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File: 1720912509480.jpg (111.96 KB, 546x533, American stan’s .jpg)

No. 2088051

Burgerland general, board rules apply

Previous thread: >>>/ot/1933446

No. 2088061

File: 1720912775496.jpg (336.23 KB, 1400x1050, TrumpMeanGirls_Getty_Paramount…)

I'm gonna vote for Regina George because she got hit by that bus

No. 2088062

No. 2088065

Actual previous thread

No. 2088066

i don’t know how i fucked that up i’m sorry nonnie’s

No. 2088070

RIP to Azealia Banks in the background

No. 2088072

Trump got shot??

No. 2088073

Nah. They might have heard gunfire during his rally so they rushed him off stage.

No. 2088075

>trump just won
where were you nonas I'm still pooping

No. 2088080

File: 1720913922150.jpeg (116.14 KB, 803x803, IMG_3845.jpeg)

His ear is bleeding and there were shots fired and I saw of video of someone who didn’t look very alive being carried out of the crowd by police

No. 2088081

Yeah nonny nobody wants him dead at all and the blood is a psyop kek

No. 2088083

You linked to the wrong thread

No. 2088086

People are saying the shooter is dead. A witness said the security was looking for a second shooter involved as well.

No. 2088087

File: 1720914131219.jpeg (63.26 KB, 700x467, 669301a19caa6ed01e016b94.jpeg)

A bullet grazed his ear. Holy shit.

>He then rose to his feet and put his fist in the air, before being escorted off stage and into a vehicle, and then driven away from the scene.


No. 2088088

1 confirmed attendee death

No. 2088089

Yeah and they just barely missed kek, this doesn’t do dems or their party any favors

No. 2088090

damn what the fuck? these retards we’re so hellbent on killing trump to the point where they would kill other innocent citizens as well. i hope they get the death penalty

No. 2088091

Damn this image is making me tinfoil hard — what a photo op for him

No. 2088092

Another attendee is in critical condition.

No. 2088093

File: 1720914295433.mp4 (810.01 KB, 480x858, 6174752-48f6d4445461e27027e653…)

Gunman is dead

No. 2088094

This pic is the nail in the coffin to the Biden admin…

No. 2088095

New iconic image. It's so good it almost looks planned. It's good that he survived because the country could have descended into civil war.

No. 2088097

viva la burgerland

No. 2088098

No it's not. He further endangered the lives of the Secret Service people trying to protect him for a photo op.

No. 2088099

What a look

No. 2088100

I've read a book about a secret service agent lady and she was adamant how they never let anyone get elevated or on roofs at events. If that's him on the roof they really didn't give af lol.

No. 2088101

everyone is too fat for a civil war

No. 2088103

I’m just sad because this was so close to changing our time line if he actually died. Now more of the same shit.

No. 2088105

People could’ve argued that this was all planned to make trump look better, planned failed assassination to shoot him in the ear, but the attendee deaths prove otherwise.

No. 2088107

attendees are expendable, it doesn't prove shit

No. 2088110

A witness is saying the man next to him got shot in the head and died instantly, and a woman got shot in the forearm/hand.

No. 2088111

No. 2088113

You really think he and his team planned to kill random ass supporters? Massive doubt.

No. 2088114

This is true I'm not taking to the streets for anything except for my favorite empanada truck

No. 2088115

Even ignoring that, there's no way Trump would agree to them aiming right at his head for some falseflag to maybe gain voters

No. 2088116

you wouldn't believe the things people say about 9/11

No. 2088117

He's talking to NBC right now.

No. 2088118

I have no opinions on this; I just think attendees dying doesn't affect the likelihood of conspiracy

No. 2088119

File: 1720914852262.mp4 (8.02 MB, 1280x720, 6174760-0edc968f200bd70023e006…)

This older man tried to help the guy who got hit in the head.

No. 2088120

problem is most tinfoilfags are pro trump so dems will just have to take this mega L

No. 2088121

Sorry trump got shot at or whatever but threadpic hurts my damn eyes

No. 2088124

jesus christ.

No. 2088125

click the little hide button

No. 2088126

Nah, just think OP should have gone with bandit keith like the crowds wanted

No. 2088128

NBC just showed video of the woman getting carried out by security. She's completely limp from the looks of it.

No. 2088129

Trump could’ve not known shit about it. the president is just a dancing monkey on a stage made by people with actual power.

No. 2088131

This is an image board. Post the fucking video.

No. 2088133

It's already posted. It's the NBC livestream >>2088117

No. 2088134

>another The Joos control everything conspirator
Get fucked(derailing)

No. 2088135

File: 1720915325260.jpg (105.44 KB, 736x1156, c31c5313bf9b5271e6f4f0800bb606…)

I've had the this thread hidden for like a week (love the thread, but a post made me realize you guys are politically retarded) and this new pic startled me so much kek. I thought someone would've picked another hetalia or anime founding fathers pic

No. 2088136

Calm down. She said nothing about jews.

No. 2088137

This site hates weebs so much they'd rather look at abominations like the OP pic

No. 2088138

>one post represents everynonny
>disagreeing with one post makes you tap out

No. 2088139

we love american dad

No. 2088140

File: 1720915441978.png (191.29 KB, 1450x548, bidey.png)

KEKK this man doesn’t give a shit about a thing. Good for him

No. 2088141

>people standing around drinking beer after a shooting while staring at a corpse
This is where we are collectively as a society. Just, why.

No. 2088143

>two shooters
>one only hit his ear
>he stands there for some extra time, gets dogpiled by SS agents, then stands up to do a fist pump for a gay little photo op
>other shooter still doesn't get him, not even a second injury

No. 2088144

You’re telling me you don’t love that smile? Where’s your heart nonna

No. 2088145

Maybe it’s easy for them because they don’t feel bad for him

No. 2088146

I heard rumors that some people saw the guy climb up on the roof and alerted the cops saying "hey there's a guy over there that's suspicious as fuck" and the cops didn't do anything about it until the shots were fired

No. 2088148

Definitely staged, don't fall for it nonnies.

No. 2088149

should they be upset that some wannabe sniper got killed? i wouldnt give a fuck either

No. 2088150

No we don’t, and OP is a faggot

No. 2088151

I’m not even sure if he knows he is president

No. 2088152

I actually don't typically mind anons being ignorant or saying things I disagree with (which happens a lot), it's just that everytime I saw the thread i would just think "people like this are allowed to vote". It was just too much despair.

No. 2088153

Sis you’re the only one thinking about Jews here

No. 2088154

I'm thinking of multiple Ezra Millers

No. 2088155

No. 2088156

nta but ouch

No. 2088157

Will any farmers who also have a kiwi login crosspost what they’ve uncovered about the identity of the rally shooter?

No. 2088158

Normally I don’t say this but this incident glows

No. 2088159

Libdems aren't exactly known for being skilled with guns. I find it very easy to believe they would miss.

Sleepy Joe living up to his name.

No. 2088160

File: 1720915779135.png (137.77 KB, 274x430, 1675623478981.png)

Amerisisters I don't feel so good. Who becomes the rep nominee if trump was actually killed? How much do you want to bet it was a tranny?

No. 2088163

Same kek

No. 2088164

I'm on it

No. 2088165

If you've never fired a gun, it's really hard to even hit a cardboard target in the head when it's 20 feet away and standing still and on the same elevation as you with no wind. Doubt the shooters were trained snipers.

No. 2088168

File: 1720915934162.jpg (28.81 KB, 555x433, Ezra-Miller-We-Need-to-Talk-ab…)

beautiful guys like him are already so rare. it should be a crime for them to gendie out(derailing)

No. 2088169

yeah it seems a tad convenient

No. 2088171

What are you talking about? Why would republicans do that when most of them hate trannys

No. 2088172

she means the shooter

No. 2088173

Ezra is a good example of a hot male who should be kept from having any personal freedom or agency, preferably kept in chains when he's not performing

No. 2088174

It would just be Trumps vice president

No. 2088176

nta but she’s asking who would become the republican nominee for the election if Trump had been killed just now

No. 2088177

File: 1720916131830.mp4 (2.18 MB, 1280x720, 6169486-0ce3b094e14a8d10ab6bc2…)

After the debate Biden is fully in his elderlypilled dementiamaxxing era

No. 2088179

So… the election is basically over, right nonnies?

No. 2088181

He would beat you up lmao

No. 2088182

it looks like the establishment wants trump to be president bad. makes sense in many ways wrt foreign policy

No. 2088183

Oh shit my bad kek
Honestly I believe it. Most cops nowdays don’t do their job and just want to laze around and get paid

No. 2088184

File: 1720916223593.png (730.95 KB, 1140x1237, 1720567920088.png)

Replying to this post from last thread since no one gave an actual list of names:
>does anyone know who (like the name of the actual individual) controls project 2025? or is it like just a random pdf that’s going around because Trump himself said he has no control over it
See picrel. Project 2025 is created by his closest advisors. He is lying to you about not being involved or knowing about it.
>turns on VPN
And it’s unfortunate that shot missed its target today to be honest, sheeple.

No. 2088185

The streets would be devolving into Mad Max rn if he had died. Absolute fucking chaos across the whole country that would be impossible to quell. Why would you WANT to see that?

No. 2088186

That just raises more questions. How did at least one untrained shooter manage to hide somewhere and avoid detection up until he made the shot? If he was helped, who the fuck hired someone without skill for such a big job? Also, assuming the thing about one shooter being dead is true, how did they have such a massive blind spot, but return fire so quickly?

No. 2088187

He hasn't named a veep yet, though.
Probably an open convention next week to pick a new candidate.

No. 2088188

there's ol' bob white as the troon delegate I guess but he even old enough to be a president

No. 2088189

this had to have been "allowed" to happen. that picture is too perfect

No. 2088190

Also don’t they have secret service guys surround the area? There’s no way they’d be that careless and some guy on a roof going unoticed

No. 2088191

>>>/tinfoil thread/

No. 2088192

Biden just condemned the shooting, and NBC said his campaign will pause his political ads for the time being.

No. 2088193

Totally agree with you. That would only cause more political violence and chaos. I don't want that, personally

No. 2088194

Personally I think it sounded like a small pistol (rural and military nonny) but could just be the distance and poor audio

No. 2088195

File: 1720916433596.mp4 (13.63 MB, O2Dd-joxKLQJ8bDx.mp4)

Found the interview

No. 2088198

This has got to be the one day I miss having a Twitter.

No. 2088201

Their protocol is to have eyes and people at the top of every building. Idk if he has worse agents because he's not the president now.

No. 2088202

Yeah idk how anons really believed Trump doesn't know about project 2025

No. 2088203

Also this picture doesn’t even capture the full kino of everyone chanting “USA!” as he did that. I unironically got goosebumps when the crowd screamed and cheered after he stood back up.

No. 2088204

File: 1720916632183.png (1.11 MB, 936x936, menny men.png)

No. 2088206

i love unpredictable men. like you could be chilling at home and he just chokes you out of nowhere and then acts like nothing happened? hot(derailing)

No. 2088207

He was literally seen with a rifle by multiple people, and they did nothing? What the fuck?

No. 2088210

we are so back burgersisters

No. 2088211

>trump enslavement syndrome at work itt treating this moid like a goddamn war hero

No. 2088212

No. 2088213

No. 2088214

100% staged stunt to make him seem like an unbeatable strong leader to win the elections, no doubt about it.

No. 2088215

Jesus fucking christ this is embarrassing. I never expected farmers to be trailer trash fatties cheering for him but he we are. Our country is beyond fucked, I hope the women itt rooting for him are forced to carry an unplanned baby since you love his policies so much(infight bait)

No. 2088216

Would Melania have been relieved?

No. 2088218

shoulda gone with the ole american classic, the drone strike

No. 2088219

erm… thats not very girlboss of you

No. 2088220

Where did all these rightoid cocksuckers ITT spring up from?(infight bait)

No. 2088221

kek you’re taking it too seriously nona

No. 2088222

You say that, but do you realize the riots that would break out across the country? How many could lose their lives or be seriously injured? It would send the country into total chaos. I don't like Trump, though I don't want any political candidate to be assassinated. It causes unrest

No. 2088223

bidens gonna be like "they shot…..xi jinping"

No. 2088224

Holy shit, the rally is only twenty minutes from my house. My coworker, who's there, says that multiple people spotted the gunman on the roof and told the police about it, but the police brushed them off.

No. 2088225

Enchanting as fuck

No. 2088226

Glowing like the sun

No. 2088228

You’re saying this now because you feel like being an edgelord but if he did die, you’d be wishing he was still alive because of what would happen not only to you but your environment and livelihood

No. 2088229

thats really fucked up and weird to say

No. 2088230

This. Genuinely depressing. Yes let's all call the psycho right wing conservatoid "based" and let Project 2025 roll into action, say goodbye to all the rights feminism has fought to preserve.

No. 2088231

There are unironic nonnies in this thread who think like this, please kek

No. 2088232

typical police tbfh

No. 2088233

he wants to do a reagan

No. 2088234

trump getting elected is probably gonna cause unrest too though
big if true

No. 2088235

Reeking of ballsweat lmao(scrotefoiling)

No. 2088236

>I hope the women itt rooting for him are forced to carry an unplanned baby
stay troonpilled, nonita

No. 2088238

Its lowkey kinda crazy to see anons be so gullible and fall for shit sooo easily just because "haha trump makes funny tweets!". You wouldn't even think we're a cow site practically based on sniffing out every aspect of a person or situation

No. 2088239

Kek, I believe nonna though. Anons should have to post their weight before they start dickriding for Trump so openly on here

No. 2088240

Are we completely doomed to a conservitard theocracy now? Is it over nonas?

No. 2088241

It smells like people trying to manipulate opinion on LC methinks.

No. 2088242

He's winning for sure

No. 2088243

neither of the anons you tagged but i think the second one about the crowds reaction is less about Trumps individual politics and more about the event itself, the first one is weird and gross though

No. 2088244

Wouldn’t be surprised if the kiwis are here

We literally have unironic autists on this website kek

No. 2088245

>we're a cow site practically based on sniffing out every aspect of a person or situation
we're literally a knitting forum based on nitpicking shay's vajayjay and marge's nasolabial folds

No. 2088247

Sorry anon, I believe this was in response to my reply I reposted

No. 2088248

File: 1720917183041.jpeg (76.22 KB, 602x602, IMG_1046.jpeg)

>republicans are sewww bad i hope yer forced to give birth!

No. 2088249

there's been a big rightoid influx in here, particularly in country threads. there were anons in the britbong and baguette threads shilling farage and le pen right before their respective elections.
well it ain't lookin good

No. 2088250

Yes you are. And this time around my small European country constantly being bullied by Russia is fucked since Trump supports Putin. Because of Americans who think twitter funnyman based trump is the right guy to vote, you'll have a fascist conservative hellscape and we'll be steamrolled by Russia.

No. 2088251

“Status quo good! Don’t you understand how awesome it is that our country has rising obesity rates while we continue to funnel billions into Israel each year while our own citizens are suffering!”

It’s weird and fucked up to support a rightoid who actively wants to take away our rights, you reap what you sow. Adult conservative women are fucking jokes and deserve anything that’s coming to them

There’s nothing that screams troon more than celebrating a rapist politician

Yes. We’re so fucked


No. 2088252

You literally just have not been here enough if you haven't seen the way anons are able to investigate and pick apart what cows say or do.

No. 2088253

Damn, I was going to go out and vote for Biden while pretty apathetic but now I feel it's even more pointless.

No. 2088254

I still don't get why dems went with Biden unless they were trying to lose

No. 2088255

False flag or not this shit is so crazy. I can't beli

No. 2088257

it's over if the democrats keep shilling biden to be honest, he literally has no charisma against trump. whether you like her or not, dems only have kamala. they just cant run biden at this point

No. 2088258

gotta say Trump is the luckiest person alive. Nothing can touch him. Indictments, criminal prosecutions, assassination attempts, etc. What the fuck did he do in a past life.

No. 2088259

I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy of cheering on a vehemently anti abortion politician then crying when the consequences of your actions finally come

No. 2088260

No one is disagreeing with that lmao

No. 2088261

I know there have always been kiwifarmers here, but I don't understand why they even care about what we're saying over here. I certainly am not interested in their opinions.

No. 2088263

Every vote counts, anon. Please go vote.

No. 2088264

Why is it easier for some anons itt to believe that this is a big conspiracy than a psycho leftist moid who can't aim?

No. 2088265

I will never think that a fat old man is ‘based’. Hit the gym tubby.

No. 2088266

>first spark of genuine patriotism we've seen in years
>in the other corner sleepy joe is having his depends changed

No. 2088267

He's a sockpuppet used by the richest people in the world, of course the powers that be will protect him until his last breath.

No. 2088269

why didn't anybody stop the shooter?

No. 2088270

What’s with the goalpost shifting about obesity. What does that have to do with this? You’re blatantly ignoring the legitimate danger that would’ve come from Trump being murdered

No. 2088271

Exactly. The pickmes cheering on a geriatric fatty are fucking retards

Having fun sucking your moids abusive cock tradthot chan?(infighting)

No. 2088272

Because of precedent that intelligence agencies are often involved in these events?

No. 2088273

No. 2088274

File: 1720917434330.jpg (427.28 KB, 1600x1069, Rosner-Fast-Food-Trump.jpg)

No. 2088275

I was honestly gonna stay out too because I hate both candidates but now I'm reconsidering it. If this was a PR move, it's a damn good one. I just really don't want Project 2025 to even have a chance of happening.

No. 2088276

still the hardest picture of trump btw

No. 2088277

>“Status quo good! Don’t you understand how awesome it is that our country has rising obesity rates while we continue to funnel billions into Israel each year while our own citizens are suffering!”
Except I didn't say any of that. Can you read?

No. 2088278

oh my god apparently the bullet didnt even hit him, glass broke and hit his ear. that would match his reaction more to be honest

No. 2088279

nta but dude what is this response kek. anon was just stating facts, she never said she was pro Trump. go pop a pill please

No. 2088281

Site was bought by right wingers trying to convert women. It’s why scrotefoiling and rad feminism isn’t allowed but gender critical is reinstated.(tinfoil)

No. 2088282

I wish that could be me

No. 2088283

When I heard the news, this was the first place I came to and I knew I wouldn’t be disappointed kek. I love it here.


No. 2088284

Nona shit like this should incite you to vote even more

No. 2088285

The abortion issue is literally the only thing keeping me. Repubs are retarded for not giving way on that. t. nonny who got robbed at my store and tired of getting my car bipped (and the shit ass economy)

No. 2088286

>Adult conservative women are fucking jokes and deserve anything that’s coming to them
Does this mean that any woman who supports liberals deserves to be raped by a tranny in the women's bathroom?

No. 2088287

Rioting in democrat controlled cities is going to look like a fun day out if the millions of right wing nutjobs with gun collections decide to start a civil war.

No. 2088288

File: 1720917583408.png (329.18 KB, 825x719, 1720916179533.png)

Big if true

No. 2088290

File: 1720917588655.jpg (324.88 KB, 839x1143, 449507934_889080479925637_3577…)

This isn't very patriotic of you, nona. I'm not a fan of him but I enjoyed seeing the crowd collectively relieved that he wasn't hurt and chanting for our country.

No. 2088292

I guess but my state is pretty goddamn red. It's tightly controlled by conservitard puppets and its population as a whole is uneducated biblethumping, gun-worshipping MAGAs that would never let anyone else but Trump win here.

No. 2088293

patriotism is for retards
well of course it could also be a psycho retard but it's not unheard of for this kind of false flag shit to happen. and this particular stunt benefits repubs with minimal cost to them.

