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No. 1819938
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Anyone who doesn't like brown or black cats should be considered racist. Disliking white cats is racist too. Disliking cats at all makes someone subhuman.
No. 1819943
>>1819938I have a brown British shorthair called Bear and he is my baby and is so cute and I love him so cute my snuggly angel
>>1819940kek sorry I deleted too
No. 1819969
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Miley Cyrus looks exactly like Justin Bieber but worse. Also she can’t sing.
No. 1819988
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>>1819982Ikr? It's such obvious bait, but anons fall for it everytime. Even if they're just responding for fun, it's still pathetic to even play with the bait. Farmers, find some class.
No. 1819990
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>>1819938Agreed, I've heard so much insane hatred towards black cats for no other reason but their fur colour. Even my mother refused to adopt a black cat, it's insane. Anyone who has a cat of any colour, please kiss them and pet them for me, for I am catless at this moment
No. 1819995
>>1819952MOID ALERT!
Imagine wanting women to suffer and die and not get the help she needs in an emergency
No. 1820002
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>>1819990Your mother is a cat racist. Even if the kitty is black and may have trouble adjusting to life in the outside world, it's still her grandkitten.
No. 1820006
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No. 1820012
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>>1820002She will deal with it!
No. 1820048
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A poltard scrote is in our midst. Use your wisdom, everyone.
No. 1820078
>>1820045i get where you’re coming from, but I think it should only be a lesser sentence just in case.
my unpopular opinion is that instead of bringing back the death penalty people who do the most heinous crimes should be experimented on for science. human rights obviously limit a lot of progress due to moral reasons and this would solve that. also, it would stop this information from being monopolised by shady people in power (eg the mind-control experiments like mk-ultra) because there’s definitely worse going on.
No. 1820093
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I miss old romance covers, or any old school painting for book covers. I know the money doesn't there anymore, but I feel like we lost something
No. 1820182
>>1820171That's why women are kind of good at pretending to be men, while men typically suck at larping as women. Males are too stuck up their own ass holes to
fully grasp how women even socialize, whereas male socialization is recognizable and easy to mimic.
No. 1820189
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>>1819952Black women should be forced to get abortions actually
(racebait) No. 1820198
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>>1819771>>1819776regardless if the economic system sucks, if you don't have arms and legs and need a care-taker then yes, you shouldn't be allowed to have kids.
No. 1820301
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>>1820186I tried searching “90s fantasy romance novel covers”. These used to be all over thrift stores and second hand church charity drives
No. 1820368
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Restart the earth so I slay
No. 1820425
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this movie does not look stimulating or good in the slightest . im not trying to be contrarion but it just looks fucking annoying and like another period comedy based off some book! its been done a million times before! come up with something original!
No. 1820450
>>1820331As a zoomer, I agree. There's so much unique stuff from the 20th century that never got a fair chance and with AI and corporations, it's all remixed slop
>>1820267I still have my tumblr from high school and I'm reluctant to delete it. Never posted my face but it's sad seeing all those deactivated accounts
No. 1820478
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If a woman is getting bad vibes from you and sees you as a threat, it's because you act threatening and/or her moid is a cheater and enabler of such behavior, not because you're soooo pretty and she's jealous.
I'd think this is a popular opinion but I've seen too many tiktoks and even women in real life claiming girls hate them because they're pretty. No, we hate you because you radiate bad vibes and will throw another woman's happiness under the bus for a crumb of dick, then try to deflect by saying we're not girl's girls. Some of my besties are drop dead gorgeous and I don't care because they're good women that don't act retarded and would never hurt me. I am not threatened by them because they don't act threatening.
No. 1820491
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>>1820475yes and yes. even anons who like fugly chubby moids or something at worst will get laughed off, but we don't sit around wasting our energy on what other women like unless it's legitimately dangerous for them like those girls who are attracted to serial killers.
wonder why moids never call out other moids who are blatantly attracted to
toxic women since they care so much about other men's dating choices? or how many men will simp over girls like evagelion (?) from a few years ago because she was cute and men actually thought her being a literal nazi made her hotter
No. 1820498
>>1820488>Most models are dating old ugly men or ruin their bodies for male attentionI've never understood envying normie celebrities for this reason, they always have the worst most tumultuous and dramatic relationships (as in all relationships, not just romantic) ever and are constantly in contact with creeps and predators. Plus the constant pressure on appearance, they get blasted if they're caught having a single off day and have to put up with surgeries and constant upkeep.
I can understand wanting to be a niche microceleb where you have a particular audience but the broader world won't harass you at every given moment, but even that seems like it's not worth it.
No. 1820519
>>1820478Kek I knew a girl like this who openly flirted with my ex all the time. Said she couldn't help it, she was just so friendly and cute that guys always fell for her! As soon as I dumped him he was no longer interesting to her, so she went after my friend's boyfriend instead. She couldn't help it that they had so much in common, she was such a hardcore gamer.
The ex was a scumbag but the bitch actually expected us to stay friends with her after that and not warn everyone about her? Her excuse then became 'sorry I'm neurodivergent, I can't read social cues' kekk but you can flirt?
No. 1820558
>>1820541ngl the most unpleasant woman and biggest pickme i know is very conventionally attractive. i don't know why she is the way she is but it's a sad life. she even has a bf, she just wants to be the queen bee in every situation and antagonises women who she sees as a threat. it's an endless cycle of
>seek out male attention at any cost>get male attention>other women don't like you, all you have is males>have to keep performing to keep the males around>women still don't like you, males don't care for your opinions if you're not perfectly palatable and happy 24/7, so you keep performingcan't be me
No. 1820574
>>1820570>if a girl acts threatening and you feel threatened by her she must be decently attractive, an unattractive one acting like that would be automatically considered laughable and harmlessAn ugly pickme is still a pickme who's overstepping boundaries. I don't consider them harmless because they're clearly willing to fuck me over for male attention. Even if I am single I still wouldn't be friends with her, ugly or not, because I'm not a doormat.
>And the whole talk about ruining another woman’s happiness blah blah blah is pathetic and cheap as usualIt's just common sense? If someone is being a snake you shouldn't be friends with them. Why are you defending those women if you aren't one of them?
No. 1820678
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City life is actually better than countryside or suburban life, imo.
I don't know if this is unpopular here, but I noticed this trend on the web of hating the city life and raving the countryside one as it's "more simple, has pleasant community, better people and it's better working on the plot of land day and night than a 9-5".
Countryside life means a ticket to poverty usually unless you've got a farm you do business with, people are very misogynistic, that "simple life" is not simple and farmers are paid badly for the amount of work they do.
The majority of people who fawn over the countryside life and never lived there for more than a week will have a mental breakdown if they ever have to do the agricultural work of the summer. They are insufferable to me kek. As a side note, I don't live in the US, so my opinion is biased in a way.
No. 1820692
>>1820678This happens all of the time, at least ever since classic Greek literature kek, there's times in which the city is idealized and times in which the countryside is idealized, both are great and shit in their own special ways, in the end it all depends on what you personally like and enjoy the most to ignore the shit things.
I feel this as well about moving out to other countries, no one understands the issues that other countries have until they move there and then blame the nostalgia as if living in their countries of origin was any good to begin with.
No. 1820797
>>1820792Kek no I meant her emotional scenes and stuff, it seemed like she wasn't even acting it just came really naturally to her. This is a super unpopular opinion but I think Sidney Sweeney did really well too, and she has excellent control over her tears like she can just turn them on and off at the perfect moment and it made the scenes with her in them really believable
>>1820794I've never seen Dune, I think Euphoria is the only thing I've seen her in. Maybe I just have low standards of what's considered good acting kek
No. 1820834
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Unpopular opinion on here but I don’t think Florencechan is that bad and I don’t get why she became so hated kek
No. 1820844
>>1820834Honestly same, I mostly just find her amusing. Maybe it’s because Florence annoys me too (not nearly to the same extent lol) so it’s fun to have someone shit on her while she’s being praised so much in media.
Sometimes we just have that certain someone we can’t stand and sometimes it’s a celebrity. I still remember the
nonnie who hated Amanda Seyfried and still crack up thinking about her. Same with Boyegachan’s hatred of ASAP Rocky.
I know we’re not supposed to have super distinct writing styles or make yourself identifiable in any way as it defeats the purpose of being anonymous on here. But ngl I do have a fondness for some of the weird characters we’ve collected over the years.
No. 1820896
>>1820806>>1820883No I don't actually think he has autism kek, I just said that because the anon mentioned cats look autistic and I always call him autistic when he does that biting thing because it makes me laugh. You guys are making random assumptions about it but it's not because of pent up energy, he does that when I accidentally wake him up in the night and he comes over and gives me a big nibble on my arm then goes back to sleep, he's not angry while he does it he's purring and blinking at me and kneading the blanket, the vet said it could be a mating strategy (despite him being fixed she said some cats still retain their libido if they were fixed too late, I got him after his original owners fixed him) or perhaps him trying to teeth (despite being 13). And he doesn't have pent up energy, he's indoor/outdoor and we share him with my neighbor because we both found him in our yards in 2020. During the day he plays outside with either me or my neighbor or other cats or just himself, in the evening he comes inside and naps, when he wakes he either plays with me inside or wants to go outside again, then a couple hours later he comes inside and we both go to sleep. We wake up the cycle's repeated, he wants to go outside for the day, comes in to play when he's bored or wants to nap, and so on and so on.
