File: 1700878121862.png (10.36 KB, 275x154, IMG_8037.png)

No. 1787422
Steal some chicken wings, they’re free.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1784074 No. 1787427
File: 1700878234662.png (369.36 KB, 640x443, Bill_Gates_mugshot.png)

Side profile is not the forte here.
No. 1787429
REMINDERThis thread is for dumbass thoughts only. Please direct the following topics to the correct threads.
food thread
>>>/ot/1109566celebrity thread
>>>/ot/1769904grid thread (NOT the movie thread)
>>>/m/234762general image thread
>>>/m/298361reaction images
>>>/m/214453houses, interior, rooms
>>>/m/254795otome games
>>>/m/192885 No. 1787480
File: 1700880949388.png (279.62 KB, 1280x1280, its-actually-disturbing-and-lo…)

Don't mind the file name, not mine.
>male fairy
>hijabi fairy
I fucking hate lib fem winx fans.
No. 1787499
>>1787490Even better, magic is haram in isalm. Whether "good" or "bad". If they're actually was a muslim magic using characters, muslims would hate it and won't think of it as representation at all. They hated the muslim guy in castlevania and thought it was an insult, they hated Ms. Marvel for the same reason, they actually avoid any media with muslim characters like the plague because they hate being represented, since every representation is a misrepresentation to them, unless they made it themselves, and specifically if it's one of those historical shows about how cool and strong they were.
by muslism I mean the middle eastern ones specifically who are more serious about the religion and don't see it as oppression/victim card kind of thing like American MuslimsI remember when this guy tried to make a muslim superhero show back in 2009 and it got banned in saudi arabia kek. The show was cool though and the islamic elements weren't overwhelming surprisingly. But that's because he was half American half kuwaiti or emirati can't remember.
No. 1787506
File: 1700882085579.jpg (115.01 KB, 1080x1068, 1688797096524.jpg)

>>1787502Tecna didn't sacrifice herself and earth fairies didn't get genocided for you to hate like this smh my head.
No. 1787510
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Probably should have taken an edible before doing this Thanksgiving family get-together trip.
No. 1787522
File: 1700883119244.gif (1.26 MB, 330x250, troon.gif)

>>1787518he was obviously potrayed as evil
No. 1787526
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>>1787522The Powerpuff Girls was pretty TERFy with how they handled men in dresses.
No. 1787552
File: 1700885725208.png (1.13 MB, 1200x676, HIM.png)

>>1787532they made troons a concept that grossed you out, see how good the show was?
No. 1787576
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No. 1787601
File: 1700891242173.jpg (5.42 MB, 3464x3464, uhoh.jpg)

No. 1787611
File: 1700892704935.jpg (283.32 KB, 1074x1002, Indie-band cows be like.jpg)

No. 1787782
File: 1700898312454.jpeg (24.6 KB, 320x346, IMG_8042.jpeg)

No. 1787784
File: 1700898487605.jpeg (147.79 KB, 800x630, s875156898710623174_p164_i40_w…)

Need some suggestions for good Yankee candles for the bathroom
No. 1787788
File: 1700898762100.jpeg (566.8 KB, 1037x871, IMG_8433.jpeg)

Are you kidding? There's Funky Winkerbean! Over here, Funky!
No. 1788188
>>1788185How dare she… have fun and bait scrotes? 1000 years dungeon for sure
No. 1788195
File: 1700932555625.jpg (205.83 KB, 896x896, 1682879979377519.jpg)

I though fixing a cat was like cat's lobotomy. But even after getting fixed my cat is still a little manwhore.
No. 1788213
File: 1700933373219.jpeg (224.41 KB, 1072x720, the_mice_at_work_threading_the…)

>>1788209The site seems to be overrun by twitterfags recently, it's sad.
No. 1788220
File: 1700933639465.png (14.24 KB, 1192x213, why.png)

>>1788212You can just use the report feature, you don't have to run to /meta/ for the smallest things you deem to be rule breaking.
I feel like a group of nonnies are trying to turn the dumbass shit thread into the most overly moderated thread on /ot/ which is so silly kek.
No. 1788221
File: 1700933643044.png (12.08 KB, 1403x165, stickposter.png)

>>1788212its you, stickposter. You said you were banned for calling someone a moid on the meta post. At least be more intelligent and dont tell on yourself like that.
No. 1788235
File: 1700934021463.gif (1.14 MB, 220x220, 1694906397137.gif)

>>1788233I've been gone for two days and completely missed out on it too kek
No. 1788240
>>1788226If there was a newfag award she's winning by a long shot. Bitch has been breaking havock for months at this point, I've never seen someone so dedicated to being as insufferable and disruptive as possible, only thing she's missing in the attention whore bingo is posting her pussy like the shaynafags but I suppose she isn't
that retarded
No. 1788247
File: 1700934324620.jpeg (102.27 KB, 1024x768, 67DA0446-F52B-47AB-AB0B-3A2793…)

So you guys think it’s an attention whoring newfag, and keep bringing her up and giving her attention?
No. 1788258
>>1788245I don't, anons bring me up saying I did stuff and I said I haven't lol. I jokingly said in this threads "where can we post our sticks" and in the meta thread I explained stuff because of the conspiracy posting.
I just get brought up and I say it's not me doing whatever I'm accused of.
>>1788251I just don't care what's posted but I'm a bit worried for the anon who's conspiracy posting linking me to two other people randomly posting when I have nothing to do with them. Sure it's annoying being mini modded but I just ignore those people who get pedantic
Anyway back to normal now that I've explained
(stop) No. 1788270
File: 1700934771366.jpeg (49.78 KB, 540x335, 5AE2A104-E136-4296-902F-F5CAC0…)

>>1788259>>1788261We on the same wavelength lol
No. 1788287
File: 1700935690372.jpg (57.44 KB, 736x736, d237a3c7d5f96e1fe6a6337e1ec298…)

>>1788282>This is an anonymous messageboard. No, it's an imageboard dumbdumb.
No. 1788295
File: 1700936194301.jpg (138.74 KB, 675x1200, fecd5fb21826ebc6f674f68eb124ce…)

