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No. 2032638
thread rules:
>no racebait >no infighting >don't reply to bait >rest of /ot/ board rules apply >farmhands are always watching prev
>>>/ot/2027783 No. 2032642>>2033206>>2033460
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These knock-off movies are better than the original movies
No. 2032648>>2032652>>2032654>>2032658>>2032675>>2038815
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I don’t believe in asexuality. At least not in people who are not literal schizoid turbo-autists. Every “asexual” person I’ve met or seen online was a young woman who religiously conformed to beauty standards set by a hypersexual society, which leads me to believe it’s a trauma response. It reminds me of how someone on here said that enbies/FTMs still wear makeup and women’s clothes after mutilating themselves to resemble a man or a sexless mannequin because even though they’re trying to escape sexualization the instinct to conform to beauty standards set by males is still engrained in them like a phantom limb.
No. 2032658
>>2032648I believe I am asexual but I also have hormonal issues and
was almost assaulted.
No. 2032688>>2032693
>>2032652This is exactly how I feel. And I have zero beef with people who can just cop to the fact they have no libido without treating it like a sexual orientation in itself.
If I met a person who genuinely perceived both sexes as equally non-sexual I would buy it as legit asexuality, but they ALWAYS manage to 'pick a side'. Even if it's just having male husbandos or OTPs, they always somehow instinctively know which sex they prefer. It may not manifest in overt desires to fuck anyone but it's still rooted in basic sexual attraction.
No. 2032705>>2032717
>>2032703infinite rizz at 0:36
you really don't like this?
No. 2032975>>2032981>>2032996>>2033003
>>2032970I didn't say you said that, I asked why you think Biden is a better option or, if you don't, are you suggesting not voting at all? I guess there are also 'third party' candidates in the US but they stand no chance of election so it's also kind of like 'not voting.'
I understand US politics pretty well actually and I'm asking what you think Biden has done or is offering that is so far superior to what Trump did or has to offer, since in my opinion both are shitty candidates and people are just choosing a lesser of two evils. If you feel strongly that Biden is a much better candidate I'm asking you why. Are you suggesting Biden is not corrupt lmao?
No. 2032988>>2032990>>2032995>>2032998
>>2032970So America, which supposedly values Democracy, has no presidents to provide its citizens other than the options of bad and worse?
America really is a third world shithole.
No. 2032996>>2032999>>2033014
>>2032975Fuck them both, I’m voting for RFK
>>2032990Yeah, they just don’t give up do they
No. 2033206>>2033460
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>>2032642Hell yeah. Comedic value you just don't get from the real thing. Ratatouille wants to be sincere but since I'm not a 10 year old my heartstrings are not tugged. Ratatoing is for the modern era.
No. 2033501>>2033503
>>2033488Truly, just look at the average "femdom" content, in the end, even when they get items in their asses, they seem to be the ones with power in the situation because sticking anything in the ass of a moid is just a guaranteed orgasm.
They're simple as that, this is why moids can't be raped.
No. 2033502
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>>2033499just remember picrel
No. 2033534>>2033540
>>2033525Have you read threads on this website like "fetishes you're ashamed of"
If you have is it so difficult to believe that this sort of thing happens somewhere
No. 2033542
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No. 2033545
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No it actually only mentions penetration but, good try!
No. 2033577>>2033578>>2033688
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Coffee should be considered an 18+ drink, I unironically think kids are more annoying because they're allowed to drink sugary coffee at school.
I say this as someone who was allowed to take a sip of coffee from time to time, but never a full cup of coffee until I was at least 18 years old.
No. 2033581
>>2033578You're right, I get that the cutesy packages are tempting but we as adults needs to tell them that they can't drink that shit because their bodies literally can't handle the sugar and caffeine together.
Plus Boba pearls are kind of a choking risk.
No. 2033709>>2033710>>2033713>>2033724>>2033745>>2033762
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There is nothing wrong with eating hot chips, twerking, being bisexual, charging your phone, and lying. I haven’t eaten McDonalds in years but there’s nothing wrong with a small fry or a mcflurry
No. 2033719
>>2033710I wish all women would stop learning how to cook and just become incompetent at cooking, all moids who parasitically rely on their gfs, wives, moms and sisters would finally die of starvation because they’re too retarded to use doordash or go to the grocery store to cook for themselves. Watch all of them drop like flies because they rather be stubborn overgrown manchildren than be a giver to their communities. Male holocaust right here right now, please
>>2033713I rather choose the thot daughter over gay son a million times over
No. 2033724>>2033728
>>2033709Nothing wrong with a
large fry either
No. 2033760
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>>2033747>Palestinians should be bombed to oblivionGodDAMN you came out the gate
swinging. I don't think you're even a bad person for having this opinion, though. I do admire that you're unapologetic about your 'cruel' take.
No. 2033844>>2033853>>2033855
>>2033811Nta but oh my god the Muslim "feminists" are such a sad fucking joke, I'm not sure if anyone remembers this or knew about it but there was a Muslim couple who gained some popularity around the time Youtube shorts became a thing. The woman was always completely covered, she even wore gloves but her moid could wear t-shirts and board shorts. All their videos were about how ~progressive~ and ~feminist~ Islam was while explaining their retarded rules. The majority of the rules were for her of course, she would literally explain the niqab as "empowering" because to her it means Allah thinks women are so precious they should be protected from the eyes of men. She is either completely braindead from her shit religion or just coping, imagine thinking women are so obscene that even their hands need to be covered in order to ~protect~ her honor and then thinking that's feminism. Fucking retard. Like women are somehow worthless if a man sees her thigh or shoulder, she couldn't even lift the veil to eat food or drink water in public she had to carefully place it under her face covering and try not to get food and water spilt everywhere.
>>2033820>I’ve been sexually harassed numerous times by themSame, they really do behave like animals
No. 2033853>>2033854
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>>2033844Wait till you find out the real reason for the Islamic veil.
No. 2033855>>2033869
>>2033844I think alogging entire countries worth of people is dumb, people in other countries have no business intervening and bombing the shit out of people just because they don't like their religion but I truly don't understand why Islam gets a pass from the religion hate that most other religions get in 'liberal' societies and why it's treated like a race thing to dislike the tenets and behaviours of this particular religion. No one gets called an anti-white racist for hating Christianity for example and it's totally socially sanctioned and acceptable even though modern Christianity has way less
problematic beliefs and views than Islam does.
It's considered a super conservative idea but I wish immigrants were screened for having compatible values with the country they're immigrating to because I think some cultures just don't mix well at all and it is of no benefit to let people immigrate who hate everything your culture stands for and who won't respect your laws and cultural norms. I'm an immigrant and it's wild to me that 'cultural assimilation' is seen as such a bad thing, you can retain aspects of your original/home culture while still trying to fit in with your new/host culture but only if you have vaguely compatible beliefs.
No. 2033857>>2033858>>2033902>>2035097>>2035114
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>>2033854The entire religion of Islam is a grifter false prophet named Muhammad tricking people around him into thinking that God ordered them to give him power and do things for them. The false prophet Muhammad is literally a conman.
No. 2033877
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My Little Pony is good. I don't care. I'm not trying to bang the horses, the show was cute and I loved how sweet it was. I will never forgive the world for making it cringe via vessels of the devil (fat nonce moids)
No. 2033938
This type of thing is why I would never get married to a male regardless of how nice it may act, none of them like women or are trustworthy.
And side note, this stripper is so very clearly bitter and jealous that she was never picked by any of the rape apes who bought her, but her point still stands
No. 2034001>>2034130
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>>2033998I knew it was a good idea to have spicy buldak noodles with melted cheese as a hangover meal
No. 2034013
>>2033998That's just the nature of
your skin. And because cheese (the fresh type at least) is low in lactose, which could be the cause of issues for some people but idk if it actually is. My hormones get fucked easily so I try to be cautious with my diet.
No. 2034219>>2034231
>>2033747Based af, and this is coming from a middle eastern. Also, unpopular opinion but the women shouldn't be saved either, they'll just perpetuate the same shit they're programmed to do, it's too late to save them. They have the internet and so many resources to wake up to it all but they don't want to.
>inb4 you know this would mean you'll be killed, too, right??!!That's the best part.
No. 2034236>>2034400
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>>2034231Muslims should have never been let into Western countries.
No. 2034279>>2034302>>2034307
>>2034267honestly i've noticed a lot of older women doing it too. it bothers me since i come from a country with a lot of turmoil and death. you're right tho they're probably summerfags
>>2034272i thought i saw multiple replies though
>>2034273you're a hateful and disgusting person
No. 2034284>>2034288
>>2034275Yeah, after witnessing the moid raid the other day in the Amerifag thread, you’re probably right. I think farmhands even deleted a few posts that sounded the same as the bait being posted in the Amerifag thread, presumably because it was the same anon (I saw a post that said something like “I hate Jews, Muslims, and Americans” get deleted)
>inb4 anyone assumes that I think all rabid racists are moids Unfortunately, I’m sure we also have some embarrassing honest & true females also posting such takes. Such is the way of the internet
No. 2034312>>2034324>>2034349>>2034450
>>2034291where do you people get that idea from? you think literal terrorist and radicals represent all muslims and it's so funny to me. no europe won't be turned into an islamic ethnostate. just get better immigration policies by not importing violent men
>>2034302i appreciate you so much nona ♥
No. 2034329>>2034334>>2034358>>2034360>>2034648>>2035736>>2035760
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I'm not a summerfag, I work and I'm gonna keep it very, very, very real. I don't give a flying fuck about Palestine, Israel, or the average Arabian country. From how dysfunctional they are, I'm not at all surprised that people just want the whole sandlot gone. I don't give a flying fuck if some over sensitive moralfag wants to cry about it being "disgusting" that people want the entire Arabian roster to fuck off and away from the rest of the world. If they're willing to ignore how irredeemably misogynistic and inhuman these countries always act, they're the retard and their opinions automatically don't matter. Actual ex-muslims and exceptional Arabian women will even tell you that they wish these shitholes didnt exist at any point in history. Sorry not sorry.
No. 2034332
>minors or underaged peopleMakes me think it really must be a child lmao
No. 2034349>>2034359>>2034467
>>2034305Because in fact, they don't mind their own business. They still want to rule the world and ruin it for the normal people, and they get pissy when normal people like me want to leave their land, but they also don't want me to exist among them and want me dead for not being as retarded as them. I'm in a situation too extreme for you to comprehend and sympathize with I guess, but I reached a point where I want to see them all drop dead in front of me for what they've done to me, even if it means my own death. But I guess that's too much to ask even though there's no other way out or real hope at all.
>>2034312Lived amongst them my whole life and studied their religion for over 20 years now and I speak their filthy language fluently, I know what I'm talking about when I say they're violent terrorists. I hope one day you'll be put in my predicament where you can't even go to a grocery store or a hospital when you're sick so you'd understand where my hatred comes from. They're all the same and they've quite literally raped the life out of me and many others, I don't understand why you're so hellbent on defending them and ignoring what I and many other women have to suffer because of them.
