File: 1709753069365.jpg (251.96 KB, 1024x768, GutterPunksDecaturStreet2019.j…)

No. 1913675
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No. 1913808
File: 1709760886815.jpeg (183.49 KB, 735x691, IMG_4659.jpeg)

>>1913677Kek it's literally this meme I saw on here a little while ago. This has been my exact experience in my countries punk scene ever since I was a teen, but now that I'm older it's so much more obvious. I have a few friends in bands in the local alternative scene and every time I go to their gigs to support them I'm surrounded by this crowd. Punks in particular are the worst when it comes to this, students from the art academy are in a close second place.
No. 1913869
>>1913808This hits hard.
There were bands I wouldn't see solely because I knew the crowd would make the experience insufferable. It just wasn't worth it, I'd rather listen to them at home/in car etc.
No. 1914410
File: 1709808332758.png (1.02 MB, 1080x2038, 1709360858053.png)

No. 1914414
>>1914410kek the only thing
diabolical here are his big-ass ears and that fucking zit on his chest
No. 1914587
File: 1709825725931.png (416.46 KB, 934x593, IMG_8171.png)

what about this is supposed be punk?
No. 1914671
File: 1709831691008.png (225.73 KB, 652x762, 0Y3B1V.png)

>>1913675>>1913677These are what you would call crust punks or "crusties". I knew people just like this grew up upper middle class/rich and they’re just like these two, I was one of them, and most of us were again, shitty upper middle-class twats who were "rebelling" to form an identity
No. 1915010
The only punk dude I know is my brother in law and I’ve been to his childhood home in the trailer park. He slept on a box spring for 6 years, went without power, parents gambled or spent money on themselves etc. he’s got a family now with my sister so that’s good.
>>1914879Zoomers want you to think they have impoverished upbringings.
No. 1915011
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No. 1915022
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Reminds me of Die Antwoord. Both born rich. Have gone to art school and then made up this project where they appropriate poverty
No. 1915279
>>1914907No it was pretty legit, I went to public school with a lot of them. A lot of working class families with 4 children in average. When political parties gave them stuff branded with their logos (they target low income parts of the city and give them free stuff so they vote for them), they would paint them over and diy them with patches and spikes. Thrifting is still pretty big over here, and it's been kept cheap and accessible for the most part unless you want to go bougie kek. The punk scene where I live is not the same as the USA or UK though, so a lot of ska music and metal is also to be expected. Their hatred of traditional institutions was and still is real. Where I live the only real jobs you can get unless you studied or had help from your parents are factory jobs.
I think tomorrow on march 8th there'll be feminist riots and you'll see a bunch those same punks I grew with manifesting themselves. Sad thing is most of them are they/them libfems now. The punk scene is still alive I think, it's just that it crosses over with the alt one and being alt is pretty trendy right now so I have no idea.
No. 1915288
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>>1915022kek, you're absolutely right. Reminder to everyone that this is what Die Antwoord originally looked like during their earlier music project "Max Normal"
No. 1917577
File: 1709996737893.mp4 (15.33 MB, 576x1024, fsfdsf1.mp4)

>>1913808>>1916527This is what I imagine most of these people are like.
No. 1917584
>>1917577Your average enby retard be like.
Not but seriously, finance illiteracy is so fucking bad
No. 1917725
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Glad I have a place for this
No. 1920230
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No. 1920795
>>1918436 nope
>>1917483 your nose is off, sorry. Tbh it was I can’t put my finger on it. All my head says is “lol up the punx” after reading it and looking at her profile
No. 1923238
File: 1710339157523.mp4 (2.02 MB, 474x854, Oi8Dw7z.mp4)

>>1917577true for women, but quarter of the men are like vidrel.
No. 1924973
File: 1710436449912.jpg (124.81 KB, 652x762, fixedgearhipsters.jpg)

