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No. 2027783
thread rules:
>no racebait >no infighting >don't reply to bait >rest of /ot/ board rules apply >farmhands are always watching prev
>>>/ot/2024604 No. 2027840
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Wedding Peach >>>>> Sailor Moon
No. 2027873
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Strawberry milk does come from strawberry cows. Chocolate milk does come from chocolate cows. Regular milk comes from vanilla cows.
No. 2027882
>>2027877There’s good vanilla taste in regular milk, where do you get your milk from
>>2027879Prove me wrong then nunny
No. 2028598
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>>2028591Why did you say it like that. They/them? Nice to meet you Toaster
No. 2028600
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Everyone loves to give Zendaya lots of asspats and pretend like she’s the most beautiful woman alive but she’s very average. And this horrific wavy bob they gave her for Challengers is so insulting to her head and face shape.
No. 2028606
>>2028555I could rebuild myself. Slowly realizing how everybody failed me and it’s making me extremely angry and violent even
>>2028565Like the other anon says when it comes rushing in it’s going to cause a devastating effect on your psyche.
No. 2028608
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>>2028600This movie is going to be such a cringefest.
>oh, an intelligent, talented woman that's successful in tennis and has her whole life ahead of her? Let's have her get double fucked by two mid to ugly moids who look like they can't lift 50 lbs in a dramatic, love triangle threesomeWho is this movie for? What is the audience that the writers believe will find this hot?
No. 2028614
>>2028605The pause was funny sorry.
>>2028613It sucked but watching their throats move as they kissed her made me dizzy I wont lie
No. 2028615
>>2028606Are you talking about forgetting trauma? Why do you need to forget it to rebuild yourself? I think you might have this belief because of your mental illness, whatever that is. I also don't think trauma should be considered mental illness or treated like mental illness but that's kind of another topic.
I think the more likely outcome is you would melt your brain and turn into a dementia patient.
No. 2028620
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Basically picrel
No. 2028629
>>2028615Wow nona this is so weird because just a few minutes ago I was talking with an irl friend about how I don't think trauma should be classified as mental illness.
Anyway there is something kind of sinister and unsettling about losing your memories of traumatic events/periods in your life and I think I would always rather have the memories. I think I'm acclimated though because I have very disturbing trauma dreams and I get them so often it's just a normal part of my life now, I feel like being able to experience these things as trauma dreams actually makes them less potent in reality so I also think that having the memories would make them less potent in reality rather than blocking them out and risking them flooding back at some point.
No. 2028659
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>>2028657come on don't tell me this isn't cool
No. 2028680
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>>2028660please tell me you are at the very least 30+
No. 2028781
>>2028733Yeah, DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is the main cause of balding. However, DHT also supports male sexual functions. A lot of medications for balding lowers DHT, which is OK for women, but it gives men erectile dysfunction. Topical minoxidil and hair transplants are the only solutions that won't cause impotence.
You would think with how much scientists cater to the male population, they would create a solution that would prevent/cure balding without erectile dysfunction. However, moids care way more about their dick working (viagra) than how balding may affect their attractiveness.
No. 2029006
>>2028990There are entire books about how women are trained from childhood to ignore their gut feelings and all logic when it comes to men, large parts of our socializing is built around this group gaslighting. Heterosexual women seek out a male partner because that's just nature, but they ignore their natural selection instincts because men and handmaidens and media have been in their ear their whole lives telling them they're crazy and men
should be aggressive and angry, female pleasure isn't even really a thing, obeying men is your god-given calling etc, etc. The psyop is strong.
You say every woman knows but some women don't know. Women are isolated by their families for "protection", talking about sex and relationships is taboo or dirty, obvious visible abuse is excused as a one-off or a bad apple and treated in a hush hush way. People want to believe other people are good.
No. 2029015
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>>2028965I see we are once again back to blaming women for the actions of men.
No. 2029021
>>2029015I don’t understand grown women who do this. If they are 18-23 I would empathize with them but grown women are supposed to know better. If you’re 25+ and in a relationship with a scrote with a million red flags I really won’t get sad if you get your ass beat. Seeing battered women pisses me off because it almost feels like they love being poor wittle
victims~ instead of fighting for their life
No. 2029060
>>2029057I'll agree women should consider an exit plan in any situations and ant relationship if it becomes
toxic and potential for abuse or violence. In my case when I got attacked by a moid I had lived with and shared pets with it isn't as easy as just packing a suitcase and walking out the next day. Walking out to where? I imagine it's a million times harder when you have children. I was able to get out with some animals and had to leave others in the care of his family which is also distressing because you're leaving behind loved ones to someone you now know to be
abusive. It's not so clear cut. Everyone has self preservation tendencies but women are unfortunately and genuinely taught to forgive and nurture those that demonstrate wrong behaviour and everything is a teachable moment which is bullshit. I don't think treating anyone of any sex as a disposable sex object is the answer either. There's so many issues with the objectification of the female sex, personally I don't think equality is gained by copying males in their degrading behaviours.
No. 2029077
>>2029066The problem is that most women you meet will reflect your love and peace right back at you until you both flourish, and most men will take advantage of your kindness until you're left a miserable husk of your former self. Sure, there are draining women and decent men, but the majority of each is why we women are more likely to trust and befriend women and why we see men as disposable.
>>2029073I see you completely missed the part where these males pretend to be decent people until there's no way for a woman to leave. Do you really think every woman is perfectly cynical enough to write off 50% of the population? Most of them aren't us enumerating the multitude of male shittiness on lolcor, sorry to tell you.
No. 2029084
>>2029077Ayrt and that
abusive moid caused me anguish and stress at the time but he hasn't diminished my character he hasn't made me a husk and he hasn't ruined my life. I'm currently seeing someone that leaves me surprised due to his peaceful respectful nature I'll hope it doesn't turn but again it won't destroy my character. If a man is
abusive that's a flaw on his character not on mine. I can be a
victim of his behaviour but they do not mark me as broken or somehow negligent.
No. 2029085
>>2029081Then (if you're airt) you shouldn't be surprised when they get fooled into being with
abusive men and don't realize what's happened until it's too late and he shows his true colors when she can't easily leave.
No. 2029111
>>2029108nayrt it doesn't solve the issue of male violence, but encourages women to keep their distance from men, the majority of whom are violent. That distance keeps women safer than if they regularly fraternize with men.
>>2029109>yallPlease go back or at least spell it right.
No. 2029117
>>2029113Nta but you can be in a committed relationship with the realistic out look that he most likely will cheat or be physically/emotionally
abusive one day
No. 2029139
light exercise is an effective way to get over mild illness and shouldn't be stigmatized. istg my friends get in a tizzy when i'm sick and say that i'm going for a short hike and act like i'm going to drop dead from the lightest exertion. bizarre.
>>2029137kek anon southerners know how to spell y'all correctly
No. 2029142
>>2029126>>2029128The posts I replied to were talking specifically about keeping your distance from men to avoid male violence. I'm not saying it's wrong, it's a personal decision, but it sounds a lot like avoiding them because you're afraid and you think the fear is reasonable. How is that not being afraid of them?
For background I had an
abusive father and my mother was convinced he was the strongest man on the planet who would kill her if she left, but actually he was weak and pathetic and I found going through life that a lot of
abusive men are more bark than bite and if you returned even 10% of the crazy they throw at at you they fold immediately because they can't take what they dish out. I like interacting with people so I don't want to avoid men just because they're bad, they're too much of the population.
No. 2029153
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>>2029150love you too
nonnie! hope the rest of today is just as silly
No. 2029155
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>>2029153Back at you, nonnatiña!
