File: 1720923236263.jpeg (551.92 KB, 828x552, IMG_1730.jpeg)

No. 2088589
File: 1720923364101.jpeg (61.68 KB, 640x642, GSZuyCWj.jpeg)

And we can't even poast!
No. 2088590
File: 1720923378284.png (811.93 KB, 1920x1080, 1720913532919181.png)

identity of the trump shooter revealed
No. 2088593
File: 1720923429291.jpg (71.3 KB, 853x480, 1669918077251.jpg)

The leaked dead shooter photos confirm race war will not be happening yet!
No. 2088596
File: 1720923460975.jpeg (15.02 KB, 270x300, fag.jpeg)

Alleged shooter revealed
No. 2088598
>>2088593Nothing. Ever. Happens.
>>2088595he's woke now
No. 2088600
>>2088571I’m wondering this too. I checked KF and only saw baseless rumors about his ethnicity. Can’t really tell from this
>>2088530 either.
No. 2088601
File: 1720923542111.png (1.13 MB, 950x938, le prince .png)

No. 2088611
File: 1720923748534.jpg (29.79 KB, 775x197, 6175724-bd48e4f2b1ecd26f4a605d…)

mainstream media and wikipedia are afraid to call it an assassination attempt and the editors are arguing over it because "we acktually dont know who the target was!!!" kek
No. 2088623
File: 1720923884517.png (715.72 KB, 1000x1000, 1720923720131574.png)

future thread pic plz
No. 2088638
>>2088636Some anons lack media literacy and immediately went
No. 2088639
File: 1720924250715.jpeg (284.36 KB, 632x593, IMG_1734.jpeg)

No. 2088647
File: 1720924383487.jpg (230.5 KB, 1005x891, f220mb3.jpg)

>>2088639She wouldn't miss
No. 2088658
>>2088611More like lamestream media am i right
No but it's kind of fucked they won't call it like it is
No. 2088662
File: 1720924516310.mp4 (1.02 MB, 720x720, 6175805-aba46023730c06a507f9b6…)

kek these memes
No. 2088670
>>2088596Vegan soyboy
>>2088620There was already an assassination attempt on Robert Fico, the prime minister of Slovakia.
No. 2088674
File: 1720924817755.webp (191.77 KB, 1290x2796, 1000015709.webp)

>>2088638>muh media literacyYea they need to be careful but come on
No. 2088677
>>2088643It seems to be this guy
>>2088596 because he looks like the leaked photo of the dead shooter's bloodied face that's circulating. No name released yet as far as I can tell.
No. 2088684
File: 1720925179469.png (219.51 KB, 624x628, redditasdadffgsaasfd.png)

Theyre already starting the mass sweep to hide this guy
No. 2088694
File: 1720925387431.jpg (25.42 KB, 294x289, tumblr_95d3fb4e5e6cfe83f3c0c90…)

No. 2088700
File: 1720925521002.jpg (12.74 KB, 316x316, 1000015711.jpg)

>>2088623How is it possible for the follow up to go harder than the original? We really live in a meme era
No. 2088708
File: 1720925827026.mp4 (13.63 MB, trumpinterview.mp4)

>>2088699so ridiculus. the cops there apparently ignored the people pointing out the shooter on the roof
No. 2088712
>>2088710Hard to say rn but like
>>2088677 mentioned, there's a pic of the shooter dead on twitter that looks the same. Don't wanna post it here bc gore
No. 2088718
File: 1720926094206.png (53.59 KB, 1702x1270, 8r3455.png)

>>2088596a whole ass triangle
No. 2088741
File: 1720926654381.png (96.65 KB, 255x158, 1720919594722108.png)

God has spoken
No. 2088747
File: 1720926776519.png (346.58 KB, 584x665, AAZQG.png)

This is so gross. I hate him
No. 2088752
File: 1720926992030.png (782.57 KB, 828x776, Elon Musk on X I fully endorse…)

There hasn’t been enough info released to convince me this was staged but I do find it strange that the richest man in the world decided to publicly endorse trump immediately after the shooting
No. 2088753
File: 1720927014197.webp (38.86 KB, 640x640, metal-gear-donald-trumps-mugsh…)

>Trump at his next rally
No. 2088757
File: 1720927085394.jpg (Spoiler Image,49.13 KB, 640x872, 1720878542478116.jpg)

New image of the shooter released.
No. 2088766
File: 1720927339327.jpeg (767.62 KB, 1170x1277, IMG_5008.jpeg)

Watch out for misinformation nonas
No. 2088774
File: 1720927816467.jpg (183.43 KB, 1179x1172, 1720923116178121.jpg)

>>2088596>>2088670He's wearing a Demolition Ranch shirt. Not a vegan soyboy, a /pol/tard chudjak. Probably thought Trump was controlled opposition because of his friendliness with "the Jews"/Israel, or an accelerationist. No. 2088781
>>2088774Yep, you can see the shirt pretty clearly here
>>2088596. KF also has a close up pic of the dead shooter’s face after he was killed in their assassination thread that I won’t post here because of gore, but it looks like the same guy. Interesting the shooter was possibly a /pol/fag after all. Not that I’m surprised, based on his phenotype.
No. 2088785
>>2088752seconding this tinfoil, martyrdom would be the best PR booster in the midst of all this felony stuff. accelerationism
>>2088774 might also be the motivator, but either way its a move to prop up the cause, not shoot it down
pun intended No. 2088786
>>2088763NTA but I mean there
is the possibility he's a lolbert
No. 2088787
They're saying there was a third shooting
victim. Total being one is dead and two in critical condition.
>>2088784nta, but here's a link: No. 2088789
>>2088775>>2088781Demolition ranch is supposedly a "neutral" gun channel who allegedly doesn't like to talk politics so /pol/ is insisting he could've been either side of the political spectrum.
One thread is claiming his identity is a guy who just came back from doing service in Ukraine with a picture of a severed head but not really any proof?
No. 2088798
File: 1720928320934.jpg (8.13 KB, 301x167, aqua_scream.jpg)

Trump's gonna win isn't he? This is going to hype him up beyond belief. I'm out out out. I'm applying for my Euro passport on Monday
No. 2088799
File: 1720928322304.png (14.02 KB, 535x109, image.png)

>>2088774it was just a youtube prank all along
No. 2088801
File: 1720928329437.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.16 MB, 1170x1719, IMG_5011.jpeg)

>>2088795Spoiler for graphic, mods feel free to delete if you don't want it posted
No. 2088802
File: 1720928370562.jpg (64.74 KB, 721x1024, 1720925722882953m.jpg)

poltards keep saying this is the guy but i don't really believe it,
>>2088596 looks way closer to the dead shooter to me
No. 2088808
File: 1720928469676.mp4 (2.9 MB, 720x1280, E816Z_QBHd.mp4)

New video of rally attendees pointing out the shooter
No. 2088818
File: 1720928675257.jpeg (132.51 KB, 750x600, IMG_1737.jpeg)

>jake paul
my fucking sides. so true jake!!
No. 2088819
so what do we think nonas would you rather
>>2088802 or the nip shooter (mask optional)
>yellowfeverfags need not apply(racebaiting) No. 2088823
File: 1720928783700.jpeg (49.13 KB, 605x328, download (21).jpeg)

>>2088819add lee harvey oswald for a kfm
No. 2088828
File: 1720928864736.jpeg (468.48 KB, 1170x1037, IMG_5013.jpeg)

I can't believe yall got me fucking skimming pol I fucking hate pol
No. 2088831
>>2088819the chad isnt the shooter, the shooter doesnt have pierced ears. I will go with the abe guy though because he seems more intelligent(actually shoot abe) and has a cute nerdy vibe
>>2088823>balding post wall loser commieshit taste
No. 2088832
File: 1720928914525.jpeg (69.95 KB, 664x664, XAAAesbr.jpeg)

