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No. 1930878
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1811472A thread for sharing things that are too nasty to discuss in polite company, aka TMI (Too Much Information). Do you have a weird habit? An embarrassing health issue? Just want to admit something gross? Feel free to post it here.
Things could get unsightly in here, so remember– the hide button on threads is there for a reason.
No. 1935945
I have good hygiene, I clean myself carefully every day, but I keep getting what looks like dead skin buildup on my nipples or rather "in" since they are flat/inverted type. Currently I use lotion with chemical peel in it every now and then, but I am worried this might be dangerous. It doesn't seem to be hyperkeratosis. I can't find anything on Google it's all just vomit-inducing nipple surgery shit and advanced cases of skin conditions. I'm wondering if my bras' synthetic material is at fault, since it all began when I started wearing bras from what I remember… But going braless is not an option, so I just don't know what to do.
>>1934587I'm starting to wonder what the hell is wrong with other people's spicy foods because I presumably have IBS but spicy doesn't bother me even though everyone else seems to have so many horror stories about spicy food shits. Also you all need to start drinking peppermint twice a day.
>>1935641If you are around 20-21 you might be developing lactose intolerance like another anon said. We rarely hear about it but many people start having gut problems around this age. Also drink some peppermint
No. 1937306
>>1937296Everyone knows girls don’t shit teehee
>ewwww sisterTalk normal
No. 1938599
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Got invited out tonight for a relative's birthday and it's at this one restaurant where literally every single time I've been there in the past I get hit with a wave of explosive diarrhea right after the meal. I either have to go blow up the bathroom at the restaurant for 20 minutes or painfully hold it the entire trip home depending on the timing of when it hits. Currently praying to any god up there my organs decide not to hate me tonight
No. 1938669
>>1938615I don't mind eating out if it's like breakfast or a little treat but I hate going out for dinner, it's like my body just decides to act up for no reason kek. I can't really take it to go because I'm driving there with my family in the same car so we all have to leave together otherwise I'd excuse myself early
>>1938634This is what I was planning to do KEK it has to be better than nothing
No. 1939426
nonnie i have heard that if you go for a walk about 30-60 mins after you eat it helps your gut release all the gasses casually so you might actually not feel or smell them since youre not backed up with gas
No. 1941671
BTW i had a friend who doesnt have a gallbladder either and found out after years only that she had celiacs also. Maybe it didn't sit right because of the flour. Just putting this out there in case it applies.
No. 1942842
>>1942783>>1942788>>1942798>>1942802>>1942803>>1942812He didn't notice and I left the door to the apartment open to air it out a bit but warned him to stay away from me and not to follow me if I bolt to another room. He's asleep now and I have my ass facing away from him.
These farts a vile lmao by far the worst farts I've ever had, this gas was not worth the craving being satiated
No. 1942867
>>1942849I was just thinking if I could be safe eating cauliflower instead of brocolli in the future, thank you for answering my question lmao.
This is straight up sulfur
No. 1943562
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Nonnas, listen to my shameful, gross confession. I have a pair of in-ear headphones, the bluetooth kind that charges with its little case. There's some pins that connect to the earbud when they're inside the case, kind of like picrel. I thought the battery was on its way out, because I'd leave them to charge only to find them still at low battery more often than not. Anyways, I decide to see what could be causing it. Turns out the inside of the charging case was so caked up in layers of old, greasy earwax that the pins were completely clogged, as well as the ports on the earbuds themselves. They weren't making contact because of the layer of earwax that I'd allowed to build up over the three years I've owned them. I did notice the inside of the case was getting a little gross, but it didn't look that bad, so I kept getting lazy and not cleaning them… I went through five q-tips in the process. It was so fucking nasty
No. 1948150
nonnie I have this medication right on my bedside table and it thankfully hasn’t expired yet when I thought it did, thank you kek
No. 1954091
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Pulled my finger out of my pussy and it was covered in this
No. 1959855
>>1957662Omg nonna me too, idk what it is but just poking it and squishing feels so relaxing, i sometimes want to even do it while in public but that would just be wrong and i have tried to replace the habit with other stuff, like actual stress toys or drinking water but i do end up doing it from time to time, specially when I need to go to the bathroom.
I'll never stop buying super smooth underwear.
No. 1960068
>>1959633so hungry
>>1960016kek i mean i dont want it to suck up too high and get like stuck in my cervix or something, that sounds like absolute hell
No. 1960124
>>1960114This has reminded me about the time I forgot I already had a tampon in and then stuck another one in. I went to lay down for a bit and I felt so unbearably uncomfortable like my pussy was stuffed and full to bursting, so I thought maybe the tampon had gone sideways? It never had before, but I’d never had this sensation before. I went to take the tampon out and I could still feel it, so I opened my legs in the mirror, planning on spreading my pussy as wide as possible to see what the problem was, and I saw a tiny bit of white string sticking out? So I pulled it out and it was another tampon. I was horrified.
Another time while having sex with my ex the condom fell off and got stuck inside me. For a little while we were both frantically searching for it as we thought it had fallen off in the bed. Somehow I just got the initiative to stick my fingers inside myself and after a few seconds I pulled it out. He just said “that was disturbing” and then we never spoke of it again. I agreed it was disturbing, as I heard of condoms breaking but never falling off and getting lost in a vagina. I thought what would have happened if I hadn’t of pulled it out? Then recently, I heard of women “giving birth” after having surgery on their wombs, to things like rubber medical gloves and gauze. The woman’s reproductive system goes into a sort of “labour” and they feel terrible pain and get the urge to push.
No. 1960757
>>1960745ohh that’s what you meant I thought you were gonna use it as a last resort because of the lack of toilet paper kek. if the bathroom is big enough you should find a way to hide some, you should buy one of those lockboxes online that’s big enough for toilet paper/pads and put stuff in there and keep it in the bathroom or your own room. my sister got one for her food when she used to live with us because my beastly fat retarded brothers would eat every single piece of food in the house
No. 1962126
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I’m on my period and I just masturbated then ate a full block of Gouda and 2 chocolate bars
No. 1962334
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Yesterday I had one of the absolute worst diarrhea cases ever and it all happened at work. I was all fine until lunch break when shortly after I got some stomach aches after eating my food (which was nothing unusual bc I eat it most of the time and I have been fine). When break was over I went back to my workplace and I could feel that I had to shit immediately because the stomach aches got worst and yeah, I knew it wasn't a fart that wanted to get out. Anyways, the toilette situation at work sucks big time. We have three options and all of them have a downside. Option 1) is a small one without a window, so shitting there without the possibility of air your stinky mess is a big "No" from me. Option 2) has a window but is right next to some offices, where you hear everything what is going on inside and people can see who goes in and out. Option 3) Is the one that has a window and is far away from everything so you can fart as you want BUT it's the toilet that is with the women changing room, so people come and go there all the time. I always go to the third option bc it's mostly quiet when you have good timing but around breaks you will find a lot of people there. So bc it was shortly after break, I found myself with two other coworkers of mine who went there at the same time. They started to chat which took quiet a moment, all this while I was sitting there ready to shit my soul out. So they left and I took a quick shit because I knew that around 1pm another department had a break and I didn't want to get caught shitting and farting like crazy.
