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No. 1982591
Thread to discuss the current psyop regarding ugly men getting shilled as attractive. Discuss beauty double standars in media, ugly male characters being shilled as attractive, lack of attractive men in hollywood, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currsLast Thread:
>>1961259 No. 1982634
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>>1981762There was something incredibly hot about the idea of two attractive men being with you and it appealed to me on a deep level.
continuing the convo on challengers/throuple movies. Gregg Araki movies would also always cast hot men fighting over one women.
No. 1982924
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watching how to lose a guy in 10 days and wondering why the texan drawl dweeb Matthew McChicken was ever pushed as a sex symbol.
No. 1982943
The Looksmaxxing trend is based because it makes moids insecure about their looks and pressures them into doing skin/hair care. The only problem is that the trends they chase are what men think is attractive. I'm convinced most most looksmaxxing moids are closeted because of the way they talk about "chads"
No. 1982989
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No. 1982992
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Glad that Matt Smith was included in the threadpic, women swooning over him as Daemon are delusional. Same goes for Aemond, how tf can you find his horseface attractive? Woman with a face this long would be bullied till no end, see Sarah Jessica Parker. He doesn’t have this ethereal elfish look either, any androgynous male model does it better than him.
No. 1983002
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>>1982943true but also any man (who doesn't have severe acne or other skin issues ofc) who uses more than face soap and maybe moisturizer is either a fag or picrel
No. 1983009
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>>1982992>women swooning over him as Daemon are delusional. Nonna I've been trying to figure this one out since they swooning over him as The Doctor
No. 1983037
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>>1982992he looks like this guy
No. 1983052
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>>1982943>>1983005I think a lot of them are insecure young men who are aware of the way looks matter but don't cope with becoming wierd freakish bodybuilders, anything that gets more men to put effort into their look attractive I support
No. 1983708
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You know for all her weird political beliefs, I gotta respect Ayn Rand for writing two books basically about her idealized male and then writing herself in having sex with them. That's a stacy move. Also she told libertarians basically they were gay hippies and weren't following philosophy right.
No. 1983793
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>>1983776the tears are so delicious
No. 1983821
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>>1983776Just checked the thread, the seething is absolutely hysterical kek
No. 1983822
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>>1983817Seen yo pretty ass soon as you came in the door!
No. 1983832
>>1983116Kek, you're right, this is male behavior, see
>>1959943. Seeing anons immediately calling you "literally pedo!!! they're boys!!! you have no right to judge moids for liking lolicon!!!" for not liking decomposing scrotums is so tiresome. A lot of them must be males.
No. 1983842
>>1983776Board full of actual predators (look what they did to Bianca Devins, Marky, Agatha, etc) malding and calling women pedophiles for liking attractive men. Can't make this shit up.
The edit of Arthur was just more attractive, that's all. No "revenge", no counter psyop, it's just tiring to see ugly old men all the time and have retards insist we have to like it. I don't know why that
triggers some people.
No. 1983855
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>>1983776Bro is yapping all because an anon said a video game character is ugly kek. If only they would get the fuck off of 4chan for once and attack their real “oppressors” which are greedy rich scrotes.
No. 1983865
>>1983855>suicideA choice you make yourself.
>draftDesigned by other men.
>victim crimeVictimized by eachother, and victimized even further by the system made by other men.
>homelessWhat are the reasons? Homeless women are more likely to be assaulted, too.
All that topped with
>"all women's problems are not enough dishwashing, now why don't you feel bad for meeeeee"And a loli image because he doesn't see the hypocrisy in seething about our preferences when he probably rages in Discord servers about how it should be "okay to like cunny". Anyway, men in their 40s-60s are not sexually attractive, and no amount of pushing sugar babies/gold diggers and traumatized women as the norm, or wish fulfilment by the old men running Hollywood can change that fact of life. Young, handsome men are the preference for young women. These men really fell for the lies about dadbods being "hot" and bald, dysgenic grifters surrounded by paid escorts telling them they'd "make it" when they were old if they just waited, and never worked on themselves or their physical presentation in a way that women like. Sad. At least the "looksmaxxers" are actually trying.
No. 1983872
>>1983855There's more in the post:
>It's true that "male" imageboards contain sociopaths/psychos, but they are merely a minority. What we gather most is autists. Women do not have "autistic women" on their boards because female autism has a completely different way of presenting itself. Being a woman is also widely different - issues such as genuine loneliness, rejection, lack of emotional support etc. almost never happen to women. So you'll always end up with 98%+ women on those foid imageboards (lolcow, cc etc) to be crazy cluster B disorder personality whores and vapid, materialistic cunts. That's about it.
>Never talk to a girl who has ever used those boards. They are all serial cheaters, pieces of shit, whores, genuinely worst scum of society. I know because I've dated a girl off there. Thankfully she suicided as a payment for her crimes."Merely a minority", "Women don't face rejection or loneliness or lack of support", "Why don't women care about muh male suicide/I'm so glad the BPD e-girl I dated committed suicide". They lack so much self-awareness.
No. 1983876
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>>1983855Stop reposting or they'll lurk or post harder, you can argue with them on 4chan.
I checked out Arhur and rdr2 and the I'm assuming more handsome sided moids look ugly as fuck. They all look reptilian with HUGE ears? While the women have cleavage, little button noses, are at a Scarlet Johansson level. While the moids serve some unshaven, caterpillar brows, and look like bear fanservice. Maybe one average/below looking woman out of every 6 while without mods it doesn't look any of the males pass as a qt.
No. 1983895
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I think it's stupid that moids think turning into a gym rat will automatically make them attractive. Getting a ripped body isn't going to turn an ugly man into a handsome one. If a man is ugly, he is ugly and will most certainly stay that way or look strange at best even after getting surgery (Matt Rife). Roidpigs cannot change their unattractive face, skull, or genetic material, despite building muscle. Just look at Andrew Tate. His face is literally the goblin from those amerimutt memes. Putting the goblin's head on a roidpig's body will not change that he is a goblin. Scrotes have so much to learn, yet never do.
No. 1983901
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>>1983900and apparently he was still ugly.
No. 1983907
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>>1983904>>1983901The true hunter eyes or whatever they're called
No. 1983909
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Friendly reminder that moids peak in their teens and its all downhill from 21.
No. 1983912
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>>1983907I think it's called the negative canthal tilt.
No. 1983914
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Men need to take the blackpill that its just youthmaxxing and geneticsmaxxing women care about, we are digusted by their roidpigmaxxing and bald-with-a-beardmaxxing
No. 1983923
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Why do men think kpoop is mega popular among women and not mens bodybuilding shows? Why do teen girls have posters of pretty youthful popstar boys on their walls, and not old crusty dusty men? Hmm maybe because women are attracted to beautiful youthful men, and not what men find attractive in other men. Men constantly mock women for not being attracted to disgusting hairy bearded ape men, because they cannot deal with the reality that what they think is the ideal is a male invention. They would have to come to terms with the fact that they are in fact sending out mating signals to other men and not to women.
No. 1983926
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i'm just a loser on the internet but i was kinda sceptic when i heard about how the wodaabe tribe have one of the "most beautiful men" in the world, they're not my thing but tbh i can see where it comes from. They try to take care of their looks and i have a theory based on nothing that the women probably have kids with the prettiest members so that's why everyone generally look nice, shame for the funky expressions.
Also they're from Chad which speaks for itself.
No. 1983946
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>>1983929>be pretty>get laidIt's so simple
Can't believe that some dudes in africa look more girly than western moids, it's not the makeup or the lack of facial hair, they really just do have pretty faces
No. 1983960
>>1983914Ah a fellow noen eubanks enjoyer. I remember when a "anon" here raged at amother anon for liking noen and accused her of being a pedo even though both anon and noen were the same age.
That seething moid was so funny calling women names for being attracted to men their own age instead of a old geezer.
No. 1983961
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>>1983946All of them look prettier than any moid I see when I leave my house. Yet western moids like to talk a lot of shit about how all the other moids are "ugly" or have smaller dicks. Even here, we seem to have attracted either a seething, jealous scrote or some kind of pickme that doesn't want us to see beautiful men of other races. From being racist towards handsome men, to calling metrosexual men "gay" for washing their ass, moids are very persistent with their agenda to make women fully accept bottom-barrel scrotes. Where's that indingenous moid-loving anon with a ton of pictures of hot native dudes?
No. 1983984
>>1983981This, I'm sure the
triggered racist moid will now start malding over Native Americans because they look better than him and his failed genetic stock
No. 1983990
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>>1983943you really keep summoning me just so I can sperg about james.
any r9k tard lurking this thread, you as an obese racist goblino male imageboard user will never look this good and I bet it kills you inside every day that he has more worth than you ever have No. 1983993
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>>1983990samefag. get you a cute nigga with an animu haircut to make 4chan failsons seethe into the stratosphere
No. 1984000
>>1983990Im so glad i was not the only one who had a crush on James back in 2010. I felt so alone because i was the only one fangirling over him since the other members were more hyped up.
I remmeber watching him in that icarly episode and i was sweating.
He is a roidpig now, but he was handsome during 2010.
No. 1984001
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>>1983996james maslow. don’t look at recent pics this is when he used to be adorable, so delicious
No. 1984004
>>1983976I'm an eurofag so i don't know much about modern native american men but i also find them very pretty when they're young.
I'm not obsessed about long hair but it looks so nice them and makes them even taller, i like how they also have strong natural builds and cheekbones and defined noses from what i've generally seen. I don't know how they live but i always feel sorry for how they have been treated, hot or not
i also have a thing for mongolian men too but who cares No. 1984005
>>1983994pinterest has the best pics of them I swear I’m not lying
>>1984000started as kendallfag and rewatched the series recently and then slowly james became my fave. if I had a boyfriend like logan I would literally kill him with the might of my pussy power, so that’s a no. carlos is for the women and girls who love autistic men
No. 1984006
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Kriss Hyatt (the middle) was so much more hotter. He appeared in the first Twilight, but left because, I believe, he wouldn't cut his hair which is a good reason but he would've been better Jacob Black
No. 1984010
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>>1983993Hell yeah,
nonnie. Fuck these 4shit failsons. I love it when they seethe and watching them break down over these threads was euphoric. I wish eternal happiness to older women who hook up with handsome, young men. I hate the stereotype that older women can't have young, cute guys just because they're older.
No. 1984014
>>1984010I know i will get anons going wtf if i say this but….once i had a romantic dream about him where i was the younger brother in that movie….very weird dream also id like to add that i was aged up in that dream so there was no creppiness atleast when it comes to the age gap.
This is a imageboard so that is why im saying something i would never say in public.
No. 1984027
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One day i have to rewatch Kyle XY.
I had a crush on this autistic guy but i've never seen the poster and i don't mean it in a weird way but it makes me uneasy, him being like that in your face and all. I hope that if i ever get to rewatch it i will not catch any faggy behaviour and that it was just a tacky cover.
No. 1984043
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Rappers are ugly as fuck.
No. 1984044
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>>1984014>>1984020>>1984040It's only right. He was like nineteen when he did the movie anyway, so it's all good
No. 1984048
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>>1984037Right! It makes sense in the show but after seeing the cover i got a gigarevelation in my brain and i started wondering if the whole belly button thing was made just to have a guy show his stomach.
Picrel is adult me wondering why a young guy that doesn't look deformed is a protagonist on a tv show with 3 seasons.
No. 1984111
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>gets to kiss cute and youthful scrote every day
killing myself
No. 1984112
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>>1984085Well it's true, white, arabian, and
black and indian moids can all go eat a dick. Sorry not sorry.
(racebaiting ) No. 1984133
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>>1984010Rodrick was such a cutie.
When I was like 10 I loved the guy who played the oldest brother from the cheaper by the dozen movie lol don’t look up pics of him now it will make you suicidal nonnies. I think he was 26/27 here
No. 1984169
>>1984111Good for her.
>>1984133I was talking about him with a friend a few months ago. He was superman in Smallville, we were saying how cute he was and we googled him now and holy shit, he hit the wall so hard. He looks so fucking bad. We looked up his love interest in the series and she's obviously still beautiful.
No. 1984184
>>1983865This. Moids are so fucking retarded.
>women complaining about their husbands not lifting a finger is a joke because men kill each other, themselves, and do not care about their own mental health???
No. 1984203
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>>1982591Is it just me there were more cute black moids in the 80s/90s?
No. 1984208
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>>1984203Oh nonnies tell me where I can find a guy like this. Obviously a bit older looking tho
No. 1984255
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No. 1984267
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Most rappers are butter faces
No. 1984270
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>>1984260Moids are so retarded with their excuses of how you need to be a gigachad just to get women to acknowledge them yet none of them look to the past and see how big of a fanbase a man can get if he just styles and grooms himself. Prince is 5’2 yet is widely recognized, had multiple women with him, and did all that while using androgyny as his charm point.
No. 1984276
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>>1984270They don't even have to style or groom themselves or be charismatic or androgynous, this 5'3 mfer married Princess Leia!
No. 1984288
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>>1984275I know that nomadic fula people (the orange faced dudes posted earlier) are always herding animals so they're very active (aka not lazing around) so they keep fit. Also their food is completely organic, (not like processed garbage we eat in the 1st world), no access to much electricity or social media and some genetics (they're very tall) Its probably the same with most African tribes.
No. 1984291
>>1984275>comparing rural men picked by photographers to the average AmericanI promise you if you go to any african city you won't be as impressed. Rural moids have a healthier lifestyle and diet so they look better. Even in african cities most moids are just meh.
Also keep in mind there's an entire genre of photography dedicated to capturing hot "indigenous" people kek
No. 1984347
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>>1984339The "you're a pedo if you like handsome men and not ugly unwashed 56 year old steroid addicts" posts and sudden racebaiting specifically about black women at random were what made it obvious to me. They always act like NPCs.
I kind of feel bad for pickmes who follow these men or task themselves with trying to defend their insecurities, their souls must be completely crushed. Like imagine having to brainwash yourself into thinking this is "attractive" and/or seethe about other women just so a moid doesn't bite your head off and shoot himself in the head.
No. 1984350
>>1983855>muh facts and logicthis cope from moids is hilarious because every time you present them facts that contradict their whiny ''
victim of society'' mentality, like how men commit 98% of crimes, then the facts dont count and they have to make 5 billion excuses about it.
No. 1984365
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90% of males looks atrocious and can't be in a decent relationship, i would like to think that one day i'll meet the right one to start a family with but i know it will not happen and moids are so terrible that they are not even worth for just one night stands.
Makes no sense that they whine as if they're sad that they would never have someone to call a wife when all they care honestly is fucking and have someone tell them they're based and cook meals or whatever, there is no deep reason why that doesn't happen and they can have a solution if they pay the right things anyway.
All this whining from them would be avoided if women just kept being the selfish materialistic narcissists that they think they are and put ugly men down, at least if some of them had good looks now or cared to take care of themselves they would maybe get a decent experience before dying, too bad that women always have to deal with the risk of saying something that hurts the ego of psycho moids and risk getting killed as if we're in the middle ages.
No. 1984369
>>1983855He could have just said "women on imageboards are really unpleasant people generally, more likely to be borderline and you shouldn't judge normal women by the same standards" but he turned it into one long reeeeeee about women in general.
Look, I post on imageboards and I have for years. I know women on imageboards are generally pretty trashy. I know they're mostly borderline. I'd count myself as a pretty typical example of one at least in my teens and early 20s (meeting e-moids to do drugs and have casual sex with, shitty relationship with parents that was at least half my own fault, being attracted to genuinely mean and sociopathic men etc). But I wouldn't for a minute assume normal "Stacies" or even "Beckies" were like me. They thought I was a weirdo who was constantly on my phone chatting to weird online men, and I was. This is what I don't understand about 4chan moids. Do you not understand if you're on /r9k/ and /soc/ 24/7 you are by definition interacting with women who are much much more mentally ill, much sluttier, much more likely to cheat, much more avoidant, much more hypersexual, much more obsessed with male attention etc than their more normal peers?
Even I didn't realize how fucked up it all was until I started making normal women friends in my mid 20s and their romantic and sexual experiences were mostly just relationships with guys they knew from university societies, friendship groups or occasionally tinder?
I don't understand their willful ignorance about how women on 4chan are going to be self selected to be borderline and fucked up to a much higher degree.
No. 1984376
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>>1984371I looked at some old photos and I can see what you mean
>well groomed—no facial hair, most had flattering haircuts>even poor men would be dressed decently>hardly any fattiesNowadays the average moid is unkempt, sloppy, and puts no effort into styling himself because wearing anything but ratty sweatpants and a hoodie = gay kek
No. 1984378
>>1984372Look. Maybe you are one of the exceptions who always used imageboards more as a human zoo or as a place of real topical discussion but forgive me if I doubt it a little. I spent a little less than seven years on /r9k/, /cgl/ and /soc/ and every other woman I met suffered from the same issues: porn warped sexuality, addiction to male attention, hypersexual desires and worse in some cases. Every woman had at least one or more likely several 4chan guys they'd dated or slept with. I would be "dating" someone from Skype or discord and drive a couple of hundred miles to meet them within the first week of chatting, I'd base these decisions quite literally over how horny I was at any given time. If a new guy in a server sent me a shirtless picture and was into being a dom or something I'd end up "cheating". This wasn't unusual, it was par for the course. The other regulars would almost to a woman do exactly the same stuff and you'd end up with bizarre love pentagons involving 8 or more people who had all fucked each other.
Even if this doesn't apply to every regular on those boards, it applies to a far higher proportion of the userbase than it did the proportion of other women my age in general.
You may not be one of these people, I could believe that. But lolcow does have a lot of women who this shoe fits, or fitted, because I'm still friends with them. I've never been this open about that past behavior before but I know I'm not atypical at the very least.
The broader point I'm trying to make is that it reveals their 24/7 online behavior in a few niche spaces that they attribute the sort of things I did to women in general. I'm almost certain if I revealed my past to more normal women they'd likely cut me out of their friendship groups.
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>>1984371Absolutely, you can clearly see that they have gained fatter, are more ungroomed and just look way more uglier.
No. 1984393
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My favorite thing is knowing that Korean incels seethe because Korean women love Cha Eun Woo kek. They despise him and he is so popular that even grandmas in my non Asian country love him (Korean dramas became really popular between middle aged and elderly women here kek). Even them are tired of looking at ugly old moids
No. 1984397
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Germany still has some hidden cuties in their medias (too bad that country is full of degeneracy)
No. 1984414
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>>1984393South Korea has some beautiful men. This one is an actor too and he is 193cm tall. Incels must hate him so much. I love it when men hate other men for being prettier and attractive to women for real.
No. 1984418
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>>1984412?? Polish moids are bottom of the barrel
No. 1984419
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>>1984414Korean/Japanese famous moids dress so nicely. Genuinely when was the last time a western hollywood scrote dressed like this? they are so shameless they go to big movie premiers in black tees and jeans.
No. 1984424
>>1984412I think she is talking about Spanish and Italian moids, they are Southern
Western probably are the Dutch, French, Germans, Belgians and Swiss moids
No. 1984427
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>>1984423modern men are such giga insecure fags back in the 70s/80s they used to dress like this
No. 1984429
>>1984424yes, they tend to look better than the people in the eastern and eastern-southern part of europe like russia, greece etc
i'm not very familiar with northern european men but my impression is that they have a harsh bone structure
No. 1984435
>>1984393Western men seethe over women liking kpop men in general too, they have to cope by calling them gay. It's one thing to just dislike kpop or not be attracted to them but the tantrums and immediate visceral hate a lot of these men get when they see kpop males is hilarious. One of the ways I judge men is by how they react to kpop in general, if they just say it isn't for them casually or don't care much they're ok, but if they feel threatened to the point where they start calling them gay, acting overly
triggered at the mere mention of kpop that's how I know they're insecure and the type that thinks washing their ass and dressing nice for women is gay. They're also more likely to be the type to not give a shit about what women like in general and be offended by it. The best men I met that were actually self aware and tried to groom themselves were always the ones who either admired attractive men or want to be like them(pretty boys, not roid pigs), or ones that even if they aren't that good looking were secure in themselves enough to not have a meltdown over a woman liking kpop, plus showed interest in what women like in general outside of their moid perspective
No. 1984442
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>>1984427men from 70s be like
No. 1984447
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>>1984415>>1984415Nta but I agree. Chinese men are the most attractive to me, I like how prominent and sharp their features are, and I personally like monolid eyes a lot and get so sad when asian people get surgery to make them bigger. Can't give names for any chinese celebrity I like though because I don't memorize names kek. I think they hit the balance of beautiful youthful features and mature masculine features so they don't look too soft for my taste or too rugged. Japanese men though are a hit or miss, but I like picrel the most and think he's the most handsome Japanese man. His name is Yuki Kimisawa for anyone interested.
No. 1984454