>>1820862Again with the assumptions, he is fixed, where in my post did I say he's unfixed? Bold of you to call others retards kek
No. 1820969
>>1820920I don’t think it’s “sad” when women choose to fuck men for more roles, there are absolutely
victims who are preyed on by freaks like Weinstein but a lot of the women who want fame will do whatever it takes to get it, there are a lot of narcissists in the entertainment industry
No. 1820976
>>1820960I agree with you,
nonnie. They look elegant to me.
No. 1820977
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>>1820960Yeah you definitely have an unpopular opinion, which is perfect for this thread.
No. 1820993
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>>1820989Ikr? Imagine having emotions. Couldn't be me, no cap, on period.
No. 1820997
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>>1820991Is this image making you emotional right now KEKKK
No. 1821007
>>1820998Bless you
nonnie! I agree, his acting really was amazing.
No. 1821012
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>>1820960Agreed. One of my favorite actresses has one.
No. 1821031
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>>1821004Despite the website being majorly "anti-men", the anons do a good job of acting like substitute moids or thinking servantly about them. Like that whiny bitch who does that "you're adding to the steteotype!! What will the moids think?1?!" respectability-politics bullshit when she thinks a woman isn't being funny enough for her scrote friends on 4chan.
No. 1821144
>>1821091Honestly, more women need to understand how sex driven men are. My sister had a friend who ruined his life getting a woman he doesn't really like pregnant and is marrying her despite not liking her, all because he wants access to sex. Not exaggerating, but i wish i was, but of course he sees himself as a
victim and not his very lovestruck and unfortunately naive wife to be who is obsessed with him. Love and romance is a very female centric thing, men don't really think of us that way.
No. 1821165
>>1821074>my experience was bad, now billions must suffer.Idk why you have to make it about sex, i had more blame my ethnicity than my sex, but i didn't turn into a polfag
>>1821076Yes big fat meanie weenies, now apologize to males
(moid) No. 1821178
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>>1821165You're about to get dogpilled.
No. 1821224
>>1820596They fawn over uggos of they like the scandalous part of going for other women while being in a relationship. You almost never see single men go for women who only ever seem to be chosen by men trying to cheat on their partners.
Blog but there was a girl at my workplace who men often agreed were attractive, but the only men who liked her were men in relationships. She was fat with A cups and a flat butt and very plain overall. Facially she looked like Florence Pugh with thinner lips and plain brown hair and eyes. I wasn't jealous or anything but I just couldn't understand why you'd put long term relationships and even marriages with kids at risk for someone who looks like that?
No. 1821322
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>>1821022I’m tired of the retards that are muh tranny sperging!!1! Like hello? you're in lesbian central? Lol
No. 1821328
I feel as if i haven't seen a moid rage out in /ot/ in a while, kek. It's insane that they can never attempt to make themselves look good when defending themselves.
>>1821322Now that i think about it, i don't think i've ever seen a bigger congregation of lesbians than on this site. I used to know so many lesbians and bi women irl, i wish everyone here struggling to get a date could have had the same exposure as i did.
No. 1821412
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>>1821396Not entirely an opinion, but somewhat a fact. Bisexual women are a very small population in the world, and the amount of those bisexual women actually bein straight women who SAY they're bisexual for attention is also huge. When you look at the population of women that ARE bisexual, their bisexuality still wouldn't even hold lots of weight because it's a statistical fact that 90% of them live heterosexual lifestyles anyway. If a woman is questioning her sexuality and thinks she likes other women even though she knows she's into men, she shouldn't bother to keep wondering and continue being straight because there's almost zero difference between her and a woman that only likes men anyway. It's my opinion, and I'm using this thread for it.
No. 1821419
>>1821396i used to id as bisexual for the longest time but now im wondering if im just a regular ol' hetero woman because i was
exposed to porn at a young age and that kinda fucks with your sexuality, spoiler for tmi
No. 1821535
>>1821181Absolutely agreed.
>>1821185At least the workarounds are more expensive and time consuming to set up rather than hopping on a free vpn.
No. 1821650
>>1820678I moved from a city to a very rural area and I would never go back to living in a city. Cities are basically declining into dirty, over crowded, unsafe, polluted shit holes and I want to be as far away from that as I can.
>>1821181Because some anons live in countries where being outspoken against troons is considered a hate crime.
No. 1821724
>>1821702that sounds like very convenient reasoning shaped around the goal of asserting the idea “men are bad” can exist in a vacuum. If I can’t generalise women and their nigels, plenty of which are dating rapists, then you can’t generalise men as rapists either…? I never said you were “complacent” so I don’t know where you got that from; and anyway that’s besides my point. I never said that straight women should just not date, because that was never my reasoning. I was only trying to state that
>>1821635 isn’t really a
valid statement. Obviously no group of women is AS bad as men.
No. 1821755
>>1821749I wouldn't mind living as bisexual or being in a relationship with women if I were certain I was bi, it's just not who I'm romantically attracted too.
>>1821750>you can't see women as human because you think you're better than them hence why you can't develop romantic feelings for themWhat? That's not what I said or believe at all, I don't think of any women as lesser than me, it's the opposite. I think of men as lesser than women but I still get romantic feelings for them.
No. 1821781
>>1821768I said I didn’t want to elaborate then expanded on it and said it was this thread and the previous one. For context it’s shit like
>>1821767 this anon pointed out. And the one that said lesbian sex is just 3rd base. That’s just off the top of my head, there were others. Straight women will shit on ‘fruits’ but their moids can’t even make them cum, why are you so adamant to act like you’re better than us kek. And you have to admit that the average straight women isn’t as aware as (some) LC users. You have women like Rihanna who enable nasty men and pass on their genes. Zero self respect as a woman. I just think if more straight women wised up we’d have less problems, they CAN be enablers.
No. 1821832
>>1821828no just you. Get well soon
No. 1822051
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>>1822027Baby, the only retards who think "squirting" is the actual female ejaculation are moids because they're retarded about women's bodies. Squirting is just when women don't give a fuck about holding in their pee while getting their rocks off. Funny how I only ever "squirted" when I didn't get the piss out of my bladder beforehand. You know why,
Because squirt is not women's actual "ejaculation".
No. 1822100
>>1822037maybe yours is, nasty.
>>1822051There are a couple of studies done on this that I can’t be bothered to find and link but I looked them up years ago because some white liquid came out. I don’t think piss is white. The anon that replied first was right, there’s two classifications: squirt, and female ejaculation. The former is clear and high volume, the latter isn’t and is a smaller amount, plus it’s less liquidy. According to the studies I’ve read, some women just piss, and others release a liquid containing PSA (prostate-specific antigen). So there you have it.
No. 1822172
>>1822154discharge doesn’t come out of your urethra it was probably just pale urine
nonnie, that doesn’t discount the good experience you had though
No. 1822250
>>1822242That’s funny, I’ve actually argued about this before on Reddit and got downvoted by moids saying it was just piss and I was spreading false info.
I’m pretty certain that all the women in the porn they watch that “squirt” just chugged water before filming. But I agree with the anon that said peeing while having sex or masturbating seems impossible. You’d probably have to have a weak pelvic floor.
No. 1822310
>>1822261I didn't say it shot out like cum, can any of you read? If you want me to really get descriptive I was fucking my pussy with a dildo and the orgasm kept building and liquid was like seeping out onto the bed under me and then running down the dildo onto my hand. I finally had the orgasm I was building too and it lasted a lot longer than most and the liquid kept pouring out onto the dildo and my hand and the bed under me, I sort of leaned up a bit and took the dildo out and more liquid just spilt out. It was milky colored and smelt like vaginal discharge/arousal wetness. I assumed that was the elusive "female ejaculation" I had seen getting talked about. Call me a moid if you like but I never said "oh wow it shot out of my urethra like semen!!" like you retards seem to think I said. Learn to read.
>>1822291Yes, white like discharge but runny not thick and somewhat stringy/slimy
No. 1822314
>>1822310Squirting is when it shoots out like piss so I don’t really think she was wrong for assuming that’s what you meant
No. 1822373
>>1822365>>1822339> sorry you took that to mean I said female semen was shooting out of my urethra, maybe try asking for clarification next time if your confusedAnon explained it just fine, I don’t see how you’re getting confused. are you ESL?
And female ejaculation is the clinical term, so you’re going to have to take it up with the scientists that named it that. I’m sorry your pussy is parched and creamless.
No. 1822409
>>1822380My post was not even responding to “nta but can you all read” I tagged this post because I was responding to this post
>>1822339 which doesn’t say NTA in it
No. 1822417
>>1822409ah, my bad. guess I was the retard kek.
>>1822395Why don’t you try finding a study online and then come back to me? Because it’s odd to say this when the information is right there.
This is such a weird topic to argue about. Do you think the women describing their experiences are lying or…?
No. 1822522
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Gatekeeping and being an elitist is fine. Anyone who complains about is the exact type of person theyre trying to keep out.
No. 1822606
>>1820478I’m gonna piggyback off of your opinion and just say that most baddies who talk about being “confident” and “hot girl” and “these other hoes could never” are just pickmes who are working very very hard to have a nice body and make themselves sexy all the time.