I could left without being seen and I thought that I would be okay for the remaining hours at work but nope after ten minutes or so I got stomach aches again and I had to shit as well. This time it was too busy to leave again so I was holding it for over an hour while I got super gassy. A really big and gross fart left my ass and I swear at least two coworkers have smelled that one. When I had the chance to go to the toilette again, I had to fart like crazy so before I could sit down I farted and shit all over the toilette seat because of it. Took a quick shit again and cleaned the entire toilette before I left. Back the workplace I felt better for a moment but it came back a third time. Thankfully around that time at work most part time people have left, so you won't meet as many people while in the bathroom but having to go three time to shit bc of diarrhea at work was the absolute worst thing ever. At home everything was fine and only felt a bit of pain in my stomach after everything but the toilette business went back to normal. I still don't know what it was but I hope I have to never experience this type of shit ever again at work. Fuck that.
No. 1962376
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I seriously hate when I hold my pee for too long (as in when I don't go pee every 30 to 45 minutes approx.) And when I go pee, I can feel my bladder actually emptying itself and my organs almost sighing in relief because I don't have that pressure anymore.
No. 1962639
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I just had to leave a birthday party to rush home and poop because I didn’t want to ruin my friend’s bathroom. I can’t say I regret it though because I was socializing for 5 hours straight and had enough
No. 1963836
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Sometimes, when I go pee, I sit on the toilet and open and close my legs like when you're using the leg abduction machine at the gym, because then it feels a bit weird how my pussy lips open and close, it also makes a weird squelch sound because it's usually when I'm about to take a shower that I do that.
No. 1964251
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Not so gross but just kind of silly and stupid, I have keratosis pilaris (harmless genetic skin condition where skin has tons of tiny bumps, also called strawberry skin or chicken skin, picrel) and I've always felt insecure about it and tried to smooth things out to little avail. I also hate shaving and suck so bad at it, dunno if it's a skill issue or just my skin being sensitive but I always get messed up ingrowns and irritation and stuff.
A while ago my nigel told me "this is going to sound really weird, but um… I really like the texture on your arms… like the little bumps and the hairs. It's like a stim toy." He is autistic. This is too dumb to share with anyone but I genuinely feel better about my body and have stopped caring about beauty standards because he has these odd appreciative takes on random details like that
No. 1964288
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>>1964233I used to had a toy that was shaped like a lobster, I never actually put it in because I don't really need penetration to orgasm. I would just hump it thinking it was some husbando's dick kek. Since it was made of this 100% polyester fabric, it was hard and could vibrate, it was basically the ultimate vibrator and I would use it almost all of the time to hump it.
Needless to say, the poor thing always ended up covered in weird transparent goo and I always had to get up and clean it up. It was an annoying process, I ended up throwing it away one day because the battery ran out and I needed to perform an open lobster carapace surgery to change the batteries.
Sometimes I kind of want to get something like that again, but idk, I feel like my fingers and imagination have been enough for quite a bunch of years already.
It looked kind of like pic related, I feel bad about buying that thing and using it in that way, but tbh, I was a retarded teen.
I wonder just why was it that there were so many vibrating stuffed toys being sold back then, thinking about it it's kind of a random feature to add to stuffed toys unless you're a cat or a dog.
No. 1965525
>>1964255I'm so sorry
nonnie. It was truly one of the most unhinged things I've done. First time I've ever revealed this part of my past lmao.
No. 1967422
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Casually freebleeding at home because I hate how the cup makes me feel terribly constipated and pads make me feel like I'm wearing a sweaty diaper and I will absolutely refuse tampons because they are the spawn of Satan.
No. 1967513
>>1967457ayrt, I have light flow except for the second day of my period, I just wear a pair of black underwear I'll toss in the laundry at the end of the day. My washing machine gets them clean enough. Sometimes I get some on my pants but rarely enough that it would even show on the outside (thick fabric) so technically I could do this in public as well.
>>1967506Just joking, to me personally they feel so uncomfortable that I've never been able to use one. Like inserting a roll of sand paper.
No. 1969127
my period is so fucking heavy and messy. this morning i found a blood clot on my sink counter??? how the fuck did it get there?! there was no blood anywhere else, just one clot on the counter. i'm assuming when i pulled my tampon out while half asleep last night it mustve somehow went flying off it or something? either way it was so gross. i really want to try options other than tampons but pads aren't enough for how heavy my flow is.
>>1968874how often do you typically need to rinse out a cup? would it last through the night with an extremely heavy flow?
No. 1972018
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Watching a video of a guy interviewing a doctor, the doctor is talking about parasites. He tells of a pacient who he found out had a dead ascaris in his bladder. How did it get there? The pacient used to practice unprotected anal sex and the partner had worms, so the worm crawled up his dick during the sex.
No. 1972032
>>1971569This is why sometimes I like to come back from the beach without underwear, I take a shower at the beach club and then I put on some dress of a nice length, usually under the knee or maxi, and then I enjoy the breeze.
I wish I had my own house, with no neighbors so I could just spend a day or two being naked at the garden, that would be fun.
No. 1972079
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>>1972040this is the 3rd time i read about anons touching their poop
No. 1972637
>>1972633Your immune system got
triggered and emergency evacuated something, saving you from a more horrible fate.
>>1972040What the fuck lol
No. 1975440
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I love when I orgasm and it makes my body move uncontrollably. Like a spasm. I basically get them everytime (unless I've been masturbating everyday, then the orgasm is dull) and it always makes me feel picrel.
No. 1975461
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>>1975440are you that anon's ex ?
