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No. 715724
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(samefag op with another one i forgot)
In college, there was this obvious autist-y weirdo white dude in my humanities class with long hair and really bad psoriasis. Day 1 he scratched and got his manflakes on me and I almost screamed. He had long nails and a neckbeard and always wore wolf shirts.At first I thought he was being ironic then slowly it occured to me he wasn't (pic related, exactly this shirt but picture it on a slightly overweight neckbeard)
End of semester we had to give a presentation. The dude gave an entire presentation on anthropomorphism. It all made sense then and I was biting my hand knowing exactly where this dude was going. As suspected, it slowly delved into him revealing he was a furry and him showing us his fursona (a red and black wolf). He knew he had fucked up from the looks in the room, I was the only one in the room who knew what a furry was and the second hand embarrassment was killing me. But it was a powerpoint and you can't edit past those so he quickly scrubbed through the end of it but I'm almost certain I saw a part in there about sex with other anthro animals.
He never came back to class after that.
No. 716619
>>716595Maybe I'm retard but what is NGOs?
I worked with an ex pornstar who was kind of a famous MILF one. She got her career ended for calling a black dude the N word publicly.
She had a false persona which was friendly but was clearly kind of dead inside from all the years of porn work. She had gotten fired from previous jobs when they figured out she was a pornstar.
No. 716626
Almost a decade ago, I worked a brief stint at a restaurant chain for a few months. One of my coworkers was one of the cringiest edgelords I've ever met in my entire life. We were the same age, 21-22 at the time. At best, he was really annoying and weird. At worst, his behavior veered into psychopath territory.
>unironic MENSA member
>believed he was superior to anyone who wasn't able to provide proof of having a higher IQ than him
>would go entire shifts faking a British accent. Had a whole made up backstory about how he'd recently emigrated from Sussex if any guests asked where he was from
>claimed to have neuropathy, used a cane sometimes. this was a very on-and-off thing, like the British accent, so it was hard to know for sure if it was a legitimate diagnosis or not. he was also pre-med and openly popping vicodin throughout his shifts. it was like he was larping as Dr. House
>was fired from his last job as a waiter after intentionally serving a gluten-free guest something with gluten in it, then told the guy after he'd ate it that it hadn't been gluten-free in order to "prove to him that gluten intolerance is pseudoscience"
>was kicked out of the military. claimed that the reason was "too fucked up to discuss openly." was kind of hard not to believe this considering he'd openly told me he'd tried to poison a customer at one of his former workplaces
>apparently had made enemies with a bunch of his professors and classmates by being rude, argumentative and a generally disruptive dick during class. we were both on a break during one shift and he showed me multiple emails professors had sent him, essentially threatening to kick him out of class if he didn't get his act together. he seemed to find this all very funny and was like, "so, what lie should I make up to get out of this?"
>adds me on facebook shortly after this. immediately DMs me asking for my credit card and social security information. can't actually remember what his excuse was, but he seemed serious. refused to take him seriously anyway, laughed, and told him to fuck off
>he comes to relieve me at the end of one of my shifts, comes in with two big carriers of like 8 starbucks fraps to share with me and everyone. I don't trust anything this guy says or does at this point, so I politely decline. as it turned out, he'd crushed up a bunch of his pain pills and spiked all the drinks with it. everyone else drank them and felt the effects. is somehow never fired for this, despite myself and several others trying to get the manager involved by that point.
>eventually spontaneously quits the job and school to join the navy
So like two years go by. He adds me to a fb messenger group with a few other former coworkers from this restaurant job, claims he's back in town and wants to meet up with everyone for dinner. I guess everyone has forgiven him by this point because they all agree and seem psyched to reconnect with everyone. I'm reluctant, but eventually agree to go too, out of morbid fascination, I guess. Nothing really spectacular happens and he acts pretty normal throughout the night, for the most part, except that he is now claiming to be 100% asexual and gender-nonconforming which was…interesting.
Haven't heard from him since then. Around 2018, I checked up on his facebook, again out of morbid curiosity. He was still doing something related to the navy, had gotten married to a woman, divorced her within three months, and had posted several lengthy messages to his feed detailing uncomfortable personal information about his ex-wife and all the reasons why things hadn't worked out between them. I don't remember the specifics, only that nobody had liked or commented on the posts, which was really hilarious to me for some reason.
No idea what he's been up to since.
No. 716633
>>716630Everyone thought he was weird, but apparently most of them chalked it up to being undiagnosed autism. You know, despite the fact that he'd literally poisoned people. To be fair though, the whole "I'm better than you because I'm a member of MENSA!!!!" thing
was cripplingly autistic. I'd easily believe he was both a autist and a sociopath.
No. 716635
>>716633The man is a sadist and unironically dangerous… But please I want more of this horror show…
Did he ever have a girlfriend? I want to know LOL.
No. 716637
>>716619NGOs mean non-profit organizations! They were associations for transgender people to defend their rights, our professor gave us the contact
And damn, poor woman, I hope she's doing well…
No. 716641
>>716637Oh okay.
Did you have an opinion either way on trans people? Did it change after The Encounter? What did your instructor say while three underage girls reported what they did lol
No. 716642
>>716635Not in the amount of time that I knew him. All I know is that he had a wife at some point kek.
>But please I want more of this horror showHmm, well I remember at one point he shaved his legs and posted pictures of himself wearing high heels on facebook with some caption about being proud to be GNC. I think that was one of the first pieces of evidence that he was going that route, and I remember it was completely out of the blue.
I remember at one point I took a couple of screencaps of some of his weird rambling rants on facebook. I'll see if I can find them.
No. 716650
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>>716642This was the only one I could find. It's pretty tame tbh, but the first sentence just sends me.
>>716644Considering he openly bragged about posioning and pissing off everyone around him on a regular basis, I have to assume so, yes.
