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No. 1832322

She's listening!

Previous thread:

No. 1832325>>1832333>>1832334>>1832335>>1832996

i am so sorry i've never made a thread before i just really wanted to use that pic(newfaggotry)

No. 1832333>>1832336

Fucking hell, newfag. Can you make it any more apparent? All you needed was a nun image.

No. 1832334

no we need this pic for the next thread regardless of what happens

No. 1832335

It's okay, anonita, it's a cute picture.
And I will post my confession then: sometimes at the gym I have to ask my male instructors to repeat their explanations on how to do certain exercises because my mind wanders to thinking about which husbando has a body more similar to the body of the male trainer speaking to me, I also imagine myself making my husbandos do certain poses needed to do exercises just to bully them because I think that it's hot when a fut man does those positions.

No. 1832336>>1832341

shame on you, be nice. wasted trips

No. 1832341>>1832346

She's right though

No. 1832346

probably, I'm just really swayed by the pic

No. 1832387

I'll confess anyway with the cute bunny pic. I tried to comfort a fellow sis on 4chan yesterday who had a similar experience to me about being left after a miscarriage. A moid poster replied that bad things happen to bad people and that God decided to kill the fetus so it won't be born to terrible cunts like us. I held my own and argued against him but it really hurt. I won't be back to 4chan ever again, I hope that fellow sis is okay.

No. 1832388>>1832391

Don't let it get you down; who thr fuck confesses to having a miscarriage on 4chan anyway? There's a million-trillion places to vent about things that serious, but 4chan isn't one of them.

No. 1832391>>1832392

I know but she did and I wanted to comfort her. I don't know why so many nonnies are on the thread I visited, tbh.

No. 1832392>>1832394

what thread?

No. 1832394>>1832396>>1832409

The one on 4chan on the advice board. I talked to fellow fellow farmers on there. Maybe we all just like to larp the dumb moids to drive them to despair.

No. 1832396>>1832398

ah, based then.

No. 1832398

Yes, it can be.

No. 1832409>>1832411>>1832439

There are men who make fake abortion posts there purely for fetish and bait purposes, take everything with a grain of salt. The anon you comforted could have been the exact same one calling you worthless

No. 1832411>>1832418

For my sake, I'm just going to believe that was an actual women, nona.

No. 1832418>>1832422

For your sake, and I mean this without a single ounce of condescension, you should not be posting in earnest on 4ch about intimate women's issues because you are 9.5/10 being baited and hooked into doing so.

No. 1832422

I know, I made a mistake, But it still really hurts to be blamed for said woman issue.

No. 1832439

I've noticed that moids will spend all day larping as women there, it seems almost as if they want to get mad at their own larp and attack the woman they made up alongside their fellow incels? It's very strange and demented

No. 1832449>>1832453>>1832457>>1832458>>1832460>>1832461>>1832488>>1832739>>1834624

just fucking slept with my ex even though he has a partner (who hes breaking up with in 2 days) i feel disgusting ive completely betrayed his girlfriend who has done absolutely nothing wrong. i was very very drunk but i cannot believe i let this happen. the girlfriend doesnt know and hes not going to tell her but i feel like she deserves to know but also i cannot even begin to comprehend the shame im going to feel for the rest of my life. how tbe fuck am i going to sleep tonight. what do i do

No. 1832453>>1832640

you should feel ashamed to some degree because yes that is shitty. but it's on him for cheating and not having broken up with his girlfriend yet. why did he have to wait two days? it seems like the case where really she doesn't need to know if he is going to break up with her in two days, but if he doesn't, yes you should tell her.

No. 1832457>>1832640

He's probably not going to break up with her and just wanted you to think it was "fine" to cheat.

No. 1832458>>1832640

Seriously you’re so pathetic. You knew exactly what you were doing

No. 1832460>>1832640

Tell her. You're selfish for having done it but he's the bigger piece of shit and she deserves to know who she's dealing with and not feel bad that she got dumped by a loser.

No. 1832461>>1832640

You should do the right thing and tell her, she deserves to know.

No. 1832488>>1832640

tell her you asshole

No. 1832494>>1832496>>1832506

If I'm in the grocery store and I'm really hungry, I'll open something up and start eating it while I shop. Some may see it as trashy but a girls gotta eat.

No. 1832496

Samefag but it also helps make sure I don't buy shit just cause I'm hungry.

No. 1832506>>1832508

do you… buy it first?

No. 1832508

No, I buy it when I go to check out everything. Although I guess I should in case any security/employees try to pull up on me, but so far no one has cared.

No. 1832555>>1832561

I keep all handwritten notes/thanks for support letters from Etsy artists. I like supporting them and I'm grateful for their time. I feel like it might be creepy in some way.

No. 1832561

aww that's sweet

No. 1832574>>1832579>>1832746>>1832820>>1832975>>1832984

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My formerly soft, skinny, androgynous pretty boy BF is dead set on growing a mustache and becoming more masculine and I told him that if it makes him happy I’m supportive but I’m dying inside. I tried to tell him that I prefer him clean shaven multiple times but he ignores me. He’s starting to grow this pubestache that reminds me of my awful ex who I (regrettably) lost my virginity to at a very young age and it sends me into fight or flight mode every time I see it. I feel like an awful shallow person for being so bothered by this but I can’t help it. I’m bisexual and I’m not attracted to traditionally masculine men at all

No. 1832579>>1832580>>1832594>>1832600>>1832647

Samefag but he also said he only wants to be super feminine or super masculine because being in between gives him an identity crisis and I would much rather have him be feminine than hypermasculine but I don’t know how to tell him that

No. 1832580>>1832583

be honest then retard

No. 1832583>>1832984

I said I tried to tell him multiple times I don’t like the facial hair and I feel like if I pushed harder it would come off as controlling

No. 1832594>>1832598

If being in the middle and not a walking stereotypes of feminity and masculinity gives him an identity crisis he is totally going to turn into a gendie or trans in the future if you don't address how stupid that is, sadly

No. 1832598

What do I say to him. Do I just tell him “Part of the reason why I find you attractive is because you have a feminine side and I don’t want you to try to fit yourself into a box” or something like that

No. 1832600

Why are there so many anons that haven't had the tranny talk with their boyfriends yet

No. 1832640

because she’s on holiday and he didnt want to break up with her over text

thanks for being honest with me. ive convinced him to tell her (i feel like it would be better coming from him but if he refused i would do it myself). i need to figure out the least selfish way forward from here. this is i think the worst thing i have ever done in my life

No. 1832647

He’s gonna troon out, break up

No. 1832724

I love this thread picture. But I'm biased, I have a childhood plushie of a rabbit with huge ears like that that I still own as an adult and want to keep the rest of my life. It's the closest to getting a pet without having the guilt of working a 40h/week job and leaving the pet alone that long.

No. 1832739>>1832750>>1832755>>1834624

I did this before except I sexted and sent nudes. He even made the excuse of "I'll break up with her in a few days, I just haven't found the right time!"
I didn't think there was anything wrong in what I was doing or even crossed my mind that I'm complicit in someone cheating.

No. 1832746

you better not shave your legs for that moid

No. 1832750>>1832758

what? why would that not mean you were complicit in cheating? unless you're not counting the sexting as a technicality?

No. 1832755>>1832760>>1832816>>1832839>>1866782

I looked up the stats and apparently 50% of people cheat. Don’t know what that refers to exactly (50% of people have cheated vs 50% of relationships have a cheater) but it was a surprising number to me considering how people act like it’s the worst offence in the world. It’s probably more common than people act like it is.

No. 1832758

I mean I WAS complicit in cheating but I didn't see it that way at that time.

No. 1832760

I know tons of people who have cheated but they're all deeply unhappy and just cheat their way to their next partners. None of them ever seem to learn anything about life.

No. 1832816

People who do cheat or sleep with someone taken are messy, miserable or mentally ill, or all of the above. I've never met any cheater or homewrecker that wasn't an insecure bpd-chan or a somehow even more insecure male with unresolved issues. Or a trashy redneck kek.

No. 1832820

I'm sorry for your pain anon. That said, I think certain styles of mustaches can look good on moids with otherwise delicate features. I think it's because it takes meticulous effort to keep up that ultra neat, sharp and clean mustache appearance. Sadly most moids can't do this and end up looking like haggard hobos.

No. 1832823>>1832837>>1833002>>1863313

When I was around 7 or 8 I went to a friend's house and she wanted us to clean the bathroom in her basement as an activity, and I accidentally sprayed bleach at her face. Luckily it didn't burn her eyes, she was fine (just shocked) but decided to take a shower in a different bathroom. I think when she finished showering she asked me to pass her a towel or something, either way I ended up walking into the bathroom while she was behind the curtain. I then slipped on a puddle on the floor and instinctively grabbed onto the curtain, pulling it away while she wasn't dressed. I apologized and she didn't blame me, we then had a conversation with her dad about the shower creating hazardous puddles or something.
But my dark secret is that actually I didn't slip on the puddle that was there, I just spontaneously decided to pretend to slip because I really wanted to see her naked for some reason. From what I remember my acting wasn't even good and it totally looked like I just pulled it aside intentionally but she believed me and repeated that I slipped to a bunch of adults. Thinking back, this isn't the first time I had an undue interest in seeing other girls naked, idk why and idk why I didn't just look at my own body if I was so curious.
I just remembered this and it seriously makes me cringe. I didn't realize at the time how retarded and creepy it was, the whole thing is such a disaster.

No. 1832837>>1832859

Are you gay or just nosy?

No. 1832839

Yes it's super common. As I've gotten older and been cheated on myself on at least one occasion my outlook on it has kinda changed. Cheating fucking sucks and hopefully I'll never do it myself (not from lack of eyes lol but because I like to think I stick to my values). At the same time it seems to be a base primal instinct amongst most species, so I can't really find it in myself to think of cheaters like they are the filthiest scum of the earth. I know so many people of both genders who have done it, and while what they did was stupid they are still ok people in other aspects and hopefully learned a thing or two. Even songbirds that are known for staying monogamous throughout life will whore around a bit and frequently raise bastard children with their unknowing songbird nigel kek. It's a tale as old as time.

No. 1832844>>1832846>>1832847

File (hide): 1703845113431.jpg (75.99 KB, 1190x1280, D21Cgl7WsAAvjCt.jpg_large.jpg)

I showed my video game husbando to my 46 year old female coworker and she said he was really hot and she didn't know that video games had men like this

No. 1832846>>1833534

Who did you show her, Leon?

No. 1832847

best response

No. 1832859>>1832887

not sure, at the least I think I'm more attracted to women than the average straight woman

No. 1832887>>1833633

So, bi then.

No. 1832975

He should be able to shave his mustache for you if you dislike it so much. You can land on an agreement somehow. My boyfriend likes beards, but I told him I don't find them attractive and would prefer him to be clean shaven. He obliged and shaves for me. Be blunt, and he should be willing to please you.

No. 1832983>>1833022

Really jealous of that kid that made lethal company. I was trying to teach myself gamedev to make my game but things happened and now it’s on hold. I remember being so slow and lazy with the learning process, tbh it overwhelming and i’m from a non-tech background. I still had so much fucking time but god does it put things into perspective i’m so fucking lazy and undisciplined.

Despite everything, I still wish to make my game a reality but maybe for the time being i’ll try to get a story version via comic out first

No. 1832984

So he's on the fast track to trooning out, plus he doesn't even want to please or impress you. Just leave him, he is broken.

No. 1832989>>1832995

Quick, someone photoshop the bunny.

No. 1832995

Yes. A habit for the bun.

No. 1832996>>1833075

You are a stupid faggot. Lurk more. Don't create anymore threads, newfag. Learn to integrate.

No. 1833002

If it makes you feel any better I did the same and still cringe about it

No. 1833022>>1833127

You can do it, nona! I work on game development as well and while I'd say that the learning curve is a bit steep, once you start working on your project and getting the features to work (even if they're not perfectly working) it's so worth it. I do get the sentiment though, I feel kinda jealous of him as well but mostly because I wish I was working on my own projects instead of working for a big company on a super specific role lol

No. 1833075>>1833079>>1833107>>1834350

Kek i'm the one that made the thread, not a newfag, i had no idea anons would get so pissy over the pic i chose. you all take this site too seriously

No. 1833079>>1833084

nta and idrc but why did you apologize right from the start? Just because it's not a nun in the picture?

No. 1833084

i fucked up the thread title but it got fixed by jannies

No. 1833107>>1833108

>not a newfag, i had no idea anons would get so pissy
if you were not a newfag you would know the reaction it would get because the same things has happened before more than once when people choose a non-nun picture, most recently 6 months ago when it was literally Ritard that did it >>>/ot/1595652 (and don 't come at me like "I can't keep track of every thread on /ot/ I have a life" – everyone saw Ritard's posts and aside from that you'd be blind not to notice the nun theme being a board tradition)

No. 1833108>>1833113

okay mom

No. 1833113>>1833116

Show yo mama some respect.

No. 1833116>>1833117

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No. 1833117

Wish we could do that to newfags irl but alas.

No. 1833127

I don't even have half as much time as I used to since I'm in postgrad now (hence why everything is on hold) for something unrelated to game-dev, questioning my life decisions right now.
Wish I could go back to my room and just flip between tutorials, can't believe I miss it.
But your words motivated me thank you.

No. 1833534>>1833540>>1833551

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Astarion (although he's not my favourite anymore)
And today there was nothing to do for the last 2 hours at work so I was showing my two female coworkers BG3 intro on YouTube on our office computer and explaining them the story, dnd lore and everything and they were interested even though they don't even play any games kek, the younger one was asking me lots of questions about the story, the older one asked why Astarion fucks a bear but she was still giggling when looking at him. I told them literally everything including gameplay mechanics, damn my sperg reveals so hard when someone starts asking me questions about my current fixation, I just can't stop

No. 1833540>>1833546>>1833551

>Astarion fucks a bear
excuse me Astarion did WHAT

No. 1833546>>1833557

Halsin (the druid) turns into a bear and Astarion can fuck him in the bear form

No. 1833551

I love this kek, a lot of women who don't play games got into BG3. I hope you successfully turned them and they play the game.
Technically anyone can fuck the bear

No. 1833557

aw hell NAH

No. 1833595

I find non-"toxic" social media boring. Tried to use both Bluesky and Threads which are seen as refuges from Twitter and got bored of what I saw after 5 minutes. I wanted to find the controversial toxic sides of those apps but didn't know where to start. Putting this in confessions because I realize I'm contributing to the cancer that is social media on society but I can't help it.

No. 1833616>>1833630

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My male muslim neighbour won't talk to me or my mother (he will wait until a man is present and then talk to them) so I've taken a liking to playing the music just a tad too loud when none of my male relatives are around(racebait)

No. 1833618

I love watching hoof cleaning videos on YouTube. There are two channels I watch (The Hoof GP and Nate the Hoof Guy) and I love when stones and other stuff gets stuck and it has caused stuff to build up and they treat it and you can see the cows walk less limpy because the pressure is relieved and it is just nice to see them cared for

No. 1833630

Good, make him suffer

No. 1833633

You can be interested and attracted to women without being bisexual

No. 1833655>>1833744

I have been bottling this up for a long time, I'm going full unhinged. If any of the celebrities I'm attracted to turned out gay, I will still try to fuck them and turn them straight. I don't know how but I will find a way. Nobody else irl is attractive to me except for them. I will find a way. In some way it's almost reassuring to learn that apparently some gay men can have sex with women even if they don't enjoy it because this means I still have a chance with my crushes. I don't think mine really are gay, though there's mixed opinions. In either case if I can manage to make them horny then I can die happy. Worst case scenario I'll will myself into schizophrenia. I don't think I have to resort to that though because I have all the evidence of these specific men being straight but some fans claim that the straight behavior was all pretend. I think my judgment and opinions are the truly correct ones because I actually looked into it and don't buy that "comphet" bull from first worlders and retarded Larry tier shippers (mine are not from that band thank god, but those types of shippers are everywhere) They must be absolutely blind if they think all that behavior from the ones I'm into are some elaborate 100D chess moves that he's been doing since childhood like he's so desperate for attention from women but because he's "uwuwu" about it they think he's a faggot. If those men one day claim to be gay anyway after doing all of that I won't believe them and will still try to fuck them regardless. Fuck all those retards trying to "um ackshuyally he's ga-" every time a woman posts a horny fantasy as if someone can't at least imagine doing various things with him no matter what his sexuality is. They never pull that ackshuyally shit when it comes to other things about himself. I'm going to fuck him and that's that.

No. 1833687>>1834066

i just orgasmed so much I lost count how in the hell did happen? Never ever in my life has it happened before. Thank you sex gods for blessing me tonight, a mere mortal

No. 1833744>>1833754

You really shouldn't be listening to any of the anons on here, but finding out there is someone so delusional they think they'll turn gay celebs straight makes the recent crop of bizarre "gay men aren't gay" posts. You need medication. They are never going to fuck you, like you, or be near you girl.

No. 1833754>>1833924

Tons of gay men sleep with women before coming out, it's possible. They don't have to like me I just want the dick.

No. 1833924

it's troubling you think you can sleep with a celebrity and you sound determined to do so. but it's your confession so have fun

No. 1834025

i'm glad my aunt is teaching me how to drive but my mom is right that she's a total cunt. but also whenever i defend her when my mom is ranting and raving it's never coming a place of kindness, it's more me thinking "this is annoying hearing you talk about this again, i'm going to try and deescalate the situation so i can get some peace and quiet because you are definitely, 1000% not the virgin mary mother theresa 'best muther ever' you think you are god damn"

i'm also realizing manipulative behavior only comes about when you can never say what you want to say outright. free people aren't manipulative

No. 1834065>>1834068>>1834324>>1844401

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I never made friends in university. I never networked. With COVID I feel like my social skills have severely atrophied. Im too old to blame my parents, mostly because I never went out. I was always afraid of being a bad kid and getting disowned for being seen as a slut. I wasted so many life opportunities and I have nothing to show for it at 25.

No. 1834066

File (hide): 1703921847494.jpeg (72.01 KB, 499x325, IMG_4503.jpeg)

You're reminding me that I really want to fap and I'll probably go do it even though I'm feeling very lazy. Goddamn power of suggestion.

No. 1834068>>1834090

well you can still save yourself, believe me I was a worse NEET then you but I managed to fix my life in my late 20's, It's not easy or comfortable but it gets easier and you don't even realize it but you feet it get better.

No. 1834090>>1834105>>1834114

How? I’m too broke to do anything

No. 1834105>>1834470

Nta but did you get your uni degree? You should be able to find a decent job.

No. 1834114

Well, first I started small, with socialization first and foremost. I started taking a women's self-defense class. I did partially lie; I just said that I had a fear of physical danger, and that's why I had been home for so long. That's how I explained my NEETdom and lack of friends, and they were completely understanding. Believe me, that course helped a lot with my confidence in making new friends (because many people there were also dealing with issues). I started exercising more during this time, and I reached a point where I was more comfortable in trying to get a job again.

No. 1834124>>1834132

I’m in an age gap relationship with a scrote (decade older)and I’m the older one and at this point I’m about to start abusing him because he deserves it

No. 1834132>>1834134

just break up with him.

No. 1834134>>1834136

If I don’t start abusing him while he’s young he’s gonna bring he’s toxicity to someone younger and traumatize them

No. 1834136>>1834153

provided this isn't a larp, abusing someone just makes them abusive in turn, explain what's wrong with him and then leave him.

No. 1834153>>1834155

sort of agree but most men seem to need some form of abuse/violence to grow past toddlerhood tbh

No. 1834155>>1834177

idk, maybe not abuse, scrotes who were abused in childhood always become insane broken pedophiles. but trained like a dog and forced to endure pain, men really seem to need this to grow properly. it's partly why today's men are a lost cause

No. 1834157

This is the 4th time in the last 3 years that I've cut my own hair on impulse.

No. 1834172

I made some new fujoshi friends and I'm having fun on the internet all over again

No. 1834177>>1834188>>1834197

WRONG. Countless studies have shown the most effective form of discipline male children respond positively to was a violent male figure. The sole reason single moms suffer to the extent that they do is misbehaving sons. A nice woman can't raise a nice man. Males literally NEED to be abused to behave. They're not born with morals, fear dictates their lives.

No. 1834188

I think you're right, sad as it sounds

No. 1834197>>1834207>>1834232>>1834300

Finally someone who knows what the fuck they're talking about. So tired of people (women mostly) who want to treat men kindly and softly in hopes they will turn out to be good people, when if you have working eyes you'll be able to see that "abused" boys will behave better because they respond well to being beaten and being put in their places.

No. 1834207>>1834211

Adult men, no. Children however deserve kindness. Abused boys become defective adults.

No. 1834211

Agreed. I'm all for asserting boundaries and teaching children about consequences, after all what's the point of having parents if not to guide them into becoming functional adults. But growing up with a violent or otherwise neglectful parent inhibits your brain's development. Scrotes and women alike who are subjected to this show the same signs of brain alterations/arrested development. Lots of studies support this. Children with c-ptsd are more prone to misinterpreting neutral eye contact as a sign of aggression. Moids typically become resentful of authority figures (who woulda thunk), insecure and paranoid/hostile.

No. 1834232>>1834233>>1834235>>1834244>>1834300

>"abused" boys will behave better because they respond well to being beaten and being put in their places
kek i dated someone like this. My ex was a total people pleaser who adored me, constantly doted on me and was terrified of rejection to the point of passively agreeing with most things i said. He was so afraid of his authentic self not being good enough, that i'm not sure he even knew who that was. He would also lie for the stupidest reasons to avoid uncomfortable situations because that had been his survival strategy while growing up being "put in his place". This probably worked for him as a kid, but not so much when you're supposed to be a functional adult. If you enjoy dating a two-faced doormat then more power to you. I'm currently dating someone with a normal upbringing and it's night and day. I feel sorry for my ex despite him being an adult now and responsible for his own actions, it's just so apparent how much having a good vs bad upbringing can get you ahead in life.

No. 1834233

I got so horny reading about the slut you dumped

No. 1834235>>1834247

>My ex was a total people pleaser who adored me, constantly doted on me and was terrified of rejection
Sounds amazing to me, unless he actually resented you or took it out on you later.

No. 1834244

I think dudes that just ate it or were punching bags will turn out like mice similar to people that got bullied but never stood up to the bullies. Not that I blame men for being abused as kids because of learned helplessness but at a certain point somethings gotta give, stand up to your dad and protect your fucking mom

No. 1834247>>1834253

He never took it out on me and didn't show signs of resenting me while we still dated, was only ever good to me, very loving and protective, although who knows. He did resent the entire rest of the universe it seemed. Walking outside with him sometimes felt like walking a small, stressed-out dog that barks at everything because he would get angry if a car drove by too fast or someone stood in his way at the grocery store and so on kek. He obviously had qualities I liked and we had some good times, but it was exhausting to deal with the "Us VS The World" mindset amongst other issues.

No. 1834253>>1834273

So he was just a people pleaser for you? Nice. But the chihuahua behavior is definitely unattractive and exhausting. I can see why you left him. My stubborn ass would have stayed and tried to mold him into the perfect partner. Every guy I've been with seems to be humble at first but has way too much ego. I can work with a man who knows his place, but has other flaws.

No. 1834256>>1834266>>1834271>>1834326

File (hide): 1703947787627.gif (24.94 KB, 200x150, F28D5C87-404E-4BDE-B4B4-42D6DB…)

I LOVE seeing people I hate get fat, oh I had short hair and I was so hideous and I looked like a dude well guess what? IT GREW and so did you, vertically anyways. I wish I was mature enough to be stoic but this is just how I am

No. 1834262>>1834265

I watched porn on Twitter the other night and it was so… underwhelming, I hate myself for relapsing on this addiction, I had banned porn sites off my Wi-Fi but I found a loophole and I am so mad at myself.

No. 1834265

Well at least nobody made money off your addiction. Keep going, I believe in you. Everybody relapses.

No. 1834266>>1834281

You sound like a soulless NPC.

No. 1834271>>1834281

File (hide): 1703948803934.jpeg (329.27 KB, 1080x1555, IMG_7233.jpeg)

kek, but wouldn't they be growing horizontally or am i the retard here and you said it that way to join both the growth of your hair and that other person's mass

No. 1834273

Yeah he was a people pleaser for me and for his family/friends, but very mistrustful and insecure in general. I think even though he would just go along with anything I wanted, there were times when he just did it to avoid confrontation. You can't really mold guys like this, they just hide their true authentic self. I feel kinda sad for him.

No. 1834281

You probably smell like farts.
I meant horizontally yes I’m muy estupida

No. 1834300>>1834306

discipline for males is needed but not beatings, all my male relatives that were beaten as kids ended up being violent men themselves or like >>1834232 described, I love my dad but he beat my elder brother and that fucked up him a lot, cause my brother ended up beating up other people, he had to fix himself on his own and my father only later realized the issues it caused, but he was raised like that himself so he couldn't help it.

No. 1834306

This. Maybe boys who are bullying other kids need to get some sense knocked into them (by other children) but parents should not discipline them with violence. It just creates moids who are violent, unstable, and lack empathy. They need boundaries to be set and enforced, they don't need beatings.

No. 1834319>>1834321>>1834377

Woke up crying from a nightmare, realized that I was sexually assaulted for years by my brother when I was a girl, realize there's no point in bringing it up to my parents or family members because nothing will happen and everyone will either call me a liar or say I'm stupid because I never brought it up until now.

No. 1834321

That happened to me to, but after he died it unlocked a repressed memory from 1st grade.
Im sorry nonna

No. 1834324

same. all i really have is this degree. running out of cash too…i think i'll just try going for retail or janitor work or something if i don't get a job soon, fml. i wish i was born near a good pt system or in a non racist city..

No. 1834326>>1834333>>1834680

One thing I notice about bullied losers who grow up is that you're always so focused on changing appearances, as if you have no talents, careers, or other meaningful merits that would make for better comparison in older age.

No. 1834333

me. I keep telling myself I’m just gonna die soon but in the meantime i still have to look at myself every single day and im not invisible to the rest of the world sadly

No. 1834350

Now it's harder to recognize this thread from the dozen other ones. I thought this was the Vent thread at first.

No. 1834377>>1834396

I'm so sorry that happened to you nona. Is there any way you can cut his dick off? Report his for having CP on his computer/phone? Let's face it, he definitely has pedo shit on his devices if he's enough of a monster to molest his own sister for years.

No. 1834390

I've posted here regularly since 2018 and never made a thread. Newfags are here for 3 days and make threads early to use their fav pics teehee. I wanna lock them all in a cage and make them compete over a daily spoonful of peanut butter. I wanna spray them with ice cold water from the garden hose that has small chunks of ice in it.

No. 1834396>>1834410

I wish I knew for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised. He has two teen daughters and I've had suspicions about him because he said some weird things over the years and now with this realization I've had it may or may not have meaning to it. I dunno. His fiancee is the same age as me and the thought of that creeps me out now.

No. 1834410>>1834421

Oh SHIT, report him ASAP, he's 100% assaulting his daughters. God I wish it was socially acceptable to put men down like violent dogs.

No. 1834421

I wish I could shoot him. As pathetic as it sounds, all I can do now is pray to find some kind of solid evidence. The police don't even believe women who are raped and immediately report the attacks, much less to believe me about all the things that happened to me years ago and weird stuff my brother has said. It'd be just like telling our parents: "why didn't you say something before", etc. Then when the case goes nowhere or gets dismissed he'll get treated like a victim and I'll be the one getting shat on.

No. 1834470

ayrt, i don't. I'm having trouble trying t get the loans people off my back. I can only afford to go back with loans but they keep pestering me for interest. It's a frustrating financial situation.

No. 1834567

I unironically like the song, not the lyrics, but the fact that it's by Iosys(I think?) makes me very nostalgic about 2010's Japanese internet songs from 2hu and such and browsing niconico without understanding the language.


No. 1834569

I couldn’t be a cop, because the body cam would catch me saying the n word whenever a suspect does some stupid shit(retarded racebaiting)

No. 1834596>>1834600>>1834603>>1834610>>1834618

File (hide): 1703972452925.jpg (472.09 KB, 1080x1783, Screenshot_20231230_163913_X.j…)

You know that Twitter post that's been getting a lot of new responses lately in regards to art that destroys you? Quite a few of them have been related to AIDS and, quite honestly, I do not care or have a shred of empathy for gay moids that had anal and spread nasty diseases. What a fucking surprise. I only have empathy for the poor women that were brought down by them.

No. 1834600>>1834610

Is that meant to show how many have aids?

No. 1834603

Why are you even on Twitter if you hate gays

No. 1834610>>1834616

>it’s a photo of the san francisco gay men’s chorus. the people in white are the original surviving members, and the people in black represent the 115 members who died of AIDS

No. 1834616

115 died of aids?
Gay scrotes get what they deserve

No. 1834618

Are we supposed to feel bad for gay men who can't be bothered to wrap it up or not sleep with strangers they meet at bars? Women with STDs would never ever get this much empathy

No. 1834624>>1834628>>1834630>>1834642>>1834648>>1834660>>1834681>>1836047

Wish we could have an imageboard exclusively for women where you had to prove you didn't have BPD to post. Imagine the quality of discussion. I feel dirty just posting in the same thread as whores like this.

No. 1834628>>1834633>>1834660

This made me chuckle. You're not wrong, some women here seem awful

No. 1834630>>1834633

You're crude but you aren't wrong.

No. 1834633>>1834644>>1834648>>1834663

Thing is I don't even care about casual sex. It's not for me but I'd not just someone for having it. It's just the disgusting situations these women seem to always find themselves in: sadist fetish 4chan boyfriends, Korean pedophiles on interpals, creepy Japanese race fetishists on some weeb trip to Tokyo, men with wives, men with girlfriends, DDLG fetishist men, drug addicted ironic weeb boys etc.

Why can't you just be normal and meet some normie on Tinder if you need to get your rocks off, or even a guy at a bar?

No. 1834642>>1834660

Some of the posters here make me feel bad for how much of a mess their lives must be, or if it's bad enough they make me feel bad for other people in their life. Like that first anon who waxed on about how the gf doesn't know… but would rather wallow in self-pity than tell the gf herself and then worry how she's going to sleep at night? Spineless behavior. Not very Stacy of her at all.

No. 1834644

I was thinking more about how the post quality would improve because there would be less suicide baiting, meltdowns and infighting.

No. 1834648

You're so real for this, because its true

No. 1834660>>1834676

meh I only think this whenever I see stuff like that one anon confessing to playing with her poop for fun a few years ago, or when anons in unpopular opinions downplay child grooming

No. 1834663>>1834667>>1834691

One thing is to be unaware of a moid's intentions but what are the chances of finding these type of degenerates and retards so consistently? it's almost like these anons got a laser like ability to find gross moids out in the wild

No. 1834667

Said it before but like attracts like. A lot of these women like these moids because they're just as porn addicted as they are in my experience. The obsession with degradation and rape fantasies are peak internet moid pandering too.

No. 1834676>>1834695

>that one anon confessing to playing with her poop for fun a few years ago
kek wasn't that this year ? maybe it was a year ago actually. i'll never forget her kek i still feel bad for the back and forth i had with her i just thought it would be funny which it was. she then started quasi-crytyping and i also remember her saying she has a habit of inhaling cleaning fumes or something. so much fun that one

No. 1834680

File (hide): 1703976394130.jpeg (332.49 KB, 640x606, 7326AF1D-D4BC-4083-8EE4-FB0980…)

You’re not gonna make me feel like it was my fault for being bullied.. All I did was have short hair and get called a lesbo and tranny, because I lived in a small town with ghetto faggots and hillbillies. And I got bullied for my appearance not my intelligence or anything so why would I bring that up?
>you’re still a bullied loser!
At least I wasn’t sitting on my high horse calling people ugly only to get fat as hell. One of the guys who used to tease me died right as soon as he got out of jail and picrel is how I felt. That’s what you get for saying I looked trans.

No. 1834681

You wouldn't be allowed to post here anyway, damaged xy.(scrotefoiling)

No. 1834691>>1834694

The ratio of trash moids to tolerable moids is about 100:1 so it's not hard at all.