When I had social media, all the super pretty girls with baddie makeup and the ones who would show off their body would have a bio with a evil eye and say “stop being jealou” “keep lurking”
>why hoes hate on my pictures on the gram bitch you better hope I never come across your manThey think male attention is everything. They’re so boring, saying this would make you “not a girls girl” but fuck that, I’m sick of these girls who spend hours making themselves more fuckable to men talk about how they do it for the girls and the gays, you know damn well.
No. 1822761
>>1822723It's a fact to be fair, and I can attest that as someone who had spent a good chunk of their childhood in hospitals. The good nurses and doctors usually quit and opened their own clinics.
I can shit on the vast majority of nurses especially for an entire day and it still won't be enough kek. The nurses of now were the school bullies and skanks lacking empathy, same with a few social workers I know. Mentally, they are stuck in their highschool years too.
No. 1822898
>>1822890>>1822892Any other female I've interacted with outside of these sorts of weird spaces like lolcow or 4chan have all believed in it, even just as a passing "I'm Virgo so I'm XYZ". It's interwoven in my age group it seems and I struggle to take people seriously after they go on about it.
I tell them I'm born on a different date so when they go "ha I totally knew you were that" I can then tell them I was kidding.
There's a new "witch bar" near me and it literally has potion making classes. Seeing aliexpress items being used by white women in rural Australia is a very odd feeling.
No. 1823014
>>1822838>Hate isn't the true opposite of love, apathy is.Exactly. I acknowledge all male atrocities and generally think they're subhuman, but because of that I don't feel like constantly talking about them. Why would I obsess over something I supposedly can't stand? I want them out of my life, not constantly living inside my head.
>>1822878This is also the only place where I can sperg about
other things besides how much I hate men anonymously with other women without the conversation constantly being poisoned by annoying derails about men, trannies, handmaidens, pickmes, racebait and some stupid FDS dark triad LARP. I will read every intelligent anti-male manifesto post anons write on this site and I will enjoy every second of it but they are getting rarer and rarer every year, now it's barely coherent bitchy whining on par with the shit you have to listen to when your friend has had a petty fight with her boyfriend. I appreciate a place where I can complain about a shitty game or movie without a scrote's opinion, but someone bringing them to the discussion just to traumadump is fucking annoying.
No. 1823139
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>>1823122NTAYRT but kek, I think it's funny that zoomers coined the term "traumadumping" but are the biggest faggots who spill their personal info all over mainstream social media. Zoomers will accuse random users for "traumadumping", but be the type of retards to post everything except maybe their social security number on Instagram, and then wonder how they got "doxxed". Zoomers are the main ones that post videos of themselves crying when some slightly inconvenient 1st world problem comes their way, but wanna complain about "traumadumping" as if dumping
everything that's going on in their brain and life isn't a ritual they do KEKKK
No. 1823140
>>1823122>2. The whole point on the term "traumadumping" is that it puts emotional/mental strain on the person it's being dumped on.That's exactly what they're doing. Butting in to a completely unrelated discussion to sperg about their life and trauma and ruin the conversation with their projected assumptions forcing anons to engage even if they don't reply. If you want to see an example of this happening, see this post
>>1823139 . It's annoying, immature and distracting, that's why blogposting (what traumadumping basically is) is banned in cow threads and it should be in the superior board /m/ as well.
No. 1823162
>>1823044I get told my expectations are because I was an only child, theyre not even outlandish.
If I'm sick I'd like my partner to check on me at some point in 12 hours if we're both home. How does wanting a partner to see if you're ok when you are bedridden scream only child?
No. 1823271
>>1823207I was solidly on the "well if they were
abusive it's not his fault so it's ok" team but after more firsthand experience I think I agree.
It's a very delicate topic but also, people still do tend to take after their parents in substantial ways too… My bf hated his mom for being legitimately unhinged and a huge liar but still took after her patterns in several ways, just with his own spin on it. I feel like he was very un-self-aware about it too and it's not something you can point out because it'd be like the biggest insult in the world for him. I'm no psych but they're both very BPD-esque people, and he ended up being
abusive to me too.
What makes me sad is that a lot of his other family members were really nice but now it'd be awkward for me to keep in contact with them. I miss his nephew, sweetest little kid ever
No. 1823272
My unpopular opinion that that people who whine about trauma dumping are just as, if not more, emotionally immature(more like emotionally inept but whatever) than the people doing the supposed trauma dumping.
Like yeah, if someone you barely know drops a huge bomb in conversation about their trauma unprompted, that is inappropriate and I totally get why someone would feel uncomfortable with that. However, if you actually possessed emotional intelligence and empathy, you’d be able to realize that person is probably doing that out of extreme pain and because they don’t have the tools to handle it properly. Or worst case scenario, they really are just an attention whore trying to get sympathy points but I think those types are a small minority. A lot of people are just genuinely miserable and don’t have very many outlets to talk about it.
In a scenario where someone does this, a normal person would maybe feel uncomfortable for a sec, change the subject, and move on. They wouldn’t go on to bitch and moan about all the emotional labor they have to perform by listening to people’s problems or insinuating that these people are malicious or even abusive in some cases (yes I have even seen ppl call trauma dumping abusive…).
It’s far weirder and more annoying to me that we feel the need to paywall healing and emotional connection. A therapist is not a magic cure for your trauma. I have known people actively in therapy who still bring up fucked up stuff in their life to me from time to time. It’s normal.
And “trauma dumping” on an anonymous image board? Nah. Bitch just close the thread, close your laptop, close your eyes, whatever.
No. 1823395
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Most of those single young male african refugees pouring into Europe are going to face a life of inceldom and misery. I see a lot of talk about concern over humanitarian issues, or concern about replacement, but nobody has clicked on that there's just nothing in Europe for them. They're poor, relatively uneducated, have no skills, have no network, no nepotism, can barely speak english and are from a different race. They will likely live sad and alone, and die sad and alone.
Many are coming expecting to be able to live a western lifestyle, and they've been deceived by nobody bothering to tell them the blunt truth. I feel sorry for them a bit in that sense.
>African refugees in Italy 20 years later, still living in a shitty apartment on welfare, just starting to realize that their pretty blonde wife and a house in the suburb isn't going to happen.
No. 1823411
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>>1823395I dont feel bad for them because the only type of refugees that should be prioritized are women, including mothers, and of course their children. Males immigrating just to take advantage of foreign women and because they suck at being a role model in their own country can eat shit and die
KEK No. 1823820
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>>1823788>"eating meat is just like fucking animals"This logic is retarded, and not the "own" you think it is. It only reminded me why nobody likes vegans, and now I want some bacon for breakfast in the morning.
No. 1823847
>>1823820you falling for this crayoneater tier bait is the true retardation. reminder that you are not everybody, and your opinion on vegans is your own. stop projecting, and stop using your weird seething over lolcow bait as a justification for you choosing to pay to harm your and an innocent sentient beings body for your 1 moment of pleasure to be shat out.
you know what they call people who take their anger out on innocent animals? psychos. you realize a 1 year old pig is as sentient as a 5 year old human child right?
No. 1823925
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>>1823907I wouldn't say a lot. It's just a few that actually are convincing as women and even then they often still look like effeminate gay boys. It's also hard to know who actually passes because of editing.
the person on the left is a troon.
I don't really get the point though, anyone can be more attractive than anyone. There are non-troon men who are more attractive than women, but so what?
No. 1823963
>Outside of the retarded "comparing doesn't actually mean comparing!" commentI didn't say that, I don't even know what that's supposed to mean.
>Most women can only dream of getting half the stuff troons get done for free yet we're put down because a man is prettier even though the same people won't bother to accept women for our plastic surgeries and hair and makeup like they accept for troons.I agree women shouldn't be put down for their looks at all. And I also agree that there's a massive double standard in the way people react to trannies getting plastic surgery and women getting plastic surgery. My point (and I think OP's point as well?) is that it shouldn't matter if a man is "prettier" than other women because it still doesn't make him a woman, and that women shouldn't have to look pretty.
No. 1823973
>>1823968This entire argument started with the statement
>There are a lot of trannies who are prettier than womenAnd then you come in and say
>My point (and I think OP's point as well?) is that it shouldn't matter if a man is "prettier" than other women…? Did you just want women to get put down by being compared to trannies to trash our appearance and not have us say anything back or disagree?
No. 1823988
>>1823983Not even remotely close to the mindset, a lot of zoomers fall for the "mental health!1!1!" excuse, they treat it like a needed reconstruction surgery and then don't hold trannies to the same standards as women (also why a lot of "pretty" trannies would be absolutely torn apart if they had presented themselves as cis women) they're against women getting plastic surgery because they see it as deceptive, especially pertaining to reproduction and "hiding bad genetics" or cheating looksmaxxing
Basically a Madonna whore complex where troons are the whore and women are the Madonnas
No. 1823991
>>1823970If you're talking about my comment here
>>1823963 it's not incorrect to say that I said 'some', I also didn't say that most trannies pass or are pretty like you implied, I specified that it's really only the famous trannies that might look "pretty" and not the average troon in my comment here
>They stress that "not all twannies are butt-ugly" yet they keep acting like none of them are, or that most of them aren't.I also didn't say any of that, and it doesn't look like anyone else here did either so I'm not sure what comment implied that.
