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No. 2024609
I’m going to break one of the rules
>>2024580And what are the occupying Arabs busy doing in black Africa? Watching their Palestinian cousins get blown to shreds by Israel as a warning of what’s to come for you insufferable roaches. You should be staying busy posting watermelon emojis for palestine and fix the musty paprika sweat from your hairy armpits that can’t be hidden under the oppressive rape-guard towels you wear instead of talking about history you clearly know nothing about.
(racebaiting) No. 2024621
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>>2024612>doesn’t know her own country And that’s why you are invaders. Don’t know shit about your own country, the rest of NA or how Arabs got there in the first place. A group of people who are genetically different from the indigenous population of Africa didn’t pop up out of thin air, you stupid dense cunt. You spend your time sucking white cocks than reading, we can tell
(racebaiting) No. 2024631
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>>2024621Yeah i'm sorry to let you know that North africa is mostly made up of berbers, not arabs they were invaded by arabs and speak a mix of their own dialect and arab, morrocans for example are not intelligible to most actually arab speaking countries. It's not something you'd be aware because your education system is literaly 3rd world education at this point.
Once again, blakies take their L.
(racebaiting) No. 2024684
>>2024674wouldn't that make your sinuses and breathing worse?
>>2024676>(take it to meta)kek as if farmhands ever read /meta/, maybe if you retards actually responded people wouldn't complain here
No. 2024733
>>2024703ohhh she didn’t actually care she just liked the drama. those people were interesting to her and she got a like hit of self righteousness being “there for them” and then justifying her associating with abusers by them being troubled or whatever. i do sometimes myself try and have empathy for all people because i don’t believe anyone is inherently evil and something made them this way. however people like her never seem to speak up or care for those people’s
victims. and i’m not saying this to be cruel but most people in active addiction are harming someone in some way, whether it’s lying to hide what they’re doing or stealing to get their fix or violent related freak outs or being a deadbeat bf/dad. sorry i thought you were one of those “if your parents didn’t leave you in a cold wet box to die and you grew up middle class, no success you have is your own and your problems don’t matter and you should be grateful” folks. they sometimes refer to people with a normal upbringing who get any help from their families as trust fund kids or like as benefiting from generational wealth.
No. 2024740
>>2024733I mean I think she actually did care, like she seemed to have genuine empathy for these people and would go out of her way/fuck up her own life to try to 'help' them even when they were always ungrateful. She was friends with this violent psychopath who threatened to kill her multiple times and would still act like it was her literal life's calling to 'help' this person. But I agree with you that there is some element of self righteousness to this type of people (who usually call themselves empaths or 'highly empathetic people' and complain they're targeted by clusterbees all the time). It was just shocking to me that whenever something bad happened to one of her actual friends or coworkers who was nice to her she would just pull this 'I don't have the mental energy for this right now' line on them.
I was actually very good friends with a few addicts and even though it sapped my life energy I still felt like it was my responsibility on some level to be there for them (only women though) so I get having some empathy/sympathy for addicts, I just don't get it when you actively choose to reserve your empathy for the worst most ungrateful types of people.
No sorry when I say 'trust fund kids' I mean people with multimillion dollar trust funds, I know a lot of rich people due to the university I went to lmao.
No. 2024788
>>2024745>idk why this would even be controversialbecause anons who suck dick get personally offended when anons point out that it's demeaning. some anons take it too far and instead of critiquing fellatio, they attack straight anons by calling them cockbreath and other pornbrained misogynistic shit.
it's controversial to scrotes because scrotes want to get their dicks wet and psyopping women into thinking sucking dick is totes fine and normal and absolutely not demeaning is a way to ensure that their dicks remain wet.
No. 2024793
>>2024751I love the idea of sucking dick but most dicks aren’t worth sucking. A lot of moids eat like shit so their semen tastes
toxic and a lot of them are not hot enough to make it more appealing. Inagine having a nigel with a beautiful body and dick then it becomes worth it
No. 2024820
>>2024805NTAYRT but there's a couple reasons I would say it's demeaning, the first is that there are other sex acts that are more physically pleasurable for males that also give women pleasure so choosing a sex act that specifically doesn't sexually satisfy a woman and is usually not even as sexually satisfying for a man seems demeaning because why not do something mutually pleasurable when possible? Cunnilingus isn't the same because a lot of women don't reach orgasm without oral but this isn't true for men.
The second and more obvious reason is that male culture constantly talks about it being demeaning and young boys are taught from an early age that it's supposed to be demeaning and humiliating, get off on a woman 'kneeling' in front of them (I know not all oral sex involves this but it's common imagery) or swallowing their cum/squirting cum all over their faces both of which are uncomfortable and gross (again something that doesn't happen with cunnilingus) so even if you don't think oral should by default be considered demeaning, it is considered demeaning by most men in our culture and is literally like the poster child 'degrading' sex act men associate with humiliation and degradation. Maybe a man who grew up in a cave outside of normal society with no internet access wouldn't consider it this way but most of the men you encounter irl consider it degrading so why would you do something you know your sex partner thinks degrades you?
No. 2024829
>>2024805ayrt and imo it's demeaning because of how moids treat it, full stop. fellatio could be a perfectly fine sex act if males didn't make it an issue of domination and selfishness. but the way things are you have males who think that it's normal to expect their wives and girlfriends to do fellatio but not normal to do cunnilingus, and those males are supported by both other selfish scrotes and some unfortunate women. unfathomable amounts of porn frame blowjobs as a demeaning act of domination. viewing it through a femdom lens is not any better because "femdom" blowjobs are equally demeaning because the women involved are playing to a male fantasy of desirability to the point where a woman will debase herself for him. the way males speak about sucking dick is virulently disgusting, they rarely talk about it like they value their partners for pleasuring them and instead often treat it like an ego boost for themselves or an indicator that their partner is not worthwhile because she is willingly giving him pleasure. most men have a terrible self-esteem despite their overbearing egos, so they tend to look down on women who show them effort.
and personally i'm just a little stuck in gender roles where i honestly don't believe women should pleasure men, only other women. men should get pleasure from pleasuring women and if a man doesn't get supreme satisfaction from pleasuring "his woman", then he is fundamentally defective and not worth partnering with. sorry for the long rant, there's a lot to unpack for the whole blowjobs = demeaning argument and i barely touched half of it.
