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No. 1933446
God Bless America
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>>>/ot/1733300 No. 1933675
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Has anybody else been hearing wild conspiracy theories about the upcoming solar eclipse?
My mom told me that she heard that "they" are going to declare martial law and arm illegal immigrants, and there will be a purge-like mass killing during the eclipse.
Googling brings up some stuff but nothing that's quite so, uh, out there.
No. 1933700
>>1933682"They" is usually vaguely the government, but could more specifically be the Democrats, Joe Biden, current evil foreign government of choice (China), Satanists, the shadow cabal, the NWO, the Rothschilds, etc. Whoever could plausibly be motivated and have the means to do such a thing (at least according to their mythology). In this instance I think it's just vaguely the government. Maybe the World Economic Forum (because illegals)?
The person she heard it from is an acquaintance of hers that I haven't met personally but who seems particularly off the beaten path. My mom gets her news from Infowars and Instagram Reels, which do have some crazy stuff, but it's all buried in videos and I don't really want to dedicate a bunch of time to listening to them. I get the feeling this is coming from some niche telegram group or something.
>>1933686I think it's a lost cause. She and my father have been hooked on this stuff since the 2011, when the Mayan calendar end times scare happened.
No. 1933775
>>1933700NTA but you might have some luck if you appeal to their retardation. Agree with them, tell them to prepare for the End of Times like they did in 2011, when the world ended. And like they did the other times the world ended. Help them stockpile beans or whatever it is they do. Pretending to believe their bullshit will help to keep you in their good graces, so you can find out in advance if they're planning to do something especially retarded, and they'll listen to your opinions more.
Once you've been initiated into the tard club, gently push them away from the more insane shit by discrediting the creators. Use their own lingo. Facebook is bad because Mark Lizardberg is a secret Thespian spy from the underground cabal of Archangel Lucifer. Fox News is run by the Joos, and you can tell because it's called Fox (foxes are red, just like Satan, and in the Bible, Satan is bad).
I've de-crazied relatives like this. It takes forever, you feel like your brain is melting, but eventually you shut off the sewage being fed directly into their brains and they slowly go back to being normal again.
No. 1935339
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Oregonian democrats are suing for Trump to be stripped from the ballot. Fairly undemocratic if you ask me kek.
No. 1935390
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Fresh reminder to go outside, touch grass, cloud gaze, and admire the nature around you. Even if it's boring concrete there'll be something.
And don't post pictures straight from your camera, use screenshots instead.
No. 1935743
>>1935425There's metadata on screenshots too
t. saved some screencaps from here and accidentally found out some nonas used picsart (also cause some had a date/time automatically attached to it that didn't match up with the date i saved it on)
No. 1935968
>>1935811only if they have identifying metadata. an old image from the internet probably doesn't. a photo you take yourself with your phone probably does (unless you turned the feature off).
>>1935743date/time and picsart info is not really identifying though. a picture you took of your cat on your bed with GPS enabled would literally show where you lived though. not that anyone would really want to come find you based of a picture of your cat but it still feels like giving up some anonymity.
No. 1937646
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I don't feel an ounce of sadness for stupid little "influencers" who are going to inevitably lose their jobs and have to return to reality once TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and all the other soul sucking apps like Twitter, Patreon, OnlyFans finally go belly up. Sure the Social Media time has been kind of fun for some but it's also caused a lot more harm than good to human nature and just all around common sense. These grown adults are going to have to grow up all over again kek.
No. 1939045
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Thoughts? I'm wondering how this will be enforced
No. 1939116
>>1939045I mean, it's kind of a nice idea, but that will never work. Social media sites just shouldn't even let the option of being under 18 years old be a thing. That would at least make a 1% of honest kids stop using the internet where they will get groomed to hell and back, and will make a 70% of degenerates stop using that age to attract children.
The law will flop, it is surely becoming a meme as I type this and no one will ever consider such an idea to become a reality.
I seriously believe there should be separate social media sites for kids since they still want to experience using the internet like mommy and daddy, but it's the same issue as with the whole age thing, just as how a child can pretend to be 18 years old, a degenerate can easily pretend to be 10 years old.
I wonder if there's ever going to exist some measure to make kids stop using social media.
No. 1939225
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>>1939211Apparently there were construction workers on the bridge.
>Both radio traffic and the website Vessel Finder indicate the container ship involved is the Dali out of Singapore. Part of the bridge is reported to be on the bow of the Dali No. 1939376
>>1939345They make phones for kids that look like smart phones, but they only contain educational games and videos and can only call the people you enter and 911.
Or you could just buy your kid a Nokia brick.
No. 1939435
>>1939391No, this goes between Glen burnie and Dundalk in Maryland. There’s a different key bridge near National harbor I’m pretty sure.
I used to hang out at a park right under this bridge a lot and used to drive it at 1:30 am to get home from that park. This is so terrifying. I called out of work today because I didn’t feel like going in before this all happened, I can’t imagine the traffic right now. Usually the highway is a circle with the bridge being the bottom of the circle, now all traffic will have to be going up around the entire city.
No. 1939599
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>>1939396I wonder if this was preventable. Why was it close enough to the center of the pillar that one minute of power outage could do this?
No. 1941144
>>1941131What if there’s no land there for you to buy?
Also because I’m not personally invested in this, if you happen to know, what is the public benefit to this program?
No. 1944011
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Publix is genuinely the best grocery store. It can be a little expensive, but they make up for that with the fresh sushi, subs, salads and even ramen in some places. Lidl and Trader Joes are tied for second place, imo.
No. 1945047
>>1945042I feel the exact same way, everyone is so hostile now in regards to race relations and it's really exhausting. I remember at one of the george floyd riots in my city, some little teenage black girl got on the mic and screamed out
>IF YOURE A WHITE PERSON I WANT YOU TO APOLOGIZE TO A BLACK PERSON NEXT TO YOU, RIGHT NOW!!!And it's like…yeah racism exists but blaming every white person alive for some homeless drug addict getting himself murdered doesn't really help anything or bring whites and blacks closer together. Why can't we bond about how we're similar, not different?
No. 1945838
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>>1945042The thing I'll remember most from that time is all the black-owned businesses that had to close down because they got wrecked in the riots that the media pretended were mostly peaceful protests. And that they tore down a statue of Hans Christian Heg, an abolitionist. And that the BLM organization fundraised money and imidiatly wasted it on themselves not giving anything back to the community.
No. 1945845
>>1945042>>1945047you're blind if you don't see everyday blatant racism and police brutality, it's not that complicated unless you're actually a racist trying to cover their ass or willfully ignorant.
>>1945844it's entirely possible to blame the rich for the shit they do while acknowledging racism is a thing.
No. 1945849
>>1941144Then you're forced to downgrade your life and have your hard work stolen. In USA there is something called eminent domain, where the government can declare that your land is needed for the public good and take it from you. They then decide how much it is worth (normally less than you could sell it for) and cut you a check.
Personally, I think that if a government declares eminent domain, they should be forced to pay five times what the land is worth to acquire it. We have enough money to throw trillions to our main bitch Israel and our side bitch Ukraine, why can't we pay some farmer a million for a patch of land that the government supposedly needs?
No. 1945940
>>1945042I live in a predominately mixed races area and grew up thinking racism was bullshit becasue when little white girl me was bullied in elementary school I got told by the black lady principal that I'm racist because my bullies were two black boys (ignoring the white kids I also called out of course) and something along the lines of "have you considered that you are gross and deserved to be called names?" So I lived the rest of school and university assuming modern racism was a boogeyman that people called when they didn't want to address the consequences of their actions. I've also had black friends both before and after that.
The only time I actually saw racism was when I helped my mixed cousin cosign for a car and the dealer was being nasty because he thought we were dating, but that might have just been him being homophobic thinking we were lesbians.
So when the Grorge Floyd thing rolled around I got confused.
No. 1945978
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So I know people are always shitting on American pizza and saying Italian pizza is the best and most superior. I'm neither Italian nor American but I did go to a fancy Italian place with friends and ordered their expensive ass authentic Italian pizza hoping to be blown away….and I was so disappointed. It was so lame that I wanted to demand for my money back. I had to comfort myself later on with some American style pizza though. Man, you motherfuckers are big and bold in everything you do and that's what I love about you. Keep being awesome my cute little Americans. Make more delicious foods for me. No matter what anyone says about America, just remember this Ameriboo nonnie loves you like crazy
No. 1946003
>>1945978People shit on American pizza and think Italian is better? They're crazy, we are the queens of pizza. You needs three things to make the best pizza you've ever had:
1) Hard spring water is used to make the dough
2) Fresh made sauce from actual heirloom sauce tomatoes
3) And mozzarella from the milk of happy relaxed cows
I've heard people say that mozzarella from water buffalos is better, but although I loved the taste of it, I preferred the milder taste of cow's milk with my pizza and then balancing it with a more acidic sauce.
No. 1946067
>>1945042It's definitely changed in the past decade, broadly speaking the progressive position used to advocate more for racial integration and harmony, but now it leans towards encouraging people to hyperfocus on their race/ethnicity and is basically ok with ethnocentrism and self segregation. Unless you're white, in which case diversity is your strength and you don't really exist as a race anyway, except for when we want to blame you for things.
I'm starting to feel pretty blackpilled on racial diversity honestly, race problems get blamed on white people but it's become clear many non-white people deep down don't want to integrate with other races either. I don't know what america is supposed to look like in the future if that's the case
No. 1946122
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>>1945978I’ve been very passionate about pizza since working in a pizza kitchen when I was 17. Weird place, but anyway, our dough was mostly whole wheat and molasses. Really great for twirling around in the air.
No. 1946260
>>1946003Queens of pizza, indeed. Damn those ingredients seem fancy. I have the water, the tomatoes will be hard to get but we do have some good cheese here so I can try it out, thanks nona. Can't get any buffalo cheese though sadly, since I live in Leprechaunland.
>>1946029Yep, I've heard of the famous NYC pizza! Have to try a real, authentic slice someday. Detroit style pizza doesn't look too bad actually. I'd try that too.
>>1946122Your passion for pizza making is cute nona. And molasses? That's interesting. I don't think we even have that in my country, but I really want to try it out.
No. 1949171
>>1946067>and you don't really exist as a race anyway, except for when we want to blame you for things.Kek I've also noticed people say
>Oh my GOD shut the fuck up, you're NOT Italian/Irish/French/Greek/whatever just because your grandparents were, you're AMERICAN and you're WHITE and have no culture!but then also turn around and talk about black people having "glorious African power/African magic" when their families have lived in the US several generations, and same with Asian people having certain quirky tendencies or being talented at certain skills "because I'm sooo Japanese/Chinese/[insert Asian nationality here]" despite being second or third generation and never having lived in the home country.
It's only somehow not-okay if a white person says it.
No. 1950719
>>1950694Yea me too. Ive had chronic migraines (around 40 hours a week) that kept me so ill I couldnt drive, let alone work. I was approved for medicaid and my doc prescribed a monthly injection my other insurance would have charged me for $600.
My medicaid charges me only $4 dollars.
Including my therapy, meds and doc appointments, I would have to make about 1k more a month to
just cover med expenses. Not including groceries or rent, gas or life costs.
Its wild. I am finally migraine free and start working more, but I am afraid to lose my coverage.
No. 1955135
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do americans really?
No. 1955501
>>1955339>>1955350There's also been many people who looked directly at the eclipse and experienced vision lose, but idk anons do what you wanna do. I just wanted to warn in case anyone was unaware of why you should wear eclipse glasses
>Moon blocking the sun lightThat's the tricky part, the lack of light makes people think it's ok to look.
No. 1955900
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What do you think his policy is gonna be?
No. 1955944
>>1950694I had Medicaid that cost me zero dollars and it saved my life. It was the best health insurance I've ever had. Now I have private insurance and I'm putting off getting desperately needed care because despite paying $200 a month for insuarnce, my deductible is $3000 and I don't have that kind of money.
It's extremely unfair that the elderly get to vote against health insurance and fuck everything up for everyone, while leeching off of our tax dollars and receiving the best form of healthcare in the country.
No. 1955948
>>1955930I don’t think the tranny pandering is what’s going to cost Biden the election, I actually do think it’s going to be the US’ involvement in the Palestine-Israel conflict. I agree that the conflict is pretty distant and doesn’t actually affect most Americans in any significant way, like
>>1955592 said. But it’s still a super hot issue for people on the left and xitter zoomers who haven’t been appeased by Biden’s lukewarm stances. Biden fails to satisfy both the Zionist lobby AND the twitterfags and Muslim constituency who call him “Genocide Joe.” His own past constituency has turned on him. Who really cares about him at this point? I remember in the last election, some dems would act like you were a fascist if you didn’t vote for Biden, but those times have passed. I really do hate Trump, but the fact is, he didn’t ruin our country as much as other recent Republican presidents have (with the war on terror, war on drugs, etc), so I don’t think there’s as much fear-mongering happening where people act like it’ll be the end of the world if Trump wins again. Of course, I hardly think Trump is going to handle Palestine-Israel any better than Biden since the evangelical lobby tends to be very pro-Israel
No. 1956182
Damn I really burned my retinas for nothing lmao you can barely see the eclipse through the cloud cover
No. 1956269
>no new warsBiden
>over half a million dead Ukrainians>unknown number of dead Russians>over 30,000 dead Palestinians >over 1,000 dead Israelis>Israel bombing Syria, Iran and Lebanon threatening a bigger war>Russia winning in Ukraine>US pivot to ChinaBiden's foreign policy has been a disaster, where as Trump had the best American foreign policy in decades.
