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No. 1933446

God Bless America
Previous thread: >>>/ot/1733300

No. 1933465

If anything, they're going to wait for women's issues to get even worse and then use women's health going downhill as an excuse to say "see look birth control is needed". Basically using unconsenting women as Martyrs instead of doing literally anything else that is standard in majority of countries

No. 1933503

YES thank you for the Alfred threadpic, OP

No. 1933578

I was watching the previous thread like a freaking hawk, waiting for it to reach 1200 so I could make a new thread and we could finally have the Alfred threadpic we so desperately needed.

No. 1933675

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Has anybody else been hearing wild conspiracy theories about the upcoming solar eclipse?
My mom told me that she heard that "they" are going to declare martial law and arm illegal immigrants, and there will be a purge-like mass killing during the eclipse.
Googling brings up some stuff but nothing that's quite so, uh, out there.

No. 1933682

Where did she hear it and who are they? The lizardpeople?

No. 1933686

Get her off q-anon Facebook, she's starting to sound like Dale Gribble.

No. 1933697

pretty sure the qtards have been predicting a big blackout that will send the country into chaos since 2019 and nothing of the sort has happened kek

No. 1933700

"They" is usually vaguely the government, but could more specifically be the Democrats, Joe Biden, current evil foreign government of choice (China), Satanists, the shadow cabal, the NWO, the Rothschilds, etc. Whoever could plausibly be motivated and have the means to do such a thing (at least according to their mythology). In this instance I think it's just vaguely the government. Maybe the World Economic Forum (because illegals)?
The person she heard it from is an acquaintance of hers that I haven't met personally but who seems particularly off the beaten path. My mom gets her news from Infowars and Instagram Reels, which do have some crazy stuff, but it's all buried in videos and I don't really want to dedicate a bunch of time to listening to them. I get the feeling this is coming from some niche telegram group or something.
I think it's a lost cause. She and my father have been hooked on this stuff since the 2011, when the Mayan calendar end times scare happened.

No. 1933775

NTA but you might have some luck if you appeal to their retardation. Agree with them, tell them to prepare for the End of Times like they did in 2011, when the world ended. And like they did the other times the world ended. Help them stockpile beans or whatever it is they do. Pretending to believe their bullshit will help to keep you in their good graces, so you can find out in advance if they're planning to do something especially retarded, and they'll listen to your opinions more.
Once you've been initiated into the tard club, gently push them away from the more insane shit by discrediting the creators. Use their own lingo. Facebook is bad because Mark Lizardberg is a secret Thespian spy from the underground cabal of Archangel Lucifer. Fox News is run by the Joos, and you can tell because it's called Fox (foxes are red, just like Satan, and in the Bible, Satan is bad).
I've de-crazied relatives like this. It takes forever, you feel like your brain is melting, but eventually you shut off the sewage being fed directly into their brains and they slowly go back to being normal again.

No. 1933798

I love this thread pic thank you

No. 1933853

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No. 1933856

Girl we keep telling you we’re not

No. 1933870

based threadpic

No. 1933896

Nothing is gonna happen just like all the other times we had solar eclipses. Kinda jealous of the clevelanders, they get good viewing

No. 1933902

I can’t afford to do anything. I deleted most of my social media because after work, it was none of the few things I would use that was free. I’m trying to limit my access online and read more books, but outside life is expensive, especially when you are trying to save money. I wish I was a young adult in the 90s

No. 1933905

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No. 1933926

they’ve been saying the same thing for years, that god will come and wipe out those pedophiles and satanists in office but for some reason god didn’t wipe allah back in BC/AD whatever the fuck for fucking and wedding an 8 year old child. what’s more likely to happen is an electricity crisis, all of your lights will go out, you won’t be able to contact the police or EMS for emergencies, you won’t be able to go outside because a bunch of costcotards will go nuts and there will be lots of civil unrest. there will be actual black outs and there will be a financial crisis where people’s money will disappear out of the banks and they will suffer. it’s overdue for another depression or another dark ages to finally turn things around, the power imbalance of the universe has to rip the scales completely and unfortunately some people are going to have to suffer and die because a few greedy politicians and elites were acting in total unchecked greed and power.

No. 1934211

You’re a modern day saint for taking the time to do that, seriously.

No. 1935079

we live for work or either can't get jobs, it's being stuck in between a rock and a hard place. and generally because of these factors i'm starting to see more people my age become more religious or spiritual to bring some hope into their lives.

No. 1935095

I’m pretty sure zoomers are less religious than previous generations according to research, but I’ve found myself going to more religious services recently just for the feeling of community it brings

No. 1935132

I kinda won't to go to a service but I just don't trust actual churches to not be corrupt but I do wish I could work up the motivation to go. I'd love to go to more community festival type things but I just keep talking myself out of it in fear.

No. 1935180

And that’s why so many women are into astrology, it’s a female friendly religion

No. 1935339

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Oregonian democrats are suing for Trump to be stripped from the ballot. Fairly undemocratic if you ask me kek.

No. 1935390

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Fresh reminder to go outside, touch grass, cloud gaze, and admire the nature around you. Even if it's boring concrete there'll be something.
And don't post pictures straight from your camera, use screenshots instead.

No. 1935401

>And don't post pictures straight from your camera, use screenshots instead
Huh, why?

No. 1935425

Metadata that can be used to find where you are

No. 1935446

Democrats are fucking retarded. Why don't you guys win at the ballot box instead of literally destroying a democratic process? It's going to get struck down just like the one in Colorado so what even is the point of this. If they put up a good candidate instead of a doddering old fuck, they'd win in a landslide. But no, instead they have to resort to this dumb ass shit that will not work. Embarrassing.

No. 1935486

Thank you, and you're right

No. 1935488

It's retarded and anyone with half a brain wouldn't be into it.

No. 1935496

Wow you're so based and different from other females, anon!

No. 1935743

There's metadata on screenshots too
t. saved some screencaps from here and accidentally found out some nonas used picsart (also cause some had a date/time automatically attached to it that didn't match up with the date i saved it on)

No. 1935756

Found out an anon was from a locale because iPhone encodes GPS metadata unless you turn it off. You can turn it off jsyk but preferably take a screenshot

No. 1935761

It might just be me but I think location metadata is off by default. But just so nonnas can check go to settings > privacy and security > location services > camera > never

No. 1935811

Damn I think I confessed to too many stuff with actual pics. I thought i was safe with old reaction pictures. Damn the government must know everything about me

No. 1935968

only if they have identifying metadata. an old image from the internet probably doesn't. a photo you take yourself with your phone probably does (unless you turned the feature off).
date/time and picsart info is not really identifying though. a picture you took of your cat on your bed with GPS enabled would literally show where you lived though. not that anyone would really want to come find you based of a picture of your cat but it still feels like giving up some anonymity.

No. 1937646

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I don't feel an ounce of sadness for stupid little "influencers" who are going to inevitably lose their jobs and have to return to reality once TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and all the other soul sucking apps like Twitter, Patreon, OnlyFans finally go belly up. Sure the Social Media time has been kind of fun for some but it's also caused a lot more harm than good to human nature and just all around common sense. These grown adults are going to have to grow up all over again kek.

No. 1937659

I wish social media would pass as old and cringe but I'm sure some new dumb thing is going to take its place

No. 1937661

I lavish in it. These idiots are the same ones who are mad youtube is demonitizing a lot of their videos. Youtube used to be a hobby years ago, but once people started using it as their main source of income, that's when it got bad. They should get real jobs and use youtube as a side hobby as it was meant to be.

No. 1937672

I agree, though it sucks for people who sell genuinely original handmade items, as tiktok seemed to be a good advertising medium and etsy is beyond repair at this point.

No. 1937682

I think sites like Etsy, Ebay, and Shopify might still stay around? Or maybe in lieu of social media advertising we'll see new retailing apps pop up

No. 1937706

If Tiktok gets banned it'd be a temporary win. Something will take its place. Social media isn't going away.

No. 1937758

Government censorship is such a win!

No. 1937796

The funny thing is that if you check any local news site for local reactions on whether or not it should be banned, at least 50% of people everywhere want it gone. Listening to somebody else scroll their TikTok is absolute torture. The only bad thing is that I think the unfiltered WOMAN BAD shit on TikTok finally woke up some men on how absolutely fucked in the head a lot of other males are.

No. 1937799

By that I mean if you ban it you lose the undeniable sight of the dirty underside of average low quality males.

No. 1939045

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Thoughts? I'm wondering how this will be enforced

No. 1939046

literally how are they going to enforce this? my youtube account thinks i am 65 because i signed when i was 14 and put a random age

No. 1939070

Same I started saying I was 18 at 12 this will never work

No. 1939092

This is retarded. Children have been lying about their age on the internet since day 1, although recently they have been brazen about their ages. Nothing is going to stop them from making fake ages unless they ask for id or something, which can also be faked by stealing the id of a family member who is of age. He probably knows this, but brainless rightoids who don't understand the internet will be on his dick for this.

No. 1939100

If it requires you giving your ID to social media companies…. I would rather not. However, I think the day where you must give your ID to social media companies is coming. I heard it's already a thing in China? Not sure how true that is. Regardless, what if commit a wrongthink online that is connected to my driver's license? Will it affect me? Nightmare if so.

No. 1939110

Like how they're supposedly banning tiktok and literally nothing has happened? Kek. Anytime government tries to ban anything on the Internet it's a damn flop. They can barely catch the insane amount of moids admitting to child molestation on 4chan

No. 1939115

This could be esy if ai becomes capable of recognizing childlike faces when they're posted

No. 1939116

I mean, it's kind of a nice idea, but that will never work. Social media sites just shouldn't even let the option of being under 18 years old be a thing. That would at least make a 1% of honest kids stop using the internet where they will get groomed to hell and back, and will make a 70% of degenerates stop using that age to attract children.
The law will flop, it is surely becoming a meme as I type this and no one will ever consider such an idea to become a reality.
I seriously believe there should be separate social media sites for kids since they still want to experience using the internet like mommy and daddy, but it's the same issue as with the whole age thing, just as how a child can pretend to be 18 years old, a degenerate can easily pretend to be 10 years old.
I wonder if there's ever going to exist some measure to make kids stop using social media.

No. 1939118

a tiktok ban has 12 months to go into effect, Tiktok still has the choice to sell their product to a different media company. If they stay with bytedance, then they'll be banned of the app store and American accounts will be blocked.

No. 1939119

I wish it was illegal to buy a phone and give it to a child. I really wish teachers and academic professionals who are surrounded by children should take a harder stand against this.

No. 1939211

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No. 1939213

Any idea WHY the ship sailed right into the support beam? I read the article but it didn't say anything.

No. 1939215

No word yet. Since it just happened and so early in the morning probably won't know for a bit.

No. 1939225

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Apparently there were construction workers on the bridge.
>Both radio traffic and the website Vessel Finder indicate the container ship involved is the Dali out of Singapore. Part of the bridge is reported to be on the bow of the Dali

No. 1939228

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No. 1939345

Something like a basic smartwatch would be a great compromise. It would allow for friends and family to still be in contact, but wouldn't allow access to social media. A lot of parents are apprehensive to take phones away from kids because it gives them a way to keep track of their whereabouts.

No. 1939356

People are saying it apparently lost power shortly after leaving the port and was uncontrollably drifting

No. 1939368

RIP to the people on the bridge, I can’t imagine how terrifying it was to have suddenly been plunged into the dark water below at night. RIP US-Singapore relations too, unfortunate that this was a foreign vessel because I’ve already seen some speculating it was “intentional”

No. 1939374

Bridges collapsing while I'm driving over or under them is always a concern of mine because my city is made of bridges and they are all in terrible condition. Didn't realize I would also have to fear a single ship hitting a bridge and it collapsing like cotton candy.

No. 1939376

They make phones for kids that look like smart phones, but they only contain educational games and videos and can only call the people you enter and 911.
Or you could just buy your kid a Nokia brick.

No. 1939391

Is this the bridge that goes into National harbor? I take this shit almost every weekend. this is terrifying

No. 1939396

This is insane. The bridge is completely gone. What caused them to drift right into a beam instead of under the bridge? It looked like they were going to fast if they hit the bridge like that. I hope no one died. This is really terrifying. The container and the crew are definitely going to be investigated now.

No. 1939435

No, this goes between Glen burnie and Dundalk in Maryland. There’s a different key bridge near National harbor I’m pretty sure.

I used to hang out at a park right under this bridge a lot and used to drive it at 1:30 am to get home from that park. This is so terrifying. I called out of work today because I didn’t feel like going in before this all happened, I can’t imagine the traffic right now. Usually the highway is a circle with the bridge being the bottom of the circle, now all traffic will have to be going up around the entire city.