No. 1834694>>1834696>>1834704

Normie trash men are just non-committal half-hearted losers. The sort of trash men farmers end up with are a lot, lot worse than this, if the cow yourself and sexual fetish threads are to be believed.

No. 1834695>>1834697>>1834705

kek that's the bag poop anon, there was some other one before that who touched her own poop directly

No. 1834696>>1834700

> Normie trash men
I don't get when anons say "normie men" what is the opposite? a 4chan, image-board dwelling scrote? I know which one I would prefer.

No. 1834697

I touched my own poop in a panic once when I thought I had worms or something but it was just because I had pineapple earlier

No. 1834700>>1834712

I'd prefer normie men too if I were forced to make a choice. I just think the same applies to women. Normal women are less promiscuous than women on here. Spending all your time on lc would have you believe the average woman had a phase where she met men on basket-weaving forums and had violent hotel sex with them, or went to Seoul to sleep with ugly Koreans. People here are abnormal and the sexual weirdness and unhealthy sexual interactions with moids reflect that.

No. 1834704>>1834708

For what purpose are you generalizig the entire userbase based on two extreme threads that are liteally made for the most outrageous posts? And no, "normie trash men" are still godawful and about one opportunity or false influence away from full blown 4chan types.

No. 1834705

I've done it a few times to see if I'm dying ngl (hard/constipated)

No. 1834708>>1834716>>1834723

>For what purpose are you generalizig the entire userbase based on two extreme threads

It's not one or two threads, or even lc, it's ten years of interacting with other women on imageboards. Not gonna pretend women here aren't trashy compared to less internet brained women just for the sake of some imagined solidarity. Imageboards just attract trashy women and borderline psychopath men.

No. 1834712>>1834713

>Normal women are less promiscuous than women on here.
I have no idea how you got that impression that’s wild

No. 1834713

There's a few genuine antisocial types who never fell for moid tricks, but there's a -lot- of BPD chans on lolcow. Look at the cows themselves, the apple doesn't fall far.

No. 1834716>>1834726

The difference is that you don't know enough women irl to even make that judgement. And I'm glad you don't, go back to your shithole to cry about us "promiscuous whores" being just as bad as your fellow incels.

No. 1834723

That anon is straight up gaslighting you kek

No. 1834726>>1834744>>1834752

>you don't know enough women irl
Other way around, I don't bother trying to make internet friends - it's pointless when you have real friends you've known your whole life. It's BPD chans like you who can't make friends with other women IRL, mainly because you are broken people who regard us all as competition shaped by a male-brained upbringing on 4chan.

As for men on 4chan: I've said before, you're made for each other. The endless stories I've seen over the years of idiots from here and elsewhere driving across multiple state lines to meet them is proof positive. Die mad about it.

No. 1834744>>1834757

>mainly because you are broken people who regard us all as competition shaped by a male-brained upbringing on 4chan.
This is exactly the opposite of the general conscious and attitude on here and smells like projection, judging by your other posts with lingo and takes indistinguishable from 4chan moids. The only thing I'm mad about is your tranny ass thinking that you don't stick out like a sore thumb.

No. 1834752>>1834764

>broken people who regard us all as competition
The few anons like that get that attitude bullied out of them within months of posting here, where have you been?

No. 1834757>>1835300

You saw yourself in the description of the average imageboard dwelling woman and got mad about it. That's why you brought out the moid accusations. As if I think imageboard men are any better. Delulu.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1834764

On 4chan's tranny board probably kek.

No. 1835293

I wish I was born a rich Japanese girl living in Tokyo

No. 1835300

As if YOURE any better kek.

No. 1836047

I wish there was a imageboard only for women who aren't male identified but that's not gonna happen because of the entire discussion sprung off from this one. Some women, call them BPD (or whatever label reflecting fucked up misogynistic behavior you want to describe them as) thrive on destroying other women then bragging about it on an anonymous women-centered imageboard under the guise of "oh no guiize" when it's absolutely adamant they know what they've done. Male identified behavior, male servicing behavior, self humiliation for men and male centering to the detriment of women as well as their own masochism are clear indicators of mental illness. It would be nice to escape this with likeminded non-retarded women but what are you gonna do?

No. 1836126>>1836236

File (hide): 1704131034258.jpg (80.05 KB, 896x987, c16518b48f992981fc911da6809363…)

>Used to watch porn since i was like 12 i think (it was hentai, fuck anime/weebs)
>Not quit because i always circle through the same stuff
>Don't think theres anything wrong
>One day realize i was watchig/masturbarting too often
>Enter a porn site anyways
>Some girls on the main vids look too young, feel creepy
>Look at the videos i was watchig and compare it with the old stuff
>It feels more exagerated
>3d shit is just deformed
>Some of it is plain agressive
>Watched something, it looked fucking dumb, might as well been posted in that /m/ thread
>Realize i've gone too far, decide to quit at the start of this month
>Readomly have dream, a documentary about sex tapes, at one point they just show agressive porn
>Wake up and realize i dreamt all those scenes
Damn my pornbrain i wish i had stopped before and hope i can stop being creepy/degenerate for this year

No. 1836236>>1836384

there's a porn recovery thread on /g/ if that might help, also my own personal advice is before you quit porn cold turkey, you have to learn to switch to genuinely romantic and "vanilla" porn and erotica, keep it downloaded on your computer if you ever get any urges, do this for a few months and when you feel your done then quit cold turkey.

No. 1836370>>1836374>>1836375>>1836377>>1841539

File (hide): 1704149680782.jpg (50.55 KB, 780x438, intro-1619266245.jpg)

When I turned 18 I married an ugly white guy I met on the internet to escape my Muslim shithole and family. It was the only way I saw out since my parents didn't have money to send me to college abroad. His family hated me from the start, but I bet they were secretly jealous that a semi-literate rat, as they called me, got to finish college on his dime and make something out of my life unlike their 33 year old dropout failson. I milked him and them for all they were worth and then dumped him once I got a job and good papers lined up. I don't feel bad, in fact I think they deserved it.

I scrubbed all my socials clean and none of the guys I dated or people I met afterwards know about it, probably never will because they will use it against me. I just tell people I came to Canada as an international student because I want to live as a free young woman and I didn't get to when I was younger. My parents also think I'm still married.

No. 1836373>>1836381

After reading Interview with a Vampire at age 10 I decided that I will find a vampire to make me immortal because I don't want to die.
Recently I started watching the new series and once again I feel like I have to find a solution. I just really can't accept death, not even aging. Like, this is supposed to be all, just this short life, limited by so many social rules? I know it sounds insane but back then already I told myself that one day I will find one…

No. 1836374>>1836382>>1836385

based, he was chasing teens in bad situations and got what he deserved.

No. 1836375>>1836382>>1836385

You sound repulsive, I hope you get extradited back to the shithole you belong.

No. 1836377>>1836385

nice to see a nona succeeding, I'm happy for you!

No. 1836381

I want to be a vampire too nonnie

No. 1836382>>1836385

This is probably the same retarded anon trying to start an infight. But it sounds like he deserved it nona, I’m glad you’re in a safer country now

No. 1836384>>1837427

I wanted to post there but i didnt wanna necro, lol
I really don't want to watch anything porn related tbh but if i get horny i'll just masturbate with some fanfic or use my imagination (surprisingly my fantasies arent aggresive unlike the content i watched)

No. 1836385>>1836393>>1836399>>1836400

I won't, I have permanent residency and a relatively high income. Seethe, scrote.
Thanks nonnies. I actually used to be wrecked with guilt until I saw how his family and friends were painting a middle class white man in his thirties as some innocent little lamb who got manipulated by an "evil" teenager with basically no rights. I've never even been particularly pretty, I was just young. I'm late twenties now and feel disgusted just thinking about someone my age or older marrying a teenager. In my home country it's sadly normal.

No. 1836393>>1836404

Not a scrote, just hate to see opportunist roaches. Hopefully he raped you daily to make up for it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1836399

Bless you nonna, I hope you have a wonderful life in maple leaf land and may your ex husband fall into an ice fishing hole in fortnite

No. 1836400

Happy you got out of that situation and can live life how you want now

No. 1836404>>1836405>>1836408

Not convinced. And just to make you seethe more, he didn't. We barely had sex after the one year mark, he just begged me for it and I ignored him kek(dont respond to bait)

No. 1836405>>1836415

nonny please don't reply to scrotes they get off on the attention. what's been your fave thing about Canada so far?

No. 1836408>>1836410

Good for you. Just know that there are people around you who detest you and view you as the subhuman parasite you are. You are not welcome.

No. 1836410>>1836412


No. 1836412

Love to see men being mutilated, please post more. <3(emoji)

No. 1836415>>1836421

Sorry nonna, I was gonna let it slide but just couldn't help it after he said "I hope he raped you daily".
So far it's been
>nature in the summer
>nice people
>Canadian dentists
>cons and manga in English
>Christmas and Thanksgiving

No. 1836421

TIL the Canadian word for donut hole, absolutely delightful!

No. 1836447

File (hide): 1704154268192.jpg (201.46 KB, 1000x1000, 1000005591.jpg)

I want some of this specific bubblegum because of the smell, I want to make all of my bags smell like this bubblegum, I don't even care that much about the flavor, whenever I have some of it, I just cut it in half and save the other half so it keeps making my bags smell nice.
Sadly though, this shit is too expensive in my country so I can't buy it all of the time, it's literally the ultimate little treat.
I also can't stand those perfumes that smell like bubblegum because it's not the same as when you have a pack of bubblegum in your bag.

No. 1836543>>1836560>>1836600>>1836856

I feel like a bad mom. I’m 23 and dropped out of college when i got married (I got pregnant shortly after). I was a mess (anxious, depressed, literally diagnosed with bpd) and thought falling in love would fix my issues. It feels terrible to say this on here (idk where else to post, i’ve been on here for years now) but I’m actually happy for the first time ever. I don’t feel anxious or depressed but I think that’s because I’m at home 95% of the time so I don’t have to interact with strangers or people I dislike (which is why I was so anxious and depressed in the first place). This isn’t some shitty conservative SAHM propaganda i promise, I just had to get this out. I woke up feeling terrible today. I’m scared my daughter will inherit my anxiety/depression/BPD/overall mess. I’ve never had these kind of thoughts before but it just hit me today. Now I feel selfish and terrible. Idk if I’m going crazy or not. Even though I’m happy I’m worried she’ll inherit my bad traits/illnesses or they’ll rub off on her since I’m the one looking after her most of the time. I don’t know what kickstarted this but I feel terrible all of a sudden.

No. 1836560>>1836596>>1836694

Wow the anon talking about most women being trashy on imageboards was right.(infighting)

No. 1836596>>1837031

Nta, but did saying this make you feel better? Do you feel more superior than someone writing their confession in the confession thread? Kinda pathetic of you, not gonna lie.

No. 1836599>>1836602>>1836639

File (hide): 1704169608663.jpeg (236.5 KB, 750x772, IMG_5896.jpeg)

I once wrote a confession that nonas did not like and they all told me to kms. There was just one solitary balanced and not straight out of the gate aggressive reply. I will never forget you nonny.

No. 1836600>>1836630>>1836987

Anon, I may not be in your position but I believe that as long as you're able to protect, care, and provide for your daughter then you're a good mother. Are you beating her, verbally abusing her? Do you not take care of her properly? If not, then you're fine. Worrying about your daughter inheriting any mental illnesses is a warranted and understandable fear and the future is unstable and unpredictable so I won't say that there's no chance that she will inherit those things but at the very least if she does so long as you can be someone she can trust in, rely on, and confide into then she'll at the very least not be alone in suffering with said issues and have someone she can rely on when things get too tough. As long as you can be the best that you can be as a mother, than that's all that matters.

No. 1836602>>1836606>>1836623

Shit like that is why I don't really contribute to the thread. Anons beg for some juicy confessions, but never seem ready to handle them.

No. 1836606>>1836623

When anons say that it's always legitimately disturbing posts, ie the anon who lied and said a female teacher threw a desk at her for no particular reason other than thar she didn't like her, and the teacher got charged and lost her job. The anon still didn't take responsibility and blamed the adults for "listening to a kid". She wasn't a little kid either.

No. 1836623

Obviously it begs the question what the confession was, and I know it’s annoying to not post it again if I’ve said I got dogpiled but don’t want to go through that again kek. For what it’s worth I wasn’t desk anon or didn’t victimise anyone or break any laws I just had some deviant fantasy. Anyway that was legit 2+ years ago and I still think about the riled nonnies except for that one nona

No. 1836630>>1836631

This whole post is nightmare fuel kek

No. 1836631>>1836635>>1836638

No. 1836635

Ignore the catty fag moid.

No. 1836638>>1836647

Just the condescending tone and unwanted advice like people don't wanna be fixed here they just wanna talk about their shit or whine. You're not a therapist and this isn't a doctors office

No. 1836639

Was it the hamster one

No. 1836647>>1836658

My bad, I genuinely didn't mean to be condescending. I kind of related to the fears that Anon had and accidentally went off.

No. 1836658>>1836661

ok gold star for you

No. 1836661>>1836663

Thanks, I'll put it on right now.

No. 1836663


No. 1836694>>1837031

File (hide): 1704182712015.jpeg (30.31 KB, 470x360, 6DE55B1E-3E27-457B-A9C0-483BB6…)

>These retarded animalistic broodmare hens need to get back in their barn to shit out more of their scrote’s crotchgoblins!

No. 1836698

I actually like my stretch marks but I hate my cellulite so much. Making my otherwise perfectly okay ass look like congealed porridge.

No. 1836795>>1836867

my 3d husbando died when I was 7 (vidrel, michael was stolen from us) and pierce brosnan is married but I somehow ended up with a Nigel who looks like the both of them had a son and I unironically sometimes think the universe is a very funny weird loving mother who just wants the best for us all. I'd never confess this because male ego and also that's assuming the universe cares which is ~cringe~ but idk. I think she does.

No. 1836803

i liked owning hamsters because their life span isn't long. my life only seems to be stable for a bit before something bad happens. it makes me feel like i will never be able to own a long life pet. their short life span also makes me sad because every time we become buddies they pass away from old age. overall a huge double edge sword.

No. 1836856>>1836987

Just your natural anxiety talking you’ll be okay. Glad you’re happy at home nona don’t listen to the weird haters. You probably should go to therapy, not even for meds just to work through some of your anxiety. anxiety is treatable but it’s a horrible nightmare if left untreated and your kid absolutely will pick up on it

No. 1836867>>1836879

I watched a few documentaries about his death lately and they would mention how that knock to the head he got affected his sense of smell. Some of them were talking about how he loved the scent of a woman and missed it and I was like.. are they saying what I think they're saying. Did not sound like they were just talking about perfume.

No. 1836879

he couldn't taste or smell. food, a woman's scent, anything. paula yates spread all the shit about the auto-erotic shit cause she was the cause of his suicide. a moid I will stick up for unless I'm proven actually wrong.
not to be tmi (on lolcor farms of all places) but men love the woman smell. my nigel can smell when I'm ovulating kek and he's 98% right

No. 1836961>>1836968

Got so drunk last night I started snacking on my cats kibble. They eat fancy $8/lb Royal Canin prescription kibble so it tastes pretty good.

No. 1836968>>1836973

Describe the flavor and texture pls

No. 1836973>>1836977>>1837074>>1837438

Crunchy but not hard, just a satisfying amount of crunch. Flavor not overwhelming, no bitter aftertaste like cheap kibble has, slight chicken flavor. The first three ingredients are brewers rice, hydrolyzed soy protein, and chicken fat.

No. 1836977>>1836985

Thanks, but
>no bitter aftertaste like cheap kibble has
Have you only had two kinds of kibble or more?

No. 1836985

Every type of dry cat food I’ve ever fed my cats I have also eaten some of. Just a little QC I do. Cheap kibble tastes like the parts of fish you’re not supposed to eat or like it’s made out of stuff that was swept up off the floor (it probably was)

No. 1836987

Thank you. You weren’t condescending at all so I’m not sure why someone would say that. Your words made me feel better so I’m grateful, thank you. I’m not hurting her in any way, I just wonder if she can sense my anxiety when we go out and I’m scared she may end up like me (like very shy and anxious around others). I’ve never had these thoughts before so I’m just surprised and a bit upset by it all. Thank you again.
Thank you for your kind words. I think therapy would be a good idea because I can’t hide away at home forever. Her picking up on it is my biggest fear so I’ll definitely look for a therapist in my area. Thank you.

No. 1837031

Nothing pathetic about witnessing trashy retarded deleterious behavior in women then commenting on it being trashy. Cope.

>Projecting misogyny spew
Die mad, it's incredibly pathetic to enable retarded uncritical behavior in women you're why feminism is where it is now. This is benevolent sexism and just straight up misogyny, kek. Ground yourself in reality pathetic handmaidens.

No. 1837074>>1837078

I can't help but imagine you as that crunchy cat on YouTube now.

No. 1837078

Wow, I wish! that would be amazing I’m flattered kek

No. 1837153

wealthy people bragging about their accomplishments like they mean anything always piss me off. even if you fail, your parents are there to back you up, and after they die you'll just get even richer – fuck off. you don't know how the world works

No. 1837160>>1837245

My bestie is a hardcore fujo shipper (like the torture rape kind) and I secretly think it's a really gross kink to have but I still love her so I will never tell her lol

No. 1837188

I have embraced to being a consoomer. All of last year I tried to stop but it did not really work. Besides, I have no and will never have kids or a spouse or anything.

No. 1837191>>1837337

I'm about to hang out platonically with my ex who broke up with me 3 days ago. Not even going to justify anything, I know I'm an idiot

No. 1837245

That's sweet of you, nonnie. You're a good friend

No. 1837337>>1837375>>1837421>>1837434

Yeah that was a mistake.

No. 1837351>>1837420>>1837957

File (hide): 1704241692291.png (432.16 KB, 600x700, IMG_7106.png)

i'm a reverse weeaboo in that i genuinely love and favor japanese fashion and music but i have next to 0 respect for its people ( as a whole not individuals ) and culture, my pettiest opinion is that i really don't think the language is that beautiful. i justify it in the asian-american way ( even though i'm not ) with my southeast asian ethnicity as in, whenever i remember that comfort women from my country and family were a thing i can't help but fucking hate them and i lose respect. i only like them on the surface pretty much. yeah i'm an appropriator i guess because i otherwise don't appreciate them kek i just like what they produce i do think the country has the most amazing curators and artists. i know a big part of this is resentful copium though so you don't need to tell me about it. i'm not vocal about it anywhere at all anyway. kind of hope their birth rates plummet completely until someone figures out what to do with their degenerate moids but that will never happen unfortunately due to fetishists of different varieties, and of course normies unaware of what their actions entail. it's too radically idealist anyway kek

No. 1837371>>1837389

I'm honestly amazed by how shitty are the habits of the regular internet user. But tbh, I also think it may be just attentionwhoring, but like, imagine saying that your head hurts everyday, that you either never sleep or sleep for a whole ass day, and that you never drink a drop of water is normal at all, or even worse, quirky.
I just don't get what makes people either admit to have such a shit lifestyle or to lie about having a shit lifestyle as if that was cool or cute at all.
I guess this is what happens when you're just too out of the loop with the internet, I'm honestly considering deleting my social media yet again because I can't with the weird begging for attention to random strangers.
Like, I get trying to get the attention of your close friends or family, it's nice when you get some soup or a "get well soon" gif of a cute bear, but even talking about your day with random people feels weird to me.

No. 1837375>>1837433

It always is. Same thing happened to me 3 weeks ago. Time will pass and you’ll feel better

No. 1837389

>what makes people admit to or lie about having a shit lifestyle as if that was cool or cute
they don't have any real problems or don't want to work on fixing them so they roleplay as the sickest saddest most frail girls for attention on the internet. proana scumbags and munchie cows are the end result of extreme attention whoring after all.

No. 1837414

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Sometimes I really want to give advice on /g/ despite not being qualified.

No. 1837420

I kinda relate. Japanese are polite but definitely not kind. They have major societal rot behind a forced smile and bow. I'll never idolize them above the rest of Asia like most of the world does.

No. 1837421>>1837433

Girl. You knew it was before you even did it.

No. 1837427

It's not necro if it's a legit post, especially on a non-cow thread. It's using the threads correctly

No. 1837433

Thanks, nona. You're right. I hope you're doing well.

Yeah, I did. I think I actually needed to do it because I was deluding myself about the situation and I needed a hit of reality.

No. 1837434

glad I told the piece of shit moid that left me we can't be friends. They're shit and you deserve better nonnie.

No. 1837438>>1837710

I'm no cat expert but this ingredient list makes me uncomfortable. Good thing I feed my cat actual chicken and beef.

No. 1837710>>1837715>>1837749

It’s a prescription hypoallergenic food because one of my cats developed a food allergy when he was about 6 years old (out of fucking nowhere!) and normal animal proteins make him break out in bumps, lick all his fur off from itchiness, and scratch holes in his face. The alternative to the special food is steroids which would wreck his body. My hands are tied, he gets the weird rice and soyboy food now.

No. 1837715

My cat is allergic to like, everything, even the “hypoallergenic” cat foods are a no go because chicken fat fucks him up, gluten fucks him up, soy and corn fuck him up. Almost all animal proteins fuck him up except one type, RABBIT. I feel sad feeding my cats bunny meat but it’s the only thing that he can eat without violent and often bloody diarrhea.

No. 1837741>>1837745

Ever since I started reading the consoomerism thread I side-eye anybody who says pink is their favorite color.

No. 1837745>>1837770

Log off.

No. 1837749

Oh my bad. That's sad to hear. But it's a good thing he has you to rescue him.

No. 1837754

it's so ironic that i initially said "transphobes never come here" wrt to my small internet hobby only for ME to peak hard. i hope time vindicates me soon, because i am getting exhausted of all these people treating trans like it's a personality trait. "oooh my characters are trans and i'm trans and everything's sooooo queer xD" then you look at the person behind the screen and it's LITERALLY a straight woman. "any pronouns" masc online but you are conventionally feminine and have two kids. tras are so fucking stupid.

No. 1837770

You can't log off an imageboard, newfag

No. 1837951>>1837965>>1837970

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been chatting with a moid, with a lot of red flags, but he is somewhat similarly fucked in the head like me and i probably should've blocked him like a long time ago, but still I can't help feeling attracted to him. Why am i like this?

No. 1837954

I used to be so boy crazy that I would fantasize about being homeless with a cute boy or living in a store with some cute boy,

No. 1837957

No. 1837965>>1837971

Wrong thread nonnie the husbando thread is in g. drop the body pillow and take your meds

No. 1837970

I'm in the same boat, nona.

No. 1837971

lmao i wish I was on meds or even a body pillow, I'm so alone

No. 1837979>>1838121

I wish I could shut off feelings of attraction forever. I've psyched myself out of RL men but I still have an online moid that I have regrettably fell for. He's not the best person in the world, but he's far from the worst. I am so lonely, he has no idea I feel this way for him. For better or for worse, I am not his type. I am almost harboring a hatred for him now, even though in no world would our relationship last romantically. If I could stop feeling this way I would be free of worry.

No. 1838020>>1838086

Too scared to try streaming for fun (my job pays v well, I just want to try it as a side hobby because I love playing all kinds of games when I have the free time and I love good stories/art) bc I don’t want to be forced to be nice to troons or act like I give a shit about them without some horrendous shit occurring. I feel some sympathy for all the sad girls who have been brainwashed or abused into that mindset, but these fucking nasty pedo scrotes acting like they HAVE to be respected as real women (they’re not and never will be) because of their fetish/porn addictions would drive me insane. I don’t think I could tolerate it, same reason why I gotta stay out of the TIF thread because it makes me wanna alog so bad. I’d love to be a casual streamer without face cam that just plays a game and doesn’t really give a shit about the chat, but these days I’m scared of getting doxxed because I refuse to call a pathetic impotent man in a skirt a real woman. I wish there was a streaming site just for women where I could do this safely and not have to pander to assholes I don’t agree with & never will. Anyways I hate TIFs and hope they all rot.

No. 1838081

My favorite thing is to witness BPD moids getting their just desserts. I love seeing them have their little retard hissyfits then getting dogpiled and even having their lives and livelihoods ruined by the internet brigade. God it's so satisfying. Every moid at their very core is a BPDfag and all it takes is a little pushing to get them to totally fuck up. Love to see it.

No. 1838086>>1838092

You are putting the cart before the horse there. Like 99% of people streaming right this momment will never have more than a dozen or two watchers at a time.

Getting some creepy stalker that i can't shu away and tries to dox me would worry me more than wondering what if i was popular and had to do PR

No. 1838092>>1838104

Nona that’s what I’m trying to say. I worry that the few people who might watch me might be one of those. I don’t care about being popular or drawing ad rev, I don’t need it, I just want to be able to stream without humoring with trannies, and I feel like that’s impossible rn. Imagine paying someone to mod for you and telling them to kick troons? I doubt that would pan out well. I don’t know. Have you streamed before? I’d love any advice regarding this

No. 1838104>>1838117

But thats not an issue if your audience is 5 random people who drop in an out. People with thousands of watchers who milk money from it have to suck the tranny dick and be corporate PC about it but you can just do whatever and ignore it. You are not employed by a content farm who needs their ESG good boy points.

In fact when the whole Hogwarts Legacy fiasco happened a lot of smaller streamers and vtubers benefited from making trannies mad since more people sided with them and normies really don't give a shit about troon screeching either way but the controversy boosted their engagement.

No. 1838117

That’s a good point! Maybe it’s just anxiety getting to me.

No. 1838121

Just because you're not his type, it doesn't mean anything. Men say their type and end up with somebody completely opposite. Many such cases.

No. 1838123>>1838128

A lot of complaints anons have about zoomer's social skills apply to me even though I'm a millennial, my social skills are worse than theirs actually. I don't even have an excuse like them because I was forced into more social situations than they were and at an earlier age, spent slightly less time on screens, wasn't even allowed a phone at all until age 22 and barely used it anyway, yet I still ended up being ten times more retarded than the average zoomer and can't do basic shit like respond when a stranger greets me or asks something, can't make phone calls, ask for ketchup, or make eye contact. Many people irl think I have a legit disability and I'm starting to think they're right.

No. 1838128>>1838130

Same but I'm a young millennial/zillennial/whatever. I feel like "zoomers" has become a catch-all term for anyone below 30, while "millennial" is shorthand for lazy gamer parents and Reddit men in their 30s-40s who were in their 20s when Buzzfeed and Kylie Jenner were at their peak. I'm tired of reading about millennials this millennials that and it never includes anyone born after 1991.

No. 1838130>>1838134>>1838587

aren’t the oldest zoomers, like, 28 though?

No. 1838133

Every generation that grew up with social media is cursed. Millenials , zoomers and now gen alpha is simply three diferent age groups that have been used as guinea pigs for Big Tech and their psy ops

No. 1838134>>1838587

No, those are still millennials.

No. 1838587>>1838590

Depending on which definition you use, the oldest now are between 27 and 29.

Among older adults and mainstream media they still seem to use millenial for supposedly lazy students aged 20 to 30 and zoomer for literal children tho, while in reality zoomers are very much adults and millenials are often 40+.

No. 1838590>>1838592>>1838595

my nigel is an university professor and zoomers are the laziest bitches in the universe. they can't stop delivering actual garbage churned on chatgpt or simply asking to extend deadlines.

No. 1838592>>1838597

Wait what? Zoomers actually use AI to write their homework for them? I thought that was just a meme, but what did I expect kek

No. 1838595>>1838600

Just out of curiosity, what would make you want to date a professor? They all date and sleep with their students

No. 1838597

no, he had to actually tell 3 students last semester to write their essays or they would fail the course because the entire body of the essays were written by AI, through just giving it the studying material and asking it to write an essay about it. usually students write the essays then run chatgpt to "improve" the quality of the writing which makes it extremely clockable because it has a lot of terms it likes using which are very uncanny and has words literally nobody says but since they're still original texts technically he has to let it fly otherwise half of the class would get a 0.

No. 1838600>>1838602

he actually never meets his students irl except for like twice a year or something. would be funny if he was cheating on me with some zoomer student and she replied erotica written in chatgpt kek I'd gladly leave him for that, have fun with your illiterate cocomelon retards.

No. 1838602>>1838606

>have fun with your illiterate cocomelon retards
KEKK true, imagine cheating on your girlfriend for a zoomer that needs a fucking bot to write her homework, he'd be a retard himself

No. 1838606>>1838607

he would be ruining his own career to the point he would have to move to USA to work on some retarded diploma mill because that's the only place he would be hired. I also have access to his student lists and could easily find myself a zoomer to cheat back on him while his career is on fire. it can get bad for me, but it can get terrible for him.

No. 1838607>>1838608

but you'd be touching a zoomer, ew

No. 1838608>>1838617

some zoomers are cute, they're probably all pornsick though. I've been to some university events and they sometimes talk to me thinking I'm a student, it warms my cold heart.

No. 1838617>>1838625>>1838636>>1838641

You are basically a pedo. They might be in their 20s but zoomers are mentally 12.

No. 1838625>>1838628>>1838633

do you cry about age gaps all the time or only when it's women lusting after younger men?

No. 1838628

I was assuming that anon was being sarcastic. If they're serious, then…

No. 1838633>>1838659

>fr fr bussing no cap imma ask chatgtp ngl
enjoy functionally illeterate porn addicts

No. 1838636>>1841530

Fucking a zoomer's not immoral, they have more in common with amoebas than they do with children. They're barely sentient, occasionally handsome dildoes. Getting in a relationship in one would be far more questionable kek

No. 1838641

No offense but how old are you?

No. 1838659

This is my thing, age gaps are fine but do you HEAR zoomers speak. God. How can you deal with that. Just in general though being interested in someone still reliant on their parents is a little cringe-inducing to me.

No. 1838672>>1838680>>1838687>>1838702>>1838707>>1838807>>1838822>>1838849

Overweight/obese people make me very uncomfortable. For some reason I can’t comprehend that someone could lack the ability to control how much they eat and it makes me nauseous. Like it feels primitive and animalistic. I think I might have some form of ARFID though so my views on food are different and might play a part in it. But sometimes I genuinely will not want to be around someone simply because they’re not thin. Of course I can’t say this out loud so I end up distancing myself from certain people for seemingly no reason.

This isn’t a troll or bait so I hope it doesn’t come across that way kek but I obviously can’t express this anywhere else so.

No. 1838680>>1838687

I used to be like this when I was extremely restrictive and I regret it a lot. I now feel like I dehumanized an entire group of people over something that had nothing to do with me and was arbitrary in the grand scheme of my life, and I wish I could get back the time I spent agonizing about my body actually experiencing life through the lens of a normal-ish person and not someone disgusted by different aspects of humanity

No. 1838687>>1838689>>1838726>>1838851>>1838859

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This is mental illness jsyk. You're letting a whole group of people who are minding their business affect you mentally, you must be an anachan or male. Like many people said on this side ad nauseam, "just eat less" and muh thermodynamics is an oversimplification of a complicated metabolic process parroted by gross Reddit gymbros and terminally online losers. You're getting your panties in a twist over what, some fat strawman that you assigned all these negative personality traits but you don't know what their life is like?
>Of course I can’t say this out loud so I end up distancing myself from certain people for seemingly no reason.
Good, they're much better off.
Some of my friends are fat and my sister just had a baby and is having trouble dropping the weight. None of them are morbidly obese, only sis is proper fat and not due to her own "laziness". You'd think they are gross smelly deathfats from the way some people here think most fat people are, and not just random women who either have hormone issues, are depressed or whatever other issue that's none of your business. Funny how women who stop eating because of depression are given sympathy but comfort eaters are piled on for being "lazy". It's also funny to me that anas think these women don't already 1) know they're fat, and 2) aren't trying actively to lose weight. I don't give a shit if they're "not doing it right" either, you're calling them lazy and implying they're making excuses when they're not. If losing weight was that easy there wouldn't be a massive weight loss industry preying on people.
I'm tired of gross racist moids and anachans making it out to be some moral failure to be fat as if women don't get picked on for their bodies enough and told "no excuses" for just existing wrong. Being so obsessed with fat people that you can't help but retch at the mention of them and a-log online is an even bigger moral failure, and sign that you need a hobby that isn't bodychecking and smelling like death from all the puking and starvation. I'm so tired of fatties this fatties that.

