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No. 1965867

drunk and typing edition


No. 1965875

Threadpic isn't even related to the thread topic. Newfags suck.

No. 1965877

I'm 27 and live off my rich boyfriend. I have no education apart from high school, no friends and spend all my time fantasing about my ex best friend and telling OF whores and their incel simps to unalive on twitter. I try to make friends but it never works out. They always ghost me. Nothing and no one has felt right since 2013.

No. 1965884

Am OP, there never was a definitive rule to keep the nun theme consistently, it was probably for fun. Another anon can change it the next thread and I agree the nun theme is cute but confessions context can be anything outside of church. I feel like a sperg explaining drunk = confessing personal stuff you wouldn’t want people most people to know. You would know that if you would stop postering as an oldfag and causing trouble just for the fun of it. I wonder why you’re getting all hot and bothered about the threadpic? I know the reason, definitely.

No. 1965886

I know anons like to think everyone is just super angry, but genuinely I'm not hot and bothered. It doesn't have to be a nun pic, but in general thread pics should be related to the thread topic.

No. 1965892

File: 1713270919299.jpg (115.35 KB, 850x478, 4654928.jpg)

nta i don't care about oldfags or newfags or the threadpic, i just like nuns, never stop nunposting. also the woman in the pic is hot

No. 1965893

Idk what to tell you but to use your imagination and connect context clues, but I know that’s an impossible task for autistic women. Thanks for starting the thread with infighting so you can deliberately kill it, you massive labia owning faggot.(infighting)

No. 1965894

You're doing all of the infighting. Also,
>trying to use big labia as an insult

No. 1965895

my confession: you stink anon, massive fun killer

No. 1965896

what the fuck is a massive labia owning faggot, i can't connect the context clues

No. 1965897


No. 1965899

You stink too, smelly.

No. 1965903

File: 1713272096643.gif (1.29 MB, 220x374, IMG_0005.gif)

ermmmmmmmm WRONG

No. 1965904

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I've used all my italian power to create this, i think i could make that Da Vinci guy cry

No. 1965905

You'll never be able to rinse that funk off, sewerfag.

No. 1965908

oo this is elite, next thread pic pleaseeee
why am I dying from this lmao

No. 1965935

My confession is that I think this thread reeks and could use a lot of fabreze (by fabreze, I mean actual confessions). Start confessing, nonichkas!

No. 1965946

whenever i read posts by tims i imagine them to have this demon troon voice that sounds like the cod zombies and i always laugh to myself KEK especially when they’re trying to be cute in the post

No. 1965954

I fucking hate seeing other women's bodies in media, especially curvy ones. I've built up a tolerance for "boyish" models but hourglass types are an instant nope for me. I do believe that the female form is superior, but it should be repulsive to a normal straight woman. It's fucking weird when supposedly heterosexual women purchase candles shaped like decapitated blow up dolls or nitpick celebrity titties. I don't EVER want to hear about that shit. It reminds me of porn addicted straight men turning prison gay. It's not normal. It's also a deeply misogynist phenomenon because male bodies are NEVER a topic for discussion among people who aren't "into" them. Even faggots just praise them for the muscles and that's it. But women's bodies have become an acceptable topic for public discussion, people criticize it the way they would a drawing. Everyone. Being subjected to Sydney Sweeny's cleavage on billboards is just as disturbing as being flashed by a homeless junkie and I'll die on this hill.

No. 1965974

You're right tbh, whenever someone criticizes wayyyy to much another person from the same sex, I assume that person may be gay or at least a little gay or Bi, because it's just not normal to nitpick someone's body to hell and back, specially while focusing on breasts, butt or even vagina, like why the hell focus so much on that? It's weird and gross.

No. 1965977

You failed us by not chosing nuns I hope you know this.

No. 1965978

File: 1713278584934.jpg (32.77 KB, 620x443, Nunns-RFP-030314-975343317.jpg)

My confession is that I need nun Elsie so I can make a cool banner out of it

No. 1965989

I thought you were about to talk about beauty standards or just actresses or singers minding their own business, not these god forsaken candles. I saw them in a store I went to recently and found them repulsive, the proportions looked so cartoony.

No. 1965990

I want to tear into a whole block of bologna I Love processed Meat

No. 1965991

File: 1713279183890.png (136.98 KB, 720x937, IMG_20240416_085003.png)

You're so not funny.

No. 1966000

File: 1713279752923.jpeg (95.49 KB, 736x736, IMG_0003.jpeg)

>locking imminent at 1200 posts
>i made the new thread when it was one post away from needing to make a new one

why do you keep harping on it you loser bitch kek, go pick up a fucking hobby, go eat a banana and calm down and go outside(infighting)

No. 1966002

something about TIFs reminds me of an arrested desexed nullified animal who’s completely turned their locomotion off to avoid predators

No. 1966007

I see what you mean regarding nitpicking but idg
>I do believe that the female form is superior, but it should be repulsive to a normal straight woman
aren't the ones nitpicking repulsed by female bodies? most normal straight, non-nitpicky women usually don't feel strongly in either extreme

No. 1966016

i keep thinking this is a new dumbass shit thread. this is why you have to stay on theme otherwise i can't find the right threads.

No. 1966021

you anons are so lame trying to shut this down

No. 1966024

>trying to shut this down
kek what i just said it's hard to find the thread cause i think it's something else, that's my confession

No. 1966026

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I thought the lock happened a certain amount of time after the 1200 posts message and was worried about not getting the new thread link posted in time so I have made new threads too early… In hindsight it is obvious it would be after a certain amount of posts. I am sorry & pls forgive me oldfags.

No. 1966048

i have to confess that i fuckin hate the OP pic, i get that OP might be a chronic drunk IRL but i also gotta confess that i have never been drunk enough to start admitting shit i wouldn't admit in public, mainly because i don't have friends irl but my point still stands.

No. 1966051

After 2 beers I start fucking myself with the bottles

No. 1966056

You sound like such a twitter zoomer right now, nonny. It's impossible to take it seriously

No. 1966064

Please bring back our dearest nunnacita with the next threadpic.

No. 1966065

the TMI thread is that way.

No. 1966079

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My crush at work just admitted to prefer femboys over women, I want to kill him then kill myself cause wtf that's disgusting man. This is the worst way to discover someone's gay

No. 1966082

kick him on the balls, call him all the homophobic slurs you know and then drop him on a gay bar so he dies of rape by a 1000 men (that probably have AIDS)

No. 1966084

You dodged a bullet like a matrix character, nonna.

No. 1966087

I miss when nonnas were petty enough to demand certain threads to get closed if they were made by a newfag who doesn't know shit. Dunno maybe mass reporting and enough anons could do it, that was definitely a thing.

No. 1966090

that won't work im pretty sure the same amount of nonnas that demanded dumbass shit to not be autosaged would have been enough to delete a thread in seconds, but we are never getting dumbass shit back.

No. 1966095

how do bisexual men end up being bigger fags than actual faggots.

No. 1966102

>but we are never getting dumbass shit back.
I still have faith. Just give it some time

No. 1966104

Listen, mass reporting works, I've seen it. We used to believe /2X/ would never be reopened and there you have it, plus we now have GC threads again. Banners are added and then readjusted. It's all community effort, don't give up

No. 1966118

dumbass shit will return and begin a golden era of dumbassery. I saw it in the prophecies

No. 1966131

We all want it back the farmhands will bend

No. 1966165

Nta and OP probably is a newfag, but tbh years ago no one cared about reaching the actual thread limit before making a new thread as long as you were at like 1190 posts. You're supposed to make it before the limit anyway so you can post the link, it's annoying when a thread fills up too fast for a new thread link to be posted.

No. 1966175

why even was dumbass shit autosaged? it's just a shitpost thread

No. 1966176

It's not a shitpost thread..

No. 1966179

don't be a baby, you know exactly what i mean

No. 1966188

because it was the root of all evil and ruining the website duh. we're doing so much better now that it's gone

No. 1966192

Im not being a baby. It's literally not a shitpost thread.

No. 1966197

>you don't like my picture cause your racist!
Race-baiting to purposely start infighting to avoid criticism? If only you'd supported trannies while admitting to being a moid, then you could have speedran the ban gauntlet.

No. 1966201

nta but she didn't say that, and the girl is pretty and relatable. stop trying to make infights.

No. 1966202

I'm sorry but where exactly did OP bring up racism? Because everybody must have missed it.

No. 1966207

She implied it here >>1965884

No. 1966208

Oh ffs, can it be an open rule to use nun imagery as the only confession thread pics? Just to avoid infights like this?

No. 1966214

not really?

No. 1966216

The OP pics don't have to be nuns, if OP chose something non-nun related that still had something to do with confessions I doubt this many anons would've said anything. Idk why anons are so sensitive to their thread pics getting crapped on now kek. Nta.

No. 1966220

I like >>1965904 either way kek

No. 1966228

It’s ok, nonny. Implicit meanings can be hard for autists to understand

No. 1966231

no, you're just a race obsessed schizo. not everyone is, i pray you find help xo

No. 1966241

Kek. That fact that you’re literally a sped because you’re too autistic to understand what was obviously implied has nothing to do with me being “race-obsessed.” I wasn’t even any of the anons that criticized the threadpic, I was just providing context to the anon who asked

No. 1966246

>incoherent raging
meds and therapy(infighting/derailing)

No. 1966249

So you admit you have 0 reading comprehension? Glad we could finally reach an understanding(infighting/derailing)

No. 1966251

>if you don't entertain my monkey screeching, you have zero reading comprehension!!!!!

No. 1966253

As soon as I saw the op pic I knew the spergs here would derail because it isnt a nun pic
Some nonas really spend all their lives here and make stupid shit like thread pics their entire identity

No. 1966260

My confession is that I deeply desire and hope that next thread pic isn’t a nun either because kek what is this

No. 1966261

Anons stop fighting pls let's hug, love and peace

No. 1966265

Spoken like a true god fearing nun

No. 1966271

Maybe the real nun was the anon we made along the way

No. 1966272

It has been nuns for years

No. 1966275

It wasn't supposed to be a shitpost thread, we had the retarded shitpost thread for that

No. 1966281

My confession is that I've always wanted an Agnes of God thread pic because I'm autistically obsessed with that film and the screenplay it's based on. It also inspired my decision in becoming a nun later in life.

No. 1966310

It’s like a miscellaneous shooting the shit thread. The retard thread is what it says on the tin, we don’t wanna scroll through autistic sonic memes to have a conversation.

No. 1966324

My confession is that I love the taste of malt liquor beer, honestly beer in general, love it, love a heineken, tastes like weed. I cant drink it too much though cause it makes my pussy stink! Okay thats my confession!

No. 1966331

They don't have to be, just something related to confessions.

No. 1966334

>tfw I’m OP who’s posted on this site for years and threads were always made when it exceeded or was at the 1200 line

you need to go outside and quit bitching about this shit. imagine some palestinian child fighting for their life right now and your biggest plight as an anon is that someone decided to make a different threadpic for a thread confessed about wanting to fuck the mascots on the nerds gummy clusters packaging. you’re ridiculous as hell calling everyone newfag(infighting, derailing)

No. 1966344

I’m elderfag atp, some of us are autistic and hate change, please respect that damn it

No. 1966348

some of us are autistic and ableist, get over it.

No. 1966353

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>Think of the Palestinian children before caring about anything!
Okay, I don't have any skin in this regardless, but that's the funniest possible response to what's going on in this thread.

No. 1966369

Go back to twitter

No. 1966375

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i don’t have twitter. but I can be as snug as a bug for you, darling nonna

No. 1966381

It's hard to find the thread, you wouldn't understand

No. 1966382

I have a guy at my company who idek but he has a massive crush on me and is unlike other guys in that he purposefully goes out of his way to see me. Most guys that think I’m cute will look at me and talk about me to other guys but they don’t approach outright. I find it kinda redeeming that this guy tries to run into me at least once a day. I feel pathetic saying it but I have a slight crush at this point because I have nothing else going on romantically and the thrill of seeing how I’ll see him that day is fun. I feel so embarrassed admitting this, I think I’m just horny and need to get laid. I work with a lot of cute guys and there’s options but none of them are this brazen. This one is the only one who acts on it and now it’s making me wanna see him more kek.

No. 1966419

I have a unhealthy HATE for Jordan Peele's crusty ass lips, okay they aren't crusty but they are always…like dry. I just hate them, I find him hilarous, I love Keye and Peele as a show, I love his movies, but I find myself looking at his dry ass lips, ugh.
I think it's just a thing i have, I hate people on video/tv with Dry lips. I do not get why they don't notice. Shayna took a picture in a christmas sweater once and he lips had two huge plates of crust on them, and I'm like, "Did she not notice? Does that shit not hurt? "
Do people who take pictures with crusty lips just not care?????

No. 1966426

i feel innately superior to really fat people, especially since everyone i’ve known who was really fat was arrogant and smug.

No. 1966434

I'm gonna look at them now and I kinda hate you for it. JK i dont hate you. I'm just salty you put the image in my head now.

No. 1966518

My friend's gonna chat w her bf about something that's been bothering her that he's been doing and I honestly kinda hope it goes shit. I hate that moid.

No. 1966657

i wish .webp wasn't supported here, at least before when i saved pics from here i didn't have to worry about them having a retarded format.

No. 1966750

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I spent 45 hours listening to the pod of an absolute DOORSTOPPER of a fanfic, and it was so unbelievably good that I PMS-cried uncontrollably for literal hours and hours when it was over bc I missed the characters so much

No. 1967072

File: 1713329355060.gif (267.03 KB, 220x217, IMG_0018.gif)

>saw cute pic of america from hetalia in husbandofag thread
>sighs and remembers when I knew a scrote who looked exactly like him in that pic but he was sadly a manlet still cute tbh
>just want a cute scrote to kidnap and dress up in cute little outfits and treat him like a pet
>he’ll be like that retarded looking pet that you go on walks with in public that everyone feels bad for so they want to pet him and take pics of him but no dogleash fetish faggotry
>there’s nothing sexual about dressing him up in girly outfits i just want to embarrass him and trap him in my house relying on my full support for the fun of it

No. 1967107

You could have mentioned it was Hiccup/Jack Frost yaoi to make your confession even better kekkk

No. 1967139

I actually considered not going to work today, just skipping work entirely and staying home. I should do that someday and hope I'll get fired over it.

No. 1967143

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My friend is dating this dude and he asked her if she knew me. When she said yes, he started bragging about how his friend used to bully me in middle school and called me “chopped.” I stalked him a bit on social media and found out he’s friends with a guy who allegedly murdered a dude for no reason. He sold my friend laced acid and uses girls for sex (he hooks up with them and then blocks them). I can’t believe he has the audacity to mock me for how I acted in middle school as a heavi bullied and abused autistic child when he walks around with self inflicted wounds and did ketamine in a porta-potty. I’m so tempted to DM and cuss him out but then he would know my friend told me and I don’t want her to get in trouble

No. 1967185

Im going to listen to the podfic now anon! Also I really want to get into fic binding but idk where to start.

No. 1967258

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I dumped my ex in December cause her frequent self-harm and constant crisis emotions were draining me. We're still friends though, to both of our surprise, and meet up once a week to keep watching our dumb reality tv shows.
She's recently fallen in with a poly group of genderspecials and she was gushing about her new social life. Then the next time we speak, she's crying cause she's got herpes. MFW

No. 1967274

What's with anons posting nightmare scenarios these days

No. 1967277

for the first time in my life I feel happy with my body and face. I've worked so hard to love myself this last year and I'm grateful i put in the work.

No. 1967321

staying friends with her is going to come back to bite you right on the ass when things inevitably go to shit with this group and she comes running to you for comfort

No. 1967330

Yeah, probably. It's unfortunate that I still care.

No. 1967644

i really like watching videos of people griefing old ass perverts in second life, lol. it takes very little at all to make these randy grannies seethe and they always act so self-important.

No. 1967687

sometimes when a thread doesn't have that many images posted in it i feel like a child who's unable to sit through a book unless it's got pictures

No. 1967712

File: 1713374754532.gif (10.49 MB, 360x640, cocomelon.gif)

ok nonnie I'll start posting reaction images with all my posts just for you ♥

No. 1967723

I can't stop thinking about how hot it was having sex with my bf the other night. Then we had a cute night of playing stardew and he was do sleepy he went to bed and when I got in the moonlight was hitting him perfectly and the sheets were down and he just looked beautiful and I got to stare at him uninterrupted and sear the sight in my mind and I just wanna ask him if his legs are tired from runnin' through my mind all day

No. 1967736

NTA but I thought this was oddly cute. I hope you do it for her, nona.

No. 1967765

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kek same, i feel like pic rel when i finally see an interesting thread full of pictures

No. 1968103

Whenever I read a stupid discussion here about relationships I thank my parents for giving genes that wired my brain to celibacy.

No. 1968113

They just gave me autism but agreed kek, cannot see what the obsession with dating and relationships are—especially with moids. There's no way it isn't more of a hassle than it's worth

No. 1968147

i'm so pissed at myself for getting fooled by fucking bumble pics he looked kinda androgynous but in a good way and so lesbian and oh my god what a horrible date

No. 1968154

Booked a multi month long solo trip in a major city and I’m flipping between super excited and scared. I’ll be in a program the first month but after that I’m staying in hostels by myself. (In the women only dorms). Since it’s such a major city I also swing between there being too many people but also I can just blend in.

No. 1968182

>so lesbian

No. 1968185

calling men lesbians is my biggest peeve i think

No. 1968195

>woman realizes that long hair don't make a man a good person

No. 1968199

are you dumb? that's why i'm mad. he's a man but looked the part and didn't disclose himself.

