File: 1720430216049.webp (50.61 KB, 827x686, the-noise-is-part-of-the-fun-v…)

No. 2081586
A thread to discuss the dislike of dogs, their owners and dog culture in general.
Dog lovers, please don't come here to defend your pooch. see this thread >>>/ot/686457
please follow board rules, no infighting, don't reply to bait.
>>>/ot/1708225 No. 2081590
File: 1720431356585.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1170x1583, IMG_1651.jpeg)

Another shitbull named Nahla gets smoked courtesy of mandatory spay, these vets truly are doing the lords work. And once again they’re claiming that a fully grown two year old monster is a puppy, lmao. Why do these faggots always give their hideous beasts the same name?
No. 2081592
File: 1720431780342.webp (55.44 KB, 1290x1865, give-me-a-break-v0-tkqdvk27rqa…)

No. 2081593
File: 1720431862168.jpeg (75 KB, 733x1004, IMG_1657.jpeg)

I think the fuck not
No. 2081594
File: 1720431920484.jpeg (92.2 KB, 479x680, IMG_1655.jpeg)

>shitbull as “cancer support dog”
No. 2081600
File: 1720432467825.webp (138.65 KB, 1080x1380, anon-hates-pitbulls-v0-pkil82e…)

>>2081594Speaking of pitbulls and cancer…
No. 2081649
Thread pic is retarded because fireworks are useless, annoying and distress/kill many animals, not just dogs. But I get the joke.
>>2081590Is it common for dogs to bleed out because of spaying? Or is it that the owners can't be bothered to properly care for the dog post op? I've only ever heard of these pitbulls dying during these operations.
>>2081600All pitbull owners are low iq but especially the motherfuckers who let their children hold these big jacked beasts in an attempt to prove a point (see?? he's so docile even my kid can totally lead him!!) and get an ego boost. I've seen shorts of a little girl made to walk a gigantic bull breed dog by her dad and all the comment going "aww she's already the boss and the dog understands that!", these people really can't get that these dogs are docile only when they want to or if they're forced to by leashes/abuse/prong collars and if they get angry you cannot fucking control them.
No. 2081710
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I will never understand why anyone would want an animal that looks like this
No. 2081732
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>>2081590>gift >first drink of water it’s probably like the equivalent of westerners getting a tattoo of a chinese word/proverb they think is cool but it ends up really meaning “chicken fried rice” or fried chicken wings or some shit kek
No. 2082017
>>2081810Kekkkk my sides
>accident happened during internal surgery that is done with sharp knives? No, it must have been a vaccine that insta-killed it on the spot like a lethal injectionActually probably better than lethal injections since those seem so prone to failure. We need to start giving death row inmates dog vaccinations instead
No. 2082047
Have you ever seen how an animal is put down? It receives a certain jab.
No. 2082119
File: 1720467642929.png (78.23 KB, 683x839, spayfax.png)

>>2081810>How often does it even happen in neutering operations? Fatalities from spaying are generally rare. It's rare for pits, too, but they're more likely than other animals to die of bleeding because if they wake up on the table, they'll rip their own bodies apart to maul the surgeon.
No. 2082203
Shitty dog with shitty owner, not a surprise. This should be illegal.
>>2081649The only thing retarded is that response because its clear you dont get the joke which is fine but thats not our problem.
No. 2082217
>>2082203I've always found it weird that the dog people will always try to project this idea that "oh EVERY dog is good there are just some owners that are BAD and that's why some dogs act bad but deep down they're all good dogs" idea. It reads like they see themselves in the dog, and by confirming that every dog is "good" that means they too can be a "good" person, if that makes sense. I've seen this in cases where social misfits will often buy a breed of dog considered bad, e.g., pitbulls or rottweilers, and try to tell everyone how sweet and loving and good it is. Same thing with those people that go crazy online if you say pitbulls are a dangerous breed, it's like their defending their
own honour that they for some reason see in the animal. It's weird.
No. 2082247
>>2082072Nta but…
>reads post clearly referencing dog being euthanized>starts sperging about anitvaxxersU ok? Jab is the british word for shot.
No. 2082310
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>the world needs this smile
No the fuck it doesn’t, the world needs all these beasts to be destroyed
No. 2082339
File: 1720482975742.jpg (250.84 KB, 1566x878, poor kitties.jpg)

I'm surprised to hear of this. I am in UK and Im sure this is from USA but this is a surprise after seeing some of the posts from last thread where shelters had kept dangerous dogs alive for 4+ years yet put down healthy cats? I know cats can also be dangerous but this seems overblown?!
No. 2082521
Why are pitbull owners so arrogant and insist they are never wrong
pt 2 here No. 2082527
what.the.fuck is up with the "music choice" for this video fuck these shelters are hella manipulative
No. 2082529
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>>2082416Just like shitbull and all other pet owners they mindlessly defend the dog as brain rotten conflict avoidance. Take picrel and apply it to dog owners, they are incapable of evaluating the threat of safety of others, it’s what leads a bunch of left tards to defend criminals who rape and abuse women to be rehabilitated for their horrible behavior and actions which are also not coincidentally self-imposed animal lovers
No. 2082535
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Ugly as fuck and aggressive, yet they wonder why no one wants to adopt it
No. 2082615
File: 1720512309077.webp (144.51 KB, 1080x1173, shitbulls-are-not-land-seals-t…)

No. 2082619
File: 1720512636178.jpeg (Spoiler Image,38.05 KB, 450x319, images - 2024-07-09T180953.092…)

>>2082615Elephant seals perhaps
No. 2082729
>>2082615Seals are actually cute even with their beady eyes. Pitbulls just look so muscular and weird, you can tell they're like, inbred or mutated.
>>2082203Nah you're the retard. I said I got it, can you read?
No. 2083215
File: 1720552919340.gif (535.36 KB, 400x213, shitbulls.gif)

i heard a coworker in the office call them nanny dogs, perfect for small children
took all of my restraint to keep myself from saying pic related
No. 2083371
>>2083260I think a lot of 'dog lovers' also don't realize that dogs can be way more aggressive with other people than they are with them. Kind of blog-y but when I was younger my mom and aunt would always claim to have been 'attacked' by dogs and sometimes I knew the dog in question from walking around the neighbourhood and I was like 'oh it's a really sweet and friendly dog, you must have misinterpreted it as an attack.' It took a trip with my mom and aunt in adulthood to realize they weren't lying, we kept encountering dogs on the trip and the dogs would be extremely sweet and friendly when I passed by but when my mom/aunt passed by the dogs stuck their tail in between their legs, howled, growled/barked at them, etc. I think it's probably because dogs can 'smell' fear on people but I now just assume anyone who minimizes other people's negative experiences with dogs is 'like me' in the sense that dogs are usually nice to them, wrongly assuming the dogs treat everyone the same.
Of course there's literally no excuse whatsoever to be horrible to dog attack
victims, but it doesn't even take being mauled by a dog to have a (rightful) fear of them. You might just be afraid because dogs are generally kind of hostile toward you, and people who are 'good with dogs' will gaslight you to hell and back about it because 'well I never had those experiences!'
Speaking of dog lovers who hate cats, I seriously think it's because cats are harder to control and only warm up to people who respect their boundaries. I met a moid once that my friend brought over to my house who immediately squared up against and looked like he was going to kick the cat I was catsitting for a friend, who was literally just sitting on the floor doing absolutely nothing of note. He started sperging about how 'cats don't do what you tell them to' and 'cats don't show you affection.' Well yeah obviously and that's fine. Whenever a moid gets mad cats don't grovel and follow instructions I assume that he's a misogynist who has the same attitudes toward women.
No. 2083482
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This is straight up one of the most offensively hideous things I’ve ever seen
No. 2083483
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I cannot express how much this uwu-fication of ugly, violent shitbeasts angers me
No. 2083505
File: 1720573214506.png (9.56 MB, 1610x13698, 2many pitbulls.png)

>Shelters are overrun with pitbulls they are getting desperate to rehome them by trying to get female truck drivers to take them on the road and get businesses and offices to take them as guard dogsThey really need to just get rid of the breed altogether
>>2082729Anon, you clearly dont get the joke given what you wrote which is fine, you trying to start an infight with this attitude isnt.
No. 2083530
File: 1720574373359.jpg (339.31 KB, 1575x1038, oh fuck off with that bullshit…)

>>2082686You're welcome anon, shitbulls are a legitimate issue so its good to see people like you reconise it and not fall for the psyop.
Speaking of which here is another trying to pass them off as seals. Its amazing pitnutters proclaim theres nothing wrong with the breed yet they try to call them seals/velvet hippos and shelters try to pawn them off as other breeds. We all know the issue they just dont want to admit it.
No. 2083532
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>>2082416You think thats bad, I've seen pitnutters post pics like this one saying this is a "cute smile" and awful channels like the dodo here trying to push this, ugh!
No. 2083554
>>2083548But pits are essentially 'purebred' most of the time too. If they really thought mutts were healthier, they would not push spay/neutering on every dog and they would let people breed their mutts for good health. I'm originally from a country where most dog owners I knew had actual medium-sized mutts (like 'literally idk wtf dog breeds this is even related to' level mutts) and actually most of their dogs are healthier and do have good temperaments, but you need to have a 'letting random dogs breed willy nilly' culture for that to happen. Somehow in the US they are like autistic about spay/neutering any non-pedigree dog except pitbulls, so they can't even use that argument.
As a slight aside 'mutt' cats (normal domestic shorthairs/longhairs) are the vast overwhelming majority of all cats available for adoption and purchase, but nonetheless you don't get nearly as severely shamed for buying a purebred cat as you do for buying a purebred dog imo. I have a purebred 'hypoallergenic' cat because my bf is allergic to cats, and no one has really said anything negative about us 'buying' a specific breed in light of his allergies, even though I was always fine with the idea of getting a DSH. I think the insane shaming of people for wanting purebred dogs is directly related to the surplus of pitbulls honestly, like the more unadopted/unadoptable pits there are the more people screech at prospective dog owners for wanting a pedigree dog.
No. 2083556
File: 1720575855585.jpg (100.57 KB, 1067x1690, head-shot-man-scowling-5944806…)

>>2083532Zomg!!! Look at them smiling at each other! So wholesome! They have the weirdest smile EVER!
No. 2083611
File: 1720580151421.jpg (1.36 MB, 1378x4236, killer on the loose.jpg)

>>2083554When the ban came into affect here (uk) this sotry ran about how half of all xl pitbulls in the country came from a single inbred male but his owner is claiming its owners injecting putbulls with steroids thats making them agressive. Yeah, make of that what you will. Also I mean, calling your dog "killer Kimbo" but then claiming your dog isnt agressive. RRRRRIGHT.
No. 2083645
File: 1720582739565.jpeg (642.26 KB, 1170x1293, IMG_1667.jpeg)

>>2083290This woman is one of the most psychotic animalfaggots I’ve come across on Twitter. She’s a full blown racist, misanthropic MAGAtard. People who value animals above humans are scum. On the plus side, another shitbull got what it deserves
No. 2083647
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Because a hideous shitbull isn’t bad enough in and of itself, this one has a medical issue that would cost tens of thousands of dollars to treat. How fucking mentally ill does one need to be to sign up for this shit?
No. 2083676
File: 1720587568759.png (403.67 KB, 398x388, pit.png)

