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No. 768938
Live fast, die dumb
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/762731 No. 768947
File: 1616639116552.gif (699.23 KB, 220x220, 94F7A6E3-5A15-45EF-B2B7-BCA5A6…)

male faggots will never be a woman’s ally
No. 768996
>>768968Damn I swear that men act like trash because they
know they are trash so they go the full way in. It does seem to be getting worse. I'm worried incels are increasing and recruiting young boys who wouldn't even be worried about that shit otherwise.
No. 769050
>>769033I actually get more of the vibe of closeted gay who's really into trans women tbh. I haven't followed him for a while though; has he hinted toward any sexuality??
>>768949I don't mind it so much online but I recently saw someone start selling actual bags like the ones in the thread pic and I was like… really? You'd wear that around and say that about yourself in public?
No. 769058
File: 1616650850353.jpeg (42.45 KB, 300x250, F102AE46-7B1A-4CE2-ACFA-7BA76D…)

>>769033I can totally see that happening and I fucking hate it. First he’ll be a femboy then he’ll be non-binary. The un-pc edgelord loser to troon pipeline is real.
No. 769181
File: 1616670955042.jpg (218.83 KB, 1080x1350, a2438716a588c91bc13ee29556decc…)

>>769033you might be right anon…
No. 769183
>>769033That makes me so sad to think about, he's actually cute.
I low-key suspect he's an FtM, though.
No. 769202
>>769181Kek this is my new favourite tinfoil. Though the biggest shock would be that an FTM managed to have normal weight and skin without being an obsessive gymbunny/anachan.
I think he's just a manlet attention whore, because his art before he became a commentary channel had a scrotey quality.
Though every troon is tragic, I think him attempting the Contra muppet valley girl voice with his baritone would be hilarious
No. 769206
File: 1616675629956.jpg (100.69 KB, 1080x522, Screenshot_20210325_132913.jpg)

>be me bored as hell
>so bored I open the twitch app, I never watch twitch
>cool female streamer I know from youtube is live
>open her stream
>immediately see someone in chat ask "what are your pronouns"
>haha fucking retard get out of here shes obviously normal
>"guys she/her…"
>there it is lol
>"…and they/them are both fine!"
No. 769220
>>769205I don't play it(since i try to limit smartphone time) but my sister still does, honestly its been one of the most positive influences in her life, like she's made a lot of close IRL friends cause of that game, even got invited to a wedding by someone she met from playing PokemonGO
Sorry to see the experience of yours has gotten shittier
No. 769283
File: 1616685270674.gif (1.88 MB, 500x383, 1906543278894.gif)

I keep having nightmares about anons misinterpreting my posts and getting angry at me for nothing. I hate you guys.
No. 769287
File: 1616685833424.jpg (203.6 KB, 1200x1800, fake bread.jpg)

>americans think this is real bread
No. 769295
>>769283Time to take a lolcow break
>>769287How's this not real bread? I'm from a bread eating nation -not the US- and this looks like regular white bread to me.
No. 769298
File: 1616686535911.jpg (970.42 KB, 1280x800, bread.jpg)

>>769289>>769293that's sandwich bread, which is not real bread
No. 769329
File: 1616689515244.jpg (224.85 KB, 1200x675, getbred.jpg)

Now that's real bread
No. 769335
File: 1616689779431.jpg (109.54 KB, 1021x571, ariel-pink-john-maus.jpg)

People were really surprised when Ariel Pink and John Maus were exposed for being creeps when they look like this.
Maus made a whole ass song about harrassing a woman he met once and Ariel, just fucking look at him kek.
No. 769363
File: 1616691933562.gif (61.36 KB, 267x200, mood hearts.gif)

>>768938but can we talk about how cute the thread pic is? it's unusually inspiring makes me want to draw ohmygod
No. 769378
File: 1616693781137.jpg (20.59 KB, 235x275, 1614651834913.jpg)

The MtF thread became to depressing to read
No. 769457
File: 1616702154281.jpg (28.21 KB, 612x400, delete-chrome-autofill-suggest…)

The name field on my browser has autofill suggestions of my real name, and I'm afraid one day I'm gonna click one without realizing it and post my name on here. I should clear it, but I honestly don't feel like it
No. 769482
File: 1616704108075.jpg (338.93 KB, 800x800, 556000723-1545306239.jpg)

Bought a lot of cute stationary today to get back into journaling/scripting. Not exactly get back per se as I still do it, but to motivate myself to do it more often. I also bought some for my mom! I hope she likes it.
Can't wait for it to arrive.
No. 769499
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No. 769511
File: 1616706013408.png (465.36 KB, 718x924, dfd.png)

>>769499I spent 3000 hours in ms paint back in high school for this meme
No. 769514
>>769511anon it’s
No. 769525
File: 1616706844664.png (178.06 KB, 300x469, dagakotowaru.png)

>>769514Thank you for acknowledging my mastery, in fact I didn't make it from scratch, somebody already made it but I changed the words because I couldn't stand the wasted opportunity of not using "breads eaten" for the huge number (if you look closely you can see the N is masterfully reconstructed from some other letter. You might have to look really hard though.) anyway here is a manga panel I colored
No. 769636
File: 1616714316138.jpg (98.86 KB, 720x960, D7zr32gW4AAhs9X.jpg)

TIL there are a suprising amount of GC people on Gaiaonline of all places. Weird.
No. 769666
>>769203ngl, I
lived for pregnant Katy Perry. Daisies and Never Worn White were such good songs, also this version of Never Really Over with preggo Perry is
chef's kiss No. 769709
File: 1616721281107.jpeg (61.32 KB, 640x550, DB451558-6F60-4728-81EC-92340E…)

I am so fucking stupid. For the longest time, whenever I got Panera’s cheddar broccoli soup, I wondered how they managed to keep some strands of shredded cheddar cheese from melting. Made a copycat recipe today, and found out those “cheese shreds” have been carrots the entire time.
No. 769712
File: 1616722748176.jpeg (14.18 KB, 154x204, 8E5E5023-6C42-420A-AAA2-79A347…)

none of you are real you are all demons and this is hell torturing me with bad milk, slow activity and tedious mundane life stories
No. 769715
>>769712We can't all be cows,
nonny. That would defeat the purpose of the imageboard.
No. 769760
File: 1616726930452.jpg (120.3 KB, 804x1282, ExNPkZAWEAISmJX.jpg)

I hate the "THEY'RE GIRLFRIENDS!" meme. I want it to die. A woman with brains would never date a pickme that sucks cocks.
No. 769769
File: 1616727570032.jpg (129.14 KB, 1200x800, ad-lucille-bluth.jpg)

RIP Queen
No. 769770
>>769760it’s a libfem distraction from the very
problematic nature of looking like a whore
No. 769771
>>769760>A pickme that sucks cocksStacy doesn't bow to any man she instead enjoys herself with whoever she wants when she wants, she is confident enough in herself that she never feels pressured into anything. Believing that a women are less for doing whatever they want with their own bodies is incel tier
Besides it's fiction you just decide yourself that they're both goldstar
No. 769776
File: 1616728185155.jpeg (58.75 KB, 500x353, AC6A36B9-48C0-4CB8-84BE-F63D8A…)

>>769769May Miss Walter rest in peace and haunt all the scrotes who did her wrong, clink clink bitches
No. 769777
File: 1616728201572.png (580.4 KB, 918x500, ruhroh.png)

>>769771You know they're going to eat you alive for this, don't you?
No. 769778
>>769771>Believing that a women are less for doing whatever they want with their own bodies is incel tierimagine shilling looking like a cocksucking whore
>Besides it's fiction you just decide yourself that they're both goldstarexactly: it's fiction. This isn't what happens in reality in most cases. Self hating women dress like bimbos are into men and they look like it. Looks matter.
>>769775She's a bimbo and bimbos suck dicks.
Inb4 someone calls me "woman hater!!!! they can wear whatever they want!!!!!"
Yeah as long as they don't look like WHORES, we need more radical feminism in this world.
(bait) No. 769795
File: 1616729962468.jpg (25.3 KB, 350x200, EebsSe-WkBAMaXL.jpg)

>>769778Imagine being this mad over a drawing, Jesus. People do this all the time with those drawings where they ship them together
No. 769812
File: 1616731383721.jpg (95.73 KB, 1200x488, download (11).jpg)

>>769778Anon, the point of that specific drawing isn't to encourage women to dress a certian way or convince you of anything. It's to make fun of an incel image that was posted about how one woman is seemingly "superior" to another and boxing them both into superficial tropes, by making them… in love kek. It's just a simple joke to maybe piss of some incels, nothing more.
No. 769823
File: 1616732112554.jpeg (82.12 KB, 455x482, F33A87D7-E1AE-41CA-AAA1-9776B1…)

>>769822my mistake, red text. I mix up the color scheme in my memory.
No. 769825
File: 1616732418813.jpeg (203.96 KB, 1084x508, E667D307-2BD3-4BBD-81C7-08DFFF…)

Randomly wanted to post these quotes from Kim Deal (was Pixies bassist)
No. 769826
File: 1616732507980.jpeg (690.07 KB, 1079x1557, EB0BF295-3CC4-47D1-9181-D7E5DF…)

>>769825This one's for the anons here who I've seen feeling left out about not having kids. Makes you think
No. 769844
>>769820He is cute.
I’d be down with bimbos if they were cute bears that give out their delicious desserts.
No. 769873
File: 1616737294492.jpg (276.01 KB, 1024x683, receta-churros-de-maiz.jpg)

>>769865>>769869Its this kind of chips…
No. 769876
File: 1616737503937.jpg (76.87 KB, 499x558, lkw4ik3micf21.jpg)

>>769769God, what an absolute icon. RIP
No. 769878
Love putting some lemon and chile on those
No. 769889
File: 1616739862999.jpg (124.13 KB, 851x667, 03669a015a_c5390085_1280.jpg)

This pic specifically made me extremely horny for Mikasa and Hanji
No. 769893
File: 1616740267973.png (217.21 KB, 831x339, pantone.png)

Wtf, is this what people do for money on facebook streams?
No. 769904
File: 1616741738128.png (594.21 KB, 703x746, 2008.PNG)

