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File: 1709753069365.jpg (251.96 KB, 1024x768, GutterPunksDecaturStreet2019.j…)

No. 1913634

Thread to post the antics, cringefests, drama and LARPing of the modern punk movement, from crusties, riot grrrls, gutter-punks and other related subgroups

No. 1913675

File: 1709754998246.mp4 (10.09 MB, 480x854, vjsEUOq.mp4)

No. 1913677

File: 1709755024289.jpg (421.81 KB, 2201x1006, 0G3HVhV5DlgC.jpg)

meanwhile IRL.

No. 1913680

punk gen x'ers make me ill.

No. 1913683

Is this a voice-over by a text to speech program or do they sound this artificial?

No. 1913709

I grew up around some people like this. All of them LARPing to be struggling freelance artists who dropped out of college while their parents are paying for their rooms in multi-tenant houses near frat row. The only thing they'd actually spend money on was drugs, taquitos, and Ubers.

No. 1913808

File: 1709760886815.jpeg (183.49 KB, 735x691, IMG_4659.jpeg)

Kek it's literally this meme I saw on here a little while ago. This has been my exact experience in my countries punk scene ever since I was a teen, but now that I'm older it's so much more obvious. I have a few friends in bands in the local alternative scene and every time I go to their gigs to support them I'm surrounded by this crowd. Punks in particular are the worst when it comes to this, students from the art academy are in a close second place.

No. 1913869

This hits hard.
There were bands I wouldn't see solely because I knew the crowd would make the experience insufferable. It just wasn't worth it, I'd rather listen to them at home/in car etc.

No. 1914211

Does anyone have that story of the punk rock band where one member tried to poison the other with estrogen, so he'd appear less manly, all so he could steal his girlfriend?

No. 1914215

File: 1709787464658.jpeg (464.3 KB, 1080x1772, IMG_2998.jpeg)

No. 1914234

I should send this meme to my blue-collar punk friend. I'm sure she's annoyed by being surrounded by trust fund babies with useless liberal arts degrees

No. 1914298

This is fucking insane

No. 1914322

File: 1709796324526.png (834.62 KB, 1276x2048, m6IHdNi.png)

No. 1914410

File: 1709808332758.png (1.02 MB, 1080x2038, 1709360858053.png)

No. 1914414

kek the only thing diabolical here are his big-ass ears and that fucking zit on his chest

No. 1914431

>goth/cyberpunk/post-apocalyptic/steampunk/etc themed event
>male in the laziest attire imaginable

No. 1914438

That is the same my moid coworkers in engineering wear except without a shirt.

No. 1914462

It's literally just a plain black jacket and jeans, he didn't even try.

No. 1914472

Kek this reminds me so much of scene kids/emo teenagers lurking around in the 00s somehow.

No. 1914587

File: 1709825725931.png (416.46 KB, 934x593, IMG_8171.png)

what about this is supposed be punk?

No. 1914610

Looks more 80's hair metal to me kek

No. 1914611

People "up talk" in the same manner a voice to text program does because it makes it harder for the listener to tell when a statement definitively ends and keeps them watching. Especially common on platforms that auto-loop videos.

No. 1914671

File: 1709831691008.png (225.73 KB, 652x762, 0Y3B1V.png)

These are what you would call crust punks or "crusties". I knew people just like this grew up upper middle class/rich and they’re just like these two, I was one of them, and most of us were again, shitty upper middle-class twats who were "rebelling" to form an identity

No. 1914704

anybody who makes music a focal point of their life is a faggot

No. 1914737

Ok FIRST OFF stouffer’s macaroni and cheese is great

No. 1914757

You aren't "white trash". Your families are better off than mine and when you actually are poor you have to hide it because people will shame you. THESE PEOPLE MAKE ME SO SUICIDAL

No. 1914778

its also hilarious that they decided to film this while walking in a neighborhood (im assuming they live in) that seems well off or at the minimum middle class

No. 1914783

It's just like how back in the 60s the free love hippies were all children of rich parents. Every single one of them.

No. 1914787

Still continues to this day. They all have trust funds

No. 1914871

>This has been my exact experience in my countries punk scene ever since I was a teen, but now that I'm older it's so much more obvious.
Big same. Growing up I didn’t really think about it, now we’re older and my “punk” peers are buying houses and shit and I’m realising I was one of the only actually working class kids in the scene and they were just cosplaying.

No. 1914879

I'm so happy that growing up in my country, being punk was considered tacky and lower class. Dunno if it still is around younger zoomers though

No. 1914907

Were you able to find out if the consideration was true or just an assumption made?

No. 1915001

File: 1709847585747.png (111.48 KB, 550x813, 1708145060805.png)

No. 1915010

The only punk dude I know is my brother in law and I’ve been to his childhood home in the trailer park. He slept on a box spring for 6 years, went without power, parents gambled or spent money on themselves etc. he’s got a family now with my sister so that’s good.
Zoomers want you to think they have impoverished upbringings.

No. 1915011

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No. 1915022

File: 1709849080019.jpg (43.71 KB, 650x433, 1000009370.jpg)

Reminds me of Die Antwoord. Both born rich. Have gone to art school and then made up this project where they appropriate poverty

No. 1915110

They're actually suffering to the point where they have bigger things to worry about instead of upkeeping some image or aesthetic. Not that people in poverty don't develop personal style, it's just simply not as pleasing to a consumerist.

No. 1915115

off topic but I hate the way photos like this are staged, it reminds me of the Soft White Underbelly guy. It's like they're trying to make them look extra dirty and unflattering with a harsh cold light on them at a bad angle, and making them onto the one bed to accentuate how "gritty" their life is, something about it just feels wrong.

No. 1915137

agreed. They're dehumanized even more and they're turned into a product that people consume in an article so that they get a thrill. I just posted the pic to show how trailer trash people actually look like and that those posers aren't trailer trash

No. 1915178

>Soft White Underbelly
OT but this channel has always been so insufferable to me. He's had some interesting people on but whenever he's speaking it's so awkward, I can't explain it but he talks to them like they're aliens.

