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No. 249323
>>249320Are you looking for a long-term partner or just a fuck. Because there is literally no effort you would have to put in to get the latter.
Also you are only incel if you have actually put in all the effort you deem necessary to be partner-worthy and it still doesn't work. If you just quit outright you're volcel sorry2say
No. 249327
I think femcels would need a different name, due to being able to at least get laid if we go to the right place.
Involuntarily-single, maybe. Insing.
Regardless, I get the spirit of what you mean and it's different than just being a beta-stacey/normie girl or whatever. Ugly and socially inept women also have a shitty experience, I've been friendzoned by guys and had guys ask me out as a joke. I'm in the process of looksmaxing now, but I'm still fucking strange and give off creepy vibes. Maybe when I've graduated and get a good job my money will afford me a trophy husband.
>>249323If men can be mentalcel, fatcel, hicel, etc. and still have that sense of community alongside truecels I believe we can have our own thing as well. Not alongside men, since neither of us like each other kek, but with other uggo and socially fucked women.
No. 249334
>>249320You can still work on yourself. If weight is an issue you can slim down with diet and fitness if you put in some effort. And well, beeing ugly is not fair but you can salvage some of it by using the right cosmetics.
I wonder how you envision a possible bf to be.
From what I read so far many people regret having their first time just with some random stranger to get it done. They say it would have been better if they did it with someone they really care for and someone who really cared about them.
>trophy husband.hilarious, my sides anon…
>>249332where does this hatred come from. you people just take one bad example and then blame all the bad traits on everyone that seems to resemble a set of characteristics of this bad sample. I mean the world is not black/white. I understand that media does it because it is a dying medium and they need viewers and stories but here…
No. 249341
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Do I win something?
No. 249347
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No. 249357
File: 1526247895124.jpg (1.2 MB, 890x4253, 1451282105402.jpg)

a classic femcel meme
No. 249358
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No. 249359
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No. 249360
>>249358>>249359I can't be the only one who looks uncannily similar to the femcel girl, right?
Is it really something terrible to be like that?
No. 249363
>>249361These memes are as if someone not only drawn me but also described my life accurately minus the rat.
I'm a living meme.
No. 249364
>>249360>>249361Yeah, me too lol
If only I could get my hair to do the both wavy and straight thing.
No. 249365
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So what am I? A fembot Stacy? A regular person?
No. 249366
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Oops lol. Im still kind of a normie though.
No. 249367
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this one is pretty funny.
No. 249368
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>>249365my sister in equilibrium
i guess according to this i'm poorly maladjusted and antisocial but somewhat slutty and stacy-passing. seems about right
also my hair isn't that ridiculous but i have short bangs so No. 249369
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No. 249376
>>249359>>249358>messy ponytail with single hair out of place>stubble>messages from little brother>cargo shorts>bad posture>taco bell bagI am feeling incredibly called out right now
I'm not an incel though, I get compliments when I take care of myself I'm just too fucking lazy to do anything but masturbate.
No. 249382
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No. 249383
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No. 249384
>>249367It me except friends, cooking, social life or any money for him
I feel like this thread is gonna be us half fembots and half stacy's based on the bingo so far
No. 249386
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id love to be Stacy but I have anxiety and no friends lol
No. 249388
>>249384so like average girls kek.
either sexually experienced but a little shy and awkward or sexually inexperienced but otherwise normal personality and appearance.
No. 249398
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4chan but true
No. 249399
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>>249398Being a lesbian is hard, though. Everyone I've talked to just wants to date and all I really care about is hooking up with as many women as possible (although 2 b f I'm not a virgin). Sometimes I feel like I'm "engineered" like a man and have even considered fucking men when no women are available. I also feel as though it might give me more "value" if I did hook up with a man? Anyone else know this feel?>>249398
No. 249401
>>249398i disagree that men are incapable of emotional bonds and therefore can't be lonely in that way. it's not "objective scientific fact" because human self-awareness and human ego create desires and problems beyond the purely biological, so not everyone is going to behave exactly the way our biological programming would predict.
but it's true in a general way and very good for the context because male incels usually are the types to think in dualistic bioessentialist terms and nothing more.
>>249400definitely. i agree that the majority have one track minds but the majority of people in general are just kind of dumb, excuse my edge. they might be hard to find but they're out there. besides, even if it turned out that men and women experience love differently , i don't think it matters unless they both respect and care about each other deeply and see each other as true equals. i think that's a lot more important than worrying about if a man's love for you perfectly mirrors your love for him. you can never know what the inner life of another person, male or female, is really like, all you can know is how they treat you.
No. 249422
>>249401Sometimes I think dumb guys are more capable of (some form of) love. Average intelligence and up, talk themselves out of it or require other specifications as priority (money, status). Often dumb guys just get attached to women just for them being a woman who talks to them.
Unfortunately I can't cope with anyone who can't type at least to this standard (lolcow, this post) where the majority of guys seem to be less literate. Maybe I am conflating nerd with intelligence, idk. Nerd = normal to me. Opinions from the room? I'm not sure if this is true, just seems to me dumb people have more passionate feelings and relationships with less complexity and nuance
No. 249440
>>249390>i am sure some crazy cunts will come out of the woodworks. talking about how they wish all hot chads and stacies would die.>kys.…
If you'd have really read what I wrote you'd know that not wishing any harm upon normal guys and girls is exactly what differentiates femcels from incels.
Also, why are so many of you so angry?
What i wrote is pretty similar to what most of the anons in the Loser thread posted.
No. 249493
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tfw pcos makes me hairy, my acne has been getting better but left me with scarring
No. 249568
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Really makes you think.
No. 249570
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Y'all are wild
No. 249576
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i copied the cute heart markers
No. 249585
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No. 249590
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I'm tall, ugly, hate the feel of makeup in my skin, fail at clothes and have permanent eyebags. I'm Latina but I'm not a hot brown girl with a big ass but an ugly yellow toothpick (I'm getting fat though) with zero tits + zero ass that looks like an ugly disgusting Eastern European.
I'm a dyke so you could say "go to a fucking pride parade you bitch", but 1. Only brainlets go to pride parades to be autistically ridiculous in public, 2. Can't stand crowds or loud noises, 3. Can't talk to people I don't know, 4. Not even a fat landwhale ugly dangerhair that regularly posts on Tumblr would love me and 5. My ideology is a major gf repellent. I have a huge hate-boner for mudslimes, and since whiteknighting kebabs is cool now for the left and 99% of the LGBT community is left-wing, I'm absolutely doomed.
I don't give a fuck about sex, I just want a qt gf to play Pokémon and genocide kebabs with.
Incels are retarded though.
Pls make me feel better guise [sad emoji]
No. 249591
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No. 249617
>>249610I'm not, though.
Related, am I volcel if I won't fuck a dickgirl?
No. 249619
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Pretty normie I guess.
No. 249637
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I’m an autist with an equally aspie bf. I think I’m doing alright.
No. 249704
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>>249320I used to have a lot more points on fembot though but at one point I turned my life around.
btw the "<120lbs" makes no sence for tall girls unless all stacy's are midgets.
No. 249789
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>>249585Let's be Stacy friends, my girl.
In my defense about the goddess status, if you have clean nice hair, decent to nice face, do your makeup nice AND you are not fat = instant goddess status to 99% of men. Standards for men are not very high when it comes to this shit.
I think constant compliments is something I could have crossed, but not so sure on that one. Multiple male admirers is weak, women who let men orbit them are insecure like Wig. Letting men buy you drinks and using their credit cards is sad too. The 120lbs slot is also shit, I'm 5'10 - I'd be a spoopy spoopy skeleton at 120lbs with > D cup. Also, how you gonna be 120lbs and THICC??
Am I the Staciest of them all?
No. 249813
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i guess i am a hairy slut
No. 249832
>>249590>didn't cross out male hate group>admits is a kebab hater>lesbianConsidering how patriarchal Islam is - you should have crossed it out. Embrace being a legbeard fembot. Just get that haircut too already.
As for other stuff you said, I have zero clue what you were trying to say.
No. 249842
>>249832nta but I hate kebabs too regardless of their gender, I don't hate non muslim men.
How did you even come to make that connection?
No. 249855
>>249853I'm reporting you for infighting and derailing the thread.
FYI a muslim, female or male, would 100% approve of killing a gay person so the part with "Just give up on being a lesbian " makes no sense. You must be that special kind of stupid or a kebab, or both. Either way, fuck off.
No. 249857
>>249855>FYI a muslim, female or male, would 100% approve of killing a gay person so the part with "Just give up on being a lesbian " makes no sense.[Citation needed]
I'm not a kebab you racist piece of shit. You are disgusting and deserve to be alone. I hope life teaches you something someday.
No. 249859
>>249853lol dumbass
Female muslims also support their crazy ass ideologies. Every time a muslim piece of shit rapes a woman he gets countless female family members saying he isn't guilty and that the raped woman is at fault.
No. 249959
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These bingo cards are too extreme.
No. 249963
>>249878Go to 2:40; there she describes how her husband's mother held her down, so that he could rape her while she was just 8 years old.
I don't care how little autonomy they have, if you do shit like this you're no longer human.
No. 250027
>>249855>FYI a muslim, female or male, would 100% approve of killing a gay person lol are you retarded? This isn't true
Do you even know one muslim?
No. 250031
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Getting fat though and have some hormonal acne, need to work the fuck out.
No. 250043
>>250031your acne is probably a direct consequence of you getting fat, also maybe you haven't been eating right?
Repent before it's too late, sister
No. 250171
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I personally find myself quite fat, but I guess that my body actually fits the 'thicc' meme.
Other than that I do have some acne (because I usually completely neglect any hygenie), but I at least try to pluck my brows, keep my hair neat and put on some mascara. All my problems like having no romantic experience whatsoever stem from my social anxiety, but I somehow can't seem to get rid of it…
No. 250175
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I didn't think that I'd get as many stacy ones as I did
No. 250206
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Welp, it's not telling much I guess.
No. 250214
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Well balanced. I just never leave the house and prefer to live peacefully doing my own thing.
No. 250246
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I think I'm pretty average, my hair is just messy because it can never decide if it's wavy or curly.
No. 250272
>>250267it's awful but
>what if your husband had affair with some girl who gossips about onision and moomoomade me laugh
No. 250276
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>seduced a married manI don't know if a married man making a move on me with me doing ABSOLUTELY nothing counts in this case, mostly because I found the whole thing disgusting and umconfortable.
>lost virginityalso kinda insecure about this one, I lost it at age of 6 with a woman, it wasn't consensual but I wasn't complaining. does it count?
>fatidk about this one, being a recovering ana-chan fucks everything up, my libido and own body perception included
I guess it's imposible for someone like me who is barely interested in sex to be a stacy lmao
No. 250277
>>250246 and I can say wholeheartedly that I regret it. He was my former high school history teacher that I'd met when I was 15.
No. 250331
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No. 250372
File: 1526551060386.png (370.79 KB, 1024x555, incel.png)

what do I win?
No. 250376
>>249347 and use to get certain types of guys stalking me online and in school. I had a few gifts sent to me through the school office from guys in school and they would email me later to say it was them. I've received mixed tapes. I had one guy buy me video games and cds (I never asked for gifts). I was insecure in highschool and had a horrible home life so would always crack jokes and be friendly with pretty much anyone that would speak to me.
I've only slept with 3 people though and 2 of them very long term partners.
No. 250431
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Ah, I guess I'm mostly normal. But my social skills aren't that great because I moved around a lot through middle school and have been home schooled part of high school, I'm 18 btw. So, I'm really anxious around people I don't know. I've only been in one "relationship" but it was Long Distance so I'm not sure if that counts. Maybe once I go to college I can try to open up more to people.
No. 250476
>>249379so you do stargazing too. I started this 3 years ago in summer.
what constellations / planets can you see atm?
here in central yurop it would be:
>Venus from dawn into midnight (SW)>Jupiter entire night (SO to SW)>Saturn 2nd half of night (SO to SW)>Mars late nightA few weeks ago there was a beautiful full moon and occasionally you can see ISS lighting up at the night sky when it is moving directions.
Do you have a telescope? I had one (a cheap one) and saw saturn through it. It was really hard to do it because all objects on the night sky are moving and when you use a telescope they are moving fast. So the vision was always blurry but I could see the rings of Saturn. I have to admit that I am pretty bad when it comes to constellations though and I only know the one that looks like a frying pan with one star beeing near the north pole star.
I also noticed saturn is always here to see in summer and in winter it goes away again. I wonder if the same stars can be seen from every part of the world or if different ones are visible from different locations.
No. 250477
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Surprised I didn't skew more fembot tbh.
>>250276>lost virginity Anon something similar happened to me at about the same age, I do not count it as losing my virginity at all.
When I lost my virginity as a teenager I was confused at first as to what time I considered to actually be losing my virginity.
Now looking back on it all in my mid twenties, I would definitely say I lost my virginity as a teenager- voluntarily, not when I was a child.
No. 250478
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>>250267He claimed that they had gotten divorced, I was drunk. Got to know later on they weren't even separated.
No. 250490
>>250476Yep, I'm in almost Balkans. Right now you can observe Saturn and Venus as usual, haven't been able to see Jupiter yet because I don't have time to stay up all night because of work. I can sometimes faintly see Casiopea, I can see Orion and the belt every night, faintly see summer triangle and last night Sirius A was bright as hell because of a power outage. I never managed to see ISS because of erratic work schedule I really need to track it one day.
I have a Meade Wilderness 10x25 binocular, it mostly gets the job done when I'm camping out in the woods though I sometimes borrow my friend's GPS locking telescope, that thing is a fucking beast.
Some constellations and planets can only be seen in certain dates because of orbits and some constellations can be seen all year from both hemisphere but either side will see them inverted. I'm really trying to get better at skymapping and finding things manually but it's hard as fuck.
No. 250499
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fairly even spread but my stacy marks are mostly from my thin hot days before i went mental.
>fat is not the same as thicc
i was fat and still chubby but am getting in a lot better shape. good waist to hip ratio and a decent bust. so optimistically checked both.
>dresses modestly
but only cos i don’t like having my bod out, not cos i think it looks slutty, so i didn’t check it off.
No. 250500
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What even is "Goddess status"?
>Never been rejected
God this one guy rejected me with "You're too skinny for my tastes" which of course was absolute bs. It obviously was something entirely different, I still want to know and this was 12 years ago.
No. 250502
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How did I do? (hearts are just cute lol)
No. 250503
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I feel like i'm weirdly in limbo between the two because i'm super depressed and lonely right now, I have no friends lol
but also, I care a lot about how I look (hair/makeup/clothes) and always look put together
and i'm fat but guys still seem to like me (at least the ones I have dated) so idk.. I need to lose 40 lbs
No. 250522
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i'd have bingo if there were gender neutral/lesbian options on here lmao
No. 250533
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No. 250545
File: 1526606856350.png (358.75 KB, 1009x556, crey.png)