>>1914671This takes me back, I'll post the rest.
>Once trust fund punks lose their savings they are reduced to riding a fixed gear bike, the same means of travel they had when they were in middle school. Their current bike build is actually less sophisticated than the ones they grew up on, but hipsters will always sacrifice the convenience of brakes for fashion.>One of the most pretentious of all hipsters, fixies are primarily located in Williamsburg, Portland, San Francisco and wherever else snobs congregate these days. They tend to hang out at cafés, bike shops and anywhere else they can turn their nose at other hipsters. Usually enrolled in some form of printmaking or photography at their art school, the fixie spends more time complaining about things rather than creating them.>One should not confuse a nonathletic fixie with actual racers or bike messengers. The latter can spot a fixed gear hipster from a block away, recognizing their bike as just another fashion accessory until they move onto the next trend. Usually a vegan, the street smart cyclist weighs no more than 100 pounds when soaking wet and gets his sole caloric intake from PBRs and plants.>A fixie longs for a Bianchi Pista with drop handlebars but instead will custom order their ride from Urban Outfitters using their employee discount. The Fixie likes to tell everyone they are saving the world by having “one less car” but ultimately they just can't afford one. No. 1924974
File: 1710436491129.jpg (101.06 KB, 652x762, Steampunk.jpg)

>Deep seeded in 19th century Victorian fashion combined with a western sci-fi twist, the Steampunk tries his best to resemble an extra from Will Smith's The Wild Wild West. The Steampunk longs for a time where technology was romanticized rather than mass manufactured. He scoffs at the minimalism of homogenized modern devices and attempts to make them his own.
>Displaying an unhealthy fascination with steam, valves and gears, the Steampunk will spend hours in his workshop crafting accessories for his wardrobe. Custom timepieces, goggles and Nerf guns are often overly customized to the point that they obscure the item's original purpose. Modern day electronic devices are modified to look like rusted antiques. Outside of Flava Flav, no one displays clocks as proudly and prominently as this dapper gentleman.
>When not spending time reading the works of HG Wells and Jules Verne on his brass encased iPad, the Steampunk can be found attending various conventions and ballroom dances devoted to his fantasy world. The preferred method of transportation to these events is via zeppelin or steam engine, but most end up using the city bus.
>One can say that Steampunk is "What the past would look like if the future had happened sooner" but the reality is that Steampunk is what happens when Goths discover the color brown.
No. 1924976
File: 1710436520096.jpg (103.42 KB, 652x762, nintendocore.jpg)

>The Nintendocore fan refuses to let go of the video games from his youth, however, his dedication leaves him trapped in an 8-bit world in his parents basement without a warp pipe to escape.
>This old school cellar dweller won't touch a controller that has more than two buttons, even after all of his friends and game developers themselves, have abandoned ship. Don't ask these retro gamers to share their joypad, old titles were rarely multiplayer and you can bet his social skills are lacking because of it. Time away from his console is usually spent rereading back issues of Nintendo Power or soldering old RF cables together. The music in his playlist consists entirely of instruments from the nintendo universe, such as a hacked Game Boy, Mario Paint and songs he's composed on his Ocarina iPhone app.
>If this pixel pusher ever has a problem operating something, he will attempt to fix it in the only way he knows how: flip it over, flick it with his pointer finger, then blow in it. This poor gamer suffers from a chronic blistering “NES thumb” from endless Super Mario Brothers time trials, but at least he's got a top rated YouTube video to show for it. In the event that his current system fails him, he keeps an unopened NES in a safety deposit box, courtesy of his parents.
>The Nintendocore fan dreams of one day becoming a game tester or perhaps even a reviewer, however, after a 20 year 8-bit coma, adjusting to the complex controllers of today is near impossible. He will eventually follow his destiny, become a plumber and defend the original works of Shigeru Miyamoto to his death.
No. 1924977
File: 1710436570156.jpg (126.62 KB, 652x762, Screamolester.jpg)

