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No. 1638980
walking with the cheese, that's the queso
previous thread
>>>/ot/1629218 No. 1639008
File: 1689877387842.jpg (16.69 KB, 257x257, 1641935789541.jpg)

my google photos account when i start uploading a new hoard of ero photos of fictional men
No. 1639012
File: 1689877639934.jpeg (602.1 KB, 1588x1588, high life champagne sparkle at…)

the literal magical girl from old Miller High Life ads needs to come back permanently, I could be marketed into drinking lite beer if it was her
No. 1639048
File: 1689880004591.jpg (830.6 KB, 900x600, Display-of-Bagels-at-London-Ba…)

I just saw that there's a bagel museum in London, and holy shit this might be the first good food I've ever seen out of the UK. I want it so bad. I'm scratching like a crack fiend right now.
No. 1639056
File: 1689880193146.png (122.93 KB, 360x388, LONDON BAGEL.PNG)

>>1639048Oh nevermind. This place isn't even the fuckign UK.
No. 1639102
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I remember when I was first getting into the world of RV and van living, there was this girl getting some really popular videos. People were making up entire conspiracy theories about how she's an industry plant because of the fact that she seemingly came out of nowhere and was able to blow up fast. Looking back, it was so crazy. People were deep diving into her past and everything. I don't know why the conclusion that everyone came to was that she's an industry plant (why would a company back a channel about van living?) instead of realizing that pretty, young, kinda quirky girl who has the freedom to live in a van is just an unfulfilled youtube niche.
>>1639069It's butter flavored oil and doesn't soak into the popcorn so it doesn't get soggy.
No. 1639284
>>1639281>>1639270it's a nice thing to do to wash the dishes. it's harder to do dishes after they pile up, especially in a small kitchen.
you both have issues, this is a you problem. learn how teamwork works. harmony in the home. synergy. you need to get in sync not ur mom or whoever. or you need to learn to wash as you go and not let dishes pile up. something off here
No. 1639317
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I have not seen one man have a valid criticism of Barbie
No. 1639329
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>>1639317This braindead retard directly contradicts himself. "all of the strengths of women that Barbie represents" would include all her occupations.
No. 1639349
File: 1689902234797.jpg (454.12 KB, 1422x750, AAAAQRn_wGggAV7j1DxsAPmwmYgdXU…)

Do you guys remember that awful Winx show? me neither
No. 1639353
>>1639349the third one is Muse, right? why didn't they cast an Asian actress?
Stella looks like the best one out of the batch, Aisha second.
No. 1639372
>>1639352Flora is there (with her bellybutton showing) but not Techna.
>>1639353Muse is second from the right
No. 1639397
File: 1689908048247.jpg (41 KB, 1013x570, genius.jpg)

>Bought a ticket for Oppenheimer
>Turns out it was for another theatre that shares the same prefix.
…eh, it was an overly late night showing anyway.
No. 1639400
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My hobby is finding weird ass stuff at shein
No. 1639402
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No. 1639405
File: 1689910105820.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1170x2052, IMG_1322.jpeg)

Who the hell do you think you are!? You’re any kind of artist!? Anybody know who you are!? Maybe evrybody else wants to enjoy the peace and quiet. This is one of the most important places in all of North America and who are you? Who are you!?! You miserable presumptuous no talent.
You’re no artist. An artist respects the silence, it serves as the foundation of creativity. You obviously don’t have the talent. You don’t have enough respect for yourself or other people, or know what it means to respect yourself! In music or any form of creativity!
And I’m an NYU fil-school graduate. Sucker!
And the School of Visual Arts. And the Academy of Art University in San Fransisco!
You suck!
You’re a no talent!
If you really have talent, go practice. And then get yourself a gig, instead of ruining the end of the day for everybody down here! You're a disgrace! You are everything that’s gone wrong in this world!
You’re a self consumed, no-talent, mediocre piece of shit! And I’ve earned my right to say it! Okay?
I had 200,000 people with Bill Graham , in 1975.
I walked Bob Dylan up on stage. Who the fuck are you!?
I knew the Grateful Dead from 1966. Who the fuck are you!?
You’re nothing! You're nothing! You are nothing! And you will never be anything! Never! How dare you! How dare you.
You miserable, mediocre nothing! Shame on you!
You crack a stupid little smile, you little pimp!
Go learn to play. Go learn to play.
You’re flat!
You can’t even carry a fucking note! I don’t care about your little horn lip, it doesn’t mean you know how to play!
You’re flat!
I’m trained classically, I’m trained contemporaneously, and you suck!
No. 1639412
File: 1689910824092.jpg (50.08 KB, 720x540, 687474~1.JPG)

>>1639402imagine cheating on your husband with this freak caked in makeup that isn't even a good color match, while he's cheating on his wife (they were together a total of ten years) who just went through BIRTHING A CHILD. he's a theatre fag who's already likely got a massive ego this is just going to make it even bigger.
No. 1639425
File: 1689913422589.gif (2.73 MB, 640x358, bat-fruit-bat.gif)

Made it out of the hernia surgery, dear nonnas. I have three little cuts on my tummy and holy hell my abdomen hurts. Like real bad. I had a robotic procedure though so hopefully the healing will be much faster. Inguinal hernia of all the damn things.
Best part is, I know a high ranking lady in the surgery department at this hospital, who put my entire room together and controlled the procedure. Kicked out the scrotes, too aside from the surgeon kek. Being surrounded by intelligent, caring and compassionate women was so comforting. I wish I could give them all a great big hug and a batch of sweet treats. My anesthesia was utterly perfect, I feel weirdly great aside from the pain. Women in medicine fucking rock. Felt like this little fruit bat the whole time, swaddled in love and care kek.
No. 1639433
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is this common for Americans?
No. 1639441
File: 1689916443833.jpg (Spoiler Image,37.16 KB, 625x661, Capture.JPG)

unspoiler this image if you WOULD like to see a pic of Nikocado Avocado's foot
No. 1639443
File: 1689916979031.jpg (577.41 KB, 880x1193, notes.jpg)

Holy shit I need her so fucking bad and she's just some background character that shows up for 1 arc and fucks off forever. Fuck my life I literally fell in love the moment I saw her. She reminds me of an old crush I had, they both had short blond hair and were supreme assholes
No. 1639484
File: 1689921408064.png (567.38 KB, 2720x2720, 19B9F489-99A6-4E01-8849-2A3650…)

The anon who did this thread pic for the fake boi thread needs to do a MTF vers and I just wanna tell her that I am adopting chaotic fakeboi as an OC
No. 1639490
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>>1639484>tfw my best friend in high school ended up becoming a neutral fakeboi but obsessed with being diagnosed as autistic then became obnoxious thembie tiktokeri just wanted to sit and draw with her and listen to her sperg about pokemon, feels bad.
No. 1639492
File: 1689922912190.jpg (196 KB, 975x1500, 81loHNGBwLL._AC_SL1500_.jpg)

I've been reading movie thread on /m/ and someone mentioned how right wing moids hated Barbie for its supposed feminist message. This made me remember all the funny outrages moids have when something "SJW" happens in their vidya, movies etc. I kinda think we need a thread for butthurt moids whining about current media attacking traditional masculinity and feminity. idk it reminds me of the golden days of tumblr when sjws got assblasted about most mundane things.
Anyway, I remember the funniest example for me yet. So, recently there was this Superman story where he ends up in gladiator world and forced to fight in the arena wearing nothing but picrelated, a throwback to sword and sorcery fantasy. It was a pretty well-recieved story. After it finished, in other comics there was a one page gag about Clark keeping the costume and how Lois likes it when he dresses up in it for her in bed. That's it, that's the joke. Lois likes Clark's skimpy outfit.
The moids on 4chan went ballistic and cried about how Superman is emasculated and turned into a cuck bitch boy. All because he there is one panel joke about Clark dressing up for his wife. Which is… Immean I don't get what's emasculating about it? Being attractive for women is a beta thing?
No. 1639535
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This looks like a "we just fucked" couples photo
No. 1639537
>>1639492This is why I 100% clock all anons on lolcow complaining about "muh woke SJW pandering" in movies and video games as men or at least malebrained pickmes, literally nobody else gives that much of a shit about things like that Superman scene. Ironically enough they accuse "SJWs" of being butthurt crybabies yet have a fucking aneurysm over a woman making a sex joke.
>I kinda think we need a thread for butthurt moids whining about current media attacking traditional masculinity and feminity. Fucking please, I need some sort of a "anti-SJW cringe" thread to share all of this.
No. 1639540
>>1639492This is how I feel when anons complain about a
poc being cast in a white persons role, like who cares it's a movie not a documentary or history book. The whole snow white drama in celebricows is so meaningless to me, "she's supposed to have skin as white as snow wahhhhh" but no one can explain why it even matters kek
No. 1639569
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would you?
No. 1639615
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week 6 of no cement, this time making the post on time, and a bit ashamed to admit i think about eating cement when i get a reel of some house being broken down, i haven't acted upon the urge tho.
No. 1639647
>>1639615good job
nonnie, cement is not good for you I think
No. 1639729
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the obesity epidemic artificially inflates my attractiveness level from mid to slightly cute
No. 1639935
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I'm not even a sushi person, but for some reason I really want to try whole foods or publix sushi. Next Wednesday I'll stop by them.
No. 1639945
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>>1639901Takes one to know one, baberino
No. 1639949
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>>1639945I'm ugly, but I try
thank you lovely
No. 1640092
File: 1689984327093.png (26.64 KB, 1026x194, Screenshot_2023-07-22-01-52-31…)

i said fuck men in a tweet and got this warning kekkk they're so delicate
No. 1640101
File: 1689984745206.jpg (122.93 KB, 768x1024, 1689984481113228m.jpg)

