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No. 1923084

Screech into the oblivion. A place to say how you really feel without other people feeling entitled to give you shit for it.

>Don't respond to other people's rants. It's not about you, you vain bitch.

>Don't reply to the anon above you with a vague comment either. Even if you don't directly quote their post, you will be banned.
>Newfags please follow this rule and integrate. You will be reported if you insist on responding to other's posts. Previous threads had anons banned because of this.
>Not everything is about you. Stop schizofoiling.
>Don't forget to copy paste the OP onto the new thread.

Previous >>>/ot/1747132

No. 1923087


No. 1923093

I can fix it.

No. 1923438

You and your BITCH ASS. Whoever mf was replying to me I hope you go fuck yourself soon and surely! Whoever of you fatasses that was replying to me sounds broke, pressed and retarded, literally just communicate like a normal person and quit the bullshit you're customer support retard you're supposed to hand me the info that it's not available in the damn page that's why I'm asking YOU in the first place you moron. I don't know who put you in that job but you suck ass at it, acting all petty what the fuck is your problem bitch? Go and flip some burgers if you dislike this so much, you can't even communicate yourself then blame for asking shit. I can't believe your musty ass even dared to talk to me like that you're a total menace

No. 1923446

If autism makes me an absolute bitch so be it fuck you

No. 1923453

worry bout your teeth before you worry about me

No. 1923463

My life without you is so much better, no matter how healed you say you are, you have accountability in what happened. Yes I'm a bitch yes I'm evil. Without you it's like I can breathe again. Nothing has changed.

No. 1923478

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I can't stand the meme that women are over emotional or sensitive. I swear, you can bring up the most innocuous thing and men will blow it up in the most ridiculous and dramatic way then when you can't take it anymore they fucking act like you've been the unreasonable one all along. I'm fucking TIRED i haven't slept in two days, he is loafing around when it's been MONTHS of wanting to get out more and meet new friends. Like, fucking GO but also maybe realize there are chores that need to happen each day and its fucked up that it's either you are totally free to come and go as you please OR it's like I'm saying you can never leave if I ask you to do some things before you go so i'm not overwhelmed. What the fuck??? Don't expect me to have to arrange my entire day around taking care of literally EVERYTHING like I have nothing better to do. You say you want to help me make time for myself when my shit is ALWAYS either working, training, or household errands. I also can't stand how autistically he hates change. Like, can't even handle planning a fucking VACATION because he can't stand travel, even if it's car travel like he prefers. I'm just in a fucking bad mood in general from not sleeping but so fucking annoyed at his behavior. I understand he's depressed and been going through shit for a WHILE but then…go to therapy instead of allowing yourself to be stuck in a cycle you fucking HATE??

No. 1923512

When people say cats are better than people they're absolutely literally right

No. 1923540

I just want to let this story die and I'll be alright.

No. 1923553

Fuck you dumb piece of shit!!!

No. 1923586

why does everything have to turn into shit

No. 1923779

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Constantly being deceptive and lying about literally everything and victimizing yourself after you were an aggressor isnt "trolling", you dont insist upon yourself as an elaborate Megamind troll, you're literally just a liar.

No. 1923792

At the very least, the side by sides will be a very damning lesson to the people who supported you and trusted you implicitly just how manipulative a person can be with seemingly very little gain.

No. 1924358

I don't know if I'm being completely retarded but its very strange to me to see libertarians consider themselves capitalist. Isn't the focal point of libertarianism the personal, individual freedom? How the fuck can anyone achieve that under the capitalist system, where everyone except at the top is a slave for something they are only vaguely a part of. Do they not see how many people are forced to actually give up their dreams and wants and opt for careers that are not personally satisfying to them but whatever will make money, everyone but the lucky rich ones isn't free. You have no choice if the other option is going hungry or homeless. And also, since I do see a lot of them be somewhat conservative and complain about trans agenda yada yada, where do they think that came from? That because those lazy trannies call themselves commie, it means that the gender ideology is a product of communism? I don't get it and it's making me crazy. It feels so simple to me

No. 1924410

Everyone else noticed you changed both physically and mentally and nobody likes you anymore lol

No. 1924528

Being in your late 20s and still posting the most unfunny cooked attempts at incel metahumor deep fried papyrus family guy memes is bleak

No. 1924612

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you unironically believing a woman was genuinely "in love" with a weird creepy retarded 40 year old gincel is almost as funny as said gincel not realizing he was doxxed and under a magnifying glass from the very beginning ctfu so online you've really convinced yourself youre some sort of main character

No. 1925261

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I wasn't even trying to connect the dots on this I wish I had never figured it out, I feel like shit now.
Why can't I stop spiraling. Why can't I be fucking NORMAL. SMASH MY HEAD WITH A FUCKING ROCK.

No. 1925265

Whatever this was something I was just never supposed to know. Put it out of my mind. Forget forget forget.

No. 1925627

instacart moids cant get anything right. make your one braincell function for once and rope, idiot.

No. 1925632

I am glad these two fuckers are out of my life now.

No. 1925668

Literally even the most obvious of facetious misnomers get you so excited and confident in your own lies its so funny

No. 1925685

The goading will never work. Keep making a psychotic cunt of yourself.

No. 1925746

Trevon Sellers is very you.

No. 1925880

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Rotating cubes in 3d is amazing.

No. 1925882

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It's hilarious that you are incapable of controlling yourself and have to try to make hints at your abuse fetish known to everyone its like you cannot help yourself. Ugly cunt.

No. 1925888

Remember that there is concrete proof of you saying you are an adult that came to your own conclusion fully independently when you begin your victim arc of crying and saying you were gwoomed and manipulated into taking part in all that nasty shit.

No. 1925971

I’m not, in fact, exceptional.

No. 1926152

You overvalue your own opinion on things to the point that you constantly chimp out and try to put your passive aggressive two cents in about literally everything in the most schizophrenic way possible. Are you even capable of having conversations with people that don't end in you trying to flex some weird faux moral superiority? When you refuse to empathize with or humanize people you immediately jump to attacking them instead and it makes you look like a sped. Most people learn things through earnest interaction, not you screaming about things you couldn't converse about out loud without crying because people ask real questions and want to learn in a genuine way, not have some asshole who spends 13 hours a day on their laptop and pc condescending them and purposely taking everything they say flippantly out of context because anyone you don't like is an enemy rather than being capable of having any neutrality or maturity about anything. It's either you're desperate for the approval of people who remind you of your elementary school bullies or you're going out of your way to bully and verbally berate and condescend people to feel the shitty little dopamine rush from being a bully. You want to be a bully and a rude bitch soo bad but the only way you can do so is by pretending everyone fails morally so that gives you an excuse to insult them and call them names to feel better about yourself. The truth is, you just want to insult people and call them names because you're a nasty person, and hiding behind your moral compass is the only way you can berate people without repercussion. If you really only cared about trying to teach people things (something you aren't qualified to do anyways) you wouldn't immediately devolve into demeaning women because you yourself are empty and insecure. You just want an excuse to bully people, idk why you don't just admit it makes you feel good because you're a bitch lol always have to try to manipulate the angle so you're a victim and everyone else is some evil entity you're fighting against. Really just speedrunning yourself into literal schizophrenia.

No. 1926190

Like you genuinely just love being angry and cunty because of how understimulated you are and how solitary and isolated your life is. Your entire life revolves around the internet and that would make literally anyone mentally ill and deranged. Turn that shit off. So annoying

No. 1926222

sometimes when you’re cruel to me, i get this sense that deep inside you actually do care about me and don’t just completely want me dead. i wish you could talk to me normally instead of constantly demeaning me. i would like to be kind to you and to try and fix the things about myself that make you so angry.

No. 1926232

My post wasn't about a lolcow user I dont know you fuck off

No. 1926245

I keep waiting for a shoe to drop and not only will the shoe not drop, it's glued to the wall. You have got to be kidding me. Not only is it spineless, I'm pretty sure everyone involved was born without a spine. Like it's this deformed lumpy mass of a problem and it's so gargantuan. A dune worm poised to consume everything in its path. But to the complicit it's not an issue, they'd rather be churning in the bowel of the worm than dare confront and slay it, even as a group, even with support. Yall are spineless dumbfucks consumed by your own pride and ignorance.

No. 1926247

"Just pissing yourself off imagining shit that does not happen" is such an apt description for you omg

No. 1926282

Anytime I start reaching a good weight for myself, it's always, "OMG you're ToOoO skinny"; by what, Amerifat standards? 10 lbs ago, you'd be calling me chubby and making snide comments. Ironically, you're projecting YOUR own unhealthy ideas about weight onto me. You, skinny as a rail, who complains about a little stomach pooch. Weight is more than just a number, and everyone gains/loses differently. My waist has always been the smallest part of me in comparison to my hips and shoulders. I just happen to know how to dress to downplay certain aspects and flatter my body type. You could do it too, if you had a lick of sense. Instead, you evil eye my progress and try to dissuade me from my goals. You, for some stupidfuck reason, seem to see me as competition when we're not even in the same lane. I'm not going to stay at a heavier weight just to make you or others feel better about themselves. I'm done being the punching bag for you insecure bitches.

No. 1926296

Glad this thread exists because the vent thread sometimes is too shitty and people reply with stupid shit

No. 1926299

Your amazing "project" that you're so busy working on is complete garbage. I know this is only but an excuse for you to get rid of me. You think you're the level headed one here but I see through you. You absolute grifter. Die. Lol

No. 1926306

I'm expecting male torture why the fuck am I looking at a woman's ass???? Are you keeping it a secret or something??? Do you think moids into that are going to be happy when there's no ass in the actual content and instead they get to see a man piss himself???? Shoot whoever the fuck thought that was a good promo NOW

No. 1926308

sometimes i wish we could reply here because there are days where i see shit that’s kinda funny and i wanna ask questions(please don't encourage it)

No. 1927276

pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig pig PIG PIG PIG PIG PIG PIG PIG

No. 1927282

Any attention is crack to you regardless of how negative. This is getting soo pathetic

No. 1927283

Fag fag fag fag fag fag FAG FAG FAG FAG FAG FAG FAG

No. 1927366

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This is soo you in a nutshell

No. 1927633

clear your throat louder i didn't hear you the first 50 times

No. 1928353

I'm in love with you. I really tried to snap myself out of it because I know it's crazy and unhealthy but I am once again thinking of you all the time.

No. 1929457

Look in the fucking mirror you delusional obsessive loser

No. 1929553

Lest we forget a woman was talking about using the train and you and your pathetic faggot friends made "jokes" about throwing acid on her. What the fuck is wrong with you.

No. 1930152

i rarely look forward talking to you anymore. it's the same shit every time we talk. is there anything fucking good going on in your life? i know you have it hard, but jesus fuck who doesn't??? do you realize that nothing in your life will improve or change unless you actually do something about it? i realize that it's tough but all you fucking do is complain and complain. and all we talk about is you! you ask questions about me and what's going on with me out of courtesy and not because you care. god, i fucking dread what's coming up with you.

No. 1930347

No it's not

No. 1930348

Stupid twittertard newfags choking the site with their retarded non-integrative diarrhea bullshit I fucking hate them

No. 1931248

im a buddhist btw. did you know that? im buddhist. im sooooooooooooooo buddhist! also i want to murder and rape women

No. 1931399

I sometimes feel like i'm the only one putting effort into this LDR anymore while you take me for granted. Why, between equally great paying jobs, did you choose the job that has you working from 6AM-8PM with only weekends to spare, when you know that i'll only be there for 3 weeks, leaving us only weekends (if you're not too exhausted to do anything together, which you likely will be)? You don't seem to care that you won't be able to see me off, either. It's been 1 1/2 years since i've last seen you. Apparently, time with me is hardly even an afterthought for you. I don't want to hear "we can do x next time" or "when you live here we can…" again because there is no longer any guarantee that those opportunities will be available to me in the future since you change your direction from one week to the next. I have to make the most of it NOW. And another thing, i'm not keen on inviting other randos along to hang with us impromptu on what is MY vacation while I have very limited time with you as it is. If you're going to choose money over time with me, the least you can do is pay for me now and then…

No. 1931426

It's sad to see you become such a tankie tool and turn into an utter Islamosimp. "Islam isn't a religion, it's much softer…", " Muslim women can get divorced as much as they like", "they wear hijab by choice", and other such sugarcoated BS lies they tell you to get you to convert, i've had enough of it all. The sad thing is, you've turned me off from caring about the Palestine conflict anymore because of your utter retardation, i'm so fucking tired of your "WEST BAD" rhetoric and hearing about how China and Russia are AKSHUALLY the good guys in this whole conflict because you're so fucking stupid as to fall for that propaganda, because thinking in black and white "us vs them" terms and blaming tHe WeST as some monolithic singular evil is so much more comfortable for you than to acknowledge that everyone's trying to get their own chess piece ahead in the game and using the Gaza crisis to emotionally manipulate bleeding heart leftists like you to propagate their agenda.

No. 1931841

"Well this is why I only watch anime and do japanese media, so that i don't run into american culture war brainrot"
no you fucking moid, unfortunately i cannot reprogram my brain to be japanese only in order to avoid absolutely every cringy person in the internet, and you know what? even irl i cannot avoid cringe because going to irl places i still run into neo pronoun shit, and also i have a fucking job and live in the fucking real world and cannot shut myself away into a room and read subtitles 24/7.

No. 1932066

You reward yourself for the most fucked up shit. It's only funny to you.

No. 1932067

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This is you defending Poor Things

No. 1932427

Some of you all are psychopaths with no empathé or nuánce for your fellow human beings and it's mortifying to see you existing in the same space as the rest of us yikes

No. 1932501

Leave me and my family alone you retarded inbred faggots. You're just jealous we're normal and not cousin-fuckers like the rest of you ugly subhumans. Go back to the shitholes you came from, and leave us in peace.

No. 1933456

Love how overconfident you get and how you just lie even more

No. 1933750

"Sorry can I think about it later" No. You have time to be absorbed in creepy political/religious propaganda channels and switching your life's trajectory based on disinfo and virtue signaling bullshit because it boosts your ego to be a part of something you perceive as bigger than yourself with that savior complex of yours, but you can't get back to me about decisions that should have been settled no later than early this week and the deadline is fast approaching… I know you won't get back to me on jack shit. You "don't believe in marriage" after watching one biased youtube interview with a divorce lawyer and claim to hate others stifling your freedom but suddenly want to convert to a religion?? I hate weak willed faggots like you whom are so easily influenced. You have no strength of character or independence to speak of if you need a religion to decide everything for you and tell you how to live. All you do these days is parrot lies you've been fed and bring up said religion or things related to it in completely unrelated conversations and i'm sick of it. I don't fucking care. Shut up about it already. You fucking tool.

No. 1933759

I hope you fail at your new job. I hope you realize how horribly misinformed you've been to selfishly change everything on a whim without a thought as to how it affects me. You're taking me for granted, and if I find out there's another woman involved, i'll make sure you stay impotent for life. I will make you regret every thought and choice that led up to that decision and you will suffer sorely. I am so fucking tired of being forgiving and patient with your bullshit.

No. 1933782

man, life would probably feel stressful as fuck if I thought everyone around me was lying. Schizo behaviour

No. 1933802

just make sense!!! stop not making sense! I don't understand you!!!

No. 1933851

Some days I wish I wasn't autistic. Especially since I was more severe when I was younger. I wasn't able to communicate to my mom and dad why I had a meltdown b/c my socks were on the wrong way nor could I say why am I going to this new place called preschool? I was used to staying home with my mom and twin sister until then which is why I couldn't communicate my frustration about going to preschool at age 3. Then there's the fact I should've been kept in speech therapy and should've been in ot a lot longer. I'm still figuring out if I need certain services as most of my symptoms are very mild it's just social communication is moderate in severity like it's so bad where I'll piss others off unintentionally due to my obvious facial expressions being weird or walking away mid conversation unintentionally or not responding to communication. A lot of social skills I cannot learn despite trying. Even when I try to explain I can't learn them I don't think my therapist or parents understand like even my mom stated I have more moderate support needs in social communication like the fact I don't understand language and cannot understand a lot of it. Like I despise having to explain what I cannot do at all. Comprehension is bad just overall is horrible. And then you have to talk to me like I'm 12 and I try to explain this as I don't understand it otherwise. Autistics in general aren't understood like the severely disabled autistics are left out a lot of things so are the mild and then the moderate severity is overall ignored completely.

I'm glad I can use this thread to vent into the void.

No. 1933860

Why is this happening. I don't know what I want to happen. If he does go to prison it is 100% deserved but I just worry that it will put my living situation in jeopardy. Why is this fucking happening why did any of this have to happen, I hate you. BOTH of you. Fucking disgusting. I wish I had killed myself way back then. This fucking sucks. How do you live with yourself knowing your husband molested me, you either didn't care or didn't believe me, what the fuck is wrong with you to just live with this every day like it's nothing? You're a pathetic whore. That's all you'll ever be.

No. 1933871

I think I fixed my skin! It feels so comfortable for the first time in like 10 years.

No. 1934314

The best liar you know is not the best liar you know.

No. 1934318

And, no. Just you and the company you are drawn to. Birds of a feather for sure.

No. 1934321

"I hurt you in a way that's irreparable and irredeemable but man it must really suck to be hurt in a way that's irreparable and irredeemable. It must be your fault for feeling this way."

No. 1934857

but why are you still doing that?

No. 1935041

Floor, reverse, floor, reverse, floor, reverse.

No. 1935044

Wow, you really are the dumbest person alive.

No. 1935849

You willingly did all that shit and then did some more shit and I seriously detest you for being fucking stupid you shouldn't have done that.

No. 1935850

I wish I was never born

No. 1935918

just because you're an ugly bitch doesnt mean you have to project it onto me. sorry your mom is a drug addict and you're not far off, but dont make it my problem, you stupid cunt

No. 1935928

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lost the charisma and loved by people genetic lottery. my only salvation is a loving boywife.

No. 1935932

I still listen to 100 gecs sometimes

No. 1935941

im 22 i remember seeing some retarded zoomer complain about her 23 year old cousin living with her parents when i was 20 not to even mention fucking ratgirl when i was 19 it's fucking over im literally ratgirl???

No. 1936210

Oh god, there were undigested pieces of meat its so fucking disgusting foul foul foul foul foul i almost vomitted the smell was so fucking horrible. It should be illegal to feed dementia patients beans

No. 1936690

I lack the words for how much I hate the scrotes in my hobby. A-logging is not enough.

No. 1936722

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No. 1936789

Repeating the things said here and trying to apply them to something completely different because you're retarded doesn't waver the sentiment.

No. 1936791

"I'm a horrible fucking cunt because YOU MADE ME I do it as a joke see I degrade and dehumanize women AS A FUCKING JOKE. WHY ARENT YOU LAUGHING YOU STUPID UGLY BITCH CUNT I WILL KILL YOU. ITS A CHARACTER YOU UGLY BITCH." you really just make shit up and obsess over it endlessly I'm serious at this point euthanasia is the only thing that would fix you huh. You also always call warranted criticism projection which is crazy because you are a rare kind of psychotic that only ever escalates into violence.

No. 1936871

And only now are you pretending to ~break the 4th wall~ and claim its all some deeply genius parody when you really are just a rude, obsessive, vindictive stalker cunt who only kikis with the same. You're only just know pretending it's a persona "for fun" because you're being called a freak and now you have to do damage control and pretend it's like totallllyyy just a joke hehe.

No. 1936967

My mental health is not the best these days

No. 1937449>>1937476

I really need my friend's hot bf's insatiably yuge dong pulsating inside me like a supergiant cepheid star all day long again(hornyposting spammer)

No. 1937476

It's been years and just now I remembered how consistently crazy it felt whenever it got even the tiniest bit inside

No. 1937519

This is not a vent rather a ramble but if it’s true that Isis caused the shooting in Russia then they are a bunch of dumbasses. Like ah yes let’s target a country where even it’s own citizens are oppressed by their own government let alone random terrorist forginers. I don’t like the Russian government or Putin but I hope this causes Russian troops to kill Isis once and for fucking all and leave Ukraine alone but the latter is a pipe dream atp unless Puțin and his goons dies. I hate Isis, I know that’s like a 911 was bad take but Jesus these Muslim moids are annoying as fuck.

No. 1937640

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You as fuck.

No. 1937642

Cubes aren't scary. You could explode a cube if you really had the resolve to. It's just a cube!

No. 1937718

i love wallowing. i love being a depressed piece of shit. i love the passive suicide. i love living in filth because there's no effort to be had anymore. i love closing my eyes and pretending nothing bad ever happens. i love the cracks in the veneer. i love to pretend i'm this infallible martyr, as though anybody really cares. let me rot.

No. 1937865

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"Baby boy lock the door"

No. 1937905

Also wrong about literally everything again because you're psychotic parasocial and fucking weird.

No. 1937909

sometimes i wonder if what had happened further caused my health to decline.

No. 1937916

My favorite posts of yours are the ones from 2020 especially. You are so harrowingly sad

No. 1939136

You will do or say anything for negative attention and think adopting the language of an abuse victim will somehow reverse your role from aggressor to a normal person but people aren't that stupid. You can try to pull the "I know you are but what am i" whenever you're called out as a psychotic abuser but it isnt like you're doing anything except showing everyone how manipulative you are.

No. 1939604

he was accused of rape. you are accused of threatening and harassing his victim so he would take you back, which he did not do. she hasn’t said one word to you for over six months and not much before beyond leave her alone and look in the mirror before you try and insult someone. you have harassed her every single day anyways. she’s not saying or doing anything, she hasn’t for a long time. you are the only one who can’t stop. both of the people actually involved in the horrible situation you are not actually a part of have been trying to heal and move on. why can’t you? is it a sunk cost fallacy thing that won’t end until you do something violent like you’ve been saying you want to? even the rapist doesn’t make violent threats towards the victim. what even is this???

No. 1939617

I don't want to read about your husbands on fucking lolcow

No. 1939953

I wish karma would kick your ass in my place, you dumb bald moid.

No. 1940025

I genuinely don't think I can endure this. I love you so much I can't think straight any more. I hate myself for ruining everything when I could've just shut the fuck up and controlled myself. I am never gonna get you out of my fucking head and I can't stand how much my retardation has fucked everything up. I'm sorry, to you and to myself. If it's all I'm gonna get I'll be quiet and for once in my life learn a fucking lesson - I just need to keep you.

No. 1940030


No. 1940032

Just lying and lying and lying and lying. Why did you throw any semblance of a future away to be a pervert.

No. 1940063

You think rape is funny. You think misogyny is funny. You think stalking and harassing women is funny. You think trying to hurt women is funny. Yet you want people to give you the benefit of the doubt…?

No. 1940944

AI this, AI that. Shut up. No one cares about your chat bot conversations or your AI generated "creations" except for you. Soulless drivel.

No. 1940980

I'm done feeling guilty. I didn't cheat, I rightfully thought I was abandoned and I was moving on. My conscious is clear. Plus there were so many things wrong in the relationship, it was causing me pain, I deserve more than breadcrumbs and false promises, plus he just has too much baggage. I need someone that won't drag me down and make me feel crazy

No. 1941076

I'm going on a date with such a massive autist I think I'm only doing it because I feel pity towards her, I can't wait for it to be over so I can block her on everything

No. 1941379

Would not be surprised if it was someone you know who is punching women in the face in NYC currently

No. 1941401

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Men really can just violate a woman in any of the most horrible ways possible for no gain except attention from other low value men and then go on with their life like theyre God. They don't care. They will rape you in any and every way possible and they don't care. It's funny. It's a joke to them. Why aren't you laughing ugly cunt? You were asking for it!!! It's a JOKE ugly bitch!!! We hurt you obsessively AS A JOKE!!!!

No. 1941562

Every time you make another one of your autism fueled retarded faggot posts your lifespan is shortened. Cant wait til you're gone. Attention starved gincel faggot

No. 1941609

You pervert and sexualize everything even and especially when it doesn't make any sense. Please chemically castrate yourself

No. 1941634

Again objectively not true you're just an ornery freak that wants to dissect your object of obsession into anything it isnt to feel justified in being an evil cunt

No. 1941651

its always the ugliest people in the room who complain the loudest

No. 1941688>>1942255

okay, fine. just.. fucking.. fine. you wanna know what I wanna get off my chest? I fucking LOVE bridezillas, fucking GO. OFF. QUEEN. fuckit. actually FUCK. IT. send it into the fucking atmosphere and be the most difficult piece of shit to work with ever in your fucking life because do you wanna know what being nice gets you? do you wanna know what being a "good" bride means? It means people will literally walk all the fuck over you while simultaneously telling you "oh its whatever you want, its your wedding! you just need to tell everyone else that" WHAT ABOUT YOU? YOU FUCKER. HUH? WHAT IF YOU'RE THE ONE PISSING ME OFF? but nooo can't risk being a "bridezilla", you wanna know a little secret? THEY'RE GONNA CALL YOU ONE ANYWAY. Genuinely. I have been the NICEST, most ACCOMODATING please-and-thank you bride in the fucking world trying to make everyone else the fuck happy, bending over backwards to make sure everyone in my life is heard and has a say and feels important and special, all while nodding and smiling and I STILL get called a Bridezilla. GENUINELY. If I say ANYTHING even along the lines of "hmm, you know X is a really good idea but I feel in my heart that it would be more special for the groom and I to choose Y." LITERALLY THE NICEST WAY TO SAY "no" instead of saying what I WANT to say which is "no thats fucking retarded, why would you ever think I would want that? YOU want that but guess what? its not your wedding bitch so keep it to yourself", but I don't say that, I take everything on board and listen to everyone and politely have my say and I still get THE LOOK. the "we got ourselves a bridezilla" look. and I know what everyone is going to tell me "you just gotta do what you want to do, its your day, its your special day, its about you" YEAH NO THE FUCK IT AINT. NOT ANYMORE. THat ship has SAILED. You wanna know what I want? What I REALLY WANT for my special day? Is for it to be fucking over. THERE. I said it. I'm fucking SICK of playing the nice bride who HAS to accommodate or otherwise everyone else will literally fall the fuck apart and go be a cunt to my fiance about it. and he is a DREAM. HE IS A DREAM OF A MAN. He's still a fucking man but DAMN IT HE IS THE BEST OF THEM ALL. He does not DESERVE the bullshit harassment because the "bridezilla" maybe liked something else a little different to what someone else thought. I just want him to be happy. I want me to be happy, but most of all nonna, I want YOU to be happy when you get married.

you know the worst part of all of this is im gonna go right back to being the please-and-thank you bride with a smile because I genuinely want everyone to be happy because that'll make me happy… i just wanna marry my husband and be his wife and have fun. i dont care about all the little shit that everyone else seems to care about. i dont care whos beefing and i dont fucking care if something is glitter or matte and i dont fucking care who is losing their mind over it. i just want my future husband and i to be happy and have fun… and i dont think he is happy. there is too much drama and i can't contain it all, im trying to keep it from him but it keeps getting to him and i see how stressed he is. im so sad. i just wanted to have a fun wedding… be a bridezilla nonna, and have a great wedding when its your turn, because mine already feels ruined and i dont want that for you.

No. 1941965

File (hide): 1711649976664.jpg (33.91 KB, 538x359, 1000022224.jpg)

I miss you. Wish we could talk.

No. 1941987

I had so much fun with you last year. I think about you fondly and often and wonder whether I ever cross your mind.

No. 1942133

The world is not out to get you, you just have the worst victim complex and negative attitude I've ever encountered in my life.

No. 1942248

Looking back, I never cared for the pity parties or stories. Call me condescending, but a lot of those issues could have been solved by common sense or making better choices. It was exhausting and depressing.

No. 1942255

File (hide): 1711663644191.png (448.83 KB, 570x497, cow cake.png)

Nonna go the bitch you deserve to be! It's your wedding, you've suffered enough already, go give them what they gave you!
And congratulations on the wedding.(vain bitch)

No. 1942272

Why are "bisexuals" who would never have sex with a woman rightfully called straight, but a lesbian who likes anime boys and never has/never will go near real dick called bi in denial? Fuck this double standard. I hate the constant policing of female sexuality.

No. 1942370

I know the trash will take itself out but I can’t help wanting to push it toward the curb. I can’t wait to see you get what you deserve. Stupid messy ass lying bitch. Fuck yourself off a cliff

No. 1942449

Be as bitter as you want! You don't know the life I have lived, nor the challenges I have met. Sorry you don't have the support I do; Im sorry you are angry. Focus on building your support system, instead of attacking mine.
I doubt you are who you claim to be anyways.

No. 1942733

I don’t CARE if you don’t think I’ll be feminine or pretty I don’t CARE what men think

No. 1942735

ok listen I'm SORRY I stepped on your tail but maybe if you weren't trying to weave between my legs while I was carrying a pile of laundry it wouldn't have happened??? stop meowing at me and shooting death glares I already said I'm SORRY you vain bich

No. 1942903

I don't care about whatever story you made up in your head about my love life, truth is I’m in a long and healthy relationship and you can't stand it. You’re not allowed to interfere in this, I won’t allow it.
The person you try to hate so much (you’re not subtle at all, by the way, your jealousy is always showing) truly loves me for who I am, without conditions. All you did in the past is try to sabotage every little good thing that has ever happened to me. You’re not allowed to touch this, it’s mine and it’s perfect.

No. 1943224

get the fuck out and away from me, stop stalking me, stop watching me, stop pranking me and fucking whispering things. i do not consent. i do not have a fetish. i do not have any desire to be stalked.

No. 1943281

dont forget, im better than you

No. 1943371

When I don’t tell you shit, you accuse me of being secretive and not trusting you. When I do tell you everything, you accuse me of over sharing, only to tell me I should “forget about it”.
You keep deceiving me year after year and still expect me to be perfect around you all the time. It’s not fair, you’re cruel and inconsiderate.
I can’t even cry about him now that I need it more than ever because of you and your narcissistic tendencies.

No. 1943418

so many pets, killed unfairly. feeling, thinking beings born only to be our companions, then completely betrayed. and then people say "who cares? it's just an animal". it's fucked, makes me feel sick.

No. 1943427

Please just love me and obsess over me the way you used to, please still think I’m the cutest girl, please still find me irresistible, please give me attention and praise and gifts. Please forgive me and treat me the way you were before I fucked it up.

No. 1943701

shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up!!!!! just shut up be quiet shhhb shut up shut it fuck off shut up shur up!!!!!!!!!

No. 1943728

File (hide): 1711821447813.webp (30.43 KB, 500x562, IMG_3156.webp)

No. 1943759

Despite it all I do not regret telling you that you're a privileged bitch that makes her own life worse than it is. Keep drinking and doing drugs and ruin your life out of your own volition

No. 1943762

I'm happy I'm not in your life anymore, you were a handful to deal with. Can't imagine what your friend(s) are going through with your constant venting and retardation

No. 1943840

I'm sorry I ever tried to be your friend. All my actual friends rightfully think you're insecure, egotistical, delusional, and unwilling to see from anyone's viewpoint other than your own and I'm finally taking their opinions to heart. I wish I had ended it when I first wanted to instead of trying to stick it out, since it's clear to me now that you weren't worth my efforts. All your "efforts" to keep our friendship afloat are genuinely made up in your head, really I have no idea what makes you think you ever actually tried, and I regret forgiving you when you were first purposefully cruel to me. Your constant disrespect of me, your reliance on saying hurtful things to try to get under my skin when we have conflicts… I deserve none of that, and you don't deserve me. I won't cry for you anymore because I realize how severely I mistook you. I do wish you the best but I'm happy to let you go, and I hope moving forward you take this to heart so you don't ruin any other potential friendships.

No. 1943932

You're absolutely deranged

No. 1944507

Fuck you stupid bitch for putting your insecurities on him and making him stop talking to any of us. Cringe bitch, unfollowing on social platforms doesn't mean he won't goon to pron when you aren't watching. You're projecting because you are the dumb slut yourself. Fucking queer bait making out profile pictures and multiple retarded privates. You are a gross asshole and nobody cares about you, that's why you try to make your boyfriend just as miserable. Nobody you told him to delete from irl connections is as big of a hoe as you are, but you are really this deluded. Deleting his pictures won't make them unfuck each other!

No. 1944554

You still depend on us every time and you claim to be better than anyone else kek sure…

No. 1945030

If you talk shit behind everyone’s back when they not around and we’re supposed to be friends, what can I expect from you? I’m sure you do the same to me and at this point I can’t be bothered anymore.

No. 1945296

Literally shaking

No. 1945362


No. 1945556>>1954433

FUCKING HIRE ME ALREADY MOTHERFUCKERS. I've only been a NEET for 6 months and I want to kill myself, I want to make some fucking money to buy stupid shit and help at home already, FUCKING HIRE ME YOU PATHETIC WASTE OF SPACE BASTARDS OR DIE ALREADY FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

No. 1945756

File (hide): 1711962176810.png (209.23 KB, 680x680, 23f.png)

I used to think I would miss you but in actuality thinking about you now just makes me annoyed/repulsed so I win I guess. Have fun making your shitty angst playlists fucking dumbass

No. 1945954

You are delusional to think I won't put you on blast for showing up again after how you treated me. You fucked up

No. 1947997

You're just disgusting. That's all I have to say. You'll never be close enough.

No. 1948116

File (hide): 1712099710956.jpg (710.03 KB, 1181x1181, Orion.(AMNESIA).full.1397487.j…)

I had a dream about you this morning. You appeared twice, the first time I just felt sad seeing you again and we talked briefly. I remember wanting to tell you it was good to hear your voice and see you once more. The second time I saw you in the dream, you were irritated with me for an unknown reason. You were holding a kitten in a blanket and told me I needed to bring this kitten to your boyfriend. Not sure what that meant. But it still was nice to see you in the dream. I hope you're doing well, I still think it was the right thing for us to go our separate ways. But I do remember you fondly.

No. 1948671

File (hide): 1712152271148.jpg (22.95 KB, 640x360, Im-not-reading-all-of-the-temp…)

Whenever you would send me your long ass vents and drug induced rants I should have sent you this instead of replying.

No. 1948872

There's nothing I really want to say to you, except maybe it would've been us in a different time and place. We would've been cute and sexy together. But enjoy your vampire, and don't stare at me next time I'm there shopping. Faggot.

No. 1950596

Fuck you stupid bitch. You know nothing

No. 1950690

You keep saying you want to be a provider and a family man but I think you only like that because of fapbait manga like Okusan and not because you actually care about your partner. They are accessories to flaunt to you, not people with feelings.

No. 1951201

Wait, just to be clear– so you were fully aware that your online "friends" were stalking that woman and sexually harassing and exploiting her, but you want to pretend you're some sort of victim in a situation where you were only ever the aggressor? It isnt enough that you're incapable of experiencing real empathy and only parrot it so you can receive online attention and some sort of alibi, but now you're constantly throwing out language used by victims of abuse to describe yourself? You're an evil fucking bitch for real. You've lied so much and had so much fun taking part in this that I wouldn't be surprised at all if you actually did know about how most of it was lies on top of lies and wanted to take part anyways. You want to be a bully so bad while pretending you're someone completely different and it's ironic given you're constantly chiding and criticizing literally any and everyone else at every turn because you're a miserable bitch who spends 14 hours a day staring at a computer screen and voyeuring people. You don't even have a soul cunt omg you straight up took part in that and you only care because you're afraid of getting caught. When names are given publicly its going to be fucking hilarious watching you stutter and throw around buzzwords to justify all of that disgusting shit. You probably knew about his nazi tattoo and the fake ai nudes all along. You probably don't care that you're "friends" with deranged sexual abusers at all. It isn't like you're any different from them. Jesus christ. Have fun scrambling to fix the reputation you gladly destroyed for eternity because you thought watching a woman be hurt like that was hilarious. No sense in fake suicide baiting, we all know you're way too narcissistic and self obsessed to do anything. You love manipulating people online too much!

No. 1951224

Why do you still associate with that account when you're fully aware it's an abuser, Chrissy?

No. 1951356

And when Jake says "another cow in my pasture" what he really means is "another woman to stare at and distract me from the fact that I'm a 30 year old man whose life achievements sum up to absolutely nothing except trolling stalking and lying"

No. 1951428

Yeah abusing women is like "licking a livewire" to you because you're a fucking lowlife with nothing else to live for lol.

No. 1954344

dont ever be labeled as crazy. everyone who reads this is crazy out of principle of being on lolcow, but hide it. don't let anyone know, because once they do, you'll be seen as forever incompetent.

No. 1954345

Legit thinking of cursing a mf so I can make his life more miserable

No. 1954356

Like clockwork. You want attention so bad.

No. 1954363

I thought it was love but it was just a trauma bond. We would’ve made cute kids though. Future lolcows, but cute.

Tbh I’m beginning to feel like the concept of love is simply a matter of opinion. These days the idea of a feet sweeping romance tires me out.

