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No. 2027783

thread rules:
>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching
prev >>>/ot/2024604

No. 2027785

Armpits smell good

No. 2027788


No. 2027791

No. 2027807

You should be attracted to the pheromones of the person you love, if you cant stand when your lover doesnt wear deodorant then it means youre not supposed to be together

No. 2027832

I dont really care about polyfags. ugly white people can do whatever they want as long as it's far away from me, and they're relatively easy to avoid

No. 2027837

By that definition I think I dress in 'alt' fashion but I don't think most people would describe my fashion as 'alt' and it's not what most people are talking about when they talk about alt fashion. If by 'alt' you mean anything outside of the normal trends, people who thrift and make their own garments and have their own ideas about how to look, I agree it has always existed and is in general a good thing/good sign. That's not normally how the term is used though.

No. 2027840

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Wedding Peach >>>>> Sailor Moon

No. 2027841

I kind of agree with this actually, I never love extreme unwashed BO smell on anyone but just normal sweat smell on people I was actually attracted to was always pleasant to me, I actually figured out I didn't like my first middle school boyfriend because I was repulsed by how he smelled and realized that I can't be attracted genuinely to someone I hate the smell of.

No. 2027846

I like fresh sweat, like straight out the gym. Stale stuff is nasty

No. 2027851

They're so hard to avoid in certain communities and sometimes they are so damn sneaky. I had a friend who was with her boyfriend (he was not white) for 6 months before he suddenly told her he was 'poly' and had 6 other girlfriends all along that she thought were just his friends, surprise! And they were all sharing a toothbrush at his place! And then when she was traumatized by this some of her other friends (also not white) came out of the woodwork to tell her that she should actually be happy about it and try it because they're poly too and it's great. It's actually mostly the immigrant bohemian community where I live that is like this, my bff discovered her brown muslim ex moid was 'poly' months into dating too, luckily he hadn't been cheating on her but only sprung it on her once they were emotionally attached.

No. 2027852

armpit sweat ages like wine

No. 2027853

Only somewhat related but my super unpopular opinion is that wearing deodorant often makes your sweat smell worse. Like it will mask it for a few hours but then it starts making sweat smell acrid, I think just washing with soap and sweating usually ends up smelling less awful.

No. 2027855

Polyfags are my personal favorite cows. They’re always such ugly pathetic freaks. I wish the /snow/ thread was more active

No. 2027864

Every polyfag I see on the internet is hideous, dysgenic and autistic but almost all the poly people I met in real life were reasonably attractive normies you would not guess when you first met them were poly. A really hot girl I used to date and am still friends with got into the poly thing and shills for it so hard, even though I think in her case it's more of an open relationship nsa sex thing and not really what most people consider polyamory, it's baffling though because she's beautiful and never had any problem finding attractive partners. She's not even like a leftist type but I did watch her tank her almost-perfect relationship with 'the love of her life' over this and I just don't understand how attractive normal people end up in that 'lifestyle.'

No. 2027873

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Strawberry milk does come from strawberry cows. Chocolate milk does come from chocolate cows. Regular milk comes from vanilla cows.

No. 2027877

Why doesn't regular milk taste like vanilla then huh

No. 2027879

You didn't really think this through did you

No. 2027882

There’s good vanilla taste in regular milk, where do you get your milk from
Prove me wrong then nunny

No. 2027883

More proof we need dumbass shit and retarded shitposting back

No. 2027924

What people don't realize/hate admitting is that women have to be taught to not do certain things in order to not provoke men instead of men being taught not to rape and kill women because humanity as a whole is completely aware of the fact that males are incapable of not raping and killing. It's akin to having to wear helmets when going spelunking to not die of being hit by a rock or something. I want a world where women are able to wear whatever they want and do whatever they want without fearing a violent male, therefore society should be segregated by sex.

No. 2027959

i agree

No. 2027975

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>Stonk cow

No. 2027985

I hate women and I’m a woman. They’re slightly better than a man’s company but I would prefer being isolated and alone than ever have female friends again or even wanting to interact with them in general. I just can’t with their shit, if they had the same aggressive edge that men have they would be 10x worse than a man.

No. 2027992

Diet Coke tastes better than regular Coke. Regular Coke is way too sweet to have any nuance to the flavor, it’s just sweet and nothing else. Plus it’s not as fizzy as diet.

No. 2028013

Mr. Rumsfeld we won't tolerate your aspartame shills in this farm

No. 2028085

I'm way too superstitious to speak ill of the dead even if they deserved it.
That's just bad mojo tbhwy. I dont say shit but I do hide death memes if they ever get posted. It just doesn't feel right, feels like they're staring at you through the screen. Also religious stuff.
Call me an idiot or a coward, I don't have enough luck in my life to risk stuff like that.

No. 2028100

No. 2028112

I love Emma Roberts, I just do. I don't know what it is about her, I've been in love with her since I was a teenager kek. Also love that story some tranny told about her on set, hope it's true.

No. 2028115

Can't even imagine how fried your taste buds must be to feel this way. My country became so heavy on the sweeteners that it ruins literally every fucking drink that isn't water. I can barely even taste what I'm supposed to be drinking anymore.

No. 2028123

After I heard about her beating on Evan Peters I had no choice but to support kek

No. 2028132

I read this as "Dick Coke" and your post would still be better that way

No. 2028300

I've noticed it too, I've stopped wearing deodorant and only apply alum stone twice a day and it works much better.

No. 2028435

All women in Hollywood are whores and pick mes

No. 2028472

there's a lot of very evil women who are in hollywood and have done unspeakable shit to rise up the ranks

No. 2028508

You're just used to the sweat smell. Everyone can still smell you.

No. 2028533

the best meal is a mug full of broth

No. 2028547

Doing drugs is boring now

No. 2028553

Memory loss is the cure to all mental illness. They should stop investing in useless meds and inaccessible therapy and just start working on getting rid of people’s memories

No. 2028554

Late but anyone who can tolerate aspartame/sucralose 'taste' and call it 'nuanced' is a mutant and should be the first to be shipped off to mars.

No. 2028555

nona this doesn't make any sense. how could losing your memory make you less mentally ill?

No. 2028559

I should try alum stone, how do you get that? I tried 'natural' deodorants (just as bad) and settled on those really mild powdery deodorants like some of the solid Nivea ones because although they barely work as deodorants they don't make sweat smell worse. But when I need to do athletic shit and sweat I always end up using some strong male deodorant in the morning and then trying to scrub my armpits with a washcloth 6 hours later so I don't smell like literal battery acid, help I was brainwashed by a germophobe supersmeller mom who could tell if I didn't put the most powerful deodorant on after every shower.

No. 2028560

I mean sometimes but not all mental illness is caused by childhood trauma and I highly doubt some manmade memory erasure can fully eradicate the muscle memory of a life lived after being molested or abused

No. 2028563

No I can definitely smell my sweat nona, but it smells 'just' like sweat. When I use most commercial deodorants/antiperspirants it smells like sour battery acid sweat idk how to explain. I am also a 'supersmeller' so maybe that's why, I'm extremely scent sensitive and something about the combination of most drugstore deodorants and sweat just smells overpoweringly hellish to me, even if I scrub with soap 5+ times in the shower with a washcloth I can't get that weird 'deodorant' smell off.

No. 2028565

I have memory loss of certain traumatic events/periods in my life and it's extremely disturbing to me and doesn't make me feel better at all, I would rather remember the exact thing my brain decided not to remember than to not know exactly what happened.

No. 2028566

Not trying to be an asshole but arent most "supersmellers" smelling things entirely differently from the majority? So although to you the smell is subtle compared to how acrid you think it is with deo, other people are still smelling onion?

No. 2028568

It genuinely does not help. Plus, there will always be a risk that it comes back, and when it does its so indescribably devastating

No. 2028571

I didn't say sweat smells 'subtle' to me. If it did I wouldn't use deodorant. Sweat (my own and other people's) smells strongly to me, but it smells like a normal human or 'earthy' smell that is bad but it's not like god get me out of this hell bad. The specific combination of most commercial deodorants and sweat specifically on the other hand smells awful to me, like I can't stand it I scrub and scrub and it still makes me want to throw up awful. Idk how to explain everyone I talk to about this acts like I'm crazy but I can also smell when food is off from 5 feet away so I might just be oversensitive.

No. 2028574

70s music is better than 80s music.

No. 2028576

No girl I'm saying literally the smells supersmellers smell are completely different from what regular people smell. So something that could smell subtle and nice to you could very well smell like molten ass to the majority.

No. 2028581

I mean that's possible, sure, but again food that is 'off' is obvious to me immediately (and not to other people, I have avoided food poisoning this way multiple times), I also like perfumes that most people like, I also can usually tell if another person smells 'sweaty' or not, and specifically the combination of most deodorants and sweat to me (both on other people and myself) is especially unpleasant. I don't think I find most smells pleasant that other people find unpleasant or vice versa (except I like the smells of gasoline, stale cigarette smoke and white out and will literally puke from weed fumes but I hear that's fairly common). People told me I'm a 'supersmeller' because of stuff like me smelling shit from a much longer distance than they did or being able to tell food is off before it gets to my plate, I'm not sure if I smell something 'different' than they do.

No. 2028586

Have you ever done the benzol peroxide on pits thing? I've seen a couple anons say it works

No. 2028591

Benzoyl peroxide bleaches your clothing and I'm a fashion .. person.

No. 2028592

Though samefag tbf nonna now that you mention this I recently accidentally had those 'guilin snail noodles' not realizing that's what I was eating that were famous in China for being the foulest smelling food ever and I thought they were pungent but in a pleasant way. I found out what it was after and was surprised it was supposed to be the stinkiest food. Maybe I really do have an olfactory disorder

No. 2028595

You dont leave it on indefinitely you're supposed to wear it for like ten minutes before a shower or something.

No. 2028596

Oh I never heard of that idk no I have not tried that

No. 2028597

You talk soo much but I find it charming. It probably is an olfactory disorder, I wasnt prodding to be condescending it's just what most "supersmellers" are really dealing with. There's a phenomena of fixing the issue and them supersmellers hating the scents they used to love and find pleasant. As long as you're taking feedback from others and have people around to be honest and say "nah bitch you REEK" if you did then it's fine.

No. 2028598

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Why did you say it like that. They/them? Nice to meet you Toaster

No. 2028600

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Everyone loves to give Zendaya lots of asspats and pretend like she’s the most beautiful woman alive but she’s very average. And this horrific wavy bob they gave her for Challengers is so insulting to her head and face shape.

No. 2028605

I said it because my first instinct was to say 'I'm a fashion girlie' even though I'm not a zoomer and then decided not to use zoomer lingo on lolcow sorry. Fashion lady? Fashionista?

No. 2028606

I could rebuild myself. Slowly realizing how everybody failed me and it’s making me extremely angry and violent even
Like the other anon says when it comes rushing in it’s going to cause a devastating effect on your psyche.

No. 2028607

Are you quebecois by any chance?

No. 2028608

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This movie is going to be such a cringefest.
>oh, an intelligent, talented woman that's successful in tennis and has her whole life ahead of her? Let's have her get double fucked by two mid to ugly moids who look like they can't lift 50 lbs in a dramatic, love triangle threesome
Who is this movie for? What is the audience that the writers believe will find this hot?

No. 2028613

Ugh this is just a halfassed ‘Dreamers’ remake with a slight subject change so that no one will clock it for being the lukewarm ripoff that it is kek

No. 2028614

The pause was funny sorry.

It sucked but watching their throats move as they kissed her made me dizzy I wont lie

No. 2028615

Are you talking about forgetting trauma? Why do you need to forget it to rebuild yourself? I think you might have this belief because of your mental illness, whatever that is. I also don't think trauma should be considered mental illness or treated like mental illness but that's kind of another topic.
I think the more likely outcome is you would melt your brain and turn into a dementia patient.

No. 2028617

I'm sorry, I know it's a nice fantasy to have but it isnt something feasible and just seems like another excuse to lobotomize women in the grand scheme. My period of "forgetting" was still horrible. I was still a hurt person, I still had no idea how to act like a person who is not hurt. The humiliation never leaves you regardless of what you bury. When it came back, it was even worse.

No. 2028618

I just asked the person I live with though and he said that we normally think the same things smell pleasant or bad, and he thought the guilin snail noodles smelled tasty too so now I'm not sure. I think I in general like the same smells most other people like and also a lot of people compliment me on my perfume choices so I don't think I'm smelling something completely different from other people, but I always remember people thinking my mom was insane for being able to tell if someone was smoking a cigarette half a block away and shit like that but she likes pretty 'typical' smells too so I'm not sure that I generally perceive most smells that differently than other people. I'm just the person in my friend group/family who will say 'that fish is off' the second it comes out of the fridge 10 feet away or I identified the fact that there was a moldy lime in the bottom of my fridge by the fact the ice cubes in my water from the freezer smelled like moldy lime when the other people in my household were saying I was crazy, I was like no seriously there's a moldy citrus fruit in the fridge I know this with 100% certainty and I was correct. Anyway thanks for calling my manic typing charming that makes me feel better.

No. 2028619

As long as you are being reaffirmed its not a big deal. I recently saw a post of a woman with an olfactory issue that was a 'supersmeller' and once she got the internal issue resolved, her favorite perfume went from being subtle and sweet to disgusting and cloying, only reason I remembered

No. 2028620

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Basically picrel

No. 2028626

I don't agree with the 'zendaya is mid' opinion I think she's quite pretty (not a great beauty but pretty in a very conventional way) but even if she was a 5/10 the moids they paired her with in this film are an insult. I didn't watch it but isn't the whole point of the movie that she's kind of a fujo shipping these guys?

No. 2028629

Wow nona this is so weird because just a few minutes ago I was talking with an irl friend about how I don't think trauma should be classified as mental illness.

Anyway there is something kind of sinister and unsettling about losing your memories of traumatic events/periods in your life and I think I would always rather have the memories. I think I'm acclimated though because I have very disturbing trauma dreams and I get them so often it's just a normal part of my life now, I feel like being able to experience these things as trauma dreams actually makes them less potent in reality so I also think that having the memories would make them less potent in reality rather than blocking them out and risking them flooding back at some point.

No. 2028633

This is just being honest tbh.

No. 2028634

Okay that's good to hear. I think I have my perception of smells reaffirmed often enough that I'm pretty sure I'm smelling something similar to what other people are smelling, I'm just hypersensitive to the point I frequently feel like I'm going crazy but I'm usually right. Like getting 'light' ice cream by accident and saying 'is this really ice cream' before tasting it, having difficulty swallowing pills because I can smell the drug through the outer sugar layer and stuff like that. I don't think I have a markedly different perception of what smells good or bad though like once I got on the bus wearing a scent that I really liked but that people said it was weird for me to wear (male cologne) and some 90yo lady I sat next to was like 'young lady whatever the perfume you are wearing is, it is absolutely perfect.' So I don't think I'm missing with completely wrong perceptions of smells anyway, there just might be something in most commercial deodorants that sets me off. Certain fast food places or restaurants have ingredients that put me on edge too like even if I pass by the door of a Subway I feel like puking and it's always been that way.

No. 2028635

We are too mean to poles. Chopin was polish!!

No. 2028638

Is there a thing like a weeb but a big fan of Poles. I will never get over my crush on my pole coworker. I just want him to take me in his big strong arms but I just know I could not fulfil his wishes of a wife because I can't cook for shit and am too retarded to learn even for his big sexy self

No. 2028639

Chopin is the world's 2nd best composer so yes

No. 2028642

Nona if he's under 30 just remember that most Polish moids are heavily balding by age 35 it will help

No. 2028648

Not to sound like a koreaboo but S. Korea's flag is really cool from a symbolic standpoint.

No. 2028652

forgetting serves as a band aid and can work well enough, but actually remembering and processing things is important for deeper healing.

No. 2028653

Kids are the only group of people that are socially acceptable to hit, but they’re also the most defenseless. If you hit a dog, you’re labeled as a monster for putting hands on a defenseless animal. But people see toddlers misbehaving or being loud and they actually WANT parents to hit their kids.

No. 2028657

yeah I'm a big fan of pepsi cola too

No. 2028659

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come on don't tell me this isn't cool

No. 2028660

He's 40s and balding but you don't understand how hot he still is. I accidently told another coworker when I was drunk I refer to him as big sexy in my head and she told me he has a girlfriend so everyday I live as if my secret will be exposed to him. I think it has because he has shown more of a general knowledge of my existence and likes my fb posts now. I will of course never pursue this man as he has a girlfriend and in my secret heart if him and I are soul mates then we must be loyal and true and steadfast in all relationships. Idk what I'm saying

No. 2028667

i don't find monica belluci attractive and cannot understand why people think she's the most stunning actress ever etc. she's ofc not ugly but holy fuck people exaggerate imo.

No. 2028669

you're lusting after a bald guy in his 40s. get a grip

No. 2028674

A big problem with social media is how it encourages heuristics.

No. 2028677

Comment character limits being extremely constraining definitely contribute to this. It’s depressing seeing people attempt to “debate” in that format.

No. 2028680

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please tell me you are at the very least 30+

No. 2028683

oml he's balding…? gws anon I'm sending my thoughts and prayers

No. 2028685

I want more stories about a Manic Pixie Dream Girl just being a manipulative Gone Girl Yuno Gasai who's obsessed with the guy and set up the whole meet cute and has him wrapped around her finger, but not in the
>I've changed everything about myself to be his dream girl
Instead it's
>I've manipulated him into wanting my authentic carefully curated self as his dream girl
if you know what I mean.
But I just can't see it working as an actual narrative. Either it's a normal moid MC MPDG story with a twist ending where mc or audience learn she planned the whole thing either at the end at the climax leading to confrontation, or it's from her pov and audience is kept in tension to see if the guy figures it out.

No. 2028686

Yes you still get horny over 30

No. 2028698

I thwap my cat lightly on the paw/nose but I think it's socially acceptable because she did it first and she thinks it's funny/entertaining. Hitting kids and (most) dogs is bad because they would never hit you first and don't think it's funny and it actually trains them to accept violence against their person and think it's acceptable from an 'authority' figure. It's only okay to have slap battles with cats because they don't see you as an authority figure in the first place, not your fucking toddler who thinks you're a god.

No. 2028699

I'm sorry you have an irrational crush nona but I'm sure it will pass eventually. I haven't read the posts under this but I'm sure they're shaming you for liking a bald old moid but it's probably just a fleeting emotion because of something or other, you'll be fine.

No. 2028700

What do you mean 'how it encourages heuristics'

No. 2028707

if i get horny over bald post wall men when i am 30 please just put me down

No. 2028711

I love it when people sneeze obnoxiously loud it makes me laugh really hard

No. 2028714

Maybe she's 40 too and just doesn't want to admit it on lolcow. I'm over 30 though and I still can't deal with balding scrotes, I just hope I get over this bias when I'm like 60 and all my peers are balding.

No. 2028715

Same, also people who have a naturally loud annoying laugh. I had a girl in my middle school class who would sneeze as hard as a grown ass man so she couldn't even disguise it when the teacher was talking. It was sort of adorable kek.

No. 2028716

why is west on the bottom right

No. 2028720

Homosexuality is a mental illness, everyone tries to dance around it but there is something wrong with you if you don't feel the innate attraction to the opposite sex that we're all meant to have(bait)

No. 2028722

Dont deal with it. Men need to be shamed for their ugliness and forced to do something about it. Men should be getting hair transplants on masse.

No. 2028726

nice bait

No. 2028731

tell me im gay icon

No. 2028733

As far as I am aware all balding solutions for men involve some kind of feminizing hormones and erectile dysfunction which sucks if you want a male to be a sexual partner and also look good. It should be mandated for celebrities though

No. 2028748

It vaguely humanizes them though

No. 2028757

Look at Elon musk, are you sure?

No. 2028761

Its more fun when theres an infight going on because thats when the site feels the most lively and active. I wish this wasnt true because Id love it much more if we could all bond over something nice and cool instead of having a biggest retard competition

No. 2028765

The new site would have been good if people weren't such babies about it and gave it time. The amount of milk anons produced over those few days was hilarious and utterly shameful.

No. 2028780

'Ripoff' because both are about mmf love triangle, despite being different in almost every other aspect?

No. 2028781

Yeah, DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is the main cause of balding. However, DHT also supports male sexual functions. A lot of medications for balding lowers DHT, which is OK for women, but it gives men erectile dysfunction. Topical minoxidil and hair transplants are the only solutions that won't cause impotence.
You would think with how much scientists cater to the male population, they would create a solution that would prevent/cure balding without erectile dysfunction. However, moids care way more about their dick working (viagra) than how balding may affect their attractiveness.

No. 2028789

who cares? he can eat you out

No. 2028791

No. 2028812

Disney movies are ugly overrated. There are only two i think look decent, the rest look so boring.

No. 2028859

You can easily find some sticks at the personal hygiene and beauty section (generally right next to deodorants) of supermarkets, although I live in western Europe, maybe they are harder to get in your country.

No. 2028907

The Beatles genuinely sucked. Their reputation is so undeserved that I wonder if they were some kind of psyop (I mean musically not their image).

No. 2028924

I wish they had done more songs like Helter Skelter. The pop ballads that they're most known for don't do it for me.

No. 2028928

Try it. I've been using for years and now I wouldn't use anything else. I find once a day is enough. I apply it to my underarms when I'm wet after getting in the shower. The sticks themselves also last a lot longer than a roll on or spray.

No. 2028931

I suppose you had to be there. I feel the same but I've read things from teenagers in the 60s who had their minds blown by the more "experimental" songs even though today they really just sound like pop with a veneer of exotic instrumentation and audio tricks.

No. 2028935

You might be right, but by the 60s, there were so many well-known experimental composers, whose works still sound weird today, and numerous psychedelic bands that were much more experimental than the Beatles in structure, timbre, visual presentation, whatever. So-called music nerds back then who worshipped the Beatles ought to have known about at least some of them.

No. 2028953

Kate Bush is a lousy singer.

No. 2028955

Black Sabbath first album is absolutely amazing.

No. 2028959

Some kids need to be hit though. Like those boys who call their mom bitch or fight them. That needs to be beat out of them before puberty or else the whole family is doomed. For everyone else spankings are unnecessary.

No. 2028963

For non anglophones nonna: don't you also fucking hate when your language borrows terms that already exist in your country and makes everything sound retarded? Itanonna here and we have words for "videocall" (videochiamata) and "running" (correre), "meeting" (riunione) but since it's cool to use english terms, we could have a perfectly normal conversation and then you have these people dropping english terms out of the fucking blue and it sounds retarded because they say it in italian accent like…speak normally holy shit.
When I say this people compare me to fucking Mussolini (because he used to be obsessed with italian terms, didn't want any foreign influence) and I'm like no wtf why am I a fascist for not liking random "cool" english words in my speaking and most of the times these people can't speak a lick of english outside cool and hip new terms, I learned english from being chronically online as a teen and wanting to consume media, I speak it better than the average italian and yet I'm a fascist for using my correct language words. Holy shit I so hate it, do you have the same problem? Don't you also fucking hate english terms in the middle of a convo?

No. 2028965

I don’t understand why women get into relationships and are shocked when he’s abusive or a cheater. Almost every scrote you see out there in the world is like this but then you’re shocked when it happens to you? That’s like taking a gun to your head and being shocked that your brains get blown out. When going into relationships you should expect him to be a horrible person and be pleasantly surprised when he’s not.

No. 2028972

Because the world does not tell women what to expect. They don't see what other women's loving nigels are like when they get home.

No. 2028973

Why do they need to be told? You see your female family members, friends, coworkers being treated like shit by men so it should be obvious from first hand experience.

No. 2028979

abusers are nice at first and they lie, it's not that hard to understand.

No. 2028990

All men do this though so why is it surprising when they do it? Of course a man isn’t going to be a complete asshole the first week of knowing you, he’s going to wait a few months. But it’s still not shocking because this is how all men act. I think the “he was nice at first” logic only makes sense if you’re very young and inexperienced but there are women in their 30s who still can’t understand what a representative man is.

No. 2028995

Love is crazy

No. 2028998

I didn't get hit by a partner until 5 years into it. My fault I suppose i should have known.

No. 2029006

There are entire books about how women are trained from childhood to ignore their gut feelings and all logic when it comes to men, large parts of our socializing is built around this group gaslighting. Heterosexual women seek out a male partner because that's just nature, but they ignore their natural selection instincts because men and handmaidens and media have been in their ear their whole lives telling them they're crazy and men should be aggressive and angry, female pleasure isn't even really a thing, obeying men is your god-given calling etc, etc. The psyop is strong.
You say every woman knows but some women don't know. Women are isolated by their families for "protection", talking about sex and relationships is taboo or dirty, obvious visible abuse is excused as a one-off or a bad apple and treated in a hush hush way. People want to believe other people are good.

No. 2029014

Most incels who complain about women not want wanting them have a higher chance of finding a partner who loves them and accepts them than the average Stacy does. Usually incels are only single because they have unrealistic standards(they want super models with all their weird hobbies)or their vibe is just negative and scares people off. Men in general just have more dating options than all women.

No. 2029015

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I see we are once again back to blaming women for the actions of men.

No. 2029021

I don’t understand grown women who do this. If they are 18-23 I would empathize with them but grown women are supposed to know better. If you’re 25+ and in a relationship with a scrote with a million red flags I really won’t get sad if you get your ass beat. Seeing battered women pisses me off because it almost feels like they love being poor wittle victims~ instead of fighting for their life

No. 2029023

Never expect your oppressor to have empathy for you. It’s your job to protect yourself against your oppressor because they gain nothing from being nice to you.

No. 2029025

You don't make sense. Are only people in their early 20s allowed to date and if they haven't found some man that was born perfect that's it if they date when they're older they're actually just retards and somehow to blame for men being violent?

No. 2029026

of course stacy is going to have a more difficult time finding a decent partner. women are socialized to love and accept moids despite their shortcomings which leads moids to believe they can behave however they like and women will just go along with it, yet they fail to extend any of that same compassion or understanding towards their own partners. women are expected to tolerate shitty men whereas moids tends to flee when things aren't going their way.

No. 2029027

Nta but as an adult if a man hits you once why don’t you just make that the last time? Why keep coming back for more?

No. 2029030

Women do try and leave those men. That anon is insinuating all men are violent yet keeps harping on about this magic window of 18-23 of where you're suppose to learn everything there is about men like apparently how they're all violent and if you don't find a hot pacifist type in that window then you're a rard for trying because you should know better.

No. 2029032

maybe it was harder for most people to encounter Beatles contemporaries who were more impressive or experimental? If you weren't getting broader radio play at the time, your band was almost automatically niche/obscure. Plus the most palatable version of any genre that's different will always be the one that's popular, so there's that too.

No. 2029037

There are a lot of women who don’t try to leave those men because they still care for him at the end of the day. I can understand a woman getting beat up once and she’s like “damn that’s how he really gets down?” And packs all her shit and leaves the next day ok. But I don’t get the ones who get beat then come back over and over. This isn’t 1950, you can just leave lol most of the scrotes they let treat them like this aren’t even supporting them financially.

No. 2029041

Yea OK but that's not what OP said. They said women should know better because all men are red flags. If you think like that why not swear off dating altogether why blame the women for how the men act in the partnership. Why cap for men

No. 2029042

I think women should go into relationships expecting the worse and proceed with caution

No. 2029044

Yea and I've done that before and then 5 years into it was attacked in what I thought was an out of character moment, but according to OP I shouldn't be surprised cause all men behave like that yet also hope for the best? Which is it

No. 2029049

I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they really just don't get it because they have never experienced it themselves or even seen their mom go through it (which can also be hard to understand if I'm being honest). It's not like it makes sense from the outside. There are books about it if they really want to know, we're not gonna make them understand in a few lolcow comments.

No. 2029053

Women should go into dating with the mindset “I’m gonna enjoy the gifts and attention while he is love bombing me but I know this won’t last”. Women should just see relationships as something fun to do until he gets bored of faking it and dump him when he starts acting weird then move on to a new scrote.

No. 2029055

So women should according to you risk their lives for gifts and sex ok

No. 2029057

I didn’t say that. I understand women are gonna wanna date and have sex but they should see scrotes nice behavior as temporary and not something that’s gonna last. That way they will have a realistic idea of what’s going to happen and have an exit plan.

No. 2029060

I'll agree women should consider an exit plan in any situations and ant relationship if it becomes toxic and potential for abuse or violence. In my case when I got attacked by a moid I had lived with and shared pets with it isn't as easy as just packing a suitcase and walking out the next day. Walking out to where? I imagine it's a million times harder when you have children. I was able to get out with some animals and had to leave others in the care of his family which is also distressing because you're leaving behind loved ones to someone you now know to be abusive. It's not so clear cut. Everyone has self preservation tendencies but women are unfortunately and genuinely taught to forgive and nurture those that demonstrate wrong behaviour and everything is a teachable moment which is bullshit. I don't think treating anyone of any sex as a disposable sex object is the answer either. There's so many issues with the objectification of the female sex, personally I don't think equality is gained by copying males in their degrading behaviours.