No. 1939438

The power went out on the ship for 30-50 seconds which turned off the power steering, so they just started drifting for a minute

No. 1939591

Nta, but I also appreciate you! I'm glad to see Alfred where he rightfully belongs.

No. 1939599

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I wonder if this was preventable. Why was it close enough to the center of the pillar that one minute of power outage could do this?

No. 1939613

Thank you for your reply. Also, I'm glad you're safe. I really feel for the construction workers just doing their job and then this suddenly happens in the middle of the night. I wonder how many people's jobs and commutes will be affected too?

No. 1939614

Could it not have been manually steered? I thought there were always people on the bridge to prevent this kind of accident. It just seems like this all could have been prevented.

No. 1939789

I didn't really think much of this until my coworker mentioned it, but apparently a lot of cruise lines also travel through this port. Depending on how long it will take to investigate and remove the bridge pieces this is going to have a pretty big impact on the east coast

No. 1939806

I think they tried but could not due to how heavy cargo ships are. Even if it's going slow, it still weighs 100,000 tons or more. Trying to gain control over that amount of weight in a short amount of time is not likely.

No. 1940526

This came across my feed, how do we stop the spread?

No. 1941105

Heard about this happening in Europe and was wondering when it would get here

No. 1941124

nobody is getting shut down permanently the farmers just have to relocate before they can resume production.

No. 1941126

Not a literal farmer just reading about it but what does it mean to just relocate? Isn’t that hard for people to do?

No. 1941131

You sell your livestock and land, then you move like 25 or 40 miles in whichever direction you please, then you resume production on your new plot of land with your new livestock in an area away from the public watergrounds.

No. 1941144

What if there’s no land there for you to buy?
Also because I’m not personally invested in this, if you happen to know, what is the public benefit to this program?

No. 1941150

Well I guess realistically they wouldn't be required to stay in oregon, they could migrate to any state or environment that meets their needs, but theres certainly always land to be bought in Oregon. A quick google can confirm that. Also the major benefit is that the lazy, careless farmers and their children and employees wont be able to shovel their animals waste and other shit like garbage into the springs and rivers and countless other local bodies of water

No. 1942367

Astrology is literally for retards. Imagine thinking you can’t get a job because your 10th house in in mercury retrograde(infighting)

No. 1942373

where I grew up the livestock of my disgusting farmer landlord literally destroyed the wildlife in the area and the pond I lived next to and fed his pigs literal trash upstream and didn't clean it up so I was pretty pissed about that and I know it's bad but something feels kinda wrong about taking their farms away instead of making them implement sustainable systems. do they get that option?

No. 1942458

100 percent. Anyone getting offended is an astrology retard.(infighting)

No. 1942484

not everyday is perfect here but I'm always happy to be American

No. 1942497

>someone says they think astrology is stupid
> “wow you’re so special nlog nlog”
??? are we not allowed to call things retarded just because a lot of women like them(infighting)

No. 1942500

nta but what kek? astrology has nothing to do with women

No. 1942501

Read the original post.

No. 1942504

The original post that sparked all the other responses was about "zoomer happiness rates"

No. 1942508

Nta but she's referring to >>1935496

No. 1943650

Knock on wood I guess but I’m surprised that I’m not being bombarded with political news yet since it’s an election year and all. Are we Americans just burnt out on politics, did the news orgs realize that or am I just not looking?

No. 1943691

>Are we Americans just burnt out on politics
Pretty much, yeah. Maybe not politics, per se, but the Trump v Biden groundhogs day of it all. People have their minds made up on both candidates. I don’t see the reason to pay attention to the election unless some shit goes down.

No. 1943788

I was just thinking about how I really haven't heard that much political noise for it being an election year too!

No. 1944011

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Publix is genuinely the best grocery store. It can be a little expensive, but they make up for that with the fresh sushi, subs, salads and even ramen in some places. Lidl and Trader Joes are tied for second place, imo.

No. 1944065

I'm gonna drink that dark wine with that turkey sub. That sandwich looks delicious as all hell

No. 1944338

Interesting, I went to publix for the first time during a trip to the US and was shocked at the prices. A case of soda was close to $10. I was however a very big fan of Trader Joes. The cinnamon almonds and spicy mac and cheese were amazing

No. 1944457

I do like it but it is pretty expensive compared to the others in my area. I remember having some sushi there and it was great and it had some hello kitty packaging too which was cute

No. 1944466

West coast nona here, I've never been to a Publix before but I'm envious. That Publix ultimate looks great

No. 1945042

Not to racebait but I feel like America has gone backward since George Floyd's death and the riots that followed. It feels like racial tension is higher now and there's even more of a divide between us all now than there was beforehand

No. 1945047

I feel the exact same way, everyone is so hostile now in regards to race relations and it's really exhausting. I remember at one of the george floyd riots in my city, some little teenage black girl got on the mic and screamed out
And it's like…yeah racism exists but blaming every white person alive for some homeless drug addict getting himself murdered doesn't really help anything or bring whites and blacks closer together. Why can't we bond about how we're similar, not different?

No. 1945838

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The thing I'll remember most from that time is all the black-owned businesses that had to close down because they got wrecked in the riots that the media pretended were mostly peaceful protests. And that they tore down a statue of Hans Christian Heg, an abolitionist. And that the BLM organization fundraised money and imidiatly wasted it on themselves not giving anything back to the community.

No. 1945844

It's on purpose. It's better for the rich for people to be attacking each other so the media feeds the fire. There are absolutely problems with racism, don't get me wrong, but most people are normal.

No. 1945845

you're blind if you don't see everyday blatant racism and police brutality, it's not that complicated unless you're actually a racist trying to cover their ass or willfully ignorant.
it's entirely possible to blame the rich for the shit they do while acknowledging racism is a thing.

No. 1945849

Then you're forced to downgrade your life and have your hard work stolen. In USA there is something called eminent domain, where the government can declare that your land is needed for the public good and take it from you. They then decide how much it is worth (normally less than you could sell it for) and cut you a check.
Personally, I think that if a government declares eminent domain, they should be forced to pay five times what the land is worth to acquire it. We have enough money to throw trillions to our main bitch Israel and our side bitch Ukraine, why can't we pay some farmer a million for a patch of land that the government supposedly needs?

No. 1945851

Damn kid, you're either a shitposter trying to start an infight, or else you have zero reading comprehension and therefore your opinions on everything can safely be ignored.

No. 1945855

lmao my bad I just woke up and didnt read your entire post. also I'm so used to people saying "wahh identity politics are being pushed by the rich and corporations so people look away from their mistakes" kind of tinfoil it's so tiresome.

No. 1945860

An apology? On my LC? That means a lot. Thank you, and I'm sorry I came at you with that energy.

No. 1945940

I live in a predominately mixed races area and grew up thinking racism was bullshit becasue when little white girl me was bullied in elementary school I got told by the black lady principal that I'm racist because my bullies were two black boys (ignoring the white kids I also called out of course) and something along the lines of "have you considered that you are gross and deserved to be called names?" So I lived the rest of school and university assuming modern racism was a boogeyman that people called when they didn't want to address the consequences of their actions. I've also had black friends both before and after that.
The only time I actually saw racism was when I helped my mixed cousin cosign for a car and the dealer was being nasty because he thought we were dating, but that might have just been him being homophobic thinking we were lesbians.
So when the Grorge Floyd thing rolled around I got confused.

No. 1945978

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So I know people are always shitting on American pizza and saying Italian pizza is the best and most superior. I'm neither Italian nor American but I did go to a fancy Italian place with friends and ordered their expensive ass authentic Italian pizza hoping to be blown away….and I was so disappointed. It was so lame that I wanted to demand for my money back. I had to comfort myself later on with some American style pizza though. Man, you motherfuckers are big and bold in everything you do and that's what I love about you. Keep being awesome my cute little Americans. Make more delicious foods for me. No matter what anyone says about America, just remember this Ameriboo nonnie loves you like crazy

No. 1946003

People shit on American pizza and think Italian is better? They're crazy, we are the queens of pizza. You needs three things to make the best pizza you've ever had:
1) Hard spring water is used to make the dough
2) Fresh made sauce from actual heirloom sauce tomatoes
3) And mozzarella from the milk of happy relaxed cows
I've heard people say that mozzarella from water buffalos is better, but although I loved the taste of it, I preferred the milder taste of cow's milk with my pizza and then balancing it with a more acidic sauce.

No. 1946029

I love American pizza, but I am biased. I'm from NYC, so our pizza is the best, however Chicago deep dish is worth trying. Detroit style pizza belongs in the trash

No. 1946033

Italian pizza is like a thin tiny slim crust with two pieces of prosciutto or some shit and a dandruff dusting of cheese. And they force you to eat it with knife and fork. Criminal.

No. 1946067

It's definitely changed in the past decade, broadly speaking the progressive position used to advocate more for racial integration and harmony, but now it leans towards encouraging people to hyperfocus on their race/ethnicity and is basically ok with ethnocentrism and self segregation. Unless you're white, in which case diversity is your strength and you don't really exist as a race anyway, except for when we want to blame you for things.
I'm starting to feel pretty blackpilled on racial diversity honestly, race problems get blamed on white people but it's become clear many non-white people deep down don't want to integrate with other races either. I don't know what america is supposed to look like in the future if that's the case

No. 1946069

I remember all of the black girls encouraging the white girls to say nigga and teaching them to twerk. Everyone got along in my mixed race school but I guess they didn’t understand the magnitude of racism? Sadly I grew up with a very racist family because they mostly grew up in areas with tons of black crime. I don’t know if my grandmother will ever not be racist, the only colored people they think exist are the ones in their area…

No. 1946078

Literally what the fuck are you talking about

No. 1946092

Cultures as a whole don't want to integrate, it is stupid for everyone to pretend otherwise.

No. 1946119

Blending the different people and cultures of Europe into "white people" in america did work, and I anticipate that people of other races are going through that process too. It just seems to be much harder to get people who look very different to integrate with each other than it is for people who look similar.

No. 1946122

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I’ve been very passionate about pizza since working in a pizza kitchen when I was 17. Weird place, but anyway, our dough was mostly whole wheat and molasses. Really great for twirling around in the air.

No. 1946260

Queens of pizza, indeed. Damn those ingredients seem fancy. I have the water, the tomatoes will be hard to get but we do have some good cheese here so I can try it out, thanks nona. Can't get any buffalo cheese though sadly, since I live in Leprechaunland.
Yep, I've heard of the famous NYC pizza! Have to try a real, authentic slice someday. Detroit style pizza doesn't look too bad actually. I'd try that too.
Your passion for pizza making is cute nona. And molasses? That's interesting. I don't think we even have that in my country, but I really want to try it out.

No. 1949171

>and you don't really exist as a race anyway, except for when we want to blame you for things.

Kek I've also noticed people say
>Oh my GOD shut the fuck up, you're NOT Italian/Irish/French/Greek/whatever just because your grandparents were, you're AMERICAN and you're WHITE and have no culture!

but then also turn around and talk about black people having "glorious African power/African magic" when their families have lived in the US several generations, and same with Asian people having certain quirky tendencies or being talented at certain skills "because I'm sooo Japanese/Chinese/[insert Asian nationality here]" despite being second or third generation and never having lived in the home country.
It's only somehow not-okay if a white person says it.

No. 1949237

New York style is my absolute favorite with the big, thin slices wide enough to fold in half and cheese all the way up to the edge of the crust. Mmmmmm

No. 1950694

I’ve had Medicaid for less than a year (poor collegefag) and so far it’s saved me from turning a blind eye to 2 conditions that would have gotten much worse had I needed to pay for their treatment out of pocket or even under most employer-offered plans. Before Medicaid I got insurance through my Dad’s employment and those benefits didn’t hold a candle to what I can receive now.

I know the discourse about healthcare in the US is tired, but I’m just now realizing why everyone is so upset about it. There’s no doubt in my mind that everyone deserves access to this and the US could make it happen if they actually wanted to make the country a better place for citizens. They just want to keep workers desperate to keep their shitty employee health benefit plans that honestly don’t do nearly enough to cover the costs of even simple check ins and diagnostics.

No. 1950699

Same. Especially when the crust is airy and crunchy. If you ever have nyc pizza with REALLY fresh tomatoes and cheese, it's like heaven.

No. 1950719

Yea me too. Ive had chronic migraines (around 40 hours a week) that kept me so ill I couldnt drive, let alone work. I was approved for medicaid and my doc prescribed a monthly injection my other insurance would have charged me for $600.
My medicaid charges me only $4 dollars.
Including my therapy, meds and doc appointments, I would have to make about 1k more a month to just cover med expenses. Not including groceries or rent, gas or life costs.
Its wild. I am finally migraine free and start working more, but I am afraid to lose my coverage.