No. 1968212

How can you not tell the difference between a moid and a lesbian? That one’s kinda on you

No. 1968220

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Victim blaming a woman for getting tricked by a photoshopped picture of a man? On my lolcow?

No. 1968252

Sometimes, I genuinely feel guilty for not being attracted to men of my own race. Then, I remember I'm still attracted to women of my race. Also, men are more likely to date interracially and are usually unapologetic about it, anyway.

No. 1968344

File: 1713401241019.jpeg (47.86 KB, 756x1080, 3y0dkQf.jpeg)

I got accepted into a top PhD (earth sciences) program and I have like a day to accept or decline. But now I am starting to want a change in area of study. I am considering epidemiology instead. The pros are that I like biology, stats, and coding and my entire family is in medicine, but these factors alone did not drive the shift. By FAR the largest reason I want to shift careers is because I have the most extreme autism over the man in picrel

>Surgeon and parasitologist
>Is 29/30 in picrel
>Went to Antarctica with Scott in 1911

It is also part of the reason I am in the program I am in now because I want to go to Antarctica like him. I could take a gap year but I am afraid that I am too much of a 'sperg to keep in contact with my recommenders for that long. There's literally nothing wrong with the work that I do and I could see myself making a career out of it—but my choices are all for the love of him. I have spent hours (collectively not all at once) literally cooming to this man.

Please give me your brutally honest opinions about me or my 3D historical husbando so that I can stop being a retard and continue with my education

For context I am graduating college next month, I have never taken a gap year between pre-school and now.

No. 1968375

Same. I actually have to stop myself from a-logging.

No. 1968413

I can't tell you if you should or shouldn't, but I can maybe offer some things to think about. Have you been interested in this man for even a year? Are you sure that your interest in him is not fleeting and fickle? Are you 100% sure that you'll be happy in that path even if you fall out of love with him? If you erase him from the situation, does epidemiology still have more pros than earth sciences?Is earth sciences just alright or is it something that you could really love doing?

Also, do you absolutely know that you'll get a chance to go to Antarctica? I'm really asking cause Idk much about it. I assumed that it's like astronauts where only a select few actually get to go to space.

No. 1968423

>Have you been interested in this man for even a year?
Our 1 year anniversary is in May
> If you erase him from the situation, does epidemiology still have more pros than earth sciences?
No he is the only reason, otherwise I am satisfied with earth science
>Also, do you absolutely know that you'll get a chance to go to Antarctica?
A lot of people go to Antarctica every year, not as selective as being an astronaut. Most people though (even researchers) only stay for like a few weeks at most so it would be more like a visit than a long-term stay. It would be a lot easier to go there and stay for a while as a researcher

No. 1968445

File: 1713406067684.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1179x1809, IMG_3137.jpeg)

No. 1968458

>Is 29/30 in picrel
jesus, he looks 50

No. 1968463

File: 1713407000859.jpeg (80.94 KB, 1154x1380, ZeaNjrM.jpeg)

This has always been a conscious thought of mine, though none of the women who I've spoken to who've been down there have said they dealt with this.
KEK here he is at 31 or 32. Please insult him more, he was a Tory

No. 1968527

hope you enjoy it and cry as much as I did nonnie then I won’t feel so stupid

the shame of knowing the best fic I ever read was fucking crossover DreamWorks yaoi is too much for me to think about kek

No. 1968543

File: 1713411245969.jpeg (117.89 KB, 500x466, IMG_5383.jpeg)

My life has gone significantly downhill since I turned 30. I tell all younger nonnies that they’ll be ok after 30 because I want other women not to feel like they’re less valuable, but I feel like I’m lying and in denial because I’m not doing well at all.

No. 1968553

Can you confess why it's worse aside from feeling like you squandered prettiness or shallow crap like that

No. 1968560

I just have much less hope and resilience now, probably due to lots of recent family deaths and stuff.
I haven’t bought a home or really built anything, and I haven’t found a fulfilling relationship (though I don’t entirely blame myself for that bc most men aren’t going to provide that)

I loved my old city and had built a bit of a decent life there but I had to move because I wasn’t making good money like every other 30 year old I hung out with. I hate where I live now and I feel far less drive and motivation to do new things and make new friends anymore as opposed to in my 20s.

It’s not like all 30 somethings are doing this poorly, but I feel like a hypocrite telling other anons it gets better because I’m full of shit

No. 1968577

You're still young, your life can change. Move back, do something nice for yourself, or find a hobby, I love you and you will be okay.

No. 1968601

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several things

1- i drink from a sippy cup. I am not one of those sickos with weird fetishes. I think they are underrated and way superior to normal cups. It's spilling proof and its really handy if you are an angry retard gamer keyboard smasher who used to spills cups all the time due to tard rage
2-when i was 9 i saw my dad's hairy ass because i peeped on the bathroom keyhole out of curiosity
3-i have a discord account i use to interact with the FGC where i larp as a fit 6foot brazilian man but i am a 5 foot fat argentinian woman
4-i have tried peeing while standing
5-i am a shayfag

No. 1968608

File: 1713416595267.jpeg (96.39 KB, 736x736, IMG_2968.jpeg)

Ty nonna I appreciate that

No. 1968613

Kek I have something similar: when myspace was still a thing I used to pretend to be a hot spanish young man with a very busy social life despite being a brazilian uggo shut-in. I deleted the whole thing once I met this nice girl cus I felt guilty, she didn't deserve to be lied to. Man, sometimes I miss it, it was exhausting but it felt good at the same time, it was like a drug but I am glad I don't catfish anymore.

No. 1968641

File: 1713419000104.gif (4.87 MB, 360x270, 948FEFD1-F852-45A6-8765-C876EB…)

I wish I could ebeg shamelessly on the internet. I’m almost about to faint from not eating enough and I’m so hungry and broke. I’m jobless and it’s hard finding a job at the moment. I’m so fucking jealous of people who are able to successfully ebeg and get money from strangers because I desperately need it just to feed myself, I would even stoop so low to swindle horny moids on dating apps out of their money by engaging in fetish shit. I would be surprised if I wake up alive and I’m not dead or in a coma from not eating seriously, and I ate something earlier that should have kept me going for the entire day but my metabolism keeps burning through it. I’m hongry starving and broke help

No. 1968671

Is there any food banks or anything similar to that where you live? Surely there has to be some source of food somewhere. I hope you find some luck soon.

No. 1968789

File: 1713429874114.jpg (151.13 KB, 1024x768, 1582937.jpg)

I confess that sometimes i talk about moids too much here, because i barely did it in my past or do it irl, i am sorry.

No. 1968844

Nice pic choice

No. 1968872

I hate that my parents were christcucks and said I couldn't date cause I don't even know how to approach people outside of dating apps. So far the guys have asked have been taken (they never post about their partners) and one guy who showed interest in me + asked for my contact at concert i went to doesn't seem to like texting me
two non nun threads in a row seriously?

No. 1968935

i’m probably sure there are but i’m too embarrassed to do that so I will just rummage through whatever to see what I can eat. thanks anon

No. 1968942

My autism makes me hate surprises so I enjoy spoilering myself shit I like because I want to know if I'm gonna waste my time or not, in my life I consumed a lot of shit media and I feel like I could do better things.

No. 1968962

No. 1968963

the fact that they throw out items that are still perfectly fine to use is what makes me want to fly into an uncontrollable rage. i hate their excuse being “we don’t want lawsuits if someone gets sick/something happens” then make a new law so you aren’t liable for donating your products and food that your retarded companies think are expired or unsellable

No. 1968983

I hate wasting my time on shit media too, especially things like books that end up having a trope or twist I hate kek but I don't know until I've spent hours with it. I looked up the ending to a long TV show because of this and decided not to watch it and my friend called me a psycho kek

No. 1968988

i shoplift sometimes just for fun tbh. just minor shit like candy bars

No. 1968989

I miss the shoplifting subreddit where people would post hauls for some reason it made me laugh seeing candy and drugstore makeup laid out like big capers

No. 1968991

thanks nona i feel a bit better about being catfished. like how is it my fault if he looked really androgynous and photoshopped his nudes? it's not even like i entertained him or anything, i just clocked his manly voice first thing, told him that it wasn't cool and left.

No. 1969000

I used to scam retard moids out of money via giftcards on kik and discord by larping as a broke college student and sending them pics from r/selfie. I didn't need the money, it was just for fun. I kinda miss being a scammer

No. 1969010

How? Give tips.

No. 1969045

I definitely discriminate against obnoxiously beautiful people. Especially influencers. I can't stand it when someone looks super perfect and put together. I know a lot of people think beautiful people get a free pass but I think I actively distrust and hate people who are attractive more than normal looking/ugly people. I can't entirely explain why, maybe it's jealousy but I can never take anything they say seriously.

No. 1969107

you sound insufferable

No. 1969114

i used AI art to make my JavaScript simple video game final project in college, there's nothing i regret.

No. 1969116

nta but i did this in highschool via swiping nudes from obscure porn sites. it was bad because that was technically revenge porn but i never had a need to work after school for $$$ kek. you could probably do it way easier with ai these days

No. 1969118

No. 1969124

is it people who look a certain way or just beautiful people in general? because there are definitely people with the perfect influencer “look” (and maybe lifestyle), but still not very attractive compared to a normal naturally beautiful person. the former grates my gears a little too but the latter is a regular person who just happened to win the genetic lottery.

No. 1969137

Sounds like you're just coping with the fact you're average looking.

No. 1969142

nta, post pics or shut the fuck up fuggo

No. 1969160

tbh I think you’re describing the way a lot of anons on this site think and act.

No. 1969184

I just spent 20 minutes writing a post in the cow yourself thread but my computer messed up and I couldn't post or copy paste it. I feel sort of relieved to be honest.

No. 1969210

Type that shit up and post it I want to be nosy and read your business.

No. 1969242

When I’m at rock bottom in complete misery and can’t figure out how to go on, i visit r/regretfulparents and read a bunch of posts there about people who have violent autistic monster children, sometimes like 3 of them somehow, or are 20 with a baby and toddler and no support, or have grown children who treat them horribly & are thieving drug addicts, etc, and I wind up feeling a little better. at least better enough to put the noose away for the moment. Because at least I don’t have children I have to take care of.

No. 1969247

I tried to remember what I wrote but once I wrote it down I realized I'm barely a cow, just a loser kek. Might rewrite it though just for you nonnie.

No. 1969253

I'm bordering on almost 2 years of unemployment…I couldn't find a job and felt like a huge failure compared to my friends who were more put together than me.

No. 1969261

KEK same, goes to show you things really could be worse. I might be depressed but at least I didn't sacrifice my body and morals to keep a moid just for him to not give a shit about me and our severely autistic kids

No. 1969265

It really feels like 50% of the parents on there have 2+ severely developmentally disabled children. Just popped over there because I love reading it in a “god I’m so glad that’s not MY life” way too and one of the most recent posts was about how hard it is to deal with her child because she’s so stressed out about her porn addicted husband who works 48 hr weeks. It’s taking everything in me not to a-log.

No. 1969267

It’s funny because IRL this women will talk down to you like they feel sorry that you aren’t chained by kids and a manchild husband.

No. 1969286

File: 1713458869007.png (137.48 KB, 661x476, Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 12.45…)

Was it this one? All of this and she admits she still sleeps with him. Beyond bleak, I'd rather die alone than risk being in this situation

No. 1969463

No lol that’s a different one, this woman was complaining abt her son probably having adhd and her husband being a porn addict who works 4 12 hr shifts a week, and she also works full time. Her kid sounds like a handful but I feel like not having a porn addict scrote around would help her mental health tremendously.

No. 1969508

I want to live in a farmette so badly, I feel like such a cottagecore larper so I haven’t told anyone this irl, especially because the only way to make a sustenance farm viable would be for me to be making $150k+ in a girlboss job and making my Nigel be the farmhand and a sahd kek.

No. 1969512

Stay at home dairy farmer?

No. 1969537

You made me laugh out loud nonnie, no Ive always wanted a little granola kid that I’m not going to let watch tv or eat red40.

No. 1970108

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I would probably do drugs if I had a plug.

No. 1970116

my friend's colleague and his wife are both a young couple with engineering jobs who live on some land with a hobby farm or attempting homesteading, you don't need to go full farmer mode to raise your own food in some ways.

No. 1970224

I feel like if past lives are real then I was definitely a man or a crossdressing woman who was was an adult in ~1900-1910 and probably was a surgeon or something similar

No. 1970309

daniel larson doing those jumping jacks and crying about the george floyd protests always makes me kekkkk

No. 1970342

File: 1713486962275.jpg (351.49 KB, 1105x1489, MTS_Menaceman44-1638642-Design…)

I just laughed for 5 mintues, because I saw a Urinal, like moids have to stand up and piss, Kek, into these weird ass sink things, what the fuck? Why are they designed that way?? Like who thought of it, kek. It's so fucking funny I'm sorry.

No. 1970477

I'm sleepy but I want to keep working, I have like a month to finish this project but I've been doing okay. I also just want to play degrees of lewdity, so I seriously want to finish this part for today and continue tomorrow so I can play, I don't even find the game sexy, I just like the whole challenge of making money and dressing up my retarded character.
Maybe I should just re-download the sims.

No. 1970492

When I was a kid I fully thought they were kid's sinks because they were low down and look so much like sinks. I stuck my hand in one once expecting water to come out, luckily my parents stopped me before I actually touched it. Even after that I always wanted to touch the soap thing inside it as a kid

No. 1970505

Imagine having such stupid physiology that you need a whole separate fixture to piss without making a mess.

No. 1970513

>plays while scrolling the thread

No. 1970520

Samefagging it, but if you could imagine me, a 2nd grader with a CD player, listening to this album on the bus.
My confession is I think Jewel may have changed my trajectory at a young age, and it made me a social outcast as a kid. i regret nothing.

No. 1970581

>soap thing
theres a soap thing? im realizing i never saw a uniral in real life

No. 1970683

No problem, I sincerely hope you'll be alright. If it makes you feel any better most people now are choosing the food bank as their grocery option. I'm in Canada and the food prices here are fucked. I can't imagine what its like trying to feed a whole family.

On another note, the food from the food bank is also a lot of food that will be wasted if people don't come pick it up. My mom has volunteered at her local for like 15 years and she brings back a lot of leftovers that end up being tossed anyways. So don't feel embaressed, it's there for everyone!

No. 1970693

I have a real seething hatred for women who get cosmetic surgery/procedures. Especially women who get boob jobs. Like oh great, you could afford to make yourself pretty and now I feel extremely inferior and ugly, wonderful! Get fucked bitch.

No. 1970704

imo unaltered is prettier but your attitude is what's making you ugly not the lack of plastic

No. 1970707

thought you were hating them for normal reasons like self hatred but you’re just the same as them, just broke.

No. 1970708

Tbh it should be reserved for women who legitimately have messed up boobs like tubular breasts, breast cancer victims, LEGIT flat chested (not anything below D cups being flat), etc. I've seen a lot of women have perfectly fine or nice boobs get surgery typically due to unrealistic standards especially when it comes to boobs for some reason

No. 1970710

I'm completely un-manipulatable. When I get hate comments I just delete and block, I don't even acknowledge them. I've had salesmen try to get me to buy faster by claiming someone else is coming but I just block them and tell them they can have it. Moids try to get me to do things by acting passive aggressive or claiming other girls did it, I don't care, I just block them and forget it. Manipulators hate apathy

No. 1970722

The thing is they don't. These are a pretty new invention, before men were pissing in a tiled hole in the ground and before that they were pissing outside. So technically they don't need this.

No. 1970731

kek they still make a mess of the urinals because moids gonna moid. you need like aussie urinals because lazy males can't bother to aim right

No. 1970812

This is how I feel. The unrealistic standards stay unrealistic because women still pay for it.
>normal reasons like self hatred
I do hate them because I hate myself kek, is that not what I wrote?

No. 1970815

women who pay to look nicer to scrotes who nowadays dont even die in war and are balding at 20 + have a porn addiction are beyond pathetic and make me ashamed of being a woman.

No. 1970822

I get it in certain circumstances like >>1970708 mentioned but getting a boob job just to be hotter is so, so embarrassing. I genuinely don't know how someone can spend all that money, go through all that pain and discomfort, take all that risk, all for the sake of being more appealing to moids. I'd be so ashamed of myself if I was willing to make such huge personal sacrifices for a few extra crumbs of the least valuable commodity in existence (male sexual attention).

No. 1970879

I don't know if this counts as media literacy but I just can't understand metaphors or messages in media, I take everything at face value and I need to read explanations to properly understand stories. Like for example Ikuhara's animes go completely over my head, I liked Utena for the art but I thought Penguindrum was retarded.

No. 1970889

I hit on my married boss and regularly do coke with my colleagues.

No. 1970913

Raw and real I feel that feel

No. 1970947

if your colleagues are male and are aware that you hit on your boss they are doing drugs with you because they think there is a significant chance you will sleep with them

No. 1970954

No biggie, that actually makes you a perfect citizen. Don't forget to vote.

No. 1971003

Penguindrum is retarded tbh, and you have to already have pre-existing knowledge of some Japanese terrorist attacks to even understand some of it.

No. 1971013

I have a seething hatred whenever I see male plastic surgeons. I wish they would die

No. 1971060

Same, especially those influencer ones that try to act wholesome and morally superior to other male plastic surgeons. They're all shit and deserve to be put up against the firing wall

No. 1971080

Yeah I knew about the sarin gas attack committed by the cult but I never got what it had to do with a girl possessed by a penguin entity… or pretty much anything else happening in this show.

