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No. 1884318
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I never gave importance to my first "kiss" but when I remember it disgusts me immensely, that makes me want to vomit and cry. Oh my god it was barely a second but fucking disgust. I feel dirty, besides the moid I kissed I didn't even liked or something.
No. 1884527
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Aburi sushi has been my #1 pregnancy craving, literally to the point I have cried because I cannot eat it. I told my husband he must get me a sushi platter while I'm in hospital after birth. Knowing I can't have it for 7 more months makes me want it more. I dream of it. I could eat it for every meal.
No. 1884547
>>1884541Yeah I'd hate for it to be the one that gets me sick
>>1884539Not worth the risk
>>1884542I've made some at home before when I discovered it and trust me it's not the same. I don't know how they do it but restraunt places are so good, so melt in your mouth. Aburi is only semi cooked so it wouldn't solve my problem of this very specific craving.
No. 1884578
Idk if I'm weird, but I really wish I had a smaller stature. I'm tall, I was the tallest in my class from elementary to all through high school, even now in uni I tower over almost everyone. Because I tend to have people rely on me I learned to handle conflicts, take leadership (when no one else is stepping up usually, because I hate it), and typically the one to help out solving problems so people take me for someone stronger than I am.
But whenever I end up in a chair that's high enough to let me dangle my feet back and forth I get excited, I get really happy whenever I find oversize clothes that are actually oversize on me, I wish nothing more than to find someone taller and stronger than me so I can finally have someone that I can crawl to during my mentally unstable days and feel protected for once. I just want to feel small sometimes, and it's hard to explain to some without it being mistaken for a fetish - it is not, I just - again - want to feel protected.
No. 1884579
>>1884578are you me
nonny? I'm not even THAT tall but I always have been the tallest girl (and until 11 or so the tallest person) in class, always been served the mom friend role even though I'm not that good at solving issues but it looks like it because I can express myself well and I'm loud. so I've never felt like that in my life and I wish I had my own mom friend and it all boils down to me being more smol uwu and demure. if I was a few inches shorter people wouldn't be treating me like I am The Adult in the room even though we're all in our 30s.
No. 1884583
>>1884576I think I'm just high neuroticism and he is too so we don't form a good pair
I've been waiting like 2 years n this relationship for this to change but now I give up I think we'll never be a good match
No. 1884591
>>1884576>2 years in a situation that makes you unhappy Good God Girl Get a Grip. This relationship clearly isn’t healthy or secure for you, no matter how handsome your moid is. The nicest thing you think about your boyfriend shouldn’t be that he looks good and isn’t “too troublesome”. The longer you stay the bigger this feeling is going to get and the more you’ll regret the time you wasted once you’re out. All the factors that you think are legitimate reasons to stay with him are going to seem really stupid when you’re sat in the nursing home in sixty years time next to a man who makes you miserable.
If you stay with him and down the road you get married and have children, just remember that this is the example of a good relationship you will be setting for them: two people who bring out the worst in each other, treat one another like a burden and describe them as parasites, who are only together out of convenience and fear that they can’t do any better.
No. 1884592
Fuck wrong reply,
>>1884591 is meant for
>>1884583 No. 1884607
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>>1884579Exactly! It causes a lot of complex feelings in me, I kind of enjoy being the mom friend and having people rely on me so my existence doesn't feel completely useless but like you said - sometimes you just want to be taken care of too.
Maybe I would be so goddamn insecure about my height if I didn't get bullied a lot (both in school and by
toxic friends) for being the tallest one in the room a lot of the time. It gets easier to own it and not see it as something negative with time, but it's still a lot when people seem to see you as the tough but gentle giant.
No. 1884633
>>1884618I truly feel this post lol
I hate math too, nona.
No. 1884657
I understand why my lesbian friend is very sensitive about the topic due to how society treat gay women, can't blame her for it being a sore spot for her. But she just won't shut up about when her, another friend and I visited a friend when she got her baby and her husband told us "if any of you meet a guy that won't even consider the thought of taking parental leave together with, even if it's just during the first month, kick him to the curb" because they had been struggling with the baby the first couple of weeks and he felt he couldn't have been able to live with himself if he hadn't been able to be there for his wife to both support her and taking care of the baby so she could rest as much as possible. Since he said boyfriend she feels like he was erasing her homosexuality and expect her meet a man instead, which is taking it quite a bit too far. It could have been a slip of the tongue when actually meant to say partner, he couldn't been thinking straight as an exhausted new father and just based his wording on that two out of the three of us visiting are straight, or something else, but not what she is claiming he was doing. She has always previously been praising him for being the most down-to-earth, trustworthy and reasonable moid we know (which is rare since she, just like me, typically don't trust scrotes) so her throwing it all to the side for that single statement feels really petty and childish. When I ask her if there have been any other instances where he made her feel like that she can't think of any, but still fully believes he was being willfully homophobic.
No. 1884664
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>>1884657You need to send her picrel
No. 1884669
>>1884665Drunk people who
aren't confused and demented still regularly pass out and shit the bed. God this "ohmugod let her dwinkkk it isnt harming herrr" sounds like it's coming from people who dont think or care at all about the aftermath. So who is going to clean her up and change her sheets and try to get her to the bathroom?
No. 1884705
My friends are saying I should go get my hormones and thyroid checked out. Except I don't have health insurance and yearssss ago I had these things tested including pcos and they found nothing. I'm the duff in all my circles. Pretty face, okayish career, but fat=fat so I might as well be a persona non grata. My friends have known me for years and are pretty familiar with my habits. They know for most part, when I talk about what I have to do in order to lose weight, my size isn't all that fair.
At our most recent party I was explaining my intermittent fasting and how often I go to the gym for strength training and they looked at me like it was an insane routine.
When I was in college, the only way I got thin was only consuming ~800 cals a day, running in the morning, strength training or aerobics in the day, and then running more at night.
I watch reels and videos of other women with my body and it's depressing looking at what and how much they eat. Pastas, sauces, fried foods, potatoes, bread, sugary drinks, pastries, candies…I eat none of these things yet I still look like them. No wonder people treat me like a piece of shit with no control cause I might as well be funneling carb paste down my gullet and washing it down with a tub of cola for all they are concerned. And this is what people are thinking when they look at me. Obviously all I can do is keep trying but I feel so awful.
No. 1884805
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How I sleep knowing animal-torturing pieces of shit are going to jail and publicly having their names/lives ruined
No. 1884807
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>>1884805Wish men who abused women got the same treatment as men who abused animals
No. 1884820
>>1884807men who abuse animals likely abuse women and children as well, the same way a childhood bully likely grows up be an
abusive person.
No. 1884938
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My life is objectively very good right now (minus the social isolation I guess) but I kinda feel like I'm becoming more insane every day. I'd rather daydream for hours than face the ugly world
No. 1884953
I'm so sick of sex. Our culture has made it so gross to me, it's everywhere and it's so demoralizing and violent and public, I just don't have a libido anymore. I'm off social media but made a no-friends burner FB bc that's the only way to keep up with local events and I BLOCK every nasty suggested page and report stuff and it's still too fkn much. Sexualized anime shit, cartoons for boomer coomers with full nudity and tons of old timey sexism, fetish shit, tranny shit… like nobody has any dignity we're apparently a world full of nasty apes spanking it to videos of women getting choked, cussed out, spit on, hit, etc. Can't even look at an article about a videogame without blocking and reporting cartoon bdsm degen phone game ads. I work in a mental hospital and get harrassed and assaulted daily by dotard retards who can't remember that food goes in your mouth but somehow still know how to molest and leer and say the nastiest shit. Before the pornofication, at least men pretended that they don't need to hurt us to get off, it wasn't expected for the man to physically harm you the very first time you hooked up, now it's just the norm because mah kinks r so valid. It's pointless, it feels so fucking pointless and vile to try to have sex because I'm supposed to enjoy being called slurs and getting hurt and then turn around and pretend like I feel loved or respected by the same guy whom I guess would be happiest sexually if he was relentlessly beating me the whole time. Like is there a limit? Would he cum better if I died mid-sex? How do you love someone and also want to harm them? And I used to allow all of it to happen, I felt like the only value I had was being a sex object and letting the men I dated do whatever they want, pick me guys I have zero boundaries it's super healthy! Like if I wanted to be loved or valued I had to give up my last shred of dignity to keep them and… why? When did that ever benefit me in any way? And now I'm disgusted and jaded af about all of it and it's depressing because once you go that far you never get it out of your head. I just want to turn the tables once, to hurt a man and put cigarettes out on his ass and call him names and slap him and choke him and degrade him. Not because I want to do any of that, but just to get a response as to why it's cool to do that to me but not to have done to himself. Or how it made him feel. Or whether all that shit got in the way of him having a good time. Just, barf. I want to join a convent. I want to unhear and unsee and unfeel everything so I can pretend there's any point to all this. I want to forget what men are like and go live 100 miles from civilization and pretend the world isn't so fuckin' skanky.
No. 1884968
>>1884938I haven’t seen an achewood panel in so long… thank you.
Honestly, same. You’re gonna be okay I know it. We’re gonna make it.
No. 1884982
>>1884646Fwiw, sometimes my mom gives my dementia granny a bit of booze. Definitely not enough to get her drunk, just a glass of sangria.
It's enough that she can't remember either way and it probably keeps her from going wild trying to get some.
I personally don't because I'm not sure I'm responsible enough about it. That being said, I do refuse to feed her corn or beans. Now that will leave shit on the walls and floor.
No. 1885146
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I'm scared I'm starting to undergo some kind of psychosis. The other day I was unexpectedly called into work (retail), when they were already aware I was having a hard time of it lately but they couldn't find anyone else to fill the shift. I went to the shift the next morning, and within the hour started crying uncontrollably. My head pounded, my heart raced, I had to go into the back and squat down with my head between my legs. Multiple people started trying to talk to me, I had one confused old man asking if we sold something we obviously don't sell here, and another woman asking me 20 different questions about an item, people calling on the phone about questions related to the store and I just couldn't fucking do it. I went to my shift manager and just told her someone needed help and I had tears just streaming down my face. She said it was okay and went to go help them instead. She let me sit in the back by myself and I felt like I was in the worst emotional agony of my life. I literally knelt down and put my head down on a chair with my bag over it and just screamed. I was ready to fucking run into traffic. I talked to them afterwards and thank god they said they wouldn't fire me, which was another thing I was worried about. I haven't been keeping up with my grooming, haven't been eating and when I do It's garbage, dehydrated, insomnia, I'm spending more and more money, drinking, smoking, doing hallucinogens.
A lot of it is I'm coming to terms more and more with my childhood traumaa and the abuse and neglect I faced. I was already aware I was probably molested by this one old man who lived in my parents' basement suite, but more and more I'm terrified my father abused my older sister and I and I was just too young to remember it. I'm so fucking happy he died. I'm starting to let myself feel more and more of the pain from my childhood, and throughout my life and I honestly don't know if I can fucking do it. If I lived in the USA I'd have probably already gotten a gun and killed myself. It's also coming to terms with how much fucking anger I carry around inside of me, and how much I hate so, so, so many fucking people, I really do. I hate not fucking saying it, I hate that I haven't been allowed to say it because I have to save my families feelings and everyone else's feelings. I feel like a bomb that's ready to explode, feeling all of this shit I've pushed down for years.
No. 1885199
>>1885198sending you lots of strength and love, take things hour by hour for now
nonnie if day by day is too hard for you right now. I wish I could wipe away your pain, I'm sorry you're hurting
No. 1885268
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Nothing brings me joy anymore.
Playing video games doesn't bring me joy.
Writing doesn't bring me joy.
Reading doesn't bring me joy.
No weeb shit like studying Japanese and watching anime has bought me joy in years.
Watching movies doesn't bring me joy.
Food videos and eating don't bring me joy anymore. Cooking doesn't bring me joy (Never has, actually).
Traveling doesn't bring me joy.
Taking a walk doesn't bring me joy.
Listening to music…don't feel like it anymore.
Nothing on the internet has brought me joy in decades. The only reason I use it is out of habits/an addiction and necessity.
I've lost all hobbies and interests and am just like a broken shell only doomscrolling all day now.
No. 1885305
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So fucking upset and heartbroken right now. I got drunk as fuck and I wanted to cook some fries and I put them in the oven the last of my fries and then I fell asleep by accident because I was drunk and then my smoke alarm woke me up and it turns out my fries all burnt to a crisp and I can't even eat them because they are like charred sticks and I just don't even know what to do at this point because I was really craving fries and then I had a muffin instead but it wasn't the same and I was just thinking about my burnt fries the entire time I ate the muffin but I don't have any more fries to cook I literally burnt the last bit of fries I have and now my house smells like smoke from the fries burning and nothing is going to bring them back and when I dumped the charred fries into the garbage bin I was so fucking upset I wanted to cry but they were playing a Whitney Houston dance song on the radio so I couldn't even cry about it because the music was too lively and happy and I'm just so upset what do I even do.
No. 1885335
>>1885268Was there a turning point in time where you noticed it starting or just honest depression? A situation?
Sometimes I have to drop all of the stuff I used to do and start over with new hobbies to feel any joy again, then the old stuff trickles back in. It can literally be the weirdest, smallest thing to kinda tickle your brain.
Please don't give up on feeling those small joys again. Don't end up bitter and angry.
No. 1885342
>>1885305This sucks sorry about your fries
nonnie aw
No. 1885372
>>1885363I'm sorry you are dealing with this
nonnie, I hope your situation lightens. My family is the same. It hurts.
No. 1885373
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i don’t want to write this in my diary because it feels futile. too echoey (as if here isnt) but my depression is coming back and i have no clue why. it has been this way for 11 years now, since i was little. on and off meds. highs and lows as normal people have i suppose. but lately it is getting bad again and i wonder why? i have it so good. my mother andi i get along now. i have a wonderful boyfriend who i get to see every few months. i have loving dogs. im in education, im taking a semester off of work because ive been blessed with scholarship money. i volunteer, i exercise, i go to ballet. i read and play guitar and prioritize my health and take vitamins. i go to therapy. and yet i am hurting again, and i try to remember it is temporary but that is a hard thing to tell myself when it always comes back. i cant stand that while my boyfriend is so happy and loving and patient, i am hurting inside. i ignore his calls just to sleep. i wish hed leave me so i can kill myself without hesitation. and the truth is i dont want to die but i cannot stand to go through life feeling these intense waves of depression that disrupt my grades and work and relationships nor can i stand to be a zombie on an antidepressant. so what option do i have? im starting to neglect assignments again. its as if i can never be happy. i always feel overwhelmed and upset that i have no free time to do the things i love, yet im opting to go to sleep early. when i could be talking to my boyfriend or reading or spending time with my dogs. i feel empty. im surrounded by these lovely things yet i feel so empty. i wish i could die and i wish my boyfriend and mother would accept it and be okay and heal. i dont want to hurt them. i dont want to die. but i feel like its my only option because it always comes back. im hurting and it makes me such a selfish person. i would like to do something nice if i can follow through with it and i know i cannot tell anyone, because ive cried for help before and they have called the cops or got angry with me. i would like to give them my money, maybe do something really special too. i dont know what. i hate to be so dramatic. im tired of myself. i just wish i could be happy like them. i wish i wasnt like this. they both deserve better. i hope i can find the courage.