No. 1975921
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I spray this on my legs and booty after a shower and I no longer get random assne and leggne. I think I will order a case
No. 1976672
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>>1976245Anon why?
Sounds like my friend who has had a broken toilet for literally over a decade because her deadbeat lazy ass dad didn't want to spend money on getting the septic fixed and let the problem last too long. You have to pour water into the toilet to "flush" it, it's that bad. What's your excuse?
No. 1977251
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So glad the nonnas are talking hemorrhoids because for the longest time I thought mine were getting bad until recently when I decided to check myself out down there, and now I know that on top of the hems I also have a pretty nasty anal fissure. The ring is broken so to speak, and my butthole looks like it has a little tongue sticking out. After a shower I make sure to put some vaseline on it and tuck it in inside, that way it's not rubbing on my underwear and hurting. I did some jogging for the first time in years today and the pain it caused me was pretty awful. Is this something you should get fixed or is it gonna like calm down on it's own?
No. 1977592
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>>1977013>my wild garlic pesto that I made four weeks agoplease anon you didn't eat that…..
No. 1977683
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I don't really pay attention to my period blood on my pads, but today the stain was shaped clearly like a hand pointing upwards with a clear index finger, and from the index finger came a pretty straight line.
It was kind of cool, I hope I don't forget about it so I can draw it.
I will do a rough sketch of how it looked like on the pad. It was kind of like pic related but the hand was neat looking and the line was straight, as if it was done with a ruler.
No. 1977942
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>>1977829Either me straining like hell on the crapper or my IBS and chronic diarrhea. No, it was not butt stuff. Either way my poopies are the shape of an elongated crescent now. I guess it took me this long to notice because I'm used to a lil' bit of blood in my stool from the hemorrhoids, but apparently it's more likely it was the fissure bleeding as it formed. Fml.
>>1977502Thank you for the advice, nonna. Definitely gonna start changing my diet, not eating between meals is gonna be my first course of action so I can minimize the times I'm going to the toilet. I'm thinking I'm at least gonna go to have it checked out and evaluated, see if it's not the start of ass cancer or something idfk. The surgery they do to correct it can in rare cases leave you with complete loss of bowel control and that scares me more than chronic ass pain tbh. My internal hems already have my butthole smelling rancid on occasion, I couldn't deal if I smelled of shit 24/7 that would probably be a one way ticket to Sui-town, or my only career option for the rest of my life would be working on a pig farm or something.
No. 1978075
>>1977942>No, it was not butt stuff.Kek
nonnie I didn’t think it was, my first assumption was IBS or chrons. I’m sorry though, I hope it gets better or if you decide to go the surgery route is goes well. My sisters ex had a fully prolapsed anus that would sometimes “fall out” and he’d have to wait days for it to go back in on it’s own, it seemed so scary and painful. He got his from lifting weights that were too heavy for him. I think he did end up getting surgery on it but then went back to lifting and blew it out again kek
No. 1978401
I had such rough sex 2 days ago I'm still bleeding from it. Not much but there's still fresh blood when I wipe, I'm not a virgin so idk what happened. Don't regret a single thing though.
>>1978124Did you eat out or try anything new? Feel better nonna.
No. 1978442
nonnie, it's pretty light but if it's not calmed down this evening I'll check it out.
No. 1978871
>>1978847I used to pluck the fuck out of my hair it didn't matter whether it was ingrown or not. I don't really do it as much anymore but sometimes I do with stray hairs and it's so fun
I'm deranged
No. 1978907
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Got a built in retainer once and the ortho never taught me how to properly clean it, nor cleaned it for me during monthly visits.
The roof of my mouth was getting painful and inflamed, my breath smelled no matter how well I brushed my teeth and I ended up just ripping the retainer out at home. A huge amount of leftover food was building underneath it. It was so bad, it left in indent on the roof of my mouth and my ortho never questioned when I went back and it was gone.
No. 1982716
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I'm looking for shit for my sims husbando on Simsfinds and I get the weirdest ads…
No. 1984806
>>1984775I'm actually a white woman and am an outlier in my family lol. Most of my family is blonde or have thin and light colored body hair. I'm the only one who has thick dark hair. I'm thinking that maybe it's because a grandparents marrying native Americans in the 1800s, and I inherited their hair genes? But that's just a theory.
>>1984794Did you also use it on your chin, cheeks, and side burns? My peach fuzz is very dark dispite me not touching it so I'm very scared to go over those places with my machine.
No. 1986597
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>havent shaved in 5 years
>shower once a week
>dont get my hair or nails done
>dont have a gym membership
>never been with a moid
>sometimes masturbate 15 times a day
>used to eat my own cum when i was younger (no idea why i did this i just stopped one day when i realised how gross it actually was considering i rarely shower)
>have to shit before i go anywhere because of ibs
>piss myself all the time bc i have retarded kidneys
No. 1986723
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>>1986704imo shaving bumps/pimples are much worse than hair. I only trim my bush because I don’t want pee hairs.
No. 1991143
I need a bidet so bad but they're so uncommon where I'm from. I'm tired of having to wash my ass in the shower after a big fat shit nonnas
>>1986597Oh wow are you me HAH, I dunno about eating my own cum though, unless licking the arousal fluids counts
No. 1993720
I love sharing bowls of yoghurt with my cat. When I'm finished I let her lick the bowl and she loves it (don't worry it's not sweetened or overprocessed).
>>1991985I love manlets. I hate it when moids tower over me, gives me the creeps.
>>1993706I inadvertently quit for a year once, didn't make a difference except I orgasmed quicker after. Maybe try to look at how much you depend on it?
>>1991539How much water do you drink? When I was a teen I drank like 4 liters a day to help with acne and I was also peeing every 2 seconds, if your pee is sort of clear it's probably just pissing out your drinks.
No. 1995059
>>1993706Men say that shit because they're so addicted and preoccupied with sex/porn/jerking it that once they're able to rip their minds away from it for a while, it feels life-changing. If you only take that long because that's literally how long it takes you to finish, then I would just say get a vibrator.
Do you have a room to yourself? If you turn the tv on/music and use it under layer of blanket and a pillow on top, it muffles the sound pretty well… Or in the bathroom while the shower is running. I like the wevibe tango X, it's pretty quiet and I only need the first or second levels of intensity and it can get me off super quick if I wanted.
If you do use a vibrator too high and too much, it can desensitize you but all you have to do is stop using it for a week or so.
