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No. 1752397

Not a Brittany containment thread


No. 1752402

Well, first vent is going to be mistyping the thread number.

No. 1752481>>1752523

Poor ducky

No. 1752484>>1752500>>1752540>>1752810>>1752812>>1752826>>1752830>>1752848

I'm so scared of going to the gynecologist. I don't want a metal fucking rod inside me, i'm fucking trembling just thinking about it

No. 1752500

It's not a rod, it's more like giant pliers

No. 1752523>>1752899

He's a bird, he has wings, if he wanted to change anything about his situation he would.

No. 1752526>>1752542

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It pisses me off how hard it is to find a genuine connection. There’s this moid I know who on paper seems like he’d be perfect for me. We have a lot of shared interests like the same movies and bands, we have a similar sense of humor, and he’s extremely conventionally attractive. He’s very fit and works out a lot. He has been hitting on me for years and from what I’ve seen on his social media I’m apparently his type. But he is so fucking annoying. He has no real social skills and is just so fucking awkward. He’s desperate for everyone to like him and it’s so fucking obvious. He was a former fat kid who got hot but he never outgrew the inferiority complex. I don’t think he’s ever had a real relationship and is constantly flirting with other women for validation. Talking to him drives me crazy in a bad way. I don’t care about him specifically but it’s just so frustrating seeing how hard it is to find people you truly like and want to be with. If I really wanted to I could hit him and and have a boyfriend but Jesus I’d be miserable. I miss the moid I genuinely cared about.

No. 1752540

Never had this used on me tbh

No. 1752542>>1752582

>He was a former fat kid who got hot but he never outgrew the inferiority complex.
if he was truly annoying i couldn't do it but the former fat kid inferiority complex does something for me…

No. 1752548>>1752613

I think I get why I've always been friendless and uninteresting to people

It's because of my parents

Due to not being allowes to go out late and such, I've never been able to go out much or do very interesting exciting things

People my age want to "enjoy life", do cool, fun, reckless things
I could have very good humour, very wide culture, I'd always be boring to them because I just don't have this side that makes them feel cool and like they're enjoying life

Long story I'm just inherently boring

No. 1752582

He’s truly annoying because he tries to be charming and isn’t actually but all of his enablers egg him on because they want to fuck him. He’s pretty privilege in action.

No. 1752586

Why do all the male protagonists in older woman x younger male dramas have the same ugly short-ass haircut, that's the reason why Momo remains superior to all of them reeeeeee Also, I feel like it's false advertising to tag a movie with the female lead being a vampire, known to be hundreds of years old, as older woman x younger man, even if it's technically correct.

No. 1752613

Came here to vent about something similar, actually. Not allowed to go out, when I'm allowed I'm discouraged to. Don't have a car because I can't afford it. It's so fucking disheartening. I feel like a toddler.

No. 1752635>>1752651

I think my last break up compelled me into losing all of my sex drive and capacity for romantic attachment to moids. I wonder if this shit is reversible at all, it's been fucking years.

No. 1752651>>1752676

Me too. I like the idea of a relationship now but the reality is too painful for me. I’m trying to focus on other things but I’m getting more and more used to the idea of being alone forever.

No. 1752663>>1752667>>1752678

What is it that draws creepy scrotes to you at the bus stop? Why do they have to hit on you on the bus or be creepy? I try to look as inconspicuous as possible, my hair is short, I wear baggy clothes, I don't talk, I try to keep as much of my body hidden so I don't get picked on. How are they always able to immediately zero in on me as well as any other woman on the bus? I'm autistic as fuck so I don't really understand the social stuff about it. What gives me away as a woman? Is it because they can see my hands? Is it my throat and face? Maybe if I lost some weight I'd at least look a little less female. I think the fat makes my face look too soft and that's a dead giveaway. I wish I could just be left alone. I always get so stressed out when a guy tries to hit on me and then I just wanna get high afterwards and forget all about it. I can't wait until I get my own car. I wish we had women's only buses or at least women only sections. I hate being looked at by them. They're so fucking disgusting and predatory.

No. 1752667

you purposely give out the impression you're insecure and weak, and trying to troon out because of something stranger moids said to you will make it worse and just attract moids who purposely want to use your insecurities to manipulate you

No. 1752668

Man this place has gotten boring lately. Maybe I should go back to browsing moidchan again. At least I can discuss my niche interests there.

No. 1752671

I feel so disgusting. I developed a stupid phobia due to autism of brushing my teeth and now I have like 6 cavities. I feel like my mouth is disgusting, and my teeth are ruined. I hate my ugly face, I wear a mask everywhere because I hate people looking at me. I hate my body, my shit cheap diet made it even worse. I hate my hair, it’s so dry and the color is ugly. I hate everything about my appearance and being. It’s so ugly and odious. I feel like I feel of a disgusting putrid odor, mentally and physically. I feel rotten from inside. My health is bad. I never feel clean now matter how many showers I take. It would take too much money that I don’t have to fix all the problems I caused myself by self neglect and poverty. I want to be someone else.

No. 1752676

The awkward thing for me is I got a rebound boyfriend before my brain chemicals settled and we somehow are still going strong and now I have no idea what to do with him, our sex life is nonexistent, I don't trust him to settle in a sexless platonic marriage with me forever or god forbid co-sign my mortgage, but I'm also disgusted by the prospect of dating any other moid, wish I could be not dead inside again

No. 1752678>>1752685

I refuse to take the bus anymore because of this. I just get black cabs here in the uk (no Uber or private cabs. All the drivers are creepy too) it’s always a middle aged man who doesn’t talk to me and it’s so nice. I honestly don’t mind paying an extra £10 if it helps me avoid interacting with creepy moids and worrying I’m going to get raped

No. 1752685

Yeah I'm going to ditch the bus as soon as I get a car. Though it would be pretty nice if there was a women only bus. Even better if it ran on a better schedule than the regular one and men were forced to fund it. It wouldn't ever happen, but it would be fun to watch the men seethe over having to pay for their fuckups and be all stuck together in their own little shitmobile because they can't behave themselves. The thought makes me smile. Maybe I'll just picture that when I get stressed to try to avoid other less adaptive ways of coping with the stress.

No. 1752740

I wish I was the weak chin chubby face big nose kinda ugly instead of the man-jaw long face tranny kinda ugly

No. 1752792

I’m so fucking tired of my shit neighrbors fucking shooting their guns!! Fucking stop! We live on 1 acre lots they are NOT allowed to shoot. And calling our useless sherriffs office will do nothing ive called and they do not wven do a check because why? I live right on the border of the county and they are so far away from us. Usually when it’s emergencies the bordering county’s services come way first. Also they just dont give a shit about what hispanics do. Whatever, call me racist, but I am hispanic too and this shit behavior is common in us. This is why we can’t have anything good. Those same neighbors also bring in a shitton of unfixed dogs just for them to roam and fight and have puppies that get eaten by the hungry ones. It’s fucked!! Animal services dont respond to me anymore, because they are shortstaffed, live way far away from where im at, and they know that picking them up wont change anything because theyll just bring more. So damn tired. And im afraid of calling the cops because theyll know its me they already give us a stink eye and if something happens ill be dead. And cops will arrive in like what 30 minutes? Fuck fuck fuck!!

No. 1752802

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I dont miss my ex boyfriend at all but whenever I think of the fact that some other bitch is knocking the stuffed animals off his bed at night and throwing them across the room with their musty feet I feel sick I tell you sick

No. 1752807>>1752808

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I don't want to exist anymore

No. 1752808

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No. 1752810

I went for the first time ever this year and it honestly wasn't that bad. The worst part was waiting naked for 20 minutes. It's a little uncomfortable but it doesn't hurt. I didn't even bleed. You'll be ok anon!

No. 1752812

If you're talking about the speculum, you should say you're nervous when you arrive. I did and the gyno used a special smaller plastic speculum and they do lube it up. I could still feel it, but it didn't hurt. It's a few minutes of discomfort and embarrassment to make sure you don't have a possibly fatal disease - it's worth it.

No. 1752826

Just don't go you are legally allowed to not go

No. 1752830

You can ask for the smaller size one I believe it’s for children (bleak as fuck) but I had that one used on me after I had to have a pelvic and pap after being raped. The normal size one was too big and I cried so the doctor who was an Angel used the small one and it was a lot less painful. It’s never truly comfortable but there are ways to make it not awful. Having a female doctor is step one tbh.

No. 1752848>>1752868

Women’s healthcare seems so archaic… like you’re telling me the only way they can look at my cervix is by cranking my vagina open with a metal device that looks like it belongs in a medieval torture chamber?

No. 1752868

Physically, with their eyes? Yeah, that's why they still use it.

No. 1752899

damn… this is kinda deep

No. 1752922

I don't do well with extended social interactions, my social battery is horrible. I'm having a baby soon and my family is all visiting and it feels like I am suffocating. I need a break. I'm ok with a visit once a week but it's the constant interaction, literally all day everyday, it feels like I'm suffocating. I had a horrible headache today and my husband said I don't look well, my eyes are bloodshot and dark circles. My dad has been visiting for a while so I am around him constantly and then when I finally have the baby and can move into our new home my mother wants to visit for an "extended stay". I can't do it, I cannot do months on end of it, I need to tell her to give me and the baby time to connect without interference.

No. 1753025>>1753052>>1753108

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Ever since I moved into my condo the moid upstairs has been making noise multiple times a day, usually some variety of banging on the floor, sometimes for hours. I guess he got a girlfriend because now he's randomly yelling at her during ALL hours of the day. I'm not kidding. He clearly doesn't have a job because I will hear this random yelling when I wake up, when I leave for work, when I come home, when I'm trying to sleep. I thought it would last too long but he's still chimping out multiple times a day and I am so fucking fed up. I can't report him to the management company because this building/area is a shithole and they won't care. Can't bother with my landlord because this is a private rental and she doesn't own his unit. I can't call the cops because it's not a proper domestic issue. Even if I do either of those things there's a good chance he'll figure out it was me who ratted him out and he'll try to kill me. I live alone and I have no real support system in my city, he could break into my home and kill me easily and I wouldn't even be found for a few weeks. It's not fucking fair. I work full time and barely make enough money to survive just so some crackhead can be of no use to anyone and use all of his spare time to ruin my life. It's so humiliating when I had my family over today I had to pray they'd keep their crackhead mouths shut for 30 fucking minutes because I don't need my parents knowing how bad my living situation is rn and worrying more about me. It seems like everywhere I move this shit happens. I have six months on my lease, I'm not going to try to break it because I don't want to move now, I have enough shit on my plate already. All I can do is wear earplugs 24/7 when I'm at home, wear over-ear headphones and have something playing on top of the earplugs because they don't do shit, and have the radio playing as background noise when I sleep so any random yelling has less of a chance of waking me up over night. This is torture. I'm anti-technology and I have to be hooked up to a bunch of machines just to live in my own home and I fucking hate it. All I'm thinking is how easy it would be to go up to his door with a jerry can and light his front door on fire trapping him and his crackhead girlfriend inside, problem solved, no one would even miss them. This is Canada so I would get like 3 years tops. I hope they get mega aids and fucking die painfully.

I hate being poor and I hate other poor people

No. 1753031

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I don’t know what to do. Tomorrow is my first 8 hours of standing shift at my new job. After about 3 hours of straight standing my feet want to fucking burn in flames and I have told back tears. My old job was an extremely toxic office job that made me borderline suicidal. Why do people have to stand for that long???? Why should anyone have to stand if it’s not busy/attending to a customer? I have good shoes and I take an huge ibuprofen horse pill but it’s seriously not enough and I can barely walk at the end of my 5-6 hour shifts. I can’t do 8.

No. 1753035>>1753042

I wanted to use linux mint but realized I wouldnt be able to properly use affinity programs, okay guess I'll have to buy window's 10, Oh but now I would have to rebuy affinity for double the price since the license only works for macs aaaaaaaaaah

No. 1753042

idk anything about affinity but windows is very easy to get for free

No. 1753052

>I can't call the cops because it's not a proper domestic issue.

Exaggerate if you need to. You heard loud arguing, yelling, and banging and you are concerned about the safety of the persons living at the property. That fuck is relying on no one reporting his behavior because it isn't "serious" enough.
Send a message that the cops will be summoned if he so much as raises his voice above a mouse fart. He won't know who made the complaint.

No. 1753108

Order pizzas to his house every day until he moves

No. 1753291

Twitch recommended a stream where the face looked odd so I clicked to see what was going on, turns out it's a tranny with the most horrendous makeup I've ever seen and he even had the balls to tag the stream with "handsome" "attractive"… What the fuck do I watch that makes twitch recommend shit like this to me? They even recommend boob streamers but all I watch is pvp gameplays. The platform is becoming a repulsive mix of sex workers and trannies.

No. 1753377


No. 1753395

It's kind of funny how people complain all the time about how bad they’re treated and how mean others are to them but they do exactly the same thing and don’t give a shit.
If I did the same thing, I would be surely roasted for it.

No. 1753539

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WHY AM I STILL HAVING NIGHTMARES ABOUT BEING FORCED BACK INTO A RELATIONSHIP WITH MY EX, do I need fucking closure for how much he hurt me that bad?? It's been more than 3 FUCKING YEARS! I feel fucking pathetic and angry that I let myself get talked into giving him a chance give me my 9 months of life back FUCK

No. 1753585



No. 1753673>>1753712

I feel stupid as a grown woman when I want to self harm. Feels like juvenile behavior. I get the urge very rarely these days but honestly sometimes it's like a reflex, I can't even seem to help it. It feels so stupid and cringe. My go to in being overwhelmed is to attack and feel pain at the same time, so it feels excellent for a moment and then there's the fallout which is embarrassing and painful.

No. 1753693

When I saw an article about a woman killing her children and then herself, I first thought, what a psycho bitch. Then remembered there was most likely a scrote torturing all of them, and this was their only way out. There is no way a family with even 1 pedo in it survives without abuse. If the victims don't kill themselves, they're likely already watched and manipulated by people who are waiting for their children to abuse. It's the murder of moids own families, that's how diseased they are. If you have one predator in your family you know it's over. Gaslighting, lies, pinning people against each other, you end up a schizo, suspicious of everyone. I'm telling you anons if you have mysterious "autoimmune" and "psychosomatic" pains they are most likely caused by an abuser in your family drugging and hurting you. They not only rape, injure and torture but also give survivors life long addictions, where the victims don't even have an idea what the drug is that they are addicted to but are in active withdrawals, on the verge of dying. Utterly disgusting. Don't bring new life into this hell planet.

No. 1753712

I feel you anon. Everything you've said resonates a lot. I don't have advice just know you have my support and that we're not abnormal. It was a coping mechanism that served its purpose, can't blame our brains for defaulting to what's familiar.

No. 1753767>>1753779>>1753819

It's ridiculous how there's such a huge disparity in how people perceive rapid weight loss vs. rapid weight gain when it comes to mental illness manifesting in your eating habits. If someone suddenly loses a ton of weight people get genuinely concerned and feel bad for the dainty little fairy not having an appetite, but when people binge eat uncontrollably due to emotional stress and turmoil causing them to feel bottomless hunger they're seen as lazy fat fucks with no discipline making them even more miserable. Both should be seen as equally alarming and they should be given the help they need. When I gained a large amount of weight in just a few months due to stress eating I was just made to feel bad about it but when I rapidly lost weight due to depression to the point I became skelly people lined up to voice their concern.

No. 1753779

I gained a lot of depression weight before and no one pointed it out, it wasn't until I saw a candid photo of me in the background of a social fathering I was like holy shit who's the fattie? It wasn't until I started a daily exercise routine to help with my diagnosed anxiety that I dropped back down to a size 8/10. I eat better now and am active yet because I'm thin now people always ask have you lost more weight I'm worried about you. Yet no one was worried when I was binge drinking and eating copious amounts of fast and junk food.

No. 1753783

I feel like a ghoul and am wondering what i need. It’s a Sunday and i feel like I’m just impatiently waiting. But for the last week I’ve felt the same no matter what i did. Just going to shops and slowly perusing with no excitement at all. Key fact: I’m unemployed. I think it’s a lack of purpose. Any goals set feel arbitrary. It’s really like I’m not here at all. When It’s a more positive future (i hope) i wonder what I’ll think of these days where i didn’t exist

No. 1753794>>1753846>>1753935>>1754010

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Sometimes I stumble upon incel/redpill threads on twitter and it’s just mind blowing the way these guys view women. A video of a moid Ukrainian psychologist was posted and he was explaining how Ukrainian wives who fled to Europe while their husbands stayed to fight, would not return to Ukraine because they had met and fallen in love with a European man and wanted to separate from their Ukrainian husbands lmao. Of course this is entirely the woman’s fault and means all females are bitches and whores, despite the fact that it takes two to tango and AS IF men wouldn’t do the exact same thing if they had the chance. I don’t commend cheating at all, I think it’s the scummiest thing you can do, but these men have it so twisted. They are all porn sick and sex obsessed, always talking about their fantasy harems and jerking off all day long, and yet women are the devil because god forbid, they had autonomy and found someone better ?

>This is exactly why bringing your "traditional wife" back home to the west leads her to transform into her exact opposite. Traditional women are "traditional" because they are kept in line by strict local social hierarchies that motivate them to maintain honesty and elegance.

What do they even want? Do they want to tie a woman to the radiator and keep her there forever?

I’ll admit I want a lifelong romance with a moid and I wound stay loyal to the one I love forever, but I have so little trust in men I think it’s a pipe dream at this point. They are just so often so selfish. Pic related is blowing my mind, do they want a woman to put him before herself, their kids?? This reminds me of when men troon out right after the wife has become pregnant or given birth. Such entitlement and narcissism, just because he’s no longer the main character. I cannot stand them.

No. 1753816>>1754082>>1754148>>1754906

Just found out that nigel's therapist is a woman. No wonder he's come back from every session with some new explanation as to why nothing is ever his fault. (Not saying moid shrinks are any better, they're not, but they're more likely to bro-code moid clients instead of 'aww poor babby' them.) I want off this ride. Why do therapists only ever make women take accountability but never scrotes?

No. 1753819

It’s really insidious. I had a similar experience, when I’m depressed I usually my feelings and become round, and everyone acts like the fatness is causing my depression rather than it being a symptom. A couple of times I lost my appetite instead, and the reverse happened. An acquaintance lost her husband and, in her words, lived only to eat, and people in her life were telling her to lose the weight first rather than acknowledging she was grieving.

No. 1753822

I truly, absolutely fucking hate my roommates. I am genuinely shocked at how grown women can be slobs to the point they are and cannot believe how I was friends with them prior to moving in. I'm done cleaning up their shit, if you wanna live in filth so be it

No. 1753846

Men want trad wifes to raise their kids but then also get mad when the kids are put before them, they literally don't know what they want.

No. 1753850>>1753863

Became overweight enough to where I think I might get loose skin if I lose weight pretty dooming. I'm like size 12-14 Aus and have always been around there but now particularly I feel bad about it. It doesn't help that I'm trying not to look like fat slob for a physical job interview. need to implement some kind of gunt containment procedure. Also for some reason YouTube has been solely recommending me true crime videos and the murderers are all so severely retarded it's dissuading me from doing it

No. 1753863

I thought you can't really get loose skin if you don't lose rapidly and aren't like morbidly obese?

No. 1753904

If you have eczema you shouldn't be allowed to procreate and you're a fucking monstrous bastard if you do. Eczema on your face is a fate worse than death. I need to kill myself.

No. 1753918>>1753956>>1753974

I wanted to post this in the TIF thread, but don't wanna blogpost. Anyone else ever feel like they could have been a TIF / non binary if they grew up in the time we have now? As a kid I was really self-hating and uncomfortable with being a woman bc I was self aware that men were sexualizing me. I kind of understand the desire to chop tits off and probably would have wanted to when I was a kid if it was as popular as it is now. I live in an area with a lot of TIFs and it honestly makes me sad to see them making themselves as unattractive as possible probably due to some kind of trauma…

No. 1753935

They view women the same way they view a dog.

No. 1753943

What the fuck is the point of having the master bedroom if you never use the bathroom I’m gonna fucking KILL YOU

No. 1753944>>1753945>>1753949>>1753957>>1753972

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>reading celebricows
>tfw you have a large block head
>tfw you have brown milk dud nipples

No. 1753945

Don't worry nonna I'd suck on your nipples I love milk duds

No. 1753947

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why the fuck do i get horny and my ibs flares up when i'm stressed?!
why couldn't i have white hairs like the other women?!
fml, fmbody

No. 1753949

That thread is filled with gay men and girls with body dysmorphia nitpicking celebrity bodies with their impossible standards, hide it.

No. 1753955

My prenatal pills have made me nauseous again bleh

No. 1753956

Definitely, I was classic case. Always complained to my mother about wanting to be a boy, and refused to wear any "girl clothing". I was like 8 and just had a lot of trouble fitting in with the other girls, I also had the perception that boys liked x girls like y, and because I didn't like y I couldn't be girl. As I got older obviously I grew out of that and realized girls like like whatever they want and femaninity is a male appeasing stereotype pushed onto women. Just because I don't wanna wear the costume doesn't mean I'm less of a woman. Thank God transing wasn't around when I was a kid, my parents are both super liberal and support transitioning children, they would have done it 100%. My mother even asked if I wanted to be a boy when I was 16 because I was still more of a tomboy, and that's when it started to get big. I'm pregnant now though and being pregnant and want to have the connection of mother and child, can't believe it could have been stripped away because of stupid societal expectations of "gender". I know some tifs though, honestly the one that wasn't on hrt seems fine, just goes by a new name, looks great, seems to be doing well. The other one who did, I don't want to be mean but does look significantly older. I don't know them well but their photos look a little rough. I hope they're doing OK. For some reason I really empathize and feel for tifs, I don't browse tif thread cause I can't get any schadenfreude off it.

No. 1753957

Why do you take any kind of nitpicks on lolcow seriously? I feel we should have a warning akin to other chans like "only a fool would take nasolabial folds seriously" or some shit idk.

No. 1753963

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can't stand how ugly i am right now. looking back on footage of me from even last year or a few months ago and i looked so much better. i look like garbage right now and i hate my hair but i don't have 3 dollars to spend biweekly to get it done (i.e straightened) anymore and my hair is too frizzy idk what to do with the waves it just doesn't go with my clothes. doing braids everyday isn't always the way to go. i know it's not really a big deal but looking the way i want really does have a huge effect on my morale and productivity etc. feel like pure shit x kek i'm trying not to care because it's more based and "authentic" or whatever that way but it's hard when i know i could look better in the direction i want if i just had the money for my hair. it's not about fitting in anywhere i really couldn't want or care about that any less and i look offputting and am disheveled either way. plus i'm depressed (cringe) and getting it straightened makes it more manageable and less likely to mat as much as my natural texture. i mean it's winter which means rain so it'll probably be a waste of money to do anything for the next like three months even if i had any to spend so whatever. i hate how much how my hair looks matters to me !!!!! ugh

No. 1753969>>1753972>>1754004>>1754010

I hate moid doctors so much nonas. I’m convinced most of them are sociopaths who don’t give a single fuck about their female patients and especially the younger ones are probably incels who read manosphere shit and hate women. I got a young moid doctor today. My hr was 144bpm sitting down and my blood pressure was 80/45. The female nurse was extremely worried and immediately brought me in to be seen. The moid doctor was totally dismissive. Took an ecg and glanced at it not even for a second, said ‘you’re fine, you can go home now’. Meanwhile I was so dizzy I couldn’t even stand up on my own. I asked him if he’s going to do any bloods or something just to check it’s not serious, he immediately became super shirty and full of attitude and acts like I’m telling him to do his job. He refused to do any further tests even though the nurses were freaking out about my vitals. I can see why patients die so much more often under male doctors care than female doctors. They really don’t give a fuck about women.

No. 1753972>>1753978>>1753982

I wrote the blockhead and nipples comments nona. I’m sorry if they hurt your feelings. I only meant to say them about Flo. Other ladies with blockheads and dark nipples are based.

I’m looking forward to when AI replaces doctors entirely especially the male ones. It’s already been proven AI is better at diagnosing people and showing more sympathy towards them than humans.

No. 1753974

Yes, since I have a memory (so four? Five years old? Up until like 9) I used to piss standing up even if it was obvious my anatomy didn’t allow for it, I used to fantasize about public machines you could step in and be instantly turned into a male, I was SO convinced I was eventually going to grow a penis and balls, I asked everyone to refer me by “Matt” (American ass name when I’m from Latin America lol). As a preteen I started seeing trans propaganda and figures “oh. So I’ll have to go through surgery, then? I mean, it seems like I fit this label. I don’t like using my female body for sex, can’t even orgasm, I’m always picturing myself as a man doing the fucking… Guess I’ll start shopping for testosterone and look into phalloplasty.”
Thank GOD (or not kek) that nonbinarism/autismgender/neopronouns/other kin started going trendy in tumblr and I realized how it was all just stereotypes and and “not like the other girls” rhetoric. I made the connection just in time.

But yeah, with my family being all pro-troon, I know I would’ve been transed. Turns out I just had trouble fitting in with most women because I was just not straight or happy to play into stereotypes, and hated my body because I had been abused; literally one of the most common female experiences. I wanted to run away from my body and embody the power men so get to have.
Anyway, those kinds of blogposts are welcome over /2X/ just so you know!

No. 1753978>>1753980>>1753992>>1753994

>Other ladies with blockheads and dark nipples are based.
i don't know how that helps anyone because you still said that those features are a negative unattractive thing to have kek i hate when people, not sure if there's a better word but "backtrack" like this, it's dishonest and only makes people feel worse kek. sure it's stupid to care about what people say on a gossip website but that is much easier in theory than practice especially when you know the comments come from a women. tbh i've gotten insecure about certain features i didn't even know were "bad" because of this website before (idgaf anymore for the most part but still) i'm not shitting on you or trying to pick a fight i know that shittalking and having a laugh about cows is what we're here for obviously i was really just talking in general

No. 1753980>>1753994

Blockheads and dark nipples can be attractive, they just aren’t attractive on her.

No. 1753981>>1753991

>be me
>post macro and nature pics on insta
>some moid started messaging me about the names of the insects/plants that i post
>Ok. Nothing too strange. chat with him for a moment
> Haven't logged in insta for a few days, dumb moid messages me "i miss you"
Wtf is wrong with moids?

No. 1753982

See anons here making the retarded body nitpicks think they're screaming into a void and don't have other women reading these posts seeing how their natural body parts they were born with are disgusting just because they don't correspond to the generic strict conventional beauty standard. It doesn't matter how many times you say "uwu but I only meant to make fun of the cow!", it doesn't work that way. You're still upholding unfair beauty standards.

No. 1753991>>1753997

Come on, nonnie, it's your chance to get an insect autist bf

No. 1753992

I feel the same nonnie, this site can get really bad when it comes to bodyshaming and it made me feel really bad at times. I remember reading the Onision threads religiously a few years ago and people were constantly nitpicking Lainey's appearance and calling her tits deflated pancakes, saggy etc. Like I know were discussing cows but that shit just contributes to stupid beauty standards in general. That's also just an example, a lot of the cow threads are like that and have always been.

No. 1753994

you are back tracking like >>1753978 said

No. 1753997>>1753998

Nonie, he is at least 10 to 15 years older than me and I'm not searching for bf i just wanna post my dumb pics in peace, like u liked the info he provided but wht does he thinks this is something more than a friendly chat wtf i just wanna be left alone posting the occasional macro, i don't need to be missed by some random moid, o feel like i should block him

No. 1753998>>1754011

definitely block him

No. 1754004

Male doctors ain't shit and I'm glad they're slowly going extinct in my country. The last 5 or so GPs I had were all young women and the level of care I got was amazing. They were all exceptionally patient and thorough, ordered bloods done, explained what was going on without a trace of condescension and answered all questions making sure I understood what was going on. Millennial women in medicine allowed me to trust doctors again.

No. 1754010

They expect a mother's love but also expect their wives to disregard motherly love to put them first. Some men can't handle not being the center of every woman's on their life's world.

I had a couple good male doctors but after having a bad one I had the absolute same impression. I never went to him again because I was 100% certain I would be in danger under his care. I wish you could meet surgeons too, because the statistic for male surgeons operating on women is worse but I think the average is due to a few surgeons who absolutely hate women and have awful statistics for operating on them. I wish they'd come up with some way to moniter doctor's stats to see if their outcomes for women are in high disparity to their outcomes for men, so they weed out sexist docs. One can dream

No. 1754011>>1754081>>1754127

Right? I still haven't blocked him but I felt like i should

No. 1754013

i'm pretty sure i did meth two days ago. it was sold to my friends and i as molly but it felt nothing like mdma. actually, it didn't feel like much of anything, except i couldn't sleep at all for two nights–i pulled an all nighter with no problem the first night, then the second night i had to take 5 sleeping pills to force myself to sleep. and even then, i would sleep for a couple hours and wake up totally awake and ready to go, rinse and repeat. i feel so fucking weird and embarrassed. idk how anyone could get addicted because that wasn't even fun. 0/10 don't do meth.

No. 1754081

Personally I would say “that’s creepy, don’t send me I miss you messages” and then block him. But probably just blocking would be better, I invite arguments into my life sometimes.

No. 1754082>>1754099

Hey want to hear about my qhore therapist. My appointment was always in between these two steroid looking wankers. She would be late to start me cause she would finish with massage therapy, yet even if I started late she always kicked me out in time for moid no.2. Then I found out she was friends with my boyfriend att ex girlfriend. I ended up discovered DMs to my bf att from his ex, naming my therapist and embellishing my traumas and disparaging me to my bf. My bf was fucked up on diazapam when I discovered this and I lost my temper and was like I KNEW YOU AND HER WERE TALKING SHITE ABOUT ME! and he grabbed the phone and logged out. I was too impulsive to save the texts to do anything about it. But I'll never trust a therapist again probably or go to one within a 50 mile radius of where I live. I guess you've also got to consider looksmaxing with your therapist because God forbid the desperation and pick meism isn't jumping out at you even a witchy looking bitch of a therapist will feel the need to snip at your confidence. Wack ass withcy greasy haired bitch

No. 1754092>>1754189>>1754208

Sorta a positive vent. A problem I am a bit happy to have. My clothes are fitting looser, noticably so. I need smaller sports bras. The band no longer stays snug on my skin, it wrinkles up in back and my bobs arent supported at all anymore.. pretty damn annoying. BUT I am also really pround of my progress. I am so excited to feel my discomfort in clothes because that is real tangible evidence of the work I have been putting in to ensuring my body is healthier. Woohoo. It is really annoying to be worried about my boobs falling out the bottom of my sports bra. I cant afford more clothes right now… well I can I guess but I really, really need to focus my money elsewhere. Anyway. Im both annoyed, and excited. Hope everyone is having a nice day today.

No. 1754099>>1754946

What the fuck that sucks. Was she a talk therapist or a massage therapist though?

No. 1754127

Ty nonna, i appreciate your answer

No. 1754148

seems like female therapists take men at face value and don't pick up on how shitty they are, otherwise if they did male clients would stop going. he's probably painting a specific picture and omitting details, and the therapist is simply affirming his view rather than challenging him at all. there are a lot of shitty therapists out there.

No. 1754189

Good for you nonna! Put some safety pins in that shit and use your funds for something better!

No. 1754208

how much does getting clothes tailored to fit cost in your country ? see if you can find any in your area because that's what i've done to my clothes ( when i thrift them and they don't fit me or with handmedowns etc ) and it comes out very cheap and better than anything store-bought, or like the other nona said you can always use a safety pin. congratulations on your hard work paying off anon !

No. 1754224

I'm sick and I have a fever and everytime I turn my head I get motion sickness. I hate here.

No. 1754247

>casually talking to my mom about how I'd like to go back to London for a few days just for fun and to go to specific restaurants and stores we don't have here
>the UK isn't very far away from where I live so it's doable
>mom tells me she would love to go there with me someday because I speak English so I could translate everything for her
>tell her I want to do things she can't because she exclusively eat halal food and doesn't even want to consume alcohol even when it's just one ingredient in a meal I also want to eat pork in secret, peace and quiet
>everyone in my family except her starts yelling at me that I should adapt my whole potential trip for my mother just because she's my mother and I'm a terrible daughter and will end in hell once I die
When will I learn to shut up?

No. 1754337

File (hide): 1699217141682.jpg (24.6 KB, 524x524, FqlnDIEagAII9M-.jpg)

>return to zomboid game after a year
>join the only active server that uses my language
>after a while realize it's all dudes, so I write in the most non-gendered way to not out myself as a girl, after a while stop giving fucks and talk on discord voice chat with some kid who also plays the game and some other chill dude
>the next day get into game and some dude who is not admin but got more privileges than other players starts going 'hey piece of cunt, show me your ass' & 'I'm going to fuck you' and following my character
why some dudes just can't be fucking normal

No. 1754368>>1755481>>1758424

Why the fuck do I attract ugly, unstable and selfish people? Not only romantically but platonic too.
I don't want to be their friend but also not a total bitch because the last time it was a moid a worked with and didn't want to potentially get killed and now it's some sad housewife that tries to use my as a therapist.