No. 1954433

I feel this. Hang in there nona and keep sending them out(vain bitch)

No. 1954434

An actual Easter island statue staring at the computer 12 hours a day

No. 1954438

Why'd you have to die on Saturday?? Nothing is open I can't even get a tan for the funeral. I'm not showing up to your stupid funeral if I'm pasty. I hate you. Why couldn't you have died on a week day like a normal person? Idiot. God. Now I have to spend money on airfare just to collect your stupid ashes. The urns better be cheap. I have to wait until I get my spray tan but fuck you for dying on a Saturday even if I feel bad that your cats ate you.

No. 1954496

I hate my faggot boyfriend i Hate him so much.

No. 1954617

My boyfriend is a horny retard and at this point our 'relationship' is only transactional. He avoids talking about anything serious, best case scenario he's retarded. He's the last person I want to see but I don't have any friends left. Bitch also accused me of cheating, he's too ugly to cheat on me he's just super insecure. I wish he'd just break up with me already instead of ignoring everything and throwing a shitfit once he can't take it anymore. Moids.

No. 1954849>>1955692

I might have to break up with my partner of five+ years because he might be too mentally unwell and I am afraid he won't get help I'm currently at my parents' and I need to move out but I don't want to I want to believe in him but I cannot live with him if he won't get help. I feel lost I'm 30 and I might have to start rebuilding my life all over again I'm so depressed and I might be too co-dependent on him but damn I love him more than anyone I just want us to be happy together with our cat and a future family.
I wish I could just not care and drop him but he means too much for me, we just had a great holiday and then he lost it how can my whole life go upside down in a week

No. 1955020

Ok well maybe I just dont fucking like the guy maybe hes just a prick and I dont want to talk to him about his gay sex life or what uni hes going to I dont care I literally dont care

No. 1955258

fucking tranny neo pronoun bitch you'll never stop talking about me to any other wrist slitting attention whores u meet cuz im the only valuable person to ever enter ur worthless life
hope the anorexia hurries up and kills u loser

No. 1955419>>1955470

File (hide): 1712542614857.jpg (20.66 KB, 400x400, uOstGRd9_400x400.jpg)

How I feel after fighting on the phone with my bf for 4 hour

No. 1955449>>1955483

My bfs mental health issues affect our sex life and have from the very beginning. He gets upset that I just don't care anymore, but YOU are the one who made things this way!! If I have to choose between having lackluster sex 1-2 a month vs not having sex at all, I'll just not have sex. I don't care, I spent most of my life not having sex. I just wish he would stop accusing me of cheating.

No. 1955470

what did you fight about anon?

No. 1955483

wow. anon that sounds very toxic.(vain bitch)

No. 1955607>>1955610>>1955670

File (hide): 1712557646179.jpeg (76.2 KB, 720x702, 3CD3E067-6D48-4CF1-BCE2-231CE2…)

Oh nooo the bio clock oh nooo my eggs!! Oh nooo I’ll never attract a man now that I’m nearing 30 oh nooo-SIKE. I will never be psyoped into liking old men and settling with some loser with autism sperm. Your words mean nothing to me you genetic dead end. You will die alone malding in your room while I fuck my 19 year old bf that’s twice your size and actually has a full head of hair. Die mad about it lol

No. 1955610>>1955953

dangerously based(vain bitch)

No. 1955658

I want to die so so so bad I'm willing to cancermaxx just for this reason. I really need to get out of this world

No. 1955670>>1955953

This post literally could have been me writing it, suffice to say I agree wholeheartedly nonna(vain bitch)

No. 1955692

I was in a similar situation once, also relationship of 5 years. He was always mentally unwell and couldn´t hold a normal job for that reason. I tried to be supportive since I also have anxiety so I get it, thing is he never told me really what his problems were. Not really depression, not really anxiety. It got worse and he developed ticks from it?? I saw no way out but to split. I wanted a future together, yes but not under these conditions. He didn´t work and oh he refused to go to therapy, he only hat meetings with a family therapist because his parents also didn´t know what was going on.(vain bitch)

No. 1955695

I hate my tech job. I only stay with it because its easy and convinient because of the flexibility it gives me. I´m not the best at it and I don´t care much about it. I would quit but idk what else to do, that gives me so much freedom. I rather do something I´m passionate about but I´m not sure what I´m passionate about kek

No. 1955925

File (hide): 1712587284467.jpg (49.08 KB, 735x487, 1000023310.jpg)

The sexual tension between me and ending it all…I need a fucking friend. A REAL friend. This once in a blue moon shit is killing me I think genuinely being alone was better than the highs and lows of this shit.

No. 1955953

wtf with the vain bitch? are the farmhands ok?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1955958

Retarded newfags can’t read thread rules kek

No. 1956173

Ok im sorry for being fucking weird im trying really hard not to ok its hard

No. 1956325

The mods here really have s stick up their ass(take it to /meta/)

No. 1956858

File (hide): 1712655458572.jpg (63.6 KB, 638x391, 1000003596.jpg)

I do not know you. I've never spoken to you. I have no emotional attachment to you. You'd think verbally abusing people on one of your half dozen burner accounts constantly would be enough for you but no, omg how much fan fiction are you going to keep writing. I don't fucking know or like you, your personality is extremely off-putting, there isn't a single alignment in life where I would think differently. Why do you have to take all of your misery out on me and everyone else, we don't like you. We don't think you're funny. You're fucked up

No. 1957167>>1965661

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No. 1957177>>1957194

holy fuck LEAVE ME ALONE. Stop coming up to me and making weird small talk. Stop looking over at me every chance you get. Stop inviting me to hang out outside of work. Stop being fucking weirdly protective over me to other people. Its like you WANT people to think we're fucking or something. If it's not related to work, I don't want to talk to you about it. There are ways to be friendly with coworkers and I have no problem being friends with all my other coworkers but you make it so fucking weird and uncomfortable.

No. 1957194

oh and i forgot to mention. NO ONE BELIEVES YOUR MADE UP STORIES. Stop trying to one-up everyone around you by making up these crazy stories about how you've had the same exact experience only 10x worse/better. Stop trying to convince people that you're gods gift to this earth.

No. 1957406

I am going to kms oh my god you stupid fucking clipboard. Crying.

No. 1957414

It's completely pathetic to drop a friend over a suspicion you're having about someone they date. You could just fucking talk to her and ask, but I guess two decades of friendship don't mean much to you. You're a spineless, weak person and I wish I'd been meaner to you. If I'd known this was how you're going to act I would've said it all outright and added that you're a paranoid loser.

No. 1957428

I'm tried, just tired of life.

No. 1957452>>1965661

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No. 1957461

I’m tired of my job and I really want to quit however it’s comfortable and it doesn’t require a lot of effort plus it’s from home. Im stuck in a dead end.

No. 1957467

how does momo have a better nose than you

No. 1957499

Stop fucking looking at me. I dont want to know you. Stop doing it. It is so fucking creepy I want to vomit at the thought of your face

No. 1957501>>1957900

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Nothing blackpills me more on women's fandom spaces than this website. So much excuse to only pay attention to male characters and are averse to any kind of attention on female characters while performing mental gymnastics about how gendies are actually misogynists. I can see why nonnies come to so some threads here thinking that no one will give a shit about their OCs if it's just a man so they feel compelled to turn them into men and honestly after sifting through some threads here that fear is justified. From fujo shipping to anti-fujo infighting to media discussions and obsessing over characters it really all boils down to "just don't make female characters" just as all the bullying artists make for drawing small mistakes just pushes them to not draw poc characters.

You can have a male character suffer as much as you want and people will go crazy over it and hyper analyse and write essays upon essays about it but if you have a female character suffer just as much all of a sudden the writer has a fetish even though the suffering isn't sexual because "dude trust me the vibes!". You want to write problematic ships? dw just ship BL no one cares because they're men (I don't care about them being men I'm not defending this shit you room temp IQ idiots) rinse and repeat until no one can explain why BL is spicy and more interesting than anything that involves women and het stories are either boring af or just written by men for men. Don't try doing GL because hey most fangirls are straight and are uncomfortable reading storied with complex female characters anyway. Even now people involved in media can't write complex female characters for shit and surprise surprise they were involved in fandom culture! Like it doesn't surprise me.

I assumed that because anons here are self-aware of the fandom problems they wouldn't perpetuate it but I guess it was my problem for assuming you can have discussions on here anyway. You have to join a shitty mob mentality.

No. 1957509

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I wish I were the skeleton of one of those Alchemy Gothic illustrations, they seem to live exciting magical lives despite actually being dead, I wish I lived in medieval Paris and knew alchemy and shit

No. 1957517>>1957521>>1957536

File (hide): 1712698696027.gif (129.59 KB, 640x330, IMG_5205.gif)

It is so, so hard to not eat foods that make your body age 10x faster kek. I wish I could eat brisket for each meal daily, but the last time I did that I looked so wrinkly by the end of the week.

No. 1957521>>1957628

Brisket does what now?(vain bitch)

No. 1957536>>1957628

Anon… brisket has collagen… are you sure you're not dehydrated?(vain bitch)

No. 1957585

Seriously, why would I want to be friends or get involved with someone who already hurt me?

No. 1957602

Why do people who know how their partner is wired sexually, and know that there's a fundamental compatibility still proceed to marry them and then do the surprised Pikachu face when things understandably do not change? Like, if this is a dealbreaker for you, why subject yourself or that person to something that is only going to lead to resentment? Oh, and cheating in your case. I've learned so much about what to be wary of in a partner through knowing you. I really do hope your wife doesn't dismantle her boundaries and indulge your kinks, but as your relationship was built on lies, is still sustained by a massive lie, and also codependency, I wouldn't be surprised if she finally has.

No. 1957628>>1957631

Brisket can be super high in sodium depending on how you marinate it, so if you eat too much brisket soaked in a big salty sauce, the amount of sodium can start to outweigh the other benefits from consuming a good protein like briskèt, mod I wish you didn't redtext them

No. 1957631

Samefag but basically I'm saying eating too much sodium is whats making me look wrinkly kek I should've just said that in my initial post

No. 1957651

File (hide): 1712707550066.jpg (79.5 KB, 720x750, photo_5244698072997538302_x.jp…)

Some people are so fucking retarded and illiterate I hope one day they get poor luck from their inability to read.

No. 1957708

Girl you're lucky it would be so weird of me to retrospectively or whatever the fuck call you out on some petty bullshit, but you were never my friend! I do not need to explain why I decided to do a deep dive on your fb mostly because mine has been hacked and deleted throughout the years none of my old tagged photos show so I visited everyone who I thought I'd have photos with. Well bitch. I did not realise how much you loved to creepshot me. Was there a need to make every repulsive photo of me the album covers as well lol Jesus christ. I want some of those photos removed I'm so drunk and I'm clearly not aware of half of them being taken. It's funny too because we're millennials so there's other people with the exact same albums of nights out on their pages and not only has this bitch made essentially highlight reels of the most unflattering photos of me, good ones exist even with me standing hugging her and they're not on her fb. Bitch no wonder your sister was your only bridesmaid and the only women there were family. I did not realise how insecure you are. One of the groomsman took me for a drink before your wedding asking if I was going and I didn't even know about it. No one understands you. You looked miserable on your wedding day too. Why did you even send me a friend request lol

No. 1957825

You're a moid YouTuber who plays a Nintendo game and you talk about cumming in your asian girlfriend, I think you're the one who is a danger to society here

No. 1957900>>1958479

Taking my vain bitch ban to say this post is based af(vain bitch)

No. 1957904>>1957930

My moid took us to the fanciest hotel in our state over the weekend.

He told me there he had fucked a bunch of hookers before me.

We're fighting now and he sent me a picture he still had of a hooker all naked and bent over.

My self esteem in is the gutter.

I have bruises on my neck from the last times he had me in a chokehold.

Nonnas, it's so hard for me to leave. I'm a Stacy and I don't have to deal with this, yet I do.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

This is my second time posting. Last time, one of you said he's going to kill me.(unintegrated posting style)

No. 1957930

There’s nothing Stacey about being in an abusive relationship nonna. Get a thousand miles away from that dirty dick moid before he gives you superAIDS or HPV or some shit. Are you going to let some scrote who fucks hookers define your worth? I would genuinely rather live in a shelter than deal with some devolved male laying hands on me.
Leave. He will kill you if you don’t.(vain bitch)

No. 1958311

Lied your face off for five years pretending you were totally getting back with a predator
was somehow still above you, only to be humiliated and mogged by a toothless girl who draws like an afflicted eight year old. Screaming you’re better to literally no one while you clean up after children throwing up and dogs shitting for minimum
wage with a partner who is sexually repulsed by you. I could just die laughing at your spiral of shame.

No. 1958479

Sorry about the typos. I just tried to reread when I wrote and had lost a few brain cells(vain bitch)

No. 1958813

I'm the samefag from the bi thread

Bigoted Heterosexuals and homophobic bisexuals are the ones who do bi erasure the most.

I'm so sick and fucking tired of men and older pick me women claiming bisexuality doesn't exist, telling me to pick a side, generally claiming I'm homosexual and occasionally heterosexual, when I'm not exclusively attracted to one sex. Even get the creepy comments "how do you know what you like when you haven't tried ot?" "Lesbian sex isn't sex" "its just a phase" and other retarded stuff. The men that are like this claim lesbians are secretly attracted to the opposite sex when goldstar lesbians aka TRUE AND HONEST lesbians exist and aren't attracted to men AT ALL. I blame the fakebians, fakefags, and the bisexuals with internalised homophobia who inaccurately label themselves as straight. some of these retards will either say I'm straight and it's a phase or the latter that I'm lesbian, queer, dyke, and homosexual. These same males will spout bullshit saying 25-30 is the wall despite the best time for women to have babies, if they desire them is 25-34. They're also the same men that'll screech faggots and dykes are degenerates yet be porn shills, and are also hebephebe whatever's.

What's even worse is that some younger elderly women (aged 55-64) also spout bullshit about bisexuality not existing. They'll claim to me that I'm actually a lesbian and the bi male is actually gay and call homosexuality a lifestyle. They're so homophobic and bigoted that if I was younger, I would've hit myself and meltdown (classic autism/low to medium support needs, and would've been worse with the men as they are even more bigoted about this shit) they're also the same women who support "progressive" homophobia, but more subtly. It makes sense as it's repackaged in a different way, but in a woke way.

Just because I prefer the same sex doesn't mean I'm a homosexual/lesbian. Bisexuality isn't a phase, I'm not confused, and I don't need to pick a side. And you can know what you like, even if you never had sex in your entire life.

Now I just roll my eyes over the retarded stuff but it irritated me more than usual so I just wanted to get this off my chest.

No. 1958867

How do you not even for a second feel ashamed. Is it stupidity

No. 1958872

There is literally no angle at all where you could deny its actual sexual abuse you're fucking nasty.

No. 1958950

I've always been a fan of androgyny, but gendies, especially the horrendously ugly "enbie" look have made me want to dress more feminine. And by that I don't mean the prevailing ig thot look with caked on make-up and filler face, but idk how to describe it. I'd love to get a rockabilly dress, but at least where I live my only options are cheap Chinese knock-offs from Amazon.
Anyway, unwashed gendies made me want to look more classy.

No. 1958963

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genuinely in love with you in the unhealthiest weirdest way

No. 1958981

I don't know.

No. 1959110

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All this time I thought you were someone else.. who were you? Were you lying to me all this time? Was it funny stringing me along this lie? I feel as if Ive woken up from a very cruel dream.I want to help you and make you stop hurting everyone around you but all I see is a stranger staring back at me

No. 1959147

I wish you loved me the way I love you, but you're always looking at someone else.

No. 1959157

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I see what you’re doing and see who you are.

No. 1959266

i wish i had the self confidence back then to try and get a hot bf bc now i feel like i settled for the first guy who had the confidence to pursue me who wasn't absolutely hideous

No. 1959277

I miss her so much, it hurts knowing that its my fault we lost touch. If i had known i was never going to meet another kindred soul again i would have never made the dumbass choices i did. Now I'm stuck here with a bunch of leeches and people who think they relate to me and understand me but really can't and always disappoint me. I didn't know how rare it is to find someone who always (or almost always) knows the right things to say. Someone who can actually comfort me when I need it. Now I'm just forced to run to drugs because talking to anyone else just pisses me off.

No. 1959345

Sometimes I see some takes in here that are blatantly so retarded that anons swear by and yet I've decided not to infight anymore because anons will never stop being stubborn and will always think they're correct no matter if someone else has another perspective on whatever outrageous shit they just said. And most of you are 19 so who gives a shit

No. 1959394

I have a younger family member, who has been compared to me throughout our lives. Mostly that she reminds others of me and acts similar to me when I was her age. Not 100% obviously, she's still her own person and it's not like she's a carbon copy of me, just similar personality traits, ways of acting. She is growing up in much different circumstances than I did. Her part of the family is very, very wealthy and she has access to a lot of awesome things and opportunities. I don't begrudge her those things at all. In fact, if I did feel jealousy or envy, it would make it all a lot more easy to understand. I want her to have everything she has and more. I was raised in a far, far more controlling household with the typical immigrant ideas of what a woman should do/be. When I would share my naive interests, my mom would turn around and tell the family and everyone would tease me. My parents barred me as long as they could from getting a drivers license, and prior, I was not allowed to take the bus or leave the house unaccompanied. Even as an older teen. I wasn't allowed to work, or even spend freely birthday money on things I wanted. If I did buy a thing my parents didn't like (not even inappropriate clothes, things like a fit and flare cut dress, or thrift clothes) I had to return it or toss it out. I say all that to say, the similarities between me and this family member is painful. Doubly so, because I feel like a monster that when I look at her, it makes me weep for myself at her age. It's like getting the closest glimpse to what life could have been like for me if I lived another life. I have a well paying job now, and can buy myself whatever I want or would have wanted at her age, but the feeling persists. I just want to heal and move past this but I don't know how.

No. 1959445

i hate working with speds so much. such a waste of everything.

No. 1960440

You do the bare minimum, act like you're a saint for it, try to manipulate me into thinking you're actually so so sweet for coming to see me despite being 2+ hours late already, what the fuck do you expect? I'm too pretty to put up with this shit, you make me feel lonely, isolate me, use me for sex and still bitch at me when I cancel plans hello? YOU are the one who's never followed through with any promise no matter how simple, why do you think I would be so eager to see you? Why are you dragging this out? Depressing little victim.

No. 1960514

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When a woman is like this, she's hated by both genders, her own biology and seen as worthless by men and probably is autistic meanwhile suicide rate of autistic women is really high. When a moid is like this it's natural and "cute" (to some women)

No. 1960689

Gonna break things off with the moid I've been seeing for a month. I hope he doesn't murder me.

No. 1960766

i feel like alot of teenage e-girls in this day and age of the internet are too online, ill in the head and genuinely the most evil and vile people i've come across on the web in the last 5 years. i'm not interacting with them, i just happen to come across their silly high school drama on my FYPs whenever i use tt, twt or instagram. it's interesting, but the shit these kids do when they want attention or feel threatened is wicked. i hope my old self is right and they do eventually grow out of this

No. 1960784

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I think I sperged about it before but yeah, I fell for a gay friend who I figured wouldn't reciprocate romantically or sexually
Well it turns out he is more or less questioning and does feel sexually attracted to me but is very closed off about romance still, and regardless– it has been great!… but at the same time I feel so conflicted.
I feel silly and naive to had been thinking my feelings would subside and that a platonic friendship with a moid who is not sure about where his sexuality falls would work
It's not even a relationship, I just fear the second something goes south it'll be impossible to mend since we've stepped into such an intimate stage (we are both emotionally retarded) and he's genuinely one of the greater friends I've ever had

No. 1960797

I feel so depressed and hopeless. I was ran out of a job due to harassment and bullshit and I thought I could find another one quickly. I've applied to so many jobs where I fit the qualifications and I get ghosted every single time. I thought I'd try my luck at unemployment benefits, since the harassment was physical and there's documentation, but the dumbass workforce employee says that because I didn't write it on the silly resignation paper (even though I provided everything else from HR), they aren't going to take it into consideration. Screw the unemployment office, and screw my previous workplace and all the assholes there. They can rot.

No. 1961446

you would have zero custody, zero assets, zero anything without me, you owe me everything, I owe you nothing, and that is why I refuse to coddle you, grow the fuck up and be grateful and appreciative that I put up with your continued bullshit instead of being a snivelling little man baby bitch

No. 1962653

I think I've come to the point where I genuinely don't like people or they just make me feel apathy or pity at best most of the time. It's weird because I still seek companionship and connection (even posting here and wanting to heard by someone is a sign of that), but at the same time, I don't like anyone. I feel tired of others and their inability to ever understand me no matter how much I explain myself, of how anytime I talk it's a pointless effort which at best ends with friendly, empty interactions, and at worst with people acting retarded and being literally too stupid to even talk to me (and this outcome is far more common). I don't even consider myself particularly intelligent or socially gifted, so the bar is pretty low and yet others still manage to go lower. I find it so hard to respect anyone in general when I hate myself and they somehow manage to be worse than me. I'm just filling a quota of socializing whenever I talk to others, since unfortunately I still have social needs. Not because I actually like spending time with anyone. It's to the point where I find it preferable to talk to myself or post something here instead. I have friends yet I simultaneously wonder, is there really someone out there I could feel connected to? Surely, with this many people on earth, there must be someone out there who I wouldn't feel this with, someone more like me. Someone I could actually like and admire and wouldn't inevitably disappoint and hurt me with their actions. Someone that would actually meet all my criteria for a good friend , which are just things I already do myself. But it seems like a person like that doesn't really exist, and even if they do, I don't know them, so isn't that basically the same as them not existing? Do you exist? I'll never know.

No. 1962742

These are all just simple coincidences, remember. Simply just coincidences

No. 1963306

I dislike when american anons think everywhere in the world operates like america does, even 3rd world countries have their perks imo.

No. 1963343>>1963654

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I cannot DEAL with seeing people grow old!! I CANT!! Please i never want to see someone i know grow old again!! Especially beautiful people! What is this curse?? I want to scream and throw up and rip my hair out! I dont want this to be real. I want to wake up and be relieved that im not actually on this earth and it was all just a bad dream

No. 1963654

Fiorello???(vain bitch)

No. 1964120

I feel unwell, and I know I have to voice my concerns tomorrow. I so desperately want to be happy, and I know I must secure that happiness for myself. I can't keep being polite and quiet. It doesn't do me any good, and this is the case where I absolutely must stand up for myself. Please listen to your intuition.

No. 1964285

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I'm convinced that the reason why there's been an uptick in retards, baiters, and lying newfags is because there's been an influx of twitter users. Like 4chan getting ruined by redditors using the place as their toilet, lolcow is going to be a toilet for twitter femcels using this place to vent their frustrations while bringing their stupid retard drama onto /ot/. It's either a crypto that uses lolcow to vent all while lazily retweeting an e-begging tif, or a tif wanting to have their cake and eat it too, but being more clear and hypocritical due to their anonymity instead of trying to save face with their public account. I honestly all hope they fuck off because for some reason despite being on this site for years there's a specific energy I believe they all bring that makes it completely insufferable.

No. 1965453

Not going back to you, unless? Unless what?

No. 1965660

I know you're aware that you're a bad person who is just vaguely manipulative enough to string people along into thinking you have some sort of vigilante moral compass to excuse you're wholly grotesque behavior and actions but just so you know every single time you put on some act like you care about people I remember you calling that girl an ugly spick online when you thought no one was looking. You're not paranoid enough, actually.

No. 1965661

You are mentally retarded(vain bitch)

No. 1965669

You and your fucking weird obsession with making fat black women as your pfps is fucking nasty you weird faggot. You absolutely failed at life being obsessed with stalking women as a GAY MAN.

No. 1965688

And seeing as you purposely turn a blind eye to interacting with an actual, genuine abuser and his ilk because you feel they afford you online attention–has it really never occurred to you the type of people he interacts with regularly? You think those weird, locked down, misogynistic Twitter accounts are just white noise and not the people he regularly convenes with because he's exactly like them? He still talks to the creepy one who said Palestine was being raped btw and has a host of racist content from the past, he just does it off Twitter so no one can "cancel" him. He will never stop communing with abusers because he has the exact same mindset as them. If you haven't seen that you're a pawn being manipulated and strung along lazily, idk what to tell you. It's so weird how you routinely throw people out over the most insignificant greviences but continuously give him the benefit of the doubt in spite of all the bizarre, dubious ""coincidences"" surrounding him. I know you're completely aware of what they were doing to that women, and if you think that's the only woman you're more sad than I ever could have imagined possible. You look at men who routinely round tabled to the sounds of a girl crying and pleading for them to stop and made memes about it and thought that was in any way justifiable behavior? What the fuck is wrong with you.

No. 1965754

Of course I have a dad kek who do you think warned me about Scrotes in the first place? Who do you think bought me pepper spray and a knife? My dad doesn't even trust other men so please keep malding about how I don't let my guard down around any piece of shit scrote I come across.

No. 1965762>>1965777

i love it when a moid nuts too fast and acts all sheepish about it like bbgirl my pussy is too much for you to handle it’s okay don’t even worry about it as long as you make me cum still

when a man is moaning like he’s a classical phantom? for no good reason?? obsessed. i’ll gladly put a dudes whole dick in my esophagus if it seems like that might make his brain explode

i think this behavior is probably bad for feminism on the whole but i love to be the best sex some loser has ever had and then never speak to him again

No. 1965777

I fucking love it when guys are noisy holy hell(vain bitch)

No. 1965832


No. 1965835

how did you guys manage to hide that one from me im genuinely shook.

good game guys.

No. 1965840

literally cannot believe this is what he’s doing with his life while he avoids prison time for being a rapist. you guys sure showed me SOMETHING. not sure what. but holy shit, well done reassuring me he is not fooling fucking ANYONE into thinking he’s just a normal quirky guy now. i was getting antsy but damn he is actually ruining his own damn life and employment opportunities.

No. 1966053

I made it easy for you and simply asked if the dress looked flattering, saying there was no wrong or right answer, but you took over an hour to reply, leaving me on read, then with a barely lukewarm "yeah the color's good" proceeded to ignore me for the rest of the day. I know that if you had actually liked it you would've hearted it or replied more emphatically without hesitation. I guess you're not attracted to me anymore because of the phub coomer brainrot that has you thinking your very own slavic costhot g/f with the implants that you're too dumb to sus out is out there waiting for you somewhere. I should never have let you think you were hot shit. Socially awkward former loser men always let it get to their heads. You don't deserve better, I should've never raised you up. What a fucking idiot I was, and that's the last time i'll make that mistake with anyone.

No. 1966059

I hope you bloat your face with fillers and lose all of your precious moid attention. I can't wait for you to be yesterday's forgettable cumstain.

No. 1966094

I can't feel relief or anticipation for your empty promises anymore. I did feel something for a moment when you offered to treat me to a nice meal for once when i've been the one this whole time treating both of us, only for you to take it back the next day. Can you be a man for once who stands by his word and treats me like his loved and treasured partner instead of pushing me to the back burner for every random acquaintance you decide is a friend after a 5 minute conversation? Honestly, that makes you such a loser in my eyes. You collect acquaintances, call them "friends", only to never deepen your relationship with them and complain of being lonely while lamenting about how you didn't have many friends in high school (like who tf cares, most high school friends grow out of each other anyway). What the hell do you have to prove to anyone but yourself? I hate that you have zero exclusivity to yourself and let every Tom, Dick, and Sally into your inner social circle without first vetting them. You're setting yourself up to be betrayed or manipulated because you think everyone who smiles at you is your friend.

No. 1966173

Why don't you fucking hurry up and help me make these goddamn reservations that I need you to do your part on instead of just ignoring me for random shit?? We don't have time to fucking drag our feet about this and i've been trying to get you to stay on task for months now! If I could do everything myself, I would; this is why I had to rush to make the goddamn flight reservation in the first place because you're so goddamn unreliable and don't know how to prioritize. You better fucking reply to me tomorrow and quit leaving me on read. It wouldn't even take that much of your time, maybe half an hour to an hour at most. There is no excuse now. I'm so fucking sick of your shit.

No. 1966200

I hate my genetics that make me build muscle in as easily as 1-2 weeks and never lets it shrink even after a year. Doing something as simple as tricep dips thickens my forearms while the flabby upper arms remain. Even doing light resistance on the Peloton bike widens my calves within a week. I don't want to replace fat with muscle bulk, it defeats the purpose. I want to have slender, healthy limbs and look good in skirts and dresses that are sleeveless and/or above the knee. Instead, I look a combination of flabby and stocky and it isn't my imagination because I measured my calves, aside from the photographic evidence. They grew. It's so hard to find clothes that aren't something some frumpy christian wine mom would wear but since I can't really show off my arms or legs i'm relegated to long sleeve blouses, layering with cardigans, and knee length skirts at best with a heel to elongate my thick peloton calves. How tf can I weigh between 117-120 lbs at 5'5" and have such awful body fat distribution where my once C cup chest now barely fits an A cup but my thighs and arms have plenty of fat to spare. What kind of fucked up genetics is that. I would be grateful to go back to being a 36B but no amount of weight gain is going to bring back my chest unless I become overweight. Fucking skinnyfat bullshit.

No. 1967199

I can't sleep and I wanna go to space!

No. 1967542

A fat whale following a japanese musician to Malaysia and Japan. I hate that bitch fucking parasocial piece of shit they even laugh at your big ass when you record them outside the hotel you fat ass hoe.

Can they kick her out the country damn she so big she lives in japan still she's a obese fat fuck

No. 1968104

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You WILL be nice. You will stop finding small reasons to hate everyone and be an asshole. STOP IT.

No. 1968148

please just put it in an email. you’re a great boss in every other aspect but this. put it in an email so i can have it in writing what you want and don’t have to confuse myself with my own shitty notes

No. 1968176

Youre so fucking self absorbed. could you consider thw world doesnt revolve around you? no, not just when youre called out for it, always. can you think about ANYTHING other than yourself. woow youre sooo self aware! just stop just syop just stop youre embarassing yourself.

No. 1969349

I can hardly be arsed to care deeply about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict anymore because you had to turn into a virtue signaling Islamosimp retard over it. I'm starting to feel disgusted by seeing Muslim women in hijab/niquab in western countries knowing that many of them falsely represent Islam as fair to women and have convinced you that wives are treated well and can just get up, leave, and divorce if their husband beats them. I don't like feeling this way but i'm starting to resent them and everything Islam stands for, because you're falling for these shills. About to change your entire life for a religion you only know about on the surface. I don't care what those lying, ignorant so-called "Muslim scholars" said in some book that totally wasn't biased at all. I wish you'd cut off all contact with that creepy Muslim group chat that's slowly radicalizing you. They're not your friends. They see you as someone they can use. I don't want you in contact with any similarly fanatical, deluded activists that feed your savior complex. You haven't lost all your co-dependency. It's hardly different from when broken people were your cause to align yourself with. You just want to feel apart of something bigger to boost your ego. It's really self serving. You think by converting to Islam that gives you social clout and credibility among them. You better not be engaging in any of these bullshit, performative protests and putting your job at risk. I dgaf if you find out the company funds Israel in some way. If you actually wanted to do something you'd be smart, make money, and use it to make a real impact. If you fuck everything up over your need for social validation again i'll never forgive you.

No. 1969409

Your personality disgusts me. Hanging out with fellow trash. You love all things shallow. Clubbing with other losers, sketchy designer drugs. The biggest turn off for me these days is someone who lacks discernment and care about who they associate with. It's so unattractive, it's the sign of an idiot. May we never cross paths again, even indirectly, not even through mutuals. I want zero connection to you whatsoever. You and the trash you hang around look like you reek. It's a wonder you haven't picked up chlamydia or AIDs yet.

No. 1970424

nothing is more satisfying than seeing you two cunts talk so much shit on each other. not even just that, you both are in the most miserable relationships imaginable. i genuinely revel in both of your guys' misery and it's incredibly funny seeing this unfold

No. 1970925

this albums gotta be a hard listen for you lmfao

No. 1970997

Schizos hijacking the thread to fuel their parasocial relationships by talking to themselves like they're talking to who they're silently orbiting

No. 1971726


No. 1971727

ASK before making plans that involve me you steaming pile of shit. Your ugly mug is the last thing I wanna see.

No. 1972199

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So tempted to start poking the hornets nest again… but that would undo every ounce of progress. Fucking cretin doesn't deserve my attention anyway.

No. 1972228

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why did i have to grow up to be so worthless and without future? why do i have to die so early?
i hate that i'm going to die without even achieving anything, i hate discovering all of this in a moment of weakness
i hate the man that showed me all of this and made me "wake up" in a sadistic way to make me suffer just for talking to him in a friendly way
the worst thing is, i appreciated him, he got me to watch a lot of nice stuff and made me more aware of my flaws in general just so i can be a better person but he still hated me and wanted nothing to do with me bc i'm a sheep
i know dude, i know, and i'm going to pay for that
i guess it's my punishment for being a bad person all these years, but i'm so anguished for my bf, i've done everything to be better for him and i won't have time enough to give him what he deserves, the world, he loves me so much even tho i'm trash
i hate this world and its people, why did i have to vaccinate when i didnt even want to? why did i comply like a sheep? is this a lie? is this real? i just want to live my life and complete my goals and be happy with the person i love, even if it may be in my late twenties instead of early twenties like everybody else
idk just wanted to rant, thank u

No. 1972278

I'm just a little frustrated and this'll sound like a post made by a moid or a pick me, sorry…
I have a pretty tightknit irl female friend group and now I really want nice female internet friends but find some nonnas from this website can be so grumpy and too catty. Some kind, but I don't really wanna be like "hey, got any socials?" on a public thread lol… I try use Discord of all things and am hit with an abundance of egirls who are a literal dime a dozen. Nothing interesting about their personalities all BPD, competitive and fake with all this attention whoring… it's like highschool? But I've come across so many my age even. It's tiring.

No. 1972387

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I always wonder what happened to the girls I knew when I used to lurk r9k (yes, I was a retarded 16 year old). There was this one girl who I was acquainted with who was 17 and banging this ugly 25 year old or something she met from there and it viscerally disgusted me every time she’d brag about him. He was extremely fugly but they’d go on about having superior genetic babies, kek. Another girl I knew had some bf in Florida and talked about how she was gonna move there to be with him. I hope they’re doing ok and managed to grow out of it (I did after a few months thank god) and realise the error of their ways, especially the girl who was dating the pedo. I hope she realises how fucked up that was

No. 1973238

he could have defended you and blocked me after but he didn’t

No. 1973665

leave him get a job make some friends find something you're passionate about god stop relying on men so much for no reason when you hate him you're ruining your entire life when it could be so much better i don't want to say it but this hurts me as well because i care about you but it's always the same please and you're not yourself anymore please stop i hate it so much and i want you to be happy when will you even decide to do what is good for you? i wish i could wake up tomorrow and hear that you've blocked him, it's not even that much of a difference in your life now, i don't know what else i can do to help you without going overboard

No. 1973674

why is it hell to live as a woman. why would any creator make us live and be judged and tortured like this and then specifically make us ultra sensitive and unable to numb the pain. i've tried so hard to numb it, consciously and subconciously, out of survival needs, but still every other week something comes and hits me directly in the chest and reminds me i have so many more years of this and that it will only get worse as i age.

No. 1973679

I think I’m a narc but in a good way. I once got into an argument with a tranny as a gender-identity having teen and I straight up told him I hoped he got prostate cancer so I could get a dick transplant. I’m not immune to propaganda but I’m pretty resistant to handmaidenry because I see myself as superior to other people. I was labelled a manipulator throughout my childhood but I never did anything on purpose. I have a massive heart and tons of empathy but I guess it’s just encoded in my genetics. I literally can’t help but see other people as accessories due to my upbringing. It’s my parents fault but I’m glad they fucked me up

No. 1973799

I am taking a break from that website because of YOU. All you do is stalk other peoples accounts, and rage at other women just because your internet ex boyfriend doesn't pay attention to you. Not only are you pathetic, you're a delusional, arrogant twat who is a skinny-fat lardass who abuses substances, goes on fad diets, and chimps out on internet relay chat whenever I or another woman comes on there. You constantly drag down the pyramid of debate and gaslight me and other people whenever I point out you didn't make one bitchy comment to me, but you made MULTIPLE. I hit my breaking point with your bullshit two days ago. All because your internet ex boyfriend doesn't pay attention to you. You seethe and screech at me all because of that. You're a lowlife NEET who has nothing better to do in your life other than that; I don't even pity you.

You stalk other people's accounts just because somebody hurt you. You need help and you're a psycho. Absolutely hysterical. You use stuff against me like things I was born with that I had no fucking control over, while you can control being a vapid, emotional cunt to others. You call other people names on internet relay chat yet you use the chat yourself. You're a huge hypocrite and are genuinely toxic. I could alog,but I'd rather not get a temporary ban just because of a loser like yourself.

No. 1973858

you need to learn a new way to conceptualize and describe people outside of perpetually online terminology. there are more than two kinds of people and when you’re so far off base, it becomes confusing what you’re even attempting to reference. it just kind of makes me write off everything you’re saying when you talk about people because i know that what you’re saying is literally untrue in the most basic objective sense.