>>1956176>voting for crack addicted pedo is better than voting republicanTwo party politics is wild
No. 1956290
>>1956269Out of curiosity I decided to look into what things, if any, Trump did
right. It's really hard to find anything unbiased that isn't just "He made America great and tells it like it is!" or "He emboldened nazis and transphobes!".
So here are a couple of things he did do:
-Made animal cruelty a federal felony by signing the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act. This expanded federal legislation against animal cruelty and allows easier prosecution of animal cruelty cases that span multiple states. (I had no idea about that one until just now)
-He took a hard stance against China. China was starting to walk all over us with Obama. They steal our intellectual property through corporate espionage (and steal IP blatantly), refuse to allow American businesses operate there, but then have to gall to act shocked when the US tries to do the same.
-Operation Warpspeed. Ironically, he was behind a lot of the funding of the covid vaccine (a bit 'too little, too late' though)
-Tougher on immigration. Of course, some immigration is fine, but we're kidding ourselves if we pretend that we don't have a massive southern border issue that needs to be addressed.
No. 1956297
>>1956290Fair points. I think trump’s worst offense imo was instigating the storming of the capital. I’m not sure how much amerifags realize how
weak that made american democracy look. It was a national humiliation, all because trump couldn’t accept he lost the election
No. 1956318
>>1956317And samefag I don't think any of us would enjoy the reality of there being a female president because then we'd
all be expected to buck up and start behaving all girlbossy and I know that is very undesirable for all American women. lets face it; no one wants to work. Especially us. Really we shouldn't have to work at all, considering our bodys internal cycle.
(baiting) No. 1956327
>>1956306Not American and can confirm
>>1956313 - news outlets here would not shut the fuck up about either election or the capitol riot
No. 1956348
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We're pro-Israel because thats where our chad dad Jesus is from
No. 1956359
>>1956318>I don't think any of us would enjoy the reality of there being a female president because then we'd all be expected to buck up and start behaving all girlbossyTbh I don’t agree? Yes Americans can be retarded, but I feel like we have evolved to understand that everyone regardless of gender can have different levels of ambition. Women have been politicians and CEOs and generally in high profile positions for a while now and it hasn’t made things worse for less ambitious women. The way I see it, women who do have the ambition to assume high achievement have better opportunities to do so thanks to the glass ceiling having been broken in the past. Women who don’t remain unaffected. It’s a net positive for women.
>and I know that is very undesirable for all American women.Kek, who are you to say? I think type A girl bosses who love the grind can be annoying as hell, but they’re definitely out there, and many are American.
Very odd post.
No. 1956369
>>1956363Has this happened to woman governors, or woman presidents/head of state figures
in other countries? No, it hasn’t. We still have our rights and you could say we have more.
>>1956366Because male presidents and VPs have had such a great track record as of late. But I feel it’s obvious who you are now. I’ll stop responding to what’s obvious bait.
No. 1956380
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>>1956379NTA but South Korea is easily the most misogynistic country in the first world, it’s hardly comparable imo
No. 1956384
>>1956375I haven't anything against female politicians, at all. I do know there absolutely are sectors of politics where women thrive. We do need female politicians in the United States, I'm just saying based off my own experience living under a large figurehead female politicians rule; that they choose to not function at maximum capacity, in interest of forming a more social bond with citizens. They abandon reality and making decisions that aide our state wholly, and instead choose to spend their time going to Pride parades, troon shilling at random speeches, or passing laws/bills that mean nothing at all. Also, I didn't make my post for the purpose of anyone to agree with me, I was just stating my opinion. If you disagree thats your prerogative and I have no desire to try and change your mind, especially because you can see for yourself what the effect of a female governor, vice president, or president (if this is to come to pass) has on civilians.
(baiting) No. 1956390
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>>1956382Not trying to be rude, but are you from a different country or something? Improving gun control is a cornerstone of the Democratic Party’s campaign. Like it’s one of the only policies that they’re pushing that is actually quite popular with their constituency, up there with abortion rights
No. 1956400
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>>1956394I see, no worries kek. It’s probably not talked about much because it’s a pretty established issue along party lines, so it’s kind of a given. Dems pretty unanimously want stricter gun control laws
No. 1956421
>>1956414ntayrt from your original responses but
>ignore him >this guy >they’re either a lazy retard or a moidcan you read kek
No. 1956445
>>1956353>companies shorting hours/wagesI will never understand how other Americans DON'T understand this at this point. I know so many boomers who treat getting a job alone as a fix-all to any sort of financial issues.
Maybe it's cause I'm around people with deadbeat parents but it's not uncommon to see young adults go through the long process of job searching (applying to 100 jobs a day with insane application processes to hear nothing back), then when you finally get a job most companies will refuse to give you proper hours and/or pay, then I see a lot of people being let off in the first 90 days over some stupid shit. Studio apartments made for teens and college students are almost 2k, jobs are barely paying 2k monthly after tax
No. 1956450
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>>1956447Hope I don’t get jumped for this by the ugly man psyop nonnies, but I’ve always found lincoln unconventionally attractive despite the fact that he was literally known for being fugly in his time. The civil war definitely aged him though
No. 1956453
>>1956445I think Americans are becoming aware of that problem. Like here's an entire report from five years ago about retailers (specifically walmart) intentionally hiring pt employees over ft because it reduces the amount of benefits/insurance they have to cover I'm curious about is if there's going to be a boom of old retirees going after pt jobs because they can't afford to live off of their pensions
No. 1956456
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>>1956447Obama is the hottest one and imo his looks have lasted the longest. Plus he's extremely charismatic, that's why we ignore his war crimes. And he was fairly young too, only 40 something when he came into office. I pray that we get more young hot presidents, whoever that may be in the future will have my vote.
I know JFK is popular but I think he is overrated, picrel is what I think of JFK.
No. 1956460
>>1956289>However little is known about what's he's actually done. Rape. We know he raped Ivana and E Jean Carroll. We don't know exactly how many others he's raped, but there is no way there aren't more
No. 1956473
>>1956462His daughter is Ivanka.
Ivana is his first wife.
No. 1956481
>>1956478Oohh ok that makes much more sense.
>Do you guys not know Trump lore? I always knew he had multiple wives, just never really bothered to look into it.
No. 1956484
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>>1956447If I had to pick, Grant. He has the best name and is the best looking out of all of them. I mean, he's not good looking, he's just better looking than the other presidents.
No. 1956488
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>>1956450It’s okay nona even if his face is
unconventional he was at least very tall and physically fit by all accounts. And he wasn’t fat. So many of them were fat.
>>1956447Everyone had probably seen this but here’s Richard Nixon in college before he got fat. Not handsome as the president unfortunately. I have no president husbando but I will contribute this
No. 1956495
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>>1956489The chad chin is strong here
No. 1959118
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The trumpers itt…
No. 1959167
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I'm not voting this year. All the local/state level elections are in the bag for right wing terrorists and it doesn't really matter who wins POTUS. Things are going to get worse for most of us anyway.
No. 1961147
>>1959603One of the biggest sources of pollution is import/export cheap plastic shit from China/India. The Yangtze river alone is responsible for 55% of all of the plastic pollution in the world. The climate change retards in charge are all corporate dipshits who are too high on their own farts to not see that what they are doing is ineffective at best, and ruins other people's lives at worst. Also they are also greedy cunts who again, haven't bat a single eye on the economic fuckery they have caused over the years.
Their attack dogs consist of retarded white people who are too empty minded to see that they should be inconveniencing the boomers in charge of this mess rather than everyday people who are living paycheck to paycheck.
>>1959627Not a MAGAtard or trying to infight but what do you see in that scrote? I never understood people who stand by Biden because he openly assaults women and girls (and the public fucking rebrands that shit to "sniffing" the fuck out of here); not that there's any other option because Trump does that shit too.
No. 1961632
>>1958876Im not even sure if I will be voting, but if I do probably Biden unfortunately. I might sit this one out though, no one is looking good.
>>1959118Tbf, Trump supporters have always been on lc. I guess because everyone but his cult knows that he's just saw Republicans as easy targets, and because many farmers see him as a funny circus clown rather than a bigot or Ronald Reagan/Andrew Jackson levels of evil. It also helps that during his pregnancy, he didn't really do all the bad things everyone thought he would when he was first elected Someone correct me if I'm wrong, I think the worst thing to come out of Trump's pregnancy was him appointing the judges that would go on to ban abortion, which he did promise to do in 2016. That's one of the only promises he made good on.
Now someone on here supporting Desantis or Haley would be an actual surprise.
No. 1961641
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>>1961637I wheezed so hard my nose started running
No. 1961642
>everyone but his cult I say "but his cult" cause I don't really group trump voters/sympathizers in with people who go full MAGAtard.
No. 1962515
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>tfw America getting involved in yet another conflict that does not concern us If they go on the offense I swear to God..>The White House vowed Saturday that the United States' support for Israel's security is "ironclad," pledging to stand with the Jewish state and "support their defense" after Iran launched an aerial drone attack towards the country Saturday afternoon. >"We are closely monitoring Iranian killer drones that are en-route to Israel sent by Iran," Hagari said. "This is a severe and dangerous escalation. Our defensive and offensive capabilities are at the highest level of readiness ahead of this large- scale attack from Iran." No. 1974201
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No. 1974204
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>>1974201Video of pedo getting turned into swiss cheese. it's censored and not graphic. Just satisfying.
No. 1975480
come to the movie room, fellow burgers. we're watching a doc about the plastics industry fucking us over with recycling legislation Earth Day!
No. 1976343
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>>1976329I bet the people who feel upset about this are city-slickers who have never felt threatened or been attacked by wild animals. Nature is cruel. Wild animals in regions where they've been hunted are less likely to attack humans. Why? Partially because as those that get close to humans are hunted out of the population, the ones that survive are those that have an instinct to stay away from people. That man did good work keeping the wolves in check.
(bait) No. 1976353
>>1976269Literal psychopath behavior, I fucking hate moids. Who the hell sees a wild animal—a baby at that—and decides to torture and kill it to show off? Reading the full news story about it makes me want to cry, it was beyond cruel what happened to it.
>>1976322>>1976343It'd be one thing if someone killed predators that were attacking their livestock but you're really making excuses for some scrote running one over on a snowmobile on purpose? There were zero reported fatal wolf attacks in the US last year be serious, you're acting like wolves are running amok killing and injuring dozens of people.
No. 1976894
>>1976343I live in a rural town. You sound like one of those city slickers who get bored of their suburban house and are deeply insecure so they decide to go live on a "farm" in the middle of nowhere so they can show everyone they're an "alpha" by unnecessarily killing off half of the animal population in that area. The kind that can't even hunt but instead takes their huge expensive car to run over a wolf pup that was already running away so they can show how "powerful" and "dangerous" they are to their friends while eating store-bought hamburgers.
Someone who's used to those areas wouldn't waste time running over a small wolf and would be mindful not to unnecessarily kill anything that moves for fun just so they can play with the carcass later.
No. 1978409
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Not to dox myself but where the FUCK do I go to meet gender critical women in Wisconsin/the midwest in general? I'm not asking for true blue radfem TERFs who live in female only communes (though that would dope as fuck), just asking where the hell I can meet women who don't entertain and validate the tranny menace? I live in a border town so all around me are stoner burnout losers/alcoholics with colorful fried hair and crusty piercings who go by retarded pronouns and I just need to break the fuck away.
No. 1978425
>>1978409Samefag but if any cool gendercrit Wiscononnies want to make a friend finder post…. please do
I'm paranoid and don't want to make a new discord but I'll add you on discord! Just don't want my discord handle out there lol. I'm down to listen to you complain about work and moids/troons and talk about weeb/nerdy shit if you want. I don't hate fujos but I've outgrown fujoism myself personally (except in a funny ironic jokey way). I'm also a collector of fashion dolls so you will need to be able to handle a bit of doll sperging. Shout out my Wiscononnies. I feel kinda of bereft of personality right now, life's just been tough. But I know if I had a friend to be straight forward with it'd make life a bit easier. Hopefully one of you midwesties are also looking for a gendercrit friend.
No. 1979914
>>1978450Nobody wants to live in Detroit. Even the cemeteries have fresh vacancies as the dead people are leaving. The only habitable parts are the gentrified hipster bits directly downtown, so like 6 city blocks.
>>1979110They know they have to hide Biden as much as possible. The only chance they have is to derail Trump, they can't promote Biden at all. I know people who listen to DNC cope videos on shittok, all they have is cope.
No. 1981952
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Is the book Demon Copperhead an accurate overview of life in Appalachia? If so it's pretty whack mainstream leftists don't talk about the toothless hillbilly white trash stereotypes the same way they talk about the stereotypes that get applied to poor black people..
No. 1983368
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I cannot wait to see the goofy new post office vehicles on the road
source: USPS magazine The Eagle They mail these out to postal employees but it's also free to read on their website
No. 1984117
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>>1984081A man committed suicide across the street from my old apartment. He had hung himself right up front. It was one of those gated apartments for old people. Luckily I didn’t see it but the second and third floor people had caught a glimpse. Another terrible thing is that more than once we had people flip their cars over on the street because they’re driving drunk like retards. The apartment was kinda close to the beach so I imagine that’s why. Normally it’s quiet in that area now tho, besides the occasional homeless people screaming.
