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No. 1897368
Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art
-do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix
>useful youtube channels>where to find art>other useful sites :Portrait of Grand Princesses by Christina Robertson
also check e-hentai and billibilli No. 1897420
Does anyone know a way to download this course for free?: if the courses on Schoolism are available somewhere?
No. 1897436
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after the past few years of poorly done art done in the name of "representation" I feel embarrassed about my own OCs and the possibility of making own future work. Even when I look up tutorials I can't help but feel cringe.
No. 1897510
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anyone have tips on how to go about improving? do i just continue to in depth anatomy and grind figures? only asking because i’m not seeing much improvement right now (picrel is something i redrew). i guess i’ve only been seriously studying for two months after a lifetime of scribbling, but still
No. 1897528
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>>1897520someone on /ic/ said the same thing kek. i kind of feel similarly; my gestures from the start of the year feel less “vivid” than my gestures now. not sure why
No. 1897554
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God, the spam filtering is insane.
>>1897500You can see anons like
>>1897514 who, I assume, conflate original characters with the oc toyhouse adoptable culture that can be obnoxious and immature. I'm surrounded with levelheaded artists who write stories for their characters so I don't see it that way.
>>1897532Kek, anon. But people do make widely relatable ocs, they just get called self-inserting. I don't understand why character conceptualization it's so black and white for you. What do you think about artists who turn their ocs into comics or visual novels. Or mangaka who draw their characters in indulgent illustrations separated from their purpose in the story?
No. 1897653
>>1897436Honestly it’s a shame how many women artists are scared of looking cringe over harmless stuff when there are tons of moids out there being absolutely shamelessly degenerate (or drawing the most derivative basic waifu slop) and praised for it. I also have fear of my art being cringe, but I’m trying to get over it because I need to express myself somehow.
And yeah I hate how bad and low effort a lot of ‘diverse art’ is, just feels like diversity for easy clout and praise.
Really it just motivates me to draw my own shit even more because I hate these disingenuous artists who treat non-white women like gimmicks or marketing/social media points, or write them like stereotypes(or shallowly written total opposites of the stereotypes) instead of as people.
I’ve been drawing ‘diverse’ art since I was a kid, even before I knew there was a push for it. I just grew up in a diverse area and drew girls like me and the ones I knew. So if anyone makes fun of my art for that I just think it’s silly. The only ‘forced’ aspect is all the lesbians because I’m usually the only one among my friends, but kek I need to dream too.
I do get attention for my ocs, people like the designs/style and personalities I convey, and I got followed by japanese professional artists I admire who I wouldn’t expect to be into my art lol. Plus I get messages from women online and irl, who love my characters and appreciate how varied/original they are and how much effort was clearly put into them. So if you are genuine about your work I feel it’ll reach people.
I get occasional rude comments from moids but it’s typical troll shit so I just block.
Honestly the rudest shit I’ve received have been from other LGBTQ+ types because a lot of the ones online are mentally stunted adults with no social skills, so they’ll basically insult me or make some strange assumption about me. Even saying some backhanded shit, like how they didn’t care about my art until they found out a character might be a lesbian. Lame but they’re not my audience anyway so I block/ignore.
No. 1897656
>>1897554>But people do make widely relatable ocs, they just get called self-insertingbecause they are relatable only to them. Harry potter or goku or usagi are relatable to a wide variety of people, donut steel n25415 isn't.
> What do you think about artists who turn their ocs into comics or visual novels. Or mangaka who draw their characters in indulgent illustrations separated from their purpose in the story?those arent ocs… i didnt want to shit on ocfags but do they really think their self indulgent ocs are on the same level as well written characters beloved by everyone?
No. 1897658
>>1897510i think the main problem is pose. The first one has a realistic pose while the second one seems confused and the anatomy doesnt quite make sense. Realistically no one sits how you have drawn which makes it seem lifeless imo.
>>1897528do you draw the head first and then draw the body? I think a healthy exercise is either doing the rough body before detail or even start from feet first and then work your way up. I had the same problem when I started drawing which in your standing pose makes the upper body straight but lower body is leaning, meaning she would fall over if that was a real pose. I also think that explains your weird sitting pose because you dont really have a plan in mind leading to weak gestures
No. 1897869
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>>1897500The way I see it, maybe it's tied to the idea that an oc isn't tied to a story that's avaliable to the audience where the character was introduced. Most ocs are seen in the context of the art pieces made of them not in a story. Some do have writings about them but it's not permanent until the creator makes a version and gives it to the masses.
Maybe it's the exclusivity? You can't read/watch the context this character has in the story because the author is the only one who has the full context and they might just change it before ever giving it to an audience.
Anyway, doll illustrations are a fascinating rabbit hole because sometimes they don't have any artist credited and it's kinda sad that they only place their artwork was showcased was on packaging that got ripped up for the toy inside or an advertisement in a magazine.
No. 1898012
>>1897500I don't see ocs as every "original character" an artist has made. I see them as those self indulgent characters that artists make shitty memes of, which is why I recoil at the mention of ocs. I technically have ocs, but I dont consider them that way, they are characters I've made to fulfill a story idea I have, and their importance is tied to the story and world I built for them.
Meanwhile all the term "oc" makes me think of is people making shitty tiktok memes inserting their characters like a ych.
No. 1898017
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>>1897934Fat tifs.
>>1897532I think there's a spectrum when it comes to ocs, one side they're designs, not characters, basically just pretty (or really unintentionally ugly) paper dolls, on the other end you get Randal Ivory, Salad Fingers, Angel Dust etc. who for all intents and purposes fall under "self indulgent" but are also fairly effective characters (even if one of the examples is unbearably annoying). Most oc artists fall somewhere in the middle, leaning a bit to eiher side.
No. 1898023
>>1896985I hate it even more when those people do it to existing characters, especially ones that don’t have active fandoms anymore. They always infantilize them to the point of no recognition (accompanied by ass drawings) just because the character goes through some trauma, even worse when they don’t. I know they’re obviously projecting their own mental illness but it’s awful when that mindset is shared amongst the only active supporters of those fandoms. Triple times worse when that character is responsible for their transition.
>>1897653I’m part of the crowd scared to post shit but working on it, your post encourages me to keep at it. Also yeah, it’s always terminally online weirdos obsessed with labels that come at you for no reason, we all gotta learn to push that block button and ignore them.
No. 1898102
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>>1898079I don't think she's a TIF, I think she "just" has depersonalisation issues and doesn't really care how people refer to her.
But TIFs are like neurotic attack poodles, anyone mildly
problematic (and female) they descend on in droves.
No. 1898145
>>1897510>>1897528You didn't get worse, though I agree there was not much improvement. It takes time to get better. Do studies on your favorite artists and look at photos for posing references. For reference, my gesture drawing teacher said he used to do a lot of gesture drawings, then go home and redraw the poses over and over until they looked better, for hours, beyond the time he had already spent in the class. It takes time and dedication to master things. Pick a form of study that makes you draw a lot, as you improve you can target specific things as you need it.
>>1898120Both are skilled in different ways by your description. I would follow both.
No. 1898193
>>1897658>do you draw the head first and then draw the body?i do. i'll try the feet first thing though, even if it sounds painful…as for pose: i was trying to show that his rib-cage was titled forward slightly. he's supposed to be pushing off of his hands (but i see that didn't get across. rip)
No. 1898213
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>>1897690Same kek. Only the left one is Brujo Ari’s. I think that the middle one is even Jojo character’s turned OCs just like her.
No. 1898243
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>>1898218Internet artists tend to latch onto whatever is popular, at least it's not something like dollieguts or pillowcult this time round (picrel)
No. 1898315
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I know it makes me sound salty, but this is the art salt thread. God i hate when that cant draw criticize art, and even worse they feel qualified to create their own animated pilots. LS Mark and Daftpina are the worst examples. This guy cant even properly trace and still feels he can criticize someone else's work?
>>1898243what was the name of that artist on youtube who had a huge follower and style similar to this? i wonder if she ever improved, she seemed like a lost cause.
No. 1898351
>>1897726I bitch about this a lot on here, and it's turned me off very skilled artists because they make being popular their identity.
I also find it whiney how they'll make callout posts against their haturs (which everyone gets) just so they can get showered in compliments by their following.
There is an artist I follow who makes like two posts a month just whining about trolls who make moronic comments on her art. It's very obviously an attention grab, yet her brainless followers always take the bait and shower her with compliments.
Bitch shut the fuck up. I can't see how someone can get such fucking brainworms that they take social media that seriously.
No. 1898354
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>>1898315(dropped image)
I'm assuming you mean dollieguts (picrel; top is 2017 bottom is 2023/4), she's no longer a gender special, and is on the right medication so is publically less unhinged. She also booted out Bavid thank god, so she seems generally alright. Artwise, it's not great for how many years she was drawing but she can draw forms a lot better and is well past her horrible 2020-2021 sudden art degradation.
As for the first part, your comment about art critic youtubers reminds me of when Spoctor and Solar Sands and that whole group used to do Deviantart cringe and critique videos- while being barely able to draw in ms paint kek. So many young artists were impacted by that whole phase.
No. 1898370
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>>1898362Sometimes the art itself transcends the need of a story, sometimes it's just better to infer one than to outright say it. Idk why you're being pressed about this, especially considering the modern, expanded use of the word "oc" outside of fanfiction basically puts all characters that aren't a part of established ips under that umbrella.
No. 1898377
>>1898370kek is that your best example? it looks really tryhard, and it says nothing. It's just wannabe weirdcore shit inspired by anime, but a boring imitation that tries to be aesthetic first.
> especially considering the modern, expanded use of the word "oc" outside of fanfiction basically puts all characters that aren't a part of established ips under that umbrella.who are you to dictate what is and isnt an oc? no one thinls ash ketchum is an OC, so saying that every single character on earth is an OC is disingenious.
No. 1898399
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>>1898377> all characters that aren't a part of established ipsPlease read.
Also the reason why plastiboo looks like weirdcore is because all the weirdcore kids got heavily inspired by him, kek. Maybe you'd like his eldritch medieval art more.
No. 1898403
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>>1898399I find it stupid and reductive to call every single character created an oc. Not only does it make it lose it's original meaning, but it also means that generic cute girl that was only used for this piece alone has the same amount of value as something that actually took a bit more effort to design. As much as I personally dont like OCs, I think calling every single character an OC is counterproductive and honestly devalues actual OCs. Anyone denying that OCs arent are self indulgent is lying, otherwise artfight wouldn't be a thing.
No. 1898407
>>1898403I think what you're forgetting is that art is objectively self indulgent in general, so to me this point falls flat. I hate most ocs but the term has been watered down from its original meaning and like I said is now an umbrella of varying quality. You have actually constructed characters and basically dress up dolls in the same space (and dress up doll characters are sometimes fine, if what they are being used for is to get across a concept that is new or at least interesting)- both types of characters having been used in art for hundreds of years, with the quality and the wording is the only major change.
All this over someone saying they like drawing ocs, goodness. Have a good night or afternoon nona.
No. 1898408
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>>1897656>>1898362>>1898377NTA but I think a lot of mascot type characters are notable examples of official original characters that don’t come with any wider story or development, so the only appeal is the general concept and/or design, which is the way a lot of digital artists’ ocs get popular
No. 1898411
also all of this is because every single time someone says they dont like ocs some obtuse anon like
>>1897500 jumps in to defend their precious ocs, and honestly is very annoying. If all characters ever created were ocs then spaces specifically dedicated to ocs like toyhouse, artfight or community discords wouldn't exist. I don't even understand why ocfags get this salty when someone says they personally dont find ocs interesting.
No. 1898511
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>>1898411You sound salty over splitting hairs like this.
No. 1898515
>>1898207Instagram doesn't show all posts all the time and sometimes people don't have the time to scroll through their entire feed. They probably don't check who exactly liked their art if they are popular and get a lot of likes, so try commenting on a post or message them about something unrelated and see if it makes them remember about you. But don't engage with them if you were only hoping for clout kek someone liking your art and talking to you isn't "helping a small artist" they just saw your art and happened to like it, they aren't thinking about getting you more followers.
>>1898218It's a pleasing style and pretty easy to do if you have someone to heavily reference.
>>1898411It's fine to dislike the ones that are designs without a story behind it. It's baffling that you insist that it stops being an original character (which is what OC stands for) of the creator once the thing the character is in gets published. It's a very broad term that doesn't only cover kids' sparkledogs. It's as if you said you don't like painting in general because you dislike abstract paintings and consider anything realistic something entirely different from a painting.
No. 1898578
>>1897510>>1897528Your anatomy is a lot better, like, notably better. I really like the improvement there, I think the two biggest things that pop out to me is maybe that the anatomy is so well-drawn yet the face are lacking the same detail, or seem far more rushed. If you crop out the face on both, I think the improvement is far more visible.
Did the first post's art take you 5 minutes, or meant to be a figure study? If not, I'd recommend spending more time on the finer details of the face, however, it suppose it would just be personal preference. I'm an artist who loves to draw the body but oftentimes skimps out on the face because I don't care as much and I feel that it makes my art less impactful because the average art consumer is more drawn to the face as opposed to the careful way you've drawn the knee cap. Lol.
However, it may be a part of your art style to draw in this way, so I'd probably recommend either simplifying either the anatomy or adding to the face. I think the biggest reason why your old work looks "better" is that there lacks a clear skill discrepancy between the face and body - it all works very cohesively together. I'd also recommend trying a thinner brush as that may help make your faces less cartoony - but YMMV.
No. 1898759
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It kind of feels like online artists have run goth/alt/emo designs into the ground to the point I’m getting bored seeing them. On rare occasions I see interesting stuff with them, but most of the time it feels like I’m seeing the same uninspired characters over and over.
I also roll my eyes when I see yet another artist with a cast of ocs including the obligatory goth/alt girl and blonde prep girl.
I know know let people have fun, but I’m so tired of how derivative and repetitive everything is kek
No. 1898768
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Anyone else really love the art in travel sketchbooks and urban drawing? I love that sketchy free and still realistic look they have.
No. 1898798
>>1898794Nta, I'm
>>1898399 and the person you're replying to is not me, kek.
No. 1898848
>>1898841Nta but that's not art, dingus. Could the shoe factory be compared to the cobbler? Starbucks to a high class single location cafe?
Artists draw what they what to see, what they want to express, what interests them etc. etc. which shockling! Includes things that you might consider low class or what you even hate.
>Try getting into a oc community with random characters you only draw once without a story or name or anything, you will stand out like a sore thumbI thought the oppisite is what you hated and what you considered an oc. So which is it?
No. 1898874
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I was reflecting about it and I feel like at most, ocs in my circle just don't appeal to me. But I haven't encountered anyone so annoying past me being 20.
>>1898800You can hate ocs as much as you want, we just don't get why you're so strict on definitions, kek.
>>1898794I'm also another anon.
No. 1899192
>>1899154NTA but mgong's problem is that she seems to be dense as a fucking brick at best and retarded at worst. She always had that habit of deleting her art and purging accounts, usually because of her constant "I don't want to be famous" sperging, but then she goes on to not only make a new account but repost some of her older works on it essentially making her extremely easy to track. It's why I don't buy her whole suffering from fame bs, if she was truly suffering from it she'd be putting way more effort in becoming harder and harder to track primarily by not posting older work that can make it easier for the public to associate the post to her new persona.
I have no idea what caused her to become so unhinged to the point all she does nowadays is obsess over her fat tranny character and tweet like a schizo, but a lot of her behavior has been constant for some years now.
No. 1899355
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does anyone know where i can download one of these books? i believe their title is something like 一线教学系列丛书
i've been seeing some pages on my pinterest and i would like to get a few to work through them
i tried my book downloading sites but had no luck
No. 1899386
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Do you guys have any reccs for
Artist YouTube channels that have good tips, advice, speedpainting, etc. for kawaii / moe style anime girl art? Not coomer stuff obviously. I already watch Saitou Naoki
No. 1900017
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>>1899380not sure, as i said there are many on various subjects but I think it might be this one
No. 1900019
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Came across a TikTok where some teen said she got hate for her art, that was genuinely fine. The comments all said that people on tiktok only like “jelly art” and that anything else is deemed bad.. This is the first time I’ve heard about jelly art, is this the most popular art style for teens? Makes me miss the tumblr days even.
No. 1900025
>>1900019I only know of "jelly style" because yt rec'd me some video about it a few months ago
I am so fucking tired of the same expressionless kpop-like face and retarded inflated lip shape over and over again
No. 1900047
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>>1900019First time I heard a name for this type of art style. As a zoomer, it's not as common as you might think, the artstyles I see the most are the South Park inspired art styles and this other style. I don't know if it has a name, so I call it D mouth.
No. 1900049
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>>1900047Another example of D mouth
No. 1900060
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>>1900047you will never be Her.
No. 1900113
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How does LavenderTowne manage to get worse every year kek.
No. 1900289
>>1900019I hate how blurry everything looks when you pay attention.
I guess it's only impressive to beginners because ooo rendering ooooo
No. 1900302
>>1897528>>1897510Nonnie you just need to keep practicing, you're clearly rusty. Also yes the lifetime of scribbling doesn't help, based on experience, but you can overcome it.
Just practice timed gesture and move onto anatomy. With gesture each stroke should be as intentional as possible. Hampton helped me a bunch (but also his technique caused me some problems), he as a few videos on youtube.
No. 1900305
>>1897436Pretend like you're making OCs pre-2014 or something. There's nothing wrong with non-yt OCs
Also cute pic, she's literally me
No. 1901559
>>1901238So he moved to Japan and is drawing anime? What a surprise.
Arttube has gotten so cancerous, It's just a subsect of drama tube now.
No. 1901562
>>1901238wow rich guy with a wife and kid who has nothing else to do and all the free time and money in the world is good at drawing anime girls, how revolutionary
hate how easy this world is for moids. all he did was screech at games on youtube in the early days and now he's living his best life
No. 1901564
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Instagram advertises threads on it and all of the stupid ass posts they show on there make me want to cyberbully. I can see where all the Twitter refugees flocked once they jumped ship on x.
I'm assuming the artstyle in question is the one used in ao haru ride where the characters have defined noses and mouths. Anime is a dredge on society.
No. 1901622
>>1901570Offtopic but it wasn't only anime that was considered cringe but pewdiepie used to be considered cringe at the start of his internet fame too but at some point he became the darling boy of the internet
>>1901591Anime becoming mainstream is because of streaming services exposed more normies to it. I also unironically think that hallyu have played a minor part in making anime mainstream. The cool japan campaign mostly affected geeks but hallyu caught a bunch of normies and I think watching kdramas made normies more willing to check out media from other asian countries
No. 1901775
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>>1900322I miss when her ocs were cute. This guy was adorable and i would have bought merch of him.
No. 1902104
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Are you in an art discord server/forum that still has more than 10 people actively joining challenges, contests, group studies etc? I'm definitely a part of the problem but there's just less enthusiasm and unified passion for creation in my circles. All the ic ones I've join in have less and less community, and the active ones just become a dumping ground for art with little to no acknowledgement for each other beyond single line comments. I'm not asking for critics or whatever, but just a more active userbase that all do it for fun and passion.
No. 1902148
>>1902116Its both funny and sad. Her art of her old ocs was really amazing. All of them seemed really interesting and her work on poses, backgrounds and environmental storytelling were peak. I myself was very intrigued by that brown haired little guy's story but I never knew if she ever made anything with it (such as a comic) or not.
Got really disappointed when she cast it all aside and just made a tranny version of that Hellsing fat nazi guy instead and called it her oc and started to draw nothing but vague uninteresting and slightly generic religious symbolism or flat out shotacon
No. 1902258
>>1902104Not really related nor an answer but I feel you on trying to find art communities. With discord servers there's issues like hustle culture i.e. retards who only use the community to promote themselves and nothing else, hugbox culture, and the fact that most artists are autistic nerds who can't socialize in the first place. And there's little personal worth if the server's average skill is low, which is going to be true for basically any public server, since good artists usually already have their own circles whether by professional/irl networking or careful curating, because they don't gain anything from interacting with less skilled artists (unless they're the kind who get money for mentorships and shit kek).
I used to be part of some ic offshoot servers but those split off into smaller cliques because the women didn't want to deal with 4chan moids' shit. Anyway to this day I still haven't felt like I've ever belonged in an art community or friend group lol. Choosing beggars and whatever but I believe you can exercise pickier discretion over who to be friends with when it comes to online. I feel like most people my age already have their own close-knit circles and aren't that publicly active online anyway, and I don't want to become online friends with 17yo children. So it feels like opportunities to really befriend other online artists is too uncommon.
No. 1902333
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>>1902258I 100% feel you anon. I guess I do have offshoot professional servers I joined but I don't wanna post anime adjacent art in those kek. It's so especially hard for women. Before troon/moid peaking, I just looked the other way whenever someone makes suspicious drawn loli/ryona bestiality porn. Then the more accepting spaces get overrun by troons, both tims, tifs and misogynist male "feminists". No offence to the casual servers in friendfinder either but it was more casual and too male focus for my liking kek, and I'm too paranoid to be outed as a
terf to post in friendfinder myself. I just miss the last decade when everyone just drew for fun and weren't weird about whatever subject matter you draw
I literally just draw het oc, fan art femporn and shipshit that makes moids weird around you. No. 1902358
>>1902333The whole thing regarding art servers being too dominated by male moids is so fucking true it pains me. One day I found an art server that seemed to have some pretty skilled people in it, and the users mostly just chilled in muted VC streaming their own art or shared some insights and art tips in the gen chat. It literally looked perfect, until I saw the channel where users posted/linked their finished works.
Coom. Coom everywhere. There was no NSFW because the server had a rule against it but that didn't stop 99% of the art in it to be coomer anatomy anime girls with revealing clothes ("she's dressed okay! No nipples out! She's dressed!"). It was so fucking depressing, I thought I had finally found a oasis in a desert of shit but in reality it was just another moid coom paradise.
No. 1902408
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>>1902358Holy shit, non-nsfw servers should ban on failed vibe checks no questions asked tbh. There's this beg autist sperg posting his art in this public server that I would be surprised if it wasn't a thinly veiled fetish. He never interacts with other posts and just keeps posting even though he hardly ever gets engagement out of pity. I hope the mods fucking kick his dunning kruger ass.
No. 1902495
>>1902464Mega jelly, nona. May it stay active for many more years to come.
>>1902395I bet the youtuber doesn't even moderate it themself.
No. 1902523
>>1900571I agree with
>>1900901 , I don't think this is true for LT. Her "hard ceiling" is just that she's extremelly focused on muh style. She probably draws studies in "her artstyle" as well, and absorbs way less fundies as a result. I remember she once did a video that was something like "if popular animes were cartoons" but then the drawings were literally just her regular style, which shows how unflexible she is. Forcing yourself that hard into a stylization template will absolutely stagnate you, but I really think it's something you could
very easily just… willingly choose not to do.
>>1900113I feel the issue with this progression is that most of these aren't even "realistic". Art teachers don't bully weebs enough nowadays kek.
The last drawing's eyes and nose are on completely different angles and I really don't know she didn't notice that
No. 1902660
>>1902333I want to create drawings of boys in peace. My apologies to any gay nonnas, but I'm not interested in drawing girls unless it's for self-insert reasons. By drawing men, I can take into account other aspects such as muscle anatomy, which has held me back when drawing women. It's not women can't be muscular, Lord knows the amount of buff women I drew in youth, but I'm like, tried? I'm tired of all these pretty girls shitting up my timeline. I'm tired of the expectation that women must be cute to be worth something. I'm tired of the weird rationale of doing the same crap everyday cuz muh views. Happiness should come first. If you're ultimately unhappy, then what's the point of art? Social media has to be the worst mistake of the 20th century as every artist I know has long gone offline or only draws for paypigs now. I hate it here.
And seconded the discord crap. I'm not as terfy as some here but once moids catch a modicum of rad-leaning takes, you're better off kicked and banned.
No. 1902902
>>1902464>we once had bad actors join just to dramafag about things and people they dislike on /ic/do tell
nonny. I havent used /ic/ since late 2019 and i missed out on all the board drama.
No. 1902914
File: 1708986495981.jpeg (542.51 KB, 2016x1152, IMG_1781.jpeg)