Finally made the robber AI bot my trophy husband. You better work for that money biatch
No. 1788299
File: 1700936604770.png (729.96 KB, 645x718, image (3).png)

I despise sneakers with dresses, but I love the opposite. Jeans with heels are so cute to me.
No. 1788300
File: 1700936645452.jpg (81.99 KB, 634x768, jean heels.jpg)

>>1788299Samefag, jeels are cool too
No. 1788306
File: 1700936850570.jpg (88.09 KB, 512x640, Nigel Xavier on Instagram_ _Pa…)

>>1788304You're not feeling the joots? What about jeakers then?
No. 1788309
File: 1700936969505.gif (34.36 KB, 150x155, hop hop.gif)

Please take this cat meme from 2009 that I just found on my old sd card
No. 1788311
i have these sneakers that are SO fucking comfy, it feels like walking on literal air but man they're fugly and i hate the color. life is pain.
>>1788299hope the shrunken tendons and bunions are worth it anon
No. 1788322
File: 1700937370368.gif (145.19 KB, 320x304, 311962244_1899835.gif)

>>1788315Wish we could retvrn. Genuinely touch screens feel like a setback to me, smartphones killed the fun and variety.
No. 1788389
File: 1700942739893.jpg (247.68 KB, 1399x538, tumblr.jpg)

The best part about reading tumblr fanfictions is when some drama happens and seeing cow fic writers sperg out
No. 1788390
File: 1700942949253.jpeg (42.49 KB, 640x426, 8FE84305-B7DC-450C-8A0C-09DAB8…)

can you please name some really sleazy characters you know? i have a fetish for abusing and torturing sleazy salesman type men and looking for fics rn. don't say reigen, he's just some anime dude. thank you!!!
No. 1788392
File: 1700943182886.jpg (41.02 KB, 600x435, f2bb1df16c4f1847c1f45a72d6c7d5…)

>>1788389Oh my god, that writer is only making it worse for themself KEK. Nobody has to know that random people think their fics are bad, as the writer could've ignored them instead of letting them become posts. But no, they just HAVE to have the last word, and look how stupid it made them look KEK
No. 1788537
File: 1700952811438.jpg (27.99 KB, 564x605, 8218c39c28238c9654bbd01752a5ea…)

Tell me a fun fact about you, I'll go first
>I can move my hairline by lifting my eyebrows
No. 1788541
File: 1700953160273.gif (6.89 MB, 2560x1920, d2ubv00-7467c076-bc43-45ff-a83…)

>>1788529The black guy from Marly who was a scientist and was friends with Hange? because of so, I see why they'd think it's cringy.
>>1788537My ears move involuntarily to the direction of loud sudden noises. Kinda like a cat ear does.
No. 1788542
>>1788537i am actually missing a tooth: the one just to the right of my front tooth. they just took the entire right top side and just moved it one notch closer to the center.
Ppl are usually amazed when i tell them this, you really cant tell.
No. 1788565
File: 1700955011443.gif (3.79 MB, 576x1024, dancing fahgot.gif)

No. 1788572
File: 1700955601579.jpg (1.14 MB, 1837x1919, 1125_183556.jpg)

No. 1788580
>>1788577And when you think about it it's never spoken about as something men even like. It's always in a humiliating men. Men will have women do it then trash them for it on urban blogs, women will expose men for wanting it done or doing it.
You never see men talk about now it's pleasurable. No uts meant to humiliate and corrupt. This is one of the more lowkey but nefarious movements.
No. 1788611
File: 1700958298970.jpeg (16.24 KB, 474x316, th_-_2022-05-29T050624.648.jpe…)

>>1788546What the actual fuck? I hope fanfiction get copyright claim and all of those kids go to court and get legitimately sued so we'll never ever have to deal with this bullshit ever again.
this is a joke fanfic writing and reading nonnies No. 1788631
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No. 1788651
File: 1700959320390.jpg (25.26 KB, 275x273, 1656120987957.jpg)

>hating men is bad(report males, don't respond)
No. 1788659
File: 1700959566759.jpeg (27.29 KB, 275x271, 1652116840009.jpeg)

And I'm sure you'll get the same "love" that Jodi gave to this faggot.
No. 1788661
File: 1700959618048.png (456.84 KB, 500x500, 1646360745494.png)

No one buys it. Men hate women because they don't want to fuck them and have a choice to reject them. Women hate men because they are the main demographic in anything violent and destructive for thousands of years.
No. 1788663
File: 1700959715403.gif (60.99 KB, 224x275, 1692020672272.gif)

Nta but what is this woo woo bullshit kek. That's some cartoon logic there. Nobody "secretly wants to be loved and that's why they're mean!!!", it doesn't work that way. Also wanting to be loved is actually unironically lame and pathetic. What kind of loser only lives to be loved and thinks it's the most important thing ever? Genuine mental illness. Have better life goals, man. He normal, be sane, have a hobby, interest, dream or aspiration that isn't other people's validation and approval. Love yourself.
No. 1788665
File: 1700959721793.jpg (21.61 KB, 275x271, 1654563375081.jpg)

Shut the fuck up and go die in a war like the rest of your sex deserves.
No. 1788669
File: 1700959827644.jpg (14.42 KB, 275x275, 1680315303462.jpg)

I'm sorry you're four times more likely to kill yourself.
No. 1788682
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No. 1788686
File: 1700960080524.gif (6.49 KB, 275x275, 1683384015860.gif)

Blah blah blah shut the fuck up and go die unloved by everyone like all the other males in war
No. 1788707
File: 1700960399126.gif (657.7 KB, 498x385, pepe-mad.gif)

We literally got over one infight just for anons to start up another one! I hate you people! You're all ruining my favorite thread! If you think a post is bait or a male just ignore it REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
No. 1788728
File: 1700961169528.jpg (Spoiler Image,126.08 KB, 997x1180, FpOeoFqWIAAJKt9.jpg)

>>1788701Closest I've got
No. 1788750
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No. 1788760
File: 1700962336523.jpg (57.3 KB, 680x680, 1672051551713.jpg)