I'll guess the common thing they all have is that they can't read social cues, so unlike normal people they don't get the hints that I don't care.

No. 1754380>>1754517

File (hide): 1699218096926.jpeg (34.51 KB, 500x434, C42F5C84-C30F-4C45-8DCA-5A665F…)

I am so over anything to do with social justice. I don’t want to do awareness. I don’t want to be part of solidarity. I ducking hate the arrogance of allies. I hate the idea of mutual aid. I hate tokenism. I hate the thought of being a diversity hire. I hate how I’m judged on the things I can’t control. I have being pressured into an point especially when you can’t argue it. I hate being told to “be kind”. I don’t want to hear anything about the right side of history. I hate hypocrites who yell at you in stuff they were even talking about ten seconds ago. I hate being placed into a box. I want a normal life. I want to be normal. I want to be perceived as normal. I want normal success. I have no desire for a revolution. I know I would die in a war. It’s not enough to block and delete. I need total silence.

No. 1754395>>1754490

>watch anime
>one of the characters looks like a guy dressing up as a woman
>the second episode has a point where background women whisper "it's a man?" while the camera pans at the adam's apple
Even in my Chinese cartoons, they are present and clockable kek

No. 1754490>>1754755

what anime KEK

No. 1754514

File (hide): 1699220844824.gif (1.31 MB, 220x192, IMG_3865.gif)

I can’t stand the people in my cohort at university and I dread being around them. I can’t tolerate most people anymore actually, but I feel like I’m suffering for it. I don’t get much out of the company of my best friend or my boyfriend, except anxiety. I used to be better with people and I was happier. Now I feel ugly and threatened and irritated all the time. How do I change for the better? I just want to be alone with my dog forever but I’m forced to interact with the world and it makes me want to sleep and not wake up. What is wrong with me?

No. 1754517

i feel the same way nonna. maybe it will pass over the coming years.

No. 1754564

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it's all in the past, but after the way that male treated me, i kind of wish i went in on him more. i shouldn't have softened my words. a curt "i don't care about you" would've said it all, because to be honest, i didn't even want his friendship at that point. fucking golem. get smote by the hammer of thor.

No. 1754591

I’m leaving for a trip tomorrow and I literally forgot to bring every single thing I wanted to pack. All I have is a pair if jeans, a sweaty t-shirt and the panties I wore today. I was optimistic about the trip but this fuckup has me all worried, like what the fuck else could I have forgotten if I managed to leave ALL the clothes at home?

No. 1754655

you again

No. 1754659

I need either a bigger place or less friends because every time I want to hang out everyone comes and invites their friends and suddenly I have 12 people in my studio apartment. I feel bad setting a max visitor limit though because uninviting people will inevitably hurt feelings and make drama

No. 1754679

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I just… fucking blocked his number.

We were together over a year but I just couldn't take it anymore. But anytime I tried to leave the nice way he'd emotionally manipulate me into staying. I know this isn't the thread for posting about worthless moids, but I have all kinds of stupid numb feels.
He's going to call me the immature one despite me being 12 years older. He flipped everything around and the last fucking straw was an argument over whether women prefer Dad bods or not. I said they don't and they lie to virtue signal and he invalidated me by saying I'm not like other girls, which was his go-to way to shut me down in our arguments, which were always initiated by him and constant. And he blamed his ADHD for everything. Like fuck off, find another sugar mama if you understand women so much.

But I just couldn't take it and I'm a coward, so I just BLOCKED HIM. Now I'm on my way back to femcelville fast because who the fuck else wants a 34 year old autist

No. 1754705

I truly feel like the turboautist to end all turboautists sometimes.
I went out of my way to lose weight. I lost a quarter of my body weight. I can't see any difference in myself visually at all. My coworkers have now started trying to talk to me about it and it's giving me internal meltdown rages because I don't want them to acknowledge me more than they do and it feels like they are rubbing salt in the wound by noticing something I feel is absolutely not noticable without me saying anything.
How to be less this

No. 1754749

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seasonal depression is kicking my ass hard this year. i’m probably gonna have to end things with my 7yr long moidship (my mind is basically made up but i have to give him a chance to explain himself) because he has no aspirations for the future. i am losing myself in this relationship.
on a brighter note i have adopted two incredibly sweet red point cats, twin brothers, and they are helping me with this loneliness as i sort out my feelings within the dying throes of this relationship i’ve been involved in. i think i finally hit the acceptance part of grief today. i felt a little piece of myself come back when i started making my mind up today.

No. 1754755

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Skip and Loafer. I watch it for this golden retriever boy.

No. 1754844>>1760982

I think something died in my wall. I thought it was in the vent but the smell isn't being carried and is concentrated in an area behind my washer/dryer. There is a panel behind the washer you can open to the wall but the screws aren't coming out even with a drill. I don't regret buying this place but man they cheaped out on a lot of shit. Guess I'll call someone tomorrow.

No. 1754854>>1754878

Everyone leaves me 'on read' and it's so demoralising. I'm only ever being nice, too. Ask my sister, what are you doing today? Left on read. Sent my friend a cute picture and asked her what her plans were for the festivities. Left on read. Asked another friend the same thing. Left on read. Replied to another friends instagram story and all she did was 'react' to it. No real answer. Left on read. And they do not ever reply. I always end up double messaging. I try to reach out to others who I think are my friends but all I ever get is rejected. It's so confusing because I really believed that these people liked me. I'm a loser with no friends and these people I've known since primary school. Maybe I'm desperately holding onto them and they don't like me. But I saw them in real life recently and they acted like my good friends. Obviously I'm a nuisance and seeing me out of pity. But I have no idea why. I'm Boring, unproblematic. I'm a pushover who is always hyping others up.

I don't care anymore. Guess I'm awful for no reason.

I think its especially disgusting to 'leave someone on read. What has happened to people's manners? Do they not care that it's extremely rude? It takes 2 seconds to reply that you're busy and talk later. I've personally never opened a message and not replied. Only ever to gross scrotes. I hate everyone right now.

No. 1754878

Lol I used to go through the same thing and the actual advice I can give you is that you have to deal with it and stop caring. I don't care anymore if im left on read or ghosted and I don't really care to put in any effort if I'm having a personal DM with someone. Find hobbies that will give you fulfillment that you won't feel lonely. It can be anything, watching a movie, a TV series, art, painting, learning a new skill etc etc.
You can be alone but still be happy meanwhile you could be with people and feel lonely.

No. 1754887>>1754911

I want desperately to have kids but knowing that afterwards ill be treated like shit because I'm gross and "ruined" by stretchmarks and everything else after having them makes me so depressed. I'll be abandoned and replaced with a whore on a screen and thus the husbands porn addiction begins now i"ll be worthless to him. The way males start treating you like shit after birthing their children. Then the divorce will come and I'll be worst thing in the world according to society. A single mother. And with no money.

No. 1754906

It's kinda crazy how society shits on female nurses and people made up that stereotype about the crazy or mean girls becoming nurses….when in REALITY it's the therapists who are crazy bitches.

I'm high school I knew this absolutely unhinged mean girl with extreme anger issues which she did not want to get help for and she would regularly go into emotional anger filled outbursts for no reason and abuse other female classmates, I also spoke a couple of times to her boyfriend and she went absolutely ballistic over that too and then picked me as a target. I even went to the principal for help and the principal told me something along the lines of that she acknowledges that her b3havior is bad. But she just doesn't know how to express herself and that I need to forgive her and get over it (funny thing is this same empathy was never given to me when i would act strange due to anxiety). She was also a Instagram influencer who was posting her self in her bra and showcasing her ass….while we were in high school. After high school ended I decided to look up what she is doing and she became a therapist.

Eitherway therapists are a scam and you can't tell me otherwise.

No. 1754911

Nonna are you me? This is exactly how I feel. I am in a relationship and he says he wants kids, which is encouraging for the moment, but I fear things will change afterwards, especially when my body looks different and it’s harder to be intimate etc. I am terrified of looking after the children on my own, I know from my own mother just how difficult it would be. It’s so awful how society views and lambastes single moms. My mother was one and although she most definitely has her faults, the single mother part wasn’t one of them. I loathe the selfish fathers leaving moms behind much more.
It’s so easy for guys to agree to have children but it’s a whole different ordeal for women, and yet we get shamed for rejecting or prolonging it. It’s slowly driving me insane.

No. 1754922>>1755122>>1755356

Has anyone else noticed that scrotes love to knock women down a peg all the time? I saw an anon talking about how men hype up average approachable women I don’t hate Florence though kek and I think it’s so true. The few times I’ve talked to moids about it they fucking lose their shit over the most milquetoast cute girls but shit talk any woman who is competent in any area. I’ve noticed that they’ll list after beautiful women in secret but be extremely abrasive when actually talking to them. I’ve also noticed that if you ask them what they think about a certain woman they’ll constantly go ‘eh’ if they’re intimidated by her but pretend like they’re unbothered.

No. 1754925>>1754934>>1755047

Imagine hating the way irish people victimise themselves and you're stuck in a conversation with a particularly pretending to be hard done by one and it starts going they use to put signs up saying no irish. Yeah mate miss those days

No. 1754934>>1755051

"Oh why would you hate the Irish!?"

Gypo uggo cunts. "Oh we've no royal family" so you'd think we'd do something with the tax revenue but we haven't free healthcare, bin man needs paid out of your pocket, many people aren't even connected to national sewage and have to pay the privilege to shit, pay for water usage and shitty roads and harmful laws to women and children cause of the shitty Catholic Church. Magdalene laundries! Let's celebrate national pride with mass graves for women and babies who we have cast out as sinners! Inbred fucks

No. 1754946

Both. She was on an NHS list and I ghosted her before I even found out her betrayal because she was useless af and would just go "Oh you're so self aware!" Then text her fat friend about me

No. 1755047>>1755577

Are you me? Something is really wrong with them and I say this as someone whos ethnically half irish. After being here a few months I legit can see why they were discriminated against.just FERAL. I keep being told that I live around "bad poor ones" and the middle class ones are normal but idk if I can believe that. I fucking hate it here.

No. 1755051

>many people aren't even connected to national sewage
It's legit a third world country.

No. 1755122>>1755356

I've never seen men hype her up, quite the opposite

No. 1755197

I have a small bump that's gotten bigger in a place near where I had an abscess, and gooood I hope I don't have another abscess. I've gone to the dentist so many times, I'm fucking over it. And if it is another abscess I probably won't be able to feel it since the nerve in that area would be dead.

No. 1755261

I hate that I cry easy. It's so stupid.

No. 1755264>>1755266

You want to live in squalaror.

No. 1755266

She wants to live in Squadala, We're Off

No. 1755278

My father is such a useless twat. He could have helped me get admitted to Strasbourg University but would rather see me suffer.

No. 1755279

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I hate the part of the grief when I wonder what is my relative doing now before to have the images of them lying dead in the morgue return into my mind.

Is like "dead, anon. They're DEAD".

No. 1755336>>1756017

Everytime I'm in the shower, I lose a clump of hair. And everytime I leave the shower, my hairline recedes inch by inch. I just want to stop losing so much hair, HOLY SHIT. MAKE IT STOP AHHHHHHHHHH I never should have gotten off minoxidil. I stopped because I was not noticing a difference in the last 6 months I was using it, but in retrospect it must have paused the shedding. I hate this. I've seen that there are women out there who stopped giving a shit about their hair and embraced being bald but I don't think I'll ever be okay with the look, personally. Never procreate with a bald scrote nonnies, your daughters will suffer too.

No. 1755339>>1755365

my roommates keeps leaving shit on the toilet and it is so annoying i hate scrotes. i don't understand how people choose to marry them

No. 1755343

my friend ditched me on halloween and I think that is my breaking point. I always goes to the parties and events she plans to when she has no oneelse to go with but when it's my turn she can never turn. I was pissed because i got a costume for the day and it was no fun just roaming the streets on my own while everyone else was happy. cutting off my flacky friends and trying to find new ones with the same interest. because i am so sick and tired of partying/going out alone because my friend don't want to commit.

No. 1755348

I asked you to make a healthy meal and you fried everything in grease. Thanks asshole. It also took you 7 hours to make a basic chicken marsala. Fucking idiot. Im not going to eat it.

No. 1755350

My lower back hurts, I got food poisoning too

No. 1755356>>1755361

we literally just left an era where men were dumping their gfs if they didn't get implants. now we're mad men think average healthy boobs are attractive?

No. 1755357

Please don't kill yourself, you can still do plenty of things in your life

No. 1755361>>1755377>>1755479

What are you talking about? Are you just trying to start an infight

No. 1755365>>1755377

Scrotes always leave shit everywhere, they're like underdeveloped apes.

No. 1755377

definitely, i don't think those anons mentioned boobs.
i think i'm too used to being around scrotes who clean that i forgot the norm. i hate how it's the default for every woman to know how to clean but a large number of scrotes have the house skills of a toddler.

No. 1755479

I think it's because the celebcow thread most talk around Florence was mentioning her boobs

No. 1755481

It's been 2.5 days and this bitch wants to meet up again. Told her no because I actually have shit to do and now she's mopey. You're 31 and have 2 kids, pull your crap together jfc

No. 1755487

I’m stuck in a terrible relationship financially trapped but I’m also mentally I’ll with no friends, ugh he’s my only friend I’m pretty sure he’s made it this way. I know I need to escape but how will I get by in the meantime without going insane? When he gets mad at me it’s like the only person I talk to is a dick to me and I hate me life and I am stupid but why is this my life help

No. 1755494>>1755496>>1755504

I miss when it was fun here. One time we had a movie night and we watched girl interrupted together and it just felt so fun and peaceful and now idek

No. 1755496

I wish more people would join. I wouldn’t even care about them being annoying before integrating because this website tends to peak women, it would be better than them staying on whatever social media they came from

No. 1755504>>1755506

File (hide): 1699256233990.gif (Spoiler Image,340.68 KB, 200x150, deranged boomer.gif)

I miss when every other post didn't sound like it was written by picrel

No. 1755506

samefagging to say this is more specifically during daytime hours.

No. 1755516>>1755583

My hamster has been acting really odd the past two days and I’m pretty sure he’s about to die. He’s really old so I knew it was probably going to happen soon but I’m not at all mentally prepared. Sounds stupid because he’s just a hamster, but I got him during a really dark time and having something else to take care of made me get out of bed and gave me something to focus on. Even though I’m better now, losing him is going to be so sad. I just hope he goes peacefully in his sleep, it’s what he deserves

No. 1755530

I agree with the notion that a lot of nonnies are most likely huge cows themselves, but I also believe that more than half of lolcow's users suffer from some sort of empathy disorder that makes them so intensely vindictive and prevents them from seeing things from a different perspective. And I'm not even talking about anon's favorite insults bpd and autism, I'm talking about some other things clearly being wrong in their heads.

No. 1755550

I am shittin blood

No. 1755577

Lol no, I live in the North and have the pleasure of two new dickhead student Irish moids moved into the unit below me.

No. 1755578

I hate myself so much for telling my coworker I'll take the shift tomorrow if he's too sick. All I want to do is sleep 8-12 hours I feel so dead from work. My schedule keeps going work, day off, work, work, day off, work. I need two days together so bad. Something about working every other day feels fucked up. I wouldn't have asked for the shift if I wasn't saving for some stuff. Maybe I should just cancel my eye appointment. All I wanted were some new frames since it's been a few years and they do a black Friday sale.

No. 1755583

In sorry anon, I went through the same thing a bit ago. Hope your hammy gets to rest when the time comes. He isn't a stupid hamster he's a beautiful little creature that got you through some rough times. Someone to come home to, feed treats, pet, maybe watch stuff with you. He was your little buddy and you deserve to grieve it just like any other pet owner. Even if small he was mighty to you. Thats all that really matters. Give him some good treats and butt pats.

No. 1755585>>1755586

My step dad died in September and it's been really horrible for our family. My step brothers have stopped talking to our side, my brother lives abroad and I live a 100 miles away from my mum. My mum hasn't visited my home in 6 years, but she expects me to spend nights with her when I have free days. I've been living out of a bag since, haven't done a grocery shop for my house because I'm not getting to finish anything because I'm not getting to stay at home. My place is a mess I'm constantly behind in my washing and I haven't slept well in weeks. Now my mum is mad at me today because she wants me to come down and sort out everything from Christmas and started planning what jobs I'll have to do for her today and tomorrow. I said I'm not staying down tonight and she's angry at me now. I know she's lonely but I can't keep this up. She did this to me when my dad left at 10. I've become her therapist again and her house husband. I had a 9 year relationship/engagement that ended and no one rallied around me, which I know isn't as bad as being widowed but I haven't even had time to properly process my step dad's death. My mum has even said so many times I don't care if its selfish anon but I've lost my husband and I don't care about your feelings, yet I have to sleep in the room he died in when I go down. I can't mourn outwardly without my mum being like why are you so upset? Bitch I'm upset because now you're no longer stable, I am sad for you but my mental health is getting attacked constantly, I am not trained to get you through grief. It's so annoying how she thinks she owns me.

No. 1755586>>1755588

Sorry anon, that's tough. Family dynamics can be really complicated and overwhelming. I hope you can stand up for yourself and assert your needs a bit more in the future.

No. 1755587

I don't know if anyone will ever love me or care about me or my needs. No matter what I do. I just can't get anyone in my life. No matter how hard I try.

No. 1755588

I hope so too but anytime I mention I need time I get guilt tripped to hell and back. I have so much anxiety with my mum. She was abusive to me growing up because of her marriage ending, yet I've this weird loyalty/attachment issues that I take all the abuse so we can play loving happy families my step dad was such a stabilising and grounding factor for our family. He would cook family meals and always have actual personable time with me. My mum just treats me as a sounding board and if I have any individualistic thoughts she takes it as a sign of aggression and defiance. She's also really strict. I'm in my 30s I'm not allowed to go see my hometown friends when I'm down if it means I won't be sat in with her. I work shifts so I get random days off when most people are working. She locked me out when I went and saw my friend and wasn't home for 10pm. She doesn't like me smoke either when I'm down because she doesn't want her house to stink or her neighbours to see me out the back. So one of the things I do as a stress reliever I can't do. I do not sleep well at hers because my routine is constantly disrupted.

No. 1755594

I just want to kill myself

No. 1755611

Recently I gave myself a haircut and it turned out really cute. My bf asked me to cut his hair for him since I did a decent job on myself. I asked him what kind of hairstyle he would like and he says I can give him whatever I think would look best. I was so excited because my boyfriend usually doesn’t style his haircuts. I cut his hair and it turned out nice despite it being somewhat choppy, he kept moving his head because he had to play on his phone the whole time which was a little annoying. But I loved how his hair turned out, it complimented his face shape so well and I feel like I fixed his bangs because his got so long and he kept brushing them over his face which made him look like a middle school emo who wears all those pierce the veil shirts. I had him look at the mirror so we can see the mistakes better and fix them and he was complaining the whole time about the haircut. I tried to give him a haircut that was a shorter version of what he has currently. He kept making me fix a ton of different things and it was starting to make his hair look weird. He then started to get moody about it and was giving me attitude saying that I’m not listening to him, also while being difficult by being uncooperative by playing on his phone. He was so worried I was going to give him a bowl cut. He then decided that he will just cut his hair, took the scissors and starting going at it. I tried to tell him not to cut in the direction or method that he was cutting in, he just gave me a look and kept cutting his hair. He ended up giving himself a bowl cut. He was complaining about how he was scared his hair shape was going to look too round while I was cutting his hair and he decided to go through and try to texture it and take the weight off on some areas. I’m not sure how he accomplished it, but he looks like he literally used a bowl to cut his hair because it turned out so round. He also made some areas look frizzy. I feel kinda upset he just didn’t accept the haircut I gave him like he said he would. I should of taken a picture before he wrecked his own hair. Anyways sorry for the dumb rant. On the brighter side he owned himself and I cant stop laughing in my head over it. I was also a little scared his haircut I gave him would draw in the ladies because my haircut was really doing him so favors but now my mind can relax and be a peace.

No. 1755614>>1755680

File (hide): 1699273140268.jpg (139.72 KB, 750x926, f073fe6f850fcfc77441a9d192fd3c…)

I miss my mom.
She's not dead but she's not there anymore, my parents got divorced when I was 9 at it was for the best, my dad is not violent, they just weren't compatible anymore. I went to live with my mom and while she was still single (for a year), we used to do a lot of things together, in particular one of our favourite activities was to go out a share a pizza and she would play games with me and everything else, we used to visit a lot of places and I was happy to be there with her. Then she got a partner who turned out to be an abuser piece of shit and it sucked the life out of her. In my teen years I felt so fucking lonely because she was busy dissociating from its (it's an object, not a person, talking about him) abuse and I felt bad about asking for the bare minimum of attention because she would snap at me for "not understading her needs" . I also had needs and that piece of shit made me clinically anxious, I'm barely functional and I'm in my late 20s.
It's been some years now that she's single again but she's recovering from all the violence, shouting and everything and I feel robbed of a mother-daughter relationship, because now she's older and I'm an adult with less time to spend with her. I have a job and relationship but I didn't have a teenager relationship with my mom, in fact I fell into two bad relationship before my current Nigel and they fucked me up even more because nobody was there to give me basic advice about how to avoid abusers. I wish we could share a pizza again , just me and her. I'm not mad at her in the slightest but violent moids, esp if they resist therapy, should be treated like dogs and put down so they don't cause harm. Fuck them.

No. 1755623

Even leftists hate me although I'm mentally ill and I come from a super regressive family

No. 1755624>>1755628>>1755667>>1755674>>1755676

i just found a man’s youtube channel that is literally dedicated to recording women in my hometown in public without their knowledge. like 70% of them look like teenagers & this shit has 1 million views. i fucking hate being a woman & i don’t want to go outside anymore.

No. 1755625

I can't find any sort of connection or empathy

No. 1755628>>1755743

have you reported it? what is it called? (I know you probably don't want to share if it is your hometown) but I would report too. maybe email YouTube as that is disgusting

No. 1755631

I let a plubmer go fix my sink while I wans't home and now I'm feeling slightly paranoid about there being cameras in my bathroom. Just girly things, am I right

No. 1755636>>1755639>>1755643

File (hide): 1699276738288.jpg (12.11 KB, 275x251, 1677973032030.jpg)

I'm not obsessed with the idea of dating, but when men interact with me or try courting me in any way, they always tell me the following
>I'm looking for something casual

Why? Tell it to me straight anons, do I look like a hoe? Is it me? Why do I attract these type of men and no normal guys? I dress very nicely but nothing too crazy, what am I doing wrong? I feel like venting here because it's starting to affect me, I'm sick of being put into the "fuckzone" so casually I just want someone to not treat me like a sex doll. To be very honest I'm too young (early 20s) and inexperienced that's why I'm asking you guys before I get played, I don't want to admit it but I still don't understand how men work nor why are they assigning me these boxes so soon. I feel so disrespected

No. 1755639

You're young and probably look like low hanging fruit that's easy enough to manipulate.

No. 1755643

Men do that all the time to young women. It says nothing about you. They know young women are easy to manipulate.

No. 1755659>>1755664

File (hide): 1699279839097.jpeg (26.42 KB, 254x250, IMG_6318.jpeg)

i'm like 95% sure i have melanoma but i can't do anything about it because i'm too poor to see a doctor and i've been too poor for like the past 3 years just watching this shit develop powerlessly. there's really nothing i can do is just sit there and i have no control over money so i can't even save up except for commute money that i barely even find at all. idk how to feel if i should cry i don't know. if i get treatment i don't want to lose my hair or whatever i know that's shallow but i've been growing it out for years. that's even if i somehow find a way to get treated at all in the first place. i'm disgusted with myself. i know it's not in my head anymore because even my mom whose instinct is to deny deny deny is worried about me but we literally cannot do anything. it hurts even more to see her powerless too and i don't know how to express to her that i don't think it's her fault that we don't have any money because it really isn't ( she is the reason we aren't homeless or in prison for all the debts we could have been in rn ) and i know she is doing the best she can for me. i'm scared and freaked out

No. 1755664>>1755669

What country do you live in? Maybe someone here knows of a resource for medical assistance in your area.

No. 1755667

Is it illegal to film others without their consent where you live or is it a free for all if it's in public?

No. 1755669

morocco and my shitty ass welfare system hasn't allowed us to use it because of how finicky it is. it's like we have to live in slums with no internet or toilets to benefit from it in any way now because of the retarded "points" system or whatever, it wasn't always like this. and even then the guy we have to go to that deals with our documents is a huge retard and doesn't know how to help he's probably so braindead that he's making our situation even worse. same with the "healthcare" my uni is providing it seems like it doesn't cover anything at all. the hospitals wouldn't accept it when we tried to use it and it's ending in a few months. i'm sick of everything but thanks for looking out for me anon

No. 1755670>>1755671

I've got step one of the stuff I need to kill myself and now I just need substance two. But the more I think about it the less I want to do it, I'm just scared of the big sudden changes that my life is making

No. 1755671

Samefag it's just that i can't see myself continuing living past certain point

No. 1755674

How the fuck is this not illegal. that's so creepy. fuck– i hate men so much. They have porn but it's not enough, they need to film unwilling women and teens.

No. 1755676>>1755678>>1755743

Can you please post it so we can mass report his channel? That's creepy af

No. 1755678>>1755743

I hope so does, but maybe because it is her hometown idk but still I want to mass report and email YouTube because this made me so angry

No. 1755680

Anon, I'm in a similar place, not going to get into the specifics but after a while my mom got better and her mood greatly improved, she put in the work. She's 60 now and even though she's still depressed we now have a better relationship than ever. Please keep hoping for the best. I hope you can share that pizza with her again in the future.

No. 1755691

I just don't have experiences with life. I'm stuck in a room completely alone with barely any friends at all being unable to work and I keep being abused by people on the internet. Ppl that LITERALLY Have the same experiences as I do or interests abuse me constantly or they isolate me.
I don't think I'm going to live my life plus I'm constantly accused of things that I'm not responsible for. It just genuinely feels like nothing that I do is ever good. When I'm nice it's not good. When I stand up for myself it's not good. People just isolate me nevertheless and I can't figure this shit out.

No. 1755694

I literally cannot cope with society anymore

No. 1755698>>1755708>>1755709

Walked into a dollar general after getting my hair dyed ti get a snack since ive been sitting in a salon chair for three hours. Go to the self checkout, suddenly the cashier, she comes over and REACHES across the counter and touches my hair ?!! And when i visibly recoiled she goes “oh sorry i have adhd i just touch people sometimes”

Funny cuz i have adhd too and i can keep my mf hands to myself you fucking freak.

No. 1755708

You really can't expect much from a Dollar General. Sorry you had to experience that.

No. 1755709

She let the intrusive thoughts win. But still, super weird and inappropriate.

No. 1755743>>1755794>>1755931

i was really hesitant but this is the channel link. hopefully it can get taken down. (https://youtube.com/@chetlehkarenusa991?si=TnrMphjy8r06k1pW)

No. 1755771>>1755814

Nobody's ever cared about me and that's worse than anything to have nobody in your life. Especially If you struggle with mental illness/chronic illness.

No. 1755794>>1755804

There's a lot of travel channels with videos like "walking in Thai night market", "walk through Harajuku" etc. I used to watch them but then I realized that the cameraman would always linger on random women for too long, hold the camera at odd angles and walk behind women when on stairs, and the comments were always creeps talking about the women and not the travel or scenery. It's very insidious because when half-watching it passes as normal travel vlog crowd shots. Recently I also found myself in one of these videos, in my swimsuit at a beach. The video doesn't have a lot of views and I'm only in it for a second but it still creeps me out… men shouldn't be allowed to have cameras

No. 1755804

Nonna I'm very sorry for what happened to you. I hope someone punches that idiot to a pulp.
I also used to watch "walking through Kyoto/Tokyo/etc" videos because of how relaxing the walking atmosphere was (specially during rain) until I started noticing the camera man staring too much towards women. I hate men.

No. 1755814>>1755843

I care anon

No. 1755843

Thanks. That's so sweet. Especially when you're surrounded by negativity, hatred and denial.

No. 1755856>>1755873>>1755928

I want to be in nature. To have drugs and have someone intelligent that loves me. I want to get away from society. I tried incredibly hard to be part of society and reach my potential. It's just that no matter how hard I try. I just end up abused and having my boundaries crossed. I just want IT to be me and another person and I want to isolate myself with that person

No. 1755858

>I know you want me to be in love with you, but I don't feel that way

No. 1755868>>1755877

File (hide): 1699297004977.png (226.05 KB, 500x413, gaiatars.png)

I'm on the max dose of my antidepressants which has worked ok for years and I've also recently started working out a few times a week, so why am I suddenly feeling depressed and unmotivated??? I have schoolwork to do but I feel literally nothing when I boot up my computer, when I look at my assignments that aren't even particularly complicated I want to cry, and then I have this uneasy feeling of anxiety sitting in my gut all day so I can't focus on anything while somehow at the same time feeling absolutely nothing. I enjoy uni, I love my classmates and I want to do my assignments but I can barely bring myself to all of a sudden.

No. 1755873>>1755884>>1755888>>1755928>>1755934

Stop typing that way. It makes you apparent. That's my vent.

No. 1755877>>1755892

Have you talked to your therapist about this yet? I'm pretty sure anti-depressants can stop working/become less effective even after years of working well

No. 1755884

Maybe I can't? Also, what the fuck am I doing wrong? Talking about my problems and thoughts like literally everyone in the vent thread? When someone is supportive towards me I'm actually super nice.

No. 1755888

Don't boolie and if you do at least be clever

No. 1755892>>1755951

I haven't been seeing a therapist for a little while, my set number of appointments were up and the other place I got referred to went "eh, you seem to be doing alright enough" and never really bothered with me after one initial meeting (they didn't take my previous therapists suspicions that I might suffer from BDD seriously either because my bmi is within a normal range). But I am considering getting a doctor's appointment there asap so I can see if they can prescribe something different, or at least hand me some d-vitamins kek

No. 1755893>>1755897

signed up for a "girls night" event for a male-dominated hobby.
one of the people signed up is someone with a fully male discord profile, male name and pronoun tag "ask me".

sweet jesus, save me if this guy really meets up. he isnt even a trans woman or feminine-presenting in any way??? (not that it would be more acceptable, but atleast i'd understand it as part of the larp) its just some "queer" dude, why on earth does he feel like going to this girls night specifically for strengthening the bond between the few female members??

No. 1755897>>1755901

What a fucking creepy. He's definitely up to something. Is there someone you can complain to?

No. 1755901

ayrt, i can but i dont know how liberal the hosts are. im scared it would jeopardize my inclusion in the group.
i guess even from their pov i have a very good case since he is just "genderqueer" and not visibly identifying a transwoman in any way?

No. 1755928

Cool and relatable

No. 1755931

I reported it but I doubt it’ll do anything. As disgusting as it is it’s probably not against Youtube’s policy and reports aren’t handled by real people or people that care anyways.

No. 1755934

Nta, as much of a sperg as I think she is, romanianon really is not doing anything wrong by regularly venting like any other farmer. You guys don't need to be like "omg i recognize you! i know who you areeee! your posts irritate me!" every time you see one of her posts cause they really aren't that different in subject from any other vent post. Just seems like you're trying to pick with her.

No. 1755936

File (hide): 1699300023425.jpg (37.53 KB, 550x663, A Pawful of Cat Memes Brimming…)

Hearing myself unintentionally do the "sweet" voice makes me want to pull my hair out.

No. 1755944>>1756028>>1756054>>1756199

hate having big feet so fucking much, big everything, long fingers
75G bra size, long legs that make pants not fit, size 10 feet despite only being 5'8, there are women taller than me who wear size 7, it's not fair

wtf man.

No. 1755951

>But I am considering getting a doctor's appointment there asap so I can see if they can prescribe something different
Definitely do so, gl!

No. 1755967

This is one of my few days off and everyone is asking me to take their shift. I can't even see the schedual right now but it was a ton of people. Seems like a manager problem that they're pushing on me. I'm keeping my day off.

No. 1755971

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I just want to be loved
Even my own parents don't give a fuck about me and chose their partners over me

No. 1755978

I wish my grandma would die.

No. 1755981>>1755989

I ruined my hair and I’m virtually bald. It’s a hideous colour too. I want to bash my own brains out against the floor. I’m such a fucking idiot

No. 1755989>>1755994

Relax, it will grow back. This will be a funny story in about a year.
>t. permanently bald and still not having a meltdown about it

No. 1755994>>1756002

nta but can i ask why ? i mean how did that happen, were you just born that way ? kek i bet you get these annoying questions on the reg but i don't hear about women going permanently bald too often so i'm curious

No. 1755996

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New photos of my ex going on with his life have been popping up and it’s a gut punch every time seeing how smiley he is but then I compare them to photos from when he told me he was extremely miserable and the smiles are exactly the same. I hope he’s finally feeling the consequences of pushing away the people that actually care and ending up surrounded by people he doesn’t fucking like.