I’ve noticed that nonnies here and anons on /ic/ call a lot of fantasy art generic and not not, makes sense not everything can be above average. I didn’t understand the sentiment until I started going into fantasy art. Stuff I would have thought was impressive 5 years ago feels dull and samey now. I feel so bad for art professors and teachers.
Who are fantasy artists that make art that isn’t generic. Outside of straight up using non-European or Japanese references how can I make fantasy art stand out or am I approaching the problem incorrectly ? Sci-fi is also welcome
No. 1902915
>>1902552I could never understand people that don’t like drawing on the plain screen.
Usually people add a matte screen for ipad.
No. 1902917
>>1902104Radio runner has a good server, since there’s a clear target and goal (his curriculum) people will post and stuff.
Goes without saying, don’t buy his new curriculum look it up on OCC or ask on /ic/ or something.
This one was recently shared seems good imo I feel like at some point we need to make a list of goof servers and link it the same way resources are linked. The question gets asked so much
No. 1902929
File: 1708988095846.jpg (511.72 KB, 1748x1384, 1644271617778.jpg)

>>1902914I really like the art of games like might and magic, ultima, wizardry. Pre 00s fantasy art tends to be really good, they tend to have very funky colors that make it stand out amongst the sea of gritty hyper realisti artstation crap
No. 1902939
File: 1708989039015.png (21.57 KB, 742x321, xfgnxgfmdfh.png)

kek she's acting like those western twitter enbies throwing a hissy fit when someone pokes at their trigger warnings. i used to think nonas were being obsessed with her but mgong is pumping out full schizo tirades on a literal daily basis now.
No. 1902941
File: 1708989156957.png (938.77 KB, 578x822, image_2024-02-27_101420624.png)

>>1902914Slowly becoming the Brian Froud advocate on this thread but Brian Froud's work draws from medieval European folklore and symbolism, in particular his motifs of foliage heads and hidden details in a already jam packed composition is really interesting visually. He's also not afraid to make ugly as fuck yet strangely appealing male and female characters, as well as very etheral looking ones.
No. 1902949
File: 1708989562710.png (3.73 MB, 1500x1380, image_2024-02-27_102035088.png)

>>1902941Samefag, also Dinotopia
>>1902944It's sort of supposed to be because it a representation of blight/rot but kek, I could have chosen a nicer picture as a example.
No. 1902953
>>1902946I've been trying to piece things together for a while now but I'm at a loss. In past tweets she claimed to be angry at people trying to copy her art style, but lately she has been saying the opposite and arrogantly claiming that people can copy her art because it'll "never be as good as hers" and claiming that those people are just "fakes". Then she claims people are trying to copy her Salvatore OC (the fat tranny nun) which…I highly doubt. She used to complain about getting too many followers, then stopped and complained that she wanted more comments, then stopped and now complains that she doesn't want any bookmarks…
Either something went down with her IRL that seriously messed up her mental stability or perhaps she's getting some shit or plagiarized in a chinese platform like Weibo and is just using Twitter to vent about it. I don't know, her tirades feel entirely random and the way she words her tweets literally make her look like she's some schizophrenic having a crisis.
No. 1903140
>>1903136This is so encouraging
nonny!. I have been putting off learning 3D because I though you had to be a great artist first. What kind of style do you do, more anime or something more realistic?
No. 1903166
File: 1709005726297.jpg (64.79 KB, 311x533, 4069506.jpg)

>>1903156>Whenever i pick a color to try to blend it it just drags the color from before. Literally the color mixing option is on. For clip studio, the closest to a vanilla raster hard round brush are the G-Pen series (make sure theres no textures or whatever). I'm an artist who started with photoshop so I had to adjust my CSP workpace to be closer to photoshop's. I also unbinded the shortcuts for pencil and pen/ink and put them all in brush. Tools can be dragged into another and will be a subtool which is a lot closer to photoshop.
No. 1903823
>>1902495I hope so too
nonny, I hope so too.
>>1902902>do tell nonny. I havent used /ic/ since late 2019 and i missed out on all the board drama.Sure.
>vendettafag joins server>states that they don't care about improving their art>acts pissy to randos and makes weird attempts at powermodding from time to time >woe is me posts about being bad at art dispite stating they have zero intentions of improving or practicing >weird post on /ic/ talking shit about several people for no reason appeal >distrust beings to brew >random moid joins server >someone instantly on 4chan about not letting them into the server >weird because most users are newfag besides maybe 3 people and don't know who he is >another post in thread demanding another moid who joined that day be kicked as well>even weirder because vendettafag started fighting with them the moment they entered the server>vendettafag is kicked for being the obvious dramafag >owner decides to bring them back because much second chances >dramafagging in threads gets even more hostle afterwards >over a mont passes and people being eyeing the dramafag once more >banter between nonnies is being mistaken for drama in post made on the board narrowing the suspect list >random girl joins the discord and gets kicked within a week for being insufferable >dramafag dm's serveral people that same day including the ramdon girl in attempt to do gay ops on the person she though was responsible for getting the girl kicked >she didn't know multiple people begged the owner to remote the the annoying girl making it clear she was the vendettafag>noone wants to be apart of the gay ops including the girl that was kicked and the evidence of the post is shown to the owner and dramafag is kicked for good that night>dramafag melts down and sicc her pet simp pedophile (an entire other saga) on the threads ever sinceIt's been over a year since this happend and those schizos still orbits and occasionally harassed random anons from the discord on /ic/ to this day. It's has also been theorize that the vendettafag always had it out for certain 4chan anons prior to joining the server.
Moral of the story: d
Never let schizos into your art server even if they do draw, it's just not worth it.
No. 1904247
File: 1709067887743.jpeg (396.28 KB, 2000x1327, IMG_5023.jpeg)