No. 1838689

>sign that you need a hobby that isn't bodychecking and smelling like death from all the puking and starvation
kek get them skellies, nonna. I'm so tired of the anorexic hivemind in this imageboard.

No. 1838702

I know how you feel. Most people are fat though so of course you’re going to get attacked for it

No. 1838707

Genuinely anon, I hope you get better soon. It sucks to have arbitrary walls and preconceived prejudice that distance you from others and I hope that gets better for you.

No. 1838726>>1838741>>1838743>>1838810

I don’t know why you’re using quotation marks for “laziness” and the like when I never mentioned those things. I don’t think they’re making excuses - I mean there are fat people that don’t want to lose weight, so they don’t need any. They just make me uncomfortable is all. And to clarify I never specified fat women, fat men tend to be worse since they’re more likely to have bad hygiene too. It’s not to do with the preconceived social notions people have about larger people, it is the fatness itself and/or the eating habits I see. I hate hearing people eat in general but if I hear a fat person chewing their food (even worse if it’s something copious and greasy) I genuinely do feel sick. It’s almost a physical reaction.
> I'm tired of gross racist moids and anachans making it out to be some moral failure to be fat as if women don't get picked on for their bodies enough
What does racism have to do with this? If you’re trying to start with the African-Americans are naturally fat card I’m black (although not American) and think that’s ridiculous. And not just women are fat.

No. 1838741

>I hate hearing people eat in general. It’s almost a physical reaction.
Have you looked into misophonia nonnie? What you're describing is practically textbook to it.

No. 1838743

I mentioned racism because the venn diagram of racist men and men making fun of fat people is a circle, and they used to congregate in the same circles and use the same talking points before their online spaces got banned.

No. 1838807

They're essentially junkies, sugar is addictive. Now imagine people who have been fed nothing but garbage in their developing ages or even ever since they're born. It's not as easy as hurr durr just put down the fork just stop eating when their brains and psyche have been trained to react to junk food for decades. For the same reason even people who loose half their body weight end up gaining it back. Those people don't lack discipline, they just didn't tackle every aspect of their previous obesity. That includes the psychological like using food to cope, having internalized getting punished for not eating up plates completely etc etc. Everytime I see a parent stuffing their toddler with candy to get it to stop crying, I have to hold myself back from alogging.

No. 1838810

Meh I don't fault or hate fat people, I have quite a lot of sympathy for them. That said I think it's natural to find the morbidly obese ones a bit uncanny/abnormal, because they are. It's not a healthy or normal situation situation for a body to be in, it's a metabolic disease and diseased people tend to instinctually revolt us a bit. Seems like we have confessions/unpopular opinions like yours fairly frequently tho

No. 1838822

I have been weird with food since I was little, I don't eat much variety but I get my essential sustenance. When I turned 30 a few years ago I noticed my metabolism had slowed down a bit and I had a very active job which helped. The days where I'm literally doing nothing but sofa surfing I reduce what I'm eating a lot. I hate when I'm around other people and they comment I'm not keeping up with them but I eat until I'm full. If I have food left I save them as leftovers I never throw food away but I have had people try and make me finish food when I'm uncomfortable or keep offering me food and it gets annoying to keep declining. I'm an adult I literally know when I'm hungry and would like to eat something. I can't fathom the people that can push through that full feeling and keep eating past it. I don't know if when you're slimmer you need to shit more because your organs don't have the same capacity as a large person but literally one of my friends eats so much if I ate as much as her I'd be needing to shit around the clock to cope.

No. 1838827>>1838831>>1839981>>1840010

Idk why anons have to get up in arms about fat people. Skinny people are gross too, and even fatties hate them i.e.
>kek get them skellies, nonna. I'm so tired of the anorexic hivemind in this imageboard.

No. 1838829>>1838858

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I hope I can finally be skinny so I can wear cute clothes and feel happy. I've been doing everything to lose weight and it's been the worst shit ever, I could only think about how I wanted to kill myself everyday because life really feels like shit when your hormones are messed up and when you just know that everyone thinks that you look disgusting no matter how you pose yourself or how much you cover yourself.
But now I'm excited, I'm finally losing weight, I'm also a bit angry at myself for not figuring out that it was a hormonal issue and that of course I wasn't going to lose weight by not eating, all I did was fuck up my metabolism and hormones even more.
I can't wait to be able to buy clothes that are cute, wear skirts and bikinis, and like, it's funny how I don't even have ugly clothes, I don't really consider most of my stuff ugly, I just think that everything looks definitely better when you're skinny. Most of the inspiration I have saved are just plain dresses, pants with blouses or sweaters or maybe the occasional medium length skirt or kawiwi clothes that I consider to be more like costumes than actual clothes I would wear outside.
I just know that I could easily put on this exact outfit in my right size, and everyone would think I look sloppy and boring because being skinny is the best accessory.

No. 1838831

I mean greed and overconsumption is an issue in this world. Humans have fucked up eating habits that are a detriment to themselves. Food = fuel. If you're doing fuck all do you really need a high sugar fatty diet

No. 1838849

When I see a fat kid I get uncomfortable because here is a kid who was probably abused or neglected and is gonna be dealing with issues

No. 1838851

>Funny how women who stop eating because of depression are given sympathy but comfort eaters are piled on for being "lazy"
agreed. i also wonder how people expect comfort eaters to get better when you constantly add to their depression which in turn makes them eat more. it's the exact same thing as laughing at fat people who go to the gym because they are finally doing something to get better but it's sooo funny because they are fat and working out! this isn't omelas and fat people aren't the abandoned child in the basement that has to suffer so everyone else feels great about themselves. also weird how it's preferably fat women who are demonized, as if women's bodies don't hold on to fat easier than moid bodies. stress also adds to higher cholesterol which leads to weight gain - and who is most stressed in this world? probably women who have to juggle work, parenting, household chores and some crusty moid who doesn't lift a finger. literally how pathetic do you have to be proud of being skinneigh. next you're gonna go to a domestic abuse shelter and tell the women there that you are sooo proud that you never got hit by your nigel.

No. 1838858>>1838876>>1838888>>1839200

the leg lengthening obsession in fashion is dumb, she looks like a shoujo character. wish men would embarrass themselves like this.

No. 1838859

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>You're letting a whole group of people who are minding their business affect you mentally(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1838872

I judge all books by their cover and will not buy them if it looks like one of those novels you'd buy at 3am at a train station while waiting for the next train coming in an hour as the one that was supposed to come 36 minutes ago got delayed, even if they sound interesting. I'll rather wait three weeks until the version with the prettier cover gets shipped.

No. 1838876

Good news! There are men doing this and it’s kind of hilarious watching them wobble around with crutches while they wait for the bone to heal, ridiculous. It is a solution that many incels should consider though, if they want to reach chad dimensions anyway. Jaw fillers and the like are all well and good but they need to get their height up.

No. 1838879

I hope the anons who genuinely disparage generations (boomer, zoomer, whatever) are just being hyperbolic and not actually retarded enough to think being born within a 20 year window gives you immutable traits

No. 1838888>>1838893

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there was a candidate on germany's next top model who did this to herself as well.

No. 1838893

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No. 1839129

I started playing degrees of lewdity and I masturbated like 6 times in one day

No. 1839183>>1839186

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More like guilty pleasure but I love that stupid ~sleek~ hairstyle. I've gotten compliments on 4th day hair by doing this and it's a way to get my bangs out of my face without clips or pins.

No. 1839186>>1839291

I think you're just pretty

No. 1839200

But they are though.

No. 1839246>>1839433>>1839457>>1839467>>1839485

A large section of my lower intestine is telescoped in on itself, found out about it when I ended up in the ER on Christmas for it in 2022 without medical insurance bc I couldn’t keep solids down without retching or intense pain (my old job didn’t offer insurance). I am getting to the point where I can barely eat anymore without getting sick or ending up in the bathroom for hours all because I’m too scared to have a stupid fucking operation. I have horrible white coat syndrome and it’s retarded of me. For context I’ve been injured in sports many times (I played on a scholarship in college and started said sportsball when I was 7 doing competitive club leagues). I have split my face open so bad and so many times I’ve had over 30 stitches in it alone. Have a huge eyebrow scar that makes me feel ugly and one through my bottom lip and across my chin. I’ve had four serious concussions where I was unconscious, staples in the back of my head. Fractured my ankle twice from working out so often to stay competitive. I’m not even orthorexic, I just wanted to make my parents proud and be on a starting line up so they’d forgive my interests in art and writing, which they considered to be a waste (they were right as I have no natural talent but enjoy it unfortunately). These things were worth not having to take many loans in college, but fuck, I really don’t want more scars. I feel like a monster even though I’d never look twice at someone else having them, if anything, I’d think they’re tough & sexy on other people, but for me, it just makes me feel masculine and unfeminine. I want to be able to enjoy food again, maybe have a drink once in a blue moon, and if I don’t get the procedure done this year, there’s a solid chance it can kill me. The Dr’s that found it on the scans of my insides described it as having a time bomb in my gut. It’s making me look gaunt and exhausted no matter how much I rest before work. I know I need to just fucking pony up and schedule the surgery once my insurance kicks in next month through my employer. I hate admitting that something like this scares me because it’s so stupid.

No. 1839291

Yup, only pretty girls can pull this off

No. 1839433

I understand the surgery anxiety but you will literally DIE without it, be brave nonna you can do it!!!

No. 1839439

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Happy birthday. I thought about getting you a little cake or some flowers and going to visit, but the bond we had just can't be repaired. I wish you well.

No. 1839457

File (hide): 1704412507242.png (30.21 KB, 203x155, 131204878.png)

this sounds horrible and i can't believe you've been living like this for so long. you've been incredibly strong for a long time so i hope you can muster up enough strength just one more time to schedule your surgery as soon as possible. you can do it, nonna, and you will feel so much better afterwards. think about all the delicious food you'll get to enjoy! i believe in you!!

No. 1839467

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Anon, please schedule the surgery ASAP. You've gone through so so much and if anything it's proof you can handle a surgery like that. You're going to be ok, please don't be afraid.

No. 1839485

Nona, I had this problem in 2020 and it was considered a medical emergency. I had to have emergency surgery that evening to have this handled. At any point, your intestine can perforate and you can easily die from sepsis. I waited for days before going to the emergency room and they couldn't believe I waited that long.

You need to have surgery as soon as possible. You cannot live with an obstruction until next month. You need to have surgery right now, unless you have a long history of this happening and resolving itself (but it doesn't sound like you do).

I was afraid before my surgery but I did not get an ostomy or anything, they resected the intestine and I was in the hospital for a couple weeks to recover. I wasn't given any choice to schedule or delay the surgery. As it is, what they removed was already necrotic. It was already ready to perforate.

This condition in adults is usually caused by a benign or malignant mass, but in my case it was endometriosis as the lead point. Please ask me any questions you have and get this done NOW because the bills and difficulties from having sepsis or straight-up dying are a lot worse. Why on earth did they not keep you at the hospital or admit you immediately, wtf.

No. 1839607

I tried to be internet famous. Embarrassing

No. 1839640>>1839795

I hate my stupid, dumb, retarded, piece of crap, idiot, ridiculous bain for having unkillable lust for a bad person. Driving two people to suicide attempts 1 successful should be enough to not find them sexy anymore for anyone who isn't retarded, brain dead, imbecilic, vile, wicked, foul, immoral, disgusting, half-witted, d

No. 1839737>>1839896

I killed a fish and pretended I didn’t

No. 1839795>>1840221

Oh I know exactly how you feel. Just remember you're attracted to their looks and not the vile person they actually are. Right? Right?

No. 1839796>>1839897>>1839906>>1839928>>1839931>>1839942>>1839965

I view people wearing masks as subhuman and avoid interacting with them, I actually hate looking at them and how they motionlessly stare back with nothing visible but eyes when talking to them

No. 1839873>>1839880

I just wasted my Friday i’m going to be sleeping all day because I stayed up all night reading bad fanfiction.

No. 1839880

Fanfiction is already inherently cringe and bad, imagine reading bad BAD fanfiction

No. 1839896

Context? Because you just sound special needs

No. 1839897

Oooh you're soooooo badass

No. 1839906

gonna take my mask off near you and cough a nasty snot out

No. 1839928>>1839955

Girl some of us are wearing masks still because we’re ugly

No. 1839931>>1839955

This has to be a male cause this is such a random reason to harbor such vitriol towards others.

No. 1839942>>1839968

That's good since the main reason I wear a mask is so people can stop talking to me and stepping on the back of my heal in line.

No. 1839955>>1839971

Not male, cope
And I disrespect you for that. You care about beauty standards. Lol

No. 1839965>>1839973

I haven't seen anyone in a mask in ages. But can we bring back stores sanitising their baskets. The grime that's caked all over them again

No. 1839968


No. 1839971>>1839976

It’s always the conventionally attractive people that scoff at women for feeling insecure about our faces

No. 1839973

It’s still like 40% masked where I live, all single use ones of course

No. 1839976

Wrong again, I’m fugly. I just don’t let what other people think about how I look dictate whether I wear something on my face or not (makeup, mask).

No. 1839979>>1839980>>1840052

i want a hot slavic bf, the languages are so hot. Its a shame they age so badly

No. 1839980>>1840038

most of them have no depth tbh. they’re also very valid and materialistic, despite taking on the persona of macho and jaded

No. 1839981

I’m fattish but in general skinnier people are nicer to look at than fatties. Anyone who says otherwise is coping. I miss actually seeing my real body shape and facial features

No. 1840010>>1840013>>1840041>>1840087>>1840096

Because they are personally attacked. Being fat is an ugly feature that is so easily prevented and it’s one of the best insults, literally calling someone a fatty is the funniest most stinging thing and they’ll try to say “bone thug” or “flat” to insult you back but nothing hurts more than “fatass” especially cause they know it’s true

No. 1840013

>bone thug
You wot

No. 1840038

really nonny? I come from a hispanic household where the men do nothing, so the first time I went to my friends house (hes Polish) I was surprised to see the dad actually doing housework/cooking, so I guess thats what got me thinking about it

No. 1840041>>1840053

Whatever flattie.

No. 1840052>>1840078

I worked with a lot of slavic people at my last job. There were so many tall hotties. The sexiest was a big tall hulking Polish beauty, but my fav was about 5'10, gorgeous eyes and an aquarius, he was from Hungary and had the most amazing accent and personality. Unsurprisingly his wife was gorgeous as hell and he told me about name days and my name day is a few days away from my birthday

No. 1840053


No. 1840078

File (hide): 1704467879967.jpg (16.63 KB, 346x346, 88079d3af917564773afade4e41052…)

should we make a tour through the slavic countries? kek

No. 1840084

Ok so I desperately need to get this off my chest so here goes. I swear I'm not a hybristophile, but I've recently developed this "crush"/obsession/fascination/whatever you wanna call it with a certain killer who shall remain unnamed cuz I'm already deeply DEEPLY ashamed of myself enough as it is. I've spent the past week reading up on everything I can find surrounding him. I've even read and re-read his private journal entires multiple times with his little heart doodles and his sad lil' his poems, and all I can think about is "I COULD HAVE SAVED HIM DAMMIT" "I COULD HAVE STOPPED THIS" "I COULD HAVE SAVED HIM FROM HURTING HIMSELF AND ALL THOSE PEOPLE" AHHHhhh. And inb4 "you need help" YES I KNOW. I know it's fucked up, hence why I'm sharing this on an anonymous confession thread. And while I'm confessing things, I might as well also confess that I've been masturbating to him too I'm not proud of myself. And I'm especially ashamed cuz I already have a Nigel I'm engaged to and he doesn't deserve this, but I can't help it. God, why am I like this..

No. 1840087>>1840110

>women should be punished for being ugly!
>being fat is the worst thing anyone can be called!
Nonna it's time to take your bpd meds, this is genuinely sad.

No. 1840096>>1840110

I think if the worst thing a woman can be called is "fatass", she's doing pretty well for herself.

No. 1840110

NTA but people are born ugly sometimes, no one's born fat though
Obesity is an illness, something in your life ain't right if you are overweight or underweight, cut the bs

No. 1840221

Yes. I still hate it though.

No. 1840613>>1840643>>1840644>>1840750

Honestly I've seen the most entitled insecure behavior from girls who have only been fat for the last two or three years. I'm quite young so this is either because of simply 2nd puberty or the shitty college diet finally catching up to them.

They get to mention their bodies all they want but as a petite person (SHORT, not necessarily talking about skinny) I have to act like a floating fucking head around them or its triggering. Even though plus sized women have entire fucking sections devoted to them the fact that it's not as much as skinny womens means its a systemic issue. Even though theres NO section for me it would actually be frowned on for me to mention the SAME ISSUE because men don't pay as much attention to them.

I've lost weight recently and I told my friends that my boobs looked smaller and she immediately cut off the conversation curtly and said they looked the same size-whoops guess I was fucking body checking. I'm so sick of it

No. 1840633

I’ve got Covid and have been watching absolute random rubbish on YouTube and I have gone down a rabbit hole and right now am watching interviews with lady boys and this one interview I can’t stop laughing for some reason. Maybe I am just still delirious

No. 1840643>>1840652>>1840667

There are definitely sections for petites and entire stores that have no plus sizes.

No. 1840644>>1840664>>1840673>>1840676

genuine question: there's no "petite" section at stores where you live?

I get the rest of what you're saying, though. The topic of hard-to-find bra sizes once came up at a volunteer activity a few years ago. I mentioned offhand how hard it is to find small band + large cup size. The plus-sized clique laughed at me and said I couldn't possibly wear that size if I didn't have implants. (no I don't have implants and I don't like having a large chest so it hurt)

No. 1840652>>1840657>>1840673

At least in my country, there are 0 petite sections, i have to buy stuff from the teen section. But, there are XL, 2XL and even 4XL sections at every store, how cute

No. 1840657>>1840669

what country? if you don't mind me asking

No. 1840664>>1840678

Legitmately, I will usually have to shop online at expensive boutiques or thrift for clothes. The teen section is a hit or miss from me, even then it's kind of baggy. (not really a big deal just kind of annoying) Im in America.

No. 1840667

cool, let me know where they are

No. 1840669>>1840675

Venezuela. I didn't even know "XS" was a thing until i bought my first "XS" shirt online at Shein

No. 1840673>>1840683

NTA but petite sections only exist in traditional department stores and since those have declined functionally the only place that still has a dedicated petites section is Macy's. Kohls and Nordstroms only have a petite section online. Sears used to have a petite section but they went bankrupt. JC Penny has a petite section but it is small and aimed towards older women. I live someplace with a ton of malls too (in the US), it's not like I'm in the middle of nowhere.

Large size clothes are easier to find in person compared to petite sizing.

No. 1840675>>1840683

for someone living in venezuela you have first world problems

No. 1840676

Nta but I'm petite and flat chested and for a very long time it forced me to dress like a total slob. Bras my size do not exist at all. They simply don't. I could only get hideous kid's bralettes until fairly recently (and that's just because I'm not dirt poor anymore and have more choice thanks to the internet), the type that cover the chest so much that back when I was a teenager and then young adult, if I ever decided to wear these bralettes, they'd be almost completely visible because I could only find tops with this god awful low cleavage. I couldn't even find an example because of how they're not really a thing anymore. So I was just wearing several layers of tank tops under my tshirts or hoodies to make sure nobody could see my nipples, even in the middle of summer.

No. 1840678

Have you tried Brandy Melville? Their prices are cheap compared to regular stores imo. Not shein cheap, but still. And they last

No. 1840683

this, went to buy some clothes for NYE with my family and it was just a bunch of M, L, XL and beyond. I looked like a damn fool walking around the mall trying to find something
Very weird and uncalled for comment, I'm just sharing my experience finding clothes as a petite adult, we may be struggling here but if we get some extra money we can try and buy something if needed, the problem is that some brands are directly imported from America or Europe where sizes are larger specially in length

No. 1840699>>1840715>>1840793

I wish I had your problems. All the clothes I want are always in XS or S sizes but I'm a large. Fuckin sucks kek I really like Japanese clothes but I'm too tall and breasts too big

No. 1840715

I was surprised when i found out about chinese/asian sizes, they're very small. Their S is essentially occidental XS, M is smaller too and so on. My sis bought an asian XS top and we were worried it would be too small but she has no tits so it worked despite being a minuscule size

No. 1840741>>1841580

As far as petite clothes go, you know what else sucks? Small band large bust, its so hard to find bras in the USA that have bands smaller than 30. I just wear these weird ugly bras from Amazon, and a few XS bras from Target that are stretchy in the bust, but as far as conventional bras so I'm SOL.

No. 1840750

This reminds me of this annoying tiktok musician who has a bunch of whiny woe is me songs about how skinny women are out to get her and how their insecurities all revolve around her. And she only got fat in the past few years too kek.

No. 1840752>>1840781>>1840789>>1840797>>1840904>>1841417>>1841604>>1841624

I want to be a little girl again(age 12-18) but with all the rights, intelligence and freedoms of me at 30. I just want my grown brain inside little girl me body.

No. 1840781>>1840801

Kinda weird. Why?

No. 1840789

I get it but in like a 'go back in time' way. I wish I was able to navigate what was happening to me at the time differently.

No. 1840793

I am in the same boat, except it hurts more because i actually used to be size s at one point. I plan on this being the year i can go back to being an s, but i must say, even as a small, i did find a lot of asian clothing to still be quite small a lot of the times. I also find size L to be a very awful size in general, too small to benefit from the cuts often used in plus size clothing which imo would be more flattering and allow access to cuter clothes, too big to look good in clothes that are clearly cut for a slimmer figure, despite a size typically being bought by larger people.

No. 1840797

if that was me i'd kill myself kek

No. 1840801

Being an adult is boring

No. 1840868>>1840886

File (hide): 1704512933592.jpeg (269.48 KB, 873x1200, 2$cat.jpeg)

I "borrowed" some manuka honey when I was sick because I thought it'd help me feel better and I couldn't afford it. Guilt ravages me still to this day.

No. 1840886>>1840940

Thats not borrowing

No. 1840904>>1840905>>1841211

>teenagers are “little girls”

No. 1840905>>1840938>>1841263

ntayrt but honestly, 13-18 is still little girl territory. It’s not ‘little girl’ the same way in which being 0-12 is, however it is still very young. I’m only 22 and when I see 16 year old girls I feel like I’m talking to a little girl because that is by all means a child (not trying to sound infantilizing or patronizing just keeping it real)

No. 1840938>>1840947>>1840949

Yeah well I’m a 30 yr old teacher of all ages and there’s a humongous different between actual little girls (what like under 8) and 12-18 yr old teens, you are by all means infantilizing

No. 1840940

File (hide): 1704521108835.gif (2.89 MB, 449x248, fuckthisgayearth.gif)

ok, I winnie the pooh'd the fuck out of that thing, I admit it, please don't call the FBI

No. 1840947>>1840970

nta but why does it matter

No. 1840949>>1840970

What's wrong with treating children like children? lmao

No. 1840970>>1840975

I think it’s insulting to teens to think they are as retarded as little children, yes technically they’re all young people but come on if someone called me a “little girl” at 15 I’d think they’re a creep

No. 1840975>>1840996

Who cares what's insulting to teens, this is an 18+ website. To my adult ass 15 year olds are toddlers.

No. 1840976

i feel like parents should be ashamed of asking their kids for money. very specifically thinking of my mother who has drained my savings on total bullshit ever since i moved back in, and has the nerve to act as if i should be grateful to her for not kicking me out. i’m not mad, just empty and sad and exhausted.

confession #2 poor people should not fucking have kids. there needs to be some kind of test people have to take before they can breed.

No. 1840996>>1841005>>1841043

Literal infantilizing of young women but ok

No. 1841004>>1841008>>1841037

File (hide): 1704528640446.png (97.41 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_inline_o77zj6KInY1tjaba…)

I was a weird teenager and I remember being really prudish and grossed out by modern tv around 2014. So i got into Steven Universe and I fell for this character, Jasper. Shamefully, I saved a lot of rule 34 of her. It was hypocritical of me and I got around to deleting a lot of stuff around 2016 but I'm afraid I forgot to delete some stuff on my old phone, which doesn't even work anymore. I hope my family never found out But I have this fear that someone will find out decades into the future of how weirdly horny I was of her.

No. 1841005>>1841024

You wouldn't be so insulted if you were an actual adult. A random adult woman referring to a minor as a child on a website that bars minors isnt "cweepy"

No. 1841008>>1841019

That must have been hell for you, because characters like Jasper always attract artists who are futafags

No. 1841019

File (hide): 1704530166842.jpg (83.83 KB, 480x640, jacket1.jpg)

True, one of the reasons I left the fandom. But the idea of Jasper as a character was fascinating to me. Wish she had a better ending

No. 1841024>>1841027>>1841045

It’s not “child” it’s “little girl”

No. 1841027>>1841036

When does a little girl stop being a little girl to you then? Obviously it’s condescending to them but it’s not inaccurate if it’s a child.

No. 1841036>>1841042

I already said, probably around 8. But tbh that’s pretty forgiving, I don’t think you’ll find clothing for much older than 5 in the “little girls” section

No. 1841037>>1841041

File (hide): 1704531516332.jpg (78.53 KB, 657x900, jaspereyes.jpg)

Oh my gosh nona this is so cute. I loved Jasper so much while SU was still airing. She's such a tragic character and such horny bait oh goodness me that alien rock woman is gorgeous help me I'm still smitten

No. 1841038

damn who tf care men are ''uwu pwecious babyboys'' till they are 30, let women be children and not mini adults for longer.

No. 1841041

She looks so great in fanart, she deserved to be in a better show.

No. 1841042>>1841072

Wow, really? I can accept teenagers being more ambiguous but 10 year olds are firmly in the “little girls” and “little boys” category to me.

No. 1841043>>1841073

Tiktok underage fag but ok

No. 1841045

Get over it.

No. 1841062>>1841076

I don't know if I like women or not so I plan to stay voluntarily celibate until I die. I refuse to tell my mother or father this.

No. 1841066>>1841435>>1841445

I’m uncomfortable when I hear people talk about sex in movies and tv shows and even in documentaries, because I get a little bit warm and feel my heartbeat in my coochie, just the mention of certain things like I was watching this show and a lady was like talking about getting wet offhandedly as a joke and I was flustered. Idk why I’m so sensitive.

No. 1841072

I teach kids age 4 through 15 and make the materials for them so I’m hyper aware of their differences. No one at my work would call anyone over 10 a little kid. Our kids classes stop at 2nd grade (8-9 years old) and then around 5th grade they become the oneesans (japan)

No. 1841073>>1841082>>1841086

Real tiktok underage fags think girls are retarded toddlers with no agency until they’re 20+ but ok

No. 1841076>>1841078

Is there a reason for this? Why not try experimenting?

No. 1841078>>1841085

Yes, I genuinely feel nothing at the male physique and I find penises disgusting. However, I have psychologically scarred and fried my brain from early porn consumption from ages 12 and up. 99.5% of my fantisies and masturbation habits focus on a woman, however this could be because of a warped sexuality because of my early porn consumption. I do not wish to experiment as, if I am not correct in my assertion, I would be leading on and wasting another woman's time.

No. 1841082

You sound like a libertarian making excuses for wanting to fuck kids. Ew. Either or you are a kid yourself thinking she is all so grown up , hope you shake that off before you end up in the way of one of those libertarians who yell you you are very mature for your age

No. 1841085>>1841089

you could probably experiment with another experimenting bisexual/questioning woman, you don't have to do so with a lesbian

No. 1841086

And you're on lolcow crying about a woman calling a minor a little girl for acting like one

No. 1841089>>1842285

I've never really thought about that. Wouldn't still be wasting a questioning woman's time though? What would be the correct and proper way to find a woman who's in similar predicament of questioning?

No. 1841152>>1841160>>1841176

I don’t know if it’s because my frontal lobe has finally finished cooking, or if it’s just paranoia, but all I can think of when I go outside is what dangerous situations can happen. I used to take car rides from strangers when I was 18 but now I’m 28 and I can’t walk past a man without thinking about him randomly attacking me or pulling out a gun.

No. 1841160

I think you need to intervene somehow as soon as possible because this is very unhealthy for you and your body.

No. 1841176

do you watch a lot of crime dramas or consume a lot of modern media? This is basically all they think is a plot anymore: creeps attacking women. If you reduce your consumption of media for awhile, it will help.

No. 1841184

I feel like I'm my friendships "step up" when my friends start sending me shit related to my husbandos, so far there are 3 people who do this and I consider them my closest friends.

No. 1841211>>1841247

You only feel that way because words like little girl and daddy have been sexualized so much. If I called a teenage boy a little boy it wouldn’t trigger grossness in you. Turn off your porn brain.

No. 1841247>>1841251

It absolute would gross me out. A teenage boy is not a little boy. Or are we going to not hold them accountable for their actions because they’re “uwu just little boys?”

No. 1841251>>1841256

Just because someone does something wrong does mean they’re not a child. Children kill and rape people but they’re still kids and teenagers are children.

No. 1841256>>1841257>>1841264>>1841268

Girl if you don’t see a difference between a 5 year old and an 18 year old “little kid” killing someone idk what to tell you

No. 1841257>>1841260

Nta but what are you even going on about. This whole conversation started because apparently people have a problem with calling a 15 year old girl a “little girl”. Why is it such an issue?

No. 1841260

The original confession was some anon wanting to have her "little girl" body back in her words with her adult mind. That's what made it sound weird no one is trying to bully teenagers by saying they're little girls until they're 18. Good god.

No. 1841263>>1841266>>1841286

how are they little girls if they’re at the end of their girlhood years? it doesn’t make sense. I’m 27 and I see 14-18 y/o’s as “older girls”. Little girl is creepy and just inaccurate.

No. 1841264>>1841265

Calling an 18 year old man a little boy would be insulting and weird lmao

No. 1841265

Apparently to some anons it’s a-ok

No. 1841266>>1841272>>1841278

I don’t think anyone genuinely thinks they’re like little children, obviously. It’s akin to a 50 year old man calling a 20 year old guy “kid” or “boy”. It’s condescending at worst. You guys are autistic.

No. 1841268>>1841270>>1841271

If you need to be technical a 5 year old isn’t a child they’re toddler age

No. 1841270

Nayrt but I would consider a child at school a child not a toddler.

No. 1841271

File (hide): 1704553500027.jpeg (173.29 KB, 750x479, IMG_4824.jpeg)

5 year olds are absolutely not toddlers lol

No. 1841272>>1841275>>1841280

It is autistic sure but language is really fucking powerful, if I were a teen girl I wouldn’t want adults to ignore what I’m saying because they think I’m in the same category as an 8 year old

No. 1841275

Yes exactly, that’s what being condescending is.

No. 1841278>>1841281

biologically it’s inaccurate. socially it’s considered rude.
so why is this a hill you’re trying to die on?

No. 1841280

I wouldn’t call a teenage girl a little girl but in my mind they are little girls

No. 1841281>>1841282>>1841285

I’m not the one who said it, I just don’t understand why nonas think it’s a big deal. I’ve called a 13 year old a little girl before and honestly in my head they are. They’re little enough, and they’re girls. Wow.

No. 1841282>>1841285>>1841288

Because anons are low key associating calling them little girl with something sexual. They just don’t wanna admit it kek

No. 1841285>>1841291

that’s weird and she was prob insulted in her head
it depends on who’s saying it. it can range from belittling to creepy

No. 1841286>>1841293

That’s because you have brain rot from our pornified society. Calling teenagers and preteens little girls is not sexual or creepy. You’re the same group of people who think calling your dad, daddy is sexual because childhood for women has been sexualized so much. Fix your porn brain.

No. 1841288>>1841289>>1841292

It’s dismissive of young women. It implies you see no difference in a 8 yr old’s and an 18 yr old’s thoughts, as the original anons age range included.

No. 1841289

You’re not a young woman in my eyes until 20. Get over it.