No. 1756002>>1756017

Idk what caused it tbh, my blood work is normal but I started balding at 20. My only theory is I was low on iron for too long and it triggered early female pattern baldness. Some of my female relatives had it, but not until they were 55+. Just bad luck I guess. I don’t have a pretty face to fall back on either kek I’ve been told I look special needs without hair kekkkkk. Anyway so it could be much worse.

No. 1756005>>1756024>>1757513

File (hide): 1699303981092.gif (507 B, 50x50, img6a9590f4zik6zj.gif)

trying to internalize that loneliness is the human condition. drawing like i have a deviantart in 2010, listening to music from my childhood. everything's gonna be alright.

No. 1756017>>1756041

Ntayrt but can't it grow back if it's due to a deficiency in a nutrient? I am also balding, vented about it before itt >>1755336 but I suspect it may just be shitty genetics because my dad is bald too and I get most of his genetics from him. I started noticing my hair thinning four years ago but it's not until recently I'm starting to do something about it. In any case, I have to get a bloodwork done and talk about it with my family doctor for a possible dermatologist referral (if she'll even listen and take my concerns seriously).

No. 1756024

Feeling you rn anon

No. 1756028

Same, I'm taller and thicker than the average in my country, my aunt is also even taller than me and she has struggled so much as well.

No. 1756037>>1756179

I hate the time change. Im autistically synced to the sun and very sensitive to seasonal depression in the winter. Today feels so wrong and awful. Why cant we just stop moving the clock? I dont even care which way it stays, DST or SDT I just really want consistency. Routine disruption completely cripples me for some reason. Sprayed my shower with cleaner and will scrub it in a second to at least accomplish something today other than pacing around feeling weird. Why does ot have to be this way???

No. 1756041

First Ayrt, no, not always. It depends what type of hair loss you have. It’s too complicated to get into the science of it here, but there is a lot of information on r/femalehairloss if you want to be more informed.

No. 1756054>>1757544

I feel you nonna. My mensurations are the same as some plus size models who are taller than me and I look underweight. Nothing fits and I hate it.

No. 1756058

I do too much for others.

No. 1756068

I just want to listen to a band rehearse and some moid further down the hall won’t shut up about YouTube analysis videos and Lindsay Ellis

No. 1756090

I want love and care and to be amongst other people that are like me.

No. 1756097

Why the hell do some people think they can get pregnant willy nilly when they've been on a cocktail of medication for their mental illnesses and cannot go on without them for more than a week without absolutely spiraling? How the fuck do they think they're gonna get through the 9 months, more if breat feeding? Just saw someone on reddit acting surprised their baby had zoloft withdrawals, idk zoloft specifically but yeah those meds you take for your shit brain affect the baby too and now you feel bad? Seriously, these people don't need to be making kids, get your shit together first what the fuck.

No. 1756179

DST is demonic, don’t feel bad. It’s completely made up and stupid. This is just the society we live in.

No. 1756199

Can relate nonnie, I'm just a big ol bitch kek. Size 11 wide feet, 5'10" with a large frame and big head. I look absolutely massive next to petite-average sized women so most clothing fits on me awkwardly if I don't buy it from somewhere with tall options. The shoes part is the worst though, it's so hard to find anything that fits well, is cute, and sold in that size

No. 1756247

when i move i stg i am limiting talk time with my mother to like one a week this retard is insufferable. huge womanchild desperately trying to be a pickme still. the good moments aren't worth all this stress

No. 1756251>>1756333

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I just can't shake the feeling that I could've made a different and "better" choice. he is the first person I have dated and I really liked him a lot for some reason when we decided to go out (and I still do) even though I literally could've pulled qt chadlite guys over him on at least a surface level because I am pretty darn cute (although honestly my childish autismo mannerisms and stunted socialization are probably off putting to those types of guys anyways) but even from the beginning I could tell that we would not last forever and my mind keeps wandering as of late. he is a skinny dorky guy and a bit dumb and clueless sometimes outside of his specific interests (adhd) and was horribly depressed before meeting me so I feel like an asshole for growing a bit weary of some of his behavior considering the fact that I relate to it was part of why we were drawn to each other in the first place. but I am getting tired of waiting on and hoping for him to improve and change. it's not like I have my shit together but he says he barely functions on the days that we aren't together and is generally a disorganized person. maybe I am asking for too much because it hasn't even been a year yet but I am getting fomo. I'm not really in a good position to be going around trying to date random people on top of other stuff anyways (haven't moved out yet). and I do care for his well being and like talking to him and hanging out and dont wish anything bad for him and I am fond of his quirky family and their dog and cat. he still likes me in my gross moments and has never tried to argue with me and doesn't mind my odd behavior but idk. I feel weird. I used to feel more special to him than I do now. he attributes a lot of things to his adhd. plus when we screw it's usually not that enjoyable for me and idk if it's a subconscious attraction/stress thing or the fact that I used to be on antidepressants for about 1.5 years and only went off them 4 months ago. I don't want to think about this and I definitely have been thinking about it too much lately. maybe I'm the weird one. I feel so guilty and embarrassed even thinking about it. kill me. I'm just going to play vidya and force myself to study.

No. 1756286

I am way too nervous to be a mom (not that I ever wanted to anyway), my cat has had an upset stomach for a couple of days from I think eating something he shouldn’t have but idk what or how (but he’s as healthy and energetic as ever, having zoomies and inviting me to play while I phoned a vet) but I keep checking on him at night

No. 1756292>>1756323

I hate how much I've let go and how the fat makes me feel and look but god I've been so fucking lazy I feel unmotivated to get up or even commit to eating less, so I've just started looking at feeder/feedee websites and watching shit like my 600 lb life and holy fuck is it shocking. True motivation

No. 1756322

Smoking, the only thing I like to do, no longer makes me happy. I don’t have anything I enjoy, I’m not allowed to work, I’m alone. I’m tired of having to exist. I hate that I have to keep living because 2 people wanted their own homunculus. I don’t have any interests or hobbies, nothing to keep my mind occupied. I’m just an NPC.

No. 1756323>>1756335

>I've just started looking at feeder/feedee websites and watching shit like my 600 lb life
I don't know how people can stomach looking at that shite. You can do it nonnie.

No. 1756333

Wow are you me 12 years ago? I’m still with him. It’s been pretty good but I should have taken over the relationship completely 7 years ago and made him a house husband. He never learned to keep house or be social though and that’s not gonna change.

No. 1756335

Nonna you replied to, yeah I don't know how people get off to it and I will never understand. What I've seen so far is so sad.. especially the women feedees it's so weird and bizarre- I feel using their situation as motivation is shitty of me but I don't want an existence that bleak god holy shit

No. 1756362>>1756368>>1756419

i don't understand men, but i'd be less concerned about it being sexual and more that you're actively helping your friend sell herself.

No. 1756368>>1756419

Yeah I expected this response on here but I already gave my above reasons. If that's what she really wants then it is what it is and she's going to take them either way.

No. 1756385

I want to live, but it's too painful, and I have nothing in particular to live for. People keep telling me that I can still salvage my life, but I know it's only because they've already seen dozens of survivorship bias "inspirational" stories about people who have lived infinitely worse lives than I have recovering and living their dreams. But I've never had dreams. Even as a kid, I only did what was allowed or what earned me praise. But nothing feels good, and I never have the drive to become truly skilled at anything. I was like this even as a kid. It feels like I was meant to be some sort of primitive machine that only does simple, repetitive tasks and occasionally regurgitates canned lines, but something went terribly wrong and now I'm aware of how hollow my existence is. I'mso scared anyone who can support me will die before I can change this, but I can only ever feign that I care about anything at all. It's all just noise.

No. 1756416>>1756461>>1756474>>1756487>>1756535

File (hide): 1699318952543.jpg (15.61 KB, 524x354, FhEjGPhUYAAQRPB.jpg)

>be me
>OCD, fixated on how much i hate my body, among other things
>generally low stress day today with not too many triggers
>let me check lolcow!
>random thread
>happens to be "unpopular opinions" thread
>happens to see "stretch marks are ugly"
>happens to have been hyperfixating on stretch marks for days and spend hours upon hours of my time researching how the FUCK to get rid of them even though they're barely visible and no one cares - but they're visible to me, and i care, and i feel fucking disgusting


No. 1756419

NTA but if your friend cut herself and told you she enjoyed it, would you help her cut herself? What if she was a crackhead who asked you for drug money? Would "she's an adult, it's her choice, she says she enjoys it, and she's going to do it anyways" stand as a justification for enabling her in those circumstances? >>1756362 is correct that you shouldn't be worried that helping your friend exploit herself would count as "cheating", and that you should be more worried about why you're so willing to participate in this woman's exploitation of herself in the first place.

No. 1756461

It’s ok nona most of us have been there. You’re okay. They are not noticeable and anyone close enough to notice them is into you.

No. 1756474

It was a faggot trying to make you feel insecure. Don't worry about it.

No. 1756478

It’s too much. I took all the meds I have left, which is just above the daily limit, but I’m drinking with it. Either I’m gonna have the worst hangover ever or I’ll never be back. Nobody knows irl, cause if I fail, it’ll be too embarrassing to face anyone afterwards. So I’m venting it out on an anonymous website, where only admin knows if I failed or not

No. 1756487

wasn't it a post saying they weren't ugly? anyways, you can get over it and our bodies are just supposed to work, not look like some certain trend. Of course I can't know your ability level but just be thankful you have skin and some working shit underneath it, we all will rot anyways.

No. 1756530>>1758255

File (hide): 1699321702243.jpeg (26.61 KB, 586x524, 1697095406857.jpeg)

I'm so fucking upset.

I tried to intercept an expensive package that was being shipped to my abuser's address. I left him suddenly because he attacked me unprovoked, had to call police who ofc did nothing but stand around as I packed my shit for 40 minutes. Did I mention his place is a 4 hour drive away from where I am now?
Anyways, it was being delivered from DHL via USPS. The vendor couldn't help me and tracking said USPS hadn't received it. Called customer support who told me to check back when USPS receives it from DHL.

I still have the apartment key and I may be lucky enough to find the mailbox key. If I don't find my package can I report him for stealing? Maybe precedent because I had already called the cops to the apartment the day I left packing, I want to ruin that fucker so god damn bad!!!

No. 1756535

It was trannyhands, just ignore him

No. 1756579

File (hide): 1699322975303.jpg (459.01 KB, 2560x1655, 20231106_020522.jpg)

I love when someone constantly brags about their drug addiction and how much they spend on cocaine but you just KNOW that their supply is cut mostly with vit c powder and other filler that's ruining their sinuses and giving them chronic bronchitis but they're too fucking retarded to realize what everyone else already knows. Nobody is giving you cocaine they're giving you like the most laughable ratio imaginable and you're just larping to yourself with tiny teeny doses of Adderall and baby powder.

No. 1756661>>1757595>>1757601

It's like everyone I know is going or went to Japan this year. Maybe if I had saved my pandemic money I could have gone, and the exchange rate is so good right now. I want to go back so bad!! I have one friend living there and another considering moving. I had such a good time, I could easily stay there for a month and not be homesick. Instead I'm broke and have to save what's left of my bank account for bills and essentials and I'm suffering from chronic pain, both mental and physical kek.

No. 1756964>>1757006>>1757067>>1757316>>1757421>>1757521

File (hide): 1699328802764.jpg (36.95 KB, 487x270, tumblr_p391s0IBC21wxd9o6o1_500…)

I've been in a relationship that's… not the best, for a while. I've been warming up to calling it the dreaded A-word but go back and forth between doubting myself and feeling sure. According to the definitions I read in books and PSAs, it counts. But it's hard to quantify an abstract sense that he's constantly rude to me, and I think my mind is scrambled from being together for so long. I instinctively cope with and forget the crazier things he says, so it's all kinda vague… But he fucked up when he got physically violent. I won't forget that, and there's no way for him to twist it in my mind into anything but horrendous.
I feel so ashamed of myself because I spent years being something of a pickme and I feel like I don't deserve any sympathy for getting myself into this. Like maybe it really is all my fault and what I deserve for throwing my life to a guy and letting it get this bad. I don't know, I was only a teenager when it all started. I just feel like I can't talk to anyone about this stuff because they'd just be like, "you're retarded, why did you let this happen? Why didn't you respond to the red flags?" I can't be honest because everyone will wonder why I didn't and don't just fucking leave, and I don't know.
Because I feel worn out and like I have nowhere else to go in life. Sunk cost fallacy. Still hanging onto old dreams. The nice moments. Just because it's different and requires a change. Because some part of me truly believes it's all my fault. Some combination of flawed reasons like that. Sometimes I think about being killed in a fit of rage, not as a genuine anxiety, but somehow as an almost comforting fantasy. I've been losing the energy to keep up the relationship but can't bring myself to cut it off either.
Today my boyfriend told me that he thinks I'm disrespectful and prideful. He wants me to give him space and think hard about my actions. I don't have the drive to feel maddened that he sees things in reverse, I'm just secretly glad. Maybe he'll go away without any effort on my part if I just do nothing to appease his demands.

No. 1757006

Tell him to get fucked. I hope you're leaving him.

No. 1757032

It’s making me laugh really fucking loud how all we needed to pivot to to get off the fujo topic was sylvanian families

No. 1757033

I’m sorry for what I said about stretch marks also that was me being insecure about my own itchy stretch marks

No. 1757050>>1757189

sometimes i miss going to church because the people there genuinely seem to be happy to see me. they always hug me and tell me how much i’ve grown. now i’m always alone and i miss all that. i don’t know if i believe in it anymore

No. 1757067

Every woman I know has had one of these kind of relationships by 25, its like a right of passage. Sometimes when a guy is secretly a pos he'll use the frog boiling technique where he's nice most of the time, then gradually more percent of the time he's mean, until 95% of the time he's mean and awful but 5% he puts in a little effort to keep you around. Just jump Nonna, you'll feel 100x better. Plus like a year later your life will feel so much better in comparison, makes you appreciate being alone and pick healthier relationships in the future

No. 1757189>>1757197

I go to a catholic church and im not catholic (never have been). everyone is really nice to me even though many of them know that im not one of them, and they feed me for free and always act glad to see me as if im their old friend, even if we're just meeting for the first time. I honestly enjoy going and listening to their music calms me, it's like my weird guilty pleasure that i feel awkward telling people about. I think churches can be good communities even if you're not religious (obviously pick a nicer welcoming one and not like one of those insane ones where's its just some old moid screeching about damnation all day everyday, those are awful) the one I go to has non-religious activities like dinner and movies too. bonus: no troons or troon lovers
I heard that having a 3rd space that isn't work/school or home is supposed to be really good for people in general, for me church works because it's like right outside my house and free. But just getting out and having a social group you regularly see with no pressure, in any context, really helps

No. 1757197

Anon that just means you're soft catholic

No. 1757263

I dunno what to feel most of the time and I dunno what to think about the future and idk about anything else

No. 1757279>>1757350

My new shampoo is making my scalp so uncomfortable but it was expensive and it smells good so I dont want to stop using it.

No. 1757288

i'm such a bad artist i'm so embarrassed. yet here i am. even if i grind fundies i swear it'll always look off.

No. 1757316

>I feel so ashamed of myself because I spent years being something of a pickme and I feel like I don't deserve any sympathy for getting myself into this. Like maybe it really is all my fault and what I deserve for throwing my life to a guy and letting it get this bad. I don't know, I was only a teenager when it all started.
No it's not your fault. Not only because you were a teen, because no woman deserves to be abused. Including pickmes and male-aligned woman in general.

No. 1757325

Men get so obsessed that they see women as their own personal play toys that they can't let go of. Their brains brake after loneness and lack of sex. What is wrong with them?

No. 1757350

I think you can instead use it for hand wash or to wash your body maybe? That's what I would do

No. 1757351

I had fast food for the first time in awhile and my skin looks like absolute dogshit now. I’d say it sucks getting old but my body has always been like this kek it’s just way more noticeable now that my diet is relatively better

No. 1757364>>1757369>>1757384

Why do I keep posting? It has to stop.

No. 1757367

I'm honestly so scared about the future

No. 1757369>>1757378

No. 1757378>>1757388

Maybe if we both wish hard enough, the website will explode.

No. 1757384

At least you only post here, right? And not around moids.

No. 1757388


No. 1757391

I'm honestly sad and concerned that I don't know where my life is going anymore

No. 1757421

This reminds me of a good friend of mine. I hope you (as well as her in her similar situation) feel brave enough to leave!! You can do this, I promise. You should honor your needs and drop the sunk fallacy mindset. You only get one life- dont waste another moment putting his needs before yours. All the love sweet nonna

No. 1757453

I'm getting really tired of having to choose. My whole life I've had to choose between one essential thing or the other. Do I get to see my family or work abroad so we have money? Do I get to pursue the job I want or do I have to stay and complete my degree? Do I get to go on vacation like I wanted or do I keep working because I might get fired and my boss won't let me? Do I get to have friends or do I keep my job and have money? Meanwhile my boyfriend and all my friends get all of these things. A great job, nice family, no worries about money, large friend group, and I have to be happy with scraps or I'm told I'm "being ungrateful".

No. 1757463

i think i need to go to a therapist because ive been having paranoid delusions about my nigel. before any nonny replies, he lets me go through his phone and all of his browser everything and explains anything i ask about and what i need to hear. while he has some moid issues, he cares about me a lot and would do anything for me. i have multiple hour long delusions and consistent anxiety that hes doing a bunch of shit to get pussy on the side and betray me or whatever the magical plot of the day is and its starting to really affect my life. i wish i could get to any form of therapy sooner and score whatever fucking anti anxiety meds exist, but my other tribulation is that my family does not believe in mental health help or medication. i just want to be normal for me and him.

No. 1757476

im gonna die alone i get angry at games and bored of the slower ones. im pet free now and enjoy it. probably never want kids because birth has always seemed nightmarish. i love women but it always fails because i fall out of love, she cheats, or worse she ends up loving a moid. maybe im ok with it but theres some nights i go home realizing there isnt anyone for me there and no pet to welcome me home. that all my friends had kids just barely at 18 or 20 so we cant "just hang out". my family ive honestly abandoned from years of issues, or they died of the same illness. i want to do so many things but im so tired from my unfulfilling job that gets me barely through bills. i probably dont even deserve a gf/wife. i would probably be a failure in her eyes.

No. 1757513

So that's why I'm always lonely and never feel truly understood no matter how many friends I have or new people I meet. Huh. Thanks for enlighten me anon. I hope you have a wonderful week!

No. 1757519

I am so jealous of my boyfriend. His family gave him nearly £500 for his birthday. I didn't get anything from mine. His family buy him tickets to really cool events and gigs I could never afford to go to. Its hard to feel happy for him at this point because I just feel left out and sad that I don't nor have ever had that in my life. I feel like a bit of a bitch though since its not his fault, and nobody owes me a ticket. So I'm just silently seething

No. 1757521

>YOU need to make it up to ME after I BEAT YOU
Yep, this was the last straw for me too. I was with him from 17 to 23 and I had no friends left. Cut your losses and gtfo.

No. 1757526

Every day I hope my grandma just dies. She can’t walk at all, she is overweight and difficult to move, she has severe dementia, doubly incontinent and borderline deaf. Every day she sits in her chair wailing, crying and complaining, getting angry and shouting. She’s so unbelievably miserable and so demented that she keeps getting it into her head that she’s going to get better and saying things like “when I can walk down to the beach again” but she can hardly stand up while she has her adult diaper changed. My grandpa is still pretty good but he has to spend every waking minute caring for her. I just wish she’d die, it’s incomprehensible that she’s still alive but she’s very healthy, her heart and lungs are great, she could be like this for another 10 fucking years with her dementia slowly getting worse and worse until her brain is a literal soup and she can’t even swallow her own saliva. Good Lord when will she just die, I pray every single day for a deadly stroke to just take her out.

No. 1757540>>1757599>>1757608


No. 1757544

>My mensurations are the same as some plus size models who are taller than me and I look underweight.
I misread that as "menstruation" and got so confused like how does she know these specifics of other models lol

No. 1757559>>1757591

I saw some horror stuff, and it scared me so bad that I can't sleep well and when I do I feel incredibly paranoid. I had some better luck earlier (slept for about 2 hours pretty well) but I just tried to sleep and it lasted probably only like 30 minutes with at least 2 rounds of sleep paralysis and when I finally woke up for good I had to take like 10 minutes to hype myself into getting up because I was afraid someone was in my room to murder me.

No. 1757591

Watch some cute and nice instead, it helped me whenever I used to watch creepy stuff. I don't watch creepy things anymore for this reason, I get too spooked

No. 1757595>>1757601

Right? My friend told me her coworker went to Japan for a month because her boyfriend gets to travel a lot since he works with video games or something. Some people have a good life, let me tell you. I hope that you're able to go soon enough. Save up, be stingy. I'll do the same.

No. 1757599

I'm so sorry nonna. I got warned like 20 times just for some pins on my husbando's board and almost all of them were false alarms too. Pinterest is retarded and I feel like these kind of bans are at random.

No. 1757601>>1757606

Let’s be saving-up-for-Japan buddies together nonnas

No. 1757603

I’m so fucking sleepy

No. 1757606

See you there, nona.

No. 1757608>>1757618

oh shit nona I also got some email warning that they've deleted some of my pins and to be careful unless I want my account killed. Then they wouldn't even tell me WHAT WAS REMOVED AND WHY? I checked and it wasn't even uploaded by me so what the fuck

No. 1757614

i fucking hate dieting losing weight shouldnt require so much goddamn math

No. 1757618>>1757640

I'm very curious wtf you're all saving because I only save cute pictures and graphic design inspiration? I've never run into this problem

No. 1757640

Why must a job I would really like have to be an hour away? It's so close yet so far and I can't justify wasting more hours on the road and gas money.
Nta but from having a Pinterest account for years and just saving art, vidya stuff and photography alot of the times it's artistic nudity or just a pin flagged at random because Pinterest is shit, like that other anon said they don't do anything about pedos on the site.

No. 1757652>>1757663>>1757889

File (hide): 1699363241162.jpg (421.18 KB, 1600x900, Anime_OnePiece_Wallpaper_Straw…)

I don't like One Piece and the live action and new twist made it fucking insufferable.
Everything will be fine if I could avoid it but it's fucking everywhere and even normies are talking about it because of the live action, STOP!!! HOLY FUCK STOP!!!!
People tell me to give it a go, to try to read it, the point is that I'm not interested in the slightest! I'm not interested in cyclic shit! I'm not interested in the "power of friendship" ! I'm not interested in fights! I'm not interested in stupid/ironic villains!!! Everything was fine until it became popular again and it flooded every con, every manga/anime awards and it eventually buries everything else! I also hate how tifs jumped on the bandwagon due to the tif in the live action and they sperg about Yamato being a man (everything I know about it is against my will) and try to pass it off as lgbt friendly.
I get it that people can like this, I get it, I really do, I myself like some things to an autistic degree but it's time to wrap it up and call it a good business move plus I also feel that most one piece fans don't even like it anymore but don't want to let it go due to the fear of them feeling that they have wasted time since they spent so much time reading/watching it that they want to get it to the end. Plus its fans are absolutely rabid and biased, I can like things and I can also point their flaws/talk shit, One Piece fans are cultish and don't you dare say that is mid/you don't like it. It's lazy anime 101 and I wish more fans admitted they watch it brainlessly instead of trying to pass it off as a narrative masterpiece, there's no way that a 100+ volume/1k+ episodes series maintains quality. Please wrap this shit up.

No. 1757663

One Piece is an ugly series that has been dragging on way too long. I can't stand how hard the art style tries to be whimsical and how the female character designs follow the same two templates: thin booba lady or ugly, fat ogre. It's also been dragging on for over two and a half decades now and I don't understand how anyone other than the extremely autistic can waste so much time on it. I also can't stand now its popularity has exploded and also see it every where now. It's just such an eyesore of a series!

No. 1757665

I hate moids so much. Reading reddit (I know, I know) and seeing 50+ year old scrotes being desperate sexpests is so disgusting. Why are moids so horny throughout their whole lives, even when they are 80 years old with a non-functioning repulsive liver spotted dick. I get a hearty kek when an old man posts to reddit crying about being "touch starved" because it's so pathetic but I also hate them so much for even thinking about posting their whining online. Just die already

No. 1757681

Sometimes I feel like a lot of people in the medical industry don't care enough or don't think things through enough. My vitamin B12 levels were low, so I was told that I should get shots once a month. Sure. After X amount of shots, I decided to ask if it'd be alright to get some blood work to see where I'm at with those levels since the nurse or doctor didn't bother to do blood work after all these shots. Now my B12 levels are >2000 when 1000 or something is the maximum. I'm not anxious or anything, but I'd say I'm tired of having to speak up so much to doctors. I have to constantly remind them and prod them. I get it, they're busy. I just want to be treated well.

No. 1757695>>1757702>>1757717>>1757847

My landlord gave me a day notice that some tradies were coming to tear up my carpet and put in a wood flooring. I spent the day with my ear defenders on preparing to have to adjust to a big change to my environment. My boyfriend had to do most of the talking to them since I'm very autistic and cba masking for strangers, I'm not even sure if I can anymore. They clearly thought I was weird and gave me weird looks or made offhand comments about how I'd just shut myself in another room. I know they probably got in their van and was wondering why the fuck a nice normal man is with such a weird woman but like, I literally found out this was happening when they arrived because my landlord emailed me about it when I was already asleep last night. I honestly was taken so off guard and I'm not usually this retarded but like, this is my home and I felt like I had 0 control over it today and it made me feel really shit that 2 fucking men who don't even know me where giving me weird looks and saying 'the mrs isnt helping then eh?' And then acting all confused that I didn't respond or say anything back. It makes me feel like such a stereotype too. I wanna be normal

No. 1757702>>1757718

How do you get a normal bf as a raging autist? Asking 4 a friend.

No. 1757717

I would be very aggravated in your position, an earlier warning would have been more reasonable. But how did you hear them with the ear protectors?

No. 1757718>>1757794

literally be hot. it's the only way.

No. 1757719>>1757731>>1757751

Fuck me I just got my dress from the seamstress and it doesn't fit. I either have to alter this all by hand (waist, shoulders, and hemline) when I've never done any altering, or else I'm looking at a minimum $150 to pay another seamstress. Plus, the washer ate my crinoline petticoat so I have to get another of those and that's another $80.
>But why not get the original seamstress to alter it free of charge?
There's no way she would do that, she would charge me because she's cheap, plus this doesn't look like the samples she showed me. Her stitches are very sloppy and loose and I no longer trust her.
I know that $500 for a tailored dress is very reasonable, it just sucks because the way she talked and the samples she showed me were very good and I had high hopes.

No. 1757731>>1757750

Demand to have it fixed anon, you paid her for a service and you didn't get your money's worth. How did she mess up so bad? Did she not measure you? If she asks for extra money then ask for a discount and show her why her work is unacceptable. Be firm and once you get it fixed, never speak to her again. If she doesn't comply, write a bad review.

No. 1757735

Probation/Parole officers are some of the dumbest people I’ve seen; these people graduated university? But again they have to work with even dumber people. I’m just salty though because they get paid way more than I do, a lowly clerk, yet they ask me the stupidest questions ever. Like, you have access to way more info than I do!

No. 1757750

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She took a bunch of measurements, but I wasn't wearing the corset that day and she said she was just going to let out the top a little bit so the corset would fit under it smoothly. But she let it out by like an inch, and I feel like she didn't even use the measurements of how tall my torso was because the top now hangs too low. And I know she didn't use the measurements of how tall I am because the skirt drags on the floor.
I'm hoping I'm being overly critical about how long the bottom is, it will probably look much better once the petticoat comes in and I lace up the boots, but still, it's like four to five inches too long. I get the feeling that she had a pattern and then did almost zero adjustments.
But yeah, I'm going to have talk to her, I just feel like a bougie asshole for having so many complaints when she's a small business owner and I'm sure she's over worked.

No. 1757751>>1757756

I've never been to a tailor that didn't fuck up my garment. I've even been stabbed by a needle left in the back of my dress. You can pretty much only trust them to shorten a hem at best and even that came out uneven for me twice. Idk if it's just american tailors since we don't have anything besides a consumerist fashion culture that would inspire people to pursue tailoring as a profession, so it's just 3rd worlders doing a shit job. And yes I payed them well, too well.

No. 1757756

Exactly! Thank you. I just expect a person who advertises themself as a craftsman to know how to do said job, especially if their prices are high. Funny enough, the best seamstress I ever had was an older than dirt Italian woman who worked for extremely cheap in a middle of nowhere town.

No. 1757757>>1757759>>1757804>>1758558

My life is boring so I overeat and I drink, so I get fat, so I feel bad and I eat more and drink more. How do I break my cycle of retardation

No. 1757758

I hate living in an old building. The shower wasn't starting yesterday and I thought they cut the water but everything else was working. After some fidgeting it finally started, but today it wouldn't start again!! Turns out the stupid handle has a part that's been cracked off since we moved in and it suddenly decided to only work inverted. Instead of twisting counterclockwise, cold to hot, now I have to twist it clockwise, hot to cold. I'm hoping I can just replace the handle but why the hell is it suddenly inverted?? There's always something with this stupid building.

No. 1757759>>1757768

Make stopping those habits a goal and find excitement in making progress on that goal. It's not easy though.

No. 1757760>>1757779

i got stung by a wasp at the pumpkin patch almost 2 weeks ago and it's still itchy!!! and to think i save them when they fly into my office instead of just stomping on them.. they mistake my kindness for weakness. fuck them

No. 1757768>>1757773

It is true that changing my lifestyle will make my life more interesting. I’m scared of what comes after, though. I’ve gained and lost weight and drank and quit drinking and what usually happens is all I end up doing in my sober life is falling into a boring routine, and the boredom makes me fall back in the eat and drink cycle…

No. 1757773>>1757792

Do you have enough money yet to start doing the hobbies you've always dreamed of? What would childhood you want to do if she suddenly had the freedom? That might be a good place to start to prevent boredom.

No. 1757776

I don't know why but I feel empty and depressed I don't feel as I used to either

No. 1757779>>1757810

Fuck wasps. Only be nice to bees.

No. 1757792

my silly childhood dream is that I kinda always wanted a camper van kek. Maybe that can be my goal after i stop being a chubster. Saving up for a camper…

No. 1757794

Yeah but where did you meet him? I don’t need an exact address btw just where? Work, the club online etc.

No. 1757804

I have had trouble for this for years i am now nearing 30 i have accepted my fate

No. 1757810>>1757816>>1757822

wasps are literally useless. I hate people trying to defend wasps because they pollinate one flower a year. They're a menace

No. 1757814>>1757829>>1757830>>1757842>>1758042>>1758076>>1758931>>1759015

nonas i got drunk yesterday and embarrassed myself, can you tell me your embarrassing drunk stories to make me feel better

No. 1757816>>1757817

Wasps are based only females are allowed to own weapons

No. 1757817

Wasps are trash and I will burn every single wasps nest I see.

No. 1757822>>1757827>>1757848

Wasps come in different sizes, colors, and also some of them eat cockroaches and spiders. They're also smart and you can "befriend" them

No. 1757827

t. Wasp

No. 1757829>>1757839

I went out with people from a club I run. I’d just been dumped and two cocktails in I decided to start questioning my sexuality. I ended up slavishly infatuated with a girl from the club club and insisted on kissing and saying I was making this decision completely sober (she was laughing about it) then I started crying over my ex, spent 20€ in drugstore candy, told everyone within earshot about my ED, blacked out and woke up on another club member’s couch. I then made it even worse by ghosting everyone involved out of shame. I was already 30 so I don’t have any excuses for any of this kek

No. 1757830>>1757839

I went to a party and saw a girl I had been friends with some years ago but she just ignored me the whole evening. I spent the evening trying to figure out what I had done to wrong her, but it turns out she didn't recognise me until I had drank too much, was in the bathroom on my knees projectile vomiting and something about that moment finally clicked since she shouted "omg it's YOU! How didn't I recognise you sooner!". I honestly don't understand what made her finally recognise me since I swear I have never been in a similar situation with her. Haven't seen her after that but maybe that's for the best kek.

No. 1757839

this is exactly what i needed. thank you nonas love you

No. 1757842

I once got escorted out of an anime con (while in cosplay) because we were all drunk, but one of my friends was being combative because my wallet was considered too big to be let into the rave. We pulled her aside and tried to calm her down, we were fixing to leave but I got tapped on the shoulder and a police officer had to walk us out of the building. Definitely not my proudest moment.

No. 1757847

>It makes me feel like such a stereotype too. I wanna be normal
the men commented on it because they are used to women sucking up and playing nice. you are cool for not pushing yourself to interact with these rude men. better to stick to the stereotype of cold autist than interact with these scrotes.