No. 2029063

>Idon't think treating anyone of any sex as a disposable sex object is the answer either.

Your empathetic nature is probably why you ended up in that situation. Men should definitely be seen as disposable.

No. 2029065

That's my crux to bear but personally I think yearning for respect between the sexes than both seen as disposable is not the answer to humanity's social needs.

No. 2029066

Idk if I worded that right. I'm preaching respect, peace and love.

No. 2029068

Because moids don't usually start the hitting until they have a woman trapped. Either she's living with him, financially dependent on him, or she's pregnant. If moids only hit women who could get away from them, they wouldn't have something to take their rape ape rage out on. The number of women whose husbands put on a good face and only bring out the mega abuser once they're pregnant and can't easily leave is astounding.

No. 2029072

Men didn’t get into their position of power by being respectful to women lol I’m not saying you should be a evil bitch but there’s no point and caring about having respect for people who don’t respect you

No. 2029075

Think the issue I'm not seeking ownership or dominance over someone in a partnership I'm seeking mutual respect and romantic love.

No. 2029077

The problem is that most women you meet will reflect your love and peace right back at you until you both flourish, and most men will take advantage of your kindness until you're left a miserable husk of your former self. Sure, there are draining women and decent men, but the majority of each is why we women are more likely to trust and befriend women and why we see men as disposable.
I see you completely missed the part where these males pretend to be decent people until there's no way for a woman to leave. Do you really think every woman is perfectly cynical enough to write off 50% of the population? Most of them aren't us enumerating the multitude of male shittiness on lolcor, sorry to tell you.

No. 2029078

Then don’t have kids if you know you’re too broke to pick up and leave when shit hits the fan. I can understand this excuse if it was 1970 or if you’re in syria or something but it makes no sense to put yourself in that situation if you’re living in the USA in present time.

No. 2029079

Noble mindset but this is female socializing in action. Men have to earn your respect, you can't come in already respecting them. They don't respect you by default I promise.

No. 2029081

>Do you really think every woman is perfectly cynical enough to write off 50% of the population?

Most women aren’t cynical and their empathetic and optimistic attitude towards scrotes is why they always end up at the bottom

No. 2029084

Ayrt and that abusive moid caused me anguish and stress at the time but he hasn't diminished my character he hasn't made me a husk and he hasn't ruined my life. I'm currently seeing someone that leaves me surprised due to his peaceful respectful nature I'll hope it doesn't turn but again it won't destroy my character. If a man is abusive that's a flaw on his character not on mine. I can be a victim of his behaviour but they do not mark me as broken or somehow negligent.

No. 2029085

Then (if you're airt) you shouldn't be surprised when they get fooled into being with abusive men and don't realize what's happened until it's too late and he shows his true colors when she can't easily leave.

No. 2029087

ayrt and I genuinely hope your kind nature works out for you this time nonners, just please be careful.

No. 2029088

>you never realize it’s happening

You don’t realize when it’s happening, don’t try to put all women in that category. Also, I don’t believe it when women say there were no red flags. For example I had a friend whose bf would love bomb her by saying he’s gonna marry her and move in with her etc but would do strange shit like have her wait in the car while he visits his female best friend. While she was waiting in the car, he was inside fucking her. In my mind I would think “why do I have to wait in the car while you visit your friend? That’s fucking weird” but to her she saw no red flags there.

No. 2029091

bumping nasty shit in catalog

No. 2029096

>If a man is abusive that's a flaw on his character not on mine
Put it on every billboard, this is the advice women need to hear!

No. 2029097

Literally this lmfaooo, these types of women think they deserve to be hit and beaten. They have many opportunities to jump ship before he decides to finally kill them. There are so many women are just too domesticated by nature and are weak it makes me feel bad for them

No. 2029102

What I need to understand is why do women think if you’re realistic about the nature of men you’re bitter?

No. 2029104

I didn't say that.

No. 2029106

You’re pretty much saying that seeing men as disposable means “you let him win by ruining your character”. I don’t think that would be ruining your character, you would just be smarter.

No. 2029108

No I said I was against thinking of any human as disposable and it wouldn't solve the issue of male violence either.

No. 2029109

Then these women are like “uwu any woman could end up like this”. Not me, do not try to put me in that with yall.

No. 2029111

nayrt it doesn't solve the issue of male violence, but encourages women to keep their distance from men, the majority of whom are violent. That distance keeps women safer than if they regularly fraternize with men.
Please go back or at least spell it right.

No. 2029113

I don't think it does it just shows a fear of commitment. You fear a commitment because it could go south so you consider casual sex less risky. I'd consider a vibrator over a fuck buddy.

No. 2029114

Ok y’all kek who gives a shit

No. 2029115

I do. You may go back now.

No. 2029116

smells like twitterfag in here

No. 2029117

Nta but you can be in a committed relationship with the realistic out look that he most likely will cheat or be physically/emotionally abusive one day

No. 2029118

Yeah which is why women should have exit plans if they move in with a moid

No. 2029119

Wait, what? At no point in any of my posts was I talking about commitment or casual sex. I'm encouraging women to remain distant from men entirely because there's no way of knowing which men are truly safe.

No. 2029123

ntayrt I never liked that mindset because it feels like living your life afraid of men. I can't bring myself to be afraid of men on the whole, a lot of them are pathetic. They love it when you're afraid of them because they're little freaks. it doesn't feel like being smart to be afraid of them.

No. 2029125

Well then if you read over the discussion you'd see what those posts you were replying to context was.

No. 2029126

Why do you think avoiding men or refusing to allow them into your personal life (friends, etc.) means you're afraid of them?

No. 2029128

Knowing that men are bad people is not being afraid of them lol

No. 2029129

Does lolcow have the same bots used on Reddit to argue semantics or have some users been psyoped

No. 2029130

First day on the internet?

No. 2029132

Guess the Internet is a playground for autists

No. 2029134

This is definitely your first day on the internet. Welcome!

No. 2029136

For the anon that asked about Reddit bots

No. 2029137

NTA. Southern burgers, we’re under attack!!1

No. 2029139

light exercise is an effective way to get over mild illness and shouldn't be stigmatized. istg my friends get in a tizzy when i'm sick and say that i'm going for a short hike and act like i'm going to drop dead from the lightest exertion. bizarre.
kek anon southerners know how to spell y'all correctly

No. 2029140

How you a grammar nazi but can’t capitalize your words?

No. 2029142

The posts I replied to were talking specifically about keeping your distance from men to avoid male violence. I'm not saying it's wrong, it's a personal decision, but it sounds a lot like avoiding them because you're afraid and you think the fear is reasonable. How is that not being afraid of them?
For background I had an abusive father and my mother was convinced he was the strongest man on the planet who would kill her if she left, but actually he was weak and pathetic and I found going through life that a lot of abusive men are more bark than bite and if you returned even 10% of the crazy they throw at at you they fold immediately because they can't take what they dish out. I like interacting with people so I don't want to avoid men just because they're bad, they're too much of the population.

No. 2029143

because spelling y'all wrong is the easiest way to identify a twitterfag they all use it because aave is the new in thing over there

No. 2029144

Nta but people online have been saying yall since yahoo chatrooms or earlier. It's a global world and yall is a fun word

No. 2029145

Saying that spelling y’all as yall is incorrect is like saying spelling can’t as cant is incorrect. Take the stick out of your ass ya dumb bitch.

No. 2029147

can't and cant are two different words dumbass

No. 2029148

Kekk, I completely understand women like Cassie because that nigga was absolutely crazy, deranged and had loads of money to hide his shitty behavior but if he hits you once, you shouldn’t go back but for some reason in their minds they think this is a wonderful man to go back to and to “fix” him. We have failed women in so many levels it’s not even funny, even seeking justice for women lacks the importance of self-autonomy and independence. Women are so broken into fear and cowardice they think there aren’t ways to defend themselves and that nature is the end-all-be-all to their helplessness towards male violence. What’s the point of complaining about male violence if you’re already fatalistic about women’s intelligence and intuition to solve problems because men have significantly more tard strength? They put absolutely no energy into actually solving male-patterned issues, they encourage female victimhood (freezing and fawning) that keeps women in a stagnant environment, frozen constantly in fear of predators and a lack of reliance on herself which in turn creates the same issues over and over again. It pisses me off because I would want to empathize with them but feminists, anti-feminists, traditionalists and radfems keep them in a crippling box. They think that because men have more physical strength than that means women have no chance and if women have no chance why try, let me just put myself into the line of fire and then try to garner sympathy when it happens because sympathy unfortunately is the only way for people to help for women

No. 2029149

I used to say yall all the time in yahoo chat etc. only zoomers associate that slang with twitter and they try to police their dumb zoomer rules on everyone.

No. 2029150

this is technically correct but it misses the point so entirely that it made me laugh really hard

No. 2029152

How the fuck do they know what's going on on twitter unless they're using the site. Personally I haven't had an account since like 2018

No. 2029153

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love you too nonnie! hope the rest of today is just as silly

No. 2029155

File: 1717167489856.jpeg (85.63 KB, 600x461, two-women-drinking-schnapps-60…)

Back at you, nonnatiña!

No. 2029156

Idk why lolcow zoomers try to act like they aren’t on twitter

No. 2029158

I must have been raised different because for all my life I heard the correct thing to do if the cops do nothing to a man beating his wife was to band together with your sisters and make sure no one finds the body. Because that's what my aunts did to my grandfather in the 80s. It causes some serious disconnect when I hear women are oppressed because my first thought is always "what have you done about it?" And I know I really shouldn't.

No. 2029161

We sadly said goodbye to the Goodbye Earl era and have been suffering ever since.

No. 2029163

Where was this?

No. 2029169

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Ngl, it kind of hurt my feelings when I asked my dad if he would help me get away with the crime if I fought back and killed a man who started attacking me, and he said "no". He said he would understand why I did it, but would "have" to turn me in because he thinks the law needs to judge me. Meanwhile, my stepsister said "yeah" to my question. Well lesson learned, if you need a partner in crime, only get another woman to help out.

No. 2029180

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I think people overrate the importance of exercise and fitness. I lost so much weight just by skipping meals and eating less, it’s the food you consume that matters the most. I feel like fitness is more akin to putting on makeup and wearing fancy clothes it’s just a fancy cosmetic hobby to make your body look better on the outside, that’s pretty much the point of weightlifting. Simple jogging, walking, hiking or even working a job 8 hours on your feet can make you lose weight more than trying to grind at the gym for vanity purposes

No. 2029181

Sounds about right

No. 2029188

I understand the vanity part, but exercise does make you feel better on the inside as well. And it tones your body when you eat healthy and exercise, making it look the way it's intended to look. And it's good for your muscles and body health to move the muscles and use them in anyway, people who go to the gym do so because they mostly have jobs that don't require movement. If you don't move and use muscles they quite literally die and that can cause health issues.

No. 2029191

Why do autistic bitches like you even hang out in predominantly female sites like this then?

No. 2029194

True. I wish scrotes would stop trying to gain muscles so they’re more frail and soft so I can beat and bully them more easily
What’s autistic about that

No. 2029197

Exercise (weights, Pilates etc) maintains your muscle mass while you lose weight so you lose more fat and less muscle. If you’re already pretty fat it doesn’t matter as much but if you’re chubby and don’t want to be skinnyfat or lose your muscle then it’s important.

No. 2029198

Exercise is not really about losing weight, it's about overall wellbeing, longevity and quality of life. If you're only viewing it as a weightloss tool of course it wouldn't matter as much as diet.

No. 2029201

All I’m hearing is “I’m lazy and also if I’m not good at something then it’s not important.”

No. 2029207

> If women were like men they would be bad

No. 2029212

I care less about the losing weight part and more about maintaining muscle, joints, and bones for the rest of my life (diet also plays into this of course). I wanna be a capable old lady someday, not someone who's decrepit at 40 kek.

You'd think my hyper-sedentary friends were nearing retirement age the way they grunt and groan and struggle, always complaining about being old now (we're all 28), while I don't feel a day over 18 since really putting effort into having an exercise routine and healthier diet.

No. 2029218

I also hate gymfags for the unwarranted superiority complex they have

No. 2029228

>They think that because men have more physical strength than that means women have no chance and if women have no chance why try

Sorry if this is a stupid question… but what solutions do you suggest?
-The police dgaf.
-Women trying to "fix" men, just ends up in women being taken advantage of.
-Maybe a military style socialization program could work but i think it would just trigger the ape instinct.
Personally im pro castrating, killing and torturing moids. I don't crave relationships so maybe that's why i think avoiding most men altogether is a better option.
What could be done so men see women as actual people?

No. 2029236

> What could be done so men see women as actual people?

Nta but men do see you as human but like another anon said awhile back that men are warmongers. They see your weak nature as something to steal resources from. If women aren’t physically strong they need to become more mentally manipulative to win. I think women are capable of this because they use these tools on other women.

No. 2029268

Unwarranted? Gymfags work very hard for that superiority complex!

No. 2029278

making men only display their shit in man caves was smart. women used to understand that if a man needed to be a real adult, he needed to make all the nerdy shit he was into PART of his personality and not his entire personality. especially developmentally stunted nerdy men but a lot of men really struggle on having a personality and being able to hold a conversation about anything other than their hyper specific interests. to the point they are boring everyone yet accusing anyone not wanting to talk about their special interest boring. they don’t understand most people also have that level of interest in something and just have social skills. it’s why we are seeing all these hoarder homes and man children.

No. 2029324

they're not on lolcow butFor that nasty fuck who needs to hear it:
Have you considered that people don't like you not because they are the problem but becasue you are willingly choosing to engage in disgusting behavior?

No. 2029326

I know I could have put this in the Letters You'll Never Send or Vent threads but I figure if I make it vague enough it's an unpopular or cotraversial opinion that can be applied to many things

No. 2029327

this reasoning makes no sense but yeah a lot of people don’t want to accept that they are the problem not other people.

No. 2029333

before reading the spoiler i thought this was about that anon in "things you hate" lol

No. 2029336

i did too i went back to try and figure out what they meant by disgusting behavior

No. 2029339

File: 1717177618229.jpg (103.33 KB, 735x913, 1000008349.jpg)

I think this aesthetic is really brainwashed. Not necessarily bad just brainwashed. You know if yellow was the "girl color" it'd be flat yellow set ups + the male-gazey sticker, not that I blame them I used to have one of those 9n my computer. Now I think it looks stupid…

No. 2029351

It makes me think of trannies. Most women just buy normal computer and gaming accessories with good reviews.

No. 2029362

this gamergirl coloring repulses me deeply

No. 2029379

I really enjoy picking my nose but am worried that picking it too much will expand my nostrils so I only use my pinky to do it but I still get worried.

No. 2029382

ugh this is my 50 year old stepmothers aesthetic..

No. 2029384

You don’t want gaped nostrils nonnetta?

No. 2029387

for real..?

No. 2029389

yep. shes one of those funko pop obsessed gaming consoomers…

No. 2029397

now that's unconventional for a boomer

No. 2029409

booty is really important on a man but nobody else seems to care

No. 2029416

ew that sounds gay

No. 2029421

True. A man with no ass is pathetic.

No. 2029433

i don't think this is an unpopular opinion. i think it's overrated and gross personally.

No. 2029437

ok enjoy your concave ass moid

No. 2029445

Why would a man with a fat ass be desirable
Unless you’re into butt play

No. 2029453

nta but a moid with a nice ass is a green flag, it means he's a healthy moid that doesnt spend all his day rotting on a gaming chair.

No. 2029455

food matters but so does exercise. you don't even have to go to the gym and can do calisthenics which are much better

No. 2029456

phat, not fat

No. 2029457

kek okay. idk it just looks like it doesn't match with the male body, like if a man had big hips or something.

No. 2029458

women arent born with natural big asses either dumbass

No. 2029461

big hips add heft to thrusts

No. 2029463

nta but i do love my nigel’s bowl shaped ass. im eating salsa out of it right now

No. 2029464

You sound like a faggot and if you aren't you should stop watching so much porn.

No. 2029466

yeah but they don't look weird without one. all asses are just weird okay! they shouldn't exist except to poop.

No. 2029467

you sound butthurt about your concave ass moid, I'm just pointing out physics

No. 2029469

asses dont exist to poop, they exist to aliviate the weigth of the body on the pelvis when we sit. A moid with no ass is a moid who doesnt have a healthy pelvis and will be on a wheelchair when he hits 60

No. 2029472

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ideal male booty according to nonny

No. 2029474

Moids with no ass/flat asses are automatically a 2/10 in my book.

No. 2029476

I agree with you 100 percent, anon. Dont let anyone else tell you otherwise. A good ass is important on a man.

No. 2029478

there is actually an episode where hank has to use an ass prostetic because the lack of ass gave him back pain. That episode is a warning for all women to not go for men with no ass.

No. 2029491

Mr Brightside is a lot like American Pie

No. 2029494

imagine not grabbing your man’s ass, what the hell are you doing nonny!!?

No. 2029495

If a man's ass is bigger than mine I will break up with him. He becomes competition to me now.

No. 2029496

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Booty is nice but it's maybe like the fifth thing I think about. If he's in decent shape he should have a cute butt already.

No. 2029502

i don't want to imagine grabbing any part if i'm being honest..maybe just the face

No. 2029509

ok fair

No. 2029510

then whats the point of having a nigel, just get a dildo at that point

No. 2029512

i don't have one. i thought we were talking about hypotheticals kek.

No. 2029514

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No. 2029533

Instead of birth control for women we should normalize men freezing their sperm and getting vasectomies in their twenties. Literally the only reason why this isn't a wide spread thing is moids and their retarded fear of "emasculation" because otherwise it's a win-win all around.

No. 2029536

Taking the bullets out the gun >>> wearing body armor

No. 2029550

you need to be 18+ to post here. or if you're a lesbian obviously no one invited you to the convo about grabbing men's butts. like huh??? it's not that hard to understand your opinion is invalid on this topic. really grind my gears when people with no relationship or sexual desire relating to the conversation jump in reeeee

No. 2029553

i dont have a concave ass moid, im just saying your mindset resembles a disgusting dick breath faggot

No. 2029554

asexual ppl be like "why the fuck are you talking about sex reeee it doesnt involve me"

No. 2029556

you keep calling people faggot but you sound like a lesbian to me
what's so hard to understand about male booty being attractive?

No. 2029557

Is it an unpopular opinion to say that asexual people who claim to like sex aren't asexuals at all, and that true asexuality is incredibly rare?

No. 2029558

people like claiming they're asexual because they have no kinks or distinguished attractions nowadays. we're doomed.

No. 2029559

The quality of the sperm and the sex would be much better if they did this. On the other hand only people rich enough to pay for IVF could have children. I don't think IVF is without its drawbacks even if you have money. Would also probably somehow result in increased surrogacy rates as wealthy people outsource reproducing. Sounds kinda dark.

No. 2029563

Asexual people who like sex are not asexual they are retarded snowflakes.

No. 2029564

File: 1717191337844.gif (2.72 MB, 500x303, 1000014759.gif)

i'm a 28 year old heterosexual. i didn't know only one unified opinion on butts was allowed.

No. 2029565

Asexuality isn't real.

No. 2029566

if you don't like booty you're gay

No. 2029567

What about intrauterine insemination?

No. 2029568

its ok to not like something but just because some women like butts doesnt mean they're faggot cockbreathers. chill with the misogyny.

No. 2029573

No. 2029574

Oh of course. Yeah that's better. I honestly forgot about that

No. 2029578

but have you ever had a man?

No. 2029585

Yeah, don't get me wrong, I'm also skeptical of IVF and very much against surrogacy but still I see no harm in the "turkey baster method" in itself, plus it shouldn't even be that expensive. And of course the easiest method of contraception is avoiding PIV altogether and I will always advocate for men eating more pussy or otherwise focusing on the clit over penetrative sex, but if they're the ones who are so insistent on having PIV then they should be the ones minimizing the risks of reproduction.

No. 2029601

Since when is ‘y’all’ aave?

No. 2029604

It's not. Redditors are retconning it and tiktok has picked up on the lie, like it's something that only black people have said instead of a southern thing in general.

No. 2029649

I don’t understand the good girl to edgy thot with tattoos and dyed hair pipeline. It’s not that I really care about what they look like but it’s the principle behind it. All of that effort to be a “big bad girl” who likes being used up by moids and you still get your ass beat and murdered by a scrote/woman who’s stronger than you. Embarrassing

No. 2029650

wait until they hear about yinz and youse

No. 2029655

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>and you still get your ass beat and murdered by a scrote/woman who’s stronger than you. Embarrassing

No. 2029657

Tl;dr I can’t explain it, the women who dye their hair and try to act badass and then they later get brutally humiliated because all of their bad girl efforts have gone to waste. There was nothing wrong with their former look kek

No. 2029663

Women trying to be friends with straight males then are blind sided that those men want to fuck then seem stupid to me

No. 2029669

French people didn’t invent charcuterie, Neither did blacks

No. 2029671

I want charcuterie right now. Anons buy me charcuterie right now

No. 2029675

Do you actually interact with any women outside of Netflix shows?

No. 2029678

idk I have male friends, and the whole 'befriending you just to fuck' thing never happened to me. I feel like I don't really experience a lot of the unwanted sexual attention associated with misogyny, though, so take that with a grain of salt. Like it seems like literally ever woman in the world has either been catcalled, gotten fuckzoned, or experienced outright sexual violence besides me, which I guess I'm grateful for?

No. 2029679

nona are you talking about real life or media? there's a big difference.

No. 2029681

you're not alone. I've been catcalled but never the other things. never really had a guy friend though….oh shit wait my husband started out as my friend so maybe that counts lmao

No. 2029682

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Peak male ass

No. 2029683

Im eating a log of salami as Im typing this kek

No. 2029685

Booty… is more important than water.

No. 2029687

As a child and teen I got catcalled. Now I've perfected a resting bitch face and my biggest grievances with men are just the dullards that stare at you in the supermarket and follow you around. Or I'll be driving and suddenly some man is following my car and being a fucking hazard. Had a van driver keep pulling up alongside me from the next lane and blow me kisses. So it's either stalkers in supermarkets or men that think their gay cars are an extension of their masculinity, yet they were loud as fuck and forward when I was a wee girl.

No. 2029688

And they use dating apps to harass women that wouldn't give them the time of day in person.

No. 2029690

File: 1717197496539.jpg (127.49 KB, 1160x1200, Spring-Charcuterie-Board-22.jp…)

After every night out on the way home everyone is getting shit food - burgers, kebabs, garlic cheese chips. I'm thinking about a charcuterie van. I'm half drunk right now and I want it so I think it's not a bad idea. Imagine waking up in your bed and instead of a half eaten burger it's this. Bite sized bites for the hungover stomach.

No. 2029691

Me neither but tbf I'm pretty blind to this sort of stuff.
The closest was probably a guy trying to say hello to me on the street while I was in the middle of drinking a redbull and I choked a little because I wasn't paying attention and was startled that a stranger talked to me.

No. 2029692

All of your straight male "friends" want to fuck you, unless you're seriously ugly or deformed. That's just the way it is.

No. 2029695

god I want salami so bad. making me jealous
>cream cheese with salty crackers
oh my god my fatass is so hungry I got hurry tf up and shower so i can make my peasant food to fill my stomach. im ravished

No. 2029699

i am so hungry why did you post this

No. 2029700

More people should be religious, Jesus was such a chad

No. 2029701

Jesus is pure husbando materiel. The Catholics ruined him

No. 2029702

There needs to be a charcuterie empire

No. 2029706

(no jesus in the bechdel test)

No. 2029712

Says a lot that women preferred being roasted inside the brazen bull over betraying their love for Jesus and marrying an ugly moid

No. 2029714

what makes you think Jesus wasn't an ugly moid

No. 2029732

even if He was unattractive (He was probably hot) He was still brave, loved His mom, cared for others even when they wronged Him, and continued to love them even after they attempted to put Him to death on the Cross

No. 2029734

nta but he had a beard so he's insantly ugly. If a man cannot eat pussy he serves no purpose.

No. 2029738

i don't think asexuals don't exist tbh

No. 2029739

File: 1717200361539.jpg (8.73 KB, 188x268, he-wouldnt-fuck-that-lamp.jpg)

Jesus had a beard before it was an ugly thing. Like literally what moid thing did he do while he was alive? Men are terrible but Jesus was born from a immaculate conception free from taint of moids. If I could I would nun myself right now so I could husando with him in Heaven eternally.

No. 2029740

The way to make a culture popular and not die off is to sell it out.
You know why everyone knows about Japanese culture? They let anybody watch anime and play ninja.
Asking for people to stay away and respect your culture is asking for nobody to care about it.
Which, isn't always a bad choice, but if you're whining about people not knowing enough about it, then you get to get them interested.

No. 2029754

My jesus is lean and fit

No. 2029762

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No. 2029764

Jesus was Arab or black. Let it go.

No. 2029765

Jesus was a real man i wish we had pictures of Him..

No. 2029769

Jesus was actually Jewish he was born in Israel

No. 2029770

File: 1717201957781.webp (25.05 KB, 512x768, cc04f26a12b4f1259452ccc522a097…)

>He turned water into fineeeee

No. 2029771

I don't mean to offend anyone but he probably looked like one of those Lebanese men

No. 2029799

>old white moid who owns a yak farm in wyoming is racist and votes for trump
idk why anyone is surprised, even being a complete fag won't stop him from being typical white moid nonsense

No. 2029802

Jesus was not a real person I don't believe the propaganda.

No. 2029806

I know a "genius" moid who bragged about donating sperm and getting a vasectomy, he bragged about how he's done his part for the future of humanity and now no longer has to wear a condom.

I told him that not all sperm donors get selected, only a narrow cohort do, and he looked terrified kek. He literally thought he was guaranteed to have kids because he donated sperm.

No. 2029807

File: 1717203134873.jpg (268.89 KB, 640x541, 1000003781.jpg)

I imagine Jesus as buff and sexy and hot and hung

No. 2029809

Hes such a pickme kek all gay men are. "Look at me, I'm DIFFERENT from them" well they don't see you that way, that's why you get followed and threatened with guns walking around Wyoming looking like that. Bitter fucking crypt keeper

No. 2029814

>Karens out at a young girl groping him
>regularly gropes and molests and attempts to seduce straight men
Average gay man

No. 2029819

he is like blaire white. always trying to be the "based" faggots. i loved when lauren blitzke told blaire white that the best thing he could do would be grow a moustache and tell people to not be like him.

No. 2029822

women are more likely to have low sex drives to the point the term asexual fits them, with men it's either autism or they have a porn-centric sexuality so they can no longer sexually desire or connect with actual people

No. 2029838

I don't blame anyone for calling themselves asexual. A lot of girls aren't taught it's normal to not easily find someone attractive and have no interest in being hypersexual and horny all the time. Also, if you are terminally online seeing people who have kinks, enjoy porn and you aren't interested in any of that, you likely think you lack the ability to be interesting in sexual things because you are normal and aren't broken like everyone else. When i was a teenager i used to think i was asexual because i never developed crushes or attractions to irl men or boys my age and i had no interest in dating. If you are surrounded by women who are moid obsessed, it could also make you feel abnormal too.

No. 2029858

>I imagine Jesus as buff and sexy and hot and hung
pic unrelated

No. 2029859

File: 1717205683231.jpg (741.55 KB, 903x1668, 1000007959.jpg)

There's like a viral men swimsuit thing on fb and the Lebanese man had the hottest body. That video made me realise how unfortunate some males chests are. Video link: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/sX5pRk3x556NnRvA/

No. 2029861

Flaccid dicks that aren't tiny are so inelegant looking. They completely ruin the overall aesthetic of the male body.

No. 2029864

I'd love to see him with his swimsuit off.

No. 2029867

I don't know why but I hate curly hair on men

No. 2029874

There'd be a miniature elephant between his legs, nothing to get excited about.

No. 2029877

STFU reee

No. 2029878

I would definitely get excited if he was naked with me. He can cosplay as jesus

No. 2029880

no way we have a flaccid penis enjoyed here. what has lolcow become

No. 2029882

You literally said they should look like clits when unerect. Quiet, lesbian

No. 2029884

nta but i was silently agreeing with you why did you have to ruin it with the lezzie hate…

No. 2029886

yeesh, that is one UGLY motherfucker.

No. 2029888

As a burger we do not claim him

No. 2029889

Flaccid dicks should be compact, as their function when unerect does not depend on their size. Growers are supreme in function and form.

