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No. 1986184

This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.

Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping
> Ao3 Censorship and TOS
> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers
> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads
> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama
> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters
> Debates over death of the author
> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creators

Criticism of fujos has its own dedicated thread:


No. 1986193

the thread pic is amazing kek

No. 1986446

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No. 1986447

people that say this never like ''developed'' straight ships. It's always some equally bland bad boy x florist girl shit. The only difference is that it has more screen time, but it's as equally bland, if not more because it's such a common and boring trope.

No. 1986448

I 10000% agree with this take but this is bait and belongs in the fujocoomer thread.

No. 1986450

I wish women wouldn't feel the need to make shipping about social activism. Can't enjoy shit without it being for some higher purpose.

No. 1986456

nta I don't fully agree with a lot of "wokie takes" but there can be some genuine discussion where we can discuss certain problematic elements in fan-fiction or depictions of characters.

No. 1986462

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otherwise you'll end up with degens like picrel, whose only argument will always be "why don't you care about real children being abused, bet you're an IRL pedo projecting"

No. 1986465

This. The whole push to make women feel bad for disliking female characters, which are 99% badly written, is so obviously fake and preachy. Imagine if moids got shamed for not wanting to watch yaoi or anime made for women like kuroshitsuji.

No. 1986469

nothing the person in your pic is saying is wrong

No. 1986471

its all women writing the fanfics with the two guys for women, is this just another attempt to make hetshippers seem oppressed in fandom spaces?

No. 1986473

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the "well developed straight ship" in question;

No. 1986476

Sasuke being a deadbeat dad in canon will never not be funny to me

No. 1986479

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same, it's the funniest thing.

No. 1986485

No. 1986498

Disney adults are the final fork of fandom sperging. Disney managed to get an entire generation of adults who both want to go to Disney land like it's a spiritual trip and work at Disney land. Disney workers get paid shit but majority are disneyspergs who think Disney is the best thing ever.

No. 1986506

I was seething when they ended up being together. I fucking hated Sasuke and liked Sakura(i guess i was minority kek). Her retarded crush on Sasuke was her worst part and i thought she will grow up from it, but oh well.

No. 1986576

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Me each time someone use the word "literally" in fandom.

No. 1986650

>this argument again
dont you get bored looping the same topics over and over

No. 1986691

especially love when what follows is wildly inaccurate information or outright fanon/personal headcanon.

Anons, what's the worst fandom you've been in/witnessed when it comes to delusional interpretations of the source material?

No. 1986716

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Don't be disingenuous now.

No. 1986725

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Do any other anons think shipping incest really isn't terrible or unforgiveable the way antishippers claim it is? Incest has been featured in fiction for hundreds of years. It can get a little cringe if the creator has a clear fetish like picrel but I don't see how it's harmful or worth sperging about.

No. 1986729

I love them so much.

No. 1986733

most people have siblings which is why it weirds them out

No. 1986741

I can get why someone might enjoy it and think it no big deal/the same as regular shipping if they're an only child, but it is a bit questionable when someone with siblings is really into it, or idk stuff like weecest or whatever that was. As a sibling-haver, it does gross me out kek, but it's generally not shame or sperg-worthy without being part of other retarded/creep behaviour.

(I also understand some are into it more for narrative elements rather than fetish or romance/shipping reasons, but that leads to a very specific (and same-y) kind of angsty story/fic that I personally don't get the appeal of seeing more than a couple of times)

No. 1986742

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>I don't know how it got to this point
It was all the fault of Bandori yuritroon adri/cybershoujo, the runner of mikumiku_ebooks, and the official english account playing along like you said. He cashed on Notch doing wrongthink at the time by giving trannies a really childish way to separate art from the artist. He was later disowned for talking inappropriately about minor mutuals in private (lol), all while calling him "she" of course (lmao), that's why you don't see "Hatsune Miku made Minecraft" memes nowadays. Yet his legacy persists as Miku is known in the west as a tumblr refugee mascot of Correct Opinions.

No. 1986747

Growing up in idoltwt in such close proximity to TIMs was unironically what kept me from completely drinking the gender koolaid. Him, Andrearitsu, and other TIM mutual-in-laws of mine constantly getting busted for grooming, some of them even creeping on me personally when I was a young girl, I subconsciously made a connection in my mind that transbian = creep. If I had run in a 99% TIF circle like most other gendie fandoms tended to be, I might have trooned because I never saw the other side.

No. 1986761

for real, when we will NOT talk about shipping discourse?

No. 1986764

sorry you had to go through that nona, at least you saw them for what they truly are early on
I still can't belive that's a real person kek

No. 1986819

I like a lot of incest ships and I don't blame people who hate it but sometimes people overreact imo. It's just fiction, and admittedly I'm a fan of the angsty taboo love ship dynamics. Yeah if a man with an irl sister was into siscon I would not trust him but I don't trust moids anyways

No. 1986820

That's such a horrible experience nonna, sorry you had to go through that. I was on idoltwt as well as a young teen but surprisingly never had a single TIM mutual, only other women. I saw all the Andrea Ritsu and cybershoujo stuff unfold from the sidelines and like you started to realize TIMs were creeps because most of the "women" getting called out for predatory behavior were troons. I sort of tried to shut it down because I was still in my handmaiden phase but even back then I basically figured out the AGP/HSTS distinction.

Looking back it was pretty normal for people to make fun of Andrea Ritsu for adding Nicomaki Tensai to his name but I feel like if a lot of people did it now they'd get called transmisogynistic for making fun of a tranny's name change considering you can't even call a TIM ugly without being accused of being transphobic kek.

No. 1986841

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What the actual fuck does any of this mean?

No. 1986842

It's just edgy teens being edgy

No. 1986851

weren't these kinds of themed/vaguely fandom-related playlists super common back on 8tracks? I feel like there was almost a competition to see who could come up with the most hyper-specific title/concept kek

No. 1986855

It's just the revival of those cringy 8tracks character/mood playlists where 90% of them had to have Mother Mother, Marina, Melanie Martinez and MSI in the mix.

No. 1986856

>I’m always gonna choose the well-developed straight ship over the 2 bland and incompatible white dudes
I’m really curious what are these well-developed diverse het couples she ships that don’t involve bland white dudes

No. 1986862

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This pedo groomer and DestinytoMoon who was the one that made the original "Miku is actually trans" headcanon and turned Miku Mondays into "Mikusona" (racewashed) Mondays have been the bane of this character. She's never recovered since from being a mouthpiece. I hate that the entire fandom around her is memes or politics now and "she can be anything you want her to be!" and not that she can sing whatever you want her to sing, and her looks change depending on the song's story or intention, she wasn't meant to be a mascot for your representation or for Israel and Palestine shitflinging online.

I remember the Vocaloid fandom in the 2000s and 2010s and it's insane what one AGP can do to the public perception of an entire character.

No. 1986879

nut but off the top of my head Zukka is an example of fujos basically creating a ship to focus exclusively on males who interacted maybe thrice in canon.

No. 1986894

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I know that this may seem like a troll post, but has anyone ever shipped a "throuple" before? cause sometimes you can't decide which characters you want to end up together.

No. 1986896

That's cringe. Only ugly unwashed "queers" like it

No. 1986897

zuko and sokka had some funny moments though

No. 1986901

ot3 =/= unwashed 3dpd dnd nerd degenerate autist polycule

No. 1986903

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nta but it's kinda cringe

No. 1986905

What kind of person puts the bowl on their crotch

No. 1986908

This series as a whole is an abomination, I wish I could go back in time and physically prevent Kishimoto from making more than 30 volumes.

No. 1986914

OT3 are for spineless, indecisive fucks who like shoving polyamory shit down everyone's throat. I'd rather deal with a shitty love triangle than have to read someone's OT3 fanfics or headcanons.

No. 1986955

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Posting them is cheating Nonnie, most straight ships still sucks.

No. 1986986

seems to be implying one has a dick and the other has a pussy kek

No. 1986988

what is it about bandori that attracts so many trannoids? is it the yuri bait?

No. 1986990

>trannies invading and ruining hobbies
always lol

No. 1986991

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God I love FMA atm (I'm rewatching it) and I love that it's been popping up on lolcow so much recently

No. 1986992

every idol franchise attracts trannys and non-binary weirdos like crazy

No. 1986997

i tried watching this show 3 times and i could never get past the first ep

No. 1986998

I knew a lot of terfs (so normal women) in the fandom. I guess trannies like to invade fandoms like that. (Disclaimer I’m only talking about western fandom, I don’t speak Japanese but I know eastern fandom for all-female anime franchises like this is usually predominantly male)

No. 1987000

Hatsine Miku is a drawing with no real story to her, her age is a tacked on note at best. She could have been 43 and look the same because it's an abstraction of a person. The twins maybe you have more of an argument with but they could again just slap on a higher number and it's suddenly fine because mallets and flat chested women exist, but I do get some pedos like the underage part specifically because it's a power thing and always has been, but with anime character designs that don't really have a set story age is a projection at best

No. 1987008

>but there can be some genuine discussion where we can discuss certain problematic elements in fan-fiction or depictions of characters.
Somewhat related, but out of boredom I looked at a favorite character tag on AO3 and read some fics with various ratings (I haven't gotten invested in a fandom in 5 years or read fic often in 8), and has anyone else noticed more IRL porn tropes in X rated fics more in the last 5 years? It's not a surprise to me because a lot of sex scenes are written by virgins, but I'm used to seeing anatomically incorrect shit like making female orgasms squirting by default after being fingered or PIV in moid fic, not by women too. There's also how so much BDSM and omegaverse too. I normally follow the "don't like don't read" mantra but it's gone from being just a niche to almost every ship being into choking and restraints.

No. 1987011

>The twins maybe you have more of an argument with but they could again just slap on a higher number and it's suddenly fine because mallets and flat chested women exist
with them their design as a whole looks younger than the other vocaloids, it's not just because of chest size or height. and everyone knows the "she's really 50000 years old" thing is just an excuse, those types of characters are still tagged as loli and shota.

No. 1987012

Yeah I’ve shipped several OT3s of Attack on Titan characters before. The show is set up with some characters developing strong bonds with eachother in groups of 3 (Eren Mikasa Armin, Reiner Berthold Annie, Levi Hanji Erwin, Connie Jean Sasha) so why not imagine the characters having threesomes with eachother since they’re all hot? It’s just fiction anyway, no real people are being harmed if you’re writing about or drawing fictional characters in fictional scenarios.

No. 1987014

Good for you? Kek

No. 1987017

Yes. And not just that, but stuff I saw on BDSM/fetish blogs like 10+ years ago is making its way into fanfiction written by people under 20 years old. Like BDSM as therapy (literally).

The Murderbot Diaries fandom. It's a magnet for autistics with bizarre paraphilias and every single one of them is genuinely convinced their favorite characters share their specific fetishes. Sometimes they slapfight over it, which is hilarious.

No. 1987018

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You're right, but wasn't the voice performer a grown woman for them? But to be fair I completely forgot nasty fucks like the right side of pic related exist I've just had the good luck to never interact with these nasty fucks so I end up mistaking my ideas as normal for others.

No. 1987025

right is the author of made in abyss in a nutshell, creepy ass pedophile shithead

No. 1987029

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man, it fucking sucks that the more normal weebs are exctint nowadays. I remember in the late 00s/early 10s i used to be part of an anime forum and it was so peaceful. People understood we were voyeurs to a culture that didn't know we existed nor cared about our opinion, but that didnt mean we couldnt be critical of it while enjoying the good anime that wasn't for otakus who jack off to 12yos. I also feel the bar was way higher back then, weebs who were into anime because of its artistic merits weren't usually into shonen shit or seasonal garbage, they liked obscure artsty anime like Mind Game or Nekojiru sou. Nowadays the cunny pedo and the gendie anti both consoom the same seasonal garbage and fight with eachother on twitter all day over western cuture war nonsense the japanese don't give a shit about.

No. 1987031

>angry means they are in the wrong!

typical retarded 4chan scrote

only reason these jap pedos are comfortable enough to say that shit is because they live in pedo nation where women are treated as shit and children can be preyed upon

No. 1987032

It's so funny how universally true it is that the more you interact with TIMs the more transphobic you get. I wasn't exposed to a single TERF talking point as a teen, the doubts in my head were planted by the troons themselves. Delicious irony to it all.

No. 1987037

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Vocaloids are a special case because they do get physically altered in age too depending on the setting, including the twins, but the idea got lost when the trannoid in >>1986742 started complaining that aging them up to make adult songs (about any sexual theme) was pedophilia, all while trying to diddle teenage girls in the bandori fandom. I saw producers like CircusP then claim to want to stop using Miku because she was underage and it was wrong to use her for adult music, other popular western producers echoed the sentiment. Retard anti contagion at it's finest

No. 1987040

i mean theres barely anything else to consume besides seasonal garbarge. nowadays you barely get 1 watchable anime per season

No. 1987041

I will repeat it again. How do these people get into anime? Most anime that's popular with zoomies has sexualized teens.

No. 1987042

watch older anime. There are like 40+ years of anime to watch.

No. 1987044

i've been doing that for years, but rewatching older animes over and over again gets boring really fast.

No. 1987046

They have brain damage + autism and can only recognize fanservice when it's extremely blatant. Like they'll get mad at a panty shot, but see a girl with G-cup tits and think it's "fat representation" or something. Either way they are mental

No. 1987047

anon i have been watching anime for over 15 years and i still find new hiden gems. Unless you only like shonenshit, you are going to find new stuff to watch. My 'to watch' is big enough that i will be watching anime until i am 80yo and in a group home

No. 1987052

eh really? maybe its just because i tend to drop anime really fast if i find it boring/bad.

No. 1987057

This is so true. Reminds me of this autist consoomer who genuinely thinks super sonico and all her morbidly obese friends are for the body positivity girlies and not for men with BBW fetishes. Also kek at her shilling super taruco when she's 17yo canonically, they cant even bother to read the wiki.

No. 1987067

Ironic weebs are also completely incapable of recognizing moe fanservice as well. I have no idea how you can be a fan of something like anime while completely ignoring the context and having no knowledge of tropes. It's one thing to know and dislike, but they just don't understand even the first thing about anime, force it into their woke gendie worldview and then get mad based on that convoluted POV. It's nonsensical.

No. 1987071

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>has anyone else noticed more porn tropes in x rated fics in the last 5 years?
God yes lmfao. I tried searching for BG3 fic to surprise my friend with, but most of it was ooc garbage
>hentai-grade dialogue
>all of the above
Like jfc can you people stop shitting up my otps and actually meet somebody in real life and date them so you can comprehend what actual eroticism is? AO3 should have a critic review section kek.

The more awkward fic trope is an author clearly projecting her trauma onto characters who wouldn't act or talk like that. Like although I have no issue with this type of thing, to post it to a public fanfiction archive feels like a cry for help and all I want to do is suggest professional help in the comments section which feels insensitive and dismissive in the moment. (It's even more awkward when the author actually TELLS the audience that in the summary but at least I know not to click.)

Also I even came across a Death Note fic by chance lately and then started reading it just because it didn't having choking in it, but get this! It was implied that the characters had been meeting up for sex for a while, but then had never done basic sex acts before! And then started moaning like crazy whilst saying hentai grade shit like (actual word for word) "Such a cute little slut, I bet you're wet for me already." and "Don't tease me! You– you're d-doing it on purpose, you're so mean, I–" It was so fucking cringe I wanted to flame the author like it was 2009. I went to her tumblr page and she was one of those pro hardcore-bdsm retards who claim "the submissive is in control and the dom is actually just forcing himself to go along with it!!" Like. What. She was 28 but I couldn't tell if she'd even had sex or not.

I honestly want to restrict these people's internet access and make them read 3 years worth of novels and get boyfriends or girlfriends before they even pick up a pen. God. I know fandom has always been "top 10% is good, ignore the rest" but nowadays it feels like only 3% or 5% is good. Mumble grumble.

No. 1987073

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It's hilarious to see antis and pedos fight over shit like dragon maid. The antis genuinely believe its wholesome wlw representation!!1! then get angry when they release official pedo figurines of kanna.
It's also weird that this kind of anime becomes popular nowadays, back in the day it would have stayed a niche because its basically a fanservice anime for scrotes. I have no idea how it got so big when the pedo fanservice is so glaringly obvious.

No. 1987077

In the west everytime I see some grown man saying the same things that are in the left side of the picture they turn out to be pedophiles anyway, the "difference" is that they target actual kids on discord. These two categories are two cheeks of the same butt. I wish I had that screenshot of a guy on twitter saying you have to be a pedophile to like Xenoblade 2's character designs and another guy found his criminal records and saw he was a convicted pedophile but I can't find it anymore.

No. 1987078

Lucky Star but only more sexualized because current year.
If you grew up in the 90s and 00s you knew these were made for scrotes.

No. 1987080

NOOOO The memories are flooding back! I wouldn't wish the sansundertalefication of your favorite onto anyone.
>she can be anything you want her to be! and not that she can sing whatever you want her to sing
Nailed it, that's the usual cope vocaloids get but it was meant for music, not hideous art and shitty memes, besides it's not like they need such excuses to give other characters the same treatment lol

No. 1987083

Helen Joyce made the same observation, both in her fujo discussion and an earlier article about fan-fiction in general, the majority of fan-fics were usually tame and you had to go out of your way to find graphic depictions of sexual acts but now the vast majority are filled with sexual acts(taken usually from porn) and you have to go out of your way to even find vanilla stuff.

No. 1987094

why would miku ever be for trans rights? trannies are weird trying to get a little girl character to validate their fetish kek

No. 1987105

>Like BDSM as therapy (literally).
So much BDSM has gone mainstream in the last decades. And I don't mean "casual" stuff like fuzzy handcuffs sometimes, but dom/sub being in the lingo, denial of how male doms are abusive and just framing it as a healing lifestyle and not a kink subculture. I've even seen therapists who support BDSM too (not sex therapists but run-of-the-mill counsellors for grief and trauma).

I only saw the short version of that video because I'm not a subscriber, but I agreed with her on everything. Instead of fanfics being a hobby it's become a form of sex ed or the only sexuality young people have, it's sad.

No. 1987107

because they are consumers who need their fragile identities validated/

No. 1987108

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I know this isn't directly related to fandom but I think it fits here, it reflects how both a certain section of fandom and actual academia tends to discuss media, stripping away the original context and assigning their own retarded meanings to make it actually being about homophobia, racism(in a purely american context), transgenderism etc.

No. 1987120

"It's been teaching white people (women) how to be karens" "she's so entitled" it's literally a little girl. She also gets so frightened in the end she jumps off a window and she either gets scolded, laughed at or hurts herself. She's not treated as some hero nor is she ever coddled by the bears, and implying the animals in the story are brown people is something else.

If you're gonna do a pedantic analysis of a story at least fucking read it

No. 1987127

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Reminds me of this post I saw where the OP claimed the author of the manga Mashle (essentially an HP parody with the typical shonen powerlevelling and fights) was a seething TRA who wrote it as a fuck you to JKR and wants to beat her up. Like what are the odds a random Japanese moid is totally a heckin awesome trans ally and not just a run of the mill adult HP fan who probably has an annual pass to the Universal theme park in Osaka kek. It's pure projection

No. 1987130

>over 15k likes
I thought the three bears example was egregious but this is so much worse

No. 1987135

Goldilocks is a cautionary tale against stealing, isn't it?

No. 1987145

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Does the McElroy fandom still exist? I liked some of their content when it was popular, but I remember the fandom being completely unhinged and having the worst homestuck/western animation fandom-like traits, like the 'controversy' over their DnD characters all being white in the comic adaptation (which they actually went back on and recolored the comic over).

No. 1987148

Has this person even read the damn story? Where in it do the bears "permit and even cater" to Goldilocks? When they find her she runs away, that's the only interaction they have—literally just making stuff up to fit a narrative kek
Kind of, but also to show how your actions will affect others so be respectful of others and their belongings. I don't know how the fuck they turned it into another evil white woman boogeyman kek.

No. 1987159

Out of all those tropes, rape is the only one that's been around since the early days of fandom. Everything else has exploded since the mid 2010s like some sort of psyop

No. 1987164

>I don't know how the fuck they turned it into another evil white woman boogeyman kek
Maybe they are only familiar with the Shrek version where Goldilocks gets adopted by the bear family and becomes a gang leader.

No. 1987169

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real niggas know that goldilocks learned her lesson, grew up and had a child picrel. fuck twitterfags, this is my personal headcanon

No. 1987173

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I like harem style ships more where they're all fighting over the same guy

No. 1987186

its only based when the guys are all fighting over the same girl

No. 1987188

Meh, it's too self inserty for me then and I'd rather the guys just hate fuck while they make one of them dress up as the girl.

No. 1987190

>self insertion is when a woman character is involved
I get what you mean, but what?

No. 1987191

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I can never get into that kind. What self-respecting woman would share her Nigel? I wish yanderdev didn't shit the bed and be retarded because I still want any media to have a story where the female lead is obsessed with a guy and picks off the other girls who like him like, even if its just playing cupid and not homocide, but we can't have nice things because fucking pedophiles.

No. 1987193

Well, I'm a woman so it's pretty obvious that if I were to watch a harem where they're all fighting over a woman that I'm supposed to self insert as her right?
>What self-respecting woman would share her Nigel?
Who cares it's entertaining, besides the other harem members could kill each other which would be equally entertaining.

No. 1987194

just play the hitman series. It's less kawaii, but at least it runs well. You can headcanon Agent 47 as bald-chan.

No. 1987199

>I were to watch a harem where they're all fighting over a woman that I'm supposed to self insert as her right?
No. It's possible to watch media or engage in shipping without a compulsive need to self-insert. I swear, it feels like people no longer know how to separate themselves.

No. 1987204

>self respecting
Tbf sometimes harems are fun because everybody involved is mentally ill.

No. 1987206

I still think it's hotter when it's a mixed gender or all male harem fighting over a guy, but I get your point.
I liked kiss him not me quite a lot now that I think about it anyway.

No. 1987209

Yes, I have three husbandos I love to ship in an OT3 however it's usually either
>Harem Battle formatting where character A and B are fighting over C
>Fuck Buddies formatting where A, B and C are friends but they fuck either in pairs or all together on occasion or regular. Nothing serious.
>Princess and Knight formatting where A and B serve C together as a team of sorts.
>Benefit Spice formatting where A and B are in a relationship but are friends with C and C sometimes joins in on the fun. This is peak when A and B have both dated C at different points in time.
I don't think I've ever shipped an OT3 in the way that is formatted in zoomer shipping styles of this era that usually follow the usual fluffy wuffy poly. I don't know, I just don't like OT3s where each member is in love with each other and are genuinely committed. OT3's are only good when it's either a entirely same-sex coupling or an MMF coupling with the woman as the 'leader' of the OT3. A lot of the time I hate it because if it's a MMF OT3 then the woman in the ship is reduced to some mommy cuckold servant observer for the two males. Though a lot of the time, OTP tend to be better than OT3s and when it comes down to it, a lot of OT3s are usually just for smut purposes.

No. 1987211

File: 1714584405764.jpg (122.81 KB, 600x779, 77456-026bd.jpg)

The part at the end about 'feminine figures of women' makes me roll my eyes so hard. As if there aren't like 1,000 completely non sexual touhou figures that are actually feminine looking out there, but no instead the literal porn mascot is the 'feminine' anime figure.

No. 1987215

Because touhou is hard to get into. Meanwhile sonico and her fat friends are personalityless mascots with a shitty SOL slop anime they can binge in an afternoon.

No. 1987218

You can literally get into touhou from music only though.

No. 1987222

I had OT3s when I was younger because it was trendy on Tumblr but looking back I didn't actually ship all 3 of them together. I either saw it as a friend group or two people dating one person (but not happening at the same time even though it was an "OT3") kek. I openly hate anything poly related now

No. 1987228

thats still more effort than the average miku/sonico mascot figure consoomer is willing to put into the hobby

No. 1987229

How? I got into it because I loved the designs, I watched the MVs and I eventually played the games (even if I sucked at them).

No. 1987231

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>then the woman in the ship is reduced to some mommy cuckold servant observer for the two males
Little different but reminded me of this fic.

No. 1987232

99% of Touhou fans haven't tried to 1cc any of the games even on Easy, the only hard thing about "getting into touhou" is picking which of the overwhelming amount of fan and canon content you want to pick up first, there's so fucking much across 22 years that it must be almost deafening for someone new.

No. 1987235

kek i remember watching this video as a wee one. i think i was like 8 or 10

No. 1987237

Bungou Stray Dogs.

No. 1987238

Touhou vids of this era are classics that belong in the library of congress

No. 1987239

I'd figure it would be more offensive to tumblr types for 3 "straight cis-het white men" for playing non-white characters.

No. 1987241

Why are their arms so fucking long?

No. 1987246

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>when it comes to delusional interpretations of the source material?

No. 1987249

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There are various female anime figures based on original illustrations that aren't sexualized at all or way less porny looking than Sonico. Personally I love the Sleeping Beauty one but it's a bit much so I never got it. I think they would make her look less basic too, but she's just a pickme on both sides, wants the onlyfans porny egirl aesthetic but to be an unproblematic tiktok queen to her fellow gen z watchers as well. Pretty typical of animecore bitches

No. 1987252

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I think the way they try and have their cake and eat it too is what really annoys me. If it was just some e-girl who buys sonico figures for male attention I wouldn't care but the fact that she bitches about women being into stuff like hetalia and acts as if she's somehow 'better than them'. At least hetalia fans don't buy figures that have literally been jizzed on…

No. 1987256

Not a twitterfag, but what's with the screeching about private qrts? I saw an account which deleted a bunch of concept art just because they complained that one person retweeted joking about how the text in the art said "make his eyes sexy" and that's basically CSA because the character has an ambiguous age in the late teens. Later went on to have breakdowns about the handful of artists who drew him with older male characters. So, the same shipping that's always been around?

No. 1987265

Because private quotes make people think someone is talking shit. Tbf that's a reason why lots of people have locked accounts anyway so to be suspicious isn't entirely wrong kek

No. 1987269

>It's a magnet for autistics with bizarre paraphilias and every single one of them is genuinely convinced their favorite characters share their specific fetishes. Sometimes they slapfight over it, which is hilarious.
Caps please, that sounds fucking hilarious.

No. 1987272

I never got into them outside of their Polygon content, but I kind of have a petty grudge again them because nearly all of the Tumblr retards who screeched over how women over 25 writing fanfic are creeps who should take care of their kids stanned the Mcelroys, even though they were all in their 30s in 2018. All I remember was their DnD podcast has a stereotypical gay guy character with a troon (TIM) twin, I was almost surprised he was dating a man in the story and not a stunning and brave transbian. Travis Mcelroy is also an obnoxious TRA that shills sex work and asked for his fans to link to their Onlyfans for him, but the other ones are okay to my knowledge.

No. 1987275

>The Murderbot Diaries fandom
Huh, knew that series was pretty popular, but it never crossed my mind that it'd be enough to have an active fandom (even reasonably popular books often have very slow ones). Can see why it'd be an autist magnet, but what I read of the series was pretty sexless (literally for the murderbot iirc) so kinda weird that it's lured in the fetishists kek

No. 1987278

I had no idea who they were before that Sarah Z video about them

No. 1987279

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As someone who used to be a casual fan I'd say currently they are at about 40% of their popularity. Definitely less popular now but it's also more consistent with viewership. However the fandom has reached a point where they've recognised certain things about the Mcelroys. Like it's become obvious that they no longer enjoy DnD despite those episodes always being their most popular series. Also there's a general dislike for Travis, he embodies every stereotype about a male feminist, he comes across as creepy and posts picrel on thirst-traps and criticizing him always results in a canned response about "he's a cis-white men who wasn't aware of his privilege', which is frustrating to deal with

No. 1987283

jesus what a cringe scrote

No. 1987284

They should make all qrts visible for the op or at least make it possible to turn them off

No. 1987286

>The Murderbot Diaries fandom
Oh god, I didn't even know there was a fandom for these books. I'm scared to look kek

No. 1987298

Any time a blatantly straight female character gets interpreted as a lesbian to make her not stand in the way of a popular gay ship.
I can only think of Susato Mikotoba right now but I'm sure any het female love interest that doesn't get any explicit confirmation gets slapped with this.

No. 1987314

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samefag, he's married with 3 kids tw and he publicly posts about how women(creators) should send him their OF accounts, he definitely has a second account where he acts like an even more open degenerate

No. 1987319

>tried searching for BG3 fic
bold move anon- while there's some 'classic' fans churning out the good shit, bg3 fic is an absolute mess. I've been in a couple newer fandoms that, as a whole, struggled with keeping characters in-character, but fic for this game has some of the loosest understanding of canon I've seen in a while kek (especially odd with the smut, considering the romances in the game). Glad the characters I like are niche enough that only a handful of dedicated authors write for them, but rip anyone who likes a more popular character or ship, or one being camped on by a fetish peddler

No. 1987349

>noticed more IRL porn tropes in X rated fics
Absolutely, especially with anime and yume fics (I know, I know). Like there's so much bimbo, choking, daddy, disgusting moid-tier shit. I get that it's written erotica but it's so much more porny now

No. 1987367

>I get that it's written erotica but it's so much more porny now
Yeah, that's my issue, I was always in the camp that "erotica is better because it's not like real porn", but now people reference artwork and fanfic tropes from violent IRL porn. Even as someone who likes some "problematic" themes, I don't romanticize it like so much female fic does. I'm a yume and I'm thankful the characters I like have zero content, because I hate that shit. If you want an abusive older dom boyfriend that chokes you, just date a real man lmao

No. 1987371

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Chobits isn't even fucking shoujo.