No. 1757848

if theyre so smart and friendly why did it sting me??? ive only ever been nice to them but now im changing my ways

No. 1757865

>consider myself low value and someone not worth pursuing because men fuck off once I don't put out within a month max
>read about womens relationship experience
>its the exact same thing except you're stuck in a relationship and the guy doesn't even try to seduce you anymore
>it's all just "sex now?" and if you don't feel like it they get grumpy and rude and don't even want to cuddle


No. 1757881

I hate this goddamn tiny ass room and this stupid house with solid concrete walls and an ancient stove that we can't replace because it's built in. The house was too small for us when we moved in despite doing our best to downsize and I wasn't willing to get rid of all my hobbies. I lose everything in this room which never happened nearly as much when I had a bigger room. I can't grow my business when there is literally no room for the stock. I thought we would have been in a different place by now but I didn't work hard enough so that's my fault we're still stuck. It's not like we can move now, we may be in a shithole with a landlord who never fixes anything but at least our rent hasn't been raised in years. We can't afford to move anytime soon. The first landlord was right when we rented this place, it's really only for one person. 600 square feet just doesn't cut it unless you're both minimalists. It's just the first place we could afford and was close enough since we had to get out of our old place right away.

No. 1757882

The person I thought was my closest/only friend didn’t invite me to her wedding. I must be a serious autist to misread these things so badly.

No. 1757889

I love my normie best friend who, upon remembering she watched a bit of One Piece as a child when Netflix series came out, called OP characters "little defects".

No. 1757906>>1758083

is i possible to die from depression. i'm feeling so devastated today and i don't even know why and feel like i'm about to pass out. my headache feels like it's going to explode. i slept for 10 hours and can't stop crying for no reason and am dizzy. i ate my food drank my water but it won't stop. none of it stops. i don't know what's going on i just woke up

No. 1757910

File (hide): 1699381431611.jpeg (333.39 KB, 1179x1127, IMG_5732.jpeg)

I had an interview last week for a job that was supposed to be hiring from my school. It was literally just a handful of other students. This week I found out through the job board that they hired elsewhere. Why do I keep getting my hopes up

No. 1757911

DMed a guy first and of course he has a gf kek. Still following me though and I was worried he would be gay so a win is a win. delusion is the solution

No. 1758022

File (hide): 1699385670295.gif (486.89 KB, 256x190, 1446433640217.gif)

I somehow wormed my way into a group of normies. The only anime they know is Pokemon, the only video games they play are FIFA and Genshin Impact. When we hang out we go clubbing, or thrifting, or hiking. They invited an AGP tranny into the group and thought he was a gay guy, these people have never interacted with or heard of a TIM before!! The tranny didn't really stick around though because he was too internet-poisoned and autistic kek. It's refreshing to hang out with normies but at the same time I'm filled with anxiety the whole time because I'm faking an entire personality for them and if I really went "mask off" they'd think I'm a freak just like that TIM

No. 1758027

I'm thinking about the anon who told me that people are depressed for real reasons and she's right, but then why was I so miserable growing up? My mom? Not having the opportunities I wanted in life? Low self-esteem? Simply being an angsty teenager? I think about the times of my life where I thought I had beat my depression and wish I could go back so bad. Those moments were so brief. I just want to be content and over the hill that I'm trying to trudge through now. It's hard. I want my old life back before all of this crap happened. I was still miserable but at least it wasn't as bad as now. I really didn't know what I had I guess.

No. 1758029>>1758031>>1758034>>1758047>>1758056>>1758085>>1758148

I got temporarily banned on 4chan for telling someone very politely to avoid reddit spacing their posts. Fuck 4chan, that place is useless now. I can't believe out of all places, they actually use ""correct"" pronouns for trannies now. 90% of posters on /co/ call Gooseworx "she" and shit. Makes me sick.

No. 1758031>>1758036

>4chan users doing thr pronoun game
They're really doing that now? It's been years since I would go on 4chan. Wow.

No. 1758032

I wish I could write better and/or say controversial stuff that would get replies. I am so attention starved right now and I have literally no one.

No. 1758034>>1758036

That website is 90% trannies at this point anon… I remember when 4chan was pretty anti-tranny but those same users all trooned out themselves now kek

No. 1758036

Yeah it AT LEAST used to be one of the only places you could call a spade a spade and not have to pretend men were women and vice versa, but now even that is gone from there.

No. 1758042

i flirted with this moid cause he looked like my ex, but he was one of those ugly ugly nerds that lack any social awareness. once i came out of the trance and left, he followed me around, told everyone, and people kept asking me if i was gonna hook up with him. i started bawling for 20 minutes to these random girls who definitely made fun of me.

No. 1758047>>1758049

>Falling for the reddit space newfag meme

No. 1758049

Samefag, /co/ is normie central too so of course they respect troons

No. 1758056

>I can't believe out of all places, they actually use ""correct"" pronouns for trannies now. 90% of posters on /co/ call Gooseworx "she" and shit.
Not surprise it's come to that when most of the userbase are autistic misogynistic incel males, the prime group who's more likely to troon out. Misogyny and racism are okay in that site but transphobia is going too far.

No. 1758070

>tfw even a random person that added me through a Pokemon GO raid at a park nearby is in Japan
I need to save up and get my health together. I'm sick of it all. I want to take a break.

No. 1758076

I tried to fight a bouncer and I called him a fat bald cunt like a million times.

No. 1758083

Yes, it is, but it's usually much slower. I'm concerned about you nonnie, mood swings that extreme can be a sign of a brain tumor or hormonal malfunction. Have you been to a physician lately?

No. 1758085

Don't feel bad, I got permanently banned from 4chan for some reason and I still don't know why.

No. 1758090>>1758097>>1758150>>1758213

I am so sexually frustrated I cried. My boyfriend and I are in an LDR and every time I try to initiate phone sex he gives me short non-committal responses instead of something more detailed I could work with, or tells silly jokes that ruin the mood for me. He used to make me orgasm all the time and now I haven't had a single orgasm in months. Yes, I talked to him about it but he is still so dense and never initiates or acts sexy for me. I hate my life.

No. 1758097>>1758112

Oh my God, just date someone closer to you because that's awful to go through.

No. 1758112

I would, but he's the only man I've ever met that has ever pandered to my kinks and he's so giving and caring outside of sex. He makes cute personal handicrafts of things I like and sends them to me for no reason. I wish he was an asshole because then I could just leave immediately.

No. 1758148

Once I stopped hate reading /co/ my lifespan went up 10 years and all my illness was cured.

No. 1758150

Tbh my only idea is to invest in a nice sex toy until you guys can live together or have a visit

No. 1758192>>1758299>>1758985

File (hide): 1699393647882.gif (551.2 KB, 354x498, sadcatrain.gif)

I'm so annoyed that troons ruined so many things for me. Anime, anything "kawaii", vaporwave music, spaces for bisexual or lesbian women, tons of memes and in-jokes for terminally online dorks like me - I feel like there are so many things I enjoyed that are just completely shitty and ruined now because autistic men in dresses shoved their way in and claim it as their own. I started noticing this years ago when I tried posting in the GirlGamers subreddit to find other girls online to play games with without being bothered by shitty dudes, and it's completely overrun by transvestites. It feels like everything I ever I enjoyed in my dumb little internet space has been horned in on, it's absolutely infuriating. Even just now I saw a playlist called something like "Songs for Cute Anime Girls" and my brain immediately assumed it's gotta be a troon who made it- and yep, it was. It feels like lolcow is literally the only place left where we don't have to accept or pander to troons. Women truly can't have anything to ourselves.

No. 1758213

>>1758090 cheat on him

No. 1758219

I hate working with children. I get it, you don't want to be here, but where is the pride in what you're doing, or at least shame for being shit at it? (context: hospitality). Maybe I do work too hard but I wouldn't have to if everyone pulled their weight. I want to snitch on some girls I worked with today for deciding to hang out in the toilets together during peak service but I won't because I'm not a nark, so I'll just have to hate my life instead.

No. 1758230>>1758257>>1758279>>1758285>>1758308>>1758321>>1758790

File (hide): 1699395269102.gif (3.84 MB, 640x582, botdojk.gif)

I'm not gonna say who i was and you can call me a crybaby but i got a super rude reply yesterday by multiple nonnas unprompted and it actually hurt me because i came back home in a bad mood after being annoyed by a stupid moid coworker, some of you are worse than 4chan scrotes sometimes and to top it all off i just broke up with my nigel a few weeks ago, it has just been a rollercoaster of emotions lately for me.

No. 1758231>>1758239>>1758253>>1758309

File (hide): 1699395376692.jpeg (585.57 KB, 927x1249, IMG_0714.jpeg)

I hate men so much. They’re all so evil.

No. 1758239

>south Korean man attacking a woman because he assumed short hair = feminist
Holy shit, males are outrageously fucking stupid, even in countries that are supposed to be higher in IQ. Proof that intelligence tests don't seem to mean shit for males.

No. 1758252>>1759224

File (hide): 1699396107166.png (1.29 MB, 640x853, berries.png)

I'm sick of this one tree in my yard that drops berries everywhere on pavement and makes a huge mess. I'm going to chop the whole thing down but I'm going to wait until the branches are bare.

No. 1758253

>in his 20s
Modern men really are fucked, imagine this being your peak: acting crazy at random women and suffering from schizophrenia in your fucking 20s

No. 1758254

I used to be a teaching assitant in special needs education. I worked very closely with a few boys in a class who typically absconded to help them feel motivated to learn.

One boy who I spent a lot of time with, I recently found out via the news, has died due to his father drink driving. None of my own colleagues told me. I saw the photo of that child in his scho uniform, that I took and just started crying.

I know I don't work there anymore but its really heartbreaking, I cared about those kids so much. He was close friends with a very sensitive boy and I am so upset just thinking about how he felt when he found out too.

That child worshipped the ground his father walked on, he talked about him all the time and that drunk motherfucker didn't even look back at his son as he fled the scene. He was a good kid, he deserved so much better than that.

No. 1758255

Hope I'm not too late nonny, but if you call back customer services and thoroughly explain everything, the company you purchased from may very likely be able to reship to the correct address for free. They're trained to expercise compassion in such cases, unless of course it's a very expensive thing.

No. 1758257>>1758265>>1758279

nah I get it, one time a nona told me that I posted too much about my illness and I was fuming but now I'm better and she is most likely still a bag of shit.

No. 1758258

This website is going to shit

No. 1758265>>1758268

Thankfully someone understands how i feel i felt really embarrassed writing my vent.

No. 1758268

Just feel the feelings and then let them go, new beginning nona!!

No. 1758279>>1758293>>1758324

File (hide): 1699397521121.jpg (98.36 KB, 933x904, media_FW83bBnXkAQSTbX.jpg)

>I'm not gonna say who i was and you can call me a crybaby but i got a super rude reply yesterday by multiple nonnas unprompted and it actually hurt me
It IS pretty annoying when they just gang up on you in the same way. Like, not even the occasional person with a level-headed attitude, just a bunch of users unironically acting like hostile NPCs.
>because i came back home in a bad mood after being annoyed by a stupid moid coworker
Shit, I've been there and it does suck so I feel you. Moid coworkers are always autistic at best, and shit-for-brains at worst.
>some of you are worse than 4chan scrotes
Unpopular take, but it's true. Despite lolcow being full of female users who hate men, this place will ironically bring you back to the reality that men AND a lot out women out there suck donkey shit.
>sometimes and to top it all off i just broke up with my nigel a few weeks ago, it has just been a rollercoaster of emotions lately for me
Even though it's been a while since I dated a moid, I still understand how you're feeling. Your heart feels all sensitive and fragile. You still think about him every day or every other day. You'll survive and forget about him eventually, but it's good to be honest with your own feelings. Sorry that it had to end so painfully though.
Never let believe a random faggot when they wanna kick your vibe down. They're basically the schoolyard pricks that stroke their microdick egos to shitting all over other students, just online. In real life they probably wouldn't even have the guts to tell a tranny to gtfo of a women's restroom kek

No. 1758285>>1758295

Have you considered that those were men

No. 1758289>>1758307

File (hide): 1699397765367.png (59.45 KB, 448x337, IMG_4618.png)

Why was I so stupid as to let someone set me up on a date?

Why is it that women set up other women with men they wouldn’t touch with a twenty foot pole?
Oh but he’s soooo nice well then why didn’t you date him then, hypocrite. Oh yeah, because you have no interest in a fat 2/10 manlet. But I’m “shallow”.

Never let anyone set you up, nonnies. Attractive well rounded men are literally never just available like that.

No. 1758293>>1758310

Ntayrt but you are lovely, anon.

No. 1758295>>1758303

nta but i don't understand why people here refuse to accept that mean annoying women don't exist. they absolutely do and you can tell them apart from men when they post

No. 1758299>>1758305

This is why you have to make friends with like-minded people and form your own exclusive community that way. Lolcow suits my needs just fine, and I even made some nice friends from here. Reddit has always been for men, and it's been increasingly noticeable on subs that were supposed to be for actual women. Basically, don't engage in those spaces. They'll have to be infested with troons, but you can choose to be happy and create your own community. Sorry for my little rant. Your post resonated with me, and I wanted to reach out.

No. 1758303

Agreed honestly

No. 1758305

This. Reddit has always been male dominated, it was never meant for women's communities.

No. 1758307>>1758380

This experience temporarily equips you with ability to recognize that all relationship advise by women are super mega retarded, don't let this opportunity slide.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1758308>>1758324

I'm very sorry, I hope you feel better soon

No. 1758309

Jesus Christ, South Korea is not the kpoopie paradise some of those kpop listeners think it is. My heart goes out to this woman and everyone that has to face this brutal injustice by a deranged moid.

No. 1758310

File (hide): 1699398285737.png (7.7 KB, 120x120, HM_DS_WPrincess_Blushing.png)

Thank you. This honestly warmed me up and washed away some bitterness I held in.

No. 1758318

A true worried vent incoming, my friend moved abroad, dropped out of school, has no job prospects and her mental health just keeps plummeting. Every once in a while she will say shit like "what if I just came back haha wouldn't that be crazy" and even with me always saying it's okay to come back, it must be difficult to have not only one but two language barriers with your doctors because she has to do all that in english yet no. She stays and just keeps getting worse and it feels awful to see, she left a stable, clean cut woman and is now just an all around unhealthy, depressed and regressed adult teenager. I'm just worried and I think I've whined about her millions of times here before but that was before she completely ghosted her school that she attended online due to living abroad, what the hell is the endgame? Why would you want to be a human pet in a country where you have no local friends, just two people from back home who you wouldn't even hang out with here, no language skills beyond english and native tongue, a nightmare.

No. 1758321>>1758328

There's like a few really hyper aggressive people on here I think, it sucks. I've had that happen to me when I thought I was posting pretty innocuous stuff. I wish some people would cool off with the combativeness or just the mean nitpicking of fellow users

No. 1758322>>1758329>>1758364

I was tackled and beaten by a man working on the ICU when I was waking up from my coma three years ago. Since then, my spine has never been the same. I had to relearn how to walk, I’ve been through years of physio and pain medication. He has faced no repercussions whereas I feel like I got a life sentence of chronic pain and disability.
I’ve been referred for spinal injections to numb the nerve pain in my leg, but they said they only do one round and that they’re temporary. So what’s the point? I am so frustrated. I feel so lonely.
At the same hospital, I was moved straight out of the ICU into the psych ward where I was raped by another patient while I was immobile from my injury. My attacker gave me covid and I was locked in isolation for over two weeks without access to a shower. They occasionally forgot to feed me. I was in there over Christmas and New Year and my family didn’t want to be in contact with me. I’m serious when I say that /ot/ was the only thing I had in the world at the time.
It’s been three years and a lot has changed but I still feel fundamentally alone. I still wish I had died instead of waking up from that coma. No psych treatment or medication has helped me.

I was so convinced that I dropped into another timeline, a different reality, every time I nearly died. The chances of me surviving three comas in three years is very very slim. I don’t understand why reality is shifting around me to keep me alive though. I’ve been reading about quantum immortality but I don’t fully understand it. Am I really being kept alive just to be in pain and relive a lifetime of trauma every time something slightly sets me off? What is my role?

Maybe I did die and this is hell. I lost everything after that first coma, my academic post, my PhD scholarship, my students, my savings. I don’t know how to move past my grief.

No. 1758324>>1758338

File (hide): 1699399447792.png (3.36 KB, 165x162, hug.png)

Nonna i can't thank you enough for your reply it made me feel understood.
Thank you i'm trying my best to stay calm amidst everything that is happening.

No. 1758328

Exactly i get that it's common on imageboards to be kinda rude but sometimes you can't bring anything up on threads without someone lashing at you for no reason.

No. 1758329>>1758331

I don't dare to console you.

No. 1758331>>1758335>>1758347

Deja vu. I've seen that post two or three times now.

No. 1758335>>1758347

Want me to try anyway?

No. 1758338>>1758359

It's no problem! What do you do to calm yourself down in times like this?

No. 1758339

File (hide): 1699400211242.jpg (788.63 KB, 1920x1200, cats-drinking-water-from-a-fou…)

Raised earnestly by a damaged girl
She lost her & crafted my safe world
Stretched silk thin, a skinny minnie blanket
Gives me everything I reluctantly take it

No. 1758347>>1758366>>1758380

Forgive me. It’s a very specific series of events that I am still struggling to process; it has devastated me and my life and continues to do so.

Was this aimed at me? If so, I appreciate the offer but I don’t want to emotionally drain you, nonnie. I just need to vent about it now and again.

No. 1758359

I just try to forget about it.

No. 1758364>>1758396

Sweet nona, every once in a while I remember you and hope you're doing okay. After Reading this, I hope one day you'll be doing better and you know you didn't deserve any of that shit done to you.

No. 1758366

Oh, please don't excuse yourself and ask for forgiveness. I was only stating that I saw your post a couple times. I don't have any words to say to such awful circumstances, but I wish you peace.

No. 1758380>>1758396

File (hide): 1699402882829.jpg (47.53 KB, 310x470, litho04.jpg)

It was aimed at you. You can't drain me much, i keep death close as a friend as probably you do too. What doesn't kill us makes us stranger, so strange that an abyss forms between the rest of the world. There are still things to discover after discarding the past. New things forever and ever.

Fuck you, janitor, learn to keep your ignorant mouth shut.(ban evasion)

No. 1758396

That means an awful lot to me, nonnie. Thank you very much for saying that.

That’s quite relatable and weirdly profound, anon. Thank you for your insight. These experiences are isolating but I suppose equally they force us to be very self sufficient. I just wish it didn’t have to be so painful

No. 1758398

I feel like I just hate humanity and almost every fucking group and it makes me feel like shit but just trying to see things more positively will make me twice as mad when I stumble upon the next instance that proves that the opposite is true.
Maybe I should cut off all social contacts and avoid seeing and hearing about assholes, mass murderers, racists, sociopaths and all that by avoiding the internet altogether and never watching the news and maybe no movies either but then I encounter all that shit in the job together with fascists that LARP innocent democrats and literal bullies that blackmail and spy on me.

Part of me almost wishes that 100% of the world was bad so that I could just give up and become a mass shooter before killing myself but there are always good people amid all that shit everywhere so I cannot even vent by doing that. I wish I could just NEET and flee to some fucking medieval, remote town with 50 inhabitants that are mostly ages old grandmas and grandpas, smash my phone and spend the rest of my life helping 80 year olds with some daily life chores and watching the trees grow.

No. 1758424

I always attract people that feel like they have to compete against me for some fucking reason so everything I do or say has to be trumped by their own shit and if I am ever good at anything they get passive aggressive because they are incapable of seeing an otherwise depressed friend being happy for a few hours for once and I am over that shit.

Had an ages old friend that always got angry when I draw and post something somewhere or even innocently mention that I am drawing something when I just casually talk about my daily life that unfollowed me everywhere and stopped talking to me because she invited me to bluesky and followed me and therefor accidentally saw one of my artworks when I posted it. Anyway I don't give a shit anymore. Fuck her, fuck them. Had a male friend that pulled the same shit while whining all day about being unable to draw because lack of privileges or something.

Two other friends only befriended me to have someone that listen to their endless monologues about their boring daily lives and the many people they hate. One of them repeated the same stories up to 35 times (I counted after some point) because these people are simply addicted to self-presentation but never listen when I want to talk, never give a shit about what I have to say.

I don't know either why I attract such people or why you are attracting them. Maybe I come off as too introverted and lonely so they want to befriend me to have someone they consider more pathetic than themselves, no idea.

Well at least I am good at drawing. But I fucking hate how having a single talent will make "friends" hate you. Guess every should wallow in misery.

No. 1758442>>1758492

what the fuck it is pitch black at 4pm how am i going to deal with alaska FUCK

No. 1758448

File (hide): 1699406611509.jpg (151.91 KB, 750x1080, 1698656145746477.jpg)

It really is such a solemn moment whenever the ASDBPD narc starts talking about having children when they absolutely are not fit to be a parent or even watch children in any capacity. It's like grimes and her stupid etsy wishlists while she relies on everyone else to raise her kids and leaves them in boxes. The prospect of someone who is like 50/50 chance likely to kill their own child in a fit of postpartum rage talking about having kids so they have more accessories for their narcissistic supply is bone chilling. I don't see it often luckily but when I do it makes me shudder because the last thing we need is more abused, used, and neglected children of unstable sociopathic narcs who think they're God's gift. Sincerely it's scary

No. 1758462

I think it was abusive for my mom and cousin to make fun of me for singing along to music when I was a child. They never acted like I was normal or a part of the group in anything. I was never one of the girls or normal I was always a dumb little kid or imitating. If I sang along it was something to point and laugh at. If I tried to act girlish it was a show. If I dared act pretty it was like if an animal did it. They set me up that way. I am flourishing despite their putrid ways

No. 1758492

I hate this so much like you don't see the fucking sun for half a year if you work. It's still night when you go to work and already night when you go home.
And then you hear smartasses say that people don't have enough vitamine D and should go out more often. Yeah if I was privileged enough to have no need for money I might do that.

No. 1758512>>1758514>>1758520>>1758522>>1758541>>1758549>>1758553>>1758554>>1758562>>1758565>>1758568>>1758578>>1758581>>1758589

my friend told me it was a "new low for me" when i told her i sucked this guys dick for coke the other night. youre unemployed and cant drive leave me alone…..

No. 1758514>>1758525

>sucked this guys dick for coke the other night
I agree with her. Buy coke with your own hard earned money like a normal person.

No. 1758520>>1758525

File (hide): 1699411656423.jpg (266.42 KB, 905x881, 1551728224474.jpg)

she's right

No. 1758522>>1758525

Was it at least good shit?

No. 1758525>>1758527

im not proud of it but im not really ashamed of it either. i like cock and i like coke what can i say. and YES it was really good shit

No. 1758527>>1758531

would you have sucked him off in a different scenario or purely for coke? no judgement nona but i am so curious.

No. 1758531

no other scenario it was just for coke lol

No. 1758541

This reminds me of the anon who said she had sex with her dealer for "just a few seconds" he swore it'd take and it haunted her for the rest of her life. I hope it doesn't haunt you similarly and you just do so many drugs it blurs together. I forget a lot of my evil deeds myself

No. 1758543

I'm doing the first project in my class this quarter and I keep having to google everything ugh. I know it's normal at this stage but I'm still frustrated with myself……

No. 1758547

I'm just like that other anon that let a scrote fly to see her but changed her mind. I got a scrote flying to see me but I changed my mind. I met him in a vulnerable state and I changed my mind. Might meet him might ghost him idk yet. He's bad person with a stalker and criminal record. I feel like I've been in a fugue state for the past few months.

No. 1758549

It's ok anon, she's one family fallout from needing to suck dick to keep the roof over her head too.
At least you did it for funsies.
Hate it when losers get high and mighty because they suck just in a different way.

No. 1758553

File (hide): 1699415293185.jpeg (25.28 KB, 750x468, IMG_3845.jpeg)

You remind me of this tweet kek.

No. 1758554>>1758556>>1758602

You both are retards but atleast she’s taken care of. If she’s unemployed and can’t drive and isn’t on the streets that means people are looking out for her. You just put yourself one step above a homeless crack addict and if you were willing to suck dick for coke it’s all downhill from here

No. 1758556>>1758557>>1758565>>1758567

>suck dick for coke
>worthless and only slightly better than literal crack addiction!!!1

>suck dick to have a roof over your head and transport

>isn't being trad beautiful?


No. 1758557

Who said the friend sucks dick?

No. 1758558

Remember BALT (bored, lonely, angry, tired) people eat the most when they feel these things. You need an outlet besides food. (I do too) Good luck!

No. 1758562>>1758602

That is a really poor low, nonnie. I’m hoping you’re able to grow.

No. 1758565>>1758602

When you come down you’ll realise and you’ll hate yourself and want to die. All cokeheads are the same.

No. 1758567>>1758624

Ayrt if the neet friend gets kicked out she can apply to live in a womens shelter and see if she can be put on a program for helping her getting a job. Note that none of that requires sucking dick, anon however willingly suck dick for coke when she could’ve saved up money to buy it or just not be a coke addict and go to rehab

No. 1758568>>1758569>>1758574

I dont think you're a bad person, however you're making the discharge-eating anons look very tame.

No. 1758569>>1758571

I’m sorry the who

No. 1758571>>1758573

Like several anons once gathered to admit that they liked eating their own discharge. They even talked about the texture and the taste.

No. 1758573

If any of those anons are reading this; you should go to the doctor

No. 1758574>>1758602

Cokeheads are like this. They’re so full of themselves when they’re high and then they come down and go on a depressive spiral and wallow in the shame of their actions. Anons friend will get a job and learn to drive eventually but she will never forget the fact that she whored herself for drugs.

No. 1758578

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No. 1758580>>1758583>>1758591>>1758596>>1758600>>1758627>>1761921

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Feeling like a total shit head idiot for using this site, terrified of someday being recognized, literally sick to my stomach with dread. I fucking hate myself. I may have literally ruined my life by being here. I honestly feel like I am the scum of the earth. Why didn't I just get a tumblr like a normal fucking person. I could have been happy. Anyways I think this is really it, really, for real this time. I guess all I can do now is try to accumulate good karma and hope for the best. I'm so sorry. It was not worth it. Bye nonnies.

No. 1758581

I always wondered how so many people can just get and spread stds around with no care or worry, but this post made it all make so much sense

No. 1758582>>1758586>>1758962>>1758992>>1759010>>1759228>>1759433

File (hide): 1699417133484.gif (7.54 MB, 640x640, cat-cat-vibing.gif)

>break up with bf because he projects that I was hitting up my exes and had been acting resentful towards me for weeks
>figure out it was mostly about the rent money he assured me I would not have to pay
>in exchange, I drove him everywhere, bought groceries, gave affirmations and surprise gifts, and basically made it so he never had to cook a meal or lift a finger domestically
>of course, it was never enough cause bitter scrotes gonna scrote
>truth is, I had a feeling I couldn't trust him in spite of his lovebombing and future faking so I always had one foot out the door
>he was just nasty towards me in the end, could tell he hated me
>move out after final fight
>had to call police
>take apartment key with me so I could come back later since he would not let me pack all my stuff
>said out loud that I would not come back so he would not suspect me returning
>huge emotional distress because ordeal caused me to scramble to find new living arrangements thanks to his insane ingrate ass
>come back 3 days later to try to get the rest of my stuff while he was away and return the key
>he moved his ex back in, because he had been projecting with his accusations and needed me out cause she would financially pickme for him
>he had been the one hitting up his ex the whole time
>I scrubbed my asscrack with his tooth brush
>fished one of my old bras from the garbage he threw away, tucked it on her side of the bed so she would notice it
>left a note on their picture frame that said "LOL 'Keep her.'" in reference to him having said "Keep him" when he accused me of hitting up an ex
>pissed in his lube bottle and shook it up so it would blend
>debating if I want to send her screenshots of him lauding her abortion since he thinks she is "genetically defective," irresponsible, unfit, among other shitty things he said about her

I didn't do enough but knowing none of it was actually my fault does make me feel way better. If he truly hates her as much as he said (and lord knows he hates pretty much everyone), it makes me happy to know he's miserable out of financial necessity.
I hope he's such for the rest of his days.

No. 1758583>>1761921

what's wrong? I promise you nonnie, no one is going to recognize you. Are you feeling guilty or paranoid over using this site? I know exactly that feeling, if you're still here please talk to me, maybe that'll calm you down?

No. 1758586>>1758992

I say you should send her the screenshots kek but I do love a bit of chaos

No. 1758589

why are there so many cokeheads on this site

No. 1758591>>1758599>>1761921

chill out anon some of us use lolcow and have a semi-popular tumblr in a circle that is likely to use lolcow AND post about the same things in both places and no one has clocked us yet so you are for sure okay

No. 1758596>>1761921

Nonna I’ve recognized people posting here it’s only because they’ve posted or talked about something very specific somewhere else and then here. But that’s only happened like 4 times and it’s because I spend way too much time on here, if I didn’t decide to read 1 thread out of the tons on here I wouldn’t have ever noticed it. Anons don’t even believe me about it and for good reasons because of how many types an anon accuses another of being someone. If you don’t post about similar things or type in a very recognizable way somewhere else, you should be good. Even if you did post about similar things, you can still go and delete or edit those posts. I promise you most people will not remember it.

Tumblr would be worse for anonymity, there’s usernames attached and it could be archived by someone or ruthless webcrawlers and archive.org hates all farmers! What did you even post here to ruin your life?

No. 1758599

unless you're copy pasting posts onto tumblr like the one in the screencaps thread kek. also i just remembered that anon in an old confessions thread who said she found a tumblr account where the users admitted to purposely shit stirring here about specific topics. forgot which ones tho, the anon never revealed the blog named but hinted at it.

No. 1758600>>1761921

Oh I understand this feeling completely. I’ve had some intensely embarrassing sperg outs immortalized on this website. Lolcow is very anti-doxx though, so I feel like as long as you did not post anything illegal or harmful you should feel safe knowing that nobody on here is going to make an attempt to trace your posts back to you. I promise it is okay.

No. 1758602>>1758603>>1758606>>1758612>>1758614

No. 1758603

No. 1758606

I'm not but I'm very concerned about you and your life choices.

No. 1758612

I feel bad for you actually.

No. 1758614>>1758821

No, I actually wish you had a thread on here. You’re the type of person who makes unemployed NEETs feel good about themselves.

No. 1758624>>1758626

Sorry but I know plenty women who choose to be in relationships they hate for housing rather than leave their shitshow relationships to go to a shelter or their parent's house.
Some of you live in a different reality.

No. 1758626

That is relatively a better position than being in one in which you find your self sucking dick for cocaine.

No. 1758627>>1761921

Nonnie I mean this in the nicest way possible but, no one cares. I promise they don’t.

No. 1758650

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envy is really evil. leave me alone. yes she is pretty and spoiled and taken care of. i work a shitty fast food job and pay half the rent to live with my abusive mother who tells me to kill myself if i do so much as spill a glass of water. college is stressful. therapy for all of this ptsd gets old. i hate my appearance. i hate the moments i beat myself up because i slack and burn out. and i hate the moments i slack and burn out. shes so much prettier. no worries. no mother to harm her. no financial stress. no job. explore create love. shes living my dream for a quarter of the trauma. but i love my doggy even if my mom threatens to take her from me. i love my boyfriend even if i only see him every 3 monthss. i love the world i love thati can grow and get better. but sometimes i wish i could afford to travel like her. afford all of these cute clothes and beauty treatments that might help me look more presentable. i wish i didnt have to work fast food. i wish sometimes i had friends.

but im older now. i have learned what envy offers me compared to gentle discipline. so i just will be patient. workout again. suck it up at my job that makes me want to shoot myself infront of the customers…and just keep trying for other income streams on the side. focus on school more. keep being.m mindful..avoiding my sick mother under this same damn roof. time goes really fast but i promise ill do more yoga and ballet and i promise ill sew and play guitar more and be in nature. sometimes there just isnt enough time. she has all of the time in the world, so easy to think. but i must accept where i am positioned relative to her. so i have to prioritize work and schoolcmake the best of it…then i am free to play with my hobbies and be active and do self care things i just need to manage my time. i wont be an amazing sewer or put out an album as soon as i wish but if im not realistic i will fall into the pit of envy. maybe it will take me 5000 years. nothing to prove anyway. ill just work on some beauty bullshit tips. yep.

i really must be patient it seems. world needs lots of love and good and so do i along with growth and it aint gonna happen by beating myself up or wasting my moments of free time with a bottle of envy! seems like a lot of work but its a big big journey and will fall into place. one day ill be mindful with ease and help animals or people without having to arrange time to do so volunteering one day ill have the time to even volunteer (i mean in situations where im not confronted by it of course) yes and ill avoid animal producs again without a second thought ill figure out the pretty hairstyles ill keeep positive and kind even if a tranny is near me and ill walkcmore and read more and ill always find time to sew and make music and improve and ill graduate soon and get a better job even if its fulltime ill have to suck it up or take a break or try to find a freelance gig unrealated to my degree like dogwalking and petsitting yeah maybe no benefits but its good paying without the shit hours and working under someone else. thats my backup plan. my backup plan for that is my degree.

blesseth be thy nonnies im making some real progres here off my meds. my mother tried to hit me today (her adult daughter) and i called her a cunt but rest assured i held my tongue all 5 days before this bipolar episode.