>>1823973> Did you just want women to get put down by being compared to trannies to trash our appearance and not have us say anything back or disagree?No? I said in my comments that I half agree with OP because there are occasional trannies who I think are prettier than me, but at the end of the day it doesn't make them women because looking like a woman doesn't make a man a woman. I also said verbatim that women shouldn't ever be put down for their appearance. Sorry to get autistic about it it's just impossible to have a discussion on here anymore because everything gets taken out of context or people read into things that aren't there so I'm trying to really flesh out what I'm trying to say.
No. 1823997
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>>1823994Troons love implying something and then insisting they didn't imply that
No. 1824003
>>1823997I'm not a troon, here's my comments, show me where I implied what you and the other anon said I implied.
>>1823924>>1823945>>1823957>>1823963>>1823968>>1823991>>1823996I think that's it
>>1824001That's another anon
No. 1824004
>>1824000Not even remotely close to the ones I've met. Typically it's like
>Trannies need plastic surgery to not kill themselves>Women can't get plastic surgery because it's deception and they should just love themselves!Why do you think so many surgery allowances in insurance for women have been removed such as tubular breast reconstruction or breast reductions but trannies are getting laser hair removal, free nose jobs, free implants and lip lifts, etc?
No. 1824015
>>1824009>Just say you're a pretty man that likes women clothesyes, this is fine
>and acting cuntyaaand there's the misogyny. nope nope nope there's no hope for troonmoids. seconding
>>1824011 that they need to keep their fetish larp to the privacy of their own home
No. 1824017
>>1824005Nta but this comment is about my posts I think, I denied saying "trannies are prettier than women" because that isn't what I said but was being accused of saying. I said 'some trannies are prettier but pretty much only famous ones' who have access to expensive surgery. And I didn't mean prettier than women in general, I meant me, I should have explained that better. I didn't mean to make it sound like I was denying my post that "some trannies are prettier" I just felt the over arching "trannies are prettier than women" was taking my post out of context, I should have clarified that better in this post
>>1823968 but I feel like the other replies I made did an okay job of explaining that.
>and then turning around and saying "it shouldn't matter if women are pretty or not" I don't think that was a contradiction because I said it with the original point I was making when I said Sam lux is prettier than me but it doesn't make him more "woman" than me or a woman at all even. That was my entire point, some trannies are prettier but it doesn't matter because women don't have to be pretty, I don't feel that statement is contradictory at all.
>denying that they wanted to silence women who are put down when their looks are being picked atCan you quote where I did that, I'm not sure I understand what you mean. (Also I just want to say quickly that I'm not OP of this entire discussion, I just half agreed early on. Just wanted to make that clear so there's no confusion.)
No. 1824042
>>1822813Glad I'm not the only one lmao
As much as this board has a reputation for being "4chan for girls" that's not nearly true, i wish it was. It's more like reddit for girls
the only good part of this site is the husbando threads anyway No. 1824046
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Since this shit isn’t going away, I guess I might as well break my own initial statement and engage since I’m bored. I’m gonna be running this down with all of my own responses in one go, so I guess I’m gonna be talking to thing 1 and thing 2 at the same time.
>>1823907>There are a lot of trannies who are prettier than women. No, there blatantly isn’t if you’re comparing the number of “better” looking trannies to the population size of trannies that can’t pass for shit (AKA most of them). Let’s take for example, Blaire White. Blaire White is considered to be one of the most passable trannies on this earth, and weirdos would even say he’s “prettier” than many women. The “cream of the crop”, as in most trannies aren’t as good-looking as Blaire. But Blaire White underwent surgery, layers his face with makeup, and adds designed lighting and filters into his visual whenever he gets in front of a camera. Catch Blaire White without any of those things going for him, and you can see how even his surgery can’t even save his tranny ass from looking like a Walmart Jeff the Killer. This is the reality for most trannies that are on Blaire’s “cream of the crop” level; they are nothing without every single cheat they can get to look beyond Tara the singing android levels of uncanny valley, and the number of trannies that are on Blaire’s level are a very small population within the amount of trannies on this earth. Sure, there are maybe like seven or just twenty select few of trannies that actually look nice without surgery, makeup, filters, photoshop, and a specific choice of lighting, but those trannies are so uncommon and little in numbers that the claim of “a lot of trannies are prettier than women” is already an exaggeration; because there objectively are not a lot of trannies that are prettier than women, UNLESS you define attractiveness by artificial means. If your competition marks extensive surgery, ten layers of makeup, hormone supplements, ten layers on Adobe Photoshop, and whatever the fuck else cosmetologists have to do to make their clients look “stage perfect” as fair game…then yeah. sure. why not.
>The only women who get offended by this are subconsciously sexist themselves because they associate being pretty with being a woman.It’s not that women here are offended because they think being a woman is only about being physically attractive. Women here are “offended” at your post because it’s weird to even create a competition of tacky makeup-wearing males in dresses to women.
>>1823930>Not all troons are butt ugly. 90% isn’t 100% so I guess you’re technically right.
>There are trans men who look more handsome than menTrans “men”? Nigga, those are women. And I wouldn’t even call TIFs attractive, because even the most “masculine” looking TIFs always look like women to me, which is just incomparable to men.
>but men wouldn’t care because they don’t think their value if their looks. Scrotes don’t care because they don’t even think of TIFs as actual men to compete with, which only further prompts the question of why you’re even doing comparisons of tranny “attractiveness” to women.
>Even women who claim to be redfems can’t accept that being pretty doesn’t not make someone a woman.Nigga sit yo tranny-kissing ass down before I turn you into powdered supplements.
>>1823945>Nta but you're kind of taking her statement out of context, she didn't say ALL trannies are prettier. I suppose you’re right. But “she” (and I’m using ‘she’ very generously) explicitly said that
lots of trannies are prettier than women, which is just an objective exaggeration.
>And the sexist part isn't "for knowing that troons are typically butt-ugly" it's when people imply that women have to be prettierIt’s not that I think every single woman has or must have an out-of-this-world, ethereal attractiveness to her physique. It’s labeling women as sexist for agreeing that the vast majority of trannies are simply freakish looking, that I have a problem with. The post is making it seem like this imageboard is sexist against their own gender because of some “insecurity” about looks, but we’re just confused as to why we’ve been getting random anons in this thread sperging and making an exaggerating deal about how trannies can “totes pass” when the majority of them just do not. The original anon keeps trying to “own” this conversation by snarking with this “tee hee, women are so jealous and superficial of bootiful trannies” attitude, when they BEGAN this conversation by even comparing the two groups’ attractiveness
>I kind of agree that some trannies are prettier, that Sam Lux guy looks prettier than me but that doesn't make him more "woman" than me. But I disagree that it's "most" trannies because most trannies look like the troons in the mtf thread, maybe just some of the famous ones are prettier.Already tackled this with the Blaire White point above. If you took the entire population of trannies and searched for the “prettiest” ones, the number of trannies you’re looking at would drastically go down. Then, if you took that population of “pretty” trannies and removed all of their add-ons to see who can “pass” without major help, the population of “pretty” trannies would dip even further. These “lots of trannies being prettier than women” aren’t even a large number if you look at them with no bullshit attached. And you mentioned Sam Lux who is apparently a tranny that had reassignment surgery and seems to almost never do a youtube video without all that makeup on his face. What did I JUST say about trannies needing this shit to even “compete”?
>>1823954Well I read it now, and the entire point is still retarded; especially when the Sam Lux example just proves my point about trannies needing an artificial standard of beauty to even be seen as attractive.
>>1823957Well my response is happening now so there you go.
And I’m noticing that apparently the point of the original post was to “demonstrate” that being a woman isn’t dependent on being attractive or whatever, and I agree. An ugly woman is still a woman, no matter what. But if disregarding the value of appearance was such an important point for the original poster to make, why even begin it by specifically comparing the appearance of mentally ill males (who partake in a compilation of shitty beauty standards to look like tacky sex dolls) to women
any-fucking-way? Just tell the board that you think women should keep the argument “real” and stick to biology when the dog-fucking degenerates think they can surgery their way into being a female. It is goddamn weird that this is the second day this board attracted some self-deprecating anons salivating over random, makeup and surgery addicted troons being “prettier” than them and women they personally know.
No. 1824050
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>>1824046>Blaire whiteBlaire white is ugly. I see this troon on TikTok a lot and I would for sure say he’s cuter than me and most people would agree. He’s still not a woman but he fits the conventionally cute feminine aesthetic more than me.
No. 1824055
>>1824046I'm not responding to you directly but
>There are trans men who look more handsome than menlol yes there are handsome women on earth! Who knew? (Usually what makes them "handsome" in the eyes of women are their softer female features compared to real men kek)
No. 1824072
>>1824067“ Traits traditionally cited as feminine include gracefulness, gentleness, empathy, humility, and sensitivity, though traits associated with femininity vary across societies and individuals, and are influenced by a variety of social and cultural factors.”
I’m not feminine so I guess I’m a man now!
No. 1824089
>>1824087Yeah the coomer shit is way too much, but I actually liked the second season better than the first. I thought it was funnier and less depressing, I love all the scenes with Lexi's play, and the stuff between Nate's family and Fez.
>>1824088Ohh it all makes sense now
No. 1824238
>>1824220But it is an unpopular opinion.