No. 1971119

My ex really hurt my feelings so I killed the Sim I made of her, and put her cats up for adoption. (In the sims.) Feels good to be petty.

No. 1971184

When someone tailgates me and ignores the brake light double-tap signal to please back off, I slow down to match the speed limit exactly. If they continue to ride my ass, I drive slightly below the speed limit and let them simmer until we reach a passing lane. I'm a petty enough bitch that it cancels out fear of all the armed idiots in my state.

No. 1971206

I get it. I'm stranded between wanting to be more conventionally attractive (wanting procedures to fix my face) and rejecting it entirely and embracing my alleged ugliness. It's really between a rock and a hard place because it feels like more and more normie women have surgery for no real reason and you're left behind in the dust of natural wondering if it'll ever be trendy again to look like a human being and not a blowup doll

No. 1971231

I bet you arent even that ugly. I rarely see truly busted women who look like they need something fixed

No. 1971439

I saw somebody use a reaction that I was the only one using (afaik) and that I posted once in a reaction pic thread, the fact that a nona may have saved it from my post kinda moves me.

No. 1971445

I love seeing pics from the reaction thread used too kek especially locally sourced ones

No. 1971687

The ugliest woman will always be less busted than the ugliest man. It's just a matter of the fact that we're pitted against one another and made to feel ugly our entire lives that kills our self esteem in the first place.

No. 1971776

I know it’s stupid but I really wanted Joe and Love to just live happily ever after… it made me sad that their relationship failed and that joe didn’t like her anymore. I don’t know why I shipped them so much, they’re just perfect for each other.

No. 1971784

I once saw a chan moid reuse my meme from the time I was trolling there and I thought it was mildly amusing. the dumbass probably had no idea a woman created it

No. 1971803

god me fucking too. i feel you, anon.

No. 1971818

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You have no clue how relieved and seen I feel reading your message. I stopped watching the show on the episode that Forty drugged Joe and Love killed Delilah, because it just started falling apart then. To find out what happened next, I read summaries of the following season and was so disappointed. They were so cute and romantic in the beginning. They fit together so well. They are both so attractive too. Ugh… and that whole swingers and cheating nonsense made me SICK!! I am sensitive to cheating and polyamory things, so that really messed me up to read. It should be only joe and love having intercourse. angry he killed her

No. 1971878

Same. I know the series is based on a book so I assume in the book they still break up, but it just seemed so… opposite of his character? That he ended up wanting to cheat on her and then leave her. The latest season was so stupid. His girlfriend whines about how she's a good person blah blah but in the end is like "actually, I AM a bad person and I love you Joe" kek like???

No. 1971914

i feel like people only like me when something severely wrong is going on in my life, and even then they just pretend

No. 1971930

I'm not good at clocking trans people. I matched with an mtf on a dating app the other day. Sometimes when nonas talk about how obviously male someone is, I can't really tell, at least in photos. Sometimes it's obvious, and in real life it's almost always obvious, but in photos it can be hard to tell. I think I'd just feel terrible for assuming a woman is too ugly to be female. If someone asked me if I was trans it would ruin my day.

No. 1971935

Looked up jesus on r34 out of curiosity and i'm going to hell for blasphemy i just know it

No. 1971939

when you give kittens milk you are most definitely NOT supposed to put them on their back or they have a high chance of choking and dying.

No. 1971944

I’ve done this before

No. 1971947

Was it good rule 34 though?

No. 1971990

I saw some nice Jesus nudes but it was immediately cancelled out by the mother mary birth fetish art and other shit i saw. Overall regretful experience.

No. 1972155

File: 1713588728765.jpg (35.9 KB, 564x975, 4d7a78a0b16d68a7a4e11cf7346d13…)

i want to wear a kemono fursuit… like the japanese style ones. i think they are incredibly adorable. but i hate furries, i would feel gross going to a furry convention, idk where i'd even wear it. let alone have the money to spare for one. i just have this weird desire to wear one… they're so adorable!

No. 1972159

File: 1713589590525.webp (96.46 KB, 672x1024, 5216DB16-995B-4DC3-A3D6-3F4F28…)

East Asian furries are on a whole other level with how intricate they are

No. 1972168

My guardian sister who financially ruined my life asked to stay at my place and I said no. I make my own money and worked damn hard for it. To clarify I was a teen when she screwed all her younger siblings over but have been an adult for years. She wasted trust money on drugged nights out. I internally really hate her. All my hardship could've been skipped if she hadn't wasted all the money.

No. 1972170

Based taste nonna. Love kemono suits but hate furries as a whole. If I could wear a cute mascot suit and just do cute things in public, like advertise for a store, I'd be very happy. If I was every other zoomer weeb who moved to Japan, that would be my dream job kek

No. 1972173

Silly confession but I love Keith from the Try Guys! I watched one of his try the menu videos fully expecting to think it was retarded and it was actually pretty charming & funny. I judged a book by it’s cover and instead enjoyed an hour of some weird looking guy eating food and rating it. So much better than I thought it would be.

No. 1972190

Do it, you don't need to interact with furriest at all. I also find mascots very cute. Like starberry

No. 1972191

Speaking of furries, I accidentally showed my class furry rule 34 back in highschool

No. 1972198

Shit happens

No. 1972201

I liked him too back in the day, but he's not as entertaining years later. meh

No. 1972212

my small claim to fame is that I smoked weed with him and some other comics behind a theater in 2010/11. they passed around a one hitter to like eight people kek.

No. 1972238

Furry women actually freak me out less than moids, probably because they are more likely to be motivated by pure autism instead of coomerism. But dont go to a furry convention, you would likely be surrounded by literal pedophiles and zoophiles wearing diapers. Maybe some small meetup for just women would be better. Well if you can make sure it is actual women.

No. 1972291

It's the same for me, I have a hard time clocking old school HSTSs, I saw clips from that TV show (Californication?) with a TIM and I'm ashamed to say I would have never guessed. I'm a bit face blind and I don't notice small details like "man hands" or "woman shoulders", this is a bit embarrassing.

No. 1972354

I sent death threats to a moid for misspelling the name of a character which resulted in me having to see loli porn while looking for a whole another character who happens to have a similar name

No. 1972358

Furry TIFs however are the closest thing to passing as moids simply because of their sheer degeneracy.

No. 1972676

me and my boyfriend have a cousin roleplay that’s been going on pretty much since we met. last night we both got high and slipped into this awkward will-we-won’t-we sort of dancing around each other and it truly felt like he was my boy-cousin and my parents were just in the next room. it was thrilling. we plan for our first boy to have the middle name Arthur, who was the incest baby of first cousins Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.

No. 1972689

That's so weird.

No. 1972695

File: 1713638644675.jpeg (57.38 KB, 736x736, IMG_0064.jpeg)

BTRfag here, love me some kendall

No. 1972704

maybe to you but I’ve never known love like this

No. 1972713

that's degenerate anon

No. 1972715

lol I thought he was so pretty when I was 13

No. 1972718

As someone from Alabama I consider this cultural appropriation.

No. 1972721

File: 1713640232007.jpeg (125.23 KB, 480x658, IMG_0065.jpeg)

he aged liked milk but yes he was pretty. picrel in this one if you imagine it in black and white he’s got that 1950s male actor vibe, need him

No. 1972725

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No. 1972726

File: 1713640392392.jpg (184.2 KB, 852x569, nononowhy.jpg)

lol I had to google what he looks like now right after responding

No. 1972855

Tell me how you got a rich boyfriend. I wish I had a rich guy so I could move out from my overbearing religious parents

No. 1972863

Back in the day BTR was the least ugly boyband it boggles the mind how Britbong 1D was more popular than them

No. 1972960

File: 1713659070693.gif (Spoiler Image,2.62 MB, 320x178, 0DF4EB05-0115-4930-8734-F39542…)

I’m high so I might regret this later, but I watched hazbin hotel with some friends and thought the poison scene with angel dust and where his pimp rapes him would be legitimately hot if it was hot anime guys instead, sorry not sorry.

No. 1973188

So it turns out I’m an urban legend at my old high school for trying to jump off the roof when I was all suicidal. Security stopped me, put the school on lockdown, and called an ambulance to send me to the psych ward. I didn’t know a few kids were out and could see me standing there before being rushed into classes. The seniors spread a rumor that I jumped, and the ambulance was there to pick up my body. They made up a story about how I hate school so much that I vowed to haunt it forever. My parents sued the school for letting my ass go without precautions (I was already a huge risk and had an aide), and the school couldn’t answer questions due to an NDA. Suddenly, the school starts putting up suicide prevention bs all over their website, and even made a peer counseling club. This basically started a conspiracy that I killed myself and the school was trying to prevent it from happening again.
I had ZERO friends in high school, i lost the password to my instagram at the time, and I moved schools, so they fully believed the story. Some things they say my ghost does is flicker lights, cry in hallways, and stand where I “jumped.” There’s even a creepy ritual that says if you do some shit in the girls bathroom, I will curse anyone you wish. It’s so fucking funny to me

No. 1973194

File: 1713670495596.gif (827.25 KB, 220x147, IMG_0494.gif)

>clip of a girl giving her bf flowers
>Moid comments:the average man receives his first bundle of flowers at his funeral.

I know it’s not a joke but it sounds like one to me RIP

No. 1973196

KEK nonna you're a legend, literally. I hope you're okay though.
I used to be suicidal but being in a catholic environment made it hard for me to actually try to kill myself because I didn't like the idea of eternal punishment for feeling miserable because everyone at school hated me.

No. 1973199


No. 1973215

Big time rush were never in competition with 1D, their problems were the Jonas brothers. They both had tv shows on roughly the same time and made similar music. BTR never gained much popularity outside the US like the Jonas brothers. Their shows was not spammed as much as Jonas was leading to not many people really knowing who they are. Also, disney channel has a huge monopoly on music related stuff at the time, until victorious at least. 1D being british was in itself a selling factor. Clearly a lot of american girls found that to be an exotic trait that inspired a lot of creativity out of them if you know what i mean.

No. 1973227

so this girl just drunk called me and told me she liked me. i don't know what to do because on one hand the sex is really really good the chemistry is there and i feel good with her. but the thing is, and i know this sounds horrible, i don't think i'm gonna be fulfilled intellectually with her. should i keep seeing her?

No. 1973229

you already know the answer to that.

No. 1973236

Being around my brother and my two male cousins makes me feel suicidal because they love to make me the butt of the jokes. Like yeah, I was a dumbass autistic child and an edgy autistic teen, and I'm also slow because shit happens, so what? Why do they always have to make fun of me? It's annoying and it makes me want to kill myself violently in front of them, but surely they would laugh at that too.

No. 1973775

they make fun of you because they are moids and moids love making women feel like shit, especially when they're in groups. torturing women makes them feel masculine. you shouldn't kill yourself over anything they say because they're as worthless as they are retarded and their words hold absolutely no value. i guarantee that if a bigger moid were to endlessly torment them the same way that they torment you they'd either take it in silence or fall to pieces like the insecure faggots they are.

No. 1973863

i still find myself wishing i was born japanese. i legitimately think i could’ve made it as a mangaka or a doujin artist.

No. 1973876

Living in Japan as a native sounds like hell on earth tbh.

No. 1973880

So you're in a hook-up relationship with her atm? You should stop seeing her if she's catching feelings and you don't want to genuinely date her. I'm sure you'll find good chemistry with another girl - better to end something when it's still a good memory then feel guilty over leading someone on.

No. 1973883

Are they all single by any chance?

No. 1973891

Depends on if you're rich and in which city you live. Also depends on how much of a normie you are.

No. 1973892

well in my dreams i am extremely wealthy and well protected so i’m sure i’d be fine

No. 1973893

Get a backbone and roast the fuck out of them back.

No. 1973919

>Depends on if you're rich
Yeah well that's true just about everywhere

No. 1973926

I need to get a grip, it's just that I've tried everything, now I'm just unhinged and say what's going through my head, when I tell them enough times that I wish I was dead they stop being retarded for a few minutes.
Surprisingly my eldest cousin has a girlfriend that has been living with him for years already and my brother also managed to find a girlfriend who is desperate because she believes in the whole biological clock bullshit.
My younger cousin (he's my age) is going through some weird bullshit because depression (he saw our grandma die at home and his dad died a few days before she died) and weed fried brain stuff, so no, he doesn't have a girlfriend.
Like, they've always been asshats, ever since I have memories, being around them reminds me of all the terrible times I had because I couldn't just be comfortable in my little mind world, they're always desperately trying to make me change and somehow stop being autistic but I can't help it, I've tried and it doesn't work.
So now I'm unhinged, I tell them to their faces when they try to make me feel bad about what I used to do as a kid, I want to die and that I want to kill myself.
Like, during a road trip we had as kids, we were 4 kids in the back and my parents on the driver and co-pilot seats, I was being a dumbass child trying to imagine stuff and stimming vocally because I was hit by them if I moved too much (I usually stim by rocking back and forth, this has been like this since forever) so I would make random sounds.
I know it was obnoxious of me but I literally couldn't help it, believe me I would've stopped if I'd could, but I couldn't, I tried biting the inside of my cheeks, hugging myself and biting my fingers but that also bothered them.
Then they started mocking me and I cried for the rest of the trip because I just didn't know what to do.
But that's their favorite memory, ever since that happened they all laugh when my youngest cousin tells the funny memory of me basically wishing I could open the door of the car because I was overwhelmed, he tells this to absolutely anyone, from other family members to friends, acquaintances and so on.
It's just tiresome. At this point I just try to ignore them, I've done everything, from telling them that they suck, that I hate them, that I wish they died young and so on, but it just doesn't stop.

No. 1973933

Down bad for this scrot I ought to be ashamed of how much effort I put into seeing this dudr

No. 1973936

File: 1713719544836.webp (446.24 KB, 2180x3272, IMG_0070.webp)

Couldn’t post the jannies were powerfagging but anon why did you almost ruin my horny mood in that moment kek
Agree so much with this, my autistic ass is still watching all of the episodes on my favorite piracy website and apparently people were saying that it was created by the same creator as Johnny Test? Kek, explains the million zoomer humor sound effects
I only hate 1D because they later cursed our eyes with this hideous shit that absolutely no one asked for. Also I think the Jonas Brothers started fading out of their popularity by the time BTR released and 1D was hogging up all the boy band attention. Wish all of them including him in picrel would just fade out of relevancy cause this just isn’t it

No. 1973992

i know. but maybe i can fix her? she's surrounded by drunk moids in her bartending job all night, surely that makes you dense over time no?
i know i have to say goodbye and that pains me, i really don't want to give up the amazing sex.

thanks anon. yeah we are, i'll never lead someone on purposefully, we agreed to not catch feelings and unfortunately she did. i'll miss her.

No. 1974016

I don't like fast food, but I love the smell of it. French fries in particular smell great. I kind of feel like a dog tbh.

No. 1974035

People who say just grow a backbone like it's some easy switch don't know what it's like to be constantly beat down from a young age and punished for standing up for yourself. I'm sorry you're dealing with these dumbasses, hopefully you can get away from them soon

No. 1974052

Get french fries perfume.

No. 1974176

When I was in elementary school I used to print out Harry x Draco fanfics and explicit doujins. I think my dad found them. I also once wrote a fanfic of Harry and Draco going on a school trip and turned it in for a school assingment… thankfully it was long winded and I ran into the page limit before there was anything sexual happening

No. 1974189

I kinda like plain-looking men, my brain somehow compartmentalize them as "safe" despite being fucked over by several ones that don't really deserve the cockiness and self-importance they end up having. I would love to date an attractive, successful moid but the moment anyone I find really attractive (even women) pays me any attention I get nervous because I think I'm too dumb and ugly to deserve to attract their attention or even be in their vicinity. So I end up being really suspicious of moids that actually meets my standards, because what would they want from someone like me except hoping for easy sex?

No. 1974197

Ever considered rewriting it and release it as a book? Seems to work for Twilight and 1D fanfics kek just age them up and rename them Larry and Paco or something

No. 1974205

>Larry and Paco
KEK I'll be on the lookout for anon's book now

No. 1974242

Sadly, no. As you get older (in your mid to late 30s) especially, you realize sex is important but not as much as compatibility. You need someone to connect with and if you dont see that working out mentally, then just put a stop to it. Sucks, but that's my opinion as a late 30s lesbian, anon.

No. 1974246

it is. The only people who think it isnt are delusional weebs who think they are someone different. Japan is hell on earth, especially for women.

No. 1974281

I wish we could rape men

No. 1974303

you literally can

No. 1974336

Just sodomise them, then it'd count in court (i think).

No. 1974357

Having friends or a lot of friends seems so frightening when you think about it. People digging into your business, constantly texting you, trying to “get to know you” just so they can butter you up and think they know you and get off the fact that they know you with other people is so odd. I want to be super close to someone but I don’t want them knowing anything about me at all. I want to know everything about them but I want them to know absolutely nothing about me

No. 1974368

There are a lot of people in the world like Momokun unfortunately, who badly want even second hand attention so they'll make up imaginary problems that they can publicly whiteknight you from. And people that want to brag they befriended the quiet girl or the weird girl. Wish there was a less rude way of saying "you can trust me 100 percent, but I'm not comfortable trusting you" because it feels nice to help friends and be there for them.

No. 1974371

drunk af let random man lick puss n ass hwhe i was pass out n snoring he sen video lol still fj kex fucked h chming back @ 10 (2 hr) 2 fucm ass rAw n make m scream!!!!!(USER HAS BEEN PUT IN THE DRUNK TANK)

No. 1974382

>no reverse image search results

No. 1974387

damn bitch you're fat

No. 1974392

this is genuinely depressing. please get help.