No. 1758657

I just cant be happy at all with the way things are rn. I want to scream and disappear for a while

No. 1758676>>1758678>>1758887>>1758893

Fuck Germany and their ridiculous history. Fuck anthroposophy, Freud, homeopathy and nazism. This country is a cultural plague. No one likes Europe now because they used it to abuse the shit out poorer countries like of Greece and Italy. Truly the worst European country. A cultural plague. The only good thing you have are kebabs!

No. 1758678>>1758706

anon, please don't tell me you think kebabs are German food…

No. 1758700

It's my belief that both algebra and calculus were created by god to test mankind's love and patience for his creation. Yet I'm finding that the devil is winning because every time I stare at an equation I want to commit unspeakable acts of violence. I hate the fact I need to learn this shit for my major. Just when I think I've mastered a concept, BOOM, now here's some extra shit on top of the stupid shit I just learned to confuse me even more. I hate being a dumb bitch. That means I have to study extra hard to keep my current A grades and I study every single fucking day. Thankfully, I've been able to keep up. People think it's because I'm smart and my profs are impressed, but really I'm fighting for my life every class. I can't wait for winter break.

No. 1758706

Sorry Turkish nonnies. You are right. For years, they claimed that kebabs were invented in Germany. But it isn't. They have nothing. Truly the worst country of Europe.

No. 1758760

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I could never make it outside of my humid sub tropical place, it started getting cold and I sound like I have TB what the fuck how are northern nonnies okay. Even my close relatives all sound like whooping cough babies the moment the air gets a bit dry

No. 1758790>>1758823

If you’re the old woman of lolcow from the dumbass shit thread, then you deserved it and worse. If you’re anyone else then I’m sorry that happened and I hope the other anons are nice to you from now on.

No. 1758821>>1758879

>unemployed NEETs

No. 1758823>>1758824

Kill yourself

No. 1758824

You first

No. 1758837>>1758895>>1758898

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Last time I tried to vent about this I got banned for "racebait" on top of someone telling me to kms but I honestly don't care anymore, I want to vent.
I'm really tired of being Romani (="gypsy", I'm not Romanian or Romanianon, it's not the same thing). It was a lot more obvious when I was young, now I'm white-passing which is normal for kids with only one Romani parent like me, but I got bullied for it a lot when I was a kid.
It's really hard not to grow up having an inferiority complex and hating yourself when people allow themselves to tell you the most disgusting things to your face and you have zero role models and representation growing up. I thought these things would stop once people reach a certain age, but they don't. I can't even casually read the news or browse reddit because there's a chance someone there will say it's in my culture to steal and that I'm a subhuman.
Most of the things people say about Romani culture are straight up bullshit, a huge amount of Romanis are settled and trying to live like normal people and there's lots of different clans out there with completely different customs and religious beliefs. Most of them are not stealing or kidnapping children, many of them are just poor. My father is an engineer, but even he says he had to try twice as hard as anyone else to be taken seriously and people used to roast him for "getting the job so he could steal all the copper wires from work". Now that he's retired, he's used as an example of the workplace totally not being racist lmao.
I'm envious of people from Latin countries because there's no such stigma there (afaik) and I hate living in Central Europe. If I try to conform to the local culture here I'm "being whitewashed" and woke classmates will tell me to be proud of my heritage, but if I were to do that I'd get bullied for being an evil subhuman thief and scammer and people would follow me around stores because Romani people dress in a very recognizable way here.
I hate interacting with other people now and have barely any friends from childhood because at some point all of them said something disgusting and tried to take it back by saying "oh but I don't mean you, you're different". First they will say "ALL gypsies are x" and then "not you though". Wdym not me? You said all. I can't even go on Tinder dates anymore because I will have to vet the guy and a good number of them will go full mask off and then start backpedaling once they realize what's up.
I feel really lonely, aside from my dad there's nobody I can talk to and he is a depressed doomer who never has anything good to say except "that's just life". If I say anything to anyone else, they will get defensive and start denying everything or telling me I'm not really Romani because I look white. I sure was Romani back when I didn't.

No. 1758879

How’s the comedown going? Have you debated suicide yet?

No. 1758881

Trannyhands is the most vile creature on this site, it’s literally chasing me

No. 1758882>>1758895>>1758897

File (hide): 1699434501260.gif (427.37 KB, 953x908, britt.gif)

>not a brittany containment thread

No. 1758887

If it makes you feel better, germans hate themselves too.

No. 1758893>>1758904

I’ve seen Germans try to hate on Americans and the English for being racist and colonisers. That’s how desperately they tried to rebrand themselves but the world will never forget just how easily they caved to a dictator. The weakest most feeble race of people in the whole of Europe.

No. 1758895>>1758899>>1758924

I'm sorry nonna. It sounds horrible. Sadly your experience is far too common. Europeans are racist and they don't want to admit it. One of my friends feels isolated for similar reasons and it isn't easy at all since racism is so pervasive. I hope you can find and spend time with people who love you for who you are.

I had a mutu on Tumblr from britanny. Dumbest woman I have ever encountered. Is it you? If yes, fuck you and terminally online ass and get out of my lolcow.

No. 1758897>>1758899

My two best friends from completely unrelated friend groups both ghosted me this year after years of extremely close friendships. I feel so angry and awful about it even 7 months later I just fucking wish she'd tell me what I did or said wrong. I think it's genuine cruel behavior to not even take five minutes out of your day in 7 months to save me the mental anguish of wondering what the fuck I did wrong, even if she blocks me afterwards, I just wanna know. Whatever I did or said without realizing, this way of dealing with things is worse in any case. I know I'm not owed anything but people seriously need to stop complaining something upset them if they're not going to directly speak up about it so their friends can avoid that in the future. Ghosting makes you look like a disappointing, emotionally constipated, communication stunted overgrown child.

How are you guys genuinely everywhere? This feels like seeing this fucking flag in the middle of a festival crowd in eastern europe

No. 1758898>>1758924

i'm in the United States and we usually don't really understand this issue very well so sometimes we have people who make ignorant remarks like that racism isnt a big issue in Europe. Stories like yours make me sad, I'm sorry you have to deal with this. I hope you can find a non-judgmental community somewhere

No. 1758899>>1758915

ayrt I wish, ausfag unfortunately.
dumbest ever in a fun way or? I hope her dumb french ass is doing okay
lmao I just like the flag my bad nona, not a bretagnian or whatever they're called

No. 1758900

I'm so tired of trannies' bullshit, they're so exhausting to be around. They're everywhere now, but I've got this TIF in my long-time friend group (trooned out 1.5 years ago, hasn't hopped on T, and is considering not doing so because she's scared of hair loss) who has the worst case of woe is me narcissism-anxiety I was ever forced to deal with. And I REALLY don't want to deal with it, but if you don't always respond to her shit with nothing but reassurance, two days later she'll be guilt tripping everybody over "always being ignored" and not being taken seriously. And that seriously pisses me off because those same people always ignored my cries for help when I was in a worse place, I guess because my problems are grounded in reality (financial issues, a shitty job) and that's harder to deal with than imaginary woo-woo crap, and because I care about not presenting myself as not neurotic. The TIF in question will go out of her way to make everything about herself. Complaining about work being hard? Well, you should be happy, cause she couldn't get a job for over a year, and you're making her feel bad! Talking about lazy or creepy coworkers? Actually, they may be struggling with anxiety like she is or something something evil capitalism. EVERYTHING is about her anxiety, her "dysphoria", those evil gays not being into her, and her parents not endlessly throwing money at her very important spendings (plushies, games, clothes). Jesus. I'm so tired of walking on eggshells around this person. She's inspired others to troon out too, but they have gone the she/they and 'any pronouns' route, which means they're still otherwise normal straight/bisexual women (+ 1 moid), except they get annoying about politics and you have to tell them they look soooo androgynous and heckin gender. Only 3 other people haven't done the same. The girl that's the most annoying about instagram infographics is also dating a TIM, keeps sharing her pregnancy test results, joking about not having any "lesbian babies" this time, that kinda shit. She's been dating him and the moid in question is a love-bombing porn addict with a double digit dating history.
I'm so tired of this. My friend group used to be normal. I hope they're all just going through a phase. I guess I'm too cowardly to leave them behind but I don't want to be alone and I sincerely believe that they can still go back.

No. 1758904>>1758911>>1758912>>1758918

Let's see how easy burgers cave to a dictator after starving, getting bombed and financially milked to dust by war winning countries and getting mistreated for 20 years by their own previous government.

No. 1758911

Don't take the bait. Seriously report and move on.

No. 1758912

Tell me you're German without telling me you're German

No. 1758913

I don’t want to go on a fucking date after 4pm when it gets dark by 6pm and it’s fucking cold and raining fuck you from now on if scrotes won’t meet me during the day I want nothing to do with them fuck off it’s winter I need to be snuggled up by 6pm.

No. 1758915

In a cow way. Very fitting for Britanny.

No. 1758918>>1758923

Well people seem to have no issues shitting on Russians or Turks for having dictators as leaders, and their governments aren't really on the level of Nazi Germany, as bad as they are.

No. 1758923

I don't get your point, especially in Russias case the same applies. Nations don't just randomly decide to follow dictators because they're so charming.

No. 1758924>>1758929

Thank you nonnies, I hope so too. I'm seriously considering moving to Canada or Australia or something because living in Europe isn't good for my mental health. I hate that I had to pay thousands of złoty for therapy because I thought I was evil, ugly and unlovable while the people who made me feel that way get to say the most out of pocket racist things completely unchecked.
They will clutch their pearls if someone says even one slightly sus thing about the two black people in my country or refugees (completely valid complaint and I'm not trying to start a race debate, I obviously don't support racism of any kind) but when it comes to Romanis it's all good and allowed because we're not people. Not one of them has stopped to think that maybe they actually did meet lots of good Romani people, they just didn't know because it's not something you want to tell everyone after hearing comments like that all the time. I at least used to lie and say my dad was Mexican kek, because that's exotic and sexy as opposed to gross.

No. 1758929

as an ausfag I will say racially/ethnically/culturally where I'm from people will be 95% curious and accepting of your culture if not more. I'm not in a big city (any more) and most of us are so used to multiculturalism that you'd like, get a job and just start living. the COST of living etc. might be the stitch up but I genuinely would be suprised if anyone had anything negative to say about Romanis. maybe because we're so removed? idk.
shit was super fucked here during covid and is pretty fucky atm politically but seriously come to aus. we'd take you with open arms, at least in my hood. I'm so sorry it's gotten to the point you feel you gave to migrate, I wish you all the best beautiful nona.

No. 1758931

I hung out with these girls and I reminded one of them how she fucked in an ugly fat guy in a janitor closet at school, I was like he bragged about it huh? I feel so sorry for her I can’t believe I said that

No. 1758933

Just pain. Just tears. I don’t want to leave my bed.

No. 1758937

my job is a bit retarded but today was especially retarded because of the optus outage. like, if the internet went down for more than a few hours I would not only not get paid but my bosses wouldn't even bother having a failsafe in place?
I miss bog standard retail and cash. the machinery could eat us but we really love our buttons.

No. 1758943

Thanks to your positive thoughts on my vent I was paired up with a girl and we hit it off really quickly! She's motivated, interested in similar subjects of study and nice, I think we're gonna kill this. Sending love your way

No. 1758962>>1758992

Based. Send the screenshots as the finishing touch.

No. 1758965>>1758970

does anyone else here struggle with being a narcissistic negative bitch? I present myself as the type of person that finds optimism or good in everyone and everything, but I'm really not. I can't seem to stop spotting people's bad qualities (I won't ever say it out loud tho). If I look at someone's art, my brain will pick out the mistakes before anything else. I can't seem to be able to identify good things at times. I'm sure it's because of my own insecurities.

No. 1758970>>1759170

Go touch some grass for real. Social media will do that to your brain. Your brain judge everything because we have to like or dislike in a black or white way anything on the internet. You are applying the same logic on people and things that shouldn't be judged this way.

No. 1758985

for me one of the things I'm most bitter about is yume nikki
I get the most upset at how they steal everything related to being a sad weird girl. no, fuck you!

No. 1758992

100% send the screenshots.
Just in general, even if shes evil she deserves to know that how this dude thinks of her.

No. 1759008>>1759019

Fuck the transit workers going on strike and the city for not making a deal with them. They're crying that almost 100K a year isn't enough to live off of, meanwhile the vast majority of people who use public transit because they make significantly less than that or are on a fixed income are going to have to dig into their own savings (if they even have any) and spend hundreds a week on cabs and uber just to get to work so they don't get fired. Why are we expected to sympathize with these people when they complain about the cost of living but then are actively making it worse for those who are already struggling??

Also fuck men who cry about how hard they have it because of the "male loneliness epidemic" (aka don't have bangmaids to wait on them 25/7). Do everyone a favor and walk into oncoming traffic already ffs

No. 1759010

Send the screenshots!! He’s a liar and not even a good one, he deserves to be exposed.

No. 1759011>>1759014>>1759018>>1759022>>1759024>>1759026>>1759057

I'm freaking out cos me and my bf want to get married but we both have no friends to invite. kek. but seriously, what to do you do if you have literally no friends??? what happens? it's really sad.

No. 1759014

My husband and I only have maybe 4 friends between us, we didnt want a big wedding so we just had immediate family (8 people) and had a backyard wedding.
It was nice, I would recommend

No. 1759015

I once got so drunk I couldn’t figure out how to make my key work in my front door. It was really cold and I got desperate so I climbed up the fire escape and banged on the wrong window so the neighbor called the cops, meanwhile I had pushed too hard on my own window when I found it and broke the glass, crawled through it and went to bed. Woke up to a cop examining my hands and my boyfriend apologizing for the ruckus (he has been asleep inside until I broke the window)

No. 1759018

You get married at the courthouse and just don’t have a party.

No. 1759019>>1759023>>1759038>>1759039>>1759040>>1759074

Male loneliness epidemic is so fake. Like, make some fucking friends. It isn't every woman on earth's fault that you have no friends. I hate their waxing poetic about how only males feel deep loneliness and women would just never understand the feeling of isolation. Give me a break. How about you go fishing with your fucking father.

No. 1759022

If you're happy together than that's what matters. But why don't both of you have any friend ? I distanced myself from a lot of people and lost touch with some when I got into a relationship as we were always spending time together. I regret that now and am starting to build friendships back up because I realise it's not healthy for you or your partner to rely 100% on them, only have their point of view or whatnot. Socializing when you're a couple isn't as hard as by yourself, so maybe it's a reality check for you to get yourselves out there and meet new people? You don't need a ton of friends but having one or two people you enjoy seeing is always nice.

No. 1759023

Those moids would explode if they lived my life kek I've gone weeks without speaking to another human before. No family, no irl friends, and a handful of flaky internet friends

No. 1759024>>1759032

File (hide): 1699450980079.png (1.35 MB, 672x887, 1695057896614.png)

chill? less people to invite.
me and my nigel's potential wedding would be the exact same and I see it as a huge relief and frankly I'm jealous.
but to answer your question, depends how autistic you are.

pic not rel, just think about it a lot

No. 1759026

how do two people without social lives find each other lmao

No. 1759028

Got drunk yesterday and made lots of bad posts on several imageboards, i said some rude things and now i'm ashamed.

No. 1759029>>1759180>>1759195

How do I move on from being bitter and resentful about being excluded and scapegoated by my family? My parents were really abusive to me and not my sister, we were always treated drastically differently to the point where I don’t speak to most of my family anymore. When I was a teenager my friend group included two of my cousins and I was really close to one of them growing up. We grew apart as teenagers and she purposefully isolated me out of our friend group. She said that she had BPD but I think she’s also narcissistic, and she spread rumors about me to everyone we knew (including family members) and had a whole smear campaign going against me and I had no idea what was going on until afterwards. After she had successfully ruined all of my relationships and isolated me from everyone, I attempted suicide, which was partly because of her and partly because of other abuse and CSA I had experienced. Then I had to deal with my abusive parents during the next few years until I turned 18, without any friends or support system. Since she had even worked to turn the rest of our family against me I really didn’t have anyone. Some of my old friends even bullied me online during that time, and she never relented with the obsessive smear campaign. This all caused me to be suicidal throughout that time and self harmed and had an eating disorder. The most hurtful part of this situation is that one of my sisters basically replaced me in my friend group after I had been isolated out of it. She’s well aware of how I was treated, and watched the weird borderline/narcissistic manipulation and abuse, and she doesn’t seem to care. My abusive parents kicked me out as soon as I turned 18 (and several times before that) and I stopped speaking to them after that. Because of that I’ve only seen my sister twice over the years since then but she’s still best friends with my archenemy and the rest of them. She pointedly refers to our cousin as her sister to me, and talks about how much closer she is to her than she is to me. It feels like I shouldn’t care still, especially since they’re cousins, but it honestly hurts. It’s hard to put into words how extreme the bullying and smear campaign was, and I dealt with that on top of a ton of other types of abuse and trauma. I don’t even talk to my sister at the moment because she’s a drug addicted pickme, but she always sides with the cousin and our parents whenever I bring any of it up, and blames me for everything and mocks me for it. I know I sound pathetic and bitter. I’ve been isolated out of my entire family since I was a teenager and it’s actually been really hard to be alone all this time.

No. 1759032

I don’t know what that is but I want to eat it so badly

No. 1759036>>1759049>>1759060>>1759067>>1759072>>1759095

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Can we just stop pretending that being the other woman is in any shape or form feminist? Whenever I hear a girl say "it's none of my business if they have a partner" and they try to shift the blame on the other person as they're "the one with the relationship", I feel so uncomfortable. Instead of exposing the moid that had the cheek to cheat on his gf or at least, you know, not giving him validation and enabling him, you should, maybe not hop on his dick. It's extremely concerning how I've heard excuses like it's none of my business from supposedly "feminist" women. It's top tier pick me behaviour. After all, from a selfish prespective, he's not going to treat them any better, as he's shown his actions have 0 consequences. I don't think women need to have responsibility on some moid's actions, however, I geniunely don't see how they can be attracted and involved with men like that either. I don't feel any safety around women like that, it's honestly trashy. I also feel the need to clarify that I'm not talking about cases were the partner is lying and the girl isn't made aware of the fact that he has a gf.

No. 1759038>>1759043

I laugh when I read about this because a ton of moids just go by in life without any social skill and without ever trying to improve or learn themselves. There are so many old moids who just let themselves die when their spouses go because they live alone, watch tv, eat a piece of bread and microwavable dish for dinner and sleep. The widowed women in my building have tea together everyday, go to book clubs, organize outings and invite friends over for dinner often.

No. 1759039>>1759190

When moids talk about loneliness, they don't mean lack of emotional bonds, they mean lack of sex/sexual touch without having to pay for it. I'm not even sure if they can tell the difference.

No. 1759040

and all their alleged "loneliness" is self inflicted, anyway. Males finding the internet has been a disaster for the XY species and humanity as a whole. Have they considered turning the porn off and walking away from game controller? Have they considered having being a fun loving man? All they do is brood, complain, seethe, doom, whine and whine and whine and whine. Who wants to be around that? Modern Males are pathetic. Half of them are going to be wiped out. This is the generation of natural selection. It's ironic because living in today's world has never been easier, it's literally the easiest period to be alive in but more people are going to be wiped out from the gene than ever before. It's ruthless. kek.

No. 1759043

This is the same reason why older single women and "catladies" trigger them so much. They genuinely can't comprehend this being fulfilling to women.

No. 1759048

File (hide): 1699451884578.jpeg (34.91 KB, 324x324, IMG_4271.jpeg)

I eat tons of fiber and vegetables and drink kefir and kombucha yet the only thing that makes me shit is BLACK COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!

No. 1759049

I think women who are ok with being the other woman are losers. It’s a weird ego thing, where they feel like they’re automatically better than the gf/wife in some way, when it doesn’t mean that at all. I think it’s out of insecurity, if they feel like they don’t have much to offer then being “the fun new gf” will make her feel like she’s the thrilling choice kek. At least they always end up getting cheated on too, as they deserve.

No. 1759051>>1759055>>1759065

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There's a line between asking questions to engage in a conversation and questioning everything someone does, and my co-worker is crossing the line hard. If he were asking my why I'm doing X and Y at work I'd be happy to explain, he's been here like three months and is still learning but all dude is questioning is my personal choices. Why did you cut your hair? Why are you wearing contacts today? Why didn't you go out on the weekend? Why don't you come by car? Why are you reading this book? Why not that? Why aren't you spending your break in the breakroom? Why do you keep a cat? Why not a dog? Why do you always drink the same tea? Why no coffee? I swear I'm just a month short of getting asked why I'm why I'm wiping with my left hand, he's worse than a four-year old in its Whywhywhywhywhy phase.

No. 1759055

What the fuck, that sounds absolutely irritating. Does he do it to other people?

No. 1759057

>what happens when you don't have friends to invite to a wedding?

You save beaucoup monies by having a small ceremony or courthouse wedding.

No. 1759060>>1759062>>1759070

It's only feminist if they dump him and tell his gf/wife with receipts.

Honestly, why are you still buying the lie that 'other women' are willingly choosing to hurt nice, innocent women and not that moids aren't heavily manipulative and conniving?
It's never
>"I'm cheating with you on my lovely wife who raises our children, cooks my meals, put me through college, and pays half my way."
It's always

Men are their own homewreckers always monkey branching to the next best opportunity. Quit believing women perpetuate their nature because they try this shit with modest women who don't even concern themselves with men.

No. 1759061>>1759711

One of my neighbors always takes her dog outside right near my apartment window, at all hours of the night, and she always rages at it and calls it a retard and faggot like she has tourette’s. I’ve looked out my window a few times and it’s never even doing anything wrong, it’s just a energetic german shepard. And yet I was just woken up a few hours ago by “hurry up you stupid fucking faggot” and “ow stop biting me” I hate her so much

No. 1759062>>1759066

She said she was talking about the type of woman who says it’s none of her business if he’s already in a relationship

No. 1759065

kek what the hell? maybe try telling him to shove off but in a nicer way that won't get you in trouble or start doing the same thing to him and see if he can pick up on the fact that it's annoying

No. 1759066

You're saying that as if it's incompatible with what I'm saying.

Both can be true, and likely why a woman would have that attitude.

No. 1759067

>Can we just stop pretending that being the other woman is in any shape or form feminist?
And since when is that a thing?

No. 1759070>>1759075

Nta but you need to live in the real world anon. There are a lot of people who get lied to, but there are also PLENTY who knowingly fuck and create relationships with people who are already in relationships. You guys need to stop acting like women are retards and none of us ever do anything that's wrong.
Also, OP said in the post that she wasn't talking about women who get lied to.

No. 1759072

I never understood that mindset either. If the moid is already such a piece of shit that he can't bring up the minimum respect to break up with their actual partner, what makes them think he will have any respect for them as "the second women"? Shitty moids should stay alone and die, no one but them benefit in that triangle situation.

No. 1759074

For real, I don't have a single friend and haven't in like 5+ years. The only people I speak to on a daily basis are my coworkers and family and I'm sure there are plenty of women like me out there as well but you don't see us trying to make it into some sort of social epidemic. Besides, they probably have "bros" they can talk to but because they don't receive any female attention they make it into everyone else's problem

No. 1759075>>1759080

Literally no one said women are retarded.

Just that moids are the ones who are meant to uphold their own relationships, and that it's more likely that men are manipulative in order to exploit the other woman than it is more common to encounter female sociopaths.
>but OP wasn't talking about women who are lied to
That's…the majority of them and so it's worth bringing up since you apparently agree there is a "feminist" movement to encourage sociopathic behavior against women in committed relationships unprompted.

Men are shit.

No. 1759080>>1759084

You are when you act like women cannot ever make their own bad decisions and can't do anything willingly and we're just constantly being manipulated and don't know any better. Some people just do it because they don't care.
>you apparently agree there is a "feminist" movement to encourage sociopathic behavior against women in committed relationships unprompted.
I don't actually, I didn't understand what anon meant by that.

No. 1759084>>1759088>>1759093

Strawmanning will get you nowhere.
Why are you deflecting so much for men? It will never be a stranger's fault that he cheated on you.
Sorry she burned you sis, she wasn't right but that man wasn't shit.

No. 1759088>>1759092

I've never been cheated on. It's not about "deflecting", we all know cheaters are the scum of the earth and men are trash.
Half of the time, people don't even cheat with strangers. Also, integrate.

No. 1759090>>1759098

>Half of the time, people don't even cheat with strangers.
Married men are a big demographic in strip clubs, soliciting prostitutes, and hookups.

No. 1759092

Lmao shut the fuck up.

No. 1759093>>1759096

>she wasn't right but that man wasn't shit.
Ntayrt, but if you acknowledge that the "other woman" wasn't right, wouldn't this mean you agree with intentional, female homewreckers not being innocent in this situation? It's not really about whether or not the male is a piece of shit, we all know this. But the problem is that people don't want to acknowledge that actively choosing to participate with a man cheating is not good.

No. 1759095

I feel like there's extremes on both sides where some people think any sort of abuse is all the woman's fault "because she didn't leave before it happened" and the other side that refuses to acknowledge some women are simply bad at choosing men

In my opinion, violence is never the woman's fault, the man cheating isn't the fault of his main partner, etc. But it's almost bizarre seeing how many moids are openly registered felons for horrendous things and such that are still able to get wives (usually white trash/ghetto couples) but it's definitely not the average situation the incels are coming out of the woodwork to blame women for

No. 1759096>>1759097>>1759103

>you agree that homewreckers aren't innocent?
Gee, almost like I never made the argument that they were and you're just seething that I hold men accountable to be the primary problem? Or that I don't have black and white thinking that someone could have been the agent of a bad choice heavily influenced by a man's lies and exploitation?

You're agreeing with the OP (who I was originally addressing) that people believe this is "feminism."
Quit defending men.
And yes, you are with this shit by saying
>but women too!

Go on any male-dominated forum and watch a man opine about his ex cheating on him! Do you think those men are blaming the other men? FUCK NO! Wake up!

No. 1759097>>1759103

Even the term "homewrecker," which is typically used when referencing female cheaters, implies the cheating partner is the one responsible for destroying a man's life lmao.
Poor babu men!!!!

No. 1759098>>1759099

Nta, but from what I've seen, majority of (caught) cheating men are doing it with exes, co workers and mutuals, so this is pretty to believe

No. 1759099>>1759102

But your personal anecdotes don't address the fact that married men still cheat by going to strip clubs, hiring prostitutes, and downloading apps for hookups.
So no, men do not cheat with women that they personally know.

No. 1759102>>1759109

I emphasized "caught" for this reason, I am just throwing my 2 cents out there, yes strip clubs and prostitutes are mainly used by men. I looked up the study and they said men are likely to cheat with someone well known by them and the drug from CU was pretty verifiable IMO

Although while all sex work consumers are men, the average cheating moids isn't going to hire hookers. I think only 20% of men or so (?) Have ever been to a strip club, a lot less of that frequent it enough to cheat and I assume and even bigger minority sees prostitutes

No. 1759103>>1759108

>Gee, almost like I never made the argument that they were and you're just seething that I hold men accountable to be the primary problem?
I'm not seething, I'm just confused on how so many women can ignore that other women who intentionally help garbage quality men cheat aren't very high quality people themselves. That's a strawman you're using.
>Or that I don't have black and white thinking that someone could have been the agent of a bad choice heavily influenced by a man's lies and exploitation?
I used the word "intentionally". Women who help men cheat with no reason to other than just choosing to do so are not good people.
>You're agreeing with the OP (who I was originally addressing) that people believe this is "feminism."
So your take on feminism is to let women help men screw over other women?
>Quit defending men.
I'm not.
>And yes, you are with this shit by saying
You sound like you have some growing up to do.
>Even the term "homewrecker," which is typically used when referencing female cheaters, implies the cheating partner is the one responsible for destroying a man's life lmao
"The other woman" takes too much words. I guess I'll start saying "cheating aid".
>Poor babu men!!!!
So we're at the point where holding other women accountable is the same is defending men on everything? It seems that you keep ignoring the text were we don't think the males are good people in these situations either.

No. 1759108>>1759111

Oh you're so good and morally pious for holding women "accountable" whilst men continue to cheat, exploit, and lie to us. Thank you for keeping out of control feminism in check! The internet is saved!

No. 1759109>>1759112>>1759114

>About 53.5 percent of those who have cheated said they were unfaithful with someone they knew well, such as a close friend. About a third cheated with someone who was somewhat well-known, such as a neighbor, co-worker or long-term acquaintance. Less than a quarter of responders – about 21 percent – said they cheated with a hookup.

>20.68% of males and 4.22% of females reporting that they have been to a club in the last 12 months.

No. 1759111

Nta but where did they say any of that? From what I have seen they made it very clear they think women who intentionally help men cheat should be held just as accountable as the man, not that men get a free pass. Idk how it's that hard to comprehend

No. 1759112>>1759119>>1759133>>1759151

>We asked men who they cheated with and they self-reported that it had been with a woman who they've known for years and had a connection with, as opposed to vile, filthy rando hookups and scummy sex workers because men would never.

18%-25% of Tinder profiles are married men who do not claim to be poly–not that they could be trusted to tell their partners even if they were.

You poor children…you will learn.

No. 1759114>>1759133>>1759151

File (hide): 1699455761456.jpeg (83.66 KB, 800x799, czNmcy1wcml2YXRlL3Jhd3BpeGVsX2…)

>we asked liars to tell the truth about who they hooked up with and we believed them

No. 1759118>>1759137

This is the prostitution infight 2.0, y'all ain't fooling nobody

No. 1759119

that's most likely a moid defending his fellow moids

No. 1759126>>1759129>>1759140

>hoes bad
>Noo hoes good!
>you're a moid
>Noo you are a moid!
Thrilling debate indeed

No. 1759129>>1759154

Begone discord-sowing scrote/scorned pickme.

No. 1759133>>1759143

I don't see how it's not believable or what you're even trying to accomplish? You got a study, multiple anecdotes that you claim aren't reliable because of anecdotes and then deny both because…?

Personally I've been cheated on twice, both of the men that cheated did it with "female friends" that I knew as well. The men I know that do go to strip clubs usually do it with their gf or are single and even as pointed out in the other study, strip clubs/prostitution aren't really being used by average men and the men that do use them are high earners. Idk why you're trying to convince us that cheating men are exclusively doing it with strippers or something as if most women haven't experienced men cheating with "friends"

No. 1759137>>1759141>>1759148>>1759154

Where? The prostitution infight was about if survival sex was even a thing or "if they were just stupid for not saving thousands by living with their parents". This infight is about if most cheating moids are just sneaking out to the strip club every chance they get or if they are cheating with women they know

No. 1759140>>1759145

We absolutely should ban legitimate moids, but banning another nona with the excuse of "moid" is potential TIF bait, especially on the TIF threads. On the contrary, it worsens their fuckups and would lock them in envy mode, which this all becomes misogynistic again.

No. 1759141

That’s not what the prostitution infight was about, don’t start

No. 1759143>>1759159

In my experience, "I cheated with someone I know" is a lie and exaggeration men tell thinking it lessens the blow i.e. "A-at least I didn't cheat on you with a strange ho who probably had STDs," and to throw off some of your rage directed at them because some of your anger goes towards the other woman. It also makes them seem 'morally' right even when committing a wrong because at least they built a relationship with another woman instead of using one as a hole.
But guess what? Almost every "friend" woman men cheat with start as strangers…
Men are also cheating by using "friendship" apps like Bumble, fb dating, IG, etc.
Please stop buying their lies.

No. 1759145

Samefag to clarify, it makes a gendie's head spin how can a 'cis' woman have a better chance of passing online than they do.

No. 1759148

There were anons (or an anon?) who was going on about prostitutes who accept married clients are ruining their relationships kek

No. 1759149

>you mean to tell me some sources are not good? REEEEEEEEE
Yes. Lmao.

No. 1759151

>"source????? source?????"
>links to a source
>"That isn't good enough!1!"
Every time. OT but any time someone asks for a source on anything just know they're like 9/10 gonna shut it down no matter what it says.

No. 1759154

It's the slang I use, I'm black. What do you want me to call them, "sex workers"?
I don't know, the combos always go like this
>A woman (sex worker, close friend, etc) fucked my man, she evil
>No she ain't
>But she knew me, that's evil
>He brainwashed her to the max
>That's wrong
>No it's not
And so and so

No. 1759157>>1759160>>1759176>>1759237

I can’t imagine getting angry at the other woman and getting territorial over a man lmao. Just seems embarrassing.