>The Screamolester is what happens when a sexually androgynous mutant with mad rad hair attempts to make pop music but instead racks up a bunch of statutory rape charges.
>Often claiming to be a model or a hairstylist, this ManGirlPig is nothing more than a beauty school dropout with a vast collection of wigs, hair extensions and date rape drugs. This ladyboy will spend hours raiding its mother's makeup cabinet and kid sister's wardrobe in an attempt to look like a combination of Hannah Montana and puke.
>Buried beneath layers of glam and glitter, it may be difficult to determine the gender of a Screamolester. At first glance one might think they're looking at a pudgy prepubescent girl but upon closer inspection the creature shows itself to be a gender-bending 20-something-year-old guy, seeking out pudgy tween girls.
>Using it's electropop band as a lure for naive underage females, it's somehow able to make them swoon with lyrics that degrade women. Touring the country with other Pedo Bear approved bands, it has an endless supply of unsuspecting victims to choose from.
>This predator has had more than a few run-ins with the cyber police when trolling Stickam but eventually it's actions will catch up to it and CONSEQUENCES WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.
No. 1924978
File: 1710436612394.jpg (140.44 KB, 652x762, cybergoth.jpg)

>Often considered the neon pink-headed step child of the goth community, the over-the-top fashion of the Cybergoth is typically scoffed at by traditional goths. Looking something like a mix of Rainbow Brite meets The Matrix, they are by far one of the most flamboyant misfits of the goth subculture.
>The appearance of the Cybergoth actually has nothing to do with the conventional gothic look, making them the very antithesis of the scene. The Cybergoth will often start by dressing in black but then over-accessorize with clashing neon color body mods, gas masks, goggles and live LED circuit boards, none of which serve any purpose whatsoever.
>The key to being a pillar in the Cybergoth community is having a custom hairpiece, otherwise known as dread falls. This fake hair is typically ordered online and further customized from objects found at yard sales. The end result are dreads made of radioactive neon colors that look like something a unicorn might defecate. These elaborate hairpieces are a true sign of allegiance to their scene, much like a skinhead with a shaved head or an emo kid with scarred wrists.
>Rave, cyberpunk, rivethead and goth fashion all look ridiculous on their own but combined takes on a whole new level of fail.
No. 1924983
File: 1710436790757.jpg (128.33 KB, 652x762, rockabilly.jpg)

>The Rockabilly lifestyle is generally what happens when punk scene veterans suffer some sort of trauma in their late twenties. As a result, they start believing they are the stars of a 1950's period piece, where they can idealize aspects of a simpler time. The Rockabilly kids can be seen attending retro car shows, drive-in movies and burlesque clubs.
>The Rockabilly male generally works a blue collar job, nine times out of ten at an auto body shop restoring old cars. He longs for a '59 Cadillac but is seen shamefully driving his '91 Honda Civic. Other potential jobs include sailor tattoo artist, stand up bass player, or the role of Danny Zuko in the local theater production of Grease. The majority of his paycheck goes towards industrial strength Pomade as he spends hours crafting his magnificent pompadour and mutton chop sideburns.
>The Rockabilly female is a bizarre hybrid of Betty Crocker and Bettie Page, trying to be part 50's housewife and part pinup model. Much like her significant other, she swears she was born in the wrong era but the classy Varga girls never covered their torsos with meaningless tattoos. She'll take pole dancing classes in an attempt to get in better shape for her burlesque troupe, but more often than not falls into a “temporary” career as a stripper. June Cleaver would not approve.
>The Rockabilly couple are a clear example of what happens when aging punks embrace Johnny Cash rather than Ed Hardy. If at any time a Rockabilly individual adds coffins or zombies to their repertoire, they can instantly morph into a Psychobilly.
No. 1924991
>>1924976this guy still exists but instead of NES he's into ~lost media~ and Gamecube era
>>1924983I always thought rockabilly was kind of tacky during its time but now I'm very nostalgic for it kek
No. 1924993
File: 1710437160898.jpg (95.13 KB, 652x762, emogirl.jpg)