Another pic of alleged shooter
No. 2088852
Thomas Matthew Brooks is allegedly the name, but after the false info about him being Chinese started circulating after the NY Post made a mistake I would be hesitant to believe it as fact yet.
>>2088846Here's a stream
No. 2088855
File: 1720929381374.jpg (6.99 KB, 142x102, 1720922938705711.jpg)

>>2088847oh shit you're right
No. 2088858
>>2088844Chuds are not intelligent or forward-thinking people. If it was a "disguise", why would he not just be in plain clothes or wearing a MAGA shirt or hat? Why a YouTuber that's featured/defended weird racists and Neo-Nazis?
It'd makes more sense that he didn't care about optics ("fuck your optics" is a common groyper meme phrase) and wanted Trump gone because he saw him as a shill/puppet.
No. 2088869
File: 1720929567708.jpg (251.25 KB, 2048x1365, GSZy50eXcAAa6fN.jpg)

This picture deserves an award. One of the most interesting pictures of this decade so far.
No. 2088895
File: 1720930104483.jpg (51.39 KB, 640x480, 0d3dfd6065367cec603f37f0efe101…)

I've tried so hard to live here and believe the best would come through but time and time again it's shown that this county is fucked. Women are half the population so you would think these horrible people wouldn't even have a chance of getting any power but they still do. Glowie shooter or not, this is going to embolden Trump and once he's elected the country will descend into Gilead. I'm going to use my parental privilege to get European citizenship and hopefully things will be better there.
But seriously wtf? Every single thing the Republican's do destroys women's rights. It can't always be about muh Jesus. What brain rot happened here?
No. 2088897
File: 1720930156036.jpg (1.04 MB, 2825x2462, 1694591288171390.jpg)

>>2088890They're often the same people, nona. Many trannies are /pol/tards, Nazis and general racists, but you're not allowed to point it out in pro-trans spaces.
No. 2088910
File: 1720930464173.jpg (177.99 KB, 1077x625, nyp.jpg) york post says thomas matthew crooks but they're a rag and have no source or other info so take it as you will
No. 2088911
File: 1720930474479.png (317.15 KB, 970x513, deven seas .png)

>>2088895It is probably better for you to leave a place where you feel like you won’t be happy. I hope your life across the sea is the best it can possible be
nonnie ♥
No. 2088912
File: 1720930518637.jpeg (778.02 KB, 1170x1119, IMG_5016.jpeg)

>>2088910Don Lemon claims he's the shooter too
No. 2088919
File: 1720930650997.png (158.06 KB, 359x800, IMG_5018.png)

>>2088912registered as a republican
No. 2088931
>>2088910 Most likely fake or a second shooter because this
>>2088855 pic is a crop of the dead shooter’s ear and he looks like he has a scar from gages as this
>>2088847 nonnie pointed out
No. 2088950
>>2088944I could doomscroll and watch pol meltdown in real time and start shitposting completely irrelevant crap to add flames to the fire, or I could go watch the rest of my dumbass Mike Flanigan miniseries.
Oh well I'm probably gonna doomscroll
No. 2088967
File: 1720931780675.png (2.15 MB, 1125x1908, antifa spec.png)

No. 2088969
File: 1720931822857.png (724.61 KB, 1275x583, Screenshot.png)

Still from a video. It's from TMZ but I'm not going to upload it because you really don't see much plus lots of screaming.
No. 2088982
File: 1720932077788.png (189.54 KB, 1080x999, Screenshot_20240713-231027~2.p…)

>>2088972There are multiple fake accounts using his name to try and push something now. Shitty gay ops kek
No. 2088985
>>2088977I can see some femdom shit with this.
>"You failed your job to protect him, you stupid retard, you can't even fucking die properly"And then you bind his wrists together with his own tie
No. 2088992
File: 1720932412463.jpeg (128.53 KB, 705x791, IMG_6178.jpeg)

Kek some people are speculating it’s this tranny from 4chan. But so far, I’d take any rumors with a grain of salt. We won’t know more until tomorrow most likely. I will say the shooter has a similar jawline to picrel in the gore pic that’s been floating around just with stubble. Probably not picrel cause of the ears though.
>>2088984Yeah he just posted a video saying it’s not himself.
No. 2088999
>>2088986honestly the more i look at them the more i think chad shooter and
>>2088596 are the same guy but that he just looks crazy different from depending on the angle. og guy is probably the shooter though, he's literally wearing the same shirt
No. 2089001
File: 1720932549706.jpg (59.27 KB, 680x680, GSa8SzRWoAASbub.jpg)

Childhood yearbook photo. Seems to matches the face in
>>2088596 IMO.
No. 2089004
>>2088996>schizobabbleStating the obvious isn’t picking a fight,
No. 2089006
File: 1720932647352.png (554.08 KB, 1226x615, g4g4ioj.png)

>>2089002That's not him, either. Stop doing this.
No. 2089042
File: 1720933652529.jpg (463.47 KB, 1500x1000, hasburg jaw .JPG)

>>2089027hasburg jaw.. feature of euro royalty due to inbreeding. tinfoils that they want to depopulate the planet.
discussed here. not saying it’s this tinfoil but since you ask for one.
No. 2089062
>>2088909Once I figure out how to sham marriage women I'm getting everyone here who wants it out
nonnie ♥
No. 2089086
File: 1720936467818.jpg (115.39 KB, 1200x918, Habsburg Jaw A Royal Afflictio…)

>>2089045you’re welcome. they talk about the hasburg genetic defect at 1:16:20 in that video btw.
No. 2089102
>>2089092i know she’s like life goals. i saw some info on her before when I tried to look her up.
on this website they have some articles about her. much. i didn’t read it tbh.
in the video they say that most of her research is open source so she has just learned all this stuff over time, and they explain some of it is informed by her experience working I forgot where, in some govt capacity on radiation?
there are many researchers who know a ton of information. she’s just another one imo.
No. 2089106
File: 1720937327619.jpeg (106.09 KB, 814x397, IMG_6179.jpeg)

I know most of us are probably sleeping right now, but currently the running theory is that the shooter is this guy named Thomas Matthew Crooks (according to the fbi that’s the name of the shooter) who’s 20 and registered republican but also has donated to Actblue. Picrel is what kiwifags are theorizing is the guy. Apparently the blonde guy in the less blurry pics with normal ears are some other dude that just so happens to have a similar jaw and facial profile and was probably pretending to be “Thomas Matthew Crooks” to get clout.
No. 2089107
File: 1720937334930.jpg (36.31 KB, 225x350, 95425.jpg)

>>2088601can someone shoop his witch skull into an angel skull
>>2088596pic related
No. 2089168
File: 1720939271893.png (100.99 KB, 709x612, no head gif.png)

>>2089112Woke up and saw these posts on my dash kek
No. 2089172
File: 1720939405267.png (919.21 KB, 1999x1320, 1720933626117206.png)

No. 2089192
File: 1720940203591.jpeg (52.13 KB, 535x381, 0000016d-cd98-dea8-a9ff-fddb22…)

>>2089191>>2089187Dropped pic previous dem candidates
No. 2089199
File: 1720940446023.jpeg (210.46 KB, 2000x1331, image0.jpeg)