These are so ridiculous and I used to hate them back in 2008, but I unironically fucking love them now.
No. 769913
>>769904() () remember the bunnies
(-.-) everyone used to have on their profile
(v v) because they didn't support bullying or w/e
mods pls no ban No. 769975
>>769913Aw I remember using this one a lot:
<( ^ - ^ <) <( ^ - ^ )> (> ^ - ^)>
Some people would call them kirbys
No ban pls it’s an example No. 770025
File: 1616756764907.png (8.76 KB, 1207x111, banners.PNG)

Finally, damn.
No. 770064
nonny what's up?
No. 770066
File: 1616763250858.jpeg (153.1 KB, 473x537, 502F9ABB-1240-439C-A527-955828…)

>>770064ever had one of those weird dreams where you’re about to wake up and do your brain just makes shit up? incoherent but I had a dream of browsing and posting on here and the anons were being super mean, I can’t even remember it anymore
No. 770083
File: 1616764474931.jpeg (234.7 KB, 1242x477, F49CBDFA-82C0-4A3F-9FF0-2588A1…)

I love this site sometimes. It’s hilarious as the words retard, autistic and so much more being used as insults is really frowned upon everywhere else. Some of the replies here are so unnecessarily angry and I laugh every time. So thank you.
No. 770148
File: 1616770754295.jpeg (58.67 KB, 722x172, 1779E65A-4327-41A7-8B51-E0DECE…)

Your death was swift but I hear you and I love you
No. 770196
>>770192>grammar is a political statement to themThis is more what I was trying to convey, not that I care when people use singular “they” to refer to people in a regular setting. Re-reading my OP, I worded it to sound more bothered, so that’s my bad.
Sorry that you struggle with this now, though, anon. It sucks.
No. 770221
File: 1616779109168.png (70.66 KB, 339x284, tumblr_nlya2gXYxz1sl8bxqo7_400…)

>See dream toys listing on ebay
>Less than half of the usual market price for two collector's toys
>Gone the next day
Always like that. Wish I was loaded so I could just buy it on the spot
No. 770242
>>770181gets kind of confusing when referring to a single person and multiple people at the same time.
it's worse in fanfics cause the "neutral" person being written about is obviously a girl and if there's sex scenes everything gets called "hole" cause pussy isn't neutral enough.
No. 770243
File: 1616782109279.gif (407.73 KB, 500x375, 1604004802503.gif)

Weird gore on /snow/ right now
stay safe nonnies
No. 770244
File: 1616782345381.jpg (60.36 KB, 550x823, f0873b5434316157f42ecbcfaf3d57…)

>>770235Thank you
nonny! I hope you also get all of the stuff you want, toys or otherwise!
No. 770268
File: 1616785092119.gif (497.04 KB, 250x250, a5abff377f848e3efff3fb9b18126e…)

Music bores the shit out of me nowadays. It's been like a year since I last found an album or song that genuinely excited me.
No. 770272
>>770248You're not too naive, it's good to stay away from those things and be healthy.
I've also never had any substance and my family doesn't drink either. I can only tell the things you mentioned because of a shitty job I worked in a bad area (had to deal with drunk and high customers a lot).
Is it just where I am, or do you experience that most people make drinking a prerequisite to being close friends with them? That's the only thing that sucks to me.
I have a pothead friend but I know he's closer with people he gets high with and it will always be like that.
No. 770308
File: 1616789664761.jpg (194.15 KB, 1079x1036, 1616773740241.jpg)

I hate """gifted kids""", I feel like for kids to be gifted they would had been very smart and talented like adult level, but everyone nowadays thinks they're gifted lmao
No. 770309
File: 1616789676064.jpeg (494.2 KB, 1242x871, 3877C65A-4B4C-498B-8728-4EFF22…)

lil nas x’s new song is genuinely so good but all I can think of is fucking armie hammer bc of the name kek
No. 770310
File: 1616789697373.jpg (290.55 KB, 1079x1158, 1616773789871.jpg)

>>770308Also "ending bimbo stigma" wtf? hell world
No. 770319
File: 1616790646974.jpg (24.33 KB, 472x248, 8744fad23b43519aaac5120a743cd8…)

Very minor complaint, but I wish I could use Grogu memes without feeling like a wine mom of 3 kek
I don't mind them being themselves or liking "baby yoda" it's just that their minion memes stuff is not my favorite flavor of humor, so I wouldn't like the association for that reason only.
It's all meaningless at the end of the day and I am just overthinking but ye
No. 770333
>>770241Hi anon! Just doxx this scrote and once you find his phone and address post an ad on his local craigslist for some degenerate anorectal violence. could help you.
Good luck Queen!
No. 770338
>>770315Why was I banned? There's nothing baity about my post.
>>770327Fuck off.
(ban evasion) No. 770340
File: 1616792609181.png (78.37 KB, 742x802, so true bestie.png)

i loved being pink pilled
No. 770348
File: 1616794049978.gif (782.31 KB, 260x176, AC7AAA17-E639-4304-8C64-98D999…)

hi guys how are you doing?
No. 770349
File: 1616794195752.gif (5.77 MB, 400x300, 84F341C9-881B-41FD-8A2D-13AC00…)

>>770348nm hbu? awesome how are the kids? haha kayla is absolutely wild love our little trailer park cookouts haha wap
No. 770376
File: 1616797429324.png (334.28 KB, 286x410, 2.PNG)

I loved the baby sitters club books, I had almost all of them and like the Goosebumps covers, I loved the covers and could stare at them for hours.
I fucking HATE the netflix series. I'll stick to the old show
No. 770433
I just remembered last year I went to some kind of event on a plantation in my state, and there were fucking live peacocks. That freaks me out sometimes. I feel like peacocks aren't animals you're supposed to see irl
>>770426This is kinda true
No. 770448
File: 1616807109186.gif (5.83 MB, 506x640, E4A87D91-A2E0-40B6-BEE6-BCDDDD…)

Bimbofication has some sort of truth in it. Being brain dead or not being able to think about anything is so refreshing, you don’t have to worry about anything or anyone else. I’m so tired of other feminists proclaiming that women can be scientists, mathematicians, but that’s literally not me lmao I’m an absolute retarded useless bitch and I don’t like thinking because it drives me crazy, I don’t want and never wanted to be some ambitious ladyboss and I don’t want to be a depressed housewife making tiktok or youtube videos everyday to convince people my lifestyle is great, I just want to be dead and empty
No. 770463
File: 1616808000634.jpeg (210.51 KB, 750x595, DF017D7A-5589-483D-AFBE-04A0A0…)

>>770452seething because I don’t think and you have to think everyday for the rest of your life burning out your patience and tolerance
average brain havers vs empty void enjoyer
No. 770498
>>770448No offense but do you by chance have a girldick?
Idk why you would waste your one life being empty “bimbo”. People like you make me feel so glad to be ambitious and enjoy the little things that make life awesome. Maybe it’s a good time to try something new anon. Don’t devalue yourself so much.
No. 770507
File: 1616811758950.jpg (133.05 KB, 1154x1200, c.jpg)

>>769862>>769864Late cause I forgot I posted this but, thank you guys. I don't necessarily hate my areolas, but idk. I do wonder how they would look if they were smaller, but I also know my genitals are dumb to be insecure about so I'll try not to think about it.
No. 770529
>>770448Being lazy and hot can be fun. Although I don't think lazy is the word we should be using. You don't want to be performative for others and that's
valid, it doesn't make you empty and dead inside to think like that. When I think about it, any time I've posted just narcisstic content like a selfie for no reason or most tiktoks are just a moving selfie, it's been from an attention seeking standpoint. Those performative people are just filling whatever void they're feeling inside. People slag the middle ground but it's a nice place to be.
No. 770545
File: 1616815251559.gif (3.57 MB, 500x500, 5DF16E2C-05F5-42CB-A552-899993…)

if im currently possessed by a demon then where tf are my powers? why can’t I float? halp
No. 770549
File: 1616815494735.jpg (252.32 KB, 1024x709, download.jpg)

Thank you for coming in Ms. Ymous. Your resume looks very promising. A position here opened up rather…suddenly, so we are looking for candidates with a particular…skill set for the job. Tell me, what are 3 of your strengths and one weakness? And what do you consider to be your greatest achievement?
No. 770636
>>770634Its not about the pickmeism aspect, this is almost the ideal fantasy of black incels, the angry Black women who only wants black men when their financially successful and not when their husseling
There's a whole thing regarding black men who hate black women to an insane degree
No. 770639
>>770637You're not black, there's an untrue stereotype within the community that black women aren't loyal, they don't do housework, don't have jobs
Just live off social security and abuse poor innocent black men
No. 770673
>>770657Its from Donald Grovers show Atalanta, also his self insert character gets paired up with a very light skinned biracial woman(cause of course she is)
Honestly woke black incels need to he called out more oftenn
No. 770710
>>770705Many are pink pilled as the rest however arw well……. There's a reason why the word pick-me and caping came from the black community
Pick me culture is very strong with in black women, many black women have below average standards when it comes to black men and they still fail, Its a dynamic that only exists with in the African American community
This video goes into more detail regarding this mentality which for TL;DW "The Man shits on and oppresses the black man so we have to stick by and support Black men no matter what"
No. 770723
File: 1616849852310.jpeg (336.58 KB, 541x549, 0D12EB94-64C3-408D-8C0A-AC5847…)

the unconventional male thread is making me actually nauseous now deadass, so ugly holy cow
No. 770760
>>770758The trad pickmes that I met IRL always end up being the opposite of what they label themselves.
They always either:
- cook horribly
- don't do anything and just sit at home in parents basement, leeching off them
Usually when someone ends up getting with a tradthot pickme (from friends experience), they don't do shit and manipulate you for even trying to criticize them; eg instead of cooking or cleaning they start playing mental illness card or whatever, and they will never find a job unless you dump them.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to have a traditional lifestyle (in case someone will start arguing), I am meaning women who are desperate of attention from men and scream how special they are because they are trad (and oftenly with a vonus: right wing) )
No. 770772
File: 1616856733289.jpg (9.29 KB, 269x211, 7e371da5-27c6-4355-b8e5-c9f061…)

A few days ago I clicked on a normal looking link someone linked without thinking and got a classic jumpscare image with the distorted screaming and had to throw my headset off. It has been so long I ran into one of these, I never even considered the possibility, even though it was so common in my teenage years. I grew too trusting and soft.
No. 770773
File: 1616856820737.jpeg (189.96 KB, 1242x557, D635E0D7-FC07-42F8-ABD5-1D7E4B…)