t. lesbian
No. 250553
>>249364My hair is wavy+straight at the same time, validated by meme. Should I get boob window shirts cause I'm fitting Stacy here
Thanks for the highlight
>>250507 No. 250586
>>250505>>250543lol, my boyfriend wanted a threesome with another girl so I said only if we can also have a threesome with another guy.
basically I blew the other guy while my bf fucked me (eiffel tower style), so I guess not technically "fucked 2 guys at the same time" tbh I wish I could've done vaginal and anal at the same time but neither of them lasted long enough ugh. much better than girl/girl/boy though for me
they were also both too worried about seeming gay the whole time I think, would be better with less self-conscious dudes
No. 250588
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Here's mine.
>doesn't like makeup
I hate wearing it, but I wear it whenever I go out because I hate my appearance without it. Unless I'm going to the gas station or something, where I don't care how dead I look.
>doesn't wear heels
Heels hurt my feet so badly, so I don't wear them unless they're adorable shoes that are worth the pain.
I need to get out more..I hate myself lol
No. 250758
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>>250490I really envy you for knowing all those stars and how to find them in the night sky. I only know about the easier to spot planets and antares because it usually is somewhere near saturn. I should study the constellations and the other important stars. What I always wanted to do was to have a look at neptune and uranus. Have you ever managed to see them? Some people say on some days you can see them with a normal binocular and they would have a blueish shine.
In summer many planetariums will have stargazing events again. I think I should visit one.
I don't know what website you use for sky maps but the one I use has detailed info on what time and what part of the sky you can see ISS. If you google for "heute am himmel" you will find the page ( Scroll down a little and you will see a chart of the night sky at different times and what you can see. Near the bottom there is a sky map for early night and late night. The map is for germany but I think if you are in yurop too then it cannot be much different for you. Then there is also this calsky but I never used this one, seems too complicated for me.
I owned a Danubia Saturn 50 but sold it a year later because I needed more space in my room. It was kind of a toy mostly but you can actually see saturn and the rings. The problem is just it is black/white and you need to move the telescope along with the movements on the night sky. When I did it first time it was mega complicated. However it was worth it. The GPS telescope you mention seems very fancy and I wonder if you can see things in color with it. Some astro sites are offering telescopes for prices like EUR 3K or even more. I wonder how good those are.
If you do stargazing and camping in the woods you must be a pretty cool person and you should keep those hobbies up. I will see if the weather gets any better here this night and watch the stars once again. We might even look at the same ones. Have a nice evening and good night.
No. 250771
>>250758You need a really powerful telescope to see them since their orbits are so far away from sun and you can only see them for a really short time, haven't managed to see them at all since I picked this hobby up. Finding stars and planets are really easy once you get to know couple of guide stars. I'm pretty much a beginner too and only know a couple.
I use a phone app to track ISS but don't have time to see it as I said. For the telescope it's a Meade ETX-90, it can lock on to almost any object even in the ones in deep space(managed to see Andromeda and Helix nebula)it can also take colored photos. It should be around 500-600 euros. can't say I'm cool at all, I do solitary stuff since I can't find anyone I click with and it just relaxes me. Good night.
No. 250819
>>250586Ahh yeah, figures the guys in that kind of situation might be afraid of that.
I've only done girl/girl/guy before and I'm going to have to say it'll probably a once in a lifetime thing for me.
Thx for sharing anon
No. 250840
>>250834I'd feel bad around a friend like this regardless of gender. Mostly because I know they'd see me as a lesser person no matter how far I've come from being an ugly creep who used to draw naked guys instead of boning down in HS (and still being a khhv at 21). Not hatred, but I would be able to sense the pity.
Perhaps they just feel uneasy around you when you speak of such things.
No. 250869
>>250834>I don’t know why it would be a big deal because if it was a guy, he’d be getting hi fives.Not really. I don't know why people have this idea that manwhores get hi fives everywhere they go. Most guys like your friends who "didn’t even have their first kisses till college" don't wanna hear the full sexual history of their manwhore friends either, it's just obnoxious.
Chances are you make your sexuality and promiscuity the main focus of your life and your friends would rather talk about other things and not about your weekly one night stand.
No. 250872
>>250834I lost mine as a freshmen to a senior in highschool. Basically a tragic story of the ugly duckling in middle school giving it away to the first man to give her attention in highschool.
Anon, I wouldn't care but I do want you to know it's nobody else's business. I can't think of one irl conversation where my virginity has ever come up, or why I'd feel compelled to tell my friends about my sexual exploits. Relative to my age(26), what I did at 14 and even throughout college is history.
I maintain it's nobody else's damn business and you don't need to come clean about it to have meaningful friendships. It's truly irrelevant.
No. 250879
>>250834I think a big number of people in my high school class lost their virginity when they were 16-17, so it doesn't seem you lost it that early to me.
I lost it when I was 21. When I was 18, I said I was a virgin and few people were like "STILL???? AWWWWW LOL".
No. 250899
>>250869>Chances are you make your sexuality and promiscuity the main focus of your life Based on what? I don’t tell any of my friends about it because I think they’d view me differently. None of my friends know. So how is it a main focus of my life?
>>250872>I do want you to know it's nobody else's business. I can't think of one irl conversation where my virginity has ever come upMy friends have talked about being virgins and losing their virginities. I never join in though because all their stories take place in college. Maybe that’s why they share, because it’s more recent and meaningful to them.
No. 250903
>>250899That could be the case then.
I've been out of grad school for a few years and most of my peers graduated even further ago or just never went. Some of my friends have gotten engaged or have long term bfs, so it's not something that I encounter a lot.
If we do talk about sex it's more like in a raunchy, nostalgic way like "haha yeah we were so dumb and cray." It's not really to size each other up or anything.
I would lay low about it anon. Your story isn't unusual but if you don't want to risk judgement, then don't invite it.
No. 250924
>>250919>>250780I wish that too, just in a non romantic way. It's difficult to find girls in my area that would be into stargazing, not just looking into the sky and saying wow beautiful, but actually engaging in conversation about space and related topic with some pre-knowledge about it.
Guys usually take it as a romantic invite.
It's not that I mind doing it alone, just sometimes, it would be nice to have someone to spend some time stargazing together.
Especially now in the spring, when the evenings are the right amount of fresh without being cold, with the gentle night breeze.
No. 250975
>>249332why do some people have such a hate-boneron this site for people who cant find a partner
like sometimes there really isnt someone for everybody and i dont get why those 'leftovers' get blamed for it
No. 250984
>>250975because the worst samples of this subcategory get cherry picked and presented as beeing the epitome of every single person that is single, without ever knowing the back stories or things they went through in life. I think it is unfair for people to get judged on such things.
>>250766my sister dates a guy and she is taller than him. He is jolly and fun to be around with and also fit. The problem with those short guys is just that their personalities/attitudes are shit and they mistake their height for the reason why they are unpopular.
>>250771For me it is also hard to really bond with people and I am surprised to find other people on imageboards who have the same hobby. Up until now I cannot remember anyone ever mentionning it. I also feel more comfortable when doing something with 1 person instead of a group of maybe 3 or 4 people.
>>250780>>250919more of us?
>>250924I prefer summer nights for stargazing as I detest the cold. There is a hill/kind of mountain near my town. If you climb up you get a beautiful view on the valley where our town is and you have benches there and grass. At 01:00 all city lights get shut down so you actually get to see some stars.
Sometimes when I need to think about important decissions, I just go there to think. Many times I just sat there and asked myself what might be out there and if some of the stars we see on the night sky even exist anymore because their light can take centuries before it even reaches us.
Outer space is really a crazy thing.
No. 251017
>>249590visit a lesbian bar for once.
>zero tits + zero assmy girlfriend is around 130 kg and to me she is hot as fuck. A lot of lesbian arent attracted to the stereotypical attractive girls. Youre not hopeless. There are also white, racist republican dykes I guess, so go for it, wait youre latina. Well I guess youre fucked. Jfc just shut your whore mouth about your kebab hatred and youre fine.
>latina>kebab hatertop kek
No. 251025
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phew.. that was close
No. 251027
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im just weird. im attractive and in shape, wear makeup, can easily hook up with anyone on tinder if i want
but i fucking hate men 99% of the time, dislike compliments from them 99% of the time, dislike dating, dont want to marry or have kids ever, would rather just fuck around at home on the computer when im not working
diagnose me
No. 251075
>>251070surprisingly accurate
i wish i could just turn it off. i have always disliked flirting because in the back of my mind i think about stupid sjw shit and reasons to hate men even though logically i know they aren't all like that, and i probably won't fall in love with one who's like that. but fuck i can't even make myself date anyone because i'm so bitter from the getgo. i am bi and have considered dating women but every single lady i like on tinder is fucking poly, no joke. like every single one who's my type is all I'M NON-MONOGAMOUS and it's just making me not want to even try
No. 251117
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I really don't consider myself a fembot, because SOME guys DO have romantic attraction to me, but it's always the people I'm 0 % into, even as friends. Like, I attract these fucking, psuedo-intellectual 'skeptic' type people. And i've been rejected SEVERAL times by the men I AM attracted to, BUT, I have very low standards (I was told). Literally I don't go after guys that are 10s or anything, just guys that I think MIGHT have interests in common- and they're turned off by my personality I assume. I'm not very complacent? Does anyone else have that issue? I feel like a fucking asshole most of the time. IDK. Girls are angels though and i'm not jealous of them. I'm Bisexual though so honestly, I usually get crushes on them. ;) theyre always straight or turn out to be ftm so then I guess i'm into men?
BUt yeah I kind of try to make up for my lack of confidence by at least hopefully looking pretty. :/ but i honestly dont think im attractive to most normal dudes. -______- just really lowkey sexist weirdos obsessed with anime and the alt right. does anyone relate? sorry for major blogpost.
No. 251125
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Only T H I C C because of good genetics and WHR, I'm still pretty chub (think Iskra Lawrence and Stefania Ferrario).
I never properly socialise, so I guess that explains why I've had no real romantic luck at 21. I present myself relatively well, nice clothes and what not, even if I'm not a stunner. I think my face is decent despite the spots and weird ethnic nose.
I'm only jealous of other girls who are stronger than I am, so I ticked that one although I'm not sure if that's what the bingo was implying kek.
>>251117I actually get flirted with exclusively by my type (skinny south Asian guys), but never in situations where we can ask each other out. It seems most women think these guys are bottom of the barrel creeps, but I find them pretty cute especially given the fact I could overpower them if need be.
Anyway, in what way complacent anon? I think you shouldn't settle if you don't want to. You sound cute and fun, I believe in you.
No. 251128
>>251125I guess I just don't really like agreeing with most dudes when they try to explain their beliefs to me. A lot of men I've met don't really like learning/discussing, they just want to be right. They kind of treat me like I'm not as smart as them? And they don't like it when I actually do know more about topics than they do. I'm not very extremist in any belief, but I don't like being talked down to. Like man, I just want to have a chill talk and not be told about what his 'new philosophy' of the week is like he's figured everything out. It's so tiring. I just hate feeling like guys think I'm an idiot.
:) thank you though anon, you're very sweet, I wish you well too. <3
No. 251171
>>251128Yeah, men do have a tendency to be like that haha (although women can sure rival them sometimes, I'll admit). I've noticed it being especially worse for smaller feminine women and women with higher pitched voices since they see them as infantile or something. I'm sure it's a subconscious bias, but it's still something that should be eradicated.
But anyway this isn't the man hate thread kek. There are definitely emotionally intelligent men out there and I hope we all find some to our liking.
No. 251365
>>251223stop believing you are ugly because people can sense that and are going to be put off.
watch makeup tutorials. brush your hair and put some effort into styling it.
wear clothes that flatter you and aren't super baggy.
act confident even if you're not. on dating apps, meet people faster. texting back and forth forever can kill attraction and if you take initiative most guys will totally meet up with you.
No. 251390
>>251223>lower your standardsI don't understand how this is any good. Nobody should settle for a substitute of what they really want to have. The right person will come and it will make click. If it does not happen, well, bad luck. It would be worse to be trapped in a miserable marriage with a person you are not really fond of, just because your neighbors will think highly of you.
People live their life for their own sake, you should not make life about pleasing society, your parents or the Jones'es.
Beeing in love can be beautiful but you really have to love the person or else it is just a lie and it won't end well. Also it would be unfair for the other person involved.
>what if really nobody ever hits on you?you can always try hitting on the guys you find cute. it is not like they will be mad at you for it.
Good luck anon
No. 251532
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Do female virgins also become wizards when they turn thirty? Or do we just become magnets for feral cats? I'm staring down the barrel of 28. It's not looking good for me anons.
No. 251582
>>251532all i'm gonna say is, don't have it just to have it. i'm half-fembot and i have had sex, but it is completely unenjoyable unless you're super into the guy. i was not, so i was dry af, even after he ate my pussy for like 10 minutes. i was super nervous and not really feeling it at all but pushed myself to keep going and when he entered me it hurt so fucking bad my entire body tensed up. i had to tell him to stop and then awkwardly leave.
0/10 would not recommend. maybe you're different but idk i need to find someone to fall in love with to fuck and enjoy it.
No. 251585
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No. 251595
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Since I'm about as gay as they come, I put pink diamonds over the parts where it would apply if the subject was a woman. The married woman I'm not entirely proud of. That whole situation was a mess and I was an idiot.
Can thank PCOS for the body hair. I do shave though when I plan to expose those parts of my body. But I will admit if I'm not into anyone or planning on trying to get laid, I don't shave. I wear pants almost exclusively. Messy hair because I like having a crazy unkempt afro.
I don't think I'm particularly attractive and I've only ever been with two men ever in my life and they were really into the chub. Like really into it. I feel like being fat doesn't deter a lot of men, but that's coming from a flaming dyke whose male friends all were met on the internet so take that as you will.
No. 251600
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No. 251650
>>251390>you can always try hitting on the guys you find cute.That's impossible for me, anon…
>>251459I already insinuated that I would literally say Yes to anybody, so I don't even have any standards, but there simply never was anybody interested in me at all.
No. 251736
>>251650funny how you ignore
>>251365 when it's actually good advice. keep being miserable on purpose i guess
No. 251756
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No bingo, but more a little Stacey than Fembot I guess.
No. 251765
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I'm normie these days. All the sex stuff happened when I was in highschool and college. My hormones have since settled out, and I've been in a consistent relationship going on four years now. I'd never go back to how I was.