No. 716657
>>716641I was a total ~ally~ before The Encounter, there were ftm kids in my school already so I was comfortable with all these shenanigans but when he told us to go visit prostitution zones I was very thrown back. We didn't told our professor and the project ended with us teaching a class to younger students about the community and showed the parts of the interview that were clean
The kids didn't pay attention at all and the professor (lefty activist) loved it
Just a few weeks later I started reading radical feminism and became gender critical, maybe this weirdo contributed to it unexpectedly kek
>>716643My god, nothing more disgusting than coomers recognizing porn actresses
No. 717019
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when i was 19 i moved into a student dorm where i had my own room & own bathroom, but shared the kitchen w 5-6 other ppl. ppl would move in and out randomly, and studied at different universities.
>on one of my first days after moving in i randomly meet a guy in the hallway
>he's wearing raggedy long johns (picrel)
>learn he's in his late 20s/early 30s
>during our second convo he asks me if i know my dad (because im mixed race)
>claims he's my father figure now, but flirts w me & randomly tells me that other 30 yo guy we share a kitchen w me thinks im cute but too young (im like wtf do u think i want to know this)
>every time i was dressed up and about to go out he would catcall me
>argues that no drugs are dangerous because he has tried all of them and he's fine
>sends me weird ass messages in the middle of the night about sugar being as addictive as heroin after i said that hard drugs r dangerous
>i'm like "plz stop messaging me" while he's like "LOOL IT MUST SUCK BEING A SORE LOSER!!! [laughing emoji x4] ADMIT THAT U R WRONG! LOSER!" and sends me shady "sources" to back up his claims
>chronically overshares, tells me that his friend (who i've met several times because he'd regularly visit him) has liver failure cuz he's an alcoholic. i'm like .. ok….
>he has spent the majority of his time as a student studying weird alternative medicine shit and meditation
>while i lived there he was studying political science or smth
>writes weird long ass fb posts about the system being rigged and how he found school difficult as a kid and how everything is terrible
>last i heard he got fired from his part time job as a receptionist
No. 717062
I only wish I had a picture to share of this absolute creature. This got long, it's a storied tale.
>I'm 13 years old at a private secondary school. Grouchy nerd, weird friends.
>We skype all the time after school. I bond with a very special freak I'll call Spittle. We talk about steampunk, emo bands, history, whatever 2011 type shit.
>Spittle is, IRL, despicable and gross. Pale, with a dandruffed mophead, thick chapped lips, and a bit of a hunched back. He was quick to adopt the teen pervert of the group role and he said a lot of Quagmire things. Overtly spastic for attention when he wasn't doing an absolutely horrible steampunk gentleman bit. In short: I definitely didn't want people to know that we were talking a lot.
>Over the course of about 6 months things seem to be getting stranger on skype with Spittle. He's, obviously, getting more flirty. I learn more about him; he lives with his mother who he calls by his first name. She brings him tea all day long and well into the night. She converted an entire room of the house into his Warhammer Room. And so on. Okay. Lots of weird incidents, he argued with her on call once and ended up REEEEEEEEEing and crying and I just went on mute. He shot a cat with an air rifle. He started writing a book whose main character essentially had my name, and made a facebook for her,and rp'd with it.
>Grow steadily more uncomfortable.
>Doing something after school with a few girls from the group. One of them I'm not greatly close with offers to go with me to a classroom to get some things we needed.
>"I know about you and Spittle."
>She explains to me that Spittle had confided in her that we were, in fact, secretly dating, but that I was too shy to want to tell anyone. So he had told this to everyone. That we were seeing eachother every weekend, making out, taking trains to the countryside and sucking him off on hills.
>I insist that this is not the case at all, at all. She appears to take me seriously, informs the rest of the group, and they are left to form their own opinion. I think most of them believed Spittle apart from my closest girls, but in any case, he somehow manages to cling to the group through icy relations. I absolutely hated it, but I was really scared of starting shit for some reason.
>Me and some others had gotten really into tumblr around this point. We were making internet friends that we would talk about one another, and occasionally introduce to a group chat. Nothing terrible came from that, until Spittle got on tumblr.
>He introduces to our group chat: a new friend! Her icon is an MCR album cover, she's American, and that is all we know. I'll call her Alex.
>Immediately sus. Alex joins calls, but does not speak. She only types. Spittle, meanwhile, can talk at the same time. Alex is obviously trying to form a connection with me and my girls - they aren't suspicious at all, so there were group chats sometimes, just three or four of us, and Alex would prompt us for emotional support, and tell us she loved us.
>One of the boys is hanging at Spittle's house. He actually mostly bullied him, as, given, everyone sort of did. We get an unexpected call from him telling us that, yes, Alex is just Spittle's iPad. Spittle was REEEEEing in the background of the call.
>The group now makes every effort to shake him off. One of the girls tries to fight him at one point. People are finally talking about what he did to me and asking me if I was really telling the truth.
>Spittle decides to homeschool with his weird mother before long.
>I still check his tumblr sometimes. He's a 24y/o NEET who spends all day and night fetishising women in period costume. He moved to the country with the mother and makes her take him to country manors. Every thirsty post he makes takes a year off my life.
It's a shame he's not lolcow material, the milk doesn't really flow, at least not to me.
No. 717083
>be me in middle school
>weird, fat kid keeps staring at me in morning period where we're grouped by last name
>our last names are one letter apart kill me
>he follows me to my locker, the lunch room, and whenever I see him, I run the other direction
>several weeks of this go by, don't say anything to school administration because I'm afraid of "causing a scene" slash I believe nothing bad is happening
>get a message on myspace from weird fat kid
>it's a full blown stalker love letter complete with what he thinks my schedule is, what hobbies we have in common, how he imagines our wedding, he goes on and on
>immediately freak out and start crying, what did I do to deserve this, fuck I'm so scared to go to school Monday
>confide in friends about fears, finally, one friend goes to talk to him
>she comes back and convinces me he's a harmless autist and didn't know that what he did was weird or creepy
>be a doormat and accept his friendship, invite him to table top games with friends
>he gets extremely angry when I ask him not to role play sexual abuse fantasies at the table and bitches about not being able to go into disgusting detail about rape and killing
>brings book of erotic fantasy to game unironically
>slowly remove myself from the friend group because I am pretty scared of this guy
>years go by, I find him on facebook
>he's fatter and neckbeardier than ever, is a NEET
>still be terrified that random men stalk me online occasionally, be extremely paranoid of people I don't personally know
>talk about weird, fat gross kid from my youth with my therapist to this day
No. 717182
>>717132microphilia fetishist
Also if you never know what a male wants and it feels weird its something sexual for sure.