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this was only '92. how did the standards fall so quickly?
No. 1984458
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No. 1984459
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>>1984428Nta. I'm sorry but he's not handsome at all. Picrel is my personal example of a handsome black man. He's well groomed and very fashionable as well. I know he's a meme but he seems like a genuinely nice guy who enjoys a fantasy inspired lifestyle and seems harmless, at least for now.
No. 1984468
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>>1984453>You guys should check one of their websites and see the top ranking hosts.Reminds me of that one host who I think is retired now named Roland—he was the top host in Japan but looks botched as fuck and has a massive ego to boot kek.
No. 1984477
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From an arab/muslim perspective, in our nations tunisian and kurdish males have a reputation for being attractive and having the best looks, like growing up other than white actors (and now I guess k-pop Idols). The biggest teenage girl crushes were probably on tunisian actors.
No. 1984486
>>1984443Nordic men look inbred to me. But that's maybe because I only see the rich ones who go on vacations in southern Europe.
>>1984458OMG it's that guy! He is so pretty and what happened to him was hilarious.
No. 1984488
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I might be biased but the last time I saw someone bangin on a telly show was this fool. worst character but the bone structure
this character I'm pretty sure was based on joseph (joe) levitt and 500 days of summer and what would tom do if he was psychotically obsessed with summer it's even referenced in the bookanyway it took me this long to try and think of the last time I've seen an attractive man on screen and that to me proves the validity and NECESSITY of this thread because we are actually unironically being psyopped.
Lana del rey fucked Weinstien I mean, are we doomed?
>>1984482I could be wrong I'm purely assuming but most men that beautiful and black are gay. he defs has gayface.
sorry to dirty delete and repost No. 1984491
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>>1984288Big eyes like that are ideal for moids. They always push the teensy hunter eyes and thirst over Sean O'pry who looks like a lizard alien who couldn't find his way back home. Can't believe I came across this brainrot so easily on Google Images kek
No. 1984500
>>1984448If they're being pushed into it by their gf or bf that's not really good I'd say. I'm more so talking about men who won't shit on your (mainly female dominated) interests, will go along with you but won't necessarily
force themselves to like it just for your validation, just that they won't have a shitty aggressive reaction to you liking something that involves pretty boys and doesn't center men as the target demographic. With something like kpop it's really common for men to chimp out at the mere mention of it due to deep rooted insecurities about how women are liking men that don't look like them and hating anything women like in general. If a man is actually okay with listening to a woman talk about things like that and even takes them into consideration he's already above most men and it can also reflect on his looks, since it shows a level of awareness and consideration for the woman's tastes and feelings instantly if a man actually considers what she likes. Unlike retard incels who sit on their ass and expect women to want them when they don't even care about what women like on any level or even actively antagonize it, all while chasing the moid masculine chad ideal or whatever to appeal to other males instead. Which ironically enough, is way gayer and makes them look worse
No. 1984501
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>>1984477Yeah because they’re genetically similar to Europeans. Remember this fucker they shilled as as some “sexy” class hero that’s apparently a Houthi “pirate” whatever the fuck that means kek. He looks like he would rape women without thinking twice and he’s short, gross. Shit like this makes me want to turn into the britbong anons who go on Hitler youth rants about these rapists invading their countries
(racebaiting) No. 1984502
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>>1984459I can kinda see what you mean when he doesn't have that meme filter on, he has a nice bone structure and good sense of style. Too bad he's gay though kek
No. 1984507
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>>1984378>>1984369You engaged in whore activities and have BPD. The men on 4chan are child predators/CP hoarders like Michael Sosa/Mantras, murderers and their defenders, animal abusers, rape apologists, racists, tards who tell underage girls to cut themselves and spam CP, animal abuse content, etc whenever they don't like a site and revenge porn spammers. It's not the same. The braindead faggot saying "uguu we're just male autists" is delusional and trying to cover for his predator friends. He probably capes for Rikafag too. By the way, they like the pickme pentagons because they can feel like protagonists in a harem anime and trade nudes and information on all the girls with other neckbeards. Everyone warns these men not to get with severely mentally ill internet girls ("Don't stick your dick in crazy") in the first place, but they do it anyway because they think it's hot, only to play
victim after getting the story they were looking for. Hundreds of anecdotes of the BPD discord kittens, yet not a single man has had his throat slit because he made kitten angry on the way to the Nicole Dollanganger concert? Sorry, I don't care.
Don't get me wrong: You were, in fact, retarded for sucking their dicks, but you're still doing it today. "Umm yeah I know these are legitimately evil people, but I and other imageboard girls were mentally ill sluts so it goes both ways??". Stop it, get some help.
(replying to bait) No. 1984515
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>>1984499I would but there's literally a new dude every ep kek, duckduckgo sex and the city male love interests/casts. here's the main 3?
to be fair I completely forgot about Robert (bottom left), holy fuck. but also miranda only fucked him because of some show she was obsessed with and left him for steve even though he was a hot and caring doctor.
smith jared was okay (samanthas young toyboy top right) but in a very cali way. mind you she got cancer and he shaved his head for her.
I mention these things because the narrative around them picking the ugly man matters in terms of the psyop. Samantha was the only based one and left smith cause she loved herself more (yes kek)
Robert was genuinely hot as fuck in motion though
No. 1984518
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>>1984515sorry to samefag here's fucken STEVE
>>1984517chris noth (roth? don't care, top left dude) always struck me as looking like one lmao
No. 1984521
>>1984508Not gonna lie, nona, some candids of Nazis had really hot moids
Kek the SS had some requirements in early years for their ranks and I think that's why they looked good in some pictures
Anyway, we could have them without the Nazism though
No. 1984526
>>1984501this man is very beautiful but like
>>1984508 said it might just be because he looks exotic. I'm blonde and blue eyed and only go for olive skinned brunettes with brown eyes. hmmm nona you might be onto it
No. 1984527
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Literally a guy in middle of war looked better than modern moids with access to skincare and beauty products, I am appalled.
No. 1984528
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>>1984376Because it’s so easy to think about it. They have done these experiments with rats. It was called the mouse utopia. The Second World War generated another boom for Western economies, granting abundance and comfort but also increasing convenience and novelty at the expense of decent items and products so they started filling the food and water with preservatives and chemicals for industrial purposes and to have commercial feasibility. When we have so much access to food, water, and comfort the men become literal fat, retarded, malformed dysgenic degenerates who pass on the genetic mutations and illnesses caused by these foods and environmental poisons and the women are delegated to become overweight, over dependent, strange reproductive disorders and illnesses arising like PCOS and endometriosis, mental intelligence stunted to forever girlhood, fattened like a cow to dull their natural intelligence and instincts and ready to be used as tools to birth masses of more ugly deformed men and trannies to become work horses for the next generations. Male beauty and hotness is connected to national integrity and values, if the only values you have is porn, AI, drag queens, churches, trannies, poisoned food and poisoned rivers, uncomfortable clothes, instigating wars and continuing male violence then their values are aligned with the ugliness and stink of death. Males have no natural spark and that is why it’s up to women to instill national and global values and morals in scrotes so they know how to act and what to look like, but somehow they’ve turned this around on women. Men are the ones who need to shave, wear makeup, take more showers, eat less, take up less space, and to be quiet, to beautify themselves for women, they are the ones who are incomplete and need to be sculpted into perfection. Imagine a world where women not only don’t have to be groomed into becoming bangmaids but are able to come out of the house where scrotes like this at least look like picrel. Imagine the world we and our future granddaughters and female forebears would have had if men stopped poisoning the fucking earth. We would have gorgeous human versions of male peacocks running around ready to have their man tits fondled and become a house husband because you said so, no disagreements and no nagging. Men cheated women out of sexy scrote utopia
No. 1984534
>>1984529gay casting couch I'm assuming. whoever the moid was had terrible taste and hopefully a bunch of STDS for his degeneracy.
>>1984524right and true and sad
No. 1984538
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>>1984521Agreed kek, that’s what I meant to say is to remove the autistic Nazism and just keep the importance of attractive, healthy males that don’t burn your eyes when you look at them.
No. 1984541
>>1984538I will manifest a boyfriend like that for all nonas here
But with a good heart, of course
No. 1984548
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>>1984541need cutie with big eyes like fr
nonnie, only exposed to ugly moids. the only cute ones I see are genuinely retarded and dumb
No. 1984557
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>>1984543I think
>>1984528 described it best, liberal market capitalism created an era for men ironically resembling the aristocracy of the Middle East, where men could be as physically degenerate as they want and there were no state-influenced ideals to aspire to, whether that was the ubermensch of the new soviet man. Instead it was purely based around consumption and men fell the state they are in. Jen Izekson talked about this. Men in the former communist nations did care about their looks in a way that men in capitalist nations didn't. The only hope would be that liberal market capitalism falls.
No. 1984568
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>>1984557>tfw no commie bfwhy live nonnies
No. 1984575
>>1984528>Men are the ones who need to shave, wear makeup, take more showers, eat less, take up less space, and to be quiet, to beautify themselves for women, they are the ones who are incomplete and need to be sculpted into perfection.So true, it feels like such a fucking scam that this is how it works in almost every other species on the planet but humans. Males are the ones that need to be visually pleasing in order to attract a mate, not the other way around.
Also slightly OT but if I saw that guy irl I'd have to stand there shocked for a few seconds kek, he's so perfect he looks like he just walked out of a fantasy in my mind. And I'm expected to settle when genuine, bonafide hotties exist? Not happening
No. 1984582
>>1984561Don't tell me you wouldn't want to have a Soviet cutie dancing and showing his athletic prowess to you in uniform like that
I would
No. 1984589
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>>1984294Massive cope sahel people are west african. I don't know where this meme of fulanis being Ethiopians lite came from. Picrel is a fulani man btw.
(derailing) No. 1984590
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>>1984550It’s way too early for me to get this horny anon
No. 1984607
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Spaniards are the only people in Europe who still put effort into making sure Hollywood scrotes are as hot as the women.
Britain is suspect number 1 with the ugly man psyop and France keeps pairing up troll looking men with pretty women
No. 1984612
>>1984590the film "the last day" he is so so so beautiful in. if you can track it down fujo nonas will probs appreciate (I am not and still did)
we lost a real one nonas
No. 1984617
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>>1984607Samefagging but I hate whatever infatuation Hollywood casting directors have with British actors. Every time I knew actor comes out from there they are severely facially challenged, the hot ones usually have immigrant heritage or are half (like aaron taylor Johnson has eastern European heritage). Picrel looks like a fairytale monster but is getting casted unto big projects
No. 1984629
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>>1984607I hope you mean this is the only one who is passable or you’re a eurofag who’s been insulated by their own media. Ofc spaniard moids look unsightly, who do you think ruined the genetics of native americans and created fuggo hispanics with bird bowl cuts kek
No. 1984630
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>>1984459My pick is Daniel Morel. He's dominican so he is kinda mixed but still predominantly black
No. 1984632
>>1984607ignore this but i am so perplexed about the wide face of the girl in the middle, what is going on
But yeah, i would just say that if that's they're average they seem to cast men who have similar ages and no beards and still hair on their head, the one on the bottom right looks kind of cute and it's rare that i find any moid who is just not ugly or old in tv shows nowdays.
No. 1984639
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>>1984633I love the thought that these fuggo men keep casting their fellow fuggo men like we'll fall for it but we all end up literally preferring women and inceldom keeps rising. way to cuck yourselves idiots.
picrel show me ONE MAN this beautiful
No. 1984643
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>>1984563EXACTLY. Twitter “commies” are fat degenerate fucks who have never done a day of hard labor in their life. Instead they spend their time gooning to tranny porn and mansplaining feminism to women on the internet. I fucking hate soyboy ““communism.”” I hope there’s a real communist revolution in the west so these fake communists can get sent to the gulags and re-educated. Then finally we may have some worthwhile moids around
No. 1984651
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>>1984643el che guevara was an absolute faggot who came from a rich family, raped his maid, looked dirty and had ashtma. He's not comparable to the sexy commie propaganda worker moids who have been building muscles from working on a factory since they were 12 and who will die in a factory induced accident at the tender age of 25
No. 1984652
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>>1984645lmao come on pleasee
No. 1984654
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>>1984639maybe some of the random faggots in madonna's girl gone wild music video but that's just me
No. 1984675
>>1984668>>1984671It seems the way is to husbandofag
Nonnies we lost
No. 1984676
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>>1984671oh he's BEAUTIFUL
did he ever exist? oh GOD>>1984675they were right all along
oh GOD No. 1984686
>>1984671Imagine having a handsome cutie like him after a long day. To kiss him, hug with him, cuddle with him
Why even live? We will never have that
No. 1984689
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>>1984569sorry for derailing a bit but i was looking for a certain model and found this guy instead, made me think of that. He looks a bit weird in some angles and lighting though.
No. 1984693
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>>1984689he kinda looks like ricky from zb1
No. 1984708
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>>1984651>>1984657meanwhile modern day commies will say it's fascism if you tell them to exercise.
No. 1984709
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>>1984695Kek no? Not denying that they could have retouched him a bit but i think that mostly he's just kind of lanky.
Also i'm pretty sure poland has his fair share of ugly drunktards but this guy is also polish. The pretty boy from eurovision is polish. And the gay guy i had a crush on irl is also polish, weird.
No. 1984745
>>1984727same but maybe and hate to say it, women are more attractive to straight females than men are these days. because they're so fug.
women in general are nicer, smell better, are prettier and more graceful, and actually have some semblance of general awareness men don't have.
me about to say "not gay btw" when like, idk fuck. don't ask me I think I might just prefer women in general for everything now. media, art, opinions, everything. EVERYTHING.
No. 1984770
>>1984748Nta, i'm not into them either but i think it's stupid to say that they're part of the psyop. They are made to appeal teens and young women, they're made to be seen as perfect as possible, it's a different industry.
Can't ask for them to look like an average korean man going to the supermarket if they have to be so flashy and gain money, let them be exaggerrated like western female music artists are, no issue, haven't really seen that many western moids try to threat us by being inspired by male idols except some mentally unwell weirdos.
No. 1984788
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>>1984770They often look ugly compared to actors because the K-pop industry is not that profitable for idols. That's why they try to push the pretty ones into acting or modelling like this one.
>>1984393 That's where the money is. Beautiful men in South Korea stopped long ago trying to become idols. Some of them are still beautiful, but they are a rarity.
No. 1984790
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>When Hollywood presents their latest "hot guy"
No. 1984805
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>>1984753As a Slav I suppose I get liking moids being sent to commie work, but it just produced woman beater alcoholics. Women get the short end of the stick in communism too. I wouldn't want to bring any of that back; if you really want to have sex with moids-being-worked-to-death get the hottest guy you can find at your local military base kek they're desperate as fuck and probably will do anything you want. Just don't get married to them. I do enjoy propaganda posters especially China x Russia, and it would be nice if a prettier less hitler youth haircut was ideal for men instead of rat beasts.
No. 1984808
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Men cannot stand the fact that women prefer youthful pretty men. They especially cant stand the fact that teen and tween girls prefer boys the same age as them, and not old disgusting pigs. It ruins their pedophiliic delusional fantasies of being attractive to teen girls and not us old haggard women (any woman above the age of 23 in mens eyes) This is why Justion Bieber got so much hate from men, despite not doing anything other than being a cute kid tween girls like. Everything about the common mans existance is cope, they literally live in their deusional matrix world where old fucks are desireable and if anything threatens that they turn into mr. Smith to attack.
No. 1984810
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I think that my mother is a subtle husbandofag, the only examples she gives me of men she found attractive were ones in comics, some weird ones that i can't remember what they were called but specially Diabolik, which was created by two women.
She said that the prettiest man she saw was exactly like him and that if he covered his face he would be perfect and sometimes she forgets that she already told me about it kek.
Also i don't blame her when so much of the italian movies in that era had actual intolerable goblins hanging out with half naked beauties.
No. 1984832
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Just saw this man on tiktok call himself a strong 6/10. Where do these men get this amount of confidence.
No. 1984833
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>>1984810I wonder how she feels about this subhuman rat being live action casted of Diabolik
No. 1984852
>>1984832I was about to say that i don't even want to play the video to see him in movement but then i realized it wasn't a video kek.
>>1984833She's in a state of denial for now, i'll report later when she has clearer thoughts nona.
No. 1984891
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>>1984368Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, here are actual lines from the book
>"I pay you big money for one hour of fixing my chimney. Yes, it has only a little scratch and I did it on purpose>Also I am alone and defenseless, I wonder what would happen">"Yes, mister Roark, I am glad we understood each other, now if you want to keep your job come to my place once a week to fix my chimney again and I would pay you a lot"Ayn Rand wrote a book about genius architect who's a mix of Frank Lloyd and Nikola Tesla with perfect body, Then self-inserts as a strong woman who harasses him and uses him like a whore, there's also an earlier scene where she has sex with a handsome rugged construction worker, also IRL she had an affair with a young psychology student 25 years her junior
No. 1984916
>>1984414>I love it when men hate other men for being prettier and attractive to women for real.Same. This type of jealousy brings so much joy to me, it’s genuinely fun and amusing to watch ugly scrotes seethe over men who are actually desirable and attractive to women for existing. Deep down they’re upset bc they know their musty cheese filled dicks can’t compete.
>>1984435Guys who react negatively to kpop or any form of media with pretty men in it are always clapped, good looking men or men who are at least secure in themselves like you said have no reason to feel threatened by them. I had a handsome coworker who joked that he’d go gay for jimin once kek.
No. 1984942
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>>1984917I think we have to understand that she went through a lot of trauma. She grew up upper middle class in Russia and had a nice comfortable life and all of that was "taken" from her. Her whole family was moved to a shithole apartment, her dad was treated like crap just for being a formally successful businessman and then she saw the rise of collective populist ideology that blamed her people for everything and killed millions of them. Like I don't agree with even one but but I understand why someone who went through all that would have a fear of populism and collectivism.
No. 1984948
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>>1984833Will i get banned for saying that he looks good in the movie? He's ugly in the photo you posted though, he definitely needs darker hair, to be better groomed and to shave that awful beard.
No. 1985011
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Be careful simping for those korean celebrities. Realise that your hyping up the top 5% of Koreans in terms of looks when in reality a lot of South Koreans look more like this.
No. 1985028
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>>1985011True ofc theres still some variations. Most of these kpoppie boys nowadays have so much access to top skin care face massages and plasic surgery. Also a lot of fansites filter their skin so it looks ghostly white when in reality Koreans really vary in skin tone and a lot of times have darker skin. 90s kpop idols definitely were more natural and more realistic with skintone this was before the plastic surgery phase.
No. 1985044
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No. 1985048
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>>1985044there is no fucking way he's 23 yo
No. 1985076
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>>1984522I’ve been rewatching Seinfeld and there’s an episode where Elaine says picrel is gorgeous because he lost weight. Jerry and George pull women way out of their leagues but the writers can’t even give Elaine a hot man.
No. 1985088
>>1984832yeah he's a six, he makes me six to my stomach
>>1984891I never thought I'd say this but Ayn Rand is based as fuck for that.
No. 1985090
>>1984832the worst part is that all of the top comments were saying how good looking he was and that he was being too hard on himself
>>1984536I live in Germany and I think they're solidly mid-tier (if you ignore the personalities). Hottest men in Europe are Italians and the nordic countries and worst are easily poles and brits.
>>1985058we all should be offended. Every time I saw people shill him as hot I felt like I was losing my mind.
No. 1985101
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Why do men place so much emphasis on jawline and facial hair as indicators of male attractiveness?
No. 1985103
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what are nonnas thoughts about brawny? i wanted to say at least its a mascot meant to appeal to women but looking at mans now he could could stand to be a decade younger
No. 1985113
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>>1984948His nose is way too big that it makes him look weird in the mask and he has no muscle like Diabolik so his gut looks weird.
>>1985101Moids are so faceblind holy fuck kek I'm guessing the incels self inserted and 9 is pug faced. The women part is confusing too it's like they randomly picked women they found ugly and then two Instagram models for an attempted gradient
No. 1985120
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>>1984617The UK has some real messes. I know the pickings are slim, but they should focus harder on finding the ones who aren't hideous, instead of trying to meme beasts.
No. 1985122
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>>1985101Here are some more attractiveness charts
No. 1985137
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>>1985101 The moid ranked at 10 is honestly so fugly its making me sick. These retarded moids love to always inhale the copium and project what they think is attractive and force women to think the same. No I think beards are disgusting, no I hate roided pigs they are disgusting and wtf is the obsession with the positive canthal tilt crap? Lol moids are so clueless. Picrel I love "beta prey eyes" they just look doe and cute as seen on cutie stockphoto chan
No. 1985142
>>1985122Wtf is this ranking, why is emma watson higher than adriana lima? I mean they’re both gorgeous but cmon.
>chris pratt a 9God moids are fucking retarded
No. 1985152
File: 1714427730740.webp (Spoiler Image,144.57 KB, 618x412, IMG_4803.webp)