No. 2088294

Unrest is required to make genuine change, hard to swallow pill. But hey, you enjoy our chemical laden foods, crippling student debt, and having to pay quadruple digits for ambulances

I do genuinely believe we had our shot with Bernie but it fluked because of both the dems and republicans in power trying their hardest to maintain the status quo

And if we need anymore evidence mods are trannies and pickmes. Remember that one farmhand who banned anons for shitting on her “Good moids” thread? Kek

No. 2088296

File: 1720917657430.webp (1.45 MB, 2000x3001, mr president .WEBP)

Damn. I wouldn’t say I’m in love with the guy but I am glad he’s still with us

No. 2088297

Worshipping a corrupt politician is not the same as being patriotic or loving our country. I love America very much, and our politicians just want to divide us.

No. 2088298

That's exactly what I was trying to get at it. Thanks, nona

No. 2088299

Are many people actually going to change their votes because of this? I think gas prices increasing again would cause more of a swing than this.

No. 2088300

>patriotism is for retards
But the old man shitting in his diaper is also a retard. No matter what side you vote for, you're getting a retard.

No. 2088301

Because women have to think what men think and they won’t rest until we all do

No. 2088302

i feel the same
im just glad the ex-president didnt get his brains blown out on live tv, that wouldve been totally horrific

No. 2088304

No. 2088305

Scrotefoiling isn't banned. It's just that you can't shit up a thread by saying "you're a moid!" because I have reported a lot of anons for being scrotes and they always get banned. The whole thing was just to stop anons from trying to report people with dissenting opinions and shit up threads by claiming an anon they disagree with is a mood. Again, I've reported a ton of anons for being scrotes ever since that was announced and they always get banned

No. 2088306

Uhh sorry but, your little dystopian fantasy is likely not coming true any time soon.
>chemicals in our food
Buy different food? No ones forcing you to shop at walmart
>crippling student debt
Why would you go to college? Horrible waste of time and money
>having to pay for ambulances
Why are you calling ambulances to begin with? It sounds like you’re complaining about your own personal life and have a cynical worldview that you think everyone else should be forced to actually live in

No. 2088307

I think a lot of nonnies here don't like Trump they just look at Biden and Trump and realize we're in a clown world either way

Democrats let abortion rights get taken away. Women are at the bottom of the intersectional totem pole rn they don't give a fuck

No. 2088309

It could motivate people who checked out or apathetic.

No. 2088311


No. 2088312

I heard someone say the shooter is a Chinese national. Curious if anyone has heard anything similar

No. 2088313

Because I don’t want fucking war to break out in the U.S., retard. Thats why.

No. 2088314

Democrat women don’t actively vote for their rights getting taken away so no, I don’t think any woman deserves to get raped but if a tradthot rightoid got raped and was forced to shit out a baby she didn’t want, that’s irony

If you think a bunch of obese rednecks Appalachians chanting “USA DURRR” is a good display of patriotism you are a retard

I hope your moid beats you to death. I’ll take my ban for a logging. I don’t care anymore(a-logging)

No. 2088315

Anon doesn’t even have a college degree KEKKK. Your shift manager at McDonalds is waiting for you to clock back in.

No. 2088317

File: 1720917878026.gif (4.4 MB, 498x340, 9b62dc8b28a85ea72dd273c8261864…)

No. 2088318

ayrt i don't actually disagree with that. biden is a catastrophe.
but patriotism is a psyop as old as time.
thise are bigger structural problems (food standard regulations, health costs) that can't just get solved by "don't get sick hurdur"

No. 2088320

How is wishing violence against other women supposed to aide whatever point you’re attempting to make

No. 2088321

Maybe reddit would be a better place for you rn

No. 2088322

File: 1720917925343.jpg (48.43 KB, 625x469, 0d9b9330767d309748bc1f88df2718…)

>project 2025 basically guaranteed now
I hate politics anons, damn why am I so stressed over something I can only do so much to control

No. 2088323

i saw something that said it was a white male but it would make sense either way. either pin it on china, or take the heat off some group that wants him dead. probably because of his epstein connection

No. 2088325

>I hope the women itt rooting for him are forced to carry an unplanned baby since you love his policies so much
They'll just gaslight themselves into keeping the baby because it's a "child of god" or an opportunity to pass "the word of god" or some shit. Don't underestimate the unhingedness conservitard women have.

No. 2088326

You couldn’t make it more obvious you were a fed. No one should be paying for ambulances. Everyone deserves an equal opportunity to go to college and your anti intellectualism with “DURR COLLEGE WASTE OF TIME” is proof of that.

No. 2088327

why feel sorry for a rapist

No. 2088328

Nta but in that case /pol/ would be better for you kek. This is neither a left or rightwing site.

No. 2088329

i just pass trads off as retarded to be honest, so i dont think it's working
>plan to kill trump
>literally sit there in plain sight
>multiple people see and report to the cops
>somehow gets away with being seen
>aims on head, target is 240 pounds and 6'4
>target kind of moves head
>refuses to elaborate

No. 2088330

Nobody said “just don’t get sick”, but you’re also not forced to call an ambulance or go to the hospital when you have a cough.

No. 2088332

>How the hell does this thread have 186 posts alre- Oh.
I hope political assassination attempts will become a trend, please do EU next.

No. 2088333

saying you want somebody to get beat to death because theyre glad somebody didnt get shot on tv is crazy KEK

No. 2088335

File: 1720918011005.jpg (326.64 KB, 2192x1233, media_GSaHUHrWkAE7v_-.jpg)

Photo with secret service

No. 2088336

The 3rd party voters might get rattled a bit to not vote for their meme candidate

No. 2088337

>I think a lot of nannies here don't like Trump they just look at Biden and Trump and realize we're in a clown world either way
Personally, it's exactly this. They're both fucking retarded and it's retarded we are expected to pick one or the other. I'm just gonna enjoy the shitshow while it's happening

No. 2088338

please say where we said we feel sorry for him?

No. 2088339

>replying to every post dead seriously like we aren't all making fun of your autism
kek typical

what are we listening to today nonnies? U S A, U S A

No. 2088340

why does everyone keep bringing up traditionalism? do you guys think being a Trumptard makes someone a traditionalist KEK? A lot of you need to learn the meanings of words before you use them, cause just because a lady might be republican definitely doesn’t immediately mean she’s a tradtard

No. 2088343

>Democrat women don’t actively vote for their rights getting taken away
But they do. Dems are protranny. The rights of trannies directly oppose the rights of women.

No. 2088345

KEKKK this election is gonna be great

No. 2088346

File: 1720918118158.jpg (1.61 MB, 3840x2160, media_GSaHa8rWkAAijDj.jpg)

Taken from twitter how far he was from Trump

No. 2088347

Roe v. Wade was overturned by supreme court judges that Trump nominated.

No. 2088348

File: 1720918141739.gif (41.14 KB, 220x260, lord-if-you-can-hear-us-save-u…)

racially ambiguous without dementia woman save us please save us racially ambiguous woman

No. 2088349

Proof this site is being overrun by tradtards because they think trannies are the only issue facing American women because that’s what their mainstream media tells them

No. 2088350

This, plus being soft on crime and allowing free unfiltered migration exponentially hurts women and children more.

No. 2088353

File: 1720918233873.png (567.59 KB, 982x716, 50944140.png)

No. 2088354

ok and if you have something worse than a cough and need the ER it's still not normal to pay massive amounts. it's a structural issue that goes beyond individual choices.
because republican often goes hand in hand with prolife and antifeminist

No. 2088355

My point is that no matter who you vote for, you will be loosing your rights. It's a choice between what rights you want taken away.

No. 2088356

you guys can vote for rfk jr

No. 2088358

just out of curiosity what do you think being trad is, nonnie?

No. 2088359

>I hope your moid beats you to death because random anon disagrees with me/is happy someone didn't get shot on TV.
Found the Y chromosome haver. YWNBAW.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2088361

Going to love giving up abortion rights AND birth control AND gender equality. I hope Trumpnonnies will love becoming the tradwive baby machines conservatards want them to be.

No. 2088363

The “eating abortion pills like candy” stunt was what caused feminism in USA to finally fly too close to the sun

No. 2088364

I hate troons too but dems wouldn't make them pose anywhere near a danger as conservitards would. TIMs are left only on paper. Most of them actually hate women and are covert incels. Alot of them are also into guns. All interests that align with a conservitards.

No. 2088365

What rights is Biden going to take away from you? Shooting people on sight if they look at you funny?

No. 2088366

KEKKK tradtard spotted.

No. 2088367

remember when everyone thought this was going to happen back in 2016 right before he got elected

No. 2088368

biden and trump are probably kissing right now and we're all arguing.

No. 2088370

NTAYRT but reading this thread I’m confident some of you don’t know the difference between being trad and just being retarded

No. 2088371

Trump used his previous candidacy to consolidate power around far-right issues. See >>2088184. It’s just gonna get worse, nonny

No. 2088372

File: 1720918504587.jpeg (355.37 KB, 828x950, IMG_4570.jpeg)

meanwhile if biden had been th one to get shot, trump would have been cheering on the shooter.
dems are way too soft on trump. he's dangerous and he's not interested in playing fair.

No. 2088373

Conservatives still flood the country with migrants because they're cheap slave labor, idiot
Obama deported more Mexicans than Trump did

No. 2088374

File: 1720918541360.jpeg (52.6 KB, 300x462, IMG_2179.jpeg)

Yeah anons are sperging a little too hard. Literally nothing is going to change. Same shit different retard in office. We all lose

No. 2088375

Is project 2025 in the room with you right now?

No. 2088376

personally I don't let men inside me

No. 2088377

Anon… are you retarded? It’s a super common tradtard talking point that birth control took feminism “too far” and has led to the downfall of the west kek

No. 2088378

this image is hard

No. 2088379

File: 1720918582179.png (9.16 KB, 697x141, we did it ladies, leopards ate…)

And this reminds me of this prophetic post

No. 2088380

its so joever, i cant do another 4 years of him nonnas. ive already lost my right to abort, what else is on the chopping block nonnas? i need to prepare myself

No. 2088381

Conservative men are all DL and grooming femboys, poltards consume more tranny porn than any other demographic

No. 2088382

Her post was clearly sarcasm.

No. 2088383

>if you hate trannies you are a tradthot
Really nona? On lolcow of all places?

No. 2088384

Libs should move to Canada and MAGAs move to Texas and it will all work out nicely

No. 2088385

KEK, I expected his first tweet to be way funnier and more unhinged.
>I am simply the greatest. So alert, so fast, not even bullets can hit me. If Sleepy Joe has been up here, he would be dead. Sleepy Joe wants me dead, but I'm not going to be dead. If I were firing that gun, I would be dead. My aim is simply that good. But I wasn't.

No. 2088387

Right wing men hate women and love trannies
Look at Alex Jones and Blair White

No. 2088389

Leftist women are usually misguided and aren’t a threat, kill yourself

What is a republican woman if not a tradtard? What type of self respecting woman actively supports a rapist who wants to take away our rights?

Oink oink

So does not having access to abortion, we’re fucked no matter who we vote for but I’d rather my bodily autonomy remain in tact

This, also pro tranny and anti women go hand in hand with republicans more than one would think. My state (Ohio)’s governor is a conservatoid who is infamous for doing everything in his power to ban abortions is also pro tranny and gender affirming care is perfectly fine and legal here(infighting)

No. 2088390

Not what I said. Work on your literacy, maybe

No. 2088391

>gas prices increasing
They've actually gone down where I live

No. 2088392

He's anti abortion.

No. 2088393

Nta but all political parties are antifeminist, some are just more open about it. It's the whole bird, not just left or right wing.

No. 2088395

It DID happen you idiot, he nominated supreme court judges that were strictly anti-abortion.

No. 2088396

Left wing men hate women and love trannies.
We are going in a fucking circle

No. 2088397


No. 2088399

File: 1720918741981.jpg (23.61 KB, 515x596, geriatric yaoi.jpg)

big if true

No. 2088400

You are all sperging about abortion and literally ignore that this federal right was taken away under the current Democratic president kek. They don't give a fuck about you

No. 2088401

Was it though? I wouldn’t be so sure with the legit rightoid dickriders that have been plaguing these last few threads

No. 2088402

This better not be who I think it is

No. 2088403

File: 1720918759903.gif (2.1 MB, 220x349, donald-trump-dance-donald-trum…)







No. 2088405

Moid hands typed this(scrotefoiling)

No. 2088406

You don’t know the difference between a retard posting on twitter and an actual traditionalist. Traditionalist housewives aren’t on the internet kek. Stupid half-religious SAHM’s who identify as republican aren’t traditionalists.

No. 2088407

True love is real ♥

No. 2088409

>anon doesn’t understand how the Supreme Court that was stacked by Trump works

No. 2088410

File: 1720918788128.jpg (396.99 KB, 536x741, quaker.jpg)

We'll be forced to dress and be like picrel. fuckfuckfuck

No. 2088411

>This, also pro tranny and anti women go hand in hand with republicans more than one would think. My state (Ohio)’s governor is a conservatoid who is infamous for doing everything in his power to ban abortions is also pro tranny and gender affirming care is perfectly fine and legal here
I'm so sorry anon. Literally the worst of both worlds.

No. 2088415

i dont even believe in politics its all made up, nonas should take the blue pill and go back to sleep

No. 2088416

I really hate posts like this and whoever keeps making them needs to be permabanned

No. 2088417

>wondering why my boomer landlord hasn't been throwing a fit this evening
>remember he has a JFK JR bumper sticker

No. 2088418

I didn’t say tradnationalist kekk. Are you new to ibs?

No. 2088419

things are going to get much worse with a repub in charge. yeah biden is a senile retard but trump is far more radical and the repubs hate democracy and human rights. it's trump-appointed judges leading the charge against reproductive rights as we speak.

No. 2088420

its a male. there are a lot of males from kiwi farms in here i guess

No. 2088421

>amerifat calling another amerifat a fatty

No. 2088422

threads goin to shit

No. 2088423

Uncut dicks are unironically disgusting(derailing)

No. 2088426

What do you think “trad” is short for? Please, take a wild guess.

No. 2088427

File: 1720918929533.gif (18.58 KB, 220x220, comfy_pepe.gif)

Literally anyone but dementia daddy/orange man

No. 2088428

people think biden "accidentally" calling kamala trump was a slip up….. it was not. He is going to replace kamala with trump so they can fufil their dream of living together in the white house. Haters will say im crazy

No. 2088429

File: 1720918935661.jpg (789.52 KB, 2000x2000, BURGER.jpg)

Thinking about making burgers right now

No. 2088431

Honestly there's some really fucking nice cute towns in Canada I'd love to move to but I'm scared of moving internationally lol

No. 2088432

My state banned abortions at 6weeks a long time ago, not like we can get much worse.

I've been trying to tell anons on this board forever that republicans are worse for women's rights than democrats and I'm convinced most of it is baiting and tradthottery to ignore how restrictive abortion has become with a majority republican scotus

No. 2088433

Genuinely kys europoor. No one here cares about your opinion.(infighting)

No. 2088437

Obama had the chance to force a supreme court judge during his presidency and he didn't take it giving Trump the chance to. Also by your logic it doesn't even matter who's president then

No. 2088438

Males from 4chan probably come here too. I feel like every time I see an unironic antisemite or blatant racist it's probably a baiting polfag

No. 2088439

Okay now the thread has gone to shit. Cut dicks are only good for being smug about the moids who are now permacucked out of extra pleasure from the foreskin, feel wise you'd be better of fucking a broomstick and don't even get me started on that ugly fucking scar. Mutilated freaks.(derailing )

No. 2088441

can we talk about vaginas instead, good old american vaginas?

No. 2088442

have you considered that dicks are disgusting, cut or uncut?

No. 2088443

you sound like an angry euro moid kek, they are gross honestly, and most men cant be trusted to actually clean it properly(taking the bait)

No. 2088444

This really feels like wrestling drama.

No. 2088445

They're cut even in hentai. It's the ideal form. Sorry for you

No. 2088446

if project 2025 happens i hope there is the proper organization to actually pressure them to outlaw porn like they say they will.

No. 2088447

not gonna happen

No. 2088448

Moid tourists are derailing to talk about dick and balls. What’s new

No. 2088449

File: 1720919159995.jpg (70.28 KB, 735x724, d94af2b6aff7240dfaff512df18f51…)

I cannot believe you people are allowed to vote on my goooood.

No. 2088450

All European men are pedophiles
Nobody cares about your stinking cheese filled foreskin you smelly Europoor scrote(infighting)

No. 2088452

File: 1720919169670.jpeg (32.27 KB, 933x487, BaWoAAPQUh.jpeg)

No. 2088453

I just wanted to see the drama from the shooting. Not retards fighting other retards over "reeee my presidential candidate is better and you hate women if you don't vote for him!"

No. 2088454

File: 1720919194069.jpg (28.81 KB, 500x500, 1710479767701.jpg)

this rocks. I'm enjoying this present moment before it inevitably turns into a ronald reagan thing that leads to his re-election
get smoked you old rapist fuck

No. 2088455

why not

No. 2088458

too much money on the line

No. 2088459

I'm pro anything that mutilates moods

No. 2088460

File: 1720919242180.jpg (42.52 KB, 735x439, df5e7d4cacc97bdd8aee17f4a12e36…)

They're getting triggered because their cock is ugly and has a turtleneck on it. They'll be even more pissed if we post sexy males(derailing)

No. 2088461

Canada? Maybe read the canada thread for 5 minutes then reconsider

Honestly if you're an amerinonnie and scared of reps you're way better off moving to an economically strong blue state than leaving the country. Women's rights are eroding all over the west but at least America is a rich country

No. 2088462


No. 2088465

That cut poop circle is pretty gross kek

No. 2088466

>tfw can't spam yoai anymore to keep them away

No. 2088467

What country is the European moid from farmhand? Please tell.

No. 2088468

KANYE 2026

No. 2088469

god they must be so fucking ugly, i almost pity them…

No. 2088471

There are a lot of scrotes and other retards baiting right now. Report and do not respond, anons who take the bait will be banned as well, you are just encouraging them

No. 2088472

Nta but we had 8 years of Obama to put roe into law but we didn't because reasons. Not to mention the retard Ruth Ginsberg wouldn't fucking step down so Obama could put in someone else before the election, but she wouldn't because reasons.

No. 2088474

I'm not even Canadian and I'm aware of canadas housing crisis right now. Probably not a good time to move there as an American

No. 2088475

>that farmhand tag
Wait, why aren't you blue? Farmhands trying to subtlety let us know their political alignment?

No. 2088477

maybe stop having sex and shoot rapists
it won't kill you to stop having sex(bait)

No. 2088478

File: 1720919397171.jpeg (112.08 KB, 700x465, IMG_1050.jpeg)

No. 2088479

I heard this, too. What is the likelihood this causes war with China?

No. 2088481

so many of america's problems are because of narcissistic old people refusing to step down… reminds me of a very recent situation, cant put my finger on it

No. 2088483

Im retarded, what's the recent situation?

No. 2088486

Praying this is not true. That would be horrific, especially with Biden as the commander in chief

No. 2088489

File: 1720919530319.jpg (56.87 KB, 735x519, 1000001570.jpg)

I love America…

No. 2088491

biden refusing to step down, plus his family forcing him to stay in the race. feel kind of bad for him considering he obviously has dementia. but he needs to step out and put in someone younger, he doesn't have the charisma.

No. 2088492

File: 1720919546530.jpg (22.12 KB, 640x360, 001365.jpg)

No. 2088493

There has just been an attempted assassination on live television. No shit the thread is going to be riled up.