No. 1995107
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Having a (lactose and coffee induced) bowel movement in the middle of masturbation/sex is the worst thong that can happen to a woman. I'm in fucking pain and my pussy is drying up.
No. 1995532
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took my iron pill and now my stomach feels like it has rocks in it
No. 1995780
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Had to get off my usual bus early because I was suddenly on the verge of shitting my pants. Thanking every god up there for a conviently placed McDonalds where I could go blow up the bathroom for 15 minutes for the price of a small pop KEK
No. 1996428
I love shaving my vag cause it makes it more sensitive and you can literally feel everything. Plus, when I let the pubes grow out, you gotta get through the hair to spread it open. I know someone's probably gonna be like "just trim it", but I'm not gonna play hairstylist with my pussy. It's either bald or bush over here
>>1996029How would you collect enough discharge to find this out? Actually, how did you discover this in the first place?
No. 1996444
>>1996435Like I said, it's bald or bush.
>>1996439I meant the bumpy part. Stubble doesn't really bother me.
No. 1996451
>>1996445Who said anything about a routine? It just exfoliating (which I do when I wash my vagina even when I don't shave, so no extra time at all), toner (which I buy anyway so no extra cost) and proper shaving techniques.
>when you could just have a bushI am fine with bushes, I cycle through both being bald and having a bush for months at a time. I'm just not interested in trimming. You guys claim to love pubes so much but also demand trimming like it's a crime to have a real, natural bush.
No. 1996455
>>1996451>You guys claim to love pubes so much but also demand trimming like it's a crime to have a real, natural bush.Anon, what? Don't stretch our words like that, no one said that. The only reason trimming is being mentioned is because you're the one who brought it up
> Plus, when I let the pubes grow out, you gotta get through the hair to spread it open. I know someone's probably gonna be like "just trim it", but I'm not gonna play hairstylist with my pussy.I'm full bush and I don't trim so don't put words in my mouth nonner
No. 1996557
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>>1996439Whenever I see a vag with stubble it reminds me of Homer Simpson’s mouth
>>1996428When I ovulate I produce like a thimble full of egg white jiggly discharge by the time I sit down for the bathroom every time, and I play with it since it’s like a slime toy. Yesterday I put it on my upper thigh and just started slapping the shit out of it, and it whipped into a fluffy, opaque white marangue or however you spell it. My new question is, if you dropped egg white discharge on a hot pan, would it turn white like an egg does? I want to test it but I live with other people
No. 1996575
>>1996557It may, because cervical mucus and egg whites both have a lot of mucin glycoproteins, but the cervical mucus lacks most of the amino acids that eggs have, and I think those are what undergo the chemical reaction when cooking that causes the final cooked egg product.
You don't have to cook it in a kitchen pan to find out. Put it in a spoon and hold a lighter under it.
No. 1998230
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Been working on my mental health lately and my sex drive has came back like Godzilla on a rampage. I feel like such a creep around my own wife because my brain is just like: "ooga booga throw her over your shoulder and go wild" 24/7 now.
No. 1998498
>>1998346>You will need to pee less often once you’re hydratedNta but this has been the opposite ime
t. drinking water for 2 decades (and also almost pissed myself at a hospital when they tried hydrating me with one of those IV things)
No. 2002764
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My armpits always sweat & stink even after showering/applying the most strongest deodorant stick and it's annoying as hell.I want to cut the skin off them so badly.
No. 2002912
>>2002764i feel you
nonny. one of my old neighbours had the sweat glands removed from her armpits, i wish i could do the same kek
No. 2003088
>>2002912I didn't even know that was even possible might consider it if only I wasn't constantly broke
>>2003042Thanks anon but unfortunately I tried that too, tried all kinds of different stuff like medicated showergels,organic deodorant etc hell even Duradry and Native lol.
No. 2004827
>>2004715Nta but I had her problem despite eating extremely healthy with more fiber than most people could handle without shitting themselves as soon as they stand up. In the end the only thing that worked was taking miralax every day religiously. My poop cycle is on an 7-8 day cycle somehow, so it takes that long to feel the effect of miralax and also If I even miss one or two days, in exactly 7-8 days I’m clogged up again with an ass full of giant rocks.
My average meals in a day are
>hummus and carrots or prunes and peanut butter for breakfast>usually some sort of bean & veggie based meal for lunch and dinner (beans are cheap and healthy and make lots of leftovers>at least 3 different fruits a day in larger than average servings (I can eat a bag of grapes in a day)And still, without the miralax I wind up actually tearing my asshole from extreme constipation.
No. 2005368
>>1996557This actually would explain why some women's secretions
I'm sorry, I don't want to call it juice or discharge are white during sex
No. 2005369
nonnie I beg you please drink more water and eat some fiber
No. 2005375
>>2004673Kek had the same problem this week.
No poop from Monday until today, I even ate 500g of strawberries, so I ate more than 20g of fiber.
No. 2005515
>>2004715Idk I eat pretty healthy since I'm trying to lose weight, nothing that would get me that backed up kek. I don't eat breakfast most days, eat a light lunch (protein bars, salads, fruit/veg, greek yogurt, chia pudding, etc.) and then eat a bigger meal for dinner. Maybe I'm not eating enough or something?
>>2005369I do drink plenty of water so I don't think that's the cause. Might have to up my fibre intake though, gotta get on that metamucil or start drinking prune juice kek
No. 2005853
>>2005847Infections do cause a fishy odor, and if she's leaving a smell behind there's a decent chance it's BV. It could also be that she isn't washing properly. This is a embarrassing to admit, but I used to get a fishy odor because I didn't realize you also need to scrub the lips and the mons pubis/anywhere where pubes grow. Only realized once I got professionally tested for infections and had perfect results. It could be that she notices but doesn't know how to fix it.
I'm assuming by you calling her your dormmate that you guys aren't close enough for you to bring it up just as a friend looking out?
No. 2006100
>>2005950In my defense,
>>2005956 is right, she also thought I had rancid pussy, but didn’t want to say anything cause she thought it’d be racist or something(I’m ethnic and she’s white). We talked afterwards about how since it came from the bathroom and laughed about how both of us thought it was the other. She’s a funny girl and even though we never had much conversation until now, she seems chill and I might talk to her later.
No. 2009256
Just noticed I have one white pubic hair. Weird at my age but I have several grey hairs on my head already so that makes sence. Will be weird if I have grey pussy by 20
No. 2011734
>>2011649I've been doing this for years at home but with disposable plastic cups, whenever someone's taking too long in both bathrooms.