No. 1841291

Most teenagers get upset if you don’t consider them grown ups. So?

No. 1841292>>1841299

By that logic, calling a 21 year old a woman means you don’t see her as any different to a 70 year old woman. You can be multiple things at once.

No. 1841293>>1841295>>1841301

>my social construct of what little girl means holds more weight than your social construct of what little girl means
but they’re not “little” girls if they’re towards the end of girlhood.

No. 1841295>>1841296>>1841307

I get that but the fact that you find calling someone a little girl as something creepy tells me you have porn brain rot

No. 1841296>>1841298>>1841305>>1841331>>1841505

Go call a teen girl a little girl and see what she says

No. 1841297

She just did, and we got the response. You’re clearly a pressed 15 year old.

No. 1841298>>1841303

Of course a little girl isn’t going to like being called a child because a 14 year old wants to be grown. In my eyes she’s still a little girl and she can get over it.

No. 1841299>>1841300

That’s stupid, the child’s brain is still forming, there’s a huge difference in anatomy and intellect in only one of those groups. Not an accurate comparison. Nonnies here really haven’t interacted with children and I don’t blame them for that but sheesh.

No. 1841300

We understand there’s a difference between a 9 year old and a 15 year old but they’re still all children

No. 1841301>>1841304>>1841307

So you wouldn't complain if we decided to call twelve to eighteen year old girls 'big girls' then?

No. 1841303

When does she stop being a little girl to you, and then what is she

No. 1841304

Anon says we have to call those age groups young women

No. 1841305>>1841310

15 year olds are brainlets and therefore little kids. I don't need to personally know a teenager or interact with one to think they're little twerps, because they literally are. Why are we caring what underage dorks feel about being called children? Are you 12?

No. 1841307

My biggest gripe with it is that it’s literally just inaccurate. When you say “little” are you referring to their size? Or their age range? Because if you’re 18, you’re an “older girl” or young woman.
And you can keep saying “porn brain!!!” but you’re only denying the fact that culture influences language.
Do you have autism? Are you esl? If you call a teenager or young woman a “big girl” it’s usually in an insulting tone. ie “you’re a big girl you can do it”. Just call them girls or “older girls” if you need to be specific.

No. 1841310>>1841311>>1841318

there’s 15 y/o’s with more life experience than sheltered adults 22 y/o’s but ok

No. 1841311>>1841314

>I’m mature for my age
Ok you’re mad because you’re a kid then

No. 1841314>>1841315

I’m literally older than you, you’re the just entered her 20’s Redditor that calls young women “twerps”

No. 1841315>>1841321

I’m Nta and 15 is not a young woman. Idk what you’re groomer told you but he’s lying kek

No. 1841316>>1841343

Y'all still going? Damn

No. 1841318>>1841322

Aw that’s so adorable. I could squish your cheeks. Don’t worry you’ll get there hun.

No. 1841321

Under 13: little girls
13-17: older girls
18-20’s: young women
Some of you guys lack any basic etiquette and it shows

No. 1841322>>1841323>>1841332

lets be real a 10 year old afghan kid has probably more life experience than a chronically online image board dweller

No. 1841323>>1841326

Yeah and he’s still a little boy… what the fuck are you guys on about.

No. 1841326

yes?? nobody said otherwise. clearly the conversation shifted from semantics to intelligence and real world experience.

No. 1841329>>1841333

When I was still a teenager (14-16yo) teachers called us "girls", we were literally dumb kids in their eyes because we were kids, minors, not mature at all. Even when some of us looked older we still were very very immature and awkward so calling us "ladies" didn't seem right

No. 1841331

I'm northern Irish and we call everything wee, I've been called a wee girl all my life. I called my boyfriend a boy the other day and he said he's a man lol so I get it but I call my cat a little girl, basically if I think you're cute you're a little whatever

No. 1841332>>1841337

That argument is trash and very ignorant, kids that went through extreme trauma, war, poverty and violence are usually less likely to develop well into adulthood and that includes intelligence, as the trauma and lack of regular meals stunts their development

No. 1841333

You were just girls, not little girls.

No. 1841334>>1841335

i miss following cows. nowadays all cows are sad and drift into mutilating oneself because of gender reasons, or they go into sex work. i miss dumb cows like kenna, berry tsukasa or erin painter that were just cringe and lying on the internet.

No. 1841335>>1841342

Same, I've been looking for another Mira for years now, but noone comes close.

No. 1841337

What is a “brainlet” to you?

No. 1841342

one day the cowvatar will come back and unite the four nations of lc… i looked at the pretty pastels please trainwreck for a while but it was too gross for me. same for shayna, she's just too revolting for me to keep track of her.

No. 1841343>>1841346

debate lording kills time at work

No. 1841346

Yeah I’m mostly only here cuz I’m a bad employee lol

No. 1841376

I got into a fight with a lady at the park and I called her a fatass and now I feel kinda bad because I have fat friends and family lol

No. 1841384>>1841390>>1841418

Nobody has seen or heard from my (ex-)bf in weeks. Not me, nor any of his friends, nor has he been active in any of his hobbies. It's not a pure e-relationship (we have spent time living together) but I'm in another part of the country right now so it's not like I can go to his house to check on him. None of his friends seem to care? I haven't asked his family members if they know anything and don't know if I should.
This is incredibly unusual because it's never happened in the years I've known him and we had major plans. I've been wanting to break up with him but since he's been totally unavailable I ended up just writing it in a message, which he doesn't show signs of having seen either.
I've been growing distant from him because he does/has done some really awful things to me. The last conversation we had was him apologizing for something unhinged he did. I've been starting to wonder if he killed himself over it all… He's been suicidal at times.

No. 1841385

i wish i'd stuck by my (step) brother and just cremated our father rather than burn the insurance money on giving him a proper and good funeral. dad was good for a laugh but he always did the bare minimum wrt to our livelihoods, his few good traits were otherwise not giving a shit ever (for better or for worse), and i wouldn't even be here if he hadn't cheated on his wife with my mother. i'm not close with my step brother or anything by the way, i just now think he was right.

funerals are a scam, also. "keep your beloved safe buy a 10k coffin :)" the beloved is literally a corpse. they can't get any deader

No. 1841390>>1841391

Does he do drugs?

No. 1841391

No he doesn't even drink

No. 1841417

File (hide): 1704563784439.jpg (14.85 KB, 225x300, 1000013141.jpg)

It's kinda crazy how you attracted so much shit for slightly flawed wording kek, bit I see what you mean. One of my main daydreams and unachievable wishes is to go back to when I was five but with the same mind and memories that I have now. I would prevent soooooooo much shit from going down in my life. Bonus if I can take physical items that I have currently: like a hard-drive of all the documents and pictures most important to me.

No. 1841418

Could've gone inpatient.

No. 1841435>>1841445

I feel the exact same way. I don't really know why my brain is like that it makes me feel like a massive coomer

No. 1841445>>1841478>>1841692

Sounds completely normal. Women can get "erections" (clit throb) to stimuli as well, but I'm sorry you guys seem to be struggling with coming to terms with it

No. 1841475

My mom is extremely exhausting to deal with, but I still have to keep myself from cackling everytime she goes full bdp on her shitty fat moid.

No. 1841478>>1841484>>1841490>>1841492>>1841523>>1841529

Yeah but don't they get it in response to something they actually find arousing usually? NTA but I will get a physical reaction from looking at an apple sometimes.

No. 1841484>>1841494

File (hide): 1704568585959.jpg (9.96 KB, 429x212, thicc.jpg)

No. 1841490>>1841494

>but I will get a physical reaction from looking at an apple sometimes.

No. 1841492

apples can b sexi

No. 1841494>>1841501>>1841523

Why is my clit throbbing?! I don't even want to fuck the apple. It makes no sense…
I just get it for no reason. I have a really high physical libido I think.

No. 1841495>>1841500>>1841503>>1841521>>1841527

I lose all interest in someone if they start talking about an ex during our initial talking stage of dating. My interest/feelings really go from some attachment to completely detached within seconds. I know what people will think this says about me, but it's a gut feeling I've never been able to shake. I never talk about my exes unless directly asked about them and I feel like that just makes sense. But if I go on a first date and they mention something about an ex just casually? I'm out. Im putting this in the confession thread bc I never say this out loud to anyone. I know they'll think im immature and wont understand the gut feeling I get about it.

No. 1841500

You're normal, if you told someone in real life they'd probably agree with you. It's rude as hell to talk about exes on a first date. There are literally TV skits about what a faux pas it is.

No. 1841501>>1841504>>1841694

Confession: I still remember being like 9 y/o and getting the clit throb before even knowing what it was. I think it's similar to how moids will get spontaneous erections

No. 1841503

Makes me think they're either not over them or actually even still friends, which are both immediate outs.

No. 1841504>>1841506

I had the same thing but it was in response to seeing a super sexy woman so I don't think it was spontaneous. I get it all of the time now though.

No. 1841505

I called my sisters babies until they were like 11. Now I call them kids, one is almost 18 I will probably call them kids til they’re like 23

No. 1841506

ayrt i was just derping around in the kitchen staring into the air lol it truly took my by surprise

No. 1841521

Does it matter whether its positive, neutral or negative talk about them?

I've lost interest before because 'my ex was crazy' or 'me and my ex were so toxic' comes out straight away. Maybe she was but I just picture them being the type of guy who drives you nuts and then takes great pleasure in telling anyone and everyone that you're nuts for the rest of infinity.

I have an ok ex and a def not so ok ex but I don't spill my guts out about the bad one just randomly. Would feel kinda trauma dumping-esque to be so ready to talk about that. Meanwhile men who you know 5 mins 'muh craxy bitch ex so toxic'

No. 1841523>>1841618

Maybe your brain connects the shine of wax on apples with oiled/wet skin.

No. 1841527>>1841601

>I know they'll think im immature and wont understand the gut feeling I get about it
This is thr opposite of immature. Many older women know this can be a red flag, especially if they shittalk their ex.

No. 1841529

Love to see objectum sexual representation on my lolcow

No. 1841530>>1841535

I'm currently dating a cute zoomer but he has a bad case of tiktok brainrot and a bunch of troon friends… Am I doomed kek?

No. 1841535>>1841536>>1841559

File (hide): 1704570988847.gif (2.86 MB, 640x640, black-footed-cat-cat.gif)

Zoomer males are as good as human dildos, enjoy thr fresh meat while you can with the specimen

No. 1841536

No. 1841539

Glad to see you are winning against all odds, fuck your family and your ex-husband!

No. 1841559>>1841563

holy shit sorry unrelated but i couldn't figure out what this gif was and i kept seeing 2 demon faced ps2 graphic babies on the side of the kitten's head

No. 1841563

Haha holy shit I think I see what you're talking about

No. 1841580>>1841846

I hate it so much. I have a tiny bit of fat that I want to get rid of, but there's literally one bra in the world that fits me and if I lost that inch it would go down to zero. If the brand went out of business or if I couldn't order off the Internet anymore, I think I'd have to wrap my chest with sarashi or something. Before I found that brand it was a decade of hell wearing wrong size stuff that I found in stock clearance stores on rare occasions. Everyday when I open my underwear drawer, it feels like an insane life achievement to have more than 1 bra in it to pick from.

So many girls with giant bolt ons nowadays, do they just not need to wear bras ever ? I probably should get a reduction to avoid future problems, but for many reasons I really don't want to. Maybe I should go to corsetry school or something.

No. 1841601

More often than not a guy who is way too eager to shit talk his ex is gonna shit talk you too someday. You split up even amicably and he'll get to rewriting history to make sure you were always batshit and he was always coolheaded.

Men with stories of batshit exes and too much energy to discuss them, be a lil sceptical that you're getting anything like a true version of what went down.

No. 1841604

You do DDLG don't you?

No. 1841618

ntayrt, but that makes sense. Always thought it was weird, because skin usually isn't that shiny

No. 1841624

me too. I don't fare well where I am and I haven't done anything age appropriate, or hit any of my life goals. A person like me shouldn't have lived past 19. Oh well.

I'm KHHV and plan on staying like this for life so spare me the nagging

No. 1841692>>1841696

Sometimes even hearing about animals humping or being in heat makes me horny, I don’t get turned on by looking at them and no I would never even by looking at them but just hearing a word that implies arrousal gets me horny.

No. 1841694

I remember touching my lower belly as a kid and then feeling like excited.

No. 1841696

File (hide): 1704579002387.gif (1007.64 KB, 320x180, 1000013148.gif)

No. 1841697>>1841698>>1841704

I smacked the fuck out of my ex boyfriend that I lived with.

No. 1841698

Fucking based

No. 1841704

Men need to be hit

No. 1841840>>1841854>>1841855>>1841875

File (hide): 1704590288711.jpg (20.8 KB, 480x501, icarlydigitalvideocam.jpg)

when I was a little kid I got one of these for christmas, and it came with a memory card. When I checked the card on my pc for the first time I saw there was a video on it that I didn't take. It was of an assembly line and factory equipment, then the camera flipped around and it was 2 Asian kids smiling and making peace signs. I got hit with the acute realization that the camera was made by kids my age or even younger and it really changed my world view tbh, I guess I grew up really sheltered and didn't even know child labor was a thing. I felt too guilty to use the camera after that.

No. 1841846

I think that might be a case where you could learn to sew and fix a lot of your brablems. Shortening a bra band is really easy it wouldn't look bad even if you did it by hand you would only have to make like 10 stitches.

No. 1841849

Why kill yourself, that such a waste. Take out all your saving and use them for a holiday first, if youre gonna kill yourself at least do something fun before you go

No. 1841854

That's heartbreaking nonna

No. 1841855

if they werent enslaved children that would be very cute

No. 1841875

The camera is so cute but that's so sad. I hope those kids are okay…

No. 1841883

Every fiber of my being hates when scrotes show interest in me, but the idea of being so attractive that a loser neo nazi starts sweating and reconsidering his beliefs is a reoccurring fantasy of mine. It doesn't help that I grew up in the south and all of the racist hillbillies who made my life hell tried to hop in my pants after high school.

No. 1841885

I'm not interested in people anymore. I work in retail and I will just smile and nod when people try to make small talk, and because I'm short no one is at my eye level so it's easy to avoid eye contact. When someone makes the same dumb joke I've heard 1000 times, I just pretend to not hear them and don't react at all as I'm packing their items away. I don't really care if it makes me rude or a bad worker. I don't want to talk, I just want you to make your purchase and leave. I need a new job.

No. 1841903

Sorry for the cringe but some years ago i used to see some moid just to get choked a bit basically kek. I've always been scared of sex or relationships and i would never try them, so this worked out like those fwb relationships only that he didn't really get anything in return from me, other than just applying some pressure on my neck?
That would happen just because i would ask for it though.
Anyway we did it for some months until i got distracted with other life matters and never felt like contacting him again because i forgot how it all felt by then.

No. 1842052>>1842072>>1842073

I’m really happy the world population is going down because women around the world are having less kids. I wish I was born later into the future so I could experience how much our planet will change for the better

No. 1842072

Yes but I wish things were better so we didn’t have to work as much

No. 1842073>>1842086>>1842149

The people who are still having 10 kids (super religious) will inherit the world.
Do you really think society will be better when the majority of people holding power are that devout?

No. 1842086>>1842093>>1842359

not really
if you look at global fertility rates, even very Islamic countries in the Middle East and South Asia are drastically dropping.
The places where fertility is still very high is in Africa, but I doubt it has to do with religion and more so lack of sex education.

No. 1842093

As soon as a population has more than $2000 usd as an income the population will decline into a negative birthrate and the only thing that will inoculate against a low birth rates is the propensity towards religiosity.
If you want to see the affects of a negative population growth look at the city of Detroit but imagine the fall of Detroit happening in every developed city in the entire world all at once.
What a world to live in!

No. 1842109

File (hide): 1704604305685.png (26.58 KB, 589x184, max x broom.PNG)

I haven't read a single Warriors book in over a decade, but Jayfeather/Half Moon is still my ultimate OTP that I can't seem to ever let go.

No. 1842143>>1842148

File (hide): 1704608408112.jpg (262.73 KB, 1034x1600, 25df98e098b892c725b6f2f1e8554b…)

I turned 18 and I am still a bedwetter. I can't control it, I sleep through all alarms and go through week long phases of wetting everyday or being dry. I have never seen a doctor for it, but I am starting to think it is a behavioral thing. But I'm also worried its genetic/beyond my control. All of my siblings besides two wet the bed, but none to the extent that I do. Recently, I read Stop Bedwetting in 7 Days which teaches you these mental exercises to control bedwetting. Even though it is obviously meant for kids much younger than me, it worked for a week when I was actively practicing the exercises. Sometimes, when I am really worried that I'll wet the bed, I can force myself to wake up the second I need to use the bathroom. I think I just need to make waking up a habit, when my sister (who used to wet the bed) had a very long hospital stay, the nurses woke her up every night until she eventually was able to wake up on her own thus curing her. I wanted to get that out since I've never told anyone ever.

No. 1842148

have you tried kegels?

No. 1842149

Those ladies are popping out kids as teenagers, with no healthcare or education. The better thing would be to industrialize with clean energy and get those gals into schools ASAP. Also the TFR has dropped there too, from 10 -4 kids per woman. We need automation ASAP

No. 1842150>>1842153

this picture always manages to make me cringe

No. 1842152>>1842155>>1842237>>1842247>>1842280>>1842305

File (hide): 1704608795661.jpg (158.73 KB, 1347x1166, GBoKa6oa4AA-VpP.jpg)

i have no respect or sympathy for women's pink turmoil/femininity hang ups anymore. whenever a woman goes "bluh a bluh i just don't feel feminine and i hate it :(" or anything similar to picrel i want to screech. especially since when i was young, i was stressed out about avoiding abuse at home and at school…and now that i'm older i'm worried about getting a job to get the bills paid and get tf out of my small shitty town. at no point in my life have i had the luxury of wringing my hands about a fucking color or "femininity". get over it losers

No. 1842153>>1842156

dunno if you were quoting me but same. it's also funny that younger her was still extremely "feminine" kek, mcr is such a teen girl band (i don't say that in a bad way ofc, it's just a fact – young boys weren't obsessing over mcr like that)

No. 1842155>>1842280

Chicks like this make me cringe. As if you’re so rebellious for being the exact standard. People expect women to be. Reminds me of tumblr’s Legally in Pink worship, just skipped right ver that period-accurate homophobia for pinkness. It’s like watching an upper class prep kids whine about how people don’t take him seriously because of his upbringing and how he wishes he was “poor” . people like that should be laughed at

No. 1842156

so true lmao. the concept of femininity is so fucked up nowadays

No. 1842228

When I’m swiping on the apps and press the like button I always wait a second for the notification that it’s a match and men are easy so it usually it is but when it isn’t I feel very nonplussed

No. 1842237>>1842514

>abuse this, abuse that, look at me I'm so brave
That's a bit cringey too. If you stop going after upper class twitter retards and notice people around you irl you will see that suffering is not exclusive to you or a tiny group.

No. 1842247>>1842514

>at no point in my life have i had the luxury
Idk what your childhood or you needing to (shock, horror, get a job) has to do with this tbh? I might give fuck all time to worrying about femininity but I get that people still find time to worry about more asinine shit even when their life isn't a bed of roses and they've bigger shit to worry about too. People do both.

No. 1842280>>1842288>>1842298>>1842300

pink is my favorite color but ive always rolled my eyes at this. Yes, there is a stigma towards pink because its associated with little girls but at the end of the day its just a fucking color. An adult woman have never been criticized for wearing a casual pink outfit it's embarrassing being an adult and trying to justify liking a color and resent the days you disliked said color. And it's only women who like pink who do this too. You never see comics about hating blue as a child but loving it as an adult

No. 1842285

nta but as long as your upfront about being uncertain of your sexuality and wanting to experiment its okay. You just have to clearly communicate that, then you wouldn't be leading anyone on.

No. 1842288

I actually hated the color blue as a child, and thought everyone who claimed it as their favorite color was pretentious because they always said it's because it reminds them of the sky and hurrdurr freedom and all that.

No. 1842298>>1842449>>1846207

i hate pink beacause at this point i just associate it with consooming. I dont think i have ever seen women make their whole personality yellow, or green, or red. You will never see an orange egirl . God, i hate the color pink and the women who make it their personality.

No. 1842300

>You never see comics about hating blue as a child but loving it as an adult
Duh because pink is associated with performative feminity that's pushed on girls unlike blue. No one pushes blue as a manlyman color on little boys (or girls)

No. 1842305>>1842523

File (hide): 1704623740400.jpg (36.96 KB, 564x683, 1704232312671.jpg)

Maybe you just had it easier because you're gender conforming, imagine being abused AND having femininity pushed on you unwillingly now that's hard.

No. 1842322

I feel more excited when a Swedish guy from discord texts me than when my boyfriend does

No. 1842330>>1842335>>1842336>>1842341

File (hide): 1704629219778.jpg (60.52 KB, 662x960, img.jpg)

3-4 years ago I posted on the shitty ex-boyfriend thread with no clear intention, I just needed to arrange the timeline for once and process the trauma from beggining to end. Back then I was on a disfunctioning situationship that lasted like 10 months with an emotionally unavailable moid and just needed to process why I was puting up with this and why I probably deserve a break. The responses I got, while they were few, I will never forget. I almost repeat them like a mantra whenever I feel sorry for my past self or feeling forgiving of my ex. I just wanted to say thank you nonnies. I truly needed that back then. When one opens up, they don't always expect someone to take the time to read a wall of text and get an answer, but to the few that did I extremely appreciated it in that vulnerable moment.

No. 1842335

File (hide): 1704630604476.png (843.48 KB, 720x635, CTyE9Ef.png)

wish you the best nonna.

No. 1842336

This is why I use this website, the heartfelt moments are truly special. Take care nonette, ilysm

No. 1842341

happy for you nonna! i hope you're in a better place now.

No. 1842359>>1842473>>1842486

File (hide): 1704633115349.png (105.57 KB, 640x496, figure1-60-w640.png)

Fertility rate among Americans who religious service weekly have never dropped below 2. Similarly religiosity correlates with fertility in Europe too.
If we keep at this pace, inevitably all Western societies will consist only of the most fanatical groups.

No. 1842385

i just realized i seriously bullshitted my way through my undergrad and my instructors were so patient and forgiving with me. i don't know why it just hit me, i was playing a game and wondering if this counts as an open world or nah and i decided it doesn't because you can't freely jump around on things unless there are certain locations that allow for the character to jump. it reminded me of an assignment that i turned in and in which i waffled on about how much it bothers me when you can't pet the dogs/cats in video games. i actually passed (the assignment wasn't graded so it was only pass or fail) and the professor responded to my paper with a lengthy text about immersion breaks in video games. i don't know how i graduated with a 3.3 gpa. wtf.

No. 1842449>>1842452>>1842476>>1842534

The green lady exists and she's very sweet.

No. 1842452

Nta, I love her so much

No. 1842473>>1842483>>1842515>>1842816>>1843016

Religious Christians are dying off. tradcaths and orthobros on twitter are just larpers who will find a new schtick once religion gets boring to them. Go to any church in America and Europe. The attendants are mostly elderly people. Even the Amish, who have the highest fertility rates in the western world, are slowly decreasing.

Religious Muslims are more worrying. Most religious Christians like the Amish and Mennonites preach pacifism, they were the original (white) abolitionists. Meanwhile religious Muslims, who are greater in number, will host scholarly debates on when honor killing is ok.(bait)

No. 1842476

File (hide): 1704640874991.jpg (381.3 KB, 1064x1200, Fv2s2rdaEAQfJQO.jpg)

i love this woman. i myself was a yellow girl a few years ago. i don't know why but i was obsessed with yellow. you could have stuck me in picrel and i would have fit right in. i grew out of it now, even though i still enjoy yellow things, but my friends keep associating me with the color yellow.

No. 1842483

nta but it's likely going to be a bottleneck effect in the west at least, and middle-easterners and south-asian birth-rates are also deceasing(mostly due to how much it costs)

No. 1842486>>1842494

I don’t really see what other options we have though? I’m not gonna jeopardize my health and happiness just so that the next generation will be slightly less religious. It may not be great for society along economic lines, but I consider plummeting birth rates to be a win for women overall. If men really wanted to fix this, they’d listen to what we’ve been saying for literal millennia - make it not such an unequal burden, act like a fucking adult and not an additional child she has to take care of, show even the slightest concern or empathy for the physical strain this put on our bodies.
But nope. They’ve proven they’re unwilling to do this. They’d rather revert centuries of progress and force us into being broodmares. So women are opting out and I’m glad. Humanity really isn’t that worth saving, especially if the future of humanity lies with the type of people who would willingly have many children.

No. 1842494

you know that there will be still be people having it's kids, even if it's 5% of the population, if they are the next generation then they will be the next generation.

No. 1842514

kek you retards

No. 1842515

>Most religious Christians like the Amish and Mennonites preach pacifism, they were the original (white) abolitionists
who gives a shit when Amish communities are full of the most degenerate cases of rape and incest?

poor muslims have a fuck ton of kids because in the extreme poverty, women get married young and have no power or access to birth control but their husbands keep fucking them.

No. 1842523>>1842584

i wasn’t gender conforming at all, i was also abused partially for not being feminine enough, and me mentioning my abuse + stress wrt a job wasn’t me trying to seem “brave” or set up a trauma olympic competition or whatever, it was more me saying that when you have actual problems and trauma you won’t care about something as inane as a color/not living up to stereotypes

No. 1842534

She makes me smile so much

No. 1842567>>1842577>>1842626

File (hide): 1704645694033.jpg (146.37 KB, 1072x1500, 1700.jpg)

She is unironically my role model. I'm going to get my own ATJ when I become old too. A whole harem ideally.

No. 1842577

File (hide): 1704646426615.jpg (43.73 KB, 828x652, 4fp37o.jpg)

No. 1842584

Do you honestly think anyone with abuse/trauma automatically goes about their life above caring about dumb or superficial shit too.

No. 1842617

I find it chilling to hear how little my sister knows about her barely school aged children, the kids never seem to be excited when she comes to pick them up and only cheer when dad comes to pick them up. While I'm happy to see a moid do most chores and child care, my sister lowkey scares me.

No. 1842626>>1843479

Unless you're a filthy rich Hollywood woman like the one you posted or you're mentally ill and actively grooming actual teenagers like Brigitte Macron that's not going to happen. All the women I know who date much younger men settle for the worse kind, the autistic, more immature than average and hideous men who can't do anything by themselves and can't hold a job so it's like they're dating an overgrown kid.

No. 1842627>>1842642>>1842815

I love taking aspirin. weed? fent? no, aspirin pls and thnx

No. 1842642>>1842681

Some old people take an aspirin every day to reduce the risk of heart problems.

No. 1842681

I take it when I have tachycardia too

No. 1842779>>1843007

I'm only a lolita because I want to be friends with other weebs. Same reason I always wanted to try gyaru. I never liked mangas or anime either but when I coincidentally came across a cosplay contest when going to a shopping mall I felt so jealous of all those weirdo friend groups there who just shameless had fun.

No. 1842815

File (hide): 1704657580517.jpeg (40.78 KB, 360x360, IMG_5219.jpeg)

Me stimming on decongestants in college

No. 1842816>>1843274

i think you are confusing the Amish with the Quakers?

No. 1843007

Did you make any friends? I tried faking my interests to make friends but it just burnt me out

No. 1843016

you really can’t have any real dialogue on this site, no wonder there’s like 20 users at best(ban evasion)

No. 1843066>>1843088>>1843095>>1843113>>1843262>>1843762

File (hide): 1704665902672.jpg (127.38 KB, 659x900, oil-pastels-painting-oil-paste…)

I hate The Little Mermaid fairytale

No. 1843088

Is it because of the depressing ending with the seafoam?

No. 1843095>>1843113

File (hide): 1704667770615.jpg (707.89 KB, 1960x1360, Treasured Tales of Childhood, …)

i hate all the popular girl fairytales like cinderella, beauty and the beast, rapunzel and sleeping beauty. a common theme there is that those girls had all their agency taken away and had their lives fucked up by others, usually by their families. at least the little mermaid made a choice to fuck up her life herself, which resonates with me more i guess.

No. 1843104>>1843112

I am super interested in videogames, but I don't like playing them, I watch my brother play for hours on end instead and most of my knowledge comes from there. Now that we live separately I'm a little bored. I'm not interested in streamers though.

No. 1843112

you could watch no commentary playthroughs. watched some for old adventure games and for psychonatus, had a nice time.

No. 1843113

Even as a feminine doll-playing type of little girl, I hated all the princess stories/movies because of how boring they were and how much annoying, male-written, stupid bitch energy the main characters had. The only exception was Shrek and maybe one of the barbie movies. Belle and Ariel were the worst ones for me.
Another reason I hated Disney shit is because they ALWAYS used the same art on merchandise growing up. There's only so much of smiling cinderella.jpg you can plaster on everything before even a kid realizes your shit is tacky and you won't even get artists to make new art or poses or something.

No. 1843259>>1843290

For the first like, year of having a new cat, I thought she had a fluffy tail. Eventually I started paying attention to her tail when she was in other rooms or asleep and it's actually skinny. She puffs her tail when she is happy and excited, and so I guess she feels that way when she sees me so I never saw it un-puffed. She's technically my parents' cat so I don't take care of her all the time, otherwise I probably would have noticed sooner. I'm so embarrassed that I wasn't paying attention to her well enough to notice.

No. 1843262>>1843264>>1843828

Same. She's a retard who turned her back on her entire family for a moid she barely knew. I'm glad she died at the end.

No. 1843264

It's a cautionary tale.

No. 1843274

The Amish were also abolitionists.

No. 1843290

Think about it like this: you saw her on her terms, when she wanted you to see her, and every time you saw her she had the happy fluffy tail going on. It's not that you weren't paying attention, it's that she was happy to be around you.

No. 1843479>>1843491>>1843727

>the autistic, more immature than average and hideous men who can't do anything by themselves and can't hold a job so it's like they're dating an overgrown kid
literally every man at every age is like this kek. at least the younger ones have hair.

No. 1843491

lmao this, i have never met a man who wasnt an overgrown kid

No. 1843510

To that anon who got into a fight with a woman at a park and called her a "fat bitch", what happened?

No. 1843727

I'm talking about men who are way worse than average. If you're not a shut in you should know some men are worse than others. And believe me, a lot of young men or even male teenagers are balding. I've seen some shit ever since I started high school.

No. 1843762

Queen of the pickmes.

No. 1843828

The Disney adaptation makes it more into an immigration story imho. Hear me out. Ariel is like a weeb but for land. She likes the guy but she had a whole shrine of objects from the land civilization before she ever saw him. It's Ursula who makes the situation primarily about the guy, since she can then exploit Ariel on numerous fronts and make sure she can't fulfill the conditions required. Ursula is like, you have to have a visa marriage, or you'll get auto-deported back to sea and live as slave

I know the original fairy tale was different, and I actually think that's a cautionary tale, but in the end the little mermaid rejoins the sea (as the foam), so she kind of returns to her family, I guess. Harsh but not the worst outcome. And the new live action one fucked up the Disney plot with some kind of amnesia. It's retarded, the plot was actually creepier when Ariel is aware of what she is signing and does it anyway.

No. 1843849>>1843859>>1843870>>1843990>>1843998>>1844018>>1844527>>1845415>>1845418

File (hide): 1704719248550.jpeg (536.99 KB, 828x806, IMG_1708.jpeg)

I love maximalist subreddits because I love watching retards destroy their property value/lose their security deposit.

No. 1843859

this is so ugly

No. 1843870

>refined minimalist-leaning dark wood and white furniture
>random pink circles all over the place including on the diagonal ceiling
I like highly decorated interiors but who thought this would match? It's not even maximalist besides the weird circle motif, take that away and it's otherwise just like any other boring home office

No. 1843984>>1843985>>1844013>>1844022>>1846503

File (hide): 1704729636700.jpeg (317.56 KB, 1125x959, 2650A059-8216-48C3-97B7-9344B7…)

men revealing how they feel about sex and being flooded with women who go “it’s not like that! it’s not actually that degrading and humanizing!” black pill me. and i get annoyed with the ones who claim dick sucking is at all “empowering”. “one hard bite and it’s over tehe” the man in question is just going to beat you bloody (multiple men have “joked” about that in response to a woman further down who tries to say cocksuckers have scrotes by the balls actually)(wrong thread)

No. 1843985>>1844022


No. 1843989>>1844013

My nigel ate me out last night and it was great, im not usually super horny but I cant stop thinking about it. Damn

No. 1843990

Property value is a scam and that looks cool.