No. 2024852
nonny if sex didn’t exist you wouldn’t be here with us though!
No. 2024869
>>2024844>if he's attracted to you he should not need you to go out of your way to please himabsolute truth. excluding fringe cases like heart problems or whatever males should be rock hard and ready at the mere sight of someone he supposedly loves, and many are.
>>2024849>woman wanting to be sexually dominated by a man>It’s not dangerous to anyone’s safety or healthlegit question, what do you mean by "sexually dominated"? because i knew bdsmfags and had the misfortune of attending their parties and they do so much that is dangerous to safety and health. like even normies are into strangulation now, they call it "choking".
No. 2024870
>>2024860yeah i wish we could've reproduced asexually like imagine how cool that would be
>>2024861what ways could we move past it? it's not like we can change peoples hormones
No. 2024875
>>2024854No one says you have to suck dick! We don't care if you don't like it.
>>2024851Well I guess that's why your opinion is unpopular kek. Agree to disagree.
(infighting) No. 2024883
>>2024875I'm not the original nona who posted the opinion but I think the reason it's an unpopular opinion is because moid media and moid standards dominate society and moids brainwashed women into actually acting like the trafficked porn
victims they coom to. It would be popular if we lived in a less coombrained patriarchal misogynistic society where sex was about affectionate mutual pleasure.
No. 2024886
>>2024884ok yeah i really don’t agree with bondage/
extreme domination stuff like BDSM, i think that’s really scary and a sign of someone who’s deeply mentally ill, but enjoying it when your nigel kind of takes control is something way more innocent than that
No. 2024895
>>2024883Well if we didn't have a coombrained patriarchal misogynistic society then there wouldn't exist a stigma against a woman pleasuring a man as it exists in this thread. Just because a woman likes to fellate her male partner every now and again doesn't mean she's brain-rotted, or a pick-me, or whatever other derogatory term one could come up with. Frankly, it's pretty insulting overall, but especially to assume that a woman can't make her own decisions without being influenced by men—I say this as someone who prefers women to men.
>>2024887No I'm not? I've made like two posts responding to this topic, calm down and take your meds.
No. 2024911
>>2024896Oral sex was less common in general in the past due to poor hygiene. Men in general do not respond as strongly to sexual pleasure than women.
>>2024906It wasn't common.
No. 2024913
>>2024904Yeah this is the other thing, even if a woman likes to call her sex partner daddy how would it not feel weird for the man? If I try to put myself in a moid's perspective I feel like I'd be super freaked out to be called a parent term in a sexual context. Imagine being
triggered to think of 'daddy' as a sexual term and then having a baby and your daughter starts calling you that, it would put me so on edge.
No. 2024981
>>2024974he wasn’t even ugly
and he was rich. he wasn’t incel material he was just a shy little faggot who didn’t know how to talk to a woman and refused to try
No. 2024982
>>2024958 and this is exactly why i think that kek
No. 2025022
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>>2025017dude. she has Wallace energy
No. 2025033
Mariah Carey
No. 2025042
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>>2024954There's millions of mentally ill monoracials, so I don't understand what makes mixed people supposedly more prone to mental illness according to people
No. 2025049
>>2025035cause that’s what she looks like without editing and heavy makeup nonna, thats the real pantheress kek
>>2025038i love monica bellucci, marcia cross, brittany murphy, anne hathaway, and gemma ward just off the top of my head
No. 2025053
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>>2025038nta but i think audrey hepburn was gorgeous
No. 2025062
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>>2025049she looks way better here and doesn't look like she's wearing makeup
No. 2025068
>>2025062ayrt, she doesn’t look
horrible but she’s just very average and i don’t know what word i’m looking for but she’s got like that succinct bong bone structure, i’m not sure what the word is for when someone’s face looks a lot like the race they are kek
No. 2025070
>>2025064you're delusional
>>2025066i didn't realize nonas standards are so high but she's pretty
>>2025068her face looks so east african to me tbh but do bongs have a certain head shape lol?
No. 2025091
>>2025088youre retarded, the original post
>>2024949 never said anything about biracial or whatever low IQ race politics youre squabbling about. it said mixed so i said tyla.
No. 2025096
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>>2025022You dumbass faggots cannot even comprehend what I would do to get one LICK of her divine pussy. The fact that she’s british only makes her hotter tbh. God her accent turns me on. Kys btw
No. 2025099
>>2025096you know what
nonny? i pray you get your chance with PP, may God bless you with an amazing one night stand that turns into her falling in love with you
No. 2025105
>>2025085Yeah moids with complexes are almost always projecting, incels included. They are obsessed with looks and 'hypergamous'/would never consider dating a woman of their own attractiveness level so they project that on women. They ignore all the perfectly fine looking women and sometimes even gorgeous women who date ugly men because they would never do that themselves and if a pretty woman is dating an ugly/average moid they'll use the excuse of 'she's cheating on him or only with him for his money' because that's the only time they can imagine themselves dating a woman at or below their level.
Basically they're just men who can't accept their own genetic lot but due to being unable to be honest with themselves about it they pretend that's what women are doing instead.