>>770764I didn’t think about it that way, my brain is bigger now.
No. 770787
>>770764>>770784I really wish there was more appreciation for working class women, like it seems female liberation gets tied into being in position's of power or having wealth and material positions
And this isn't something jusy scrotes ignore it's something many feminist groups themselves don't focus on
No. 770791
File: 1616858917534.jpg (36.54 KB, 500x366, 1431950083784.jpg)

Fuck subscription apps. Unless you use the app daily there's no reason to pay. The price is also always fucking expensive and ofcourse I can't find a better alternative or a free cracked version.
No. 770793
File: 1616859938529.jpeg (195.85 KB, 1120x747, 88504E4C-04F0-4956-BEE3-C75410…)

>>770791Hard agree and speaking of subscription apps, BIG fuck you to Adobe. I dl’d their software and used my old student email to pay for one month of subscription (no crack is avail on Mac…) and the amount of bloatware they run ALL THE TIME, regardless of whether you’re using the software, is unbelievable. I can’t imagine paying $40-60/ month for a service that violates your computer functionality that much. I unsubbed and deleted ALL their files off my computer and STILL have some type of creative cloud error pop ups when I start up my computer.
No. 770796
File: 1616860132446.png (133.22 KB, 719x425, 33.PNG)

I've been looking for this comment for a year about this fish because it cracks me up.
No. 770806
>>770794GOWOD, basically an app that helps with mobility by tailoring some routones for you.
Yes, I could probably do the same with youtube but having an app is just a lot nicer.
No. 770819
File: 1616862157854.gif (916.59 KB, 375x211, A4C930F4-AD63-4EA5-89AD-541B3A…)

I hate hour glass bodies holy shit you look so craggly and archaic you look like one of those bimbos in those scrote barbarian posters disgustANG
No. 770849
File: 1616864287675.gif (9.38 MB, 416x372, 697161A8-19AF-4351-95B3-58CAAB…)

>>770837KEK it was my intention
No. 770852
File: 1616864500772.png (85.51 KB, 502x540, 3981815c7e9bebe223af515d276994…)

>>770817Fair. I think the early onset schizophrenia makes me love Marumofubiyori even more, somehow.
No. 770872
File: 1616866152542.jpg (50.42 KB, 700x692, 1616786484591.jpg)

I laughed so hard at this image that I got tears in my eyes
No. 770873
Patiently waiting for sleuth anons to find out
what that corpse husband goober looks like
>>770817Yeah that’s true. Cute characters and subcultures seem to attract crazies at higher rates.
No. 770876
File: 1616866521624.jpg (69.11 KB, 300x422, fav chandler game.jpg)

>>770831I audibly cackled.
No. 770884
File: 1616867711727.jpeg (19.5 KB, 300x309, 74DD45D1-3714-47EF-B605-B52E9B…)

>>770872KEK anon, thanks for this pic
No. 770935
>>770925he's bottom scrote-tier with his constant porn references, shame, because edgy retarded humor can actually be funny plus I like the games he choses to review.
But to answer your question, yes, I do watch him from time to time
No. 771017
>>771001Yaaaaas! Treat yourself or save it. Do what you waaaant
No. 771020
File: 1616884523633.jpg (Spoiler Image,27.07 KB, 709x580, wow.jpg)

>wake up
>don't eat
>low mood
>still don't eat
>lower mood
>continue to not eat
>want to die
>finally eat a banana
>suddenly feel human again
I am mentally challenged
No. 771032
File: 1616885228251.jpg (53.51 KB, 600x900, 373bd523e2b4321e466f095bc4db23…)

Out of all the nature things (?), the one I like the most is definitely the sky.
Looking at clouds, both in a beautiful sunny afternoon or at dawn, or even the dark clouds in a cloudy day or night, lightning making they go bright for a few moments. That's why I never understood when I was little or even to this day why people would go "such a nice day, not one cloud in the sky". No!!
Also, of course, a beautiful night sky, full of stars and/or with a giant, round full moon.
So beautiful.
No. 771033
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>>771024>also my tweet went kinda viral today, weirdshow us or you're larping
No. 771046
File: 1616886331745.png (260.58 KB, 520x594, cloudoncloud.png)

>>771032Hard agree! I absolutely love clouds and am always in awe of them. I'm that dumb person stopping on the side of the street to take a picture of the sky because I think a cloud looks awesome. These aren't photos, but I highly recommend looking up cloudoncloudlove on instagram! He does oil paintings of clouds. I've never felt the need to own or buy art but I dream of owning one of his pieces in the future, they're lovely and make me so happy just looking at them.
No. 771067
File: 1616887780346.jpg (66.11 KB, 700x467, Summer-Monsoon-2-scaled-e15884…)

>>771032>That's why I never understood when I was little or even to this day why people would go "such a nice day, not one cloud in the sky" No!!kekkk this sounds so twee but me too, I have never understood wtf people are thinking when they say that. Clouds are literally awe inspiring, and empty blue skies are either boring or borderline creepy. Desert clouds are the best.
No. 771074
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>>771046Thanks for the rec, anon!
>>771067I guess they just like the sun do much they literally rather have absolutely nothing blocking it?
Beats me. I love sunny days but hate the actual heat so clouds are always welcome even if for that reason alone.
No. 771087
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It's the weekend hehehehe
No. 771088
File: 1616889861206.png (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 700x813, 1614723698754.png)

I just found a huge google doc with a bunch of free resources for language learning (for most languages) and even for programming languages, holy shit. I knew tumblr was still good for something
No. 771093
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>>771088leak it queen
my dumbass statement is: how can you work at mcdonalds and have more of a social life than me?!!!! get back to grillin
No. 771106
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Anyone else prefers all types of their wine cold?
No. 771117
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LC be like
No. 771136
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>>771097bless you and the ground you walk on, anon
No. 771151
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>>771128With that and the constant scrote bait /g/ is officially the worst board
No. 771163
>>771103aw fuck yeah justice is the shit
>>771097this is rad!!
No. 771169
>>771128Do anons that keep calling these freaks "bones" and "skelly" know that they
enjoy being called those things. It's even a
trigger. Then again, anything positive or negative about the body is a
trigger when you have ED brain. But yea if the concern is shitty suicidal behavior enabling then people need to stop referring to their body shape in general and just stick to other insults.
No. 771180
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Just wanna say I FUCKING love hallucinogens girls
No. 771191
File: 1616913230051.jpg (89.24 KB, 602x483, 1591961694671-1.jpg)

Really dislike Urdu here in Pakistan, literally no one but a small % of people can even speak it properly and it's not even native to Pakistan, also incel muhajirs try to argue that it's somehow a turkic language cause their ashamed it came from Central India are just laughable
No. 771197
>>771191not pakistani but even a quick wikipedia search clearly tells you it's not turkic but indo-iranian, how can they even argue about linguistics ?
scrotes be delusional everywhere.
No. 771199
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>>771180I wanna try shrooms and acid SO fucking bad, but I wanna get off my antidepressant first. Fuuuuck. Getting high is so much fun.
No. 771205
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>>771197It's taught in Pakistani school that Urdu is a mixture of Turkic, Arabic and Persian
No. 771210
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>>771202>>771180Shiii have a beautiful time anons. I need to go on an adventure soon, my brain needs resetting.
No. 771213
File: 1616917060749.jpg (15.27 KB, 235x198, jHSjMcw.jpg)

>>771180>>771202I've had a shroom chocolate bar in my drawer for months and have only done a gram which didn't do a whole lot should I stop being a fucking baby and eat the whole 3g? I have no supervision.
No. 771215
File: 1616917634914.jpg (53.14 KB, 564x553, The Best Valentine's Day Nails…)

Whats a good tv show or yt videos to watch? I'm doing my nails right now and need something to watch
No. 771218
>>771208I feel you anon.
I think I look like a man/troon with full face make-up.
No. 771221
>>771202Have a fun trip anons!!
I’ve been planning to take a trip next weekend, I ordered these glasses that makes reflection of lights look like hearts. Very excited, if you like psychedelics you should look into glasses like those. I always love getting new lights and things for tripping, having a mini rave in my room to myself every once in a while.
No. 771224
File: 1616918605104.jpg (130.41 KB, 700x698, Female_Urinary-Tract.jpg)

Uhhh, I think I just realized all my unexplained, mysterious pain in my back/under ribs after masturbating was probably a UTI. I'd just finish and conk out and let the bacteria travel up my urinary tract directly to my kidneys while I slept. It hurt so bad. I'd feel nauseous, and I could hardly walk like a normal person without saying "oww," yet I thought it was normal for women to experience pain after sex or masturbating. I dealt with this multiple times, and yet I didn't even think to question it. Definition of dumbass (and potentially life-threatening) shit.
No. 771233
File: 1616919910086.jpg (56.36 KB, 825x759, 1603638107853.jpg)

God some of the shit I see in fiction almost makes me want to self-insert as male characters. How come women can't be the edgy brooding badass that everyone loves and sucks up to despite their terrible actions anyway for once? Where's my "pure cinnamon roll uwu" manic pixie bf who'll make me better with ~love~ and make me happy for once? Fix my fucking problems first. god nobody will ever appeal to my fantasies and I can't write for shit.
No. 771288
File: 1616930684109.png (732.97 KB, 600x887, sebastian_michaelis__kuroshits…)

need a sebaschan in my life
need a sebaschan in my life
No. 771292
>>771286Never felt the need for that, but so many times I wished we had earlids like we have eyelids. Imagine the peace of going to sleep with your eyes and ears closed… Bliss.
Wake-up alarms would all have to be vibration or something like that though, which may be more pleasant than a sound alarm, but is not as effective.
No. 771476
File: 1616951063986.jpg (97.86 KB, 1080x1080, Tumblr_l_12695888687649.jpg)

> tfw the only active artists of my husbando draw only yaoi with him (even though hes been dating only women, but it's fine to let people dream, really) or grossly fetishize him which doesn't look hot at all but disgusting
I just want to look at gorgeous "generic" fanart…come on
No. 771484
>>771475Clue is shit and believes periods are not for women only, no wonder it can't predict your period anon.
Use flo, the superior tracking app.
No. 771489
>>771475>>771484I agree with anon, I've tried out a number of different period tracking apps and flo has been the best so far on top of being free.
Though if you forget to register your period when you get it or if your period is late, like mine was 12 days delayed for some reason this month, it will sort of act like a more concerned version of the duolingo owl. It's kinda funny tbh.
No. 771535
File: 1616957648435.jpg (76.91 KB, 663x672, thefuck.JPG)