No. 1915199

i hate die antwood the creepy ddlg shit is repulsive

No. 1915207

Same they got so fucking lame

No. 1915279

No it was pretty legit, I went to public school with a lot of them. A lot of working class families with 4 children in average. When political parties gave them stuff branded with their logos (they target low income parts of the city and give them free stuff so they vote for them), they would paint them over and diy them with patches and spikes. Thrifting is still pretty big over here, and it's been kept cheap and accessible for the most part unless you want to go bougie kek. The punk scene where I live is not the same as the USA or UK though, so a lot of ska music and metal is also to be expected. Their hatred of traditional institutions was and still is real. Where I live the only real jobs you can get unless you studied or had help from your parents are factory jobs.

I think tomorrow on march 8th there'll be feminist riots and you'll see a bunch those same punks I grew with manifesting themselves. Sad thing is most of them are they/them libfems now. The punk scene is still alive I think, it's just that it crosses over with the alt one and being alt is pretty trendy right now so I have no idea.

No. 1915282

I like the music honestly but their whole schtick is embarrassing

No. 1915284

They greatly abused their adoptive child for the "zef" look

No. 1915288

File: 1709858306620.png (1.31 MB, 1442x992, Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 4.40.…)

kek, you're absolutely right. Reminder to everyone that this is what Die Antwoord originally looked like during their earlier music project "Max Normal"

No. 1915308

he does in fact look like a maximum normal guy

No. 1915369

Ironic that maxnormal was actually better and more real.

No. 1916321

I can't get over the OP photo of the fact the puppy is right next to smoke. I once got sucked into the crusty scene due to an ex of mine, so many of his friends had pets they neglected and always blew weed smoke into the cats and dogs faces like "aww she likes it!" I ended up hating everyone my ex exposed me to, which sucked because I had friends before my ex who became ingrained with the crusty scene too.

No. 1916484

how many had rich parents though?

No. 1916508

They makes up about 80% Of the summer squatters(the rest are just homeless) we get in the village. Then they go back to their parents when it gets chilly.

No. 1916527

All of them did. My ex's parents paid for his rent. His friends all had parents paying for their rent, they all went to go work at local restaurants so they could afford gas, drugs, beer, and taquitos. They had the means to live healthy lives, but they traded it in for that lavish crusty lifestyle

No. 1917483

Noahfinnce(gay TIF) released a pop-punk "anti-terf song" a few months back, specifically targeting JK Rowling.

No. 1917577

File: 1709996737893.mp4 (15.33 MB, 576x1024, fsfdsf1.mp4)

This is what I imagine most of these people are like.

No. 1917584

Your average enby retard be like.
Not but seriously, finance illiteracy is so fucking bad

No. 1917586

Where is this from?

No. 1917594

My mom told me how back in the day there was a minor scandal when a local crust punk king was found rubbing oil into his patch trousers to make them look more dirty kek. The larping has always been off the charts

No. 1917600

No. 1917655

>2000 from cashapp
>”we make money other ways”
On top of everything else is she a whore? That explains why she wanted to leave her parents house but still a retarded financial move

No. 1917681

she does look like the type of person who'd call herself a "queer sex worker" on twitter, even though it's just posting photos of her body in the safery of her home.

No. 1917713

kek this is so strange i want to read a longform article on it

No. 1917716

this made me laugh so hard it scared away my cat so i am now angry

No. 1917725

File: 1710006757717.jpeg (1.86 MB, 1290x1772, IMG_0204.jpeg)

Glad I have a place for this

No. 1917728

and a sociopath

No. 1918436

Do you know these people?

No. 1918558

I hate this person with all my heart. Out of all tifs this one wins all my negative enrgy and i make sure to send it to her everytime i see her stupid face somewhere. This bitch was so dedicated to make herself into the most perfect boy in her eyes you can just see that… and she turned herself into the most insufferable fake retard i've ever seen. The crazyeyes, her retarded expressions she think's are "uwu cute skater boy expressions", her annoying voice and the way she moves her face. Vile. I hope she gets a prolapse and an infection.

No. 1918669

Why did you pick her in particular? Smells like a personal vendetta…

No. 1918727

That was horrible and she doesn’t pass as well as you know she thinks she does. You will never be a moid

No. 1920230

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No. 1920795

>>1918436 nope
>>1917483 your nose is off, sorry. Tbh it was I can’t put my finger on it. All my head says is “lol up the punx” after reading it and looking at her profile

No. 1923238

File: 1710339157523.mp4 (2.02 MB, 474x854, Oi8Dw7z.mp4)

true for women, but quarter of the men are like vidrel.

No. 1923268

>Shoes indoors
>That penis cap
>That belt
>Keys on the lanyard
Is he dressed as a dockworker for Halloween? What a LARP.

No. 1923271

these two should get together

No. 1924969

I loved these old diagrams.

No. 1924973

File: 1710436449912.jpg (124.81 KB, 652x762, fixedgearhipsters.jpg)

This takes me back, I'll post the rest.
>Once trust fund punks lose their savings they are reduced to riding a fixed gear bike, the same means of travel they had when they were in middle school. Their current bike build is actually less sophisticated than the ones they grew up on, but hipsters will always sacrifice the convenience of brakes for fashion.
>One of the most pretentious of all hipsters, fixies are primarily located in Williamsburg, Portland, San Francisco and wherever else snobs congregate these days. They tend to hang out at cafés, bike shops and anywhere else they can turn their nose at other hipsters. Usually enrolled in some form of printmaking or photography at their art school, the fixie spends more time complaining about things rather than creating them.
>One should not confuse a nonathletic fixie with actual racers or bike messengers. The latter can spot a fixed gear hipster from a block away, recognizing their bike as just another fashion accessory until they move onto the next trend. Usually a vegan, the street smart cyclist weighs no more than 100 pounds when soaking wet and gets his sole caloric intake from PBRs and plants.
>A fixie longs for a Bianchi Pista with drop handlebars but instead will custom order their ride from Urban Outfitters using their employee discount. The Fixie likes to tell everyone they are saving the world by having “one less car” but ultimately they just can't afford one.

No. 1924974

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>Deep seeded in 19th century Victorian fashion combined with a western sci-fi twist, the Steampunk tries his best to resemble an extra from Will Smith's The Wild Wild West. The Steampunk longs for a time where technology was romanticized rather than mass manufactured. He scoffs at the minimalism of homogenized modern devices and attempts to make them his own.
>Displaying an unhealthy fascination with steam, valves and gears, the Steampunk will spend hours in his workshop crafting accessories for his wardrobe. Custom timepieces, goggles and Nerf guns are often overly customized to the point that they obscure the item's original purpose. Modern day electronic devices are modified to look like rusted antiques. Outside of Flava Flav, no one displays clocks as proudly and prominently as this dapper gentleman.
>When not spending time reading the works of HG Wells and Jules Verne on his brass encased iPad, the Steampunk can be found attending various conventions and ballroom dances devoted to his fantasy world. The preferred method of transportation to these events is via zeppelin or steam engine, but most end up using the city bus.
>One can say that Steampunk is "What the past would look like if the future had happened sooner" but the reality is that Steampunk is what happens when Goths discover the color brown.