>>1788668post cute men to scare the moid away
No. 1788763
File: 1700962711229.jpg (56 KB, 640x660, 1000003494.jpg)

I'm so fucking mad at this anime because this bitch got fake ass fucking freckles
I should have known from the boring ass opening and that I've read like 50 other manga/manhwa/etc that they hate freckles that the female lead eventually becomes generic and doesn't have them anymore.
I don't even want to watch any more because there's a 90% chance she ditches the freckles permanently and I don't want to watch it
And I know it's a hiding defense mechanism that she makes herself ugly to keep away creeps but I don't really care since it being a thing means she'll probably drop it.
But I'm still mad
No. 1788801
File: 1700964392490.jpg (194.96 KB, 900x1180, 1680034495379.jpg)

I would sacrifice several people to be able to draw like this
No. 1788802
>>1788799how about you delete the weirdo posting weird porn shit too
>>1788748 >>1788745
No. 1788806
File: 1700964668202.jpg (47.81 KB, 634x614, 9987804-6720005-The_Spanish_fa…)

>>1788789White people have melanin, just very little of it. Just like with any other race, certain people are genetically predisposed to more freckling or melasma than others. This is why you don't see babies with freckles or moles, hyperpigmentation, etc. They're born from darkness with no sun exposure kek. In Asia they have a hierarchy of Asians and view brown Asians as uglier and lesser. Freckles signify ugliness to them, they're associated with bumpkins and farmers as well as less developed Asian societies. There was genuine outcry several years ago when a modeling campaign used an Asian model with freckles, they claimed it was racist and trying to show Asians as ugly with "opium eyes". Yes, that's right, they refer to unoperated Asian eyelids as "opium addict eyes".
No. 1788824
File: 1700965439095.gif (147.74 KB, 512x384, 1553002315781.gif)

finding the quizlet with all the answers for an online exam is the best feeling in the world
No. 1788827
>>1788783No way. Chris is so fucking hot in leather or military gear, esp military gear. I haven't played the new game yet but he is just gone white, still would. Wesker is dead last I heard so he can't get old, I clearly remember killing him while wearing that leather outfit, very hot fight (haha get it?), then he went swimming in lava or something after eating a rocket or so help me cus chris didn't punch that boulder for nothing!
And theeeeen chris comes back with that kiddo piers and the boy just…. dies after getting really hot. For real, he went a solid 11 after getting that arm. When will resident evil stop killing hot men? This mustn't continue. It's probably leon's fault somehow.
>>1788796Young lady, I will pretend I just didn't read that!
>>1788810Now that is some ugly dude
No. 1788842
>>1788840No im genuinely convinced you're a falseflagging faggot because unless you're 14 years old you should not be so
triggered by a funny image of a woman in boxing gloves going at a disembodied pair of nuts
No. 1788860
>>1788856whats wrong with them looking young? i dont want to draw old men.
>Are they harry potter characters or something?no fucking idea i dont have the source
No. 1788862
File: 1700966615071.jpg (444.65 KB, 2460x3300, 20231126_054331.jpg)

>>1788827First anon, never played the games so idk what do they look like in motion, but they're just not my type. Leon is more my type with the body and hair and pretty soft youthful but still masculine face. My sister likes Chris though so you're not alone I guess?
No. 1788869
>>1788860Nothing, I like youthfulness, but more so when they still look adult. It's a fine balance kind of thing between mature features that still look young. The art you posted leans more into young without mature so I see them as young teens, like 16-18. Just not my thing. I'm
>>1788862 and as I mentioned, Leon strikes that perfect balance I like, and so does my main husbando and many other husbandos I have.
No. 1788878
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>>1788876good for you, i still prefer pre-wall men.
No. 1788885
File: 1700967915528.jpg (Spoiler Image,28.88 KB, 828x515, ihdm7h9zy4u41.jpg)

>>1788867A moid didn't do anything, shut the fuck up you touched in the head ass bitch
No. 1788905
File: 1700968705577.png (329.45 KB, 1292x656, Screen Shot 2023-11-25 at 7.18…)

>>1787665Some nona accidentally posted this with no context and everyone thought it was hilarious
No. 1788910
File: 1700968815870.jpeg (631.83 KB, 1814x1814, bogdanoff.jpeg)

>>1788904ntayrt but the Bogdanoff twins were these french TV presenters who absolutely wrecked their faces with plastic surgery. It's where we got the term "bogged" from
No. 1788919
File: 1700969235875.gif (129.13 KB, 275x207, 1694568740271.gif)

What subject does Bayden Shapiro (he/him) major in at Stanford and what does his trans fag bestie Sam Smith (he/they/it) study?
No. 1788953
>>1788951Embellishing stories can get
victims into a
lot of trouble during the investigation and trial stage. I really do not want to see that happen to you, so it’s better to just be honest about everything that he did do
No. 1789023
File: 1700978394478.jpeg (34.86 KB, 377x328, D9FCFDA6-5EAE-4615-B3D4-E24D6A…)

I had a dream that the greasy wigger at work pinned me against the wall and told me he wanted to go down on me. How do I remove the part of my brain that makes dreams.
No. 1789080
>>1789049There are a certain subset of Americans (generally "trailer trash") that will even operate in a household with no dishes year round, relying on disposable paper plates continually. These people are exceptional and not the average American. If you're seeing a family eating a Thanksgiving dinner on nothing but paper plates, they're that type.
Unless they have a huge gathering, that is. If it's something like a huge family reunion for the holiday, some families will use paper plates simply because it would be a logistic nightmare to deal with dishes for 20+ people.
No. 1789081
>>1789079I've literally seen hundreds of vids and pics of americans using paper plates, and hundreds of comments from americans that its common to use paper plates at all times, thats its too much work with real plates.
>>1789080In Europe we still use proper plates for large gatherings. Only at like, school parties or young childrens parties do we use paper plates.
No. 1789094
File: 1700984366434.png (597.59 KB, 950x462, my-image(2).png)