No. 717225
>>717062god, i can see this so vividly in my mind kek
i'm curious as to what his tumblr is like
No. 717257
Finally a thread for me. I'll rattle off a few. All of these people I'm not longer in contact with.
>Insect otherkin
>Hot yoga teacher (as in, 'hot yoga') that is really racist and molested a bunch of his students. Fled to India.
>Girl who did acid and tried to have sex with her dad. Literally begged him.
>Guy who went to rehab for shopping addiction. He spent tens of thousands of dollars on anime figures.
>Pick up artist: negs, mind games, calls other women ugly, uncomfortably touchy, anger issues.
>Middle aged couple that run a cult where they compel their followers drink cum and ban them from using ketchup
>Guy who suffers from a perfect memory. Can remember the clothes he was wearing, temperature, food he was eating, literally everything about any day he has been alive.
>Autistic guy who was addicted to getting handjobs at massage parlors and spent $30k in one year on them alone. He was really wealthy, obviously.
>Indiana trucker that believes he is being physically possessed and tormented by god
>Someone who killed someone and got away with it
>Girl who did anal with her cousin
>Girl who did meth before illegally night-riding her horse
>Actual billionaire
>Nazi guy that got kicked out at 18 for trying to sexually assault his own mom.
>Guy who never became fluent in one language, somehow knew like 6 and he wasn't good at any of them.
No. 717267
>>717261He was trying to prioritize spanish fluency but he was already about 30 years old so I don't know.
>>717262Silk moth
No. 717290
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>move into apartment that already has 2 girls living there
>one of them is ratgirl (23)
>will not emerge from her room
>if you knock on her door she will pretend not to be in there, like a rat
>have to knock on door continuously for at least 5 minutes every time in order to annoy her enough that she gives up on the hiding act
>still will only crack door open & peek head out
>this is because she is trying to hide her hoarder rodent den
>is a rat, so is stupid and leaves door unlocked. i peek in there after it starts smelling and bugs start appearing
>floor is nonvisible
>every type of trash known to mankind on every surface
>used menstrual pads on bed
>i call management
>management deems her a public safety hazard & threaten to evict her
>here comes rat mommy
>rat mommy comes over to clean her ratlets's room for her
>i say hey can you also clean her portion of the fridge? the produce you bought her 4 months ago has liquified into soup in one of the drawers
>ratmother does not
>once, ratgirl spills entire container of peppercorns on the floor in the kitchen, what she was doing with peppercorns i do not know, because she only ate instant mac & cheese every night in paper bowls
>proceeds to not clean up the 12,000 peppercorns and scampers back into her room
>a few hours later I walk out directly onto a footfull of peppercorns
>do the ritual of knocking on ratgirl's door for 5 minutes. she pokes head out.
>"ratgirl did you spill peppercorns?"
>closes door
>i find her reddit account (long story)
>only posts about the inferiority of black people
too many other rat antics to detail here
No. 717315
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>>717296>>717290>>717294Her other antics are just more of the same stuff about being gross and ratlike. i dug up a picture of her room i took though, this was early on before she started accumulating full bags of trash along the walls.
the walls were very thin in the apartment so i could hear her alarm go off in the morning and it was funny because you would always hear BEEP BEEP BEEP and then the click and fizz of a coke can being opened mere seconds later
No. 717320
>>717290>>717315wasn't expecting the racist reddit. for some reason it explained everything. wow. do you think she used 4chan (or even lolcow?) I can't imagine her not doing that.
Thanks for delivering on the pic, it's like a hidden objects puzzle… haven't spotted used tampons but I see pill bottles. Whole pic is le epic fire hazard
No. 717327
>>717320She probably browses /pol/ and pick-me's there.
Tbh the whole room could be cleaned in less than an hour, it's mostly trash which is easy.
No. 717414
It's VERY long, new to greentext sorry. Called the guy "the egg man" but it doesn't begin to encompass it.
>staying in school dorm. one end of our hall is males, the other females. thanks to a male friend, I was filled in on a new happening on their side.
>text from friend while he's in the men's bathroom "wtf I think someone's cracking eggs in the next stall"
>"are you sure…?" "yes, there's a carton on the floor. expensive whole foods kind"
>losing my shit when he sends "OMG ANON HE LEFT EGGS IN THE TOILET"
>ask for picture, which arrives, sure enough 3 eggs cracked in the toilet
>freak out. friend returns, not sure how to feel. do we laugh? worry? pity the cleaning lady later? one thing's for sure, we are hooked. why would a college student waste pricy eggs on a prank?
>also the guy was breathing weird. maybe a mental breakdown?
>days later, friend encounters him again in the next stall. same shoes, same bag
>but this time it's raw meat on the floor
>it's in the trash when he leaves. I forget why we didn't catch him
>why the fuck do you bring raw meat into the bathroom
>why the odd breathing
>start speculating, is it a fetish? never heard of it, again we're baffled.
>other guys start noticing as time passes
>in fact everyone's complaining about the raw meat stench you can smell from the girls' end when it happens. whole floor knows now.