No. 1951874

get fucked

No. 1955135

File: 1712527690528.jpeg (168.33 KB, 736x712, D5C99829-5512-415B-AEDF-D78453…)

do americans really?

No. 1955136

Obama was actually a pretty fungi, I'm glad I got to be alive during his reign

No. 1955140

Is the eclipse gonna pass through anyone else’s city tomorrow? It will for mine, and the place is super crowded today, lots of traffic and out of state plates

No. 1955150

Only the delusional, cringe ones. Every president has a fan club.

No. 1955160

not in the direct path but it's going to be a 95% eclipse here. I know a few people who are driving ~3 hours away to be in the total eclipse area but it's supposed to be cloudy/rainy tomorrow so they might not see it anyways kek. I did notice that even here, all the hotels are booked up.

No. 1955313

It’s not going to be a total eclipse in my state unfortunately. Nonnas I don’t have eclipse glasses what I do

No. 1955318

Partial eclipse in the UK, I'm just going to stare tf if its not cloudy

No. 1955319

Maybe look through my camera I have no idea actually what happens if you just use your hand to look lol

No. 1955326

Don't look at an eclipse anons. You will lose at least part of your vision. If you go blind, you will not be able to browse lolcow and make fun of trannies anymore.

No. 1955329

What if I've already astigmatism. Like I'm blind already can't I just wear sunglasses

No. 1955333

Not "can't see right" blind, but actually losing your vision blind. The sun burns your retina and cells in your eyes. Look up solar retinopathy, it only takes a few seconds

No. 1955339

I've looked at the sun without the moon blocking the sun light

No. 1955350

Then why is my vision better than 20/20 when I've stared directly into the sun and a partial eclipse? Checkmate.

No. 1955365

actually i looked directly at the 2017 eclipse and I am still here unfortunately. it did kinda burn tho

No. 1955370

i looked at the 2017 eclipse and nothing happened because it was dark out

No. 1955373

i only got a partial in 2017. pretty sure I didn't look at it directly.

No. 1955501

There's also been many people who looked directly at the eclipse and experienced vision lose, but idk anons do what you wanna do. I just wanted to warn in case anyone was unaware of why you should wear eclipse glasses
>Moon blocking the sun light
That's the tricky part, the lack of light makes people think it's ok to look.

No. 1955582

I know we're less than halfway through the year, but this is literally the quietest election year ever

No. 1955585

It was like that last time too, I think people just don't care anymore.

No. 1955586

Nah, in 2020 BLM and the riots was the drama that time. then before that was Trump.

No. 1955587

What's the drama distracting people now?

No. 1955592

Idk. I guess some people may argue that it's the USA's role in the Palestine Israel conflict, but I don't feel that it's big enough for most Americans to care plus America being involved in other countries wars id nothing new. Tiktok ban isn't controversial or political enough for there to be a big hoopla either. There's nothing.

No. 1955594

Samefag, actually to correctuself: the Palestine Israel war is a big deal but not divisive or close enough to us for it to affect the election in a huge way, imo.

No. 1955597

I think it's because literally everyone has made up their minds already, it's essentially 2020 election v2 since it's just presumed to be Biden vs Trump again. Like I really doubt that anyone who is a supporter of one would ever think about switching parties so there's no point in making a big stink about it.

No. 1955599

True, a lot of people were already against Biden even before this year simply because he's old and seemingly with dementia or Alzheimer's or some other elderly disease. Plus I can't think of anything notable that he's done besides give aid to Israel, it's like we had no president for 4 years. It gave Desantis, Trump and Nikki Haley ammo unfortunately.

No. 1955601

I'm pretty sure we're just gonna go back to Donnie. Nobody wants Desantis

No. 1955604

I've noticed a lot of people are done with just choosing the "lesser evil" imo. neither candidates are particularly popular and they probably both have dementia

No. 1955611

I retardedly voted for The Lesser Evil last time, and everyone I knew was also excitedly celebrating because "Biden promises to forgive our student loans!!!" and I knew that was going to be bullshit but still felt disappointed anyway. And now we have two horrible old fucks on both sides again, wow! Goody! I hate it here so much. I'll give him this, at least Trump was kinda funny

No. 1955668

The sun pops up and blinds you driving a lot, I'm going to take my chances.

No. 1955739

Agree people must be disappointed that it's going to be Biden or Trump again. I can't understand what's wrong with both parties that they can't find new viable candidates people would actually want to vote for. With dems my tinfoil is that biden was supposed to die in office and we'd get kamala eventually, not that that's much better.

No. 1955900

File: 1712585661393.png (625.47 KB, 863x1224, 9tbOJkX.png)

What do you think his policy is gonna be?

No. 1955901

banning premarital sex

No. 1955902

File: 1712585815180.png (1.15 MB, 1268x1732, Nrl1C4L.png)

No. 1955903

carry the babies to full term then make them fight each other for sport

No. 1955908

lmao I'm mostly joking but I can't help but glance at it for a split second. it's a small thrill. I'm only human.

No. 1955911

I agree, Trumps cult like fanbase is just too strong. I don't think they will abandon him for the other Republican candidates

No. 1955929

God I love this video

No. 1955930

Trump is absolutely gonna win this term, especially with Bidenites pushing that tranny brigade.

No. 1955935

DeSantis dropped out forever ago, didn’t he?

No. 1955944

I had Medicaid that cost me zero dollars and it saved my life. It was the best health insurance I've ever had. Now I have private insurance and I'm putting off getting desperately needed care because despite paying $200 a month for insuarnce, my deductible is $3000 and I don't have that kind of money.
It's extremely unfair that the elderly get to vote against health insurance and fuck everything up for everyone, while leeching off of our tax dollars and receiving the best form of healthcare in the country.

No. 1955948

I don’t think the tranny pandering is what’s going to cost Biden the election, I actually do think it’s going to be the US’ involvement in the Palestine-Israel conflict. I agree that the conflict is pretty distant and doesn’t actually affect most Americans in any significant way, like >>1955592 said. But it’s still a super hot issue for people on the left and xitter zoomers who haven’t been appeased by Biden’s lukewarm stances. Biden fails to satisfy both the Zionist lobby AND the twitterfags and Muslim constituency who call him “Genocide Joe.” His own past constituency has turned on him. Who really cares about him at this point? I remember in the last election, some dems would act like you were a fascist if you didn’t vote for Biden, but those times have passed. I really do hate Trump, but the fact is, he didn’t ruin our country as much as other recent Republican presidents have (with the war on terror, war on drugs, etc), so I don’t think there’s as much fear-mongering happening where people act like it’ll be the end of the world if Trump wins again. Of course, I hardly think Trump is going to handle Palestine-Israel any better than Biden since the evangelical lobby tends to be very pro-Israel

No. 1955949

There's no way he wrote this. It doesn't sound like him at all. His political campaign manager ordered an intern to write this.

No. 1956057

It does sound like something a conservative 26 year old would say

No. 1956140

you're right, I'm actually seeing a lot of pushback against the old "biden isn't perfect but we HAVE to vote for him or nazi trump will win!!" rhetoric. it's the only reason he got elected last time and it won't work again. i don't want to vote for either of them, completely disillusioned with our entire political system at this point ngl

No. 1956167

Ayrt, and same. I voted third party last election (I live in a very liberal area and Biden won by a landslide in our district anyway) but my liberal friends still asked me point blank if I voted for Biden like they would end our friendship if I didn’t, since they knew how I felt about Biden. These are friends I’ve had for over a decade, and I do think they would have gotten over it eventually had I told them the truth, but it really revealed how deranged many americans are about our two-party system

No. 1956176

At this point I’d sooner vote for Hunter Biden than Joe, and Hunter’s crack pipe before Donald

No. 1956179

Hunters crack pipe is the ghost of Rob Ford 2024

No. 1956182

Damn I really burned my retinas for nothing lmao you can barely see the eclipse through the cloud cover

No. 1956211

The sky was clear where I am, it was pretty cool to see the eclipse. It got kinda dark and the temperature dropped while it happened.

the cute awkward cashier at the store I went to offered to let me use his glasses before I pulled mine out of my pocket hehe

No. 1956269

>no new wars

>over half a million dead Ukrainians
>unknown number of dead Russians
>over 30,000 dead Palestinians
>over 1,000 dead Israelis
>Israel bombing Syria, Iran and Lebanon threatening a bigger war
>Russia winning in Ukraine
>US pivot to China

Biden's foreign policy has been a disaster, where as Trump had the best American foreign policy in decades.

>voting for crack addicted pedo is better than voting republican
Two party politics is wild

No. 1956280

Vote republican if you wish but your second point makes it sound like trump isn’t a massive sexual predator himself

No. 1956289

>makes it sound like trump isn’t a massive sexual predator himself
I don't doubt that Trump has a depraved sexual history. However little is known about what's he's actually done. For Hunter Biden there's images and videos floating around the internet of him naked and smoking crack with underage prostitutes. Do you vote for known pedophile or the suspected pedophile?

No. 1956290

Out of curiosity I decided to look into what things, if any, Trump did right. It's really hard to find anything unbiased that isn't just "He made America great and tells it like it is!" or "He emboldened nazis and transphobes!".

So here are a couple of things he did do:
-Made animal cruelty a federal felony by signing the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act. This expanded federal legislation against animal cruelty and allows easier prosecution of animal cruelty cases that span multiple states. (I had no idea about that one until just now)

-He took a hard stance against China. China was starting to walk all over us with Obama. They steal our intellectual property through corporate espionage (and steal IP blatantly), refuse to allow American businesses operate there, but then have to gall to act shocked when the US tries to do the same.

-Operation Warpspeed. Ironically, he was behind a lot of the funding of the covid vaccine (a bit 'too little, too late' though)

-Tougher on immigration. Of course, some immigration is fine, but we're kidding ourselves if we pretend that we don't have a massive southern border issue that needs to be addressed.

No. 1956297

Fair points. I think trump’s worst offense imo was instigating the storming of the capital. I’m not sure how much amerifags realize how weak that made american democracy look. It was a national humiliation, all because trump couldn’t accept he lost the election

No. 1956304

Hello? Ever heard of E. Jean Carroll?

No. 1956306

Civilians around the world didn't care though and Trump was beyond visible globally and was saw to engage with world leaders when no one else would. At the end of the day our world leaders should be able to meet. His tweets for how crazy and funny they were did keep American politics constantly on your mind lol

No. 1956307

I think so? I remember RFK dropping out like 2 minutes after he said he wanted to run

No. 1956313

>Civilians around the world didn't care though
Yes they did. Foreigners follow american politics much more closely than most americans follow international politics. You’re simply wrong if you think it wasn’t being live-streamed on almost every foreign news channel

No. 1956317

I'm not gonna post this in unpopular opinions because I really don't want to get dogpiled on for speaking the truth but I know we're never going to have a female president, mostly because no one wants that. I can't imagine there being a female president who gets elected without turning the whole thing into a photo op or getting so caught up in pandering to the right audiences that she ends up not getting anything done, like Biden. I also know that if one year we did elect a female president she'd probably be very old and senile like Hillary Clinton or the former, because I can't picture a young woman (40-60) being elected. It would be Bernie Sanders pt 2, lots of recognition and magnitude but not enough to actually make a legitimate dent in anything kek.(baiting)

No. 1956318

And samefag I don't think any of us would enjoy the reality of there being a female president because then we'd all be expected to buck up and start behaving all girlbossy and I know that is very undesirable for all American women. lets face it; no one wants to work. Especially us. Really we shouldn't have to work at all, considering our bodys internal cycle.(baiting)

No. 1956319

What if it’s a situation where she isn’t elected but gets office anyways? Like if Joe Biden died right now Harris would become president

No. 1956323

Well that's assuming that the next male presidents would appoint female vice presidents which is highly unlikely, considering no man would have the visceral urge to do that and Biden partnering up with Kamala was just a virtue signal to assure he'd grab office, and if Kamala became president right now I feel like it would just kinda be like I described, meet & greets with dying kids in Palestine and photo ops shaking hands with other national figures, but not getting any work done in her home country. Kamala seems like the type of president to spend all day uploading tiktoks of her trying on different filters just to seem like a cool quirky mom. But we shall see cause Joey will probably kick the bucket soon kekk!

No. 1956327

Not American and can confirm >>1956313 - news outlets here would not shut the fuck up about either election or the capitol riot

No. 1956333

Am amerifag but I really wonder how other global powers will be able to take us seriously if we re-elect a retarded egomaniac who tried to undermine our democracy and was impeached twice. Dementia-patient Biden is also fucking embarrassing. Can we please have a leader who isn’t a national embarrassment? Please?