>>2089197Another dropped pic I don't remember who some of these mf's are either
No. 2089205
>>2089112I was on Shitter, and it started showing up on my feed.
>>2089142Your countries are full of way more jeets and Muslims than our states are, if you want to talk savages.
(racebait) No. 2089206
File: 1720940823669.png (361.27 KB, 1048x944, trump skull.png)

this might launch a million alt history fan fictions
No. 2089210
>>2089202AYRT and damn I forgot him, really he went nowhere though and the pro-nazi shit he spouted probably fucked him over as well as his weird conspiracy ties
Anyways how goes stuff for our boy Donny? Is he getting his ear removed or just bandaged?
No. 2089213
File: 1720941087780.jpg (64.38 KB, 1920x1080, huh_cat.jpg)

>>2089042I still don't get what the failed dysgenic poltard assassin has to do with it? How does he want to depopulate the planet? He didn't even depopulate Trump before he got depopulated himself? kek Is that what you mean by posting this? Or just that he's inbred? Inbred doesn't make him a Habsburg descendant. They all are dead as far as I'm aware.
The video is some tinfoiling - antennas and other illuminati garbage.
No. 2089214
>>2089203Bernie was also pretty popular in 2020 and people were relieved Biden won but I remember a few people going “Glad Trump lost but I would’ve preferred Bernie”
>>2089206It was the Lizard Elite’s ability to tell the future clearly, also CirnoSad is a wild username and I honestly expected all Touhou fans to be pro-Trump
No. 2089217
>>2088618They hate him so portraying him as a
victim in any way does not compute. It's that simple. They're not capable of being honest regarding anything.
No. 2089225
File: 1720941582809.png (49.95 KB, 828x389, Attempted assassination of Don…)

>>2089217Jesus, this has been discussed again and again here, but you’re too high on the trump enslavement koolaid to listen. Sure, left media bad. Don’t even disagree. Regardless, Wikipedia used vague wording in the immediate aftermath intentionally to avoid putting out misleading information. It’s updated now.
No. 2089226
File: 1720941677800.jpg (39.6 KB, 894x894, 61R8R23hI4L._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

>>20892032016 election cycle was such a wild ride, it was anyone's game post Obama. Yang, Kanye, Bernie bros versus Hilary shills, and Trump was a total meme candidate until he actually won the republican nom. Then non-trumpers were so confident we'd have our first female president until he actually fucking won. The establishment was seething in real time as the numbers rolled in, and protests were held in the days following the election, much hysteria was had in general, amazing
No. 2089241
>>2089230I think it’s possibly even if extremely mildly, he seems like he’s lowkey crazy enough to actually risk his life for the chance of getting pity votes
>>2089232I kinda agree with this and thinks it’s more likely
>>2089236I feel like his conservative Christian fanbase is gonna go on about how “See?! This is why you should vote Trump! We have Jesus’ blessing for it!” Gotta say it’ll also be really wild to see how the conspiracy theorists go crazy over this, it’ll be a good break from theorizing over Elon Musk for them
No. 2089242
File: 1720943128359.jpg (285.65 KB, 2048x1365, 1720924421120.jpg)

>>2089235There's photos of the bullet whizzing by him
No. 2089256
>>2089254According to
/pol/ a black woman got the bullet.
No. 2089262
>>2089256That’s 4Chan edgelord fanfiction
nonnie, they probably wish it did and that’s why they say that
No. 2089279
>>2089264Thanks for this nonita
Anyways the question has been asked before but how do you think this will affect the election? Will it get him more votes or less? I think he’ll get a few votes out of pity for sure
No. 2089285
File: 1720944479883.jpg (7.35 KB, 247x250, 1650750271574.jpg)

I'm so fucking glad I moved to bongland. It may be having its own crises, but it's so much less tense, less miserable, and more politically stable than the US. This election cycle has been a latam-tier spectacle. Just embarrassing.
>>2089211Speaking in generalities, it tends to be left-leaning in the ways that actually matter, i.e. not media-poisoned enough to mistake twitter culture war bullshit for the biggest issues of our time.
No. 2089288
>>2089285enjoy the sharia law
nonnie o7
(emoji) No. 2089295
>>2088623Yes please
>>2088596Assuming the shooter was actually killed and the pic of the dead guy is really the shooter I definitely see a resemblance, how ironic that it’s a (probably straight) white man doing this so they can’t even preach about this being an attack on men, then again maybe they’ll use this to go on about how “see it’s the women and gay people who support Trump! The men want him dead”
No. 2089298
>>2089286Russia won't do shit; it's managed to achieve what amounts to a modest success in a developing country despite throwing countless bodies and equipment at it.
>>2089288you spend too much time online
>>2089289The parties in power and media at the very least peddle the idea that there's an existential battle for democracy, which in practice has a destabilizing effect among the population and leads to bullshit like this.
No. 2089299
>>2089285Sorry you chose bongland out of all places.
>>2089286Trump had good rapport with Putin as far as I remember. If anything he wanted to avoid the war and definitely didn't want it to happen close to the EU border.
No. 2089312
File: 1720946395255.png (165.16 KB, 947x603, pattyryansayskilleveryone.PNG)

Taken from the other farms but someone started a GoFundMe after the incident
No. 2089314
>>2089246It felt like the snipers took their sweet time getting the guy. I know they can't just be
trigger happy and shoot all willy-nilly without a credible threat, but witnesses said that they saw him climb up with a rifle and set up, and that the secret service clearly saw the witnesses yelling and pointing in his direction. In some of the footage while he's laying on the roof, you can hear the people screaming for them to do something before he even took his first shot. And now people are dead and injured because of it.
No. 2089330
>>2089311>sharia councilsIf you mean individuals who are islamist and were elected to council then yes. If you mean places where sharia is in effect then no.
The major problem with ethnic/cultural/religious enclaves is crime and social blight, as we can see from the banlieues in Paris, fulani in Nigeria, social housing in Sweden, and roma in eastern europe. There's literally zero danger of radicals who have self-segregated from mainstream society enacting religious law across the country. The danger is from the members of the community swiping phones, grooming delinquent teens, and abusing family members due to lack of oversight/safeguarding.
(derailing) No. 2089332
File: 1720956662770.jpg (42.92 KB, 680x515, 1_0Klb-PtmrkNb0F2ysPObmQ.jpg)

>>2089191how could anyone possibly forget about jeb?
No. 2089338
File: 1720957233021.jpg (Spoiler Image,369.01 KB, 1536x2048, 20240714_143900.jpg)

Great day for schizoprehnics. JFK has been milked dry, this could entertain them for the next five, maybe 10 years
No. 2089339
File: 1720957503405.jpg (35.95 KB, 523x400, 1720954004550094m.jpg)'s no way this isn't him, right?
(learn to embed) No. 2089343
File: 1720957683319.png (673.89 KB, 540x1437, trump.png)

now why the hell was he giving a speech in the middle of nowhere? burger nonnas is that common? It seems that people were joking about it even before it happened
No. 2089358
File: 1720958576093.jpeg (74.76 KB, 1074x467, 988a5a9e671e68a2b9bf31644fa855…)

Having the shooter turn out to be a gross incel who was pissy over Isreal is hilarious and best possible outcome. Well maybe a sucessful attempt..
No. 2089377
>>2089371but of course yall with access will just fuck off to Europe or something. White people gave us both these old dusties fucks to choose from that are killing all of us I hate you devils. Now black and brown people ahve to suffer cuz one yur crazy yt devil men got
trigger happy. THANKS
(racebait) No. 2089382
>>2089370>>2089371>>2089377This is the weakest attempt at race bait I've ever seen. Maybe lurk more so you can get better?
>>2089343America in general is pretty rural. There's such high density in cities, that once you get out of them, it's nothing but low density country folks. And those are the type of people who vote Trump.
No. 2089383
>>2089362Agrees, best take
nonnie. This will send boomers over the edge, the next decade will be insufferable
No. 2089400
File: 1720960903546.png (808.44 KB, 1959x1455, diazepam-2409940553.png)

nonnie, these might help
No. 2089403
this is thread is basically moid and bait central, why haven't the mods locked it?
>>2089391>white moid got bored of posting his pol takes that he is now pretending to be a black woman shitting on white womenCan you be a little less obvious ya XY defect, kek.
(scrotefoiling) No. 2089407
>>2089403It's just a retard central, I haven't seen a single good take. re-blackpilled that
this is our userbase but I guess the biggest tards are always the loudest in political threads and normal anons only shitpost for a couple hours and move on.
No. 2089414
>>2089407We have a /pol/ tard infestation problem on /ot/. the initial shitposting was funny but those anons left when the tread started devolving into racebait and repub shilling.
look at all the glowie posts and the retards admitting to using /pol/ unironically, they're getting bolder.
No. 2089416
File: 1720962728499.png (1.09 MB, 1900x1270, Screenshot 2024-07-14 at 09.03…)