No. 1885383
>>1885373Depression keeps coming back to haunt you but so does hope and joy. I know depression makes it all feel like it was for nothing and you can hardly even remember the happiness. But look how many times in your life you have also been happy and how much you care about. To be honest, it sounds like one of the biggest things you need is to release yourself from shame. You sound so ashamed of turning down things to sleep and not being able to permanently beat your depression. But if your body is telling you to rest for a while and be still and stop your very fun but very busy and stimulating routines, maybe that is ok too and it won’t feel quite as bad without the weight of self-disappointment hanging over you. Depression is still shitty no matter what but maybe instead of it being that you are doomed maybe you are just someone who needs to go through cycles like this and take time off from things. It sounds like you know intuitively what you like and that you get back into it in time but it doesn’t always click. I could be completely wrong and just projecting my own experiences because I also go through cycles of activity and contentment and being tired and depressed, but my therapist has told me the best thing I can do at my worst times is to stop shaming myself and being disappointed in myself for it.
If this doesn’t resonate with you I’m sorry and I really hope things improve for you either way.
No. 1885386
>>1885374 This is true, I know it somewhere in my heart, my self-esteem is just shit. I usually like my boyish figure, but the ageing from stress and limp, gray hair has been a blow. Hope to shape up and find a respectful woman eventually (after I work through insecurities. Don't want to impose that on someone else)
>>1885372 yeah, immigrant families are shite sometimes. Idk if that's your situation but I'm sorry you have similar dynamics. Sending warmth and love
No. 1885387
>>1885383this is really sweet and helpful
nonnie but the problem is that idleness makes me feel worse. and i cant be idle because i have coursework to keep up with. and i want to be there for my boyfriend because he never fails to be there for me. god, he is so patient and caring. but then when i try to care for myself sometimes it just doesnt work, and i wish i could sleep forever, but its not what i really want…i am just hurting so bad. i just want to be happy. i try to treat myself nicer and it has improved aspects of my life but the problem is that this feeling always comes back and blah blah blah. im sorry if this is a rude response. your comment was sweet and it means the world you took your time to respond to me. my brain is just mush right now.
No. 1885399
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This isn't the life I wanted and I wish I killed myself 10 years ago. I will never get the life I want. I don't even want to live in a world that treats women so poorly and is so apathetic to their suffering. I want to kill myself on live tv and simultaneously I want no one to know what happened to me. I want to get stabbed in an alley by a junkie so someone else is at fault and my death is a tragedy and not an embarrassment and simultaneously want to have an obvious suicide so maybe someone will feel guilty.
No. 1885446
>>1885399I feel this. I'm sorry
Nonnie, it's all so tiresome. No other comment.
No. 1885455
>Was there a turning point in time where you noticed it starting or just honest depression? A situation?I don't know of any turning point in particular, but I've been heavily depressed since middle school. And it has bounced up and down in severity depending on life circumstances.
>>Sometimes I have to drop all of the stuff I used to do and start over with new hobbies to feel any joy again, then the old stuff trickles back in. It can literally be the weirdest, smallest thing to kinda tickle your brain. Yeah, small things seem to help more.
I've bought three different consoles over the past year and they've all essentially sat collecting dust now. I've amassed over ten different books (digital and paperback) in the past year and only one that I've even started. From my travels, I only bought back a bunch of stupid, probably over-expensive trinkets that I don't care for and haven't looked at since. When I tried to get into cooking, I amassed a bunch of cookware and spices I used once and then didn't care for anymore. Clearly coonsomerism isn't helping.
But, when I've done something much more basic like watch a funny video or find a good snack that would help. However, now it's not enough. My taste buds are more spoiled and my sense of humor is much more absent now. My state of mind is so deteriorated that it's only a temporary distraction at best.
>>1885358Yeah, music used to be a huge escape. Afterwards, my "listening to music" consisted of only listening to the same ten songs on repeat for the past two years. Now, I don't even feel like listening to anything.
No. 1885479
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>>1885426This is somewhat true, the problem is though that everyone involved is a woman - me, ex, and mistress. That makes it more hurtful. But the mistress is a pickme and my ex is an insecure woman with internalized misogyny. She is also extremely judgmental of femmes unless they show her attention. Suppose scrote attitude extends to lesbian dynamics. Thank you for the reassurance though. Fuck moids but also fuck women who hurt other women with their moidy mindset.
No. 1885492
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I feel so dead and burnt out. But I refuse to go back on SSRIs. I'm tired all the time again, like how I used to be. I just need a very long nap where everything is put on hold instead of waking up and getting almost nothing done. I've been procrastinating too much, I feel like my mind won't cooperate with me. Maybe I absorbed too many microplastics and chemicals or some shit and it's causing my cells to die.
I've been holed up a lot recently too and it makes me much more paranoid than when I'm going out regularly. I keep tormenting myself whenever I read about bad things happening to people, or their family members. It makes me not want to go outside because I might just get assaulted by some schizo scrote or hit by some retard in a vehicle and become permanently fucked instead of dying on impact. I think turning into a half-vegetable would be a worse fate than dying. Not to sound like a massive loser but I just wish I had a close female friend or gf who would hug me for a while.
No. 1885565
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i wish i was 21 on tumblr in 2014 blogging about patd and onceler and homestuck right now
current year sucks ass
No. 1885569
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>>1885565the world past 2014 feels so boring and corporate. Movies are gay, music is also gay, youtubers are garbage, the modern internet is gay, new books are a trashfire of reused concepts.
No. 1885609
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An acquaintance of mine asked me if she could bring a friend to our meetup (using feminine pronouns to refer to the person) and I said yes, just to find out it's a troon. The guy is 100% male-presenting, so at least I won't be too offended visually, but, ugh. Those types are the ones I understand the least. Like, why bother if you're going to look like an average male? It would be worse if it was one of those "skirt go spinny" types, but still…
No. 1885662
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Instead of spamming the sonic totem pole sometimes I’ll just use the yes or no wheel. I’ll ask it an obvious yes or no question and if it answers correctly that’s how I know it’s balanced, and then I’ll ask it whatever real question I have. It’s always been right.
No. 1885690
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>>1884820>>1884891It's the same reason why patriarchal civilizations tend to be pederast as well.
>>1885685it's normal to have this anxiety, anon. I understand. You have built up muscle memory and will return to where you were very quickly. A week is nothing. Not one-upping (at all!!) but I had to have emergency abdominal surgery (not laparoscopy) after seeing some great results from working out. It felt like a cruel trick. Two months of no exercise, followed by slowly working back up to where I had been. It came back more quickly than I expected. But I followed my doctor's advice and didn't lift or do high-intensity cardio until I got approval.
Also btw don't rush into working out if you have covid, make a complete recovery first. There's increased risk of complications if you work out with the virus
No. 1885722
>>1885555sounds like you should stay out of her life
she clearly ghosted you for a reason
No. 1885780
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There's about a foot of snow outside and uni still expects people to come in. Do they want us all to fucking die
No. 1885874
>>1885863It won't be as expensive if you keep track of what's in season, besides eating healthy means that you make sure to get enough protein and less carbs which helps you stay full faster and for longer.
Also drink a lot of water, learn the difference between hunger and cravings and that being a bit hungry isn't bad. All of this will not only make your body happy and feeling healthier, but also keep you from getting fat.
That said, there is no harm in indulging yourself every now and then, eating and living should still be enjoyable. Just be aware of what you're putting in your mouth. No. 1885891
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I am getting so sick of my sister waking up late, sitting around on her ass on tiktok all day, doing nothing to help out around the house, then fucking off to work or to hang out with a friend all night leaving me to do everything. It's like I wake up, do the morning chores, leave for work, come home, do chores all night besides the measly hour I get to myself, and then go to sleep. I also have to look after her dog too when she's working so there are even more tasks for me to do. On the weekends she doesn't lift a finger unless it's to do something for her own benefit or until I get mad and tell her to do it. I feel like a live with a useless moid sometimes
No. 1885898
>>1885863I don't think it's expensive it's just lots of prep, especially when compared to very quick options that require little to no prep. It was way easier to eat healthy when I had a fixed schedule and lived by myself. I'm sure it adds up quick when you're shopping for multiple people though
Also probably why things like multiple kids, intensive labor jobs, college students, etc gain weight so fast. No one wants to spend every last drop of energy they have cutting veggies, sauteeing salmon or chicken, etc
No. 1885906
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Seeing this post from Jared pisses me off, not only from how false it obviously is but because it reminds me so much of my ex. He would claim his ex abused him, I was acquainted with her so while I don't negate the possibility of her freaking out on him or calling him names since she seemed fairly unstable I still kinda rolled my eyes at him because I was pretty sure he was just blaming a lot of things on her. But because of that he never seemed to understand the abuse I had suffered from my ex and seemed to only equate it to just being called names, leaving me to not trust him enough to go into details or expect him to pry.
The moment I started putting my foot down or tell him off for either crossing one of my very few boundaries (or getting dangerously close to doing so) he would tell me I reminded me of his ex, once even being cold to me for weeks - even when I stayed at his place during valentines, despite me telling him it was one of those stupid little things that is quite important to me - because the last time I confronted him about something shitty he did he was "so reminded of [ex-girlfriend] it left him scarred". He dumped me when he got a love letter from someone and I casually asked how he felt about it since it was his friend, because he thought I was too controlling for asking.
We were dating during the peak of the Jared/Holly drama, and of course he took Jared's side because "relationships and feelings are complicated".
No. 1885920
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Man, FUCK AMAZON!!! WHERE is my fucking BRUSH?!?!? It's been over 3 fucking months and now suddenly you can't track my package anymore, like I never ordered anything in the 1st fucking place??? I can't even get a goddamn refund at this point even if I did use amazon prime! That brush was Way too fucking exspensive, but I kept thinking to my stupid ass "oh, it's waterproof and heat resistant and detangles and is soooo pretty, one of those bratz girls would use it, it's like it's calling to me, I just Have to get it", well, fuck me, huh!! I guess this is what my dumbass gets for not getting amazon fucking prime!!
That being said, I still have a smidge of hope, just the tiniest, little bit of it cause back when they did give me my tracking info, they said it would arrive on the 16th and that's still days away, so please pray for me and the deliverance of my package, sweet nonnies, amen
No. 1885986
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i wish i was less observant but i can't control it, i easily notice every little detail and connection and that sucks when it's about painful things.
I hate realizing that i'm not being paranoid either and that's why i feel comfortable blaming myself or making up excuses for others when i know how it actually is.
I wish i could go on for a long time not caring about anything but unless i'm alone, my brain won't shut down.
No. 1886009
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noooo I think this guy at work likes me. this always happens. why must I have such a dazzling personality despite being a complete mess?
No. 1886061
>>1886037I could have written this. Except I always knew she was flawed, but I still let all the things she told me get into my head and stay there. Glad you’re getting started with undoing it all,
No. 1886062
>>1886055Believe me
nonnie, you will find love. Much better love and relationship than he is giving you now, I promise. You are only 24, you have a lot of time to find someone new that is actually worthy of you!
No. 1886112
>>1886097Thank you so much nonna. Yes, I did grow up with her. She is my older sister and has always acted like that (sorry for blogposting but recently our mother even confessed to me that she can't believe my sister is her actual biological daughter, she was so disappointed because her first daughter ended up being such an "insensitive and rude bitch"). I will try to put myself in her shoes so I gain more understanding of her behavior. Also tomorrow I have an appointment with a counselor so I will bring it up. Thank you once again
nonnie, you really made me feel better
♥ No. 1886179
>>1886163men are trash, i hate it when they pull that shit
>>1886175aw well I bet it smells nice
nonnie, who knows, maybe that last spray will be used for a really important unexpected life event and you will be glad you have the sprays left
No. 1886198
I'm just so tired. I have wasted so many years on a relationship I knew was doomed from the second year, in a few days it will be our eight year anniversary. I want to leave, I really do, but lack the guts to do it. I don't necessarily regret the decisions I have made in my life, I just fell that I'm useless and it doesn't matter if I exist or not. I'm sick, but not too much, I can function just fine in daily life, but enough to be sore and tired so I don't have energy to do fun things or see friends.
There are many good and happy things in my life, I'm just too tired to enjoy them properly. I have isolated myself, and don't know how to get out. This post doesn't make sense, and I know I'll feel better tomorrow, but now I feel like shit and wanted to vent.
Don't waste time like I do, if you see something in your life is wrong, fix it now! I swear I will have the strength to do the same, hopefully sooner than later.
No. 1886256
>>1886210I know it's frustrating, anon. I used to work with a 19 year old woman at starbucks who quit on the spot and told us she would start an OF. Apparently one of my coworkers found her online. I think that way of thinking of extremely privileged. They are okay with showing their asshole to random men, as long as they dont have to interact.
They wont think about the consequences of their actions until way later or when they are older. I think some people who originally started off as SEX WORK IS REAL WORK are not radfems who are openly against it. Most people within the radfem and feminist circles know these women are usually forced into prostitution. Have hope, anon. I really hope that coworker and many other women wake up soon.. It's sad how many are groomed into thinking sex work is okay and normal.
No. 1886285
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Ideal future
No. 1886309
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I feel like if you have a readily available "if I liked [x gender you don't identify as being attracted to] I would like x type of x specifically" you might just be a little bisexual? When I try to think about the type of women I would like if I were attracted to them, nothing really comes to mind because im not attracted to them. Or people who say "I wish I were x" like you don't have to say that. I don't wish I were attracted to women, I just wish men weren't soulless. Do you see what I am trying to say.
No. 1886324
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I'm gonna be real honest, it sucks that my only talent in life is being a human cockroach. The only reason I have the career I do and is that I'm stubborn as hell, poor, desperate and would rather subject myself to insane conditions just to say I made it than quit. I guess I'm a fast learner and adaptable, but not before making a complete clown of myself and looking retarded.
I wish I had a special talent for something people could be impressed with. Instead I'm mildly stupid, can't even sing or draw, or play an instrument. I'm not particularly pretty or charming. My only talent is having massive balls to look like an idiot and do weird things.
I'd be a fantastic finance bro if I wasn't poor, female and LatAm.
No. 1886346
>>1886324Dang, I could have written that because I have felt the exact same way nona - that literally my only redeeming attribute is sickening stubbornness. I don't have a single skilled bone in my body, whether it be in traditional arts, music, technology, crafts, science, not even making my own bed look nice. Nothing. I've just gotten through life by being good at metaphorically banging my head against a wall.
Yet even that skill feels like it will run out soon. Even a cockroach can get stomped only so many times, after all.
No. 1886359
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>>1885902iatyart and it's funny you mentioned husbandos because I was thinking exactly that too. I've always obsessed over fictional husbandos all day long, but even that has waned compared to what it was.
It's sad because they have always been one of the only things keeping me going, too. Well, I'll try to keep it together at least for them. I love Takeru from CollaMari too much to kms.
No. 1886473
>>1886464Hang in there,
nonnie. If it’s any consolation, I’m in my 30s and life is better than ever now but it took what felt like a really long time to get there. Some people luck out and get to live the life they want when they’re still in their 20s, but most of us will have to hold out for longer. It doesn’t mean you’ll never get there.
No. 1886523
>>1886257Idk social benefits?
I cant afford it either because my parents would bully me
No. 1886592
>>1886587even if i had an irl friend (which i dont) i would still feel very bewildered if they for some reason felt comfortable contacting my mother and looking through her instagram account in an attempt to gain my attention. an 'internet friend' isnt really an individiual who should feel comfortable getting in contact with close family members in regards to someone who they are not particularly close to.
>>1886589A few days is a matter of hours kek. Her going out of her way to find my families accounts and contact them unprovoked (I didnt go missing, I wasnt dead, I just wasnt fucking online) is harassment. It is weird. You should not feel comfortable getting into someones mothers inbox all because you're not getting attention when you want it.
