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No. 1923084
Screech into the oblivion. A place to say how you really feel without other people feeling entitled to give you shit for it.
>Don't respond to other people's rants. It's not about you, you vain bitch.>Don't reply to the anon above you with a vague comment either. Even if you don't directly quote their post, you will be banned.>Newfags please follow this rule and integrate. You will be reported if you insist on responding to other's posts. Previous threads had anons banned because of this.>Not everything is about you. Stop schizofoiling.>Don't forget to copy paste the OP onto the new thread.Previous
>>>/ot/1747132 No. 1923478
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I can't stand the meme that women are over emotional or sensitive. I swear, you can bring up the most innocuous thing and men will blow it up in the most ridiculous and dramatic way then when you can't take it anymore they fucking act like you've been the unreasonable one all along. I'm fucking TIRED i haven't slept in two days, he is loafing around when it's been MONTHS of wanting to get out more and meet new friends. Like, fucking GO but also maybe realize there are chores that need to happen each day and its fucked up that it's either you are totally free to come and go as you please OR it's like I'm saying you can never leave if I ask you to do some things before you go so i'm not overwhelmed. What the fuck??? Don't expect me to have to arrange my entire day around taking care of literally EVERYTHING like I have nothing better to do. You say you want to help me make time for myself when my shit is ALWAYS either working, training, or household errands. I also can't stand how autistically he hates change. Like, can't even handle planning a fucking VACATION because he can't stand travel, even if it's car travel like he prefers. I'm just in a fucking bad mood in general from not sleeping but so fucking annoyed at his behavior. I understand he's depressed and been going through shit for a WHILE but then…go to therapy instead of allowing yourself to be stuck in a cycle you fucking HATE??
No. 1923779
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Constantly being deceptive and lying about literally everything and victimizing yourself after you were an aggressor isnt "trolling", you dont insist upon yourself as an elaborate Megamind troll, you're literally just a liar.
No. 1924612
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you unironically believing a woman was genuinely "in love" with a weird creepy retarded 40 year old gincel is almost as funny as said gincel not realizing he was doxxed and under a magnifying glass from the very beginning ctfu so online you've really convinced yourself youre some sort of main character
No. 1925261
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I wasn't even trying to connect the dots on this I wish I had never figured it out, I feel like shit now.
Why can't I stop spiraling. Why can't I be fucking NORMAL. SMASH MY HEAD WITH A FUCKING ROCK.
No. 1925880
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Rotating cubes in 3d is amazing.
No. 1925882
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It's hilarious that you are incapable of controlling yourself and have to try to make hints at your abuse fetish known to everyone its like you cannot help yourself. Ugly cunt.
No. 1926282
Anytime I start reaching a good weight for myself, it's always, "OMG you're ToOoO skinny"; by what, Amerifat standards? 10 lbs ago, you'd be calling me chubby and making snide comments. Ironically, you're projecting YOUR own unhealthy ideas about weight onto me. You, skinny as a rail, who complains about a little stomach pooch. Weight is more than just a number, and everyone gains/loses differently. My waist has always been the smallest part of me in comparison to my hips and shoulders. I just happen to know how to dress to downplay certain aspects and flatter my body type. You could do it too, if you had a lick of sense. Instead, you evil eye my progress and try to dissuade me from my goals. You, for some stupidfuck reason, seem to see me as competition when we're not even in the same lane. I'm not going to stay at a heavier weight just to make you or others feel better about themselves. I'm done being the punching bag for you insecure bitches.
No. 1927366
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This is soo you in a nutshell
No. 1932067
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This is you defending Poor Things
No. 1935928
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lost the charisma and loved by people genetic lottery. my only salvation is a loving boywife.
No. 1937640
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You as fuck.
No. 1937865
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"Baby boy lock the door"
No. 1941401
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Men really can just violate a woman in any of the most horrible ways possible for no gain except attention from other low value men and then go on with their life like theyre God. They don't care. They will rape you in any and every way possible and they don't care. It's funny. It's a joke to them. Why aren't you laughing ugly cunt? You were asking for it!!! It's a JOKE ugly bitch!!! We hurt you obsessively AS A JOKE!!!!
No. 1941688>>1942255
okay, fine. just.. fucking.. fine. you wanna know what I wanna get off my chest? I fucking LOVE bridezillas, fucking GO. OFF. QUEEN. fuckit. actually FUCK. IT. send it into the fucking atmosphere and be the most difficult piece of shit to work with ever in your fucking life because do you wanna know what being nice gets you? do you wanna know what being a "good" bride means? It means people will literally walk all the fuck over you while simultaneously telling you "oh its whatever you want, its your wedding! you just need to tell everyone else that" WHAT ABOUT YOU? YOU FUCKER. HUH? WHAT IF YOU'RE THE ONE PISSING ME OFF? but nooo can't risk being a "bridezilla", you wanna know a little secret? THEY'RE GONNA CALL YOU ONE ANYWAY. Genuinely. I have been the NICEST, most ACCOMODATING please-and-thank you bride in the fucking world trying to make everyone else the fuck happy, bending over backwards to make sure everyone in my life is heard and has a say and feels important and special, all while nodding and smiling and I STILL get called a Bridezilla. GENUINELY. If I say ANYTHING even along the lines of "hmm, you know X is a really good idea but I feel in my heart that it would be more special for the groom and I to choose Y." LITERALLY THE NICEST WAY TO SAY "no" instead of saying what I WANT to say which is "no thats fucking retarded, why would you ever think I would want that? YOU want that but guess what? its not your wedding bitch so keep it to yourself", but I don't say that, I take everything on board and listen to everyone and politely have my say and I still get THE LOOK. the "we got ourselves a bridezilla" look. and I know what everyone is going to tell me "you just gotta do what you want to do, its your day, its your special day, its about you" YEAH NO THE FUCK IT AINT. NOT ANYMORE. THat ship has SAILED. You wanna know what I want? What I REALLY WANT for my special day? Is for it to be fucking over. THERE. I said it. I'm fucking SICK of playing the nice bride who HAS to accommodate or otherwise everyone else will literally fall the fuck apart and go be a cunt to my fiance about it. and he is a DREAM. HE IS A DREAM OF A MAN. He's still a fucking man but DAMN IT HE IS THE BEST OF THEM ALL. He does not DESERVE the bullshit harassment because the "bridezilla" maybe liked something else a little different to what someone else thought. I just want him to be happy. I want me to be happy, but most of all nonna, I want YOU to be happy when you get married.
you know the worst part of all of this is im gonna go right back to being the please-and-thank you bride with a smile because I genuinely want everyone to be happy because that'll make me happy… i just wanna marry my husband and be his wife and have fun. i dont care about all the little shit that everyone else seems to care about. i dont care whos beefing and i dont fucking care if something is glitter or matte and i dont fucking care who is losing their mind over it. i just want my future husband and i to be happy and have fun… and i dont think he is happy. there is too much drama and i can't contain it all, im trying to keep it from him but it keeps getting to him and i see how stressed he is. im so sad. i just wanted to have a fun wedding… be a bridezilla nonna, and have a great wedding when its your turn, because mine already feels ruined and i dont want that for you.
No. 1941965
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I miss you. Wish we could talk.
No. 1942255
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>>1941688Nonna go the bitch you deserve to be! It's your wedding, you've suffered enough already, go give them what they gave you!
And congratulations on the wedding.
(vain bitch) No. 1943728
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No. 1945756
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I used to think I would miss you but in actuality thinking about you now just makes me annoyed/repulsed so I win I guess. Have fun making your shitty angst playlists fucking dumbass
No. 1948116
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I had a dream about you this morning. You appeared twice, the first time I just felt sad seeing you again and we talked briefly. I remember wanting to tell you it was good to hear your voice and see you once more. The second time I saw you in the dream, you were irritated with me for an unknown reason. You were holding a kitten in a blanket and told me I needed to bring this kitten to your boyfriend. Not sure what that meant. But it still was nice to see you in the dream. I hope you're doing well, I still think it was the right thing for us to go our separate ways. But I do remember you fondly.
No. 1948671
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Whenever you would send me your long ass vents and drug induced rants I should have sent you this instead of replying.
No. 1955419>>1955470
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How I feel after fighting on the phone with my bf for 4 hour
No. 1955483
>>1955449wow. anon that sounds very
(vain bitch) No. 1955607>>1955610>>1955670
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Oh nooo the bio clock oh nooo my eggs!! Oh nooo I’ll never attract a man now that I’m nearing 30 oh nooo-SIKE. I will never be psyoped into liking old men and settling with some loser with autism sperm. Your words mean nothing to me you genetic dead end. You will die alone malding in your room while I fuck my 19 year old bf that’s twice your size and actually has a full head of hair. Die mad about it lol
No. 1955925
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The sexual tension between me and ending it all…I need a fucking friend. A REAL friend. This once in a blue moon shit is killing me I think genuinely being alone was better than the highs and lows of this shit.
No. 1956858
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I do not know you. I've never spoken to you. I have no emotional attachment to you. You'd think verbally abusing people on one of your half dozen burner accounts constantly would be enough for you but no, omg how much fan fiction are you going to keep writing. I don't fucking know or like you, your personality is extremely off-putting, there isn't a single alignment in life where I would think differently. Why do you have to take all of your misery out on me and everyone else, we don't like you. We don't think you're funny. You're fucked up
No. 1957167>>1965661
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No. 1957452>>1965661
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No. 1957501>>1957900
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Nothing blackpills me more on women's fandom spaces than this website. So much excuse to only pay attention to male characters and are averse to any kind of attention on female characters while performing mental gymnastics about how gendies are actually misogynists. I can see why nonnies come to so some threads here thinking that no one will give a shit about their OCs if it's just a man so they feel compelled to turn them into men and honestly after sifting through some threads here that fear is justified. From fujo shipping to anti-fujo infighting to media discussions and obsessing over characters it really all boils down to "just don't make female characters" just as all the bullying artists make for drawing small mistakes just pushes them to not draw poc characters.
You can have a male character suffer as much as you want and people will go crazy over it and hyper analyse and write essays upon essays about it but if you have a female character suffer just as much all of a sudden the writer has a fetish even though the suffering isn't sexual because "dude trust me the vibes!". You want to write problematic ships? dw just ship BL no one cares because they're men (I don't care about them being men I'm not defending this shit you room temp IQ idiots) rinse and repeat until no one can explain why BL is spicy and more interesting than anything that involves women and het stories are either boring af or just written by men for men. Don't try doing GL because hey most fangirls are straight and are uncomfortable reading storied with complex female characters anyway. Even now people involved in media can't write complex female characters for shit and surprise surprise they were involved in fandom culture! Like it doesn't surprise me.
I assumed that because anons here are self-aware of the fandom problems they wouldn't perpetuate it but I guess it was my problem for assuming you can have discussions on here anyway. You have to join a shitty mob mentality.
No. 1957509
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I wish I were the skeleton of one of those Alchemy Gothic illustrations, they seem to live exciting magical lives despite actually being dead, I wish I lived in medieval Paris and knew alchemy and shit
No. 1957517>>1957521>>1957536
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It is so, so hard to not eat foods that make your body age 10x faster kek. I wish I could eat brisket for each meal daily, but the last time I did that I looked so wrinkly by the end of the week.
No. 1957651
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Some people are so fucking retarded and illiterate I hope one day they get poor luck from their inability to read.
No. 1957904>>1957930
>>1923084My moid took us to the fanciest hotel in our state over the weekend.
He told me there he had fucked a bunch of hookers before me.
We're fighting now and he sent me a picture he still had of a hooker all naked and bent over.