No. 1974112

You useless MORON you had to fucking show up despite having a literal virus, I've been sick and in pain FOR OVER A WEEK and you won't even fucking apologize? You got 3 other people sick too you RETARD WORTHLESS SCROTE

No. 1974245

How do you not financially prioritize having teeth over fandom shit I can’t wrap my head around it.

No. 1974271

Fucking idiots, I suppose it's your time and water to waste as you like. Add a useless extra step for no reason if you want. If it takes you 5 litres to prevent sticking: stir your pasta, fucking retards!

No. 1974339>>1974882

i honestly don’t understand why people would waste money on cons instead of traveling or spending their money on literally anything else. the costumes are always expensive, bad looking, ill fitting and embarrassing. look at the people you’re allowing yourself to be photographed with? then you just act cringy spend more money on more plastic garbage that looks like shit and leave? how has being completely hobbyless other than media consumption led these people this far down, it’s like that’s all there is in their brains now.

No. 1974345

and no drawing fan art and yourself as a character does not count as art when it’s that low effort and quality, is literally just a badly drawn character you can sort of recognize in some sort of white space, like what meaning or emotion do you think this is inspiring besides second hand embarrassment that you’re way too old to be this bad at it and not have moved on to creating your own art style and ideas? you can’t even make it aesthetically pleasing it’s all an ugly eyesore? like if you don’t even know basics like perspective and negative space and color theory and basic anatomy, how invested in this can you even claim to be

No. 1974779

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I am so embarrassing. All the people that tolerate me are saints. Sorry everyone.

No. 1974882

I agree. It's pointless in the modern era. I can only understand it if the con is close by, cheap admission, and there are real guests and good dealers you want to see. There are people who could fly to the real Japan for as much as they spend on anime cons and Walmart polycotton cosplays.(vain bitch)

No. 1974994

im so sick of hearing about taylor swift in any capacity. i dont care that she’s a bad songwriter or that she’s harming the environment just like every other celebrity, i dont care if you think she’s a genius poet and her songs are representative of some universal female experience. i just find her so mind meltingly boring

No. 1975116

You are are supposed to be FUCKING ADULTS. For the love of God, actually ACT LIKE IT without forcing the family sped to step up in your place. All you had to do was try to be nice to each other and get real about why you're hurt but nooo that's just too much fucking effort now isn't it? It's too much fucking effort to just act like adults when you can flounce off and suffer no consequences for your actions. No. Fucking. More. I'm going supernova and I'll swallow all of you up in the process. Just fucking watch.

No. 1975345

Hate this fucking weather!!!

No. 1975366

guess he agrees with me

No. 1975452

Well damn. I saw your face, your priorities, and your fathomless depths of awful. Hope your shoulder devil loves you lots, because you've lost everyone else. I am such a goddamned fool. Maybe there's still hope for me, but not for you.

No. 1975531

I would stop checking your shit if I knew you'd keep my name out of your mouth, which of course you don't. Yesterday you blame me for something YOU were the one doing? I can't even put into words how much I hate you

No. 1975585

You shot yourself in the foot by talking shit about me but you will probably never realize it. Hilarious

No. 1975842

File (hide): 1713845597355.gif (986.06 KB, 498x281, smh-cigarette.gif)

>maori woman posts about her and a friend being beaten up at a pub
>provides no extra information
>obviously labelling it a hatecrime
>still refuses to provide extra information
>other maoris making it a point to threaten establishment with violence with only one side of story
>hard defenders calling people who assume there might be more to the story racist
>hard defenders also calling these people racially charged insults
decided to get this off my chest in here rather than vent thread because i don't wanna stir any pot, it must come off like racebait but i'm just genuinely tired as a maori woman myself. i've seen this scenario of crying racism at any negative or any inconvenience so much growing up that it's starting to give me a headache. i don't hold any disbelief for the woman, but at the same time i think it's stupid to take sides so early with such vague knowledge.
it's always paranoia first, violence second, logic fifth. why are my people like this? (rhetorical)
it's not exclusive to my culture as many face prejudice and discrimination around the world but i'm venting my experience.

No. 1976573

I wish anons would stfu about north african and stop insisting we're white, black, arab, eurasian, etc. without even knowing where the countries are located or the basics of the history of that region. Just shut the fuck up. I pray every day that we'll get even less representation in media and fandoms.

No. 1976721

Okay, i think i finally know the path back to normality. i can do it. all is not lost

No. 1978029

Every time i see someone rant about hunting and how it’s unethical i just want to scream. Maybe it’s my upbringing. Maybe it’s my autism about animal diseases. There’s a huge difference between people who for trophy and then people who hunt for food. You eat every piece of the animal. Yeah sometimes you keep a skull or antler but every piece of that animal that you can consume is consumed. When you field dress a deer there’s a high chance of what organs you leave will be eaten by predators. A large deer is just a cool plus because more meat. Trophy hunting most of the time isn’t even game animals. Just random animals. Is it more ethical to let populations run wild? Spread disease? Became more of a nuisance to humans? We would then have to cull them just to control population and just dispose of them. Our predator populations are spotty af. We have to cull them sometimes too. For not even population control but getting into our trash (bears). The North American wolf population has been shaky and low for decades. I should be allowed to spam photos of cervidae with CWD to crazy vegans.

No. 1978422

Sorry, but just because my bra size is a 32FF, doesn't mean I have large, projected breasts. 32FF fits me well, but compared to other women my size, they look a lot smaller than theirs, meaning my breasts are moderately shallow. You don't need to seethe about my bra size when you see the goddamn cup size because I literally look like a stereotypical "b" or "c" cup. My older sister (who's also a FF cup, a 38FF and hers are actually big boobs like projected and large!) Jokingly says I belong in the itty bitty titty committee! Like you don't need to fucking police whether or not I have small breasts because I fucking do. Jesus Christ maybe get off your high horse and find bras that actually fit you because my chubby ass wears a 32 band; you're in no way a fucking 34 band, but keep on wearing those ill fitting 34A's

If I actually had large tits, I would've been in the large boob communities, but since mine aren't large and projected, I don't participate in them jfc.

No. 1978602

If you want to get bullied and betllittled go to LOLCOW VKEI BANGYA LASTEST THREAD.(shitposting)

No. 1978604


No. 1978764>>1978802

Please don't have kids. Please. Don't bring someone into this world. You don't even know if the child will be able to handle life and you don't know if they will be born healthy. The good in life does not outweigh the bad and your child will suffer and get sick and eventually die. Why would you want to put someone through that? I'm begging you, don't have children. I wish with all of my heart that my mom had aborted me and now I'm stuck waiting for my expiration date. Even if you are a good parent and do everything you can for your child, so many things can go wrong. You can't build a future for your child because everything is too unpredictable and out of your control. It's too much of a gamble. Don't do it.

No. 1978771


No. 1978802

Don't worry, I won't.(vain bitch)

No. 1978807

that baby wolf was not hunted for food, the moid ran over and tortured it FOR FUN. how are you not getting this.

No. 1978872

i used to be online friends with this kind of weird but nice and creative guy when we were kids. he had a female sona and at some point confessed he wished he was a girl. the groupchat we were in kind of laughed it off and moved on. last time I checked up on him he had that white-haired loli from something-something dragonmaid anime as his profile picture. idk I just needed to put this information somewhere to purge it from my mind

No. 1979377

if i were male id be a puppygirl whore with my linux polycule besties

No. 1980669

You know it might be easy for you to be so indifferent towards what we were as your brain chemicals work in such a gifted way where they just flip a switch but mine doesn't do that, and I'm still fucking suffering

No. 1981358

You really can't make everyone happy, there's always someone who has to complain and make me roll my eyes. I'm so glad I closed it, it's a burden off my shoulders.

No. 1981478

I'm so tired of being let down and neglected every day.

No. 1981493

Non-autists are fucking diseased. I'm going to lose my shit if I have to patiently navigate around one more defensive ego-ridden fuckhead who thinks they're oh-so-normal and therefore justified in acting like a careless asshat to everyone around them. I've literally never had a problem correcting an autist because most of us grew up being treated like we're always wrong no matter what and we're usually willing to do better. But holy fuck I can't say the same for "normal" people.

No. 1981567

I ain’t gonna let you down

No. 1981714

don't create a self-fulfilling prophecy. you're not totally fucked until you give up

No. 1982659

I'm the friendless loser here when your friends only tolerate you because you provide them a free space to hang around in, draw for them for free, and you let them insult you without crying…in front of their faces
If that's what being popular and lovable is all about then yeah I'll be a friendless bitch, you dumb fucking doormat
Also instead of getting a job or fixing your hoarder den you really thought spending a whole months on your sycophant cabal squads art requests for free (27 pictures!!) was a good idea and then you wonder why is there mold and leakages and why are you so broke

No. 1983918

I hate you, Charlie. Or should I say, Lily? Yes, I’m talking about you. Fuck you.

No. 1984175

you didn’t need to hear it, but i did for years upon years??? why can’t you people just apologize for what you did to me??

No. 1984353

get out of my way you fucking cunts get away fuck off fuck off fuck off youre all in my way i hate you all fuck off fuck off

No. 1984364

i think i might be the most hurt person on earth. how do any of you justify it.

No. 1984395

I am so fucking tired of AI images being used on lc. They even felt the need to make an "ai images thread". Just stop, it's ugly and cringe.

No. 1984829

how fucking difficult is it to respond to my text? you're forcing me into a situation where i have almost no choice BUT to be clingy. i get that up to this point i've been pretty chill about stuff and making plans or whatever but seriously, how difficult is it to not make me wait around all day and wait for you to text that you want to hangout now???

No. 1984874

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No. 1984931>>1990628

Haha. I'm actually a UK size 6 not an 8 and the mirrors in the changing room were great I could see myself from all angles and I looked good and it's great because I'm thinner and more beautiful than every bitch that's ever annoyed me so I win. And im early 30s this is my body type. I'm going to be a sexy old lady like my grandma. Peace out fatties

No. 1985223

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I'm really sorry for getting back in touch with you, I thought I would be capable of sustaining a friendship this time but I was wrong. You didn't even do anything wrong it's all me. I'm becoming a loner for good this time please forget I exist. Sorry

No. 1986029

great, and i’m alone again. i know i took you for granted. whatever emptiness was inside is spilling out again. i can’t believe you’ve given up on me. i knew it would happen inevitably but i didn’t know that it would be like this. i didn’t know that it would hurt so much. my heart hurts so badly. i won’t bother you anymore. why not just remove me? i should be grateful because you’re listening to me, letting me go. i hoped i was worth fighting a bit more for. but it’s selfish for me to expect that. at least i know what to do now.

No. 1986436

what the absolute fuck do you think you are doing? what information about me do you think there even is on that account? you’re going to end up in prison, rhiannon.

No. 1986583

I came all this way to see you, only for you to make plans with other people during the limited time we have together. Why’d I even bother making plans? After constant hellish flight delays with little sleep, with you promising you’d “take good care of me” while I’m there, it’s the same ish as last time where I’m paying for everything including groceries and transportation for the both of us, with the small budget I allotted for travel expenses and activities/gift shopping. I haven’t gotten to spend money on anything I actually wanted or planned to do. You’re the one with the new job making all that money which you use to treat other people, but you haven’t treated me, your partner, once. The dick ain’t THAT good bby.

No. 1986768

you might as well respond i don’t know where you get off pretending you didn’t make sure i saw all the fucked up shit you were posting in a fucked up place. i guess it’s not only me you negatively obsess over but wow. there’s no plausible deniability here and you already got exposed. you like actually made all of this about you somehow which is. it genuinely blows my mind you are that self obsessed. this is your L, there are many L’s that look just like it, you are in no way an original in the way you behave, but this particular L is uniquely yours. i finally understand why he kept bringing up that topic to me but it’s incredible how there is no dealbreakers for you. he could murder someone, he could fully post the extent of his sexual degeneracy, and you would still be in. i called you karen homolka as a tongue in cheek joke about how you were defending a criminal yet threatening to call the cops on me. i had no idea how right i was four years ago. you scare me. the lengths you go to are fucking scary. stop trying to get into my accounts. stop driving past places you know i frequent. stop threatening me. literally just stop. it has not brought you any closer to your goal. you are literally foaming at the mouth.

No. 1988340>>1988400

File (hide): 1714674823030.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.66 KB, 392x392, tumblr_5a615a92b20c5b204245045…)

What you hate in what you see is what you hate in yourself. La la la.

No. 1988395

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Don't forget, you're living in China. Your anonymity is a complete illusion. There's written law, and then there's instinctual law. Whether or not we say it or act on it, everyone knows exactly what should be done about an animal-torturing, mentally dysgenic, literal carcass-raping piece of shit. It's not even a question. You know that, too. It's why you hide and freak out when you get found, despite chittering that it's "legal" all the time. The revulsion I'm talking about transcends race and nationality, so there's nowhere you can run to. Try a lawless country, makes it easier to get rid of you.
The CCP tried to keep it under wraps, but people found out anyway. Normal, everyday people are spreading it around, ambassadors are talking, and more and more skilled people are getting on board to help find you. That public dox list is getting longer every month. It will be redistributed and reposted for as long as it takes. You will be punished to protect your country's image, you will be rightfully thrown under the bus and dropped by any establishment or innocent person(s) unlucky enough to be associated with you, your life will be destroyed even more than what you would get from being exposed today, and you will be pushed to the brink of suicide.

No. 1988400

What if I hate everything in your picture(vain bitch)

No. 1988429

I don't prioritize all humans above animals. If I had to choose one, I would gladly shoot a rapist or an animal abuser to save a kitten's life. I'd do it to save a worm's life. I'd do it to save a tamagotchi's life. I'd do it for free, even. Nothing of value lost.

No. 1988938

well. i guess he did technically hurt us both.

No. 1988949

I’m in the minority now but one the world will wake up and see the blood on their hands and how we were right all along

No. 1989318


No. 1989361>>1989363

I choose this thread because it's funny
I want my chest reduced to an A cup or to just be completely flat chested. I don't hate breasts on other women but I hate them on me. Other people think that makes me trans but I love being a woman, I love my long hair, my waist, my privates. I just always wanted to have a flat chest. I just think mine are annoying and I can do without them.

No. 1989363>>1989366

are you one of those short women who larp as "lolis" (aka autopedophiles) or are you just ana-chan?(vain bitch)

No. 1989366>>1989370

Neither I don' think. My BMI is currently 22 so I can't call myself an ana chan.(vain bitch)

No. 1989370>>1989404

you can have an eating disorder even if your BMI is out of the skelly range.(vain bitch)

No. 1989404

Well I def don't
Just don't like my big breasts(vain bitch)

No. 1989735

people criticize others every day. you spend a lot of time on a website solely for that purpose. your actions are condemnable. there is no “threaten a rape victim for coming forward” that could possibly be justified. so tell me why you feel that justifies stalking the absolute shit out of me and invading my privacy? like did you really just try to say that it’s only because i’m talking about you? do you stalk obsess over and skinwalk everyone who tells you you’re disgusting? because everyone who knows about you thinks that.

No. 1989967

I can't relate to all this femininity praise and when anons act like there's something wrong with you for disliking some aspects of womanhood and calling birth amazing and fascinating and all that makes me hate myself even more. I want to tear my organs out. I don't even want to be a man, I don't want to be human at all. I hate that sex and creation even exists, sex is so disgusting, periods made my health worse, I genuinely regret going through puberty, I wanted to die as soon as it started. Im always tired, always lightheaded always angry, constantly in pain and can't stop pissing every 5 minutes. Medicine does NOTHING i tried several different brands for decades, theres no difference. doctors dont give a shit, they never will. "theres nothing wrong" theres always "nothing wrong" no matter who i visit. I'll never be happy ever again. Everything sexual is so disturbing. I hate the fluids, smells, sounds, organs, touching, contact. I hate growing. never wanted to be an adult, never wanted sex, never wanted pregnancy. Breasts shouldn't be there at all, it feels wrong. It's violating. All body parts are so violating. Eating is a chore. Sleeping is a chore. All functions are a fucking chore. There's nothing beautiful about it fuck all of you. There's nothing beautiful about suffering, nothing beautiful about being touched. The whole process of everything is terrifying. The only thing that stops me from killing myself is the chance of failing. The human body can't even do that right.

No. 1990202

You're in your 30s, unemployed since the age of 22 and pestering me to play Fortnite everyday!!! Get a job!!! I'm busy!!!

No. 1990263

i'm not going to give you the validation you're looking for, dude. randomly bringing up the wife you betrayed in a conversation YOU instigated with me (the person you cheated on her w/ last year, and also tried the same shit again this year) is fucking weird and inappropriate. yes, it's very nice that she thinks you're cute but why are you telling me this?

are you still pressed about me not being interested in being your side-piece again? everything about your relationship is fake; you really don't respect her at all.

No. 1990270

i'm addicted to lolcow i love this place

No. 1990496

File (hide): 1714837650354.jpeg (76.74 KB, 626x767, IMG_2421.jpeg)

Everyone is retarded and I'm bored.

No. 1990610

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Okay then, Pinocchio

No. 1990623

you're so cool but your bf looks like boss baby and is very annoying… you could do much better

No. 1990628

You're already old but you talk like you're 16 lmao(vain bitch)

No. 1990631>>1990633

Some of you feel too safe itt the vain bitches need to start speaking

No. 1990633>>1990637

Kill yourself(a-logging vain bitch)

No. 1990637>>1990638

Alogging cow you just killed yourself to reply to me vain bitch(repeated vain bitch)

No. 1990638

duh, I know
>the vain bitches need to start speaking
but not me? Can I speak to you?(vain bitch)

No. 1990745

You discarded me but you can't fucking cope and are STILL sending flying monkeys after me. Absolutely pathetic. If you didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore why can't you just let me live my life in peace? You're obsessed and you're addicted to drama and you are so, so unhappy. I loved you like a sister but what we had was toxic, so thank you for malding and then discarding me when I began setting boundaries and growing as a person. It made me realize our values are simply not compatible anymore and we have both grown into different people. But now leave me the fuck alone you stalker bitch, it was your fucking choice to not be friends anymore.

No. 1990784

it’s going to be interesting when you try to shift your aesthetic and interests to imitate mine again when now there’s time stamped proof in places you brag about stalking that these things have been mine and you’ve been called out already for skinwalking.

No. 1990786

“coming out as alternative” in your mid twenties was wild.

No. 1990804

If you invalidate my feelings all the time, you can’t complain about me not telling you anything. You only see what you want to see and then you get mad when I try to tell you otherwise, so I guess I will change again.

No. 1990848

I found my old confession from several months ago. I was right then, I am right now. What possessed me to be a pushover? I will say, it is extremely cathartic to know the truth. I admit it, I jumped in joyous celebration. I knew it! At the same time, I feel disgusted. And to think I wanted any of that. I get chills over my body knowing what awaits on the other side. No thanks. Also, you’re a liar, or stupid, or both. Probably both. She was lying to you and it is plain as day to see. Unless you believe such things, as men do. Thankfully, she warmed you up, and you took it like a fool. I have a little angel on my side, a glorious, pandering angel. It has been strange, but I certainly won’t be making that mistake anymore. Now my next move is to figure out how to get out of this mess. I guess this is the part of the story where the war is over but things won’t be ever quite the same. I was swindled, yes, but I’m still the winner! I come out the winner, and I will be lovely through it all. Now all that waits for me is the aftermath. I will have to play this ever so carefully. I’ve already sacrificed some vulnerability, but in the grand scheme of things, it was a necessary evil. I wish I could make an apology on behalf of that, but I know I’m not the first to do this, and certainly not the last. Like I said, things won’t be the same. I also wonder if my meticulous planning had any effect in this win. It certainly had to be on your radar. I will take that as a yes. If word makes it back to you, so be it. In that case, you should also know that I was just as much of a concept as you were. I could never coddle, and I’m glad I didn’t. Can I leave this situation with my original dignity? No, but this does not signify a complete loss. After all, I won and came back with more knowledge to apply. This is a net win for women.

No. 1990852

um. oh boy.

No. 1990874

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No. 1990880

whenever you dish out the worlds most stale, lukewarm burns and make that smug face, keep in mind you are making your forehead creases more noticeable. i’m always kind of winning whether i ignore you or not.

No. 1990882

your ugly thoughts are etched into your face permanently with those wrinkles.

No. 1990919

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You know that "making them go crazy" will never, ever result in anyone with the time and power "giving up", right?
You're just going to "make them go crazy" in the sense that they will dig deeper until they do find you, and everyone else will cheer them on. Understand that there'll be people won't be satisfied with beating you up, seeing you get beaten or reporting you. Some will actually want to kill you, a small amount might attempt to do so, and since your "hobby" is torturing small animals and talking about wanting to rape/kill women and children, the latter group will probably succeed. You'll have no prior warning, and no one besides the parties involved will really know why it happened. It'll just kind of happen. Your family probably won't miss you. They might miss any money you brought them, or be mad about paying for your schooling all those years, but not much else. If whoever does it is smart enough to track you down, they're probably smart enough to never get caught or have their actions (definitively) linked to anyone else, either. It's really that simple. And I wouldn't blame them. You don't belong in any society, not even the wild. Cockroaches and maggots make better contributions to the world.
Maturity is knowing and accepting that we're actually not supposed to preserve every person's life or show them mercy. Protecting the innocent takes precedent above all. If you can understand your own lack of empathy for weaker beings and/or the opposite sex, please understand everyone else's lack of empathy for you.

No. 1990955

oh girl you’re going to PRISON prison

No. 1990968

File (hide): 1714869395412.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1242x1315, IMG_7932.jpeg)

why are you so obsessed with harassing rape victims?

No. 1991320

Uh, what the fuck? Did you just take my big pot? You understand you haven't stopped me making rice and noodles, you've just made it fucking awkward?

No. 1991391

cannot believe the rapist failure is a fucking furry but after he got posted on those spaces he literally HAS to wear a mask. this makes everything so much easier for me in like five ways. eventually he won’t be allowed at any cons at all but for now this is so satisfying. you’re all such fucking losers.

No. 1991394

should have manipulated me better, should have apologized. he wanted to make my life small but look whose life is shrinking now.

No. 1991401

anyways i emailed his new job

No. 1991483

eh, I hate men anyway

No. 1991666

I’m so tired of you, I wish you could go back again and never return.

No. 1991757

Can't wait for you to finally leave this subhuman incel looking neet filmbro funko pop ai-lover rude insect that has left you so many times even when he thought he'd get a random discord femboy because he wants to have sex with a thai ladyboy.
Don't know why him chasing an eastern european vtuber girl that just turned 18 is the last straw for you but i'll take it, actually proud of you for not going out of your way to contact this manchild. He will probably forget that your birthday is coming and i can't wait for you to remove him from your life and getting your shit together, sorry that you had to go through so much retardation.

No. 1991790

nik’s neighbors have been acting weird around him lately haven’t they? i wonder why?

No. 1991964

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You disgusting fucking obese piece of shit. Get it through your thick bald skull that NOONE in your family gives a fuck about you. All of your children hate you and I'm so glad I got my brother on board too. It made us stronger and united against you. The second we all became independent from you life improved SIGNIFICANTLY. Your last hope would be absolutely disgusted with you if I told her everything. You're lucky I don't want to break her heart or else your life would tumble over like fucking dominos. Stealing money so you can go on vacations to see people who STILL don't give a fuck about you is insane work. Everyone is fucking sick and tired and so you resort to taking advantage of lowlifes schizos and literal methheads because you know they can't say shit about your horrible behaviour. Have fun with the consequences of your actions. You'll have to suffer until your old and your spine curves in because none of us gives a single fuck about you. If you even get old you deathfat pig. You nasty fucking pedo you need to be castrated with a butter knife. Nasty delusional fuck with absolutely disgusting hygiene. Delusional thinking any woman wants your time when they're solely looking for a better life you fucking scumbag piece of shit taking advantage of women. At your big ass senior nursing home incontinence age. Everyone can sense how disgusting you are. You stink up the entire fucking room to the point we have to open windows. Nasty low IQ RETARD with rotting teeth and visceral fat. You potbellied norwooding motherfucker. Let's hope you can afford insulin. You ruined my life I'll sure as hell ruin yours and make you regret everything. You'll be squealing and blubbering like a pig when you drop the soap in jail. You really think you're safe from jail

No. 1993195

Someone shoot me please. I can’t take this stress. Fuck.

No. 1993339

Fuck you and your whole “evil eye” bullshit. Sorry you married a misogynistic moid.

No. 1993550

i don't know what kind of psychological power play you think you're doing to me but you fucking won okay just fucking stop it. stop humiliating me and stop treating me like an experiment or a retard. i know i'm not perfect but i wasn't lying to you. i wasn't doing anything that you think i am. watching me writhe must be fun for you but it's getting old just stop being such a loser. there's a million thing i could get on you for and a million things about you that i find embarrassing and obnoxious but i never bring them up because i'm a good friend, or at least i thought i was. and i don't know what you think you're doing with your double life thing but i don't even care just stop fucking acting so two faced. for someone who claims to hate bipolars you're seriously acting like one just come back and reply to me so we can talk this out. jesus fuck

No. 1993832

I can't wait for the day that other people call out your bullshit.

No. 1994082

My arrogance knows no bounds
And I will make no peace today
And you shall be so lucky
To find a woman like me

Today neither will the East claim me
nor the West admit me
Today my belly is a well
wherein serpents are coiled
ready to poison the world,
and you should be so lucky.

All I have is my arrogance
I will teach it to lean back
and smoke a cigarette in your faces,
and you should be so lucky

No I will make no peace
even though my hands are empty
I will talk as big as I please
I will be all or nothing
And I will jump before the heavy trucks
And I will saw off my leg at the thigh
before I bend one womanly knee

I am poison
And you will drink me
And you should be so lucky.

No. 1994092

My mom is on a diet and now she’s trying to shame me for eating rice even though I’m not fat like her it’s actually getting so annoying

No. 1994094

violent self-disgust. i judge anyone who would not judge me.

No. 1994959

an angel with cruel and merciless intent letting you build things up just to burn them all the fuck down. make sure he knows it was me.

No. 1995097

that was the big mistake with hurting me as much as was possible the first wound. you can’t cut deeper than raping a virgin. you freaks actually would have to kill me to affect me the way i am you. you’re all soft. you have no idea. no fucking idea. fuck you for not being sorry. i am never going to stop making his life and everyone in his life hell. like every job, every neighbor, every hobby, every con and even every client of every business around you. kiss it all goodbye. fuck you.

No. 1995098

For that yellow fever individual,
I hope karma serves you right.

No. 1995100

no one is going to want to let a rapist enter their home when they are not around and be around their dog. no one is buying her shitty art anyways but they already have to wear masks at cons. i’m ruining everything for everyone.

No. 1995101

he can watch me ruin not just his life but everyone else’s too. fuck you all.

No. 1996015

My entire future is collapsing, answer the email! I’ve barely eaten for days and not knowing is killing me.

No. 1996017

Look at you, gaming on the computer i built, playing games i introduced you to. sure go ahead and play with your other friends day and night when you told me we would play together. go ahead and pretend it’s your own personality and not mine you have sucked out of me like a vampire. fucking bitch.

No. 1996138>>1996177

Crystal cafe is so shit. The mods literally ban you for no reason. I got banned twice in the span of a couple weeks, despite not breaking any rules. The first time I successfully appealed a random 7 day ban, the second time I was permanently banned and my appeal was denied. I don’t even fucking know why because they didn’t even specify a reason.

No. 1996177

crystal cafe has the worst most moronic name for anything ever. i remember the thread where the name was suggested and i already thought it was gonna be awful. funny that spoony (look her up if you don't know her) got caught larping on there when it started though.(vain bitch)

No. 1996264

Reading all the bf posts in the vent thread is seriously so blackpilling. Makes me hate the users here for being so stupid holy shit. It's like laying in the road and getting surprised when you get run over, the levels of delusion must be off the charts to expect any different outcome.

No. 1996270

what haunts me is that 90% of moids are so faceblind and lack any reasoning that in the correct situation they would definitely jack off to shayna. even when given context if they had a boner they just wouldnt give a shit. the last 2 movies i watched my moid could not tell that an actress was playing two characters because one character had short hair and no makeup. then they said that one actress played two characters because both had red hair. then we watched a horror movie and they thought the guy was benedict cucumberbath and it wasnt even him.

i wonder what he thinks i look like

No. 1996760

I'm worried for you right now. I hope your creep doesn't see our emails. I'll speak to you soon, I promise.

No. 1998323

why the fuck do i even bother, go ahead and be miserable then

No. 1998333

I’ve been dancing at this studio for a while and most of that time has been pleasant and friendly and then this cliquey bitch joined and made it into high school 2.0. she’s also taken over running the studio social media too so literally 4/5 posts are her in some way, even not dance related shit. it’s so pathetic and narcissistic and i’m genuinely disappointed that someone has just shat over a place that was formerly so un toxic. one the worst things is she isn’t even good at dance, but everyone sucks up to her because she’s a fatty and black because MUH EMPOWERMENT. she’s just an incredibly annoying delusional narcissist who i really resent seeing when i go to do my favourite hobby.

No. 1999428

Its finally over? I’ve spent the last 3 years like this and it’s finally done. Thank you. You’re a fucking idiot but I’ve never been so grateful thank you thank you thank you for fucking your life up beyond repair you fucking idiot thank you

No. 1999653

Of course you're still lying about literally everything. When everyone finds out you are the one that started that account, and one by one you're all exposed with full receipts, absolute proof, screenshots and screenrecordings of you abusing that girl and laughing about it–I bet even then you won't delete it. You're the scariest of all of them because you're the one most likely to become an actual rapist or murderer within the decade. They protect you only because they're afraid of admitting their own hand in it, and no other reason at all. And to anyone reading this that follows a certain "streamer" with his "Ava Lynn" stories that 'aren't appropriate for Twitter', know that everything he says is bullshit and he's a socio. He can't backpeddle without hurting himself. It's just lie on lie on lie. Anyways. Oh, right. I told you I wouldn't be surprised if it was ooyf who was assaulting women in NY and then a pic of one of them was posted and it actually looked similar to ooyf. So funny.

The lies really do wind around themselves. You get called out, someone references the things you do–you make fake burner accounts pretending they're your "schizo stalker" that doesn't exist, pour effort into fake photos of women, fake posts, the whole nine–when you're the one who is the stalker. You're so calculated and manipulative over such retarded things that your violent behavior isn't surprising at all. You delete your accounts, remake, delete again. Lie to more people. Make more burners, talk to yourself, beg them to ask you specific questions,give them prompts and adlibs to follow. You are in desperate need of a very strong antipsychotic and possibly chemical castration, if you haven't already started that process yet. You stole her photos, her voice, pictures of her when she was underage, bits and pieces to inflate into something entirely different, countless bizarre sexual harassment spells and obsessive cruelty–fucking LOL you need to get off that shit so bad. How Jake was stupid enough to risk all of this being exposed to go along with you is beyond me. Kind of proves the kind of people all of you are, though. Are you going to craft a new lie to back out of this one? Create some new, fake "schizophrenic girl" burner account and pretend its the faux villain you created? Would love to know how you think you're going to justify years of stalking and sexual harassment. Who is going to be the new "Ava Lyn", kind of too late when you already had those pictures saved isnt it. Sick fuck. You aren't Don Draper, you're like… Jeffrey Dahmer at best. You're all grown men wtf.

No. 1999787

You have time to hang out with everyone else but me. If you wanted to, you’d search time instead of excuses (that’s exactly what you told me many years ago, do you remember?)
You’re so hypocrite and fake, I can’t stand the sight of you.

No. 2000473

I'm so tired of having to pretend I care about you. Quit playing dumb acting like you didn't commit a sin. I hate you, just die already. I'm this close to expose what a piece of shit you are to everyone.

No. 2000483

You did that to me at that age because you thought I would never remember it. You're a coward too afraid of dealing with consequences.

No. 2000939

File (hide): 1715574808654.png (985.77 KB, 1301x828, 1696617704182806.png)

Even though I tried my best to fit in, I think I have imposter syndrome

No. 2000953

Hahahahahahaha was it worth it you fucking retard? Now you get to be the queen of a discord server nobody uses anymore because everyone’s scared of you. Congratulations. I bet you felt really big for those five minutes. I know you read here and I just want you know you’re pathetic.

No. 2000964>>2002003

There is that dirty witch who lives next door, she spiritually attacked me 4-5 times in last few months.

When witch attacked me for the first time with sleep paralysis, I was physically weak, still recovering after she poisoned me.
That time she succeeded to cut my wings off (why I had the wings I won't tell now)
I was paralyzed and I could hear her evil laugh behind my back.

Next time (after few months) she spiritually attacked again.
I was sleeping, and my awareness woke up immediately sensing the danger. My body was paralyzed, but I set free my astral and I went to the entrance of my home, watching through the window what happens at the outside.
I waited in ambush patently, not knowing what to expect
(my body was still sleeping in another room but my awareness was lucid and I was in moving astral form).

And then I saw the witch! She was in her sleeping gown, pale as a shadow (actually she looked more gray than pale; gray like a gravestone, a ghostly shadow deprived of light, of life).
There was a candle in her hand, and she moved like floating through the air.
I could see her lips moving, chanting spells.
And the flame of the candle moved together in the rhythm with her chanting, like a snake's tongue, poisonous, murderous…
She could not see me but I was silently watching her, secluded behind the door.

Witch approached to my door, chanted something and stretched her hand toward the glass (in the other hand she still held a candle).
First her fingers passed through the glass, then her whole hand, and then her arm, almost to the elbow!
And that was the moment I was waiting for!
I grabbed her arm catching it in the middle of the glass; a half of her arm was caught on the inside, a half of her arm was caught on the outside!
I could see something like drops of blood falling from her astral arm, spreading over the glass.
Witch did not expect the ambush, she was thinking I was paralyzed in my bed.
I wasn't paralyzed! I caught her by surprise.

I opened the door and ordered her not to try to enter again in my space.
She was standing there, caught in flagrante delicto, bleeding.
I could not see clearly if her astral arm was just wounded, or I cut it off.
Anyway, witch was seriously damaged during my ambush attack.
I dismissed her and returned in my physical body to sleep calmly.

Later she tried to attack me a few more times.
But every time she tried sleep paralysis on me I was able to set free my astral and chase her away.

Last time (last month) when she tried to tie my will by paralyzing my body,
I saw how she is throwing on me some heavy things like pieces of furniture, but she missed to hit me every time.
She was like a raging demon with non-human kind of strength lifting heavy things from all around, but for me those heavy pieces of furniture thrown on me were like Styrofoam, light and harmless that I could touch them with my hand, and my hand would pass through it like it all was just an optical trick!
I did not even bother to stand up and chase the Witch away. I was just laughing in her face while I was still laying in my bed, aware that I'm again in lucid state of mind, in area of dreams.

Now I am waiting to see would she try to attack me again, after all those ridiculous fails of her.
Obviously she found the opponent who is spiritually stronger than she is.
Though, she is still very stubborn, always trying to set the traps for me in reality while pretending how friendly she is.
Yeah, friendly like poisonous snake!
Like I don't know who she is really: -The Witch who pretends to be my mother!!!
Maybe you tricked me once, but twice you won't even if you try 10 000 times!

No. 2000967

At least I don't look like a pig

No. 2001044

That's one ugly nose(vain bitch)

No. 2001103

File (hide): 1715593371906.webp (80.11 KB, 1000x750, 1000028363.webp)

I know. I KNOW you're not ignoring me but please I am dying I'm so fragile right now. Im gonna spiral again please talk to me.

No. 2001122

All those talks about being sad other people were moving away from you and how you understood loneliness, and then you went and left me as soon as some shiny new person (who coddled you more) came around. You're ridiculous and pathetic, you never understood loneliness because you've always had tons of people around you coddling you and complimenting every little thing you made. Some people around you can tell how narcissistic and full of yourself you are and it's funny how quickly you come running and crying when that happens.

No. 2002001

File (hide): 1715651651377.jpg (67.97 KB, 600x903, 1000003620.jpg)

>"SHE NEEDS TO TAKE ACCOUNTABILITY [for what I did to her]"

No. 2002003

I know who posted this (legitimately) and your fake poser schizo prose is so retarded. You are such a faggot oh my god.(vain bitch)

No. 2002171

i've almost gotten into three separate physical altercations this year and it's all been men. they are the most volatile emotionally disregulated animal on the planet. what gives them the right to see a random woman minding her business and try to touch her, scream at her, hit her? they're all sick in the head, doesn't matter the age or race, they will see an opportunity to demean a woman and take it. i see a man looking at me and i want to lunge at him and tear his throat out with my bare hands because what reason does he have to stare other than imagining me naked or dead. i can't even go to therapy for this because what the fuck are they going to say, oh not all men?? it's all in my head? even if i tell them a group of teenage boys grabbed at me in public or a grown scrote screamed at me in the parking lot because i was fucking walking too slow for his liking? i'm just supposed to GET OVER IT? i don't know how to deal with this anymore. i love the convenience of the city but maybe i should go live in a village with 10 people and if a man tries to get aggro i can put an axe in his neck. i am disgusted by their speech i am disgusted by their egos i am disgused by their stench and appearance and attitude.