No. 2029169
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>>2029158Ngl, it kind of hurt my feelings when I asked my dad if he would help me get away with the crime if I fought back and killed a man who started attacking me, and he said "no". He said he would understand why I did it, but would "have" to turn me in because he thinks the
law needs to judge me. Meanwhile, my stepsister said "yeah" to my question. Well lesson learned, if you need a partner in crime, only get another woman to help out.
No. 2029180
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I think people overrate the importance of exercise and fitness. I lost so much weight just by skipping meals and eating less, it’s the food you consume that matters the most. I feel like fitness is more akin to putting on makeup and wearing fancy clothes it’s just a fancy cosmetic hobby to make your body look better on the outside, that’s pretty much the point of weightlifting. Simple jogging, walking, hiking or even working a job 8 hours on your feet can make you lose weight more than trying to grind at the gym for vanity purposes
No. 2029181
>>2029169Sounds about right
No. 2029194
>>2029188True. I wish scrotes would stop trying to gain muscles so they’re more frail and soft
so I can beat and bully them more easily>>2029191What’s autistic about that
No. 2029212
>>2029180I care less about the losing weight part and more about maintaining muscle, joints, and bones for the rest of my life (diet also plays into this of course). I wanna be a capable old lady someday, not someone who's decrepit at 40 kek.
You'd think my hyper-sedentary friends were nearing retirement age the way they grunt and groan and struggle, always complaining about being old now (we're all 28), while I don't feel a day over 18 since really putting effort into having an exercise routine and healthier diet.
No. 2029228
>>2029148>They think that because men have more physical strength than that means women have no chance and if women have no chance why trySorry if this is a stupid question… but what solutions do you suggest?
-The police dgaf.
-Women trying to "fix" men, just ends up in women being taken advantage of.
-Maybe a military style socialization program could work but i think it would just
trigger the ape instinct.
Personally im pro castrating, killing and torturing moids. I don't crave relationships so maybe that's why i think avoiding most men altogether is a better option.
What could be done so men see women as actual people?
No. 2029339
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I think this aesthetic is really brainwashed. Not necessarily bad just brainwashed. You know if yellow was the "girl color" it'd be flat yellow set ups + the male-gazey sticker, not that I blame them I used to have one of those 9n my computer. Now I think it looks stupid…
No. 2029445
>>2029437Why would a man with a fat ass be desirable
Unless you’re into butt play
No. 2029472
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ideal male booty according to nonny
No. 2029494
>>2029433imagine not grabbing your man’s ass, what the hell are you doing
No. 2029496
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>>2029409Booty is nice but it's maybe like the fifth thing I think about. If he's in decent shape he should have a cute butt already.
No. 2029556
>>2029553you keep calling people faggot but you sound like a lesbian to me
what's so hard to understand about male booty being attractive?
No. 2029564
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>>2029550>>2029554i'm a 28 year old heterosexual. i didn't know only one unified opinion on butts was allowed.
No. 2029657
>>2029655Tl;dr I can’t explain it, the women who dye their hair and try to act badass and then they later get
brutally humiliated because all of their bad girl efforts have gone to waste. There was nothing wrong with their former look kek
No. 2029682
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Peak male ass
No. 2029690
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>>2029671After every night out on the way home everyone is getting shit food - burgers, kebabs, garlic cheese chips. I'm thinking about a charcuterie van. I'm half drunk right now and I want it so I think it's not a bad idea. Imagine waking up in your bed and instead of a half eaten burger it's this. Bite sized bites for the hungover stomach.
No. 2029691
>>2029678Me neither but tbf I'm pretty blind to this sort of stuff.
The closest was probably a guy trying to say hello to me on the street while I was in the middle of drinking a redbull and I choked a little because I wasn't paying attention and was startled that a stranger talked to me.
No. 2029695
>>2029683god I want salami so bad. making me jealous
>>2029690>cream cheese with salty crackers oh my god my fatass is so hungry I got hurry tf up and shower so i can make my peasant food to fill my stomach. im ravished
No. 2029739
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>>2029734Jesus had a beard before it was an ugly thing. Like literally what moid thing did he do while he was alive? Men are terrible but Jesus was born from a immaculate conception free from taint of moids. If I could I would nun myself right now so I could husando with him in Heaven eternally.
No. 2029806
>>2029533I know a "genius" moid who bragged about donating sperm and getting a vasectomy, he bragged about how he's done his part for the future of humanity and now no longer has to wear a condom.
I told him that not all sperm donors get selected, only a narrow cohort do, and he looked terrified kek. He literally thought he was guaranteed to have kids because he donated sperm.
No. 2029807
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>>2029770I imagine Jesus as buff and sexy and hot and hung
No. 2029859
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>>2029771There's like a viral men swimsuit thing on fb and the Lebanese man had the hottest body. That video made me realise how unfortunate some males chests are. Video link: No. 2029886
>>2029799yeesh, that is one UGLY
No. 2029895
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Small chins can be very cute
No. 2029902
>>2029889it's fascinating to watch the change when there's a big difference, like a time lapse video of a mushroom growing, but I find it very unappealing when men shrink back a lot in their resting state. it's not inelegant at all to retain some size.
>>2029894you're making yourself sound like a virgin, which is fine but you should stop commenting on the topic
No. 2029914
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>>2029910Lsa thinks so but there isn't any proof of that other than "vibes"
No. 2029923
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>>2029914When are normies gonna stop calling women and girls "gay" for basically not always wearing a dress? This shit gives me flashbacks of my school once thinking I was gay for "dressing like a boy" and only ever hanging out with this one girl. I can't believe dressing as normie as picrel was and apparently still is enough to get you called gay.
No. 2029933
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If white women weren’t racist, then what were they doing in this picture then?? Just there for the vibes?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 2029943
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>>2029409Based and true. It’s so unflattering when I see men wear skinny jeans that desperately cling to their calves and thighs yet sag dramatically in the back.
No. 2029950
>>2029109I remember when I was a stupid naive cocky teenager like this then I STILL ended up in an
abusive relationship because I gave one singular male a chance. Don’t worry I’m sure after you finish high school you’ll get your humbling lol
No. 2029951
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>>2029940You're making up fake people in your head to argue with again
No. 2030002
>>2029967I don't think any woman can 100% predict whether she will end up in an
abusive relationship or not and it seems like
victim blaming to be like 'ha ha I will never end up like that because I'm better/smarter' but I do think it's true that some women are just way more likely than others to be targeted by
abusive scrotes and that's why there are women who go through life thinking all moids are
abusive and dangerous while there are other women who go through life baffled at that idea, they probably almost exclusively had good experiences.
No. 2030040
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>>2030034They actually ate picrel.
No. 2030061
>>2029678same tbh. my best friend is a guy and if he's waiting around just to fuck me, he's both extremely dedicated and retarded, it's been nearly 20 years man lol (and the answer would be no)
More seriously though, I've never had an issue with any of my actual male friends, but I've definitely noticed it with newer acquaintances at uni or work who are clearly half-assing being friendly so they can get close enough to ask for a date or something– they're easier to pick out imo when you do have male friends because you notice how little they line up with you platonically and how shallow their interactions are in comparison to actual friends. They fuck right off when I tell them to though, so I'm lucky in that regard.
No. 2030074
>>2029678I haven't experienced it the times I've made male friends organically, like if we are in a bigger group of friends of both men and women, or we're in an office together and have no choice but to interact. I only find it suspicious if a moid goes out of his way to befriend you.
But yeah I've fortunately avoided a lot of what you mentioned as well. I think I am in the sweet spot of average looking with a meh body so I'm not attracting any particular interest, but also not fat or unfeminine so men don't actively resent my presence or assume I'm easy pickings.