>gets mentioned in the floor chat, because it's repeated and awful. we're all begging the culprit to stop
>happens again and we're pissed. he has to be in the chat so he's seen our pleas. whole floor smells like rot, so we instantly know about it
>does he hate us? I imagined some bastard expressing his rage in a twisted prank. seemed the best explanation. little did we know what was coming…
>late night in the dorms studying when friend texts
>another guy informed him that the culprit's in the bathroom, raw meat on the floor
>my friend and him are waiting outside, fed up. knowing I won't have a chance like this again, forsake my studies and join them
>get filled in, same story but the guy's been in 20 min. waiting for him to leave but he holds his ground
>we're trying to whisper but it's frantic. if I ever felt manic, it was then. we've got him. we're not leaving our spot. who does he think he is, why does he hate us?
>our talking gets loud and others join
>soon half the floor is outside the men's bathroom. we want to see who this fucker is. it's super late but when we explain the situation, each person's mouth shuts and eyes widen.
>floor unity moment
>this size group can't be quiet. soon we're at normal volume. guy has been in there 40 minutes no way he hasn't heard us. at this point we are bloodthirsty. we want to scare him straight, he deserves it for this bullshit especially affecting the cleaning lady
>a guy goes in every few min. they emerge with the same update, "he's still in the stall. he's scared, guys, we got him." he has to come out some time and face the music. "i'll stay here all night if i have to"
>"definitely his shoes and bag"
>the bag in which he smuggles raw food for unknown purposes
>some of us retire til a handful remains. wonder who it is because everyone we know we'd seen already. what is coming guys
>hear stall open
>oh shit
>excitement crescendos, a guy with us goes to the door
>as he opens it, culprit steps out
>I've never seen this man in my life
>he looks completely average
>he apologizes for bumping into the other guy. glances at us all
>heads down the hall with his bag. he walks slowly, confidently. it feels like a lifetime in a minute
>hold our breath as he enters his room
>door shuts
>we explode
>all exclaiming "who was that?" "do you know him?" "i've never seen him before" "what the HELL just happened"
>occurs to us: check the bathroom
>guys race in, girls on their heels. "holy shit in the trash"
>it's not just any raw meat
>premium steak in the trash, already emitting a foul odor
>this man has no shame
>why is it a good cut of steak
>belated "guys he's my roommate" everyone swarms this guy who's as confused as us, knew nothing about him. he never suspected he was the egg/meat guy. no idea where he hid them, I think it could have been a fridge only he used
>poor roommate is shaken, scared to go back to the room
>anyway we decide it was a fetish, with the breathing and the amount of money he spent on it
>man was jacking it to raw food, not even feeder fetish it seems
>no one is truly sure it's the reason, but fortunately we scared him off it for good. we saw who it was and report him to the RA, who scolds us. it was mean to corner him but this guy tormented us all. RA says he'll talk to him, doubt.jpg
>never happens again. other guy confronted him, no explanation but promised not to do it again.
I don't know what else to say but I guess it was a fetish. I can post the initial eggs picture if you want but I'm paranoid to do it. Sorry it's so long.
No. 719113
Once, when I was standing on the subway platform, I was suddenly approached by a bald scrawny man who was approximately 28-35 years old. He was wearing a business suit but it looked kinda cheap and crumpled. He asked me if I'd be interested in joining "a community of beautiful and smart ladies and gentlemen" and gave me a piece of paper with a link to his website. He also did it in a funny way, he was sitting across from me in the subway car as he was writing the link down, but he waited for his station so that he could quickly give me this paper bit and go, rather than just give it right away. I was intrigued.
When I checked it out, it became clear that the guy was trying to start a cult or something. But he wasn't a clever malicious narcissistic type, just horny. The site had only one page, it was more like a blog with poorly written posts. At the top of the page was a picture of a car for some reason. There he tried to describe his utopian ideas about perfect society: the one where people trust each other and share everything with each other. There is no property, no locks on the doors, but most importantly, no monogamy. He described one of his fantasies there: a man is walking and suddenly sees his wife, she's surrounded by other men that are giving her compliments and presents, kissing and hugging her, carrying her in their arms etc. He's happy that she's so beautiful and everyone loves her. He comes up to her and starts kissing her with everyone else.
So, this guy probably wanted a community of "beautiful people" (he would also pinpoint that they should be polite) so that he could have orgies. Given the extract about happy husband, I'd suggest he also has a cuckold fetish. It's so funny to me because it's so typical when a man simply craves sex with multiple women and it drives him to make up whole ideology or something that basically kind of "makes" women sleep with him. I don't know what he was trying to achieve with that site because no one else could post there, as far as I understood, and I don't remember if there were any contacts. I doubt he succeeded in finding people for his community. After some time the site stopped working.
No. 719963
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Years ago, I met a guy my age with really severe autism, and who acted like a legitimate kid most of the time. At first, I was really interested in what he had to say, because he genuinely believed he was in a world filled with faes and creatures of mythos. He had entire world-building exposées to make about this world inside his head, and honestly, it was pretty fascinating.
He liked to show me his "secret lair" which was a hidden backyard where he made weapons with rocks and built shelters with wood. There was a flag, food, security systems, stuff like that. He loved to suddenly scream "ATTACKERS!" and run around.
Things started getting sour when he got a bit more mentally unstable. He started going on about getting raped everyday, people trying to kill his dogs, everyone abusing him, and most of the time, going on 20 minutes tirades randomly about this in front of people. Also, he liked bringing weapons and being in military costumes in public.
One day, I realized he may have had a crush on me. I didn't really share this feeling because to me, he was like a kid. I tried distancing myself a bit because he wouldn't stop following me around. At one point, I got a boyfriend, and he completely lost it. He said to everyone he'd kill both me and my boyfriend pretty much everyday, threw a fit and then the police got involved.
I don't resent him or anything, but I know autistic men can be dangerous sometimes. Oh well. I hope he's better now. I haven't seen him years though.
No. 719983
>>719971 I knew him through a couple of friends. They introduced me to him, and we became acquaintances. We weren't close or anything, but I had him as a contact and we chatted a few times. (I thought he was kinda cute.) He was surprisingly normal, a bit introverted and pessimistic, but he seemed like a genuinely cool guy.