No. 2025107
>>2025099Thank you nonna
>>2025101So? No head for you bitch
No. 2025109
>>2025096thank you for defending my queen but don't tell her to kys that's mean nona
>>2025097i can't i just realized i look like a bong and i can't cope with that
No. 2025112
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that is Vlada this is Gemma Ward
No. 2025120
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>>2025112That's an especially unflattering pic of gemma ward lmao and I also think it's not at the peak of her modeling fame. Picrel at the peak of her modeling fame she had a pretty 'doll-like' appearance which is why she was so famous.
No. 2025121
>>2025116oh come on
>>2025117cause a lot of women have wider set eyes, close set eyes are a more masculine trait
No. 2025131
Anon, please. Not all white women are just okay-looking like the woman you posted and can get pushed into "pretty" category just by being thin, having blond hair and blue eyes. You are just blinded by media PR. There are many, many white women who deal with not fitting the beauty standard. Often, you can find women like that targeting women of other groups out of bitterness and envy (not unlike the anon who brought up black women out of nowhere in response to your post, she's in pain), and you're just building up animosity when you insist on things like this.
No. 2025133
>>2025117I actually prefer how she looks now too but I just think her hair and blank stare in the pic you posted make her look worse than she normally does. Anyway just pointing out that when she was very famous she had more of that chubby porcelain doll look.
>>2025117Wide-set eyes are usually seen as a more 'neotenous' and also feminine trait, people are obsessed with youth right now so wider set eyes are part of that obsession with youthful looks.
No. 2025177
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>>2024751>>2024793Reminder that cocksuckers develop shameful bruises and red spots inside their mouths which are visible to dentists. "Petechiae." Look it up. They notify CPS if children have it. I don't want to take the bait but it's seriously so disgusting, knowing your thinking limb was reduced to a fleshlight must stick with you. It doesn't matter if you have an IQ of 160 and worked your ass off for a masters, or if you can lucid dream to meet buddha. The primary function of your head is not to think but to accomodate penis. I'm straight too but the assumption that I must have sucked at some point haunts me. I can't imagine being put in the same basket as those sort of women. They ruin everything for dignified individuals too, because we're expected to put up whore performances like them. Despicable sex traitors. How can a human being descend so low? Literally. Kneeling before a man like he's your god is unimaginable to me. I can't begin to conjure how much shame your parents would feel knowing their daughter lets men treat her the way they do. Shivers down my spine
(baiting/take it to 2X) No. 2025198
>>2025146Comments like this are so funny to me -
why do you care? Who do you think needs this observation? Playing dolls with complete strangers that aren't competing for anything is the most basic drivel ever. Even having the fleeting thought makes you such a sped. Not enough focus on your own life imo.
No. 2025213
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>>2025197True. Reminds me of this Jubilee video where this ugly moid was sperging about how women are attracted to dark triad traits, but despite his unconstrained narcissism, I can’t imagine any woman finding him or his personality attractive
No. 2025215
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you're telling me you wouldn't date him? be honest people
No. 2025241
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>>2025238Theres only one dick I need to suck
No. 2025268
>>2025262Ntayrt but
>during sexHaving your throat molested isn't sex. Unless you have a clit up there.
No. 2025270
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>>2025246i think the best sorts of villains/dark triad characters are the ones who are understandable without inspiring pity tbh, i don't really need them to seem human (and i'd rather they not). i moreso meant fiction != reality and your average modern male has nothing interesting going on internally. he thinks he does but it's ultimately just memes and politics and philosophy lifted from other people
No. 2025272
>>2025265I dont know about all of you but my scrote washes his dick. Why would you date a guy who doesnt shower?
>>2025268Ayrt but I mean enjoying yourself during sexually activity
No. 2025280
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>women really suck dick
No. 2025325
>>2025233You literally
have to be a fag, like not as in retarded I mean an actual fag, because no regular person would tell you that you don't like something just because you haven't done it.
No. 2025356
>>2025349Ok? This nonna was so right
>>2025287. No moid would ever cape for eating pussy like you’re doing with cocksucking rn
No. 2025392
>>2025380I don't remember
>>2025383I know this is meant to just be a comeback but I'm referring to when I'm giving him oral, not in general kek
No. 2025395
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>>2025392Your b8 is getting stale, you listed 2 positives and one of them you don't even remember just stop talking about sucking dick, surely there are websites for dick sucking queers for you to go to and hang out at
No. 2025422
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He would absolutely hate me but Thomas Jefferson was a cutie
No. 2025426
>>2025402No let them get their whole theory out I’m curious. I’m a former smoker and I know from experience it makes me really unhealthy and it’s bad for the body but I’m really curious if there’s some lack of evidence for lung cancer specifically.
>>2025396>>2025390>>2025416Do you have links to reading material by chance? Or phrases to search for so I can fall down a rabbit hole. This is interesting.
No. 2025430
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I’m going to spam cute historical fanart because I really can’t take this gay ass infighting anymore. Don’t you people take lunch breaks for your infighting??
No. 2025440
>>2025423I literally don’t know, don’t have a good otp for him yet but he’s just so cute like him as a historical figure is attractive
>>2025427You know why anon..
No. 2025460
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>>2025439They make it too easy TOPKEK
No. 2025466
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idk where this is from if it looks like founding father shit i’m here for it(not an opinion)
No. 2025475
>>2025426I fell down the rabbit hole quite a while ago so I don't have links on hand but if you're interested I will look later on and try to post them later, you can check back in the thread or I can post in the tinfoil thread that moves slower if that's easier.