No. 1984157
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>>1984002it's very real, they've been talking about them since 2020 or 2019. I think the first time I saw an official concept image was 2021. Oshkosh Defense is manufacturing them No. 1984304
>>1984081A retired neighbor across the street died in his house and nobody knew for almost a month, a hazmat company had to clean the house.
Also a woman died in an apartment fire and I felt terrible because they were a customer at my job. I knew she had a back injury that really limited her mobility, so I have the feeling she was sleeping and/or drunk and couldn't get herself out of a door in time.
No. 1984606
>>1984081I didn't live in the building, but I used to work as an administrative assistant in the management office of a luxury condo high-rise. The units had balconies, and I lost track of number of times the cops were called because someone was threatening to jump. A
lot of rich people with drug problems.
No. 1984838
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What's the atmosphere in the country like right now? Is it better, worse, or the same than it was two years ago?
No. 1984895
>>1984081in my first shitty apartment, my next door neighbor was a hoarder. When they moved out and they had to hire trash collectors to clear out their apartment, I guess the roaches were looking for a new home because they fucking SWARMED me. Crawling up the walls in the middle of the day, I even found one in my bed once.
They started living in my fridge and microwave, I'd find squished roach bodies behind the plastic covering the button panel on my oven. I became scared to turn on the light at night because you'd see dozens skittering into the shadows. I was too grossed out to even use my kitchen so I started eating exclusively premade stuff from the grocery store.
I tried every type of bait on the market, diatomaceous earth, glue traps, pesticides, resealing any holes, fumigations, professional pest control visits etc. but they kept coming. I still had 4 months on my lease and I had no where else to go. I tried to contact the office about letting me move to a different unit because mine was a biohazard and they ignored me.
Not to mention the neighbor from hell was also an animal hoarder and let loose about 12 cats to run around the apartment complex once they left. With the help of my neighbors we neutered all of them, adopted out the tame ones and we took turns feeding the feral cats that now just lived outside.
Once I finally got to move out that shithole I had to leave all of my furniture behind because I was terrified of taking eggs with me. I was taking apart a table and found roach corpses inside it so everything I owned but my clothes and valuables was taken to the dump.
I still have nightmares about living there, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Hunting for a new apartment took ages because if I saw even a hint of roach poo or egg I was out and surprise! most low/mid price apartments have roaches apparently.
No. 1985117
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all these MFs moving from the south to the north better prepare. just because you heard a rumor about how wonderful welfare or support services are in northern states, doesn't mean its true. Don't shocked pikachu face when you're told that nobody is willing to pay almost $1000 for a full tank of heating oil for you when you had almost an entire year to save up. Don't think anybody up here is going to hold your hand through the winter. Also, could the southerners moving to the north shut the fuck up about the homeless population or refugee population? Either help or fuck off. Also, people coming up to the north with their 8 kids, fuck off. People my age with 7 children, fuck off. Everyone fuck off.
No. 1985127
>>1985117Southerner who went up north here and I have no fucking clue what you're talking about kek. My car insurance went down like 200 just by moving alone, gas, car and home maintenance is all the same price, medical insurance is a million times better just by switching states and now I don't have to drain my bank account anytime I need a filling or UTI antibiotics. Jobs here aren't stuck in 08 and actually understand that most people can't survive on min wage and -pikachu shock face- making people work 10 hours a week isn't sustainable, you can ask people directions at the gas station without them wanting to shoot you, etc. hell, the fact that it was so much easier getting a job that wasn't 20 hours a week minimum wage is the reason why I moved in the first place.
As for winters I don't mind them only because where I live the city actually takes care of the roads instead of letting potholes and open sewage fuck your shit up and drain your bank account getting tows, the worst thing is just the fact there's no waffle houses, huddle house, or gas station chicken but it seems like a good trade off for not being surrounded by pedos, meth heads and my piggy bank is full
No. 1985134
>>1985117Wait, what happened? I haven't heard people are moving from the south to the north more than people always move around. Is this a local phenomenon you're experiencing?
>>1985129we should pass a law to make outsourcing phone jobs overseas illegal.
No. 1985149
>>1985123can't be fake about how it feels
>>1985127without revealing where I live, I have a different experience. Meth heads LOL they're everywhere, same with pedos. Pedos love the area I live in, and the only places to work that are worth working for require a level of manual labor or college education that attracts people to meth and other stimulants so they can keep up. Potholes are fucking everywhere, and yeah we have gas station chicken. I have to pay more for a car, including yearly inspection and registration, and our public transportation is non-existent. If you want to work at a Mobil Station or Walmart, you're more than welcome, but if you want a job that actually pays well, go back to school or get ready to get your hand cut off in a mill accident.
No. 1985159
>>1985041Yeah, the combination of housing costs
and food prices rising rapidly is totally fucking people. I'm lucky to have a stable living situation, but my grocery bill has doubled in the past eighteen months. Even fast food chains and diner food have gone from cheap-but-unhealthy convenience meals to being splurges I have to budget for.
No. 1985188
>>1985153yep, got priced out of my hometown because of that, it quickly became a trendy resort town for all the richies to move to, apartments that were 400 dollars a month got brought out and turned into 2k monthly and they brought all the starter homes to rent them out to unaffordability, cafes that were 20 bucks for a family to sit down and eat got turned into 90 dollar vegan restaurants, thrift stores and clothing shops tripled, coffee shops triples, spas and salons tripled, and quality went down rapidly. I remember going back and eating at my fav restaurant and the gourmet corndog got turned into some microwave crap while doubling in price. the burger shop stopped doing specials where I can get a float and hamburger for 5 bucks, farmers markets tripled, etc etc
and shocker, the employees that kept these place upfloat all had to move somewhere else these businesses started shutting down and everyone's abandoning the town now. it's not "healing" though they aren't bothering to sell the homes or rent them out for cheaper, they'd literally rather keep all their crap on the market for years than to lower the price. These rich people quite literally expected the poors to scrimmage for housing, live in the woods or something else instead of, I don't know, making affordable housing options?
even just checking the market now, all the homes in my old town have been up for over 2 years and they barely lowered the price, they actually believe some rich unicorn is going to pay 3 million for a falling apart loft on top of a shut down convenience store
No. 1985260
>>1985188this happened to me too
nonnie. i miss how quiet my small beach town used to be, now it's a shit show with the high rise "luxury" apartments and all the chain restaurants popping up. There used to be a long stretch of the main road that was completely wooded, now its all gone to make more room for more bullshit.
No. 1985383
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>>1985159Groceries have become so expensive that I've finally caved to trying premium brands, since it's only a few cents or a dollar difference from everything else getting shrinkflated or price hiked.
No. 1985399

>>1985188>they actually believe some rich unicorn is going to pay 3 million for a falling apart loft on top of a shut down convenience storethat's the issue with companies now, they all believe rich people are going to save them from their price gouging.
>why should I make this 02 honda cheaper when some super rich person can buy it?>why should shop leases, ghetto apartments in nowhere midwest, no tell motels, etc be cheaper when some rich person is gonna come up and buy it?>why should we make things in this store cheaper when rich people can buy them just fine?and a lot of these places end up shutting down their crap when they could've easily made prices cheaper and attracted more customers but oh now it's better to flush millions of businesses expenses down the drain than to
dare let poor people have anything nice. You already see the same happen to beauty stylists like lash techs who are complaining people don't want to pay so much money for their crap when they could've just lowered prices
No. 1985523
>>1985519>Thankfully mobile homes can be moved out of the trailer park if you buy land to put it onbayshore would never. I've gotten blocked by trailer parks for even asking to move
>Alternatively you can buy a mobile home outright from the manufacturer.I went to a clayton homes manufacturer and the cheapest build was like 150k and then even more for delivery (several thousand) and another few thousand for the foundation
No. 1985530
>>1985523What kind of build were you looking into? Used trailers are ok to have if they’re post 1970 as they have a ton of asbestos.
>>1985522You can pay people to do it. Depending on the manufacturer they can set it up.
No. 1985719
>>1945849We have no money. The government is dead broke, we've been getting by by flashing our overpowered military and sucking off Arab princes for oil. All the loan money is being used for shit that only helps corrupt officials and not the public.>>1946119Not necessarily, the different ethnicities in Europe before the Roman empire pretty much got forcefully stripped of their culture and beliefs once Christianity spread. And now each country while having similar beliefs most definitely has differences in culture. And some European immigrants still kept a lot of their culture when moving over to the the America's, like Italians. The whites that did homogenize were mainly protestant pilgrims that came over for religious freedom, so honestly religion and beliefs seems to be the driving factor in all of this.
>>1985153This shit is happening in the south as well, and I'm not just talking about Florida. And those hwite supremacists you worry about probably aren't coming from the south. Most of us are poor as fuck and can't afford to move across states. I theorize that most of the transplants in a majority of states have and always were drifters that move wherever. California has always been the big ticket state and I guess Oregon, Miami and then the rest of Florida for seniors, but but now these freaks are moving to even more places and shitting them up, as long as it's cheaper than where they used to live. Then when those areas get gentrified they'll stay until it all collapses in on itself then leave to go fuck up another place. You can't convince me the everyday working American can just get up and move across the country, no these people live like this. And the shitty local politicians who love sniffing eachothers buttholes welcome them with open arms and use our tax dollars as a greeting gift.
No. 1985933
>>1985522We moved to completely raw land (no hook ups) and had to start from scratch, and it was pretty hard. The permits were annoying, the inspections were annoying, and finding a contractor who won't lie or cut corners is a full time job unto itself. Most places will require septic permits, proof of water service, and a driveway permits before you can apply for a building permit for the mobile home to be on your land. Still, I recommend it because after years of hard work, it has paid off a thousand times and I own a house worth far more than I would ever be able to afford or buy today.
>>1985523>the cheapest build was like 150kThere's a difference between a trailer and a manufactured home. You're looking at manufactured houses, but if you're looking for cheap you either want a used camper or else a used mobile home. A camper is easier to move and can be pulled from place to place but is very small, a mobile home/trailer can be moved but it requires a special company and costs $4,000-$6,000 each time you move, and a manufactured home is a house that is built elsewhere and then moved to the final property only once. You could in theory move a manufactured home to a different place once it's settled, but it would be roughly the same cost and effort as moving a regular house to somewhere else.
No. 1985949
>>1985873Relax anon, I'm not a newfag
or even a stoner. Jeez Louise.
No. 1986016
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>>1985991I think if it was actually attempted, there would be loads of fine print and red tape surrounding whether or not you received it. If it's anything like social financial assistance programs currently are, it'll be like this:
>only helps people 80% under the median housing cost for the area they live in>only helps if you aren't in subsidized housing or voucher based housing>doesn't help consecutively month to month, must apply month to month with paperwork detailing where money went>demands receipts>demands you sell your car or TV because it's considered a "luxury" before they assist>cannot make over a certain amount to continue to receive UBI>people as a result are stuck in the income bracket to continue receiving UBI, no incentives to make more to stop receiving >fraudsters abuse the system and the government turns around and punishes all of us for it>jeff bezos somehow gets UBI No. 1986041
>>1985991It will not work because the people in charge do not want it work. In order to make it work, there would have to be very strict laws involving the cost of food and housing. Basically, you would have to make it law that rental and house prices can only cost so much of the UBI. If the rent goes one penny over, the house is immediately seized and sold at auction and the landlord imprisoned. Then, food can only have a certain profit margin. Anything beyond that profit margin is seized and the company completely disbanded. Strict and punitive laws would be the only way to keep greed in check. And obviously these type of laws could only happen under a dictatorship.
As it stands now, if we tried it, it would merely create inflation as all companies would then raise their prices because they know people need food/water/shelter to live and they know we now have exactly this much more money, which would devalue current assets and savings, leading to worse living conditions and increased crime for everyone.
No. 1986129
>>1986090Then it's not "universal", so your hypothetical is that the USA would adopt universal basic income but take out the "universal" part. Okay. At that point you're talking about something different though. I mean I wouldn't put it past the government to do that so your hypothetical is just as good as anyone else's I guess – actually I can clearly picture a scenario where UBI comes up for discussion and gets so twisted through the bureaucratic machine that it comes out the other side as something else entirely.
All I am saying is that actual
universal basic income is given to everyone. It's, like, the main feature of it being
No. 1986173
>>1986016The whole point of UBI is that it's supposed to cut through the red tape of means-tested programs and avoid these sorts of poverty traps.
I don't have a strong opinion either way. I can see the logic of the inflation argument in
>>1986041, but it's a moot point because it's never going to be a serious possibility in the US.
No. 1986182
>>1986016>>demands you sell your car or TV because it's considered a "luxury" before they assistKek there's a "charity" in my area like that. They'll just bombard you with everyone you could possibly know that you can press to couch surf with, say things like "oh you have a friend? THEN YOURE NOT HOMELESS" then hang up, basically expecting you to destroy all your friendships before you seek help first, even if you have a car they'll press you to sell it because "you have a little bit of money" even though the entire state is 100% car dependent. Another one will wait until you have an eviction notice to pay for rent (most eviction notices are 2-3 days here) and guess what theyre only open 3 days a week so unless you're lucky enough to get the notice on a day they're open you'll just be evicted.