No. 1759159

What do you mean? A lot of the experiences I had with cheating moids claiming they cheated with friends are pretty verifiable, as a lot of the times it's even obvious to others when men in relationships are getting uncomfortably close to a female friend they all know. I seriously don't understand what you're trying to accomplish by claiming men exclusively cheat with sex workers as that's not the majority of what women experience

No. 1759160>>1759169

I think that if I ever got territorial over a man, I'd be the kind that murders him.

No. 1759162>>1759175>>1759191>>1759256

Question for this thread: do men whine about other men ‘helping women cheat’? Why or why not?

No. 1759169>>1759197

I get you but they’re not worth throwing your life away. Fuck his brother instead or something.

No. 1759170>>1759266

I've deleted every social media (twitter, instagram, tiktok, snapchat etc) and I'm still like this lol

No. 1759173

Wrong thread?

No. 1759175

Men are typically stupid and cheat with female friends which is why they get caught often, they don't even try to hide it either when they're getting weirdly close with a new woman which is why a lot of people out them

When women cheat it's very rarely with other men that know they're in a relationship, and even when that's the case men also disown friendships or try to out the other man if they know they were in a relationship

No. 1759176>>1759185>>1759222>>1759227>>1759260

I mean, I wouldn't be mad if I didn't even know who she was nor she knew me, but if I knew her yeah she's getting these hands, it's not even about the moid at that point, if they fucking your man and then smiling in your face they don't respect you for shit you gotta put them in their place

No. 1759177>>1759186>>1759194>>1759205>>1759213>>1762469

I do not trust the Zelda live action movie that's coming out… No 3dpd moid could do Link's beauty justice and I know they're going to pick some dusty old scrote and everything will be ruined

No. 1759180

I’m going to kill myself

No. 1759181>>1759192>>1759198>>1759199

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Are there ANY places on the internet that are for female gamers only? I am so sick and tired of these trannoid freaks swinging their uwu girldicks around and ruining all my hobbies. Every woman centered gaming space is filled with XY freaks demanding to be let in. I can't even enjoy small communities for stuff like decoden or knitting without seeing trannies. I can't take it anymore nonas, they ruin everything

No. 1759185

Does anyone remember that post of that woman claiming to target fat women's bfs? I do believe some women actually target men in relationships especially considering how much it was romanticized in the past few years

No. 1759186

Fuuuuckkkk I agree.

No. 1759190

No. 1759191

They probably don't do it as much, because men are more likely to defend shitty behavior when it's done by another man.

No. 1759192>>1759199>>1759200>>1759210

>swinging their uwu girldicks
Ot but real talk, why do you guys word stuff this way? I'm not mad I think it's funny as hell it's so in your face. Randomly reading a post and getting the mental image of a schizo moid swinging its dick is wild

No. 1759194

Link or Zelda will be black, watch this space.

No. 1759195>>1760032

You don't sound pathetic and bitter. Anon, maybe you should try to cut them out completely of your life, it seems these people don't have any interest in being decent human beings and whatever their problems are they insist on using you as a punch bag. They sound very unstable and bitter, not you. I hope you are in an economic situation good enough to stay away from them and invest your time in healing and and eventually leaving all this behind. You deserve people who appreciate you.

No. 1759197

But it fits my aesthetic, nona, and I live in a place with questionable legal system

No. 1759198>>1759201>>1759209

Decoden too??? Seriously?? I've been considering picking it up cause I thought it was a practically female only hobby. God fucking dammit can't they skinwalk being a girl into cars or some other moid majority hobby?

No. 1759199

Unfortunately last time the internet had cool hobby spaces for girls was 2012 because then Tumblr came and it pushed gender ideology on everything

No. 1759200

It’s an only slightly exaggerated version of how trannies themselves talk kek

No. 1759201>>1759209

>Decoden too??? Seriously?? I've been considering picking it up cause I thought it was a practically female only hobby.
My same honest reaction

No. 1759205>>1759213>>1759214>>1759261

File (hide): 1699458869616.jpg (24.23 KB, 474x474, th-3240172336.jpg)

I hope they pick Erza Miller. Would be hilarious

No. 1759209

I'm going to kys, fuck trannies fr

No. 1759210>>1759216

I've read scruffy bearded trannies talk about their cute girl cocks leaking ovulation fluid and how their cock bleeds during their period.
They talk awful and honestly anything we stay here has probably already been said, and more lol

No. 1759213>>1759269>>1759994

Please nonnas, give me your best predictions for the new TLOZ movie. Who will be portraying Link? Who knows, maybe the actor will be a kid or a woman.

No. 1759214

File (hide): 1699459270074.jpg (39.13 KB, 474x711, th-1368813728.jpg)

Margot Robbie as Zelda

No. 1759216>>1759220

>Bleeding dick
Is this a thing? I'm going to puke

No. 1759220

Apparently. Sir if your cock is bleeding seek medical attention

No. 1759222>>1759229>>1759234>>1759289

And now think of how few "your" man respects you to cheat on you in the first place and use that energy on him. Beating up other women is pickme shit regardless of circumstances.

No. 1759224

Is it any type of edible or medicinal berry? If so, consider finding a few people who want to harvest it for you. Calling greenhouses, visiting the farmer's market, or just posting an ad on craigslist and then vetting who gets to pick are easy ways to find people. They get to take berries, the birds still get to eat, and you have much less berries all over your pavement.

No. 1759227

Oh absolutely. Nonnas who think there aren’t women out there actively chasing after taken men are honestly so out of touch.

No. 1759228

Can we be friends? You are a woman who gets shit done.

No. 1759229>>1759257

So why can't more people agree that intentionally helping men cheat is pickme shit?

No. 1759234>>1759257

Nta but idk why people think it's impossible to hold the woman accountable too while also holding the man accountable. Yeah the man who cheated is definitely at wrong but women who knew or even worse - purposely target taken men aren't ~just as bad~ but they're definitely bad and should expect to get fought

Let's be honest now people nowadays are crazy, if I fucked another woman's bf I'd honestly be surprised if she didn't shoot me. Majority of relationship related murders are related to infidelity so either being a pawn in another woman's trauma or being a cheating moid yourself, yeah youre going to make someone flip and hurt you

No. 1759237>>1759243>>1759302>>1759318

A few girls tried flirting with my bf in a very obvious way while he was out with me. Some women do it on purpose as a bullying tactic because it feeds their ego, the same way short males pick fights with everyone. My bf obviously never reciprocates so who the fuck else am I going to blame other than the woman actively flirting with the man holding my hand?

No. 1759243

This. My man blocks women he even suspects of trying to get too close to him but there are definitely women who get off on the idea of ruining someone else's relationship. Just in general a lot of people romanticize "stealing" a partner from someone else

No. 1759253

I've got a contraceptive implant so I can't get pregnant but my period is late so i'm still nervous about it lol

No. 1759256>>1759304

No and I brought that up earlier and ofc it went unaddressed because the morality police itt know it's true.

I wish they'd go to some male forum and bitch about holding 'other men' ~le accountable~ too. Ugh.

No. 1759257>>1759294

Never denied that but since the moid is the main factor in all of it and the one who's supposed to be your partner, he's the one who should get the hands (or pee in his lube and buttcrack toothbrush).

It's not necessary because "the second woman" essentially shoots herself in the knee getting involved with a trashy cheating moid. I just see it as a waste of energy when I can focus all my hatred and unhingedness on the ex-moid instead kek.

No. 1759260>>1759289

Imagine throwing your dignity away like this because you cannot let a cheater and his mistress go. It's so desperate and pathetic. Men love it when you fight your friends over them, don't…

No. 1759261

I would love that so much

No. 1759266

Then practice finding the good in every day life. You need to train yourself.

No. 1759269

If we are going on recent live actions.

> Neel Sethi or another brown actor
> Lashana Lynch

No. 1759274>>1759286>>1759369>>1759386>>1759401>>1759438

I am so close finally trying and getting a therapy (30+ here) but now I don't fulfill the conditions for being too underweight (BMI 15) so everybody assumes it must be bulemia or however you call this. It pisses me off because I asked docs again and again about it and nobody ever believed me that I eat normally. Hell I even eat a lot of fastfood (most kebabs, lahmacun with kebab meat,hambugers, pizza etc.) because I like it.
When I was 19 I trained for months to eat even more, at some point I was so good that I ate two buns of bread with 1cm Leberkäse in the morning, two full plates of pasta with meat or seafood at noon and a ton of shit at night. But after months it only gained me two more kilos but costed me twice as much money so I stopped.

But everytime I tell a doc they laugh at me and don't believe it. I suspect that whatever is causing this is also responsible for my (sometimes life-threatening) lack of iron despite eating meat all day and the ineffectivity of psychotropic drugs that could maybe help me.

Now I am back at square one and have to convince some shitheads first before I ever get a chance for a therapy for depressions, autism and ADD. I already know they won't believe me so I have to stay there for months so that they can observe me only to come to the same conclusion I was already telling everybody about since I was a kid. I will never get a therapy in my lifetime.

No. 1759275>>1759299

>try to go to bed last night and my dog pissed the bed all over my pillows and blanket
>dog woke me up 3 times before my alarm this morning
>ripped pussy wiping too hard and uti from hell came back randomly
>drive to job interview in pouring rain and go to the wrong building
>went to the wrong entrance too and got soaked
>rescheduled interview for Friday
I'm in such a bad mood I just wanna disappear

No. 1759277>>1759381

Thinking about this disgusting guy who went out with both my friend and another girl at the same time. When they realized what was happening they met and prepared a plan, then confronted him separately while talking to each other behind his back and trying to catch him in his lies. Finally my friend revealed everything to the guy who was livid when she called him with her phone while they were laughing together in a sorority wins kind of way. A few days later the guy reached out to the other girl, spewed a ton of lies to paint my friend as the other girl who was trying to rip their true love apart, yadi yada. They got back together, got a flat together and spend a few years there developing a weed addictions and playing video games. She dipped after like 3 years but looking back… what a fucking dumbass. I know scrotes like this target low-confidence girls for a reason, but it makes me both sad and angry that she would fall for it and almost nag my friend because she won the official girlfriend title in the end.

No. 1759286>>1759300

Have you ever checked your thyroid ? I'm in the same boat as you, as in everybody assumes I must have an ED or eat restrictively when it's not the case at all. I've been told that thyroid and hormonal issues could be a cause, so you might want to check that especially if you have anemia too.

No. 1759289>>1759293>>1759295>>1759297>>1759324

Scenario: your best friend fucked your man, you beat his ass cuz of course, then what y'all do about your friend? I want to know

No. 1759292

Does anyone else have an emotionally weak mom?
Like I love my mom obviously but I came to resent her because I feel so bad for her. She's pathetic. Which I know sounds really mean but I'm so upset at her for not being a source of emotional support for me. Like she panics so easily, she loses her shit, she loses her head, every bad thing that happens is (to her) the worst possible thing that could have happen, she feels hopeless and worthless, she's literally an adult baby just bawling her eyes out. I remember being a child and walking on eggshells because my mom couldn't know, couldn't handle if anything wasn't going well with me. And that has obviously continued for the rest of my life.
I have always had to be the one to keep a cool head. The one keeping it together for her. The one solving my own issues and now, I'm the one solving her issues, too. And that's so fucking unfair. I was never taught any coping skills. I've basically been left to fend for myself emotionally because my mom's needs were so pressing and overwhelming they left no room for mine.
I feel bad for her, I feel bad for myself and the whole thing just pisses me off.

No. 1759293

Wake up.

No. 1759294

>or pee in his lube and buttcrack toothbrush
Honestly, that would be my approach too. I disappointed in the "other woman", but I would be upset with the moid and do some petty shit like that.

No. 1759295

That's not your friend

No. 1759297

I’d be like hope it was worth it and stop talking to her, what else is there to do?

No. 1759299>>1759929

File (hide): 1699461906132.gif (261.16 KB, 422x498, 1643918520098.gif)

I'm sorry you're having such an awful week anon! I hope the next one is better.

No. 1759300>>1759325>>1759449

Yeah, this is the one thing docs have done, but it was normal. They also checked for internal bleeding because of the massive iron deficiency but didn't find anything either.
>I've been told that thyroid and hormonal issues could be a cause
Maybe this. I never had anybody check anything hormonal. I am legit asexual too so not sure if it's related but my hormones seem to be fucked or lacking. ADHD and depressions are also caused by this, so maybe it could be related and something with the brain.

Thank you might check that! Not sure where but I will ask. I hope the docs don't ask me again what they are supposed to do because they almost always do that and I have no idea which hormones they should even check.

No. 1759302>>1759306

If your boyfriend never reciprocates then you don’t really have anyone to be angry with.

No. 1759304>>1759307>>1759379

Except they do lol, but instead of crying about the other woman online they get their gun or beat the shit out of the guy. Y'all out here acting as if men will just slap the other man's ass and say good job bro.

No. 1759306>>1759309>>1759314>>1759439

So if someone disrespects and humiliates you in public do you just turn the other cheek and say thank you? Shut up you wimpy Jesus ass bitch, I'll be angry with whoever I please.

No. 1759307>>1759444

I’m not going to lie and say men never get into fights over a woman but I don’t see any condemnation of ‘evil gf stealers’ as an abstract concept in male spaces.

No. 1759309

File (hide): 1699462222681.gif (898.17 KB, 400x400, eb8dc9015beec3998d9717abcf0483…)

>wimpy Jesus ass bitch

No. 1759313>>1759315>>1759346

I'm just fucking tired of the new gen instagram/tiktok beauty standards. Lip filler, small nose, small chin, round forehead, high eyebrows, and everyone and their mother is chasing the cartoonish disney princess proportions. You know, the kind of face proportions we were making fun of a while ago for looking like inbred pugs.

No. 1759314>>1759328

To me it’s embarrassing to act like a yappy dog over a man. There’s nothing you can do to change the outcome anyway.

No. 1759315>>1759326

Hard agree and I’m sick of faces where there’s not a hint of bone structure or angularity.

No. 1759317

I think that everything is boring. Maybe I should just wait for the end of the world and hope that this will be more exciting at least.

No. 1759318

They really do. I'll never forget the time I was on a date with my ex on a hayride and some girl on the hayride was basically throwing herself at him and wouldn't stop talking to him and he was barely giving her anything. The audacity of some women is just hilarious like what kind of fucking freak do you have to be to interrupt someone's date

No. 1759323

I'm nervous for my job interview tomorrow.
I dont even know if I want the job, its only Christmas temp.
I'm worried I will accept this job, then get offered another job thats not a temp position then have to tell the first one after doing training or paperwork that I'm not going with them lol

No. 1759324

Not your friend and the course of action is to eliminate both from your life.
Who let the ghetto trash onto lolcow today?

No. 1759325>>1759333>>1759395

You mean low libido.

No. 1759326

You can tell that shit is actually rotting the brains of people because even here I see comments calling any female celeb with a more bony structure "tranny looking"

No. 1759328>>1759341>>1759346>>1759351>>1759439

Even if it was a group of friends and not a man and some bitch came up to us and started ignoring me and pretending I don't exist, I'd call her out on it. I don't see why you're out here defending this kind of sloppy behavior unless you do it yourself. And you call me embarrassing for standing up for myself kek.

No. 1759333>>1759389

Yeah whatever, I don't give a shit about labels but low libido doesn't necessarily excludes masturbation or the ability to consider some people attractive. But I don't have that either so "asexual" is a better term.

No. 1759341>>1759348

I’m not defending it? I just don’t think it’s worth getting angry over. Plus someone ignoring you and someone flirting with your boyfriend are two different scenarios, my point is if someone does that it’s not down to how you react. The onus is on the man. If he really likes you he’ll say no and if he doesn’t care about you then he’ll reciprocate. Either way it’s not based on your reaction.

No. 1759346>>1759362

I've all those features naturally so ain't mad at it
I bet if she found her man and her best friend fucking right on her bed and she would just shrug it off and walk away kek

No. 1759348

I don't get what you're trying to say here? Of course he doesn't react, so I'm not angry at him. I'm angry at the woman for disrespecting me by pretending I don't exist and flirting with him as if I'm not there. How is that not the same as someone ignoring you in a group of friends?

No. 1759351>>1759357

>your man not telling her off for you and him training you to fight other women off knowing he won't do shit about it cause he loves to see you jealous
Ouchie boo boo….

No. 1759356>>1759361

I don't give a shit about celebs and never did. I cannot name more than a handful of living actors and even less shitty US pop singers. I don't even know the names of the singers of bands I am actually listening to.

No. 1759357

Vibe check: How is her man coming off and behaving if women are approaching him to ignore his obvious gf right in front of them?
He sounds single lmao.

No. 1759361>>1759370

You are truly transcendent

No. 1759362>>1759374>>1759399

What should you do? Assault them both? Get angry and rant about being disrespected? Cry about how hurt you are to two people who couldn’t care less? It’s a waste of energy. Maybe I’d fuck his best friend or something.

No. 1759367>>1759373>>1759399

I hate how the whole internet became a whiny echo chamber of people that want gfs or bfs. Everywhere it's all humanity seems to care about. Maybe the majority of all userbases are simply teenagers, but I feel like this isn't the case. I was never into that whole love stuff but accepted it being annoying but common with others when I was a teen or young adult. But hearing people in their late 20s still whining about desiring a partner makes me cringe. There are endless interesting things you could discuss but every damn board is filled with this shit even if it's OT.

No. 1759369>>1759416

You're welcome, hope you can sort your issues out despite medicals being a pain in the ass. I truly think a ton of issues could be caused by hormonal imbalance which women are highly subjected too. If it can also fix some of your mental issues, you don't even have to apply to therapy and convince your doctors that you're not throwing up so that's a plus. As for asexuality I don't have an opinion on the subject but I know autistics people tend to identify with that as the idea of sexuality can seem really foreign and weird, so it might also be that you haven't found someone that made you feel anything. Good luck with everything

No. 1759370>>1759376

It's just logical but sadly the internet is flooded with that shit. I also hate when people assume I must know some shitty youtuber I have never heard about.

No. 1759373>>1759421

Its human nature to not want to be alone, and when the current zeitgeist is that your life is meaningless after 25 its going to leave a lot of young people feeling like their lives are hopeless and that they are worthless without someone to share their life with.

No. 1759374>>1759397>>1759400

Ok now I'm sure this is a fetish moid posting. Unsaged, too.

No. 1759376

Yeah, I bet you hate a lot of things.

No. 1759379

>but instead of crying about the other woman online they get their gun or beat the shit out of the guy

No retard, they grab their guns to go SHOOT THEIR EX. If the other man is around it's typically coincidental.

No. 1759381>>1759413

I see this happening so often. Two women conspiring as they were both played and the moid somehow picks one to manipulate and the dumb bitch instead of telling him to fuck off she eats it up and stays. It’s not that she isnt manipulated, it’s that she’s so delighted to be chosen she has no problem betraying the other girl. Shame.

No. 1759386>>1759424

Consider taking twice the amount of vitamin B you need. It sounds like you are just not absorbing the nutrients you need and upping your vitamin B can be a shortcut to getting more.
Also, take a vitamin C tablet either with your iron pill, or whenever you have an iron heavy meal. It helps your body absorb the iron way better.

No. 1759389

>A person's libido is the part of their personality that is considered to cause their emotional, especially sexual, desires

No. 1759395

Asexuality as an orientation is bullshit, but asexuality is still a thing

No. 1759397

Lol what? Getting angry or violent will just boost his ego that he has women fighting over him. Nothing hurts moids like a taste of their own medicine.

No. 1759399>>1759414

I'm sorry but I cannot buy you would act this apathetic, no one in such situation would
Yeah, it seems people nowadays lack personality beyond relationships, genz specifically are very dry as a generation so it makes sense they're obsessed with bf/gf stuff instead of creating something interesting for once

No. 1759400

If anything women fighting over the man, sounds like moid fetish

No. 1759401

Drink your calories.

No. 1759413

I'm not surprised that it's a common situation unfortunately. I just checked on this scrote to see what he was up to now and he became a social worker, topkek

No. 1759414>>1759415

I’m very ambivalent person I guess. I think in all honesty I’d probably just leave because I wouldn’t want to look at it. I would be upset on the inside but I also wouldn’t want to give anyone the satisfaction of seeing me hurt. I’m not advocating for forgiveness here or being happy for him. Just that to me it’s not worth it.

No. 1759415>>1759418


No. 1759416

Thank you anon.
>I know autistics people tend to identify with that as the idea of sexuality can seem really foreign and weird
Yeah it might actually be related to autism now that I think about it. I am in my 30s but never felt any attraction towards anybody or horniness (at least nothin I would have noticed). I admit I have other issues that are related to this though, like I cannot touch people, it makes me cringe for some reason.

No. 1759418>>1759429

No. 1759421

>and when the current zeitgeist is that your life is meaningless after 25
Is it? If anything I would say that life was over earlier in the past since people basically settled down with 20 and never changed anymore.
I agree that fulltime jobs kill the soul though. This is my issue. I don't want romances I want freedom. The thought of wasting the rest of my life away in boring companies doing boring things with people I hate is radicalizing me.

No. 1759424

Didn't know that either. Will try.
I wish doctors would actually tell me about this, they are technically paid for this lol but guess google and anons are the better options nowadays.

No. 1759427>>1759446

File (hide): 1699464965389.jpg (59.45 KB, 557x551, images-2.jpg)

I need help

Look. It's not that everything in my life is necessarily bad right now. But that's exactly why I'm afraid of things getting worse in the future. I just went through añ very important milestone in my life, something I've been searching for years came true. I've got a sweet partner. I've got my mom and I'm living okay, not perfect, but okay. But this is exactly why I'm now more than ever thinking about killing myself. I'm afraid of my mom dying, my partner not loving me anymore, everything turning to shit. I've been suicidal since 13. And I just can't stop shaking off the feeling that right now is the best moment to die if I want to feel fulfilled, comfortable, happy. That's it. This is the high of my life, or the one I thought was possible, and can't think of things getting better. What now? What now, seriously? How can I continue living? Do I just kill myself? What if everything dies and I'm miserable?

No. 1759429>>1759435

Did you use the word correctly?

No. 1759432

I am ugly and unattractive. I'm not downright horrific or disfigured but I am genuinely a 3/10. And I don't know how to dress, I don't know how to style myself at all. Why try? I'd look strange. The best I could do when it comes to partners are going with people who have low standards because they either pity me or have low self esteem themselves. I am destined to be that ugly friend in group photos and that partner that people are ashamed to show off. Normies take one look at me and know I'm a weird autist so it's even harder to make friends; not that I would know how to relate or speak to them normally. I'm never making it out here.

No. 1759433


You rock and I wish you all the best nonna

No. 1759435

I think so, I just didn’t want to blogpost. I frequently swing between really wanting the other person and thinking they’re not right for me which sort of results in this ‘ehhh whatever’ net feeling.

No. 1759438

Idk I think some people are just skinny. My ex was clinically underweight when I first met him. Not because he wanted to, he was very ashamed of his body, but he’s just not a very food motivated person. I helped him put on some weight so he was within a normal bmi. I think it would theoretically be possible for him to gain some more muscle if he worked very hard, but he would have to eat what would be an incredibly large amount of food compared to his baseline. He is tall as fuck and has the tiniest bones, not full on marfan habitus, but you could just sorta tell he'd never get proper stronk like other guys. His doctor basically just told him some people be like that. He also did have an iron deficiency though, so you made me wonder whether there’s something I’m missing.

Idk whether you’ve tracked calories but skinny people will often over-estimate how many calories they eat, kinda the opposite problem to fatties. I don’t think you are necessarily unhealthy if you have always been this way and don’t feel hungry all the time/don’t have other health issues. There are benefits to having a bit extra fat, if you get become sick your body has some reserves to run on, but other than that as long as your body is functioning I don't think you're necessarily dangerously underweight just because you're an anomaly.

No. 1759439>>1759443

If you just changed your attitude she would be the one who was humiliated instead. She's a desperate loser who gets in the way of a couple's date, the only loser in this situation is her. Don't fight over a man, it makes you look pathetic and the guy gets his ego boosted because he has a harem of girls fighting for his attention. Just don't.

No. 1759441>>1759450

I feel like I’m just passing time at this point. I’m in a 9+ relationship and he couldn’t care less about me, or my feelings, or everything else.
When we started going out we were pretty easy going, I never demanded too much, we used to do plans together and even when we weren’t that busy all the time, I felt like he enjoyed spending time with me. When we moved out together, we did less plans but we spent more time together.
Nowadays I feel bored with my life. We don’t go out on dates. We don’t make plans together. The only things we do together are HIS plans (when he wanted to do something because he needed to), or something that he was interested in. I wonder in which moment I assumed that was “normal”.
Every time I want to do something, I feel like I have to ask him in some type of way were I’m basically bribing him (I.e. if I want to go somewhere to eat, I have to invite him, I know it’s pathetic, I know I have to dump him).
Family gatherings are boring, I know, that’s why I only ask him to do it maybe twice or thrice a year. Still, he acts like a fucking child being forced to go to school or something.
I know what people will tell me and I know I deserve it. Mind you, it’s partially my fault. I should have grown a spine back then and cut ties with him before I basically let my life shared with him.
I want out, simple as that. But I know how much pain and trouble it will bring, because we share a house together and basically it’s having to start over all again.
At this point I’m seriously considering cheating on him. Not out of spite, I want to meet someone who appreciates me and loves me for who I am, even when I know I’m insecure and vulnerable most of the time. I’m going to start acting as if I’m single because, apart from sharing a bed, I feel like I don’t have a partner anymore.

No. 1759443

Exactly, she’s the one humiliating herself. How other people treat you is a reflection of them, not of you. And yes men love when you fight over them, this inversion of nature makes them feel like a prize.

No. 1759444

Men actively help each other cheat while women whine about the evil man stealers. They see a man hiding them cheating as a sign of good friendship, while women want to act like white knights and tell boyfriends about their friends

No. 1759446>>1759448>>1759505

You definitely shouldn't kill yourself now because that's like waiting in line for a roller coaster for three hours and then killing yourself once you get strapped in. Pointless and all that effort wasted.
When humans evolved the ability to think faster, we deleted a safety measure found in the brains of monkeys and greater apes that prevents these kinds of thoughts (such as suicide when it is not ideal). What you are describing sounds like either you have a chemical imbalance that needs to be corrected (depression or bipolar can cause these types of "false" panics), or that your brain has created ways of protecting you from trauma, and now that the trauma no longer exists, the "protections" have now become maladaptive.
I would recommend therapy first, perhaps EMDR because it has the ability to break such spiraling thought loops, or medication. If both of those are out of reach for some reason, you should start reading up on spiraling thought patterns to better educate yourself and get a a handheld game of tetris. Then, when these patterns start manifesting, stop what you're doing and start playing tetris. This can reprogram your brain and break established thought patterns.

No. 1759448>>1759519

>we deleted a safety measure found in the brains of monkeys and greater apes that prevents these kinds of thoughts
nta but what did you mean by this? got any links/articles to this?

No. 1759449

Nonita, I experience basically everything you described (do you happen to have acne, btw?) and my thyroid is fine, but it turned out I have a hormonal disorder (low testosterone iirc, but it's been years since I got that test done).
Actually reading your posts gave me motivation to do something about my hormones, since I thought the only side effects were acne and extremely low libido, and I thought I could just live with that kek. Now I wonder how many of my health problems could be related to that (not that I experience anything too extreme, but still. It's generally lack of energy + constant sleepiness).

No. 1759450

Wouldn't cheating only make the separation harder and more risky? From what you wrote and how you reflected on it, you already seem to know where this ends so why waste time and dance around it? Cheating would only create the extra stress of avoiding to be caught and possibly make the break up messier when he do catches on. So slowly plan your safe exit and leave first.

No. 1759468>>1759470>>1759473>>1759474>>1759490>>1759508

File (hide): 1699467663495.jpg (56.03 KB, 500x322, c734a3a6bed66d63a995b2f1d6f26d…)

One of my cats ran away for the umpteenth time today. It's been five hours and she still hasn't come back. I feel like shit and I just really hope that she shows up later this evening. I'm just gonna eat a shit ton of comfort food and try not to think about her. I feel so bad.

No. 1759470

I hope she get home safe anon

No. 1759473>>1759479

Are you sure that's "running away" and not just "exploring"?

No. 1759474

I’m sure she’s just going on a walk and will be back.

No. 1759475>>1759481>>1759487>>1759504>>1759718>>1760001

File (hide): 1699468261647.jpeg (233.71 KB, 1169x1698, IMG_3735.jpeg)

so much for peaceful protests. fuck these scrotes.

No. 1759479

>t. Anon’s cat

No. 1759481

The soldiers fought for the country that these scrotes are running around in. Thankfully they’ve cleaned it up now.

No. 1759487>>1759491>>1759705

I have seen radfem accounts(likely unknowingly)retweet pro-Palestinian content from actual and open white supremacists, and these white supremacists outright using this conflict to spread anti-Semitic propaganda.

No. 1759490>>1759501>>1759502>>1759521

This is the one of the big reasons why I don't wanna get a cat, I'd be too scared of it going outside and not finding it's way back home and maybe getting hurt and I know I'd be worried sick and would probably be emotionally scarred.

No. 1759491>>1759705

Its frustrating when there's a thin line between pro-palestine and anti-semitism. same thing goes for pro-israel/islamophobia.

No. 1759501

I have an indoor cat, I couldn’t even imagine him running around outside all alone. It makes me feel so upset thinking about it. He only sometimes explores the garden when we are outside too.

No. 1759502

My family used to have cats that they would let outside and unfortunately as a child I had to see them ran over or injured because of other stray cats or wild animals, so sadly it does happen. It's an awful experience and that's why I'm not really pro free roaming for cats. I'm sure anon's cat is fine though, sometimes they stay outside for a little more and come back just fine.

No. 1759504>>1759718

There was also an old veteran handing out poppies and he was assaulted. Disgusting. Protests bring out the worst scum

No. 1759505

Thank you anon for being so kind and replying to my post

No. 1759508>>1759517>>1759518

Hey anons, just updating to say that she’s back. She was kind of skittish and flighty but she’s back, plus her sister is really happy to see her! I’m going to give her some treats so that she’ll calm down. Thank you all for the kind words!

No. 1759517

YAY I’m so happy anon. I kept this thread open checking for updates!!!

No. 1759518

glad to hear she made it hope safe nona! thanks for the update!

No. 1759519

I'm trying to find the article, as it's been a few years since I read it, but I'm having no luck at the moment. The basic understanding is that compared to other primates, the human brain can transfer signals around four times faster. But, in order to do this, the brain had to eliminate a bunch of redundancy channels that would normally double check thoughts and prevent "misfires", such as spiraling or auditory or visual hallucinations, from reaching their destination.
Other primates can certainly feel sad or distressed or emotional pain, but they don't seem to become stuck in the loop patterns that cause anxiety or schizophrenia as easily as we do, because their brains spend more time preventing it.

No. 1759520

>1pm now
>need to get everything clean by 4pm
>no motivation whatsoever
i'm going to goof off until 2:30 and just accept what comes

No. 1759521>>1759523

Cats are perfectly capable of finding their way back anon lol. Cars (and big predators if you have them) are the real concern for outdoor cats.

No. 1759523

That and animal traps. People set out traps for raccoons and strays where I live. My childhood cat got stuck in a cage once.

No. 1759527>>1759534

File (hide): 1699470684039.png (48.99 KB, 255x216, dlskjlafaf-1-709.png)

starting to think i shouldn't have gone to university. my cs degree apparently means nothing and it seems i'll have to work manual labor anyway (because nobody in the country wants to hire my autistic ass). life sucks and i'd go lay my head on the tracks if i wasn't such a coward

or i wish i'd gone for english and segued into grabbing a masters writing pseud shit like a few people i know. so many of my writing professors complimented my writing and asked me why tf was i going for cs instead of that. i know i'm not author material however and i have the creeping suspicion all the easy money lay in having a masters in writing or whatever. fuck my stupid ass

No. 1759534

I can relate nonna. Gotta tech degree but I'm so autistic I fuck job interviews. Make me feel like I wasted my time.

No. 1759536>>1759560

File (hide): 1699471257636.jpg (98.74 KB, 734x882, 565785.jpg)

My mom is a weird paranoid person. I can't talk to her at all, she gets offended and paranoid about everything. Even if she is the one hurting me and I just point out the ways she hurts me, she somehow twists it and makes me feel super bad and evil and pretends she is the victim.
How can I deal with this?

No. 1759553>>1759602>>1759604

File (hide): 1699472022333.jpg (38.3 KB, 750x561, F-JRES9WcAA7jnM.jpg)

It sucks being known/seen as a nice person. Ever since young I've been a good person, I'm always known as the loving, caring, compassionate, understanding and basically all good things I rarely get mad or talk rude to someone. Im known as the kind and innocent one in the group. But as I grow older and years pass by I easily get irritated and say hurtful things and because of it they would say that I changed and view me as a really bad person but if they do talk shit to me its nothing not a big deal at all. Its making me feel bad about myself like why….just why… Am I not allowed to show emotions and just be nice all the time like they expect me to? Its a constant torture for me, they're torturing me. Am I the wrong one? Am I toxic? Life hasn't been really good to me. Im just so tired too of being so nice to everyone that dont consider my feelings at all. They turned me the way I am right now.

