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No. 2047120
and God bless Alfred F. Jones
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1933446 No. 2047126
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isn’t this a little more fitting
No. 2047128
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>>2047126Nonna you could have at least posted the Alfred version
No. 2047136
>>2047126not really. the hetalia america guy version
>>2047128 is more fitting because this is the amerifag thread.
No. 2047508
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>>2047120While the threadpic is wonderful and majestic, I must say as a hetafag that the other version is more canon-accurate hair-wise kek. I appreciate all artistnonas though!
>>2047155The anon you’re replying to is genuinely a retard but if you’re the anon from the last thread who’s unemployed, lives in a fancy apartment building, and drives a 2022 car, there’s a reason why your struggling to get by, and it’s probably not because of guitar parts and going out to eat. Like…
No. 2047524
>>2047513he’s uglyyy
>>2047520would churn him into delicious mcnuggets
No. 2047560
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>>2047540Ok just one before I take a ban for derailing kek
No. 2047589
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amerinonas would you actually use this service? I'm struggling to think of the demographic this would be useful for
No. 2047653
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President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho seems genuinely more qualified to run for president than any of our current candidates
No. 2047728
>>2047604Yeah fuck that, no thanks
>>2047617Reminder that Zoom hacked a ring doorbell that was in an 8 year old girl's room back in 2019.
No. 2048029
>>2047589I was surprised to find out that with the exception of Thredup I almost never use anything Amazon-adjacent. Like during 2020 I went the whole year without buying anything on Amazon, and I even stopped buying books from Abebooks when I found out they were owned by Amazon
>>2048024People will drive to cul-de-sacs at night and steal stuff from unlocked cars
No. 2048036
>>2048024Can confirm, I have middle class family who uses those.
>>2048028Every time there was actual theft or crime in my neighborhood the cops didn't do shit.
No. 2048433
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>>2047120America was genuinely a mistake. The British Empire should have fought harder to crush the American rebellion and hang the oligarchs known as the American “founding fathers”.
(baiting) No. 2048478
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>>2048464Remember, your happy life in America was established through the brutal genocide of America’s original inhabitants.
(baiting) No. 2048494
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>>2048490I speak American English.
No. 2048521
>>2048518why would i belong there
No. 2048535
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Do you guys like spam?
No. 2048541
nonny english is a british language so i guess it makes sense that they educated us with what would be considered british punctuation rules
No. 2048554
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He is literally american. I bet that makes the haters cry themselves to sleep every night.
No. 2048578
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No. 2048851
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>me watching all of the cars being flooded with water in miami and feeling a sense of joy
Good. I fucking hate the people who live in miami
No. 2049298
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>>2048554She also is American, they just don't want you to know.
I just went to the village fair with my mom and had a bucket of cheese bacon fries. How fat fuck American am I today? Also, they were pretty good tbh.
No. 2049566
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When will Americans and Israelis find out that they’re the bad guys?(baiting)
No. 2049702
>>2049684that's the american paradox, happily shoveling out money to other countries while screaming at their own people for wanting to
work for food. You can thank bootstrappers for not holding the government accountable too. Literally in no other country will people scream their heads off about how you should've been working 80 hours a week instead of 40 to buy food
No. 2049921
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>>2049896The railroad union thing pissed me off so bad. That was a major nail in the coffin for sure.
No. 2049995
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Nonnas, are you ready to get drafted?
No. 2050036
>>2049995What the fuck I thought that was a joke when I saw it earlier today. Damn. RIP my 18-25 year old burger nonas.
>>2050033I thought it was still voluntary for women in SK.
No. 2050059
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Boomers finally admitting the economy is fucked as if we haven't been saying this since trump but now they can pin it on a liberal
>Muh jobs are hard to get and they're not paying enough!
Have been a thing since well before Joe
>Way too many qualifications!
Since before Joe
>Housing prices!!
They've been increasing and unaffordable since before Joe yes but it's only had a huge uptick recently
>Tuition prices
Before Joe
>Childcare prices!!
Before Joe
>Food safety!!
Boomers destroyed food safety regulations and then called us special liberal pussies for questioning why kids food has lead recalls every other week
>Gas and grocery prices!!
Only valid one but all I have to say it is pick yourself up by the bootstraps, sleep less, eat out less, make coffee at home, get a second, third or maybe a fourth job kek
No. 2050125
>>2050086Doesn't matter whether it's passed, why hasn't any reputable station reported on it? And where on the SASC website is this even mentioned? All
>>2049995 did was post a screenshot.
No. 2050144
>>2050125Other anons have linked to the armed services senate executive summaries.
However, I also found the text of the bill that was passed by the House here I do not see mention of women being required to register for the selective service.
I'm not completely sure, but I think there may be a difference in what was approved by the Senate committee on armed services and what was actually passed by the House.
No. 2050147
>>2050139But if that was the case then I’d already be in active duty
nonny? We all would
No. 2050153
>>2050130Thanks for the link. I'm just tired of people online spreading stuff without giving context. For other curious anons here is the actual document, on page 4.>>2050144So it's just hysterics as usual. I also scanned the contents of the bill and saw nothing related to women being required to register for selective service. I didn't think it'd go very far anyway, it was a very perfunctory and one-off statement.
No. 2050158
>>2050133comes with the us citizenship. us nationals are subject to us law, even if they don't live there.
if the us govt make a law saying x is now mandatory or y is now illegal it'll automatically apply to you as a us national. in exchange you get the benefits of citizenship such as visa exemptions or consular assistance. that's how it works everywhere
No. 2050162
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>>2050144I think you're right, I don't see it in the house version either. False alarm I guess. no one is really reporting on it, like the other nona pointed out.
I found an article on a shitty news site that talked about it but made no mention of the women part passing texas congressman Roy voted for it to pass but he strongly opposes adding women to selective service, he wouldn't have put his name on it with that still included
No. 2050184
>>2050147not how it works. your citizenship means you're subject to us law. the proposed bill is essentially trying to pass a law saying "were adding american women aged 18-50 to the list of people who can get called upon in case of war".
then in case of war there'll need to be another bill thay says "ok were gonna start forcibly enrolling people whose name is in the list now". that's the draft. it's not automatic even in times fo war, america has fought a number of recent wars were all the soldiers involved signzd uo to the army voluntarily.
>>2050166no bc it isn't lifelong, the criteria are decided by law but it's usually in the 18-50 range. they don't call in everyone at once either it's usually youngest first.
No. 2050208
>>2050184>the proposed bill is essentially trying to pass a law saying "were adding american women aged 18-50 to the list of people who can get called upon in case of war"The bill isn't doing that, see
>>2050162 and
>>2050144 No. 2050265

>>2050156>>2050166You should read about the Vietnam draft and draft dodging in general birth certificate is proof of your citizenship, and US citizens are obliged to certain duties. No, we don't really choose to be citizens, but we also do not get to choose our parents or how poor we are or where we are born., you are supposed to register for the draft and show up if you're drafted. Yes, it is physically possible for you to not do that. Yes, they will try to punish you for it, and yes, they are legally allowed to. Yes, there are ways to avoid punishment, including moving to other countries.
Many people have had the same questions as you, because they're what you think about when you first understand what the draft is at age 12. The draft is only as bad as it is because our government is not
that shitty in the grand scheme of things, and it is to some degree subject to the consent of its citizens. This is kind of the whole point of democratic government. More authoritarian countries absolutely do have systems where they can basically compel you to do whatever, including mandatory military service for all citizens.
You seem like a curious person. If you want to learn more, look into political philosophy, or watch some lectures about US government that aren't delivered by 80 iq high school coaches. Early American government was very influenced by philosophers like Thomas Hobbes and John Locke (who coined "life, liberty, and estate (property)" as natural rights, which was amended and included in the Declaration of Independence). No. 2050693
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>>2050686Best reply I've ever heard from an American on this website. I salute you
No. 2052924
>>2050685I sent my dad a text that compared him to a salmon and then sent him a picture of a fish. He loved it.
>>2052920The dogs. Duh.
No. 2054112
nonnie, that's so cool! How was the climb back up from the lakeshore? And you should do it! The Grand Canyon is excellent, and if you go south of the I-40 into Northern Arizona proper you have your pick of a few massive national forests (Coconino, Sitgreaves, Prescott, and Tonto.) There's also the Petrified Forest National Park, which as the name implies is filled with petrified wood. The Mountain West has gorgeous scenery, I hope you get to see all of it soon!