No. 2088494

Probably thinking of Mitch McConnell and Dianne Feinstein

No. 2088496

No. 2088497

Add RBG and Nancy Pelosi to the list

No. 2088498

File: 1720919622625.jpg (570.64 KB, 3000x3000, weimar.jpg)

It reminds me of this

Also Ruth Bader Ginsburg

No. 2088499

What's crazy to me is that there are significantly more Democrats than Republicans in this country, and most people are center/center-left. Even among Republicans only a percent of them are MAGAts. Why is our country being held hostage by these outnumbered lunatics?

No. 2088500

enjoy your penile cancer from not cleaning your rotten uncut wiener(taking the bait)

No. 2088501

File: 1720919634109.jpeg (433.54 KB, 600x800, IMG_2541.jpeg)

Me too nonna…

No. 2088504

samefag but I said this with biden in mind, but it's so funny seeing people list a bunch of other examples. It really is a major issue

No. 2088505

Jesus fucking christ I hate you fake radfems who say shit like this. Most women are normies who won’t stop sucking their moids dick and they’re still entitled to abortions. Not to mention rape victims(taking the bait)

No. 2088632

File: 1720924096150.mp4 (2.18 MB, 720x938, 44SDj__qXmi4VXgt.mp4)

Different angle of Trump being shot at. Sniper responded fast.

No. 2088640

that sniper is pointed in the wrong direction. the bullet should have come from trump's left side based on the way it grazed his ear

No. 2088649

>retarded tinfoil

No. 2088654

File: 1720924421120.jpg (285.65 KB, 2048x1365, 13trump-shooting-combo-superJu…)

No. 2088667

File: 1720924530637.gif (7.52 MB, 480x270, FV5teN.gif)

American Dad reigns supreme, oh yeah!!!
Goddamn, I want that so badly.

No. 2088671

Kek, Stan won in the end…

No. 2088673

File: 1720924756443.mp4 (5.26 MB, 1280x720, trumpshot.mp4)

watch both videos again. the bullet came from the opposite direction.

No. 2088676

The sniper is watching the crowd, and there’s very little you can tell about his range of view from the video

No. 2088727

Why is the quality so fucking bad. Did they shoot this on a 2004 flip phone?

No. 2088731

Kek, anti-Stans on suicide watch

No. 2088732

File: 1720926449456.png (713.69 KB, 1170x853, pepe don’t preach!.png)

thats gonna be all of us soon

No. 2088743

The new thread while this thread was locked

No. 2088744

this video’s throwing me the fuck off. like everyone in that crowd can see him. did the police just think it was a secret service agent being extra vigilant? i’m not trying to insinuate it was staged, though i can see why people would think that. i can buy that police are that lazy and retarded though.

No. 2088755

The sniper in the video is secret service guarding trump you utter retard

No. 2088800

Being American is constantly just flip flopping between "what a beautiful country with amazing people, endless opportunity and rich culture! America fuck yea!" And "what did I do in a past life that I was so unlucky to be born in this country?". Feeling the latter today anons.

No. 2088805

Wow, the killer looks like he's still a teen. Wonder if his parents were some particularly psycho libs.

No. 2088810

Thread 11 is locked now because it was made early, but here’s the assassination thread made when this thread was locked >>>/ot/2088585
Weird tinfoil

No. 2088815

Tinfoil? Why would some barely legal kid try to assassinate Trump unless he was indoctrinated into some heavy psycho lib mindset?

No. 2088817

It was just revealed that he was 20.

No. 2088820

Catch up on the assassination thread first

No. 2088829

No offense but this is a dumb speculation. These days the biggest reason people heavily politically lean one way or the other is because of the internet, and who's to even say that he was liberal.

No. 2088850

Has anyone else not seen a chemtrail for a few days? Weird

No. 2088857

Isn’t that a conspiracy theory thing? Maybe ask in the tinfoil thread kek

No. 2088878

File: 1720929773159.jpg (28.37 KB, 502x1000, 61--BkpYvHL._AC_UY1000_.jpg)

Dafuq is happening to this country?

No. 2088915

People have conspiracies about what’s in chemtrails but chemtrails are basically just big fat streams of exhaust that stick around in the sky like clouds for hours, but I haven’t seen any at all in the last week after seeing them daily for like 4 months. I wonder why it stops

No. 2088923

File: 1720930724768.jpg (78.44 KB, 748x600, Liberty Leading the People, De…)

Damn I'm sorry but he ate hard, this is textbook Romanticism

No. 2088930

It’s a cool pic but I’m dreading seeing it everywhere for the next 4 years kek

No. 2089003

File: 1720932579257.png (51.63 KB, 979x300, ear fanfic.png)

This just did so much for morale, I feel more excited about the election now kek. And that greasy long haired freak was 100% a troon

No. 2089021

trump isnt going to fuck you, stop fangirling over a pedophile

No. 2089049

It definitely smells like astroturfing /pol/fags in here from time to time. Kiwiscrotes are a possibility too.

No. 2089052

This is such a weird response why are you spergs so bitter

No. 2089054

Why are only the replies calling out tradthots red texted?

No. 2089058

cause it’s a weak attempt at infight bait

No. 2089071

Bc this site is run by moids and trannies

No. 2089390

File: 1720960525325.webp (15.11 KB, 320x471, polmoid.webp)

/pol/fags are here because they're upset they lost one of their own kek
allegedly it seems like this moid was a registered republican too

No. 2089392

I miss the pic of Alfred P. Jones getting bullied. Subsequent threads should be forced to have a threadpic of Alfred P. Jones getting bullied.

No. 2089426

There's a poster that's obsessed with calling other women tradthots for reasons that make no sense and she is also one of the anons that posts shota on /m/. I realised this when she started calling anons tradthots while defending shota on /meta/.

No. 2089550

File: 1720971616034.jpg (84.41 KB, 640x575, 78364hew9ewyrw3.jpg)

No. 2089571

File: 1720972508418.webp (31.24 KB, 549x767, 12983.webp)

a literal 4chan moid
if it weren't for this sidequest i bet he would've trooned out in a couple of years and filming himself masturbating in women bathrooms like like typical kiwi and 4chan fags kek

No. 2089588

the fabled gigachad jawline

No. 2089595

No. 2089600

someone make a "Yes." meme with that picture
"Y-you're gonna shoot Trump in front of all the cops and the secret service??"

No. 2089614

Careful, some autist is going to berate you for “wanting” him to be a tranny

No. 2089618

Maybe he was "boymoding" and started going by some tranny name and that's why we haven't found his socmed. Alternatively he was smart (despite his phenotype saying otherwise) and didn't put his name out there on any socmed.

No. 2089826

File: 1720980599081.png (1.71 MB, 990x784, exxon.png)

Proposal for next threadpic kek

No. 2089921

File: 1720983855356.jpg (490.28 KB, 1080x1080, 1000013055.jpg)

This is funny but I hate ai so I'm considering redrawing it

No. 2089924

KEK, if you do redraw it pls add the shooter on the roof

No. 2089937

lol they're already trolling (?) on reddit that he was a troon

No. 2089953

File: 1720985422067.webp (29.07 KB, 480x386, 172098491995617.webp)


No. 2089989

Biden shitting himself just when he stands up vs Trump gets shot and barely feels a thing kek

No. 2090011

is it confirmed he pooped? evidence?

No. 2090041

what does it look like happened anon. do you think if he was just having trouble sitting down they wouldn’t have needed to escort him to change his diaper?

No. 2090042

File: 1720988985712.png (1.9 MB, 1170x1457, secretions .png)

Lena Dunham joined the secret service it looks like

No. 2090044

you wouldn't believe it even if we handed you the turd right out of his ass

No. 2090072

The way you immediately ask for evidence is fucking killing me kekkkk

No. 2090088

We have three threads with Stan as the thread pic, is this a new era

No. 2090097



No. 2090115

Idk why people keep saying he pooped, he just bent down a little and he has dementia he could've been doing anything. It honestly looked more like he was trying to sit down lmao.

No. 2090117

if he just bent down a little then why would they need to take him away in the middle of an event

No. 2090550

i’m not one to encourage immigration to anyone unless it’s necessary, but i think if you’re American and you really don’t enjoy how things are going and in your heart feel unfulfilled and dissatisfied here, then yeah you probably should go somewhere else. Canada, the UK are both English speaking if you only speak American. It’s okay to go become something else if you don’t want to be American anymore

No. 2090555

>It’s okay to go become something else if you don’t want to be American anymore
The people of the countries you're moving to strongly disagree

No. 2090557

Thats something for those people who chose to leave to deal with though, but I like living in the USA so I won’t be burdening any other locations with my presence

No. 2090564

I want America to change its direction because I want to preserve my culture and heritage. Going to another country with a different culture and heritage will not fix that problem.

No. 2090568

It seems like America is changing the direction it’s been going in for the last decade, it’s just not going in the direction that some people want.

No. 2090665

Times like these make me wish we'd legalize euthanasia

No. 2090668

Ironically it is nearly impossible to get into Canada if you’re American or not Indian, same with UK. Not even trying to racebait I swear to god, I’ve heard Canada rejects Americans usually and trying to find a job there is agony. Is that true?

No. 2090678

File: 1721019247508.png (66.15 KB, 782x319, hu.png)

time frame 2014-2020, and this is just murders

No. 2090695

Anon I'm not denying that victims of abuse can be murdered while pregnant, but you're still avoiding the actual point that was made. When I asked "Do you think the victim would stop being abused if she were to abort her pregnancy?" you, or another anon, decided to respond with "Literally yes" and posted a screenshot that does not acknowledge abuse post-abortion at all. And, yet again, this statement does not either. It seems that there was an increase in domestic abuse upon pregnant women after abortion clinics closed, but those women didn't become victims of abuse the moment they became pregnant. They were victims of abuse prior to being pregnant, and after the abortion clinics closed their being a pregnant victim of abuse was haphazardly attributed to the closing of abortion clinics, which is not the case. This, in and of itself, does not acknowledge what the status of abuse is upon a woman, who is being abused by her husband, after terminating her pregnancy. Do you know if there are any statistics on the effect of an abortion on an abusive relationship?

No. 2090769

>but those women didn't become victims of abuse the moment they became pregnant.
Not always, in a lot of cases a man won’t abuse his gf/wife until she becomes pregnant, because then it’s harder for her to leave him.

No. 2090864

this, plus abuse gets more intense when the woman is pregnant.
The statistic is right there, do you not understand what's being shown? Does it need to be spoonfed to you?
>Enforcement of just one targeted regulation of abortion providers, also known as a TRAP law is associated with a 3.4% increase in the rate of intimate partner violence-related homicides.
What do you think that implies? If you said "Anti-abortion laws lead to increased IPV" you are correct. So it can be inferred that states with less Anti-Abortion laws have less IPV. Do you also know what that infers? It infers that abortion has a helpful effect for women in abusive relationships.

No. 2090895

You must either be misunderstanding what I am asking for or what the statistic shows, so I'll say it again because apparently I wasnt concise enough in my last post. We are having a discussion about men abusing their wives for becoming pregnant, and an anon claimed that "abortion clinics need to stay open for women who are in abusive relationships because the abuse will stop when they abort the baby", and I asked for some kind of proof/statistic confirming that. Two posts have been made, one posting a screenshot that did not acknowledge the circumstances for abuse victims post their abortion. And again, this >>2090678
post does not acknowledge the question "Does domestic abuse against a woman stop is she aborts a pregnancy". All it says is that there's an increase in homocide. That acknowledges women being murdered during pregnancy, it does not at all acknowledge whether or not women continue to be abused after aborting their fetus. I've re-explained this 3 times now. And once again, there being abortion laws in place does not mean that a woman stops being abused by her husband the moment she aborts their child. You just sound incognizant.

No. 2090910

Nobody said the abuse would come to a complete halt, just that abortions help pregnant women escape. if domestic abuse related homicide increases, that is literally domestic abuse. this is a very semantic and useless argument that I refuse to engage in any further. I am not going to change your mind on this. The statistics are clear in what they mean in relation to what's being said.

No. 2091282

I'm not getting kicked out of my own country sorry boo

No. 2091295

File: 1721062845538.webp (97.43 KB, 1581x1054, JD-vance-RS-1800.webp)

Last call for Trump's VP pick. I think it's going to be this hillbilly fuckhead.

No. 2091300

Hate this guy. He would bring down the energy of the ticket in a big way. No.

No. 2091352

It doesn’t surprise me that a lot of people are moving to the right after a decade of liberalism being so popular, considering what it’s borne

No. 2091355

His book fucking sucked, I read it when I was a kid

No. 2091356

Yep. The pendulum always swings back and forth. After Trump is elected, we'll return to the libtard side of it soon enough

No. 2091359

I don’t know about that nonna. Troonism, pushing LGBT shit on kids, wokism dominating the school system and career pyramid…it ruined not only our morale but our economy and society. I think the 10’s-early 20’s is gonna be like one of those eras where people look back and think Hoh my god!!! How did we allow this?????

No. 2091361

>But if she didn't want to keep the child then she'd get an abortion to begin with
Can't do that if it's illegal, dummy
>abortion from rape (even by your boyfriend/husband) is still granted in the US.
So just screw over women who can't prove that? Most rapes go unreported for a reason.

No. 2091374

Are you gonna say the same when republicans ruin the country by making abortion and birth control illegal and giving more tax cuts to corpos to further the wealth divide? Or will you be a babymaker serf still yapping about troons and wokism as if they're the only things that matter?

No. 2091375

slightly off topic from your point but I think if you can't navigate wokism at work that's a skill issue. it's not that hard. never really understood my fellow burgerfags who can't deal with it. there are a lot of beliefs I don't agree with that I have no problem pretending I go along with or don't have issue with for the sake of my job or that you have to navigate while in school (christianity being a big one here)

No. 2091388

nonny i’d be happy to have a legitimate conversation about this with you but when you describe mothers around the world like this it just makes it hard to take what you’re saying seriously

No. 2091391

I had a hard time going along with it back when I was still a wagie because my male boss trooning out and expecting me to treat him like a woman is one of those things that just destroys your desire to do good work

No. 2091417

oh no! that's definitely a rough one, I never had to do that.

No. 2091423

nta but look at the context please, she didn't say all mothers are baby machines. she said republicans want to make a country where women are nothing but babymakers (after losing their rights).

No. 2091426

Anyone else live in a really obese area? I’m overweight and been feeling down about myself, and I’ve been consoling myself by looking at women much bigger than me and silently judging them. I know this is shitty but it’s also made me realize probably 65-70% of women are obese where I live, it’s nuts

No. 2091438

The comparison game of 'well, sally over there stuffs her face more than me' is doing you no favors. Stop eating processed slop carbs and start moving more. Your body will thank you.

No. 2091441

But you have rights and protection? Abortion is something that’s always granted when there’s reported rape, incest, or a deformation of the pregnancy/illness that is lethal to the mother, also I doubt that oral birth control will ever be illegalized but if for some reason it is, there are other contraceptives

No. 2091446

>Abortion is something that’s always granted when there’s reported rape, incest, or a deformation of the pregnancy/illness that is lethal to the mother,
Guess who is trying to change this? Also, what percentage of rapes are actually proven? Beyond that, what about all the women who don't fit into these fringe cases?

No. 2091447

That's kinda twisted nona. Their size has nothing to do with your size (unless it's the corn syrup in the water kek). They're basically you, you're doing a roundabout form of self-hate, stop it.

No. 2091449

I think you're being overly optimistic. It's not a stretch at all to say they're coming for birth control. It's an ideological issue, they will keep working on it just like they worked on overturning Roe v Wade. They literally think birth control is against God and they would like to codify that in law because it's "right" and bc is "evil".

No. 2091460

Ngl I needed a comment like this, thanks, you right

No. 2091463

>Abortion is something that’s always granted when there’s reported rape, incest, or a deformation of the pregnancy/illness that is lethal to the mother
In current America? Not in every state. You can look up the lawsuit by that group of women who were denied necessary abortions to get an idea.

No. 2091473

Anon, in just a few years they overturned Roe v Wade, something that would've been unheard of 10 years ago. What makes you think they won't do something similarly drastic to birth control? Like, say, reverse the FDA approval for it? They've already made it very clear that they're looking to take away women's rights and the easiest and fastest way to do so would be to control their reproductive rights. When women stay barefoot and pregnant, they won't be out there getting degrees, gaining financial freedom or other "frivolous" things and will stay under male control. The draconian "abortion surveillance" system of rewarding people for snitching on abortion havers should've set off the biggest alarms in your head. They ARE willing to go to those lengths. Project 2025 is already looking to get rid of Planned Parenthood by prohibiting it from receiving Medicaid funds.
>reeee just keep your legs closed don't sleep around you whore!!!
I'm sure a lot of women will do just that, go celibate to avoid unnecessary pregnancies, but even if every consenting woman did that, what about rapes? How do you prove a rape? It's already hard as hell to get a rape case go through in court if there isn't sufficient evidence, how do you prove to health care officials that you were raped and that's why you're pregnant, abortion please? And the aforementioned Project 2025 is also looking to end the requirement for hospitals to be equipped to make emergency abortions that are threatening a mother's life, they're not going to make exceptions for ANYONE because they quite obviously WANT women to be subdued. And this time, when Trump wins, they have a step-by-step plan laid out how to do it because Biden winning the elections last time taught them to be even more aggressive with their changes.

No. 2091476

It’s okay if you didn’t read the part where I said that abortion is allowed in the US always in the circumstances of rape, incest, and life of the mother. Rape is very easy to confirm, there are obvious signs of forced entry when a woman is raped anon.(bait)

No. 2091479

File: 1721071149350.png (119.29 KB, 658x491, Screenshot 2024-07-15 151635.p…)

>always in the circumstances of rape, incest
Even that's not true lol

No. 2091480

File: 1721071150840.jpeg (53.79 KB, 680x318, GSjPBsCXMAAPqk4.jpeg)

you were right

No. 2091484

>abortion is allowed in the US always in the circumstances of rape, incest, and life of the mother
Except it's not. Where are you even getting this information? There's no rape exception in like 10 states.

No. 2091485

But this isn't ture. Why are YOU ignoring my post?
You can google tons of news like these from the past couple of years.

No. 2091486

>abortion is allowed in the US always in the circumstances of rape, incest, and life of the mother.
First of all, it isn't.
>Rape is very easy to confirm, there are obvious signs of forced entry when a woman is raped anon.
How do you prove forced entry weeks after? And even regarding that, not all rapes are violent and leave marks. You're talking out of your ass.

No. 2091487

No. 2091488

You saying something doesn't make it true. Most rapes are not reported, and of the ones that are, most do not result in a conviction. I suppose if you ignore all the raped women who have been forced to give birth in red states or been prosecuted for aborting afterwards the past few years they doesn't exist. You're also ignoring that republicans have laid out a system for how they are going to make everything undeniably worse. Their goals are to:
>get rid of planned parenthood
>criminalize abortion federally
>ban abortifacent drugs (including the day after pill)
>prevent teaching abortion in medical schools
And birth control is already being lined up next on the chopping block once they accomplish that. We are heading full force towards a future where women have no control over their bodies and become breeding sows for men.

No. 2091489

File: 1721071403714.png (1.27 MB, 1276x1308, Screenshot 2024-07-15 152141.p…)

>The decision by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, which is expected to be appealed and may eventually be overturned by a higher court, brings at least for now a stunning and abrupt conclusion to a criminal case that at the time it was filed was widely regarded as the most perilous of all the legal threats the Republican former president confronted.
Will probably be overturned but still interesting.