>>2011716Weirdly enough I find it's easiest to do standing up, I guess since the cup is more vertical and the pee comes out vertically.
No. 2012232
>>2011720I developed it way before I had body hair as a pulling option. Pulled from my head, got screamed at and called a freak by my parents and then the kids at school next. It was bleak back then tbh. Ironically the omg you freak reactions being the perfect springboard to send the compulsion off the charts. I was the "shame of my family" for years.
Once puberty happened I thought.. people demonize body hair on women anyway so it's free real estate. Most people think I stopped years ago when I just switched up where I pull from. Only my exes knew but they kinda made the link between it and stress so let it be. I've a surprisingly thick head of hair that never had long term thinning like some get. I'm not exactly ok with still having it all these years later but the moment I switched up areas was like night and day.
No. 2012401
>>1996557Nonna, if you ever test this, please share the result bwahaha
I like the squishy discharges too. I hate pants washing day though.
No. 2012756
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I moved to a new place and the toiler just smells bad all the time. I clean it, spray disinfectant spray after each use, put tablets in the water tank, but it just doesn't go away. It's like this sweet yet strong gross smell. wtf do I do I can't have anybody over like this.
It's also a german toilet so when you shit on it the smell is so strong because there's no water to mitigate it. I've never been overly repulsed by my own bathroom smell but this is just diabolical.
No. 2014651
I was a retarded kid, and I felt disgusting for not shaving my pubic hair around freshman year as a high schooler, so I did a hack job at shaving it for like almost a year. No one showed me how to shave (take care of myself in general) + we were poor so I used the same razor for years, I didn’t know you had to replace it in order to get a clean shave. Anyways I ended up getting a lot of ingrowns that ended up scaring. I stopped shaving altogether bc I don’t care anymore, it’s hair, Why am I as a woman expected to shave it and not men, eugh.
So fast forward to now and I’ve saved enough to transfer to fancy and cool uni. As much as I’m excited to get a degree I more importantly want to live out my lesbian sex fantasies, however I have the issue of having weird scarring all over my pubic area. Not ideal nor lesbian sex fantasy compatible.
NOW ONTO THE REAL TMi. Okay so I’m at the dermatologist getting shit for my really bad cystic acne. They explain to me how tretinoin works, that it speeds up the refinishing of new skin cells blah blah blah blah and then the brightest idea clicked into my brain. What if… I put that on my vagina…
What followed is the most grotesque 6 months of my skin on my vagina area peeling off and regrowing itself, I had a self made regimen of putting the tretinoin on after i showered every morning AND night, putting aquaphor sometimes in the middle of the day to stop irritation, and exfoliating the area with a scrub rag everyday. Yes it hurt. Yes I was fucking insane. I was a woman on a mission. I cannot get freaky with a woman and have her see weird dark brown spots on my vagina like I’m a chocolate chip cookie. That is unacceptable. Despite the pain I endured. The skin peeled off slowly and cleared up despite the pain, despite sitting in class and work with my vagina BURNING… I endured. And now my pubic area is so clear… so soft… all new skin…
And to clarify it was just the mound area on top, not the labia area. I’m not THAT insane. So yeah now I’m looking forward to summer and then starting school and hooking up with women. This is the ideal life.
Sage for retardation
No. 2017100
>>2016901Don't worry nonna many women find that absurdly hot.
There's crazy variation in our genitalia, mine pussy is so dark it's almost purple and I used to be really self conscious about it before I stopped watching porn and compared myself. That's my TMI for the thread
No. 2017149
>>2017095I don’t think I’m intersex, there would be a hormonal difference in my blood tests, which has never come up before. I think I just have a really long clit.
>>2017090>>2017100I’m glad it’s considered hot, because i got insecure when she called me her “cute hyena”
No. 2017364
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Sometimes when I lie on my back, I pull my legs up like in a fetal position, cross my ankles, hold one big toe in each hand (so its right toe+left hand and left toe+right hand) and try to wiggle my toes in an abab-baba-abba-baab pattern, but I struggle to even do it alternately. This feels like one of those tap-your-head-while-rubbing-your-stomach exercises, but harder. Kinda feeling Dan Schneidery typing this, ngl.
No. 2017376
>>2016901>>2017149>2.5 inch long clithot
>"cute hyena"HOT
>>2017100>Dark purple labiaanother thing i'm really into
porn standards are literally so fucking mind-numbingly boring like there are so many types of pussy out there the variety is a miracle of nature hallelujah
No. 2019301
>>2016901My clit is nearly nonexistent. This is horribly embarrassing to admit but
Shayna's vulva is the only one I've seen that looks very similar to mine. When anons sperg out about how "ugly" and "deformed" hers is (especially that one anon who said it looked like a child's?!) I feel really self conscious.
No. 2019694
>>2019630are you the kind of person who pisses on the floor too because you aim your piss to the wall too and shoot it over the edge under the toiletseat
barbaric animal people
No. 2028664
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I like videos of men getting off hands free. There's probably a vibrator up their ass or something but the concept of a grown man cumming in his pants is hot to me.(take it to /g/)
No. 2030744
>>2030658idk about the other anons but i'm skelly
No. 2033785
>>2033677I usually also try to trim which is honestly great, I did that for a few months and I never felt itchy, but from time to time I tend to fall into this weird desperation that makes me shave absolutely everything. Sometimes I even imagine shaving my head, but I don't do that because I know I would look like shit if I was bald/had a buzz cut, hell, pixie cuts would look like shit on me, I would look like a dying cancer patient that's getting slightly better but has a new tumor that formed when she stopped her chemotherapy for a few months.
I will try using creams more often.
No. 2036893
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I ate granola with milk in the morning and I'm so fucking gassy now. my nigel had a work meeting and I was afraid his coworkers would hear me brapping so I locked myself in the bathroom and almost gassed myself. jesus fucking christ I can feel the gas building up everytime I fart. I'm burning a hole on my office chair. pic related my asshole every 3min or so.
No. 2041503
>>2036857I get you
nonnie. I've been having weird constipation and rabbit like poops lately, I hope it's colon cancer and kills me.
No. 2041737
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whenever i see a relatively skinny tranny with larger breasts than me i feel extremely embarrassed
No. 2041842
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A few hours ago I had the best orgasm of my life, it felt like my pussy had achieved nirvana. I came for a few minutes and my pussy was still sensitive for at least 20. Didn’t even use my hands.