>>1902949Froud is a fave of mine too anon. I’d also suggest Yoshitaka Amano’s woek on early FF before it turned into greige and scifi.
No. 1904257
>>1903888I follow a few. Howard Lyon is great because he provides free references pack with one of his tiers. It’s a great resource. He also has a Discord but I don’t mess with it too often. Other trad artists have Patreon and their hands in a few other places like YT or what you mentioned too, but with Pateon’s remodel they can now host videos and a lot of artist aren’t updating their YT page as often.
No. 1904644
File: 1709087078788.jpg (544.62 KB, 1170x1347, 08101820.jpg)

>>1884631>It’s actually getting madeWell damn lol
No. 1904668
>>1904230You don't know /lgbt/ /tttt/ on 4chan?
>>1904242More likely than you think. Tifs have self posted and posted here before either to torture themselves or hate read.
>>1904516Must not be that server then. But fujocord
is an offshoot of LAScord. And is female dominated with lots of tifs with men into femboys.
No. 1904685
File: 1709090122216.jpeg (1.07 MB, 3464x3464, 540342D3-1092-4DFA-8821-0A11DC…)

I’ve created a collage of what I like to call the “female coombait pick-me artist that’s dating a YouTuber” phenotype. I.e., secretnarcissist, Veronica and Jelly, LexUpDog, and Squizzy/Hyojin. All of them have pretty mid art, and usually climb the social ladder via being the current; or former girlfriend of a famous YouTuber. Though, I realize most of them have broken up with the YouTuber that made them famous in question now. Although, Veronica has now started dating another YouTuber, this time being LSMark instead of OneyNG. The one I find most annoying is SecretNarc, her art is so mid for someone well into their 20’s, and she draws coombait art of her self insert “uwu pervy anime waifu” persona. Although, Hyojin is up there too with the “one of the boys” personality kind of thing she has going on. I will admit, it is sad that most of these women have to use a male YouTuber in order to ever climb the social latter and be recognized.
No. 1904688
File: 1709090178143.jpg (375.42 KB, 720x1441, Screenshot_20240228-111658.jpg)

>>1904536If it is /cgsg/, try it anyway. I just hated that they kept this coomer moid based on the calendar collab they did. Btw if any of you are here and reading this and if you gyns care, the choob guy draws maga shit. No. 1904699
>>1904688>I just hated that they kept this coomer moid based on the calendar collab they didwho
>the choob guyalso who
No. 1904711
>>1904536Yeah it's /cgsg/.
>>1904668Our server has no association with /dad/ and I never heard of the fujocord till today. Whatever they do over there is there business.
>>1904688>dramafagging lol lmao even.
No. 1904718
File: 1709092138859.gif (1.84 MB, 540x310, heathers annoyed.gif)

>find artist that draws faces the exact same way i want
>try to find the source
>she deleted everything off her pixiv
I am so tired of artists deleting everything off. I know they have the right to do whatever they please with their art, but i wish they would just stop posting rather than delete everything off.
No. 1904727
File: 1709092372270.png (1.63 MB, 1652x993, men age like milk.png)

>>1904723I feel bad for veronica she married some 19yo think and he aged 10 years in a year of marriage. Nerdy guys, not even once.
No. 1904870
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>>1904864I will go out defending an average internet scrote if it means dunking on a butt fugly one yeah
No. 1904878
File: 1709106573053.png (962.92 KB, 1920x1080, lsmark art.png)

>>1904870He would be cute if he wasnt fat. He's my personal cow though
>started as a ACC vermin>became popular for shitting on Hartman when people found out he was a right wing christian scrote who believes god can cure autism>tried trolling hartman twice>failed>autistically into sonic>married to 10 years older who cucked him>went from twink to hog in the span of a year>doesn't know how to draw>despite his hatred towards butch his style takes inspiration from FOP>currently making a pilot for his show about tom and jerry in high school>pilot is set in the early 00s despite him being born in 2002>asks people to make the character designs for him>he takes these designs and completly butchers them with his lack of skill No. 1904880
File: 1709106718091.png (3.21 MB, 2689x2048, 2020 vs 2023.png)

>>1904878he also hasn't improved in years. Left is from 2020 vs right 2023
No. 1904900
File: 1709108440375.jpg (1.19 MB, 2500x2500, lsmark art2.jpg)

>>1904898yeah, admiteldly i have an autistic hateboner for this fat retard because he has all the money and time in the world and still doesn't improve. I hate people that don't like art talking about animation/art. He can only trace, and poorly.
No. 1904935
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I am so tired of these retards.
No. 1904954
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>>1904935this one made me laugh because the horny scrote is brazilian and meant to say ''ouch'', but i still feel bad for the artist. It must be so fucking annoying and tiring to get accussed of using ai when art is one of the hardest most time consuming and less rewarded skills.
No. 1905014
>>1904257>with Pateon’s remodel they can now host videos and a lot of artist aren’t updating their YT page as often.I didn't know this, if you have recommendations for traditional artists I'd love to hear
Oddly enough I didn't know about Howard Lion so thanks for that, definitely worth checking out.
No. 1905071
>>1905053nayrt but now that you mention it I realize why he hasn't appeared in my feed for half a year
his rendering is pleasing to the eye but I can't help but find it generic, as his style
I started enjoying more rougher/messy/grungy rendering styles, I'n really tired of all the soft over rendered/blurred generic pretty girls art
someone mentioned Loish in this thread and it got me
triggered, I hate her fish faced disney-esque style, it's so punchable. I just can't stand it. I haven't checker her in a while but from what I know, she suffered severely from sameface syndrome too
No. 1905095
Thanks for milk, nona. Cried of joy. Reminds me of my experience a bit but not that interesting I was that insufferable girl in server full of tifs it wasn't women only but majority were and guys there most quiet and stupid like making 911 jokes or calling someone racist all while hiding their username by proxy bots. I couldn't hold myself and from time to time was joking about
triggers, osd/odd things, writing how I was lucky not having dysphorias, anas, how feminine I was and having chest is nice they were too easy to provoke and I had my name in too many fights but I never was kicked because iniatially mods were excited to have me in their server and till my leaving they liked my art and even starboarded it. While it was fun, it's also just wasn't worth the time and ruining relationships with people who didn't do any harm to me, they're were just superficial and way too into cartoons and memes and gossip about other half of fandom, no meaningful discussions, demanding call them characters names and treat them like different people, if I could go back in time, I'll just post some art and leave quietly weeks later.
No. 1905180
File: 1709137335264.jpg (380.36 KB, 1536x2048, 1673402592209018897_1.jpg)

Not that I'm defending people like mgong, but it's so disappointing seeing everyone's amazing, high effort art, while plenty retweeted and liked, gets no comments. And I thought I was hallucinating but looking back at my DA, my boring low effort art from the last decade would get more comments than the average high quality art on twitter nowadays.
No. 1905189
>>1905181 said
I actually miss the mid 2000s deviantart , back when drawing tablets were extremely niche (due to price) and only a handful of people had them
you could actually keep up with fanart back then
No. 1905236
File: 1709140921197.jpg (336.96 KB, 1440x1440, deviantart_902354339_Pin.jpg)

>>1905215It's taken so much for granted now, fans just beg for pirated links on official advertising or on mangaka's posts. People posting unnecessary qrts on art. Along with the AI paranoia making people call anything that resembled content fed to AI as AI itself. Rampant reposting and stolen themes/palette art dramas feel so nostalgic by comparison kekkk
No. 1905237
>>1905208There have been local art clubs that are usually staffed by older adults. I don’t think you’ll find a club with a younger demographic and if you do it will probably stagnate. I want local clubs to make a comeback too.
>>1905014You’re welcome anon. I follow traditional artists like Stephan Bauman, Nick Alm, Annie Stegg, Michael Whelan and more. Depending on what you’re looking for most have Patreon or Discord and there are also ateliers in the US you can follow (if you live there) since they offer some online help through classes or Discord.
>>1905071Is he the one that does super shiny work? I saw a video or two that was neat, it’s quite polished on his gigantic screen tablet but I think I’ve seen all I can from his work. It’s not too varied. Loish too I unsubbed from on IG because it wasn’t inspiring. I think she was promoting another kickstarter book and I didn’t care anymore. Her work used to be illustrative with proportional figurative work and last I saw it was cartoon Disney proportions and flat.
No. 1905255
File: 1709142741448.jpeg (363.58 KB, 774x1327, IMG_2737.jpeg)

>>1905248they have also added an option to prevent ai training models from using your blog but i think it only applies to third parties and not the ones they actually sell data to
No. 1905482
File: 1709153492081.jpeg (91.35 KB, 750x1000, IMG_2667.jpeg)

Hate how The Algorithm punishes you for taking a break from social media, now I got to do the daily song and dance bullshit to get my numbers back up. I didn’t give a shit when I had a job with a great paycheck but now it’s back to fucking with LinkedIn and Monetizing Every Hobby since getting laid off. Fuck this gay earth.
No. 1905735
File: 1709169987922.png (1.45 MB, 1868x2447, plebbit.png)

Recently, coomers have been upset that Pixiv is nuking their 3DCG, AI big booby waifu spam, and BDSM loli rape. I forgot to include it but there was another comment whining that this level of censorship is like Afghanistan.
No. 1905781
File: 1709174234446.jpg (319.83 KB, 860x1200, NON NON 1_006.jpg)

>>1905206I wish I started my webcomic earlier but I was too stupid, poor and busy then. And I refuse to inegrate to webtoon format.
No. 1905914
>>1905735The un will bully Japan into dropping degenerate art and hentai off the western sphere if they dont follow rules!
Now I don't have anywhere to post my loli incest porn and ai pics of coombait women! Woe is me!
They directly acknowledge that this is to prevent to spread of cp but their sexual urges are far more important than the protection of a child. If you didnt find children sexually appealing you wouldn't have to worry about the porn youre drawing in the first place. It's almost like you're the people the UN is trying to protect children from.
No. 1905924
File: 1709181432327.jpg (331.08 KB, 850x850, sample_5059fdd5a2ef224925f57e4…)

How can i learn how to design retarded hyper-detailed overdesigned gacha shit like pic rel? I have been doing lots of clothing studies, but I really can't come up with stuff like this, designing clothes is so fucking hard. I tried looking for character design courses, but most of it is too amateur or it teaches you how to design generic space marines. Is there a good course that goes in depth about clothes or gacha designs?
No. 1905934
File: 1709181817631.jpg (130.13 KB, 850x850, sample_05bf372f7960120ea1122a2…)

>>1905932nu;carnival. I like the dog boy's designs a lot. I want to draw slutty boys too but damn if it aint hard to design clothes, and i don't want to rip the designers off.
No. 1905935
>>1905735>it can really change/destroy the future of anime, manga and games completely.So you admit that so much of your precious weeb shit has pedophilia engrained into it that this could completely ruin the majority of them? I don’t watch or play any games that have loli rape or teenager incest in them so this is not destroying anything for me, what a sad fucking life for moids that the media they care the most about is this. Says even more for Japan if this could really hurt their industries so much. That is, if his delusions that his goon material could actually be completely censored everywhere was true. Even if Japan had the whole world drilling them to stop sexualizing real and fictional children they would do nothing.
>>1905924I think that Rinotuna has character design courses. His character designs have alot of nice thought out details, they can come out kinda gacha gamey but still good.
No. 1905950
File: 1709183745704.jpg (140.88 KB, 850x1258, sample_a126da1352432629ffad847…)

>>1905935Oh wow i had no idea. He should design more gachashit honestly, pic rel is something he did for a gacha shit i used to play, it's so obvious he's gay. I will check it out, thanks
No. 1905968
File: 1709186448486.png (3.18 MB, 2200x1500, mash.PNG)

I think I’m done with lesbian art twitter. I’m tired of seeing brown skinned women being degraded and drawn like exaggeratedly large muscular men next to other women, a bunch of popular lesbian artists have a thing for futashit, and some of these futafags have a “subtle” bbc fetish.
And yes everyone in this image is a woman.
Artist hasn’t posted futa(she doesn’t have a nsfw account as far as I know) but is friends with lesbian artists who openly draw futaxfemale shit so it’s only a matter of time.
No. 1906045
>>1905924That's just basic slutty china style outfit but on a guy instead of a girl.
Nothing special, just show skin or tight clothes. Just draw what you consider personally sexy, and if you have no idea what you like why do you want to draw sexy characters in the first place?
No. 1906387
File: 1709215200644.jpg (642.62 KB, 2048x1609, ELWnBqWU4AASwue.jpeg.jpg)

>>1906045>>1906089How would you go about finding references for the decoration on the sleeves or way the top is layered, most of it can't just be copied from somewhere. To get better at designing such detailed outfits you need to look at similarly detailed art, check out trendy fashion or whatever style you're aiming for and also random objects that you could reshape to function as accessories. Anyone can draw a basic black suit, but it's difficult to design something new to add to it when you don't have much experience. His outfit isn't just a fur jacket, you're just not looking closely kek
No. 1906402
File: 1709215827795.jpg (1.08 MB, 1684x1544, pinterest.jpg)

>>1906387Pinterest used to show me these kei-ish/rpg/wuxia looking cosplay before but I haven't really used it recently because of all the AI poisoning.
No. 1906411
>>1906387It's based off a matador outfit and the layering is basic 3 piece suit, shirt, vest, jacket.
You just need to expand your image library.
No. 1906510
File: 1709223605865.jpg (647.23 KB, 1080x1080, photocollage_2024229101957973.…)

>>1906473Here's a board if you want to design a slutty vampire
No. 1906591
>>1905180Lots of factors plays into this such as internet and fandom spaces becoming corporate and infinite scrolls. But asian artists always had weird rules of who could and who couldn't interact with their art. Even before all anglos on the internet became sjws and would leave rude comments and qrt, some asian artists would block you for being foreigner
though can't say I blame them for not wanting comments written in a language they can't read but blocking still feels extreme in this case. Asian artists have also always been drama llamas, even before the anglos became sjw. They would nuke their internet presence for getting too much attention or not getting the exact kind of attention they expected. While I don't think this is a big factor in why people don't comment anymore, I do think it has subconsciously affected how people interact with artist.
Some cowish parts of the anglo net also have subconsciously affacted this. Niche communities on tumblr used to have rules of what posts could and couldn't be interacted with. They treated the public web as a private groupchat and would have a meltdown if a non-mutual interacted with them. Or they would treat the public web as a diary and get mad if strangers read the their public blogs. At the same time these people would beg for attention and crytype if they didn't get it and it was hard to keep up with what was and what wasn't allowed. It was the same people who invented dni lists.
So basically too many internet communities with their own confusing rules on how to interact merged and now there are too many rules to keep up with so why even bother
No. 1907375
File: 1709284448263.png (1.14 MB, 1125x1220, Screenshot .png)

>>1905950This part of the design baffles me so much. His slutty pants thing connect all the way down to his big toenails which match the colors. What material are the pants supposed to even be and are his toenails made out of the same material? Are the pants things growing out of his toenails? Or are they only connecting to his cuticles? How does a professional artist come up with something so genius?
>>1907159The newest trendy way to learn art is basically just how to render your art nice enough that it’s impressive to normies and beginners. Take away that and their Pinterest references and it’s not that impressive anymore. I fear it’s stagnating so many younger artists progress now.
No. 1907386
File: 1709285302287.png (893.96 KB, 974x1045, Vicious_Khepri_NOBG.png)