>>719972>>719974I don't have cable so I don't know the extent which he was covered on TV, but the incident had articles. His picture did circulate.
No. 720673
samefag but i can’t not bring this up. i dated a guy who fully pretended to be schizophrenic. he got incredibly fucked and aggressive at a party - legit trying to hurt people. i confronted him in the morning and he started sperging about “muh psychosis” which was forgivable, albeit naturally concerning. upon this concern, I decided i’d make the school aware so they could offer him some form of support. they arranged him a psychiatric assessment and everything. it was later this day that his mum contacted me and asked what the fuck was going on. “name is a healthy, normal boy!” I was obvs shocked - i’d been looking after for this retard for way too long, i would stay on the phone to him all night and talk him through his “psychosis.” concurrently, nothing came from the psych assessment. I figured that it was a massive horny ploy - i’d mentioned prior to any of this that i’d had an interest in the ontology of schizophrenia so i reckon that he through this would get me to like him. like god, I wanna study schizophrenics, not fuck them. it’s still mad to think about the intricacies of his larp. the meds, date of his diagnosis, symptoms (although these extended to the first results when you google schizo symptoms). In conclusion, whilst this guy was not clinically, diagnosably, mental, he was a bloody mentalist.
No. 724522
>guy in my year at sixth form who I had a crush on until I found out he was on the sex offender’s list for having anal w his 14 year old girlfriend (after which she apparently explosively shat all over him)
>made friends w a girl in my first year of uni who genuinely thought she was part wolf and could speak to wolves. This girl would genuinely howl at the moon. We were art students but she would just draw wolves over and over again. She was really nice otherwise, though
>lived w a girl who would never put her food packaging in the bin, even though it was a metre away from the shared kitchen table where she kept her wrappers
>got asked for a light by a rough-looking older man outside the train station in my uni city. He starts talking to me about how he’s just been released from the prison in my home town but that I don’t need to worry, bc he’s not “going to chop me up into little pieces and stuff me in his freezer”
>university lecturer who, on the last day of class, took us all out to the pub but then cornered me and spoke at me about Japanese porn actresses for an hour. I was still waiting on essay feedback so I had to sit and nod and pretend to be interested
>another uni lecturer who I thought was cool turned out to fuck around with students he met on Grindr…in his office. I’d heard rumours but the one that made me believe it was when a classmate told me on the do she’d walked into his office before and caught him blowing some guy. She insisted that must be why he’s so strict about his office hours
>actually went to the same uni as Spoony for a while, spoke to her maybe once and couldn’t believe when I found out she was a long-term self-poster on the farms years later. She was so…plain?
>met a friend of a friend who on first meeting made a “joke” about how he likes to spike his mates’ joints with mamba
>shitty tween girls are running around local corner shop, trying to hide from the guy whose windows they’d smashed. One tried to run past me and, annoyed, I grabbed her by the hoody and handed her over to the store clerk where her friends were waiting for her, already caught. An hour later, some huge middle-aged skinhead is trying to bang down my door. Later that night, he returns to try and throw his phone through my window. One month later, he tries to run me over. Waiting to see what happens next tbh
Then there was the psycho bpd-chan I had to live opposite (and threaten several times, despite me being the most chill person ever) who accused us of taking her kids off her after she came crying to us about her daughter’s dad abusing their child, which turned out to be based on a complete delusion she’d had, and we called the police bc we thought it could be true. Whew, lad.
No. 732010
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this is more than anything just sad
new job, huge crush on one of my bosses. say nothing for a year, then finally say fuck it and tell a coworker that knows him and will absolute tell him. im 23 he's 33. he adds me and we talk for a few days. we meet up and fuck finally. this happens for about two months. everytime we have sex, sex again, then he goes for a smoke and chats about his life
>he's from a very small town
>when he was a kid his father beat up his mom and him constantly
>when he's like 8, they're having dinner and he pisses off his dad (don't remember what he did). his dad beats him up so badly he passes out, starts bleeding on the floor and needs to go to the hospital.
>cops put his dad in jail
>his mother finally decides to leave his father after this. his grandpa from his dads side pays to get his dad out of jail
>he shows me the scar (it's underneath a bit of hair, in his forehead) and it's so fucking sad cause it's still very very noticeable and it's been so many years. he says he'll never forget that day cause he sees that scar on the mirror everyday
>mom goes to live with her parents who sell vegetables and fruit. his granddad also beats him up constantly, basically has him as a slave working day and night when he's still a child, but he still thinks fondly of him
>when he's like 12, his mother is barely making money and needs help. during the divorce, his father he says is going to pay her, but he never ever ever does. his grandfather (dads side) during the divorce signs a contract saying that if his son can't pay her, he will. her mother goes to his grandfathers house to ask for some help because she doesn't have money and his ex isn't paying her a dime. the grandfather says to her (and he's 12 standing next to her in the doorstep) he ain't paying shit and closes the door
>anger issues cause of dad and grandfathers
>in high school, he gets mad at a teacher, and starts shouting and saying he's going to kill her, and he's know for getting into fights and he's just very threatening and weird
>he gets expelled for saying he's going to murder his teacher to her face, screaming
>never goes back to finish high school, to this day still doesn't have diploma
>he gets junkie friends and becomes addicted to coke at 14
>he tried robbing his grandfather (dads side) for coke money but got caught
>worked in a tortillería at 16 (this is mexico and it's a small town). one of his closest friend chopped three fucking fingers in one of the machines. blood everywhere and one of the fingers gets stucked in the machine. they get all the fingers but in the end they can't put them back on at the hospital
>worked as a factory worker in this small town for most of his life. this town is very poor, and there was a particular era in mexico where drug lords would fight each other all the time and kill civilians, this was a nationwide thing. it was bad. he has some fight with someone related to drug trafficking. days later his girlfriend is murdered by this local drug gang
>becomes very suicidal. attempt suicide and fails
>he told me that girl was the love of his life. keep in mind this happened in his early 20s and he's now early 30s. says he's going to stay single forever. hates hates hates drugs cause of this, even weed is something that pisses him off
>decides to leave his small town and move to a big city (where i live) and make real money and have a better life
>his best friend since he was a kid also moves to the city and they're still very close. but his friend has more money and lives in a nicer part of the city. his best friend is a hiker.