No. 2034351>>2034359
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>>2034342Just last month Islamists in Germany went out demanding a caliphate.
No. 2034357
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>>2034352Islam is a cult established by a rapist, pedophile false prophet.
(racebait) No. 2034359>>2034372>>2034374
>>2034349>I don't understand why you're so hellbent on defending them and ignoring what I and many other women have to suffer because of them.because i grew up muslim kek
>>2034351some group in a particular country demanding a caliphate doesn't mean the rest of the 2 billion muslims from around the world do. not even the rest of german muslims
>>2034356you're right i'm leaving this thread now lol
No. 2034360>>2034373
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>>2034329>>2034333Sure, but you guys always complain when we want to talk about the Jewish child rape problem, Ashkenazi violence on others (including other Jewish people), etc. It's very suspicious.
Islam isn't the only evil in the world we're not allowed to talk about. In fact, the evil I'm talking about arguably has far more power on a mass scale. We should take a stand against all pedophilic moid-run cultures and religions, but when you anti-Palestine "Islam is evil because of its misogyny and killing" camp start talking, you either omit it, say no or call nazi whenever this gets brought up. Why?
No. 2034383
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Western media defend Islam so much. Pic related is an Islamic terrorist attack where a Muslim stabbed a police officer in the neck at a right-wing political event protesting Islamic fundamentalism in Germany, yet most Western media still desperately try to hide how barbaric and cruel Muslims are.
No. 2034407>>2034421>>2034435
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Kind of niche and autistic but it pisses me off how Ethel Cain gets away with blatantly skinwalking Nicole Dollanganger and Bruce Springsteen because troons are above criticism apparently
No. 2034409>>2034479
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Both Islam and Judaism are false and evil religions which endorse evil genital mutilation. 10 years ago while there was talk of banning male genital mutilation Germany just as female genital mutilation was banned, thousands of Muslims and Jews in Germany protested such a ban on genital mutilation.(retard who won't stop baiting and sperging)
No. 2034410
>>2034403easy as 123 as we all know all
abusive situations to be
No. 2034421>>2034433
>>2034407Agreed, but Nicole okayed him doing all that, met up with him a couple of times and seems to like him.
What I don't like is the way she got cancelled for having questionable/fucked up lyrics and concepts in her music and Tumblr blog, but no one got on his ass for doing the same thing(s). Men can basically write or sing anything, and people will say "People can make complicated art about heavy subjects" (even if he's obviously getting off to it, not saying anything particularly of value), but if a woman wants to get into the nasty topics, they'll scream about "romanticization". The same goes for art and fandom stuff. I fully understand why any creative woman would want to use a male pseudonym or persona, even though I don't agree with it.
No. 2034470>>2034494>>2034518>>2034532>>2034535>>2034549>>2034590>>2034602
People who casually use concepts from psychology are profoundly ignorant, acting as modern proselytes of a new religion. Psychology, wrongly considered as a science, suffers from significant issues, including the fact that a majority of its studies can't be replicated. It offers overly simplistic "scientific" explanations for complex human relationships. The founders of psychology, such as Freud, Pavlov, and Watson, were all men who relied on their own subjective opinions and questionable methods, seeking power rather than objective truth. These men engaged in unethical practices, like the mistreatment of women, children, and animals, and misrepresented their discoveries.
The fundamental pursuit of psychology—the control of the mind—is inherently flawed, as the mind itself is an abstract concept rather than a tangible reality. Humans are neither a combination of body and soul nor body and mind. There is no internal duality; there is only the fullness of being. This fullness can only be attained through relationships based on love. This is the reason why therapy is only effective when it fosters a genuine "therapeutic" relationship between the therapist and the patient.
People who suffer from what is called mental illness are either dealing with physical illnesses that mainstream science cannot or will not understand due to financial interests, or they are individuals disconnected from others and lacking friendship. Psychology, in labeling them as unfit for a patriarchal and capitalist society, further marginalizes these individuals and keeping them miserable.
The world would be better off without psychology.
No. 2034494
>>2034470I mostly agree with you anon and unfortunately more and more people think they are basically psyc 'experts' with the advent of internet psyc websites and resources. A lot of it is just repackaging of typical 'self help book' fare with a sciencey-medical veneer or, worse, is just straight up validating shit that's been basically disproven for decades already like most Freudian and Kinsey bs.
I would argue though that on the actual 'research' level a lot of psychology is a science, since a lot of it is just repackaged neurobiology, endocrinology, neuroscience, etc. There is a lot of fraud in those research fields and in other 'hard science' fields as well but it's not a psyc-specific problem. Most of what people consider 'psychology' in the common parlance though is undergrad 101-level theoretical bullshit or psychiatry/clinical psyc shit which is such a racket and is hardly evidence based or scientific at all.
I also agree that most 'mental illness' is actually physical illness or it's an environmental problem, and ironically most 'legit' and well-done 'psychology' research confirms this. I think there needs to be a decoupling of psyc 101 undergrad concepts from the research that is currently being done in psyc 'grad departments' which is often important and legitimate, and I think psychiatry as a medical field needs to be shamed and dismantled.
No. 2034518>>2034526>>2034589
>>2034470The fundamental pursuit of psychology is not control of the mind, it’s
understanding of it. I think you’re conflating psychology as a theory with psychology as an industry.
No. 2034519>>2034528
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I don't see the point in keeping hundreds of books at home when it's unlikely that you'll read all of them more than twice. The only books that you actually need to have around are the ones used for studying. Kindle is much more practical.
No. 2034584
>>2034549Bloodletting, leeches (which are still used in modern science and are extremely medically useful), and dunking you in ice water (also useful with proven beneficial effects although not everyone should do this if they aren't healthy enough) were not practices that were ended by psychology. Bloodletting was ended by modern medical science. The whole 'humors' thing was mostly ended by modern medical bioscience prior to psychology even becoming a burgeoning field.
blog but my mom's finger got severed at her job and they used a leech to reattach it, leeches are great
No. 2034589>>2034592>>2034608
>>2034518>>2034532>>2034535>>2034549The problem is how psychology has fundamentally poisoned our understanding of human relationships and needs. Psychological concepts, long discredited, continue to be used to explain human "nature". Gustave Le Bon, one of the fathers of social psychology, exemplifies this distortion. His theories pathologized normal human needs and actions, such as those of workers advocating for their rights, portraying collective action as a symptom of mental pathology rather than a legitimate expression of societal concerns. And his work still influences moids' beliefs that people should be governed by an elite.
While it is important to support individuals suffering from mental illnesses, relying solely on psychology to address these issues is futile. Psychology's primary objective has never been true comprehension but rather control. It acts as a superficial veil, obscuring the reality of male violence and its profound impact on human relationships. Much of the field is tainted, with the majority of people unaware of the few redeeming aspects. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is a glaring example of deception, it's a total scam. Denying psychology's historical pursuit of controlling people's minds is extremely naive and reflects a reluctance to question supposedly unquestionable beliefs. Psychology masquerades as a science but is a religion. So yes, you are as dumb as a religious zealot.
No. 2034608
>>2034589I agree with you anon. I think current 'research' fields that are under the umbrella of psychology are legit, like many forms of neuroscience, cognitive science, behavioural endocrinology, etc. but the pure 'psychology' fields themselves are a morass.
Even the fact that when people think 'psychology' they actually think of mental illness, abnormal psyc, or psychiatry just shows how bad this disconnect is. The vast majority of modern 'psychology' research has nothing to do with psychiatric disorders or abnormal mental states, it's about whether taking synthetic estrogen at menopause makes you worse at navigating maps or whether rats are more likely to get addicted to cocaine if they have other rats in their cage or how neurotransmitters are modulated by drugs or whatever, yet people still think the height of 'psychology' is making up some fake illnesses and some fake drugs to give to people with the fake illnesses. All illnesses are at root physical, everything else is what is now perjoratively called 'psychosomatic,' which is still physical, but just describes the physical effects of mental or emotional problems or trauma. The whole 'brain chemical imbalance' thing has never been proven to exist except possibly in schizophrenia, the OG type of 'crazy' and everything else was just tacked on.
No. 2034613>>2034616
>>2034602Gonna sperg about this again but psychology, meaning the many researchers who research many legitimate things under the umbrella of psychology, is a legitimate field.
The problem is mostly abnormal psyc/psychiatry/clinical psyc which is concerned with 'abnormal' or so-called 'diseased' mental states, which is what most lay people think psychology is/represents. Therapy is part of this field, so is psychiatry. Researching behavioural endocrinology in rats or whatever is no less legitimate as science than researching cancer in rats, the problem occurs when people conflate 'psychology' (the research umbrella term) with Jungian/Freudian/etc. psychodynamics and psychiatry.
No. 2034625>>2034633
>>2034616No I totally understand what you're saying and why you classified it that way. In my experience in 'academic' circles there are basically 4 different things that are called 'psychology.'
The first is psychiatry, aka a field that you study in medical school. These are the people who diagnose 'mental illness' and prescribe drugs for them. They often work in tandem with the second group, 'clinical psychologists' who in my country are people with a PhD in clinical psyc who are licensed to be psychotherapists but not prescribe drugs. Most of these people's classes and clinical rotations revolve around some form of abnormal psyc, psychiatric illness, talk therapy approaches, pharmacology(drugs), etc. You will occasionally get clinical psychologists though who do something more worthwhile like 'forensic psyc' (talk to and catalogue violent criminals' mental states, assess them for parole, etc) and 'neuropsychologists' who often work on shit like diagnosing concussions, aphasias, and other forms of mental damage and sometimes work with neurologists (another type of doctor) to treat disorders caused by brain damage.
Then you have the third subtype which is basically what I call 'undergrad' or 'self-help' psychology. These are the topics you learn in most undergraduate arts-psyc classes, i.e., the theories of Freud, Jung, Pavlov, 'abnormal psyc,' 'social psyc' and so on. There might be some legitimate gems of actual knowledge in here but most of it is just a reframing of the theories of group 1 (psychiatrists) from the mid-20th century.
The final group is anyone who does 'psychology research' in a non-clinical field. These are the people who are publishing papers on actually, frequently, interesting topics of bioscience like behavioural endocrinology, the gut-brain connection, cognitive neuroscience, developing actual treatments for traumatic brain injuries, etc. These are by far the most ignored and underpaid group in 'psychology' even though they are by far the least corrupt and least retarded.
No. 2034635>>2034639>>2034643>>2034645
>>2034633I think it becomes more obvious why there are no pharma solutions to 'treat the human mind' when you realize that the human mind is not something that, in most situations, can be 'treated' with drugs. There is no legitimate basis for the claim that most DSM 'mental illnesses' are a 'chemical imbalance' or neurological in nature. Even if some of these things are caused exclusively by our brain and not other body systems, the most obvious treatment for disorders of the 'mind' is to actually either change the environment that is poisoning your mind, or the attitudes you have toward life that are poisoning your perception of the environment. None of this can be accomplished by pharmaceuticals, and most of it can't be accomplished by a paid 'sympathetic' listener who can't relate to or empathize with your situation either. I do believe there is one known mental disorder that is caused (partially) by a known chemical imbalance, which is schizophrenia, the 'original' mental disorder that was considered 'madness' for centuries. Schizophrenia is also treated quite effectively by smoking cigarettes, although no one in the medical establishment will tell you that outright. Cigarettes are considered harmful, dopaminergic drugs that help schizophrenic people are also harmful, causing inconvenient symptoms like 'parkinsonian' movement disorders/tremors and speech disorders. To my knowledge no other 'mental illness' has any confirmed 'neurological' cause, and yet there are dozens, maybe hundreds, of commonly prescribed drugs that apparently 'treat' mental disorders. I wonder how that works.