No. 2091490

nta but why would you wait weeks after being raped to go to the doctor and receive an emergency contraceptive tablet

No. 2091493

it just gets worse lol

No. 2091494

we’re not talking about conviction of the rapist anon we’re talking about getting an abortion. you go to the doctor, tell them what happened, they asses you, and you get the help you need. plain and simple. i’ve fucking been there before and i know for myself

No. 2091496

Most rapes are by men that women know, not strangers. Ever heard of domestic abuse? Use your brain please. Republicans are also trying to ban emergency contraceptives.

No. 2091497

it's almost like rape is a traumatic event that brings shame and irrational decision making

No. 2091498

As much as I love being right, I hate this so much.

No. 2091501

And if abortion is banned, women won't be able to do that anymore.

No. 2091502

File: 1721071587637.png (185.64 KB, 1344x874, Screenshot 2024-07-15 at 3.25.…)

holy shit this is such a joke! he picked the worst person. Vance to to shit talk Trump all the time too, I thought he wouldn't be able to overcome his past statements

No. 2091503

sometimes i forget a lot of you are retarded and helpless(bait)

No. 2091507

he picked a fat loser

No. 2091508

>Well I was raped so I pulled up my bootstraps, went to a doctor and got my abortion permission slip just like that! It's not hard!
Congratulations. Under the upcoming christofascist rule you wouldn't be able to do that anymore though.

No. 2091509

fantasizing about some dystopian hellscape only stresses you out and kills your braincells, anon

No. 2091511

Begone, tradthot.

No. 2091512

kek nona this is a new level of NLOGing, take a step back please.

No. 2091513

You're free to bury your head in the sand but don't participate in the discussion if you're willing to ignore physical facts. Anyone can go read Project 2025 and also look back on how the landscape regarding abortion and birth control has changed in the past 5 years and come to the same conclusion.

No. 2091514

No. 2091520

Project 2025 is a white paper written by a think tank, not even Trump's own think tank or his policy platform. It's concerning, but I think a lot of people are hysteric about something that may be of no consequence at all

No. 2091524

oh come on. it's not fearmongering to say repubs are a threat to womens rights

No. 2091525

>not even Trump's own think tank or his policy platform
See >>2088184

No. 2091527

It aligns with everything done during his previous term and it's constructed by his closest advisors. It's going to happen, and pretending it wouldn't is insane amounts of cope.

No. 2091529

NTAYRT but how is it trad to report your rape? thats the opposite of what trad women do, dumdum

No. 2091535

ayrt that’s not pretending to be ‘not like other girls’. thats just asking for help when you need it.

No. 2091537

I’m glad you have never experienced rape and lack comprehension of its psychological impact. Maybe one day you can have the same amount of empathy for other women.

No. 2091538

i don’t know if you haven’t lurked but i made this post >>2091494

No. 2091545

No you missed it she said she was raped but she's simply not retarded and helpless about it like other girls and she got the abortion she needed and everything is fine so what's the big deal about abortion anyway kek

No. 2091546

yeah no point in replying further, it's just some retard baiting about how us hysterical women clealry have nothing to worry about from repubs.
just variation #16368 of the "trump ain't that bad" shills we've been getting recently.

No. 2091550

Trump's personal views don't decide policy alone. If he gives power to republicans who want to ban abortion (which he already has) then it will happen. The entire well is poisoned.

No. 2091554

Um… Ok…

No. 2091555

You don't have to reply, that's fine. But I didn't say any of that. I just think that the panic around project 2025 is overblown.

No. 2091557

instead of talking about politics can we talk about how everyones still fucking lighting fireworks after 4th and its ANNOYING

No. 2091559

NTA but you did say “hysteric” kek. Why are you mad anons are replying to you? Feel free to post in the GIOYC thread if you don’t want to have a discussion

No. 2091561

So women deserve to carry a rapefetus because… they're retarded and helpless?
>everything is fine so what's the big deal about abortion anyway kek
? >>2091479

No. 2091565

are you stupid? the conversation is about asking for help after being raped and the anon tried to claim that not asking for help is a side effect of the shame from being raped, and i said that it’s retarded and helpless. not that anyone deserves to carry a rape child.

No. 2091572

In practice you're arguing that it's okay for abortion to be banned because rational women like you will immediately go to the doctor and be granted an abortion. Except that already isn't the case everywhere and republicans are actively working towards a future where no one will no how to perform an abortion and the drugs are banned.

No. 2091573

it's a weird angle for her to take to be sure. personally I haven't reported her for baiting because she might just be really unempathetic and a bit stupid. possibly your standard autist unable to see things from another's point of view. who can say.

No. 2091574

I'm not mad? The anon I replied to said there was no point in replying further so that's why I said that. Sure I said the word hysteric but nothing else that the anon said in the post. I don't like Trump, not shilling for him, don't plan on voting for him, hate republicans, etc. It's just that I don't think project 2025 is this existential threat yet. I thought my original post cast doubt while expressing concern, though.

No. 2091586

i didn’t say ‘it’s okay for abortion to be banned’ ive already said multiple times that abortion should be granted in the cases of rape, incest, and life of the mother; recreational abortion is where it gets complicated. if a lady doesn’t desire going to a doctor and asking for treatement and assistance after being a victim of sexual violence, how is she supposed to get help? how can the people who are available able to give her what she needs if they don’t know that she needs it?

No. 2091597

Stop playing dumb. MOST women don't go to the doctor immediately. Not all rape cases play out the way they do in your head. When you say most abortions should be banned, in practice women who fall into those fringe cases will also lose access. Republicans are working to get rid of abortion entirely. What part of this do you not understand?

No. 2091601

Can we do this instead of wahtver you guys are doing now

No. 2091604

File: 1721074372543.png (12.2 KB, 628x271, oh no.png)

>recreational abortion

No. 2091608

Okay, this is amazing kek

No. 2091609

i’m not trying to sound dumb, i understand that most victims chose against going to the doctor, that’s why i’m saying that there’s no way for them to get the treatment they need for their scenario without reaching out for help.
i worded that wrong, i should’ve said abortions from recreational activities/consensual sexual intercourse . i apologize

No. 2091613

>recreational abortion
Jesus christ

No. 2091617

>there are obvious signs of forced entry when a woman is raped
You sound like a clueless moid here. Most rapes are committed by someone trusted by the victim like family, friends, or bf/husband so the victim is often too shocked or dissociated to struggle. Not to mention all the rapes that happen to unconscious or inebriated women who also can't struggle. There's rarely any "obvious sign"

No. 2091623

It's none of the government's fucking business and raped women shouldn't have to record it for the government (and sometimes they can't, you really sound ignorant with this one) before they can get rid of a rape fetus.

No. 2091625

girl what conservative moid got to you? the whole "the sluts don't deserve abortions" thing is so fucking tired please get more female friends. even if you're talking about married women, that's some quiverfull bullshit. I'm begging you to unpsyop yourself, you are not a broodmare.

No. 2091633

freezing does cause your body to clench/tense up which is why there would still be signs of forced entry around your genitalia. i’m not going to go into graphic details about things like that though
my opinions are influenced by my firsthand experiences over the course of my life, there is no man influencing or controlling my opinions nonnie. i don’t believe a woman having sex consensually ever makes her a slut, but i do think that when you’re having (even safely, birth control can always fail) sex, you need to be able to understand that sex can result in reproduction. whenever you have sex, there is always the possibility of pregnancy. if you don’t desire pregnancy, it is better to not have sex.
well abortions, no matter what the reasoning for them is, are always “recorded for the government”. the reasoning you choose to list, the treatment occurring, the medications prescribed to you are still recorded the same way they are when a victim of rape chooses to see a doctor after being harmed so i don’t see how it’s any different

No. 2091635

>recreational abortion
this formulation alone says it all. fuck out of here with your prolife talking points.

No. 2091639

The difference is that if you don't fall into their window of recording the rape, you will be prevented from getting an abortion, dumbass.

No. 2091642

Nonna unfortunately developed brainrot from her traumatic experience. Let’s all be nice to her, no matter how retarded she sounds. She’s been through a lot, and thinking she’s NLOG who have “recreational sex” helps her cope with the pain

No. 2091644

thats not a prolife talking point, that’s just referring to something as what it is
don’t quiverfull people think that women should have as many kids as possible? in reality that lifestyle is just as dangerous and harmful to a woman’s body as getting abortions

No. 2091647

File: 1721075446002.gif (922.14 KB, 480x270, ringing.gif)

Can we go back to cat raving it feels more patriotic

No. 2091650

Having a baby is far more damaging to a woman's body than an abortion. Once again pro-lifers revealing they don't understand women's anatomy.

No. 2091653

File: 1721075607077.gif (683.22 KB, 498x371, 3ab681820ce9b701e11.gif)

It's a party in the USA

No. 2091654

File: 1721075612105.png (386.01 KB, 530x788, 1718593165108.png)

stop dragging out infights 2024

No. 2091655

File: 1721075614497.png (3.16 MB, 3631x2222, Untitled1483_20240715163241.pn…)

Imagine a diva-off against these two

No. 2091656

i didn’t say having one baby is as dangerous to a woman’s body as having one abortion. i said having as many kids as possible is just as dangerous as getting abortions plural

No. 2091658

That's not how vaginas work.

No. 2091663

File: 1721075768982.jpg (69.59 KB, 640x479, child-praising-god-jesus-camp.…)

Please, God. I'm begging you

No. 2091664

Abortions have virtually no effect on a woman's body. The damage in late abortions comes from the pregnancy, not the abortion itself. You don't know what you're talking about.

No. 2091665

NTAYRT but my vag does clench up when I'm anxious sorry if thats gross KEK

No. 2091671

Luv too have recreational abortions on the weekends with the girls!!

No. 2091678

File: 1721076375200.png (216.74 KB, 500x281, c2ab38b830c5da2.png)

Get in loser, we're getting abortions

No. 2091683

i don’t know if you misread my multiple posts but i said abortions from recreational activity such as consensual sex also yeah, an abortion is fucking rough on your body. and i never once said that my experience is “the only correct way to get an abortion”. i simply relayed my experience. and when did anyone say anything about “learning consequence”? what i said is that sex exists for the purpose of reproduction, so you need to be able to understand that whenever you have sex, it can result in exactly that.
i’m not sure if you just missed the most but i’ll tag it again >>2091609(ban evasion)

No. 2091690

You know what's worse for the body than an abortion? Continuing a pregnancy. You really have to be retarded to not get it.

No. 2091693

No. 2091695

pregnancy is actually not worse for the body than an abortion, if you’re healthy, and the majority of people are not these days which is why so many American women suffer through overmedicalized pregnancies, being fed unhealthy foods. an abortion is a surgical procedure which requires being administered drugs. it was worse on my body and much more miserable than pregnancy has been.

No. 2091697

File: 1721076854732.gif (703.67 KB, 220x220, IMG_4619.gif)

me n the girls bookin a fun recreational weeked at the abortion clinic

No. 2091698

According to your logic, I had a recreational abortion and this wouldn't be acceptable in your worldview. I am a working professional in a committed relationship and never in my adult life thought I'd be in the position I found myself in.

So I ask: In your little pro-life world where I would've been forced to carry to term, would YOU personally pay for the kid, adopt it, or otherwise sign your name on a contract to take care of the child with tangible resources of your own since clearly you care so much about a complete stranger's reproductive business?

If you aren't willing to put your money where your mouth is, then you are truly the scum of the earth and vile creatures like you need to fuck off forever. Thanks!

No. 2091699

NTA yeah I can see how continuing an ectopic pregnancy would be worse than receiving an abortion but pregnancy itself is not bad or unhealthy for your body unless you have other preexisting conditions that can exacerbate the work that is pregnancy

No. 2091702

I didn't miss it. You're just not going to live this down, sorry. Recreational Abortions is probably going to become a new lolcow meme. Take the L and move on.

No. 2091704

Long live recreational abortion chan’s brain damage ♥

No. 2091708

File: 1721077163377.gif (106.93 KB, 500x333, IMG_4616.gif)

there's no point in debating the prolife retard anon, she's just trying to peddle her bullshit. join the cat rave instead

No. 2091710

i personally don’t need to adopt a child because i don’t suffer from infertility but i am someone who believes in caring for all children, that can include donating food, money, clothes, or your time (like serving at a soup kitchen), since orphanages don’t exist anymore the only opportunities to really work with a child/children 1:1 are if you choose to foster the child which i personally don’t have the space or the financial privilege to accommodate, which is why i instead choose donate and offer what i can to those in need in my area.

No. 2091711

Over half of all abortions are done non-surgically in the US and the number is rising, in other countries the number is even higher. The reason why surgical abortions still account for around 40% is that the access to abortion medication has been restricted and/or put behind layers of bureaucracy so that the only way you could have an abortion anymore is to go surgical. And I'm sorry to say but your personal experience isn't viable as an argument because statistics agree that pregnancy is much more dangerous than abortion. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/pregnancy-is-far-more-dangerous-to-women-than-abortion/

No. 2091712

Donating clothes and food isn't the same as raising and caring for a child.

No. 2091715

>pregnancy itself is not bad or unhealthy for your body unless you have other preexisting conditions that can exacerbate the work that is pregnancy
Factually untrue, stop peddling misinformation.

No. 2091716

>implying she's ever made a witty comeback

No. 2091721

So a whole lot of fluff to specifically avoid agreeing to any sort of contract binding you to care for a stranger's child.

Yet another hypocrite who won't put her money where her mouth is. Bitch bye lmao your opinion is worth less than a mound of dogshit.

No. 2091730

File: 1721077820172.gif (1.21 MB, 220x220, rave-cat.gif)

Anyways who wants a drink girls

No. 2091733

File: 1721077911918.gif (345.94 KB, 250x237, small-cat-dancing-bed-cute-ani…)

omg meeeee

No. 2091734

File: 1721077975042.gif (362.58 KB, 500x333, abortion party.gif)

let's rave

No. 2091735

File: 1721077982806.gif (2.21 MB, 498x498, dancing-llama-doomlar.gif)

Can my llama join the party??

No. 2091737

As long as it’s a low-drama llama

No. 2091738

File: 1721078065760.gif (270.54 KB, 570x570, kekkkkkk.gif)

KEKK did you just make this?? Applause nonna

No. 2091745

File: 1721078425490.gif (4.63 MB, 640x484, IMG_7435.gif)


No. 2091809

why does she have six legs

is this some sort of insect cat

No. 2091811

wait nevermind just noticed thats the tail lolll

No. 2091818

>you’re having (even safely, birth control can always fail) sex, you need to be able to understand that sex can result in reproduction. whenever you have sex, there is always the possibility of pregnancy. if you don’t desire pregnancy, it is better to not have sex.
You know what, nonnie, maybe you’re not so retarded after all…It’s like running. Nature intended us to run ONLY for escaping threats. Running and hurting yourself because a bear is chasing you is one thing, but going running because it brings you pleasure is another.
If you’re going running, you need to be able to understand that running (even in good conditions, you can’t always keep your balance) can result in tripping, falling, breaking something, and, eventually, death. If you don’t desire death, it is better not to run. I believe that people who hurt themselves when running, should first be required to tell their rescuers whether or not they went running for recreational purposes. If you hurt yourself because you went running solely for the endorphins and mood boosting effects, you should not be eligible to receive medical care and you will be left where you fell to fend for yourself. This is just how the world works!

We’re clearly both very sane, rational individuals, you and I.

No. 2091828

this pick is so strange. my tinfoil is that if the failed assassination was an op that maybe the powers that be know that a trump win is inevitable from biden's poor debate performance and that this was direct threat to trump to fall in line. like his change of heart and change to his campaign and speech and that his vp pick is insurance against an actual assassination much like the additional purpose mike pence served. i don't get vance, he was a never trumper who flipped? he seems like another ohioan striver. from his book you would think that his intimate experience of poverty would make him understand how unplanned births and too many children poor people can't afford further entrenches generational poverty and is a net negative for whites. i don't understand why these supposed white supremacist identitarians want a mass of poor whites at the bottom of the pyramid. it really seems like white males spiteful acts against white women for embracing diversity. either way, the elites are totally insured against labor ever having leverage ever again through mass immigration on the left and forced births on the right. racial tribalism was a prisoner's dilemma that whites lost from pivoting away from assimilation under an multi-ethnic-but-all-american identity.

No. 2091834

it's actually not in the south and there's a huge outcry over how many late 20s early 30s pregnant women are having complications and dying or having to have emergency care out of state. https://www.npr.org/2023/07/20/1188869665/women-with-pregnancy-complications-tell-a-texas-court-how-abortion-bans-affected

No. 2091836

>If you hurt yourself because you went running solely for the endorphins and mood boosting effects, you should not be eligible to receive medical care and you will be left where you fell to fend for yourself. This is just how the world works!
anon i know you’re trying to make a false equivalency on purpose but getting cum inside of isn’t the same as going on a jog

No. 2091839

And restructuring society to coerce people out of getting medical care isn't the same as the world operating as intended.

No. 2091841

it’s not really coercion to understand that if you don’t get yourself pregnant = you don’t need to seek out unnecessary medical care such as a recreational abortion

No. 2091843

>recreational abortion
I think you mean elective abortion.

No. 2091844

yes, elective abortion from recreational sex i mean

No. 2091845

Lol, admit that she absolutely owned you with that comment. It's the same. You could even extend it to car crashes. If you're injured in a car crash and the purpose of the ride wasn't for business or health, then you're not entitled to medical care. Going to the movies and your car hits ice? Watching movies is only for pleasure. Sorry about your broken pelvis but don't be such a hedonist next time. Accept that actions have consequences.

No. 2091846

Yeah, you do accept the likelihood of getting in a car accident when you get into a car. However, having penetrative sex which is always more than likely to result in a pregnancy (because that is what sex exists for) isn’t the same as saying “oh well when you eat food you’re risking choking!!1!1!1!”

No. 2091847

Are you seriously comparing car accidents to having unprotected sex without contraception? I don't agree with her and think abortion should be legal but this is just fucking retarded.

No. 2091848

agreed, those who overdose on drugs that they were doing recreationally shouldn't be given medical care either. By doing drugs you accept the risk of overdose therefore you shouldn't be given narcan

No. 2091852

i wonder why the mods deleted the post saying that i never once implied that i agreed to adopting a child. i’ll say it again, because apparently it was too real for them to accept, but: when you make the conscious, purposeful decision to have penetrative sex you have to reconcile with the fact that it can result in a pregnancy, that you will be responsible for handling. whether it’s via keeping your child, or choosing otherwise. your personal life, your decision making skills is not anyone else’s responsibility, and this is something that the majority of people have a very hard time accepting.

No. 2091853

i do feel like if you want to waste your life being a crackhead then i think you need to be prepared to face the dangers of it yourself. it’s no one else’s job to protect you from overdosing on a drug that nobody ever forced you to take.

No. 2091856

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No. 2091859


No. 2091861

I moved to a smaller city last year and I've hardly heard any fireworks in the last year, it's been so nice

No. 2091862

honestly i love the sound of fireworks and thunder. it's somehow relaxing to me

No. 2091863

If doing something for pleasure means that you have to accept the consequences, then it means that across the entire board. Not just for things you're personally opposed against.
You can only get pregnant from unprotected sex? All other forms of birth control are 100% effective? Retard.
Yep. Either abortion is accessible for all women at all stages, or else no one should ever be allowed to mitigate the consequences of anything that is done for pleasure.
Oh no, cringe.

No. 2091864

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No. 2091866

Sex is an act that creates life, maybe have a bit more respect for it. Honestly that's what's wrong with society people are so shallow

No. 2091869

The purpose of driving a car on the road is not death. The purpose of sex is pregnancy. It's a bad analogy that's why you're a retard.