No. 2042601
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I have so much eye boogers, it's annoying, my eyes spend the whole day producing as much stringy mucus as possible.
No. 2044971
>>2042601 thank you so much nona I didn't know there was a name for this.
For me it got vastly better when I quit wearing eye make up and concealer around the eyes
No. 2045190
>>2042601I just looked into "mucus fishing syndrome" and it seems incredibly fake. that's not a real illness. this is obviously caused by irritants and it's a problem when people are touching their eyes all the time, which we already knew. this reeks of pathologizing symptoms and not causes. I hate modern medicine reeee
sorry to rant I hope you figure out what's irritating your eyes or what's wrong with your sinuses.
No. 2049029
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i burned my pussy because i had just used the bidet shower to put some hot water in a bucket and when i went to use the toilet the water was still hot when i washed myself oh my god i actually cursed out loud
No. 2049160
i bite my nails all the time but somehow despite it all my left thumb nail managed to grow too long and thick for my teeth to handle. i gave up on trying to get rid of it and now use it as a knife. it helps me peel fruit and open food packaging. i respect its resilence
>>2048718no it's not i do the same. body hair doesn't bother me as long as it's not itchy
No. 2054650
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>went and took a shit like half an hour ago
>flushed the toilet four times and there were still pieces of poop floating around
>didn't want my coworkers wondering why i was in there flushing a dozen times in a row like a retard
>fuck it, the next person can try to get it to go down i don't care
>went back to my desk and was trying to get some work done
>only thing on my mind is one of my coworkers finding my abandoned poop and being disgusted
>sat there praying and hoping no one went in there before the end of the day
>waited an acceptable amount of time and went back to try again
>flushed three more times for a total of seven flushes
>crossed my fingers and hoped when i opened my eyes the toilet will be clear
>opened my eyes
>there was still one piece left floating in the bowl
i feel like im being bullied by a toilet
No. 2054950
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i hate shitting and when it’s so solid and hard and lumpy it’s like im giving birth to one of those steel curling irons with the ball barrels
No. 2055816
Just recently I had symptoms of sinusitis and probably tracheitis/bronchitis? At first I had a fever and a very sore throat, my voice was shit for a few days, then I developed a cough, my sputum was greenish yellow and very thick but there wasn't a lot, there was a nasty purulent taste in my mouth, and later it felt like sinusitis because I had a toothache, headache, faceache kek and a bit of discomfort in my ear and all on the right side only. It was like 8 days of this shit and I've been much better for the last two, I just cough a bit in the morning and have a bit of snot. BUT today I keep spitting out bloody sputum, wtf? I don't have any weird sensations in my chest or anything, everything seems normal. Am I going to die, nonnies? Should I see a doctor?
No. 2057934
>>2057846seconding this
>>2057874, i actually can't get off any other way and it's getting annoying. everything else feels good but not THAT good. i'm so bored of doing the same thing for almost a decade
try squeezing something between your thighs maybe? like a pillow or blanket
No. 2058935
>>2058882I used to do my own brazillian waxes. It was just a lot of determination and knowing good technique + good wax that got me through it, I had an absurd amount of hair past the "cute" zone that most women have it in and couldn't stand it. I basically was pissed off enough to just rip the wax off. I think most women who get waxes are determined because their moids want the porn effect.
Now I just partly shave and have an expensive at-home IPL device that made 95% of the hairs not grow back. I keep a natural looking bush patch that looks low maintenance but a lot of effort went into taming the area around it. I could never go back to waxing or going full bald.
No. 2060826
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Pretty sure I got ringworm on my inner thighs. It doesn't look as bad as the images online, it actually looks like the stain when blood dries and you wipe it off. Idk what else it could be, I'm also sure I had it for a few months, just never noticed since I don't look down there a lot.
I hope I can get something otc so I don't have to bother with a doctor.
No. 2071218
>>2071194thanks anon. i'm feeling grateful for the bliss of ignorance, the chance of me finding the worms, and your reply.
>>2071206apparently they're drain fly larvaes. sick. honestly thought what i saw was just lint in my sink until that thing started moving around in that disgusting way worms do. instantly screamed. then i inspected more and discovered that the source was actually my toothbrush cup and you can imagine what my reaction was.
No. 2071254
>>2071235this happens to me too but idk why, haven't drank caffeine or anything else that would
trigger it
No. 2074318
I hate the smell and look of my shit. I am NOT a clean person, but smelling my shit can make me gag, seeing it makes me gag. I hate being fat (trying to loose weight) because whenever I shit, I feel i have to shower, and i just speard my fat ass cheeks and bend over and I feel sick feeling the shit fall into the tub. I feel like I never finish a vowel moment.
It makes me so fucking mad. Then when I work out I fucking STINK, but not the normal stink, just like a funky stink. So I have to shower and when I get out the shower I avoid looking at my fat body or i'll cry. my mom is a big fan of Tupac and our house is tupac theme, theres a picture of him right above the mirror. So I loook at that instead, of my body, but I feel he's looking at me and judging me.
I hate myself, I hate that we have to shit.
No. 2074352
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>>2074318>Tupac themed house>Shitting in the tubI just refuse to believe this isn't a shitpost
No. 2074353
>>2074335Usually when I drink coffee it helps, but shitting is like horrible to me
Unless it's a good hard straining shit, thats cool until I have to smell and look at in the toliet. I just never feel like i empty my vowels properly. Never.
I do need to eat more veggies though, you are right thanks nona. It's just so heartbreaking and annoying. It's like how I hate throwing up.
One time I got down on my knees and prayed i would'nt throw up but doing that made me throw up because when I got up, I got that wet mouth, "here it comes feeling" and I literally cried.
When I was a kid I ate vienna sasuages which are delicious, and than I caught a stomach bug (unrelated) but once i throw something up, I don't want to eat it anymore because In my mind it relates to vomit.
I was fucking 7, I ATE VIENNA's WHEN I WAS !7! It took me 10 fucking years to touch those things and they were so good, I felt so fucking mad that I allowed my fear to make me not eat soemthing i liked.
No. 2074355
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>>2074352I'm not joking it was a print out of this magazine cover. My mom loves tupac so much, like she has pictures of him everywhere.
No. 2075005
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Idk if it's because I had a scab or because my ears are pointy a lot of gunk builds up. But I put a q-tip along the edges of circled picrel and so much yellow came out. I am so gratified. I stared at my q tip for a good amount of minutes and kept going and going until no yellow. Oh man that was so fantastic
No. 2076882
>>2076644>>2076873Does nobody wet the tp with water?