What's the point of even funding these charities if they're just going to dig people into rock bottom before helping? Make no sense
No. 1986240
>>1986182this reminds me of when I was living in a homeless shelter, they'd print out the first page of Indeed listings, put them on the wall and insist we were all just lazy and not trying. I had to slam down my phone and show them how I applied to 2k jobs within the course of a few months, called places and even showed up, and barely got replies. I had less than a handful of job interviews just to no avail. Mind you the entire reason why I became homeless was because I wasn't able to find a job fast enough for my parents liking when I would spend 10+ hours a day applying, going to interviews, etc
>inb4 well you were doing something wrong!!oh come on, the endless indeed doom-applying is a tale as old as time
No. 1986258
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Wtf did he do to his face?
No. 1987208
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>>1987205Yeah that's totally normal. Enjoy your potluck nonna!
No. 1987365
>>1986182oh man, you have opened such a can of worms for me. Yeah, these fucking "charities" and "non-profits" basically just get funded by the government to give utility companies and landlords money. And they want you to be half-a-step away from homelessness. Not only that, but they look at the FEDERAL definition of "homelessness", which means if you're couch surfing or you're in a hotel, you're "technically" not homeless. They have to abide by this absurd definition coined in the late 70s to continue getting funding. I love how, during the pandemic, there was a rent assistance program, but there were no laws regarding evictions, so these landlords would wait months for late rent and then get fed up waiting for the overworked and underfunded program to give them the money. So they'd evict the tenant anyway. Awesome. Then the rent assistance program would refuse to give you rent assistance because you need to do an entirely new application now that you're homeless! And that'll take 3 months to review, have a nice day! I loathe this state, this country, this fucked up hollowed out welfare system that does nothing but cement people in poverty and discourage any kind of social improvement or climbing at all.
No. 1987472
>>1987365once I applied to a job training program that was going to pay for me to get a trade when I had zero money, they confused me for another person who was applying and by the time they ended up correcting it, it would've been "outside the funding period" so I ended up having to drop out. Not to mention trade programs around here have quotas to literally fail people each round.
>>1987406this pisses me off so bad especially since Medicare and SSI take such a hefty portion of our paychecks and what does it go to? doesn't go to us, the people who do get it get jack shit from it
No. 1987501
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Europeans have spent the last few years spreading myths online about American education ranking next to third world countries, but the reality is that the American education system is better than that of most European countries. They're coping and projecting with all the talk about how ignorant and uneducated Americans are. And on that note, Americans also have higher rates of receiving higher education than Europeans do.(baiting)
No. 1988394
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It always makes me so fucking depressed how fast Americans are to point the finger at poors and redirect attention instead of daring to admit when are in a recession/depression
If there were mass layoffs/lowball hirings/if any hirings at all no one would dare claim you're not trying hard enough, maybe you're unlikable, etc everyone would just understand the economy sucks and we should strive to fix the issue, and guess what? THAT'S HOW SHIT ACTUALLY GOT FIXED. Not telling the unemployed they should've shaken their hands harder to get chatGPT to write their resume.
if you didn't own a home and struggled to scrape by, no one would tell you to work a million hours a week, not eat or sleep, etc, they HELD THE RIGHT PEOPLE ACCOUNTABLE and that how we were able to crawl out the recession within a year or two instead of running around blaming each other. Not only are we entering some economic downfall but because of you fucking idiots screaming how it's all poor peoples faults we aren't even going to crawl out of it
No. 1988406
>>1988257cities in general just have higher homeless because when people are evicted/kicked out in rural areas, they travel to a nearby city where there are food banks, soup kitchens, charities, etc
the homeless population also isn't accurately taken since a lot of the times they literally just go to the streets and count, they don't count people living in their cars, couch surfing, or if you set up your "camp" in the woods or something they wouldn't count you as homeless unless you're loud and proud about it. I knew multiple people at work and school who ended up sleeping in their cars and stuff and I would've never even guessed tbh
No. 1989184
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No. 1989234
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Real question: do you think you will lose the vote soon? I'm middle Eastern and I can get an abortion and divorce my (hypothetical) husband whenever I want. Things were the opposite way around just 12 months ago. Are American women too pacifist to do anything even though they have guns? I don't see any violent uprisings so I guess the answer is yes? I guess they would post infographics on Instagram begging men to let them vote if they lost all of their rights overnight. It's so over for y'all
No. 1989344
>>1989332i actually didnt say anything about marriage laws, i only made one comment replying to your comment, which was in response to a post about an article regarding pregnant women not being granted divorce, attempting to change the topic to
victims of child rape who end up being impregnated. you aren't even capable of discussion.
(taking the bait) No. 1989547
non-profit anon (i guess) here to vent more about the shitty system:
This time, I'm going to bat for the out of staters. Yeah, I spent a lot of time shitting on them. But now I'm going to talk about how fucked up and frustrating it is for them, especially if they're "escaping" somewhere and arrive in the state homeless.
For the majority of these welfare programs, you need an active identification card, usually a second proof of ID, and a social security number. Sometimes, they will demand the actual paper social security card. The one that you can't laminate but is thinner than dollar store toilet paper. Yeah, people ought to have this identification, but the reality is a lot of people don't, even those who aren't homeless. Homeless people don't have an address that they can show to a job for proof of residency, they don't have up to date or in-state IDs, and sometimes they are illiterate and unable to retrieve this paperwork without help from a paid worker (unless they know someone who can help that won't charge them). Usually, I'd recommend to anyone that needs help to NOT seek help through the state, and instead work with friends or family. Unfortunately, homeless people from out of state don't have those kinds of connections (yet), and because we're all assholes in the north, nobody's going to befriend a stranger in desperate need out of fear or some other bullshit.
Another thing that isn't discussed very often (in these types of programs) is how emotionally and mentally taxing it is to be homeless, not have any kind of stability or income, and spend all your time calling places that don't call you back, call you at weird times, or take you through the entire rigamarole of screening and applying only for them to deny you a month later. It's insane. I would go fucking insane if I had to survive off of the system like that.
No. 1989554
>>1989547samefag, but what makes me so angry about the way these systems are set up is that they never take into account the actual reality of a person's situation, or really even the human condition. It's like non-human entities developed the policies for these things. After gathering enough data you think they'd know about how a lot of homeless people don't have necessary paperwork or identification, or have emotional issues that may be compounded in the process, or have a time sensitive issue that needs to be addressed in a shorter time than 3 months. And with that info, they'd adjust their policy. But the policies for these programs are developed (puts tinfoil hat on) to specifically discourage people from getting assistance from the state. However, in an attempt to create a complicated system to prevent abuse, it has in turn created a system that no reasonable, average-minded person could navigate without professional assistance from some underpaid 20-something that thinks being a case manager is going to save the world. It's been like this for far longer than I've been alive. Wages stay the same, prices of everything else rise, and then the government decides they're going to cut more welfare funding. Scumbag fucking country
No. 1991952
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Sick of this shit.
No. 1992001
>>1989764It's crazy because the people that most likely would qualify for those kinds of jump-through-hoops assistance programs usually have an emotional disability, which would make it difficult for them to do paperwork efficiently on their own in time, or a physical disability, which may prevent them from traveling to the office of the program they need to apply to, be illiterate, which means they need a worker to help them (god forbid the people that run the programs help), or they have insufficient identification / pay stubs / a money trail that they can use to "prove" they need assistance. That difficulty pretty much boxes half of the eligible population out
Here's another stupid fucking rant of mine: You ever heard of Alpha Pregnancy Resource Center, or those religious pregnancy centers that pretend to "consult" people on pregnancy but really just convince you to keep the baby? These types of programs are typically what's available to low income people. Churches have the clothes closets, the food pantries, the free "pregnancy care", and they get to prey on people and push their religion on them at the same time, for free. If you stay at the Salvation Army Rehab Center, they'll let you go for free, but that means in exchange for "rehab" which consists of religious services, religious counseling, AA/NA meetings, etc., you work for them. The Salvation Army and the United Way have a pretty strong hold on the nonprofits in the USA. They are also, unfortunately, predatory, not just because the former is homophobic as fuck and will turn the other way if a gay person is suffering, but the latter preys on smaller nonprofits or local community charities and forces them to play ball with the promise of additional funding.
No. 1992498
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who here is experiencing the massive cicada brood emergence this year? Are you gonna eat the bugs? (I heard you can harvest them when they emerge / are still tender)
No. 1992505
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>>1992498dont eat the bugs nona, its part of the global elite conspiracy
how do you prepare them? No. 1992557
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old reminder from the FDA not to eat them if you have a seafood allergy though lol
No. 1992648
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>>1992637that is so smart. if I was a bird I'd be hyped, they're eating good this year
No. 1993591
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i dont think God would want this
No. 2000307
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Does anyone else spend a lot of time in their car? Not driving necessarily but I feel like my car is turning into a third space, if I don't want to be in a cafe or park I'll just sit in it to do work, listen to music, and be away from people. I found a bunch of posts online about this so it seems like a very American phenomenon. Though I'll add the town I live in doesn't even have a library and that's really sad.
No. 2000330
>>2000307I do this, especially during college. I sit and wait before class, eat in between class if I grabbed lunch from home, and just play around without feeling the need to look presentable
I tend to laugh when I'm playing on my phone and I don't like other people seeing me laughing by myself. The town I live in does have a library, but you kinda gotta go out of your way to get there because it's in bumfuck, nowhere. And I don't like the library at my college, cause the layout is weird.
No. 2000352
>>2000307i used to spend a lot of time in the car as a child but over the last 4 years its decreased significantly because i prefer walking as a method of transportation over sitting. i can't handle being sedentary, a
hate my legs or feet going numb, and it's always better to get exercise and burn calories instead of just being in the chair. i do feel like its becoming weirdly more common and socially acceptable over the last few years for young people to live in their cars simply because they don't want to pay for an apartment even if they can afford one, which is a mistake lmao.
No. 2003682
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another man set himself on fire
No. 2005842
>>2003794So it's unlikely that God impregnated a young girl to create a half God baby, so the father was definitely human. I mean, best case scenario, she was having consensual sex at twelve. More likely, considering their attitudes towards premarital sex, she was raped and lied to avoid being murdered.
I always did like Joseph in that story though. In all the versions I've read, it always mentions that when he found out his bride to be was pregnant, he tried to decline the marriage quietly on the down low, so as not to bring attention to her assumed adultery.
No. 2005878
>>2005856So obviously most of the biblical stories we have are oral stories that were written down hundreds of years after they were made up, but some of the earliest versions we have describe her as actually having sex with the archangel Gabriel, with him being an intermediary for God's sperm.
But you may also be confusing the term "immaculate conception" which doesn't describe Jesus's conception at all, but describes Mary's conception because she was born as the perfect vessel for Jesus since she was born without original sin.
No. 2006659
nonny you just blew my mind. This must be an extremely common misconception. I’ve always heard immaculate conception was about god impregnating Mary with Jesus, not anything about Mary’s immaculate state.
No. 2006797
>>2006511It's happening during the height of a housing and homelessness crisis, with issues around healthcare and other services being overstressed and unable to serve a growing populace. To the point where people who wouldn't otherwise object to immigration are now feeling the effects and afaik it's moreso frustration with governments not capping the numbers they're taking on to where it's managable
I wouldn't say anything because there's a whole stereotype already with americans visiting other countries.. One that's similar to walking in and mansplaining shit to people who already 'get it' more than you would. Don't feed the stereotype while you're there. It's just a vacation.
No. 2006839
>>2006727>You can start to see anti-immigration sentiments in countries like Canada and Australia too when there's been an influx of immigration over the past few years which overburdens the public system.Canada and australia are good counter-examples to my presumption about ethno-nationalism, given their similar early history to ours. It’s understandable why people are frustrated, but just as
>>2006826 said, some of the anti-immigrant rhetoric I’ve seen is overtly racist. I have several close friends here on work visas, so I’m glad they don’t encounter hostile attitudes as much here. Even right-wingers only really care about illegal immigrants
>>2006797>there's a whole stereotype already with americans visiting other countries.. One that's similar to walking in and mansplaining shit to people who already 'get it' more than you would. Don't feed the stereotype while you're there. It's just a vacation.Don't worry nonna, I’ll steer clear from the topic of immigration on vacation. But surely there’s another negative stereotype about americans I can do my best to embody so that I may aggravate the britbongs as much as possible? Doing so would bring me much pleasure. Jokes aside, I’m very excited for the trip
No. 2010791
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>>2010736manifesting this with mitch mcconnell
No. 2011232
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if June is fruit pride month then July should be burger pride month
No. 2011748
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anybody got fun plans memorial weekend? Hoping it doesn’t rain so I can barbecue some fish outside.