>>2083483where did she get that tutu? from the 5 year old she mauled?
no matter how much they try to kawaiify these beasts it never makes them look cute and approachable.
pitbull heads looking like this is the most disgusting trait of the breed for me.
No. 2083731
>>2083371>because dogs can 'smell' fear on peopleI hate this bullshit. Maybe it's true in some cases, but whenever dogs acted werid around me (small dogs giving me a wide berth or being scared shitless and running off in panic) coincided with me having a fever or infection and in one case a tachycardia attack.
That's why dogs in public spaces are such a liability. Their perception of the world is schizoid.
No. 2083789
>>2083548>pure-bred dogs are more likely to be unhealthy compared to mixed breed dogsKind of a myth. Yes some pure-bred dogs like pugs and pitbulls are awfully inbred for the look but it's also true that good professional breeders screen their dogs for illnesses very frequently and select the ones that have less issues, leading to healthier puppies. On the other hand you have mixed breeds and their dna/health history are a mistery, and they could also have several health issues due to the genes that get passed down from parents that may belong to an unhealthy breed and they can be inbred as well (backyard breeders often make the puppies breed with their parents or siblings because they don't have the means to get other dogs to breed but still want puppies). Working pure-bred dogs tend to be strong and healthiest because they have a job to do.
>>2083737For example this is true for show line GSs. Working GSs don't have the classic coloration, the slumped back and are selected by breeders to have as little health issues as possible.
No. 2083817
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>>2083530They can get fucked. I want to a-log pitfaggots so bad
No. 2083959
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>>2083817>Baby seal uwuThis shit is stupid, they're ugly as fuck no matter how many cutesy words, cute tutus/costumes, and innocent descriptions they use. They're not seals. They're not babies. They're ugly and aggressive.
Honestly, pitbulls are so scrotal, the way retard ass people defend them reminds me of TRAs and troons. "She's just an innofensive trans woman!!Uwu" stfu. I recognize danger where danger is. You can't hide the truth from people's eyes.
No. 2084177
>>2083959Pitbulls are scrotal because scrotes created and bred them in the first place. The worst kind of scrote too, the ones who were alcoholic, deeply misogynistic, that get off to animals fighting like retards and see nothing wrong with tying up female dogs so their selected males can rape them with no issues. They took the absolute worst parts of and animal and made sure to preserve and accentuate those traits.
Big difference from dogs who historically were kept and appreciated by women, which tended to either resemble common middle sized mutts/shepherds, small, cute, non-aggressive dogs that were overall used to human contact, or hounds/sighthounds with elegant forms and a calm personality.
No. 2084252
File: 1720638649976.jpg (85.49 KB, 1258x226, 43.jpg)

I hate the imbeciles who hate on the dog hate thread.
>>>/meta/80350 No. 2084266
File: 1720639647811.jpg (262.08 KB, 1900x1215, fila-brasileiro-i7-524667802.j…)

>>2084177>They took the absolute worst parts of and animal and made sure to preserve and accentuate those traits.This, not every dog's history or purpose is the same. This is why I mostly hate dog owners and breeders, I admit I don't hate all dogs (they can be cute and well trained), but pitbulls and other similar aggressive dogs are the exception and one of the worst dog breeds. There's certainly worst dogs out there though, breeds that literally were made to kill and chase slaves like the fila brasileiro. These are banned in a lot of countries or require you to be an owner who knows how to control it because it WILL kill and maul anyone it doesn't have a respect for.
>>2084252The funny thing is that this thread has multiple people that hate dogs and we all hate them in different degrees and for different reasons. I hate pitbulls because they are ugly, scrotal, and scary. They kill women, children, and much cuter dogs. Them crying about everyone here being a schizo is retarded. They sound like PRAs (pitbull rights activists) whose feefes are hurt because a thread happened to get bumped. Hide the fucking thread.
No. 2084281
>>2084272Very interesting how they want to frame this thread as if everyone here is some idiot who is going to go their way and harm dogs, some psychopath/schizo/autist/scrote whatever word of choice they want, or just some "crazy cat lady", there's so many different anons here, most comments are simply talking about how pit owners are insane but they want to make us look like the insane ones in their complaints. I must admit I hate comments like these
>>2083709 but can you really blame them when these dogs kill people?
No. 2084285
File: 1720640807397.jpg (238.48 KB, 1562x1272, Untitled.jpg)

>"Pitbulls, aka land seals, aka velvet hippos, are sweet and gentle in nature, its all about how they are raised, I would trust mine with my babies!"
>Meanwhile, shitbull kills own pups. I also read a story some time ago about a litter of pitbulls eating the runt and the owner came back to find just its severed head.>>2084256True, I also hate fireworks but yes this was just a funny joke that some nonna decided to get her knickers in a twist about lol
No. 2084307
File: 1720642252606.jpeg (Spoiler Image,4.57 KB, 202x249, images.jpeg)

>>2083532For anyone interested the reason this pitbull has a "wierd smile" is because this is how they usually look when they "smile" (spoilered for nightmare fuel you were warned) off with the whole breed I say!
No. 2084483
>>2083737>>2083789backyard breeders also breed based on trends, for a period byb huskies and gsheps were common, labs before that, various "cutsie" maltese/poodle/unknown little white dog with shit in its eyes mixes, random designer "crossbreeds" now like doodle crosses… but also, in my opinion, pit bulls. and i think they think that pit bulls are a trendy pet because there are a lot of them around, without realising that the VAST majority (saw some stats recently about kc registered pit bull puppies
in my opinion all pit bull breeders are backyard breeders inherently because the "breed" doesnt actually have a recognised pedigree and no kennel club worth shit registers them vs. shelter intake pit bulls, the latter DWARFED the former) are shelter "adoptions". so they churn out more fucking pit bulls that inevitably end up abandoned and left to clog the shelters. and as more pit bulls clog the shelters, the more the shelters need to run pit bull PR to get people to take them off their hands because so many shelters refuse to euthanise because "kill shelter" is a dirty label. and the more pit bull pr there is, the more retards chose to "adopt" so they can feel smug about something. and the more retards adopt, the more pit breeders think the breed is trending.
also on the topic of pure breed health, it is a myth that pure bred animals universally have a worse constitution than mutts. its not even necessarily true that working line breeds are always the healthiest animals, plenty of dedicated companion/show line breeders do extensive health testing before crossing a pair in order to get the healthiest litter possible. your average joe doesnt know what health testing is or to expect a breeder to provide genetic history, though. and there certainly are some outdated breed standards that push breeders towards dysgenic traits, like that extreme sloped back in g shepherds.
No. 2084966
>>2084321>cats do it a lot[citation needed]
>>2083505>pitbulls make 82.5% of euthanised dogsI'm betting most shelters are 90-97% pitbulls (or pittbull mixes) though, so the rate needs to be higher.
No. 2084971
>>2084483>various "cutsie" maltese/poodle/unknown little white dog with shit in its eyes mixesMy paternal grandmother and aunts all loved this kind of perpetually dirty little dog in the eighties and nineties.
>>2084933The dog knew some things just aren't meant to be. I hope she got spayed afterward.
No. 2085045
File: 1720686599090.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1968, IMG_1676.jpeg)

One less shitbull shitting up the planet
No. 2085046
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I hate this kawaii faggotry so much it’s insane
No. 2085051
File: 1720686888396.jpeg (847.65 KB, 1170x1629, IMG_1678.jpeg)

>tense, nervous and flinches
I’m sure this disgusting fugly beast will make a great pet
No. 2085137
File: 1720693608823.jpg (80.42 KB, 1000x519, dog.jpg)

>>2085051Why would ANYONE want a nervous killing beast? To sic it on rival drug dealers? To commit 'homicide by dog'?
No. 2085701
File: 1720730797454.jpg (39.07 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg)

>>2084938>>2084950detroit also has a huge stray dog problem
No. 2085736
File: 1720733223658.jpeg (169.87 KB, 845x1200, IMG_1681.jpeg)

How the fuck is it even legal to advertise a shitbeast for adoption after “bite incident”? It should have had its head blown off on the spot
No. 2085737
File: 1720733387442.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1170x2075, IMG_1682.jpeg)

>>2083959>cloud/baby seal hybrid I hate these faggots
No. 2085741
File: 1720733530985.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1170x2137, IMG_1683.jpeg)

>adopted and returned
>”incident” with toy
Clearly an aggressive creature that isn’t fit for adoption, just fucking exterminate it
No. 2085989
File: 1720752856482.jpeg (161.42 KB, 844x1199, IMG_1684.jpeg)

Do you think that the people who come up with the retarded captions for these ads actually believe what they’re writing? I don’t know how anyone can look at this ugly beast with demonic eyes that trigger fight or flight in anyone with a functioning brain and describe it as a “smiling face that puts you in a good mood”
No. 2086168
File: 1720767281595.jpg (309.24 KB, 900x586, bbc.jpg)

'Oh no no no no no! I'd rather live in a world where beasts are free to maul innocent humans than dirty my own hands with doing the necessary!'
>The owner of an animal shelter says she is concerned about new legislation that will ban the rehoming of XL bully dogs in Northern Ireland.>Karen Matthews, from Almost Home Animal Centre, says her team work to "rescue, not destroy" animals. "The last thing I want is to have a centre full of XL Bullies and having to make that choice [to destroy]," she added. >Selling, gifting, exchanging or breeding from an XL Bully dog is banned and rescue centres will also no longer be able to accept an XL Bully dog.> No. 2086180
File: 1720769610801.jpg (189.74 KB, 1080x945, 1000003930.jpg)

>>2086168This was under the article you linked and I was unfortunate enough to see the video and it was surreal despite it even being blurred. Even though she was a pitnutter I would not wish that on her or my worst enemy they were relentless and she really loved those dogs.
No. 2086191
File: 1720771105037.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x2004, IMG_8402.jpeg)

Check out the comments on this video
(It won’t let me embed and embedding TikTok’s never works anyway) No. 2086192
File: 1720771154690.jpeg (128.79 KB, 1170x452, IMG_8401.jpeg)

>>2086191This is why I’m glad when the owner themselves get mauled. This cunt
>>2086180Deserved it and I hope she suffered every minute
No. 2086210
File: 1720773139837.jpeg (829.47 KB, 1170x2036, IMG_1686.jpeg)

Imagine booking into what you think will be a nice, peaceful holiday cottage and some inbred trash in the cottage next door have brought their ugly, stinking, barking shitbeast with them
No. 2086225
File: 1720774585425.jpeg (209.49 KB, 1170x665, IMG_1687.jpeg)

>>2086194This faggot likes his own illiterate comments too, real big brain energy
No. 2086596
File: 1720804725975.png (324.37 KB, 820x1130, 1719027813264247.png)

>>2086119i think it is one of three reasons people get them
1. they get them because people are scared of them, it is a power thing, they think it makes them powerful to have a scary dog, they dont realise they are at risk themselves
2. poor self esteem, they identify with the dog being an outcast breed and imprint themselves onto to them like how people do with brands etc
3. stupidity, the genuinely believe the nanny dog, velevet hippo memes
No. 2086675
File: 1720807076077.png (20.8 KB, 238x329, Screenshot 2024-07-12 105646.p…)

>>2086180kek why get a retarded "pet" like this if this is even true
No. 2086705
File: 1720808795164.webp (8.05 KB, 310x465, 0_AHP_CHP_26609JPG.webp)