>>1985137Kek I don’t know any woman who is attracted to hunter eyes aside from 35 year old women who read alpha dom wolf romance novels. We don’t want guys with scary shark eyes thanks. They remind me of pics of Richard ramirez where his eyes look completely black and soulless.
No. 1985158
>>1985122Why tf 5 male is lower than 6 and 7??
>>1985144This particular moid just liked Emma Watson more kek
No. 1985176
File: 1714428741060.png (155.01 KB, 640x333, AHimZM5.png)

Remember when chris rock had the audacity to write and star in a movie where he cheats on his wife, played by gina torres with kerry washington> And to top it off, they expect us to believe that he's on the same level as them. I absolutely fucking despite stand-up comedians.
No. 1985190
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those charts are made by scrotes that look like this
No. 1985195
>>1984891>>1984917I never thought there was a day that would say this but…
>write and get to publish two books with your yumejo sexual fantasies and your OC husbandos>get yourself a cute younger moid to be your lover>do all of that while you look somewhat frumpyBased, Ayn Rand, very based. Too bad she is cringe kek
No. 1985214
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>>1985204Especially now that he's overdone it on the fillers and looks like a cabbage patch doll kek
No. 1985216
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this nigga is repulsive
No. 1985231
>>1985220I want nonnies to enlighten me where to find fuckable adorable german moids like picrel
>>1984397 to stalk and lust after, where do they hide??
No. 1985242
>>1985214I saw this image in another thread and I thought someone edited his photos kek. is this legit? moids aren't known for getting fillers and isn't his whole shtick is that he's a wifeguy?
>>1985220nona nta but i think you and i have the same background and i also find blonde-hair-blue-eyes attractive for the same reason. however german guys unfortunately are not it. Louise is a very rare exception. every german moid i've seen IRL looked busted and fat and sounded like something was stuck in their throat the whole time. TikTok also astroturfed german moids for some reason as this cool, stoic, kuudere type character when IRL they are drunk faggots
No. 1985252
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>>1984569why do you simp for hunter when hes the dollar store version of daniel johns?
No. 1985253
>>1984569Hunter Biden's ugly
>>1985252He's cute
No. 1985262
>>1985101>>1985122I'm just going to say that most of the men in those things look 30+ or even 40+ and moids already age faster and uglier than women.
Would be nice to see anything where moids look at least of similar ages, even if it's a shitpost.
No. 1985280
>>1985271Kek, nonna. I completely stopped taking him seriously after i saw him too. I laughed so hard.
No. 1985282
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Why is everyone pretending this horsefaced ugly raisin is attractive?? I seriously don't get it, everyone acts like he's this 20/10 stud but he's straight up ugly as fuck, his face is way too long and his beady, weird ass eyes disturb me, he looks like he's melting
No. 1985284
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I have a tinfoil that I noticed awhile ago. Why do these cute young famous scrotes keep getting murdered dying young/joining 27 club? Kurt Cobain, Heath Ledger, River Phoenix, there must be a deeper reason behind this conspiracy. Were older Hollywood scrotes (the ones who look as fat and hopeless like Harvey Weinstein) jealous of them?
No. 1985287
>>1985284Nonna, you really might be right… They don't like the competition. The other theory is that very pretty boys are targeted almost as much a girls and they end up going crazy.
>>1985286Yeah, you were faster than me.
No. 1985294
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If I see yet another TikTok of a retarded genz girl shilling/ talking about being attracted to old dusty men in my fyp I'm going to kys. Old, saggy scrotes aren't attractive, I repeat, OLD SAGGY SCROTES AREN'T ATTRACTIVE. Get out of the pedo lolita mindset and stop craving attention from literal boomers, you're too young to waste your life away with a old moid
No. 1985295
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>>1985294>Get out of the pedo lolita mindsetI’m young-chan and this thread made me see the error of my ways and to stop lusting after older scrotes and attacking older women.
No. 1985301
>>1985292Straight males would rape boys and shill gross bara preferences as attractive too though.
>>1985294Should write how embarrassing they are in their comments. I bet they were never strictly shamed for such behaviour before.
>>1985295Good thing! Nonnas, we need to be more strict irl when we see our fellow women behave in a mentally ill manner like this.
No. 1985304
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>>1985301wish we could attach images to comments. this is disgusting
No. 1985312
>>1983926This post inspire me to tell you guys my reasoning on why patriarchy exist in the first place.
Historically, before any civilization, only the most good-looking, strongest, most fit men would reproduce and have kids. The majority of women will pick these men to reproduce. The male is the one trying to get picked by the female not the other way around, this is how most mammals function. However, once farming started to pop up and eventually civilizations, it became less important whether or not a male is actually genetically fit to have a kid and whoever he has the most food or the most money or the most powerful .Hierarchy started to develop once society got more complex the division of labor started to exist . This made some men feel inferior that they got in the lower end of the hierarchy. However, new issue started to arrive. If only a few men would have to majority of women all the other men doing all the hard labor will get very upset and ruin everything .Before these men would’ve just died in the wild or get kicked out of the group if they complained. Now these loser men could threaten society if they didn’t reproduce .Rulers had to eventually make the idea of patriarchy to keep these lower men satisfied . So while the king took all the wealth and land a less powerful guy could still feel like a king in his own home by dominating and abusing his wife. It’s actually really bad for a species if you allow the weaker members to reproduce because this can ruin the chances of a species to survive . Mediocre men are now having a harder time finding wives in societies that are more feminist. Now they have to start migrating in less progressive societies to find a wife, but eventually the society will also get progressive as they become developed. Even as a bisexual person, I can easily say the majority of women are attractive while the majority of men are not.
Never lower your standards ever. Even if moods get mad at you because they are the desperate ones . If you can’t get with a guy you find attractive just don’t date at all. It’s better than wasting your time with an ugly man.This is probably why this tribe is so beautiful They’re following the natural order.
No. 1985315
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>>1985304reminds me of them
No. 1985323
>>1985292ayrt, I completely agree.
>women looking like 12-year-old boys>"silver foxes" or other euphemisms for postwall scrotoids>roidpigs>chick flick depictions of catty, drama-obsessed womenall things designed by and for gay men, that have nothing to do with female attraction to men or the female experience.
No. 1985325
>>1985306Kek, do you know the name of the painting? I couldn't find it through image search. I would like to know the meaning.
>>1985312All girls and women should learn about this early on. The problem honestly is that there's too much males, it makes lifes of both females and males unbearable.
>>1985314They would find a roundabout way to blame the woman. The one i heard - autism is not caused by disintegrating fathers with miriad of dna errors, but by mothers who certainly smoke weed all the time, kek.
No. 1985338
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Movies/media with attractive moids do exist just not in frontline Hollywood. We need paying money to watch films or shows with ugly moids in them. Red white and royal blue have somewhat attractive moids and Nicholas Galitzine is post wall at 29 but surprisingly looks better than a lot of those broccoli zoomers, attractive post wall moids still do exist just keep looking.
No. 1985349
File: 1714439524666.jpg (148.83 KB, 480x663, Osmar_Schindler_-_David_und_Go…)