No. 2034648>>2034799
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>>2034329What annoys me the most is the destruction of the old, beautiful art, and archaeological sites. It's the exact same mentality of transgender ideology and most governments nowadays. They don't want you looking into the past, or remembering history. They'd rather destroy anything beautiful and make sure NO ONE gets it. Fuck these backwards scrotes. They'll be remembered as a retarded genetic deficiency.
No. 2034838
>>2034816All men are more attractive when they're not LARPing as women, but I'm glad they deform themselves to let the rest of us know that they're
toxic and poisonous.
No. 2034849
>>2034843I have met like near-zero people in real life who have a 'love is love' mentality about people dating someone who could be their parent. At best they'll try to be polite and not start drama but in my experience almost 100% of people judge these relationships and think they're weird. The only people who actively think they're awesome are usually incels and pedos lmao. 'Love is love' is also a pedo catchphrase now that it isn't associated so closely with homosexuality.
Obviously you can't physically prevent your friend from dating some 25 years older moid or whatever because it's legal, but you'll notice how people in these relationships tend to hemorrhage friends rapidly.
No. 2034860
>>2034851its well known that this isn't really true about any man though, most men are so ugly that even lifting some weights and spending more time in the sun can't help them. also i feel like 'autistic' is a massive stretch kek goodness, these zoomies will really say that
critiquing someone is autistic?
No. 2034891
>>2034883You don't "need" to pee
You don't "need" to eat
You don't "need" to breathe
(this isn't dumbass shit) No. 2034893>>2034899>>2034901
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"This person would be attractive if they looked completely different from what they actually look like or are capable of looking like" is not an unpopular opinion, it's an autist playing dolls with random people.(integrate)
No. 2034965>>2034997
>>2034956I see what you're saying nonna but I'm not sure if this is true bisexuality. I think actual attraction is different from being entirely coombrained/trying to exert power over other weaker individuals (including of the same sex) to the extent that you are willing to rape or molest them to exert that power.
I'm not even saying you're wrong but I see a difference between 'true' bisexuality (meaning you're both sexually and romantically attracted to both sexes) and a power fantasy.
No. 2034997>>2035006
>>2034965I don't believe that a sexual power fantasy can extend to beings that you don't feel any sort of attraction to (and I also don't think you need to have a romantic interest in someone to have an attraction, eg tons of misogynists are still attracted to women).
For example, if a man rapes a child and insists he's not a pedophile, he's a liar. By definition, a non-pedophile cannot become aroused by sexual activity involving a child, and there are other ways one could exert "power" over them or anyone/anything else besides sex. There are just exclusive and non-exclusive pedophiles.
No. 2035006>>2035016>>2035059
>>2034997I think men who are not romantically attracted to women are gay lol so maybe we're converging on something. I think most (all, actually) pedophiles are nonexclusive pedophiles, I don't think pedophilia is a sexual orientation.
On the other hand being straight or gay is imo and it seems pretty out there to suggest that every man who watches porn is 'really' bisexual, unless all men naturally are (which is possible I guess).
No. 2035016>>2035022
>>2035006>I think most (all, actually) pedophiles are nonexclusive pedophiles, I don't think pedophilia is a sexual orientation.You're likely correct here.
>On the other hand being straight or gay is imo and it seems pretty out there to suggest that every man who watches porn is 'really' bisexual, unless all men naturally are (which is possible I guess).Porn addicts are, and you can tell by the trajectory of their interests. They all end up on tranny and gay shit, without exception. The cases I mentioned before (prison, history, war) point to many men not being as straight as they claim, but outside of those situations, most will suppress/ignore it, besides the porn addict. Even porn addicts can still live out their fantasies with no social cost to themselves via porn and internet chats, and many of them do that. Some others will seek out "jerkbuds" to masturbate with IRL, some will take it a bit farther, etc. AGP is in part so potent a social contagion because of this, too.
No. 2035033
>>2035028No it was mostly on anonymous internet forums lol, I don't think they knew I was a woman. The only person I knew who admitted to this irl was an exbf who was in therapy for porn addiction and he said he always used to watch lesbian porn, yeah yeah I know I shouldn't have dated a pornsick scrote it was over a decade ago and I was young. But I also saw a lot of men admitting this on forums where I think they had no idea they were also talking to women, so I think it's A Thing.
I'm not even saying you're wrong because male pornsexuality is just a mystery to me entirely but I am not completely sure that men who watch 'straight' porn are necessarily attracted to the men in it either (although I think some are). I think many are attracted to the self-insert or power fantasy quality of straight porn, where they imagine themselves as a bigger hotter guy having sex with some 'barely legal teen' girl. I also think the types of men who watch trap/femboy/troon porn (which I know is an increasingly common porn category) might just be attracted to the 'taboo' of it or self-insert into it (although the self-insertion itself might be an AGP thing).
My unpopular opinion on this topic I guess (I'm not saying you're wrong and this is an interesting discussion even though I'm not 100% convinced by what you're saying) is that a man who is only 'sexually' attracted to women but not romantically attracted isn't 'really' straight. This goes against what I was saying earlier because it suggests most men might not be 'really' straight so I'll take the L on that but I think if moids have attraction that doesn't extend into some kind of affection then they don't have a 'real' sexuality the way women do.
No. 2035041>>2035045>>2035619
In patriarchal societies, the distinction between love and rape is profoundly misunderstood, perpetuating male dominance and deepening misogyny. Love, a fundamental human need, involves selfless care for another's needs and acceptance of another as part of oneself. In contrast, the act of rape is selfish and often serves only the gratification of the one performing it.
Patriarchy’s most insidious deception is the conflation of love and rape, sustaining men’s hatred for women. Men rarely allow themselves genuine love; even when they do, it can quickly devolve into domination. This misunderstanding leads men to fail in forming genuine loving relationships, engage in rape, and consume pornography. Rape is about exerting dominance rather than mutual desire.
This distortion allows men to rationalize abhorrent behaviors like the rape of their female relatives and children by equating perverse sex with love. Most pedophiles will justify raping by calling it love. Their misogyny is so ingrained that they reserve authentic love for other men, often blurring into homosexuality because again, they conflate love and rape. Rape signals dominance, reinforcing hierarchical structures, between humans but also other living creatures and objects.
The patriarchal conflation of loving and raping perpetuates male supremacy and dehumanizes women. This ideology reveals that men are unlikely to change, as patriarchy satisfies their desires for dominance, despite being subpar. And the system meets their needs, so men won't change, even if it makes them miserable.
No. 2035059>>2035061
>>2035006>I think most (all, actually) pedophiles are nonexclusive pedophiles, I don't think pedophilia is a sexual orientation.I think you're correct because the vast majority of people (99% men ofc) who commit pedophilic crimes aren't "true" pedophiles, they're not really sexually into kids but did it anyway because they had the opportunity to. It's a well known fact when working with sexually abused kids. Perhaps it's the abuse of power itself that turns them on.
Similarly in prisons the males who rape other males and their
victims can't be separated because they're the same group. They end up raping each other, they're not usually gay but want to commit violent sexual crimes and the
victim then get some sort of power revenge by doing it to other men and the cycle continues within the same group.
No. 2035104
>>2035098yeah I think I'd be okay with continuing education if I felt like I actually learned valuable things but in my experience and from observing others you're paying out the ass to get heavily propagandized and often traumatized
I'm also okay with working to produce something of tangible value, but not when it demands so much from you for so little
No. 2035335
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I never thought Rumer Willis was hideously ugly and it's fucked how much flack she got for her looks, despite plenty of women with masculine jaws being considered "hot" in the past. See: Sirgouney Weaver, Jennifer aniston
No. 2035513>>2035524>>2035533
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Couples with the big height difference aren’t that cute they make it their whole personality teehee I’m so smol look at my big man or the man is like IM SO BIG LOOK AT MY TINY GF I already know these fools are ugly in the face, and I’ve frankly seen too much pedo panderers in this sort of relationship
No. 2035520>>2035526
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Black media has really regressed since the early 2000s. Now it just seems like trauma porn for white people and something to remind black people of their place. Back in the days there were plenty of shows that had black characters and the show had nothing to do about race. How many slavery movies do we really need at this point?
No. 2035652>>2035729>>2035827
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Baked beans are great. Excellent poverty food, the cans are cheap and it's easy to make from scratch as well if you have time. Add an egg or two on the side and some fried tomato/mushrooms and you have a decent meal. People just performatively hate on baked beans because British food is one of the few politically correct things to mock online. Extra pathetic when Americans hate on beans while eating nothing but sugar cereal and pop tarts for breakfast. At least beans have some nutritional value.
No. 2035700
>>2035682it’s clearly a retarded male who’s confused on what website he stumbled upon. MUH MALE VICTUMSSSSS WAHHHH WOMEN
TERF MAN HATE!!! yeah out of the swarms of female sex abuse and rape
victims that could fill all of the planets in space to make a whole ecosystem, yeahh
(scrotefoiling) No. 2035713
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Cool, now show the statistics of males raping little boys! Oh I guess you won’t… kek
No. 2035719>>2035758>>2036839
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I'll post it here because I never met anyone with the same opinion and I am very much aware it's a huge nitpick on my part, but I absolutely hate Split Diopter shots. If it's subtle then I'll ignore it, but most of the time I think they look terrible and dumb. Seeing the background shift from blurry to crisp midway feels so wrong to me.
No. 2036039
>>2036034My practicing/trad catholic uncle got divorced by his wife who was cheating on him and stealing his money for 18 years, most of the time even 'traditional' Catholics do divorce now. He basically just accepted her leaving him and blamed himself because he 'must have been a bad husband' even though it was one of the only cases ever where the wife was obviously
abusive (to her children too) and he was the less
problematic one. I think actual 'devout' Catholics in traditional Catholic countries usually just feel really guilty about anything and everything including the men but they don't really upkeep a lot of the norms around divorce, abortion, birth control and what-have-you unless they're really hardcore. This might be different with US Catholics though (US catholicism is closer to evangelical protestantism in nature imo) but it's a pretty defanged and 'modernized' religion now and most people don't really hard-bail from the religion in my experience, they just soft-bail by becoming a 'cultural catholic' who doesn't practice but celebrates like christmas and easter. I think I'm lucky I was the only kid in my family who wasn't raised Catholic but mainly because everyone else has insane guilt complexes, it's not usually more misogynistic than mainstream society at this point. Every religion was built on patriarchy/misogyny basically and even people (men) who don't practice religion anymore still have the same ingrained biases.