No. 2013309
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>>2013166Extreme inequality
No. 2014273
>>2013977Please tell me you’re underaged to be this stupid
>52There are 50 states. Puerto Rico and whatever else you’re counting are not states
>Canada gets Alaska back We bought Alaska from Russia
>Native Hawaiians get Hawaii back Woke “land back” initiatives sound nice in theory but are really just a feel-good fantasy. Every corner of the earth has been colonized/invaded at some point. Plus native Hawaiians (including mixed race Hawaiians) are only 21 percent of the population of Hawaii, so it’ll probably never get enough support. Also given its military importance (ever heard of Pearl Harbor?) to the US, no way we’re ever giving it up
No. 2014323
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Just sharing. Saw it online
No. 2014931
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>>2013405I was just in Atlanta at like 1pm and traffic fucking sucked, they need to get some of these people out of their cars and onto a damn train I hate this shit
No. 2014962
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>>2014331I appreciate this kek. I feel like among left-leaning millennials and gen z it’s seen as cringely patriotic to have American flag stuff, but I honestly like it. My boomer dad would always put on an American flag t-shirt while grilling in the backyard as we lit off fireworks for the 4th of July, and I like when people fly the flag from their houses in the suburbs. It gives me a nostalgic feeling.
No. 2014965
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>>2014962I loved the Old Navy t-shirts that came out every 4th in the 90s. Simpler times
No. 2017256
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Has anyone heard about the reported killings of 'queer' people happening in America?
No. 2017265
>>2017256I mean, there are entire Wikipedia pages dedicated to
victims of anti gay/lesbian hate crimes but I highly doubt these freaks would be targets
No. 2017668
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What are your thoughts on this? Personally I think it's kind of scary to think about. Weed dependence isn't taken seriously by most people like alcoholism, and its effects on developing brains ring an alarm for me. I think Zoomers and Gen Alpha are in for a tough road ahead. I don't think people should go to jail for selling or using weed, but I don't think there should be weed stores either. What're your thoughts?
No. 2017755
>>2017668My thoughts are split. On one hand I know a few people who have medical cards and use weed as a legitimate substitute for more dangerous medications. It's almost impossible to tell when they're high and they take it pretty seriously. I wouldn't want the laws to change on them because they're pretty responsible ime. On the other hand, every recreational user I've personally known is a poster child for why weed should be better regulated. They're either normies who can't handle it and pass out on the couch after half a dose, or they're insufferable walking Ayo 420 Blaze It stereotypes who think they're the next Snoop Dogg. idk, the medical-only system in my state was dumb because licensing doctors just handed out medical cards like candy and didn't do thorough physical examinations, so medical users weren't taken very seriously. Now that there's medical and recreational, anyone who still uses a medical card is seen more legitimately because all of the people who just wanted legal weed dropped the sick pretense a few years ago.
My for-sure thought is that edibles need to be better labeled, packaged, and regulated. This is a bit extreme, but I don't think people should be allowed to purchase edibles if they have minors in their residence. It's a lot harder for kids to accidentally light a jazz cigarette and inhale, but it's real easy for a kid to eat a whole package of weed brownies just thinking they're mini brownies from the store or whatever.
No. 2017878
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No. 2017891
>>2017668I don't have much interest in it and stoners are annoying and stinky generally. I hate how common smoke clouds became in a city close to me once it was legalized, it smells awful. We managed to have like no smoking for a while, it was one of the nicest things about the US compared to some other countries, but vapes + weed really rolled that back.
That said, I think it should be allowed at least medicinally on a federal level. People having to leave their government jobs because they or their spouses get a locally legal medical treatment (second hand exposure can still
trigger positive on tests) is really sad, and with how bad a lot of other painkillers are I think it would be good to research this one more.
I think a lot of recreational users do get addicted and seem to lose all motivation and stuff, even when they loudly claim that's totally not happening. It should be banned in public places for being smelly as hell for sure.
No. 2017998
>>2013166It's because Atlanta is marketed as the "Black Mecca" where Black people can thrive, achieve success, and overall enrich their lifestyle like
>>2013298 and
>>2013344 said. It's bullshit as discussed in the thread. It's not racebait to point this out, that's literally the reason. people from the South move to Atlanta because they want to experience a "big city" without straying far from home so they hype it up like they aren't just taking the easy route.
No. 2018501
>>2018477KEKKK you can’t be serious. Tell me you have no understanding of defense without telling me you have no understanding of defense. The Chinese troops haven’t had real experience in decades, while the US troops are constantly being deployed (often for retarded reasons, but). The US has military dominance globally, but especially in SEA which we’ve basically colonized with all our military bases (rip). We’re close military allies with Japan and S. Korea too, so China is frankly surrounded with few allies to turn to that could even begin to compete in terms of military strength.
>Hezbollah violates the Iron Dome on a daily basis.Kek. You think Hezbollah has accomplished shit?
>Even the Houthis in Yemen are able to penetrate US missle defense systems.Kek again.
>Any war between China and the US over Taiwan would be a turkey shoot of US naval ships.The US navy alone would have China BTFO. Where are their carriers? Where are their destroyers? China is a massive country with tons of land and ocean to defend, and we have numerous military bases right next door WITH naval and air mobility China simply lacks. Keep dreaming, sinophile-chan
No. 2018505
>>2018501I read some military professionals saying hypersonic missiles are going to make aircraft carriers obsolete
Could be an excuse for military contractors to secure more funding etc. but I don't feel that confident in America's ability to do anything competently let alone produce enough weapons and necessities to support a war with China and win
No. 2018540
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>>2018505Whatever advantage that China arguably has with hypersonic missiles will soon be null because the US has them too now. Beyond that, the US has one huge advantage China doesn’t—distance and geographic isolation. Our neighbors, Canada and Mexico, are our allies (politically/militarily/economically), while the same can’t be said for China’s neighbors. We have bases in Japan, S. Korea, SEA. China is building up regional power for sure, like by creating artificial island bases. But if a true war were to break out, they simply don’t have the reach to continually pound away at the American mainland like the US can do to China
>>2018525You treat a few landed missiles and a few sunken ships like a military victory, which shows that you don’t know what you’re talking about. There will always be losses. The fact is, life in Israel continues on as usual for most civilians while Gaza is now rubble. Hezbollah has not changed the tides of war. In fact, they’ve accomplished very little of any military importance
No. 2018558
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>>2018267She agreed to be a guest on Red Scare she is not a serious person
No. 2018585
>>2018575Chinese development over the past few generations can be confirmed easily by the material reality of their country
Go visit if you haven't
No. 2018596
>>2018590I agree and i'm refering you to my answer
>>2018568 Logistic is key in war
No. 2018599
>>2018591of course the people trying to leave the country will be negative about the country
most of the Chinese people (non-Americanized) I've met are very patriotic
foreign investors tend to be extremely butthurt about china's increasingly nationalist policies nowadays, which is expected
unfortunately for you I've been to China many times, my family dealt with high-ranking officials
No. 2018614
>>2018599to add the Chinese who are extremely critical of the current government tend to depend on speculative professions for their income, the types of professions that are glorified in the US
fundamentally their utter butthurt comes from the fact that it's getting harder to parasitize other people's labor
go look at some of the most outspoken china critics who are ethnically chinese, they're always some sort of speculating fuck who adds nothing of value
No. 2018616
>>2018598Family is coming over for a cook up, it’s going to be crazy hot and loud in our tiny apartment with 10 people but I’m really looking forward to it. I managed to sneak in an apple pie request to my mother in law and she’s excited I’m even making requests (southern hospitality v. stoic introvert, fight!). I can’t wait to see her shoving plates of food at my mra republican father, he’s going to be beside himself when she starts bad mouthing trump and extolling the values of all things blue while she’s still fulfilling her traditional feminine role. Maybe I shouldn’t be so gleeful but I enjoy the grind of ideals, it’s always a good way to get to know family.
What are your plans nonna? Did you get fireworks?
No. 2018625
>>2018608It's a massive cope that stoners will deny that marijuana causes most of the problems they face in their lives, prime example is a cow called Jill Vessey. I don't have beef with legalizing weed because at the end of the day the amount of people imprisoned for it is bullshit and sometimes it really is a good medical alternative compared to harsher painkillers, but my problem is with recreational dispensaries. They pop up everywhere like weeds. Before, if you wanted to smoke weed you'd have to know the right people, be acquainted with the culture, etc., so it kept the weed out of the majority of peoples' hands. Now, dispensaries are everywhere and weed is exposed to everyone. Young people especially are exposed to all the risks of marijuana without understanding the negative effects. That, and because it's a taxable market now that means growing companies are constantly trying to 1-up the others and continue to release bud with very high concentrations of THC. When I was a chronic smoker, I was smoking bud with 15% THC and that was enough to fuck up my life, but now 30%+ THC is the norm. It's just weird seeing everyone you know suddenly start smoking weed everyday like it's no big deal.
No. 2018629
>>2018532>the US tests hypersonic missilesChina and Russia already have hypersonic missiles that are capable of being armed with nuclear warheads. The US is decades behind. The elites bought into the neocon theory of "The End of History" written by Francis Fukuyama. In this essay he predicted that after the fall of the Soviet Union, the US had defeated it's last peer enemy and western style democracy and free market capitalism would never again be challenged and would endure forever. He was wrong. This is why the US military is what it is. Decayed, decrepit and corrupt. The elites thought they could use the Pentagon as a prize cow to be milked by taking trillions from the US tax payer and never investing in new weaponry.
>You treat a few landed missiles and a few sunken ships like a military victory, which shows that you don’t know what you’re talking about.China can sink the entire US Pacific fleet in a single hypersonic missile salvo. Obviously the US would retaliate and it would be painful for China but the possibility is there.
>while the same can’t be said for China’s neighborsChina's ally is Russia. The Russians have killed over half a million Ukrainian soldiers and turn US weapons into smoldering piles of scrap metal. Unlike US allies which rely on the US for military equipment. Russia would provide modern weapons systems that have already succeeded in a war zone. Russia is also very rich in resources such as oil, gas and metals.
>The fact is, life in Israel continues on as usual for most civiliansIsrael is in choas. The coalition government is unstable, millions of civilians have been evacuated from the north and continue to live in hotels, the Houthi blockade has pushed the cost of living through the roof and the Israeli economy has shrunk by a fifth.
>>2018568Logistics is a western strong point. The challenge is not insurmountable as Russia has already proven. The US needs China, China doesn't need the US as it has other markets such as Russia, Africa, South America and Central Eurasia. China is also dumping US treasury bonds and buying gold which will negatively impact the ability of the US to maintain it's current debt levels.
No. 2018635
>>2018623I'm not that invested in China
It's just amazing to me that assblasted Chinese-"Americans" who seethe about China are almost always related to disgraced businessmen/financiers/etc or are about to lose money from their investments and I'm not supposed to notice this
It seems like people who've never visited China watch a bunch of youtube videos cherry-picked to dehumanize the Chinese and think they know everything about China, while repeating the same unsubstantiated arguments about Uyghur genocide etc
No. 2018638
>>2018629Russia has a GDP inferior to India, has 144 millions inhabitans and its economy is surviving of the war effort against a country who's dependant of the actual military power's whims.
>>2018635I'm talking about chinese students actively trying to leave China not chinese americans.
No. 2018642
>>2018633I agree. When I worked at a dispensary, we had only one strain of CBD weed that was just bush. It was really sad seeing the arthritic old people come in and get disappointd that yet another store didn't have what they were looking for. Meanwhile crops of kids coming in for the second time that week looking for another ounce of 30%+ to smoke would leave happy. Medicinal weed should be sold in stores, but not recreational. I think people should be free to grow their own weed and sell it themselves, it would keep profit out of the scene and help naturally regulate the amount of people smoking weed.
>>2018637MADD has had decades to promote their message that drunk driving is wrong, but they haven't focused on driving while high because weed hasn't been an issue yet as it was illegal so it was assumed to be wrong. The amount of people I pass on highways that are smoking huge blunts while driving at high speeds does scare me. Another issue, behind the scenes from who worked at a dispensary, is the amount of construction workers or workers that operate heavy machinery in factories smoke on the job. They would come in on their lunch breaks, get high, and then go back to work in their fields. It was really irresponsible of them, not just for their own sake but also their coworkers who could be seriously injured due to their negligence. I think there needs to be way more of a pushback against marijuana use in daily life. I don't have problems with people smoking weed every now and again at parties or after work, but the way people will wake up, smoke a dime before work, at work, before the drive home, and then a HQ before they go to bed is just ridiculous.
No. 2018665
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>>2018659>Mentions Switzerland>Immediately the mark of the devil appears ittI don't know how it could be made any clearer to you.
No. 2018690
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>Where is the best place to live in the U.S.A. right now? Emphasis on now.
I’m talking climate, people, cost of living, housing, jobs, transportation, political climate, recreation, etc.
There’s gotta be someplace where you’d want to move to. And please don’t say Austin,TX. It’s a meme.
No. 2018806
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>>2018799You could move to Ann Arbor instead and participate in the Ann Arbor Art Fairs:'ve heard they are extremely selective about the artists they choose though.
No. 2018819
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>>2018816That's what I thought too, but someone I know who did it once said it's very hard to get in and there are people on waitlists. I don't know whether that's still true.
It's actually several art fairs happening at the same time, some of which are more selective than others:
Ann Arbor Street Art Fair (130/600 get in): Street Art Fair (200/300 get in): Art Fair (250/450 get in): No. 2018827
>>2018816You may also want to know that Ann Arbor is the location of a very big university, so it's often crowded with students.