No. 2029890

ayrt, and I’m not the anon you think I am nor am I a lesbian. freak

No. 2029891

Are you a member of little dick fanclub

No. 2029893

Growers are small when flaccid and significantly larger when erect, so no

No. 2029894

Oh a neeeledick enjoyer

No. 2029895

File: 1717207319412.jpg (36.82 KB, 494x560, it-seems-to-me-that-ana-de-arm…)

Small chins can be very cute

No. 2029896

Maybe this should've been posted in the TMI thread, anon.

No. 2029897

Zendaya only did the role with Hunter Schafer in Euphoria because even she knows that’s a man and it wouldn’t go against her own sexuality. It’s laughable to call that tv relationship “lesbian” and even she knew it, which is why she had absolutely no issue coming up to him, she probably enjoyed it because she’s clearly into feminine men

No. 2029898

What an uncouth response, fitting for a barbaric hanging flaccid dick lover

No. 2029902

it's fascinating to watch the change when there's a big difference, like a time lapse video of a mushroom growing, but I find it very unappealing when men shrink back a lot in their resting state. it's not inelegant at all to retain some size.
you're making yourself sound like a virgin, which is fine but you should stop commenting on the topic

No. 2029904

not unpopular.

No. 2029910

Isn't there a gigantic popular tinfoil that zendaya is an actual lesbian and Tom Holland are gay and they're best friends in a fake pr relationship?

No. 2029914

File: 1717208290191.jpg (43.18 KB, 500x500, iknntsagyd891.jpg)

Lsa thinks so but there isn't any proof of that other than "vibes"

No. 2029917

Proof is more in Tom Holland, also the longevity of the supposed relatonship. Gay celebs do this all the time. Michael Pitt pretended to be in a relationship with the model Jamie Bochert (no one knew she was Trans at the time) for like a decade to dodge people knowing about his sexuality.

No. 2029923

File: 1717208896121.jpg (106.32 KB, 720x799, 1000017079.jpg)

When are normies gonna stop calling women and girls "gay" for basically not always wearing a dress? This shit gives me flashbacks of my school once thinking I was gay for "dressing like a boy" and only ever hanging out with this one girl. I can't believe dressing as normie as picrel was and apparently still is enough to get you called gay.

No. 2029925

No she’s definitely gay. Giving bitch vibes, idc you’re not black so you don’t understand KEK

No. 2029927

I am though? I see girl and women relatives dressed like that and 90% of them aren't gay.

No. 2029932

>Giving bitch vibes, idc you’re not black so you don’t understand KEK
Did you mean to say “butch” or are you really getting this pissy about your presumptions of that anon’s race on an anonymous ib? Fwiw I did use to think she had butch vibes before, but plenty of girls go through a tomboy phase

No. 2029933

File: 1717209540831.jpeg (173.98 KB, 1024x703, IMG_1032.jpeg)

If white women weren’t racist, then what were they doing in this picture then?? Just there for the vibes?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2029937

Ngl I do go check out random protests for the vibes

No. 2029938

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No. 2029939

knowing the historical context i absolutely should not laugh but lol

No. 2029940

Genuine question because LC loves to apply noble savage theory to white women and act like they weren’t there trying to terrorize little black girls.

No. 2029941

Who is even going to say white women weren't racist? Is this actually unpopular?

No. 2029943

File: 1717210288507.jpeg (451.07 KB, 540x1163, IMG_8493.jpeg)

Based and true. It’s so unflattering when I see men wear skinny jeans that desperately cling to their calves and thighs yet sag dramatically in the back.

No. 2029944

They don’t like to admit it on this website kek

No. 2029948

Ayrt, racebait isn’t allowed and it seems like you’re trying to instigate a retarded racewar. No one is saying those white women weren’t racist, or that white women in general can’t be racist

No. 2029950

I remember when I was a stupid naive cocky teenager like this then I STILL ended up in an abusive relationship because I gave one singular male a chance. Don’t worry I’m sure after you finish high school you’ll get your humbling lol

No. 2029951

File: 1717211560405.jpg (157.57 KB, 1438x489, 1000003654.jpg)

You're making up fake people in your head to argue with again

No. 2029953

Kekkk saved

No. 2029955

Isn’t this back when women had no bank accounts and couldn’t own property? What makes you think they were allowed to control or make choices with that shit all of the sudden

No. 2029958

race infight starting in 3… 2… 1…

No. 2029966

Yeah I’m sure, if black people had the courage to push back on it then what was stopping these white women? You’re forgetting black women had to endure racial and misogynistic oppression and still fought against it even with the odds against them, so how many times can you use the “we had no proper control” when these women were often the faces of their community, school committees? They were facing oppression so that really can’t be used as an excuse anymore. You’re also acting like it’s the 1800s, it was the late 1950s-1960s when social consciousness was being pushed into the forefront, that’s when second wave feminism started to make its steam and went hand-in-hand with civil rights issues kek. I genuinely wonder how much longer you can use that excuse without people getting sick of it

No. 2029967

>you’ll get humbled girly teehee you’ll get abused like the rest of us and then you’ll learn
No they won’t, because they won’t make the same mistake on being dick crazy like you were kek

No. 2029971

I guess you got the race fight you wanted kekkk

No. 2030002

I don't think any woman can 100% predict whether she will end up in an abusive relationship or not and it seems like victim blaming to be like 'ha ha I will never end up like that because I'm better/smarter' but I do think it's true that some women are just way more likely than others to be targeted by abusive scrotes and that's why there are women who go through life thinking all moids are abusive and dangerous while there are other women who go through life baffled at that idea, they probably almost exclusively had good experiences.

No. 2030003

Unpopular opinion but I think there's nothing wrong with voluntary segregation and segregated schools. If people don't want to live around other races then that's fine, surely?

No. 2030007

I think that's already how most schools are. In my time during middle and highschool, all different races mainly stuck to their own. Ain't that how neighborhoods normally work too?

No. 2030008

One could argue neighborhoods are economically segregated, but I also remember it being the jock/prep/nerd cultural divide at my time in school the black nerds and weebs were cool peeps in a diverse group but the hood kids were all black with a token white and in jail at one point or another between then and now

No. 2030009

That's not how my neighbourhood or schools ever were but it always strikes me as something more US-typical than typical of here. I think people are more likely to self-segregate if they have massive cultural differences with others so for example we did have some recent immigrants hanging out with other people from their cultural/linguistic group but I assume that's because they were more comfortable linguistically and culturally, it didn't really happen with 2nd gen + immigrants.

No. 2030014

Yes that was the issue, it wasn’t that the facilities for these black schools were absolute shit and whenever black people accumulated wealth for their community it was always destroyed and ruined by white people. Yeah you’re so smart anon and not another retarded white bitch talking about history when you know nothing about it kek

No. 2030015

I went to a very diverse school and it was not like this at all. I've only seen this happen in the US.

No. 2030018

You know what, that is a good point to make. My schools were full of immigrants, some of which could barely speak English. That was most definitely a factor in why different races stuck to their own, they wanted the best chances of finding someone who could relate as much as possible.

No. 2030021

I don’t know why men act like getting a vasectomy is like getting their penis chopped off. Especially since they still produce sperm and it’s still possible to get it, they just stick a needle into the testicles.

No. 2030024

I was an immigrant and went to schools with many immigrants, but me and most of the immigrants who were fluent in English/immigrated a bit earlier in life were fully integrated, it was usually like those people who immigrated at age 14 and were really uncomfortable in English who mostly stuck with a couple other people from their culture, and even then it wasn't like they never talked to anyone else, they were just closer friends with those people and would talk their own language together on lunch breaks/the bus/whatever.

No. 2030025

She's likely making that point on purpose because she doesn't give a fuck if anyone who isn't her kind suffer. That's the game such people play and you should never give them the benefit of the doubt.

No. 2030026

>French people didn’t invent charcuterie
Yes they did, it originated from France.

No. 2030029

I've never been catcalled either, but i've seen my female relatives get cat called like crazy. Still wouldn't befriend a male though.

No. 2030032

That board is like 5 percent charcuterie.

No. 2030034

NTA but I think that charcuterie had to have originated in Jerusalem. What else could they have been eating at the last supper?

No. 2030036

Depends how you define it, the word is a French word but we know they already had charcuteries in Ancient Rome, and possibly earlier.

No. 2030037

She’s just wearing shorts. If that’s enough to make you a lesbian then everywoman where I live must be too.

No. 2030040

File: 1717218953387.jpeg (91.91 KB, 554x554, IMG_2812.jpeg)

They actually ate picrel.

No. 2030041

>processed food
>packaged in plastic
>"fully fresh"

No. 2030042

It means there's so many preservatives in it it won't go off

No. 2030057

Theyre going to flame you for this

No. 2030061

same tbh. my best friend is a guy and if he's waiting around just to fuck me, he's both extremely dedicated and retarded, it's been nearly 20 years man lol (and the answer would be no)

More seriously though, I've never had an issue with any of my actual male friends, but I've definitely noticed it with newer acquaintances at uni or work who are clearly half-assing being friendly so they can get close enough to ask for a date or something– they're easier to pick out imo when you do have male friends because you notice how little they line up with you platonically and how shallow their interactions are in comparison to actual friends. They fuck right off when I tell them to though, so I'm lucky in that regard.

No. 2030074

I haven't experienced it the times I've made male friends organically, like if we are in a bigger group of friends of both men and women, or we're in an office together and have no choice but to interact. I only find it suspicious if a moid goes out of his way to befriend you.

But yeah I've fortunately avoided a lot of what you mentioned as well. I think I am in the sweet spot of average looking with a meh body so I'm not attracting any particular interest, but also not fat or unfeminine so men don't actively resent my presence or assume I'm easy pickings.

No. 2030079

I never got how with isekai like Overlord, Tanya, and Re:Zero people don't get that you're not supposed to be them, you're supposed to laugh at them.
They're written as straight schadenfreude, they're dark comedies.

No. 2030088

androgynous/queer is in now, doesn't she have her stylist dressing her? when was this?

No. 2030140

I have met moids in all manner of ways and 9/10 if they’re single(alot of the times being single doesnt stop them, sorry taken nonnas) at some point (yes it can even be years into the friendship) suddenly they drop the “do you see me as more than a friend” schpiel. You might not start out as a target for them but majority (not all but literally majority) will at some point see you as an option in part because of said friendship. I used to believe that it can’t be that bad, then I gave moids a chance (mistake on my part and no I am not socially retarded, I avoided all manner of moids but even the ones that hit the criteria described eventually came around to the conclusion they liked me as more than a friend)
I don’t even compliment or engage in pleasantries that could be perceived as me dropping hints that I like them, even plantonically, yet somehow without fail these delusional cretins think this is some romcom written by a middle aged woman and that it’s appropriate to drop their misguided feelings at my doorstep.
Not invalidating your experiences, just stating that for majority of women I know the average man is factually incapable of not seeing female friendship as an opportunity, I don’t believe they all see their female friendships as a roster but they are extremely opportunistic and short sighted hence you can go from platonic friend to someone they just realized they have been ‘in love with’ for years. Men are emotionally retarded and follow whatever impulse is currently making them feel good.

No. 2030142

This just isn't my experience, some moids will do this and like you said it could be at a random point in the friendship, but in my experience most won't. I think the only way that would be happening is if you have overly close, intimate friendships with moids but if you have normal friendships with them and maintain appropriate emotional distance, mostly hang out in groups, etc. it usually doesn't happen. I think women who spend a lot of time alone with a male 'platonic' friend are naive because men catch feelings really easily in those situations but still it won't be 100% of them anyway. Plus who said you have to be friends with single males for the most part? Most of my male friends usually have girlfriends most of the time and none of them has ever hit on me while dating someone.

No. 2030148

Toilet humour is never funny

No. 2030153

I get what you're saying, and have definitely seen others experience that, but personally I've only had one male friend ask me out, and that was in high school and after I said no thanks we went back to being friends after a short period of awkwardness. We're still good friends to this day and it's not like he hasn't dated people since then. The only other time I was told a guy I was good friends with was interested in me, it was by two other women who didn't like who he was dating and were idk trying to encourage me to be a wedge between him and his gf (who I guess they didn't know was my friend as well kek), which was pretty wild especially since they didn't have the excuse of being dumb teenagers.

In my case, I think the friendship between me and this one guy has gone on too long and become too stable for the 'suddenly catching feelings' part to come up at this point- hell, most of his friends thought he had a second sister when he's talked about me, apparently, and I do kinda believe that if you're friends with anyone long enough, your brain does kinda just start categorising them as psuedo-family rather than peers or potential partners. Men also listen more when you tell them you're just friends with someone (possibly because they see it as benefitting them for it to be true, or because they're simple like that idk), in my experience, while women are much more insistent that there's something more to it or even outright start 'shipping' you with a guy friend, which is very uncomfortable lol

No. 2030158

Yeah you make another good point which is that it's not a crime or something for a good friend to catch feelings for you as long as they respect when you say no/aren't interested. I'm sure a lot of women sometimes get crushes on their male friends (you can't know right away when meeting someone if you will ever have feelings for them or not) and don't beat themselves up for being total creeps for thinking that and although men are on average creepier than women, I don't think it's automatically bad for them to have a crush on a female friend. I've had guy friends express that they liked me, take it pretty well when I said no and eventually go back to comfortable friendship after some fairly mild awkwardness. I'm still good friends with all my female exes and while that's usually not possible with male exes, it shows that you can go back to a platonic relationship with someone you saw romantically in theory.

No. 2030163

Samefag but maybe it's different for bisexuals, I have the 'potential' to be attracted to anyone both female and male friends so I find it a little silly and overwrought when people take stuff like crushes or romantic feelings in casual friendships super seriously. It is really upsetting if you think your male best friend is a shoulder to cry on after your breakup and he uses it as an opportunity to come on to you instead, but I don't see the big deal with someone secretly harboring romantic feelings for you here and there as they are just basically an extension of/more intimate version of normal friendship feelings and also can develop suddenly and fade suddenly if they're not reciprocated. I just never took it too seriously if guys I was friends with had a crush on me or not as long as they weren't behaving inappropriately (in which case it's the behaviour that's the biggest problem), and in most cases it's hard to be emotionally close enough to moid friends that it really matters how they're secretly thinking of you. Even if some of them wish I would date them I normally just think that's mildly flattering and don't worry about it too much because I set clear boundaries in all my relationships. Sometimes the 'straight' or 'monosexual' attitude seems to be that you can either have a 'platonic friend' type of person or a 'romantic crush' type of person and they can't overlap but for me most of my relationships have been girls that I started out platonic friends with and ended up platonic friends with after, so both are mostly part of a continuum imo (as long as the person is attractive otherwise it's hard to catch romantic feelings). Unless you are literal family, then your brain makes it impossible for you to be attracted to them (unless you have some sort of mental illness).

No. 2030166

Think about it this way, if scrotes develop feelings for every single woman they're friends with, then the feelings are extremely fleeting/unimportant and they will move on fast and confess to the next one out of the 50 women they hang out with soon enough.

No. 2030171

I don't get people who say being single is hard, it's literally the easiest thing ever, you don't have to do anything.

No. 2030174

Financially it's hard, and probably hard if you have a low attention span but ultimately I agree if leaving out financials, I don't really see myself ever being in a relationship because I just don't want to, seems a fuss to be in one.

No. 2030177

This is my experience. I haven't made a true male friend since probably my mid 20s they've either been coworkers or acquaintances of my boyfriend or family. Some of those males have tried to flirt or pick me up but I act ignorant. My best guy mate in work if I'm ranking them has a crush on me but I do my best just to ignore it and know I can goof off with him and he's not going to ever make a complaint about it lol

No. 2030182

It's financially a burden in this economy.

No. 2030184

Fuck the economy. I didn't consent to be part of it when I was born. I should be able to live in a tent in the forest.

No. 2030214

If you have a supportive family this isn't even true though.
My personal financial value went way down after marrying because I quit my job in favor of my husbands more lucrative career when we moved. Our money is all the same/shared theoretically but of course it's gonna be his income we preserve if it's a lot higher. On the other hand I don't have work and I still have savings… so. It's easier in that way but we're still living off one salary. Either one of us would have a slightly cushier life without the other (we had the same job but he had more years in and we couldn't transfer at the same time, but if we were single and had not moved we'd have similar incomes)

No. 2030221

>If you have a supportive family this isn't even true though.
There's so much wrong with this statement I don't even know where to begin

No. 2030226

If you have a supportive family you do not need a man to make your life easier financially. That's not a weird statement. Some people are totally on their own because their families pushed them out or are awful and having another person who makes money in your household (a romantic partner) would be awesome, make your life much easier. On the other hand if your family supports you up to having your own career and financial stability a partner is way more optional. Assuming your family has the means. At the very least you won't become homeless if they'll still take you in.

No. 2030227

nta but what?? A lot of neets live off of their parents

No. 2030242

>If you have a supportive family you do not need a man to make your life easier financially.
Well duh.

Anon made a clearly generalized statement: In a declining economy it's financially more difficult to stay single because you can't share living costs. Of course that's not applicable to people who have wealthy parents willing to cover for their kids well into adulthood. Your post was completely pointless because this is always true, money = less or no problems. Doesn't change the fact that for a LOT of people it's difficult/a disadvantage to be single in this economy.

No. 2030244

I feel like though you kinda did all of those things yourself and didn't need to like that's just a bunch of bad financial decisions with muh relationship as an excuse, all the couples I know are in a much better place financially because they understand the value of DINK. It's clear and factual that being in a relationship is an advatange financially if you don't make stupid decisions.

No. 2030257

oh for sure

No. 2030259

There’s no such thing as a spoiled child. There’s nothing wrong with spoiling your child which is basically supplying them with abundance and happiness, what people mean is that rich parents forget about the actual parenting to make your children know the importance of their privileged status and that going out into the world doesn’t mean everybody else will have the same kind of money that they have.

No. 2030262

I was aware, that’s why I don’t care if white/white adjacent women face misogyny or violence kekkk(racebait)

No. 2030263

anon please dont ever have kids

No. 2030264

Diet coke > Regular coke. Regular gives me migraines too like it's literally poison

No. 2030266

People are just straight up jealous of spoiled children and always have a crabs in a bucket mentality towards them. It makes people unusually seethe when they see a kid being well-taken care of, reminds them of their animalistic selfishness

No. 2030277

When people say spoiling their child, they mean making them dependent.

No. 2030282

some kids are really entitled though and they grow up to be entitled adults because of how they're raised. it's not in our imagination it actually happens and when it does happen that is called "spoiling your child". just being nice to your kid and providing for them should not be considered spoiling, sure, but that's not what people are talking about. I'm sure you're right some people are just jealous but that doesn't make spoiling a child impossible at all.
Also 1000% this >>2030277 you can dote on your child so much they never learn to take care of themselves and that is bad for a parent to do and absolutely happens. Some parents favor one child so much and dote on them so much that other siblings are actually roped into spoiling them as well (see: any family with sons and daughters where the daughter cooks meals for her brother[s] who literally can't fry an egg – happened to me)

No. 2030283

tbh among the kids I grew up with, the spoiled ones (spoiled here meaning given abundance within their parents' means and taught that they deserve to have nice things) grew into the most stable adults. Girls especially grow up to be women with standards when they're spoiled, they're less likely to accept devaluing behavior from subpar moids because their families raised them to expect better for themselves. Boys seem to be a crapshoot no matter how you raise them, though.

No. 2030285

What are people talking about then? Kek, you’re providing for your child one way or the other, people are mad because you have the means to give them more than what other people were given when they were children and it feels unsettling for those people that children are being treated like better than (not really better, equally to) adults.
This. They know what they want out of life and that’s a good thing but this attitude has to be used carefully around others who aren’t as fortunate as them or it comes across as “insensitive”

No. 2030294

>it feels unsettling for those people that children are being treated like better than (not really better, equally to) adults.
This is how I feel about every butthurt redditor or another crabby bucket-chan who starts ranting about celebs' children and how dare those elementary age kids wear designer clothes and know what the inside of a private jet looks like and whatever else they're mad about. Because you know those adults are never actually mad about how that child is going to grow up with a skewed perception of wealth, they're mad because they didn't get to see the inside of a jet when they were young'uns and might still not be able to now. And they rant about the children because it's easier to bully kids than it is to bully adults.

No. 2030300

Radiohead is boring and completely overrated

No. 2030316

>This is how I feel about every butthurt redditor or another crabby bucket-chan who starts ranting about celebs' children and how dare those elementary age kids wear designer clothes and know what the inside of a private jet looks like and whatever else they're mad about.
Those are the types of people I’m talking about, thank you KEK. These are the same retards really getting mad at some tiktok influencer for using a misquote marie antoinette sound for her Met Gala video and screaming at the hills to boycott celebrities but not boycott these greedy billionaires, corrupt politicians, yup let’s just only block and ban celebrities like a bunch of toddlers having a tantrum. Normies make no sense to me, ready to band together against celebs but not the people who are directly ruining your lives. You’re absolutely right it’s just pure projection on to a child which is even wild considering children don’t really have a say if they’re born in a rich or wealthy family

No. 2030331

oh my fucking god you're not even making a general statement about normal children you had a specific thing in mind (celebrity children) and a specific online-only thing you were irritated about (people commenting on celebrity children and being clearly jealous). I'm so tired of posts like yours. just argue with the people on reddit if you want to disagree with them, don't vaguepost and generalize here. this doesn't mean spoiling a child is impossible. go outside.

No. 2030333

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How did this turn into reddit faggots seething at celebrity children? IMO and experience, different parenting styles depend on the kid. Some kids need to spoiled carefully or else they start expecting first dibs on everything they want. Some kids can be spoiled freely, if they're that mature and understanding that they may not always get what they want, or will have to work for their desires at some point. Some kids can't stay spoiled because they start believing that their parents always getting them what they want without working for it means they shouldn't ever have to work hard or learn to get along with other people. Other kids can be freely spoiled if they're just that polite, sweet-hearted and understanding of other people.
Just like punishment styles, it depends on the kid.

No. 2030343

The words "fuck" and "fucking" do not fit anywhere in between every word. Sometimes the way people use it make it sound awkward and tryhard. It has to be natural.

No. 2030344

I think it’s really important to have days where you leave your skin alone, like don’t wash your face/moisturize

No. 2030346

Makes me think of modern capcom games. They want to be edgy so bad, so they use swear words randomly in sentences. I hate it. It feels so juvenile.

No. 2030350

Never understood why the original lyric in you’re beautiful was “she could see from my face that I was fucking high” instead of the clean “flying”

No. 2030362

I fucking want to fuck you so fucking goddamn fucking fuck shit so fucking bad anon

No. 2030364

Let me guess, you're a neet living off your richfag patent's money and try to cope with it

No. 2030365

Shut the fuck up with that whiny shit. “Go outside” you’re literally on LC, take your own advice and go shove it right up your fish market vag(infighting)

No. 2030367

go back to reddit

No. 2030373

File: 1717256950059.webp (28.33 KB, 800x534, 1000017082.webp)

>fish market vag
Fish can be beautiful though.

No. 2030374

I say fuck and fucking when I want. Also shit, cunt, dickhead, retard, bitch. I don't give a shit. Stop trying to police my speech. It's only ok if we use handmaiden flower language? Fuck that. I shall speak as I please. You're worse than the bible thumpers.

No. 2030376

I say "fucking" in between words when I'm getting heated about something. It's not important at all, I just felt like sharing that with you.

No. 2030385

>It's only ok if we use handmaiden flower language?
You need to learn to read cause I didn't say that. Have you never heard or thought that fuck can go anywhere in a sentence?

No. 2030393

>Sometimes the way people use it make it sound awkward and tryhard.
That's the funniest part though

No. 2030394

I fucking loveeee you fuckinggggg gizmooooooo i fucking love youuuuuu

No. 2030395

nya but my goodness she just said it’s cringey when people use fucking like they’re a 12 year old boy..relax

No. 2030396

why the fuck are you being so fucking emotional? fuck you

No. 2030442

Wait I need elaboration. I never watched re:zero, but I see what you mean with overlord. I watched Vivy: Fluorite Eye's song, and iirc it was written by the Re:Zero author. And it was surprisingly good, which made me wonder if it's the same author why is one good and the other has a bad reputation. Is it because it's a parody but people can't see it?

No. 2030541

I linda like cold mcd fries

No. 2030574

nta but the protagonist of re:zero kinda exists to suffer and have his flaws pointed out to him, so people who want isekais to be 100% wish-fulfilment/for self-insertion get shitty about it because a lot of the protagonist's more mundane flaws are also theirs, and he gets punished for trying to be arrogantly genre savvy, which disrupts the fantasy of being able to game an isekai's system and rule it (he does succeed and make gains after a struggle or learning a [often harsh] lesson, but that's not what these kinds of weebs want out of an isekai). The way the harem-y aspects are handled also frustrates them kek. I'm not caught up on the show so I can't speak for all of it, but season one is pretty solid as a deconstruction of typical isekais and makes good use of the death-loop mechanic, so maybe give it a go if it sounds interesting to you.

No. 2030595

Imo after reading a lot of it, I wouldn't call it either a parody or a deconstruction, but more of a dark sort of deal where the comedy derives over just how mentally ill Subaru is and just how awful things can get, the shaky foundation that the relationships are balanced on.
The anime actually cuts out a lot of Subaru's more self destructive behavior and thinking in order to sell it off as more cheery and make Subaru more relatable, which just messed things up by only being halfway. The novels have a real "this is probably going to end badly lmao" vibe over everything that only shows up in small moments in the anime.
Also the harem, the anime has it the way it does which got people mad but in the novels it's actually a very muddy love triangle which just pissed people off more.

No. 2030633

I have a supportive family but they are not wealthy at all, I have no idea why people assume a 'supportive' family would make you have high income. You are on average objectively better off having a partner/being married, that's just the truth.

No. 2030637

no, it doesn't make you have high income it just keeps you from needing a partner to get by.

No. 2030657

Yeah but many families (like mine) don't have the means to 'keep you' from that. Supportive just means your parents support you, it doesn't mean they are even able to support you financially.

No. 2030660

Whenever I heard the term 'spoiled children' I assume it's about those kids who are spoiled mentally more than with physical items, like the type of parents who will hear that their child is bullying or harassing other kids at school but insist that my little prince would never do something like that and he is a good child, never expect their kids to do any chores or to do their own homework, who give in to their child's demands whenever the child wants something. I think if a family has enough income to give their kids nice things and send them to good schools it's obviously normal for them to do that but it gets weird when parents don't have any expectations of their children. As other nonnas pointed out there's also the issue of parents 'spoiling' one of multiple children and making the other children pick up the slack which is very common. Even in very poor families you often have the phenomenon of the (often youngest) male child being given things that were supposed to be for the other children while the other children are forced to share, never having to do any chores or housework, being praised for minor accomplishments while the other children are never praised even for major ones.

No. 2030661

samefag from this post, a lady just big sneezed at the grocery store and i swooned

No. 2030686

Yeah. I see where you're coming from. I said "if they have the means". But also I was talking about NEEDING a partner for money or comfort or at the very least to not be homeless. Would your family not keep you from homelessness? Seeking a romantic partner for basic comforts like housing, food, clothing is different from building a nice comfortable life with a partner.

No. 2030694

I know you said 'if they have the means' but that's actually pretty rare in my experience and it seems like an extremely narrow subset of people would even benefit from that. Even if your parents aren't poor poor there's a high chance they don't own any property, free rent in their house is near useless because it isn't somewhere with job or educational opportunities for young people, the best they can do is provide a crash landing pad if you're really desperate/about to become homeless but that's not going to provide you with opportunities for the future either. Most people I know don't think they 'need' a partner not to be homeless, but they know that a partner is one of the only things that will make them ever be able to financially stable realistically speaking.

My family would keep me from homelessness if I could afford to get rid of all my stuff, they would probably pay the expensive flights back to their house but they would not be able to pay for me to move my stuff out there, but that would mean losing everything I had worked toward in adulthood and being stuck somewhere with no job prospects whatsoever, just subsistence living on their generosity until I was ready to start from scratch again. I also can't live with my parents for long, personally, not because they aren't willing to support me but because they're both mental cases who would drive me crazy to live with long term, but even most people I know who would like to live with their parents know it would kill their opportunity to ever become self sufficient financially. And then your parents die and you're on the hook for their rent or mortgage, then what?

No. 2030700

Samefag but one of my friend's moms died a couple years ago near the peak of the housing bubble and after legal fees, paying off what was left of the equity and various taxes the only inheritance money she got from the sale of her mom's 'nice' house and furniture was 40k, she'd also wasted like 6 months full time dealing with the house sale and cleaning up, legal issues, taxes, etc. and failed a bunch of classes because of it. Even if your parents die your 'inheritance' is often more of a burden than it is a boon.

No. 2030705

File: 1717275914275.jpg (1.66 MB, 3200x2806, 1625574934438.jpg)

You idiots, he probably looked like this.

No. 2030707

File: 1717276008975.png (33.43 KB, 774x301, whiny.png)

He cursed a fig tree because it wouldn't give him figs. He was whiny.