No. 1956337

>Of course, I hardly think Trump is going to handle Palestine-Israel any better than Biden since the evangelical lobby tends to be very pro-Israel
>Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s former White House adviser and his son-in-law, praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property,” suggesting that Israel should remove civilians while it “cleans up” the area.

No. 1956348

File: 1712614247632.webp (38.11 KB, 1024x1024, YASSSS!!.webp)

We're pro-Israel because thats where our chad dad Jesus is from

No. 1956353

>while leeching off of our tax dollars and receiving the best form of healthcare in the country.
It's not just old people voting against us, it's young people being brainwashed by the idea of corporations never being held accountable. I see so many young people telling other poor people to work more, sleep less, give up free time and hobbies, eat less, etc but very rarely see young people demanding the government instill laws to prevent scalping, unfair firings, companies shorting hours/wages, etc. they'll barely even admit the right to work laws are a problem and will just claim all companies never dare to fire over something stupid and everyone should've just figured out what they did wrong (without management doing their job and telling us ofc)

No. 1956359

>I don't think any of us would enjoy the reality of there being a female president because then we'd all be expected to buck up and start behaving all girlbossy
Tbh I don’t agree? Yes Americans can be retarded, but I feel like we have evolved to understand that everyone regardless of gender can have different levels of ambition. Women have been politicians and CEOs and generally in high profile positions for a while now and it hasn’t made things worse for less ambitious women. The way I see it, women who do have the ambition to assume high achievement have better opportunities to do so thanks to the glass ceiling having been broken in the past. Women who don’t remain unaffected. It’s a net positive for women.

>and I know that is very undesirable for all American women.

Kek, who are you to say? I think type A girl bosses who love the grind can be annoying as hell, but they’re definitely out there, and many are American.

Very odd post.

No. 1956363

people underestimate how much power the president actually has + having a woman president will just get our rights taken away as soon as her term is up since they'll just blame everything that goes wrong on the fact she's a woman

No. 1956365

Jan 6 was bad but the precedent for it was set by 2 months of widespread urban rioting and looting in summer 2020 including attacks on government buildings. Jan 6 made usa look bad in the eyes of foreigners because usa media acted like it was the end of the world, while calling summer 2020 peaceful protesting… honestly reps were set up and if dems had done it in the summer it wouldve just been treated like a powerful show of force against racist amerikkka

No. 1956366

Yes women can definitely be politicians but that doesn't mean that they'd make good presidents or vice presidents. Becoming the president is not really about what American civilians think you are capable of doing, it is a popularity competition which is then vindicated by the doings of the elected during their time in office. In the last four years we've got to enjoy with good old Kamala Harris, she has literally done nothing of importance. When we're comparing her to Lyndon Johnson, Teddy Roosevelt, Walter Mondale, Al Gore, it becomes obvious that she did not do her best possible work. Shes in the top 10 most insignificant VP's ever.

No. 1956367

ATA, or her term wouldn't even be a full 4 years kek. They could find a slew of reasons to remove her from office within the first 12 months.

No. 1956368

They're either a lazy retard or a moid

No. 1956369

Has this happened to woman governors, or woman presidents/head of state figures
in other countries? No, it hasn’t. We still have our rights and you could say we have more.
Because male presidents and VPs have had such a great track record as of late. But I feel it’s obvious who you are now. I’ll stop responding to what’s obvious bait.

No. 1956370

I live in Oregon, our last two governors have been female and our state is an absolute sewer. I think I'm qualified to talk about women politicians kek.(baiting)

No. 1956371

The scrotefoiling is getting out of hand on this website. Thats not even an extreme opinion, and its also verifiably true. We have voted on it before, and the results proved that no one wants a female president, much like how nobody wants it now.(baiting)

No. 1956372

Agreed. A woman as president is hardly controversial in the 21st century, be for real. So many countries that have more conservative and sexist cultures have had female presidents

No. 1956373

I'm British and yeah the news showed it but if you think normal people cared that the capital was stormed you'd be shocked. I heard more jokes that it was about time people went against their politicians lol

No. 1956374

Nobody ever used the word controversial, I don't think it would be controversial, I just feel like its very obvious at this point that no one really wants that. Also I'm not referring to other countries or cultures, I'm talking about America because thats where I live and I understand our culture.

No. 1956375

>I live in Oregon, our last two governors have been female and our state is an absolute sewer.
Why are you here? Like why visit a female-only imageboard in a thread to talk about American politics and culture just to sperg about female politicians? Did you think we would agree with you? Even if you’re not a scrote, the allegations are understandable by your weirdly antiquated misogyny

No. 1956379

south korea. backlash to their corrupt female president's so bad they eventually ended up electing a conservative president who ran on anti-feminist stances (even though their corrupt female president was also from the conservative party kek) and all their young moids are now even more right winged and anti-women than their old moids.

No. 1956380

File: 1712616838749.jpeg (253.35 KB, 828x1045, IMG_1450.jpeg)

NTA but South Korea is easily the most misogynistic country in the first world, it’s hardly comparable imo

No. 1956382

Any of the presidential candidates mentioned how to stop school shootings or people from getting guns or is that just an accepted part of the culture now?

No. 1956384

I haven't anything against female politicians, at all. I do know there absolutely are sectors of politics where women thrive. We do need female politicians in the United States, I'm just saying based off my own experience living under a large figurehead female politicians rule; that they choose to not function at maximum capacity, in interest of forming a more social bond with citizens. They abandon reality and making decisions that aide our state wholly, and instead choose to spend their time going to Pride parades, troon shilling at random speeches, or passing laws/bills that mean nothing at all. Also, I didn't make my post for the purpose of anyone to agree with me, I was just stating my opinion. If you disagree thats your prerogative and I have no desire to try and change your mind, especially because you can see for yourself what the effect of a female governor, vice president, or president (if this is to come to pass) has on civilians.(baiting)

No. 1956386

>I haven't anything against female politicians, at all
>They abandon reality and making decisions that aide our state wholly, and instead choose to spend their time going to Pride parades, troon shilling at random speeches, or passing laws/bills that mean nothing
is this guy serious

No. 1956387

I do not have anything against female politicians, I am just honestly referring back to decisions that were made under my female governors time in office. It would be shitty for me to lie in their favor for the purpose of 'girls supporting girlz1!!!'. Also I'm exhausted of newfags acting like criticizing the behavior of fellow women isn't welcome here? That is what this website was built on and still exists for.

No. 1956388

I know reviews of her are mixed, but god damn I felt Ali Wong when she said "I don't want to "lean in", I want to LIE DOWN"

No. 1956390

File: 1712617439054.jpeg (339.24 KB, 828x935, IMG_1451.jpeg)

Not trying to be rude, but are you from a different country or something? Improving gun control is a cornerstone of the Democratic Party’s campaign. Like it’s one of the only policies that they’re pushing that is actually quite popular with their constituency, up there with abortion rights

No. 1956391

The retard keeps replying to themselves in hopes of making their opinion seem more popular and riling us up. Keep flopping, loser.

No. 1956392

Let’s just ignore him, nonnies

No. 1956394

Oh I'm not offended lol yeah I'm not American I just haven't saw any talking points about it anywhere.

No. 1956400

File: 1712617941324.png (134.94 KB, 640x702, IMG_1453.png)

I see, no worries kek. It’s probably not talked about much because it’s a pretty established issue along party lines, so it’s kind of a given. Dems pretty unanimously want stricter gun control laws

No. 1956401

>I'm not American
Many such cases in the America threads

No. 1956403

i wish mods would autosage this thread americans truly are beyond retarded. not everyone in the world you disagree with is a big fat scary ugly scrote. go outside more often.

No. 1956408

>Anon enters the amerifag thread
>”Americans stupid!!1!”
>”Why won’t anyone agree with my retarded misogyny?”
No1currs, go away

No. 1956410

scrotefoiling and samefag accusations only make it more obvious that you’re missing chromosome. go drink a capri sun or something(infighting)

No. 1956411

oh, he's getting mad now

No. 1956414

Ayrt, where did I call you a scrote? Stop embarrassing yourself. Accept that anons don’t agree with your misogynistic opinions and move on instead of throwing a hissy fit here

No. 1956416

im not even op why is this getting blamed on me tf i’m just saying that not every one you disagree with is a moid. that’s not even agreeing with what was said

No. 1956419

You replied to MY post claiming I was scrotefoiling, which I didn’t do. You are genuinely retarded. Get fucked, loser

No. 1956421

ntayrt from your original responses but
>ignore him
>this guy
>they’re either a lazy retard or a moid
can you read kek

No. 1956423

>women shouldn't be president
>waaah why are you disagreeing with me you dumb women

No. 1956426

>you are retarded because i backtracking on scrotefooling even though my posts are visible
what is happening to this website i miss 2017 lolcow

No. 1956428

Nonas I am begging you to ignore this guy. Just don’t reply. He’s doing everything he can to integrate so it’s hard but just change the subject and don’t infight

No. 1956431

silly girls there's nothing wrong with the us military's 850 billion dollar budget, keep trying to make school lunches free or whatever

No. 1956434

ignore above

No. 1956435

>women are not allowed to have a different opinion from mine!!
that’s some shitty internalized misogyny

No. 1956441

every single post for the last like 45 minutes is by the same guy. literally arguing with the mirror. report and ignore..

No. 1956445

>companies shorting hours/wages
I will never understand how other Americans DON'T understand this at this point. I know so many boomers who treat getting a job alone as a fix-all to any sort of financial issues.

Maybe it's cause I'm around people with deadbeat parents but it's not uncommon to see young adults go through the long process of job searching (applying to 100 jobs a day with insane application processes to hear nothing back), then when you finally get a job most companies will refuse to give you proper hours and/or pay, then I see a lot of people being let off in the first 90 days over some stupid shit. Studio apartments made for teens and college students are almost 2k, jobs are barely paying 2k monthly after tax

No. 1956447

Whos your presidential husbando I'm not admitting mine until someone else reveals theirs

No. 1956450

File: 1712619863027.jpeg (42.02 KB, 554x554, IMG_1454.jpeg)

Hope I don’t get jumped for this by the ugly man psyop nonnies, but I’ve always found lincoln unconventionally attractive despite the fact that he was literally known for being fugly in his time. The civil war definitely aged him though

No. 1956453

I think Americans are becoming aware of that problem. Like here's an entire report from five years ago about retailers (specifically walmart) intentionally hiring pt employees over ft because it reduces the amount of benefits/insurance they have to cover

What I'm curious about is if there's going to be a boom of old retirees going after pt jobs because they can't afford to live off of their pensions

No. 1956456

File: 1712620052592.png (9.77 KB, 932x964, how jfk looks to me.png)

Obama is the hottest one and imo his looks have lasted the longest. Plus he's extremely charismatic, that's why we ignore his war crimes. And he was fairly young too, only 40 something when he came into office. I pray that we get more young hot presidents, whoever that may be in the future will have my vote.

I know JFK is popular but I think he is overrated, picrel is what I think of JFK.

No. 1956458

>Biden's foreign policy has been a disaster,
Biden abandoned the women of Afghanistan. Trump would have kept that going, just for military spending purposes, but at least the women there would be much better off. I mean, I would never vote for Trump, but it's really hard to bring myself to vote for Biden.

No. 1956460

>However little is known about what's he's actually done.
Rape. We know he raped Ivana and E Jean Carroll. We don't know exactly how many others he's raped, but there is no way there aren't more victims.

No. 1956462

>We know he raped Ivana
What wait? I know he's weird towards his daughters but how do we know he raped one?

No. 1956472

Ivana is his ex-wife, not his daughter Ivanka

No. 1956473

His daughter is Ivanka.
Ivana is his first wife.

No. 1956475

>gave his daughter basically the same name as his ex-wife

No. 1956478

Ivana is also Ivanka's mother. Do you guys not know Trump lore? Ivana is Trump's first wife and the mother of Donald Jr, Ivanka and Eric. Marla Maples, his second wife, is Tiffany's mother. Melania is Barron's.

No. 1956481

Oohh ok that makes much more sense.
>Do you guys not know Trump lore?
I always knew he had multiple wives, just never really bothered to look into it.

No. 1956484

File: 1712621909325.jpg (148.79 KB, 1200x1517, 1200px-Ulysses_S_Grant-Constan…)

If I had to pick, Grant. He has the best name and is the best looking out of all of them. I mean, he's not good looking, he's just better looking than the other presidents.