No. 2002207

File (hide): 1715671269323.jpg (90.25 KB, 736x731, a68c90935e8f255c870c3d2db09bc6…)

I have a feeling your stupid ass is gonna ruin this for me. To be completely honest you have really been getting on my nerves lately, youre just so fucking cringy it's unbearable, talking about violence and how you're so angry when you live a completely normal life and your parents love and support you. "uwww i am so full of wage i want to kiww uwwww i so angwy" that's how you fucking sound. You are not intimidating or cool. I know you think you're cool as fuck but you're not, you're embarrassingly delusional. I want to tell you off so fucking bad you need a reality check.

No. 2002332

I will never get over it, I will never trust you in the same way I did before you did it, and if you do it again I'm divorcing your ass so hard you'll see stars.

No. 2002394

It's been months and you're still playing the victim, changed the whole story in your head and crying about it. There are so many understanding and loving last messages I typed out to you I never sent, and I'm glad I didn't. I sympathized with you in spite of how you treated me but you've villainized me like usual so you get to feel better about yourself. So much for being so grown and mature now.

No. 2002398


No. 2002412

Those are some impressive mind-reading powers you have there, shortcake.

No. 2002511

He didn't ignore you because you were too good for him, he ignored you because you’re too insufferable, too egoistic and basically a narcissistic bitch who needs to be the centre of the world.
Maybe you should try to improve yourself before you try to sabotage other’s people relationships, all the comments you say aren’t advices, it’s you being a jerk, that’s all.
It’s pretty sad how you try to justify why your relationships aren’t working at all, I truly think your expectatives are way too high for the kind of person you are.

No. 2002631>>2002650

File (hide): 1715709063368.jpg (92.6 KB, 950x916, GJq4Ki1WoAAadtA.jpg)

I'm fucked, I'm fucked, I'm so fucking fucked and it's all my fucking fault! I squandered my entire fucking future and I'm not even 30 yet! I used to hate my fucking family for making me feel this way, but they were right! I'm a fucking loser and a parasite and a leech! I had opportunity and I squandered it because of my own selfishness! Fuck me! I deserve to fucking explode and have stray dogs come and rape and eat and shit on whatever is left of my corpse!!! I'm sorry!!!! I'm sorry!!!! You were right, I'm so fucking sorry! I fucking hate myself so much!! God, I truly do not deserve to live right now!!!!!

No. 2002650

jesus christ nonna, calm down. what happened? did you drop out of school or something?(vain bitch)

No. 2002862

File (hide): 1715721561159.png (279.34 KB, 719x818, 1698873436557.png)

praying for your downfall, faggot

No. 2002878

I just find it so funny how you say you're a "girl's girl" yet have absolutely no relationship with any of the girls in our friend group and you even hate one of them for absolutely no reason. You constantly whine on about how you're not included and you've been whining about this for years even though we have tried to include you with plenty of things multiple times now but now, guess what? Most people don't want to bother with your self-pitying attitude because it's annoying as fuck and you literally make no effort to include yourself in the friend group beyond your flip-flopping parasocial obsessions with whatever moid floats in and out of your radar. It's actually really embarrassing and at first I got that vibe about you, but I wanted to give you a chance because I barely knew you - I tried to ask you to do stuff with us, you were invited by many people so many times, yet you rejected us time and time again and now you cry about it and act as if everyone ignores you.

Bitch, you ignored us. You literally have no interest in any of us and now you're sat feeling sorry for yourself when you realize that no one cares about your dumb shit anymore. Stop blaming it on your mental health, or your shit relationship with your mother. I have a shit relationship with my mother yet somehow I'm still able to respect my friends pretty easily. Funny how that works right? You're such a pick me it's insane, you hate on women around here who have done nothing wrong and then wonder why no-one wants to spend time with you. Maybe it's because you have your head shoved up whatever mediocre moid comes through that revolving door of online/LDR relationships you're obsessed with. You're honestly a loser and no amount of muh mental health muh im shy will make up for this. Don't say we didn't try with you. Stop making spotify playlists about men that are using you for nudes and go look in the mirror and asses why you can't take responsibility for anything. Oh and what they said about you fetishizing Handmaid's Tale - I can absolutely believe that. You strike me as the type to think giving up your autonomy is just sooo coquette and you're "just a girl" because you want a crumb of attention from some right-wing scrote with a fetish for violence against women. You had plenty of chances and you ruined it. Go fuck yourself.

No. 2003002

Anachand are so annoying. Just wrote that I look too skinny even if my bmi is normal in the exercise thread and screeching anachans accuse me of lying and being an overweight fat american. sigh Sorry that someone being skinnier than them at a higher weight triggers their emaciated shrivelled up brains.

No. 2003057

“Stole your inheritance?” You’re fucking nuts. If you hadn’t been doing shit like driving around drunk with your kid in the car, you wouldn’t have gotten cut off. That money wasn’t stolen, it was placed in a trust so your kids can have it when they turn 18 because you’re too fucking retarded and insane to take care of them.

No. 2003076

File (hide): 1715735840892.jpeg (68.17 KB, 481x720, IMG_1477.jpeg)

You can vaguepost at me all you want, I'll just keep looking at my phone screen like this

No. 2003111

no one supports you as an artist because you literally don't have an art style that appeals to the kind of people you're trying to sell for. ALso because you constantly bitch and moan and accuse everyone who actually supports you of not supporting you because we don't all send you money for no reason. jesus fucking christ

No. 2003145

Starting to think you are genuinely retarded. Like do you really believe that. Do you really believe that. Your ego is so insane ctfu

No. 2003148

File (hide): 1715741702890.gif (862.18 KB, 220x180, 1000003032.gif)

>yfw come on to lolcow to unironically call someone shortcake as an insult (vain bitch)

No. 2003225

The things you try to be nitpicky and shady about are so minscule and stupid you're such a loser omg

No. 2003243

what's the point of these threads anymore if anons are still gonna vague-reply to each other's posts kek

No. 2004790

What is it about discharge that's so tasty that anons cannot shut up about eating it for 5 seconds

No. 2004793

I hope you die lol! I hope you both die lol! Hehe! Lol!

No. 2004797

Even your name has to do with the fact you are a snowflake

No. 2004866

of course i feel bad sometimes but like. he doesn’t. so.

No. 2004935

if you've moved on then why the fuck do you keep talking about me. focus on your new girlfriend already you fucking psychopath

No. 2004977

imagine having art posted since 2015 as evidence that neither your art nor your dental hygiene has improved in ten fucking years. this relationship honestly tracks.

No. 2004981

pushing 40, a toothless furry and wasting your money on disney with your melting candle rapist boyfriend that you tower above and have to draw smaller to cope. i like can’t. i hope they get married.

No. 2005213

I hope I accidentally cursed you
I curse you!!!

No. 2005290

SPONK!? The fuck. Why. Splash me with that coffee already I'm just done, Julia.

No. 2005400

if you mention it again i'm gonna fucking kill you. disgusting

No. 2005404

my respect for you is hanging on a thread and you're not making it better joking about that shit

No. 2005407

also quit being a fucking faggot

No. 2005432>>2005436

I don't care that she has breast cancer. This Instagram artist I used to like made a GoFundMe for 70k to "help her fight cancer" because her husband quit his job to work for her online shop, and now she's too sick to sell things. Except she's still selling things. He's not sick, and her having cancer doesn't prevent him from working, but they make it out to be like she needs 24/7 care and they will be destitute. He's still making and selling leather goods which is his trade of choice, they own a home, and I'm pretty sure she inherited a lot when her father died recently. Today she posted about a new huge sewing project which uses so many yards of nice fabric and is physically/mentally taxing for even a healthy person. Even if it only cost a few hundred in materials… I thought she'd be too sick to do an intensive project like that if she can't work on all the small, less physical things for her shop. Her "job" seems to mostly just pouring metal into moulds. Her man is incapable of that?

thistlethistle is a grifter in my eyes forevermore because of this. The economy is so fucked right now for actual poor people, and people like this ask for a year's salary to freeze her fucking eggs (says this in GoFundMe) and other shit because they admit their insurance is covering everything necessary. Her followers are also morons for being manipulated by her flowery bullshit.

No. 2005436

same anon, idk why I put job in quotes, I was just being a jealous bitch there tbh.

No. 2005487

I see that I still live rent free in your mind over two years later. Get over it, sweetheart, oh wait, you're incapable of letting things go

No. 2005571

not toothless and sniffer being in the most hateful polycule i’ve ever seen

No. 2005586

i am the only attractive woman he has ever touched and it was against my will. seeing him fail in every aspect of his life, from relationships to his career is a small consolation. i hope all of his hair falls out next.

No. 2005818

So low effort it’s equivalent to posting stick figures.

No. 2006006

Kind of suspicious how men will do the most vile, creepy, gross, heinous, genuinely abusive shit imaginable and then go on to call women Karens who need to let things go and that they live "rent free" in people's minds… men be like haha just sexually exploited a woman and that fucking stupid ugly cunt bitch is upset she's soo obsessed with me. Isnt that right, red shirt.

No. 2006017

You always liken media to yourself that paints you in a flattering light when the reality is nobody wants anything to fucking do with you and you're that nasty fuck from 13 cameras in training.

No. 2006059

I googled three names. You obsessively led me to two different websites where you talked shit about me after threatening me and calling me a liar to my face. You continued to send death threats. You drive past my mom’s house. You tried to get into my accounts. You keep tabs on and stalk me more than I do my own perpetrator. How on earth does that analogy not apply more to you, the woman harassing a rape victim, than a rape victim talking back and exposing a rapist? Like are you done is it over? Also have no idea who else is talkingat this point because clearly someone else is defending me and thank you but I actually don’t know what’s going on at this point lol.

No. 2006215

you pretend to hate me so much but you still text me when you feel insecure and still try your hardest to look like i did during our relationship. i know you like copying women you hate, but god damn does it get tiring photoshoping your pics to look like someone else?

No. 2006219

Pathetic, both of you, hoping you get banished to the shadow realm

No. 2006256

um. which one of you posted that and why. is that like your sense of humor or.(confused vain bitch)

No. 2006831

if he’s not even happy on his dream birthday vacation, guess he’ll never be truly happy again. i understood the anxiety and why he wears a mask now at his cons, yearly posts and flyers about him would do that. besides the fact he's significantly less socially impaired than the people he was with who were screeching and dancing in public that would make me embarrassed and anxious too. but why is he so miserable in florida? did one of his neighbors show him the letters i sent them for his birthday or is the man truly just never happy anymore? no light whatsoever in those eyes. he can’t fake it anymore i suppose.

No. 2006846

is he still glad he hurt me?

No. 2007495

You were the reason I left the fandom. You and the fuckwits you call your mates who tried to use my groupchat as a shortcut to weasel your way into another person's life, and when you couldn't manage that, you got your "mates" to spam the chat until I closed it due to being tired of your bullshit.
I'm fucking glad I have nothing to do with it anymore.

No. 2007510

i really sat and thought about it, and you really kinda fucked yourself in the process too

No. 2009119

i want a rematch. i want to see him try and do his worst. this time i would win.

No. 2009154

Holy fuck. Huge upper arms. No tits. No ass. Have to contort self in half to hide how thick your abdomen is. Huge thighs. Arms still hanging down three inches despite the fact I meme’d you into only doing arm day. Crimson chin and two foot long face. Three fried scraggly hairs. Why would you post a worse version of the picture I was already mocking.

No. 2009156

you literally HAVE to know that contorting yourself like that is clearly not a pose and an attempt to hide your body just like the thing you used to do to hide your nose with your head up. And literally everyone knows that your stomach is as broad as your freaky broad chest and shoulders. Every person on earth knows what it means when someone puts their hand on their waist and pushes in. You have no waist. The long thigh is so funny. Just why.

No. 2009235>>2010760

i will never have love i will never be loved i’m incapable!

No. 2010441

If you had spared 50 cents (which I would have paid back) I wouldn't have had to later pay 7 extra dollars for the same thing.

No. 2010596

Lol at you telling lies to others not knowing I still follow you and can see it

No. 2010603>>2015438

The fact you think anyone is pining after you is laughable.

No. 2010759

it finally happoened im banned from 4chan now i will come here..no… i will stop…… what have i become? also i need to die wow wow

No. 2010760

You will have love, be loved and love in turn.(vain bitch)

No. 2011131

the way he had enough of you

No. 2011144

File (hide): 1716243712955.png (220.07 KB, 500x500, let the record show.png)

"that's too much effort" "that's too much work" WHAT THE FUCK ELSE DO YOU EXPECT? WHAT THE FUCK ELSE IS THERE TO DO?

No. 2011147>>2011159

File (hide): 1716243843773.jpeg (59.81 KB, 400x416, IMG_8180.jpeg)

the way you give men “just friends” vibes

No. 2011159

I'm so curious as to wtf this even means(vain bitch)

No. 2011177

FUCK MOMINS! I hate that shit everyone is ganging up on me just because I don't fuck with Momins but I hate that stupid cartoon! Everyone is bullying me now GREAT all because I spoke my truth but apparently the truth isn't worth it in these days only lies and hatred and evilness. I hate this stupid world and all its follies. I hate Momins they're dumb as fuck I resent Finns I resent Swedes why did they make a cartoon why couldn't they just stick to their saunas and their vikings and their other Scandinavian pursuits why did they have to poison the Television with their Momins.

No. 2011639

Im so sick and tired of yearning and longing for someone. I say i want to feel loved and be in love and love someone but im totally incapable of that. I lie to myself sometimes and lie to the person im interested in a lot when I look into their eyes i dont feel anything theres nothing in my heart my brain is blank and i stare off into the corner. I dont know what to do. I feel like i was destined to be single forever but Id like to be with someone and have that connection that would last me until im dead. I think theres something wrong with me because Ive never been desired romantically, sexually , intellectually by anyone. Im improving myself everyday but i sit alone in my house all day doing work. I dont know whats wrong with me.

No. 2012047

i wish i could be something else other than a tool the universe uses to allow bad people to easily harm just so they can get their karma. maybe he was right maybe i am just a stepping stone. if you’re wondering if the flame pities the moth the answer is yes. if you’re wondering if the gun feels bad about only being an instrument of destruction the answer is yes. but what choice have i ever had?

No. 2012052

it’s just like. okay. come and get it i guess. i don’t feel bad for people who put their hands in the mouths of bears. but it’s not even cathartic anymore. i just want to punish you enough that you’re actually sorry and it never happens. the writing has been on the wall and i’m supposed to be the one who can change it but i’m not the one who wrote all that shit on the wall. i can’t.

No. 2012100

I really hate you. You randomly deleted me from your friends then choose to shit talk me. I'm unsure if it's because my ex ratted me out for hating grannies, and fuck her if it is. She did everything to fit in because deep down there was nothing of substance to her. I can't believe I dated her. No backbone, whatever is in current trend bitch. Disgusting behavior waiting for me to be legal then she possibly dated a a teen under her guardianship. Absolutely wild that denying disgusting mentally ill behavior is somehow worse than her actual pedophilic actions. Yet, it seems like I'm the one shunned from a small community online I previously loved. I'm so done with the both of you. Go to hell.

No. 2012223

how many women has he destroyed? because i don’t think he saved you. i don’t feel like people who are saved write pining messages to their ex of five years about wanting to get back together and how he hurt you and shit. like i get you weren’t raped like i was and you acting like both his number one defender and his number one victim grates my nerves. but this isn’t saved behavior and you know that and i know that and he knows that. does he like not acknowledge these messages you leave him? why do you put up with that shit? no input you can put it gets you anywhere with that man. if he says i was anything other than saccharine our entire relationship hes lying and i genuinely think he treated me worse when i was complimenting him vs cussing him out. nothing like. matters. only everything he does to any of our lives matters so it’s like the most frustrating thing in the world trying to get this person who has not does not and will not ever give a single fuck about anyone other than himself to care. he’s real real fucking good at tricking you into thinking he does though. did he tell you the recurring dream of a girl on a beach one too? that he wished for you on a shooting star? what about you J have his tactics matured? cos i’m guessing he told all of us the same damn lines. did he take you to the end of that pier at the lake?

nothing matters. there’s nothing that can matter when it comes to someone like that. they can take the most meaningful experiences that other men would kill to have had the chance to away from you and say it was meaningless. where does someone even go from there?? and then he sends you a letter in response to one bleeding on paper saying he knows he hurt you, he knows how much and that it still hurts and why. and he doesn’t regret it.

did i even have a choice in my attempt to get revenge? what other choice was there in the face of that? is he just still in control of me??

No. 2012352

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why do i need a bf when i can accumulate wealth in my 30s and adopt a neet. lol. i just want to draw animal(no soyjaks)

No. 2012396

Okay so now you shittalk me and all of a sudden you're gay for me…what the fuck is going on? All of this behavior and you can't even message me directly

No. 2012457

i want this to be over and to move on but i can’t.

No. 2012473

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Uh oh seems like repressing the trauma didn't help and I might need to waste more money on psychiatrists haha

No. 2012501

can we talk?

No. 2014932

I have a day and a half to decide whether or not to jump off a building before my bday. Hmmm much to think about.

No. 2015283

he raped me. i was good to him and he abused me. i don’t understand why it happened. i don’t understand why he isn’t sorry. this is so fucked up and this is just going to be the rest of our lives? because he made a fucked up decision when he was twenty? it’s just so fucked up.

No. 2015306

i want him to apologize to me for what he did and then i never want to have to think about it again.

No. 2015320

i did a lot for him. even he admits i treated him well. he took everything from me. saying a few words is nothing in the face of all that and it’s the least he can do.

No. 2015352

i know he wasn’t the one who wrote that he would never call me that

No. 2015417

i wish you had the courage and integrity to speak to me directly like i have to you.

No. 2015434

Um so you admit that you're aware, then. That heinous sexual assault is just sexual assault. There is no "umm no akshually its CAMP sexual assault like avant garde sexual assault ummmm". Sexual assault is just sexual assault. You are equal parts retarded and soulless, and already admitted that one of the only thrilling things you've experienced in the last 4 years is the repeated sexual assault of that woman. The fuck.

No. 2015438

Said this exact thing about a man recently. Many such cases!

No. 2015440

you have my number.(samefagging)

No. 2015442

Like damn you're stuck with that pet retard forever now and watching how much you hate it and seethe underneath it all is hilar

No. 2015452

honestly i’m starting to think that he wants this to continue forever just because it turns him on he’s still affecting me. he’s clearly getting off to this there’s really no other reason to consistently behave in the way he has. i’ve been in denial and i guess i didn’t care about him laughing at my pain. i didn’t expect it to make him horny i didn’t think he would LIKE it though. no one prepared me for that part.

No. 2015473

Like clockwork. Hope you die painfully btw.

No. 2015477

i’m not going to do that rhiannon. i’m sorry you don’t want to move on. i’m sorry you think what he did was okay. it wasn’t. you both should apologize.(samefagging)

No. 2015742

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Reminded how any time hypserspecific actions of yours are mentioned you try to play it cool and casual so they aren't aware you're the one being called out. I know the "ugly spick" mention made you jump, tho. Its a shame you have to keep pretending you weren't burned huh because otherwise they'll be intuitively aware that it was true and you are in fact and evil psychotic monster that will lie at the drop of a hat for no reason other than attention from severely autistic twitter homosexuals.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2015826

You are not and never have been the blue print of anything for anyone omg delete that app

No. 2015860

Mods, can you please ban this faggot and his incessant samefagging and schizophrenic responses to literally every single post itt? We all know it's him, he latched onto that woman and posts about her at least twice a day here, he's fucking crazy. All his posts are referring to anyone venting about their lives as this "Pinocchio" "toothless" "Rhiannon" fucking bullshit and you're so incompetent you've left half of it up including photos of a random woman he put here. Nobody here is this Rhiannon bitch, I'm sick of seeing his posts and how he is so paranoid and narcissistic that he has this thread bookmarked and regularly bumps it in desperate hopes for attention from his self-invented opps. Stop letting this faggot post here just because he stopped anime avatarfagging. None of us can post anything without him calling us Rhiannon. He needs to be put down or heavily medicated for his delusions.

No. 2016379

I hate my family they're all ugly and retarded

No. 2016407

Feel so annoyed!!! Why does everyone in my life have to adlib and ruin songs I enjoy… No, shut the fuck up, I don't care!!!!

No. 2016415

He can't sing well but he will never hear that from me….

No. 2016680

I’m torn. I miss you all the time, but I can’t deny that life has gotten objectively better for me since I let go of you. I think about reaching out, but it never seems like the right time and I never feel like I have the right words. I’m sorry for the things I said and I’m sorry everything went to shit. I hope you’re doing well.

No. 2016804

I’m going a but crazy for a TRA. I met her through my nonbinary tif friend what did I expect… but I’m just so into her

No. 2016844

I am so incredibly stupid. So so fucking stupid, I'm just so idiotic, dumb, ugly and useless. I wish I could fix all my mistakes. If physical pain could magically fix all the shit I did then I would cut my hand or arm off. I'd cut open my legs, I'd stab myself. I just want to stop making mistakes that have bad consequences.

No. 2016911

i’ll be okay

No. 2017121

there's garbage in my veins
and it flows into the garbage in my brain
when it kills me throw me out
put me in the lonely ground

No. 2017266

the world would be a better place if all junkies and homeless people just died

No. 2017300

I'll turn 34 this year and for the past 4 days I've found immense comfort in binging johnnie guilbert videos. My boyfriend is buff but here I am secretly (but not anymore) crushing on a fake emo.

No. 2017573

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Is this the life you wanted? Rolling around in your own filth and excrement while deluding yourself into believing that this is how you want to live? Fucking disgusting. I see those track marks. I see those rotten teeth. I see those flabby, skinny/fat titties you have from years of a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits.

No. 2017730

years ago you left me an unsent letter publicly saying i was a problem and i would be dealt with. i saw it and had literally no idea who would have written that. i thought it was nik. it scared me. i had no idea you existed. i had no idea that a psychopath was quietly and then not quietly growing increasing obsessed with me for having the audacity to come forward about being sexually assaulted. to a violent, psychopathic narcissist, any person that dares to voice a conflicting perspective is unacceptable. because your world is a fabrication, anything threatening to introduce reality and therefore destroy the illusion is a threat. so. the post saying i would be handled, the one saying you would stomp on my neck with your boots, and then after that too many to count. you were in my yard. i would be jumped for being disrespectful. you began driving past my mom’s house because you didn’t know where i had moved. scared my dogs honking and screaming.

all because i came forward about being raped by a man who you had already been broken up with for a long time. you had literally no skin in the game. you deluded yourself into thinking he was your twin flame, left HIM public unsent letters saying that signing your initials. because you were twin flames in your mind, your breakup was only temporary. therefore, someone coming forward about him raping her would be a threat to your fantasy about what your life would be like. how could you pretend he was perfect now?

i keep trying to tell myself you’re his victim too but honestly. i think the only way he hurt you was by breaking up with you. either way, you’re such a perpetrator at this point that my compassion for you is just constantly being exhausted by everything you do to me. talking back to you means i deserve to die. like okay. and then you pretend i’m the one who is violent and threatens people? who wants YOU to die? everything you are and do you project back on to me. i’m not your mirror. i’m not an object. i am a human being who is an incredibly different person who has lived an incredibly different life compared to you. i don’t relate to you. it’s just another way to dehumanize and degrade me, denying me being an actual person at all. i’m empty and boring and actually feel nothing when you want me to be, i’m unhinged and entertaining and my interesting hobbies are faked and my ones you don’t like are stupid when you want, i’m weak and pathetic when you want me to be, i’m spoiled and have been handing everything when you want me to be, i have nothing when you want, i’m terrifying and going to hurt someone, i’m physically weak and going to get beaten up easily, whatever you want me to be you just make it up even if it conflicts with your last sentence. you don’t know me. you’ve just seen a couple pictures of me and read about what happened to me. and god, i guess you’ve seen me standing outside of my mom’s house. ugh.

but honestly? it’s obvious at this point that there is nothing you can do to me. you could jump out of your car and attack me when i visit my family, but you’d likely only be able to hit me a couple times and then you would spend a very long time in prison. i am going to forget you entirely because the only power you have over me is making me upset and scared. it’s preventing me from dealing with the trauma of being raped because i am so focused on his friends currently harassing me and it’s honestly emotionally easier to focus on than how much he hurt me. i’m leaving this here to set a firm line. i will never think about you again.

good luck.

No. 2018010

maybe I just hate everyone

No. 2018068

oh my god you stupid overdramatic piece of shit you're going to be able to eat in less than five minutes. STOP. FUCKING. HICCUPING. I swear on almighty high that if you do the hunger sneezes I'm going to stab you with a gel pen.

No. 2018275

The way you refer to your stomach/abdomen as your "tummy" is so goddamn cringe. It's cringe anyway when adults do that but it's even worse when you do it. I guess it's because you're morbidly obese and want to make it sound cute or something. Your way of trying to make things sound cute/childish is not only cringe but off-putting. Especially since you're a sex addict who has sucked at least 500 dicks in the past decade or so and gave up your own son because you didn't want parental responsibilities. And yet you still act like you've never had a man look at you before. The way you're like "omg, I'm blushing so hard rn" when a man so much as looks in your direction is so cringe and embarrassing. You do cocaine and shrooms on a regular basis and have had sex for money yet you have a fixation on Disney movies. K. You only ever even text me to whine about the shitty relationship you've been in over a year that me and everyone has been telling you to leave this whole time yet you won't. You almost never even ask how I'm doing and even when you do it's obviously just for show. I'm so tired of this.

No. 2018402

I’m breaking up with you lolcor

No. 2019044

Mental illness

No. 2019853

You're insufferable and I’m enjoying your loneliness so much, you made my life hell, I bet you feel so pathetic

No. 2020418

time to move on that was so retarded holy shit and a huge part of my life at my age what a waste. i will be even more retarded and waste my time but now it will be socially acceptable.

No. 2020789

File (hide): 1716693688571.jpg (20.87 KB, 256x345, 1516761798757.jpg)

message me back pls pls pls I want to hold you

No. 2020874

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fuck you you piece of shit with your five whole ass other kids. i don’t owe you anything

No. 2021284

My phone cover has cracks in it and it is making typing on the touchscreen laggy and prone to typos. I hate it and will take better care before hitting post in the future. Apologies all around.

No. 2021290

Bruh I hate shit

No. 2021345

Holy shit. Psychic damage.

No. 2021458

I truly hope my ex is miserable now. And yes this is me being petty.

No. 2022409

lol remember when you made that post pretending to be a blonde woman who approached a random man jogging for anonymous sex because you were trying to get other women to reply with their own sexual experiences. A loser for life, honestly. You are so desperate for engagement and your whole existence is pitiful.

No. 2023160

Keep thinking I'm dumb or whatever you want, my life is still better than yours and I don't have to make any effort.

No. 2023531

Theres something so painfully funny about an incel thinking burying himself in multiple affectations will change the fact that he does shit like stalk women and spend hours searching for them in games they dont even play while making toons pretending to be them for a few pitiful laughs from other turbo autists. Larping aloof is the cherry on top.

No. 2024175

Thank you Ariana Grande for making stupid music for retarded BPD girlies with ugly pathetic loser boyfriends like me ♥ ♥ greatly appreciated

No. 2024194

Dear Zuggy. Please allow my immune system to fight off your spore minions. I promise that, should I live through this, I will make a mushroom dress in your honor. Amen.

No. 2024243

I'm in a very based manhating mood recently, swag

No. 2026236

You get what you deserve, that’s all. I truly don’t care.

No. 2026651

I use to feel bad for everyone involved, but now I think you two deserve each other

No. 2026947

Laughing my ass off your only skill is genuinely lying. There is nothing else to you. Just staring at your screen and lying. Everything you say or like is recycled from the people you're obsessed with. Nothing about it is even remotely organic you're so autistic and soulless its hilarious

No. 2026951

Also, in case you havent noticed. The only people who ever talk to themselves in circles about how much "better" they are than everyone the way you do are delusional losers. The shoe fits faggot.

No. 2026975

your head is like a giant egg with an orange party city wig halfway falling off

No. 2026980

I love that you're stupid enough to try being poly because your idiot boyfriend gaslit you. Now I can watch you fail at two relationships simultaneously.

No. 2027001

Shady asf comebacks

No. 2027438

the light is going to give back everything the darkness stole

No. 2027443

thank you for the new timestamped example of you responding to something i say with the exact same accusation im making. only feeling i have.

No. 2027447

i love winning

No. 2027498

I sometimes think I'm invisible. People just ignore me. I hate my life. I hate myself so much. I wish I was a better person. I wish I was successful. I wish I wasn't this stupid useless person who no one likes. I wish I could kmy without hurting my parents. I'm so useless.

No. 2027499

Harassing and being borderline obsessed with someone for years and years just shows how ratchet and sick in the head you are. Can't relate. Whatever exaggerated fan fics you came up with I still love making fun of though

No. 2027508

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good dog prove my point.

No. 2027523

you could just apologize to me so you don’t have to constantly seethe over and project on to me to mentally defend yourself against the guilty feelings. but you’ll probably just start calling me a narcissist and telling me to kill myself or that i’m tiny and defenseless and you’ll beat me up easily. you’ll just keep talking in circles and i’m just going to keep ignoring you. you don’t scare me anymore and all i hear is whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp. the only person i have bad blood and negative feelings towards is my rapist. everything else in my life has been going too well and the weather has been too beautiful for me to let this affect me emotionally. it’s just nice to have proof of what i’m saying. it’s honestly nice to have said everything i have to say about this. i feel free.

No. 2027547

I love not using shampoo to wash my hair

No. 2027581

I keep disappointing everyone

No. 2027929

I don't regret leaving your creep-ass wannabe poly-cule for someone whom I honestly fell in love with. I wasn't looking for more than a friendship with you, but you swooped in after a breakup and me, being a naive 20 something, thought why not, i'll play the open minded cool girl. It was such an embarrassing, regrettable, albeit short period of my life. You always stank of french fry grease that ended up clinging to one of my favorite sweaters and it's because of you that I developed the habit of washing my hands a little more extra than everyone else because i'm lightly traumatized by what a greaseball you were kek. There were so many red flags I noticed about you in hindsight like how you were also courting a barely legal girl to join in when she turned 18 who thankfully left not long after being involved. I spent some of the best years of my life with the one I left you for. No regrets there. You and the wererat deserve each other, truly.

No. 2028200

imagine not only have a crush on markiplier but then deciding your bf looks and acts like him while he’s like omg please no and posting about all of this on your instagram when you were in your mid twenties. no wonder you two never made it out of the woods.

No. 2028512

You are sick in the head. Can't even say move on with your life because all this sick shit is your life and you barely maintain the facade omg

No. 2028515

Bitch let me vent in peace. Stop pretending that every single post in here is for you. I post about an abuser and you vague reply to my posts repeating what I've said and pretending they're for you stfu schizo I'm sick of your bullshit. I don't know your rapist, bitch!!! Nobody itt is your rapist or anyone affiliated with your rapist!! I'm talking about some literla faggot losers and it has nothing to do with you, go away you bug.(vague vain bitch)

No. 2029261

i feel truly zen watching both of you lose all of your hair and live embarrassing lives. it must really make you mad that brookline school posted you were their janitor. i hope every time you get paged to mock up puke you think of me.

No. 2029323


No. 2029340

i care about you but you need to stop being a racist ddlg anachan who wants to become a junkie for the "aesthetic" and you need to actually do something with your life and you'll feel better. your life is actually so easy and i'd never complain about anything if i had it so please just get off the internet and stop whining all the time and eat a fucking burger i promise it'll get better if you stop being so retarded

No. 2029506

I hate that I still have moments where I wonder if we could ever rekindle our friendship. You're such an interesting person and I guess i'm somewhat drawn to your vibrancy even though we're polar opposites. I know you don't give a rat's ass about me or how i'm doing, but I still think about you a lot. I hate that I do, too. It'd be so much easier if I could let go and forget about you like I could do with anyone else but for some reason my lonely mind still entertains these what-ifs and could-have-beens. I don't think you hate me or anything, you just don't care, otherwise you would've made an effort to keep in touch or reach back out to me. It sucks. Sometimes I hate you and try to rationalize that you're not worth it anyway and why should I care about someone who doesn't give a rat's about me, but deep down, i'm always curious as to what could have been if things ended differently. I wish we could go back to how we were. I'll never fully understand why you ghosted me after we were so tight.

No. 2029753

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You any time I make an obvious joke. loser.

No. 2029810

I'm about done with your bullshit, you can't even stay at a job for more than a year. First you weren't making enough money. Then you land a job as a property manager with all these benefits and high salary, and quit before the first day, complaining that the boss seems unethical. Then you barely land a tech job that pays more money than you can spend, gives you ample break time, has tons of upward mobility, great coworkers and working environment, and now your complaint is that it's not feeding your savior complex enough. And if you have all this money why tf am I the one paying for all meals and transportation for us during vacation?? Why can't you treat me for once? Why did you act like you didn't have the money and had to be frugal? You clearly don't appreciate me and i'm sick of your pathetic need for outside validation. The harsh reality is you can't do passion projects or "meaningful" humanitarian work and still get paid you dumbass. You should be glad you scored such a good job in this shit economy where others struggle to keep food in their stomachs and a roof over their head. You really take everything for granted and don't appreciate a thing, ironically. I'm not going to keep you afloat between jobs again like I have been. Fuck that. Live and learn that there are consequences and you can't always treat life lightly and come out unscathed. I don't know how tf we're going to get married or go through with any of the plans we had because you change your mind more than your underwear. I'm so tired of being expected to just be okay with things changing or falling through according to your whims. I've done too much for you, time to sink or swim on your own.

No. 2029842

i’m giggling and twirling my hair and kicking my feets.(dumbass shitposting)

No. 2029844

I thought I heard an earthquake(dumbass shitposting)

No. 2029850

I hope those mushrooms are still in the fridge(dumbass shit posting)

No. 2029997

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you are not self aware at all its honestly hilarious to watch

No. 2030099

I love you but sometimes I feel so done with you. You stink, do you use deodorant? I'd love to tell you but you're one of those people who take everything personally so you'd probably lash out at me. I hate how aggressive you become whenever we talk about a problem - you always say communication is crucial but then you speak through gritted teeth and you make me cry even though we're family. I am done living as if your disapproval would kill me. You always tell me I'm a pushover and a people pleaser but can you guess why I turned out like that and I'm still struggling with it even in my mid 20s? Because from the day I was born you started crushing me mentally. I wouldn't care if it only happened as we were both kids because I don't think you did it on purpose but you're a grown woman now. Why are you allergic to empathy, consideration and thoughtfulness? Are you still stuck in the edgy phase? And before you tell me that's all bullshit: it's not. Just ask out parents. Mom can't believe you're actually her daughter because you're acting like a selfish sociopath who hates even her own family. I'm sorry. I can't even say those things without crying but this is really how I feel. I don't want things to be that way but talking to you is stressing me out because I have to constantly walk on eggshells.

No. 2030382

i don't think i can stand another discussion about whether or not shinji is a shota. I'm reading a book about philosophy in NGE and all people talk about in here is charatcer's height.

No. 2030444

CC used to be one of my favorite imageboards, but it’s sad to see the current state of that site. I can’t even go there anymore because pretty much everything I see there pisses me off.

No. 2030573

The anxiety is killing me, I hope this weekend goes by quickly. I've done nothing but sleep just so it goes by faster.

No. 2030659>>2030676

File (hide): 1717273033738.png (240.37 KB, 1073x1600, IMG_1901.png)

Fuck you you bastard you RUINED ME. I was a virgin and didn’t need anyone’s help and I was healing from my own issues and you came into it thinking you needed to save me and you fucked me up. And you weren’t happy with how you needed me more than I did so you spent years until our roles were reversed, and I swear to god I will probably never stop loving you but I will never ever fucking forgive you. If I see you in the street you’re fucking dead. I’ll fucking kill you dead myself.

No. 2030676

Now I’m both pissed at him and at myself for using this dorky ass 14 year old first breakup anime ass image. I’m 30 god damn years old

No. 2031059

i’m not going to disappear. i will not die. i will not fail. i will not let that man win. i will not let him get away with what he did.

No. 2031464

I honestly regret all the time I spent on my retarded ex friends. Yes this includes online friendships. Fucking losers

No. 2031823>>2031824>>2032104

It dissappoints me that zoomer women are just so fucking insane. I am legitimately scared to have a relationship or connection with anyone because im scared that theyll clown on me and the parts of my life that i share with them to their groupchats, or theyll keep tabs on me for years and hold onto a file about me to reveal if i ever see any notoreity

No. 2031824

and samefag i know there are other anons who feel similarly because ive seen posts kind of like mine before which sort of makes my fear a little worse because it just reaffirms that no one ever completely trusts anyone

No. 2031827

Bitch I don't give a shit about your Facebook posts I don't even use that fucking website. If I could afford new friends trust me you would be so low priority, you legit are a loser and thinking about how you're the only one still here also makes me feel like a loser myself.