No. 2054127
>>2054112It's so steep you basically have to crawl up and take breaks, but running down I felt like a gazelle doing huge leaps. Up at the top the wind is so intense and the water stretches on forever into the horizon
The petrified forest looks really cool I hate flying SO I'm thinking of taking 2 weeks to drive around out there
No. 2054145
>>2054127You RAN down the dune!? Brave nonna!
Most of Arizona's scenery can be seen from the road so driving here is pretty fun. If you're used to mountain roads, you'll be fine. If not, just take it slow and easy. Some of the inclines here can be really steep, so turn off your AC to keep the engine from overheating when you go up them. Excited to hear about your new adventures soon!
No. 2054147
>>2054095i’ve never been to the grand canyon but don’t fall in the hole
nonny you don’t have permission
No. 2054277
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>>2054095I invite you to visit the beautiful Cascade mountains, specifically in July when the wildflowers start blooming
No. 2054341
>>2054095>I am not interested in international travel I just wanna see everything good in the USAWe really do have the best national parks. I try to travel a couple times a year and 90% of the time I stay in the states because there’s
so much to see (and it’s more convenient)
No. 2054506
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Anyone else suffering during this heat wave?
>>2054442NTA, but I agree to an extant. There are definitely different cultures, languages, and architecture here too. For instance, I live on the east coast but architecture in cali and the southwest is completely different with more spanish influence. It’s really cool to see tbh
No. 2054578
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>>2054552Yeah but here in one of the thirteen original colonies we actually have architecture (and entire historic towns) that are like
400 years old. I see your point though, nonna. Maybe I just prefer traveling within the states because there are no annoying europeans to deal with kek
No. 2054794
>>2054760I was thinking of foods that are more broadly available across the vast expanse that is the US. No hate to more local cuisine, feel free to post about that. Of course there is good local stuff like Maine lobster… although you have to be careful with popular items like lobster rolls because they'll sell shitty lobster bits on hotdog buns to tourists, which sucks.
Actually lots of seafood restaurants all over are not selling local stuff even when they're right on the water. Criminal. I went to the georgia coast recently and most of the seafood restaurants were not even selling local shrimp.
No. 2055045
>>2054579>>2054794American-styled ethnic food is usually widely available in most cities, pretty good, and can be a novel experience for non-American tourists. I don't mean fast food like Taco Bell or Panda Gourmet or whatever. But cities usually have a good Italian style deli, good local pizzerias, good taco/burrito places, good American Chinese food, and so forth. Please don't lecture that authentic Mexican, Chinese, Italian or whatever is better. All of those are good of course but also completely different from the Americanized versions.
Also, lobster rolls themselves are such a trap. Maine lobster by itself and dunked in butter is so much better. And blue crabs with old bay are even better than lobsters.
No. 2056093
>>2055851I honestly wouldn't worry about it. You need a lot of things to come together to gather the type of support needed to go to actual war, and Americans are both too tired and the years of constant proxy wars have made us patriotically bankrupt. So there's zero buy in from the American people, which slogs a war down and makes us more likely to lose, something the war mongers know, and less likely to elect the politicians who called for the war in the first place.
So although America will descend into fascism through technological advances, it takes a long time for an empire to die, so as long as you hedge your bets well, you'll live a mostly normal, though destitute, life.
No. 2056099
>>2055851If we go to war, I hope it's with another country, and not civil. American cockmonkeys need to be culled. I hope their reputation when they come back is horrible too, like Vietnam, so they get ptsd, spit on, and thrown in asylums soon after. I wonder if nothing has been done about the rampant incel, porn addiction, and school shooter trends because that's the demographic they want at war. Males are becoming more conservative at exponential rates, if they all get their heads blown off, we could make great political progress.
(alogging) No. 2057085
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No. 2057792
>>2057783I think it’ll be a popular enough policy among dems and the families of undocumented immigrants who
are citizens, who are exactly who he’s trying to appeal to
No. 2057839
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>>2057740That metaphor doesn’t really make sense here, I’m not sure what line you’re saying they jumped. They’re not here illegally they’re legally married and following the processes in place. They’re already eligible for citizenship (need to look into this more and don’t want to oversimplify it but this whole thing honestly sounds a lot like the government saying they’re going to deal with an existing backlog and pretending they’re doing something new, as usual)
No. 2057862
>>2057822You said:
>from my experience of knowing immigrants who are citizens, they tend to be pretty right wing and hate illegal immigrants.Which isn’t relevant because that’s not who the policy is supposed to appeal to
No. 2057869
>>2057839>>2057862Ohhh my bad I read
>>2057296 as just people with anchor babies
No. 2057952
>>2057903It's definitely an attempt to get votes. Same with Biden saying he's doing something at the border when it doesn't do anything, or him saying he won't do anything to codify reproductive rights unless he gets voted in in November like a sword hanging over our heads. And Trump has his own vote grabbing talking points, like him saying recently he'll make it so tips won't be taxed if he's elected.
Election years are full of these promises or plans that we all know aren't going to be followed through, and once the election is over it's all forgotten about until the next election.
No. 2058945
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Reminder that the goal of immigrants is to use them as cheap labor; conditions are the same as a Chinese labor camp. Oh and don't worry, the worst has happened where kids are being trafficked.>>2057089He's miserable as is. He's been pumped up with drugs for the last 4 years just so he doesn't go into a senior nap.
>>2049995>draftGod these fat cats have zero idea what shitstorm they are going to get themselves into. As much as people make fun of zoomers, majority of them are aware that the entire system has already crumbled. Even if young people get a job; they're forced to deal with overloaded work and hours because hiring more people for help is 'too expensive'. Not to mention they can be let go at any time just so companies can avoid giving bonuses and pensions. There's AI replacing work too- I can go fucking on.
The military is also rigged in the same exact way. Everyone has at least watched one youtube video of how the military fucked up someone's life.
>>2057358The issue with unfiltered immigration is that it brings exploitation and crime. It has nothing to do with "I hate the brownies" its about keeping degenerates out and bringing in productive sane people.
t. immigrant born outside of Amerishart
No. 2062666
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No. 2062697
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>>2049995this is why being bipolar is great the military doesn't want me
but neither does my own brain No. 2063320
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No. 2063900
File: 1719349653389.png (937.91 KB, 1038x1112, Screenshot 2024-06-25 at 2.05.…)

NYC Mayor Adams’ budget quietly installs a permanent ‘migrant crisis’ spending spree.
>Migrant spending of $4.7 billion for the upcoming year is 14% of the salaries and wages the city pays to its total workforce — so if it persists, New York will face severe cutbacks in the regular day-to-day services it provides.Libraries? Ehh, who needs 'em? Fire department? Come on, when was the last time your building burned down? There is no way this is sustainable. Who the fuck actually wants this? No. 2064661
>go on largely american established and populated network>be mad you're seeing too many americansI keep seeing this sentiment online and it's more baffling to me each time it happens.
>>2063958Nta and you're right but it's hard to be completely rational when you're dealing with it firsthand. You have the men coming to use services they don't need while physically attacking people and the politicians waiting on their kickbacks for hosting them. Everyone's trampling you.
No. 2067187
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Are you nonnies ready for the debate today? ♥
No. 2068046
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>>2068019I don't think he's closed his mouth for the entire debate.
No. 2068075
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i know there are ppl who think if you dont vote you dont have a right to complain about the state things……. but when the issue is that we are living in a political parody of democracy the real question becomes how you can give legitimacy to the farce by repeating the same election we had 4 years ago??? only with ADDED information on both sides as to why neither of these crypt keepers should get a second term. im re-registering as an independent before November so i can vote for my damn self as a write-in
No. 2068140
File: 1719540592361.png (349.3 KB, 640x633, imagetttdtst.png)

trump i’m watching the stream stop laughing bro that’s disrespectful as shit bruh. something wrong with you bruh you fucking laughing bro. look at you smiling bruh you disrespectful as shit bruh you hate your voters
No. 2068149
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this is not real
No. 2068196
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>mfw wen no chimken noogletz for din din
No. 2068203
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>>2068199Sorry I took so long to finish making your bottle honey
No. 2068212
>>2068206The MSNBC anchor followed it up with her saying that despite the cold he
was wandering a lot when answering.
No. 2068213
>>2068203me when I’m retarded and will be wasting paper on two morons. no wonder eurofags call us stupid, we literally spend way too much energy and time in this popularity contest while we’ll all be homeless because none of these fuckers are fit to be the puppet of the state. everybody who went through formal education and didn’t drop our knows the supreme court is practically the grand decider of the entire nation the kek
>>2068205where tf are the tinfoil nonnies at??