Anything else fembot about me is pretty much my fault so I'm working on it.
Going on my second week of weight loss and so far I've lost 5 pounds. It's easier than I remember and I'm not struggling this time around, probably because I have an app. I think I would only be called "thicc" ironically though. Then again, it's been awhile since I've given a shit about pulling in the male gaze so I don't know what my standing is. Never had a problem getting dates or lays however.
So nobody gets mad at the compliments part, those come from other women and coworkers and that actually has done a lot for my self-esteem bc I have been trying to take better care of myself and dress well. Everyone likes my makeup and I get asked advice and asked to do makeup for others a lot. It feels so much better to get genuine compliments instead of shit guys say just to get in one's pants..
I just wanted to say that I do normally have acne but I got on some antibiotics again and it's cleared up.
>too much time on the internet
Way too much time. Idk if this is something I'll look back and regret about my 20s.
I feel so fucking stupid sometimes for arguing and sleuthing for hours when exactly nobody gives a shit. I know how dumb it is but I catch myself doing it anyway. It's like I can't resist.
I wonder where I'd be and what I'd be doing with my spare time if I didn't fill it with pointless bullshit.
No. 251772
>>251736Just because I didn't answer her post doesn't mean I ignored it…
It just annoys me that so many people assume that if girls don't manage to get a bf it's due to them having high standards. I've never met a girl who dated anybody who's out of her league, it's always the other way around. Even ugly guys still go for somewhat cute girls and then nobody's left for an unattractive woman like me.
No. 251811
>>251532>member of male hate groupwhat does that even mean? girls joining /pol/uters or what?
>>251650why not? I mean the worst he could say would be:
>sorry I already have a girl>sorry I am homoI know you fear beeing hurt but especially in a public setting people will not ridicule you just for fun. Even if it would happen, you are the girl and even if you gave him a slap and called him a pig everybody would understand.
Do you happen to have a social circle or people you hang out with at school or work? Maybe you can ask some of those people to set up a meeting for you. As the person would be aquainted with the other person he would not be been on hurting you even if it did not work out.
No. 251844
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Literally average.
No. 251895
>>251811lmao the worst he can say is that you are not his type in a very "soft" way that will only make you feel like shit and ugly, even if he doesn't specify your physical appareance. He can also say some shit like "I'm not interested in having a relationship in the mean time, I really respect you and believe you are fantastic but I'm just really depressed and I don't have the time and i'm also not emotionally available". only to end up having a girlfriend later
I have been there anon (as you can see(, I risked it all believing that I didn't gave 0 fucks if he rejected me but I ended up feeling devastaded for a long period and uncapable of facing him again for the same period of time
No. 251952
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I considered myself an incel from the ages of 18-21 when it actually bothered me. I'm 25 now and think sex is gross tbh since i finally accepted that I'm ugly.
I consider myself bisexual. Most of my fantasies involve watching people I'm attracted to have sex with other people.
i basically check all of the boxes for being a basement dweller/incel except I'm not bitter and have a few friends.
No. 251955
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i'm almost 23, i've never held hands or kissed anyone, i live with my parents, but i do have a degree and reasonably respectable job
my questions is, how do other women even find people to date once they've graduated uni? i realize i've missed my chances… i should done more than just study, i should have gone to parties back when i was in uni. now, all i do is work, work, work so i can pay off my student loans. then when i'm home, i'm so tired, i just browse the internet and play video games, and go to the gym every other day.
i can't even join tindr or bumble or something because i'm so unphotogenic, i look so ugly in photos. i exercise, i'm thin, i wear makeup, i wear flattering clothes, but i don't even know if i'm ugly or not because i look really pretty in my car mirror, but i look like the most hideous monster you've ever seen in the work bathroom mirror
i can't even ask my friends for advice because they are all kissless spinsters, like me.
No. 251973
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I'm suffering from a really bad case of ugly duckling syndrome. In HS i didn't take care of myself, looked like total trash. Come college I did a total revamp and now look good…but insecurity is still there and I can't get a bf rip life. I checked out "has multiple admirers" cuz I go to male dominated tech school and I have an inside source who feeds me this info. None of the guys have approached me tho. So in a way I'm doomed to die as a volcel.
No. 251976
>>251967ty, i will keep this in mind. i grew up so shy, but im getting better at socializing. i need to remind myself there’s no harm in smiling at others, no one is thinking “god, that girl is so ugly, i wish she’d stop staring at me.”
>>251972i usually work on weekends
No. 251980
>>251979go to the gym, play video games, stay at home. i know, it’s bad. it’s just that im so tired all the time, i don’t even know where people go to meet others…. im so mad at myself for not taking the opportunity to socialize more in uni.
i used to play soccer at my gym but i was REALLY bad at it because i was completely new to the game and everyone else had been playing since childhood. i didn’t really meet any new people that i talked to outside of the once a week games. i had to stop anyways because it interfered with my work schedule.
No. 251987
>>251980You gotta put yourself out there. Google meetups in your area, clubs for things you are interested in, organizations, etc. What games are you playing? Is there a local card and game shop? Do they do game nights? A book club? Gardening? Whatever you’re into, find a group of people in your area who are into it too. Go to bookstores, local shops, coffee places, etc and check out their signs. They’ll have all the local things going on.
There’s entire websites dedicated to this, because it’s becoming so common for this gen to not socialize
https://www.meetup.comYou’re not alone. But it’s not hopeless. And being tired isn’t an excuse. You gotta prioritize your social life to a degree. On your way back from the gym, drop by and check out the postings. Utilize Facebook to see what events your friends are going to, or things in your area. Look good, be confident, be kind, and you’ll have no problem.
No. 251993
>>251760My closet always overflows. I recently bought some storage boxes to keep it more neat, but it's still hard to put everything in there.
I have this tendency to shop a lot and when I see something cute I can't just let it go. Plus that I rarely clean out my closet. That's how you rather quickly can get over 365 clothes.
No. 252000
>>251760Either they’re hoarders or can’t count
A dozen of each:
Is 108. If you have three times that (36 of each) you have problems imo
No. 252181
>>252000I can't speak for other anons but I definitely own more than a dozen dresses.
I have a few other types of clothing pieces that you didn't include in your list like cardigans.
Kinda like this anon
>>251993 a lot of my other stuff is in storage that I cycle out with changing seasons and weight fluctuations.
So it's not like most have overflowing closets with hundreds of clothes at any given time. It quickly adds up.
But I do admit I don't cycle through clothes as much as I should. Some pieces I have I probably haven't worn in over 2 years. I tend to have ~50 clothes that become my primary fashion for a few months, until I get bored, and pick some other clothes in my closet to match and wear for awhile, and so on.
No. 252191
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>>251772Anon there's someone out there for everyone.
They're probably not as attractive as you want them to be, but they're out there.
No. 252200
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Perfectly even. Idk what that means.
No. 252317
>>251895tbh anyone who gives a fake ass excuse and later dates someone else should really stop.
Just be honest?
I feel like it's way more courteous than making up something. Why would you want to give someone you don't even like false hope? If I don't like someone I just say I'm not into them, because I don't want to be bothered anymore. So, why do people not just be direct?
No. 252321
>>251895the worst is when they give you the EXPLICIT reason why they don't like you, and end up putting you down about how unlikable you are :)
and then you feel like you're unlovable for weeks and want to hide from everyone!
personal experience.
No. 252590
>>251973>admirer>openly tells his friend about it>has no guts to actually talk to girlgod, men are fucking cowards nowadays. What is the worst that can happen to them? Will they lose their honor if rejected?
Anyways, do you find one of them cute? How about you go talk to them first?
If they are not bold enough you might need to help them a little to get started.
>anon, I heard you were fond of me. Do you want to hang out some time?>>252321this is sad to hear but I think the scars can heal with time. Just remember that this feeling of beeing hurt is probably easier to handle than to fail many times and then land a jackpot eventually.
>>251895well then you might try to find clubs or events where people hang out with the same interests. Even if you are new to it, they will usually be welcoming to new members. My town for example has basketball, volleyball, soccer teams, even an air gun club. A swimming club. Inform yourself about the things that happen in your town and choose something new to try out. I am sure people will be welcoming to you. Even if prince charming is not there, he might be the friend/brother of someone who is there. Good luck
No. 255201
I lost it with the feeder rat
No. 255240
>>249590I feel for you, fam.
Queers are all expected to be ultra left-wing because the Democrats pander to us if and when it suits them. Well, that and the far right wants to meme and/or pray us all to death.
I just want to have an almost nuclear family and take them to church every week and the shooting range every once in a while.
No. 255247
>>255246Because incels are actually right about one thing: most women can get laid any time they want. Men say it themselves - they’re not picky and they’d fuck any one of us (and that’s the whole god damn problem). As this excellent post
>>249398 points out, for men being “lonely” is a matter of not being able to access sex. Most women who are celibate know that they could sleep with a man any time she wanted, but it is psychologically repulsive to her because what she actually desires is a real relationship. These women are volcels according to the incel definition of celibacy.
Legit female incels DO exist. I just think they’re a rarity.
No. 255248
>>255246NTA, but it's no where near as hard to get dick and get over your social anxiety as it is to get pussy and get over a victim complex/severe male entitlement. For women, all it takes to break out of "incelibacy" is to lose some weight and go outside.
Doesn't apply to trannies for obvious reasons
No. 255253
>>255247>most women can get laid any time they wantyea if i'm completely submissive to a guy and his desires and needs and wants but if i'm not and prioritize my desires, then fuck no.
>because what she actually desires is a real relationshiprobot gtfo
No. 255278
>>255274not every girl wants to lock down a guy, can you fucking read?
incel is about sex hence CELIBATE
>getting sexmeans having it an fulfilling experience. not having a man toss you around, call you degrading names then cum on your ass and pass out
No. 255283
>>255278Well I don't agree with the idea that a women who can get sex isn't as lonely as a incel.
I know plenty of slutty girls browses lolcow but regular women usually want a relationship, getting just fucked isn't enough for them.
No. 255285
>>255283incel women are not "regular women"
we're socially retarded and ugly just like the men. our circumstances are different because socially retarded and ugly men would settle for sexually abusing a socially retarded and ugly woman.
No. 255443
>>255438Social pressure maybe?
>>255343You need a sub, anon. They're perfect for you.
No. 255809
>>252590I have been told that they think I will instantly reject them so they don't event try. What I don't get if they are that insecure about their looks why not work on it? I worked hard to look better, why can't they?
>>252702Yeah that's what I'm trying to do now. Finding hobbies outside of my nerdy interests and getting to know more people.
No. 258648
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i'm in normie/not like other girls purgatory
disgustingly, this makes me mad
No. 259238
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I’ve realised my “ femcelness” is more of a environmental situation. When I’m down south or in hood neighborhoods, I get more attention, but more city/suburban areas, so such luck. And since I live in a mostly rich, mostly white college town, I’ve basically been invisible, unless it’s a drunk guy joking with his friends.
No. 259251
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>tfw too ugly, childish, and socially stunted to be stacy
i'm disappointed but not surprised that i got more on the fembot bingo, as for incels/femcels i don't believe anyone is truly involuntarily celibate, there are more ugly shut-ins with horrible personalities than you'd probably guess who still manage to get into relationships or sleep around, it's more about luck and circumstance imo
No. 259255
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>>259245oh shidd. didn't mean that, I thought it read less than 150, defs not under 120
thighs/hips bigger proportionally i guess
idk it looks like 100 years ago i would be a good choice for bearing chillens or something ?? but sike i have a myriad of health issues from staying indoors 100% of the time so i doubt my fertility is a Thing
also big tiddies but not over a D so i didn't put that
>tfw justifying your thiccness anonymously online No. 259263
>>259261…aaand you're still being cringey, fatty-chan. your
mannerisms are similar to moomoo's, not just the 'thicc' thing. I feel like you're going to throw out a "my dude," any moment now and it's giving me anxiety.
No. 259265
>>259263i'm sorry, my-
sorry anon
I will refrain from posting about myself any more lol
No. 259269
>>259266I don't post in her thread, I just know she types like that.
>>259265ty uwu
No. 259278
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I wax my facial hair tho.
I feel this make me look more like a stacy that I really am, most women have a few men orbiting them tbh…
No. 259359
>>259349When I was underweight I wore a 28D and was able to buy the bra's in lingerie shops in Canada and Scotland both online and in store.
Like you won't get them in H&M or that but many lingerie shops carry that size, especially ones that cater to bigger cup sizes (bravissimo in UK).
>>259346Trust me a 28D does not mean you have big boobs, it means that the widest point on your chest, across your boobs is only 32 inches.
No. 259400
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>>259391Heres a chart that roughly shows the equivalent band sizes in diff countries
No. 259409
>>259351I’m an idiot and I was tired and did it completely backwards lol, you’re completely correct. I meant that 32D=34C=36B.
But also that cup still depends on frame, so I 36D would be a 34DD and 32E, so it would look bigger on a smaller girl. Sorry for being dumb
No. 264289
>>255281Celibacy means unmarried go look at dictionary
The word you're looking is chastity
No. 264327
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I put a lot of effort into being at least somewhat attractive to most people 'cause it makes life easier (except I'll never wear heels 'cause fuck that) but have absolutely no idea how to talk to men.
also I guess I don't have as much of a sex drive as other ppl since I'm 24 and still a virgin and I've never felt like I desperately needed to have sex. If it ever comes up in discussion I just pretend I've had a couple of one night stands lol
No. 264344
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idk what do you think
No. 264359
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I'm a married lesbian. IDK if I can play this bingo but here we go
Also trying to explain to guys that I'm not interested (because I don't like men) is annoying, they won't take no for an answer
No. 266160
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Do I win something?
No. 269793
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No. 269807
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I'm more balanced than I think.
No. 269822
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I checked "excessive body hair/ facial hair", but I take care of that shit.
"Never been rejected" is checked because I've never asked anyone out.
And "Constant compliments" don't come from people who actually want to date/fuck me.
I'm not "<120" so I checked "fat", but I've never considered myself fat tbh.
No. 269824
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I have gross body hair and a girlstache but I wax that shit.
I'm a little overweight (but working on it!). But I have a pear body so I like my proportions
My acne is a recent thing since I got off birth control a while back and my hormones are fucked (but once I get the money I'm going back to the doctor to get back on)
Overall I feel like I had the potential to be a Stacy but my depression and weird, shut-in personality kept me from it.
No. 269831
File: 1532050712547.png (352.06 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