No. 1886597
>>1886571Most men want sex from a relationship, I dont know why you think thats so bizarre? Sex is a big deal in most relationships, its a way to be more intimate and close. If sex breaks down its usually a sign of bigger issues witihin a relationship, most people wouldnt stick around if their partner stopped having sex with them for years.
I'm sure there are asexual men out there with no interest in sex, but I'd imagine they will be far and few between.
No. 1886598
>>1886592samefag but this is a major problem across all zoomers kek. Nobody has any sense of boundaries because social media makes it so easy to get in contact with whoever you want, even when its not necessary and you have no jurisdiction trying to weasel your way into the personal business of a casual friend who you talk to every once in a while because youre just
euu so caring. You're either bored and craving attention, or you have some kind of obsession that you should consult with a real psychiatrist over if you feel the need to do things like this. Learn how to move on and respect the privacy of others. If someone isn't talking to you, then dont pester the people close to them.
No. 1886619
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I OD’d on caffeine today and I also ate way too much THC distillate and it was not a nice combination at all but I survived (still feeling the THC but im hydrated and the caffeine is wearing off)
No. 1886682
>>1886680Does he have a hot older brother?
Or younger I guess as long as its not weird
No. 1886948
>>1886112I hope all is fine with your mother as well. It is kind of odd for her to talk about her daughter so harshly like that. She raised her as well, or so I assume, so she would have had chances to tell her some behaviors of what to do and not to do before she became an adult.
Regardless, it's good to dissect the trauma you've dealt with, because it'll help you view your life in a clearer sense. The downturn is you'll realize how bad it all really is, but big kudos to you for having self realization and learning how to completely love yourself and the steps needed to live a healthier life.
No. 1887031
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And again no feedback from the last apartment viewing. The guy said that he would come back at me on monday or tuesday if it works out, but it's tuesday evening and yeah, no reply. It was a nice flat, like all the others I've visited before and didn't get either.
No. 1887084
>>1887080Good luck,
nonnie. I wish you could respect yourself more but don’t say we didn’t warn you if you do decide to get involved with him
No. 1887116
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I really hate the unfortunate combination of my wide shoulders and my fat distribution - I carry all of my weight in my thighs and butt so my upper body ends up being bony even when I'm at normal weight. I have to choose between anachan arms + chest and stubby legs. I really love dresses like picrel and would love to wear them but I end up looking like Dylan Mulvaney and I hate it so much… I know this is such a 1st world problem and there are other clothes I can wear that don't look that bad on me but it still annoys me a lot.
No. 1887122
I wish I had gotten treatment for BPD sooner, I was diagnosed in 2015 but wasn't informed that there was a BPD treatment program that's fairly easy to get enrolled into until 2020. They did some tests on me before accepting me, which turned out that I don't actually have BPD - I'm just really traumatized and don't have the tools to handle neither the trauma nor regulating my emotions in a healthy way, so they enrolled me anyway because they still want to ensure that I would live an enrich life (and the psychologists attached to the program also have experience with body dysmorphia and ptsd, so they would get me a bit of a start to deal with those issues as well).
But, BUT, I'm so upset that I was given this information. That no professional ever told me, I spent half of my 20's suffering with several suicide attempts and continuous self-harm because they felt I was self-aware enough to handle this shit on my own. Hell, they didn't even want to bother with my addiction to cutting myself because I was "fully aware" of why I'm doing it, that it's dangerous and how it affected me. But the BPD program saved me, I am now more whole as a person and I can tackle life much better than before.
Do I still hear voices when I'm extremely distressed? Yes, but they are not as loud and go away much quicker.
Do I still get anxiety attacks? Sure, but they are few and far between and it's easier to calm myself down than before.
Do I still get the itches to cut? It happens, but again - very, very rarely. And it doesn't feel like something is under my skin like it would cause me to relapse.
Do I still have suicidal ideations? Kinda, but it's also fairly rare, and I don't get the catharsis I would feel when the reality hit me that I could off myself anytime and no one, NO ONE, could stop me. The ultimate feeling of control and having a goal - death. These feelings are just a mere memory I wish I was good enough to create art of.
tl;dr: I am more whole than ever, but my 20's was the price I had to pay.
No. 1887127
>>1887116Maybe a 1st world problem, but still a very understandable one
nonnie. There are so many nice clothes that only very specific body types look good in and it always sucks to have to not be able to wear the types you're into. But I am sure you are absolutely dazzling in other types of dresses!
No. 1887141
anybody gotten sober and realized your relationships were kinda shitty and you can barely tolerate them?
ive been close with a woman for about 6 years, i consider her to be my best friend. i think the primary reason was because she was a single parent with a small child and i'm a big softie who grew up in that. so i helped her out, a lot. i had to set boundaries because she was so entitled it turned into an, if you give a mouse a cookie situation. i think at times i stuck around because i was so worried about him. shes done shit that gets your kids taken away. like driving drunk with him in the car, and leaving him alone sleeping while she drives 45 minutes (again, drunk) to go fuck some guy in the middle of the night. and she didnt realize it was bad until i and other friends told her.
a couple years ago she "accidentally" got pregnant with a guy shed been hooking up with on again/off again for years. The accident being she "forgets" to put her nuvaring in, even with casual hookups. i honestly think she was hoping to get pregnant because this guy had always been emphatically clear that he did not want a relationship with her. they decided to make a go of it, and she had the baby 2 years ago. she was gonna stay home for awhile and take care of the baby. she hasnt worked or even looked for work since. and he does not make enough to support a family of 4. she is the only child of very well-off parents and money doesnt concern her at all because she knows she has a huge safety net. ive seen her hit up her father multiple times in a day to have money transferred and ive seen her get hostile if she gets pushback. if she has money she spends it on doordash and amazon. she cashed out an acct her parents set up before the holidays as a cushion and wound up spending 3k on presents.
she has become SHOCKINGLY lazy. their house is a pit. she wont even get off the couch and walk 15 feet to throw the babys diaper in the trash, she rolls it up and chucks it into the kitchen. her partner is miserable. he comes home from a job he hates and has to clean the kitchen just so he can make food. the baby is old enough that she just puts on bluey and hangs out in her room on her phone. bluey is on 10 hours a day. she doesnt leave the house most days since her partner brings the oldest to school and he can walk home. shes gained about 100 pounds from being sedentary. her parents bought her an expensive gym membership but of course she didnt go.
i told her i wanted to do dry january and she did it too. she says she doesnt want to drink anymore, which is amazing, because she drinks 2 bottles of wine and day and is starting to develop fatty liver. i was hoping this would spur other healthy changes but it hasn't, at all. now that we arent drinking, i realize how little we have in common. all she wants to do is watch trash TV. im honestly starting to resent how spoiled she is. the fact that her parents bought her a beautiful house and she doesnt lift a finger. like she used to pay someone to pick up the dog shit because she couldnt be bothered to in a very small backyard. the fact that she looooooves being a "mama" but lets her kids stare at screens all day, and talks about having ANOTHER BABY because she wants a girl. the fact that she has had every opportunity in the planet and doesnt appreciate it. im just sad, and frustrated.
No. 1887161
>>1887127Thank you so much
nonnie, you're so sweet! You're right, I should appreciate the other types of dresses as well instead of only thinking about this one specific model that happens to not look so good on me.
>>1887135Thank you for the idea nonna, I hadn't thought of that but I will definitely give it a try.
No. 1887185
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I just found out that my ex (who I'm still very much in love with and hoped to reconcile with) got back together with his "first love" ex of seven years. We broke up in December of last year. I've always had a suspicion that he's not completely over her but they broke up in 2019 and we started dating in late 2022. I'm gonna try to stay awake all night so that I sleep throughout Valentines's day tomorrow. I just wanna die right now. This hurts like hell. I've never loved anyone like him before. I hoped to have a better year and I know I sound dramatic but this is my worst nightmare.
No. 1887203
>>1887201She's an
abusive piece of shit
nonnie. She doesn't deserve to be coddled and honestly you are wasting your time on her. There are people that actually suffer from severe mental health issues with no financial support or friends. Maybe find someone that is actually worthy of friendship or needs it
No. 1887265
>>1886324Adaptability and a strong will
are admirable – immeasurably more-so than any talent. Do not underestimate yourself nona
No. 1887288
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Hate that my city's transit sucks, it's either get to this test almost an hour early or get there with like 10 minutes to spare but could potentially be late if there's traffic or the bus is running late which would make me miss my connection. Ugh, why is there no inbetween
No. 1887296
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My two friends who I play games with have moved out of the country and didn't take their PCs with them. I sometimes play with my BF's friends but they suck. They get hyper competitive and shouty. I wanna play some chill games. There's a girl in work I kinda half know who plays a lot of stuff with a group but I don't know how to go up and ask her to add me on Steam without looking weird.
I've tried making friends with other girls online on Discord or Reddit and it's been a disaster every time. I don't trust them if I don't know them irl.
I might need to bite the bullet, talk to her and not be so super awkward for once.
No. 1887342
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What the fuck is wrong with autistic men?? Before I start, I’m autistic too.
My mother lost custody of my brother when he was young because of his shit grandparents (he’s only half brother). Ever since he was 6 (he’s almost 28 now) she would drive 45 mins for him every other month or so for ALL OF THOSE YEARS, TO THIS DAY. She would bend her back for him and do everything she can for his ass, even treating him better than me at times. All he likes doing is playing video games whenever he’s here, and my mom told me that last night he messed up in the game because of something she did and told her, “You ruin everything.” That made me so fucking angry for no reason, I don’t care that he’s autistic he isn’t a fucking child, he’s pushing 30. Made my blood broil because how dare you say that? Me and my mom aren’t always on the best odds either but I will defend her with my life. It was so fucked up. Also I bought him a coffee today and he didn’t say thank you, he never ever does. Never says thanks for anything.
Why are autistic men fucking like this?
No. 1887370
>>1887313I got WFH and moved out of the city and I feel the same. I moved out to a small town near my family and bar my sister I don't have much social outlets. I always feel like I'm the third wheel when I'm with her and her friends. I tried joining some local clubs to build up a friend group but everyone already knows each other.
I'm happy I'm out of the city because I'm was going a bit too wild and now I can afford a place by myself and not have to deal with shitty roommates but it's lonely. I'm saving a tonne of money but I don't know what to do with it. Green hills and nature are nice for a while but I want to do stuff.
I do really like being able to see my baby niece, she's awesome.
No. 1887396
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i got delivery and they left it at the wrong house a couple doors down, and when i went to see if the food was still there it was gone. so im assuming my neighbors are enjoying my dinner. i hate my life.
No. 1887437
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I find these semicolon tattoos so cringe and manipulative. Cool you want wait to share your mental illness with the world, I do not care and don't think you're brave
No. 1887451
>>1887427Not really. We had been drinking since about 3PM. We were talking about going to clubs and my friend asked me if I wanted to try some MDMA since x,y,z and herself were going to be taking some. I asked if it was like coke (I used to dabble in uni) and she said it was way better. My drunk ass said why not and she poured some of the bag in my drink.
Tbf she looked out for me and made sure I drank water and got home safe but a heads up about the comedown would've been nice. I had tonnes of fun but this hangover suuuucccks.
No. 1887466
>>1887459Thanks nona. I'll try to pop out to Boots tomorrow and get that.
Tbh I'm bitching about the hangover but if they work I might give it another go. I've got tickets to Boomtown and it seems like it would be fun to take it there.
No. 1887469
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Speaking of all of this, I accidentally had a greenout on some edibles yesterday and I feel fucking misetable. No amount of casual or recreational highs is worth that living hell. I keep telling myself that I've grown a tolerance and that I'll take a smaller dosage but this shit keeps happening. Anyone have any self-care advice?
No. 1887472
>>1887466I got the impression that if you prepare well, it can be fun and less neurotoxic than taking it spontaneously. I want to try it so badly bc I have never felt euphoric from anything (not alcohol, not even morphine or other drugs after surgeries). I have all my hopes pinned on mdma.
If Boots doesn't have 5HTP, try Holland & Barrett or a similar place for supplements.
No. 1887473
>>1887469I greened out on edibles one time (100mg) and I thought I was going to die and I am a casual/daily smoker. I feel so sorry for you
nonnie. Lots of water and sleeping it off will help. You will feel groggy for a few days though because its in your fat/blood, exercising will help. Or sweating.
No. 1887482
>>1887475I don't want to get banned from the Vent thread for derail but: I'm curious what you mean! Do you have a certain type of mushroom in mind? I've only grown some for a lab a long time ago (obviously nothing hallucinogenic)
I'll add a vent: I can't sleep and I have shit to do in the morning.
No. 1887491
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Just a reminder before valentines day that I was with my ex fiance for 9 years and he broke up with me because he told me he wants to fuck other people (his last year of school is this fall) and sees no future. I am so bitter.
No. 1887492
>>1887489Hm, I think you'd just end up with some of both individuals in the outcome but I'll give it some thought when less tired. Maybe you should make a thread, could be a fun topic to discuss. I'm not a biologist but have a lot of interest in stuff like that.
gdi I didn't even drink coffee today, I shouldn't have worked out so late
No. 1887506
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don't really have the energy to feel that annoyed but in the past months in the evening I've been burning up and my face even turns red for hours, it's so uncomfortable! I used to never flush nor blush at all. I don't understand it. is it some kind of cortisol issue? ugh.
also the top of my finger has been very swollen and red for a few days now for 0 reason. bodies are dumb.
No. 1887533
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I used to admire an artist and she blocked me out of nowhere. Never curse them or mistreat them. I know I can separate the art from the artist, but damn is hard.
No. 1887562
>>1887550 >>1887534
Thank you nonnies. Think I might go to the pool this weekend and jump off the high dive.
No. 1887566
>>1887491What a POS. Hope he gets STI's. I'm sorry
No. 1887567
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>>1887543They know the scrote that used to browse lolcow for years talking to minors went to prison for raping a woman 8 months after being outed on here. Admins are shitting their pants. This place is probably filled with glowies as it should.
No. 1887598
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No. 1887612
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Legit crying at watching all the nonnies fight and the downfall of lc. I am so sad.
No. 1887616
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I've grown to fucking hate Ovarit. You can be downvoted and have your comments deleted just for talking about your dislike for Taylor Swift. I never gave a shit about her until this month, no thanks to media over-saturation. Apparently, you have "internalized misogyny if you talk about your disinterest. Apparently, even acknowledging that rich women have less to gain from feminism than poor and middle class women is a bannable offense.
No. 1887628
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Mods are trying to distance themselves from the fact that a cannibal rapist has browsed lolcow for years. I've BEEM TRYING TO TELL YOU ALL BUT YOU WONT LISTEN.(Jeffrey Dahmer is not a farmer)
No. 1887640
>>1887628It's not fucking funny. If you think what happened is funny then you are demented. Why are you making a joke out of this and how it affected me emotionally? The fact that I warned you and you all demonized me and did what the insane sociopathic moid ordered you to do and after 3 years you will have the guts to tell me that I am lying.
I keep repeating the same shit but nobody listens. It's exhausting.
No. 1887674
>>1887668I decided to spend 2 minutes of my life editing an image to post on an imageboard to bring light and laughter to fellow nonas. I'm not gonna say sorry just because you're so butthurt and responding to a bunch of different anons with your depressed schizotypal outlook.