No. 2036051
>>2036036 and my mum was pretty heavy handed with her punishments. Her and my dad divorced eventually and he helped me get my own place to "get away from her" so you might be on to something.
No. 2036066
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>>2036026Ask Muslims what they think of the false prophet Muhammad raping 9 year old Aisha.
(repetitive bait) No. 2036067>>2036262
>>2036062Hmm never seen that, also all the Catholics I know are supportive of single moms because they think it's the father's fault for abandoning her. The single mom hate always seemed like a pretty Protestant thing to me because they don't take responsibility very seriously as a concept. But this could be a cultural difference.
>>2036063They've been places for hundreds of years and the country they 'got' wasn't 'theirs' and it has created problems that a bunch of Western European countries and the US just got together and decided to grab some land and make it an ethnostate, so maybe this wasn't the best solution?
No. 2036083>>2036097
>>2036052Ayrt, I say this because I was born and raised and still unfortunately live in a Muslim country, and studied the religion against my will in detail for ages. I'm an "ex-muslim" now, but when I see muslim westerns, it feels like they understand nothing of the religion and aren't practicing it at all. I'm talking about convert types and several generations immigrants types, not recent immigrants who are already Muslim and come from muslim countries. Though the islam of muslim countries does differ, some have the watered down lite version, some have the extreme version, some are in between. But the western ones are definitely the most watered down ones. They do all the things the religion says are haram and rarely do the things they're supposed to do, or do them wrong all together. For example they listen to music, watch animation and TV shows with acting, use cameras and take photots of real people, draw people, make music (my favorite example of this is a spanish moid troon who is "muslim" but has an English female name and wears hijab), are LGBT in some way or another, believe in some science (which is haram in islam since 100% of science contradicts islam), the women leave their houses which is also haram, the ones who wear hijab don't even wear it correctly, some don't wear it all together, some don't wear abayah (the long big clothing), they wear jeans and shorts and shirts with prints that have text or human/animal/cartoon characters drawings which are haram according to Islamic shiekhs, they hang pictures of people in their houses which is haram, they have dogs which is haram, they cut their hair too short/have buzz cuts/shave their faces which are all haram, they copy non-muslim westerns' trends which is also haram, and so many other things they conveniently ignore because it's too outrageous to follow anyways, but why convert to a suffocating religion if you don't wamt to follow its retarded rules? But tbf these rules are hard to grasp if you don't speak arabic. I hope you get what I'm trying to say.
No. 2036094>>2036101
>>2036046In my case it's both parents being
abusive, just in different ways. But the abuse I got from my mom was saying and forcing me to do things that made me hate womanhood. Such as shaving, learning how to cook and clean "to please my future husband", saying that if I don't study and get a job she'll marry me off to get rid of me, telling me to never talk about my period so my dad won't marry me off at 12, not letting me cut my hair, forcing me to wear makeup, not letting me wear pants and tell me it will melt into my skin while I'm sleeping and she will skin me alive to take it off -I was like 9 when she told me this-, locking me up in a room to force me to brush my hair, not letting me eat or giving me too little portions to keep me thin, not letting me get medicated for chronic illness, and both of my parents don't let me leave the house at all without my mom coming with me unless I'm going to school or university later on, and she's still coming with me while I'm applying for internship. Got lectured by an interviewer about how it's inappropriate and a bad look to go to an HR office with my mom, and I understand and know that I look retarded when I'm 22 and my mom still comes everywhere I go, but its out of my hand. She thinks I'll go rouge and come back pregnant or something if she doesn't accompany me. But credit where credit is due, she saved me from my brother who
#was sexually assaulting me and it was the only time she was on my side for once. Other than that, she tells me I owe her shit and should spend my hard earned money on her and fulfill her dreams, and I know damn well I won't get anything in return from this so I'll never do it. My dad was also horrible but that's a topic for another day. He's old and dying and probably developing Alzheimer's so I'll be ok with him out of the way. Sage for blogpost.
No. 2036097>>2036118
>>2036083Yeah anon I understand exactly what you're trying to say, although I think it's common with pretty much all religions that modern practitioners (especially in the West) do all sorts of things that are considered forbidden either by religious leaders or religious texts. I was under the impression though that hijab is a newish invention in Islam, I admittedly don't know that much about it but aren't you supposed to follow your own religious leader in Islam (like the biggest authority is a person not a book like it is in Protestant christianity) so that's why there's so many different 'versions'? Like arguably it's the same with Catholicism, you're 'supposed' to follow the Pope but the Pope has been saying a bunch of stuff that goes directly against the bible, but since the catechism says you 'have to' believe everything the Pope says (officially in his capacity as pope) then some people just listen to him and think it's fine to be troons, get abortions, have gay sex etc. while others think he's a false pope and would rather follow the bible and catholic traditions. I thought that's similar to Islam.
Anyway yeah I don't know a lot of 'multi generational' or convert Muslims here, most I know and see around me are either first or second gen immigrants/refugees and most are quite traditional by 'western' standards I guess even if some of the shit they do is still haram according to your post. I see a lot of 'chill western' Catholics here because I live in a traditionally/historically Catholic area so like every local's family is nominally Catholic but very few of them are actually practicing, whereas I see much less of that with other religions.
No. 2036118>>2036123
>>2036097Good question, yes that's what Shiekhs are for. Each country has one appointed by the government which is basically there to abuse and control the people, since that's the whole point of religion anyways and it works unfortunately. "My country" (hate it too much to call it that kek) has a bit of a unique situation though where they used to be more open minded and moderate, until a very extremist sect, the most extreme one ever, think ISIS levels of extreme, somehow infiltrated the government and the government liked the idea of that absolute control, and it got turned into a dictatorship theocracy that I'm not even exaggerating when I say is basically a cult on a country scale. This happened in the 90s-2000s then got eradicated gradually. Very recently a few years ago there were shiekhs in cars roaming the streets with staffs they use to beat anyone they disapprove of in public, break into public celebrations and destroy the music instruments and beat the people up and yell at them for having fun, arresting randoms all the time, putting bans on shorts for males, arresting "disobedient" women and putting them in concentration camps where they torture them to death, sexually assault them, and drive them to suicide, force people to destroy their own TVs, computers, radios, and burn their wedding pictures and any pictures of their kids and so much more. Then a shift happened in the government and a new ruler decided to tone these things down a bit, some still exist, some went away. But the people were programmed to act this way in schools and their own households for nearly 30 years now, so it's too late to get all open-minded and lenient now. All efforts to become more moderate are going to waste because the people are too brainwashed thanks to the literal cult tactics to accept the change. In other words, the cult won. And I'm not exaggerating when I say a cult. They used to beat the teachings into us in school and at home, they still do this, they force us to stand up in the morning and read Quran verses and Dua'a and anyone who doesn't gets punished, they give us extensive Quran and sharia lessons and most of the grades and emphasis is on them and you can fail all the other courses no problem. They teach the stories of Noah's arc and the such as actual real history, the science books are all fabricated and changed to suit the stories from Quran, art and sports/gym classes aren't allowed until very recently and same for music education, the history of Arabic itself is fabricated and taugh according to islam (first language in history, the mother of all languages, the language of Adam and Allah etc.), even eating habits and which hand or foot to use in your daily life is monitored and enforced according to islam and so on. This constant surveillance dirves people insane and make them super paranoid even in private, and they lash out on each other and try to prevent each other from getting out of line. There's this one "influencer" who fleed the country and lives in America now, she still upholds the religion and culture to an extent, but doesn't wear hijab or Abaya and shows her face and body, so people send her death threats 24/7 and want the government to arrest her and kill her, because they think "she's ruining our image". What I'm trying to say is islam is very akin to cults and controls ALL your behaviors and sayings, and not following it 100% in detail is considered not being Muslim enough. Mulsims in Muslim counties don't approve of the western and immigrant ones and don't take them seriously mostly, but there's a minority with an inferiority complex and a fetish for white people who cream their pants when a white person converts, especially a woman because it's their dream to conquer a western white woman kek. There was actually a story about one Russian woman who married a guy from here and when she moved with him to here she regretted it immediately and took the kids and went back to Russia. Don't want to
victim blame but what was she thinking would happen lol.
No. 2036145>>2036147>>2036153
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>>2036138True, but you will learn that men have never been the prize all along and you’ll stop chasing them. I get most women are naturally attracted to them (another example of nature’s cruelty) but you were missing out on nothing, young scrotes are even worse with their innate XY brutality and bullying and the only thing they value is which girls mirror the porn and social media archetypes they’ve been exposed to at a young age. Men are not really able to love women wholly, they have to compartmentalize us into brands like they’re at a shopping malls, rendered to objects with defining characteristics that scale your fuckability and worth as a human being. A man’s love is pure objectification and going through your youth dating a scrote who is learning how to grow into his natural parasitic nature will grow even more heartbreak for you. Sounds corny but you can really get the same feeling of euphoria and happiness from good female friendships
No. 2036149>>2036152>>2036157
>>2036142Yeah but most normal healthy people don't really care that much about what happened to them when they were 12 or 13. It's kind of weird and mentally unwell to be past the age of 20 and still waxing poetic about how all the other girls in eighth grade were prettier than you and that's why you're a loser now. Like okay. Maybe it's time to go out into creation and find some new, more adult, problems instead of being obsessed with everything that went wrong for you in junior high. It's just so weird when people blame THEIR poor self-esteem on other people and make it seem like they're a helpless
victim to their own mentality.
No. 2036157
>>2036149No one said anything about 'caring much' about that time period though, people often have low self esteem as a result of something that happened in adolescence without even consciously realizing it. It seems like this
triggered some personal memory in you though since you're talking about people 'waxing poetic' about something and it's certainly not anyone in this thread that's doing it. Therapy also won't help you with that and having low self esteem from a developmentally critical time is quite literally an adult problem.
No. 2036170>>2036172>>2036175>>2036186
>>2036161Yeah so if it's a complex it's weird and unhealthy and should be discussed with a therapist kek that's my whole point.
>>2036162Anon I didn't go to prom and I didn't date anyone until I was 18 and living on my own as an adult. I had a normal adolescence but that's all it was: adolescence. Now that I'm an adult I don't stay up at night thinking about xyz from when I was 16 or blaming my problems on things that happened to me in high school. I have actual real life problems now in the adult world so I don't really have time to spend thinking about high school drama. What I'm saying is it's kind of juvenile and stunted to act like what a 14 year old boy says to you has the power to forever and irreversibly alter your self-image.
>>2036164If you're above 20 years old you should know that the opinions of retarded scrotes really don't matter and you don't have to care about what they think or let it impact how you live your life to any extent. It's like that classic proverb "haters gonna hate," if someone wants to hate you that's their prerogative and doesn't really have anything to do with you.
No. 2036175>>2036184
>>2036170Why? What's a therapist going to do to help? If there is an obvious 'treatment' for low self esteem you can just post it in the thread, no need to ask a therapist.