No. 2068220
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a first look at his new VP
No. 2068227
>>2068222they're in the tinfoil thread
nonny, duh? that's where crunchy hat nonnas go
No. 2068230
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kek the viewers are all voting for donald trump. even though voting is a waste of time i think he’s gonna clean sweep ngl, not because he’s a good choice but i think everybody is extremely desperate to the point they just want any change
No. 2068243
>>2068230>that vote for neither being that highHere is what will happen: Intelligent people will not vote for either clown. They will vote other party, write in, or simply choose not to vote. This will hurt Biden.
Trump fanatics will still vote for Trump.
Trump will win.
This country is in the shit.
No. 2068247
File: 1719544235923.jpg (38.19 KB, 600x400, 00young-biden-mobileMasterAt3x…)

Why are they old. Why do they have to be old.
No. 2068262
>>2068250Not what will happen.
People said this for Hilary and she lost spectacularly.
No. 2068273
>>2068243One thing is it feels like we're staring down the barrel of WW3 and I think having insane orange man at the helm will be slightly more threatening to other countries than dementia daddy
I hate where conservatives want to take women's rights, but after roe v wade and ongoing demographic collapse I feel the democrats will do little to stop it anyway
No. 2068276
>>2068272Why are you being so agitated for?
I'm not saying I agree.
I'm warning you that in spite of the delusional protests, Biden will not win.
>do people have the memory of goldfish?!Lol, yes. This is why so many will vote for Trump and give him the win.
No. 2068286
>>2068272That wasn't it, she was just a charisma vacuum while Trump was all charisma. The dems had also been in office for 8 years, reps were itching for their turn while dems got too comfy
>>2068269I would argue Biden is much more unpopular, Hillary had real supporters and no one really questioned her competence
No. 2068288
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I don't want to put the effort in to vote, but Biden is a liability at this point. I hope he dies. What would Kamala be like? She gives war hawk vibes.
No. 2068297
File: 1719546850355.jpg (17.69 KB, 455x257, kamalawilliebrown.jpg)

>>2068288She slept her way into politics, how do you think she'd do?
No. 2068488
Do any of you feel like a lot of people vote for the main two because they get the most coverage/it's easier than doing research on every individual candidate?
I voted in the primaries for the first time and plan to vote in November, but one of the main reasons I've never voted until now is that I was so overwhelmed by all the information and didn't want to vote for the main two.
I found a website that allowed me to make a cheat sheet, it listed information about each candidate which made me feel less overwhelmed about the whole thing.
Link by the way: do wonder if we could actually use this vote as a protest, though I wonder what that would look like considering it could very well make it easier for trump to win if all the outside votes are so spread apart.
I have no idea what to do at this point, it's ridiculous.
No. 2068688
>>2068488Just vote for who you think would do a better job. Shouldn't be a protest vote, shouldn't be the lesser evil, fuck anyone who says not voting for the main two is throwing away your vote. I've always voted for whoever I think would do better, regardless of what the media says. Sometimes this is Republican, sometimes Democrat, sometimes even Green. Just look for a sample ballot and research the candidates on your own.
If we land with a bad president elect, it's what this country deserves. At least you voted for who you wanted.
No. 2068754
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That debate was such a shitshow. What are the democrats going to do now?
No. 2068763
>>2068754How many times are y’all gonna post biden’s decaying face? I don’t want to see it
>What are the democrats going to do now?Hopefully get a fucking wake up call and run someone else after they see the polling results
No. 2068795
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>>2068782Time for Queen Kamala to rise
No. 2068812
>>2068789Hoping and praying because fuck his old ass
>>2068795Oh nah look at my bipolar lawyer dawg with the classic manic laughing out of context like a lunatic.
No. 2068981
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Would you buy this?
No. 2068982
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>>2068980lol just learn english
No. 2069029
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>>2069021Why are people against using any sort of brain power to put 2 and 2 together? If you listen to the entirety of kamala's sentence, "everything is in context" and "you exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you." She literally double explains what the idiom was about. you guys have smooth brains
No. 2069040
File: 1719593264816.jpg (58.08 KB, 564x726, 18c6cdb8885478b80f7dd6d6196fd5…)

>>2069029Yes idioms are for the intelligent, RIGID-brained folk. It seems that when it comes to engaging in cognitive cartwheels, some folks are more inclined to ride the carousel of complacency rather than navigate the labyrinth of logic. In the grand tapestry of consciousness, they prefer to knit with yarn that's already untangled rather than weave their own intricate patterns. Kamala's verbal mosaic, with its dual threads of context, forms a kaleidoscope of clarity that should ideally illuminate the landscape of comprehension. Yet, the silky synapses of these individuals remain unperturbed, as they bask in the twilight of intellectual inertia.
No. 2069057
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>>2069040is it wrong to hate people who can't read full sentences? People who use 2x speed on tiktok thinkpieces, People who have to use a piece of paper to avoid spoiling themselves bc their smooth brains are so flat that they cant waster a single extra second thinking about something they didnt understand the first time and demand people answer all of their questions. Is it so wrong?
No. 2069062
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>>2069046Trump and Grimace meeting is actually a canon event
No. 2069069
>>2068927I laughed so hard when Trump said "…I don't know what he said at the end of his sentence, but anyway-"
Trump absolutely blew him out of the water and every liberal I know is shitting their pants
No. 2069133
>>2069119>fun big sisters While you’ve been peddling sex work and Anita Sarkeesian flavored liberal feminism and trannyism/gender special ideology to them making us look like a fucking joke.
>>2069120They’re both equally misogynistic, the millennial husband is just wearing a male feminist mask and watch it completely melt and fold into itself when you talk about incarcerating a woman’s black
abusive boyfriend kek
No. 2069140
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>>2069115These millennial women, seemingly ensnared in a perpetual state of domestic delirium, continue to multiply like rabbits in an overgrown meadow. The zoomers, with their keen eyes for both fashion and folly, cannot help but recoil at the sight of the matronly muumuus and the orthopedic abominations masquerading as footwear. It's as if these sartorial choices are a physical manifestation of the mental stagnation that has led to such dire political missteps.
In this ongoing saga, the zoomer women, with their piercing insights and unapologetic critiques, serve as the much-needed heralds of change. They stand as the vanguards of a future where choices are made with clarity and style, both in the ballot box and the wardrobe, ensuring that the legacy of curly mustache husbands and dad sandals is left firmly in the past.
No. 2069145
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>>2069134nah boomer hate is legit
No. 2069159
>>2069140Kekkkk. I know you’re being sarcastic but the millennial pause sand mug drinking before clicking play on their record button is what makes me wish they all succumbed to drug addiction during the 2008 crash. They are quite literally just as incompetent as Gen X and that’s why Gen X’ers were walking around like a bunch of despondent morons drinking the grunge koolaid and burning their minds with crack, they were practically useless grunts and they were aware of it, millennials instead try to wrap their incompetence and immaturity with optimistic irony
>>2069148You consistently choose the worst white cock
(ban evading) No. 2069274
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No. 2069297
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Happy Onion Day burgers ♥
No. 2069434
>>2057356It feels like no one else even tried to be the democratic candidate this time around? Was there even a run for it? I can't believe Biden is the best we can offer rn. His failure to deliver on student loan forgiveness and various other promises made a lot of former supporters hate him. Trump is pretty much guaranteed a win now.
>>2057839Good news for all the mail-order brides ig. That legit sounds like who this catered towards…
No. 2069438
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>neither of my little bros like fireworks because they are joyless nerds
>parents too old to gaf anymore
>most people can't come
>everybody just going to leave after food on the 4th
I tried to look up fireworks displays and most already happened or are TONIGHT instead of being next week and if they are they are in bumfuck dumbshit areas of the state nobody lives in. Guess I'm not having any fun this year I'd just feel retarded exploding shit alone.. There is one festival this sunday I might go to to see the fireworks at but there were like 2 pissy comments on the event list shitting on the fireworks. Sick of people like picrel I don't give a shit about your animals or muh ptsd it's the fourth of july and that's the day you blow shit up cry about it commie
No. 2069637
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So nonnies, what’s your prediction?
No. 2069656
>>2069637Don’t forget the trillions so America can send more Ukrainians to die in the other proxy war (why is no one talking about that genocide?).