No. 269967
File: 1532105337305.png (364.59 KB, 1024x555, bingooo.png)

No. 269976
File: 1532106745302.png (375.85 KB, 1024x555, bingo.png)

No. 269981
File: 1532107951573.jpeg (164.11 KB, 1108x600, 7A75C328-60FE-45C1-BB79-DFD09D…)

what am I
No. 270322
File: 1532196315953.png (369.88 KB, 1024x555, S5ZhITF.png)

No. 270777
File: 1532302042581.jpg (67.69 KB, 500x641, 298919-Brown-To-Blonde-Ombre-H…)

>>269989i imagine a lot of anons are putting blonde because they have that common basic bitch ombre blonde hair. which is not the barbie blonde hair that the picture is probably refering to.
No. 270926
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No. 271042
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No. 271058
File: 1532367369259.jpg (154.85 KB, 1024x555, bingo.jpg)

>never been on a date
the only boy I've ever dated (he was an awful, narcissistic prick) never took me on an actual date.
I'm fat and can't handle alcohol because of the mood stabilisers I'm on.
Does being a moderate-radical feminist make me a member of a male hate group? :thinking:
No. 271066
File: 1532368499682.png (428.41 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

No. 271071
File: 1532369603452.png (379.32 KB, 1024x600, shit.png)

shit, stacy bingo
checked goddess status because of a combo of the other boxes (basically objectively pretty/skinny/dress well/good hygiene/popular with a large demographic/etc)
i spent my teens as a total legbeard, i don't really know what happened
No. 271072
File: 1532370387987.jpeg (156.88 KB, 1024x555, 38002871-E0B8-4D06-AC86-20A6BC…)

God I’m boring.
>tfw the only reason I don’t stand in the corner at parties is that I never attend parties
No. 271079
>>271060I meant it as "moderate-to-radical" with that hyphen, not "moderate-radical". And by that I just mean that I'm not 100% where I fall on the line, but it isn't libfem that's for certain.
Sorry to
trigger your tism, anon.
No. 271116
File: 1532379811342.jpg (839.79 KB, 1024x554, fembot_LI.jpg)

I checked unibrow and facial hair but I do remove those.
I don't remove 90% of my excessive body hair - just on my legs and ass. My boyfriend doesnt mind the arm, armpit, and the vag hair so I don't bother with those because they're annoying and painful to upkeep.
My acne is almost exclusively on my ass.
I'm an antisocial weirdo and I can't communicate well with anyone outside my trusted circle of like 5 people
No. 272150
File: 1532612054933.png (384.74 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

i go back and forth between not giving a shit about being feminine, to being jealous of women who have the generic socially attractive features and can pull off being """""""messy"""""" in sweatpants and their hair in a bun for quirky points on tunglr without looking like a rotten potato like i do. i'm 24 and i'd rather smoke pot and play videogames than bother figuring out what looks flattering on my soggy carcass. my SO of 3 years doesn't give a shit about how i look either so i don't exactly have any motivation to try and look nice. all my clothes are pretty old and don't look good on me anymore, i don't think i have a single good fitting outfit but i just avoid going outside as much as i can for that reason lmao
No. 273211
>>249358Hiking gives you cankles?
Any kind of exercise give you cankles?
No. 273262
>>255258This could be true.
I'm 26 years old I'm still a virgin and don't have friends.
I lived as a NEET for about 4 years; I have PCOS so I used to have acne and I'm really hairy but I have a good shape and a really cute face.
Around 3 years ago I started to work out, diet, take care of my skin and hair, bought new clothes, got a job etc so now I look pretty hot (only dressed because I'm a hairy monster naked). I worked at the same place for 2 years and lots of guys stared at me and some gave me compliments and asked what I do on weekends, what I like etc (but none asked me out).
I started a new work a year ago and a cute and tall guy started giving me chocolates and asked me out on the first week of being there, during the time we "dated" he never took me on a real date, we just walked and if we ate something I was the one paying, after 2 dating for 2 months I find out he is married, I feel pretty shitty but I stay with him because of low self esteem and stupid love feelings clouding my judgment.
This guy was a jerk, never paid for anything, talked shit about everyone at work, was rude to waiters and security guards, always nitpick about the looks of some women, racist, classist, tried to cheat on me etc.
I was just an inexperienced naive girl, I didn't know better.
This guy made me pay for a lot of stuff and I was always there when he had a fight with his wife (which was most of the time because he treats her like shit as well) biggest episode and the one that ended everything was when he had a fight with her because he quit his job and lived off her for like 3 months, girl just mentioned this to him and he lost it, told her about me asked for divorce and then went to me with luggage so that I can pay for a night at a hotel or let him stay at my place; since I was stupid, I payed the night and was there for him while he cried about being pathetic, whining about how hard his life has been and make suicide threats, next morning he dissapears to make amends with his wife and I'm left there broken, thinking about all kinds of scenarios about his death, my rejection, him having a good time with his wife, etc. He comes back 2 months later telling me that he is divorcing and telling me that he is looking for a place hinting that we should be together.
I had 2 months free of him to think things clearly, I was acting different towards him, I was no longer naive or submissive; he sensed this and dissapeared again.
Being hairy is both a blessing and a curse, he was always al over me kissing me and trying to take my clothes off. I never let him because of my body hair so we never had sex in the 8 months period we dated. I'm thankful because he was not my first and if the whole break up would have been even worse if we did.
I have savings for laser, but I don't think I want to to lose my virginity or let another person have this kind of power over me.
I now have friends (all are guys because I smoke weed with them after work) I consider myself their friend because they are no longer affected by me being a girl and can be themselves (they feel comfortable enough to talk about other girls and discuss their sexual fantasies, personal happenings and such) men no longer have that mystery, I'm not that naive anymore because of this jerk and that ruins it.
I hope I find a boyfriend someday but I think I have high standards (and most men my age are already in a relationship) and after the break up other people don't even look that attractive anymore. Does this goes away? I don't want to stay stuck on my ex and held him as a standard in looks.
No. 279385
>>276570there are in many countries. you can probably also just find someone via CL or something.
>>279384>>279383you forgot to mark the one that says you have autism
No. 279436
I just watched an ASMR boyfriend RP
and I liked it>>276570I wish that too.
No. 280175
>>279809outside of the extreme, femcels and incels are exactly the same. despite what many anons will claim, femcels only don't engage in this kind of activity because they don't have the support system incels do, i don't doubt that they will eventually, and regardless of the statistics, some women will eventually commit heinous crimes because they are mentally unsound, but through the support of femcels.
a lot of anons are in super denial about the damage that this kind of group negativity does to their minds and i think that's a huge reason why incels can have the confidence to be living garbage. femcels will gain that eventually and go the same route.
incels will always definitely commit crimes more, because of how men are in general, but women, especially bitter and hateful women, aren't immune to it.
>>280078of course but incels and femcels think in super black and white terms and cannot see outside their box. they whine about not getting love or attention or sex, but then pile on the excuses when you say stuff like that. because in reality it's that they don't want to compromise their standards or make an effort, so they just bitch and moan to no end.
No. 281772
File: 1534532257739.jpg (761.64 KB, 1024x554, Inkedbingo_LI.jpg)

Eh,everyone was doing these a couple months ago but I wanted to try.
No. 282016
File: 1534612135575.png (364.07 KB, 1024x555, bingo.png)

No. 503841
File: 1578989535244.jpeg (159.14 KB, 1024x555, 26842EFE-7561-47C0-B65D-27FA69…)

>>503840 Sort for doublepost- forgot image
No. 503843
File: 1578990201126.png (939.36 KB, 1920x1041, sketch-1578990099121.png)

I don't fit into either sphere. Guess I'm a basic bitch normie. Not complaining
No. 503851
File: 1578993256358.png (374.05 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

Guess I'm a socially awkward normie huh
No. 503854
File: 1578993872308.jpeg (147.6 KB, 1024x555, 37D6A9A5-DD1A-4FBF-9738-A849C6…)

No. 503855
File: 1578995102904.png (395.44 KB, 1024x555, IMG_20200114_124456.png)

Welp, time to Google how to deal with being a fembot
No. 503866
File: 1578999651110.jpeg (143.34 KB, 1024x555, F66D4AF2-6A17-438E-A72B-937EFC…)

>>249320Sorry this looks shit
No. 503869
File: 1579000810134.png (448.51 KB, 1024x555, PicsArt_01-14-03.03.05.png)

jesus I couldn't even do one stacy square, time to kms. guess never had to buy own drink is accurate as I have never gone out lmao but like that's not what that means I'm sure.
No. 503871
File: 1579001031508.png (445.57 KB, 1002x544, mhgfhfiuo.PNG)

No. 503878
File: 1579001986088.png (365.22 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

No. 503879
File: 1579002355454.png (358 KB, 1024x555, Untitled.png)

i get male attention because men think im special just cuz i "play vidya" and im decently attractive, im just pretty chubby. which is a weird niche for some people? anyway, not too angry with my outcome i guess
No. 503884
File: 1579004473649.png (365.08 KB, 1024x555, BINGO.png)

i'm a mean mullet dyke so yeah, was a stacy in first year of high school, then got depressed and realized that men are gross.
No. 503891
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No. 503893
File: 1579007262269.png (376.39 KB, 1024x555, IMG_20200114_150357.png)

I live in a country where people go Dutch a lot and guys don't really approach you, most people stand 2m apart when waiting for a bus etc so I have never really experienced something like on the left.
No. 503896
File: 1579010417932.png (437.25 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

Not a Stacy by any means but not really a femcel either. My issue is that I have incredibly low self-confidence so even though I've had more than my fair share of romantic/sexual attention I never reciprocate or follow through with it because I'm uncomfortable getting close to people.
>never been rejected/constantly rejected
I didn't tick either bc like I said I don't ever allow myself to show overt romantic interest so rejection is out of the question.
> doesn't care about clothes
this one was hard because I don't give a shit about fashion or trends or ~looking hot but I do always try to look presentable and like I put effort into myself
No. 503905
File: 1579015191115.jpg (235.41 KB, 1024x555, bingoedit.jpg)

Acne, blackheads, AND never rejected. Stacy bingooooo
No. 503945
File: 1579027208288.png (366.97 KB, 1024x555, bingo.png)

>tfw i could be a stacey if i wasn't so autistic
No. 503950
File: 1579027908220.png (367.51 KB, 1024x555, Untitled.png)

>tfw when you can't get rejected when you never ask anybody out in the first place because you know you will get rejected anyways because your a 4/10 and not even your looks match wants you.
Well, this was fun.
No. 503986
File: 1579037488673.png (372.82 KB, 1024x555, bingo.png)

fembot adjacent??
No. 504426
File: 1579148181121.png (394.95 KB, 1024x554, 20200113_204331.png)

Just like my mom said "you're average looking"
No. 504442
File: 1579153572125.png (355.72 KB, 1024x555, oof.png)

welp.. kek
No. 504474
>>504434That Stacy bingo is the most scrote thing ever.
I'm sure lc could come up with better ones.
No. 504479
File: 1579172680320.jpg (469 KB, 1483x836, lmao.jpg)

I'm fine with being a fembot but I like being friends with Stacys they're life experiences are fascinating
No. 504484
File: 1579174544471.png (374.99 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771 (1).png)

not really a Stacy, but not really a fembot either? pretty much been considered a prude by my friends and most of the people i meet at parties, i dont mean to be but trauma and shit fucks up any chance to form a trusting relationship with a guy.
No. 504485
File: 1579174708279.png (372.94 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

how over is it for me
No. 512511
File: 1581094171235.png (340.75 KB, 1024x555, 144762894509.png)

I'm not much of anything really
No. 512677
File: 1581109963445.png (459.93 KB, 1600x900, Femcel.png)

>>503871Guess I'm a slutty femcel..?
No. 512745
File: 1581122793870.png (374.8 KB, 1024x555, bingo.png)

slutty, but very Online
No. 512758
File: 1581126083090.png (354.11 KB, 1024x555, fembotbingo2020.png)

jfc am I the biggest femcel on lc???
No. 512760
File: 1581126463961.jpg (148.68 KB, 1024x555, IMG_20200207_194637.jpg)

I get like 2-3 zits around my period which go away quickly 🤷 still working on my social media presence but I'm in a committed relationship now
No. 512776
File: 1581128772995.jpg (120.38 KB, 1024x555, Image URL.jpg)

These bingo cards are poorly put together.
No. 512784
File: 1581131240692.jpeg (169.03 KB, 1242x672, 9F1770E8-980D-42FB-8446-302B85…)

>>512783Dropped pic oops.
No. 512790
File: 1581132507210.png (421.58 KB, 1024x555, notsurewhattomakeofthis.png)

I'm a little of column a and a little of column b. Don't know what to make of that, really.
No. 512897
File: 1581176366885.png (343.17 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

>>249320The only compliments that I get is either from my coworkers praising me at how much sympathy I show towards the paitents and how good I'm working despite my young age along with my mother occasionally telling how sexy/beautiful I'm when I dress up from my usual attire
I'm one kg away from 54kg and honestly I think I don't have much going for myself in social circles along with the fact that I'm terrible at online communication
No. 513245
File: 1581280029222.png (387.63 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

This bingo makes me seem really bland, it's a really dumb bingo though tbh
I don't consider myself a fembot since I don't have issues with making friends, getting boyfriends and I'm not that bad looking. My problem is that I'm too lazy to get out of the house so I rarely go out if ever, I only stay with my friends on a coffee or a couple of shots after class since I'm already out. I didn't go out properly for 6-7 years but that should change soon, hopefully. If anything I am a voluntary hermit and I'm happy with that, although I am glad I finally met a few people that understand me and are similar to me. Heck I even got a few compliments from my friends which was a surprise and completely out of the blue. I'm also in an ldr which only makes the problem of staying home even worse.
At work however my coworkers constantly shit on me and patronize me for seeming goofy, confused, clumsy because I don't wear make up. I work in a drugstore but still, kinda hurts to be the local clown, I have never in my life been made fun of so much.
No. 513261
>>512878Because that bingo was made by a scrot or a fembot. Selling his own interests as yours if it's the former, unironically buying into scrot memes if it's the latter. A real Stacy uses men for her own gain and gives back as little as possible, simply because she's hot enough to get away with it.
That said, I also shill the idea that paying all my bills and not even needing any sex in return is the chaddest thing a man can do, so if I made a chad vs virgin bingo it wouldn't be much different.
No. 513263
>>513259>>513261Yeah because sexual conquest to a scrote=alpha whereas if a woman has a lot of risky sex she's just making herself vulnerable. It's a chart made by a moid. All the Staceys I know are like
>>513261 where they take men for all they've got and leave without giving anything back. It's average and ugly women that are shilled into thinking they gotta perform and give because that's who scrotes know they'll end up with. Not Stacey, because they couldn't keep her.
No. 513264
>>513259>ripped from r9k>'-bot'good going, Einstein
The chart is dumb as fuck too. Who uses tape in the 21st century??
No. 513272
>>513267>"Has a sex tape" That's such a 1990s thing to do.
Also, outdrinking bar tenders isn't hard. It's not like bar tenders drink a lot. I know a bar tender who would drink on the job and that got her fired.
No. 513295
>>513289r9k on 4ch has a bot implemented on it to delete posts that are the same to prevent spam so people who use r9k call them selves bots or something like that idk.
So basically if you see anyone claiming to be a robot or a fembot they're from r9k. That's like their demonym.
No. 513303
>>513289>what was her point with r9k and bot?Men that frequent /r9k/ refer to themselves as robots and women would be fembots.
When /r9k/ started turning from a comfy unique greenposting board into a board for losers/virgins/unhappy men robot became a term for that. People that were part normie would be called cyborgs etc. It's proto-incel culture kek
No. 513356
>>513317Your total: 80
Your class: Cyborg
NEET, mentally ill, and live with my mom but I have a bf and not a virgin and I'm fine physically so I guess it sounds about right.
No. 513714
File: 1581383079656.png (447.1 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