No. 1987379

11 x 17 is kinda wild, especially in an anime for little girls..

No. 1987383

you should see cardcaptor sakura

No. 1987388

Somewhat related, recently every now and then I see Asian artists straight up go "gaijin do not repost, edit, download, or comment on my art, please leave me alone."

No. 1987390

It's just wish fufillment, personally I'm fine with age gaps like that if it's written by women for women.

No. 1987391

i am starting to see more japanese artists liking anti culture war tweets

No. 1987394

Asian artists always had to deal with reposts or stores stealing their art for merch (see Aliexpress), no wonder why they're tired of gaijin people.

No. 1987396

Love this Alice figure!

No. 1987397

I mean it's usually other Asian people selling it on aliexpress. When Japanese people say 'gaijin' they mean literally anyone who isn't Japanese.

No. 1987401

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Same, it's adorable.

No. 1987402

The posts are usually Google translated into english.

No. 1987403

i dont think age-gaps like that belong in media for children bru

No. 1987413

Any Marisa figure that you like?

No. 1987414

i am glad egirl havent latched onto 2ho. Now if only we could get rid of the trannoids

No. 1987416

Imo shoujo/shounen aren't children magazines.
They're for preteen/teen, similiar to YA.

No. 1987418

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There's a lot that I like! My favorite is the yogisya one, but it's a garage kit (though the Remilia figure got picked up so who knows!)

No. 1987429

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meanwhile polyfags IRL

No. 1987430

hoops girl could do so much better

No. 1987435

Honestly, after seeing all kinds of eldrich horrors polyfags consist of, those people in the picture are quite good looking for polyfags.

No. 1987470

I'm tired of normies almost demonizing shoujo and talking about how "problematic" it is and then turn around and defend shounen high school girl fan service shows and collect super super sonic figures

No. 1987565

both are shit

No. 1987600

Is there like, a figure thread on /m/? Or just a thread to dump pictures of figures we like

No. 1987614

pretty sure there's a buyfag thread

No. 1987615

It's fine to not like it but there's still an irritating pattern where things for girls are scrutinized way harder and as somebody who likes shoujo I'm getting tired of it.

No. 1987617

These types of people always like stuff like chainsaw man or evangelion too

No. 1987618

What would you consider a decent shoujo series? Asking because I havent read shoujo in years.

No. 1987631

samefag I scrolled through most of /m/ and didn't see a buyfag thread, maybe I confused it with anons posting figures in the husbando thread? anyways we should have a thread to talk about figures

No. 1987633

I just used the search tool and here’s the buyfag thread, nona >>>/m/192563

No. 1987635

File: 1714609311467.png (644.86 KB, 606x623, Screenshot_9575.png)

I am begging shounentards to watch another anime

No. 1987637

Now post the adult women in the series (tsunade, mei, that lady with the blonde bob cut, etc), all sexualized except for a few

No. 1987638

The first volumes of the series had naruto's sexy no jutsu and the chick who hosted the exams only wore a fishnet top with a miniskirt, who are they kidding?

No. 1987646

mon dieu why do women accept things like this they should just kick the faggot out of the "throuple" and become a couple kek

No. 1987648

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Perhaps unpopular but I agree with the twitter OP. I grew up reading the naruto manga before eventually branching out to other mainstream shonens and it was night and day. There really isn’t fanservice of the underage female characters in naruto. That shouldn’t be praiseworthy, I know. Kishimoto is still a misogynistic moid, but somehow he created genuinely interesting and complex female characters. (The problem is he also wrote them to be moid-obsessed and then irrelevant in part 2, maybe because of the backlash). I actually think it’s a moid psyop that the female naruto characters are bad. I still remember how much moids hated sakura because she wasn’t “waifu material.” Kishimoto himself mentioned that his editor said sakura wasn’t “cute” enough, but kishimoto didn’t think female protagonists needed to just be cute. Based, honestly. I love “unlikeable” female characters

No. 1987657

the female characters were moid obsessed from the very start…did we read/watch the same series?

No. 1987660

Read again, she admits they were moid obsessed.

No. 1987665

>he created genuinely interesting and complex female characters
? Where?? Every single female character in naruto exists only to serve the men, with no plot relevance or desires of their own. Men only didn't see sakura as waifu material because she's THAT fucking annoying. She's so sexist and badly written that even MEN draw the line somewhere, kek. Other mangaka may be horndogs and fall into sexist tropes here and there, but Kishimoto is easily one of the worst when it comes to writing female characters as human beings, imo.

No. 1987671

i thought she was saying that they only got turned that way in part 2, but maybe i misread

No. 1987672

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Ayrt, I agree they’re moid-obsessed from the start. I meant that they also become irrelevant in part 2. Still, I think they’re interesting and multifaceted in a way most shonen female characters aren’t. Also, I found sakura to be a pretty fair depiction of a middle school girl cringely obsessed with her crush kek

No. 1987676

What do you think of intentionally pickme female characters? As in, they're something wrong with them inverse?

No. 1987680

I truly don't see what makes them different from other shonen female characters, each and every one of them are stereotyped and cliche. Hinata is the stereotypical shy big titty waifubait, ino is just the stereotypical mean girl trope, tenten has NO personality whatsoever and was only added because Guy's team needed a girl, temari maybe could have had potential but hardly gets screentime, making sakura so boy crazy comes off as stereotypical too (and for a shitty moid at that) how is that complex in any way?

No. 1987685

Samefag and they don't even learn or grow much from it either. Which leads me to answer
If they develop over time and change for the better I wouldn't mind, though that rarely happens (especially not in Naruto)

No. 1987692

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>Hinata is the stereotypical shy big titty waifubait
Not until part 2. In part 1, she has an interesting plotline where she’s underestimated and belittled by her own family while simultaneously a member of a oppressive familial structure that essentially enslaves her own cousin, who she has to face off against despite certain defeat, showing her resilience
>tenten has NO personality
Agreed, but tenten is a minor character in a massive cast. I still liked her kek
>temari maybe could have had potential but hardly gets screentime
>making sakura so boy crazy comes off as stereotypical too
I get this point, but I think there’s so much more to sakura’s characterization that’s missing from this. She comes from a normal, middle class family and becomes a better person in how she treats naruto (who’s basically a street urchin). She struggles with her desire to conform to feminine standards and also be a kunoichi (female ninja). She’s intelligent and empathetic, and she learns and grows. She’s a foil to both naruto and sasuke. I love her. I could write and essay defending sakura. Part 2 was definitely a character assassination, though

No. 1987694

i think the existence of inner-sakura is what makes her a favorite of mine. i cant think of another time in a shonen where we get to see a girl (who is not the MC) inner thoughts more than once

No. 1987695

File: 1714613464316.jpg (25.17 KB, 400x225, team-7.jpg)

ntayrt yeah, I tried to rewatch it last year but it was hard to deal with that scene when team 7 members have to introduce themselves to Kakashi, and both Sasuke and Naruto seem to have deep motivations and actual goals, but Sakura is just portrayed as a brainless boy-crazy teen, even Kakashi says something like "girls her age are more interested in boys than into training" ew, she is the only girl in the team, just says a lot about how Kishimoto sees girls. He could have created an actual backstory to her, given her actual goals besides Sasuke, or given her any depth but nope. Sasuke is her only motivation in life.

No. 1987696

You get it, nonna. I’ve read a lot of shonen manga, but sakura is complex, flawed, and interesting. It’s a shame kishimoto discarded her midway through part 2 because she was unpopular with retarded moids

No. 1987702

Threadpic is literally me working in my industry

No. 1987704

Sakura defense anon here, but I highly suggest reading the manga if you want to revisit naruto! It’s much better. As far as sakura not having a dark backstory like sasuke and naruto, that’s what I like about her. She’s just a normal girl, not from any powerful ninja family, who eventually becomes one of the most powerful shinobi in the world. She’s a foil to sasuke and naruto, like I said earlier. Not trying to infight though, I get it if anons can’t overlook kishimoto’s misogynist writing. It definitely ruins things. I’m done, sorry to derail kek

No. 1987725

File: 1714615811969.jpg (100.96 KB, 1000x750, sakura-and-chiyo-vs-sasori.jpg)

ayrt thanks for the tip nona, I might re-read the manga actually since I'm revisiting all anime/manga I grew up with (I don't know if it's nostalgia or simply frustration with modern anime kek). And I don't even hate Sakura, I'm more frustrated than anything with Kishimoto for throwing the girls aside in the name of making boys appear more interesting. I liked her fight vs Sasori tho. I'd love it if Naruto had more of that and less screentime of boring characters I dont care about at all like, say, Shikamaru, Kiba, or Choji

No. 1987727

I enjoyed Akatsuki no Yona and Prince Freya a lot. Princess Tutu is my absolute favorite though.

No. 1987730

I so wanted a second season of akatsuki no yona! but I doubt it will happen, I heard that bluray sales were so low that it's unlikely Studio Pierrot will produce an S2 unfortunately

No. 1987745


No. 1987756

File: 1714621985395.png (277.1 KB, 300x450, image_2024-05-02_135226519.png)

Kitchen Princess isn't great by any means but some of the plot twists are insane in the most funniest and stupidest ways possible i.e Sora getting killed by a truck while attempting to get Najika vanilla beans for a cooking contest and then gets replaced by a identical twin in the next book

No. 1987760

imo this is about bowuigi </autism>

No. 1987800

Somehow both the retarded underage fandom and the official manga created for this game wildly manage to misinterpret the entire series. You got characters that are clearly abusive, manipulative or downright retarded with each other and somehow people will try to spin it as an uwu story. There's a million things to shit on about the manga and how it's a direct downgrade from the game's unique artstyle but the author's constant need to sexualize random women during actual brutal and heart-wrenching death scenes of completely different characters is grounds for ridicule

No. 1987801

samefag but I should add that the guy who makes the game and the guy who makes the manga are two separate people. If I'm not mistaken said mangaka used to work on porn doujins exclusively.

No. 1987809

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And that's why the degeneration of his female characters offendeds me so much more. They were interesting and had varied fighting styles. It wasn't like other manga series where there was one large-breasted 16-year-old whose job was to be defeated sexily. But still I'll give him credit for good female character design, which honestly should be the bare minimum.

No. 1987816

Speaking of, would you rather have a well written but sexualized character or a terribly written but nonsexualized character?

No. 1987817

the former is basically one piece, so I'd take the latter

No. 1987818

nta I'd rather have well written sexualized female characters. I would still care about them. A badly written female character wouldn't even be on my radar.

No. 1987823

File: 1714635621161.gif (8.87 MB, 640x360, 1pkdKBv.gif)

tbf even 90% of the other male characters stopped being developed, it all became about ninja wizard magic, jinjurikis and special bloodlines that give you god power.

No. 1987825

shippuden just sucked in general. also why tf does it have 500 episodes???

No. 1987830

based eah nona…

No. 1987836

I hate both tbh. It's really hard for me to focus on the character herself when her tiddies and ass are flopping all around the place. I especially hate moid camera angles that focus only on her thighs. I guess it's more bearable in manga.

No. 1987839

File: 1714638318604.jpg (706.04 KB, 1625x1396, 1000014215.jpg)

Burrito characters shouldn't be here

No. 1987854

Drop the shounenslop and read something with decently written and non-sexualized female characters.

No. 1987855

Didn't this story come from Britain in the early 19th century? Why strip the context to cook up retarded connections, and plus every child who I've ever read that story to always felt annoyed at Goldilocks and felt bad for the bears. I'd like see these people disscet and understand actually quite symbolically heavy fairytales like The White Doe, The Hag and the Goose-Girl or The Juniper Tree if they can't even wrap their heads around Goldilocks without making some out of field observation.

No. 1987930

I hate when this kind of video appears because it's always someone who hasn't watched it and isn't really a fan. They "weren't there" as in they're a zoomer or too young to really understand or have researched the point and history of shoujo. They look at it through a current lense of omg Usagi was 14!!!! Rather than the fact that women we're writing for other girls and women and that sometimes you can't look at media, especially older media with such a broad brush. It's frustrating because the 90s for example were a weird time for anime and manga it was really booming. Things were different and it's almost pointless to look at these old shows through today's lense. These video essayists who are so obnoxious.. The media exist. Sorry if you think they're problematic. Just don't read them. It's fine to discuss these things but they're always so fucking oblique and uneducated about it.

No. 1987936

File: 1714652063588.jpg (Spoiler Image,167.83 KB, 1080x1764, 1yDwgGU.jpg)

Spoilered because of nsfw art. I'm sorry am I the only one who notices that fandomsspergs are just genderbending male characters and calling them ftm as a cope? Like we used to have shippers just genderbend one character to make an m/m ship a f/m ship (this was super popular with naruto/sasuke). But now aidans will write "male" characters that are basically female. Picrel is supposed to man kek. This is literally just a woman.
Spoilered for NSFW fan art
Kishimoto doesn't even do the art for boruto but yeah. The fact that the female characters in part 1 not being sexualized is weird now shows how moe/lolispergs getting pandered to is now the default in anime.

No. 1987946

i hate that western fandom spaces are absolutely dominated by handmaidens, aidens, trannys and autists. apparently fandom stuff just doesn't attract normal people.

No. 1987951

I thought this was a butch for a second and was like "oh neat!" But then the sinking realization that this is supposed to be based on a male character came and now I feel sad.

I guess tifs can't deal with having a female body so they have to make the male characters they like into women. I get where they are coming from but it's annoying

No. 1987966

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He definitely reached by saying brown bears. Although the story pictures have always portrayed a bear who is brown, no one calls than that, they're just called bears. Plus, the bears always eat her in the end, she never gets coddled.

No. 1987970

These types are a blight on every fandom. Who was asking for a male character to be drawn as a woman who identifies as a man who got pregnant by the other guy in their ship and is now fat after giving birth? Literally who? I can't stand how this shit is so pervasive, I can't go one day on twitter without seeing someone drawing a male character with a pussy or giving female characters dicks or top surgery scars. These people need to be exiled from society and form their own colony away from normal people like a pack of lepers in 14th century England

No. 1987981

>why tf does it have 500 episodes???
it's to have enough time to show plenty of Naruto x Sasuke faggotry kek

No. 1987984

gosh this is so gross

No. 1988109

I'm a hetshitter and even I don't enjoy this. That's not a flex, I fully agree with you and I think trannies need to be exiled from fandom. It's so fucking annoying now, every ship is russian roulette with some troony gendie either hetbending or gaybending a fucking ship and if you for a moment dare to even disagree in passing with them they start screeching like children

No. 1988211

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No. 1988252

She's right, Komaeda would not go to a chip shop, he sells crack

No. 1988253

>Miku can be anything you want her to be!!
>Then she's a terf

No. 1988263

I don't mind hetbending or gender swapping for m/f in a m/m ship. I do it all the time with the characters I'm fond of in my fandom. I just don't get why they always do aforementioned but then go as far as to claim that the hetbended character is male. Like, if you have a "cuntboy" fetish, fair enough it's a free country. But that isn't even a cuntboy Kabru that's just a whole ass gender swapped woman postpartum Kabru.

No. 1988266

kek, but imo random stray Americanisms are way more common than Britishisms in fic (though maybe that's due to the fandoms I'm in)

No. 1988284

Like what? Genuine question

No. 1988298

God that reminds, it's fuckimg annoying seeing fic writers write about a Japanese high school setting and them follow the typical American/British school terms instead of…Japanese
Or say two Japanese characters from a clearly Japanese setting, one likes anime and the other calls the otaku a weeb
It's such a nitpick but it takes me out of a fic so quickly

No. 1988310

nta but Japanese characters having american specific situations

No. 1988315

I actually liked this art out of context, I thought this was a chubby tomboy character but the artist is really saying this is a canon male character in a m/m ship with her whole chest. It also bugs me how this is the only context artists are happy about drawing bare minimum gnc women is its a genderbent male character under the trans label. I have gnc female OCs that I draw but the only time I see something similar they're talking about "him".

No. 1988318

Safe edgy humor isn't "not punching down", it's just americans flexing

No. 1988337

The only character here who wouldn't look too out of place in the original manga is the fat blonde girl. She actually somehow looks like a ninja. The other girls look like they're from something completely different, it's really weird.

No. 1988338

If it's an American who posted this I will laugh. I've seen so many fics that americanized completely Japanese or European stories, settings and characters I just stopped checking AO3 altogether.

No. 1988351

Why wasn’t this mote popular? They nixed that line and the original MH pretty fast as well. Maybe girls aren’t their audience anymore but women who collect dolls were and I’d like to see more of that in America since BJD are expensive. My dream for a BJD body and cute clothes for a character that won’t break my bank.

No. 1988356

>Why you don't like this perfectly healthy ship between two consenting people?
This is something that often pops up in fandom circles. Ever since the days of tumblr, people can't despise a ship just cause, they need to find a valid reason to do so. In the past you could have a NOTP solely cause it was a rival ship of your OTP, or simply disliked one half of the pair. Now you need to justify it by saying it's an age gap, or incest, or toxic, or by saying thay one of the characters is "obviously gay". Cause if you don't do that people get suspicious and accuse you of homophobia or misogyny or biphobia (my favorite one kek).

No. 1988367

No this is based and same with american-fying fanfics. Even people who aren't American add American cliches to their fics (like frat bros). It's so boring

No. 1988384

Boruto is so confusing, every time I see a random scan I am surprised it's from there. I actually like Ikemoto's art style but it looks like it belongs to a different genre entirely. It's like if you handed BNHA over to Kyoko Okazaki.

Everything here looks like it was referenced from adult women on fashion magazine spreads but resized to teen girl proportions with more or less success. It's unsettling.

No. 1988432

they were actually together before they met the male
>Cassie Brooks (20) and her partner Dallas Bowling (21) met on Tumblr in 2013 and instantly fell in love, with Dallas even moving from her home state of Arizona to Florida, USA, two years later to be closer to Cassie.

No. 1988437

Lmao this isn't even a reach or a stretch, it's just simply untrue. As a former "little white girl" (kek), I definitely remember the Goldilocks story in school as being a cautionary tale to not go into stranger's homes and also not use stuff that isn't yours. The bears (strangers) can be huge and dangerous if provoked, she got scared out of her wits and narrowly escaped by jumping out of a window at the end. She learned her lesson. People are so retarded

No. 1988442

>It's like if you handed BNHA over to Kyoko Okazaki.
I would unironically read this.

No. 1988449

straight women like two dicks pressing together. it's not any deeper than that

No. 1988451

This whole "shonen manga need to have better written female characters" argument reminded me of something. We've talked about it in several thread, about how a lot of shojo manga were focused on action and adventure, had fight scenes, like plenty of shonen manga even though the presentation usually wasn't the same (as in, little to no powerscaling or tournament), but nowadays we have similar manga labelled as shonen manga purely for marketing reasons since they mostly attract female readers. But it's been a while since I paid attention to recent series, so maybe I'm wrong? Are there recent series that have fight scenes, action, mysteries, etc. that are published in shojo magazines in Japanese nowadays? Excluding super long series that are still ongoing like Akatsuki no Yona (I haven't read it but my friends told me it wasn't just romance). If I want to read about well written characters I tend to not look for them in shonen manga but at the same time I can't see myself just saying "if you want that just read shojo and josei manga" to others because sometimes you just want to see characters just beating the shit out of each other with cool, flashy martial art techniques and some of the shojo manga I can think of are old and don't have official or fan translations online.

No. 1988459

This new trend of calling women who dont want to see shitty female characters in anime(which is most of them) misogynists is so retarded. No one would call a scrote who only watches moeshit because it has cute girls misandrist. It seems to only apply to women who dont want to see degrading shit involving women.

No. 1988461

Same logic as saying that women who are tired of over-sexualized female designs are "scared of boobs"

No. 1988462

Tbf it can be pretty obnoxious when it's taken too far and 90% female characters get called moid scroteshit and the "pickme!!" accusations start.

No. 1988468

I remember when someone asked for non sexualized well-written female characters once and all of them, except maybe one, were very obviously sexualized. People have normalized sexualized female characters so much that most are incapable of seeing some characters as what they are.

No. 1988473

Giving actual recommendations seems like an act of futility.

No. 1988477

Gay men were made by god for us to masturbate to

No. 1988482

This type of safe-edgy humour makes me cringe so badly, same with the "i hate french people" ones.

No. 1988492

you just get angry when people point out the female character in a tight skin suit is sexualized. None of you are capable of giving actual good, non sexualized female characters as example because you are happy with scraps.

No. 1988494

With that attitude, you deserve nothing but the scraps other nonnas throw at you.

No. 1988510

File: 1714687629595.webp (9.37 KB, 300x413, 132_400.webp)

unlike you, i have done my research and found good female characters that i love that arent coom for men. You keep enjoying and making excuses for your sex dolls with vacuum sealed tits i will enjoy my cool women.

No. 1988514

This is so funny. Also I hate fics when the character is supposed to be a gentleman or the story takes place in the past, and when he starts talking dirty he sounds like a zoomer using modern vernacular kek

No. 1988517

Anon you can just say you only enjoy watching men instead of strawmanning acting like you being uncomfortable by female characters is supposedly their "sexualisation".

While yes female characters are objectified more frequently than male ones that doesnt change the fact that you could find ones that aren't if you go look for it.
Acting like all female characters are sexualisized is absurd.
Even with anime being a gross coomer media…you can still find female characters that are potrayed normally even there.
You dont have to make excuses, we are all anon here so you can just say you like shounen or bl.

No. 1988518

Cool, so there was no reason to beg for recs? You'd probably see better female characters if you'd post them instead of complaining about there not being any good female characters, you know.

No. 1988523

so i cant complain that in 40 years anime only has a handful of female characters that actually dont suck and arent coomery because it hurts your feelings?

No. 1988532

Just go back to doing your research, you can find some more. I believe in you.

No. 1988536

why are you so angry, if you dont like women being critical of coombait maybe dont post in this thread, on lolcow of all places

No. 1988537

Are you the same autist from the scan thread? It's exhausting that only moids and fujoshit are allowed to be posted on lolcow or you're called a scrote. I don't like moids or looking at them, I want to look at cute girl pictures. If anime makes you so mad, don't watch it?

No. 1988540

>Are you the same autist from the scan thread?
no. i dont know why you are surprised other women share the same opinion on this site, newfag.
> I want to look at cute girl pictures.
go cum at your lolis and big titty women but dont get angry when women dont like the same shit as you.

No. 1988541

File: 1714688605875.png (3.59 MB, 3840x2160, image_2024-05-03_081939820.png)

Britishers, Americans, Australians and New Zealanders are all the same people I don't really see where Americans get off. Or Americans hating french people, when the fuck have you met a France french?
Don't look at the super main stream stuff and you'll find a few, obviously beyond nothing post ~2019 but have a look. None of us have been spoonfed good anime, most of us have had to dig and I don't see why you can't get the initiative to do so

No. 1988546

I just don't like lazy beggars.
If you go back to your research I'm sure you'll find results without any help.

No. 1988548

>None of us have been spoonfed good anime, most of us have had to dig and I don't see why you can't get the initiative to do so
i already said i do my own research. Satoshi kon's movies are filled with coombait so i dont know why you are using him as an example.
i didnt beg for recs, learn to read. I am sure you would have given shitty coombait characters then gotten angry when i said i am not interested in your porn stash anyways.

No. 1988551

I just mentioned cute pictures of girls and you already jumped out at me being some coomer scrote or a pedo sexualizing them, like female characters can't exist in any other capacity. Literal mental illness

No. 1988556

>I am sure you would have given shitty coombait characters then gotten angry when i said i am not interested in your porn stash anyways.
Kek, actually I don't think I want to know the results of female characters you like, if your attitude is anything to go by.

No. 1988558

if you are the autist from the scan thread on /m/ then you were posting moeshit, so ofcourse anons are going to call it scroteshit, because it is. Nothing wrong with liking moeshit as a guilty pleasure, i actually posted moeshit myself in that thread >>>/m/375832, but i wouldnt get angry at women who dont want to see that shit like a sperg. The problem is that some of you are incapable of discerning between your personal taste and good female characters.

No. 1988561

Wasn't it some yuri that was complained about?

No. 1988567

Nta anon but i hate when autists immediately start going YOU THAT ANON during a random argument, it really makes them sound schizo and your posts do sound manic.

No. 1988569

no, it was some love live stuff that's very clearly sexualized.
that anon did the same lol

No. 1988571

I chose Tsukiko Sagi specifically because she's the first well written non-coombait female character that came to mind. That's what you asked for?
Agreed, both anons sound retarded and projectioning shit so this whole discussion is hard to read because no one has the context for it.

No. 1988574

>I chose Tsukiko Sagi specifically because she's the first well written non-coombait female character that came to mind.
she literally has a wet tshirt scene, anon.

No. 1988580

There was an anon constantly complaining all through the thread when the pictures were hardly sexualized except for the LL one. A lot of those characters aren't great, like the one you posted is a literal loli but it's a shallow picture thread, not a good anime thread and OP said all anime welcome. As long as the picture itself is fine I don't get all the complaining.

Also no, I barely contributed to the thread and the most moe picture I posted was a single Lucky Star one, I just like lurking through it for nostalgia. It just feels weird to see so much seething over female anime characters and pictures in both threads all of a sudden so I thought it was the same person, but I'll drop it

No. 1988581

Literally this dumb af infight that is going on right now wouldnt even be happening if anons maybe watched things that arent just for scrotes.

>waaah i only consume male shounen/seinen media where women are sexualized so that means all of them are.

Ok dumb ass lol. Maybe give media that is made for women or all-ages a chance and you will find normal female characters.
You can't be pnly consuming r-rated or scrote-shit and then complaining about female characters

No. 1988611

>Maybe give media that is made for women
horrible example, stuff for women, by women isnt free from scroteshit. You have stuff like ccs having weird loli pedo ships and smut for women having overly sexualized female characters too.

No. 1988619

Not part of this infight but I dropped the scan thread the moment it got filled with bakemonogatari shit and that one girl from dance in the vampire bund. They might as well start dumping strike witches art kek

No. 1988621

Making kabru an actual tomboyish woman in an m/f relationship would actually be unique representation, but its clear that representation isn't what they care about. Just the veneer of it.

No. 1988623

turning the pretty male into a woman isnt really revolutionary

No. 1988624

File: 1714693410032.png (56.82 KB, 649x961, dungeon-meshi-kabru-genderswap…)

I doubt official genderbend Kabru is what they're looking for.

No. 1988627

That's too bad, I posted stuff later in hopes other people might know about similiar stuff I could look into.

No. 1988628

Turning the male into a tomboyish woman in a m/f relationship is. Usually they just make the pretty boy a feminine girl

No. 1988629

isn't it a little telling that this is one of the only examples of a good straight ship ever posted in these discussions

No. 1988631

shhh you are going to anger the hetshitters.

No. 1988632

FMA is mainstream safe and old enough that contrarians aren't that much of a bother

No. 1988633

a tomboyish woman is still a woman, and m/f is still straight. it still isn't "revolutionary"

No. 1988636

You could probably find better hetships outside of anime, but my desire to see a good hetship is heavily outweighed by my disgust of 3DPD and westslop.

No. 1988638

>You could probably find better hetships outside of anime
i cant think of single one thats good to be honest. There is a reason why slash was spawned.

No. 1988641

scully/mulder? i don't care about westoid slop either though.

No. 1988671

In most contexts definitely not I think you need to be somewhat messed up to even mentally engage in it either that or you don't actually view them as siblings.

HoTD is an exception imo because it's just so fucking hilarious idk I can't take the show seriously. When you think about the Targaryen family how can you not laugh at that. It's also "magic incest" they're not affected by it and get to keep their magic dragon blood, unless you want to think of the "mad Targaryen" as a consequence of incest.

No. 1988673

The people on this website don't like "bland" het stories but will eat up the same bl stories. You can tell the majority here were tumblrinas because no sane person gets angry at something like this >>1986447

No. 1988682

If I wanted bland hetships I'd just eavesdrop at some normie couple's convo outside.