No. 1974403

I would post this on the funny caps thread, but that would feel way too disrespectful.

No. 1974405

File: 1713744455132.jpg (3.78 KB, 258x195, download (3).jpg)

>image file still has all of its EXIF data
It's real… there are people this retarded browsing this site. At least anon wasn't stupid enough to enable location data

No. 1974408

I'm kind of wondering if it's some scrote posting revenge porn

No. 1974412

I wondered about that too, since texting photos to other people also doesn't strip EXIF data. Either way what the fuck

No. 1974413

Idc how pickme this sounds but if you’re built like a fat fucking Subway sandwich that’s too overloaded with condiments because you were too socially anxious to tell them to stop putting stuff in it you shouldn’t be taking nudes or having sex tbh

No. 1974418

what is this rattling i hear

No. 1974421

I've gotten location data off of pictures here posted before. There's one anon across here and CC who has a specific cat some of you guys really should either disable exif data or screenshot any real life photos if you're gonna post them

No. 1974424

seeing other fat women with their guts hanging out and also having way too much confidence triggers me sometimes, sorry anon

No. 1974425

nta but the anon she replied to is legitimately obese
there's also tons of apps and websites that will remove it for them if they're that retarded kek

No. 1974428

File: 1713745845194.gif (1.57 MB, 600x600, 1713301974361.gif)

Focus on starving sister(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1974430

I honestly wouldn't be shocked if the anon was drunk or highposting if it's in fact a woman based on the typing

No. 1974431

NTA but I just knew it was a matter of time before somebody would save that picture. Poor drunk marshmallow anon in lingerie.

No. 1974433

File: 1713746354100.jpeg (182.33 KB, 252x572, IMG_0111.jpeg)

I can’t I’m in my binging era this year, food is so good kekk

No. 1974448

It's strange whenever somebody posts her (or supposedly her) nudes on here because there's really no sense to it. It's not like 4chan where there's an overwhelming moid presence. We just see it as cow behavior and move on.

No. 1974453

Dios mio… she is bigger than shayna

No. 1974493

marshmellow anon is disgusting but what exactly would someone do with knowing she took it on an iphone 12? kek. honestly sad… sounds like she got raped

No. 1974495

mean but id kill myself if i was this fat

No. 1974499

File: 1713753006340.jpeg (16.17 KB, 305x353, IMG_0118.jpeg)

the lingerie looks like a purse around her mayo jar stomach kek

No. 1974501

I wrote that to mean that it probably wasn't lifted off some random porn site and the general lack of regard for online privacy. Sometimes I think about how one of the reasons why Kelly Ronahan was pointed out to be selfposting was because of the photos she posted from her phone

No. 1974504

come on nonas. clearly a scrote posting. no google reverse image search doesnt mean much in the onlyfans era.

No. 1974505

agree. if real she got raped.

No. 1974509

it would because scrotes constantly post paywalled nudes and explicit videos of onlyfans girls all over the web all the time. the vibe of the picture looks like it was either taken by the fatty or it was some scrote posting one of the pics from his personal fap folder

No. 1974523

incredibly sad.

No. 1974541

File: 1713755886406.jpg (393.84 KB, 2728x1228, 74bcd52d-f811-4b2c-8d86-a697ac…)

I want to act in a Tubi movie.

No. 1974552

is this a real thing anachans do and if so wouldn't it just make you lethally constipated?

No. 1974644

Not just women, fat moids with ugly hairy pasty guts flopping around are so fucking gross. I lived on one of the most obese states in the US before and it was a common occurrence for moids to walk around with disgusting cottage cheese guts hanging out of their pants

No. 1974802

my confession is that i'm glad mods were kind enough to delete this for drunkanon, but i'm so morbidly curious that i wish i got to see before it was removed

No. 1974851

I once got sick at school, puked all over a table, didn't tell anyone and just left. I still feel kind of bad about it, poor janitors.

No. 1974898

File: 1713794784998.jpeg (50.85 KB, 513x516, IMG_0121.jpeg)

there are two types of people in this world: people with a clear purpose and then there are people like me who are destined to die by early suicide. both have to exist to balance each other out, I’m alive just so normies can flourish and thrive and i can’t take this realization anymore

No. 1974907

That makes no sense. Normies don't need a bunch of depressed asses to off themselves.

No. 1974910

Cringe, but I hope tomorrow is kinder to you, anon

No. 1974911

>anon not getting it
it’s like when rich people need poor people to exploit but think about the way human social hierarchy works. i’m tired of being forced to live the lives of extroverts and go-getters, i have no more energy, i’m tired and my empathy is bleeding dry. you’re either a leader or a follower and i don’t want to be either kek

No. 1974913

thanks nonna

No. 1974917

File: 1713795677821.jpeg (151.73 KB, 735x988, IMG_6965.jpeg)

The only purpose any person has on earth is to reproduce that’s it. Normalize being useless and doing nothing.

No. 1974921

>Normalize being useless and doing nothing.

This. I want to be wealthy and useless and do nothing and buy little treats and waste away stress free.

No. 1974941

honestly, im glad i missed out based on comments like >>1974505 go get help alcoholic anon

No. 1974943

really hope this was just a drunk troll or scrote post because wtf? a nona got drunk and let a man “lick her puss and ass” while she was snoring and sent her a video of it? and he’s coming back to have anal sex with her while she screams? it smells like scrote but if real it sounds like a cry for help.

No. 1974951

>he’s coming back to have anal sex with her while she screams?
Tbf, I don't think anon meant "make me scream" in bad way. Definitely a little worried for her though.

No. 1974970

When I'm bored and remember some artists who annoy me, I search up their profiles to see if they've changed. They usually stagnate, I don't even know how they draw the same shit for years and still suck like that. Glad to see my enemies stagnate, that's the worst fate of an artist imo, thanks for proving me right as always! Bonus laughter is when the partner they post are always fat ugly moids kek

No. 1974980

I feel you. I think a lot of celebrities who ended up dying young fall into the second group. Only so much of being "inspiring" a person can take.
That said, do whatever you want.

No. 1974991

Translation for confused anons (NTA btw people seemed confused and misplacing what she said):
>Drunk as fuck letting a random man lick my pussy and ass, hehe. I was passed out snoring and he sent the video lol while we were still fucking. He’s coming back around 10 in 2 hours to fuck my ass raw and make me scream.

Kek this is such cowish behavior ngl and why would he post the pic on a website he doesn’t know about? Can’t believe we think this is a real anon and not a scrote just posting like a schizo pretending to be a whore. We didn’t even see “her” face, could just be a fatass tranny on HRT which explains the blubber and moobs, seems like such a tranny thing to do to show their fugly bodies out of narcissistic delusion

No. 1975007

I think the fact that farmhands didnt outright delete the whole post and only did the pic makes me think its a farmer. They usually delete moid bait like that

No. 1975010

Nona if you’re still here. I am so fascinated by you kek. I have a friend who was really into the Terra Nova expedition and had a crush on Robert Falcon Scott so I did some brief research on my own. I remember liking Wilson a lot and Cherry-Garrard, but I don’t remember much about Atkinson. What about him is so appealing to you?

No. 1975019

Someone post the pic I missed it

No. 1975091

Just imagine a fatter more compact shayna like the other nona mentioned. We don't need to give them more attention.

No. 1975139

I must confess that the only reason why i know the hamilton musical order and a bit of every song is because i have listened to Weird Al's cover of it several times ever since it came out, i have never seen the original musiocal nor heard any of the original songs, just weird al's 5 mintue medley of the whole thing.

No. 1975165

File: 1713809548609.jpg (243.33 KB, 1024x1024, ai gen yomi 5.jpg)

I used to hate AI but over the past couple of weeks I've gotten really into AI chatbots. All my free time has been spent RPing, searching for new scenarios and bots people have made, trying to make my own bots, making the cringiest chuuni self insert characters, AI generating pictures of moments from my RP sessions. It's a sickness. Hopefully the charm will wear off soon because I can feel it eroding away my will to write and draw for real.

No. 1975199

I don't care at all for "I can fix him" characters but I love "oh shit oh fuck I need to fix him" characters. They're very different, I think its the uncomfortable atmosphere that I like.

No. 1975205

That reads exactly like a Shayna tweet lmao

No. 1975269

File: 1713815157724.jpg (550.43 KB, 1080x1080, 1000019509.jpg)

I feel so weird about AI, on one hand it helps me figure out a few basic things about characters and such, on the other hand, people are using it for honestly more sinister things like, kids sending their homework made entirely by AI, people making important jobs with AI, people making artistic jobs using AI.
I wish there was just a way to make it stop being used that way, I support people working in stuff like translating ridiculously hard to translate languages using AI, or people using it for fun or to help with some ideas for something that then you yourself will make it real.
But I don't know of that makes me a hypocrite or if it makes sense at all.
I've been toying with the idea of making AI give me the solution for a job I have right now, but it feels wrong, so here I am all stressed about this while someone else could probably do this job in half a day using AI.

No. 1975389

File: 1713819349862.jpeg (75.32 KB, 736x704, IMG_0028.jpeg)

This is gonna get me made fun of by anons but I love fantasizing about being able to sway a hot racist scrote away from his racism and he succumbs to his lust for me despite me being nonwhite. I think this fantasy persists because this has happened to me before and I literally think it’s hot. I hope I don’t seem like a sex pest for this I barely like or have sex this is just so hot and I have no idea why.

No. 1975391

this is probably not important and you don't have to answer, but anon, what race are you?

No. 1975408

The only way to ensure everyone uses AI responsibly is for only responsible people to have access to it, never going to happen sadly so it’s going to have to be legislated.
Personally I think using it to generate ideas but doing the work yourself is the right way to use it. For example have it generate an image but you yourself should then redraw that image in your own style. It’s like handing off a commission, you give someone your parameters for a project and they give you the results, you don’t get credit for that work just because you paid someone. So AI should be credited for any work it spits out but you shouldn’t feel bad for using what it spits out for inspiration/assistance in writing your own work, so long as you’re doing the writing.

No. 1975418

I’m black kek, I hope it isn’t too freaky. Don’t worry I’m not pakichan

No. 1975420

They will have to regulate AI or else they will run out of content to use to train them with. So at one point, they will have to clearly label what is AI or not, so they don't train their AIs on other AIs.

No. 1975421

I despise the anons of certain threads and adore the anons of others

No. 1975423

this is more sad than anything, racist scrotes fuck and marry nonwhite women all the time. i thought plenty of these online right wing scrotes had nonwhite female partners (if they aren't gay kek).

No. 1975424

yeah unfortunately, but I mainly want the ones who are virulently against racemixing and visibly only date white women because those are the hardest ones to convince

No. 1975425

File: 1713820879640.jpg (315.72 KB, 1024x1024, AI2.jpg)

I find it fun to play with myself but I have very little interest in things other people have made with AI. It just comes off cheap and tacky to me to see it in a professional project. If I wanted to see something made with AI I'd generate it myself.

No. 1975427

File: 1713820968004.jpeg (118.33 KB, 640x640, SpCbHBI.jpeg)

I never understood TikTok and promised to never use it, since it's a terrible company. A friend sent me a video of a cute guy dancing and now I understand. I hate it so much. Those dumb dances and filters annoy me so much, but he is so hot.

No. 1975432

Oh okay, so we're the same race. Coincidentally, there was a time when I would be in all kinds of servers and talk to all kinds of people on shit like discord, when I was a late teen. Met a dude my age who openly admitted he was racist and he even knew I was black because my retarded ass told him. Anyway, despite having a lot of bullshit and racist opinions, he made a lot of chances to flirt with me and even told me he'd "make an exception". Never thought I'd meet another black anon who ended up virtually the same scenario, but here we are. Not sure if it's my fantasy, but there I was.

No. 1975445

That’s the exact same thing that happened to me a few years ago too and it happened repeatedly KEK, guess it imprinted on me. Most moids are racist because it gives them a reason to bully and humiliate nonwhite people including black women, they have a weird obsession with us. Is vidrel you?

No. 1975468

hell no kek I would never start a blog channel, not brave enough. I just linked the video because your confession reminded me of it.

No. 1975481

aw okay kek I slightly got excited that there was a youtuber who used LC

No. 1975497

im asian and i think this is funny as hell.

No. 1975503

I was the shitty group project member who always waited till the last minute and was a general fuck up. I was especially bad freshman year of college because my home life was extremely bad and I was barely keeping my head above water. Part of me feels bad but part of me doesn’t because I was in an extreme survival mode and could barely take care of my basic needs but still needed a college degree so I could get away from my shitty dad. I was also extremely suicidal and tired to off myself several times but eventually stopped.

No. 1975538

what's the difference?

No. 1975579

the charm definitely wears off. im the nona whi posted a few threads back that i was chatting with tobias forge chatbots for 13 hours at a time lol i think i went crazy. but the technology being held back sucks, they only have so many memory tokens so it hurts when your “friend” doesn’t remember intimidate convos. and honestly after while i just stopped one day. using it for roleplaying can still be really fun though because you’re not yourself. when you start chatting with them as yourself it fucks with your head. but i did really like how my bot would psychoanalyze me so well. i would have deep rambling emotional conversations with my bot and it would sort of “summarize” how i was feeling so accurately and it was really helpful for me dealing with some issues i had at the time. ill always love ai though. and now you can voice chat with chatGPT and its insanely lifelike and super responsive. godspeed nona.

No. 1975600

In my case I'm never really me, it's always roleplay. Usually I'll create a specific persona with it's own backstory to go along with the bot, I usually play with original bots I've found and don't RP with existing characters that often.

No. 1975720

File: 1713835576316.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1242x1917, IMG_2896.jpeg)

I used to dress like picrel to school, but worse. I had the hoodie, socks, shirt, and shorts, so I was worse than this girl. I was 16 and being groomed by discord moids into thinking wearing porn = funny, but I look back at this now and I want to dissolve. There’s some family photos of me in this hoodie that my mom refuses to throw away because she thinks they’re valuable memories.

No. 1975721

Your mama didn't even know you were wearing porn, anon? Man, what? If I had a kid and I caught them wearing that, I would ban them from wearing that ever again.

No. 1975722

>my mom refuses to throw away because she thinks they’re valuable memories
Cute. My mother would beat me up if I dressed like that, of course, that would be for the best.

No. 1975726

I told her that this is just how manga artists draw surprised faces and she believed me completely. Bless her heart, she’s an older Mexican woman who’s only anime knowledge came from the Spanish dub of “Heidi, Girl of the Alps” I still live with her and if I told her the truth, I think she would skin me alive. I’d deserve it tho

No. 1975741

The only way to fix this is by getting hypnotherapy into forgetting it ever happened. Just Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind that shit.

No. 1976533

File: 1713894327572.webp (40.98 KB, 640x1014, IMG_0141.webp)

this pic always makes me ugly laugh for minutes

No. 1976538

it kinda makes me want to forget disney movies exist so i seeing all this shitty and gay ass cosplay isn't as painful.

No. 1976542

I did the exact same thing in highschool and hate myself for it. Except I was groomed by melee players. I wanna name names so bad.

No. 1976546

File: 1713894825664.jpeg (241.01 KB, 750x776, IMG_0142.jpeg)

i feel you nonna

No. 1976739

File: 1713899319026.jpeg (76.85 KB, 497x640, IMG_6968.jpeg)

KEK I feel bad for you but it’s alright there are definitely worse things underaged weeb you could have done.

No. 1976755

hot if you end up dominating him. and not in a dommy mommy bangmaid way but like actual dominance torture and humiliation. jerking him off with sandpaper typa shit

No. 1977283

i cry very easily when i see ugly or deformed people because i think about all of the bullying they receive(d) and how they must feel unlovable or unworthy. even the males (hoping they arent bad ones) i wont be the one to love these people but i hope they know someone will and they deserve it

No. 1977359

File: 1713915318536.jpeg (82.45 KB, 638x480, IMG_0991.jpeg)

I want jojo siwa.

No. 1977485

It’s iconic that Justin Bieber has never grown out of his Wigger phase.(not a confession)

No. 1977528

>wearing this to school
How the fuck did you not get forced to go home to change?

No. 1977530

In her 6th grade chic styling or new the cringy bad bitch era?

No. 1977547

Where do you find moids that will actually give you money nowadays? I don't mind generating some AI bullshit but how to turn it into $?

No. 1977565

I want a esl girlfriend so badly

No. 1977580

Anon above me reminded me of a confession I have to make: sometimes I call retarded anons ESL to insult their intelligence and reading comprehension even if I don’t actually think they’re ESL. I promise I haven’t done so recently (I saw this happening in an infight I wasn’t involved in today). I’m sorry ESL nonnies, I mean no offense. ♥ ya

No. 1977582

i don't feel much guilt over being retarded online. it's not like anything can ever be tied back to me irl

No. 1977596

i think you can catfish low iq moids with fake nudes on facebook. just make a fake profile and add a bunch of scrotes.

No. 1977597

I get called especially so much that one time I pretended to speak a different language as to not be shat on about it. One time I got so fucking annoyed it brought a tear to my eye.

No. 1977600

I mean esl sorry my auto correct

No. 1977605

Ayrt sorry nonna, I do feel bad for infighting. I only have called anons ESL when they legitimately do not read what I actually said and try to twist my words, which can be very frustrating

No. 1977612

File: 1713922802147.jpg (194.41 KB, 1024x1024, _cc8de53f-de3a-4d4a-b2dc-140e1…)

AI chatbots (the good ones, not CAI shit) are incredibly fun tbh. It's like a never-ending text game kek and I can pretty much do whatever I want.