Why do I always love the meme men
No. 1789147
File: 1700990100643.png (3.64 MB, 3420x2214, whensomeonecallsme.png)

just dONGT
No. 1789167
File: 1700993391334.jpeg (74.69 KB, 750x712, 764302E9-E120-4C59-919E-A1BC1F…)

>>1788771>>1788763me when miyamura in horimiya no longer had longer hair and his fucking piercings closed up
No. 1789175
Wishing I could be friends with some anon on lainchan who’s insane lifestory I just read,need someone like that to keep my life less boring.
>>1789167Oh hell nah is that giygas? That thing used to scared the shit out of me
No. 1789178
File: 1700993986738.png (119.91 KB, 595x338, 1656638218032.png)

>>1788760Never forget
>>1788773There used to be a Chris yume in /g/ who drew really nice pics.
No. 1789221
>>1787601Beautiful moodboard
nonnie muah
No. 1789253
File: 1701003692606.jpg (426.42 KB, 1078x1514, Untitled.jpg)

calling all ameriCANs
No. 1789330
File: 1701010789390.jpeg (64.55 KB, 1200x926, IMG_1307.jpeg)

Wondering if I should go to the AA meeting or not. I want that 1 month chip but I’m also so fucking lazy and depressed
No. 1789341
>>1788799I just wanted an excuse to use some Jodi memes. I won't do it again.
>>1789164Your gif is pretty cool!
Terf Kuromi forever
No. 1789355
File: 1701012775181.mp4 (3.02 MB, 640x360, Fvcked up my diet in a ✨ God H…)

Damn, I missed out on posting this in time rip
No. 1789403
File: 1701017174498.jpg (270.69 KB, 949x1332, IMG_20231126_194709.jpg)

Does anyone else remember John Mulaney? This is what he looks like now.
No. 1789409
File: 1701017510672.jpg (470.99 KB, 1080x1742, IMG_20231126_195211.jpg)

>>1789403These photos are 3 years apart. Males age in dog years.
No. 1789426
>>1789423Wow, it's so great kek i wonder how do other people in the chat react to that?
>>1789424Welcome back, kitty ♥
No. 1789440
File: 1701019365123.jpg (81.22 KB, 720x1159, 85934463.jpg)

>>1789253Kentucky reporting in.
No. 1789443
File: 1701019454626.jpg (Spoiler Image,156.79 KB, 1600x739, LeviBloodShed - Copy.jpg)

sobbing rn(spoiler for mildly bloody 2d moid)
No. 1789449
File: 1701019686631.jpg (217.65 KB, 1200x1200, Ev4EqsoUcAgnto5.jpg)

>>1789253May I have a ten piece chicken nugget combo with an apple pie instead of fries, a medium strawberry-banana smoothie for the drink, and two sauces of BBQ and Honey Mustard? Thank you.
No. 1789462
>>1789423You think
that's crazy? I call people scrotes in real life.
No. 1789495
File: 1701021859137.jpg (640.67 KB, 892x1481, Screenshot_20231126_124348_Chr…)

How did you protect yourself from the gangstalkers today?
No. 1789508
File: 1701022421927.jpg (267.42 KB, 1600x645, file.jpg)

>>1789495i showered in the nude and heard every fed in a 2km area drop dead.
No. 1789537
File: 1701023914746.jpg (40.54 KB, 300x300, 096d7b2e09104b0ecc1cb94059e17b…)

>>1789495I closed my curtains in the room I'm in, and leave the lights on in the room I'm not in. Then I play the radio in that decoy room (I bought a stereo from 2001 for this, low power usage high volume) and it plays a cd I burned with downloaded YouTube asmr background talking sounds. I also have tinted windows in my car and have a decoy coat in the car to change into so that the gangstalkers cant easily relay my visual info to the ones waiting elsewhere.
Also, thanks for capping my post.
No. 1789547
File: 1701024799021.mp4 (1.96 MB, megahomo.mp4)

mega homo
No. 1789618
File: 1701028158008.jpg (25.15 KB, 460x329, 1538966631129.jpg)

>>1789423late reply but I keep seeing users named "
nonny", "elsie", "nona" etc in a certain online game but then I convince myself I'm tinfoiling too hard
No. 1789627
File: 1701028355733.webm (472.81 KB, 480x600, 1701022908921481.webm)

How it feels to post good bait
Bonus farmhand appearing at the end
No. 1789638
File: 1701028567244.jpg (52.9 KB, 206x206, Tumblr_l_703028363849689.jpg)

I used to see this cute Jewish guy at the gym almost every time I went but now I haven't seen him in weeks, I'm so upset..
No. 1789659
File: 1701029565076.jpg (8.86 KB, 250x250, 47932640.jpg)

>interest is niche within a niche
>finding qualified artists takes weeks, months
>ghost or express disinterest in my commission even if i offer extra for the inconvenience 9/10 times
i am god's least favored soldier
No. 1789667
File: 1701029706263.gif (322.51 KB, 500x374, Zone Out Hey Arnold GIF - Find…)

My favorite past time is clearing my watch history and then going on my youtube homepage and seeing what random albums and songs it has on there. It's always stuff I've never heard before. Currently jamming out right now to new tunes.
No. 1789705
File: 1701031380504.jpg (49.09 KB, 512x512, 512x512bb.jpg)

>>1789049New challenge for Thanksgiving. No plates or spoons or forks, everyone sits next to each other and holds up the turkey with one of their hands, whenever someone wants to take a bite they pull it closer to their side while fighting off with the rest of their family for the meal or they climb the table to get closer to it. It's like that spaghetti game except the difficulty is raised and you might kiss 10 people simultaneously. It's a fun game to play with your uncle, Tom, your grandmother and your 7 year old brother billy and a guarantee they'll stop visiting you for the next upcoming years
No. 1789731
File: 1701032183466.jpg (432.46 KB, 1080x1703, IMG_20231126_205135.jpg)

This is so fucking sad…who cares about record attendance, it's just not the same. Now it's concerts, soon people will go on "vacations" via their computers. These used to be the most social things ever and now even that will slowly stop existing. One day people will just stop leaving their rooms or rather screens completely, no more personal human interactions at all.
Recently I also keep thinking that I'd likely go out much more if I was born 20 years earlier. Nowadays music and especially club/bar music is total trash and artificial.
No. 1789762
File: 1701033607150.jpeg (71.22 KB, 737x403, IMG_0617.jpeg)