>you wake up
>the year is 2030
>you walk into your living room
>Hi Honey! How was your nap?
>it's your government assigned boyfriend
What do
No. 1640128
>>1640106it happens on every major website too, threatening women with rape and murder is almost encouraged but god forbid a girl says she doesn't like men. That's a literal hate crime, of course.
Just to test things out, I just tweeted "fuck women, I hate women" and I'm not getting any hate speech warnings kek how surprising
No. 1640136
>>1640092>>1640128What blackpilled me the most was the kiwifarms drama, cloudflare hosts 4chan and multiple 3d child porn websites. But dunking on fat ugly male trannies is what enrages the public enough to do something about it. Spoilered cause this next part is upsetting
I've only been on 4chan about 20 times for a specific reason like when I've heard they mentioned lc or cc or to look for kirbyanons art out of morbid curiosity, and literally the first time I went on that site I saw a screenshot of a news article about a 9 year old girl who was raped, strangled, and tied naked to a tree by her shoelaces and left there until a passerby found her and waited with her until paramedics arrived. She was left with severe brain injuries, fighting for her life in the hospital. The top comments on the post were stuff like "oh she's a little white whore so I'm sure she liked it" "they start young now anyway" "someone name the hospital so I can finish the job." But no it's kiwifarms that's the real problem.
No. 1640188
File: 1689994373393.jpg (11.65 MB, 9425x7220, 鈴木_春信_-_風流艶色真似ゑもん_12.jpg)

>English: #12 of 12 panels: Famous kabuki actor 瀬川菊之丞(二世), a courtesan [花魁], and her apprentice [新造] sit on a porch while bean-sized "imitation man" Mane'emon farts unnoticed in a nearby cherry tree 桜.
Excuse me
No. 1640236
File: 1689999390600.png (386.65 KB, 640x904, __wakan_tanka_tokyo_afterschoo…)

♥ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ нє ωαѕ тнєяє ƒσя мє ωнєη ησ σηє єℓѕє ωαѕ ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩ♥
No. 1640329
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One pack is these is too much noodles, and did maruchan put less seasoning in the flavor packs? They always taste underseasoned now if you do all the noodles.
No. 1640377
File: 1690008375337.jpeg (154.33 KB, 690x1070, IMG_8226.jpeg)

>someone gifts me these weird but cute originally $100+ jeans
>one size too small
>store doesn't have anymore pairs
>but I love them so much and I'll never find anything else like them!!
>I want to keep them!!
No. 1640394
File: 1690009485992.png (165.73 KB, 275x270, IMG_1668.png)

I just got from home from having watermelon margaritas, washed and moisturized my face and ate the rest of my poke bowl from lunch. I admired my new sparkly pink acrylic nails. I spritzed my Prada perfume into the air and let my ceiling fan disperse the sweet, citrusy, floral-amber scent through my bedroom while I lay on my comfy bed and check on my beloved fellow farmers on lolcow. Work was hell this week, but tonight, right now, I’m happy. Happy Friday, nonas
No. 1640418
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These shirts were based and it was retarded that Urban Outfitters had to stop selling them
No. 1640443
>>1640418The depression top would well with the y2k revival trend right now. also crop tops are still very much popular
>>1640428between a rock and a hard place of trying to lose an inch off my waist (hard) or just forcibly stretch them out from their natural tight state (less hard), they're way too cute to just upcycle to someone else
No. 1640551
File: 1690031088160.png (1.68 MB, 1646x796, 1689397537581.png)

this is so bleak
No. 1640588
>>1640581I know this is a very unpopular opinion but…both things are true. Both men and women after 35+ who remained single have this very weird bitter energy about them and both of them take that out on younger women.
There are some cool forever single people but they are not common compared to the bitter as hell 30+ singles.
No. 1640642
>>1640445Some thoughts:
*Man I miss traditional animation. I always saw pictures of Cathy and it seemed very corny and dated to me but this animation (the actual movement and stuff) is super charming.
*Interesting that in the 80s having a boyfriend was still considered “single.”
*Came across as super weird to me that Cathy showed some blaming herself for BF cheating and how she wanted him back, and how this was all framed as normal and expected. Different times I guess. These days you have to be a dumpster fire of a person to want to get back with someone who cheated on you.
No. 1640768
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I went on facebook and saw a story about a goat on the loose in Mountain Brook AL – someone spotted it climbing around an abandoned hospital at one point, he looks like he's having fun I wish I was a goat
No. 1640773
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>>1640768i wish him the best. i once walked into an aisle at walmart and saw a crow shopping. good for them
No. 1640843
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>me waiting for someone to make a post in another thread>>1640828why is this so brilliant, I need more
No. 1640844
I was trying to google something and I found this>The study could help explain the mystery of why so many men think women are interested in them when they are not, a study claims.LMAO
No. 1640846
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No. 1640853
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Imagine your mom showing you her posts on LC and then disinheriting you because you called her cringe
No. 1640855
>>1640850Some old hooker got mad at an anon for complaining that her mom preferred her brother over her. Apparently back in nana’s day girls were always out before boys when it came to parents and their children. She also espoused some shitty bootstrap mantras, said she’d share the thread/her posts with her daughter, and then said if her daughter didn’t think she was funny she’d be disinherited because children aren’t entitled to anything. Also she’s an actual grandma because if her kid kills herself then her children will be mad forever because they got left with their
abusive granny.
No. 1640885
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>>1640853Sorry anon can you retype this but in all caps. I'm actually an 89 year old
nonnie and I'm struggling to have my usual keks on here lately. Eyesight is finally going. Holding up pretty well otherwise. Regards
No. 1640908
File: 1690052863448.jpeg (219.68 KB, 944x900, IMG_1676.jpeg)

>>1640445She is all of us. ACK!!!
No. 1640910
>>1640445“A LEAN CUISINE!!!”
No. 1640917
>>1640915birds of a feather
nonnie, birds of a feather…
No. 1640922
File: 1690054081645.png (1.79 MB, 1596x1214, Screenshot 2023-07-22 at 15.30…)

>>1640445when the mom turns three peas into a turkey dinner…. I used to just sit and think about that when I was a kid.
No. 1640945
File: 1690055663368.jpg (198.65 KB, 1060x953, F1qHrb7XgAE5pka.jpg)

I think Bratz is finally putting new dolls in stores. Kinda disappointing, not only is the packaging ugly but it's also not even a full size doll. The Bratz team doing that thing where they recreated celebrity outfits and moments was really cute but I hope they don't rely on that for lines.
No. 1640947
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>>1640945Close up of the thing. I recognize the met gala look, but what even is the black outfit? I get why they chose Kylie for a collab but this just fucking sucks.
No. 1640965
File: 1690057409448.png (1.95 MB, 2560x3904, GettyImages-1439866936.png)

>>1640955Apparently this wasn't supposed to be on the shelves yet (It was only found in one target in Texas) and the package design will change later. I did a little more looking around and I guess what's supposed to happen is there will be a full size doll of this look (hence why that's what her cartoon version is wearing on the packaging), and then the minis to coincide it. I'm still super disappointed though. Pretty sure this is the first doll they will have on shelves in years.
They should've dropped something with Chloe, Yasmin, Jade and Sasha and then focused on celeb collabs later
No. 1640971
File: 1690057956623.jpg (219.32 KB, 879x755, polcels.jpg)

Its that time of the month where god gives me the horny to challenge myself to see if i am worthy of the title of sorcerer and it made me realize that there were 4 decades of high quality nerd dick roamming every corner willing to lose their virginity with the first woman they came across and i happen to be alive and horny in the decade where they all look like this. Fucking kill me already.
No. 1641009
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>>1640988>it wouldn't even be so bad they are still ugly as fuck, men are built for long hair plus they all look 30+ even though they are probably 17-20
No. 1641013
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>>1640988>it wouldn't even be so badanon do you have brain damage or are you just legally blind?
No. 1641014
File: 1690061342364.jpg (85.95 KB, 625x625, 5556392.jpg)

>>1640843Start replying to yourself only the jannies will know your truth
No. 1641048
File: 1690063881259.jpeg (52.53 KB, 485x336, IMG_5861.jpeg)

I would post more but I’m afraid I will be flagged as a spammer.
No. 1641097
File: 1690068812750.jpg (27.93 KB, 320x254, anteater.jpg)

I'm obsessed with anteaters and for some reason this one anteater looks fatter than usual. How did this one get so big?
No. 1641138
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>>1641097but have you seen this one?
No. 1641178
File: 1690075949596.jpg (58.3 KB, 638x467, jordan peterson DESTROYS ben s…)

Why is this old twink so angry? I thought gay men liked Barbie
No. 1641213
>>1641178>over 40 minutes of reeeinglet that sink in
the amount of videos youtube recommends me titled "barbie hates men… why barbie is ruining… worst movie ever…" with a 40, 50 or 80 something year old moid in the thumbnail is insane. grandpa, you're decades too old for that movie and i'm sure you're not into cute pink outfits either, why the fuck are you going to the cinema to watch this? that's like me getting mad and wanting to cancel bob the builder when plenty of 5yo boys love him.
No. 1641218
File: 1690078956847.jpg (2.85 MB, 3024x4032, 1690040239663096.jpg)

>>1641178Actually I asked him and he said he really loves it and that he had a good laugh
No. 1641247
File: 1690081460516.jpeg (108.32 KB, 1066x800, IMG_7025.jpeg)

>>1641097I thought elephant shrews were a species of anteater when I first saw them
No. 1641266
File: 1690083397998.jpg (161.07 KB, 1179x2096, my-friends-met-ben-shapiro-at-…)

>>1641255No he isn't. Shapiro-kun is at peak performance. YOU may not like it, but it is objective fact.
No. 1641273
File: 1690083987237.jpeg (83.68 KB, 599x373, image0.jpeg)