No. 1924976

File: 1710436520096.jpg (103.42 KB, 652x762, nintendocore.jpg)

>The Nintendocore fan refuses to let go of the video games from his youth, however, his dedication leaves him trapped in an 8-bit world in his parents basement without a warp pipe to escape.
>This old school cellar dweller won't touch a controller that has more than two buttons, even after all of his friends and game developers themselves, have abandoned ship. Don't ask these retro gamers to share their joypad, old titles were rarely multiplayer and you can bet his social skills are lacking because of it. Time away from his console is usually spent rereading back issues of Nintendo Power or soldering old RF cables together. The music in his playlist consists entirely of instruments from the nintendo universe, such as a hacked Game Boy, Mario Paint and songs he's composed on his Ocarina iPhone app.
>If this pixel pusher ever has a problem operating something, he will attempt to fix it in the only way he knows how: flip it over, flick it with his pointer finger, then blow in it. This poor gamer suffers from a chronic blistering “NES thumb” from endless Super Mario Brothers time trials, but at least he's got a top rated YouTube video to show for it. In the event that his current system fails him, he keeps an unopened NES in a safety deposit box, courtesy of his parents.
>The Nintendocore fan dreams of one day becoming a game tester or perhaps even a reviewer, however, after a 20 year 8-bit coma, adjusting to the complex controllers of today is near impossible. He will eventually follow his destiny, become a plumber and defend the original works of Shigeru Miyamoto to his death.

No. 1924977

File: 1710436570156.jpg (126.62 KB, 652x762, Screamolester.jpg)

>The Screamolester is what happens when a sexually androgynous mutant with mad rad hair attempts to make pop music but instead racks up a bunch of statutory rape charges.
>Often claiming to be a model or a hairstylist, this ManGirlPig is nothing more than a beauty school dropout with a vast collection of wigs, hair extensions and date rape drugs. This ladyboy will spend hours raiding its mother's makeup cabinet and kid sister's wardrobe in an attempt to look like a combination of Hannah Montana and puke.
>Buried beneath layers of glam and glitter, it may be difficult to determine the gender of a Screamolester. At first glance one might think they're looking at a pudgy prepubescent girl but upon closer inspection the creature shows itself to be a gender-bending 20-something-year-old guy, seeking out pudgy tween girls.
>Using it's electropop band as a lure for naive underage females, it's somehow able to make them swoon with lyrics that degrade women. Touring the country with other Pedo Bear approved bands, it has an endless supply of unsuspecting victims to choose from.
>This predator has had more than a few run-ins with the cyber police when trolling Stickam but eventually it's actions will catch up to it and CONSEQUENCES WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.

No. 1924978

File: 1710436612394.jpg (140.44 KB, 652x762, cybergoth.jpg)

>Often considered the neon pink-headed step child of the goth community, the over-the-top fashion of the Cybergoth is typically scoffed at by traditional goths. Looking something like a mix of Rainbow Brite meets The Matrix, they are by far one of the most flamboyant misfits of the goth subculture.
>The appearance of the Cybergoth actually has nothing to do with the conventional gothic look, making them the very antithesis of the scene. The Cybergoth will often start by dressing in black but then over-accessorize with clashing neon color body mods, gas masks, goggles and live LED circuit boards, none of which serve any purpose whatsoever.
>The key to being a pillar in the Cybergoth community is having a custom hairpiece, otherwise known as dread falls. This fake hair is typically ordered online and further customized from objects found at yard sales. The end result are dreads made of radioactive neon colors that look like something a unicorn might defecate. These elaborate hairpieces are a true sign of allegiance to their scene, much like a skinhead with a shaved head or an emo kid with scarred wrists.
>Rave, cyberpunk, rivethead and goth fashion all look ridiculous on their own but combined takes on a whole new level of fail.

No. 1924979

This thread went to shit quickly.

No. 1924983

File: 1710436790757.jpg (128.33 KB, 652x762, rockabilly.jpg)

>The Rockabilly lifestyle is generally what happens when punk scene veterans suffer some sort of trauma in their late twenties. As a result, they start believing they are the stars of a 1950's period piece, where they can idealize aspects of a simpler time. The Rockabilly kids can be seen attending retro car shows, drive-in movies and burlesque clubs.
>The Rockabilly male generally works a blue collar job, nine times out of ten at an auto body shop restoring old cars. He longs for a '59 Cadillac but is seen shamefully driving his '91 Honda Civic. Other potential jobs include sailor tattoo artist, stand up bass player, or the role of Danny Zuko in the local theater production of Grease. The majority of his paycheck goes towards industrial strength Pomade as he spends hours crafting his magnificent pompadour and mutton chop sideburns.
>The Rockabilly female is a bizarre hybrid of Betty Crocker and Bettie Page, trying to be part 50's housewife and part pinup model. Much like her significant other, she swears she was born in the wrong era but the classy Varga girls never covered their torsos with meaningless tattoos. She'll take pole dancing classes in an attempt to get in better shape for her burlesque troupe, but more often than not falls into a “temporary” career as a stripper. June Cleaver would not approve.
>The Rockabilly couple are a clear example of what happens when aging punks embrace Johnny Cash rather than Ed Hardy. If at any time a Rockabilly individual adds coffins or zombies to their repertoire, they can instantly morph into a Psychobilly.

No. 1924989

>posts an image from yourscenesucks to identify the punk subgenre that the first poster >>1913675 offered up
Unhinged autist then proceeds to shit up the thread with copypasta from yourscenesucks, including totally off topic scenes, most of which haven’t been relevant since yourscenesucks was, so about 15 years ago at best. Nice one.