I don't go to parties but if I did I'd be in the corner
No. 513736
>>513317Your total: 69
Your class: Cyborg
>You are a sorry amalgam of robot and regular human. You linger in two worlds at once, an outsider to both the normies and the robots. As a result, you may be on your own with your feels.All the stacies on this board i'm seething. I also realized that most of my point deduction stems from having an ED. IF ONLY I WASN'T MENTALLY ILL reee
No. 513741
>>513317117 Stacy because I take shit care of my body and it's affecting my mental health. Other than that I'm pretty stable in other respects. Just got kinda negged in the social portion because I don't speak to a lot of my family, which is for the better .
I've got a couple of accomplishments under my belt. I'm mostly independent, employed, and have higher education. The love market for me sucks right now but I've had a long term relationship. Too bad none of that shit can grant me the will to give a damn and bring back my self-esteem. What will it take? I'm at rock bottom for looks.
No. 513939
>>513317I got Your total: 74
Your class: Cyborg
whatever that means
No. 513956
>>513317Total score: 41, Robot
The social one is what made me tank and if it wasn't for me being female I would've been a wizard apprentice, is this a good indicator that I should stop existing?
No. 517203
File: 1582413173060.jpg (781.19 KB, 1324x718, BeRHXIPKdckQa4m3ltt_Y7FSBjgAVi…)

I'm not as bitter as I could be but, yeah. Not that I expected anything different
No. 517239
File: 1582423621663.png (421.44 KB, 1024x555, sb.png)

>>513317Your total: 119
Your class: Chad / Stacey
kek. i'm far from a stacey. the bar is so low.
No. 517248
>>517239>>513761>>513808samefag; answered like i would've three years ago and this is the result.
Your total: 80
Your class: Cyborg
it's definitely possible to turn your life around.
No. 537067
>>537058 > Pretty much all men and other women I interact with are perfectly okay peopleNta but I could say this about a lot of men I've been friendly with in a casual way. But then any man I've dated has turned
abusive and I'm aware that nobody else sees that side to them. Same with my dad or the guy nextdoor that screams at his wife for hours but is pleasant to me. I think guys can be fine as casual friends but I'm probably hyper aware now that many of those good guys aren't angels behind closed doors.
Kinda fucked me up that the most
abusive man I've ever met was soo good at playing the nice guy in every other role in his life. I'm not taking that experience and going too extreme because of it but I can understand why some women end up going that way.
No. 537069
File: 1586119777821.jpeg (158.95 KB, 1024x555, 5BDACFB3-7DDE-4C18-8124-B0BE47…)

rip me
No. 537083
>>537082*or stacy
Sorry I rushed my post
No. 537088
File: 1586122671865.png (379.46 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

i'm neither
the part about men is on me tho, i had plenty of chances but never really cared
No. 537092
File: 1586122931361.jpg (820.3 KB, 1024x554, Inked1526234855771_LI.jpg)

Am I the winner? Literally nothing from the "Stacy" side applies to me. If I was stricter, I could have checked even more boxes on the "Femcel" side, seeing as I would have a unibrow if I didn't pluck and while I don't hate makeup I also only rarely wear any. I only never get rejected because I don't even interact with guys to begin with and I have to dress modestly because I'm fat.
No. 537099
>>537092Also Robot with 39 points for this
>>513317 because at least I'm not a druggie or a pedo. Great.
No. 537102
File: 1586123496633.jpeg (173.3 KB, 750x787, B6E4228B-79EF-4CFC-934B-C25951…)

Whoever made this bingo never met a Stacy in his damn life lmao All of it revolves around being a whore which all the fat girl white trash from your home town can easily check off. Here’s a revised version for Stacy.
No. 537109
File: 1586124123701.jpeg (128.75 KB, 960x520, 67F1E911-6424-44EE-9A3A-8B7F74…)

No. 537135
>>537127sigh.. Can you tell me how your thinking in essence differs from the incels, or from a cult like the jehova witnesses, or white supremacists?
It's all the same: Echo-chambers and confirmation bias helping the innate we-vs-them thinking. People who aren't as extreme leave, and for the rest it's a one-up-manship of who can be more enlightened(/hateful)
No. 537136
File: 1586127673757.png (376.99 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

The "Seduced a married guy" was actually rape
I usually just get coffee at Starbucks. But I go a lot
>Messy hair
You try having thick wavy/hair
I think this just makes me a loser normie more than anything
No. 537174
>>537152NTA but I can understand where they come from, even tho I only had good experiences with men
The fact we have to be cautious when walking alone at night should tell something about men
No. 537378
File: 1586185082552.png (362.92 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

The hell is "Goddess Status?" Also <120lb doesn't mean anything special if you're shorter. Stacy side should be more focused on how many networks of friends/career connections you have/can build easily due to your looks and financial/family background. Sleeping around isn't hard, even ugly and fat women are better looking than most men by default lol
As for the other side, none of these things are actually what makes me feel like a femcel. Tentative highlights in yellow because I don't go to parties and depends on the definition of "date"
No. 538239
>>538238I already reported that assuming it was the scrot who's been posting constantly in the sex work thread and bragging about how he posts here all the time.
Men ALWAYS love to bring up statistics/probability for crimes when it comes to men of other races, but sleep when it's the overall statistics for men. By their logic we should avoid every single fucking one of them.
No. 538521
>>538239>>538238Read once more:
"tiny (14%) fraction of the male population
Now explain how a racial demographic can be 7% of men but 14% of gen pop.
Calling me male while being math-disabled yourself is peak irony.
No. 538555
>>538521let me explain it
The stats only account for crimes that had
successful trials. If all the Asian men in the US committed murder, but all the trials came back 'not guilty' then the stats would show Asian men as the least violent even though that's blatantly false. So black people being more likely to get false accusations, live in over policed areas, and generally not have the money for a good lawyer will get more
successful trials. Black people aren't worst, but are more likely to get arrested or get false accusations.
No. 538565
>>538550">being so bad at analyzing stats you didn't at least think to halve the magic meme number to look less obvious"
>>538555Witness reports of attacker race for homicide closely match convictions.
Clearly white people are so racist they tell police it was a black man and let the white murderer get away.
Actually your position is even more absurd:
Since the bulk of violent crime is intraracial, not interracial, it would have to be black people lying to the police to let the white guy escape.
No. 538570
>>538565>Witness reports of attacker race for homicide closely match convictions.And again match
convictions. Convictions aren't 'they did the crime', but 'we think they did the crime'. Biases prove biases. If a white dude had a witness, but didn't get arrested then they wouldn't go to your stat.
>Clearly white people are so racist they tell police it was a black man and let the white murderer get away.I'm never said they saying they lied. I'm saying biases exist. If someone saw a 'thug' and a white man walk past the same crime scene guess who's getting arrested more likely? You didn't acknowledged biases, but assumed lies. You did not acknowledge the wealth disparity or biases
>Since the bulk of violent crime is intraracial, not interracial, it would have to be black people lying to the police to let the white guy escape.What do you mean? If most crime is black on black, black people lie to let the white guy escape? Again biases not lies. Finally a black person isn't immune to biases and will think their race and other races are more/less likely to commit crimes
No. 538597
>>538570>If a white dude had a witness, but didn't get arrested then they wouldn't go to your stat. That's the whole point. If a bunch of witnesses reported white murderers, without a matching proportion of white-convictions, it would show a bias in convictions.
Since witnesses themselves confirm the same ratio, the ratio is trustworthy.
Since it's capital crime,
victims have the greatest incentive to report correctly and more people are likely to be interviewed compared to lesser crimes. This reduces the effect of people unintentionally reporting black when they should have said unknown.
>>540643I can't blame her for desiring a relationship.
>>540645She can be a great person when she's not super depressed over men.
No. 540655
>>540640I think it really depends on how much you're getting out of the relationship. How often would you say she gets like this? If it's only a recent development, then maybe it's worth it to support her through it. She might just be going through a rough patch . If she's consistently had this issue throughout your relationship with her, but she's not like this ALL the time (ie: only 50% of the time or less), then it also might still be salvageable.
If it really is so bad that EVERYTHING makes her depressed and you're constantly having to support her, I imagine that's going to become completely exhausting and one-sided after awhile. If you feel like things have gotten to that point, it may not be worth it to try anymore. Relationships are about give and take. You can't just be supporting someone all the time when they're not able to give back in the same way.
I've had to let some friends go because it had been literally years and they'd just never gotten their shit together. I helped them as much as I could, gave emotional support, suggestions for improving themselves, but they never took any of it and just wanted to dump all their problems on me, claiming I was the "only one" would would listen. If I ever tried to talk to them about my problems, they wouldn't listen. That kind of relationship is just not sustainable. It's not right nor fair to expect someone to support you all the time when you won't do the same for them in return.
Your friend more than likely needs professional help for this.
No. 542111
>>542096>>540645What the hells the matter with you two?
>>540640Why are you getting male attention and why isn't she getting any? Since you two are friends aren't you two somewhat alike?
No. 542148
>>542141Don't project your situation onto others, not everyone who is sad about being a femcel does that.
>>542132I should have known that this thread attracts baits
No. 542189
File: 1587113893104.png (404.83 KB, 1024x554, 20200417_015756.png)

I just wax off my peach fuzz.
No. 542198
File: 1587118012884.jpg (815.09 KB, 1024x554, Inked1526234855771_LI.jpg)

so i basically ticked off almost all of the boxes for femcel and only one for stacy which is being 120lb.
I dont know if i should be proud or ashamed.
But seeing some anons on here who are crackwhores,did anal,have multiple std's or slept with half the football team (aka have a double/triple digit body count) makes me feel better about being a femcel.
No. 542212
File: 1587121296244.jpg (208.53 KB, 1024x555, stacybingo.jpg)

I agree with
>>537102 , also I don't get the alcohol part on the stacy and fembot sides. Most girls I've met that drink a lot (including me though I've had to cut down during quarantine lmfao) are a dysfunctional mess and definitely the opposite of a Stacy. Something like coke instead means having money and contacts though.
Also kind of dumb that there are 3 boxes related to body hair, facial hair and unibrow. They're all kind of related, I have all of them naturally because my hair is very dark, but I wax it religiously (and already got laser where it was the thickest) so I didn't know if it counts.
No. 542216
File: 1587122325617.png (374.73 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

I spent 230€ on makeup once but I don't even use it or like it because I don't have the makeup skills and anything I do looks like shit so I am just bare faced 24/7
No. 542220
File: 1587123702944.png (385.82 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

Decided to do it to
No. 542239
>>542204if you felt personally offended because you are probably one of those women i mentioned then thats your problem not mine.
>>542212the picture really says it all doesnt it lol.
Wonder why so many women who are walking stds also are jealous of other women……hmmmm seems like a common pattern.
No. 542243
>>542238you're really going to believe anything thats posted here anon?
Ofc she will make her friend look like this ''jelly incel'' thats common for women to do when they dont like each other they will talk about how the other gets no scrote attention and stuff like that.
In reality its mostly the sex worker/std bag/50 body count type of women who are super jealous and catty towards each other and constantly bully each other.
Meanwhile most femcels mind their own business are supportive of their fellow women and hate scrotes aka the male creature.
No. 543981
File: 1587460923186.jpeg (143.71 KB, 1024x555, 75B1FAB7-418E-4C78-A546-65BF7D…)

>>542239Nope, Anon, not personally offended. I just wouldn’t ever describe other women the way you do.
No. 544001
File: 1587465884168.png (395.81 KB, 1024x554, 20200421_223759.png)

Grew up with negligent parents, raised on runescape. Female looks and male personality with a maternal instinct gang gang
No. 544019
File: 1587469896854.png (374.27 KB, 1024x555, yuck.png)

I've had some men be attracted to me when I was at my lowest weight 2 years ago but, I gained a hell of a bunch of weight and am basically a hambeast. There's a dude I flirt with on discord but he's only ever seen my face. The good thing is I'm starting to get my shit together and "glow up" so to speak.
I wouldn't say I'm full femcel but I was definitely on a downward spiral this year.
No. 544026
File: 1587470793493.png (361 KB, 1024x554, 20200421_070609.png)

I'm somewhere in between. Probably because I'm introverted but I'm also a slut.
No. 544039
File: 1587472929519.png (439.21 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

I feel like if I was born as a more extroverted person, then I maybe could've been a stacy in another life
No. 544109
File: 1587484697505.jpeg (126.52 KB, 902x488, 7B054719-F555-46DC-B084-08A22C…)

I can’t believe I’m a Stacy lol
No. 544432
File: 1587537849985.png (359.92 KB, 1028x568, god damn.png)

being a female bartender probably inflates that 'constant compliments' one a bit because on a busy friday/saturday night i get more complimentary customers than not (if that makes sense).
> <120lbs
> can't handle alcohol
i'm small so one drink's good for me
No. 544448
File: 1587543394251.png (402.78 KB, 1024x555, 158765571.png)

> both my parents were pretty chad and stacy back when they were young, dad was part of the rowing team and soccer team mom was the lead in a singing choir and a cheerleader.
>sister was a stacy, captain of the dance team, pretty popular in university, got married to a guy who is engineer.
>be me who is nothing like them, introverted to the extreme. only thing I got from mom was an acne free face.
>the only reason "I don't get rejected" is because I dont even try to talk to anyone unless its work related or normal everyday interactions
I am probably a big disappointment to both my parents.
No. 545261
File: 1587697953567.png (356.57 KB, 1024x555, f.png)

i have a nice ass/thighs but normal boobs. wtf does thicc mean anymore? also i didn't sleep with the married guy but he was really, really into me.
my skin sucks though and i'm a huge shut-in who'd rather watch youtube than go on dates. i enjoy being single even tho i feel like i shouldn't. also participate in plenty of anti-male thought schools. i think i'm 50/50.
No. 545298
File: 1587710026088.png (338.58 KB, 1024x555, dumb.png)