>>1985325I think there should be mass castrations of ugly and crippled males. Eunuchs have always been the most expensive slaves as their workload capabilities are much higher than intact men (not distracted by the urge to pop their pimples) and this would be great for the economy. Imagine riding a bull or trying to make it pull a carriage when you could just get it fixed instead. You're risking serious injury and loss of profits for nothing. Insane, right? Plus, women don't have to touch their disgusting bodies because they don't even desire it. They're freed from the male prison of insatiable lust and this is the kindest thing you can do for them unironically.
And about the painting (1902, Osmar Schindler: Warrior Looking At A Roman Helmet) there was once a popular post about it on Tumblr. I know, such a reliable source. But basically the spirit of it was that if a faggy artist makes something that looks like cocksucking, there's no reason to ignore your instincts because it's probably true. Kek. Here's another work by him, the cutie standing up to the hideous old man reminded me of this lovely thread of ours.
No. 1985354
>>1985295Never fall for the older guys are more mature meme
If a guy is going for someone younger it's because he wants to feel younger and has arrested development
No. 1985357
>>1984808Older men are so convinced teenagers are after them and they make porn/movies with large age gaps to validate this perception.
Everytime some kind of media gets popular with teenage girls you can always catch scrotes seething and asking why literal teenagers don't think an old man is peak physique.
Most of the hate against Jacob Satorious was this as well, I never knew why grown men were mad at him for making age appropriate music
No. 1985372
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>>1985349Ayrt, and you're so right about castrations,
nonnie. I always thought this too. But that would not happen as long as those ugly and crippled men are in power, unfortunately.
>But basically the spirit of it was that if a faggy artist makes something that looks like cocksucking, there's no reason to ignore your instincts because it's probably true.KEK. I'm a true follower of trusting your gut too, i believe it completely.
The second painting you send, it's "David and Goliath"! He defeated the roidpig with his smarts. A pebble right into his forehead and then he cutted his head off kek. David is such a cutie! Your pic should be used in the next thread!
No. 1985398
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>>1985372I second there should be some use of David and the Goliath. Qt youthful boy btfo ugly hairy scroid
No. 1985453
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protip for ugly men into acting: star in a movie where your character is gay
No. 1985508
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Still watching TWD, I just keep learning more annoying shit about fans.
>first few seasons
>a few people bring up shipping Carol/Daryl because of their close bond
>”gross”, “I see it like a mother/son thing”, “she’s too old for him”, “he deserves someone younger and beautiful”
>meanwhile actress is 4 years older than him
>season 4, shit ton of people ship Beth/Daryl and want them to have sex
>16-17 year old girl and obviously 40+ man
>”it’s not pedophilia technically” “age gaps don’t matter in the apocalypse” “he’s younger mentally” “stop applying morality to fiction” “If you’re okay with Daryl/Carol when Carol’s wayyyyy older, then same should go for Daryl/Beth”
>Even cast members teased a romance between the two, and the guy’s actor hinted his character had a crush on Beth, giving these retards even more fuel
I’m not even a shipperfag but jesus what the hell, at least fans are somewhat more split now and more vocal about how creepy the teen girl x middle-aged man shit is.
Also, Melissa McBride is clearly too beautiful for this deformed inbred-looking freak. Fuck moids and pickmes.
No. 1985514
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>>1984381I'd argue a lack of artificial material made better menswear. Men had to wear wool jackets and long trousers. There weren't any tshirts, polo shirts or the worst of all, short cargos
No. 1985533
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>>1984948Diabolik is a very hard character to cast to be honest. He's a bit rugged, but has beautiful captivating eyes. You can tell the two women who created him based him on cinema actors of the 60s-70s
No. 1985577
>>1985101>>1985122>all the highly rated men look 40+>all the highly rated women look like 15 year olds in makeupinsane, racist and pedophilic incel propaganda. the female equivalent of this shit would be unironically putting underage bjorn andresen as the 10/10 male kek. also the complete lack of reality in the descriptions of each "rank" is hilarious. like how does the 2/10 woman automatically have 2-8 sexual partners before 30? wouldn't that be a million times more likely for the women higher on the scale? or does the incel who created the chart think sexual experience alters a woman's appearance for the worse? the pedophilia and insecurity is just oozing from these pics. and this part about the 10/10 girl
>It is impossible to fail at life. If you become homeless, a modeling scout will scoop you up in under a day.KEKKK i have no words
No. 1985636
>>1983914>>1983923Humans are a intrasexual specie, means the males compete against one another, the victor gets the female.
Why do you think nonnies always say "Men don't work out to impress women, but to impress other men."
The whole hyper-masculine concept is based on this antic.
No. 1985645
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I realised there are very few scenes with shirtless men these days in media, unless it's played as a joke.
No. 1985660
>>1985508God this is so gross. I hate how that scum can be so obviously biased and feel confident about it.
Ot but why are hetshippers always so obsessed with having their pairing do sex in official media? Like cloud×t*fa shit, is it because more scrotes ship it? Asking for more porn is a very moid thing to do.
No. 1985673
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I would say that the first example of ugly moid psyop that I saw was when they replaced the cute Rodrick for this… Thing. I know that they needed a new cast as actors age, but they could have chosen a cute one again
No. 1985677
nonnie but last time I checked war and rape, especially wartime sexual violence is still a thing.
No. 1985730
>>1985714I wouldn't even call it unconventional. Me and my friends all like a little bit of it. Liking hairless Korean guys seems more unconventional tbh.
LC does this thing (in general, not just here) where you try to pretend you're representative of all women while also screeching about how all women are psyopped and gaslit.
No. 1985748
>>1985732It's the same with any topic. Don't agree with the hivemind? You're weird and an outcast but also you're like all normie pickmeishas who have been psyopped.
>>1985739I don't like old men, I don't particularly like beards either (though heavy stubble is nice on some men). Where do you all get off thinking the average western woman would be obsessing over Korean dudes if it weren't for "psyops"? Korean media is literally a state funded psyop by definition
No. 1985773
>>1985764You are the only one who started reeing about hairless korean twinks, the original post you started seething about was about double standards and how women are expected to shave but men aren't. Funny you came here to act like a
victim, when you are the one that's getting super pissed off that some women aren't into hairy men.
No. 1985779
>>1985776> Just don't babble about how women who like more rugged looking men are all brainwashedYou made this post
>>1985707 i response to this post
>>1985698if anything you are the one that's reeing over women liking men that arent hairy and acting like a
victim for liking 99% of men already
No. 1985801
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>>1985778The "old=masculine" belief is actual schizophrenia. Males were never meant to be cared for when they fall out of grace. They were meant to be lynched by younger, fitter men. Living long is a female trait so aging is inherently feminine. Acceptance of "middle aged" men is the celebration of disease and deformity. It's satanic. Men can't be cute grandma's because they watch child porn at 80. They never stop being sex pests. The only reason we have weak bald men running around is the patriarchy. In any functional society they would be beaten to death with rocks by their own sons. How can a man be strong if he's too old to fight for you? Like that Spanish scrote who sat there and watched his young wife get gang raped in India? He made it out without a scratch. Not even a single bruise or a nosebleed. Because he just sat there like the old cuck he is and enjoyed the show. Physical fitness is a man's DUTY! Men who are at their prime with highest levels of testosterone (16-19) can rarely grow full facepubes.
A beard is a veil of shame. It means you've aged out of your prime so you're hiding away your face like a woman in a burqa. It means you're submitting to young chads. "It doesn't matter what I look like because no woman wants me anyway" is the core message.
No. 1985816
>>1985807Is it weird that I wish it had something mandatory for young moids like the Hitler Youth? Not the politics or militaristic aspects as I hate nazis, but something to encourage them to do physical activities, labor and get them to do something productive with their lives and actually touch grass instead of rotting in a goon cave.
I just want healthy young moids back
No. 1985817
>>1985808>>1985809Not sure whether you're joking. In a situation like that most people, women or men, just seize up. If they're beaten up and held down by multiple people as the German guy was there's not a whole lot they can do.
Kinda weird you're espousing a viewpoint that we should just accept rape as a part of life as Indians do and hope that a Hercules happens to be in the vicinity.
No. 1985831
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not only is it over for my ugly ass but it’s so over if this generic ultra pretty girl from tiktok that’s charlie damelio knockoff can’t even get a beautiful young scrote that’s equal in beauty to her. her boyfriend looks like a white military expat in japan who buys lolicon manga and fucks middle aged japanese bartenders when he’s off duty. the pretty tax is clearly not working anymore, men are just objectively ugly and if they’re pretty they only have about max 5-6 years of retaining it because their chromosomes are inherently inferior to ours
No. 1985832
>>1985831samefag. vidrel for blackpill
No. 1985843
>>1985830>it's so embarassing you can't even imagine a future where women have men who truly love them why though?
there is no such thing. all they know is how to kneel to those they perceive as above them.
No. 1985852
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>>1985801In which decade did beards become a thing again? I miss that it used to be a sign of an unkempt, low life man
No. 1985867
>>1985852Pretty recently. I think it was just around ten years ago when I first saw young male celebrities wearing facial hair to big events, during the early 2010's.
>>1985859Maybe they started it, but the big shift is much more recent.
No. 1985869
>>1985853It's just ironic how despite all that you still have men saying they're the natural protectors and providers when in real life scenarios most of them are more cowardly than a woman who is half their size and mostly seem to use their strength to terrorize and kill women. I think it's gotten worse in recent years in terms of how it's seen as "equal" if the man runs away now or they act like he has no real duty to help his gf because uhh feminism or something and you're not allowed to complain. When in reality even under a feminist society men would be using their strength to help women instead of killing them, the only difference is we wouldn't be told we are inferior and need to be his tradwife slave just because they punch harder or whatever.
>>1985860Yeah, all the egirls I've seen always date ugly men
No. 1985900
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>>1985860>like you'll never see a popular e-girl with a hot boyfriendeh not really, some date hot men that are equal to their beauty. picrel are brook and her bf sam
No. 1985904
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>>1985807Based spartan nonna.
No. 1985912
>>1985898It's not that they never would and it's just like with looks, most men look like shit and expect you to be ok with it but pretty men still exist. Men that wouldn't stand seeing their gf being hurt or in danger also exist they're just rarer compared to the cowardly moids
>>1985900It's still less frequent than the amount of pretty women dating mid or ugly moids, but good for her
No. 1985916
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>>1985912true, the worst i've seen would be addison raes bf, like girl your so pretty and hes so fucking fugly
No. 1985927
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>>1985852I’m also tired of this trashy backwaters haircut that men have been sporting to appeal to girls. I want this to be gone, makes them look stinkier than they already are. To these scrotes who thinks this is what gets the mentally ill artsy female crowd wet, YWNAR (you will never be a 70s androgynous rockstar who snorted crack off of the back of objectified hookers and it will never hide your receding hairline coming in at the ripe and blossoming young adult college age of 21)
No. 1985934
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>>1985764I'm here for the kpop idol slander. Picrel is a kpop idol who I don't think is bogged but most of them especially that AI generated horror from stray kids are plastic monsters or end up that way because the culture encourages it.
No. 1985937
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>>1985927I fucking LOATHE mullets especially if there's a stupid pedo stache attached to it oh my fucking god. It's always those retarded Youtube commenters who talk about brain rot shit as well. Whenever I see a moid on social media have that it immediately spikes up my blood pressure; moids really can cosplay as convicted child predators. Picrel gets millions of views for looking at the camera and talking. PEOPLE, WOMEN, LOOK AT HIM FOR 40+ MINUTES AND CONTINUALLY SUPPORT HIM.
No. 1985948
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>>1985936I'm not really into moid idols and the majority of them look too worked IMO but I appreciate how he looks normal while still being attractive. Plus he's not afraid to look goofy. His name is hendery I won't clog up the thread too much more with spergery
No. 1985961
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>>1985937he used to look better in his early videos when he didn't have that retarded hairstyle and facial hair but as soon as he hit his mid to late 20s he started looking like…that. picrel is him before. proof men love aging like milk and actively do it to themselves since he could've stayed looking normal instead of someone's creepy uncle
No. 1985963
File: 1714488131249.jpg (174 KB, 720x1056, IMG_20240430_164508.jpg)