No. 1924991

this guy still exists but instead of NES he's into ~lost media~ and Gamecube era
I always thought rockabilly was kind of tacky during its time but now I'm very nostalgic for it kek

No. 1924993

File: 1710437160898.jpg (95.13 KB, 652x762, emogirl.jpg)

>she's the girl you see at all the "scene" shows, putting her chest piece prominently on display for all her super-indie (see: pop-punk) friends to admire. much like other scenesters, she is completely void of any originality and bases her identity off of whatever she sees everyone else doing.
>she updates her livejournal on an hourly basis, making sure to keep everyone informed about her ever-evolving and always drama-filled relationships. speaking of boys, she only dates ones with the exact same taste in music, because in the end isn't that what matters most?
>her jeans and cowboy shirts come directly from urban outfitters, but when asked she'll tell you she can't stand "that store." as for her hair color, it changes as quickly as her mood, and trust me, that's fast!
>need to find her late at night? she'll more than likely be at the local underwear party- just look for the girl with the poorly thought-out nautical stars tattooed in all the right/wrong places!

No. 1924994

File: 1710437227373.jpg (76.65 KB, 652x762, screamo.jpg)

?he's prettier than your girlfriend, but don't let that limp wrist fool you- this guy gets more ass than a toilet! girls love guys who can swing microphones over their heads like a cowboy at a rodeo while >holding his other arm out like a t-rex.
even though he's founded a "screamo" band with his christian friends from orlando, he thinks saetia is a skin disease and that neil perry played dylan on 90210.
>his skin-tight jeans don't allow a lot of room for breathing, but his girly figure doesn't require much anyway.

No. 1924996

Nonnie please I beg you, you’re 7 copypastas unto 36 yourscenesucks archetypes. Please stop.

No. 1924997

Fuckin hell she’s on a roll.

No. 1925002

File: 1710437460464.jpg (82.67 KB, 652x762, mortalkombat.jpg)

>she more closely resembles a warrior from mortal kombat than an actual human being. tattoos cover every inch of her body, facial piercings obscure her features, and the subdermal brass knuckle implant wards off anyone who doesn't take the body mod lifestyle seriously. small children burst into tears when she walks by, and aunt beverly has trouble recognizing her at family reunions.
>yes, she might look like something out of hellraiser, but that doesn't stop her from posing nude at suicidegirls.com. thank god for the altporn audience, because no one in the "real world" would hire her- not even the local gas station.
>as soon as she gets her first sg paycheck, she's rushing out to get that earth crisis facial tattoo she's always wanted.

No. 1925007

you know what fine, I was just posting something I thought was fun, I wasn't even gonna post all of them btw

No. 1926433

File: 1710530030517.mp4 (10.17 MB, 854x480, LkWopEp.mp4)

Anyway, here's some actual modern punk cringe

No. 1926445

No. 1926447

>Not even gonna post all of them
My sides this is so funny. Love you, you unhinged spammer

No. 1926625

File: 1710537190533.jpg (134.61 KB, 680x510, 2022-12-03.jpg)

no one is hitting on this Boyfriends Webtoon looking woman at Rupert Skytrain station of all places

No. 1926630

Pop punk heavy on the pop shite.

No. 1926654

They were the first generation of poseurs

No. 1927147

File: 1710567672798.jpg (454.48 KB, 1080x1920, tumblr_d154874484159a2d85641e8…)

im going to throw up at this thread. lmao. i was deep into the crust """"scene"""" as a teen/young adult and def pretended to be homeless and destitute with my roommate and "lived on the streets".. in portland. kill me.
also i feel like d-beatfags are the most obnoxious and elitist strain of punk. for whoever doesn't know it's like mixing the worst parts of black metal with crust punk. all of them buy vinyl records and jerk off about it because they're incredibly rich. here's a typical d-beat faggot with the required uniform

No. 1927148

File: 1710567713816.jpg (191.93 KB, 1080x1350, 00afe42f8d7b760bbef4aad189237d…)

you have to wear all black and white and no other color and you have to like at least 10 bands whose names begin with "dis"

No. 1927177

My roommate dated a guy who was somewhat in the punk scene, but he seemed like a normal down to earth guy. The only exception was that he was 'straight edge' he didn't drink, smoke, or even eat junk food. Are those guys common in the punk scene?

No. 1927408

Last time I met anyone that called themselves straight edge was in the 2000s. The men always seemed to forget the part about no casual sex.

No. 1927467

No. 1927468

No. 1927549

that leans a little more toward the hardcore scene, but yeah, haven't seen anyone sperging about sXe in over a decade

No. 1927572

wasn't the the hardcore scene guys filled with neo-nazis and fascists?

No. 1927598

Yes. They were also blue collar working class people, good artists, communists, and everything else these people larp as. People retcon the past to say "true" punks were enlightened working class equal rights fighters against the upper-class

No. 1927617

Living in nyc these dudes are a dime a dozen. I always sit down and try and think these dudes are so lame. I was like it is because it’s clean(not filth but tattered clothes that are faded and look worn)? Or usually “brand” stuff like carhartt or dickies which is expensive now. Is it cause it’s you’re wearing every alt trend all at once? Or maybe it’s the attitude. Whenever you do interact with these dudes it’s the same as interacting with my pharmacist, corporate and boring.

No. 1927662

Jfc his voice is this screechy and annoying AND he's an ugly moidlet? Kek

No. 1927688

these types aren't so common around here but from that video my best guess would be because he feels like he's wearing a costume? Like his stance is stiff, he looks uncomfortable, he has to explain why he dresses as if it's so unique. I think that goes along with what you said about how everything is new from expensive shops. Makes it look like he went out and purchased his "alt" costume in one shopping trip kek

No. 1927778

That girl is too cute for an annoying tard like him lol

No. 1927794

Oh my god, I wish this were me. Half the scene where I'm at is obsessed with straight edge. Every other flyer says no drugs no alcohol on it, at first I appreciated the change from the unsustainable junkie standard, but lately the vibes and people have become majority wokey middle class and it's so boring

No. 1928178

i mean yes and there were also "nazi punks" and "anti-racist" skinheads

No. 1928427

punk is about going against what society says is right and proper. From satanism to nazism to anarcho-communism, it's all fair game. It was fun to see them beat eachother back in the early 2000s (our part of europe is always late to changes, somehow punks survived that long)

No. 1928738

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No. 1938268

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>homeless children being raped are actually trans, queer and punk

No. 1938269

File: 1711353650826.jpeg (632.92 KB, 1290x2399, IMG_4792.jpeg)

No. 1938302

File: 1711357870155.gif (1.45 MB, 636x319, p358iwxxw423tj5enzzk-301294067…)

>Terfs are the new punk

No. 1938311

love you terf Azumarill nonna.