>>771520So I went down the rabbit hole to "understand" it and what I got is that you as a cis person need pronouns in their bio because to show people your pronouns because they WANT to know it and to show your support for twans people. On the other twans people don't have to do it because if they have it in their bio, they get bullied for it …..
No. 771547
>>771535>don’t put h/h s/h because it could stand for anythingWhat does that even mean? Short/Hot? Heterosexual/Hermaphrodite? Also, I’ve never, ever seen a tranny putting s/h in their bio, it’s always a huge
she/her little girl lesbian bimbo so I don’t get the gatekeeping bullshit.
Even they themselves don’t even know what are they’re trying to defend.
No. 771549
>>771535>>771537>all cis people must put pronouns on bio!!!>but not trans people uwuwhat the fuck?
I'm never putting pronouns in bio. Catch me dead first bitches
No. 771551
>>771547Kek all troonios be like
>she/her bimbo loli cat godessI swear to god I'm just waiting at this point for this shit to stop being a fucking fad, it's been taking too long.
No. 771566
File: 1616960850103.jpg (31.97 KB, 225x350, 3826.jpg)

Anime gave me unrealistic expectations that I could have a loyal dumb himbo husband.
No. 771577
>>771566Sometimes you meet himbos irl, but they're so few and far between than i'd rather stick with my anime himbo husbandos
>Gourry based.
No. 771593
File: 1616966140351.jpg (11.39 KB, 260x300, Ffxii-flowercactoid.jpg)

I'm in a discord server and some seems to be lurkers and share based tranny memes
No. 771594
>>771582I want to do it as well kek, any excuse for some time off work and a chance to break my routine. And maybe I'd get an interesting case, though I know that's unlikely.
But I'm nearly 30 and nothing so far…
No. 771599
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I got bedbug bites on my fucking mons pubis
Also, why does mons pubis lipo exist
No. 771636
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For some reason, in my experience, the straight guys that like or are proud to announce their own sign are usually scorpios
No idea why
Second place are probably leos
No. 771690
>>771680She has little milk outside of being actually brain damaged from malnutrition.
>People pay her on twitch to pick up heavy boxesScrote degeneracy knows no bound. But she has to be the cash cow for her mom. She's too good at deflecting and ignoring baits to be milked tbh. Any topics on her I've seen have just been "she
triggers my ED waaah" from underage fatties.
No. 771712
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Shane wants to come out of his rat cage everyone
No. 771728
>>771602I leave it up because I hate mold. Whenever someone in my house leaves it down, I get hit with a huge bubble of water tank stank when I lift it.
Same goes for washer lids.
No. 771733
File: 1616979772466.png (54.45 KB, 800x585, 94f.png)

>16 hours ago
>0 reply
No. 771734
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No. 771739
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My eyebrows are really short (the hairs are really long and wiry but the brow itself is short) and they're naturally downturned so it looks like a fucking inkling. I don't wear makeup anymore and people always think I'm angry bc of this. I've never plucked them or anything so idk why they're fucked but it's kind of funny to me.
No. 771751
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I just saw darkmatter2525 on my radar for the first time in ages, I can't believe this guy is still fucking making videos. Does anyone else remember watching this guy some 10~ years ago? I had no idea what any of the videos were about when I watched them in my teens.
No. 771758
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i wish the ffxiv thread wasn’t dead but I only started the game this month and don’t even know if there are any xiv anons out there to consider making a new thread
No. 771769
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my mom really really loves nic cage, we have this whole tradition of binging dumb cage flicks together. she doesn’t know about his creepy shenanigans and charges cuz she doesn’t keep up with celebrities and i hope she never finds out, i once said in passing that cage “is a meme at this point” and she seemed kinda upset, she’s so pure
fuck scrotes and fuck nic cage i can see the appeal though
No. 771791
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>>771619How does this pic make you feel, anon?
No. 771798
>>771503I honestly think its fine to do just so you know how to refer to people – I hate when people assume I'm male online and putting that I'm a woman in my bio just seems weird. this stuff
>>771535 is fucking stupid though.
No. 771810
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CH thread keeping everyone on their toes
No. 771830
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why are women so based???
No. 771892
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I'm really attention starved my online friend who hasn't logged in since 2 days talked to me and I don't feel like shit anymore
No. 771904
>>771900I'm awake
nonnie. How are you doing?
No. 771918
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I washed my face and applied moisturizer. I'm ready for the abduction.
No. 771950
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>>771921I hate to be cynical but in IME, it's hopeless. Somehow I have shit taste in women who have shit taste in men…paging Dr Freud! I hope
you don't get hurt anon.
No. 771964
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These are the only 2 male body types I'm attacted to, Muscle bound apes or really skinny guys
No. 771983
>>771964I like strong-looking guys but huge muscles, gymrat look like that
triggers nausea in me for some reason like I'm seeing too much
inside. I can only tolerate that in 2D bara sex. Really skinny or skinnyfat guys are also repulsive, always feels like I'm hugging a child.
No. 771990
>>771964The one on the left is too skinny and the one on the right is too bulky,I like muscles but his muscles look hard and unnatural.
If you were to touch his pecs they would feel like boulders (not sexy at all and really off putting)pecs should be smooth,squishy and natural.why do they ruin their bodies like this?
No. 771993
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I recognize an anon that keeps calling people twitterfags for stupid, innocuous shit (including me), and I want to tell them to shut the fuck up so bad, but I don't want to get banned. The Dilemma of a Farmer
No. 772037
>>772035I'm sorry about your upbringing, but i bet you looked really cute. Baby steps,
No. 772053
>>772002If it were a bidet I’d be all about it
>>772007Not even, the flushes just happened in really quick succession! Every little move kek
No. 772069
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Today I realized I have a pavlovian response to Gee from Girls Generation. I was briefly in a dance group many years ago where we used the song and dance for warmup and I still know most of the moves so when the song turned up in my recommended on spotify when I was in the store I had to REALLY hold myself back from very begrudgingly start dancing or even discreetly doing any of the moves. I swear to god my hands were almost twitching.
No. 772072
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I feel like I go through two spiritual epiphanies a month. "I've figured out the philosophy I'm going to live by", etc etc. This isn't bpd is it
No. 772073
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I'm starting to develop a crush on Chet Hanks after that stupid "White Boy Summer" video. He is so cringy and I'm not into those type of guys but something about him is…interesting.
>>772069Gee is a fucking banger, I would feel compelled to dance to it too, honestly.
No. 772078
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god male bodies look so fugly tbh no matter how they look they look so flawed but picrel lean and muscular looks so damn good
No. 772097
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>>772078Hard agree. 2D>>>>>>>>>>>>3D
No. 772128
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>>772095>>772078A bit late but posting depictions of hot Satan
No. 772131
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>>772128Also fun fact, both in Islam and the Christanity is described as most beautiful among the Angels
No. 772138
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>>772137And done, Hail Satan/Shaitan he did nothing wrong both the both the Biblical perspective and the Islamic perspective
No. 772191
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i'm not that familiar with AoT but from what I've heard and seen of it misaka doesn't seem as good as sakura, idk if that's a good comparison. although I agree with her point regarding female characters in general. is she right aotfags?
No. 772196
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>>772138Does 90s Viggo Satan count ?
Epitome of scared and horny feel
No. 772198
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Reject modernity embrace monke
No. 772210
>>772191I haven't read AoT in a few years so I don't know if she's gotten better but her only purpose and motivation was being a brainless doormat to Eren and that was her whole character. People just called her a "feminist icon" because she was strong in combat when even fighting was fully motivated by simping for Eren and Eren only. This bitch is just projecting hard into the character and her rebuttals are just "y-you can't call her pathetic because I LIKE HER YALL!!!" repeated ad infinitum.
Though I have to admit I stopped reading when she went into the "HATING MIKASA IS RACIST" territory. Really throwing everything at the wall to feel better about having a shitty taste in characters, lmao. Just accept that she was written in as a stand-in waifu for the self-insert main hero. And yes, Mikasa is creepy and possessive. Ymir was also possessive of Christa but she came nowhere near as fucking creepy as Mikasa with her obsession.
No. 772269
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>>772236Infinity Train! Sci- fi cartoon on HBOMax.
It’s very cute but also unironically traumatizing.
No. 772275
>>772264Some people pray to Satan pls don’t be a bigot uwu
>>772269Nta but sounds like a good time. I’ll check it out.
No. 772280
File: 1617056240307.jpg (137.4 KB, 1080x630, termini-cannoli-1080x630.jpg)

I had a stint at a cannoli bakery a few years ago and it has absolutely ruined me. There's a little cannoli stand that just opened up near my workplace and these workers know nothing
They gave me two huge boxes for eight mini cannoli (they could've just stacked them in one box), called the cheese filling "vanilla," and jeez, the piping… The filling's like shrunken sad dicks instead of voluptuous bows (picrel). So much empty space.. I always want to offer up my piping tips but I'm sure they wouldn't give a shit
No. 772297
File: 1617057763415.jpg (368.07 KB, 828x975, 2021-03-30 00_40_08.557 0200.j…)

Facetune is my passion
No. 772326
>>772174Sounds like a cutie patootie, anon
Rooting that it goes well for you!
No. 772343
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>>772339God I fucking hate men.
No. 772503
File: 1617076225622.gif (811.08 KB, 280x158, 797FD5F9-8105-4ECC-A660-E21F96…)

im so desensitized from the horrendous gore at this point but I’m finding a very obvious pattern, they always post late at night or in the early morning (this is obvious for the certain burger anons and their time zones) because the jannies are less active. they dump it into random threads in specific slightly less popular threads in the gossip boards because they think it will get buried away.
No. 772544
File: 1617085098883.jpg (165.46 KB, 736x919, cc60c6dcb1ff291b4aee17bd9dc32c…)