>>2069624Would it be his VP choice maybe?
No. 2069679
>>2069658>>2069668It's a ThinkTank of over 100 organized far-right groups that essentially fund under trump's campaign. Their stated goal is to replace tens of thousands of existing federal civil servants with certain conservative picks and approve a selection of stated laws and bills
From Wikipedia.
>The Project seeks to infuse the government with elements of Christianity. It proposes criminalizing pornography, removing protections against discrimination based on sexual or gender identity, and terminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, as well as affirmative action No. 2069720
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>get into altercation with rude immigrant woman
>decide I’m voting for trump
No. 2069734
nonna, whatever you say
nonna No. 2069735
>>2069721uh no it’s because she was blasting her shitty music and then called me racist when I asked her to turn it down
>you just couldn’t handle her different culture!! was she too spicy for you?go back to Reddit
No. 2069744
>>2069741I don't think a rapist is gonna ask you if you have sex with men
No. 2069751
>>2069738thing that is inconveniencing me at the moment (and every night) vs fantasy where a guy nuts in me without protection and I get pregnant and I need an abortion
>>2069742womp womp still voting trump
No. 2069754
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Whenever you see a particularly retarded take, just remember, these are the self-admitted nonnies that walk among us
No. 2069815
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No. 2069848
>>2069815not the flex you think it is
No. 2069880
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>>2069848you’re being detained
No. 2069887
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No. 2069896
>>2068795Kamala Harris reminds me of one of those workers in a school who always had 50 keys jangling everywhere, chewing on gum and a bunch of folders and making silly jokes with the students. Basically vidrel.
No. 2069898
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No. 2069993
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first election I voted in: Hilldawg (I knew she was demonic but I just wanted a girlboss president)
second election: didn’t vote
third election: Trump kek
No. 2070006
>>2069988I think the vast majority of republicans aren’t literally against abortion unless you’re polling geriatric evangelicals
My entire family is Republican but nobody considers a 7 week abortion to be murder. Even Trump said he wasn’t against the abortion pill.
If you (not you literally) actually want to protect women you should ban pornography and give tougher sentences to men who commit violence against women.
No. 2070016
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>>2069993>Hilldawg>I knew she was demonic but I just wanted a girlboss presidentThis is why scrotes think women shouldn't get into politics.
No. 2070023
>>2070011>The problem is most republicans are hyper mega christiansI have a hard time believing that, having grown up in the south. White southerners under 50 don’t go to church that much, if at all.
>book banbooks that teach sex positions and tranny propaganda oh nooo
No. 2070025
>>2070016I mean black scrotes voted for Obama to have a black president so I don’t see the big deal
With that being said I think people who vote for Trump are braindead.
No. 2070026
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>>2070011Keep it up with the lies, anon. You ever thought about a career in politics?
No. 2070032
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>>2070023More than that though? It's over 1,000 books at this point. Texas is retarded.
No. 2070033
>>2069643America hates Muslims. Of course we would give money to the one ME country that's not Muslim, to fight the Muslims.
>>2069993Same lmao.
No. 2070049
>>2070032wasn’t hawking a pedophile kek
Texas W
No. 2070077
>>2070073Nonna just looking at Trump is a reason to be against Trump.
>>2070075Every woman who supports that scrote is automatically a tradthot.
No. 2070084
>>2070082Okay now I know you're braindead
Trump literally looks like a dying ghoul kek, at least Biden's got nice bone structure.
No. 2070095
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>>2070085>Just because I repeat everything tradthots say does not make me a tradthot! I'm surprised you haven't been banned for racebaiting yet.
No. 2070112
>>2070107Who the fuck is Hasan? Anyway sounds like you're projecting, moid.
>>2070108I'm not that sociopathic sorry mate.
No. 2070130
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So… any 4th of July or next weekend plans, nonnas?
No. 2070153
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>>2070130Chicken wing chicken wing hot dog and baloney chicken and macaroni chilling with my homiess
No. 2070169
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No. 2070199
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>>2070169no I absolutely get it, if only he didn’t look like a piece of gum that’s been under a school desk that’s been sitting for 3 months during summer break and it’s all melted and gooey. he’s a fuggo but there’s something about him that’s so funny, he reminds me of sam hyde if he was born into a wealthy family and became a piece of shit politician even though they both look like tragic gargoyles they just radiate big dick energy.
No. 2070205
File: 1719634506949.webp (1.45 MB, 2000x3001, mr president .WEBP)

>>2070184Aw c’mon nonners
No. 2070273
>>2070263ok i'm neither of tayrt but KEKK i fucking hate it when plastic surgery is reframed in this manipulative ass way. yes, you are self hating if you
hate your appearance so much that you feel the desire to pay money to have your face cut open and chiseled. if youre experience such an extreme level of insecurity to the extent chopping your face up is what will 'make you happy' then i really recommend seeking therapy. this leads me into the topic of how i've noticed that its become so frequnet that other women will always convince an insecure friend who is considering plastic surgery to
>do it!!1 do whatever makes you happy girl! instead of reminding their friend that they're beautiful exactly how they're designed. you look the way you do because that is the way you're meant to look.
No. 2070279
>>2070273OP here. I am in therapy already and my therapist supported my decision to get it done kek. Especially since I have a deviated septum and this will make my breathing easier in addition to my face being more balanced. It's a win-win.
>>2070226>>2070245Thank you nonas!
No. 2070281
>>2070279Deviated septum is the most hilarious cope insecure cosmetic surgery
victims love to claim because 80% of people in the world have a deviated septum.
No. 2070289
>>2070287Directly funding institutions to cut up vulnerable, mentally ill women is anti-social. Not difficult to understand at all, really.
>>2070266I think abortion is one of the only things everyone here can agree is a right, which is why I think she brought it up.
No. 2070329
>>2070323Come on. You know rape happens, right? Pregnancy isn't always a choice, so abortion should always be available.
>>2070324I guess it's your opinion if you think tranny shit is more of a detriment to women than lack of abortion access. I wish some of the third party faggots would just pick a side so they'd actually have a chance.
I'd vote Stein No. 2070351
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>>2070205proud to say would not. would need intoxication and seduction via his money, salesmanship, and humor first.
No. 2070355
>>2070349>It's because you hate yourself!I have never hated anything about myself in my entire life. Even before I got my nosejob I never had any issues with it. I got it just because I could and because I knew it would improve my quality of life, and it did. I get that it's easy to typecast everyone that gets plastic surgery into this self-hating caricature, but it doesn't reflect the reality. Almost a quarter of the population has had cosmetic surgery, it's as mundane as a pedicure. I got a nose job for the same reason I get laser facial treatments and regular spa treatments: in this world, it pays to look good.
>ugly people are loved and held in high regard way more than attractive people are, in this country.Kek.
No. 2070362
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>uh…wwwwiththuhcovid…aheshgiumwith…dealingwith…um…everythingwehavetodowith…uhh…w…e…if…we finally beat medicare.
No. 2070368
File: 1719644052735.jpg (76.99 KB, 650x650, TMD025-1730501098.jpg)

>>2070334>you can drink a few cups of $4 raspberry leaf tea after having a sexual encounter. or exerting yourself for some time doing something like exercising, walking around for a long time, or standing up for a long time while working or doing chores if you were raped too.Is this real or is this some tradthot shit psyop? And who the fuck exercises after getting raped?
No. 2070587
>>2070368It’s not real. There’s old midwife tales about it inducing labor which have little evidence to back them up, and a lot of women avoid raspberry tea early in their pregnancy because they’re afraid it will do something. Some people think it literally “makes your uterus strong” and you
should drink it for the good of the baby. No one serious will tell you to drink that for an abortion. It’s fake.
No. 2070670
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Well damn
No. 2070892
>>2070273>you look the way you do because that is the way you're meant to look.Okay, but if you feel this way about nose jobs, then you have to feel this way about any changing of appearance. So people can't use glasses because them squinting and being unable to see is how they're meant to be, and children can't get cleft palate surgery because they look how they're meant to.
I'm against nose jobs in general, but your reasons are stupid.
No. 2070899
>>2070346Based realist making decisions based on observable facts.
>>2070404She didn't say that nothing bad ever happens to beautiful women, just that life is easier when you're beautiful. And as a former ugly duckling, I can 100% confirm this. People are just nicer and give you more leeway when you're beautiful.