>she's the girl you see at all the "scene" shows, putting her chest piece prominently on display for all her super-indie (see: pop-punk) friends to admire. much like other scenesters, she is completely void of any originality and bases her identity off of whatever she sees everyone else doing.
>she updates her livejournal on an hourly basis, making sure to keep everyone informed about her ever-evolving and always drama-filled relationships. speaking of boys, she only dates ones with the exact same taste in music, because in the end isn't that what matters most?
>her jeans and cowboy shirts come directly from urban outfitters, but when asked she'll tell you she can't stand "that store." as for her hair color, it changes as quickly as her mood, and trust me, that's fast!
>need to find her late at night? she'll more than likely be at the local underwear party- just look for the girl with the poorly thought-out nautical stars tattooed in all the right/wrong places!
No. 1924994
File: 1710437227373.jpg (76.65 KB, 652x762, screamo.jpg)

?he's prettier than your girlfriend, but don't let that limp wrist fool you- this guy gets more ass than a toilet! girls love guys who can swing microphones over their heads like a cowboy at a rodeo while >holding his other arm out like a t-rex.
even though he's founded a "screamo" band with his christian friends from orlando, he thinks saetia is a skin disease and that neil perry played dylan on 90210.
>his skin-tight jeans don't allow a lot of room for breathing, but his girly figure doesn't require much anyway.
No. 1925002
File: 1710437460464.jpg (82.67 KB, 652x762, mortalkombat.jpg)

>she more closely resembles a warrior from mortal kombat than an actual human being. tattoos cover every inch of her body, facial piercings obscure her features, and the subdermal brass knuckle implant wards off anyone who doesn't take the body mod lifestyle seriously. small children burst into tears when she walks by, and aunt beverly has trouble recognizing her at family reunions.
>yes, she might look like something out of hellraiser, but that doesn't stop her from posing nude at thank god for the altporn audience, because no one in the "real world" would hire her- not even the local gas station.
>as soon as she gets her first sg paycheck, she's rushing out to get that earth crisis facial tattoo she's always wanted.
No. 1926625
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>>1920230no one is hitting on this Boyfriends Webtoon looking woman at Rupert Skytrain station of all places
No. 1927147
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im going to throw up at this thread. lmao. i was deep into the crust """"scene"""" as a teen/young adult and def pretended to be homeless and destitute with my roommate and "lived on the streets".. in portland. kill me.
also i feel like d-beatfags are the most obnoxious and elitist strain of punk. for whoever doesn't know it's like mixing the worst parts of black metal with crust punk. all of them buy vinyl records and jerk off about it because they're incredibly rich. here's a typical d-beat faggot with the required uniform
No. 1927148
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you have to wear all black and white and no other color and you have to like at least 10 bands whose names begin with "dis"
No. 1938268
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>homeless children being raped are actually trans, queer and punk
No. 1938311
>>1938302love you
terf Azumarill nonna.
No. 1952092
>>1952071I dont know about these modern "punks" posted here but the punks of millenial generation and gen x in my country never liked hippies either. They think hippies are soft and pussies which in fact they are.. nothing wrong ith it i am one. Better to be soft high on weed than drunk 24/7 because they need to feel macho and tough.
But i just remembered this longass post about how hippies were racist on tumblr that one Tif posted and it made ne unfollow her so maybe it has something to do with that weird propaganda when it comes to young wannabe punks.
No. 1976762
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does this count?
No. 1980751
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>>1980749the singer is also a furry btw.
No. 1980819
>>1952092Part of the history of punk was that it originated in England in the late 1970s partly as a response to what disaffected working class youth saw as the failure of the hippie movement in the 1960s to enact actual social change. Some of the iconic punk looks, like shaved hair, are directly opposing the long, untrimmed hippie look. Early punk clothing used a lot of synthetic fabrics and stuff like that, too. If you think about it, it's essentially an inversion of the hippie aesthetic.
Punks vs hippies is a classic rivalry lol.
No. 1983472
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No. 1984431
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When I was 18 I actually really loved the punk subculture and music and was considering trying to join it but something about seeing the thousands of girls online dressed in their meticulously crafted yet unoriginal punk outfits just made the whole thing feel asinine and superficial.
No. 1984450
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Found at the pink fashion subreddit, laughed my ass off
No. 1984456
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>>1984437>Wouldn't you just be going to concerts lol? Yeah pretty much but I never actually got to went to one lmao. I remember first I went to a pretty notable alternative gallery(not sure of that's the correct word in English) in my city and felt completely ridiculous when it was filled with girls my age walking around with pronoun pins and colored hair.
I still see unwashed old punk guys walking around when I'm in the area but not knowing, but understanding that the subculture is mostly dead sobered me up real quick.
No. 1984492
>>1984456>Don't bully me I'll cum!Ugh. Gross
>>1984450He looks like he takes it in the ass no offense.
No. 1994699
File: 1715140380889.png (11.94 MB, 3024x4032, image_2024-05-07_205232872.png)

