK

No. 2207292

So much time spent drawing watermelon tits she forgot how legs work KEK

No. 2207293

>it's fucking Emet Selch
oh that explains everything.

No. 2207294

This looks traced from 3D models.

No. 2207295

File: 1728940808850.jpg (54.08 KB, 703x491, GJ9dapgW4AATHhp.jpg)

if you have to label your catgirl with her ass out and large breasts flopping around "he/him" you are either trolling or a fucking braindead retard

No. 2207308

Why does her totally cool old fuck moid sit like a toddler

No. 2207315

old men have saggy ugly balls if he closes his leg he might squish them like a grape

No. 2207348

File: 1728944027967.jpg (914.97 KB, 2658x4096, GZ3oByzXsAAwwAe.jpg)

her trying to paint the cat girl getting harassed by the skeezy old man as deep and intriguing comes off as unintentionally comedic instead. of course the dynamic is deeply unpleasant, your characterization is sex tourist geriatric senior citizen harassing an asian lady boy.

i wouldnt have such a heavy vendetta against this artist if she didnt pretend her mary sue faux deep oc is a man and everyone respects calling her a man because theyre in love and in awe of "him"! shes just another run of the mill pickme coomer artist who has the most stereotypically feminine dynamics yet tries to act like shes cooler and above other coomer artists because her oc is spechshul and yooneek and can be a fat titty bimbo because shes actually a man and its artistic nudity! she also chimps out if randos rightfully misunderstand the big titty bimbo oc is a woman and act like theyre obtuse and "gender conformists". what a retard

No. 2207355

File: 1728944395569.jpg (273.06 KB, 1659x1380, GC4jSbcXgAARj7V.jpg)

ingame vs her drawing. the proportions are hilariously bad, this is totes a man btw

No. 2207363

I hate how webtoon made taking lazy ugly shortcuts trendy.

No. 2207449

File: 1728950953531.jpeg (318.41 KB, 1587x2048, IMG_5375.jpeg)


No. 2207501

I ship you and the TiF pickme

No. 2207525

File: 1728957248578.jpg (32.08 KB, 377x387, Fh98L5UWIAARb_Y.jpg)

No. 2207571

File: 1728960202547.jpg (10.02 KB, 250x203, 73c058edb2db9c6c0ed697e410d538…)

What's even the point of trying to be an artist or studying art anymore? AI took what few entry-level jobs there were. The only people employed as artists are the ones who got into the industry and kissed a bunch of asses before AI entered the picture. Everyone else is fucked. Anybody with common sense and taste knows that AI sucks, but that won't stop greedy soulless companies from using it anyway. People who want to keep their jobs in art will be forced to use AI "in conjuction" with normal art– basically, steal or be fired. I'll never stop drawing and painting, because I love it, but I'll have to accept that there's no way to make a career out of it.

The techbros used to say that AI would do all the things humans don't want to do, so we can relax and be creative. But the reality is that AI is taking away all of our creative endeavors, leaving behind only grueling shit no one wants to design computers to do, like flipping burgers and cleaning toilets. Welcome to the future, where the art is soulless stolen collages made by robots, and the humans are paupers who do nothing but clean poop and consoom products.

No. 2207585

to enjoy the process and have fun of course. its like why bother knitting when knitting can be machine made and knit sweaters can be bought for a quarter of the money and effort it would take to make one yourself. this will never go away and the appeal of buying a handknit charm is virtually zero nowadays, so you do it because its fun and the finished product has its charms because you made it.

im sorry that grifters have changed the perception that all hobbies must be monetized otherwise it is a waste of time, but i think its bullshit. like why suck all the enjoyment you'd get from doing a hobby for an extra couple of bucks thats inconsistent and more tedious than having a stable job. (deadlines, finding clients, contracts, rushed improvement in order for your art to be marketable.etc)
if youre going to feel like shit trying to scramble up money i'd rather the pain come from a 9-5 and not from something i do to fool around at my own pace.

No. 2207650


No. 2207755

The right hand has 4 fingers like a chicken foot

No. 2207820

would what? fuck a mentally ill catgirl who fucks a old grape?

No. 2207859

File: 1728987696700.jpg (174.36 KB, 1079x1712, lmafo.jpg)

Newfag there, I remember this artist tried to make a "obscure 90s cartoon" animated series but they even add boobs dynamic in their animation, too bad they deleted all of the contents kek

No. 2207871

were they trying to pass it off as 'actually' being from the 90s? If so they must be really young to not realize that cartoon autists have been documenting Western animation since the 90s. There are no truly obscure 90s cartoons as a result.