I think white moids are severely nerfed by their lack of lip. They need a little bit of ethnic spice or filler, otherwise they're stuck with papercut mouths.
No. 1985976
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do you guys think Jacob Elordi has any place in the conversation about ugly men
No. 1985981
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>>1985976he looks special needs
No. 1985994
>>1985795Nta but there were anons saying men peak at their teen age and below you is a post showing a 15 year old being 'hot' and masculine kek.
>>1985801There were also anons saying that 17 yo ginger who is the son of that Indiana Jones actor is hot.
No. 1985998
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>>1985927>>1985937REEEEEEEEEE I fucking hate this trend so fucking much. I hate facial hair in general but the mullet + stache combo is THE WORST. Can we please bring back clean shaven faces like this
>>1985852? I seriously resent that women are expected to shave our whole bodies but men are too fucking lazy to look neat and clean
>>1985801>A beard is a veil of shame.Nonna you are so based
No. 1986001
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>>1985998Kek reminds me of picrel
No. 1986010
>>1983909. This sentiment exists throughout the website on different threads, but it's a minority though. I think the anon who made the "moid older than 16 is ugly" post saw some of it in different threads itt and that's why she made her claim.
No. 1986012
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>>1985934The ones that look mostly natural aren't too bad tbh, I think the guy on the right in picrel is pretty good looking as far as Kpop idols go. I don't know why the ones like Jimin from BTS are so popular with women when he looks botched as fuck kek
No. 1986021
>>1986010That anon meant teen as in 18-19yo, not fucking 15. You need better reading coprehension if you think
>>1985801 is anon saying men are hot when they are 16. If you could read past the level of a 5th grader, you would be able to understand the point of that post is to debunk the scrote myth that older men are more masculine and stronger, when testosterone actually decreases through age.
No. 1986027
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>>1986005Nope, of course she follows beauty standards and does wonderful makeup, keeps her roots dyed, watches her weight, tedious moments of putting on tight fitted dresses. Next to a fucking goblin elf who cant stretch his face out to not expose his double chin.
No. 1986040
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>>1986027Samefag, if you think this isn't painfully embarrassing you're apart of the psyop
No. 1986044
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What does this even mean. It's making me mad
No. 1986047
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>>1986027I just think it's kind of funny how he liked one direction and now he looks like someone that emanates picrel 24/24
No. 1986048
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>>1986027it's crazy how much uglier he got compared to their old photos while she either looks better or the same
No. 1986058
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>>1986050Kek my father is bald, has a long beard (sometimes he curls up his moustache), hairy, beer gut but also slightly muscular under his fat, has naked mermaids tattoos, gunshot scars, some gold teeth and he's one of the faggiest men i've seen.
I don't know if he had some experience in jail but that didn't stop him from having kids all around the world and apparently he used to be conventionally attractive when he was young.
No. 1986063
File: 1714493223197.png (288.58 KB, 352x609, 58394.png)

>>1985852I hated being a teen and seeing whatever this shit was supposed to be, sorry i know it's not the same as gross beards but it was just so weird.
No. 1986066
File: 1714493312690.png (203.47 KB, 466x524, jPaiR7E.png)

>>1985934speaking of kpop, a few months back a former BTS member J-hope completed a special forces program(picrel) and he's not the only one either. A few other male kpop stars have also managed to complete gruelling special forces programs. just goes to why mandatory physical training for men is needed.
No. 1986078
File: 1714493704973.jpg (50.01 KB, 850x567, desktop-wallpaper-pitbull-musi…)

Another thing i hated was Pitbull. I didn't even cared so much about the half naked women dancing i was just upset about how superfag and old he looked while being surrounded by women. Him and Rotate belong in that YMCA video.
Retarded men with faggot male beauty standards that could never find a woman who genuinely wants to be around them.
No. 1986084
File: 1714493970640.webp (43.59 KB, 727x1010, s-l1200.webp)

>>1986012I'm in college as a burger and a lot of women are into k-pop especially boy-bands. A lot of it is because they are some-what eye candy since they're young and rigorous to appeal to women than anyone here in states. I'm not into it too much, but they definitely raised the standards of a lot of women and I support it. Pic rel is 18 years old
No. 1986086
>>1986021Then why didn't she specify 18 and 19? We all know teen means 13-19, it's a wide range and she could've specifed if she didn't want to get misunderstood. The reading comprehension claim you're making doesn't really work when teen has a fixed definition, not my fault that the anon had a poor choice of words.
>>1986024Fair enough, I was just pointing an anon to where something was said because she was acting obtuse about it ever happening.
No. 1986095
File: 1714494506857.jpg (1.14 MB, 1749x1200, RDT_20240411_17110522470879593…)

I thought this was a hilarious propaganda piece. (Mixed race vs purebred)(racebait)
No. 1986099
File: 1714494709021.webp (1.16 MB, 1500x1000, MK-ZAC-EFRON-JAW-COMP.webp)

Reminder to ignore malding derailers.
Steroids is the worst thing that happened to modern men, they think it will make them attractive but it hard core nerfs them
No. 1986110
>>1986102Yeah, they really be saying shit like
>Men who are at their prime with highest levels of testosterone (16-19)I wouldn't say 16-19 is peak male much less prime kek those are barely adults, wtf
>>1986105My husbando is 20, stop seething
No. 1986114
>>1986100No, too racebaity, sorry. It should be David.
>>1986102>>1986096Nonna, i don't know why you thought she meant early-mid teens age group at all, it was kinda obvious to me that she meant late teens and she said they peak at 21. What she meant is that they're attractive for a very short time.
>>1986105>we are entitled to find legal moids that could break our skull if they want to attractive.This, kek. They're already dangerous rape monkeys at this point.
No. 1986117
>>1986102Second ayrt here
>>1986086. I get it, there are always gonna be retards that make farmers that look bad, but such is the nature of an anonymous ib. At least it doesn’t seem like the OP is actually a pedo despite the questionable wording. I agree that moids hit the wall in their early 20s though kek, with a few exceptions
>>1986105>muh husbandofagsPlease don’t criticize one boogeyman with another, it doesn’t make you look very smart
No. 1986119
File: 1714495593324.png (74.59 KB, 822x210, open a biology book nonny.png)

>>1986110You have a severe lack of reading comprehension. Saying men reach peak testosterone levels aroung 17-19yo is literally, factually true. That doesn't mean you have to fuck 17yos you freak, it just means that moids who say older men are more masculine because they have more testosterone are lying and coping, as they lose testosterone with age.
No. 1986123
>>1986114>>1986119If men peak at 21, which is their
actual prime according to you guys? Hm?
No. 1986142
>>1986119Btw, women reach their peak estrogen level much later. Kek.
>>1986128Yes, it seems so. Arthurfag, liking men who look like they're 50 at the age of 30 is paraphilia. You likely like him for something else, not his decaying appearance, he looks like he could be a dad of an adult guy you could be lusting after instead.
No. 1986152
>>1986099I was never into high school musical but zac was so cute when he was in his early 20s pre beard and that shitty haircut on the right which was already making him look way uglier, but the left pic is really a whole new level of bad
>>1986123their prime is whenever they're past 18 and their hair still isn't balding, some moids go bald by 23 while others keep their hair and general youthfulness for longer, so it's hard to pinpoint for me. it does seem like most of them age out of their looks by 25, and even if they don't, they purposefully start making themselves uglier because they want to be a big boy and not be called a twink anymore and turn themselves into swamp monsters to appeal to other men and display their epic masculinity in the process. I feel like a lot more men would look good for longer if they didn't do the latter. as weirdly as cillian murphy might've aged at least he seems like he didn't give into that bullshit even in his old age which I can respect
No. 1986154
>>1986123I can't find men younger than 21 years old attractive. Before that age, they look like weird, tall children. I'm not even a burger. And men who are older than me don't exist for me. I ignore them as much as I can.
>>1986099I still can't believe that he looks so ugly now. He was so pretty before.
No. 1986168
>>1986152>their prime is whenever they're past 18 and their hair still isn't baldingAgree a lot with this. With your whole post, actually. You're right.
>>1986131Kys, moid.
(infighting) No. 1986198
File: 1714499181205.png (Spoiler Image,297.57 KB, 424x499, Screenshot 2024-04-30 231551.p…)