I also think there are really diverse experiences of smokers in general, I've known some smokers who said it made them feel horrible and they felt way better once they quit, other people who found no difference or even got more sickly once they quit, and the science is so mixed that from anecdotal evidence it's hard to tell what is true. I'm the anon that posted above that I think a lot of the worst health effects of modern cigarette smoking are the additives and the inhalation, pre-modern societies that smoked usually didn't fully inhale and they smoked just tobacco by itself so I wonder if that is why they seemed not to experience the same detrimental health effects to the same degree. I still don't have a fully formed opinion on this because honest/non-astroturfed (by either side) research is so hard to find but I think it's way less cut and dry than people claim. Another interesting factoid I learned on my deep dive is that a lot of pharma companies tried to develop non-cigarette nicotine products because they recognized there are some medicinal benefits of smoking/nicotine (the most obvious one is for schizophrenia but there are others as well) and that stuff like nicotine gum/patches were the results of these failed pharma experiments, because those delivery systems didn't have the same benefits so were marketed as smoking cessation agents instead to recoup some of the money. I read some transcripts from a pharma conference about this I found once and it was really interesting.
No. 2025479
>>2025468George Washington getting his dick sucked by Hamilton
No. 2025488
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why is this thread so fucking faggy all of a sudden
No. 2025490
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Of course the faggot is spamming his twerking males folder.
No. 2025491
>>2025486>>2025483Get they/them
>>2025485I posted the gif once. That isn't me. They're feeding off your harpy shrieking.
No. 2025526
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Men who are handsome become 100x more attractive if they smoke.
No. 2025536
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I don’t care that Azealia sacrificed cats in her closet. It’s her religion
No. 2025545
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>>2025531ill double down for fun
No. 2025597
>>2025594okay but women seem to prefer these guys over men of their own ethnic groups nowadays
shouldn't women find men in their own groups generally more attractive?
also jpop and jrock were a thing before kpop, so why is it only now that people see the attractiveness in asian men? was it simply low exposure?
No. 2025624
>>2025526This guy looks way worse than one random Asian guy in my class
How could this be an example of an attractive Asian guy
No. 2025672
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These are soo good they would explode the kind of a europoor. Gmos and chemicals make desserts taste so good
No. 2025716
>>2025711nta but all men are the same, japan just does something about it instead of treating moids like
victims like western countries do. They arent afraid of male faggots crying about muh misandry like westoid moids would do if they did the same.
No. 2025719
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>>2025707Yeah I know we're not supposed to talk about this here but even excluding the banned topic, if you watch asian TV shows most of the men are clean shaven, slim/fit, put more effort into their clothing hair and appearance, cover up acne if they have it, etc. and will generally have an appearance that's catered to young women so I think it may be like you're saying, a preference for pretty boys in younger women (and even some older women). Of course if you actually went to one of these countries you'd notice that most of the moids are as hideous as anywhere else, but at least in their media they try to feature men who are 'pretty' and fashionable, well groomed, etc. which is what a lot of women are actually attracted to. In the west it's just geriatric scrotes with neckbeards half of whom are balding/roided or look literally dysgenic because we're supposed to appreciate celebrity males for their 'talent' and ignore that they're hideous.
When I was a tween my biggest celeb/TV crush was Tyr from Andromeda who actually had that bulked up muscle man look but a 'pretty' face and nice skin/hair (picrel). Then after about age 15 all the men in western media just started being 45-60 year old beer bellied neckbeard scrotes so I understand why younger girls are into 'pretty boys' and 'boybands.'
No. 2025765
>>2025751>>2025755I did not expect such levelheaded replies thank you. Maybe they have fun looking in on the infighting and keeping up with the personalityfags.
>>2025757That's true, farmhands were also supposedly regular anons at some point so they should be used to the culture. They do have to deal with raids which doesn't seem great but what can you do, at least they're not subjected to the degeneracy of moid altchan posters.
No. 2025827
>>2025812Depends what you're taking the piss/making a joke about I guess, certain topics are completely banned on most of reddit (way more than here) while moids can freely post revenge porn and disgusting degenerate shit about women. Making a very mild and obvious joke got my fb account frozen once. I think the mods here are too strict but it's still not as bad as a lot of social media tbh, and I'm not sure how much of it has to do with female hivemind culture. This thread just had like 6-8 hours worth of retarded sperging in response to some bait and most of it didn't even get redtexted… I don't think it's necessarily worse than most of the modern internet.
I'd be interested though if anyone could describe the exact female social dynamics that make female spaces more censorious than male ones, I don't even completely disagree I just am not sure that it's necessarily worse than male-dominated spaces.
No. 2025838
>>2025831i'm not the original anon and haven't gotten banned. funny how you didn't address anything i've said
>>2025829i'm not talking about being edgy i'm talking about having unorthodox opinions about something or even criticizing women. it's anonymous so who even knows if it's a moid or not
No. 2025847
>>2025838Some of you truly have no idea the amount of disgusting garbage that gets posted here by sociopathic poltards and violent, angry incels and it shows.
>b-but it could be a woman you could be censoring a womanYeah, you're so fucking genius and smart, Malcow X. Let's stop censoring all of the psyopping and misogyny, let's allow autist sperging with no pause, let's turn this into for 23 year old women. It will be utopia.
No. 2025851
>>2025838Some of you truly have no idea the amount of disgusting garbage that gets posted here by sociopathic poltards and violent, angry incels and it shows.
>b-but it could be a woman you could be censoring a womanYeah, you're so fucking genius and smart, Malcow X. Let's stop censoring all of the psyopping and misogyny, let's allow autist sperging with no pause, let's turn this into for 23 year old women who are so desperate and lonely for validaton theyll attentionwhore on a dying ib for it. It will be utopia.
No. 2025855
>>2025848You're crying about being dogpiled on an anonymous imageboard that was made to bully speds and narcs. Maybe you should search for validation and comeraderie from a better online environment. So much complaining about censorship, yet you want to completely twist and reshape the userbase and tone to fit what
you want. Instead of throwing a tantrum over one of the dumbest sites ever you could just join discord servers because that's clearly what several of you want this to be. It's so pointless.