Just watched Napoleon and I can’t stop thinking of this anon. I hope she enjoyed that movie
No. 1789806
File: 1701035591821.gif (2.83 MB, 640x640, 2024 approaching.gif)

Cant believe the year is almost over nonnies. Have you achieved any of your goals? I have achieved most of mines but i am stil depressed over not doing more, i feel like i wasted tons of times doing nothing thanks to creative block. I am hoping i can start working on a game next year.
No. 1789810
>>1789806Felt, nona. I'm getting my grades up, I'm being creative again after a few years, got out of depression, but I still feel like it's nowhere near enough. I'm mentally healthy enough to feel more ambitious rather than depressed but I still wanna be more.
Hey, we all start somewhere, so I'm staying positive at least
No. 1789820
File: 1701036097137.png (37.44 KB, 337x247, 1700939508193.png)

>>1789813>girl rottingSo THAT'S the word for it? Good God I need to find more outdoor hobbies. Fuck this room, fuck this bed.
No. 1789821
>>1789814I never understood the
Ufh I don’t agree with you so you must be a 10 year old rhetoric. It’s like these people never disagreed with someone before kek
No. 1789836
File: 1701036733543.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x1429, IMG_8090.jpeg)

Curious why that fat little daughter that looks like a bobs burgers character from The Desperate Housewives didn’t make this list but somehow Caillou did
No. 1789854
File: 1701037689422.jpg (22.4 KB, 400x400, ae1c85e07470bfc69048aaee079ce7…)

I love watching dance videos, but every single tango video is ruined by the woman being breathtakingly beautiful and the man being a literal thumb. I don't know the jury criteria but they should give minus points for this kind of blasphemy.
No. 1789868
>>1789806My goal was finishing high school and I accomplished it so now Imma wait till january to see if I'll get in to uni or have to go to plan c
plan c is thinking of a plan b. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life and I'm tired of planning way ahead only to fail and have to start again>>1789856Fr. People just hate women and bald kids.
No. 1789889
File: 1701039262509.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1284x2059, 0B9C5B87-DAA0-462F-AAF1-D13979…)

If all the hot girls are going after ugly men who are ugly women supposed to date?
No. 1789891
File: 1701039398807.png (255.43 KB, 462x250, Screenshot 2023-11-26 at 6.57.…)

you can't convince me he isnt female
No. 1789914
File: 1701040103947.jpg (896.32 KB, 1080x1081, RDT_20231123_07244172403521442…)

No. 1789926
File: 1701040763139.png (169.8 KB, 1023x682, 1623613614591.png)

>>1789914i would befriend someone who hits all the boxes so we can become gymcels and gangstalk/beat moids
No. 1789934
File: 1701041192431.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1081, nsksjb4f.png)

>>1789914forgot posting the pic
No. 1789948
File: 1701041979286.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1081, mehh.png)

>>1789914yep. too bad there isn't a husbandofag option, i suppose that would increase my autism points
No. 1789992
>>1789989talking about movies=bad, horrible, wastes pwecious thread space
responding to moid bait=quality posting
No. 1790029
File: 1701047201274.png (1.02 MB, 1080x1081, 17010416467460103947.png)

>>1789914If it wasn't for debilitating anxiety, I could erase like… three of these squares. I am my own worst enemy.
No. 1790032
File: 1701047314536.png (101.37 KB, 790x757, 1687658377757.png)

i need more stacy chad edits that arent that twinkette woman with 0 muscle
No. 1790058
>>1789914>believes men and society should accept them as is despite offering nothing of valueSo a moid made this? Because I would rather have 1000 self proclaimed
femcels than 1 incel faggot that would shoot up a public area
No. 1790061
File: 1701048924451.jpg (82.47 KB, 768x1024, smokinbarbie.jpg)

femcels are Stacys, but not all Stacys are
femcels. Just like how all toads are frogs, but not all frogs are toads.
No. 1790071
>>1790069dumb men that
know their place, yes
No. 1790073
>>1790046Nah, in spite of a bingo, I'm a pretty functional member of society. Plus, I'm actively working on myself and trying to fight my demons. I associate
femcels more with people who have intense negative traits that interfere with their participation in society and refuse to get better.
but tbh I also don't believe in femcels because you can't equate a jaded woman to the level of depravity in incels. Incels kill and rape. Femcels…? Blog online? You can't equate the two. No. 1790084
File: 1701049864318.jpeg (125.11 KB, 540x686, IMG_1286.jpeg)

I feel pretty lonely nonnas can someone say hi to me
No. 1790092
File: 1701050139028.jpeg (536.94 KB, 1509x2000, EaA2hMDXQAEYRmd.jpeg)

>>1790088>we're genetically valuable and are generally better than scrotes in every wayYes.
No. 1790108
>>1790085You literally saved this from me eww
>>1789869Yup same filename from when you saved it directly from the thread asking about it. You'll copycat and forcememe like a newfag but then claim you ~always do it~
>>1790095you are basically trying to spam something to seem cool and it's failing
No. 1790109
File: 1701050540831.jpg (943.89 KB, 1240x928, RDT_20231124_13004753126498792…)

No. 1790112
>>1790101please don't bother arguing with that retard, she purposely acts dumb and lies to piss people off, she's insufferable but please don't give her attention
>>1790108>you are basically trying to spam something to seem cool and it's failingshe has been using this strategy for the past few weeks
No. 1790113
File: 1701050645718.jpeg (47.96 KB, 500x500, IMG_1288.jpeg)

>>1790102Thank you nonna feeling better
No. 1790117
File: 1701050751664.jpeg (110.49 KB, 473x752, IMG_1317.jpeg)

Just ate a bunch of moomin biscuits
No. 1790156
File: 1701051991020.jpg (1.05 MB, 2894x3587, [20-05-26] 1265350775040954369…)

some artists make art look enjoyable, how do they do it
No. 1790166
File: 1701052237778.jpeg (113.58 KB, 960x959, 1650734172594.jpeg)