Beliefs aside, I think the witchy (wiccan, I think? I'm not sure) aesthetic is really nice. Nature stuff is just nice in general; flowers, crystals, the sky.
That's probably why teenagers are super into it.
No. 772551
>>772535Yeah… no she just didn't add them in. There is no reason banners should "take a while to show up". None besides that she never got around to implementing them.
I remember last year admin said she's gonna fix the code for this website when it comes to things like catalog not using the chosen theme but that hasn't happened either.
No. 772556
File: 1617087902507.png (1.25 MB, 890x905, Tumblr_l_222309746041567.png)

> retard spammer is a guy from 4chans vt
HolоEN was a mistake.
No. 772560
>>772544I like crystals too but more than half that picture is smelted and dyed glass.
It's not that I care but they pass that shit off as authentic special crystal for a premium. It's pretty but damn.
No. 772604
File: 1617096831974.jpg (118 KB, 1200x1200, marina-love-fear.jpg)

>>772601nah, Froot was great, I was talking about Love + Fear. It was so bland it went under many people's radar.
No. 772640
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omggaiz I found shayna
No. 772644
File: 1617106530636.jpg (147.69 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Anyone else ever fantasize about their boyfriends beating people up, like I've been fantasizng for a long time now about my boyfriend beating up Vaush to a bloody plup, also anytime a guy is cat calling when I'm alone I fantasize about my boyfriend beating them up as well
No. 772656
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>>772650Sad how even in your fantasies you have to ask your boyfriend to do it
No. 772665
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Nothing beats a cup of tea and a book while sitting in the sun in the garden.
No. 772722
File: 1617114814530.png (1.28 MB, 693x860, tumblr_a0f4fe763ff68686d246b73…)

Not a flat earther in the least but damn I love the adjacent conspiracy theory that a lot of our famous giant rock formations are the stumps of gigantic ancient trees. It just seems to switch on all the creativity/excitement signals in my brain.
No. 772727
>>772721They have but at least last time they graciously left Vaush’s disgusting face off of the post
>>772644Seriously anon if you’re going to copypasta yourself at least don’t subject us to actually seeing him
No. 772763
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Crispin Glover's face is the creepiest thing I have ever layed my eyes upon
No. 772771
File: 1617118368134.gif (414.96 KB, 220x134, C5C21E9E-9A87-47C0-9433-9A9B31…)

someone called a cat ugly and I’m sorry but they’re literally just cats? i’m literally howling rn anons so funny to me like who the fuck cares
No. 772792
>>772785Haven't checked in a while, but they should be: also reuploaded most of her playlists to PlayMoss at some point: No. 772794
File: 1617119727111.jpeg (78.17 KB, 856x1390, 90024BCB-C29E-48D1-9E74-F15DF2…)

>>772763I will forever remember him as the Charlie's Angels guy
No. 772797
File: 1617119989551.gif (1.75 MB, 244x166, tenor.gif)

>>772792I saw the warning upthread about pictures of child autopsy and I clicked anyway
No. 772862
>>772858I've known enough men who have this weird divide when it comes to empathy for women. If they see you as an underdog they'll want to rescue you and will throw money at you if it helps you.. But If they think a woman is a lil too confident or doing too well in life.. they foam at the mouth and wish for terrible things to come along and knock her down.
They want to either rescue women and build them up.. or just knock them down a peg. The irony there. It's all about trying to manage other people's egos
No. 772863
I came here to read shit like
>>769511 what happened to the dumbassery? Where's the dumbass in
>>772855 >>772860
>>772859 >>772858 ??
No. 772872
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>>772865agree. just because this is the most active thread in /ot/ doesn't mean you can post whatever you want. this thread is for stupid people only, brains smooth as a marble
No. 772917
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Weather is now hot, I just bought myself some rollerblades, and waiting on the protecc gear. I want to get fitter and if that means falling on my face then so be it.
No. 772929
File: 1617133174340.png (140.58 KB, 421x337, oxelo-quad-roller-skates.png)

>>772926My case probably will not help you out much, but I bought pic related. I wanted skates because they seem more stable and easier to learn (especially since I'm clumsy). IDK if you have Decathlon in your country but you can find the brand there (though this model is sold out). From what I've read, Oxelo makes solid starter rollerblades/skates. They aren't expensive, but they will not fall apart after a month or three. You can also buy spare parts for them at the shop. I know that people that have been skating for years recommend high end sport brands, but IDK if there is a point to spend a lot of money if you are just starting out.
No. 772953
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women calling other women bitches or hoes is an initiation of trust and respect, men calling women bitches/hoes is entirely derogatory no matter the context
lots of words should only be gatekeeped by women
No. 772955
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>>772926I'm a noob, so I picked the best rated on amazon. If this interest evolves into a hobby, then I'll invest in a better brand and better gear. Good luck anon, let's break all of our limbs together.
No. 772959
File: 1617135046297.png (1.03 MB, 723x723, luv u binches.PNG)

>>772953yeah, that's correct
No. 772970
>>772955I bought some vintage roller blades when yuri on ice was popular kek. Never ever used them. I'm afraid of breaking my bones.
Fuck yuri on ice btw
No. 772989
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>>772953Women use those as insults against other women all the time tho.
I can't call other women that because I feel like a scrote doing it.
No. 773032
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>>773031anon, I did this once 5 years ago and now it has become a delicious habits, but everyday I'm getting more and more exhausted and this is not helping. You also need to concider that your brain will slowly stop to associate the alarm as something an important signal, even when it's the "real" alarm. I'm teeling you to not do this as I'm setting my alarm for 05:25. If I could go back, I would…
No. 773044
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>>772953only real bitches understand
No. 773087
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Aging is so unbelievably tragic. Would you believe this cutie grows up to be old ugly ass John Wayne.
Cant we just stay cute and then keel over suddenly
No. 773092
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i was a weeb for most of my teenage years and a kpop stan for half of my 20s. now that i'm over weeb and kboo shit i have no idea of what my interests are. great, another identity crisis.
No. 773118
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really hate this girl but I can't stop looking at her stupid posts
No. 773132
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Just got my adderall refilled ladies, feeling superb
No. 773200
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I’ve been listening to the same song over and over again for the past hour and not alright help me I wish I could get drunk and lose my mind and never have to think again why am I so smart yet so unbelievably retarded in every possible way
No. 773240
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Is "getting maskfished" a term yet? That is, getting disappointed by the bottom half of someone's face because you either hadn't seen it before or forgot what it looked like? Because I think that just happened to me. I just got asked out by a guy I initially met and developed a crush on pre-pandemic – saw him without his mask on today for the first time in almost a year and I swear to God his face does not look ANYTHING like I remember it did. I remember his smile being way fucking cuter smh.
No. 773244
>>773200>why am I so smart yet so unbelievably retarded in every possible wayme
also what song
>>773240I feel like I'm constantly maskfishing ppl because I have a gap between my two front teeth
No. 773258
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I'm so fuckin close to getting a snail right now and I cannot wait for the one I want to come back in stock. I'm so nervous but so excited at the same time. I have to start blending up egg shells so I can make sure I have it for when I order my baby
No. 773266
>>773263i don't think it was a pda thing, i think she just didn't really like the physical affection part of relationships? not entirely the reason why we broke up but it played a part since our love languages were different.
>>773265at that point i like to opt for linking arms or something kek i just love physical touch so much
No. 773279
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Honestly woke black men need to be called out more often, like all moids are trash and the white one's aren't inherently better in anyway but the woke MOC will always just use colonialism or white patriarchy as an excuse for their bullsht against black women and other
WOC No. 773285
File: 1617175794425.png (446.87 KB, 349x431, happy.PNG)

>when your existence alone makes moids seethe
No. 773287
>>773279Men love to try to shift responsibility on to other races.
>>it’s the white men that created the patriarchy!>>it’s the black men that rape and wife beat!Etc etc until we are all dead from global warming
No. 773338
>>773319Sounds like she thinks you're ugly
Why anyone would want an office romance is beyond me though, most adult men are probably married and you'd likely be with a manipulative cheater if it does end up being anything more
No. 773348
>>773168Yes, but the yolks also taste better.
I like to exploit animals gently while still considering them below me for all practical purposes.
Fuck fishes though, I don't care about their feelings.
No. 773382
File: 1617194161827.jpeg (39.03 KB, 450x633, helen-mccarthy-582dd637-0fef-4…)>Helen McCarthy (born 27 February 1951) is the British author of such anime reference books as 500 Manga Heroes and Villains, Anime!, The Anime Movie Guide and Hayao Miyazaki: Master of Japanese Animation. She is the co-author of The Erotic Anime Movie Guide and the exhaustive The Anime Encyclopedia with Jonathan Clements. She also designs needlework and textile art.>McCarthy was the first English-speaking author to write a book about anime, in addition to being "the first person in the United Kingdom to run an anime programme at a convention, start a dedicated anime newsletter, and edit a dedicated anime magazine."Fucking based. I wish I had a weeb grandma. Scrotes will still swear up and down liking anime is "their" thing and women enjoying it is recent and/or fake, though, lmao.
No. 773385
>>773378>it's like how I hate WAP. The sex appeal is vulgar and ott.This, I fucking hate how everything has to be hypersexual now.
>the way he is emulating a woman is just gross to me.It doesn't matter if you're straight or not, you're on your right to find it offputting because we're women and he's trying to copy the shit that is put onto us. I also find it disgusting. Fuck that shit honestly. I don't care how much "omg soft gay bean uwu empowering" it is. It's making me feel like an animal in a cage made by men, then they use it to mock me.
No. 773438
>>773378I watched the video just now, and I just find it very ugly looking.
>I hate seeing men in heels.Made me remember when Lady Gaga's Alejandro came out and there was some panic media about her background dancers, but I think it looked fine there, with pro dancers and a nice direction. This video just smells like days old piss.
No. 773496
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>>773491IMO, if over the knee boots aren't a problem, the same goes for socks. Like, I really don't see a huge difference, they have a similar effect of framing the thighs/legs. Also, I'm not going to let troons have shit, lmao.
Can't stand wannabe normies who "yass queen" over pic related but write essays about how "cringe" and "troony" it is if someone's wearing stockings.
No. 773505
File: 1617205835306.jpg (52.9 KB, 1170x458, Tumblr_l_335872932635751.jpg)