>>1887667>>1887670xo I do it all for your keks
No. 1887679
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>>1887675Laughing because I thought I was the only one that recognized Grandma's typing style. She was in the confessions thread last night being nasty to the Tina Fey sperg.
No. 1887686
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>>1887668>>1887650>>1887663>>1887615cringe, you love dumbass shit enough to post there all the time even when no one replies to you
No. 1887706
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Could you imagine someone with 3 syrings of lip filler telling you what to do? Omg just the thought of it is sickening
No. 1887721
>>1887533I followed this girl whose memes I admired and she blocked me because once she posted a selfie and I commented that she looked like John Kramer a la Saw franchise.
I feel a little guilty about it, but I really didn't mean to offend.
No. 1887764
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i wish i had an explanation, ANY, for these horrible sensations i get in my face. especially my jaw/nose area but also between my eyebrows. its like a combination of restless leg syndrome but in my face and my skin feeling too small for my face. it's horrible. all i ever get told is it's psychosomatic or to do facial exercises which don't help. the discomfort gets so bad i cry and can't sleep. this has been going on for 10 years. i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it.
No. 1887808
>>1887436It is possible that this guy was trying to neg me, I really shouldn't let it affect me so much. And when it comes to clothing I've recently started wearing more mature stuff (like coats, long dresses etc.) but I still get treated like a child. Maybe it's because I wear no makeup and I'm in my mid 20s and I'm still a bit young? I don't know but I really hope this shit disappears by the time I turn 30-35 because it's getting very annoying. I'm glad you had such positive experiences though! Especially the part about taller women sounds cool, I'd much rather experience this than being called a midget by a 6' woman…
>>1887455I get you nonna, it really sucks not being your own type so to say. Especially when it's something you can't change like height. I'd love to give you some advice to tackle this but I'm in the same boat over here…
No. 1887861
>>1887859because I went to a group discussion with them, they complained about guys not loving their looks enough and preferring other girls, then proceeded to laugh along to guys bragging about how the girls they have sex together with are not good enough for relationships (but of course the men themselves are good enough for them).
I've just seen too many people who only complain about misogyny when it comes to them not getting a boyfriend but are fine with other women getting degraded
No. 1888032
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I'm totally addicted to caffeine. I've already had two cups of coffee this morning. It's not even eleven and I'm eyeing the celsius in my fridge, but if I drink it now, I know I'll want one later and then I won't be able to sleep
No. 1888062
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>think i'm uber self aware about my unhappy life situation
>have no will to fix it
>realize i'm not self aware enough to know the core problem of said lack of will
No. 1888092
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Just found out a mega pickme I know online only is really pretty and hot dammit why can't she have a nice personality too
No. 1888210
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Speaking with my therapist made me feel so much worse. I get therapy can be difficult. But my therapist is an older married woman. So she's not going to get how I feel. Is being able to go without sex really that odd? Because I feel like you can simply talk to any man today and never have the urge again. They are repulsive. Why am I seen as so strange for not wanting to fuck them? Im already trying to deal with the fact my future is going to be a lonely one because trauma has me connecting more with an aro/ace vibe. But I so badly want to be normal. I want to be a normal straight woman and have normal attraction to men. I just don't. It's barely there. And the pressures of society make me miserable about it. She asked me what my past crushes were like and I tried explaining I barely have them and rarely take interest in people. But she just thinks Im shy talking about it. There's just not much to talk about. I was born a broken person and have only become more abnormal over the years. I cant feel much or anything towards men anymore, if ever. I just want to be normal so I dont have to think about this anymore. Of course I want a relationship that I was able to enjoy the intimacy of. But I feel like that's impossible for me because I just cant feel that way with any man. I feel so abnormal that it makes me want to disappear because I cant participate in life like others can.
No. 1888233
>>1887911We share mutual friends and are in the same Discord server. Blocking on Discord when you're in the same group server is pointless. I don't want to air out the dirty laundry, and I also want to spend time with my friends.
>>1887916I don't want anything from him. I was hoping we could peaceably co-exist in the same space bc he was getting therapy to deal with his marital and personal issues. It's why we went no contact for months, but ended up in the same main server again. I thought maybe it'd be enough for him to move on.
I'm taking a break from the server after this stuff because I'm anxious af about this mess. It'll be a year soon since we got involved soon and half a year since it ended yet he still has feelings, idgi.
No. 1888242
>obese dysgenic tranny say bullying should come backI've seen people say this alot too but never trannies. Trannies are the type to publicly embarrass themselves like walk around with cat ears and pride capes at school, so I would think they are a group particularly against bullying. That's extremely kek if they, of all people, actually think that and goes to show how much self-awareness they lack.
I also hate when people say that, tho..because I've been cruelly bullied only for something like being quiet and unsociable, not for being an embarrassing degen, so when people say that, they encourage kids who are like I used to be, to be lumped in with the embarrassing degens.
No. 1888268
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i've been talking to this guy for almost a month now and i really like him. i've met his friends, he's taken me out, etc. i really thought he would ask me out or get me something for valentines day. of course he didn't, didn't even mention it. i've been crying on and off since last night about it. i feel totally stupid. i'm 24 and i've never gotten flowers or chocolate from a guy for valentines, i thought this year it would happen for me. my heart hurts really really bad.
No. 1888395
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>>1888361Love you too retardchan
No. 1888416
>>1888210lol same, I used to feel like shit after every therapy session and everyone around me would just go "you can't stop, you have to keep trying!!!" but not until I stopped going did I start to get better. I also used to be "asexual" (as in I wouldn't even masturbate for literal years and be fine) later figured out part of it was being on anti-depressants, part depression itself, part autism, but also naturally having a low libido "at best". Nothing wrong with having a low libido.
I also personally think there are people (especially women) who just react to stress by shutting down any want/need to reproduce, because why the fuck would you have a baby if you're in a stressful and dangerous situation? That's evolutionarily speaking a massive risk and waste of resources you need to stay alive.
I met someone who I feel comfortable with who accepts me as a I am, I'm still abnormal in lots of ways but it worked out for me so it can work out for you too.
No. 1888424
>>1888268When i started dating my bf it was october and he got me some gifts for xmas just 2 months later, his whole family strictly told him NOT to because it was "too early" and they all told him he would come off as clingy and obsessive and that it would risk freaking me out and scaring me away. I find that so silly, I loved my gifts and love getting spoiled lol
What I'm saying is some people would find it unbelievably cringe and red flag worthy to get valentines gifts for someone they've been talking to for less than a month
No. 1888437
>>1888210>Is being able to go without sex really that odd?No it's not. Otherwise nuns and monks wouldn't exist nor would the word chaste. Think of it like being really short, like 4'9''. It's not common but it's normal.
I'm sorry you can't connect with your therapist. Being able to form a positive relationship with your therapist is pretty important in being able to get something out of therapy. If you trust her enough to be vulnerable, print out your post and show it her. Tell her this is what you feel and need help with. Her response should let you know whether you should continue with her or find another therapist.
No. 1888473
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I opened my window early and I nearly just broke it trying to close it. I live in an old house and I have used the window literally hundreds of times. Basically the window opens on a swinging hinge (aka it doesn't slide) and when I was closing it the hinge got stuck and I almost couldn't get the window back into the slot to close it. Holy shit what a nightmare. I live with family and they would have killed me if I broke a whole ass window, that would have been so expensive. Picrel is not my window but looks close. I am actually sweating, I know this sounds dumb but almost breaking expensive shit is so scary. I guess the hinge is too old now, and the window must be bending the hinge.
Never opening the window again I gues…
No. 1888474
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>mfw I need to go job hunting again
I don't fucking want to. My last job was stressful as fuck but it paid well and my coworkers were nice. I don't want to have to be fake nice on interviews and use dumb corpo speak. Not to mention meeting new people and risking ending up with a bunch of stuck up suits again. The huge amount of layoffs in tech aren't helping either.
No. 1888482
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I hate men so much it's incomprehensible and I want to protect every woman out there but lord do women who cape for men test my patience. I don't mean the actual retarded pickmes but bitches who be acting all tough and feminist but suddenly the cognitive dissonance kicks in and they're belittling all the damage men commit and shielding their world from breaking by pretending as if men aren't responsible for like 99% of the problems in human history. The kind of women who talk big about different female representation but will retreat the moment they should defend lesbians or support other women over men. The kind of women who talk about being such a boss babe yet shrink down and break down in tears if they have to tell a man off and will throw every woman under the bus just so they don't have to challenge or question a moid opinion. Fuck, kick the dick out of your mouth at once. I'm so sick of it. Yeah they'll gang up on you and call you every name in the book, so what? Oh no, they might say mean words. Fuck it, dish it back. Grow a spine. The faster you learn to hate men the easier your elder years will become when they stop acting nice in hopes of getting a crumb of pussy.
No. 1888568
nonny lmao. I hope you treat yourself tonight instead, you deserve a good day
No. 1888641
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My little sister makes me cringe so hard. She is literally one of those annoying moral fag tiktok furries. For over a year now , despite being a 5ft girl, she has been faking this deep voice thats make it hard to understand what she is saying(She sounds like patrick from spongebob kek). I still don't know why she does it but she is probably trooning out because once i said something to my mom about someone looking like a tranny and my sister interupted and said "Thats transphobic thats not cool" KEK. Shes also displaying other autistic behaviors like wearing animal tails to the fucking store whilst dressed like a MTF, crying over everything and more. If she wasn't my sister i would post her here kek.
No. 1888649
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>>1888643Nta but its so true I think about an ex bf from several years ago penis and the smell of his scalp (he had really cute hair) at random and my world crashes down for 3 seconds but thats too embarassing to post about here
No. 1888677
My dad went to the hospital for a check up, he wasn't feeling good lately and he went to cardiologist to see if there was anything wrong, he is okay, high cholesterol, hypertension, accumulated fat, normal old people stuff but that made me realize that in 4 years my father will be 60, in 8 years my mom will be 60, I'm 24 right now, me and my brother still live with them, we both have jobs, my brother helps with some of the bills, i don't earn much but i can always help with the groceries, I'm not ready to lose my parents, i have done so little for them and i feel like once they are gone i will never be able to get over it, i don't know if I'll be able to survive without them, why am I so fucking useless? I can't stop crying just thinking about everything i could have done to even make them a little less stressed out.
I need a hug.
No. 1888682
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>>1888671idk why she puts up with it nona, yours or mine. hope your mom ditches her shit moid and gets to live it up!
No. 1888684
>>1888677you are their life
nonnie, you should share these feelings with them, i did before and it really helped my anxiety. i know it is so scary. hugs
No. 1888690
>>1888677Nona it's okay. Most people die at age 75+ these days. You have lots of time to spend with your parents. You're in your mid 20s, it's normal for most people that age to be away from their parents so that they can individualize. Your parents are in their 50s, that's quite literally mid-life. There's no point in mourning for people that are still alive. Once you move out and further individualize, you'll be able to show your appreciation in different ways. Until then, if it makes you so upset, spend more time with them and start involving yourself in family activities like board games, walks together, movie viewings, etc.
>>1888684>You are their life.I don't agree with this sentiment. You and your parents are different individuals. You shouldn't feel like you can't survive without them, and vice versa. You have to actualize and become your own person; that is what will make your parents the proudest.
No. 1888698
>>1888690>you are their lifeI mean
nonnie is their pride and joy, her life will make them happy no matter. I do not mean intertwined. Please do be seperate fron your parents but also they love you and they care is what I mean if you are as close as you feel/seem.
No. 1888784
I always get cheap presents. Meanwhile, if I'm planning to gift something to someone, I always make research, I try to know what they like, what are their interests, tastes etc., but no one ever did that kind of "research" for me. And I never give cheap stuff, even if a present contains a few things that aren't really expensive I always combine it in a way that overall makes for not-cheap present and it's never low quality. Meanwhile I just get a mug or a pair of stockings that someone bought for themselves but decided they didn't want them so they gave them to me.. I never got perfumes for example, but I gifted it to people. All of this shows me people don't really see me as worth investing in. I have a deep resentment about that stuff because my mother didn't spend money on me even when it comes to actually important stuff like dental care, and my teeth was fucked up, instead she was addicted to buying herself new jewelry, bags, clothes, perfumes. I think she got really addicted because for example she was able to lend money from her coworkers just to buy a new piece of jewelry she liked and she never gave that money back. She took loans in banks and payday loans, by the end of her life she was in debt; at least 60k, that's just what I know of. Sometimes she didn't even have the money to pay the bills, we had our electricity cut off, I had to do my homework with candle light. She went to lend money from my aunt to pay the bills, then she got another paycheck and spent most of it on her addiction. And of course, she didn't give me any birthday presents except I think for my 12th and 14th birthday, and they were shitty too. Anyway, because I see that people don't see me as worth investing in I started telling them to not give me any presents, especially on my birthday and for christmas, but they can't even respect my request. I guess I will just start telling them that if they can't respect my request and they still want to give me something, they can just give me the money they would spend on a present for me (which won't be much anyway kek but I will make a better use of it). I will take care of myself in all kinds of ways, buying gifts included. There's a guy who wants to date me but I'm too afraid he won't see me worthy of investing either, and I don't want any more awkward situations when I get something shitty and I have to pretend I'm pleased. I think it would be especially awkward with a boyfriend. I read stories about men being super cheap with women these days and I don't want to put up with that
No. 1888873
>>1888813my boobs actually are
very saggy and disgusting because i lost 200 lbs, sad i know
No. 1888928
File: 1707977742000.jpeg (295.94 KB, 728x690, IMG_0433.jpeg)

>I visit LC for the first time in hours
>Check /meta/ to see retards dismissing all genuine complaints as samefagging
>Post warning to nonnies not to engage in bait
>Am immediately baited by this retard claiming I’m all other posters
>Must take my own advice….
No. 1888968
File: 1707982296477.png (1.28 MB, 1024x768, 1699724631008.png)

>graduate uni in may 2023
>get a shitty temp help desk slave job that pays jackshit. last month i didn't even get paid because the company capsized
>nothing else afterwards
>job hunting now, really need cash
>don't want to work fast food
>would be okay with a retail job, but i haven't found anything close enough yet
>need about $200 monthly for phone + internet bill
>thinking about selling plasma
>this would easily get me through the next few months at least if i go four times ($100 for each visit if you're a newcomer – like $75 after)
>decide i can probably earn ~$400 per month by selling plasma
>tell mother my plan
>"i'd be happy to give you $100 - $150 per month for groceries" (in addition to what i'm paying for the phone & internet bill currently – so $200 -$250 from me)
>get screeched at because $100 usd is useless to her and she'd rather i pay a few of her bills (she racks up high bills because she insists on leaving the tv on all night, her laptop, a few lights in the back, etc.)
>long rant about how "living is expensive" and "she gets no help"
i mean…i guess she's right, i am an Adult now (i'm 23), but i just don't want to stand on my feet for ~9 hours per day to earn pennies that i will then burn on being your wallet again, that's why i don't have savings now, being your paypig. it's also just…i don't know man, you're almost 60, why are you so broke? you bought a 20k car just this year…why did you buy that if money is an issue for you? it feels annoying that i have a mother like this. i know i'm in the wrong but i can't help it. i feel like the ideal parent isn't nickel and diming their kid and expecting them to pay their bills for them lol.