>>1790164he's a boy cat… I can't believe my son is a fag where did I go wrong
No. 1790176
File: 1701052488134.gif (9.31 MB, 498x279, nikocado.gif)

No. 1790181
>>1790179how did you recognize who that anon is this is an anonymous board
maybe I made that post
you will never know
No. 1790191
File: 1701052845287.gif (1.3 MB, 220x220, 1700137038964.gif)

Whoever said that Harlan Ellison had a sexy voice in the game of IHNMAIMS, you're not wrong.
No. 1790196
File: 1701053070332.jpg (29.68 KB, 540x540, download (1).jpg)

I wish my hogwarts house had nicer colors
No. 1790202
File: 1701053190065.jpg (165.74 KB, 640x960, 1642422791528.jpg)

Post interiors i need inspo for my sims4 harem house. Minimalist beckies refrain from posting.
No. 1790227
File: 1701054126940.jpg (77.17 KB, 784x1024, b2780e6f487fbb10400cc2f235f963…)

>>1790202>>1790215>>>/m/230689Where's the movie grid minimod I thought you were going to report equally?
No. 1790232
File: 1701054357618.jpg (179.62 KB, 650x990, 22lewis-hawthorne.jpg)

>>1790202I posted an all-green floral nightmare monstrosity in the last thread and I've actually modeled it 1:1 (or as close as I could with the CC I could find) in sims 4 kek I think I like the home building tools more than the actual gameplay. I also like using old sears house blueprints if I'm stuck on layouts and exteriors
No. 1790264
File: 1701055334777.jpg (296.05 KB, 1280x1259, Tumblr_l_208653503708935.jpg)

I wonder where kirbyanon went
No. 1790285
File: 1701055965684.gif (10.78 KB, 480x480, 1635413821_11034_gif-url.gif)

I like to imagine the nonas in the get it off your chest thread as wailing ghosts. You can't speak to one another, but you can hear the ghostly cries of agony.
No. 1790326
File: 1701056647868.jpg (36.22 KB, 490x490, 6747398b2ae1ac1619c360e3d4a24f…)

>>1790244*My face against the window pane
A tear for every drop of rain*
You're the reason that I'm feelin' bad**
I am so lonely and so sadLivin' in a dream I never had No. 1790542
File: 1701060938849.jpg (23.24 KB, 480x360, 1699045073058.jpg)

Two questions:
Was the moid who came in here last night really just one of the anons who wanted to try baiting? Why even make bait just to try starting a shitstorm, is it boredom? Also I only watched the first few episodes of that little analog by UrbanSpook before I grew out of it, but people have been saying it's pretty bad. Do any of you agree?
No. 1790544
File: 1701061000655.jpeg (12.07 KB, 275x183, download.jpeg)

Goodnight everyone. I will sleep now and I am manifesting good dreams only for myself.
No. 1790572
File: 1701062193853.jpg (60.97 KB, 768x1024, 1697874526478.jpg)

>>1790557It was basically passive aggressive shit like "maybe if you held your end of relationships, men would like you", "you all just want love", "you're just hurt by men", saying that "
femcels" were just as bad as straight-up incels, and other bullshit to try watering lolcow'w man-hate down to "you're all just angry women with relationship problems".
No. 1790618
>>1789992>>1790227>>1790231The rules just depend on mods mood and they should just admit it kek
>>1790590I think it's fine. But i have no idea if it'll be popular enough. Anons, would you post there? I can see it dying pretty fast though.
No. 1790659
File: 1701067732223.jpg (25.25 KB, 564x700, punch.jpg)

Some anons are so ridiculously recognizable, jesus.
No. 1790673
File: 1701068072414.gif (2.12 MB, 498x457, 75AB3459-2480-4F2E-9848-6A3148…)

>>1790659I know I am but that’s why I disappear for months at a time. Nobody ever remembers me.
(personalityfagging) No. 1790729
File: 1701071561670.jpg (54.27 KB, 735x737, a3347d6fd5a5f927f560ba4ccc1325…)

>>1790238This is unironically true. Wee woo retard energy sustains image board culture. Without us it would be just nitpicking, complaining, and mundane venting on this board, via the midwits. Midwits are the hall monitors who eventually cause every discussion to be banned, moved, derailed, reported, and the more mods appease them the harder their job is kek. Mods should appease retards instead, we are easy to please.
The ultra high IQ posters should stay and be vocal though. That'd the jodieposters and a couple others. The 2 nonnies who play along when a joke is posted and don't immediately freak thr fuck out
No. 1790751
Ngl I didn’t see the original post
>>1785326 was referring to but I still laughed
No. 1790777
File: 1701075073661.jpeg (20.22 KB, 269x187, E8DA24C0-D1C3-4908-930A-692FB8…)

>>1790773Damn shawty, you actin real egregious rn
No. 1790789
File: 1701076061699.gif (581.84 KB, 280x158, 4ECDAAD5-6415-417D-8643-F33E31…)

>>1790783I miss when anons didn’t bring the thread down with their negativity ♥
No. 1790794
>>1790789It's not a dumbass shit, it's a fighting ring now,
>>1790791omg are you that anon who's into men in their 30s??? he looks like his name would be Tony, maybe that would help!!
No. 1790852
File: 1701080533082.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1081, BINGO.png)

>>1790799It's okay, nonners, we all struggle with some mental health issues
>>1790803Dumbass fight for sure
>>1789914How much points is enough to qualify as the true
femcel, anons?
>>1789934 this is a winner so far
No. 1790854
File: 1701080647923.png (45.79 KB, 1190x178, We live in a society.png)

>>1790852Btw, samefag, i was googling the definition of hypersexuality to know if a have it, still not sure if i do, but would you look at that lol how expected
No. 1790858
File: 1701081100803.jpeg (285.06 KB, 1170x1172, 65E4EFBC-3B51-495F-8941-E097B7…)

>>1789914Almost got a bingo despite having a long term relationship
No. 1790897
File: 1701086031220.jpeg (347.01 KB, 1077x1078, IMG_5327.jpeg)