I understand the donations are coming from a place of wanting to help the victims but Donald Trump is literally a multi-billionaire, he could just cut a check for a million dollars if he wanted to do something, this is stupid. the senior advisor for his campaign is the organizer for the gofundme so it feels like a gross PR stunt. also it's really lazy PR work, it would be a billions times better for his image if he did some rich guy shit and sent teams out to the people who were at the rally to cover all their medical bills etc and then got interviews with them and made a story about it, then the story could also drop closer to election time. a gofund me is so lame.
I don't even like trump and I could think of better ways to spin this.
No. 2089461
File: 1720965374012.jpeg (229.98 KB, 679x542, IMG_6180.jpeg)

I hate that whoever is in charge is probably scrubbing the shooter’s social media before we know for sure who the shooter is.
>>2089339His ear doesn’t look like the dead shooter ear to me. But then again this was from a few years ago. Picrel is a shot of his other ear in the video that unfortunately was taken down.
No. 2089472
File: 1720965824134.mp4 (1.73 MB, 640x360, 6178132-37fd2d415abd8da3b55c19…)

>>2089461Samefagging but here's the video that got taken down.
No. 2089483
File: 1720966480248.png (61.93 KB, 194x144, earcheck.png)

>>2089461i know they dont look exactly the same but i think angles and whatever happened to his lobe are really doing the work. he looks like he has a similar chewed upper ear thing though? but it's hard to tell with the screengrab quality.
it's really bothering me that we don't know anything about this guy at all, no socmed found and nobody's come forward saying they recognise or knew him. i literally can't pull myself away from it because it's so weird
No. 2089486
File: 1720966847243.gif (480.07 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mofiyeC0Qd1rwcs6vo1_500…)

>>2088596>inbred>"20">tranny phenotypeGood riddance coomchimp
No. 2089494
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No. 2089498
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>>2089391What you said is true even though nonnies were getting on your case about it. A lot of people are woefully unaware of history. The younger generation(s) might be a bit better and more aware of intersectional issues, but historically you did see the divide between women along racialized lines (look up Sojourner Truth and the 1851 Akron Women's Convention, or black suffragists in late 19th century early 20th century). It also didn't just exist in the U.S., BTW. No. 2089524
File: 1720969468649.jpg (215.6 KB, 800x498, 1720960420990978.jpg)

No. 2089526
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No. 2089553
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The victim has been confirmed. Was obviously not a black women like poltards were saying. Also not sure how much I can post without doxxing, but they kiwifags have found his dad and his dad was a registered libertarian
No. 2089554
>>2089414>implying I wasn't also talking about the fags fighting with them >>2089409 actually is
>>2089014 is
No. 2089565
>>2089553Them claiming a black woman died is interesting, to say the least. What did they hope with that? To get black people to react and decide to support Trump in a supposed black
victim's memory? I know Trump's team has been reaching desperately for a black voter base. It seems more like a reminder that they wish black people were dead (great message to send to the few black Trump supporters that aren't literally paid to shill him). /pol/tards are fully retarded and shoot themselves in the foot like that.
No. 2089579
>>2089565>What did they hope with that? To get black people to react and decide to support Trump in a supposed black victim's memory?I think /pol/tards just have a pathological obsession with black people, otherwise I would think that this is the reasoning for the more "normal" Trumpists.
>>2089566She's probably even angrier than the rest of us that the guy missed kek
No. 2089592
>>2089584We use the ear because apparently the retard phenotype is common enough for this guy
>>2088832 to be mistaken for the shooter.
No. 2089609
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Maybe one the most retarded takes I’ve seen yet
No. 2089622
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>>2088808It feels like the person recording it has Parkinson.
No. 2089651
File: 1720975511974.png (316.09 KB, 419x450, Opera Snapshot_2024-07-14_1142…)

>>2089636There's no evidence that Thomas Matthew Crooks was antifa. Only that picrel was confirmed antifa. The only things we know about the shooter is that his name is Thomas Matthew Crooks, he's 20-years-old and his parents are libertarian and democrat registered while Thomas himself is republican registered.
>>2089643She's probably using this source'%20background%20reveal,parts%20of%20the%20United%20States. that claims picrel is Thomas Matthew Crooks. Picrel is that dude that got arrested at a trump rally for violence.
No. 2089672
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Well here's something, but I really hope someone leaks dms or his manifesto.
No. 2089676
File: 1720976556762.mp4 (2.55 MB, 720x1280, 6176144-65c1947f6a8c501703ef9b…)

Footage of
victim being carried away from the bleachers
>>2089338 No. 2089683
File: 1720976660977.mp4 (1.1 MB, 590x1278, 6175561-dd049706eaae1614e9009f…)

Counter snipers on roof
No. 2089694
File: 1720976973890.mp4 (769.67 KB, 480x858, shooter.mp4)

Shooter dead on roof
No. 2089703
>>2089697They're malding in this thread too especially this moid writing a paragraph -> >>2089691
They literally admitted on meta that they are moidw from 4chan, KF and pol/ yet farmhands still haven't locked this thread.
Great, more moids baiting this site…..
No. 2089714
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No. 2089716
>>2089704>beef curtains>a term that redpill men and incels use as a insult for female genitalsoh so you really are a XY defect male
>>2089708Don't blame him, blame the retarded farmhands who haven't locked this shithole of a thread and now we have xy defect men coming here to defend trump like their life depends on it, mass bait and racebait on threads here and call anons "beef curtains".
(report and ignore scrotes) No. 2089719
File: 1720977644294.png (47.27 KB, 706x469, Opera Snapshot_2024-07-14_1220…)

Anyway, these are the parents of the shooter. I assume this is fine to post and not considered doxxing because it's public knowledge now and in a news article No. 2089726
>>2089719idk bro he really doesn't look that jewish
you white identity cringelords really act like blm sometimes everything bad is jewish and whites can never do anything wrong
No. 2089733
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No. 2089749
>>2089744well im not
>>2089726 but if you whine about it its not gonna make me stop
No. 2089752
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Least important question but what's the thing hanging off the ass of the guy at the back
No. 2089789
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Remember when he made that appearance on sex and the city.. with samantha kek
No. 2089796
victim complex is so real.
No. 2089812
>>2089808>US is the biggest problem.Are you even American?
No. 2089817
>>2089812ntayrt but i dont think she meant that the US is the country that produces the most porn/
abusive content, she just meant that we consume the most of it and that should be stopped. Also this is kind of an off brand Amerifags thread so i wouldn’t be surprised if fellow burgers considered the U.S. to be the biggest problem because it is the environment they live in which effects them directly
No. 2089818
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>>2089792He used to do interviews about how he was pals with michael jackson and knew for a fact that lisa and mike were definitely fucking. That might be my favorite any excuse to get on tv moment, from way back.
No. 2089819
>>2089808I really doubt anyone's going to "nuke" porn
At best they might censor like Japan
No. 2089823
File: 1720980496199.png (1.38 MB, 718x855, blankey jackson.png)