>>1641266You all inspire the worst feelings in me sometimes
>>1641269Write the full fanfic and post it on AO3. Do it.
No. 1641277
File: 1690084282053.gif (4.38 MB, 480x478, joker.gif)

>>1641273You're trying to make me kill myself
No. 1641279
File: 1690084516057.jpeg (133.51 KB, 924x861, IMG_6505.jpeg)

>>1641277we're slowly doing it everyday just by existing, max nihilism mode activated
No. 1641280
File: 1690084530178.jpg (126.71 KB, 736x815, d75af4f5f0620b7afa8913a3c2e176…)

I hate when homemade Mac and cheese is made with shells, but box white cheddar (specifically white, can't be orange) shell Mac and cheese is so satisfying to eat
No. 1641304
File: 1690086144499.jpg (428.64 KB, 1536x2048, 1690080088897128.jpg)

Zero interest in seeing barbie or Oppenheimer. I'm diffrnt
No. 1641354
>>1641304I saw Barbie today and it was better than I expected.
Also I would absolutely hate-fuck Ben Shapiro, something about his face makes me want to bully him
No. 1641371
File: 1690091838929.jpeg (37.28 KB, 350x525, 4LHKZRapn3Da8KgSCziyJT9zyLgrMG…)

mfw I'm a little salty over someone scalping on Lacemarket so I post about it on cgl because it's too retarded and miniscule for the farms and it becomes the gossip of the night.
No. 1641377
File: 1690092380035.png (34.24 KB, 480x480, whatajoke.png)

can someone explain to me why BB fans now believe Grell is in fact a based twanswoman character and not the annoying sexpest gay man stereotype that he is?
No. 1641383
File: 1690093078889.png (60.07 KB, 787x328, kjgyfdg.png)

>>1641379yeah, i'm finding discussions from as far back as 2017, but i'm more curious about whatever it is that's making them say that even Yana has made him into a transgender character and on top of that, "genders" him "correctly"(some say in her works she addresses him as female)
No. 1641418
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No. 1641439
>>1640971Yeah, like a good half of them are not ugly, just extremely unremarkable. Only the famous guy on the left that wad turned into a meme is outright revolting.
It's more that most of them have no fashion sense and look like retarded clones of each other.
But than again, I think truly ugly people are a rarity and there is nothing that a good haircut and a year in the gym couldn't fix.
IMHO, most of them can find their equally autistic girlfriend that waits for her NEET prince charming so they can paint Warhammer figurines together under moonlight or whatever nerds do. It's just they give off "I gonna rape you and than kill you and than dump your body into a river" vibe.
No. 1641493
>>1640405I LOVE YOU
No. 1641515
File: 1690112624989.jpg (47.15 KB, 540x960, photos.jpg)

>scrote portrays husbando as a coomer
he would NEVER
No. 1641555
File: 1690118096195.jpeg (259.56 KB, 1125x1293, IMG_1511.jpeg)

>>1641427Nerds have gotten uglier though. Processed soyslop has made them all fat, and estrogen in the water gives them gynotitties, while presentable clothing has become too expensive and everyone walks around in gross shirts and sneakers. Not to mention that instead of studying or being enthusiastic about a respectable topic of interest, introverted scrotes now jerk off to blacked tranny cuck porn and play video games all day, or rage online about how they hate women for not wanting to fuck them. We need to MANA: make nerds great again.
No. 1641580
nonnie. im not attracted to men but i support reposting their nudes without their knowledge
No. 1641582
>>1641568in the tinfoil thread they say the trannybrain-moment he had is made up, like it wasn't in any of the documents until the last decade or something but now it's right there in the pdfs online [
tinfoil intensifies]
No. 1641753
File: 1690133244256.webm (2.12 MB, 320x568, U1KGCCN4xGFAkxBm.webm)

Its kinda bizarre how zoomers are more exposed to sexual content then any previous generation but are also more sexually inexperienced then every previous generation.
No. 1641789
File: 1690138386073.jpeg (116.73 KB, 1500x999, AA140B50-50F8-407A-944C-9B9FF4…)

>>16415691. I don’t care about Barbie
2. This is the only true spider man
3. U dumbs
No. 1641812
File: 1690140490604.png (2.35 MB, 1899x1244, front row nerds.png)

>>1641555what was considered ugly before is now average, thats how you get
>>1641439 who unironically believes those fetal alcohol syndrome babies arent ugly. From some random documentary, i would all the front row nerds.
No. 1641985
>he has the heart of a woman uwuand nuweebs not knowing
or refusing to acknowledge bc pwoblematic that Okama are a thing.
No. 1641996
>>1641873i had one teacher who went on these autistic rants about american movies about historical events being all horribly inaccurate because they look so different kek
but i do believe there's some truth to it and things like diet, school/working hours, no phones play a role in nowadays people looking kinda softer facially with different posture. for example countries with a more soft cuisine also tend to have a weaker jaw, so why wouldn't this also effect how people change from generation to generation
No. 1642092
>>1642087>>1642081good taste, happy for you nonners
>>1642071i agree
No. 1642104
File: 1690154072009.jpg (100.66 KB, 800x696, 6cca5cac-0dbf-4fea-9e4c-eb40c4…)

No. 1642115
File: 1690154635019.png (516.18 KB, 796x398, me rn.png)

Nonnas!! I just found a fanartist I love that I never thought I'd find again because I thought she deleted her account. I was scrolling through some really old tags, which have most of the fanart deleted and I saw a collab event with her art featured, and it helped me find her account she has today! I know this sounds so lame but I'm so happy!!
No. 1642147
>>1642104idk this is kinda
problematic and male gaze-y dont ya think??
No. 1642160
File: 1690157652727.jpeg (83.09 KB, 517x985, IMG_8362.jpeg)

Today is national dolphin and whale day!
No. 1642195
File: 1690161394950.jpeg (244.05 KB, 1300x867, IMG_8363.jpeg)

>>1642172whale whale whale would ya look at that
No. 1642216
>>1642055Kek may I ask which country,
No. 1642219
File: 1690163827643.gif (1.93 MB, 360x170, iw4YuOi.gif)

I indiscriminately like (or rarely, dislike) everything I come across on YouTube so I know that I've watched it already. Sometimes I find new artists and listen through their entire discography just to find out that I apparently know this and that song already.
No. 1642268
File: 1690169193292.jpg (120.47 KB, 1280x720, F1SdkOCWwAAMYjM.jpg)

How come so many women are beautiful, while so many men are just these weird neanderthal ape creatures? It makes no sense to me. Why is it like that
No. 1642298
>>1642261I’m not complaining about people using it I’m just complaining about the word itself, obviously I don’t have a problem with people using a word just because
I have some weird thing about hating how it sounds
No. 1642330
File: 1690177349530.jpeg (1.58 MB, 2819x3883, crochet mesh long sleeved top …)

I'm currently crocheting a mesh top with a 10mm hook and this shit is killing me. Having to use a big hook is literally why I can't finish my WIP blanket. I feel like I'm crocheting with a dildo.
No. 1642384
File: 1690184382844.jpeg (15.51 KB, 238x383, 0CAE163C-FDD1-4230-A9D5-62C53F…)

I didn’t know nonce meant pedo I thought it meant idiot, british slang is so dumb I hate it. All your swears and curses sound like shit kids make up when they’re not allowed to say/don’t know actual swears, you all speak like silly fairy tale people.
No. 1642393
File: 1690185030820.png (Spoiler Image,67.01 KB, 781x433, troonshit.png)

>No character captures the trans experience like a schizophrenic eunuch attempted serial killer
Lol, umineko's fandom sure is something, spoilers for that VN by the way.
No. 1642406
>>1642384Nonce is also used to mean idiot but usually in a more 'friendly' way since you wouldn't call a rando a nonce lest you wish to be punched by a fat man named Gary.
[someone named dave falls] oh dave you nonce.
And so forth.
No. 1642414
File: 1690189032668.jpg (110.42 KB, 900x1141, cf24ceb186b4de2b2caac28bdef3d9…)

Plums are so good, sweet and easy to eat without a mess.
No. 1642458
File: 1690194905425.webm (1.95 MB, 320x556, 4ABNmbK0qKZ4oY2U.webm)

Spanish party Sumar posted this video on their official tiktok and twitter accounts.
No. 1642643
>>1642414This is just to say
I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox
and which
you were probably
for breakfast
Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold
No. 1642765
File: 1690218112280.jpg (108.07 KB, 728x971, cuddles.jpg)

Craving what they have..
No. 1642780
File: 1690219381722.gif (670.98 KB, 500x268, anigif_enhanced-2610-142776203…)

It's that time of year when I feel like re-watching The Hills for the 222th time. Audrina was always my favourite.
No. 1642805
File: 1690220746460.jpg (391.79 KB, 2048x1993, F1GllL_WYAIQkll.jpg)

What the hell is happening in in LatAM
No. 1642809
>>1642805yeah not buying that statistic about india, maybe they don't count the female
No. 1642943
>>1642886what is your Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein
what is your Liechtenstein
Vatican or what
No. 1643015
>>1643007I'm only glad they changed the term because "Asperger's" sounds like an insult
The jokes write themselves
No. 1643036
File: 1690230254119.jpg (72.56 KB, 1080x735, 1631407767964.jpg)

Gonna start studying web development this fall but since I know I'm kinda slow I want to get a head start by doing some early studying and get the basics down. But holy shit WHY CAN'T I FOR THE LIFE OF ME FUCKING FOCUS
No. 1643037
>>1643024I don't know nona why
are you a sociopath?
No. 1643074
File: 1690233083178.png (326.5 KB, 735x692, IMG_5868.png)