No. 2031881

I regret moving back in with my parents when I had the chance to live abroad by myself. I had to go back home because of depression at the time, and because I thought I would feel better if I came back home, but I was wrong. And now there’s really nothing I can do, I’m stuck here. I hope I can do something about it soon. I just saw a video of someone talking about how grateful they are for moving out at 18. They said it gives them peace and sanity. I want that too.

No. 2032038

I don't know why I feel the need to say this or if you'll even ever read this but, even though we're not friends anymore, I want you to know that I don't post about you in that thread. You know I browse it and I won't pretend I don't, but I've never been the one to instigate discussion about you, nor do I reply to it. I just lurk. Whatever bitterness I had or have toward you has never lead me to do anything untoward like that. Yes, I do still feel weird about the situation and I won't lie about it. But I'm also older now and I can absolutely see the humor in it, and most importantly I literally have no reason to disturb my own peace or yours. I hope you're okay and I hope you keep doing better.

No. 2032077

Step away from the keyboard. Let's put this all aside and we can be friends. We barely even disagree, you're just super abrasive and obnoxious. Come here, give mummy a kiss…

No. 2032104

Maybe try spending time with older zoomers? Idk how old you are but I’m 24 and most women I know don’t do this unless they’re immature and you can vet them by hearing how they gossip. I also think nerdier older zoomers don’t do this at all, so try women who crochet, read, or play games (not toxic online games ei. valorant, more so animal crossing and stardew, or even rpg enjoyers). I’m friends with many girls my age and we don’t have this issue but my 18 year old sister and her friends are exactly what you described and I think even nerdier girls that age are still bullies if they’re chronically online. I had to tell my sister taking pics of people you don’t like and sending to my friends is bullying and she said it’s normal for her age group and I’m old and don’t get it, so stay away from under 21’s, they’ll bully others but always claim they’ve been bullied(vain bitch)

No. 2032138

so i leap from the GALLOWS, and i levitate down your street, crash the party like a record scratch as i scream - who’s afraid of little old me?

No. 2032175

people who are super duper in love with an amazing man don’t post like that. it’s obviously over the top to deflect from his RAPE ACCUSATIONS, but it is funny how insincere and childish those posts are. if i were him i would be put off and get the ick over that kind of middle school grade lovebombing, it comes across as very juvenile and things someone who has never had a relationship before would say about their bf of a week they don’t know well enough to give specific compliments too.

No. 2032183

I think I'll handle unemployment okay, but I'm not sure how low I'm willing to sink to have the necessary funds for my medication.

No. 2032185

he treats literally everyone like shit and that’s why everything is so vague and over the top to cope. name like a decent thing he’s done for someone that wasn’t just to benefit himself? you can’t because nothing exists to him outside of himself. even the lovebombing at the beginning of his relationships is just to get pussy and make himself seem like a decent man so that when every single one of his exes has come forward about being mistreated by him, he has plausible deniability. didn’t kat tell you about the girl who came to his door SOBBING and he wouldn’t talk to her? if it were just me it would be one thing but he has a long ass history of abuse.

No. 2032710

Damn you were pinging all over the place werent you.

No. 2032712

It's still crazy to me that you unironically referred to the constant sexual abuse and exploitation of a woman you didnt even know as "just being annoying hehe". You're all grown men. Intent doesn't seperate you from coomers. Nasty crooked delusional faggot.

No. 2032810

the messages you leave your ex scare people.

No. 2033170

ugly fucking monsters

No. 2033183

I'm still afraid of you. Why? What else could you ever do to me? You haunt my dreams now too. Are you a ghost? I was so happy just to see you. And so angry when that simple fact made me understand that I was dreaming. I will tear myself apart just to let someone else find an opening. But what an act to have to follow. How will I even notice another soul after touching yours?

You told me you hoped I would kill myself. I can't go on like this. I can't heal. Another year? Two, three if I'm lucky? I spit in the face of a God who could have planted that time bomb inside your head. I don't fear his judgement. Only yours.

No. 2033192

Scary and weird

No. 2033220

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literally a rapist who confessed and said he feels no remorse

No. 2033398

I regret going to this event holy shit. I hate socializing I hate parties

No. 2033582

Not a rant but, HAHAHHAHAH my ex friend totally blimped the fuck out while i dropped 15 pounds. This friend btw used to get on my case about eating when we used to cosplay together. She would openly be jealous of any male attention i got at cons. Would accuse me of only cosplaying “waifu” characters for attention (she primarily only cosplayed male characters tho?) Saw her tagged in a post where she looked like the Michelin man and i. Am. CACKLING.

No. 2033686

Pretending like I don’t exist while skin walking me with the biggest downgrade ever? Even tho I if you kept insisting I dont look like your normal type at all? What the fuck is wrong with you

No. 2033843

why are you pretending you were ever an artist(ban evasion)

No. 2033895

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this is so unhinged no you didn’t lmao(ban evasion)

No. 2033910

raping yourself in degrees of lewdity is never gonna net you a positive experience no matter how much you replay it. there is no positive outcome of rape. and you will never find out why that scrote did it no matter how much you search for the answers, because it was personal to him, you'd have to actually ask him. i wish you'd find the courage to never hurt yourself again by cbt-ing yourself and training yourself to take control of your life and modify your maladaptive responses because everything you do to cope right now just exacerbates your own stress rather than reduces it…. i can't save you because you have to do it internally. you cannot take responsibility for a crime that happened to you even if you wanted to, but taking responsibility for your mental health afterwards would only make you happier and more in control. you are not sexually broken, i don't resent you for unintentionally driving me away, and if we still knew each other i wish i could hug you.

No. 2033920

i wish you were someone in my life. no one cares about what happened to me.

No. 2033963

I’m pretty grateful I got to see you from afar. It’s a shame we don’t talk anymore

No. 2034028

i am sick of dancing around the issue when the last ten years of my life would not have been the way they were if i had gotten to have the one direct conversation i fucking deserved. it blows my mind. i can’t communicate until it’s too late and the rest of you cannot communicate at all.

No. 2034355

I domt know your situation but the way you jumped boyfriends so fast(from a guy u knew for 7 yrs to a guy u knew since he was 16) n feel the need to show off said relationship. You're a BPD WHORE. It won't last

No. 2034376

I miss you. I wish you would talk to me again the way you used to.

No. 2034502

FUCK YOU FUCK YOU !!!! YOURE A FUCKING SELFISH CUNT !!! you say the same thing every FUCKING TIMEEEEE !!!! "YOU HAVE TO TALK TO MORE PEOPLE, YOU HAVE TO SOCIALIZE MORE BLAH BLAH BLAH" I AM FUCKING TRYINGGGGGGG !!!! im fucking trying all the time but its not WORKING !!! "oh just ask to hang out with your highschool friends" I HAVENT TALKED TO THEM IN 3 YEARS "well reach out and ask to hang out" and wtf im supposed to say ??? "Hey sorry I didnt talk to you for three years, I was busy being a depressed neet and taking anti-depressants to not have a selfharm relapse, by the way, my grandfather died. Want to hang out xx" ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID??? its over! its fucking over with them THERE IS NO FUCKING REASON TO TRY !!!! "Go ask XYZ to hang out after class" and do WHAT EXACTLY ??? STARE AT EACHOTHER WHILE I STRUGGLE TO MAKE CONVERSATION ??? "well why dont you explain your situation" YES because i would LOVE to have people hang out with me out of pity "oh shes been in our class for two years and doesnt have any friends and anybody to hang out with, lets do some charity work" and then have them treat me like im their fucking PET.
FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU. and everytime I tell you its "oh thats not true, its not like that" YES IT FUCKING IS ? why are you trying to make me a liar about my feelings and making me feel like im crazy? YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO GET A GIRLFRIEND! you are so retarded for fucking cuting your hair in a retarded buzzcut that makes you look special needs. You have no sense of style and think dressing like a perverted old man gives you a personality. YOU DONT HAVE ONE. YOU DONT HAVE ONE. YOU DONT HAVE ONE. your only personality is being an annoying Christian CUNT that cant go 5 minutes without mentioning his "lifechanging" bible quotes and being a selfhating slav that wished he was from America bc muh freedom capitalism . TOO DAMN BAD. you have pierogi running through your blood. you will NEVER accept yourself for who you are and will never realize how fucking EMBARRASSING is to be hanging out with you and your FAKE southern American accent that for some FUCKING CHILDISH REASON you think its ok to be talking in the middle of nowhere in England. NOBODY thinks youre American when you do that, they think you are retarded. Going with you to a party and you bringing a PSALMS BOOK in your pocket was embarrassing and I regret meeting you that first week of uni. I know you arent autistic but you fucking act and look the part. And everytime I give you advice in how to get a girlfriend you say that you should find someone without having to change who you are . HAVE YOU SEEN YOURSELF???????? HAVE YOU ??? YOU HAVE 2011 JUSTIN BIEBER HAIRCUT THAT EVERY 3 MONTHS YOU CUT INTO A BUZZCUT. YOU REFUSE TO CHANGE YOUR HAIRSTYLE BECAUSE YOU LIKE HOW MEN IN THE 50S WORE THEIR HAIR. YOU DRESS DISGUSTING . EVERYTIME A CAMERA IS POINTED AT YOUR DIRECTION IT LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE A STICK UP YOUR ASS THAT IS TENSING YOUR ENTIRE BODY. YOURE UNEMPLOYED . YOU HAVE NO MONEY. YOURE CHILDISH . YOU WASTED MONEY ON A DRIVING LICENSE JUST TO NOT DRIVE YOUR PARENTS CARS BC "I dont drive manuals" WELL GET A CAR?? YOU CANT !!!! YOU DONT HAVE A FUCKING JOB / MONEY AND I ALWAYS HAVE TO PAY FOR YOUR FUCKINGG FOOD

No. 2035088

I dont need to put myself out there and get rejected by moids i just need to be 30 and adopt a mentally ill neet moid

No. 2035426

I think experiencing a mutual obsession with someone is so fucking amazing and fulfilling kek, especially when it lasts a long time and turns into a lifelong friendship or romance

No. 2035547

im sorry for being a bitch

No. 2035592

I’m in love with you. I don’t know what you think of me. You probably think I’m insane. I wish I could rewind time. I don’t know how to move on from you.

No. 2035783

Holy shit I'm procrastinating on this packing!! God damn, I have to have all my shit in boxes in like 5 days max, this needs to get done.

No. 2035929

i don’t know how else to explain this to you. he was single for years and years and years and years and years between relationships. you were not his girlfriend in between that time. you had two other unsuccessful relationships between the time he got a new girlfriend. you were not on break like you were secretly counting that time in your head despite being in multiple other mens beds. it wasnt the separation period of twin flames. he had years to take you back and it did not happen, he did not even pretend it would, he had to keep ignoring you and pushing you off of him. the only reason you even stayed friends in that time was because of what happened and him not wanting a second ex coming after him. which is obvious because oh look who you never see anymore? look who doesn’t talk to you anymore?

No. 2036103

You bitches are always mad at women for being pathetic about men that you are also pathetic about Nad that also don't want you either.(vague vain bitch)

No. 2036258

You make my skin crawl. I can't stand touching you, I want to puke when i remember us being intimate. We should have never been more than friends. I am an idiot

No. 2036365

he took pleasure from creating my own personal hell. his peace is my pain. my peace is taking his peace away.

No. 2036593

I like being cutesy, I like being a retard fucking baby, yes I know I'm a fucking adult, yes I have responsibility, yes being a stupid silly dumb idiot soothes me, and the retard baby part is not literal you piece of shit

No. 2036954

Aromantics are not a real life thing that happen naturally outside of fiction, unless that person was some sort of traumatized and unable to form normal human relationships. I don't know why you felt the need to defend the term. What, do you think you need to be respectful of your retarded American fujo acquaintances yaoi sperging, who's probably on her way to becoming an ayden in 2 years' time? You get upset over the most trivial bullshit sometimes. I don't take back what I said at all, I was right. It's not a fucking thing except to bored mentally stunted fujos who need to make up some sooper speshul identity for their lack of personality.

No. 2036985

Muslims are not perpetual victims just because they've on occasion faced discrimination (like any fucking religious adherent has at some point) and happen to be POC. The fact that you had to conflate Palestinians with all middle easterners just shows what kind of weird virtue signaling gullible idiot you are. You don't need to convert to Islam to support Palestine, and I can guarantee that activist you're in touch with is some weirdo hijabi clad handmaiden convert who'll parrot the lie that Islam is fair and kind to women. I don't want you in touch with those creepy extremist groups you've been naively keeping in contact with who've been somehow convincing you that you need to convert to Islam and that it's "not a religion but something much softer".. you fucking moron. They're all too happy to have another convert. This whole Palestine thing has become some frightening obsession with you and it's put a rift between us. If you end up choosing some bullshit religion over me, i'll never forgive you. I'm not letting you get sucked in without a fight. Just like how we fought when you were convinced you needed to be captain-save-a-ho for your abusive BPD psycho of an ex- and in fact that's what this all reminds me of, where you were so convinced she was the perfect victim who could do no wrong and was immune to criticism. You would get so mad, but you knew I was right. You simply felt attacked because you had your identity wrapped in your savior complex, just like now when we argue about your Islamosimp bullshit.

No. 2037213

i still remember the way he bit his lip at me as if it was hot and not horrifying while i laid there and sobbed.

No. 2037223

i want sex si bad im sorry i cant fucking take iy anymo53 im at my linit

No. 2037225>>2038148


No. 2037761

he’s a good liar. he’s always been a good liar. he can lie with his eyes in a way i haven’t seen much. but if you asked him, staring into his eyes mid conversation about something else, how much blood i lost that day, staring into his eyes, i bet i could see the truth for a second.

No. 2037782

Your cringe ass needs to shut the fuck up so bad this isn't your fucking diary. Every damn day ten posts.(vague vain bitch)

No. 2037822

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do you ever just know something about someone and have no idea what to do with that information

No. 2037904

I think choosing to believe anything coming from a borderline non functional degenerate man who has spent years stalking women obsessively and revolving his life and interests around them to the point of it being pure, blatant sexual assault definitely makes you one form of retarded or another.

No. 2038077

i love how tiny and delicate i look in comparison to you. you make me feel so feminine.

No. 2038082


No. 2038148

fuck off faggot mod I was going through it. YOU'RE the retard

No. 2038463

he’s not going to apologize to you either

No. 2038508

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No. 2038590

You're an autistic fat retard moid and I'm disillusioned with your bullshit.

No. 2038630

everytime you think of me you shall bald even faster.

No. 2039020

when things are built on truth instead of lies, they don’t come crashing down btw. in case you’re wondering how i’m still riding that high or whatever. turned out that your world was the one that did huh.

No. 2039129

Men are so sick and delusional HAHAHHAHAHAHAH

No. 2039154

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Thinking about how the men who murdered those two girls in Delphi went about his life for half a decade, thinking he got away with it and that he was free and would never face any of the consequences he deserved. Meanwhile, they knew it was him the entire time and had to watch with gritted teeth as he lived like a free man, a disgusting and horrible evil person. But in the end he gets exactly what he deserves. There are plenty of evil men whose entire lives revolve around the lies they tell and keeping everyone around them complacent, always very arrogant and flaunting the hurt they cause. They always believe they can lie to anyone and everyone until the very end. They will tell you they didn't do it until they are blue in the face. They will swear on anything and everything, and the entire time they are lying. They have no conscience or shame. Empty husks.

No. 2039156

Also, they'll tell you their victims lives being ruined is somehow a failing on them, that it's somehow their fault. That they lead good lives and are good people when they don't care at all who they hurt or how, and will tell any lie or fabricate literally anything with their entire chest in order to justify their behaviors. To them, a victim who they have harmed irreparably is at fault for being hurt. They will never take accountability. Pigs in human suits.

No. 2039226>>2039245

the truth hurts worse than anything i can bring myself to do to you(ban evasion)

No. 2039245

Can you stop vague replying to posts pretending they are about you. Its schizophrenic. Thanks.(schizofoiling)

No. 2039333

Nothing can get in between a creepy man and his elaborate fanfiction about women huh.

No. 2039393

You have so many fucking Twitter accounts. Please stop being such a loser

No. 2039402

You’re not that intelligent. You may look down on me as your lesser but I am not at all impressed by you. You’re just a short middle aged scrote stuck in a dead end job working with a bunch of zoomers and millennials who thinks far too highly of himself. Painfully average man in every respect who thinks himself intellectual. The only thing you have above any of us is you’ve worked here longer.

No. 2039712

My dear lady: Pickmes never prosper. I changed. I hope you did too.

No. 2040093

I don't even care if you're talking to someone or others or looking around because it's pretty clear there's no future and I've got use for you for a while yet.

No. 2040123

REEEEEEEEE why am i so ugglyyyyy

No. 2040259

Grown ass man.

No. 2040564


No. 2040586


No. 2040947

ALL THAT just to get friend zoned and I got to watch it happen to you

No. 2041054

Watching you aggressively skinwalk and rip of EVERYTHING while loudly proclaiming that people bite off of you is sooo funny. Maximum overcompensation from an evil grifter.

No. 2041125

Remember that time I tried to comfort you and you chuckled and said "it's funny to see you trying to comfort me but it's not working"? Well, you probably don't because you are retarded. I love that you're living a miserable life now. I hope you rot in hell.

No. 2041156

I hope you never get over it. I don’t care what you say anymore, I responded to all of it. Watching you try to contact me is honestly funny I am never going to respond again. I blocked you everywhere after I finished saying my piece and now I get to enjoy my peace. I hope no one ever lets you treat them the way you treated all of us. You were a bad friend and a bad person and people like you always act like the worst thing someone can do is call it for what it is and say no to mistreatment. You’re only mad you got caught.

No. 2041536

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i know you're lying to everyone but i forgive you. that's a really weird thing to lie about though

No. 2041858

I'm not going to mention my ex online anymore cause he doesn't deserve the recognition

No. 2042022

Ewwwww a middle aged man screaming "brappppp" alone in his room like the failure he is. Your pet retard is out of control

No. 2042066

Quickly coming for the title of most annoying cunt alive I see

No. 2043523

The ashes finished falling and it was just you standing alone in the rubble, screaming at us but we weren’t listening anymore.

No. 2043593

Permacringe you write like an anne rice rupi kaur ai prompt(vain bitch)

No. 2043779

You don’t understand that it’s over yet. I almost feel bad. I’ve been scared to fully disengage because I think the most danger I will be in will be when you finally realize that while the other two parties will never move on from this, your part in this is over. I don’t know why you needed to insert yourself to this day. There was a point to fighting back and you were making his life hell but you just want to repeat yourself at this point.

No. 2043815

I'm sorry for fucking you over and I'm sorry for making messes and never cleaning them

No. 2044305

You have all this money for gambling, tacky designer purchases, and giving to randos in an attempt to make up for your inequivalent transgressions to make you feel better about being pieces of trumper shit in every other aspect, but apparently all it takes is one offhand remark which is more about him exercising his narc control over you and taking glee in how it inconveniences me for you to decide that it's okay for me to be paid peanuts and be barely able to afford groceries in this shit economy. Why was I even considering spending money I didn't have on you?

No. 2044315

So, you're "feeling suicidal" because the relationship full of red flags that you rushed into with a trainwreck of a girl you only knew for two weeks, that barely lasted 5 months, didn't work out? You pussy ass moid. All of your problems are/were easily avoidable and are able to be overcome if you put in some fucking effort. Stop spending money on uber eats all the time, stop sending money to scammy filipinas you meet on dating websites, fucking save up and stop trying to run away from life and take some responsibility. I'm not going to be left holding the family together just because you're a pussy coward who got his feefees unnecessarily hurt because you're so desperate that you'll fall for any girl who so much as makes a kissy face at you. You fucking dumbass. You need to focus on taking care of mom instead of being a lameass passport scrote.

No. 2044890

Hope you're having a great day babes! I know you love sitting at home scrolling through Insta wondering if you can whore yourself out on there too without your friends and Nigel picking up on it. How's the Onlyfans doing? Have your parents started talking to you yet? Don't you love having a new job where at least three of the scrotes you're sucking up to keep dropping hints that they know you sell ass pics for spare change? Don't you love being a bitter racist piece of shit who turned multiple people against me at work only to lose YOUR job and your rented house that you'd worked so hard on? Don't you love camping out with the Nigel and getting high all day, pretending that your minimum wage job is fulfilling and that your Onlyfans brings in cash? So jelly of you and your £65,000 debt that you can't get out of because you can't stop spending. I'm sure you're going to be mega rich once the economy settles down, just like you were super well off before the economy went to shit and you were still renting because nobody would give you a mortgage with your £35,000 debt (almost doubled it now- nice!). I wish I could say this to your face but I don't want to lose access to your Insta. Good job on the Twitter handle and OF name btw, it took me a whole 10 minutes to figure them out. Here's a tip though- hide your face when you flash your tits in a bar bathroom in your work clothes. Remember how I was nice to you and helped you out? Remember how you blocked me after I offered to help you find a job, before I found out that you were the one who'd been spreading lies about me? I sure do, Peachy Pie.

No. 2044947

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No. 2045661

I don’t know how I was anorexic for so long KEK. I bone rattled for 6 years and now that I don’t anymore I fail to understand how I resisted nice meats for all that time. And now that I’m not an anachan anymore I was also slapped in the face with the reality that no, I actually didn’t need to starve myself to stay skinny that whole time. I just needed to fucking exercise.

No. 2045893

Holy shit you are the laziest, lowest work ethic person I’ve ever met. I’ve never even met a fictional person who was depicted as lazy as you are. I’m not even exaggerating when I say that your brain and upbringing needs to be clinically studied to determine how you turned out like this. I am deeply ashamed that we are the product of the same genetic material. You are one of the reasons I will never have biological children.

No. 2045958

I just want to move to some desolate place with just me and my cat. I don't want a fucking job or to be in education I don't want to contribute to society. I just want to go somewhere quiet and calm and be happy just living with no responsibilities.

No. 2047042

It doesn't matter when everg idea you've ever stolen you've executed so poorly that it doesn't even matter

No. 2047679

Maybe if you weren’t just trying to reverse victimize and had a single example of what you are saying vs how the other person has posted time stamped proof, people would actually listen. Being abusive and threatening us and trying to guilt us saying you are having innocuous dreams and waking up hyperventilating because you got called out and people distanced themselves from you, which is a perfectly valid move on their part, is not going to work. Apologizing and being direct about your feelings directly to us instead of vague posting would work. You haven’t done something so bad you can’t be forgiven. Like just apologize and people will try to work with you and your feelings instead of being too freaked out by you to feel safe interacting with you.

No. 2048559

Cannot believe you're still doing that. Every single time I think you couldn't possibly be any more pathetic, you invent a new low.

No. 2048654

Im going to throw up Im going to throw up Im going to throw up Im going to throw up Im going to throw up

No. 2048687

Reminded of you trying to tack real life people to characters in a fictional TV show because you're mega fucking autistic and refuse to humanize anyone so you obsessively pattern seek to the point that you look like a freak and when the patterns aren't there you try to force them yourself.

No. 2048704

I hate bitter, killjoy, party pooper anons. Stfu retard ass bitch you're killing the fun.

No. 2049456

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Anyway, suck a dick, cunts. Middle finger up in the air. I hope you know, how much I truly fucking hated you people. The bone deep genuine fucking hatred you instilled in me through our interactions with one another. I wish you nothing but the worst and am actively laughing at your misery and the hell you people put your fucking selves into. Eat shit. Maybe stop and consider once in your fucking miserable lives the fact that maybe you do, truly, bring this shit on yourselves. I'm sorry I ever wasted my fucking time with you. You all truly made me realize how fucking deep my hatred goes and how much I truly, really, absolutely, fucking hate people. The funniest thing is the fact you'd probably be shocked that I feel this way about you. That I wish you slow burning death and agony. Die in poverty in a ditch, cunts. I'll spit on your fucking graves. Wishing you nothing but the fucking worst. I hope you all fucking die in a fiery plane crash. Stay the hell away from me forever. Don't even think about me, I am dead to you as you are dead to me.

No. 2049538

I deserved it and I don’t mean this is in a self-pitying way. The consequences were social and could’ve escalated to something far worse. I was lucky. Many years have passed and I still feel like human garbage but this feeling is an important lesson to keep working on myself.

No. 2049941

I never look forward to seeing you i held out hope your shitty behavior was a phase for so long but im so fucking done with you. If youre really that much of a victim go act like it and shrivel up in your room, leave me alone fuck off.

No. 2051480

If I could turn back in time, I'd wish I have never met you. Your father would be so ashamed of you smh

No. 2051544

You're a retarded bpdcunt and no amount of your attempts at convincing me I'm just like you is going to make me actually like you in any way shape or form. Sure, keep calling me a horrible person and insulting me while you're a martyr angel, right? I'm such a horrible person because I get rightfully upset at you bringing up trauma I thought I could trust you with?
Nice try with insulting me, I'm desensitised to your bullshit at this point. I'm sure you're smiling behind your screen thinking you hurt me and totally owned me but nah, I'm mildly amused at best. You think you know me? You don't even know yourself you empty identity bpdemon, I'd tell you to fuck off but then you'd find another poor victim to latch onto

No. 2051545

Your frontal lobe is fucking developed at this point and mine isn't and I'm still better than you because I'm not eternally running around pretending to be a victim!

No. 2051668

I wish my mom aborted you instead

No. 2051920

bitch shut up before I report you to ICE lmao

No. 2052216

some of you make me wish you could punch someone over the internet.

No. 2052455

You're a moid! You can't fucking read or be just a little inductive with your thinking! Shut up!

No. 2052461>>2052486

Girl I love you but can you stop just fucking stop talking about that hideous moid for once? I'm sick and tired of hearing you use what I told you about spirituality/manifestation on that ugly ass scrote wanting him back. He's not going to come back and I swear to god I'm gonna counter manifest him never coming back or something. You think you can fix him? He's a grown moid who slings around the hard r for edge points and makes rape jokes and aww he's just nice to you so you love him? Are you seriously gonna waste your time and energy pining over this?

No. 2052486

KEKKK manifesting them never getting back together as well(vain bitch)

No. 2052550


No. 2053327

I love you so much, you're so sweet and good to me even though I hurt you. You're the best person I know, I want to hug you for the rest of my life. You're like family to me, I hope you continue to succeed in life, I know you will ♥

No. 2053887

I wish I'd wish to wish for things again.

No. 2055075

I know what you were trying to do, but I pretended not to notice. Deep inside you know you are pathetic. I won't acknowledge your manipulation tactics, I know you want me to, but I won't. Keep stomping your feet, it will get you nowhere.

No. 2055540

Times like these, I miss my ex. Not romantically, but philosophically.

No. 2055560

I should've known something was wrong with you when you started armchair diagnosing me with npd bpd bipolar aspd and every disorder under the sun to cope with your own bullshit. Alas I was young and stupid and couldn't figure out you were a projecting piece of shit. Have fun with your mindless friends who all parrot the same shit as you and unironically start cancel campaigns on Facebook because none of you borderline fucking freaks can be independent.

No. 2055589

Sanic, you were wrong! It was blown out of proportion

No. 2055788

Both my exes have sent me messages wanting to see me again, and the guy I am dating now is obsessed with me. I'm not sure how I have this effect on men because I am extremely average in every single way, and it's a bit unpleasant because I don't feel so strongly about them. Rejecting feels bad. It just feels kind of bad, I don't feel like a man-eater.

No. 2056595

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Idk if I'm crying because I'm sad about you or I'm just exhausted. I wish I could get my shit together so you wouldn't be embarrassed by me. You mean a lot to me, you probably have no idea but you're the only friend I have so you really got me hanging onto your every word, it's a little embarrassing and sad how happy little messages from you make me but I really have no one else. Thanks for tolerating a worthless person like me. You brighten up my life. You give me something to look forward to.

No. 2056632

i wish him death death death death

No. 2056983

de/g/ens really need to fix their gaydar detection jesus christ some of these men sexually abuse girls (and women), are known cheaters with female mistresses, etc. like it's not even a secret

No. 2057068

Why don't you reply to meeeeeeeee. Just say something. I'm sad.

No. 2057447

How dare you leave my heartfelt talk on read! Multiple sad emojis and sad faces irl. I'm sad.

No. 2057448>>2057454

I'm sick and tired of my father yelling at my mother like how are your vocal cords not broken by now? Do you feel like you'll fucking die if you don't shut your hole? God I want to duct tape that narc's mouth shut sometimes.

No. 2057454

you should so kill him nonnie. i’m accepting the vain bitch ban kek(vain bitch)

No. 2057457

Holey shit it's been over a fucking year and you're still messaging me on my dead account on discord which I only log into every blood moon to dig up some old meme video I found funny and posted somewhere. We met on a mobile game and only started talking due to game discussion and I told you I wasn't into you upfront but you thought I was some angel who could save you from your suicidal depressed moid bullshit, mega kek. Still seething over it a whole year later. Glad I don't open those messages tho, got better things to do with my life

No. 2057461

I hate how I can't get you off my mind. I'm usually good at detachment, but you're an exception and I can't figure out why.

No. 2057575

I'm sorry about all the arrogant comments I made, mom. I love you

No. 2057823


No. 2059141

Oh my god shut the fuck up and get off my back already damn. You're not cute or funny. fuck.

No. 2059420

To N, you were a fucking bitch and you ruined my life. Actually. You suck. I should had never offered a shoulder to cry on. I'm pretty sure you're bitching about me to your friends right now but I don't care.

No. 2059723

Hahaha eat shit, loser. Hope you stay alone and miserable forever

No. 2060836

I shouldn't have used that, even going downstairs to pick it up I'm so dumb. Should've went straight with that and get it done with it. Is my life more worthy than abandoning my mom? Guess I should be back wishing for an accident

No. 2062447

You’re a disgusting excuse for a man and I regret ever marrying you. I don’t give a shit if I lied about my job situation, I was afraid of you after all the horrible things you have said and done to me. I hate your idiot best friend and I hope you continue to drink your fat self to death, get cirrhosis of the liver, lose your limbs and die slow. You probably did have a hand in your disgusting ex piglet girlfriend’s sudden death, after having lived with you for almost a year and seeing how violent and mean you truly are I am hard pressed to believe you had nothing to do with it. I will never get married again and after I get my shit straight I plan on never getting emotionally attached to a man and just using them for sick and monetary things like luxury items so I can save my own money I work hard for and finally have a home in my name. Go find some obese baseball mom who works behind a cash register like you always talk about. I’m glad I didn’t give up my career because of your lack of faith and belittling. I am so excited to do everything I’ve ever wanted to do and focus on me for once knowing that you’ll probably end up alone, sick, fat, drunk, and miserable forever. Take your grandmother’s ugly ring back and get out of my life, like, yesterday.

No. 2063188

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China is the only developed country that does not have an anti-animal cruelty law. China should be ashamed of its cruelty. All the mentally ill people who abuse cats every day must be punished. It is abnormal for a country to not have an anti-animal cruelty law. Lack of animal protection laws leads to animal cruelty. It's not "propaganda" or "lies" when there are literal years worth of evidence, coupled with names, IDs and faces of the perpetrators. Screenshots of them talking about how much they want to do it to children and women, or bragging about hurting them by killing their pets. Every attack on the zoosadist "community" is a win for both animals and humankind, and I won't turn away.
And honestly, I'm angry not that I had to learn about this, but that it even exists. Always some form of disgusting evil in the world, nothing is safe because humans have to pervert or abuse it. Everything they did to those animals should be done to them, but I'd be happy if each of them just got a bullet to the head.

No. 2063203

I hate every "emotionally open" moid. They do not comprehend being emotionally open as actually discussing it. All they do is trauma dump how their dog died when they were 4 so now that's an excuse why they can marital rape their wives or some retarded bullshit.

No. 2063204

I feel like losing my shit. I've had the worst year/life not life. A lot has been shit but when I'm on form it's good. I haven't been on form in ages. I keep letting my self esteem falter and get crushed but I also feel like I've smacked into rock bottom so much I've had to many knocks to the head that it's actually knocked sense into me. I need to stop belittling myself and being humble and meek. I need to start taking up space and handle getting attention cause I fucking crave it. Nothing makes me happier than making others laugh and know I'm taking up space but like it's all good or whatever. Idk! I can't stand my fucking loser boyfriend anymore either.

No. 2063216

File (hide): 1719315069382.gif (985.03 KB, 250x275, IMG_4214.gif)

so fuckiin tired but I can’t sleep AAAAAAHH

No. 2063221>>2063240

I’m not even American (not that it matters) but I’ve noticed a lot of ‘jokes’ and people saying 9/11 was funny. But not even jokes like bush did 9/11, they are actually serious saying stuff like it was deserved. I remember even seeing a TikTok about a girl who read bin ladens book or manifesto or whatever and agrees with it I can’t remember. I think even more since all this Palestine stuff blew up in the west. Gen Z is so dumb

No. 2063240

They’re falling for obvious propaganda and they don’t even realize it(vain bitch)

No. 2063723

The war between the sexes is too much. I cannot be bothered being a heterosexual. I truly despise men's personalities and nature. I want a female mind in a male body. I also don't believe in transsexualism and whatever fucking combo of tran you get to make my wish come true would be a poor imitation because I'm certain it's still a cismale at the end of the day. Men fucking suck and blow. I'm actually fed up. You have the slimmest chance of finding a decent one if his female relatives have socialised him well but even still if he's in contact with other males the peer pressure is usually enough to do away with all that shit and is only reserved for relatives. I wonder if the collapse of other homo species is because at a point in our gene expression there will become too much of a cultural chasm between the sexes that birth rates decline because fuck that.

No. 2063733

I hope you fuck it up and are trapped in your own cycle of misery. Just being self-aware isn't going to keep you from lashing out. I'll be eagerly watching.

No. 2064615

I hate when things are happening and I'm not in the know and just have to wait to hear back. I can't relax at all and I just wanna scream. I scroll for a bit and remember that I'm waiting to hear back and it's like the anxiety just shoots through me again. fuuuuck

No. 2064981

It's really obvious that you put a quick buck in front of your family's safety. Power to you and all that, but this level of transparency is gauche.

No. 2065883

I hope you die slowly. Oh it's unhealthy to wish death on an abuser and one should be letting it go to heal? Get real. I see your ugly ass eyes in your Facebook pfp and genuinely want to gouge them out with a rusty spoon. Obese looking faggot moid who probably touches kids.

No. 2066272

It's one thing to be emotionally retarded (which you are and definitely always will be, you're a cluster b) but it's actually hilarious how your entire life is just you obsessively voyeuring other people and gossiping and trying to collect information on everyone with a modicum of online presence. All you do is talk shit about and stalk people but you somehow think you're better than them. Idk if its the autism or bpd but nobody is jealous of you and you aren't a celebrity or public persona dude. You are so fucking weird and your severely stunted thinking is further encouraged by other severely retarded terminally online men. You can't even take constructive criticism of any kind and have the mind of a fucking monkey. You'll be spinning lies about this for the rest of your life fucking ctfu. Psychochan.

No. 2066309

Do you think people are really going to support you or take you at word when you make up some elaborate lie to excuse your behavior? "Ava Lyn" does not exist, there is no ebil schizophrenic woman trying to ruin your reputation, you are planning to lie your ass off as hard as possible with other mentally deranged serial liars to protect yourself socially. "That story isn't appropriate for Twitter" tell them why, hunty. I'm sure people would love to know what your real hobbies are and how you really spent all that time.

No. 2066313

aw why did you do that to me? I thought we were friends I cared so much about you. You were all I thought about and I always made sure to say nice things when you were feeling down. I just told you about a nice thing that happened to me and you didnt even acknowledge it. I wanted you to do that because this past few months have been really stressing because you know someone close to me passed away, then why didnt you do it? I would have done it for you. And if you found someone to talk to that was more entertaining why not say it? You made me feel so stupid and like im worthless I just cry all day. When did we stop being friends ? was it something I said? we were fine for two years then it suddenly changed.
I hate you and I hope you die

No. 2066463

I dont really know why you harbor this bizarre belief that someone being hurt and traumatized by your abuse is akin to some sort of karmic suffering, but it's no surprise someone who gets off on hurting people the way that you do says things like that to justify your enjoyment from it. Pretending that the woman you have obsessively and constantly hurt is somehow "deserving" of it makes it more socially acceptable to you, right? You got so many random people involved too, just lie on top of lie in this weird and focused campaign. The fake accounts, copying the selfies of a 15 year old girl (wtf you're a grown man), all the things you three did. I don't even understand what story you sold to get Chrissy and the likes involved. You are a fetid horrible person, all of you are. "Not everyone is an abuser" no, but you literally are. You can tell as many fables as you want because you don't want people to know just how much of a loser you and your ilk are, but the entire thing is ridiculous even on a foundational level.