Otherwise, there are some nice gardens and forests and some good restaurants
No. 2018829
>>2018799>>2018816Ntayrt, I’m not too familiar with the art scene there, but I’ve heard that Ann Arbor is very nice. I wouldn’t suggest Detroit though. Even if it’s up-and-coming, it’s known for gang violence and poverty. I’m from Virginia, and our capital Richmond has a huge local art scene as well. There are literally art fairs every weekend. It’s also relatively cheap, probably cheaper to live in than Ann Arbor. There’s a pretty good art program in the state university VCU too.
It might be hard to get a visa as an artist though. Our immigration system highly favors STEM professionals. If you have family or a spouse here then it’s much easier of course, and I don’t know your situation. Good luck!
No. 2018839
>>2018828Sorry nonna, deleted my response to warn you about Detroit kek
>>2018829. Even if you’re from Europe, you’ll have to apply for job sponsorship, which might be hard if you’re self-employed as an artist? Just something to consider. I don’t know much about the art industry
No. 2018866
>>2018851>>2018859>went to NY for the first time>loved itHow??
When I visited NYC it was crowded and loud and smelly, and there were people passed out in the alleys surrounded by drug needles…
No. 2020667
Another year goes by, and NIMBYs are already making it extremely difficult for new housing to be built. Sometimes, they don't even want existing buildings to be refurbished to be up to code as an apartment or rented home. These fucking people are driving me insane. You don't want your pretty little neighborhood to be filled with undesirables? Well bitch, surprise, they already live there, you just don't know it. You'd rather have a man living in a tent on the railroad tracks behind your house rather than in a home that is paid in part by his SSI and subsidized by the state. You don't want your taxes to go towards that. But, you actually don't have any fucking idea where any of your taxes go, you only bitch and moan when you are enlightened as to how they could be used. Can't wait to work until I'm 80 with barely any new housing only to be whisked away by an upper-class-filled municipal board because I make their streets look ugly.
Yeah I get it, I've lived next to people who only woke up to shoot themselves with tranq or sold their food stamps for cash or seemingly lived in a 24/7 domestic violence showdown, and it fucking sucks, but these people do not change or get better just because they're out of your sight. Honestly, the only issue people seem to have is whether or not they're near them. It's fucking insane.
Also, governors and government, stop proposing that affordable housing units are built in the richest county in the state. You stupid fucks, I feel like you're doing it on purpose.
I never thought I would consider the positives of eminent domain. Seize the fucking street and build a fucking home for these people. Hospitals, shelters, coffee shops, med clinics, needle exchange places and police stations are SICK of dealing with the cyclical, never ending ouroborous of bullshit. Maybe if all these angry people saw how those in the community feel, you know, the ones who take care of all those undesireables, they'd change their mind. Or no, we'll just keep cycling the same mentally ill and sick people through the same five urgent, non-permanent systems until they die or someone else dies or everyone fucking quits.
No. 2026671
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Goddamn I thought our work culture was terrible, what’s going on in Mexico? Is it migrants from Central America that they’re working to death?
No. 2026776
>>2026671I can’t believe we work more than Japan. Is it like
>>2026681 said for Japan too?
No. 2027699
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Are there any other Louisiana nonnies? Did you hear about this new anti-lgbtq+ bill Although from the looks of it one of them is just an anti-troon-children bill and the other is anti-sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity-talk-in-the-classrooms, kinda like the don’t say gay bill everyone was talking about but it looks like it’d also stop straight teachers from talking about their lifestyle choices. No. 2028162
>>2028151not to be a bitch but why would you willingly stay somewhere where abortion is illegal? it's not that hard to move states in the US. is it really that good there?
I'm a hypocrite because I've moved to different states and abortion wasn't always legal where I moved but I wouldn't want to stay in one long-term.
No. 2028320
>>2028162>why would you willingly stay somewhere where abortion is illegal?this is where I grew up so my job, friends and family are all here. I love the weather and the food. It's a low COL area, so even though I make decent money and have some savings it feels like pocket change when I look at costs anywhere else. I think you're underestimating how difficult it is to move. especially if you're in the deep south and the closest "legal" state is halfway across the country.
Also I've been shocked by how many women around me don't really seem to care about the abortion bill, at least not enough to uproot their lives. We regularly get slammed by hurricanes that destroy entire neighborhoods but even that's not enough to make people "just move" kek
No. 2028337
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sooooo he’s done for right? Considering this was in NY
No. 2028372
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>>2028337Probably not. He’ll win the election and it’ll be like nothing happened. Like when they impeached him nothing changed.
No. 2028433
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>>2028337Watching the MAGA moids shout and throw fits about their precious husbando being convicted really just solidifies my hate for them. They’re really the same men who don’t want women’s right because we’re “too emotional” kek
No. 2028454
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didn't want to let teen girls get abortions now you got nothing when your liver and stomach ulcers kill you. Not fucking surprised I can't even get inhalers anymore because of the fear mongering of drug abuse, this is the country that lets people have whole ass surgeries and child birth with no pain control after just cause "you MIGHT abuse it uwu" even if you have no history of drug abuse
No. 2028503
banned ulcer medication???
No. 2028627
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>>2028337Not trying to raceb8 but did anyone else not know andrew tate was biracial?
No. 2028710
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>>2028627I always knew he was biracial because he looks like those instances of racially ambiguous people coming out really deformed instead of more cute looking.
No. 2028773
>>2028768So Andrew is
basically white? I feel like actual white people would never really accept him as one of them though. Andrew being like 75% Caucasian does make it weird that he called white guys "small dick havers", which in that case means he's insulting himself.
No. 2028977
>>2028966I guess you can just carry a vest at this point. A mall near my home got shot up by some angry white boy teenager just last year, and neither my home or that mall is even near a ghetto neighborhood. Shit, I guess we can
all be scared.
No. 2030314
No. 2030491
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>>2030419>>2030423Lol, it's a mockery of a specific type of tiktok video/slideshow where a European goes into an amercan grocery store and is shocked about how big the american portions are and how everything is completely stocked and other retarded things.
No. 2030512
>>2030491KEKK okay that's funny
>"OMG American grocery stores have so much and all kinds of food!!"yes, that is the point of grocery stores. they're meant to feed people.
No. 2030537
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>>2030532I don't know why you're so optimistic when in a decade your entire continent will be controlled by Muslims and jews or host ww3 but ok
No. 2030564
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>>2030549i forgot to add you expect NATO to stop a war?
(avatarfagging, racebaiting) No. 2030565
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>>2030529I don’t understand this rhetoric. Trump’s presidency was a big nothingburger despite all the threats from libtards that he was gonna genocide all the homos and enslave women. Like every other president he gave a ton of money to Israel. He deported less illegal immigrants than Obama and Obama built the cages in which the illegal immigrant children are housed. Roe v wade was overturned during Biden’s presidency. Biden did nothing to fight it either.
>Inb4 “trump packed the Supreme Court with conservatives” Scalia died during Obama’s term and he didn’t fight for his right to appoint a justice he let it happen. Trump is all talk no action.
And I hate the bullshit about calling January 6th an insurrection when it was just a bunch of angry hillbillies and rednecks and grifters running around doing nothing. The police didn’t even overreact like they did during all the blm protests. “The insurrection” bullshit has been around since this country was born fucking Shay’s rebellion comes to mind.
No. 2030588
>>2030576The only reason those Africans and Arabs are in Europe is because of American influence. If America is ever weakened then we Europeans can finally start cleaning up our countries and deporting Muslim and Jewish filth.
>>2030579Pictorial representation of the extent of the average American’s geographic knowledge.
(ban evasion) No. 2030607
>>2030588>The only reason those Africans and Arabs are in Europe is because of American influence. If America is ever weakened then we Europeans can finally start cleaning up our countries and deporting Muslim and Jewish filth. American influence, aided and abetted enthusiastically by your own ruling class. The right-wing rhetoric you regurgitate, and the entire right wing of the European establishment are a result of American funding, research and material support. How will you "clean up" your countries with no resources necessary to support the organizations that would do the "cleaning up"? Will weapons, infrastructure, food and people sprout from the ground to help glorious Evropa, while the Arabs and Africans being "cleaned up" do nothing?
Europeans of EU countries are the most thoroughly mentally colonized people on earth. They don't even realize the extent of their mental colonization; they think the symptoms of American culture that pervade their countries are "normalcy" instead of what they are: complete American cultural conquest of Europe.
No. 2030609
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>>2030588>If America is ever weakened then we Europeans can finally start cleaning up our countries and deporting Muslim and Jewish filth.So even though Europe doesn't like the mass immigration of Indian, Arabian, and African scrotes, they won't deport them until "America is weakened"? Do you have any idea how pussy this makes Europe look? You're holding out on doing what the fuck you want because you're letting your initiative revolve around America.
No. 2030775
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>they don’t have to waste two years of their lives working for the military like South Korean men are forced to do
Inspired me to find these results.
No. 2030849
>>2030777Dick size means nothing without proper hygiene and skill
>Inb4 but Asian moids have good hygiene!!As someone who had their fair share of every race, Asians aren't any better even if they claim too
No. 2034665
>>2034624nta but some euros have loud pride that their "system" is just better when we subsidize and enforce their defense, plus their tiny quiet country is happy/low crime/whatever when they don't have to account for monumental civil/demographic issues + millions of migrants per year + a GDP that needs to stay massive to support not only the USA but all the little orbiters that both resent it but unknowingly need it's aid/influence. Yes its easy for a Liechtenstein-ass country shielded from major conflict via a combination of irrelevance and its colossal big brothers to have a 3 year maternity leave and mandatory siestas, very cool
on top of that is the utter loathing of civilian firearms when they are historically the sole catalyst for "the people" having any power whatsoever. you cant be viva la revolucion with sticks, that's when landlords would just go back to being straight up feudal lords. as a woman I will always be glad to have the one true equalizer on me.
No. 2034687
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>>2034667It's so dumb to me when europeans try to lie and say that focusing on race is an American thing. Look at the racist fits all those bitter bongs threw about Meghan Markle. Look at how racist European countries like Italy gets about their own "football" players. Why do Europeans think they can get away with lying about "not being as racist as America", when there's instances of people being ignored by European waiters because they happen to look like a gypsy? Like eurodivergents, we get it, you wanna be better than us, but please quit playing in our faces because you're fooling no one.
No. 2034708
File: 1717474333972.png (1.08 MB, 679x852, us.PNG)

>>2034690Wait nonna it was just a joke… I really like british accents…… kiss?
No. 2034744
>>2034735You realize brexit doesn’t mean that it’s not a part of europe anymore right? The EU is a political body that encompasses a large amount of europe, but the EU =/= europe. That’s like saying japan isn’t a part of asia because it’s an island
>>2034736Are you a europoor? Please gtfo of our thread
No. 2034766
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>anons itt claiming the UK is not a part of europe
Have you not seen hetalia wtf?
No. 2034776
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Canada anons>>>Europoors
No. 2034779
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>>2034773No, canada is our brother. It’s sibling banter. Jesus people, watch some hetalia and educate yourselves
No. 2034942
The UK is a part of Europe. Saying it's not is like saying India isn't a part of Asia.
>>2034775KEK so true.
>>2034624I hate them because they constantly shit on how Americans are super racist freaks and then meanwhile say the most racist shit I have ever heard in my life about immigrants coming into their countries, but when pointing it out they're like "no, I'm not being racist at all." Also they can't seem to realize how big America is, they'll see gang violence in Detroit and then completely unironically think
all of America is exactly like that. Another thing, they are always pissed that Americans don't know the entirety of their country's history or culture and think we are retarded, but then they'll come here to America and think they can realistically visit Disneyworld and the grand canyon within 1 day because they can't fathom how big America actually is. Tbh none of this stuff would bother me if they weren't so self righteous about it all. I wouldn't expect anyone from Europe to know stuff about America, but they get so fucking mad that we don't know much about them.
No. 2035409
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>>2035391Kek what, nonna I’m lurking their thread where did they say this. Picrel though
No. 2035545
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>>2035510Show a bong this picture the next time they wanna make fun of our dessert.
No. 2035631
>>2035548>>2035611Everyone shits on Florida (rightfully so) but one of the benefits is being close to the carribean and central america, on top of plant city and miami means you can get fresh af fruits and veggies that are affordable if you dont go to publix or walmart. Plus there are lots of hispanic bakeries that serve fresh bread
even tho i get mine from an italian bakery usually But yeah, midwest quality food seems pretty bad unless you are a farmer or have access to local fruit and veg. I do associate that general area with canned food and casserole "recipes" that are just frozen and premade foods dumped into a baking pan
No. 2035672
File: 1717527122175.jpg (280.96 KB, 1600x1055, 1000017114.jpg)

We changed "colour" to "color" because we wanna get rid of u.
No. 2035674
I watched this three days ago. German immigration to America. Basically this
>life in america is actually quite expensive, healthcare, cosmetic dental care, kid's clubs, mandatory car bc of poor urban design, groceries
>florida is very overpriced and has a homeless problem
>beaurocracy is difficult
>taxes are low but social benefits aren't so good
Is this accurate? That you need a car to get everywhere, homelessness is a problem, and life can be expensive? I think one of the pulls for the people in this documentary was the 'freedom' and low taxes, alongside the movie like appeal. I did romanticise america as a teenager, and wanted to see places like Maine (cosy) and Montana (wild and free). I very much romanticised old california too, because of steinbeck.