>>2086180I remember them begging people not to share that video att. I only saw vids of her dragging this unit of a dog up onto it's hind legs and getting it to dance with her. Her socials were everything you'd expect to see before what went down. Painfully gloating about em and bitching about anyone who doesn't adore the breeds.
No. 2086824
>>2086194Insane that people complain about the thread and everyone on it 'having ASPD' when this is the typical 'pitbull lover' personality type, literally
victim blaming a little girl for almost getting killed and having her face permanently damaged by her 'family pet.'
No. 2086931
File: 1720822323642.jpg (256.75 KB, 1080x1840, Screenshot_20240713-080922_Fac…)

I'm happy it's becoming more normie to reject ugly abominations
No. 2086942
>>2086931It’s literally brainless and retarded.
>>2086774did anybody save the link that was deleted? what was it?
No. 2086943
>>2086931>>2086932this is just sad. the dog can barely breathe or move.
>>2086942the video is pretty blurry and not that interesting, she is being attacked by two shitbulls in the backyard and one pulls her arm off
No. 2087039
File: 1720828024762.jpeg (149.74 KB, 1170x462, IMG_1689.jpeg)

>>2086191kek, this comment. based dad.
No. 2087043
>>2086824this thread focuses on shitbulls but ALL dog owners are like that. if you say you're afraid of dogs or got mauled they immdiately say it's your fault and there's something wrong with you
even fucking bichon oners get mad when you don't want to get jumped on by their heckin' precious pupperino uwu
No. 2087051
File: 1720829879508.jpeg (81.17 KB, 1000x750, IMG_1700.jpeg)

This thread is so cozy to use, reminds me of a casual /snow/ thread about shitbeasts. Maybe someone can make a general cow thread for insane pet lovers and shitbull enthusiasts if it doesn’t exist already, it would be so fun because the internet is sprawling with so many of these fanatic nutters
>inb4 no soyjaks even though they’re hilarious
No. 2087053
>>2086705Boymoms, tradfags, libfems, single moms who cape for their
abusive baby daddies while having tattoos and prison reformists all overlap into the same dog defending circlejerk. The only reasonable camp that wants shitbeasts gone is the tradfags except they still worship all other dogs despite them being just as hideous and useless as bully dogs just seen as more docile and cuter to the general public and it fits into their picket fence agenda.
No. 2087212
File: 1720844351908.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1170x1754, IMG_1696.jpeg)

>more than half a year in shelter
Imagine if those resources went to women in need, like the homeless, those fleeing domestic violence, rape survivors, etc. I hate this culture that prioritises these useless fugly aggressive mutants so much it’s insane
No. 2087216
File: 1720844427908.jpeg (272.47 KB, 1213x1773, IMG_1694.jpeg)

>>2086016They choose the most deranged pictures, like what the fuck is this hideous thing
No. 2087222
>>2087216>First picThis is how Brandy will maul you and destroy all your belongings
>Second picThis is how accomplished Brandy will feel right after doing so
No. 2087230
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Raising 7000 dollars for this ugly shitbull, animal “activists” are fucking cancer
No. 2087232
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>>2087228And the uwu kawaii costumes, look how hideous this satanic looking thing is
No. 2087234
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not trying to start shit but i hate how many picutres of dogs get posted in here, especially shitbulls. i might be biased bc i have cynophobia but i dont' see the point of posting dog pics over and over here, shitbulls are ugly and freakish, we all know that. im not coming in the dog hate thread to look at pictures of dogs.(this isnt tumblr)
No. 2087272
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>>2087222They truly choose the most psychotic photos of these shitbeasts to advertise them
>names this aggressively ugly mutt “Hottie”I instinctively want to curb stomp it
No. 2087302
>>2087266>The fact there are real people out there gloating about this toddler girl's injuries and saying she deserved it or will 'learn her lesson' now is just too grotesque for me to even want to think about, and mirrors the way women and children are treated in society when they're victimized by men.It shows how a lot of these "empathetic" animal people aren't actually more empathetic, they're actually less empathetic AND too broken to connect to other humans, and also in denial about it.
>>2087267IKR? And the 7k is just for 2 medical procedures, and doesn't include any of the other money the dog has eaten up over the past 1+ year. And you see these people very often harass normal people because they don't go to ludicrous extremes for animals, especially stray animals that don't even belong to them. Don't you dare admit that your 5 year old hamster was feeling terminally legarthic and you let it just expire peacefully in its cage overnight. No, you should have rushed it to the emergency vet and racked up a $400 bill for humane hamster euthanasia, you monster who should never own a pet again. Also, I'm posting this across all my social media so other 40 year old women can brigade your accounts, because that's the real empathetic way to deal with a person whose hamster just died.
No. 2087348
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>imagine this smile every day
Really making a compelling case in favour of having it exterminated, kek
No. 2087355
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“The correlation between the overcrowding of the shelter, (including the amount of euthanasia), to the failure of KC Pet Project animal control to enforce the mandatory spay and neuter of pit bulls in KCMO for the past three years is undeniable,” Chain of Hope director Kate Quigley wrote on Facebook. The organization works in Kansas City’s urban core to rescue abused and neglected pets.
KC Pet Project vigorously disagrees.
“We recognize people may believe mandatory spay/neuter laws will compel more people to sterilize their pets and thus, fewer pets will be born, and fewer unwanted pets will end up in shelters,” Fugate said. “But this has been proven in communities across the country to be untrue.”
And this is why they need to be eradicated. Full article for anyone who wants to read it: No. 2087367
>>2087302I like both animals and people, and I have an animal (cat, which I chose specifically because it's low risk and appropriate for my lifestyle and wouldn't hurt anyone or anything since I keep it indoors) which I would do a lot for since it's the animal I chose to take responsibility for. I wouldn't take on the responsibility if I intended to ask other people to keep my cat alive with donations instead of helping actual human beings.
However real 'empathy' should always put other human beings first. It requires theory of mind to understand that other human beings are real and have their own thoughts and feelings that are complex and you may not always like but they are just as important to themselves as you are to you. An actually empathetic person would realize that this girl will likely grow up insecure and possibly bullied and possibly rejected from certain jobs because she may have permanent obvious scars on her face that make people mistreat her, that she will likely have lifelong trauma and fear of dogs, that her parents put her in this situation so she will likely grow up mistrustful of and feeling neglected by her family, and that she might be able to read some of these comments back one day and realize that other human beings who should have been horrified at what happened to her instead thought she 'deserved it' for being randomly attacked by an animal bred to be violent. It's easier to 'empathize' with dogs because you don't actually see them as on your level and you don't actually have to think about their pain like you have to think about human pain, which is why low-empathy psychopaths always prefer them and 'empathize' with them over people.
No. 2087389
>>2087386A demon inside
>>2087388Same, not sure how to articulate it but it reminds me of those creepypasta games where the main monster is supposed to be "happy" but the mouth is all fucked up
No. 2087392
File: 1720862526375.jpg (82.91 KB, 703x683, 5656546888.jpg)

>>2087348their mouths are so ugly, i can kind of understand finding the upper part of the face cute but that gaping mouth ruins it holy shit. though i guess it helps this dog has a relatively large eyes for a pitbull and they're not those freaky vampire or aryan eyes
No. 2087397
>>2087392This is super scary
nonny why you do this
No. 2087457
So the “hawk tuah” girl has made a tonne of money for reasons I don’t understand and chose to make a huge donation to some putrid mutts and ugly ass mangy felines, and is demanding someone adopt this hideous shitbull that doesn’t like cats (quelle surprise). When she could have been using her 15 minutes and spare change to help women in need. Fuck this shit.
No. 2087574
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>>2086710It was posted on twitter by an anti-pitbull group. They also posted the video of Ian Price mauling which lead to the XXL bully ban (along with the Manchester video) here as people were shocked by it. I also saw that-it was 2 dogs going at him ripping off his skin while 3 guys were using wheelbarrows to try to get the dogs to stop attacking while protecting themselves (yes, it looked as daft as it sounds) that poor man never stood a chance.
There had been a spate of killings of people and even children by XL bullies but nothing was ever done until that video got released online. Since her video was also released there is now talk of banning the breed in Ireland. While I agree im think gore videos in general are terrible its fucking sad that these videos had to be released for a ban to be put in place. Seeing how brutal these dogs can be has woken a lot of people up to how dangerous they are.
>>2084305>(still wanted to say it because I know there's a firework fag lurking the thread)Gotta be the most desperate excuse to start an infight i've ever seen on this site kek
>>2087234TBF the pics are showing the propaganda around these dogs and how these awful shelters are about telling the truth about these abominations to the unsuspecting public. I feel for you nonna but these posts are relevant.
No. 2087812
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Nonnas this is a serious question. Could you please link sources and articles about why letting a pitbull roam free is a bad idea so I can give them to someone? There's no laws in my country about pitbulls or dangerous breeds. I don't think they will believe me otherwise.
No. 2087847
>>2087812This is the only pitbull I love.
>>2087818Oh well
No. 2087905
>>2087310Been sites like that around for a long time. Usually a mix of morbid curiosity and then.. men who get off to it. Vids involving women or girls are generally viewed more and the comments are different
On there, just watching pitbull attack vids theres a contrast between men being mauled by something so 'unstoppable' They get that these things don't give up. As soon as it's a small woman they bitch about her not fighting it off well enough because they totally could. Male logic
No. 2087942
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>>2087348Looks like an actual fucking frilled shark but more scary, I could actually run into a shitbeast and get killed in the street
No. 2088701
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>>2087222Brandy wont be mauling anything, rest in piss
No. 2089053
>>2087812Check the sidebar on They have a lot of resources linked there.
No. 2089342
File: 1720957653027.jpg (532.25 KB, 2077x1194, dogsandmoidsareuseless.jpg)

AAnnnddd of course its a shitbull. Like his sign was already laughable but you really trying to pretend shitbulls are greater than people? Top fucking kek.
No. 2089376
>>2089287I can see the headlines already if it's enforced. Placing my prediction,
Man in (name rough area) with (insert crazy number of previous convictions) attacks neighbors with machete after unlicensed dogs confiscated.
No. 2089428
File: 1720963836586.mp4 (3.51 MB, 406x720, RDT_20240714_160606.mp4)

Enough about pitbulls, let's shame Huskies. Who the fuck would want to listen to this 24/7? The normal dog is just laying there peacefully.
No. 2089463
>>2089428They're sweet dogs that thrive best when they do what they're bred to do and live in environments they're suited for. I don't see any dog sleds or heavy snowfall most of the year in Florida, getting a husky in those temperatures and having it cramped in a condo is animal cruelty.
I don't get why people who live in apartments or other tightly packed spaces get breeds known to be yappy and shrill like Chihuahuas or Pomeranians. I get that they're small, but they're still guard dogs that belong out in the yard. Whenever open my own front door to go in or out, my neighbor's pom screeches and barks. The thing sounds like it has chronic heart attacks ffs.
No. 2089602
File: 1720973320179.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB, 2573x2097, cat victims.jpg)