No. 2030140
>>2029678>>2030061I have met moids in all manner of ways and 9/10 if they’re single(alot of the times being single doesnt stop them, sorry taken nonnas) at some point (yes it can even be years into the friendship) suddenly they drop the “do you see me as more than a friend” schpiel. You might not start out as a target for them but majority (not all but literally majority) will at some point see you as an option in part
because of said friendship. I used to believe that it can’t be that bad, then I gave moids a chance (mistake on my part and no I am not socially retarded, I avoided all manner of moids but even the ones that hit the criteria described eventually came around to the conclusion they liked me as more than a friend)
I don’t even compliment or engage in pleasantries that could be perceived as me dropping hints that I like them, even plantonically, yet somehow without fail these delusional cretins think this is some romcom written by a middle aged woman and that it’s appropriate to drop their misguided feelings at my doorstep.
Not invalidating your experiences, just stating that for majority of women I know the average man is factually incapable of not seeing female friendship as an opportunity, I don’t believe they all see their female friendships as a roster but they are extremely opportunistic and short sighted hence you can go from platonic friend to someone they just realized they have been ‘in love with’ for years. Men are emotionally retarded and follow whatever impulse is currently making them feel good.
No. 2030153
>>2030140I get what you're saying, and have definitely seen others experience that, but personally I've only had one male friend ask me out, and that was in high school and after I said no thanks we went back to being friends after a short period of awkwardness. We're still good friends to this day and it's not like he hasn't dated people since then. The only other time I was told a guy I was good friends with was interested in me, it was by two other women who didn't like who he was dating and were idk trying to encourage me to be a wedge between him and his gf (who I guess they didn't know was my friend as well kek), which was pretty wild especially since they didn't have the excuse of being dumb teenagers.
In my case, I think the friendship between me and this one guy has gone on too long and become too stable for the 'suddenly catching feelings' part to come up at this point- hell, most of his friends thought he had a second sister when he's talked about me, apparently, and I do kinda believe that if you're friends with anyone long enough, your brain does kinda just start categorising them as psuedo-family rather than peers or potential partners. Men also listen more when you tell them you're just friends with someone (possibly because they see it as benefitting them for it to be true, or because they're simple like that idk), in my experience, while women are much more insistent that there's something more to it or even outright start 'shipping' you with a guy friend, which is very uncomfortable lol
No. 2030214
>>2030174If you have a supportive family this isn't even true though.
My personal financial value went way down after marrying because I quit my job in favor of my husbands more lucrative career when we moved. Our money is all the same/shared theoretically but of course it's gonna be his income we preserve if it's a lot higher. On the other hand I don't have work and I still have savings… so. It's easier in that way but we're still living off one salary. Either one of us would have a slightly cushier life without the other (we had the same job but he had more years in and we couldn't transfer at the same time, but if we were single and had not moved we'd have similar incomes)
No. 2030242
>>2030226>>2030227>If you have a supportive family you do not need a man to make your life easier financially. Well duh.
Anon made a clearly generalized statement: In a declining economy it's financially more difficult to stay single because you can't share living costs. Of course that's not applicable to people who have wealthy parents willing to cover for their kids well into adulthood. Your post was completely pointless because this is always true, money = less or no problems. Doesn't change the fact that for a LOT of people it's difficult/a disadvantage to be single in this economy.
No. 2030282
>>2030266some kids are really entitled though and they grow up to be entitled adults because of how they're raised. it's not in our imagination it actually happens and when it does happen that is called "spoiling your child". just being nice to your kid and providing for them should not be considered spoiling, sure, but that's not what people are talking about. I'm sure you're right some people are just jealous but that doesn't make spoiling a child impossible at all.
Also 1000% this
>>2030277 you can dote on your child so much they never learn to take care of themselves and that is bad for a parent to do and absolutely happens. Some parents favor one child so much and dote on them so much that other siblings are actually roped into spoiling them as well (see: any family with sons and daughters where the daughter cooks meals for her brother[s] who literally can't fry an egg – happened to me)
No. 2030285
>>2030282What are people talking about then? Kek, you’re providing for your child one way or the other, people are mad because you have the means to give them more than what other people were given when they were children and it feels unsettling for those people that children are being treated like better than (not really better, equally to) adults.
>>2030283This. They know what they want out of life and that’s a good thing but this attitude has to be used carefully around others who aren’t as fortunate as them or it comes across as “insensitive”
No. 2030333
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How did this turn into reddit faggots seething at celebrity children? IMO and experience, different parenting styles depend on the kid. Some kids need to spoiled carefully or else they start expecting first dibs on everything they want. Some kids can be spoiled freely, if they're that mature and understanding that they may not always get what they want, or will have to work for their desires at some point. Some kids can't stay spoiled because they start believing that their parents always getting them what they want without working for it means they shouldn't ever have to work hard or learn to get along with other people. Other kids can be freely spoiled if they're just that polite, sweet-hearted and understanding of other people.
Just like punishment styles, it depends on the kid.
No. 2030373
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>>2030365>fish market vagFish can be beautiful though.
No. 2030394
>>2030385I fucking loveeee you fuckinggggg gizmooooooo i fucking love youuuuuu
No. 2030595
>>2030442>>2030574Imo after reading a lot of it, I wouldn't call it either a parody or a deconstruction, but more of a dark sort of deal where the comedy derives over just how mentally ill Subaru is and just how awful things can get, the shaky foundation that the relationships are balanced on.
The anime actually cuts out a lot of Subaru's more self destructive behavior and thinking in order to sell it off as more cheery and make Subaru more relatable, which just messed things up by only being halfway. The novels have a real "this is probably going to end badly lmao" vibe over everything that only shows up in small moments in the anime.
Also the harem, the anime has it the way it does which got people mad but in the novels it's actually a very muddy love triangle which just pissed people off more.
No. 2030694
>>2030686I know you said 'if they have the means' but that's actually pretty rare in my experience and it seems like an extremely narrow subset of people would even benefit from that. Even if your parents aren't poor poor there's a high chance they don't own any property, free rent in their house is near useless because it isn't somewhere with job or educational opportunities for young people, the best they can do is provide a crash landing pad if you're really desperate/about to become homeless but that's not going to provide you with opportunities for the future either. Most people I know don't think they 'need' a partner not to be homeless, but they know that a partner is one of the only things that will make them ever be able to financially stable realistically speaking.
My family would keep me from homelessness if I could afford to get rid of all my stuff, they would probably pay the expensive flights back to their house but they would not be able to pay for me to move my stuff out there, but that would mean losing everything I had worked toward in adulthood and being stuck somewhere with no job prospects whatsoever, just subsistence living on their generosity until I was ready to start from scratch again. I also can't live with my parents for long, personally, not because they aren't willing to support me but because they're both mental cases who would drive me crazy to live with long term, but even most people I know who would like to live with their parents know it would kill their opportunity to ever become self sufficient financially. And then your parents die and you're on the hook for their rent or mortgage, then what?
No. 2030705
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>>2029732>>2029714>>2029739You idiots, he probably looked like this.
No. 2030707
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>>2029739He cursed a fig tree because it wouldn't give him figs. He was whiny.
No. 2030728
>>2030014They've tried several experiments flooding black schools with funding to try and raise the grades, each has failed and it's had a negligible impact.
In fact, it can have the opposite effect. It
triggers envy in them and the kids respond with vandalism, they know they're being showcased a luxurious environment they don't belong to, and have to go home to poverty. So they lash out and trash the schools.
I've read a lot on this issue, it seems the anti-intellectual streak in african american culture only came about with desegregation. Suddenly blacks became concerned with "acting white" and getting good grades and being well behaved was seen as a betrayal. It's not just a partisan political talking point either, those "anti-racist" memoirs displayed in the library will have black authors detail this experience growing up.