No. 2208007

No one else will draw slutty husbandos

No. 2208009

>hyperfeminine self-insert (in body and outfits) labelled he/him or he/they who ships herself with an old man and calls her self-ship gay
I've noticed this trend A LOT but never posted about it because most of the time they're not really milky except for this fact

No. 2208031

Sorry to rant slightly but here's my art salt. Sometimes I wish social media and art sites were more like the internet in the old days when things were more divided and you didn't have every artist with an internet connection able to post to the same website every fucking day. It feels like we weren't intended to be forced into direct competition with literally every artist alive right now. I hate that people post their original works and if they're not Chinese art gods their shit says unseen by anyone, gathering dust while the 200th hyper-rendered mihoyo moid FOTM pic gets 100k likes. It's exhausting. I hate the ""art meta"" forcing people to post fanart or be ridiculously unrealistically good or languish in obscurity because social media is now garbage at showing you shit you actually want to see. Also, I get really annoyed with Japanese artists trying to get VGen codes KEK fuck off back to Skeb where you belong. I'm tired of being in comparison to everyone everywhere all the time forever.

No. 2208044

I think people should go back to drawing for themselves rather than aiming for validation from others.

No. 2208048

Me too, but my problem is I would like to find and see that art, and go back to when it was plentiful, frequent, and attracted discussion and conversation interest as a mainstay of art communities without having to join somebody's weird discord server

No. 2208053

twitter's new recommendation system works pretty well for this. I found lots of artists with little to none followers that way. Also the now defunct viewing likes method, fuck you ellon thats how i found most of my favourite artists.

No. 2208069

I do find twitter's latest recommendation algo is pretty good. Still I miss those days when DeviantArt had searchable art categories organized by medium, subject matter, format, et cetera. I also miss when people were still encouraged to properly title each work of theirs and leave artist's comments. Thanks for listening nonas

No. 2208081

And you can see those people posting the hyperrendered FOTM bullshit want to draw original works but they're too hung up on the fandom experience and like/retweet numbers, they keep making AU versions that differ exorbitantly from the source material to the point it's just their OCs. I've made the conscious decision on giving smaller artists (who get like 10-20 likes on their works) doing original works shoutouts the best I can, but algorithms make it almost impossible to find them since every single tag is flooded with the people who get 20k-50k likes and it's seriously frustrating. There are so many talented artists who are discouraged from never finding their audience and are mentally blocked from reaching their full potential because they're constantly put against everyone who has had the resources to really perfect their craft and cultivated a dedicated following.

No. 2208082

File: 1729001770189.png (387.45 KB, 612x388, cool.png)

This one is my favorite

No. 2208085

old furfag art is honestly soulful

No. 2208088

I miss oldschool deviantart so much it's not even funny, you're not alone nona. Twitter and tiktok activate my fight or flight so I stay far away. Maybe I sound like an oldfart but I truly feel the internet has gone massively downhill since I was a 12y.o. weeb posting on dA and making bad speedpaints and animation challenges on youtube, kek. It seemed so much more fun and communal and special back then, but maybe it's just nostalgia goggles, idk.. The modern internet landscape especially for artists is so soulless.

No. 2208284

I encourage posting about it so when the trend blows over and people start realizing how retarded it is to draw a big titty anime girl and label her as he/him, the artists cant backtrack and pretend that it was all a joke.

No. 2208286

File: 1729012633563.webp (80.64 KB, 476x811, GFHv6bTWsAEci_y.webp)

Yes. She's hot as hell.

No. 2208382

pixar mom proportions

No. 2208476

Kekking at the tiny traced hand over the freestyle balloon thighs

No. 2208759

I remember she deleted her animated short because she didn't like the attention she was receiving. she didn't want people to treat her characters as a fandom or something. dumb

No. 2208766

Idk who this is but I agree that this pic is hot. Unfortunate it's a furry though.

No. 2208868

File: 1729034770204.png (172.88 KB, 476x811, edit.png)

No. 2208920

youre my saviour nona

No. 2208957

Genius nonna

No. 2209117

File: 1729047366211.png (1.35 MB, 1536x861, image-115-1536x861.png)

Sage because it's a few weeks old and not that related, but recently the devs of PZ put out a blog post about an upcoming update to the game where they're adding more menu screens, and they revealed one of them in the post (picrel). It's blatantly an AI image that was painted over. It looks so AI that there was drama in the discord and subreddit about it but the devs fanboys arrived in hordes to praise it and say there's no way it's AI gen at all. Doesn't matter that it looks retarded, the zombies are melting into each other and the floor tiles on the right are undergoing mitosis – there's a vector image of an in game map on the wall that's accurate!! And an in game magazine on the bench!!! And every single hand has 5 fingers! Never mind the fact that the hands specifically look painted over lmao. Never mind that the style does not match the original art that was made for the game many years ago that already fit it quite well. There are sketch lines all over the main figures, my bet is that they underpaid an artist to sketch a scene, put it through AI, and then paint over mistakes and insert easter eggs. And their fanbase is so retarded they have redditors saying that calling this AI is like saying the work of Van Gogh looks like AI. Lol. I know I'm sperging about something that is very stupid and inconsequential, but I feel like this is representative of the general populace's understanding of art, at least the male (so subhuman) subsection of it.

No. 2209348

ilu nonnie mwah mwah

AI would not know a fraction of the success it does if the average person had a bare minimum sense of aesthetics and spent more than .5 seconds looking at literally anything. I genuinely think the best counter to the AI plague is to force kids in school to take (more) art and art history classes.