No. 2030708

how do you know? oh wait you don't know

No. 2030710

He just wanted everyone and everything in society to do their part. He was anti-NEET fig tree.

No. 2030712

Jesus himself was a NEET

No. 2030713

I'm not gonna cap for a scrote even if it's Jesus Christ himself.

No. 2030728

They've tried several experiments flooding black schools with funding to try and raise the grades, each has failed and it's had a negligible impact.

In fact, it can have the opposite effect. It triggers envy in them and the kids respond with vandalism, they know they're being showcased a luxurious environment they don't belong to, and have to go home to poverty. So they lash out and trash the schools.

I've read a lot on this issue, it seems the anti-intellectual streak in african american culture only came about with desegregation. Suddenly blacks became concerned with "acting white" and getting good grades and being well behaved was seen as a betrayal. It's not just a partisan political talking point either, those "anti-racist" memoirs displayed in the library will have black authors detail this experience growing up.

No. 2030730

NTA but that shit really is a sad shame.

No. 2030731

gangsta culture or whatever it's called now has to go before anything meaningful can be done

No. 2030732

My moid cousins who are still living at home with their parents and have no useful skills and were given everything they ever wanted would like a word with you. In fact, two of my moid cousins were once given so many Christmas gifts that they couldn't open them all.

No. 2030735

I think it's intuitively known by parents that's the case, it's why they spend tens of thousands of more dollars on girls than boys over their childhood. I remember a family friend's parents went through a divorce and suddenly at school she lost her friends due to being poor, every single one, but her brothers were completely unaffected and still hung out with the same kids.

There's no real reason to spoil boys because it doesn't make a difference, send them to school in a graphic t-shirt and shorts and be done with it. But if you don't spend money on girls they'll have poorer, stupider friends and get into poorer, stupider environments.

No. 2030737

That'll probably never happen because A: black men control it and it works for them (well, until they get shot over a bad drug deal) so they'll do everything they can to keep it going, and B: all they'd have to do is cry "racism", "erasing black culture", etc. and nobody would touch it. It would have to come from within and right now nobody has the guts to stand up to that.

No. 2030738

im pro death penalty no matter what anyone says. and ive looked up the stats about the demographics of men on death row vs the demographics of those whose executions are actually carried out and the statistics don't support the most common arguments used against the death penalty

No. 2030739

>the kids respond with vandalism
The kids or the boys?

No. 2030742

something i really don't like that His dad did was that He made pregnancy and birth painful when it originally wasn't all because of the actions of one woman who'd only ever had human contact with a moid

No. 2030747

>put two naked humans in the garden
>nothing to do, other than walk around to look at plants and animals
>don't want the humans to eat the forbidden fruit
>Okay let's put the forbidden fruit tree IN the garden
>the humans get bored and eat the forbidden fruit that God placed there
>God chimps out and kicks Adam and Eve out of the garden
God should have known humans were prone to boredom and would've eaten the Apple of Enlightenment sooner or later, especially since the tree was IN THEIR GARDEN. It's like leaving a gun on the living room table, and expecting your kids not to fuck around with it. How do Catholics and Christians read this story and not think that God is retarded?

No. 2030749

Most mammal childbirth is painful because of physical reasons involving large objects coming out of relatively small orifices, not because some god got butthurt about a situation that he allegedly created where the outcome was obvious and inevitable led to that obvious and inevitable outcome

No. 2030764

That's the problem with religious people, they believe in the supernatural which is inherently not based in logic, so you can't reason with them. And if a story sounds ridiculous, well that's not god's problem because it's simply beyond your silly human understanding.

No. 2030767

God created all mammals, and originally childbirth and pregnancy was painless, but in Genesis after Eve ate the apple that was when he decided to make the reproductive process worse than it needed to be.

No. 2030768

oh okay so back then sticking a log where the sun don't shine would've been perfectly serene and painless?

No. 2030769

Not shoving a log up your ass kek, the process of creating life specifically was painless because it was meant to be enjoyable since it is a gift

No. 2030773

okay. sure. a partner is not going to give you all that either if you're in such a bad financial situation, to be honest. prince charming is a lie. you're on your own.

No. 2030779

Having a double income literally is more financially stable on average (this can be due to living with idk your sister or another avowedly celibate best friend too idc but it most commonly takes the form of a romantic partner) and I was just taking issue with the idea that this would not be the case or 'necessary' for anyone with supportive parents. Having supportive parents doesn't mean anything unless they're also wealthy enough and live very close to you or live somewhere that it would be advantageous for you to move to, aren't difficult to live with, have enough space in their house for your stuff if you encounter financial/housing difficulties, etc. If all of those don't apply (which they don't to most people I've met) then having supportive parents doesn't do anything to de-incentivize double-income living from a financial perspective. Making glib comments about 'prince charming' doesn't change the financial realities for young adults.

No. 2030781

Women shouldn't have to work unless they wanted to.
Women should be legally required to own a gun for their own safety.
Silent Hill fucking sucks and isn't even Konami's best title.
This, like those kitty eared Krakens? They're ass, I fell for that meme when I was in my "egirl phase" and they broke in like barely over a year. You can buy a nice chinese keyboard for unironically $30 off temu. The only things worth paying a ton of money for setups is the actual PC, monitor, and mouse. Everything else is just a waste.

No. 2030783

kek nona don't believe that, of course childbirth is painful. people who repeat this belief think that animals have painless childbirth. they are just psychopaths who have no empathy and think animals can't feel pain.

No. 2030785

To be fair childbirth for many mammals is probably slightly less painful because most animal species don't have such enormous skulls/brains as babies, so I could believe it's less painful for certain other mammal species. But yeah it's always going to be painful to some degree.

No. 2030787

it literally is more financially stable in the sense you have more money when you combine it yes. if you have your own income you don't actually need him though. I'm sorry I'm not getting it. do you live somewhere where a full time wage doesn't allow you to have your own place? I'm seriously missing your point or you're missing mine.
anyone who has seen even a cat give birth knows it hurts a lot

No. 2030791

Samefag but the post that started this discussion was one anon saying 'being single isn't hard' and another anon saying they agree except for from a financial perspective. I'd say from more perspectives than just financial living alone is more difficult, but the third anon said none of this matters if you have supportive parents (and then changed it to supportive parents with sufficient means), I'm just saying having supportive parents with sufficient means plus a good location plus everything else is rare/a minority situation. Yes it is hard for a lot of people to be 'single' if it means they have to live alone, function on a single income, etc. and that also applies to people with supportive families with 'means.'

To give another example one of my best friends is super rich, like parents owning multiple mansions rich, and they were always willing to support her financially, however her sister develped severe mental illness issues so they ended up spending most of their money on the sister to the point that my friend started worrying and feeling guilty about asking them for money. She was getting to an age where she wanted to buy a house and not rent anymore and she still thought the only way she would be able to do that after her parents wasting most of their money on her mentally ill sister was to find a boyfriend and buy a home together. She also said she didn't like living alone because there was no one to take care of her while sick, no one to split chores and cooking with etc. and she had a pretty stressful job that took up a lot of her time. I don't even like her stupid boyfriend but she seems a lot more chilled out both financially and in terms of the division of labor in her household now, and I can't really judge her for thinking that life is 'easier' than her single life was even though I don't support her relationship.

No. 2030793

Yes, in most places full time wages don't allow you to have your own place. I have no idea where you live that you can easily afford a nice place, utilities, food, etc. on a single income but you're incredibly lucky. Even if you can technically afford a place alone on a single income it's always a really shitty place and you have no stability (no emergency money leftover, no ability to quit your job if your boss becomes abusive and have another income while you look for a new one, etc).

No. 2030796

AYRT I have seen cats give birth more than once and yeah it seemed quite painful. Some other species don't seem to be in quite as much pain though.

No. 2030803

I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion for sure but e-relationships seem to be becoming more popular. I think they're inherently terrible: you can't become familiar with their habits and pecularities through the internet; you can't see them, hear them, smell them through ways other than the heavily limited scope available on the internet; they are likely to be far enough away from you that one or both of you would need to make serious investments to meet each other in person, where it might become obvious that your relationship won't work; unless you live in a very small town, there are probably people who are more attractive for you that you could meet locally than whoever you're obsessed with online.

No. 2030806

I didn't even enter this conversation in order to argue about being single or not, I only commented because I thought it was really off-base to suggest that there is no need for multiple incomes if you have supportive parents. That position just seems really out of touch to me. It seems like younger zoomers especially have this idea that you can go most of your life kind of like a 'child' relying on your parents whenever something goes wrong but that's not the reality of the vast majority of people I know.

No. 2030807

holy shit. I live in america. I left the job market in 2020. did it get this bad??? I always made enough to support myself and have tons of savings (that's why I took time off). Am I gonna be destitute when I go back to work?

No. 2030808

I never thought e-relationships were real relationships. It's different if you have to become long distance with someone you were already in a relationship with due to work or schooling but the whole relationship was online it doesn't count as a 'relationship' to me lol.

No. 2030811

I don't live in the US but I have a lot of American friends with the exact same problem I have although I think housing is more expensive where I live than in most of the US. I was at a party yesterday where a bunch of 30-40 year old adults with full time jobs talked about how the only thing they can afford is a tiny studio apartment with no in-suite laundry. For the past 10+ years most of my friends have wanted to partner up long term specifically so they can afford housing. And by most I really mean most, almost all of them had 'full time' jobs or were in grad school with stipends. You might just have had a super high paying job or lived in a low COL area.

No. 2030813

Samefag but also the job market and inflation/housing markets did get very, very bad since 2020, yes.

No. 2030818

I think the Reddit logo is kinda cute out of context

No. 2030824

yeah it's crazy over here. pre-covid, on my salary (if i were making my salary back then) i could've gotten a house. now even a studio apartment is going to crack the bank wide open

No. 2030825

All men are ugly. No exceptions.

No. 2030827

Same nonna, to buy the same food now that I was buying in 2019 it costs almost double, housing prices are probably at least 50% higher, utility costs almost doubled, and wages are lower/there is more un/underemployment and mass layoffs everywhere. I also had wages withheld during COVID and couldn't do anything about it, lots of people I know were laid off and couldn't get similarly good jobs afterward. It's just a completely different game compared to pre-2020.

No. 2030829

It is a popular opinion to make fun of e-daters, but I think it's a fine start as long as you two have active plans to meet. Now permanently e-dating is absolutely stupid

No. 2030831

This, I remember being able to support myself and pay for school on 10/hourly. Now if I tried that if have to take out a ton of credit card or take out loans every month for bills

No. 2030835

Having plans to meet is still as the other anon said really expensive and I just don't think people interact the same online as they do in person. I have known people who totally ruined their lives spending money visiting or moving to a place where their e-dating partner lived, only to get dumped like a month later because they were completely incompatible.

No. 2030837

Yes. I look like a genderswapped clone of my father and it makes me want to kill myself.

No. 2030838

Aniem was and still is a woman hobby and saying it's coomshit for moids is one of of the reasons why women are getting pushed out of comiket and other anime events and replaced with coomshit for moids.

No. 2030844

I 100% agree with you on this but it doesn't help that women are now pandering to the coomshit by banking off of gooners with OF-tier cosplays

No. 2030853

wrong. it says in the name - aniMEN

No. 2030856

Of course i click on first message on the board and it's fucking unpopular opinion

No. 2030857

File: 1717285591540.jpg (243.25 KB, 1200x800, unnamed (1).jpg)

1. I'm sorry, I accidentally made a typo so I guess my IQ dropped ten points.
2. Women being pushed out of comiket is quite literally being pushed out.
3. I'm not even American, you dumbfuck.

No. 2030859

Those people must be moids, costhots, or forced by a man to be there, obviously.

No. 2030865

Wasn't there a whole thing about it being 90% blue archive and gacha nowadays with fujoshi choosing instead to find other, smaller ways to sell their stuff?
Was that fake or something?

No. 2030893

women having anime as a hobby doesn't change the fact that it's male gaze-y and made to appeal to coomers because companies don't believe women fans are enough to sell most anime/related products.

No. 2030898

nta but cunt is such an unnecessarily mean word

No. 2030906

Could you explain what you’re personally experiencing and make your point based on stuff you’ve actually seen with your eyes?

No. 2030908

File: 1717287547433.png (123.73 KB, 375x409, 1484284470066.png)

lmao I thought this type of person was extinct

No. 2030924

what does that have to do with the subject of the conversation

No. 2030928

File: 1717288253583.png (1.5 MB, 1280x1184, fanime.png)

When I was younger I used to watch fanime on Youtube. You know the ones. The MS Paint ones. The ones with the bad microphones and even worse voice acting. But the one thing that always fucking slayed me was the "vaguely Asian-sounding" made-up names the creators would pick. You could tell they'd never heard of any actual Japanese names so they just tried the best they could. Some great examples are: "Tobori", "Chairo", "Makape", and, lest we forget, "Akuji Tavarious".

No. 2030930

Americans living rent free

No. 2030935

File: 1717288761081.webp (3.41 KB, 234x215, wat.webp)

jesus was a slut? nooo

No. 2030940

He was gey asf

No. 2030953

back when the internet wasn't concerned with cringe

No. 2030958

i don't believe going braless makes your tatas sag. it's been like a year without a bra and im fine. i hate how bras feel. big sensory yuck. and obviously it's another 'woman, you need this, buy this!' moment. also this doesn't apply if you're bigger than a c, then i get why you'd want support
have you heard of nyan neko sugar girls? pretty cultured if you ask me

No. 2030978

He was gay for humanity yes. He truly loved everyone

No. 2030979

yinyang and elemental goddess are high art and you cant tell me otherwise

No. 2030981

then why did he brutalize the money changers

No. 2030991

>A common interpretation is that Jesus was reacting to the practice of money changers routinely cheating the people, but Marvin L. Krier Mich observes that a good deal of money was stored at the temple, where it could be loaned by the wealthy to the poor who were in danger of losing their land to debt. The Temple establishment therefore co-operated with the aristocracy in the exploitation of the poor. One of the first acts of the First Jewish-Roman War was the burning of the debt records in the archives.[19]

No. 2030993

so Jesus didn't love aristocrats and money changers, so Jesus truly didn't love everyone okay

No. 2030998

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posts like this do not make me feel bad for slaves

No. 2031007

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There’s no difference between doing drugs, having casual sex and having a long committed relationship. Both are leisure time done by bored plebeians to make it seem like you’re doing something meaningful for your life but it all ultimately means nothing. I don’t understand how women take relationships seriously and go gaga over the idea of marriage and children and building this picket-fence fantasy kek, like if you don’t just manipulate, abuse and use that man and keep it pushing. There is absolutely zero reason for a woman to be in a committed relationship or marriage with a man, zero. The same kind of emotions you can get doing drugs is the same ones you get trying to entertain a man’s time and emotions

No. 2031010

What's the unpopular opinion?

No. 2031011

I get what youre trying to say nonna but there is a difference between abusing a chemical substance and following an epigenetic innate urge that we're all born with. Only a small group of individuals are born addicted to drugs

No. 2031013

You're talking like you're kind of buzzed. This is some doomer stuff.

No. 2031015

Weird post, not an unpopular opinion

No. 2031017

I guess I shouldve said its an unpopular opinion amongst zoomers, many love to nibble the asses of the citizens in shithole countries

No. 2031018

No. 2031021

Siri search “trauma bonding”

No. 2031022

I am right though, but nobody listens to people who are right kek

No. 2031024

Do you think all of the men and women reproducing and filling the world with people way back in 1 and 2 BC were just trauma bonding and falling for picket fence fantasy propaganda nonners

No. 2031025

You really thought you sounded profound saying that lmao

No. 2031027

BPD isn't a real thing and doctors make up bullshit illnesses and disorders to slap titles into women that shove us into boxes that make us seem less than, and then they utilize it as reason to forcibly medicate some women

No. 2031028

I'm a bit more optimistic. I'm sure there's still people who truly fall and stay in love with healthy relationships that last.

No. 2031031

it might be real but people just use it to excuse shitty behavior

No. 2031032

Aristocrats and money changers aren't human, simple as

No. 2031034

I agree. But I also think part of the fun of casual sex is that it's meaningless. I think looking for meaning in everything to give it value is stupid.

No. 2031035

You're weird.

No. 2031037

It's definitely real and there is no person more empty and evil than a man or woman with the bpd autism combo. I hate themm

No. 2031039

hilarious how so many christians are eager to demonize and dehumanize other people

No. 2031043

And I did. Problem? This is the unpopular opinions thread you can say whatever you want however you want

No. 2031051

>Do you think all of the men and women reproducing and filling the world with people way back in 1 and 2 BC were just trauma bonding
Yeah, pretty much! That’s why almost no families aren’t without their trauma and secrets, most people just get with each other and have children for the fun of it and it gives them another reason to play god with another human’s life which is another form of interactive entertainment that mirrors virtual reality gaming. Women have seen how much men are capable of for generations upon generations and they still think they are good enough partners to have children with and create their lives around. It’s absolutely over for the human species, woemn are incapable of making good decisions not only for themselves but their bad decisions impacts everybody else

No. 2031053

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No. 2031055

>women are incapable of making good decisions
scrotum detected, opinion rejected

No. 2031056

the last unicorn seems pretty overrated

No. 2031057

>unpopular opinions
>gives unpopular opinion and called a scrote
Am I wrong? Can you really blame the patriarchy when you give birth to daughters and then your husband that you cherish so fucking much decides to go and rape her, molest her and then in turn those female elders she was supposed to be protected by decided to protect the men. You know I’m right as hell, women are incapable of taking responsibility for the damage they cause to other people me rather choose a boyfriend over her friend, choose a brother over a female stranger, choose a husband over everybody else. It’s straight up sickening

No. 2031060

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Used to love it. Coquettes ruined her though.

No. 2031061

I do comprehend that there are women who experience disaster at the hands of the men closest to them but you do need to recognize that not only is that not reality for the majority of women, and nobody is really thinking about any of these things when their time comes to have their own baby because thats not what creating life is to them. Also are you ESL because
>women are incapable of taking responsibility for the damage they cause to other people me rather choose a boyfriend over her friend, choose a brother over a female stranger, choose a husband over everybody else. It’s straight up sickening
Makes 0 grammatical sense. What exactly is straight up sickening? What damage are you causing to random female strangers by preferring your husband over them?

No. 2031062

Nta but you have such a negative view of the world. It is true that generational trauma happens and it's very common sadly. But there's nothing inherently wrong with wanting to procreate as it's the most basic biological urge we have. I think a lot of people shouldn't have children but that doesn't mean every woman marries a terrible man who ends up raping her children. You probably came from a broken home so you view everything through those lens

No. 2031063

ntayrt but this word salad tastes like shit

No. 2031067

It's not wrong or hypocritical or anything to be okay with animal torturers having their human rights taken away. If a human can't comprehend and respect the simple value of not assaulting other living beings for "thrills", it'd be misguided to trust them in a civilized human society. We don't really owe them anything if this very basic social tenet is impossible for them to follow. Also, humans domesticating certain animals, taking them on as pets and breeding them specifically to be more trusting, loving and "cute" to us does give us a certain responsibility toward them. That obviously doesn't mean that everyone needs to love and take care of animals. It just means that harming them without reason and enabling others to do isn't just perverse, but not far off from doing the same to a child (which is also why a lot of zoosadists turn out to also be pedophiles, necrophiles, etc).

No. 2031070

Not Christian but nice try. I just have no sympathy for those who exploit the poor.

No. 2031071

It’s the main reality and possibility for women to face rape, femicide, etc. done by the hands of a scrote. On the other half of the world women who aren’t like us typing away on LC face these realities on a frequent scale. Rape is still underreported in the west and through all the flashy advancements and freedoms underlies male-patterned violence targeted against women and little girls. You can’t understand that men allying with other men that aren’t apart of their families and hell even their own ethnicity/nation is why they are able to preserve the patriarchy, you’re failing to understand the importance of female solidarity but you rather just sit under a cock for the rest of your life and forget about it all. That’s honestly why I can’t stand most if not all women they always have the wrong priorities, unable to make the right sacrifices, constantly making wrong decisions and deliberately placing themselves in the line of fire. How important can your husband really be if you just throw community and connection with other women down the fucking drain just to please one man? Get a grip.

No. 2031072

nta but i think she originally typed “the damage they cause to me” because she was talking about herself, and then went back and edited it to say “to other people” but forgot to delete the ‘me’

No. 2031073

The poor exploit each other all the time retard. Where do we keep getting these twitter tier fucktards lately?

No. 2031075

Or maybe you are incapable of reading shit properly. Literacy is a basic human skill you need to function in society and you’re lacking it because ofc you’re another retard

No. 2031077

Ayrt, like I said yes I do understand it is a reality that women can face abuse at the hands of men, however once again, you need to comprehend; that isn't life for all of us kek. Also
>you're failing to understand the importance of female solidarity
>you just throw community and connection with other women down the fucking drain
What are you talking about? Do you think once women get married we arent allowed to have friends anymore? Do you think we're not allowed to spend time with women KEK? or what culture are you referring to where women are no longer allowed to communicate with other women once we become wives and mothers, because I'm a burger and in my experience the opposite is true.

No. 2031078

No I meant to put they, it was a simple typo. They have no good rebuttals because they know they should be ashamed of choosing cock over female safety so they’ll just attack unintended errors like that and nothing else. It’s not even selfishness done for their own well-being, it’s selfishness that ends of impacting everyone around them and they get to hide and fawn like they haven’t done shit or destroyed people.

No. 2031079

no you literally just sound like a doomer rage typing essays about how you think humanity is over!1!!1 i wish you well nona

No. 2031081

There is something deeply troubling and disturbing about people who harm animals. It's fairly underreported and happens more often than we think. The internet drew more awareness to this since freaks films themselves constantly abusing and torturing animals. Before this though there was almost no public awareness about this unless you knew someone in your life who did that. This also kinda reminds of that whole baby monkey torture thing on youtube that finally got exposed last year. I do think that people like this should be locked away from society as they clearly show antisocial behavior that will eventually lead to harming other humans. Animals are still living and sentient beings so I think their lives should be valued. This world is a very dark and sick place

No. 2031085

>choosing cock over female safety
So first the conversation started with 'theres no difference between doing drugs and being married', and now we've somehow ran down the line to believing that becoming a mother or being married means you're 'choosing cock' as opposed to continuing to enjoy your life with your sisters and female friends kek. Someones spun out..

No. 2031087

>in your experience
Don’t care about your experience and it’s very common for mothers and wives to get preoccupied with their families and children and completely forget about their friendships. This has been made worse because women not only have to juggle domestic life but their careers as well and that is extremely hard. Who would have thought taking care of a bunch of human beings would soak up all of that precious quality time to maintain your friendships, who would have thought? And who would have thought by proxy of the dominant heterosexual culture men typically have way more freedom and agency to do whatever they want because they don’t have the same connection to their children that the mother does and that means they are able to congregate together and continue to do the same shit they’ve been doing since forever which is terrorizing people and hoarding power. You are simply apart of the problem, case closed. Stay happy being a cockbreather and shut up(blackpill goes to 2X)

No. 2031088

so true nonny Mary chose God’s cock over female friendship, how could we have been so blind

No. 2031090

I'm 12 and this profound and deep and real.

Anyone found causing deliberate harm to an animal needs to be given the death penalty. Taking pleasure in hurting another living being is something that can't be fixed.

No. 2031093

>manhating means you’re being immature
I must have gone on the wrong website because what the actual fuck is this shit

No. 2031094

And look at where we all are now kek. If that kind of behavior is biblical then we are definitely doomed as hell

No. 2031096


No. 2031098

So you're upset that when women step into the role of motherhood they have less time to hang out with you…? Its almost as if caring for their own offspring and nurturing their children is more important than going on dates with your friends. Also, not sure if you realized this, but when your friend has a baby thats more of a reason to get closer to her and offer more love and support to her during the prenatal and postpartum stages, not distance yourself. Those are times where you need your sisters and female friends more than ever, and providing support to your friends who are new moms is really one of the greatest gifts you can give her that strengthens your relationship a tenfold during such a time in her life where love is crucial. You're making all of these aggressive statements trying to make it sound like women have no choice but to leave each others lives as we grow into motherhood when thats not true at all.
>you are simply part of the problem
Blaming women for the behavior of men is misdirecting your anger away from the party that is actually deserving of it. Becoming angry with women and mothers, calling us "cockbreathers" for just loving our children is such hideous, misogynistic behavior.

No. 2031099

NTAYRT but no one said manhating is being immature, because you're not manhating. You're expressing hatred towards women.

No. 2031102

I agree with this so much. There needs to be harsh (very harsh) punishments for anyone who tortures or kills an animal for 'fun.' I am part of a neighborhood watch and some piece of shit drove through a flock of geese on purpose last night, killing a few and injuring two others. They are federally protected, so I hope they are charged. That kind of rage and violence– we dont need anyone like that in our society. They should be jailed or taken out.

No. 2031105

Bras cause sagging, not the other way around. You can't make a fatty tissue stand up by weakening its muscles. Not bragging but I have extremely "perky" breasts compared to other women my size (b cup) and I can count the amount of times I've forced myself in a bra on one hand. Wearing a bra at our size is like getting a wheelchair even though your legs work and claiming you need it when your legs weaken from never walking. Your pecs will develop if you just go natural.

No. 2031107

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No. 2031110

I hear push ups help a lot too, and upper body work outs in general.

No. 2031111

NTA but a lotttttt of childless women are simply uninterested in becoming part of a flock of doting hens tending to the mother friend while she births and cares for a tiny shitting creature that actively drives her insane and sucks up most of her time. Like kek what even is this expectation you have that just because you chose to make baby, all your friends should be deeply invested in your motherhood and childrearing woes? It's shitty and boring.

No. 2031114

I am not married and don't have any kids but I 'stopped hanging out' with friends to some degree since I became debilitated by chronic illness. I would definitely still hang out with them though if they ever considered doing something that's easy for me, and the friends I've 'kept' are the ones that had that consideration. I suspect it's the same for most new moms, I bet they would love to continue being friends with their pre-existing friends if their friends didn't make them feel awkward about being 'no fun' anymore and not going out to bars or restaurants or whatever. I think it's fine and normal that some people don't want to do things like hang out in the park with a new mom or a sick person who can't go out dancing at 1am but considering it a betrayal is going a little far lmao.

No. 2031119

Most human beings and almost all females of other mammalian species will have a baby at some point or other, you're acting like it's some weird 'consider me special' behaviour to have a baby lmao. Maybe the reason women have children and families that are interested in caring for them even when they are having a rough time is exactly because most of their 'friends' wouldn't bother and aren't interested if it's not something fun and glamorous they're experiencing.

No. 2031121

Ntayrt but if she’s chosen to detach herself from a more social lifestyle then thats her decision and there’s no harm in it, it sounds more like you aren’t really upset that ‘women are chained to our children’ and you’re actually just angry that your friends now have a more important human to focus on. You know, the human they actually created. Also you’re saying that women are always with our children as if that’s a bad thing? Is it not healthy and necessary for the mother to be present in the life of her child in their early years? And if your friends husbands have for some reason abandoned them or chose to avoid their fatherly duties then my condolences to them, but thats even more of a reason to reach out to your mom friends and offer support to them?? Your friend is a single mom and you’re choosing to step down on her and call her a ‘cockbreath’ instead of doing what you can to try to uplift her? You sound just as hateful as a scrote if that’s really the kind of person you are, which is how it sounds.

No. 2031122

not even baiting but I wonder if this is why after a woman has a kid, even after seeing how shit it was and how her nigel didn't help with anything and she's actively lost all her free time and is actively miserable, she choses to continue having more? I read a lot of regretful parent stories where the woman has like 3 kids despite not liking the experience of motherhood and having the world's shittiest nigel. It doesn't make any sense.

No. 2031124

this is diabolical, why would you this to yourself, why would you nerf your whole ass life over a brat?

No. 2031125

Why would having more theory of mind do this?

No. 2031127

yes yes all women want baby all women need baby everyone need to support women making baby because nature (never mind that it's clear that as women gain more rights they chose to have children less and less…) go back to tradthot twitter.

No. 2031128

Did you even read my post? No, I do not believe that all of your friends should become handmaidens to their new mother friend. I said that your friend becoming a mother is an opportunity to grow closer to and spend more time with her, especially because this is a time where she needs support the most. I'm not sure how you misread that so severely. This anon is claiming to be disappointed that her mother friends have left her to instead care for their children, but if you are now 'uninterested' in having a friendship with her now that your friend has a child to take care of; then what is there to be angry about?

No. 2031129

anon… have you been pregnant or something? because that's not what the graphic is showing and i'm concerned about your grey matter kekkkkk

No. 2031130

I didn't say all, I said most. Around 80% of human females throughout history have had children and that shows no sign of stopping, it is one of the most basic biological urges of all mammals. I'm not 'trad' in any way but it's not weird or 'acting special' to do what the vast majority of women do as AIRT was implying.