No. 1938328

>trans women have historically been very commonly driven into sex work
you would think they'd be at the very least critical of prostitution then, and yet trans "women" are at the forefront of the "sex work is work" movement. why should anyone care about trans women being prostituted when they're the ones going on about how selling hole is no more degrading than flipping burgers at mcdonalds?

No. 1952071

Has anyone noticed how modern punks seem to be really anti-hippie? It's really weird. Where did this sudden hate come from?

No. 1952081

>would have considered themselves cis boys
So normal teenage boys getting attacked by creepy men? Way to speak over people who can't speak for themselves.

No. 1952092

I dont know about these modern "punks" posted here but the punks of millenial generation and gen x in my country never liked hippies either. They think hippies are soft and pussies which in fact they are.. nothing wrong ith it i am one. Better to be soft high on weed than drunk 24/7 because they need to feel macho and tough.
But i just remembered this longass post about how hippies were racist on tumblr that one Tif posted and it made ne unfollow her so maybe it has something to do with that weird propaganda when it comes to young wannabe punks.

No. 1962575

pop-punk song by a TRA libfem from the MTF thread, seems she wanted to emulate the 'I don't need a prince to save me' type of mini-genre that wwere popular among liberal feminists in 2010's. but since all of those songs have already been made, she decided to write one where the subject was about Peter Pan. and I personally don't know anyone else who would think of Peter Pan in a romantic context.

No. 1962585

I thought this was contrapoints

No. 1962613

>and I personally don't know anyone else who would think of Peter Pan in a romantic context.
Michael Jackson?

No. 1962916

Peter Pan was written by an actual pedophile who envisioned a fantasy world where boys never grow old and are in eternal adventure and the only female characters are either little girls acting like maternal figures or vile, vindictive temptresses like Tinker Bell and sadly this wasn't just a fantasy for the creator, after family friend's passed away he forged a will to get custody of their son's and all of the boys ended up killing themselves later in life, and the story has remained relatively popular with pedophiles and "MAPs" for a long period now.

No. 1962938

Damn. So the movie Finding never land was a big fat lie then?

No. 1976762

File: 1713899810936.mp4 (2.29 MB, 854x470, l3UpSS4.mp4)

does this count?

No. 1976899

what does a movie from 30 years ago have to do with punk? a little confused

No. 1977083

WTF, I thought these were some 40 year old men in bad cosplay, that's actually Dante Basco and the case of Hook.

No. 1977144

90% of the punks i knew growing up were middle class kids who did a lot of drugs. I think they wanted to live that rock n roll lifestyle but it's so pathetic

No. 1977860

i don't think anything you wrote is true

No. 1980571

Did this actually come out before moviebob wore this exact outfit? It's hard to tell, because moviebob has looked 50 since he was 25.

No. 1980749

This is the gayest thing I've ever heard.

No. 1980751

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the singer is also a furry btw.

No. 1980819

Part of the history of punk was that it originated in England in the late 1970s partly as a response to what disaffected working class youth saw as the failure of the hippie movement in the 1960s to enact actual social change. Some of the iconic punk looks, like shaved hair, are directly opposing the long, untrimmed hippie look. Early punk clothing used a lot of synthetic fabrics and stuff like that, too. If you think about it, it's essentially an inversion of the hippie aesthetic.
Punks vs hippies is a classic rivalry lol.

No. 1983472

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No. 1984431

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When I was 18 I actually really loved the punk subculture and music and was considering trying to join it but something about seeing the thousands of girls online dressed in their meticulously crafted yet unoriginal punk outfits just made the whole thing feel asinine and superficial.

No. 1984437

>Trying to join a subculture based on music
How do you join the punk scene. Wouldn't you just be going to concerts lol? Best to just stay away. Punk, like the tranny scene, is just an infinite loop of "THAT'S not punk, THIS (me) IS PUNK!!!" it's just a bunch of posers posing.

No. 1984450

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Found at the pink fashion subreddit, laughed my ass off

No. 1984456

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>Wouldn't you just be going to concerts lol?
Yeah pretty much but I never actually got to went to one lmao. I remember first I went to a pretty notable alternative gallery(not sure of that's the correct word in English) in my city and felt completely ridiculous when it was filled with girls my age walking around with pronoun pins and colored hair.
I still see unwashed old punk guys walking around when I'm in the area but not knowing, but understanding that the subculture is mostly dead sobered me up real quick.

No. 1984478

nta but my dad was involved in the punk scene, although he never referred to it as such. He simply enjoyed certain bands and he and his friends would frequent clubs to hang out. He mentioned that he stopped when he felt that "queers and homos infested those spaces"

No. 1984492

>Don't bully me I'll cum!
Ugh. Gross
He looks like he takes it in the ass no offense.

No. 1994699

File: 1715140380889.png (11.94 MB, 3024x4032, image_2024-05-07_205232872.png)

punk was always pretty retarded but it's so ironic that modern racist skinheads have more in common with traditional punk than every faggot larper. i wish punk just stayed a retarded little working class club for teenagers to fuck around in and that's all it ever really should've been. the hardcore scene in my area is fucking retarded i can't stand listening to retards give speeches about their sheltered opinion on israel i just want to listen to dogshit "music" live.

No. 1994718

I hate that your right. There's nothing subversive about screeching for the rights for one of the most protected groups in the western world. This is a retarded tangent, but most punks and fake alt people remind me of vidrel.

No. 1994721

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mfw gendies keep insisting that their regressive trendy gendershit is totes punk

No. 1994729

i recommend anybody actually into alt subcultures and music to get into metal because it's still relatively abrasive to outsiders like gendies, since its entertainment lies in the shock value of their lives and lyrics. like actual punk it's also full of violent schizophrenic men but it's pretty much the opposite of politicized and sanitized.
sage for blogpost but the unpleasant realization that real, counterculture punk is a commodified corpse of itself hit me after a Bikini Kill concert where kathleen announced that hey girls aren't welcome at the front anymore! that space is now reserved for men in dresses, girls poisoned by misogyny into cutting their tits off, also disabled people, asexuals, pretty much everyone under the LGBTQ2+++ umbrella and oh sure women too. i know they haven't been a real punk band in forever but it was humiliating to go to a so-called riot grrrl concert and be read the tweets of a teenage enby Twitter user. pure cringe.