>>1789914They were a little vague on the ‘childish interests one’ so I wasn’t sure if I should put it down or not
I like stuff like Disney parks and Sanrio though which might fit?
No. 1790898
File: 1701086131287.jpg (49.51 KB, 500x500, artworks-sEURXXuATajCS0gx-dDo0…)

>>1790848What gets me about you speaking up about this obvious and gross psyop is that it always attract angry users who take it all the way wrong and personally, as if you insulted black people
as a whole. It's the kind of reactionary bullshit I would expect from twitterfags or youtubefags, but that kind of overreaction to criticism about celebrity behavior is even HERE; an imageboard designed to be critical of ANYTHING. Even on here, there's still gonna be those users who think you're a "hater" who hates rap as an entire genre just for calling out the glorification of rap songs with violent lyrics.
No. 1790908
File: 1701087840229.jpeg (256.74 KB, 1080x1081, IMG_1319.jpeg)

>>1789914To clarify I don’t watch scrote porn, just read erotic lit which classifies as pornography I guess
No. 1790943
File: 1701090754752.jpeg (288.94 KB, 1170x979, IMG_6328.jpeg)

Sometimes the jokes just write themselves
No. 1790979
File: 1701094576068.jpeg (51.49 KB, 640x320, IMG_6274.jpeg)

>>1790974Most of us are nice
No. 1790990
File: 1701095389330.jpeg (81.56 KB, 750x761, 1DA829E2-228F-434F-8334-D9C45B…)

>>1790986I only post a lot when I’m not taking my multi month breaks and I’d say I usually make neutral posts. A lot of my posts have been featured in the lolcow funny caps thread so watch ur back, all knowing nonna, or I’ll bring out the sour in full force
(Ban evading after getting a temp ban for incessant personalityfagging) No. 1791023
File: 1701099535806.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1081, Untitled49_20231127153858.png)

>>1789914unfortunately more than i expected
No. 1791032
File: 1701100073289.jpg (16.41 KB, 415x739, conspiracy.jpg)

Why are we doing femcel bingos? Is that a psyop by Kaitlyn Tiffany of the Atlantic to prove that we are in fact femcels in a femcel site and that she was right this entire time?
No. 1791042
File: 1701100767823.png (895 KB, 1080x1081, 1701040103947.png)

>>1789914My mental health is too good to be a
femcel No. 1791058
File: 1701102347214.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1081, bingo.png)

>>1789914i wish i could tick more boxes
No. 1791070
How come we didn't have any memorable retard threads this year like
>>>/snow/1145913 and
>>>/ot/1151094 No. 1791083
File: 1701103414895.png (1.24 MB, 1080x1081, 1701040103947.png)

Somehow more than I'd hoped, and yet simultaneously, not nearly enough
No. 1791093
File: 1701104034139.jpg (42.15 KB, 700x700, sacabambaspis.jpg)

This is my current favourite extinct creature. Post yours pls
No. 1791125
File: 1701105720262.jpg (46.85 KB, 640x471, e8ed50d3565b6af0f47fd8f381a286…)

>>1791117Well it had it's eyes together like that and no jaw so it likely did look like a living emoji. It was before it's time.
No. 1791129
File: 1701105966855.png (1.67 MB, 1258x1786, beaver moon.png)

>>1791124>Full Beaver MoonI'l be soaking my full bush in the moon beams as nature intended
No. 1791133
File: 1701106116225.jpg (70.11 KB, 520x647, ggs.jpg)

>>1791093Giant ground sloth, they were too tasty and gentle for this world.
No. 1791135
>>1791129It's -8 C where I live, should I still go for it nonas?
>>1791133And scary as fuck, damn!
No. 1791136
File: 1701106200192.png (90 KB, 232x332, picrew.png)

nothing activates my fight or flight response like seeing THE picrew for annoying people everywhere while searching for cute stuff to post in the dress-up game thread
No. 1791137
File: 1701106210760.jpg (1.12 MB, 2473x2482, springfield.jpg)

really tempted to waste my savings on her. It would be like 150 usd with taxes+shipping though.
No. 1791156
File: 1701107429724.png (461.08 KB, 1246x967, 1688208734482975.png)

>>1791093I miss this meme.
No. 1791187
File: 1701108798486.jpg (83.73 KB, 1024x626, 1653047552551m.jpg)

make men dress slutty again
No. 1791194
File: 1701109031426.jpg (159 KB, 646x1001, c4eddc3182d413cb58c4899b509264…)

>>1791187Revive these valuable creatures from extinction so women actually feel like multiplying with scrotes
No. 1791210
>>1791194Man I vividly remember when I met a guy that looked like that though he had curly dark hair, and it was so soft and clean with defined curls, you just don't see that on metal heads with curly hair, they're always lacking on the hygiene department. He gifted me some nice spear he crafted when we played LOTRO totally out of the blue, I had hardly ever talked to him before that but I assume we did some quest together cus I did sometimes participate in quests with the kin members, and I was one of the few wardens there. So I stalked him on facebook, he was super good looking but he had a girlfriend and she was super good looking too kek no way I could compete with that, no way he'd break up with her to be with some ugly rando like me, and besides I think he was sure I was a guy because everyone thought I was and I never clarified kek. Man, you just can't find good looking nerds anymore, he was good looking, had clean, soft long hair and crafted me some items without me ever asking, where the hell can I find a man like that? Never, I tell you. I don't have the looks. World is so unfair with fucking useless ugly men getting hot chicks way out of their league and I, a competent gamer but slightly ugly can't get a hot bf.
No. 1791247
File: 1701112759222.jpg (37.51 KB, 828x167, 6b9a129f6e626b93666196df7b30_c…)

>>1791177>>1791193I had to check first that I couldn't be tracked down with this comment only. The funny thing was, the original post that I passed judgement on did not get very many views or comments.
No. 1791262
File: 1701113501613.png (97.21 KB, 193x273, asasasas.png)