No. 2070906
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>>2070905did she sit around drinking tea or did she actually move her ass to try to knock that nigga out of her? also, was it the right kind of tea or was it just some random shit kek
No. 2070908
>>2070904>they wouldn’t be using different methods oh my sweet summer child. you really think they wouldn’t produce items that cost you money and create surgical procedures that lines men’s pockets? you
really believe they wouldn’t take the opportunity to cash in on carelessness and desperation of women? i wish i was as naïve as you kek
No. 2070909
>>2070906>potentially pose a risk of miscarriagethat's literally not what a medicine should be.
>>2070908I won't fall for your psyop of telling women they can have their rights revoked because they have tea and their moid can punch them on the gut. fuck off.
No. 2070914
>>2070913what does me having chronically dry skin have to do with successfully avoiding pregnancy for years? also if i wasn’t very fertile i wouldn’t have a regular menstrual cycle but okay
nonny, whatever fantasy suits your fancy
No. 2070921
>>2070867>>2070917anon clearly meant directly right after getting raped (and since the intent is to abort it would have to be done doon), not later on in life.
>>2070894some women still get periods when they're pregnant though, so this won't be entirely accurate
No. 2070924
>>2070921*done soon
(not gonna delete and repost farmhands cause the flood detected message takes too long lol)
No. 2071061
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Good afternoon ladies…
No. 2071986
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I just have to ask… the fuck is this? And in case you're wondering, abortion is in there. Project 2025 would make this place far worse of a shithole than it currently is right now. From dismissal of environmental regulations, to the pill, to strict capital punishment which I'm sure won't target women who've had abortions or miscarriages. The wiki page is right; this does look like nothing but vengeance. Even another term of sleepy Joe and all his shit decisions would be better than this.
No. 2072088
>>2071986Rich people want to feather their nests and pave the way for controlling us serfs like slaves under the guise of 'Christian' values.
It's really obvious what's happening. Religion has always been a hand of government controls.
No. 2073043
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im not so naive to think that as an american my access to birth control could never be threatened, but am i wrong for thinking its just so completely unlikely? the actual president of the United States is the dollar, and big pharma would not allow their most popular product to fall out of use in even a handful of states. and women are too valuable as consumers for a wide-scale threat to our purchasing power to make sense. on top of that, even decrepit old christian republican senators still want to have consequence-free sex with their mistresses, so outlawing birth control is in neither their personal or economic interest. more than anything tho i come back to the pharmaceutical companies. their lobbiests have deeper pockets than the evangelical right, theyll do whatever it takes to make sure they can continue to peddle birth control to americans.
No. 2074936
>>2074932I haven’t shit in a year, going vegetable and fruit free and it’s been a year long streak.
>>2074933There’s always someone over enthusiastic to ruin the food with their hippie shit
No. 2074938
Also I wanted to say that I went to my city's fireworks display Sunday night and was extremely impressed. It was so hard to find parking every single business and square inch of the city was crowded with people hanging out in their trunks or with chairs. They were sooo good, I saw fireworks I've never even seen before and it lasted a really long time. The fam next to me was so cute the kids kept yelling "go fireworks!!" kek
>>2074931It's easier to eat next to the pool than doritos and refreshing
No. 2074977
>>2074225 Man, this president immunity
thing right before Fourth of July lmao
No. 2075178
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No. 2075860
>>2071986As a teacher, I'm interested in what abolishing the DOE would look like. They are indeed awful. Common Core is a plague on the whole system and funding being based on attendance has fucked everything up as well (ie students are almost never suspended/expelled for violence, threats, defiance or anything else, and never held back either because schools need the money). Democrats never do shit to fix these issues. They pretend like schools are totes thriving and demonize anything proposed to change it.
I'm also down for criminalizing porn and taking away tranny protections, but I don't like that it's entangled with religious stuff.
No. 2076094
>>2075860I'm so happy I finished school the year before common core got implemented in my district. School was still absolute dogshit but it could have been worse.
The state was making a "magnet school" thing so high schools would specialize in different fields and parents were supposed to go out of their way to sends kids where they thought the kids interests would be.
The music high school had 100 goddamn kids in choir class.
No. 2076258
>>2075860As someone who has also worked in education, abolishing the DOE is extremely concerning to me, but I agree that the dems have not solved the problems plaguing our education system either. However, I think trump would just make it much, much worse. The entire purpose of project 2025, as described here
>>2071986, is to politicize federal institutions, which is fundamentally un-democratic. Beyond that, if we remove national standards and turn over education entirely to the states, the inequality in our education system will only become more extreme. The amount of inequality in our school systems is
already extreme compared to other countries because funding for public schools comes largely from local taxes. This means as income inequality rises in the US, poorer school districts will become poorer and richer districts will become richer. I can’t emphasize enough how disastrous this is for upwards mobility. Going to school in a wealthy district is a MASSIVE advantage. These students receive a significantly better education, better college counseling, connections, and oftentimes, private tutoring and SAT prep. Basically, if you don’t go to high school in a wealthy district or a lucrative private school, you’re screwed. Back to project 2025, this could also be used to reverse “controversial” learning standards by the evangelicals, such as evolution. Americans are already stereotyped as ignorant enough. Letting far-right political groups dictate learning curriculums set us up for all sorts of increasing retardation
No. 2076305
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Kinda late but here are the team USA uniforms for the Olympics
No. 2076396
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>>2076320Does it? Not surprising. I remember those full body Speedo swimsuits that NASA helped design that got banned after too many world records were broken by the athletes wearing them. That kinda sucks since those records probably won't be broken until the super-suits are allowed again but oh well, I don't actually care about records or sports. Just thought the fact that a swimsuit could make you faster is fascinating and I liked the drama. If swimming became a super-suit arms race I would not mind, I would be more inclined to watch it honestly.
No. 2076579
>>2075132Genuinely surprised that he wouldn't pick the black dude or the woman. Those would draw in more votes for sure. An Indian dude doesn't seem like a good idea, considering Trump is against importing foreign workers and most of the Indians here are on work visas aka can't vote so their support doesn't matter anyway.
>>2076537Mobile homes (the things on cinder blocks) communities are usually quite nice and well maintained. However the homes themselves massively deteriorate in value over time and are considered a big scam. Trailer parks are def awful and dirty, they're the white versions of the ghetto. You might want to look into ADUs which are like tiny houses in the backyard of regular houses.
No. 2076610
>>2076579No, indians are definitely part of the melting pot of the US. They run so many hotels, motels, convenience stores, laundromats, package stores, party stores, gas stations, etc. –even pop culture shows this like the simpsons, they are doing the american dream. I've travelled all over the US and Indian families are part of the nation here already, they're just doing normal stuff running businesses.
No. 2076626
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>>2076579Agree with
>>2076610, Indians literally have the highest median income out of any ethnic group and they tend to be fiscally conservative. Of course the Republican Party wants to appeal to them
No. 2076647
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>>2076610>>2076626The majority of them are here on visas. Literally 75% of work visas go to Indians, picrel. That's why they make so much money, because they're specifically brought here to be doctors, engineers, and other high-paying skilled jobs. They're not citizens and can't vote, they have to go back to India for visa stamping constantly. I'm in the bay area which has the largest congregation of them so I'm very familiar.
Both Trump and Vivek have spoken out about being against importing foreign workers and giving the jobs back to Americans, so it doesn't make sense, and again these people cannot vote anyway.
No. 2076652
>>2076647republicans wouldn't give a shit if they were on visas and couldn't vote. the indian boomer types came in the immigration wave in the 1980s and 1990s. i'm south asian my parents and their friends moved here around then. their kids are now in the 20s and 30s.
>>2076610yes a lot of indian immigrants run gas stations and convenience stores, Apu from the Simpsons isn't based off nothing.
No. 2076694
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>>2076681apparently theres a version u can pick with shorts tho
No. 2076705
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>>2076664yeah absolutely which is why i don't use social media. speaking with someone face to face humanizes them in a way that text does not. hell, look at the numerous black people who have befriended and changed the minds of KKK members.
No. 2076706
>>2076652>>2076647They're not immigrants though, they are citizens and they can vote. Their families have been here since the 60s/70s.
Not even trying to be pro immigration or whatever (although I'm sorry it's very funny for americans to gatekeep when the country is this young and this full of immigrants who are like barely 2-3 generations in) but they've been here, they're already here… Are you saying there are too many coming on on temp visas? That might be related to how many of their family members are already here, no?