>inb4 it breaks apart not with a few drops it doesn't, and not if it's 2-ply/isn't cheap
No. 2078317
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>>2078226my coochie smells like curry and sometimes it smells like takis.
No. 2083400
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I randomly just shat a tidal wave of discharge aaaaaall over my thighs. Not pleasant.
No. 2084843
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my butthole is swollen/puffy looking and kinda itchy. what the fuck is this. i am terrified.
No. 2090370
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I itched the space behind my nostrils and a massive glob of blood fell out and landed in my hand. Eugh
No. 2091611
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I love when I'm in the clotting stage where it feels like I'm pulling black slugs out of my vagina
No. 2096698
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i removed some keratin pearl or whatever hard like literally claw shaped hard smegma(?) thing that was attached to my clitoral hood and covered my clit. idk what the fuck that was but omg i was so scared it was some kind of freaky growth like those people who grow nails instead of hairs on their arms. i'm going to be honest i've never had the habit to touch myself down there and have been completely neglecting that area both out of repression and because the "sensitivity" freaks me out, but i wasn't expecting the possibility of this happening as a result (or so i'm assuming). i was so shocked at the discovery (which was at night at my yearly masturbation experiments, previously all spectacularly failed) i waited until after i woke up in the morning to deal with it after finding it too painful to remove. it was so hard to fall asleep with how disturbed i was kek. it was actually really easy to get rid of, took one painless wipe after my morning piss lmao wtf it literally felt like it was growing out of my skin the night prior. probably the nastiest most revolting thing i've ever experienced. i checked in the mirror to see if i missed anything i didn't know about and luckily i was in the clear and my clit was now visible.
ever since then i've been rubbing one out. i'm so hype i literally wait all day for the moment before i go to sleep, and when i do it in the morning idk if it's just a me thing but i literally feel it all day long too, not to sound like a scrote but i'm throbbing but maybe that's just because i'm ovulating and horny, or maybe it's both. anyway it's been great. i've never felt this way before and i was seriously missing out kek. idk what's with this sudden change because i was so convinced i had some severe type of clitoral adhesions but i'm fine actually. or maybe whatever i just removed reset things in there kek. usually i felt nothing at all and got too frustrated and disgusted with myself, i'm still learning and experimenting. i'm not sure if i've ever orgasmed but i haven't squirted or anything. i just stop when i feel good enough or when i feel my body like, buzzing/shaking kek. it's seriously nothing like i ever felt before. usually i legitimately just feel the same as if i were to wet my mouth lips and rub on them, zero. safe to say i'm happy with the change kek
No. 2098658
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Still suffering from a constantly itchy vag and ass, probably for a year now, not having any clue what the reason might be but I think I might know why now. I've already ruled out the possibility of hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoid treatments didn't work plus I have no bleeding, no pain except from itching, no external swelling, etc ) or pin-worms (Pin-worm treatment didn't work. Nothing showed up when doing the tape test, plus I itch during the day too, not just at night). I ruled out poor hygiene too, because I've been washing myself down there religiously since this started. Up to several times a day.
However, I did have a moid doctor prescribe me antibiotics last year, before the itching started, and apparently they can give you yeast infections. This adds up because when I went to get this checked out by a derm she found yeast. She gave me creams for it that made the itching stop in the beginning so I thought I was finally cured but no, IT CAME BACK… AGAIN. I'm feeling really hopeless at this point. I still have a couple of things to try, like this recipe for baking soda suppositories I found online and I started taking probiotics too. I have no idea if the probiotics are working yet, but I hope so because I'm at my wit's end. The itching is always so bad and hard to stop. Then, when I itch, it just starts to hurt from all my itching to the point it hurts to walk.
No. 2098772
>>2098671Yes, as a gorilla actually. I considered that might be it because maybe I'm not able to clean myself enough down there due to all the pubes I have, but I recently trimmed them off to prepare for a OBGYN visit and if anything the trimming just made me even itchier.
>hydrocortisoneThat's one of the creams the derm prescribed me but it looks like it's been nothing but a band-aid solution and may be bad to use long-term. I'm looking to get rid of this completely.
>>2098658Taking probiotics now. I really don't want to have to cut out sugar (I have a huge sweet tooth) but it looks like that may be what I have to do next, ugh.
No. 2098815
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>>2058935I'm embarrassed to admit that from growing up watching porn I had always thought being pubeless was actually the beauty standard and norm. Now I know the reality is that only coom-brained and pedo moids prefer no pubes. I started getting brazillian waxes for awhile at one point but always felt weird having a bald vagina. No wonder. lol A real woman has at least a landing strip.
No. 2099676
>>2099591With live action Japanese porn women usually have a bush, but with hentai women are pretty much always shown pubeless. Supposedly that's because pubes would take more time to draw so I guess I just got the wrong idea.
>>2099608There are bikinis where just a bikini line removal wouldn't be enough, I'm pretty sure. Especially if you grow hairs as long and dark as I do.
No. 2099682
>>2099608Women get groomed into this shit. I had this friend who was kind of tomboyish and also a virgin. Her mom was an hyper religious retard who was convinced her pictures of the Virgin Mary could bleed from the eyes.
When my friend got a boyfriend she asked me what kind of pussy hair was more attractive and desirable. I told her to just shave. She told me her (religion nut) mom had made her get a full Brazilian since she was 14, and she was actually scared her boyfriend would be disappointed not to find any hair down there.
No. 2101081
>>2098658Try Monistat suppositories. I don't use the cream that comes with it, I'm very susceptible to getting UTIs for some reason and the cream
triggers UTIs for me, but the suppositories have
always helped me. You put one in at night when you go to bed, wear a pad or liner, and then it will melt and cure you. It sounds gross but, that's how I have always cured yeast infections.
>>2099591I have always seen porn either smooth shaven or they have pubes on the mound, but smooth shaven lips. Which honestly? I hate the smooth shaven lips but pubes on the mound, idk. It just seems… like men think the hair is too "icky yucky ewww" to be on the lips but then that type of taboo "sexy dirty" to have it on the mound. I think I came to this conclusion because I was friends with a moid who claimed he loves pubes yada yada, big pube lover thinks full shaven is gross, but when I got down to it, it turns out he was DISGUSTED with pubes around the lips. Like thought it was truly disgusting caveman shit for women to leave the hair there. Which like…? Idk it just pissed me off kek. And I'm saying this as someone who fully shaves, if you want
part of it shaved but then not the other part and think women are gross for not shaving any of it or shaving all of it… like grow the fuck up.