No. 2209355

Twitter/Xitter nonnies

How do artists get attention on their work without tagging it?
What tags should I use? using tags on twitter feels cringe for some reason, I don't want others to see how desperate I am.

No. 2209357

Brazil banned twitter and then unbanned it

No. 2209388

>Basic cat girl design
I fucking hate furries for ruining kemonomini for a while generation of normies.

No. 2209398

I don't know if it's Ai or a poor photobashing job, but those floor tiles are really fucking weird. The overly detailed small piece of hair on the girl on the left is strange. I can't tell if it's painted over AI or just incompetence in these cases. Maybe they photobashed Ai pictures?

No. 2209405

Look how she's holding her gun… at the wall.

No. 2209417

Make literally anything relatable that people would want to share if your art isn't eyecatching on its own. Participate in popular redraw trends or other memes. Make very simple to get stuff, condense oc couples down to their tropes or something. Look at things that blow up and ask yourself why it could've happened. Twitter is super random but sometimes you can tell if something has the potential

No. 2209461

I'm not saying it's not AI, but I'm not that good at detecting AI. What exactly am I supposed to see in the way she's holding the gun and the wall?

No. 2209536

Ayrt and photobashing was involved for sure, but there is definitely AI in there. It's difficult to explain but zoom in on the zombies in the background and you will see what I mean, they're stamped around with no aesthetic thought to it while melting into each other and artifacting everywhere. It's the way the hands were specifically badly painted over as well, which is the first place normies know to check when their AI sensor is tripped. They also specifically released a down-res version of the image so that the artifacting would be less obvious

No. 2209543

File: 1729092431658.jpg (69.09 KB, 1080x388, Screenshot_20241016_102341_Red…)

Samefag but this was the comment that triggered me hard enough to make a post about this. These are the fucking retards that are looking at and writing their opinions on art on the internet. And even posting their retardation for updoots for god's sake. The Scream was painted by Edvard Munch you troglodyte

No. 2209737

Does anyone have tips on how to make chibi bodies look good? I'm satisfied with how I draw the head and face, but when I draw the rest of the body I really struggle to not make it look wonky.

No. 2209910

File: 1729111112948.jpg (32.4 KB, 563x398, 98e60e09112a61287d7e78e14db455…)

Study how artists you like do it. And there are lots of tutorials out there

No. 2209972

Study the proportions of chibi art you find appealing and break it down by tracing it and looking at the structure then redraw it yourself using whichever character.

No. 2210079

File: 1729116931633.jpeg (641.85 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_8193.jpeg)

Samefagging from >>2209972 but I think @yume335 on twitter has some sheets. She’s got the English translated version https://x.com/yume335/status/1263467304823803905?s=46 for picrel and another one here https://x.com/yume335/status/1268872728267743234?s=46

No. 2210161

The fact that this has 32 upvotes is painful.

No. 2210250

It doesn't like AI to me. None of the characters has more than 5 fingers. Its probably photobashing though.

No. 2210256

Unfortunately AI has gotten very good at fixing hands now, you can see it clearly on some of the AI posts in the AI thread. Hands are also one of the tell tale signs of AI use so it would be a given they took extra steps in ensuring all of it has been fixed.

No. 2210269

It just doesnt look like AI to me. AI isnt capable of doing something so cohesive without trillions of mistakes. Does it say the name of artist? It's a shame that AI is taking credibility from artists who spent years honing their skills.

No. 2210306

Pinterest just gave me a "please disable ad block" message kekkk are they serious. I'm assuming this is new, I'm just gonna update UBlock cause there's probably already a fix for it.

No. 2210322

File: 1729124956020.jpg (133.73 KB, 1080x831, weird zombies.jpg)

I didn't think so either but something about the zombies at the back, especially the second on the left with the massive head is setting off AI alarm bells. This area doesn't look like photo bashing to me.

No. 2210330

Does geolocation affect twitter or tumblr as much as it affects tiktok

No. 2210334

It seems to me like this is the most AI looking area because the level of detail is too consistent across the entire piece. Real art pieces vary in detail, both because human artists obviously don’t have the energy to hyperrender every single one of these 50 zombies and because a real skilled artist understands that you conserve detail for the focal points of the piece. Who was supposedly sitting there lovingly rendering out Zombie #27’s facial wrinkles? Also, you can recognize AI easily when there are groups and crowds of people because AI doesn’t vary faces between multiple men and women in one picture. In AI pictures of groups of women, if you look a little closer all the women have the exact same face like the zombies here do.

No. 2210342

Put the nekomimi back on, pleb

No. 2210354

Yuripedo?(this is an anonymous imageboard)

No. 2210356

File: 1729126269434.png (1.36 MB, 1067x712, jabbawocky alice asylum.png)

Yeah, it's just way too polished. There's no real unrendered areas or even vague blocks of colour to represent figures as is often common in these group drawings, it kinda just looks like certain areas of what has been generated was blurred and darkened. You can also tend to tell if something has been photobashed pretty easily, picrel is a very obvious example for comparison, but I'm not seeing many of the tell tale signs in the zombie art.