No. 1994733

honestly, thank god metal is still relatively safe. I actually recommend more edgier rap stuff like city morgue as an alternative too, still very troon free, although it does seep in here and there.

No. 1994779

I think the genre is referred to horrorcore rap, it's filled with a lot of degen men like most extreme music so i personally go in there sparingly tbh. Male rappers struggle not to be misogynistic, so i personally avoid it a lot too. Gravediggaz, ho99o9, ghostmane all some other ones that come to mind. Three 6 mafia's older songs whilst they were still going by triple 6 mafia are a good listen, they used to have a woman called Gangster Boo She moved on because she became a devout christian and didn't want to make satanic music anymore and also she has since passed away in the group who would balance out the misogyny by letting her rap about fucking over scrotes. I also really like the album by lil noid paranoid funk. A lot of rappers from triple 6 mafia and lil noids era have fallen off the face of the planet though because their music became popular years after release. The community that consumes this specific brand of memphis rap focus on uploading old cassettes they found in their basement.

No. 1994789

sorry anon i was wondering if you reply was one of the raiders and didn't want to get baited so i deleted, oops. thanks for the legitimate suggestions. i'm gonna look up triple 6 for sure since female singers in extreme music are rare. i have listened to suicideboys before and their lyrics are very cool but the production is a bit boring unfortunately, i'll look up horrorcore too thou. appreciate your input.

No. 1994836

File: 1715147955149.png (56.21 KB, 202x250, image_2024-05-07_225858018.png)

ayrt, do you have any genre recommendations similar to punk? (or any genres that aren't as welcome to fags like dsbm and glam) i'm pretty into skinhead shit like ska and oi punk.

No. 1994869

grindcore might be up your alley, try napalm death's harmony corruption, it's like death metal mixed with punk. if you're looking for that abrasive fast paced sound try old school thrash metal, maybe voivod's dimension hatross & war and pain. sludge is the superior less faggy cousin to dsbm that's not self-masturbatory suicidal shit (and has bpm that won't put you to sleep), highly recommend bands abuse and grief. i was only into oi briefly but the japanese seemed to put out some wicked stuff, i'll link the only album i can still remember. as long as you stay out of the more woo-woo subgenres like anarchist black metal (kek) or metalcore you should be ok. in my opinion black metal has been written off as a joke but there are still some good bands too, like dark fortress. hope you can find something you like.

No. 1994935

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Omg nona I have been waiting for Bikini Kill handmaidenry to be mentioned, I went to one of their concerts and the opening act was literally four TiMs singing about the trans genocide kek. There's also this video Tobi Vail posted with the next slide saying "everyone is welcome at a bikini kill show! girls to the front yes but also trans gender queer fluid non binary - if you feel you belong at the front - you do - if you are a tall straight cis rich able bodied white guy think about how much space you are taking up and make room for the people around you to see and move freely - our feminism is intersectional - not exclusionary"
I like the implication that tall rich white scrotes are oppressed if they're below 5'10 kek. I cannot say the bands' actions surprise me considering they are the founding mothers of choice feminism but its still disappointing

No. 1994942

riot grrl was always going to ruin punk, courtney love semi-addressed this in her song olympia, the whole "movement" was filled with liberal educated upper-middle class women from colleges and universities, basically LARPing and like good liberal academics they would get married with other bored intellectuals

No. 1996006

La Chat's Murder she spoke is one of the best albums to come from memphis scene, she was also often featured on early three 6 mafia stuff, the moids fucked her over though. But yes, surprisingly despite the overtly misogynistic lyrical themes common in the music, early horrorcore and memphis scene had several great female rappers, Princess Loko is another one.

No. 2006587

File: 1715964294265.mp4 (5.27 MB, 480x854, urxYQtM.mp4)

>THIS is what punk is about…
>A year ago we wrote a song and named it after a govenor in Tennessee who was trying to pass laws banning drag shows / affecting gender affirming care. We called out several govenors by name in the song to spread awareness.

No. 2006624

File: 1715966467478.jpg (59.74 KB, 1280x720, JHLUMb8UgxwdKZW5RQDhVX.jpg)

Love that he also did the tiktok-esque hand gestures, really drives home the point that punk is a shell of what it used to be. bring back jello waving his hands around like a retard

No. 2006671

>spread awareness
People who say this are always the most self-centered, savior complex, laziest dumbasses who think their thoughts and prayers save lives. It's ridiculous and should be shamed, but unfortunately other self centered people love it bc it gives them fuzzy feelings to "signal boost" the message. I'm saving the wooooorllldddd!!!!!!

No. 2028202

File: 1717106591155.mp4 (16.37 MB, 480x854, SLZ3NGi.mp4)

>She is on the rob

No. 2028738

God that midgets music sucks ass

No. 2028767

he dresses like a 2020 eboy

the metal scene isn't any better than the punk one, the women are just as much of pick me's by catering to scrotes who call them goth dommy mommy

No. 2060950


No. 2061805

Late reply, but I absolutely hate my local group of hippies. When I was a teen those middle aged fucks befriended one of my best friends. They would regularly ply her with alcohol and occasionally drugs. One guy in that group along with his wife began sexually abusing her. Then a few years later a different guy in that group was threatening her with violence. Everyone else in that hippie group (except for one person) would downplay things to keep the peace and be all “good vibes only.” I’m grateful my friend finally realized how fucked in the head those people were

I know every scene can be different, but I just don’t trust them. It’s way too easy for predators to hide behind a free love attitude

No. 2066511

This channel is the epitome of this thread

No. 2067059

As someone who used to go to house shows there's kind of an endearing obnoxiousness to this but the closeup on those two girls filler lips in the portapotty made me recoil

No. 2067095

going to house shows to take instagram pictures in the alley with your gang of overlined lip caricature clones is not endearing kek they’d be bullied the fuck out of any show that wasn’t thrown by a bunch of posers

No. 2067239

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Nothing screams punk like wearing an aliexpress tank top made in a sweatshop kek. Her music is awful too, you can tell she came from the soundclout scene

No. 2073415

Oh my god they're literally this >>1913808

No. 2080099

File: 1720314221872.png (833.84 KB, 873x873, image_2024-07-06_180247374.png)

i'm somewhat interested in skinbyrd fashion and this fucking freak was was posted on a skinhead girl fashion page i used to follow. if your gonna skinwalk feminine skinhead fashion at least wear the right clothing. i swear to god men would rather gatekeep women than retarded troons who get a chelsea cut and call it a day. god why can't people bully him for being a fucking poser the same way that they gatekeep women. i bet this scrotes doesn't own a pair of levi 501's and thinks doc martens are a the most skinhead boot brand ever.