No. 2031131

Ntayrt but reproduction is our most innate biological desire, no amount of tardthot insults will change that. Being a mother doesnt inherently make a woman 'trad'

No. 2031132

tell her anon lmao

No. 2031133

No I've never been pregnant. I don't know what specifically you are showing since you didn't provide context but in most studies on pregnancy and brain changes it leads to more functional connectivity in areas of the brain associated with theory of mind, so I assumed that was what the upper panel in this study was showing as well since that's what most studies show.

No. 2031134

I dont understand why other women on a website for women act like its somehow trad or degrading to be a mother. If you wanna be hateful towards moms then go to fucking /b/ where you belong.

No. 2031135

So true that’s why most female animals resist or have adaptations against sex

No. 2031136

>I do not believe that all of your friends should become handmaidens to their new mother friend.
ok… but then you say
>I said that your friend becoming a mother is an opportunity to grow closer to and spend more time with her, especially because this is a time where she needs support the most.
kek. "I'm not saying you need to go be handmaidens to your mother friends, I'm just saying that you should since it's an opportunity"

No. 2031138

Nona realistically most women will not choose to become closer to their friends or do anything even remotely selfless for their female friends in modern society, that is why we have so women disconnecting from female friendship in the first place. Especially the type of anons who type out screeds like above, they sound just like the troons or moids who freak out with jealousy when their wife becomes pregnant because 'how come everyone treats her special when she has a baby, she doesn't deserve that just for incubating some crotch goblin, I should lash out at and hate her instead.' These are not women who care about other women, and realistically in our disaffected society most women don't care about women they're not biologically related to. That's a big part of why women want families so bad in the first place, it's a vicious cycle of loneliness.

No. 2031139

No worries, it's a common tradthot misunderstanding that female = mother or future mother. You see, a lot of us are female, but are not mothers or future mothers. Hope that helps.

No. 2031140

I didn't say "should" though, you added that word in. If you aren't interested in supporting your friend who you claim to want to have a relationship with during such a special time of growth in her life, then clearly you guys couldn't have been that close of friends.

No. 2031141

go back to ovarit you broodmares

No. 2031143

Animals resist or have adaptations against sex because sex is not always beneficial to them but almost 100% of female mammals will have baby animals if they are remotely healthy.

No. 2031144

nta but
this is verifiably false kek. there’s almost 8 billion humans in the world and like 30 million species of animals. yeah, we be fuckin, unfortunately

No. 2031145

>they're being hateful towards me!!
dramatic much? kek you can't handle any criticism for real

No. 2031147

Lmao the misogyny really popped out, nowhere else can someone like me who is unmarried and childfree get called a 'broodmare' just for suggesting that it would be nice for women to have empathy for other women.

No. 2031149

nta but you don't even know what she's talking about, clearly. Even humans have biological features to resist pregnancy, like vaginal PH for example.

No. 2031150

But nobody is saying that during this conversation. We're referring to women who choose to become mothers. Did those context clues not compute for you?

No. 2031151

no i know exactly what she’s talking about, and she’s wrong. yeah, there are people and animals who avoid reproducing, but it also isn’t most people who avoid it. the word most is key. the majority of people/animals are still having children kek.

No. 2031153

The anon I replied to said "why would a website of females not be supportive of motherhood all the time?" this in itself implies that it's in female nature to like motherhood, and it's therefore unnatural that a website of women would have women there that do not like motherhood.

No. 2031154

Some of you guys need to to stop screaming "misogyny" when a group you identify with gets criticized, its getting ridiculous

No. 2031155

But you're misdirecting your criticism for men to mothers instead. You're angry about how men avoid their children and hoard power, and you're articulating that anger by blaming women for reproducing children with them in the first place.

No. 2031156

That doesn’t mean they want to or it’s a deep desire. It’s a lot more beneficial for the species if the female doesn’t reproduce entirely rather than pass on subpar genes. That’s the basis of sexual conflict, and why female animals resist or counter male advances. Human females are kind of completely divorced from imposing selection pressure.

No. 2031157

And yet most humans still had at least one baby throughout all of human history. Just because we evolve to have a balance between sometimes reproducing and always reproducing at the cost of other biological functions doesn't mean most people don't reproduce. No one here said female = mother, but it's not some special little princess thing to do to have a baby and the fact you think it is just makes you look really immature.

No. 2031158

ok libfem

No. 2031159

But you clearly still don't… we're not talking about behaviors.

No. 2031161

It's not misogynistic to be hateful toward almost all women, imply they're 'ruined' if they get pregnant, and are stupid bitches who don't deserve attention or help when raising children? Who knew.

No. 2031162

have you tried being a little less aggressively retarded I swear your retardation shines through all your posts and it's just boring to have to read this shit while browsing threads

No. 2031163

And how many of those were the result of what they actually wanted and not the result of coercion/rape/resource hoarding/other forms of leverage?

No. 2031165

Lmao I'm not a libfem either, but keep trying to sling random accusations that I'm in various political groups you don't like because I pointed out your misogyny.

No. 2031166

i'm not the same anon but
>you're articulating that anger by blaming women for reproducing children with them in the first place
can we be for real? its actually infuriating tbh, why you giving moids kids and legacy? fuck that shit and fuck everyone endorsing it

No. 2031167

you're literally just making shit up to be mad about now. That is not what the initial conversation was about, and don't try to point to the clear baiter as proof (>>2031158 >>2031141)

No. 2031168

She didn't say that its in female nature to like motherhood, but, motherhood is part of female nature. If you don't like motherhood, thats fine, but acting like women are in the wrong for having children or 'leaving female solidarity' (in your words) by getting married, is misogynistic. Because "i don't like motherhood" is not what has been said during this conversation.

No. 2031170

You know you can block threads right

No. 2031171

exxxxaaactly. Sure is weird how the more developed a nation becomes on women's rights, the more the birth rate goes down. Just a coincidence I'm sure, and not at all evidence that women, when given the choice, often don't want to be pregnant or give birth.

No. 2031172

If you see a woman having children and assume that those kids are "his legacy" and not hers, then you're part of the problem kek

No. 2031173

With women I have no way of knowing. With animals, in many cases female mammals actively seek out mating (non-mammal species as well but mammals are most closely related to humans) in specific circumstances. Even in the most 'liberal democratic' countries in the world that are considered fairly egalitarian for women like Nordic countries women are still having babies at similar rates to anywhere else. I guess you can consider it 'brainwashing' but apparently every other species on earth gets brainwashed to try to continue its species too. It doesn't even matter if they're coerced or not because my point was not whether having babies is good, it was literally that having babies isn't weird, unusual, or special. People sperging about 'omg all the other (childless) women don't want to go be clucking hens around that one friend who had a baby' are just straight up delusional. Most of the people in most female friend groups will at some point have children.

No. 2031174

It is basically helping a moid completely at your own expense, regardless of your personal feelings on the matter. Males impose costs, females bear them. Though we’re probably the only species where it’s sold as something beneficial for us.

No. 2031175

That was his sperm tho

No. 2031177

>regardless of your personal feelings on the matter
Good fucking christ we're not talking about women in Saudi Arabia getting forced to give birth we're talking about normal women with personal freedoms, if you don't want to be a mother you do not have to become one but acting like we're victims of some horrible war crime is just so fucking scrotal.

No. 2031178

And it's her egg. Also, all babies are genetically more our mothers than we are our fathers, because we inherit our mitochondria from our moms.

No. 2031179

So what were all the posts about 'brain damage as a result of pregnancy' if not implying women are ruined post-pregnancy? What about the dozens of posts by the OP who started the discussion saying women are 'harming' other women by focusing on their children and think they're 'special' for reproducing? Lmao that's pretty clear and blatant misogyny and I say that as someone who never wants to have children. But I do have a mother whom I love and I would be pretty pissed if she had abandoned me as a child to go have margaritas at girls night at the club with her friends instead of caring for me.

No. 2031180

nta but thats still not the majority of women, because the majority of us still do have children tho

No. 2031181

Explain why the fuck I look like my piece of shit father then

No. 2031182

Women in developed nations have fewer children, but the same proportion of women still has children regardless. Most women will have children no matter how developed the nation, they just won't have like 5+

No. 2031183

> People sperging about 'omg all the other (childless) women don't want to go be clucking hens around that one friend who had a baby' are just straight up delusional.
But it's true though? What about that is not true? Child free women are that way because they are not interested in having kids. Why would they suddenly gain interest in spending their time that way just because a friend chooses to have a baby?
>Most of the people in most female friend groups will at some point have children
You're missing the point, even if statistically that's true of the general population, you can't apply that to anon's personal feelings in her friend group. There are plenty of women who don't have children, and they are frequently purposefully friends with each other. So if one of that group suddenly has a child, it's not unreasonable that the others would not suddenly do a 180 and be interested in that shit. But I know even the basic concept of some women not liking babies is crazy to you, so I expect another "but BABY NATURAL!!!" reply that continues to miss the point.

No. 2031184

A baby is more than half genetically yours and will almost 100% of the time love you more and be more closely bonded to you than to the father. How can you look at a mother-child bond and think 'oh that's all for the moid' I will never understand autism this deep and all-encompassing.

No. 2031185

mitochondria have their own dna separate from the rest

No. 2031186

Idk, but you still have more of your mother's genes than your dad's, everyone does.

No. 2031187

ntayrt but you can't really get upset with your old friend for not giving you attention because shes a mother, and in turn not make any attempt to reach out to her to maintain the relationship kek. And, if you're in a group of friends and only one of them decides to have a baby, then I'm not seeing what the problem is because you still have your other friends to hang out with who are still child free?

No. 2031190

Its ok nonna I guarantee you got more gene material from your madre

No. 2031191

It's true that most women do not support their friends and cannot be trusted, yes. That's why women try to start families, because they hope at least family members will care about them more than 'friends' do.

What is not true is that it is just 'that one friend' who has a baby and expects to be treated special. Most of the females in any social group will have a baby at some point. If they abandoned their friend who had a baby first they will simply have fewer friends. Then the 2/10 women who never have a baby can go to the club together I guess while the rest remain friendless and unsupported or whatever. The point is that it is not a minority of women who have children, it is not 'just that one friend who wants all her other friends to treat her like she's special.' I said this like 4x now how is this hard to understand?

If anon's friend group is full of women who will never have children, good for her. Then she wouldn't be whining on lolcow about how 'they all betrayed me by spending more time on their child than me.' She should go find the friend group she wants, full of childless women who will never change their minds like herself.

No. 2031192

Also samefag and AYRT but I hate babies. Why do people always assume you have some kind of baby fever or some shit when you are able to empathize with adult human women?

No. 2031193

>So what were all the posts about 'brain damage as a result of pregnancy' if not implying women are ruined post-pregnancy?
Reduction of grey matter is a scientific fact, I don't understand why you're mad people bring it up as a reason why they don't want to be pregnant. >What about the dozens of posts by the OP who started the discussion saying women are 'harming' other women by focusing on their children?
It's a completely legitimate argument to say that the way mothers abandon their female relationships to focus on the male-oriented nuclear family pod is detrimental to female solidarity. In fact that's a pretty milqutoast observation you could read in any 2nd wave feminist book from the years of old.
>I would be pretty pissed if my mom had abandoned me as a child to go have margaritas at girls night at the club with her friends instead of caring for me.
This is the most concerning thing you've said. Why would it be "abandoning" you for your mother to have a fun night out with her friends? Do you not think she deserved that? How many times was your father able to go out with his friends? was he "abandoning" you when he did that? This is the most revealing thing you've said and gives a huge insight into your skewed perspective.

No. 2031194

Why are you getting so defensive? It’s well known that a fetus needs a weakened immune system and other pathogen like tactics to survive, and the mother’s body needs to mitigate this. Pregnancy incurs permanent damage regardless of how you personally feel about it.

No. 2031195

>I would be pretty pissed if she had abandoned me as a child to go have margaritas at girls night at the club with her friends instead of caring for me
This HAS to be a moid kek unreal

No. 2031196

why are you guys still arguing with this ESL sperg

No. 2031197

>how can you look at something that’s done entirely at your expense while the moid sacrifices basically nothing and gets the same reproductive opportunity and think it’s all for the moids sake
Yeah idk

No. 2031198

No. 2031199

Reduction of grey matter is a scientific fact, yes (although it happens due to all kinds of other things as well and inevitably happens to everyone) but I'm talking specifically about the freakout posts following that image talking about how women are 'ruined' post-pregnancy. Am I 'ruined' because I got a concussion from a sport nonna?

Why is your reading comprehension so bad? My mom leaving a baby alone without a carer to go get drunk with her friends constantly would have been bad because I would have ended up dead most likely, and also I would have been uncared-for. My father was not around when I was a baby so I have no idea how much he went out with his friends but I don't think most fathers can form real bonds with children like mothers can.

No. 2031200

I'm sorry but your post didn't say anything about a weakened immune system kek what? Your post said that giving birth to a baby is "helping a moid at your own expense, regardless of your personal feelings on the matter" which is just not true? You're speaking as if women only have children and raise them at the request of men which is just unbelievably false kek. You think women carry our children inside of our bodies and breastfeed them just for men? Seriously?

No. 2031201

>My father was not around when I was a baby
There it is

No. 2031203

Ntayrt but do you really think being neglected by your mom is normal? My mom and dad both ignored me to hang out with their "friends" who were so much more important to them during my early life, and it made me feel so unloved. It still does. Is that somehow masculine?

No. 2031204

Stop scrotefoiling lmao, imagine being mad that a woman is glad her own mom cared for her as a child. I'm the chronic illness/disability anon and I'm saying that 'friends' who get mad that you're 'no fun' anymore because you want to hang out during the day or in safe/comfortable places do not have your own best interests at heart. The number of times I've heard women say that they just 'had' to abandon their chronically ill friend because she doesn't want to do 'fun' things anymore is rivalled only by the number of times women admit to no longer calling on or even reaching out to (by text or phone) their young mother friends because they don't want to go out and get drunk and hit on men anymore, are frazzled, aren't putting as much effort into their appearance, or are trying to save money.

No. 2031205

was gonna say the same thing kek but i didn't want to be mean.

No. 2031206

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>You're speaking as if women only have children and raise them at the request of men which is just unbelievably false kek

No. 2031207

Yes. That’s how it works. You’re advancing his reproductive interests. It doesn’t matter what your personal feelings are.

No. 2031208

it's not neglect to be able to go out with friends semi-regularly while the other partner watches the child. You are projecting your own experience onto something that is positive in moderation, and which most mothers don't ever get.

No. 2031209

Yeah this is extremely normal? That's why women specifically want to have caring communities around them when they have babies?

No. 2031210

nta but i think you just have a negative view of motherhood likely due to trauma you’ve experienced and you won’t be able to understand what we’re trying to communicate to you simply because you don’t have the capacity to and thats okay. i am still sending you love nonny

No. 2031211

You're advancing your own reproductive interests as well, that's how sexually reproducing species work.

No. 2031212

It's not extremely normal where I'm from I guess if you're from a place with high socioeconomic factors then I guess

No. 2031214

This isn’t a negative view this is just… how it is. Reproduction is completely asymmetrical in sexually reproducing species. Nobody would disagree with me that women have to sacrifice more, it’s just usually followed up by uhh but it’s magical.

No. 2031215

Cop-out reply. It's okay though, i'm nta and she's objectively right. I am trauma free, even have a trophy sitting on my shelf that says "least abused child in the 4th grade"

No. 2031216

The anon we're talking about was not talking about how her friends wouldn't 'go out with her once in a while' she was complaining that the moms wanted to spend 'most' of their time around the kid. My mom had tons of people including other female relatives watch me to give herself a break 'once in a while' but OP was pissed that her baby-having friends don't want to hang out with her all the time. Yet when people suggested she could hang out with the mom while the baby is nearby a bunch of people took issue with this, suggesting that actually it's mean and awful to do things to make your female friend more comfortable, and not worth it to go see your female friend at her house or when she's feeling unwell.

No. 2031217

Radfems who hate women for reproducing are on the same boat as Andrew Tate level menists who also hate women for reproducing

No. 2031218

No. Female and male optima are completely different.

No. 2031219

But you do understand that part of the sacrifices made by becoming a parent includes waiving your own material interests for the good of your child, which may include going out to unnecessary events that don't benefit your childs health and safety? If you want to go to the bar, don't have children. If you have kids and want to go to the bar, then wait until they're older and leave them at home. Simple.

No. 2031220

"feminists are just as bad as violent rapist misogynists" Doesn't sound right, but ok.

No. 2031221

i don't hate women, i hate retarded women that's different

No. 2031222

>man knocks up woman with his parasite
>man leaves
>parasite becomes burden for other women as well

No. 2031223

>If you want to go to the bar, don't have children
your world is so black and white, it's crazy. I'm glad I don't live like this.

No. 2031224

no, no one ever disagreed that women have to sacrifice more, because we do. we literally grow the child ourselves. but acting as if every woman alive only has children because a man came to them and said ‘I want a child’ is just a childish view of reality kek.

No. 2031225

You're from a place where it's not normal for men to do less childcare? My dad wanted my mom to abort me and 'protested' her refusal to get an abortion by going to work overseas when I was a baby, I don't blame my mom for that I blame my dad. I have empathy for what my mom went through raising me, not my dad. I am grateful to my mom for being there for me, not my dad. I think many women can relate to this, men are usually not the primary caregivers of children.

No. 2031227

Women physically sacrifice more per pregnancy but men constantly producing sperm makes them die faster and physically/mentally degrade much faster than women, so women still win overall.

No. 2031228

If you hate women for making their own reproductive choices you are on the same boat as the misogynistic rapist men who hate women for making their own reproductive choices. Both of you are trying to control complete stranger women's uteruses

No. 2031229

NTA but…having a child makes a woman retarded now? Really? So, are we just supposed to stop reproducing altogether? Gen A is the last generation? You sure you want that?

No. 2031230

Well, that would be a childish view. Good thing no one said that.
Your argument reminds me of how criticisms of makeup get pop-feminists saying "no one forces me to wear makeup, I do it for myself, with no outside influence!"

No. 2031231

Uh how is having your own baby with your own genes not advancing your reproductive interests nonna… just saying 'no' over and over again doesn't mean you're making any sense.

No. 2031232

Great, never see female doctors, female lawyers, female business women or anything else because majority of them have children. Certainly you wouldn't want a retard to operate on you then?

No. 2031233

It's not normal for a father to be "not around" his baby
Do you know what "not around" means in this context?

No. 2031234

Thats a normal world view though. If you want to spend all your time going out with your friends like that anon said, then don't have a child.

No. 2031235

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No. 2031236

Yeah and the nice thing about having a 'female community' is that women who actually care about each other help each other out. My mom got some help with me when I was a baby and she also gave her other female relatives and friends help with their babies, sorry, 'parasites' when they had theirs. Now I am a mentally healthy parasite because the people I acted parasitic off of didn't act like it was a huge chore. But thanks for calling me a 'parasite' nonna I appreciate it.

No. 2031237

i don’t know if you’re just not lurking the thread enough but there are unfortunately retarded anons who do feel that way.

No. 2031238

NTAYRT but can I just ask what country are you from?

No. 2031239

>If you want to spend all your time going out with your friends like that anon said,
No, that's not what anon said. Let's take a look at what anon said again:
>If you want to go to the bar, don't have children
so it looks like you inserted the words "spend all your time" into that phrase. Great reading comp.

No. 2031240

their decision to have kids is retarded but in this case is irrelevant compared to their actual accomplishments, if your life revolves around children though that's just sad

No. 2031241

Yes they all want that lmao. Advancing women's reproductive and evolutionary interests means ending all human life on earth because it is such a torment for women and women only.

No. 2031243

I said it's normal for the father not to be around as much as the mother is lmao, are you seriously even going to argue this point with me? Just read some statistics, any statistics, about division of childcare.

No. 2031244

The post you linked doesn't say that, though. I'm being so genuine right now, do you really not see how the post you link doesn't say that? This argument makes a lot more sense with the context that you apparently read one thing and then rewrite it into another thing in your mind.

No. 2031245

Why is it relevant?

No. 2031246

yes compare women to SEX TRAFFICKER that will show em.

No. 2031247

Yeah I can tell you haven’t intellectually matured pass infancy either

No. 2031248

Because it benefits the moid far more than it does you, even if we assume it’s with a genetically fit moid.

No. 2031250

I think you're not understanding what I'm saying. I'm the author of this post >>2031219 and this post >>2031234 , and when I said "If you want to spend all your time going out with your friends like that anon said", I was referring to the original post >>2031087
that sparked this topic , complaining about how mothers stop spending "precious quality time" with their friends and instead choose to take care of their children. This is why fully lurking before you try to join a conversation is very important. I apologize for any confusion.

No. 2031251

That's a very convincing argument, you've really made your point.

No. 2031253

>My father was not around when I was a baby
This means the father abandoned the poster when that poster was a baby, and that's not normal. Do you understand, ESL faggot?

No. 2031254

It either is or isn't advancing a woman's reproductive interests. Comparing to 'how much' it advances a moid's interests is irrelevant. You either are advancing your reproductive interests by reproducing or you are not, you are claiming that somehow reproducing is not reproductively advantageous to females.

No. 2031255

Well surely you wouldn't want someone who makes retarded decisions to take care of your medical or law needs then? Don't see female doctors or lawyers cause like 85-90% of them are women kek

No. 2031256

Because your regional culture does effect the conversation. The majority of us are from the West, and if you're from a country where women are expected to be the sole caregivers then that would make your extreme beliefs more sensical

No. 2031257

Idk how unpopular this is but having children is selfish, the world is fucked up and overpopulated.

Also babies and children are irritating, they scream loudly and are so erratic. Maybe like 1/10,000 are cute and sweet. And having a little person attached to you 24/7 sounds so exhausting, and you have to teach them every little thing.

No. 2031258

If women actually were advancing their evolutionary interests there would be far less children being born simply due to the fact that most men today shouldn’t exist and shouldn’t have existed. And yes, sexual reproduction happens entirely at the expense of women and only women.

No. 2031259

>Don't see female doctors or lawyers cause like 85-90% of them are women kek
damn i didn't realize the troon infestation was that bad

No. 2031260

Yeah I'm another anon who has been here since the beginning and my original reason for joining the conversation (even though I am childfree) is the original poster was implying that women are 'betraying' her by spending 'most' of their time with their families. Now people are trying to make up ridiculous strawmen like 'omg nonnas are saying that women don't deserve to go out with their friends ever' when that's not what anyone said, we were just arguing with someone who thought women shouldn't spend 'most' of their time with their new babies.

No. 2031261

ntayrt but how exactly does it benefit the male more than it does the Mother?

No. 2031262

Women also groom other girls for Tate, defend Tate, get paid off by Tate, etc kek. Being a woman isn't a free pass to be misogynistic

No. 2031263

The world isn't overpopulated to the extent of us being at a point where we shouldn't have more children nonna kek. Also, the world was 1000x more fucked up 3 centuries ago, but we still kept trucking and things are a teeny bit better than they were before.

No. 2031264

NTA but are you kidding me? Like what? Have you existed on earth for more than 5 minutes?

No. 2031265

As I said before your reproductive interest chiefly as a female is to not pass on subpar genes, rather than to reproduce at all and with anyone like it would be for a male. For an individual male to win, a woman must lose.

No. 2031267

yes and those women are definitely radfems kek

No. 2031268

That was me, my father did not 'abandon' me I said he wasn't around when I was a baby because he chose to be a 'goose' dad and work overseas, but even when he was working at home he was not there for most of the day since he was at work. It is normal for most dads to do less of the childcare. I can't believe people are accusing me of being ESL for not understanding my own posts lmao.

No. 2031269

so…do you have an answer? because that doesn’t sound like one KEK

No. 2031270

You gotta be trolling now.

No. 2031271

I live in North America but am from a Euro shithole, my beliefs are affected by knowing women from cultures all over the world and all of their experiences roughly being the same, i.e., that women were their primary caregivers unless their mothers were dead.

No. 2031272

no im genuinely curious how those of you believe that this really offers more benefits to the men who provide the sperm than it does the Mother who actually has a relationship with the child

No. 2031273

The extreme black and white thinking of 'the world has slightly too many people, so we should stop having people entirely and go extinct right now.'

No. 2031274

They can label themselves however they want, it doesn't mean they're not still being misogynistic. Just like the amount of 4B women laughing about women getting abused because "that's what you get for being with a man"

No. 2031275

Words have specific meanings. When people say their fathers "weren't around" that almost always means their fathers abandoned them or died. What you meant to say doesn't factor into what you ended up saying.

No. 2031276

Your reproductive interests are to pass on your own genes, and hopefully in such a way that your child will also be able to pass on your genes. So while reproducing with someone with decent genes is somewhat important, your main evolutionary interest is always to reproduce period, and for your child not to be sterile.

No. 2031277

>all of their experiences being roughly the same
So you truly believe with all your heart that all women have the same experience as mothers, and everyone has an absent father? Obviously the mother is always going to be the more important parent, but most people have both a mother and a father present.

No. 2031278

I said my father 'wasn't around when I was a baby' and then I clarified a couple minutes later that he was overseas. If I said 'my father was never around' that would mean he was never around, I said specifically he wasn't around when I was a baby.

No. 2031279

When I say the world is fucked up I mean like the environment being destroyed and technological chaos

No. 2031280

No I truly believe that in almost all world cultures, women do more childcare than men do.

No. 2031281

In very broad terms maybe, not in terms of males and females specifically. If the point was to reproduce at all, sexual conflict wouldn’t emerge. This isn’t an opinion.

No. 2031282

I mean if there are cultures in the world where its normal to not have a dad or a male figure in your life then that sounds shitty but like we've been saying since the beginning of this conversation, that isn't reality for everyone.

No. 2031283

Look ESL chan, I don't care which posts were made by you, the specific post that quote is from clearly made it sound like your father abandoned you and/or died because of the way you phrased it. Either way, there is nothing normal about your childhood experience, in the West at least, in families middle-class and above.

No. 2031284

>less childcare
>no childcare related employment gaps
>no somatic cost
yeah idk where someone would get that idea.

No. 2031287

The point is to reproduce at all but long term (keep your genes alive over multiple generations). So not reproducing whatsoever for your whole life is basically the most disadvantageous option (although if you have siblings who reproduce you still might get some advantage from that), but also reproducing when you cannot bear a healthy baby and take care of it until adolescence is even more disadvantageous than waiting for a good time. This is why sexual conflict has emerged. You don't want to reproduce as much as possible with as many males as possible and at all times, you don't want your baby to parasitically leech 100% of your resources when you try to eat or drink water, but you do want to reproduce if you can bear healthy children and survive with enough health yourself to raise them.

No. 2031288

Are you functionally illiterate nonna? I said in almost all world cultures, women do more childcare than men do. I never said it's normal to have no dad or male figure in your life, what are you even talking about?

No. 2031289

Are you making shit up again

No. 2031290

if your dad didn’t take care of you as a child and that’s influencing your beliefs of what normal parenthood looks like then i apologize for what you’ve experienced also
>childcare related employment gaps
companies being unfriendly or unsupportive of Mothers is literally just asking for a lawsuit these days kek, which means many workplaces offer assistance with childcare so that the Mother can work comfortably knowing her child is in a safe environment, also your body changing is just nature?

No. 2031292

Can you specify what you mean by "do more childcare"? Just so I can understand what your idea of that is

No. 2031294

'I didn't have shoes when I was a baby' does not mean I never had shoes. 'I did not go to school when I was a baby' does not mean I never went to school. 'My dad wasn't around when I was a baby' does not mean I never had a dad. Hope that helps.

Western middle-and-upper class families are not the 'norm' nonna sorry to break it to you. They are a tiny minority of humanity. And I live in the West and most of my friends are from middle class to upper class families and their moms all did more childcare than their dads did.

No. 2031295

Nta but this only applies for women who rely on employment for income, no? Not for women who are self employed, have other sources of income, or even live in more baby friendly counties like Denmark or Korea

No. 2031296

NTAYRT but can the people posting shit like this about various anons' childhoods just google 'childcare split between men and women' or something and get over their delusions that men do half or more than half of childcare for infants and toddlers?

No. 2031297

>your body changing is just nature
Proving my point again

No. 2031299

Are you seriously suggesting that men in Korea spend more time with their babies/toddlers than the mothers do because if so I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn

No. 2031300

ntayrt but if you say “i didn’t have shoes when i was a baby” that actually does sound like you’re saying you never had shoes as a baby? you might wanna specify with “there were times when i didn’t have shoes” or “there were times when my father wasn’t present”

No. 2031302

I said my dad wasn't around as a baby, and then was told that 'sounds like' my dad abandoned me for my whole life lmao, when in fact he was just not physically present when I was a baby. That's what the phrase 'my dad was not around when I was a baby' literally means, you can look up the definitions of the relevant words in the dictionary if you have so much difficulty parsing the meaning of a simple sentence. This is turning into a dumb infight and I'm not interested in pedantically arguing about what 'my dad wasn't around when I was a baby' means although it's quite obvious that it means he wasn't around, when I was a baby.