No. 1988683

wtf it's English?? It sounds German af

No. 1988767

so despite what twittertards say, female characters and f/f ships will always be popular because men enjoy them. lesbian relationships will always have an edge in media depiction, people who enjoy them will never catch real flack or criticism, etc. it's ironically a sign of misogyny when male ships and male-dominated ips (stuff like touken ranbu, i'm speaking from the perspective of a weeb into weeb-adjacent things like alien stage and mihoyo) aren't popular and are shat on

No. 1988771

File: 1714703908938.jpg (49.8 KB, 680x665, 7d3.jpg)

a bland het story is always borderline offensive or especially bland to me anyway. bland het is like, picrel. bland bl at least has two hot guys for me to oogle…and if one of them is a wimpy sub it's far more permissible than a wimpy female sub

No. 1988784

this is so true! I'm an actual homosexual woman and I'm so sick of troons accusing me of not liking women akshually bc I don't want to see incest porn or two underaged girls that look 12 having sex, FFS as if being a lesbian and being a pornsick male were the same

No. 1988791

Idgaf to men who don't eat pussy, bl or het.

No. 1988794

>eat pussy

No. 1988796

idgaf to your post

No. 1988800

Good question. I wish i could come up with something that isn't Requiem of the Rose King, because i otherwise feel like there isn't much action shojo these days. Every other example (like Trinity Blood) takes you back to the 2000s. The last recent shojo i read that felt 'exciting' in a shonen way was Chihayafuru. I think you're right kek, it feels like shojo editors don't even bother to steal some attention from popular shonen series in the hearts of girls.


Oh thank you. I could never quite place why i hate 'fuck french/british people!' jokes. It's because they are extremely bland and baseless, there's no observation involved

No. 1988802


The ukes in 99% bl stories have self-lubricating self-cleaning assholes with the functions of a vagina. Its actually hilarious.
Bl authors use ukes as a stand in as a pseudo-woman because fujos are too insecure to see a actual….gasp…female.(fujo sperging)

No. 1988803

Back to your containment

No. 1988805

File: 1714706714042.webp (623.4 KB, 1195x2048, 1000001302.jpg)

I posted that, not even my ship, BECAUSE lc is so full of silly contrarians kek. So disingenuous to assume tumblr op is defending the most hated hetship. Anon's theory of graduated tumblrinas real.

No. 1988806

File: 1714706871538.jpg (467.04 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240503_052616_Gal…)

Funny how booktok haters always reveal themselves as being:

1. Moralfagging pickme who generalizes and wants to dictate what women read but does nothing about moids.

2. Moids, men, scrotes, worm-havers.

3. Fujos but not the normal ones, instead the crazy tif fujo ones.

No. 1988807

Don't you have two seperate threads to sperg about this? I don't even like BL (or shipping/romance stories in general) but this is such a boring and trite point even beyond you sperging in a thread you shouldn't even be in

No. 1988808

File: 1714706967552.jpg (340.77 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240503_052655_Gal…)

No. 1988809

File: 1714707030826.jpg (368.33 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240503_052709_Gal…)

Of course it's a moid who wants to act like women reading erotica is on the same level as men watching porn.
It's not and will never be.

No. 1988810

File: 1714707122663.jpg (361.02 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240503_052638_Gal…)

And of course the other ones hating are also tranny tifs who are so "gaey"

No. 1988812

File: 1714707184813.jpg (383.99 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240503_052646_Gal…)

Your usual "i hate booktok and het, i love bl and it made me a gay man" face

No. 1988814

She's right though kek

No. 1988816

>I should peg him
Imagine the smell of male asscrack, some women are mentally ill beyond repair

No. 1988818

File: 1714707437375.png (1.86 KB, 425x49, Capture.PNG)

I don't like many of the books shilled on booktok and I'm extremely jaded with the state of the publishing industry nowadays but shitting on women who are just reading books that appeal to them for entertainment is such low hanging fruit. Sure they're trashy but nobody's shitting on the equally trashy mystery novels sold at the airport. At least people are reading books. Reminds me of a post that I think originated from Tumblr (Forgive the twitter screenshot) where most people were saying they'd rather have a gooner son.

No. 1988819

Funny thing is they also belong in their containment fujo thread since they were deralining this thread about how much they hate het and how much they love bl but the moment you say something back all of a sudden you're the one who needs to go back. Fyi no one gives a shit about your lust for a man railing a man that looks like a tif. Go back to your yaoi thread.

No. 1988820

>where most people were saying they'd rather have a gooner son.

Yeah i also remembered there was a post on twitter of someone saying that they would rather have a porn addict son and that they see porn as harmless. Meanwhile they think erotica for women is harmful….hmmm but yet people will say the criticism of booktok is not rooted in misogyny..

No. 1988821

>since they were deralining this thread
the very beginning of the thread started off with shipping bullshit >>1986446 what did you expect

No. 1988822

File: 1714707682126.jpg (125.7 KB, 736x981, 2ccfd902cbd7009a9b7f632af9d172…)

Honestly the level of writing in those books is less complex than your average twitter caption, so calling it "reading a book" is a massive disservice to books. It's written at like a 3rd grade reading level…for adult women. I agree with the rest though.

No. 1988826

I thought picrel was going to be the premise for a poorly written erotica.

No. 1988827

It's the result of peak-tumblr's culture of both having to format all opinions as an argumentative essay with solid points and shit, and the need to okay everything unless you can make the better argument. You used to get shit for just saying 'I don't care for/dislike/hate x' if you didn't disguise it as a grander discussion or analysis (with bonus points if you could reference academic ideas and social issues).

There's also the matter of retards thinking that you excluding something by having a NOTP etc is a personal attack on them because they like that thing, and if you're out there saying it's something you don't want to see, then what you really don't want to see is them and that's violence. Or something, these people are batshit and take all the negative aspects of parasocial relationships to the next level.

No. 1988829

File: 1714707977243.jpg (570.71 KB, 1002x991, Trrr.jpg)

This was already argued about and why do you want to see enemas so badly?
Imo I think a lot of het ships are fine. I have many I like and many I have complicated feelings that I'd love to discuss, but they're just too moidy for here. Vanilla by another name is waifubait.

No. 1988832

>muh intellectualism
Ok and why do you want them to be on the same level as academic or research books?
No one holds other genres to this standard and we all know why.

No. 1988833

>and f/f ships
Eh, not sure about this. I feel like men just don't have enough soul to ship anything. At best, they can create and jerk off to hentai fanart of two characters, but men will never be toiling away over 100k word coffeeshop AUs or spending hours upon hours speculating on how two characters would negotiate the minutiae of their relationship. Much less for f/f ships.

No. 1988837

>text on a page prompting women to imagine being kidnapped by an evil sexy prince or whatever is infinitely worse than men obsessively watching actual videos of real teenage girls being exploited, objectified, and brutally abused
The double standards are fucking insane. I will gladly agree booktok is cringey junk though. Women who see it as mindless fun like sexy TV shows have a decent point, but everyone could use to consume some real literature and valuable nonfiction. That said, if they view it as separate from more meaningful reading idrc if they consume a bunch of sexy junk, most of it is harmless except for the real bottom of the barrel stuff that is definitely gross.

No. 1988838

Male shipping is just race gambling and its actually pretty funny tbf.

No. 1988841

there's a middle ground between a novel written in retardspeak and academic English idiot. Fucking actual children's books like Harry Potter are written at a higher reading level than booktok slop. Even smut books can be beautifully written but CoHo peddles literal, actual, slop.

No. 1988844

nta but you do know that you can read books that are written to an adult standard that are also fun and trashy? Hell, there are middle grade books with better prose than this.

Genre has little to do with it as well, the writing is this quality because these romance/dark romance/romantasy books are churned out incredibly quickly with little to no editing, or are self-published. Do women not deserve better quality than that? Do we deserve only slop designed to make a quick buck and be forgotten, replaced by another equally (or worse) version a few weeks later, with even more corners cut?

No. 1988848

You can't be calling anyone a idiot when you generalize all of booktok based of one author.
Yeah we all know Coho is trash but why are tou acting like she represents all romance books?

My point was how anons was judging a whole genre based of some authors and holding it to a higher standard.
Of course i want high-quality but i also won't judge someone who reades sloopy writing because women are free to amjoy what they want. Although i know "free to enjoy" is a foreigb word to many women and especially to ones in fandoms due to conformity and only doung what others tell you. Thats why so many girls in fandoms are miserable and only infight.

No. 1988849

You're right about that. A lot of these books are repurposed fanfics as well. Publishers are really looking for bland tropey slop nowadays. We deserve better entertainment but I don't think shitting on the women who enjoy them is the best way to critique the industry. IMO self-published can be hit or miss. But it's good for authors who don't feel like pandering to the reylo-with-different-paint sports romance mess.

No. 1988852

File: 1714708973487.png (3.72 MB, 1985x1361, image_2024-05-03_135638391.png)

In my opinion, booktok books are just repackaged and slightly devolved Danielle Steel type slop. She's written over 190 books, I doubt many of them are well edited or even just decently written in general. I used to read Harlequin romances when I was bored and honestly most of them were hot shit and not much better than current books when compared, the only difference is that there's excessive and unneeded edge to a lot of recent slop and much of it is derivative.
Same old shit, different shirt.

No. 1988854

File: 1714709055869.jpg (65.32 KB, 768x954, 6a812d8579110b73348f7e30457d10…)

>You can't use the most popular author who's sold tens of millions of copies and has millions of readers to represent booktok
As if ACOTAR is any better. I've read MTL'd novels from foreign languages that have a higher level of prose.

No. 1988863

ayrt and yeah, a lot of them are just fanfics with the serial numbers filed off (though I think it's interesting that these ones never seem to belong to that slim category of fanfics that actually are high enough quality that they feel like reading a real, published novel kek, though that's likely due to the types of authors behind these things), with the worst ones (that I'm aware of) originating from rpf wattpad fics.

I also feel like going for booktok as a whole is misguided, as the people on there who just want to read basic trashy YA for fun get lumped in with/overshadowed by the people frothing over McHandsome rapist stalker book boyfriends who entrap the female mc financially and through pregnancy etc and who openly admit they can't get through reading a book if there's no sex/'spice' in the first quarter of the novel (tbh that's the main thing that 'concerns' me, as you shouldn't need porn just to get through a book/any media, really)

No. 1988868

At least those people have a reading habit and can pick up better books more easily than the average doomscroller since they do have a habit and are likely in libraries/bookstores more often. A reading habit focused around trashy genre fiction is better than avoiding books at all costs like the average adult in the US does.

No. 1988870

Being honest, between coffeeshop au and gambling, I enjoy autistic sports style shipping more. The rants about how "this character will win the mc bowl!" can be pretty fun.
Generally, I've stopped caring for fanfiction.

No. 1988910

I never liked these books, but I couldn't care less about them. There are books just as bad and nobody is offended by them. It's always the female oriented things that get this hate and nitpick. How many shitty Steven Seagal movies are out there? Did any of them gather a portion of hate Twilight ever got? How many macho fantasy books out there with shitty tropes exists and nobody is over analyzing them like they do booktok. I understand not liking them and wanting something better, that's fine, but just let them have their repackaged fanfics without crying wolf. Comparing them to porn is just insane.

No. 1988913

disney killed the franchise because it was competing with their then upcoming descendants series and then took the disney princesses license from mattel, which made them do budget cuts that led to mh g2. some also say that mattel self sabotaged mh since it was outselling their golden child barbie.

i wish eah came back so badly but i am not a fan of mh g3's direction so i'd would prefer if it was left untouched. i find some dolls by themselves cute but it's like mattel is now trying to compensate that the og line wasn't squeaky clean wOkE by adding bullshit rep like nb frankie or forced nationalities (since they're non human dolls i prefer them to be nationality-less so anyone could headcanon any doll as anything).

anyways dollfags, how do we feel about the doll fandom? i don't like it when it turns too activism virtual signal-y, like complaining when some rando rebodies a curvy doll in a thin body or reroots a curly haired doll with straight hair. they're plastic pieces of merchandise, not some sacred symbol of culture, let people do whatever they want with their belongings ffs.

No. 1988955

File: 1714719360314.jpg (117.46 KB, 1500x750, NavCTZY.jpg)

Nta but how many straight romances have gnc women as the lead? The average fictional tomboy is just a super feminine woman with short hair. The only example I can think of is pic related and it was implied.
It is absolutely revolutionary because men refuse to see women they are not attracted to get any representation in media let alone a romance.

No. 1988975

They had the best chemistry and season too, after that the show got pretty shitty.

No. 1988976

She's right though.

No. 1988977

File: 1714723569314.gif (85.55 KB, 480x270, IMG_7770.gif)

>fics where characters who would clearly go on futaba channel go on tumblr instead

No. 1988980

File: 1714724586857.jpeg (108.53 KB, 1200x912, IMG_7772.jpeg)

Best hetship

No. 1988984

no one knows who that is

No. 1988985

You don't

No. 1988988

nah stop posting random vn characters from 20 years ago and give us some good het ships that are actually recognizable

No. 1988989

I didn't post that img

No. 1988992

File: 1714725800766.jpg (684.32 KB, 4096x3787, beautiful.jpg)

well since no one posts some good het ships im just gonna do it myself. kinda shit you can only post one image.

No. 1988994

File: 1714726048302.jpg (1.23 MB, 1505x2125, cute ship.jpg)

im only posting like 3 images so please dont ban me for spamming.

No. 1988995

Maybe if you weren’t a normalfag who only watches seasonal shounen trash you’d know.

No. 1988996

File: 1714726226272.webp (27.98 KB, 600x321, Daiyui_profile.webp)

a het haikyuu couple may be an unpopular opinion but they're so cute, all haikyuu female characters are amazing

No. 1988997

File: 1714726256534.jpg (590.19 KB, 894x1232, i love you two.jpg)

and my last one

No. 1989000

i'm a hard core weeb and this just looks like any generic 2000s visual novel. You're not special for liking an obscure game

No. 1989001

ohh im sorry for not being a "real weeb" who doesnt read vns from 10-20 years ago.

No. 1989002

i'm still kinda happy the anime/manga didn't end with everyone being randomely married to someone for no reason, i really hate stuff like that.

No. 1989003

>I’m a hardcore weeb
>doesn’t know subahibi
>I don’t read VNs from 10-20 years ago
Why not though?

No. 1989007

File: 1714727801402.jpg (1.27 MB, 2152x2165, 081293839.jpg)

NTA just go to the “androgynous female lead” tag on mangaupdates, skip the obvious coomerslop and you will get your straight gnc woman romances.
If some are still shit, well exactly because it’s not revolutionary and has good works, okay works, and slop like any other m/f dynamic people like. And some of the people who make these still have shitty ideas about gnc women and even lesbians. It’s funny how there are way more m/f romances with gnc women than there are in f/f despite how often people claim the latter is ‘stereotypical’. Some of these straight girls actually look more butch than any of the “butches” we get in GL. Because a gnc woman in a straight relationship is still more acceptable than the alternative (of course I can’t even blame hets for this kek, because gnc girls are unpopular with GL fans too)

No. 1989008

I know who that is.

No. 1989012

I had hopes for the knight and the emperor, too bad.

No. 1989015

nta but the point is that "GNC" characters from japanese works (or media inspired by Japanese oteme) are not really GNC, to me it's completely superficial and based on shallow aesthetics rather than traits and passions.

No. 1989021

in the clear moonlit dusk is reall cute, i recommend it.

No. 1989022

I know and like who that is

No. 1989042

>neither of you has someone
i'm esl but is this even correct grammar?

No. 1989044

This vn literally has a woman raping her limp dick father with a pencil as her mom listens from the other room, then pissing herself on the street after biking completely naked. Saw a review of it because everyone insisted this is the best visual novel ever and I really don't understand how anyone could say that

No. 1989046

>Soul Eater
>God hetship
There's way better out there.

No. 1989053

I'm ESL too so take it into consideration, but I think it's correct. Neither is the subject of the phrase and it's singular, so the verb would be singular too.

No. 1989059

Not esl but this anon is correct >>1989053

No. 1989065

its still a really good ship in my opinion and certainly better than most canon shounen ships kek.

No. 1989067

the fans will excuse all of that violent stuff by saying its actually "deep and well written", its always the shit. the exact same thing happened to euphoria, my friend is still trying to convince its actually a deep masterpiece and not just a rape fantasy for moids

No. 1989074

Explain why, I just don't see it tbh, they feel more like friends to me.

No. 1989077

>Euphoria VN
they literally eat poop and wear diapers so I just don't see how that could be a masterpiece of any sort. Moids are then again showing they have no empathy brain and 0 emotional skills that women develop naturally growing up, so any torture porn with any minimal level of storytelling they can get is "a masterpiece" in their eyes.
Most VNs are retarded imo, because the otakus that write them don't know how to write besides smashing their dicks on a keyboard. If there's any brilliance in them it is purely coincidental.

No. 1989079

Most hetships are actually just male + female friendship and no real romance between them tbh

No. 1989085

i just love their bickering and souls dedication to maka is adorable. but yeah you're right they're just friends which doesnt meant i cant consider it a good ship, or?

No. 1989086

i mean thats the same for slash or girlxgirl shipping.

No. 1989088

the sad part is that my friend is a girl. i genuinely do not understand how as a woman you can brainwash yourself so much to consider something like that a masterpiece.

No. 1989097

Be my friend instead kek. I need weeb friends that I can shit talk this stuff with.

No. 1989101

Can't speak for your friend, but a lot of people assume that cynicism and 'dark' (edgy) stuff is automatically more profound or intellectual than something optimistic or even neutral and lacking in anything shocking. Some people also recognise that the things in that kind of media that make them uncomfortable or feel confronted are fetishistic/otherwise gross and prefer to elevate it rather than admit to it. Others also put too much value on media that makes them 'feel something', awarding it a higher grade than it otherwise deserves just because it provoked a reaction from them, or showed them something new (to them). It's kinda depressing, but a lot of people engage with media like this.

For another example, this time literary fiction, there's a book called A Little Life that's honestly no better than a random trauma-porn fanfic (you know those kinds where the whump goes off the rails to an almost ridiculous extent kek), and it got treated as far more profound than it actually is, mostly because it blunders through a bunch of over the top, traumatic events and made people cry with its ending.

No. 1989110

this ship sucks because it woobifies marcy into a generic girl and laois into a stoic, mildly oblivious handsome idiot. she would never blush at that retard like this. another thing i hate about het ships, every character usually gets worse and cheapened by fit into that het mold

No. 1989121

so you hate it because of the headcanons of fans?

No. 1989122

Ngl I like the silly Mithrun x Marcille for the small moment it was tosses around.

No. 1989128

Even as someone who's never touched a VN, I recognize subahibi. This place is filled with posers.

No. 1989130

I wish all these dumbass "femcel" larper normies would leave ASAP.

No. 1989134

The normies aren't the femcels from TikTok anon

No. 1989135

NTA is the real thing better then?

No. 1989139

NTA but they are the ones who call themselves hardcore weebs when all they watch is mainstream shonen and seasonal slop.

No. 1989144

There's real normies that don't watch anime that use lolcow too though. I've seen them, though in recent years it feels like they've all banished.

No. 1989147

yes they have a cute relationship in the manga

No. 1989149

Explain. Because they just feel like friends. It's a genuine question, I want to know what you're seeing that I'm not

No. 1989156

them being friends doesnt mean they cant have a cute relationship?

No. 1989164

i miss when gatekeeping was a thing.. there were always normie anime back in the day but most people didnt even knew they were anime but i remember there being a clear distinction in a real weeb and a fake one but it doesn't surprised how quickly mainstream anime goes into obscurity and is replaced by the next shounenslop unique anime plots are getting rarer and rarer cant believe anime had more variety in the early 2000s where making anime was expensive and cumbersome you'd think with the ease of digital we'd get more but nope still the same coomer shouneslopalso if any larptard "femcel" is reading this YWNBAF (you will never be a farmer) dont forget this is the le twansphobic terf site integrate

No. 1989175

I wonder what's the appeal of this website for normie women. I really don't get it.

No. 1989190

you can't. go find a new ship retard.

No. 1989191

i dont have a lot of friends to begin with so chatting here with other women is nice, also theres no trans/non-binary stuff here which is a huge plus.

No. 1989192

damn thats rude, now im sad..

No. 1989206

NTA but why are you so irritated?

No. 1989208

chill anon it’s just a ship kek

No. 1989210

How many years have you been using lolcow?

No. 1989213

Not saying that, I simply need to know why. No need to get defensive

No. 1989227

i wasnt being defensive i was just asking a question, but to answer the question quickly: i'm just a sucker for cute male x female friendships (bonus points if both characters are kinda retarded in a funny way).

No. 1989230

Okay thanks for answering my question, I get where you come from now.

No. 1989241

Because despite lolcow having roots in /cgl/, gossip is universal and that includes normies too. Even normies use 4chan imo

No. 1989245

idk since 2015 or 2016.

No. 1989249

yes, they’re literally just friends

No. 1989250

mithrun x marcy is hot yeah. has he appeared in the anime yet?

No. 1989254

Every time. Every single time they complain about being ~le oppressed~ in fandom spaces and how the Gays are boolying them it's some retard with the worst written m/f ship ever, usually featuring a self insert. They never write fanfics and barely draw fanart because even they can't bring themselves to give enough of a shit about it. The people who ship m/f and don't constantly whine and moan about gay shit stealing their spotlight are the ones who are genuinely invested in it and support the other people who ship it instead of just sitting in their soiled diapers crying about not being appreciated enough.

>Beat it chick! Believe it!
KEK I love this meme

No. 1989260

You are 1000000000% correct.

No. 1989261

While my example isn't exactly about fandom, I've seem similar thing happening in fandoms.
People seem concerned with getting some label for themselves, but at the same time, they don’t want to put effort in maintaining truth to the label selected.
Recently, a tweet went viral in my native language, It was something along the lines of “normalize being a cinephile who doens’t know actors/directors names”, and… There is nothing wrong with just saying that you like watching movies without going for further information, you are not worth less because of It, but also doen’t make sense for someone who doens’t know basic information about cinema to call themselves a cinephile.

No. 1989269

A lot of them migrated from reddit's GC spaces and came just to sperg about trannies while shitting on anons who were weebs, complaining at them about how all anime is pedoshit, fujos are synonymous with FTMs, video games are for misogynist retards etc. They just seemed to be deeply cynical people who were too concerned with looking cool and not liking anything someone would find cringe. They only follow the celebricows and MTF threads.

No. 1989283

So is this age of lolcow over or what? A few years back that's all I could ever see

No. 1989296

>she would never blush at that retard like this. another thing i hate about het ships, every character usually gets worse and cheapened by fit into that het mold
My thoughts exactly, I could like a lot more of hetships if they didn't always woobify the female character and reduce her into a blushing mess losing all her personality and identity. I especially can't stand it when the mean and bitchy women get this treatment, it's fucking infuriating and stops me from browsing fanart of the m/f ships I actually like. How even other women seem to be allergic to female characters that have a personality other than wifey preparing chicken tendies or being a meat hole for sex is beyond me, even in supposed "femdom" ships the woman has no personality. I can't enjoy m/m or f/f ships that have no chemistry, the same applies to m/f. Just being a man and a woman isn't enough to fill in the gaps.

No. 1989303

Marcille doesn't deserve a fat, autistic retard as her partner

No. 1989309

She's going to outlive them all anyway, I don't think she'd want to make it harder than it is with something like romance.

No. 1989338

I have seen a lot of threads about relationships, how to find non-pornsick moids to date, etc here on lolcow too, which I assume also attract a lot of normie women to this site, mostly the ones who are sick of handmaidens and libfems telling them that they must be doormats and accept male depravity to have an actual relationship

No. 1989351

I was sad when I found out Half-foots life expectancy to be around 50. I don't want Chilchuck to die so soon

No. 1989373

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Psychological horror is based and that scene was just there for shock value to show how fucking crazy everyone’s gotten. I wouldn’t say it’s the best VN ever though because the second half is real bad and there’s not much fujo stuff outside of Takuji getting raped by guys.

No. 1989393

File: 1714758466098.jpg (1.05 MB, 1065x3454, kuso manga.jpg)

>the point is that "GNC" characters from japanese works (or media inspired by Japanese oteme) are not really GNC
Anon didn’t say that though, her point was that having GNC women in straight romances is “revolutionary” >>1988955
>how many straight romances have gnc women as the lead? The average fictional tomboy is just a super feminine woman with short hair.
The women in the examples I posted are not just “super feminine woman with short hair” and majority are drawn androgynously in a way that wouldn’t appeal to moid gaze. If a woman who wears short hair, avoids makeup/feminine clothes, and likes wearing mens’ clothes doesn’t count as GNC, I’d like to hear the criteria. One of the heroines in that compilation is straight up a lesbian who’s a takarazuka fangirl, likes dressing masculine, and has pushed away all the dresses and feminine norms her mom’s been trying to force on her since childhood. I think I can confidently call her gnc kek. She ends up crying because the girls she dates never treat her seriously as a love interest. She detests men but this is a straight manga, so the author makes up a plot where’s she’s forced into a boys’ school to get over her hatred of men and eventually fall for a boy. Seeing this, then seeing stories where straight gnc girls complain about how popular they are with girls, just plain hurt lol. Idc if you like straight couples, I like some too. But it’s not revolutionary and still adheres to certain norms.

>to me it's completely superficial and based on shallow aesthetics rather than traits and passions.

I’m not sure how you can generalize several manga like that, but okay. Still doesn’t make the girls not GNC(maybe some fall into feminization tropes, but others still genuinely prefer to dress masculine). GNC is just gender-nonconforming, so expressing oneself outside gender norms. I think you’d have a point if we were talking about butches, but GNC is a broader term that encompasses more people. Even the original conversation was just about “tomboyish women” who ended up getting called GNC >>1988628

No. 1989403

so from my understanding they just randomely made the lesbian straight?? why couldnt they make her bisexual and have some kind of realisation arc??

No. 1989413

she's right. Those women are always crazy pickmes too. I dont know why you are defending them as if they dont accuse eachother of ripping off their trope filled books and make sock puppets to harass eachother.

No. 1989420

ugly fatty and generic moe girl
idk but looks like a loli, ew
he's fucking ugly and annoying and doesn't deserve her, fuck off

No. 1989422

That scene was obviously there to get pseudointellectual moids off just like every other h scene in subahibi. And the character who looks like a girl and is voiced by a woman getting raped while crossdressing was "fujo stuff"? Lying is a sin, anon.

No. 1989424

kek you retard

No. 1989430

I think Marcille is more than just moe, though her character arc is mostly in the second half her health problems caught me off guard. I feel a bit depressed thinking of the worse case scenario where her body ages quickly and shes stuck being old for the rest of the 1000 years alone.

No. 1989436

there is no reason to argue with someone who didn't even play it. she literally admitted to basing her opinion on a review

No. 1989439

File: 1714760893688.jpg (73.81 KB, 960x720, 1419041475665.jpg)

Its so annoying.
I remember when meeting a person that was into anime/manga back in the day was like finding a pot of gold. We'd be able to talk about a shit ton of series together and friendships were able to form just from how in depth the convos would go.
Now if you meet an "anime fan" they probably only watched 1 30+ ep anime at best and are always chasing the next FOTM slop. Also these people seem to be too lazy to even try reading manga because their attention spans are fried and will genuinely get mad if people try to recommend it to them.

No. 1989441

nah euphoria is a nukige, e.g. a game all about sex with the explicit purpose to make the player cum. subahibi’s sex scenes could be removed and it would still be an incredible story, but that said, most of them are for shock and horror value. i’m not saying scrotes don’t get off to it regardless but the way the scenes are written aren’t very erotic

No. 1989442

Maomao is anything BUT a loli except there's sadly a loli in the story

No. 1989444

at this point i dont care anymore, no matter what i post you will just hate it anyway.

No. 1989445

you shouldn’t call yourself a weeb period if you don’t even know what golden hour is

No. 1989461

>"Fujo stuff"
>A character that looks like a little girl and acts like a little girl and dresses in a maid dress gets gangraped in one scene among a million others with schoolgirls being violated and raped
This reminds me of all the porn addict men who try to hit on fujos by saying "I like that stuff too, femboy traps are so hot". Also why are people pretending that a terminal stage degenerate coomer hentai VN is """deep"""? It's like people trying to act like they understand abstract contemporary art pieces simply slapped together for money laundering, but with coom. The same thing happened with that Euphoria shit.

No. 1989470

i looked at some cgs of the game and you seriously cannot tell me its not made for horny moids. not to mention some of the character look awfully young.

No. 1989485

>A character that looks like a little girl and acts like a little girl and dresses in a maid dress
He actually wears the girl's school uniform, but close enough. Wouldn't say he acts anything like a girl though since he's a porn addict moefag otaku who hates non virgins.
>This reminds me of all the porn addict men who try to hit on fujos by saying "I like that stuff too, femboy traps are so hot".
Jokes on you a bunch of moids dropped the VN because of that scene.

No. 1989486

>looks like a little girl and acts like a little girl
NTA and there were a lot of fair complaints you could've made about Subahibi, but saying he 'acts like a little girl' tells me you haven't read it.

No. 1989490

porn can't be critiqued and made fun of the way what women consume is, because it will flagged and filtered by other social media sites. can't talk and make fun of stepsister porn and rape porn cause you can't post or monetize that shit.

No. 1989492

I don't think anyone's denying that it's made for horny moids, doesn't mean that women can't like it in spite of that.