>>1906817So aggressive for no reason, calm down. I meant that designing fantasy fashion like that requires you to build a broad visual library first because you need some reference to make something new yourself, so literally the same thing you said dumbass.
>>1905950>>1907375It's a gender-swap of Khepri and she's described as a monster so maybe the suit is part of the body or something kek
No. 1907388
File: 1709285625827.png (926.58 KB, 1000x1270, water me.png)

>>1907375this game has a shit ton of extremely retarded designs. I would still play it if they had an equal amount of retarded male designs to the extremely coomerfied female ones, but the gameplay is also ass to be honest.
No. 1907424
>>1905095Yeah that sounds like a wild ride lmao. Hopefully you found a cool art by now.
>>1905100Makes me glad political leanings and other divisive nonsense is irrelevant in the draw server kek. Makes me wonder why lolcow hasn't made one draw server yet? Seems like there should be a girl drawcord or two by now by that's just me.
No. 1907430
File: 1709293390992.jpg (530.9 KB, 1536x2048, [23-06-27] 1673704930048356352…)

has anyone tried stonehouse? is there a significant difference between stonehouse and other anatomy books?
No. 1907437
>>1907424Considering what a shitshow the usual lc discord was it's best there isn't one here after all this is a anonymous board
besides it'll attract that pyw chan but we'll get something to laugh at but it really isn't worth it I do wish there was one server without the gendie shit and the coddling lc back in the day used to be quite strict with critique and gave good tips on how to improve
and before proko nuked the courses that leaked there No. 1907456
>>1907430I've only tried out two anatomy books, so I'm not the most knowledgable on this genre, one being Anatomy for the Artist by Sarah Simblet and Stonehouse. Anatomy for the Artist goes into shallow depth about anatomy imo, however has some decent study material with it's use of original photographs, classical art and some of Simblet's Renaissance-inspired artwork, as well as discussion about art history- Stonehouse is the exact oppisite, incredibly indepth (some might say too indepth) anatomy, but the included material outside of anatomy discussion is mostly anime art which ranges from more than decent to retarded, especially all the stupid jokes he tries to shove in. I think these two books balance each other out, personally- I do like both books for contrasting reasons, but it really depends on your purpose. I also have a couple Dorland's but since those are actually for med students I don't think they'd count.
No. 1907469
File: 1709296888680.png (267.81 KB, 1692x1085, 9547057.png)

nonny. I only read Morpho and Michael Hampton's book, both very good but they lack real references. I will check the other book you recommened too, it sounds pretty good if accompanied with anatomy for sculptors or stonehouese. My goal is something like pic rel, so not insanely realistic anatomy but also not stiff generic animu either.
No. 1907476
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inspired by similar discussion, post the worst downgrades you've seen
No. 1907479
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>>1907476steven universe is a classic
No. 1907481
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>>1907476I don't know nona, I feel like this a case of jumping from heavy inspiration to heavy inspiration because this does seem a bit amateurish
No. 1907498
>>1905968>overly masculine>darker skin>polynesian tattoosEvery fucking time. "Progressive" thinking people always over-correct with their representation and their racism ends up dripping out in other obviously racist ways kek. I've never seen a representation of a polynesian character that hasn't been either intensely angry/violent e.g Overwatch and King Shark, happy go lucky, overly spiritual like Moana, or in this case masculine, and/or nonchalant. Sad.
>>1905735based and long overdue. Pixiv is still a cesspool of degeneracy but this is a small stepping stone to the pixiv art community gaining some semblance of humanity.
No. 1907500
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>>1907488The original anon is being disingenuous, picrel is the newest art in her dA gallery.
>>1907487The artist's older work is heavily referencing artists like Suehiro Maruo and she's merely symbol drawing some of the features f the face and doesn't really know her forms well- this is apparent in the arms, the weird flatness of the clothing and especially those sleeves. Her newer art suffers from the same, except has a more Tumblr/SJWy wanime inspiration behind it. Nothing more than a classic case of stagnation, just in a less appealing style.
No. 1907501
>>1907498>based and long overdue. Pixiv is still a cesspool of degeneracy but this is a small stepping stone to the pixiv art community gaining some semblance of are so innocent
No. 1907505
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>>1907500Samefagging, speaking of downgrades, I feel so bad for people who commissioned Dollieguts during this phase. She stopped tracing but at what cost?
>>1907501Shhh, let nona retain that.
No. 1907514
>>1907507I miss those days, it was all so simple. Wish we could go back to when the worst thing that could happen was retarded slapfights (and less gender/politic idiocy)
>>1907502Not disagreeing with the last part, it's just the unfortuate side effect of the Tumblr style.
No. 1907546
>>1907501Elaborate, I thought I'd seen my share of fucked up shit on pixiv galleries is the fanbox focus only on AI generated slop that happens to be photo-realistic and fucked up? Also what happened on the 25th of October 2023 that managed to cut this 3DCG shit in half?
>>1907505Nono do not baby me, stop being boolies and tell me.
>>1907521Bad advice imo, you should learn from structured learning by studying the foundations of art, not from drawing random still life shit everyday. If you are learning any skill you have to study it continuously and structurally, not throw everything at the wall and see what sticks. You have to read documentation to learn to code, you have to follow a recipe to learn how to cook etc. Doing what he's saying will not only lead to stagnation but also burn out and a false sense of accomplishment that he seems to have. Isn't the quantitative measure of improvement in art supposed to be success with master studies? If you can do decent master studies on unanimously good art you've improved your art.
>>1907527Brutal how his art never really improved past a certain point. This was a bit doomer to watch. Sticking to one particular art-style will always stifle improvement as he stuck to a generic public city mural/capeshit artstyle. The lesson here is not to become loyal to one style or you may stagnate like this.
No. 1907583
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>>1907546>Brutal how his art never really improved past a certain point.i feel like he might be a bit autistic. He was 20 years old and drawing his conanchu OC having a crossover with the avenger. Or maybe men back then were more innocent, but this is some chris chan shit to be honest.
No. 1907585
>>1907527His largest contributor is him being a referencer. He very rarely drew from his imagination and used photos as a crutch. I bet all those art nouveau pictures utilized photo models to get the proper form down.
You can't expect yourself to improve when you don't apply anything you've learned.
No. 1907862
>>1907840Other way round, rape meant any forcible "taking"- Spartan men did that with their wives, Rape of Persephone etc. etc.
Also Japan's tentacle fetish is centuries years old? What does that example disprove? Suprised you didn't bring up Bernini's Ludovica Albertoni or Ecstasy of Saint Teresa or something similar, but even then, not really that level of degen as modern hentai- it kinda just seems like you're projecting something. Also as if noone knows that moids have been freaks since forever- look at the story of Zeus turning into a swan to fuck a woman for example- no one is debating that.
No. 1907875
>>1907862I'm not explaining myself well but I don't want to fight. I really think OP was just baiting.
>>1907868I'm not OP and I don't watch hentai, kek. Just a person bad at discussing art on the internet. I'll bow out now.
No. 1907894
File: 1709316764019.jpg (Spoiler Image,369.01 KB, 1280x930, 1705919095697096.jpg)

want to join "draw every day" or whatever on /ic/ but i have such a low tolerance for moid-heavy spaces these days. generals on site are OK but each discord server i'm invited to or join is full of the most bottom barrel painfully typical 4channer brand moids posting disgusting porn in #general and their disgusting art everywhere else and getting asspats for it. like this dunning kruger genius who told me "learning anatomy is dumb!!11!" (image is nsfw, so spoilered) while drawing this sloppy shit. i'm mad.
the quality of /ic/ has really dropped though…in 2016 you'd have cool to amazing people like notapil and nat posting now it's just….slop, slop everywhere
No. 1907907
>>1907903>Like think about the type of anon on this threadextremely bitter nitpicky nodraw perma/beg/ who whines at the slightest "
problematic" subject matter?
No. 1907910
>>1907905Alas they can draw, as long time thread lurkers/contributers would know.
>>1907907Yeah basically, not saying that there aren't anons that are normalish here or that there isn't good discussion sometimes, but this is essentially the bitchfit about art thread
No. 1907993
>>1907974i would rather read that mild autistic sperging over seeing this
>>1907894 you can simply not join if you dont want to, though
No. 1908148
>>1907967i'm nice, but i am 100% a beginner, so i doubt any of those artists would pay me attention. i've actually posted my art itt before
is anyone in cgsg, actually? do they still accept members or has it become more of a close circle of friends now
No. 1908255
>>1907902The moid in question - wouldn't be surprised if he got some feminist or
terf comments about how it was stupid to use a TIM in a women's week, because his next video was a "please be nice!".
No. 1908414
I'm sure I have next to nothing in common with most of you anons aside from anime art and by having a mutual goal (like drawing art daily) will help. Alternatively DAD's website is also open source on github if any of you knows how or want to do that. I'm also still yearning for the art danbooru that nona suggested many threads ago…
>>1908080There were crumbs about that moid telepurte from that anon in personal cows thread. She reporte it from whatever server they're in.
No. 1908985
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Been reading the buzz about /cgsg/ as of late, so we have decided to open our server for the time being.
For those who are interested in joining please be mindful that this is an art-focused server above all. If you feel /ic/'s culture doesn't align with yours, and/or if you are looking for a more casual chat-focused server then I encourage you not to join. If you have any questions please feel free to ask the mods upon entering the server for more information.
No. 1909046
>>1905237>Is he the one that does super shiny work?yeah,that's him, the one with the HUGE tablet
>>1905248oh fuck,I haven't been on tumblr in a while , I wonder wtf happened to the blogs I used to follow pre nsfw ban, I remember there were some artists that did great artistic nude studies but they must be long gone
>>1904718I know that fucking feel and I hate it, can you post her name/handle even if it's in japanese? I love being an internet detective
and again, this is the reason why archiving on the boorus is good, I had this shit happen last week to one of my fav artists and I am so fucking pissed for not scraping her twitter
Having used pixiv since 2009 , it should've been fucking gatekept, and I'm generally against gatekeeping.
No. 1909081
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Scott Sava's works are pretendious realistic "Art Nouveau" slop. He sucks the girlcock for views.
No. 1909302
>>1909101Of course they can but it can depend on how much the spectrum affects them. I have adhd and sometimes it's hard to keep practicing at a consistent rate since I lose interest quickly and to actually consume courses and tutorials instead of hoarding just need to keep a stable rate of motivation to keep at not let yourself be trapped into a comfortable zone keep experimenting practicing and drawing. Good luck
nonnie adhd or autism can be either a gift or a curse
god bless the yumejos and fujos No. 1909304
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Confess your art sins nonnies
Sometimes i snoop around just to find the oldest art i can find of an artist i like just to compare it to my current skill level and feel better about myself.
No. 1909425
>>1909101My head always active with visuals I want to note or I'll forget it. It's the primary reason why I started to draw and draw still in daily/every other day/twice a week basis, depending. Downside is I never finish them as I need to note specific new sketch + I don't know how to color and shade, every time I watch tutorials I have strong urge to sketch.
Sorry, it isn't helpful..
No. 1909440
>>1908985I can't communicate through 4chan. Mind if I ask few questions to you?
Is it women only server?
How does verification process look like?
Do members provide critique?
No. 1909926
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>>1909304I buy pricey art resource books and I don't read them.
No. 1910022
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>>1910018have you tried using construction or something like pic rel?
No. 1910061
>>1910018Like other anons said here and in the other thread, you need to work on construction. When you draw from reference you're not supposed to draw only what you see but also what you know. It could be good to take a photo reference and try to break it down into shapes before you try to copy it.
>>1910022 is a terrible example, that guy is basically drawing from memory because he's probably drawn hundreds of girls like that
No. 1910063
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>>1910019I pirated a lot of art books, I just think it's nice to have one physically. I want to get Anatomy for Sculptors some time.
No. 1910081
>>1910052I don't understand 3D shapes. What should I do? Grids etc, aren't working for me. I draw things and people as I imagine them.
>>1910061That's (in the video) is how I draw people. I sketch out a pose first but it always comes out very flat.
No. 1910089
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nonny, practice. My favourite artist used to draw like
>>1909304 and now he's extremely good at figure drawing, pic rel. I think learning that all of the artists i like(except mgong) are over 40 helped me realize art is a very long journey and i am just starting.
No. 1910102
>>1910075I didn't realize insane anatomy is a line for a mouth and a mannequin body. Kek newfag art
>>1910034 anon was right animu shit will always look flat and simple.
No. 1911007
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>>1910829she turned out to be the ai sped and a cow
No. 1911167
>>1911165have you tried
>>1908985 ? i joined and its pretty cozy. Do you also want to have a following or is it just something you think every artist should do and you are following along? i dont post my art anywhere and i draw for myself and i find it pretty enjoyable that way, i only post my art if i want criticism
No. 1911169
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god i hate this coomer moid so much his art is so incredibly repulsive. I cant believe he draws this much and still sucks ass at anatomy. He also cries about how no one likes his art, gee i wonder why
No. 1911170
>>1911167This is going to be a stupid question, but how do I join it…
Also It depends, I think I just enjoy knowing people from all over the world can see my drawings.
No. 1911187
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I love this artists stuff. Like yes the Gameboy advance is a fat dork you see it.
No. 1911188
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>>1911187Love most of it tbh
No. 1911248
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>>1911220i hate the ''time/money'' excuse because animation has never been cheaper and easier to produce. Animators of the 80/90s would laugh at that sad excuse considering even the shittiest 80s hand-drawn satam show made by two or more studios that had to deal with language barriers mogs the average digital drawn calarts shit
No. 1911353
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>>1911334i dont know how to describe it but its like a type of rkgk thats made with like mspaint brushes, pic rel. In general the rkgk 'genre' is filled with coomers.
No. 1911371
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>>1911323insta zoomers choose copying styles over fundamentals and it shows in their work. the jelly artist isn’t really that good at drawing. her colouring is great, but once you squint some parts look very wrong, like the neck and shoulders in picrel. this is sad because these artists could be unstoppable if they went out of their comfort zone. i don’t understand why younger artists focus so much on styles when it’s something that should come naturally to you by taking bits and pieces of what you observe. they always copy one style and move onto the next hot thing too kek now they’re copying brujo ari.
No. 1911605
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>>1911464by any chance are you me, anon? i know exactly who you're talking about. i've never been a furfag but my best friend was so i'd see whitemantis' art on my tumblr dashboard every now and then and her stuff was pretty cool. pic related was one of her pieces that i liked the most to the point i've tried to make studies of it a couple of times because of the lightning.
i personally don't really care about her incest oc art but it's a bummer that she paywalled all of her stuff and also gave up entirely on her webcomic.
No. 1911617
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>>1911591i mourn drawr every day
No. 1911637
Is there any good art spaces that are brutally honest? I feel like a lot of them give ass pats to stuff just because it's hard to hurt someone's feelings. Ic is OK but I think it was better a couple years ago
>>1911371I can't believe this art style is popular at all its hard for me to look at
>>1911169I like his art his lines are pleasing and original, but yeah I wish he'd move past the "Why does no one like when I draw original stuff like people shitting themselves?"
No. 1911639
>>1911464I made a while ago in /g furryhate a post about her.
I stumbled upon her gross Furry OC incest thing, but I never knew that she did the mantis comic too.
Sadly I still find her drawings very beautiful.
So yeah I feel you
No. 1911659
>>1911464not at all
nonnie! its quite understandable to see one your biggest art inspirations take a nosedive into staleness, ive had the same experience with some art inspirations one of them deleted everything and i regret not ever archiving her art,its best not to idolize your artists inspos as people but only keep the admiration at their art skill
No. 1911750
>>1910081>>1910018If your problem is drawing 3d forms then consider doing DAB or dynamic sketching
If your problem is replicating what's in front of you draw on a grid or learn how to measure.
I have the same issue, drawing what's in front of me is a challenge and I prefer drawing from imagination, gesture was fun until I had to move onto figure drawing and all of a sudden those "exaggerate the pose!!!' advice was working against me. If you're anything like me your "drawing from imagination" isn't actually that good but you're able to get away with it the same way "it's my style!!!" people get away with bad anatomy.
Here are some more measuring videos. No. 1911756
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>>1911371It's literally just the rendering that makes it look good and even then because most use soft brushes and air brushes their drawings look hazy/blurry. I remembering copying a video I thought had good results but I was so unsatisfied with what I had done because it looked unfinished and blurry, the reference looked even blurrier.
What I hate most is the exaggerated douyin makeup, makes them look like they've been crying for hours.
It's actually funny how the beginners circled back to using airbrushes as a crutch.
No. 1911807
>>1911637Literally just ic.
There are a handful of good discord servers, they've been shared on this thread.
No. 1911843
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>>1911413Generic anime isn't a momentary fad though anon. I mean shit like the Tumblr art style (i don't feel like finding an example so just have this pic. You all know what I mean anyway) just as a recent example. Every few years there's a new tacky art style that becomes trendy and then looks fugly and dated once everyone is over it. Following the trend doesn't mean they're screwed, they just have to learn new skills and techniques but changing is just what comes with being an artist.
No. 1912047
>>1911985Using references is a waste of time if you can develop an adequate understanding of anatomy imo, because you have to find things to reference in order to help achieve the image you desire. Does that make sense? I'm not trying to never look at a reference again, but I do want to be good enough to not need it to draw accurate looking people.
>it's a lifelong processI guess so. It feels bad that there will never be a moment where I can say "this is good, I've done enough." I guess I'm also in a position of feeling like I'm not improving or getting worse at drawing even, so I wanted some reassurance that it will pay off eventually. I never see any "before and after" of people drawing after studying these types of books.
No. 1912053
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>>1912047NTA but there's a reason why Renaissance artists kept doing anatomy studies even if they were already extremely skilled artists. Yes, you do need to learn how to draw proper anatomy without reference, but you do have to do the occasional anatomy study so your perception of anatomy doesn't get distorted and to keep that information cemented in your brain (and let's be real, you're not going to remember how every muscle and tendon interacts)
No. 1912215
>>1911169I got creeped out by tableguy after the gross toadette diaper poop drawing he posted on twitter, stating changing his baby daughter diaper inspired him to draw this. He deleted it and I haven't kept a screenshot because I don't want to save such degen stuff on my compute.
>>1912197You sometimes run on good art in the self-promo threads, but good artists on /ic/ seem to be occasional posters. You can't keep motivated to do art and post daily on this cesspit full of AIbait and slide threads.
No. 1912237
>>1910089damn this artstyle felt familiar so i searched expecting some shoujo josei female mangaka who has been in the industry for years but it's just another japanese pedo coomer
i wonder if being a good artist means you're prone to mental derangement or if you can only be a good artist if you're mentally deranged
No. 1912256
>>1912189i think most art nonnies dont post here because if it leaks that we are posting on
le twansphobic site it can end in a headache or potential career suicide (i wouldnt mind being branded a
terf since i am one kek but i feel most
terf artists would like to be as vague as possible) , most ic users are either troons or moids and they dont get the half of the harassments a female artist can get
No. 1912268
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>>1912258>assuming a artist is saneevery artist is mentally ill in some way why the hell would we draw for 30+ hours just to delete it in the end like a retard.
No. 1912300
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>>1912297>moid>anime>moe>artist>normalkek any moid into moe art is either a pedo or a troon
or a tif disguising as a moid No. 1912307
File: 1709645991207.png (2.54 MB, 1920x1080, izzy.png)