>>1985707i personally dislike chest hair, i found out the somewhat cute Danish(?) guy that played a Swede from Tall Girl has patchy chest hair i was so repulsed i could shriek.
No. 1986201
>>1986180moids who love drinking and drinking culture are genuinely retarded. literally what is there to be proud about in putting poison into your body and raising your chances of multiple illnesses and an early death
>>1986176they create the impossibly high standards for women in entertainment and models then turn around and say ackshually the girl next door/barista/whatever is better looking than any of them, all while claiming they're more "natural" or whatever when THEY THEMSELVES promote the unnaturally high beauty standards and even those women they claim are "natural" are still wearing makeup or look exceptionally good. it's all so tiresome
>>1986188not that person but it happens to me too both irl and online, the second I say I have any standards for male partners people (both moids and women) try to psyop me into thinking I'm either a pedophile (despite liking men over 20 and my own age) or they're gay or too girly, or they'll try to humble me and tell me I'm not pretty enough to have standards or want a moid I find attractive, when I never even said I need a supermodel moid just someone who is equal to me in terms of grooming themselves. My own mom had this reaction when I showed her my cute nigel years ago by saying he "looks too much like a woman/gay" for having good hair, washing himself and being shaved, and tried to set me up with disgusting ugly moids instead that looked like they don't shower. People will routinely pressure women to settle for ugly men in general (especially ugly men themselves) if you show any standards or go against the grain, and it's part of the psyop. I only had one moid tell me it was a good thing that I had higher standards and even then he still expected me to lower them for him (I didn't)
No. 1986206
>>1985176I swear every Eddie Murphy movie follows this trend too, as does Adam Sandler movies.
>>1985178I've never really seen men fuck women who are uglier than them ever, that only gets thrown around because some men are attracted to fat women and at least a lot of fat women have good fat distribution and a pretty face that could offset the setbacks being overweight can have on their appearance, the same doesn't apply for fat men. I also think it's because men just believe they are all owed a model, so when they see men who are settling for plainer women, they get really mad. I also genuinely believe that the ratio of genuinely ugly women to ugly men is just highly unbalanced, probably 1:9
No. 1986218
>>1985981something about his face looks so punchable
>>1986020not even his body is good enough imo, it looks too stretched out and flat. if you've seen one of those pics where he's turned to the side he looks like a long stick of gum.
No. 1986221
File: 1714500520425.mp4 (Spoiler Image,679.79 KB, 576x1024, saveinsta-cam.mp4)

nonnie real, the makeup gave him more fuller looking lips and the eyebrows and lips combined distracted from less favourable parts of him, like his weird face structure and deep smile lines and the hairstyle saved his fivehead. alas, it's still makeup on a pig.
No. 1986250
File: 1714503190643.jpg (Spoiler Image,144.42 KB, 944x944, KY47038_1.jpg)

>>1986114Don't worry nona i was joking but do you mean the David statue? I don't know why but i felt like looking it up and one of the first results was this, almost felt like crying. Why.
>Classic art is busting out at the seams! If Michelangelo's famous David was resculpted today by someone who'd recently been to a fast food joint, he just might have conjured up this super-sized fellow! Hand-cast in quality designer resin, complete with modesty fig leaf for display in home or garden, there s definitely more to love with this Toscano exclusive!I like how they mention fast food and then put normal ingredients behind the picture, this feels like an AI shitpost…
No. 1986253
File: 1714503620497.png (17.64 KB, 1052x223, mygod.png)

>>1986250Of course some of the comments have to be disgusting but saying that it's even better than the original? I hate fat fetishists.
Also i checked their site and i don't really find anything like this done to female sculptures or other male sculptures, just felt like pointing it out.
No. 1986262
File: 1714504447517.jpg (151.31 KB, 602x1470, 1691634142808806.jpg)

>>1986254Only ugly males hate regular and normal female characters therefore nothing they say matters.
No. 1986279
File: 1714505679671.png (548.38 KB, 693x574, 10.png)

>>1985101>>1985900Look at this, the 10/10 moid could be her uncle while the zoomer couple just looks normal.
I'm 25 so maybe i'm not that young but i don't look 35+ like mr. sun damaged skin with wet pube hair and if he would hit on me before i look remotely close to him i'd feel offended.
I hate moids and their extreme ideas, of course the 10/10 moid has to look like the gigachad meme and the 10/10 woman stays youthful.
No. 1986291
>>1986276Maybe they wanted her to look like shrek so the farting would make sense
No. 1986292
File: 1714506354655.jpeg (149.64 KB, 1042x1304, cho_gue_sung_2.jpeg)

>>1985934This soccer player looks better than 95% of those teeny bopper kpop idols
No. 1986294
File: 1714506433351.png (332.07 KB, 480x460, kratos.png)

>>1986284Kratos was never a looker but they morphed him into an obese biker
No. 1986324
>>1986304It's the way i'm feeling i just can't deny but i've gotta let it go
I found love in the ugly man psyop discussion thread
I found love in the ugly man psyop discussion thread
No. 1986332
File: 1714507660690.jpg (45.77 KB, 600x800, 97a25ccad105c6778543f35982fe27…)

>>1986328i just like cute boys, he looks like he would be fun to dress up in cute matching clothes.
No. 1986341
>>1985282He hit the wall full force and got grotesque cheek injections. Honestly I don’t understand why women find him hot, he’s more of a spergy cute/handsome in movies like drive, la la land and especially half nelson. He looks retarded enough to have to ask you how to do the math to figure out the tip at a restaurant that he insists on paying for. I like dorky young men kek
>>1986305 this is also so true, I think his spergy plainness speaks to moids of all walks of pathetic life so they can easily self insert. It’s funny so many scrotes idolize him in that movie, considering he basically steps in to help parent a white woman’s mixed race child and he isn’t expecting anything in return and just appreciates her company, something that is unfathomable to 99% of these male fans who wanna be a “hero”
No. 1986344
File: 1714508157670.png (2.28 MB, 1658x675, 1711400184709.png)

No. 1986355
>>1986250Nonna, i meant this David
>>1985349 KEK David the cutie, the slaughterer of old scroids
No. 1986372
File: 1714509044956.jpg (238.59 KB, 1396x1396, lel.jpg)

>>1986344It will never not be funny to me that my first exposure to timothlee chamamalt was in the show homeland where he plays the snotty son of the vp of the country, his acting was pretty poor I'm honestly surprised he landed more roles
No. 1986381
File: 1714509294971.jpg (35.06 KB, 612x408, riri.jpg)

>>1986324Post-wall moids in the light
And we're posting side by side
As your reply crosses mine
What it takes to realize
It's the way I'm spergging, I just can't deny
But I've gotta a-log uggos
We found love in the ugly man psyop discussion thread
We found love in the ugly man psyop discussion thread
We found love in the ugly man psyop discussion thread
We found love in the ugly man psyop discussion thread
Shine a light on male baldness pattern
Love and life, I will derail
Turn away 'cause I will shame
Feel the psyop in my mind
It's the way I'm spergging, I just can't deny
But I've gotta a-log uggos
We found love in the ugly man psyop discussion thread
We found love in the ugly man psyop discussion thread
We found love in the ugly man psyop discussion thread
We found love in the ugly man psyop discussion thread
Post-wall moids in the light
And we're posting side by side
As your reply crosses mine
We found love in the ugly man psyop discussion thread
We found love in the ugly man psyop discussion thread
We found love in the ugly man psyop discussion thread
We found love in the ugly man psyop discussion thread
We found love in the ugly man psyop discussion thread
We found love in the ugly man psyop discussion thread
We found love in the ugly man psyop discussion thread
We found love in the ugly man psyop discussion thread
No. 1986397
File: 1714509990481.jpg (167.39 KB, 1190x916, lukashenko brothers.jpg)

Moids will call women in their 20s pedos for preferring the 19 year old on the left and not going for the 48 year old on the right. Modern day animator fatso men and tumblrina TIFs will model "hot" men after the one on the right and write them as 19 too because neither of them can stand the idea of drawing a man that makes them question their "validity" as men or retarded fakeboi-ism.
No. 1986399
File: 1714510112238.jpg (82.78 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

My first interaction with Ugly Man PsyOp was everyone on tumblr trying to convince me that Jeff Blim was attractive, like he's not hideous but he's not attractive and I'll die on that hill.
No. 1986408
File: 1714510514007.jpeg (48.47 KB, 736x1472, Lockscreen _ Xiaojun.jpeg)

>>1985948Holy shit anon i thought you were me. Not a kfag but there are so many more "normal" Looking guys in cpop compared to kpop. They get whitewashed to hell in videos but nonedited pics show that they are attractive. Kpop idols keep getting fillers in their lips and cheeks which never look good. I havent seen that trend in chinese boyband members.
Anyhow today, some men at work (same age as me, 23 24ish) talked about sunscreen not being appropriate for them as they are "not gonna apply lotion on their face like a girl". I wanted to say i can tell they don't use it from their forehead wrinkles so bad. I can't believe the man in the pic is the same age as them. At this point they are TRYING to be uglier. Never date a man who is older and never date a man who refuses to do basic skincare.
No. 1986409
File: 1714510514565.jpg (99.84 KB, 1500x1000, joseph-baena-arnold-schwarzene…)

>>1986402joseph is no chad imo hes a butterface
No. 1986411
File: 1714510551275.png (1.4 MB, 800x1333, iO0qkVq.png)

>>1986402tbf the fat one also started looking like him when he lost some weight, proving once guys being fat for men is literally a matter of choice.
No. 1986416
File: 1714510751794.jpg (884.32 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-04-30-23-45-24…)

Not to sperg but men will really look at this and call a 20 year old girl pedo for liking this instead of pedro pascal. Asia is a shithole (semi asian myself) but this is smt they did right.
No. 1986429
>>1986416literally all it takes for an average scrote to be this cute is
>basic hygene>basic fashion sensei know a lot of women would fight to death to get to date some guy who looks sightly mall goth
No. 1986430
File: 1714511420170.png (1.75 MB, 1720x1167, OiKcIf9.png)

speaking of Schwarzenegger and extrmeely related to this thread, his youngest son(and who is looking imo) played the main villain in the film moxxie, and out of everyone in this thread, that film was urironic Ugly Man PsyOp
Speaking of Schwarzenegger and extremely related to this thread his youngest son (who imo is the best looking) played the main villain in the film moxie. Out of every thing in this thread, that film was unironically a Ugly Man PsyOp. So this marketed its-self as a feminist "riot grrl" film and the whole thing was literally a way to launch the career of the producer's daughter. It was about a young group of women who start a feminist zine to fight against the patriarchy. In the film patriarchy is only enforced by white football jocks and no one else and I'm sure there are misogynistic football players in the world but the way the film portrays them is cartoonish. Also normal WOC simply do not exist either in this film's universe and there's a lot of shit with this movie but one thing that matters is that the one good male in the film's narrative is this guy. Now this is a psy-op.
No. 1986433
File: 1714511596756.png (Spoiler Image,832.27 KB, 608x722, moid.png)

>>1986427Tbf that photo is odd, with the stomach so deflated and shit. It's completely fair if you don't like muscles but I think his body is tame compared to the roidtards on every single online space nowadays. I just think it's good eyecandy, not the best body type though. Plus it makes fat moids seethe. Spoiled because scrote body
No. 1986484
File: 1714514390954.webp (119.66 KB, 1000x1000, _V2f_omsbCV-y-47VBOBTqf7pUEG9F…)

>>1982591You're right. As time goes by kpop idols look more and more fucking plastic. They wear all this makeup, and hack off jawlines, eyelids and noses to look like fucking gormless ai generated aliens. I guess they make effort but not in the way I like. Naturally handsome Koreans/east asians will always look better than them, thats why k actors are more popular.
(no kpop) No. 1986486
File: 1714514513112.png (173.3 KB, 274x374, i got your nose.png)

>>1986484what the actual fuck is wrong with this one?
No. 1986500
File: 1714515356816.jpeg (99.46 KB, 1000x550, 1700615236-riize-seunghan.jpeg)

hot(no kpop)
No. 1986510
>>1986500thats the same michael jackson fag as
>>1986486 ? he doesnt look that bad there. I think i have a fetish for the male version of a bimbo/egirl where they get enough plastic surgery to look like sex dolls but not enough to get on 'Botched!'.
No. 1986520
File: 1714516127085.jpg (236.35 KB, 768x434, RIIZE-WonBin-Solo-Concept-Phot…)

>>1986500the real baddie from that group is this guy imo
No. 1986529
File: 1714516788696.jpg (107.67 KB, 564x1002, germandude.jpg)

Moids are so ugly nowadays that it makes me want to
murder them for assaulting my eyes
>>1986292Might be the first korean moid I've been attracted to, goddamn. Great body. Those idols should strive to look like this.
>>1986294Kek a 23 year old moid in my uni looks like the right. If I was him, I'd kill myself.
>>1986341I feel you nona. I was most attracted to him in The Notebook.
>>1986397I love young blond hotties in uniform.
No. 1986532
File: 1714516992225.jpg (80.52 KB, 563x846, 67d4f10b2f7ab4e23b88f4d5ee0c0d…)

All 26 year old moids should look like this.(no kpop)
No. 1986573
File: 1714521174947.jpg (2.01 MB, 2880x2880, 20240501_025112.jpg)

Turkish drama is part of the psyop imo. All the female leads are beautiful while the male leads look like monkeys. The worst part is they're usually written by women. My mom and older sister and aunts all watch this shit and eat it up. The stories aren't even good, it's all abusive weird shit romanticized to the maximum.
No. 1986584
File: 1714521986266.jpg (414.53 KB, 1466x1610, 1000004366.jpg)