No. 2091874

but sex doesn’t exist for pleasure? and it’s also not the only way to receive pleasure, if you wanna have an orgasm you can easily masturbate instead of getting underneath a scrote. you’re also way more likely to orgasm by yourself than via PIV from a real dong

No. 2091875

probably is a farmhand

No. 2091877

I'm not a vegan and I doubt you are either, so neither of us respects life.
Evolution doesn't have a purpose retard. By claiming sex is only for reproduction, you have fundamentally misunderstood feedback loops and evolution.

No. 2091879

NTA But there are animals were put on earth and contain nutrients beneficial to us humans because they were meant to be consumed by us. We’ve had this convo a few times on /ot/ kek

No. 2091880

You're arguing that reproduction isn't the primary purpose of sex.

No. 2091881

im neither of the anons you tagged but sex does exist to reproduce, also i don’t know what ‘evolution doesn’t have a purpose’ is supposed to mean because reproducing more people exists for the purpose of continuing life on earth nonna

No. 2091884

When's school start again? Are you excited to be off for the summer(infighting)

No. 2091886

File: 1721085632162.jpeg (19.15 KB, 515x420, images - 2024-07-16T091933.745…)

What have you huffed?

No. 2091890

To say that sex doesn't exist for pleasure is to say that feathers only exist for flight. Yet ostriches and penguins both have feathers, yet cannot fly.
Eating meat is both delicious and nutritious. But I could be vegan yet choose not to fit my own convenience and pleasure. Therefore, I and anyone else who eats meat doesn't respect life. Not to mention when I do stuff like put down ant killer in my kitchen. That is also disrespecting life, yet it's considered far more acceptable than abortion. So being against abortion can't be about "respecting life."
No, I'm arguing that if abortion is wrong because a woman must accept the consequences of doing something only for pleasure, then this must apply across the board to everything. So someone who gets hurt while skiing shouldn't be allowed to see a doctor about his broken leg any more than a woman can see a doctor about an unwanted pregnancy.

No. 2091891

feathers on your wings isn’t the same as shoving a dick in your vagina though anon. also, why are you defending sex with men so hard? PIV primarily only pleasures them…hm…(scrotefoiling)

No. 2091892

Idk who is arguing against abortions but it's not medically sound to have numerous abortions it can fuck up your reproductive system.

No. 2091893

pregnancy isn’t a ‘consequence’ though. it’s just cause and effect. you have sex while you’re ovulating, you get pregnant.

No. 2091894

Feathers are for insulation like fur is, wings are for flight when the wing span is at least twice the body weight, when they're not is either because they're vestigial left overs after that animal evolved (see Kiwi bird) or evolved to have a purpose (penguins use them to swim.) How are you able to get on this site using a school computer btw?

No. 2091896

Isn't it convenient for you to be able to type this over the internet? You would look so stupid saying this in real life to me.
I've been called a child and now a scrote. Quick, someone call me a newfag so I can achieve the butthurt response trifecta.

No. 2091897

second ayrt, you still aren’t acknowledging the fact that you don’t need to have PIV sex with a man to experience orgasm/pleasure

No. 2091899

infight commentary but this is such an interesting infight because it's like a 3v1. I love seeing the little replies just speedily pop up under your posts.

No. 2091900

Sex is pleasurable so people and animals have sex and reproduce. It also induces pair bonding in some species which facilitates the raising of offspring.

I'm not prolife or antibortion but it always concerns me that the pro-abortion side of the argument acts like abortion isn't a serious medical procedure with serious physical and psychological side effects. I've never had an abortion, I hope I never will because all the women who have confided in me that had abortions have been traumatized by it even if they think it was the right decision.

No. 2091901

If I said this in real life to you and I was actually confronted with an adult the sarcastic tone I'd use would make you look retarded. Please think on what you've said and been saying and consider that you're retarded

No. 2091904

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What’s your favorite American brands nonnies? I love Juanita’s tortilla cheeps!!

No. 2091906

Exactly. Goes back to what I said that people don't respect the act that creates human life. An abortion should be a last resort or an emergency procedure in cases of rape or medical complications. Thinking an abortion is a failsafe contraception is immature at best. I knew a girl that had her first abortion at 14 (she was abused), she had a few more and by 19 wasn't a candidate anymore for safe abortion and welcomed her first child.

No. 2091909

not to blogpoast but abortion is hard to go through. even if you just take the tablet, that’s still not “the easy way”. you still experience side effects and emotional difficulties that can last for a long time, and it changes your approach to sex.

No. 2091910

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moster trucks and fire trucks. Average juanitas tortilla chips fan not understanding the complexity of monster energy drink.. smh

No. 2091912

NTA but
> first abortion at 14
God thats so fucking heartbreaking. She was literally a baby herself.

No. 2091914

File: 1721086576511.gif (985.21 KB, 480x480, pb.gif)

Forget about your boyfriend
And meet me at the planned parenthood
You can bring your girlfriends
And meet me at the planned parenthood
Forget about your boyfriend
And meet me at the planned parenthood
You can bring your girlfriends
And meet me at the planned parenthood

No. 2091915

So things can start out for one purpose (like sex and reproduction), but then adapt to be used for something else entirely (like pair bonding and pleasure)? It's crazy how quickly I convinced you to agree with me.
You don't need PIV sex for an accidental pregnancy and then a need for an abortion either.
I'm tonight's heavyweight championship of retarded infighting on abortion. Running dangerously close to getting bored though, I might wander away.
I personally think it's disingenuous to say that abortions are traumatizing only because they are abortions, I know so many women who require Valium to go to the dentist because of how traumatic the dentist is, yet I don't see people arguing for the outlawing of dentists because of that.

No. 2091918

Ntayrt but what do you mean you dont need PIV for an accidental pregnancy..?

No. 2091920

I know and she suffered with anorexia after her first child and got healthy enough to have 3 more kids. I often wonder if she has a big family now cause she has lingering guilt or sadness about her first abortions. Her oldest daughter is now at the same highschool we went too and is the same age her mum is when she had her first abortion. Her kids are all lovely and a credit to her as a mother.

No. 2091921

> I know so many women who require Valium to go to the dentist because of how traumatic the dentist is, yet I don't see people arguing for the outlawing of dentists because of that.
being attacked or harmed by your dentist absolutely should result in your dentist losing their license, but i don’t think i’d compare having extractions to getting an abortion. sorry.

No. 2091922

Don’t come to Europe, Americunts.(baiting moid)

No. 2091923

im not the first anon but choosing to use something other than for its actual purpose doesn’t mean that its ‘adapted’ into something else entirely. it just means that there are people who irresponsibly have sex, neglecting the fact that sex does solely exist for the purpose of reproduction. i understand that sex does bring some people comfort, or is their sole means of connecting to their partner, which i think is an issue that needs to be worked through individually.

No. 2091924

No one has came round to your thinking. You can't seem to understand things can have multiple functions.

No. 2091925

Is this a pro life or pro choice argument, I lost track.

No. 2091928

You can get pregnant from anal sex and frottage, and in one extremely rare one in ten billion case, from oral sex.
Sorry, but people have different experiences. I found my dental surgery much more traumatic and it affected me way more than my miscarriage. But, to be fair, the vast majority of people will go their whole lives without needing an oral surgery as extensive as mine.

No. 2091929

>like pair bonding and pleasure
Sex is pleasurable so people have sex and reproduce.
Pair bonding facilitates child raising.

>It's crazy how quickly I convinced you to agree with me

Extreme lack of reading comprehension and also cringe.

>it's disingenuous to say that abortions are traumatizing only because they are abortions

The majority of women find abortion traumatic because it is an abortion. Being pregnant and choosing to abort is a life changing decision. Minimizing it by comparing it to going to the dentist is beyond my comprehension.

No. 2091932

lol, retarded and wrong take

No. 2091933

Sex havers are such mysterious creatures…just don't?(bait)

No. 2091935

Uh why would you ever have anal to begin with?? And frotting is rubbing dicks together…

No. 2091936

Heterosexual sex involving sperm can result in pregnancy, you're blowing everyone's mind anon wow

No. 2091937

>An abortion should be a last resort or an emergency procedure in cases of rape or medical complications. Thinking an abortion is a failsafe contraception is immature at best
Why do you want to punish immaturity so bad? Really think about it, does it hurt you if a woman has an abortion because she was careless? The idea that all women that get abortions are immature or love casual sex is skewed. And even if that was the case, that's their life. Let them make their own mistakes.

In the end, abortion is not an easy procedure, but vasectomy is. Men should get more accountability and they should be offered that option more frequently. Give people more access to contraceptives, yes, I do agree. But saying abortion is only valid in certain circumstances is a moral judgement that I don't agree with. Specially because women's lives get more complicated after having kids. You can be careful all your life to not get pregnant but birth control has a chance to fail.

Like imagine if you're in a relationship with a moid, years down the line, and even though he wore a condom and you took pills you still got pregnant. The chance is minimal but it's still there. You don't want the baby, but he does, and because he does, you won't get granted an abortion. Is that fair to you? Saying "just close your legs" is not realistic in current day society, I say this as someone who thinks celibacy is better for women.

No. 2091938

>is beyond my comprehension.
As are most things.

No. 2091939

Most women report feeling relieve, like a weight off their shoulders after getting an abortion. Because they didn’t want it.

No. 2091940

Neither anal nor frotting are heterosexual practices. That is what gay men do.

No. 2091941

>sex does solely exist for the purpose of reproduction
wrong. nothing evolves or exists 'for a purpose.' not how it works

No. 2091944

>going to the dentist was worse than miscarrying!
ok anon kek

No. 2091945

You should not get to murder a child just because you were “immature”.(moid)

No. 2091946

Because as stated several times an abortion is not always accessible. If people can't understand basic biology they're probably not ready for the act itself.

No. 2091947

>frotting is rubbing dicks
Frottage isn't frotting. I had to look up frotting because I was so confused by your post.

No. 2091948

it’s okay if you don’t agree with it but sex actually does exist solely for the purpose of reproduction. if you’re pornbrained and feel the need to have unnecessary sex then i’m unsure of how to help you.

No. 2091950

Heterosexual sex means a male and female but I guess if you're a retard that's confusing

No. 2091951

Bait? Male? Abortion isnt murder because those cells arent alive.

No. 2091952

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Please enlighten me then anon what is it because this was all I found

No. 2091953

I'm a lesbian and I dont support people from south carolina

No. 2091954

It's like that has a evolutionary purpose or something and not why we're not insects who shoot out a million eggs

No. 2091956

I also stated an abortion should be a last resort. I'll spell it out for you some more since you're stupid. If you've taken precautions and became a statistic then I would consider an abortion a last resort.

No. 2091957

>murder a child
lol give me a break

No. 2091958

nta but yeah they actually are. if the cells had not bonded and created a fetus, then you wouldn’t need to get one. just because the fetus hasn’t yet grown into their chromosomes doesn’t mean it isn’t alive. it’s simply alive inside their mom.

No. 2091960

uh oh the baiters are here

No. 2091961

fucking kek. get 'em, nonnie.

No. 2091962

There is massive bait in this thread. I'm a lesbian too. Just not gonna respond to half these posts tbh

No. 2091963

nta but i think a more applicable word to use would be ‘exterminate’ the child, murder is a bit too strong

No. 2091964

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No. 2091965

It’s not a child or even a life unless you’re religious. Don’t know why burger christfags can’t understand that.

No. 2091967

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>I am the only real person on earth. Only my personal experiences are real. Anyone who claims elsewise is lying because that's impossible.

No. 2091968

kek true but it's fun to watch

No. 2091969

i hate when we’re having a conversation and then some anon sticks their foot in the door and then attaches their diaper to the ceiling fan

No. 2091972

It's usually when they can't argue their retarded takes anymore and decide to derail

No. 2091973

You shouldn't murder the nonhuman bacteria and worms inside you because you're "immature"(bait)

No. 2091974

They're smooth brain retards, and science deniers. It's why they're christ fags in the first place.

No. 2091976

religion has nothing to do with the physical existence of the living cells? just because it’s not a 9 month old newborn who’s got arms and legs and the whole 9 yards doesn’t mean that it isn’t alive. if it wasn’t a living child, just in a much smaller form, an abortion wouldn’t be necessary.

No. 2091977

>frottage: the practice of getting sexual stimulation and satisfaction by rubbing against something, especially another person.
So like when you're a teenager and not ready for sex, so you dry hump or else use your thighs.

No. 2091978

>the anon stating that sex is for reproduction is the one with comprehension difficulties

What happens years later? Do you think that women don't ruminate on such a serious decision?

No. 2091979

NTA but science denying is pretending like the fetal cells aren't alive. Like multiple anons have said, if there wasn't a child living inside you, you wouldn't need an abortion at all.

No. 2091981

>unnecessary medical care
Don't get injured and you won't need medical care either. It's obvious you just want other women to be punished.

No. 2091982

I don't really see how sperm would be able to travel from behind their underwear, through the both of their clothes, leak down to her vagina, magically get inside of her vagina, and then swim up into her? I'm sorry anon but I think the people who claim to get pregnant from grinding have to be lying kek. Thats just nonsensical.

No. 2091983

damn, i didnt know there were this many pro-lifers on this website

No. 2091984

Abortion is a natural consequence of an unwanted pregnancy. You don't want the bugger, eject it.

No. 2091985

But falling down and breaking your hip while going on a run isn’t the same as being aware that having sex will get you pregnant and then choosing to have sex anyways

No. 2091986

You actually make me feel sorry for the scote that had to suffer your company to take your virginity unless you're a virgin arguing in bad faith.

No. 2091987

but if you don’t want a little bugger inside you to begin with then why not just not have sex nonny(bait)

No. 2091988

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No. 2091989

stop responding to bait you fucking retards

No. 2091992

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>you would be ok with murdering children right before their birth

No. 2091993

Because I'm not a retard pro-lifer

No. 2091994

ok i get that, but if you just wana orgasm why not just take care of it yourself instead of involving some guy?

No. 2091996

File: 1721088338998.png (10.29 KB, 225x225, youll shoot your eyee out!!.pn…)

Excuse me, do any of you know where I can find some seasonal lemonades?

No. 2091997

Some of you retards don't understand that a woman can be married, have a family, and still be pro-abortion.

No. 2091998

Wow are you serious?

No. 2091999

Farmers markets usually have a lemonade stand, or local town stores

No. 2092000

I don't think virgins should be weighing in on this discussion. You have no frame of reference so you end up saying retarded stuff like this.

No. 2092001

NTAYRT but why not just not have penetrative sex if you guys don't want another baby? Cause PIV only exists for reproduction but there are so many other ways to pleasure each other nonna(bait)

No. 2092002

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some women are hopelessly retarded but should they be punished for this with a baby?

No. 2092003

not to make it about me but im married and pregnate right now nonna

No. 2092005

>so i prefer to suck his cock instead
OH MY GOD. Nonny NO!!!

No. 2092007

I prefer my vibrator over 9/10 guys, and I know I'm not alone in this, have you saw men

No. 2092008

I was introduced to lavender and pea flower lemonade and it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. You should try it.

No. 2092009

I don't know why I read that idk what I was expecting kek

No. 2092011

>PIV only exists for reproduction
Christotard education.(infighting)

No. 2092012

File: 1721088660672.gif (977.94 KB, 500x211, tumblr_mdd6k4YK8C1qmlmgao1_500…)

Yes let's dance to my song
Yeah, shitting up /ot/, fast
Maybe this time, I'll respond, you'll be seething
b-b-baiter (baiter)
Ah, get your ass off the threads
Baby, you'll be just my summer newfag (summerfag)

No. 2092014

NTA and yeah yeah I know over the last century everyone has become a porn addict but that doesnt change the fact that having sex only exists to make more of us

No. 2092015

Then why are you arguing that sex is only for reproduction? Is your husband really that bad at making you cum that you don't get off each time you have sex with him? Congratulations and mazel tov by the way. I hope your pregnancy is safe and easy and your baby healthy.

No. 2092016

Punishing people for being immature and having sex without protection and by consequence punishing the child that will be born after if an abortion is not done is not okay. It creates more miserable people on earth. Unfortunately most men and women won't stop having sex and they will do it recreationally, again I say this as someone who despises casual sex. I wouldn't want to be the child of two irresponsible people that never used contraception, if abortion is their only resort because they were stupid then maybe they shouldn't be having kids in the first place. They shouldn't be having sex either, but realistically this will still happen specially with how predatory males are towards women. Education and contraceptives would solve this but men will still tamper with condoms or take it off mid sex and not all women can take birth control without consequences. And you can't convince all people to become celibate.

No. 2092017

thats not what my post said…it says “if you wanna orgasm why not just take care of it yourself?” do you have a reason why not?

No. 2092018

(Neither of) you don't seem to understand they're stating the function of sex is reproduction and to not have safe sex with a moid is immature, reckless and retarded. Abortion should not be viewed as a contraceptive. Only a retard would argue otherwise(infighting)

No. 2092020

Honestly I would just love a world where more men got vasectomies. It's never going to happen. But it would be nice.

No. 2092024

because sex is only for reproduction anon, that’s why it’s not something we do unless ttc, and thank you so much!! ♥

No. 2092026

I miss when this website had less christ tradfags and more feminists

No. 2092027

nta but how is saying that sex exists for reproduction trad at all. thats just the truth.

No. 2092028

Just take a fucking morning after pill if you're practicing safe sex and something failed. It is retarded to get to the stage of an abortion if the sex was casual. It's an extremely low statistical chance. An abortion should be a last resort. Doctors won't perform one after a certain amount and then you're stuck.

No. 2092029

Asking that to a man is literally impossible unless you're a femdom stacy

No. 2092030

Not everyone realizes they are pregnant 1-3 days after, and taking too many morning after pills will fuck you up as much as having an abortion would
I honestly don't understand your hatred of abortion

No. 2092031

nta but you don’t need to know you’re pregnant to take a morning after pill, you just take it after your intercourse

No. 2092032

But nonna if he doesn't want to pleasure you why are you having sex with him at all?

No. 2092033

Let's be real most women use the morning after pill when they've had a man cum inside them when he shouldn't. I had it happen drunk and in the moment. Get the pill. If you're having protected sex and then miss your period and take a test then make the choice what you want to do. Abortions are not a casual ordeal. They're a lot emotionally and physically. It's best practice to avoid them and if you practice safe sex for the benefit of your bodily autonomy then hopefully you'll never have to face such a choice. It is moronic to treat sex casually and like a man, boggles the mind as a woman that has to suffer a monthly hormone cycle would be so nonchalant about the entire act you'd think you'd be a bit more aware of your biology and sensitivity to how external emotional stimuli can just make for a bad hormonal cycle imagine an unwanted pregnancy

No. 2092034

What if you thought you were protected and it wasn't the case? You can't take those pills every time you have sex

No. 2092035

If something fails, yes, it's a valid thing to say. But hormonal birth control fails somewhat frequently, and you likely wouldn't suspect that you're pregnant until you miss a period or have other signs of pregnancy.

No. 2092036

And why are you against the pills anon they're less evasive than an abortion

No. 2092037

That's really sad. You should be able to set boundaries with your partner and not receive any push back. If that's not your experience, dump him.

No. 2092039

I'm not against the pills! The thing is, those pills are also very disruptive to your organism, so is abortion, but somehow people think you can take them just like that and nothing will happen when in reality they also provide a risk.

No. 2092041

but what’s the point of having PIV at all? most women don’t even orgasm from penetration on its own so i still don’t get the diehard defense of it

No. 2092042

Some of you tradthots still seem somewhat reasonable enough to genuinely believe in abortion exceptions for rape, incest, and medical necessity. I'm here to say that you are all massive retards who are going to fuck up all women's healthcare with your retardation. The right always preaches allowing those exceptions and then make it basically impossible to apply any of those exceptions. The victim can be a literal middle schooler whose impregnated by their brother and loving Christians will find a way to call her a slut who had it coming and therefore doesn't deserve an exception. If you think you're somehow safe because you're obviously too smart or too virginal, you still run the risk of getting raped and they're absolutely not going to believe you.