>>2089818kek reminds me of when he shook his baby out the window
No. 2089835
>>2089830Even if people don’t organize, that doesn’t mean Trumps cabinet wouldn’t be capable of banning porn anyways
>>2089832Why would that matter? Even if there may not be
masses of people who are opposed to porn, Trumps constituents are against the availability of pornography.
(derailing) No. 2089839
>>2089788>exclusively right-wing, evangelical christian judgesThe three judges appointed by Trump were all Catholic.
>>2089806I don't know how many times this needs to be stated. LC's original userbase comes from 4chan. Do you think there was liberal SJW types lurking around /cgl/ while gamergate was happening?
(derailing) No. 2089858
>>2089806they're all over /ot/ now. im sure it's mostly poltards but some posts are glowing hard
>>2089786trump is definitely a useful idiots for some much smarter and much more radical people on the right. trump wins elections for them and appoints rightoid judges and government agents. the batshit rightoids who want a whole ass theocracy know many of their policies (on labor, democracy, womens rights etc) aren't very popular so trump is useful front for them.
No. 2089868
Anyone else been hearing this was all staged by Trump and inspired by Putin? I’ve been told that he met with Orban two days ago and was inspired by him and Putin to pull this for sympathy.
I’m been hearing this take from former Eastern Bloc boomers (family, family friends, etc). It comes off as crazy to me.
>>2089767Unfortunately women’s rights are also not protected by Democrats. Like the right to not be raped and impregnated in prison. Dems are better for the everyday non-incarcerated woman though.
No. 2089915
>>2089874Still don't think women have to be punished just for fucking gross men, not to mention many women
aren't doing that
No. 2089918
File: 1720983798515.gif (801.93 KB, 498x280, mericauwu.gif)

ok Amerisisters, I start working (wageslaving) at the Repub con tomorrow, what do you wanna know/see
No. 2089926
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>>2089918I wanna see how many male buttcracks are visible
No. 2089977
File: 1720986252790.png (42.67 KB, 619x317, Screenshot 2024-07-14 124341.p…)

>>2089974Oh damn it's already happening
No. 2089980
File: 1720986411994.jpg (2.5 MB, 4097x2731, MD34O34JZWR3JQFMRTSWNIQGIU.jpg)

If you had to kiss one, marry one and.. avoid one..
No. 2089982
>>2089980Marry lady
Kiss front guy in black
Kill other guy
No. 2090014
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>>2090008A lot of shooters are and still get fandoms
No. 2090017
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>>2090015You'd think that but you'd be incorrect.
No. 2090022
File: 1720987572651.png (43.7 KB, 628x355, this but jodi arias.png)

>>2090020The truth can be hard to accept sometimes
No. 2090032
>>2090030Nickelodeon, and close
Basically he waifu'd her and believed when he died he would join her 'ghost squad' as one of her female minions (worth noting that he believed women didn't have buttholes) that kill humans.
No. 2090038
>>2090036we don’t know if he’s a troon
yet , his internet history is yet to be released
No. 2090039
>>2090036could be fed adjacents muddying the waters. anything from /pol/ or twitter or whatever snowflake social media is suspect
right wingers I know better don't seem too concerned about whether the shooter was a troon
No. 2090052
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I think it is kinda fascinating how close he came to getting merked
>>2090040the problem isn’t that she’s a woman, it’s that instead of huddling around Trumple to protect him (which is her job, to be fair) she decided to hide behind another secret service dude
No. 2090059
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>>2090056only one huddled next to him, there were a few lady agents and one decided to hide behind her coworker
No. 2090069
>>2090059I see, I didn't know there were female agents other than the blonde one beside him all the time.
>>2090066I mean tbf nobody forced her to have a job like this. That choice is on her.
No. 2090077
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kek I hate Reddit scrotes.
No. 2090128
File: 1720993088476.webp (52.17 KB, 1000x667, 6a1cd1-20240713-trump-rally-sh…)

>>2090078Found the twink, off canoodling on the job
No. 2090148
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>>2090128I am thinking things that I don't wanna think
No. 2090241
>>2090234I doubt they'd consider Trump dying a win since he went along with the neocon stuff when he was president and considering how many Trump supporters are "conspiracy realist" militant right wingers
I don't think that kind of unrest is wanted right now when there's so much happening around the world
No. 2090250
File: 1720999556562.jpg (595.16 KB, 1100x619, propaganda lady.JPG)

>Comrades! Supreme Leader of the Nation, beloved Donald Trump, Defender of the Faith and Our National Liberty, survived an attempted assassination attempt by the nefarious and duplicitous ANTIFA terrorists. The Supreme Leader used His most powerful abilities to swiftly move away from the bullets, soaring like an eagle to safety. Onlookers say that the Hand of God appeared before the almighty Supreme Leader and stopped the bullets from hitting him! The Supreme Leader is ordained by the true American God and he is all-powerful! All Hail Supreme Leader Trump!
No. 2090271
File: 1721000336918.png (228.04 KB, 1560x860, Screenshot 2024-07-14 at 19.36…)

>>2089792I did not remember he was on the nanny. I need to rewatch that show
No. 2090287
File: 1721000863927.jpeg (63.69 KB, 900x625, 1720987899831.jpeg)

Holy shit
No. 2090330
>>2090295I mean its a town of 13,500 in a red rural county, they were probably just going through the motions that day because the risk was so low
>>2090260Probably a dirtbag leftist or a lolbert
No. 2090337
>>2090333I'm a rightoid and no I wouldn't be happy if an innocent person died at a Biden rally kek.
I would be sad if they were a good person who tried to save their daughters too. and I wouldn't be happy if Biden died either too tbh (mostly because I don't think the guy has any real power even if he did and said a lot of fucked up evil shit when he was young and mentally sane)
No. 2090338
>>2090333lol exactly.
dems rn are like "uwu violence is bad! thoughts n prayers 4 don" meanwhile if biden had been the one who got shot trump would be cracking jokes about it right now
No. 2090339
>>2090337biden was never sane he was always retarded
have you seen his younger speeches?
No. 2090360
>>2090359Im pretty sure its just anons pointing out how ironic it is that rightoids males would call the
victim a faggot who deserved it if it were a biden rally. Nobody in the thread thinks its a good think an innocent man died bc we're women capable of empathy plus a few sperg anons
No. 2090368
>>2088895>once he's elected the country will descend into GileadHe's been elected once already and it didn't. I love how libtards keep screaming about him being Hitler 2.0, when he was already a president for 4 years and didn't do shit, except for shitposting on twitter and being an embarrassment. Wade vs. Roe was repealed early during Biden presidency (inb4 it was Trump's SCOTUS), and Biden's admin didn't do anything about it, because they want to hold it over female voter's heads for the next election. Face it, neither Republicans nor Dems care about women.
>I'm going to use my parental privilege to get European citizenship and hopefully things will be better thereYeah, I remember hearing the same in 2016. You ain't gonna do shit, and we don't want you here, the pendulum in Europe is swinging back right anyways.
No. 2090371
>>2090340 and I have nothing but sympathy for his family ofc, I guess I didn't make that clear, just elaborating on the "if it was a Boden rally" posts
No. 2090378
>>2088895why would you move to europe you retard
europe is like a dollar store america with even more rapists
(bait) No. 2090382
File: 1721005386867.jpeg (602.89 KB, 1170x1833, IMG_5722.jpeg)