>>1643067Ok, I’m sorry then, didn’t mean to be discouraging. I just hate coding, kek. I hope you feel more energetic soon! You can do the thing!
No. 1643081
File: 1690233505158.jpg (21.83 KB, 400x400, HKJd2upR_400x400.jpg)

>>1643074It's okay nona, it's not for everyone after all! And thank you, it's still a month away until classes start so I got enough time to either get my focus back on track or find a pacing that works
No. 1643174
File: 1690243499394.jpg (49.46 KB, 500x625, 1660251710828.jpg)

it's such a good thing that cats want to be around us because i don't think i can relate to an animal as much as a cat. i can't relate to dogs, why are they so energetic? i love and understand wanting to sleep all day (though cats get overall less deep sleep), i love that they have their own boundaries/a backbone and set of what's okay and not, and i do love to sleep after every meal, very relatable animals. even their reactions are relatable, and it's good to know you share something in common with your pet and they wouldn't be shaming you if they were human
No. 1643213
File: 1690246127720.png (745.62 KB, 1184x1178, 891.png)

She's not wrong
No. 1643251
File: 1690248487807.jpeg (67.42 KB, 721x721, shopping.jpeg)

I'm no meat professional and obviously I've never had it, but I do not get the purpose of wagyu. Is this not just fat? And this is supposed to be a super luxurious type of meat?
No. 1643274
File: 1690250356781.jpeg (303.06 KB, 984x1312, IMG_8424.jpeg)

>>1643251The way I saw it cooked at at a Japanese restaurant was using a hot stone with vegetables like picrel
No. 1643293
File: 1690251706561.jpg (42.39 KB, 514x566, why he did dat.jpg)

>>1643286taking this as a excuse to post this from a lingua ignota facebook group
No. 1643330
File: 1690255870451.jpg (71.22 KB, 510x680, Fg54YjEXEAAa5Wj.jpg)

I like it when girls are the sanrio cutesy type, but also kind of look like they'd talk shit about you and commit small crimes. Is there a name for that?? Sanrio hoe
No. 1643340
File: 1690257150611.jpg (65.44 KB, 363x363, franzia.jpg)

Drinking the finest box wine and reading dirty fanfiction ahhhhhhh it's good to be alive
No. 1643362
File: 1690258409536.gif (4.14 MB, 640x360, barbie-lifeinthedreamhouse.gif)

7 more days until I see Barbie! I'm going to watch some of the animated movies over.
No. 1643363
File: 1690258458170.jpg (21.4 KB, 640x480, 1602798445999.jpg)

>>1642805>india mostly white or light pinkyeah this fake as fuck
No. 1643381
File: 1690259740306.jpeg (517.97 KB, 1170x1885, IMG_9424.jpeg)

>>1643379And in 2019, New Orleans was up there with Mexico.
No. 1643399
>>1643286Like two years ago I went back to facebook and it was like the wild west, the groups are fucking crazy I saw so much gore and disgusting weirdos
an old man that made nipple molds out of his own semen and strung them up and also cooked it ultimately I left tho because the rampant misogyny from bitter scrotes was insane. My favorite instagram meme pages were full of annoying bitter males too just being salty whenever anything involving a woman got posted. There was a really sweet video of a Japanese wrestler woman that ran up to her coach and picked him up after she won and all the shrimp dicks were saying “whatever, she’s not that strong” “he’s a small old man she’s not that strong” like anytime they see a woman achieve anything they can’t help but get hurt and defensive it’s really pathetic.
No. 1643401
File: 1690262303515.jpg (15.15 KB, 275x275, 1653005521722.jpg)

>>1643399>that spoilerwhat the fuck
No. 1643407
File: 1690262812649.png (232.7 KB, 624x603, 59d.png)

The possibilities on Canva are truly endless. It's so much fun. I can't stop. Aesthetic daily meal planner? Yes please. Research brief? Sure why not. Aesthetic as hell IG stories that only my five family members will see? Give it all to me!!!!!!
No. 1643512
File: 1690267302901.png (967.51 KB, 601x915, gjwkfdkjflhdflk.png)

I've been watching the show From and I'm about halfway through the second season, it's alright, there's a lot of boring scenes though where the characters just talk and talk. Also the dialogue is awkward and clunky at times. But this character Donna is such a fucking bad bitch, she's by far the best character on the show and she fucking bodies that role. I like Boyd, Kenny, and Tian Chen too. Jade is entertaining, Tabitha and Kristi are alright. I liked Fatima at first season but I feel like they kind of wrecked her character a bit in the second season. A lot of the characters kind of suck too so it makes it hard to get into, but it's a good show for a binge watch
No. 1643571
File: 1690272125279.png (70.9 KB, 500x750, IMG_1060.png)

Bump don’t scroll
No. 1643572
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No. 1643573
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No. 1643575
File: 1690272276203.jpeg (189.34 KB, 1070x1170, IMG_0987.jpeg)

No. 1643579
File: 1690272465208.png (41.33 KB, 787x536, 0B7CA628-9648-4F42-A0C3-DC98E5…)

No. 1643590
File: 1690273548660.jpg (59.99 KB, 787x536, 1684429889788.jpg)

>>1643579it fills me with great joy to see my edit get posted!
>>1643583i only ever found moid humor funny when my brain was still undeveloped. female humour is superior in every way.
>>1643586original is picrel
No. 1643593
>>1643582They always have been, but it's more juvenile in certain ways now.
No. 1643752
File: 1690291757931.jpg (7.63 KB, 261x216, getting out the classics.jpg)

Is there so little male idolshit anime because a lot of male seiyuu suck at singing or do so many male seiyuu suck at singing because there's so little male idolshit anime?
No. 1643784
File: 1690295152972.jpeg (83.24 KB, 775x404, 346C9131-21EC-48F4-9DF5-C06235…)

nonnas…these are my final hours, all the power is out around me even the stop lights aren’t working. My phone is at 45% and quickly dwindling, I don’t know how much time I have left, and I am afraid.
No. 1643794
>>1643787Did you not pay the electric bill? Is there an outage?
>>1643791I know right, no gas stove ngmi
No. 1643883
File: 1690303733001.jpg (63.99 KB, 1600x1600, 51ihPoessmL.jpg)

>>1643784I think this would be a great moment to say it's really amazing to keep one or two portable battery packs/power banks in your house just in case you ever need it. Take it with you in your car too, just don't keep it in there. As long as it's charged, you can use it for your phone. The last power outage I had (like two weeks ago,) I realized mine wasn't charged at all and it sucked so bad when my phone died. I was luckily able to just stay in my car though.
No. 1643945
File: 1690309466315.jpg (163.33 KB, 768x1024, 1512680772830.jpg)

see the lovely thing about men is that if you forget why you hate them, they immediately remind you
No. 1643953
File: 1690310204485.jpg (252.36 KB, 1536x2048, 20230725_053230.jpg)

Twitter "culture", similarly to "woke youtube essays" is all about correcting others and preaching to them about a random popular thing.You have to one-up every opinion.
Anyway, my personal lolcow is having a mental breakdown over a bad video game and here's junji ito in the barbie box.
No. 1643987
File: 1690312573273.png (245.46 KB, 401x400, sundari-silks-determining-your…)

>>1643985Samefag, and my veins look green in my wrist but blue-grey in my hands. Ack, so confusing.
No. 1644089
File: 1690319564077.jpeg (155.82 KB, 800x800, 47f13585af924a5596202468762dc4…)

I wish I had a cute little poodle and I would name her my own name but Jr. and I would put a little bandana on her neck and teach her all the cool tricks!
No. 1644234
File: 1690327709991.jpg (132.49 KB, 1125x1327, little cute orange cat face in…)

I'm in the brown stage of my menstrual cycle. Picrel was me looking in my underwear this morning.
No. 1644252
File: 1690329230932.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1125x1992, 9C12D292-D745-49FC-8B20-3AA8F6…)

I can’t stop thinking about her every time I eat a corn on the cob
No. 1644264
File: 1690329892685.jpeg (52.94 KB, 640x826, peter?.jpeg)

There was a kid at my high school that tried his hardest to look like Bobby Driscoll and had this pic of Peter Pan hanging in his locker. I don't wonder where he's at now but I kind of do.
No. 1644356
File: 1690335648289.jpg (34.68 KB, 244x180, mqdefault.jpg)

>buy extra bc pills online from two places
>oh yeah, extra supply
>included free plan b
>kind of offended they assume im having sex cos im not
No. 1644465
nonnie here I really blame it on the easy excessiblity to alcohol and the fact that gangs are extremely common here, also people just don't conceal carry you'll see people carrying guns out in the open at wal-mart and noone bats an eye.
No. 1644469
File: 1690340531038.png (663.91 KB, 606x851, __wakan_tanka_tokyo_afterschoo…)

Going to start avatarfagging with this mfer just because I keep seeing anons crying about husbandosperg. I feel like I rarely see it but i also don't use /g/ because it's an annoying board anyways(no you won't)
No. 1644502
File: 1690341799925.jpeg (86.04 KB, 625x833, 8E323DF0-CD67-4528-9EF5-DB2507…)

>>1644493Nta but post your type nonna I wanna see somethin
No. 1644505
>>1644483Finland? Why them?
>>1644493>That is the cross oldfags bear.Well I for one think the Driverfags are very sweet.
No. 1644521
>>1644502Cue pic of Ben Shapiro with caption hes just so submissive and breedable. Idk I dont really simp over celebs but I like beefier men generally and men that are moderately attractive. I think Josh Hartnett has an unbelievably beautiful face but that isn't really a type, I just don't thing that specifically.
>>1644514Some of us aren't really Shapirofags, I type fake Shapiro fanfic really quickly to troll and stop when my brain feels like it's about to break
No. 1644531
>>1644521Your fanfic gave me a hearty laugh I admit
I mean none of them are really that bad. Driverfags gave us Adam Borzoi
No. 1644544
File: 1690342667660.jpg (232.78 KB, 1600x1067, 2016-08-07_ACS_Shapiro.jpg)