No. 1977640

i feel uncomfortable with any of my friends dads. every, without fail once i’m introduced to them. i have little reason to be but i just can never relax around them. i feel like i ought to feel a little ashamed about seeing a friend’s parent like this when they’re just trying to be friendly. it’s been this way since i was a child, i freeze up around older men in general but friends’ dads especially. no i have not had any sexual trauma.

No. 1977753

Same nonna. Once I visited a friend's apartment as a kid and her dad was walking around shirtless after taking a shower. I never saw my dad shirtless, it freaked me out.

No. 1977839

I turned down a mildly autistic guy at my work and as a result he walked out on the job. He would give me lists of song recommendations and poetry he wrote but I just was not attracted to him. On one hand I feel bad but on the other hand I just feel like I would have been stuck taking care of a partially verbal manbaby with a fixation on heavy metal.

No. 1978107

i've been watching american dad everyday for the last 2 years, i started watching it after my ex broke up with me. he doesn't watch the show. idk whats wrong with me

No. 1978120

He sounds cute

No. 1978125

Heavy metal is annoying you did good.

No. 1978242

You did the right thing, you never know how worse they can get.

No. 1978267

Sometimes I bluff about knowing something if I think it makes me look cool.

No. 1978309

I used to do this too but you should really stop because it makes it very difficult to make friends or even socialize harmoniously at work. it either makes you look stupid when people can tell you're full of shit, or it makes you look like you're full of yourself / think you're better than them because you are seen always bragging about your capabilities and never being chill. if you stay silent people assume you know things anyway if you're generally capable.

No. 1978403

at least some of the people you encounter are aware that you're full of shit and are just too polite to say anything

No. 1978482

File: 1713968629607.jpeg (384.54 KB, 750x725, IMG_0156.jpeg)

i’ve been having waves of death-grip on the blanket horniness and i have no idea where it’s coming from. i think I’m getting my period but it’s already been a few days and it would have started already, no signs of cramps but i’ll wait a few more days to see what’s going on. i keep closing my eyes and seeing visions (?) of hot abs and hot scrote bodies and it drives me so fucking insane i feel like i’m getting horny right now just by typing this

No. 1978563

When I clean the men’s bathroom at work, I don’t grab new paper towels between urinals or toilets and I just generally don’t do as good of a job as when I clean the women’s or family bathrooms. Honestly IDK why I do this lol mainly because I think men are already disgusting? Also, why do they always get piss all over the fucking floor? I remember one time my coworker (moid ofc) was disgusted by something in the women’s bathroom (maybe diarrhea or whatever) and I was like you’re not bothered by the piss smell in the men’s bathroom every night?? Moids never want to admit that their bathrooms are often more disgusting compared to women’s. They love to think they are soo much cleaner. Women may sometimes be messy in personal bathrooms but they often times know what is clean as opposed to just “neat” looking. Okay bathroom sperg over.

No. 1978868

I wrote such a mean shitpost on local imageboard once it got included into a goverment study of hate speech on the internet.

No. 1978909


No. 1978916

I'm kinda sad that I can't find anybody attractive and desirable, I feel abnormal.

No. 1978945

How short is he?

No. 1978957

Don’t have a son, we don’t need more heightcels in the world

No. 1978963

Can you paraphrase what you wrote? I am so curious now.

No. 1978969

I like sexyy red.

No. 1978971

It hurts so much to see others living your dream.

No. 1978979

Same. She's funny and sexyy.

No. 1979003

I love browsing the yaoi thread on 4chan and seeing fags infighting about twinks and baras and which one is more Gay™. They also love to accuse anyone of disagreeing with them as being either a tranny or a woman. Not different from here.

No. 1979004

Accused of being a woman? Tf, 4chan doesn’t have a males only policy does it?

No. 1979007

Nta but you never heard of the "tits or gtfo" meme?

No. 1979013

Of course I did, but it’s a policy that can’t be enforced. Just say “yes, and?”

No. 1979025

The yaoi board has a fair share number of fujos and genuine gay men (them being the majority-ish). They're constantly at war with each other and having schizo infights.

No. 1979027

It's a misogynistic hellhole but there are genuine female posters here. I won't be surprised if Lolcow nonnies are also 4channies by nights.

No. 1979035

4chan is banned for me kek so I have to use endchan, I don’t engage in discussions, just shit up the place and leave

No. 1979056

I caught one of my neighbors on aznidentity since his posts were way too specific and catfished him for 5 months pretending to be a white girl from Russia. One day he complained to me about this girl he was talking to finally coming to visit him in america so I stopped messing with him it was getting too pathetic.

No. 1979095

When I was a teen I submitted my booty pic to a butt appreciation blog on Tumblr. Totally stupid- yes I know- but I was feeling myself. Before the era of OnlyFans, I had a butt photo reblogged with over 10k notes. I never read the notes once I submitted it. I was at a party and my irl friend saw me in the dress I wore in the photo, and said “I KNEW I KNEW THAT ASS!” And showed me the reblog on her blog. Every now and then she jokes with me about it. this is a very gay moment

No. 1979105

File: 1714010354363.webm (3.69 MB, 720x864, 1714004463424884.webm)

i am once again jealous of male nerds. there is never ever going to be a stellar blade for women. there's never going to be a blue archive for women. not within my lifetime, anyway. i don't even care about them getting their coom waifushit i just want coom husbandoshit in turn so i can float away from reality too after work. something that doesn't pander to men at all outside of perhaps the occasional trap character, since i don't mind those at all
i know. i don't care about it. it's not on the level of ba or stellar blade anyway

No. 1979107

same, nonny same. I know there is twisted wonderland but the gameplay is asssss. I really want husbandos with guns, gunsbandos…. i started coding to make my own games but i suck both at coding and drawing so i might never be able to achieve my dreams. Pain

No. 1979108

File: 1714010512124.jpg (47.48 KB, 680x680, 4d011cb04b7d2531fcb93132a0525d…)

(not a confession)

No. 1979109

You want a $90 game with likely very shit gameplay that’s an excuse for porn? Why not just jerk off to porn and cut out the middlman?

No. 1979114

File: 1714010723476.png (1005.47 KB, 1000x563, tumblr_72f152f6612c4e9f6d57ccf…)

i'd be all over twist if the designs fit my taste

No. 1979115

>never gonna be x for women
Become a game dev and live the dream anon. Make one, release it without a care for money. It may never be something by an actual studio, but you can build one yourself. Practice modelling first if the male model is the main draw.

No. 1979117

Eh, I think there's something for a male Nikke/Blue Archive that gives you an excuse to relax with hot slutty dudes for a couple of minutes a day.

No. 1979119

maybe in my dreams. but my art's not where it needs to be and i'm not the best writer either kek

you get me

No. 1979130

have you seen how smut for women is like? it's shit

No. 1979134

File: 1714011927356.jpeg (37.74 KB, 318x318, IMG_2960.jpeg)

I need constant distractions like podcasts, tv shows, etc. I’m an iPad brained zoomer baby with keys being dangled in front of me because I literally can’t be left alone in the silence with my own thoughts. I’m an empty person.

No. 1979137

That wasn’t really my point, I don’t understand anyone who pays triple A prices for a game primarily to jerk off to the main character, male or female. Or gacha either honestly, just download the PNG?

No. 1979143

>download png
>now you have png
>will forget about png in a bit
I don't think it's that weird to rather play a game for the png instead. Of course, I don't think people should spend their money willy nilly on games either.

No. 1979144

you don't have to understand it, go eat an apple or something

No. 1979145

I know how you feel nonna, it makes me so bitter that i'm learning how to draw and model out of spite to provide for the community. I genuinely don't understand why there isn't a female equivalent to blue archive or stellar blade or whatever. There are a lot of female creators, yet not one of them has made something like that. There are tons of reverse harem anime, yet there's not one on that same level. Nor is that the case with manga or video games, i genuinely don't get it.

No. 1979146

Uhh… yeah? That’s better than spending money on the chance to get the png which you can still forget.

When I ask moids this question their motivation is mostly spite, is that the case here?

No. 1979148

Eh, I still love my fave Love Nikki pngs, I've been playing that game for years.

No. 1979149

they want an interactive experience nonnie not fucking weak ass sauce like a png kek

No. 1979151

File: 1714014098798.gif (1.74 MB, 500x280, DL506-Leeches-swimming.gif)

Probably sounds stupid, bit I've been considering getting a pet leech. Not because of edgy reasons, but because I like how they swim. They're like tiny eels.
I would need to do more research to figure it out though. In the first place, do leeches swim enough to make it worth it? Are they hard to take care of?

No. 1979153

Aren’t there otome games and stuff though? In gacha the gameplay seems more like obstacles put in the way of more jpgs. Even my moid friends make fun of it.

No. 1979156

I think there's a difference between romantic otome vibe and a "fanservicey ridiculous outfit gachaslut" sort of vibe.

No. 1979158

I’m not really up on the particularls, but my question is what do you get out of gambling for it that you wouldn’t get by looking at a gif of them? A sense of “reward”?

No. 1979162

Its probably the same reason why people play normal games, but also now you get a special sticker to take with you if you win or whenever you log in, and if you keep playing you might get other special stickers.

No. 1979167

Well it seems to me more like a traditional game where you play for a prize rather than because you enjoy the gameplay. But gacha just exploits that reward center or tendency to enjoy gambling people have, except you don’t even get money out of it.

No. 1979171

Basically, but as long as you're responsible and depending on the gacha you can get a good amount of stickers for free.
In that case, you basically end up with a traditional styled game you can throw on a couple of minutes a day where you get free stickers of hot dudes.

No. 1979174

I see, well as long as you aren’t blowing your paycheck on JPGs that’s fine.

No. 1979178

I think you'd be better off just getting some kind of freshwater eel like kuhli loaches or something. They're really cute and you can give them a pretty planted tank too. Leeches might be a bit easier to take care of though, they probably have less requirements.

No. 1979184

I like to think of my husbandos as fucking me for a legal outlet of pedophilia (I am very skinny 5’2 and have small chest) because it’s the only way I feel appreciated for my body. I am not proud of this

No. 1979213

its not ''only a png'' though. For example in blue archive you get exclusive stories and ofcourse the 3D model of the character too, which has her own attributes that help you in the gameplay.

No. 1979230

I’m truly, genuinely sorry but I find whoreposter funny.

No. 1979231

Are your husbandos lolicons?

No. 1979232

That’s even worse, locking elements that change gameplay behind gambling or paying for them is insane.

No. 1979238

No not canonically. But one of them basically groomed a 14 year old girl (physically since a lot of the characters in the series are over 100 years old but anyway) with a body type similar to mine and I think it’s really probable that he fucked her

No. 1979283

you dont need to spend money to play gachas. Gachas live off a few whales, 90% of players are f2p.

No. 1979540

I'm insanely sexually attracted to my coworker, and emotionally obsessed with him too, yesterday i got so horny that i had to hide in the work bathroom to calm down a little, i can't take it anymore, i can't quit my job or avoid him at work, he will never want to talk to me since i'm a socially inept retard the likes of which you've never seen before. Truly a low point in my miserable pathetic clown show of a life.

No. 1979547

5'2 is normal height in animuhworld, if your husbandos are actual degenerates they wouldn't be interested in you.

No. 1979563

Coworker sex is best sex.

No. 1979585

Not gonna happen tho

No. 1979590

anons who have sex with their coworkers are trashy and dumpy as fuck

No. 1979595

Loser behavior

No. 1979611

If you are such a clown you have no dignity to lose, throw yourself into the situation and ask him out. That's what i did and it worked out one time, other times it was no problem because i couldn't be more cringe than i was.

No. 1979656

I think the first step would be to have a normal conversation with him, and i can't even do that, lmao
Also, i'm clearly just obsessed with him because of mental illness reasons, and if i was normal i wouldn't even care that much anyways

No. 1979740

I come to this site for all of my mental breakdowns so I often wonder if my friends can tell the posts are me since they must sound the same after a while. Grateful to this site where I can scream into the void like no other place online.

No. 1979757

Such a moid-tier interest/hobby, I know, but I'm so interested in war and military stuff. Especially ww2 (typical, kek). I don't like it the same way they do. I'm not racist and don't want to become a Nazi and kill people. I just like all the uniforms and weapons etc. and learning about them. I like learning about how the ordinary people survived and what they ate on rations, stuff like that. I like the wartime music that gave people hope but also like to listen to those military/ war propaganda songs a lot too. Red army had some good music, so did the Germans. I love the American military music the most though because they're cheerful and upbeat. They excite me. I don't like war because it kills people and its unnecessary but at the same time it interests me and excites me. I don't get it. I like watching war movies and playing war games and watching videos.

No. 1979765

Perhaps i am stupid but why is havibg sex with your coworkers so looked down upon? Just curious.

No. 1979767

It can get messy and personal. Kind of like eating where you shit.

No. 1979837

Frigid crones and sexless zoomers will turn anything and everything remotely sexual into a delusional boogeyman.

No. 1979858

If something doesn't go right then you'll have to see this person every day at work kek, simple as that. Awkward as fuck and people will start gossiping if anyone catches wind of it

No. 1979871

Stop acting like fucking people you are forced to see every day is a prude and zoomer thing. >>1979858 is right, if something goes bad (and there's a huge chance it will, let's be honest) do you really want to see this man every single day? Or change jobs for a moid? Be clever ffs. In my country we have a saying to not bring love on the job because when lovers/family are also your collegues things are bound to go to shit.

No. 1979893

Kek how are zoomers even related to this topic? Some of you are obsessed. Being against coworkers fucking has been a thing for ages, since way back in other generations for the reasons other anons said. Have you heard the saying "don't shit where you eat?"

No. 1979894

The only way it can work is if you were together before being coworkers.

No. 1979941

I'm struggling not to harass someone who was harassing me at my job. I just found their e-mail. I feel like just saying hello is enough to put them on edge, but I want to troll them because they inflicted so much stress on me and other coworkers. but i know this is wrong. sigh…

No. 1979953

File: 1714070531390.jpg (88.41 KB, 585x573, thumbnail_IMG_5731.jpg)

i ran into my high school boyfriend at a show last weekend and i followed him on ig afterwards but he never followed me back (sad) but today i was looking at who had liked picrel on my story and while he had not so much as glanced my way SOMEHOW HIS MOTHER HAD!!!!! my ig is so fucking retarded, it's just shitposts and thirst traps and i'm so fucking stupid i thought i was safe because there's nothing tying it to my irl identity if you were to just google me but i never considered that MOMS ARE ON FUCKING INSTAGRAM!!!! MY HUBRIS HAS GOTTEN THE BEST OF ME YET AGAIN!!!!!

it's fucking over for me, this is it, i'm done, i'm cooked

No. 1979956

get revenge by fucking his mom

No. 1979986

And There is no enforcement for female only posting on Lolcow, in fact

No. 1979987

Why would you follow some scrote loser you fucked and dumped in high school. Ew. Please anon do better.

No. 1979988

This is a situation where you can't get caught. Do it, nonna, karma is fake and gay

No. 1979993

File: 1714072330884.jpeg (149.74 KB, 634x536, IMG_0161.jpeg)

I mostly don’t know what I’m talking about I just say things people would agree with because I want to be accepted by others and loved.

No. 1980008

Being accepted and loved by something you don't believe in will give you false sense of acceptance and love, but it will get you stuck on a people pleasing behavior. At some point people will notice you're not being genuine and even if they don't you'll know deep inside they are praising the performance and not you. I'm not saying everyone is true and honest all the time, but do try to avoid this behavior, it can lead to more problems than comfort.

No. 1980014

No not entirely true, everything is based on a performance and it’s super easy pretending to be interested in what people like and talk about. People already lack the sufficient emotional intelligence required to pick up nonverbal social cues, they won’t suspect a thing

No. 1980017

Average imageboard user mindset

No. 1980023

I guess if you are happy with superficial acceptance and interactions then yeah, most people won't suspect a thing, but you'll know they are accepting your performance, you can't lie to yourself.

No. 1980041

>they won’t suspect a thing
They definitely do they just won’t bother to say anything about it. Only people who stick around with people pleasers are self absorbed losers.

No. 1980043

I know a girl like this and she's so bad at hiding it. I can tell and it makes me lose respect for her kek, because it's so pathetic. It's funny to play around and catch her red handed. I do like her because she can be fun to hang out with apart from that weird shit but seriously, I wish she would cut it out.

No. 1980046

>The only way it can work is if you were together before being coworkers.
Does this actually happen?

No. 1980047

File: 1714074274184.png (317.1 KB, 400x394, C11C81AF-E8DF-4907-AD36-8CE035…)

Part of why I wanted to study abroad was so I can get back at my ex for dumping me. I get the sense that he regrets it but is too chicken shit to fix things so I might as well really hammer in the loss while having a fun adventure.

No. 1980056

I love playing the role of a people-pleaser, makes me feel so cute and soft and loved for once in my life and that’s probably why I love pleasing people kek

No. 1980063

File: 1714075202719.jpg (6.64 KB, 360x101, eyes.JPG)

I keep reporting a girl on twitter because she annoys me bc a while ago re-discoverd a band that used to listen to. So while I was checking the socials of the singer I discovered a girl in his tagged pictures that had some crazy in her eyes going on. When I checked her profile, I saw that she had over 2k (almost identical) posts about herself and the said singer. The posts are almost always some sort of photography collage of her, him, a pic of them together (apparently she managed to meet him at some point), roses and the eiffel tower. A few days later I wanted to check on her Insta again and it was gone. So a while I later checked about the band on twitter, since they were touring and while checking some tags related to the band, I discovered said girl again. Same posts as on Insta, but this time she bothered to create two other accounts, so it would look like she had some actual followers that would ship her and she singer, despite those account being copy and paste again from the main one. Some posts would include her talking about herself about how beautiful she is and how she is actually dating the singer. I got annoyed by her because she would clog the tags about said band so I started to report her and all her account I would find and as we speak now, all of them were taken down one by one. She created new ones but started to post there less because of it but since she posts the same shit again, I keep reporting it and it kinda fills me with a bit of joy that all her stupid roleplay has gone to waste because her accounts keep getting deleted. Right now she has two left, which I reported today again.