I have no skin in this game I'm welsh/irish amerimutt just observing what I see, like i don't care where they're from they just need to integrate
No. 2076825
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I’m so excited to have the day off tomorrow! I hardly ever have holidays off. I’m going to sleep an extra hour, then I’ll be making strawberry jam with the berries I got at the weekend market. Excited for peaches to be ready to pick and make jam next month too. I hope you nonnies get to do something fun on the 4th as well.
No. 2076892
File: 1720047259485.gif (2.72 MB, 640x640, IMG_1585.gif)

gonna have nothing to eat on the fourth of july tomorrow, yay!!!! who’s a fat dumbass who are all the little food she already had?
No. 2077047
>>2076825Congrats on the well deserved day off
nonnie! I have to work but luckily its a half day, so ill be home in time to lounge around and comfort my dog.
No. 2077142
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No. 2077175
File: 1720069482413.webp (116.03 KB, 1080x1410, alexandria-ocasio-cortez-v0-3z…)

>>2077156AOC is old enough by the time election rolls around
No. 2077177
>>2077109nta but no thats why it'd be great if there finally was one
>>2077156hmmm im not sure
No. 2077189
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>>2077109Technically they were all hot when they were young y'know. It's just that male aging is brutal. Here's young Biden for ref
No. 2077200
>>2077175Policy wise probably would be ok but she has negative charisma. Insufferable type A woke scold energy. Especially since she can't claim to be a young hyper progressive upstart anymore.
>>2077182Sarah Palin would've been a terrible president but she was kind of fun
No. 2077528
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So what do you guys plan to eat to celebrate? I plan to splurge on a nice fatty steak and hope I don't fick ot up.
>>2077494Agreed. It always annoys me when holidays don't fall near the weekends.
No. 2077596
File: 1720103227358.jpeg (897.17 KB, 1200x1799, migas.jpeg)

>>2077528I'm gonna eat tex mex
No. 2077735
>>2077528i got beef hotdogs, sweet hawaiian roll buns, chili from tommy's original.
my moms making potato salad and i'm making mac & cheese.
gonna be eating well today.
No. 2077814
>>2070071You didn't even read it. Open that PDF and CTRL+F "abortion" or "reproductive rights" you daft cunt
"The Life Agenda. The Office of the Secretary should eliminate the HHS Reproductive Healthcare Access Task Force and install a pro-life task force to ensure
that all of the department’s divisions seek to use their authority to promote the life
and health of women and their unborn children. Additionally, HHS should return
to being known as the Department of Life by explicitly rejecting the notion that
abortion is health care and by restoring its mission statement under the Strategic
Plan and elsewhere to include furthering the health and well-being of all Americans
“from conception to natural death.”"
No. 2077816
>>2070071Samefag, I have another quote for you, just so some poor stupid
nonnie doesn't read your message and decide there's nothing wrong with Project 2025:
"OCR should withdraw its pharmacy abortion mandate guidance. OCR
should withdraw its “Obligations Under Federal Civil Rights Laws to Ensure
Access to Comprehensive Reproductive Health Care Services” guidance
for retail pharmacies,85 which purports to address nondiscrimination
obligations of pharmacies under federal civil rights laws and in fact orders
them to stock and dispense first-trimester abortion drugs. The guidance
invents this so-called requirement and fails to acknowledge that pharmacies
and pharmacists have the right not to participate in abortions, including
pill-induced abortions, if doing so would violate their sincere moral or
religious objections. Moreover, no federal civil rights laws preempt state
pro-life statutes."
No. 2077844
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>>2070071Damn, I didn't even know trump did this. This is bad.
No. 2077854
>>2077844If you CTRL+F and search for "marriage" you'll see how they're frothing at the mouth to promote marriage (aka, force women to marry, not encourage marriage) - there's even a section where they emphasize that "encouraging unwed couples to be married" is important to them. Any
nonnie who reads this PDF and decides "yes, this will be good for women" is a fucking moron.
No. 2077877
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>>2070071this sounds really good actually? just picrel not the whole thing. but I feel like it must be hiding a secret agenda, like replacing the ESG agenda with some company into christcuck shit probably
No. 2077937
>>2077897I'm partially bought into a conspiracy that ESG is a scam to drain pensions via greenwashing and fake environmentalist projects. Conspiracy aside though, it is a greenwashing/pinkwashing/rainbowwashing idea at its core. Wether it's actually siphoning pension money is another issue that I have not personally seen proven - hence labelling it a conspiracy - but I remain highly skeptical of it. Generally not a fan of a large investment firm managing billions in pension funds deciding what "social" and (corporate) governance efforts to fund, and I honestly don't trust them to invest is worthwhile environmental initiatives either. I think they're just washing money out as per usual, but because ESG is an excuse to not make money (for the greater good of an environmental or social movement etc) they can use it to wash out money faster. This sort of thing could be used for good but I don't trust them to do that at all. Maybe if we were all allowed to vote on the ESG things to fund but of course it's totally at blackrock's discretion and they just promise us they're being super good boys.
you can find a lot of articles accusing blackrock of funding the gender ideology cult because of ESG, just as an example.>Who are the "competitive, private-sector managers" that they're alluding to? That's what I'm worried about. I assume they have some firm in mind with their own worse conservative version of ESG. Which is a sort of funny thing for me to say because blackrock is conservative in its own way but that's america
No. 2077965
>>2077937that's actually interesting anon.. Thank you for that. I wouldn't be surprised if BlackRock and other major investors are "pushing" things like ESG. It's sort of like Lockheed Martin saying they support LGBTQ+ rights. At best, it seems like a strategy to just have more people support them, invest in them, and work for them. At worst, it seems like a tactic to further wedge us apart by throwing gasoline on as many fires as they can. I can see the divide-and-conquer strategy of agitating people with disinformation and then having us fight each other.
Unfortunately, "not conservative enough" is a thing for a lot of people, as seen in any political party where they start eating themselves, and I guess even BlackRock is too "woke" for these people, which is funny on one end, but horrifying on an another. It's like people saying the most brutal aspects of society are "woke". Like girl, just because we aren't openly spraying people down with Agent Orange anymore doesn't mean that it's not still happening. Sorry, not ranting at you anon, just ranting in general…
No. 2077983
>>2077182I think AOC and Kamala are pretty fun, but i could see how people would be so fast to tear them apart just because they are women that it would probably wear on them, especially AOC since so many men think she's hot and in the age of AI that's a nightmare. I feel as is Trump's retardation will never be matched or overtaken unfortunately.
>>2077232Lmao, didn't he dodge the draft at one point?
>>2077358Have you seen today's men? They don't look bad, although i would not fuck them personally.
>>2077528I'm going to get some sushi.
>>2077968He wouldn't be the first 1st gen immigrant with such sentiments, it's purely of a matter the threat of competition and knowing immigrant parents tend to push their children harder than parents of people with generational ties to a country.
No. 2078053
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Happy Fourth Girlies ♥
No. 2078057
>>2077189Tom Wambsgans
>>2077190Dudley Dursley
No. 2079121
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Not that this will reassure any of you, but Trump claims to know nothing about Project 2025.
No. 2079224
>>2079209Abortion is in the hands of the states right now, and dem-leaning states aren’t going to be overturning abortion rights anytime soon. If you’re really worried about that, move to a blue state. Therefore, abortion rights are not really affected by the president (beyond Supreme Court appointees, which is probably arbitrary anyways since it’s back in states’ hands) UNLESS Project 2025 is introduced, which could affect women’s rights because there are a lot of back door regulations that would make it much harder to receive even things like birth control. Many anons have been debating the specifics of what Project 2025 actually says with regards to abortion, but something I think they probably don’t understand is that abortion is purposefully not discussed in explicit terms because THEY COULD GET SUED, which means the republicans run the risk of re-introducing Roe v. Wade if the case makes it to the Supreme Court. Abortion rights are currently murky in terms of the constitution, since it was never established on a sound legal rationale (even the pro-abortion side of Roe v. Wade knew this). But yeah, it’s not so much that either presidential candidate would threaten abortion as much as Project 2025, and I don’t buy that Trump “doesn’t knowing anything about it.” That’s simply fictitious. There are different factions within the Republican Party who want different things and he’s playing it safe.
t. legal nonna
No. 2079373
>>2079282When I suffered through heatwaves as a kid a room got designated the cool room and that’s where everyone slept and went to recover from heatstroke.
My in laws sadly have no sense of group survival. The moment the central cooling gave up it was everyone for themselves, we could’ve gotten the entire top floor cooled handily if greedy jerks hadn’t made off with the window units for their own rooms. Now half of us and everyone’s animals are baking in the oven that is this house.