I don't think it impacts tumblr but it definitely affects twitter.

No. 2210663

yes but only for a short time and be sure to jack your prices up

No. 2210792

So nonnies who post on twitter, are you going to leave now that Elon wants to feed everything that's posted into his retarded AI? So many artists are migrating and I think bluesky isn't handling it well (the site doesn't work for me right now). That kind of law would be illegal in europe so I think eurofags will be able to keep using the site without feeding the AI.

No. 2210833

I have no incentive to continue using twitter. the best thing about it was seeing the work of other artists which pushes me to work on my own skill but something about the culture has always been rotten.

No. 2210870

Something stupid happens on Twitter again and everyone says they're leaving and never coming back, only to return weeks or months later. I assure you that the only way for Twitter to be completely abandoned is if it does the same as Tumblr and bans NSFW.

No. 2210881

I don't know about that, before that people were saying "I made a bluesky account just in case" and now it's "I made a bluesky/misskey account and will be more active there from now on, I'm considering deleting twitter soon", the atmosphere on my tl has changed a lot at least.

No. 2210882

Anything you post anywhere nowadays can be used for AI at any time, so this isn’t even much of a change in the status quo. At this point, if you don’t want your art used for AI training you basically need to quit posting altogether. It hardly matters where. Sucks but I’ll continue business as usual because every time people say they’re leaving twitter for another social media they don’t even end up following through for longer than a couple of weeks at best.

No. 2210900

I made one and probably will start posting my stuff there too but I'll still use twitter in the meantime. I'm a eurofag so I guess the AI thing won't apply to me
Why is it that NSFW is always the big deal breaker for people, is the porn brainrot that strong. Everything he's done so far is way worse than not having coomshit on your TL yet banning porn is seen as somehow the ultimate unforgivable evil to people because muh coomslop censorship. I only get it if it's NSFW artists and coomer retards who only use these sites for porn when there's already 500000 sites dedicated to just jacking off. But it weirds me out how it's basically a mainstream opinion to act like nsfw shit is absolutely needed for a platform to be worthwhile unless it's youtube or something

No. 2210956

You do realize this might extend to 2d erotic art right? even if it's softcore and doesn't allude to sex or genitalia, you're account might get flagged and deleted. I wouldn't care if 3dpd porn falls of the face of the earth, it's only when innocuous content gets banned that it starts snowballing before everything's off the table. someone I knew only did sfw art but still had their art deleted for retarded reasons i'd imagined.

No. 2210961

To be fair I think they would implement a NSFW ban on Xitter in just as, if not more retarded ways than the Tumblr ban kek. Elon would definitely put all his faith in AI.

No. 2210969

I don't like 2D erotic art either, I don't think it's as bad as 3D but I genuinely don't get the huge attachment people have for it, as far as I'm concerned it could all be banned

No. 2210971

So in your mind erotic art of two fictional guys from some pre-established series is within but not exactly the same as 3d porn? Well at least you're consistent kek.

No. 2211000

artists are horny, simple as

No. 2211004

It's not as bad since they're not real people, yes, but I'd still ban it along with 3D since I don't want to see NSFW when I'm just scrolling and twitter doesn't really let you opt out (that I know of). Even if I liked it I still don't think I'd be killing myself over it too or kicking up this big fuss about how it's a life ending tragedy that makes social media unusable somehow like I saw so many people doing over tumblr, as if the main purpose of a social media is to jerk off or something and there's nothing else to it. It's also weird that it's even allowed on twitter considering the minimum age to sign up is like 13
I'm an artist too but I still don't relate

No. 2211014

imo the real egregious sin is that blocking accounts will still show you their content which is absolutely fucking nutty and defeats the whole point of a block function. I primarily block coomershit and hentai grifters so now the floodgates are open and my fyp is shit up again, I have no incentive to use the site anymore to even lurk and find content because 1) twitter likes are gone, 2) the search function is broken so i cant even find the content im looking for. Ill just stick to pixiv/tumblr from here on out till Elon gets assassinated

No. 2211016

>I'm an artist too but I still don't relate
the world doesnt revolve around you

No. 2211017

the world doesn't revolve around coomers either yet I have to constantly see coomslop on social media

No. 2211027

>Have followers
>Some bullshit happens and everyone decides to move
>Make new account on new platform
>Follow people who follow me on other platform
>Almost no one follows me back
Every fucking time. It feels impossible to make others see my work.

No. 2211030

you can just ignore them its not that hard

No. 2211038

if you have a large following and your account is just for fun, at least you know the grifters that are only following back because of your following.

No. 2211040

I've honestly given up on the whole "ok now THIS will surely kill Twitter guys, let's move!" and then everyone "moves" for at best two days before returning to Twitter like nothing happened. This type of situation has happened three or four times by now, it's always the same. Twitter does something that artists dislike, everyone claims to move to BlueSky or Mastodon or Tumblr, give it less than a month and everyone is back to using Twitter.