No. 1759560

I'm sorry nona, that sucks. Used to be with someone who had a very paranoid personality (thankfully not directed towards me, but it was exhausting dealing with so much perceived victimization all the time). Books that made me understand a lil more was Unmasking Narcissism by Mark Ettensohn and Talking to Crazy by Mark Goulston. The latter one deals more with your every day type of crazy, which we all are guilty of from time to time, but I think the same mechanisms in the brain applies to people like your mother, it's just that they have a hypersensitivity to criticism usually. I think you need to radically accept that you can't change her, then there are some things you can do to protect yourself such as making yourself more boring/not giving her anything to react to (stonewalling) etc.

No. 1759585>>1759620

So a friend (A) told us in our group chat that she has been feeling left out for some reason, and we are all planning to talk about this in person tomorrow but I offered her to call me if she wanted to if she wanted to sort out some of the things that triggered this misunderstanding between only us two since I know she isn't really one to voice concerns usually. It was all misunderstandings that I fully understand gave her the wrong impression, and pretty much all of it was solved by giving her more context to the situations but I also apologized for us letting it get this way. We are still seeing the others tomorrow to let her speak her piece, but I hope I managed to alleviate some of her worries.
BUT this situation managed to dig up some old hurt feelings in another girl in our group (B), apparently A has said some really clumsy but hurtful things to B years ago that B never really got closure for. Since it was things that turned out to be pretty sensitive topics to her she has carried this small portion of resentment through all these years, she still really wants to be good friends with A and is angry at herself for not being able to get over this resentment. And because of all these negative feelings coming to the surface again she is really cranky regarding anything related to A.
I don't know what to do. I know B isn't going to say anything stupid tomorrow, but I also fully understand how she feels; it's extremely hard to let go of the kind of hurt feelings she experienced when you don't get closure or any sort of acknowledgment by the person that they hurt you and I know how silly she feels.

No. 1759602

tf is this picture

No. 1759604

That sucks and all but why the coomer image?

No. 1759609

I wanna dump my bf because He cant provide me with the stability i need. The only thing he gives me is companionship and that cant pay the fucking bills.

No. 1759620

I don't know what you should do, but you are just such a good and sweet friend and I hope you can all work out these misunderstandings.

No. 1759622>>1759633

I have an interview in 8 hours.
Should I reject this job because it's only Christmas temp or should I still get it and have to quit if other places I've applied to get back to me for a proper job?
My husband doesn't care if I get a job so I have more cushion on finding something that will continue past the Christmas period.

No. 1759633>>1759671

If you're the Christmas temp anon from before it sounds like you really don't want the job. If you don't need it don't do it. Or take the interview and feel the vibe?

Good luck

No. 1759648>>1759668>>1759669>>1759776>>1759790>>1759963

>at anime convention
>need to piss
>run into very normie manager and coworkers in the bathroom
>am wearing full jfashion bullshit edgelord outfit, they are wearing normal clothes
>they keep laughing and looking at each other
>follow me to the game room and watch while I play rhythm games
>"anon do you have a touch of the tism lol are you acoustic"
>answer honestly, don't realize i was actually being made fun of
I need to quit immediately

No. 1759666>>1759673

File (hide): 1699475320457.jpg (55.28 KB, 1280x720, i wish i could die.jpg)

He wanted to break up when he has been the first man to give me any sort of physical affection in years. He was a shitty boyfriend, very autistic and didn't understand emotional intimacy in the slightest but I was still able to guide him like he was my personal male servant. He took me out to restaurants, I'd ask him to kiss me, neck me, and even have sex with me and he always obliged to my requests. I was on an ecstasy of touch stimulus, I hadn't been touched in years and he was finally touching me in all of the places I craved to be touched in. But last week, we had a small argument and suddenly he wants to end things. And now I'm left feeling angry, touch-deprived and craving intimacy again. After so many years of being touch deprived I had a glimpse of what the good life was like being in a relationship again, finally. Now it's been taken away from me, again. Now I am left single and decaying alone…. again.
Never in my life have I wanted to kill myself more. I HATE being involuntarily celibate. I just want sex and love as permanent things I fucking hate how it always manages to be taken away from me and leave me before I can grasp it and hold onto it forever. Why am I cursed?

No. 1759667

File (hide): 1699475335326.jpg (62.79 KB, 850x653, 1694058659739.jpg)

all the little bullshit things happening today:
>face is extremely dry and now under my eyes are red and flaky
>acne somehow popping up regardless
>put on a turtleneck and it makes me look like a linebacker
>insecurity about appearance overcome at the last minute to go to dispensary on work lunch break
>traffic insane because it's lunch hour
>finally get home, eat a bag of frozen peas with the 10 minutes I have left of lunch break
>brush cat
>see black flecks
>one of the flecks is bloody, others are clearly lint
>put a 3 month flea treatment on the cat at the end of august (28th)
>shouldn't have fleas until the 20somethingth of this month
>friend moving in soon
>friend also has cats
fuck. The bloody black thing could just be leftover caked blood from my cat scratching himself, it is colder out and my skin is also really itchy. He has no problem scratching himself until he bleeds (as do I) so I get it, but god, please, no fleas. I cannot do this again, please, god, fuck. Also:
>mouse stops moving intermittently on work laptop
>work is time sensitive and involves interactions with people
>have to bullshit everytime I'm on a call with someone while I wait for my mouse to start working again
>restarting computer doesn't work

No. 1759668>>1759798

I hope one day they realize they are deeply miserable insecure people while you're out here living your best fucking life looking like a Stacy and having fun. Don't let them bring you down, you're based and they are sad losers who can't stand the sight of other people enjoying themselves.

No. 1759669>>1759798

No fuck them. Why the fuck are they even at an anime con if they're gonna be like that. I'm extra angry on your behalf because I've had similar experience revealing my lolita/rhythm gamer power level to normie friends who wanted to tag along with me to a con and they told me it was sooo weird. Imagine being such a boring stick in the mud and thinking it makes you in any way superior. Sorry your coworkers suck so bad nona their lives are probably boring and devoid of fun

No. 1759671

Yeah I am, since I haven't been rejected by the other 6 normal jobs I'm now a bit stressed that I'll end up in the awkward situation of starting this one and then having to quite a few days in or something once one of the other 6 get back to me.
Obviously I don't owe corporations anything but still it's a bit rude to do.
So now it has me rethinking everything yknow?
My end goal is permanent work, not a time limit on it.
I keep yoyoing from wanting to go to the interview just to see, possibly having to reject it later or not bothering in general to waste both mine and the managers time.
There is a slim chance that maybe they will keep me on if I'm a good worker but idk how the temp contract would convert if that's the case.
Kinda have decision paralysis now.

No. 1759673

I’m sorry anon but please spoiler that, triggering.

No. 1759705

All the white racists I have seen so far are pro Netanjahu because they enjoy seeing brown people getting killed.
Because humanity is fucking lost and let's face it, the vast majority are racist or supremacist shit that define their whole worldview as "us vs them" and cheer seeing people getting massacred. It doesn't matter which side they are on or what culture they belong to. Most people only fake being nice and will laugh at your death because they always hated you anyway no matter what you do.

No. 1759710>>1759722

I genuinely hate some of my coworkers, like actual seething hatred, I’ve been here way longer than them and it’s thanks to them this formerly great job has fucking sucked ass for the past couple years. Rude, loud, incompetent, treating me like I’m the problem for wanting to get my job done well and go home, just complete gutter trash. 20-somethings are the new teenagers I swear to god. I can do better than this but I’m bitter at having to start all over just because everyone decent left and my job changed too much for me to cope with.

No. 1759711

She sounds like one of us tbh

No. 1759718>>1759927>>1759997

I saw this video of these sweet-looking old ladies just sitting at their little table with their poppy pins while these scrotes were screaming and swearing and throwing things around them and they looked so sad, I'm a burger and have no connection to rememberance day but it broke my heart.

No. 1759722>>1759750>>1759858

This exactly but I am the new worker everytime. Assholes and unironical bullies and abusers (female) that can't do shit, don't do shit and use the job as some social ladder battle royal shit that means that they are treat you like subhuman trash if you are good at your work because they aren't and they are fat and psychotic so nobody likes them I guess.
I don't give a shit about coworkers on principle, I don't want to socialise, I don't want to know anything about others I just want to come, finish my work ASAP and do it right and then go home without speaking a single word but no, can't have that sadly. Every job seems to have these sociopaths and this is why I always quit after half a year.

No. 1759750

> treat you like subhuman trash if you are good at your work because they aren't and they are fat and psychotic so nobody likes them I guess.
lmao do we work together? It’s all so familiar. I’m usually nice n social at work but only when the few people I can tolerate are on the schedule. I want to just leave but it’s been years and I like the benefits. Tough choice.

May we both find enjoyable, well-paying jobs with a good work/life balance where we don’t have to pick up the slack for the losers, nona.

No. 1759765>>1759786>>1759911

I get really horrified and scared when I remember all the gross pornsick behaviors I displayed as a child in high school. Obviously I wasn’t the only kid behaving in such a manner, everyone else was going through the sex-obsessed phase because of all the media and art that was being funneled as directed towards high schoolers, but fuck. I feel like I have to hide for the rest of my life, because If i were to ever be recognized or noticed someone would hit me with “Oh my god I remember all those things you did”. I don’t really know what to do.

No. 1759776>>1759798

following you is creepy. actually asking you if you're autistic is disgusting. keep having fun and don't let them stop you.

No. 1759786>>1759788>>1759796

Not porn related but I sometimes get flashbacks to all the shit I have done as teen. Shit other people witnessed and shit I managed to hide and it's actually preventing me from ever becoming famous. Not that I would manage that lol but purely theoretically I am scared of becoming somewhat known if I ever draw a comic or something that could become a bit popular. I am afraid that at least one of the people there still hate me enough to make a twitter call out and reveal the horrors of my youth.
At least I never used facebook. The thought of having everything you ever said archived or screenshot by someone out there is scary.

No. 1759788>>1759823

You can't cancel people for stuff they did as a minor, it's in the handbook.

No. 1759790>>1759798

they're boring, you're real. to get through the day, they swallow mad pills.

No. 1759796>>1759799

Thankfully for me it’s not stuff that was immortalized online, just ways that I‘be made people feel with really grotesque things that I have said and done, I could imagine that someone would go on a fuckin podcast and give a whole anecdote about what a nightmare I was as an older kid. I hope that if I do ever see any greatness everyone will have just forgotten about it by then.

No. 1759798

Thanks for the kind words nonnies, I really appreciate it. I feel a lot better about the situation knowing they're the weird and pathetic ones.

No. 1759799

I did and said a lot of weird shit that made people uncomfortable into my early 20s due to being an undersocialized autist, picture whatever humiliating shit you like, long as you grew up eventually I assure you life really does go on

No. 1759823

Depends on how extreme it is.

No. 1759858

>fatties ruining the social aspect of every job
Why is it always this way? My suggestions in meetings to improve our process efficiency were treated as if they were open hostility. These types absolutely cannot handle the blunt honesty of autists
Im 34 still getting boolied by bossy fat women at work

No. 1759892

I don't want to go to therapy, especially if I might be autistic. I don't want to be brainwashed or lose my sense of self. I don't want to reward people who hurt me. What do I do?

No. 1759904>>1759924>>1759933

File (hide): 1699485232669.jpg (241.89 KB, 1250x781, 8c93aeb2f9ac53c2.jpg)

My tumblr TERF discord group has gone full anti-TERF. Kinda a bummer. Like we came from radblr and constantly had out accounts deleted by offended trannies. And they got deep into crazy cow and cult stuff on radtwt. and over the years my mutuals got more and more annoyed by anything to do with GC and radfem stuff. I know there's cringe in those circles and I never denied it, but it was never on the same level as tranny stuff. But I felt like our discord was an oasis from the tranny loving internet nonsense. After a big fight, someone deleted the discord and restarted, introducing her FtMtFtM boyfriend. Now wishing death on any radfem/GC oriented persons, banning all exmuslim talk and stuff and just being hateful in general. I sometimes stay for the art stuff and job refs, but I feel like they ignore me. It's crazy because we were so tight in 2022, and now I barely know anyone or anything. It's crazy to feel sad over being pushed out of a place I used to like. I deleted my twitter and I hate visiting there for any reason.

I've been trying to find something else, like an IRL group to talk with but I feels o out of step with everyone. I feel like I have to create a false face just to interact with people. And I'm told this is normal and you will always have to lie with people, especially if you want anything. Tranny stuff will never go away, guess I have to go normie mode and just hope for the best. I have political stuff, and gender stuff and I hate having to bite my tongue around ugly deranged people.

No. 1759911

Anon from this post >>1759765 I checked in on some of my old classmates on social media and found that every single one of them has trooned out, not kidding. I feel much better now knowing that they’re completely incompetent and no one will take anything they say seriously kek.

No. 1759923

File (hide): 1699485969020.jpg (5.74 KB, 148x130, images.jpg)

I fell for some really shitty bait just now and I already regret giving them that (you)

No. 1759924>>1759930

That's what happens to most discord servers. And then one day people start speaking less and it's over. It isn't only a radfem problem. Far from it.

No. 1759927

it is so sad. it is always the sweet old ladies you see with their poppy broaches ugh there will never be peaceful protests, they attract the most degenerate people

No. 1759929

Thank you this is the worst week I've had in a really long time and I'm so stressed I feel hives breaking out I swear. I feel like I can't do anything right, I feel like crap, and everybody is attacking me. Glad lolcow is as it should be though

No. 1759930

I know but it sucks. It's a sign I lack connection outside. Work isn't enough but my city sucks and I can't afford to move out yet

No. 1759933

If you find another terf discord please drop it here, I'm sick of the tranny shit too and hate how they are catered to in every single fucking server and ""straight"" dudes carrying on about "superior girl cock" over bio women. Makes me sick. You're a faggot. Grow up.

No. 1759944>>1759947>>1764299

I reached a breaking point after being hurt and anxious for weeks and was rude to a coworker on a groupchat. I feel fucking humiliated because being mistreated by my coworkers is partially a miscommunication issue and I’m not blameless in it.
I had to email an higher up for help because I don’t know how to fix this. I’ve cried for days thinking about how shit they’re making me feel and now I feel worse because I think I really fucked up. I have to see these people almost daily and now they know I don’t like them.
I hate that I got myself into this mess and I don’t know how I can get out of it without actually damaging my career.

No. 1759947

I'm sorry you have to deal with that. People can be cruel but you did the right thing by emailing your higher ups. I hope things improve for you.

No. 1759963

They sound like boring losers who probably have no interests besides watching disney plus and tiktok

No. 1759994

File (hide): 1699488792992.png (3.26 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_2449.png)

MGK is gunning for the part kek

No. 1759997

Depressing. Feel so bad for those old ladies. Fucking hate scrotes, they're so unhinged and ruin every protest with their chymp behaviour towards everything they're against. They destroy everything they touch.

No. 1760001

Has this become more common? I've heard of some recent fights at my local university

No. 1760010

File (hide): 1699490502172.png (289.41 KB, 640x313, 0k2x2fa2nv4a1.png)

I'm so tired of being in debt, I want to focus on all the fun things I actually want to do already.

No. 1760014>>1760020

Jesus Christ I fucking hate Hasan. May he face the wall.

No. 1760015>>1760018

The sounds of my family dogs barking makes me genuinely want to cry, vomit, and enact violence on them and myself and I am really sad that nobody in my family seems to care at all.

No. 1760018>>1760019>>1760059

I never noticed how ugly and not-cute dogs are until I became an adult. You're not alone.

No. 1760019>>1760045

Don't get me wrong, I'm not some dog hate autist I find them cute visually. But things like the harsh high pitch sounds of their barking and fur genuinely makes me have a meltdown if I'm particularly stressed and it makes me rage when everyone in my family in varying degrees of niceness tells me to get over myself and finds the barking "adorable"

No. 1760020>>1760035>>1760039

No. 1760032

Thanks nonna

No. 1760035

He's a stupid grifter and obviously has a bias. He will just say shit you want to hear. I'm so tired of his ugly mug plastered over as "THE political streamer".

No. 1760039

Visited a brothel iirc

No. 1760045>>1760066

I get what you mean, when your ears are feeling sensitive and some particular thing will not shut the hell up: like a TV, a couple of people, somebody's phone, or an animal that wants attention. My cousin's dog was the most relaxed dog I've ever known, and even then she just wouldn't shut up for a good three minutes if she heard a doorbell or a knock on the door, even after the person had left.

No. 1760055>>1760058

I'm turning this moids town and family against him for scamming me on FB marketplace kek. He's going to be in jail 7 yrs because of me. Too many fucking people aren't scared to get sued anymore

No. 1760056>>1760061>>1760113>>1760123>>1760135

File (hide): 1699492776422.gif (1.3 MB, 498x343, tonight-you.gif)

I think the handbanana episode of aqua teen is really funny. But I just got morally grandstanded by a moid who basically said I'm a hypocrite for laughing at a glove/dog hybrid raping a fictional misogynist because "nothing would ever justify rape" and now I'm "just as bad" as men who make jokes about raping women. It's is NO MAN'S reality that they have to worry about being raped by a goddamn dog but it's been my reality my entire life as a woman that I have to be constantly worried about being raped by a man because it's so fucking prevalent that every woman I know knows at least one other woman who has been raped or assaulted as well as likely experiencing both herself. I can't believe the fucking audacity. If I want to laugh at cartoon men being raped by a fucking dog I will laugh and I will not feel guilty about it, what a fucking ridiculous thing to say to a woman. My fucking God I hate moids.

No. 1760058

I'm proud of you, you did the right thing.

No. 1760059>>1760064

Stay in your containment thread, psychopath.

No. 1760061>>1760074

File (hide): 1699492947146.gif (1.3 MB, 250x310, 1657439591175.gif)

I do believe that men can be raped, but that's not gonna stop me from laughing at them still.

No. 1760064>>1760072

File (hide): 1699493063545.jpg (218 KB, 1277x1774, rachet .jpg)

>I dont like dogs
>"omG you psYchOpath!"
I don't like them, but do you see me slicing them open and being Ted Bundy for puppies? No. Move to the side, faggot.

No. 1760066

File (hide): 1699493131364.jpg (38.11 KB, 622x384, 1651726323137.jpg)

Thanks, it means a lot. The problem is that my ears are sensitive 24/7 and it feels like there's a constant noise rumbling behind me if it isn't being drowned out by shit like electricity, dogs barking, my older brother making noises to himself, etc. it's constant and I can't take it. If I leave the house there's the sounds of children screaming and laughing, there's the sounds of cars going by, sharp chirping of birds, etc. If I'm the slightest bit depressed or stressed all the noise will boost that shit to suicidal ideation and genuine moid level rage quickly. This is hell is never ending and I am genuinely pissed my father stopped me from ending it.

No. 1760069

I'm done trying to understand myself I'm never ever going to figure it out no matter how many hours of every day I waste trying. None of it makes sense and everything contradicts itself and I'm never gonna get anywhere but stuck in maddening circles. I wish I could just be normal and have relationships like a normal person but I will never be normal and I will never find companionship of any kind because any part of me that isn't unexplainable is thoroughly unpleasant or extreme. Knowing I'm going to be this utterly alone forever makes it a real fucking struggle not to kill myself.

No. 1760072>>1760094

You just had to reply, didn't you? Way to go, retard!

No. 1760074

They're not being raped by dogs though, that's for fucking sure, and that's my point. It couldn't be more detached from reality and the fucker is clutching at straws to make me feel like shit to put himself on a pedestal.

No. 1760089>>1760204

Probably a leftist post but something I really hate is how all modern wokes seem to care about are gender debates.
They scream about being super progressive and fighting for the right cause but I never ever see them bringing up jackshit unless it's about gender.

If you try to discuss social injustice they don't care. They don't care about wars or catastrophes either. They don't care about murders, racism, genocide, climate change, poverty, nothing. But the SECOND someone makes a joke about trannies or queers it's the hot fucking topic and everybody seethes and cries and talks about the evilness of our world.

I fucking hate these privileged shits so much. But what I hate even more is that they fully hijacked leftist and progressive movements to turn them into circle jerks about gender sperging.

Also, speaking about gender, they don't even care about women, let alone women that aren't white. They don't give a shit about abortion bans either, they don't seem to care about anybody unless they're wearing a gender flag. Maybe Ukrainians and other oppressed groups that get fucked over should slap some rainbows onto their helmets so that western "social justice warriors" view them as humans.

No. 1760093>>1760581

File (hide): 1699494091378.jpg (17.37 KB, 480x365, copium.jpg)

i just want to get a job that gives me more than 50 usd a month fuck. i wanted to try that OF chatter thing but they requiere you to uber doxx yourself for it and i can't risk it. I just want to afford a gym and a therapist while i work on commissions on the side.

No. 1760094>>1760149

Nta but you're the retard in this situation. Chimping the fuck out.

No. 1760113>>1760123

Honestly I want to show the hand banana episode to my dad because I know he would find it funny

No. 1760123

Glad you guys brought it up because it reminded me of it and I had to rewatch kek. I used to love aquateen.

He sounds like a little bitch who just wanted an excuse to vomit his self righteousness

No. 1760135

>man angry that women laugh at rape joke made by male producers
Sounds like he should take it up with his fellow men.

No. 1760149

Mmhmm, sure.

No. 1760187

File (hide): 1699497511870.jpeg (78.28 KB, 576x768, IMG_0756.jpeg)

i have a job but i desperately need a sugar daddy or mommy to buy me rolls for my silly autistic hyperfixiaton

No. 1760204>>1760221

That's why I gave up on SJ stuff. Even though I do think bigotry is bad and everything, you are only allowed one opinion and you ave to align with whatever the mainstream opinion is, no nuance allowed.

No. 1760221

Yeah this. Other mangaka are way more free. This shit is also why every shounen character has to be paired up at the end no matter if there is even a chemistry or not because that's just how stories end or something.

No. 1760257>>1760286

Whenever I talk to my friends nowadays it feels like I'm just going through the motions. I don't feel any urge or desire to talk about what's going on in my life because I don't get anything out of their responses ("oh that sucks anon" or "I'm so happy for you, yay!"). Sometimes it's interesting to talk about what is going on in their life. It's fun to ask questions, especially if we're talking about introspective things. I kind of feel like a bad person for feeling this way. I wish I had friends I look forward to talking to, but what do I even want to talk about? I don't want to just talk about my life or things that worry me and for someone just to say "oh I'm sorry that happened" or "that's cool that happened to you." But that's all I ever seem to get. I guess I feel like I'm missing out on stimulating conversation and I feel like such an asshole for saying that. I hate that I don't have the energy to talk to people anymore. I don't even think I'm depressed it's because working full-time sucks all the mental energy out of me, but I can't do anything to change that.

No. 1760274

Finally dragged my ass out to the gym for the first time in months and I forgot to bring a water bottle. Fucking hell

No. 1760286>>1760344

I have that too what the fuck is up with this?
I totally lack the connection nowadays. Feelings aren't shared anymore, usually people (even friends) don't even listen and when they do there are only two sort of replies. 1. they come with something like "you call that x, now listen what I EXPERIENCED: [hour long talk about thing they already told me about]" to overtrump your stuff or 2. standard answers that show there is no genuine interest.

I would talk about personal interests but that won't get me any answers either. Seems like nobody is fan of anything, people watch a lot but stop caring the second they close the player and nobody reads anything either and the few that play games only play the same MMO/mobage for a decade and consider it a serious job instead of fun.

tl;dr I doing gain anything from convos anymore so talking feels like a chore nowadays

No. 1760327>>1760343

Somebody will catch you and serve you the coldest street justice for what you have done to that woman. You deserve nothing but acid sprayed on your flayed dick while your whole body is eaten by fire ants. There's nothing you can do to undone what you've done to her, I hope she is safe and heal while you spiral down you fucking subhuman trash.

No. 1760343

File (hide): 1699503349266.jpg (86.91 KB, 1241x1237, 20231107_012217.jpg)

I double your sentiment. Hope he rots.

No. 1760344>>1760367

It's weird, isn't it? I enjoy when people talk about what is going on in their lives and it can be fun for me to ask questions about things to learn more about how that person thinks or whatever. I guess it seems selfish because I never have much interesting stuff to talk about, but maybe I do it's just that no one ever asks.

The straightforward answer is that maybe I just need to spend more time alone, but I do have a lot of alone time already. And I remember a few years ago when I had very little friends and I would just work and then come home and repeat that cycle and it was probably one of the most miserable periods of my life. So I'm not sure what to do. What's been your approach to dealing with this predicament?

No. 1760367

Yeah fulltime working kills me too, it might be part of the problem. Work all day and commute and such make me return at 5pm or so, for some jobs even later. It's already pitch black night by that time and I have to time anyway, daily chores, bureaucracy shit and then I am even supposed to buy food and cook. I usually don't and just go fetching fastfood or eat nothing at all and since I need 10h of sleep I go to sleep then, sometimes refuse to because I want to live so I watch an anime and only sleep 2-5h till I go to work again.

There is 0 time to even meet with friends even if I had the urge to socialize. We only meet once a month at night to either drink some beer outside and talk or sit in a hookah bar since now it's cold outside. Not like there was much else to do or enough time.

No. 1760392

If I lay on my left side, my left nostril clogs. If I lay on my right side, my right nostril clogs. I hate laying in my back. I'm gonna cry.

No. 1760426>>1760452>>1760537

Fine, just fucking kill yourself then. I really want you out of your misery. If you won't accept my money and you won't try to make a better life, you may as well. I can't imagine how awful it must be to live in a mind as mentally ill or a family as fucked, I'm not going to make myself the victim here. It's unbelievable. It's tragic to watch but that's my only option, I'm watching from the sidelines as my friends variously ruin their lives.
But inevitably she won't actually kill herself as much pain as she's in, she'll do something she'll regret but she'll live to regret it. Probably with internet chemical burns. Fuck you why are all my friends mentally ill.

No. 1760452

You want your friend to kill herself?

No. 1760537

You're creepy sorry to say

No. 1760570

File (hide): 1699507482432.jpeg (120.78 KB, 750x1125, 7E501684-08F0-4ADF-8056-D6DB18…)

This is the best lip treatment I’ve ever tried but it’s $33 and I can’t buy a refill so I’d have to buy the entire thing again and it annoys me

No. 1760581>>1760596

damn where do you live?

No. 1760591>>1760697>>1760728>>1760750

Learning about China's one child policy and how Chinese family tend to favour scrote sons which inevitably lead to many abandoned and dead female children is really depressing me. There are already too many useless scrotes in this world so more males being actively brought into this world is angering me. I hope all these Chinese scrotes fail in finding a wife and end up dying alone because of the gender disparity problem they created. I hope all those Chinese families who favoured scrote sons over daughters, to the point they abandoned or even kill their own daughters, never have any grandchildren or anyone to take care of them in their old age (because let's be real, scrotes are fucking useless). Women and girls are so wonderful, it's the world that's rotten.

No. 1760596


No. 1760689

Welp. Husbands sister had the surgery to remove her breasts.
He's said if there is anything she needs we are here, she replied that she has close friends to help and doesn't need anything.
I just hope she will turn to him if/when she regrets it before trying to kill herself like she has in the past, before all of this shit.

Sad day.

No. 1760697

If it gives you any solace, china is on a population decline now.

No. 1760728

you are already getting your wish; because there are so many more men than women, it's inevitable that large swaths of the population are unable to find a partner and the effects have started to hit. A lot of young people (both men and women) are also just disinterested in dating nowadays.
I don't think anybody in my family has/had that anti-girl attitude, thankfully, lots of people think it's abhorrent too. My parents had a girl (my sister, not me) and my aunt had a son in a normal way. He doesn't want a gf and instead uses his career to take care of her, which is nice especially since she doesn't have a husband. The situation in China is grim in many ways but remember there are kind and loving families too and we all hate the femicide people

No. 1760750

They created their own problem too.

No. 1760777>>1760813>>1760989>>1761035>>1761245>>1762047>>1762067>>1762132

where did all the nonnies go? It's so quiet here. I know there's been a slow decline in activity for a while now but I want to know WHERE they went so I can go there too

No. 1760813>>1760866

dumbass shit thread currently infighting about fujo shit

No. 1760866>>1760890>>1760902

Notice how they refuse to contribute to any other thread at all. A disease, a fungus, a pariah.

No. 1760890

at least one nona tried to make a containment thread but they all refused it kek

No. 1760902>>1760974>>1761135

I think they're all funny tbh

No. 1760974>>1760986>>1761185

Im sure you do

No. 1760982

turns out electrical malfunctioning can smell like dead animal and I'm glad I saw a random post online that alerted me to that cause it turned out to be an electrical issue!

No. 1760986

Sorry anon, seems to be that you just embedded your favorite channel to watch just now.

No. 1760989

I'm lazy. The seasons and lighting change where I live has made me depressed. So I don't post as much.

No. 1761035

I've worked almost a week straight I'm so tired. Got sick from a coworker and finally have the day off. Usually I would post more but lately it's just been vents. Don't even care to read some threads I did due to burnout. Hope you are doing better. I don't think anons have another place to go they're just infighting or also too busy with life right now. Something about October-December always makes people busy even outside holidays.

No. 1761135

they get so pissed of when anyone points out fujo sperging is funnier than them talking about what they had for breakfast like this is their personal facebook, kek

No. 1761185

when did cocomelon become a meme on here? i've only seen it used recently.

No. 1761245

i technically haven't left but am posting less because i feel exhausted and burnt out just from simply reading the increased fights in every other thread. + health issues

No. 1761494

File (hide): 1699518004682.jpeg (61.54 KB, 540x521, IMG_4390.jpeg)

My family is filled with narcissists and other dark triads who all chose to hate and terrorize me for some reason. I didn’t even know what scapegoating was until a few years ago so what they did to me made me hate myself. None of them seem to understand that they did anything wrong, because they’re incapable of self awareness and empathy. It’s not fair that I’ve been clinically depressed and suicidal since I was 13 because of those freaks, even now after learning about narcissistic abuse I’m still really fucked up from it. I wish I could move on and have a good life but I’m not sure how, and I genuinely want nothing more than to just kill myself and I would if I weren’t scared of failing an attempt

No. 1761790>>1761793>>1761817>>1761818>>1761832>>1761851>>1761862>>1762416

File (hide): 1699522419322.jpg (75.23 KB, 563x561, 1682367592385.jpg)

it's my birthday, and i just feel extremely bored and sad. maybe that's the essence of adulthood, i'm not really sure. i feel lost on everything.

No. 1761793

Happy birthday nonnie

No. 1761797

I probably won't get the job.
The company is closing down and they offered us a different job we could apply to. Except the entry level is much higher that the current job.

The worst part is if ypu don't get in, you'll simply lose the job and will be left with nothing because they refuse to actually fire you and want you to sign an agreement, which means you won't get any unemployment pay. I'm so tired of this whole shit

No. 1761817

Happy Birthday! I hope things get better for you soon.

No. 1761818

Happy birthday nonna. Do something nice for yourself, even if you don't feel like it. Eat something you like or watch a comfy show, you deserve it.

No. 1761832

happy nonna day, may the year treat you well. and thank you for sharing this lovely pic

No. 1761851

happy birthday nonette i am wishing you from this point onwards a very good year. do something you like today, eat your favorite food or watch your favorite movie, read your favorite things, go outside to see cute kitties… you deserve it on your special day, have a good one !

No. 1761862

birthdays do feel like that, especially for adults post-2020. Run a bath and listen to a nice album, like Macroblank - ANALOG レアリティ

No. 1761921

File (hide): 1699532901610.gif (154.82 KB, 220x122, kisshes.gif)

Hi nonnies, thanks for the kind replies. They did ease my mind a little (I was actually crying when I wrote that kek) but for the sake of my sanity, I really am going to stop posting. I just wanted to say one more goodbye since you were all nice enough to respond to my cringe meltdown with positivity. Admin/Farmhands stay cool and remember we've never had no problems between us. FBI/CIA agents compiling my dox file, please have mercy on me when the time comes. Precious nonnies/nonnas/nonitas, thanks for all the laughs, and for posting me in the screencaps threads so many times. (They were all legitimately funny I promise.) Don't ever forget that Hall is the Blonde One. Goodbye.

No. 1761961>>1761990>>1762034>>1762094

File (hide): 1699536858674.gif (1.01 MB, 400x266, oh.gif)

i got laid off yesterday with a month of severance because my position is being outsourced to india. kind of ironic as i'm in hr. anyway - i can't stop crying because i've been so caught off guard by the timing and utter randomness of the situation. wasn't expecting them to hang me out to dry like this right before the holidays. oh well.