Thankfully never had a cat killed by a dog but I would be both sad and livid if this ever happened to me (spoilered for dead cat, no gore just sad) and it wasnt until recently finding out how often this happens.
No. 2090045
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Funny how they don’t say what happened with the smaller dogs and claim this thing is kill listed because it has pneumonia, these retards are incapable of being honest
No. 2090051
>>2089630Dog fags are smooth brained.
>>2089428Husky owners are the most annoying dog owners ever. Shitbull owners are violent retards, but husky owners swear they are the goodest boys, when all they do is run and scream 24/7.
No. 2090200
>>2089497>The dogs name was Cloud Inuyasha of courseKEKKK
Average husky / wolfdog owner be like
No. 2090235
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>>2086968>Nonna, they were bred to hold bulls in place (hence the name pitbull) it shoudnt be a shock they they can pull people apartThis is why people need to understand not all dogs are bred to be sweet and caring companions, just as how some dogs are meant to have a more active lifestyle and not meant to live inside an apartment, and how some dog breeds need a certain type of climate because their undercoat will make them overheat. I swear to God, most people who say they "love dogs" or "love animals" don't actually care about them, they care about their super duper special snowflake "connection" to animals without actually stopping for a moment to understand why saving pitbulls as a breed from extinction is not going to give them the recognition they think they deserve, it's narcissistic really. Once bull bating died down so did the Old English Bulldog (not to be confused with the current one) and nobody really misses it. It was bred with the purpose of being bait in a blood "sport". There's no need to have as many pitbulls as there are in the world.
No. 2090965
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Gives food to a homeless only for him to give it to his shitbull, males and dogs were a mistake
No. 2090971
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Saw this awful story yesterday and it isnt the first time dogs and their idiot owners have wrecked havoc with no considerations to others
>>2090965>males and dogs were a mistakeBased and true take
No. 2091065
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>>2090235Not only were they used in bull-baiting, but also in rat-baiting (pitbulls are terriers after all) and that's where the "pit" in pitbull comes from. They would put a dog in the middle of a literal pit and chuck a lot of rats or small rodents inside and the dog would have to kill them as fast as possible. These kinds of pits were also used in dog on dog fights. Nanny dog my ass.
No. 2091070
>>2091031Jesus… Even the penguins had to let me down.
>>2091065Only men could come up with shit like that. What a fucked up species. I wish they and their shitbulls would just fucking kill each other to extinction.
No. 2091427
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Not sure if anyone knows about this story or if any UK nonnas remember it warning, attached article shows the dog attack on the seal
TL dr version
>Seal pup washes up near Hammersmith bridge in london, delighting local workers with his sunbathing and funny antics
>People start coming from further away to see him
>Affectionatly name him Freddie after Freddie Mercury as people find him entertaining
>Remember this being on the national news and there were plans to make childrens books about him
>After 3 weeks some stupid bitch with an agressive off lead dog comes along, her stupid little shit of a dog goes for Freddie and rips his flipper, breaking bones
>It takes 4 people, including owner to pry the yappy little shit off the seal
>When they do she promply leaves the scene with her yappy little shitty dog
>People are upset especially all those who saw this dog maul the seal, including kids
>News say they are looking for the owner, several animal charities also appeal
>Its discovered she is a millionairre QC, so police say there will be no charges
>Animal charities and the general public are upset
I'm so fucking mad dog owners get away with this shit the little fucker and its owner deserve a good stomping
No. 2092521
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The brain rot is terminal
No. 2092625
>>2091427People de-animalize pets so much, forgetting they are subject to the same instincts as other animals, simply because we’ve molded them into our homes and lifestyles. But they’re not accessories to our lives, they’re animals in their own right descended from actual predators. So when cats are allowed to run free they decimate bird populations for food and sport, and in turn are harmed by other animals in their surroundings; when dogs run around off leash, they chase down and kill chipmunks, rabbits, cats, basically any other animal that’s perceived as prey or a threat capable of fighting, as long as their prey drive and/or territorialism are intact (there’s definitely a portion of dogs that have lost a lot of it, but most have these qualities). Humans are so into the idea of all these de-animalized mascot animals, they’d also be horrified if this seal grew up to bite someone like seals will absolutely sometimes do to people who get too close, but it’s not a plushie or cartoon.
No. 2092638
>>2092622If you’re relying on the general ignorant public needing extensive training courses and behavioral acumen to avoid their pet eating the neighbor’s toddler, it’s not a good pet for the public. But even “responsible” dog owners see their pits suddenly bite people, because dogs bite sometimes. It’s a reality of dogs, even if you don’t constantly neglect the dog’s boundaries and feelings for years on end like most owners are shown to do due to the false idea that dogs unconditionally love us, always desire human contact and affection, love hugs, and love people in general (all wrong and lead to them being chronically stressed, which in turn creates more biting incidents). And for people in the small minority who really believe they can handle a large, dangerous animal—why is it so important to integrate them into the public?
As an extreme example, if you go to large animal sanctuaries where lions and tigers are rescued from being kept in homes and mauling people, the staff doesn’t advocate for ”educated” people keeping them at home, they advocate for people stopping them from being pets because they maul people and eat kids so frequently.
No. 2092653
>>2091065>They would put a dog in the middle of a literal pit and chuck a lot of rats or small rodents inside and the dog would have to kill them as fast as possible.That makes a lot of sense now
>These kinds of pits were also used in dog on dog fights. Nanny dog my ass.Where did the nanny shit come from anyway?
No. 2092679
>>2092638>If you’re relying on the general ignorant public needing extensive training courses and behavioral acumen to avoid their pet eating the neighbor’s toddler, it’s not a good pet for the public.Don't forget the constant gaslighting, manipulation, and forced pity antics they have to use on people so they accept their shitty dog breed into their homes.
I don't understand why people defend pitbulls with their lives, what's the psychology and brain rot behind it? Someone try to explain it to me. It's just a dog and it's not even cute, it's one of the ugliest breeds. I would understand if they were to ban someone cute and fluffy, then ok, people will get mad. But fucking ugly ass pitbulls? How do you delude yourself into thinking this is a cause worth defending. They kill people and they're ok with that?
No. 2092708
>>2092679I think it's egoism and the need to be special and the chosen one. Especially the women who take shitbulls in any version. They think that they can make a beast into a nanny or whatever velvet hippo bullshit (ironically, hippos are DEADLY animals) like they can make a bad boy be the Prince Charming to them. Because they are SO SPECIAL.
For men, they generally use them as an extension of their masculinity. It's like with cars and other stuff - they want to appear bigger and get more respect through that. Some degenerates just keep them for dog fights or because they know these dogs won't hesitate to kill anyone they incite them to attack.
It's aesthetics and narcissism. Nothing new under the sun.
People value their image more than anything. They identify through possessions, dogs are just another item. And NPCs who get these dogs, are too retarded to separate themselves from them or have some serious unresolved issues. So any attack on their dogs they take as an attack on themselves.
No. 2092733
>>2092708>Especially the women who take shitbulls in any version. They think that they can make a beast into a nanny or whateverThat's how women are psyoped into accepting "fragile sensitive men that are actually good and nice inside" into their lives
>>2092717>The pitbull never got bullied in middle school, it doesn't know it's a social outcast, it can't even comprehend such a thing.It's stupid on their part to humanize them like this when human society is totally different to the instincts and nature of dogs
No. 2093291
>>2093225>>2093235speak for yourself, some of us hate all dogs and their owners. some of you forget this is the dog hate thread not the shitbull general thread.
>>2093232it's just a constant with dog owners that they can't tolerate anyone even slightly disliking their dog.
it's the same irl, if you so much as back away from someone's dog they get extremely offended. many of them even bexome aggressive, they insult you and i've even had peole deliberately move their dog closer on purpose. even if you have a legitimate phibia they just act like you insulted them personally.
never seen other pet owners act half as bad as your average dogfag.
No. 2093409
>>2093384honestly this is why im never easy around dogs. the second you back aaway all dog owner retards go "BUT HE'S FRIENDLY!!!!" like family dogs aren't a large percentage of maulings.
dogs are animals, they have animal instincts, they're unpredictable.
i wouldn't dislike them half as much if their retard owners hadn't turned what could have bern a uselful working animal into insufferable loud aggressive retards and then insisted on shoving them in everyone's faces
No. 2093614
>>2093384>Attacked in cribHm what excuse dog lovers can make on how the baby antagonized the dog? I guess the crying
triggered the dog to jump up and into the crib eh? I wish dogs would just maul their owners and not innocent people who have nothing to do with their dog.
Just read he was sleeping. Truly what excuse then?
No. 2093619
>>2092750I mean yeah them, but also nahhh lol
>>2092886Them too but there’s a group of men that are like shitbulls but human and stand in front of convenient stores all day intimidating anybody who tries to go inside.
(racebait) No. 2093637
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>calling an animal “hunky and handsome”
These people are genuinely deranged
No. 2093719
File: 1721189821567.jpeg (830.7 KB, 1170x3746, IMG_8961.jpeg)

There’s a retard on Reddit that boasts about having his boxer off leash everywhere. The dog quite obviously has hip dysplasia and being off leash is putting the dog in danger but you can’t tell him that; he goes into childish YoU’rE jUsT jEaLoUs rants whenever called out. Vaguely alludes to beating the mutt as well. Waiting for the day he posts that it’s dead because it Kamikazed itself into a car or just drops because he won’t get it checked out at the vet.
No. 2093731
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>>2093719I hate to samefag but he posted this today… “completely neutral” yet his dog is staring down the leashed dog before the leashed one even saw him. Pathetic. That dog is going to kill something/get itself killed and its retard owner will put the blame on everyone else.
No. 2093741
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>>2093719He looks exactly the type. Giving microdick energy.
No. 2093747
>>2093741I was about to post a photo of him. Typical shitty dog owner phenotype.
Happy to see even dog lovers in the comments shitting on this joker.
No. 2093833
>>2093232>but they can literally hide this threadExactly, they were told this in /meta/ but still request it being banned
>>2093291Nonna, I pretty much said that in general, Im confused as to why you are arguing with me like I didnt just say that?
No. 2093860
>>2093751What a shit human. Though honestly that doesn't surprise me… He's a classic example of what I said about men using dogs as an extension of their masculinity. It's literally the type of man I had in mind. And the women taking these types of dogs usually end up coupled or ex-coupled with these men. So you can see the shitty cycle. They're all pathological in some way.
>>2093731That made me think about all these dog training shows and shit where sometimes rightfully, the owners end up getting blamed for the dog that lacks discipline, and some of the cases of working with behaviourists are successful but then you get pathochans like this guy who "trained" his dog using violence.
I don't like dogs generally, but I don't condone animal abuse. It's only retarded people that resort to it. Like, if you don't want to have to train your pet, don't fucking get one! What's so fucking hard?
Most dogs won't behave anyway. Being dragged by a leashed dog is one of the shittiest thing honestly. And I know some will just walk normally, but these are usually the smaller, decorative dogs.
I wanted to post this video of a Great Dane dragging a woman across the street but for some reason lolcow doesn't let me, so here's a link the comments saying
>hehe haha so funny lolz >who is walking who hehehehehe >>2093833Yea, like I find all the retarded husbando 4chan coomer type posting repulsive but I don't go to the mods asking to get them exterminated. I just hid the threads kek. They can stfu. Another example of dog brainrot dogs are their personality shit. They feel attacked KEK. Cope bitches.
No. 2093945
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>>2093719>>2093731>>2093741I’m not one to stalk Reddit accounts but I couldn’t look away from his. He loves to write paragraph long rants about leashed dogs that are “reactive” and how bad their owners are, meanwhile his last dog had to be put down (behavioral euthanasia) because it was “reactive”. What does that say about him as an owner since he puts bad dog behavior 100% on owners? Of course he paints his situation as vague “tragic circumstances” and “completely devastating series of events”. That dog no doubt bit/killed something and this new one is fast tracking to do the same. He won’t even get this one neutered! But sure, everyone else with concerns is just ~jealous~.
No. 2094018
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>>2093637>allowing staff to pet him, tolerant of all handlingUmm, that isn’t true. Picrel is his actual description.
>is not allowing handlers to remove him from his kennel for walks or interactions. He has escalated to hard barking, growling, lunging, and snapping at staff and their leads when they attempt to leash him.Why do they lie?!? That is SO dangerous.
No. 2094027
>>2094018I wonder why he was a fucking stray…
So they are putting a potential owner in danger and dump the responsibility to reform an adult dog's behaviour on them. So they can and will both be attacked by a dog and pay shitton of money on professional dog behaviourist. Insanity.
Someone should persecute these shelters for putting potential new owners at risk. This shit can't be legal.
No. 2094113
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>>2094018Poked around a little and found that none of these people are being forthright with
why these dogs are kill listed when it comes to behavioral problems. All of them are some form of "handsome, sweet, wriggly, no kids, needs so much love." It's deceptive and yes, very dangerous.
No. 2094154
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>>2094113>One on one in play yard at shelter, he is a cuddlebug>Jam displays extreme reactions to handlers even outside the kennelThey claim to be animal activists but are putting the dogs and other humans in avoidable high risk situations. If the handlers who specialize in this and work with reactive dogs constantly can't help, who truly can? If a dog is in pain, ill, frustrated, anxious, and stressed all the time, wouldn't euthanasia be the humane thing to do? Especially when they sit at these pounds for months? Activists my ass.
No. 2094290
>>2094113A stray.
>>2094154Another stray.
I knew someone who had one of these dogs and it refused to be on the leash and would just run away no matter what. These mutts run away from their owners and they let them, because they give up on trying to handle them. These dogs will just jump on you unprovoked.
>>2094266Make a noise complaint. Even better if the dog barks after the curfew. Keep making complaints. They will take him away eventually or at least fine the neighbour.
No. 2094575
>>2094443Once the dog started attacking, that's it, she had every right to protect her property by killing his dog. He should have had better control of his property if he didn't want it to get euthanized for threatening the life of her property.
>oh she should've tried to help separate them moreThat was a big strong dog vs a tiny corgi. One wrong bite one more moment could've meant permanant injury or death for the corgi. That woman acted quickly to save her dog. She was lawful and in the right. Doesn't matter that she ran afterwards. That's adrenaline. She was still right.
No. 2094682
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>>2094347I was scrolling /ot/ and these were on the front page, imagine being this much of a retarded pick me
No. 2094741
File: 1721268364597.png (140.32 KB, 720x614, Screenshot_20240717-190151-958…)