No. 1843998

This would do nothing to property value. Probably wouldn't even lose you a whole deposit, maybe $200-$300.

No. 1844001>>1844007>>1844013

i don’t think pit bulls are that bad tbh. yes it could kill me in an instant if something goes wrong and YES it historically has a reputation of being violent (it practically has violence bred into its dna) but umm he does a cool trick sometimes? and he’s super cute lol x

No. 1844007

Ditzy nonners ftw xx

No. 1844013

No. 1844018

I'm not in the paint everything white to make it feel more spacious crowd.. but a diagonal ceiling is kinda the exception

No. 1844022>>1844043

wrong thread newfag.

No. 1844043>>1844125

it’s a confession so it goes here

No. 1844064>>1844079>>1844102

I work at Target and have stopped caring. People will ring in a $45 item and be like "Oh I thought it was $30…" and I'll change the price for them. Or if they didn't get a gift card when they thought they would I'll just make them one. I also give myself gift cards sometimes haha. In the grand scheme it doesn't really affect the store and it's a simple solution to make customers happy instead of causing a big fuss. Next time you go to Target just ask for a $5 gift card I'm sure they'll give it to you.

No. 1844079

I work at Target and I steal things from reshop occasionally. I salute you nonnie.

No. 1844095>>1846501

From time to time I check up on that one anon in /shay/ who is schizophrenic and trying to quit weed but never succeeds.

No. 1844102

That happened to me because there was a genuine sign in the lego section that said buy one, get one 50% off. The lady was super nice about it, even though I was anxious. I hope she has the best new years ever tbh. I try not to steal but sometimes the temptation is there for smaller items.

No. 1844125


No. 1844364>>1844943>>1845148

I'm like those annoying normalfags who reference The Office all the time but for me it's Ed Edd n Eddy

No. 1844367>>1844374>>1844377>>1844387

The widespread zoomer hate honestly does get to me, not just on this site but within other circles I'll come across unprompted "zoomers ruined this" "retarded zoomers can't do xyz" complaints. I agree with a lot of the criticisms but it makes me sad that it's usually expressed as this blanket disdain, and despite recognizing issues, nobody seems to actually care about improving the state of affairs, only about hating on us.
I feel overwhelmed by how many generational problems there are and how it seems like there's nothing I can do about it. Just because I personally don't use TikTok or sperg out about pronouns in hobby groups or have no idea about torrenting or whatever other despised behavior doesn't change that I see lots of people who do fit the negative stereotypes, and I dunno, I want things to be better for us but I don't know what can be done about it. It makes me really sad to see widespread negative patterns, I want good things for me and my peers.
People either think I'm weird or intentionally trying to be a super unique "wrong generation" nlog, refuse to believe that I'm not a walking caricature, or just don't care.

No. 1844374

if it consoles you remember that you are neither the first nor the last generation this is happening to. it used to be millenials and alphies will follow

No. 1844377>>1844783

Just work hard. That's why your generation is making enemies in the workplace. We're all fucked off at the economy but we've aged out of if we don't conform things will change! Working is a means to an end we all have to do it and listening to someone just stepping into the world bullshitting and slacking while someone else picks up the pieces is infuriating. Zoomers act like they're team players until it comes to playing their part. Your online opinions mean nothing when you don't contribute to the rest of society.

No. 1844387>>1846202>>1846458

Honestly as a fellow zoomer, idk why people care about this arbitrary generation shit or why other zoomer anons on this site let it affect them so much. Most of the complaints about zoomers also apply to or started with millennials anyway. IRL these generation differences don't quite matter so much, so who cares? The zoomer/millennial stuff is just one of the many discourse topics on the web where people shit on other people to make themselves feel better. At the end of the day, you know who you are, live for yourself and stop worrying about what other people think.

No. 1844401

I'm from Poland, 23/24, studying IT and I can goddamn relate.

No. 1844527

i think it looks good, the rest of the furniture should be 60s mod-style and fully white to match

No. 1844777>>1844782>>1844786>>1846211>>1846455>>1846499

I'm white, but I have a natural repulsion towards white skin tone in romantic/sexual partners. Makes no sense, I have no clue what my problem is. It just reminds me of pig skin or uncooked chicken and unsettles me. I think it's the pink undertone? White people with more of an olive undertone I don't have the same issue with, so I really think it's the pinkness that turns me off. Which is dumb, because I am extremely pink myself, kek. I swear to god I'm not baiting, it's an actual issue for me.

No. 1844782>>1844802

So you hate yourself. Okay

No. 1844783

>Contributing to the rest of society
This is so retarded to me. Making things difficult for other people you’re working with is obviously terrible but I hate how people act like we should be content with being wage slaves. “Working hard” is overly romanticised.

No. 1844786>>1844802

Is it an undertone thing? I’ve occasionally seen darker-skinned people with pink undertones / pinkish looking skin.

No. 1844802>>1844812>>1844826

Yes but only in white people, because if you have dark skin with pink undertone you won't look like uncooked chicken so my brain doesn't freak out about it the same way.
I actually don't think about my own appearance that much.

No. 1844812>>1844822>>1846464

>they look like an uncooked chicken
So you mean we. You meant to say we look like uncooked chicken. Kek.

No. 1844822>>1844848

yeah sure, if you wanna nitpick my vocab

No. 1844826>>1844829

If you don’t like them in a romantic or sexual context, what about a culinary one? Do they make you hungry? I wouldn’t want to date a raw chicken but I wouldn’t mind cooking and eating one.

No. 1844829

kek, no, i'm a vegetarian

No. 1844848>>1844849

Just reminding you that you're deliberately othering yourself from exactly what you are.

No. 1844849>>1844853

No. 1844853>>1844858>>1844861

Uwu you're not like the other mayo monkey mayonnaise skin pink pepol uwu you're diffwent(infighting)

No. 1844858

I mean she specified pink-toned ones, there are plenty of olive-toned white people.

No. 1844861

you good, anon? I never said anything like that, in my original post I even said "lol i'm pink as fuck too" kek. I always wonder what's going on in the lives of overly aggressive anons

No. 1844939

I feel like I can't open up about my experience with abuse from my ex to anyone irl because it would sound too unhinged for most normal people and they'd either get way too outraged about it and/or think I'm a complete retard for putting up with it for so long. I often just want to be able to vent a little and have someone listen and agree that it sucked but I don't want anyone to take it too personally, and it's just too heavy to really talk about ever.
Especially with my parents, they don't even know that I ever dated anyone. My sister has a nice bf but they still nitpick him and get upset over things like "today she was moving heavy items and he didn't offer to help, I literally felt sick watching it, he failed as a man," I think if they heard even a fraction of what happened to me they'd probably alog the guy for the rest of their lives and immediately launch a lawsuit to try to imprison him. I'm glad that they love me and have high standards for men but I do feel like I have to keep this a secret for the rest of my life because it'd cause way too much drama.

No. 1844943>>1844945>>1844993

EEE was a show I thought only boys could understand. Like I think it’s funny now but I really did not like that hideous show as a kid.

No. 1844945

NTA but for me, it was like Courage the Cowardly Dog. Sure, the art style was pretty ugly at times, but it just goes with the show's humor and flow.

No. 1844959

The long weekend I just took to come back to my home country, having to sleep on my Mom's couch with my two other adult sisters still here, and deal with administrative stuff, consolidates my preconceived notion that the further away I am from all three people in this apartment, the better I am doing.
Between a wishy washy and aloof mother who has never set boundaries, a middle sister who is still doing nothing at 30 years old, stays at home with her cat and her CBD smoking and who can't muster up the energy to get herself back on track since 2017 and the youngest sister with the most bipolar behaviors and statements about everything, who can't talk to someone normally without insulting one's intelligence and who expects people to accommodate to her wishes (so if she wants to watch Netflix on the couch I'm sleeping on until 11:30pm, when I have to fly the next day and need sleep, I shouldn't act like it's the end of the world), none of them make me want to spend time around em.
There is just no cohabitating or co-living with people who think they have the right to break rules they imposed themselves to smother your personal bubble.
I can't fucking wait to be home tonight, enjoy the rest of my paid leave week and get the rest I've been deprived of.

No. 1844993>>1844994

kek who do you think drew all that shipping fan art? certainly wasn't boys

No. 1844994

File (hide): 1704784995386.jpg (Spoiler Image,864.44 KB, 1363x2048, 1000013226.jpg)

No. 1845052>>1845145

File (hide): 1704788409649.png (233.39 KB, 540x302, 1648197566795.png)

I've been flushing (face/head getting really hot) for months now in the evening and it seems to be getting worse, it's almost painful tbh. I somehow doubt the doctor will find anything wrong with me and this is just happening for 0 reason. Sigh.

No. 1845059

File (hide): 1704789405094.jpeg (18.16 KB, 224x225, IMG_5988.jpeg)

Had an intense crush on this girl who I am sure felt the same way. My girlfriend found out and made me ghost her. I dutifully did but then we had a chance encounter in November a year after not seeing her. She blanked me and turned away like she hated me. Anyway I’m totally torn up about the situation and want to scream and grieve and rage but my girlfriend is always home and obviously cannot be vented to. I know im a coward on all fronts but what does one do? My girlfriend is going away on a work trip for a few days so I might have a crying fit at home then.

No. 1845067>>1845068>>1845075>>1845101

Sometimes when my nigel isn't in the mood for sex i neg him by telling him it's ok, i know he's getting older (he is 28) and somehow it's an instant boner enhancer. I don't think it would work on every nigel out there, he's just very competitive

No. 1845068

That's right, nona. You psyop your boyfriend with psychic attack.

No. 1845075

KEK based

No. 1845101>>1845104

I don't get it. What's his thought process in that case?

No. 1845104

Idk I told him something like "it's ok babe I know you're not a young stud anymore" in a joking manner (he's younger than me kek) and I guess he wanted to prove himself. Sometimes a guy's dick is governed by the strangest emotions.

No. 1845134

Going to break up with my bf soon but I’m waiting for all these fresh 2023 dumpies to find their new things first before I release him back out into the wild

No. 1845136

I have BED the doctors don’t take me seriously cause I’m not fat (yet) and food just makes me feel alright. I’m so burnt

No. 1845145

are you using an HA serum? in the wrong environment it can be an inflammatory and make your face hot as hell by the end of the day (feels good at first). used to happen to me.

No. 1845148

I used to quote Ed's lines a lot but nobody ever got it

No. 1845252

File (hide): 1704810152754.jpeg (192.47 KB, 640x419, 2E857FBA-AD30-4FFA-A0EE-A5017B…)

Used to think PT was someone with polio or something

No. 1845272>>1845297>>1845344

I’m a huge oneyplays Chrisfag. He is unironically one of my favorite moids in existence. I want a funny retard bf like that even if it costs them some physical appearance points (I do think he’s still very cute though, absolutely would). He viewed my insta stories once, like he must have went through people who viewed his story, and I was thinking about it all day.

No. 1845275>>1845294>>1845328>>1845337

My bf had a traumatic brain injury a few years ago. He is trying to seek help with therapy and a neurologist.
When we talk about marriage or children, he just breaks down sobbing. He cant process his thoughts and he gets so upset.
My confession is, every time he sobs, I am repulsed and less intrested in dating. A man sobbing during any serious convo is such a fucking turn off and it makes me so angry. i feel like the one in the relationship with “bigger balls”, and i resent him for that

No. 1845294>>1845308


How convenient that he only sobs when talking about marriage and children. Very specific traumatic brain injury.

No. 1845297

Sam Hyde viewed my story once it’s not something to brag about cause it’s him but it threw me off

No. 1845308

Yeah, Ive called him out on it. He also cries when he has to book a doctors appointment, or apply for a new job….
Ive come to terms we wont last and so i am saving up to move out. Hes such a spineless bitch.

No. 1845328

Ntayrt but oh god, are you still with him? Dump him, dump him now. A moid with a certified brain injury could kill you and people would think it's your fault for being with him and he's only a victim of his injury.

No. 1845336

this is so twisted and I'm so ashamed so admit this but sometimes I wish I'd get sick, or be in a terrible accident. nothing that would change my life forever but something that would put me in the hospital for a while. I want to know who would check in, who would visit, who wouldn't leave my side, who would change the way they treat me. I know I'm loved but I want people to show me. I want people to confess their undying love for me out of fear they'll never have another chance to do so. I want people to realise how important I am to them.

No. 1845337>>1845410

Why are you staying with this man, why put up with this?? Do you really want to be in a relationship with a literal manbaby?

No. 1845344>>1845407

god I wish that was me but I’m too paranoid to have any social media that isn’t just for keeping in touch with my family. Surprised he even looks at his followers since he’s mentioned before about how he likes to post his shit online and just leave, especially with how annoying some accounts can be with tagging him constantly.

No. 1845407>>1845446

Oh I’m not alone in loving him blessed nona…He has even answered my reply to one of his stories before, twice. I like to daydream it’s because my short hair shows in my pfp. He actually kinda posts a lot for a moid but he never responds to comments, and I don’t blame him, the hundreds of comments are annoying references to the show.

No. 1845410

If you scrolled down you would have seen the reply in which I stated I am moving out soon.

No. 1845415>>1845554

retard, there is absolutely nothing you can do to get your security deposit back. you can make the floor so clean you can eat on it and your landlord will be like "it's too clean, I need the deposit to fix that". have you ever rented in your fucking life. the deposit is dead money. you might as well smear shit on the walls so your deposit pays for the cleaning instead of going straight to the cuntlord's pocket.

No. 1845418

This looks like a little girls from in 2001 eew. Nonetheless, this would in no way decrease the property value, it's just paint.

No. 1845446

>Oh I’m not alone in loving him blessed nona…
nta but there's always been a bunch of oneyfags in /g/

No. 1845513>>1845777

During college I went camping in the mountains with my parents in a log cabin with a traditional outhouse some ways out. One night after a day of hiking and snacking on wasabi peas, I needed to take a sudden shit. It was cold and the outhouse was far away and gross.
I shit outside. The next day my stepdad slipped on the shit and he blamed it on a bear due to the pile size kek.

No. 1845551>>1845667>>1845790

i wish i could leave lolcor but it's the only place that accepts man/tranny hating
Everywhere else sucks ass

No. 1845554

File (hide): 1704831704974.jpg (72.09 KB, 640x834, 33f7ac2e42e03ffe41b2a2f6305_6d…)

absolute sage wisdom here. I like the fervor too. I am gonna shit everywhere next time I move out.

No. 1845558

My little sister just told me she's moving out at 19 and I'm happy for her, but so envious. I live with our grandfather and I love him but feel so smothered at times, not to mention he is always making messes. I've been wanting to move out for years but haven't due to a mixture of laziness, depression, and guilt of leaving him alone because he needs someone to look after him. I did have the better childhood, so I guess it's only fair she has an easier time as an adult than me. Her own car, her own place, and I have neither. I'm still a little bitter my mom didn't help me but my little sister deserves it after everything she's been put through.

No. 1845657>>1845659

File (hide): 1704837368010.jpg (52.3 KB, 475x600, 08bcbb5793dc9646c645aada62e6cd…)

This is so retarded, but I've been consuming so much stuff about royal families that now I instinctively want to curtsy to people. I've never done a full on curtsy (thank God!) but I have slightly bent my knees while thanking people. I catch myself pretty quickly though before I can do anything that's too noticeable or awkward.

No. 1845659>>1845676

Please stop embarrassing yourself

No. 1845667

I don't get people saying they want to leave lolcor if they're having fun

No. 1845676

I've only embarrassed myself in my head

No. 1845683>>1845689

I slept with a ton of guys in the beginning of seeing my bf but when we got official I cut them all off. I feel like a psychopath but I feel like I never technically cheated so it doesn't matter. The guilt is strong though

No. 1845689

You're fine, nona. You cut them off, no need to feel guilt about it. And I'm saying this as someone who has had a grand total of two partners, and one of them cheated on me numerous times over years. If that had been sleeping around at the beginning but cut them off like you did, I never would have cared.

No. 1845746>>1845756

I only watched Bojack Horseman to be able to watch those cartoon analysis videos about it.

No. 1845756

was it worth it?

No. 1845777

I love this

No. 1845790

Same, I have major convictions/opinions that I don’t share with the general farmerbase but we’re the only women community that share in trannyhating and even faghating, so I can’t leave.

No. 1845797

File (hide): 1704848046972.jpeg (717.21 KB, 2000x2487, IMG_6262.jpeg)

I want a body like hers

No. 1845904

I think the hazbin hotel creator is cute if she lost weight she would be my type exactly

No. 1845998

I’m bitter towards my parents for setting me up for a life of being a wagie which is why I don’t talk to them

No. 1846202

I’ve been wanting to say this for so long, honestly. Zoomers are retarded but so are millennials.

No. 1846207

Irrelevant, but when you said the red, green and yellow part I thought of heathers.

No. 1846211>>1846226>>1846695

get therapy and read up on history.

No. 1846226>>1846236

Why, and why? I don’t hate myself, I just have an preference for skin tones unlike my own. I was thinking about it and think it’s a naturally occurring extreme version of the instinct a lot of people have to mate with people that have different genes than your close relatives for genetic diversity. since my whole family is pinky white and blonde, and I like dark hair and darker skin, ever since I was old enough to have crushes

No. 1846236

Nona, I understand where you’re coming from. I’m kind of the same way. Around 75% of my crushes have had brown/dark white skin with black hair and I’m pale white. I’ve never noticed the pink thing, though, but I kind of see why it could be unattractive.

No. 1846414

I realize that I use getting high as an excuse to binge, but I know I can control my munchies or choose healthier snacks. So I am gonna not do that anymore, not every sesh has to be a feast too.

No. 1846455>>1846487>>1846500

I've noticed much more people on lolcow are in interracial relationships, at least back when the discord was very active, than the general population. That's my only input.

Personally I think it's odd not to be attracted to your own race and I find people who are really into races not their own are often a bit milky (think of all the cows obsessed with living in Japan and Japanese guys).

No. 1846456>>1846491

File (hide): 1704883485182.gif (1000.81 KB, 500x379, 58416152-EEB6-46F9-997E-FD9CC4…)

I'm an aspiring pro ana, I have horrible body fat distribution, I hate my stomach and I dream of being skeletal. I can only feel envious of an emaciated woman, the worst time of my life was when I was obese and I want to cry when I see old photos of me during that time. Why am I so superficial ?

No. 1846458>>1846480

I'm a millennial and it's weird to me zoomers seem to have so much antipathy and hatred for the immediately older generation. I never cared or thought about Gen Xers at all growing up.

No. 1846464>>1846497

Lol. Sounds like a LARP having read this. Reminds me of when that infamous Asian incel sub, r/aznidentity would create accounts pretending to be women and spam r/ladyboners with Asian and Indian guys.

No. 1846480

They don't, it's just social media blowing it out of proportion.

No. 1846487>>1847632

OP literally said she's fine with white people who have an olive tone though…or do you consider slightly tanned white people a different race?

No. 1846491

Nonna no please, skeletal is miserable. You'll still be fat in places you hate but gaunt and pokey everywhere else. Fitfaggotry is where it's at when you're superficial, then you look great and your butt doesn't hurt when you sit on it.

No. 1846497

You sound like a butthurt white poltard who poisons the well and accuses every woman who expresses attraction to non-white guys of being a moid lol.

No. 1846499

im a pale as fuck white woman and im not attracted to white men or pale skin on men in general either. however your post sounds a bit bait-y. its one thing to not feel attracted to a certain trait, which is fine, but another a thing to go around bashing it in a somewhat racist manner. no need for that.

No. 1846500>>1846731

Race isn’t a real thing, retard. Go back.

No. 1846501

90% of posts in the Shayna thread are made by the same schizophrenic troon. Same one always sperging out about her eye color and stalking her dates.

No. 1846503

Sex positive feminism was cancer

No. 1846665>>1846674

There’s too many non weeb normalfags on lolcow.(wrong thread)

No. 1846674

No. 1846682>>1846745

File (hide): 1704902349138.jpg (34.59 KB, 1280x720, preview.jpg)

I confess that I would love to kiss Margot Robbie. I'm married to a man, and yet everytime I see her I feel like picrel.

No. 1846695

What history specifically?

No. 1846731>>1847632

Idk what your point is. Whether it's real biologically isn't important. Every person I've met who said they didn't like people of their own race romantically or sexually was recognized by their peers as maladjusted and weird. Male or female. Regardless of race.

No. 1846745

File (hide): 1704906191534.jpeg (156.49 KB, 1080x1349, IMG_5760.jpeg)

I could and would turn her bi I swear

No. 1846863>>1846865>>1846866>>1846885>>1846981>>1847999

I wanted to make the new Stupid Questions thread and use a dalmatian as the pic because it was thread #101 but somebody would have probably sperged like a lunatic for days so I just let somebody else do it.

No. 1846865

we missed out

No. 1846866

Do it, anon

No. 1846885>>1846894>>1846919>>1846921>>1847124

please. enough dogfag sperging

No. 1846894

You have your thread

No. 1846919

There's a dog hate thread in the catalog, go blow off some steam.

No. 1846921

File (hide): 1704915925980.jpeg (98.52 KB, 640x480, stare.jpeg)

What anon, you don't like 101 Dalmatians?

No. 1846981

Oh shit, that would have been great. Yeah, I just picked a semi related question photo, but I think your idea would have been great. However, I also think you're right in that people would have sperged for days. I also want to avoid dogs being too closely associated with the only women only website.

No. 1847034

I self-harm by making retarded/mean/troll posts online (including on lc) reading the negative replies and then crying because someone said something mean to me and everyone hate mr

No. 1847124>>1847381

Life must be so hard when you seethe this much just from seeing the word "dalmatian" kek

No. 1847381>>1847418

idgaf about the dogs themselves im tired of the retarded discourse about dog threadpics across multiple threads

No. 1847418

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No. 1847426>>1847920>>1847925

File (hide): 1704938338890.png (67.84 KB, 214x183, m453.png)

I "used" to have 2D waifus, the worst type: tsundere/himedere lolis. I'm not going to explain why i like them here but i was always secretly enthusiastic about them and because of their personalities i would put them above anything else and in general i felt very happy whenever i would see them. I could never really express this side of me to others because i know the bad look it would give me but now that i have to deal with more people IRL i've made sure that they wouldn't find any trace of my waifus, i've even stopped playing silly games with them. My days feel less colorful but i'll get used to it. Halal mode.

No. 1847429>>1847616

If I could, I would make a clone of myself.
That would be the only way to ever find somebody that would see me as an equal and love me.

No. 1847603

The milkshake in the bpd thread in snow looks delicious.

No. 1847616

I think having a twin/clone would be cool too, seems like twins have really strong and unique bonds

No. 1847632

No. 1847764>>1847775

I keep masturbating thinking of a character I'm not even all that physically attracted to. I just get this feeling him and I would have great sexual chemistry due to his tastes, personality and mental illness being similar to mine.

No. 1847775

No. 1847911

I can't stand my new co-worker, he stinks, constantly puts things upside down, tells nonsense to customers, all the while being obnoxiously pedantic.

No. 1847920

I think its commendable you're trying to get rid of your more questionable proclivities.

No. 1847925>>1847998

it's nice that you're maturing I guess but I don't get what's wrong with your choice of favorite character? Seems like you're just using 'waifu' as a descriptor for characters whose personalities you found enjoyable.

No. 1847998

why would you assume it was nonsexual and purely character based? that's not really what a waifu is.

No. 1847999>>1848060

why a dalmation? I was busy yesterday is that a reference to something that happened in the thread?

No. 1848060

101 Dalmations.

No. 1848223>>1848255>>1848258>>1848263>>1848290>>1848684>>1848935>>1849289

I know nonas hate him. I know you all think he's old and ugly. But Ryan Gosling in Barbie press interviews is one of the few things that has made me smile and laugh, and I cry a lot lately. That's my confession.

No. 1848255

Ryan Gosling is funny honestly.

No. 1848258

File (hide): 1704999493988.jpeg (807.01 KB, 1525x2048, ED0A469D-236B-450E-BFC4-3B9DA6…)

He’s charming but ugly. Charm can carry people and elevate their looks a lot

No. 1848263

I was one of the first people to hate his look for Ken, but he was genuinely really fun in that movie. I liked the way him and Margot looked together. He made a good Ken.

No. 1848290>>1848293

File (hide): 1705000050945.jpg (76.49 KB, 742x1024, gettyimages-1485252795-6449018…)

He looked like shit in the movie because of the unflattering hair color and the shaved jaw, he looks way better with slightly darker hair and with facial hair imo. I still want to steal his pink jacket too.

No. 1848293

He looks way better with the darker hair and facial hair. I have a soft spot for him knowing he was in an episode of Are You Afraid Of The Dark way back.

No. 1848674

If shit goes south for me, I'll become a nun.

No. 1848684>>1848701>>1849424

The whole time Barbie was being marketed prior to release, everyone was complaining that he looked too old and ugly to be Ken. But I always said that I thought he had the comedic chops to do a good job and had the right vibe for Ken, so I feel vindicated by how well received he was in the movie. Usually I have low tolerance for walled male movie stars but in this case I just knew he would be funny enough to justify it and he was.

No. 1848701>>1848728>>1848801

I hated how Ken looked but after finally seeing the movie in December it was my favourite film of the year. So funny so well executed. Gosling was perfect as Ken. That montage of him seeing forms of masculinity everywhere was so funny and then the dance battle out of no where. I couldn't stop smiling.

No. 1848728>>1848801

Yeah I kinda hate in principle that his performance and storyline stole the show on THE movie for and about women but it is what it is, he was excellent

No. 1848747>>1848820>>1849401

File (hide): 1705017477319.jpg (132.74 KB, 736x920, 1000006866.jpg)

I just want to buy my favorite barbie because she's literally me and I've always loved her. I don't even care that I'm obsessed, I was obsessed with this doll back then, and I will enjoy being obsessed with this doll today too.

No. 1848801>>1849041>>1849052>>1849270

I genuinely didn't like the sequence with the song with Ken. It was funny at first and then got annoying, it's a funny joke that goes on and on until it's not funny anymore. He's just a tard and Barbie was his unfortunate tard wrangler, but him being sad over getting friendzoned or parallels with real life misogyny felt very out of place.

No. 1848820>>1849396

>huggable soft body
wtf they made a plush Barbie? Is her body floppy liked a ragdoll with hard limbs and head?

No. 1848935

Goosling is far from the ugliest man in Hollywood. His styling in as Ken was atrocious (invoked, I guess it's suppose to be campy) but he was easily one of the best parts of the movie.

No. 1849041

I also found it dull but from what I've heard from men I know and from other women's reports, a lot of men LOVED it, so I guess it's like the male fanservice kek. They relate to him being a sappy tard and connected to the movie

No. 1849052>>1849855

It wasn't just that Ken was friendzoned. In Barbieland the Kens are perceived to be completely devoid of depth and aren't respected. Ken had real feelings too but they were just a joke to everyone and the audience. Barbieland was opposite to the real world

No. 1849270

Same. He was the most annoying character in the movie.

No. 1849286

it made me a bit salty seeing normies start to enjoy anime. it was so jarring to watch the guy who used to tease me for watching anime change his icon to naruto on instagram. it was kind of funny to witness their cringe tiktok weeb phases in 2020 when i already got over mine in middle school kek. though they should’ve never discovered it because they ruined the fanbase even more

No. 1849289>>1849372

Ryan Gosling is so fucking fugly he looks like a bearded nematode.

No. 1849372

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No. 1849396>>1849703

File (hide): 1705059152973.jpg (65.6 KB, 768x1024, 1000006896.jpg)

That's probably the second plush barbie that's been made, this is the other one I remember having, and I know there was yet another one that was made before dream glow.

No. 1849401>>1849859

I wasn't allowed to sleep with mine because her hand poked my eye in my sleep once

No. 1849422>>1849441>>1849611>>1849624

I’ve become really obsessed with this girl (a mutual friend of a friend) that I’ve been following for a few years on it to the point I started screenshotting her posts and trying to pass them off as mine on Instagram. She looks quite a lot like me too so sometimes I’ll steal her pictures that are somewhat obscured and blurry and pass them off as pics I took of myself. Whats concerning is my following has been growing for quite a while now (I haven’t profited off anything she’s done or whatever, but she has a natural gift for aesthetics that I lack and the only reason people like my stuff now is because I’ve been copying her aesthetically a lot and using her pics) and my actual face has been posted there too so people know it’s me running the account and I know it’s only a matter of time before her or her followers find my account and see I’ve been stealing her posts. I know this is very cowlike behavior on my part I know and I don’t wanna be exposed for it. But at the same time she’s made me more famous on ig. I know everyone copies each other on ig anyway and tbh I’m sure she copies other people as her aesthetic isn’t that original, but I’m worried that I’ve turned into a cow already.

No. 1849424

Barbie movie sucked not sure why people thought it was so amazing. The hype around it also felt very contrived and forced probably because Mattel’s stocks have been falling for years now and it felt like they just threw in some feminist baiting crap to make it seem deep and meaningful

No. 1849441

stop stealing my memes reeeeeee

No. 1849557>>1849819

File (hide): 1705071531286.jpeg (38.82 KB, 500x250, IMG_0847.jpeg)

I grew up in a strict household that never told me shit but at the same time i had unrestricted internet access. When i was maybe 10? I found this video on youtube that was an animation of minecraft steve having sex with a creeper or something and thats how i found out how babies are made. It was this exact video in picrel but I can't find it anywhere.

No. 1849611

this is so unhinged kek thank you for making me laugh. please post her social media I'm dying to see the aesthetic

No. 1849624>>1850140

Holy shit, are you the same unhinged cow from that one thread on snow who skinwalks her husband's ex gf?

No. 1849703>>1849735

File (hide): 1705076568045.jpg (75.77 KB, 768x768, afb1838d-cc15-4c6d-a98f-bdc3d2…)

Literally such a fake-ass fan.

No. 1849735>>1849779

File (hide): 1705077998502.jpg (36.13 KB, 894x372, 516fYBrWpqL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

why is she laying like Jabba the Hutt kek

No. 1849779

She's waiting for her slave Kens to appear.

No. 1849819>>1849908

>steve having sex with a creeper
>and thats how i found out how babies are made.
nonnie, thats not how babies are made

No. 1849839>>1849910>>1849921>>1850259

When I used to work at a hotel, people would come in to buy tokens to run our laundromat. I wouldn't ring it up, I'd just act like it and put it in the cash drawer.

When I closed, I counted out what the overage was, and I'd stick the bills up my sleeve while putting the drawer in the safe. It was never more than ten dollars each day and usually less, but I put it straight into savings, and it added up super fast.

Then they started doing this promo for front desk staff that signed people up for our reward programs. I'd just sign everyone up who I checked in. You got points you could redeem for different rewards. One of the rewards was an amazon gift card. I basically furnished my first apartment on those gift cards.

No. 1849855>>1849875

No lol Barbieland should have been a reflection of how little girls perceive the real world because that would have explained why Ken dolls are treated as just accessories without ever being disrespected. Because little girls don't give a fuck about adult men and their real life issues such as paying bills, working shit jobs and being mediocre fathers. If Barbieland were a reflection of the real world with reversed roles then the story would have been rated for adults only and would have been either a horror story or a dark comedy about Barbies raping, killing and dismembering Kens on screen while joking about how that's all they're good for, forcing them to completely hide so we wouldn't see their abs and legs on the beach in the very beginning of the story and the whole point would just be to shock the audience to send some kind of message. It's like the movie wanted to do two very different things at the same time. But that's not what I complained about in the initial post, my problem isn't with Ken's existence but with how that one specific joke was delivered. It's like you're watching a sitcom, a really funny scene comes up so you laugh, and then it never stops and then all the characters stop what they're doing to look at the camera for like a whole minute just to wait until the laugh track stops and it's like. I don't know, the timing ruins the joke. I'm thinking about the Nanny right now but that can't be the only series like this.