No. 2030735
>>2030283I think it's intuitively known by parents that's the case, it's why they spend tens of thousands of more dollars on girls than boys over their childhood. I remember a family friend's parents went through a divorce and suddenly at school she lost her friends due to being poor, every single one, but her brothers were completely unaffected and still hung out with the same kids.
There's no real reason to spoil boys because it doesn't make a difference, send them to school in a graphic t-shirt and shorts and be done with it. But if you don't spend money on girls they'll have poorer, stupider friends and get into poorer, stupider environments.
No. 2030781
Women shouldn't have to work unless they wanted to.
Women should be legally required to own a gun for their own safety.
Silent Hill fucking sucks and isn't even Konami's best title.
>>2029351This, like those kitty eared Krakens? They're ass, I fell for that meme when I was in my "egirl phase" and they broke in like barely over a year. You can buy a nice chinese keyboard for unironically $30 off temu. The only things worth paying a ton of money for setups is the actual PC, monitor, and mouse. Everything else is just a waste.
No. 2030787
>>2030779it literally is more financially stable in the sense you have more money when you combine it yes. if you have your own income you don't actually need him though. I'm sorry I'm not getting it. do you live somewhere where a full time wage doesn't allow you to have your own place? I'm seriously missing your point or you're missing mine.
>>2030785anyone who has seen even a cat give birth knows it hurts a lot
No. 2030791
>>2030779Samefag but the post that started this discussion was one anon saying 'being single isn't hard' and another anon saying they agree except for from a financial perspective. I'd say from more perspectives than just financial living alone is more difficult, but the third anon said none of this matters if you have supportive parents (and then changed it to supportive parents with sufficient means), I'm just saying having supportive parents with sufficient means plus a good location plus everything else is rare/a minority situation. Yes it is hard for a lot of people to be 'single' if it means they have to live alone, function on a single income, etc. and that also applies to people with supportive families with 'means.'
To give another example one of my best friends is super rich, like parents owning multiple mansions rich, and they were always willing to support her financially, however her sister develped severe mental illness issues so they ended up spending most of their money on the sister to the point that my friend started worrying and feeling guilty about asking them for money. She was getting to an age where she wanted to buy a house and not rent anymore and she still thought the only way she would be able to do that after her parents wasting most of their money on her mentally ill sister was to find a boyfriend and buy a home together. She also said she didn't like living alone because there was no one to take care of her while sick, no one to split chores and cooking with etc. and she had a pretty stressful job that took up a lot of her time. I don't even like her stupid boyfriend but she seems a lot more chilled out both financially and in terms of the division of labor in her household now, and I can't really judge her for thinking that life is 'easier' than her single life was even though I don't support her relationship.
No. 2030793
>>2030787Yes, in most places full time wages don't allow you to have your own place. I have no idea where you live that you can easily afford a nice place, utilities, food, etc. on a single income but you're incredibly lucky. Even if you can technically afford a place alone on a single income it's always a really shitty place and you have no stability (no emergency money leftover, no ability to quit your job if your boss becomes
abusive and have another income while you look for a new one, etc).
No. 2030857
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1. I'm sorry, I accidentally made a typo so I guess my IQ dropped ten points.
2. Women being pushed out of comiket is quite literally being pushed out.
3. I'm not even American, you dumbfuck.
No. 2030908
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lmao I thought this type of person was extinct
No. 2030928
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When I was younger I used to watch fanime on Youtube. You know the ones. The MS Paint ones. The ones with the bad microphones and even worse voice acting. But the one thing that always fucking slayed me was the "vaguely Asian-sounding" made-up names the creators would pick. You could tell they'd never heard of any actual Japanese names so they just tried the best they could. Some great examples are: "Tobori", "Chairo", "Makape", and, lest we forget, "Akuji Tavarious".
No. 2030935
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>>2029770jesus was a slut? nooo
No. 2030958
i don't believe going braless makes your tatas sag. it's been like a year without a bra and im fine. i hate how bras feel. big sensory yuck. and obviously it's another 'woman, you need this, buy this!' moment. also this doesn't apply if you're bigger than a c, then i get why you'd want support
>>2030928have you heard of nyan neko sugar girls? pretty cultured if you ask me
No. 2030998
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posts like this do not make me feel bad for slaves
No. 2031007
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There’s no difference between doing drugs, having casual sex and having a long committed relationship. Both are leisure time done by bored plebeians to make it seem like you’re doing something meaningful for your life but it all ultimately means nothing. I don’t understand how women take relationships seriously and go gaga over the idea of marriage and children and building this picket-fence fantasy kek, like if you don’t just manipulate, abuse and use that man and keep it pushing. There is absolutely zero reason for a woman to be in a committed relationship or marriage with a man, zero. The same kind of emotions you can get doing drugs is the same ones you get trying to entertain a man’s time and emotions
No. 2031060
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>>2031056Used to love it. Coquettes ruined her though.
No. 2031061
>>2031057I do comprehend that there are women who experience disaster at the hands of the men closest to them but you do need to recognize that not only is that not reality for the majority of women, and nobody is really thinking about any of these things when their time comes to have their own baby because thats not what creating life is to them. Also are you ESL because
>women are incapable of taking responsibility for the damage they cause to other people me rather choose a boyfriend over her friend, choose a brother over a female stranger, choose a husband over everybody else. It’s straight up sickeningMakes 0 grammatical sense. What exactly is straight up sickening? What damage are you causing to random female strangers by preferring your husband over them?
No. 2031077
>>2031071Ayrt, like I said yes I do understand it is a reality that women can face abuse at the hands of men, however once again, you need to comprehend; that isn't life for all of us kek. Also
>you're failing to understand the importance of female solidarity>you just throw community and connection with other women down the fucking drainWhat are you talking about? Do you think once women get married we arent allowed to have friends anymore? Do you think we're not allowed to spend time with women KEK? or what culture are you referring to where women are no longer allowed to communicate with other women once we become wives and mothers, because I'm a burger and in my experience the opposite is true.
No. 2031088
>>2031078so true
nonny Mary chose God’s cock over female friendship, how could we have been so blind
No. 2031090
>>2031007I'm 12 and this profound and deep and real.
>>2031067Anyone found causing deliberate harm to an animal needs to be given the death penalty. Taking pleasure in hurting another living being is something that can't be fixed.
No. 2031098
>>2031087So you're upset that when women step into the role of motherhood they have less time to hang out with you…? Its almost as if caring for their own offspring and nurturing their
children is more important than going on dates with your friends. Also, not sure if you realized this, but when your friend has a baby thats more of a reason to get closer to her and offer more love and support to her during the prenatal and postpartum stages, not distance yourself. Those are times where you need your sisters and female friends more than ever, and providing support to your friends who are new moms is really one of the greatest gifts you can give her that strengthens your relationship a tenfold during such a time in her life where love is crucial. You're making all of these aggressive statements trying to make it sound like women have no choice but to leave each others lives as we grow into motherhood when thats not true at all.
>you are simply part of the problem Blaming women for the behavior of men is misdirecting your anger away from the party that is actually deserving of it. Becoming angry with women and mothers, calling us "cockbreathers" for just loving our children is such hideous, misogynistic behavior.
No. 2031136
>I do not believe that all of your friends should become handmaidens to their new mother friend. ok… but then you say
>I said that your friend becoming a mother is an opportunity to grow closer to and spend more time with her, especially because this is a time where she needs support the most.kek. "I'm not saying you need to go be handmaidens to your mother friends, I'm just saying that you
should since it's an
No. 2031144
>>2031135nta but
>most this is verifiably false kek. there’s almost 8 billion humans in the world and like 30 million species of animals. yeah, we be fuckin, unfortunately
No. 2031151
>>2031149no i know exactly what she’s talking about, and she’s wrong. yeah, there are people and animals who avoid reproducing, but it also isn’t
most people who avoid it. the word most is key. the majority of people/animals are still having children kek.