punk was always pretty retarded but it's so ironic that modern racist skinheads have more in common with traditional punk than every faggot larper. i wish punk just stayed a retarded little working class club for teenagers to fuck around in and that's all it ever really should've been. the hardcore scene in my area is fucking retarded i can't stand listening to retards give speeches about their sheltered opinion on israel i just want to listen to dogshit "music" live.
No. 1994721
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>>1984456>>1994699mfw gendies keep insisting that their regressive trendy gendershit is totes punk
No. 1994729
>>1994699i recommend anybody actually into alt subcultures and music to get into metal because it's still relatively abrasive to outsiders like gendies, since its entertainment lies in the shock value of their lives and lyrics. like actual punk it's also full of violent schizophrenic men but it's pretty much the opposite of politicized and sanitized.
sage for blogpost but the unpleasant realization that real, counterculture punk is a commodified corpse of itself hit me after a Bikini Kill concert where kathleen announced that hey girls aren't welcome at the front anymore! that space is now reserved for men in dresses, girls poisoned by misogyny into cutting their tits off, also disabled people, asexuals, pretty much everyone under the LGBTQ2+++ umbrella and oh sure women too. i know they haven't been a real punk band in forever but it was humiliating to go to a so-called riot grrrl concert and be read the tweets of a teenage enby Twitter user. pure cringe.
No. 1994836
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>>1994729ayrt, do you have any genre recommendations similar to punk? (or any genres that aren't as welcome to fags like dsbm and glam) i'm pretty into skinhead shit like ska and oi punk.
No. 1994935
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>>1994729Omg nona I have been waiting for Bikini Kill handmaidenry to be mentioned, I went to one of their concerts and the opening act was literally four TiMs singing about the trans genocide kek. There's also this video Tobi Vail posted with the next slide saying "everyone is welcome at a bikini kill show! girls to the front yes but also trans gender queer fluid non binary - if you feel you belong at the front - you do - if you are a tall straight cis rich able bodied white guy think about how much space you are taking up and make room for the people around you to see and move freely - our feminism is intersectional - not exclusionary"
I like the implication that tall rich white scrotes are oppressed if they're below 5'10 kek. I cannot say the bands' actions surprise me considering they are the founding mothers of choice feminism but its still disappointing
No. 2006587
File: 1715964294265.mp4 (5.27 MB, 480x854, urxYQtM.mp4)

>THIS is what punk is about…
>A year ago we wrote a song and named it after a govenor in Tennessee who was trying to pass laws banning drag shows / affecting gender affirming care. We called out several govenors by name in the song to spread awareness.
No. 2006624
File: 1715966467478.jpg (59.74 KB, 1280x720, JHLUMb8UgxwdKZW5RQDhVX.jpg)