No. 2025857
>>2025847so me saying that being a hive mind is bad means i'm a /pol/ chud? kek
>>2025848i've noticed a lot of the women here are too scared to voice their opinions about anything and have to adjust their tone. it's all so tiresome
>>2025849the scrotefoiling can be because they actually think it's a moid but i've noticed that they will call you a pickme or scrote to shut you up
No. 2025861
>>2025858I don’t know if you were replying to my post
>>2025856, but in case you were, sorry I’m fucking exhausted and lost reading comprehension for a second. I edited my post because it was unnecessarily aggro considering I actually mostly agree with you (if you’re
>>2025837). The only thing I disagree with is that there aren’t some genuinely retarded farmers that post racebait too, like I don’t think it’s only the scrotes baiting
No. 2025863
>>2025854No, I'm sorry zoomer but going "no you!!!" doesn't change the reality here. I know you
really want the edgy sociopathic racist posts on here to be mean women you don't like but the formula here has been the same for a very long time. Yes, it is newfag behavior to not be fully aware of the pattern of behavior these incels have and how they've spent years sitting on this site because it's literally their only access to women where they can't be blocked. There are servers of these toads sharing screenshots with eachother saying shit like "hurhur look at my le epic trollage on lolcow today". There is literally one that has been spamming cp, super racist memes, and talking to himself in so many posts that over 10,000 of his posts have been deleted. I'm not saying every single racist is a man, but if you truly tell yourself that ~women are just as bad~ you are sheltered and dead wrong and the proof is in the thousands of deleted posts made by men here.
No. 2025883
>>2025872But you clearly aren't thinking of the big picture here, the naiviete is mindblowing. All it does is attract and encourage the
worst people ever and shifts the tone to violence, racism, bait and nothing else at all. LC has to be gatekept. Without the moderation it has, the kind of people that would post here aren't the ~based feminist baddie blackpillers~ some of these posters seem to think they would be…? I should've stopped reading at free speech absolutist because it's always rife with hypocrisy and has a complete disregard for content moderators but whatever
No. 2025886
>>2025882The shitposters and the racebaiting posters
are the same posters and they sit around and talk to themselves and say literally anything for attention, whether its an attempt at a funny shitpost or saying deliberately aggressive and nasty things to try to hurt strangers. They shouldn't be encouraged regardless. They are the same freaks trying to wear multiple hats for attention
No. 2025890
>>2025869I’ve seen some retarded redtexts today. I think farmhands trying to wrangle in the summerfags that have obviously been showing up in droves, but it’s like they’re not even reading posts the redtext lately, as
>>2025878 said
No. 2025896
and twitterfags. deadly combo…
No. 2025906
>>2025887Oh you're like,
crazy crazy
No. 2025925
>>2025904How do you know those are the same posters if you can't see their post history?
>>2025922Nta but didn't the farmhands say in the hellweek thread that there's actually thousands of users here?
No. 2025939
>>2025922Anon there are apparently like 7k users here. Which made a lot of sense considering how fast some threads move
>>2025935I dont mean for my opinion to sound like defense of their thoughts, because its still obscene, but im just saying that pretending like every disgusting or retarded thing you see could only be bait written by male hands isn't reality
No. 2025945
>>2025942NTA but
>dying board i dont know why but lolcow has been busier lately and i just gotta feeling that we'll continue to see more newfags which will certianly be a journey
No. 2025975
>>2025973>You probably lie about your ageNo.
>and how long you’ve posted here tooNo.
No. 2025992
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I love her so much(not an unpopular opinion)
No. 2026036
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>>2026032>we had like 70 people in when we watched Eurovision a few weeks back (and only /ot/ regulars know we're watching that)105 actually
No. 2026097
>>2026095Married females are still living the longest with a gap to singles of 3.5–5.5 years
i call cap
No. 2026111
>>2026102Friends don't provide the same type of relationship you'd (ideally) receive from a romantic partner.
I'm not encouraging women to lower their standards and settle but like, there's an objective difference.
No. 2026142
>>2026135Womens reasons to kill men:
Raping women
Killing women
Being pedophiles
Taking away their rights
Using them as bredding cattle
Mens reasons to kill women:
Getting rejected
Not being worshipped
Bc they are males
No. 2026152
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>defending males
>who commit 90 percent of crimes
>99 percent of rapes
Why though? What is the benefit of caping so hard for males? Why would any woman in her right mind choose to tie herself to such a creature? Go outside and you'll clearly see the vast majority of males are ugly, dysgenic, rude, unintelligent, violent, porn obsessed, unfunny freaks. Literally no benefits to being near them, let alone married to one. Is it really just the sex? You can't just masturbate? I am so confused. It's common sense to distrust males.
No. 2026159
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We need to make eating period pussy default for hetero relationships. Men who are afraid of blood should be publicly humiliated and asking "will you munch on my blood clots like boba pearls?" should be a first date question. There should be bots on Twitter that edit men's selfies to make them look like they just ate period pussy. Spitting out the blood should be criminal, they must swallow it.(no soyjaks)
No. 2026163
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>>2026158I do go outside, I have a fucking 9:30-6 job, stop coping. Because I go outside in a western country (Burgerland) I see the majority of males both white and black, since you're going to racebait, are fucking shit. Maybe you should go outside sometime too and you'd see that. At the very least how can you ignore the droves of ugly moids
No. 2026190
>>2026158Nta but you don't even have to go outside to see how men act when they think they can get away with acting on whatever urges they have, most sex crimes committed against women happen within their own home by a family member or boyfriend/husband of a family member. I haven't been involved in this infight but just because you haven't been victimized in any significant way by men doesn't mean it isn't happening on a very regular basis. A close relative of mine turned out to be a voyeauristic pedophile, my doctor as a kid turned out to be a perv who filmed his coworkers in the bathroom, my childhood bestfriend and one of her friends were molested by a male figure in their lives, 2 teachers of mine were arrested for grooming, a close family friend turned out to be a pedo, my sister has had upskirt photos taken of her, I've been groped twice at parties, I've been followed, I've been threatened. And that's just maybe 1/5th of the things I'm experienced or had people close to me experience. Nonna's don't get this blackpilled/peaked about men just from sitting at home, but even if they did just sit at home I'm sure they'd be targeted by some creep either in home or online. I'm not sure why you're so insistent that these things are rare occurrences.