This may be an unpopular opinion but it is very accurate to call shitbulls "velvet hippos".
No. 2095391
the idea of western dog owners treating dog owners treating their dogs "better than humans" gets tossed around a lot, but in my experience most don't take care of their dog very well at all despite seeming to be socially attached to it. they will seem to be smothering their dog with affection, yet their dog is stinky/has matted hair/has sha'carri richardson nails, they don't take it for walks, they feed it cheap unhealthy food, let the dog be overweight, not getting it vet care, not bothering to give it the bare minimum training, etc. meanwhile, it seems like other pet owners, particularly those who own animals like fish, rodents, and reptiles, are the ones who go over the top. i find the common dog owner mindset of roleplaying(?) being very attached to your animal while not actually taking care of it to be very obscure and stunted.
No. 2095468
>>2095391You hit the nail on the head
nonny, the delusion and narcissism of the average dog owner knows no bounds. They gloat about muh precious fur baby while simultaneously neglecting its every need from basic nutrition to general excersice, it explains why they go out of their way to kill their owners or their children.
No. 2095890
>>2094682They will learn in time. Sadly it'll either be their child or their pet that pays the price for such deliberate blindness.
I don't even hate dogs in general, just shit breeds that continue to kill.
No. 2096856
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Listen, I don't know a lot about dogs but I know that ain't no labrador kek
No. 2096925
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>handsome boy
This is legit one of the fugliest fucking piece of shit shitbulls I’ve ever seen, lmao
No. 2096965
>>2096925do you spend your spare time looking up picrtures of pitbulls or what? you're always making the same posts
>>2096938these groups definitely overlap, that's usually how babies and toddlers end up getting mauled by family dogs. look at all the social media posts itt where people pose their baby with big ass dangerous dogs.
No. 2097003
File: 1721455614031.png (918.6 KB, 720x1231, almond.png)

>>2096925>AlmondHe should be renamed to mauler the ugly motherfucker
No. 2097006
>>2097003This is so creepy
nonny I feel like it is trying to steal my soul
No. 2097043
File: 1721463116854.jpg (Spoiler Image,34.31 KB, 661x356, good luck pitbull pussy juice.…)

Pitbull breeders are so fucking gross.
Not embedding because the thumbnail is very NSFW. vid
>Guy jacks off a heaving shitbull male>Camera guy exclaims "oooh, daaaamn!" as it thrusts and cums into the collection pouch>Barehanded rubs a female pitbull between her engorged, overbred pussy and her asshole while he injects the freshly collected semen >Holds her in a position to prevent her >Keeps rubbing her so that she doesn't want to escape>Reinserts the insemination tube with a suspicious amount of in-and-out motion>"shoot that air in there" >pitbull gets bored/overstimulated/whatever and tries to leave>he sticks his thumb in her vagina >"you feel her clenching on your thumb, you know she's taking it in. you wanna do that for at least 30 minutes." I won't pretend to know anything about artificial insemination, but this can't be correct.
Drinking game: Click through videos uploaded this channel and by various commenters' pitbull channels, and drink every time you see obvious animal abuse or animal aggression. Take a shot every time animal abuse is evident just from the thumbnail.
No. 2097061
File: 1721465077301.jpg (19.93 KB, 525x385, 20240720_014404.jpg)

>>2097043Why did I read that
No. 2097162
File: 1721476462664.jpg (11.81 KB, 500x392, images-1.jpg)

>>2097043Wtf did I just read……..
No. 2097323
File: 1721488243760.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1170x1708, IMG_1754.jpeg)

Back to the autistic picture posting, here’s some more mental illness spotted on twitter, the way pitfags humanise (sometimes to the point of sexualising) their ugly mutts is absolutely unhinged
No. 2097324
File: 1721488391359.jpeg (260.45 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_1755.jpeg)

Of fucking course they’re not specifying why this thing can no longer live with other dogs
No. 2097334
File: 1721489418010.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1470, IMG_1756.jpeg)

Since when was a shitbull a “cattle dog”? The lies and minimising of aggression just gets more egregious
No. 2097360
File: 1721491347264.jpg (273.05 KB, 1480x1200, 1721432356206.jpg)

Ok so I got redtext for putting this in the "wrong thread" (I put it in the bad parenting thread because personally, only a neglectful parent would allow a puppy to chew 5 fingers off an infant) but i'll put it here as I guess its the right one?
No. 2097369
>>2097360Lmao I think they banned you because the dogfags are on overdrive "looking out" for
uwu dog hate also they better had put that beast down, absolutely horrifying
No. 2097382
File: 1721492578403.jpg (1.07 MB, 2181x2168, coworkers-cat-mauled-by-a-resc…)

>tl:dr version
>Get dog for free because shelter is desperate to get rid of this dog
>Doesnt make it clear if the shelter told them it was a boxer/bulldog mix or they assumed it was
>Bring it home, their cat hisses and or/swipes at it
>Dog kills cat in front of whole family, oldest child and wife are a mess
>They had to get tetnus shots from the fight
>Animal control had to take the dog away
I swear people need to do their research but also these shelters are being shitty because I've heard too many stories of dogs that are clearly pitbulls (like this one) being adopted out as another breed.
No. 2097396
File: 1721493073484.jpg (57.48 KB, 504x668, shop dont adopt.jpg)

I'm just posting this here before the article, tell me nonna's even from the blurry pic here is anyone fooled that this is a pointer?
No. 2097398
File: 1721493177749.jpg (Spoiler Image,411.07 KB, 1948x1470, this is why you dont trust she…)

>>2097396Ok so they admit its a mix, can you guess the dog they say this "pointer" is mixed with?
No. 2097738
>>2097369I think you may be right nonna, which is ironic because I clearly blamed the parents in that thread-just goes to show dogfags are their own worst enemy!
>>2097391They said because it was a puppy it could not be held accountable for its actions, however I was shocked to find articles of pits killing adults and not being put down but adopted back out. I dont know the law but im confused as to why that would be legal.
>>2097715I think the parents should have had the child taken away too.
No. 2097822
>>2097715>>2097713Or taking them out to an abandoned field or lot and permanently disposing of them, rather than bringing them back to shelters to be unloaded onto another unsuspecting
victim. When will we, as a society, get our collective shit together and realize that the only cure for these grotesque wastes of space is removing them from existence entirely? Someone should start a class action lawsuit against the pit advocate cult who're definitely in bed with the BYBers because their deliberate efforts to spread misinformation have cost countless lives and gotten us into this mess. The breeders deserve life in prison.
No. 2097932
>>2097708Our neighbor has a staffy named Rocky. One bedroom apartment in a city btw.
When my husband first moved in, the dog had pushed its way behind him into our apartment and went straight for the cat food bowl.
Thank god it was too retarded to notice our cat.
No recall, neighbor doesn't put him on a leash at all. Often hear him screaming ROCKY ROCKY disappearing down the street.
Tried to convince my husband to let the dog "meet" the cat to see what happens. Husband said thats not happening. Neighbor got mad. Braindead dog owners.
No. 2097934
>>2097382>We were terrified he would get the baby nextTake the infant into another room?
Dont get a rejected shitbull 6 year old dog for free to bring home to the house with a cat and infant?
I wish the father was mauled instead of the innocent cat.
OH and the dog was leashed when he met the cat, but still somehow killed the cat? HUH?
No. 2097943
File: 1721536275060.png (46.83 KB, 360x474, 1684695764340.png)

>>2097382>the cat must've nipped him or something court dismissed, it was the cats fault it got disemboweled. This pupper is still a certified good boy.
No. 2097977
File: 1721539286338.jpg (65.96 KB, 900x500, Brwon-Dog-and-Black-Dog-Smilin…)

So american bullies and pitbulls are different breeds? I thought they were the same No. 2098018
File: 1721544963806.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1170x2314, IMG_1758.jpeg)

The “cruel law” in question is forcing these repugnant shitbeasts to wear a muzzle in public, pitnutters are so fucking unhinged No. 2098025
File: 1721545667738.jpeg (95.42 KB, 638x903, IMG_1759.jpeg)

Once again they’re calling a fully grown shitbull a puppy and not specifying what the “behavioural issues…” are. As another nona said, there needs to be a class action against these motherfuckers
No. 2098035
>>2098025>the love of a gentle family>he comes with some behavioural issuesIt's so ridiculously reckless of shelters to promote this beast as a family dog. Traumatised pitbulls are a completely lost cause.
I'm afraid of big dogs, especially those who are bred to maul people, but I cannot stand little designer dogs running around yapping without a leash. Where I live dogs must be kept in leashes during the spring and summer, whenever I walk past and owner and see a dog without a leash running around I casually remind them of this and they always get offended. It's crazy. And it's mainly shitbull owners or people with the tiniest and most rabid designer dogs that get the angriest. Kek the nonnas in these threads have strengthened my resolve to keep calling them out. I wish it was mandatory to wear a leash all year around, and even though most dog owners already do this because we live in a city, there are always someone bound to be completely retarded.
No. 2098150
File: 1721564840280.jpeg (95.57 KB, 570x247, IMG_1834.jpeg)