No. 1849859

I used to sleep with Barbie and American girl dolls and they poked my skin while I slept. It'd take me days to notice the bruises were there

No. 1849875>>1849906>>1849911>>1849913

Based and truthpilled reply. FUCK that retarded Barbie movie. It was so palpably a development hell movie. Retarded and spineless film.

No. 1849906

I actually really liked the movie overall but the story isn't very consistent and nobody can convince me otherwise. It tried to be two different movies at the same time with two different stories and that didn't ruin my enjoyment of the movie but it wasn't the super clever feminist message we all expected. It was close to it and yet so far. Oh well, it's just an Hollywood ad/movie to make millennial working ladies me buy cute plastic toys for their kids or for themselves like in the good old days. I think the costumes, the humor and the sets are really good though.

No. 1849908

nonnie was probably sheltered and retarded because of her upbringing. Hopefully she is more educated now.

No. 1849910

Honestly, based.

No. 1849911>>1849914

My mom was watching it and I rolled my eyes so hard when the Mexican chick was talking about muh white privilege. So ham fisted it doesn’t even seem fun, anyways let’s all play the song at the end by a woman who married a man who raped a woman at knifepoint about how bad like the Barbie she is

No. 1849913

It would have been better if they didnt shove that retarded troon in it. I really liked weird barbie though.

No. 1849914

Maybe it's because I'm not American (as in, from the continent in general) but if it weren't for my friend telling me it's the Ugly Betty actress, I would have been like "bitch you're white with a tan?!" during that scene.

No. 1849921

stacy move tbh

No. 1850064>>1850072>>1850163

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I rarely ever wash my sheets. I've had my current ones on since I bought them in like late November/early December. I'm just lazy as fuck and hate putting the sheets back on the bed once they're clean. Wild to me that people wash their bedsheets every week kek Maybe I'll wash them this weekend now that I'm thinking about it

No. 1850072>>1850081>>1850157>>1850451

Serious question, do you have bacne? If I don't switch out my sheets every week I get constellations of pimples on my back. At least it motivates me to get chores done kek

No. 1850081

Yea it kinda comes and goes, but I sleep in a t-shirt or sweatshirt all the time—never in anything where my back would be touching the sheets kek. I suspect it's from my shampoo/conditioner tbh.

No. 1850099>>1850143

Gross topic sorry but i'm 25 and i still have no idea of how male underwear works. How are they supposed to hide their thing inside there all the time. Doesn't it hurt. Isn't it uncomfortable.
I do not want to know.

No. 1850140

No, skinwalking another woman over a guy is pathetic even by my standards. I’m doing this out of my own interests, no moids involved. To be honest I’m just a fan of hers and greatly admire her talent for taking nice pictures and styling herself cutely.

No. 1850143

I don't understand any of it either, especially tucking

No. 1850145>>1850164>>1850192>>1850193>>1850242>>1850275

I buy shit sometimes from companies I should be boycotting. I like a Chick-fil-A sandwich or a Starbucks on occasion. Consoomers are always going to feed the machine no matter whether the company's values are trash or not. I really just want to scream that boycotting doesn't really work unless it's done massively and puts a dent in a company's profit margin. Most CEOs of companies are rich conservative psychos anyway, I don't care if they put up an altruistic progressive front.

No. 1850157

nta but I have pretty bad bacne and it's almost always because of my period. Last month it got so bad it even spread on my neck exactly one week before my period and then nothing. I just got a lot more bacne a few days ago because of my periods right now. I'm even more careful than usual with my sheets and pjs and it doesn't change anything about my skin.

No. 1850163

I don't really wash my bed stuff because I have a bunch of thick blankets and idk how I'd get them out of the washing machine if they get sopping wet (heavy). Still, I should be washing the pillowcases and actual bedsheets more

No. 1850164>>1850246

I buy starbucks kinda and mcdonalds. I dont give a shit about fake virtue signaling and you shouldnt either.

No. 1850182

I’m so lazy dude like wtf is wrong with me I wanna not do shit but alas I have to do

No. 1850192>>1850296

It's just idiotic to "boycott" huge companies. 500000 people not buying from a company that sells the equivalent of millions of people in merchandise per month isn't going to miss any of those 500000 people, like at all, hell, say that's a million of people not buying from a huge ass company, there's still others willing to buy the equivalent of that million of people in merchandise of whatever they sell.

No. 1850193

>boycotting doesn't really work unless it's done massively and puts a dent in a company's profit margin.
Didn't it though, with Starbucks? I've only got a free birthday drink from Starbucks within these past few months. I like that people are actually boycotting and affecting the company so I also chose not to buy from them. I think it's good to see actual action being taken because so many people scream "eat the rich" and "fuck capitalism" and yadda yadda yadda but won't actually stop giving companies their money.

No. 1850214

Maybe creepy but I work at a library and I love listening to peoples conversations. It's mostly school kids and parents with kids so it's never interesting but it's a nice music replacement, like radio kek.

No. 1850242>>1850296

>Consoomers are always going to feed the machine
In this case you are the consoomer feeding the machine.

No. 1850246

How is it virtue signaling? Virtue signaling is pretending to care about an issue while doing nothing in regards to it. Seems like the opposite since it’s taking a step they can against whoever they have an issue with. Virtue signaling isn’t just having an opinion on something, it ‘s having an opinion that your actions don’t match.

No. 1850259

Hey, you have to do what you have to do to survive. Basado.

No. 1850275>>1850296>>1850462

I literally cannot think of a successful boycott aside from Montgomery bus boycott when Rosa Parks wouldn't give up her seat, kek. The issue is that these companies have such unbelievably large reach that it's difficult for all of us to get organised enough to actually conduct an effect boycott. I think the only way you can genuinely hit these companies where it hurts is to not be a consoomer. They are always looking for ways to get people to spend more, there's always a new trend to follow or a new fad because these greedy companies are obsessed with gaining unlimited increased profit margins.

No. 1850296

My friends told me to boycott multiple companies because of the Israel Palestine situation. While I understand their rationale I also hope they understand that burger government is inherently super Zionist and paying too much money to Israel already. Unlike those companies I quite literally can't boycott my own government for their silly decisions. So there's really no point in it at all

Well we are built off a culture of consumption. Whether it's a small business or a big corporation, we consume everyday and use currency to do it, which is inherently driving the consumer culture. If we went back to trading and bartering like it was prehistoric there'd still be a new form of consumerist culture. I'm bisexual but I also understand that it won't kill me if I eat waffle fries every once in awhile, the homophobes who run that company have no personal power over me. And I can't run the homophobes out of my local and state government either no matter how much I vote for the opposing party. The reality is that people in power are often shitty and rarely actually have progressive values because their restriction is how they keep their power.

The only protests in recent years that have felt like they've actually worked for anything were BLM protests. Police are still killing people, sure, but at least it had a small ripple. Online demands to boycott companies for their misplaced values seldom go anywhere because it's not a physical wave of action. Not many people standing outside these companies HQs and protesting, not enough to have an effect. If people really hated these companies so much you think they'd take a greater physical action, not just lazily demand boycotts on the internet

No. 1850408

I have an extreme parasocial fixation/obsession with this one kinda famous moid. I used to cope and say that it was just his younger, cuter self but now I spend hours thinking about his current self and reaching out. I know that's weird at hell, I need to figure out how to nip this in the bud.

No. 1850451

NTA but I do the same thing as OP and never had bacne in my whole life (though I don't sleep shirtless so)

No. 1850462

boycotts were also instrumental agianst apartheid south africa. the anti-apartheid movement abroad started as a consumer boycott in britain but it grew much bigger woth academic boycotts, barring the country from sports events, pressuring for international sanctions etc.
the BDS strategy explicitly takes inspiration from that
it's unlikely a simple consumer boycott can change history by itself but it can kick off a bigger movement

No. 1850466>>1850505>>1851001

I really feel a calling to become a nun. I would like to be able to help people and live a modest lifestyle surrounded by fellow women.

No. 1850505>>1850520>>1851026

File (hide): 1705109132263.jpeg (112.51 KB, 1000x666, IMG_6104.jpeg)

This would be fun… if nuns could fuck.

I mean I'm not a virgin so I wouldn't qualify anyway

No. 1850520>>1851027

Do convents still care about that? I thought they were cool with nuns just being celibate after they take their vows but I'm sure there's still some hardcore trads who are stickler jerks. Apparently if you were married and divorced you have to get your marriage annulled before you can join though.

No. 1851001

Same, except because I'm becoming a legit prude and just sick of living a regular life. I don't want to be exposed to anything else ever anymore besides nuns.

No. 1851021>>1851029>>1851037>>1851040>>1851043>>1851046

File (hide): 1705130100054.jpg (11.62 KB, 179x281, images (12).jpg)

BLM made me racist and PRIDE made me homophobic.

I used to be "live and let live" now i am sick of it and i am tired of constant brainwashing propaganda in the workforce, academia and mainstream media.(racebaiting)

No. 1851026

Vote for next thread pic

No. 1851027

your allowed to have sex before becoming a nun.

No. 1851029>>1851043

I hope you don't get banned for racebait, but the latter true is for me as well, no amount of conservative propaganda made me as homophobic as actual gay men being genuine.

No. 1851034

My husbands asleep with his arm up over his head, and by God I'm gonna sniff the armpit

No. 1851037>>1851043

No. 1851040

You should go to Kiwifarms, you can be your racist self freely there and whine about black people all day long, even in threads that are about the weather, nobody wants to here it here.

No. 1851043>>1851045>>1851061

What the fuck is up with all these anons proudly proclaiming how racist and homophobic they are all of a sudden? I swear this has increased exponentially in the last few months. Go take up residence on /pol/ or something

No. 1851045>>1851049>>1851052

There's been such a huge influx today especially. I'm exhausted. We hate moids here, not lesbians or bi women.

No. 1851046>>1851054>>1851070>>1860913

Same, in fact I actually don’t even know if gays should be able to be married anymore. What do they even gain from it? What family can they reap the benefits of it for? They’re just people living together. They love to whine and pretend the “right” to it is going to be taken away but they can’t even stay with one partner in the first place.

No. 1851049

I hate men both gay and straight. Idc about lesbians

No. 1851052>>1851056>>1851060>>1851061

I've noticed it has coincided with suddenly a shit ton of anons posting about their husbands and their babies. I think this is not a coincidence. I wonder where they are coming from?

No. 1851054

The slipery slope was true, nothing will never be enough, PRIDE wants to eat up everything that exists. Its not just trannies pissing me off, i am really peaked with the rest of the gendies and the rainbow cult too.

No. 1851056>>1851057

people mature, grow up, leave tumblr and then realize how bad things truly are

No. 1851057>>1851074

kek yes im sure you have it so bad, so much worse than black women who get shat on by all of society. you poor thing. Why don't you go nurse the baby before church.

No. 1851060>>1851066>>1851069>>1851114

I don't believe when nonnas say they're homophobic they're meaning women. I take jt as they're meaning gay men and the whole tranny shit

No. 1851061>>1851067>>1851070>>1860916

right, idk if it's a legit tradthot infestation or jsut baitposters but either way it fucking sucks. takes the fun right out of discussions

No. 1851066>>1851070>>1851085

i am not particularly fond of lesbians trying to bully me into sleeping with women or else i am not a real feminist. I don't think farmers realize how unhinged they act towards straight women just for being straight

No. 1851067>>1851085

What takes the fun out of discussions is people calling anyone with an opinion a tradthot.

No. 1851069>>1851085>>1860931

You're probably right, anon. Just sucks being a lesbian and getting dragged by the rainbow cult. I just want to be left alone.

No. 1851070>>1851072>>1851085>>1851479>>1851562>>1860935

>legit tradthot infestation
I think it's this. All of the problems I've been seeing lately line up with their demographic exactly:
>homosexuals are disgusting perverts corrupting society and the family, a la >>1851046
>General racism towards black people
>"my husband this" "my husband that" "advice on dealing with my husband?"
>tons and tons of baby talk
>increased hate towards GNC women
>"lesbians are predatory and want to force me to sleep with them!" >>1851066
Does tiktok have a large trad presence or are we thinking this is twitter?

No. 1851072

Tell me one difference between two fags living together and two friends living together that’s worthy of government subsidy.

No. 1851074>>1851079>>1851104>>1851105

Omg, the Poc transqueer fem neurodivergents have it so bad in america, oh no, i kneel nonnie, teach me all the critical race theory and why i should self flagelate 24/7, do you have a cashapp i can donate money to you ?(racebaiting)

No. 1851078

I don’t know why but I’m jealous of the bond my sisters have with one another and yet I can’t click with them I buy them shit and it feels transactional when I bond with them. They don’t talk to me. I don’t know about my family

No. 1851079

>critical race theory
going full mask off I see

No. 1851081>>1851084

Since when has it been a tradthot thing to have a husband kek. I mean yeah most tradthots have/aspire to have one but majority of the female population is straight…

No. 1851084>>1851091

it's not by itself but the fact that it has materialized in large numbers coinciding with the rest of it makes it obvious what's going on, imo

No. 1851085>>1851090

That's fair but when I've talked about not liking homos I'm meaning gay men not women. I've never had a gay woman try to bully me into sleeping with them lol I guess I'm not the demographic. Thinking back I don't even think I've interacted with many lesbian women, at least not the stereotypical butch ones.
Gay men on the other hand..
Different opinions seem to trigger some nonnas. I don't think seeing issues with a group of people is tradthotty but I guess anything that isn't licking the taint of rainbow haired gold thong wearing men is too traddy
I promise at least from me nonna I have never once thought badly of lesbians, I'm sure they have their own issues but I've not seen or heard them myself.
I actually told alot of respect for lesbians after they kicked out the north American man boy love association from the original gay marches. Honestly I kind of wish I liked women even a little bit so I could be done with men.

No. 1851090>>1851093

don't worry, most lesbians probably wouldn't want your racist ass even if you were gay

No. 1851091

I think the trans stuff has brought male deviant behaviour into the sphere of women who normally had no idea it had gotten as bad as it has and this is the result from it. Where else could nonnas discuss this? Besides Ovar.it, actually asking cause I'd like to go there

No. 1851093

That's fine

No. 1851098>>1851101>>1851109>>1860967

I'm thinking about leaving this place, it's getting extremely creepy to me seeing the userbase change into such a large portion of proud racists, I really don't want to be talking with people like that, it just creeps me out. It's a shame farmhands couldn't get this under control well enough, I hate to see that this will be lc's legacy after so many fun years.

No. 1851101>>1851109

agreed, the shift has been really quick and it's disheartening

No. 1851104>>1851107

File (hide): 1705132824938.png (97.6 KB, 1241x408, 1704312011762.png)

I mean actual, real black women do have it pretty bad yeah

No. 1851105>>1851108>>1860942

This is so tiring. Why would the performative white guilt people make you want to be racist to non-white people…? You were probably just racist to begin with. White people will be racist at the slightest inconvenience, I’ve dealt with enough racism that vitriol towards white people should be expected and yet I refuse to fall into that and be racist towards them. But then people like you will justify racism for being mildly miffed at some losers on twitter… Geez.

No. 1851107

You think you're going to convince the racist tradthot by using a Roe-related story? kek she probably cheers for the imprisonment of that poor woman.

No. 1851108

you are a good person, sorry you have to deal with this bullshit even on here now.

No. 1851109>>1851110>>1851112

>large portion of proud racists
Nonnies idk, I feel like this place was more racist in the past? But either way, I don't think it's a large portion. Are we sure this isn't the same few anons just in different threads? I mean that one anon who's husband got blood on him was in 4 different threads talking about it kek.

No. 1851110>>1851115

samefagging but also there's a deranged troon in the black women thread on /g/ always baiting, are we sure that they're not over here spreading their racism as bait?

No. 1851112

nayrt today was especially bad but in general the racist, homophobic and anti feminist posts are ramping up on here. idk if it's bait or serious posters but either it's not fun

No. 1851114

I'm a straight woman and I hate trannies and I don't really like gay men for the same reasons I don't like most men, but I wouldn't ever call myself homophobic because I feel like that by default includes women.
My hometown was a city that is full of gay men and lesbian women so I think I had a good pool of people to base my experiences off of, but I've literally never experienced "being bullied into sleeping with women wahhh". Some pushy flirting sure, some light roasting about being attracted to moids, but that's it. My mom's best friend and her wife are the only two lesbians I'm actually close with now, but I just cannot fathom being a woman and disliking lesbians for any reason. Incomparable to gay moids

No. 1851115>>1851121

one of the racebaiters in the vent thread a few days ago claimed to have a husband, but idk what's real or not anymore

No. 1851119>>1851125>>1851128>>1851745

File (hide): 1705134370499.jpg (18.92 KB, 275x267, 1688928180471.jpg)

I literally have no problems with black anons I think is schizo to hate them since they're very chill, rarely announce themselves unless necessary and barely infight. The homos tho…I don't like them, gay men in particular are very hard to interact with. I used to be neutral about lesbians on LC but ngl they've become insufferable, I never understood the obsession this site has with lesbians when they're so actively toxic sometimes, unlike black anons. Always infighting about bi women and straights not fucking them, thinking they're morally better than everyone because they like pussy (allegedly), inserting themselves in conversations that don't concern them, insulting people unprovoked solely based on sexuality then crying when you give them the same energy back, insufferable people all around and I'm supposed to shut up about it because "much homophobia" wtf

No. 1851121

More fuel for the tradthot infestation theory

No. 1851123>>1851127

I hate the racist posters I keep seeing, I wonder if they’re part of the group who found lc through tiktok. Tiktokers are weird honestly whenever someone disagrees with a commenter they’ll say “I’m gonna touch you boy” or that they’ll track them down to probe them with an alien emoji. They’re just peculiar.

No. 1851125>>1851217

>lesbians always infighting about bi women and straights not fucking them
I can tell you’re a grade A+ retard because if you weren’t, you’d have enough reading comprehension to know that the infighting is actually about the exact opposite of that. “How can I avoid spicy straights?” “How can I avoid bihets?” “Dating bisexuals will always fuck you up, don’t do it” etc, which is it’s own can of worms but also very much the exact opposite of your assertion kek

No. 1851127>>1851148

I don’t know, I don’t usually think of tiktok children being racist. But I also try not to know too much about tiktok children. Also a lot of these racists seem to be an older demographic, with the husband stuff and the “once you mature you’ll see!1!” bullshit upthread

No. 1851128>>1851130>>1851137

That one psycho anon always going on about cockbreath het nonas, how nonas who have had sex with men are animalistic and not feminist, how het marriage and literally prolonging the human race is servitude and not feminist…I know it’s probably only a handful of schizos but yeah my view of lesbians has been soured a bit knowing any of them could be like that

No. 1851130>>1851133

>deciding to start hating lesbians based off of one schizo in the hidden thread who (from what I’ve seen) never even mentions being a lesbian and imo sounds more like a frustrated blackpilled straight woman
Ok, I mean you’re entitled to do that but it’s very stupid.

No. 1851133>>1851136

>soured a bit = hate!!!

No. 1851136

don’t worry my view of straight women has been soured plenty too, it’s mutual

No. 1851137>>1851141>>1851142>>1851143>>1851154>>1851160>>1851167>>1851258>>1851462>>1851471>>1851913>>1852041

File (hide): 1705136096119.png (82.44 KB, 1002x437, justwhy.png)

Nta but that anon is allegedly straight or bi or whatever and has been around for years, it's not a lesbian. I don't mind blackpills, I don't mind discussion about moids or women's issues, but I don't understand why mods allow the incel tier ones like picrel to keep sperging every single day. How is this shit ok on an allegedly women's image board.

No. 1851141

Yeah this is weird

No. 1851142

I mean she’s not completely wrong, just schizo.

No. 1851143

Jesus finally someone said it. I don’t really care about women being critical of straight women and het relationships, but some of the stuff I’ve seen lately is just straight up women hate disguised with tacking on “and this is why I’ll never date a moid” at the end.
There are so many posts like this all the time and removing one or two sentences would make them copy and paste incel ramblings.

No. 1851148

I’m talking about zoomer and millennial tiktokers. They’re pretty racist on there, anytime a video is posted featuring black people doing or saying something that isn’t positive the comments are spammed with the “well, well, well” meme, and I’ve seen them use weird fonts to say slurs since the actual slur won’t be detected. Tiktokers are all looks-obsessed pickmes too, I feel like we got infiltrated by mean little coquettes or something. It would explain the increase in Cillian Murphy posts

No. 1851154

It’s not an end goal it’s a side quest

No. 1851160>>1851164

>I don't understand why mods allow the incel tier ones
yeah, I think blackpilling should be allowed but when 2/3 of the post is hating on het or even plainly non-separatist or non-blackpill women and calling them cockbreaths and their bodies disgusting sperm dumps etc. I think it should be bannable, because leaving it up just encourages moids to infiltrate and pose as blackpill anons in order to post their schizo incel rants.

No. 1851164>>1851166

i read that and think of lesbian femcels who are mad at women they like finding male partners. Really does has that incel level of resentment.(bait)

No. 1851166

shit bait

No. 1851167>>1851183>>1860962

I fucking hate that anon. Wish she'd leave and go get therapy. Her weird aversion to sex is so disturbing. Going in to extreme detail to call women whores and cockbreaths and any woman who has sex is some whore. Idk it reminds me of a child not being able to come to terms with learning about how humans are made. Like jfc it's normal to have and enjoy sex

No. 1851183

yea i mean i even think it's cool if she personally has an aversion to penetrative sex, no one actually gives a fuck. just stop sperging about everyone else's life choices and projecting your issues onto every other woman out there

No. 1851204

File (hide): 1705142975789.jpeg (29.19 KB, 183x275, 8C7C61D6-3BE5-46ED-81B8-9E9DE8…)

I wish Frylock was my bf

No. 1851217>>1851225

That nona sounds like a triggered bihet

No. 1851225>>1851240

You're proving her point retard, do you guys ever talk about something else?

No. 1851240>>1851242

Cause the nona is completely misrepresenting what we infight about and acting as if we want to fuck bihets when we don't. That's an obvious bihet.

No. 1851242

OP doesn't even like gay people to begin with why would she be a bihet, what are you on about??

No. 1851258>>1851326

This bitch wants to be manifestochan so bad but she’s just autistic and retarded.

No. 1851262

I still have dreams about this one female teacher i had in middle school. She was the youngest teacher, super friendly, my bestie and I would just hang aroung with her all the time during lunch etc. I liked her a lot because she was nerdy, interesting, talked about forums (imagine! This was way back in the 2000s, she was the first super online woman i met), didn't treat us like we were drooling retards etc. She was also very pretty, androgynous style, always wearing black. Anyways, she'd often make risque jokes about sex with us, sometimes gesturing a little obscenely, laughing when i got flustered. It wasn't gross (didn't involve porn or dicks), just joking about us being horny, in sexual situations etc. It was frequent, though. I don't think she was trying to groom us, she never attempted anything but it is weird to me now that i'm around her age. Mind you, this happened at a religious school, in a prudish atmosphere and all. I wouldn't be able to say what she said to a bunch of 12 year olds, even as banter. None of this kept me from being attracted to her, part of me loved her attention even if was just jokes. I just wish she hadn't said those things because my poor heart couldn't handle it then. I would seriously fall for her again if i saw her now. I'll sigh and berate myself for not acting on it (which is retarded). I sometimes feel like one of those moids who say they wish they were groomed.
tl;dr a woman was pretty inappropriate to me as a teen and my bi rose-colored glasses make me think it was hot and i miss it

No. 1851281

For some reason ASMRs make me horny.

No. 1851287>>1851296

I feel like when we get faggots from 4chan and stuff trying to troll and normal anons scroll by and don't engage they start to samefag and larp as farmers upset by their dull posts so they can go back to the boys and be like see how we trolled and got users to leave lolcow.

No. 1851296

kek I've noticed this too

No. 1851326>>1851885>>1852041

File (hide): 1705148992040.png (80.23 KB, 936x444, coombrained.png)

Yea she wishes. She sounds like either a tranny or severely coombrained autistic woman. I can sorta understand where she's coming from and I've seen many a hetero genderdysphoric tif who feel similarly to her, but her black/white thinking is turbo tier. I'd be ok with her posts if it wasn't for the constant baiting and projection.

No. 1851363>>1851443>>1851614

critique of heterosexuality, as if its not the normal sexuality for most of the population and is just something you will change if you meet the right lesbian.


No. 1851374>>1851614

The thing is no one in the adult world, especially not on lolcow, cares that you don't wanna fuck men. I don't get this persecution complex tbh

No. 1851387

I ain’t reading all that mento illness

No. 1851443

That's not what she said kek all the tryhard bitchy responses proving it right

No. 1851462

I almost can't believe that it wasn't written by an incel

No. 1851470>>1851484

I'm so embarrassed to have dated and entered a relationship with a moid I met online. I thought I vetted him enough but I was also delusional after a run of bad dates. He passed the safety check he wasn't going to murder or physically harm me. The sex was mid, he never really let me see him naked and he lied about his finances. His place was a shithole and he said about many different things someone was coming to fix it. No. We met to go to the cinema once and I couldn't understand where this weird stench was coming from. It was him. I was mortified to be sitting with him. I don't want to admit how many times I slept with him in his bed but it was the most shameful time of my life. I'm so embarrassed there are people that know we were together and intimately.

No. 1851471

File (hide): 1705152152924.jpg (51.01 KB, 933x645, 4da39dd1d8e1e65a9bcb4ad07c0613…)

How do you guys live like this? For real, isn't it exhausting? Am I getting too normie for this? It all just sounds like schizo ramblings to me, straight up neurotic

No. 1851479

It's Twitterfags who found lolcow and think it's their anonymous dumping ground for le "why can't women just be allowed to be feminine and straight" tweets they're too scared to press send on there

No. 1851484

Now this is a real confession. i'm sorry for your suffering anon, hope you're wiser for it

No. 1851562

no idea where they came from but i wishthey'd go back. wish the mods would be more strict about bait

No. 1851614>>1851717

>no one cares that you donnt wanna fuck men
i wish.
no one is forcing you to become a lesbian jfc. some people critique heterosexuality because of the high rate of male violence in relationships but i assure you no one will stop you from being straight.
go offline if you think a small group of critical women online is stopping you from dating men. i assure you society at large is still very tolerant of hetero relationships.

No. 1851687

I want to cum

No. 1851692

>Do you fuck men or what? And if yes then do you have a low self esteem, think you're lower than men, think men are cool, love or worship men, want to please men, lack self respect, want male validation or attention or things like that?
Have you ever considered the possibility that… say, some women like having sex and they are sexually attracted to men, and sexuality is immutable, etc? Are only lesbians allowed to have sex now? Has lolcow become a full radfem separatist site already? Just because some male-attracted women don't want to be celibate doesn't mean those women don't have self-esteem. Are you retarded or autistic? Good for you that you are homosexual but not all women are that lucky. Why don't you go eat some pussy and leave the rest of us alone? I don't understand women like you. You spend half the day trying to bully heterosexual women for something beyond their control (sexual orientation) and the other half complaining that political lesbians and bihet women invade lesbian communities and want to be lesbians when they are not. Have you ever stopped to think that your behavior is part of the reason why so many women are ashamed of being male-attracted and just want to be lesbians?

No. 1851695

There are anons reading this schizo rambling >>1851347 and agreeing, what in the actual fuck

No. 1851703>>1851712>>1851754

literally a lesbian malding because straight women exist kek

No. 1851712>>1851754

>critique of heterosexuality
Sexuality is innate, you retard, you cannot "criticize" it, people cannot change it it's not a cool statement is literally biology. What's next, criticizing water cause it's liquid? You are either a kid or actually insane, grow up
They're so damn weird, why are we sharing sites with these incels?

No. 1851717>>1851730>>1851949

File (hide): 1705159808630.jpg (102.18 KB, 1200x807, E0UQBs7XoAkKtj4.jpg)

>if you think a small group of critical women online is stopping you from dating men. i assure you society at large is still very tolerant of hetero relationships.
the whole world kisses their ass for being attracted to men but it all falls apart when someone wants to be catty and call them a cocksucker

No. 1851730>>1851750

>it all falls apart when someone wants to be catty and call them a cocksucker
seems like you're mad because most women are sexually into men and won't fuck you kek(infighting)

No. 1851736>>1851821

File (hide): 1705160048789.jpg (70.25 KB, 1080x346, Screenshot_20240113_102855_Tac…)

Should they really be congratulating me like this? I'm already ashamed and the food hasn't even gotten here yet

No. 1851745

Glad you guys came out of the woodwork to prove >>1851119
point, how cute

No. 1851750>>1851798>>1851955

ayrt mad over what exactly? nobody wants your semen infected pussy. its interesting how such a small amount of women (blackpillers) get straight & bisexual women so upset(infighting/bait)

No. 1851754

It's obviously a moid, holyshit

No. 1851757>>1851807

I’m incapable of making friends and I’m ashamed to admit that whenever I try to befriend someone, if they’re female I just slowly stop talking to them because I don’t know how to keep going and if they’re male I start flirting with them despite not even being interested in them.
It’s like the only way of socialising I know is flirting

No. 1851798>>1851887

>nobody wants your semen infected pussy
is it the reason why so many people say lesbians have moid brains kek? Thanks for explaining it to me. You talk like an incel.

No. 1851807

At least you know how to flirt

No. 1851821

No. 1851885

I wonder if nonna has one of those conditions that decrease sensations of the clitoris. Because wtf is this wall of text, you can come just fine by rubbing yourself on some moid's face and completely ignore both him and any penetration if you want to, it's just that women aren't socialized to do so kek.

No. 1851887>>1851958

Stop being a stupid faggot. Lesbians do not have moid brains. This person is obviously a baiting troll and you keep replying.

No. 1851913>>1852448

Actually nevermind, that just sounds like the fat tif who got her post history revealed on meta. She tries so,so very hard to be "offensive" and to sound like a true 4chan moid.

No. 1851949

lol this has been a funny read. You’re so right anon. And they’re always so hyperreactive/defensive too. Go outside, it’s obviously flipped in the real world, you’re not struggling because you’re a poor straight women kek

No. 1851955

have sex, femcel(infighting)

No. 1851958

I'm still waiting for mods to ban it, if it's supposedly a troop as you say

No. 1852041

File (hide): 1705166036596.jpg (36.56 KB, 735x718, me.when.i...hmmm.jpg)

i feel bad for saying this but i have to confess that, TO ME, this really does sound like a woman who went through something and decided to project her experience to women as a whole
also this
makes this whole lesbian bait funnier because how would she know what penetrative sex is like with men if she hadn't had sex with them for those 6-7 years kek, she's literally saying all from experience, femcel my ass.
All she sounds like is a self hating woman who randomly decided to stop having sex and is suddenly enlightened by how yucky straight sex is lmao, wouldn't pay that much mind to this supposed het-hating stuff, especially on the real world

No. 1852168>>1852186>>1852221

My sister just left to go back to university and I'm crying. I can't help but feel sad even I will see her probably every weekend. I feel so dumb for being so emotional.

No. 1852186

you just love your sister a lot nona, love is not dumb

No. 1852221

Aw. I wish I had a sister

No. 1852448

It's not her, if you're talking about the tif I think, I remember her actually infighting with cockbreath-san frequently. Cockbreath-san has been around for years and should be considered a personality fag at this point. She thinks she owns the place and will oftentimes ban-evade/samefag. Some of her posts have remnants of some kind of attempt at contemplation, but her writing skills tends toward word salad tier like >>1851347 Responding to her is mute because her reading comprehension approaches negative values once you engage with her.