No. 2031303

but your body changing is just nature, even when you don’t have children. but, if you grow a new organ and a whole human being then feed that human being from your body, your body will change. there is nothing inherently negative about that.

No. 2031305

Ngl isn't not having a father perpetuating a stereotype?

No. 2031307

My dad was a very present and active father but he still did like 1/3 of the grunt work my mother did and that’s still better than a lot of families. Virtually every mother I’ve ever met has said the lions share of the work was on her.

No. 2031308

Nobody is saying that men spend equal amounts of time as women in taking care of their children. Everyone is just wondering what the fuck you're even talking about because your ideas appear extreme and your grasp of the English language is tenuous at best, and it doesn't help that you don't seem to understand how words have specific meanings regardless of how you intended to use those words.

No. 2031309

So… it literally does change and for the worse but it’s not negative.

No. 2031310

What the fuck are you talking about? I just mentioned Korea as a more mom friendly country in terms of employment culture/finances. Nothing about Korean men

No. 2031312

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>there is nothing inherently negative about pregnancy body changes
There's nothing inherently negative about having back pain for life, urinary and fecal incontinence, losing so much bone density and calcium your teeth chip or bones becomes brittle, having a decrease in grey matter, etc? Really? Saying things like this really hurts your point's credibility.

No. 2031313

wdym for the worse? pregnancy and breastfeeding isn’t harmful or negative against your body, so long as you’re healthy. if you’re not healthy or don’t know how to take care of yourself then it’s a different story and you’re far more likely to experience negative health effects.

No. 2031314

"Don't do something you really want because of inconveniences" of course women should be informed properly before conceiving, but to a lot of mothers it's worth it for a baby anon. There's women who drown into debt for IVF for a baby, there's women who literally prostitute themselves and put themselves in horrific situations for a baby. You think women aren't willing to deal with incontinence, teeth issues, etc for baby?

No. 2031317

Girl no. I have kids and wouldn't change it for the world, I'm extremely healthy and in my second pregnancy I had to have teeth removed and after my 3rd I had to have ribs removed (I'm 5'0 and had a baby with a giant that damaged my ribs and spine)

No. 2031318

NTAYRT and I can't speak for other momfags but 3 and a half years postpartum and my back isn't broken, I'm capable of controlling my bowels and pelvic floor, I've never broken a bone or had bone issues, I have all my teeth (none of which are broken or canalled), and I don't know about you but I feel like having children and learning how to care for one has made me a million times smarter and strengthened my brain more than being single and bored at work all day ever could have.

No. 2031320

>Woman happiness marriage baby!!!1! Work feminism evil!!1111

No. 2031323

Man, this shit is getting ugly again.

No. 2031325

For me, yeah rotting at a desk for any longer would've absolutely resulted in me killing myself but instead I have this amaizing little sand crab to love and care for. Thats not life for every woman, though.

No. 2031331

Racism is the cure for depression

When have you ever seen a depressed racist?(racebait)

No. 2031335

What about women who hate moids but want a baby?
There's women that are willing to take a baby because moid legacy doesn't matter at all, they just want to be a mother.

No. 2031338

why is there always dumb arguments about women choosing to have kids or not? and it's the same retard at it again and i recognize them because they always that women who have children have reduced brain matter. literally so misogynistic

No. 2031341

This is actually true in the sense that having a scapegoat for complex problems relaxes the mind.

No. 2031343

There is literally nothing wrong with being cringe to someone you're attracted to
If they cringe, they're not worth dating

No. 2031344

How is stating that fact misogynistic? It's a fact. Facts don't have agendas. And I'm not even that anon, it's just that it's a pretty good reason to not want to have kids and not liking that it's true doesn't make people misogynistic for pointing it out.

No. 2031347

Yes my job makes me want to kill myself too but I would rather be like this than be leeched off by a moid’s parasite.
>amaizing little sand crab
Go back to ovarit

No. 2031349

It definitely depends on the situation, I would have done anything to have kids and wouldn't give up being a mom for the world, although I found returning to work/school helped regain my sanity. A lot of people need to realize so many different things work for different people, I also know women who were too anxious about their children to return to work and were happier being a SAHM. Nothing is wrong with either. Can't believe we all grew up playing sims and still can't grasp that people have different aspirations

No. 2031350

Eh, nta if I heard a moid talk about mothers having reduced brain matter I'd think he's a piece of shit.
I'm not going to have a double standard.

No. 2031351

Lmao I write professionally in English and have taught writing classes at university and worked as a translator but apparently my grasp on English is tenuous at best because I said my dad wasn't around when I was a baby and meant that he wasn't around, specifically, when I was an infant? Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.

No. 2031352

What, so it's a fact, but no one is allowed to mention it?

No. 2031353

so hateful and for what. do you benefit from being so bitter and sad

No. 2031354

You were responding to a post saying that women do more childcare than men, anon. Saying 'that's not true in countries like Korea and Denmark' implies you think men do 50% or more of childcare in those countries.

No. 2031355

Talk to moids about it, they can agree with you and you can both laugh at it being a fact about how women have lower IQs than men.

No. 2031356

it’s a fact that is only ever brought up to degrade mothers and act as if we’re somehow in the wrong for having children

No. 2031357

>women still win
won what? kek

No. 2031358

so you're just going to believe any bullshit study? lmao you clearly have an agenda and are miserable and trying to spread your misery to everyone else. the mom anons here are literally telling you that's not the case but since you're a misogynistic freak you don't care for what they have to say or think of them as having any agency

No. 2031360

You're dodging the question. It's a fact you don't like, so anyone who acknowledges it is evil to you? that makes no sense.

No. 2031361

>There’s nothing wrong with being a tradwife
Ok that’s it I’m leaving

No. 2031362

That's just the second hurdle and more of than can be contributed to who you reproduce with. If you're in a situation where you have the means to have baby financially and have a good father picked out why not?

No. 2031363

what the fuck does any of that have to do with the tradwife meme you spergy faggot

No. 2031365

ntayrt but staying at home and being close with your kids ≠ tradwife or being religious. these newfag children spent the first 16 years of their lives scrolling twitter and now don’t understand that words have actual meanings.

No. 2031366

Do you have any studies debunking it or are you just going to say that any study you don't like the results of is "bullshit" just because?

No. 2031367

Women win the evolutionary lottery when it comes to reproduction and its effect on our health/longevity. Even women who have had multiple pregnancies still live on average much longer than men and develop serious brain issues like dementia later than men do. Yes pregnancy and childbirth is very hard on women physically but constantly pumping out sperm and having a shorter 2nd chromosome is even worse, biologically, for men.

No. 2031368

it's brought up to warn women of another downside of having children.

No. 2031369

No, I'm saying you can happily talk about it with other moids, you can shit on low IQ women together.
What other totally real and harsh facts do you have in common with moids?

No. 2031373

yes it’s often brought up to new pregnant moms in an attempt to scare them, which is still shitty kek. glad you were able to admit that.

No. 2031374

>point out x thing can commonly happen in pregnancy
>you're just shitting on women
some of you don't need to get pregnant to have low IQ

No. 2031376

exactly. I find it creepy that everyone is so dead set on being hush hush about sharing this information and shaming anyone who brings it up. Don't women have a right to know what they're getting into? Same thing with a lot of other pregnancy things kept hidden from women until the last minute.

No. 2031377

>I returned to work and it helped me but I know women who are happier staying at home and that's okay too
Wow true tradfag, how can we let these Mormons on our board

No. 2031378

"she" thinks we're doing a disservice telling women a risk they take when we get pregnant.

No. 2031380

Woman brain, am I right?
So emotional and unstable, it's a fact!

No. 2031381

>implying tradwife is a meme
That is literally the definition of a tradwife…?

No. 2031384

seems like you're just playing out a stereotype to prove a point I never made. are you okay?

No. 2031385

no but i think it's reasonable to have some doubt. you made claims without backing it up so link your studies then. i just clearly see how hard you're malding and i'm obviously going to assume you're making shit up

No. 2031386

Foreigners who are treated coldly in Scandinavian countries are often insufferable and keep complaining about our countries all the time. No wonder we don't want to talk to you when all you want to talk about is how shit it is here. Nobody wants to hang out with energy vampires who only spew negativity. I have friends with foreign partners and the ones who are positive and act happy to be here are…shockingly enough, met with more hospitality than the ones who constantly complain and talk about how shit it is here compared to their home country. Go back home then if its so awful here. Like I love spending time with foreigners who at least have the courtesy to not constantly voice their complaints about my home country, and I find it extremely grating and thus shut out the ones who only talk about it being shit here.

No. 2031387

it's heartwarming that you're so concerned about other people's IQs when yours is clearly sub room temp

No. 2031388

NTAYRT but no one is hush hush about that fact or pretends that it isn't a real thing that effects women? Its your job to educate yourself, also all I said is that this fact is only ever brought up during conversations about why motherhood is somehow wrong. Which is true, we only ever circle back to MCA when someone starts sperging about how moms bad

No. 2031389

I think it's most important to talk about it with other women, dummy. But unfortunately most, like you, are dedicated to plugging your ears and going
>"LALALALALALA just talk about it with moids!!1!"

No. 2031394

NTAYRT but tradwife means traditional wife, and for the people who adhere to this belief this is not simply being a mom and staying home to care for your baby. This is being a woman who fully submits to her husband. I don't think you fully understand the term you're using so I recommend doing more research before you keep using it because I'd hate for you to humiliate yourself any more.

No. 2031395

Yeah my mom wanted a baby, my dad did not, he was still an OK father in the end (he sucks but is better than most dads imo) and my mom spent most of my early years with me/caring for me but she still had an extremely active social life and went on to do two additional graduate degrees after I was born (she already had one before) although unfortunately she did have to drop out of one of them right at the end due to the cost of childcare, but she finished all her classes and everything and had her profs tell her she is cut out to be a prof herself. She did fun stuff with me, we did tons of activities, she even took me to grad school with her sometimes because I was a smart and well-behaved/independent child and would just sit in a corner making legos or reading or whatever. She's one of the smartest and most well-educated people I know and I had a really rich childhood with luckily some of my mom's friends, siblings, or family friends offering to care for me a lot (when I was a little older I would spend 4 months a year in my home country while my mom went to school and worked in the country we immigrated to and all my mom's siblings and their friends had fun carting me around). I'm from a culture though where people will mostly party at home and they will party and have fun even with toddlers or young kids around so there was never this intense drive to leave me or other kids with babysitters while they went to the club or whatever is normative in North America. I truly don't think motherhood has to be this huge burden for everyone nor do I think I was a massive nuisance as a child, most kids are a huge nuisance for like 2-3 years and then are pretty bearable. That's a tiny fraction of your entire life. I never wanted kids myself but I understand why people do and a lot of the time it's women who do, my favourite aunt is a lifelong single who lives with a female roommate/bff and she endlessly laments never having children even though supposedly she's living it up with the perfect moid-free lifestyle of every radfem's dreams. The grass is always greener for a lot of people even if other people would consider them blessed but everyone can make choices in their lives and children don't have to be a huge burden (unless they're retarded moidlets who can't be reined in).

No. 2031396

I didn’t bring up iq wtf are you talking about

No. 2031398

Do you think your mom has lower IQ for giving birth to you?
Have you told her this? Does she regret it?

No. 2031399

Good god, anon, save it for your journal.

No. 2031400

Actually 'trad' women (not current zoomer tiktok tradwife memes) worked just like men did throughout most of human history lmao.

No. 2031401

>being a woman who fully submits to her husband
So like… letting him knock you up?

No. 2031402

I mean, she probably does, just objectively, if those studies are solid. It's not a moral judgement on her, it's just one of the many unfortunate side effects of pregnancy, like her lower back pain.

No. 2031403

Getting pregnant isn't the same thing as a man controlling your whole existence, retard. I don't think you're comprehending the differences between the two scenarios.

No. 2031404

That's fine, as long as if you don't label all mothers as drooling vegetables who crap themselves all day

No. 2031405

getting pregnant means you're submitting now?

No. 2031406

nya but this is such a gross porny way to say have a baby. why talk like this?

No. 2031407

File: 1717305186793.jpg (59.01 KB, 532x960, 1696847149914.jpg)

a zillion fucking reasons why pregnancy can fuck you up have been brought up. it usually goes like this
>pregnancy can fuck up your body
>who cares you're a misogynist if you care about that
>pregnancy can tear your genitals
>who cares they can stitch it up
>pregnancy can give you permanent back pain
>who cares about back pain I will just take meds and lose weight
>pregnancy can make you incontinent
>who cares it's only for x amount of time (it's not)
>pregnancy can give you diabetes and circulatory issues
>who cares just dont be fat
>pregnancy can make your bones and teeth brittle
>who cares it's your fault for not drinking enough milk
>pregnancy can make you lose brain matter
>who cares what are you saying mothers are fucking retarded????
it's literally useless to point out anything pregnancy can cause to a woman because there will always be people ready to point out it doesn't matter because popping out babies will always be more important than women's bodily autonomy and health.

No. 2031408

Oh I'm sorry for providing examples of how it's possible not to be miserable and depressed while having a child and how it's also possible for other people to help out with childcare without being a 'brood of clucking hens' or whatever. You can just skip my post if you don't want to read it.

No. 2031409

So have you told her this? Should you apologize for making your mom dumber for giving birth to you or do you think her brain matter and life was worth sacrificing so you could be born?

No. 2031410

>man controlling your whole existence
Like… permanently altering your body and brain chemistry with his sperm?
Whoa you finally figured it out congratulations

No. 2031411

That's clearly an exaggeration, but there are probably some extremely subtle differences in mental ability. And personally I don't want to lose any mental ability by choice, no matter how small.

No. 2031412

ok nigga you make sure you don't get "knocked up" i think that would be best for everyone(integrate)

No. 2031413

>ok nigga
you dont belong here

No. 2031414

But that’s what happens though.

No. 2031415

you're retarded just stop talking

No. 2031416

I don't see a point in telling her after the damage is already done, right? That would just be cruel. And of course, why would I apologize when it was her choice? Your questions are moronic.

No. 2031417

As the other anons mentioned, most successful women are mothers. Nothing you say makes sense

No. 2031418

reminder the biggest death cause for pregnant women is being killed by their own moid who fertilized their egg. men are literal animals.

No. 2031419

but you can also face all those problems without giving birth, anyways. you can get fat, harm your back, lose control of your bowels, give yourself diabetes, lose your teeth, and lose brain matter as a normal woman who hasn't gone through gestation. women who aren't parents have and do experience all of these things as well.

No. 2031421

love you anon wish we could be friends.

No. 2031422

Define “success”

No. 2031424

ok tell me where I said you can't get those issues without being pregnant. give me one logical reason why women shouldnt be warned of these things if they want to have children.

No. 2031425

Why not? You're saying that it's a fact that's worth being known and that women shouldn't try to hide from it, you should be honest with what you think about motherhood with your mom.

No. 2031426

I've been called a scrote, parasite, broodmare, tradthot and libfem on this thread all for saying that I appreciate my mom and my upbringing lmao but people are still trying to argue there's not a misogynistic bent to these antinatalist arguments.

I only weighed in on the conversation in the first place because someone was acting 'betrayed' that her friends weren't as much 'fun' anymore once they had children but apparently suggesting your friends just go visit you when you're under the weather or have to care for your child when it's a baby is unfair and mean to those friends. That struck a nerve with me because a significant portion of my supposed 'friends' abandoned me when I developed a chronic illness and apparently women will think that it's a 'betrayal' to be no fun anymore i.e. not be able to always go out and party in the middle of the night, and it never occurs to them that maybe their unwillingness to meet their friends halfway might be part of why those women want to rely on the people who do stay and care for them when they're going through a tough time.

No. 2031427

You can, but at much lower rates, and not by something you chose. Anons are just saying they don't want to actively choose something that will give them these problems. Why is that so anger inducing for you?

No. 2031428

>warning women of potential health risks is being antinatalist
you're retarded

No. 2031429

can you please stop blogposting every 10 minutes it's really giving me secondhand embarrassment.

No. 2031430

when did i say in my post that you shouldn't warn women of these things who are about to have a baby? where did i say that? where did i say that? seriously, reread my comment and greentext that part where i said that. what i said is that all of these risks are only ever brought up to make it sound like becoming a mother is some especially dangerous or harmful task, when thats just not true. its about as dangerous as being alive to begin with.

No. 2031431

Where did I say that warning women of health risks is being antinatalist? I didn't say anything about warning anyone about health risks.

No. 2031432

Ntayrt but you have really poor reading comprehensive skills, Wow

No. 2031433

you and the other fags in this thread are just concern trolling about muh pregancy side effects when what your intentions are is to shoehorn your weird blackpill antinatalist shit. nobody gives a fuck and women will continue to raise children in loving families despite what you say. keep seething

No. 2031434

No, we're not on /snow/ but you can close the tab if you don't like people responding to your arguments on the unpopular opinions thread.

No. 2031435

>pregnancy is totally something you can choose
>btw we don't want you to know the very common health risks involved, and also don't question why women are socially encouraged to give birth

No. 2031436

>make it sound like becoming a mother is some especially dangerous or harmful task, when thats just not true. its about as dangerous as being alive to begin with.
no comment. just want to highlight the dumbest 2 sentences in this whole argument so far.

No. 2031437

No its actually not at much lower rates, its about the same amount of risk, however it boils down to your personal decision making skills.

No. 2031438

>talking about it is concern trolling
just because it makes you personally offended for some reason it doesn't mean it is concern trolling.

No. 2031439

NTAYRT but most female doctors, professors, lawyers, and insert 'high paying high status job here' are mothers.

No. 2031440

source: just trust me bro

No. 2031441

Foreigners are treated coldly in Scandinavian countries in general unless they're from grorious nippon or some shit, even Americans are detested

No. 2031442

But no one ever said that women shouldn't know about health risks. We were simply pointing out that these risks, which many of us have already educated ourselves on, are only brought up by others during negative discussions about mothers; and now you're flipping the ashtray and trying to twist the words that are being spoken because you want to continue arguing.

No. 2031443

literally someone saying itt these things are brought up as concern trolling. don't be daft.

No. 2031446

>even Americans are detested
Americans are especially detested, in every country but the US

No. 2031447

you and the other chatroom fags come here to shit up the place with inane twitter meme spam concern trolling regularly
it's boring and retarded and you would stop if you were decent people

No. 2031448

I think pregnancy is risky and it's a good thing to mention and highlight the risks but most of the people I know who are obese, have back problems, brain damage, diabetes etc. don't have children. There are a lot of other factors contributing to all this, concussions are common and cause significant brain damage for example and a lot of those are sustained in very 'normal' situations like doing sports, working a manual job, going on a hike, slipping on your bathmat when you get out of the shower or whatever. People should be aware of the risks of anything going in but hyperfixating on the risk associated with absolutely everything can get to a point where it's counterproductive.

No. 2031449

File: 1717305870255.jpeg (45.72 KB, 626x417, IMG_5581.jpeg)

incubator beckies seething over childfree stacies… a tale as old as time(bait)

No. 2031450

Unless you're referring to 3rd world women who have no sex education or anything, I'm almost positive most women who choose to have kids know the risks and know how birth works

No. 2031451

not me though everyone loves me because I am so loveable and nice

No. 2031452

No. 2031454

poor attempt at bait, ugly picture, -100/10

No. 2031455

I live in a scandinavian country as a latina and I shit on it with my scandinavian friends all the time kekkk sometimes this country do be shit in different ways and everyone who tolerates this ungodly weather has the right to complain.

No. 2031456

In general, high paying, highly educated women while may choose to have less children, still choose to have at least one or two children. Personally if you thought that low of mothers you should stop seeing any medical professionals, teachers, bosses, etc who are mothers if you think they're stupid

No. 2031457

not trying to sound like a hater anon but i dont think stacies are on lolcow at 1am on a saturday. Why arent you out having a drink with your other childfree girlies?

No. 2031458

I'm not having kids, I just think calling your mother an incubator that lost brain matter is kinda messed up.

No. 2031459

I guess this is a popular thing to do then

No. 2031460

everytime with the 3rd world shit. nooo not muh murrica my perfect country where women can shoot the fetus from a gatling gun. spare me.

No. 2031461

I'll just encourage you to reread my post because I didn't say anything about trolling. Unless you tagged the wrong post

No. 2031462

Um excuse me anon but I am a Stacy and I am on lolcow at 1am on a saturday

No. 2031463

it clearly is especially with that one tard who has some weird vendetta for mothers

No. 2031465

I do not like the physical feeling that accompanies sexual arousal. It ruins the enjoyment when I'm trying to fantasize. I want my sexuality to be 100% emotional with no physical component to it, my fantasies don't even involve any sexual touching or nudity.
Forgot we all lived in the same country…

No. 2031466

if the shoe fits

No. 2031467

Don't stereotype Americans. That's only legal in Texas, everywhere else has banned it since the 1950s.

No. 2031468

it's almost like highly educated highly paid women can have a stress free pregnancy and top tier healthcare, 24/7 childcare so they can rest and every kind of amenity normal women don't have.

No. 2031470

Same here I don't want children but I realistically know most women will have them and I don't feel inclined to develop insane levels of vitriol for other women over it. I don't like babies but I think if my close female friends had a baby I would try to go hang out with her and help her be less lonely or pick up some food for her or whatever even if I didn't want to coo over the baby itself. It doesn't have to be so extremely black and white.

No. 2031471

Ngl I'm genuinely curious to know how that works. I can't fantasize without the physical reaction accompanying it.

No. 2031472

Yes anon, everything is easier for highly educated and highly paid people.

No. 2031473

speak for yourself. ntayrt but it's 10:30pm here, I'm back home after a full busy Saturday and sometimes being in at a reasonable hour is comfy.

No. 2031474

Well neither can I, but I wish it was possible.

No. 2031475

i've tried fantasizing and having day dreams but yeah i don't like how i feel things in my body. like i just want to think goddamnit

No. 2031476

nobody is calling their mother and saying they lost braincells because they popped a baby out. someone just pointed out that's once another downside of being pregnant. stop taking shit personally and just take scientific facts literally, I promise they won't hurt you.

No. 2031477

Of course a breeder who finds small wrinkly bald parasites that look like her moid cute thinks beautiful majestic felines are ugly smh…(baiting)

No. 2031479

Even poorer attempt at bait.

No. 2031480

ayy fellow pst

No. 2031481

why do I feel like you lost your argument and now you're trying to make the other side feel bad?

No. 2031482

ayrt, I'm a childfree antinatalist, and your bait is still atrocious

No. 2031484

Tanning is really healthy for you and UV light can cure depression as well as psoriasis. "Skin cancer" is not as prevalent as Big Pharma makes it seem. "Sun damage" is the biggest scam marketed since insulin.

No. 2031485

>someone just pointed out that's once another downside of being pregnant.
And then a bunch of other people made posts like this implying that losing a few braincells is 'nerfing your whole life' or calling kids (i.e. themselves) 'parasites'

No. 2031486

yet you still responded to it

No. 2031487

Your mother counts as a mother, nonna. "Incubator Becky" counts her too.
Don't be defensive about it now when you were so adamant about it.

No. 2031489

you can't go back now and say that only highly paid women can have a good pregnancy when what you were implying is that any woman who gives birth is fucked regardless if she's poor or rich

No. 2031490

oh not the anti sunscreen anon again I'm out of here you guys have fun with crispy chicken here.

No. 2031491

I agree with this if you tan naturally in the sun and aren't doing it to the point of burning

No. 2031492

Yeah and I’m actually a tradwife with twelve kids

No. 2031493

I never said that, you're talking to different people.
defensive about what? I know for a fact my own mother probably had some brain damage from it because she had PPD.

No. 2031495

NTA but more and more people are pointing out the health risks associated with sunscreen and it's true that skin cancer is not very prevalent and not even very closely linked with sun exposure. It is also true that naturally synthesizing vit D from the sun is necessary and more efficient than other ways of getting vit D.

No. 2031496

i havent worn sunscreen in years and also havent sunburned probably because i eat so much dairy

No. 2031499

I can tell.

No. 2031500

you end up looking like beef jerky if you get too much sun

No. 2031501

why is it so hard for some of you to process information that might conflict with your interests? it's not like having the baby you wanted to have is not a blessing for you, while you simultaneously might get sick, teared or lose brain mass from it. just own up your shit.

No. 2031502

enjoy your premature aging and melanoma then

No. 2031503

Yeah so just don't get too much?

No. 2031505

There's a difference between acknowledging you (possibly temporarily) lose some brain cells from the trauma of pregnancy and thinking you have just 'nerfed your whole life.' Do you think someone who got a concussion 'nerfed their whole life'?

No. 2031506

You kind of have to, since the mommyanons will point at obvious bait and try to pin it on childfree anons making reasonable arguments.

No. 2031508

I never said anything about being anti-sunscreen. I'm just pro-UV light. I use tanning beds four times a week for 15 minutes at a time, and it keeps me healthy, fit, joyful, slim, beautiful, sun-kissed, glowing, happy, thin, bodacious, alert, and cures any seasonal allergies I may be having.
"Premature ageing" okay way to buy into Big Pharma and Big Cosmetics. You are wrapped around their pinky. Sad.
>You'll look like a flavourful and energy-dense snackfood beloved by millions
Big Pharma shills love to point out the jerky skin as if I care. Looking like beef jerky at age 80 is a small price to pay for the luxury of UVB and UVA lights curing my ailments and securing the health of my mind.

No. 2031509

NTA but I don't think you're understanding what that anon is saying. She said that bringing up those side effects that women experience as if they degrade our value is shitty and doesn't aide your side of the conversation, because it is obviously not concern. It is reiterating possible side effects that mothers are already aware of in an attempt to frighten and demean us for our decision making.

No. 2031512

>(possibly temporarily)
citation needed
>nerfed your whole life
if you lose brain mass permanently that's literally what happens. thankfully I'm already retarded so I don't care about losing more of it. let's hope my ADHD spawn isn't a male because sure as fuck it isn't me dealing with it.

No. 2031513

>one person says "nerfed your whole life"
>therefore every person discussing pregnancy drawbacks said and believes what that anon said

No. 2031515

But I like my anemiac yellow undertones…

No. 2031516

it went from talking about possible pregnancy side effects to saying that all women who have children have low iq and reduced brain matter. wtf do you expect people to respond with? i'm not even a mother or want kids but come on

No. 2031518

women everywhere around the world before big pharma was even a thing avoided sunlight because it was well known that sunlight accelerates aging when the skin isn't healthy

No. 2031519

I know some of you have been hammered by society your value degrades if you have children or some shit like that but just take the information literally. being pregnant might make your brain smaller. that's literally it. breath in, breath out.

No. 2031520

Citation needed for the claim that pregnant women all have permanent brain damage. When I have looked at studies on this a lot of the post-pregnancy brain changes seem to even out with never-pregnant women after a few years, for the most part.

Well nonna about 30% of the population has sustained a concussion so I guess their lives are now over too. I had a concussion and my life is still chugging along just fine even though I lost some amount of my brain cells.

No. 2031523

Who said I was baiting (BLACKPILLED)

No. 2031524

who said anything about their lives being over. I've also had a concussion and I'm here shitposting with you. I hate calling women dramatic but you're being dramatic.

No. 2031525

Women avoided excessive sunlight but not all sunlight all the time. Especially in Northern climates now women are avoiding sunlight all the time, more than ever before, and most people are vitamin D deficient.

No. 2031526

nta but
>as if they degrade our value
you keep inserting that anons are trying to tell you you're degraded in value just for bringing up side effects that the anons don't want to experience. You're taking offense and then pretending anons said it maliciously so that it makes sense to you why you're so angry.

No. 2031529

I'm not sure how else I'm supposed to interpret 'nerfed your whole life' but please enlighten me.

No. 2031531

do you stop playing a videogame if you get a debuff?

No. 2031534

No. 2031535

Okay and back in the day we used to send the ugly retarded babies to Moloch and let him eat them. So you're saying that if we did it in the past we should still do it today?

No. 2031537

>THREE replies calling this out as bait

No. 2031538

You're still not understanding. I find it interesting how you're claiming mothers have smaller brains yet you aren't even able to keep up with the conversation we're having.

No. 2031539

the firstborn child actually

No. 2031541

holy shit, you are hyperfocused on one grain of sand. see >>2031513

No. 2031542

then you kinda suck at videogames lmao most people who get a debuff just deal with it until they get rid of it or just live with it. that's literally how most mothers deal with the damage pregnancy does. pointing out another type of damage isnt degrading or offensive unless you take it deeply personally.