No. 1956488

File: 1712622143212.jpeg (670.32 KB, 1179x1418, IMG_9896.jpeg)

It’s okay nona even if his face is unconventional he was at least very tall and physically fit by all accounts. And he wasn’t fat. So many of them were fat.
Everyone had probably seen this but here’s Richard Nixon in college before he got fat. Not handsome as the president unfortunately. I have no president husbando but I will contribute this

No. 1956489

I don't think any of em were hot. But when I think of "president of America", the first guy that pops into my mind is Obama. Don't particularly like him, but I guess he was the most memorable to me.

No. 1956491

corporations have admitted to so much shit that Americans will still deny and point the finger at each other kek. they actually believe poor people have that much power and it's not the elites being blood thirsty. even smaller issues like thrift stores inflating shit goodwill admitted to taking luxury brands out of their donations and selling them on their official site but people are convinced it's depop teens trying to make a quick buck or hippies. they are simply too stupid to hold the right people accountable which is why shit will never get fixed

No. 1956495

File: 1712622562247.webp (18.63 KB, 560x420, obama.kun~.WEBP)

The chad chin is strong here

No. 1956509

File: 1712623691935.jpeg (849.98 KB, 1290x1951, IMG_0452.jpeg)

He was a chad

No. 1956511

File: 1712623718282.jpeg (36.38 KB, 220x178, IMG_0453.jpeg)

No. 1956526

My brother made me watch a series about him and 9/10 man from what I saw.

No. 1956528

Do not scrotefoil, report them and ignore them if you think they are a moid. Don't respond to obvious baits and give them attention. By responding you are just escalating it. Bans have been issued.

No. 1956536

He looks like my type tbh

No. 1957512

Ok Lana Del Rey, whatever you say. When is the next album coming out?

No. 1958876

Who are you voting for? I'm voting for Trump

No. 1958877

me too, i don't care for biden or any of the other candidates he just has more passion

No. 1958882

I am voting for whoever promises me a chance for more affordable living. Anyone who promises lowered rent costs has my vote.

No. 1958902

Realistically, how can a president do anything about your rent? You should be paying more attention to state or local elections for that.

No. 1959023

Elections feel like a large scale humiliation ritual now.

No. 1959118

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The trumpers itt…

No. 1959167

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I'm not voting this year. All the local/state level elections are in the bag for right wing terrorists and it doesn't really matter who wins POTUS. Things are going to get worse for most of us anyway.

No. 1959582

So all they have to do is "promise?" Fuck outta here.

No. 1959588

>live in populated area
>more development but very well defined and accessible nature preserves combined to form a super competent parks system that looks pristine. Great fresh food access between market gardens, ports, and rail lines.
>like nature and want more of it, so move to rural area
>any nature access is purely an accident and the only reason it hasn't all been knocked down is because nobody gives enough of a fuck about the area to build anything. Anything that does get built is a retardedly huge waste of space. Main purpose of woods for the locals is as a place to dump old tires and cars. Barely any farmers markets because all the farms are dedicated to corn, soy, and cattle. Everything else is dollar store slop.
Fuck you rural assholes up the ass. Never listening to your propaganda again.

No. 1959603

TBH the only reason I care about Trump winning again is that he's a climate denialist. Progress on this subject is so slow even with the Dems I don't want another four years of literally nothing happening. I also think drill baby drill will cause some large economic issues down the line. The more other countries supplement with alternative energy sources the more expensive fossil fuels will become. Even if ignoring pollution and all that ignoring greentech or whatever you want to call it will cause a fucked domestic energy market.

No. 1959627

Biden. Not that it matters since I live in a red state

No. 1961147

One of the biggest sources of pollution is import/export cheap plastic shit from China/India. The Yangtze river alone is responsible for 55% of all of the plastic pollution in the world. The climate change retards in charge are all corporate dipshits who are too high on their own farts to not see that what they are doing is ineffective at best, and ruins other people's lives at worst. Also they are also greedy cunts who again, haven't bat a single eye on the economic fuckery they have caused over the years.
Their attack dogs consist of retarded white people who are too empty minded to see that they should be inconveniencing the boomers in charge of this mess rather than everyday people who are living paycheck to paycheck.

Not a MAGAtard or trying to infight but what do you see in that scrote? I never understood people who stand by Biden because he openly assaults women and girls (and the public fucking rebrands that shit to "sniffing" the fuck out of here); not that there's any other option because Trump does that shit too.

No. 1961632

Im not even sure if I will be voting, but if I do probably Biden unfortunately. I might sit this one out though, no one is looking good.
Tbf, Trump supporters have always been on lc. I guess because everyone but his cult knows that he's just saw Republicans as easy targets, and because many farmers see him as a funny circus clown rather than a bigot or Ronald Reagan/Andrew Jackson levels of evil. It also helps that during his pregnancy, he didn't really do all the bad things everyone thought he would when he was first elected Someone correct me if I'm wrong, I think the worst thing to come out of Trump's pregnancy was him appointing the judges that would go on to ban abortion, which he did promise to do in 2016. That's one of the only promises he made good on.
Now someone on here supporting Desantis or Haley would be an actual surprise.

No. 1961637

>Trump's pregnancy

No. 1961641

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I wheezed so hard my nose started running

No. 1961642

>everyone but his cult
I say "but his cult" cause I don't really group trump voters/sympathizers in with people who go full MAGAtard.

No. 1961645

KEK I'm sorry, idk where my mind was while righting that

No. 1961817

This is so accurate it hurts. Also depending on the state all the natural/wild land is PRIVATE so you can't access it anyway without trespassing (which you wouldn't do because guns), and what isn't private is actually just a tree farm that the locals use as a place to hunt.

No. 1961820

the president of the united states is bought and paid for by corporate interest before they're ever even up for presidential nomination. neither one of them is going to do anything about the climate crisis. Not trying to be a debbie downer just being realistic. The corporations and investors funding the politicians do not have a plan to mitigate climate issues, they have a plan to exploit the climate crisis for maximum profit and minimal loss (this is not tinfoil, you can read their meeting notes).

No. 1962142

A president could use his direct power and his political power to make it illegal for corporations to buy or sell houses, he could set rent caps, and he could actually punish companies that create rent monopoles.

No. 1962515

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>tfw America getting involved in yet another conflict that does not concern us
If they go on the offense I swear to God..
>The White House vowed Saturday that the United States' support for Israel's security is "ironclad," pledging to stand with the Jewish state and "support their defense" after Iran launched an aerial drone attack towards the country Saturday afternoon.
>"We are closely monitoring Iranian killer drones that are en-route to Israel sent by Iran," Hagari said. "This is a severe and dangerous escalation. Our defensive and offensive capabilities are at the highest level of readiness ahead of this large- scale attack from Iran."

No. 1962586

I wish america would shut the fuck up and focus on their own country for once. Our economy is shit and some places still dont even have access to clean water, food or electricity. I hate moids because we all know war only exists because of them

No. 1962588

That would be the best thing because rent caps is so desperately needed right now. We dont have a shortage on housing. We have a shortage on affordable homes right now, because so many pieces of shits are hiking the rent, or buying homes to use for Air bnbs. There's no reason anyone should be homeless if they have a job. You should be able to work 40 hours a week and afford a home, food, etc.

No. 1962909

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this meme fr

No. 1972365

>that Tittle IX update
Fucking hell

No. 1972538

Nonna who was thinking about moving to Albany/Troy, are you still here? It's the anon who gave you some advice in the last thread, I was in Troy the other weekend for the first time in a while and was amazed by how gentrified and nice the downtown has become, even compared to the last time I visited a few years ago, much less the depressed dump it was like when I was living in the Capital District. The historic architecture has always been beautiful, but suddenly it really feels like a thriving city. So you're making a good move, I think.

No. 1974201

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No. 1974204

File: 1713731426514.webm (2.91 MB, 640x360, B-8oKYhQ0eb1yPcY.webm)

Video of pedo getting turned into swiss cheese. it's censored and not graphic. Just satisfying.

No. 1974222

No. 1974227

Damn they lit his ass up. Thanks nona for putting this on here

No. 1974255

No. 1974289

Finally, some good news.

No. 1974870

Imagine the second to last thing you hear in life is the "4imprint 4certain" jingle.

No. 1975480

come to the movie room, fellow burgers. we're watching a doc about the plastics industry fucking us over with recycling legislation
Happy Earth Day!

No. 1976269

Some sick fuck over in Wyoming chased down a wolf pup on a snowmobile and ran it over. He then proceeded to take the poor pup and place a dog shock collar on it, duck tape its mouth closed and take it to the local bar to show off. All while the poor thing was still barely alive. I fucking hate moids.

No. 1976312

Don't forget him shooting poor pup after torturing it. My blood was boiling when i knew about this. How the fuck can he feel so proud about himself, when it was literally a little girl puppy?? How pathetic can you be? It's not like he fought a huge aggressive male wolf with his bare hands, such a coward would never. Disgusting subhuman.

No. 1976322

Maybe I'm just heartless, but I don't know why everyone is crying over a wolf like this. They're predators that wouldn't think twice about ripping you to shreds if they caught you alone.

No. 1976329

Doing all that and showing off the carcass was completely unnecessary. They're dangerous predators but this doesn't mean he should torture the fuck out of it and parade it around. It wasn't even an adult wolf, most of them try to avoid humans anyway.

No. 1976343

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I bet the people who feel upset about this are city-slickers who have never felt threatened or been attacked by wild animals. Nature is cruel. Wild animals in regions where they've been hunted are less likely to attack humans. Why? Partially because as those that get close to humans are hunted out of the population, the ones that survive are those that have an instinct to stay away from people. That man did good work keeping the wolves in check.(bait)

No. 1976353

Literal psychopath behavior, I fucking hate moids. Who the hell sees a wild animal—a baby at that—and decides to torture and kill it to show off? Reading the full news story about it makes me want to cry, it was beyond cruel what happened to it.

It'd be one thing if someone killed predators that were attacking their livestock but you're really making excuses for some scrote running one over on a snowmobile on purpose? There were zero reported fatal wolf attacks in the US last year be serious, you're acting like wolves are running amok killing and injuring dozens of people.

No. 1976410

You shouldn't torture animals just because you don't like them.

No. 1976425

Hillbillies will parade around a dying wild animal because "it's a predator" but will say nothing when Luna the pitbull eats a child

No. 1976894

I live in a rural town. You sound like one of those city slickers who get bored of their suburban house and are deeply insecure so they decide to go live on a "farm" in the middle of nowhere so they can show everyone they're an "alpha" by unnecessarily killing off half of the animal population in that area. The kind that can't even hunt but instead takes their huge expensive car to run over a wolf pup that was already running away so they can show how "powerful" and "dangerous" they are to their friends while eating store-bought hamburgers.
Someone who's used to those areas wouldn't waste time running over a small wolf and would be mindful not to unnecessarily kill anything that moves for fun just so they can play with the carcass later.

No. 1977572

Kys redneck

No. 1978190

What are you talking about? Everyone hates pitbulls except pit owners.

No. 1978409

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Not to dox myself but where the FUCK do I go to meet gender critical women in Wisconsin/the midwest in general? I'm not asking for true blue radfem TERFs who live in female only communes (though that would dope as fuck), just asking where the hell I can meet women who don't entertain and validate the tranny menace? I live in a border town so all around me are stoner burnout losers/alcoholics with colorful fried hair and crusty piercings who go by retarded pronouns and I just need to break the fuck away.

No. 1978425

Samefag but if any cool gendercrit Wiscononnies want to make a friend finder post…. please do I'm paranoid and don't want to make a new discord but I'll add you on discord! Just don't want my discord handle out there lol. I'm down to listen to you complain about work and moids/troons and talk about weeb/nerdy shit if you want. I don't hate fujos but I've outgrown fujoism myself personally (except in a funny ironic jokey way). I'm also a collector of fashion dolls so you will need to be able to handle a bit of doll sperging. Shout out my Wiscononnies. I feel kinda of bereft of personality right now, life's just been tough. But I know if I had a friend to be straight forward with it'd make life a bit easier. Hopefully one of you midwesties are also looking for a gendercrit friend.

No. 1978429

You've never seen a large predator in person except at the zoo.

No. 1978431

maybe eating some cheese will make you feel better

No. 1978444

Retarded zoosadist, rope already. We know you're seeking attention, but please do what God wills, fulfill your biological destiny and put a bullet in your head. I promise paying a third worlder to torture a monkey and jacking off to news stories of dogs and wolves being tortured won't make your existence any less pitiful.