Th Stacy one seems bizarre and based mostly on fiction to me. Who tf has credit cards from multiple people? That sounds more like a credit card fraud than a Stacy lmao
Also what the fuck does "Goddess" status mean? How is that something you can even judge objectively? And who the hell knows how many pieces of clothing they have? I'm sure most people have around 350 items of clothing if you count socks and underwear.
Anyway I checked off the "dresses modestly" one, but I don't agree with the slut part? Being perceived as a slut doesn't concern me. I dress modestly because I live in a cold climate.
No. 545300
Highkey judging those of you that have slept with people in relationships. Like I get that both people are on the hook if cheating is happening, but come on. Also a married guy hitting on you is not "getting seduced."
>>537320Fucking based lmao
No. 545323
File: 1587717560963.jpeg (510.81 KB, 1242x707, D7D2A79B-E03E-4996-BA8B-8AFBFB…)

>>249320filling this out just made me feel boring lol
No. 545580
File: 1587757264462.gif (232.31 KB, 317x182, Sf5qh.gif)

>>545298Yeah, this "bingo" is crap. The person who made it couldn't even spell "believes" right, not to mention that it's based on really shallow notions. Like how D-cup automatically means big breasts(D-cup can be tiny if one has a small band size).
Can't we let this board die already?
No. 545676
File: 1587777333806.png (345.11 KB, 1024x555, bored.png)

I kind of wanted to star thic because i've always had a big ass compared to the rest of me but I don't think I would qualify truly
No. 546454
File: 1587941935201.gif (1.63 MB, 360x270, 1525827394.gif)

Wow lol this thread is hilarious. Didn’t know y’all were farming yourselves for milk too.
No. 546463
>>546462how is filling out a daft bingo card farming for milk? oh looks anon's
checks thread either have more stacy squares filled out or fembot ones
No. 546549
File: 1587962514959.jpg (74.22 KB, 891x717, zZ86SqQ.jpg)

>>546538do it, faggot, i dare you
No. 546810
>>546477Not that anon but hmm interesting that you think that NOT being a whorelett equals to being fat and ugly.
But the truth is that you are just a insecure pathetic slut who thinks that if you sleep with men that makes you worthy.
Didnt have to sleep around with everyone and still had so many men wanting me, now seethe thotiana.
No. 550796
>>550784Men have astonishingly low standards in some areas, I don't think that's a good thing. They shouldn't be enabling NEEThood either.
I don't think anons are likely to tell anyone to dump their bf over nitpicky things like body hair anyway, but if someone comes here to complain about a laundry list of flaws in their partner obviously they aren't ok with it and should indeed dump him.
No. 551656
File: 1588914793445.png (368.15 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

I think i'm the only one so far that hasn't ticked off any of stacy slots….. sigh..
lmao for some reason now I want to stand and sit straight to get rid of one trait of being a femcel. So thanks I guess
No. 551663
>>550784Any decent man isn't going to break up with a girl just for having acne, body hair, etc
I know a lot of anons are dishonest about their lives though, including exaggerating measurements, lying about careers, etc because I really doubt married doctors, CEOs, psychologists, etc who go out with their friends every friday night end up spending years on a gossip site that includes teen level drama discussions about psychoanalyzing every single thing a cow posts
No. 551701
File: 1588925557526.jpg (257.81 KB, 1024x555, IMG_20200508_020850.jpg)

Feel blessed that I have a half way decent face structure, so with makeup I become a solid 7 but just a face can only go so far when you're built like a fridge and have a shit personality.
No. 551702
File: 1588925592569.jpg (161.67 KB, 1024x555, hljoink.jpg)

this is the dumbest fucking thing i've ever seen on this board i s2g…did a 13-year old come up with this? lmao
No. 552027
File: 1588997420866.jpeg (156.6 KB, 1024x555, BBE3740A-B8F0-4206-9C92-B3CD72…)

I don’t have the best self esteem so I’m kinda surprised that I got bingo and had way more stacy ones kek. I marked thicc and fat cuz I’m overweight but not huge and I have an hourglass figure but my boobs aren’t that big but my ass and waist are pretty nice. Fucking two guys in one day was during a manic episode and I don’t have hook ups anymore.
No. 552032
File: 1588999082266.png (649.91 KB, 1249x693, pYX5wzs.png)

feels fuckin bad lmao
No. 552079
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No. 552081
File: 1589022473066.png (371.35 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

Why fear rejection if you can just never make a move on a guy? Simple as
No. 552133
File: 1589039819669.png (363.47 KB, 1024x555, Untitled.png)

>either be loser with low self esteem
>or be loser pseudo prostitute with low self esteem who sucks off stinky scrotes basically for virtually nothing in exchange while getting her nudes leaked online as she tells herself that makes her “an empowered goddess stacy” to cope
Feels good to be a CHAD dyke terf while keeping orbiters around to manipulate into doing stuff for you at the same time.
I haven’t actually ever“seduced a married man” but I’ve had several guys already in relationships who flirted me or tried to make a move on me so it sorta counts i guess. Scrotes are fucking bullshit with no consciences rolf i don’t get the ones of you itt who are doing these unironically or who care that much about how many of them want to fuck you, the only true “femcels” are the women with such warped mindset lmao
No. 552208
>>552150Well it is lolcow afterall so most anons can claim to be rich elite businesswomen with model husbands and no one would know they're actually neets who work at Burger King
It's one thing I hate about this site tbh at least in /ot/ and /g/ anyway, so much dishonesty, like how back when people were taking "statistics" and every single person claimed to be rich and married, with body type threads all anons claim to be skinny with big boobs and butt and so on
No. 552443
File: 1589113307201.jpg (176.48 KB, 1008x442, bingo.jpg)

Straight up 50/50 for me, although "never rejected" just means I never approached anyone. I grew up in a pretty small secluded area and was the designated ugly weird girl of the class, although granted I wasn't even that ugly back then, I just had no idea how to style myself. I was certainly weird though. I was pretty lonely people would ask me out jokingly in a way to make fun of me. like I was so disgusting the idea of anyone doing that was a huge joke. I managed to be a KHV up until the age of 24, when I gained a little confidence boost from posting nudes online, and then a guy in my college class started making it clear he was into me. Of course I didnt know how to handle this attention and the jury is still out on whether he was a total fuckboy. But he was incredibly mentally ill and we were pretty toxic all in.Anyway, that was kinda just down to getting the fuck over myself. having it spelt out to me that despite the way I had always been treated, I wasn't totally disgusting and unlovable. I don't regret it. I'll never go with the femcel label, but I certainly had a lot of mental issues holding me back then. And even now I've reverted back to an autistic shutin. Still miserable. But I'm more at peace with myself now I guess. Only took me to get to 29. Kinda sucks ageing and actually becoming properly ugly now though
No. 552480
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I’m mediocre at everything
No. 552522
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>>249320Tbh mild acne and a few blackheads don’t make you femcel.
Also there is like one Starbucks in my country, and people are are fucking introverted even really hot girls dont get that many compliments IRL outside of bars/clubs.
No. 554013
>>552729I've never really heard of many women who would be into as much as men want threesomes with women. it's probably like two dogs fighting over a dog toy. No thank.
>>552729On the plus side, they are more likely to fight each other for hogging the pussy. It could only possibly work if the two men have more interest in each other than the woman.
No. 554116
File: 1589535544158.png (406.51 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

Normie I guess. I don't get the outdrinking thing tho. Alcoholism is more an incel thing and it makes you bloated and gross. Should have been coke.
>>554040Not necessary true. But a FFM must definitely be done by bisexual girls otherwise I don't see the point… Bisexual MMF are probably the best too.
No. 554123
>>552729I haven't gotten around to doing the bingo sheet yet, but I did it once. It was pretty great.
>>553976>>554005Yeah, my experience was with my partner and one of his close friends, so I felt safe. It's an extremely vulnerable state to be in. Definitely not a thing I would recommend unless one of them is your serious significant other.
No. 554172
File: 1589548605094.png (444.44 KB, 1024x554, Hmmmm.png)

Meh, it doesn't matter anyway because i've taken the 2dpill long time ago. I am also surprised that despite not having one bit of stacy traits a lot of 3dpigs were interested in me.
No. 554245
File: 1589565537813.png (357.46 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

Super boring bitch, but that's because I'm a weirdo with zero interest in romance or sex (the never had sex part is debatable, depends on what you define as sex), and I didn't even have to work for my two Stacy traits lol.
>uses multiple guys credit cards
Aside from the likes of Instathots, does any normie actually do that?
No. 554273
>>554251I agree anon.
I'm looking at the women on my body gallery and all the 5'7+ women weighing less than 110 look pretty spoopy or like they have obvious problems with food.
Some of them are straight up doing ana body checks lmao.
No. 571859
File: 1592486087493.png (84.81 KB, 1024x555, Untitled6_20200618180453.png)

I really wanted to get a bingo on the fembot one. Oh well. I'll get there soon. I think the Stacy one should mention having a lot of good friends and being social. It's an important element.
No. 572509
File: 1592605396554.jpeg (146.74 KB, 1024x555, 1EEA210E-4B4F-470C-9CCC-8443C2…)

Im still confused what a Stacy is tbh. All my crosses are just my sex life achievements lol
No. 572515
File: 1592607487495.png (369.38 KB, 1024x555, PU3tBwodRWfks2r_G5vdTIqz9PjuJQ…)

I just sound average. I don't cross "blackheads", because I have sebaceous filaments, and "can't handle alcohol" because I don't drink to begin with.
No. 572532
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This is odd
No. 572623
File: 1592632996279.png (376.99 KB, 1024x555, 20200620_023035.png)

I'm not overcoming my unability to socialize any time soon. But thanks op, starting tomorrow I will get more serious about my higene and personal presentation.
Big thanks to my genes, if not, I will absolutely have a unibrown.
I was doubious about marking the alcohol one because I don't like it. Adding to my unexperience, my family has an odd history with it, so I'm not risking shit.
Is there any form to change a resting face? I have the biggest, cuntiest, of all the angry resting faces you've probably seen. And I make it everytime I'm focused, even if I'm having fun while playing something.
Classmates made fun of me and it always took time for every new person who cared to stop asking me if I was ok.
No. 572648
File: 1592644281479.png (392.47 KB, 1024x555, Untitled120_20200620040905.png)

I'm a mentalcel. I have pretty good facial features but I'm depressed and can't be fucked to put in an ounce of effort so I usually look like a dumptruck anyways
No. 572857
File: 1592686805869.png (400.26 KB, 1024x554, 20200620_215716.png)

Fear me for I am a Stacy
No. 572926
File: 1592699931428.png (138.88 KB, 1024x555, IMG_8701.PNG)

Despite my results, I wouldn't really consider myself a femcel or less sociable than the average person. Some of this stuff is more applicable to white women (dressing modestly, losing virginity, drinking) than myself since I come from an conservative/ South East asian background, though am still trying to improve my posture and eventually quit social media once quarantine is over
Also, doesn't this bingo seem written by a man?
No. 572968
File: 1592710259618.jpeg (145.55 KB, 1024x555, C60FA16A-3595-42B2-961C-69155C…)

The thing about spending to much time online, does Instagram count? Or YouTube. I think most stacys are glued to their phones. But I guess I’m a Stacy.
No. 576576
File: 1593414218479.png (348.04 KB, 1024x568, chart.png)

30 years old femcel here. I'm probably more extreme case than most. I've never been asked out. My looks are 2/10 if 1/10 is seriously deformed. I've mostly accepted that I will die without even as much as hugging a guy but sometimes the lack of human touch kills me.
No. 576660
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No. 576714
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No. 576727
File: 1593445233932.png (366.49 KB, 1024x555, 2020-06-29 17.32.18.png)

No. 576735
File: 1593445670205.png (326.92 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771~2.png)

I wouldn't consider myself either but that's me lol.
No. 576759
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No. 576797
File: 1593453765158.png (354.27 KB, 1013x544, i hate this.png)

Lost my virginity at 20, if I waited until after college I think I would have turned out worse… It was like a switch turned on and I realized that I didn't need to be such an ugly bitch.
No. 576908
File: 1593458626278.png (339.63 KB, 1018x546, femcel.png)

According to this I'm a Stacy.
I think I might look like a Stacy, and my sexual history supports that; but I am a radfem who spends a lot of time on this all-female imageboard, so I highly doubt any basement-dwelling maleoid would agree.
No. 576931
File: 1593459755896.gif (146.09 KB, 300x167, ripobama.gif)

>>576910I kek'd reading your comment. I'm not a NEET by any means (at this rate, I'll be in school forever) but I'm definitely not a normie in terms of my online activity.
In all seriousness, these bingo sheets reinforce how retarded incels are. Literally every single block on the Stacy side is about looks or surface-level experiences. I guess incels think that all women who sit around reading feminist theory in their free time (e.g. me, sometimes) are fat, ugly losers; and they also must think that all women with flawless hair and makeup are nice, conservative tradthots. I'd rather spend the rest of my life masturbating than sleep with a fucking misogynist.
Of course, not hating women makes you a simp to these autists, so I guess it's a lose-lose for them.
No. 577145
File: 1593477725822.png (378.7 KB, 1152x648, Untitled.png)

I geniunely dont consider myself a fembot or a stacy but the bingo card never lies smh
No. 577278
File: 1593492169389.png (352.54 KB, 1023x553, bingo.png)

I'm pretty shut-in but I have a group of beta orbiters and sims even though I am a lesbian.
Still kinda normie in the end I think.
No. 581211
File: 1594220983396.jpg (29.35 KB, 380x380, boo25b11nz741.jpg)

>look through site and catalogue
>it's literally just a female version of incel sites
As an incel, why not join forces? We both hate stacies, we're both atypical, both struggle with friendships/relationships, and both lonely. Looking through the board it's obvious that no femcel here is some turbo-stacy complaining about chad or something, at least from a cursory glance.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 581226
File: 1594223284160.jpg (18.65 KB, 275x275, flipped.jpg)

>>581211.ecnalg yrosruc a morf tsael ta ,gnihtemos ro dahc tuoba gninialpmoc ycats-obrut emos si ereh lecmef on taht suoivbo s'ti draob eht hguorht gnikooL .ylenol htob dna ,spihsnoitaler/spihsdneirf htiw elggurts htob ,lacipyta htob er'ew ,seicats etah htob eW ?secrof nioj ton yhw ,lecni na sA
setis lecni fo noisrev elamef a tsuj yllaretil s'ti>
eugolatac dna etis hguorht kool>
No. 581730
File: 1594310416443.png (369.08 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