No. 2079699
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sanic has spoken
No. 2079915
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Any Massachusetts nonas here? I went to Boston last year but didn’t really do anything, going again in September and I want to try doing some nice/fun things such as any museums/parks/hikes/areas you’d recommend.
No. 2082450
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Can the next threadpic be Stan or does it have to be the Hetalia guy
No. 2082463
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>>2082450Ok but I prefer to gaze upon cute anime men rather than whatever the fuck this hideous beast is
No. 2082475
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Always loved the sexy furry men on the black cat fireworks packaging
No. 2082479
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Fireworks packaging in general is based
No. 2082483
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>>2082450politely suggesting bandit keith
No. 2082485
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>>2082483I could get behind this, even if I prefer Alfred
No. 2082486
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No. 2082498
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>>2082495I love how aggressive and retarded the names get
No. 2082501
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No. 2082502
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No. 2082503
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a little scared AI will threaten the future of the traditional american folk art that is fireworks packaging
No. 2083294
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No. 2084244
>>2083896all empires fall one day, I'm not worried. cycle of empires.
Rome used to be great but they fell; however the land that we call italy still exists and is a beautiful place.
No. 2084293
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>>2077252She comes off as an idiot to me who says a whole lot of nothing. Posing dramatically at the fence (and then never visiting any migrant facilities under Biden’s administration despite the conditions worsening), shouting for video clips, she just reminds me of those people on Facebook who scream and virtue signal online without actually making a difference. Like lol what is this acting
No. 2084878
>>2084860the city of rome still exists, the roman empire sure as fuck doesn't and you didn't want to be around when the barbarians poured in back in the fifth century
>>2084293kek this looks so fake, jsut putting on airs for the photo op
No. 2084885
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George Clooney, major celebrity democrat supporter is calling for Biden to resign, Michael Douglas also said he wants him to resign when he was asked on The View.
>I’m a lifelong Democrat; I make no apologies for that. I’m proud of what my party represents and what it stands for. As part of my participation in the democratic process and in support of my chosen candidate, I have led some of the biggest fund-raisers in my party’s history. Barack Obama in 2012. Hillary Clinton in 2016. Joe Biden in 2020. Last month I co-hosted the single largest fund-raiser supporting any Democratic candidate ever, for President Biden’s re-election. I say all of this only to express how much I believe in this process and how profound I think this moment is.
>I love Joe Biden. As a senator. As a vice president and as president. I consider him a friend, and I believe in him. Believe in his character. Believe in his morals. In the last four years, he’s won many of the battles he’s faced.
>But the one battle he cannot win is the fight against time. None of us can. It’s devastating to say it, but the Joe Biden I was with three weeks ago at the fund-raiser was not the Joe “big F-ing deal” Biden of 2010. He wasn’t even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate.
>Was he tired? Yes. A cold? Maybe. But our party leaders need to stop telling us that 51 million people didn’t see what we just saw. We’re all so terrified by the prospect of a second Trump term that we’ve opted to ignore every warning sign. The George Stephanopoulos interview only reinforced what we saw the week before. As Democrats, we collectively hold our breath or turn down the volume whenever we see the president, whom we respect, walk off Air Force One or walk back to a mic to answer an unscripted question.
>Is it fair to point these things out? It has to be. This is about age. Nothing more. But also nothing that can be reversed. We are not going to win in November with this president. On top of that, we won’t win the House, and we’re going to lose the Senate. This isn’t only my opinion; this is the opinion of every senator and Congress member and governor who I’ve spoken with in private. Every single one, irrespective of what he or she is saying publicly.
No. 2085377
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>>2084885>This is about age. Nothing more.He's a useless fucking liberal, imagine my shock. Clooney thinks the only thing wrong with Biden is his age? Kek. He's at least better than the idiots that insist a decrepit old fart should remain in office
No. 2085472
>>2084860that was my point. in proper american fashion I was very drunk on beer when I posted that, I'm sorry for saying it in a retarded way.
>>2084426>>2084724I was thinking more in terms of "falling" out of the top-dog spot in terms of global financial power (because of China which is what the comment I was replying to was about) not literally a full breakdown at home but sure I guess that could happen too.
No. 2085481
>>2084885It's so hilarious how Biden is spinning this as the elite trying to take him down (when they're the ones who've propped him up since at least 2020 if not longer but anyway). He's sounding more and more like Trump by the day.
I gotta say nonas, I've started to not care about this election besides the entertainment factor. I'm just sitting back and enjoying the show. Shit is hilarious if you can restrain your anger
No. 2085572
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>>2085546Most of it is pretty redneck, but certain parts like Jackson Hole are now full of vacation homes for the .01%. It’s a beautiful state, though
No. 2085775
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No. 2085816
>>2085775good lord I feel bad laughing. this poor man needs to retire this is sad.
Are we honestly this bad in this country that we would let a sitting president's brain melt in front of everyone? I thought we were the boss of media, this seems like really bad PR for the country. please tell me this is a deep psyop.
No. 2085884
>>2084885So many people calling on him to drop lately and they're right. The "shut up and ignore it" dems are in denial about just how fucking old he is. He's 81, 5 years past the average lifespan for an American man, and 16 years past retirement age and it is absolutely showing. But then the other problem is, who can we put up there that has equal appeal and blind devotion from dems as him? Just seems like we are screwed either way now.
>>2085775Good lord…
No. 2085939
>>2085915Tinfoil: the dems want to showcase how senile Biden is so they have an excuse to gracefully run someone else, probably Kamala, instead. This may be wishful thinking, kek.
>>2085918I honestly feel bad the guy. I’m being so fucking real. It feels like elder abuse to have him up there. What a sad way to spend the last years of your life.
No. 2085946
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What’s up nonnie’s
No. 2085954
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trump wants biden to stay in because trump knows he beats biden in a landslide. Biden refuses to step down because he is stubborn and surrounded by yes men, Democrats cant really do anything about it. Grandpas got to keys to the car and he is swerving all over
No. 2085958
>>2085954and i
know Biden is not gonna drop out, at least definitely not on his own accord. Maybe he'll be in an "accident" or "get sick" soon so his constituents can shove Kamala into his place in a last ditch effort to maintain their grip on the White House
No. 2086035
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I agree he's sexy and everything but what the hell kind of name is Mitt? And his sons name is Tagg…like come on
No. 2086037
Kamala fucking sucks.
She has no accomplishments during her time in California, no accomplishments as Senator and certainly nothing during her tenure as vice president. There is literally nothing her campaign can point to besides identity politics as a reason to pick her. She has no innate charisma, she's not a policy wonk, she polled very poorly when she ran for president in 2020 (and relied on cheap tricks to try and undercut the people around her, most notably Joe Biden (which is why even he doesn't like her and it's a political marriage of convenience)). She hasn't done well with what the White House has delegated towards her, and the public will absolutely remember she didn't do well with those, for example the border crisis (not that this was easily solvable, but politics isn't fair). There are startlingly few reasons to pick her as the choice.
There are better choices overall. There are better choices if you want someone black. There are better choices if you want a woman. There are certainly better choices if you want a black woman.
Oh and not to mention she got her start in politics sucking dick (when there are plenty of women who didn't). Then she even even burned bridges with her most vital interest groups considering she's willing to be a political chameleon, alternating from Kamala the cop to token gestures on progressive politics depending on when the wind blows.
No. 2086053
>>2086037Ayrt, Newsom did fuck all for SF, which was and, still is, an absolute shithole, despite all the things it has going for it (silicon valley, perfect weather, unique culture). I’ll forever remember walking down the street in SF and seeing a fucking corpse, presumably dead from an OD, with people just passing it by. Dystopian ass city. Under him, California continues to bring in big, big money, perhaps the biggest in the world, while also failing to curtail extreme homelessness. Genuine, honest to god, third world levels of homelessness and tent cities exist in California, all in the same vicinity of some of the wealthiest people in the world. I’m left leaning, but Newsom is everything I hate about establishment dems. He looks after the billionaires while paying lip service to progressive issues. It’s easy to be democrat when that party is the status quo of your state. At least Kamala has accomplished shit, like becoming DA, off her own merits. Newsom was born into the elite world and represents it
No. 2086056
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the democrats dont have a lot of up and coming contenders, this wouldnt have been a problem till 2028, but well with biden going senile.