I turn off movies that have underage stuff, even further up nonas are saying they liked Euphoria.
No. 1824271
>>1824256I can understand that, anon. I think a lot of shows can be better without the sex scenes. I stopped watching Riverdale (I know, not a good example of a good show) in reason 2 because the show got so weird. At some point, I watched a video review, they said the three main characters were in a poly relationship? Like wtf…
I feel like I would have enjoyed game of thrones a ton if they cut out all the sex
rape scenes. Sex on tv is creepy and not needed.
No. 1824760
>>1824631Said, every lolocow user ever. Not an unpopular opinion at all.
>>1824651Based, but I'm ok with a little body hair, especially forearm hair.
No. 1824876
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ladies, you know the drill
No. 1824891
>>1824885 I agree with the other
nonnie who said men over 14 can’t be raped, i consider 12 years old to be little boy territory
No. 1824906
>>1824884>>1824883>>1824879Boys grow up in a overly sexualized pornographic world and are societally pressured to “get laid” and all of that. No one wants to be the teen that hasn’t lost his virginity, so when the deranged 30 something woman comes along and grooms him into sex he is left with a warped perception of how sex and love works. You people are retarded and horribly out of touch with the full spectrum of humanity if you think this is any way at all redeemable. It’s like the little girl who gets groomed by an older man and now can only find fulfillment in
abusive older men
No. 1824928
>>1824915They are conditioned to be this way and don’t usually know any better, because, you know they’re
children. That’s like saying the 17 year old girl with a fake ID deserved to be fed alcohol and taken back to some scrotes apartment
No. 1824938
>>1824928>you think the 17 year old girl who chose to get a fake ID and made the decision to go to a bar and put herself in a dangerous situation deserved to I think that you make the decisions you want to make. Little teenage girls going out in public and getting drunk, putting themselves in harms way is what they’re
choosing to do. Idk I didn’t do that shit as a child so I really don’t have any kind of sympathy for it kek
No. 1825055
>>1825003and two is a
multiple of one, maybe you should go back to school if you're not still there oh wise one.
tell us again how little teenage girls deserve to be raped if they choose to get drunk and how you're so much better because you didn't do that, I need more wisdom from you!! you sound like an old scrote or a young handmaiden, fuck off.
No. 1825057
>>1825033eh, I think the influx from TikTok and other sites brought in some “radfem” women and teenagers that still consider trans people real. You see some slip ups.
I think that most of the men on here are TiMs, other men have egos too bruised to engage in male-critical spaces for too long without getting butthurt.
No. 1825061
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>>1825057Kiwifags notoriously come here to larp because they say it's "comfy" and it's the only female reaction they ever get… or at least was, now it's just picrel
No. 1825070
>>1825060Nta but that’s how it’s obvious you’re young. The older you get the more you understand how bad these situations are from an adult/older adult perspective. Of course they’re being stupid, but that doesn’t mean it’s ok.
>And if you want to put yourself in a bar, a dangerous place for a child that’s crawling with harmful men, that’s your own decision.This line
does make it sound like you’re saying they deserved it for making that mistake.
No. 1825080
>>1825070>for making that mistake ntayrt but it’s not really a
mistake if they do that shit on purpose multiple times and continue to keep doing it because they think ‘night life’ is glamorous.
No. 1825094
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>>1825089cursive? anon do you mean italics?
No. 1825105
>>1825070>The older you get the more you understand how bad these situations are from an adult/older adult unpopular opinion is that i disagree with the sentiment that "the older you get" makes you more understanding of whatever. You either have empathy, wich can develop with your understanding of different and previously unknown topics, or you don't
i remember being a shitty nlog when younger and STILL feeling empathy for girls with shitty lifes and shitty parents who ended up on awful enviroments and fucked up situations
No. 1825115
>>1825076Now you have grown daughters? I think you're lying.
>>1825093According to the mods all this bait lately is just women with bad opinions. I'm getting tired of that excuse.
No. 1825242
>>1825222I can’t hate children. You know their parents taught them that, it’s a problem with upbringing. Not talking about the rare child psycho just the vast majority.
>>1825228All-boys and all-girls schools make children weirder.
No. 1825303
>>1825291So does my cat.
I don’t know, they (you?) didn’t really define consciousness. I feel like people who are trying to elevate certain people (usually themselves) above animals and other people always have a bad ulterior motive for doing so, and are often working backwards from the person(s) they want to elevate and making up excuses for why they’re more “conscious” or whatever metric they’ve chosen to rank things.
No. 1825321
>>1825314I can already smell the inevitable anon that'll be calling you a "stupid ameritard redneck" or would do the "they took our jobs!" joke, but you made a pretty good point and it's weird that people who hold this opinion are always generalized as "racists".
Reposted, because of a damn typo.
No. 1825434
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>>1825413Ew you're the embodiment of this
No. 1825451
>>1825222This is so dumb. As a kid I only got assaulted by little girls because I was only alone with them, and it happened like 4 times before the age of 7. I ended up
assaulting a younger female family member at ~8 because I had learnt from them and didn’t know it was wrong at the time. Most child on child sexual assault is same-sex. Lacking sympathy for little boys who get raped is fucking retarded. Kek I bet you’re another woman who dates shitty moids too and only has misandry when it makes no sense like when directed at children, your logic is so twisted
No. 1825735
>>1825545It's the implication, nona. Notice the way she said she had no sympathy for it, and she even changed the description when quoting, from
>>1824928>17 year old girl with a fake ID deserved to be fed alcohol and taken back to some scrotes apartmentto
>>1824938>17 year old girl who chose to get a fake ID and made the decision to go to a bar and put herself in a dangerous situation and of course she had to add
> Little teenage girls going out in public and getting drunk, putting themselves in harms way is what they’re choosing to do. Idk I didn’t do that shit as a child so I really don’t have any kind of sympathy for it kekThe whole point people replying to her were trying to make is that children are stupid and they do things that are not in their best interest because they're conditioned to think it's okay or they just don't know better, that doesn't mean that they actually wanted the advances of older people or enjoyed it or that it was their fault. because, you know, they're stupid kids.
It's obtuse to assume she was making some purely logical factual statement about drinking in public when the topic started with statutory rape. If she doesn't understand that was what she said and she truly thinks she's being oh-so-factual then she is just a handmaiden with scrote brainrot.
No. 1825761
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>>1824906I refuse to classify males as
victims in the case where women are sexualized, objectified, reduced to conquest.
“boohoo this poor
victim male was told he’s superior to women and should defile them with his cock”
As if I give a single shit. I’m supposed to cry when the man who put a stake in my chest got a splinter? Jesus christ. “but patriarchy hurts men tooooo, yes ur a second class citizen trained and extorted your whole life to exist in service of men, but men have to not cry when they punch holes in drywall so they’re
victims too” shut the fuck up, I actually hate you.
No. 1825770
>>1825761Agreed, I hate when people wanna label men as
victims because they're pressured to sleep around or watch porn. Boo fucking hoo kek
No. 1825966
>>1825761Men (and women) going on about how akshually patriarchy hurts men more!! We're the actual
victims!! Because they're told to not act like retards, have basic self-control and get a job are the most pathetic pieces of shit. As soon as a man starts speaking about patriarchy and hints at men being
victims too I stop listening, his opinion is automatically invalid and I'm 100% sure he'll start spewing bullshit non-stop.
"Oh noo I'm such a
victim because mom tells me I can't punch walls and have a meltdown when I'm told no!!! Nooo I can't rape a woman when she tells me she doesn't want me!(but I will anyway with little to no concequences) Men are so oppressed!!" fucking retards.
No. 1825975
>>1825966Literally. They act like
victims because their suicide rates are high. I wish they were higher.
No. 1826046
>>1826013I saw a CSA
victim speak about how her dad turned her into a male loving pickme who couldn't stand other females becuase her dad forced her to became competition to her own mom for his (
abusive) attention. Until she was an adult and unpacked it all she had blamed her mom for it. Only because he sexually abused her was she later able to see that he did it on purpose, and the mom hadn't been the one to make her competition like she grew up thinking (becuase he told her that). I think both parents are capable of messing their kids up
No. 1826201

Being a broke ass isn’t all as bad as it’s chalked up to be. I am considered poor,(aside from alcoholism drug use and child abuse, etc., but you see that in rich families too) I live with family and it’s not ideal but it’s really not that bad, maybe I’m just coping, maybe I’m not that poor cause I’m not some third world Appalachian but I feel like it’s not too bad.I am working my way up and in school but I’m comfortable right now, I still dress cute because I wear mostly thrifted and hand me downs from high school I still have, just keep them patched up and “new” looking and I just make sure to keep my 4 year old shoes looking new aka clean and not so beat up, I’ll admit I’m sort of lucky with the cards that have been played on me but I’m also working up and I’d be fine if I were considered poor my whole life, I’ve lived in a trailer before and it was a nice place, Im considered trashy probably. I’ve never been that materialistic so I don’t think it’s all that bad, as long as you live within your means. I also like some tacky style choices of the hillbillies around here.
No. 1826224
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Women are so funny because they put so much effort to look beautiful and their bf looks like he begs for change outside of a gas station. That’s why I don’t put much effort into my looks because what’s the point.