>>2099608Landing strips as a whole are so porny to me. Either leave it all or shave it all, idk that's just me.
No. 2101249
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>>2101081>leave it allFor women that literally grow pubes that end up looking like a Sikh's beard that's just not possible if you want to have any oral sex in the future. I grow body hair so dark and thick I don't have the privilege of getting away with it like women with light, minimal body hair.
No. 2102192
nonny they have pubes too. We're grownups, we have hair. Life goes on for most of us.
No. 2102193
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>>2102192life shouldn't go on without basic grooming, you are adults
No. 2102199
>>2102193Hair has a purpose. Don't know why you're getting so
triggered over strangers having pubes at the beach.
No. 2102205
>>2102202>>2102199>>2102198seems like you're the one getting
triggered here
you're so lazy as to be unable to shave tiny patches of your body? hope you don't mind guys never shaving their faces, cutting their hair, washing their hair, taking a shower, whatever. sebum has a purpose too you know, which means you should never do anything at all about it.
(infighting) No. 2102214
>>2102213I reject sex
stfu and go shave your pubes
No. 2102219
>>2102205No one's talking about male grooming habits but it's weird how the mere mention of pubic hair makes you describe unwashed moid bodies in detail.
>>2102207Reincarnate and clone Napoleon so every woman who wishes can have their own manlet to sit on her lap at social functions. (Josephine was such a queen.)
No. 2102221
>>2102219you don't want to modify your pubes because they have a purpose
so it follows you shouldn't wash yourself because sebum has a purpose
No. 2102231
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>>2102221I mean humans have been removing or modifying their body oil since basically forever (picrel is a strigil, which were in use by 600BC), but have only been shaving pubes for about 50 years, so. I'm maybe gonna wait another score or two to see how this whole pube shaving thing works out first.
No. 2102236
>>2102205pathetic, slave to other people's will, cockhumper, doormat, embarrassment for the womankind
shut up and fuck off retard
No. 2102244
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>>2102239you don't even know what i am talking about so your retarded little avengers village quip was just that, retarded and reddited
No. 2102252
>>2102250>You guys aren't going down on each otherUnfortunately no, we'd have to break anonymity for that. But a
nonnie can dream.
No. 2102257
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>>2102251learn proper pussy eating technique lets end this fight once and for all
No. 2102262
>>2102258shaving has been around for millennia
the physical principles that make shaving possible are inextricable parts of the universe
No. 2102271
>>2102269what in the fuck are you actually talking about
just keep your jungle in check stinky
No. 2102301
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>>2102269i’m dying at this, just jumbling a bunch of words together and hoping they stick
No. 2104203
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>trying to take a shit at a hospital
>it's hard asf bc i can't shit outside my home
>bathroom light turns on thru a movement-sensor
>after minutes, finally it starts coming out
>automatic light turns off due to how long I sat still
>wildly flail limbs as shit falls out my ass to re-activate it
No. 2104368
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Lately I've been getting random arousal bursts when I see lightning. Like those really clear strikes where you can almost see it go straight from cloud to ground? My stomach flutters and my cheeks heat up right after I see one. I think the adrenaline from storm chasing crossed some wires in my brain.
No. 2107059
>>2101144im sorry to disappoint you nona but I just did it again
>wah wah wah hairline are annoying I wish I was one of those bitches with the strength to grind down to the vein and make only one scar instead of these overlapping itchy scratchies>remembers larger wound bled for 24hrs and another one that turned white and purple like the skin was gonna decay>on second thought>go in shower haphazardly while still bleeding>its 2am>wonder why legs are stinging>glare down>largest wound is turning white >if this shit turns purple sometimes I really want to drink laundry detergent
No. 2109432
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>>2107059you're pathetic.
No. 2109475
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Ate mac and cheese and am currently converting it to poo
No. 2109477
>>2109473It's weird, I wash my sheets weekly, then again, it has been too hot at home these days, maybe I should try changing them twice a week.
But I do feel like my pajamas specifically tend to smell weird, like when you cook and you smell like food but in a bad way.
Maybe I need to wear clothes specifically for cooking.
No. 2109487
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>>2109477Or maybe a hazmat suite like you’re a scientist
No. 2109493
>>2109425i can’t lie
nonny im kind of jealous
No. 2109611
>>2109606NTA But
> sometimes you have to even ask them if they finished? What does this mean? Like you can’t tell if he’s cum or not? That’s strange.
No. 2109623
>>2109606OP here,
the sensation of him cumming inside of me satisfies me so much because he thrusts deeper into me, grabs me tighter, lays all his weight on me and kinda pushes me down onto the bed, and then his dick spasms a little while all his cum shoots into me. And then if he makes me stand up or I have to do something, feeling it leak out of me slowly into my underwear just really turns me on kek don't uncensor that if you aren't prepared for very TMI graphic sex talk I'm warning you
No. 2109641
>>2109636Well I personally can feel it when liquid that is from the outside enters inside of my pussy. Similarly to how I can also feel when cum/blood exits my pussy. Do you not feel when cum goes inside you
No. 2109649
>>2109640I didn't really think I needed to explain that I orgasm with him, especially because my whole post is about how
being came inside of sexually satisfies me which in turn makes me cum. Also I'm saying that even post sex, his cum leaking out of me turns me on again. I thought all of you were able to read context clues but I'm happy to explain things
No. 2109742
>>2109432Still better than letting a dude cum inside me I guess
>>2107068God I'm sorry
No. 2109765
Idc about sperm, but I definitely feel period blood leaking and I hate it.
>>2109425I'm pretty sure I've read that exact same post a month or so ago.
No. 2109792
>>2109685Imo she's making it sound like she can feel it because her scrote came buckets and the amount/ejaculation intensity is what makes her feel this, which isn't true.
>>2109709Actually yes, if you stayed perfectly still. You don't have to believe me, you can just google it and see that humans have no receptors for wetness.
No. 2109807
just dropped a nuke in the bathroom
>>2109425by far not the worst thing i've read in this thread but if you fall asleep with cum all over your legs.. ew
No. 2110141
>>2110115i don’t really know what to tell you atp
nonny, in my experience i can feel when he cums inside of me