Americans are so funny I wish we had a political clown show
How do you even begin to explain picrel to people
No. 2090384
>>2090376it’s twitter
nonnie, people will say wretched shit about literally anyone if it gets them attention
No. 2090388
>>2090383>pro-abortionwhat alternate reality are you living in
nonnie, nobody cares except for the few lefty anons but don't lie to defend that epstein island attending faggot
No. 2090397
>>2090392>He has nothing to do with the evangelical crowd.Yes, he does. Whether or not he is genuinely devout is dubious, but right-wingers and evangelicals are his
constituents. He will cater to his
constituency. I’m not sure you understand how politics works kek.
No. 2090400
File: 1721006181910.jpeg (46.29 KB, 594x515, image0.jpeg)

the Russian media is saying a snl skit from years ago "predicted" the shooting because fake Biden used finger guns kek I cant
No. 2090409
>>2090401tbh the entire world is falling, the low birth rates in china, the west with mass
*, elon musk and shitting up the atmosphere with his satellites that will trap us here, SEA becoming uninhabitable bc of rising temperatures. we're all fucked and you cant escape
No. 2090411
>>2090402>white nationalists are his costituents in part too, but the last days of his presidency were spent pardoning Black rappers lol.These two things don’t cancel each other out.
>Also the evangelical crowd is smuch smaller among real people. It's not the 90s or early 00s anymoreEvangelicalism is still a very strong lobby in the US. The Heritage Foundation (Project 2025) is from their faction. AIPAC/Israeli lobby has strong Evangelical ties. The amount of Evangelicals you know probably depends on where you live, but I know plenty irl.
No. 2090416
>>2090408what lines you schizo
trump is just a neocon with flashy messaging
No. 2090422
File: 1721006906546.jpg (83.98 KB, 640x832, 1 Pattinson stan.jpg)

>>2090411That's absolutely true
nonny but I also know they're not exactly friends with him. They're more of the DeSantis or Cruz types. He can't disavow them directly too much, but he went as far as to say as not wanting to do anything with them. Again his personality and background (that of a progressive NY liberal businessman attention whore who loves the showbiz and gossip) can't work with that type of people.
>>2090406These people matter way less offline and I'm convinced that if troons weren't a protected class 99% would disappear overnight.
No. 2090443
File: 1721007785840.png (1.36 MB, 1170x1175, Trump backs abortion in cases …)

>>2090388NTA but Trumps come out before saying he supports abortion in rape, incest, or life of the mother
No. 2090471
>>2088895Europe is not better nona. At least men in America who rape or murder women get lengthy sentences. In my European country, a man who rapes a woman will be out in 18 months maximum. Murder sentence here is only about 14 years after accounting for the fact most killers get paroled after serving only half their sentence, as for pedo crimes, CP hoarders often get no jail time or maybe 1 month at most even for terabytes of CP, and raping a kid here maybe 5 years or something at best.
We don’t even have guns to defend ourselves, in my country it’s illegal for women to carry mace as a self defense. Trust me, American justice system is much better.
No. 2090479
>>2090473muricans are overgrown chlidren who can't accept responsibility
they lack the willpower to do what needs to be done to fix their country, so they look for escape in foreign countries
same countries that used to be livable that were ruined thanks to us foreign policy, ngos, ideologies, corporations
No. 2090527
>>2090525… it's not soon enough but I want that death to be
jim carrey ngl
I guess Trump is fine too
No. 2090552
>>2088895You'd honestly be hard pressed to find a country that's
1. Better living standards
2. Less sexist
3. Easy to access
USA honestly isn't nearly as bad as people pretend, you go to other countries and their pay is substantially worse or the standards for women are abysmal like Korea or they're impossible to get into like Iceland. People are lucky to be born first world and are too sheltered to realize it, if you wanna fuck off to Mexico then do it
No. 2090554
>>2089106its likely that the guy who donated to Actblue is actually a different Thomas Crooks who lives in PA. if you look at the address written down it says Pittsburgh when TMC lived in and attended school in Bethal Park meaning he wouldnt have randomly moved addresses
TMC- TC- No. 2090558
File: 1721013380541.png (221.83 KB, 589x554, faggotgay.png)

>>2090073actually, they're defending the moid agents who were slacking. Kek
No. 2090584
File: 1721015042794.jpg (56.64 KB, 585x1132, GSf2if0WoAAc0ys.jpg)

No. 2090608
>>2090594>As far as moids go, hasn't he been pretty harmless?anon..have you even read the posts about him? he's had a very long history of being harmful
>>2090603and sexually assaulting women
No. 2090616
>>2090612Because countries with conservative and backwards governments have much, much higher rates of spousal rape, it's legalised in several shithole conservative countries, and femicide is an enormous issue in Brasil and conservative countries in Latam. I think a lot of burger anons on here don't think their country can devolve into a hellish nightmare, but it absolutely can. Iran was a pretty cool place to be in the 70s.
>>2090614Thank you, it's really not that hard.
No. 2090620
>>2090616ayrt but
>Iran was a cool place in the 70s do you think America is gonna go muslim or something kek?
No. 2090632
>>2090619Omg. We need spousal rape laws to protect ourselves. To have these laws in place at least offer some legal protection in the incident of it occurring allows men to be prosecuted. I'm using it as an example to say there are several countries where those legal protections aren't in place. I bring up the middle east because there are several countries in that area that are under a conservative theocracy, something that can very well happen to the US.
>>2090626>iranian revolution, also known as the islamic revolutionIdek why I bother, some of you are really dumb.
No. 2090640
>>2090632ntayrt but like
>>2090635 the supreme court exists for the purpose of protecting laws just like that
No. 2090641
>>2090626>soviet style revolutionit as islamic fundamentalists not commies. the country was a better place in the early 70s before the beards took over
>>2090635you think the liberal justices signed off on overturning roe v wade? do you realize the scotus has a solid conservative majority right now?
No. 2090645
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>>2090594oh you're lucky, what rock have you been living under?
>abuses crew on movie sets and is generally a miserable dickhead>spent the entire time filming man on the moon tormenting everyone with andy kaufman method acting>has done this on multiple other films>almost caused grinch makeup artist to quit and go to therapy>yelled and screamed at staff on the set of sonic and also berated people on the set of kidding so he's still doing it>sex offender>sexually assaulted and harassed women>acts like a pig to female journalists>abused his ex girlfriend, gave her multiple incurable stds, and drove her to suicide >has allegedly abused other women including multiple ex gf's and wives and possibly even abused underage girls >surrounds himself with other sex offenders including jeff ross who groomed a 15 year old girl>antivaxer who thinks autism is a birth defect despite having autistic traits himself>holier than thou mentality>part of a meditation cult called tm and was possibly part of scientology at some point >druggie who refuses to treat his numerous mental illnesses properly and lets them wreak havoc instead>pretentious and thinks he's philosophical when he sounds like a college freshman on acid>2017 incel phase where he had schizo depersonalization episodes in public and rambled on about how he didn't exist >pretending to be a progressive political cartoonist after he was accused of abuse>threatened to sue will smith for $200 million after the slapgate fiasco, one of the most ignorant and retarded celebrity takes >doubled down on stance and then said jada smith was a "tough girl" who should've fought chris rock herself>his "memoir" is a waste of time to read>booby sucking fetish which appears in his films and is apparently a real fetish of his>his movies aged like milk and frequently exploit and sexualize female characters therein>misogyny is partially derived from a freudian hatred of his mom>constantly self victimizes, hyperbolizes and lies>cringelord boomer who still thinks he's as relevant as he was in the 90s No. 2090650
File: 1721018181582.png (35.86 KB, 762x170, abusepreg.png)