My self esteem in is the gutter.
I have bruises on my neck from the last times he had me in a chokehold.
Nonnas, it's so hard for me to leave. I'm a Stacy and I don't have to deal with this, yet I do.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
This is my second time posting. Last time, one of you said he's going to kill me.
(unintegrated posting style) No. 1957930
>>1957904There’s nothing Stacey about being in an
abusive relationship nonna. Get a thousand miles away from that dirty dick moid before he gives you superAIDS or HPV or some shit. Are you going to let some scrote who fucks hookers define your worth? I would genuinely rather live in a shelter than deal with some devolved male laying hands on me.
Leave. He will kill you if you don’t.
(vain bitch) No. 1958479
Sorry about the typos. I just tried to reread when I wrote and had lost a few brain cells
(vain bitch) No. 1958813
I'm the samefag from the bi thread
Bigoted Heterosexuals and homophobic bisexuals are the ones who do bi erasure the most.
I'm so sick and fucking tired of men and older pick me women claiming bisexuality doesn't exist, telling me to pick a side, generally claiming I'm homosexual and occasionally heterosexual, when I'm not exclusively attracted to one sex. Even get the creepy comments "how do you know what you like when you haven't tried ot?" "Lesbian sex isn't sex" "its just a phase" and other retarded stuff. The men that are like this claim lesbians are secretly attracted to the opposite sex when goldstar lesbians aka TRUE AND HONEST lesbians exist and aren't attracted to men AT ALL. I blame the fakebians, fakefags, and the bisexuals with internalised homophobia who inaccurately label themselves as straight. some of these retards will either say I'm straight and it's a phase or the latter that I'm lesbian, queer, dyke, and homosexual. These same males will spout bullshit saying 25-30 is the wall despite the best time for women to have babies, if they desire them is 25-34. They're also the same men that'll screech faggots and dykes are degenerates yet be porn shills, and are also hebephebe whatever's.
What's even worse is that some younger elderly women (aged 55-64) also spout bullshit about bisexuality not existing. They'll claim to me that I'm actually a lesbian and the bi male is actually gay and call homosexuality a lifestyle. They're so homophobic and bigoted that if I was younger, I would've hit myself and meltdown (classic autism/low to medium support needs, and would've been worse with the men as they are even more bigoted about this shit) they're also the same women who support "progressive" homophobia, but more subtly. It makes sense as it's repackaged in a different way, but in a woke way.
Just because I prefer the same sex doesn't mean I'm a homosexual/lesbian. Bisexuality isn't a phase, I'm not confused, and I don't need to pick a side. And you can know what you like, even if you never had sex in your entire life.
Now I just roll my eyes over the retarded stuff but it irritated me more than usual so I just wanted to get this off my chest.
No. 1958963
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genuinely in love with you in the unhealthiest weirdest way
No. 1959110
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All this time I thought you were someone else.. who were you? Were you lying to me all this time? Was it funny stringing me along this lie? I feel as if Ive woken up from a very cruel dream.I want to help you and make you stop hurting everyone around you but all I see is a stranger staring back at me
No. 1959157
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I see what you’re doing and see who you are.
No. 1959394
I have a younger family member, who has been compared to me throughout our lives. Mostly that she reminds others of me and acts similar to me when I was her age. Not 100% obviously, she's still her own person and it's not like she's a carbon copy of me, just similar personality traits, ways of acting. She is growing up in much different circumstances than I did. Her part of the family is very, very wealthy and she has access to a lot of awesome things and opportunities. I don't begrudge her those things at all. In fact, if I did feel jealousy or envy, it would make it all a lot more easy to understand. I want her to have everything she has and more. I was raised in a far, far more controlling household with the typical immigrant ideas of what a woman should do/be. When I would share my naive interests, my mom would turn around and tell the family and everyone would tease me. My parents barred me as long as they could from getting a drivers license, and prior, I was not allowed to take the bus or leave the house unaccompanied. Even as an older teen. I wasn't allowed to work, or even spend freely birthday money on things I wanted. If I did buy a thing my parents didn't like (not even inappropriate clothes, things like a fit and flare cut dress, or thrift clothes) I had to return it or toss it out. I say all that to say, the similarities between me and this family member is painful. Doubly so, because I feel like a monster that when I look at her, it makes me weep for myself at her age. It's like getting the closest glimpse to what life could have been like for me if I lived another life. I have a well paying job now, and can buy myself whatever I want or would have wanted at her age, but the feeling persists. I just want to heal and move past this but I don't know how.
No. 1960514
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When a woman is like this, she's hated by both genders, her own biology and seen as worthless by men and probably is autistic meanwhile suicide rate of autistic women is really high. When a moid is like this it's natural and "cute" (to some women)
No. 1960784
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I think I sperged about it before but yeah, I fell for a gay friend who I figured wouldn't reciprocate romantically or sexually
Well it turns out he is more or less questioning and does feel sexually attracted to me but is very closed off about romance still, and regardless– it has been great!… but at the same time I feel so conflicted.
I feel silly and naive to had been thinking my feelings would subside and that a platonic friendship with a moid who is not sure about where his sexuality falls would work
It's not even a relationship, I just fear the second something goes south it'll be impossible to mend since we've stepped into such an intimate stage (we are both emotionally retarded) and he's genuinely one of the greater friends I've ever had
No. 1962653
I think I've come to the point where I genuinely don't like people or they just make me feel apathy or pity at best most of the time. It's weird because I still seek companionship and connection (even posting here and wanting to heard by someone is a sign of that), but at the same time, I don't like anyone. I feel tired of others and their inability to ever understand me no matter how much I explain myself, of how anytime I talk it's a pointless effort which at best ends with friendly, empty interactions, and at worst with people acting retarded and being literally too stupid to even talk to me (and this outcome is far more common). I don't even consider myself particularly intelligent or socially gifted, so the bar is pretty low and yet others still manage to go lower. I find it so hard to respect anyone in general when I hate myself and they somehow manage to be worse than me. I'm just filling a quota of socializing whenever I talk to others, since unfortunately I still have social needs. Not because I actually like spending time with anyone. It's to the point where I find it preferable to talk to myself or post something here instead. I have friends yet I simultaneously wonder, is there really someone out there I could feel connected to? Surely, with this many people on earth, there must be someone out there who I wouldn't feel this with, someone more like me. Someone I could actually like and admire and wouldn't inevitably disappoint and hurt me with their actions. Someone that would actually meet all my criteria for a good friend , which are just things I already do myself. But it seems like a person like that doesn't really exist, and even if they do, I don't know them, so isn't that basically the same as them not existing? Do you exist? I'll never know.
No. 1963343>>1963654
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I cannot DEAL with seeing people grow old!! I CANT!! Please i never want to see someone i know grow old again!! Especially beautiful people! What is this curse?? I want to scream and throw up and rip my hair out! I dont want this to be real. I want to wake up and be relieved that im not actually on this earth and it was all just a bad dream
No. 1964285
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I'm convinced that the reason why there's been an uptick in retards, baiters, and lying newfags is because there's been an influx of twitter users. Like 4chan getting ruined by redditors using the place as their toilet, lolcow is going to be a toilet for twitter femcels using this place to vent their frustrations while bringing their stupid retard drama onto /ot/. It's either a crypto that uses lolcow to vent all while lazily retweeting an e-begging tif, or a tif wanting to have their cake and eat it too, but being more clear and hypocritical due to their anonymity instead of trying to save face with their public account. I honestly all hope they fuck off because for some reason despite being on this site for years there's a specific energy I believe they all bring that makes it completely insufferable.
No. 1968104
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You WILL be nice. You will stop finding small reasons to hate everyone and be an asshole. STOP IT.
No. 1972199
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So tempted to start poking the hornets nest again… but that would undo every ounce of progress. Fucking cretin doesn't deserve my attention anyway.
No. 1972228
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why did i have to grow up to be so worthless and without future? why do i have to die so early?
i hate that i'm going to die without even achieving anything, i hate discovering all of this in a moment of weakness
i hate the man that showed me all of this and made me "wake up" in a sadistic way to make me suffer just for talking to him in a friendly way
the worst thing is, i appreciated him, he got me to watch a lot of nice stuff and made me more aware of my flaws in general just so i can be a better person but he still hated me and wanted nothing to do with me bc i'm a sheep
i know dude, i know, and i'm going to pay for that
i guess it's my punishment for being a bad person all these years, but i'm so anguished for my bf, i've done everything to be better for him and i won't have time enough to give him what he deserves, the world, he loves me so much even tho i'm trash
i hate this world and its people, why did i have to vaccinate when i didnt even want to? why did i comply like a sheep? is this a lie? is this real? i just want to live my life and complete my goals and be happy with the person i love, even if it may be in my late twenties instead of early twenties like everybody else
idk just wanted to rant, thank u
No. 1972387
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I always wonder what happened to the girls I knew when I used to lurk r9k (yes, I was a retarded 16 year old). There was this one girl who I was acquainted with who was 17 and banging this ugly 25 year old or something she met from there and it viscerally disgusted me every time she’d brag about him. He was extremely fugly but they’d go on about having superior genetic babies, kek. Another girl I knew had some bf in Florida and talked about how she was gonna move there to be with him. I hope they’re doing ok and managed to grow out of it (I did after a few months thank god) and realise the error of their ways, especially the girl who was dating the pedo. I hope she realises how fucked up that was
No. 1974779
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I am so embarrassing. All the people that tolerate me are saints. Sorry everyone.
No. 1975842
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>maori woman posts about her and a friend being beaten up at a pub
>provides no extra information
>obviously labelling it a hatecrime
>still refuses to provide extra information
>other maoris making it a point to threaten establishment with violence with only one side of story
>hard defenders calling people who assume there might be more to the story racist
>hard defenders also calling these people racially charged insults
decided to get this off my chest in here rather than vent thread because i don't wanna stir any pot, it must come off like racebait but i'm just genuinely tired as a maori woman myself. i've seen this scenario of crying racism at any negative or any inconvenience so much growing up that it's starting to give me a headache. i don't hold any disbelief for the woman, but at the same time i think it's stupid to take sides so early with such vague knowledge.
it's always paranoia first, violence second, logic fifth. why are my people like this? (rhetorical)
it's not exclusive to my culture as many face prejudice and discrimination around the world but i'm venting my experience.
No. 1978422
Sorry, but just because my bra size is a 32FF, doesn't mean I have large, projected breasts. 32FF fits me well, but compared to other women my size, they look a lot smaller than theirs, meaning my breasts are moderately shallow. You don't need to seethe about my bra size when you see the goddamn cup size because I literally look like a stereotypical "b" or "c" cup. My older sister (who's also a FF cup, a 38FF and hers are actually big boobs like projected and large!) Jokingly says I belong in the itty bitty titty committee! Like you don't need to fucking police whether or not I have small breasts because I fucking do. Jesus Christ maybe get off your high horse and find bras that actually fit you because my chubby ass wears a 32 band; you're in no way a fucking 34 band, but keep on wearing those ill fitting 34A's
If I actually had large tits, I would've been in the large boob communities, but since mine aren't large and projected, I don't participate in them jfc.
No. 1984874
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No. 1985223
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I'm really sorry for getting back in touch with you, I thought I would be capable of sustaining a friendship this time but I was wrong. You didn't even do anything wrong it's all me. I'm becoming a loner for good this time please forget I exist. Sorry
No. 1988340>>1988400
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What you hate in what you see is what you hate in yourself. La la la.
No. 1988395
File (hide): 1714680498238.png (592.33 KB, 557x741, 佛山.png)