No. 1989494

Well of course, that makes up for all the 20 other scenes of little girls being raped, what a based eroge and the self insert male MC and best waifu is the hetship of the year. Seriously, what kind of /d/ grown anons reside here?

No. 1989502

File: 1714763837160.jpg (14.65 KB, 256x300, he sucks btw.jpg)

>and the self insert male MC and best waifu is the hetship of the year
He's not the self insert MC though, this guy is.

No. 1989505

They're all self-inserts for moids. Stop embarrassing yourself with this "nu-uh, my edgy degenerate porn is ackshually super deep because teenagers get tortured for religious themes" like any other trashy coom-ridden ranobe out there.

No. 1989509

>Seriously, what kind of /d/ grown anons reside here?
I think they're called weebs.

No. 1989510

File: 1714764087103.jpg (163.61 KB, 1366x768, 20240501022914_1.jpg)

Best het is these 2 dorks but like I said before it's LITERALLY PEDOPHILIA because she's 16 and he's 23 in tyool 1901

No. 1989511

>Jokes on you a bunch of moids dropped the VN because of that scene.
That still doesn't make the trap rape scene for fujos. Not every moid who watched Boku no Pico liked it either.

Yes the sis-con is the self insert MC, that makes it so much better. Btw did anyone mention the bestiality yet?

No. 1989513

File: 1714764288339.png (626.56 KB, 800x600, 4704da978955ce3e4553600b227485…)

>They're all self-inserts for moids
>Moids self insert as this now
That's really gay.
>That still doesn't make the trap rape scene for fujos
Didn't say it was, I know a lot of fujos into it though.
>Btw did anyone mention the bestiality yet?
Kek, now you have.

No. 1989522

never. if I can’t decide then I’ll just ship both separately/ in different timelines. I hate polyamory

No. 1989525

>That's really gay.
It's called a sissy fetish and there are many men into it. I almost envy your ignorance.

No. 1989528

File: 1714765049422.png (395.85 KB, 497x750, 7vxstya3qy5z.png)

Issue with sissy fetishists is that they're fugly AND 3DPD (double negative), they will never be a cute anime uke.

No. 1989535

stop posting filth you porn addict.

No. 1989536

All sissy fetishists are gross no matter how they look, they're insane and porn addicted as well

No. 1989537

Is Shinji filth or a trap? Stay consistent anon.
I agree, because of that I've coined YWNBAU (you will never be an uke).

No. 1989538

oh shit, you made the fujocoomers made, they hate when you point that.

No. 1989540

In my opinion the bigger issue is that they're getting off to the thought that being a woman is degrading but it's true that they're disgustingly ugly. Traps feed their delusion.

No. 1989545

>The scene with a woman holding a pencil to make her father penis easier to put inside her, then pissing herself on the street is based because it's psychological horror
I have no words honestly

No. 1989546

Played it for the psychological horror, that was just a bonus. I obviously also play yaoi VNs though.
>Forced crossdressing is the same as being a woman
Kinda sounds like troon logic.

No. 1989548

This is what I mean when I say that comparing fujos to men consuming 3D porn is wrong and inaccurate. Their best comparison will always be men into "trap hentai”

No. 1989549

Isn't it troon logic?
Crossdressors/bodyswap actually being a metaphor for "valid transwoman" has always been a tranny cope.

No. 1989551

>Kinda sounds like troon logic.
Is this really your first time hearing about autogynephilia? Many sissies are troons.

No. 1989553

I mean considering that the scene was so shocking that I genuinely had to stop for a bit to recover from the mindfuck I just received, wouldn't you say it kind of accomplished being extreme psychological horror?
That's usually characters like Astolfo who do the whole trapshit of 'I love looking and dressing like a girl!' as opposed to being forced to crossdress by other men.

No. 1989556

NTA but being shocked by regular moid coomery isn't experiencing written """psychological horror""", it's normal repulsion.

No. 1989557

Characters that get cursed like Ranma, do it for a woman like Felix, or are gay for a straight man like Luka get counted as trans as well.

No. 1989558

Eh, if you'd play the VN you'd see why it definitely falls more under psychological horror (not that I expect you to obviously, it's pretty intense)

No. 1989562

I hate how they changed yuki's personality for him and made him 'the real protagonist'

No. 1989564

Same, the second half is just trash in general though.
>Yuki gets turned into dumb slut
>Self insert protagonist who bullies Takuji
>His even worse shitty loli sister
>Actually good characters like Kimika and Zakuro are basically written out
>God awful scenes with the okama and journalist

No. 1989586

>This reminds me of all the porn addict men who try to hit on fujos by saying "I like that stuff too, femboy traps are so hot".
yeah this happens

No. 1989591

normalfag types who are 100% not the audience for subahibi and have otherwise never played it and understand nothing about the genre are critiquing it as if they can form a good opinion that isn’t ultimately based in their personal, misguided perceptions. kind of describes modern fandom to a T and is why there’s so much discourse and anti proship drama

No. 1989604

yeah whatever keep defending your generic porn moidslop visual novel. hopefully you have a good time reading about teenager girls being raped you 100% not normie weeb.

No. 1989606

Ngl, I have noticed that a lot of things sound so much worse than they actually are, either morally or in quality, or both.
Like I watched a show that was apparently disgusting scrote shit ew bleh and it was just… normal.

No. 1989616

>describing lines and text on a screen as “teenage girls” as if everyone is as crazy as you and views cartoons with the same lens they view real human beings
sorry bud but it’s all looney toons to me. also you don’t even read visual novels probably, you don’t know what’s “generic” and what’s not. i’m done though have fun yelling about nothing(infighting)

No. 1989630

It's pathetic to think you're above others and call them normalfags because they think a game with graphic loli porn, rape, trapshit and bestiality is actually bad and not as "deep" as you think.
t. someone who has actually played subahibi

No. 1989631

>"its just pixels!!"
Nta but this is the argument most pedophiles use(infighting)

No. 1989633

maybe youre just so used to seeing girls being sexualized by now. my friend watched that one loli tranny show and told me it was "wholesome" even though it was constantly sexualizing a little girl. but maybe the show you watched just wasnt that denegrate, who knows ig.

No. 1989637

nta but I think it's valid for women to use that argument but not men since women aren't the 99% of rapists. This is why I think female shotacons are fine but not male lolicons.

No. 1989639

you are using literal moid arguments. fuck off from this site with your shitty "muh but its fictional" argument, thats what pedo scrotes say when they're called out for their degeneracy(infighting)

No. 1989647

yeah no female shotacons are weirdos too, im also tired of them thinking i have to accept their degeneracy because im a weeb so therefore i must be okay with shit like that.

No. 1989652

>im a weeb
You're clearly not though, at best you're one of those people who calls themselves a weeb for watching shounen trash and listening to Miku.(infighting)

No. 1989654

reading a plot synopsis isn’t playing the game i fear

No. 1989656

and who are you to tell me im not a weeb? i've been one almost all my life, literally get a job instead of thinking you have the right to tell who is a weeb and who not, holy bloody hell.(infighting)

No. 1989657

>most pedophiles
>pedo scrotes
so, not women? for the millionth time: women are allowed to enjoy problematic media

No. 1989658

No, the thing was I was expecting the amount of sexualization I was warned about and not much of anything actually happened. I also get this with moids, "this show is terrible the mc is horrible it sucks" and I watch it and it's just fine. A 6/10, I wouldn't say that's a bad time, actually.
>loli tranny show
Dragon Maid?

No. 1989659

>can’t deny it

No. 1989661

File: 1714769929111.gif (131.05 KB, 1059x95, Dontgetbaited.gif)

No. 1989664

You are the kind of person that needed to be gatekept out of weebdom

No. 1989666

yes and im gonna call them degenrates for consuming content of teenager girls being raped and writing porn of 12 year old boys

No. 1989670

>replying with a wall of text due to a pedantic error
Holy autism.

Don't you have games to play where girls get raped instead of admitting you're running out of arguments?(infighting)

No. 1989672

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No. 1989675

good for her, sadly idc.

No. 1989677

yeah no how about you gatekeep yourself first?

No. 1989678

Remember: moralfags don't even have the capacity to create, just whining about the people who actually pick up pens

No. 1989679

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Basically Takuji's too sexualized by the narrative to be a self insert protagonist, doesn't help that he's basically an evil kawoshin love child in vibes.

No. 1989681

Unrelated to the original point but man, I wish we all kept this attitude on social media without any interruption. Instead some stupid Amerilard teenage girl made the "your fave is problematic" blog on tumblr because wanted to annoy boys in her class or something and it went out of control and now years later everyone here is calling each other a scrote or a fake weeb or whatever.

No. 1989683

I mean that one infamous tranny moralfag went from sister fucking fanfics to star wars yuri fanfics about his OC, so I guess some of them do.

No. 1989688

It’s one thing if a woman writes a game with rape, shota and incest for other women to play but Subahibi is a game made for degenerate moids. If you defend it you also defend every moid who likes it.

No. 1989689

Nothing wrong with loli(retarded bait)

No. 1989690

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>In one of the artbooks, one of the staff members actually compared his iteration in Tsui no Sora to Kaworu kek.
I blame his otou san being a schizo cat killer for how he turned out…

No. 1989692

Wait until you find out anime and games are created by teams of people

No. 1989693

Only ikemen x loli is acceptable.(retarded bait)

No. 1989717

My reply was satire, jannies. Why delete it and ban me while keeping up the ones unironically defending how much they love a loli game.(take it to /meta/)

No. 1989720

Lmao, sorry, i reported it. Wasn't participating in this thread a i genuinely thought it was a tranny speaking his thoughts.

No. 1989743

They always delete moid posts and just ban retarded women, if you posted like a scrote you were asking for it tbh. Go post in the talk like a moid thread if you want to RP

No. 1989746

I knew it was a joke but it was still weird. I agree with your arguments though

No. 1989748

No worries, anon. I was expecting a ban, just didn't want it to be deleted. I went out of my way to find a good cg and all.

I just posted like the other loli/trap defenders itt.

No. 1989751

So I was out for a while, the hentai VN coomer was a tranny?

No. 1989755

No. 1989762

No it's definitely scrote tier still

No. 1989773

Why are anons shitting on these by comparing fan gay ships to canon (partially) hetero ships? Most canon ships just suck ass in general, why do you think everyone malds over Ichigo getting with Orihime instead of Rukia? People constantly shit on mangaka/writers/whatever for writing the story "wrong" or having "bad taste" even though it's their creation. The only funny thing is that there are rarely every any fanon straight ship content in comparison to the shitty canon straight/the popular gay ships. For example if we look at dunmeshi, there's a notable amount of romantic Namari/Kiki fanart but almost nothing of Namari and Kaka, unless it's her with the both of them even though they're exactly the same development wise. There are tons of garbage fanart and shitting flanderization/woobification of male characters as well, the difference is that they have so much more content that it's more likely good artists/fic writers will create something. I don't even like Laios/Marcille and I fucking hate Jinshi, it's just disingenuous to compare something with tons of good content made by women (most gay ships) to something canon but with generally worse fan content, with a lot of it made by moids and dismissing it as bad

No. 1989806

Tbf Kiki is the speaker while Kaka is very shy, I don't think he ever says more than a two words the whole story.
I think that's kind of cute and I actually sort of like the 3p idea but it makes sense why Namari gets shipped with the twin that's more straightforward.

No. 1989862

Now I’m extra patriotic, death to pedos

No. 1989867

>People constantly shit on mangaka/writers/whatever for writing the story "wrong" or having "bad taste" even though it's their creation
Kind of off-topic, but I think most writers of non-romance genres are just bad at writing romance in general. I think most canon ships would be better-received if the authors bothered to give it the proper amount of development, but romance often feels tacked-on, if that makes sense?

No. 1989907

>y-you are not a true weeb if you didnt play subahibi
Why are there people who call themselves weebs who somehow fail to recognize that this type of moidshit is actually not for women? Am I not a weeb for knowing certain kinds of weebshit that has majority girl characters are more often moidshit than not and thus refusing to read them? Why would I torture myself reading through badly narrated and drawn porn with squealing female voices when I can just admire yaoi hands and shoujo bad boys?
I could probably understand if you used fateshit as an example but using a fucking vn released in 2010, when Miku is older, is just ridiculous.

No. 1989934

umm actually it's based on tsui no sora, which is older than hatsune miku

No. 1989958

maybe you have shit taste and its time to own up to it

No. 1989961

why the FUCK does every thread ends up discussing shinji ?

No. 1989965

I agree with anons taste and not yours so majority wins

No. 1989968

you have shit taste too, congrats. You are like 99% of bland hetshitters.

No. 1989969

There is a very annoying kawoshin avatarfag that's always baiting.

No. 1989970

Sounds like a sore loser

No. 1989973

picking fights over someone saying you have bland taste in ships is turbo gay, anon

No. 1989975

Can the both of you stop bickering and go drink water or something. You can't be that bored.

No. 1989977

Isn't it supposed to be 'have'?

No. 1989981

It's 'has', it's just awkwardly structured so reads weird. Has is singular subject, have is plural subjects.

No. 1990048

File: 1714789960802.jpg (114.95 KB, 500x500, 5924362511_7ddd29d214.jpg)

another good one is the main couple from kamisama

No. 1990225

Apparently Japan isn't as strict with their demographic labeling. So something like Black Butler technically runs in a 'shonen' magazine but everyone knows it's fans are mostly women. So some of the discussion might be people talking past each other because stuff is defined differently or because the definitions aren't as strict.

Otherwise I've heard its due to shonen magazines making concerted efforts to pick up additional demographics to be more General Audiences. Meanwhile shoujo magazines didn't and they began to focus primarily on running romances. So series that would have previously run in shoujo magazines now have to run in shonen mags because shoujo magazines aren't interested in their pitches. Currently Weekly Shonen Jump is running Witch Watch and Akane Banashi and Ruri Dragon, all of which would have been at home in shoujo magazines, but they aren't.

No. 1990248

File: 1714819198086.png (525.28 KB, 901x841, Screenshot.png)

I still don't understand why so many people in fandom just re-create heterosexuality? like with picrel you can debate the second on the right might just be butch but red has actual male proportions, like no woman is built like that.

No. 1990282

I saw this artist’s nsfw before and Red is also a tif with a working penis from surgery kek

No. 1990288

File: 1714823480701.jpg (1.63 MB, 1360x1984, d6th5tr-5362a90e-76c3-4199-9a9…)

>why do you think everyone malds over Ichigo getting with Orihime instead of Rukia?
Kek thanks for reminding me how much i hate that fat retard. Rukia also suffers from sexist writing which is to be expected as kubo is a degenerate scrote but is ultimately the better character compared to that lardwhale bangmaid. I'm not surprised nor do i care about misogyny in shounen slop because it's to be expected but orihime is a downright disgusting character, even in the earlier arcs she acted like a retarded child who did nothing else besides her breasts bouncing boobly. Somehow though it's weirdly fitting for that manchild ichigo to subconsciously not be over his moms death and marry a woman closely resembling her while freud laughs in purgatory or some shit. I remember reading something that orihime is based on what kubo's ideal woman is (ew) which makes me wish that his bloodline would've been wiped out by hiroshima radiation poisoning long ago so maybe we could've had one less disgusting moid in this world at the expense of the few hot bishies that spawned from him. Also i hate that he inserts his degenerate fetishes into every chapter in regards to orihime, i think i'd have less of an issue with her if he stopped doing that. It's great if he likes sped women with orangutan tits, but normal people such as myself don't especially since most bleach fans are adults now. Thank god wsj overworked his ugly ass kek

No. 1990311

File: 1714825969713.jpg (164.46 KB, 640x492, 102759.jpg)

>For example if we look at dunmeshi, there's a notable amount of romantic Namari/Kiki fanart but almost nothing of Namari and Kaka, unless it's her with the both of them even though they're exactly the same development wise
I mean that’s not really a surprise, like >>1989806 said, Kiki talks more, plus she has the more contrasting personality with Namari. Also this last line that made people go crazy

No. 1990322

File: 1714827019506.jpg (Spoiler Image,173.79 KB, 703x1093, GLxfoodXEAA9YhO.jpg)

>Draw a straight up man
>Add some scars
>Call it a TIF
>Say it's lesbian erotica
I don't even know, this is like 8 layers of retarded and I don't have the energy to make fun of and dissect it.

No. 1990323

This just seems like copium. It sounds like this woman really wishes she was a lesbian but is straight.

No. 1990328

Why does the female character look like a 15 year old schoolgoer

No. 1990334

oh sure, nothing more lesbian than sucking dick

No. 1990339

your post made me laugh so much, thanks for that nona kek (and I agree with everything you said btw)

No. 1990375

>manchild ichigo
He's 15? What am I missing?

No. 1990387

Normally I groan at anons who complain about butches being drawn "like men" because cartoons always look exaggerated but this is just a straight out male with a dick, what the fuck. Isn't calling it "lesbian" invalidating their "trans identities" anyway?

No. 1990392

He's 27 by the end of bleach

No. 1990441

File: 1714835359791.jpg (29.09 KB, 512x368, attackeryou1.jpg)

Yes, that's my point. I always use Black Butler as an example because it's so blatant it's meant for teenage girls and young women. Now that these target demographics aren't as strict as they used to be, it's a bit frustrating to see people talking about shojo, shonen, seinen and josei manga as if they were genres and not target demographics. It makes discussions and giving recommandations to other complicated.

>Akane Banashi

Isn't that a manga about rakugo? I haven't read it but thinking about it, I'm starting to wonder how older shojo manga would be labelled if they were recent and still ongoing. Can you imagine something like Attacker You or Glass Mask in the shonen jump? This is cracking me up, the characters were taking volley ball and theater so seriously in these series, from what I remember watching on tv as a kid, you'd think their lives were threatened over it. It was so over the top I can actually imagine it. Haikyuu is basically Attacker You but with guys anyway, from the only episodes I've seen. Even the MC looks like a genderbend of the MC in Attacker You. And even then, I do remember a lot of boys watching that kind of stuff because it was on TV and they were waiting for episodes of other series and ended up liking them, especially the old anime about sports.

Aside from that, I wonder how age demographics also come into play in all of this. Sure the shonen jump is for teenage boys but it seems like everyone reads it, and not just because they're following old series from when they were kids. You have recent series that are really popular with adults like JJK when these people were already adults after all.

No. 1990463

the way the skirt is hiked up on the far right character is bugging me, the proportions look so centaurish

No. 1990470

Sage for derailing but I thought people nowadays agreed that A Little Life is pretentious garbage

No. 1990482

>Isn't calling it "lesbian" invalidating their "trans identities" anyway?
You know, nona, nothing makes sense with gendies. They change the meaning of the words as much as they want and whenever they want to fit their narrative and agenda. And anyone who complains is an evil twansphobic terf bigot white karen conservative homophobic cunt cisnormative transmisogynist bioessensialist uneducated privileged bitch etc, so whatever. Le sigh

No. 1990538

>Are there recent series that have fight scenes, action, mysteries, etc. that are published in shojo magazines in Japanese nowadays?
Children of the Whales, which ended last year. Also had an anime adaptation a couple years ago

No. 1990546

This is literally just straight porn. The artist drew a man and added tit chop scars so it would be a FTM, but everything else is male. Or is this a TIM who got his gynecomastia removed? I can't even tell at this point.

No. 1990575

>labelled as shojo in Japan
>labelled and marketed as seinen in my country
Well that's. I don't even know what to say kek, publishing companies in my country don't know what to do anymore with anything that's not cutesy kawaii romance I guess, no wonder foreign manga and anime fans get the wrong idea about these demographics. Thanks for the rec anyway, I'll probably check it out after I'm done reading what I started recently.

No. 1990663

nta and yeah some definitely do realise it's garbage now, but there's still a decent amount of people who'll recommend it and hold it in high regard. Anecdotal, I know, but I have multiple friends in a book club who won't hear anything negative about it and claimed I had no empathy because I didn't cry over it kek.

No. 1990700

How did she manage to out-het futafags kek lesbian content is doomed

No. 1990743

File: 1714856320098.jpg (432.15 KB, 2776x1623, G3ntoMF.jpg)

Why are shonenfags obsessed with canon? Arguments over what's canon or not canon always goes from 0 to 100 with them. (And genshin fags but genshinfags are mostly shonenfags, yumes and fujos).

No. 1990767

They have no sense of creativity and imagination and think well written character development is when a character starts punching others harder than in the previous chapters, you're expecting too much from them. I just saw a girl on twitter posting some posters she saw of JJK in Korea on holidays saying "I wish this character and that character had a fight scene this could have been cool" and shonenfags spammed her with "but that didn't happen though!" or "if that happened that character would have killed the other one in one second!" as if she asked their opinion.

No. 1990769

Honestly "character would totally love celebrity/product/politics" are also really obnoxious.
Like no, Mario does not stan Sabrina Carpenter. He doesn't know she exists. He's a videogame character.

No. 1990772

>Like no, Mario does not stan Sabrina Carpenter
This is pretty funny ngl, loosen up a little

No. 1990779

That's clearly a fucking joke I don't think they're being that serious about Yuji liking MTS. Also
>Yuji would never like Megan Thee Stallion that's not canon
>but Yuji would definitely get boy pregnant with Geto
What the fuck, pick one.

No. 1990780

Palestine, trans rights, some celebrity, it's all the same and it's just projecting yourself into characters. It's not stifling to not want to hear it.

No. 1990781

I've wondered this too, it's fucking bizarre. I think it's hilarious when they try to checkmate yumes and fujos with it though, as if shipping and especially self-inserts have ever considered canon with any weight. I assume shonenfags are not ensouled, you also see this behavior from grown men who love capeshit. They only care about powerscaling, and the extent of their imagination is "what if he fought Goku."

No. 1990788

Yeah the joke is that Yuji canonically liked tall women with big butts and has a crush on Jennifer Lawrence or something, and we all know Megan is tall and curvy. No idea what made the second person sperg in that screenshot.

No. 1990791

File: 1714859747183.jpg (332.02 KB, 1536x2048, GD3LcOcXoAAWnAh.jpg)

not the point but holy shit she's so beautiful

No. 1990808

It's weird seeing this argument online where people say black women are more masculine to show how we are oppressed. They try to be progressive so hard they end up becoming racist

No. 1991072

I agree. EAH would be a disaster if they revived it. The original lines were a lot of fun and they don’t meed to be woke to be successful. Both lines were a little cheeky and more clever compared to Barbie but they could have been successful by keeping those lines. Retarded. Also didn’t Descendants bomb?
I enjoy seeing doll creations but it’s a headache because of cUlTurAl ApProPriATiOn so you can’t make a culture or heritage nod to a doll without being shunned. No thanks.

No. 1991265

She is and I hope my eyes are deceiving me and she's -not- squinting her eyes to look more asian

No. 1991328

File: 1714900706911.png (570.55 KB, 1837x646, Not-like-other-girls bashing.p…)

I think picrel applies to how many female characters, who are just slightly less feminine are perceived within fandom.

No. 1991438

File: 1714910581611.png (562.43 KB, 599x801, 1714819198086.png)

she has to know what she's doing here

No. 1991443

Twitter has been devastating for butches. I hope this artist fucks off and gets a boyfriend so she can end this weird larp.

No. 1991456

File: 1714911736335.png (74.16 KB, 878x568, queer.png)

This goes to a deeper issue, so I've said it before but I believe sexuality is innate and a straight man or woman will always be straight and whatever same-sex media they try to create(whether it's m/m or f/f) will always carry those lingering traits of their inherent straightness. and there's nothing wrong with that but the problem is that fandom-induced brain-rot has given these people a phobia of "cis-het relationships" so they always have to find some way to make it "queer".

No. 1991462

File: 1714912363125.jpg (637.95 KB, 1043x2835, 92739273.jpg)

Apparently she has a tif girlfriend(with penis envy judging by who she designed >>1990322) but this artist is also at fault for encouraging her gf’s mental illness, kek can these girls just get therapy already

No. 1991479

Agree, and while I understand that 'not like other girls' used to refer to a very specific personality type that was grating and focused on contrasting the NLOG's difference (and therefore better-ness) to said 'other girls', I feel like you rarely see that actual personality type compared to how often any woman who is either minding her own business going against the mould or who expresses discomfort towards femininity etc being called NLOGs. It's just another way for women to bully each other into socially conforming imo, at this point.

On the topic of fandom though, I hear female characters get called NLOGs a lot these days if the character expresses any form of dissatisfaction with her lot in life that puts her at odds with feminine stereotypes. For example, a side comment about how a character has no interest in or doesn't like things like fashion or makeup will cause some female readers to arc up as if it's a direct insult to them and all womenkind's potential interest and enjoyment of those things, even if the comment is completely neutral and just about the specific character and not a broad judgement. You'll then see fan content of said character 'learning to embrace her femininity' or whatever by wearing pretty dresses and putting on makeup etc (or having a feminine character 'fix' her with a makeover).

I think it can partly be a problem of expecting all female main characters to be for self-inserting, so anything that hampers that ticks people off who were expecting a husk to inhabit (you also see similar negative reactions towards female characters in general who have strong, messy personalities, and I feel like this is a part of why having good female characters with a lot of depth is such an uphill battle, as some will react very hostilely towards women who aren't bland vessels, but that's a whole other topic). For what its worth, I see this a lot with female readers who move from stuff like YA romances (which are built for self inserting most of the time) to female character studies, so sometimes it's just due to being used to one kind of fiction over the other.

No. 1991502

File: 1714915075409.jpg (629.36 KB, 908x3495, 0182038.jpg)

>tina and daffy
Just looked her up (Tina is the one with hair) and kek wtf, how did Looney Tunes’ sexual dimorphism get to this point? Daffy’s first wife/gf(at the top) actually looked normal, then things just went to shite because moid artists hate women, and somehow these modern artists still topped it all with the shittiest possible design yet. I’m even more baffled that fans think this couple is woke queer vibes.

No. 1991510

>Meanwhile shoujo magazines didn't and they began to focus primarily on running romances.
I do wish I knew japanese to figure out the reason behind this in particular. Does anyone know why.

No. 1991514

File: 1714916142356.jpeg (32.55 KB, 900x669, image0.jpeg)

I’m happy this trend is pretty much on life support and now female anthropomorphic animals just look like regular animals as opposed to ducks with tits and hair

No. 1991531

File: 1714917139214.jpeg (486.83 KB, 814x1786, IMG_7834.jpeg)

I hate this shit as well. Some of the early ones like with the tumblr vs facebook girl who got edited into a horny lesbian were mildly funny but the more current ones just come off as gaslighting to me.
I feel like even anime falls into this trap nowadays
>in the early 2010s Kirino who was into otaku shit but since she was keeping it secret and mainly did traditionally girly shit she was still a mega bitch like one would expect her to be
>nowadays we have Marin who is so popular, kind, pretty and a huge otaku who always stands up to bullies and hates when people are picked on for their interests!
Both are obviously moid characters, but at least they tried to stay semi realistic with Kirino.
Obviously I’m not saying popular girls can’t like nerdy shit like anime, but I feel like it’s a fucking stretch especially in the early 2010s when most of these pics were made.

No. 1991532

I love her so much. Kitty soft paws is the best

No. 1991533

File: 1714917443257.png (162.21 KB, 640x654, aeawou8l1n461.png)

Didn’t see the movie, but the less of this shit the better so I already like her design.

No. 1991551

If she has a TIF butch gf then why does she still draw butches near-identical to men? Testosterone doesn't change sex and even TIFs that superficially "pass" look female up close or when nude. Do "queer" women realize it's okay to be bisexual and have straight couple OCs? Even gay artists I know have them.

No. 1991553

wish fulfilment/power-fantasy for her TIF partner.

No. 1991560

File: 1714919343739.png (125.15 KB, 1906x696, GatekeepingYuri.png)

You're right, the vast majority of those "me vs other girls" comics came from teenage girls in the 2010s who were outcasts, being into anime and comics wasn't as socially acceptable as today and best they were were ignored and at worst they were actively mocked and bullied. So when you go through that you do think you're not like other girls, but the vast majority of these comics were turned into blatant fetish bait and now the majority of stuff posted that they make 'yuri' out of me are mostly self-deprecating memes and comics by random women.

No. 1991583

apologizes for asking, but how does one tell a m/m or f/f is written by a straight person besides the stereotypes?

No. 1991601

You can't, and assuming someones sexuality from their crappy fictional writing is silly.
Treating sexuality like a sacred cow that can never be altered is just forcing yourself to obey the delusional idea that men are always dominant and women are always submissive and there's no challenging or changing that. It's a form of misogyny and homophobic tradthot delusion imo with the goal being to keep women subjugated and men subjugating. It's counter intuitive to believe so just as trannies believe a woman with short hair and a lack of bimbofied hyperfeminine stereotypes is a man. Same coin, different side. On the other hand forcing anyone to do anything they don't want is also tranny logic, specifically male, woman raping tranny logic. The slop of this shipping picrel in the post makes no sense and as usual is using sexual orientation to discriminate in some made up retarded way as retards do. >>1991456 but the logic of the poster in the picrel is the natural conclusion of boxing people into fixed categories like pokemon that that anon is ironically arguing to maintain. Just my ten cents on picrel, I know this is an incredibly unpopular opinion everywhere online, irl, on this site where the status quo must be maintained.