No. 2066541

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Oh, do you have a certain picture in mind?(vain bitch)

No. 2066583

Do you ever think that maybe you're the one with BPD or some other untreated shit?
Whining left and right about how all your exes probably had APD or NPD or whatever new thing you googled. Maybe, just maybe, it's you? Maybe, just maybe, like attracts like in energy?
Then you start whining that some of your underage online friends aren't giving you attention or the reactions you wanted and even accuse them of being bpd/npd/aspd themselves, even though they're literally underage. Funny, really, why are you friends with so many teens? Arrested development? That's a clear indicator of something.
Keep posting on Facebook about how all the people who dropped you are narcissists and abusers while you're such a perfect angel. I'm sure that's the case.
And not to mention bringing shit your family did from over 3 years ago because it contradicts something they do today, no wonder they disowned you. Now you're using spirituality and manifestation and typology and astrology to justify why your next friend or crush (aka your next victim) is just like you so you can have another extension of yourself to latch on and then abuse the fuck out of.

No. 2066601

Not to mention the absolutely horrible messages you would send your exes once you were done with sucking the energy out of them and would proudly post on your story? I can bet plenty of those poor exes were underage too. They're not even creative every time. It's all just a variant of you calling them evil and mean and horrible and how you hope their life is gonna be just as shit as they are and somehow remembering all of their deep trauma like sexual abuse to jab at them.
Even if they did hurt you, which I highly truly doubt, that is a low blow especially since all your ex friends and victims are female. Actually hang yourself

No. 2066673

I barely put more than a splash of rice wine in this glaze. How tf am I glowing this hard? fml.

No. 2066678

>post about a male Twitter abuser with 5 figure followers who has lurked and posted here for at least five confirmed years
>derailed every single time with nonsense

No. 2067036

the medication does not entirely stop the MANIA. when the mania cometh, the mania COMETH, and it cometh HARD

No. 2067082

I love when people pretend to be on some sort of digital detox because they deactivated some shitty oversharing main account even though they still sperg from burners and spam everyone with absolute bullshit constantly. You're totes finding yourself babydoll.

No. 2068741

kek can you make it any more obvious that you're still stuck in high school mentality and seething over the popular girls?

No. 2068746

aw man, come back, don't leave me on read damn you!!!

No. 2068937

I fucking hate moids. I try to be aggressive for once, they screech. I try to be diplomatic, they start having basement incel takes. Fuck right off.

No. 2069025

File (hide): 1719592860261.gif (740.82 KB, 500x386, Hell’s Bells.GIF)

After all the misery and suffering you’ve caused, may you never find joy or peace again in your life. Amen.

No. 2069307

I'm so conflicted. I want him to stop talking to you but I also am always nosy and wanting to know what you're up to. You did the same with me but deleted me off the IG I stopped using so I closed it entirely. I still don't miss you btw. I really hope you finally woke up and stopped chasing S.

No. 2070437

File (hide): 1719647459956.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.08 KB, 671x900, 1000003972.jpg)

Why don't you give people context for why you keep reposting this image over and over? Or would it not go over very well for your (meagre) audience that this is a composite image you made in photoshop where you gave the woman you're stalking all the "plastic surgeries" you wish she had? Isn't as funny if people knew you were just some random, creepy, extremely abusive man would it? Lol

No. 2070439

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This sucks, can things just go back to normal please. This is all I have.

No. 2070450


No. 2070452

Why do you constantly bump the thread with nothing whenever you see someone make an actual saged post here? Obsessed much(vain bitch)

No. 2070657

You should kill yourself. Why my mom talks to you I have no fucking idea. You're a 48-year-old moid who admits to talking to 12-17 year olds. And mom what the fuck, do you even know what grooming is, no he's not just trying to be fucking friendly you dumbass

No. 2070814

She’s literally so cute I had a dream about her sitting next to me last night it felt so natural

No. 2071110

You bpd-discarded me all the way back in January and claimed you never wanted to remember me again and regretted everything and all that dramatic hate bullshit but now you're not-so-subtly stalking my old posts on Reddit and somehow finding all my comments on both there and Facebook/Instagram to derail them or troll me? So much for cutting my supposedly horrible person ass out of your life? Weirdo.

No. 2071118

I'm sorry grimes for just writing you off as a spoilt rich girl and not taking a deeper look at your heart. I listened to Genesis over and over this afternoon and looked at the Genius page to figure out what the lyrics meant and a tear rolled down my eye. I then understood why I put up so many boundaries around myself and especially around men. I get why I'm so afraid of love now.

No. 2071130

I hate moids online I hate them so muchhhhh!!!!

No. 2071954

I hate that the hetties infested even the sanic thread they don't understand the basic the numer posting it's not even funny anymore

No. 2072549

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A lot of the anons on this site can't even handle 1/10th of their own vitriol being thrown back at them kek

No. 2072895

I saw someone on twitter posting her Ed and sh pictures. What exactly how much skin do they have tho are they cutting the bone too tf

No. 2072906

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Some people need to shut the fuck up, god

No. 2072930

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I HATE FEELING SICK WHEN I'M HUNGRY. If the apocalypse happens, I am 100% gonna be the first person to snap and start catching lost adventurers in bear traps for the sole purpose of cannibalism.

No. 2073833

City pop, more like shitty pop kek. City pop is the most over-hyped, basic, and bland genre of Jpop and i'm tired of people pretending like it's the second coming of Christ and not just cheesy 80's bullshit. You're not special or interesting for liking it and no one fucking cares. These songs have been played tf out way before you were even born so you can stop acting like you're the first to discover and appreciate some hidden gem. No one's impressed by you bringing it up, most Japanese people really don't give af and just smile and nod to be polite. Get some better taste in music that isn't something someone else told you you should like. Loser.

No. 2073842

At least once a day I fantasize about blowing some blockheaded, beady eyed shitbull's brains out all over the concrete. They simply shouldn't exist and are incredibly moid coded. I don't care if it's humans' fault that they were brought and bred into a plague-like existence, that's even more reason to kill them coldly and without mercy. They are objectively bad dogs in every way. They stink, they're ugly, they're violent without provocation, they'll even eat their own pups if they feel so randomly inclined. There is no redeeming quality about them whatsoever and I wish that every shitbull sympathizer is one day mauled to death in front of their loved ones because their ignorance can only be cured through extinction. I hate that I have to worry that one day, my disabled mother, my younger brother, myself, or any of my loved ones has a 50% chance of being mauled by some stray shitbull since retards keep adopting and breeding them while making constant excuses for them to take up shelter resources which would be better spent on saving actually adoptable animals. The shitbull that drowned in a cage, whether by its own fault or that of a neglectful owner, absolutely deserved it and will not be missed. That's one less danger out on the streets, and one less dog/child/cat /elderly in the hospital or dead. I approve of them being "adopted" only to be taken out into a field and disposed of with a bullet or two to their blocky skulls. This should become more common practice since it'll be a long time before we see any laws put into action to protect people from these disgusting trash beasts.(take your meds)

No. 2073980

Stupid bitch got with my ex fully knowing how he's been abusive towards me with receipts. But no, she won't show sisterhood alliance if there's a moid she wants the dick from.
She's now crying everyday because she found out she's not special and he's abusing her already.
I don't know if she thought I was stupid or that she's better than me and she would get it good.

No. 2073987

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No. 2074001

File (hide): 1719866777107.png (637.45 KB, 735x462, 1000004515.png)

God forbid you take some kind of accountability for your actions, or even think for 10 seconds about how you might make the people around you feel. I would HATE for you to feel bad in the reality that you created.

No. 2074514

Imagine getting so pressed about a harmless thing people like. Your life must be miserable as hell

No. 2074666

File (hide): 1719914493890.jpg (33.79 KB, 554x554, images-3.jpg)

I love you so so so much, thank you for coming into my life when I most needed it, your art is amazing and healing and I'm glad you exist. You are incredibly important to me in this journey. Thank you for teaching me to be my higher self.

No. 2074899

Sweetie the problem is you, not all the people who drop you. Not to be selfish or whatever, but none of my friends drop me and that's because I don't attract that kind of energy.

No. 2075754

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Yet again, you waste an entire moping over something that's your own fucking fault and easily fixable if you would just fucking listen to me!!

No. 2075880

You're constantly like "[whoever] is the type of person to" and then follow up with absolute retarded nonsense that is pure fanfiction and projection that means fucking nothing to no one there is constantly just actual shit spewing from your mouth at all times and your agenda and sexual deviance is obvious to anyone who isn't completely stupid

No. 2076662

The only thing I asked you was to be there for me today and you couldn’t even do it. You weren’t in his funeral either. You always say how tired you are but truly, can’t you see I wouldn’t even treat you the way that you treat me? The fault is mine after all for putting you first. I’m so fucking done with you, you egoistical and selfish human being, I won’t ever forgive you for this.
So many years ending crying all alone, it doesn’t make a difference now. You’re not that good as you think you are and for sure I’m going to you let you feel it.

No. 2076670>>2077433

You the typa nigga to dab at his pizza with a paper towel to suck up the grease.

No. 2077345

I feel like you're under the delusion that you're actually funny and not just a desperate parrot

No. 2077433

You aren't black.(vain bitch)

No. 2077471

I love how you are spending your entire life dedicated to some mentally ill delusional fantasy that you're going to be an anonymous tipper for a crime that's never going to happen as an excuse for obsessively voyeuring women in the most perverse way possible. Worthless lying faggot.

No. 2078038

It's sad that your mental acuity is on the decline, mostly through no fault of your own, but this is cringe even for you. This is the third or fourth time (that I know of) where you've fallen for a very obvious internet scam. There is no one out there giving out free grants worth hundreds of thousands on dollars, it's scammers from Nigeria and India preying on the elderly and those on SSI so they can steal those benefits or get access to your personal info to sell on the black market. I really had to wonder how you could be so stupid as to trust some random post like that, just because they simply said "totally not a scam". Your naivete puts not only you at risk but me as well, by proxy. Of course, you're going to be embarrassed and deny it again, but I have the screenshots. I'm pretty sure this is partially to blame for you having trouble with banks and opening up accounts. You have no basic sense not to give your personal info to randos, or to not click into links sent to you by strangers. You really need help, but I don't think i'm the one to provide it.

Secondly, you always ask when i'll come visit, but as long as you have that BPDemon failson around, and until you've got your shit together, there is no way I can plan any visit. In fact, if he died quietly far away from a drug overdose, that would be a blessing to all if his miserable life ended. He has and continues to be nothing but a black hole who drains everyone around him. He has no desire to get better in his life as long as you keep letting him back in. It pisses me off to hear of him terrorizing you in your own home, eating all your food and "resource guarding" like a demented shitbull. And like shitbulls, he deserves no more chances. At this rate, I might not be able to keep my word to you which is incredibly sad, I know that you probably don't have much time left and will die an early death. Life hasn't been fair to you. Nonetheless, I am not equipped to be the only one left standing to support you. That's W's job, and it frustrates me that he probably lacks the maturity to take on such a task. Your death will leave me with extreme guilt, regret, and sorrow, but i'm really at a loss of what to do.

No. 2078129

I hate how you still make me feel like a shit person for being angry at you a year later. Meanwhile you're probably seething behind your screen thinking you did something

No. 2078176

Why'd you have to show up today of all days mom? I was two months sober and out of some cosmic bad luck horror show that is my life fate made you walk through my front door while I was pouring some Pinot Grigio.
I should've locked the door or maybe I shouldn't be a living vineyard with two legs.

No. 2078278

The way you wait because you're desperate for me to see it fucking lol

No. 2078540

Smashing their thick blocky inbred skulls in with a sledgehammer or slitting their throats with a hunting knife is sounding better as the days go by. I'm seriously fed up, but it'll stay a cathartic fantasy.(alogging)

No. 2079082

If you've ever complained about soulless media and you're now seal clapping over AI anything I hope your head gets caved in with a brick. The sooner AI gets regulated the better. It has gone exactly as horribly as I expected.

No. 2079107

please please please please pleaseeee please

No. 2079417

You're developmentally arrested. Cope and use your binky (video games) lmao.

No. 2079423

I wish you could be happy for me without any complaints, without you having to question everything about my life. It truly makes me sad how talking to you feels like a losing fight for me every single time. Me, being ready for your punch. You’re my best friend, don’t you remember? You should be happy for me and truly mean it. I feel deep down in my heart that you don’t care about me, I feel like you don’t like me anymore and it breaks my heart because the only thing that I do is to try and make things right.
You push me to be independent and the moment I do, you make me feel incompetent and useless. When I depend on you, I can’t never count with you but you’re there for other people, always others except me.
I don’t ask for too much, I just wish I could talk to you without expecting aomething bad coming of you mouth. It’s exhausting.

No. 2079433

Men and their use of videogames and how they use them to feel important or good at something for once in their life and bossing people around in some shitty game makes them feel like they matter and have skills and importance they do not

No. 2079609

It’s kinda funny how you try to lecture me about my habits when you’re almost 90lb more than me at this point. Do you know what my coworker said when she saw a picture? That she knew you had a body like that but not to that extent. And she didn’t mean it in a nasty way either, she was actually surprised. So leave me with my burgers and pizzas and just shut up for once.

No. 2079632

When you fucked that troon I knew it was over, you goddamn drug user

No. 2079695

get your own fucking furniture and objects you pathetic whiney fuck SERIOUSLY STOP USING ALL MY THINGS REEEEEEEEEE

No. 2079846

vieze vuile kastpoot dat je bent hoop dat je dood neervalt

No. 2080064

File (hide): 1720310639581.jpg (417.54 KB, 1512x2016, 1000003603.jpg)

The whole "omg I'm saaaooowww outgoiiiinngngngn I'm suuauuch a portyierrrr" persona is so hilarious when juxtaposed by the fact that Lal you really do is sit on your phone and stalk women while your laptop scrambles your sperm count into soup. You are far too shameless for someone like you but the cluster b and constant punching down on other people must give you such a manic high that you'll never see yourself for what you really are.

No. 2080310

The only people who need to worry about resale value of their car are those who buy brand new ones off the lot. Quit urging me to sell it when I intended to use it until it broke down. If/when the time comes to sell it, I won't be lamenting that I should've sold it sooner. Your nagging, much like chicken little, is irritating.

No. 2080328

I know that you're allergic to respecting people's wishes making it so hard for you to keep their private matters confidential because you feel the need to tell everyone and anyone who'll listen about other people's business. You've violated my privacy countless times, and wonder why I never tell you anything anymore. I swear you and Dad are some degree of clinically narcissistic with your selfishness, denial, and rage at being rightfully confronted for your bullshit. You think you're entitled to my life simply because we're related, and you show almost no basic respect for me as a person. Not only that, but the weird, creepy, jealous one-sided rivalry you have with my actual mom… I don't need you as a mother figure, especially when you put a scumbag moid above your family. That's something my Mom at least apologized for when she came to her senses and swore never to do again. You, on the other hand, are a yappy little lapdog for your master whom you have no identity outside of. You're the picture of co-dependence. He brings out the worst in you because he's as rotten as his breath. Getting you riled up, while you adjust to your master's emotions as he tells you what and who to be angry at. You haven't an original thought or opinion to your name. Everyone can see through him but you. You act like his children going NC comes from nowhere and paint them as the bad guys, while you see him as a victim, but i'm pretty sure they're sick of his nastiness, lies, and hypocrisy too. I wish you'd both get called out more, this time by other family members, since you won't listen to the immediate ones.

No. 2081380

the only person who knows I'm a radfem terf is my dad

and I love him for listening and understanding when it feels like everyone else has taken the handmaiden pill. he told me he wants me to leave the country if Trump is elected again. ilu dad

No. 2081620

Woah another day of you bitch eating crackers some completely insignificant shit that no one else cares about and trying to propell everything into something it will never be because that's the only way you can get these people to pay attention to anything you share. ~Insights girl~ okay ~sex crimes faggot~ lol

No. 2083266

jeeeezzz just fuck off. i don't know why i even bother telling you about my life when you always manage to turn it around so that the conversation is about how bad you have it and how much you should be coddled. the common denominator between all the shit you complain about is you, nobody's forcing you to live like this. you could see me as an inspiration that it could get better, but you'd rather wallow in your addiction. stay bitter and keep lashing out at me, least i know i'm doing something right.

No. 2083279

doctors are so mean. this one bitch just said that she won’t prescribe me the medication that i need because she doesn’t feel like it. Megan i hope you lose your license.

No. 2083338

fucking they/themlet has just joined a server full of exclusively women and has been invited by some idiot who actually knows her irl so there's no chance of her getting kicked out of the group (which has happened before with men infiltrating by they/themming). do I just avoid her for as long as possible? I fully don't want to they/them her in public and don't 100% trust myself not to call her a woman to her face. what do?

No. 2083451>>2084153

this dude is giving out so much doxable information on a furry sex rp site i can't beli

No. 2083828

I think being obese in a western country is a character flaw.


No. 2083933


No. 2084104

I miss her I miss her so much I miss her I miss her I miss her I miss her

No. 2084152

texas can you hear me

No. 2084153

what are you waiting for nonna(vain bitch)

No. 2084198

just how lowly do you think of me. saying in front of everybody that i will embarass you. ever since i came here i have heard nothing but malicious remarks about me, my appearance, what i do. you are such a difficult person to be around

No. 2085262

It fucking hurts, it fucking sucks. I almost wish I never met you. If only things worked, if only things were different, if only…

No. 2085494

I asked for a year's subscription because it was affordable in the first place. If you had told me upfront that it was only half that I wouldn't have minded, but you lied. I spent tons more on both of your gifts while asking very little in return. My guess is he told you it was a yearly and that he'd taken care of it but it was actually only 6 months, as a little jab at me. He always tries to make me feel like shit in subtle and not so subtle ways. Like the time I ordered an expensive birthday cake for him from a specialty bakery that he instead kept in the freezer and gave away over a year later, as if to say "your gesture means jack shit to me, it's not even worth acknowledging". Not surprising given his narcissistic traits. Why do I bother trying to please him? I guess it's not even about that, it's about trying to stay on his good side because otherwise the nastiness gets more clandestine and severe. I've only been agreeable and cooperative, even sticking up for him when you two fought since day one, but that was a mistake. He's been trying to drive a wedge between us and damage our familial bond so that he can isolate you further because he wants you to listen to and trust only him. I should have spoken up the first time you two split. but I didn't have the courage. Well, you probably wouldn't have listened to me anyway because dick is far more important to you than family.

No. 2085646

How the fuck do you live with yourself, how do you sleep at night? What is it like to be so self centered and have no conscience? Are you actually even human?

No. 2086974

I want to rape him

No. 2087788

How is the color so fucking off? Why did you use a completely different color from last time, when it was clear I was here for a touchup? I paid nearly $400 for hair that I hate. I swear you have no fucking clue what you're doing, and furthermore, how in the hell do you not add any heat protectant or leave in conditioner to my hair before blow drying?? Is that not basic knowledge of something one is supposed to do? I think I should go back to doing it myself. Now i'm feeling broke and ugly. The whole fucking vibe is changed. I want the color we originally agreed on back. It's not going to be easy to correct even if it fades. I don't think i'll let you touch my hair again.

No. 2091091

I can't be paying your debts forever, fuck you. And double fuck you for involving my sisters in your chronic money problem.

No. 2091157

i wish i could shove a bar stool up both ya'll asses, fuck you assholes

No. 2091169

talking to autists is like you either get Type A or Type B

A is the guy who starts of with a "hey sup", and when he finally gets a reply, might go into a multi-sentance ramble about what random Fortnite whore is currently making his dick hard. He used to be fine to talk with in the past, the coomer took over his mind and its sad. but most convos is always about his shit and im so fucking tired of it

B is the guy who picks and chooses what message he wants to respond to days/weeks after. snob

selfish pricks

No. 2093688

Get out of my fucking head! I wish I could give my brain the silkwood treatment, I feel so sick, when will this end

No. 2095233

Just hoping that my crush will like me back

No. 2095251

I really think we work better as friends. I want to focus on study and my future, and I don’t have time for a long distance relationship right now.

No. 2095389

Quit checking my public instagram stories with those little anonymous viewer sites. You’re either someone I don’t talk to anymore or someone I’ve never talked to. Either way, come fight me in person or fuck off.

No. 2095395

File (hide): 1721321910808.jpg (18.53 KB, 275x199, 1000004268.jpg)

I'm conscious enough of every body part as it is without you assuming that the way I look/my sexuality is a fucking invitation. This is exactly why I don't tell people anything about myself. Take no for an answer. Fuck off.

No. 2095528

File (hide): 1721327800406.jpg (22.08 KB, 474x474, 42fb4e060214180fe880239aaaf7ba…)

I genuinely dont know what your problem is its really fucking annoying when you see something you dont like and instantly assume i like it and attack me out of nowhere for something i didnt fucking do you schizoid bitch , im not gonna even try to defend myself because youre a retard who cant get into college and it makes me so happy that youre never going to achieve anything.I cant wait til you kill yourself i regret ever being nice to your dumbass being a compelete bitch isnt a personality your hobbys suck, the guys you like suck, the music you listen to sucks i fucking hate your annoying ass please shut the fuck up go harass japanese men thirst trap comment sections and LEAVE ME ALONE

No. 2095570

are you genuinely done with armchair diagnosing every one of your 2-week probably discord e-date exes with every disorder conceptualised in the dsm like just go hand yourself into a psych ward with obvious bpd you fucking retard it's so cringe

No. 2095587

KYS you vile fucking obese moid, you lived in a rapist wonderland of a country no wonder you're no different from any of them, also congrats on hitting 95kg recently absolute fucking kek. lay off the burgers and stop flirting with your friends' fucking PRETEEN daughters. too bad the police don't do fucking shit about flirting because hey the kids aren't being openly raped or molested, maybe i should be the one to do something about you

No. 2095967

Ever since I was 12 I've fantasized with you disappearing from our lives
You are the most rancid human being I know
I wish I died so I didn't have to see you ever again

No. 2095969

There's no fuckinh point in being alive

No. 2096468

i love seeing people ignore you

No. 2097031

God fucking damnit, you joyless, performative cunts don’t like anything. No wonder everyone around you is mean and aggressive, they’re just reflecting your energy back to you.

No. 2097049

I don't want to get married. It has nothing to do with 'him'. Its to do with everyone else. I wanted to get married once. But now I realize I will be his property, his 'other half'. Its like you become a second, second hand citizen. Because women always come second. My mom is literally crocheting penises for the hen doo but I dont want a hen doo. I have no friends. I dont want friends. I am happy on my own. I earn a lot of money in my specific engineering job and the moid is just a pet to me. I dont want to get married to him and be his property because I view him as lesser than me. Fuck all women that rely on men and tell me that I should too.

No. 2097654

I get it, really I do. You want everyone to be together and be happy …. but a lot of messed up things happened in the past and recently and I can't overlook that. None of that shit was ok and no one is blameless in this. Go bother someone else to be happy with, ok?

No. 2097677

I'm going to embrace mars entering Gemini as its my natal placement and embrace the fact I don't think my parents are the only narcs in the family. Time to go for it cause shit ain't been working. Mask off

No. 2097846

im gonna make you so fucking proud.

No. 2098069

Triggered much? Seems like you feel personally called out. Idk how you delude yourself into thinking you're so special and smart that you'll find a scrote that won't fuck you over down the line. It's the same story over and over yet you never seem to learn.

No. 2098077

I don't want it to be over. Please God, give me one more chance to make it right.

No. 2098101

Fucking grow a pair and provide for your family you stupid cunt. I don't want to fuck you because you disgust me with your inability to care for your own child and your constant negativity grates on me. It's not out of the realm of possibility for you to step the fuck up and get shit done, so don't bother acting like I'm asking the world of you when I suggest taking your own daughter for a fucking nap so that I can have a break for the first time in months. You're a constant disappointment.

No. 2098240

I wish I wasn't so fucking scared all the time and for what I don't even know. Anxiety is so retarded, let's remember some random ass irrational bullshit and twist it and pretend it's actually rational while the real rational stuff is irrational UGH

No. 2099419

I shouldn't have contacted you. You ruined the image and the feelings I had for you.

No. 2099427>>2099436

I fuckimg hate men so fucking much piece of shit subhuman whiny thin skinned rotten humonculi knuckle dragging cement brained fuckimg hobgoblins poorly masquerading as people. Fuckimg insufferable shuffling barely sentient shitbags dumb nasty husks of low value meat. I’ve never in my fucking life seen a group of “people” be so fucking vile cruel and evil to another and then turn arounf and act like fucking bitches every time women say anything even slightly mean to them even the most lighthearted joke makes these insufferable shitforbrains child raping mollusks seethe in the purest state of testeria. I hate them so fucking much it’s unreal I hope every man on planet fucking earth gets raped to death and I mean it I will never advocate for men or feel empathy for them again a day in my fucking life if I could I’d eradicate that entire useless ugly gender with my bare hands

No. 2099436

if any one of them tries to speak to you ever again just tell them "paystub or gtfo" to any words they try to muster to you and they just start imploding(vain bitch)

No. 2099488>>2100523

File (hide): 1721636745141.png (380.69 KB, 500x500, birdbath.png)

I wish i had a lady to share a fat cigar with while we listened to gezebelle gaburgably

No. 2099659

I really don't know if I can be friends with you, knowing that I won't be a priority in your life like you were for me

No. 2100122

bitch if it was the end of the world and we had to team up to fight some unforeseen evil force I would rather leave you to the wolves or kick you out of my group than even contemplate working with your stupid, selfish ass.

No. 2100452

some people really watch/read porno, get turned on, then think they have a fetish for whatever stupid shit was in it. no you don't, bitch, you were turned on because it's porn and you're a normal fucking person. really diluting the meaning of the word "fetish".
oh, okay, me too then, I notice that when I masturbate it really turns me on especially when I come. I have such a fetish for orgasming by masturbation. that's how dumb you sound. god.

No. 2100505

KEK who the fuck gets this possessive and semantical over the word "fetish". i'm going to use it even more now

No. 2100523

Can someone help me understand her? I feel like there's some strong tongue in cheek sexism there, as if she's being a feminist by subverting the incel mentality, but is that what's going on? Am I giving her too much credit and she's just another misogynist self-hating woman?(vain bitch)

No. 2100750

FAGGOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. 2100769

I'm not the selfish one, you are! I'm so tired of people who hear 'no' from me pretending to be saints. The fuck

No. 2100779

You're way too comfortable now just saying.

No. 2100786

You're almost 30 and posting this kinda shit… you think you're the joker or something?

No. 2100787

Oh look, your incoming schizophrenic garbling. Keep roleplaying and pretending there's some mean ebil lesbian schizophrenic boogieman after you. The circlejerk neverends. You are such a deeply pathetic and obsessive person. What else is there to say? It's going to be so funny when they finally publicly hang "huntychan" out to dry with all the receipts of the fucked up shit you did and all the lies wounded into lies. Get a life dude.

No. 2100832

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Your creepy sex pest orbiters are going to be so crushed to find out that there was no "ava lyn" lmao. That "islek" was never involved in any way, never spoke to you, never associated with you, and that you stole pictures of a girl in her teens and catfished the fuck out of everyone WHILE being a serial stalker and committing sex crimes and felonies ctfu. You need to move on for real because your entire life hinges upon all these lies you've told because you evidently have no other way to make friends or hold conversations. You don't want that groupchat to be blasted on twitter because there are several people to confirm the validity and NUMEROUS followers with years worth of post notifications to confirm the timeline. Shame on Chrissy for participating even though she new it was sexual harassment, vile, cruel stalking, and abuse. Shame on Jake for propelling it into something truly horrific and disgusting. Shame on all of you for what you've done and how you think you're going to go the rest of your life sitting on these extremely heinous acts of abuse. It's so funny how Rogan was right, Jake truly was an abuser. If everyone knew the full extent of what you have contributed to and how you point blank spent years sexually violating that girl, you would be exiled online for good and your grift would stop. You are so invested in your own lies and the things that you've done that it's like you genuinely believe you can get away with anything, including years of sexual harassment, stalking, catfishing, etc. You even made ai nudes. Your whole fucked up fantasy hinges entirely on the fact that your victim has no internet presence so you think she will never come forward or expose all of you, or that she's somehow afraid of you, when the truth is simply that everyone is fully aware of how unhinged you are and that you've casually discussed how you would murder her. Keep posting schizophrenic word salad and making up fake beef and accounts to distract from everything, it will only make these subposts more specific. We will leave no details excluded if necessary. You keep pretending that there are omissions or that you're somehow a victim, but you're just a dedicated liar and toxic narcissist who lives everything out online, and she isn't the only woman you've obsessively stalked. The only dangerous schizo here is you and none of the fake stories you keep throwing out into the void will ever hold a candle to what you have done. You think you're entitled to hurt women, I have never witnessed anything quite like it. Your "friends" are just a cowardly gaggle of hyenas tearing up scraps. Nasty little group you are, huh? No amount of burner accounts you create will ever change that its still you behind it. The fake icloud, the fake screenshots, all the weird explicit and bizarre AI garbage you've created–its all so nonsensical that only a moron would truly think you're a victim. Omg you're actually a monster, sunk cost fallacy is really on your nuts. The one-sided fable is only working because you have put a sincerely concerning amount of time, effort, and money to ensure so. The truth wouldnt require so much secrecy and you begging and pleading people to keep quiet and threatening and scaremongering anyone who starts to feel guilty. I don't think calling you a loser even aptly describes just how low of a person you are.

No. 2102279

What's the matter this time? I know something happened, but you didn't respond like you normally do. All of this is tiring.

No. 2103905

Please come back, you're probably busy or tired or mentally down but I miss youuuuu

No. 2104414

You're sick, and it's making me sick. You're not some modern day Lelouch, you're an extremely misinformed reactionary moron who'd rather stay in his cozy echo chamber because when your take is "America bad!! So China/Russia/NK good!" you can let state media do the thinking for you. You ignorant cunt. You need a dose of reality and a punch to the dick.

No. 2104442

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I really, really hope this doesn't all fuck up.

No. 2105157

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You have no integral personality of your own omg you are genuinely so soulless.

No. 2105509

I shouldn't even be thinking this but I miss being a NEET

No. 2105665

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No. 2106372

The saddest part is that I'm not even that surprised or disappointed, there is not much that I don't expect from you. I dodged a bullet; we will never ever speak again.

No. 2106484

If I was to write a suicide note it would be a love letter to my tall ex with ginger hair not the bald guy I've recently been dating. If I was to find out I had terminal cancer I would seek out my tall ginger ex that confessed his love last year after my step father died and ask if he'd spend my last days together. I've made a huge mistake.

No. 2106512


No. 2106644

File (hide): 1722040160906.jpg (53.59 KB, 754x1024, 1000004113.jpg)

I dont think many people exist who are as obsessive and pathetic as you and im being so serious unfortunately. You are still stuck in that same place and you still only feel anything when you're violating women. I don't understand what type of brain tumor it requires to be as violent and apelike as you.

No. 2108365

Oh you love ai, very on brand for you. In your emilie autumn Era or whatever huh

No. 2109012

I wish you'd stop being a retard and be a slightly better friend ughhhh I feel bad calling you a retard but it's a little justified knowing what you think of me. Stop having such a big persecution complex. Get over your fears. Stop digging your own grave. Respond to my texts.

No. 2109514

Baseball sized.

No. 2109653

File (hide): 1722228734807.jpg (Spoiler Image,157.22 KB, 720x875, 1000004153.jpg)

Your posts are very damning in context. Care to explain to the class why you have such a focused obsession on the humiliation of women? Why you find sexual harassment thrilling? Why you have thousands of posts dedicated to such a sick infatuation? You're such a loser irl, of course this is what you resort to. Nasty fucking cunt.

No. 2109976

I plagiarised an incident my friend had 2 years ago to wind up a guy claiming I did it before we met and like obviously I know I didn't but that was pretty dumb of me. What she did was also the canon event as to why me and her don't even talk anymore. Depression is weird

No. 2110070

My pussy is literally a temple. You don't get to enter unless you're a 13/10 chad ready to worship me. Don't even look at me otherwise. We need the dumbass shit thread back I can't take this anymore(dumbass shit posting)

No. 2110392

Something so delightfully delusional about a creepy sex pest edgefag who gets off on manipulation and humiliation accusing anyone else of acting like the joker or whatever with your pinkmeth 2.0 wannabe zodiac killer antics. Writing messages for yourself pretending to be a woman, making blogs and Twitter accounts pretending to be a woman, sending god knows what kind of messages to people anonymously just chimping the fuck out etc. Did you forget your own age btw?

No. 2111849

File (hide): 1722349743229.jpg (77.82 KB, 960x876, 1000037262.jpg)

Oh my god she didn't respond this is so embarrassing. Welp. At least I tried. I JUST WANTED TO DO SOMETHING NICE.

No. 2112215

File (hide): 1722366446966.jpeg (Spoiler Image,55.43 KB, 312x340, IMG_8996.jpeg)

>Retarded ex keeps making backhanded comments about my appearance our entire relationship in order to lower my self esteem
>Breaks up as a power play but gives up when I don’t beg for him back
>Ends up with a girl who looks exactly like picrel except with no lips and is obviously using him
Fuck you. That’s what you get for sucking up to people you hate.

No. 2112481

You are still not over the asshurt of the band you liked having scandals and disbanding 4 years ago so every second the rival band releases something you have to find any excuse to screech about how you have shit taste and only like boring garbage.

No. 2112488

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I always feel like I'm taking up space.

No. 2115620

You didn’t get your driver’s license yet because you’re a lazy ass, not because you didn’t need it. Stop trying to degrade me or to degrade other people, I’m sure the moment you’ll try you’ll fail and that brings me so much joy. So much talking for someone who doesn’t know shit about basic laws. You’re so condescending I hate it

No. 2115638

my mother is truly a menace to society. why is it every time we get into a car she starts screaming and lecturing? look outside and admire the trees or something.

No. 2118321

Stop pretending I don't exist I can literally see your activity, why are you acting like a middle schooler

No. 2119530

You do not need to moralfag about imaginary people in a dream I had.

No. 2119553

You keep saying I’m not like this and that I do things that I don’t usually do but maybe you have to accept the fact that I’ve changed and that’s who I am now.
Every time you try to argue with me about it I feel more and more impressed about your condescension. But it was always like this, right? You, taking out of context something that I said or did and trying to make me feel like I’m the one wrong when actually that’s the image of me that you’re trying to project.
I’ve changed because you hurt me the most and there are things that I will never forgive you for. My personality is something that you can’t change anymore, it’s something that’s mine for once and you’re not able to interfere.
I say sorry and try to make things right just so you shut up for once but I don’t believe a word I’m saying, it will happen again and I’m not bothered about it. Deal with it.

No. 2120020

I like you. Whenever you text me my heart skips a beat. I don’t know what it is but I can’t help crushing on you. Whether it’s the fact that we have basically lived the same life. We have so many things in common. We relate to everything. We say what each other is thinking. We have the same beliefs. And to think we hated each other in the beginning. To think I ever disliked you is insane, because you are me. You are me from a different continent. You are ME. Even though you have a twin, we are the true twins. I feel sick to the core saying this, but I think I love you. And I don’t want to, at all. I mean you’re not even my type, at all. But I love you. And I can’t help but think of you all the time, get giddy when I see your name pop up on my phone. I don’t know when we will both just admit that we are probably soulmates. I just really, really like you. A lot. I wish I didn’t because I feel like the biggest fucking loser ever, and I’m sick of trying to hold it in, pretend like I feel nothing, pretend that everything we connect with means nothing. I feel so so so embarrassed. This is my biggest secret ever and you will never get this out of me. And I pray I stop feeling like this towards you and look back and laugh. But I do love you. I mean, when you don’t have your stupid moustache and shit you are so fucking cute. I love you, fuck. I wonder if you see it too. I wonder if you love me too. I wonder if you will ever admit anything to me. I wish I could just ignore you and never talk to you again. A I fucking like you and I hate it and I hope you never find out.

No. 2120313

women who degrade themselves by having sex with moids that will never love them while taking birth control in order to be used needs a reality check. sex is for making babies. stop cucking yourself, it’s very anti-woman of you. be celibate stacy unless you want kids with a decent moid.

No. 2120318

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Gender Ideology Hate thread at this current moment is making me feel so embarrassed even associating with lolcow

No. 2120335

A lot of people say I'm thin, but I'm really just an average skinny fat. I've been trying to diet and had success for about two weeks, lost a few pounds, but I am now struggling. Part of me is vain and wants to be skinny, but at the same time, I love good-tasting food and YOLO. Like who actually cares if I have a stomach.

No. 2120461

It wasn't worth living to 30. My life is garbage and I have no one to blame but myself for the lack of progress in my life. But I don't want to do anything. I don't feel like doing anything except laying here and rotting. Hope I don't wake up tomorrow.

No. 2120672

Every day you remind all of us that your obsession has far surpassed pathetic

No. 2120761

I don’t flinch because it doesn’t hurt. If anything was going to happen to me, it would have happened already by now.

No. 2120773

Saying the stupidest shit possible and pretending it's profound. Lack of object permanence.

No. 2120775

I need my meds

No. 2120784

You mother fuckers destroyed my life. All of you. How much more anger can you pour into me. Everyone is trans and gay and weird as shit but out of everyone I have ended up being called a black dog. You mother fuckers still have the nerve to tell me that I am asking for money when you are insulting me and dragging my existence in millions of directions. Some stupid skank that has nothing to do with the art that you are making would probably tap cash out of you. Meanwhile I value artistic integrity and authenticity so much and you keep telling me that I am asking for money.