No. 2086061
>>2085954>Kamala has accomplished shit, like becoming DA, off her own merits.So quite literally any politician in the country? And then used her position as DA to go after people for low level offenses?
>Under him, California continues to bring in big, big money, perhaps the biggest in the worldNewsom, let alone most California politicians, is responsible for startlingly little of that. California only brings in such money because of silicon valley, which is only based off the inertia of post cold war defense contractor engineers (software and otherwise) already being in the area after budget cuts freed up their labor to go into the civilian sector. Those companies located themselves in the area because of the talent pool, not the other way around at the start.
And it's not like you have to pick Newsom. There are many people, let alone women who are much better positioned imo.
No. 2086076
>>2086061>So quite literally any politician in the country?Actually, no. Becoming a district attorney is much more difficult than just entering the world of politics because you have connections with billionaires. It’s a very esteemed position, regardless if you agree with her policies or not
>Newsom, let alone most California politicians, is responsible for startlingly little of that. This is just… not true either. Newsom has consistently represented the interests of the Silicon Valley elite, while neglecting other californians
>And it's not like you have to pick Newsom. There are many people, let alone women who are much better positioned imo.Never said you had to, nor was I shilling Kamala to the level you’re shilling Newsom kek. I just said I’d take Kamala over him. Interesting you are shilling him, though
No. 2086081
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>>2086050Kamala is lucky she visually passes for an african american because if you look into her backstory it doesn't make sense. She's only a quarter black through her half white half jamaican dad, and when she was a kid her dad left and she was raised by her indian mom and her mom's family. But it's funny because it looks like her wiki has been updated with tidbits about how she's Really Black since I last read it.
She's basically this guy
No. 2086099
>>2086076>>Actually, no. Becoming a district attorney is much more difficult than just entering the world of politics because you have connections with billionaires. It’s a very esteemed position, regardless if you agree with her policies or not There are 50 state DAs in the country. Let alone all the county level ones. You really believe its more prestigious to win this rather than become a representative or senator? If so why do lower level politicians run for this before they run for higher level offices?
>>This is just… not true either. Newsom has consistently represented the interests of the Silicon Valley elite, while neglecting other californiansThis isn't shocking considering tech companies pay over 6% of the state budget at the moment. With the employees themselves paying 40% of the income tax revenue.
>>That’s one reason the Center for Jobs and the Economy has warned against the state’s heavy dependence on one region, and has said the state needs to regulate — and spend — less. The tech-heavy Bay Area contributes more than 40% of personal income-tax revenue to the state, according to U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis figures cited by the group. And, as Newsom’s budget also pointed out this week, the top 1% earners in the state, most of whose income comes from stock-based compensation and capital gains, contributed half of all personal income taxes to the state in 2021. It is the single largest group you can engage when it comes to contributions and budget and politics. Not liking this is fine, but taking action against it means they do look for greener pastures. As I mentioned, they're still in California for legacy reasons alone.
>>Never said you had to, nor was I shilling Kamala to the level you’re shilling Newsom kek. I just said I’d take Kamala over him. Interesting you are shilling him, thoughLet me make this very very clear. Newsom is a useless hypocritical bastard that has been hilariously damaging to the long term interests of California. From undermining any perceptions of Covid regulations with his dining out, children's summer camps, and general flouting of the rules he himself promoted aggressively, to his supposed green energy plans (which look good on paper until you realize they import most of their peak load energy from fucking Arizona (and peak load is when it actually matters)), to his support of NGOs within the cities that have a direct interest in not solving the problem and instead promote low level corruption. And this not even touching on the disaster of infrastructure, like his corruption with maintaining existing bridges or the apocalypse that is the high speed rail spending (it should not cost 10x more to build a high speed rail in California than it does in France with all of its labor protections). Newsom should honest to God be dropped into the state sized trash patch in the pacific. He would become the leader of all the worlds garbage within a few weeks. He has damaged California in huge ways for his own personal vanity, like most of the politicians (and political activists) there.
No. 2086111
>>2086104Blame Obama unironically.
His running of the DNC and superimposing his campaign infrastructure on them destroyed the ability for rising talent to promote itself. This was almost fine as long as he had someone waiting in the wings to take over and dismantle the cult of personality. But she lost to a carnival barker.
You're watching the same thing happening with Trump and the RNC. Soon we will have no leaders groomed for leadership what so ever.
>>2086106Because Blacks are a much bigger and monolithic voting block, especially black women.
No. 2086120
>>2086117>>because republicans will probably continue the Trump model for a while.Will they trust anyone but their golden boy though? This is the problem with messianic politics. Unless a successor is cleanly identified in both popularity and endorsement, you're kinda stuck.
Most of his possible inheritors are flailing badly. Especially because half of his appeal to his supporters was that EVERYONE in Dc hated him. They adopted this attitude out of solid decades of disappointment. How do you replicate that if you have a relatively untrusted political faction supporting you?
No. 2086121
>>2086115what tradthot posts are you referring to
nonnie can you tag one maybe
No. 2086136
>>2086132Trump has been trying, believe me.
Just look at Dr. Oz or Herschel Walker. If you look at who he picks as his endorsements, it's mainly good media personalities. His base neither favors them or seems to understand that that the presidency is a capstone and you need support in congress to make effectual change. Who would you see as his heir after almost a decade of trying to form and indebt one?
The problem is that, simply put, the people are retarded.
No. 2086174
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>>2086035Dumbass Mormon names I guess
Are you Romney anon
No. 2086181
>>2086071Are you kidding? Newsom is godawful. Gives illegals free EVERYTHING - food, housing, and insurance while the rest of us actual citizens pay out the ass for all that. Welcomes all the homeless addicts and criminals who have been kicked out of other states so that now we ended up with over 50% of the entire country's homeless in our one state. Also signed into law a bunch of random shit that took power away from teachers/schools. Fuck Newsom.
>>2086053All of this too. He's a one man plague on our state.
No. 2086713
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>>2086707buttigieg is a soulless corporate shark. anyone who wilingly worked for mckinsey has no ethics or morals.
No. 2087288
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I'm late to this but apparently Trumps campaign song is Please please please let me get what I want KEK. Showing his Morrissey fan side, I see No. 2087892
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>>2087876tl;dr somewhat. they plan to pull public funding of transsexual surgeries and gender indoctrination in schools. but they don't have plans to actually protect women from trannies and also want to ban "anti-life" measures, including abortion and the day after pill.
No. 2087957
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>Richard Simmons, the legendary fitness guru, has died at 76
>police and fire responded to a call from his housekeeper just before 10 AM Saturday and pronounced him dead at the scene. We're told no foul play is suspected at this time, and cops are investigating it as a natural death.
>We're told Simmons fell in the bathroom in his home. LAPD's elite Robbery Homicide Division responded to his house because this is a high-profile death though they still do not suspect foul play.
RIP, he may have been too reclusive for younger people to know but I loved seeing Sweatin to the Oldies on TV when I was a kid
No. 2087971
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Trump assasination attempt, no major news outlets are reporting on it yet
No. 2087979
>>2087968It technically is but that doesnt stop Kormoids from making their own via downloading foreign porn, installing spycams in restrooms and changing rooms, threatening/assaulting the women around them and passing the videos and photos around in telegram etc
To the original discussion - rise of kpop, anime, cdrama, tdrama has contributed, but fetishists still tend to keep it online and/or don't go outside. I think there's less "is your pussy slanted too" jokes around nowadays
t. korean american
No. 2087996
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Trump seems to be okay, looks like they shot him in the face right after his facelift KEK. Thats so rude.
No. 2088001
>>2087971Nonnitas this is crazy.
This is the kind of political drama i am here for
No. 2088012
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>>2087996Looks like by the ear
No. 2088019
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He’s fine they just got his ear a little.
No. 2088046
>>2088002If Trump hadn't had turned his head when the first shots missed, his head would have been blown off.
Witnesses are saying people in the bleachers got shot, too.
No. 2088053
>>2088022Shooting isn't like in the video games, nona. Aiming ain't easy. We also currently have no idea how far away the shooter was. This could technically be a pretty good shot, could be a shit shot. I wouldn't be surprised if it was some troon that just started learning to shoot a year ago, though.
>>2088041Like other anon says, looks like some bystanders might've gotten shot.
>Police officials began cordoning off the area with crime-scene tape as the rally’s attendees began clearing out, and blood was visible on the bleachers. No. 2088059
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>>2088053Nta, video from twitter of someone being taken in a body bag. Hard to see.