No. 1991613

>Normally I groan at anons who complain about butches being drawn "like men" because cartoons always look exaggerated
same. i don't really mind extremely masculine women in fiction at all, so long as they aren't like "butch transbians" or whatever

No. 1991619

Yep. I remember when people used to assume certain BL authors like Harada were male because her work was a bit different than the usual fare, but she's a woman

No. 1991621

I think it's more about most people just not being skillful or thoughtful enough creators to remove themselves and their experiences/expectations from their work when they need to be. Some of you will always be in what you create, but a lot of people work from a very self-absorbed and indulgent lens– it's why characters get warped from canon to fit broader stereotypes that flatter the fan creator's interest, and why mundane settings like high school and coffeeshop AUs will always be common. Skilled creators who think about and understand what they're doing when they make something won't make the same seemingly obvious faux pas, and often have different motivations than ones who just want to write an indulgent OOC shipfic or whatever. It's all about the goals and execution.

I'm not even saying it's necessarily a bad thing either, it's just the reality of fiction, published or fan-made. It has kind of been made worse though by the need to hyper-categorise everything into identity boxes or tropes, or how there's the idea of Own Voices knocking about where you can't write something unless you are also that something, which in my experience just encourages and justifies laziness when it comes to looking outside yourself or researching things since you gotta stay in your own lane and all that.

Sorry for getting on me soapbox kek, but this shit is so tiring and annoying, both as a creator and audience in general

No. 1991634

I hate spicy straights more than words can describe . Why are westerners like this

No. 1991674

You don't always, because a lot of the issues with fanfic is an issue with bad writing in general. I have no problem with straight (or OSA-leaning bisexuals) people writing gay stories for the same reason I don't mind white people writing about characters of a different race, but back when I read fanfic and original stories written by all kinds of people, I developed a pattern recognition of when the character dynamics are similar to hetero relationships (feminine man as a stand-in for a woman or a butch acts like a man). I notice a lot of these writers insert homophobia or gay culture in settings that don't have it too. Ex., canons that are shown as a utopia or having no racism or sexism will somehow be homophobic, and assuming that bears and twinks or butch/femme is the norm instead of a subculture or slang. Confusing BDSM terms with sex positions too, but everyone does that now with porn and fetishes being mainstream. But this isn't even foolproof, because a lot of fanfic I wrote as a lesbian teen had tropes like inserting homophobia as venting. I've noticed that the good gay fiction from straight people tend to treat it "apolitically" and more about two people in love than social commentary.

No. 1991696

NTA but as a writer I completely agree with you. I understand not wanting grossly stereotyped caricatures in serious fiction, but the microlabeling and reeing about muh representation in a PWP fanfic is just tiresome.

No. 1991715

Fandom in general is like
Waifufags > Fujos > Yumes > Yurifags

No. 1991861

when I think I've already seen every single lesbian erasure/appropriation by spicy straights and bihet women who like males in dresses, then comes this heterosexual woman somehow managing to use butch and femme relationships to insert her het fantasies into lesbianism. what a crazy time to be an actual lesbian, lord have mercy

No. 1991867

File: 1714941224899.png (2.11 MB, 1080x1065, GM1fJjlWMAA0tYX.png)

>moids unironically believe this
As if they aren’t the ones jacking off to Rance and Euphoria, the third pic on the otome side isn’t even otome.

No. 1991871

this is why i hate maledomfags. Its hard to take violence against women seriously when these retards are watching 50 shades of gray or 365. We need to go back to bullying them so they never escape the realms of of AO3 again.

No. 1991873

>pics shown in girl's sexual fantasies
Is this person sure those screenshots aren't from some sort of moid hentai? Especially the bottom one

No. 1991875

the first two are sadly from real otomes

No. 1991879

I hate how moids sexualize literally everything and have the most degenerate kinks then turn around and say it's women who are the more degenerate ones in comparison and actually they are just innocent boys who want le pure love. Weebs in particular will literally call any woman who isn't into their degenerate shit a man hating feminist, prude, uptight, and so on if you aren't talking about how much of an epic CULTURED (read: pornsick) retard you are 24/7. They also constantly throw vanilla around as an insult as if it's even a bad thing, then somehow are saying they're vanilla with memes like these, it makes no sense. They chimp out if you call out their porn addictions but they somehow still want to be perceived as sweet and innocent when it's entirely unearned. Not to mention the "fantasies" on the right are usually just them wanting a mommy rather than an actual partner

No. 1991884

The first two are from popular otome games and I'm not even saying women aren't into stuff like that (Toma is the most popular Amnesia guy after all) I just think scrotes are retarded for saying that they're somehow the 'LE HECKIN WHOLESOME' ones when they're way more into their self inserts raping women than women are into their self inserts getting raped.
It's just pure copium stuff, it's the same reason they make memes like this even though they're into all of the above (except yaoi).

No. 1991889

The average harem for men shows contains stuff such as blatantly underage looking romantic interests, panty shots, incest, or some combination of these traits. The average harem for women has the male love interests have shirtless scene sometimes

No. 1991891

File: 1714942715133.jpg (579.44 KB, 960x3218, k2VRcRD.jpg)

I haven't played those otome but I've always figured this and Diabolik Lovers were in part taking the piss.

No. 1991893

I feel like I rarely met any moids into anime who aren't total coomers in general and they make fandoms where they dominate insufferable because of how much they sexualize everything and their disgusting kinks even when the actual thing isn't sexual at all, they dislike being called out so yeah they cope that women are actually worse even when it's objectively untrue and it's the most hypocritical shit. Even the most pick me women or women into "kinky" things in otome or whatever else aren't as porn sick as the average weeb scrote. They really want to act like they only care about "true love" and aren't like those slutty kinky women while regularly jacking off to rape and lolis, making up vile words like "cunny". It's all so tiresome

No. 1991899

i mean to be fair diabolik lovers was really fucking bad, the female character had a iq of 10

No. 1991906

File: 1714943947060.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.72 MB, 3343x2769, IMG_7856.jpeg)

>incredibly easy to reverse with the male side looking 1000 times worse

No. 1991920

kek that's amazing

No. 1991921

Same coin, different site.

No. 1991933

This one is definitely more realistic and common imo.

No. 1991936

My husbando is in one of the pics on the left, I was not expecting that kek

No. 1991939

which one?

No. 1991944

Bottom left, I love my autistic catman husbando Shiraishi. I know there's an ukyofag who uses /g/ too

No. 1991947

>I know there's an ukyofag who uses /g/ too
that might be me but I’ve met another Ukyofag on lolcor so it could be my friend

No. 1991956

It was fun to laugh at booktok but now seeing these idiots and their room temp takes makes me want to defend them
I've seen booktok books get compared to fast fashion which just shows how these people don't understand words or why certain things are bad.

It's cringe that adults aren't reading stories written at an adult reading level but to get compared to porn addicts is such a reach

No. 1991959

We can never have a "het ship" appreciation here because nonnies will scrutinize every aspect while shipping the same dynamics with men

No. 1991960

File: 1714948212332.png (161.54 KB, 540x405, tumblr_inline_oseqj6xJuY1ug7dh…)

Lets be serious is GNC anything that isn't shallow? There are more "spiritually" GNC female characters than aesthetically.
These words keep changing which is why you have some people on LCF shitting on tomboys when 10+ years ago they were considered very "gnc" before the term was even used and populariesd.

No. 1991967

These fucking creeps keep hijacking everything so they can coom.
Girls and women can't even think about how alienated they feel from other women without it having to center around their fucking cooming.

No. 1991984

Women aren't allowed to have any space online or irl for themselves that doesn't center men.

No. 1991987

I despise that subreddit, the NLOG x normal/mean girl thing could work but you know they don't care about the potential developments of this dynamic. It's an excuse to indulge in their bimbo obsession/'i'm a femcel tomboy' cope. It's dogshit reverse harem material tailored for troons
Many of these women are/were well into adulthood, whereas the so-called NLOGs are almost always teens. It makes so much more sense when you notice they act like bitter mothers/older female relatives who hate to see girls enjoying a kind of freedom they've lost as adults. It's pretty wild how their bitterness bleeds into fiction, how poisoned do you have to be to not even tolerate seeing a girl struggle with femininity (as most girls do)

No. 1992069

On a similar tangent, i hate the "WOMEN ARE MORE DEGENERATE THAN MEN HURR DURR" shit especially when i see other women say it which just isn't true. Even if you're a woman into the most disgusting scrotal tier baboon fetishes ever they're ultimately less degenerate than a man who obsesses over boobs or ass or some shit. Also maybe it's just me, but from what i notice women have a lot more morality in their sexual interests degenerate or not. In fact with proship or adjacent people i still see them center morality as would antis or whatever, just in different forms.

No. 1992070

File: 1714958441528.png (1.31 MB, 1306x2400, zjgsfm7rggd41.png)

Not surprised that shit like this also pops up there.

No. 1992074

File: 1714958616249.png (133.01 KB, 583x767, what the fuck.png)

Only example of a woman who I genuinely think has fetishes on moid level (at least that I've seen) is todokaras and my friend who was into twisted wonderland+enstars boys getting fucked by pigs.

No. 1992101

>my friend who was into twisted wonderland+enstars boys getting fucked by pigs.
nah your friend is based

No. 1992104

not defending the moid side but some of you get so offended when anyone dares to criticize otome/shoujo shit with maledom in it. Otome moids abusing the female main character is sadly a popular trope.

No. 1992105

i would rather have two cute boys than one guy and an annoying moeshit girl, any day.

No. 1992136

But aren't the cute guys usually just as bland and empty as the moe girl?

No. 1992137

Cute male characters are super fucking rare kawaii uguu bland girls are dime a dozen

No. 1992141

That doesn't answer the question.

No. 1992143

Yes it does. Do you understand what bland means? That type of personality in female characters is bland because its pretty much the default, we rarely see male characters that are cute. They are extremely rare and uncommon, the opposite of bland and generic.

No. 1992144

No. I asked "aren't the cute guys usually as bland" you answered about the quantity of cute guys (being rare), not the quality of cute guys.

No. 1992146

File: 1714964467057.jpg (31.3 KB, 750x459, wipe his ass.jpg)

they cant be bland because cute guys in anime are rare. take >>1988992 and r63 it and i will like it because it would be a pretty rare, unique dynamic. Most hetship dynamics are pic rel, if i wanted this i would just get a 3DPD moid to date myself.

No. 1992151

I get that, but that's the quantity. Even if they are rare, which they are, if in a hypothetical anime a cute guy appears would they not be just as boring and bland moeshit as their female counterpart. I get the appeal of wanting bland moeshit, male or female, and that there's an inherent difference in quality of moeshit depending on the sex of the moeshittery.

No. 1992154

> if in a hypothetical anime a cute guy appears would they not be just as boring and bland moeshit as their female counterpart.
no. I say this as a cute boy enjoyer who's fucking tired of stoic/bad boyds and cant find a single straight ship with a cute boy/stoic girl.

No. 1992243

Someone is quite deruru about how TIF's sausages work. They don't. They do not have blood veins, not can make you cum.

No. 1992246

You can make your eye look bigger or smaller with some make up tricks. She probably rely a lot in the cat-eye liner.

No. 1992281

>that men are always dominant and women are always submissive and there's no challenging or changing that. It's a form of misogyny and homophobic tradthot delusion imo with the goal being to keep women subjugated and men subjugating. It's counter intuitive to believe so just as trannies believe a woman with short hair and a lack of bimbofied hyperfeminine stereotypes is a man. Same coin, different side
That's literally not what I said. I said sexuality is innate. You're the one who thinks it means hyper-macho bodybuilder men next to feminized bimbos. I'm not gonna deny what I've seen in both fandom and troonism.

No. 1992428

Just got back into this, I love these two

No. 1993407

>Oh, that shotacon OVA wasn't even bad, not like this lolicon anime which is worse.

Can't she be less hypocritical?

No. 1993466

I don't see what's so hypocritical about this, I remember when I was a teenager both of those animes were memes and I felt like a "loser" or "moralfag" for not finding it funny. As much as I hate modern fandom I'm glad shit like tricking people to watch graphic shotacon isn't considered a funny prank anymore outside of the proship coomer crowd.

No. 1993474

kek modern weebs are such faggots

No. 1993539

"It was so normalized this shows how much we've developed as a society" good lord zoomers really are the biggest pussies. I was one of those people who did the watch Boku no Pico with friends challenge and we didn't die. It's a shitty cartoon and it's not normalizing anything

No. 1993547

>Watching an anime just to buy a figure
I fucking hate modern weebs so much.
The whole point of watching Boku no Pico was to gross yourself out, the joke was that everyone found it disgusting. Though honestly the real reason Boku no Pico doesn't work as shock humor anymore is that shotacon is way more normalized nowadays, even if its called "femboy" instead of shota

No. 1993582

I know, how dare people get offended with child rape hentai, what fucking pussies they are

No. 1993589

My god she's such an insufferable prick. Trying to appeal so hard to the tiktok zoomie moralfag audience isn't gonna save her from her eventual cancellation KEK

No. 1993605

Boku no Pico was just stupid smut with barely a plot and treated as a gross-out meme similar to Goatse and Tubgirl. Kodomo no Jikan was full on lolicon shit meant to be taken as a serious ecchi romcom with the girls being considerably younger than the boys in Boku no Pico juxtaposing how much more normalized the sexualization of little girls is - the lolicon one is an actual serialized story, the shotacon one is fetish porn you deliberately need to seek out for. I swear zoomers have absolutely no sense of context and media literacy.

No. 1993609

File: 1715068287692.png (40.22 KB, 605x264, 1000410613.png)

It was a shock content challenge, nobody forced people to watch it. It was trendy precisely because it was revolting and hard to sit through.

When I was a kid watching 2 girls 1 cup was the trend, but the idea made me want to vomit in my mouth so even if people pushed me to watch it, I didn't. It didn't normalize eating shit or watching people eat shit

No. 1993615

child porn/sexualisation is normalized in japan anyway, just look at made in abyss, onimai, gushing over magical girls, mushoku tensei or bakemonogatari. all very popular and full of sexualized little kids.

No. 1993633

All her problems would be solved if she bought figures and merch from series she actually watches and likes, but I guess collecting plastic that fits her aesthetic is more important.

No. 1993648

Plus other shock videos like 1 Man 1 Jar, the Russian brick video and Mr Hands- horrible videos but ultimately didn't normalise anything culturally. Also kek at the zoomers who think shota rape porn isn't still rampant because none of it has been popularised to the point of Boku no Pico. You can still be into anime and not like aspects of Japanese culture

No. 1993766

you dont have to watch it. No one, absolutely no one every got ''tricked'' into watching boku no pico
>ask sauce
>get told its boku no pico
>search boku no pico
>first google image pic looks nothing like anime i asked sauce for
>its not on kissanime because its fucking porn
>close tabs and realize i got trolled ecksdeee

if you go beyond that its because you actually want to watch it out of curiosity, which is what most of these ironic weebs that thinks its literally cp!11!!! dont want you to know, because they would be admitting to actually looking for cp.

No. 1993819

File: 1715087972705.jpg (334.9 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240507_023800_Gal…)

People have started comparing booktok and dark romance to men who view real life abuse content.

People think women reading about some possive dub-con yandere men is on the same level of men who are molesters.

No. 1993823

can you stop posting this crap trying to defend your degeneracy? its so obvious you are trying to make it seem like you are opressed despite yandere possesive boyfriend shit is extremely common to the point its a plague to any other het reader who doesnt want to read that degeneracy

No. 1993826

also that capture is 100% right you are on the same level as people that consume loli/shota/rape fiction you arent better than them just because you are a woman, just accept it and stop coping.

No. 1993829

NTA and I agree with it being a plague but I don't think that a bunch of words written in a paper equals to the same degree of violence and murder that men commit in real life. I get why some women flock to literature like this, it's safer to explore these themes that way than being around a moid that will hurt and mistreat you for his own pleasure (even though those books promote that shit, it's still written through a female author lensp). My only hope is that people are smart enough to not seek those moids after reading said literature, some shit should stay in fiction only. But idk, I never liked that type of stories, they're cringe as fuck and I'm tired of them being so popular

No. 1993835

I've seen the degeneracy that is booktok and the straight up romanticization of grown men having sex with underaged girls, group sex, incest, violence, pumped out by female authors like Penelope Douglas. It's "fun" and "fantasy" to you, but what it really does is brainwash young girls into thinking they want to explore those concepts, and gives any male who is aware of these stories the impression that "a lot of girls like that sort of thing." Not everyone who reads these books is going to have the life experience or the forethought to understand the difference between fantasy and real life, and it is genuinely harmful. Write whatever you want I guess, censorship isn't what I'm advocating for, but have some self awareness that while not the SAME or AS HARMFUL as actual abuse, it certainly does cause harm and in some cases is a pipeline to actual abuse happening.

No. 1993836

read the screenshot that anon posted. it's talking about fiction not irl violence. Anon is desperatly trying to convince lolcor for some reason to like her garbage.

No. 1993837

You know whats funny i cant even take your hypocritical moralfagging seriously amymore considering literally hours ago on this same thread all anons in unison were defending child abuse hentai. You're just a degenerate weeb, thats why you love calling others degenerate because you are projecting. Booktok will never be on the same level as the shit you watch no matter how much you pathetic pedo ass wishes it was. Fake moralfagging freak.
You want booktok to be on the same level as that shit sooo bad.

No. 1993840

so you admit that lolicon/shotacon is bad despite it being drawn? then you also must agree that literature depicting violence against women is also bad, right? or are you perhapr an hypocrite.

No. 1993841

Nta, but you know that some of the books currently trending on booktok have pedophilic themes in them, you must know that?

No. 1993843

There are studies showing that even drawn child abuse exploitation affects the mind and has been used by pedos. The same thing has not happened for dark romance. You want booktok to be in th same level as lolisho so bad and it's concerning especially considering hours ago anons on this thread were defending lolisho…..hmmm. Im not going to scrotefoil though even though some anons here…

No. 1993846

I think the point is women and girls are not immune to being memed into thinking they like dangerous/degrading sex stuff by consuming porn of it.

No. 1993847

>The same thing has not happened for dark romance
yes it has. There are people nowadays unironically using the ''maybe she asked for it'' excuse in the case of rape and murder because of the normalization of bdsm. I already posted an example before of a normie true crime youtuber with millions of subs saying that maybe the victim wanted to be choked.

No. 1993851

here, again
she didnt get any backlash btw

No. 1993852

Moralfagging over fiction, not even once

No. 1993853

~dark fiction~ enjoyers are so disingenuous, how is it that every piece of dark fiction they enjoy features a man abusing a woman and not any of the other 1,001 dark topics a book could be written about? why are there so few het ~dark romances~ that feature an abusive women? men have been bad lovers since time in perpetuity, would it kill them to read something subversive?

No. 1993855

No because those are a minority and happen in almost every genre and even in fluffy romance.

Ive read quite a few yandere stories and the mc were adults. Im sure there are some with minors but they dont seem to be made as much. Also before you give me cherrypicked examples of random romance authors writing pedophilia like you are making some point.

Just know the same thing you are doing against het readers can be done to fujos. I say this as a a fujo and a het reader. There are many fujos who created pedo content but imagine if someone labelled all of yaoi as pedo?

No. 1993857

>imagine if someone labelled all of yaoi as pedo?
Don't need to imagine, it happens every week on LC kek

No. 1993858

That literally has nothing to even do woith booktol and people have been saying that since the beginning of humanity.
Also stop spamming that same YouTube, it's forced in liberal spaces to be kink-positive but that still has nothing to do with fiction.

No. 1993859

she literally uses 50 shades of grey, a ''dark romance'' book, as an example

No. 1993860

They are not a minority. Clearly, based on dismissive comments like assuming that I would be cherry picking, you're not here to have a genuine conversation about this.

No. 1993862

File: 1715089549633.png (234.31 KB, 1170x1288, 1687673444094.png)

imagine having one chance at life and being born a beta maledom shitter instead of a stacy male ryona enjoyer, couldn't be me

No. 1993863

The screenshot mentions drawn CP though, so technically it's not so different. Also who cares if scrotes will always be worse, doesn't mean everything women do should be tolerated. Can you stop with that lazy whataboutism already?

No. 1993869

The "b-but men…!" is always the most annoying and cheap argument anons here come up with. We're not fucking libfems on LC, we already know men are worse than women, no shit. We talk about women in the fandom thread because we specifically participate in women's fan spaces and consume media targeted to women its not difficult to understand why that's what's brought up in here.

No. 1993870

File: 1715089888811.png (104.18 KB, 779x717, Screenshot 2024-05-07 094634.p…)

I've read studies about the impact dark romance has on the mental health of young girls as far back as the early 2000s, and that was about books like Twilight. Content has only gotten more extreme and to pretend like teenage and tween girls reading these novels is normal or healthy is willfully ignorant. I've seen over a dozen of these books written from the perspective of a girl just on the cusp of 18 being sexually abused by male authority figures and these are the big books on the booktok recommended list. You can't keep moving the goal post so that you don't feel any guilt for participating in a system that fundamentally causes harm. Just because it's not on a scale you can observe or have knowingly experienced, doesn't mean it isn't true. It's not a competition about who is worst, it's about the safety of girls first and foremost. There is really nothing to be defensive about.

No. 1993873

Oh I agree with that. More critical thinking skills should be taught to people and keep that type of stories away from vulnerable minds that can't discern fiction from reality, specially women who could easily get memed on and seek these things irl. Or at least they shouldn't be consumed by minors imo. I'm not sure how bad it gets because I don't consume that type of content myself, but I agree it's too prevalent.

No. 1993878

Pack it up anons this shit yall reading is degenarete and on the same level as pedo lolisho.

Actually no you are not even allowed to read normal or fluffy het because its all bland shit that reinforces stereotypes

Oh so now you think you can read yaoi?? Well you can't bitch, yaoi has het dynamics and the uke is a self-insert, omegaverse is proof of that. Stop watching yaoi you porn addicts.

Congrats you have finally stopped watching all erotica altogether, oh you masturbate…you better stop that since that is porn sick behavior too you degenarate.

OH! Erm…you are asking what my opinion on loli/shota is? I actually don't think it's bad and i don't think it's harmful since it's drawn. I bully any retard who dares to criticize lolisho, people are sooo sensitive, ain't nothing wrong with lolisho.

Oh!!! You are calling me a hypocrite for defending drawn pedo while i am not allowing women to read any erotica?? Well listen here….YOU DEGENERATE BITCH, PORN ADDICT, MALEDOM SHITTER, FUJO , TIF….you are causing harm to all women, you are a pickme..no the hentai i watch of little girls is totally not bad…no i will never be on the same level as you dirty fujos and book readers(unhinged infight bait)

No. 1993881

here is the real deal
>you read loli/shota
>you read booktook dark romance slop
cringe, get better taste
>you read fluff
you are cute and i like you, you seem sweet
>you read stories where men get raped/abused
you are a gigastacy and we can be besties

No. 1993882

What's wrong with being anti porn?

No. 1993883

This right here is the real answer

No. 1993885

Now THIS is what I'm talkin' about

No. 1993891

>maledom shitters
This is actually hilarious because i mostly read BL and for het I read femdom and vanilla. Yet i still will defend booktok.
You keep making ad hominem attacks about anons here you know nothing about just to silence them or stop anyone from agreeing with them.
I regularly find normal stories on booktok all the time, you want to label us as maledom enjoyers so bad so you can win some argument on lolcow.

No. 1993892

>was talking about maledomshitters, didnt quote anyone
>gets offended anyways
>''b-but i read femdom and vanilla i-i swear''

No. 1993895

that's this discussion concluded, what's next?

No. 1993896

This is a imageboard i can reply my dear 4chin greentexter moidlet.

No. 1993899

make it less obvious you come from tiktok next, please

No. 1993903

Funny how those males getting abused and raped are almost always the uke/bottom, feminine, or omegas who can give birth.
There is nothing gigastacy about that. More like femcel

No. 1993906

ah, so you are baiting after all. Makes sense.

No. 1993908

shh you weren't supposed to point that part out(fujo discourse thread is down the hall to the right)

No. 1993910

you can stop switching vpns to samefag pakichan(replying to bait)

No. 1993913

You need to be 18 to post here.

No. 1993937

Nona, where is this study from? I'm very interested in reading the full study (I've suspected this for ages, but haven't yet seen any studies that confirm my theories).

No. 1993940

Kek @ that redtext

No. 1993943

File: 1715092980794.jpg (10.49 KB, 275x255, 1659596727995.jpg)

Lets be besties anon.

No. 1993944

Be the change you want to see and create fanfiction where all males get abused then

No. 1993947

I love this pic so much fr(integrate fr )

No. 1993955

No. 1993972

exactly, it's so tiring and just derails any potentially interesting discussions in this thread, what with majority of fandom activity being by women. We all know the bottomless well of male depravity, and not every conversation needs to refer back to it or revolve around men in general. But hey, guess some anons can't help but rely on the 'protection' offered by men, even if its by men being vile enough to shield them from criticism of their own technically less-egregious interests.

No. 1993975

>But hey, guess some anons can't help but rely on the 'protection' offered by men, even if its by men being vile enough to shield them from criticism of their own technically less-egregious interests.
Can you please explain this?

No. 1993978

I hate this type of cosplay makeup so much kek

No. 1993979

Nta but every time the actions of women are brought up anons here run to deflect the conversation onto men because they can't handle their hobby being criticized

No. 1993983

They use the 'but men are worse' as a shield or deflection for their own interests, to avoid actually arguing their point properly, or to derail a genuine conversation, which is kinda ironic because for as terrible as they say men are or however much anons might also say they hate them in the same breath, they're still using the spectre of a man for protection or centring the conversation back on men.

I just think it's kinda funny tbh, and not that deep or anything kek

No. 1994070

Books need a r18 scale because things can't be more fucking retarded.
People are too brain dead to read shit without throwing themselves off the cliff because a protagonist did so and found a sexy man on the other side.
And people don't nearly like male ryona as much as it's hyped up, it means watching men cry emotionally and that is enough to push away a good chunk of people.

No. 1994080

Tbh "men crying emotionally" is not really ryona, a lot of manipulative men do this too

No. 1994086

>And people don't nearly like male ryona as much as it's hyped up, it means watching men cry emotionally and that is enough to push away a good chunk of people.
Speak for yourself, watching men cry, be pathetic and suffer emotional, physical, and sexual abuse and get mindbroken is the peak of eroticism.

No. 1994088

This. Male ryona would be like a hunk taking beating for you and allowing you to beat and abuse him. If he cries he goes in the trash men are built to be abused why else did god made them physically stronger.

No. 1994093

Ryona is pain, sometimes emotional/mental pain, and crying is obviously a part of that. Really, emotional pain is a huge aspect of it. However while I never see this criticism of "they cry too much" for women. I see it with men which is annoying. Why are you even there if you don't want to see men cry out in pain?

No. 1994101

There is "the man should stay still looking sort of dignified and cool" even if he's getting beaten up and tortured, having a mental breakdown, etc. Just misses the point imo.

No. 1994104

That's so lame. Just watch an action movie if you want to see a man getting hurt without any emotional response.

No. 1994122

I kinda want to make a thread on the SCP community. There's so much milk there it's unreal. Harboring a pedophile in the staff team for years. Cyantreuse being a TIF who likes to LARP and harass people. Procyonlotor being a power-tripping SJW. DJkaktus and his rampant narcissism. Gabriel Jade (OG writer of 049) being exposed as a pedo. Not to mention how the overall quality has taken a nosedive. You get mediocre crap written by tumblr gendies and then circlejerked by the same tumblr gendies who run the staff team. I honestly don't know what's worse. The edgy old 4chan staff team or the new Tumblr gendie staff team. Both are on the same level of insufferable snobbishness.

No. 1994126

please do sounds super fun. You can make in media. All i know about the scp community is that they got all triggered over a rapist door knob or something kek

No. 1994146

I will be a regular of that thread.

No. 1994157

I hate moids who fancy themselves as a Konstantin Lyovin type, holy shit.
Most of them are unable to feel love without mixing It with their own libidos (which, by the way, can only be fulfilled by degrading their partners in sex because penetration is a form of degradation to them), but will act like poor dogs who just want to feel useful and loved by their wives in a very asexual way.

No. 1994162

lmao being able to take a beating stoically is such a scrote power fantasy

No. 1994163

Everyone I've seen online who's into ryona and other garbage are mainly troons.

No. 1994169

I also hate the "women are more violent/psychopathic than men" every time some retarded bitch kills their own children or makes someones life a living hell, not because I believe women are uncapable of being psychos, but because the moids and pick-mes who parrot these suddenly forget about how low empathy, tendency to impulsivity and violence goes together with being a male.

No. 1994171

You keep acting like people in this thread are a monolith, this type of thread will attract proshippers who think anything is fair game as long as it's fiction, antis who want to censor any problematic media and everything in between.