Ben Shapiro looked disgusting- nipples protruding -
No. 1644545
File: 1690342683782.jpg (19.98 KB, 400x400, FqMVOdKaMAIHtVR.jpg)

No. 1644547
File: 1690342725949.png (14.86 KB, 384x512, vUzZU0qsFgF_uITAL6HhEBoI8itEMT…)

>O-oh! Anon-chan!!
>I-I didn't realize that you frequented here..
>W-w-would you like to go out with me
No. 1644564
File: 1690343342699.jpg (508.46 KB, 750x750, robin-morgan-square-2020-wmc-l…)

Yesterday, I learned that one of the original second-wave era radical feminists Robin Morgan, still hosts a radio show called WMC Live (Women's Media Center Live). Listening to is honestly kinda fascinating. It's like having a feminist grandma you never knew you wanted. She talks about feminism, but also covers topics such as elder abuse and their rights (which makes sense for her). Despite most people listening to it like a podcast, she still presents it as a radio show and I think that's kinda neat. No. 1644668
>>1644643He's gotten too ratty and skinny but he seems like he probably wasn't a bad looking man when he was younger, of course I'm biased to tall lanky longfaces
too bad his voice and views are nails on a fucking chalkboard! UP YOURS, Petercunt
No. 1644689
File: 1690347510618.png (125.5 KB, 589x612, cowben.png)

Now Ben will sing his hit song from the claimed otome eroge "The Devil Angel Shapiro" for all the nonnies
I pray that I will always protect you
My heavenly angelic love
I wanna save you, my heavenly angelic love
So certain that you are
You are the first, the last
My first love, and my last love
You are the first, the last
I wanna treasure you
On the summer beach, we had so much fun playing fireworks
At the train station, we quarrelled for being late for school
On the way home, we ran around in the rain and got quite drenched
We should make band-aids a fashion statement!
For these miraculous days
That you gave me
From the bottom of my heart
I thank you
When I playback I will never lose
These heavenly angelic days
Spent with you, these heavenly angelic days
Wanna share this pinkie promise with your smile
I pray that I will always be alive
My heavenly angelic love
I wanna draw my heavenly angelic love
So certain that you are
You are the first, the last
My first love, and my last love
You are the first, the last
I treasure you
At Summer Festival, we jumped to the rocket firecracker
Let's ride a bike together even if people are gonna mind
Here's your half of the yakisoba-pan
Now let's talk about this Fighting Love Adventure we made up
No matter how old we would become
Let's keep on gathering
And expanding
All of the "treasures" we found together
When I playback I can always recall
These heavenly angelic days
Spent with you, these heavenly angelic days
It's stored in a time capsule inside my heart
I remember that so inspiring
Heavenly angelic smile
I wanna see your heavenly angelic smile
I'm so certain that
You are the first, the last
You are the only one
You are the first, the last
That can make me feel this way
You are the first, the last
When I playback I will never forget
These heavenly angelic days
Spent with you, these heavenly angelic days
Wanna share this pinkie promise with your smile
I pray that I will always protect you
My heavenly angelic love
I wanna save you, my heavenly angelic love
So certain that you are
You are the first, the last
My first love, and my last love
You are the first, the last
I wanna treasure you
You are the first, the… last
No. 1644692
File: 1690347579844.jpeg (468.58 KB, 1170x1817, IMG_8574.jpeg)

>>1644684Someone claiming Onision owns lolcow, but doesn't the page the tweet links to seem more like a copyright complaint and not the actual site owner? It sounds like onion tried to blacklist the site for mentioning him, not that he owns it? I'm confused
No. 1644693
File: 1690347640856.jpg (44.35 KB, 500x625, 6kfrmh2fdk2mx38l1ngk_14672.jpg)

Fuck it… face reveal
No. 1644702
nonnie did it hurt when you fell from heaven
No. 1644742
File: 1690348884636.jpg (165.78 KB, 941x1247, uWtlTn7QwlENvgNVUenq.jpg)

>>1644708>>1644702Thank you babes xo
No. 1644744
File: 1690348916080.jpg (128.62 KB, 1080x1350, 362327299_6935524446498508_232…)

What do you guys think? Is there some skin blur or shooping going on this pic?
No. 1644749
File: 1690348980641.jpg (213.06 KB, 1080x1350, 360123626_18358034335071643_80…)

>>1644744Here's a dif pic for comparison. Notice the blur on the dress and legs.
No. 1644800
File: 1690351038177.jpeg (301.32 KB, 1097x1568, IMG_8579.jpeg)

>>1644716If you go to the actual whois domain page, it clearly shows the admins information is redacted, which is the case for most online websites
No. 1644876
File: 1690353928181.jpg (489.96 KB, 1047x1068, Screenshot_20230726_084553_Sam…)

Kek I can't get over how hurt some men are about the Barbie movie
No. 1644932
File: 1690361342759.jpeg (291.69 KB, 1600x1321, pairs-salivary-glands.jpeg)

>>1644762inflamed salivatory gland? particularly submandibular. it doesn't just happen to bulimics and old people and tobacco chewers…although if you are any of those things it's more likely. but if you grind your teeth it's probably just your muscle.
No. 1644940
File: 1690362711058.jpg (527.15 KB, 1260x1024, jordankun.jpg)

>>1644651post ur peterson husbando memes to prove you're serious
No. 1644948
File: 1690363944735.jpeg (44.97 KB, 540x540, 8E150335-CE6E-4705-9C59-7D4CAE…)

>>1644661I know a butch chick who looks exactly like him in that pic jfc. How does he simultaneously look like a gay man and a gay woman?
No. 1644961
File: 1690365611082.jpeg (Spoiler Image,312.97 KB, 900x1587, IMG_5883.jpeg)

>>1644505Means Tom of Finland, he was a Finnish gay porn artist. He drew pictures of similarly exaggerated muscular men in fetish gear like leather uniforms with large bulges. Today he is held in very high regard all over the world.
Picrel is one of the tamest.
No. 1644987
File: 1690368805930.jpg (71.67 KB, 1366x768, 1659824827236303.jpg)

yes i practice feminist praxis (i harass men on the internet, refuse to listen to male rappers)
No. 1644992
File: 1690369047945.png (208.31 KB, 970x222, dumbfuck.png)

>>1644876I came across this on youtube when I was looking for the trailer. You don't get to decide if you "destroyed" something with your words. Others do. What a fucking narc retard.
No. 1645011
File: 1690370938352.jpg (389.57 KB, 541x735, 20230726_073031.jpg)

Have you guys ever seen the eyelids on old Barbies? Eeeewwwww.
No. 1645015
>>1645006One that is twice my age and married which makes it even more shameful. He was really good looking in the 90s. It is not Leonardo DiCaprio (not as bad) but people will probably still roast me lmao
>>1645008Yeah I guess that is true. It is kind of endearing that you found something positive about it
No. 1645070
File: 1690377437616.jpeg (183.21 KB, 808x631, 4E6F7981-4FEB-4EC6-855E-0346C5…)

I once posted picrel in a radfem wedsite and a lady thought it was real, I hope she is doing good
No. 1645086
File: 1690379692824.png (933.82 KB, 1866x851, Screenshot (21689).png)

>>1644940I don't really have many husbando memes of him, I just used to be obsessed with him from like 2016 to 2020ish when I started realizing he clearly has very misogynistic views and I felt like a fool for obsessing over him for so many years. I still have an ever growing folder of pics of him or screenshots of things he says, stuff I either like or hate. I know it's weird but I don't really like any famous people or public figures so I was really attached to him cause I found his videos about self help at a time when I really needed to hear it.
and I find him very attractive for some reason No. 1645101
File: 1690380627574.png (57.9 KB, 357x277, Screenshot (21691).png)

>>1645091I didn't even notice how unhinged they make me sound when read all in succession like that, the love/hate I have for him makes me spergy kek
No. 1645114
File: 1690381829463.jpeg (467.35 KB, 1144x1256, IMG_8570.jpeg)

>>1645101I felt this way with my old obsession (not over him). Except my phone doesn't have fancy file names so it'd just be… IMG_5932…IMG_10724, but your fondness is cute.
Arguably the intensity of a hatefuck worsens it. It awakens something feral
No. 1645116
File: 1690382198164.webm (4.81 MB, 640x360, b992176e-8291-41ef-8fe3-1d75d0…)

>>1645109>>1645112>>1645114I love you nonnies, I feel understood kek
>>1645108I just watched it and I don't even remember saving it but it makes me kind of sad lol, I get what he's trying to say but he's so dramatic about everything and I guess the editing made me laugh at the time.
No. 1645122
File: 1690383079461.jpg (106.71 KB, 1080x1475, bahahahahhahahah cry harder fa…)