No. 2080213

He just looks like a big city hooker circa 1989. As always with men, their ideal woman is a literal whore, while they dump all the shame for that on women.

No. 2080467

this looks like a woman nonnies? pls stop transvestigating uggos.

women in punk originally used makeup, hair and fashion to look ugly as a "fuck you" to beauty standards and to men who wanted them to look pretty. it's depressing but not surprising that the punk look has now been fetishised to the point where non-punk women are using that aesthetic for their only fans but than troons are so obsessed with it they have to skinwalk them.
hell yeah getting into heaven is punk af

No. 2087665

File: 1720892542533.png (587.16 KB, 730x1058, punkfashion.png)

one of the top posts right now on r/punkfashion

No. 2087754

File: 1720896587885.gif (497.44 KB, 500x250, Mean-Girls-GIF-I-Wish-I-Could-…)

I don't know if it's because I'm autistic, but it's been geartbreaking to realise that the politics are just part of the aesthetic for ALL punks in the scene. I've grown up in countercultures my whole life and I thought I was speaking the same language as everyone else when we were talking about co-operation and solidarity. No, they'll ditch that as soon as there's someone in a cooler band or with bigger spikes to impress. And it doesn't even work, if you actually give that much of a fuck about your social standing you just look desperate!

No. 2087768

Heh… nona I think a lot of people are too dumb to stay focused on ideology (and even really care about it in the first place) and not hyperfixate on superficial shit. When I was a pre-teen and started to talk to the alt people in general it was a big disappointment when I realized many of them were shallow and boring as fuck. It's just aesthetics and being a part of a group for many people.

No. 2087780

even in my edgiest teen phase I always thought the political aspects of punk were kinda cringe, most of it always boiled down to "fuck politics and let's start a revolution." now I grew up in a third-world country with actual civil wars and revolutions, I personally lived through a period of lawlessness in my city during a revolt, so I know how horrible those situations can be like and I don't have any sympathy for western leftists who fetishize revolution like it's some pop-aesthetic

No. 2087784

god democrats are shameless.

No. 2087792

Astroturfing used to be believable

No. 2096338

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No. 2097661

A uncle of mine said the same thing. He used to go punk shows in DC and NYC back in the early 80s. He has long stopped listening to punk and hardcore cause he grew out of it.

No. 2102811

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No. 2102815

All Zoos Are Bad?

No. 2102836

>>2102815 Could be Zionists, but I like your one more!

No. 2102837

All zebras are bastards

No. 2103039

Assigned zoomer at birth?

No. 2103113

I bet this one is correct

No. 2118664

File: 1722677701996.jpeg (272.28 KB, 749x1098, IMG_9255.jpeg)

>I'm a punk man

No. 2118669

are those argentinian pesos?

No. 2118679

I thought after that new guy got elected all their money went away? They look kind of like two euro coins to me.

No. 2118705

>I thought after that new guy got elected all their money went away?
he was trolling.

No. 2118723

Punks thinking their retarded surface level understanding of communism is as embarrassing as every troon’s.

No. 2118831

I think the assuming people are sheltered, rich, or whatever, and 'posers' is part of the same LARP shit as the people they're trying to criticise. They both push the exact same childish sentiments and victimhood hierarchy, which causes this to begin with. There's no saving it and they're not much different.

No. 2118868

I agree with >>2118831, at best the punk scene was people having genuine fun, but the politics is what essentially ended it, with people constantly calling each other out and attempting to outdo one another in terms of being oppressed

No. 2118904

I got blocked by Travis Barker on twitter before by saying I was more punk than him because I don't flounce about Hollywood with money chasing plastic surgery

No. 2118919

lol no

No. 2118924

I'm an oldfag here, and it's worth understanding that politics back then were very similar to how they are today on social media. It was mostly about the 'vibes' with the only consistent political ideologies usually being anarchism, some early third-wave feminism (focused on choice and casual sex) and the Neo-Nazis, the Nazis weren't even serious about Nazism(quite a few Hispanics in their ranks) and mostly just wanted to beat people up, those guys are probably just conservatives now. The best-case scenario was people who simply wanted to be straight-edge, but for the most part, it was just pointless larping that everyone took seriously and suddenly it wasn't fun anymore

No. 2119921

no what?

No. 2126972

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No. 2127155

This kinda slaps

No. 2127183

Still sounds like shit, and a bit off key.

No. 2127189

No. 2127381

This is funny sorry

No. 2134587

File: 1723587120565.mp4 (701.28 KB, 320x568, 1716942446481.mp4)

No. 2134592

I'm gonna throw up. what the fuck

No. 2134833

I can't believe Jesse Jo Stark is dating this uggo

No. 2154135

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No. 2154139

Kek FOB has fallen way off if they're groveling to trannoids now. Washed up geriatric has beens. Wouldn't surprise me if they all ended up washing dishes for a living in 20 years time.

No. 2154142

I've always found it crazy how tifs use "tranny" as if anyone has ever called them that. it's a wonder that the tims aren't up in arms about their slur getting hijacked.

No. 2154147

You missed prime tranny fandom discourse from like 2016, anon. That was a very discussed topic. TIMs kind of gave up on it though so TIFs went running with it but you know if a bunch of TIMs restarted the discourse the TIFs would cower to their male overlords like they typically do.

No. 2154160

Why don't they just say they hate all transphobic people? Why is it only terfs? Woman hating motherfuckers

No. 2154168

Because they like priming unsuspecting women as secretly-evil, bigoted people. And they enjoy targeting a group who doesn't have more muscle mass than them (usually). If they could, they'd also accuse children of being transphobic, too.

No. 2154169

File: 1724618213433.jpg (16.33 KB, 563x410, 1000017912.jpg)

Same reason why they always pick internet fights with random women and teenage girls who are "transphobic", yet never bother forming gangs to even beat up the moids that rape and kill tranny prostitutes: TIMs are moids, and moids seem to have this instinct to blame and antagonize women and girls despite 90% of a moid's cause of murder and oppression being another moid. Same can be said for TIFs because they're at the point where they want to BE a moid, so of course they're gonna mimic male-brained thought patterns like wanting to kill harmless women.