No. 1826244
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>>1826235It’s her fiancé but she’s probably just with him for a check
No. 1826329
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I think shar-pei’s should become the trend for this thread like the borzoi’s
No. 1826345
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Most ana-chans and even just normie women who try to get skinny with a flat stomach are auto-pedophiles, they want to return to how they looked as a teenager.
They will never admit this is the case.
No. 1826357
>>1826345I admit it. I'm a former or no longer active ana-chan, meaning I'm mostly healthy and know that this is unhealthy and unrealistic, but deep down this will probably always be my desired look and I'm always jealous of women who naturally still have that childish lanky look.
>>1826354For me it's the opposite, being an adult sucks, I felt the most happy and free as a kid.
For a short time I also thought about wearing a binder because I hate my tits, if I was a teen now, I might have trooned out.
Female socialisation is of course also at fault for this, youth over everything.
No. 1826399
>>1826345so wanting to have a flat stomach is pedophilic? Jesus christ this is a retarded take. Flat stomachs are attractive because healthier people store less fat around their abdomen/waists, as opposed to those with insulin resistance or excess cortisol, and they’re more likely to have muscle tone. I also feel physically better when skinny. You sound like an obese american.
I personally don’t agree with the notion that a skinny woman looks like a child, she just looks like a skinny woman, children look different. It’s only “childish” in a society where people’s lifestyles as adults cause the average person to be overweight. It’s sad that people think that. God I hate fat people.
No. 1826457
>>1826455I think you can still be critical of common behaviours within some religions. I’m sorry but no one is going to convince me that I should tolerate the misogynistic oppressive ideals in Islam so that these people “have something to believe in”. Just face reality.
Either way, even besides that I just don’t think it should be taken as seriously as it is. Sure it’s nice if people can respect your beliefs, but if someone doesn’t it’s not any more immoral than someone shitting on any other subculture, because that’s basically what it is.
No. 1826461
>>1825770>>1825966It’s one thing to say men are oppressed because they can’t cry, but it’s inanity level pickme behavior for you to tell me that men are oppressed for being encouraged to eroticize women’s suffering.
“He was told…. You should get a boner when he sees women being sexually abused and assaulted….. poor men…. My heart is aching for these boys…” oh my fucking god. I want to A-log so badly.
No. 1826505
>>1826455I used to be really antitheist but I ended up being a lot happier ever since I started just believing in God (I'm not formally part of a religion). This sounds retarded but I feel like it's almost a similar drive as when people husbandofag, it feels good to imagine someone perfect who loves and listens to you whenever you want, and naturally it'll feel better the more you actually believe it as real. I mean people build shrines to Jesus/others and some consider themselves "married" in a sense (that's what nuns do) so I feel like there's a lot in common. Even if you think it's all made up I think there's still value in what it offers to people's mental wellbeing.
Also my unpopular opinion is that nasty religious people would've already been horrible without religion, they'd just find some other reason to justify their behavior without it. If a violent moid acts that way because "muh religion" he's just deflecting imo because there will absolutely be a nice woman who follows the same one.
No. 1826531
>>1826345Why do men think women can just grow large breasts? Those two women aren’t that much different from each other in regards to general body fat, one just has large breasts.
If I eat more cheeseburgers it’s not gonna go straight to my tits. I swear they always act like women nit having porn star bodies is a deliberate choice made to upset them.
No. 1826627
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>>1823058we really need a thread for lolcow things that aged like milk kek
No. 1826636
>>1826634What is super weird is when you casually mention browsing 4chan, these people all jump on you like you committed a sin by going on the "forbidden site" and start moralfagging about how they're better than you for not going there.
And in the same breath defend themselves by saying "B-but everyone has Twitter!!!" when rightfully called a twitterfaggot. Deranged newfag behavior
No. 1826866
>>1826695you guys act like this is a secret site when girls on tik tok unironically refer to themselves as "
femcels" so much that its a growing hashtag. Its not hard to find this site if even Doja Cat has been known to lurk. You guys arent as special as you think you are.
No. 1826891
>>1826884>excludedI did say all of them, including the one that 'caters' to me
>>1826888Yeah I wonder why, maybe it's because I can't read that thread and doesn't attract race baiters and poltards AFAIK.
No. 1826898
>>1826894I am saying because I can't read any of it, I can't judge the contents of the discussions. Are you too stupid to understand this?
>>1826896That's complete coincidence, I haven't made a single post in any of them nor read any of it today.
No. 1826904
>>1826899also we arent even talking about just slavery for reparations we are talking about everything AFTER that. White devils like you like to be like "the onus isnt on me or my ancestors uwu" well its on your parents, grandparents etc. who all lived through Jim crow and flourished because of it while black people were set back even further because of it. Yall only focus on slavery and dont want to talk about reconstruction, jim crow era, the reagan crack era, etc etc. STFU black people get guns. We gotta start killing these racists.
And no chattel slavery is a different type of slavery to what middle eastern and asian slavery because they were still considered HUMAN BEINGS. black people were not considered human. Our skin and hair was used to make couches like STFU. you devil bitch read a fucking book and gain empathy. Also black people in africa are CURRENTLY being enslaved by asians and Middle easterns RN. so idgaf about asians and middle easterns being enslaved if they ended up doing the same to black people in 2023.uneducated slime ball is what you and whoever agrees with you is
No. 1826920
"muh male mental health" activists could be actually effective if they focused on the fact that patriarchy is an inherent reversal of nature. Scrotes created this system to have the whole world catering to their dicks yet still they are not happy. Of course they aren't happy and they will never be happy under patriarchy, because they are going against their very nature which is serving and catering to the superior sex. They keep denying this and projecting it on women, so much for "ackshually feminism is making women unhappy because it denies their nature", nothing but projection. Projection is such a common male tactic, patriarchy in itself is systematic projection. Deep down moids know just as well it's unnatural and they hate to admit it, they hate feminism because ultimately they hate the truth. This cognitive dissonance is what makes moids go berserk and take it out on women, children, animals, other moids, even themselves. They could be actually happy if they embraced their natural role as servants of women, but they're too stubborn. They'd rather keep shooting themselves in the foot and cutting their noses to spite their faces then blame women for somehow "making them do it". In a nutshell, "men's rights activism" unironically should be about men's rights to serve and worship women, the whole world would be better and happier if all moids just admitted to their true nature.
No. 1826942
>>1826936>Being a consumerist or watching tv is a hobby.I agree, as long as the person actively enjoys it it's as
valid as any other hobby
No. 1826956
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The richest people in the world. No women here.
No. 1826984
>>1826976Actually I think women should love and care for their daughters
more than they do for their sons. Also I think we should emphasize the role of women and minimize the role of men historically like men keep doing with women, except that we would be replacing their lies with the actual truth. Point out how most historical male figures would have never acheived their place if it had not been for the women that had to be erased, and rewrite those women back in history.
No. 1826988
Men are, by and large, functionally useless and a major liability. There’s no need to conquer and oppress them. The reason women were oppressed and cloistered into servitude is because men feel the need to control our reproductive capabilities. Women have 0 need to exert control over men, because a splooge in a petri dish is just as valuable as a million of them.
If you look to most matriarchal species males are boiled down to their primary function as simple sperm dispensers. Low in numbers, disposable, contributing essentially nothing aside from the occasional exchange of genetic material.
To say that women are inferior to men because we did not enslave and oppress them is wrong on its face and presumes that women and men are the same and have equal roles and motivations as living organisms.
When women exert “power” over men, they ignore them. They deny the entitlement men feel to have their genes passed down. This is why incels lose their minds over being sexless, and pretend the reason for their misogyny is fear of matriarchy and subsequent mismanagement of society, and by ‘society’ I mean themselves (read: projecting their ape mindset onto us). They spin fantastical scenarios about matriarchal internment camps and ball-stompings dominatrixes, which, humorously, they honestly wish would happen because being useful to women as a slave is still preferable to being ignored and lineage-less.
Don’t believe in their stupid lies and projections.
Blackpill radfems are retarded for their inability to understand biology and approach feminism via unrealized revenge fantasies. The funny thing is that they can’t find it within themselves to do actual harm to men either.
No. 1827191
>>1827141I wouldn't tolerate an emotionally stunted 30 yo manchild like this either (let alone fuck or have kids with one kek). I already have a hard time connecting with zoomers here, no idea how others can deal with the moid version. I get it if it's a fling, but the difference in matureness would piss me off in a serious relationship with someone as young as 20. It's like normal moid retardation but multiplied by five.
>>1827183Good for you nonna. Though be careful he doesn't hit you with tiktok therapy slang one day.
No. 1827209
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Women that like men with big asses are latent homosexuals because having a big ass is a feminine trait.
No. 1827218
>>1827209This is bait + fuck you.
Having a big meaty ass is a trait all eligible men should have. You need power and stamina in the strokes. You think I want some weak thrust game from a barrel-bodied out of shape scrote? With a caved-in, saggy, sorry excuse for an ass? A well developed posterior chain is a necessity to lay good pipe.
I swear to god there are people with an agenda to convince women to settle for less. Men are already ugly enough why are you trying to convince me to settle for even uglier ones who are even worse at fucking.
I’ll take my orgasms over your bunk ass opinions. Never speak of this again.