I would find behavior like this on reddit. Dog sycophants and autists should be banned from the internet altogether.
No. 2098157
>>2098150I made an online friend here off of friend finder who I got along with super well and she terminated our friendship because I felt bad for a lady who got her face mauled off, and insisted I was a horrible person.
It's sort of remind me of the tiger king type of feverish devotion to a deadly animal, like the one worker who was proud to get their arm ripped off by a tiger. At least big cats have controlled laws and don't walk around off leash kek. I wonder if they'd ever be able to argue how not being allowed to privatley own a even a bobcat is for general public safety, but dangerous breeds of dogs are perfectly fine and arr marketed to live in family homes.
>inb4 ""training""No one trains their dogs truly, every dog I see is pulling their owner and walking them.
No. 2098160
>>2097382Pitbulls are so fucking scrote coded. Angry and violent. Any pain and trauma inflicted on everyone else is the fault of someone else
triggering them. Cats (female coded) are the one at fault even though it's 3 times smaller and was defensive for a obvious reason. I would have took a sledgehammer to it's face if some disgusting dog attacked my cat. But of course people have a tendency to value dogs more than cats. Just like we do with scrotes.
No. 2098321
File: 1721575580170.jpg (286.48 KB, 1080x1742, Screenshot_20240722-012125_Fac…)

Seeing overweight animals in general makes me seething mad, but dogs that already have breathing issues being morbidly obese is even more disturbing.
In the video the stupid bitch is saying "the vet said I can't give you any more donuts. I can't give you a donut, you have to diet".
Then you have fat people in the comments saying to give that baby a donut.
What the fuck is wrong with people??
No. 2098324
File: 1721575801216.jpg (462.57 KB, 1076x1896, Screenshot_20240722-012754_Fac…)

>>2098321Samefagging but I checked her other videos and she dresses this ugly creature up in costumes. Seeing women protecting their maternal craving for children onto dogs is creepy as fuck.
No. 2098342
File: 1721577080952.webp (1 MB, 2203x2938, pTNiN1yyly8NeDIyeeSac3dk7eKic7…)

>>2098321>What the fuck is wrong with people??Everything Nonna, everything.
>>2098324>women protecting their maternal craving for children onto dogs is creepy as fuckI think the same. The entire trend of treating pets as the lower-tier commitment type of children is making me sick. I get it, it's expensive to have a child these days, it's impossible to buy a house, but treating pets as a substitute is just insanity. It's also reeking of some kind of psychopathy, because the pet can't refuse or protest you projecting on them. It's just sick on so many levels the more you think about it. Weirdly parasocial behaviour.
When I see people putting pugs in strollers and dresses, getting them dog-sitters… I just can't. Wtf.
No. 2098464
File: 1721583307847.png (54.02 KB, 837x295, 1539016254071.png)

Shelters truly are terrible for lying and misleading potential adopters about the background and history of the dog.
I would never trust a shelter to accurately report history/behavior. Most of the money they make is from the exchange of animals, so having them come back and forth is allowing them to "double dip".
No. 2098468
File: 1721583528313.png (93.31 KB, 842x488, 1539016443609.png)

No. 2098469
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No. 2098470
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No. 2098472
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No. 2098476
File: 1721583743399.png (72.02 KB, 836x404, 1539196061032.png)

No. 2098752
File: 1721593795063.jpg (49.13 KB, 859x138, pitparent.jpg)

>>2098150>Accuses people who posts in these threads of sperging on other threads>Meanwhile this idiots have been sperging all over /meta/ screaming this thread needs to be bannedIm starting to believe that these dog owners really have maggots for brains because what the hell is this kek
No. 2098765
>>2097977"Pit bull" is not a breed, it's a breed type, like "shepherd". Encompasses a bunch of breeds including: Bully XL, Bull Arab, American Bulldog, American Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and other deformed "breeds" like microbullies and exotic bullies. Even boxers and french bulldogs are pit bull type. Many of those listed "breeds" aren't even recognised by (real) kennel clubs or the FCI (the largest breed registry), theyre just inbred mixmeat mutts with staffordshire terrier/american pbt/bull-and-terrier ancestry and retention of the very worst of those breed traits.
>>2098157>No one trains their dogs truly, every dog I see is pulling their owner and walking them.absolutely true. I honestly think this has to do with the real hardline anti-negative reinforcement trend dogfags have fallen for. Obviously mindlessly beating an animal is a retarded scrote move, but anyone I have known who has worked in dog training (in scent, k9, or livestock contexts) used a mixture of negative and positive reinforcement from a very early age. Working dogs aren't exactly "sociable" but they at least have a sense of decorum and boundaries in public (except sheepdogs ime who tend to just treat you like another sheep which is very annoying).
No. 2098801
>>2098468jesus, it takes killing "a couple" or "several" cats for shelters to cave and euth these fucking monsters.
>>2098782im open to that, but imo it's a fair call as french bulldogs are descended from english bull-and-terriers (like all pitbull types) and boxers are even more closely related being directly descended from british bulldogs (precursor to staffies). boxers i have known have had similar shitty neurotic temperaments. obviously french bulldogs have lower bite rates and are less harmful, but im sure microbullies and exotic bullies are similar, it's just lucky theyre so small and fucked up.
No. 2098825
File: 1721595415083.webp (Spoiler Image,106.37 KB, 1080x1002, the-kind-of-warnings-necessary…)

And to think dog owners love it when dogs lick their faces…
No. 2098911
File: 1721598162663.jpg (306.81 KB, 1894x1127, triggered idiot.jpg)

>>2098179Nonna this is the reply-this retard is sperging out at me because im not someone else despite the fact she replied to my posts and there is a lot of projections
This is truly eye opening, did not know dog owners could be this retarded or so easily
No. 2099132
>>2098160I guarantee that's why the son wanted one. The small penis crisis starts as soon as they realize there are two sexes. If the shelter had been full of miniature poodles the cat would still be alive today.
>>2098476It's telling that the author of these had to directly call out idiotic fosters/volunteers in half of them.
No. 2099154
File: 1721609704688.jpeg (438.92 KB, 1170x758, IMG_1762.jpeg)

>>2099087Especially when they post shit like this, but we’re the unhinged ones
(dragging infights ) No. 2099174
>>2099154I'm a pitbull hater but I see where she's coming from tbh. We do have some unhinged anons here like
>>2097043 I hope nobody ever posts shit like this again kek
No. 2099200
>>2099198So we just takes thing out of context? I was saying i was never fucking talking about her stupid post about the pitbull eating the babies fingers. I never replied to it, i dont give a fuck about her complaint over her post. But sure, go ahead and act like I’m literally talking about the news story and not her getting mad that I replied to
a different post complaining they got banned.
No. 2099694
>>2099200Just so everyone here knows this idiot
>>2099200is the one who posted this
>>2098150 in /meta/ was gloating about getting people here banned for posting "doghate" outside this thread but lost her shit when questioned about this post getting redtexted
>>2097360 and then proceeds to go "I never got any posts banned"
I have no idea why dogfags are so desperate for our approval and lie about shit they bragged about previously but its becoming clear the crap they say about us is projection.
No. 2099944
File: 1721663998181.webp (65.14 KB, 787x1055, kid89jvf83951.webp)

>Shitbull mauls her face requiring surgery
>"It was an accident, he didnt mean it !"
Whoever said here shitbulls and moids are the same is true because this sounds like a battered wife making excuses for their abusive partner why would any sane person put themselves through this?!
No. 2100083
File: 1721668180318.jpeg (171.17 KB, 945x2048, GTF93E_XUAAPrii.jpeg)

I propose to exterminate all the shitbulls
No. 2100358
File: 1721677871358.webp (229.62 KB, 828x1272, oh-noooo-yall-disgusting-v0-q1…)

Ewww noooo WHYYY?!
No. 2100426
>>2099694I think they just wanna
"le epic owned uwu" on us for whatever reason because it is at least 2 retards for what I could understand from their screeching on meta
No. 2100493
>>2100465And they also seem to be hunting around ot looking for any "dog hate" like
>>2098632 and
>>2098997 stated
No. 2101138
File: 1721730650745.jpeg (76.15 KB, 1080x720, poyddrllrvcd1.jpeg)

>>2100870Kek ily too nonna, the funny thing is most dog owners hate shitbull owners and pitty moms know that which is probably why they are the most rabid (just like their inbred mutts kek)
No. 2101155
File: 1721732369102.jpeg (167.96 KB, 651x906, IMG_1766.jpeg)

More retardation from twitter, no matter how hard the shelters try to sell these ugly shitbeasts they can’t help making them sound unappealing as fuck
No. 2101926
File: 1721767665362.jpg (197.54 KB, 1348x1138, mauled.jpg)

Poor kid is scarred for life.
No. 2102001
File: 1721772231660.jpg (144.87 KB, 1030x990, mauled2.jpg)

>>2101944Nonna calm down. Its the children's hospital therapy dog and is not the same breed as the ones who attacked him. According to the video he also wanted to meet her.
No. 2102012
File: 1721772660228.jpg (80.37 KB, 434x566, dog owners.jpg)

Why are dog owners so insufferable and think they are better than everyone?
No. 2102069
>>2101928Dog owners are cancerous.
Mostly pit owners, though. Like 98%
of shitty dog owners are pit owners.
We need some dictator to get rid of this shit.
No. 2102099
>>2101926>>2102001These people should be charged for attempted murder when this happens, I literally don’t care. All breeds are capable of being demonic. A lot of these hospitals put these fucking “emotional” service animals instead of human-to-human enrichment, more proof that many dog lovers are sociopathic in nature.
>>2102053>poor boy I don’t feel sorry for males even if they’re babies.
No. 2102336
File: 1721790058958.jpeg (144.25 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1767.jpeg)

Turkey is honestly so based for this
No. 2102400
File: 1721795100629.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x1603, IMG_1772.jpeg)

From Turkey, this is so fucking disgusting, imagine going into a homewares store and seeing some filthy stray shitbeasts on the merchandise. In this video the shop girl tries to shoo the repugnant mutts off the bed and one of them to bite her, I fucking hate all dogs so fucking much, this isn’t cute or funny, it’s repulsive No. 2102407
>>2102404Nah stray cats are nasty vermin too
No. 2102415
>>2101502kek reminds me of a guy i know who treats his dog like a child to the point he's torpedoing his relationsip of 10 years. his dog is untrained and pounces on people trying to climb them. he was so offended i slightly recoiled that he went with the dog to another room to console it.
the dog is one of these shity little lap things with barely more sentience than a stuffed toy.
>>2102069nah dog owners suck not just the pit owners
>>2102369you're right. sure pits are monsters but that doesn't mean we should give other dogs and their retarded owners a pass. i hate how you're not allowed even the slightest expression of distate or they jump down your throat.
No. 2102452
>>2102445Sentient animals that don’t contribute to anything and actually kill children and people. I guess you value those beasts than actual human beings which makes me side eye your priorities.
>there are millions of people who could disappear without the rest of the world giving a fuck or even noticing as wellBingo, you have misanthropic/sociopathic tendencies. Those dead people had family, friends, people that did care about them before they died. Even if many didn’t have those things it doesn’t make them more invaluable than stupid stray mutts who go in packs biting and attacking unsuspecting citizens.
No. 2102486
File: 1721800115409.jpg (581.61 KB, 2939x1959, Calico.JPG)