This one also makes me laugh, he found out about "lulz culture" like from the early 2010's and started sperging about it being a marker for sadism and narcissism kek, he's so naturally full of memeable content it's hilarious
No. 1645149
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>>1645125>>1645130Fucking kek, honestly I love what a spaz he is and how emotional he gets and that he isn't afraid to show his emotions and cry on camera. And the moments when he's sweet or showing genuine appreciation for his family or life experiences are so endearing. And I truly love older boomers who don't understand internet memes and stuff but think they do, I don't why but that's so cute to me kek
>>1645114I already replied to you but I wanted to ask who your obsession was and is picrel his house kek, cause if so I feel you so hard nona
No. 1645176
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>>1645149It mortifies me, I'll link to a piece of our awful compatibility meter instead
I really regret everything, also saved me from dying. I'm so used to living life as a walking contradiction that it shouldn't sting, but it does. At the same time can't deny things brought me fondness once upon a time, even though I hate the human they're attached to… and myself
No. 1645182
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>>1645176In another life I really could've fixed him
In this life, he's unfixable
No. 1645192
>>1645176>>1645182Aww man I'm sorry nona, I know what you mean. I have a similar obsession with someone I know irl and it sucks to be so attached to someone you can never be with. I try to look at that time spent obsessing as a life lesson that couldn't be learned any other way than experiencing it. But I understand the regret you feel, I hope the height of the pain has passed for you and you're in the healing stages now.
>>1645187Kek ty, but the last 2 posts are a different anon. I guess a little obsession is a common trait among some of us lol
No. 1645193
>>1645086idk if I can recover from this one I don't think I've laughed so hard at a post on here in years jfc
oh nona, my nona. you are an unhinged specimen here take my wallet and heart.
No. 1645204
>>1645196been snorting since, thank you for the joy sweet sweet nona. I do agree he is cute and hot and somehow punchable.
>>1645079oh my god STOP KEKKK how did you have this so quickly on hand in reply to
>>1645074what am I missing, I used to be a petersonfag what happened!?
No. 1645205
>>1645192I'm healing slowly but surely
I wish he would change
I want him to be better, all I wanted, beyond finding him attractive, or wanting some small one night stint, it's not my job to fix him
and it's not his job to fix me, so to speak
I keep those small wisdoms it stranded within me, the good, the bad, and the ugly and I don't forget them
as someone once sang: time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it, I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still trying to find her
No. 1645220
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so much love to the lady on my Nextdoor app who posts her adorable cat every day.
No. 1645243
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why do rich people have such terrible taste in architecture
this looks like a communal bathroom where murders happen
No. 1645244
>>1645238speaking of which I am so keen to buy grog. since we got chi forest grape and peach in aus (they drink them heaps on cold ones) so they were like this but make it alcoholic?
YES max and chad I will buy this grog. if they bring out wine and don't call it goon though I will riot
No. 1645247
>>1645244Omg cold ones fan
nonnie please I just cried. I even have the Patreon kek. I would try it too but I dont think it would ever be sold in the UK.
No. 1645249
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>>1645243anyone who has this many creepy statues around his property is either a tool who's completely full of himself or he's buried bodies in his backyard
No. 1645251
>>1645247ayrt if they don't ship to UK I would be baffled, and if they don't I'll cruise to melbs and bully them for you (they will like it dw)
they don't actually put stuff up chad's bum on the patreon do they?
No. 1645252
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>>1645249"hey girl wanna bang outside where all the bugs are"
conceptually romantic but trashy in execution
No. 1645255
>>1645251Omg Nona you are so cute. I read they wouldn’t because of the packaging regulations/law here. The packaging looks like it could be for kids. Kinda dumb.
> they don't actually put stuff up chad's bum on the patreon do they?Yeah they have. Lizard cam and a wine balloon
No. 1645257
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>>1645252looks like a corporate marriot and its waiting room
"esteemed guests, how do you like my oatmeal puke bedding"
No. 1645262
>>1645255that's so MEAN I hate customs, especially in and out of aus they are insane about it. it's just liquor it's not like it's flora or fauna that will fuck anyone's ecosystem. fingers crossed you get to sip the nectar sweet nonnington!! if not we can silk road that shit somehow surely
vid not rel, just a vibe cause ily
uwu No. 1645269
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>>1645262nona…. I love you. I also recommend the Patreon. I like to watch it on long train journeys (sometimes having to check nobody can see) kek
No. 1645272
>>1645269nona…I love you too. so much legit
I might fuck around and sign up
see you on there maybe babes xx content you actually want to pay for. the coober pedy episode was beautiful and made every ausfag patriotic for at least a moment. I hope to shout you a grog in the desert one day, we can toast to a nice crispy sunset
No. 1645280
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No. 1645286
>>1645277unironically the best take I've read about hari nef. I fucking LOVED the movie besides him.
the "I love being an accessory to men" line they made him read is the cherry on top imo
nona you are smart and based, you will get and I hope like the movie. I hope you do get to see it and enjoy it. it was so so BEAUTIFUL and fun, like the weird commentary on it is just fueling the fire cause it ain't that politically deep. I saw it with my mum and it's an experience that will go down as one of my favourites. just lovely.
>>1645283best place to shit ngl
No. 1645306
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ugly art is fucking ugly
No. 1645310
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>>1645306Looks like a teenage girls bedroom. Little more presentable than the other rooms. Still a little too bland and white, but at least it has some color. Painting next to the bed is ultra atrocious and needs to be burnt in a fire, though.
No. 1645313
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>>1645310found the only good piece of art in the house and of course it's a naked lady
scrotes gonna scrote I guess
No. 1645321
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>>1645313pool is quaintly serene
ideal to drown myself in No. 1645325
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>>1645321oh yeah you could definitely hit the water at high velocity if you made a running jump from the roof
nice tennis court too
No. 1645327
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>>1645325one thing i like even though i loathe the interior is the idea that you can exercise and never leave the property and get a full scenic walk while you do it. I mean what does this thing span? a couple acres? sounds so lonely by yourself though
beam me up, tour guides, I want a tour of a multimillion dollar property with no intentions to buy it, a baseball bat in my bag to smash the hall of mirrors with, and a death wish like all the other girls whose souls have died under this roof
No. 1645333
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the way british people say yogurt is so gross
do you have froyo over there, do you call it froyah
No. 1645337
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The "now I am become death" quote is supposed to be chilling and real or whatever, but I can't help but think it sounds silly as fuck.
No. 1645385
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>hear that the Dixie Chicks changed their name due to political correctness
>think, oh they most have changed it to the Dixie Ladies or the Dixie Lasses because chicks is considered infantizing towards women
>that's stupid, but whatever
>check name
>changed name to The Chicks because Dixie is politically incorrect now
No. 1645447
>>1645440>the pink balllol. I used to think Kirby chan was cute because i thought her Kirby love was wholesome, I had no idea how gross she was
>>1645443?!?!?!? nani????? where what happened?
No. 1645466
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So, what kind of snacks you munching on nonny?
No. 1645467
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>>1645337>>1645455The quote is in reference to a story of a prince who must wage a war in which tens of thousands will die. The prince does not want to fight and cause bloodshed, but then a God tells him that its his duty and takes his true form, which is beyond human comprehension. The Prince is persuaded to wage war. Oppenheimer is thinking of himself as the prince and the Atomic bomb represents the God.
No. 1645474
>>1645459That would be pretty funny, completely forgot about them.
>The change followed criticism that the word had connotations of American slavery. The band said they had picked "that stupid name" as teenagers, and had wanted to change it for years. They decided to change it when they saw the Confederate flag described as "the Dixie Swastika" on social media in June 2020.I heard them say in an interview that it held "connotations of the south."
No. 1645505
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I started skimming through an account called trad_west after hearing about it from an episode of redfem. It's kind of interesting tbh, as it contains the usual right-wing male populist rhetoric with emphasis on self-improvement (like stopping watching porn and going to the gym). but I was actually surprised to see that the account was more than willing to call out moids behavior and outright blame men for their own failures and then of course in the QRTs people start calling the account feminist, which is fucking retarded as well.
No. 1645526
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>>1645494If you can guess the owner, it makes sense for him to have an ugly, surrealist house, because he shall we say does not understand reality very well
He probably lures women in there and does terrible things to them, it's probably that disorienting on purpose, hence why it looks like a horror movie set
No. 1645572
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im working on something and need input – what are some male manipulator characters you can think of nonnies? my one caveat is that they have to have brown hair.
so far i have aizen from bleach and, of course, patrick bateman, as well as a few charas from obscure franchises
No. 1645581
>>1645579shit youre so right, thank you.
i probably forgot him bc i didnt enjoy death note and found light pretentious and goofy as hell, but nevertheless he fits the criteria so he's going on my chart
No. 1645585
>>1645444does she still go to therapy? I thought she quit after that one time.
>>1645445>>1645447>>1645448I hope so too she was being really hard on herself.
>>1645449sorry I misremembered it was like 20 days ago.
>>>/ot/1625562 she posted more you have to read down though the replies, I didn't even know who it was at first until I saw her say "pink circle, penguin, and a knight" and I read upthread from that
No. 1645586
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>>1645581Good luck with your chart anon
No. 1645592
>>1645572The husband from Gone Girl.
What about Hannibal Lecter? Did you know that in the books, the author (male) actually has Starling fall in love with and run away with Lecter?
Don Draper from Mad Men for sure.
Walter White from Breaking Bad.
There's also got to be a shit ton of them in Game of Thrones but it's been forever so I've forgotten which ones have brown hair.
There's also the dad/main character Tony from Sopranos.
Bojack Horseman has brown fur but black hair, so that one's a maybe.
No. 1645594
>>1645575oh cool, I'm glad she's good at something she really likes. She has always had a soft spot in my heart because she seems honest and pretty normal (in my eyes at least) her only fault is her paraphilia
which makes her an outcast in female spaces hence why she retreats to 4chin Hope she's doing good, last I heard was that she got a job, hopefully she still has it.
No. 1645599
>>1645592im so sorry to say i havent seen most of these…
i wont add walter white, solely bc he's bald for most of the show so i feel like he doesnt count kek. same for bojack, if he wasn't a horse he'd be more likely to go on my chart but i feel like i just cant add him in good faith.
im gonna add lecter though, thank you!!!
No. 1645616
>>1645572>PatrickWas a terrible manipulator and a loser who keeps getting mistaken for Paul Allen kek
Maybe Hannibal, Tyler Durden, Scott Pilgrim, We need to talk about Kevin, the dude from You, the dude from Last Night in Soho, fuckin Edward Cullen
No. 1645620
>>1645461>it was just weird bc Kirby is so cute and she talked about him so lovingly….not what I expected>she doesn't know about the post that started it alland other than the infamous
kirby slit she also posted about kirby jackhammering during sex and what his dick would look like (she said she changes kirby's sex depending on her mood since there's no canon one, that's why it went from clit to dick)
No. 1645622
>>1645616tbh i fully agree that patrick is a loser but i still love him, he's unironically one of my favourite fictional characters kek. men who lionise him as some sigma male figure are completely braindead and missed the point of the film.
i will probably add edward cullen bc i agree he's a manipulative bastard, also tyler durden 100%, thank you anon
No. 1645624
>>1645616>Edward CullenYou shut your damn dirty whore mouth.
He has red hair, not brown hair. But yeah, Jacob could have gone on there too if his hair wasn't black.Good call on Scott Pilgrim, I completely forgot about him.
No. 1645692
>>1645682Trannies are known to LARP as insane “lesbian” on this site to say inflammatory things like shitting on mothers and abuse
victims. Look at how quick the bait responses are posted in succession, it’s quite transparent.
No. 1645721
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if you wanted to you could have a whole secret conversation with yourself by typing stuff in the email field and nobody would ever know cos it would just look like you're saging..
No. 1645724
nonny I never thought of that
No. 1645751
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I dont want my favourite manga to end.
No. 1645756
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Me remembering my deep primal urge to become ‘one’ with my partner in some insane spiritual way like cutting ourselves during sex and doing a blood ritual or something.
Cringe… Do any other anons relate to that? Why have I always been so fixated on this type of insane devotion? Is it a result of an attachment wound? I’m a Scorpio moon and I’ve heard that water sign moons are insane like this in relationships
No. 1645760
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>>1645572Ik you said male but she’s the best.
No. 1645766
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>>1645756Not a scorpio but a pluto rising and I am a sucker for unfathomable passionate love too. Ab imo pectore
No. 1645781
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>>1645764Oh I’d never do it irl, so no worries. But it’s still one of my fantasies to meet my spiritual counterpart and do some blood oath or some sort of bonding/soul merging with them. I won’t let myself cross that line (ik it’s insane) but I still yearn to meet someone who I could do that with.
Thanks for the responses for everyone (can’t tag you all bc I’m on mobile and lazy). I’ve gotten DBT therapy and gotten rid of my insecure attachment style but this weird bpd Yandere type of fantasy is still in my brain no matter what. I don’t think any mental health treatment is gonna fix this fascination for me; I’m just gonna continue not to act on it.
The saddest part is that I’m aware that this blood oath romanticization isn’t even sexual for me, I just want to feel like I’m the only one for my partner bc these moids ain’t loyal.
No. 1645783
>>1645459They didn't want to be associated with the right wing I think. Remember when they
gasp criticized George Bush and everyone lost their shit? Kek
No. 1645793
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>>1645760Immediately who I thought of too kek
>>1645572>picrel No. 1645820
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Hey folx, Bayden here. I'm a peer sex educator and queer trans guy here at Stanford, for those of you who are new my pronouns are he/they. Today I want to talk to y'all about something very close to my heart: learning to navigate the gay cruising scene here at Stanford as a trans dude. Believe it or not, growing up with middle class parents in Palo Alto I never explored my queerness in a kinky context until I came to Stanford and met my primary partner Jordan (he/him, PhD in progress). The scene can feel daunting at first so I wanna narrow this session down to focus on three key areas of trans friendly cruising. First, how can we deal with feelings of invalidation as pre-everything t-guys around cis gays? Where are the best places on campus to cruise? For me it's safe spaces like the library or our sexual health clinic (PrEP is a great conversation starter!) Lastly, how do you come out as a cruiser while still staying safe from transphobia? Any questions before we begin?
No. 1645874
>>1645816Not a husbando nona but I checked it out of curiosity the other week and had a good time breaking down an
toxic bf character into sobbing and supporting me. I felt bad though.
No. 1645882
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No. 1645885
File: 1690433787896.jpg (20.83 KB, 476x323, 1656790868831.jpg)

