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File: 1724028430617.gif (1.38 MB, 407x275, 4k85q0lihqfy.gif)

No. 2142717

"STOP FIGHTIIIIING!" (fixed) edition

>no racebait

>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching

>>>/ot/2133244(do not make a new thread before the old one reaches 1200 posts)

No. 2142719

1) Made way too soon 2) fucked up the name on the first try

No. 2142720

why do you keep making new threads you fucking newfag? calm down and wait until it hits 1200 posts at the very least

No. 2142730


No. 2142733

If you're referring to me the one that made the last Bechdel thread, I made that thread on post 1194, and the old thread filled up in like 5 minutes after I posted the new one. This thread wasn't made by me and I'm not a newfag so.

No. 2142735

>u-uh this thread wasn’t made by me but i happen to be here at the exact same time that it was made and that you mentioned me
NTA but kek…

No. 2142737

I'm on here 18 hours a day because I'm a NEET I see all posts as they come in I have LC open in 10 tabs? Of course I'm gonna see your retarded post shading me. Dumbass

No. 2142744

You’re saying this as if it’s something to be proud of kek

No. 2142748

Ummmmm if you're trying to imply I should be ashamed of using Lolcow you must be out of your damn mind. This website is my home and my sanctuary and my heaven. I will never be anything but proud of using Lolcow. I love this website and I love the anons and I love my country God bless America God bless Lolcow. So fuck you.

No. 2142752

I didn’t say that using lolcow is something to be ashamed of, I said “You’re saying that as if it’s something to be proud of” in response to you stating that you spend all of your waking hours on lolcow

No. 2142754

Yes because that's my God given right and nobody can take my beloved Lolcow from me so don't try it.

No. 2142755


No. 2142756

Stop trying to be the class clown, it’s not working

No. 2142758

>Everything sincere must be irony
You're poisoned. Not everything has to be "Funny." This site isn't your personal jester.

No. 2142769

This is the superior unpopular opinions thread also gif is sexy as fuck sorry

No. 2142772

Historyfags can choke on my contemporary labia tbh

No. 2142774


No. 2142777

True, kek

No. 2142778

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I made the thread. This is the first thread I've made in about two years. I'm not a newfag, I just haven't been here in a while because I got a job and stuff. It used to be common practice to make a new thread after the automod message to account for overflow in the previous thread. I'm starting to remember why I left in the first place kek. My unpopular opinion is that I, as a 26 year old, am too old for this shit after all.

No. 2142779

File: 1724030941803.webp (13.78 KB, 385x550, 4284636579972.WEBP)

Could detransitioning have saved her?

No. 2142785

I'm 27 Nonnie let's brave the nu lc together. Also congrats on the job.

No. 2142786

He's an autist. There is no saving autists.

No. 2142787

No. 2142798

My unpopular opinions is that there has been an uptick in troon positive posting/making fun of TERFs and I just want to say none of you are slick. Go back.

No. 2142801

Japanese food is bland and borders on gross but everyone hypes it up because oooooo Japan

No. 2142803

wrong thread

No. 2142806

NAYRT but how?

No. 2142807

no tf it isn’t

No. 2142818

Nta but yes it is kek

No. 2142836

I heard it's either extremely salty or very bland. That's probably why a certain group of people go rara over it so much, they're used to the bland and delicate palate where the gaminess of the meat is more important than flavor, seasoning, soul, spirit, life, happiness.

No. 2142913

Last thing I ever expected to see on lolcor is a kamille bidan threadpic kek, I love him and this scene was hilarious

No. 2142979

Japanese food is definitely more "bland" than other Asian cuisines that use spices and unique flavors in their dishes but there's still plenty of tasty Japanese foods out there. Is there really not a single one you like anon?

No. 2142993

Nta but
>a nonna present in multiple different threads???? no way, not possible.

No. 2143046

I care less about certain aspects of politics way less than some users of this site do

No. 2143231

That's a sentiment, not opinion.

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