Would you kill her?(derailing)
No. 2102562
>>2102558Can confirm, I live in Melbourne Australia and even the amount of retards who have their dogs walk without a leash IN THE CITY is ridiculous. Long busy roads where you dont have the option to quickly cross the road to get away from dogs if you dont like them. Of course none of them have any recall. I'm surprised I'm not seeing any smooshed dogs on the side of the road from it.
Cafes have street tables and owners have their dogs across the cross walk so you have to step over or awkwardly maneuver around them.
I say "excuse me can you move your dog its in the walkway" and they always give me the shittiest glare.
No. 2103398
>>2103338Yeah that's why I asked because I haven't seen one post here of nonna's gushing over their dogs and thought maybe I missed it. Also its like you say a retarded reason to be assmad, pits get mentioned more because there's more info about them being shitty online. I posted the articles about the seal being killed by a smaller dog, nonna's should be allowed to submit whatever they like as long as its on topic I don't see the issue.
Anyway here's my contribution, I hate little yappy dogs who think they are intimdating so don't shut up. I also hate their owners for not controlling them, I wouldn't blame the horse if it tried to trample it.
No. 2103410
>>2101502Kek, thank you!
>>2102415I took a break from a 5 year friendship because she adopted a dog from the shelter. It was a black lab, but she never trained of disciplined it, so it would jump on the furniture and growl when I got too close to her 'spot' on the couch. After that, I only saw her once a year or two until the dog died. Hate dog owners who dont discipline their shit dogs
No. 2103414
>>2103250jfc that's so scary.
>>2102336If only the U.S/states would follow suit. I hate how many stray animals we have here, but ofc there are always idiots who want to feed the strays and attract more. They're all vermin
No. 2103662
>>2103653The worst thing is that this showed up on the suppoedly child friendly side of youtube.
This is one video that covers it, not about dogs specifically but in general although dogs are in there. He doesnt show footage from the videos but the thumbnails and warning if you watch the thumbnails are disturbing enough.
No. 2103671
>>2103663It makes me so fucking angry how much our society caters to moids sick fetishes (I'm aware there are women who are just as mad but they are very few compared to moids) not a surprise that most animal abusers and fuckers are moids but online culture tries to pretend most dog fuckers are female.
>>2103666Sorry I deleted because I double posted. Yes smaller animals torture are seen as entertainment to these drains on society, at the risk of being banned I think its the moids who make videos and channels like this that need to be culled.
No. 2103677
>>2103662moids are necrophilic in nature and obsessed with killing and death. a snake eating a rabbit would be the natural process just like a woman having a miscarriage, they love trying to replicate the beautiful natural process of death and bastardizing it into a sadistic past time or entertainment. kill all men and kill all dog owning men who love to go to public places like the beach with their nasty stinky shitbulls and having them use those outdoor water showers to get off the sea water i fucking hate that faggot from months ago when i saw that
>>2103671there are creepy female dog fuckers too if you go down the rabbithole, they probably arent as common as moid beastiality but you can go and search it up on youtube of videos that are supposed to be for normies but it’s comps of these women kissing up and sucking the tongues of their mutts it’s sooo gross. i just saw a video of this girl sucking the actual tongue of her dog, there are many weirdo women who are in love and molest their beasts
No. 2103685
>>2103677Thats used as an example, but in the video he goes on to talk about how they feed some of the exotic pets animals they wouldnt usually eat because they are from a different part of the world. I just found it too upsetting when theres certain channels that specialise in feeding baby animals to exotic ones, moids are too fucking cruel.
Theres also a belief the deliberately starve these animals (this appeared to be the case with the dogs) to make the videos even more violent. Im still fuming that youtube refuses to ackowledge theres even a problem.
No. 2104045
>>2102566Hello fellow Melbanon! I live near a dog park that has a child area, I'm hoping once I give birth no retards try to bring their dogs into the fenced off area for babies/children that has no pets sign on it.
The neighbor next door has some yappy little cunt of a dog that barks and barks and barks all the time regardless of if the owner is home. The owner leaves her balcony door open even overnight so the little asshole can sit out there and yap at literally nothing, truly nothing there. I wish once my baby is her I could funnel all of the babies cries directly into that bitches apartment. I hope it bothers her.
I've started yelling out "UH-AH" to get it to stop and on occasion since doing that the owner will do a half hearted "stop barking" but it keeps barking.
I used to enjoy my windows open/front door open but I cant now because if that little cunt sees any movement it yaps and yaps. I should start logging it or leave a note but I dont actually know what her apartment number is since you need a code to get into the stairway and the numbers are on the doors internally.
I posted further up about my immediate neighbor
>>2097932, surprisingly that dog doesnt bark really at all.
I dont even hate "all" dogs in general, but I hate that little cunt and every other dog owner that lets them off leash, roam or bark like that.
>>2102612Whoever says dogs should be allowed offleash around others should have their dogs removed from them. Truly a braindead take.
But you bet if I somehow managed to beat to death their dog thats gone after my child when we were minding out own business, I would be the awful one for harming their heckin goodest pupperino! Most owners who say their dog is train, isnt, the dog just isnt actively running away from them.
No. 2104315
>>2103695True nonna, he also says that in the video. This is why I dont believe in equal rights, a lot of these moids need to be vetted and not be here at all.
>>2103758It says in the video-the men who make these videos lie when they go to pet stores to get live rabbits/guinea pigs/hamsters etc. Yes these men are psychopaths but we are expected to live with them in "civilised" society.
Like I accidently saw a bit of these videos because there was a lot of "dog becomes friends with small animal" crap on youtube and it was a dog eating live baby rabbits. Ruined my christmas, still angry about it.
No. 2105346
File: 1721979430249.jpg (421.18 KB, 1944x1379, fucking clown.jpg)

>>2104543Seriously though hes a waste of space and oxygen look at this dickhead
No. 2105370
File: 1721983632278.jpeg (956.73 KB, 1170x1872, IMG_1795.jpeg)

The pitfaggots of Twitter are so deranged with their attempts to uwu-ify these shitbeasts, lmao
>he dressed for the occasion!
No. 2105371
File: 1721983692406.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x1767, IMG_1796.jpeg)

>>2105370And their insanity extends to other animals as well, jesus fucking christ. They’re fucking animals you retards
No. 2105375
>>2105351>he is very excited That lip licking and panting is a sign of stress, that is a dog on the verge of snapping
>pit mix It looks like a pure shitbull to me
No. 2105380
File: 1721984229404.jpeg (364.08 KB, 1170x1260, IMG_1799.jpeg)

>>2105351Every single comment is saying something to the effect of this, not one single positive one, good to see people aren’t falling for this shit
No. 2105426
File: 1721989869323.jpg (579.13 KB, 2405x1529, dog racism yall.jpg)

This one made me kek
No. 2105902
>>2105371Gorgeous valuable animal vs
>>2105370 retarded disgusting abomination
No. 2106042
File: 1722021952590.jpeg (36.71 KB, 750x493, IMG_7508.jpeg)

No. 2106497
It annoys me that idiots like this make out they are being so good for "saving" a violent animal.
No. 2106533
This is absolutely rediculous. This lady is trying to spin this in a positive way-if you cannot control your dog DONT HAVE ONE. This is my biggest peeve stupid fucking owners getting huge dogs but cannot control them how many poles are there like, this is so stupid.
No. 2106547
After seeing this story i'm guess its this dog
>>2105351 because he "likes to watch the kids get on the school bus" kek
No. 2106696
>>2106497This is hands down one of the most hideous things I’ve ever seen in my life, holy shit. It looks so evil, its face
triggers my survival instinct and I instantly want to put a bullet in its ugly ass head
No. 2107121
File: 1722070224369.jpg (321.7 KB, 1080x1919, Screenshot_20240727-184626_Fac…)

The absolute cope in the comment section.
No. 2107150
>>2107121I’m no expert on mutts but saying that the shitbull in this video is “grinning” because it’s “very happy” sounds completely fucking deranged and likely to get someone maimed or killed
No. 2107252
it shat all over the bed YUCKKKKK
i don’t want a dog but that’s why i’ve always thought it was disgusting to have them trample all over your bed and drool/shit/piss/vomit in it. and i know for a fact that these dog people don’t bother washing their dogs often enough they just let them all up in the bed its so gross. then they let them all on their couches too. if i ever had a dog it would specifically be a working breed that likes living on farms and stays outside which i will never live on one so that will never happen
No. 2107261
File: 1722085212861.jpg (3.08 MB, 3072x4080, IMG_20240725_171716.jpg)

I will shoot your fucking dog
No. 2107268
>>2107250>Returned twice for biting >Continues to bite>Got professional training, didnt work>Gets put on medication to stop his behavior >"He has not bitten anyone in 34 days"You really cant make this shit up lmao
>>2107251Why the fuck would you think to take out your phone and show your dog shit covered bed?
>Show me your bad dog, I dont want to see any of these good boys and girls>>2107261I feel for mail men/women. I'd be chuckin the package over the fence and hoping the dog rips it apart
No. 2107455
>>2107150Ha! So, pitbulls only give 'happy grins' and non-pitbulls only give 'stress grins'? They aren't slick.
>>2107252Nasty. Don't animals usually sleep/rest in a different area from where they shit and piss?
No. 2107459

>>2107150>>2107252Ugh I saw these a while back dog culture is a fucking disease.
>>2107250>>2107268This really sounds like more DARVO shit why the hell put yourself through all that?!
Also my step dad used to work as a delivery driver. One day he had an issue with a dog barking and trying to bite him and he asked the owner to put the dog away and he said "dont fucking tell me what to do on my own property" so my step dad said he will not be delivering anything to him ever again. Anyway he laughed and thought we cant do that.
When my stepdad left the company 3 months later his manager told him before he went the guy he stopped delivering to had complained several times about not getting parcels but they told him they are not Royal Mail, they have no obligation to deliver to
abusive households or those where there is a risk the drivers could be injured. Last we heard he was trying to sue the company to no avail.
I really hate shit like this this is not funny just watching it makes me mad
No. 2107471
>>2107461Thats because scrotes piss and even shit everywhere (there's that video of a guy shitting behind a restaurant, the owner came out and made him carry it away with his own bare hands) like you say, scrotal priorities (but we are supposed to let them lead us LMAO)
>>2107463Better yet just put the fucker down. I hear of so many other animals getting put down/refused shelter (our local RSPCA would not help us rehome an orphaned squirrel because they were over run dealing with dumped dogs we had to travel to an animal sanctuary in a different county and do it ourselves.
>>2107465He was such a good manager I know how rare those are but as someone who has worked in customer service we have managers who get off on telling entitled customers to fuck off kek.
This is my biggest issue with dogs and their owners. The entitlement-they are just like entitled parents who think the world has to cater to their ~uwu~ family and never accept when they are at fault. I will say again, dog culture is a disease.
No. 2107598
No. 2107820
File: 1722117395495.jpg (Spoiler Image,204.88 KB, 861x1346, 4515415185.jpg)

>Looking up #cute animals on tiktok
>Come across an image that looks strange-must be my eyes, click on video
>No its not my eyes, this dog is literally nightmare fuel
>Go to her channel
>She has several video bitching that people bully her "differently abled dog"
>Maybe dont put this dog in the #cute tag when its a jump scare
>A lot of comments saying how the dog is cute and so precious
>This reminds me how women cape for ugly men who would never do the same for them
No. 2107909
File: 1722119862663.jpg (153.88 KB, 1472x773, Untitled.jpg)