>>2090644nta. abuse often gets worse during pregnancy, though. imagine how hard it is for pregnant women to escape an
abusive relationship. Access to abortion is very important for pregnant abuse
victims. Of course it would be hard for a woman to even get an abortion in an
abusive relationship, but it should still be a resource they can access.
No. 2090657
>>2090650ntayrt but if she’s in an
abusive relationship already i don’t really think that aborting the baby is going to suddenly make him stop, unless you’re referring to needing to abort a baby who’s conceived via marital rape which you are still able to in the USA
No. 2090662
>>2090644That’s not what it is
Nonas over half of people nationwide support abortion. Abortion keeps women in the workforce and keeps useless eater numbers down. Being fully anti abortion is political suicide. It is never going away. There will always be a state you can go to to do it. Moving to another country just for this one issue is so retarded
No. 2090671
>>2090663But if she didn't want to keep the child then she'd get an abortion to begin with instead of opting to see through the pregnancy, and abortion from rape (even by your boyfriend/husband) is still granted in the US.
>>2090664This conclusion you posted doesn't acknowledge abuse post-abortion though. It only says that white women are more likely to report abuse, that relationship issues are often cited as the reason for seeking abortion, and that women with history of abuse were less likely to inform the other parent of the pregnancy they're deciding to terminate. Could you find me a resource that confirms that in a relationship, the abuse stops after the wife chooses to abort the pregnancy? Because we all know that is not how
abusive relationships work.
No. 2090696
>>2090690They are raging more at the female bodyguard because she didnt take a thousand bullets to defend trumps honour than the actual shooter.
Conservatards sure are something….
The female bodyguard made the pro-trumpies so mad that they are saying women shouldn't be allowed most jobs. Kek the malding.
No. 2090704
>>2090693It wasnt just alex jones it was so many other conservative influencers and they have been doing this for every shooting and claiming it was fake if a straight moid did it.
This is not comparable to that (sandy) at all and you are being vague and deceptive on purpose.
Meanwhile this Donald shooting has more more plot holes than swiss cheese. Tell me is it normal for people in the audience to be able to notice and spot the shooter yet no one in the security team noticed it?
Is it normal for people in the audience to scream that there is a shooter in the roof and for the security to ignore them and not care?
Answer me, are those things normal?
No. 2090887
>>2090700Bethel Park might have the same postal code as Pittsburgh and therefore gets labeled as such when things get mailed out or when you have to fill out your address on a site.
>>2090076I don't understand the hate they're throwing at the female secret service agents. They seemed to be doing their job properly when things went down. The male sniper had the shooter in his sights and did nothing until it was too late which lead to the death of an attendee, two others currently in critical condition, and almost the assassination of a former president. As far as I can tell, all they have on the female agents is that one of them was looking down at the stairs when she was walking Trump off the stage and another one had a gun out after Trump was in his car which is all literally nothing. Especially in comparison to the previously mentioned male sniper.
No. 2091002
>>2090977It was in another thread I was reading if I come across it I'll link it. I wouldn't be surprised though, there was a longer list too he was mod for either hate against or against hate groups. I was reading them last night but cleaned my cookies etc.
Also reading over the thread just want to state the roof thing about him army crawling just with the slope of the roof he was able to crawl up out of eye sight to the snipers and they knew his area but it was when he raised his head to take his shots at trump they were able to return fire. I was watching the breaking news in the UK and saw the live interview with the witness to the shooter getting on the roof and alerting the police.
An arms expert also said with rifles the accuracy is compromised by 100ft and this shot was further out it was fortunate and lucky there weren't more fatalities or injuries. I'm not sure why people are quick to decry this as a set up. America has an issue with guns and shooters. It's honestly insane how many domestic terrorists are in the states yet usa still tries to play world police. Your two options for president are geriatric retarded men. USA looks like the world's most ignorant country for having so much development and advancement if I was American I'd be so embarrassed by all of this
No. 2091016
File: 1721040655217.png (237.94 KB, 670x817, vnc.png)

Found this tranny from Reddit being speculated to be him while looking through Twitter. Not the same person (the post in picrel itself is a reply to one about one of the fake Instagram accounts, the skvmlord one). Besides the face being entirely different, this is an FtM with divorced parents.
No. 2091032
File: 1721041510118.png (53.99 KB, 932x532, yourdonefor.png)

Here's a different guy from Reddit who claims to have known him and his sister in HS. He claims that their father wouldn't allow either of them to take their medication (it was related to mental health).
No. 2091035
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>>2091032Samefag, his mother stopped them from taking it too. His claims about his sister's name and dad's job are true.
No. 2091043
>>2091037It would literally achieve nothing though.
People need to start getting their feelings hurt in America and educated. You're fat and unhealthy. Taking hormones can't change your sex and life isn't suddenly on easy mode if you think you've swapped genders. Democracy doesn't work if the general population are a bunch of fat retards that only want to consume media that already confirms their biases. Letting a retarded population have easy access to guns isn't a smart idea. Honestly.
No. 2091044
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>>2091008He was definitely an unwashed incel. Going by the little we have on him and what former classmates say about him being an out and out conservative who made "off-color jokes", I don't think he trooned out or that he was "against hate" of any kind, though. Definitely the type to do so in another timeline, though.
I think it's interesting that one of his parents worked in mental health but (allegedly) refused him meds.
No. 2091161
>>2090241> considering how many Trump supporters are "conspiracy realist" militant right wingersive seen speculation that that is the reason theyd want trump dead bc hes popular and his followers tend to be more critical of the elites and more conspiracy minded so more attuned to tptb plots. also that these same powers want civil war.
so basically ive seen speculation that trumps death and unrest to the point of civil war is what is actually wanted.
for example: like 12:30min he talks about the theory that neocons cant survive more trump because of his effect on the populace of heightened “conspiracy realist” culture. hes talking about something called integrity initiative - a white paper put out by the architects of russiagate about this concern re a trump second term? dont want to take up space with this vid sorry.
No. 2091176
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>>2091160Well this article surely didn’t help combat those claims. It was deleted pretty fast after they realized how racist this sounds. No. 2091186
File: 1721055702599.png (1.47 MB, 1125x1714, blackrock ad trump shooter .pn…)