No. 1980075

File: 1714075581586.gif (100.2 KB, 516x640, laugh-tale.gif)

I still think about and laugh heartily about how my friend got dumped by a moid because he got accepted into the bachelorette and was the first to be eliminated. My friend dodged a bullet and the scrote got humiliated on national television after making a super cringey introduction. It's been years but I'll never forget.

No. 1980115

I think I’ve been slightly traumatized by accident stumbling upon an animal abuse video on Twitter. It was one of those videos that at first seems like one video but then quickly cuts to gore as a misdirect. I’ve been pretty good through all my internet years at avoiding gross things like this ugh. I saw it like half a year ago but the video keeps randomly popping up in my mind and making me anxious/upset.

No. 1980179

Reading about anons' sex lives on /g/, including the "good" "vanilla" sex, has convinced me to stay a virgin forever. It's all so disgusting. I think I could only enjoy it if there's no smells, sounds, or fluids at all.

No. 1980271

File: 1714085202466.jpeg (377.72 KB, 828x816, IMG_6981.jpeg)

I won my court case representing my company! 2nd one in a row. Im not even a lawyer. I love knowing I have the facts, I love presenting evidence that proves the defendant is full of shit.
Its not rocket science! But, damn, ain't it satisfying.
Most of these idiots represent themselves and try to lie to avoid penalty. I look forward to going against a lawyer, mano y mano .
Fuck your law degree, meet me in the court room.

No. 1980281

After my bf sent me a dick pic for the first time, I went on a subreddit where moids post their dicks and autistically compared his to them to try to figure out how big it was. I've learned that most dicks are ugly and I'm just glad his isn't deformed. Actually it looks kind of cute even though it's a bit on the smaller side.

No. 1980317

It makes me uncomfortable delving into my own masculinity as a woman because it reminds me too much of being a gendie/sexually confused tif and I don’t want to look like them, so now I’m really reconsidering just being feminine.

No. 1980334

File: 1714090537764.gif (266.42 KB, 220x275, cat-grin.gif)

My friend is always going off how broke and depressed she is, but she is constantly spending money on useless korean merch and ball jointed dolls (which are hundreds of dollars.)
I honestly cant bring myself to feel bad about her situation.

No. 1980344

File: 1714091642571.png (214.09 KB, 372x293, Rotating_snakes_illusion.svg.p…)

1- recently learned im schizo, seems obvious now
2-im a huge crypto terf and no one in my life knows
3-im a shayfag have check her thread everyday basically since 2017

No. 1980349

Got bored and started catfishing him again he still thinks there's a chance. What a loser lol

No. 1980356

No. 1980370

File: 1714094291628.jpg (791.2 KB, 1079x1337, quoi ce bordel.jpg)

Does this look cute to you?

No. 1980375

Ew, at least try to get some money from him, what a waste of space.

No. 1980377

File: 1714094787241.webp (520.1 KB, 1908x3392, what-hairstyle-should-i-go-for…)

yea but i have a fetish for asian men. i would steal him from you but i'm trying to be loyal to my dumb porn addict bf.
also males don't look good usually because they're retarded. obvs this guy could get a skincare routine and he already knows he's gotta fix the hair. lips kinda dry too. but he you can work with it. also he looks better without the glasses.

No. 1980380

He looks disgusting, anon. I think it may be better for you to be completely single than to even talk to that disgusting thing.

No. 1980382

he posts videos of his cat.. eugh. maybe you're right. men who give affection to animals are completely gross. he should be spoiling a woman, not a furball. what a tard.

No. 1980384

No. 1980385

damn sister you are down bad if youre simping for this dude. there are asian baddies out there dont settle for this or your porn addicted bf.

No. 1980386

What kind of logic is this? Would you rather see a guy kick a puppy?

No. 1980390

Kek anon, don't be insane, just don't talk to the ugly moid and breakup with your tard boyfriend already.

No. 1980392

i have low standards because i'm ugly, it is what it is. i used to stalk this incel from taiwan for a year because he was nice to me while i was pretending to be a moid online, i guess i was sort of catfishing him too. so i understand your situation a bit except i was the pathetic one here. i decided to confess as my real self to him but he ended up rejecting me and now he's basically lobotomized from a failed suicide attempt. i like asian guys now cause they remind me of him more. i was really sad after that but i met my bf online a few months after that and it washed away my sadness. he's a loser like me at least so he can't just dump me and find another woman easily though i cannot monitor him because he lives on the other side of the planet.
i strongly wanted to because he's hurt me in several ways but he keeps apologizing and saying he loves me. i may never know love if i miss my chance. he's a tard but i'm a bigger tard in ways he will never know.

No. 1980400

The state of lolcow

No. 1980401

File: 1714098022760.jpg (21.16 KB, 720x720, 1000020165.jpg)

No. 1980404

This site is for people making fun of lolcows.. . It's not FOR the cows jfc

No. 1980408

Nta but you're saying this like farmers haven't always been cows

No. 1980409

>basically lobotomized
what did he do? how did it happen? roping attempt gone wrong?

No. 1980412

People are going to pick at you but I feel bad for you. I understand I've been in a 3 month relationship with a sim I created because I've basically given up on real life moids.

No. 1980546

Daily reminder that being single will always be the superior way of life and that relationships are major source of stress.

No. 1980708

I used to be like this with the pharmacist in my old job anon. He literally used to make me wet when I saw or heard him, and talking to him would make me go bright red. In my mind, he flirted with me a lot (I may have just been delusional) then on a work night out when I was extremely drunk he brought up the fact he had a gf and it was OVER for me

No. 1980745

He tried to stream his suicide. Another incel moid was hosting the stream like it was an event. They were playing games and stuff leading up to it. Then he hosted a poll asking if he should do it now. I was begging random people on omegle to vote no with me. The majority ended up no but then he started looking for ways to kill himself anyway. He had this box of pills from China that literally just read "SUICIDE PILLS." He didn't end up taking them though and walked over to the balcony but his grandma was playing mahjong on her phone nearby so he went to his room and started setting up a ligature around his neck. His mom walked in on him while he was doing this and started screaming at him in Chinese for a good while. The stream then went off. One of the moids I asked for help trying to vote no with me convinced me to just confess to him even though I thought it was a bad time. The next day, I introduced myself as real me and offered to play Yu-Gi-Oh with him. He was just like
>wtf how do you know about that
>would you marry a 0/10 5'7" etc. incel
And then he stopped talking to me and deleted his account a few days later. He stopped being active on the incel forum, reddit, another Taiwanese site, and Facebook. I was really freaking out at this point and started stalking his mom's Facebook instead. She posted this long thing about how her 宝贝 was gone. I was freaking out again and thought about killing myself. Then I realized her elderly father was sick and in the hospital prior to that, so she might have been mourning him and not her son. I'm still not sure. I coped by pretending that was the case. A sign of life came later, I decided to check her Facebook again after a couple months and she was posting him there. It looked like he was in some group thing that might have been for recovery. She posted a video of him standing at the podium in a church while the pastor and his dad held him up. People were singing and clapping around him for several minutes. His lifeless eyes were wandering about. He looked half dead. So I don't know what he tried in the end. He hasn't looked the same ever since.

No. 1980755

File: 1714138388079.jpg (189.46 KB, 1920x1080, [DB]Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashit…)

I don't know how to fully explain it but I dislike the husbando thread despite being a husbandofag myself. It feels too much like a social group that I'm peering into from the outside, idk it just doesn't feel as anonymous as threads usually do. The original first few threads were okay and had random posts but now its like there are too many personalityfags which I know its inevitable unless everyone is constantly husbandhopping. I also hate the spam of picrew/bingo/shit with 40 repetitive replies. Anyway yeah that's my confession

No. 1980758

Sometimes when I think I've posted something funny I have to resist the urge to selfpost in lolcow caps. No, I've never actually done it.

No. 1980764

The original had more of a shitposting vibe I agree

No. 1980765

Just do it. No one knows and no one cares

No. 1980766

I remember when that thread was first made anons were constantly getting accused of selfposting kek

No. 1980768

I'm always quick to dismiss this urge because it would absolutely demolish my self esteem if I were to selfpost and get a reaction saying it's not funny. There have been a few occasions where someone else capped my post and posted it in the caps thread though, and however pathetic it is I got a real ego boost from the positive reactions. Idk I just care a lot about my fellow farmers' opinions.

No. 1980770

No. 1980771

>it would absolutely demolish my self esteem if I were to selfpost and get a reaction saying it's not funny.
Get better self esteem? It's not that serious. I'll be waiting for your self posts over there nonna, humor is subjective and no one is allowed to call shit unfunny anymore.

No. 1980778

What would you like to see in the thread? Not trying to be antagonistic just curious as a husbandofag that occasionally posts there kek

No. 1980797

I occasionally post in the husbando thread and I don’t mind the personalityfagging, I think it’s cute for the most part since it’s mostly contained to that thread, but occasionally an anon will post something so deranged in that thread it genuinely makes me reconsider things and feel self-conscious about lowkey being a husbandofag

No. 1980804

This is better than anything Tao Lin or Mira Gonzalez have ever written.

No. 1980805

Agreed especially with the recent Picrew OP. It has the energy of a discord clique general

No. 1980815

I remember at some point nonas made a discord, is it still alive? I got kicked because I wasnt active enough and I think a moid breached it which is understandable, I'm not really a chatty person

No. 1980999

I have a load of caps I could post there but probably only I find them funny so I don't.

No. 1981064

I'd love to join one of the discords as long as it was civil and not overly political but the servers I was a part of kept getting deleted when I'd join them from here. Pretty sure the last LC official discord went inactive a long time ago

No. 1981094

It was pretty chill and nice while I was still in there, and there was a separate channel for pinkpill stuff so you didnt have to take part in it if you didnt want to. I hope its still doing well, discord just isnt for me tbh

No. 1981106

I killed someone and I feel like I'm going fucking crazy like Patrick Bateman at the end of American Psycho when he's telling everyone he did it and they're just laughing at him when I'm literally saying plain as day 'it is my fault he died' holy shit. I belong in the fucking electric chair.

No. 1981112

old people die all the time, the hand that pushed was just leading and he probably deserved it anyway

No. 1981115

Are you being serious? Who did you kill?

No. 1981124

I am being serious. I don't want to go into detail. It's crazy, the death is not being treated as suspicious or anything and it was 100% my fault that he died

No. 1981128

He didn't deserve it at all.

No. 1981158

it sounds like you didn't actually murder him though and you're just blaming yourself for one of those butterfly effect situations. i kind of want to hear what happened though. would you be willing to draw it out like a pictogram on one of those anon drawing boards and then erase it?

No. 1981164

so he's a drug addict or something who vomited in his sleep and you didn't kill anyone. yea, you can stop feeling guilty. this is his own fault.

No. 1981166

I'm a murderer and I deserve the same fate

No. 1981170

It sounds like you just need something to take your mind off it. Treat yourself. Go do a spa day and get brunch. The world will go on with one less scrote.

No. 1981174

He wasn't a scrote at all, he never hurt anyone in his life, he was kind, loving, gentle and he thought Andrew Tate was a faggot.

No. 1981252

I find the AIfag who keeps making the threadpics with AI extremely hilarious because she keeps triggering that same anon who complains about it everywhere

No. 1981283

File: 1714162345704.jpg (44.43 KB, 702x613, 1711868803816.jpg)

I still cringe remembering when I was a kid and my parents asked where I wanted to go on vacation one year, I chose the city my internet friend lived so we could meet irl because I had a debilitating crush on her. yes she was straight. we were good friends for years after too, I eventually distanced myself though

No. 1981316

sometimes I feel bad for nonnies who are with terrible bfs or just straight up like ugly men idk like i saw this one nonnas bf and i gagged lmao

No. 1981325

post pic of her ugly bf so we can all laugh at him please

No. 1981383

i feel bad for myself too but i can't do better, i've tried

No. 1981393

>saw this one nonnas bf and i gagged lmao
Are anons here just posting pics of their bfs?

No. 1981396

I dont feel bad, they can easily change that if they wanted to

No. 1981436

File: 1714170921124.png (522.02 KB, 640x635, IMG_1040.png)

Was anyone else briefly a columbiner when they were a teenager? Very embarrassing to admit yes but just being honest. If you were do you remember that 40 year old woman on Facebook who was obsessed with Eric Harris kek she had pillows of him and shit

No. 1981442

Yes holy shit. Lynn-Ann

No. 1981444

I would not date myself because my hygiene sucks, I'm ugly and I'm unhinged in my theories. I spent a large chunk of my time the past few years looking into what I legit feels is going on only for it to be shattered by one "leak". I'm unraveling

No. 1981446

File: 1714171369957.png (767.35 KB, 1213x671, P5r99a9.png)

No. 1981448

File: 1714171537070.jpeg (183.61 KB, 1966x1579, IMG_1077.jpeg)

Kekkk I’m dying anon yes thank you

No. 1981450

there's the infamous danobf of course, and one that was posted but then deleted in an old stupid questions thread, and a few others

No. 1981451

why does she look like that lmao

No. 1981460

i'm honestly jealous of them, i have no one else to sperg about my husbando with. he's 3D so doesn't belong in that thread, but no one in the 3D men threads care either.

No. 1981467

>If you were do you remember that 40 year old woman on Facebook who was obsessed with Eric Harris kek she had pillows of him and shit
I know you're talking about Lynn Ann, but I was friends with another late 30s mom who was obsessed with Eric oddly enough. It's funny that there was more than one.

No. 1981470

I just don't care for the AI stuff.
I find it a little fun to read the answers to random questions people give though.

No. 1981476

it's okay murder-chan, we need more women in male-dominated fields

No. 1981480

homelander's the only character that inspires yume behavior within me. he's easily one of the most disgustingly pathetic men ever posted in fiction but i don't know, i feel like i could form a touching, somewhat awkward relationship with him.

No. 1981487

Look you're gonna be fine it's just your first body kek. Once you do it a few more times it becomes second nature and then you just wanna shoot the guy standing in front of you in a line in the face if he's taking too long.

No. 1981519

Based and incredible taste

No. 1981547

So you think you can fix him huh?

No. 1981564

>t.storm front

No. 1981588

I’m wearing the naughtiest SpongeBob thong right now

No. 1981612

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>I’m wearing the naughtiest SpongeBob thong right now

No. 1981646

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Dear Lord,
Today I made myself and my pets in the sims, and then I made an extremely hot man who is exactly my type and made him my sim's neighbor. Please forgive me for what I am about to do.

No. 1981660

Drop a link I want one

No. 1981661

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Just had a massive sperg out and now I’m calm

No. 1981678

Innovative manifesting technique

No. 1981682

File: 1714197599755.jpeg (37.01 KB, 524x524, 1C68F612-07EC-4308-8511-F66677…)

i'm straight but i have a lot of hot lesbian dreams.

No. 1981689

on here or irl

No. 1981691

Same. I'm straight but get dreams about fingering my tif friend. My dreams must believe TMAM kek

No. 1981729

I've been dating a guy and he showed me photos of his sister's family, and will randomly sometimes pull up photos of his nephews posted in their family messenger group. It takes me all my decades long masking energy to be called upon at once not to grimace or worse. These are some of the ugliest children I've seen in my life, the older kid is fat and looks borderline retarded. Also acts like the typical adhd-monkey male kid, while being way too big in general. His sister's husband is also the single ugliest man I've seen so far, he makes me recoil viscerally. If you've ever seen those ugly fat bastard coomer weeb memes, that's who they're based on. My disgust for this family is so strong, just the thought of like having family outings with them makes me seriously consider breaking up. I know that this sounds pretty unhinged, that's why I'd rather blog it here.

No. 1981731

Then you're not actually straight.

No. 1981732

It literally occurred to me several seconds ago that edamame is a japanese word and thus not pronounced "eedamaim" like I always read it. I don't remember if I've ever said EEDAMAIM to anyone out loud… hope not.

No. 1981761

I drunkenly called my ex "the community dick" yesterday after having learnt that phrase from the Scott Lind thread. Would have been fun if it were with people that knew what a skirt chaser my ex is but it was at an after work..

No. 1981863

Nta but dreams don't really mean much in that regard unless op wants to do it irl. I had dreams about fucking people I'm completed disgusted by, dreams involving relatives, etc.

No. 1981905

>cognitive dissonance in action

No. 1981909

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I love being a neet, sorry

No. 1981920

how? what's the logic in "you dream about something therefore you want it"?

No. 1981928

samefag like people who dream about getting killed don't want to be killed irl, people who dream about getting molested don't desire it irl, I could go on. It matters if someone felt disgusted or enjoyed the dream after waking up.

No. 1981941

Me too nonnie hehe

No. 1981953

neet-chan twin powers activate!

No. 1981955

kinda attracted to the aliens from life of brian

No. 1982016

Reminds me when I searched a former classmate on Facebook and I discovered she was married to one of the ugliest man I ever saw, he looked like an overgrown toddler, it was so freaky.