No. 2031166
>>2031155i'm not the same anon but
>you're articulating that anger by blaming women for reproducing children with them in the first placecan we be for real? its actually infuriating tbh, why you giving moids kids and legacy? fuck that shit and fuck everyone endorsing it
No. 2031167
>>2031161you're literally just making shit up to be mad about now. That is not what the initial conversation was about, and don't try to point to the clear baiter as proof (>>2031158
No. 2031177
>>2031174>regardless of your personal feelings on the matter Good fucking christ we're not talking about women in Saudi Arabia getting forced to give birth we're talking about normal women with personal freedoms, if you don't want to be a mother you do not have to become one but acting like we're
victims of some horrible war crime is just so fucking scrotal.
No. 2031178
>>2031175And it's her egg. Also,
all babies are genetically more our mothers than we are our fathers, because we inherit our mitochondria from our moms.
No. 2031183
>>2031173> People sperging about 'omg all the other (childless) women don't want to go be clucking hens around that one friend who had a baby' are just straight up delusional. But it's true though? What about that is not true? Child free women are that way because they are not interested in having kids. Why would they suddenly gain interest in spending their time that way just because a friend chooses to have a baby?
>Most of the people in most female friend groups will at some point have childrenYou're missing the point, even if statistically that's true of the general population, you can't apply that to anon's personal feelings in her friend group. There are plenty of women who don't have children, and they are frequently purposefully friends with each other. So if one of that group suddenly has a child, it's not unreasonable that the others would not suddenly do a 180 and be interested in that shit. But I know even the basic concept of some women not liking babies is crazy to you, so I expect another "but BABY NATURAL!!!" reply that continues to miss the point.
No. 2031187
>>2031183ntayrt but you can't really get upset with your old friend for not giving you attention because shes a mother, and in turn not make any attempt to reach out to her to maintain the relationship kek. And, if you're in a
group of friends and only
one of them decides to have a baby, then I'm not seeing what the problem is because you still have your other friends to hang out with who are still child free?
No. 2031191
>>2031183It's true that most women do not support their friends and cannot be trusted, yes. That's why women try to start families, because they hope at least family members will care about them more than 'friends' do.
What is not true is that it is just 'that one friend' who has a baby and expects to be treated special. Most of the females in any social group will have a baby at some point. If they abandoned their friend who had a baby first they will simply have fewer friends. Then the 2/10 women who never have a baby can go to the club together I guess while the rest remain friendless and unsupported or whatever. The point is that it is not a minority of women who have children, it is not 'just that one friend who wants all her other friends to treat her like she's special.' I said this like 4x now how is this hard to understand?
If anon's friend group is full of women who will never have children, good for her. Then she wouldn't be whining on lolcow about how 'they all betrayed me by spending more time on their child than me.' She should go find the friend group she wants, full of childless women who will never change their minds like herself.
No. 2031193
>>2031179>So what were all the posts about 'brain damage as a result of pregnancy' if not implying women are ruined post-pregnancy? Reduction of grey matter is a scientific fact, I don't understand why you're mad people bring it up as a reason why they don't want to be pregnant. >What about the dozens of posts by the OP who started the discussion saying women are 'harming' other women by focusing on their children?
It's a completely legitimate argument to say that the way mothers abandon their female relationships to focus on the male-oriented nuclear family pod is detrimental to female solidarity. In fact that's a pretty milqutoast observation you could read in any 2nd wave feminist book from the years of old.
>I would be pretty pissed if my mom had abandoned me as a child to go have margaritas at girls night at the club with her friends instead of caring for me.This is the most concerning thing you've said. Why would it be "abandoning" you for your mother to have a fun night out with her friends? Do you not think she deserved that? How many times was your father able to go out with his friends? was he "abandoning" you when he did that? This is the most revealing thing you've said and gives a huge insight into your skewed perspective.
No. 2031199
>>2031193Reduction of grey matter is a scientific fact, yes (although it happens due to all kinds of other things as well and inevitably happens to everyone) but I'm talking specifically about the freakout posts following that image talking about how women are 'ruined' post-pregnancy. Am I 'ruined' because I got a concussion from a sport nonna?
Why is your reading comprehension so bad? My mom leaving a baby alone without a carer to go get drunk with her friends constantly would have been bad because I would have ended up dead most likely, and also I would have been uncared-for. My father was not around when I was a baby so I have no idea how much he went out with his friends but I don't think most fathers can form real bonds with children like mothers can.
No. 2031230
>>2031224Well, that would be a childish view. Good thing no one said that.
Your argument reminds me of how criticisms of makeup get pop-feminists saying "no one forces me to wear makeup, I do it for myself, with no outside influence!"
No. 2031233
>>2031225It's not normal for a father to be "not around" his baby
Do you know what "not around" means in this context?
No. 2031239
>>2031234>If you want to spend all your time going out with your friends like that anon said, No, that's not what anon said. Let's take a look at what anon said again:
>>2031219>If you want to go to the bar, don't have childrenso it looks like you inserted the words "spend all your time" into that phrase. Great reading comp.
No. 2031250
>>2031239I think you're not understanding what I'm saying. I'm the author of this post
>>2031219 and this post
>>2031234 , and when I said "If you want to spend all your time going out with your friends like
that anon said", I was referring to the original post
>>2031087 that sparked this topic , complaining about how mothers stop spending "precious quality time" with their friends and instead choose to take care of their children. This is why fully lurking before you try to join a conversation is very important. I apologize for any confusion.
No. 2031290
>>2031284if your dad didn’t take care of you as a child and that’s influencing your beliefs of what normal parenthood looks like then i apologize for what you’ve experienced also
>childcare related employment gaps companies being unfriendly or unsupportive of Mothers is literally just asking for a lawsuit these days kek, which means many workplaces offer assistance with childcare so that the Mother can work comfortably knowing her child is in a safe environment, also your body changing is just nature?
No. 2031294
>>2031283'I didn't have shoes when I was a baby' does not mean I never had shoes. 'I did not go to school when I was a baby' does not mean I never went to school. 'My dad wasn't around when I was a baby' does not mean I never had a dad. Hope that helps.
Western middle-and-upper class families are not the 'norm' nonna sorry to break it to you. They are a tiny minority of humanity. And I live in the West and most of my friends are from middle class to upper class families and their moms all did more childcare than their dads did.
No. 2031312
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>>2031303>there is nothing inherently negative about pregnancy body changesThere's nothing inherently negative about having back pain for life, urinary and fecal incontinence, losing so much bone density and calcium your teeth chip or bones becomes brittle, having a decrease in grey matter, etc? Really? Saying things like this really hurts your point's credibility.
No. 2031347
>>2031325Yes my job makes me want to kill myself too but I would rather be like this than be leeched off by a moid’s parasite.
>amaizing little sand crabGo back to ovarit
No. 2031350
>>2031344Eh, nta if I heard a moid talk about mothers having reduced brain matter I'd think he's a piece of shit.
I'm not going to have a double standard.
No. 2031369
>>2031360No, I'm saying you can happily talk about it with other moids, you can shit on low IQ women together.
What other totally real and harsh facts do you have in common with moids?
No. 2031380
>>2031374Woman brain, am I right?
So emotional and unstable, it's a fact!