No. 2211041

I have Twitter but I think I hate Bluesky more. The image compression there is absolute SHIT, all of my artworks look like crusty JPEGs in there and tags that helped me get a following and traction on Twitter are essentially dead in Bluesky.

No. 2211049

I never left twitter because I just couldn't be arsed, nearly every person who has gone "omg i'm leaving this shit site for good" is still on there, and the people who are truly gone were the ones who moved due to "twansphobia" so all that happened is that i get less whiny troons in my feed

No. 2211051

File: 1729182041503.jpg (504.42 KB, 2000x1932, bafkreiastbna2zqpjmmtmnkkurtge…)

Been on bluesky for a couple weeks and so far its been much more enjoyable for fandom content/lurking. You can click on the tag and find other works created by the account and the timeline's algorithm is strictly who you follow and what you wish to see; However its decentralized algorithm comes with its flaws, which is why many people who use tags for promotion on twitter may not work on bluesky. Best wishes for users who require social media for business, it will be a learning slope on a new site.

No. 2211056

literally why does it show up on your timeline if you don't want to see it? again, understandable in a work environment, but when you're at home with yourself, who cares? I'd recommend just moving to bluesky and following artist who you know don't draw porn or follow anyone who does. That way, your feed isn't being "shit up" by 2d people fucking. Seriously nonna, you sound like christ-rotted prude with this shit even if I agree with you.

No. 2211067

anon is probably a weeb. I follow mostly concept artists and accounts that post old art and i never get jumpscared by coom.

No. 2211214

I want to use bluesky but it doesn't have a demtrification feature, is there anything I can block element wise to get rid of all the numbers?

No. 2211219

if you are referring to removing likes, reposts.etc, at the moment there is none. but if the move to bluesky actually follows through and theres a sizeable userbase that calls for it, we can expect extensions/plugins to be made soon.

No. 2211226

I doubt this will be the final move, but I honestly see Twitter's downfall more and more closer with each update, even asian artists are angry and making accounts elsewhere.
Of course there will be people who will use Twitter until it's on its very last legs (for me, as long as the artists I like post there I will stay), but I give it 3 years or so until the majority of tweets are done by bots and real people have moved to another sites.

No. 2211241

File: 1729190897832.png (36.69 KB, 591x985, fdf.png)

They did the same on instagram a few months ago, european users have to find and fill out some hidden form to pull out. But I feel like everyone forgot about this already, especially because americans just continued posting like usual or didn't even know that this happened.

No. 2211283


All this is to say that tumblr will continue standing (but you need to draw fanart or else you're fucked)

No. 2211438

Tumblr also feeds your shit to third party AI companies and it's enabled by default. You have to go out of your way to disable it.

No. 2211484

every day I wish I was more of a fanartist. things would definitely be easier kek but I don't know why I don't do it

No. 2211498

Does anyone have a good video on how to draw non animu eyes? i did watch a ton of them and did bargue plates but fuck if they are insanely hard to draw when you want something realistic but expressive.

No. 2211532

A better competitor just needs to present itself and that will be the nail in the coffin. Bluesky is a buggy and shit platform lacking in features so everyone remembers why they stopped posting there after 3 days. Plus, compared to Twitter it’s still a ghost town which defeats the purpose of using social media to begin with. But no other competitors are even decently close at the moment, so all the doomposting is just as gay and useless as usual. Bluesky for whatever reason is uninterested in making their site actually work good enough to dethrone Twitter so we’re stuck there and everyone forgets about this next week like always.

No. 2211545

am i misremembering something or wasnt there a art focused app that was famous for a month that blocks ai completely?

No. 2211548

Glaze/Nightshade? That doesn’t work very well and you can see the artifacts it puts on the pictures

No. 2211552

Cara App? Newgrounds?

No. 2211556

yeah cara although i didnt join because that shit GLOWED

No. 2211567

NTA but Cara's server cost after twittards toured there (briefly as per usual) nearly bankrupted the owner iirc

No. 2211568

If I remember correctly Glaze/Nightshade also demands quite a bit from your graphics card so if you have an older computer (or just a computer that's not very powerful) you're essentially unable to run it.

No. 2211593

it does, and the creators don’t let you freely use the web version unless you go through a big hassle to beg for an invite

No. 2211612

I got a invite really easily when they first announced the web version, has that changed? Also the web version of Glaze is quite bad at this stage if you don't want very, very noticable artifacts, I did some tests with it and the AI could still recognise style and subject. When it implements Nightshade I'm sure it'd be much better but at this point you're better off sticking to the PC version of Nightshade if you're able to run it.
Also just while I'm on the topic, those anti-AI filters do fuck all and probably make your art easier to be trained on as its similar to the conditions they originally train with.

No. 2211633

I'll delete most of my pictures and some of my tweets and will stay for a little while because I'm European so maybe Elon will have to comply to some GDRP laws at some point, and several artists I follow haven't made bluesky accounts, so I'm waiting until they move there too. And on top of that I've seen a few artists who are sick of moving from one platform to another and will stay on twitter because it's less annoying to just have one account.