Don't forget, you're living in China. Your anonymity is a complete illusion. There's written law, and then there's instinctual law. Whether or not we say it or act on it, everyone knows exactly what should be done about an animal-torturing, mentally dysgenic, literal carcass-raping piece of shit. It's not even a question. You know that, too. It's why you hide and freak out when you get found, despite chittering that it's "legal" all the time. The revulsion I'm talking about transcends race and nationality, so there's nowhere you can run to. Try a lawless country, makes it easier to get rid of you.
The CCP tried to keep it under wraps, but people found out anyway. Normal, everyday people are spreading it around, ambassadors are talking, and more and more skilled people are getting on board to help find you. That public dox list is getting longer every month. It will be redistributed and reposted for as long as it takes. You will be punished to protect your country's image, you will be rightfully thrown under the bus and dropped by any establishment or innocent person(s) unlucky enough to be associated with you, your life will be destroyed even more than what you would get from being exposed today, and you will be pushed to the brink of suicide.
No. 1989404
>>1989370Well I def don't
Just don't like my big breasts
(vain bitch) No. 1989967
I can't relate to all this femininity praise and when anons act like there's something wrong with you for disliking some aspects of womanhood and calling birth amazing and fascinating and all that makes me hate myself even more. I want to tear my organs out. I don't even want to be a man, I don't want to be human at all. I hate that sex and creation even exists, sex is so disgusting, periods made my health worse, I genuinely regret going through puberty, I wanted to die as soon as it started. Im always tired, always lightheaded always angry, constantly in pain and can't stop pissing every 5 minutes. Medicine does NOTHING i tried several different brands for decades, theres no difference. doctors dont give a shit, they never will. "theres nothing wrong" theres always "nothing wrong" no matter who i visit. I'll never be happy ever again. Everything sexual is so disturbing. I hate the fluids, smells, sounds, organs, touching, contact. I hate growing. never wanted to be an adult, never wanted sex, never wanted pregnancy. Breasts shouldn't be there at all, it feels wrong. It's violating. All body parts are so violating. Eating is a chore. Sleeping is a chore. All functions are a fucking chore. There's nothing beautiful about it fuck all of you. There's nothing beautiful about suffering, nothing beautiful about being touched. The whole process of everything is terrifying. The only thing that stops me from killing myself is the chance of failing. The human body can't even do that right.
No. 1990496
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Everyone is retarded and I'm bored.
No. 1990610
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Okay then, Pinocchio
No. 1990638
>>1990637duh, I know
>the vain bitches need to start speakingbut not me? Can I speak to you?
(vain bitch) No. 1990848
I found my old confession from several months ago. I was right then, I am right now. What possessed me to be a pushover? I will say, it is extremely cathartic to know the truth. I admit it, I jumped in joyous celebration. I knew it! At the same time, I feel disgusted. And to think I wanted any of that. I get chills over my body knowing what awaits on the other side. No thanks. Also, you’re a liar, or stupid, or both. Probably both. She was lying to you and it is plain as day to see. Unless you believe such things, as men do. Thankfully, she warmed you up, and you took it like a fool. I have a little angel on my side, a glorious, pandering angel. It has been strange, but I certainly won’t be making that mistake anymore. Now my next move is to figure out how to get out of this mess. I guess this is the part of the story where the war is over but things won’t be ever quite the same. I was swindled, yes, but I’m still the winner! I come out the winner, and I will be lovely through it all. Now all that waits for me is the aftermath. I will have to play this ever so carefully. I’ve already sacrificed some vulnerability, but in the grand scheme of things, it was a necessary evil. I wish I could make an apology on behalf of that, but I know I’m not the first to do this, and certainly not the last. Like I said, things won’t be the same. I also wonder if my meticulous planning had any effect in this win. It certainly had to be on your radar. I will take that as a yes. If word makes it back to you, so be it. In that case, you should also know that I was just as much of a concept as you were. I could never coddle, and I’m glad I didn’t. Can I leave this situation with my original dignity? No, but this does not signify a complete loss. After all, I won and came back with more knowledge to apply. This is a net win for women.
No. 1990874
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No. 1990919
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You know that "making them go crazy" will never, ever result in anyone with the time and power "giving up", right?
You're just going to "make them go crazy" in the sense that they will dig deeper until they do find you, and everyone else will cheer them on. Understand that there'll be people won't be satisfied with beating you up, seeing you get beaten or reporting you. Some will actually want to kill you, a small amount might attempt to do so, and since your "hobby" is torturing small animals and talking about wanting to rape/kill women and children, the latter group will probably succeed. You'll have no prior warning, and no one besides the parties involved will really know why it happened. It'll just kind of happen. Your family probably won't miss you. They might miss any money you brought them, or be mad about paying for your schooling all those years, but not much else. If whoever does it is smart enough to track you down, they're probably smart enough to never get caught or have their actions (definitively) linked to anyone else, either. It's really that simple. And I wouldn't blame them. You don't belong in any society, not even the wild. Cockroaches and maggots make better contributions to the world.
Maturity is knowing and accepting that we're actually not supposed to preserve every person's life or show them mercy. Protecting the innocent takes precedent above all. If you can understand your own lack of empathy for weaker beings and/or the opposite sex, please understand everyone else's lack of empathy for you.
No. 1990968
File (hide): 1714869395412.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1242x1315, IMG_7932.jpeg)