>>249320I'm pretty much like you op, i agree with everything you said
No. 581763
File: 1594316993257.png (416 KB, 1079x585, IMG_20200709_194510.png)

I'm not sure why blonde hair is a stacy-thing or even counts since I dye mine dark brown and anyone who actually wants blonde hair can just bleach it.
No. 583008
File: 1594535798224.jpeg (847.42 KB, 1756x2048, CA2DE589-DD2C-4CA2-8BCC-ED928D…)

fuck the shitty bingo board. farmers which type do you fit into?
>closest match
the blocker
>aspire to be
the demon
No. 583014
>>583010the blocker was a stretch in my case, what
male types do you relate to? this surprisingly left out female autists and sjws.
>>583011based and sobpilled
>>583012I was joking about being the demon (too autistic) but who needs a soul with those gorgeous red eyes!
No. 583017
>>583014>what male types do you relate to?I agree that if I had to pick one I'd probably be The Blocker, even though I'm married. I'm more of the "female autist" archetype (and not ironically, I actually have autism.) Female socialization in childhood had basically no effect on me, was constantly picked on and isolated for being "boyish" and only wanting to play with boys, having "male" interests (vidya, collecting, RPGs, outdoors work), have never shaved my legs, armpits, or upper lip hair in my life, have known I was bisexual since 10, have been browsing 4chan and assorted imageboards since I was 11 or 12 (back in 2010.) My only adult interests are drawing, cartoons (resident /co/omer here), and politics. The list could go on. My only friend is my husband who's also autistic, bisexual, and has similar interests. Where's the femjak on that chart who just… doesn't care about male attention, or anyone's attention, and just exists? We're underrepresented.
No. 583027
>>583008In the past a blocker and stalker, currently relate to none of these?
I too aspire to be the demon though
No. 583094
>>583008>Closest matchTrad and Blocker
>Aspire to beThe spectre
Because she seems the most stylish out of the bunch
No. 583121
>>583008A man obviously made that shit, kek. All based on women who ignored him, he saw in public/social media and assumed shit about, or he had crushes on that rejected him. They're all written in too much of an outsider's perspective.
Some of them are funny, though. I'd like to be the tomboy or the crazy bitch.
No. 583183
>>583008>closest matchThe blocker
>aspire to beThe sunshine I guess
Yes, just as cliché as this thread and the scrotes who post on it.
I don't starve for social aceptance. I just want to feel comfy with people around, even if I don't know them.
No. 583293
>>583008anon same:
>closest matchthe blocker (except I don't block people, I just stop talking to them)and a little bit of the disaster
>aspire to bethe demon
No. 583456
>>583008>closest matchbetween the martyr, the disaster, and the sobber, god help me
>aspire to bethe sunshine
No. 583499
File: 1594617427291.jpeg (210.94 KB, 400x534, 2823900A-BBDA-4C6C-9FD6-C07CCB…)

>>583008Literally "The nice girl" to a T except picked up some gross views from my 4chan addiction
Also "The Ghost"
No. 583501
>>583008>closestcombo of ghost and blocker
No. 583632
File: 1594645614878.jpg (6.26 KB, 282x178, download.jpg)

>>583501>aspire: tomboyFinally, some intelligence
No. 583637
>>583008>closest matchthe disaster
>aspire to bethe sunshine
No. 583897
>>583008>closest matchblocker and the nice girl with a dash of the seed pit and the og sans the abortions and whatnot
>aspire to be mix of the demon and tomboy but i still hate men hAHA
No. 593804
File: 1596193431614.png (390.46 KB, 1024x555, bingo.png)

>>249320I used to have this big fear of being a "slut" but honestly as I've grown I just don't give a fuck. Life is better when you do what you want.
And what is goddess status?
No. 593814
File: 1596195334219.png (333.63 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771~2.png)

I wouldn't consider myself either of these, but I guess I am more similar to a Stacy than Fembot.
No. 593834
File: 1596197736496.png (384.44 KB, 1024x555, 2020-07-31 17.13.21.png)

I was so close to getting a bingo smh
Also what would a sextape even mean? Like do posting boob pics online count as a sextape? I thought only celebs etc had sex tapes
No. 593882
>>593834why would a sex tape be a picture. A tape is a film. A film is a video.
Did you fuck on film? Yay/nay?
No. 593883
File: 1596201478963.png (406.88 KB, 1024x555, bb429b81-e14b-45e0-8145-eb7275…)

The only two things I regret were doing anal (it fucking sucked so badly) and trying to seduce a married man.
No. 593957
File: 1596211966064.png (377.47 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

I always refused to do anal, guess I made the right choice.
Here's my results anyway.
I am married though, so I guess there's always hope even for a fembot.
No. 593959
File: 1596212481848.jpeg (260.81 KB, 828x474, 39A19591-78DA-4148-AF9A-036E4C…)

>>583008Blocker/trad, my big secret is I want to fuck girls
No. 593985
>>583008>closest matchThe Asset.
>aspire to beEither The Sunshine or The Demon.
No. 594042
>>583008>closest matchThe Demon/Blocker
>aspire to beThe Sunshine
No. 594045
File: 1596223488636.png (413.46 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

OMG I'm the Blocker, this fits me to a T. My goal is to be the sunshine except with a wife.
No. 594078
>>572623>Is there any form to change a resting face? I have the biggest, cuntiest, of all the angry resting faces you've probably seenKek'd heartily
But yes, the way I did it was be hyper aware of my facial expression. Always reminding myself to check what I look like and change it if I'm doing a bitch face. Eventually a normal resting face becomes second nature
No. 594085
>>250834I wish I did. I was called "cute" at school for not having lost it yet. I finally lost it at 21 to a random because I was fucking tired of being a virgin. Not because of others, but it was ruining my confidence with men.
It was incredibly painful. I haven't had sex since because of the stupid virus. This summer I'm gonna go on a rampage and git gud at sex despite being a prude. I'm almost 23 it's embarrassing.
No. 632358
File: 1600357413672.png (359.59 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

Surprisingly enough, I got a bingo in Stacy section
No. 632366
>>632358Anytime someone ticks 'seduced a married man' I'm always curious about the details lol
I feel like one of my old hook-ups was married but I'll never know for sure
No. 632398
File: 1600360910983.png (412.59 KB, 1024x554, 20200917_123742.png)

I don't really wear heels, more like combat boots or platforms.
>>632366NTA but basically I wanted to fuck this guy I worked with. So so badly, like whenever we would close the store together, I would constantly fantasize about going with him into the break room and fucking him. He was such a weak man, emotionally, and he always made me laugh. Always mocking his wife and telling me about arguments with her. "Sometimes you gotta just… y'know, break a plate. Scare your wife and kids a little." But really, he was a hilarious guy. I miss him.
Apparently he even told his wife about me and when she came into the store one time, he even introduced me. "Honey, this is Anon" and I just had to be like "Oh hey! I've heard so much about you!" (I totally haven't been flirting with your husband)
I absolutely wouldn't actually make a move on him though. You know, there's a such thing as a work wife/work husband.
No. 632575
File: 1600375350468.jpeg (539.81 KB, 1280x694, 1526234855771.jpeg)

I dont go to parties lol
No. 632641
File: 1600382710106.jpg (175.75 KB, 1024x555, 534543645.jpg)

I'm sorry for the blogpost, but I have no one to talk about it, it's just venting
24, kissless virgin, no friends. I don't think I'm ugly because I've been complimented in my life but I most certainly look sick (I don't go outside much, not enough vitamin D I guess). I was diagnosed with ASD at 21, I never socialized properly and I developed severe social phobia. I can't even imagine talking to a man (most of my irl experiences with men involved either child molestation or bullying at school, after reaching the age of 15 I never talked to boys/men again, they scare me more than women, I feel like they would want to hurt me, sooner or later). Every time I try to step outside my "comfort zone" I'm embarassing myself. Can't talk to people like a normal person, can't look people in the eyes. If anything I didn't expect happens (and it always does, because there's no way to be 100% prepared for a social situation), I shut down or have a panic attack and leave in order to spare myself the shame (there's nothing more humiliating than having a public meltdown in front of strangers. I dropped out of college because of this). I'm tired of it and I know there's no point in trying. There's also constant sensory overload and problems with daily tasks. I know I will never catch up with my peers. I don't want to be a burden to anyone and I know no one healthy would want me. I'm afraid only creeps and narcs would be into me anyway because I'm very gullible and vulnerable and not very assertive and creeps fetishize that. So yeah, I think it's pretty much over for me. Every day I think of how I will die alone and no one except maybe my cousins will attend my funeral. I'm jealous of people who can function in society, have friends. Looks mean nothing when you're mentally fucked
No. 632682
File: 1600386765377.png (383.82 KB, 1024x554, 20200918_004123.png)

>>583008Closest to the blocker and the ghost minus the having had sex bit. Also I'm not a natural blonde
No. 632763
File: 1600396520721.jpeg (113.62 KB, 750x405, A849C858-5105-4CF0-A8B1-ABB72D…)

I’m basically just a slut
No. 632856
File: 1600411620082.png (341.48 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771~2.png)

My 20s were all over the place
No. 633239
File: 1600454966431.png (367.4 KB, 1024x555, 1.png)

I'm ugly but I don't know about being femcel, I have no desire to have a bf or kids, so I don't really care about men. They either ignore me or inconvenience me. I did lose my virginity to another virgin but it was mutually 'let's fuck I'm desperate to get rid of my virgin status'.
No. 633272
>>249359>>249359why do i find femcel cute though
ik as girl im not what she wants but shes much more down to earth and true to herself than stacy. to me
No. 633278
File: 1600457393778.png (339.54 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771~2.png)

Not a stacy or a fembot, just the daughter and the heiress of a shyness that is criminally vulgar
No. 633323
File: 1600459880180.jpg (67.77 KB, 736x736, 8a76ecfc8f731f829fa9890e80f835…)

All these dirty femcels, suck my ass
No. 633358
File: 1600463183301.jpeg (150.73 KB, 1024x555, D561AA02-29C6-43AA-9E4E-FA45F0…)

>Can’t be rejected if you never ask someone out
The other ones with the dotted lines are because I don’t drink alcohol or go to parties, but if I did I would probably have a low tolerance and 100% sure I would also just stand on a corner without talking to anyone.
No. 633372
File: 1600464969960.png (372.16 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

I guess I lean towards Stacey according to this, but I'm definitely more fembot recently. I haven't been laid since january and pretty much let myself go. I went back to college to change careers and couldn't give a fuck about looking good right now.
No. 633415
File: 1600467683039.png (381.71 KB, 980x547, Screenshot 2020-09-18 at 23.16…)

I'm reluctant to brand myself a femcel but recently I've just given up on dating, I'm 22 but already feel like I'm past my prime. I live in the middle of no where, all the men here are druggies or bullied me in high school. Women wont even look at me, let alone talk to me. I'm trying to get my shit together rn, so hopefully things get better
No. 633429
>>633426Thanks anon, I know I have a lot of life ahead of me but I can't help but think about all the time I've wasted already, I guess it's just an unhealthy way to think and I should concentrate on the future.
I've lost weight recently and I'm taking meds for the acne, I think life will improve as soon as I get out of this hick town lol
No. 633433
File: 1600470005081.png (393.28 KB, 1024x554, 20200918_235917.png)

Huh, more of a Stacy than I realized
No. 633454
File: 1600475079343.png (383.51 KB, 1024x555, bingo.png)

No. 633466
File: 1600476576745.jpeg (170.4 KB, 1024x555, D315CC58-C80E-4CD2-B456-0D7C51…)

Gave in since I was curious. According to this i'm femcel leaning but I don't really care or think so lol. As in I don't angst over getting a man (not since high school lol) nor have much interest rn. But i also am cynical of them so idk, but what woman isn't
Did any one else have trouble with certain squares. like im not a 100% virgin but never did penetration so i consider myself a virgin, still having had sex tho. It was just one guy so im not a stacy by far i know. I dont want to be tbh, that life seems shallow and kinda reckless?
Im probably just a normie/awkward person with anxiety.. I think in school i couldve seemed femcel but i blame it on hormones and being younger&dumb&mentally unwell, and i still dated. I didnt always know stuff about clothes either but recently Ive been trying, so I feel good about this since a lot of them are things I'm improving on, for myself tho not "chad". Honestly i have this fear im hideous but it must not be too bad if scrotes like me even without makeup and when i had worse clothes/hair. but then scrotes can be desperate lol
ok sorry blogpost ik no one cares lol but Im kinda glad i did this surprisingly. good to be neither
No. 633719
File: 1600507984005.png (250.68 KB, 1021x554, 11.png)

I updated it to be realistic and not some incel's fantasy.
No. 633732
File: 1600509880415.png (328.57 KB, 1021x554, 2020-09-19 15.04.20.png)

>>633719I guess I'm pretty average. Feels nice.
No. 633806
File: 1600515597207.png (397.73 KB, 1024x555, 8DD55211-0F39-4605-8034-3DF9D3…)

I’m objectively attractive/confident in my looks…but I’m just a weeb and prefer staying home
Also not interested in sex despite being asked for it a couple of times
No. 633878
>>633719>Men don't look her in the eyesHow is this associated with being a fembot? Usually only attractive men look me in the eyes, the less attractive ones often don't, I think it depends on confidence
>>633830>Literal homeless people go to starbucksMaybe in rich countries, definitely not where I live kek
No. 633912
File: 1600528878727.png (254.06 KB, 1012x556, asdifghklesj,hrcluhre.PNG)

No. 633944
>>633878Don't look her in the eyes because they don't want to signal any interest to her, afraid she'll latch onto him.
>>633878It's expensive even in rich countries
No. 633978
File: 1600533498281.jpeg (583.99 KB, 1280x695, 1600507984005.jpeg)

i never needed braces so pretty proud of that even tho i lowkey wish i had (i think they're cute)
No. 633982
File: 1600534299037.jpeg (156.1 KB, 1021x554, 7DE01B82-228D-45F5-B22F-B1260E…)

tbh feels wrong even calling myself a femcel, i could easily get a bf but that doesn’t mean shit cause scrotes will fuck anything that moves and i have no faith in them to respect me. and i prefer women but too scared of losing friends to come out.
No. 633991
File: 1600535098527.png (232.38 KB, 1021x554, ywn_be_stacy.png)

Tbh I could say I probably smell nice but I don't even have anyone around to confirm that
No. 634127
File: 1600545993948.png (250.43 KB, 1021x554, 1600507984005.png)