No. 1852693

The only person I've ever really connected with on a deep personal level is my abusive ex-boyfriend. And it's not in one of those ways where girls romanticize the batterer and men sneer and say that women really crave mistreatment deep down, I never enjoyed those parts.
It's that he wasn't all bad all the time. He was the only person who I ever felt comfortable being 100% myself around and could talk to while expressing myself totally naturally and unfiltered. He wouldn't react by going "ummm ok lol" or "whaa, that's so weird haha" or "curb your autism," or whatever, he'd just genuinely engage with what I had to say and respond in turn even if it was unusual. He didn't always understand but he took it seriously and nobody else did that.
Everyone tells me that I'm so different or that I surely must have autism or that I'm just an other in some way, and he was the only person who really tried to listen instead of just writing it off as "she's so quirky." Because people don't get that I don't want to be quirky and different, I'm not trying to, I want people to understand and relate and they're all declining with a laugh. Sometimes I'm really being serious and he's the only one who wouldn't turn me down for not expressing it in the "right" way.
And it's not that he wasn't "that bad" either, because sometimes he was horrific. He did really awful things to me. He is a batterer, he's violent, he's rageful, he's ignorant and gets mad about it, he's sensitive to stupid things, he thinks he would make a wonderful dictator, he's said absolutely disgusting things that should never be thought of. I don't want him back.
But I just don't understand how someone like that could also be the only person who ever really paid attention and understood my inner world, and expressed that they love me on a deep level for who I am, as more than just a nice pretty girl they know. How can someone say amazingly beautiful and poetic things on one day and then hurl every insult he knows on another. Is it even possible to fake all of that for years and years? Nobody else seems to know how to fake their way into my affection even if they wanted to. I can't talk to anyone about this.

No. 1852707>>1852807

File (hide): 1705180545835.jpeg (75.44 KB, 600x490, IMG_6190.jpeg)

I now understand why women with features similar to my own get blephs and filler, applying makeup to smaller lips and semi hooded eyes makes me wanna kms.

Can trend cycles just encircle back around to this look and not the nightmare we've come to know?

No. 1852807>>1852898

Have you not realized yet that you don't have to follow trends?

No. 1852870

Anon you lose value when you fuck a low tier moid. It's a sad fact. The way I use to judge my ex bf for dating slut and then I, fuck the equivalent type of male. It is shameful

No. 1852898>>1852915

Trends are stupid, yes, it's the technical difficulty of makeup on those features that pisses me off more than anything

If I ever get rich I'm having someone else do my fucking makeup

No. 1852915

I have hooded eyes and I literally just use less eye shadow and a smaller brush. Less is more nona

No. 1852982>>1857986

I can rarely find some moids attractive but i've never seen an adorable one until i saw a post on the TikTok hate thread.
I'm not going to say what post it was but he was really cute to me and i know i would get stoned to death if i show him. I even took screenshots of that video ONLY, i'm sure i would regret looking him up.

No. 1853091

File (hide): 1705199685275.png (Spoiler Image,1.31 MB, 1080x1080, autism.png)

whenever i'm too burned out on working, writing, or studying, i wind down by giving facetune FFS to dylan mulvaney and hari nef in particular but then they get so distorted and ai-generated that it freaks me out to the point where i've had nightmares in which i've become a digital plastic surgeon that gets sued in court for botching these men. the worst thing about it is that all of my friends IRL are handmaidens, so i can't talk about it to them or show them my creations because it will be seen as offensive.

No. 1853099>>1853108

File (hide): 1705200184369.jpeg (52.26 KB, 275x275, IMG_3374.jpeg)

If STDs & pregnancy didn’t exist then i would be a bigger whore than Shyster Shay.

No. 1853108

Sometimes I think the same, but then I remember that moids are violent rape apes so I end up thinking that no, I wouldn't dare to get into hooking up with moids and shit.
I would rather just buy a dildo.

No. 1853116>>1853125>>1853330>>1853708>>1854816

File (hide): 1705201985748.webm (2.1 MB, 576x1024, 1704762014146948.webm) [play once] [loop]

i like femboys (3d) when they know how to dress and apply makeup. i've never worn makeup in my life so maybe this is actually shit though

No. 1853125>>1853133

Nah, I will never understand why they do this shit when there are so many pretty girls in existence and they stand out 100x more as rare, actually cute moids. It's retarded even when they aren't full troons, they should just be cute and somewhat feminine guys instead of pulling this trap shit. But I bet these fags just have a hard on for the idea of "being a better woman than actual women" and "stealing a straight woman's man" so they dress like this

No. 1853127

Been going to church just to ogle this one cutie come to find out he’s 17. Dude looks older than me omg, I’m so mad at myself.

No. 1853133>>1853292

>"being a better woman than actual women"
>"stealing a straight woman's man"
wild assumption to make kek, he probably just realized that he looks good styled like that. i hope he doesn't troon out in the future

No. 1853292

>wild assumption to make
you know nothing about troons, femboys, or gay men then, those statements are common sentiments across all three moid varieties
>he probably just realized he looks good like that
While this kind of thing has no problem in theory, you're insanely naive if you've spent any decent time on this website and can still think scrotes are capable of crossdressing without strange or malicious intentions. You can like how he looks but don't kid yourself

No. 1853330

>that webm

No. 1853597

I made my way into a situation to essentially take 2k from someone out of spite of some seriously fucked up shit they did to me. I feel bad cause I've kinda recklessly spent almost 1k of it over the course of around 3.5 months but I'm also feeling the best I ever have since the thing they did to me so hopefully this doesn't bite me in the ass and end up coming out.
I spent it on going out and omg nonnas, from hermit to slowly enjoying my time out (and actually managing to be more sober every time) has been so nice. If this doesn't come out I don't think I regret taking the money. I've eaten good food, tried nice deserts, danced and had a few nights out at a gay bar, even started to come out of my shell and talk with people a bit more normally (I used to be so crazy talkative). I think like 300$ went to me being overly generous tipping people and giving to homeless women kek, I'm gonna slow that down now (minus the homeless giving when I have cash) but I was initially so happy I could take myself out I had to spread the joy (screw the scary homeless scrote who followed me into the club cause he spotted me though). Tomorrow I'm going to sneak off to a fancy oatmeal place. Sounds silly to pay money for deluxe oatmeal but the stuff looks tasty so hey, why not? I'm actually feeling so great I'm thinking of getting back on spinster and being a normie posting my eatings. At least until my cashflow runs out kek. I'll probably buy some beginner art supplies before then. I've always wanted to be able to draw

No. 1853699

I have a friend who's not presentable at all. I'm embarrassed to be seen in public with her, not because she's naturally ugly but because she makes herself ugly on purpose and thinks it makes her look good. I'm mostly wearing neutral, basic and comfortable clothes, just make sure I have clean, naturally curly hair and never wear makeup. Sometimes I just don't wax my eyebrows and hair above my lips and it's very visible but I don't give a fuck. I try to look clean and not smell like shit.

In her case she smells so bad and sometimes forget about it when we don't see each other for a long time and suppress the urge to gag if I breathe too hard. It's not just sweat after a long day under the sun, it's her natural BO and it's rancid. Her mother is a very incompetent hairdresser and taught her all the wrong things to do to her hair and she keeps dying her hair in unflattering colors at home and losing a lot of hair from it because she does it wrong. Then she complains about losing her hair even though it's her fault and about hairdressers being expensive even though she never goes to any salon. She once told me all shampoos are the exact same when traveling and wanted to get a big bottle so we could share, and of course she bought absolute garbage that would have made my hair all greasy and stringy because I used it long ago and she was like "ugh why are you refusing? My mother is a hairdresser you know? That's what she told me!" like yeah, no, I don't trust anything coming from your mother's mouth. She's not nearly polite enough for a grown woman. I like her but she needs to learn how to behave.

No. 1853708

built like a wash board

No. 1854515>>1854887

I thought I was straight until I saw a handsome woman with short hair, now I like short haired women. But autistically, only if they have short hair. If the same celebrity I thought was cute grows her hair out, I’m suddenly like “huh, idk why I wanted to fuck her so bad.” I’m considering perhaps maybe this is a fetish and not a sexual orientation since the difference is so night and day. I don’t think it’s bad to indulge this fetish though tbh, aside from the fact I do go through the 5 stages of grief when a woman I liked grows her hair out… which is what has me depressed today, kek. I miss your short hair, woman I will never meet. You were so sexy.

No. 1854778>>1854784>>1854890

I’m in my early 30’s and get off on being told I look younger than my age.

No. 1854784>>1855024

Are you told this as a compliment or as an insult? This is a serious question, I'm not accusing you of anything, I'm just curious because when I'm told this it's usually after people treat me like shit because they assume I'm a retarded teenager then they say this while apologizing so I want to know your point of view.

No. 1854800>>1854896>>1854901

I turn 26 this year and the older I get the less interested I am in losing my virginity. I do not think I would mind even dying a 70+ year old virgin.

No. 1854816

I don't mind cross dressers like this who actually look pretty good and know they are men. If feminine appearance on men was more normalized they wouldn't feel the need to troon out if they wonder what's it like to wear a dress? Idk I might just be naive

No. 1854882


No. 1854887>>1854898>>1854899>>1854916

>I thought I was straight
You are still straight. Why are hets like this?

No. 1854890

They are just saying that to be nice

No. 1854896>>1855223

Based. A life not revolving around pursuing sex is a good, free life.

No. 1854898

If she’s fucking girls she isn’t straight

No. 1854899>>1854907

I mean fine, idc. I even said maybe it was just a fetish in my post. Anons are so aggressive. Not everyone is lucky enough to have never been confused about their sexuality.

No. 1854901>>1855223

dont worry anon i feel the same, and there seems to be no point with stds, pregnancy, shit tier sex anons have talked about. i couldve lost it a few times to men but im 99% sure im lesbian who is too scared to lose it and be in a relationship. so now im just a volcel who wants to be alone. im just glad i never gave into pressure to lose it just to say i was no longer one. sleeping with a scrote would have haunted me.

No. 1854907>>1854910>>1854921

I think a good way to figure it out is these 2 questions. Would you eat pussy? And would you marry a woman? If you answer no to either of those, or even hesitate and have to ponder, then you aren't a lesbian or bi

No. 1854910

yes but only if she had short hair (and was my type ofc) and kept it that way the whole time which is probably not realistic and is pretty weirdly shallow, which is stupid and why I feel guilty about it / decided to confess my sins in the confession thread.

No. 1854916>>1854926>>1855304

More like why do anons want to gatekeep the bi label so bad. If a woman said she was only attracted to long-haired men no one would ever say she’s lesbian, there’s a really weird double standard on here for when it comes to being attracted to women.

No. 1854921>>1854936

Why's it always come back to will you eat pussy though? Isn't that like assuming all hetero women want to and should suck dick? Shouldn't it be does pussy turn you on in general? That you see other women sexually so you can be turned on by them.

No. 1854926

I wouldn't take it too seriously. These anons also claim that you can't be gay if you've ever fucked a member of the opposite sex, which is an extreme sort of unrealistic black and white thinking that im pretty sure stems from insecurity and or lack of real personal relationships in life

No. 1854936

um nonna dearest, it's not literally "will you munch rug" it's just kinda "will you have sex with another woman", just said quickly and snappy. To really drive the point home. happy to introduce you to the idea of implied meanings x

No. 1854959>>1854980>>1854981

when I watch medical documentaries and kids under like, 6 y/o die, I don't feel too sad compared to older people because I know they don't really understand death and also did not live long enough to really become unique people yet. Especially babies, I don't feel really anything other than some disappointment that they couldn't be saved. I do feel bad for their moms though, because they suffer terribly from the loss.

No. 1854980

I feel the same. It's very tragic and horrible for the family, the loss of a potential full life. But it impacts so much more when an older person does. They will be leaving far more people behind. 6 year old hasn't had time to become established in the community, have dependents, etc.

No. 1854981>>1854983

Me too. This is probably worse but the cases of those mothers killing their babies don’t bother me. People act like they’re demonic and way worse than any other criminals, I saw a Reddit post on this one case of an 18 year old who dumped her newborn in the trash and they acted like she committed a crime against motherhood or something for rejecting her gift from god.

No. 1854983>>1855030>>1855431

ayrt, the trash can case did make me sad because it probably suffered for a while in there. In the same way I would be sad if someone did that to a helpless animal. But tbh I don't hate the mother for it, clearly she was backed into a corner.

No. 1855024

Usually as a compliment. I’ve been told this for so long, before I was even 25 of how young I looked that it’s mentally starting to affect me; I’m considering buying anti-aging creams and other k-beauty/j-beauty products to stop or slow down the process out of fear of getting old.

No. 1855030

Is this the one in New Mexico? Now there's a bunch of baby boxes for unwanted newborns at safe places, so the baby can be comfortable and unharmed. So the notoriety of that one case has led to better outcomes for other babies.

No. 1855223

I actually do know I am attracted to men (at least in theory) and have a rather above average sex drive and plenty of experience with myself, but I feel like adding another real life person needlessly complicates things for me including for reasons also mentioned by the second AIRT

No. 1855299

For the longest time I dismissed emotional needs as something real because it's not the same as not eating or sleeping, but I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that my emotional needs are not being met, I was reading a reader POV fanfic and I started crying because I realized I will never get this kind of affection.

No. 1855304

>If a woman said she was only attracted to long-haired men no one would ever say she’s lesbian
I'm totally not saying this to challenge your point, but I've unironically been told this on LC kek

No. 1855368>>1855399

Youtubes algorithm has always been shit so I have different accounts for different interests so it only reccomends relevant videos. I've got 5 accounts in total (it's only 2 easy clicks to switch between them) so now when I occasionally comment a zinger on a video or reply to a dumb comment I switch accounts and upvote my own comment to make it look like people agree with me. It's so pathetic but I can't help myself when I go into petty mean girl mode lmao

I also switch to upvote all the terfy comments on other people's videos I see to give em a little boost.

No. 1855399>>1855406

keep in mind that youtube automatically deletes/shadowbans anything that even resembles a negative feedback. So all your zingers might be hidden or deleted the milisecond after you made them

No. 1855406

they're not "obiviously" mean or containing bad words though so I think I'm good. I've gotten replies so they can't all be banned at least lol and i think the fact that I can see them from all my other accounts shows they're not deleted as the accounts themselves are treated as separate from each other

No. 1855429>>1855436

In middle school I said "do-nut" instead of "dough-nut" because it said 'donut' on paper and I had never seen donut spelled like that before

No. 1855431

this is how i feel. of course it's horrible to dump a helpless baby in a dumpster where it will suffer and die but when this happens the discussion is mostly centered on unproductive outrage and rarely on why teenage mothers commit such an extreme act in the first place. it's easier to write these girls off as heartless monsters than to examine why a teenager is so neglected by her family that she is able to carry a pregnancy to full term without telling anyone, or why she felt that her only option was to dispose of her child immediately after giving birth to it. for things to reach that point something has to be very, very wrong with her home life.

No. 1855436>>1855456

Is that how you're supposed to pronounce it? I've always said it as do-nut…

No. 1855456

I said it like "I want a do nut" instead of "dough-nut". rip

No. 1855597>>1856156>>1856175

I've developed such a preference for virgin moids I don't think I could ever be with a moid who had a sexual past ever again.

No. 1855904>>1855907>>1855936>>1855963>>1856004

This place is slowly turning into Mumsnet for millenials and I really don't like it.

No. 1855907

In what way? The only problem I see is the tiktok zoomers.

No. 1855936>>1855941

how is it similiar to mumsnet? And as much as some people bitch about it (I don't mind) you can tell there are lots of zoomers here.

No. 1855941>>1856138

The only similarity I can think of is that there are based terves and some posters who are mothers. And those are not bad things.

No. 1855963

I don’t think mumsnet has this much unhinged aggression tbh

No. 1856004

i support this over the alternative

No. 1856137>>1856147

I miss when I was a kid and still thought magic had the possibility of being real.

I wish magic was real.

No. 1856138>>1856514

Are you joking? Mumsnet is retarded

No. 1856147

File (hide): 1705363340661.jpg (333.56 KB, 1012x1200, large.Cirno_Spaghetti_A004.jpg…)

>implying magic isn't real
nice try, glowie

No. 1856152

When I was around 12, I fell into the world of subliminals and manifesting after seeing some video for “skinny legs subliminal”. I was the fat kid who would get teased a lot and was really insecure about everything, but especially my legs. So I began to listen religiously, spiraling down into a hole of false promises and unrealistic wish fulfilling. I slowly began to lose my friends, becoming lonely and anti-social because I was too busy listening to subliminal after subliminal, reading manifestation posts for depression and wealth. My head was filled with delusions and a surreal version of myself living happily. My depression got out of control and after graduating college, this tug of war with when my manifestation come would eat away at me. I’d lose interest in all my hobbies, my will to live was a very flimsy string attached to this LOA world. Now at 20, I’m still depressed and trying hard to let go of my obsessive scrolling and attempts. The popularization of it hasn’t helped. My friends now think I’m great (they live in other countries), meanwhile I sometimes still fall back into trying to manifest friends in my area or a boyfriend. In reality I’m alone and my attempts at making friends hasn’t really worked out. I’m still the awkward loner I’ve been trying so hard to erase for 8 fucking years. It’s an addiction and I regret ever finding out about it. I want to tell a friend but they’d rightfully think I’m fucking insane. If it works for you that’s great, but I hope no nonnies get sucked into that whirlpool.

No. 1856156

Same. I've never been with a non-virgin and the thought is disgusting

No. 1856175

Where do you find these men? Haven’t met a virgin since I was 18

No. 1856453

The whole collar thing from Dawn of the Nugget made me feel funny and it's taking every bit of my will to not draw my husbando in a similar position. Good movie, 8/10

No. 1856480

I'm in an unhappy abusive marriage and have been for years..I finally found a man to flirt with, just a little harmless flirting and it was getting fun until he mentioned my "post history" that showed I'm married. All I could say, because I don't know this dude and can't dump on him that my husband is a physically and emotionally abusive POS and that's why I'm flirting with him on the internet. All I could sputter out was a vague line about being in a loveless marriage and he hasn't responded back..Why can't you be like 9999% of men who would think with their dick and continue sexting??? The first time I ever do this in years of marriage and it has to be with a nice guy. Fuuuuuuu

No. 1856492>>1856508

i manic daydream to the point that I have what basically amounts to an imaginary friend. i dont understand why because I have friends irl and genuine relationships.

No. 1856508>>1857069

This is me with my imaginary bf that's really buff and perfect that doesnt exist in reality in even a vague capacity that I end up drifting to when im bored or distracted and I think a lot of people do that. He has many faces but he's my man and his penis is huge.

No. 1856513>>1856540>>1856542>>1856565>>1856623>>1856627>>1856691>>1856766

my ex who has blackmailed me with revenge porn, once posted my info on 4chan, and would even harass my parents DIED. This morning, of an od apparently. God is good.

No. 1856514

Maybe if you're a troon. There is high quality GC posting on mumsnets feminist board.

No. 1856540

most blessed thing I've read all day. good for you nonny.

No. 1856542


No. 1856565>>1856627

File (hide): 1705385842763.gif (341.69 KB, 498x129, 1696927462214934.gif)


No. 1856623

File (hide): 1705390327605.jpeg (99.9 KB, 692x681, IMG_1050.jpeg)

AMEN so happy for you nona

No. 1856627

File (hide): 1705391391737.jpg (66.86 KB, 1600x884, nun-handgun-isolated-white-917…)

Amen and manifesting more

No. 1856691

NICEEE I hope he suffered! I hope you, your family, and anyone else affected by him get the peace you all deserve!

No. 1856700

File (hide): 1705401751556.jpg (118.68 KB, 750x755, 1651094142067.jpg)

>someone posts an example of women (white) being retarded
>"wow those specific women are retarded"
>someone posts an example of women (not white) being retarded
>"women of that race all do this, not trying to racebait but it's true"
And then
>moids (white) collect multiple examples of women (white) being retarded and mock them
>"omg why do moids generalize all women based on one bad example??! so dishonest and evil"
I know it's likely the same baiting moid/tranny in the thread I saw this happen specifically, but it'll always be hard for me to wrap my head around how some people go through life completely retarded and hypocritical. I'm not sure if they think only one race of people are capable of being individuals and everyone else is just a hivemeind, but it feels like a significant amount of women will happily throw other women under the bus for dick, and another segment will do it because they have some kind of limitation in their brain where skin color stops them from treating other women like human beings. It's made me kind of indifferent on the idea of female solidarity, because I know it won't always be extended to me. I just watch how people behave, and act accordingly.

No. 1856724>>1856726>>1856759>>1856765

File (hide): 1705404309607.jpeg (32.65 KB, 480x431, IMG_8744.jpeg)

as soon as my prefrontal cortex developed my brain started changing dramatically, especially how i see males, and now i genuinely think men need to die. i feel nothing positive for them and think we’d be better off without all of them

No. 1856726

Please spoiler that shit

No. 1856759

i hope this happens to this 22 y/o woman i used to work with. she is the biggest libfem handmaiden and was genuinely mad when she said johnny depp was a cool guy and i guffawed and said "THE WIFEBEATER???" and the other two women in the office giggled as well.

No. 1856765

I hope the person who made this or AI generated this has a terrible car accident.

No. 1856766>>1856771

This needs to be posted in the positivity thread! Manifesting my stalking doxxing ex to die too, it would be one less worry for me. My dox is literally on 4chan right now

No. 1856769>>1856789

I cried watching this Youtube Short

No. 1856771>>1856774>>1856778

You know doxes get removed from 4chan right? You can just file a complaint. Obviously you didn't deserve this but I do wonder how so many anons presumably familiar with imageboard moidery manage to get in so deeply with 4chan scrotes they get their doxes posted. How does this still happen to users on this site in particular? Are you all underage or brand new to the internet? I'm not judging you, genuinely, it's just crazy to me that on this site of all places I keep reading anons blog about being doxed in real time while having an idea of 4chan like it's still 2006 and you can't get shit removed.

No. 1856774

I have done this and it is still up

No. 1856778>>1856802

Not her, but my dox was originally posted by my groomer ex right when I turned 18. That's how I found out about 4chan. I made the mistake of interacting with some of the people who contacted me because I was young and naive, begging them to leave me alone and to stop contacting me. So that confirmed all of the information was true and up to date, and it would get reposted for literally years. I had to change everything related to the dox but there was so much information it just kept getting reposted every so often for 3-4 years afterwards.
No amount of asking archive sites to take it down helped when it would just get reposted again and archived all over again. I just had to painstakingly wait it out. I had friends and boyfriends get harassed as a result of being found through the information in the dox, so every time someone in my life would get contacted they would respond back and it would just continue confirming it was accurate and was actually related to me.
One single post years ago made my life hell for half a decade. Sometimes it isn't as simple as just asking it to be removed, I was even underage in all of the images that were posted.

No. 1856789

It'll be ok nona

No. 1856802>>1856808

We need a "You got doxed. Now what?" guide for this sort of situation tbh I know so many girls who inadvertently made it worse by reacting to it and giving scrotes more content. Sorry this happened to you and I hope you can remove yourself from it
I questioned the situation because most of the examples I know will also outright admit that they engaged with those scrotes for attention and they didn't know how to say no to degenerate nude requests and shit like that. Lately lolcow has gotten overrun by this type of girl who thinks of herself as some sort of tiktok flavor ~imageboard baddie~ like the r9k girls of yore who'd selfpost tits, try to scam scrotes and got scammed back, harass other women, get doxed, repeat for years on end while crying victim. A lot of the time when a girl gets doxed on 4chan it's because she tried to become a chan girl and get heaps of attention and money.

No. 1856808>>1856845

Okay fair enough, I'm definitely not one to victim blame but I do know exactly the type you're talking about. I ran into plenty of those women trying to find solace in what happened to me and trying to find other women to connect with. It's not excusable to be taken advantage of by worthless 4chan moids, but for every "My ex outed me online" I did run into 10 "I trusted the 4chan guy who was buying my nudes".
The chan girls just moved on to discord is the only difference, they're still running around like vermin.

No. 1856841>>1856871>>1857386>>1857431

I’ve come to realise that I don’t actually care about falling in love and finding a husband, I don’t care about being desirable to men, I don’t care that I’m aging, I don’t care that I’m still single. All I really want is to get pregnant and have a baby. I don’t give two shits about finding a scrote to orbit for the rest of my life and I don’t give a fuck about dying as a lonely spinster. I just want to be a mother. I’m tired of chasing after uselessly hedonistic millennial scrotes hoping one of them might deem me with the privilege of being his wife. They’re worthless. To me men are nothing but ejaculators and the only thing I want from them is good quality sperm and money. I’ve decided I’m gonna save up and just get a sperm donor. Tired of finding a decent quality scrote only for him to bleat out “I’m not looking for anything serious!” Hurry up and knock me up before your balls curdle, you useless, worthless male. My dad is ok but all he ever did was sit on his ass and drink beer while my mother worked full time and cooked and cleaned. Even as a kid I recognised he might as well not even of been there. The only use my mother ever got out of him apart from the second income was getting him to discipline us, and he was retarded at that as well. He’d just act like a screeching out of control autist and call it “discipline” to the point that by the time I was ten I was getting in his face egging him on because that’s how little I feared and respected him. Men are so fucking useless and hopeless that it’s comical, yet they’re supposed to be the “head of the household” what a fucking joke. The woman is the head of the household but has to tell the man it’s him so he doesnt tard rage or family annihilate. My genes are amazing and deserve to be passed on into the next generation and I know I will make an excellent mother. Why should I miss out because I refuse to co operate with a worthless ejaculator? The nuclear family is a fucking meme. “Fatherless behaviour” the vast majority of people are fatherless, even if their stupid cunt fathers LIVED with them because men are fucking USELESS heathens that lie on the sofa burping, farting and getting drunk while their wife does literally fucking everything. Manifestochan got it spot on when she said “men are not humans with penises, they’re penises with humans attached to them”. I’ve never read anything more true. The man is a vessel to transport the penis from one womb to the next and he merely takes the form of a human in order to entice actual human beings (women) to accept his worthless seed. Men are such a fucking joke. The fact that I’ve actually cried over them not liking me enough before is baffling to me. They’re not even human in the same way as I am and I’ve never in my life met a man who is smarter than me. Their opinions are worth less than half of a woman’s opinion. The way they see the world is ugly and twisted. They have no concept of beauty or respect for it and they view the entire world through a distorted lens due to the rancid testosterone coursing through their veins. I don’t even hate men any more, I’m just bored and disgusted with them. I want them to step out of my fucking way. Ejaculate into this tube and fuck off you worthless fucking chYmp subhuman.

No. 1856845

I'm glad you get what I mean and didn't think I was putting you down despite being skeptical about your situation. I wish you the best anon

No. 1856871

I’m a mom with a wife and this is fucking based. All the power to you and your child nonna I hope you have a great life, men ain’t shit and bring almost nothing to the table in terms of child rearing even when they’re a “good one” most of the time.

No. 1857069

KEK. ayrt, i'm glad it isnt just me my imaginary friend is also my husbando

No. 1857311

I always confuse Tubular Bells and the Halloween theme.

No. 1857347>>1857361>>1857379>>1857406>>1857412>>1857418

File (hide): 1705442427965.png (110.24 KB, 268x340, IMG_2475.png)

I feel kind of bad that my boyfriend dumped me but then I remember that he jerked off to praying mantis porn and then I don’t feel as bad

No. 1857361>>1857421

was he into cannibalism?

No. 1857379>>1857421

>praying mantis porn
That’s absolutely disgusting and sickening; females devouring the heads of males? Appalling. Tell me where it is NOW so I can go and report it for violent misandry.

No. 1857386

File (hide): 1705443769708.png (367.98 KB, 720x681, GBnvYQzXgAM5-uV.png)

Based. I feel like intentional single motherhood is the way of the future.

No. 1857406>>1857413>>1857421

like he'd just masturbate to videos of praying mantises mating? or animated porn of them? or IRL porn with people dressed up as them?

No. 1857412

>praying mantis porn
elaborate please

No. 1857413

I think it’s based. Finally a human male who knows his place.

No. 1857418

Please explain what this is anon so we don’t have to google it, is it videos of real bugs or something? Women faking eating heads? The possibilities are endless.

No. 1857421>>1857424

It was like giant tits with mantis head. So like monster girl I guess. I think he just really hated himself and was suicidal. It wasn’t really like gyakku ryona so don’t get excited.

No. 1857424


No. 1857431


No. 1857500

I like starting infights, everyone here is so volatile

No. 1857961>>1857972>>1857989

I know it's been a meme in the past and I swear I'm not trying to racebait, but I think east asian babies and toddlers are like 50000% cuter than any other babies in the world. I don't usually even think kids are very cute, but seeing asian babies makes me audibly coo like a grandmother of 5. I wanta pincha the cheeksa

No. 1857972>>1857977

I am East Asian but you just made me realize that I don't think I've ever seen an East Asian baby who wasn't chubby. Sometimes babies are kind of deflated or scraggly, idk i guess the asian ones I've seen were just really healthy. Didn't know this until I was older but sometimes we are born with blue spots on our backs which is kinda weird

No. 1857977

>some babies are kind of deflated or scraggly
kekkkkk. You reminded me I once went to a daycare as an elementary schooler where there was a regular baby there who looked like an old man with a giant hooked nose. To this day I have never seen a baby with such a defined nose. I wonder if he grew into it eventually.

No. 1857986>>1857992

File (hide): 1705466898046.gif (1.73 MB, 350x248, 307.gif)

I continue to feel tormented by this and it must be because i was a coward and didn't confess properly, here's the moid i was talking about >>1785127
I'm sorry, but if he became a bit more fit i would peg him in an alternate universe. Now begone from my mind.

No. 1857989

East Asians put a lot more effort into the handling of their children (as a generalization). They pay attention to how their heads lay so their babies have nicely shaped heads, they follow old wives tales that clearly really work about fat babies being healthier etc.

No. 1857992>>1858075

Would look like a chihuahua attempting to hump a borzoi.

No. 1858028>>1858056

I just wanna know if I’m pretty. Like actually.

No. 1858056

If you have to wonder, then you’re at least average and not ugly. My confession is it bothers me when average looking people complain about not being gorgeous. I would literally kill to just reach “average” and have people stop commenting and staring at me like I have a disease or something.

No. 1858075>>1858086

Do i really have to be compared to small dogs even here…
Thank you for not wanting to kill me after reading that tho

No. 1858086

I see the vision, I'm sure if someone else notices they'll have a seejah over it though

No. 1858208>>1859658

I've been getting hit hard by loneliness recently. On Sunday a guy around my age said hi to me spontaneously and we barely swapped introductions, and I've been (shamefully) finding myself thinking about getting to know him and being pulled out of my loneliness. I barely even remember what he looks like and I'm not even really attracted to men anyway, I just want someone to really like me and keep trying to reach out to me so I won't be alone.
At night I fantasize about having a nondescript husband to ease my mind when trying to sleep. I don't care about sex or any of that stuff. I just want someone to hold me at night and keep me company by day.

No. 1858258>>1858267>>1858564>>1859661

File (hide): 1705472924225.png (101.92 KB, 746x712, marlbaraLTD-125446635976702362…)

i miss….covid. most office jobs were remote, the world felt so empty whenever i went out, i could cough a little into my fist and retards would completely step out of my way (or literally rush to the other side of the store to get away from me), and all my online hobby spaces were popping. i want something like covid to happen again this year so desperately kek, preferably non-lethal though. sorry for being evil.

No. 1858267

Same, nona. I miss social distancing, not having to handshake everyone I meet and also wearing a mask without being barked at by some neck beard loser. I've had covid 6 times in the last two years please just let me exist in my bubble

No. 1858362>>1858461

I dyed my hair black and grew it out so I could look like an anime villain.

No. 1858461

You sound hot.

No. 1858564>>1858571

I remember how people talked about how the world after covid would change for the better. How remote jobs would be plenty, how workers in jobs that couldn't be remote would have access to more sick days to prevent sick workers from coming into work and infecting everyone else, and have more measures overall to ensure their health, comfort and safety. I remember my coworker over zoom musing about how the world was going to be a lot more united in the end, and instead everything has just become so much worse, kek.

No. 1858571>>1860986

just after covid corporations decided to invest trillions in AI and ramp up immigration.