why are you so obsessed with harassing rape victims?
No. 1991964
File (hide): 1714948461500.jpeg (64.75 KB, 399x400, IMG_1049.jpeg)

You disgusting fucking obese piece of shit. Get it through your thick bald skull that NOONE in your family gives a fuck about you. All of your children hate you and I'm so glad I got my brother on board too. It made us stronger and united against you. The second we all became independent from you life improved SIGNIFICANTLY. Your last hope would be absolutely disgusted with you if I told her everything. You're lucky I don't want to break her heart or else your life would tumble over like fucking dominos. Stealing money so you can go on vacations to see people who STILL don't give a fuck about you is insane work. Everyone is fucking sick and tired and so you resort to taking advantage of lowlifes schizos and literal methheads because you know they can't say shit about your horrible behaviour. Have fun with the consequences of your actions. You'll have to suffer until your old and your spine curves in because none of us gives a single fuck about you. If you even get old you deathfat pig. You nasty fucking pedo you need to be castrated with a butter knife. Nasty delusional fuck with absolutely disgusting hygiene. Delusional thinking any woman wants your time when they're solely looking for a better life you fucking scumbag piece of shit taking advantage of women. At your big ass senior nursing home incontinence age. Everyone can sense how disgusting you are. You stink up the entire fucking room to the point we have to open windows. Nasty low IQ RETARD with rotting teeth and visceral fat. You potbellied norwooding motherfucker. Let's hope you can afford insulin. You ruined my life I'll sure as hell ruin yours and make you regret everything. You'll be squealing and blubbering like a pig when you drop the soap in jail. You really think you're safe from jail
No. 1999653
Of course you're still lying about literally everything. When everyone finds out you are the one that started that account, and one by one you're all exposed with full receipts, absolute proof, screenshots and screenrecordings of you abusing that girl and laughing about it–I bet even then you won't delete it. You're the scariest of all of them because you're the one most likely to become an actual rapist or murderer within the decade. They protect you only because they're afraid of admitting their own hand in it, and no other reason at all. And to anyone reading this that follows a certain "streamer" with his "Ava Lynn" stories that 'aren't appropriate for Twitter', know that everything he says is bullshit and he's a socio. He can't backpeddle without hurting himself. It's just lie on lie on lie. Anyways. Oh, right. I told you I wouldn't be surprised if it was ooyf who was assaulting women in NY and then a pic of one of them was posted and it actually looked similar to ooyf. So funny.
The lies really do wind around themselves. You get called out, someone references the things you do–you make fake burner accounts pretending they're your "schizo stalker" that doesn't exist, pour effort into fake photos of women, fake posts, the whole nine–when you're the one who is the stalker. You're so calculated and manipulative over such retarded things that your violent behavior isn't surprising at all. You delete your accounts, remake, delete again. Lie to more people. Make more burners, talk to yourself, beg them to ask you specific questions,give them prompts and adlibs to follow. You are in desperate need of a very strong antipsychotic and possibly chemical castration, if you haven't already started that process yet. You stole her photos, her voice, pictures of her when she was underage, bits and pieces to inflate into something entirely different, countless bizarre sexual harassment spells and obsessive cruelty–fucking LOL you need to get off that shit so bad. How Jake was stupid enough to risk all of this being exposed to go along with you is beyond me. Kind of proves the kind of people all of you are, though. Are you going to craft a new lie to back out of this one? Create some new, fake "schizophrenic girl" burner account and pretend its the faux villain you created? Would love to know how you think you're going to justify years of stalking and sexual harassment. Who is going to be the new "Ava Lyn", kind of too late when you already had those pictures saved isnt it. Sick fuck. You aren't Don Draper, you're like… Jeffrey Dahmer at best. You're all grown men wtf.
No. 2000939
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Even though I tried my best to fit in, I think I have imposter syndrome
No. 2000964>>2002003
There is that dirty witch who lives next door, she spiritually attacked me 4-5 times in last few months.
When witch attacked me for the first time with sleep paralysis, I was physically weak, still recovering after she poisoned me.
That time she succeeded to cut my wings off (why I had the wings I won't tell now)
I was paralyzed and I could hear her evil laugh behind my back.
Next time (after few months) she spiritually attacked again.
I was sleeping, and my awareness woke up immediately sensing the danger. My body was paralyzed, but I set free my astral and I went to the entrance of my home, watching through the window what happens at the outside.
I waited in ambush patently, not knowing what to expect
(my body was still sleeping in another room but my awareness was lucid and I was in moving astral form).
And then I saw the witch! She was in her sleeping gown, pale as a shadow (actually she looked more gray than pale; gray like a gravestone, a ghostly shadow deprived of light, of life).
There was a candle in her hand, and she moved like floating through the air.
I could see her lips moving, chanting spells.
And the flame of the candle moved together in the rhythm with her chanting, like a snake's tongue, poisonous, murderous…
She could not see me but I was silently watching her, secluded behind the door.
Witch approached to my door, chanted something and stretched her hand toward the glass (in the other hand she still held a candle).
First her fingers passed through the glass, then her whole hand, and then her arm, almost to the elbow!
And that was the moment I was waiting for!
I grabbed her arm catching it in the middle of the glass; a half of her arm was caught on the inside, a half of her arm was caught on the outside!
I could see something like drops of blood falling from her astral arm, spreading over the glass.
Witch did not expect the ambush, she was thinking I was paralyzed in my bed.
I wasn't paralyzed! I caught her by surprise.
I opened the door and ordered her not to try to enter again in my space.
She was standing there, caught in flagrante delicto, bleeding.
I could not see clearly if her astral arm was just wounded, or I cut it off.
Anyway, witch was seriously damaged during my ambush attack.
I dismissed her and returned in my physical body to sleep calmly.
Later she tried to attack me a few more times.
But every time she tried sleep paralysis on me I was able to set free my astral and chase her away.
Last time (last month) when she tried to tie my will by paralyzing my body,
I saw how she is throwing on me some heavy things like pieces of furniture, but she missed to hit me every time.
She was like a raging demon with non-human kind of strength lifting heavy things from all around, but for me those heavy pieces of furniture thrown on me were like Styrofoam, light and harmless that I could touch them with my hand, and my hand would pass through it like it all was just an optical trick!
I did not even bother to stand up and chase the Witch away. I was just laughing in her face while I was still laying in my bed, aware that I'm again in lucid state of mind, in area of dreams.
Now I am waiting to see would she try to attack me again, after all those ridiculous fails of her.
Obviously she found the opponent who is spiritually stronger than she is.
Though, she is still very stubborn, always trying to set the traps for me in reality while pretending how friendly she is.
Yeah, friendly like poisonous snake!
Like I don't know who she is really: -The Witch who pretends to be my mother!!!
Maybe you tricked me once, but twice you won't even if you try 10 000 times!
No. 2001103
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I know. I KNOW you're not ignoring me but please I am dying I'm so fragile right now. Im gonna spiral again please talk to me.
No. 2002001
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>"SHE NEEDS TO TAKE ACCOUNTABILITY [for what I did to her]"
No. 2002207
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I have a feeling your stupid ass is gonna ruin this for me. To be completely honest you have really been getting on my nerves lately, youre just so fucking cringy it's unbearable, talking about violence and how you're so angry when you live a completely normal life and your parents love and support you. "uwww i am so full of wage i want to kiww uwwww i so angwy" that's how you fucking sound. You are not intimidating or cool. I know you think you're cool as fuck but you're not, you're embarrassingly delusional. I want to tell you off so fucking bad you need a reality check.
No. 2002631>>2002650
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I'm fucked, I'm fucked, I'm so fucking fucked and it's all my fucking fault! I squandered my entire fucking future and I'm not even 30 yet! I used to hate my fucking family for making me feel this way, but they were right! I'm a fucking loser and a parasite and a leech! I had opportunity and I squandered it because of my own selfishness! Fuck me! I deserve to fucking explode and have stray dogs come and rape and eat and shit on whatever is left of my corpse!!! I'm sorry!!!! I'm sorry!!!! You were right, I'm so fucking sorry! I fucking hate myself so much!! God, I truly do not deserve to live right now!!!!!
No. 2002862
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praying for your downfall, faggot
No. 2003076
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You can vaguepost at me all you want, I'll just keep looking at my phone screen like this
No. 2003148
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>yfw come on to lolcow to unironically call someone shortcake as an insult (vain bitch)
No. 2011144
File (hide): 1716243712955.png (220.07 KB, 500x500, let the record show.png)

"that's too much effort" "that's too much work" WHAT THE FUCK ELSE DO YOU EXPECT? WHAT THE FUCK ELSE IS THERE TO DO?
No. 2011147>>2011159
File (hide): 1716243843773.jpeg (59.81 KB, 400x416, IMG_8180.jpeg)