I posted this meme in a scrote discord & it seriously rustled several of their jimmies, I'm laughin!
No. 773549
>>773542Pffft. My friend got a BA in English with a focus on Creative Writing and now makes six figures as a technical writing manager. Go big,
No. 773559
>>773549thank you for saying this
nonnie! i always really worry that i'll never get a job and that i'm doomed to become a jobless neet for life because i didn't do a STEM degree. the post-grad job market atm and the fact i've got nothing lined up has been making the anxiety worse lately, so this is really nice to hear! thank you ♥
No. 773601
>>773576I believe in attraction at first sight, a lot of people have a hard time figuring out the difference between love and attraction so I can see how it might be mistaken for more than just thinking someone is hot.
But I also believe in soulmates, and the fact that it doesn't always have to be a significant other.
No. 773608
>>773576I think the idea of soul mates is often unrealistic, mainly because I think when it comes to meeting 'the one' most of us actually meet 2 or 3 major people rather than just 1. They all have value.
Soulmates tend to be seen as permanent parters. I'm just not a fan of aiming for 'a forever partner' and seeing anything less than that as failure.
No. 773612
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I get posted in the Lolcows Own Caps threads quite a bit. I’m sorry anons, I have nobody else to sperg to.
No. 773626
File: 1617212217047.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1242x1445, 28DDBBDB-C28A-4AE2-908B-8BA18B…)

>>773595That’s how to “boost engagement” on social media. Just give a tiny piece of bait that makes idiots feel like they have an opportunity to give their “hot takes” and they’ll absolutely fuck up the algorithm sperging out about how much they hate women or pineapple pizza or whatever. Usually women though.
It’s like when scrotes on Reddit decorate a room in their house with stormtroopers and shit. They know if they just posted the pic no one would care, so they caption it like “my wife would never let me turn her crafting room into a gaming room, but then she left me for my best friend. silver lining: now I have the man cave of my dreams.” Now they get thousands of upvotes, several gold medals, and hundreds of comments of “wife bad” and “women bad.”
It’s so fucking retarded and transparent, but idiots always fall for it.
No. 773647
>>773576No and no. I mean if you happen to lust over a guy from the first moment and it turns into a longterm relationship, of course it's a more romantic narrative to say it was love at first sight, because we all like giving significance to things. I don't think soul mates are a thing, it's only a thing people either use to justify to stay in
toxic relationships or to feel more special than others.
No. 773648
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just finished crying after fingering myself to kazuma kiryu's voice. what is everypony up to this lovely wednesday evening?
No. 773656
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>>773626tbh it is time to scrub men off this earth
No. 773667
>>773626I kind of wonder how angry they'd be if the genders were switched. Like if a woman converted her ex's mancave into a room to for her plush collection, or if a woman picked a dog over her boyfriend.
They'd probably comment shit like "This is just sad, you're a pathetic lonely woman" or "Yeah, you probably fuck the dog too".
No. 773673
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>>773667Nah it still works. Alyssa Silos went viral over a post like that. Women use the internet too and are just as susceptible to that kind of bait post.
No. 773692
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>>773684Come off spoiler and say that to my face anon
No. 773721
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I refuse to watch any reddit scrote shit with my bf like GOT or Tarantino films. When I do humor it, I point out every dumb ass thing and laugh at the self insert male characters.
But he seriously gets invested in stuff like Gone Girl and Fleabag or fujo shit with me and afterwards I go on ADHD fueled dissertations about them. He drinks my every word. Now he laughs at male gaze media just as much as I do and makes BL anime references. I think this nigga is in love.
No. 773729
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Some newfags from Twitter and KF are shitting up threads with no sage over the past hour…jesus
No. 773736
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Discostang, so close to a-logging
No. 773763
I always say to my friends I don't want a boyfriend I don't want to get married etc etc but sometimes I wonder how nice it would be if I met someone I actually liked but today I thought about how I would have to be lovey dovey with him, like wipe his disgusting face if he gets food on it or touch his greasy hair or
hold his sweaty hand in my sweaty hand and all my doubts passed, I don't want to do that shit it's disgusting I can't imagine doing it even with a guy I liked
>>773736This is the scrotiest scrote I've ever seen
No. 773766
>>773629I drink almost 3 liters of water a day, and always bringing a water bottle wherever I go so I make sure to keep myself hydrated. Also spent way too much money on expensive moisturizer because the one they gave me together with the meds didn't do shit.
While the backne I'm taking medication for is looking a lot better I sure hope it will completely go away soon because this is so frustrating.
No. 773778
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Am I the only one who doesn't think that Sol de Janeiro and their products are literally god's gift to mankind? I like their stuff, but the manic craze so many people apparently have for their shit is weird to me. I've tried most everything from them and I just don't see why people go goo goo gah gah over the line. I bought one of their newest body creams and I really wish it was more hydrating - it smells good but it feels more like a lotion than a cream. And I think their OG scent, the salted caramel one, could be sweeter. But don't mention this on Sephora, you'll get downvoted to hell if your review isn't >5 stars, so yummy!!!! my boyfie tried to eat me last night tee hee.
No. 773794
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>>773780Did you see this pic that was posted in her thread? No more moon forest fairy
No. 773801
>>773789It's called isotretinoin here, but when I googled it seems to also be called Accutane and Roaccutane. It has helped A LOT with the acne despite it not being fully gone yet, luckily I haven't experienced any scarring but I have a hard time telling if there is any hyperpigmentation since it's only on my back.
It's really strong so you'll have monthly appointments with your dermatologist where you also have to take urinal tests (one of the reasons being that they want to make sure you're not pregnant since birth defects are pretty much a guarantee while you're taking them) and occasionally even blood tests depending on what they say.
No. 773804
>>773801>>773801I had to go on that twice for my acne I think it was Roaccutane here it was called.
You need to drink a lot of water, lots.
Get some lip balm or something for your lips because they will end up being chapped and dry and bleed.
No way around it sadly, stay strong avoid alcohol and give yourself time I wish you all the best for it !
No. 773805
File: 1617222165242.png (356.58 KB, 720x532, Screenshot_20210401-010537.png)

Its almost fascinatingly bizzare how the modern slasher films "fandom" is mostly teen girls and women who either selfship themselves with the slashers or ship the slashers with each other
Like I remember a decade or so a go, online discussion of these films were dominated by creepy boomer men who were explicitly misogynystic about the killings, but now discussion of slasher films is mostly always female majority
No. 773812
>>773804I usually have lip balm both in my pocket and one extra at home, but it took a while for me to realize how dependent I'd end up on it.
I'm happy to see someone else having gone through this struggle though lol, sorry you've had to be on it twice though because this is seriously inconvenient. How did it turn out with the hyperpigmentation for you?
No. 773828
>>773812>>773812I never really had much hyperpigmentation to deal with my only real issue with just very dry and chapped lips, I would get them during winter if it was very dry but these would be dry regardless of what I did.
so its a sign its working for you but also to stay the course and do your best to deal with it, my only real skincare issue is more acne scars and trying to have them not appear as visible or bumpy in a sense.
But im honestly really thankful I went through it, it made such a difference.
No. 773855
>>773721This is the way. Gj anon.
>>773791I saw the title and I thought it might be based but now I just feel bad. She’s going to attract all the tradthot hunters that want shy introverted virginal wife who won’t cheat or leave because she has idealistic if not naive view of love and relationships.
Theorizing about men won’t prepare her for when she finds out how long men can keep up the Mr. Right act until you’re locked in.
No. 773863
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all of the other anons ignore me because of my aggressive bad bitch energy
No. 773883
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>>773863Whoever the woman in the pic is she is ridiculously beautiful
No. 773929
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me and my different personalities (in the right thread)
No. 773980
>>773953Samefag, explicitly regarding Michael Myers who is probably the most crushed on Slasher villain, the reason for this he isn't as ugly as your average slasher. I mean lets think about it.
Jason is water-logged and disgusting, Freddy is burnt to a crisp and nasty, Leatherface wears a skin mask and is mentally-handicapped, Chucky is a doll, and Pinhead…..well, he has pins in his head.
Michael is canonically said to be good looking, in fact there are debates on which version of Michael is the best looking, the Original Halloween 1 Version, Halloween 5, The H20 version or the Rob Zombie version
For me its original Michael followed by Rob Zombie Michael
No. 773990
File: 1617245786020.png (52.57 KB, 619x769, robits.PNG)

Anyone else love following stupid random tumblr drama? Even if it's just dumb teenagers fighting there's something so entertaining about it, currently following this girl who pretends to have paranoia about turning into a robot and acted like she didn't know what coronavirus or the internet was because of an "alter"
No. 774030
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ladies. oh my god i got a tip for a vaccine line from a coworker today and subsequently scheduled an appointment for a dose tomorrow on the first day for adults in my state, this is not a drill or april fools joke.
like idk maybe call me optimistic but i'm finally settling into my first apartment and now this, really any steps toward the light at the end of the tunnel just has me just so giddy
No. 774035
File: 1617253206355.jpg (101.94 KB, 564x763, 1920s France La Vie Parisienne…)

This week went by so fast! Tomorrow is Friday! I was lazy this week, but I will be exceptionally lazy on the weekend.
No. 774049
File: 1617255490137.jpg (63.31 KB, 387x507, LifeFlapper1922.jpg)

>>774035kek me too.
I was just looking at old flapper art because of picrel I saw in a yt video. Same minds,
nonny, same minds.
No. 774052
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Idk how Bob Ross does that flicky flicky thing with with his brushes. I tried to do it and got paint and water everywhere
No. 774070
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I laughed so fucking hard at this and felt a need to share it with someone
No. 774083
File: 1617263064348.jpg (823.94 KB, 1320x2040, 44061a1579921195f4746221.jpg)

>>774075DoctorGlasgow, it's from his webcomic Ennui Go!
Warning though: it starts having occasional porny one or two pages (he has luckily enough confirmed that he is never going to lewd the kids in the previous strip) but it's otherwise mostly one page gags and sometimes pretty solid arcs with character development, believe it or not. It has a slow start though but it kinda grows on you as the comic starts to find an identity.
No. 774093
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I was trying to find one of my local ice cream shop's menu and I stumbled upon their website…this is one of the worst color combos I have ever seen. I can barely even read it!
No. 774095
File: 1617266330759.png (41.06 KB, 1257x317, altarage.png)

Every time I see that Blisters Wournos thread I think it's an Altarage song
>>774093 disgusting
No. 774097
File: 1617266409881.png (1.08 MB, 1043x755, itsbad.PNG)