Love that he also did the tiktok-esque hand gestures, really drives home the point that punk is a shell of what it used to be. bring back jello waving his hands around like a retard
No. 2028202
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>She is on the rob
No. 2028767
>>1923238he dresses like a 2020 eboy
>>1994729>>1927468the metal scene isn't any better than the punk one, the women are just as much of pick me's by catering to scrotes who call them goth dommy mommy
No. 2061805
>>1952071Late reply, but I absolutely hate my local group of hippies. When I was a teen those middle aged fucks befriended one of my best friends. They would regularly ply her with alcohol and occasionally drugs. One guy in that group along with his wife began sexually abusing her. Then a few years later a different guy in that group was threatening her with violence. Everyone else in that hippie group (except for one person) would downplay things to keep the peace and be all “good vibes only.” I’m grateful my friend finally realized how fucked in the head those people were
I know every scene can be different, but I just don’t trust them. It’s way too easy for predators to hide behind a free love attitude
No. 2067239
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>>2066511Nothing screams punk like wearing an aliexpress tank top made in a sweatshop kek. Her music is awful too, you can tell she came from the soundclout scene
No. 2080099
File: 1720314221872.png (833.84 KB, 873x873, image_2024-07-06_180247374.png)

i'm somewhat interested in skinbyrd fashion and this fucking freak was was posted on a skinhead girl fashion page i used to follow. if your gonna skinwalk feminine skinhead fashion at least wear the right clothing. i swear to god men would rather gatekeep women than retarded troons who get a chelsea cut and call it a day. god why can't people bully him for being a fucking poser the same way that they gatekeep women. i bet this scrotes doesn't own a pair of levi 501's and thinks doc martens are a the most skinhead boot brand ever.
No. 2080467
>>2080099>>2080213this looks like a woman nonnies? pls stop transvestigating uggos.
women in punk originally used makeup, hair and fashion to look ugly as a "fuck you" to beauty standards and to men who wanted them to look pretty. it's depressing but not surprising that the punk look has now been fetishised to the point where non-punk women are using that aesthetic for their only fans but than troons are so obsessed with it they have to skinwalk them.
>>2060950hell yeah getting into heaven is punk af
No. 2087665
File: 1720892542533.png (587.16 KB, 730x1058, punkfashion.png)

one of the top posts right now on r/punkfashion
No. 2087754
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I don't know if it's because I'm autistic, but it's been geartbreaking to realise that the politics are just part of the aesthetic for ALL punks in the scene. I've grown up in countercultures my whole life and I thought I was speaking the same language as everyone else when we were talking about co-operation and solidarity. No, they'll ditch that as soon as there's someone in a cooler band or with bigger spikes to impress. And it doesn't even work, if you actually give that much of a fuck about your social standing you just look desperate!
No. 2087792
Astroturfing used to be believable
No. 2096338
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No. 2102811
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No. 2118664
File: 1722677701996.jpeg (272.28 KB, 749x1098, IMG_9255.jpeg)

>I'm a punk man
No. 2118868
I agree with
>>2118831, at best the punk scene was people having genuine fun, but the politics is what essentially ended it, with people constantly calling each other out and attempting to outdo one another in terms of being oppressed
No. 2126972
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No. 2134587
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No. 2154135
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No. 2154169
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>>2154160Same reason why they always pick internet fights with random women and teenage girls who are "transphobic", yet never bother forming gangs to even beat up the moids that rape and kill tranny prostitutes: TIMs are moids, and moids seem to have this instinct to blame and antagonize women and girls despite 90% of a moid's cause of murder and oppression being another moid. Same can be said for TIFs because they're at the point where they want to BE a moid, so of course they're gonna mimic male-brained thought patterns like wanting to kill harmless women.
No. 2176266
No. 2194036
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No. 2284320
File: 1733000101736.png (718.21 KB, 899x768, IMG_9259.png)

absolutely pathetic
No. 2317566
File: 1734878934187.png (409.45 KB, 599x810, ErJGAvH.png)

does picrel count?
No. 2353854
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No. 2402649
File: 1739712323533.jpg (1.67 MB, 1077x3711, 1736327437733.jpg)