the way you give men “just friends” vibes
No. 2012352
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why do i need a bf when i can accumulate wealth in my 30s and adopt a neet. lol. i just want to draw animal(no soyjaks)
No. 2012473
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Uh oh seems like repressing the trauma didn't help and I might need to waste more money on psychiatrists haha
No. 2015742
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Reminded how any time hypserspecific actions of yours are mentioned you try to play it cool and casual so they aren't aware you're the one being called out. I know the "ugly spick" mention made you jump, tho. Its a shame you have to keep pretending you weren't burned huh because otherwise they'll be intuitively aware that it was true and you are in fact and evil psychotic monster that will lie at the drop of a hat for no reason other than attention from severely autistic twitter homosexuals.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 2017573
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Is this the life you wanted? Rolling around in your own filth and excrement while deluding yourself into believing that this is how you want to live? Fucking disgusting. I see those track marks. I see those rotten teeth. I see those flabby, skinny/fat titties you have from years of a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits.
No. 2017730
years ago you left me an unsent letter publicly saying i was a problem and i would be dealt with. i saw it and had literally no idea who would have written that. i thought it was nik. it scared me. i had no idea you existed. i had no idea that a psychopath was quietly and then not quietly growing increasing obsessed with me for having the audacity to come forward about being sexually assaulted. to a violent, psychopathic narcissist, any person that dares to voice a conflicting perspective is unacceptable. because your world is a fabrication, anything threatening to introduce reality and therefore destroy the illusion is a threat. so. the post saying i would be handled, the one saying you would stomp on my neck with your boots, and then after that too many to count. you were in my yard. i would be jumped for being disrespectful. you began driving past my mom’s house because you didn’t know where i had moved. scared my dogs honking and screaming.
all because i came forward about being raped by a man who you had already been broken up with for a long time. you had literally no skin in the game. you deluded yourself into thinking he was your twin flame, left HIM public unsent letters saying that signing your initials. because you were twin flames in your mind, your breakup was only temporary. therefore, someone coming forward about him raping her would be a threat to your fantasy about what your life would be like. how could you pretend he was perfect now?
i keep trying to tell myself you’re his victim too but honestly. i think the only way he hurt you was by breaking up with you. either way, you’re such a perpetrator at this point that my compassion for you is just constantly being exhausted by everything you do to me. talking back to you means i deserve to die. like okay. and then you pretend i’m the one who is violent and threatens people? who wants YOU to die? everything you are and do you project back on to me. i’m not your mirror. i’m not an object. i am a human being who is an incredibly different person who has lived an incredibly different life compared to you. i don’t relate to you. it’s just another way to dehumanize and degrade me, denying me being an actual person at all. i’m empty and boring and actually feel nothing when you want me to be, i’m unhinged and entertaining and my interesting hobbies are faked and my ones you don’t like are stupid when you want, i’m weak and pathetic when you want me to be, i’m spoiled and have been handing everything when you want me to be, i have nothing when you want, i’m terrifying and going to hurt someone, i’m physically weak and going to get beaten up easily, whatever you want me to be you just make it up even if it conflicts with your last sentence. you don’t know me. you’ve just seen a couple pictures of me and read about what happened to me. and god, i guess you’ve seen me standing outside of my mom’s house. ugh.
but honestly? it’s obvious at this point that there is nothing you can do to me. you could jump out of your car and attack me when i visit my family, but you’d likely only be able to hit me a couple times and then you would spend a very long time in prison. i am going to forget you entirely because the only power you have over me is making me upset and scared. it’s preventing me from dealing with the trauma of being raped because i am so focused on his friends currently harassing me and it’s honestly emotionally easier to focus on than how much he hurt me. i’m leaving this here to set a firm line. i will never think about you again.
good luck.
No. 2020789
File (hide): 1716693688571.jpg (20.87 KB, 256x345, 1516761798757.jpg)

message me back pls pls pls I want to hold you
No. 2020874
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fuck you you piece of shit with your five whole ass other kids. i don’t owe you anything
No. 2027508
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good dog prove my point.
No. 2029753
File (hide): 1717201122612.jpg (23.16 KB, 235x432, 1000003779.jpg)

You any time I make an obvious joke. loser.
No. 2029997
File (hide): 1717215507038.jpg (52.65 KB, 968x842, GO8riLzWYAAxJT9.jpg)

you are not self aware at all its honestly hilarious to watch
No. 2030659>>2030676
File (hide): 1717273033738.png (240.37 KB, 1073x1600, IMG_1901.png)

Fuck you you bastard you RUINED ME. I was a virgin and didn’t need anyone’s help and I was healing from my own issues and you came into it thinking you needed to save me and you fucked me up. And you weren’t happy with how you needed me more than I did so you spent years until our roles were reversed, and I swear to god I will probably never stop loving you but I will never ever fucking forgive you. If I see you in the street you’re fucking dead. I’ll fucking kill you dead myself.
No. 2032104
>>2031823Maybe try spending time with older zoomers? Idk how old you are but I’m 24 and most women I know don’t do this unless they’re immature and you can vet them by hearing how they gossip. I also think nerdier older zoomers don’t do this at all, so try women who crochet, read, or play games (not
toxic online games ei. valorant, more so animal crossing and stardew, or even rpg enjoyers). I’m friends with many girls my age and we don’t have this issue but my 18 year old sister and her friends are exactly what you described and I think even nerdier girls that age are still bullies if they’re chronically online. I had to tell my sister taking pics of people you don’t like and sending to my friends is bullying and she said it’s normal for her age group and I’m old and don’t get it, so stay away from under 21’s, they’ll bully others but always claim they’ve been bullied
(vain bitch) No. 2033220
File (hide): 1717394681565.jpeg (187 KB, 1242x607, IMG_8340.jpeg)

literally a rapist who confessed and said he feels no remorse
No. 2033895
File (hide): 1717433347272.jpeg (180.8 KB, 1242x1289, IMG_8341.jpeg)

this is so unhinged no you didn’t lmao(ban evasion)
No. 2037822
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do you ever just know something about someone and have no idea what to do with that information
No. 2038508
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No. 2039154
File (hide): 1717724516542.jpg (157.57 KB, 1438x489, 1000003654.jpg)

Thinking about how the men who murdered those two girls in Delphi went about his life for half a decade, thinking he got away with it and that he was free and would never face any of the consequences he deserved. Meanwhile, they knew it was him the entire time and had to watch with gritted teeth as he lived like a free man, a disgusting and horrible evil person. But in the end he gets exactly what he deserves. There are plenty of evil men whose entire lives revolve around the lies they tell and keeping everyone around them complacent, always very arrogant and flaunting the hurt they cause. They always believe they can lie to anyone and everyone until the very end. They will tell you they didn't do it until they are blue in the face. They will swear on anything and everything, and the entire time they are lying. They have no conscience or shame. Empty husks.
No. 2041536
File (hide): 1717884215883.jpg (24.08 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa ca443…)

i know you're lying to everyone but i forgive you. that's a really weird thing to lie about though
No. 2044947
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No. 2049456
File (hide): 1718414400891.jpg (30.3 KB, 437x647, ill.jpg)

Anyway, suck a dick, cunts. Middle finger up in the air. I hope you know, how much I truly fucking hated you people. The bone deep genuine fucking hatred you instilled in me through our interactions with one another. I wish you nothing but the worst and am actively laughing at your misery and the hell you people put your fucking selves into. Eat shit. Maybe stop and consider once in your fucking miserable lives the fact that maybe you do, truly, bring this shit on yourselves. I'm sorry I ever wasted my fucking time with you. You all truly made me realize how fucking deep my hatred goes and how much I truly, really, absolutely, fucking hate people. The funniest thing is the fact you'd probably be shocked that I feel this way about you. That I wish you slow burning death and agony. Die in poverty in a ditch, cunts. I'll spit on your fucking graves. Wishing you nothing but the fucking worst. I hope you all fucking die in a fiery plane crash. Stay the hell away from me forever. Don't even think about me, I am dead to you as you are dead to me.
No. 2056595
File (hide): 1718829375654.jpg (38.26 KB, 375x344, e08a089e718e5614de22978beec538…)

Idk if I'm crying because I'm sad about you or I'm just exhausted. I wish I could get my shit together so you wouldn't be embarrassed by me. You mean a lot to me, you probably have no idea but you're the only friend I have so you really got me hanging onto your every word, it's a little embarrassing and sad how happy little messages from you make me but I really have no one else. Thanks for tolerating a worthless person like me. You brighten up my life. You give me something to look forward to.
No. 2057454
>>2057448you should so kill him
nonnie. i’m accepting the vain bitch ban kek
(vain bitch) No. 2062447
You’re a disgusting excuse for a man and I regret ever marrying you. I don’t give a shit if I lied about my job situation, I was afraid of you after all the horrible things you have said and done to me. I hate your idiot best friend and I hope you continue to drink your fat self to death, get cirrhosis of the liver, lose your limbs and die slow. You probably did have a hand in your disgusting ex piglet girlfriend’s sudden death, after having lived with you for almost a year and seeing how violent and mean you truly are I am hard pressed to believe you had nothing to do with it. I will never get married again and after I get my shit straight I plan on never getting emotionally attached to a man and just using them for sick and monetary things like luxury items so I can save my own money I work hard for and finally have a home in my name. Go find some obese baseball mom who works behind a cash register like you always talk about. I’m glad I didn’t give up my career because of your lack of faith and belittling. I am so excited to do everything I’ve ever wanted to do and focus on me for once knowing that you’ll probably end up alone, sick, fat, drunk, and miserable forever. Take your grandmother’s ugly ring back and get out of my life, like, yesterday.
No. 2063188
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China is the only developed country that does not have an anti-animal cruelty law. China should be ashamed of its cruelty. All the mentally ill people who abuse cats every day must be punished. It is abnormal for a country to not have an anti-animal cruelty law. Lack of animal protection laws leads to animal cruelty. It's not "propaganda" or "lies" when there are literal years worth of evidence, coupled with names, IDs and faces of the perpetrators. Screenshots of them talking about how much they want to do it to children and women, or bragging about hurting them by killing their pets. Every attack on the zoosadist "community" is a win for both animals and humankind, and I won't turn away.
And honestly, I'm angry not that I had to learn about this, but that it even exists. Always some form of disgusting evil in the world, nothing is safe because humans have to pervert or abuse it. Everything they did to those animals should be done to them, but I'd be happy if each of them just got a bullet to the head.
No. 2063216
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so fuckiin tired but I can’t sleep AAAAAAHH
No. 2066541
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Oh, do you have a certain picture in mind?(vain bitch)
No. 2069025
File (hide): 1719592860261.gif (740.82 KB, 500x386, Hell’s Bells.GIF)

After all the misery and suffering you’ve caused, may you never find joy or peace again in your life. Amen.
No. 2070437
File (hide): 1719647459956.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.08 KB, 671x900, 1000003972.jpg)