You are also comparing novels marketed at young girls or made mainstream in the west to us hours ago talking about watching disturbing/shock content, you can't buy Boku no Pico at Barnes and Noble. Take a deep breath

No. 1994187

TIMs are not into male ryona dont be dense

No. 1994200

Tbf nta but tifs are an absolute plague when wanting to enjoy male ryona.
It has to be some internalized misogyny, as if any men feeling emotional pain must be secretly a women. It's so gross.

No. 1994203

Nona I was referring to ryona in general.

No. 1994473

I swear to god, some of the people infighting about booktok do not fucking read. Booktok type books have existed since the 70s the only difference is that they're edgier and slightly shittier in quality after the big YA boom, and before that when the fantasy genre was getting popular you couldn't go two or three books without the self insert main character having sex with a teenager or the equivalent of a 50000 year old vampire loli or talking about how sexy she is. You also have the whole splatterpunk genre in the 90s which has been rearing its ugly head again in recent years, which I'd argue is a hundred times worse and I'd rather teenagers read Twilight than fucking Cows like they've been doing. Yes, some booktok books shouldn't have been published and/or marketed to a younger audience and easily influenced young teen girls shouldn't be reading YA until they can think critically but using a minority of zoomers as a example of how abhorrent the genre is when majority of the themes and romantising of unsavoury subjects has already existed for decades and has been accessible to younger audiences for the same amount of time, and when millenials and older zoomers are the ones writing and reading it anyways and should be marketing their shit better is fucking retarded as shit. Also Stephen King is required reading in some schools, and I think reading about a eight year covered in feces and masturbating or a first page filled with a description of a child's dead body after being raped and murdered is more damaging to read as a teenager but yeah it's the hockey porn that's the issue.
inb4 shota/pedo/porn addict I don't consume any porn in any form, and if there happens to be sex in the book I'm reading I skip it because it never contributes to the story.

No. 1994607

>Also Stephen King is required reading in some schools
I'm not from burguerland but we have a book required in every school here that is about incest and the book starts with a guy masturbating and ejaculating kek the whole book is degenerate but nobody bats an eye and it's seen as a work of art. In all honesty I don't read YA novels so I don't know how bad they truly are, but really few book disgusted to the same levels as some visual porn could, I just doubt these books are that bad, but I can be wrong.

No. 1994687

AYRT most post early 2000s YA is just very juvenile Hunger Games or generic fantasy-esque stories, quirky teen romances that are obviously written by 35 year olds or mildly sexy fairies/vampires/insert mythological creature. Like the example you've given (also not a burger), I feel like kids are often exposed to worse within the curriculum (e.g for some reason most of the books I needed to read in my last few years in high school were about or featured CSA) and the concerntrolling and hand wringing is just annoying.

No. 1995048

File: 1715173918845.png (722.7 KB, 948x1962, Screenshot.png)

I could say your defending shit like picrel, cause we have a large group of fandom-rotten retards who genuinely believe that sexuality and sexual organs are just something you can swap or remove. This starts off with fictional characters but eventually leads to real life, usually their own. But again sexuality remains innate, so even in their bizarreo creations, they end up recreating some form of toxic heterosexuality.

No. 1995056

not even going to lie i wish we were in the timeline where aidens just embraced y/n with a dick (the futa fantasy) rather than y/n named luca with a tit chop

No. 1995058

you are both incredibly cringe. male ryona fags are tryhard and maledom shitters are embarrassing.

No. 1995071

one is obvious worse then others and can lead to potential IRL abuse, but yeah bdsm/kink in general is just cringe

No. 1995083

Agreed. I dont need to elaborate on the maledom retards but the “ryonafags” seem like they’re just desperately trying hard to flip the switch on moids without actually being into it kek all talk and no real application in their stories/media

No. 1995093

>and no real application in their stories/media
Does whump count

No. 1995094

It’s just video essay zoomers trying to distance themselves from their peers.

No. 1995095

you havent seen my art

No. 1995104

This, millennials did the same tbh
You have to post it now

No. 1995346

Nah, I get off to it. I wrote my first reverse ryona story when I was 15 kek

No. 1995449

This, I like and enjoy male ryona as much as the next cultured woman but the people constantly sperging about it at the expense of other women come off as embarrassing tryhard edgelords who aren't really that into it besides surface level aesthetics but just want attention and validation for not being like those other dumb girls into dumb girl stuff.

No. 1995450

>Stephen King is required reading in some schools, and I think reading about a eight year covered in feces and masturbating or a first page filled with a description of a child's dead body after being raped and murdered is more damaging to read as a teenager
SK is such a disgusting man. I will never understand how an ugly male who does barely anything else besides getting high and writing about women and children getting raped and child orgies gets so much praise and is actually regarded as a genius. Not to mention that he's a troon supporter - but of course he is, he's also a pornsick coomer who enjoys writing about women being tortured/raped, no wonder he has empathy for other pornsick coomers who enjoy showing off their hard dicks to little girls.

No. 1995586

I feel you nona. It's not really as much of a sexual thing for me. I just get satisfaction out of seeing pretty boy bishonen get tortured.

No. 1995593

>I just get satisfaction out of seeing pretty boy bishonen get tortured

No. 1996224

File: 1715236840225.jpeg (1.13 MB, 3403x5105, 5AgCeS2.jpeg)

but isn't that sorta the point? it's meant to specifically piss-off certain men but you are correct, at the end of the day it doesn't change the fact that bdsm/kink is "cringe" and the people who engane it never realise how lame they come across, cause they are lame and a lot times it's just porn-addiction.
what's the age of most of these characters?

No. 1996242

that would imply that maledom is the default.

No. 1996244

>what's the age of most of these characters?
nta but why do you care?

No. 1996267

cause If it's with an adult male character it's fine. If it's with a small child with an art style that indicates it's a small child, then yeah, it's fucked up on their part

No. 1996281

where did she even imply the characters were shotas

No. 1996301

the word bishonen its self.

No. 1996304

File: 1715247003769.jpeg (123.34 KB, 1022x1448, a shota apparently.jpeg)

KEK this has to be bait

No. 1996307

lurk moar

No. 1996350

So you're ignorant.

No. 1996371

File: 1715257870809.jpg (60.56 KB, 251x510, tumblr_prt4dgcJ9N1u7o328_400.j…)

You don't apreciate true love.

No. 1996382

File: 1715258834701.webp (33.13 KB, 728x1050, SilverSpoon6510795.webp)

Yugo and aki from silver spoon is another cute het ship. Mutual crush and mutually supportive.

No. 1996406

falling asleep while looking at this image

No. 1996416

I can tell already that someone is going to claim this is "lame boring moeshit for pickmes"

No. 1996454

Nona it's college-age men. Ik it can be hard to tell with anime and how there's little difference with characters in their older teens or young adult years, but I can assure you they're not high-school age.

No. 1996522

Kek, spot on

No. 1996631

You missed my point, but it's been days and I'm too lazy to explain anything anymore, just know that male crying doesn't always mean good, they use their tears to hurt, abuse and manipulate others too

No. 1996657

Do you think when scrotes talk about female ryona that they have to mention that woman tears can be fake just in case or do they just jerk off over women crying

No. 1996777

why do hetfags get so angry when no one likes their ships?(infighting bait)

No. 1996790

If that's considered anger to you I have some bad news.

No. 1996797

File: 1715285677013.jpg (140.08 KB, 699x1024, if your ship doesnt look like …)

hetfags have been crying because anons dont like their bland ships since this thread was created. I dont understand why they get so pissed off anons dont like their ship of white bread-chan and water-kun.(infighting bait)

No. 1996800

Omg I recently finished the manga adaptation, they are so precious.

No. 1996802

We need more manga like that. I just want to chill and hunt with a cute husbando now.

No. 1996808

they claim its misogynistic to not like blend hetships, because reasons

No. 1996822

>ship of white bread-chan and water-kun
Posting examples?

No. 1996826

And gayfags have also been crying because anons dont like their bland ships and seeing men pack fudge since this thread was created. Your point is?

No. 1996827

God I love this manga, the ML is so cute. I would post my own cringe het otps but I don’t want to get bullied over them lel. I think most fujos are chill, there are just a few retarded ones.

No. 1996829

I don't read much het but this manga was really, really cute. I love the contrast of princely woman/beautiful but strong man and the informative slice of life parts about life in svalbard (I think?) were so good. Title is "The Snow Country Hunting Life of the Northern Nobleman and the Raptor Wife" for anyone wondering kek

No. 1996845

you clearly havent read it
please point me out to where fujos had this level of meltdown >>1991959 over anons not liking a yaoi ship

No. 1996848

I hope you’re not implying that shit doesn’t go the opposite way too. I’d also like to know why fujos/yumes seethe over canon ships and claim the girl is abusive over cartoon violence while also mischaracterizing them to be even worse while ignoring the same behaviour from their fujo ship but I think we all know why.

No. 1996850

>seethe over canon ships and claim the girl is abusive over cartoon violence
literally no one does this here

No. 1996854

I have. It's cute, but it's not particularly interesting.
its really just a normal couple doing couple stuff, the gnc aspect gets dropped hard. Unless there's a sudden twist I'm not aware of

No. 1996856

This is in general, I’ve seen this behaviour since the early 10’s and it’s always bizarre seeing it still happen even for old dead fandoms.

No. 1996858

maybe I'm just not on the same parts of fandom internet as you guys but stuff like >>1996797 >>1996808 >>1996848 reads like you're making up an imaginary person to get mad at. or maybe you hate-follow one person with the worst takes possible. like what are you even talking about

No. 1996859

Cause no one is allowed to just say they don't like a ship because it's not their taste, they have to come up with a moral justification since fandom is giga-pozzed

No. 1996860

>This is in general
you mean in twitter, this is lolcow.

No. 1996861

i just like the male love interest is actually cute, i hate stoic fags so much i will take anything that slightly changes the status quo

No. 1996862

Actually, I checked the last couple of chapters I've been meaning to read, didn't know it was complete. I was right, it's just okay imo.

No. 1996865

do you have anything similar but better to rec? its like you dont understand manga/anime with het ships is completly fucking shit that anything that isnt school girl blushing at her abusive senpai is a massive improvement(fujosperging)

No. 1996869

i just don’t want to see boring hetshit, it’s everywhere(fujosperging)

No. 1996876

Can we let het and gay coexist already? As long as the MCs are cool an interesting I don't really give a damn.

No. 1996877

>but the “ryonafags” seem like they’re just desperately trying hard to flip the switch on moids
this is ultimately it. they don’t even know the proper term for male ryona but they claim to love it so much. hate

No. 1996878

people use reverse ryona a lot here, what are you talking about

No. 1996880

This. It goes both ways. People who ship M/F get angry when people call out their boring bland whitebread ships and People who ship M/M get angry when people call out their boring bland whitebread ships. Both groups make moral justifications why they're superior and the other is bad. You like M/F? Well you're a moid worshipping pickme and all hetshit is for pickme. You like M/M? Well you're a moid worshipping faghag pickme and all yaoishit is for faghag pickmes. As if a ship is inherently less or more interesting because of what's getting shoved into what. It's retarded and I hate it.

No. 1996883

the difference is that fujos get accused of being misogynists for not liking bland hetshit

No. 1996885

I’d like to be in the same bubble as you then. I still read fanfics from time to time on a03 and one had a pairing I liked tagged but it was full of the shit I described with short essays of comments that actually believe it’s abusive while willfully ignoring the same (and worse) actions of the male characters towards each other. It’s just sad to see honestly, they could just ship what they like instead of making up moral justifications like that.

No. 1996887

I thought lolcow would be above this Tumblr mentality but clearly I was wrong

No. 1996890

Tumblr’s effects have been devastating to female fandoms. You can’t just be a hater, you can’t just say you hate het/BL because of your own preferences, it all has to be a moral debate. Personally I wish we had something more like block-happy Eastern fandoms and we just understood that we can avoid each other online if we hate each others ships.

No. 1996892

I don't rec stuff I'm genuinely invested in for the obvious reasons.
Maybe your bar is low or I'm good at looking for stuff, idk.

No. 1996894

>This ship is bad
>Do you know of anything better?
>I don’t wanna post it
Like clockwork

No. 1996896

and hetshippers get accused of being misogynist pickmes for not liking bland yaoishit. It goes both fucking ways, Anon. Can't you just say "I don't like [thing] because it doesn't get me off"? Cause, from what I've seen, that's all it really is. I call bullshit on this whole "You can't like [thing] because it's wrong and it's morally bad and [insert politcal talking point over fucking porn and fandomshit]" directed at M/M and M/F. I swear to God.

No. 1996898

Didn't say it was bad, it's just okay.

No. 1996904

The funny thing is that the people who are honest here and admit they like what they like because it gets them off are subsequently accused of being porn addicts

No. 1996919

No, we can't do that.
>The reason I like men fucking other men isn't because it gets me off but because it's the superior feminist media that allows women to explore darker concepts without the presence of women being subjected to the male gaze through the nuanced lenses of a woman's perspective. It's far better unlike that disgusting moid worshipping het for pickmes.
>The reason I like hot men fucking women isn't because it gets me off but because it's the superior feminist media that allows women to explore and be in control of darker subjects without the presence of the male gaze through the nuanced lenses of a woman's perspective. It's far better unlike that disgusting moid worshipping yaoi for faghags.
It's two sides of the same unaware coin.

No. 1996922

Tbf het stuff is more difficult to talk about due having to balance whether the female lead is old enough but not a fetish, not sexualized, has agency, not a manic pixie dream girl, is still likable, is cute in her own way (that's just me). I just forsake the trouble and follow whatever shit other people are talking about because that won't have as much problems, most of the time that shit is gay because the "measurement of woman good or bad" doesn't matter.

No. 1996930

Honestly I feel like I see this primarily on LC, in most fandoms I see, even bland female characters will have circles of passionate female fans who love them just for being cute/cool/funny. Even a lot of fujos seem to generally ignore female characters they don’t care about. LC is way more hypercritical of female characters than the average fandom nowadays

No. 1996939

Real. Female characters that would be considered inoffensive anywhere else are ripped apart here, and they like to wrap it up in feminist language too just like retarded tumblrinas, just with a radfem twist.

No. 1996948

It's so disappointing lol

No. 1997006

I don't know, I don't care about men who like ryona, and never will. They're gross as fuck

No. 1997026

Do we really need sex ed psa for a cartoon fetish like ryona?

No. 1997043

The vast majority of users here still skew libfem, we're just anti-tranny and anti-male. Which is fine, but I wish nonnies would pick their battles in this thread.

No. 1997071

god forbid the femme fatales and buxom ditzes and innocent waifs and [offensive female caricature] get shat on. how crazy that it's happening on a site full of women who have either peaked or are getting there. be serious

yeah sure, calling bl feminism is dumb but surely you understand that you can't ever really have het content that isn't somewhat male gaze.
>b-but muh male ryona….?!
yeah that's definitely representative of hetero content and you're totally actually interested in that. anyway

het content for women is also largely indistinguishable from het content for men unless you're strictly talking porn. and even then i've seen some male-tier coom shit from yumes (see everything nyantcha draws) – no hate of course, it's just cringe and boring to me. even outside of outright porn though, like, hetshippers on this very site will discuss their ships and be like "oh my god what if this female character married this guy and had his babies?!" and it's just so dumb and lame kek. it's virtually what a male would say, "what if my waifu had [my] babies?!" nobody gaf except to point out how dull it all is

No. 1997072

Do you guys only watch chinese cartoons? There are good ships in live action shows

No. 1997074

Yes we only watch Chinese cartoons, no we will not change

No. 1997076

like i'd say even a bland bl/gl ship is better because i can see it and not also see the white bread hetty betty nigel someone definitely wants to have irl/the white bread hetty betty waifu someone definitely wants to have irl

3dpd scrotes make me gag

No. 1997083

At one point it stops being peaked and starts just being obnoxious for the sake of contrarianism.
I'm a fujo but this stupid "no good female character because da scrotes are watching" bullshit is just annoying.

No. 1997088

File: 1715298794066.jpg (316.9 KB, 1080x1440, p469105_i_v9_ab.jpg)

I can't even say anything anymore to you people who's misplaced feminism prevents them from even enjoying silly cartoon characters, I can only pity you. And for the record I'm a hardcore fujoshi so don't try to call me a hetshitter or whatever retarded insult you use. I hope you heal someday.

No. 1997094

Their "da scrotes are watching" line comes off as insane. If you can't relax with anime/manga without picturing some moid's erection when you see a female character, something's not right. It's one thing to hate on egregious fanservice/lolibait/coombait characters, it's another to not be able to ignore subtle implications (like an implied het ship) or to not be able to stand hetshit made by women, even the mildest stuff. Yume fics with maledom are cringe but it's still a female fantasy, distinct from a moid's subjectivity.

No. 1997096

File: 1715299099986.jpeg (38.54 KB, 452x678, images - 2024-05-10T095603.818…)

Not involved in this discussion but while I agree in theory, I personally can't stand watching 99% of 3dpd romance because of the mental scars picrel show has inflicted on me, its just retarded and annoying to me now.

No. 1997104

nah ahiru isn't an offensive female archetype, she's a very well-realized character in a well-written and interesting, one of a kind show meant for young girls, and it's disingenuous to even post her in response to that. maybe if this had been orihime or nobara or the fruit's basket mc or something. hell i'm sure you yourself understand 99% of het content isn't even slightly as interesting as princess tutu

most lc yumes aren't thinking of characters like her anyway. they literally posted their ships and shit above, most of is generic boy meets girl nonsense

No. 1997108

File: 1715299602060.gif (615.41 KB, 450x250, download.gif)

She's well-written and also has naked scenes and the weird panty shot in the OP. Is she not also "coombait" for scrotes? And if you want moidier female characters I like, here.

No. 1997112

>you can't ever really have het content that isn't somewhat male gaze
Yes you can.

No. 1997115

>weird panty shot
do you…do you mean her leotard? like regular ballerinas wear? it's been some time since i last saw princess tutu, but i don't recall and sexual panty shots of the character
>has naked scenes
nudity in japan is often associated with purity and rebirth, which makes sense in the context of mahou shojo, where girls are being reborn into warriors and heroes. like i said, you're being disingenuous. there also aren't any men in love live so i don't understand why you're posting nico kek?


No. 1997119

>Princess tutu has coombait scenes
You are a fundamentally broken person and you have something serious you need to sort out in your life before you should be allowed online again. I think you might actually need a tard wrangler or something. She's a ballerina you absolute sped

No. 1997122

Ntayrt but it's amazing that this thought process is here now as if nitpicking shit like magical girl nudity and calling the whole genre pedo adjacent wasn't a thing.
Anyway, as far as characters normally not liked here goes I actually grew to really like Marcille, usually characters like that have their problems be their entire identity.

No. 1997124

No, you cope. The mere fact that you think it's impossible for there to be het content without some male gaze is pure cope on your part. Not only is it cope, but it's pure yielding to moid behavior and schizo tier behavior. If a woman makes M/F content for herself and other women and only women then it's not male gaze. Just because males may like that content doesn't make it male gaze. Male gaze only occurs if the content was made in such a way to appeal to men intentionally. I cannot imagine being in such a mindset that you genuinely believe that any and all content featuring heterosexual coupling must pander to moids in some way, even if made by a woman.

No. 1997126

Anons who cant understand why other anons dislike most het ships are very obviously the target demographic of 99% of het ships, so they can't understand when other women don't find those dynamics interesting. Imagine loving apples, having an infinite amount of apples to eat, and then someone who doesn't like apples tells you they prefeer oranges and find apples boring. Most anons itt who dislike het ships dislike the super basic bland dynamic of cute girl x stoic guy, they don't dislike het ships as a whole.

No. 1997127

From 1:34 lol. If the weird perspective and below the skirt angle doesn't register for you idk what to say

No. 1997128


No. 1997130

You are so stupid it's not even funny.

No. 1997133

Nta but this isn't the gotcha you think it is, it's literally just a normal shot no one would pay much mind to unless they're looking for things to get triggered about. I've also never met a scrote who even found the Tutu girls attractive at all even if they probably still exist somewhere out there, which is saying something when most fandoms for anime with female characters are usually full of them. Almost all fans of it I've met are instead either women who think Fakir is hot or men who watched it because they heard it's a classic, not really out of wanting to coom since it isn't known for that at all

No. 1997134

Stop responding to the crazy lesbian from /g/, it's bait

No. 1997137

the yuripedo? makes sense why she sees loli fanservice where there isnt

No. 1997138

>I've also never met a scrote who even found the Tutu girls attractive
Nta but 4chan is full of them

No. 1997141

4chan is also full of scrotes that coom to floor tiles

No. 1997142

File: 1715302146430.png (79.21 KB, 250x400, Tohru_png.png)

it's hetero content. the female mc will always carry that edge of "a girl guys would like". that makes it male gaze, even if unintentional, even if only a little. i've seen men get off to usagi, tohru, sakura, comment on how sexy and appealing the female m/c designs were for random one off visual novels, seen female m/c designs and read "female gaze" plots that were basically the same as male gaze shit because those characters are designed to be in straight romances + be plausibly attractive to men.

i'm not saying fictional men are real men in any way, but if an mc is described as a "cute girl" you must understand that the designer isn't pulling the idea of a cute girl from a hat, they're getting that from male opinions. this is what i mean, you can't really extricate heterosexuality from itself

>Most anons itt who dislike het ships dislike the super basic bland dynamic of cute girl x stoic guy
exactly, but 99% of het ships are just this. boy meets girl. there's no depth to it, they're male/female so they fall in love. maybe there's some plot bullshit surrounding them but that's the crux of it. most women just want to be that bland, attractive girl men scoop up and fawn over. they want the male gaze

No. 1997143

It's full of scrotes, yes, unless you're saying not all scrotes are like that.

No. 1997146

Doesn't negate my point since I mentioned they probably still exist somewhere out there, it's just that basically Tutu isn't really a show associated with male coomers and cooming in general, it just feels like a stretch and retarded to target it specifically

No. 1997152

File: 1715302435522.gif (Spoiler Image,968.77 KB, 500x375, 1503946365066.gif)

Yes, sure, showing a little girl fully naked was completely innocent on part of the adult creators and it's actually super artistic and I'm the crazy one for pointing out that it's weird.
Not your boogeyman

No. 1997155

i am honestly more concerned you like the worst love live girl

No. 1997156

File: 1715302636998.jpg (1.28 MB, 1222x687, pr_wide-39c74eb84ab8587a7d87de…)

did you know if you like sailor moon, you have moidy taste? They're designed to be pretty and pretty women are only appealing to moids. And scrotes love jerking off to the parts where they become naked silhouettes and transform too. Plus look at how short their skirts are, pure coomshit

No. 1997159

pure autism

No. 1997160

this gif just proves you wrong because if it was something like say, monogatari, they'd have zoomed in on her body, do close ups and put her in weird poses, make that the entire focus, but instead it's an unsexualized chibified version of her with barely any features or detail

No. 1997163

It just looks like a ballerina dancing, idk what am I supposed to see here

No. 1997164

My het ships are all toxic and mentally ill.
If it's not pickme girl x bpd self harming man or pedo yandere woman x suicidal man I'm not interested.
Me not posting them is just etiquette.

No. 1997166

Isn't she just bathing? That's how people in Japan take baths, her nudity doesn't feel sexual because there's literally no anatomy here, it looks like an adventure time doll. Idk, never watched this show

No. 1997168

I know this is sarcasm but people here literally think this way

No. 1997169

Nah you're just weak and afraid of criticism, post them

No. 1997172

>It's not actually loli fanservice because the loli isn't sexy enough
I love princess tutu. It's one of my favorite anime. But be serious. You people constantly complain about the Japanese shoehorning naked children into everything but once it's an example from a show you guys love it's ackshually completely fine and only a joke with no other possible implications. Be serious

No. 1997173

you are being disingenious. There is a clear difference between shoujo protagonists and protagonists from romance media for men and if you cant see the difference then you might be blind.

No. 1997174

nona probably thinks those pics parents get done of their baby in a bucket count as CP

No. 1997175

If that's what you want to call wanting to avoid retard infighting over retard shit I like, sure.
I figured Boy's Abyss was fairly obvious

No. 1997179

that manga is like a trainwreck I can't look away from. It's my guilty pleasure for sure

No. 1997183

At this point, if you make or like female characters with any male character in any media in anyway you're unironically supporting the moid gaze and are a pickme to some.

No. 1997184

who decided (and decides) what pretty was? who pushes it? why do you think the artist chose to put a middle school girl in a mini skirt and thigh high boots with long hair? could there be any cultural perceptions pushed by a certain sex towards another that influences these decisions, or is it just totally random? i'm not saying it's "pure coomshit", but it does contain male influence. even if you hate it and don't want to admit it

No. 1997187

You can make your own fanart with sailor moon fighting in a nun outfit if you want, it would be cool to see if you feel like actually contributing to the world

No. 1997189

File: 1715303594241.jpg (1.5 MB, 3072x3072, MM9901_220313_01614_square.jpg)

Watch out nona here's some X-rated coom central content coming up

No. 1997192

>they're getting that from male opinions
Have you ever considered they could form their own opinions on what makes a cute girl and then draw that?

No. 1997193

>At this point, if you make or like female characters with any male character in any media in anyway
no, good female mcs (in hetero romances) exist. ohshc haruhi was great, for example – that type of straightforward tomboy doesn't really exist in male media or fantasy and is so divorced from mainstream ideas towards ((heterosexuality)) that she's essentially removed from the male gaze. youko from 12 kingdoms was also great.

no argument i see

No. 1997198

you are retarded kek, I am not even that big of a fan of princess tutu but you thinking nudity= pedo coomshit automatically in any context is braindead. this would be coomshit if they actually lingered on her body or focused on that more which it literally doesn't, they could've made it actually coomery yet they didn't

No. 1997199

all i want is the female equivalent of araragi. Just a pure unhinged degenerate retard that harasses moids and looks cool

No. 1997201

It's just a girl wearing a hero uniform with cute bows, the mangaka probably just thought it looked cool and it looks like other Sentai heroes from that time but with cuteness added to it. You're reading too much into it

No. 1997203

File: 1715303848283.png (907.88 KB, 1475x1776, IMG_3419.png)

No. 1997204

Wait so you're ok with Haruhi but not sailor moon? Are you ok?

No. 1997206

>ohshc haruhi was great
>straightforward tomboy
So wait, the only way to make a good female mc is if the female mc is so far removed from being female that she can, in universe, pass for male?

No. 1997208

Almost want to make a sarcastic joke about women being incapable of that sort of thought so a man must be behind it but I feel like people would take me seriously.

No. 1997211

she meant haruhi from ouran high school not the one for moids kek

No. 1997215

nta but whats wrong with disliking feminine female characters? i also think running around and fighting in skirts is kinda retarded and makes no sense

No. 1997216

Where in my post about sarcasm did I ever imply that I disagree with anything that you just replied to me with?

No. 1997217

sure. but how do they form these opinions? what sort of culture do they live in? humans are influenced by their environment. idk if or why that's surprising or deniable. the current trend in my country is buxom, tanned women with fat asses and "full face beats", and so you have girls as young as 13 making makeup videos on tiktok where they darken their skin and adopt drag queen esque faces. i guess they just like, decided that on their own, totally? makes sense to me

i never said i hated usagi, i just said she's male-gazy

No. 1997220

They're more like leotards to me

No. 1997221

they are skirts anon

No. 1997224

>but how do they form these opinions?
You know what? You're right. I, as a silly woman, could NEVER form my own tastes and ideas of my own volition. Especially regarding topics such as female characters.

No. 1997226

Leotards with a flared skirt but still leotards imo, it's mostly the top that registers to me that way

No. 1997228

where are you seeing leotards in sailot moon's school girl's outfit? wtf

No. 1997232

Someone straight up said it lmao

No. 1997233

>the current trend in my country is buxom, tanned women with fat asses and "full face beats"
Literally what does any of that have to do with a female manga artist in 80s Japan drawing whatever she thought it would be cute to see in a female hero unit?

No. 1997234

nta but would you think sailor moon is feminine if she had muscle and was hairy? genuine question

No. 1997235

Nta but it does look like a leotard with a skirt attached to it. Shirts don't sit on the body like that, it's too form fitting and extends too low

No. 1997237

Unironically yes.

No. 1997239

idk i find skirts retarded so i dont use them but they wear literal school uniforms though

No. 1997240

based i wish we ha roided hairy sailor moon breaking moid skulls with her bare hands

No. 1997244

why did she think it was cute……what were the cultural perceptions and ideas towards "cute, appealing women" when she was young and growing up. who were these cute and appealing women trying to appeal to, do you really think it was all just other women?

No. 1997248

>expecting common sense from sentai
I don't even know what to say

No. 1997251

I think you comparing sailor moon to whatever people do on TikTok nowadays is hilarious and wrong. Like do you really think that the artist was like "yeah today I will create my master plan of ruining everyone's innocent childhood by drawing cute girls fighting bad guys" and then did things in the name of the male gaze? It feels like you think everything women like is based on what men want and males don't really care about sailor moon at all. The people that you described in your post that love tanning and fake asses are also not going to watch sailor moon. I think you have both types of people confused, people who do those tiktoks prioritize male attention though, I give you that

No. 1997253

kamen rider wears a cool armor not a skirt so i dont know why female fighters cant look the same

No. 1997254

Search "popular stuff in the 80s" and "popular stuff in 80s Japan" and you'll get it.