No. 2154189

This. but TIFs are simply pickmes, it isn't usually a conscious decision of mimicry. Pointing the finger at women is a pickme move.

No. 2154242

this is disappointing but after knowing MCR sold themed binders for their tif fans its not surprising

No. 2154246

Kek that picrel

No. 2154751

So whats the deal with Amyl and the Sniffers? To me their music is actually pretty good, are they secretly cringe?

No. 2156070

Amyl Sniffer is Miley Cyrus if she wasn’t a Disney kid.

No. 2176266

No. 2176283

Literal goblins kek

No. 2176304

>talking about how greedy big cooperations are evil
>owns tons of consoomerism shit in the background
>can afford instruments
>still cries about being poor and how it's ok to steal

No. 2194036

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No. 2284320

File: 1733000101736.png (718.21 KB, 899x768, IMG_9259.png)

absolutely pathetic

No. 2284993

I'm not a pearl clutching anon on any level but the language troons use about children is so strange, it's always ALWAYS "trans kids", it's simultaneously infantilising and predatory in that they advocate for puberty blockers and life altering surgery, MCR's music has aged like milk also

No. 2288077

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No. 2288089

>never let them take you alive
so first it was "would you like a dead daughter than a living son?" then it was"theyre going to fucking kill themselves come on you dont want kiddie murder do you?" and now its "fucking kill yourself because they refused to accept your delusion" these people are the real murderers here

No. 2288868

repost from the mtf thread
>a riotgrrl trans/non-binary punkband named "she/her/hers", who made an entire about song hating on boy bands, which is peak male incel feminist

No. 2288889

This is the antithesis of riotgrrl. People just say fucking anything now.

No. 2288900

eh, depends on the band, because this can be par for the course for certain riotgrrl groups

No. 2288902

No it isnt.

No. 2288904

You mean post 2020 fake riotgrrl? Temu riotrrlcoremaxxing? Zoomer shein riotgrill?

No. 2288912

I swear these riotgrrl bands never speak on anything that isn't surface level tumblr garbage. I'd like to see a riotgrrl band who talks about actual issues like big pharma, wars and REAL feminism, not the libfem kind. They like the aesthetic of being angry and frustrated but i don't feel and ounce of passion of anything genuine. I'd like to see at least ONE female musician, not even a band who embodies the attitude of that one woman in Iran who was walking around in her underwear in protest. I don't think we could ever have such a thing in the west because of these sorts of people poisoning punk music and alt culture in general. They can't actually handle anything subversive and makes you think about things. Literally a bunch of doughy men who want to feel a little cool on a saturday night is all i see.

No. 2289182

riotgrrl was a very broad movement, but had its roots in early third wave feminist academia, some were based, but many were proto-libfems who supported trannies

No. 2317566

File: 1734878934187.png (409.45 KB, 599x810, ErJGAvH.png)

does picrel count?

No. 2317652

It feels like the first point she's making contradicts the other 2. Sex work won't exist under socialism but it's my understanding that alot of these people are wanna be socialists and or communists? Like shouldn't they be anti sex work then? They ree about capitalism but support sex work and transformers which imo are both peak capitalism & consumerism (treating bodies like commodities/products by literally selling humans to be used as flashlights or hacking off body parts to become an idealized version of oneself). I'm not really good at putting how I feel into words but the image wanna be punk people put out doesn't seem very congruent with some of their political views at all.

No. 2317656

**Fleshlights not flashlights lol

No. 2318006

They have fallen for the lie that in countries where sex work is legal prostitutes are safer.

No. 2318070

The millennial hipster who runs the music shop I buy my gear from kinda put it perfectly: The reason why punk is so lame now is because everyone seems to think "rebellious politics" is enough. Punk bands don't try to do anything interesting musically anymore. It's just all about the politics. The only thing most of them still know how to "DIY" is make buttons and shirts and shit. None of them could produce records (with analog or digital hardware) or host a website for promotion if (god forbid) META apps weren't there for them anymore. It went from making the most out of what you had to commodifying learned helplessness and laziness.
I wanna play in a band but it seems like the right move is to try to join a prog band because even if it's generally an all-moid genre at least there's less trannies and bad smelling losers. Punks suck.

No. 2327868

And they will preach their lefty politics while trying to manipulate and go after young girls that aren't legal yet. Males gonna male no matter what they try to identify as kek

No. 2353854

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No. 2356948

Theoretically it could be safer when the government would regulate it heavily, but usually legalization just means that cops turn a blind eye

No. 2356950

It is legal in some latin american countries and yet feminicide among sex workers is super high over there. They really don't know what they're talking about.

No. 2356955

It's still dehumanizing even if legal and heavily regulated.

No. 2357033

Women should be encouraged to get educated, not sell their bodies. It's sad and says a lot when a country has a prostitution issue, even legalizing it like Amsterdam

No. 2402649

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No. 2421108

>P.R.O.T.E.C.T T.R.A.N.S K.I.D.S. (Official Music Video)

No. 2421123

Slight blog but I went to school with a thembie who lived in a really posh neighborhood where all of the homes cost around a million dollars apiece. She threw away all of her bedroom furniture and slept on a bare mattress to be more "punk." Also her TiF name was "Bucky" after the dude who gets gay shipped with Captain America.

No. 2421127

This style of punk is usually sarcastic/ironic (or at least not completely sincere) and the singer just looks like a male in ugly makeup. So my immediate impression is that this band really hates trans kids and are mocking them

No. 2421910

The state of punk is abysmal. Punk's been dead for so long and tumblr tried picking it up to turn it into something it never was. Why does the entire scene revolve around trannies now? Even riotgirl bands turned up in recent years coddling these retards. Shit's sad to watch.

No. 2425674

girl take off the discharge shirt and seek cognitive behavioral therapy

No. 2425680

Last time you guys posted a video with no context I had to watch troons shedding their eczema while singing about groomed kids. I wish there could be a brief summary

No. 2425807

It's just a girl screaming with something that's supposed to be music I guess.

No. 2426054

Kek it’s a rich girl from California with bpd who larps as a punk on youtube and puts out god awful shit like this in an attempt to be a musician

No. 2426124

I go to some shows to see the actual good bands but I have no desire to be a part of the scene whatsoever, they all think sex work is feminist

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