No. 1978446

>idiot doesn't know we get a supply of one gubmint cheese shake a day for a whole month
Thanks Tony Evers! And thanks for allowing sex pest moids to compete alongside girls in school athletics! Evers' pansy bitch ass is nothing but a vessel for the retarded tavern league.(infighting)

No. 1978450

Anybody in Detroit? Looking for pros and cons of living there. Not worried about the cold weather unless the city truly can't handle plowing or something unsafe. If I move there I will probably be there for 4 years minimum, possibly for the rest of my life if I like it. Also if you live in Detroit now do you think people want outsiders to move in or do they prefer outsiders stay away? I'm from the northeast, not from a major city, so not an insanely long move for me but I've never lived in the midwest.

No. 1978459

You sure you want to live in Detroit? It’s an infamously crime ridden city and is basically a meme.

No. 1978500

Nonna, the “can’t have shit in Detroit” meme is real. If you want to move to the Midwest, Chicago is better than Detroit and still affordable, and Minneapolis is better than Chicago but less affordable

No. 1979100

Anyone else really feeling the calm before the storm before this election. There’s no way this is gonna go well. Right wing wants to do project 2025 and turn the country into a Christian nationalist state. Left wing just wants to take our rights but pretend to be progressive about it. And third party is just throwing away a vote.

No. 1979110

I'm starting to get creeped out that it's nearly May and everything is crickets. Quietest election year ever.

No. 1979577

>left wing
Do you actually think our Democratic Party is left wing?

No. 1979588

confession but I rather have a project 2025 than project tranny tbh, can’t stand seeing them around and progressively getting louder with their entitled demands. state elections matter the most but we keep giving way too much power to the federal government

No. 1979591

Agreed, but you never really know what's going to happen in the next few weeks.

No. 1979594

Likely that the Trump hush money verdict in NYC will come down within a couple of months. That'll kick things off

No. 1979602

same. people on this site get pissed when I mention it but this tranny thing has completely taken over the country like its the only issue Americans have anymore

No. 1979622

I think the student protests at universities and them getting arrested will also pick up speed.

No. 1979633

That's pretty normal when the incumbent is running. 2020 was very unusual.

No. 1979914

Nobody wants to live in Detroit. Even the cemeteries have fresh vacancies as the dead people are leaving. The only habitable parts are the gentrified hipster bits directly downtown, so like 6 city blocks.
They know they have to hide Biden as much as possible. The only chance they have is to derail Trump, they can't promote Biden at all. I know people who listen to DNC cope videos on shittok, all they have is cope.

No. 1980304

Can you move to Ann Arbor maybe if you still want Michigan? I don't know what your situation is.

No. 1981157

Is Miami worth it for a girls trip?

No. 1981204

If you’re attractive and rich, sure. If not, disparities in disposable income and attractiveness (some of you may not get into clubs, etc) could cause conflict within your friend group

No. 1981255

I went to Miami for a 3-day weekend and stayed in a cheap Marriott with a rooftop pool and went on walks around the city and beach, it was pretty nice. I don't see why you couldn't do that with girlfriends. I did not sample the nightlife/clubs but the beach and food was great. Went on a snorkeling day trip one of the days, there are places in miami will pick you up and drive you out to the keys, didn't take that long and was fun. I could have just lounged at the hotel too.

No. 1981300

Florida has some really beautiful beaches, lol

Never had to buy and wear so much sunscreen

No. 1981428

i don't like trannies either, but i also don't interact with them pretty much ever so it doesn't affect me too negatively having a more liberal government. but project 2025 would make the country a lot less livable day to day. there are republicans pushing to ban birth control and abortion, and if they take over the federal government and adjust voting measures, we could end up in an authoritarian nightmare.

No. 1981952

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Is the book Demon Copperhead an accurate overview of life in Appalachia? If so it's pretty whack mainstream leftists don't talk about the toothless hillbilly white trash stereotypes the same way they talk about the stereotypes that get applied to poor black people..

No. 1981974

This sounds like fanfiction of David Copperfield which is lame; that was based on Dickens' actual life experiences but Barbara Kingsolver is too upper class to write this. Her book The Poisonwood Bible was really good because she had personal experience with the topic and the relationship / reactions of the sisters was believable.

No. 1983368

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I cannot wait to see the goofy new post office vehicles on the road
source: USPS magazine The Eagle https://about.usps.com/resources/eaglemag/the-eagle-vol-3-3-final.pdf They mail these out to postal employees but it's also free to read on their website

No. 1983420

Unironically same.

No. 1983424

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No. 1984002

This can’t be real lmao

No. 1984081

Fellow Amerinonnies, what was the worst thing that happened at the house/apartment/condo/wherever you lived at? Just curious.

No. 1984099

Someone fell through the ceiling

No. 1984102

The kinds of cars i was drawing when i was 6.

No. 1984105

>squirrel problem
>rat problem
>spider problem
>frog problem
>ghost problem
>ant problem
>apartment fires happening multiple times in one year
>racist druggies occasionally needing me to buzz the building door open for them, but yelling "halfbreed" on the way to their apartment
>my step-dad occasionally letting an apartment neighbor sleep in the guest bedroom on his way from drunk-driving and losing his keys
>kid on the level above us stomping around for fun all fucking day, every day.
>that time some immigrant workers dug through my underwear drawer and stole a few hundred bucks from me (got it back though)
>those same immigrant workers deliberately littering in our yard
>some dumbass speeding through the narrow road in front of our house with the police right behind him
>kid pissed on the side of our house just to show his friends that he could do it
>my older step-sister inviting teenage boys into the house while everyone else was asleep
>gas leak

No. 1984110

my dad owns the house we live in, but the bath is built in a way that it keeps leaking and it's been like that since day one even though attempts have been made to fix the problem. We can't use it now and we all have to use the bathroom in my parents room.

No. 1984117

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A man committed suicide across the street from my old apartment. He had hung himself right up front. It was one of those gated apartments for old people. Luckily I didn’t see it but the second and third floor people had caught a glimpse. Another terrible thing is that more than once we had people flip their cars over on the street because they’re driving drunk like retards. The apartment was kinda close to the beach so I imagine that’s why. Normally it’s quiet in that area now tho, besides the occasional homeless people screaming.

No. 1984123

What an attention seeker scrote

No. 1984157

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it's very real, they've been talking about them since 2020 or 2019. I think the first time I saw an official concept image was 2021. Oshkosh Defense is manufacturing them https://oshkoshdefense.com/technology/electrification/

No. 1984163

>multiple break-in attempts from drunk and druggie scrotes
>neighbors getting into jerry springer tier fights
>neverending mice
>oven almost catching on fire
>entire next door house getting burned down from top to bottom, fire almost got in my family's backyard
this is in the suburbs btw

No. 1984199

I mean it sounds like it has a lot of quality-of-life updates, which is a good thing for the workers. I think the design is kind of cute. It looks like a chihuahua lmao.

No. 1984277

>someone keeps fucking up their hotbox thus setting off the smoke alarm for the entire apartment block
>someone lost their keys to get in so they just shattered the glass door and waltzed on in, I personally witnessed this at 3 am
>multiple cases of people having sex in the pool
>multiple cases of domestic violence that you can overhear several blocks down
>some guy keeps riding his motorcycle in-between courtyards
>occasional tweekers vs. homeless on the street.
Los Freakin Angeles Baby

No. 1984304

A retired neighbor across the street died in his house and nobody knew for almost a month, a hazmat company had to clean the house.

Also a woman died in an apartment fire and I felt terrible because they were a customer at my job. I knew she had a back injury that really limited her mobility, so I have the feeling she was sleeping and/or drunk and couldn't get herself out of a door in time.

No. 1984394

I have lived at my apartment complex for only three years, and there have already been two attempted murders here. It's fucking bullshit that I pay this much to live somewhere so ghetto. I can't wait to escape this trash city.

No. 1984402

Jokes about hillbillies are so common that they made an entire wildly successful TV series about them. Insults for people are only common in areas where you regularly encounter those people. So the hillbilly stereotypes are very common where I live, but I've never heard stereotypes about Jewish or middle eastern people because none live here. It sounds like you just live in an area with lots of black people, but few hillbillies.

No. 1984432

There was a guy in the building next to me that murdered a college student and then committed suicide. I was watching the news and looking out the window and it was wild seeing them tow his car to look for evidence

No. 1984436

There was a man I was friendly with as a young child at my dads apartment complex and he was a serial rapist who raped over 10 women

No. 1984537

a moid murdered his entire family

No. 1984606

I didn't live in the building, but I used to work as an administrative assistant in the management office of a luxury condo high-rise. The units had balconies, and I lost track of number of times the cops were called because someone was threatening to jump. A lot of rich people with drug problems.

No. 1984624

I live in a "luxury" apartment building. They used to have a lot of Airbnbs and someone was cleaning their loaded gun and the bullet went through the neighbour's bedroom. She was screaming at management to pay her moving fees ( rightfully so). I've also had my fair run-ins with pitbulls and owners kicking their dogs.

No. 1984636

homeless man who lived in the woods held a woman hostage + raped her, and after leaving prison for that he killed his brother. the local police knew he was a recurring nuisance but would occasionally have him help them out while he was in jail, like moving stuff around for them

No. 1984679

Schizo scrote next door neighbor killed his sister and her boyfriend hid their bodies in the shed that was on the shared lot between our homes. She was such a sweet girl. All of it really fucked me up, immediately moved as fast as I could.

No. 1984698

There was a meth lab explosion on my side of the apartment, and a few murders

No. 1984710

Why did her boyfriend hide her murder if her brother was the murderer?

No. 1984796

Sounds like the schizo killed the boyfriend too.

No. 1984838

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What's the atmosphere in the country like right now? Is it better, worse, or the same than it was two years ago?

No. 1984844

It looks so stupid, I love it

No. 1984846

People shooting up cars literally right underneath my fucking window in the middle of the night. Luckily my own car was spared but the ones next to it were not. The roach infestation at that place sucked too. There was also apparently a triple murder suicide where some scrote killed his wife and children and jumped off the balcony at the apartment I lived in during high school

No. 1984854

what a cursed image.

No. 1984895

in my first shitty apartment, my next door neighbor was a hoarder. When they moved out and they had to hire trash collectors to clear out their apartment, I guess the roaches were looking for a new home because they fucking SWARMED me. Crawling up the walls in the middle of the day, I even found one in my bed once.
They started living in my fridge and microwave, I'd find squished roach bodies behind the plastic covering the button panel on my oven. I became scared to turn on the light at night because you'd see dozens skittering into the shadows. I was too grossed out to even use my kitchen so I started eating exclusively premade stuff from the grocery store.
I tried every type of bait on the market, diatomaceous earth, glue traps, pesticides, resealing any holes, fumigations, professional pest control visits etc. but they kept coming. I still had 4 months on my lease and I had no where else to go. I tried to contact the office about letting me move to a different unit because mine was a biohazard and they ignored me.
Not to mention the neighbor from hell was also an animal hoarder and let loose about 12 cats to run around the apartment complex once they left. With the help of my neighbors we neutered all of them, adopted out the tame ones and we took turns feeding the feral cats that now just lived outside.
Once I finally got to move out that shithole I had to leave all of my furniture behind because I was terrified of taking eggs with me. I was taking apart a table and found roach corpses inside it so everything I owned but my clothes and valuables was taken to the dump.
I still have nightmares about living there, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Hunting for a new apartment took ages because if I saw even a hint of roach poo or egg I was out and surprise! most low/mid price apartments have roaches apparently.

No. 1984987


No. 1985013

I actually have seen many get up in arms about negative portrayals of Appalachian culture

No. 1985023

AYRT yeah commas are important my bad. Schizo killed his sister and her boyfriend.

No. 1985041

Maybe slightly better than two years ago? But much worse than before the pandemic. That lockdown fucked everyone who wasn't an industrial arms dealer or Blackrock. Food is much more expensive, houses are much more expensive and the increased "value" leads to paying absolutely insane taxes on them, and rent is so out of control that most people are putting off having children just to afford to have somewhere to live. Still, if you're starting out with good money, or else you've got an in demand white collar skill, it can still be a pretty good life.

No. 1985065


No. 1985117

File: 1714426423367.jpg (173.81 KB, 1500x500, 1625971317855.jpg)

all these MFs moving from the south to the north better prepare. just because you heard a rumor about how wonderful welfare or support services are in northern states, doesn't mean its true. Don't shocked pikachu face when you're told that nobody is willing to pay almost $1000 for a full tank of heating oil for you when you had almost an entire year to save up. Don't think anybody up here is going to hold your hand through the winter. Also, could the southerners moving to the north shut the fuck up about the homeless population or refugee population? Either help or fuck off. Also, people coming up to the north with their 8 kids, fuck off. People my age with 7 children, fuck off. Everyone fuck off.