>never been huge fan of shojo
>tried watching several shojo anime as a teen
>ended up dropping all of them
>think its nobrainer garbage targetted at beta women
>Develope a distate for the genre due to this
>years go by
>mostly read action/adventure manga
>accidentally find an old 80s shojo
>first ever shojo manga i read
>Start reading for the art only
>its some highschool sol
>wtf its actually really cute
>love both the mc and love interest
>becomes my go to comfy manga to read when i am down
>the underlying plot is that the love interest is hiding something
>finally time for the big reveal, whats our 17 yo highschool love interest hiding?
>he used to do cocaine
what the actual fuck. I was certainly not expecting that. Specially since the manga was so sweet and light before. Learnt my lesson, never underestimate shojo manga.
No. 1645927
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God I'm way too obsessed now
No. 1646018
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Oh my God!!!! Holy shit, a whole 10% OFF AT THE COKE STORE? I'm freaking the fuck out this is amazing. All for me on my fake birthday I used to sign up for my coke rewards that doesn't even have rewards anymore oh my god. I'm gonna piss my fucking pants
No. 1646041
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OMG does anyone else remember this website? JKCinema had a series of paranormal and urban legends videos that I swear started my love of fucked up shit because I was like 10 when I found this website in 2001.
No. 1646234
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i just missed the first two days of college orientation, and will be going tomorrow, what do?
No. 1646253
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I want to do everything but I also want to do nothing
No. 1646255
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This will be my 2nd attempt at baking vegan levain cookies, I hope they come out right this time! For some reason they were an absolute fail the 1st time I tried baking them, they were an absolute oily and thin, not even crisp, mess kek
No. 1646317
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just girly things
No. 1646360
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Dresses like this are why I need to be rich. John Galliano, I will always love you(r work).
No. 1646368
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Ahhhh yeees time to shitpost with my nonas after a long hard day of being productive. Luv my nonas simple as
No. 1646372
File: 1690482752064.jpg (75.16 KB, 867x1024, Nb7UFRT.jpg)

>>1646239>>1646307Okay then…. date a guy with a guy who has a crossdressing fetish if you like seeing men in Drag, because honestly every time I see “sissy fetishist” TIMs on MTF thread I get scared because they legitimately look like serial killers who will wear my skin like a suit.
No. 1646378
>>1646372they would never actually do that because they just like the idea of degrading men, they dont like men who want to be degraded. anyway all crossdressers see
femaleness as degrading and femininity is just the vehicle to embrace the larp of being a degraded woman
No. 1646389
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>>1646374Me, I'll wear this outfit to our first date
No. 1646419
>>1646403Because I love him and most submissive men have that fetish anyway so it's unavoidable
No. 1646424
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im surprised my first instincts were correct about megan markle. shes a huge crybaby and cries foul when everyone isnt kissing her ass. im fucking psychic
No. 1646503
File: 1690488468648.jpg (1.2 MB, 2500x1406, bb.jpg)