No. 2092043

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Texas Pete!

No. 2092044

Exactly even the morning after pills are hard on your system hut easier than an abortion. That's why you can use protection and also the pull out method on top of that. I decided a few years ago if a moid wants to cum inside of me he has to make an offer of marriage and let me weight up the benefits

No. 2092046

it's inevitable that women are going to have PIV. it's not normal or popular for women to be celibate prudes especially with their PA boyfies pressuring them into degrading sex acts. i wish it was normal.

No. 2092048

why can we never discuss stuff like this without someone saying things like ‘i hope you get raped and no one believes you’? it happens literally every time

No. 2092051

Why didn't the left cement womens protections when they had the chance instead of using it as election fodder

No. 2092053

not doing PIV doesn’t make you a prude it just means you don’t want to risk pregnancy. also you don’t even need a man’s assistance to orgasm. you’re all forgetting you can just masturbate easily

No. 2092061

i fucking wish but that's never gonna happen for the majority of women, they're going to keep getting into relationships and doing piv.

No. 2092065

To be frank it's also a social thing

No. 2092068

>The right always preaches allowing those exceptions and then make it basically impossible to apply any of those exceptions

No. 2092070

>Women should have easy access to abortions because they deserve to have a right to their own bodies
>Ummm just masturbate?

No. 2092071

You do have a right to your own body anon, thats why you can choose not to get pregnant by not having sex(bait)

No. 2092073

you have the right to make yourself cum though

No. 2092074

One, that particular nona didn't say that. She said that abortion should always remain available because even traditional conservative women are vulnerable to male sexual violence.
And two, in most cases where anons on this site actually say that . . .

No. 2092075

>get roofied
>ummm have you tried not drinking?
kek not even american but this tard logic never works out in real life

No. 2092078

In what situation could you possibly be where you'd get roofied? You gonna slip one into your own glass of wine?(bait)

No. 2092080

keeek seriously nona i don’t drink (or eat) in public anymore either cause tipping culture has gotten so out of hand

No. 2092083

I'd rather live in the ability to do both? Two party mindset kek. Also I enjoy having sex with qt moids and knowing I don't have to wrangle any tards

No. 2092087

Some women leave their basement and don't want to cover up into a room avoiding the world just because moids are pests.

No. 2092088

>PIV only pleasures men
Lmao sorry you’re frigid anon

No. 2092090

so if hes cute and you like having sex with him then he must be the type of man you want to have a baby with, am i right nonny? cause you must feel that way about him if you’re letting him have his tsunami inside you

No. 2092091

>doesn't know that majority of women don't come from piv

No. 2092094

Ntayrt but oh my sweet summer child

No. 2092096

> thinks making your own cocktails means youre a shut in

No. 2092097

Look tradfag, stop advocating celibacy because you worship a male centered religion and have moral hang ups about women being the gate keepers of the next generation. I'm going to keep having sex because it's fun and I enjoy it, and if I become pregnant with a child I don't want, I'm getting an abortion.

No. 2092101

NTAYRT but no one has claimed to be religious during this discussion. You don't need to be religious to understand that having sex = reproducing. If you wanna keep having consensual sex, have fun, but you also can't get all pearl clutchy and whiney if you're not granted an abortion.(bait)

No. 2092102

How much do those cost in America(bait)

No. 2092107

anon you have the right to do whatever you want in this country, but abusing abortifacients can seriously result in extreme long term side effects. my aunt ended up needing a hysterectomy from a history of a lot of abortions.

No. 2092121

ntayrt but how is this bait? thats a reasonable question.

No. 2092123

File: 1721092028849.jpg (55.38 KB, 1080x666, 1000001615.jpg)

No. 2092124

Sounds like that's not up to you, thankfully.

No. 2092125

have you tried fucking off?(infighting)

No. 2092126

No. 2092127

have you tried chilling out?

No. 2092128

who said it’s up to me? i’m totally not part of Trumps cabinet…

No. 2092134

maybe just continue to cry about there not being more "femenists" to agree with your dumb shit.

No. 2092136

And I was glad it wasn't.

No. 2092137

Maybe stop infighting nonny. Why are you so mad at a random post kek. Did the feminists kill your dog?

No. 2092140

File: 1721092750038.png (1.8 MB, 1216x943, punchy.png)

hey let’s all just settle down and have some punchbowl mojito

No. 2092151

File: 1721093048764.gif (1.16 MB, 390x350, xxx.GIF)

Thank you nonna, I feel much calmer now

No. 2092152

the fuck are you talking about infighting?
are you really that retarded or just missing the point on purpose?(infighting)

No. 2092170

File: 1721094307220.png (80.37 KB, 975x823, A98C0A6C-4ADE-474D-A0DE-17288B…)

Mexico scares me

No. 2092172

Holy fucking shit.

No. 2092178

This is aspirational… USA would be so much better if politicians actually feared the citizens

No. 2092182

yea except mexico is femicide capital of the world. Cartels have more power than most politicians. So much better.

No. 2092188

I don’t think those are citizen murders, nona

No. 2092190

Isn't Mexico the homicide capital period? It's terrifying there. I don't get how normie Mexicans can be in such high spirits, I really admire them.

No. 2092198

Stacey behavior.

No. 2092201

I wonder if coming that close to being shot in the head will change Trump in any way. Maybe for the better? He looks a bit scared (understandable being back in a crowd so soon) at the RNC just now, or humbled, idk he looks not as energized and vitriolic as usual

No. 2092210

lmao Amber Rose at the RNC

No. 2092212

File: 1721096484767.png (985.2 KB, 1170x639, amber is.png)

I was gonna watch RNC and then when I went to turn it on I saw a porn star was speaking

No. 2092215

I hate the look of someone who has had far too much plastic surgery. I wonder if this is what K-pop idols look like to Koreans kek

No. 2092218

Becoming a trump fag is the latest grift for z list celebrities with nothing going on for sure.

No. 2092237

Everyone harped on that journalist for saying the shooting would increase black support and now we actually do have 50 Cent, Amber, and various other black people suddenly backing Trump. Dude was right.

No. 2092243

File: 1721098157109.jpeg (449.05 KB, 1110x2000, IMG_9102.jpeg)

I don’t understand why my running analogy was bad. Running is not sex. But there’s literally nothing else that is exactly like sex so what should I say? I believe it very clearly demonstrates that nonnie and I believe in the same principles. I even went to my notes app to prove it.(derailing)

No. 2092244

File: 1721098178702.jpeg (420.91 KB, 1102x1979, IMG_9104.jpeg)


No. 2092251

Kek, love it.

No. 2092282

No this won’t work nonny because a child is a “blessing” and “God’s gift” according to The Doctrine, the women who were psyoped into the scrote theology mindset will lose this train of thought at the point where you compare it to a punishment. Love this though, A+++ for dedication(drop it)

No. 2092283

It wasn’t possible, they never had majority house and senate votes to pull it off.

No. 2092284

What autism created this

No. 2092296

That argument doesn't really work. It's not a child. It's the possibility of a child and that possibility is rejected by some women via abortion which is why american and christian scrotes get so triggered over it, because they value male-serving ideals such as passing on their seed. Meanwhile every time they jerk off or have a nocturnal emission those sperm are living cells but no one accuses them of murdering a baby.(drop it)

No. 2092300

NTA but a pregnancy isn't the possibility of a child, it is just a growing fetus, which is a smaller stage of a childs life. Also, that logic is like saying that getting your period is murdering a baby because the egg isn't fertilized. Orgasming isn't murdering anything because the sperm never bonds to the egg and conceives the child(drop it)

No. 2092311

Thank you farmhand

No. 2092360

File: 1721106448356.webp (95.58 KB, 683x1024, IMG_2404.webp)

I hate how every miss America universe always dresses up as some weird megatron for the cultural costumes portion of the show instead of actual historical American attire (southern belle, pioneer/western etc)

No. 2092362

File: 1721106556326.jpeg (417.28 KB, 735x1103, IMG_2420.jpeg)

Why can’t they wear cute things like this?

No. 2092370

Culturally insensitive?

No. 2092374

NTA, to wear a prairie dress kek? Insensitive to who? Actually that's a dumb question for me to ask, it's a photo of a white woman wearing "colonizer" clothing, I'm sure people on Twitter can find a thousand things wrong with it.

No. 2092375

No. 2092386

no thank you i dont want them to dress up in whore pioneer costumes i would rather them dress as retarded fate go skins

No. 2092388

Anime has unironically rotted your fucking brain

No. 2092390

>whore pioneer costumes
I hate the word whore but you're so right, they would just wear some provocative interpretation of historical clothing and it would be just as embarrassing.

No. 2092401

you think those women whose only ''skill'' is appealing to the male gaze would dress in historically accurate costumes like >>2092362 ? they would just turn it into yet another sexy costume for moids to jack off to, fuck that.

No. 2092405

File: 1721108360400.jpeg (337.32 KB, 736x1170, IMG_3970.jpeg)

idc I want foreigners to at least know that we once had pretty costumes and traditions before our culture turned into Starbucks and Super Bowl commercials

No. 2092409

i dont think the people that watch miss universe care about culture

No. 2092413

I think unironically calling it "whore pioneer costumes" and then referencing a series based ona porn game exhibits hentai addiction and brainrot

The whole point of these contests is to show off culture?

No. 2092416

I mean same anon but >>2092409 and >>2092401 are right unfortunately. I think there is more nuance to it than the women just being whores of course, but that sexualization is our culture right now.

No. 2092417

File: 1721108706102.jpeg (171.85 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_5194.jpeg)

This brings me back to my American girl dolls

No. 2092419

>The whole point of these contests is to show off culture?
no, its not. Its to watch hot women fight to see who's the most appealing to men while dressing in sexy outfits.

No. 2092422

American Girls are based

No. 2092424

Take the radfem goggles off, theyre giving you brain damage

No. 2092426

sexualization is like half of any south american country's culture please stop being a self hating american for 5 minutes.

No. 2092427

Well I'm sorry I don't know what to tell you anon, I'm not self hating I'm just saying what's true. Even if it's only half like you claim, half is still too much? What is your point? I also want them to wear historical dresses, I am not disagreeing with you.

No. 2092432

File: 1721108958244.jpeg (236.29 KB, 634x1025, IMG_3971.jpeg)

no, some of them wear legitimate cultural clothing. miss morocco for example.
if miss America universe actually wore a pioneer dress, it’d probably even trend on social media and more people would be exposed to our old clothing.

No. 2092433

you dont even need to be a radfem to realize miss universe contest are about that, everyone knows its about who's the sexiest woman

No. 2092439

NTA but that's exactly what it is? There is no value or signifance to these contests beyond the aesthetic value of these women. If it's about philanthropy and culture, why is there such a heavy emphasis on beauty?

No. 2092441

ntayrt but nonny

No. 2092442

What type of defeatist mentality is this, just because there are bad aspects to a culture doesn't mean it defines all of the people within it.

No. 2092443

That's fantastic

No. 2092444

I'm surrounded by it every day, I'm not going to be ignorant to it in purpose, it isn't as though I don't want it to change. I don't know what your problem is.

No. 2092446

Thats like complaining about art contests choosing beautiful art because it's vapid. People want to see beautiful things and people. Beauty is appreciated in almost every culture, it doesn't make miss universe or any beauty pageant something evil for acknowledging beauty.

No. 2092449

it's a shallow whos the sexiest contest it's not high art

No. 2092451

I don't know why you take something said to you to the furthest extreme, who said it was evil?

No. 2092460

Gotta love dolls that introduce girls to feminist concepts at a very young age while teaching them about history

No. 2092462

It's so cool, and some of the stories are so heavy I've cried

No. 2092463

Felicity is so pretty, I wanted one so much when I was a kid. Although she's canceled now for being racist lol

No. 2092469

Really would love it if performance fashion went full circle from almost naked to elaborate full length clothing

No. 2092470

it's because it's gay men who come up with this shit and everything has to be a garish, loud, in-your-face drag queen show. Nothing can just be beautiful or sweet, everything has to be some "campy", ironic deconstruction of a theme.

No. 2092473

File: 1721110525269.jpeg (84.53 KB, 500x479, IMG_3976.jpeg)

nta but maybe miss universe was a bad example
literally just wearing old American costumes should be promoted anywhere. maybe school children can try them on, or people can wear such dresses at their weddings idk. It’d be cool if we had our own established traditional attire like Norway has the bunad and Japan has the kimono
It would never happen but one could dream ok??

No. 2092475

I missed this controversy kek, my doll is still somewhere in someone's attic

No. 2092481

Which American Doll were you, nonas? I was Samantha

No. 2092495

One year I dressed up as the Girl of the Year (can't remember her name) and the other, I was Samantha
I wanted to be Kit, but I wasn't blonde and blue eyed welp

No. 2092499

I totally get you anon

No. 2092706

File: 1721129187946.jpg (143.27 KB, 1242x1294, s-l1600 (3).jpg)

me too, when was she racist? it's been a long time.
idk if I like…identified as the characters specifically or anything, but the first doll I ever saved up money for was Josephina because I thought she was the prettiest and was my favorite. growing up (homeschooled) there was a local American Girl doll club focused on the historical characters. Once a month we'd get together, and the meeting would be themed around a different doll and the time periods they belonged to, so it was an educational thing. Moms would volunteer to host the month's meeting on a sign up sheet beside the doll's name at the beginning of the year, and then we'd have a planned mini history lesson, historical snack, craft, activity, whatever. dressing up was encouraged. good memories, I guess.

No. 2092915

His name is Alfred F. Jones not P, kek nonnie. The F is for FREEEEEEDOM!

No. 2092924

File: 1721145388124.png (289.95 KB, 1024x1024, FATO-COWBOY_l.PNG)

>It’d be cool if we had our own established traditional attire
Kek do we not?

No. 2092925

File: 1721145476477.webp (83.63 KB, 1000x1000, molly.webp)


No. 2093048

File: 1721153895375.png (193.23 KB, 720x900, lbdPCSj.png)

country singer ingrid andress was drunk when she sang the national anthem yesterday at the mlb home run derby: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1UGpVnvZ9A&pp=ygUOaW5ncmlkIGFuZHJlc3M%3D

No. 2093052

My mom got me Molly because "she looks like you!" instead of just getting me a custom one, because she had a gap between her teeth, because my parents were more concerned with spending thousands on vacations instead of fixing my fucking teeth. So buy me a doll highlighting my insecurity and go haha it's you. Stupid boomer, one of the reasons she's going in a retirement home. Enjoy getting beaten up by hoodlums because you couldn't fix my teeth boomer

No. 2093055

what’s up with celebrities who love to get fucked up before singing the national anthem kek? Fergie did the exact same thing years ago

No. 2093058

Is this pasta?

No. 2093060

No. 2093066

nta but what does this mean kek?

No. 2093069

Newfag spotted

No. 2093071

i’ve been here since 2018 but pardon me for not understanding what ‘is this pasta’ is asking

No. 2093072

All American Girl dolls have a gap between their teeth

No. 2093076

>legitimate cultural clothing
>random ass faces printed into her robes

No. 2093077

Ntayrt but I don't see a pasta thread so I'd love to know what this means too keek

No. 2093082

Short for copypasta

No. 2093300

File: 1721168433506.mp4 (913.79 KB, 480x270, _k2q0w7lLIDijgVS.mp4)

Leaked phone call between Donald Trump and RFK jr. Honestly very scummy, but I'm not surprised this is happening. I'm baffled by people even voting for RFK jr, kek.
>Trump and RFK jr discuss vaccines
>Trump tells RFK jr "we're going to win"
>Trump talks about Biden calling him
>Trump changes the subject to the attempted assassination, says bullet felt like a "giant mosquito"

No. 2093306

Would unironically bang Texas Pete

No. 2093325

We all owe fergie an apology kek, ingrid was far far worse

No. 2093425

Info on Vance if anyone is interested

No. 2093437

Do they explain why he's fat

No. 2093442

No. 2093449

he looks like a butterball turkey

No. 2093452

He looks like he drinks a lot but isn't fun to drink with

No. 2093542

File: 1721181348219.jpg (111.87 KB, 819x1024, 1721176344287804m.jpg)

No. 2093563

i just know this is unedited

No. 2093656

>I don't really care what happens to Ukraine one way or the other
Gotta agree with him on that one kek. Don't give a shit about Israel/Palestine either. Why care about wars that don't involve us? We shouldn't be giving any of those countries money either.

No. 2093905

File: 1721217653246.png (Spoiler Image,118.87 KB, 720x680, 1000005327.png)

Shamelessly crossposting from the bunker thread. Sticker mule guy is either doing a publicity stunt or having a psychotic break kekekek


No. 2093971

You know TheHardTimes is basically The Onion, right?

No. 2093990

apparently that nonnie does not kek This is why false news spreads like wildfire people have no critical thinking skills or apparent ability to google

No. 2094135


No. 2094159

i hate politics so much. i wish all politicians would be shot

No. 2094341

I mean the alternatives are monarchies or communist supreme leaders so… what do you think is better?

No. 2094376

stupid Texas government requiring that we return to work in office FUCK I was doing SO GOOD working from home and not having to do almost three hours coming to and from and almost dying daily and not dealing with annoying ass coworkers in person and being able to cook at home and do shit aaaa
Maybe I should seriously start looking into moving to a different state

No. 2094379

you would love mexico or any latam country, they kill politicians for fun

No. 2094381

wait, nona, what? what happened?? you can't do wfh in texas anymore?

No. 2094390

NTA but apparently Utah and Texas are both trying to roll back WFH. Which I guess makes sense because it only exploded due to the pandemic and it's long over.

No. 2094395

I agree, it was super hot

No. 2094396

is this just for government employees or all jobs?

No. 2094437

Just for gov. employees I think. What's so wrong with wfh?? Why are they so bent on having us come in?

No. 2094551

File: 1721254452738.png (14.4 KB, 883x178, bidencovid.png)

Biden has covid, this is crazy. Wonder if he will drop out as he said before he would if he had a medical condition

No. 2094559

it's over.

No. 2094560

I guess maybe because they don't see it as necessary anymore, they might think if you're able to work your job from home you must also be able to do it in office

No. 2094561

it's joever

No. 2094563

File: 1721255485389.png (241.39 KB, 900x876, ccgfjh.PNG)

It's because of office space rentals losing value.

No. 2094608


No. 2094614

File: 1721259280252.png (106.28 KB, 858x493, Screenshot 2024-07-17 192823.p…)

Thank you Vance, very cool

No. 2094626

This guy has 3 whole kids and 0 are adopted

No. 2094627

About the incest baby who'll turn out to be fucking retarded, just like he is? Why the fuck did they make us read this dudes book in high school

No. 2094635

They made you read his babble? My condolences

No. 2094638

What fucked-up school did you go to?

No. 2094653

Two wrongs don't make a right so force a woman who was raped to have and potentially raise her rapist's child. It's so sick and repulsive.

No. 2094669

It will never not frustrate me that the party which claims to be rational and unemotional is the same one whose arguments default to "leftist women want to force everyone to kill babies"

No. 2094672

Oh shit, isn't it almost guaranteed that someone his age will die from a covid infection?

No. 2094681

He's POTUS, he probably has access to the best doctors and treatments.

No. 2094694

Biden just doing what I did when I quit working. I faked covid so I didn't have to work my notice. Let the man retire in peace.

No. 2094732

If that fat fuck Chris Christie could survive covid I don't see why Biden couldn't.