No. 1888981
I opened a new issue of a journal published by my university and there is an article written by some woman who is working towards getting a PhD, she wrote an article about the social perception of paedophilia. It really upset me because after giving her research about what people think of pedos and what punishments they accept or not, she concludes the article by saying something that paedophilia is misunderstood, that this is a disorder and something more complex than people and media think, etc. It make me wanna vomit, she's not a troon obviously but why on Earth would anyone care if paedophilia should be described in "politically correct" words or not? Thanks to idiots like that we're taking the route of "they're just actually ill, bigot", I can't imagine the consequences it would have to victims. Anyone, scientist, doctor, political or an ordinary person who believes paedophilia is something more than just a sick way of expressing lust should be in prison too. I hate the subtle indication that this disgusting crime is something the abusers can't control. I bet the person who wrote it is just a sort of moron who is too idealistic and has stupid ideas about helping prisoners. I was never abused that way, yet any mention of sexual abuse disgusted me to the core, especially towards children. I hate this world, maybe I'm exaggerating but this is some shit that NAMBLA would proudly support.
No. 1889047
>>1888981Technically shes not wrong, it is an illness of the brain.
The brain is a funny thing. Some dude had a bit of rebar go through his brain, damaged whatever part and his whole demeanor completely flipped. To the point he turned himself into the police because he was consuming so so so much childporn.
Kinda terrifying that we're one accident away from becoming horrific monsters.
You have people who are attracted to children, and then people who prey apon any vulnerable person which happens to be children. Both equally horrible in my opinion.
The human psychology seems to be entwined with abusing anyone weaker than themselves (men I'm meaning, I'm sure some women too), you see it across every single culture in the world. Very sad that humans are like this and I'm glad in western countries its something thats illegal compared to other places in the world.
All of that said I dont think pedos should get any sort of sympathy, there should be support groups for ones who dont want to offend ever but it shouldnt be something thats "normalized".
Offenders should have to be branded and microchipped and every public space should have some sort of sensor so if they go somewhere it sounds an alarm and people in the area know that that person is a child rapist. Or maybe just a bullet to the head.
Kinda weird she wrote a sympathy piece on pedos, maybe shes hiding something herself.
No. 1889060
>>1889044Been there. Rough ride but you can see the end, you
just have to make it to refill day. That's it. You can do that.
No. 1889100
>>1889081Slowly I guess. Take your time to accept that we only have ourselves in this life. Learn to enjoy your own company, treat yourself, meditate, embrace a life in solitude.
>>1889091Happy birthday, anon! Enjoy your day doing whatever you feel like doing, even if it's nothing at all.
No. 1889101
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I bought this a while ago for my knee, and every time I used it there was no effect. Fast forward to last night, I applied to my knees and woke up an hour later feeling like someone lit gasoline on my legs. I don’t know if the ingredients concentrated further in the tin or something but it was weird as hell.
No. 1889179
File: 1708002799045.png (188.75 KB, 261x341, oh emotional support severed h…)

Logged in to Facebook for the first time in over two years because elderly relatives won't use email like civilized people, and the first post I saw was from an obnoxious former friend. Apparently the turbocringe lesbians who had a fucking Klance themed wedding are not only still together but have a son. Naturally the toddler's been extensively photographed (neither of them is healthily paranoid about what men do with pictures of children on the public internet and one of them fancies herself a photographer) but this ain't about him. How the fuck am I supposed to convince myself I'm not an abject failure as an adult and a woman even compared to the most tedious people I used to know, now? Sure, marriage and childrearing aren't the sum total of female adulthood but when literally everyone I knew as a stupid kid on the con circuit has managed at least one of the two and all I've got is a divorce and a cat and a job I hate in an expensive city several hundred miles away from my lover what the fuck am I supposed to think?
No. 1889212
>>1888981>>1889047>All of that said I dont think pedos should get any sort of sympathy, there should be support groups for ones who dont want to offend ever but it shouldnt be something thats "normalized". >support group I'm afraid that would contribute to normalizing it, whether you want it or not.
All of them are evil, there is no such thing as a non-offending pedo. They shouldn't receive help, therapy and help should be for people who really need it and not perverts. Calling it just a result of brain disfunction is still a massive cope.
No. 1889266
>>1888897Don't, your folks don't seem to realize what valentine's day is all about, unless they're into incest or something.
>>1888916Yeah, that's fucked, stop trying to buy love with money.
>>1888970Me too, makes it harder for me to insult them again.
>>1889091Happy birthday.
No. 1889279
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>>1889274Well, i probably said something unnecessary then.
No. 1889335
>>1889328This post screams Slav for some reason I think it's their comments. Anyway, I've been in your shoes before, fuck them. Don't give them a penny and fight for your right to the apartment, take their seething as a sign you're doing great.
>>1889314It gets easier once you recognize it's a habit. I grew up in the Bermuda triangle of complainers, it's a cultural thing where I'm from. I was so used to it that I genuinely didn't notice I was complaining. Then I moved to a continent where telling people your business is considered weird and every answer should be "I'm doing great". I had to tell myself to chill for many years until it stuck.
No. 1889374
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I've never had a boy give me anything for valentines, I really feel completely out of place and unlovable
No. 1889386
>>1889374Be your own valentines
nonnie, give yourself some flowers and make (or order) your favorite food and watch your favorite movie. Make the entire day about appreciating yourself and your own company.
I know it sounds cheesy but that's what I usually do and it feels great!
No. 1889387
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>>1889341Same, but with psoriasis. Its been out of control for several years now and i already accepted that my future life will be a lonely one.
No. 1889391
As much as I hate my ex I'm actually glad he lives nearby because that's some pretty good motivation to get myself out of a long rut I've been in since October. Cope and seethe, scrote.
>>1889386Nayrt but this is what I did yesterday and it was great! I prepared my favorite pasta, drank some wine while watching nostalgic movies and then I had a looong hot relaxing shower. So to
>>1889374 I say try this out! You can also get a box of your favorite chocolates if you're into that. You don't need a man to have a great time and treat yourself just the perfect way you like. You deserve some pampering!
♥ No. 1889423
File: 1708023551723.jpeg (25.75 KB, 453x677, images.jpeg)

Can't you sleep at a normal fucking time you flat-footed dipshit? Now I'm awake and you're asleep and it's 4am and I'm not getting back to sleep but oh you're happy in dreamland playing Tekken or some other stupid bullshit to keep your monkey brain from imploding inwards. I could figuratively to the point of literally launch myself from our balcony and into the lightening sky of the early EARLY morning with the white hot rage I feel. Idgaf if I die because I'll be making enough of a point that from that day onwards you would realise having the sleep routine of a seventeen year old wannabe streamer is cringe af. You wonder why you have so many health issues too. Now I have to start my day cleaning my dead dad's house so I hope you're elated you took away the only solace I had that allowed me to escape that reality. Holy fucking shit.
No. 1889431
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>Didn't really know it was Valentines or care about about it yesterday
>Check Instagram this morning
>Now I'm sad
Uggh I why do I do this to myself
No. 1889482
>>1888937Mostly just flavour of the month stuff or horror. I like games that you can just mess around and not take it too seriously. We were playing Lethal Company and Phasmophobia before they left.
>Why not try posting on the LC friend finder thread?I might try it but I like people I know irl.
No. 1889528
>>1889455>men sexually harass you suggesting you do prostitution >feels complimented Women are so fucking cooked.
>>1889501Insane the way scrotes these days actually believe pimping is entrepreneurial. Those OF promotional accounts are one step below that.
No. 1889600
>>1889455My friend just recently sent me a screenshot of some dude texting her gf on ig, trying to make an arrangement where she'd come to his house and do whatever he wants for "weekly allowance". "Hoping for your positive reply". There's nothing in her profile that would even vaguely suggest she's a so-called "sex worker". And it's not a rarity apparently. Imagine the audacity.
Anon, there's nothing flattering about it. It's incredibly intrusive and narcissistic. There are nicer and more appropriate ways to find out that someone finds you attractive and desirable (if you feel insecure and that's what you'd like). Realizing that you're just a piece of meat in some stranger's eyes just leaves you feeling like you stepped in shit.
No. 1889609
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Calling my own ass out!!
No, I would not "totally have been suuuper productive IF IT WASN'T FOR THAT ONE PERSON OR THING". My dumb ass gets plenty of opportunities to work on hobbies or be productive ALL day, but I don't ever do it. I get the day off and I wait until after my work shift hours have ended to start doing anything anyway, I don't use my "extra" free time at all instead I just sit on my lazy ass and scroll social media or watch dumb videos. IF I start working on something it's not until like 9pm. I literally could have gone to work, it wouldn't have made a difference in my personal "productivity".
But then a random visitor pops by and I immediately despise them becuase I was "totally just about to start doing X thing UGH HOW DARE THEY STOP ME" when I know full well I would have done FUCK ALL all day, like I always do. Can I stop blaming others for my own lazy ass? For 5 seconds? CAN I DO THAT?
It's so exhausting to blame everyone else for my own shortcomings.
No. 1889619
>>1889455My boss is a former athlete with a ton of female gym friends. I have a medium-sized social media following (for a nerdy franchise) so he assumed I get lots of thirsty men after me and was shocked when I said I hadn't gotten a single one when his female gym friends who don't even have followings get them on the daily.
I would consider it sexual harassment to be asked if I have onlyfans, it's literally men telling me to sell my body to them which is disgusting.
No. 1889661
File: 1708034300487.jpg (8.27 KB, 245x206, cat3.jpg)

>Open up Youtube video
>2 unskippable ads
>Click past intro
>Another ad. Skippable after 15 seconds
>Land in sponsorship read
>Click to middle
>Same ad as the start
>Close video. I don't care anymore
Jesus Christ Youtube fix your shit or at least give me ads for something I care about. You have all my data stop sending my the same fucking M&Ms ads
No. 1889667
>>1889661You know you want those M&M’s
No. 1889681
>>1889661>No adblock>No sponsorblockIt's all on you, the tools are there
No. 1889689
>>1889681I've been using UBlock Origin on Chrome and switched to Firefox when they started doing the popup thing. It was fine for a month on Firefox but then it started popping up there too.
I even played around with PiHole but since the ads are served from the same domain it doesn't work.
No. 1889806
I'm going to start by saying that I know this is the most privileged vent ever, but here goes.
I'm in the union for professional theater actors, and after a dry spell and theaters closing during the pandemic I'm finally ready to go out and audition again. Being in the union also means that I can't audition for any shows that aren't "union" shows, so there's a small pool of places where I can actually audition.
Ever since 2020, theaters are all leaning VERY hard into diversity. It's been extremely hard for me to even find auditions as a caucasian woman now. Acting roles are already hard to come by if you're not a man, let alone "good" roles, but holy fuck it's extra frustrating now.
I was just looking at upcoming auditions for 2024 and so far:
-one theater is casting 6 roles. 4 of them are for black men and 2 for black women. All actors must be black.
-Another brand new theater is casting for their upcoming season! Oops, turns out it's an all-arab theater group and they only want MENA actresses and actors (again, mostly men in the breakdowns and a few women.)
-Shakespeare festival: "Strongly prefer performers "of color" and "diverse" gender/queer backgrounds.
- A popular musical. Seeking only male dancers.
God damn it I just want to work again and I miss the theater so much, it feels like if you're not black, mixed, or a gay/trans man you're out.
No. 1889811
When I was an ana-chan, about 13 years old, my entire family shamed me for cheating at losing weight, sneaking extra calories in foods when I did eat, and not taking me to treatment until I was actually dying and they couldn’t hide it anymore. My health and fat distribution got fucked up too, so even though I’m a healthy weight, I look fatter because I didn’t get enough growth in my figure during the anorexia, so all my fat just collects in my belly. Plus, they didn’t stop sneaking extra calories in until I was 18, so it was extremely hard to maintain a good weight.
Now that my brother, who used to be a fatass, has his own form of anorexia (he eats 1500 calories a day despite being 6’3”, works out for 3 hours a day on top of that tiny amount of food, and taking steroids for muscle growth), when he does it, everyone admires him because he’s lost 100 pounds in 4 months. He’s getting congratulations on the weight loss, he’s getting my family’s praise, and he’s rubbing it in my face that because I fucked up my body as a teen, that I have a fucked up body now as an adult. I wouldn’t even care about him being in better shape if he didn’t have to rub it in at every opportunity. It’s not like I was cruel to him when he was fat either. We were kids, so we joked about each others appearance a lot, but I think he has resentment from when we were kids, and now he’s rubbing the fact that he waited until adulthood for his eating disorder
No. 1889820
>>1889806I also want to add that the union and other groups always spout about how "DIVERSITY" means including women, but it always somehow seems to only mean minority women or trans "women". It always feels kind of pandering and patronizing too, like you have to be a half-black, half-latina, queer trans activist in your community and do a whole interview about how theater gave you a chance at a better life than your immigrant mother had, everything is about the
struggle and how much your family suffered, and acting saved your life, blah blah blah blah. I'm just tired and I'm sorry if I sound like a bitch
No. 1889902
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i want to kill my fucking uncle abd his gf so bad. grandma's sick and they can't even be civil to my mother or me for a sec bc my mother offended him over some trivial xmas shit back in 2021.
meanwhile the gf is sucking up to grandma hardcore bc she has her sights on the house. i hate them so much
No. 1889949
I try to tell him over and over again I feel depressed and lonely and he just brushes it off every time
>>1889924I'm so sorry anon
No. 1889991
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>>1889924That's heavy anon I too have a dead parent with whom I didn't have a good relationship. If you're able to, maybe reach out to a grief support group, you don't have to pay for a therapist if you don't want to. Let yourself hurt and cry and be loathful, I just hope you also have someone to lean on.
No. 1890049
The growing number of red pill incels scares me a lot. I'm not sure exactly how many of them are and what percentage they are in the male population but just seeing them around is deeply disturbing. I'm afraid that they really are becoming more prominent in society and might actually have some amount of power over people. I guess with how accessible porn is as well as with the right wing recruiting more young people it makes sense. Right wing conservative MRAs are claiming that men need sex and making genuine violent threats or suibaiting women to try to force them to sleep with them and it's horrifying. I've seen men in tech and programming believe that women are only good for porn and sex, which is deeply upsetting since I am into tech myself. I really don't want to marry a man. I really don't want to sleep with a man either. I'm not even lesbian or asexual, I'm just repulsed by men and am disgusted by the idea of sleeping with them. The men who say we need to have compassion for men who just so happen to be "born into obese, ugly, unclean" male bodies with no sense of self awareness, as if they have been forced to be fat and disgusting and smelling like feces. I never want to have what they call "compassion" for any man and nobody should criticize or threaten me for that. If it really is true men need sex to function, why don't they develop some compassion for their fellow man and download grindr? All of a sudden they don't need sex so bad, do they? Because they expect us to do it, not them. Nobody truly wants men. Not men, not women. If they say they're going to be "forced" to become violent due to being deprived of sex, then I'm content with just getting a gun in case it happens. Men really only see us as resources they are entitled to. I seriously hope this does not become a serious movement in society that affects policy changes. We already have hardcore porn addicts infesting politics and I'm afraid of it worsening. Why can't people just accept that some women never want to have sex and that's okay? I fucking hate religious conservatives for being such disgusting creepy predators. Anyways, my default response to incels and conservatives who claim male loneliness and sex deprivation is a real problem is just to suggest they hook up with a man off grindr. They're too stupid to have the self awareness and empathy to realize that's exactly as ridiculous as what they are demanding of women, but it's still good to make them feel uncomfortable.
No. 1890059
>>1889944I feel the same but i am terrified of getting surgery there so you know what???? Screw the WORLD i'm going to work hard and make sure that women in the future will have the possibility to get decent bras for less common sizes, and good looking ones too!