I'll randomly crack up from thinking about that anon who would respond to B**e's posts with picrel. I hope she's still here
No. 1646538
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>>1646502samefag, mind you not even all of Jung's writings made it to modern psychoanalys cause the vast majority of it is just pure schizo-babbling about psychic energies, shadow selves and dragons, he believed that Wotan had possessed Hitler and that Gods could become real based on the power of thoughts. anyone who seriously looks into jungs other writings ends up a nutcase. t. psych major
No. 1646550
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Mitch McConnel having a stroke on tv is the best thing I’ve witnessed in a minute. I hope all of our reptilian overlords have their human costumes malfunction.
No. 1646566
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>>1646550he has brain damage from a concussion
>CNN - Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell, who froze during a news conference Wednesday and earlier this year suffered a concussion after falling down, has also endured two other falls this year, according to multiple people familiar with the matter.>The first known time, in February, occurred in Finland when McConnell and a US delegation met with the Finnish president in Helsinki>McConnell fell in March at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in Washington, where he slammed his head and suffered a concussion and broken ribs>And just this month at Reagan National Airport in Washington, McConnell was getting off the plane when he tripped and fell No. 1646569
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>>1646547Peterson does not even come close to Jung's madness, he can make a stupid allegory for a sentence but Jung will write entire paragraphs about psychic energies as it was real thing without a hint of irony.
No. 1646606
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>>1646573No that's just how he talked about literally every person he ever met saw or read about, like I remember reading one account where he just described the pope as a Unicorn come to life.
No. 1646672
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Tfw you love reading books but it's 1775 and you're a woman (spoilered for very old corpse)
No. 1646703
>>1646692>what would this look like?i would bring back niche communities and force people to learn how to integrate on message boards or other places like we did in the past before they can graduate to bigger platforms. no handholding either. if someone says something they don't like, they have to deal with it like we used to. i would also force people to give a reason for blocking someone and if they have no evidence that they're being harassed, you can't block people just because they disagree with you or you think they're a nazi/fascist or whatever it is normies cry about these days. people need to learn how to develop a thick skin. i would also deliberately unleash trolls into communities when they get too comfortable just to keep them on their toes.
>new rulessame shit we tell people to do here which were old internet rules from back in the day. remain anonymous. integrate. lurk moar. no derailing, no infighting, no bitching. high quality posts that contribute to discussion is preferred or take that shit to a shitpost site or somewhere where your sense of humor is tolerated. tripfags or, in this case, users who make a big show of having obnoxious identities will be mercilessly trolled and/or permabanned for attention seeking behaviors.
>what words would you redtextwhatever buzzwords normies use when they get butthurt over stupid shit.
victim, hate, nazi, fascist…i could go on. i would add capitalism to that list since apparently everything nowadays is capitalism.
No. 1646714
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i got banned for 'newfaggotry' cuz i mentioned i forgot how to link threads on a post, the fuck
No. 1646723
>>1646715i just see a pattern with normies. someone disagrees with them, even nicely, and they get upset. you're mean! you're a troll! it's annoying and kind of depressing because what's the point of being online if you're that sensitive? and often the things they get upset about are not really worth it. i've seen people get blocked just for replying "no". i find it very strange.
>>1646716but a lot of people don't move on. they will block someone, and then continually antagonize and bitch about the person when they cannot defend themselves. it's the fallout of the internet and social media turning into a political hugbox and i find it incredibly exhausting.
>>1646717good for you i guess, though i am not talking about people who are curating feeds on platforms like twitter, where the algorithm is forcing shit on you you don't want to see. i can understand that and i see why people use it for that reason, though in reality we should be able to opt out of the algorithm (wouldn't that be nice?).
No. 1646738
>>1646729>I think the problem is that you can't take rejectionthis isn't about me or my feelings though lol, sorry if it came off that way. these are just observations i've made over the years.
>>1646731>Are you being online bullied?nope, because i know how to turn off my computer and touch grass. i am also not 14 years old.
No. 1646740
>>1646723>continually antagonize and bitch about the person when they cannot defend themselvesdo you know where you are? like a third of the boards are for making fun of internet people without their knowledge. also can i just say that it's kinda weird you want newbies to have the "true" internet experience? like idk rickrolls were a laugh but i don't miss goatse spam or pedobear jokes everywhere. this part is especially weird:
>i would also deliberately unleash trolls into communities when they get too comfortable just to keep them on their why would you do that? how is that not terminally online behavior?
No. 1646754
>>1646740>do you know where you are?no, i don't know where i am, i'm a lost little girl in wonderland. can you show me the way out?
>like a third of the boards are for making fun of internet people without their knowledge.most of the cows know they are being trolled though, that's why they are lolcows lol.
>like idk rickrolls were a laugh but i don't miss goatse spam or pedobear jokes everywhere.that's fine, i understand where you are coming from but i do sometimes miss the days when the internet was less centralized on a handful of megaplatforms and people just did whatever they wanted for the most part. it's not nearly as fun anymore to me as it was in the 2000's, and part of the fun was the unpredictably of the whole experience, the mystery, the fact that you could search pretty much anything and end up somewhere completely different than where you started. but i digress.
>like why would you do that? how is that not terminally online behavior?idk, because it's funny and life is short? it's really not that deep.
(the door, madame) No. 1646830
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This bitch has never filmed or directed anything in her life, gets paid $20 an hour & wants to move out of her parents' house but staunchly refuses to pay rent and wants to BUY a house, then says she'll start making films "once she gets her own place" and every time she makes some shitty sobpost like this I kek so hard. Like at this rate she'll be dropping dead soon because she is NEVER going to make a damn film.
No. 1646864
>>1646856Nta but this is true about the entire entertainment industry which is why there are so many jocks suck/ugly guy gets the girl/pretty woman gets humiliated/tits tits tits everywhere all the time
Also true for books that men write. You can tell they self-insert because they write about fucking the female protagonist for no reason or describe her breasts for no fucking reason (looking at you Dan Simmons)
>>1646860 Lol at you even knowing what that means, couldn't be me
No. 1646887
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I stumbled across a doujin that was entirely centered around my husbando uncontrollably shitting himself and I think It's genuinely put me off of the character.
No. 1646956
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the vibe of this website has been off the past few days what is going on
No. 1646961
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>>1646956Sorry I left my lunch in the back room yesterday and now the whole site stinks
No. 1646971
adding to the list of:
>>1617163another classmate of mine got into the MLB
No. 1646996
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I saw this picture and thought of her
No. 1647010
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>be op of this thread
>thread has trouble loading
what did I do to deserve this
No. 1647031
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Welcome to my gooncave nonnies
No. 1647033
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>>1647031holy fucking hell please tell me this belongs to a gay man and not a woman
No. 1647038
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>>1647033>>1647035>>1647034>>1647036Yeah I occasionally browse r/gooncaves new posts to see if there are any worth sharing and this one resonated. The fucking foreskin macro.
No. 1647047
dicks look like those disgusting huge gummy worms, I love to hate them, but I like them because I like scrotes. Why am I designed this way?
>>1647045hmm I will definitely watch this when I have the time, so sick of this lady.
No. 1647097
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>>1647079does anyone remember Fox Kids or am I too old lmao
No. 1647112
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She is me and I am her
No. 1647117
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>>1647110i'm a burger and two seasons were aired here and they are super different from the comics. Hyperion publisher released a lot of written books but i believe up until #16 were released as comics here where we had 2 chapters per volume. Disney actually has been translating the entire comic series which had well over a hundred chapters. they have just a couple arcs left i believe. you can buy them on amazon, each volume has 4 chapters. I'm still on the New Power arc but i've really enjoyed reading them and need to pick it back up.
i loved finding w.i.t.c.h. fansites online as a kid and there were some really great ones who provided translated scans so i used to read it online as a kid but this time i finally get to own hard copies of an official english translation! i highly recommend it if you want to read a girly/nostalgic comic without any moidbrained shit. i love Orube as well, we never got official books or comics in english here anymore by the time she was introduced.
No. 1647167
>>1645473's just archaic English. Used intentionally in a literary way. He is quoting a translation that follows this literary custom.
>Robert Oppenheimer, in an interview about the Trinity nuclear explosion, first broadcast as part of the television documentary The Decision to Drop the Bomb (1965), produced by Fred Freed, NBC White Paper; Oppenheimer is quoting from the 1944 Vivekananda-Isherwood translation of the Gita (ch. XI verse 32)You will find this construction in all premodern English and early modern English, when it was the norm. Probably you will find it in most Indo-European languages.
No. 1647206
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Why are you fucks being educational in the dumbass shit thread? Be stupid.
No. 1647222
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I hate myself why am I so addicted to plastic.
No. 1647227
>>1646021>Doesn’t it start to feel harrowing?No.
>>1647167I'm not sure why anons are trying to offer so much explanation over me saying I thought it sounds silly kek.
No. 1647249
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>be me
>staying at my sister's place for a few days
>doing the house chores
>ask her to buy vinegar to clean stuff with while she's out
>she tells me that you don't clean stuff with vinegar, you clean stuff with dish soap
I'm gonna alog irl
No. 1647250
>>1647079I feel like I watched more cartoon network, but I enjoyed nick more for shows like Hey Arnold/Fairly Odd parents/Jimmy neutron. I still remember how festive the Christmas episodes of Fairly Odd parents made me feel. I love that episode, in fact Fairly Odd parents is probably my favorite animated show along with Hey Arnold and Arthur which were so chill. I watched a LOT of Arthur and PBS kids.
While Cartoon network was cool. It had more Odd shows. My gym partner is a monkey,Foster's home for imaginary friends, the grim adventures of Billy and Mandy. Funnily enough I liked cn more when I got older. If I was a kid and had access to adventure time regular show and gumball, I'd probably prefer CN slightly over Cn but very slightly.
When it comes to Disney Channel I did watch a lot of it, but I have no found memories like I have with Nick. I watched thats so raven, some of Lizzie Maguire, I know I watched cheetah girls but I can barely refer anything from that movie now.
Sometimes I wonder if I ever watched it or feel I should've . Suite life of Zack and Cody, and random shows..
But again, I have such fond memories of Nick shows. Shit even scary memories of adult swim.
No. 1647271
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>>1647112Hello fellow MRF
No. 1647284
>>1647079My family’s tv plan didn’t have CN until high school, so I mostly watched Nickelodeon or the local networks that aired anime in the morning
>>1647278You can, but some might leave a residue
No. 1647285
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The p90 is so cute, I wanna kiss it's weird magazine
No. 1647302
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>>1647299Anon's favorite planes
No. 1647396
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i had my orientation today, was okay, but afterwards i went to Starbucks and there was a mute guy working the counter, there were no problems bc the SB is not in a crowded place, he was somehow real cute, he would show a thumbs ups a lot and smile while doing so, and it was really cute to me somehow. tho im wondering tho, is he cute or is he just mute?
No. 1647415
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I just found out Alan Arkin died rip. He was really old and we’ve all gotta go sometime but The Last Unicorn is still my favorite movie ever, goodbye to the last red hot swami.
No. 1647425
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>>1647415i coulda sworn there was a nonna that thirsted after this particular wizard among others
No. 1647429
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Eeewwww I hope this isn't true. I was never a big Mitski fan to begin with anyway but still.
No. 1647457
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>>1647285P90 is cute because of its curves but TMPs are the sexier SMGs (even better w stock).
No. 1647484
>>1647429if it's true then its a smart move. Both artists are popular amongst tumblrina types so Mitski will make good money from this collab. Though isnt Mitskis music mostly growing up as a japanese-american woman? I cant see what a white TiM can add to her music.
Btw I thought Mitski quit music? I feel like she threatens to end her career every other month so it's hard to keep track of
No. 1647522
>>1647299I like a lot of planes
>>1647302I love this guy's art but these aren't the planes I'm talking about
No. 1647554
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>>1647545More like anti-scrote devices.
No. 1647658
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I saw this pic on IG, and it's ridiculously cute, but how the fuck can they even see anything that close up.
No. 1647662
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I feel all of them today right now, what kind of horny r u 2day nonnas
No. 1647683
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>>1647079anyone remember this
No. 1647702
>>1647697Lol, it's okay
nonnie. I knew you were poor because those are the free channels that I would watch too.
No. 1647788
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No. 1647842
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>>1647828Yes hello I would like to get these macro foreskin and urethra pictures printed on high quality photopaper please!