No. 2211646

Most likely the AI thing will continue as is (aka you can disable it) for Europe, otherwise Elon would be deep frying the platform. Dude couldn't keep it off Brazil for one month, I don't think he has it in him to run the risk of it getting ruled off an entire continent.

No. 2211690

I wonder how it will play out. It will either happen the way you explained, and it seems like the less risky option, or Elon will act like he's hot shit again, will violate some EU law anyway and instead of twitter "just" being banned in EU countries like with Brazil twitter will have to pay a huge fine.

No. 2211722

my results were basically the same only it took me a lot longer to get an invite. once i could i tested it anyway and it’s true, they do absolutely nothing but make your art look like dogshit. the AI could still recognize everything in my picture and i even tested it with img-to-img. it doesn’t work and makes me wonder what the people behind developing Glaze and Nightshade are actually trying to do with this grift. i tested nightshade and it was easily demolished by a free denoising program i downloaded off google, not to mention any common upscalers with denoise and resize tools.

No. 2211757

Aw man, even Nightshade is a bust? I haven't been able to test it myself because my laptop is too fucked to run it but I saw some promising results from other people.

No. 2211762

I'm not going to update that account anymore, simple as that.

No. 2211868

I made a bluesky or whatever but honestly this might be a nothingburger. I don't want it to be, I think I just about want to get off of that shithole as any other person but I'm pretty pessimistic about this. Fingers crossed?

No. 2212151

No one is going to leave twitter kek by the time that tos change is implemented everyone will have forgotten about it.

No. 2212161

it doesn't work to the extent its creators would have you believe and it's easier to circumvent than people think. denoising the image, upscaling it and then downscaling it again would essentially return your piece to usable for an AI. it's like just putting up a fence around your yard but the creators want you to believe that fences will totally stop burglars from kicking down your door. anybody determined enough to steal your art for data can't be stopped by glaze or nightshade. it's better than nothing, but it's up to you if that benefit is worth messing up your own art. part of the problem is that tradeoff. an AI can pick up far more detail in an image than the human eye can, so if a person can see it, the AI can see it.

No. 2212177

A lot of people won't leave twitter but the real question will every stay active? Because if you keep your twitter account online but only update it like once a month to announce you'll go to a con or event but keep posting everyday somewhere else I'd say it's not too different from entirely moving to another website altogether.

No. 2212193

I draw male focus erotic art, and I also have your sentiment. I follow like 90% female artists, mute/block annoying attention whores and yet attention grabby, online arguments and fotm booba art trend shows up. But people have normalized porn so much, kek. See the uptick in using cuck as a metaphor.

No. 2212247

None of the big artists making bluesky or cara accounts right now will continue to be active there, their shit will get much less engagement and they'll get bored. If anything they'll switch to their already established insta or tiktok accounts

No. 2212452

I was told that Bluesky doesn't have a share algorithm like Twitter. So while in one hand indeed you only see what you follow, it also means your art will solely depend on others sharing it/actively searching for it for it to get attention since there's no algorithm that can bump it around. It's nice, but at the same time it kind of sucks. I've been building my Bluesky account for a while now but it has been so slow that it's disheartening, even more when my Twitter account has close to 5K followers and my art often gets 1K-2K likes and RTs there. In the end I'll keep both accounts, but Twitter will definitely stay as my business main.

No. 2212474

Why do women, even straight women, bother with this crap? what does one stand to gain drawing oversexualized drawings of women when they're not even into it?

No. 2212480

Its always ugly women like racist uncle and marmalade mum who draw moidish coom because they want male attention.

No. 2212537

Same as tumblr then kek

No. 2212539

so that's why it felt so difficult to get a decent reach in bluesky even after being there for months now (i've been in it ever since the serial clode/closed beta days)…there's nothing really propelling your posts to reach other users and you need to solely rely on people being willing to repost it to their account to get any sort of traction. don't get me wrong i hated twitter's fucked up algorithm but it has its merits, if this is how bluesky functions then it's just tumblr with a twitter facepaint.

No. 2212555

blog, but as a middle of the road woman, I don't wanna end up like these women. Like, how do you get into the habit of drawing good looking men? I always catch myself drawing girls and makes me upset for some reason. Not trying to sound sexist, I'm just tired of being trapped just drawing women until my hands die.

No. 2212577

Study. Find pictures of men with attractive faces and bodies, and learn how to draw them. Spend more time drawing your husbando or make self indulgent attractive male ocs. No harm in drawing women as well, especially if you aren’t drawing coom of them, but just keep reminding yourself to actually learn how to draw men.

No. 2212595

>No harm in drawing women as well, especially If you aren’t drawing coom of them
It's a comfort zone thing. I've been drawing for well over 10 years and I still feel bad that I'm not drawing sprawling backgrounds, setpeices, and characters engaging with each other at the age of 24…That and well it seems like everyone and their grandma draws pretty girls. It sounds nice at first but after awhile you start craving something else.