No. 1827306
>>1827300Not to
victim blame but girl what the fuck kind of men are you lowering yourself to if they seriously believe that? None of my boyfriends have ever had that issue what the fuck?
No. 1827352
>>1827276I just told you. It powers his thrusts. For his dick.
>>1827280Tiny ass “enjoyers” literally bargaining for less shit crusties instead of getting a man with a nice body who has advanced his hygiene past the age of 2.
No. 1827376
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When you anons are talking about moids with big butts, are you talking about the kind on the left, or on the right?
No. 1827548
>>1827493The last lot of socks I bought are prone to getting all bobbly after just a few wears n washes. I'd love some xmas socks.
And if I don't sound old and boring enough already.. they just don't make socks to last anymore. The quality of socks has really gone downhill over the years
No. 1827551
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>>1827547>ezrafagsWait, anons want to fuck
this dude?
No. 1827558
>>1827549I literally put that because it distinctly isn't the same. Its an anonymous imageboard. There will always be pests, trolls, namefags, schizos. What I DO see is a very whiny shift towards telling you that you have to be silent and quiet when something annoys you and that there cannot be any social discourse when this is an ib literally dedicated to social discourse. Grow a backbone and get over it. If it bothers you so much, then
you be the "adult" and ignore it. Im not even the kind of anon she was talking about, im just sick of the cultural shift toward tumbr-tier policing ive noticed lately. "Omggg just report and ignoreee" and it's just some usual normal autistic shitflinging infight that you should be grown enough to handle or look away from.
No. 1827572
>>1827564Welcome to imageboards faggot, this isnt Twitter
>>1827559I hope they do it even more tbh.
No. 1827574
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>>1827551I think most would rather fuck 2017 him, before he went crazy, definitely got molested as a child being in the showbiz, and just went fucking insane.
No. 1827611
>>1827523i can't believe that "giving attention to losers while giving them names and a presence is making the site worse" is considered an unpopular opinion.
100% agree with you anon, another thing making the site worse is the dogshit level of reading comprehension and the bored retards who can't keep themselves from an infight because "itz sew funn!11!" and respond to moids to """own them""" while reacting to their bait
No. 1827665
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>>1827523A new player has entered the battle.
No. 1827863
Colonizers cannot empathize with the Colonized.
Colonizer mentality is the reason why a majority of older Americans can’t grasp the genocide/ethnic cleansing in Palestine and Israel.
Israel was created with the support of the west, they cleanse, prod, provoke and gaslight Palestines in order to make them look like savages. It’s like being in an abusive relationship, and just like when a woman has been gaslighted and abused, it’s always the abuser that gets the benefit of the doubt in this system.
And it’s okay, because Muslims are savages, South American countries are future communists, Africa was meant to be exploited right?
For decades now, your media has underreported and gaslit your own people in order to make them believe that anything with the attached label of democracy and the free market are the people to back. Might makes right
What the west is doing is trying their best to whitewash their sins. Israel wouldn’t have been an issue if the west actually believed some of the bullshit they spew, and accepted Jewish people in their home countries instead of sending them to their own paranoid hellscape that the west created.
With the internet, things are beginning to change. You can’t run from the sins of your tax dollars forever. Not USA, UK, France or any of the other countries that operate on subversion and influence for corporate stooges.
Ukraine is an example of what corporate colonials do. You put your entire weight behind them, supported them. Now that it’s out of the TikTok / Twitter / X and media sphere, you’ve absolved yourself of the guilt. Send them money for a proxy war, bipartisan support and then you take it all away for petty politics. Your countries are rotten and have caused the death of countless Ukrainians just as much as the Russians. Scum behavior
Looking at America, the first time I watched the news was on the day of 9/11 as a child. There was a black female anchor who spoke about some of the ongoing issues in America, decades later those still issues are up for debate. Your democracy is phony, they don’t even represent you. You’ve been a military state since the 1960s, and your modus operandi is to support, encourage and operate war. Your sins are for the greater good of course
On a daily basis the western people espouse how the world’s ills are from religion, mental health issues, poverty or authoritarianism. They ignore that for many countries, they were imported and supported by the West for cheaper goods, corporate profit and some belief that they’ll suppress any socialistic tendencies. For the majority of you, you don’t know what true racism, discrimination, poverty and mental health issues are across the world. If you live in the west, you’re rich and privileged. Congrats you get to discuss how every other country is a shithole while you chug beer and live day to day like a socialite.
Just like many other issues, your influential leaders are begging for the news cycle about Palestine and Israel would disappear so you can talk about Trump, Biden, Hillary or whatever else distraction you need so you don’t notice that you’re a productive slave.
You bicker and argue with each other, but somehow are all smart enough to know that corporate and the military run you. Just too jaded and broken to have any of the Western spirit that made you to begin with, you don’t believe your own melting pot.
The west thought they exported freedom and democracy, but for all that freedom and democracy the people are miserable and have surface level values. Enough to show you’re good people, but none of the character to reflect inwards. You live to sustain the ways of your shitty lives.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1827972
>>1827953>Cock and ball torture on adult men is based though. I learned that from the bible.Amen
>>1827955Not everyone celebrates christmas or on this day, but yeah, I love LC.
No. 1827977
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>>1827955Deck the halls with tons of foreskins
Fa la la la la la la la la
Turn them into cream for our chins
Fa la la la la la la la la
Father and son are now dick twins
Fa la la la la la la la la
Dick needs lotion or it'll feel pins
Fa la la la la la la la la
No. 1828151
>>1827493This is proof you're an adult, congratulations kek
A general rule is that gifts are supposed to be "wants" not "needs". Things people buy for themselves out of necessity (like socks) are therefor seen as bad gifts by default.
No. 1828433
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>>1828428Anon's favorite dish
No. 1828506
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>>1828467This is like a week before he died apparently. Not surprised he was demoted to doing little concerts at Johnny Depps bar
No. 1828628
>>1828622I wish I could agree and kind of do… I don’t care what some rando government people who may see my history among thousands, I mostly care about privacy from other
users. But at the same time, this could be really bad like arresting women for visiting or commenting “terfy” or anti male stuff like they started doing in europe
No. 1828629
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>>1828622How about skin implanted microchips to monitor you further? Only to prevent you from commiting crimes of course.
No. 1828772
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Worst horror movie ever, worse than Sharknado even. Literally just a migraine as a movie
No. 1828778
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>>1828772All the men in these movies deserved immediate evisceration
No. 1828918
>>1828900I guarantee you’re that low on the totem pole that if they were
you would be part of the next wave of poor people being killed.
No. 1829267
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Having cringe hobbies is fine as long as you're contributing to society and not hurting anyone by partaking in that hobby. It becomes cowish when someone leeches off of society or harms others. Maybe not unpopular outside lolcow but I feel like lots of anons here think having non-normie hobbies immediately makes someone a cow.
For a more generically unpopular opinion bullying is sometimes justified and inappropriate behaviors need to be stomped on and shamed to oblivion. Also all convicted rapists should be put to death via firing squad immediately.
No. 1829301
>>1829267>For a more generically unpopular opinion bullying is sometimes justified and inappropriate behaviors need to be stomped on and shamed to oblivion.People that are bullied are disproportionately shitty people themselves, who have more in common with those that bully them than average people. Part of bullying is that the bullied person desperately wants validation and acceptance from those that are victimizing them. They dream of sitting at the table and being one of the mean boys and girls.
I don't know, I took pity on bullied people for a while until I peered under the hood and seen most did actually deserve it. Not all, but I'd say a good 80% had horrid personalities. Chris Chan is a good example, he is a literal narcissist.
No. 1829370
>>1829301>>1829267>>1829322I disagree, and Chris Chan is a poor example. Most bullied children aren't actually retarded like he is and just have unconventional interests or are different in another way like being foreign. In my experience it's always been a bigger group of people picking on a smaller group of nerdy/weird kids for liking weird things. And by weird things I don't mean actually weird like watching hentai in public, but relatively tame like Naruto or goth music. My best friend got bullied for not being a Christian fundie, so.
I got bullied for the most stupid reasons as a kid and all I ever wanted was to enjoy my hobbies in peace instead of being made fun of for it. Now that I'm an adult I realize how petty some of the bullies were, they just didn't like me but didn't have a reason why so they picked on me. Not everything is that deep.
No. 1829421
>>1829370>>1829380I'm thinking of examples like
>>1829378 when I say some kids deserve to be bullied. If a kid is acting retarded, disgusting, and/or mean they need to be taught that behavior isn't acceptable and bullying is a way that happens. I don't mean bullying someone for not being into popular things or being a foreigner.
No. 1829768
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Anons believe that men and teenage boys (16 and above) can't be raped, but I'm gonna throw a wrench at male sexuality. You know how there's those stories of gay scrotes marrying women, having kids, but coming out of the closet and leaving her for another man? Yeah I don't buy that they're truly gay at all. People say that those moids must be gay, and that they were only using their marriages as a "beard" but here's the thing: there are moids that don't get married at all and just stay single without being accused of gay. Nobody forced "gay scrotes" to date and marry a woman. Nobody forced "gay" scrotes to have sex with a woman. These moids did that by their own choice. And if there's kids in the marriage, that must mean he LIKED it enough to fucking cum during the sex. At that point, these "gay" moids are not as gay as they say they are. I think scrotes who marry and have kids with women but come out as "gay" are actually just bisexual men who want to leave their wives for another man, but use the excuse of being completely gay to look like a crimeless victim and avoid criticism.