No. 1985119

It's because Americans are so obsessed with "hard work" aka almost killing themselves that they can't and won't be bothered to fight for affordable housing, food, medical care, etc. even anons here will come out the woodwork and tell people just to try and budget harder for a home, food, etc rather than ever admitting there's anything wrong with the economy. Biggest fucking cucks alive, at this point you might as well spread your ass cheeks for the government if you're just gonna be happy about them fucking you that hard

No. 1985121

I know the government fucks me, I ain't dying for a bunch of strangers though. To make political change in America would require martyrs, and I'm not volunteering because 15-30% of those people would just ruin the whole new thing. Instead, I've focused my entire life on becoming educated enough that I can make enough money to live comfortably in a crime free area.

No. 1985123

Nicest and most welcoming yankee

No. 1985127

Southerner who went up north here and I have no fucking clue what you're talking about kek. My car insurance went down like 200 just by moving alone, gas, car and home maintenance is all the same price, medical insurance is a million times better just by switching states and now I don't have to drain my bank account anytime I need a filling or UTI antibiotics. Jobs here aren't stuck in 08 and actually understand that most people can't survive on min wage and -pikachu shock face- making people work 10 hours a week isn't sustainable, you can ask people directions at the gas station without them wanting to shoot you, etc. hell, the fact that it was so much easier getting a job that wasn't 20 hours a week minimum wage is the reason why I moved in the first place.

As for winters I don't mind them only because where I live the city actually takes care of the roads instead of letting potholes and open sewage fuck your shit up and drain your bank account getting tows, the worst thing is just the fact there's no waffle houses, huddle house, or gas station chicken but it seems like a good trade off for not being surrounded by pedos, meth heads and my piggy bank is full

No. 1985128

No one's asking you to die or anything, just don't scream at people to go get 5 jobs, do crack instead of sleeping or whatever the hell house crazy "advice" muricans give to poor people instead of admitting the economy is fucked

No. 1985133

Is phone service bad in general? It seems like no business answers phones anymore and it sucks even more for medical care. My tooth actually fell out because my dental office NEVER answered the phone when I needed a root canal and when I would show up and cancel they'd claim they can only schedule via call center they outsourced to

No. 1985134

Wait, what happened? I haven't heard people are moving from the south to the north more than people always move around. Is this a local phenomenon you're experiencing?
we should pass a law to make outsourcing phone jobs overseas illegal.

No. 1985141

I've seen people unironically shill living in a car. Like what the fuck is this "advice"?

No. 1985145

You believe the strawmen that our propaganda channels create? You realize you shouldn't watch those, because that's not a real person.

No. 1985149

can't be fake about how it feels
without revealing where I live, I have a different experience. Meth heads LOL they're everywhere, same with pedos. Pedos love the area I live in, and the only places to work that are worth working for require a level of manual labor or college education that attracts people to meth and other stimulants so they can keep up. Potholes are fucking everywhere, and yeah we have gas station chicken. I have to pay more for a car, including yearly inspection and registration, and our public transportation is non-existent. If you want to work at a Mobil Station or Walmart, you're more than welcome, but if you want a job that actually pays well, go back to school or get ready to get your hand cut off in a mill accident.

No. 1985153

samefag, sorry - real estate is being snatched up by out-of-staters here, who then increase the rent and make it nearly impossible for a person living off walmart wages to afford. Everyone's getting pushed out of more "urban" areas that have walkable areas, food resources, etc. We're all getting forced to live in bumfuck nowhere next to weirdos who wave confederate flags around and get upset that there was a book about vaginas in the high school library. And even worse, little weird freaks from the south who believe in white supremacy are trying to buy up all the land to turn it into an ethnostate.

No. 1985155

Once I saw someone complain about CNA pay and some moid came in and unironically told her to go get a one way bus ticket to Florida and be homeless for a few months in FLORIDA since they need CNAs there. When it was pointed out him just cause they need them doesn't mean they're paying them better and Florida housing market is in shambles he blew it off and claimed there's charities that will give her an apartment and free food and clothes (shocker he also couldn't name any of these magical charities either). Another time I saw a moid call diabetics stupid for overpaying for insulin and/or dying because he claimed he saw cheap insulin online, ended up linking to a site that only had supplies but not actual insulin and wasn't even licensed to sell insulin and claimed his friend gets insulin there for $10 a month. Can't forget crappy house anon either and tells people to mindlessly listen to this crappy advice online and if you don't listen to anonymous people with poor advice you deserve to suffer then

No. 1985157

Sucks for you then but that definitely wasn't my experience. There's a reason why the highest crime states are southern states, the worst employment laws, etc. there's probably a handful of bad areas up north you were unlucky enough to stay in but that definitely, definitely isn't normal and I've lived in 5 different areas

No. 1985159

Yeah, the combination of housing costs and food prices rising rapidly is totally fucking people. I'm lucky to have a stable living situation, but my grocery bill has doubled in the past eighteen months. Even fast food chains and diner food have gone from cheap-but-unhealthy convenience meals to being splurges I have to budget for.

No. 1985165

>rich out-of-staters taking over the urban areas, white supremacists trying to build an ethnostate
Do you live in the inland Pacific Northwest, nona? All that sucks and I believe you, but it's not representative of "the north" in general.

No. 1985169

>little weird freaks from the south who believe in white supremacy are trying to buy up all the land to turn it into an ethnostate.
Not that I don’t believe you, but as a southerner I was genuinely shocked at just how much whiter a lot of the northern states are when I visited multiple college friends up north. I’m sure it varies, and there definitely are confederate-tards in my home state, but it’s still much more diverse than anything I’ve ever encountered in the north and most people coexist without issue

No. 1985188

yep, got priced out of my hometown because of that, it quickly became a trendy resort town for all the richies to move to, apartments that were 400 dollars a month got brought out and turned into 2k monthly and they brought all the starter homes to rent them out to unaffordability, cafes that were 20 bucks for a family to sit down and eat got turned into 90 dollar vegan restaurants, thrift stores and clothing shops tripled, coffee shops triples, spas and salons tripled, and quality went down rapidly. I remember going back and eating at my fav restaurant and the gourmet corndog got turned into some microwave crap while doubling in price. the burger shop stopped doing specials where I can get a float and hamburger for 5 bucks, farmers markets tripled, etc etc

and shocker, the employees that kept these place upfloat all had to move somewhere else these businesses started shutting down and everyone's abandoning the town now. it's not "healing" though they aren't bothering to sell the homes or rent them out for cheaper, they'd literally rather keep all their crap on the market for years than to lower the price. These rich people quite literally expected the poors to scrimmage for housing, live in the woods or something else instead of, I don't know, making affordable housing options?

even just checking the market now, all the homes in my old town have been up for over 2 years and they barely lowered the price, they actually believe some rich unicorn is going to pay 3 million for a falling apart loft on top of a shut down convenience store

No. 1985199

I'm so sorry nona, I hope you never see one of those disgusting things ever again. Good on you for helping to neuter the cats though. Roaches genuinely terrify me because I had never even seen one until I moved from a cold state to a warm one when I had to leave my parents house. The retarded front office lady who worked there just said "That's just how things are in -State-" and blamed the mulch outside when I brought up the roaches. I moved out when the lease was up and haven't even seen one in years. Even my retarded 18 year old self knew she was lying.

No. 1985200

same I can go to the grocery store in my southern city and hear like 4 different languages but when I visit northern states it's so unbelievably white. It made me understand how there's tons of confederate flag types up north, maybe even more than I see at home

No. 1985211

My anecdotal impression as a Northerner is that even in diverse areas, the North can be a lot more segregated at the neighborhood level. This is true of where I live (exurbs of a major city), to some extent it's class driven rather than being racial per se (middle and upper middle class whites vs. blue collar blacks and Hispanics), but it's definitely noticeable even though the white people in my neck of the woods pride themselves on how tolerant and enlightened they are.

No. 1985243

CNA labor is extremely undervalued. its sad because their work is important and taxing.

No. 1985260

this happened to me too nonnie. i miss how quiet my small beach town used to be, now it's a shit show with the high rise "luxury" apartments and all the chain restaurants popping up. There used to be a long stretch of the main road that was completely wooded, now its all gone to make more room for more bullshit.

No. 1985318

that is true. the white supremacists are attracted to "preserving" the whiteness of the state because of a recent influx of non-white people. Really, though, the white supremacists don't care about the people in the state, they just see an opportunity to live in an extremely rural and white location. It's probably less intimidating to proudly declare you're a supremacist in front of mostly white people. I think I'm also annoyed by the fact that people flying confederate flags in the north seem doubly-stupid.

No. 1985383

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Groceries have become so expensive that I've finally caved to trying premium brands, since it's only a few cents or a dollar difference from everything else getting shrinkflated or price hiked.

No. 1985399

>they actually believe some rich unicorn is going to pay 3 million for a falling apart loft on top of a shut down convenience store
that's the issue with companies now, they all believe rich people are going to save them from their price gouging.
>why should I make this 02 honda cheaper when some super rich person can buy it?
>why should shop leases, ghetto apartments in nowhere midwest, no tell motels, etc be cheaper when some rich person is gonna come up and buy it?
>why should we make things in this store cheaper when rich people can buy them just fine?
and a lot of these places end up shutting down their crap when they could've easily made prices cheaper and attracted more customers but oh now it's better to flush millions of businesses expenses down the drain than to dare let poor people have anything nice. You already see the same happen to beauty stylists like lash techs who are complaining people don't want to pay so much money for their crap when they could've just lowered prices

No. 1985425

I finally got my green card approved tonight, nonnies! It took so damn long but it feels good.

No. 1985469

Same. Cheap shit is getting expensive so I might as well shell out a few more cents for better quality and taste

No. 1985512

There’s no way I’ll be able to afford to live in my hometown if I get into the career I want. Thinking of moving to the south just so I can afford to buy myself a mobile home or something. I’m so fucking tired of apartment life.

No. 1985516

>Thinking of moving to the south just so I can afford to buy myself a mobile home or something. I’m so fucking tired of apartment life.
good luck, the south has the worst employment laws and are notorious for firing left and right, keeping places understaffed and cutting hours even in professional fields. as for trailer parks you can thank bayshore for buying up trailer parks and tripling lot rent + mortgage. Most people in trailer parks are now paying more than what a lot of people are paying for starter homes and I've seen them rent out torn up 2 bedroom trailers in industrial towns for like 1300-2500/monthly

No. 1985519

Thankfully mobile homes can be moved out of the trailer park if you buy land to put it on. My family owns one and we’ve had people do this. Alternatively you can buy a mobile home outright from the manufacturer.

No. 1985520

I think I’d genuinely rather kms than face the prospect of living with cold snowy winters for the rest of my life though

No. 1985522

How hard was it to set up water and electricity on your own?

No. 1985523

>Thankfully mobile homes can be moved out of the trailer park if you buy land to put it on
bayshore would never. I've gotten blocked by trailer parks for even asking to move
>Alternatively you can buy a mobile home outright from the manufacturer.
I went to a clayton homes manufacturer and the cheapest build was like 150k and then even more for delivery (several thousand) and another few thousand for the foundation

No. 1985530

What kind of build were you looking into? Used trailers are ok to have if they’re post 1970 as they have a ton of asbestos.
You can pay people to do it. Depending on the manufacturer they can set it up.

No. 1985534

I'm not prissy but just anything really, the only other option would be buying a trailer straight up off of FB marketplace or something but someone struggling can't exactly afford to pay 20-40k straight up nevermind delivery, repairs, etc

No. 1985719

We have no money. The government is dead broke, we've been getting by by flashing our overpowered military and sucking off Arab princes for oil. All the loan money is being used for shit that only helps corrupt officials and not the public.
Not necessarily, the different ethnicities in Europe before the Roman empire pretty much got forcefully stripped of their culture and beliefs once Christianity spread. And now each country while having similar beliefs most definitely has differences in culture. And some European immigrants still kept a lot of their culture when moving over to the the America's, like Italians. The whites that did homogenize were mainly protestant pilgrims that came over for religious freedom, so honestly religion and beliefs seems to be the driving factor in all of this.
This shit is happening in the south as well, and I'm not just talking about Florida. And those hwite supremacists you worry about probably aren't coming from the south. Most of us are poor as fuck and can't afford to move across states. I theorize that most of the transplants in a majority of states have and always were drifters that move wherever. California has always been the big ticket state and I guess Oregon, Miami and then the rest of Florida for seniors, but but now these freaks are moving to even more places and shitting them up, as long as it's cheaper than where they used to live. Then when those areas get gentrified they'll stay until it all collapses in on itself then leave to go fuck up another place. You can't convince me the everyday working American can just get up and move across the country, no these people live like this. And the shitty local politicians who love sniffing eachothers buttholes welcome them with open arms and use our tax dollars as a greeting gift.