No. 2031543

Well obviously no one is really gonna appreciate it when you say
>hurr durr incubator becky small brain shitting her pants

No. 2031544

No but you are operating at significantly lower capacity. A lot of people who have been pregnant or who have been concussed don't have significant or noticeable differences in brain function. Losing too much grey matter in your brain is problematic but (as with other human body systems) the brain often has 'extra' cells that aren't all completely necessary to basic function, so losing a few of them won't necessarily significantly lower your brain function in any noticeable way.

I know that for sure some concussed people and some women who have been pregnant have noticeable differences in brain function, but I'd need to see a source that it's the majority.

No. 2031545

Frankly, it's shocking how many nonnas don't understand why many wouldn't take "you got small brain, your IQ has lowered, your brain matter has decreased, breathe in and breath out, accept you are more retarded now forever" well.
Is this autism?

No. 2031546

it's almost like they can't accept a simple fact proven by scientific evidence and instead of being like "okay this sucks" they just blame you on hating mothers and thinking they're retarded so you just tell them to calm down and not take it personally.

No. 2031547

The dozens, possibly hundreds of comments at this point implying that women who have children are ruined forever mentally are 'one small grain of sand'? Okay

No. 2031549

nobody said forever mentally ruined unless you think every mentally ill person in the world or anyone with a head injury is basically disabled for life then that's just your own opinion.

No. 2031551

I've never seen inability to communicate normally at this extreme of a level kek. That must be what spending your entire life online and receiving essentially 0 education does to a human.

No. 2031552

see >>2031506
How about if i started posting deranged bait against childfree anons calling them wrinkly hags who will die alone eaten by their cats to make you look bad?

No. 2031553

I am not one of the anons who denied there is some brain matter loss during pregnancy (and I don't think it's a bad thing to mention either) but if you want to talk about people 'refusing to accept simple facts' we gotta talk about the people claiming that ever having a child is 'against a woman's reproductive interests' lmao

No. 2031554

you kind of worded that confusingly but i'm assuming that you're calling the people who said all of that autistic and yeah i agree. i think most of the women here are on the spectrum tbh

No. 2031555

I've never seen anyone being so adamant against telling the risks of something. people who do drugs at least aren't this delusional about the risks.

No. 2031557

grey matter anon is obviously esl and low iq and genuinely autistic

No. 2031558

I was not involved in that conversation so you might want to quote someone else not me.

No. 2031559

No one has denied any of these side effects, we've simply communicated that the way you're bringing these facts up as if these are things that can degrade a mothers value as a person is inherently wrong. This has been re-explained like 4 times over the last 30 minutes and I think you're not getting it because you're simply not reading the posts in their entirety.

No. 2031562

But none of us have ever pretended to be against mothers receiving education about motherhood and pregnancy? I don't understand where you're getting that from because no one has claimed that

No. 2031563

NTAYRT but I don't think people are mad that the risks of something were mentioned, I think people are mad that the 'risks' were mentioned in a context where a ton of posts were also calling women broodmares, incubators, tradthots, and other moid slurs for women. Some of that may have been bait but in general anyone who even vaguely stands up for mothers here even if they don't want children themselves is immediately called a bunch of scrotey names for just suggesting women aren't permanently ruined by being mothers. I don't think anyone would be mad if it was just a purely academic discussion of the risks of pregnancy, but that's not the context it came up in and I think some of you need to actually read sufficiently far up in the thread before you start joining in.

No. 2031564

the anon you're responding to isn't even saying that retard. you're either autistic as fuck or not reading the posts

No. 2031565

I didn't quote you nonna. I just replied to your post.

No. 2031566

it depends on the gravity of the head injury or the gravity of the brain changes in the pregnancy. it's been documented head injuries make people change personalities or develop mental illnesses they previously didn't have. I know for a fact post natal depression/psychosis is very understudied, as it is anything related to women's health.

No. 2031567

Don’t you mommyfags have a child to take care of

No. 2031568

and for the 400th time, someone saying "these side effects are bad and would make my life worse, I don't want to be pregnant because of them" is not doing that. You are seeing that and reacting personally in offense, and then blaming everyone else and pointing to obvious bait as "proof" they said to to attack you personally

No. 2031569

Yeah and the replies speak for themselves.

No. 2031570

If you're not one of the people saying it degrades a woman's worth then you're not who those nonnas are responding to, simple.

No. 2031572

I get that and I get scrotes would weaponize this information to make mothers seem incompetent but some of you are taking this fact too literally.

No. 2031573

But that isn't what was being said, if you lurk. They were not saying "these are risks and that is why i do not want to do this personally", they were saying "you're serving men and harming your bodies stupid tradwife" kek like did you not read the posts?

No. 2031575

anon is conflating the two, though, that's the issue.

No. 2031577

I'm >>2031501 and I don't agree with the anons saying it makes you a retarded broodmare tradthot. I think they're just trolling anyway and anyone acting like that should be ignored.

No. 2031579

I think people who didn't lurk the thread enough to see how this argument started are just taking an opportunity to infight about how theres totally nothing wrong with bringing up that pregnancy can be harmful/dangerous, when that's not what anyone here was saying.

No. 2031581

Well if 'they' are all just trolling then the trolls took over the thread for around 2 hours at this point so you can understand why people are responding to 'the trolls' anon

No. 2031587

this is getting mixed up because a lot of the anons are assuming you are one of the wierdos who said misogynistic shit about mothers but you and some other anons itt didn't get involved with that and are confused about why other anons are reacting negatively since they think you were in agreement with them. i think jus talking about the risks is fine and i don't have any issues with that but it turned into shit once the weird fags started to say shit like how all moms have brain damage

No. 2031588

ntayrt but no, I don't understand why you're responding to the obvious trolls and I think you should stop, and also stop pretending the trolls represent the opposing argument instead of the many well-worded posts by genuine anons.

No. 2031589

Why don't people read up? If you're fucking around on lolcow isn't that the first thing you do?

No. 2031591

I joined the conversation half way and I think the nonnas getting mad that someone points out a risk and/or outright ignore the risks are retarded and delusional but the ones pointing out anyone giving birth is serving a male's interest and is a broodmare tradthot is absolutely insane and should be ignored.

No. 2031592

Not directly related to the 'pregnancy gives you brain damage' shit but I actually think the original conversation was more interesting when it was about why women 'abandon' their female friends who get pregnant/have kids and vice versa.

No. 2031594

weirdos* how the fuck did i misspell that

No. 2031595

it's pretty obvious why, if you don't have a kid yet you don't want to involve your free time activities with kid stuff, if you visit a friend you want to do something with her and not have cocomelon on the background or something like that. most mothers don't really have time for themselves like that to hang out with friends childfree.

No. 2031597

I didn't respond to most of the trolls and baity posts, I actually left for like an hour and then came back and people were still arguing about it so I finally started posting about it since clearly no one was willing to stop talking about the 'bait.' The 'well worded posts by genuine anons' were the vast minority of the total argument.

No. 2031598

nonna I'm so sorry I'm not going to read 100 posts of shitflinging please forgive me

No. 2031601

it's that simple. but then a certain anon had a meltdown about why that's evil and all women should dedicate themselves to supporting their friends through childbirth/rearing

No. 2031604

I explained how that's actually abnormal in most cultures but someone sperged at me for blogging, it's still not normal in most cultures though. I also am not saying it's not obvious why, I'm saying I think the discussion about who is betraying who/whether it's actually irrational for women to focus on their families or the friends who do stick around was more interesting than the brain damage broodmare trainwreck argument.

No. 2031605

Yeah, it is absolutely insane how asymmetrical it is, I agree.

No. 2031609

Ngl I'd just figure that they'd want to spend more time bonding with their child than with me.

No. 2031610

yes and the problem with your whole argument is that your take is that what is "normal" in most cultures = correct. Which is objectively a retarded way to analyze anything.

No. 2031612

it's abnormal because you're expected to become a mother yourself at some point. also your culture is never the norm so that's why people got mad at the blogposting.

No. 2031613

4chan proves otherwise

No. 2031615

I think in very early childhood it is absolutely normal for a woman to prioritize bonding with her child but in the culture I come from women don't all turn into cocomelon-obsessed perma-'moms' for the entire time they have babies or children, however there is a couple year period where they do have to stay close to their baby most of the time but this was rarely disruptive to normal socializing to any particularly great degree in my experience in my home culture. I think obviously if your friend stops reaching out to you then it's fair to assume she doesn't want to hang out with you but I also see a lot of women implying that they don't want to reach out to their friends after they had a baby and imo it kind of goes both ways.

No. 2031616

every racist I met is a miserable person who thrives on others' misfortunes.

No. 2031619

I didn't say what's normal in most cultures is correct just because it's normal, I said it's better because it is. Anons in this thread are complaining about women 'always having cocomelon on' and everyone having to crowd around the baby like a bunch of nesting hens because they don't like those things, and I agree, so I'm saying it hasn't been like that in most cultures and doesn't need to be that way. Not because norm = good but because it literally just is superior.

No. 2031621

I don't get what you're saying. What is abnormal because you're expected to be a mother? And what do you mean 'your culture is never the norm'?

No. 2031625

implying your culture is better is really conflated nonna. why would your culture be better if it literally expects women to become mothers on default? have you been at a house a child lives? you're going to hear the cocomelon shit they're on 24/7 you like it or not. parents get used to it but if you're not used to it it's actually torturous.

No. 2031626

genuinely in shock, you say "no, my argument isn't that 'normal' = better. That would be stupid. My argument is that it's better because it just is."

No. 2031628

I said most cultures around the world don't have this uniquely American thing of 'now that I've had a baby I need to be playing shitty children's cartoons 24/7 and stop socializing.' It's not just my cultures it's most world cultures for most of human history. And whether it's normal or not it's literally the solution to what those other nonnas were complaining about so obviously it's a good thing.

No. 2031630

>When have you ever seen a depressed racist?
I've seen tons. Some killed themselves even. You're retarded lol

No. 2031632

Samefag sorry I didn't finish responding but yes i was at many houses children lived at and there was never cocomelon playing in the background and moms were never acting like complete non-persons, this is something I always hear from US suburbanites as an explanation for why women with babies deserve to lose all their friends and I just don't think it has to be that way. It was never the norm in any households with babies or toddlers that I visited.

No. 2031634

Yes it's better because it is the literal solution to what those other anons were whining about. If every anon in the thread was complaining something is bad, then I think the alternative to that thing is obviously better, at least to the people posting in this thread.

No. 2031635

Not reading the other 100 posts so sorry if this was covered but ime mothers rarely want to hang out with childfree women even if the childfree woman is supportive and happy to watch Cocomelon with mom and baby. They want to spend their limited social time networking with other moms (so kid has playmates) and also end up with weird brainrot about how single/childless friends are a threat to their marriage.

No. 2031637

I've never experienced that but that would indeed be frustrating.

No. 2031639

No. 2031641

>weird brainrot about how single/childless friends are a threat to their marriage.
this is perfectly reasonable actually

No. 2031643

>I said most cultures around the world don't have this uniquely American thing
you're wrong lmao every culture at this point the house is going to have a tv and it's going to be playing some irritating educational show or overall they're just going to be noisy and the mothers needs to keep an eye on the child.
>moms were never acting like complete non-persons
if you think taking care of your child and tending to its' needs is becoming a non-person I think you're the one with problematic views.
>It was never the norm in any households with babies or toddlers that I visited
can I ask which country is that? it seems like an utopia for mothers so I'm interested.
pretty much. out of all mothers in my social circle I can count on my fingers the ones that didn't make motherhood their entire personality. it's entirely optional doing it but most mothers feel pressured to put their entire self in it or they're being bad mothers for having a semblance of individuality. notice how men keep their friends just fine after children. women sacrifice not only their body but also their personality, hobbies and social life for children. it's just not fair.

No. 2031647

If you didn't read what started out the thread my issue was that one nonna was asking why women are all betrayers of their female friends who want to spend most of their time around their children and families when they're new moms, another anon said that they would probably love some company but lots of friends drop out of the life of a friend who recently had a baby and don't need to do that, then a third (?) or the original anon said women shouldn't be forced to act like clucking hens around someone's baby just because their friend had a baby.

I was responding to that saying it doesn't have to be that way and that it would be better if people could meet halfway, not being expected to always dote on the baby of a new mother but also still reaching out to their friend and treating her like a person even if they have to change the social setting or times at which they hang out with the friend (like instead of 1am at the bar having drinks they go to the woman's house and have drinks in the backyard at 8pm instead). I also understand why some women don't want to hang out around new moms and babies (I dislike babies) but I think it answers the original nonna's question of why women 'betray' their friends like this if their friends don't want to hang out with them anymore once they're mothers. Most people will choose to prioritize people who somewhat unconditionally try to maintain a relationship rather than prioritizing 'fairweather friends.'

No. 2031648

I find anti-sunscreen people so bizarre, especially since it’s just not a thing in my country.

No. 2031652

you trust the man you married that little that he can't be around your unmarried friends? And you had kids with that guy? married mommyfags stay retarded i guess

No. 2031653

I'm not married. Men can change over time.

No. 2031654

it's a fair assumption to not trust moids tbf

No. 2031655

>every culture at this point the house is going to have a tv and it's going to be playing some irritating educational show
I haven't experienced this even once with the people I know who have had children, they might do it when they're not entertaining guests but they don't do it when they're entertaining guests. With new babies the baby is usually sleeping in another room and the mom pops out every couple hours to breastfeed, with toddlers the toddlers are expected to amuse themselves near adults without devices.
>if you think taking care of your child and tending to its' needs is becoming a non-person
I don't think that, that's my whole point. Tending to your child's needs is different than becoming the frazzled lifeless zombie person the other nonna was describing, and if my friend was that kind of frazzled lifeless zombie person I would be concerned and want to help her because I would assume something was going wrong with her health or life.
>can I ask which country is that?
Multiple countries, my home country in Eastern Europe, other countries where I've visited babies with families (elsewhere in europe and asia), here in North America where I currently live (although most people I know are not white suburbanites).

No. 2031656

It's reasonable in the sense that it's easier to blame your friend and ditch her when you notice hubby staring at her ass than it is to confront gross porn-brained hubby. But it's very sad.

No. 2031657

Well then why hitch your life to one and rear his children? It makes no sense.

No. 2031661

I feel like we're circling back but basically men can change in heinous ways after marriage and children.

No. 2031664

what would confronting him do? meanwhile preventing him from looking at your friend will lower his chances of sleeping with her

No. 2031666

NTA but there have been a few studies recently suggesting sunscreen has potential health risks and there are honestly safer ways to avoid the sun like just wearing a hat/long sleeves, staying in the shade most of the time, etc. It's also not healthy to always avoid the sun, especially if you live in Northern latitudes (or like Southern Australia/Southern South America probably) because a lot of people actually get insufficient sun exposure.

There has been this increasing trend (driven by beauty culture and fear of aging) for women to be told to wear high-SPF sunscreen all the time, ever day, even in winter, even indoors if sun comes through their windows, and reapply multiple times per day and there are real reasons to be concerned about that being overkill at the very least.

I'm allergic to sunscreen and I can't even remember the last time I've had a sunscreen or even a deep tan fwiw, even though I have gone on long tropical holidays. I just make use of hats and long sleeves and get into the shade if I am starting to feel overheated.

No. 2031667

And i'm saying if you're aware of that, why is the solution to ditch your single friends to prevent your moid from leering at them?
And people wonder why we hate married anons and mommy anons. They will literally cut out long-time friends to protect their nigel from getting a boner.

No. 2031669

samefag I can't remember the last time I've had a sunburn*

No. 2031670

I haven't got shit to do with this argument but if a man wants to cheat, he will do it whether you prevent it or not

No. 2031671

>And i'm saying if you're aware of that, why is the solution to ditch your single friends to prevent your moid from leering at them
it's literally easier on their brain if their moid is signed to some onlyfans thot to leer at than leering at her own friends. I pray I never become one of those mothers with a seedy scrote and loveless marriage but I truly don't know what I would do if it came to that.

No. 2031672

It's just extremely depressing. I wouldn't blame childfree/single women for distancing themselves from (het) married women because married women end up needing to compartmentalize and destroy their own lives in order to keep the marriage "healthy". Marriage is such a shit deal for women and the ones who choose it kill themselves a little to make it work.

No. 2031674

I think this is very skincolor dependent. I live in the nordics and basically whenever there is sun out people are out baking themselves raw while having alabaster skin. a lot of people get skin cancer even if we don't really have sun most of the year.I think if you can tan easily you don't need sunscreen but if you burn easily you should use it. using sunscreen for cosmetic reasons (i.e. to stay pale) can be detrimental because you're blocking sunrays when it's not actually needed. with that said, everyone should use it if they're spending many hours of the day outside.

No. 2031675

I mean if my friend stopped hanging out with me because she had a leering moid and was afraid I would cheat with him I literally would see it as a betrayal. It seemed like the original 'betrayal' anon was just talking about her friends spending more time with their children and not making an effort to 'go out' with female friends as much which is perfectly understandable imo and if you can't tolerate a brief period of like a couple years where your friend is adjusting to new motherhood you probably weren't very good friends to begin with.

No. 2031676

>married women end up needing to compartmentalize and destroy their own lives in order to keep the marriage "healthy"
truest sentence ever written on this site.

No. 2031678

honestly a mother wanting to befriend other mothers so their children have playmates is entirely understandable to me because children need to socialize and children playing together distract each other so it's easier for the mothers. but ditching your friends out of jealousy because of your gross scrote is awful.

No. 2031679

I am white as snow nona and I still don't get sunburn or even much of a tan even though I go out in the sun quite a lot during the summer, I don't have any premature aging/wrinkling and I feel a lot healthier during and after the summer too when I can get natural vitamin D. I always have to hugely supplement vit D during the winter since I live pretty far north and it never actually works as well as natural sunlight.

The link between spending time in the sun and skin cancer isn't as strong as has been previously suggested, if you look at recent studies, but also skin cancer is usually associated to burning not light tanning/moderate time in the sun.

No. 2031681

> It's also not healthy to always avoid the sun, especially if you live in…Southern Australia
What are you on about? I live there and people absolutely have to be careful with how much time they spend in the sun because the UV levels are high year round. Also, what studies prove that sunscreen has negative effects on health and what are those negative effects? You don’t say what they are just vaguely hinting at them.

No. 2031682

I think it's mostly gingers that get sunburned really easily

No. 2031683

I said probably Southern Australia because I'm not actually sure how far south it is lmao, I was just trying to be Southern Hemisphere inclusive. Anywhere far enough from the equator has winters where you can't naturally synthesize enough vit D from the sun's rays even if you are out in the sun every day, but I'm not sure if Southern Australia is far south enough for that to be the case during your winters.

No. 2031684

Reading posts like this make me feel really grateful that my nigel actually worships me

No. 2031685

AYRT and I'm also a redhead tbh

No. 2031686

I used to tan pretty easily as a child. I don't know what went wrong but basically I can't tan anymore. I just burn now, and it itches and burns a lot. I'm not vitamin D deficient and I can tan very slowly if I keep going out while wearing sunscreen many hours a day. it's too much effort to get a tan that will go away as soon as summer is over.

No. 2031687

what he does now doesn't matter for what he might do 20 years later

No. 2031688

>The link between spending time in the sun and skin cancer isn't as strong as has been previously suggested
kek tell that to all the 58 year old southern US farmers coming in to clinics with giant melanoma tumors growing out of their hands and scalp

No. 2031690

File: 1717310500600.jpeg (45.47 KB, 749x418, D16A1B21-0E02-44B5-819D-E6B064…)

there is an insecurity epidemic and we have a responsibility to fight it. we shit ourselves over people not wearing masks when they're sick, but no one cares about social contagion, that's why every other woman has a retarded eating disorder now. 'raising awareness' isn't so important that you have to post your body checks all over instagram, neither does your mental health require that your friends listen to you tearing apart your appearance 24/7. if you struggle with anorexia or bdd you should quarantine yourself. not literally, just get off social media and discuss your insecurities with a professional instead of droning on to your friends about how you look bloated and need fillers/nose job/face lift. no one should be responsible for constantly validating and reassuring you at the cost of their mental health, rather we should all strive to exude pure confidence and uplift each other.

No. 2031691

Tell me, oh great lolcow psychic, what do you think men decide to do when they look at the clock and see 20 years have past kek?

No. 2031693

they decide they've aged like fine wine and need to seek someone younger. don't ask me why many moids think that once they're 45 they're desirable and young women want them.

No. 2031695

I didn't say I can predict what will happen in the future. People change. Do you think women who have cheating husbands expected their husbands would be unfaithful when they got married?

No. 2031697

buy a loud car and develop an addiction to strip clubs

No. 2031698

It's so late and I'm a bit lazy to go find a bunch of studies but to summarize some of the ingredients in commercial sunscreens are considered hormone disruptors and allergy sensitizers e.g. ozybenzone, and several ingredients in sunscreens that are absorbed into the urine, bloodstream, breastmilk etc. have at best 'unknown' effects on health, so I think in general it is safer to use natural sun prevention methods.

I used to wear sunscreen all the time and developed a really severe sunscreen allergy so that's my personal reason for starting to be suspicious of it, but also blocking UVB can be counterproductive in certain contexts.

No. 2031699

I don't disagree with anything you've said but I'll add it's important to have the resilience that other people's insecurities don't infect you in the first place.

No. 2031700

Obviously if you're getting burned all the time that has been linked to melanomas but they've also been linked to radiation poisoning and other factors. That's why I said to avoid sunburns but there are many ways to do that for people who aren't forced to work outside 24/7.

No. 2031702

>radiation poisoning in the rurals
didn't know they were growing uranium crops

No. 2031703

That's why I said I wasn't sure nonna, I wasn't looking at a map. Sorry I was wrong about the thing I said I wasn't sure about. Let's say southern Argentina then. I live in the Northern Hemisphere so it can be an issue here as you get further north.

No. 2031705

There was a lot of Nuclear testing in low-populated areas of the US in the 20th Century nonna, so anyone old-ish who grew up close-ish to there might be somewhat affected.

No. 2031707

I did answer your question anon, scroll up a few posts.

No. 2031709

you're telling me farmers are getting skincancer because of radiation and not sun exposure. okay. what about the farmers in australia then?

No. 2031710

Anon they do not farm in any sort of widespread way in the desert…

No. 2031713

I hate when some of you discover the tiniest crumb of pseudo q anon information and overinflate and run with it like it's a shayne Dawson video

No. 2031715

Samefag but just a couple studies:

This is all relevant because hormone disruption of stuff like thyroid, pituitary hormones, and progesterone are all linked to chronic illnesses that are becoming increasingly prevalent in women and girls today, like PCOS, hashimotos, Type 2 diabetes etc. which in turn can cause obesity and worsening health. Sunscreen is not the only thing that contains hormone disruptors but if you reapply large amounts of sunscreens containing these ingredients multiple times per day it can be one of the more obvious causes of hormone disruption.

No. 2031716

No. 2031719

You know radiation doesn't stay in a 1 mile radius right

Farmers probably get skin cancer because they're out in the sun all the time but most non-farmers are not and can likely prevent sunburns just by wearing hats and shirts with sleeves as I said like three times so far.

No. 2031720

Reading science studies is 'pseudo q anon information' now. Anon, do you know what q anon is?

No. 2031721

you don't know how radiation works, nonna. unless it's a meltdown like chernobyl the soil won't be irradiated for decades.

No. 2031723

Samefag but I guess my doctor is a qanoner too for informing me my weird health issues were a sunscreen allergy.

No. 2031724

You're trying to make it apply for everything. It's no different from that crazy bitch who said smoking isn't actually bad for you, Terrance Howard.

No. 2031725

Who said anything about the soil being irradiated for decades? People who were living near nuclear testing sites could have been mildly affected by radiation, I don't understand what about this is controversial. There are, again, multiple published studies showing that rates of certain cancers were higher in these regions in people who were alive during nuclear tests in the region.

No. 2031726

So you decided to jump immediately to "farmers are actually poisoned by radiation and not skin cancer"?

No. 2031727

wouldn't that depend on the type of sunscreen used
some physical sunscreens don't contain much other than zinc oxide

No. 2031729

that's got nothing to do with people who farm getting skin cancer though.

No. 2031730

No, I literally said farmers probably have sunburns.

Most people who are not farmers or construction workers are not working in the sun for many hours per day.

Also skin cancer is most prevalent in men and women are the ones most affected by hormone disruptors while having a much lower chance of skin cancer.

No. 2031732

Yes it does depend on the type of sunscreen but most 'beauty product' sunscreens aren't the physical ones since people complain that they look bad in flash photos.

No. 2031733

It has something to do with old people who lived in those regions during nuclear testing having higher rates of cancers though.

No. 2031734

people using sunscreen to avoid getting burnt dont give a shit about flash photos unless they're those skincare obsessed people who wear sunscreen to walk from their car to the supermarket.

No. 2031735

are you telling me every single farmer in southern USA was exposed to radiation at some point? I'm going to need some proof of that.

No. 2031737

They have higher rates of all cancers because radiation destroys your cells but what the fuck does that have to do with anything else relating melanoma

No. 2031739

That mel gibson phone call had to be scripted for publicity kek. I only discovered it after one of you posted it here but I know thats just carefully modified advertisement for his celebrity

No. 2031741

Anon I was feeling kinda gaslit so I looked at a map and you're wrong, Southern Australia is the furthest from the equator. Although I think you are right that it is still close enough to the equator to likely not have these problems severely.

No. 2031743

Almost all the women I know who use sunscreen 'as recommended' multiple times per day year-round are using chemical sunscreens, not zinc oxide based sunscreens. Those are the people I'm talking about. If you're not an obsessive daily sunscreen wearer then obviously what I said doesn't apply to you.

No. 2031745

Surely you don't mean the drunk run ranting about jews that completely tanked his entire career

No. 2031746

Uh no? I did not say that. I said there are probably high rates of melanoma in old people there in part due to radiation and also because they are literally farmers who work in the sun all day.

Normal people who do not work in the sun all day don't need to obsessively avoid sun exposure 100% of the time, I can't believe this is even controversial.

No. 2031748

It isnt controversial. It isnt radiation, it's the lack of info about skin cancer. Just 30 years ago women were coating themselves in iodine and frying themselves in the sun for a tan.

No. 2031752

Some anons here are so obviously itching for a fight it is insane. I just replied to some anon saying getting a little bit of UV rays/sunlight is beneficial (which it is) and added that obsessive multiple-times-daily sunscreen application is potentially harmful.
>avoiding sun year round is not ideal
>if you don't work an outdoors job it's easy to avoid excessive sun exposure with age-old methods like a hat or going into the shade
>if you live far north in the northern hemisphere you are likely to become vit D deficient if you also avoid sunlight all summer
>farmers who work in the sun day in day out are not the norm
and the responses are
>omg what is this qanon nuttery!

No. 2031753

That one too, but I'm thinking of the one where he's arguing with his second wife about her breastfeeding with implants and falling asleep before his Viagra kicked in kek

No. 2031755

I like the feeling of vitamin D deficiency

No. 2031756

I feel like there’s a healthy middle to the anti sunscreen/pro sunscreen arguments. Yes the sun gives you vit d and getting natural sun is good for your mood and health, and yes a lot of sunscreens (hopefully not all but idk) contain endocrine disrupters like a lot of other products as well. But I think too much sun is damaging, not only to health but skin as well. My sister grew up tanning and probably wore sunscreen a total of 5 times in her life, she would actually do the opposite and slather herself in coconut oil to get more tan kek. And one of the moles on her back ended up becoming cancerous in her mid twenties, but it was an easy removal and she’s okay now. She also had some sun spots on her face, she had derm treatments that faded most of those though. But she’s always been really healthy, really healthy looking, and never struggled with any mental health issues like depression or anxiety. I was kind of the opposite and never went in the sun as a kid and when I did I’d wear sunscreen, I had severe anxiety and depression growing up, my puberty was delayed, and my hair started falling out and I was diagnosed with severe vit d deficiency. So I can kind of see both sides to the argument

No. 2031757

>multiple-times-daily sunscreen application is potentially harmful.
No it’s not, you have to reapply sunscreen every few hours, especially if you’re swimming.

No. 2031758

Well it sure seems to be controversial because my post said
>there have been a few studies recently suggesting sunscreen has potential health risks and there are honestly safer ways to avoid the sun like just wearing a hat/long sleeves
>There has been this increasing trend (driven by beauty culture and fear of aging) for women to be told to wear high-SPF sunscreen all the time, ever day, even in winter, even indoors if sun comes through their windows, and reapply multiple times per day and there are real reasons to be concerned about that being overkill at the very least.
And in response to that people started accusing me of literal qanon beliefs even when I backed up the hormone disruptor claims with multiple scientific sources.

No. 2031759

you forgot the part where you implied farmers getting melanomas were because of radiation tests lmao

No. 2031760

we were making fun of you correlating farmers' skin cancers with radiation testing. calm down.