Somehow i was the one most afflicted by it but my mother and my sister are similar and i don't know if this can eventually happen to my daughter as well but i don't want her to feel as uncomfortable as i felt about my body. It sucks so much.
No. 1890117
>>1890115No, we've never travelled abroad together before. For now, we just like talking about countries we'd like to visit soon.
You're right though, thanks for the advice. I'll have a talk with her tomorrow and discuss things properly.
No. 1890166
>>1890164If ai cp got so good you couldnt tell the difference, using it to flood the market would make the ass end fall out of that industry. It would no longer be profitable for the most part, although I'm sure people would be wanting "real" stuff. But if it was so spot on that you couldnt verify the difference then would you not agree that long term it would be better?
No actual children being abused by it, the market falls apart, sick moids arent able to profit off the suffering of children.
No. 1890177
>>1890166Children would get hurt, these pedos would train their brain on this free CP, they would watch tons and tons of cp and that results in them not being able to cum to that anymore, they would get a doll resulting in creating a touch memory to their fetish and then resulting to them literally going and abusing children because the doll won't be enought in the end either. This is how it works. This is the excact reason men in normal parts of the world aren't just invited into women's bathrooms, why would you put a wolf in your flock, showed the wolf meat and then just hoped he won't kill your sheep? Why would you just give a mind destructive material to a dangerouns person who is bound to indulge on it. If somebody has a pedo problem the solution is full abstitetnce that means no sight of porn, not even ai porn.
Another horrible part to this is the people who are normally scared to search for cp and that is keeping them at bay. Now they wouldn't have a problem doing it and opening doors to this addiction because "it's not real" there would be extreme increase in pedofiles aroun the world.
No. 1890192
>>1890177samefag but i gotta add. This is exactly where the
toxic emapthy comes in. People feel like they need to provide some material to the creeps. They feel like they need to compromise. "They just can't be wankless forever what a terrible fate" IS IT? Why do people care if a bad person has masturbation material. It's completley okay and a good thing to deny this to them.
No. 1890207
>>1890131Nonnie, I don't know your situation and what you've tried so far, but have you been to a psychiatrist? Everyone has different experience, but I was also depressed from the same age and used to have suicidal ideation. When I started taking antidepressants, I stopped thinking about suicide. The pill doesn't solve all problems but it might help you feel normal and learn how it actually is, which kind of helps you to self-regulate(?) and get rid of some of the most extreme negative emotions and thoughts about yourself. I don't know if it was just a pill (which I didn't take regularly) or an act of self-care in general or some things I learned/realized in the process, but it started with the psychiatrist appointment. I had those thoughts for a very long time but now it's even wild to remember. I also never really harmed myself, I mean no cutting and leaving marks but I would hurt myself in other ways when feeling intense and I never get this impulse now. Even though I can still be unhappy and depressed, it's just not filled with self-hatred. I'm sure there are still things you enjoy (even if it's just observing nature, listening to music and hanging out with cats, etc.) and things you'd like to try. Suicide ideation is a part of autoaggression that's believed to be a defense mechanism used when you can't allow yourself to be angry with the external object. So maybe it's also worth looking into. Sorry for rambling, my point is just that you or anyone else doesn't have to feel this way, you don't deserve this hatred and violence, and you can become a friend to yourself even if other people had let you down. I hope you won't actually do it and I wish you to heal and love yourself.
No. 1890226
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>>1890225I’m other news: Fags being fags
No. 1890293
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Saw people in the replies to this discussing a 13 or 14 year old girl who killed herself because boys were spreading deep fake porn of her around. Males are fucking evil. Someone please tell me laws are in process of banning this.
No. 1890405
>>1889947I am 34H, sometimes 34I . I don't mind the question. I'm also very awkward body in general
>>1890059Surgery is scary as fuck. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
No. 1890429
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I dispise the meme where men praise each other for living in shit holes like this. The other day a video of some pickme came up saying women are just awful and stupid for liking thier homes to be nice and warm and inviting and men are superior for wanting the bare minimum. I swear to god men will be praised for literally anything they they do and women shit on.
You could maybe argue about buying useless shit for ur home but a home full of love where guests can actually sit somewhere and you feel comfortable and welcomed is psychologically beneficial to humans. I want a home that feels like a escape from the real world. I don't want to have only a chair and tv. It's soulless.
No. 1890465
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I just saw on Twitter AI videos from some sort of new text-to-video that's coming out program. If the government doesn't stop it immediately, they're stupid. And crazy thing is they probably won't until it's already available for everyone to use and people are making fake videos of real people.
No. 1890470
>>1890412Holy shit, if you can bore me with the details, please do. I knew someone in the UK who couldn't get hers covered due to her BMI being high. Mine is normal as well, so it would be covered in my country, although the wait is about 3 years here. I'm really curious how it changed your life. How was the healing process? Are the scars visible?
Happy you're happier too!
No. 1890484
>>1890429>You could maybe argue about buying useless shit The thing is that moids and pickmes like the ones you mentioned consider even a bedframe useless for varying reasons. Moids consider useless to have a nice looking place if all they do is engaging in vices and porn addiction, but they are such visual creatures apparently and pickmes think like that so that they can score some "she's one of us" points.
They can have their shithole apartments while I put on some nice fairy lights and flower pattern bedding kek.
No. 1890495
I bought a 24 pack of seltzer to take over for a social event at our friends' house. I told my husband what it was for, and to please not open the package. He stole a bunch of cans from the side and I am irate. I do not want to go buy more; my paycheck is late and I am already drowning in expenses. This man never drinks water unless I ice it, carbonate it, and put it in front of him. He's the one who insisted I buy a SodaStream (the expensive glass one), and he always takes the cans of seltzer that are for taking places. I clean a heavy annoying water filter (that I also bought and buy all parts for) every two weeks, but he only ever drinks seltzer, juice, and cola.
I pay for all of the groceries in out home. When I was postpartum he'd go out and buy groceries (with my card) which I appreciate, but I swear I pay at least $80 a month between never-from-concentrate grapefruit and orange juice, big things of Coke, small things of refrigerated coke from the front of the store, which cost $3 but are cold because he can never buy a fucking 6 pack and save it for later, and seltzer that's supposed to be for things like taking to people's houses of throwing in a bag when leaving the apartment. I used to hide it in my closet and he lost his shit so I can't do that anymore. I was hiding a single pack of individual bottles of coke so I could chill one and bring it FOR HIM when we went out instead of paying $3 for one by the checkout lane.
I always do all the work of providing food when we go places; I am making a lasagna and two sides. His only job was to NOT DRINK THE SELTZER. So now I guess we are bringing a partially empty case because I don't want to buy a new one and then watch him guzzle all the cans that, if he didn't guzzle, would be enough to take with us on errands out of the house for a month. A reusable water bottle would be enough for normal people, but then he would just stop in a grocery store and buy a $3 bottle of coke instead.
If I bring any of this up he'll just start ranting about how me makes more money (I watch our child while working and do all cooking and cleaning and he's never once given the baby a bath) and any other complaints he has.
I am ridiculously worked up about a few cans of seltzer and also don't want to argue all day about something truly minor.
No. 1890512
>>1890470nayrt, but hope it's okay to share! I got my reduction done when I was 20 in 2016. I went from a 32F (UK 32G) to a 32DD (UK 32E). Sorry I won't post my photos but it's been almost 10 years and the scars have faded substantially; I got the anchor incision and you can barely see the incision scars going vertically down from the nipples. They reduced my overall breast size and the nipple circumference as well. Pre-surgery size had mild sagging already and my nipples didn't completely watch the floor (haha) but were pretty downward-facing. My current healed state is just fine, like normal boobs. They're not bolt-on perky or anything but a manageable nipple and breast size. I still wish they were smaller but it's SO MUCH BETTER than before. My relief is immeasurable.
The post-surgery healing process was overall was smooth sailing past the first month. The surgery was my first time during anesthesia and it was so fun, lol. Best sleep ever. I had to of course wear a post-surgery special bra and sleep on my back, which was honestly hell the first month because I'm a side sleeper tosser and turner. I padded my sides with pillows so I wouldn't unconsciously move. Because this is Murrica I think they only gave me prescribed narcotics for 3 days? Or maybe 5, I forget. Afterwards, I was only on acetaminophen for pain because it doesn't thin blood. I remember the initial pain relievers wearing off the next morning; my surgery was at 6:00 am, so I started feeling pain the next morning at like 7:00 am. Make sure you have the medicine close when that happens. My parents helped me with the care, especially within the first month, so if you have someone who can help you while you're aching, it will make a big difference. My most important piece of advice is to trust the process. I was horrified how my breasts looked immediately after surgery and the couple of months after, but once they fully healed they looked just fine. The initial jagged scars healed very nicely and I had okay nipple sensation. However, pre-surgery they were never super sensitive anyhow. They're still not bolt-on perky or anything but a manageable nipple and breast size. I still wish they were smaller but it's SO MUCH BETTER.
The only thing I'm sad about is that they couldn't take more (I wanted to be like a 32C/UK 32D), but it's understandable because I went to a reputable doctor who took out as much as was healthy without compromising my tissue health or ability to breastfeed. I want kids, so that was important to me. If you can do it nonna, I encourage you to save up and get it. I got it because of back pain and my hatred of the sexual I got. Whatever your reason is, believe me you'll be happy. Just go to a doctor who is sane and thoroughly explains his methods and your role in aftercare.
Ok this got very long. If you want me to answer any more questions, lemme know! I'm very open about this process to any women, especially my fellow melonbearers, haha. Yes, I did get some people snarking about my procedure, but fuck them and they never had to live with my discomfort anyway.
No. 1890556
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>>1890495Well, you know what we are going to say…
No. 1890569
>>1890561Yes, orthodox. The women all cover their hair and wear long sleeves and long skirts and have 10 kids, the office always gets us lunch but it’s shitty kosher food that makes you sick if you didn’t grow up eating it and you’re used to restaurants with no health standards. They won’t fire any Jewish people, but fired one of my favorite coworkers for being in a relationship with a non-Jewish man, having tattoos, and wearing pants after she grew up Frum (of course the real reason was that she “wasn’t working hard enough”), I heard my manager and boss discussing months afterwards that they fired her for not being religious. At least we get off early on Friday for shabbos.
They only hired me because people think I’m Jewish a lot, I’m just a white girl with dark features. I worked here for 9 months before my boss asked me what I was doing for a holiday before I told him I wasn’t Jewish, he didn’t believe me and said “no you’re not religious right, but you are jewish?” Kek.
No. 1890570
>>1890314open source nonna, a gift and a curse.
>>1890293>>1890314>>1890376that's the weird part i don't get, males having access to porn 24/7 on the internet use AI just to create more porn, what's the point of that?
No. 1890572
>>1890561NTA but I also work at a law firm in big law and there are so many jews in my office. I’m jewish myself though (but not orthodox) so maybe I’m the kind of person nonna is complaining about kekkk
>>1890569Nonna if working jews is this frustrating for you, you may have chosen the wrong industry kek
No. 1890590
>>1890581Are you kidding? Yes.
>>1890569I knew it, especially since you didn't state it outright.
No. 1890658
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stuck in bed sick with what i presume is some kind of virus. made the mistake of looking in the mtf thread and now i'm even more nauseous
No. 1890729
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>using phone as a hotspot
>need to set it in the window sill for this to work because the roof is made of metal
>can't use my own window sill; it's rotted out and the window is stuck
>usually set it in a window sill in the kitchen
>mother does this too
>we have existed in harmony for months and months until she decided to set her phone on top of mine (i ask her why and she goes "it likes it there~<3") but i know it's because she's doped up and not thinking, which for whatever reason makes my phone constantly disconnect
>asked her politely to stop
>she "stops," fussily.
>issue continues, my phone rapidly disconnects and reconnects, can't use the internet
>continues for a week until i go "well wait let me check!"
>her phone's on top my shit
>me: "why did you do this? i purposely set my phone on the far edge of the sill away from yours, so we could avoid this problem. we have been avoiding it for months."
>she blows up and gets pissed off that i'm trying to "chastise her" and a whole bunch of other shit i don't feel like typing
>get annoyed myself; hiss that i'm trying to rehearse for my interview today (over microsoft teams) so it's imperative that i don't lose my connection
>she says some awful shit about how i'm "not going to get it anyway" if i'm preparing this late, never-mind that you're expected to tailor your answers to the company and this interview was set up just yesterday, and i spent all night prepping (right now i'm just trying to rehearse my lines).
christ i'm Tired. my life with her is a loop of her being a dumb cunt, me asking politely "why?" and her getting mad at being questioned. i think the worst thing i do is here is that i'm slow to clean sometimes, and that's mostly because she's a useless slob who only cleans when she wants to prove a point (and she bitches all the way through it) and i know if i CLEAN she's going to funk it all up within the week.
No. 1890767
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In pain. I hate endo.
No. 1890772
I finally cut off my best friend. I've previously posted here a few times about how fed up I've become with her and how much I don't want to be her friend anymore, but in the end I wouldn't do anything about it but complain to some other friends and then carried on with her in my life. My best friend was everything to me. She brought so much joy into my life and was truly one of the first people I had become friends with where I felt safe around her. I didn't have to question my place in her life, and she was always support of me and poured as much love into me as I did to her. We met in college, and were planning our future together for so long (like moving out together).
I think we've outgrown the place we held in each other's lives. I think it might be too strong to say she is growing in the wrong direction… but it really does feel that way. I realize more and more that she always insists she is the victim, and I'm tired of it. Maybe as her best friend I should be the voice of reason and help her see other view points, but the one time I did, she just shot me down. I realized she's so difficult to talk to, and that's why it feels so much harder for me to tell her when she's full of shit.
All I wanted was respect for my own personal space and time, but every time I've tried to assert it (either directly or indirectly) I get a "I understand BUT, I feel like…" like she just can't let things go and must always let me know how her actions have upset her, yet never seems to realize it comes off as a guilt trip. I've even worked up the balls to tell her that once, that it comes off as guilt trippy. Surprisingly, she apologized! … And then does it again.
She's spun every other friend she's lost as a massive bitch, so I won't be surprised if she does the same about me. Well, it's no longer my problem. I'm sad that we can no longer be friends, but I have other best friends who respect me and my space and who love me like I love them, and we are also going to Italy together next month. So I'll cry about it as I stuff my face with fresh pasta.
No. 1890789
>>1890782I hope you're doing well without her nonna. I heard interesting things recently about how my best friend lost two big friend groups simultaneously because both groups found out she was talking shit about one of them to the other (she introduced them to each other because they are all into the same hobby), so both groups decided they were done with her kek. I heard those things through the grapevine but my best friend just told me "I don't know what happened!". I started speaking with some of the few mutual friends we had that I was close to (I was away a lot during uni so I never became as close to many of them as she did) and I found out she felt the same way. I think a lot of people viewed me as someone they couldn't trust because 1) I stood by my best friend through all of the fallouts that others saw happen too, 2) they didn't really talk to me so they didn't know my feelings. I felt better when I found out I wasn't the only one who felt this way about her.