Why don't you give people context for why you keep reposting this image over and over? Or would it not go over very well for your (meagre) audience that this is a composite image you made in photoshop where you gave the woman you're stalking all the "plastic surgeries" you wish she had? Isn't as funny if people knew you were just some random, creepy, extremely abusive man would it? Lol
No. 2070439
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This sucks, can things just go back to normal please. This is all I have.
No. 2072549
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A lot of the anons on this site can't even handle 1/10th of their own vitriol being thrown back at them kek
No. 2072906
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Some people need to shut the fuck up, god
No. 2072930
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I HATE FEELING SICK WHEN I'M HUNGRY. If the apocalypse happens, I am 100% gonna be the first person to snap and start catching lost adventurers in bear traps for the sole purpose of cannibalism.
No. 2073842
At least once a day I fantasize about blowing some blockheaded, beady eyed shitbull's brains out all over the concrete. They simply shouldn't exist and are incredibly moid coded. I don't care if it's humans' fault that they were brought and bred into a plague-like existence, that's even more reason to kill them coldly and without mercy. They are objectively bad dogs in every way. They stink, they're ugly, they're violent without provocation, they'll even eat their own pups if they feel so randomly inclined. There is no redeeming quality about them whatsoever and I wish that every shitbull sympathizer is one day mauled to death in front of their loved ones because their ignorance can only be cured through extinction. I hate that I have to worry that one day, my disabled mother, my younger brother, myself, or any of my loved ones has a 50% chance of being mauled by some stray shitbull since retards keep adopting and breeding them while making constant excuses for them to take up shelter resources which would be better spent on saving actually adoptable animals. The shitbull that drowned in a cage, whether by its own fault or that of a neglectful owner, absolutely deserved it and will not be missed. That's one less danger out on the streets, and one less dog/child/cat /elderly in the hospital or dead. I approve of them being "adopted" only to be taken out into a field and disposed of with a bullet or two to their blocky skulls. This should become more common practice since it'll be a long time before we see any laws put into action to protect people from these disgusting trash beasts.(take your meds)
No. 2074001
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God forbid you take some kind of accountability for your actions, or even think for 10 seconds about how you might make the people around you feel. I would HATE for you to feel bad in the reality that you created.
No. 2074666
File (hide): 1719914493890.jpg (33.79 KB, 554x554, images-3.jpg)

I love you so so so much, thank you for coming into my life when I most needed it, your art is amazing and healing and I'm glad you exist. You are incredibly important to me in this journey. Thank you for teaching me to be my higher self.
No. 2075754
File (hide): 1719977098375.jpg (104.16 KB, 615x410, break.jpg)

Yet again, you waste an entire moping over something that's your own fucking fault and easily fixable if you would just fucking listen to me!!
No. 2078038
It's sad that your mental acuity is on the decline, mostly through no fault of your own, but this is cringe even for you. This is the third or fourth time (that I know of) where you've fallen for a very obvious internet scam. There is no one out there giving out free grants worth hundreds of thousands on dollars, it's scammers from Nigeria and India preying on the elderly and those on SSI so they can steal those benefits or get access to your personal info to sell on the black market. I really had to wonder how you could be so stupid as to trust some random post like that, just because they simply said "totally not a scam". Your naivete puts not only you at risk but me as well, by proxy. Of course, you're going to be embarrassed and deny it again, but I have the screenshots. I'm pretty sure this is partially to blame for you having trouble with banks and opening up accounts. You have no basic sense not to give your personal info to randos, or to not click into links sent to you by strangers. You really need help, but I don't think i'm the one to provide it.
Secondly, you always ask when i'll come visit, but as long as you have that BPDemon failson around, and until you've got your shit together, there is no way I can plan any visit. In fact, if he died quietly far away from a drug overdose, that would be a blessing to all if his miserable life ended. He has and continues to be nothing but a black hole who drains everyone around him. He has no desire to get better in his life as long as you keep letting him back in. It pisses me off to hear of him terrorizing you in your own home, eating all your food and "resource guarding" like a demented shitbull. And like shitbulls, he deserves no more chances. At this rate, I might not be able to keep my word to you which is incredibly sad, I know that you probably don't have much time left and will die an early death. Life hasn't been fair to you. Nonetheless, I am not equipped to be the only one left standing to support you. That's W's job, and it frustrates me that he probably lacks the maturity to take on such a task. Your death will leave me with extreme guilt, regret, and sorrow, but i'm really at a loss of what to do.
No. 2080064
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The whole "omg I'm saaaooowww outgoiiiinngngngn I'm suuauuch a portyierrrr" persona is so hilarious when juxtaposed by the fact that Lal you really do is sit on your phone and stalk women while your laptop scrambles your sperm count into soup. You are far too shameless for someone like you but the cluster b and constant punching down on other people must give you such a manic high that you'll never see yourself for what you really are.
No. 2080328
I know that you're allergic to respecting people's wishes making it so hard for you to keep their private matters confidential because you feel the need to tell everyone and anyone who'll listen about other people's business. You've violated my privacy countless times, and wonder why I never tell you anything anymore. I swear you and Dad are some degree of clinically narcissistic with your selfishness, denial, and rage at being rightfully confronted for your bullshit. You think you're entitled to my life simply because we're related, and you show almost no basic respect for me as a person. Not only that, but the weird, creepy, jealous one-sided rivalry you have with my actual mom… I don't need you as a mother figure, especially when you put a scumbag moid above your family. That's something my Mom at least apologized for when she came to her senses and swore never to do again. You, on the other hand, are a yappy little lapdog for your master whom you have no identity outside of. You're the picture of co-dependence. He brings out the worst in you because he's as rotten as his breath. Getting you riled up, while you adjust to your master's emotions as he tells you what and who to be angry at. You haven't an original thought or opinion to your name. Everyone can see through him but you. You act like his children going NC comes from nowhere and paint them as the bad guys, while you see him as a victim, but i'm pretty sure they're sick of his nastiness, lies, and hypocrisy too. I wish you'd both get called out more, this time by other family members, since you won't listen to the immediate ones.
No. 2095395
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I'm conscious enough of every body part as it is without you assuming that the way I look/my sexuality is a fucking invitation. This is exactly why I don't tell people anything about myself. Take no for an answer. Fuck off.
No. 2095528
File (hide): 1721327800406.jpg (22.08 KB, 474x474, 42fb4e060214180fe880239aaaf7ba…)

I genuinely dont know what your problem is its really fucking annoying when you see something you dont like and instantly assume i like it and attack me out of nowhere for something i didnt fucking do you schizoid bitch , im not gonna even try to defend myself because youre a retard who cant get into college and it makes me so happy that youre never going to achieve anything.I cant wait til you kill yourself i regret ever being nice to your dumbass being a compelete bitch isnt a personality your hobbys suck, the guys you like suck, the music you listen to sucks i fucking hate your annoying ass please shut the fuck up go harass japanese men thirst trap comment sections and LEAVE ME ALONE
No. 2099488>>2100523
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I wish i had a lady to share a fat cigar with while we listened to gezebelle gaburgably
No. 2100832
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Your creepy sex pest orbiters are going to be so crushed to find out that there was no "ava lyn" lmao. That "islek" was never involved in any way, never spoke to you, never associated with you, and that you stole pictures of a girl in her teens and catfished the fuck out of everyone WHILE being a serial stalker and committing sex crimes and felonies ctfu. You need to move on for real because your entire life hinges upon all these lies you've told because you evidently have no other way to make friends or hold conversations. You don't want that groupchat to be blasted on twitter because there are several people to confirm the validity and NUMEROUS followers with years worth of post notifications to confirm the timeline. Shame on Chrissy for participating even though she new it was sexual harassment, vile, cruel stalking, and abuse. Shame on Jake for propelling it into something truly horrific and disgusting. Shame on all of you for what you've done and how you think you're going to go the rest of your life sitting on these extremely heinous acts of abuse. It's so funny how Rogan was right, Jake truly was an abuser. If everyone knew the full extent of what you have contributed to and how you point blank spent years sexually violating that girl, you would be exiled online for good and your grift would stop. You are so invested in your own lies and the things that you've done that it's like you genuinely believe you can get away with anything, including years of sexual harassment, stalking, catfishing, etc. You even made ai nudes. Your whole fucked up fantasy hinges entirely on the fact that your victim has no internet presence so you think she will never come forward or expose all of you, or that she's somehow afraid of you, when the truth is simply that everyone is fully aware of how unhinged you are and that you've casually discussed how you would murder her. Keep posting schizophrenic word salad and making up fake beef and accounts to distract from everything, it will only make these subposts more specific. We will leave no details excluded if necessary. You keep pretending that there are omissions or that you're somehow a victim, but you're just a dedicated liar and toxic narcissist who lives everything out online, and she isn't the only woman you've obsessively stalked. The only dangerous schizo here is you and none of the fake stories you keep throwing out into the void will ever hold a candle to what you have done. You think you're entitled to hurt women, I have never witnessed anything quite like it. Your "friends" are just a cowardly gaggle of hyenas tearing up scraps. Nasty little group you are, huh? No amount of burner accounts you create will ever change that its still you behind it. The fake icloud, the fake screenshots, all the weird explicit and bizarre AI garbage you've created–its all so nonsensical that only a moron would truly think you're a victim. Omg you're actually a monster, sunk cost fallacy is really on your nuts. The one-sided fable is only working because you have put a sincerely concerning amount of time, effort, and money to ensure so. The truth wouldnt require so much secrecy and you begging and pleading people to keep quiet and threatening and scaremongering anyone who starts to feel guilty. I don't think calling you a loser even aptly describes just how low of a person you are.
No. 2104442
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I really, really hope this doesn't all fuck up.
No. 2105157
File (hide): 1721964114847.jpg (50.28 KB, 640x655, 1000004089.jpg)