>his best friend and his wife get lost hiking one day. they don't have a lot of water and theyre fucked. they end up finding them, the woman is hurt but his best friend is in critical condition
>they're at the hospital
>he's going to visit, but he has issues with alcohol and gets wasted and doesn't go. second day, he has work till late and doesn't go. third day, he's literally on the way to the hospital, but meets up with old friend, decides to grab some drinks and gets wasted
>that night his best friend since childhood dies. he didn't visit him at the hospital once
>he cries when he's telling the story and feels embarrassed and says he'll take a shower
>he has a lot of anger issues still and doesn't mind getting into drunk fights still
>he tells me: there's someone i want to kill. i assume it's the guy that had her gf killed but he doesn't say. he says it's really bad, he dreams about it and plans ways to do it. says some days he really can't help himself. he sits in his car and is ready to get back to his old town in the middle of the night and kill this guy. but he says he manages to control it the best he can. says he'll start therapy because it's not right and i agree
>one night when he's drunk texting me i ask him: why do you trust me so much? you don't know me very well. and i could get you fired easily.
>he says: cause you're as fucked up as i am.
>(i did also tell him very personal shit from the get go)
>he says he's not doing well and hasn't for a long time. that he's very sad and wants to feel loved. then he tells me he's going to bed
he ended up going back to his home town for the holidays and we were still texting. then he just ghosted me. he's back in my city and wanted to meet up but i couldn't, and he just ghosted me again and didn't try to talk to me again. Kinda sad cause I considered him a friend because we shared a lot of awful shit from our lives to each other. whatever.
No. 732012
>>732010Don't take this the wrong way anon but every man who fucked me and didn't want to actually be serious with me cooked up similar sob stories to seem damaged and emotionally unavailable to let you down softly. The ghosting could be a coincidence but it lines up with that kind of behavior. The guy sounds like a coward who just didn't want to be seen as the bad guy who had no problems taking the sex but rejecting your feelings.
I mean, I guess it worked out for him since you consider him a tragic character instead of an asshole.
No. 732022
>>732020Yes sadboi ~damaged~ scrote using
nonnie as a fuck when she was 23 and young and he was 10 years older and in a position of power is fucked.
No. 732027
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>>732020scrotes have a bad habit of treating girls they fuck like therapists. I'm not saying his issues aren't real but it's pure moid of him to do this which is why anons are cringing.
Pic related broken scrote is bottom right.
No. 732030
>>732022Doesn't this sadboi/softboi shit make you wanna vomit?
What's worse is that most know precisely how manipulative they're being so when women call this shit out for what it is, they play
victim and tell everyone how evil the woman is for seeing through his bullshit and even go so far as crying about how ~men aren't allowed to be sad and cry uwu~
No. 732043
>>732012since the first time we fucked he said he wasn't looking for a relationship and i told him i wasnt either. so, it wasnt like he pretended to love me to get sex or something. since before we even met at his place we were very open about the fact it was just going to be sex. he never pretended it was something else.
>>732022as i said at the start, i was the one who had a crush on him and he never approached me. i told a coworker i wanted to fuck him and she told me straight up he was going to tell him (she was his friend and i didnt know him at all) and i didnt mind cause i did indeed wanted to fuck. he didnt tell me sad stories to get me to sleep with him, i was the one that told him i wanted to fuck. we fucked. and we would both talk about shit like this. but he never told me he wanted anything more or use the fact he was my boss to get me to come back.
i hate scrotes, and he is not a good scrote i know this now, but he didnt approach or pressured me into coming back, i had a crush on him. hes an asshole for ghosting me but he didnt pressure me for sex
>>732020this is a hot take in my real life and in lolcow too apperently lol. my best friend right away told me he didnt trust him cause he was a scrote with anger issues and didnt want him to hit me. which never got even close to happening, we did arguee but he was never violent to me. but my best friend truly trust no scrotes and still wanted me out. my other friends thought he was fine, till he ghosted me and they all started hating him. i do have two friends that are still like, eh, hes an asshole for ghosting you but if you ever want to fuck him again its your choice and its fine. this because i did indeed anon………. catch some feelings……. but not cause of the tragic stuff, he was literally my type of man hmmm thats why he was my crush he was physically everything i liked. and he was also very funny and nice to hang around when it wasnt 3 am and he started talking about the death of his best friend. i liked him cause he was fun, and physically he was everything i liked. i did get feelings but i never told him and when he ghosted me i realized it was best that way.