>>2036170Low self esteem and complexes (that you're aware of or not) literally are actual real life problems for adults, believe it or not. People don't need to 'think about' their past in order for their past to have already affected them, and you can't just go back and make the past un-affect you. This is an incredibly simplistic way of thinking and it seems like you don't spend a lot of time observing human behavior at all.
No. 2036184>>2036189>>2036194
>>2036172No, I had like 3 boyfriends in college but they weren't serious relationships kek, most ended after a year, just normal collegiate experimentation. I don't get what that has to do with anything I'm saying, I feel like your reaching because you feel called out but I didn't mean to be mean-spirited or anything. I'm just saying if you have low self-esteem as an adult and still blame the people you were around when you were a teenager, maybe it would be beneficial to work through those feelings in therapy.
My whole point is, if I let a man, any man, have such control over my mind and my life that his response or attitude towards me can dictate how I feel and think about myself: that would be retarded and I could not accept living a life like that. That's just unthinkable to me. I think that would constitute a mental issue that I'd have to sort with a therapist. I could not exist if my mind was so centred around men that their opinions of me could make or break me.
>>2036175Kek believe it or not therapy can help improve self-esteem and self-image. I know it sounds crazy but you can ask a therapist yourself and they'll be very informative about it.
No. 2036194>>2036200
>>2036184No one in the thread even 'blamed the people they were around' they just mentioned that girls who get no romantic attention tend to develop low self esteem. No one 'blamed' anyone specific and honestly I'm starting to think
>>2036179 is right and you're reacting so defensively because you feel bad about something you did to a classmate around that age. All your highly specific verbiage about 'waxing poetic' and 'blaming people who did things to you when you were kids' sounds like it's from a completely different conversation and like it's referring to something personal.
Women who develop complexes or low self esteem over a matter of years because they lack certain common developmental experiences are not letting 'a man' dictate their life or control their mind. An entire several years' worth of experiences is not 'a man.'
>>2036184I don't believe therapy usually improves self-esteem - if it did and there was a reliable way to do that there would be no need to 'ask a therapist' as the information would be widely available and possible for people to use themselves without visiting any therapists.
No. 2036200>>2036204>>2036206
>>2036193Actually I would tell that woman that.
>Hey, I know your parents were really cruel to you growing up, I can see it still affects you now. I think it would be a good idea to work through these complex feelings with a dedicated professional, instead of letting what happened to you in your youth rule over you into your adulthood. Change is possible, I believe in you and I know you can make strides on improving your self-image.Why would I want that woman to stew in her negative feelings? Life is about moving
on from things and growing.
>>2036194>I don't believe therapy usually improves self-esteem - if it did and there was a reliable way to do that there would be no need to 'ask a therapist' as the information would be widely available and possible for people to use themselves without visiting any therapists.Not to be mean but this sounds really really dumb.
No. 2036209>>2036217>>2036218
>>2036204Well, yeah. They do need to get over it. That's the point of growing up. People who are THAT affected by their youths are stunted and emotionally stuck and need to work through their thoughts and issues to grow up and mature. It's like, if someone goes through a rough childhood they aren't a lost cause. They can always turn their lives around and move on.
>>2036206If you think therapy doesn't work because "if it did then I could do it if I read about it online!" that's just dumb I can't help dumb I'm sorry.
No. 2036221
>>2036214You keep acting like you're in denial about the fact that a phrase of brain development isn't just something that can be 'gotten over,' your brain is permanently altered. You can continue to change and develop your personality and cognitive habits but the key developmental period for your brain and the structural and cognitive changes you develop then are a key, and basically permanent, part of your personality and life history. It is weird and unrealistic to act like the 5-7 most important years of your life for brain development are just something you can quickly 'get over,' like you're a transformer and shed your previous form magically at the age of eighteen.
Also you're talking about how people should 'act like adults' but apparently the way they should do this is to go to a random stranger to be told how to think and feel.
No. 2036223>>2036232
>>2036217Again not to be mean but likewise I've gone to shitty therapists and good ones alike and the difference of care is palpable. I was also told I was spoiled and ungrateful by a therapist as a teen too, but I actually thought about what the therapist said and I realized I was acting spoiled and I wasn't acting grateful for my life and it spurred me to change and to grow. Not every therapist is gonna hold your hand, and they shouldn't do that to begin with. I think the best therapists are the ones that aren't gonna bullshit you and will engage in provocative conversations and tell you things that maybe you aren't ready to hear. If you're still struggling with your self-esteem into your adulthood, I'd seriously suggest joining a support group or trying to find a better therapist or counsellor to help you work through your issues.
>>2036218Again I can't help with dumb, I'm sorry. You're just stuck in some echo chamber and no matter what I say you're not gonna hear me anyway over your own echos. All the best.
No. 2036229>>2036231>>2036245
>>2036218I went to a therapist to discuss self esteem issues. Long story short was fighting with a boyfriend about a past girlfriend he would not stop name dropping so when he was drunk I got on his phone went to his fb messages and found his ex disparaging me with embellished information I had told my therapist who coincidentally is that cunt's friend. I didn't screenshot the messages I got immediately angry and the scrote took his phone back. I did not report the therapist I stopped going to her and bad mouthed her around my hometown. Therapy can be a load of shit. Therapists can be jaded in their jobs and gossip about clients. I now wouldn't seek out a local therapist due to privacy fears. Also I found most of what was told to be blatantly obvious. My self esteem issues came from family abandonment and an
abusive upbringing so I need to be confident to stand on my own two feet. It's hard, I get burnt out easily, I'm sensitive, I self reflect and if anything the therapist set me back on my trust issues lol
No. 2036232>>2036233>>2036235>>2036245>>2036253
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>>2036223Yes I was stuck in the 'echo chamber' of Clinical Psyc graduate classes with a bunch of people who are now 'therapists' who I unfortunately knew and talked to daily for many years, I know they don't have any 'solutions' for self esteem because they openly admit they don't. You'll only get that admission out of a therapist if they regard you as a peer, and not a 'client' aka lower being, in which case they will pretend to know some magical methods to help you that don't actually exist.
Maybe the published data can convince you (imgrel)
No. 2036239>>2036263
>>2036233I don't think you understood my post anon, lmao.
>>2036235Yes. No therapy in the meta-analysis (of 71 randomized controlled trials) worked better than placebo. The only thing that worked better than placebo was fluoxetine alone, or fluoxetine plus CBT (which worked the same amount, suggesting the CBT doesn't add anything). None of other the drug interventions worked better than placebo either although that's somewhat irrelevant. 7 different types of psychotherapy were investigated. This is from the Lancet btw, widely regarded as the world's best medical journal: No. 2036240>>2036244
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Women have to be psyop'd into wanting to have children. There is nothing intrinsically appealing about it, all the rewards are lizardbrained chemical or societal copes. All mom groups converge to engage in joint coping. Postpartum depression = postpartum clarity. There's a reason wealthy women pay someone else to birth and raise if possible, and we would pass on those too if we could. We are shackled to the cycle of life and it's not even fun.
No. 2036245>>2036255>>2036259
>>2036229I'm sorry that you went through that, that's really fucked up and I get why you aren't comfortable with therapists anymore. I said therapy a lot in my posts, but I think self-work and introspection is also very beneficial. It sounds like you targeted your areas of issue and worked through them, which is what I wish everyone would do. I think even you admitting that it's hard and burns you out easily is really brave, because it shows that you're still working at it and striving to get better. I really do think that moving through something is much better than being stuck in something.
>>2036232I don't read your posts so I can't respond, but I just wanted to say stop trying to engage with me because I'm not engaged. If you wanna cry about how therapy isn't real or whatever you can do that, but I'm not gonna be reading it. All the best.
No. 2036277
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>>2036253Even when therapies are conducted 'properly' they can still cause harm because a lot of the ideas behind it are just not good ideas and the people that came up with them don't fully know or understand what they're doing. Here's another example in this case a paper discussing how child mental health interventions can actually cause more mental health issues: No. 2036321
triggered a memory when I was in my first year of school I went to the bathroom and an unknown older boy pupil honestly no idea what age that kicked the stall door open and kicked me there. He ran out. I was in shock and sore and went back and told the teacher a boy kicked me and my pee had blood. He had cut me I honestly can't remember my memory goes bad but I have no idea if the boy was caught I wouldn't have been able to pick him out and I vaguely remember my dad going mental in the school office before i went home or to the doctor no idea. Maybe that boy was a retard we had a special Ed class
No. 2036380>>2036682>>2036791
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Companies who offer inclusive shade ranges do not care about non-pale clientele. They just want to make more money. It is the same as "vegan" items. Not that being inclusive is a terrible thing, but acting as if those companies truly gaf is comical.
No. 2036393>>2036396
>>2036386I know some CSA
victims who openly talk about it with friends and other close family, and some even successfully reported to police and got their abusers punished, but don't go to therapy. I don't know why therapy is the only option other than hiding trauma.
I was just browsing the bad therapy experiences thread someone bumped and a bunch of women were talking about male therapists obviously getting off on their trauma or literally suggesting they become sex workers, I would not trust a male stranger at least with that kind of info (and possibly not a female stranger either as the type of women likely to go into therapy often want power over others).
No. 2036396
>>2036390Sorry, I don't, I was just going off my own situation where I caught myself doing or saying things that remind me of my own trauma and I try to change that about myself. I already said that I have no similar experience and I apologized for that. You can explain it to me if you want to but you don't have to.
>>2036393That's really unfortunate. I also think female therapists are usually libfem types who support trooning women out to "fix them" and stuff like that. Therapy in general seems to be easily influenced by opinions and personal biases which is why I doubt it. Your best bet is going to a senior, old fashioned more serious therapist if one really needs that.
On a slightly related tangent, I remembered this video of some rock band guy going to therapy and the therapist was an African man, like actually from an African country, and he talked to him about African rituals and fatherhood, the rock band man was abandoned by his father and stuff, and the therapist's idea to help him out with it was making him scream and cry in front of a camera? Weird ass therapy session. Why even film that? It was kinda uncomfortable to watch as well, I thought they were gonna have a serious conversation or something but nah. All the things they discussed were super surface level and common sense/obvious.
No. 2036419>>2036431>>2037055
>>2036405What kind of therapy was that? That's interesting because studies never have better than placebo/normal course-of-treatment results for any PTSD therapies. It's considered one of the most impossible mental illnesses to treat.
>>2036406No actually people who don't like therapy sound like someone of their own age who doesn't believe it works, and no one ever demands that I try smudging or crystal healing or hanging myself upside down over a waterfall first to 'see' whether it works.
No. 2036439>>2036471
>>2036398Iirc not thinking about it
is an actual therapy technique, where whenever you catch yourself thinking the unwanted thought, you distract yourself until it never occurs to you again. Sorry it didn't work for you, but that's not my problem.
No. 2036440>>2036452
>>2036431I have PTSD lol.
Physiotherapy has tons of evidence suggesting it is effective, unlike therapy.
No. 2036471
>>2036452No I didn't make it up, are you asking me to spoonfeed you? You're the one repeatedly claiming it's super effective and comparing it to physiotherapy.