You have no integral personality of your own omg you are genuinely so soulless.
No. 2105665
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No. 2106644
File (hide): 1722040160906.jpg (53.59 KB, 754x1024, 1000004113.jpg)

I dont think many people exist who are as obsessive and pathetic as you and im being so serious unfortunately. You are still stuck in that same place and you still only feel anything when you're violating women. I don't understand what type of brain tumor it requires to be as violent and apelike as you.
No. 2109653
File (hide): 1722228734807.jpg (Spoiler Image,157.22 KB, 720x875, 1000004153.jpg)

Your posts are very damning in context. Care to explain to the class why you have such a focused obsession on the humiliation of women? Why you find sexual harassment thrilling? Why you have thousands of posts dedicated to such a sick infatuation? You're such a loser irl, of course this is what you resort to. Nasty fucking cunt.
No. 2111849
File (hide): 1722349743229.jpg (77.82 KB, 960x876, 1000037262.jpg)

Oh my god she didn't respond this is so embarrassing. Welp. At least I tried. I JUST WANTED TO DO SOMETHING NICE.
No. 2112215
File (hide): 1722366446966.jpeg (Spoiler Image,55.43 KB, 312x340, IMG_8996.jpeg)

>Retarded ex keeps making backhanded comments about my appearance our entire relationship in order to lower my self esteem
>Breaks up as a power play but gives up when I don’t beg for him back
>Ends up with a girl who looks exactly like picrel except with no lips and is obviously using him
Fuck you. That’s what you get for sucking up to people you hate.
No. 2112488
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I always feel like I'm taking up space.
No. 2120020
I like you. Whenever you text me my heart skips a beat. I don’t know what it is but I can’t help crushing on you. Whether it’s the fact that we have basically lived the same life. We have so many things in common. We relate to everything. We say what each other is thinking. We have the same beliefs. And to think we hated each other in the beginning. To think I ever disliked you is insane, because you are me. You are me from a different continent. You are ME. Even though you have a twin, we are the true twins. I feel sick to the core saying this, but I think I love you. And I don’t want to, at all. I mean you’re not even my type, at all. But I love you. And I can’t help but think of you all the time, get giddy when I see your name pop up on my phone. I don’t know when we will both just admit that we are probably soulmates. I just really, really like you. A lot. I wish I didn’t because I feel like the biggest fucking loser ever, and I’m sick of trying to hold it in, pretend like I feel nothing, pretend that everything we connect with means nothing. I feel so so so embarrassed. This is my biggest secret ever and you will never get this out of me. And I pray I stop feeling like this towards you and look back and laugh. But I do love you. I mean, when you don’t have your stupid moustache and shit you are so fucking cute. I love you, fuck. I wonder if you see it too. I wonder if you love me too. I wonder if you will ever admit anything to me. I wish I could just ignore you and never talk to you again. A I fucking like you and I hate it and I hope you never find out.
No. 2120318
File (hide): 1722740156734.jpeg (28.49 KB, 638x480, images - 2024-08-04T125415.349…)

Gender Ideology Hate thread at this current moment is making me feel so embarrassed even associating with lolcow
No. 2126370
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I don't want to give up hope, I want to stay here with you, but what do you expect me to do? I knew the good times couldn't last forever, I just didn't think they would end so soon. You mean a lot to me and were truly a light in my life, I love you and miss you so much. I hope this isn't the end. I hope it all meant something to you too. Come back sometime, 'kay? ♥
No. 2126518
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Sometimes I wonder why I bother trying to be funny if no one laughs. But it's all I am, if I'm not funny I'm nothing I'm a husk of a human being I'm a mirror turned in on itself the darkness suffocated me please laugh I'm trying so hard it's all I have even a pity laugh would be nice please please please please
No. 2126585>>2126587
File (hide): 1723092997283.png (Spoiler Image,551.54 KB, 742x742, when u nut.png)

You always tell people what they should do and how to live their life but you need to look in the mirror yourself. Being around you is like walking on eggshells. If I even give the slightest dissenting opinion, you aggressively attack me like a pitbull because your feefees hurt. Well, if you don't like it when people shit on you, why do you think it's ok for you to do it to other people? "Oh, I'm just blunt." No, you're just an asshole and that's why you keep losing friends.
No. 2133128
File (hide): 1723501685546.jpg (48.11 KB, 735x727, 1000038481.jpg)

I MISS YOU SO FUCKING MUCH IM GONNA KILL MYSELF WHY IS THE CARROT OF FRIENDSHIP DANGLED IM FRONT OF ME JUST TO BE SNATCHED AWAY FOR NO GOOD REASON RERREEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR. im losing it im losing it im losing it im slipping away. did you ever fucking care. you make me feel like this was all a joke, like this was just some experiment and you've collected your data so now you're gone. what the fuck. dont do this to me. you have no idea how much i love you. you better come back now before you lose me forever. i cant take it anymore.
No. 2133433
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Can someone fucking tell me why black women become such fucking pickmes for terrible black moids whenever race comes into question? I encountered this horrible comment by this woman some minutes ago but it definitely is not the first time I've witnessed something of the sort. The comment is replying to some white girl solo traveling in Africa how she got sexually harassed like 5 times in a single day by local moids. Same shit would've happened if she was Latina or Asian, so clearly attacking her for being white while disregarding her sexual harassment is just insane behavior.
No. 2136707
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No. 2137798
Guess what bitch? You're not a spiritual life advisor. You're a con artist.
Just because I'm trained to be nice to the people I work for doesn't mean I have to exercise that training with your haggard ass. I'm not going to be nice to people I think are con artists, fakers and liars, especially if they've burned me personally. I'm going to continue to speak kindly and professionally to people I am paid to provide service to, and unless you start paying me, I'm going to treat you like the person you've shown yourself to be - I have nothing to say to you, I do not want to engage with you, and I love to talk shit about you to strangers on the internet! If that bothers you, find the cleanest crystal you own and shove it up your ass, you fucking bitch. Can't wait until you move from here, and change your name again, and change your whole life story again to another group of people you can con.
No. 2138339
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he cut his hair and became a roidpig
No. 2138580
File (hide): 1723785023740.jpeg (74.38 KB, 736x654, 1710734014635.jpeg)

thanks for reminding me why i stopped talking to you, yeesh. after we drifted apart i idealized you so much in my mind, i forgot what you were actually like.
No. 2142199
File (hide): 1724010467324.jpg (49.03 KB, 1125x568, 1000003088.jpg)

Ctfu you belong in a zoo
No. 2143034
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a safe space where I can say it
2d dorito chin men are so fucking ugly to me now and I'm sick and tired of seeing them I hate that being a weeb is mainstream, I hate seeing the amount of weebs on this board and the uggos they fan over, I hate seeing weebs in mainstream media, and I just want the world to regress back into a time when it was uncool to be one so I can stop seeing greasy broccoli heads walk around in ahaego hoodies and and danger hair posers in shein goth outfits on tiktok I hate lolishits I hate fujoshits I hate shotashits I hate male weebs I hate the majority of modern anime weebs I hate husbandofags I hate waifufags and the slop they consume which has only worsened with mainstreamification and time!
you all deserve to endure what I endured and the pendulum will swing back in the other direction, you will realize you've wasted your time on degeneracy cucking yourself out of real relationships in favor of cardboard cutouts with facial features that would make them look like a deformed downie irl oh my god please see the light you dumb idiots before it's too late
No. 2143040
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Who are those people camping all day on lolcow just waiting for someone to slip up and say something kinda dumb to shit on them in the next 5-10 minutes ? I know this place is full of socialy inept women and faggots undercover and that the world is a shitty stressful place right now, but goddman, the nastiness is off the chart. And one nasty bitchy answer is always followed by a bunch of drooling retards dogpiling you, so they can get their little frustrasions out. Seems like some dumbasses have fallen for the "this is the female 4chan" meme.
No. 2143072
File (hide): 1724048533708.jpeg (95.5 KB, 1080x1076, IMG_7474.jpeg)

reptilian believing scrote please fuck off back to whatever basement corner you were dwelling in
No. 2143245
File (hide): 1724061477919.png (166.08 KB, 526x344, betsy.png)

I've paid women to keep me company and I don't feel bad about it because woman with woman is always more respectful than the other thing
No. 2143664
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i can't stop listening to the new bruno mars and lady gaga song
No. 2143715
File (hide): 1724088125015.jpg (15.2 KB, 480x360, 1000005656.jpg)

I'm yearning for a life I can't have.
No. 2144460
Tbh, I think it's something you say because you think you should. I'm far from beautiful, more like a 2 on the scale of 1-10. You even said 2 years ago that my face isn't your type, but that you love me anyways. I guess you meant well by it, but you shouldn't have said it like that. I know that my face before being botched was your type, and I don't blame you. I think that you're in some virtue signaling phase where you feel sorry for me but think that by dating me and calling me, someone who's not even close to being conventionally attractive, beautiful, is more correct than dating some costhot which you'd probably rather date. I feel like it's only a matter of time before you lose your affection for me and fall for some other girl who aggressively goes after you and is everything you actually wanted. I don't send you nudes or "spicy" pics like you probably wish I did. If I could afford to fix my face and other flaws, i'm sure i'd make you "feel butterflies" like you're wanting. You'd probably pay more respect to my opinions instead of arguing dumb shit 1/3 of the time. I remember when you were more in love with me and hung onto my every word. I'm pretty sure you've imagined your favorite costhot instead of me several times. The scenarios you describe are not unlike your favorite "scenes" (yes, I know about it. fuck you). I hope that bitch fucks up her face even worse someday.
No. 2146688
>>1923084ya allah the women you put on this earth to push the retarded husbando shitposting thread to #1938743926429 are in /g/ posting about their lame ass moids
ya allah the women you put on this earth to be ugly like you intended are shaving their skeletons and mutilating their bodies for moid validation
No. 2147506
you’re so brave and morally sound for bringing my absentee mother and abusive father into the argument when you have been spoonfed and catered to by your privilege your entire life. one day I hope you can come to terms with the fact that the earth doesn’t spin just because you’re walking on it, and with the fact that steadily increasing number of people who choose to stop associating with you do so because you’re a massive bitch whose only source of entertainment is dishing it out on all of the people you call your friends, not because there’s something wrong with the chemical makeup of their brains. but keep screaming bipolar at all the people who inevitably choose to leave you behind, maybe one day it work and they’ll come crawling back, kissing your feet and begging for forgiveness just like you really, really want them to! your teeth are ugly and your neck is way too long, and you DO look like a witch in that one picture, ugly saggy-cheeked hag, it was your soul peeking through and smiling for the camera. I wish you nothing but hurt and suffering in your coming years, farewell, good riddance!
No. 2147893
File (hide): 1724283066373.png (270.35 KB, 574x441, beryl.png)