No. 2213031

>just tumblr with a coat of paint
Great. Looks like I'm keeping my twitter anyway

No. 2213251

Im hearing tumblr comparisons with bluesky, but I personally dont see it and enjoy the incentive to actually interact with accounts in order to build your own algorithm; people actually have a reason to reply to your posts so you arent just yelling into a void, hoping your post either reaches the algorithm or looks aesthetic enough to be on someone's artsy blog. Its hard to do back and forth talk in tumblr and I never got around to finding out how people made friendships aside from reaching out privately, posting on tumblr feels like theres this expectation to make your media "polished", even the supposed shitposts that do end up getting traction are scripted to be memorable and not just something said on the spot. I just hope public likes and privating accounts will be available on bsky, I'd the full plunge and leave twitter for good.

No. 2213277

Okay but how do I sniff out non-gendies and cryptos?

No. 2213301

that would depend because theres many factors to account for based on who you want to see. Are you looking for people who uphold GC opinions while posting regular content? or are you looking for someone who does not post gender nonsense and focuses on posting content only; keep in mind the latter may not hold gender critical opinions, and are likely neutral on it due to cultural/language differences.
The easiest signs are lack of pronouns in bio, or if gender is specified at all, its a female icon/emoji; this also applies to their content and if they refer to the characters as female/male. otherwise mute ALL keywords like "TERF, MTF, Trans, Nonbinary", mute all pride adjacent content, and hover around female dominated medias like yumejoshi content or shipping content. if youre starting off fresh, do NOT connect with people that are already gendies. Its a different situation if longtime friends have trooned out, but you can spare yourself from walking on eggshells by avoiding it in the first place, even if you believe the person can be peaked.

No. 2213400

I'm fairly decent with art but it's so frustrating how interacting with other artists on my skill level feels like an impossible mission. Literally the only people who even engage with artwork are non-artists or people who draw literal chicken scratches, I'd like to make artist friends so bad but I'm so insecure and shy about my artwork that it makes me insecure and shy about myself as well. It's like everyone has their tightly knit circle they created via shared fandoms and they don't want to talk to anyone of it, which granted is fair, but it makes me feel so lonely and wondering if there's something fundamentally wrong with my artwork.

No. 2213540

I actually get more engagement in Bluesky than Twitter thanks to the lack of algorithm, on Twitter even if people retweet your stuff it might not end on people's timeline if Twitter decides it doesn't fit that person' likes, or if you and them don't have followers in common, etc. Specially for new accounts, Twitter shadowbans you until it deems you as a real person, which is hard if Twitter automatically hides your posts to beging with.

No. 2213640

How do you even get engagement on bluesky? Just post and hope for the best?

No. 2213654

NTA but from my experience, yes. Other anons said it already but Bluesky doesn't run a share algorithm. What you see on your timeline is strictly content from the people you follow or content that you went out of your way to search for and repost on your own. It isn't like Twitter which analyses the type of content you like and then tries to suggest you accounts and posts related to it. It can be very nice for fandom things since you'll only come across troons and whatnot if you actively search for them, but if you're an artist it's much more daunting since your art's reach depends 100% on people bothering to share your work as there's no algorithm that'll try to bump it around.

No. 2213660


but do you get just engagement or do you get numbers as well? my posts get a lot of engagement but that's only because it's always the same five or so people, three of which are my friends. i like bluesky don't get me wrong but starting out as an artist in there is ten times harder than on twitter because of the lack of algorithm. even with the shadowban on twitter after a week or so i managed to get some reach with my art but on bluesky it's dead water almost. and that's because i use fandom tags and my followers like and share my stuff…

No. 2214158

I wanna start doing trad paintings. What medium do you recommend for a beg?

No. 2214163

Gouache is rather cheap and easy to get! its a perfect balance between acrylics and watercolour and dries quickly. Just be careful to wrap it in plastic wrap when not in use if youre using the jelly variants that come in little containers otherwise they dry out and are hard to mix back into a "paint" like consistency. If youre too lazy to restore them, you can use them like solid water colours and they should still work just as fine. Dont bother splurging on paint brushes, they get beat up easily, dollar store one should suffice; investing in good paper and paints help in the long run but if youre just starting out, cheaper ones for practice are also okay. Best of luck on your trad art journey!

No. 2214673

I don't have online friends so yeah they're all strangers, I feel for some reason people here favor retweeting more than on Twitter (where the rt:like ratio was wildly disproportionate). Considering Bluesky's size I think I got a decent following, though the fandoms I draw for are obscure-ish (emphasis on -ish) so I wonder if that also plays on the engagement, if you don't get that much fan content you're more inclined to share it. There are also themed feeds which can help you put your stuff out there outside relying on hashtags.

No. 2215865

Just had an epiphany so I'm gonna start the art grind. Wish me luck nonas

No. 2215921

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I really want to like OCs and see more original art but i cant get over how 90% of ocs are coom shit and the rest are ugly furfag sparkledogs, already existing characters trooned out or just boring as shit.