>izzyzzz working on an animated pilot
>lsmark working on an animated pilot
>panpizza working on an animated pilot
>daftpina working on an animated pilot
oh my god is there anyone that doesnt want to make a pilot nowadays? they all sounds like shit anyways, they will never be vivizie. Izzyzz's pilot idea is so cringy
> I’ve been working on a comedy slice of life pilot called Wastelandia. It’s about being cringefail and in your 20’s. I hope to release it this year!!
who the fuck wants to see this, just using ''cringe'' to describe your pilot makes me wanna avoid it at all costs
No. 1912308
File: 1709645996852.jpg (Spoiler Image,507.35 KB, 1080x1920, delete this immediately after.…)

>>1912299Any moid who draws in a "feminine" way or any tif who draws like a moid always have the most degen art (picrel, I know it's furshit not anime but it's the first examples that come to mind)
>>1912300Kek it's almost always a red flag that the moid is a fucking freak
No. 1912345
>>1912297 >moids who draw exclusively moeI wasn’t talking about this but other post - about normies in art spaces being normies, even if they are into anime
I myself know kinda lot of normies who watch anime because it is a popular media. And even more working artists watching anime - popular visual style, they can’t ignore animation working as artists for games or animation
I mean, for a young person, it’s weird NOT to watch any anime than otherwise (especially when you work with pop mainstream visuals and you need to imitate those)
No. 1912356
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>>1912307>who the fuck wants to see thisMe, I like premises like that
Also what do you want, animators not working on their pilots? Lol
No. 1912383
>>1912268>>1912262I don't know, I don't think I need to be degen or
abusive to make good, but that's just me I guess. For real though, very egotistical to think art as a skill is that unique kek. This is how I know you people don't talk to others outside of your bubble.
No. 1912396
>>1912391Yeah, if you're a retarded 25 year old minor.
Anyways I'm not sure if you're getting what I'm saying, in animation nearly NOTHING is marketed or made for the general public past the age of 8 here or in NZ. I can't relate to majority of adult animation and I refuse to learn anything about US culture because why the fuck would I want or need to- I'm stuck with French and Slav shit and while that's generally really nice sometimes I want to watch something funny or light hearted without having to do shit tons of research to understand half of it.
No. 1912400
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>>1912383Also it's a myth propagated to enable
abusive moids in powerful positions and coincidentally works as cope for people who don't want to put in the hard work feel better about themselves. Seriously, next you're going to find out each person who don't fit your idea of a weirdo skilled artist who have small harmless idiosyncrasies ACTUALLY count as a level of insanity. Hell, you're already saying dedication and hard work counts as madness.
No. 1912783
For nonnies that want to join the /cgsg/ server, beware there is a rigth-wing scrote one it, like
>>1904688 said. I decided to snoop around because I though it was some gay 4chan drama, but he is indeed the green slime guy he's also a lolicon or at least into loli artists yeah, just be aware of that if you decide to join. May we someday be blessed with a scrote-free server. Installah.
No. 1912790
File: 1709679572081.jpg (48.53 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f…)

>>1912307Why are all of them comedies?so fucking lame,give me drama, fantasy,adventure animation not any of this garbage why does everyone need to make every fucking cartoon a comedy???I blame Vivziepop for this since everyone is trying to copy her in every possible way but her ideas suck ass too at least Lackdaisy has some action to it Monkey Wrench too I guess.gosh I hate modern Western animation.
No. 1912930
File: 1709690520920.jpeg (9.12 KB, 500x275, headache.jpeg)

How do you learn how to see the mistakes in your art? I wish I had mony for an art teacher.
No. 1912943
File: 1709691262177.png (1.56 MB, 1645x1724, fisher.png)

>>1912932I find it so funny so many 4chan moids coom to femboys while being right leaning. Speaking of femboyfags, does anyone remember Fisher? I actually really liked his art, by far the best artist /ic/ ever had. He made drawing look so fun and it's one of the reasong i picked drawing back then. I wonder if he still posts somewhere, I would love to follow him.
No. 1912965
Regarding choob, even without the maga shit, aparently he made the ruffboys channel in LAS/pre-DAD discord. It's a containment thread for arguing about whatever and majority of the posts were heavily right wing aligned. Make of that what you will
>>1912795I'm not the anon you're quoting kek. I understand protecting your server's peace especially after that weird incident with that moid who got weird with the femanon in the server. And then the megaman moid posting low effort shit and the sperg about not being invited. I'm fascinated that your response is thinking it's dramaposting and shallow compared to the greentext one of you in that server posted.
No. 1912973
File: 1709692867463.png (3.27 MB, 3335x1990, 1000005522.png)

>>1912943Wow, what a throwback. I have some caps of him talking about his study method from 2020. Picrel, idk who that other moid is who has to talk about porn or he'll die
No. 1912976
>>1912943He's still somewhat active on twitter, @ohheythatfisher
I always admired him too despite his degeneracy/faggotry, as you said he was one of the very few skilled posters to ever grace that shithole
No. 1912992
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>>1912973holy shit this is so insightful thanks
>>1912976the quality has degraded so much on /ic/. Everyone is trying to become the next souless coom artist like bbcchan
No. 1912999
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>>1912995DAD just proves drawing every day just for the sake of it is completly useless. Mfs on dad will have a 500 day streak and draw like this. It's honestly better to have a schedule were you take a break at least once a week.
No. 1913025
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>>1913005what do you think makes his art fun? for me, it's his shape design. I hope i can someday achieve this kind of style, i love artists who make me want to pick up a pencil.
No. 1913033
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>>1913025Shape design is a big factor, as well as his use of bright but not garish colours and sometimes interesting shading. He also seems to understand his forms very well, which is a instant win in my book. Also some of his art is just cute (picrel)
No. 1913059
>>1912999if they only draw 30 minutes a day, that's 250 hours… which is not that much, and if they are forcing themselves to draw it's even less. i doubt they're actively drawing for that entire timer too.
>>1913025this guy's art is good but i feel like i see a ton of artists on twitter who draw similarly or better. usually semi smaller accounts who don't tweet much outside of just art
No. 1913214
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What or how should I practice if my work has a '2d' feel to it? Faces especially
No. 1913375
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nonny, sadly they dont fill the ''fun artist that makes me want to pick up drawing'' niche for me. I think it made me realize why fisher is so fun, he draws tons of subjects with different styles, he never sticks to just drawing animu or just drawing furries or just drawing 'realism', and he also has a very nice rendering style that makes his figures 'pop'. The artists you posted only draw humans, but fisher draws stuff like animals, mechas, monsters, landscapes, etc. He makes me want to draw because he loves drawing and his love for drawing is contagious, if that makes sense. If nonnies want another fun artist that inspires you to draw, I recommend Yoh Yoshinari's sketchbook.
No. 1913387
>>1913383>Have you looked into Proko’s school?Isn't it super expensive though? I dont have that much money.
>Also look for local ateliers or art schools that study fundamentals and you’ll get crit that was as well.Sadly, i live in a piss poor country and all the local ateliers/artschools are filled with animetards and ''muh style'' type modern artists.
No. 1913467
>>1912965>I'm not the anon you're quoting kek. I understand protecting your server's peace especially after that weird incident with that moid who got weird with the femanon in the server.Nta and sorry to beat a dead horse but I've been in the server in the since the beginning and I can't recall what you are talking about? The only times I remember people being removed for be outright weirdos were either pedophiles, or trolls who never made out of the nodraw channel,or the girl that came was invited in from the friend finder and was deemed too autistic to be in the server and removed over a year ago. Male anons in general were always psudo lurkers who would post work and talk every now and then which is why noone in the server really minds having them there and they're only about 4 of them that stayed.
>And then the megaman moid posting low effort shit and the sperg about not being invited. That guy was kicked for being a pedophile. He posted shota sucking dick and talked about liking little boy penis in the server and was kicked that very day for it. You would know this if you were apart of the server and not reading through thread archives to piece together stale milk from a year and a half ago.
>I'm fascinated that your response is thinking it's dramaposting and shallow compared to the greentext one of you in that server posted.I just think it's shallow because of one (1) anon being a literal maga faggot in a 4chan server isn't milk.
I suspect that the only reason he's being namedropped so much because sometime happened and DAD/LAS at somepoint and it's being used a cudgel to whack another server over the head with. The thing is it's not /cgsg/s problem yet it's be painted as if it should. So what happened? What's the ulterior motive here because there’s more interest in one user than anything that's been mentionded about the server itself.
Lastly I find the choosey beggars shit hilarious, /lc/ even can't even make it's own discord but you bitch and moan non stop about the only one nice enough to give the nonnies a far shake? Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.
No. 1913488
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>>1913475I am not interested in drawing men, and the other anon is right that your thread is too scared of giving honest criticism, so it's just a nest of NGMI begs. Instead of accepting that some women dont want to share servers with MAGA sexpest moids, you came here and started sperging and defending the honor of said moid, and acting arrogant about your supper sekrit exclusive /beg/ server. Just let it go. Anon
>>1912965 gave an example of why some anons don't want men in their servers, we all know men are sex pest sharks that think just because a woman acts horny it means she must want his cheese ridden cock.
No. 1913512
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>>1912992This reminds me a lot of SirArtwork, except the compositions and use of lighting/value is much better. Also, for a degenerate former 4chan moids, Sir is a surprisingly nice, pleasant person. I've watched a few of his art streams. He's worth a follow if you can put up with the coomshit.
No. 1913533
>>1913512Pepis the Tender is so cute!
>>1913520Horrid. Good thing I hesitated and didn't joined. Thanks for telling, nona.
No. 1913573
File: 1709750053418.jpg (234.94 KB, 600x807, Charles-Reid-6.jpg)