>>774083Jesus, this is like a chimera of every popular webcomic from the early 2000s, filtered through the sensibilities of modern idiot coomers. There's a third panel that I'm not even including because it's that disgusting. It just gets worse and worse. Are you male or something? You like this? Sorry to harsh the vibe but this is insane.
No. 774099
File: 1617267494548.jpg (859.21 KB, 1320x2040, 44061a1575508179f914016952.jpg)

>>774097Nah, I'm a woman. It gets better, but yeah it's a chore to go through. I was just curious when I stumbled upon it on smackjeeves and realized how many fans it had on top of having 1000+ pages so I wanted to see what the deal was with it and kept reading out of boredom until it actually got better and found an identity other than "lolololol main character is a rich asshole and her friend got a big dick"
No. 774170
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I'm a BPD fag that is currently 1/3 into my DBT therapy, and both me and the other girl I'm doing the "group" sessions with are both really doing our best with the homework and asking questions, and it makes me so excited and is a great motivator. I was already motivated to begin with since I've been working hard to get this therapy for almost a year, but having someone else that is just as motivated to get her life on track is the perfect push when it's hard.
Looking forward to get a grip on my emotional life so I can finally get therapy for my trauma, I'm going to become a functional human being anons and I'm looking forward to it so much
No. 774171
File: 1617282559620.jpg (68.26 KB, 1000x571, 10361_fel22388.jpg)

I could eat buckets of these. But then again, I could eat buckets of anything that's sweet and unhealthy so
No. 774174
File: 1617283135536.jpeg (23.17 KB, 600x600, sojade.jpeg)

>>774171I raise you this. I could drown in those.
No. 774178
File: 1617284014201.jpeg (19.96 KB, 300x300, E0CAA17E-BAAA-43F2-9E0B-3D8A09…)

>>774171This shit mixed with blueberries. Better than chocolate or any fancy dessert.
No. 774231
File: 1617293560940.png (834.75 KB, 807x741, Sperg v sperg.PNG)

YT writing advice community is kind of fun when when it gets into fights. Anyone with a whiff of success is to busy to have a constant channel, often preferring one off lectures and interviews to teach, or knows their career isn't worth dying over some random internet sperg. That means the only people left to fight on writing online are spergs. No good guys or bad guys just spergs.
Pic related. Wont stop claiming "we're professional writers", but their only job is writing a random podcast no one gives a fuck about.
No. 774242
File: 1617294422466.jpeg (3.45 KB, 310x163, alpro.jpeg)

>>774178>>774171since were talking about alpro i really wish i was drinking picrel right now
No. 774251
>>774244Hear, hear.
The entire thread was so bizzare from the response to it getting locked.
No. 774262
File: 1617296427777.jpeg (129.27 KB, 1019x1100, 69D762E3-EE74-4A2F-9346-5E3F78…)

I didn’t even know who Corpse Husband was but I speedrun his entire life so I could participate in dragging a man lmao
So much funnier than female cows.
No. 774267
File: 1617296907370.jpeg (448.75 KB, 1200x1200, B77FA56B-C8FF-44BD-B594-6CC5A2…)

can tylenol put you in a happier mood? I want to take some kek
No. 774272
File: 1617297169998.jpg (29.06 KB, 450x625, Screenshot_15.jpg)

>>774242this is my personal crack cocaine. I could drink it anytime, anywhere
No. 774278
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I've gotten angry at my bf and left "to avoid arguing" but the second I arrived home I calmed down, seems like my asocial ass just wanted to be alone and made up an excuse. No idea how people deal with living with their partners 24/7, I love the guy but time alone is priceless.
No. 774281
File: 1617297962139.png (211.97 KB, 720x1374, Screenshot_20210401-222501.png)

I decided to look up Michael Myers ships for the fun of it(assuming there wouldn't be much content) and fucking hell
No. 774302
File: 1617300673611.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1125x1778, 1614489835726.jpeg)

>>774281I love asking people what their favorite show is and telling them how many hits on ao3 it has. Bonus points if I only include works rated m+ or with a random fetish tag
No. 774307
>>774303tbf to them, Micheal Myers is canonically supposed to be good looking, Tall, Muscular build and he's supposed to have an Angelic face
So there's a reason why he gets shipped the most then other Slasher's
No. 774308
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No. 774340
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I should've called out todaay
Just got my second COVID shot and spent last night in a fever, but figured I might be okay in the morning. Curse my optimism, I am death rn
No. 774385
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Anyone want a cup of tea?
No. 774391
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Finally installed Adblock Browser app on my phone and it felt so good to read mangos safely on my bed
No. 774410
>>773721Late but my misogynist narcissist ex literally went on a rant on me after I broke up with him because he thought I broke up with him
because of fleabag?? Like it was a good show and yes, very relatable but do give me some credit dude, I have eyes and can see that this relationship is going nowhere - no need for the BBC to tell me what to do
No. 774430
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No. 774431
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Nonette/nonnette, nonnita/nonita, nonny/nonnie and nona > anonita > anã
No. 774447
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>>774445Fuck no
Drop that ugly ass A,
nonita No. 774453
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>>774451Bizarre ass pull,
nonny No. 774455
>>774453Maybe she thought
nonny was supposed to be like nonna?
No. 774456
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The Corpse Husband thread is making me anxious. It's nearly at post limit (over 1200 posts), but they're still making nonsensical throwaway posts/commentary and no one's posted a link to a new thread yet. At this rate, it's going to lock before anyone can finish the OP of the second thread and link to it.
By the time I've posted this, it'll probably already be maxed out.
It's a very funny thread and I'm still wondering if anons will manage to find his ass, but I really wish the newfags, PULLtards and Twitterfags would just calm the fuck down.
No. 774464
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I just woke up, and the first thing I see on here is someone's shit in a fucking drawer
No. 774507
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I used to feel really disgusted and insecure about my body, so much so that I'd avoid looking in the mirror through most of my life… but after taking some nudes for the first time I literally can't stop 'mirin myself and getting horny over my own photos. Is this Patrick Bateman level of narcissism?
No. 774542
>>769202I remember him admitting in a video last year that he didn't get the whole trans thing, and apologized for his past ignorant bigot behavior. Damn it I forgot what video that was a quick thing that stood out to me.
No. 774584
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>finds picture to retaliate.
>doesn’t post it because it could make other nonitas squeamish.
Maybe I should just post it somewhere else.
No. 774598
>>774584Don't listen to
that anon, don't post it
No. 774624
>>774613It was just
a naked guy hung up by his skin with some hooks I looked for it because the picture the scrote posted was a suspension fetish one and I recognized that thing from that one natgeo episode about freaks doing freaky things on tv.
No. 774626
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>>774610I don't really have a routine tbh, I just use a lot of lotion (pic rel, it's cheap as fuck but I love it), the exfoliating side of a face brush to get the dead skin off and occasionally use a body scrub on them. For some context, I over wash my hands which is what's causing the dryness, and I have wounds from the skin splitting open. It's all healing and getting better and I've only been doing it for a couple days!
kind of tmi, but I suspect I have ocd, and as dumb as it sounds, I haven't had nice hands in years so this all makes me very happy No. 774637
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I want to make a dessert, but I have no fucking idea what to even make. I don't have any milk, brown sugar or cocoa. Why does my pantry always fail me I'm too lazy to go grocery shopping, but I wanted to settle down and just read lesbian erotic stories, eat desserts and paint all weekend, so I guess I will just settle for ice cream
No. 774693
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the fuck the P stands for now
No. 774696
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Saw a car with this decal on it and my sides went into fucking orbit. We truly live in a society
No. 774733
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Every time I see the discord cows thread I get reminded of the farms rp and /tg/ server and how everybody is too scared to talk there because nobody wants to expose their autism. All of the people there seem to be incredibly gifted some way usually involving writing or drawing, and have all been a treat to talk to.
also i'm pretty sure one of the anons there is side eyeing me for unknowingly buying from a reseller from aliexpress. I'm sorry, please forgive me. I've learned better since then!
No. 774746
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If anyone would for some reason ever wonder how much I love my monstera I want you to know I just showed it a picture of a really big one and said "this will be you one day!"
No. 774747
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good morning binches
No. 774749
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>>774747Good morning I wish I had slept but everything just kept waking me up and now I am just zombie
No. 774758
>>772606She really didn't. That's what even a small taste of fame and ass kissing sycophants do to you
>>774693>the fuck the P stands for nowPredatory
No. 774772
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The only good thing about feeling nauseous all the time and my male doctor being an unhelpful retard about it is that I’m losing weight
No. 774774
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>>774579I've always been told two minutes, but I don't know if it's different outside of burgerland. I'm getting each of my quadrants done in 30 seconds and just going back for an extra minute after just to make sure my mouth feels clean.
No. 774785
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>>774749i'm sorry anon i hope you get better sleep tonight
No. 774835
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Just submitted my shitty mediocre paper! Cheers to being a dumbass!
No. 774891
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Bouta go to the store, should I make Mac n cheese or pasta bake for dinner?
No. 774911
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I know most sane people should say that men should stop raping, murdering and mutilating women to make the world more peaceful, but a part of me wants to encourage women to be violent and aggressive in proportion to men. I low-key want men scared to walk down the street in fear of rape, I want prominent men to be sexually harassed by random women on the internet for the sake of memes, I want holidays where women and other female relatives get to sit down in in the living room and chat as the husband and scrambles to make food for all of them in the kitchen
No. 774924
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There's a scrote that frequents /snow/ that you can recognize easily because it always posts bait and then replies to 4-5 anons that took the bait in one post. I swear only scrotes reply to every single person who disagrees with them on an anonymous imageboard.
No. 774966
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Manwhores are fucking gross.
No. 774972
>>774970It's to make fun of the roastie lose pussy meme.
I also think we should make men feel bad if their balls are saggy instead of perky. Men deserve to be bullied more.
No. 774980
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Mavis Beacon is hot
No. 774982
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james charles voice makes think that he’s taking HRT, anyone notice his drastic voice change?
No. 775048
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she’s drop dead gorgeous
No. 775220
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Jameela Jamil is discount Hannah Simone
No. 775239
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Why does Daniel Radcliffe look like he decided to live full time as his character in Swiss Army Man
No. 775248
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seeing anons complain about their hair in /g/ made me a little sad>>775245It probably would have burst at some point anyway (or at least that's always what happens when I get burns). Get some loose bandage and antibiotic cream anon! Be careful
No. 775269
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No. 775323
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I searched for a specific dress and these came up in my related searches. Why the fuck does Google think I'm a man? This is baffling
No. 775378
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does anyone else remember scooby doo being in love with his cousin scooby dee? how tf did they get away with that?
No. 775453
>>775390you sure? i dont remember her ever being even mentioned anywhere on the farms
could be gg tho
No. 775462
I got rid of my latest twitfag account, and I think I am leaving the site for good. I miss the old twitter, pre-2016, before everyone went absolutely koo koo, got internet AIDS, and it just devolved into boomer /pol/. I had enough of the racism, the baiting, the Fagbook outrage over news headlines, people chimping out on each other because "omg you don't have pronouns in your bio! you transphobic cishet scum!" or whatever other flavor of unhinged slacktavism you can think of. I know this shit has always been on there, but there was a time I remember twitter was fun, and funny, and the most irritating thing was running into ISIS propaganda on random hashtags.
No. 775502
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I want to contribute on a small wikia of a game/weeb shit I like, it might be a fun approach to use CSS or whatever else it needs.
No. 775511
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imagine simping for either of these things
No. 775512
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somebody shout at me so i can stop binge eating
No. 775514
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No. 775521
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No. 775540
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>>775512BITCH you better stop at once or so help you whatever entitty you may or may not believe in grrrr
No. 775564
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It's weird to me that we have christians in this site
Lolcow is such a sin wasteland
But I'm not judging at all, godspeed christian chans
No. 775569
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>>775512binge eating will never stop. if your environment and situation is absolutely shitty the binge eating will continue. find what society considers “””””””””””healthy””””””””” coping mechanisms like drinking and smoking and your life will improve
No. 775571
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I just unlocked the dalmatian race you will never guess who I will name Boba
No. 775585
>>775571Back when I first got Nintendogs, I couldn't tell the venus and mars sign apart, so it took me several years until I realized my dog was male, and not female. I also wanted to call her Lady, as in the Lady and the Tramp, but couldn't write properly, since I was like five, and instead called her/him Lidi. When I was older, probably twelve or thirteen, I played around in the settings and saw you could delete your game if you pressed a certain button combination, which I did, just to see it. I kinda went on autopilot and just confirmed I wanted to delete. I regretted the decision immediately and thinking of Lidi still pains me to this day. The dog in your picrel was the second dog I adopted (I only adopted Dalmatians; I don't remember her name), Lidi had another spot over her/his right eye. I miss you, Lidi.
No. 775603
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I want a hot himbo butler to take care of me and to do the chores.
No. 775606
>>775564I like how we have a mixed bag here, it makes it interesting.
Now what was weird was that MBTI thread a while back, so many anons were INTJ/INFJs (myself included) and I think a few of us had other interesting similarities, like rising signs.
So this place attracts unusual personality types. I wish I was more educated to understand why.
No. 775638
>>775569>binge eating will never stop. if your environment and situation is absolutely shitty the binge eating will continue.This is sadly kinda true, one of the main reasons why I will move out my house relatively soon
>coping mechanism like drinking and smokingIdk I don't think these are healthy but maybe try masturbating
No. 775675
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>>772989Omg I have a similar pic
No. 775697
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Quality find, brought to you by Ebay
No. 775708
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How I imagine an anon with their boyfriend to look like:
No. 775716
>>775708But like imagine putting on makeup, being fit/skinny, getting plastic surgery and shit all to go and date someone who looks like that.
I really hate M/F culture. I despise it.
No. 775764
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being 18 I can’t drink yet so I pretend to be drunk off of grape juice pity me
No. 775766
>>775764that just made me laugh so fuckinf hard
nonny, well done. i’m 18 too so i like to do that with apple cider
No. 775773
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I wonder if coco coir is edible. I don't like how coconut tastes, but I wanna take a little nibble of pic
No. 775779
>>775764Take your pretend intoxication up a step and drink some
sparkling grape juice instead.
No. 775786
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saw this dumb ass article posted on LSA, here's a quote-
"When my daughter asks me what we do at The Bach, I explain it to her in words she can understand: ‘Ladies do dress-up and give kisses and cuddles to men and make lots of money."
"Out of the $240 booking fee, Grace will take home $120 and I will keep $120. Some people waggle their fingers at this and accuse me of exploitation, but I would guess those people have never run a business. Out of my half, I pay for rent, insurance, taxes, city rates for land and water, advertising, utilities and salaries for two managers who also work for the agency.
Believe me, my $120 isn’t going to hard drugs and handbags. When all is said and done, I take home about $20 of that fee." No. 775880
File: 1617502056555.png (1.15 MB, 749x746, EE434D81-C1BB-43CE-970F-73C26E…)