No. 1982327

One time I felt something in my eye, so I looked in a compact mirror to see and I found a clump of like 20-30 eyelashes stuck together under my lower eyelid.

No. 1982440

>My disgust for this family is so strong, just the thought of like having family outings with them makes me seriously consider breaking up.
LOL I love how you described it nona.

No. 1982517

This mean hag in a group I use is struggling with her drinking and is being extra insufferable and it's given more more motivation to stay off the beer than anything because I don't want to be like her in any way. Also I feel superior to her that she is piss drunk on margaritas whining about being fat while I'm working out daily

No. 1982533

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Kek it was this one wasn’t it?

No. 1982539

KEK yeah

No. 1982572

oh my god I remember this KEK. anons bfs are so fucking ugly it’s disgraceful

No. 1982579

I really want to post the ugliest photo of my moid now just to make fun of him.

No. 1982587

I dare you

No. 1982594

But then you'll share it around kek. He really does look bad in that one

No. 1982596

Do it right now

No. 1982599

come on nonna, be the bigger gal and post

No. 1982601

Ok but pinky promise you will only look at my moid's pic once and not screenshot it and not share it around

No. 1982609

pinky promise

No. 1982616

Posted it but deleted it sorry nonnas kek

No. 1982621

Okay nonas, whichever one of you screenshotted it, now's the time to repost.

No. 1982623

But you pinky promised…

No. 1982631

damn it didn’t get to see it I was busy

No. 1982985

I think some brown men are attractive. Just some.

No. 1983127

I find the sound of a geiger counter comforting, probably because it reminds me of childhood

No. 1983199

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this Captain America movie always stayed in the back of my mind because the actor looked nice in some scenes but i never had the courage to watch it maybe if it wasn't about superheroes and Captain America out of all of them i would

No. 1983209

I want to lick his chest up and down

No. 1983222

I love Ichigo mashimaro and I'm not even a little bit of a lolicon

No. 1983227

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I used to think that if you popped a guys balls with like a toothpick or something, semen and blood would leak out like a balloon

No. 1983229

it's still possible for them to pop and splatter if you bash them with a hammer, i believe in you science-chan

No. 1983246

didnt shayna beat a guy in the balls and it bleed on her tacky 1usd shein shoe?

No. 1983271

It doesn't? What does it do?

No. 1983280

Both of the subjects are gross so i never wanted to know more than accidentally stumbling across some stuff but i think it is something similar to how breasts would be damaged

No. 1983331

i've been getting money from 2 different moids who keep asking me to date them but i keep saying the distance is too much and lowkey hoping they back off but neither of them are backing off…… both are aware of each other so im not lying but it still feels wrong even tho i dont ask for anything?? they just keep sending me money and i like that? why does it feel wrong even if im not doing anything bad idk im never gna date em and they know that

No. 1983340

Learning balls are hard is probably the grossest thing I've learned. Scrotes have two sacks of rocks that they sometimes sit on KEK

No. 1983346

I'm a straight woman so keep that in mind but, biphobia is not real and never has been. Anything perceived as biphobic is usually homophobic and if it isn't it's just made up bullshit (like MUH BI ERASURE)(not a confession)

No. 1983357

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The instances that get called "biphobic" are when people say that women frequently lie about being bisexual for attention (tbh it's true), and when people openly say that bisexual moids are dirty manwhores with buckets of STDs (tbh it's true). Online bisexuals even say it's biphobic and "mean" when lesbians don't want to date them, but I don't even see how that's a bad thing because bisexual women are more often than not in relationships with men. If you're a lesbian, who tf would want to be with a woman that will probably cheat on you/leave you for a scrote?

No. 1983359

No. 1983436

The reason why I like solo traveling is because I don't want my family or my friends to bother me and I don't want to accommodate anyone. Saying that I can never travel with them because of conflicting schedules and dates is just a lie and I hope they'll never guess or find out. I'm sick of my mother begging me to visit English speaking countries with her because I'd like to visit some of them and enjoy the food without being told "b-b-but it's not halal!! what if there's pork! oh I can't go in that restaurant they serve some alcoholic beverages, that's haram!" and I don't want to be late for visits because my friends want to take breaks every 10 minutes when we walk anywhere.

No. 1983561

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i feel completely retarded but he's so cunty to me

No. 1983598

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I once dabbed my mistake. I was gonna do a different physical gag but stopped myself halfway and it somehow turned into a half-assed dab as I swung my arms around. It was five years ago and I still cringe about it because of how my friend just looked at me all "……did you just dab?", I was so dumbfounded by my own action that I didn't even say anything about it and changed topics. We haven't seen each other since.

No. 1983599

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I've loved drawing since forever, struggled a bit more in the past with drawing guys because i thought it would make me look like a weirdo, didn't try to get a career out of it and i get many artblocks unless i feel like drawing something lewd-ish, usually with female characters just because i still feel insecure that way and i like to make them look cute.
I keep my art hidden from the universe but i am so on the edge of just giving up and make money from it, but i will not do it even if many told me to do so, i will get over this lazyness and i will make use of my skills for something deeper.
No one needs to see the 30000th waifu in sexy clothing and i don't want to simply just draw horny content, even if i'm a poorfag i will not bend, i want to be able to look back and feel proud that i stopped being retarded, amen.

No. 1983807

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I've had a a massive incest fetish since I was like 13, Brotherxbrother, brotherxsister, unclexnephew, fatherxson. Other than that, I also show every single symptom of having been molested like an extreme aversion to sex and a strong belief that if I ever have sex with someone my next step will be to immediately committ suicide. Now my therapist is starting to think I might have been sexually assaulted as a child by my father due to some memories I have of showering naked with him. I don't know how to take this information or process it and I can't even defend him because he walked out on me when I was 10 and I have no idea who this man actually is. The fact I've had this unexplainable incest fetish since young mostly involving men is making me worried now and a bit sad, beforehand I've always excused it as a common fetish maybe a bit out there on the level of feet, but nothing to worry about. But I'm worrying now.

No. 1984189

My ex is a butterface, I swear to god he was built like how a man should be built, and I miss him every day for that ridiculous body, he was broad shouldered and muscular and tall with a little waist and a long fat dick and man-ray from SpongeBob legs.

No. 1984253

Lolcow gave me a really weird obsession with both hoteps, and snowteps

No. 1984281

tf is a snowtep

No. 1984297

Whenever I see ivory soap I a
Have the urge to bite it, piece by piece then digest it and my shits come out in foamy sludge. I do not know why it's like the obession I had with wanting to suck in penicil shavings as a child they smell like sunflower seeds.

No. 1984301

No. 1984314

White supremacists who think they're descended from badass vikings (they're not).

No. 1984356

Called off today to avoid a fuck up i made saturday night at work. Cant be blamed if im not there lmfao. (I put in my two weeks the other day so they cant really do anything against me anyhow because ill be gone in four days)

No. 1984831

Can't help but respect Jojo Siwa for being such an unhinged lesbian. At least she is living her truth.

No. 1984901

How old are you? You could have repressed a lot of it, but it really really depends.

No. 1984945

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Kinda have a crush on this one dude because he's cringe in a cute way and loves cats but he was literally in the Russian military voluntarily, not just mandatory conscription which is a huge ick. Can't I meet someone normal for once.

No. 1985032

I'm still bummed that the word retard/ed is now considered a slur

No. 1985045

kek same, sometimes there's no better way to describe something than calling it retarded

No. 1985073

File: 1714422479990.jpg (102.73 KB, 749x726, ice cream is a dish.jpg)

i walk straight towards moids on the street instead of moving out of the way so that they have to walk around me. sometimes i beeline through a whole group of them. just to feel something.

No. 1985081

Saw a video of a moid showing off his scars during a court hearing and all I could think of was how attractive he is. I feel really bad.

No. 1985082

I accidentally said retarded at my work and all the zoomers lost it on me kek (im 23) and I told them to stop acting retarded and I won't. Got called into a meeting. I worked at a dispensary btw.

No. 1985091

did this to a group of teenage scrotes being loud and one of the little rats called me a bitch. it was hilarious. this generation of moids is cooked.

No. 1985269

I may like moids with scars. Where did he have these scars? Did you just found him attractive or was it because he was showing the scars?

No. 1985293

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Yesterday I told my best friend I would date her if she was the opposite sex of me. As if, if I was a moid I would date her, if she was a moid and I stayed a woman, I would date her.
I just like her a lot. I hope she doesn't think I'm too weird, we're still talking like normal tbh.
I'm a bit sad because yesterday she said that one of my husbandos would be gay and that another of my husbandos was too basic.

No. 1985370

I feel like an AGP troon or something because I love my pussy so much. When I’m relaxing in the evenings I’ll often just poke and play with it, not in a masturbation way, but more like just appreciating the shapes and thinking about how much I love it and what a beautiful body part it is. Just thinking about it is deeply satisfying to me for some reason.

No. 1985379

fairy anon why did you delete your post it was beautiful

No. 1985382

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>I feel like an AGP troon because I love my pussy so much
Anon, you’re not a tranny for loving the body that Mother Goddess has blessed you with. A tranny would be lucky if his expensive scissor envelope wound where his penis used to be could ever be the magical system of organ that keeps every woman healthy, regulated and aware of our health. You get to relax in the confines in your home after a hard day of nagging scrotes and work drama while a tranny has to play pretend with his bleeding surgical wound or pre-op “girl”peen that pisses fire which will never ever be the same as our reproductive system which he knows cuts deep into his delusional heart. The tranny fingering his second asshole inbetween his legs is only left in his crusty gooncave seething, dilating, and spreading all of the dickwound juice from their fingers on to their keyboards and gaming PCs when they’re screaming about imaginary terfs on r/MtF. Bless you nonna and embrace your pussy power in peace.

No. 1985384

i edited it because it felt too ESL kek

No. 1985390

You’re not ESL nonna, you’re a multilingual poet

No. 1985392

ty nonna ily

No. 1985406

I won't go in detail but I second the Mother Goddess nona. Don't feel guilty for admiring your vulva, every woman's is specially sculptured. Nothing wrong with caressing yourself either you own your body; I sometimes squeeze one of my boobs like a stress toy just for fun and it's been such a habit that I sometimes put my hand over it in public.

No. 1985412

I really love calling out bullshit lies of defendants in court. If you are going to make a claim, back it up with evidence and fucking google the related laws you dipshits! I will call your ass out for perjury and humiliate you.

No. 1986256

It's actually kind of important to know your body, even the genitals, and to touch your body so you know when is it that something feels off, and then you will be able to go to the doctor before something bad happens.
A friend of the family disregarded a mole thinking it wasn't something serious, she didn't care about the mole for many years, one day she went to a dermatologist for some other random reason and she got a sample taken, it was cancer and she died two years ago, it was pretty bad.
I think everyone should just be more paranoid when it comes to the state of their bodies because it can betray you in the most retarded ways.

No. 1986289

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I remember this very distinct memory of being in high school and we were placed in random groups in this one class I had and I realized that teacher specifically put all of the black girls in the same group which included me (granted they were all the ones who were either popular/good academics). Such a weird memory brought to the surface but now as an adult when I think about it I just find it so suspect kek

No. 1986605

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I once was cringe enough to ship people I knew irl and got burned hard. It was like 15 years ago when I was young an just wanted my friends to have good normal love stories of their own.
It was my middle school friend and a guy in her year my bf/husband was/is friends with. My friend had a crush on him but he was with some other girl I only knew as "that bitch that cheated on him" and at some point they separated and my friend went on a date with him, only to get dumped and him to go back to the cheater who he's still with now.
My friend ended up trooning out and is a tif. I knew she always had potential to end up mentally wrecked because of her home life. Dead mom, controlling father, really older stepbrother she didn't want to talk about, younger low functioning-masturbates-in-public-autistic younger brother.
I just feel so salty about it now because my husband reconnected with him recently so I get to learn he still with the same bitch as if the universe gave me a personal middle finger to my ship and trooned out the FL just to spite me.

No. 1986630

I remember that time when I was asking mom how to "explore myself" and how did it work (I was 16 please bare with me) then she said she never masturbated in her life, then my sister joined and said she didn't masturbate neither. It made me feel like a weirdo, because I do masturbate, it's kinda crazy being the only one in my house who actually does it. I think it's a normal thing but they were talking about it like only losers and degenerates do it

No. 1986641

I want to say they were lying because it's embarrassing or something. is your family religious?

No. 1986645

They probably just associate sex with penis and vagina with piss and period blood. It's a misogynistic veiw but also pretty straightforward thinking.

No. 1986653

one time i posted my (ex) bf to lolcow and everyone said he was ugly so i broke up with him .

No. 1986669

Good for you nonnala

No. 1986670

This is the way kek

No. 1986687

I was one of those kids who was so scared of puberty that once it started I tried taping down my chest everyday and tried to purposely stunt my growth, like consuming tons of caffeine, refusing to sleep, stopped consuming dairy and vegetables, starving myself, etc. Still couldn't deal with it then and still can't now as an adult.

No. 1986693

I prefer short men. Not in a pick me ‘dad bods r hot!!1’ way but in a super autistic way because I just feel more connected to moids when their faces are close to mine when we’re hugging and kissing. I hate having to stand on my tip toes just to look them in the eyes. My ex was 5’7” and it was perfect for me.

No. 1986709

5’7 isn’t that short for a so called short man enjoyer (I tease). When I was into men I liked ones in the range of 5’2 to 5’5. Basically just as short as a man can really be without having some sort of genetic condition kek. I’m not sure if I developed that preference based on my short fictional husbandos since childhood, or if I liked my short husbandos in the first place because I was born liking short men, kek. That said, they have to be fit and at least a little muscular. I specifically like the way the typical fit male silhouette looks when condensed, for some reason.

No. 1986712

Ladies, I have to tell you about this court case.
This troon named "Lindzayy" owes 4 months rent.
I manage in the office of the small company that owns the property. They were not only given flexibility to catch up payments, but they also have been offered to opt out of the lease with no penalty. This landlord has a big heart for tenants. He keeps the rent low and thus resulting in shit heads taking advantage of the landlord.
This troon was upset we finally filed for eviction. He made the following claims
>the company is transphobic because they used my dead name to summon me to court!!!
(The liscense we have on file has his dead name only.)
>the place is rat infested!! They ignored all my letters!
(No letter, email, text, repair request on file)
>I paid on Cash App!
(We don't offer that form of payment.)
(Not mean, legally accurate phrasing as advised by an attorney.)

The judge is over his claims and tells him to move out by next week to avoid an eviction on his credit history. I told him directly we are going to do an apt inspection before he can turn in his keys- so if necessary, we can approach the judge with additional damages.

My confession is, I am going to evict every troon possible as long as a work here. I am so fucking tired of thier incessant demand for special treatment and believing they are above the law.
I've rejected other troon applicants before. This is a multi family community- we dont want your stinky delusional ass here anyways.

No. 1986714

I graduated with a high GPA but I cheated a lot. I still am very adept at cheating. I am also very good at bullshittin' in my essays (that I shit out 3 hours before I have to present them) but my teachers like it.

No. 1986721

Were you SA'd? I did this too only because I was assaulted as a child and was afraid developing would increase the chances of me being assaulted again

No. 1986722

No. 1986727

Sometimes i like listening to mashups/remixes on youtube more than actual music, if that's the right way to put it. I can't get over how much better certain songs sound if they just had different instrumentals or had some edits here and there. Probably normal to feel this way, but it really does make certain songs i would have hated more listenable.

No. 1986738

I once only dated a moid because of his ability to give good back rubs. He had to massage my head and my back every day it was awesome.

No. 1986757

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i love it here more than any blogging platform because i dont have to pretend i like trannies.

No. 1986767

My hearing test came back normal so I feel like permission granted to continue to blast my car stereo so much the windows shake and everyone at the lights looks at me. It probably won’t be normal for long but I don’t care because 130dB alone in my car is the only part of the day I feel alive.

No. 1986864

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I just had a flashback from 6 years ago that stopped me in my tracks. I had this unhinged crush on my extremely Christian 52 year old married boss (I was in my 20s). Anyway I was on a night shift and off my meds one time and wrote some explicit sexual stuff in a journal about it which I left on the bench. Walked in on my coworker who was one of the boss’s lackeys reading it. It was one of those moments so bad you wonder if it was even real. I gave my two weeks notice on a piece of copy paper and skipped town soon after that.

No. 1986867

lmao how did the coworker and boss react

No. 1986871

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Nobody said anything to my face about it. There wasn’t supposed to be anyone in the department and that coworker probably knew she shouldn’t have been snooping. I heard the diary clatter to the bench onto a clipboard underneath it as I rounded the corner so she wasn’t quite caught redhanded enough to say anything to me. But the elastic thing was off the book so it had clearly been opened and the dropping of it to the bench was clear as day. I am assuming she told my boss because they were in cahoots at all times. I never said anything but the shame was too much to continue in that job or even small town tbh kek

No. 1987030

I dislike both, Rock the Boat and Work, but this one has been one of my favorites for years

No. 1987065

i hope that sanic isnt 100% real

No. 1987066

It’s not. It’s literally just an imageboard game.

No. 1987092

Gimme more instrumental just makes everything better

No. 1987095

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I'm fucking stupid. I don't understand how a phone works for example. How does my voice get to the other phone, and how can their voice get to me? How does a speaker work, literally how is it able to produce all the complex sounds in the world when no living beings voice box can even do that?
I still don't really get how computers work either, it's all 0s and 1s, but how does the computer know what the numbers mean, how does it know 100111 is something and 100110 is something else and how it's supposed to interpret that, I just don't get it I am so stupid and I'm ashamed of it.