No. 2094746

File: 1721268507677.png (721.4 KB, 506x778, chrissy.png)

God I forgot that man existed. He is looking ruff…

No. 2094747

I wonder when he’s gonna jump on the ozempic train

No. 2094752

He’s such a funny cow in his inconsistencies, he’s flipped on a million things and will twist his own words in such a nakedly desperate and manipulative way when called out. It’s honestly is kind of insulting to expect anyone to believe him. He’s like a stupid narcissist boyfriend

No. 2094914

Want to punch him in his ugly fat face so bad

No. 2094916

He's not elderly. Biden is 20 years his senior which makes a big difference.

No. 2094969

yeah I heard they’re going to make us go back I go offices to prop up commercial real estate. it sucks.

No. 2095072

Interesting recent video about Project 2025/Trump's next term and what's bad about it, from the perspective of someone into road safety/public transit/urban planning etc. so it has criticisms other than the abortion rights aspect most nonnies in these threads/boards talk about. Interesting history about the project, like that Raegan implemented about 2/3rds of what the Heritage Foundation wanted him to do when he had his presidency, idk nonnies but voting Repub is going to lead to a way worse America and I don't think Dems being too woke or pro-troon for you is a reason to sign your rights away.

No. 2095384

L8 but as someone who has a special interest in fashion history none of these were particular to the U.S., so I don't see how they could be considered cultural costumes. And even if we considered prairie/pioneer outfits as "cultural", who the fuck would want to wear that to an international beauty competition? It's extremely plain and boring; maybe we ought to send up an Amish woman instead KEK
There are also a few issues that come with some of these clothes due to their association with the Antebellum. It's not worth the fallout to dress like a plantation owner's wife and it probably wouldn't win anything anyway (because, again, it's not very unique and also the implications). I think >>2092360 is fine as it is because it looks impressive, tells a story about U.S. culture and history, and is novel to look at. I think a cowgirl costume could be very interesting as well. Maybe a pioneer outfit could work if it were gone about in a very unique and storytelling way. I think a Martha Washington cosplay would be pretty funny.

No. 2095390

File: 1721321546220.jpeg (267.14 KB, 866x1390, zSpahKj.jpeg)

Samefag but if we ever have an American Indian Miss America it would be pretty cool to see her dressed in the traditional costume of her tribe. Picrel is a Tlingit woman

No. 2095438

File: 1721324220068.jpeg (210.87 KB, 735x1060, IMG_4049.jpeg)

>none of these were particular to the U.S.
Other than Canada and maybe the UK I’m not sure who wore anything similar. And by your logic, Miss Japan shouldn’t wear a Kimono since Japanese culture is heavily influenced by the Chinese and what they wore lmao
>It's extremely plain and boring
Not really? Bright colors and tapestry could be added to make it stand out. Imo the body suits and the vsfs style wings or whatever they’re called is basic and boring.
imo a gay man who works for miss america universe can easily make pic rel look sexy if that’s what you want

No. 2095464

File: 1721325362710.jpeg (186.44 KB, 1007x873, NXGSdoh.jpeg)

>Miss Japan shouldn’t wear a Kimono since Japanese culture is heavily influenced by the Chinese and what they wore lmao
What? That doesn't even make any sense. Kimonos are by and large unique to Japan. U.S. fashions were essentially one-to-one with the fashions of other Western countries in their respective time period. Picrel is an example: American dress on the left, British dress on the right. 1850s era. Surely these outfits are so dissimilar as to resemble the difference between (Han) Chinese and Japanese fashions KEK
>Not really? Bright colors and tapestry could be added to make it stand out.
Still disagree, but whatever. Different strokes for different folks.
>imo a gay man who works for miss america universe can easily make pic rel look sexy if that’s what you want
Retarded strawman. When did I ever state that the costumes should look sexy? I already gave an example of something that could be interesting and still culturally relevant >>2095390 Stop projecting your Down's syndrome onto other users.

No. 2095466

File: 1721325494815.jpeg (332.85 KB, 2149x1394, S0xS3LV.jpeg)

So distinct are U.S. and European fashions that the Metropolitan Museum of Art is able to accurately distinguish the geographic location of a given item just by looking at the threading!!

No. 2095478

File: 1721325971189.jpeg (104.14 KB, 580x435, IMG_4051.jpeg)

>Kimonos are by and large unique to Japan.
Kimonos were inspired by the Chinese hanfu.
>American dress on the left, British dress on the right
lmao I already said that the UK and America had similar historical fashion, this isn’t a gotcha. The Native American picture you sent looks indistinguishable from certain Canadian First Nation clothes.
aaaand you’re still missing the point
>Stop projecting your Down's syndrome onto other users.
Your entire logic is “lol so boring and not exotic and interesting”

No. 2095487

File: 1721326370126.jpeg (545 KB, 1280x1171, LzjZ6Nd.jpeg)

>aaaand you’re still missing the point
What point did I miss? The description says "American or European"; it literally goes against your point that the clothes are distinct, but keep banging on about how unique American fashion is.
>lmao I already said that the UK and America had similar historical fashion
Just to satisfy you, here is a picture of two dinner gowns from the 1880s. Tell me without using Google, which one is French and which one is of possible American origin?

No. 2095505

File: 1721327113668.jpeg (580.65 KB, 2009x828, ofTcGHZ.jpeg)

Adding on (after doing more careful research), the kimono is one particular garment. Hanfu refers to the traditional garments of the Han people of China, not a particular outfit—so then, it is not a one-to-one comparison to the kimono. But in any case, here is a whole gallery of what hanfu could look like versus the kimono so that you can't claim that I'm cherry-picking—anyone with eyes could tell the two apart. All you've done is prove yourself to be ignorant on Western fashions and Asian fashions

No. 2095508

File: 1721327233764.webp (98.42 KB, 670x1034, IMG_4053.webp)

>people who mostly descended from Europe wore similar fashion to people back in Europe
wow this is crazy information
>but keep banging on about how unique American fashion is.
Southern antebellum dresses were unique, because the climate in the Deep South isn’t like the climate in Europe. Also the western and pioneer fashion trends were often inspired by native Americans, which also was not a thing in Europe.
But you’re most likely coming from an anti American perspective and I wonder if you’re even a real burger. You probably wouldn’t try to tell a Native American person that their outfit is basic and boring because it’s similar to First Nations, and you probably wouldn’t say that to a Gulf Arab about their clothing being similar to the clothing of the Indian subcontinent.

No. 2095512

lmao all forms of hanfu predate the kimono so you’re still wrong on that front.

No. 2095535

File: 1721327889818.png (331.91 KB, 689x2161, Opus Dei - Wikispooks.jpeg.png)

I would sign my rights away for the time being if they outlawed porn (meaning we forced them to actually do it and do it well). We don’t have any rights and aren’t organized enough rn to demand any. Besides protecting young girls and women from the parasitic destructive rape industry, outlawing porn will attack some of the alienation of the masses and put us in a better position to organize to demand actual progress for the majority of peoples well being.

No. 2095538

>I would sign my rights away
It's all so tiring

No. 2095539

File: 1721327986773.jpeg (316.61 KB, 1222x1132, MUcgFBQ.jpeg)

Ruqun, a type of Hanfu, versus kimono. Couldn't even tell you the difference if it were daylight.
>people who mostly descended from Europe wore similar fashion to people back in Europe
Nice backpedalling anon. You went from saying in this post >>2095438 that
>Other than Canada and maybe the UK I’m not sure who wore anything similar.
to affirming my initial statement that American and European fashions are almost indistinguishable. Thanks for agreeing!
>But you’re most likely coming from an anti American perspective and I wonder if you’re even a real burger.
Kek I already know who you're voting for in November.

What does that have to do with anything? The initial claim was that
>Miss Japan shouldn’t wear a Kimono since Japanese culture is heavily influenced by the Chinese and what they wore lmao
And I argued that the kimono is unique to Japan, you won't find a one-to-one copy of it in Hanfu. >>2095478 tries to suggest that they are indistinct in the vein of >>2095464 but without realizing that Hanfu is not a particular outfit. Picrel proves that much and that they are distinct.

At this point, given all of your bad faith arguments, I'm about 100% certain that you're trolling, so I'm going to leave it here so that the thread doesn't derail into useless shitflinging. No less, if there are any anons who would like to continue discussing U.S. historical fashions, I'm still game.

No. 2095548

Unfortunately this is what it comes to when anyone to the left of project 2025 thinks porn is the highest most supreme right and women’s right to do sex work is the most important concern of the working class and women’s liberation so we can never do anything about it. o wait we can wait till the revolution lol.

No. 2095549

File: 1721328450529.jpeg (135.31 KB, 735x441, IMG_2443.jpeg)

>American and European fashions are almost indistinguishable.
Upper class Western European women wore tea dresses. I don’t think they were dressing like a pioneer woman, do you? Do you think women in Bosnia were wearing this? lmao
>Kek I already know who you're voting for in November.
You didn’t deny being a non-burger so why tf are you in our thread
>you won't find a one-to-one copy of it in Hanfu
You definitely can if you look hard enough. Chinese civilization is far older than Japan.
>Hanfu is not a particular outfit.
Except I never said that?
And yes, please stop chirping. You entire logic is “lol but if dress similar why dress American?” like a bumbling retard

No. 2095552


No. 2095572

Damn can’t tell if there’s a whole lot of astroturfing going on here, or if y’all have really let your troon hate somehow convince you that Trump or the GOP aren’t a complete disaster for most of the country. Gonna go with the former for now since the level of retardation and faint stench of ballsack are not usually this strong on lc

No. 2095581

File: 1721329485410.jpeg (525.37 KB, 1349x1322, ot6so2U.jpeg)

This is not what pioneer women would have worn—this is very typical of post-Old West romanticization that transpired over the period of the late 19th century-mid-20th century. I have no doubt that this photo was not taken before 1880, and I did a reverse look-up on the origin of it just to double check. Picrel provides the context. Regardless, I already mentioned in my initial post >>2095384 that a cowgirl or pioneer-type outfit could be interesting and quintessentially American, so I suggest you take a breather and figure out what you're arguing over.
>You didn’t deny being a non-burger so why tf are you in our thread
Right, because everyone who disagrees with you is a foreigner. I never knew that Columbia was a farmer KEK

At length, I won't engage with your schizo rants any longer. If you can't handle someone disagreeing with you, then don't say anything at all. Hopefully other nonnies can take benefit from my posts on actual U.S. fashion and history.

No. 2095607

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For any curious anons, Columbia is the predecessor of Uncle Sam. She was the common personification of the United States from the 18th century to the early 20th century, but her popularity waned after WWI.

No. 2095609

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Here she is again Manifest(ing) Destiny. The painting is American Progress (1872) by John Gast.

No. 2095614

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where did i say anything about troons, an issue i care little about other than the targeting of children which im sure will go the way of the lobotomy? i said the infestation of the united states by porn and the actual extreme abuse women and young girls are subjected to in the production of it. the united snakes floods the rest of the world with torture content as well and amerikkkans feel no need to outlaw it but now at least it is on an agenda. even if it would never be on any agenda you support. that’s why we have no other options if we actually want to outlaw it, something people like you insist we could never possibly do or want when we can and we will, whether you like it or not. talk about stench of ballsack.

No. 2095622

Think what you want but I want a populist president that can easily fold to peer pressure over the days in government

No. 2095623

*gays not days (u get it)

No. 2095624

why are you here?

No. 2095636

Bc I am American and I want porn to be outlawed. But it will never be on any agenda you would ever allow/support and that’s the reality we live in but it is on the project 2025 agenda.

No. 2095645

shes the sperg thats been ????ing any post thats isn't deathly leftist/liberal or positive about trump. ignore her

No. 2095649

Making sure fetuses don't get "personhood" under the 14th Amendment that would force anyone who's been raped to give birth, including children, is much more of a priority I think.

No. 2095659

It's not like making porn illegal would get rid of it, either. If anything, it forces the industry into the shadows. I hate porn, too, and would love a world where it doesn't exist. But that isn't reality. When you ban things like porn or abortion, people will still seek them out. Banning only makes it more dangerous.

No. 2095660

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not reading alladat
miss America universe should wear pic rel, I don’t care if ameriboo parisians also wore it at one point.(integrate)

No. 2095670

>muh manifest destiny where white scrotes were pillaging people and-
i’m tired of explaining. this is why i manifest russia to drop their finger on the button, I’m even starting to hate other burgerfags

No. 2095671

that man has also has a probability of not even going through with project 2025. who gives a damn, you fuckers fell for the most obvious diversion trick by the media

No. 2095672

If the US bans porn they will ban the ability for people using generative AI to conjure up AI porn…and then artist anons can get more NSFW commissions from desperate Americans (huge demographic) willing to go through hush hush backdoor means Hmmm I see the vision but I don't think it's worth risking every horrific and backwards thing in the 920+ pages of Project 2025 being implemented

No. 2095677

>If the US bans porn
I have this sneaking suspicion that this isn't going to happen—scrotes across political lines would make sure of that.

No. 2095678

i mean your greentext can also apply to the antebellum era to be fair yet you don't have a problem with dresses from that era

No. 2095679

it’s just a dress you big baby

No. 2095684

Red states have already started to put restrictions on porn.

No. 2095688

It's not a full-on ban, though. I can only recoil at the thought of what the backlash would look like for an outright ban.
They don't seem to understand why it would be an issue for Miss America to dress like a Southern belle. I'm sure an African-American Miss America would take umbrage at the suggestion that she cosplay Scarlett O'Hara as a representation of American culture. Maybe it'd be OK at Miss Confederate States of America, but it's never going to happen at any mainstream pageant.

No. 2095689

you mean the thing kids just click "YES" to bypass?

No. 2095694

always some eurofag slipping through the cracks trying to tell us how we should run our own countries kek. they need to go and focus on why their moids start jumping people when their favorite sportsball slop team loses

No. 2095699

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Google the azalea trail maids, black girls/women take part in it all the time. The only people that get offended are white liberals and anyone else who has no knowledge of southern culture lmao

No. 2095709

File: 1721337016440.png (79 KB, 959x661, porn-by-state.png)

The law requires coomers to upload a government issued ID to access porn. In Louisiana this resulted in an 80% traffic drop for pornhub. It was so bad, that they now just block access to the site from states that require age verification. This is all on the site that I linked.

No. 2095716

I do support these types of restrictions, but the reality is that now moids just get their porn from avenues other than pornhub, which can be even more extreme. This legislation isn’t actually in effect for every porn host

No. 2095718

The "Azalea Trail Maids" are only specific to Mobile, Alabama, so hardly even "Southern culture". And there's still controversy surrounding it, even among African-Americans. The point then is that if it's too controversial in that arena, then it's going to be controversial at an international pageant where most Americans/people are not going to understand the context. There are better examples of Southern heritage than picrel, and better ways of demonstrating American heritage than pseudo-Antebellum clothing.

No. 2095750

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Slavery was bad but plenty of amazing things from art to literature came out of the antebellum south, the obsession with erasing all of these things because x bad thing happened at the same time is so odd. Blacklisting poofy colorful dresses won’t reverse time and make so that slavery never happened.

No. 2095818

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Queen Kamala rise. It's her turn!

No. 2095829

Nobody's demonizing Uncle Tom's Cabin just because it was written during the Antebellum, and people do Civil War reenactments all of the time without issue. All that was said was that Miss America is not going to wear a poofy Antebellum dress because of poor optics—that's a fact.

No. 2095836

fuck the optics who cares what gay ass liberals think

No. 2095845

Would love to see it lol

No. 2095896

Is JD Vance's wife sick? The news keeps showing her everywhere, and her face looks really hollow and gaunt.

No. 2095919

This retard would be an even bigger embarrassment than Biden. At least Biden has the excuse of being senile. She's supposed to be healthy and still acts braindead.

Is there really no other possible presidential candidate who can at least act like a conscious human being? Trump is not one either, by the way.

No. 2095922

Omg slay queen

No. 2095931

I love her, rooting for her. I can't stand anymore moids in office. Also I'd pay to see her and trump debate I think I'd need to bring popcorn. They're both personalities, kek

No. 2095951

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Saged cuz i don't know who else really cares but of course poor student loan providers and their pay checks are more important than offering aid to public service workers. Federal appeals court blocked the rest of the pittance that was student loan reform. This remaining piece only affected 35k who would have gotten it, but it would have offered lower student loan payments or loan forgiveness for teachers, nurses, firefighters etc. Truly the us doesn't care about shit unless you're a big corporation.

No. 2095965

She’s just Indian, they always have bony faces and dark eye circles.
This isn’t race baiting jannies it’s literally true

No. 2095975

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Kek I did not know Hulk Hogan was going to be at RNC

No. 2096055

I saw Meghan Murphy (who was an actual feminist at one point) slurping this moids semen on Twitter. It's funny how much Appalachia hates him though, completely deserved too.

A video off him has resurfaced online where he says women should stay with moids in marriages, even if they're unhappy and the marriage is violent.

Vance also did an interview with Jack Murphy Goldman, a manosphere moid who once wrote about how feminists should be raped. Jack Murphy has a thread on KF, where they have archived his extensive Chaturbate videos, videos of him dildoing himself, and videos of his wife having sex with other men.

No. 2096057

This affects more than just public service workers. It also blocks the SAVE plan. So, if your loan repayment plan was adjusted to be income-based under the SAVE plan, you're now fucked. Millions of people now don't know what amount they're supposed to pay next month.

No. 2096175

I saw Jen Izaakson praise him as well

No. 2096180

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I think it's worth remembering that only 60% of heritage foundations proposals were implemented the last time they aided a candidate (Reagan). It still had a huge political and cultural impact though. Now that people are aware of the foundation's goal there will be some resistance. I think some of the policies are very clearly not going to be implemented but we could see changes that everyone agrees with. I think porn will be banned, and abortion will remain in the status quo (individual states to decide)

No. 2096190

The thought that conservatives will ban porn is so interesting to me. They love porn! Men on both sides of the political sphere absolutely love it. As someone who grew up around a lot of conservative religious men, they watched it more than the non-religious men I knew. Also, my state is one of the states that "banned porn" and all it did was spike VPN sales. Genuinely not sure how it's even possible to ban porn because of VPNs being widely known about and used.

No. 2096199

Some countries have successfully banned porn but there have to be restrictions on VPNs to go along with it basically. China is one example. People can get in serious trouble when getting caught using VPNs there, whether it's for porn or anything else. I don't think this is possible in the US though.

No. 2096206

nta I don't think there will be anything serious in the US (at least for now). I don't think anyone will go to jail for watching porn with a vpn or even hosting a porn site, the legistations most likely will have serious consequences for porn studios which I could see eventually moving to canada or britain

No. 2096241

Conservatives ban porn as if they're not using VPNs to look at it, buying services from sex workers and raping underage girls behind closed doors while claiming that's the kind of society "lefties" want. It's all smoke and mirrors, and also a sneaky way to ban things related to homosexuality since they intentionally leave the definition so vague that showing same sex couples in media can be interpreted as "porn" because for homophobes it's sexual degeneracy.

No. 2096252

my state banned porn and the local subs were full of young moids teaching old computer illiterate moids how to use vpns. if even boomers that despise technology will make a concentrated effort to learn how to circumvent bans when it means they can continue strangling their dick then banning porn is largely useless except for making men seethe and further illustrating that they care more about cooming than our healthcare

No. 2096269

might make it harder for kids to stumble upon the porn though which is good. I don't know though, most kids see their first porn somewhere random, not on the major porn sites.

No. 2096276

i'm all for measures that make it more difficult for children to access porn but the internet is so saturated with it that i think the most effective way to prevent them from repeatedly viewing it (since even kids who don't purposefully seek out porn are exposed to it through innocent searches) is to monitor their online activities, which is something many parents are unwilling to do.