No. 1997255

IIRC the sailor moon mangaka wanted young girls to be able to relate to her characters so she gave them seifuku as part of the design

No. 1997258

> males don't really care about sailor moon at all.
anon she's literally a sex symbol in japan with countless amounts of r18 doujins and even games

No. 1997259

Send hate mail to the sailor moon creator and tell her to burn her original drawings and redraw everything for you. Idk, I also would like to see Sentai girls fighting in full armor, but why do you care so much if the author decided to draw something that was more appealing to her?

No. 1997261

I like to believe that Sailor Moon's creator had enough intelligence and agency to have her own likes and could determine what is "cute".
I think cats wearing tiny hats are cute. Is that because of men too?

No. 1997263

>I think cats wearing tiny hats are cute. Is that because of men too?
Men tend to wear hats the most Anon…

No. 1997264

>Nostalgia Critic
God no, hard pass. That said, men liking sailor moon is their problem, men would fuck raw chicken if they could. Of course they take things women like and do weird shit with it, it happened to MLP too

No. 1997265

File: 1715305047323.jpg (73.91 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_nyb3yw4buV1ty63iho1_128…)

this current topic is so fucking stupid you guys. scrotes will scrote no matter what, everyone but feministAnalysis101chan knows this. anyway one of my favorite characters of all time is Nico Robin from One Piece, the coombait weebshit show where all the female characters store their organs in their boobs. despite Oda's misogyny shittening the work's quality, I can use my huge brain to take the parts of the work I value and find meaning in it to appreciate. I love that Robin is an archeologist who overcame her incredibly traumatic childhood where she saw everyone she loved die in front of her eyes when she was 8 and later found the strength to have new hopes and dreams in life. She's also a beast of a fighter and I love it when she uses her powers to make body horror. I love her forever and hope that she has one of the happiest epilogues of the show when One Piece ends.

No. 1997266

you are honestly cringe. You can enjoy things while being critically of them. You are acting like a dumbass because someone dared to criticize something you like.

No. 1997267

then dont say they dont care at all because they absolutely adore sm and coom loads to them

No. 1997268

She's being sarcastic, I don't think she thinks that liking cats is for men

No. 1997270

>when believing a female author had agency over her own work is "acting like a dumbass"
It really is just a circle.

No. 1997273

I wouldn't know, I don't put men and their interests as a forefront to determine if what I like is feminist enough or not

No. 1997274

ofcourse she doesnt i am not retarded, but she's trying to take a serious point and bend it to make it retarded when anon is 100% right. You can still like yur kawaii feminine grills but that doesnt mean all women have to find them neat also.

No. 1997275

you literally brought it up yourself. I was just correcting you on your misinformation.

No. 1997276

i'm not saying she did it in the name of the male gaze, but to deny it's there is dumb

she's a big tiddy mommy bait character with a shitty melodramatic past meant to make her vulnerable enough for men

No. 1997278

Where does it say in the reply that all women had to like them? I can't find it.

No. 1997279

>that doesnt mean all women have to find them neat also
And I agree with that, but I also think not all anons need to agree with the hyper vigilance of media either

No. 1997281

>I can use my huge brain to take the parts of the work I value and find meaning in it to appreciate.
Yes, thank you.

No. 1997282

>if there are men who coom to a female character that means she's bad
>therefore, all female characters are bad
am i getting it?

No. 1997283

File: 1715305587380.jpg (666.26 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_95e78604bdd569c053bb309…)

if you refuse to enjoy anything by citing moral purity, what does that leave you lmao. this big titty melodrama character showed more personality and depth in the first 10 chapters of her appearance than your entire derail here. name 5 medias you liked

No. 1997285

Ding! Ding! Ding!

No. 1997286

no, but thats what you want to read

No. 1997289

nta but if we dont criticize moids like oda things are never going to improve. If we want to stop being feed off scraps we need to shit on moids who are incapable of writing female characters without giving them gigantic tits.

No. 1997290

File: 1715305788054.jpeg (73.73 KB, 800x599, oda.jpeg)

imagine defending this guy, kek. He clearly doesnt see women as human.

No. 1997291

Yes. "Well written" is just another word for "nonsexualized".

No. 1997294

have no fear nona, simply venture further up the thread so you can see me criticizing oda (briefly, because i had a different point to make)

No. 1997295

Imagine stunting yourself and taking everything you enjoy out of your life because of whatever scrotes might or might not do with a piece of media. Now that's doing things based on men's opinions. You can't live with males on your mind 24/7. Everyone needs to be cringe and free.

No. 1997296

you are still trying to defend his coom creation

No. 1997297

>if there are men who coom to a female character that means she's bad
is putting words in my mouth the only way you can have an argument? all i'm saying is that women are influenced by male gaze when they make female characters, everyone is, that's just a symptom of living under patriarchy. yume/yncel fiction is absolutely influenced by male gaze, as they're modeled after…you guessed it…hetero relationships. i also gave examples of good female characters itt >>1997193 >>1997104

i'm not going off of "moral purity," i just think one piece is trash and i'm pretty sure the mangaka wanted to make her waifub8 with seasonings

No. 1997298

But that anon literally criticized Oda

No. 1997299

its genuinely not that deep some women just want to see female characters that arent sexualized how is that a hard concept to grasp for some of you?

No. 1997300

while praising a shitty coomer character because ''muh deep history''

No. 1997301

So you get Japanese men like Oda to improve by… complaining about it on lolcow?
I don't think the majority of weebs here even pay for most of the shit they do like.

No. 1997302

Imagine if moids had to make excuses to like male characters because every single character is some shirtless bishounen with massive pecs who's a perfect husbando who cooks, cleans and is also a millionaire. We literally live off scraps.

No. 1997304

>some women just want to see female characters that arent sexualized
Ayrt and I want that too, but you have to realize that in the current year of 2024 we aren't getting that at all, and it's ok to like things even if they aren't 100% radblr approved

No. 1997305

Was Tutu even meant for young girls? To me it came across as a show that was meant for an older audience but can be enjoyed by teenage viewers as well.
Maybe that's just because it's a lot better produced and written than most mahou shoujo though.

No. 1997306

They do, all the time. It's called "man watches fujobait, vomits and cries"

No. 1997309

File: 1715306281020.png (403.84 KB, 500x750, __marie_antoinette_and_marie_a…)

hell i actually enjoy hyper-sexualized, hyper feminine, hyper "female" female characters, i consume moidy content on the regular, i'm just not going to lie and claim "i-it's not at all influenced by male opinions guise durr women just love the color pink and spinny skirts they pop out of the womb liking this stuff aaaiiiieee!1" like some of the tardlets itt. not trying to moralfag, i just want the spade to be called a spade

i consider anyone under 18 a young girl

No. 1997310

goodness, tardchan, did your least stained burger king paper crown slip off your head? why don't you doordash more nuggies to stave off your anxiety over not being righteous enough? you're willfully misinterpreting like 5 different women just to throw a temper tantrum on your high horse. i hope it throws you off soon

No. 1997311

Yeah that's what I don't get. How is anything going to improve by yelling at other nonnies about what they can and cannot like in the name of social justice. Why is it on nonnies itt to deprive themselves of things to fix male-created media when the problem is the males themselves and people on Twitter sexualizing sailor moon, why can't she go fight them instead

No. 1997314

where is the yaoi in drive or american psycho or god of war, etc

No. 1997316

no one said you cant, but you are getting angry at women who, unlike you, dont want to settle for scraps

No. 1997318

It's more than obvious that anons on lolcow are actually more critical of media they like than the average fandomtard and yet they receive so much scrutiny
Go tell the creators to make it, you don't lose anything. Do it for the team

No. 1997319

Is it really that impossible to comprehend that some women just have bad fucking taste?
Sailor Moon's author likes skirts. Just maybe, it's not because of men. Maybe she's just weird. You might think she'd have to be off in the head to like something like skirts, but it is possible.

No. 1997321

I'm not angry at all nonna, it's more like you can't see that some anons are still going to like things no matter what your personal values are, not everyone can be the same as you, not everyone is going to deprive themselves because very little media out there is perfect and well fitted to a feminist lens

No. 1997323

So do you consider Shinji's tiny dick at the end of the eva manga to be sexual or

No. 1997325

>Sailor Moon's author likes skirts. Just maybe, it's not because of men.
This. I like skirts, albeit long ones, too. I don't care about men, they're cute

No. 1997327

>all i'm saying is that women are influenced by male gaze when they make female characters, everyone is, that's just a symptom of living under patriarchy
no female character exists outside of the male gaze, there is someone out there cooming to any female character you can imagine, whether she is well written or not

No. 1997329

where did anon say you have to stop watching the things you like? this is a discussion thread people are going to discuss stuff like this not everyone has to agree with you

No. 1997330

File: 1715306833951.png (3.16 MB, 1600x1500, these days I see more of this …)

Same goes for male characters, barafags coom to the ugliest fuckers imaginable.

No. 1997332

>all i'm saying is that women are influenced by male gaze when they make female characters, everyone is, that's just a symptom of living under patriarchy
>no female character exists outside of the male gaze, there is someone out there cooming to any female character you can imagine, whether she is well written or not

Are you both now cannibalizing each other or is this the same anon replying to themselves

No. 1997333

none of these are supposed to be appealing though

No. 1997335

Not everyone has to agree with you either, that's literally what I said

No. 1997337

File: 1715306980369.png (629.28 KB, 500x670, l4s2xrohy4x81.png)

And do you really think characters like Ahiru were meant to be appealing to moids? No, they're just meant to look cute for women.

No. 1997338

All characters are characters that men will make into coombait because they love to coom, how is this the fault of women?

No. 1997339

thats not me i only called out the robinfag

No. 1997340

I love sailor moon, it's a deeply personal childhood anime for me but at the end of the day takeuchi is a cocksucking trannylover who can't process the idea of women not being hypersexualized, even in a shoujo manga, all the time.

No. 1997342

second anon feels like they're trying to troll or otherwise mirror my points in thinnest way possible

they are. male/female gaze doesn't always need to be sexual, plenty of those guys are furry bait or "cool guy i want to be" bait

No. 1997343

except men throw a hissy fit at GNC women like the last of us girls kek its clearly that they draw the line at things that are deemed unfeminine

No. 1997345

File: 1715307118314.png (127.16 KB, 540x405, FlZcFbWWAAAZ7dg.png)

Maybe a little bit, even then it comes off in a more 'coquette' kind of way to me.

No. 1997346

anons saying men will come to anything need to explain why men cry and seethe and shit when they add unconvetional female characters like abby then

No. 1997349

if you grew up in like, ancient japan, you'd find kimonos cute, you'd probably think skirts looked weird. i really do not understand how saying
>our biases are constructed from the world we grow up in
is this crazy to comprehend? why don't you get it? you don't have an original thought, nobody does. you can (supposedly) not care about men all you want but you exist in a world where men rule so their influence extends to you regardless

No. 1997350

if you think that no man faps to GNC female characters you are daft

No. 1997351

They literally coom at the most degen shit though, them hating Abby is more of a misogyny and GNC hatred issue.

No. 1997352

they send death threats to companies when they add women they cant coom to.

No. 1997353

>you'd find kimonos cute, you'd probably think skirts looked weird
NTA but both are cute.

No. 1997354

that degen shit still has feminine women. Even men into tomboy like the coomerfied version with big tits that blush and actually want to be kawaii. Men dont like real gnc women.

No. 1997355

I like to think women are capable of having an original thought or two.
I can also imagine women that wore kimonos, some of them liked skirts too.

No. 1997356

Pretty sure they're still cooming to them despite the complaints, moids wanted to kill Anita Sarkeesian but still drew porn of her.

No. 1997358

How would a "character you're not supposed to like because reasons but like anyway" thread look like?

No. 1997359

Agreed, idk what the problem really is. People still wear both in modern Japan, though not so much kimono in everyday. A lot of women switched to western clothes after WW2 happened. Like I'm pretty sure art if Sailor Moon in kimono exists

No. 1997360

i'm going to assume you people are trolling me at this point, or just especially retarded and dense

No. 1997362

We don't need even more niche threads please

No. 1997363

>Pretty sure they're still cooming to them
no, they are not. Lmao. Most moids refuse to play games that have ''ugly'' female characters.

No. 1997364

unpopular opinions thread?

No. 1997365

just use the "characters you like that everyone hates" thread or something we din't need 3000 niche threads

No. 1997366

File: 1715307591803.png (61.04 KB, 563x297, 1000002882.png)

>coombait vs "well written" female characters
meanwhile, in reality:

No. 1997367

File: 1715307592172.gif (1.69 MB, 500x350, 8df85f6154576b99585f355f15a4c9…)

me with Morrigan.

No. 1997369

This. To ignore that men still create shit to degrade and humiliatie women and characters they don't like is to ignore internet feminism 101

No. 1997370

explain corrective rape then

No. 1997372

quote summarizes everything i've been yelling about in this thread for the past hour

No. 1997373

Sorry, there's no man here to tell us to agree with you.

No. 1997379

I'm not making a thread, I was just wondering.
How many thread spin offs had this had? Four?

No. 1997384

everyone understands the points you're yelling, you're ignoring us telling you we understand and like media with faults anyway for personal reasons.
for someone who hates coom and moidgaze so much, you sure center them in your mind to the point it crowds out actual human interaction

No. 1997386

>the quote about patriarchy and the male gaze being inescapable disputes/spites my points on patriarchy/the male gaze being….inescapable
so you are especially retarded, got it

>you're ignoring us telling you we understand and like media with faults anyway for personal reasons
not the point these types of anons were making, which is who i was primarily yelling at, but alright
>>1997261. i even said myself that i enjoyed coom and moidgaze content. i just recognize it as that. it feels like i'm arguing against people who entered the conversation late and haven't bothered to back read

No. 1997397

Please just kiss already… Go fight the patriarchy on twitter… Send hate mail to moids idk draw fanart

No. 1997398

Too many and they don't even belong in /ot/

No. 1997401

File: 1715308753073.png (166.46 KB, 744x352, u7lvs96qogb41.png)

another good quote that puts into perspective how all yume/yn content is ultimately a little male gazey

No. 1997406

File: 1715308969155.jpg (123.99 KB, 466x561, First_Hang_Out.jpg)

Ryoko was a childhood crush

No. 1997413

But lolcow must know that they're secretly controlled by men when they say they like female characters.

No. 1997415

File: 1715309159476.png (533.97 KB, 617x720, latest.png)

I feel like the 90s had the ugliest self insert protagonists, at least modern ones are mildly cute.

No. 1997416

my point in posting >>1997366 was to say that even the most well written, nonsexulaized female character is some mans fantasy. no amount of "it wasnt intended to appeal to men" will change that, so trying to act high and mighty about ~well written female characters~ is pointless

No. 1997417

Wait til you find out who runs the ballet industry

No. 1997419


He makes me giggle and blush.

No. 1997426

Zoomers will say that he's too heckin wholesome and cute but I don't care and he's cute as a man or woman.

No. 1997435


No. 1997437

File: 1715310308072.gif (104.64 KB, 250x500, 2340656_46569.gif)

>no amount of "it wasnt intended to appeal to men" will change that
you're right. where did i say it would? pretty sure i just gave an example of a female character that isn't exactly popular with men as an archetype or as herself. the few pieces of haruhi porn i've seen are usually off model or extremely ooc, to the point of being an oc. mainstream heterosexuality isn't normally cool-headed girl x flouncy frilly boy anyway
>so trying to act high and mighty about ~well written female characters~ is pointless
where did i act high and mighty? at no point have i said anyone is in the wrong for enjoying what they like, i just said it was cringe to me and (vaguely) male gaze. which it is

No. 1997439

File: 1715310466047.jpg (357.37 KB, 696x920, 566.jpg)

I do think harem leads have gotten cuter. Even "ugly" ones have a "btw he's actually kind of cute and fit just slightly unconventional and insecure" added in.

No. 1997442

is this a girl?

No. 1997443

Artist drew a flat-chested woman and called it a man kek

No. 1997446

goddam i would. Where is he from?

No. 1997447

Best and cutest harem protagonist btw

No. 1997448

hell no, he's ugly

No. 1997450

File: 1715310896990.jpg (79.58 KB, 849x477, the100girlfriendswhoreallylove…)

Male lead of 100 Girlfriends, a harem comedy lol.

No. 1997453

waste of cute boy with big eyebrows in harem slop. Please animu, i want another england.

No. 1997455

I want to murder this faggot black dahlia style

No. 1997457

So you're not allowed to write about anything if it has anything to do with something a moid touched. Why don't you toss out your computer then since tech moids are predators?

No. 1997460

File: 1715311064051.jpg (25.23 KB, 513x477, tumblr_p8aevuUHHU1x9yfojo1_540…)

How fucking dare you

No. 1997462

This is awful please get better taste

No. 1997463

kek what the hell

No. 1997464

traps are inherently hideous

No. 1997466

I just got so angry the moment I saw his face. Like a bull seeing red. I didn't even watch the show I just need him butchered.

No. 1997469

go murder kirito leave great value england alone

No. 1997470

that's not even a trap, that's a little uke in a skirt. fujos love that shit

No. 1997471

Does he even count as a full trap though? He's usually wearing guy's clothes.

No. 1997473

He's an uggo and I would not draw gay fanart of him
>t. fujo

No. 1997475

he's ugly as fuck and crossdressing is for moids

No. 1997476

File: 1715311475960.jpg (283.3 KB, 752x1209, Baka.to.Test.to.Shokanju.full.…)

>He's an uggo
Rude and untrue.
>crossdressing is for moids
You are not actually a fujo.

No. 1997477

he looks just like that bug eyed thing from love stage and it's a running joke in series that he resembles a little yaoi twink. y'all are just #fake fujoshi

No. 1997479

Go spam you horrid taste somewhere else
>t. fujo

No. 1997480

izumi is cute and the obssesion with crossdresing the author had ruined his moe points(him being a filthy otaku). I hate her for that why draw a cute male otaku loser bait then force him to crossdress. At least in the manga he's cute enough and actually penetrates the other fag which was based.

No. 1997482

i like crossdressing so i enjoyed it

No. 1997485

File: 1715311857187.png (1.12 MB, 1173x687, stinky otaku.png)

>(him being a filthy otaku)
The fuck are you talking about smelly otaku ukes are the best ukes.

No. 1997486

>At least in the manga he's cute enough and actually penetrates the other fag which was based.
He topped in the manga???

No. 1997488

exactly. Which is why i hated the mangaka tried to normify him. He's the only uke i want to take to gay conversion therapy, the seme doesnt deserve him.

No. 1997491

If i remember correctly they get stranded or something and izumi asks to penetrate the other fag. Its the only thing i remember from the manga.

No. 1997493

File: 1715312253496.jpg (109.79 KB, 662x756, 20240128_092648.jpg)

Pic related is supposed to be the ugly man around

No. 1997505

the artist desperately wants to work on a reverse harem

No. 1997516

they hated nonna because she spoke the truth. he is so so cute

No. 1997524

where do all the filthy trapfags come from

No. 1997528

File: 1715314876747.jpg (138.52 KB, 2208x1242, MV5BODA2ODgxYWMtOWI4Ni00MzIwLT…)

Honestly the talk about Hestia reminded me of the mc of it. Still don't know what's up with that show.

No. 1997529

he crossdresses in a couple episodes but I wouldn't call him a trap

No. 1997580

>reads obvious male gazey coom manga
>actually enjoys it
>complains about the fanservice of underage characters
>complains about the author making horny tweets and waifufagging

how do ironic weebs manage to come as such normalfags while reading literal coomshit for the worst type of otakus? i dont get it. Do they genuinely not understand the type of people this manga/anime is targetted to, do they seriously think its a serious romcom?

No. 1997589

I think they just pretend that they're against it for good boy points while actually jacking off to it just as hard as the author is.

No. 1997653

File: 1715337121557.jpg (384.92 KB, 1080x815, Tumblr_l_134526121611076.jpg)

I cannot even put into words how much I want to kill this retard just from seeing the thumbnail.

Imagine being a GROWN MAN in your 30s and getting excited over a show that is literally just 14 year old girls molesting each other and doing disgusting fetish shit. Coomers have no shame anymore bc of all this anti kinkshaming sex positive bullshit. We need to start mailing envelopes full of anthrax to them

No. 1997654

holy shit irl wojack

No. 1997659

I see so many people post this show on r/anime. I thought that place was normie core. So fucking weird to see such a pedo show go mainstream.

No. 1997661

ecchi has always been somewhat mainstream, but more so with the coomer generation

No. 1997664

i mean made in abyss is also mainstream so it isnt really surprising

No. 1997667

Made in Abyss had a plot at least. This just seems like young teens magical girls doing BDSM. I've heard arguments that "you just don't get it, they're learning to release themselves from release themselves from sexual repression".

No. 1997670

>but more so with the coomer generation
There was more ecchi in the 2000s but ok.

No. 1997677

Dragon maid would have never become that popular with older generations. Zoomies love fanservice. They love creepy shit like onimai and literally made a whole "core" to collect loli figurines

No. 1997684

NTA but it totally would there was tonnes of heavy ecchi anime back in the 00s
>Highschool DxD
>Highschool of the Dead
>To Luv You
>Strike Witches
The creepy shit has always been there but since anime is more mainstream I'm surprised that this is popular with the mainstream crowd. Back then it was just weebs.
Onimai however I think is only getting a push in the west because of troons wanting to be little girls.

No. 1997697

dont forget mushoku tensei, its full of loli stuff but gets a pass because its "deep" according to men

No. 1997721


No. 1997725

File: 1715343691338.mp4 (3.75 MB, 576x1024, fCv0O7BxutejAPo_.mp4)

So this is interesting: the most "alpha" tagged character on a03 sites is a BTS member (by a huge margin), followed by bakugo, then other BTS members and misc related popular fandom characters

No. 1997743

I think the difference in ecchi then and…whatever we have today was that everyone was aware that it was perverted, tongue in cheek, often bordering on softcore. Fan service was exactly that. No one (except maybe legitemate weirdos) was trying to convince people that dragon half was for everybody and that it was mainstream. The issue today is that 2deep zoomers and moids try to push that ecchi, lolishit (which is its own category of wrong) and etc are normal everyday shows that should be recommended with no caveats and no issues. It's crazy. I barely hear the term ecchi used anymore compared to the late 90s, early 2000s

No. 1997745

based Nico Robin enjoyer

No. 1997746

Every moid weeb I know watched this series and they simultaneously get mad if I call them a coomer which is hilarious. Like how do you watch coomslop like this and not realize that's what you are. I can watch shows with fanservice at times but a show like this where the premise and designs just appeal to coomers instantly repels me >>1997743
Yeah they'll call you a prude and say teens are "puriteens" if they dislike it, at least before people were aware it was degenerate and didn't act like it's normal

No. 1997765

This, ecchi has always been a thing. If anything, nowadays it's actually fairly lenient compared to how things used to be. I'm guessing since anime is so mainstream now instead of being hidden in "just for people who like anime enough to find it", more people find series like this.
Iirc the show actually does have a plot of a magical girl battle shounen hidden behind the coom, same as other recent ecchi.

No. 1997802

kpopfags should all leave this planet, i unironically hate them so much. im so tired of having feminized, botched, ugly korean men being shilled as the "ultimate standard of male beauty", no they're fucking not and now fuck off and die. also writing fanfics of real people is disgusting and i hope whoever writes shit that gets a fanfic about them fucking their father in return.

No. 1997813

Based. I'm not into rpf, kpop or omegaverse personally but I support every woman who likes it. Men aren't human, particularly not male celebrities who know what they're doing, baiting their female fans. I also support all stalking and harrassment they face. I love insane women. Though I have to admit the bts guys are ugly.

No. 1997863

The first three dont have lolis tho, or do they? Also strike witches was never popular with normies

No. 1997873

File: 1715355223960.jpg (41.3 KB, 350x490, Yuuki_Mikan (1).jpg)

They do.

No. 1997877

Same, I always support women objectifying men even if it will never be as bad as what men do to women

No. 1997882

Pretty much. Even though a/b/o makes me barf, at least they properly tag unlike the people who do trans fics. I can ignore it pretty easily.

No. 1997894

Iirc the loli stuff is mostly dumped in the first part of the series. Funny enough from what Ive heard he ends up having a fallout with his younger sister because she grooms and fucks his teenage son.

No. 1997895

lmao how? they at worst just have bit of makeup like all moid celebrities do, they arent sissies with spinny skirts and pink dresses

No. 1997897

File: 1715356032502.jpeg (224.86 KB, 1170x563, IMG_9660.jpeg)

>takeuchi is a cocksucking trannylover
What the hell are you talking about kek, if this is about the starlights, they were originally just female crossdressers. The anime was the one who made them shapeshift between male and female

No. 1997900

moshoku tense is extremely new, its a zoomer anime. People watch it for the insanely good animation though. I miss when imamura worked on shaft, his studio sucks.

No. 1997911

Just replying to you nona, this isn't aimed at you.
I don't feel like finding it right now, sorry, but there's a page in the Starlight's arc where Seiya, I believe (black haired one) laments because he likes Usagi but she'll never love "him" back because he's not "a complete man"/"a real man". This has been a point of contention in moonie spheres since the 90s like you'd said. People sometimes trans wash them and I can see why, but it's stated pretty explicitly in the manga that they're not men and don't feel like men. "He" is only sad about not being a man because he's in love with Usagi and as far as he knows, she's a straight girl in love with Tux mask. As usual, people have a lot to say about an old series with an EXTREMELY detailed and well documented history and an extremely informational fan base.

No. 1997913

Only season 1, the animation quality dropped like a rock in season 2 once the characters grew up.

No. 1997927

File: 1715357981478.png (459.07 KB, 720x864, 2HbuUoE.png)

Totally, isn't it just great to indulge in the fantasy of a world where a certain group of humans, who have the ability to become pregnant are marked for oppression? And of course, they are always smaller and weaker compared to the other group of humans. Can you even imagine a world like that?
and don't worry, for the solution to any thoughts that your getting off to a misogynistic fantasy lies in simply using male pronouns for these feeble creatures. like picrel is not heterosexual at all.(sperging outside of containment)

No. 1997935

Probably because little girls can relate more to girls wearing a school outfit rather than some mecha-esque suit?

No. 1997937

Why do they always post Deku when Bakugo is the town bike and also no one cares about mha anymore

No. 1997943

I was told that as well, but >>1997725 shows that he's the second "alpha" tagged character

No. 1997945

Genuinely what mental illness do you have that compels you to make the same exact post 100 times?

No. 1997951

just report it. She has 2 containments now and refuses to use them.

No. 1997953

I don't read trashy western fanfiction, but I guess the subgenre is either not actually that popular or they're several years out of date. Hasn't mha been at the same fight for 3-4 years now? Is anyone actually watching the new season that just came out?

No. 1998009

File: 1715362225154.png (849.71 KB, 1239x598, knj figures.png)

>Dragon maid would have never become that popular with older generations
Did you just forget shows like Kodomo no jikan, Mitsudomoe, Moetan were made in the 2000s and all reasonably successful? And those are pure loli shows since >>1997684 mentioned ones with not exclusively lolis.

No. 1998017

I feel like I gotta call this one out. That wasn't ecchi at all

No. 1998022

One of the sisters is constantly reading a porno mag. There's some funny gags here and there but it still definitely counts as a coom show.

No. 1998028

Fair enough, it's been a while since I've seen it

No. 1998044

All mahou shoujo for adults was hentai parodies
All mahou shoujo for adults was hentai parodies or Nanoha
All mahou shoujo for adults were Madoka knock offs
We're back at 70s to 90s

No. 1998045

>Kodomo no jikan, Mitsudomoe, Moetan were made in the 2000s and all reasonably successful
they werent mainstream, stop lying. Literally only animecore kiddies, 4chan moids and japanese otaku care about those anime. They were never on the same level as bnha or naruto or generic shonenshit like dragon maid was.

No. 1998046

damn i hate the lack of reading comprehension itt

No. 1998047

I feel like my main issue is how much more brazen lolicons and coomers seem to have gotten. Nowadays I can't participate in fandoms or even normie ish weeb discord servers because they just shit everything up with their epic cunny and CULTURE memes and will call me a "prude" if I say they're cringe

No. 1998050

File: 1715363774247.png (978.29 KB, 1336x646, moetan.png)

>they werent mainstream
Moetan was popular enough to get over 70 figures
>4chan moids and japanese otaku care about those anime
Japanese otaku are literally the majority of people who watch anime though.
>They were never on the same level as bnha or naruto or generic shonenshit like dragon maid was.
This never happened, Dragon maid was popular yeah but it wasn't popular on the level of shounen trash.

No. 1998052

>Literally only animecore kiddies, 4chan moids and japanese otaku care about those anime
That was anime in general back then.
MHA btw was ten years later, not assed enough to look it up but it started around 2012-14.