No. 1985723

I hate how much corporations are getting away with. Housing shouldn't be a fucking business. Much less the inbred cousin of home. Life feels like a dark comedy right now, I don't see the point in it.

No. 1985854

Which states have the best weed and which ones have the worst?

No. 1985858

ok Rick&Mortyfan2003

No. 1985873

Ah yes as a connoisseur of marijuana I’ve traveled state to state to sample the finest bud and I can tell you without a doubt that the state who grows the finest is gtfo newfag

No. 1985894

No. 1985909

No. 1985918

It doesn't matter anymore, most states import their weed from large standardized growers who make it into vapes and edibles. But Maine weed sucks absolute total dick, Florida weed has taken a significant turn for the worse in the past two years, and the best weed I've ever tried was from a redneck's home grown stock in Pennsylvania.

No. 1985933

We moved to completely raw land (no hook ups) and had to start from scratch, and it was pretty hard. The permits were annoying, the inspections were annoying, and finding a contractor who won't lie or cut corners is a full time job unto itself. Most places will require septic permits, proof of water service, and a driveway permits before you can apply for a building permit for the mobile home to be on your land. Still, I recommend it because after years of hard work, it has paid off a thousand times and I own a house worth far more than I would ever be able to afford or buy today.
>the cheapest build was like 150k
There's a difference between a trailer and a manufactured home. You're looking at manufactured houses, but if you're looking for cheap you either want a used camper or else a used mobile home. A camper is easier to move and can be pulled from place to place but is very small, a mobile home/trailer can be moved but it requires a special company and costs $4,000-$6,000 each time you move, and a manufactured home is a house that is built elsewhere and then moved to the final property only once. You could in theory move a manufactured home to a different place once it's settled, but it would be roughly the same cost and effort as moving a regular house to somewhere else.

No. 1985949

Relax anon, I'm not a newfag or even a stoner. Jeez Louise.

No. 1985991

What y’all think of Universal Basic Income?

No. 1985992

>not a newfag
>puts email in the email field

No. 1986013

She didn't even do that though

No. 1986016

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I think if it was actually attempted, there would be loads of fine print and red tape surrounding whether or not you received it. If it's anything like social financial assistance programs currently are, it'll be like this:
>only helps people 80% under the median housing cost for the area they live in
>only helps if you aren't in subsidized housing or voucher based housing
>doesn't help consecutively month to month, must apply month to month with paperwork detailing where money went
>demands receipts
>demands you sell your car or TV because it's considered a "luxury" before they assist
>cannot make over a certain amount to continue to receive UBI
>people as a result are stuck in the income bracket to continue receiving UBI, no incentives to make more to stop receiving
>fraudsters abuse the system and the government turns around and punishes all of us for it
>jeff bezos somehow gets UBI

No. 1986031

>there would be loads of fine print and red tape surrounding whether or not you received it.
One of the points of UBI is that everyone gets it. So yeah Jeff Bezos would get it but so would everyone else without having to prove they need it. Fraud wouldn't be necessary; the only fraud would be people pretending they were multiple people and receiving multiple checks.

No. 1986041

It will not work because the people in charge do not want it work. In order to make it work, there would have to be very strict laws involving the cost of food and housing. Basically, you would have to make it law that rental and house prices can only cost so much of the UBI. If the rent goes one penny over, the house is immediately seized and sold at auction and the landlord imprisoned. Then, food can only have a certain profit margin. Anything beyond that profit margin is seized and the company completely disbanded. Strict and punitive laws would be the only way to keep greed in check. And obviously these type of laws could only happen under a dictatorship.
As it stands now, if we tried it, it would merely create inflation as all companies would then raise their prices because they know people need food/water/shelter to live and they know we now have exactly this much more money, which would devalue current assets and savings, leading to worse living conditions and increased crime for everyone.

No. 1986090

I mean, you say that's one of the points, but would the USA really accept UBI and implement it as is, as the definition implies? In this thought experiment I'm assuming that USA is gonna USA and fuck it all up.

No. 1986129

Then it's not "universal", so your hypothetical is that the USA would adopt universal basic income but take out the "universal" part. Okay. At that point you're talking about something different though. I mean I wouldn't put it past the government to do that so your hypothetical is just as good as anyone else's I guess – actually I can clearly picture a scenario where UBI comes up for discussion and gets so twisted through the bureaucratic machine that it comes out the other side as something else entirely.
All I am saying is that actual universal basic income is given to everyone. It's, like, the main feature of it being universal.

No. 1986157

Kek I love picrel

No. 1986173

The whole point of UBI is that it's supposed to cut through the red tape of means-tested programs and avoid these sorts of poverty traps.

I don't have a strong opinion either way. I can see the logic of the inflation argument in >>1986041, but it's a moot point because it's never going to be a serious possibility in the US.

No. 1986182

>>demands you sell your car or TV because it's considered a "luxury" before they assist
Kek there's a "charity" in my area like that. They'll just bombard you with everyone you could possibly know that you can press to couch surf with, say things like "oh you have a friend? THEN YOURE NOT HOMELESS" then hang up, basically expecting you to destroy all your friendships before you seek help first, even if you have a car they'll press you to sell it because "you have a little bit of money" even though the entire state is 100% car dependent. Another one will wait until you have an eviction notice to pay for rent (most eviction notices are 2-3 days here) and guess what theyre only open 3 days a week so unless you're lucky enough to get the notice on a day they're open you'll just be evicted.

What's the point of even funding these charities if they're just going to dig people into rock bottom before helping? Make no sense

No. 1986240

this reminds me of when I was living in a homeless shelter, they'd print out the first page of Indeed listings, put them on the wall and insist we were all just lazy and not trying. I had to slam down my phone and show them how I applied to 2k jobs within the course of a few months, called places and even showed up, and barely got replies. I had less than a handful of job interviews just to no avail. Mind you the entire reason why I became homeless was because I wasn't able to find a job fast enough for my parents liking when I would spend 10+ hours a day applying, going to interviews, etc

>inb4 well you were doing something wrong!!

oh come on, the endless indeed doom-applying is a tale as old as time

No. 1986258

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Wtf did he do to his face?

No. 1986268

is this supposed to be a recent picture? is is severely retouched? he looks 20 years younger.

No. 1986273

fake teeth, everyone and their moms are getting them now. it looks uncanny and fucks with the muscle and bone structure of your face

No. 1986274

Its recent, Ryan Garcia posted it. Idk what would possess him to shoop Trump that hard.

No. 1986278

what the fuck are those franken-jeans

No. 1986306

Oregon has the best

No. 1986308

wow, he looks fucking amazing. Good for donner!!

No. 1986313

i think trump got a ponytail facelift?

No. 1986317

Why he looking kinda…

No. 1986422

kek is this FaceApp

No. 1987192

Does it seem weirdly patriotic to host a Memorial Day potluck in your opinion?

No. 1987196

Maybe if you're specifically theming it to mourn vets? Otherwise nah, three day weekends are made for potlucks.

No. 1987205

Nah, I just wanna have some friends over and eat good food, and the three day weekend is convenient kek

No. 1987208

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Yeah that's totally normal. Enjoy your potluck nonna!

No. 1987220

Why are you worried about appearing patriotic? Hosting a gathering on Memorial Day is pretty normal, we don't get many three-day weekends per year.

No. 1987221

Definitely not. I don't care why the government gave me a three day weekend, but I'm using it to hang out with friends and go swimming.

No. 1987280

Ayrt I have a few lefty friends that will accuse normal people of being genocidal bigots for celebrating Thanksgiving. I try to tread carefully kek

No. 1987365

oh man, you have opened such a can of worms for me. Yeah, these fucking "charities" and "non-profits" basically just get funded by the government to give utility companies and landlords money. And they want you to be half-a-step away from homelessness. Not only that, but they look at the FEDERAL definition of "homelessness", which means if you're couch surfing or you're in a hotel, you're "technically" not homeless. They have to abide by this absurd definition coined in the late 70s to continue getting funding. I love how, during the pandemic, there was a rent assistance program, but there were no laws regarding evictions, so these landlords would wait months for late rent and then get fed up waiting for the overworked and underfunded program to give them the money. So they'd evict the tenant anyway. Awesome. Then the rent assistance program would refuse to give you rent assistance because you need to do an entirely new application now that you're homeless! And that'll take 3 months to review, have a nice day! I loathe this state, this country, this fucked up hollowed out welfare system that does nothing but cement people in poverty and discourage any kind of social improvement or climbing at all.

No. 1987406

It's so bad, we don't even have an actual welfare benefits program anymore. Like sure, there's SNAPs, Medicaid, and Assisted Housing (section 8), but the actual welfare benefits program (TANF) is being mostly used for other programs instead of what it's supposed to do: give a monthly cash allowance (even though that allowance is basically about $150 per month and only 1 out of every 30 people that need TANF actually get it because the federal funding for it has been stuck at $16 billion since the 90s). If you're wondering what's it's being put into, allegedly it's being used for like state scholarships and stuff like that, but then you've got fuckers like Mississippi's previous governor using those funds for personal use and instead of just paying it back, paying a bunch of lawyers to drag out the court process

No. 1987427

Nah. It's extra time for me to spend with my family and friends.

No. 1987428

This has to be photoshopped

No. 1987472

once I applied to a job training program that was going to pay for me to get a trade when I had zero money, they confused me for another person who was applying and by the time they ended up correcting it, it would've been "outside the funding period" so I ended up having to drop out. Not to mention trade programs around here have quotas to literally fail people each round.

this pisses me off so bad especially since Medicare and SSI take such a hefty portion of our paychecks and what does it go to? doesn't go to us, the people who do get it get jack shit from it

No. 1987501

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Europeans have spent the last few years spreading myths online about American education ranking next to third world countries, but the reality is that the American education system is better than that of most European countries. They're coping and projecting with all the talk about how ignorant and uneducated Americans are. And on that note, Americans also have higher rates of receiving higher education than Europeans do.(baiting)

No. 1987518

Careful nonna, picrel was posted in the last amerifag thread and it summoned a seething europoor who started racebaiting here

No. 1987529

I feel like it's going to go down soon in later years with the way children are being taught now (it was discussed earlier ITT but basically they can't sound out simple words anymore)

No. 1987594

Europe is shitty in some ways but every time they claim an issue is "worse than America" it's 100% bullshit. I remember seeing them complain about the price of cars but when I went to FB marketplace of Denmark you can literally get a newish Mercedes for a portion of the price of what they are in America and there was no "send me 10 eBay gift cards" scams infesting the American market. Housing? I've seen flats known for being bougie inner city flats go for less than literal ghetto apartments in America, even buying a house is cheaper since they actually understand rural houses need to be cheaper. The only issue I can think of is taxes but Americans already get a butt load of taxes + SSI + Medicare taken out of our paycheck and we won't even see it benefit us. At least when Europeans pay high taxes you get benefits

No. 1987620

I kinda agree, but I think Scandinavia in particular has a very high QoL that isn’t the norm throughout Europe. Also most European countries have lower salaries, though their minimum wage (in Western Europe, anyways) is usually higher. I work for a multinational company, and I know the US employees make more than the UK employees for the same work. In addition to lower salaries, Europeans pay higher taxes, but even if our taxes are lower, the taxes we do pay go to retarded federal expenses like military spending and protecting billionaires, so I guess that’s a win for the Europeans like you mentioned

No. 1987632

With housing though, rentals in European countries are typically about 1/3 the size of the average American rental. They also have issues like no air conditioner and old plumbing, and in places like Italy there are really fucked up rentals where the toilet is literally in the kitchen next to the kitchen sink (I’m not kidding, that’s an actual thing I’ve seen) so American apartments are more expensive but they’re also larger and higher quality, and Americans have higher incomes

No. 1987636

I'd happily deal with a small shitty apartment with no a/c and old plumbing than mold-filled ghetto apartments that are just big especially if I'm saving a good bit of money. There's like what? barely 10-20k homeless people in majority of scandi countries? Germany has the highest homeless with almost 300k and their population is 83 mil. In LA alone at 30% of people are living in their car, and a good portion of others are splitting studios with like 10 other people

No. 1987726

as someone who can't afford to walk into a hospital, it's impossible to take complaints like this seriously

No. 1988257

California has a huge homeless population because every other state sends their homeless there, it’s not the best example. It also depends on the country, Switzerland has a higher cost of living than LA and Denmark is about the same. Other countries are cheaper but I would still live somewhere safe that isn’t filled with what would be health code violations in the US

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