No. 737430
>>732043Don't catch feelings for him anon, he's a piece of shit
Amiga date cuenta
No. 738000
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I really value serendipitous connections and try to learn as much from the people I meet as I can. I'd recommend just talking to people when the time seems right and hearing what they have to say if you are absolutely sure that have a good danger radar. Here are some of my more cherished fleeting encounters:
The Haight Man-
>be a dumbass 15-year-old
>go on a local trip to Berkeley with photography class
>peel off from the rest of the class with friend who has a hot tip about where to get a real good shoot
>go to People's Park and start taking pictures
>homeless residents get extremely pissed off and start grilling us until they realize we really are just dumbass kids who weren't CIA agents and didn't know we should ask for permission to photograph
>they become somewhat friendly and point us to a guy who they thought we should really photograph- the Haight Man
>According to local lore, he was a genius who understood how to solve the global fossil fuel/pollution/energy crisis
>We are taken to see the man, he is sitting lotus-position on a woven rug as an indie journalist couple interviews him and briefly sings his praises at us
>Once the journalists leave, he turns to us, two young morons with hardly an understanding as to how lightbulbs turn on, and starts describing with great intricacy his 'Skymass' plan to create fully renewable energy out of landfill waste
>I still don't know whether he was describing perpetual motion machine-type woo or an actual method for creating sustainable energy
>The picture I ended up taking of him was incredibly mediocre
The education researcher-
>on a long flight for whatever reason
>end up next to a somewhat unkempt older, overweight guy with deeply-yellowed fingers and a messy white beard
>he's a talker (usually not great but when they're good they're GOOD)
>somehow start talking about education; turns out he was a tenured physicist who became passionate about K-12 education and sacrificed his academic career and associated prestige to pivot into industry education research
>he spends the next few hours detailing how and why the way US K-12 education is taught conflict with evidence-based methods
>discussion is interwoven with info about his personal life as a chain-smoker, widower, and parent of adult children
>plane lands, we say goodbye and part ways
The Iraqi immigrant-
>be poorshit, heavily depressed, borderline alcoholic nonfunctional grad student
>bubbly woman opens falafel place down the street, we quickly become friendly with each other
>restaurant owner eventually hires young woman from Iraq to work evenings
>Iraqi woman can barely speak English but is clearly deeply homesick and heavily depressed
>come in near closing from time to time, we can barely communicate with each other but we sit quietly and keep each other company while she puts Arabic music videos on TV
'___ the Crazy Indian'-
>be at the end of my non-functional grad student era, twitching from malnutrition at this point
>be on the Vancouver skytrain for whatever reason
>a guy hops on with a grocery bag full of diapers, takes a seat across the aisle from mine and starts talking to the guy in the seat next to his
>the guy he's talking to changes seats, he eventually starts talking to me
>introduces himself as '[name] the Crazy Indian'
>tells me he's going to his friend's baby shower
>starts spilling his life story, is clearly an incredibly kind person who was brought up in an extremely unstable environment and trying to DIY healthy coping mechanisms for his emotions after spending his entire life surrounded by domestic violence
>thanks me for listening and we part ways
No. 741485
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I made friends with a local hobo once and he was interesting to say the least
>had seen this guy around near the local train station playing his guitar
>older guy, around 60, long beard and hair, very unkempt looking altogether
>he would hang out by the bus waiting area, chatting to people, playing bits of songs, drinking
>so one night I get off the train, it's 2 AM and the next bus isn't for another hour
>as I approach the waiting area I hear a familiar singing and guitar
>so I sit down next to him and we start talking
>to be honest half the reason I was carrying on the conversation is because he was smoking and I wanted to bum a cigarette off him
>he asks me about my studies and stuff, eventually starts talking about himself
>when he was young he got a philosophy degree at the nearby university
>instead of working he just decided he was happier being homeless and just living his day to day life strumming on his guitar
>especially since the government had it out for him and would be able to watch him too closely otherwise
>you see, he had discovered that a certain type of cell(?) interacted with a hormone to cause depression, but also passive, docile behavior in humans
>the Rothschilds would possibly use this to better control the population
>for this reason he knew the government had their eye on him so he had to be smart about where he went
>talks some more about the Rothschilds, there was also some stuff about Hitler and WWII which was confusing enough for me to still be unsure what side he defended
>so at this point I've been nodding and generally asking interested questions for a while, and I asked him if I could maybe bum some tobacco from him to roll a cigarette
>he says sure and grabs the paper I'd already laid out, rips open the rest of the cigarette he'd been smoking, redistributes the tobacco into my paper and rolls me a new one
>I'm struggling to thank him, I had no idea that was all he had and I feel really bad for taking a homeless guys only cig
>he says no problem
>he talks some more about mental health and how they had misdiagnosed him with paranoid schizophrenia which was obviously wrong
>my bus arrives
>we say goodbye and he tells me 'you actually get it and see through it, not many people can'
I've seen him at the station a number of times since, never for long but I always make sure to give him a cigarette if I have one with me
No. 741493
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There's a weird old man, not sure if he's homeless or what, who rides his bike throughout my town during the summer. He wears a smiley face mask, no shirt, and no shorts and just cruises down a main street waving at the cars passing by. Of course whenever you try to look for him he's nowhere to be found. He's been popping in and out of existence since the early 2000's and I wonder if he's a local eccentric or an alien who does this for fun on earth. All I know is I always wave back.
No. 1536032
I went to California and went to a little restaurant near Berkeley with my bf and bff. An Indian guy sat next to us at a little table, it's one of those places with a long booth with multiple little tables along it with chairs on the other side. While my friend was in the bathroom, he starts talking to me and my bf. Usually I get aggravated when rando men talk to me, but I had my guard down and picked up a good vibe from him. He talks to us about our college majors and remarks that we give him hope for the future. I'm a water conservation major so I joked with him about the "USING RECYCLED WATER" signs along the highways, how all water is recycled because of conservation of mass, etc. and he asked if we ever get water input from meteors, which I thought was a really interesting question…his name was Krishna and he said all of the sudden "I like you guys, I'm going to sing a song for you." Asked the restaurant owner if she would turn off the radio, and he puts on this deep, ringing sitar note on his phone. It blew my mind how musical he was, that it was just one note on his phone because of how he sang with so many notes and his vocal range. The whole restaurant stopped to watch and listen. It sounds like it would have been uncomfortable, but it wasn't. It was really amazing. He was so comfortable with exactly who he was at that moment that he literally could just serenade all three of us, paid his bill and left. He said the song was about how hearing the cuckoo bird in spring makes people in India happy, I've scoured the internet to find it but have had no luck. As his voice fades, I'm sure I'll forget the melody entirely, but I think that's part of the beauty of the experience. It was so fleeting, but it gave me hope.
No. 1559052
>>716626I know this is years old but
>was fired from his last job as a waiter after intentionally serving a gluten-free guest something with gluten in it, then told the guy after he'd ate it that it hadn't been gluten-free in order to "prove to him that gluten intolerance is pseudoscience"Sent me into a rage as a celiac anon. I don’t normally feel affects from being glutened for 30-60 min or so after eating. It’s not like anaphylaxis ffs. Piece of shit.