>>2036439I don't know if it's a common therapy technique since most common therapeutic approaches for PTSD actually involve specifically focusing on and trying to 'reprocess' the trauma but personally trying not to think about it and distracting myself from flashbacks was effective for my flashbacks and most other symptoms, unfortunately I still have sleep issues.
No. 2036791
>>2036380They only care about money. It might be different now but when I still used foundation in my teens I could never get a light and cool enough foundation at the drugstore because that was the other end of the "extreme" that didn't sell well.
Makeup companies inherently don't give a shit about their clientele because they need you to be insecure and hate yourself to sell their products.
No. 2036847
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Looks are important in relationships. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves. Yeah no shit you can’t base a relationship entirely on looks but not being actually attracted to your partner leads to being miserable. They always tell on themselves whenever they give a little speech about how their Nigel is soooo much better than some hot moid because even though he’s ugly he’s nice and sticks around. Majority of people are aware they’re not 10/10 models, and most of us don’t end up with them either. They tell on themselves because when you’re truly in love with someone, even if they’re not the best looking objectively, they become the best looking to you. People truly in love don’t need to make a whole spiel about how all the things that make up for their partner’s ugliness because they don’t even register their partners as ugly. If you have to look past your partner’s ugliness why are you even wasting their time. It’s embarrassing how much people settle in order not to be alone.
No. 2036870>>2036873
>>2036862I don’t know what that has to do with the later generations of feminists who had time to learn, those women clearly were at the starting point so of course they were chained to scrotes. What is our proper excuse? There is none, we can’t hide our failures anymore, we’ve squandered the very little those women have fought for.
>>2036869Twitterfag meme. Opinion discarded
No. 2036886
>>2036878>They’re included plus IVF is expensive and most women don’t go through that route.kek that's the only way they're going to be able to have children if they want to maintain their rights nonners. otherwise they gotta get with a moid the old fashioned way and most mothers are not going to forego her rights just to ensure she can have children. doing so is detrimental to her children's future.
>we are not equal to men in any capacitycorrect. we're better than men in every capacity that isn't raw brute strength.
>capitalismgirl our problems go way deeper than capitalism. males currently have more capital than women (an inequality that would get worse if you rolled back women's rights) and they have rape ape tard strength. you want actual equality? cripple all moids so they can't lord their strength over women and children.
No. 2037015>>2037017
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>>2036956I literally don’t care who dies there, man or woman. Fuck them
>>2036973He needs to give the right call immediately
>>2037002>t. crying little sperg getting upset at a mistake they could simply ignore (bait) No. 2037023>>2037057
>>2037016If you live in the USA a you can….
>get a job and save up around 20k within one year(since you lived with your parents worrying about spending money on bills wouldn’t be an issue, therefore everything you make can go into a savings account)>buy a car and teach yourself how to drive. You don’t need to have a license to buy a car. Just don’t drive retarded enough for cops to stop you.>get roommates from Craigslist(this is what I did back in 2008 and idk if it’s the same anymore)or bumble bffAs an uggo with disabilities who no guys wanna date I can never take women seriously when they claim they went with shitty scrotes for money/shelter because as an uggo finding a man to mooch on was never an option so I had to think of creative ways to survive. This is why I know it’s a lazy persons excuse. Depending on scrotes for money should only be used in extreme situations like you live in a 3rd world country or you have a terminal illness that prevents you from working.
No. 2037170
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>>2037138I guess? The recent changes in how people gamble have been interesting though. I remember betting on football games being a niche thing years ago but now every low iq man I know wants to "invest" in draft kings and get rich kek. In my mind the stereotypical gambler is a moid addicted to sports betting or other dumb online casino games, there seems to be a lot of them.
No. 2037282>>2037306>>2037309>>2037316>>2037323>>2037326>>2037334
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I never realized until now how scrotey this character was. Cutting off her face and only showing her cleavage, yeah this was definitely objectification at work
No. 2037318
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>>2037309it's exhausting, men are allowed to be ugly/old and successful in media and still portrayed as good, the only time they portray old or ugly women as successful is if she's a villan
No. 2037333>>2037356
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>>2037323Nta but she’s the only adult who never gets to show her face in the show?
No. 2037334>>2037354
>>2037330im not
>>2037282 but you're right i do hate feminine women
No. 2037344>>2037347
>>2037340First she would have to get a job at a fast food place, which is already rare since they ghost most applicants, then hope she doesn't get fired within the first few months (things these employers are known for doing), then hope she gets scheduled enough hours. Most of these places wouldn't date scheduling for more than 10-25 hours a week even if you beg for full time
Oh and you can thank the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" crowd for all of this too
No. 2037355>>2037361
>>2037353You clearly haven't struggled and thanks for not holding employers accountable for staffing properly
Anyway here's actual advice for the anon and not from someone who doesn't know shit about the current job market
Make a service and advertise it - whether it be cleaning, babysitting, lawn mowing, etc. You can choose what locations you can go to, make your own schedule and it makes way more money than fast food
No. 2037376>>2037378>>2037409
>>2037340>Most women wouldn’t want to ride their bike at night I'm so tired of reading things like this. Women don't ride their bikes at night in your mind? Where do you live?
I mean yeah it is a lot more dangerous to ride a bike at night but not for any sex specific reason, you're just more likely to get hit by a car in the dark.
No. 2037396
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>>2037395And little children unironically think they can start a lemonade stand without a permit
No. 2037455>>2037475
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>>2037438I have a similar experience. It was easier for me to get a "comfy, office job" that pays more and even provides benefits than it was for me to get the job in retail. That should tell you the absolute state of retail employers: they expect so much, even "real" jobs will pick up the people they reject.
No. 2037492>>2037518
>>2037482Samefag lmao I meant early 2010s I'm not a literal Gen Xer
>>2037480I agree and I also think it depends where you live. People never seem aware that different countries or even states/cities/communities have really different employment conditions, there are people here from all over the world but the advice given is always really general when that might not apply somewhere else. I know people who work in nursing who got paid less than minimum wage because of employment exceptions from immigrants, one of my freelance jobs I used to work was with refugee integration and people with actual medical, dentistry and engineering degrees were being told that once they moved here they needed to do 5-10 years of retraining to qualify for the jobs they had in their wartorn shitholes.
No. 2037495>>2037506
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>get a skill and proof of that skill that's core in the "field" you're looking for. Just one certification was all I needed to get my current job. If you half-achieved some knowledge or skill, put that on the resume anyway. They'll train you to do everything "their way" if you make the job anyway. Be honest if they ask you about how experienced you are in your "sub skill", but talk about it with some passion.>your resume, you gotta make it look neat and professional. Easy to read, generic Times New Roman size 12. You should also put some design on the resume, but nothing "flashy">be "needy" and persistent when you're applying. Look for literally any and every single job in the field you're interested in that's located in your area or nearby. Even apply to multiple positions at the same company. You have to completely throw yourself out there>of course, dress your best, relax, and mostly just be yourself in the interview. IME, employers are more likely to like you if they can tell you're not "forcing it".so far, that's it on my behalf.
No. 2037498>>2037502
>>2037494Ngl from what I’ve seen there are plenty of rich parents at least in the United States who just want a nice lady to stay home and watch the babies, so there are absolutely possible job opportunities where you don’t need a license and can get paid a fair wage. I don’t think anything’s totally impossible i believe
nonny can get her ideal job and work environment
No. 2037523
>>2037515I'm pretty sure my cv is a Microsoft template and it basically has like a title border at the top that has my name and contact details.
A column with my key skills and specialisations and a wider column with my employment history and any transferable skills relevant to the position I'm applying for. It's 2 sided
No. 2037545>>2037551
>>2037520Stop being lazy and wake up, I knew people that got paid 200 daily for babysitting for 5 hours
for a stripper single mom… But still insanely good money telling her "just keep getting ghosted by McDonald's other than doing work for neighbors" is the most ridiculous advice I've ever heard
No. 2037652>>2037663
>>2037643I have non-transactional friendships but I agree with you this is becoming increasingly common and I also agree with
>>2037650 that it's the rise in therapyspeak being taken up by normies. True friends won't shit on you for 'traumadumping' if you occasionally tell them personal shit but more and more people do most of their social interaction online and internalize twitterspeak bullshit and get a kick out of talking down to their real life 'friends' with twitter lingo.
Counterpoint I think transactional friendships can be healthy if you go into them knowing they're transactional, most people want something from one another when they form relationships and their love for you won't be unconditional but you should realize what type of relationship it is up front.
No. 2037663>>2037672
>>2037650Agree with this so muchhhhh
>>2037652I’m scared they act like genuine friendships are a rarity and that friendships have some mechanical approach that you must apply like some drone working in a factory. I do agree on the transactional friendships being necessary but I’m personally someone who likes deeper relationships and convos
No. 2037672>>2037802
>>2037663I have both types of friends, I have some sworn blood brother (sister) type friendships that have lasted basically half my life where we're still close 2 decades later and I also have friendships that I feel are more transactional and were always transactional but are still pretty fun. The factor in common I've observed with the non-transactional long-lasting friendships is they're usually with people I didn't click with immediately but took a longer time to get to know, honest unpretentious people who weren't so quick to open up but once they did we got along despite having practically nothing in common on the surface. These friends are great for deep talks and emotional support but a lot of them don't have any interests or hobbies in common with me so they're not that practically useful when I need support with something job-related or a hobby/activity partner. The more transactional friends are people who I get along with fine, usually avoid overly deep/personal conversations with, but there is at least one thing we have in common that we like to talk about or do together. I keep in mind they would probably betray me in a heartbeat over some minor drama so I just don't start drama with them.
I don't know if that helps at all and I'm a younger millennial, I think zoomers might have more problems forming deeper friendships because of social media addiction and 2-3 years of zoom schooling making them emotionally disconnect from their peers, but usually what works for me is 'cast a wide net and see what catches' basically. I don't assume that just because someone seems just my type on paper we will get along, and I don't write off people who don't seem my type at first. That's how I got most of my closest and most loyal friends.
No. 2037741>>2037743>>2037989
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Being young does not make you immature. Women just use this is an excuse to be gold diggers. No you don’t think that old scrote is more mature he just has more money. They don’t wanna admit they’re too lazy to work or pay their own way so they want to claim they date older for maturity.
No. 2037786>>2037790
>>2037778Not that long for some. And then I'm going to badmouth them when they can't deny it.
Anyway it's hard not to retaliate back at a fat person cause they're such low hanging fruit insult wise like you obviously hate yourself if it physically pains you to carry your own weight.
No. 2037812
>>2037802Glad you think so and I hope it helps. I spent a lot of time when I was younger getting caught up in drama of friend groups who weren't offering me much and after seeing who lasted as real friends it was usually the exact last people I thought would turn out to be my best friends when I first met them. Microidentity shit now makes people think they need friends who tick off a list of preferences or required traits for a perfect friend but in my experience it's chill people who don't care about that who will have your back when you really need someone. I think a lot of young women are actually not initially attracted to other young women who are legitimately low-drama because we're encouraged to rapidly 'trauma bond' or in general bond over similar experiences but even when it comes to useful advice from friends the most useful advice usually came from people who didn't have the same attitudes and experiences as me because they could look at my experiences from the outside. Also actually being there for people in a concrete way helps a lot, like if your friend needs help moving or desperately needs someone to dogsit or needs a black blazer for a job interview if you go out of your way to help them, do it even if you don't feel like it and those people will usually get you back the next time you desperately need something. The main factor in lasting friendships is being reliable and trustworthy, not having a lot in common.