Thats my problem and what I suspect this comment was under another video that I cannot link but it shows a man who talks about how agressive dogs just need to be shown violence while the dog he is talking about is in a cage trying to bite him through the bars.
I really hate to be overly cynical, I think this woman probably does care for this dog but I hate this attitude that a lot of dog owners have that everyone who doesnt think the way they do about their dogs are awful people and they are morally superior. She cannot be shocked at some peoples reaction especially after spamming this in the #cuteanimals tag
No. 2108272
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>why go to Turkey if there are no dogs and cats?
Because stinking, mangy mutts and felines are the reason why people travel to different countries. Absolute brain rot.
No. 2108285
This piece of shit moid needs CPS called on him immediately
No. 2108290
This is absolutely psychotic, no hyperbole. And of course the hideous shitbull is called “nala”. I hate these faggots so much, they need to be exterminated along with their shitbeasts
No. 2108862
File: 1722183862475.jpg (151.96 KB, 1080x771, Screenshot_20240712_065055_Bra…)

>>2108285This was posted in the last thread and last I heard he had deleted it after getting backlash. So he reuploaded it and now it only had positive comments hmm, interesting!
Some people suspected that parent thats do this actually hate their kids and want shit like
>>2108290 to happen irl (not surprised she turned off comments) call me OTT but I would call child services on people who post this shit online and try to play it off like a joke.
No. 2109496
File: 1722219939585.webp (104.44 KB, 720x1005, owner-proud-that-his-pit-kille…)

Typical shitbull owner.
No. 2109581
File: 1722225129568.jpeg (651.24 KB, 1170x835, IMG_1816.jpeg)

>half a year in shelter
>history a mystery
>no kids or other animals
>”i PrEfEr To CaLL tHe ShOtS!!11!!”
Putting shitbeasts like this up for adoption should be illegal
No. 2110333
File: 1722285508013.jpg (145.97 KB, 1028x593, pitaganda-toys-gone-too-far-v0…)

Starting off the propaganda young I see. I dont understand why this breed has its own lobby given there are over 300 breeds and afaik they dont have people going as hard for them as pitbulls do. Whats that about?
No. 2111197
File: 1722317950657.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1170x1924, IMG_1827.jpeg)

>returned 3 times
>people didn’t appreciate his playful nature!
Something tells me that this isn’t the whole story, or even half of it
No. 2112632
File: 1722385074091.jpg (Spoiler Image,292.66 KB, 1268x912, kid mauled.jpg)

>>2111588Its stuff like this that pisses me off when the incessant dog fags who stalk this thread take it personally trying to make out we are the crazy ones for not being so ~uwu~ over their hairy shitbeast boyfriends.
(spoiler this) No. 2113018
Shitty dog owners bragging about how their dogs are killing random cats
No. 2113299
>>2111197>returned 3xKill it already and put the resources towards stray and abandoned animals that actually have potential
>>2109496Like attracts like
No. 2113310
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No. 2114045
File: 1722455247667.jpg (226.11 KB, 1050x573, too many.jpg)

>>2113426Yeah I was shocked to learn this but also found out pitbulls can have large litters so it woudnt take long for them to infest the place they are in
No. 2114855
File: 1722499114661.jpeg (331.83 KB, 1178x1519, IMG_1848.jpeg)

>>2114851Bully breeders are so fucking degenerate it’s unreal
No. 2114860
File: 1722499230078.jpeg (595.94 KB, 1500x1900, IMG_1849.jpeg)

Absolutely deranged
No. 2114862
>>2114855The shitstains in the background..
>>2114860I'm sorry but this image is peak autism.
No. 2114873
File: 1722500127676.jpeg (120.88 KB, 447x549, IMG_1847.jpeg)

>>2114862I know right, it’s actually kind of hilarious. Like how can anyone take it seriously? My favourite thing about pixel is how the scrote looks just like his shitbulls
No. 2114902
>>2114855What the fuck is this schizophrenic rambling?
>>2114873>>2114860Is this dog fighting? What is this?
No. 2115335
File: 1722529278967.jpg (9.3 KB, 343x147, ppyramid skeem.jpg)

>>2114860for anons who havent enjoyed bullyfag milk before, the "2x" before whatever retarded name refers to how many times that specimen was inbred to produce the final product. this is advertising the litter of "homicide" (the sire) and "lil ting" (the dam). "homicide's" father is also its grandfather, "grch chumper". "lil ting" is in the same position but with "venom".
>>2114902its a "kennel club" specifically for "exotic bullies" aka deformed dwarf pitbulls. no normal kennel clubs (the word normal is doing a lot of heavy lifting here, i know… basically kennel clubs regulated by the FCI) recognise these atrocities as breeds so they need their own organisations in order to promote the breeding and selling (this part is key). picrel is an ancient fb cap from one of the most infamous inbred lines of this "breed" (toadline) and is truly iconic.
>its kinda like a pyramid skeempure pottery, really this cap is all you need to understand this phenomenon kek
No. 2115778
>>2114851The irony is the moids who are breeding these are doing so to make "tougher" looking dogs but as you can see at best people will say they are cute at worst that they look like they are in pain. No one seeing these dogs are thinking "ah yes this is a very frighting vicious dog and so clearly its owner must be an alpha male". No one is scared about being mauled by this frog-dog abomination.
>>2114864Proof that moids are fucking dumb too.
No. 2117816
File: 1722642565004.jpg (197.32 KB, 1170x1572, EEWWWWW.jpg)

No. 2120334
How it started
>Aww aggressive dogs just need LOOOOVVEEEE!!!!
No. 2120340
>>2120334How its going
>Well actually that was bullshit-turns out feeding an agressive shitbull cheese through bars does not in fact stop them from wanting to maul your face off so fuck showing them love lets use a shock collar and muzzleJust put the fucker down already whats the point its owner is in hospital and they intend to return it to her
No. 2120551
File: 1722756547677.jpg (104.24 KB, 657x482, y.jpg)

Dogs have more rights than humans in New Zealand. This is what your tax money is wasted on, Kiwis - paying for prison holidays for lazy low-class people. I hope you appreciate how much your government cares for you. No. 2120562
The comments on this disgusting video make me want to blow up the sun
No. 2120645
File: 1722765254354.jpg (694.28 KB, 1079x1279, Screenshot_20240804-194610_Chr…)

>>2120603Not that anon but people don't usually kill flightless defenceless birds. Humans have been living in NZ for ages and kiwi birds were fine up until retarded settlers thought to introduce completely new animals. You Euros and burgerfags don't understand that the native animals in Australia and New Zealand are not evolved at all to be able to combat cats, foxes, dogs, cane toads, feral pigs, rabbits, camels, deer etc. unlike your raccoons and bears. The animals were designed for harsh weather and isolation and thus didn't have any competition up until two hundred years ago.
>inb4 you hate cats!I cry when fictional cats get hurt but sometimes a fragile environment is more important than some strays who probably don't have the best quality of life either. Feral cats here often are underweight, are covered in parasites and suffering from dental problems and disease.
>>2120627Feral/wild dogs do get culled regularly in Oceania. In fact most people I know want them to be completely exterminated because seeing shredded up wallabies and wombats is understandably upsetting.
No. 2120733
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>>2120706Ah, of course a seppo would know more about the legal course of action regarding the killing of protected animals than someone who lives in the area. Though that second example was way too lenient.
No. 2120987
>>2120733Yeah, you'll have like 3 fines for posterity, with the majority of dog attacks generating nothing more than "great concern" and "reminder to own pets responsibly". If you seriously want me to believe that you prosecute every case like this - you're better off lying to someone who doesn't live next to a protected animal habitat. The fact that NZ even allows people to walk dogs in bird nesting areas at all, knowing damn well that it's dogfag culture to never follow leash rules, says all you need to know about how much they really care about birds.
I happen to live where sea turtles nest. Most beaches do not allow dogs. Guess which animal is routinely seen at the beach, digging up fenced off nests? No. 2123593
File: 1722909882007.jpeg (976.44 KB, 1170x2017, IMG_1869.jpeg)

Imagine if these lunatics had as much compassion for other human beings as they do for ugly, useless mutts
No. 2124240
File: 1722956893650.gif (908.96 KB, 386x230, crab-rave-meme-721301097.gif)

>>2123593Me when shitbulls die
Me when pithags/pitdicks cry about it
No. 2126521
File: 1723087710290.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1170x1953, IMG_1885.jpeg)

Pitfaggots need to be culled along with their shitbeasts(a-logging)
No. 2126522
File: 1723087744026.jpeg (1020.3 KB, 1170x1671, IMG_1884.jpeg)

Unprecedented levels of mental illness
No. 2126888
my dog don’t bite ass
No. 2126895
>>2126888The line between resource guarding and playful behavior is so thin I do not understand why people roughhouse with big dogs. Make them play fetch or do agility don't wrestle it and encourage it to bite literally provoking aggression? Even with small dogs it's not cute like the corgi attacking the cabbage gif, that dog is so stressed out and angry. Dogfags find that amusing because they are
abusive it's like bullying a retarded kid and laughing at them cry. Look at me I tricked my stupid dog into getting mad at a cabbage haha oh no it nipped my baby how could this have happened
No. 2127331
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>>2127215Not sure but it needs to be studied.
No. 2129840
File: 1723303175234.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x1733, IMG_1894.jpeg)

Yet another “got in a conflict with another dog”. This should be illegal. Look how fucking ugly it is too. I fucking hate shitbulls so much.
No. 2130314
File: 1723333936894.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1170x1572, IMG_1896.jpeg)

And every single one is a shitbull. Who the fuck is going to pay over a thousand dolllars to adopt one of these disgusting things?
No. 2130316
File: 1723334013770.jpeg (892.72 KB, 1170x1630, IMG_1897.jpeg)

>friendly with strangers
Which is it? Do these retards not see the contradiction here?
No. 2130341
File: 1723335925432.jpg (829.66 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20240810-192352_Duc…)

>>2130197It's literally this. Creepy how much overlap there is.
No. 2130479
File: 1723344630986.webp (199.14 KB, 1440x1920, Local humane society making mo…)

>>2130314I wonder if this is why the shitbull lobby goes so hard into trying to change this breeds accurate reputation as killing misery machines because like you say, why would anyone pay to have such a disgusting thing in their home if they were not sold as "sweet loverable cuddlebugs!!!" ?
Also pic related : pay $200 for a dog that the owners handed in to be euthanised because its dangerous and killed another dog in their home but the shelter thinks the dog "has potential" but also asks anyone adopting to sign a "behavour waiver" acknowledging this dog "cannot be left with other dogs or small children". The only potential I see here is another mauling. Maybe these shelters actually hate people and are trying to cull the population.
No. 2130737
File: 1723372121238.webp (222.32 KB, 1131x1600, another-one-v0-427rjhb8svhd1.w…)

>>2130497Oh they coming for her ass alright I hope she gets caught.
No. 2132243
File: 1723457885334.jpeg (356.55 KB, 1119x804, IMG_1907.jpeg)

Same fugly shitbeast, two very different bios. The one on the left is from Twitter, the one on the right is from the shelter.
No. 2132248
File: 1723458584529.jpeg (714.49 KB, 1121x965, IMG_1910.jpeg)

And again, left side from Twitter, right side from shelter. This kind of false advertising is why the uwu precious pibbles end up mauling cats and toddlers and no one saw it coming uwu
No. 2132623
File: 1723481390864.png (324.69 KB, 745x413, FETCHMETHEIRSOULS.png)