No. 2031407
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>>2031388a zillion fucking reasons why pregnancy can fuck you up have been brought up. it usually goes like this
>pregnancy can fuck up your body>who cares you're a misogynist if you care about that>pregnancy can tear your genitals>who cares they can stitch it up>pregnancy can give you permanent back pain >who cares about back pain I will just take meds and lose weight>pregnancy can make you incontinent>who cares it's only for x amount of time (it's not)>pregnancy can give you diabetes and circulatory issues>who cares just dont be fat>pregnancy can make your bones and teeth brittle>who cares it's your fault for not drinking enough milk>pregnancy can make you lose brain matter>who cares what are you saying mothers are fucking retarded????it's literally useless to point out anything pregnancy can cause to a woman because there will always be people ready to point out it doesn't matter because popping out babies will always be more important than women's bodily autonomy and health.
No. 2031410
>>2031403>man controlling your whole existenceLike… permanently altering your body and brain chemistry with his sperm?
>>2031405Whoa you finally figured it out congratulations
No. 2031447
>>2031438you and the other chatroom fags come here to shit up the place with inane twitter meme spam concern trolling regularly
it's boring and retarded and you would stop if you were decent people
No. 2031449
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incubator beckies seething over childfree stacies… a tale as old as time(bait)
No. 2031465
I do not like the physical feeling that accompanies sexual arousal. It ruins the enjoyment when I'm trying to fantasize. I want my sexuality to be 100% emotional with no physical component to it, my fantasies don't even involve any sexual touching or nudity.
>>2031457Forgot we all lived in the same country…
No. 2031487
>>2031476Your mother counts as a mother, nonna. "Incubator Becky" counts her too.
Don't be defensive about it now when you were so adamant about it.
No. 2031493
>>2031489I never said that, you're talking to different people.
>>2031487defensive about what? I know for a fact my own mother probably had some brain damage from it because she had PPD.
No. 2031508
>>2031490I never said anything about being anti-sunscreen. I'm just pro-UV light. I use tanning beds four times a week for 15 minutes at a time, and it keeps me healthy, fit, joyful, slim, beautiful, sun-kissed, glowing, happy, thin, bodacious, alert, and cures any seasonal allergies I may be having.
>>2031502"Premature ageing" okay way to buy into Big Pharma and Big Cosmetics. You are wrapped around their pinky. Sad.
>>2031500>You'll look like a flavourful and energy-dense snackfood beloved by millionsBig Pharma shills love to point out the jerky skin as if I care. Looking like beef jerky at age 80 is a small price to pay for the luxury of UVB and UVA lights curing my ailments and securing the health of my mind.
No. 2031512
>>2031505>(possibly temporarily) citation needed
>nerfed your whole lifeif you lose brain mass permanently that's literally what happens. thankfully I'm already retarded so I don't care about losing more of it. let's hope my ADHD spawn isn't a male because sure as fuck it isn't me dealing with it.
No. 2031520
>>2031512Citation needed for the claim that pregnant women all have permanent brain damage. When I have looked at studies on this a lot of the post-pregnancy brain changes seem to even out with never-pregnant women after a few years, for the most part.
Well nonna about 30% of the population has sustained a concussion so I guess their lives are now over too. I had a concussion and my life is still chugging along just fine even though I lost some amount of my brain cells.
No. 2031526
>>2031509nta but
>as if they degrade our valueyou keep inserting that anons are trying to tell you you're degraded in value just for bringing up side effects that the anons don't want to experience. You're taking offense and then pretending anons said it maliciously so that it makes sense to you why you're so angry.
No. 2031544
>>2031531No but you are operating at significantly lower capacity. A lot of people who have been pregnant or who have been concussed don't have significant or noticeable differences in brain function. Losing too much grey matter in your brain is
problematic but (as with other human body systems) the brain often has 'extra' cells that aren't all completely necessary to basic function, so losing a few of them won't necessarily significantly lower your brain function in any noticeable way.
I know that for sure some concussed people and some women who have been pregnant have noticeable differences in brain function, but I'd need to see a source that it's the majority.
No. 2031545
>>2031516Frankly, it's shocking how many nonnas don't understand why many wouldn't take "you got small brain, your IQ has lowered, your brain matter has decreased, breathe in and breath out, accept you are more retarded now forever" well.
Is this autism?
No. 2031552
>>2031506How about if i started posting deranged bait against childfree anons calling them wrinkly hags who will die alone eaten by their cats to make you look bad?
No. 2031577
>>2031501 and I don't agree with the anons saying it makes you a retarded broodmare tradthot. I think they're just trolling anyway and anyone acting like that should be ignored.
No. 2031626
>>2031619genuinely in shock, you say "no, my argument isn't that 'normal' = better. That would be stupid. My argument is that it's better because it just is."
No. 2031643
>>2031628>I said most cultures around the world don't have this uniquely American thing you're wrong lmao every culture at this point the house is going to have a tv and it's going to be playing some irritating educational show or overall they're just going to be noisy and the mothers needs to keep an eye on the child.
>moms were never acting like complete non-personsif you think taking care of your child and tending to its' needs is becoming a non-person I think you're the one with
problematic views.
>It was never the norm in any households with babies or toddlers that I visitedcan I ask which country is that? it seems like an utopia for mothers so I'm interested.
>>2031635pretty much. out of all mothers in my social circle I can count on my fingers the ones that didn't make motherhood their entire personality. it's entirely optional doing it but most mothers feel pressured to put their entire self in it or they're being bad mothers for having a semblance of individuality. notice how men keep their friends just fine after children. women sacrifice not only their body but also their personality, hobbies and social life for children. it's just not fair.
No. 2031647
>>2031635If you didn't read what started out the thread my issue was that one nonna was asking why women are all betrayers of their female friends who want to spend most of their time around their children and families when they're new moms, another anon said that they would probably love some company but lots of friends drop out of the life of a friend who recently had a baby and don't need to do that, then a third (?) or the original anon said women shouldn't be forced to act like clucking hens around someone's baby just because their friend had a baby.
I was responding to that saying it doesn't have to be that way and that it would be better if people could meet halfway, not being expected to always dote on the baby of a new mother but also still reaching out to their friend and treating her like a person even if they have to change the social setting or times at which they hang out with the friend (like instead of 1am at the bar having drinks they go to the woman's house and have drinks in the backyard at 8pm instead). I also understand why some women don't want to hang out around new moms and babies (I dislike babies) but I think it answers the original nonna's question of why women 'betray' their friends like this if their friends don't want to hang out with them anymore once they're mothers. Most people will choose to prioritize people who somewhat unconditionally try to maintain a relationship rather than prioritizing 'fairweather friends.'
No. 2031655
>>2031643>every culture at this point the house is going to have a tv and it's going to be playing some irritating educational showI haven't experienced this even once with the people I know who have had children, they might do it when they're not entertaining guests but they don't do it when they're entertaining guests. With new babies the baby is usually sleeping in another room and the mom pops out every couple hours to breastfeed, with toddlers the toddlers are expected to amuse themselves near adults without devices.
>if you think taking care of your child and tending to its' needs is becoming a non-personI don't think that, that's my whole point. Tending to your child's needs is different than becoming the frazzled lifeless zombie person the other nonna was describing, and if my friend was that kind of frazzled lifeless zombie person I would be concerned and want to help her because I would assume something was going wrong with her health or life.
>can I ask which country is that? Multiple countries, my home country in Eastern Europe, other countries where I've visited babies with families (elsewhere in europe and asia), here in North America where I currently live (although most people I know are not white suburbanites).
No. 2031666
>>2031648NTA but there have been a few studies recently suggesting sunscreen has potential health risks and there are honestly safer ways to avoid the sun like just wearing a hat/long sleeves, staying in the shade most of the time, etc. It's also not healthy to always avoid the sun, especially if you live in Northern latitudes (or like Southern Australia/Southern South America probably) because a lot of people actually get insufficient sun exposure.