No. 2026245
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I swear every time a woman says this retarded shit it’s not out of genuine concern for women, it’s pure unadulterated mate guarding and jealousy. That’s an adult woman with the misfortune of being 4’11 and in no way comparable to a child. Where the fuck do they get these ideas from?
No. 2026247
>>2025945>i dont know why but lolcow has been busier lately and i just gotta feeling that we'll continue to see more newfagsIt’s the summerfags, nonna. The zoomers are just finishing up with school and now have more free time to act retarded on the internet. I just hope they shed some of that retardation quickly and integrate, or else this site will be cancerous for the next few months. I’m not sure they realize how much they stand out after having their brains terminally rotted by twitter and tiktok.
>>2025948>A lot of newfags that are naive, young, hyperactive, and hungry for attention. They have no idea what imageboards are really like, they're just now shedding the affectation they developed from being policed 24/7 on socials their entire life, and now they are coming here to let off steam and be the most annoying people alive. Pretty much.
>>2025961>I would say about 10-20 people only consistently use this website now. 7k is just bot activity and ghost viewers along with lurking people who never post.This is honestly a bit schizo, kek. There are a lot of lurkers here who post very infrequently if ever. The 7k figure anons keep quoting was literally from hellweek when site activity was at an all time low because of intentional over-moderation. I’m pretty sure they weren’t counting VPNs either. The current number of active posters is probably quite a bit higher.
No. 2026259
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>>2026251Seriously this, an adult woman's flat chest doesn't look anything like a little girl's body, it looks like and adult body with no chest… Little girls don't have wide shoulders, adult sized ribcages, etc.
No. 2026274
>>2026245I can tell just from a glance that she's a short woman, not a child. I see women who look like her often at work. The OP is either a pearl-clutching idiot or seethingly jealous and needs to go outside either way.
>>2026247I feel like some of the newfags are also refugees from Twitter, Tumblr or Reddit who expect messageboards to be exactly the same except you're allowed to say the word retard. Then they get pissy when they can't cultivate a hugbox.
No. 2026313
>>2026298Idk, I had an ex that was all in on the idea of a fairytale wedding and
I’m the one that would just as soon go down to the courthouse (One of many reasons why it didn’t workout). I agree the majority of them aren’t like that though.
No. 2026320
>>2026286I knew a woman who had massive tits and wanted to become basically flat, as small as possible. she went through surgery and they basically made her from a F to a D. she was furious because they kept her breasts big.
>>2026315doesn't help a lot of short women infantilize themselves because they know it gives them social scoring. like that trend waiters used twintails instead of a ponytail and it gave them more tips. most men are inherently pedophile.
No. 2026325
>>2026274Second ayrt, agreed.
PSA to newfags, it’s ok if nonnas disagree with you. This an anonymous board. No one is going to come for you just because you posted something controversial unless you make your personalityfagging
painfully obvious, at which point,
you are the lolcow. Stfu about the femoid hivemind. This is not your NLOG
femcel hugbox. If you get dogpiled, take the L and move on.
No. 2026357
>>2026341Alright fair enough, but what I'm describing isn't exactly unheard of on here kek. I don't trust moids or pick-me's but I think some posters on here have Pickme Derangement Syndrome.
>>2026327My mum was almost sent home because a midwife didn't believe she was giving birth! Then she got sent to see another one and the new, much nicer midwife freaked out because of how dilated she was. I hate misogyny and laziness in the medical field so much.
No. 2026378
>>2026365I think reading about spiritual stuff like this is interesting and can give you new ways of thinking about some things. It's also quite insightful in the historical sense.
>>2026349That's sad for your grandma. The "well my grandparents had a big age gap and they were fine" argument should always be seen as a red flag, especially coming from men.
No. 2026387
nonny slurp on that nasty chud with smegma to prove to me how based you are.
(infighting) No. 2026423
>>2026374did you read me? maybe you are more comfortable if we call it yin and yang, moon and solar? you have yang energy too. Dualism is in every spiritual path, even the shadow thing of Jung relies on duality.
The empirical evidence you want is in cience which embraces the minimal scope of reality we can perceive.
>>2026373I think that it's because we are forced to one spectre of the duality and if we dare to conciliate to other energies we are punished. And indeed, men need to learn to embrace the yin. The less retarded men I knew are very yin, and even adopting roles assignated to women because they are inclined naturally to do so.
>>2026378Even if you don't ended believing in these things there is knowledge you can apply to your life, like the concept of dukkha of buddhism, or the tree of life and the tree of death of the kabbalah.
>>2026385you don't have to, and no, I'm into spirituality since 2012, and yeah learning things from tik tok arises this problem of don't understanding complex concepts.
>>2026401yeah I think that beyond being secular, there is a problem of don't even understanding these things philosophically and like you say, if they are pro-gnc then they should understand these traits that are so intrinsic to us that no sex based socialization can tame. I think there's a shadow problem too. Our shadow as feminist women perhaps is the weak, vulnerable and permissive one? But yeah, again, the problem is thinking duality in sociological terms.