I'm very appreciative of my other friends and the support they give me. I hope you will find others who will love and appreciate you too ♥
No. 1890852
>>1890789>I think a lot of people viewed me as someone they couldn't trust because 1) I stood by my best friend through all of the fallouts that others saw happen too, 2) they didn't really talk to me so they didn't know my feelingsThat's really interesting, it was very similar in my case also. I always stood by her through her own (numerous, in retrospect) friend fallouts with people that I either didn't know nor was close to. I listened to her because I felt that was what she needed, but always standing by her side while not really talking 1 on 1 with the others probably made me seem untrustworthy to others, too. In the end, she was the one that was closer to the others in our friend group. I think I tolerated it when her friend fallouts didn't concern people I was actually close to, but recently she had started having issues with the others in our group and coming to me to complain about them. If I suggested she communicate with them she would explode at me, so just listened. And deep down I believed it some, and it made me distance myself from our other friends. Guess what, she was talking shit about me to them at the same time too. The fallout was inevitable. I've known for almost a decade that she likes to gossip and talk behind people's backs but I always accepted it because she was my best friend. But I can't have this in my life anymore.
I wonder if there are others who feel the same way as I do now, but I've left that life behind so I will never know. It doesn't bother me though. Thank you for your well wishes nona. I think I'll be alright even though I feel a bit lonely at the moment. Hope you have a great time crying into delicious pasta.
No. 1890873
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>>1890862yes they are normal
nonnie kek you're probably just less likely to get them if you clean your clit a little more thoroughly
No. 1890874
I thought things were looking up for me but then went really, really bad. I'll try affirmations and visualizing and stuff, but I feel like shit, and it's not even something particularly empathy-worthy.
>>1890864I wish it was just like laying down to sleep. The body needs to come with a shut down button like computers.
No. 1890875
Where I live it's normal to bathe/swim in lakes or the sea naked with your friends and family when you're a kid, and I would gladly go back in time to just convince my younger self to be scared of water or something. I was repulsed by the sight of my really large labia ever since I can remember, way before puberty. I compared myself to my friends and cousins, I internalized that I'm weird or even disfigured when I was more or less 6 years old. I thought my face was hideous since I was about 7-8 years old. When I started puberty I asked my dad to get rid of the mirror in mine and my sister's bedroom (my sister didn't agree, of course). I felt sick looking at my pimple-ridden face and my droopy, saggy breasts with huge areolas. I was an autistic tomboy, hung out almost exclusively with boys, and so they exposed me to porn at a really young age. I felt horrible about it because I knew I could never look like those "ideal" women without getting surgery. I was allergic to a bunch of shit and developed very weird eating habits, was a fat kid because of that. I became anorexic at 16, never was a skelly but was pretty significantly underweight for something-teen months. At 18 I just became a drunkorexic pretty much instantly, was skinny-fat but with a low BMI for 2 years until I mysteriously ballooned up and had to go on a doc tour. Turns out I had a laundry list of genetic fuck-ups, including PCOS and all the fun stuff that you usually get with it. Two years later and now I'm chubby but look horrible because of my apple figure, basically Shayna-shaped 1:1, except my private areas are hideous and my face is ravaged from having horrible acne for years (still have it and it has recently gotten worse).
I'm a kissless virgin and just a regular alcoholic. I go to my shitty work hungover, I drink a little there, I make money so I can get drunk and feel normal, I get back home and get drunk, I talk with my friends who like their funny lesbian friend. Then, I go to sleep, wake up, and do it all over again. Hell, I'm not even a lesbian, everyone just assumes I am because people think a woman this unappealing couldn't possibly feel attracted to men. I've now started losing hair really badly, and I started growing a mustache. I honestly just wanna disappear. I hate that I place this much value in my appearance, when I think I'm not even half bad as a person. I've always had friends and people have always liked me, I have hobbies, skills and talents, I got my autistic knowledge on certain topics, I can't judge anything else. I just feel broken because I've failed the #1 thing of what a woman is supposed to be - attractive. I'm scared of relationships because I think I'd attract abusive people who'd take advantage of my complete lack of confidence.
No. 1890932
>>1890875Wish I could give you a hug,
No. 1890939
>>1890935Kek they really don’t hide anything do they
I hate them so much it’s unreal
No. 1890961
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My bi girl friend is dating some they/them scrote and she's posting lesbian content now. If she is about to claim she's in a lesbian relationship with a man, I'm going to flip out Nonnies.
No. 1890995
>>1890987I completely agree with you
nonnie, I'm a huge tech nerd and following the progress of AI over the years has been very interesting and I enjoy using it, I understand where people are coming from but the jumping to conclusions pisses me off too.
No. 1891006
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my depression is worsening again. i’ve posted here before but i feel im all out of options. i have no friends but im in a long term ldr and thats it. im with myself all day, in my room, doing online university. meditation and working out and walking and going to ballet twice a week does not help that much. i no longer do what i love. my grades are slipping. tired of staring at a screen. i cry every day. i cant keep it in and i cry most people ive interacted with irl lately. its pathetic. ive journaled my heart out. what gives? im so scared of trying a new medication. but my anxiety is bad too. i have panic attacks over to do lists. i get so fatigued i shut my laptop and crawl into bed. im becoming such a dark cloud and its destroying my relationship. i keep trying but nothing is working. i go to therapy and i do all the other shit required. been trying to structure a routine but its hard when most of my time needs to be sitting at my computer. i feel so alone and apathetic. im considering killing myself with pesticides because i cant fathom going back on a medication and having it not work once again. i miss being happy. i miss living life. i push and push and still feel this way. i dont know how to structure things and discipline myself again while calming thw anxiety and avoiding burn out and being nice.
cant stand being in my head anymore. cant stand not even having the energy to read or write or do assignments. i just cry. im starting to become a dark cloud to my boyfriend.
No. 1891070
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It's very easy to act calm and collected when you're the abuser. I will never understand how people will side with an abuser and say the victim is lying or ill while the aggressor is calm and smooth–of course they are??? How are you supposed to be calm and not upset when someone is continually, ritualistically, repeatedly harming you and mocking you about it? Why is the sociopathic continuance favored and the hysterics demonized? How are you supposed to act when someone hurts you and nobody else cares? It's fucking crazy. People pretend to care about victims of abuse and bringing light to abusers until it's someone they think is cool or benefit from in some way, and then they too will eat up anything the abuser says and help tooth and nail to continue to isolate the victim so they can continue to bask in the attention and compliments they receive from the abuser.
No. 1891076
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sorry for the first world problems complaint, but holy fucking shit, I am horrified by how terrible my skin is. I try NOT to care about the way I look but it's hard to when you look the way I do. my acne is 10x worse than when people were already saying my skin was terrible years ago. I've yet to see someone with worse acne than me. there's dozens of cysts on my face, endless scarring, horrible texture, etc. I can't believe I am getting up in the years yet my acne seems to only be getting exponentially worse. my face hurts SO much.
I've tried seeing a derm and tretinoin just ravages my already dry/dehydrated skin and accutane gave me horrific side effects…also it didn't even work. this is just unfair, like, I just want to live my life without worrying about looking repulsive.
No. 1891080
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Absolutely despise that some nasty trans moid is VAing Namari in the Delicious in Dungeon anime. How hard would it have been to cast an actual woman to do a side character?
No. 1891086
>>1891024 or
>>1891064 warrant the redtext they got
No. 1891087
>>1891076>Cystic acneOkay first I have so much sympathy for you, I went through cystic acne phase as well and it seems like
nobody understands how painful it is nor how damaging it can be to your self esteem. Eventually it does get better, so trust and have faith in the future. Here is what helped me recover from my cystic acne:
>No more processed foods.90% of food that I eat is now home cooked. I found that the sugars, processed fats, and additives in a lot of frozen foods and processed foods damaged my overall skin health.
>Buy 3 pillow cases.Change the pillow case you sleep on every third day. On the first day sleep on on side, the second day sleep on the other side of the pillow that your face hasn't touched, and then on the third day change the pillow case to a new one. Try to invest in silk or satin pillow cases as well.
>Check your blood for deficiencies & treat them.Try to take Vitamin D, B6, C, and Zinc supplements as part of your daily routine. Have your blood tested for any hormonal imbalances alongside vitamin deficiencies. If you have any low vitamin levels, start treating it with everyday vitamin tablets and supplements.
>Downgrade your skincare routine.When I suffered from cystic acne I was putting so much product on my face and using very expensive stuff. Ironically, I found that once I switched to just using a cleanser and a moisturizer my skin started to repair itself at a better pace than beforehand. I recommend a basic foam cleanser marketed towards sensitive skin. For moisturizer look for the ones marketed towards acne-prone skin.
>Sulfur or Sulfacetamide Sodium.Look into sulfur spot treatments. I used to use salicylic acid [SA] to treat my cysts, but I read a bunch of research about sulfur that made me decide to use it over SA. Sulfur is often commonly used to treat rosacea, but I used it on my cysts and it was something that really helped out.
>Carbon laser peels.There is a type of peel called Carbon Laser Peels. They are very helpful for acne because they can be performed on spotty skin. They basically apply a carbon mask to your face and then laser it off, and when it gets lasered off it takes some of the damaged skin with it along with destroying the sebum and other impurities in the pores. I had about 15 treatments over the course of a year and they really saved my skin. To the point where I think this treatment is responsible for 50% of my recovery in terms of beautifying my skin's appearance and undoing the damage done by the cysts.
No. 1891100
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FUCK JEFF BEZOS!! DEATH TO JEFF BEZOS!!! So, safe to say my brush did not come in and amazon gypped me. and that's amazing, truly spectacular. like, who the fuck gets ripped off of amazon??? Fucking me, apparantly!! My mom gets shit from amazon frequently, that's her main online shopping spot, and so does the neighbor(s) from across the street, almost everyday for them, but for me?? Fucking nothing! And I can't even get a fucking refund, it's been over 3 fucking months!!! If I had some sort of an actual income, I would've been whatever about all of this shit, like it wasn't that much money, but alas!! Spending money when you don't make money is truly one of theee most stressful shit a person can ever go through and I get the added factor of not getting the shit that I ordered along with not being able to get a refund!! I finally decided to skim through my goddamn emails for fucking once, and amazon tried to make me pay for this shit fucking twice - why the fuck would I pay for this shit again when they were the ones who lost my goddamn package, they are the ones that should either replace the package for free or fucking refund me and they have done neither!!!! Sorry to be schizo about this, but I'm at a point where I'm looking at this in a spiritual way, and in numerology terms the price that I paid added up to 8! I was truly never going to get that package
No. 1891104
>>1891058She wasn't talking about that fake porn, she was referring to Sora the txt2vid model which is far from getting an open source equivalent, make no mistake, fake AI porn is wrong but Sora isn't the kind of tool men will use to create porn.
>>1891084She isn't, Sora can't make porn and we are far away from seeing AI porn videos of Sora level.
No. 1891143
>>1890987i 100% feel you kek. these people don't do any research past reading rageb8 articles, you see it a lot in creative circles too. believe it or not no, art being in a dataset is NOT stealing. learn how neural networks and weights work, you retards
there's no point to arguing with them though people will be people and people would rather climb up on a moral high horse and bitch down rather than educate themselves.
No. 1891145
>>1890933nta but
>because even female sex toys are based around making men happy to some extent. i was thinking this the other day. being a female coomer is genuinely tough, you just don't get anything for yourself. and it seems other fem coomers either troon out or go down the nyantcha route and make such male-focused porn that it's hard to realize they ever made more yume-focused content
No. 1891196
>>1890933male sex dolls do exist, they're just marketed for gay guys and ugly, and horribly expensive and heavy just like the female ones.
>>1891154thrusting dildos exist as the counterpart I guess.
No. 1891221
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This is a TAC-50 rifle and you can kill someone with it from over a mile away! Just in case you ever need a weapon for an activity like that(Suggestive murder)
No. 1891311
I hate the female biology so much, I hate how sex is inherently degrading for women and serves men inherently more, I hate when people try to deny it and use retarded fluffy words to describe his it's actually not degrading uwu. I hate how women swallow semen and get fucked by dicks like a pigs, if it weren't degrading and the female body wasn't submissive then porn wouldn't be shocking cause there would be no unequal power dynamic. I hate the way female biology looks like in porn, like a brain dead retarded cock suckers servicing dick. I hate how men are uglier than women so women have to spend their lives being fucked by ugly creatures and can't get a more attractive man to commit. I hate the biological gender roles, I hate other women femininity and how they always post about men in a cryptic ways like "he will always remember me", " I would do anything for him", I hate when I go on misandrist accs and in between the man hating posts they show a deep love and empathy for their boyfriends. I hate how women have to break their own human boundaries in sex and abuse themselves, suck dicks and bent over. I hate how gross sex makes women and womanhood look like. Cringe semen swallowing pigs who think their love for men is deep and keep crying about men, giving them all the love in the world kek I hate how monogamy is not natural so they jerk all these dicks for nothing. I hate how a woman has to be a private pornstar in a hetero relationship and people write retarded psychological posts like: "if you make her feel safe then she will become your pet cock sucker as any other woman" like women are pets of men that will degrade themselves and submit if you pat their heads correctly. Nobody fucking asked for your stupid psychoanalysis stop talking about how to "make wives want yo have sex with their husbands". I hate how subconsciously everyone knows how sex is degrading to women and how vulgar it is. I can't relax cause I fear reincarnation, existing as a woman again, fear the fact that something as humanity will always be conceived in the universe therefore womanhood too and womanhood is what allows this hell to be experienced. Womanhood reminds me of porn which looks like
images from hell. I hate the inherent feminine gender role the woman body is and how femininity makes women into a mentally slow naive pickmes who suck dick then cry then suck dick then cry then suck again then cry cause of the moid. I hate how rape will always be a part of womanhood, I hate how we can't choose to not be involved in this bullshit when we get born and get terrorized by the moid-pickme society and porn and sex and misogyny which is the only constant thing in life that never fucking leaves ever(blackpill sperg)
No. 1891392
>>1891387No because he will be able to paint himself as a
victim of a crazy scorned bunny boiler. It’s not good enough. I need him dead. I need him to be a shell of a fucking man.
No. 1891424
>>1891419He’s fucking lying though can’t you see? He’s a scummy scrote who pumps and dumps women because he feels like he fucking can
>>1891408If he does that then that will ruin his nice compassionate person persona. He has to at least pretend to care to save face.
No. 1891427
>>1891419My dignity left the minute I got pumped and dumped. I might as well be fucking dead now. But I might take him with me. I know where he lives.
I might throw acid in his face so he can never do this to anyone again.
No. 1891430
>>1891408Plenty of uggos approach women irl tbh
or maybe I'm ugly too and have this constantly happening to me kek.
No. 1891447
>>1891437To be more clear: it was a trial and error method. One of my friends had four relationships out of Tinder, two of them were more of a situationships, two were actual dating (she's still with the second one and she seems quite happy). I don't mean it in a condescending way, but I don't think dating apps are for you right now anon, you seem quite unstable and OLD requires steel confidence and self-assurance. Stop texting this moid, he doesn't care and the best thing you can do rn is saving your face so you can look at it as mildly unpleasant experience in the future and not shudder from cringe.
>>1891438They're ok looking, not really ugly. One of them is tall (around 6'2 ft) so that's a plus.
No. 1891493
>>1891489This is going to be mega unpopular but if you were from a shitty poor country and the country you're in now offers you a better quality of life and more opportunities and you're safe with your bf, I think what you did was a good move. At least, I think that would've motivated me personally too.
I get that it's probably not easy being isolated in a foreign country, especially if you don't speak the local language (I don't know if you do or don't), but you can make friends and go out and do stuff too.
No. 1891538
>>1891523Straight women will make other women's lives hell for some cock and then whine about it when the consequences come and bite them in the ass.