There has been this increasing trend (driven by beauty culture and fear of aging) for women to be told to wear high-SPF sunscreen all the time, ever day, even in winter, even indoors if sun comes through their windows, and reapply multiple times per day and there are real reasons to be concerned about that being overkill at the very least.
I'm allergic to sunscreen and I can't even remember the last time I've had a sunscreen or even a deep tan fwiw, even though I have gone on long tropical holidays. I just make use of hats and long sleeves and get into the shade if I am starting to feel overheated.
No. 2031667
>>2031661And i'm saying if you're aware of that, why is the solution to ditch your single friends to prevent your moid from leering at them?
>>2031664And people wonder why we hate married anons and mommy anons. They will literally cut out long-time friends to protect their nigel from getting a boner.
No. 2031679
>>2031674I am white as snow nona and I still don't get sunburn or even much of a tan even though I go out in the sun quite a lot during the summer, I don't have any premature aging/wrinkling and I feel a lot healthier during and after the summer too when I can get natural vitamin D. I always have to hugely supplement vit D during the winter since I live pretty far north and it never actually works as well as natural sunlight.
The link between spending time in the sun and skin cancer isn't as strong as has been previously suggested, if you look at recent studies, but also skin cancer is usually associated to burning not light tanning/moderate time in the sun.
No. 2031690
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there is an insecurity epidemic and we have a responsibility to fight it. we shit ourselves over people not wearing masks when they're sick, but no one cares about social contagion, that's why every other woman has a retarded eating disorder now. 'raising awareness' isn't so important that you have to post your body checks all over instagram, neither does your mental health require that your friends listen to you tearing apart your appearance 24/7. if you struggle with anorexia or bdd you should quarantine yourself. not literally, just get off social media and discuss your insecurities with a professional instead of droning on to your friends about how you look bloated and need fillers/nose job/face lift. no one should be responsible for constantly validating and reassuring you at the cost of their mental health, rather we should all strive to exude pure confidence and uplift each other.
No. 2031698
>>2031681It's so late and I'm a bit lazy to go find a bunch of studies but to summarize some of the ingredients in commercial sunscreens are considered hormone disruptors and allergy sensitizers e.g. ozybenzone, and several ingredients in sunscreens that are absorbed into the urine, bloodstream, breastmilk etc. have at best 'unknown' effects on health, so I think in general it is safer to use natural sun prevention methods.
I used to wear sunscreen all the time and developed a really severe sunscreen allergy so that's my personal reason for starting to be suspicious of it, but also blocking UVB can be counterproductive in certain contexts.
No. 2031715
>>2031707Samefag but just a couple studies: is all relevant because hormone disruption of stuff like thyroid, pituitary hormones, and progesterone are all linked to chronic illnesses that are becoming increasingly prevalent in women and girls today, like PCOS, hashimotos, Type 2 diabetes etc. which in turn can cause obesity and worsening health. Sunscreen is not the only thing that contains hormone disruptors but if you reapply large amounts of sunscreens containing these ingredients multiple times per day it can be one of the more obvious causes of hormone disruption.
No. 2031719
>>2031710You know radiation doesn't stay in a 1 mile radius right
>>2031709Farmers probably get skin cancer because they're out in the sun all the time but most non-farmers are not and can likely prevent sunburns just by wearing hats and shirts with sleeves as I said like three times so far.
No. 2031727
>>2031723wouldn't that depend on the type of sunscreen used
some physical sunscreens don't contain much other than zinc oxide
No. 2031730
>>2031726No, I literally said farmers probably have sunburns.
Most people who are not farmers or construction workers are not working in the sun for many hours per day.
Also skin cancer is most prevalent in men and women are the ones most affected by hormone disruptors while having a much lower chance of skin cancer.
No. 2031746
>>2031735Uh no? I did not say that. I said there are probably high rates of melanoma in old people there in part due to radiation and also because they are literally farmers who work in the sun all day.
Normal people who do not work in the sun all day don't need to obsessively avoid sun exposure 100% of the time, I can't believe this is even controversial.
No. 2031756
>>2031484I feel like there’s a healthy middle to the anti sunscreen/pro sunscreen arguments. Yes the sun gives you vit d and getting natural sun is good for your mood and health, and yes a lot of sunscreens (hopefully not all but idk) contain endocrine disrupters like a lot of other products as well. But I think too much sun is damaging, not only to health but skin as well. My sister grew up tanning and probably wore sunscreen a total of 5 times in her life, she would actually do the opposite and slather herself in coconut oil to get more tan kek. And one of the moles on her back ended up becoming cancerous in her mid twenties, but it was an easy removal and she’s okay now. She also had some sun spots on her face, she had derm treatments that faded most of those though. But she’s always been really healthy, really healthy looking, and never struggled with any mental health issues like depression or anxiety. I was kind of the opposite and never went in the sun as a kid and when I did I’d wear sunscreen, I had severe anxiety and depression growing up, my puberty was delayed, and my hair started falling out and I was diagnosed with severe vit d deficiency. So I can kind of see both sides to the argument
No. 2031758
>>2031748Well it sure seems to be controversial because my post said
>there have been a few studies recently suggesting sunscreen has potential health risks and there are honestly safer ways to avoid the sun like just wearing a hat/long sleeves>There has been this increasing trend (driven by beauty culture and fear of aging) for women to be told to wear high-SPF sunscreen all the time, ever day, even in winter, even indoors if sun comes through their windows, and reapply multiple times per day and there are real reasons to be concerned about that being overkill at the very least.And in response to that people started accusing me of literal qanon beliefs even when I backed up the hormone disruptor claims with multiple scientific sources.
No. 2031772
>>2031764I'm not in a rage nonna lmao calm down I think you're projecting.
>Many communities east of the Nevada Test Site, including Cedar City, Enterprise, and St. George, Utah, received fallout from above-ground nuclear testing in the Yucca Flats at the site. Winds routinely carried the fallout of these tests directly through St. George and southern Utah. Marked increases in cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma, thyroid cancer, breast cancer, melanoma, bone cancer, brain tumors, and gastrointestinal tract cancers were reported from the mid-1950s through 1980.[6][7] No. 2031780
>>2031768No you said:
> I just replied to some anon saying getting a little bit of UV rays/sunlight is beneficial (which it is) and added that obsessive multiple-times-daily sunscreen application is potentially harmful. Which doesn’t mention people in northern climates specifically, you just made a general statement. The only thing you said that specifically mentions people in the north was:
>if you live far north in the northern hemisphere you are likely to become vit D deficient if you also avoid sunlight all summer No. 2032003
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I don’t get the appeal behind this. The art looks like it came out my middle school sketchbook, and apparently the creator is a schizophrenic tif.
No. 2032007
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I never liked Phineas and Ferb. I did not understand why anybody liked or still likes that show. I get it’s pretty iconic but it looks so cheap and ugly and was boring with the same plot every time. Of course the two male protags are super kid prodigies that can create anything while the sister is a bumbling idiot who lusts after boys and likes shopping hehe of course!!
No. 2032033
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>>2032007Dr. Doof, Perry, Perry's boss, Vanessa and Carl were the only interesting characters. The writers made the actual main characters so boring, it was ironic. Was Candace ever a genius too? It was weird to me that Phineas and Ferb got to be geniuses, but their older sister Candace just never was. Then again, we already had Doof as the third inventor, so maybe Candace being a child prodigy too would've been too much
No. 2032036
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>>2031772This made me look up if any nukes were tested near me and I found vid related. Jfc there's been 2000+ nukes used. How are we not all fucked up?
Also the French really love testing in Algeria. Irradiate your own people.