Interesting tbh but I'm also suprised by how many farmers did not have sex yet, maybe that's exactly why I'm a stacy kek
No. 634164
File: 1600548948349.png (141.59 KB, 1056x590, stacy and fembot bingo.png)

How is this one?
No. 634293
File: 1600565631472.jpeg (722.21 KB, 1280x715, bingo.jpeg)

>>634164My chest is pretty flat and i'm scrawny and not what i consider hourglass but ig i technically am shaped hourglassly. I also sometimes get really depressed (or extremely lazy maybe?) and don't shower for a day or two. I don't do much physical activity though so it's not like i smell or anything. Still gross though, ik
No. 634315
File: 1600570067835.png (211.24 KB, 1056x590, 5433.png)

>>634164i get a lot of compliments on my outfits so i gave myself the fashion square
No. 634424
File: 1600592492366.png (353.91 KB, 1024x555, stillaclown.png)

i still feel like a total loser either way.
i suppose being a fatty-chan negates stacy status kek
No. 634438
File: 1600597789014.jpeg (195.27 KB, 1056x590, 595ABEFB-EC17-4DEF-8E24-FB6F54…)

>>634164I like this one, much more relatable than the caricature quiz of the OP. I guess in my 20s I’ve become hard Stacy-leaning after shedding most of my fembot traits including mental illness. Sadly still jealous of other women’s bodies sometimes due to an eating disorder, but for the most part I live a very well adjusted life.
No. 634452
File: 1600601581244.png (373.36 KB, 1056x590, 2020-09-20 16.32.15.png)

Wow, I'm pretty pathetic.
No. 634454
File: 1600601671001.jpeg (182.77 KB, 1056x590, 04E55908-2584-4E95-9E85-2F3677…)

what i’m getting from this is i’d be a total stacy if not for my anxiety and speech impediment, kek
No. 634459
File: 1600602353572.png (136.57 KB, 1056x590, stacy and fembot bingo~2.png)

>>634164Nice work OP
The incel version let me believe I was a Stacey but I can handle the truth
No. 634465
File: 1600603690892.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1993x1117, 910F33E4-8CCC-4557-B9A0-269112…)

>>634164I didn’t think I was such a failure
No. 634466
File: 1600603767446.png (149 KB, 1056x590, fembot.png)

big virgin nerd with very niche interests and fashion.
No. 634503
File: 1600611368094.png (228.97 KB, 1056x590, 20200920_110821.png)

Maybe one day I'll be able to cross out "athletic" and "socially charming", sighs
No. 634506
File: 1600611713797.png (134.26 KB, 1056x590, 1600548948349~2.png)

No. 634554
File: 1600618263312.jpeg (319.81 KB, 1242x692, B092D860-65BE-41EC-810B-E456C9…)

>would have crossed the halo effect if I hadn’t got robbed so much.
>is athletic but goes back to couch potato at times
We can do it, anons, we can become the Stacy with some effort.
No. 634610
>>632592All of them anon.
All of them.
No. 634639
File: 1600626472689.png (169.84 KB, 1002x563, bingo-.png)

>>634164Almost triple bingo.
No. 634712
File: 1600634112251.png (156.62 KB, 1056x590, 1600548948349.png)

>>634164There goes my Stacy status.
No. 1248928
File: 1656794883242.png (173.05 KB, 1056x590, 1600548948349.png)

i only have 3 irl friends, one of them is a stoner girl i bscly adopted, the other a girl ive known for 6 years n we barely ever go out together, and the third one is a normoe girl
im insecure abt my body but bc my friends compliment it someitmes (normie girl said i have nice hips n tits) i dont rly hide it
abd ive had bfs but they all left me for being too mentally ill -_-
and my bangs are only trendy in my country, but theyre "trashy low class girl" kidn of trendy.. my sense in fashion is good im just too broke to buy cute clothes
a boy also told me i should tell him if anyone takes advantage of me 4being too shy so that he can beat them up but now he avoids me at shcool….
No. 1249023
File: 1656798538863.jpeg (135.43 KB, 1080x603, orca-image--1934189305.jpeg)

I spent my tweens/teens as a socially rejected loser cosplay-weeb when in my final year of highschool and after pandemic I decided to become a stacey and take care of my hair/outfits and teeth. My hygiene is bad in the fact I have no routines for anything but either way I'm hot now kek so no one cares. I remember one day I was like "wow, this is what it's like to be really REALLY pretty, huh?". Anyways I love seeing all the different types of nonas here. Makes me happy.
Tldr; creepypasta, nerd weeb turned stacey after losing nearly 70lbs(bmi27-19) and going on Pinterest kek
No. 1249112
File: 1656803672048.jpg (20.52 KB, 567x665, daad1b371d4c509fa3278a62ed0104…)

>>1248928>this entire typing style>"-_-">necroing this thread out of all threadsKaitlyn Tiffany destroyed this place.
No. 1249142
File: 1656806505208.png (152.44 KB, 1056x568, bingo.png)

>>1249023my BMI is 18 and i look ugly even when i try to do my hair or makeup. i will never be a stacy
also, bingo!
No. 1249162
File: 1656808173158.png (284.03 KB, 1056x590, 1600548948349.png)

I'm skinnyfat, cool
No. 1249165
File: 1656808396918.jpg (435.29 KB, 1056x590, 1600548948349_mh1656808340345.…)

No. 1249189
File: 1656811062811.png (144.09 KB, 1152x648, me.png)

No. 1249196
File: 1656812107788.png (358.2 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

No. 1249197
File: 1656812293123.png (160.29 KB, 1056x590, bingu.png)

I'm officially a Stacy thanks to my nosejob, yay.
No. 1249200
File: 1656812407833.png (243.45 KB, 1021x554, 1600507984005.png)

>>1249196I rlly hate men so I'm a terminally online misandrist Stacy
No. 1249218
File: 1656813322969.png (186.36 KB, 1056x590, retarded.png)

a walking contradiction of fembot and stacy traits
No. 1249243
File: 1656815256129.jpeg (208.96 KB, 1056x590, F3D2A101-4329-41F8-A62B-DD5C6B…)

It's all ogre man
No. 1249279
File: 1656818733185.jpeg (108.16 KB, 500x499, 60B6577B-18BA-47A5-B2B3-ED3A73…)

No. 1260768
File: 1657677995838.png (335.74 KB, 1056x590, fembotstacybingo.png)

I took this entirely too seriously so here's mine. Pink hearts and purple lightnings are what apply to me, and neither side gives me a full on bingo. Yellow and red stars both indicate things I could realistically fix and/or am doing something about. Blue twinkles show what I'm grateful for not having to deal with personally. Gray lightnings show where I'm simply not cut out for true stacy life; the very thought of those things somehow happening feel stressful and I wouldn't want to do those even if I could because it'd feel off or weird. I think this is better one than the grid that OP put up. The spaces are still solidly believable everyday stacy stuff but this time without any genuinely rank shit even a fat weeby art student could –and often does– pull off after a few drinks.
No. 1278703
File: 1658907640782.png (855.99 KB, 1024x1127, image.png)

back when i was crossing the line between overweight and obese i kept saying this mantra of 'i'd rather be ugly than fat and ugly' and am very close to being underweight despite still having some skinnyfat features in stubborn areas.
i act extremely autistic socially idk how im gonna pull myself out of this one
worst bingo of all time
No. 1278724
File: 1658909300131.png (144.77 KB, 1056x590, bingo.png)

forgot to post mine earlier. who cant beat me?
No. 1278731
File: 1658909807406.png (363.51 KB, 1024x555, bingo2.png)

>>1278724samefag, is there any hope for me nonas?
No. 1278753
File: 1658911739775.png (433.83 KB, 1276x709, ze.png)

>>634164i am in one long term relationship despite everything
No. 1278814
File: 1658915584061.jpeg (157.74 KB, 1024x555, B6394051-5382-4CE8-BE27-E4FDD7…)

No. 1278878
>>1278824>>1278829if i ask a moid to "kiss for practice" he'll think it's an invitation to have sex and rape me on the spot kek.
also i think i just have a huge fear of intimacy, i hate being touched by strangers and the thought of someone being so close to my face they can see all my pores is throwing me off… also sharing your saliva… gross
No. 1279669
File: 1658951689805.png (163.25 KB, 1056x590, 1600548948349.png)

>>1278724i beat you
nonnie. anyway i always felt like blaming other women for men having ridiculous pornsick standards was teen behavior so i never considered myself a femcel. i also didn't like how femcels and fds endgame was focused on getting a chad and bragging about it. honestly i wish to be in a community only with others like me who want 2d husbandos and never date real men because they're rapey and dumb
No. 1289357
File: 1659646909185.jpg (267.11 KB, 1324x2545, Snapchat-646434032.jpg)

What if you're a Stacy but have been so seriously traumatized by men that you run away in fear every time one is interested?
No. 1289488
File: 1659654811250.png (145.03 KB, 1056x590, Sem título.png)

No. 1289500
File: 1659655523783.png (152.62 KB, 1056x548, femcel.png)

Worst thing is probably the frizzy AND thin hair. lmao
I was blessed with good genes face and body wise so it makes up for me being weird as shit. I never had trouble getting men. I have more trouble keeping female friends than getting men, and I mean decent men, not bottom of the barrel men
No. 1292567
File: 1659840142175.png (880.12 KB, 1532x830, AAAHHH.PNG)

>>1289500Same here Nonna, my thin frizzy hair is a nightmare and I've had some luck in taming it, but hasn't been tamed completely. I've been told I'm pretty multiple times (I'm guessing when I actually try to look good) so I guess that and my dumptruck of an ass makes up for my NEETness kek. I think if I start working out more and going outside I'd fit more into the Stacy category.
No. 1293036
File: 1659887588027.png (414.62 KB, 1024x554, 1526234855771.png)

>>1292567I'm pretty sure the only reason I'm considered a Stacey is because I'm extroverted and athletic. Otherwise I'm mentalcel
No. 1293100
>>1293042I'm in the same boat – you're not alone. I actually have you beat, for better or for worse – I'm 140 lbs.
The world tries so hard to make you insecure about everything. You're shamed for never having sex, you're shamed for having too much sex. You're shamed for being dependent on others, you're shamed for being by yourself.
All you need to do is to do the things that make YOU comfortable and content (with obviously exceptions like self-harm/endangerment, deliberately hurting others, etc).
You may do things at your own pace. You may take things day by day. You may contribute in a positive way, whether for yourself, for others, your family, your job. Whatever you want. This is your life. Make the best of the things you can control, whether it's a little or a lot.
Lol, sorry for sounding like a psa.
No. 1295454
File: 1660047560645.png (382.66 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

Make of this what you will
No. 1610711
File: 1687086027758.png (105.75 KB, 1024x555, 1526234855771.png)

No. 1610714
File: 1687086341414.png (103.93 KB, 1024x555, Untitled.png)

a moid wrote this bingo
No. 1610730
File: 1687089311145.png (113.18 KB, 1024x554, PU3tBwodRWfks2r_G5vdTIqz9PjuJQ…)

No. 1610760
File: 1687091740439.png (120.07 KB, 1024x554, 1526234855771.png)

Does lolcow count as man-hate group? I don't hate all men, just the bad ones. But the opinions shared on this website usually have good points.
I wish I was a Stacy to an extent but I'm a fembot against my will. An actual literal femcel because of my circumstances.
But I still tried to have fun with this chart as you can see kek
Also I only get compliments on my intelligence from friends and classmates and lectures but smarts doesn't get you a ticket abroad to get laid by normal society's hot people. Only times I get compliments on my looks is if I'm using a filter on a selfie or if I mention feeling ugly and someone tries to be nics to me out of pity which is humiliating.
I don't get jealous of other women though, partially because I'm bi, and because growing up I only cared about my academic achievements as a kid because it was the thing adults around me focused on so I'd only get jealous of girls who get better grades than me or get prizes for being model students. Grew out of it eventually and didn't ever feel jealous of someone again after that.
I don't care about being in a relationship, I just want sex, so I'll try and fix my looks once I'm out of the shithole I live in and I'll get laid 24/7
No. 1610781
File: 1687093057354.png (117 KB, 1024x555, femcel bingo.png)

I am very moe but very cold
I wish I'd stood by my original wish to remain a kissless virgin and had never entertained retarded otakus on the internet
No. 1610835
File: 1687096860282.png (50.88 KB, 1056x590, 1600548948349.png)

The only reason people don't really suspect I'm spergy is because I can mostly mask just for long enough to handle work days. I'm not sure I'm even able to hold a decent conversation, so I just gave up on dating.
No. 1611041
File: 1687110380430.png (126.19 KB, 1024x555, IMG_20230618_124428.png)

I did anal cause my bf at the time said he would do it with a prostitute if I said no. Never did it again since, it hurt and was gross.
No. 1834945
File: 1704000272992.jpg (141.32 KB, 828x1745, 1000005880.jpg)

Wanted to come on here and share this from my life, as I have no where and no one to say this to.
To start off I am a late 20's lookscel and mental cel.
This past year, I got in a relationship with a guy who was my looksmatch, the only relationship I've ever had in my life yet the relationship only lasted 3 months and he didn't even want to remain friends afterwards because he wanted to be rid of me. I thought that was going to be the end of my happiness, but I have something to look forward to for the new year. I found a family relative who is willing to help finance a cosmetic surgery for me so that it can help towards looksmaxx goal. That and a friend told me about a trick where if you eat 12 grapes under a table at the stroke of midnight on New Year's you can heighten your chances of getting a new relationship. I am just happy that finally good things seem to be happening for me, I am crying right now as I write this. To any femcel who might be reading this, I also hope that you all have a better new year where good things can happen to you, looksmaxx goals can be achieved or even a loving caring guy can come and find you. With how hard this year has been, let's all look forward to good things coming true in the New Year
No. 1834956
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>>1834945>late 20's lookscel and mental cel>cosmetic surgery for me so that it can help towards looksmaxx goalI am BEGGING you to get off tiktok.
No. 1834971
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>>1834956Jokes on you I don't even have TikTok, I only have Instagram which helped pinkpill me in terms of my looks
No. 1835017
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No. 1835087
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Hello, femcel sisters, how would you rate me? TF when no BF, right? LOL!
No. 1835197
>>249320Where are all the
femcels on Lolcow? You’d think that a site like this there would be a good number and they’d have their own dedicated thread to talk in
No. 1835206
>>1835197lurkmoar. there's a ton of threads regarding the topic of loneliness and whatever other retarded shit people associate to the word "
femcel" now.
No. 1835209
>>1835121It's when you wear a "kill all moids" t-shirt.
That or the newfag has absolutely no idea what she is talking about.
No. 1868095
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i thought i would do better haha