have any nonnies switched from digital to traditional? I recently bought watercolors but i havent used them because i am scared of fucking it up. how do i get rid of the fear of ruining expensive materials because i cant ctrl z my way out of ruining art irl kek.
No. 1913637
>>1912375this came up for me like a week ago! i haven't seen it anywhere else, but it's by the ABC, apparently. the humour is The Office-style but Australian, with poor millennial characters. the animation and humour style are not pushing any boundaries, but it is pretty unfliching about showing realistic financial hardship.
there is heaps of untapped talent in australia. the australian media production pipeline is not good!
No. 1913698
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>>1913637Blonde girl looks like Maria Robotnik.
A lot of new shows seem interesting but the style doesn't appeal to me at all
No. 1913722
>>19135731) Buy a TON of cheap paper that's also not too shitty to practice. Don't buy any expensive sketchbooks or really expensive papers, you won't use them. Maybe buy a huge roll of Baohong student paper (cotton but not a crazy good one) or Hahnemühle watercolor sketchbook (cellulose but pretty nice).
2) Buy a second set of watercolours that are cheaper than those you've bought. Which brand did you buy?
3) Watch some videos on youtube. Don't have to be basics, you just need to see how watercolors work.
No. 1913772
>>1913694A cartoon created by the
ABC is not indie, it's quite literally government funded- so while I agree, in this particular case it's not indie or a pilot
>>1913702Why do you keep sucking her ass? You're very recognisable.
>>1913637I agree, it's very safe but the way it addresses finacial issues while not as explicit as I've seen is interesting at least. The style doesn't appeal to me but I am curious about the other episodes, thanks for sharing nona!
No. 1913849
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>>1913836i remember all the crabs trying to ''fix'' her designs when the pilot was released kek
No. 1914196
>>1913467Whenever I try to be nice, you always see it as rude or I have vendetta with the server keeek. You're so paranoid, and I genuinely understand why. Though I'm done placating.
>>1913488I actually don't mind a lot of the skill level there, they carry their own weight except for those who don't but from my experience they were ignorable. Regarding criticisms, I'm not a fan of hugboxes but I've given a handful of critics to permabegs who only wanted to hear nice things and not really improve. Or idiots who just keep asking crits and never applying them. So I understand sparringly giving them. I like that they have fun activities for the server. But I agree on limiting subject matter to predominantly males among other things. And I'm saying this not even attracted to women.
No. 1914216
>>1914196That was my first response in this thread about the server. And seeing how you,
>>1913529 >>1913533 at under the impression that enstars schizo is a member of the server ( she is NOT. she snuck when we posted the link to the thread, was removed, then ran between here and 4chan meltdown over it) there's serious miscommunication happening. If you don't like the server, are weary of being around a few male anons, or don't want to be apart of the server then fair, just don't join it. Others have and time will speak for itself if it's a schizoden or a good community. Noone putting a gun to anyone's head here. I only gave my POV as someone that been there for a over a year and a half and I'm being honest when I say that the rumors are grossly exaggerated. The userbased is just bunch of chill people that care about drawing, and a nice community is being slandered because people feel some kind of way about individuals in it. It's annoying that olive branch has been extended and people are letting there paranoia supercede the truth.
I gain nothing in arguing endless or lying and whether lc nonnies join the discord or not I still have a community to participate in. Again time will tell, an if all goes well with the new nonnies /cgsg/ will consider shilling the discord again. We aren't perfect, but we are better than nothing. This is my final post about the subject. Sorry for disturbing the thread.
(derailing) No. 1914280
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>>1914156People loved that episode and some people geniunely wanted our currency to be renamed to dollarydoos, kek. Australians love the stupid sterotypes you guys laugh at and view them very fondly, because they're not too far from the truth and we know they're just jokes. I think the issue is over-nationalism, media corporations want everything to be immediately recognisably Australian
No. 1914294
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>>1914267Are you referring to picrel? You'd apply the same principles as shown in but manually mix each color and put it down in the correct value structure. Specifically in the case of gouache, you'd leave some of the previous color on the brush when mixing to retain some of the color harmony along with whatever's already on the palette. Plus it's built up over many layers and not done in one pass or anything like that.
No. 1914309
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If my goal is to develop a manga style similar to picrel where the anatomy isn't necessarily completely accurate should i still focus on learning it or should i focus on creating the stylised drawings?
No. 1914391
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Pic rel is a random set of fandoms, not ones I'm in. Unsure whether to post this here or in the consoomer thread but I don't think the market needs so much enamel pin of a single title or character. Prints and stickers are cheaper, disposable and easier to keep. While I can't imagine having to get a pin every con or so. While every big artist who can afford it will produce tons of it anyway. I might just be jaded now that I'm older but fan merch culture is just indie sourced consoomerism/capitalism at this point.
No. 1914396
>>1914391Emanel pins are my favorite kind of fan merch along with acrylic stands kek I guess it depends for what you're going to use the merch, prints and stickers are great for decorating while emanel pins, chamrs and can badges are better if you want an ita bag or something.
For me, I just don't have space to hang prints onto, can badges feel cheap and stickers fade and are single-use. Good emanel pins look better, are more sturdy, and it's easy to put them anywhere. I don't mind them being more pricey since isn't like I buy one every week, $15 every other month isn't much.
No. 1914408
>>1914391I think pin collections are cute. What i don't get is artists who try to sell merch they wouldn't even buy themselves. Why are you investing money on buying 100 keychains, pins and stickers with your mediocre "western anime" art when you KNOW it's not the best and that you'll be competing with artists who are more skilled than you and are also making the exact same characters but better? None of them have a unique style or take on it, it's just a basic (often chibi) drawing. If I've bought 1 nice zelda pin I'm just not going to buy 6 more that look less good, in fact I'm good with my 1 pin and would rather buy a different character if I'm getting more pins. I see these people complain about their own art all the time, they don't seem delusional about their skill level but they still for some reason think THEIR mediocre zelda pin will be the one to sell like hotcakes.
Even funnier when they have the same artwork, but with a tiny variation (background color or holding a flag or item) each with a different pride flag. Like my sister in christ do you really think every person here is going to be some kind of a he/they/xe lesbian demiromantic transmasc enby and that they will all want one of your pins to prove it to the world? Why would you willingly spend that much money just to make sure your target audience is this super teeny tiny minority and that no one else will want to buy it?
No. 1914417
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>>1914396I wouldn't spend $15 every other month for a none productive creative hobby. Yes I'm cheap.
>>1914408You describe it better than I could lol. A minority will have designs that actually look good even without the fandom standpoint. But the rest are haphazardly designed like the artist thought a full illustration but flats and thick lines will be a good enamel pin design.
>Like my sister in christ do you really think every person here is going to be some kind of a he/they/xe lesbian demiromantic transmasc enby and that they will all want one of your pins to prove it to the world?This is why I think they're just weeb retail therapy enablers, they actually do think that. TQ+ identity is built on hyper-consumerism. How else are people gonna know you're actually a demi-gender pansexual poly if you don't dress like it and buy all the flags that say you are???
No. 1914427
>>1914417>I wouldn't spend $15 every other month for a none productive creative hobby. Yes I'm cheap.Then the problem is not the product itself, you just prefer spending money on other things. You can say the same about stickers etc.
I agree with you in how ugly some pins are though, but again that has to do with the artist' skills than the product itself. US artists just seem to jump into the new shiny thing without researching on how to make it work.
No. 1914473
>>1914467>Every artist friend I know is just doing it for a quick buck because it's low effort and even if it's not going to sell like hotcakes someone's going to buy it and it's good portfolio filler. Producing 18 different variations like
>>1914417 to sell 1-3 is NOT a quick buck and will in fact lose you a ton of money. I think it's pure mindless virtual signalling, I mean who the fuck is actually identifying as abrosexual?
No. 1914491
>>1914479>Isn't that account's entire brand just selling LGBT themed merch?Idk about that account in particular, but I'm
>>1914408 and the sellers I'm talking about are not LGBTQA+ panderers but mainly sell other (usually very mediocre) art, but then they have 1-3 of the "mandatory" pride ranges to show how ever so inclusive they are.
>Those kinds of people also get their merch shipped from sweatshops on Aliexpress so they're paying like a dollar for a custom enamel pin to avoid breaking bank.I'm in private artist groups so I see where they discuss buying pins from, they're typically spending $150-300 just on buying the pins. These are the same people who "boycott twitter for Palestine" so they avoid cheap sweatshops.
No. 1914538
>>1914427You have a point, anon. but I still want to criticize unnecessary consumerism just because it has their tribe's colors be it weeb or gendie shit
>>1914449I think this one is among the better designed ones for sure. The more symbolic ones that isn't just 3/4th anime character bust aren't bad. I still won't buy any more than 10 in my lifetime though.
No. 1914954
>>1914670I literally said
>Unsure whether to post this here or in the consoomer threadI'm aware of the consoomer thread. Why are you so hostile and assume the others the same. Breathe. I wanted to angle my post on the uninspired aspect of the artworks. I've posted about fan merch culture on previous art salt threads before.
No. 1914961
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>>1914953Stuff like picrel where you study different textures in fabric or natural textures for practice. Not sure what kind of stuff you plan on drawing but it's always good to know
No. 1915183
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It makes me laugh when scrotes cry about ''muh asian jeans westoids cant into animey''. I recently found out pic rel and i was happy to learn that he's south american, literally ic scrotes need to git gud.
No. 1916350
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>>1916343her cell shading art was so fucking good. She's extremely young, so she's going to keep improving and learning. It's honestly amazing to be able to see the development of a really talented artist in real time. Even if i dont like her new style as much, it's fun to see her experiment with new styles. I wish only the best to the schizo queen, i cant help but like her kek, i also love how she makes the NGMIs seethe.
No. 1916371
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>>1916365she should go back to this style. It was a perfect balance between the old one and the new one.
No. 1916661
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>>1916657damn the bar must have been low on ic before
No. 1916922
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>>1916226I'm not just talking about customs, but like indie sculpted dolls.
This doll was one I saw today that gave me unwashed vibes. It feels fetishy.
No. 1917061
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what are some artists with really good color use? preferably western but animu is ok
No. 1917065
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>>1916922there are a fuckton of fat women who collect dolls so this appeals to their market, many want fat dolls because they are fat not because of a fetish. it's also why there are fat monster high doll sculpts now. a lot of bjd doll sculpts are supposed to be more "realistic" than regular fashion dolls though, hence the monster highs being more stylized. though i think fashion dolls aren't very on topic at all and bjds are pushing it a bit. i'd love a doll thread if someone made one.
No. 1917080
>>1916922The big nipples mixed with the baby head and small neck looks uncanny but it's mostly okay besides that.
>>1917061Could you elaborate what you're asking for? Are you asking what artists use as in mediums or what artists have good colours? I might be being a bit retarded but I geniunely can't read your question kek
No. 1917085
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>>1917080> I might be being a bit retarded but I geniunely can't read your question keknah sorry i am ESL kek i meant artists with nice color palettes/color use.
No. 1917089
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>>1917085>>1917061i see these drawings/artists specifically reposted on Pinterest constantly. just go on there and look at the suggestions for similar artists. consider looking at old vogue magazines, those also pop up in the suggested results
No. 1917131
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>>1917089For some reason pinterest has been working like ass for me, i get a shit ton of disgusting AI crap now
No. 1917148
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>>1917131You might want to go through your history and make sure to disable any AI posts from influencing what you see. Just looking at AI slop immediately floods your feed with it.
No. 1917225
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I know this is a little strange but can anyone tell me who the artist behind this ad is, or at least suggest more like this?
No. 1917331
>>1916657Wasn't he made fun of for making a subreddit or a wiki or something.
>>1916661You have to remember that even the technically skilled kjg-likes couldn't even finish a singular cohesive piece and only dished out sketch pages, maybe color them if they're in the mood.
>>1916669There's definitely more, they just don't namefag and I don't wanna give away names lest I be accused of selfposting kek. But I'm sure there's industry pros who browsed/are browsing /ic/
No. 1917542
My ex bf is an animator and he uses 4chan too. They all do
No. 1917778
>>1917508Like who/Proof?
also I'm 95% they're all men. Women are held to a different standard
No. 1917784
>>1917575If money isn't an issue and if he isn't a perfectionist it isn't a problem.
Only reason why people recommend starting out cheap is because budget and (probably more importantly) beginners freezing up at a new page or feeling like they can't to do warmups because it's a waste of expensive materials.
No. 1917791
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>>1917778nta but the creator of OK.KO was a huge /co/fag, which makes his obssesion with making every female character coombait, and the weird crossover between ok.ko and Ghoul school(scooby doo crossover /co/ loves because of the 'loli' characters) super fucking creepy
>>1917779some anon said she 'copies' other artists but she never posted said artists kek
No. 1917817
>>19178021. You're going to be alive that entire time
2. You're going to need something healthy to do when you're old that's not watching tv for seven hours a day
No. 1917867
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>>1917858they are the japanese of europe.
For real though, all men into artistic hobbies are degenerates, look at how akira toriyama said he wanted to molest his daughters and drew child milk/chichi in a fucking bikini armour.
No. 1917879
>>>/m/360858it makes me laugh when anons defend artist moids and get angry when women dont want to be part of communities that accept males when literally every single artistic scrote is a weirdo
No. 1917892
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does anyone know where these excercises are from?
No. 1917954
>>1917948She’s drawn loli porn, some of it is on boorus. Anyways she’s just one of them, I’m not trying to make it all about her.
>>1917949I feel like there has to be some though. A lot of mangaka start off by drawing doujins then stop once they become established. It could be the same thing. A lot of zoomers were shocked anout Kenya Suzuki (Galko creator) being arrested for CP despite his work being extremely “sfw” fetishy.
No. 1917956
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>>1917936None of them really keep it a secret, western fans just choose to ignore it, Akihito "owns a manequin of a child's torso" Tsukushi and Made in Abyss is an example.
Also are you getting Aoki Ume and Gen Urobuchi confused? Gen wrote Saya no Uta (art was made by Nitroplus however) and co-created PMMM
No. 1917957
File: 1710023866978.jpg (92.34 KB, 661x1009, 1645876538101.jpg)

weebs be like ''i cant believe the person that illustrated the animu with big titty high schoolers is a pedo!1!!'' feels good being a capeshitard in moments like these
No. 1917962
>>1917954The closest I can think of are shonen authors deleting hentai fanwork when they get the job.
Iirc Act-Age's artist (not the author) drew World
Trigger yuri loli and deleted it all when she got work.
That being said, some authors go back to doing porn anyway, like the author of Muhyo and Roji.
Iirc the thing with Galko is more that they were surprised because he was known for drawing giant fat chicks which they thought was the opposite of loli.
No. 1917975
>>1917969probably, modern capeshit has the problem of trying to be appealing to troons
>>1917972>>1917971cope weebs, capeshit might have its own sets of problems but at least i dont have to cope and seethe when i find out the artists i like have realistic child mannequins
(infighting) No. 1917977
>>1917975Anime has been getting more shit on, maybe it's a good idea.
Trannies and moids pretending to be pc would go for it, I've recently seen some trashing their shitty shounen anime collections.
No. 1917988
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>>1917977modern weebs bend themselves into a pretzel trying to defend their pedo medium. I genuinely don't get it, it's not like there aren't thousands of indie comics and underground niche animated movies to watch as an alternative. Meguka has always been an anime for otaku pedo moids, made by an studio that focuses on anime for otaku pedo moids. Westerners trying to held meguka as a wonderful, deep, saphic love story instead of seeing what it really is, otaku waifubait for moids who like to see little girls suffer, are incredibly retarded.
>>1917982I will take sexy women of age in spandex like catwoman than pedoshit any day
No. 1918031
>>1918020Has there been any pedo cases in comics/animation?
I know about the Ren and Stimpy guy.
No. 1918166
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>>1918157go white knight your dead scrote somewhere else, we dont tolerate pedophiles here. May he rest in piss.
No. 1918194
>>1918145The thing is that I agree that western media is shit like most anime, my argument was that it is in different ways.
But you can't have meaningful discussion with an idiot who sees red when they read your comment, and instead of responding with actual criticism, they post some snarky up their ass reply and then mock you for getting angry at it.
I stand behind my point about Japan. Pedophilia is more socially accepted there than in the west, and because of this there's tons of media that will include these themes. I don't even think all anime is Pedoshit. I agree the men who make western comics are just as degenerate as Japanese ones. The only difference is that they won't cram loli characters and tropes into their works without a certain pushback. And yes anime is further eroding what little social distaste we had towards Pedophilia.
But you anime caping retards see red, and have to bring unrelated shit to devalue my argument.
Maybe if the "globally popular" male would have actually gave criticism and not a snide dick stroking reply I wouldn't have posted my comment. my posts were solely
>>1917993>>1918020>>1918064>>1918066>>1918100 No. 1918203
>>1918194AYRT I am agreeing with you, I just hate that pedos and sexual abusers on both sides get ignored whenever this arguement is brought up. My only other post involved in this is
>>1917956 so I'm not the animecappers that have been arguing with you. Shockingly I can read Bibliomania or Scooby Apocalypse and also fucking hate disgusting degenerate Western and Japanese scrotes.
>>1918185Maybe people are secure in their own art to not need validation from faceless crabs
No. 1918654
>>1918649WT isn't popular in the west due to the author almost dying so it wouldn't be surprising if not many people saved it.
Looking it up, they did save her mha frog art and Salmon the summoner art though. Weird on the latter, it wasn't popular either.
No. 1918664
>>1918656I mean, yeah.
I guess I was being a bit pedantic there.
No. 1918693
File: 1710064198767.gif (734.57 KB, 600x338, angry typing noises.gif)