No. 2026435
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>>2026415No she’s pretty sexy and you’re the dumpy anon talking shit about my beloved. Look at this pic and tell me she’s hideous, stunning woman. Idgaf if this is “whiteknighting” she’s a goddess
>>2026412Marrying and having at children at 18 should be illegal, seriously
No. 2026438
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She’s walking like she’s about to dab on the fuggos. Real and queen behavior
No. 2026450
>>2026435I think she's pretty NOW after all the surgeries she had but not a real beauty by all means. Her body is amazing tho
>>2026448pls don't bring political shit to this thread
No. 2026457
>>2026445I mean yeah you could get annoyed at her and her sister being privileged nepos but I sympathize with her more than her other family members. I don’t really give a fuck about the gaza conflict but imagine if your family back at the country they came from are getting bombed and ethnically cleansed to smithereens. Even if they are sheltered by wealth I’m sure knowing your ancestors are facing death and starvation wouldn’t sit well in your heart. I’m sure her doing that is already impacting her career
you have to be a zionist in Hollywood>>2026441A horse is a magestic, fearless
No. 2026467
>>2026457>I’m sure her doing that is already impacting her career you have to be a zionist in HollywoodBoohoo, she'll be a fraction less rich and succesful while you work 40 hours a week to make a sliver of what she earns.
She won't be grateful you're defending her on an obscure image board.
No. 2026469
>>2026453>blackballed for speaking out on human right issuesLike who kek. Zoomers think every celebrity
has to speak on it or else they’re genocide sympathizers
No. 2026510
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>>2026505>If her family is being slaughtered then goodThis is giving bitter Redditor
No. 2026549
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>>2026545>womp wompOh fuck the tiktokfags are here!!! Nonnas take cover!!!1!
No. 2026568
>>2026422I hate how nobody is "allowed" to explore different ways of self expression/gender nonconformity or just indulge in a fetish without genderspecials taking it personally. I guess because it threatens their sooper edgy and unique LARP. Inb4 blogging, but I'm bisexual and I don't insist that everyone who's had a threesome MUST identify as bi or else they're
problematic, anyone with a brain can see that's not fucking "good representation." Yet the twittard crowd can't seem to get it into their heads that not everything is about them.
>>2026502Based Japan, everyone SHOULD love watermelon, it's delicious and nutritious.
No. 2026569
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>>2026415I think she’s a million times more attractive than her sister
Seriously does gigi have a thyroid disease or something? Her face is so puffy and she’s also covered in moles.
No. 2026575
>>2026569both look fucking weird
why can't female celebrities have soft harmonious features instead of cartoonish grotesque exaggerated features that obviously allude to sexual activities
No. 2026587
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>>2026575I don’t get how we went from European models with talent and pretty faces to awkward American nepo babies that look like troons or are just flat out ugly
No. 2026607
>>2026569she looks like she smells like sweat. not very
No. 2026616
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>>2026582being a model is more than just having a pretty face (which I strongly disagree with lmao)
>nitpicking Her job is based on her body lmao, it’s hardly nitpicking
No. 2026636
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>>2026623Gigi has a basic, puffy face. She’s only good for modeling PINK, Bella can pull off Haute couture
>>2026626Have you taken your meds?
No. 2026645
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>>2026643>>2026639Gigi looks like a grandma sorry lol
No. 2026707
>>2026659Artificial flavors in general are fucking disgusting and raste nothing like the original fruit, cherry being the biggest
No. 2026731
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Anya Taylor Joy is fucking horrifying. What the fuck is this phenotype. I hope she never procreates.
No. 2026797
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>>2026766Ew jumpscare. She looks like picrel.
No. 2026823
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>>2026435She's so beautiful and kind. Princess of Nazareth.
No. 2026849
Most feminist girls girls are attracted to toxic men so it makes sense why they hate men
No. 2026875
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>>2026797Elegant nose
Elegant body
Porcelain skin
Big doe eyes
No. 2026879
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She looks like a better version of Dakota fannings sister
No. 2026896
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>>2026890You’re mentally ill if you think she looks like a man
No. 2026949
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The vocaloid community is so dead, only consoomers, barely any producers that are making original stuff that isn't commercial boring shit or that aren't copying others, now that everyone can also make their own vocaloids, it's also boring because I don't want to listen to a cover sung by some random loser, I want to listen to original shit with real vocaloids that don't sound like nails on a chalkboard.
I'm also mad because Mikuo and the other genderbent vocaloids are dead, so if you want to listen to Mikuo you have to listen to slowed down songs, it's like people forgot you can change the pitch without messing up the speed.
No. 2026982
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Stop falling for the psyop
No. 2027037
>>2027030>dangerous that requires you to stay away from things that can make you and your baby dangerously illthat would be great if we didn't consider the wind blowing the wrong way as something "extremely dangerous for pregnant women"
>Don’t have kids if don’t want to be told to not eat raw salmon and shit.well now you have a generation of moms who give up since they're told everything they do is wrong and now no one truly knows whats wrong and right anymore, fear mongering about every little thing just breeds no trust in what is considered wrong and right
No. 2027052
>>2027047>but you can’t grasp why eating raw fish as a pregnant woman in the USA is a bad thing?If you're eating parasitic fish you're gonna get parasites whether you're pregnant or not, being overly restrictive just makes you less trustworthy to women so you would just get blown off when more and more things are now considered dangerous
>Euros constantly go on about how good regulations are in different countries this pertains more to additives from junk food + majority of sushi from resturants are imported from japan, the same exact "extremely dangerous birth defect causing fish!!!!" japanese women are eating while pregnant and are fine
No. 2027065
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>>2027060In America alcohol is promoted as a weekend thing for young people but in Japan they want people drinking because their economy depends on it lol. I’m not a weeaboo so I don’t take anything Japanese people say for health to heart.