No. 2096587

You talking about the article about him being a Christian that she retweeted? Disappointing, but scrolling through, it doesn't seem like she's fully converted to pickmeism like Murphy has. Meghan was gaga over him being a true "American dream" story. Yeah Meghan, a guy who wasn't even raised in Appalachia publishing a book that's rife with stereotypes and shows him as being one of the few with the gumption and brains to work. No wonder the whole fucking region hates him. He's the same as Hollywood sex freaks who make movies about "hillbillies" being the inbred sex freaks.

Then again, I guess walking around thinking you are better than everyone and throwing a whole region under the bus to be a shill for corporations and government power is the modern American dream.

No. 2096978

I’m not a conservative but the smartass tone of Biden’s posts on X annoys the shit out of me knowing it would take the real Joe 8 hours to figure out how to post something himself. I finally had to block him.

No. 2097102

File: 1721471900896.jpeg (36.44 KB, 494x300, IMG_0036.jpeg)

I had a dream where I was sitting in a bathtub with hunter biden at the other end, and he was acting like a literal retard with a demonic look in his eyes and then he drowned me and I woke up PANICKED.

No. 2097272

that's fucking terrifying lmfao

No. 2097767

I was shocked when I saw JD Vance's wife. I thought he'd be racist as fuck with a blonde wife kek

No. 2097772

Indian wife doesn't mean he's not racist as fuck. Lots of racist whites marry non-white people.

No. 2097774

White guy with ethnic wife usually = more racist

No. 2097781

I stand by my opinion that racist men who marry women of a different race are less racist than racist men who marry their own race. Like, if a racist is willing to have children that look like a race he hates, he's obviously less racist than a guy who would rather have no children than have mixed race children.

No. 2097785

I disagree, I think Fergie was actually still worse. Ingrid's was god awful though. I live for horrendous renditions of the national anthem though lmao

No. 2097788

You have a profound misunderstanding of the male mind. To them marrying a woman means he "conquered" her. Racist scrotes fetishise interracial relationships as a form of (sexual) colonialism. It has absolutely nothing to do with love. Many men fucking hate their wives. Your logic would make sense with women, if you marry something and let it fuck you, then you like said thing. The same can NOT be said about men. They desire to have sex with people they hate as a way of punishing them. It's all about mind games and domination

No. 2097789

I don’t now why it’s so hard for nonny to understand, white men went around the world creating new races of people and they still harbored racist views. Some of them were expansionist and some wanted to become segregated.

No. 2097794

Those are the same people who support republican drag queens, republican fags, republican thotties, most neocons used to support the same degeneracy because it as all about “your race/gender/creed shouldn’t matter” but they switched their optics and started adopting christian fundamentalism. Banning porn isn’t for the wellbeing of women it’s because it’s only affecting males and their penises. If you want to ban porn, you have to ban men from existing

No. 2097809

Go read r/hapas and r/thepassportbros posts some time and then come back and try to say this again. Like >>2097788 said, it's about domination and "diluting" the genes of their wife's bloodline. These guys pretty much always bash men of the wife's same race as well.

No. 2097850

in addition to what others said, you're also profoundly naive if you believe those men actually view their children as "theirs". At best, they view them as merely evidence of conquest. Depressing large amounts of them also fantasize about raping or, worse, actually rape their 'diluted' mixed race daughters.

No. 2097888

Have any of y’all done medical tourism in Mexico?

No. 2097903

I don't know much about newsom but he doesn't sound like he's dosed on adderall all the time so he might be better than kammy

No. 2097906

Newsom loves trannies, illegals, and the homeless and enables all of them with new ridiculous laws that have turned California into a trashfire these past few years. We hate him over here and the rest of the country will too. Making him the candidate would 100% guarantee a Trump win.

No. 2097907

i actually like Tulsi and wish that she had a stronger backing. she seems like a great in between compared to the other options, why doesn't her party like her?

No. 2097913

I haven't, but many online claim to do so and save so much money, but like, where are they going? I haven't done too much research but it doesn't seem so easy? I mean you need to pay for transportation, stay, etc, it's not like you'll just fly out there and come back in a day right? I really wanna know because I have family in Mexico and they complain of the bad services over there but again they're (and me lol) are poor so we can't afford the good ones? sorry for the rambling

No. 2097939

Imagine risking being kidnapped and trafficked, or tortured by the cartel just for cheaper plastic surgery or w/e. Dumb as hell.

No. 2097968

I did very bare minimum research, just looked at a few Reddit threads, and most people go to Tijuana. There’s private pickup services at the border or you can just walk across the bridge yourself. It’s right next to San Diego and there’s a lot of medical offices with fluent English speaking staff there too, because they’re used to medical tourists from the US.

No. 2097978

Tijuana is chock full of trafficked girls and their pimps scouting for new girls, it's not any different. Also why the fuck would you trust doctors that were trained in a third world shithole? You really think they had a good quality education there?

No. 2098505

File: 1721585624824.png (618.39 KB, 821x1463, Screenshot_20240721-111202.png)

Joe Biden has withdrawn from the presidential race.

No. 2098510

Dailymail (lol) was reporting on Thursday that he'd drop out by this weekend but his campaign kept denying it.

No. 2098513


No. 2098515

I thought Tulsi got cancelled or something

No. 2098519

joe biden definitely has dementia, good riddance literal oldfag

No. 2098522

yeaaaaah. im calling it. trump is going to win then. esp with his patriotic near - death experience under his belt.

No. 2098524

I wonder if the dnc will choose Kamala, seems like the most logical choice
I wonder if trump will refuse to debate her kek

No. 2098526

At this point I will vote for literally anyone that's under 70 years old

No. 2098528

File: 1721586472664.png (38.52 KB, 620x258, image.png)

Biden endorsed her on twitter

No. 2098535

Kamala is literally black Hillary lmao, she’s not gonna win against Trump

No. 2098536

It’s fucking joeover! Fingers crossed for hilldog and killa kam ticket for maximium scrote seethe. Hillary will a-bomb tranny legislation into oblivion and banish thirdie men to ohio. TMD

No. 2098538

if they didn’t want vivek, they don’t want her as well kek

No. 2098543

if he didn’t refuse to debate biden, he will debate kamala. she’s a jumbled mouth retard just like biden so it would be pretty easy to do a clean sweep

No. 2098544

what the fuck am I reading

No. 2098547

You realize they're in different parties right?

No. 2098548

honestly a girl power ticket a la powerpuff girls could boost them up and earn them a victory over trump

No. 2098550

i think anon is just saying that if rightoids won't accept a brown man who parrots all of their talking point they sure as hell won't accept a brown woman who is the antithesis of their beliefs

No. 2098551

Kek what, trump is by far the bumbling idiot just repeating the same rhetoric tag lines again and again, he barely knows how government works. Kamala is coherent, has it together, government experience, and not a lazy fat fuck like that scrote. All trump has is tv charisma.

No. 2098556

>tfw bots on my lolcor

No. 2098559

Yeah but thats all most of the american electorate cares about, non-sequitur soundbytes on tv that make them feel good

No. 2098562

Elections have not been about trying to convert the other side. It's mainly about encouraging your own side and independents who lean to your side to vote instead of staying home.

No. 2098563

i honestly think michelle obama should be the candidate simply bc most americans picked based on name recognition and if they see an obama on the ballot they'll just vote thinking its barack again

No. 2098568

File: 1721587863462.png (82.57 KB, 961x601, Screenshot_826.png)

I know it won't happen because they already have their campaign funds locked in, but literally anyone but Kamala please. She is wildly unpopular on both sides.

No. 2098569

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No. 2098570

The fact that so many rightwingers are fuming means this was definitely the right choice for the Dems

No. 2098573

Samefag but this is going to change wildly in like a week or so

No. 2098574

>kamala is coherent
Anon… anyways I’m voting for Trump lol. No one wants to hear a bunch of Indian jimble jamble coconut mango jujube proverbs, you can hate Trump all you want but he caters to the old-timey American aesthetic and I applaud his grift.(racebait)

No. 2098576

where and why? i thought they'd be popping open the champagne bottles today

No. 2098577

it's also good for them since media circus will be entirely focused on democrats. the convention will probably be one of the most watched events this year

No. 2098578

you think you just fell out of a coconut tree????

No. 2098579

Still not voting for a rapist.

No. 2098580

This thread and the other ones made me start watching American Dad. I want to see what the hell is so good about it. Will update soon

No. 2098581

The old-timey aesthetic of getting your rights stripped? Yeah I guess that's about right

No. 2098582

Hillary vengeance tour is the best path from a competency perspective and dramaturgically. If she wins a normal person with a fierce neoliberal vision to save a dying empire who is a woman first and foremost will clean up all the moid nonsense that has been accruing these past 8 years and if she loses again punished Hillary’s humiliation will finally wake women up that america socially is a gulf state without the veil, that women are given nothing but lip service to keep them in their place.

No. 2098585

They don’t like Joe but were banking on having a miserably weak opponent for the rest of the election cycle. I expect a lot of momentum will be gained among usual Dem voters who were going to sit out or vote third party because of Joe being the candidate

No. 2098586

>Trump shill scrotes ITT on suicide watch when they can't pretend to be women voting for rapist trump out of necessity since there's now an actual good female candidate

No. 2098587

Kiwis go home

No. 2098588

Michelle is probably one of the best choices right now for democrats.
Kamala is so hated her running will kill any chances of a woman getting elected for the foreseeable future.

No. 2098589

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No. 2098594

File: 1721588569460.gif (630.81 KB, 220x179, kamala-harris.gif)

Literally. having a female candidate who is like 21 years younger than biden may be the most refreshing thing I've seen in a while. I was literally considering not voting before, this election was reused. You don't understand how excited I am to see this. People can talk about how her speeches are bad all they want but they really give me hope, I know a lot of other women that feel the same way. I looooove good news

No. 2098596

>actual good candidate
my first post itt but I'm a woman and I'm still not voting

No. 2098599

if you live in a deep red or blue state this is fine but if your state has any possibility of swinging you're being retarded

No. 2098600

Please tell me you're joking.

No. 2098601

i'm really still trying to figure out why biden's team decided on doing the debate so early

No. 2098604


American democrats/liberals proud themselves on being tolerant/not being racist and then get all confused and angry when someone uses an easily understandable proverb from a different country.

No. 2098606

are you actually surprised that lolcow users are blindly praising a female politician based solely on her femaleness?

No. 2098609

At this point your choice is a younger female democrat or a senile psychopath rapist looking to instate draconian conservative order. You don't get to be picky here.

No. 2098610

No. 2098611

>What about all the money raised by the Biden-Harris fund-raising machine?

>Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris have collected hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign funds over the past two years. That money has been allocated to the Biden campaign, the Democratic National Committee and various state Democratic organizations. As of June 30, those organizations had a combined $240 million cash on hand. Most of that money could be put into service on behalf of the next candidate.

>There is one big exception. The Biden-Harris campaign has, as of May 30, $91 million. If Ms. Harris is the candidate, that money is hers. If it is another candidate, the Biden-Harris money could be returned to donors (highly unlikely) or transferred to a federal super PAC, which could spend it on behalf of the Democratic ticket. One candidate who would be free of these shackles is Mr. Pritzker, a billionaire who could finance the campaign on his own.

No. 2098612

I just want someone to be tough on illegal immigration and I know for a fact Kamala won't be

No. 2098615

Okay, have fun not being able to abort or sustaining gender equality!

No. 2098618

white women are the only demographic that haven’t held the position of vice/president, it’s so over

No. 2098620

Oh and latinos

No. 2098626

Men voted for trump over Hillary because any male was preferable than a competent women who threatened their dominance and triggered their authority problems. Are you surprised women are finally doing what men have been doing all along? They should understand tit for tat by now. Men should share power and vote on merit if they want women to do the same.

No. 2098628

>Mr. Biden cannot simply transfer the nomination to his running mate. Now that he has dropped out of the race, the 3,937 Democratic delegates selected for the convention are essentially free agents.
who exactly are the delegates? i never understood how they were chosen? is it just party elites?

No. 2098629

hillary won the popular vote, it just voter turnout was extremely poor therefore the democrats lost. that's how it goes every election.

high turnout = dems win
low turnout = dems lose

No. 2098633

This means there is cash up for grabs for ambitious meme makers who know how to write pitch emails to sell Kamala major league gaming blingee supercut reels set to cam’ron killa cam. Downloading capcut and prompting chatgpt as we speak

No. 2098635

Scorned bernie bros on Twitter were the vanguard for the never killary klein bottle brain memes and got this vote for the acceleration candidate shitball rolling

No. 2098636

Honestly, I agree. Even as a libfag myself, and even though I'm still going to vote dem no matter what, I feel like there's no hope for us lol. Trump basically just got reelected IMO.

No. 2098637

Doing this less than 4 months before the election is wild, what is wrong with these people

No. 2098639

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No. 2098641

Pritzker running and getting the spotlight on all the evil oligarchic shit his family dynasty has been up to would be incredible. He would be narcissistically foolish to make that move, it would take so much heat off the sacklers, god I hope it happens.

No. 2098643

I feel like Dems were definitely going to lose with Biden on the ticket and replacing him with literally anyone is what will give them a fighting chance

No. 2098653

it's curious timing though.

No. 2098660

>curious timing
>everyone has been shrieking for months about the republican diaper-wearing coke snorter and the democratic dementia patient being way too fucking old to be reelected

No. 2098664

no i mean like, if trump had been assassinated, do you think this would have still happened?

No. 2098669

trump is going to win, isn't he? there's no way a black woman is going to win the presidency

No. 2098675

I'm worried about that too but God it would be so cool.

No. 2098680

>Former President Barack Obama praises President Biden, who was his vice president, in a statement. But he doesn’t endorse Vice President Kamala Harris, and appears to endorse a “process” for picking someone. “I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges,” he wrote.
…. does michelle have a chance?

No. 2098684

Kamala shill bot has just entered the thread, it’s not human kek. I’m highly convinced they get people from their administration to spam very niche corners on the internet, there’s zero chance she would win and she’s a terrible second choice anyways.

No. 2098689

I’m pretty certain Trumps gonna win, Kamala is like an annoying drunk aunt and I’d rather have Donny cause at least he can usher a laugh out of the majority

No. 2098693

glad to know you find a child rapist so funny

No. 2098695

You're voting for him because he can make people laugh? Democracy was a mistake

No. 2098696

Are these 4chan shills serious? You rather elect the party that has increasingly ramped up the woman hate the last couple years. Dems suck but it's literally between eating shit or drinking piss. I don't want either but if I'm forced I rather drink piss.

No. 2098697

Is there something Kamala did that has made her unpopular? I never paid too much attention to her.

No. 2098700

what does trump have to do with 4chan?

No. 2098701

Kek at all the faggot scrotes shilling trump itt bc "OLD SCROTE FUNNY". I don't give a single shit about Kamala speaking poorly (like Biden? Like Trump? Kek eat shit sexist fags) or being a shithead like every other old fat scrote demon politician. Let's go baby. KAMALA 2025. Enjoy having your rights stripped away because you yoom to that earless pedo rapist.

No. 2098702

> heehhhh blehhh you’re a male because you prefer Trump!
i pray you someday encounter another woman who is different from you IRL so you can understand we are not carbon copies of each other

No. 2098705

to be honest, i don't even think it matters who's president anymore when we have a conservative court for the next 100 years and nobody can change anything about that

No. 2098706

I pray you stop being a retarded woman hating faggot.(infighting)

No. 2098707

Nta. I pray you someday stop sucking pedo cock.(infighting)

No. 2098709

why would i hate other women
what? why does the topic always come back to sucking dick on this website lately. bjchan take a break for once

No. 2098710

IIRC when she was the Californian AG she gained a reputation for increasing black incarceration rates because she would send people to prison over minor crimes like weed posession.

No. 2098712

not an american but no way i'd ever vote for a fucking moid if i was lmao

No. 2098713

Too little too late and now Dems are fucked.
I'm really angry, Trump was gonna win but there's something about this decision that really sets it to stone.
Plan, burgernons. I wish I could move out of this country because what's gonna happen to us is gonna be wild.

No. 2098714

If you vote for a scrote that raped an underage sex trafficking victim because she reminded him of his daughter you have a subzero IQ and are a failure of the female species tbh. Like you're basically saying "some scrotes get a pass". Imagine if it was your scrote raping girls because he cooms to your daughter.

No. 2098715

I don't care about Trump, but you glowies seriously have one insult:
>Are you daring to say anything bad about Biden?!?!?!? GET RAPED. YOU WILL DESERVE IT.
Besides, if you're actually voting with the intent to stop rape, why are you voting for Biden, who also has rape allegations against him?

No. 2098717

Biden dropped out of the race you smegma crusted scrotum haver KEK.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2098718

File: 1721593190207.jpg (7 KB, 226x223, shit bait.jpg)

No. 2098719

Botfoiling should be banned. Make an argument or sage your non contribution.

No. 2098720

She's a cop sucker who imprisoned people for life because they had weed on them.

No. 2098721

No. 2098722

There were efforts to enact major scotus reforms but I'm not sure what the status is on that
Who said they wanted anyone to be raped?

No. 2098723

I'm gonna be honest, I don't know anything about Kamala except those clips of her talking about a coconut tree.

Most Americans probably could not even name the VP. Trump's name recognition alone will definitely win (or lose) the election for Republicans – but since that assassination attempt, it's more likely win.

No. 2098724

you think i was praising biden in that vein? we all know that every scrote is a pedo rapist, what's your point?

No. 2098725

File: 1721593363521.jpg (7.66 KB, 258x196, images (1).jpg)

>he waited all this time when he could have dropped several months ago and we could have nominated someone better than Kamala and our loss is basically imminent now

No. 2098726

And? You were still shilling a rapist not two days ago.

No. 2098727

can you post a link to this cause i can’t find anything when i google that

No. 2098731

>There were efforts to enact major scotus reforms but I'm not sure what the status is on that
for that to happen we'd need a new constitutional amendment which requires ratification by every state in the country. which means, it will never happen.

No. 2098732

It’s the opposite for me. Biden dropping out means we now have someone who isn’t a walking corpse. I wasn’t going to vote for either candidate before, but now I’m actually going to vote Democrat. Maybe there will be more people who feel the same way?

No. 2098733

Well of course he did. Otherwise we might have been able to nominate someone we actually wanted, and he couldn't have asked that to happen, could he?

No. 2098735

It would've been troublesome to not pick Kamala even if this happened in January.

No. 2098736

what makes me angrier is the fact that he said when he first ran for 2020 that he wouldn't seek reelection.
and then he decided to seek it anyway. if anyone is to be blamed for trump's 2024 presidency and the literal death of this country it's joe biden. history will not remember him well

No. 2098739

Incarcerating males is based

No. 2098743

america is such a hoot. i'd rather this than a rapist male who lets other rapists free.

No. 2098744

Was there anything particularly bad about Elizabeth Warren? I would have voted for her if she made the ballot last election

No. 2098746

Nta but same. I was going to vote for Biden because let's be real no other party could win except either the big two, and though Biden fucked up the Roe v Wade shit his presidential campaign has never been about limiting access to abortion. He's a scrote through and through but this has reinvigorated my interest.

It's fucking burger politics. We would have never been able to get a truly "qualified" candidate on either side. But as a woman I say fuck Trump and his cock sucking army. I'm voting Kamala.

No. 2098747

I don’t really think the rowdy mixed lady trying to send you oranges on the sidewalk is going to be elected over the former president who was barely skimmed by a bullet at his assasination attempt kek. If anything this has made everyone take the dem part 1000x less seriously

No. 2098749