No. 2032050
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>>2032044Oh yeah, didn't the creators go on reddit and justify it by saying they dated fairly older women when they were young adults? IIRC, they dated older women when they were in college, and that's what inspired them to spill that shit in the show kekk
No. 2032071
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>>2032007THANK YOU! I absolutely despised that show as a kid, especially the main two protags. There's this one episode where they actually get caught but iirc it turns out to be a dream or something. I still remember fucking cheering when I watched that for the first time. I just wanted the two little shits to suffer. I also hated Phineas' love interest girl (idk her name) so intensely, because she's the only girl in P&F's friend group but her role is almost entirely to make googly eyes at Phineas. Even at 9 years old I was insulted by that. Fuck this show, Idk if Hell exists for imaginary characters but I hope Phineas and Ferb are in there now.
No. 2032222
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But of all the animated 2010s kids shows, nobody has anything on Amazing World of Gumball kek
No. 2032227
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mandy's one of the best female characters cnn has ever produced imo she's so EVIL. no femme fatale nonsense no evil girl archetype she's just a piece of shit that gets easily irritated and is also smarter and more ruthless than everyone else so she gets away with a lot. queen
No. 2032237
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>>2032227never watched a ton of billy and mandy but this was gaz from invader zim for me. she was just a bitch who wanted to be left alone and i loved her for it. she was my favorite cartoon character for a long time.
No. 2032253
>>2032238Same, never liked that show, the more they referenced pop culture the cringier it got, they were trying too much and those type of "modern" jokes tend to age like milk quite fast
>>2032240This too, can't atla fans stop dickriding that bitch ass kids show for like 2 seconds? It was an okay show but like it wasn't a masterpiece, they need to get real
No. 2032256
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Women in their 20s who hate on older women for still finding men in their 20s attractive are so selfish/unreasonable. Young women constantly complain about how men are ugly, so take a moment to see how bad it is for women over the age of 33. If you think scrotes are ugly in their prime of their life then imagine what we get? Have some empathy for us who haven’t found a scrote yet because the reality is you’re supposed to find your scrote when you’re both young in your 20s and he’s still cute and then when he starts hitting the wall you don’t care because you’re in love.
No. 2032257
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>>2031010AYRT, I really liked the bastardized attempts at Japanese-sounding names. I'm sure it's probably racist on some deeply subconscious level but it's fucking hilarious.
>>2030979>elemental goddessNow THERE was a show that really pushed the envelope.
No. 2032258
>>2032237When Gaz left Dib in that pig dimension to scrub that pig lord's toilet with his own head, that made me like her when I was a kid. She was unapologetically unempathetic to the world around her.
>>2032227Mandy's smile alone being catastrophic on the fabric of the universe made me headcanon that Mandy was supernatural on her own.
>>2032222Gumball was only good for the first few seasons. It went downhill when it tried to be a snarky commentary on society. The fanfiction episode was actually funny though
>>2032206The fast food episode when Jimmy's autistic ass kept calling table salt "sodium chloride" made me realize how annoying he really was.
No. 2032263
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>>2032259Seeing those redheaded scientist twin girls come up with the dumbest experiments to get that blonde guy to like them taught me that being a pickme will make you dumb no matter what you have going for you.
No. 2032268
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>>2032237>>2032227Mandy, Gaz, and Buttercup were my top favorite female characters as kid. They were so relatable to me kek I also loved that they had an advantage over the male characters in some way.
No. 2032270
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>>2032241I actually liked Adventure Time for the most part but hated Pendleton Ward's other show Midnight Gospel. It was unbearable, like being stuck listening to someone else rambling about their psychedelic experiences at Burning Man. Clancy acted so entitled to enlightenment, it just felt really annoying the whole time. The whole thing was like Millennial Spirituality: The Cartoon. Apparently it got great reviews though.
No. 2032277
>>2032270nta; once you get to the mom stuff, it turns devastating, that's where the rave reviews came from
it was okay imo
No. 2032312
>>2032255I'd say it went downhill fast after early season 6. Spoilers for Adventure Time if anyone cares
The Lich was the best, most menacing villain the show had. He was literally the apocalypse personified. I think the creators realized that nothing could top that so they went "umm, actually he was just a disciple of an EVEN BIGGER EVIL GOD", but it was just not the same. Also the serialized episodes were boring af. This was also my problem with the series finale and distant lands. AT was just not made for long form, the entire fun of the first seasons was that they were bite sized, disjointed adventures. I also hate Susan Strong (sorry) Autist sperg over kek
No. 2032423
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>>2032243>>2032245>>2032258jhonen vasquez has done a really good job making female characters that are strong and cool without being token-y, and also not fetishizing them. some more that i liked who also showed power over the males in their lives.
No. 2032449
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>>2032428doubtful. it would break my heart but he seems to not be the type. the worst thing he's done to my knowledge is be a little cringey and claim to "hate his fans" back in the JTHM days, but he did have a bit of a point that nobody should be idolizing nny
No. 2032499
>>2032428There's a video of a woman he was friends with saying to her baby "Jhonen told me I should anally rape you". He's also had little sperg meltdowns toward his fans on Twitter because he's never really accomplished anything past Invader Zim.
In general, women need to stop making exceptions for men they don't even know.
No. 2032512
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>>2032489Perry should have been female too. I despise the trope in animated movies where moidhood is the default for funny animal sidekicks. And if they're not moids then they have to be pink with long eyelashes and boobs. Iirc Disney only ever subverted this undying this trope with Tarzan's gorilla friend, and even then I remember always having to correct all my classmates that "SHE'S A GIRL DAMMIT!"
No. 2032530
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No. 2032541
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>>2032259Agreed. The creator of that show also created Ned’s Declassified and irl husbando show Big Time Rush the one about pretty boys who can sing so that is probably the few moids I can count on my finger that are based
No. 2032545
>>2032312>>2032339This is why I don't get why modern western cartoons started to latch so hard onto this weird half-episodic half-continuous mix format, I don't understand who it could appeal to. People that want continuous plot don't appreciate the constant "filler" and people that appreciate the episodic vibe will probably not appreciate the tonal shifts.
I can't find it to show you, but I remember once seeing a screenshot of a tweet something like "I love when cartoons do this" with an image going "1st season: going on silly adventures" "2nd+ season: plot/trauma" and then someone quote tweeting with "Pendleton Ward and Rebecca Sugar need to be trialed at the Hague for creating this style of storytelling".
No. 2032554
>>2032501It's not weird, no sane older woman would want a much younger pickme as a friend. I saw a few wayyyy too young girls at a dorm mate's party a few times and no matter how much I tried to warn them and let them know who to ask for help if they wanna go home or are being harassed, it always seems to translate to me being an old bitter hag who's jealous of their youth and beauty. I've also had the displeasure of being work 'friends' with some. They treat you like a replacement mommy but somehow also look down on you because you're old and over the hill. But at least they're 'nice' to you because they think you can't take away their favorite thing in the world, male attention! Yay!
>>2032527I was the younger
and older girl in this scenario and it's so awkward for everyone involved who isn't a pedo apologist. I found it weird that my ex and his friends had no problem bringing around their much younger gfs, but their female peers always had age-appropriate bfs and didn't hang out much with them due to work. Then I found out my ex and his buddies were just gross manchildren and women their age can see the red flags from space.
No. 2032572
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Dairy pride month is arguably more important than LG pride month
No. 2032593
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>>2032582i dont know if thats the reason, i think thats just japanese culture. I know they do pander to women though. They are releasing a bishie anime soonish. They also had several collabs with hello kitty. Its why i love japanese media, when something becomes popular with women in the west they rarely pander to their female audience. If star trek was japanese we would already have a hello kitty collab and manga spin off with mpreg.