No. 2035701
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Now kiss
No. 2035717
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>>2035701Basado. They want us so badly they act out for attention. Kek, so tsundere
No. 2035768
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>>2035750>>2035743we won't admit it, but it was so we sounded more attractive to you
No. 2035793
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>>2035789Yeah but also technical adopted yaoi incest, just not the father son type
No. 2035831
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HAPPY NATIONAL CHEESE DAY BURGERS!! What’s your favorite cheese mine is sheep’s milk any kind
No. 2035865
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>>2035860go back to the brtibong thread nonna
No. 2035866
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>>2035831the sharpest white cheddar I can find
No. 2035877
File: 1717535004237.png (454.69 KB, 621x900, b2351c2eaadeb18378a57a8c5119.p…)

>>2035870you guys are almost as fat as us, this insult no longer works
No. 2035878
>>2035835The most expensive fancy chocolate in the US is only just reaching the quality of the chocolate bars you can get for half a euro from the bottom shelf in any grocery store in Europe.
>>2035510Actual bakeries are rare here though. There's like "bakeries" in grocery stores which sell "fresh" bread that was baked 2 to 6 days ago in a factory and there's latino panaderias (which are actually pretty good but hardly any non-latinos go to them) and that's it. It's hard to find fresh bread. I live in a metro area with 8 million people and there is no where you can buy fresh bread within an hour's drive of me.
No. 2035880
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>>2035870You wish this was us, don’t you?
No. 2035931
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>>2035831I just wanted my
cheeeeeeeeeeeese No. 2035956
>>2035951I was making a joke by calling it bait,
nonny. Please calm your autism
No. 2035971
>>2035968>anon makes a joke>I reply with a joke, knowing anon’s post was a joke >anon starts a pointless infight because she doesn’t understand I was also joking So we’re both jokesters,
nonny. Can we kiss and move on? Or are you going to keep being autistic
No. 2035977
nonny who you’re talking to didn’t even make the mr beast joke, I did
No. 2036068
>>2036012Nta but Louisiana is also known to
victim blame or shut down rape
victims + they removed a lot of prenatal care and care in case of a miscarriage or something. Louisiana also banned the abortion pill (which is also used for gastric issues, liver issues and ulcers). There's a reason why the maternal and infant survival rate there is very low
No. 2036252
>>2036241Justice, sometimes. The fact that in Texas a pedo rapist got beat to death and the cops don't care. Another dad shot a drowsy drunk driver who had crashed directly into his sons who were pushing his stalled truck from behind, and the law let the dad go.
I'm also pro death penalty because it's 99% of the time putting away rape apes. When I see some euro countries sentence a rapist or killer to 10 years I wanna order one of their flags on Amazon to piss on it. They wanna be "rehabilitate" Josef Fritzl and such when they should just give him instant lead poisoning.
No. 2036256
>>2036241commitment to free speech. I'm shocked every time I see something come out of like britain or germany where a woman is questioned by the police for saying something mildly '
I also feel proud to be an American knowing just how pervasive and powerful american pop culture has become in the rest of the world. Everyone knows american cartoons, blockbuster movies, and music.
No. 2036387
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Kek I like how the Canada thread right now is talking about how shitty their country is and everyone here is talking about what they like about theirs.
No. 2036391
nonny, or we’ll have another canadafag telling us to go fuck ourselves itt. I’m not sure how much more heartbreak I can take
No. 2036426
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>>2036290I would rather be Chinese than American.
>>2036399Too bad your healthcare is shit.
No. 2036444
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>>2036435>>2036436>>2036434And what about if you get cancer and your American hospital refuses to treat you?
No. 2036445
>>2036430Same. I have healthcare through my job, and I even called my doctor today for a non-medical emergency and got a same-day appointment. The wonders of convenience
>>2036433Seethe more, Europoor/China shill/whatever you are
No. 2036446
>>2036444then i'll pay out of pocket kek
>blehh what if you get cancer!1!i most likely won't because i don't experience distress often
No. 2036453
>>2036448Better than knowing there are literal waiting lists to see doctors in Europe. FWIW, I think our healthcare system is deeply flawed, and I’m
still fucking glad I’m not Chinese or European kek
No. 2036489
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>>2036480Medical facilities ignore and turn away patients in China all the time too, nonna. Chinese obstetricians were turning away women in active labor, which is arguably way more important than cancer treatments. But by all means, I encourage you go to your dreamland
No. 2036492
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>>2036489Yet Chinese doctors still treat babies better than American doctors.
No. 2036742
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It’s about fucking time he did something about the border.
No. 2036747
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Louisiana has now passed a law that allows for the surgical castration of convicted pedophiles.>Republican lawmakers in Louisiana passed a new bill this week granting powers to judges to order surgical castration of pedophiles found guilty of child sex crimes, including rape, incest, and molestation.>Louisiana would become the first state to impose surgical castration of child predators. No. 2037122
File: 1717611432997.png (4.35 MB, 2480x1532, waybetter.png)

>>2036428>L-look at China's modern architectureYeah but ours actually
looks good.
No. 2037149
>>2037096I get the feeling that at this point, the American government is generally sympathetic to latin americans illegally crossing for economic opportunities and/or to escape cartel violence. There's a pretty easy path towards integration for them, since there's so much support for spanish-speakers in various stages of americanization, and English isn't that hard to learn as a Spanish speaker. And of course, businesses want cheap labor.
I think that the large, highly-publicized number of migrants from africa and asia crossing the border is what's causing them to lock it down. Their path to integration will be much more difficult, plus, there's much more of a risk of subversion by foreign groups. As fucked as cartels are, they're generally not looking to inflict terror on american citizens.
And funnily enough, I also think that awareness of how extreme the immigration situation in Canada is has leaked into the American consciousness.
No. 2037164
>>2037149This feels like a reach tbh. I think we’re still in an era where Asian immigrants are treated as a “model minority” and African immigrants assimilate to black American culture, for the most part. I do think most Americans are pretty accepting of legal Hispanic immigrants since latino culture, especially in the Southwest, has heavily influenced American culture (thank you tejanos for Tex Mex, god bless). But I’ve still seen anti-immigrant rhetoric singling-out Hispanic immigrants more than African or Asian immigrants, unlike in Europe or Canada.
>There's a pretty easy path towards integration for them, since there's so much support for spanish-speakers in various stages of americanization, and English isn't that hard to learn as a Spanish speaker. And of course, businesses want cheap labor. I do agree with this.
>As fucked as cartels are, they're generally not looking to inflict terror on american citizens.Strongly disagree. Like I actually am a little dumbfounded you think this? Cartel and gang violence has dramatically shaped American attitudes towards immigration. So much of our gun crime can be linked to drug traffickers, despite what foreigners may think because of our highly-publicized white male shooters. This is easy to fact check btw. We have the highest crime rate out of any first world country mainly due to our proximity to South American cartels and the American gangs that distribute their drugs locally. Politicians know this. Drug addicts know this. People from border states know this. People who live in crime-ridden cities know this.
No. 2037176
File: 1717614792032.png (143.34 KB, 1493x775, 1717613951194581.png)

>bomb a McDonalds 9,000 km away from America
>kill an American
No. 2037211
>>2037164To be clear, when I say the American Government, I do mean the American Government. I think that they're vary wary of the types of Africans and Asians that would want to cross illegally for political reasons. I think people making the decisions think it's too big a risk to let in Chinese people illegally, who they view as potential CCP spies, and poor African people, who they view as very difficult to integrate and/or as being Ghanaian Somali terrorists from Sudan.
I agree with you that the American public views legal Asian immigrants (and even legal African immigrants, when they think of them at all) pretty positively. But I think that the motivations behind the government preventing the illegal immigration of poor/unknown Asians and Africans are very different from the motivations behind allowing them to immigrate legally.
>Cartel and gang violence has dramatically shaped American attitudes towards immigration. So much of our gun crime can be linked to drug traffickers, despite what foreigners may think because of our highly-publicized white male shooters.This is true. However, I think that policymakers are at the point where they usually distinguish between violent and non-violent Latin American immigrants, and I think that the idea that Mexicans are very strongly associated with drugs is kind of fading and is a bit of a dated stereotype at this point, tbh, largely owing to marijuana legalization in many states. Most Americans that are affected by the drug-related gun violence are directly affected by the Americans that have gotten involved. The only exceptions I can think of are border cities and border state cities that are exceptionally crime-ridden, and the population of American citizens living in these areas is very small on the relative. In my experience, the vast majority of people living in border states, myself included, are not at all directly affected by cartel shit and don't even know anybody that has been affected by immigrant gun violence in the past decade.
No. 2037246
>>2037211Ayrt, hi
>I think people making the decisions think it's too big a risk to let in Chinese people illegally, who they view as potential CCP spies, and poor African people, who they view as very difficult to integrate and/or as being Ghanaian Somali terrorists from Sudan.This is possible, but it still seems like conjecture to me. I think I’d just need more information to be convinced, but I’ll look into it.
>the idea that Mexicans are very strongly associated with drugs is kind of fading and is a bit of a dated stereotype at this point, tbh, largely owing to marijuana legalization in many states.To clarify, I’m not referring to Mexicans or weed. South/Central American drug cartels export hard drugs too, as they have for decades. I’m from a predominately black Southern city, and you can buy weed at the store even though it’s technically still illegal, so when I think of drug-related violence, I’m not thinking of marijuana.
>Most Americans that are affected by the drug-related gun violence are directly affected by the Americans that have gotten involved.Agreed.
>In my experience, the vast majority of people living in border states, myself included, are not at all directly affected by cartel shit and don't even know anybody that has been affected by immigrant gun violence in the past decade.I’m not really referring to immigrant/cartel gun violence on a smaller scale but systematically, which I do think the government is concerned about. The gangs here are almost exclusively black and latino (not trying to racebait, of course racial/income inequality fuels this type of crime), and the latino gangbangers could very well be legal for all I know. It’s not that random bystanders are getting shot in the street every day, but there is enough violence to make most people wary of certain neighborhoods.
No. 2037608
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>>1933446Why can’t Americans compete fairly?
No. 2037703
>>2035674I would say you're right on the money. Homelessness is becoming a rising problem, it didn't use to be quite so bad, but at the same time it's still pretty easy to live without it affecting you. And everything is quite expensive, but the upside is that if you have certain skills, American salaries can be much better than most other European countries. I see a lot of Canadians become doctors or veterinarians, and then move here once they graduate because our salaries are way better than Canada.
And the freedom is odd, because the government is always watching you and can shut down your bank account for no reason, but you are free in many ways. Like, we sell wild animals like skunks and opossums at cash only flea markets here. And it is not hard to buy a tiger. Plus, if you want to do anything to your kids? You have almost complete control.
You can notify the state that you will not be sending them to school, instead that you will be teaching them by yourself, and that they will only learn to read the Bible while living in an unheated trailer with thirty dogs, and the state will allow it.
No. 2037715
File: 1717636498603.png (352.77 KB, 828x1553, Male circumcision needs to be …)

>>2037703>Plus, if you want to do anything to your kids? You have almost complete control. That’s horrible and evil and you should be ashamed of that.
(baiting) No. 2037735
>>2037724Please don’t reply to the
scrote nonnies. I don’t care if I get a redtext for scrotefoiling. The baiter has been shitting up this thread for days now. The cap
he posted doesn’t even have anything to do with the US, it’s talking about euro counties. Plus only moids care that much about ~mgm~ kek
No. 2038318
File: 1717686191922.png (844.31 KB, 1422x1216, Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 10.58…)

>Livonia toddler dies when 95-mph tornado drops tree
what the fuck a tornado in Livonia?? that's a horrible freak weather event. (Livonia is a suburb of Detroit for those unfamiliar with the area)
No. 2038653
File: 1717699547783.png (1.25 MB, 1170x1238, oops! .png)

Joe Biden just shit his pants in public kek
No. 2038696
>>2038656Can I vote for this
nonnie for president
No. 2038951
File: 1717712820693.jpeg (101.76 KB, 750x1080, IMG_2308.jpeg)

I can't believe 3rd world Mexico got a female president before Amerifat. Men should lose the right to vote.
No. 2038997
>>2038975>fucking ancientOkay first of all Biden is only 81 and Trump is only 77. They aren't "ancient," they're just slightly past the bloom of youth. 80 is the new 60 which is the new 40, so if you think about it Biden is only 41 and Trump is barely 37. I find it funny that your ageism is so blatant, especially considering that these HEROES fought for our rights and freedoms during the Korean war. Without them, the USA would be communist territory. Have some respect for your elders, they're much more knowledgeable than us and dementia only affects 1/4 people above age 80. So, Trump and Biden have a 75% chance of having normal brain function. If you got your way, what would happen? Our country would be run by people that are just 40, barely legal. Most 40 year olds still get carded when they're buying alcohol. Would you want
your president to be carded when buying a case of beer? Exactly. Next time, keep your ridiculous takes to yourself. 80 year olds are often healthier than 20 year olds as well because they don't vape and they don't have sex outside of wedlock. Most people below age 40 have cold sores, AKA herpes, so that's even worse because that means a young president would have a cold sore sometimes. What does that symbolize? Corruption and lies, which is what you seem to stand for. The state of our democracy is constantly threatened by vigilantes like you that flaunt the laws of yore and hate tradition. Do better.