>>1791257they just know they are the last generation of women to witness the extinct race of hot men and are enjoying the moment
No. 1791287
File: 1701114914791.gif (308.27 KB, 220x220, 2C77797A-005C-4908-B642-96D186…)

>>1791282THIS THREAD
No. 1791288
File: 1701114999825.png (76.43 KB, 372x397, 1647385296899.png)

>>1791276>getting rejected by ElsieWhat would be Elsie's type anyway?
No. 1791292
>>17912882X-chan is elsie’s type
Or am I wrong and that’s shipper brain? Are they just friends?
No. 1791327
File: 1701115992159.jpg (35.46 KB, 600x582, 0b88fc88761cf23f286fe3945bddd2…)

No. 1791329
File: 1701116057540.jpg (91.54 KB, 1500x1500, 71Mkmw8_2B_2BmL._SL1500.jpg)

Britbongs, come get your britbong
No. 1791341
File: 1701116377669.jpg (22.28 KB, 700x700, aa02-ast_a.jpg)

When you're a britbong and you take a hit of the britbong and you sip the tea and munch the biscuit to help the britbong munchies
No. 1791381
nonnie. Just what I have heard, and it was first that came to mind as it is often said that neighbouring countries don't get along
No. 1791445
File: 1701122406346.jpg (552.52 KB, 886x1920, 1701070945392601.jpg)

No. 1791535
File: 1701128751259.gif (939.22 KB, 540x400, BoredGrim.gif)

Took at peak at the lore of UrbanSpook's analog series, and it ended up being terribly written and tries so hard to be edgy to where it falls flat as gross. I'm not sure why I expected it to be good; it's analog. Is there any analog horror series that's actually good and not just overrated?
No. 1791541
>>1791502I've heard that it's because of how densely populated they are, and that life is just incredibly stressful due to their culture. Most developed nations have falling birth rates, while shit holes explode in population.
The media stress on Japan is not only because they have one of the lowest birth rates, but because they're not willing to open their borders to immigrants to artificially boost their numbers.
No. 1791548
File: 1701129417025.gif (1008.53 KB, 498x280, cat-typing-gif.gif)

When I'm in a bad mood I go on 4chan and call scrotes faggots
No. 1791580
File: 1701132825342.jpg (20.02 KB, 572x572, Tumblr_l_408307539106645.jpg)

good night nonas
No. 1791592
>>1791586I love how these memes were what made me look more in-depth into the Jodi Arias case, and after much Serious Research™ I came to the conclusion that the pedo scrote actually had it coming
No. 1791637
File: 1701137586094.png (18.07 KB, 577x262, a93898382.png)

Can anynona explain how tf terf = shotacon? What are they even basing this stereotype on?
No. 1791641
File: 1701137726995.jpg (21.41 KB, 640x456, jodi-arias-which-styling-do-u-…)

this is my favorite Jodi photo
No. 1791642
>>1791637This whole tweet is delusion after delusion kek. They call terfs racists and pedos because they are unable to reply to any
terf arguments
No. 1791643
>>1791637There is no explanation. TRAs don't even know what a
terf actually is of course nothing they say about them makes sense
No. 1791656
File: 1701139347305.png (60.07 KB, 594x216, Dumb moid.png)

Ahahhaha dumb moid thinks I'm a man/tranny that catfished him.
No. 1791675
File: 1701141221841.jpg (685.13 KB, 1226x982, IMG_20231128_141404.jpg)

No. 1791688
File: 1701142860018.png (798.02 KB, 1650x934, Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 10.39…)

femcel art
nonny, where art thou?
No. 1791700
File: 1701144102387.jpg (245.2 KB, 631x616, RDT_20231126_09524436935951515…)

No. 1791702
File: 1701144294952.jpg (28.05 KB, 573x500, 1667801790999.jpg)

I am starting to fall in love with a moid to the point i feel jealous when another woman makes him laugh. This is pathetic i have never felt like this, this shit is what being in love feels like? I have never had a crush or been in love of a 3DPD prior to him
No. 1791705
File: 1701144671871.jpg (30.72 KB, 564x564, 1696140729910.jpg)

>>1791536Horror rpg with themes of what growing up as a woman feels like to me. It's gonna be ''S[he] Be[lie]ve[d]'' 2deep4u tier most than likely, so i wanna polish the visuals and gameplay as much as possible. I wish i picked up writting earlier, i will never write something like higurashi.
No. 1791714
>>1791711i already have my husbando and i love him. I dont know why i love this dude, maybe because he likes me at my absolute worst and he seems to genuinely like my personality instead of seeing me as an easy
victim like the others. I have managed to defend my wizard title for 22 years, so i doubt i am going to bend down. It's still scary to feel like this for the first time.
No. 1791718
File: 1701145811738.webm (301.59 KB, 720x1042, 1701006183461815.webm)

I have been trying to recreate this move for the last half hour. The carpeted basement doesn't help because the ball of my foot gets hot with friction. I think i could practice in the kitchen but there are guests in the house who don't leave until tomorrow… but inam not sure I can wait that long. I think I could do it in one try on the slick flooring up there though. I think they'd think it was cool.
No. 1791730
File: 1701146855800.jpg (167.53 KB, 1024x1024, ausfarmer.jpg)

>>1791697it's like 3/4pm east coast rn here she might be at work
No. 1791740
File: 1701147465054.jpg (204.48 KB, 1440x1800, dan.jpg)

I wish picrel had been Ben Shapiro who unlike Dan Howell can actually pull off the mature twink aesthetic
No. 1791751
File: 1701147896964.jpg (104.99 KB, 750x936, h7.jpg)

>>1791740One million TIFs will cum to this image while imagining it's them
No. 1791752
File: 1701147911691.gif (635.85 KB, 1125x1044, f07.gif)

I'm so sad they never gave dorohedoro a second season.
No. 1791753
File: 1701147937279.jpg (46.38 KB, 414x532, 1701059389415311.jpg)

No. 1791770
>>1791686What do people gain from giving this stupid shit attention? What does anyone gain from waahhing about pathetic males and the stupid children with terrible parents that become
victims of them?
>>1791695Same tbh I just skipped to the picrel timestamp