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No. 2133586

Da Rules:
>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>all da /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching

last thread >>>/ot/2118328(duplicate thread)

No. 2133591

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continuing one of the threads from the last thread yes Hollywood is arguably colorist towards white people

with the ratio of white light haired light eyed celebs to white dark haired dark eyed celebs it's pretty clear who's favored and what's fetishized and you'll never see a brown haired brown eyed woman being shilled like the ent industry shills sydney sweeney

No. 2133593

I think I agree…

No. 2133596

I'm glad we're all collectively deciding to ignore the other shit thread with that gross pic. Happy that we as a community can come together in a spirit of resilience and strength. God Bless the Nonnies. God Bless Lolcor.

No. 2133597

….I forgot the other thread was even made ngl
Mods please don't redtext me oh god I forgot

No. 2133604

You're right. This is my own experience nobody asked for kek but my grandma hated me and my other brunette cousins and only liked my blonde cousins weirdly. She even had a professional artist paint their portraits to hang in her house. No pictures or fucking commissioned painted portraits of me or my cousins with brown hair. My mom even asked why and was told "because we aren't beautiful" kek yeah okay. Also anecdotal, I got hit on a lot more when I bleached my hair. I think there's even studies that blonde women are preferred when men are polled on which is more attractive

No. 2133608

Mods are busy taking one in the ass, they don't even ban the faggot racebaiter shitting the threads for hours.

No. 2133611

your unpopular opinion is that liking blue eyes is a popular opinion? wow thats multi level opinion inception

No. 2133612

kek that's how it was in my moms family, my mother was the "beautiful one" because she was dirty blonde and her sisters were both redhead and yet my grandma clearly favored my mothers looks. my mother looks awful with certain shades of blonde and would look much better with her natural color… but she fell for the blonde psyop hard and only stepped off it because it looked much harsher on her into middle age. my sister later fell for the psyop as well. Blonde looks worse on both of them because of their skin tone and I know it'd look bad on me, so I've avoided it all my life

I honestly see why some dirty blondes or light brunettes want so desperately to cosplay as blondes it's because being a brunette sucks, it always gets you thought of as mousy, goth or like studious or elegant. Never as fun.

No. 2133613

Yeah I can relate to your mum. In my neighbourhood I'm the "beautiful one" because of my shiny blonde hair that's naturally curly. It's a curse tbh I wouldn't wish being beautiful on anyone.

No. 2133616

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No. 2133618

Lol I don't think it is anymore? The masses outside of pornsick men are starting to understand that light colored eyes are often aging

No. 2133620

I'm wishing you uglyness sis, be strong for all of us, one day things will be easier.

No. 2133621

Do you live somewhere where lighter hair is "exotic"? I do actually feel sorry for you then because men who fetishize ~Anglo features~ are often so creepy

No. 2133623

I also think on some people they look creepy, ie Cillian Murphy whose light eyes deepen the intensity of his face

No. 2133629

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It's the pinned pupils. It's easy to associate them with like, predator animals. Brown eyes are warmer and generally it makes the pupils look larger and friendlier, more youthful etc. There's actually a movie where Cillian plays a guy with a crossdressing split personality and he's unrecognizable with brown contacts.

No. 2133630

>I honestly see why some dirty blondes or light brunettes want so desperately to cosplay as blondes it's because being a brunette sucks
Omg this just reminded me I was with my fiancé's family the other week, the entire family is naturally platinum blonde except for 1 brother has medium brown hair. We were playing a jackbox party game called Fakin It (everyone gets questions on their phone, whoever is the faker doesn't but has to pretend they did) and one of the questions was "raise your hand if you are blonde". The brown haired brother raised his hand and everyone was like "it's you!" but it turns out it wasn't him. He got so enraged over it too, yelling that no he is blonde blah blah. As someone with dark brown hair, it's very amusing to see people try to pass off as blonde when they aren't. Like dude it's fucking okay to not be blonde kek

No. 2133634

…he looks cuter like that

No. 2133635

I've got blonde and red highlights in my hair from the sun myself but I would never call myself blonde in a million years

No. 2133640

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This is also with makeup to make him look more sun-weathered and hiding his top lip so I agree, without all the posing he would've looked pretty cute to some but he also looks very ordinary. This was 14 years ago tho.

No. 2133641

>the entire family is naturally platinum blonde
Damn that's cool. I know this one girl from early childhood who had platinum blonde hair too and she was the only one who didn't grow out of having really light blonde hair like the rest of us who just had their hair turn dark blonde or brown. It's the only time I've seen that, natural platinum blonde is super pretty.

No. 2133642

meh he just looks plain here

No. 2133643

I had a friend that would call themselves strawberry blonde even though they had dark brown hair and were mexican. I guess they would see the sun shining on their sun-in highlights and call themselves strawberry blonde…? Sometimes you just have to let people see the world how they want kek

No. 2133646

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That was the goal of the movie, the makeup dpt put a lot of work into that. There aren't many pics of him with his natural resting face in costume. I know this is a hated take here but I love Cillian Murphy as a crossdresser.

No. 2133648

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His normal expressions are not compatible with the character so from what I remember, not only did they give him contacts and change his eyebrows/heavy makeup, they used that face-lift tape except to freeze the muscles that would normally hold his eyebrows up or something. So he was supposed to look soft/timid so the contacts alone aren't what's making him look so vastly different.

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