No. 1829771
I doing this is unpopular here but it is apparently popular on every other place on the internet.
I really look down on women who engage in “cnc”, “rape play”, “bdsm” or whatever you want to call extremely masochistic sex that recreates rape/abuse/torture. They say it’s to “cope” with previous trauma but I don’t buy it. They say they’re reclaiming control over harmful sexual encounters but I don’t see the logic here. To me it comes across as self harm, sexualizing your low self esteem.
These women always get very angry, defensive, confrontational, and insulting towards anyone who questions them too.
I have experienced misogyny and abuse from men as I’m sure almost all women have, and it just made me angry and frustrated at men who I saw as being unable to change. The only times in my life where I entertained the idea of harmful sex was at my lowest, where my self worth was on the floor, and I saw the ruination of my body through sex as a realization of what I felt inside. I never engaged with it, and I knew it was bad, I would just have a self loathing episode and imagine scenarios where a man hurt me.
I just get pissed off too at the men who are willing to do it. It says nothing else to,e other than that men don’t give a fuck about their partners and love sexual depravity. Any man willing to put his hands on you and make you cry while he orgasms will never, ever help you actually heal from your trauma. Being with a person like that is only going to make your self esteem lower.
No. 1829777
>>1829772She’s right
>>1829768I also tinfoil that all men are bi that’s why they fuck eachother in prison.
No. 1829780
>>1829768I think you’re right for a lot of them but also I think men (including gay men) are selfish, opportunistic, and misogynistic by default.
Why wouldn’t a gay man have a live in maid and incubator? Having a wife is a complete plus for a man it’s basically just a personal slave. Plus men will fuck and cum in anything. I don’t think men are attracted to warm sponges and couch cushions but they will rub their dicks on them and ejaculate anyways.
No. 1829788
>>1829768Saying you’re gay is a get out of jail free card for cheating on and abandoning your wife and wasting decades of a woman’s time.
Plenty of scrotes aren’t sexually interested in their wives.
“She’s old and fat and boring and my dick doesn’t get hard for her so I abandoned her and our kids” - people rightfully judge this man.
“She doesn’t have a penis and my dick doesn’t get hard for her so I abandoned her and our kids” - omg you poor thing
No. 1829799
>>1829788This is true. Closeted men ruin whole families and children and expect praise for being themselves when they come out. Doesn't make them bi though or prison gay. Horrible how they pity themselves and view themselves as
victims for lying to their wives and using them as incubators.
No. 1829817
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>>1829797>Saying closeted gay men aren't gay is wild and delusional and has nothing to do with being a faghag. Closeted "gay" men who aren't forced to date, marry, have sex with, and orgasm from sex with a woman are not as gay as they say they are. It's not delusional, it's common sense, AKA something faghags seem to lack.
>Up until very recently, being gay was ostracizedSure, but I don't think most of them had a gun held to their head, and forced into dating, marrying, and fucking a woman.
>and men as a whole were expected to start families.Expected, but not forced.
>Whether it be being disowned and losing their parents money, religious expectations, etc, being closeted was an agonizing expectation. Oh, so they lose friendships and money if they don't get married. That's pressure at most, but even still it's their own choice to marry a woman and have sex with her. If they're doing it for extra money, it's still their choice and not even remotely close to being forced or rape.
>Modern men have no excuse now, however, for the most part.They didn't even have an excuse then. Nobody actually forced them to marry and have sex with a woman. They only lost opportunities.
>As for tinfoiling that gay men who had to chomp viagra to have their kidsWho the fuck even said that?
>and fuck men on the side while their wife mourns their dead bedroom, no, saying they aren't gay is wildly retarded No. What's wildly retarded is faghagging for a bunch of half-gay moids that were not forced to have sex with a woman, and yet made the choice and allowed their bodies to enjoy the sex enough to cum multiple times.
>and highlights that some of you are very detached from reality and living in fiction.Oh please, I'm not taking life advice from a fucking faghag that doesnt understand nuance and refuses to believe that these scrotes aren't innocent or mindless with the choices they made. "Wuh wuh detached from reality! Wuh wuh living in fiction!", tch get real. Unless they had a gun, a knife, or their family was held hostage, it was still 100% their choice to marry a woman, and 100% on them to have sex enough to ejaculate in those women.
>"homophobe-chan!" No. 1829854
>>1829797I’m sorry but I’ll never feel bad for an “oppressed” man who spent his life forcing a woman to serve him only to pull the rug out from under her once he felt it was safe enough.
I’ll never feel bad for men who treat the women in their lives as shock absorbers for their own issues and to socially uplift themselves.
No. 1829861
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>>1829848>I think you saying a man who is imaging a man's hairy asshole and fat cock and balls in order to get hardKEK gosh you’re so adorable. You really think just imagining sex with the same gender is gonna be effective enough for a gay person to do sex with the opposite gender? You do realize that if it were that easy, no gay person would ever have to live as a gay? What a retarded argument you have.
>to have lackluster awkward sex with a woman four times a yearIt can’t be that lackluster if they still came.
>in order to reproduce or placate her so his parents don't take him out of daddies trustEven if the faggot is having sex with a woman for extra money, it’s still his choice to stick his penis in her vagina and cum inside. He’s not being forced into it, it’s still his choice, and it’s still his dick liking it enough to cum.
>is actually super into womenAgain, he can’t hate it that much if he chooses sex with a woman and reaches the cumming.
>is in fact a delusionNot a delusion, but common sense. You not liking me being “mean” to faggots doesn’t make me wrong.
>and your secret tinfoil that gay men want youGross, I don’t want to fuck faggots or bi-faggot scrotes because I’d rather not have a husband transmit AIDs to my vagina. Try again.
>is silly and a signNot silly, just keeping it real instead of buying into their “I’m gay even though I willingly sex with a woman multiple times enough to have kids with her” excuse.
>you need to close tab I’m not closing shit, seethe harder.
>and feel some dirt or gravel under your feetNo, I got my feet nice and comfy on my comforter set. Cry about it.
>"Gay men want me" is not a real thingAgain, I don’t want to fuck faggots, and I think it’s hilarious that you’re strawmanning this argument into somehow being about me “wanting to fuck faggots”. Bitch, get a brain and flush the AIDs-infested faggot swill out of your skull for once. They will never love you, and you're a low IQ handmaiden. Go back to twitter with the rest of the other faghags and let the
women speak.
No. 1829870
>>1829854I do not and would never want you to feel sorry for a coward who uses women as fleshlights for a son and lies to his family and inevitably breaks it to pieces while everyone calls him stunning and brave while calling his ex wife a shrew and a homophobe. I mean literally all I'm saying is that they're gay otherwise they would just cheat on their wife with women.
>>1829861So how old are you? If you think men aren't capable of fucking something they find repulsive as a means to an end i have news for you. Im not reading any of this btw you're unhinged.
No. 1829891
>>1829861Nta but contrary to what you may think, it’s you that looks like the screeching retard right now. You can do as many green texts as you like and as many based reaction images as you want, as many witty put downs, you
still look like a demented freak.
No. 1829909
>>1829871The "sexuality is fluid" statement is such a meme. I'm straight but actually bought into the love is love mindset and dabbled in girls during my confused teen years, so I know beyond any doubt that there is not an ounce of bi feelings inside me kek.
It's always bi people, gender indoctrinated retards or sexually dysfunctional virgins trying to shill this line of thinking. I agree porn can warp your "preferences" to a degree, but by your logic gay moids can be memed into loving pussy because scrote sexuality is just one nut away from any sexuality. I've actually seen posts by straight moids feeling conflicted because they didn't feel attracted to their dick owning tranny "gf"s (no shit, it's because they were straight)
No. 1829951
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>>1829869>You realize men stick their dicks in countless non-human objects and animals without being attracted to them rightGotta love the irony of comparing women to animals or objects.
>>1829870>So how old are you?You saying I gotta be fifty or sixty years old to know bullshit when I see it?
>If you think men aren't capable of fucking something they find repulsiveIf a man willingly chooses to fuck someone on his own accord, for whatever reason, and let his body enjoy it enough to cum or orgasm, there is some sexual attraction involved. It’s literally the scrote having sex with the other person and cumming in the act.
>as a means to an endIf it’s his own choice and he enjoys it enough to cum, it ain’t just as a means to an end.
>i have news for youWhat? That you lack miles of common sense?
>Im not reading any of thisIlliterate and pathetic.
>btw you're unhinged.If having common sense about sex means being unhinged, I’d rather be that than the vegetative levels of retard you’re on. Cry about it and get your mongy, faghag ass off of lolcow kek
>>1829891>Nta but contrary to what you may think, it’s you that looks like the screeching retard right now.Blah blah blah, cry more, the gays will never bow to your “dedication” of how much you defend them on some imageboard.
>You can do as many green texts as you likeI can, I will, and you can’t stop me.
>and as many based reaction images as you wantI can, I will, and you can’t stop me.
>as many witty put downsI can, I will, and you can’t stop me.
>you still look like a demented freak.And this “demented freak” is still winning this argument against three crybaby, faghag bitches who believe everything moids tell them kek
Cry harder, I love it.