>>1986573I hate that shit so much. I need a version of this with
>Romance revealed to be
>Abusive bullshit No. 1986588
File: 1714522215477.jpeg (153.96 KB, 1200x678, IMG_4784.jpeg)

>>1986221Not a clownfucker but he’s decently attractive and accurate to the comics, meanwhile joker just keeps getting uglier and uglier in film adaptations. I hate barry keoghan so much it’s unreal
No. 1986595
File: 1714522690594.gif (2.92 MB, 540x250, kurt kotler.gif)

>>1986529Not a natural blonde, and a depressing as all hell movie, but rupert friend as kurt kotler in the boy with the striped pajamas looked handsome. he was like 25 here. there are 0 moids in their 20s that look like this now in hollywood. kms
>>1986542In my defense, mine is just from a movie kek
No. 1986609
File: 1714523576126.png (176.83 KB, 364x401, 675849.png)

>>1986588That's not Joker what the fuck that's the Oogie Boogie kek i bet that Harley Quinn is not as hideous
No. 1986633
File: 1714525033110.jpg (130.77 KB, 780x490, 1497474390780Protagonistas de …)

>>1986573Ugh turkish dramas are so dogshit. This show used to be very popular in my country. A considerable part of the show's plot was the ginger lady fighting with other women over this ugly balding "Sultan". At least some of the other male actors were handsome.
No. 1986731
File: 1714537234742.jpg (38.79 KB, 500x625, 8voz1rwhp0361.jpg)

one of the biggest ugly male psyops ever
No. 1986734
File: 1714537640722.jpg (237.83 KB, 746x654, dean-and-sam-1.jpg)

>>1986656>The optimal amount of muscle and fat to look good is something like Jensen Ackles in s1 of Supernatural.He also had an optimal face.
Say what you want about Supernatural's quality but they singehandedly fought the psyop for a long, long time. We got 15 seasons of nonsense specifically because nobody wanted to lose some actual hot male leads.
No. 1986749
File: 1714538917684.jpg (42.1 KB, 600x800, 187471.jpg)

>>1986573All I know about Turkish dramas, was mom's and grandmas going crazy over this guy in Mexico
No. 1986785
>>1986588oh wow, now he really looks like he fell into a vat of
toxic chemicals
No. 1986802
File: 1714546395995.webp (195.65 KB, 500x286, IMG_3691.webp)

>>1986344The downgrade is fucking INSANE. I’ve been watching a lot of old movies and this is the standard we used to have, there were uggos for sure (especially in noir films) but nowhere near this bad. We used to have proper Chads with jawlines, now we’re stuck with beta males with weak chins and butterfaces like Elordi are made out to be peak of attractiveness.
No. 1986822
File: 1714550043134.png (423.94 KB, 600x400, rata.png)

>>1986044since pixar movies became a huge hit, the dowgy big nosed non-treatening jewish guy became the disney standard male protagonist. So the girls stayed the same, cute and big eyed, but the guys now all look like -that- instead of handsome princes. I hate it with a passion
No. 1986906
File: 1714560028273.png (26.66 KB, 1043x225, CAPTURE.png)

How many games and shows does this describe?
No. 1986966
File: 1714566212892.webp (102.77 KB, 1200x675, IMG_3694.webp)

>>1986951This was part of the psyop. This moid is fugly and yet he had two pretty sisters fighting over him, the forced sexual tension between him and Kate was laughable.
No. 1986983
>>1986975topkek every
nonnie itt is a poet of some kind
No. 1986995
File: 1714568827516.webp (100.5 KB, 1600x1067, IMG_4817.webp)

>>1986966This is the moid love interest in the new season, why have a romance show aimed at women if you’re gonna cast males who are so fucking ugly
No. 1987114
File: 1714577607467.png (359.43 KB, 603x606, ma dong-seok.png)

anyone remember remember when this troll was shilled of for a few months after the train to busan>
No. 1987124
File: 1714578799250.png (578.44 KB, 603x605, 767658.png)

>>1986310it was taken in 2015. it's insane that someone could look that much worse when he's not even 30 yet. It honestly feels like it's mostly because of him getting fat and getting that shitty ass hair style and facial hair. the gf looks better despite being slightly older than him (she's 32). it really is a psyop when males like this could've looked normal and be semi passable twinks (he was never that good looking, but still), but choose to deform themselves as soon as possible instead. feels like it's either that or trooning out with most of them
No. 1987172
File: 1714582611098.mp4 (1.97 MB, 674x1198, reemyskater.mp4)

>>1986088vidrel is black skater i thought was cute
No. 1987195
File: 1714583575039.jpeg (246.99 KB, 750x604, IMG_0290.jpeg)

how much you guys wanna bet that her boyfriend is sinfully ugly
No. 1987259
File: 1714587541315.gif (11.55 MB, 281x498, IMG_9986.gif)

>>1987227what is with fat redditor hambeasts thinking their neckbeard husbands are a luck of the draw? it makes no sense and it upsets me when other women gush about their boyfriends only to reveal he looks like a human gijinka of a sloppy joe sandwich
No. 1987264
>>1987259A lot of fat women are brainwashed to believe they're unable to get better so they end up whoring themselves to any moid that gives them attention and when(if) they do get into a stable relationship they jump through hoops to try to convince themselves how great their ugly lazy bf is
Not a fan of fatties but I will admit a lot of gym bros and decent looking men are chubby chasers. If these women are facially attractive they could've just snagged a gym bro or something
No. 1987362
>>1987197reemyskater on IG, its in the file name kek, the reel isn't from his socials tho , he wasn't tagged in it and he was such a dick about it in the comments.
No. 1987395
>>1986734Kek, you're right. I remember when they were trying to end it at like season 4 or 5, but the fans went insane over Jensen and Jared.
>>1986749His forehead is huge. I bet he'll start balding early too.
No. 1987425
>>1985271>>1985280wait no fucking way that's qoves? he says in his vids how he used to be a model/be in the modelling industry i forgot kek. he also said he dated models, like runway models have some standards at least right?
>>1985282even when i was a pickme i didn't find him physically attractive, more like mentally if that makes any sense. i always thought he was appealing to women because he usually portrays wifeguys, or like the cool assassin who protects women or whatever. nona's right he's literally not Ken at all because ken's deal is being a HOT himbo not just a guy women like.
>>1985290doesn't look like her at all so i don't think so but i wouldn't be surprised because i think she's a bit of a pickme in terms of men's looks like anything goes as long as theyre christian (i do like her but she gives off this vibes to me)
No. 1987452
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we don't deserve this.
No. 1987499
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>>1987425I’m so sad they didn’t cast someone like picrel as Ken. After Schumer turned down the role of Barbie they casted one of the most attractive women in Hollywood, but we were stuck with old balding scrote. Moids already think the movie is manhating so imagine the seething if Ken was played by someone who moggs 99% of them.
No. 1987507
>>1987445>cockhead shapesI hate ugly dicks so much so I agree with you
nonnie. Why are they never scrutinized for their nasty brown worms and saggy elephant skin ballsacks
No. 1987559
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>>1987445I love objectifying men nonna, you're not alone
No. 1987581
>>1987564I read that book for the first time when I was 15, It's really a great read and most of it resonated with me. My use of the word "eunuch" was intentional and influenced by said work. Kek now I'm speaking like a copyright lawyer for some reason. Anyway it's a cool book all
nonnie's should read. It tackles the topics frequently discussed in this thread without being too hippie about it. You'll realise how deep the psy-op is.
No. 1987604
>>1987452for all the internet talks about Pedro Pascal being so hot and so dreamy, fauxmoi or popculture chat had a thread about hot men they have a crush on and few weeks ago and guess what? no one posted Pedro Pascal or Cillian Murphy or any of the other current "dreamy soft
faggots men of their dreams" they were actually good looking clean athletic men, though there was someone who posted young Tom Selleck. women need to stop coddling these ugly moids
No. 1987639
>>1987509it's funny because moids got offended by it regardless and acted like it was so misandrist or whatever when it wasn't
>>1987452he literally just looks like a regular old uncle, there is nothing remarkable about his looks. I hate how women are expected to like moids like this just because they're "nice" or whatever.
>>1987361agreed, it's based that they make the moids have to go through that too instead of just the women. it's weird how the misogyny of the west is so large they're willing to ignore a massive female demographic and money they could get
No. 1987654
>>1987452I am so sick of this man being pushed as hot by women and gays with low self esteem. He's completely unappealing in every way.
>>1987639Could we really get some hot guys shilled to us in the west nowadays though? I feel like the psyop is so strong that there will be so many women doubling down on their love for ugly men and bragging about it so hard, leading to us being put to square one.
No. 1987664
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Speaking od korean shit. A Netflix k-drama is gonna feature a 33 yo female idol kissing this 38 yo bug faced guy.
No. 1987670
File: 1714611630298.jpg (2.21 MB, 2880x2880, 20240502_035954.jpg)

>>1987664Their faces side by side. I don't find her attractive but she's too pretty to be kissing this thing.
No. 1987690
>>1987445Oh my GOD yes, 100%! Can I be your friend nona? Kek. Back in high school I had a best friend that used to objectify guys with me, we'd really pick them apart and go into all of the details too and overshare with each other, it was so much fun. Now as an adult, I feel like every friend I've had is too shy to talk about horny shit or even make fun of men. Like you said, it feels like anytime I comment about a man's body it's either "Aww I kinda like dad bods" or "Oh, I don't like pretty men" or "Haha awww, he's such a sweetie though" Like, WTF? I have a new friend I've become close with over the past few years, and recently I was joking around like "If men only knew the stuff us women talk about, I think we're actually worse than them sometimes haha" and she was just like "Oh, yeah, haha actually I always feel weird talking about that stuff"
(???) Like, man, I just really miss having a buddy to make fun of men and get into the real dirty stuff with. It makes me feel like I'm a freak or weird for bringing up pervy stuff kek
No. 1987865
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>>1986734supernatural definitely pushed the ugly man psyop, but only from season 4 and afterwards, through the abomination that is picrel. i will never forgive misha collins for ruining the show, or the autistic mob of tumblr aidens who bought into and pushed the meme of castiel as the "cute angel".
No. 1987980
John Mulaney has to be the worst case of the ugly man psyop ever. Tumblr had a collective crush on this man for nearly a decade but he was average at best, a literal drug addict and a cheater.
He wasn't even that funny. Men love to sperg about how much women suck at comedy, but so many mediocre comedians get pushed as heartthrobs.
No. 1988815
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Post wall edition
Why are people posting actually attractive males they wanna fuck irl?
No. 1988831
>>1987865Honestly not really, he wasn't supposed to be in the series for long iirc but fangirls were SO desperate for a non incest ship they latched onto him and never let go. I doubt they ever expected him to get so popular.
Actually I guess he's a symptom of the old man psyop, because if tv studios were in the habit of automatically hiring young cute men for random parts (the way they do with women), it wouldn't be a problem that they decided to keep him on for another decade. He was cute enough when he was young, but they hired him way too late in life to stay cute.
No. 1989060
>>1988815Why do males always get this shitty hairstyle and beard as soon as they get older instead of just retaining their old style. I get that they go bald but so many of them do this shit while they still have hair
>>1988919I don't think it garantees anything but my nigel can't grow one and he still isn't bald and ugly in his mid 20s despite being a white man so maybe you're onto something
No. 1989090
Perfect example of the psyop why does each guy keep getting worse
No. 1989092
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Maybe this is more of a vent but recently I've dreaming about a highschool classmate that back in the day reminded me so much of Andrew VanWyngarden from MGMT. He was so cute, nice curly hair, soft features, short. I googled him today and he became bald with a shit ton of hair on his arms and some stubble too. Twink death is so real. Kinda curious to contact him again to see if he still plays OSU but I doubt it, he's now an ACT therapist and looks more rugged. Sigh. He really was cute.
No. 1989093
>>1988919No. As I mention here
>>1989092 it's not the beard, it's how many physical hairs he has on the rest of his body. As a rule of thumb, the hairier he is everywhere else the baldier he will get. Idk why it works like that but it really does.
No. 1989131
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>>1989060>Why do males always get this shitty hairstyle and beard as soon as they get older instead of just retaining their old styleGod I know right? It's either that anons pic or some bullshit like picrel. It's like it's either those options or completely bald moids, no in-between. It's so bleak for us nonnas whose main options are white scrotes kek
No. 1989236
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So i just watched the movie “Her” (2013) today, it’s about a moid who falls in love with his AI (like a Alexa/Siri, it doesn’t have a body). He is an unremarkable, ugly porn addict gamer yet has no issue scoring women and they just become obsessed with him.
>> the mfer looks like this kek
No. 1989239
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>>1989236One of the women is played by Olivia Wilde
No. 1989243
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>>1989236I hate this actor so much, it makes me seethe when I remember he's married and has kids with Rooney Mara. He looks like a fucking homeless bum next to her, she could do so much better than his geriatric ass
No. 1989256
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Idk what this chart means but my ex best friend completely transformed into this after he dropped out of college at 26. His personality completely changed too. He "went to therapy" and smokes a lot of weed too
No. 1989264
>>1989259Latin America?
In my Latin American country schools are obsessed with males never having longer than 5cm hair.
No. 1989278
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There was no reason for Luanne to have to wind up with this ugly 38 year old man. Really soured the end of the series. They could have easily made him 10+ years younger without changing anything but instead they made him nearly as old as Hank. As the show went on the women all got serious character downgrades and Nancy doesn't even get to keep fucking Redcorn, the only hot man in the series.
No. 1989281
>>1989236And male robots are always ugly in movies.
bio males are so jealous
No. 1989301
>>1989090Black women please love yourselves and don't obsess over these naked molerat looking things. I've never seen anyone thirst over MICHAEL CERA before, I thought the whole point of him is that he plays the ugly character. The bar is truly in hell.
>>1989256kek this looks EXACTLY like a bi dude i knew who was addicted to meth for awhile.
I thought topright was him actually. No. 1989398
>>1989131kek that picture looks so much like a ton of men I know. I had a man that looks like that confess to me and he could've looked 10 times more attractive if he just grew his hair out and shaved the beard. I know so many moids in general who refuse to actively groom themselves then turn around and cry about how they've never had a gf or how women are so unfair and cruel to them lol, meanwhile they expect every woman to be a perfect 10. everyday I get more thankful my nigel hates facial hair and actually wants to look young and cute instead of this shit. feels like it's insanely rare outside of maybe asian men for a man to want to preserve his youthful looks. there should be more variety in white men in general with more of them being willing to be straight and cute/pretty types, I feel like it'd lower the amount of them that end up trooning out too since some of them believe they aren't men anymore just because they don't want to be a roidpig, bald or this soy boy beta beard type.
>>1989090shit like this is why I thought I was a lesbian when I was younger
>>1989256they're hideous, no wonder they hate women lol
No. 1989555
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>>1986542NTA but sadly the Nazis had some handsome men in their ranks and propaganda, better looking than moids nowadays
If I am not mistaken in Triumph of the will they have lots of footage of soldier that I would consider rather homoerotic that, with lots of close up on young hot moids
(baiting) No. 1989629
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>>1989555Most Germans are ugly, the fact that you give in into cherrypicked moids in SS uniforms is psyop in itself. The actual Nazis looked more like picrel. The attractive one was Werner Goldberg, and he was half Jewish.
No. 1989640
>>1989555>NTA but sadly the Nazis had some handsome men in their ranks and propaganda, better looking than moids nowadays >Triumph of the will had good looking moidsliterally buying into third reich propaganda movies kek, you are retarded
No. 1989668
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>>1989640nta the point is that literally every sort of political faction, from the nazis, communists, maoists etc gave their people a fit male ideal to aspire to. It was borderline enforced in some cases. but for some inexplicable reason western liberals and factions on most sides deem it bad and consider enforcing any sort of fitness and beuaty to be literally evil(picrel is from the soviet union btw)
No. 1989925
>>1989278I've never gotten over this, there's even an episode where Buck Strickland proposes to her and she rejects him with a "ewww no, you're old, I like young handsome guys with hair".
>the women all got serious character downgradesShe was good at fixing cars!! Why did they drop that storyline?! Sorry for ot but I'm passionate about King of the Hill kek
No. 1989978
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>>1989668okay, but what happened to communies in the west then? why do they reject the few real good things communist states actually implemented.
(derailing) No. 1990000
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>>1986731greys anatomy is an abomination from start to finish but i raise you one better
No. 1990002
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>>1989555>nazis were hotI mean, I’m sure there were a few handsome ones but if you look at old photographs the vast majority were ugly. No blonde hair, no blue eyes, just big foreheads and dumb haircuts. I recently watched the zone of interest and it was pretty accurate to what actual ss officers/nazi officials actually looked like unlike their usual depiction in films.
No. 1990140
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This scrote being lusted over on twitter is proof that all old men need to look decent is to be thin/fit, shave their faces, and have nice hair. It’s literally just his hair and the fact that he isn’t fat that people are calling him “old twink “didn’t escape twink death” “dilf” “hot older man”. He is 43 and facially he looks it, imagine how gollumesque he’d look bald
No. 1990252
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Imagine my surprise discovering that this potato faced uggo is 31 kek, I thought he was way older
I guess it is karma for being a cheating scrote
No. 1990283
>>1989914>I went to Germany and I did notice that the men are better lookingAre you blind by any chanc-
>than what I am used to seeing (British moids)I'm so sorry
nonny. You should just get better standards, german moids are just one step above british ones but still atrocious. Even the very rare square jawed cute ones either age like absolute shit, have horrible hygiene or start balding at 23.
No. 1990303
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>>1990279i feel this for both drinking and smoking. no matter what, i have never bought into the French moid psyop bc of how repulsive smoking makes you, smokers smell quite bad and why would you make out with picrel(
photo of disgusting medical condition, be warned)?
No. 1990354
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find men your age anon. they will be young, attractive, fit she said. they won’t be political retards, she said. they won’t look like fugly generic blobs, she said. all lies; all men are unforgivable fuggos, although the fatty in the front looking like young julius caesar thinking he’s a badass (not a compliment) makes me chuckle. it’s over for us female youngins
No. 1990390
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>>1990376I saw this while scrolling YouTube shorts. Of course he's trying to grow facepubes to fool women.
No. 1990396
>>1989495That chart sounds hilarious please post it so I can laugh
>>1990390That's a really bad case of low T and mouth breathing. Guy needs surgical intervention that has to be causing him a shit tonne of issues.
No. 1990413
File: 1714834276968.webp (58.54 KB, 1272x716, mylovestory-1272x716.webp)