>>775825This is disgusting. Why the blazing fuck are you even giving him the time of day.
No. 775882
>>775786you know, even looking past just, everything else about this, it sounds like she's also grooming her daughter
"you can make lots of money kissing and cuddling men"
fucking don't like that
No. 775899
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I wish I had a best friend to travel the world with
No. 775917
>>775890Yes, this is exactly what I meant
I used to use discord with my friends to chat and play, but I don't understand the need some have to join a random discord server with complete strangers. Maybe it's just a introvert vs extrovert thing?
>>775896chatrooms have complete anonimity and you just visit it casually, though. But I also don't get the appeal of chatrooms anyway
No. 775919
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mfw when Disney finally sunk It's claws in me by making a mobage perfectly tailored to my terrible hot topic tastes
No. 775927
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This is gonna sound dumb but that's why I'm here, but i wish more 2D guys canonically fapped. Not like a full blown 'token pervert' stereotype but SOMETHING. It just makes more sense for certain personalities (and is hot if it's a secret hidden side from someone you wouldn't normally expect)
It's just too unbelievable to make someone hotblooded for example, but give them no sex drive whatsoever. It makes no logical sense. Or a character who is supposed to be a super immoral bad guy but turns into an innocent baby when another character hits on them and now they suddenly don't know what sex is. How can a criminal not be at least slightly perverted? It's so dumb. but I also just want to project my degeneracy on others. makes me like and relate to them more if they're at least little nasty tbh
No. 775978
>>775935I agree. I only just found this place for the first time last year during the summer
and admittedly it's because of Twitter but the time around when /ot/ was closed is the highest traffic I've seen on here so far. Ever since then, it's been slower again. Also, I hope you have a great day, anon!
No. 775991
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>>775989Samefag, nevermind, I do know what a yakult is. I've never actually had these though.
No. 776009
>>775990Yakult is so good. When I was little my parents lied to me and said you can only have 1 per day or you'll get sick, but it's just expensive and they didn't want me drinking it all at once.
Actually they had a point, I tried a big bottle of it in Japan once and you really can't have too much in one go or it tastes weirdly metallic and off putting.
No. 776011
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>>775983It tastes like when you drink orange juice after brushing your teeth. Unfortunately not kidding.
No. 776017
>>776009I've drank it a lot before, like a liter, never tasted weird to me. But you gotta shake it up before hand or the thicker part of it will all be in the bottom of the bottle and it's really gross
No. 776029
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I remember having these breath strips when I was young but they stopped selling them in my country and I'm considering oredering them online because I hate mints and candies
No. 776103
>>775786>Back in America, people are happy to shout out their nightmare predictions about loosening criminal penalties for sex work:(…) Children will be kidnapped and exploited as sex slaves! Men will treat women like objects to be used and thrown away!Is she pretending that it doesn't happen already worldwide or
>But we don’t need to make up horror stories. The experiment’s been done. In 2003, New Zealand passed the Prostitution Reform Act, which decriminalized prostitution between consenting adults — although sex trafficking, unprotected sex work and child prostitution are all still criminal. Five years later, the government commissioned a follow-up study, which found that “the sex industry has not increased in size, and … the vast majority of people involved in the sex industry are better off under the PRA than they were previously.”What about sex trafficking though? It usually goes up in countries with legal prostitution that also doesn't criminalize pimps/johns
>Even under decriminalization, there’s still a lot of stigma around sex work. When I tried to rent space for my agency, every landlord turned me down. They’d never heard of a “feminist escort agency” Maybe because this shit is as real as a flying spaghetti monster
>“GFE” stands for “Girlfriend Experience,” which is the primary service we offer at The Bach. We don’t sell women and we don’t sell sex. >In a Girlfriend Experience, she is offering the opportunity for vaginal sex, mutual oral sex and kissing. She is also offering her companionship and kindness ― services our clients often value more than intercourse.Wow, imagine being this deluded.
>There’s a reason why I say “the opportunity” for sex. Under New Zealand law, a sex worker has the right to withdraw consent at any time, even after a paid booking has started. No one has the right to make her feel disgusted, disrespected or threatened. And that’s why I always ask our escorts if they would like a booking — I never order them to come in. They are independent freelancers and consenting adults, and it is always up to them to accept or decline a client.That's cool I guess but money is still coercive in itself
>Twenty minutes later Grace breezes in looking incredible with her makeup impeccably applied. In her mid-20s, with shoulder-length black hair and stunning Maori-style tattoos up and down her arms, Grace is a single mother putting herself through a carpentry apprenticeship. She could try to get along on single parent benefits (New Zealand has a generous welfare state, at least by American standards), but she doesn’t want to struggle to make ends meet. She wants a warm home for her son, good clothes on his back and — yes! — the occasional nice pair of shoes and dinner out with her friends. She also happens to love the sex.That's so sad, I'm not exactly buying that Grace loooves to have sex with random men to make ends meet, especially people like:
>I also take a call from the mother of “Eric With Autism.” Eric, who lives with his parents, saves his disability check for weeks to visit us. When he has enough money saved up, his mother drives him to his bookings.This sex agency clearly treats it's female workers better than many other (if the pimp isn't lying about how this shit works to groom more girls), but I still think that sex industry shouldn't exist and johns should be penalized. I wish no woman had to decide on a work like this.
>On the other hand, The Bach has employed dozens of women, helping many of them out of poverty. We easily offer the best-paid job available to young women in our New Zealand town.Is this truly freedom?
No. 776829
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I used to hate ‘bed time’ when I was young, as most kids/tweens do. Even though I can’t fall asleep without taking a sleeping tablet. I love going to bed now and being cosy and alone. Watching YouTube videos, maybe lurking here and playing word games on my phone to make my eyes tired. Do you anons have things you do before you sleep?