No. 1559288
>Be me, 16, near graduation (non-burger school system)
>In the forest, about to smoke a joint
>Sit on bench, notice guy with an AC/DC hoodie and a 6-pack of beer walking towards it and stopping, looks disappointed and sits against a tree further away
>Methink he is close to my age because of the distance so I shouted 'oh you can sit here no problem!' because it was kind of awkward and I was bored anyway
>He's older than I thought but friendly so oh well
>Starts telling me about his youth in the ghetto as the only white kid, what used to go down there, conspiracy theories, you name it
>Me getting progressively more stoned, enjoying his non-stop crazy stories
>Tell him about how I was fighting with my best friend at the time
>He's a bit drunk
>Says, 'If you pluck all the feathers off a chicken but you feed it a little bit after every one, it will keep running after you. Don't be a chicken'.
>Me processing it
>We'd been sitting there for a few hours already. He says 'Shit it's getting dark, I think we should go home'
>We both go home, when I need to go a different way he says 'it was nice to meet you Anon' and I say it back
>Never crossed paths again
To this day I think about the chicken quote kek, I hope he's doing well. One of the weirdest encounters of my life for sure but for being a drunk conspiracy theorist in the forest he gave me a ton of life advice, bless his heart.
No. 1559478
I hated working retail, the customers were usually assholes but I still remember a few ones:
>foreign tourist who didn't speak out language, I was the only one in my team who spoke English and he lost his passport. I tried to help him find it and he only found it was later somewhere else, he run back to me 30min later with a tablet of chocolate to thank me for the help even if I was useless
>American woman who was basically dragging her husband who was too shy to say or do anything and their toddler with her, she was super chatty and nice, we had some small talk for like 15min, she was fun. I barely see Americans where I live so that was surprising since the store is kind of shit
And in my previous job at a call center for insurance stuff:
>guy calls me to ask for a cleaning service we plan when someone leaves a place or buys or rents a place
>service is relatively cheap because we call and pay companies to remove dust and clean windows, normal shit
>I ask for details, he tells me he's a landlord and the tenant died in the middle of summer, he only found out recently that he died and his corpse was rotting in the heat for ten days. And he had a lot of cats who all ate him to survive and took massive shits everywhere
>the landlord/client is a doctor, gives way too many details, I have to pay a small fee and have to make him pay the rest because he's asking for a completely different service
>writes a letter to my managers who gave me the instructions to shit talk me
And last but not least:
>midwife calls me to receive legal advice, I ask her to give me details so I can then give them to a jurist who can call her back later
>this type of calls is very rare and always happened to me, whatever, I expect a basic question about confidentiality regarding her patients' data
>she has two coworkers, one man and one woman, who married each other and had several kids
>the woman gave birth at her workplace so the client and her husband actually provided medical services and helped her give birth
>after that they wanted to divorce and the client is called as a witness in court because she did her job as a midwife and the guy was accused of doing something, I don't remember if he was accused of being violent with the wife in general or if he was accused of malpractice when helping his wife give birth, the client wants to know if she's going to get sued or fired for being forced to become a witness because of usual confidentiality stuff related to patients
I'm sure I'm forgetting some.
No. 1559484
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>be me
>summer of 2022
>girl i was seeing stands me up, i get off the train at a random town half an hour before i would've reached hers
>mill about, think 'what do' since my family expects me to be home in the evening and they think im hanging out with people
>buy yoghurt drink and sit at this bench
>old man in late 50s (40 years older than me) is rolling a cigarette by hand
>i say 'ooh i've never seen a rolled cigarette before'
>he tries to help me open my yoghurt bottle
>neither of us can open it
>we talk for a bit, i say im waiting until 5pm
>he offers to buy me soup at a cafe nearby
>i think 'will i get stabbed'
>nvm it's in public
>anyway, let's go
And then over the course of us looking at the town together, I meet one of the strangest people I've ever met, during a 5 hour encounter.
>we get drinks at the pub after getting soup (i was hungry and outta money)
>i am a teenager with no id, so i just get water, and he gets many lagers
>constantly shaking so i give him my gloves
>honestly just don't want to be alone after this girl has stood me up for the third and final time
>he's a watercolour artist
>was voluntarily homeless, and slept in the pub where he worked when it was rainy
>had a psychotic episode and went to the bus stop with a grenade in his pocket
>(apparently) toured with american bands, big ones, and fixed speakers for them
>let me smoke his cigarettes
>has a girlfriend (do people in their 50s say that?) from greece who tried to stab him, but he's always a bachelor (wink)
>also takes part in a local archery club, nice
>wants to show me how to meditate by imagining myself as a rock
>introduces me to other random old men friends
>is actually a really well known person, who dresses shabby, but has had an interesting life
>is very kind, always talks to new people, offers to pay my train ride home
>say no thank you but it was lovely to meet you
I go home, and in my stupid prideful ways, I say I 'had fun with my friends' instead of admitting that I got stood up by the girl I liked, and ran out of money, so spent the afternoon with a really interesting old man and ate and drank with him. Geoff, I hope you're well, don't smoke too much, and hopefully the watercolours are bringing you joy.
No. 1560943
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(reposting for typos, sorry) I wouldn't be surprised if one of my old online friends posted about me here. Anyway here's mine:
>in HS
>know the dude through debate team
>he's a proto-incel manlet
>fan of Emperor Hirohito to the point of learning fluent Japanese
>literal fascist
>constantly talks in 4chan slang irl
>complains about Japanese classes being full of weeaboos
>dressed in army gear
>hobbies include shooting guns
>gets in trouble for hanging up Tibetan flags on the day of our Chinese friendship school representatives' visit
>later gets kicked out of army for authority problems, goes to civil service despite being a military nut