Why are male figure drawing models so fucking ugly. They are assaulting to my eyes. Give me some good looking guys to practice, i dont wanna draw fatties, post wall men and anakuns.
No. 1918807
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>>1902941Reminds me of the children's illustrator Wayne Anderson
No. 1918814
>>1917819thought we were talking about whether it counts as indie or not. not sure why you are a
taking about calarts
No. 1918819
>>1917892Dynamic sketching
Drawabox, but don't follow the entire website.
No. 1918878
File: 1710075095555.jpg (1.29 MB, 3508x2480, 1000007283.jpg)

Nonnas struggling with anatomy and studies. I was browsing Twitter and saw picrel, and it reminded me how I used to study years ago. I struggled studying anatomy from pictures. Just looking at them and trying to recreate in a blank canvas was too hard for me at the time. So, what I did was I would get a photo and draw the structure above it. I would follow the loomis method and break down the face in the basic shapes and forms. Later, I started drawing the skeletons like picrel. At some point, I didn't need to do this on top of the photo anymore and could do normal studies. It helped me to understand objects as pieces of building blocks. The point isn't tracing the image, but finding its structure through simples forms that you can recreate later. I hope this helps someone out there, picrel isn't the best example out there, but it illustrates the idea well enough.
No. 1919314
>>1917905I like anime so I wanted to draw cute girls, idk if it gets hate, it makes me happy
then I moved on to draw guys, it's hard but you'll learn more than by drawing cute girls because you actually have to get good at anatomy
No. 1919470
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Posting here cause we debated if this deserves its own thread or not but figured not enought milk but still worthy of discussion. So heres the summary I originally made intended for a new thread.
SillyPoo is a group of 3 women who make animations openly mocking troons and men with references to LC. Revealed at least one has a past of being pickme racist who made anti SJW comics for /pol/ tards back in the day. The main two being Silly (Formerly known as HeHeSilly), Poo, and someone who goes by drippydreich claims to help with the animations.
>LC Poster>>1517160>Proof Silly is HeHeSilly>>1918958>Association with Stonetoss >>1918311>>1918966>Unfunny, racist, and sexist comics she made in the past. (Women are holes, abortion is for whores, black people bad, ect)>>1918258>>1918269>>1918270>>1918274>>1918277>>1918280Fan of Dick Masterson
>>1918663>Doing damage control>>1919239>Old interview she did as HeHeSilly>>1918376 No. 1919522
File: 1710102695426.jpg (41.8 KB, 951x589, stacy comment.jpg)

>>1919470we liteally cant have shit. When are we actually going to have misandrist female artists?
No. 1919547
>>1919470I find so strange at nonnies being so disappointed at finding sillypoo has done some shitty stuff in the past? Or are pickme in general? I thought it was obvious by the cartoons they've made so far
the countless Asian accent jokes and black jokes were nonas really that blind to it? I would say I like their art the same I like dogisagas Batshit crazy but cute and interesting to look at .Since when does lolcow cancel people over wrongthink? Sure they are racist pickmes but nonas like mgong here too despite her being a pedo and toddlercon but I'm sure those nonas like the
Art and not the person. It's always best not to idolise anyone who makes art you like keep the admiration at their art and use critical thinking when observing art
>inb4 racebaiting No. 1919553
>>1919549i mean it's not mutually exclusive to be a pickme and a farmer. i've known women who post on here and shit on moids constantly yet they would brag about their deranged nigel's weird kinks and put up with cheating
>>1919547i'm not going to give them money but their videos are fun. moids get away with a lot worse. i won't blame anyone for not liking them though
No. 1919570
File: 1710104914674.jpg (312.68 KB, 1080x606, Kef.jpg)

>>1919547What's ur point? I still like the CYBERGIRLZ video. They still have talent, they still are funny (pic related). But I also like knowing what these people are actually like. Brittany Venti sometimes says based shit but she's still a dumb pickme first at the end of the day. Why do nonnies keep saying we're cancelling them? We are just showing people who they really are.
No. 1919589
>>1919470I posted their latest vid in two threads so I apologize if it looked like they spammed their stuff here.
I enjoy their style and I will watch their future works but their moid pandering and their obsession with weight (fat or skinny it doesn't matter) is off-putting. Also outside of their Women's Day vids and other minor examples their stuff is annoyingly nihilistic. Tbh, it's not a deal breaker but it's still a shame we can't have edgy anti-troon content by women without it having moidy trappings all over.
I had a hunch they'd be like this because they accept way too many coomer fanart of their cute characters.
The old comics by HeHeSilly are also absolutely rancid and worthy of the tradthot pickme thread. Terribly cringe and worthy of mockery, but I wonder if they're really ashamed of it.
No. 1919606
>>1919602Don’t forget
>>>/ot/1918673 Doing art for a woman hater’s
>>>/ot/1918663 passion project
No. 1919614
>>1919608That anon is absolutely involved in some way with the duo, they’ve been whitnighting in the same “talking at the wall” style, repeating the same stuff since last night. Farmhand also confirmed it seems to be one single whitnight doing this,
>>>/ot/1919231 even the farmhands suspected it was sillypoo at first.
Who do we think it is? I bet if we dig their socials more we could figure it out.
No. 1919626
>>1919615>>1919617Did you mean /ot/?
A farmhand confirmed it was an unhinged white knight and not them in that thread.
No. 1919646
File: 1710108709146.png (229.28 KB, 2453x349, waah waaah please ignore we ha…)

>>1919626No, not sillypoo, the /ic/ server. They have been shitting the /m/ thread and fear mongering because they got criticized for having a moid who drew Trump MAGA shit and loli/shota. They genuinely think their server filled with begginers is a god given gift to all female artists and we are biting the hand that feeds us for not wanting to join lmfao. I though they were cool before but them sperging this much over a few anons saying they didn't wanna join a server with men soured my view of them, they seem a bit spergy and underage.
No. 1919704
File: 1710112098956.png (99.55 KB, 454x377, sillypoo.png)

>>1919470I think this doodle is theirs. The hands look like their style and the funny/meaningful posters are a certified SillyPoo thing.
No. 1919727
File: 1710113258699.png (155.94 KB, 600x600, 253107_pVndUxDD.png)

>>1919482>>1919496>>1919503Hehesilly actually did make one funnily enough. Picrew chain? here's mine No. 1919734
File: 1710113623127.jpeg (778.59 KB, 828x1054, IMG_2891.jpeg)

>>1919704this drawing in the pixielocks thread is clearly by one of them. there were also similar ones on the doodle boards but i cba to look for them
>>1919727>picrew chainthis isn't some zoomer discord, this is a discussion thread.
No. 1919748
File: 1710113943853.png (1.66 MB, 2000x1600, 1663270351300.png)

>>1919734>>1919470kek, I feel so personally vindicated because months ago I thought there was something off about the satirical doodles in this style because it seemed to be a lot more deliberate than usual. was wondering when context would surface.
No. 1919765
>>1919764According to farmhands it’s neither of them, but it’s so egregious that it honestly makes me question if they got it right. In any case, the white knight should know that whoever they are, they are
appearing like sillypoo and embarrassing them.
No. 1919776
File: 1710115476421.png (330.07 KB, 480x480, image_2024-03-11_110516124.png)

>>1919765What if the whiteknight is actually a sillypoo hater and is trying to embarass them on purpose to make them and anyone who likes them look retarded. (inb4 whiteknighting I like the woman's day video but not a fan of the duo's other work)
No. 1919796
>>1919773yeah the use of /lc/ to mean lolcow is also pretty egregious
>>1919748i always hated their glorification of bimbo shit. the jill fanart was on point though i'll give them that
No. 1919807
>>1919798I don't want to defend their pickmeism but is it confirmed that all their /pol/-adjacent behaviors, pickmeisms and love for misogynistic men are recent? I'd love to write down some kind of timeline. I found their love for Kiwifarms a little
sus but many nonas love KF anyway so I didn't think much of it.
No. 1919811
>>1919802nah, the wk has used /lc/ to mean lolcow several times during the sillypoo infight as well as the discord one.
>>1919807look up the proof posts in unpopular opinions, the behaviour dates back to 2017 but there are posts from last year
No. 1919818
File: 1710118278487.png (7.51 KB, 1281x100, server sperg.png)

>>1919811>nah, the wk has used /lc/ to mean lolcow several times during the sillypoo infight as well as the discord one. haha lmao good eye, i didnt realize. This is the same person that was seething because women didn't want to join a server with an alt right moid
>>1919646 No. 1919820
File: 1710118419981.png (542.47 KB, 620x689, vivian.png)

>>1919470>Vivian James in TYOOL 2023This is the worst thing they have ever done and drawn.
No. 1919825
File: 1710118533811.png (5.44 KB, 1779x38, server sperg 2.png)

>>1919818and more examples
>>1913467 >>1917469 i am so glad i didn't join the server, i feel like i dodged a bullet. What a bunch of spergs, ofcourse /ic/ pickme-chans will fight tooth and nail to defend alt-rightoids.
No. 1919837
File: 1710118844310.png (261.94 KB, 641x588, stonetoss.png)

>>1919807In the unpopular opinion thread you can see that they're still friends with stonetoss
No. 1919838
File: 1710118904832.png (256.12 KB, 1048x816, hehhesilly.png)

>>1919837Their recent fan art of him too
No. 1919861
File: 1710119977109.jpeg (728.7 KB, 1170x1470, IMG_7145.jpeg)

Hehesilly MRA-tier comic
No. 1919866
It's not sillypoo, is just one of the /cgsg/ spergs who's still angry anons pointed out they have a MAGA scrote in their server. She's a newfag so she uses /lc/ and it makes her posts stand out like a sore thumb. Here are her posts defending both Silly and the Alt-right scrote.
defending the /cgsg/ server after anons found out they had an alt right pedo scrote
>>1913467>>1917469>>>/m/360413>>>/m/360438defending akira toriyama's pedophilia
>>1918185saying she would drag her tits through glass for sillypoo
>>1918191This post is also most than likely hers
>>1919593 No. 1919894
>>1919886I doubt it'll be that harsh of a change. Trad to
terf or
terf to trad are more common pipelines than you think (cringe I know).
Tbh I hope they don't stop the manhate cartoons. I love their Drake one and it's refreshing to see women drag gay moids instead of caping for them without a single thank you.
No. 1919912
File: 1710121917646.png (89.74 KB, 306x432, 1435287592195.png)

>>1919900Nah I've been shitting on their embarrassing behaviours this whole thread. I even dug up a little trash from their patreon.
Doesn't mean I can't enjoy some of their cartoons lmao. What's this, a tumblr callout post?
No. 1919931
>>1919913Posting reaction images on imageboards is not always avatarfagging. Also yes, many /ot/ posters do act like indignant tumblr users who think this website is doing online vigilante justice when it's actually a gossip forum. If you posted here you'd know.
I'll spell it out once again: it's a shame the funny misandry cartoonists are actually tradthot racist pickmes (who, btw, didn't get picked) but I do hope they'll keep making funny misandrist cartoons, simple as.
No. 1919941
>>1919940Me too, really glad someone posted the anti-choice racist hehesilly comics and got me actually digging into them. I’m the nonna who found/posted silly’s interview from 2019 and also the hehesilly patreon post linking to sillypoo’s Drama MD cartoon. If some
nonnie hadn’t posted the polfag hehesilly cartoons I wouldn’t have even considered digging deeper, and would have subbed to their patreon.
No. 1919952
File: 1710123793000.png (591.97 KB, 1186x1256, Brenda Spencer.png)

Nice retrospective to see how they celebrated Women's Day several years ago. They recently posted a doodle related to Jodi so I suppose joking about female killers is one of the things they've stayed consistent on
No. 1919964
>>1919935I think it hits a fine spot in the middle where it's funny without being too preachy or too edgy. More or less that's why it's a shame to know how they actually are.
>>1919936Yeah, I read that post. Judging from some things in their patreon, it seems to me that they
want to be meme misandrists but they're too afraid of leaving their pickme audience and friends (Silly is friends with Stonetoss, after all). But I don't feel pity for women who decided to side with that kind of ilk. If you have to be some a hyper online pseudo tradthot at least employ the trad decency to not trust males ever and to have high standards. I've known christian women who simped for low value men far less than them.
>>1919957Nona they posted the Jodi comic
before the thread unveiled their pickme behaviours…
No. 1919970
>>1919951I think that you are projecting what you want to see instead of what is actually there. The comics are milquetoast gamergate era type shit, not Hitler fan art.
>>1919958>They collabed with fucking stonetoss to create an anti-choice comicThis
>>1919837 isn't anti-abortion, it's anti-gun control.
>a comic about someone speed dating where the woman says she had an abortion and the moid says he’s afraid of ghosts and then a chat bubble from the woman’s womb says boo.Again how is this either pro-choice or anti-choice? It distasteful and edgy, that's all.
No. 1919983
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>>1911605>i personally don't really care about her incest oc art but it's a bummer that she paywalled all of her stuff and also gave up entirely on her webcomic.I agree about the paywall thing, but she didn't give up on her webcomic just because. Entitled fans never learn that artists are humans with feelings and health, they just think they're machines to make comics. No wonder she got tired of her webcomic if people complained she didn't post it on time.
No. 1919984
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No. 1919988
File: 1710125184350.png (1.07 MB, 1184x910, cow crossover.png)