You mother fuckers ruined my life. I am abused and degraded in endless ways and I have placed too much effort into my life to end up being called a black dog. Out of all the trannies and the freaks. I've placed too much effort into my life to realize that I do not have dignity or integrity. That you are degrading my existence in millions of fucking ways.

My frustration and my pain has reached astronomical levels. I hope that nobody will ever have to be placed through what I have been placed through

No. 2120786

Go to bed

No. 2120791

Why are you thinking of me at seven in the morning? Don’t you get bored of me not responding to your weird rants? How are you creating this much output still with zero input from me? It’s been months of silence on my end, just let it go.

No. 2121194


No. 2121209

I wish that I would have done things differently. I wish that I wouldn't have destroyed myself.

No. 2122892

It was Sunday night, you were home, we were both off work but you could have cooked dinner instead of playing the game like you did all day. But noooo you made me cook and then bitched that you didn't like the flavor when you should have cooked it yourself.
And I don't care if your mother starved because she doesn't like the flavor either, she doesn't do the dishes so I don't give a fuck what she thinks about it. She let her own home fall into decay because
>boo hoo I work I can't keep up a house and work
And now it's that she can't clean up after herself when spending a few nights here. Fuck you I work too, she is a lazy cunt and so is your father

No. 2124326

It's rude to ask if I want to call and then not even 5 minutes later, you're already in a call with someone else. You should be prioritizing me, your girlfriend, whom you hardly have any time for these days. I'm so fucking sick of others taking precedence over me. You always give your best self to others with hardly anything left for me other than "i'm tired". Yet I always make time for you when asked, because I value you and what little time we have. I've been waiting for over an hour for you to reply to me but I guess whoever it is is so much more important. Asshole.

No. 2124763

I miss you I love you thanks for keeping me in your heart I wish I wasn't so selfish

No. 2125451

Why haven’t you killed yourself yet?

No. 2125533

You literally lick shit dicks stfu.

No. 2125567

A loser foaming at the mouth

No. 2126370

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I don't want to give up hope, I want to stay here with you, but what do you expect me to do? I knew the good times couldn't last forever, I just didn't think they would end so soon. You mean a lot to me and were truly a light in my life, I love you and miss you so much. I hope this isn't the end. I hope it all meant something to you too. Come back sometime, 'kay? ♥

No. 2126392

I won't lie, sometimes I fantasize about you leaving that scrote you barely like so we can finally date, only true and good ending if you ask me.

No. 2126474

Drink bleach.

No. 2126508

I hate you. Pornsick nymphomaniac whore. Sorry excuse for a man, pathetic snot-nosed little boy playing at being big. Keep telling yourself you’ll make it. Retard who knows nothing about the world. Solipsistic asshole. I hope you never get better I hope you fucking die like this. Worst thing that’s ever happened to me.

No. 2126509

Spill the dirty blood of Abrahamic filth. No pity for them.(fedposting)

No. 2126518

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Sometimes I wonder why I bother trying to be funny if no one laughs. But it's all I am, if I'm not funny I'm nothing I'm a husk of a human being I'm a mirror turned in on itself the darkness suffocated me please laugh I'm trying so hard it's all I have even a pity laugh would be nice please please please please

No. 2126539

Why do you get to be the only one who is happy while everyone around you suffers? Praying for a higher power to sear the rest of your face off and permanently disable you if I can't.

No. 2126585>>2126587

File (hide): 1723092997283.png (Spoiler Image,551.54 KB, 742x742, when u nut.png)

You always tell people what they should do and how to live their life but you need to look in the mirror yourself. Being around you is like walking on eggshells. If I even give the slightest dissenting opinion, you aggressively attack me like a pitbull because your feefees hurt. Well, if you don't like it when people shit on you, why do you think it's ok for you to do it to other people? "Oh, I'm just blunt." No, you're just an asshole and that's why you keep losing friends.

No. 2126587

You need to be euthanized for this picture(vain bitch)

No. 2126630

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No. 2126685

I meant he should drink bleach btw. If you’re not a man, that wasn’t for you.

No. 2126712

So let's get some things straight. I tell you I clearly don't want you and am not attracted to you, and you think I'm playing hard to get, and then use that to claim I'm secretly a narcissist because it's true that narcs love the attention from playing hard to get
But I straight up said no
Only thieves think everyone steals, fuck off and leave me alone. What's next, you're gonna start a smear campaign and armchair diagnose me with psychopathy or what

No. 2126923

If I don't check up on you, you complain because you think I don't care. If I do, you complain because I ask too much. You’re always telling me how you think I’m not giving you importance but then you go and meet up with everyone except for me. And don’t get me started with all your dry replies, refuting everything that I say or even just starting a disagreement just because. You try to picture me as the bad person here but I think the one who’s sharing all these passive aggressive memes is you (what are you, 12?), you’re not going to get a reaction from me if this is what you want, I’m not sorry.
Seriously you should grow up and stop complaining like a bitch about everyone around you, jealousy doesn’t look good on you. If you were as secure as you say you are, you wouldn’t feel the need to snoop around about others people lives, it shows how bitter you actually are.

No. 2127683

Karma finally came back to you after all these years.
You sold me dreams of us moving to a place with better jobs. You held me back for so long and when you finally got off your ass, you did it for my replacement.
I'm delighted to see you're now unemployed and can see what it feels like to struggle like I did

No. 2128012

I'm glad we stopped talking. I haven't wanted to be your friend for almost two years now. It just felt like it should have stayed that way, since it's been so long, and because we shared so many secrets. But you brought out the worst in me, because you are a shit person. And your woo-woo therapy isn't helping you, yet you like to think you're cured. I'm glad I made fun of all the things you like and you got sick of it (your taste in books is shit and I got rid of every single one you sent me). You betrayed me once and I let it slide, like an idiot, then you betrayed all of us, and no one forgave you but me, because I was trying to be nice, trying to understand. But you're a drunk and fuck everyone you met while lying saying you're so unloved and haven't been touched in years. You're so negative even when you try to be positive and every time I think of you now I smile and think how it's been months since we last talked and it's been fucking great.

No. 2128873

Are you still proud of your part in that, tiki?

No. 2129616>>2129619

I don’t know why you have to show how much you dislike me after all these years and in front of other people too. We’re supposed to be friends and mature people, what is wrong with you? When we’re around other people you always try to picture me as this dumb person that I’m not and you know it. I try so hard to keep your friendship but I actually don’t know what the fuck do you want. You wanted me to be less dependent and I did keep my distance but then you complained because you thought I didn’t care enough. When I try to be nice and tell you things you always twist my words to make me feel pathetic or less than you and it’s exhausting. You’re exhausting.
I always try my best to search for the good in almost every situation but you make it so hard, you’re the opposite of the people I need in my life, always bitter and somehow jealous.

No. 2129619

Probably because they know you're going to turn around and dehumanize them 5 minutes later and they have seen it so many times they wont take your "niceness" seriously.(vain bitch)

No. 2129752

fuck off weirdo why does every message you send sound like you want to rape the other person

No. 2129754

It's been almost a month, I miss you so much.

No. 2130113

M I miss you so much, you were my everything and I can't do this without you

No. 2130172

Do you think I care? I truly don't. You can stop trying with your passive aggressive messages, if I did care, I'd do anything to make it work and obviously I don’t.
Distancing yourself from me is actually making a favour at this point, I save money, time and I don’t have to make the effort to play it nice.

No. 2130385

Schizos on here aside, I cannot believe the way men will think you are madly in love with them and pretend your every thought is about them when you hate them indescribably. No one is in love with you and you need a huge dose of seroquel. Fucking psychopath

No. 2130386

Also the shoe literally never fits. All you do is write fanfiction. You need to be tranquilized and handled fr.

No. 2130627

Bitch don’t act as if it’s my fault we’re not travelling next week, we had some plans and you decided to fuck it up because as always I wasn’t your priority. Don’t expect me to lose my free days on you whenever you want because it’s not happening. I could do the same trip by myself tomorrow if I want and you know it, you just decide to ignore the fact that I could never do the thing that you did to me.
If you shut down all my alternatives, what do you expect me to do?
I’m sick of feeling like I own you some explanations.
>blablabla it’s your fault
>blablabla you’re guilty
Did you see my face when you were talking? Do you get off thinking I feel bad because of you or something? Because it feels like it sometimes and while you’re ragging inside, I’m laughing inside.

No. 2130633

I love you, please…

No. 2130723

I really don't understand why is this something hard for her. She knows I don't like unplanned complicated things, she said he would be accomodating, we confirmed for three days and then she comes with "he doesn't know yet, but you have to understand they called it at work!"
That would change nothing, for my sake, but of course the boymom brain works harder.

No. 2130741

Stop trying to twist my words you daft cow

No. 2130994

I genuinely don't care anymore. Your project will fail, I don't see a future in which it doesn't. It's obvious you don't like the work yourself so I don't understand why anyone else should. I'm sad I won't get to see your honest reaction but that's okay kek

No. 2131142

You are so obsessed. Move on with your life already, jfc

No. 2131344

Stop fucking talking to me this way. Stop diminishing and patronizing me while acting like a damsel in distress I'm supposed to be mature enough to help and save? Just be NORMAL with me. If you need anything SAY IT. You're entitled, insulting, immature, demanding. You make me feel disgusted with myself, like I'll never be good enough. I did so much for you, I made your biggest dream reality and gave so much. What else do you want from me and when does it stop? I love you but you make me hate both of us and life as a whole

No. 2131471

I'm so happy I didn't say anything. You don't want to say no and I don't want you to yes. Figure it out on your own.

No. 2131504

fuck facebook. Apparently, it's hate if I say obese and skinny-fat men have small penises and them making fun of others having small penises is being pornsick is hate. The hell is wrong with that place? They're allowed to make fun of people with small penises yet I can't make fun of their fat or flabby asses having small penises

No. 2132281

Another day another I want to kill myself.
Online friends aren't worth it. Don't have them. Or just have one and that's it. I'd say no friend is actually worth it really. Humans are so unpredictable. Time to become avoidant again.

No. 2132282

I wanted to trust you would be different but you turned out to be a mega creep. Don't befriend men. It's a waste of time.

No. 2132436

I hate living in a neighborhood with kids, I can't wait until it's fall and it's raining and they're all in school again.

No. 2132469

Actually, I love him and we’re very happy together. Cope, seethe, kys, etc.

No. 2132490

I see my childhood friend today. We don't get to see each other much. Every time, I'm sad afterwards. Because we grew apart, and because she manages to gain so much weight.

I've vented about it before, but people have gotten mad at me. Online, of course. Her only hobby is eating now. I'm worried she'll get herself bedbound at a young age.

I really hope she has other friends. Not because I'll abandon her, because I won't (I have trauma from people abandoning me), but so she can have something happy in her life.

No. 2133084

Being 30 and still posting on your public social media passive aggressive messages about other people is just pathetic

No. 2133123

You were a disappointment like all the others. May your life become worse than what it already is.

No. 2133128

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I MISS YOU SO FUCKING MUCH IM GONNA KILL MYSELF WHY IS THE CARROT OF FRIENDSHIP DANGLED IM FRONT OF ME JUST TO BE SNATCHED AWAY FOR NO GOOD REASON RERREEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR. im losing it im losing it im losing it im slipping away. did you ever fucking care. you make me feel like this was all a joke, like this was just some experiment and you've collected your data so now you're gone. what the fuck. dont do this to me. you have no idea how much i love you. you better come back now before you lose me forever. i cant take it anymore.

No. 2133149

It doesn't matter what happens, all that matters is that I'm free from you, you retarded faggot. And it doesn't matter if nothing bad happens to you now. What matters is that it will be coming, it has always been coming. You will get what you fucking deserve one of these days and the best part is how I'll never know, I'll never be able to laugh at it, none of it, because I will have forgotten all about you. Fuck you, you narcissistic cunt. Fucking loser. Spineless fucking scrote. The funniest part about all of this is how I tolerated you for so long. Get fucked, you and your lapdog fag.

No. 2133433

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Can someone fucking tell me why black women become such fucking pickmes for terrible black moids whenever race comes into question? I encountered this horrible comment by this woman some minutes ago but it definitely is not the first time I've witnessed something of the sort. The comment is replying to some white girl solo traveling in Africa how she got sexually harassed like 5 times in a single day by local moids. Same shit would've happened if she was Latina or Asian, so clearly attacking her for being white while disregarding her sexual harassment is just insane behavior.

No. 2133665

I dont have to tell you how disgusting you are because you already know. You will be acting 16 years old even at 45, 50 if you even make it there.

No. 2134382

I'm really concerned about your kids. I'll bet fifty they self harm because of you.

No. 2134632

i hate you.

No. 2134671

I hate your husband! I hate that you let him make you worse! I hate that I never get to see you, you lost your whole damn self and it makes me sad for you!

No. 2134676

At least I'm not a friendless fakeboy fatty, thank god

No. 2134877

wow this thread has made me not want to interact with other people ever

No. 2134917

And I don’t want to go home right now.

No. 2135370

I knew something was off with you from day one. Turns out everyone knows what a two-faced bitch you are. It's terribly ironic that you work in the mental health field, counseling those struggling with depression and other issues, while you yourself are a nasty, manipulative bully to anyone with the misfortune of knowing you well enough. I wonder if it's a form of virtue signaling for you? I guess as long as it's kept to your personal life it doesn't matter how much of a hypocrite unable to self reflect you are.

No. 2135567

Anyway your wife and kids legitimately would be better off with you dead. The best thing you could ever do for them is find a way to kill yourself in a way that looks like an accident so that they get some kind of payout from life insurance.

No. 2136249

I dont understand your morbid, heavily misplaced bpd rageouts at all. Is it delusions of grandeur? Or are you really so entitled that you genuinely believe that women of your choosing deserve to be sexually exploited and abused forever. Is it narc confidence or what, its really… something else.

No. 2136250

You're close enough.

No. 2136394

I wish someone could just beat me senseless until I’m unrecognisable. Just beat me to a pulp over and over.

No. 2136407

Shut the fuck up.

No. 2136564

Truly embarassing to see you of all people indulging in that pathetic behavior.

No. 2136707

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No. 2136808

I love how you still post on the jessi rihanna account, desperate to hurt the woman you're stalking and desperate for negative attention. Its going to be so funny when people find out that's your obsessive special interest and that your "passion project" is sexual harassment. You're so narcissistic and addicted to the thrill of trying to hurt women that you just keep going. You can keep autistically posting about ~brown haired women with herpes,~ as some sort of delusional fanfiction but everyone is aware you make everything up out of your schizo psychopathic ass lol. It's been years and you still haven't stopped. I'm surprised even Jake had the clarity of mind to stop retweeting you. I'd make a comment about how you're all going to hell but you keep bragging about that like it's something to be proud of, "hunty". Ed Gein lite.

No. 2136832

troon mtf average nerd furry didn't accept my discord friend request, I was even going to offer and wanted to draw their character

No. 2137711

Happy birthday m, I wish I could be there with you.

No. 2137760

your genderspecial spicy het ass has some nerve saying the word "polycule" during the morning standup. what the fuck. thank god i was muted.
you're so lucky you're good at what you do and that the team needs you but don't expect me to come to your aid anymore, you walking std.
worst part of this is that i actually thought you were nice, but this stain will never wash off.
stupid cunt.

No. 2137798

Guess what bitch? You're not a spiritual life advisor. You're a con artist.
Just because I'm trained to be nice to the people I work for doesn't mean I have to exercise that training with your haggard ass. I'm not going to be nice to people I think are con artists, fakers and liars, especially if they've burned me personally. I'm going to continue to speak kindly and professionally to people I am paid to provide service to, and unless you start paying me, I'm going to treat you like the person you've shown yourself to be - I have nothing to say to you, I do not want to engage with you, and I love to talk shit about you to strangers on the internet! If that bothers you, find the cleanest crystal you own and shove it up your ass, you fucking bitch. Can't wait until you move from here, and change your name again, and change your whole life story again to another group of people you can con.

No. 2137806

You are a user. Don't turn around and blame your issues on me. You are entitled to everything except responsibility.

No. 2138087

Fuck off weirdo. "I'm attached to you" stfu clown.

No. 2138317

Just so weirdly schizoid, aggressive, violent, and overall full of shit. Can't larp as some unaffected ingenue when you're mentally on par with an ape and think the shit you do is even remotely normal

No. 2138339

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he cut his hair and became a roidpig

No. 2138436

Even just the unhinged, delusional and grandiose way you talk about yourself and your perceived status when you think no one is looking is soooooo hysterical. You think you're the main character and everyone else is just a punching bag. Like you tell story stories. Just full of absolute bullshit pretending you're some poised and professional action hero and not ak obsessive sex offender

No. 2138549

i wish you'd just have sex with me but i guess i understand

No. 2138555>>2138624

I fucking hate having sex, that's why I keep rejecting you, I can't focus on sensations, I hate it so much and I'm tired of pretending I'm into it.

No. 2138580

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thanks for reminding me why i stopped talking to you, yeesh. after we drifted apart i idealized you so much in my mind, i forgot what you were actually like.

No. 2138624

r u my bf(vain bitch)

No. 2138710

I was lonely, so I found comfort in a husbando for a long time. I have a boyfriend now, we live together. However, I still fantasize about my husbando. He's perfect. My boyfriend is nothing like him and will never be like him. I don't think any man could ever be like him though. I don't even know why I bothered getting a boyfriend in the first place if I only have longing for my husbando. I guess because I needed a way to move and live on my own. It's hard to support yourself alone. I also unfortunately felt longing for physical touch again.
He's a good enough partner I guess, let's me do almost anything I want and gets me almost anything I want. I guess you can't have everything. Life isn't fair. I wish my husbando were real, but for now, I'll have this roommate I call boyfriend and continue dreaming of someone else without him ever knowing.
I don't feel like I'm alone in this or wrong for indulging.

No. 2138854

The fact that you say abuse victims talk about what you've done to them "for attention" just shows what a soulless rock you are. Nothing in there.

No. 2139482

Damn it why did I think we could be friends…

No. 2139685

Two types of people in this world. Those who thrive, and those who watch. Which one are you?

No. 2139830

thank you for this its been wonderiful

No. 2141270

All you have done is proven that they were completely accurate in saying that women are incredibly easy to manipulate. Does mania prevent reflection or something or are you truly that ignorant.

No. 2141272

None of you can remotely pretend you're thrivers.

No. 2141500

Are you ever not thinking of me?

No. 2141836

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No. 2142199

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Ctfu you belong in a zoo

No. 2142414

Ok you know what? I'm so done trying to be positive and acting like everything between us is alright. Yeah sure my complaints are so mundane and literal first world problems but fuck it, I'm just a human, I feel frustrated and tired and annoyed and you two are absolutely NOT helping. In fact, I'd go as far as saying it's mainly you two causing my blood to boil when things aren't going well. I hate your voices. I hate your loud laughing when I'm trying to sleep or focus. I hate that you dwell in the kitchen for hours. I hate the gross smell of beer that reeks in the entire apartment because of you. I hate your cursed bodies and that you're both fat and ugly even though you're in your 20s and well off. I hate your lack of basic hygiene that you make sure to demonstrate every single day by not washing your goddamn dishes. I hate your perfumes. I hate your cheap cosmetics that take up space in the bathroom. I hate your gross skin and hair. I hate the way you dress up as if you're in a concentration camp. Which is pretty ironic considering it was your grandparents who created concentration camps but oh well, guess I'm not allowed to talk about that! And now you're rambling so loud again and it's midnight and I want to sleep but you give zero fucks oh my god just do me a favor and please please please exist somewhere else. Or don't, won't be a big loss to me anyway

No. 2143034

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a safe space where I can say it

2d dorito chin men are so fucking ugly to me now and I'm sick and tired of seeing them I hate that being a weeb is mainstream, I hate seeing the amount of weebs on this board and the uggos they fan over, I hate seeing weebs in mainstream media, and I just want the world to regress back into a time when it was uncool to be one so I can stop seeing greasy broccoli heads walk around in ahaego hoodies and and danger hair posers in shein goth outfits on tiktok I hate lolishits I hate fujoshits I hate shotashits I hate male weebs I hate the majority of modern anime weebs I hate husbandofags I hate waifufags and the slop they consume which has only worsened with mainstreamification and time!

you all deserve to endure what I endured and the pendulum will swing back in the other direction, you will realize you've wasted your time on degeneracy cucking yourself out of real relationships in favor of cardboard cutouts with facial features that would make them look like a deformed downie irl oh my god please see the light you dumb idiots before it's too late

No. 2143040

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Who are those people camping all day on lolcow just waiting for someone to slip up and say something kinda dumb to shit on them in the next 5-10 minutes ? I know this place is full of socialy inept women and faggots undercover and that the world is a shitty stressful place right now, but goddman, the nastiness is off the chart. And one nasty bitchy answer is always followed by a bunch of drooling retards dogpiling you, so they can get their little frustrasions out. Seems like some dumbasses have fallen for the "this is the female 4chan" meme.

No. 2143053

i hate real relationships so much. i'd kms if i have to touch another 3D man again.

No. 2143072

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reptilian believing scrote please fuck off back to whatever basement corner you were dwelling in


No. 2143080

Stop trying to be funny stop trying to be cute no one here cares no one here likes you leave me the fuck alone!!!!!! PLEASE find another girl to drive insane. Or better yet drive yourself into a ditch. Keep going til you die from cirrhosis, lung cancer, catch that DUI or wreck yourself. If you don’t check yourself, BITCH

No. 2143180

Im already sick of this

No. 2143245

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I've paid women to keep me company and I don't feel bad about it because woman with woman is always more respectful than the other thing

No. 2143254

Men cannot get raped, you are just weaponizing fake "trauma" to silence women you dislike. Wahh stop bragging about fucking hot tight legal teens it makes me feel bad about my saggy balls and crow's feet you PEDO! Uhh I'm not a pedo for fucking an 18 year old and yes I fetishized him for being young. There is no power disparity and you are not triggered. Again you were not raped when you were younger you are just pretending you were because you are butthurt a woman is out there slamming prime before it rots like you did 20 years ago

No. 2143318

if I was as fat as you and my ass was as saggy as yours I'd actually consider killing myself. why are you built like that holy shit

No. 2143358

I don't want to drive, I don't want to drive reeeee

No. 2143507

Fuck your fat stupid ass, your 22yo son is a literal pedophile and of course like the pickme cunt you are you dox and threaten the underage girl he raped and beat and suicide baited et cetera. Now you're on fucking Reddit with your burner account screaming that she's a liar and you don't even know how to reply to comments KEK. Go back to sperging on Facebook with a hundred laughing crying emojis and keep defending your pedo son who likes girls as low as the age of fucking SIX which there's straight up evidence for

No. 2143664

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i can't stop listening to the new bruno mars and lady gaga song

No. 2143695>>2144796

Stop drawing this old man with a pussy and mutilated scars you fucking retards, how the fuck you see an old man and think: "hehe, he has a pussy"
You girls are retarded and brainwashed to think it's something hot and nice.
What's worse is that I have to pretend it's beautiful too otherwise my online life gets ruined by you stupid people.

No. 2143715

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I'm yearning for a life I can't have.

No. 2144082

My TIM brother told me he got a girlfriend and I thought oh my god are you becoming normal. Then he shows me a picture of another young man who passes even less than he does. Alright man. I'm cruel but I think it would be funny if I arranged a double date with them and my normiechad boyfriend just so we could laugh at them.

No. 2144094

"If I were [ ] I would kill myself" them maybe you should just kill yourself, loser

No. 2144338

I don't know why someone who's ugly would purposefully make some evil eye stank witch glare to make themselves look even uglier…do you have any self awareness? Just your standard face is jarring enough, how are you not embarrassed to contort it like that? What if I took a photo of you in that moment?

No. 2144343

You're like a child.

No. 2144430

NEVER make a promise you can't keep ever again. you really deluded me into thinking i was lovable for a second? and then handed the burden onto me as if it wasn't you who wanted to end things. i could see it in every micromannerism, so dont pretend you werent deliberately trying to push me away, you half-hearted altruist.

No. 2144460

Tbh, I think it's something you say because you think you should. I'm far from beautiful, more like a 2 on the scale of 1-10. You even said 2 years ago that my face isn't your type, but that you love me anyways. I guess you meant well by it, but you shouldn't have said it like that. I know that my face before being botched was your type, and I don't blame you. I think that you're in some virtue signaling phase where you feel sorry for me but think that by dating me and calling me, someone who's not even close to being conventionally attractive, beautiful, is more correct than dating some costhot which you'd probably rather date. I feel like it's only a matter of time before you lose your affection for me and fall for some other girl who aggressively goes after you and is everything you actually wanted. I don't send you nudes or "spicy" pics like you probably wish I did. If I could afford to fix my face and other flaws, i'm sure i'd make you "feel butterflies" like you're wanting. You'd probably pay more respect to my opinions instead of arguing dumb shit 1/3 of the time. I remember when you were more in love with me and hung onto my every word. I'm pretty sure you've imagined your favorite costhot instead of me several times. The scenarios you describe are not unlike your favorite "scenes" (yes, I know about it. fuck you). I hope that bitch fucks up her face even worse someday.

No. 2144463

God I hope she ghosts me why the fuck do i pussy out every time i try to end our friendship? I really hope shes mad at me but shed never pass up an opportunity to talk about herself

No. 2144468

Funny how you always call me defensive while you purposely misconstrue everything I say

No. 2144580

Ive felt like vomiting all day and all for different reasons and I wish I just did and got it over with rather than hours and hours of anxiety nausea

No. 2144792

I miss you. It's been years but still, deep down you really were like family and home to me. Can't even look at people with moles or your jaw type without immediately having a positive impression. I wish I wasn't so retarded and could tell you how proud I am of you. In hindsight, you went through a lot of chaos, yet managed to have this kind of life today. You're amazing.

No. 2144796

AMEN(vain bitch)

No. 2144801

You're 30+ and still buying into the jirai kei traumatized girl image and doing drugs while wasting your food anachan style and fucking troons. Go blame your problems on someone else.

No. 2145218

You chose to marry a man that even his own family warned you about and cry victim when he beats you. I was placed into an institutions care without my input because I was a child and was molested/beaten for 5 years straight. We are not comparable, you are not a victim of anything else but your own stupidity. You had a point in your life you could look back to as normal and I didn't get a chance to develop into my own person. You are not the same as me nor are worse than me. You're just a retarded cunt

No. 2145475

I'm so unhappy with where I live. I thought I'd be out of this dump by now because I'm a retard who thought it would all work out somehow instead of actually having a plan. Instead I'm still stuck here over 7 years later with no signs of being able to leave. Fuck.

No. 2145778


No. 2146503

Desperate and unoriginal faggots incapable of forging their own ideas or interests being nothing but parasitic leeches to women, nothing new there

No. 2146507

All of your "alter ego" shit is insanely weird and off-putting. Making up different personalities for everything and acting, well, the way that you do is so very strange and attention seeking. You are acting like everybody you claim to hate.

No. 2146688

ya allah the women you put on this earth to push the retarded husbando shitposting thread to #1938743926429 are in /g/ posting about their lame ass moids

ya allah the women you put on this earth to be ugly like you intended are shaving their skeletons and mutilating their bodies for moid validation

No. 2146709

Do you ever get tired of writing fanfiction all the time

No. 2146905

You're probably starting to notice that I'm distancing myself from you, but I contemplating being friends with someone who defends child porn and shows their younger relative porn. Stop being so fucking 'open-minded' and stupid, there are some things in this world that should be judged. You were also old enough to know better, the fuck is wrong with you.

No. 2147506

you’re so brave and morally sound for bringing my absentee mother and abusive father into the argument when you have been spoonfed and catered to by your privilege your entire life. one day I hope you can come to terms with the fact that the earth doesn’t spin just because you’re walking on it, and with the fact that steadily increasing number of people who choose to stop associating with you do so because you’re a massive bitch whose only source of entertainment is dishing it out on all of the people you call your friends, not because there’s something wrong with the chemical makeup of their brains. but keep screaming bipolar at all the people who inevitably choose to leave you behind, maybe one day it work and they’ll come crawling back, kissing your feet and begging for forgiveness just like you really, really want them to! your teeth are ugly and your neck is way too long, and you DO look like a witch in that one picture, ugly saggy-cheeked hag, it was your soul peeking through and smiling for the camera. I wish you nothing but hurt and suffering in your coming years, farewell, good riddance!

No. 2147893

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>"we would really like to see you"
>literally only said that because I reached out first
>"oh haha i would as well. when do you want to meet?"
>doesn't reply for weeks and then several fridays later literally goes "can we try for this weekend? that should totally work for us"
>weekend goes by, ghosted again
>is literally posting photos with other friends on IG
You are always like this. You have never respected my time. This has always happened with everyone else I've known too. Why are so many people so shitty and half-assed at making plans? If you don't give me a very specific date and time, and tell me in advance, then fuck off. I can't stand that shit. You're clearly an unserious person.

No. 2147931

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Maybe this is all a coma dream from a car accident and all of the annoying and upsetting things are my family trying to wake me up and when I wake up none of this will be real hallelujah

No. 2148111

Dick the size of a cocktail weenie which is why you're such a massive loser that spends so much of your time obsessiving over women who want nothing to do with you.

No. 2148312

I hate that you abandoned me. You don't even know I'm hurting because of it because you're a selfish POS. I don't care that you're depressed either. I feel bad for you and the potential you wasted for yourself. I don't think you'll ever get better and you really might end up killing yourself one of these days like you keep saying you will but I don't care anymore because you clearly don't give a shit about anyone unless they fund your neet lifestyle. When and if you decide to reach out out of nowhere, I won't be there anymore. I won't be disrespected anymore. This bothers me now, but I'll get over you. You're dead to me.

No. 2148840

You don't have the right to tell me what bothers me and what not. I’m not 15 anymore, I grew up and I think you choosing not to see it it’s the worst that you can do.

No. 2149394

whenever you start feeling like a victim, just remember that the reason no one likes you isn't because of your skin color, it's because you're a borderline retarded waste of space who tries to shoehorn herself into every feasible situation she can. you're talentless, hopeless, and dangerously mentally ill. i've met maybe five women who actually belong in prison, and you're one of them. you say it's so hard being "an autistic person of color" and will blame all your problems on others, but deep down you know it's because you have an IQ lower than an orangutan and have been coddled your entire life. you're a narcissistic loser with no future beyond waiting for your pathetic parents to die. save everyone the time and annoyance of your existence and end it. do the world a favor.

No. 2149429

Sometimes you can just tell by the way someone talks about others that they are the real problem.

No. 2150138

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feeling hateful right now

No. 2151196

The amount of lesbophobia I'm seeing on this site lately makes me want to alog.

No. 2152007

Please please please please talk to me please please please I just want to see you again please Pleeeeeeaaaaseeee pleaseeeee please

No. 2152519

You were so happy to engage in that kind of abuse that its absolutely hilarious that you try to pretend you have ever faced anything like it.

No. 2152737

Genuinely the fact that you would even have the gall to pretend you know what that kind of terror is like when all you've ever done is help inflict it really lends to you being a monster. Hahahahaha

No. 2153071

It's painfully obvious that you don't want to talk to me anymore but are still replying just to be "nice." Just fucking tell me what happened to make you so weird all of a sudden, and then ghost me and go pander to all those ugly lolicon moids that you love to talk to, I don't care. I was trying to do something nice for you too but you're probably going to mad about it. Whatever. I genuinely miss you but if this is how you'll continue to be then I'd rather never see or hear from you again.

No. 2153339

I miss you too.

No. 2153567

Having anxious attachment is the worst fucking thing in my life, it has fucked up all my life, I want to kill myself and I just want it to end, all this pain and suffering, I can’t stand it anymore

No. 2154435

I should've showed that picture to my mom. Now I have no proof of what happened.

No. 2154892

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I'm only doing this because I'm a sad petty baby and you're annoying the hell outta me. I love you but I wanna kick your stupid fucking ass. Get it together please I don't wanna be mad at you.

No. 2154904

I just love it when you take shit personally when absolutely no one was talking to you or about you. It's so obnoxious to get so riled up by someone expressing any vaguely negative emotion or thought that was in no way directed towards you. Pathetic

No. 2155377

I don't love you anymore. I don't love you anymore.

No. 2155574

I wish i had a high definition recording of the way your expression changed when i told you no and shut you down. I would play that shit on a giant screen super slo-mo action replay style over and over again for my continued amusement. I would show it to random people on the street and play it at movie theaters before the trailers.
Good riddance and fuck you

No. 2155956

i guess that time told.

No. 2156103>>2156135

It is so fucking irritating to have to take care of trannies in the medical field, especially children. And playing along with the delusion and pretending to agree with my coworkers’ sympathy like shut the fuck up!!! Shut the fuck up!!! And it’s 99% TIFs like you stupid fuck you can’t identify out of misogyny oh my fucking god

No. 2156135

Is it really 99% tifs?(vain bitch)

No. 2156492

I need you so badly I’m about to pop a blood vessel

No. 2156530

Stop coming to the gym at my time slot you retarded weirdo. I bet you read here cuz you are an OTT femcel presenting in public. Have you noticed that we avoid you? We ignore you. You are equal parts pathetic and unhinged and nobody you try to accost here wants to actually deal with you. You try to put up weight you aren’t even remotely close to being able to in an effort to impress men and the cool gym Stacie’s like me and my friend and you’re going to hurt yourself or someone else. As fucking if you can pull 100 on lats you stinky goblin. Your neediness radiates and it is pungent like rotten meat.

No. 2157960

So you broke down crying in your car not because mom had to have her leg amputated or nearly died in heart surgery, but because you don't want to have to take care of her one day because she's old and disabled since it would disrupt your plans to take 7 months off of work to travel around Asia. You fucking selfish scrote loser. Your halfassed attempts at learning a few phrases in a foreign language so you can impress the locals and get praised for being a white guy is so fucking pathetic. You would NEVER make it as a travel vlogger, the market is oversaturated with skeevy moids with unwarranted self importance as it is. Why don't you actually try working on yourself and improve your life where you're at instead of looking for low effort, instant gratification in some other country as you run away from life's problems and never do anything to move up in life out of laziness?

No. 2158254

Nobody is holding it against you that your mom died and you need time off work while theyre deciding who gets promoted and NOBODY is impressed that you come to work while dealing with death in your immediate family. stop being retarded and stubborn. i dont care that you pretend it makes you feel better if you dont get the job, it's completely fucking idiotic to think its related at all. you shouldnt be relating her death to your possible promotion at all, its sick and she wouldnt want that.

No. 2159352

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when you come back to nothingness i hope it makes a pit in your stomach and you know that you will have no one to blame but yourself. i hope you feel guilty. because i want you to hurt as much as i hurt right now.

No. 2162984

el tiempo siempre da la razón

No. 2163888

I wish you didn’t like guys. It’s so unfair.

No. 2163915

If it's real, it's real because you invented it.

No. 2163991

Why do people giving advice about literally anything say "drink your water"?
Who the fuck is not drinking water? Is there anyone on earth, except for kids in Africa and americans, who is not drinking water?
It's as useful as saying "breathe your oxygen".
If drink your water is the first thing someone says in their video just block them

No. 2164272

I have so little respect for my boyfriend that it's a problem. All I feel is contempt.

No. 2164811

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ask to see the air force mop picture

No. 2166717

I'm embarrassed at myself for getting fucking peeved an artist I like "liked" my art on his main Twatter account but retweeted it via his smaller account. fuck right off you snobby asshole

No. 2167438

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I heard you're not doing good and honestly, that makes me really happy. That's called karma. This is what happens when you take the people around you for granted and take advantage of them. You thought you were so cool when you started partying and giving minors alcohol and weed like a lapdog, when you swapped your old friends for privileged college freshman who never gave a fuck about you in the first place. How does it feel to be financially cut off by your family? How does it feel to beg for rent money from people you've previously dropped? How does it feel to be the only person from our friend group still failing community college? Not like that last part matters anymore because you're cut off from daddy's money now. You must be depressed and stressed, because what new place will simulate high school for you now? Your new friends are probably almost done with their degrees by now and some have probably enrolled in university, completely forgetting about you. This couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. Fuck you

No. 2167480

A lot of these "fakebian" comments both here and on /snow/ about Chappell Roan sound completely deranged. I have to wonder if some of it is just trolling because it makes lesbians look ridiculous.

No. 2167538

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>telling the truth is deranged (vain bitch)

No. 2167791

I told you I got raped and you immediately made it about yourself and you never even asked if I was ok. What kind of a fucking friend are you?

No. 2167870

stop fucking ignoring me after you were the one who hurt me

No. 2168002

Shits so stupid

No. 2168049


No. 2168072

Say Kris, I hear you like 'em young. Hope one day to find your ass in cell block one.