Does anyone remember this anime? Looking back it was all part of the psyop, to think it was published in a shoujo manga by a woman, they're not even hiding it anymore.
No. 1990435
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>>1990354>>1990355>>1990415Confirms my theory that moids are normally racist because they want a distraction from the fact that they're losers.
>"yeah I'm an uggo, work at a mediocre job, and can't get a girlfriend but at least I'm not a nigger! Now I'm gonna make monkey noises at that woman even though I technically have more neanderthal DNA with a broken x-chromsome called a 'y'!"fuckin' losers.
No. 1990447
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>>1990428anon has never fondled a cute weakling scrote and has never tried to crush him with your big body. need boney bf who trembles his scrawny anemic arms but also has growing lanklet abs trying his hardest to hit my walls with maximum efficiency
No. 1990448
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>>1990413Alot of shoujo/josei mangas have weird psyops like this to psyop women into wanting uglies, being groomed or red-flags.
I mean one of the most popular josei mangas is usagi drop whoch has one of the most gross dissappinting groomer ending.
Its actually kinda sad how the most most popular josei is some mediocre old moid who gets with his step-daught
Sometimes it feels like even women try to groom other women into being okay with men being predators or being ugly and mangas are a effective way to do it.
No. 1990455
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>>1990452>regardless of what sexyou faggots have clearly never stepped foot in /g/ before. let me hornypost
No. 1990468
>>1990355>>1990396>femboy>low TIs this thread filled with gay moids or what? Why the hell are you using a term (femboy) that trannys and gay men reffer to?
And why are you blaming a genetic orthodontal issue on low T, it reminds me of men who blame everything on T because they are lazy moids who dont want to fix their appearance or admit that their genetics are shit.
No. 1990485
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>>1990448To me this story (in the manga) is actually disturbing because in the beginning of the story they try to pass it off as normal cute story of a father and his daughter which attracts female readers but then near the end the author reveals their sick thoughts and basically destroys this story by making it creepy when she becomes a teenager.
It really makes you wonder if this was the authors intention since the beginning.
I feel sorry for japanese women.
No. 1990505
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>>1990495Lmao what??? Dont backtrack rat after you got caught using that tranny term. If you really are a woman then stop using that term because there is so many other words that you can use to reffer to men as beautiful or handsome instead of using femboy.
Picrel is a example of what ppl think femboy is. (May need eyebleach after)
No. 1990509
>>1990507It was shitted out by the bowels of porn culture, see what
>>1990505 said
No. 1990512
File: 1714838367341.jpg (115.76 KB, 1080x1392, 1714810699956.jpg)

if geriatric moids aren't killing themselves the least they can do is NOT subject the rest of the populace to such display of ugliness, wish he kept the face mask tho
No. 1990513
>>1990508>>1990505Not everyone is the same person.
>>1990509Moids don't dictate what I do or say so I don't really care.
No. 1990522
>>1990513Wdym words have meaning. Or do words have no meaning for you because you haven't evolved into the homo sapiens route yet.
You see when you use a word used by gay/bi and tranny men used to reffer to a specific man and you using that word to reffer to pretty men leads to the psyop of "all men that are pretty are homos or look like homos" which men created.
(infighting) No. 1990527
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>>1990514>deticated femboyI dont think these anorexic crossdressing gay men want you anon.
No. 1990530
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>>1990527>I'm 14, should I date a femboy?Gen Alpha is doomed.
No. 1990532
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>>1990507>>1990514this is feminine? i mean he's less ugly than the other guys, but feminine?
No. 1990552
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>>1990261Being ideologically molested faggots shan't exempt handsome males from brutal objectification. Male opinions don't matter, their only worth is being eye candy.
No. 1990557
>>1990536>Anon, remember that age and uglinees = masculinity is part of the psy op.Exactly this. Men are insecure and they love calling any man who is younger than 30 and has a nice face a "femboy" or a "twink" because they see those men as competition and they want to label them as being gay and thats why they use labels only used by gays and trannies such as femboy and twink towards pretty men.
It also doesn't help that the anons calling normal men as femboys also sound like trannies like this one for example
>>1990447 No. 1990578
>>1990532this is an average twink
>>1990535exactly, and they smell bad and behave like apes on top of that any woman who doesn't mind this shit is either brainwashed or needed a drinking buddy herself. most women actually hate seeing their bf/husband drunk
No. 1990684
>>1990476>>1990468>Is this thread filled with gay moids or what? I feel it has been since the third thread now at least
>>1990542like there's one dedicated troll contentiously asserting that young non-obese/steroid-ridden males are "feminine"
No. 1990699
File: 1714851550853.jpg (101.39 KB, 698x768, incelchart.jpg)

>>1990413I remember this anime, definitely part of the psyop since you were supposed to think he's a good match for her despite his looks iirc. What
>>1990466 said is so true also, it's why it's ridiculous that incels claim women only care about looks when almost all women have to settle with some moid uglier and more unkempt than themselves.
>>1990396it was posted in this thread or one of the old ones, but here you go
>>1990140this guy is 43? Just looking at this picture I thought he was in his 50s at least. And this one
>>1990252 being 31 is also baffling to me like jesus males really age like milk.
>>1990532he's kinda cute
No. 1990755
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>>1990448The biggest shills for the old men psyop are mentally ill women unfortunately. Especially in the arts world. So many women think making a love story with an ugly old man is groundbreaking. Sofia Coppola and Lana del rey are the worst examples of this.
Sofia Copolla won an Oscar for pairing up ScarJo with Bill Murrays haggard ass. Sofia Coppola even dated Quentin Tarantino. Both her and Lana come from rich families but they both get shilled as voices for women and pander ddlg/sugar baby fantasies
No. 1990773
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>>1990752This is unironically true.
Also jealousy aside, alot of those type of men have pseudo-bisexuality where they get attracted to trap porn which then leads to them forming a fetish for femboys aka crossdressers.
You would be surprised at the amount of conservative/traditionalist/redpill men who are into trap porn.
There is also a new anime series thats basically femboy pedo-bait and the majority of viewers are men.
No. 1990793
File: 1714859852957.png (1.03 MB, 1224x563, 46546433.png)

Some stuff here reminded me of Ghost World. I usually avoid movies that give me pedo vibes no matter what and i was in a time where i just felt like checking out movies about teenagers.
It's been some time since i've seen it but basically there are these two teenagers who decide to make fun of a loser man, then somehow the one with glasses ends up falling in love with him, there's even a scene where she wears some latex cat mask, so weird, and all of this is done by their own hands.
I'm not big on filmbro's opinions but it didn't seem like other viewers were as weirded out as me, don't get if there was anything deeper about it or just another excuse to place degeneracy in movies, also the man was played by Steve Buscemi.
No. 1990795
>>1990738yes, I literally saw the exact scenario you described with cloud play out lol. I've also seen moids call themselves femboys if they gave a shit about their looks or style in any way, or if they perceived themselves to be "submissive" compared to the average moid. It's just vile how they associate submissiveness with femaleness and also act like a man not looking disgusting makes him a woman
>>1990755I never got into lana del ray but so many women I know from school are into her, the only thing I know about her is this shit so it weirds me out how much they love her
No. 1990805
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>>1990797Nta but partly it's because to them when the moids are young they're seen more androgynous (softer body, higher voice, no body hair), as they age they become more masculine and still, in fiction it's so stupid because if you can draw tshirts that stick to boob shapes then you can draw a man that looks like a grown woman and call it a trap, but that doesn't have the same charm to them so it is all basically a pedophilia excuse, also remember that these kind of moids are ones that get off to the idea of innocence being stripped away so they're okay with seeing pervesion flowing around like that.
And this makes all the moid who call normal skinny/hairless/pretty guys femboys even more stupid and pornrotted.
No. 1990806
File: 1714861300482.jpg (97.36 KB, 750x750, tumblr_2eb0647aee0b207c1de14a9…)

>>1990527This is emetic. Why can't modern men be feminine without being faggots? Porn and anime culture completely fried their brains, making them see everything through a hentai vista. My porn star acquaintance does femboy porn, and he dresses exactly like the fags shown here. Gross!!! We will never have anything close to Atsushi back.
No. 1990815
>>1990803With the way so many of them bend over backwards to defend trannies over women I'd say that's not far fetched, tons of male weebs think futa is "hot" too while claiming to be totally straight, and their whole retarded meme of "are traps gay??" wouldn't even be a thing if all of them were actually straight. the only men I know that defend trannies less and don't give a fuck about traps are actually straight and feel put off by the futa and trap shit but they're a minority in comparison
>>1990806You're so right nonna, he was so beautiful in his prime but nowadays men either choose the femboy aesthetic or trooning out
>>1990812>"this is my first time fapping to a boy"so gross
No. 1990831
>>1990812Iirc they paid a pixiv artist to draw the manga and then adapted the story using those designs.
Looking it up, the original novels had him looking more like an anime boy.
No. 1991561
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I really hate the fact that this fugly moid will be the lead in the next Bridgerton season. The series is meant to be the ultimate female fantasy, and yet we get garbage like this and all the show fans hype him up as if he was hot shit