No. 2027069
>>2027068Nta but women still haven’t figured out all men are
abusive now. It takes people a few decades to learn.
No. 2027088
>>2027084What laws? there's no laws saying pregnant women can't eat sushi kek, many women do, most japanese women do, and there hasn't been a single case of anything happening
>>2027086what defects? can you find a case of a baby being born with birth defects directly related to sushi? I haven't found any
No. 2027092
>>2027067No one thinks sushi will kill you or your baby anon, it's defects from mercury and illness from poorly prepared sushi people are worried about
>>2027088I know you want to argue but I never said that sushi causes birth defects. I said that's why people are concerned about seafood consumption during pregnancy.
No. 2027227
>>2027192>sprawled out white lady???? what lol go outside
And Japanese people are short, idk why you’re so
triggered over that
No. 2027258
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>>2026849>julia fox>feminist People still believe this after attending an award show for porn?
No. 2027259
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>>2027258Samefag and after she said this?
No. 2027386
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>>2026797nah that's ariana
No. 2027434
>>2027413Don't know how it is today, but in 00s it was definitely like that. NLOGism and pickmeism were strong. A couple of women I know from those times stayed the same and would say something like "people are so surprised when I say that I'd let my husband have sex with a prostitute, but it's not like she's a normal woman and at least I'd be sure no feelings are involved y'know." They're also bis that never had relationships with women, it's the type of "bisexuality" where she just stares at other women's asses in public and sexualizes them with her partner.
I'm not saying everyone was/is like that though.
No. 2027442
>>2027433Why do you care if a "handsome moid" is insecure? Why should anyone else care? Males who know they're hot and think they're hot shit are some of the most heinous, manipulative tards out there. It benefits no one but themselves.
>inb4 but ugly moids are awful toooooThey're awful because being with a beautiful woman gives them false confidence. Men should be humiliated as often as possible and kept in their place.
Other than that, good looking people
should be humble because bragging about your beauty makes you annoying. You benefit more from endearing yourself to others than annoying them because people are social animals.
No. 2027464
>>2027457alt fashion looks hideous and you'd need zero self awareness or excessive self confidence to think it looks okay on anyone, or enough self hate to want to make yourself look ugly
the recent trend of venerating "goth girls" is ultra cringe considering the self-deprecating origins of the style
No. 2027470
>>2027467the people who originated the goth look were trying to make themselves look hideous, like homeless goblins, which is what goth girls still look like
porn addicted men worship goth girls because they think goth girls are more promiscuous and tolerant of their disgusting porn addiction symptoms because goth girls are supposed to be more "open minded" (i.e. easy) and sexually free
No. 2027475
>>2027470Do you have any info on the exact origins of the goth look? I don't know about the origins but I think it looked more kid-like than homeless-like when I was around high school age (I don't think goths really exist now around me). It was a lot of tutus, tulle, lace, layering, purely decorative items like fingerless gloves etc. which I don't think are homeless looking.
But again both the popular bimbo look and the alt look are popular with men because they perceive both to be promiscuous. The least popular look with men is either some kind of actual fashion shit or total normie fashion because neither of those are associated with promiscuity (or mental illness which often correlates to promiscuity).
No. 2027579
>>2027531agree ebooks are fantastic, though the one major problem I have with them is how they handle the inclusion of illustrations or diagrams (I read a lot of zoology and art/architecture books though and on my phone, not a dedicated ereader so dunno if it's not so bad on a kindle and obviously this doesn't apply to most genres of books kek), and a minor one is that older titles that aren't classics or popular can have some extremely botched ebook versions lol. I very rarely buy physical books now without having read the ebook version first, new release fiction is such a hit-or-miss for me these days that pirating-then-purchasing feels the only way to avoid buying garbage. I'll always have a collection of physical books, but I really don't get people who just hate on ebooks as a format.
Possibly unpopular opinion, but I don't think people who only listen to the audiobook of a book can give a good/accurate review- it's very clear that people are more distracted while taking in a story this way, and that they miss large details and won't notice piss-poor prose if the VA is good enough etc. Not knocking the format in general btw, just the increasingly common usage of it for reviewing books.
No. 2027628
>>2027531I understand the benefits of e-readers and think they're the best option for heavy readers but somehow the experience of reading on an e-reader is always unsatisfying to me, I always just prefer the tactile experience of real books.
The one thing e-readers are bad for I think is people who collect old or rare books, especially illustrated books or books that have a risk of being suppressed/taken out of print. My mom likes to thrift old children's books or old books on history and politics where the newer versions have been changed and it's often impossible to get those on an e-reader, plus I'd be worried that they could be lost more easily or corrupted even if you got them on an e-reader. So for that kind of thing I think physical copies are better, but for regular novels nonfiction textbooks etc. I agree an e-reader is better.
No. 2027718
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>>2027665nta but kek that's how i feel about people's reactions to poor sugoi kawiwiwiwi nippon1!!!!1! like yeah nothing out of the ordinary for large cities. the only reason people are really upset is so obviously only due to their weebishness kek
No. 2027727
>>2027722>>2027715They're free from normie despicable and boring standards, yes. Free from your judgment.
>>2027722You seem more obsessed about how other people look which is even more sad
No. 2027728
>>2027727you realize the "alt" fashion was spawned by some establishment fashion person right
to sell an image of "rebellion" that doesn't hurt the establishment in a meaningful way
No. 2027759
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>>2027746Alternative fashion as a phenomenon exists since for ever, as for example picrel. Not you're talking about punk-associated movements which are in reaction of Late stage capitalism sure, but the phenomenon of having an alternative style from normieland, with extravagant features and associated livestyles sub-culture has always existed.