Soon as the workers get a little leverage lmfao

No. 1858580>>1858584>>1858701>>1858737

File (hide): 1705502007169.jpeg (529.06 KB, 1920x1208, 4DBC0834-003C-4264-8500-119434…)

I fucking love American Dad especially Roger, I unironically think he's the funniest character of all time and with my best friend we promised each other that if one day we had to get a tattoo it would each be a tiny Roger hidden somewhere like under a boob or something.

No. 1858584

American dad is actually pretty funny. You and your friend go for it. Enjoy that tattoo when you get it.

No. 1858701

The show is surprisingly funny. Didn't really like family guy minus a few gags I'd seen online, but Roger I think makes the show. Anytime it's a Roger episode you know it's gonna be great. The persona episodes are great

No. 1858737

OT but when I read Roger in your post it instantly reminded of Lurch's dead uncle, how much LCF brainrot is that?

No. 1859005

I actively avoid using the women exclusive area of the bus, i don't like feeling segregated also most men here are pretty wimpy so if one tries to touch me i can easily kick their ass, I'm no pussy!

No. 1859083

I hate Kpop but that “CELIBACY” gif of a group of them on some late night show with one of them posing like a 1910s muscle-man makes me kek every time I see it and i don’t know why

No. 1859100

It's pathetic, but I'm scared of being home alone. I've lived with my parents all my life and whenever both of them travel somewhere and leave me behind, I'm sick with anxiety. I don't believe in ghosts or supernatural stuff, but I have a real fear of somebody breaking into my flat and doing horrible things. Even if everything is locked and all the lights are on, it's still super scary.

No. 1859158>>1859164>>1859755>>1859847

I have a thing for priests and clowns.

No. 1859164

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But priests are clowns nonnie

No. 1859658>>1859660

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Update today I saw him again and he called out hi to me in a crowd, and started a conversation. I thought he was just being polite but we talked for over TWO HOURS, it extended past midnight to the next day so everyone else had left and it was just us. At one point I mentioned a niche thing I'm into and his whole body practically lit up out of excitement because he's also into it.
What the heck, this kind of thing doesn't happen in my life. I'm supposed to be the awkward loner who doesn't connect with anyone. It's so weird I feel almost embarrassed for some reason. I'm just really stunned to have finally talked to another human being, and not even small talk but a real serious conversation about a whole bunch of stuff. Maybe some guys are kinda cute.

No. 1859660

hope everything goes well between you two anon! even if nothing comes out of it i hope it gives you confidence that other people do find you interesting.

No. 1859661>>1859662

china's experimenting with a new covid that has a 100% kill rate on lab mice so maybe your wish will be granted

No. 1859662>>1859668


No. 1859668

it says it's not peer reviewed yet though so could be a lie. but yeah

No. 1859755

Fleabag and Midnight Mass made me want to fuck priests and Joker made me want to fuck a clown

Yes I am a degenerate

No. 1859847

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the priest thing isn't uncommon at all kek

No. 1859857>>1859997>>1860052

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i was born based when it comes to men and society trained it out of me. it took until the 7th grade for me to realize men are not retarded donkey creatures with no internal monologue. a boy in my grade made me laugh hysterically and it was like a lightbulb clicked on. every moid i’ve ever met had the same brain as me? it sounds silly but i literally saw men as thoughtless meat obelisks because that’s how my dad was growing up kek

No. 1859995>>1860067

when i was like 11-12 my friend had a crush on her next door neighbour, we decided to make a couple fake msn accounts to flirt with him and his friend (also happens to be my moms best friends nephew). they were both a bit older than us and the "too cool to care" skateboarder types. we talk to them nearly every night on msn using pictures of random girls from google. my moms best friend mentions how her nephew is talking to some girl online and doesnt want to do whatever family thing they had planned kek. did this for a few weeks until we got bored of it and then eventually ditched the fake accounts and essentially ghosted the boys. still saw them often seeing as we lived in a culdesac and it's very tight knit, all the kids hang out together outside. never told them it was us on fake accounts that they were flirting with and crushing on. me and my friend acted like it never happened and never talked about it again kek. i should ask her if she remembers

No. 1859997

Anon they LITERALLY are thoughtless mest obelisks. They do not share the same brain with you because they're all retarded ape creatures.

No. 1860010

When I was around nine I was invited to a birthday party. I was sitting right at the head of the table as they brought out the cake, I suddenly felt compelled to blow out the candles. It was such a strong urge that I just did it. Everyone stared at me like what the hell, I definitely ruined her party. To this day I don’t know why I did it, I wasn’t trying to be malicious. I still struggle with impulse control.

No. 1860052

You are one of the sane ones.

No. 1860067

kek nonna i used to do something similar but to random guys on the internet. i was always too young for anyone to talk to in chat rooms (god bless tbh since i was 11-14 years old) so i invented these fake people and basically larped as them. i was a bullied only child whose parents had an ugly divorce so on the internet i was a cool girl with siblings and lots of money and a big group of friends. it got even better when i discovered photobucket and so many american kids uploaded their selfies there, so i used them for more elaborate catfishing. i barely remember a handful of the people i talked to back then and it's been like 15-20 years, but sometimes i wonder if they ever noticed that "i" wasn't real. there was even a girl who was in love with the guy persona i had created and wanted to meet him so bad.

No. 1860219>>1860457

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I have never been on a date before. I'm still a virgin at 26. I feel like I'm too weird and inadequate for relationships. I've failed at every life metric an I still have this stupid desire in my head. I want love and romance but I don't feel like I deserve it.

Maybe I should get some SSRIs. I heard that can really diminish sexual desire.

No. 1860440

The most confident version of me was when I shaved my head, stopped wearing makeup and was at my highest weight of 96 kilos. I was focused on finishing my studies and just wanted to be comfortable. It was the first time in my life where I truly practiced body neutrality and just let myself be at peace, I did so many things my insecure former self would have avoided, and I talked to people and made friends, which I think came from the energy I put out. It's been 6 years and I've lost most of the weight, grew out my hair and now just look like a regular plain person, and I'm trying to get that energy back without having to purposely make myself look like garbage. Something about being so ugly on purpose shifted my focus entirely, and I really miss the freedom that came with it.

No. 1860457>>1860990

Anon, if the only people who partook in love & romance were the people who had their life in perfect order with impeccable track records, we would have a population of like, 2. Lots of weird, dysfunctional, odd people find love and solace with people like them. Tbqh I don't think anyone thinks they deserve love. Do you have platonic relationships in your life?

No. 1860742

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One time i saw a fanart of my dying bedridden husbando, he had his shirt open and the focus was on his unconscious body.
I found it strangely erotic.

No. 1860913

retard, so they can be with their loved ones at death and deal with the legal paperwork and inheritence

No. 1860916

bored housewives bitch and moan on the internet

No. 1860931

blame the trannies

No. 1860935

tradthots should get lobotomized, and be shuffled back into their kitchen. no more internet for them

No. 1860942

exactly, so many people are just wearing a mask

No. 1860962

people are allowed to be grossed out by sex

No. 1860965>>1860966

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I have never been attracted to a real man, only 2D. I can't tell if I'm based or it's just my autism.

No. 1860966

Who said it couldn't be both

No. 1860967>>1860987

I swear it's just a few anons spreading this weird /pol/faggy bigotry and some of it is bait but it's really bothering me too and was why I left the site several times over the past few years. sure I'd always come back but it really grinds my gears to see blatant hate leaching out like a fucking oil spill more and more

No. 1860986

especially in Canada. I'm an immigrant myself but I am very aware of how it's used to crush the workers. and then the locals beat on the new comers as opposed to their bosses.

No. 1860987>>1860989>>1861809

Even the language they use it moid-like. Everyone a faggot, everyone's retarded, everyone should kill themselves, over the slightest perceived disagreement. Even upthread you see these childlike 'thread culture warrior' antics. Just because it's an image board doesn't mean you have to adopt 4cham behavior, we're (presumably) better than that.

No. 1860989

have you been here long? I feel like it used to be much worse.

No. 1860990

not really, kinda a broke NEET. I'm too weird and childish to be with people my age and I'm too old to hang out with younger people. Flunking out really fucked with my life path

No. 1861303>>1861315>>1861553

There's a really beautiful dog I see every time on my walk to and from my bus stop. She's a chocolate pit with the most beautiful light brown eyes, and not aggressive in the slightest. Her owners keep her outside in the dirty backyard even in the cold and I think they only keep her to breed. His aggressive male dogs get to stay inside. I often think about stealing her and making her my pet. I don't usually like that kind of dog but she is so sweet and pleads at me with her eyes. I hesitate to call animal services because of her breed, if she gets seized what if they just put her down? I'm so conflicted.

No. 1861315

Have you ever tried feeding or earning her trust? Even if you can't steal her, you can still help her without needing to call animal services. She sounds like a sweetheart and she'd probably appreciate any love you gave her

No. 1861321

I find baby crying cute. I love babies all in all, and just what I find cute is that that's literally just all they know, to cry when something's wrong. I feel really nice inside when I comfort a crying baby.

No. 1861360

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>tfw crushing on a (female) genderspecial
It's happening AGAIN this is the second time wtf. Last time I thought it was a phase and thought I was still straight, just confused. Although I did have to force the thoughts about the previous woman away repeatedly in order to get over her, it was hard but since it eventually worked then I thought I was still straight. but with this new woman I like it's not working. I'm losing sleep over her.

No. 1861490>>1861521>>1861570>>1861613

I truly hate the idea of being a mother. People always tell me how I'm going to change my mind or that it’s pure instinct and I just know it won’t change, been the same since I was 17? 18? And now I’m 35.
It’s not that I hate kids, I actually love them and I’m good with them but I just know motherhood it’s not for me.
Maybe I’m selfish but I love my life as it is, I love my independence and I love the freedom I have. I love not having someone to be so dependant of me all the time. I love not having to be worried about someone and their wellness.
Every time some of my coworkers go to work with the tiredness of days without sleeping and complaining about something related to their children - I feel extremely lucky. And I know that parent’s love it’s not something replaceable, I love my mother the most in the world but I just can’t see myself doing the same.

No. 1861521>>1861565>>1861613>>1861987

Are you me? I feel the exact same way. I'm getting married soon and my fiance wants kids and I always just assumed maybe I'd "change my mind" or something or my maternal instincts would kick in and…it just hasn't. And I think kids are great, too! They can be absolutely hilarious and cute and I like interacting with them, I just really can't imagine that I'd be the type of mother that I'd want to be, if that makes sense. I'd WANT to be the Type A, organized, "super mom" that's attentive and wonderful and always around, but if I'm being honest with myself I'm lazy and selfish and I don't want to deal with it.
It's refreshing to see your opinion, because I don't know ANY women IRL who feel the same way. The women I know fall into two categories: they're either mothers, or desperately want to be mothers, or on the other end I have friends who say really mean shit about kids and say they hate them and call them "crotch goblins", etc. But there's no in-between, "Kids are great and I like them but motherhood just isn't for me."
I guess I realized this when I thought about how I've never looked at a mom in public, out with their kids or baby and felt envious and wished that were me. It's always "oh, thank goodness I'm not there yet".

No. 1861527

I miss how skinny I was when I did coke and was addicted to nicotine

No. 1861553

if they truly are using her for breeding they might be willing to get rid of her for a small fee, it may be worth inquiring

No. 1861565

I’m glad you feel understood then!
The main problem I see is that I can’t talk freely about this. If I say it in front of mothers, I know they’d feel judged by me even when it’s my least intention, I’m not saying my decision is better than theirs but I know they’d feel like that (happened to me once, I tainted the topic with a coworker who was trying to get pregnant, I just told her I thought I wouldn’t ever want to be a mother and she almost got offended). If I try to talk with some people it’s just as you said, they’d talk shit about kids because maybe they want to feel assured in their decision making children the ones to blame (I know if I say it like this it sound pretty extreme haha).
I told one friend that I know taking this decision it’s a bit selfish and she asked me if I didn’t think it would be more selfish to bring someone into this life just because it’s what people expects me to do / it’s what “I’m supposed to do” and that changed my point of view.

No. 1861570

i think its more selfish to have kids actually. you're bringing them into a world of suffering. so good on you, nonna. i love kids too, but would never be so evil as to birth one.

No. 1861613

I’m so glad to hear some reasonable perspective from other childfree nonas! I adore kids and have babysat professionally most of my life but I just don’t want any of my own. A lot of older women in my life are quite insistent I’ll change my mind but I know myself pretty well and I love my free time/independence too much. Not only that but I’m absolutely terrified of pregnancy purely because I’ve had so many hormonal issues growing up. Pregnancy isn’t an easy process already so I can’t imagine what havoc it would wreak on my body.

No. 1861809

I really want to believe they're trolling moids but I have been around for way too long to witness anons in the past go mask off edgelord neonazi handmaiden.

No. 1861949

i cannot stand my coworker who is stealing people's hours complaining about money when she has another job that pays 3k a month but blows half it on drugs and her shitbulls anal glands or some shit. she is the boss' favorite so she gets whatever she wants.

No. 1861965>>1861967

I am disabled and prone to falling. My husband never allows me to go outside by myself. I'm feeling like a bird with clipped wings lately. Is it really bing worried or is there another reason? I feel very lonely sometimes, as I have no friends and am essentially a neet.

No. 1861966


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1861967>>1861996

No that’s fucked up, you should be able to get something that helps with that so that you can go outside? What did you do before you met him?

No. 1861980

I'm praying that my sister will go to work today so I don't have to see her and deal with her retardation today. It's already noon and she's still here. Please fuck off for the love of god!

No. 1861987

I personally don't care about kids, I don't like them but I don't hate them either, they don't even register on my radar.

No. 1861996>>1862730


Before I met him I went on trips all the time. Then I got trafficked and abused for a while. Now, a few years later I am here, like this. It is a very lonely existence.

No. 1861997>>1862067

I named my cat after a Dark Souls character and everytime I hear his name I get giddy.

No. 1862046>>1862098

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i'm only 6 heads tall, is that normal or am i a bobblehead

No. 1862067>>1862088

Which one?

Something like Gwyn or Solaire would sound cute. Don't tell me ypu name hime after Patches lol.

No. 1862088>>1862129>>1862140>>1862148

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I named him Nito, make of that what you will but I think it suits him very well! Solaire would be a great name too.

No. 1862098>>1862129

Are we measuring height in heads now? how redicu.. lemme find out how many heads I am.

No. 1862129

it's not really about height it's about proportions… and pls do share

don't know who that is but that's so cute.

No. 1862140

Awww that's a great cat name, Gravelord Nito's so cute. Gobbless you and your kitty nonna!

No. 1862148

i am jelous, thats a great cat name. If i can ever adopt a kitty i would be half tempted to steal the idea kek

No. 1862203>>1863280

A guy approached me and after we talked he asked for my socials and I said I didn't have any, and I think he thought I was being cold and turning him down because he got awkward and said something like "oh, umm… so how do you talk to your friends" but I really don't have social media or friends. In general I think I accidentally give people the impression that I'm unapproachable and icy but honestly I just don't know how to deal with the attention. I just get away with being socially retarded because I put effort in my appearance

No. 1862487>>1863039

If i were a moid id probably be in prison by now. I am a really angry person and it is so fucking hard for me to resist the urge to kill someone when all they did was be mildly annoying or disagree with me.

No. 1862489>>1862503>>1862512

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I've read all the Harry Potter books but have never seen any of the movies. I think I watched some of the first one, but I honestly don't really remember. I've just never been interested in them.

No. 1862496

I think maybe I listen to moid podcasts because my closest sibling is a moid my dad hates me and podcast moids also hate women and it's a group i'll never be accepted into but I also detest podcast faggots
Why am I

No. 1862503>>1862531

I used to be super into HP but I never watched the last two movies, maybe the last three actually, don't remember. I disliked the fire goblet cause of divergences with the book, I don't remember most of them, except that I hated that Fleur's school was made an all female school then given an embarrassing introduction.

No. 1862512

I think this is lovely, nonna. Every new book on the market feels like it's written with the goal of being turned into a movie in mind, which I believe is probably due to the success of LotR and Harry Potter. I wish we could just allow a story to be contained in the initial medium it was created in, because I'm tired of the main discussion around anything I read or play nowadays revolving around which actor should be this character in a movie. Fuck, even aspiring writers have already cast irl actors for their characters before even writing the first chapter, it's awful.

No. 1862531

I hated the Goblet of Fire movie, I wasn't a big fan of the book to begin with but the movie was the turning point of ameritardification of the franchise, it soured me on the whole universe.

No. 1862534>>1862612

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There's a demographic that I grew up hearing hateful claims/jokes about from my friends and I participated in it a bunch of times too. Recently I actually personally met someone belonging to this group for the first time and honestly I kinda have a crush on him… Now I feel really ashamed for the dumb stuff I engaged with before, when he was talking about his heritage I realized I am actually really ignorant about their culture and I was afraid I'd accidentally say something gross to him just because that's what I was used to. I'm feeling pretty embarrassed about every part of this, it's so dumb.

No. 1862612>>1862715

And what demographic is that, anon

No. 1862677>>1862695>>1862735>>1862739

I love masturbation. I always hear women say they "don't masturbate" because they "don't see the point". they're missing out, it's such a good time

No. 1862695

For me it feels like nothing so I don't think I'm missing out

No. 1862715>>1862933

Jewish (ethnically)

No. 1862719

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This is a crush confession but the first time Pyramid Head was brought to my attention was because a girl at a con crossplayed him, i made friends with her even if i didn't really know the character back then but i also had some sort of crush on her and i'm sure she was bi or maybe even lesbian, somehow.
Whenever i see him now i think of her and how i missed out by not seeing her more or telling her how i felt.

No. 1862730

Does your husband allow you to go out with friends or is he basically the only person in your life? I am genuinely worried for your well-being nona. Was he the one who got you out of your previously abusive situation?

No. 1862735

Same to the point that I've always avoided going on any kind of psychiatric meds because I don't want to lose my libido kek. Most women seem to have very low libidos so maybe I'm a weird outlier but I'm okay with that

No. 1862739

I hate that I can't pick a struggle, I either feel ridiculously horny for a whole month or I feel absolutely nothing for various months.

No. 1862764>>1862772

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I'm finally coming down from one of the most intense maladaptive daydreams I've ever had. It was so addicting and intense and was all I could think about for nearly three days. The most fucked up part is it involves a real life e-celeb who’s also a lolcow that I’ve developed a parasocial relationship for.
What really got me into it was that I was able to insert myself (except not really me, but like a fictional person for me to self-insert as) into a real-time scenario that he’s currently involved in. The fantasy is so perfect and totally achievable irl which is what made the fantasy feel so real. It even got to the point where the fantasy felt so developed and real that it started to feel like I could pull out my phone and witness it happening in real time. I’m only getting over it now because I’ve already mulled over every little detail and was able to make everything come together, so now I have nothing new to add.
Now as a consequence I'm starting to feel very worthless over the fact that I’m nowhere near as attractive and confident as the self-insert in my fantasy, and therefore will never be able to make it happen, which sucks because if I were those things I could potentially be living out the fantasy right now.
-As a side note, I’m also very aware of how pathetic and self-destructive this whole thing is. Me being so lonely and self-isolating for so long with no one else to think about is beginning to send me over the edge

No. 1862772>>1862774

i'm glad my maladaptive daydreams aren't cheugy like this

No. 1862774

If you say cheugy, you've already lost

No. 1862933

how did I know it was gonna be jewish

No. 1862965

I often forget Australia and New Zealand are real places in the real world with real people living there

No. 1863039

I always think this. If I was a scrote I’d definitely be a murderer. As soon as I get angry my mind just jumps to the thought of killing people, lol. Sometimes I wonder whether I was born with a scrote brain, I’m constantly told I act like a teenage boy but appearance wise I’m very girly and feminine. Idk

No. 1863280

>he got awkward and said something like "oh, umm… so how do you talk to your friends"
I hate getting that question like nothing else. I do it the same way everyone did it just fifteen years ago, either message or call them, or even just simply walk by if we're close enough for that, you stupid fuckwit.

No. 1863313>>1863315

This is so cute KEK. It's okay nonna, girls have curiosity about the bodies of other girls too, wether it's sexual or not depends on the girl. I remember seeing my friend's pussy when i was small and she seeing mine, i don't know why, but i think none of us are lesbians (well… i do feel attracted to women, but i don't think she's a lesbian or bi) so yeah.

No. 1863315>>1863464

Samefag but i also remember touching tongues with my girl cousin when we were small too. It was kinda hot but also super gross. Strange. Anyways.

No. 1863464>>1863585

>when we were small
>it was kind of hot
I'm calling the police

No. 1863585

It was hot when i was a child, i'm not a sicko.

No. 1863772>>1863779>>1864310>>1864314

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I'm a bad pet owner. I don't take my cat to the vet unless absolutely necessary because each appointment costs hundreds of dollars. My last kitty was very sickly and I spent thousands on his care before he died too young from kidney problems, I genuinely couldn't afford to do it again. Ideally you're supposed to be prepared for big medical bills when adopting a pet but every time I've had a cat it's because a stray wandered into my life and I couldn't find a home for it. I've always hoped that even if I can't give my boy the best standard of care it's better than being on the streets or dead by one of the overcrowded kill shelters here.
Common problems like fleas, tapeworms, ear mites and trimming nails I've gotten really good at doing on my own. My current kitty has been getting bald spots from overgrooming (I'm sure it's not fleas, likely allergies or anxiety) and I'm going to take him to the vet but I'm so nervous because I know the vet will judge me harshly for not bringing him to regular appointments, keeping him up to date on vaccines etc and it's going to be super expensive. Maybe they'll find he has some rare disease and my options are putting him down or spending thousands on treatment again. I'm probably never going to have cats again unless I get rich even though I love them so much

No. 1863779

The vet won't judge you unless it's extreme neglect or abuse. They've probably seen worse problems and just want what's best for your kitty. Look into a vet school for cheaper rates.

No. 1863792

I’m a woman-child behind closed doors, only immediate family members know.

No. 1863802>>1863970

I might have developed an actual Asian fetish from overplaying the Yakuza games and it kind of makes me feel like a creepy scrote

No. 1863806

I love the OP pic. That bunny is adorable. I want to run my fingers through its ears and massage the cute rabbit.

No. 1863913

My bf thinks I'm sober but I drink secretly even around him sometimes. Like I hide alcohol around my house. I'm so cringe

No. 1863966>>1864012

I'm attracted to my married co-worker. It's a good thing I don't like my body, otherwise I already would have fucked him in every position known to humanity.

No. 1863970

Thinking tough fictional Asian guys are sexy is not even vaguely comparable to men who think all Asian women are submissive breedable tiny little slaves

No. 1864012>>1864035>>1864651

what makes you think he’d even fuck you?

No. 1864035>>1864045

No. 1864045>>1864050


No. 1864050>>1865631

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No. 1864310

They won’t judge you anon. Also cats that are strictly indoor and over a few years old do not need vaccinations, they cause more harm then good at that point. I used to doubt this but I work in animal rescue and we have a really good vet on hand and this was confirmed. However if they are indoor/outdoor I would still recommend a standard panel. Also cats develop issues like yours later in life for many reasons. No one will think poorly of you. It’s well known how expensive vet care is becoming.

No. 1864314

Samefag also nona, as I mentioned, I work in animal rescue and I am not judging you at all. I completely understand and I too tend to put off vet visits for that exact reason. Maybe look into some l-lysine paw paste. It’s about $16 for a tube (don’t get the tablets) but it’s a supplement boost you squirt out like a pea sized amount once or twice a day for about a week (and keep the rest on hand) for an immune booster. It saved me having to go to the vet for a uri which I didn’t think was possible. But I didn’t want antibiotics (my cat has been resistant in the past)not to add stress going to the vet as she handles that worse than a lot of cats.

No. 1864645

I like some twitter lingo and memes, but they are all in my native language, so you anons are protected by the language barrier.

No. 1864651>>1864697

Him flirting with me

No. 1864697

men will flirt with anything that gives them attention and he clearly saw through your thirst.

No. 1865575>>1865581>>1865586>>1865689

I know my parents feel awful about it, that they're taking away my life from me, but the truth is I'm an absolutely useless loser that decided to take care of my granny with dementia 24/7 because I didn't want to find a job.
I mean, of course I do love her and do make sure to take care of her properly enough. I just feel god awful about my intentions. My parents try to make taking care of her a job, paying me, but I feel bad taking money so I take the minimum even though that's also very stupid from a financial perspective. I'm just very stupid.

No. 1865581>>1865632

Don't feel guilty about it. Even if you're doing it for your own benefit, the care you give your grandmother is far better than the care she would receive in an institution where she would manhandled and probably drugged to make her quiet and compliant. Caring for a dementia patient is a legitimate job and you deserve to paid. You should also look into if there's any government assistance for careers that you can apply for.

No. 1865586>>1865632

Nonna, if you love your granny and take good care of her, who cares if you have neety intentions underneath? You're doing a good thing by caring for her and keeping her out of the care homes. Besides, caregiving is hard work and imo harder than most jobs so if you're doing okay then extra good for you!

No. 1865626

I miss having girl friends and intimacy with girls. No sexual intimacy, but to be able to be open, be a TERF and strange without caring. Girls are so much better than men, i wish i had more girl friends.

No. 1865630

I have frequent vivid violent intrusive thoughts about maiming or even killing people when im under extreme stress.

No. 1865631

This is exactly how i looked the last time i was gathered.

No. 1865632

Thanks, honestly my mom has been hassling me about going through the paperwork in order to make it legitimate, I really should talk to her more about it. I just don't want her to stress out so much.

No. 1865689

Anon, that is so noble of you and honestly something that a lot of people wouldn't have the strength to do. You may think you're a loser, but it's a legitimate job. I hope the paperwork goes through without a hitch, and good luck anon! I wish you and your family well.

No. 1865865

I unironically like trap, phonk, drill and whatever other retarded music genre that goes in between. Wish the ones that had lyrics were in simlish because my brain is not able to ignore that amount if cringe.

No. 1865966

This sounds so weird to say but when I'm in the right mood for it, thinking about my abusive ex is literally some of the funniest stuff ever. The meltdowns and weird projecting logic he had are so absurd, earlier today I was just kinda smirking and laughing inside remembering different dumb things he said as if it was entertainment. Earlier I was talking to a friend who pointed out a specific quote from him (calling himself the victim for holding me down and choking me and saying he did it because he was scared) and apologized for finding it kinda amusing for how insane it is, and I just thought… No, you totally get it! It's so stupid and it's hilarious!
I still get times where I do feel genuinely depressed and unbearably downtrodden about what he did to me. But I'm glad that I'm also able to have occasional moments where I can look back on it and poke fun at it, and see it for what an idiot he was being rather than focusing on pain and shame. Like hmm here is my beautiful girlfriend who loves me and gives me money, I think today I'll throw a tantrum because she beat me at pictionary and knows a word that I've never heard of! What a clown kek

No. 1865975>>1866023

Edgy guys with long hair and face tattoos are my weakness. I love men who look like they're full of issues and completely tatted. This is 10000% my type, they make me feral. I just avoid them at all costs because I know they're always cheaters, liars, narcs, manipulators, you name it.
These men are my forbidden fruit.

No. 1866023>>1866037>>1866040

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Same. I just want a Criss Angel. Men in eyeliner are sooo
talked to a guy who wore eyeliner and walked around shirtless and he was such a slut I never got with him

No. 1866037

God he was such a butters

No. 1866040

all men should be fit and shirtless by law.

No. 1866473

I'm so annoyed that the only guy I ever had a crush on was once in the military despite my hard stance on not being attracted to military moids.

No. 1866533

Once I had to travel to a foreign country's airport and catch a flight there because the nearest airport in my country wasn't offering the flight I needed. So I took a bus to the central station and all I had to do was take another bus to the airport right? Well it turned out that the whole ticket buying system of this country was a bit complicated for my shy ass. I was also too anxious to simply ask the bus driver for help because I felt uncomfortable speaking to him in English (what if he doesn't speak English? I'm gonna be a rude foreigner then). So I went by foot instead. I walked 9 kilometers (5,5 miles) with a heavy backpack on my back and the journey took like 2 and a half hours kek. It's such a dumb thing to do and I never told anyone about it but looking back it was fun to walk through the entire city and see many different parts of it.

No. 1866550>>1866591

I have a confession that might not be kosher with the farmers:
I've been cleaning the toilet for my male friend for three or four weeks. It's a shared toilet but he decimates it every time (with piss). He's dealing with some serious personal family stuff as well as a disability, and working full-time, so I'm doing this in the interim. And no, I won't bring it up with him. I don't care. It makes me feel helpful.

No. 1866591>>1866598>>1866675

>cleaning up a grown mans piss because he's a slob and being happy about it
we're never making it out of the trenches

No. 1866598>>1866675

This has to be bait. I refuse to believe women are actually this retarded and posting on lolcow

No. 1866675

i knew the farmers would not think it's kosher

No. 1866730>>1866762

I want to get married and have children but I think I will end up being a career woman who hangs out in niche spaces for socialization because there are no moids worth procreating with. There is no point in having children with a scrote who is not head over heels in love with me.

No. 1866762>>1866927

I feel the same but I also feel guilty wanting kids with the state of women’s rights. The human race deserves to die out as a consequence for what moids have done to us for centuries. I sometimes have a nice fantasy where all the women die out so moids are left alone to terrorize each other while they scramble to try and save the human race (which ultimately fails kek). I want them all as a collective to suffer so bad.

No. 1866782

I've known this for awhile. The reason why some people seem to think it's rare is because it's taboo, and only recently became trendy to call out cheaters/air out dirty laundry on socials. In the past people would cheat and still stay together. More than likely the other partner would cheat too to get back at their partner.
Many people still desire another in their life and become so normalized to having a partner they become afraid when faced with being single again. So they just stay with their partner. I know aunts/uncles, neighbors, cousins, even my own sister tried to stay with her scumbag husband.

No. 1866896

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I am more OK with the idea of taking care of a disabled pet compared to a disabled child.

No. 1866914>>1866982

I think that husbando doll that woman in /g/ made looks scary as hell

No. 1866927

You sound unhinged. Why would you want women to die out and not the male population? Sus

No. 1866982>>1867013>>1867031

The fucking what?

No. 1866986

Having a dream job is one of the biggest scams.

No. 1867013>>1867059

In the husbando thread in /g/ one of them made a doll of their husbando and it looks like a haunted voodoo doll carved from a potato.

No. 1867031

Someone is carving/sculpting a mini figurine of their husbando kek. It's actually pretty cool but the way anon is describing it makes it sound scary

No. 1867055

I got invited to go clubbing and bring my girlfriends but I don't have friends who do. Ahhh

No. 1867059>>1867086

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It does look a bit like a potato lol but she's skilled at art otherwise and I admire her passion

No. 1867075

I've never gotten the husbando thing. I don't like anime much beyond a few I've watched with my bf, I don't really like animated media in general. I didn't see the appeal at all of crushing on a fictional man. I was just lurking the husbando thread trying to understand more, and then I saw Geto(?)

I get it now

No. 1867086

No. 1867117

I apologized to a friend for exploding at him for his retarded opinion about the country I live in but I actually don't feel sorry at all.

No. 1867131>>1867133>>1867182

I don't think the Kirby anon actually returned and I think there is another anon posting outrageous things in their honor(dont encourage personalityfags)

No. 1867133>>1867185

its her, she posts her original art alongside her posts

No. 1867182>>1867185>>1867205

She posted a detailed design of a custom clit sucking kirby blueprint she made. What more do you want.

No. 1867185>>1867229

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I had hope it was all a joke

No. 1867205

I’m on this stupid site all the time yet miss the actually juicy stuff.

No. 1867229

you guys really need to stop discussing specific anons/hyperfixaters but seriously what else did you expect this is totally on character and I love it, kek

No. 1867251

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I wish my ex's new girl had a public profile. I think he is lying about them being exclusive. He follows some porn looking account that has her name on it. I'm tempted to ask a friend to follow her.

No. 1867443

I sent my poorfag ex some money because he was nearly homeless and I think it made me weirdly horny because I'm doing better than him. I know he'd feel shit, that's why I did it. And I want to do it again.

No. 1867444


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