No. 2039010
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No. 2039016
>>2038653>>2038654Are you fucking retarded? The rest of the video, which you conveniently left out, is him sitting in a chair. He is trying to sit in the chair behind him. I can't say I'm shocked we have fucking retards on here posting right wing conspiritard shit but alas.
>>2038935It's because he didn't. If you watch the entire video, he is trying to sit down in the chair behind him.
No. 2039018
>>2039016Yeah he sat in his own shit for a second before he scampered off. Sitting down on the chair doesn’t mean he didn’t shit himself
No. 2039614
File: 1717769322498.png (2.53 MB, 2096x1650, d10 grocery.png)

this is interesting>The market will serve community members who are low-income and meet all of the following criteria:>Be a resident of 94124, 94107, or 94134 ZIP codes>Receive public assistance, including programs such as CalFresh, Medi-Cal, CalWORKs; or earn less than 300% of the federal poverty level —$45,180 for a single adult, or $93,600 for a four-person family>Have children in the household or have a diet-related illness>Be referred by a community organization in the market’s referral networkSounds pretty restrictive is you have to meet ALL of those criteria but it's san francisco so there's probably more than enough people who can qualify. I really don't understand why it has to be a diet-related illness specifically and not just any illness if you're childless.
No. 2040199
File: 1717804477335.jpg (4.64 MB, 6300x3024, usps dog bites.jpg)

Forget pride month it's USPS Dog Bite Awareness Week. Who else got this in the mail? I love how happy the dog looks (obviously the dog is an actor doing a very good job for the photo and is a very good girl.)
No. 2041431
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>>2034665This isn't important, but I once trolled an English moid into a tantrum because I kept calling him and british people "bloody redcoats" and "brit brats". It doesn't seem to take much to piss them off.
No. 2044284
File: 1718049102434.png (1.09 MB, 1141x1551, ok .png)

why is it that every time I see a title like this I care less and less about Americas embarrassing parts of history kek
No. 2044308
File: 1718050180734.png (8.75 MB, 1886x2560, CoverStory-STORY_cuneo_trump.p…)

My granny was laughing her ass off at this magazine she had on her table yesterday and was like 'GET IT, HE HAS SMALL HANDS!'
I genuienly don't get people who still give a fuck about Trump, I just don't want to hear about his ass anymore.
Also the drawing itself is fucking terrible which annoyed me.
No. 2044363
>>2044325Thinking about it, I really think it's related to how at some point in the late 2000s, it became trendy to be offended on behalf of "the underdog" to show off to everyone on the internet what a good and caring person you are ("social justice warriors"). So any behavior that would normally be shunned as shameful, disruptive, or just trashy behavior is excused:
"But they're a
victim of their social class and never learned the etiquette and rules of society, which are inherently classist! It's bigoted of you to expect them to change who they are!"
It feels like literally everything gets a pass because they're excused as
victims. "You just dislike dogs being off-leash because you're racist, and people of XYZ ethnicity tend to own these dogs!"
"It's not that guy's fault that he curses and says nasty words in front of children, he was never taught any better and it's privileged of you to think he should change his language"
"It's not their fault for looking sloppy in public, they're overweight because they're poor and it's the upper class's fault, and they shouldn't be expected to adhere to your classist standards of appearance"
No. 2044418
>>2044363I’ve noticed this in certain circles. When I was a teenager, I was definitely a SJW, hung out with other SJWs, and considered anyone with a slightly different opinion to be an ignorant fascist. Obviously I was retarded, but I think it’s really easy to fall into black-and-white extremist thinking when you’re young. But now I know a much wider range of people and interact with more older people, so I’ve seen more of this
>>2044390 irl. I’m still on the left, but one thing that opened my eyes about leftist brainrot is how quick rich ~educated~ lefties are to call working class people ignorant and dumb. It’s literally classism in action, which is extremely ironic coming from the people who claim to have the interests of the oppressed at heart
No. 2044452
>>2044438I try to keep this in mind but it’s hard when more and more teens start using lolcow and posting their retarded takes here as I just get older. It’s frustrating to see them go through the same cycle of retardation I did, especially since their voices are the loudest on the internet. Yes, I do touch grass btw
t. older zoomer
No. 2044518
>>2044511anyone who
actually touches grass knows the internet has been having a negative effect with how they socialize, even if you don't use the internet often yourself. Someone denying the fact the internet has been projecting a lot irl lately probably hasn't socialized outside of customer service
No. 2045887
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>>2045792>We're living worse than the recession and depression. Please post your statistics/sources for these claims. Obviously the pandemic was a blow to the economy, but we are bouncing back (picrel). You may be living worse currently than previous years, but that is not indicative of broader trends.
>Hell even with war right now, are we just never going to officially announce WWIII or something? What is going on?Because we’re not in WWIII. Ongoing wars don’t even come close to the scale or reach of the Seven Years’ War (unofficial First World War), WWI, or WWII. Could things be better? Absolutely. Are some people struggling? Of course. But I wonder where you’re getting your sources from and if you’re actually old enough to remember the 2008 recession and the War on Terror. I bring up the War on Terror as an example of back-to-back wars the US fought in, and how war is nothing new. Not to mention the Cold War and all the proxy wars our military was involved in. Overall, violent conflict has dramatically decreased since WWII. We’re not on the verge of WWIII, despite what clickbait YouTubers might tell you. Try to stay grounded in reality.
No. 2045936
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>>2045931True, but inflation peaked in 2022 (8%) with the pandemic and was halved in 2023 (4.1%). Hopefully that trend continues, but we’ll see. Reposting with graph.
No. 2046032
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Now that it’s almost 4th of July, I just wanted to share that as a burger, my favorite moviegoing experience in my life was seeing Team America in theaters when I was a senior in high school.
It was 2004, and there weren’t many clips of it on the internet yet or many reviews of it out so nothing was spoiled for me. All I knew was that it was made by the guys who made South Park, the characters are all puppets, and my friends said it was fucking hilarious.
I went with a guy I was dating at the time and we were so excited.
The movie starts with a cold open on a janky-looking French marionette, with a drawing of Paris in the background, saying “Sacré Bleu!” for about 5 seconds, and just when you start to think “Wait, is the whole movie going to be like this-” the camera zooms out to show that it’s actually just a miniature puppet show within a beautifully detailed Parisian street scene with a puppeteer (who is also a puppet) pulling the strings. We laughed our asses off along with the rest of the theater, and immediately knew we were in for a treat.
Fast forward to the main theme song:
The entire theater absolutely fucking ERUPTED with laughter. The whole audience was roaring. I was in tears by the end of the movie and my stomach muscles hurt from laughing so hard. That’s the one and only time I’ve truly felt a sense of camaraderie and fun laughing along with the rest of an audience, we were all on the same page and everyone was still laughing on their way walking out, it was incredible. I’ve never been able to capture that feeling again and I’ll just always be chasing that high.
Every year on 4th of July now, I make a point to watch Team America as my tradition.
No. 2046039
>>2044418>>2046013That's because the upper echelon "white liberal" only uses this as a political tool to "rally the troops" so to speak. They want to lord over the other demographics as they have the easiest time politically (and financially) organizing within their coalition.
It's been shown whites within the democratic coalition are significantly further socially left than every other demographic and are among the sole influences behind pushing the democratic party so far to the "left" (if you even want to call the behaviors endorsed as leftism at this point).
They'd very quickly turn against anyone who stepped out of line. You can notice this in how quick they were to criticize "the blacks" for not worshipping sanders, calling them ignorant with absolutely no awareness towards the prior rhetorical debt they had built up within the past decade. Another example is how they're starting to sour on the Hispanics and Indians (dot not feather) because those demographics are starting to get their own political animus.
No. 2046043
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>>2046013it's funny actually, because when "rural uneducated idiots" are poor they get trailers, often times requiring very little to no monthly payments and take up way less energy and water, grow food or are friends with people who own farms for food, get an old truck with no monthly payment and little to no insurance, and know how to budget
liberal city folks will blatantly admit to rather going broke trying to live in a city than buying something in a suburb or rural area, everyone HAS to have new cars, organic whole foods, etc. Thats why you see so many people bitching about how they make 6 figs or near 6 figs while scraping by yet so many poorfag rednecks can raise their inbred family of 6 just fine on their husbands 45k welder salary
No. 2046203
>>2046043You've obviously never actually been this poor, holy shit. Trailers have garbage insulation compared to normal houses and are very expensive to heat/cool. If you don't own the land your trailer is on, you have to pay rent for it, which can go up at any time and you are pretty much over a barrel because it costs $30k+ to move a trailer. The truck thing is the same way, you can't afford the upfront cost of a newer vehicle that would be more reliable so you pay $2500 for an old truck that's already been beat to shit and then you get to pay twice that every year just to keep it running (more if you don't have the tools and skills to do the work yourself). Budgeting is impossible because we never know even a month ahead of time what our expenses or income will be.
My family of 8 (extended family living together) is barely scraping by on 5 incomes. Shit is always breaking, people are always getting sick or injured, sometimes a client doesn't pay for a job that's been done. Growing food sounds really nice, I wish we had time and energy to do that. We are friends with some farmers but they don't give us food for free (and even with a friends discount, their stuff costs a lot more than what you get at the grocery store, which is fair because it's better, but still).
No. 2046404
>>2045785Wut? Are you a time traveler from 1962? Because if so, go back, it sucks here atm.
>>2045792It's all propaganda to keep us compliant. I know that standards of living have drastically decreased in the past 20 years, and more so in the past four, but what's a regular Jane like me going to do about it? All I can do is keep working hard, save my money, and try to be more self-sufficient. As for the war, it's just a cold war, we're not at war war.
No. 2046686
>>2046589I agree with you nonna, even though I live in a very HCOL city myself. So many of my friends make nearly twice as much as me yet save only a fraction of the amount. They’re always “broke,” always worried about money. They drive new cars, stock up on whatever consoomerist trend is currently in, live in high-rise apartments, etc. I still live well, but I just don’t buy new shit very often. I drive an old car that I’ve already paid off and live in an old apartment building. I’ll keep driving the same car until I can’t anymore. Some of them got screwed over by student loans tbf, but then they just go into even more debt for a luxury car. I don’t really get it. I’m sure some of anons here will strongly disagree, and we all have different lived experiences, but IME it’s not hard to live well and save money right now. Some anons may think we’re all slaves to the gov, but I think you’re slaves to the corporations that make you addicted to having “more”
>inb4 “this glows” No. 2046708
>>2045936Sorry if this is dumb, but doesn't the graph represent culmination? Like, the food is always going up? Since every year is another %$ greater than the year before last, that means that the first point in the graph would represent the cheapest prices in the first year, everything after that would be another addition. The price isn't fixed on the graph it's the Like, if it was the base price in 1971 was $1, and inflation in '72 was 10%, and then in '73 the inflation was 20%, in '74 it was 15%, in the end of '74 the price would be $1.518. To say: "inflation peaked in 2022" is technically true, but today we still have higher prices than we did in 2022 and much higher than this time in 2010. Since inflation keeps growing from the year before. So it's always higher than the year before just by different margins.
No. 2046792
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>>2046718. Sorry, I’m literally retarded. I don’t know what hallucination I was seeing when I was looking at your post and the graph. Your observation is correct, nonna
No. 2046850
>>2046594No, I bounce along the east coast for my job, so I travel a circular route from south to north and back again.
>>2046699Fuck, lol, the big city has poisoned me. I saw $15 dollar and thought, wow that's a great price for authentic small business pickled beets.
No. 2046882
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>>2046704100% same. I remember complaining about the world back then, but I would go back in a heartbeat if I could.
No. 2046886
>>2046882I was at the tail end of high school in 2004. I really miss those years. It felt so carefree, despite having actual domestic issues and being broke af, I remember having such a good decade. I feel like things really changed for the worst by 2015.
I miss those G.I joe informercials. they live in my head rent free. Especially the body massage one.
No. 2046924
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I’m late to this news. Who’s ready to laugh at the various tiktoks of other burgerfats going nuts at the gas stations and grocery stores? can’t wait kek
No. 2046961
>>2046949this is so hard because i imagine a mass exodus of different groups going to different places. the boomers and comfy upper middle class suburbanites will go to their tax evading estates they built in cuba, mexico and hawaii (maybe even singapore) then a bunch of millennials and zoomers will start flooding east asia because of the anime propaganda which will start a great internet culture war between japanese twitter and americans. the others i have no idea tbh, i would say they would move to western europe mainly the british isles. i feel like there will be a bunch of white supremacists and prominent neocons who will move en masse to eastern europe (seeing poland) as some form of political message towards america to make some sort of cultural shift. what about you?
>>2046957it’s going to fuck with our economy even more
No. 2047071
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>>2047057Can we please do something with him again
No. 2047106
>>2046949Idk I guess that would depend on the risk of land invasion or nuclear war? People who have ties to countries that probably won't be greatly affected by the war may leave early on, but places like East Asia and Europe wouldn't make sense to avoid war. Realistically most burgers will wait until their hand is forced, in which case air travel may not be possible and they can only go to inland america, or mexico and canada illegally.
Personally, I would probably end up waiting for a land invasion, try to run away as far as I could, and if I end up surrounded by chinese or russian soldiers kill myself before I get raped to death
No. 2047107
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>>2047071If it's him it should be picrel (from our talented artanons) imho