trump shooter was featured in a blackrock ad
No. 2091204
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>>2091163I agree weird but it’s a sentiment I’ve seen.
I didn’t make the same reasoning you did I assumed it’s more to do with being tough as all the tiktok kids are harping about now
No. 2091206
>>2091186>>2091189Project 2025 seeks to remove BlackRock as the fund manager for american pensions (see
>>>/ot/2077877 ) so BlackRock wanted to eliminate Trump.
Thanks for listening to my short tinfoil
No. 2091214
>>2091210project 2025 is drain the bipartisan swamp to refill it with people who are happy with only getting paid with daddy donny's kisses and smug satisfaction at making everyone else's life miserable.
tl;dr will get cockblocked by any kind of dem majority in the house or senate.
No. 2091222
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No. 2091226
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>>2091222It also kinda looks like a…a WIND TURBINE…hmmmmmmm
No. 2091265
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>>2089719/pol/ and KF were both spreading that the shooter is jewish due to their autistic obsession with da joos. They even identified some random guy as the shooter that has since been proven false. Picrel is the random guy they claimed as the shooter. By all accounts, including from his own classmates, he was a conservative and not jewish. It must hurt that the shooter was one of their own kek.
No. 2091302
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allegedly the shooter tipped on onlyfans under his legal name
No. 2091306
>>2091016this doesn't look like him at all
>>2091032his dad is a published psychologist and his mother works at the same care facility that the shooter and his dad worked at as a counselor. they also lived in a shit shack ranch while raking in 300k a year. i really doubt that the dad would be anti medication, but he did seem like some sort of controlling narc because he kicked his son out at 18 and didn't have a college fund for him despite the son having good grades and the family being educated. another weird detail is the family is scottish but "identifies" as jewish, whatever that means. wondering if all the literally hitler trump talk made the son think he and his family would really be in danger of being persecuted if he was elected.
No. 2091324
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>>2091306Sauce? The only “evidence” I’ve seen of his alleged judaism is this guy who was misidentified by KF
>>2091265 and /pol/ seething. Crooks certainly isn’t a jewish surname. But who knows, clearly he’s schizo and it wouldn’t be surprising if his family was weird
No. 2091336
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Have any other companies besides Sticker Mule sent out emails/tweets about this mess? I got this email today and it makes me laugh that people are already trying to grift orange man's assassination attempt kek No. 2091347
>>2091310people can lack common sense but be book smart and do well in college. the shooter worked as a dietary aid meaning he served meals in the cafeteria and the mother was a counselor. sorry my wording was really unclear. technically, anyone can convert to more liberal forms of judaism, maybe it was a good career move for the dad as a psychologist? both his parents were registered democrats, it wouldn't surprise me if they valued climbing the
victim hierarchy.
No. 2091357
>>2091347So he was a socially awkward incel and wore hunting shit to school like onision. Thank god onision got laid or he'd probably have shot someone by now.
Well hopefully the parents business will be heavily scrutinised. Counsel your gay son oh my days. I tend to think therapists/counsellors are full of shit since I had one that got jealous of me and I hope his parents lose business. Clearly they're shite at what they do
No. 2091370
>>2091346israel has been in consistent active conflict against pale.. mb "hamas" since the 90s. where did i cape for dems there,
nonny? they're both fucking awful, the US needs a third party with literally anyone under 50 to run.
No. 2091393
>>2091383it isn't shitstirring as long as
>my guydoes it, amrite?
No. 2091403
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Can we please return to discussing the assassination attempt instead of cringe politisperging? You all are shitting up the thread. The amerifag thread is right fucking there.
>>2091347His father is a registered libertarian. No idea where you’re getting this info from.
No. 2091462
>>2091324Why were they looking through Butler photos if he was from Bethel? Nobody has any reason to go out to Butler unless they live there or for that rally. I used to live a township away from him for most of my life. I don't know anything about him or his family though. It's weird seeing these locations here and in the news.
And did he just not have any social media anywhere? I expected his posts to be here by now. I heard you could look him up on facebook but I don't have a facebook account to search and I'm assuming people are falling for fake accounts.
No. 2091491
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>>2091462I almost feel bad for this random moid /pol/tards, kiwifags, and random Muslims on twitter are claiming is the shooter kek. Cope unreal.
No. 2091495
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>>2091491Samefag, here’s a side by side comparison. Obviously not the same guy.
No. 2091505
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What's the craziest conspiracy theory you've heard nonnies? I saw some Twitter schizo say it was Canada who paid the shooter to destabilize the US
No. 2091522
File: 1721072049787.png (1.25 MB, 1284x2265, Screenshot 2024-07-15 at 4.31.…)

Apparently the guy who died after the bullet missed Trump was a zionist / Pro-Israel
No. 2091536
>>2091531>why would you want the shooter to be a trannyWhy do you (or other anons like you) keep saying this? People speculated. It's not like they
want him to be a tranny, just that they thought he might be because of… well, everything about him kek
No. 2091558
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>>2091539>Leddit spacing>Double spacing>Not saging (not mandatory here but it's weird)I'm insulted. Please try better next time. Link me the thread on 4chan or kiwifarms so I can educate you tourists.
No. 2091593
>>2090188the right doesn't even have to do shit like an inside job or stunts literally biden is just making the left look bad singlehandedly
t. centrist whore
No. 2091605
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>>2091602I find it funny that a guy named fuentes is so racist take a look at your own last name bro and ask if white supremacists would call you white passing
No. 2091607
>>2091385Didn't we already discuss all this shit anyway? Down to the interviews and all
No. 2091621
>>2091596>biased maga faggot sheep purposefully tries to avoid evidence and proofI don't even like Fuentes but those are just receipts, you don't have to like the guy to look at that lmao.
>>2091599How is it conspiracy theories when almost all of the links except for two are videos of the rally and interviews of the people there….wtf
Did any of you retards even bother to look at the links.
So much for "post proof newfag" kek.
>>2091587thanks OP, I don't think i have seen the one with the timer comparision before.
>>2091605>Using racist or white supermacist as a insult when literally half of this thread is racist maga moidsDo you know where you are?
No. 2091634
>>2091624>4channer telling a farmer to go back This site is doomed nonnies.
Forget trump and america let's make lolcow great again.
No. 2091645
>>2091631Sorry I didn't mean it like that.
Former presidents get protection for life but they aren't getting the best of the best. Like George W Bush isn't getting Seal Team Six. Trump could just be working with the C or D tiers.
No. 2091646
>>2091643thanks for replying normally
No. 2091728
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This is such a weird timeline.
No. 2091741
>>2091645It's already known his team asked for additional security before the event and were denied
And I'm not even scrolling up to get the long post of twitter links. Bbc breaking news the other night had a good journalist that was pressing representatives about the shooter being on the roof because he got the breaking interview with the eye witness in the trump hat with fake hair. The ss couldn't blindly shoot at the roof as there were obviously civilians near by since they were close enough to witness the incel to climb up. It was when the shooter had to raise his head up to get sights on trump that they were able to return fire. The angle of the roof helped his cover you'd have to have a birdseye view of him to shoot him before he began shooting.
No. 2091781
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>turns out shooter is one of them
>they jump ship and blame everything on le whamen
No. 2091810
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Blaire White giving a take that everyone asked for
No. 2092013
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One poll so far shows no change in support for either one but let's see if this replicates
No. 2092054
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>>2091491This wouldn't be the first time mudslimes dox a random jewish man they found online while accusing him of being the perpetrator of a terrorist attack only for them to be dead wrong. Low iq inbreds istg
(racebait) No. 2092342
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Secret Service Lesbian could absolutely get it. I wish she'd hold me tight like that.
No. 2092352
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trump fanboys seething hatred for women is unmatched. Lets always blame the woman huh.
No. 2092361
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No. 2092399
>>2092379If you sort by newest comments on this video
>>2092369 almost all of the comments are raging at the female head of secret service and blaming her for the hired staff being shit at their job. At this point i dont think they even know where to direct their rage at since they have been confused and upset after finding out the shooter was a republican so now they are keeping it hush hush and talking about the shooters identity less and now instead putting all of the blame on women.
No. 2092536
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trump always has this unaware humor. very peculiar and endearing
No. 2092579
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But nonas, what if he was cute?
No. 2092607
>>2092579Looks like
>>2089971 is already happening. Go away
No. 2092655
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Business Insider posted this today kek
No. 2092757
>>2092748it's because the director of the secret service is a woman so they're blaming it on her and she's doing her shame/apology interviews right now. vidrel. the agent who seemingly couldn't manage to holster her gun after putting Trump in his car was also a bad look
>>2092536I know exactly what you mean. that's why his old tweets were funny.
No. 2092909
>>2092902 heritage foundation has ties to commies? have you got any articles in this? im interested
>>2092748kek repubs and conservatards make their seething hatred of women clear at every turn and yet you still have reatrds in this thread insisting they ain't all that bad
No. 2093122
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>>2092607I was clearly joking lmao
No. 2093123
>>2093115better than joe at this point.
>>2092905lmao you don't even know what you're talking about. the trump shills in this thread just keep getting more retarded
No. 2093143
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>>2093140Samefag, it's not different from if someone edited Audrey Hale to look like some kind of male model/IRL bishonen and said "Testosterone would've fixed him". Like, no, it wouldn't have lmao. That's an entirely different human being.
No. 2093152
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>>2093140I just like editing lol
No. 2093370
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