No. 2216039

I feel you, nona. I post only original creations and I'd really like to follow more OC artists, so the other day I was browsing the OC tags only to be met with endless amounts of coomery and furshit. And it's not even female coomery but straight out malegaze tits and ass for as long as I could scroll. It's something I've just learned to accept but it makes it so hard to find an audience and connect with likeminded people. I draw NSFW too, but without sounding too fart-huffing it's more artsy than just a tasteless furry mommy milker caricature in a bikini.

No. 2216211


No. 2216217

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No. 2216287

>debating some random (based) chinese woman
>through google translate
given how much free time this troon clearly has youd think their art would be better

No. 2216336

>the dio reverse ryona artist is a terf
holy shit giga based. I think she deleted the piece of dio's head being covered with used pads kek

No. 2216353

fastest and easiest follow of my life

No. 2216363

Another new artist to my collection. That TIF can seethe for all I care.

No. 2216378

If they're only using google translate for english to chinese it's going to be complete gibberish to the artist

No. 2216722

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Sorry for responding so late. Do you have any recs on good begginer paints? should i go for tubes or the ones that are like solid watercolors?

No. 2216883

>debating through google translate
That sounds both like a retarded idea and deranged/obsessive behavior. The "no receips because it was on a deleted account sorreh" part especially makes me imagine this tweet getting slapped with a "sorry, this isn't true, I was off my meds and having a psychotic break" (not saying it will happen, just saying it reminds me of that type of tweet).
Even if I were a TRA the google translate bit would make me question this person's credibility.

No. 2216905

>it’s the annoying banana oc person
Holy kek she just keeps finding more ways to sound retarded

No. 2217167

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getting a bit tired of miku trends. i suppose that’s what the idea of “miku” is for but half these people don’t really listen to anything voice synth related unless it’s spoonfed to them by algo-kami i bet

No. 2217216

>genderbent miku
but doesn't mikuo already exist? and he's pretty much that?

No. 2217236

Those zoomers who only found out about her yesterday wouldn't know something like that kek

No. 2217239

I was going to reply this exact thing, nonna. I feel like the Vocaloid "fandom" is filled with people who don't even listen to Vocaloid music.

No. 2217242

eh i think it’s fine to redesign fan genderbends, my issue is more the #mikutober shit

No. 2217260

But it looks like a shit redesign. At least the OG Mikuo was often depicted as a handsome looking guy with the typical male idol charm, >>2217167 this looks more like an alternate outfit for female Miku than a genderbend. They shaved off her tits and called it a boy.

No. 2217288

I think it looks better than mikuo tbh. Mikuo looks like great value keito, i feel like male miku would look more boyish and cute and not fully covered.

No. 2217296

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>i feel like male miku would look more boyish and cute and not fully covered.
so basically lin then, mikou looks better than kaito imo

No. 2217316

the kinda look the same to me. At the very least mikou should wear shorts since Miku wears a skirt.

No. 2217401

I miss the days of the old Vocaloid fandom where variants of the characters were born from songs and as a result they tended to almost bloom into separate characters themselves (such as Meltdown Rin, The Seven Deadly Sins characters, Margnet Miku and Luka etc). They all had some sort of lore and personality behind them thanks to the song and as a result felt much more interesting and organic. Nowadays with people just shitting out "(insert something) Miku" it's just so hollow because there's nothing else there. The fandom has gone from creating endless variant characters with different lores and personalities and story possibilities to basically creating a Hatsune Miku dressup trend. I think the closest we've gotten so far to the old ways were the Rabbit Hole Miku and the Mesmerizer Miku/Teto, the rest is just hollow and boring.

I also have my doubts if those people even actually listen to Vocaloid.

No. 2217405

I'm retarded, should've proofread.

No. 2217440

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what are your thoughts on drawing on an ipad? i am wanting to get into digital art and was thinking on purchasing an ipad. might get the regular instead of the air and pro since its a bit expensive for a beginner.

what are some good apps? thoughts on procreate?

No. 2217455

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I honestly like this design the most because he has retard sleeves and the skirt over the leggings makes me think of hey Arnold, plus antenna hairstyles are the cutest.

No. 2217492

I use tumblr to look for oc content. Id rather look at gendie shit than coomshit

No. 2217513

I would rather look at poo than either

No. 2217646

Get a galaxy tab s6 lite or superior and save the money. Also not necessary, but I like using the paper/matte film with a titanium nib.
For art programs, I use CSP or infinite painter. Sketchbook is also okay but they don't stabilize the lines.

No. 2217664

It's safe to stay the majority of new fans don't listen to anything that hasn't gone viral or is still very popular after the 2020s or that isn't in Project Sekai.

I don't think the people participating in the Miku trends even know what Vocaloid is, at all, they just see Miku as a cute anime singer and want to go viral using her popularity. No doubt they wouldn't know an old fanmade character like Mikuo, they didn't even know "the yellow one that doesn't appear in mesmerizer" despite having been a part of the Project Diva games

No. 2217670

>dio's head being covered with used pads
Um excuse me? Can you erase that image from my head

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