>"we would really like to see you"
>literally only said that because I reached out first
>"oh haha i would as well. when do you want to meet?"
>doesn't reply for weeks and then several fridays later literally goes "can we try for this weekend? that should totally work for us"
>weekend goes by, ghosted again
>is literally posting photos with other friends on IG
You are always like this. You have never respected my time. This has always happened with everyone else I've known too. Why are so many people so shitty and half-assed at making plans? If you don't give me a very specific date and time, and tell me in advance, then fuck off. I can't stand that shit. You're clearly an unserious person.
No. 2147931
File (hide): 1724285534578.jpeg (38.01 KB, 450x600, 1722041247541.jpeg)

Maybe this is all a coma dream from a car accident and all of the annoying and upsetting things are my family trying to wake me up and when I wake up none of this will be real hallelujah
No. 2150138
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feeling hateful right now
No. 2154892
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I'm only doing this because I'm a sad petty baby and you're annoying the hell outta me. I love you but I wanna kick your stupid fucking ass. Get it together please I don't wanna be mad at you.
No. 2159352
File (hide): 1724964768250.jpg (393.82 KB, 1670x1448, 1000037255.jpg)

when you come back to nothingness i hope it makes a pit in your stomach and you know that you will have no one to blame but yourself. i hope you feel guilty. because i want you to hurt as much as i hurt right now.
No. 2164811
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ask to see the air force mop picture
No. 2167438
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I heard you're not doing good and honestly, that makes me really happy. That's called karma. This is what happens when you take the people around you for granted and take advantage of them. You thought you were so cool when you started partying and giving minors alcohol and weed like a lapdog, when you swapped your old friends for privileged college freshman who never gave a fuck about you in the first place. How does it feel to be financially cut off by your family? How does it feel to beg for rent money from people you've previously dropped? How does it feel to be the only person from our friend group still failing community college? Not like that last part matters anymore because you're cut off from daddy's money now. You must be depressed and stressed, because what new place will simulate high school for you now? Your new friends are probably almost done with their degrees by now and some have probably enrolled in university, completely forgetting about you. This couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. Fuck you
No. 2167538
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>telling the truth is deranged (vain bitch)
No. 2171898
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I texted my ex to say sorry to hear he’s lost his job (the business he managed closed down) and he just told me that he’s gotten married and is moving overseas in two weeks. We broke up April last year and in that time he’s met a woman, courted her, gotten engaged, had a whole wedding, and is now moving to a new country after getting laid off. I’d be lying if I said a part of me didn’t feel weirdly jealous but I feel more pity for the poor woman who’s going to have to spend the rest of her life paying his bills and spending 20 minutes waiting for him to get a boner any time they’re intimate. Life comes at you fast though.
No. 2180905
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bl/yaoi grosses me out so I kind of can't stand fujos, same with anything man on man. Moids in general are gross to me. I feel like a straight man who goes "eeeewww that's gay", but that's just how I am. My girlfriend laughs at me for it because her friends are fujos kek
No. 2181057
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I'm in a dillema to seriously commit suicide or staying alive. I even found a painless way to die, I wouldn't even care anymore stabbing myself I hate myself that much.
I've had depression for years and therapy isn't doing much for me (and fuck anti-depressants' side effects, never taking those.)
I hate that I can't make the decision to do it or not, wonder if my life will be better when my effort pay off or become worse and that I've should've ended it years ago when because my efforts are useless anyway.
And I hate the moments I have the intensive impulse to do it and other days when I try to distract myself I feel better but those are short lived moments. Because then the reality hits of me being a lonely loser with social anxiety
Only way to cope with my depression is distracting myself with drawing, listening to music, being on my smartphone most of the time and then it's back to shitty sad thoughts.
FUCK, I hate these shitty depressed and suicidal thoughts why can't I be happy like other people else?!
No. 2183169
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Reading some posts here feels like a sanity check. Sometimes I feel bad for farhmands. I can't imagine reading so much shit on top of whatever people write in their reports. Simultaneously dealing with schizos, baiters, newfags, and more. I empathize with previous admins who freaked out, I would probably do the same if not worse.
No. 2183328
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I don't hate Genshin on its own, to be perfectly honest I couldn't care less, to each their own, but holy hell do I hate its fans. I'm so sick of their fucking boycott shit, I haven't met people as smug yet whiny as Genshin fans, I don't even know why I bother being nice and try to help them with other games when in only a matter of days they will return to pull for the next picrew looking character, whining about how there's no other game like Genshin or whatever thing the company is doing that day. Not only the last person I liked who was a fan of that game became insane, but recently one artist I really liked deleted all their pictures and the first new pieces in their gallery are from that Zero Zone thing. I hate it so much, there are no words to explain this enough. I hate them so much.
No. 2185634
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Fuck you both. You put religion and how everything looked rather than the well-being of your daughter. All these years later I'm still bitter. You still treat me like I'm attention seeking too. No shit it pisses me off. No matter the amount of proof or people backing me up, I'm always wrong. It still floors me how you'll take other people at their word despite the conflicting actions and instances where these people drop just how shitty they are. I'm so tired of this game. It's not going to get better nor are you going to change. There is no getting around this. I'm breaking this shitty cycle. It's never been worth it, and I'm ashamed of playing your stupid game.
No. 2187917>>2187919
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I know this isn't exactly the right thread but I don't know where else to put it. Also I know this is extremely gay and retarded.
Can you miss someone you never met? He died just before I found his music and I love it so much. I keep imagining what kind of music he would have made if he was still alive. And I do feel like I miss him.
No. 2187927
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If everything is going so well why does it still feel so bad.
No. 2187954>>2188036
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>>2187759Thank you so much for bullying me during my formative years. I loved living in the same house as you so you could tell me what a failure I am and that no one is gonna love me except you 24/7. I loved growing up together. I love that the voice in my head that tells me to kill myself is yours. I love you and hope you go to heaven for your benevolence.
No. 2188006
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Lotta newfags bringing their personal drama to the boards lately and it's weirding me out.
No. 2188712
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so y’all have graduated to smoking crack now, I see, ok
No. 2189310
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I watch you date women, dump women, and then scream into the void on your handmade website about wishing they were me. I can't think of something more disgusting. It could have been romantic if you hadn't dated all those women trying to date me through them. That's so unrestricted.. like the opposite of exclusivity. And I also know what would happen if we dated; you would realize I'm not the virginesque naïve child you've created in your head (I'm a human being) and you will begin to compare the real me to your idea of me and begin to hate me because I'm "just like all the other women". But I recognized your behavior when I was still a child and now you're FORTY, DUDE! I'm only "the one that got away" for these kinds of men because I never let them get close to me and they've projected so many things onto me in lieu of my actual personality traits. You're just one of them, sending emails to the only thing I can't block them on. I never "got away" because I was never even there, my man. You are going to die childless and single because you're a lovebombing whore who thinks a body type is a type of person to fall in love with. I watched you hamfistedly try to get me to compete with another woman for your attention, I watched you wear the skin of whoever you were dating. You're such an old man it's fucking obvious when you get a crush on a 19 year old and start using the same emojis as her or you pretend to only be into some girl game for them. I never competed, I saw your personality in that 20 minute encounter and never spoke to you again. THAT IS THE ONLY REASON YOU THINK YOU LOVE ME. I am the ONLY person who truly knows you're a faggot loser. I know you're ashamed of being old and only date younger women so you can feel younger. You have all the money in the world but there isn't a miracle on God's green earth that could grow your hair back or get rid of all your practice tattoos and you HATE that. I had a crush on you- over the internet- during one of the worst times of my life for less than a WEEK. 6 or 7 YEARS AGO. I keep checking your site bi-monthly because I can't believe you can't let something that you never even had go. You are a freak, and it's been really nice to see that every woman you date eventually comes to the same conclusions that I did. Plus, oh my god, you break up and IMMEDIATELY try to boil that woman's blood by posting about me in the same day. That is so fucking grotesque to her and to me, you are a disgusting pig. And you're sat on your big aged ass daydreaming about the fact that I still have a crush on you out here somewhere in the world. I hope you feel so alone in your 40s and 50s that you contemplate REDACTED because it would be more respectful than continuing. You're so ugly. Nobody has a crush on you, let alone attractive young women with the world in their hands. You are so pathetic. Keep wishing I'd have a crush on you. You're like a sexbot comment to me instead of a human. I hope the ill wishes of every woman you've ever harmed causes you great pain and illness. You are spiritually dead inside. To love everyone is to love no one. Gross.
No. 2190413
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i wish that everything could be okay.
No. 2191022
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Ok. Picrel is you in like two years.
No. 2191030
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i forgive you.