Old cow crossover episode
No. 1919989
>>1919984Samefag, this coming just 3 days after they posted
>>1919960 has turned me into a whitenight=sillypoo truther.
No. 1919999
File: 1710125631671.png (40.12 KB, 670x312, shuwu.png)

>>1919988They're so sneaky
No. 1920028
File: 1710126857520.jpg (110.77 KB, 750x742, fLmVu8O.jpg)

>>1919982Stonetoss also does comics like this and he posts comics critical of trumptards. I'm not defending him but he's hardly A. Wyatt Mann.
>>1919985>it’s very much not dead baby joke 9/11 type edginess.Then we don't disagree. It's so mild it doesn't even register. This is a cringe level overreaction and it's more likely to increase their popularity. It's derailed multiple threads and is bringing them more attention then ever. They're probably pissing themselves with laughter as the "pearl clutchers" give them free publicity.
No. 1920047
File: 1710127953341.jpeg (81.41 KB, 1199x382, D9BAF062-883D-475F-8BF9-69C4CD…)

>anons are like, tooootally overreacting what a bunch of twittertumblrfags right there’s barely anything wrong with her comics!
>picrel is comics
No. 1920049
File: 1710128234542.jpeg (70.54 KB, 624x492, 1710073347510.jpeg)

>>1920047I do think they are overreacting because in the end it's just the embarrassing behavior of a terminally online tradthot pickme. I think the racist comics are particularly vile though.
No. 1920058
>>1920040It's a known phenomenon that is so widely observed it's called the streisand effect.
>>1920045I took the tinder comic to mean that women using tindr are degrading themselves, which isn't an unpopular opinion.
>>1920047This is more dated edgy humour that needed to stay in 2016.
>>1920049This is actually racist and what they should be being criticised for.
No. 1920074
File: 1710129196482.jpg (88 KB, 600x425, 1654925923848.jpg)

>>1920028Does anyone have that screenshot of Stonetoss coping and seething and calling women ''lesbians'' for liking attractive men instead of ugly post wall scrotes. I have no idea how silly managed to be friends with such an insufferable insecure scrote kek
No. 1920083
File: 1710129890202.jpeg (150.82 KB, 1080x1440, 2FDB9ABF-FA00-4B31-882B-CD9DF3…)

>>1920074Probably the same way she manages to be good friends with the guy who wrote a book called “men are better than women”
>>>/ot/1918663It’s this contradiction that makes her attempts at man-hate pandering so obviously fake and attention seeking. You hate men soooo much that you draw the cover art for the projects of a guy who writes a book called “men are better than women”? Uhuh
No. 1920143
>>1920103Screeching is an appropriate metaphor for posting about the same subject in several threads.
>>1920138Room temperature IQ. Allow me to make it really simple. I don't disagree with what you're doing, I disagree with how you are doing it.
No. 1920153
File: 1710134345802.jpg (42.74 KB, 527x680, DTWuzqsWkAAL-jf.jpg)

This is bleak as well tbh, women migrants are not the ones to point fun at
No. 1920160
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>>1920153The follow up comic is even more bleak
No. 1920176
File: 1710135623754.jpg (178.35 KB, 1044x1747, 1586110787090.jpg)

She also went down the "U girlz are sooo insecure THAT'S why you cant handle seeing women with big boobz!"
No. 1920196
File: 1710138003710.jpg (325.11 KB, 847x1200, E5Ko2MOVoAIhvJ0.jpg)

what program lets you make these realistic textures? its the closest thing to emulating trad artwork i have ever seen
No. 1920221
File: 1710141617049.jpg (116.53 KB, 722x1000, 81ocknpGTCL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

>>1920196Are you sure this is purely digital? Some of the other covers look like trad that was cleaned up and colored digitally. I've also noticed artists who started off working with paints then switching to digital can emulate trad very well
>>1920200not op, but reverse image search is your friend. It's a cover for Martian Dice manga by Ooishi Masaru
No. 1920231
File: 1710142402096.jpg (321.03 KB, 980x1400, FDoCqhVakAA1oz9.jpg)

>>1920200as anon said, it's ohishi masaru. He has gorgeous artwork so it makes me mad no one translates his manga.
No. 1920326
>>1919593this site likes literally no one and especially not other women
You can mention any random female artist/eceleb and anons will immediately list every sin they committed and say that everything they make is ugly
It's no wonder female artists end up making coomshit and pickeisms to appeal to men who will defend their work no matter what and never cancel them, because this is the alternative
No. 1920338
File: 1710152230818.jpg (290.62 KB, 1280x1774, 1699774261980.jpg)

>>1920326Ofcourse we are going to hate pickme retards that throw their entire gender under the bus for fat trad moid attention. So tired of this ''waah waaah muh feminine'' solidarity excuse every single time a woman gets outed as a pickme. Maybe don't associate with woman-hating scrotes and spend the vast majority of your art career making anti-female male cocksucking comics then cry when women don't like you. I will forgive and give support to women who make oopsies as long as their mistakes don't hurt women, and silly/poo spend most of their career shitting on women and siding with scrotes. Cry me a river.
No. 1920380
>>1920326That's not true, a lot of female personalities are still liked here even if some nonas will bitch about them, like JK Rowling or many random female artists.
Silly&Poo were just expected to be less of the embarrassing pickmes that they actually are, especially after all the lolcow pandering they've been doing in the last year. You can't expect a feminist gossip forum to not make fun of racist tradthots who call women holes and make light of abortion.
No. 1920411
>>1920385>>1920385How old was she when she drew those comics and was friends with people like stonetoss? IMO if she was older than her early twenties at the very least then it’s not as excusable as just her changing and it being old art she can’t be “cancelled” for like some anons think. Hehesilly was so deep into /pol/ she was drawing the amerimutt meme, being friends with stonetoss and making the joke of a comic just be non-white woman from an impoverished country is not used to good plumbing. Her tradthot racist shit was genuinely awful and I think if she actually became a true
TERF (plenty clearly what they’re going for and there’s even suffragette colored outfits in the latest video) misandrist she’d drop the username completely and not associate with her old scrote audience at all. I like the videos but I should have known something was up from how the comments reeked of kiwifags moids.
No. 1920430
>>1920399Being an alt-right woman is sort of inherently paradoxical since it’s such a male heavy movement. Associating with it as a woman is more or less gender non conforming in itself which of course counters what you’re supposed to be advocating.
I guess if you’re openly just being edgy and claim to be uninterested in real politics it’s less of a problem though.
No. 1920480
>>1920028This comic isn't a good faith argument against misogynists and perverts disguising themselves as male feminists but a gotcha attacking feminism as a movement altogether and anyone familiar with Stonetoss's work knows it.
>>1920394 said, she just didn't get picked. Conservative scrotes don't want an activist woman speaking out her mind even if she agrees with their bigoted views because being loud and taking space is a masculine trait, not a barefoot and pregnant bangmaid personality.
No. 1920555
File: 1710168253570.png (321.53 KB, 678x556, drippy.png)

Now poo retweeted an anti moid post? Please redeem yourselves sillypoo and be the true misandrists you can be
No. 1920673
File: 1710174926672.jpeg (26.85 KB, 455x251, IMG_1301.jpeg)

Sage for non milk but Sillypoo's childish art style contrasted with the stupid /pol/ shit is killing me. Her art style looks like those Undertale flipclip animations made by 11 year old gender specials. Like why is this character in this racist comment drawn so cutely in pastel colors wearing childs overalls with a bandage on her leg LMAO.
No. 1921038
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>>1921000>>1920735Not only does the video show the entire proccess of the drawing, from sketch to finish, picrel is from their instagram circa 2021. Stupid or bait, hard to tell
No. 1921084
File: 1710204119141.png (247.96 KB, 800x486, gjasgjfa.png)

>>1920707I stopped listening at around 2 1/2 minutes in because it's way too emo. "I just draw for fun" also sounds like cope.
No. 1921310
File: 1710212850102.png (293.96 KB, 1000x1000, stonetoss.png)

>>1920074I found it. This is the type of insecure moid sillypoo pickmemaxx for.
No. 1921336
>>1921330Definitely, I remember one time I was walking down the mall and I saw this group of friends, it consisted of a tall guy with lots of sexy hunky hunk muscles, a fatty fat fat fatty fat go eat a salad fatlard guy, two girls and a girl that was weirdly taller than the girls, was boarder and walked like a dude.
Well long story short now I'm a lesbian dating a he/him lesbian guy who dresses masculine and has a dick but is too skinny to be considered a man and I really want all incels like stonetoss to kill themselves because lmao who the fuck believes in that shit for real?
No. 1921349
File: 1710215200645.png (262.11 KB, 1000x1000, now search crime statistics by…)

>>1921341attractive men dont need to attention whore and make retarded unfunny shit like pic rel for the approval of other fat moids. This is fatherless, pussyless behaviour.
No. 1921366
File: 1710216790695.png (364.11 KB, 564x564, image_2024-03-12_151340358.png)

>>1921346But you're all barely even talking about art anymore. Go make another /ot/ thread if it takes several days and several derailed threads to talk about them. The Hazbinfags were banned for less.
No. 1921486
I genuinely don't understand why sillypoo dont rebrand as misandrists. A version of
>>1921349 making fun of moids commiting 98% of crimes would be so fucking funny and make so many moids seethe. But alas, making the same 3 jokes about women is safer.
No. 1921541
>>1921310KEK what an insecure loser holy shit
>>1921463It's the le evil fun womanz drink like pumpkin spice latte so it makes him seethe.
No. 1921674
File: 1710243072251.jpeg (1.26 MB, 3098x3873, F0uDpjoX0AE--n5.jpeg)

>>1921486It's just so fucking maddening how much women get shit on when the literal monsters in our society are men and we just totally pretend and ignore the fact that they are the biggest pedos, rapist, violent apes imaginable. But no women are evil and bad for liking boba.
Guarantee Stonetoss is a fat fuck but I gotta laugh at how right wing moids always larp as ultra masculine buff men when most are fat retards..
No. 1921719
File: 1710247554878.png (110.34 KB, 872x762, rw-fitness.png)

>>1921674>right wing moids always larp as ultra masculine buff men when most are fat retards..The right wing fitness meme was started by leftist journalists of the same calibre as Kaitlyn Tiffany, it's not based in reality.
No. 1921736
File: 1710248511747.png (648.74 KB, 941x1253, 41599_2021_732_Fig1_HTML.png)

>>1921724>>1921725>>1921719I live in a red state so this might not be accurate broadly but the obvious right wing libertarian retards I see at my gym are always fat, old, bald or balding. And if they have some arm muscle they literally have a big fat bubble gut with it.
I do kinda agree with the idea leftist males never seeming to put much work into self improvement or encouraging it. But right wing moids just larp about it by posting memes on 4chan and thinking that makes them a chad irl. They are never the after image.
No. 1921761
File: 1710250184496.png (15.64 KB, 382x322, 1592108921738.png)

Why is the non-anime realistic style so stiff looking? I say this as someone who likes comics, both from the big two and indie. I don't know why, but the faces in western comics always look bad to me, even if they are well drawn, like they lack emotion.
No. 1921766
File: 1710250471725.jpg (101.44 KB, 770x1100, 8 (2).jpg)

>>1921763its from a manga though. I say this because i want to draw in a more western style but i cant find good examples of face stylization.
No. 1921787
File: 1710251339592.jpg (181.94 KB, 817x866, E9g7jBNVcC4Wj1y.jpg)

>>1921783I was thinking of that too. Maybe that's the trick.
No. 1921814
File: 1710252492803.jpg (138.9 KB, 564x1274, 904f20066a72d1961a0b373fafbf61…)

>>1921777Samefag for maybe this is a good in-between? It looks like the facial expressions on the other pic but less marvel. Maybe just create your own style with what you like from anime and western. If you look up "25 essential expresses challenge" there's a lot of different styles too
No. 1921826
File: 1710252823333.jpg (136.56 KB, 735x811, 76b6daf592f28871b22bd0bd8b47ee…)

>>1921766What about this? In-between both styles.
No. 1921833
File: 1710253275211.jpg (727.95 KB, 2000x1879, [23-07-13] 1679325512852987904…)

>>1921814>>1921826yeah i dont like none of these. Closest thing would be auroradiation i guess.
No. 1921846
File: 1710253954230.jpg (224.95 KB, 736x1182, 1000009235.jpg)

>>1921761Try looking into Glenn Fabry's art. Despite being hyper realistic, he still captures fluid emotion
No. 1921888
File: 1710256594246.jpg (516.07 KB, 1339x2048, RCO026_1583673740.jpg)

>>1921859they have different hair styles and clothes
nonny please look at it for more than 2 seconds
>>1921846nah i mean more like this
No. 1921899
File: 1710257423618.jpg (550.01 KB, 1500x1500, 19HFcSksMFE.jpg)

>>1921888Союзники! I have these comics but didn't read them. First chapter goes so hard I felt bad for Nika.
I am also planning to read Plaque Doctor. It looks queerbaity enough.
No. 1922191
>>1920494I remember. She killed herself a few years ago.
>>1920621Niece Waldorf. (Iirc the spelling) she was a onlyfans/insta model who posted herself to roast me and people were mean as fuck to her for the audacity of being beautiful. She was kinda edgy in her humour admittedly but she started to spiral a little - confessing she used photoshop to correct and slim her waist and stuff (which duh) but it was leading to bad mental health and she was upset that she had lied and made other women feel bad. She eventually ended her own life. I feel really sad about it. I think she was let down by family and by friends and the fakery of social media. Now she's gone and I think that's just incredibly sad sorry.
No. 1922293
nonny this is literally a page from a Christopher Hart book
No. 1922581
File: 1710293192426.jpg (61.03 KB, 724x1010, IMG_20240312_222403.jpg)

>>1921674Apparently this is him
No. 1922667
>>1921084I thought his skull was showing
>>1921341I swear they churn these loser white moids out of a factory
No. 1922753
File: 1710299956347.jpg (148.37 KB, 734x542, NellBrinkley.jpg)

>>1921766What about this?
No. 1922764
File: 1710300490415.png (1.05 MB, 847x1295, retching.png)

>>1922581tinfoil: sillypoo doxxed him to win lolcow over again
No. 1922768
File: 1710300690275.jpg (73.69 KB, 577x512, stonetoss1.jpg)

>>1922764i want to believe but also they are pickmes so they would never do something so based anon got banned for bringing up some of the best milk of 2024
No. 1922868
File: 1710308096102.jpg (90.39 KB, 894x546, 71zMCUhyghL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

>>1922753I love Nell Brinkley! Vintage shoujo is illustrations are universal.
No. 1922904
File: 1710310335486.png (359.43 KB, 428x700, hzEP2AT.png)

>>1922868I liked Rose O'Neill, basically any of the art before post-modernism took hold in the art movement.