I realize this makes me seem like I was born in 1750 but lol unironically we could all benefit from reading some Jane Austen or something, friendship shouldn't be about one-upping each other.
No. 2037865>>2037868
>>2037834I have a story about this, spoilering for slight blogpost.
Disclaimer: am Muslim woman from a non extremist country where extremist groups are still trying to brainwash people.
I grew up in a chill family that taught me that religion asked us to be kind and principled, being good to your mother got you a shortcut to heaven, pursue knowledge regardless of what gender you are yadayada. I was confused and irritated when I got older and saw moids pulling weird misogynistic claims out of their ass, often fanfiction written by centuries dead mollahs. But the translation of one verse that says stuff about what to do if you are having disagreements with your wife (which I assume above nona mentioned) seemed legit so I looked into it.
"[first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them."
I did some research and found that the "strike" word is a convenient translation, apparently the word used there has various meanings, including "distance/break off ". I'm like, that sounds like a logical progression? First talk, then stop sharing the same bed, then break off the relationship if you can't fix thing. It makes much more sense than BEAT THEM out of nowhere after so many milktoast pacifist attempts to reconcile. But ofc men will translate this in a way that benefits them. Men truly ruin everything they touch, I feel pretty paranoid now and refuse to read any translated religious texts, gonna sign up to an online language course or something if I ever feel like reading them. No. 2037911>>2037980
>>2037878Who knows, but muhammad really hated pubes and was very concerned about his followers not washing their genitals:
>The Messenger of Allah said: Ten are the acts according to fitra: clipping the moustache, letting the beard grow, using the tooth-stick, snuffing water in the nose, cutting the nails, washing the finger joints, plucking the hair under the armpits, shaving the pubes and cleaning one's private parts with water. >"A time limit was set for us, by the Messenger of Allah, regarding trimming the mustache, clipping the nails and plucking the pubes; we were not to leave that for more than forty days," on one occasion he said: "Forty nights". No. 2037963
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>60% of Jordanian women approve of a wife being beaten over just burnt food
I am so happy that I'm not arab or muslim.
No. 2038011>>2038032
>>2038006It's because you're more likely to find a young moid who wants to settle down young and therefore will take the relationship more serious, most moids who are older had the mindset of "play around in your 20s and settle in your 30s" but once they claim to want to settle down, they never truly outgrew their whoring stage and will treat you like an inconvenience or will just project it onto whoever was desperate enough to settle down with him when he's no longer in his prime
I also assume this is why so many gen x moids were thriving on "wife bad" jokes, they never pursued something serious with who they actually wanted to be with, it was whoever was desperate enough to deal with them
No. 2038024
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>>2037990men viewed femininity a bit better before they killed off the goddesses. With female divinity dead and semitic monotheism's influence, the bottom feeder genetic garbage males set themselves up for a narcissistic circlejerk of a society in which Eve is the cause of all corruption and they get to act wise in their incel temples.
We were in peak form as a society when we thought the many gods were literally entering our heads and influencing our thoughts. There is a theory that some ancient peoples didn't even consider themselves conscious but rather a being whose thoughts are just whims of the many gods and deities.
No. 2038032
>>2038011Lol this may be true, most of the women I know in happy relationships are dating guys they met in their teens or early 20s, I think moids who want to settle down for real will take the opportunity early if they meet a girl they like, and spend years trying to prove to her that they really like her (not saying none of them turn out to be awful scrotes in the end, but I think these relationships often are more functional). The worst scrotes I've encountered through my friends are the type you are describing - moids who are mid-30s and then suddenly realize they want to 'settle down,' often with a much younger woman. One of my unfortunate pickme friends dated a 12y older moid starting at age 21, for 4 years, got an apartment with him, earned more than him already in her early 20s and paid the rent, and then after 4 years of dating he told her he 'wants to marry her therefore wants to take a break from their relationship just to make sure there isn't something better out there.' Even when they first started dating he was bald and insufferable; by the time he took a break from their relationship he was not only bald and insufferable but also a beer bellied alcoholic with no income and 36yo.
My poor dumbass friend actually went along with this farce for a year while he lied to her about sleeping with models and the daughter of the mayor (lol), then eventually realized she was just paying his rent for free and got some age-appropriate bodybuilder boyfriend.
No. 2038212>>2038255
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>>2038119NTA, but I disagree. Soyjaks are so awful to look at that I think they make great reaction images. Besides, down your path of logic lies the path of the troon. Where being a woman is not enough, you must act like a woman or else you are assumed male.
No. 2038256>>2038260>>2038265>>2038271>>2038277
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Witch noses are honestly ugly I had to say it. There’s no way you can beautify it because the size and curvature throws your entire facial balance off. I do not blame women with these noses getting plastic surgery to fix them and I thank god every day I was born with a normal one. I’ve only seen one woman who was able to rock her witch nose and she was already beautiful to begin with (of course she was insecure asf) but most just look wretched like she’s about to crush my bones into powder and make soup out of it
No. 2038260>>2038322
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>>2038256> but most just look wretched like she’s about to crush my bones into powder and make soup out of itthis is the motivation i needed to love my nose
No. 2038277>>2038286>>2038291>>2038342
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>>2038256You reminded me of when people were arguing about angel vs witch skull
No. 2038286>>2038294
>>2038271You’re right, there is no biological advantage that witch noses give, it’s not like how wide nostrils was a climate adaptation or how certain skin tones are able to absorb vitamin D more efficiently, it’s a clear sign of dysgenics and an unhealthy offspring. People have a habit of making things that are objectively ugly/unhealthy as beautiful because even normies through all their virtue signaling admit that beauty equates to worth so they’ll try to wrap shit with gold.
>>2038277The angel face is inherently more prettier than the one on the left
No. 2038350
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>>2038347>an early 50s Asian woman is more equivalent to a late 30s anglo woman>"white women age like milk"Anon…
No. 2038361>>2038365>>2038369>>2038389>>2038668
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Ugly weak men propagated because the agricultural revolution and invention of money, allowing them to have more resources than strong handsome men. We lost the naturally fit handsome mammoth killing men to pudgy tax collectors. They squeeze them out of existence. Every time you see some weak-gened schmuck work hard to be a lawyer or doctor it's purely to get a woman out of his league and water down what fit genes still walk this planet. It's ironically ruining the gene pool, as female sexual selection is one half of evolutionary progress. We actually have smaller brains now than when we were hunter-gatherers. Its the best time in the world to look like "the virgin" meme and be a weak-willed retard, in terms of safety and access to women and resource building.
It is no coincidence that one of the only populations of naturally body hairless, athletic, and full luscious haired no balding, money-less politician-less men were nearly eradicated from the planet as soon as the dirty balding scrotes landed on the coast.
No. 2038364>>2038377
>>2038356??? younger than the equivalent demographics I mentioned? What’s your point? Anon I was replying to said men date young women because a 50 year old looks worse than a 24 year old but even in places where it’s more common for it to at least be closer they’re actually
more youth obsessed and/or even ebephophilic, which doesn’t align with the logic.
No. 2038370>>2038386
>>2038369Really? The most balding men I've ever seen were white. I knew a highschool senior who was already balding at the back of his head at
eighteen. I met an Italian man, and he already
balded the fuck out before he was even thirty. I thought white moids were utterly cursed because of this.
No. 2038386>>2038393
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>>2038369the more domesticated by economics humans are, the worse off the men look. and yes I mean domesticated, as the human population unknowingly self-domesticated and became a weaker version of itself since we stopped moving around and hunting in order to become self-jailed wage slaves. when men are all so schlubby and weak they start to prefer even weaker looking women to seem manly, a great example being kpop beauty standards of skinny corpse legs or the global fear of muscular women.
>>2038370Italian men looked like ugly balding manlets even in ancient times.
No. 2038393
>>2038386> the worse off the men look.And what about the women?
> we stopped moving around and hunting in order to become self-jailed wage slaves.And as a result, Humanity created civilisation and greatly increased the prosperity of Humans compared to hunter-gatherer societies.
No. 2038402>>2038408
>>2038394> The lack of deformed Y chromosome makes most women turn out good-looking.Most genes regarding physical appearance are on autosomal chromosomes, which means that women will be as ugly or as beautiful as their fathers are.
And FYI, the Y chromosome and X chromosome exchange genes during meiosis, so you have genes from your father’s Y chromosome in half of your X chromosomes.
> The average woman is slightly attractive, whereas the average man is slightly unattractive.That’s impossible.
No. 2038403>>2038411
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>>2038389women's genes are also being impacted by this I agree. the difference is womens sexually dymorphic traits are still intact, higher bodyfat in modern age plus pressure to be hot keeps them looking desirable to the average man.
when men by contrast lose a ton of their sexually dymorphic traits and markers of fitness, women cope and deal with it. The equivalent of a small balding weak man isnt a small weak woman, but a 3/10 thin-haired breastless assless woman. thats why the chart showing that dating app women rate most men below average to be true: we instinctively know the ancestral average.
No. 2038408>>2038414
>>2038402Exactly why it’s more important to choose attractive males…?
And don’t be stupid, it’s true that men are less attractive than women.
No. 2038411>>2038416
>>2038403> womens sexually dymorphic traits are still intact, higher bodyfat in modern age plus pressure to be hot keeps them looking desirable to the average man. Why are you assuming that sexually dimorphism is the exact same thing as beauty? Ugly women can also be highly sexually dimorphic, they’re called butterfaces.
> when men by contrast lose a ton of their sexually dymorphic traits and markers of fitness, Such as?
No. 2038414
>>2038408It’s just as important to choose attractive males as it is to choose attractive females, unless you apply an equal selection pressure to females, ugly genes will creep into the gene pool through females just as easily as they do through males.
> it’s true that men are less attractive than women.In what way?
No. 2038424>>2038443
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>>2038336People of Asia are kind of pedophiles
No. 2038437>>2038444
>>2038421I never argued the reproductive choices were due to beauty, but what you're saying is a cope anyway. Whether it's due to lifestyle choices or genetics, most women look better than their male counterparts. Even men will agree, unless they're manosphere copers who blatantly ignore physical looks, mental fitness, etc to talk about money making a man "appreciate in value" (ie deferring to the ugly man strategy of resource-hoarding).
Female children tend to take after their father, so if you care about how your daughter's life will go, it's sensible to avoid men with certain features deemed ugly on women or "masculine".
>And to be honest handsome males should be more selective of which females they reproduce with, because reproducing with ugly females will ruin the genetics of their children just as much as if beautiful females reproduced with ugly males.Try telling this to men, attractive or not. They'll refuse to follow any advice like that because it's outside of their collective nature. They have sex with any woman available to them.