>>1891532 You can throw around buzzwords if you want, it's quite cathartic to see certain types of women get what's coming to them. It's like someone who only eats raw meat and shames other people for cooking their meat complaining when they get salmonella. No, I don't feel bad for you, you're a retard who tries to drag other people into your miserable lifestyle.
No. 1891559
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No. 1891568
>>1891562after reading some straight
nonnie talk about her stupid moid for the 11th time and refusing to dump him you will start hating them too
No. 1891608
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I haven't had the flu in years and now I can feel the same itchiness in the back of my throat I used to get when I got colds as a kid. This fucking blows. I had such a good streak going
No. 1891721
>>1891619nta but lesbians barely have numbers on the population, whats the point of mentioning them on "straight" topics?
>>1891690>You realize they're going to be laughing about your issues over the dinner table with their husband or wife rightAt least on my country its illegal to divulge psychiatric documents unless police is involved
No. 1891829
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I need advice nonny.
I keep thinking I should get rid of certain people in my life that I don't like anymore, I really hate druggies yes even if it's just weed
An online friend is regressing so beyond my comprehension talking about death, violence, or harmful acts and using me as a vent journal sometimes or plainly just avoiding me which leaves me confused and upset if I'm honest, I can't pull with this anymore, I love them and they're amazingly cool but I'm tired of the perpetual teenager mindset. I want to quietly disappear
A real life friend who used to be super close years ago has a new life and almost never responds, he does say he wants to reconnect but I think he's just not for me anymore, sad because his mom is a sweetheart that loves my arts and crafts and buys them too lol (I like crocheting and using clay), I just hate when people ignore me this hard if I'm honest. Like super hardcore ignoring and also he said next time we talked he would tell me all the things I did wrong years ago when we haven't really spoken for years. I want to tell him to fuck off and block him but god holy shit I just can't. Sadly deleted her mom from my insta now RIP she was a real one, but yeah telling him to fuck off would be satisfying
And then the only other real friend I have bores the heck out of me with boy crazed drama and shit. She's an antifeminist pickmes tbh. Honestly thinking about her she's tolerable but still sometimes I'm just on edge.
I need new friends, a new social circle, but I live in such a small town in bumfuck nowhere it's very difficult. I'm currently isolated because I'm in a stay at home situation and I know telling so many people to fuck off isn't smart, but this has been going on for AGES I have these thoughts constantly about unfriending them. Idk what to do. Help me or berate me, it's fine, I know I'm going crazy over this anyway.
No. 1891833
>>1891775nta but everytime a woman comes here for help with an actual
problematic scrotoid it's the same shit. it's everywhere on the internet also. I get it, they're still blinded from abuse, but it's the same shit, hoards of other women being like please love yourself and the women ignoring it and trying to excuse their moids. and it's probably not the first or second time they have been through shit with the same man. no worse blind than the one who doesn't want to see.
No. 1891846
>>1891774But you don't understand,
nonnie. He's so
sensitive and cute and kind. One day, his drawings will be magnificent and include shading and perhaps even a face to immortalize his chained up girlfriend.
No. 1891876
Kicked a low-effort, jealous poorfag male I'd been seeing for a month to the curb recently. He had other red flags I was ignoring (i.e. wanted to marry but not "legally," so no he did not want marriage) but his shitbag attitude recently took the cake.
>Sunday before Valentine's Day
>we hang out with his friends and their kids so not really a great date
>he had faked me out by pretending to look up spas leading up to this week so he could score "it's the thought that counts" brownie points for not actually doing shit for me
>all he does is get me a gas station rose and pay for a Red Robin burger while out at an arcade w/ his friends and their kids
>after driving an hour out to his place to hang out more we don't even smash
>Valentine's Day
>didn't do shit besides send me a message over social
>have other men take me out to fancy lunch and dinner on V Day
>post the pics to my social w/o mentioning the other men
>he messages to say he wasn't feeling well
>that night I make fresh bone broth and send him pics thinking he'd want one jar, to be kind
>"That looks like a bathroom piss jar."
>Oh? You piss in jars often? There's a broth exists that does not look a little bit like pee?
>"I-I don't know much about broth..let's make it some time together. Btw wanna hang out this weekend? Let's go to a park, I'll drive to you, so you plan it."
>decide to go to a concert by myself the next day and wore a sexy outfit
>went viral on socials, people hitting on me, I felt so good
>posted the pics to my social
>crickets from guy
>did not get to enjoy my concert due to answering work emergencies
>yesterday night
>still dealing with work emergencies to the point where I had to drive out late at night due to someone's incompetence
>guy messages me to pester me about dumb park date
>told him the park I wanted to pick was closed, which was true, and how I was going crazy from the work I had to do anyway
>vented to him instead about how stressed out I was over job, and how I felt my friend-employees were sabotaging me recently perhaps bc I went viral on socials showing me having a good time
>he replies "Sounds like they are taking advantage of your friendship but you do show off doing nice things and having nice lunches so maybe you should show off less. What are you up to tonight, another concert or night out?"
>couldn't believe this fucker was being so jealous and unsupportive and he basically told me to stop bragging as a solution to my work problems and implied I was out for fun that very moment
>I saw red
>told him actually that I was taking today to rest and that I am no longer interested in seeing him and good luck with his search
>"Why do you say that?"
>explain because what he said is shitty and he acts like he doesn't even like me
>"Hmmmm maybe you took something the wrong way. Sorry you are feeling that way miss."
>sure, have a good one sir
>block him
Fucking faggot asshole and this is why I never date exclusive until I really know someone. Just imagine had I invested my actual emotional energy into this retard.
No. 1891925
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i fucking hate how i get so attached to men incredibly easily. i've been talking to a guy for roughly 3 weeks and our first date was a week and a half ago, and he's all i can think about. the only upside is that i do keep myself in check when it comes to texting him and whatnot, i'll usually let him text me first.
No. 1891949
>>1891829I think you should keep the online friend and the girl until you make new ones. For the male, don't block him yet just stop reaching out. And with the other two, can you keep conversations to topics that don't drive you crazy, and bow out of conversations that do?
Is there anything going on locally that you could get involved in to meet new people. Can you take up a hobby, even on that you don't care much about, that will get you hanging out with other people. Or even join online communities that revolve around crocheting or clay.
Can you use your current friends to monkey branch to other new friends. Like pick up a hobby one of them is into, use that to join hobby groups that the friend is in, so hopefully they will introduce you around?
That dudes mom, you live in a small town, it shouldn't be that hard to get back in contact with her.
No. 1892003
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I hate when anons post like this. We don't need your two cents on every fucking post and this is an eyesore.
No. 1892029
>>1891831 thanks nona. and congrats on your engagement as well!
i hope for your sake as well that pagan throws a hissy fit and doesnt show up lol>>1891836i wish it was a friend group thing, somehow that would make it easier. we're just solo friends with nobody else involved
>>1891851its a small wedding, and she's one of the 4 of the friends from my side that i'm inviting. but youre right, every little detail is gonna be stressful with her because of this nonbinary narcissism shit. it almost makes me want to have a micro wedding, like just parents and siblings kek
No. 1892051
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A close male family member said "guys and females" a while back and I wonder if I'm being too sensitive.
I thought we'd stay dude and dudette.
No. 1892112
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someone talk me out of rage spending $1k on designer goods after my bf blindside dumped me today
No. 1892118
>>1892114nope i make 6 figures and generally try to be smart with my purchases but this
triggered me to be reckless in this way
No. 1892141
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>>1892136I’m the wrong person to ask, I’m like the call of the void when it comes to shopping. Wear them together and look down on him if you ever see him again
No. 1892154
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No. 1892176
>>1892035>I wish I did so I have something to blame. All I can do is be mad at nothing.The person to be mad at and blame is clearly the manager who fired you.
>Can't land a job now because how do you prove that you didn't do anything wrong. You don't prove that you didn't do anything wrong. You come up with some bs reason for why you were let go, what you learned, and why that will help on the new job, like "My company changed the focus of my dept and I was let go as my skill set would not be fully utilized in the new direction. Because of this, I learned to keep on top of new developments in the industry. For example, I have been studying x, y, and z and which will be invaluable in doing a,b,c on this job."
No. 1892241
>>1892207Disagree, the more right wingers fight against trannies, the more ammo they have to accuse any legitimate detractors (like radfems) of simply being bigots who hate every minority and need to be silenced. And even though right wingers do get traction in making things harder for oppressed groups, trannies are men and not remotely oppressed so their rich and powerful backers will exert their power and save the troons while women lose reproductive rights.
imo the what will actually destroy the tranny movement is literally just people getting bored of it and moving onto other trends, it's a social contagion with no real benefits or scientific legitimacy after all. Their supporters will slowly back off and go quiet, TIFs in particular will come to their senses as they age and detransition, opportunistic AGP males will realize lesbians want nothing to do with them, the ones who got SRS will die off from suicide or health complications. It's a house of cards, entirely fake and performative with no actual widespread support amongst normies. It can only last as long as people are willing to play along.
No. 1892298
>>1892292My psych is taking it seriously and told me to monitor my new meds and took me off the old ones. I just don't have a general practitioner right now to go to in order to discuss what's bothering me. I hadn't had a GP in years because I didn't have insurance for a long while and only saw a gyno maybe once a year. Last time I went to a gyno circa 2021 there weren't any abnormalities. I went to a doc in the box clinic last year in October and had some funkiness with high hemoglobin levels but not a ridiculously abnormal high. I was also off psych meds for about the same time I didn't see a doctor at all- nearly 3 years. I'd never had any issues before, but during those years I cut myself rather shall we say egregiously and I fear this may be related to internal nerve damage in some way.
I should probably find a GP now that I at least temporarily have insurance for a few months and consult with them if at all possible, order more blood tests. I want to cry. I already live with debilitating mental disorders that cost an arm and a leg in psychiatry and psychology fees, not to mention meds, and the last thing on top of that I want is a physical health condition. I'm currently unemployed and I need to be comfortable to work, I want to work, I don't want to be dealing with whatever this is, and my own father who I've had to beg to help me in my unemployment phase has been really unsupportive by trivializing the pain I'm going through.
Don't know how to make it better. I'm trying to find someone with a similar account online but none of those posts are giving definitive answers other than perhaps some sort of chronic reflux
No. 1892309
>>1892298I know that feeling well nonna, I wish you the best of luck and hope things will be ok.
And assuming you haven't, you should see if there's any advocate or treatmrnt groups in your area that offer low cost coverage. That's what I have to do too because they are so pricey those meds. I am also glad to hear they are looking into it with you. That is good news. Anyways best wishes nonna
No. 1892312
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Ill probably never be at the drawing skill level I want to be at, no matter how much I draw. My sister has always been naturally talented in art and I wish she would show some type of interest in mine for once. But I know she will never really be interested bc she knows Im just not good enough. Im never satisfied with what I draw. It never looks like how I want it to look. But its been my main hobby for decades and I so desperately want to be able to draw things how I imagine them. But I just cant right now and it feels like I never will be able too. I just cant capture what I want to convey correctly in the artwork. If I draw a character from a show, it never really looks right to me, no matter how many times I practice. I just want to feel proud about something for once. I want to finally draw something that is at the level that even my sister would notice.
No. 1892326
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I'm tired of bitches that need to create new drama every day. Let's make a chatgroup about cooking they said, it'll be lovely they said… until a morbidly obese bitch comes in and makes it her safe space because she has a flock of other stupid bitches who don't want to discuss food, they just want to look at food. God forbid some studies about food would challenge their worldview. Man I can't wait for the fat cow to have a heart attack i'm going to make an epic party fo everybody who hated her. Bitch has a Tammy Slaton forehead not even kidding!
Now Let's make a gardening group maybe that'll be more chill? NOPE because this one narcissistic bitch doesn't like your answer to her problem, even if you studied plants for years, she knows best because she's a doctor and a mother! Wtf? And if there are no arguments she could muster, she'll just say "I disagree". Because she just NEEEEDS everybody to know and for fer flock to like her stupid post.
Like id love to have a nice commuity with majority of women discussing and exchanging ideas, but why are so many so damn narcissistic? These types form alliances and it's like fucking middle school drama. Why do they need to always be the smartest in a topic that they know nothing about? Why do they need to cotrol spaces that aren't even theirs? I just want peace and free speech where everybody's ideas matter and they keep ruining it because they want to dominate it for some reason, shaming people they don't like in their stupid alliance… istead of it being everybody's free expression space.
No. 1892363
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I want to throw up thinking about this exam I have to take. I already failed it once and the second try is only going to get harder. It's just a very broad topic and there's no way I can study everything. I can barely follow the material I have, I don't know how to prepare for stuff outside of that too. The professor is generally known for making it extra hard and relishing in how many students he can fail each year. I have some of the best grades in my major otherwise, but if I fail this one class again I'm going to get kicked out. I get into a literal panic when I think about it so studying has been very difficult because I can't calm down enough to focus and I obviously try to put it off as long as possible. Last time I invested weeks during which I tried to keep calm, do 4 hours of studying every day and leave at least one hour of free time and it didn't help at all. I went into the exam feeling somewhat anxious but relaxed and I managed to work through every question but I guess I didn't even get half of it right. At this point I don't even care if it ruins my entire average, I just want to be able to graduate
No. 1892371
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Usually in the mornings my boyfriend will kiss me goodbye before going to work. Yesterday he didn’t and I mentioned it and he said it’s because he wanted me to catch up on sleep and didn’t want to wake me. He claims he kissed me and said goodbye but didn’t say he loved me but thought it? Umm ok…Today I was already awake but was still laying in bed and he just left and didn’t acknowledge me. So I texted him a frowning face and he didn’t respond. Then I called him and asked if he was upset at me because this was the second time he left without saying goodbye. He just angrily says “sorry, I was late” I was silent for a bit and then told him that it’s fine but I would of appreciated a text or something so I don’t feel like you’re angry at me. He then blew up “oh my godddd I didn’t see your text! I woke up 5 minutes before I had to leave! I’m not ANGRY!! But now I’m getting frustrated at you!! Also I said bye to you yesterday!!!!” I tell him that all I wanted was comfort but the way he’s speaking to me and his tone doesn’t give me any reassurance. I told him I don’t know what I did to him to be lectured and chewed out by him. He kept yelling and saying he didn’t do anything wrong and went on with his woe as me I’m a poor victim because I have to put effort into my relationship rant and I started to cry because I was just really upset at this point. He then said I was spiraling and to call him back when I’m not spiraling. I instantly hung up the phone. A few minutes later he text me “I’m sorry” “please don’t be mad at me” “please be nice to me” “and let’s not argue” “please try to be agreeable and not find this text angering” … that text angered me and I haven’t responded. I don’t even know how to respond. Like holy shit dude all you had to fucking say was “I’m sorry I love you so much I was just panicking because I was late” in a nice loving tone. Literally that’s all I needed was a nice tone in his voice. Like, is it that fucking hard? I wouldn’t of even gotten upset if he just texted me “sorry I was late and didn’t get to say bye.. I love you”. Anyways, I honestly don’t know what to do at this point. I don’t even want to respond to his text because I don’t know how to.
No. 1892390
>>1892371Anon, I'm saying this gently but you don't need a kiss goodbye every morning as a relationship requirement. How you handled this is a great way to push people away and have them build resentment because they feel they're expected to be perfect.
Don't call your partners at work unless it's an emergency. Next time if it happens, give yourself the day to really rethink if no morning kiss is saying something as big as you thought about your relationship, and if so, at least you'd have time to put together a better approach. Calling someone at work to complain and then turn it around on them when they frustrate over it is not the way.
Also sorry but are you borderline?