No. 2168076>>2168079

i don’t care that some children are getting blown up or that some mothers left their kids in a house and didn’t return to take care of them, none of that tragedy dismisses or justifies what a shit mother you were. keeping the bills paid and keeping me fed was the bare minimum. you did nothing else outside of that. you belittled and bullied me every step of the way and i’m sure if i weren’t forking over money to you now you’d still be doing such. hell, you were when i had to move back home. in fact i even know the only reason you let me move back is because you were super convinced the useless fuck you fucked knowing he was married had a hefty life insurance policy and you wanted a slice of it. i’m so sick of you. stop acting like i’m the parasite when i am PAYING your fucking way and arguably treating you better than you’ve ever treated me. fuck taking care of you in old age, honestly. you don’t deserve it kek. the only thing you stopped doing was laying your hands on me everything else continued, fuck you ten million times. rude and completely stupid.

also how dare you backtalk me with your moid friends because i took six years to graduate school. i guess covid didn’t happen huh. you took ten btw for an english degree. useless bitch

No. 2168079

and no it isn’t because you had me, it’s because you wanted to party in your twenties. i’m not partying bitch, i’m going to work(double posting)

No. 2168225

a grown ass man old enough to drink, living on his own for years - dating a high schooler. because they had “so much in common” - until she actually outgrew you and dumped your ass within six months. then talked shit about how none of the benefits of dating someone older applied to you - you were broke and cheap, you were immature and had embarrassing taste, were painfully slow even compared to a child, somehow less sexually experienced than her and worse in bed than her other exes who were her same age.. just fucking yikes. you weren’t even worth the alcohol and the attention for dating someone older and she pulled the plug when she got nothing out of it. you literally couldn’t get a child you groomed on the internet to be emotionally attached enough to you to stay. i hope every time you remember me you feel fucking stupid.

No. 2168299

I'm sorry, but you need to work on yourself.

No. 2168482

please please please let me get this. please make it possible and please let me not embarrass myself. even if it's only temporary i want it so bad- it's been long enough. i feel as though i'm doing well so far so please just a little more good luck

No. 2169687

bitch you have absolutely no clue what the fuck you're on about

No. 2170471

My belly got fat and my ass got flat, i want to kill myself i hate my body i hate my body I HATE MY BODY all my efforts from the past years are gone

No. 2170474

i hate you i hate how self righteous you are, i hate how self obsessed you are and think you are always right. You are so out of touch with reality, you think you're all that, but you're just as flawed as anybody else. can't you just let me live. would it fucking kill you to bite your tongue for once in your life

No. 2170586

Its impressive how much tears a human can shed while going through grief. The worst hasn't happened and yet I still haven't felt numb from the constant sadness I feel when I think of you. I loved you I loved you I loved you

No. 2170640

i can always tell when the honeymoon period is over when they start acting like your family is their second family

No. 2170695

You’re a stupid bitch dependent on men. Stop fucking crying on yourself and how your life is pointless and directionless. You made it that way. You’re the one living passively ruining everyone else’s lives. Wake the fuck up, no one will fix your life.
Oh, and stop running in the arms of random men just because you have no spine for yourself.

No. 2170815

Pleeeease, just pretend to care. I'm stupid and I respect you and your opinions. I wish I could beg you to care, but you'd get angry at me for even implying that I noticed how checked out you are. I feel hollow. Succeeding means nothing if you're not proud of me. Proud? Fuck I'd be happy if you just remembered things I said last week. I wish I could shake you into seeing me as a human being again but it's like it's too far gone, the love you had for me on life support has died and everyone can smell it. I hate being adopted. What a shameful fucking life.

No. 2170858

I had terrible thoughts about you both, but I shouldn't wish bad things for people. Karma and all that ..

No. 2170873

You will lose your mind once you get closer to 30. Your entire youth was wasted on identity politics and desperately searching for approval with scummy moids. The sad, naive little girl act has a short lifespan, you know. One day you will be an adult woman, not a young adult woman, and you will lose your fucking mind. Grow the fuck up. Seriously.

No. 2171122

>The grandpa who used to hit me has spent almost all the inheritance money (including my grandma's share).
>She's got dementia so she doesn't even know what he's doing.
>I believe this is to make sure I stay in poverty even after he dies.
>Absolutely a sadistic fuck because ever since I told the family that he hit me he's had it out for me.
>He's purposely restricted my access to my grandma and I haven't spoken to her face to face since 2016.
>On top of that I learnt he used to drown cats and kittens in his pool.
I want him assraped dry until he kills himself.

No. 2171743

If I woke up one morning and I was a fat white woman who had to seek attention from ugly men on Discord, I'd kill myself immediately

No. 2171816

Fuck you. This might be narcissistic of me but this is all your damn fault! Oh and don't ask for help while also biting every hand that tries to feed you and then whining about how everyone leaves you. Self-fulfilling prophecy that you purposely induce.

No. 2171898

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I texted my ex to say sorry to hear he’s lost his job (the business he managed closed down) and he just told me that he’s gotten married and is moving overseas in two weeks. We broke up April last year and in that time he’s met a woman, courted her, gotten engaged, had a whole wedding, and is now moving to a new country after getting laid off. I’d be lying if I said a part of me didn’t feel weirdly jealous but I feel more pity for the poor woman who’s going to have to spend the rest of her life paying his bills and spending 20 minutes waiting for him to get a boner any time they’re intimate. Life comes at you fast though.

No. 2172035

the chronically online ways you insult people are such a hilarious insight into the way you and your friends live. it’s very funny you aren’t self aware enough to not talk like that when you aren’t online but i guess that’s the problem eh? like baby girl that is not my life you’re describing and it’s weird you do the things you’re projecting on me or that stuff is like normal behavior in your friend group. it’s reminding me of a movie where the socially awkward nerd kid tries to snap back and does it in such a clueless way that they admit to something else embarrassing and everyone laughs at them.

No. 2172039

I'm an e whore and I cannot fucking stand most other sex workers on Twitter. I think a lot of them are good hearted but holy fuck they're not meant for sex work. I pay all of my rent/bills with online sex work and enjoy all the free time I have otherwise. These women screech and argue all fucking day at eachother over pronouns and politics and mental illness, seem to go out of their way to look as unattractive as possible to the average male, actively argue with would be clients and Twitter randos FOR FREE, constantly suicide bait, and then wonder why they don't make any money. They call themselves sex workers but most of them make like $20 a month. I'm insulted to be lumped in with these losers. I treat my job like a job. I put my best effort into making quality content, a well developed brand, and keeping myself healthy mentally and physically. I'm here to be professional and make money, not be an ugly dumbass online.

No. 2172084

imagining all the work arounds when taking pictures to hide the missing tooth… how you have to adjust your chewing… what your repulsed partner deals with and even having to pretend not to notice the speech thing or that you favor one side in EVERYTHING… the smell…. knowing the other ones are on their way out too… just holy fuck.

No. 2172152

You stupid fucks, why would you release such a crap update? Why waste your user's time?
I can't even refund your shit game and put it behind me because I spent too many hours on it. I will never, ever buy any fucking expansion packs. You're a bunch of lazy fucks essentially relying on your dedicated users to make your game less shitty and ugly, and this is how you repay them? I don't like Korean products, but I definitely won't feel bad if/when InZoi destroys you.

No. 2172236

I miss you so much I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you so much I miss you I miss uou I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I misss you I miss you llease i miss uou i meiss uou i misis uou inmkis juikn

No. 2173021

Bpd is a hell of a drug

No. 2173052

Do you ever get bored of talking to yourself?

No. 2173062

Everyone is fake as fuck who the Fuck is even there for me man

No. 2173074


No. 2173078

Was planning on borrowing parents car after my shift from work to go out. Favored sibling, who has 2 of his own trucks, took the car he knew I was planning on using instead. Sibling said hed take 30 mins, ended up taking 2 hours. He ruined my night on purpose. Then he "apologized" and laughed while doing so. Why doesnt he just fuck off and die already?

No. 2173426

you are like one of those animals that is tricked into believing another animal is huge if they stick up some feathers or something. i could probably get you to peck at something if i tried.

No. 2173960

just realized that back in childhood when there was a small fire starting outside the house, it was my sibling who went into my room and told me about it so I wouldnt burn to death with headphones on. my mom was content to stay outside, as long as she and her son were safe she didnt care I guess. she later laughed about this

No. 2174837

fuck you you're annoying and this is your fault damn you

No. 2174892

Why are there so many newfags on here who refuse to take screenshots or embed youtube and just post links. It's a plague

No. 2175123

someone can’t make someone else become obsessed with them. no one forced you to do anything. it was not a logical response. it made no sense. it was not justified. thank you.

No. 2175731

For a girl obsessed with death and depression, you’d think you’d wanna know the man who spit in the reapers face

No. 2175771

You should have embraced him instead.

No. 2175800

because you've burned me, several times, and do not seem to comprehend why I told you I didn't want to be close to you anymore, I now hope for the worst for you. And I know it'll happen, because that's your life. I would appreciate it if you fucked off back to Michigan and stopped abusing your boyfriend now

No. 2176085

i already wrote better poetry with a more meaningful metaphor than that in 2015. next.

No. 2176573

Just fell for a usps scam but luckily I already replaced my card, still feel incredibly stupid though.

No. 2177117

thank you for giving me the hope to conquer the insurmountable. i wouldn't who i am, or even alive for that matter, without you. im sorry for all the pain i caused you.

No. 2177725

I still miss you sometimes. I hope it all goes away soon. I want it to all stop. I want to be happy.

No. 2177893

i don’t know if you know this. but telling me to end my life like that. as horrible as you knew you were being with how you knew i felt. it honestly was enough to keep me alive on some really nights out of pure spite. i probably wouldn’t have felt so bad and would have had a different better reason to live. but you did help kill even the thoughts i was so horrified with how awful you were. secretly reading someone’s innermost thoughts, how traumatized and helpless and hopeless they were, how they didn’t think they could keep going on like this, and meeting that with just absolute cruelty. i didn’t expect that from a woman. i really didn’t. that was another good lesson. that was a gap in my armor. i do owe you something. not sure what. but you gave me those things.

No. 2178013

I can't stand being around you when you're drunk. You're obnoxious, sloppy, embarrassing, and nasty. Someone needs to keep the boxed wine away from you at functions because you have no self control. I'm seriously considering purchasing non-alcoholic wine to switch and bait you with next time because i'm so sick of dealing with your borderline alcoholism.

No. 2178021

"doesn't follow directions" Excuse me, you dumb whore? I was trying to help and you didn't tell me shit until I was already in the middle of doing what I was doing and half finished. STFU you nasty, ignorant slag.

No. 2178049

Extended family is not the same as family you grew up and created deep bonds with naturally. You can't just force everyone together suddenly because you married into someone else's family and make them act like they're close and have the same importance and privileges as full fledged family. That's not how it works. He was cringing too as you said some cheesy spew about him being your brother. Lady, you see each other at events now and then, there is not some sudden closeness and deep meaning just because you're inlaws (hell, you're not even that) now. You also seem to encourage toxicity in that you believe that family is immune from criticism. No one wants to hear your tired old apologia and forced relational anecdotes with false equivalencies. Losing your estranged bio dad who was an abusive drunk asshole is not the same as someone having a miscarriage and losing an actual living being that was a part of them. You really can't empathize with people properly because all you do is project and assume that everyone experiences things the same as you. You really can't comprehend different situations and life experiences apart from yours. Just please for the love of god, shut up for once and listen without making comparisons to yourself.

No. 2179126

Why the fuck

No. 2179427

the intensity of our relationship is nothing you should be envying it only hurt me

No. 2179572

crazy when you realize he defended me more than you, which he never has. he might as well have said he agrees.

No. 2180165

It's very strange how you act so nice and welcoming when I show up but continue to ignore and exclude me, forcing me to reach out and embarrass myself every day, tell me there's nothing on and then going out… can you just tell me if you hate me or not

No. 2180321

you should ask me directly why I don't seem to like you, so I can finally let you know how terrible of a person I think you are. Stop taking advantage of my friends and other people who are kind-hearted enough to look past how severely selfish and self-absorbed you are.

No. 2180361

"- I wanna book a motorboat tour on your canals.
- Currently the colleague at the guided tours counter has a technical problem with the system to book motorboat tours, it might not work to book it here. So here we've compiled a paper list of the companies that do the tours, how you get to them and if they're to book online, the portal where you book.
- But I'm here in your office. And I don't have online. And I wanna book it here."

Well guess what, boomer? You and your whole comrades that are boycotting "online" are dying. The "online" trend will not, and it will NOT adapt to your entitled ass. Either you'll adapt to online means, or you'll die a lonesome, uninformed, incapable chauvinist. Even your wife was rolling her eyes at your behavior. Nobody will miss you fucking waste of goddamn tax payers' money.

No. 2180417

hamfisted, nonsensical fumbles trying to grasp at an interiority that is partially explained for you, let’s see some in text citations in that nonsense next time. i wonder why no one turned against me. this will be your only legacy. i won’t ever mention you by name in any of my work.

No. 2180425

You are so annoying to be around

No. 2180435

“i could sit and listen to you talk about your passions for hours, i never knew someone as adorable as you was even possible, i will do everything in my power to make this work and never let you go because you are the most special person i have ever met.”

No. 2180679

Is it any wonder that she doesn't want to spend time with you? All you do is argue with her, rush her, and act like she's a burden to you. She's a toddler but she's not stupid, she can understand that you have no patience for her. You're an embarrassment and I'm ashamed that you're the father of my child.

No. 2180905

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bl/yaoi grosses me out so I kind of can't stand fujos, same with anything man on man. Moids in general are gross to me. I feel like a straight man who goes "eeeewww that's gay", but that's just how I am. My girlfriend laughs at me for it because her friends are fujos kek

No. 2181057

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I'm in a dillema to seriously commit suicide or staying alive. I even found a painless way to die, I wouldn't even care anymore stabbing myself I hate myself that much.

I've had depression for years and therapy isn't doing much for me (and fuck anti-depressants' side effects, never taking those.)
I hate that I can't make the decision to do it or not, wonder if my life will be better when my effort pay off or become worse and that I've should've ended it years ago when because my efforts are useless anyway.

And I hate the moments I have the intensive impulse to do it and other days when I try to distract myself I feel better but those are short lived moments. Because then the reality hits of me being a lonely loser with social anxiety

Only way to cope with my depression is distracting myself with drawing, listening to music, being on my smartphone most of the time and then it's back to shitty sad thoughts.
FUCK, I hate these shitty depressed and suicidal thoughts why can't I be happy like other people else?!

No. 2181357

I wish my father could just die already. The only way I'll heal is with him gone.

No. 2181536

i feel like no one really knows me enough to truly hurt me

No. 2182070

digital only artists aren’t real artists

No. 2182505

You know what you’re actually kinda fat I don’t know why I’m letting this get to me so badly. You are actually just fat and I’m wasting my time on you.

No. 2182510

I've been getting hacked by a pedo who groomed me on discord. I don't know what to do about it. I'm just at a loss for words because this fucking scrote won't leave me alone no matter what i do. I already got groomed into thinking I was straight and getting into a fucking e-date THING with this fucking ugly pedo freak. I don't know what else this fucking degenerate loser waste of oxygen braindead one cell organism moid wants from me. Fucking pisses me the fuck off. I'll forever be angry about this because I feel so helpless and there's nothing I can really do about it unless I get autistically trained to do cybertech and learn how to protect my devices at the core, code-wise. I keep getting flashbacks from what we did together and what he said to me. What he liked and blah blah. I fucking hate this. I hate having my favorite media be contaminated by the memory of him. I hate having to be reminded of him everyday knowing FULL WELL he might be watching my every move. It's just so ptsd-inducing. Might as well call it for what it is: CPTSD.

No. 2182511

You are just lying to my face now. I thought you were mature and sensible but now it's very obvious that you lot are all still petty children.

No. 2182599

uncanny how every single time during the discard period there’s a point where they try to stay by latching on to the family because at that point they’re being warmer than he is.

No. 2182670

he has no sense of aesthetic taste at all it’s true and it says a lot even with that impairment he still thinks your shit sucks. comparing how he treats your art to his other exes is crazy. you’re embarrassing.

No. 2182957

Why the fuck does this nonna who misses whoever the fuck bitch so much remind me of a groomer bitch pedo I once knew????? I know it's not him and that it's just a poor nonna but honestly I can imagine that fucking pathetic pedo bustard turd sandwich getting so upset over me that he'd come whining about it here holy fuck what a pathetic fucking moid pedo

No. 2183169

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Reading some posts here feels like a sanity check. Sometimes I feel bad for farhmands. I can't imagine reading so much shit on top of whatever people write in their reports. Simultaneously dealing with schizos, baiters, newfags, and more. I empathize with previous admins who freaked out, I would probably do the same if not worse.

No. 2183328

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I don't hate Genshin on its own, to be perfectly honest I couldn't care less, to each their own, but holy hell do I hate its fans. I'm so sick of their fucking boycott shit, I haven't met people as smug yet whiny as Genshin fans, I don't even know why I bother being nice and try to help them with other games when in only a matter of days they will return to pull for the next picrew looking character, whining about how there's no other game like Genshin or whatever thing the company is doing that day. Not only the last person I liked who was a fan of that game became insane, but recently one artist I really liked deleted all their pictures and the first new pieces in their gallery are from that Zero Zone thing. I hate it so much, there are no words to explain this enough. I hate them so much.

No. 2183838

Sometimes the bitches here make me wish they would jump off the nearest bridge. Honestly.

No. 2183854

Why, are you…. AS A WOMAN. Trying to police me on what I can and CANNOT say????? Holy fuck. We already get enough of this shit from men. Stop it already. Fucking shit.

No. 2184118

Seeing nonnies fume over something that wasn't my fault is entertaining ngl

No. 2184232


No. 2184406

sure would be a shame if someone sent your partner’s friends and family a copy of the police report about you raping me. couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. have a great saturn return!!!!!

No. 2185209

I don't know why it's surprising to me that women on here are shittalking each other so much it degrades board quality because the patriarchy socialize females to be accommodating and nice to their own detriment so they're obviously gonna let out their inner demons and rage when they get the chance to, if it's without consequence.

No. 2185388>>2185391

I'm pretty sure it's scrotes but nonetheless. Its kinda dumb how it's assumed you're a minor because you complain about how your parents treat you lol

No. 2185389


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2185391

Like I am a neet woman. How hard is it to imagine lol. Def a single scrote who's doing it tho(learn2delete)

No. 2185530

There's a special place on hell for newcomers who make noise in a quiet small town after midnight.

No. 2185634

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Fuck you both. You put religion and how everything looked rather than the well-being of your daughter. All these years later I'm still bitter. You still treat me like I'm attention seeking too. No shit it pisses me off. No matter the amount of proof or people backing me up, I'm always wrong. It still floors me how you'll take other people at their word despite the conflicting actions and instances where these people drop just how shitty they are. I'm so tired of this game. It's not going to get better nor are you going to change. There is no getting around this. I'm breaking this shitty cycle. It's never been worth it, and I'm ashamed of playing your stupid game.

No. 2185750


No. 2185753


No. 2185840

I saw what nonas had to reply to my post in "fetishs you're ashamed of" thread and I'm not sure whether to feel completely insulted or absolutely complimented because some of them think I'm a moid or think that my fetish invalidates me as a lesbian kek

No. 2185844

I don't know why but I feel somewhat happy upsetting the nonas here kek. Maybe it's just I like seeing women act unhinged so in order to see that I have to get them upset first. Then again, I love upsetting moids too

No. 2185849

No one has ever ruined my day on lolcow dot farm. I'm Claudia schiffer for all you fags know

No. 2185930

KEK I knew it

No. 2186377

I can't wait for this stupid chungus week to be over so I can not work and just chill

No. 2186389

It's almost October and daytime highs are still in the 110s. NGMI.

No. 2186995

i know you feel fucking dumb and i’m glad. i love being right. if you dig yourself out ill bury you again.

No. 2187247

Sorry you had a bad hookup, but could you please stop trying to ruin my life? It’s devolved into lying at this point

No. 2187252

i’m going to make you pay for saying that to me.

No. 2187255

every single time you hurt me, i swear to god i fucking promise, i will make sure you feel that pain. you do not get to rape me. you do not get to rape me.

No. 2187277

You’re delulu, this is why people don’t stick around

No. 2187307

you honestly are more like a subway tunnel than a young lady

No. 2187357

Stop acting like you're on lolcow when you're on Twitter, it's so obvious and it's sad. We all know you post here, you type like every poster here, you use all the same slang as on here, and you have every single popular opinion here. It's giving me secondhand embarrassment and you should stop. Same with your entire friend group, you all tweet about anything posted in the celebricows threads, the twitter thread, as well as any of the fandom threads. You use verbatim quotes from the ugly man psyop thread. Make it less obvious I'm begging you

No. 2187360

it’s honestly like we are dating

No. 2187417

i hate that ive been unable to live in the moment nowadays. i always think about the future and how everything has an end; the longer this goes on the more i know it will become more painful when the day arrives. i just wish the happiness could stay forever and i never morph into someone you dont find fun anymore

No. 2187672

you will literally never be anything than some hideous fat beast who knows i was raped gets off to it and says i’m lying. literally that’s it. that’s your legacy. you try to do anything in life and baby girl you best believe the screenshots are going to materialize. enjoy this hanging over your head forever. you get to have nothing.

No. 2187683

no one has to lie. you tried to say i wasn’t a virgin, five feet tall, a vegetarian, had the past i did didn’t live where i did etc and he corrected you. you’ve begged him to tell me off and he hasn’t. no one fucking cares about you even the rapist you simp for.

No. 2187712


No. 2187718

Genuinely how am i supposed to learn anything in this retarded lab as an undergrad, all you retards refuse to teach us you'll show us how to do the techniques and then wont tell us the basis of how they actually work and then get pissed at us. And I'm supposed to learn like this yeah whatever you bipolar deranged bitch I don't give a shit all you academics are the same petty socially retard power tripping assholes I'm so glad everything is going to shit for you and your rancid whore post doc. Kick me out bitch idgaf I fuck up once and you let that conniving cunt post doc say shit to you abt me when she set me and the other undergrad up for failure this summer fuck you fuck your shit ass lab I don't need your retarded letter of rec go fuck yourself you psycho

No. 2187753

I just masturbated to hentai and came from it. I'm tired of suppressing my sexuality just to be some PuRe ChAsTe female. Fuck that shit!!!!! I'm a very horny woman and I'm proud of it. I don't care if I disappointed those nonas who told me to stop watching porn. Pretending I have a penis and fucking anime women is fun!

No. 2187759>>2187954>>2188036

i guess the hole i put you in WAS deep enough

No. 2187917>>2187919

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I know this isn't exactly the right thread but I don't know where else to put it. Also I know this is extremely gay and retarded.
Can you miss someone you never met? He died just before I found his music and I love it so much. I keep imagining what kind of music he would have made if he was still alive. And I do feel like I miss him.

No. 2187919>>2187923

who is that

No. 2187923

Elliott Smith

No. 2187927

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If everything is going so well why does it still feel so bad.

No. 2187954>>2188036

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Thank you so much for bullying me during my formative years. I loved living in the same house as you so you could tell me what a failure I am and that no one is gonna love me except you 24/7. I loved growing up together. I love that the voice in my head that tells me to kill myself is yours. I love you and hope you go to heaven for your benevolence.

No. 2188006

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Lotta newfags bringing their personal drama to the boards lately and it's weirding me out.

No. 2188020

I hope you get into a fatal car crash today, not my fault you wake up cranky

No. 2188036

Sorry nona, didn't mean to reply to you.

No. 2188113

the rule of threes dictates that you’ll receive that energy thricefold. you shouldn’t wish death on innocents.

No. 2188123

I think I love myself too much to worry myself sick over this.

No. 2188125

I'm stronger than this. I'm better than him. I'm a fucking female. I will always be infinitely better than him.

No. 2188172

Scrote can't even properly larp as a woman right. Lol. Lmao.

No. 2188182

i still think youre pathetic btw. and im right

No. 2188219

I want to love a woman so much it's hurting my body. I'm crying

No. 2188242

I hate that I've had to pay so much money to fix my teeth thanks to my negligent parents. This should hopefully be the last procedure but fucking hell I am sick of having to drop £1k+ at the fucking dentist. Can I please have 1 year of my life where I'm not in debt

No. 2188323

I think my horniness for my hypothetical girlfriend is curing my schizophrenia. LOL

No. 2188355

Happy happy lesbian

No. 2188393

Take ur meds and stop doing cocaine lol

No. 2188486

I love that you still obsess over me. It gives me great pleasure to know that you'll never be truly happy as long as I'm alive.

No. 2188511

fuck you, ill see you soon bitch. I'll be peering at you through your fucked up blinds.

No. 2188537

every single night, when you struggle to fall asleep fantasizing about my rapist, i hope you know that he will never take back the rancid fat personality disordered orc he was always sexually repulsed by - he literally dated you because of your fathers proximity to star wars. you will never be able to come out of hiding on social media because the second you do, it will get posted to lolcow again. your best was my worst and you will never be there again. you will be stuck in the socioeconomic class you are in forever. you will always just be the freak that threatened a rape victim publicly for four straight years. resulting in literally nothing happening to said rape victim because you are actually the most powerless pathetic huge smelly slug anyone has ever seen. the best you can do is try to recycle my insults to you and put them somewhere you hope i’ll check once every six months. you come here daily. you write about me daily. you think about nik every single second of the day. and you will never affect either of the people you are obsessed with. i hope you live a very long time like this rhiannon galloway.

No. 2188561

Mfw even trannies are coming up with lies. Ywnbaw

No. 2188567

you are literally in so much trouble for the bigoted shit you post. that’s how you can tell i’m a good person and you aren’t. no matter how far you push me i don’t become a hateful freak.

No. 2188586

Your "mysterious" persona is just a shield for your annoying tumblrina personality and pickme theatrics. Have fun sucking tranny dick, and any other dick that shows interest.

No. 2188617

You're a carbon copy of the cow you hatefollow KEK

No. 2188625

if i was so much bigger than my male partner that everyone from his mom to my friends joked that i was the man in my relationship, i think i would actually just have dated someone else in the first place like honestly i can’t even finish the thought cos that could just never be me i’m too feminine.

No. 2188662

FUCK YOU. fuck you you ugly fucking redditoid. you are a fat, fucking ugly, unemployed piece of shit who sits on his ass and plays overwatch all night and sleeps all day. i cannot fucking believe i put up with your bullshit as long as i did. god that absolutely makes me retarded but fuck did i learn my lesson the hard way. you are a faggot who's obsessed with his friends and cannot stop sucking their dicks in order to get their attention. you are an actual fucking creature and i hope you feel like shit. give it a few weeks and this will hit you like a truck you motherfucker.

No. 2188712

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so y’all have graduated to smoking crack now, I see, ok

No. 2188719>>2189104

Every man I've ever fucked has become a better man because of it. Their close proximity to my mind and vagina has done so much more than any anti nihilist frigid bitches has for feminism. I will never stop, for humanity's sake!(baiting/ infighting across threads )

No. 2188938

When you were a little girl, did you dream of working in a restaurant, or did that just kinda happen?

No. 2189059

Hate that I can recognize the pedo scrotes typing style.

No. 2189075

I'm so fucking happy that you don't have a online presence, else you would be completely OBLITERATED if I were to ever find it. Fucking loser. There must be a reason you don't have one though hmmmmm? Loser ass pedo.

No. 2189095

I would sleep soundly if he was put in jail. But honestly??? I already sleep quite good knowing I'll never be a sex-offending pedo degenerate braindead fuck like he is.

No. 2189104

Yes, you are an angel, you perform love well, too bad it's still a performance and you don't get the real thing in exchange for a performance. You'll be switching between men and never find the right one.(vain bitch)

No. 2189111

Niggas really think they have power in this world when all they're actually capable of is cyber molesting kids. Kek

No. 2189165>>2189210

I'd give up on sex if it meant all the human males died. Wouldn't even care.

No. 2189210


No. 2189278

the thing about using something as a crutch is that it’s easier and more reliable than the more emotionally challenging alternatives. but i was still surprised that it had been right there waiting for me even after abandoning it for six months.

No. 2189284

remembered that you started this huh lol

No. 2189285

You spend so much time going on about how she, her and the third are "so ugly/undesirable" that it feels like you're trying to convince someone. If you believed your own words and didn't view those groups of women as competition, you wouldn't constantly be seething about them unprovoked and trying to start arguments. It's not their fault that your moid's politics end at their dicks, get over it.

No. 2189289

Yikes men are such fucking babies when it comes to their mothers. Can't say shit about your mother in law, especially in a third world country. Imagine giving birth and the norm is your MIL comes to live with you instead of your own mother? I might strangle her. Hell no. I want my mum, why the fuck should YOUR mum come?

No. 2189293

You're just an annoying, self-destructive leech of a person. That's why I avoided and held back when I did because I could feel the insanity. Sorry for what I did, in fairness I did try to remove it but it was too late. You got to see my deepest and most inflammatory feelings and thoughts in that moment. You could be cool if you grew up and gave up the weird hyperfocus on yourself and just vibed instead of subscribing to some sexist and homophobic neo-religion and the self-diagnosing shit and stopped going aw teehee my autism all the time. Nobody thinks it's cute.

No. 2189297

i think what you need to remember is you’ve always been available and around, you’ve always been on the same apps. why, when you swiped a certain way on him in the past, did he finally respond to you when he did? you were not his first choice and he was pursuing all other options before settling for you and then ultimately deciding that no he couldn’t sink that low and leaving. it makes you look even lower than that still continuing to not be over him after so much time has passed and broadcasting you would drop everything for him if he ended up not being able to find anyone else. you would come across better lying and saying you don’t think about him now that he’s not in your life and moving on.

No. 2189310

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I watch you date women, dump women, and then scream into the void on your handmade website about wishing they were me. I can't think of something more disgusting. It could have been romantic if you hadn't dated all those women trying to date me through them. That's so unrestricted.. like the opposite of exclusivity. And I also know what would happen if we dated; you would realize I'm not the virginesque naïve child you've created in your head (I'm a human being) and you will begin to compare the real me to your idea of me and begin to hate me because I'm "just like all the other women". But I recognized your behavior when I was still a child and now you're FORTY, DUDE! I'm only "the one that got away" for these kinds of men because I never let them get close to me and they've projected so many things onto me in lieu of my actual personality traits. You're just one of them, sending emails to the only thing I can't block them on. I never "got away" because I was never even there, my man. You are going to die childless and single because you're a lovebombing whore who thinks a body type is a type of person to fall in love with. I watched you hamfistedly try to get me to compete with another woman for your attention, I watched you wear the skin of whoever you were dating. You're such an old man it's fucking obvious when you get a crush on a 19 year old and start using the same emojis as her or you pretend to only be into some girl game for them. I never competed, I saw your personality in that 20 minute encounter and never spoke to you again. THAT IS THE ONLY REASON YOU THINK YOU LOVE ME. I am the ONLY person who truly knows you're a faggot loser. I know you're ashamed of being old and only date younger women so you can feel younger. You have all the money in the world but there isn't a miracle on God's green earth that could grow your hair back or get rid of all your practice tattoos and you HATE that. I had a crush on you- over the internet- during one of the worst times of my life for less than a WEEK. 6 or 7 YEARS AGO. I keep checking your site bi-monthly because I can't believe you can't let something that you never even had go. You are a freak, and it's been really nice to see that every woman you date eventually comes to the same conclusions that I did. Plus, oh my god, you break up and IMMEDIATELY try to boil that woman's blood by posting about me in the same day. That is so fucking grotesque to her and to me, you are a disgusting pig. And you're sat on your big aged ass daydreaming about the fact that I still have a crush on you out here somewhere in the world. I hope you feel so alone in your 40s and 50s that you contemplate REDACTED because it would be more respectful than continuing. You're so ugly. Nobody has a crush on you, let alone attractive young women with the world in their hands. You are so pathetic. Keep wishing I'd have a crush on you. You're like a sexbot comment to me instead of a human. I hope the ill wishes of every woman you've ever harmed causes you great pain and illness. You are spiritually dead inside. To love everyone is to love no one. Gross.

No. 2189311

You begged me to come on the trip, only to spend your time glued to your husband. I wish I hadn't come. I spent money I didn't have treating everyone and now i'm paycheck to paycheck, trying to catch up on finances again. It's like this every time. I say I don't want to or can't come, and you throw a fit acting like you need me there, only for you to completely ignore me because you can't stop sucking face with your scrote. I don't get it.

No. 2189418

I can't wait to see you blow up publicly again.

No. 2189420

as nice as it is knowing i will always have you, my heart isn’t in it anymore. it’s not helping.

No. 2189426

sometimes it feels like you’re low key there for me but i tend to get attached to abusive people so. be honest are you actually as mad as you were years ago.

No. 2189436

Yes. Fuck you.

No. 2189446

you know i thought at one point you were going to be the one who was going to tell him to apologize to me right? i thought you hadn’t actually read my letter to him since it seemed impossible to me that anyone could deny how sincerely hurt i am that he did that to me. you didn’t seem the type to let that shit slide. you seemed like the type of person to not be cool with someone treating an innocent girl like that. i felt so betrayed when you called me a liar and threatened me and scared me so much i was afraid to go outside at my moms house.

No. 2189510

i was really kind to you at first too. i don’t know why either of you started hating me. he got everything he wanted. i was the one who got hurt and i didn’t lash out for a very long time. i put up with both of you abusing me for a while actually.

No. 2189516

Why the fuck would you say you don’t want to be with me and continue to stalk me? It’s like the more I reject you the more you follow me: I just want you and your creepy girlfriend to leave me alone.

No. 2189517

sometimes i wish you knew i don’t have your number but my number is the same and if you wanted to talk it out that’s all i ever wanted from you.

No. 2189519

Why are you worried about "strong perfume smells" (it's not even strong, it's a roll on perfume, and you could only smell it when you put your face right up to it) when your moid's dragon breath can clear a room? You find fresh cut herbs and lavender more offensive somehow?? kek

No. 2189526

You are not a witch. You don't even practice. It wasn't "strong spiritual energy" that gave you the headache in the bar, it was the tannins in your wine. No, there is not some evil ghost in the basement and you didn't tame it by doing the basics of keeping the house clean. Real paranormal/occult shit ain't like in the movies where you can win ghosts over to do your bidding by being friendly to them. It's so embarrassing that you're somehow also a tradtard Christian who wants to play at being a witch ala Charmed or whatever.

No. 2189704

can you explain to me like I’m stupid why me sending a private letter to my abuser, not even publicly calling him out, made you so angry? like i truly to this day do not understand and it’s not like my accusations against him are crazy. he hurt me and everyone knows it. why do you say things acknowledging that and say you’re glad? like i guess i truly don’t want to believe a woman is truly capable of something so evil. something so OBVIOUSLY wrong.

No. 2189719

I'm glad you two still get along. Guess I really was always the third wheel, I didn’t even notice back then so I don't know why it bothers me now that I distanced myself by my own choice. I'm retarded but I wish I could be teleported into an alternative reality where I made different choices and it would be us 3 in those images. I miss you, I miss your voice, both of you.

No. 2189777

I can’t stop scrolling mindlessly on image boards. I wasted nearly an entire year doing this shit I’m so tired

No. 2190158

can you say more bad things about me

No. 2190236

I don't know exactly what this is. I'm a shell. But not for long. Substance use. Isolation. I feel like I'm in a waiting room. But something is coming. I don't know why I think this way or I do the things I do.

No. 2190247

Keep keeping yourself down, it's what you're good at.

No. 2190249

is this love?

No. 2190260

No. It’s schizophrenia.

No. 2190287

i think that i should let you come over like you keep telling me you want to. even if it’s a bad idea.

No. 2190302


No. 2190401

I'm too cowardly to reach out. Hit me up. I want to talk. I like this game that we play, I think it's cute.

No. 2190413

File (hide): 1727840819809.png (536.93 KB, 640x438, IMG_3868.png)

i wish that everything could be okay.

No. 2190757

Oh my god. Go raise your goddamn kids and quit coming back here, you colossal fucking faggot.

No. 2191015

keep being mean to me please

No. 2191018

I am a fickle person and I may never have the closeness I want because of my own behavior

No. 2191022

File (hide): 1727895893096.jpeg (153.3 KB, 975x791, IMG_5052.jpeg)

Ok. Picrel is you in like two years.

No. 2191030

File (hide): 1727896527801.png (260.44 KB, 640x446, IMG_0668.png)

i forgive you.

No. 2191038

I hope you shit yourself to death.

No. 2191039


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2191187

i do want to, and i want it so bad. you'll forget your own name by the time i'm done.

No. 2191249

no one believes i can outstubborn a taurus but they’re forgetting the match made in hell of it all. you might be earth signs but i’ve got energy.

No. 2191261

i want you to pay attention to meeeee

No. 2191354

lord, please grant me patience and perseverance so I can improve myself and be reborn

No. 2191364

you really really hate that i’m a womanlet don’t you.

No. 2191400

i know i made fun of you but i don’t think you seriously wanna be my height just because i looked better with your ex.

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