No. 2031761

I said that was one of the reasons why people in that specific part of the US might have higher than average rates of cancers, I also said the main reason was that farmers are likely to have gotten sunburns their whole lives. But you just conveniently ignored the 5+ times I said that because you wanted an argument so damn bad.

No. 2031762

Samefag sorry I’m not saying I think the sunscreen caused my issues, I think it was the vitamin deficiency mostly and I was also accidentally under eating. I don’t know how detrimental things like endocrine disrupters in products are, it could have been a factor but I don’t think it was the sole cause of my issues.

No. 2031763

Most people in Northern climates are not swimming outdoors for multiple hours per day year round nonna.

No. 2031764

you're going on an autistic rage because someone made fun of a baseless accusation you threw around. I said calm down.

No. 2031765

Didn’t say I was referring to people in the northern climates.

No. 2031767

This is the post I initially responded to and one of the reasons given in recent studies why the link is not as strong as previously thought is that when proximity to nuclear sites was included in the models the association between melanoma and total sun exposure was weaker, that's why I brought it up. There can be multiple reasons why people in a specific area are more prone to certain cancers.

No. 2031768

But I was in my original post. You took my post that said 'there's no reason for people to apply sunscreen multiple times per day year round in Northern climates who aren't even going outside that much' and said 'uh yes actually there is, because they're swimming'

No. 2031770

you still didn't post anything related to those melanomas being about radiation and not UV exposure. but go off shayna dawson.

No. 2031771

The skin is susceptible to aging caused by sunlight if it's already inflamed but otherwise it should be fine to get some sun as long as you don't get sunburned

No. 2031772

I'm not in a rage nonna lmao calm down I think you're projecting.

>Many communities east of the Nevada Test Site, including Cedar City, Enterprise, and St. George, Utah, received fallout from above-ground nuclear testing in the Yucca Flats at the site. Winds routinely carried the fallout of these tests directly through St. George and southern Utah. Marked increases in cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma, thyroid cancer, breast cancer, melanoma, bone cancer, brain tumors, and gastrointestinal tract cancers were reported from the mid-1950s through 1980.[6][7]


No. 2031773

that's not even half of the south of USA. but nice try.

No. 2031778

When did I say 'the entire southern USA was near nuclear test sites'? I said some farming regions in the US were near nuclear test sites.

No. 2031780

No you said:
> I just replied to some anon saying getting a little bit of UV rays/sunlight is beneficial (which it is) and added that obsessive multiple-times-daily sunscreen application is potentially harmful.
Which doesn’t mention people in northern climates specifically, you just made a general statement. The only thing you said that specifically mentions people in the north was:
>if you live far north in the northern hemisphere you are likely to become vit D deficient if you also avoid sunlight all summer

No. 2031781

No. 2031783

In my original post I mentioned Northern climates specifically: >>2031666

No. 2031785

I don't really understand the hostility towards the idea that sunscreens might not need to be applied so frequently or at all if you're not going to be exposed to intense sunlight for long periods of time.

No. 2031786

Samefag but also if you aren't concerned with looking sexy at the beach there are ways to avoid sun exposure even with prolonged swimming at the beach, I am not allergic to physical sunscreen so I use zinc oxide sunscreens on my face and a rash guard if I am going to be swimming in full sun for a long time. That's overkill for people who don't have a sunscreen allergy and I never suggested people never wear sunscreen ever, I said reapplying all day every day even when you're barely getting any sun is counterproductive and is driven by the beauty industry.

No. 2031789

I think people literally want to start fights in this thread no matter how mild what someone says is, it's like they're dead set on tying themselves in knots just to find some point in a post to strawman and nitpick.

No. 2031790

Lesbianism is a psyop to make women degenerate.(weekly lesbian bait)

No. 2031798

twink death isn't real. what people call "twink death" happens when a man stops taking care of himself and starts aging like every other non-twink who doesn't take care of himself.

No. 2031801

don't engage.

No. 2031804

Twink death is just a weird gay-centric word describing male aging. It's just particularly noticeable in men who are 'pretty boys' when they're younger because the effects of male aging are more noticeable in pretty boys than the average ugly man.

No. 2031871

aussie from vic, about as south as you can get without being in tasmania, and no, our winters are not severe enough to hamper vit D considering even in winter the UV index can easily be above a 3 kek– like, if I felt like freezing my tits off tomorrow at the beach, I could still get a bit sunburnt if I didn't bother with sunscreen or was unlucky with cloud cover. Only aussie person I know who's ever had vitamin D deficiency was my brother when he lived in the UK for a couple years, their autumns/winters really knocked him around until he started taking supplements, even though he worked outdoors a lot. Kinda wild how vitamin D can effect you tbh

No. 2031876

Adding abnormally large penises to artwork should be normalised. Medium endowed males don't deserve to be represented in art.

No. 2031885

No, fuck that I don't want to see sluts and their gross bulges. Eununchs or nothing.

No. 2031887

Penises shouldnt be represented in art at all. Big or small, all ugly as fuck. And Im saying this as straight anon.

No. 2031888

Well you can't stop me

No. 2031893

faggot tier fetish

No. 2031897

Agreed, also aesthetically pleasing dicks. I don’t want to see anymore curved dicks or multicoloured ones where they’re a combination of red, brown and pale yellow. Disgusting. And no more fucking foreskin, shits vile.

No. 2031925

Based anti-ancient Greek approach.

No. 2031932

No, fuck you, uncircumcised dicks only. The circumcision scar is weird and disgusting to look at.

No. 2031934

Absolutely not nonna I will die on this hill, men cannot even be trusted to brush their teeth or wash their asshole in the shower. None of the unsnipped moids are cleaning under their foreskin. Circumcision should be legally mandatory because men can’t be trusted to clean themselves.

No. 2031941

I think any grown moid who doesn't adequately wash his dick just gets the whole thing snipped off. One strike and he's out.

No. 2031965

Kek, very based

No. 2031978

Such a bad opinion. The scar is weird and trimming a baby's genitals for aesthetics is beyond fucked up. I feel like we go over this here like every month.

No. 2032003

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I don’t get the appeal behind this. The art looks like it came out my middle school sketchbook, and apparently the creator is a schizophrenic tif.

No. 2032004

Well, you said it. It appeals to those with the same tastes as its creator, which you don't share.

No. 2032007

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I never liked Phineas and Ferb. I did not understand why anybody liked or still likes that show. I get it’s pretty iconic but it looks so cheap and ugly and was boring with the same plot every time. Of course the two male protags are super kid prodigies that can create anything while the sister is a bumbling idiot who lusts after boys and likes shopping hehe of course!!

No. 2032011

I feel the same way, I do really like the Perry the Platypus shit though. I could watch a whole show of just Perry and Doofenshmirtz, no ugly little boys present.

No. 2032019

>no ugly little boys present
Kek. That’s interesting because the biggest thing I hated about that show was that exact subplot, it was so annoying and unnecessary when the show is supposed to be about mcs enjoying summer break. I wish there was an episode of Dr Doofenshmirtz cooking that platypus and making soup of it. Normies love quoting that show like they do with SpongeBob

No. 2032022

>I wish there was an episode of Dr Doofenshmirtz cooking that platypus and making soup of it.
You don't have to go dark triad Stacy on me, I just like the cute animal wearing a hat kekkk

No. 2032026

well its supposed to appeal to you if you've liked works as dorohedoro or 2000s surreal shit its not everyones cup of tea, i like it since its weird and made by a woman plus the jap fujos make good art

No. 2032033

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Dr. Doof, Perry, Perry's boss, Vanessa and Carl were the only interesting characters. The writers made the actual main characters so boring, it was ironic. Was Candace ever a genius too? It was weird to me that Phineas and Ferb got to be geniuses, but their older sister Candace just never was. Then again, we already had Doof as the third inventor, so maybe Candace being a child prodigy too would've been too much

No. 2032036

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This made me look up if any nukes were tested near me and I found vid related. Jfc there's been 2000+ nukes used. How are we not all fucked up?
Also the French really love testing in Algeria. Irradiate your own people.

No. 2032039

candace was my emotionally maladjusted queen. never speak ill of her again.

No. 2032040


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No. 2032044

Why didn’t they just make a show with the platypus as the main character kek?? Sounds way more interesting than watching two spergs build shit. I’m shocked they didn’t even make a spin-off with Perry. Also that weird thing between Vanessa and Ferb who is a child creeps me the fuck out, can’t trust any male animators

No. 2032046

all my homies FUCK PERRY

No. 2032050

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Oh yeah, didn't the creators go on reddit and justify it by saying they dated fairly older women when they were young adults? IIRC, they dated older women when they were in college, and that's what inspired them to spill that shit in the show kekk

No. 2032053

That’s enough to get the Sam taylor johnson whiteknight pussy wet and meowing

No. 2032055

I would kill for Perry ngl

No. 2032058

schizo funny looking art appeals to me

No. 2032061

You gotta get there before the Chinese street markets do

No. 2032071

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THANK YOU! I absolutely despised that show as a kid, especially the main two protags. There's this one episode where they actually get caught but iirc it turns out to be a dream or something. I still remember fucking cheering when I watched that for the first time. I just wanted the two little shits to suffer. I also hated Phineas' love interest girl (idk her name) so intensely, because she's the only girl in P&F's friend group but her role is almost entirely to make googly eyes at Phineas. Even at 9 years old I was insulted by that. Fuck this show, Idk if Hell exists for imaginary characters but I hope Phineas and Ferb are in there now.

No. 2032079

No. 2032088

You summarized my thoughts completely. I hated them both and hated seeing it being blasted all over disney channel and disney xd which they were only advertising to boys cause boys only like skating and ninjas not women they like dolls and fashion kek. Thank god that was during the time when the interent and streaming was growing more popular so I stopped giving a shit tv shows and wasted my time on other sites. You can just tell when something was made by a male industry hack and that entire show screams it, it’s so one-dimensional on every level yet every cartoon dork thinks it’s an amazing show. All of the females in the show were underdeveloped/pushed to the side/sexualized while all of the males had cool shit

No. 2032130

I didn't get it either it's a straight 4/10 show. The best thing it had going for it was a couple songs.

No. 2032186

Nonna I may never meet you bit in spirit we are sisters. I have gone my whole life only knowing people who loved Phineas & Ferb but I hated it. I hated the humour. I hated the character design. I hated the platypus. Fucking platypiss

No. 2032206

jimmy neutron is the superior nerd cartoon of the time, as cringe as it was. having cindy be the practical genius foil to jimmy is so much more interesting than two neglected inbred children building a time machine and fucking with their sister. you just know the producers saw dexters lab as a kid and seethed so hard about dede being a nuisance that they had go make their own OC donut steal version of it where the boys were insufferable to cope with the rage of seeing a boy being bullied for once. also fuck johnny test

No. 2032216

It was also a childrens show and was meant to be retarded and absurd kek, what else is to be expected from Dan Povenmire?

No. 2032218

Galaxy brain take

No. 2032222

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But of all the animated 2010s kids shows, nobody has anything on Amazing World of Gumball kek

No. 2032227

File: 1717353326531.webp (74.1 KB, 900x686, Mandy_Seasons_1-4.webp)

mandy's one of the best female characters cnn has ever produced imo she's so EVIL. no femme fatale nonsense no evil girl archetype she's just a piece of shit that gets easily irritated and is also smarter and more ruthless than everyone else so she gets away with a lot. queen

No. 2032228

Mandy is based. I loved her as a kid and thought she was the coolest character ever.

No. 2032237

File: 1717353716805.png (196.21 KB, 649x600, Gaz.png)

never watched a ton of billy and mandy but this was gaz from invader zim for me. she was just a bitch who wanted to be left alone and i loved her for it. she was my favorite cartoon character for a long time.

No. 2032238

It's the unpopular opinions thread so I'm gonna say it. I never liked TAWOG. The 2010s trends references and internet culture of the time made it cringe. I especially hate the tumblr sjw episode, why would anyone think kids enjoy watching that? Feels like someone trying to push their agenda. Not that I'm pro-sjw or something, I just don't think that kind of stuff belong in kids' shows. But that's a hallmark of 2010s cartoons I guess, it all became a vessel to communicate some outcast loser's opinions rather than telling a fun fictional story divorced from reality. But I admit I find the fanfic death note episode, the Larry related episodes, and the guy who has a grudge on Gumball and Darwin because they got him stuck in some parallel universe episodes fumny.

No. 2032240

actually while i'm here: i don't care for atla and atla fans are annoying and pretentious

No. 2032241

Samefag and while we're at it, adventure time also sucked ass. I hate that "le quirky" show so much.

No. 2032243

Zim's teacher was pretty funny, too. I liked that sound effect of hissing locusts played whenever she got annoyed with her students.

No. 2032245

When Zim popped a zit, flooded the school, Dib had to clean it up, and Miss Bitters told him that he couldn't even use the bigger sponge, that shit had me dying as a kid.

No. 2032246

shit taste idiot

No. 2032251

i thought the tumblr sjw episode was just them making fun of young tumblrfags back then i didnt think they were trying to push a libby agenda? i always thought it was all meant to be satirical. also how can you not love Anais?? literal queen

No. 2032252

i loved Robs episode kekk

No. 2032253

Same, never liked that show, the more they referenced pop culture the cringier it got, they were trying too much and those type of "modern" jokes tend to age like milk quite fast
This too, can't atla fans stop dickriding that bitch ass kids show for like 2 seconds? It was an okay show but like it wasn't a masterpiece, they need to get real

No. 2032254

I feel like if the biggest problem in your life is you being ugly then your life is probably pretty good

No. 2032255

Kek nta but AT was ok for the first season or two but then it started to go off the rails.

No. 2032256

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Women in their 20s who hate on older women for still finding men in their 20s attractive are so selfish/unreasonable. Young women constantly complain about how men are ugly, so take a moment to see how bad it is for women over the age of 33. If you think scrotes are ugly in their prime of their life then imagine what we get? Have some empathy for us who haven’t found a scrote yet because the reality is you’re supposed to find your scrote when you’re both young in your 20s and he’s still cute and then when he starts hitting the wall you don’t care because you’re in love.

No. 2032257

File: 1717354495775.png (61.29 KB, 480x360, fanime2.png)

AYRT, I really liked the bastardized attempts at Japanese-sounding names. I'm sure it's probably racist on some deeply subconscious level but it's fucking hilarious.
>elemental goddess
Now THERE was a show that really pushed the envelope.

No. 2032258

When Gaz left Dib in that pig dimension to scrub that pig lord's toilet with his own head, that made me like her when I was a kid. She was unapologetically unempathetic to the world around her.
Mandy's smile alone being catastrophic on the fabric of the universe made me headcanon that Mandy was supernatural on her own.
Gumball was only good for the first few seasons. It went downhill when it tried to be a snarky commentary on society. The fanfiction episode was actually funny though
The fast food episode when Jimmy's autistic ass kept calling table salt "sodium chloride" made me realize how annoying he really was.

No. 2032259

Johnny test was a shitpost masterpiece, pure unadulterated brain rot, literally one of my favorite shows as a professional dumbass shitposter plus the twins were cool and their designs are cute

No. 2032263

File: 1717354877145.webp (277.88 KB, 820x461, 1000017099.webp)

Seeing those redheaded scientist twin girls come up with the dumbest experiments to get that blonde guy to like them taught me that being a pickme will make you dumb no matter what you have going for you.

No. 2032264

i mentally psuedo-shipped mr. black and mr. white that's all i remember

No. 2032265

It really was the best

No. 2032266

Being pretty and narcissistic as a woman in the USA is pretty great because you can pretty much do whatever you want. If you’re a weird creepy bitch? It’s fine because men are gonna think your creepy behavior is hot and quirky. If you’re a rude stuck up bitch? It’s fine because people will see you as a sassy mean girl or mysterious like Romona flowers.

No. 2032268

File: 1717355021261.png (211.23 KB, 1000x565, 2222.png)

Mandy, Gaz, and Buttercup were my top favorite female characters as kid. They were so relatable to me kek I also loved that they had an advantage over the male characters in some way.

No. 2032269

it's all fun and games until you reach 30

No. 2032270

File: 1717355205428.jpg (61.16 KB, 259x383, The_Midnight_Gospel_promotiona…)

I actually liked Adventure Time for the most part but hated Pendleton Ward's other show Midnight Gospel. It was unbearable, like being stuck listening to someone else rambling about their psychedelic experiences at Burning Man. Clancy acted so entitled to enlightenment, it just felt really annoying the whole time. The whole thing was like Millennial Spirituality: The Cartoon. Apparently it got great reviews though.

No. 2032272

If a man says he never watched Powerpuff Girls as a kid because "it was girly", he's an actual faggot. If he did watch Powerpuff Girls but complains about Buttercup being "a bitch", he doesn't deserve to live.

No. 2032274

I think women who are genuinely beautiful can stay hot in their 30s-40s as long as they don’t get yeeted by pregnancy or let a scrote drain their soul but these are only issues normie pretty women have….i don’t think these would be issues for narcissistic women.

No. 2032277

nta; once you get to the mom stuff, it turns devastating, that's where the rave reviews came from
it was okay imo

No. 2032279

I didn't like it too. Couldn't get past the first episode. So much rambling, felt like listening to a stoner friend at a lame party

No. 2032285

I think the concept of pregnancy is pretty gross. Idk why I’m supposed to believe it’s a beautiful experience? It looks gruesome to me.

No. 2032286

Met a russian moid who watched that boring garbage, and sperged in my ear for like three minutes about how it's "brilliantly written". I already didn't like it, knowing moids apparently like this dogshit only makes me cringe when I see the cover art.

No. 2032287

im so tired of all the pregnancy bait just shut the hell up already

No. 2032299

something in my tiny tween brain snapped when i saw this fanime, then i tried starting my own. it was shit, but it got me into making ugly little anime gifs. now im a legit animator kek. i would put every fanime in a museum if i could, absolutely blessed content

No. 2032304

i hated johnny test with all my heart they used the whiplash sound effect for EVERYTHING

No. 2032309

This is a extremely popular opinion. Pregnant women weren't even allowed on TV for the longest time. People only want women to create the babies to make genetic copies of the men, they hate the actual women and being pregnant part.

No. 2032312

I'd say it went downhill fast after early season 6. Spoilers for Adventure Time if anyone cares The Lich was the best, most menacing villain the show had. He was literally the apocalypse personified. I think the creators realized that nothing could top that so they went "umm, actually he was just a disciple of an EVEN BIGGER EVIL GOD", but it was just not the same. Also the serialized episodes were boring af. This was also my problem with the series finale and distant lands. AT was just not made for long form, the entire fun of the first seasons was that they were bite sized, disjointed adventures. I also hate Susan Strong (sorry) Autist sperg over kek

No. 2032316

I rooted for Candace every episode. Their mom suffered enough giving birth to those pointy ass heads, they're so smug too.

No. 2032339

I'm the anon who brought up AT first, and funnily enough, I hate it for the opposite reasons. I hated the bite sized episodes as you described them and how episodic it was, because I grew up on 90s and 2000s cartoons with serialized episodes and an overarching plot. But it didn't give me that so it bored me to death. And when things finally got interesting with lore and all it was a bit of a mess and got too confusing and I'd say even too convoluted. But I really loved the Marceline vampire mini series, and I'm interested in Fiona and Cake. I just hate majority of the original continuity characters and the scenarios surrounding them. I wish the story was told in a more linear way with no annoying random=funni humor, and with proper animation and art style because that shit looked ugly af.

No. 2032352

Mandy is such a great characters. Makes me sad in general we will never get well written female characters like this again in a tv show.

No. 2032367

No. 2032423

File: 1717360931789.png (556.18 KB, 809x360, Untitled.png)

jhonen vasquez has done a really good job making female characters that are strong and cool without being token-y, and also not fetishizing them. some more that i liked who also showed power over the males in their lives.

No. 2032428

Jhonen Vasquez is consistently proving to be kinda cool, I hope it never comes out that he diddled kids or something

No. 2032449

File: 1717362639302.jpg (55.11 KB, 600x362, a05557de108622ae625a79af79ccdd…)

doubtful. it would break my heart but he seems to not be the type. the worst thing he's done to my knowledge is be a little cringey and claim to "hate his fans" back in the JTHM days, but he did have a bit of a point that nobody should be idolizing nny

No. 2032458

this is sad but true. attractive people can get away with being shitty or weird. you'll just be seen as a freak if you're both weird and ugly

No. 2032489

No you don't understand! Constantly gaslighting a teenage girl to make her look stupid and hysterical is peak comedy. The show should have been about Candace, Doof and OWCA, where Perry is just Candace's pet and she's friends with Vanessa and the joke is that Candace's pet has beef with her best friend's dad and Candace doesn't know that Doof is a supervillain. No moidlets, just fun scifi adventures for teen girls.

No. 2032499

There's a video of a woman he was friends with saying to her baby "Jhonen told me I should anally rape you". He's also had little sperg meltdowns toward his fans on Twitter because he's never really accomplished anything past Invader Zim.
In general, women need to stop making exceptions for men they don't even know.

No. 2032501

I don’t care if girls wanna date older men because after 18 if you wanna fuck your life up that’s on you. I just think it’s weird how girls like this never have older female friends. So it’s just some random 35 year old man in a group of 20 something year old girl at events.

No. 2032512

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Perry should have been female too. I despise the trope in animated movies where moidhood is the default for funny animal sidekicks. And if they're not moids then they have to be pink with long eyelashes and boobs. Iirc Disney only ever subverted this undying this trope with Tarzan's gorilla friend, and even then I remember always having to correct all my classmates that "SHE'S A GIRL DAMMIT!"

No. 2032525

blog but I dated an older man when I was like 21 (when I met him I thought he was my age he was really young looking and by the time I found out his age it was too late I already had the crush) and I had tons of older female friends so I don't think this is always true. But I also met him in a mixed-age environment so that might have made it seem less weird. It didn't fuck up my life but I did dump him after a while because it wasn't the most functional relationship and decided to stick to people my own age after that. I agree that the single old man in a group of young girls dynamic is always extrmely weird, awkward and fucked up, and as I'm in my thirties now I can't really imagine hanging out in a group of exclusively 20yos without feeling kind of awkward about it.

No. 2032527

Samefag but this is always my barometer now whenever I end up talking to a younger girl that thinks it's 'cool' to date some 10+ years older scrote, I'm just like 'can you imagine yourself wanting to hang out in groups of people 10 years younger than you when you're 30? Do you realistically think you are gonna do that? If not, why? If not, then why isn't it weird for your 'boyfriend'?

No. 2032530

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No. 2032536

It isn't weird for 20 year olds and 30 year olds to hang out, but it is weird for one 30+ year old man to hang out with groups of exclusively 20yo women.

No. 2032538

what a great post. i fucking hated this show. that evil doctor had the most annoying voice and was painfully unfunny. the mute platypus could not save an entire show full of talkative annoying characters

No. 2032541

File: 1717366486611.jpeg (50.86 KB, 323x532, IMG_1069.jpeg)

Agreed. The creator of that show also created Ned’s Declassified and irl husbando show Big Time Rush the one about pretty boys who can sing so that is probably the few moids I can count on my finger that are based

No. 2032543

that show had one single attractive moid and the rest looked like they were there because they sucked cock on the interview

No. 2032545

This is why I don't get why modern western cartoons started to latch so hard onto this weird half-episodic half-continuous mix format, I don't understand who it could appeal to. People that want continuous plot don't appreciate the constant "filler" and people that appreciate the episodic vibe will probably not appreciate the tonal shifts.

I can't find it to show you, but I remember once seeing a screenshot of a tweet something like "I love when cartoons do this" with an image going "1st season: going on silly adventures" "2nd+ season: plot/trauma" and then someone quote tweeting with "Pendleton Ward and Rebecca Sugar need to be trialed at the Hague for creating this style of storytelling".

No. 2032547

>creator of JT being the creator of Ned's Declassified and BTR
Holy fucking shit, that truly explains the sound effect similarity. All three of those shows rival Ed, Edd n Eddy with the amount of sound effects in one scene.

No. 2032548

literally stop nonna let me like big time rush

No. 2032549

There's a lot more situations in which I can see that dynamic coming about naturally, it's hard to imagine what would make a 30yo 'naturally' only hang out with younger women. It's not like there is only one 'active' 30 year old in any given city, and most people don't go on 'hikes' for their daily socialization anyway. Whenever someone over 30 is hanging out exclusively with college aged adults who still haven't moved out of their parents' houses I wonder why they don't interact with people their own age because it's 100% not that they are the only fit 30yo in a city of people who only watch netflix.

No. 2032551

no, you have shit taste. Tokusatsu shows for 5yo boys have cuter male leads.

No. 2032554

It's not weird, no sane older woman would want a much younger pickme as a friend. I saw a few wayyyy too young girls at a dorm mate's party a few times and no matter how much I tried to warn them and let them know who to ask for help if they wanna go home or are being harassed, it always seems to translate to me being an old bitter hag who's jealous of their youth and beauty. I've also had the displeasure of being work 'friends' with some. They treat you like a replacement mommy but somehow also look down on you because you're old and over the hill. But at least they're 'nice' to you because they think you can't take away their favorite thing in the world, male attention! Yay!
I was the younger and older girl in this scenario and it's so awkward for everyone involved who isn't a pedo apologist. I found it weird that my ex and his friends had no problem bringing around their much younger gfs, but their female peers always had age-appropriate bfs and didn't hang out much with them due to work. Then I found out my ex and his buddies were just gross manchildren and women their age can see the red flags from space.

No. 2032558

She's saying it's weird that women who socialize with older men aren't also friends with older women, she didn't say anything about it being weird that pickmes who think 30yos are bitter old hags aren't friends with older women. If a woman finds it normal to socialize with an older man she should also find it normal to socialize with older women which has always been my expereince with mixed-age friend groups.

No. 2032562

I agree though that it seems to be the younger girlfriends who always miss the blatant red flags that are usually obvious to those men's peers. That's why it's usually not worth even arguing about it with younger women once you're past a certain age; they will assume you are 'jealous' of them for dating some guy who can't get a date in his own peer group if you express any concern so there's no point bringing it up.

No. 2032572

File: 1717367673308.png (79.95 KB, 1214x446, parmesean pride.png)

Dairy pride month is arguably more important than LG pride month

No. 2032573

Nta but isn't comparing asian shows with western a bit unfair?

No. 2032575

Which one provides more milk tho

No. 2032578

how so? BTS is supposedly for women, meanwhile the toku show is targetted at men. I honestly think its shitty that a show targetted to women is worse than one meant to sell toys to little kids.

No. 2032579


No. 2032582

Isn't tokusatsu known for choosing handsome and pretty boy actors and idols because their audience are also mostly moms?

No. 2032584

When older women try to be super protective of younger girls who aren’t related to them the girls just see you as weird or jealous. They would only see you being protective as a good thing if it’s a male. Older women are just nagging moms.

No. 2032593

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i dont know if thats the reason, i think thats just japanese culture. I know they do pander to women though. They are releasing a bishie anime soonish. They also had several collabs with hello kitty. Its why i love japanese media, when something becomes popular with women in the west they rarely pander to their female audience. If star trek was japanese we would already have a hello kitty collab and manga spin off with mpreg.

No. 2032595

I had protective older friends when I was in my early 20s and I saw them as the older sisters I didn't have, I really appreciated it and thought they were cool. They weren't 'super' protective though but they were somewhat protective which I thought was really comforting.

No. 2032616

Looking it up, it's apparently called the Odagiri effect.

No. 2032621

Fuck yeah, this is Elsie's month!

No. 2032625

I mean, be for real, most people assume this archetype is male aligned because very usually, women aren't keen on publicly acting a clown for several reasons beyond their control, not saying it doesn't happen but don't be obtuse

No. 2032626

I interned at Cartoon Network one summer when they were making Adventure Time. (I was kinda the "dogsbody" intern but I did get to hang storyboards for the show one time.) The floor had mostly open cubicles, so half of it was Adventure Time staff and the other half was another show, alongside some empty cubicles, and actual offices for the senior people. Mine was diagonal to this one animator for the show, because I distinctly remember hearing Marceline going, "YES I CAAAAAN" over and over and over as the guy animated that sequence. I met a bunch of cool people too (got to wave at Genndy Tartakovsky), and Pendleton Ward. He was wearing a plastic viking helmet at the time, and this was out on the street, in broad daylight. Wasn't impressed.

No. 2032636

I need a hot old man

No. 2032640

new threadle >>2032638

No. 2033624

Kek does this logic also apply to female animals, which if you didn't notice was the topic of discussion? I didn't know my female cat isn't allowed to be silly anymore, I better go tell her.

No. 2033627

retarded comparison. of course social expectations are different for humans and animals

No. 2033640

women are truly not even allowed to be even a little bit silly. see this website for a good example.

No. 2033647

>replying in an old thread

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