No. 2038443
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>>2038424>are kind of pedophilesI'd say it's more than kind of
No. 2038444>>2038446>>2038455>>2038459>>2038464
>>2038437> or geneticsThat literally cannot be why. Females are not a different race than males. Every female came from a male and a female just as every male came from a male and a female. Females in a population on average will have the exact same quality of genes as the males of that population.
No. 2038454
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>>2038425kek I was the other way around, mom wanted me to look as much like dad as possible. sorry mommy I have epicanthal folds and brown eyes, should have gotten a white womens IVF eggs or a surrogate, retard
No. 2038456>>2038461>>2038466
>>2038425Reposting just to share this video of this braindead mom. I still see this type of bullshit coming from mostly white women with how they sleep with other races and act like surprised retards when the baby comes out different looking. But mixed black women do that dumb shit too. They know they have white genes in them and that they're technically biracial, sleep with white men, and act surprised when the baby comes out "white". It's fucking stupid, and I hate that it's always women who act
this dumb about how genes work in interracial relationships.
No. 2038460>>2038465
>>2038457Why are you talking about beauty? Biologically whether or not someone has haemophilia is a more important survival factor anyway… Looks are just an indication of genetic quality (hence why the haemophilic royal family are diseased AND ugly kek). I am saying male and female genetic quality is not the same because men have less diverse genes so a low quality male is more harmful to the gene pool.
>also ugly men who do not have “homophobia”kek
No. 2038462
>>2038457But you kinda can though. A hemophilic will have swollen joints, will walk with a limp, and may be overweight or underweight due to lack of movement or nutrients.
Facial symmetry is strongly correlated to the quality of genes within a person.
No. 2038465>>2038468>>2038471
>>2038459> This is why you'll see things like a human female being more closely related to a female chimpanzee than a human male (and vice versa with a human male more closely related to a male chimpanzee.)That’s impossible. I don’t know who taught you biology but you should ask them for your money back.
>>2038460For what you said to be true the rate of mutations in X chromosomes would have to be far higher than what it is, but it isn’t. There is a 50% chance that a woman will share any one of her X chromosomes with any one of her brothers, and those X chromosome will be almost exactly the same across the siblings.
No. 2038498>>2038501
>>2038469he has a recessed jaw and the looks of the type of english lad who'd get kidnapped by vikings to dance in a mead hall and clean the spitting pot
>>2038474yeah if he didnt take his pillies he wouldn't live to cum in anyone and propagate yet another failmale attribute
>>2038475ok so you've proven dadbod doesnt have to exist and a few chads still are alive, now go tell the boys to train before they start gassing themselves up by standing next to 103 year old pygmies.
No. 2038501
>>2038498I think he would have to be cleaning
more than the spitting pot…
No. 2038504
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>B-Bros, I put the steroid chYmp next to the old moid to prove muh agricultural life and resource-hoarding moid ancestors aren't responsible for my poor looks!! WE'RE ALL GONNA MAKE IT
No. 2038509>>2038512>>2038527>>2038532
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NTA, how does this make you feel?
No. 2038514
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/pol/ is this way
No. 2038521
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>The computer you typed that on wouldn’t have been invented without the rise of agriculture.
by allat (peace be upon her) I sincerely wish it wasn't
No. 2038529>>2038533
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>I may be ugly now but I built you a computer! CHECKMATE!
Lmao, the moid bargaining and attempted resource hoarding continues. We have enough technology, and we've watched you use it for sissy hypno and datamining. No one cares. Go solve the issue of male pattern baldness, then I might be impressed.
No. 2038531
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>the vibration of moid seething channels through the earth
>the vibration intensifies as they all start typing, ordering steroids, and booking flights to turkey for hair plugs
No. 2038555>>2038568>>2038574>>2038598>>2038600
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>>2038546>>2038548These are the kinds of anons claiming that most men are ugly. Why don’t you post who you think is a handsome man?
No. 2038567
>>2038516I like to look at hot men and not sleep with them so idc about their general health or small dicks
Id prefer all men take steroids and get ripped than be surrounded by mega fatties who cant even lift 100lbs
No. 2038570
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>>2038554Ikr? What the fuck is this logic of
>"agricultural moids paved the way for the computer that you type on!"It's like, okay and? Moids inventing the computer didn't stop be from alogging them on their own invention.
No. 2038583
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>>2038573fuck hes perfect
No. 2038593
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>>2038587>passed around to be gangraped by executivesthis is another modern example of shit tier moids gaining power and sexual capital because they are removed from the violent ends of a pre-domesticated society. weinstein and epstien would have been yeeted off a high cliff when they were teens by the other males for sure
No. 2038600>>2038602>>2038607>>2038619
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>>2038555>>2038597Youthful and with a decidedly unreceding hairline. Human proportions - not gorilla. (I’ll take my ban.)
(kpop) No. 2038601>>2038627
>>2038595>I meant he's straight lol. All Hollywood actors and actresses are prostitutes. When the most powerful people in Hollywood are men, what do you think that means?
>attractions threads on /g/?The same /g/ that finds Paul Dano and Adam Driver attractive? Ok lmao. Grace Jones liking him doesn't mean we all do, and he was likely posted in the ugly man psyop thread only because he was younger than her, not because his looks have merit on their own.
No. 2038603>>2038605>>2038606>>2038635
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>>2038598Post a photo of yourself, let’s see how beautiful you are.
No. 2038607>>2038610>>2038611>>2038612>>2038613>>2038614>>2038615>>2038620>>2038623>>2038900
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>>2038600You’re a delusional k-pop stan, I bet you think the k-pop singer in the left is more handsome than Henry Cavill.
No. 2038609>>2038625
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Clearly, they're meant to be detachable. How else would we castrate ugly men?
No. 2038627>>2038634>>2038639>>2038641
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>>2038597You're right tbh, I don't think he's the most attractive ever, but he was beautiful before HGH and steroids took their toll on him. He's my type a bit. Though you could argue picrel has the 80s camera quality thing that was nice on people's looks, or airbrushed for poster reasons, but I like the overall look and think it's pleasant.
>>2038601Aren't the Dano and Adam Driver threads on /m/? And the unconventional attractions thread on /g/ which is basically admitting they're ugly?
No. 2038655>>2038662>>2038664>>2038705
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>>2038649>>2038650Remember when they said Blake Shelton was the world's most handsome man?
No. 2038675
>>2038670>>2038666i was assuming
>>2038657 was the scrote who kept posting that ugly blonde celeb guy
No. 2038682>>2038683>>2038685>>2038686>>2038688>>2038705
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>>2038657Personally, I would rather have sex with this man than Dolph Lundgren or Henry Cavill.
No. 2038695>>2038697>>2038700
>>2038389Because most women here are ugly, they nitpick beautiful women but if you shit talk an actually ugly woman they get super defensive
>>2038668Seriously? Do you know anything about what natives are like? This is very "immigration is good because taco trucks"
No. 2038791
>>2038747Breastfeeding past 2 years old starts to hinder the child’s development mentally. And you need to wean your child not only because they don’t need your milk anymore, but they also are capable of eating solid food with their
full set of teeth at that age. And 2 years old is walking and talking age, your baby who’s able to walk without assistance and can communicate to you does not need to be getting fed milk off the boob. Also, sure breastfeeding your child does contribute to higher IQ scores, but it hinders their behavioral and social development because your 5 year old baby will be in kindergarten crying about how mommy isn’t there to give you milk while all her classmates are staring at her like
bitch chill the fuck out, and she’ll be incapable of understanding why she shouldn’t be getting breastfed at that age because thats all she knows. It negatively affects their independence, social skills, and behavior.
No. 2038815>>2038825
>>2032648I use to frequent a forum for asexuals during my middle to high school years. Some of it's users swore up and down they're ace but then you have a certain subsections where being a sex positive, kink inclusive gooner means they're
valid. You'd have your constant beefs over what being "ace" means or debates over non-sexual fetishes and bdsm. Then you had the straight up turbo autist who's manchild tendiences made them developmentally a child, right down to watching blue's clues despite being 30 and thinking girls still had cooties. The site's users were quite lol-worthy if a bit concerning given the ten thousands of microlabels–because of course.
Nowadays I no longer ID'd as ace. The TQ+ community has since chosen to make asexuality just as legit as being gay or bisexual in spite none of them sharing the same hardships that the latter two have. With pride gearing up to be a pity party contest, I'm glad I'm straight. The thought of me coexisting with mentally ill schizos for five mins would've have destroyed my psyche.
No. 2038837>>2038866
>>2038833Samefag, but I also didn’t mean to make it sound as if I think that quitting breastfeeding is what innately helps your child become more independent. It’s learning how to eat independently, which helps her develop her fine motor skills. And figuring out what she likes to eat, decision making skills. Also, eating
real food is crucial for her gut health. Your quickly growing toddler can’t subside off of 50% breast milk and 50% real foods, it’s just not healthy for a growing child. Just give your child real milk lmao
No. 2038842>>2038857
>>2038717Well my unpopular opinion is that looking weak and fragile should not be a mandatory quality for women. The obsession with female delicateness is a psyop to keep us out of "dirty" jobs so moids can keep using "woman can't lift heavy thing hurr durr" arguments and pretending that we need them more than we do. The stronger you become, the higher your standards get as you realize the weakness and laziness of the average male. I'm thankful for being born as a gorilla-chan and my only regret is not embracing it sooner. I want girls to stop ablooblooing over traits that are absolutely not flaws just because they're not uwu girly nymph enough to elicit fascination from stupid people who don't know what a woman is.
Also, women who reproduce with manlets fuck over everyone else by producing more manlets that will keep disrupting our peace with their anger issues and incessant seething.
>>2038786Trades and blue collar jobs should also be seized and ruled by women too. In every business and on every farm there is at least one female worker who deserves the boss' seat more than the actual boss. We need women everywhere so we can work together and weigh in more so shitty moids can't put pressure on us and get away with everything anymore. Not all of us are "smart" enough for studies and women will end up in trades, fields and factories anyway, keeping these fields fully male dominated only makes it harder for us to thrive there as "boy's club" environments always subject women to extreme humiliation (see : winemaking).
>>2038735He is probably gay and just writes bi for female simps just in case.
No. 2038849>>2038895
>>2038833I mean, but there is benefit, regardless of age? There are nutrients that can’t be find elsewhere. That’s why longer periods of breastfeeding are associated with increased fitness. I’m not saying that it should replace the children’s meals, obviously after a certain point they should be having almost entirely solid food.
I compare it to a hug because I see it as similar to offering other forms of physical affection.
No. 2038874>>2038897>>2038904
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>>2038631kekkk what can’t you see that receding hairline?
No. 2038906>>2038910
>>2038895You’re not understanding, I clearly said I don’t think it should replace meals after a certain age.
I don’t care whether or not you think you “should”, I just think that it’s odd for it to be shamed when people do decide to.
No. 2038914
>>2038897"Widows peak" His hairline is heart shaped (no missing hair, just extra hair in the middle of the forehead)
receding hairline" his hairline is W shaped (missing hair)
No. 2038941
>>2038924Agreed also with the terms "malewife"
So icky