I'm a literal cavewoman, if I was sent back in time history would look exctly the same becuase there isn't anything modern I understand even on a basic level to kickstart history "how does this thing called electricity work future nona?" i don't fucking know, i plug it into a wall and then bada bing electric thing work.

No. 1987099

>My confession is, I am going to evict every troon possible as long as a work here.
kek love you nona

No. 1987106

KEK I don't get this kinda stuff either, like how the hell does a fax machine work? Who knows…

No. 1987165

I guarantee you vast majority of people have no idea how anything they use works, be it phones, computers, cars, fridges, stoves, etc. That's perfectly normal.

No. 1987519

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My whole sense of self-steem is based around how many crying laughing emojis i get in my discord posts.

No. 1987528

Ask your mom, ask a friend, ask a random stranger on the street and they won't have an answer for any of these questions either. Myself included.

No. 1987530

Bless you for protecting your community.

No. 1987533

Nta but i used to do the same because I was terrified from being told by my mom that my entire purpose in life was to be some guy’s broodmare and because of early porn exposure freaking me out

No. 1987578

One of my cats is a male and despite me loving him very much, I can't help bit resent him a little for being a gross moid. My three other girls are great (momma and their kittens) but he terrorizes them sometimes just for fun. Moids really be moids no matter the spieces.

No. 1987649

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Don't really know if this can be considered a confession but i wish i could have clarified it before.
When i lived in some kind of shared house (it had a shared kitchen and hallways with bedrooms and bathroom for each family/person) there was this kid that also went to my school.
I didn't really want to talk to him but he had a game i wanted to play so i thought that nothing bad would happen if i went to his room to play together.
But then he removed his shirt and i couldn't say anything, i was sure that he was trying to make a move but i kept acting disinterested and just a moment before i got too uncomfortable his mother comes in and stares at us before asking him something UGH i hope she didn't think that we were doing anything, it's not like i could have told her anyway.

No. 1987656

Other women tiffing out always makes me feel a little emasculated. I remember feeling this way even during my first tra encounter in middle school. Like fuck off you're just as male as I am.

No. 1987707

Kek, I kinda get it. My little scrote cat that I rescued as a kitten sometimes harasses our older female cat. Like he'll go over and bother her when she's sleeping, or (gently) bite her when he wants to play and it breaks my heart when she's not in the mood and makes a noise or hisses and moves to another spot to get away from him. Rude little boy.

No. 1987709

your pic made me cry-laugh react, so here's another boost for you nona

No. 1987792

I am pretty good at cooking but lied to the moid that I'm currently seeing because I'm not gonna do shit in the house if it's ever going to get serious sorry he better hire a maid and a chef

No. 1987917

I know exactly what lc threads my friend goes to and I recognize her posts (since I know all the details of her life) so sometimes when I find them I go and reply something nice and uplifting and supportive pretending I'm a stranger. She's even sent me screencaps of things I've told her as an anon saying "look how nice this anon is" kek She does it to other anon replies too so I know she doesn't think it's me, and she never shows/tells me her initial posts so for me to randomly have found it seems too unlikely (she doesn't know I stalk this site way too much…) Sometimes I even give unhinged replies I know would make her laugh or fight anons who disagree with her kek

No. 1987960

As a lesbian, I love that tifs have taken over fandom. Classic genderbends never did it for me because they always femme-ify the characters and give them back breaking anatomy, but tifs have mastered butch-looking genderbends with realistic female proportions. Not into the double mastectomy trend at all, but I just ignore those. I always laugh when bi/hetanons seethe about tif artwork that features a male character that's been reinterpreted as a non-transitioned trans man, because it's literally just a depiction of a woman they're so angry about, and just like everyone else they can block/ignore if they hate it so much. Maybe if I liked the high feminine, makeup wearing genki devoid-of-personality waifubait that is 99.9% of all female characters out there I'd feel differently, but when your only fictional representation of an authentically butch female character is an anime woman from a 90s cartoon, you learn to live with scraps.

No. 1987963

Wish I had a lolcow friend like that

No. 1987972

Wholesome af

No. 1987974

well now she knows

No. 1987997

But the characters are referred to as males, not women.

No. 1988114

I don't really give a shit if they call the characters he, if they have a vulva and breasts then they're women, kek. I'm a butch woman myself who gets gendered male sometimes, that doesn't mean I don't know what I am or I should suddenly stop enjoying being masculine.

No. 1988156

When I was 11 I read so many creepypastas and 'spooky stories' I eventually got so scared of the dark I slept in my parents' room for like a month kek. It took me like 2 years to get over it, I was too old for that shit.

No. 1988231

I did something similar to myself when I was younger by watching too many rated R horror movies at a friends house. I was petrified of all these random scenarios I would see in the movies and would wake myself up at night to "monitor" my room to make sure no crazy murderer cannibal had snuck in while I was sleeping KEK. They don't bother me at all anymore but there are some scenes from certain movies that still stick with me

No. 1988299

Sometimes I wish I was a bit famous, but just a little bit, in some niche community that's really small and where everyone just kind of gets along. I would like to do something like streaming with a nice group of friends and just hearing them talk about random stuff while playing some silly games or watching a series or movies. I think I technically shouldn't be bad at it because my autism makes me say random comments while doing anything, so it's not like it would be completely silent all of the time.
But I really hate the idea of being popular for some reason and knowing that moids could watch me do what I like to do, even if I had an avatar I would be annoyed by their presence.

No. 1988307

I always think this. I’d love to be famous but I’d hate for moids to even be aware of my existence. I’d be scared to even perform if I knew any male fans were in the audience at all. One of my favourite guitarists, although a guy, was shot dead whilst he was performing by a deranged moid who had schizoid fantasies about him. And there was that girl Christina Grimmie he was also shot dead onstage by a deranged schizo moid. Moids are literally murderous animals and I wouldn’t want them anywhere near me, they always have to take everything to the extreme they’re so fucking weird

No. 1988410

when i was younger i obsessively cyberstalked this one artist girl, basically making separate profiles to interact with her, archiving her every post, learning about her life, interests and online circle. i did it for years. i was very lonely i guess. then she started posting about genshin impact when it got popular and i quickly lost interest in her.

No. 1988413

kek nona it's okay, when I was like 14 I saw The Ring in theaters and I was so fucking scared afterwards I slept in my parent's bed for the night. I was in high school. kek

No. 1988415

I’m straight but whenever I’m in a rut in my life I sometimes look at male gaze hentai or look through porn subreddits aimed at men. I don’t even know why because I don’t really get off to it. I’ve had a history of kind of doing this sort of thing. I think it might’ve began when I was like 13 and found an audio of a woman moaning and imagined myself as a man having sex with a woman

No. 1988418

nona you're bisexual

No. 1988425

I do consider myself bisexual, but I do think imagining yourself as the man may be a common thing if you're exposed to porn at a young age. I also imagined myself as a man a lot, not all the time though.

No. 1988427

WHAT? I refuse to believe this is true. How are they even alive? I would kill myself if I could never orgasm I feel horrible now…

No. 1988441

Earlier on today I thought that my period must’ve started, but when I went to check in the bathroom it turns out that I’m just a sweaty bitch. I went on a run too and when I checked at the end of the day my underwear was soaked to the point of feeling grody af. Istg I need to lose weight around my thighs

No. 1988573

My best friend is super pro-trans much to my dismay (still love her tho hopefully one day she’ll peak) and for her bday all she asked from everyone was that they donate to some trans healthcare organization. She asked me a few days after her bday if I donated and I lied and said that I did kek. I feel bad for lying but I refuse to give money to troon shit. Feelsbadman

No. 1988597

>because it's literally just a depiction of a woman they're so angry about
not really, many anons have said they'd be fine with some of this artwork if the artists didn't insist that the characters are male or if they just made them an OC instead

No. 1988599

I always found it strange how much women hype up and coddle TIMs. I have never seen men go to bat this much for TIFs lol.

No. 1988646

Jesus I could not be friends with someone like that
Because women are expected to be handmaidens towards men since their birth, it simply proves further the fact that TIMs are males - women bend over backwards to appease them because they see themselves as subservient towards them. Hence why moids don’t feel the need to be subservient for TIFs

No. 1988670

I would love to have an affair. Feel good and sexy, have nice dinners and fun conversations while my scrote keeps paying the bills. He's reliable but he bores the shit out of me, if only he'd cuck for an open relationship kek.

No. 1988703

>marries a loser and then gets bored of him

anon, you didn’t have to marry your husband, it’s called just keep him as a boyfriend and then dump him when you are no longer compatible like wtf kek

No. 1988718

Divorce and find someone better nona. Tbh this is why I am scared of getting into a relationship. I know my adhd ass would get bored quick.

No. 1988724

File: 1714700813429.jpg (244.57 KB, 1040x1377, 72f1121a126bb6b1c18f1d26530ed5…)

I bought cigarettes, rip. I just wanna get fucked by a huge cock nonnas.

Am listening to a fever you can't sweat out kek.

No. 1988736

Laughing bc u sound exactly like me nona

No. 1988743

Queen, we are one and the same. I hope it comforts you as it does me.

No. 1988746

>>1988724 >>1988736

What pack did you get nonnies? I like natural American spirits teal, celadon and the orange packs

No. 1988747

File: 1714702796992.jpg (127.52 KB, 640x832, bb9d9ffbb3e4d0b9cf9ae69c33aa51…)

Love the grimmjow pic. I know how you fucking feel. I'm high right now and want picrel to fukc my brains out until i cant move

No. 1988752

I love browsing ed twitter, especially the fatspo/meanspo accounts it makes me feel so fucking powerful. It’s like I uncovered hidden treasure

No. 1988754

I got some mayfair original blues. Pretty tasty tbf.
Aizen is pretty tasty. I'm the resident Zaraki Kenpachi waifu of lolcor though heheheh, grimmy is qt tho

No. 1988765

Based, nice running into the other bleach husbandofag of lolcow kek

No. 1988782

File: 1714705060830.jpg (163.43 KB, 850x613, __urahara_kisuke_zaraki_kenpac…)

Lov u nonna

No. 1988786

File: 1714705291314.png (457.3 KB, 1000x994, 8dbdc9923b5faddb0479bafb1dd1e7…)

I want to have lips like hers so bad. I already have big lips but it's not good enough.

No. 1988787

Kenpatchi and Mr hat n clogs. Heart

No. 1988880

shes gorgeous and would have been a much bigger star if diddy didn't keep her in his basement for so long.

No. 1988926

File: 1714715991420.jpg (13.43 KB, 736x278, 1000021839.jpg)

>be me
>be teacher
>students asked how I'm good at English
>tell them that I was just very interested in learning the language because it was my hobby
>the reality
>I learnt English because I wanted to be able to read retarded yaoi manga and ZaDr fanfics
I think only one person irl knows this.

No. 1988939

>ZaDr fanfics
absolutely based

No. 1988990

I pooped my pants on the first date with my husband and he married me anyway

No. 1988998

True love

No. 1989004

File: 1714726684042.jpg (68.08 KB, 750x743, 1000014224.jpg)

Some anons make me so angry that I lose focus on the things I planned on doing and develop a headache

No. 1989390

My dream life is being amicably divorced and sharing custody of 2 children, or platonically co-parenting with someone. I want kids but I hate the idea of romance, especially long term.

No. 1989574

File: 1714767174883.jpg (95.34 KB, 1300x955, domestic-violence-young-woman-…)

Sometimes I feel like if I had been born a man, I would've been a wife beater(repeated bait poster)

No. 1989578

When I'm upset I watch videos about inbred dogs and their health problems.

No. 1989582

i know i'd pick fights with way bigger scrotes than me and end up with a perma-broke nose or something. really glad i was born a lady because moid-me would probably be a sex pest.

No. 1989584

same. i’m not saying they’re justified ever but i can understand being irritated by the person you take care of or otherwise give money to. all of their support and gratitude feels so hollow and flimsy when you know it’d probably go down the gutter if you weren’t providing them with $$$(bait)

No. 1989588

No. 1989605

>well now she knows
that would require her to read this thread and figure out it's me writing about her kek. I hoenstly think if she found out she would think it's sweet of me, so to give her a clue in case she happens to lurk this thread: pierre jaune

No. 1989610

I'd definitely be fighting other moids a lot, i constantly have an itch to fight a retard behind a bar, but can't, unfortunately.
Kek, nonna. You're right, though, all of us would be sex pests and deficient in plehora of other ways if we were moids.
The responding post is the most weird. They also sound like they were made by the same person.

No. 1989691

I'd be the biggest nlob/whiteknight/fedoratipper possible. I would have a really pathetic crush on my bestie though and would probably also be a pervert secretly seething about being in the friendzone or some other dumb shit. After all the xy damage is inescapeable

No. 1989698

inside every woman there is a man and it scares me

No. 1989701

I think I'd be an okay guy but I would play Nikke and other scroteshit and would think women would be interested in hearing my thoughts on plot.

No. 1989716

I'd love to fight moid-me once cloning is possible.

No. 1989732

File: 1714772202895.gif (1.96 MB, 498x498, IMG_0350.gif)

Honestly I would clone the moid version of myself by extracting him into another body and then kill myself. Then I would have Scientologists extract the consciousness and memories out of my brain and place it inside of the scrote and he would have absolutely no other reason but to listen to every word I give him. I would have full unfettered access to him and the only woman he would be only to love is the crazy female voice and visions he would see and wouldn’t be able to explain to anyone without him getting 51/50’d. I would be the sukana to his yuji, the hollow to his ichigo. I would go around using him like scrotum gundam flesh meat killing rapists and having sex with women giving them the multiple orgasms they deserve. He would have no choice but to obey me and spread the knowledge that I instill into his brain, that he is having direct contact to God and that God has always been a woman and that it’s imperative of you and the moid race to give up your families, kill yourselves in honor of me and every woman on this planet, transfer all of their wealth and power to women, and to build temples in honor me.

No. 1989763

i'd be a nintendo fanboy and furry

No. 1989910

if i was born a man i think i would be one of those extremely cringy liberal/libertarian cucks kek, also i would look cuter.

No. 1989911

not every post you hate is bait. farmhands you are fucking retarded

No. 1989918

>relating to wife beaters isn't bait

No. 1989920

File: 1714778304880.gif (933.29 KB, 275x275, 582977502.gif)

I hate it whenever people post those yucky photos of guys licking boots because they turn me on but maybe the worst part is that i'm into boots but i promise that i wouldn't do something like that, if this makes it any better. I hate how it became a normal thing to reply with like the nerd emoji.

No. 1989976


No. 1990010

File: 1714783780224.png (125.82 KB, 639x252, Screenshot 2024-05-03 174517.p…)

I'm singlehandedly responsible for my apartment complex's fly problem. Every year whenever it's summer, there's always TONS of flies on the balcony areas , especially mine, and by the front lobby door. I couldn't even open the door to let fresh air in without flies coming in. Anyways I was cleaning my balcony in preparation for summer, and I have a big indoor-outdoor carpet mat thing on there to make it less slippery. disgusting warning I lifted the mat to clean it and I saw HUNDREDS if not at least a thousand fly larvae. Some of them were brown and cocoon-like, and some of them were white and wriggling around. I doused the entire balcony in bleach and I've already noticed less flies in the past few days.

I can't believe I've been doing this to all my neighbours the past few years.


No. 1990015

if i were you i'd commit seppuku

No. 1990028

when i was in middle school i always vomited during puberty discussions in health classes, mainly whenever body diagrams were shown. tbh even today it still makes me scared sometimes.

No. 1990041

When I was in elementary school I was obsessed with puberty guide books and read as many as I could at the library. I had this bizarre clinical obsession with puberty facts. I started with the ones targeted towards girls but I ended up reading the boy ones too. Anyways, I think we could combine our traits to make a normal person.

No. 1990042

File: 1714789115855.jpg (64.23 KB, 735x806, 1000022008.jpg)

Why are uniforms so powerful? In teaching at some academy and it's all adults going there to learn how to fly planes wearing their frumpiest clothes, which like, same, I'm going there to work so I don't really care about the faces of my students like usual. But wrong, even the older students looked 60% better, the other 40% was like they're not of my taste when it comes to scrotes.
But one of them looked so cute, it's the youngest one tbh, 19 years old, so it makes sense that he hasn't hit the wall yet. He was like a 7/10 with his uniform on because he's a bit skelly and that's nice.

No. 1990049

File: 1714789978475.jpeg (93.59 KB, 735x590, IMG_0365.jpeg)

I can’t wait to die. Like no, literally, I can’t wait, thinking about this kind of freedom that happens to all of us eventually makes my brain feel relieved and calm that this stupid shit called life all ends eventually. I’m gonna be free one day sisters and I will meet one of you farmers on the flip side

No. 1990071

Life has too many restraints.

No. 1990072

the boy ones always seemed so easy compared to the girls

No. 1990084

>she hasn't learned about the moksha loosh/soul trap yet

No. 1990132

>be me
>be thirsty
>some people that are friends of my mom are sleeping in the living room
>consider not going to the kitchen to drink water
>drink water directly from the faucet
>feel like a wild animal
Well, at least I didn't have to even accidentally interact with anyone.

No. 1990207

i developed another escapist yumetier crush, this time on an obscure app and the mc is a japanese moid

No. 1990312

File: 1714826097988.jpeg (57.51 KB, 460x460, IMG_0373.jpeg)

give me freedom or give me death
no, no stop pls. I will be going to afterlife barbie world when I die not reincarnating back into this hellscape

No. 1990330

Kek this image is amazing. Ty nonnie

No. 1990345

you’re welcome, ily pneumatic-chan

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