No. 1998053

It would have been exactly the same in the 2000s though. I don't like lolifags either but they're always going to obsess over it.

No. 1998054

anon i was very obviously talking about western fandoms. Not japanese fandoms.

No. 1998056

thats the same with shotacons here on lolcow, for some reason those retards think their "totally based" for liking little boys. idc for their fetishes, i just wish keeping that stuff to yourself was more normalized. no one wants to know your gross fetishes.

No. 1998060

lolis in anime are more popular than ever. Look at blue archive for example, its in the top 10 highest grossing gacha games and its nothing but lolishit.

No. 1998061

I do feel like discussion outside of coom has become harder to do due to how mainstream anime is now.
Normalfags think anime has nothing to offer outside coom and cowboy bebop and look down on it.

No. 1998068

File: 1715364320224.png (1.68 MB, 1200x900, abe watching over.png)

>Normalfags think anime has nothing to offer outside coom and cowboy bebop and look down on it.
Well those are normalfags, and in a way there is a point to be made that it's a lot harder to introduce anime to normies because of how horny it is but who cares about normies anyway).
Personally when there's at least some shows for women coming out I'm more accepting of horny moidshit but the issue is that shows for women are getting more and more rare every season and when they do get anime adaptations they're unsubtle breeding propaganda.

No. 1998073

we need more crazy horny anime for women like that one about the magical boys that could honestly rival >>1997653

No. 1998075

i've been an anime fan for a while and interacted with a bunch of weebs and i definitely feel like it's worse, at least before moids could somewhat grasp that since i'm a woman i won't find that shit amusing and wont share sexual stuff myself but now since being hypersexualized and OF is seen as epic and empowering and a "feminist" thing, it's like they act like if i don't want to share my fetishes online or show any disdain towards hypersexualization, fanservice etc i'm actually a conservative which I didn't use to experience before. they also make the argument that you're kinkshaming them unironically and see it as morally "bad" to say something is degenerate or gross or to keep it to yourself while before I feel like there was more of an understanding that they're degenerates and they just admitted that. nowadays even normier weebs (i'm talking ones who only watched like 100 anime) will tell me about their retarded fetishes and doujin tags and yeah, not ever keep it to themselves in these communities. then they get surprised why women don't want to be around them or why they don't have a gf which i find funny when they're literally repelling every woman in the vicinity by doing this shit and don't even seem to realize it due to how normalized it's become
blue archive has more than just lolis since there's also a bunch of big boob characters and everything inbetween but yeah it's definitely known for that

No. 1998077

i already accepted that we're never going to get another free, yuri on ich or haikyuu.. kinda sad because i remember most of my favourite ships being those shows. i also noticed that more shoujos are getting animes now, but sadly i find most shoujo stuff so fucking boring and hard to finish.

No. 1998079

Meh, sounds boring.
I usually need some plot in my horny.

No. 1998080

>Normalfags think anime has nothing to offer outside coom and cowboy bebop and look down on it.
The "normalfag" stereotype for anime since the 2000's has always been that anime is either angry spike-haired retards screaming, softcore porn or Cowboy Bebop, so not much has changed I guess kek.

No. 1998082

sorry for my spelling mistakes im only using one hand since my other is injured right now.

No. 1998084

i hate plot in horny. Just give me unshameful fanservice i am so tired of having to sit through 50 seasons of slop to get one single kiss at best.

No. 1998085

>another free, yuri on ich or haikyuu
>I never got into all three of these shows
Not really a sportsfag I guess.
Get well soon nonna!

No. 1998087

Watch Yarichin I guess (if you haven't)

No. 1998088

>blue archive has more than just lolis
had* they release nothing but lolis nowadays.

No. 1998089

It has a plot. Something or other about the evil organization fighting itself over weird evil politics.

No. 1998093

i have its alright i like the retard, but i want more stuff like fairy ranmaru

No. 1998094

thats normal, its just well known that those animes were basically a paradise for fujos and yumes(?). also thanks!!!

No. 1998096

>magical boys

No. 1998099

File: 1715365079162.webp (92.48 KB, 600x849, fairy ranmaru.webp)

fairy ranmaru.

No. 1998103

They look like characters from that nucarni game.

No. 1998106

It's not like those sorta shows aren't coming out, Bravern was last season and was a pretty big hit (in Japan at least) and although sports shows have ran themselves down, Blue Lock does fine. There have also been a bl adaption every season recently, though they've all been played very safe.
I think that it's just a case of if you don't like (hot topic fujo show) you're out of luck for at least 3 months.

No. 1998107

yeah its why i like it. It's pretty nice if you are horny.

No. 1998108

Oh, I like this

No. 1998110

i couldnt get into bravern because the dark haired guy was so fucking ugly. I am sorry but i am into hot bishies, he resembles a generic self insert for moids too much.

No. 1998113

I liked it at first but then they introduced the loli and the show immediately went to shit and never recovered from being shit.

No. 1998115

blue lock has fujobait?

No. 1998118

Isami is type you either get or you don't tbh. His look compliments the "I don't want to get in the gay robot nooooo"
I forgot, but there's also the "tried to be for women but got ignored shows" every season like Bucchigiri, High Card, this season with Wind Breaker, the Baseball anime nobody is watching, etc.

No. 1998119

Not as much as other sports stuff but there's some.
>Nagi and Reo
>Isagi pretty much has a harem of guys
>Blondie and princess

No. 1998121

God the designs in that show were hideous.

No. 1998125

Wind Breaker seems to be doing quite well in Japan at least but is flying under the radar in the west

No. 1998131

The backgrounds were very pretty.
Don't regret watching it for that style tbh.

No. 1998273

File: 1715377404381.mp4 (6.42 MB, 854x452, V8TwMNC.mp4)

So this is a more subjective question, but what are your thoughts on localizing southern japanese dialects to southern american English accents in the dubbed versions? Like it was really common trend from the 90s up to the mid-2010s, but it seems to have mostly because of the changes in the dubbing industry.

No. 1998294

File: 1715379143088.jpeg (58.73 KB, 693x720, IMG_3205.jpeg)

There’s a 4chan /co/ pic that’s like “i got away with child abuse” she’s really funny

No. 1998295

I don't usually watch dubs but imo sometimes a character speaking with a specific accent is a plot point so they kind of have to do something for it.
It's more annoying with manga and novels because sometimes the accents come and go suddenly or da' idea o' a' accent issa' buncha commas.

No. 1998305

I like it! Osaka from azumanga daioh is a good example of this too. I think it's the best analogue in English for when a character has a "country bumpkin" accent

No. 1998324

File: 1715382051263.png (91.97 KB, 1005x738, tiffy meds.png)

No. 1998327

File: 1715382087976.png (64.78 KB, 844x582, no homofuckings allowed.png)

I like how the guideline is pretty much "as long as a dick doesn't go in a butt, you're good to go".

No. 1998328

>Toothpaste flag

Women telling to women what not to read. News at 9.

No. 1998330

Made by the straightest girl you know, kek

No. 1998336

Kek “you can NOT write porn because I, a straight 15 year old girl, said so!!!”

No. 1998337

She didn't say you can't write porn, she said you can't write porn of GAY DUDES, lesbians and straight people are still on the table (along wtih troons presumably).

No. 1998339

kekkk the strict prohibition of writing gay erotica. no actual gay male would care in the slightest

No. 1998347

I literally just said some shit about this in the fujo debate thread lmao >>1998338 I agree with >>1998337 because porn has rotted people’s brains so now they think that lesbian stuff is 100% ok even when it’s clearly done with some creep’s fetish in mind but if you’re into gay/bi Guy stuff you’re now labeled as a freak kek

No. 1998350

James Somerton would, but not because he finds it offensive but rather because he really really hates women (but he's probably dead now anyway so who cares)

No. 1998351

Also the fucking "only 1/4 of the content you consume can be gay" kek, bring out the calculator before you start browsing for fanfic or manga to make sure you don't exceed your government issued yaoi quota

No. 1998358

he isn’t, check the breadtube thread

No. 1998359

He faked his suicide and is still alive lol

No. 1998361

That's even funnier kek. I hope he goes back to seething over women reading killing stalking soon since that shit was funny.

No. 1998362

>he's probably dead
Nope he apparently posted pictures of his arsehole the day of the suicide note and has been on tiktok with a skinny filter on sperging about Xmen or something because he's a retard

No. 1998365

The way fujo tifs worry about "fetishizing mlms" feels like they still feel the fear and repulsion of being sexualized by moids but they completely misplace and misattribute it to "mlm content" instead of, idk, hentai, because they are the totes heckin gays now.

No. 1998369

File: 1715384085802.jpg (300 KB, 750x565, dies-of-cringe-meme-8.jpg)

who is she to tell women what they should and shouldnt read

No. 1998372

File: 1715384191585.png (88.56 KB, 709x538, female friends ONLY.png)

le cuntboy (this is actually a different person but her calling herself a cuntboy put my fucking sides into orbit)

No. 1998377

>they are infinetly more transphobic than other people
wtf based fujoshits

No. 1998384

The kawaii pot is calling the subarashii kettle black.

No. 1998387

>they are infinitely more transphobic.

Ah, i wish this was true. Instead almost all yaoi spaces/communities are filled with some of the worst tifs.
Tif's have literally made mainstream BL communities unbearable to be around because all they do is cause drama, fights, arguments, try to bully others etc.
Personally i wouldn't care that tifs were in the BL community if they stopped being instigators and behaved normally like other readers do but they are control-freaks that always need to be the center of attention, whenever i see someone being rude or starting a argument it always ends up being a tif.
They also take BL stories too seriously and send literal death threats to people who like red-flag toxic yaoi. They are so snarky in general too and will start fights over something as silly as someone not giving them a link to a story they want to read.

No. 1998388

Wasn’t the current mantra that persecuting fujoshis is inherently twansphobique because every fujo may be actually an egg Aidan?

No. 1998389

She must mean that every instance of a fujo drawing a man without chest scars and a pussy is an act of transphobia, I have no other explanation for that one, the western BL spaces are usually too SJW for any actual "transphobia" to occur.

No. 1998394

At this point it must be some self-induced schizophrenia because BL spaces are literally flooded with Tifs , yet they still have to create some weird boogeyman.

They change their stance every three months.

No. 1998396

I guess she’s late to the latest tumblrism and is stuck on fujos are homophobic

No. 1998400

There has to be a word for someone who doesn't speak Japanese explaining what their slang "really" means. Westsplaining? Idk

No. 1998401

Since we are on the topic of BL communities. I hate current BL communities. As a frequent BL reader it feels harder to talk about stories i read because no one knows what im talking about since they only read or know about the top 5 currently popular BL stories and if tou try to tell them about a story that's not Jinx, roses and champagne, bj alex, night by the sea, killing stalking etc then they will not know what you are talking about and will just spam you with "what story is that,give link" and if you don't give them the link they cuss you out. I don't even read underrated stories, alot of the ones i read are semi-popular yet most so-called BL readers only know the same 5 stories that are currently trending.

No. 1998403

Unfortunately the more a community grows the lower it's dragged down by the lowest common denominator. Pretty much all nerd communities are becoming like this, usually only the hardcore fans would go out of their way to participate in online discussions but now it's overrun by casuals because of social media access. Maybe try posting what you've read in the /m/ thread.

No. 1998404

Ngl I'm a "read whatever got updated at the time or whatever shows up randomly" type so I rarely if ever know stuff by name unless there's a picture attached or it's a steady serialization that's over +2 years.

No. 1998405

Fujo was originally created by butthurt japanese incel men who didn't like women reading BL because they thought that women should instead spend that time making a family or taking care of their looks.

No. 1998408

Oh im not just talking about text, even with pictures they have no idea unless its whatever flavor of the year mediocre story that's trending.

No. 1998424

Don't you people have like three other threads to sperg about fujos at?

No. 1998431

Anon i think you are late because no one was sperging at fujos now.

No. 1998645

It depends on whether they actually do the accent, there's nothing more distracting than a painfully fake and badly done accent. It's fine for a one-off episode, but when it's with recurring characters and you have to listen to them talk like that, it can almost physically hurt. the reason dub actors could do good southern accents is that most of them were from Texas and were filled with part-time actors, now the industry is set in LA and usually filled with former internet "memelords"

No. 1998648

Honestly I don't think I've watched a dub anime since back when they were all made in Texas, it's unfortunate about the change in quality

No. 1998664

you can blame crunchyroll partially, instead of dubs going to independent productions, where quality could vary, now it's all one monopoly that is infamous for cutting corners and hiring non-union vouce actors.

No. 1998724

File: 1715423330911.png (203.5 KB, 604x587, screenshot_877.png)


girlies i think they're trolling if you look at the linked twitter

No. 1998725

why is it always bakudeku?

No. 1998729

It's baby's first yaoi ship, basically zoomers' SasuNaru.

No. 1998731

>Joined May 2024
is this not just someone "owning" the OP by taking their old username

No. 1998743

I'd say it's beyond that

No. 1998779

File: 1715432093256.gif (76.91 KB, 320x320, 3a24f6efa21fc6f42b2fe4f3af0db2…)

Picrel is my waifu but i really wish she wasn't. I really wish she was in a better anime

This is pretty reasonable ngl, it's obviously coom but it's a pretty iconic design and i wouldn't be surprised if a woman liked it in the same vein of liking ivy from soul calibur (although her prince is 1000x better). In fact i like it myself

No. 1998826

Yeah the account didn't exist when I clicked the link yesterday, someone made that just today

No. 1998844

Is it even the most popular mha ship? I figured it was Kiribaku, that had some pretty damn good djs.

No. 1998892

yes kiribaku only has like five thousend works on pixiv while bakudeku has over 20 tsd

No. 1998980

File: 1715445902621.png (458.85 KB, 562x1170, 8e1cba6171261b0cad4647e4b3fac3…)

whenever i like a female character i just think how much cuter she would have been as a boy, i am sorry anons

No. 1998991

ot but i hate miyu figures and most of her fans

No. 1998992

No. 1998994

I guess if it's for appearance and aesthetics reasons then it's somewhat okay?

No. 1998995


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1998998

File: 1715446683524.jpg (62.86 KB, 439x600, sill_plain_1_1800x.jpg)

She's from the meme hentai game series that spans decades of plot-heavy games but honestly she's cute and I think she's hilarious even if I just watched the anime out of curiosity.

No. 1999000

i had no idea there were figures. I want a figma now.
i am sorry, i am straight
she has a cute design and i like her unique personality. BA has some pretty cute designs that would make for some cute r63 husbandos

No. 1999007

File: 1715447269107.jpg (353.63 KB, 1500x2154, 20230411_184951.jpg)

Sometimes I wonder if popular female characters would be as popular if they were genderbent or if they wouldn't work out.
Like pic related, how would that work? He'd be basically beating a woman to death onscreen.

No. 1999012

File: 1715447600067.jpg (35.78 KB, 474x612, 8cebc00988edbdeb19acc289063054…)

Imo Haruhiko is the best looking harem's protagonist, everyone looks beautiful when drawn bu kyoto animation

No. 1999013

File: 1715447659505.jpg (36.98 KB, 640x363, 49-Jp3eeRol.jpg)

Adachi killed multiple women on screen and he's popular with women.

No. 1999018

adachi is so fucking ugly, hate that mf

No. 1999021

so true anon ;-)

No. 1999023

He hates you too because he hates all women.

No. 1999024

I guess thats true. It just seems like it'd be a funny 180 from hunting the mc down through a forest and cutting off her legs to super popular husbando.

No. 1999026

Asuka or Rei, who would be the mpre popular guy?

No. 1999027

asuka would be best boy

No. 1999031

File: 1715448788344.webp (122.56 KB, 984x1384, Miko_Mido.jpg)

Honestly female characters from old ass hentai just hit different, they're always sassy and fun instead of brainless sex dolls. As a baby teenage lesbian I was all over them.

No. 1999035

hentai and especially hentai vns has fallen off so hard

No. 1999038

Ngl I'd fucking despise Shinji if he was a girl.

No. 1999039

what a garish design, i miss them

No. 1999053

Older hentai had better body anatomy I feel like. Now we have disfigured mega tit women who have the most brain dead lines.

No. 1999081

File: 1715453875521.jpg (80.79 KB, 1080x1727, a0d7aa6b0d5943297ddcfd2b21ee36…)

Always thought how peak would be fem Sasuke, Sakura-kun would top husbando, cute devoted male healers are rare af

No. 1999083

in general genuinely caring male characters in anime are rare.

No. 1999092

I fucking hate how tiktok egirls hoard all the cute(albeit moidish) niche figures. They basically sky rocketed in price because they want all the pink haired anime girls despite never watching the original material. I am surprised animecore kiddies haven't found Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase yet. They are genuinely so cancerous, i hate them so much.

No. 1999118

>popular with women
is he tho?

No. 1999123

File: 1715458162115.jpeg (491.11 KB, 2048x872, IMG_7941.jpeg)

Why do you care? Most of the figures they hoard are either moidshit (especially sonico) or ugly shit (pic) anyway.

No. 1999124

because i like the moidshit, it's pretty obvious i implied it from my post. I am just waiting for them to get tired and resell them.

No. 1999125

>I like moidshit
Frankly it like you’re just complaining about people who are exactly the same as you then, nonnie.

No. 1999130

File: 1715458665475.png (281.45 KB, 469x583, latest - 2024-05-11T161420.367…)

Sill is adorable. Rance in general has a lot of cute or otherwise well designed female characters but at the end of the day, it's still rance. Also for every genuinely cute design there's at least 5 disgusting ones

No. 1999131

He was so popular with the female staff that he got added into ultimax and given a redemption arc
Also there’s no shortage of Adachi x Yu doujins (obviously Yu x Yosuke is forever most popular though)

No. 1999133

I never complained about them liking moidshit, i complained about them buying figures for things they have no personal attachment to. If you like anime you are bound to like moidshit eventually, stop pretending you are better.

No. 1999136

File: 1715458995140.png (111.84 KB, 454x452, latest - 2024-05-11T162132.205…)

I would fucking love picrel if she were a male. Idk if you were one of the nonnies lamenting about the fact there will never be a male blue archive but let's hope our dreams come true some day

No. 1999137

i am the anon that likes to draw them as r63. I haven't done r63 mutsuki yet, i will draw him for you nonny.

No. 1999138

I don’t buy coomer figures of women and it’s not like they’re hard to find, bunny girl and cast off figures are constantly getting BIN’d because they’re overproduced as fuck.
Besides I always find it hard to believe anti animecore types who claim they’re ’OH SO INTO THE SOURCE MATERIAL’ most of the popular animecore shit like toheart is only now getting fan translations (which are unfinished currently) and I find it kind of hard to buy that every ‘totally not animecore animecore girl’ knows runes.

No. 1999139

Is there a thread where you've posted your art? I'd love to see them! I'm actually in the midst of drawing r63 strike witches characters kek

No. 1999141

to heart has an anime that has been translated for years, it also has a fighting doujin game with a competitive scene i am part of.

No. 1999145

And? Do you really think most animecore people aren’t also secondaries who only watch the anime adaptation kek.
If you really want to buy your fugly multi figures than go ahead anon, but it’s pretty stupid to pretend you’re not also an animecore girl buying figures off of Depop that some other animecore girl got front a yahoo auctions junk lot.

No. 1999148

I will post it in the rate your art thread on /m/. I would love to see your art too, nonny.

No. 1999151

File: 1715459626984.jpg (276.4 KB, 1532x1576, __astolfo_and_astolfo_fate_and…)

astolfo will always be cute to me. i like genki retards

No. 1999152

>Idk if you were one of the nonnies lamenting about the fact there will never be a male blue archive
hey i was one of those (or maybe the only one – i've whined about it in multiple places).

No. 1999156

nah she's right, the animecore scene is full of posers. to heart (2) also has had an english translation since like, 2016, i'm pretty sure

No. 1999160

Nonny, i get you. We never get quality games let alone quality gacha slop. I know people hate gacha(righfully so) but i always love starting my day doing my gacha dailies, its quick fun and it tends to cheer me up to start the day. I am pissed of twistwon is so fucking boring and cheap considering a multibillion company is behind it. I am so tired of women always getting the short end of the stick in media.

No. 1999163

File: 1715460089604.jpg (146.72 KB, 850x869, sample_79079b9d0287a81f334fe65…)

For sure! I'll post them after they're finished since i'm super critical about my own art, pic unrelated i just really like this drawing.

I think there are multiple of us kek. We will never get trashy cbdct fanservice otakushop for women and it's fucked up, but we can't give up yet.

Completely agree

No. 1999164

I still don’t get why people who collect the exact same figures, watch the exact same anime and post the exact same aesthetics as animecore people suddenly consider themselves ‘oh so different and special’ because they watch the crappy 2006 moeblob show in addition to buying ugly figures from it

No. 1999165

animecore kiddies dont even watch the anime, they are that lazy. Look at the sonico-chan autists, they dont even bother with the SOL anime.

No. 1999166

try ensemble stars or touken ranbu, both are significantly better than twisted wonderland

No. 1999167

Because first and foremost, she is a mascot. I hate people obsessed with her and her obese friends but it's totally understandable if they don't wanna watch that dogshit anime

No. 1999170

>better than literally anything

No. 1999171

TR EN is dead and ES is fun and really high quality but its a rhythm game, i need something with this kind of ''''gameplay''' and graphics. It's cozy.

No. 1999174

The "Kyo or Yuki" debate is basically the same thing but with guys when I think about it.

No. 1999175

I've been playing Nikki for years, it's gacha but it's honestly just a nice short way of keeping hands busy while listening to YouTube vids.

No. 1999176

It's very high quality and generous. What other joseimuke has live2D models you can customize, 3D models and a million free pulls.

No. 1999178

People trying to gatekeep Sonico is the same as people trying to gatekeep Miku, they’re both such nothingburger characters.

No. 1999181

I used to play nikki to collect the male skins. I am mostly interested in gachas with husbandos. Also i have never drawn as much as when i got into BA. I just need something to motivate me, life's cold and cruel and husbandos are comfy and warm.

No. 1999182

I don’t play gacha I just think all the characters are the most bland fuckers on planet earth. The only entertaining thing to come from enstars is the fans all being anachans.

No. 1999184

We are talking about the quality of joseimukes the designs genuinely dont matter. I hate utapri because the designs are ugly imo but if it had the same quality as ES i would defend it to death.

No. 1999186

If the designs suck dick then a large majority of it is low quality though.

No. 1999188

then genshin impact would be considered low quality too? and mind you mihoyo pours millions in that game

No. 1999190

That's your opinion, anon. ES is in the top most proffitable gachas, so its definetly doing something right.

No. 1999192

use your little brain to think it through idk

No. 1999195

>then genshin impact would be considered low quality too?
in terms of everything but presentation yeah. complete npc game

No. 1999197

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All I'm saying is they'd all eat their granny for a Mayura figure

No. 1999198

It's almost like a lot of people have shitty taste, the transformers movies bring in several billions of dollars but that doesn't mean that they're good movies.

No. 1999202

no offense anon, but the world doesnt revolve around you, and other people are allowed to find what you dislike good. You are sounding a bit inmature over women liking characters you dislike.

No. 1999203

How is that Love and Deepspace game?
I'm not into 3d or yume, but it does look pretty well done.

No. 1999205

one would want it because they watched the source material and genuinely care for the thing; the other wants it because it caries a certain aesthetic. they don't care about it past that, they just want to seem like the first type of person, aka an actual fan. the difference is (sort of) subtle but i think anyone with a working mind sees and understands it. it's like the weeb version of buying a shirt for a band you don't really listen to because you just liked the look of it

No. 1999206

I heard it's greedy but its a step in the right direction. Them going the 'age:unknown' way for the underage character like moid games do was funny.

No. 1999207

the guys are really boring like REALLY boring, idk about the story, i played for like one hour and then wiped it from my phone

No. 1999208

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>it's like the weeb version of buying a shirt for a band you don't really listen to because you just liked the look of it
I really don't get why this is such a big deal. They only really annoy me when they do shit like collect Kodomo no jikan figures and then complain about loli.

No. 1999212

File: 1715461847874.jpg (479.32 KB, 2048x1448, 20230613_235106.jpg)

Ngl I actually feel a bit bad wanting to make my phone wallpaper pokemon despite not playing it since pearl/diamond and not watching it past hoenn

No. 1999213

pokemon is soulless af nowadays so you shouldnt feel sorry kek

No. 1999214

This is why I think gatekeeping culture is stupid, I've heard of women who only buy plushies of rowlett because they think he's cute and I see literally no issue with this.

No. 1999218

not having gatekeeping culture is why every single fandom is full of trannies who misinterpret the characters to fit their politics kek

No. 1999219

vintage pokemon is timeless. plus it's just a cute picture of some critters, you don't need a deep reasoning to justify your choice of phone background

No. 1999224

Lolcow users of all people having a problem with gatekeeping is ironic

No. 1999225

Gatekeeping culture for women then, we can gatekeep all moids from joining.

No. 1999229

its different because pokemons are mascots, they have no personality to be honest

No. 1999232

I did end up making it my wallpaper for a good while, I figured that it was cute and the childhood memories enough to be a little cringey with not being in the know.

No. 1999234

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Honestly though another thing that annoys me is how hard people overexaggerate the price scalping, you can still easily find animecore crap for under 1000 yen.

No. 1999236

>purposefuly posting the characters that arent popular with animecore kiddies

No. 1999238

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>not popular with animecore girls
Ok now I know you're just coping kek.

No. 1999241

The gameplay is genuinely fun, but the progression is extremely slow and the events are rather lackluster so far. The game has only been out for a few months, so there's a lot of room for it to improve and grow. It's one of the few otome games that has actual gameplay that isn't dumbed down for retards. The guys are all rather sweet and the MC is an actual character with a strong personality who banters with the guys instead of an shy uwu retard who has no chemistry with the LIs. It's worth checking out if you like action games and cute boys who are lovey-dovey and aren't domineering assholes.

No. 1999242

>popular with jp women

oh that makes more sense kek

No. 1999250

So, are most video game characters off limits for you? I have a rather mainstream taste, so naturally, I found the game enjoyable when I played it. However, I didn’t progress much further since I have other games in my backlog to account for. Still, hoping this serves as a reminder that women still enjoy games, provided they are advertised appropriately.

No. 1999251

The worst part about meeting posers in fandoms is being genuinely excited to talk to another woman that you believe shares your interests for once only for them to be using it for an aesthetic and nothing else. And then somehow being painted as the bad person if you dislike this

No. 1999254

Ah yes the deep and complex interest of watching moetan corner, clearly you are not like other girls anon.

No. 1999255

>missing the point this badly
wew lad

No. 1999257

just report them, they are very obviously infighting.

No. 1999259

It's not hard to find women who are also into crappy moe anime anon.

No. 1999260

Not talking about that at all

No. 1999261

My bad, meant not into 3d for phone games lol, it just calls for a lot for space, you know?

No. 1999262

Then what are you talking about?

No. 1999269

It was more of a general grievance since the topic of gatekeeping came up. I'm talking moreso about things like vns where I thought I met a fan and turns out they had read a mtl version of it or not even read it at all a lot of the time. I wouldn't even mind if they didn't make their whole personality about it or pretended like they read it, some even go as far as pretending like they can read japanese just to look cool to their peers and it's weird from my perspective as someone who actually knows jp. People here only seem to not be an asshole about it if it's something they personally like though ("who cares it's shit anyways" etc) due to an inherent lack of intelligence and empathy but keep in mind it's always gonna be contradictory to be defending gatekeeping on an imageboard of all places

No. 1999270

To be attacking gatekeeping* mb

No. 1999271

>pissfaggot666 stands in your path

No. 1999306

>saturday comes by
>thread is full of nothing but retarded arguments over nothing
what is it about the weekend that brings such sperging.

No. 1999312

Kids are off school. Summer break is also starting soon so these threads should be popcorn worthy kek

No. 1999415

lol, I actually watched this entire show back when it first aired because I was so caught up in 'cool I can watch stuff as it airs in Japan!' and I needed to know what the cat familiars human form looked like.

No. 1999724

asuka would be 7000000 billion times more insufferable as a male, she would just come across as a typical moid

No. 1999916

nah tsundere anime boys are cute.

No. 2000144

Astoflo was so much more fun in the anime. Troons meme version of him is insufferable. It feels like I'm being gaslit

No. 2000286

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its a psyop. just delete twitter and block troons on sight and Astolfo will retain his purity. Dont let trannies destroy good things anymore.

No. 2000421

Trannies aside, he’s ugly as fuck and I wanna drop a boulder on his head

No. 2000426

same tbh, the design is ugly and panders to pedocoomers, if the character was female everyone would be screeing about what an insufferable and ugly faggot she was, besides the character looks like hes got downs anyways kek

No. 2000427


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2000428

Trapfags continue to have awful, awful taste. I don't care that trannies like, he looks like crap

No. 2000430

New thread

No. 2001060

We need a thread where can post the most horrific and grotesque Tif fanart so we can all cringe at it together.

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