No. 1761978

My neighbors are so FUCKING RETARDED. They got a dog during the pandemic, but they didn't train it to be alone so he would bark whenever they went outside so it's been hell since things more or less got back to normal. They probably thought they could solve it by giving him a buddy, because they got another dog that they didn't really train either and learned from the first dog to howl and bark whenever they're alone. And by the sound of it, I think they might have gotten ANOTHER dog.

No. 1761990>>1762154

That's terrible nonna, I am really sorry. I know it's scary and dreadful, but you got a month to figure things out. This a good time to get in touch with close people who might help you out, try not to isolate yourself.

No. 1761991

I fully lost my voice and asked my mother if she could talk to the doctor/nurse when I call them and she said no. Like wtf? I can't talk, I only make sounds but no words come out and it hurts do it. Why tf can't she do that one fucking thing.

No. 1762034>>1762154

This isnt fair. I'm sorry, nonnie. Companies do bs like this and want loyalty. you will find something better.

No. 1762038>>1762042>>1762063>>1762072>>1762085>>1762088>>1762089>>1762101>>1762134>>1762369

I watched Marilyn Manson music video which contains nudity and got so severely triggered because I believe I have a gender dysphoria because… The female body looks like a pig to me, idk how anyone can identify with it ,wanna be it especially be it in sex or wanna be perceived as it and perceived as attractive. I can't possibly wanna be a pig especially in sex I don't wanna be the humiliated female body. No wonder women were enslaved, oppressed and exploited since the beginning of times if this is their biology… I feel like an alien when women talk about wanting a fatter ass. Like for what? To look more piglike and humiliated on all fours? Even the lingerie these women in the video wore made them look more like a pig. Submissive ass bodies with weird weak wide bottoms and they want them looked at during sex? Do you wanna feel like a pig? Goodbye society, I will never be a pig nor I will ever troon out, I'm becoming a monk or something. This is the most deranged post online ever I have no right to exist as such a freak of nature.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1762042

You would be a nun, not a monk. You need psychiatric help, and I mean it, I’m not even trying to be mean.

No. 1762047>>1762059

Unironically back to /a/ and /int/ because they're less racist and emotional than the incels and relationship drama queens here.
Also, I mainly post about anime and comics besides that and the threads for that are dead here and only ever active when there is some retarded infighting again. Sometimes making a post on fc too since it's more chill but it's so slow that you only need to check it once a month.

No. 1762059

>/int/ and /a/


No. 1762063>>1762092>>1762115

Why do you think women's bodies are inherently piggy? Because we naturally have a higher body fat percentage than men? As always, annoyed with farmers' obsession with seeing fatness as meaning lack of self control… get a grip. Pig as the worst thing to be is silly too, pigs are actually a fairly intelligent species. Humans are animals. Do you think men look more normal? They're also chimps and stupid looking, but more importantly are more stupid and dangerous. Being bombarded by the sexualized, male-gaze depiction of women in mass media and other women's internalization of this (like working out for a fat butt) takes its toll but to fully internalize like this is pathetic.

No. 1762067

File (hide): 1699545418999.png (510.51 KB, 576x594, B7F3886C-FAB3-423A-ABFF-0DAD25…)

Now I’m wondering how much time LC has left. I don’t want kiwifarms to be the only source for cow updates but it looks like we’re heading that way.

No. 1762069

my boobs are really swollen and painful but my period literally just ended. ugh i'm so uncomfortable right now i can't find a resting position that doesn't make me want to think about lopping them off.

No. 1762072

Girl get therapy or go outside. Thinking every women looks like a pig is tard behavior.

No. 1762080>>1762093>>1762125

Reported my fat nasty married-with-a-new-baby coworker that told me he was having thoughts about having an affair with me. Management finally spoke to me last week, then to him on my next day off (the bitch cried). Yesterday I got an email that the case was closed and that out of respect and privacy for the other party they can't disclose any details on their decision. He's still on the schedule so I guess they did fuck all. I wasn't exactly expecting him to get fired but I'm still so mad that I have to spend my work days with that asshole. We work in a small space and our work relies on teamwork so I just keep our interactions as minimal as possible but just hearing his voice drives me up the fucking wall. As soon as he parks somewhere away from the cameras I'll find a way to damage his car and leave no trace.

No. 1762085

This is either bait or pixyteri in disguise

No. 1762088

I actually know what you mean to a certain extent. Especially fishnets, I feel like when I wear them I look like a ham or something. I don’t like round, “squishy” shapes and I feel envious sometimes that males generally have longer, more angular features

No. 1762089

Stop looking at content with objectified women. Manson is misogynistic abuser, how do you think he wants to portray women?

No. 1762092>>1762115>>1762122>>1762131>>1762134>>1762147>>1762369

Even a picture of average hetsex wpulf make the woman look piglike, submissive and bowed down to the man, getting penetrated which makes her whole bldy submit which also gives the vibe that she's mentally disabled. Is heterosex of female body a male gaze? Also women suck mens dicks… I am not tripping, I'm just not a pig and will never be that's why I can't exist and it's horrifying.. I can't even go outside because I see women bodies having wide piglike submissive bottoms and when they walk with their men I feel like it's a slave walking with her master who used all holes in her body as a toilet. All the clothes that women wear to feel sexy look degrading. Maybe I wouldn't mind if I was a mind and NY phobia actually comes from not wanting to be a woman but having to be it. I can't stop feeling like this, o don't understand how something like a female body exists, images of it or average sex looks like images from hell. I think I'm a freak, some abomination or idk is wrong with my brain. I don't know why I even exist. I don't know why life could do something like this(female body) to me and I'm not interested in being converted to like it. Liking womanhood is associated with sexual submission. All I can do is isolate and spend the life in my head. And avoid mirrors.

No. 1762093>>1762104

Glad you reported him even if it didn't do anything. I'm glad he cried but it pisses me off it was probably crocodile tears over his "tragic backstory" he had to whip out to blame his actions on and not for the wife and baby child he tried to betray!

No. 1762094>>1762154

God fucking damn it, that happened to me too ~10 years ago. It’s such a shitty feeling, was it customer service? I’m so sorry nona.

No. 1762101

Get help. I'm viscerally not attracted to women either, just means I'm straight. You don't have to fetishize your own look and treat yourself like a point of observation, be the invisible consciousness in your head and react to everyone else.

No. 1762104>>1762125

Dude right after he confessed that to me he took a week long emergency leave and came back telling another coworker he was prescribed a new psych med while I was in earshot so I'm sure he took a "I was having a mental breakdown" approach to garner sympathy. I'm trying to take solace that at least now he knows I'm not a person to fuck with. Plus I've told a few trusted coworkers so now they know he's a degenerate piece of shit

No. 1762107>>1762149

File (hide): 1699546975455.jpeg (29.52 KB, 199x344, FC330307-42F3-4C96-B448-EB1CBD…)

Glad I never had that self hatred incel brain rot kek Most men IRL are ugly so I don’t know why some anons insist on romanticizing them when the reality is that they’re not that cute. Also men and women only look like pigs when they’re death fats which is unfortunately a large population these days.

No. 1762115>>1762128>>1762169

this post sounds fat as hell ngl
Please seek therapy, i'm for real, this sounds like either OCD or anorexia

No. 1762122

the average blackpiller kek

No. 1762125

Sounds like he knew how bad he fucked up and took a leave to seek 'therapy' so he could make it look like he addressed the issue and not be fired for harassment. Probably fulfilled some bullshit EAP-type program loophole so he wouldn't get canned.

The true loser here is the new mom and baby. All this taught the guy was to have better opsec and to not solicit his extramarital affairs at work.

No. 1762128

all i will say is, better for people to think i'm fat online than to come across as an ana-chan sperg!

No. 1762131

Troony Toons here trying to make other women feel bad because she's a pig who won't work on her own mental health. How could you possibly criticize women for doing normie shit like fucking when you would rip your own skin off for the chance to have a Hank Hill ass and a mediocre cock? Begone!

No. 1762132

they are all in the unconventional male attractions thread posting about Ezra miller

No. 1762134>>1762149

File (hide): 1699548345522.png (64.83 KB, 500x374, NPDnXBvoTOXuRF2M5XvgFv9Uj3wm_7…)

>the superior non-female physique according to anon

No. 1762147

File (hide): 1699548722662.jpg (59.98 KB, 954x1390, bearded-fat-man-in-a-black-shi…)

Have you ever actually seen other humans? The majority of men are fat and balding which is way more piglike than the average woman who actually takes care of herself.

No. 1762149

agree, I see beautiful women every day but cute moids once a month at most
dominant bottom

No. 1762154

<3 thank you

it was tech, so i guess heartless was kind of expected. thank you for commiserating <3

No. 1762169>>1762175>>1762190>>1762205>>1762257>>1762268

What’s wrong with being fat?

No. 1762175

No. 1762190>>1762210>>1762228

It's kinda pathetic how fat people get all winded at the slightest bit of physical activity. They can be a drag to hang out with because they love complaining about their fatness. Like ma'am that's a self-imposed problem. Plus they usually get so red and sweaty and gross. Hearing people loudly eat freaks me out and fat people are constantly grazing on something, it's the worst when it's on public transport or in uni classes where I can't escape it.

No. 1762205

i don't know, maybe the several health issues and reduced quality of life? just a guess

No. 1762210>>1762228

Yeah and traveling with them is awful because they can't walk straight for more than 2min without needing a break and then they blame you for it even though you asked beforehand if they felt ready to walk in a city or a museum. They complain that they can't go shopping with you because theh can't find their size easily. They act weird in bars, cafes and restaurants. They try to make everyone insecure over their own bodies to cope. They get physical health issues young but you can't tell them to be careful before that happens because what if they get mad at you for worrying?

No. 1762228>>1762233>>1762250>>1762254>>1762275>>1762286>>1762328

What kind of fat people are you interacting with? I have fat friends and some family members and i find they act normal (except for one who has been swearing up and down she’s anorexic since i’ve known her) then again i’m talking eurofats, not morbidly obese.

No. 1762233>>1762275>>1762286

Yeah I have friends who are noticeably overweight but they can still do shit kek.

No. 1762246

This moid I used to be friends with keeps calling me, I hate it. It was all fine until I got a boyfriend and he started indirectly saying how much better he treats women and how much better he would treat his girlfriend (he'd be talking about a colleague and her boyfriend) and start talking about sex out of nowhere even though he's a virgin. I'm just so annoyed, leave me alone. If you acted normal I'd call you back but chance after chance you still act this retarded.

No. 1762250>>1762296

probably cultural difference then, eurofat is considered average in the US kek

No. 1762253>>1762260

I think my bf is using me as a placeholder gf. He puts in the bare minimum effort and sometimes even ignores my texts. But he will lovebomb me at random, bring me to meet his dad, etc. Maybe he has bipolar. Either way I think I need to be strong and cut him loose. I have a lot of things to worry about lately and he is just adding stress to my life being so wishy washy

No. 1762254

idk i'm euroskinny and hanging out with eurofats is also sometimes annoying because they get tired so easily

No. 1762255>>1762264

>three weeks back or so ask to reschedule a dermatologist appointment
>they don't have any sooner appointments so I say I'll keep my appointment
>get a call from dermatologist's office today
>"I just got your message that you want to reschedule so I canceled your appointment, call us back!"
What the fuck. I hate the front desk receptionist at that office so much. They are absolutely miserable and rude, and I have no desire to call them back. That must be rude of me to do, but I am fed up with most doctors that I genuinely do not care at this point as I can move to a different dermatologist as needed.

No. 1762256>>1762259>>1762261>>1762266>>1762270

Why be so obsessed over weight? Rattle rattle go fuck off to pro ana blogs you weirdos

No. 1762257

The cost of fat people on the economy via lost productivity, subsidized fatness via higher insurance costs on everyone and the healthcare burden on the system for diseases that should not exist in many people's bodies. The purchase and therefore propagation of cancerous slop foods. Influencing restaurants garbage level quality, serving the maximum portion size for inhaling food instead of good cooking. And above all, having to look at their malformed bodies and smell then and pretend it's not gross

No. 1762259>>1762265

ok fat ass

No. 1762260

Have you talked about it? If he denies it/doesn't try to be better and he's having a bad effect on you there's no reason to stay. Good luck nonna, breaking up is hard but you'll be better for it.

No. 1762261>>1762267

it's the vent thread so I'm venting about how much it sucks to hang out with fat people

No. 1762264

Just don't go back there and leave a composed review why. People don't have time to plan off work for appointments they can't keep straight

No. 1762265>>1762270>>1762274>>1762277

Nta, being fat isn’t great but being so skinny your ass looks like the end of a plucked chicken carcass isn’t good either. Anachans look disgusting and geriatric when they go too far.

No. 1762266

Put down the fork kek

No. 1762267

kek I'm not any of the previous posters on this issue but I was gonna say what you did. People want to vent. That's it.

No. 1762268

Nothing but I’ve had fat friends and they complain about 10 minute walks like it’s a fucking boot camp it’s crazy.

No. 1762270>>1762284>>1762296

>assuming anyone who isn't obese is anachan
classic fatty behavior(bait)

No. 1762274>>1762284

No one's talking about anachans. They can't walk around the city without getting winded either. This whataboutism is a reactive logical fallacy and I can tell it's striking a nerve, but society coddled fat people and we of optimal weight are going to complain here

No. 1762275>>1762286>>1762301

Same I don't get it. My best friend is bigger and she gets around fine, I dont hear her eat or anything like this. Are they talking about morbidly obese people?
A lot of the people I've talked to irl that seem to really hate fat people have some insecurity over their looks, I think that plays a part

No. 1762277>>1762284

you know that you can be skinny without being ana. you are the exact type of insecure fat woman other anon talks about earlier kek you are some of the most bitter and miserable people ever

No. 1762284>>1762289>>1762291>>1762307

I’m actually fit and athletic, I just think skinny and bony people look awful.

No. 1762285>>1762311

File (hide): 1699552273397.jpg (108.42 KB, 1080x711, Peggy_Williams_ujks4u.jpg)

>oh look, the troon talk about women being pigs was actually just bait to bitch about fatties

I can't wait to read another 50 post infight about this beaten horse dead topic /s

No. 1762286

how many steps you guys walk a day on average

No. 1762289>>1762299

how are you fit and athletic

No. 1762291>>1762299

File (hide): 1699552396385.jpg (34.43 KB, 500x499, 1664662810055.jpg)

>I’m actually fit and athletic
how convenient

No. 1762296

It's all about how much physical activity you do. A fat person who walks in a walkable city and walks a lot are going to be my physically fit than the standard US person who sits and drives everywhere. A lot of death fats in particular also evade being bound to their beds if they work jobs that force them to be on their feet all day.
Likewise assuming everyone who isn't an anachan is suddenly a fatty. Anachans are objectively more irritating than fattychans on this site.

No. 1762299>>1762305>>1762307

You bitches don’t have anything going for you apart from being fucking bonebags so you always lash out when people tell you they don’t care for it kek.

No. 1762301

My 600lb Life was a mistake because now every internet goblin is a doctor conflating moderately overweight women with wheezing bedridden planets who guzzle liters of soda and cannot stand for more than an hour.

No. 1762305

you are the only one lashing out here

No. 1762307

You know that there are people that are skinny and bony naturally, right? i trynna eat its not my fault it gets consumed so fast
you seem to care a lot

No. 1762311>>1762318>>1762319

sorry anon I'm not that insane Marilyn Manson pig woman troon from earlier I just didn't realize venting about bad experiences with fat people would be so controversial. I like hiking and the one time I went with some fat friends (who were so excited because they ~love nature~) we got like half a mile in and they were exhausted and wanted to turn around and it kinda ruined my day tbh. I drifted away from those friends anyways because they never wanted to do anything but stay inside and order food. There's plenty of lazy sedentary skinny people too though so it's more a lifestyle difference than anything. If (you) reading this are obese I do not give a fuck and I am not talking about you

No. 1762312

for someone fit and athletic i imagine she would understand why it could be annoying to go travelling with someone who can't walk at least 30 minutes without complaining i don't care if fatasses are fat i just think sometimes hanging out with them is annoying because they can't keep up with me and we can do less stuff together because they get tired easily

No. 1762318

>I just didn't realize venting about bad experiences with fat people would be so controversial
rookie mistake, don't mention nothing relating to weight/fatties at all on here, it will cause a shitstorm

No. 1762319

I don't think them being winded has to do with their obesity, but overall their inexperience and lack of fitness with hiking. I say that because obviously there are overweight people who participate in these activities no problem.

My normal weight friends can't all do physical activity like that either. Chances are if they romanticized hiking like taking it easy out in the woods, then they are gonna have a bad time. I've seen it happen.
Anyway, just reads as confirmation bias. Don't you have hiking buddies to ask if it's something you do often?

No. 1762328

I was also talking about the ones I know in my European country.

No. 1762341>>1762354

I want to scream.

No. 1762354

I feel you

No. 1762357

File (hide): 1699554415690.jpg (444.75 KB, 3000x1680, blackcatzoningout_meme.jpg)

>plebbit thread depicting meme of women choosing between motherhood or corpo career, you know the drill
>cue faggy redditor top comment about wanting a sugar momma
>respond pointing out how sugaring men often doesn't work even if a woman is advantaged enough to have an income that provides because men neither keep up their looks nor commit to domestic duties or child rearing the majority of the time
>"W-w-well not me! I do all that stuff AND I still have to work! So takeover when?"

Male plebbitors are such sanctimonious, lying children.

No. 1762366>>1762393

I'm really really sad that my dad decided to move overseas and start a new family while we're all struggling

Why do I still love and miss him? It's not like he's ever made an effort. He barely ever calls or texts. I think he wants me to visit only so he can pretend he was a good dad so his new wife doesn't leave… But the naive retard part of me keeps making excuses for him and "uwu actually he loves me he's just bad at showing it!!!!" (lol)
He's gotten choked up in front of me twice and both times it's been about a big life event of mine, I hate that those few instances make me cling on to hope still

No. 1762369

File (hide): 1699554625813.png (33.29 KB, 1820x131, c0.png)

This is the same person who posted >>>/ot/1759273
in case anyone didn't realize. This is a mental issue at work.

No. 1762385>>1762387>>1762407

I'm getting an abortion tomorrow at 14 weeks and I'm so scared its going to hurt or I'll see something I don't want to see. They don't do full sedation only local anesthetic. FUUUUCKKKKK.

No. 1762387>>1762396

Good luck nonna, I'm very sorry you have to go through this. It's going to be ok I promise you

No. 1762393>>1762457

You need to punish him for what he did and when you have any more big life events, don't invite him. If he reaches out all you have to say is that you guys are struggling, don't let him escape the issues of the broken family he left.

A poor father is like a bad ex: he reaches out to soothe his ego not because he cares.

No. 1762396

I'm going to have to keep myself from screaming "its already DEAD" to any protestors getting up in my face. This was a wanted baby but unfortunately it would not be compatible with life and a lot of abnormalities were detected. I don't want to hear the doctor narrate whats happening, I don't want to hear the fetus come out, I don't want to see or smell or hear anything related to this they need to start offering twilight sedation at this stupid clinic.

No. 1762401

Gay men have like 1000 sexual partners a year. This means they are a DNA encyclopedia. A DNA mass grave

No. 1762407>>1762422

It'll be okay anon.

I had a very traumatic and painful abortion at 24 weeks a decade ago, and it was a two-day procedure with overnight mini labor and to this day, and for what all it's worth, I still would have chosen it again.
I do believe the nurses at the time made it as unorthodox and as painful as possible to "teach me a lesson."
But, today abortions are much more professional and normalized. If you need more pain management you are within rights to demand more.

No. 1762416

Happy birthday nonnarina, we’re glad you’re around

No. 1762420>>1762427>>1762435

Some really nice beautiful repair lady just came in to repair my fridge and she’s so sweet it makes me feel bad she’s doing this. Some scrote should be doing this type of handywork while she gets some tea

No. 1762422>>1762493

>>I do believe the nurses at the time made it as unorthodox and as painful as possible to "teach me a lesson."

What in the medieval torture device era fuck is that kind of behavior from other women? Pregnancy can take a while to detect for some people and genetic testing to rule out abnormalities can take up to 20 weeks or more. It isn't your fault even if its unwanted that's still barbaric. I really hope the nurses and doctors at my clinic are hardcore feminists.

No. 1762427

Nah let her get those tradie wages.. theyre better than secretary wages

No. 1762435

I like it when women work male dominated jobs.

No. 1762457>>1762462

I should, but I'm weak and keep accepting breadcrumbs. He doesn't seem capable of reflecting over his own actions or being accountable, but I'm somewhat inclined to write a final fuck-off message or something and then just stop talking to him
I'm really a sucker and keep giving him chances and I have to stop

No. 1762462

He's given a lot of empty promises and has said stuff like he wants to go to therapy with me but it's like he instantly forgets it

No. 1762469

>No 3dpd moid
get some androgynous asian kpop twink to do it they exist in spades

No. 1762482>>1762491

i hate that i've never gotten to live my life. i'm 25 next year and i'm still stuck at home for the foreseeable future. will i really just have to grind slave jobs for slave wages until i'm 30 and someone takes pity on me and decides to hire me for real? like i've just realized that after i get these 2-3 years of experience all the starter jobs in my major want i'll be pushing thirty. yeah that's not old at all, but i want a chance to enjoy my youth, please? life is such garbage

No. 1762491>>1762621

oh and i told my mom this (paraphrased) and she's like "you're alive right now! you're not living dead!" as if living in a house with a fucking curfew when i'm this old isn't similar to death. i can't do anything, i have no money (i must devote all my $$$ to keeping the internet on), i can't go anywhere, i haven't had a full, real conversation with someone who wasn't on an anonymous ib in like…seven years. even before that i've never had any friends! why is my life like this. i'm just tired and miserable. when she was my age she was partying with her friends and traveling the country. why doesn't she understand

No. 1762493

I think we all take for granted that everyone is professional and leaves their personal beliefs at the door when they put on a work uniform, but unfortunately, it's just not always the case.

Reminds me of the debacle about Walgreen's pharmacists denying women the sale of Plan B pills citing "religious beliefs" even though emergency contraceptives are not abortions…these people should have had the medical and pharmaceutical training to have known better but they did not care.

No. 1762531

I know that sometimes responses are funny but I do feel bad for people who have any kind of pornography fascination or obsession. It’s unnatural.

No. 1762606

i have only 2 friends left, one moved across the country so we barely talk and the other most definitely uses me for housework help.
so it fucking hurts when someone i considered a friend before randomly deletes me off socials (which i havent posted on for years- only use them for staying in touch with friends/family, so i know they had to go out of their way to search my name and delete me) or ignores my attempts at reaching out yet continues to post. i just dont understand, if i had posted something that could be taken as offensive or if i did something wrong i could at least understand. and it especially hurts when they do all that to me, after being inseparable for years and growing up together, but continue to interact with people that I KNOW they were never friends with.
when i see the "we were girls together" meme i want to cry

No. 1762617>>1763114

lowkey tired of these protests. ive been late twice because of them.

No. 1762621

>when she was my age she was partying with her friends and traveling the country. why doesn't she understand
if she understood, she'd have to feel bad about limiting you. probably all that partying makes her strict after seeing what it's like.

No. 1762644

I don’t want to get out of bed I just want to go back to sleep please someone invent a time machine only women can use so I can go back in time and keep technology out of the hands of men entirely.

No. 1762670

File (hide): 1699560504377.png (2.05 MB, 1758x2496, 1683508365371107.png)

I don't know why men think is not wanting to deal with their male chauvinism is funny. We're not their property, tradwife, or bangmaid.

No. 1762674>>1762710

File (hide): 1699560604408.jpg (115.58 KB, 1019x668, EwEp5PfXEAEPiYY.jpg)

My childhood friend lost her job and made a post asking about Christmas charities for her kids.
I felt bad so I asked her to message me with her address and then I asked for her kid's wishlists. It's just that I know charities tend to be very generic with gifts and I know kids appreciate it when they receive stuff tailored for their interests.
The boy wants My Hero Academia (Denki) or just Demon Slayer stuff.
The little girl really loves Barbie and T Swift.

My friend made a polite comment making sure it wasn't too much since I just went through major shit myself.
I played it off and pretended I wouldn't have offered if I couldn't have but she's right.
I'm such a dumbass. Why do I do this to myself? Fucking idiot.

No. 1762688

I can't enjoy shit, I only think about him, what a retard

No. 1762710>>1762713

Ew you’re going to buy that manbaby redditor edgelord in progress gifts instead of taking care of yourself?

No. 1762713

He's 13, anon.

No. 1762772

>move back home with mom after breakup
>embarassing at my age
>she treats the place like a prison
>literal prison food that I am trying to improve
>want to buy us nicer quality groceries, cook better meals, etc
>she's picky like a right boomer geriatric
>try to redirect her weird bizarre food myths and rituals
>"I'm low carb and I want you to buy this keto bread."
>meanwhile she makes herself rice, asks me to buy her potatoes at the store, and snacks nightly on chips and dip
>yet I gotta buy this nasty keto bread for a premium because she says it's the "baby steps" that help
>cites "asians" to justify her rice and carb habits even after I explain how their portions and ratios are different
>refuses whole grain bread or anything with an actual flavor profile that wouldn't be entirely terrible for weight management
>suggest she use lettuce wraps or cheese wraps in place of bread
>pulled a face at my suggestion
>still believes 90s bunk food science like fat makes you fat
>she has fat-free everything that tastes like shit and is loaded with sugar
>goes on tirades about how other cultural diets are healthier
>brings up my grandpa and great grandpa's Mediterranean diet of seafood dishes, my favorite
>she hates most seafood
>hates spices, prefers "bland" food and patronizes my cooking if I dare use anything beyond black pepper, basic herbs, or paprika.

No wonder I was an obese teen, I really didn't have a chance.
She fights me the whole fucking way on everything.

No. 1762848

my nose inside feels like its on fire and there's a piece of acid stuck in my throat since im sick. this is bullshit. all i wanted to do was sleep but it feels impossible.

No. 1762941

Why do you hang out with these people?

No. 1762947>>1763109

i was thrilled to see that there's a "women only" gym a 20 minute walk from my house until i realised it was full of retarded gendie stuff in their faqs. somehow it has both TWAW and "yes, you can remove your headscarves here!" in the same web page

No. 1762948>>1762953

File (hide): 1699566680043.jpeg (333.3 KB, 1200x1800, IMG_7189.jpeg)

No. 1762952>>1762955>>1763229

File (hide): 1699566879604.png (20.59 KB, 569x571, 8720240D-A2A5-417D-B68A-3FAF52…)

i’m pissed and sad and vulnerable right now and it’s beyond my moid’s pay grade to give more than the bare minimum i guess.

i found out one of my two cats has roundworm today when they vomited up a writhing mass of the things, cue panic attack and a trip to tractor supply co in the meantime while i get a vet appointment scheduled. i spent the afternoon crying and researching how to help them while he complained of a headache (expecting me to take care of him all day!!!) and told me, quite seriously, that he thinks i have OCD because i worry too much about them. like my cats aren’t the only good and pure and un-backstabbing thing in my life. grrrrrrrrrrr

No. 1762953>>1762956

Why do restaurants always combine wings with celery and carrots if I order wings I want MEAT AND FAT not a side of cold wet vegetables, I could have that any other day of the week

No. 1762955

I thought pay grade said gay pride kek

No. 1762956

I have no idea I want a massive bowl full of wings

No. 1762959>>1762994

I hate PMS so much. I feel like a bloated pimply emotional bitch. I hate that the only answer modern medicine has for us is "Idk have you tried synthetic hormones??"

No. 1762994

magnesium supplements are supposed to help with PMS symptoms

No. 1763013

File (hide): 1699569189654.jpeg (38.39 KB, 252x340, IMG_3808.jpeg)

i always get really nervous and sick having to interact with any male that isnt my boyfriend or online (because i have control over it). i have bad cptsd from my father and bad male experiences so i assume this is why but i do feel bad because i want to think maybe a small percentage of men are good, and i shouldnt assume poorly. my boyfriend feels so special to me and the worst he has done is yell at me once when his blood sugar was low and sat and hugged and apologized to me. im so lucky to have him.

but it is hard because my male coworker is so kind but he is older and has a less innocent face soi just get worried he is a bad sick man. but that may not even be true?! and today a man yelled at me for not pulling up at the gas station (despite multiple pumps being open…)

i just dont want them to flirt or yell or even talk to me. maybe if it is an old man who is sweet but my mind just thinks most men dont deserve my kindness because they probably raped someone or hit a woman or think about fucking kids. and yet im still nice to all of them because im scared theyll lash out. i wish men came with a tag that said naughty or nice.

No. 1763076>>1763136

I think a lot of people overestimate how much people care about their boy/girlfriends. I do not give a single fuck about your Nigel or whatever. I especially dislike it when friends bring them up all the time, why do you assume that I care? I'm here to talk about you, not some rando that I barely even know.
>Noooo stop being bitter, let people talk about the things that make them happy!!!
I don't mean people should never talk about their SO's ever, but at least stop inserting them in conversations they aren't the focus of? I was talking to a friend about a certain country and after a while they suddenly switched topics to how they totally want to go there with their girlfriend one day, and how said girlfriend went there with her sister once, and all this talking about this person that I barely even know the name of. Yes I know that I'm definitely coming off as a stuck up bitch but I do not care, I am tired of entertaining them while they talk about this person like I'm supposed to care even though I've never even seen or met them once in my life. Is it irrational? Yes. Am I the one being overly bitter over nothing? Also probably yes. But I do not care. Please make it stop

No. 1763077

File (hide): 1699570507002.jpg (60.52 KB, 768x960, 1689515868162.jpg)

i hate this shit. I can't get a boyfriend for the life of me, no one's interested in me, yet every random scrote got a beautiful gf, what the fuck. I feel so lonely

No. 1763095>>1763100

I don’t understand how girls go to nail salons when it’s cheaper to buy a $25 poly gel starter kit that comes with all of the supplies

No. 1763100

Doing your own nail extensions can be quite difficult, and a lot of the time those polygel kits don't actually come with everything you need if you want long lasting and nice looking nails. I do my own and sometimes I wish I just went to a salon, but I appreciate the control I have over my work and the process.

No. 1763109

Even more reason to avoid it, beside modern hijab is lighter and I can shower at home

No. 1763114

I hate it too and I have to quiet because I got bitch slapped for feeling bad about the raped women. Never talking around leftists again

No. 1763136

>I think a lot of people overestimate how much people care about their boy/girlfriends
True. My one friend got her first boyfriend, and she would gush so much about him. I'd be kind and supportive since she's happy with him, but I don't care about the guy. On the rare occasion I'd bring up my boyfriend, she'd say a short response/sentence and move on to the next topic lol. Some people just want to show off and tell the whole world.

No. 1763144

I wish men were nurturing and sweet instead of emotionally vacant and useless during stressful times.

No. 1763145

I feel really sad about not being allowed to work.

No. 1763159

I am so, so romantically lonely and touch starved, I want to fall in love with someone so bad. I used to think I'd never be this affected by loneliness and was prepared to be a permarelationshipvirgin for life. I don't know what happened, but at 25 a switch flipped inside me and now it hurts so much every day I can barely function.
Here's the part that makes it both impossible and nonsensical though– I am not sexually attracted to anybody, and I don't find anyone attractive. So i'm fatally lonely but can't do anything about it. And on top of this crushing loneliness, I am also dealing with the reality that I am somehow broken and abnormal inside in a way that no one else can relate to or understand. I am so miserable I don't know how much longer I can go on.

No. 1763160>>1763208>>1763251>>1763255>>1763668

I’m going to kill myself tonight. I hate being both a lesbian and a woman in this world, I hate how no one cares about me, I hate being an academic failure to my parents and I hate living in a world that I don’t belong in. I barely talk to anyone, I have severe anxiety and I’ve been suffering with an eating disorder which affects every day of my life. I don’t even care how painful paracetamol overdoses are I just don’t want to be here anymore.

No. 1763185

There’s so much bread stuck in my teeth

No. 1763208

File (hide): 1699575748582.jpg (40.1 KB, 640x493, 1510683384269.jpg)

Think I'm in a similar place, but not lesbian. Try running a bath first, listen to something chill. Later try talking on a suicide hotline. If the weather isn't shit, go for a walk. That's what I plan on doing tonight.


No. 1763229

Screw your moid, love your cats. They're precious to you.

No. 1763251>>1763305

Please don't anon. I don't mean to blog post but I'm going through an extremely painful abortion tomorrow and I'd rather be unalive than have to sit there and have metal rods shoved inside of me and hear everything. If I can go through something like that and still want to be alive…somehow..so can you. If your parents wont accept you just play straight until you can get the f out of there. Rooting for you anon please don't do anything drastic.

No. 1763252>>1763297

File (hide): 1699578125480.jpeg (378.03 KB, 1500x840, FnKLLwwaMAEXzbA.jpeg)

I haven't vented here in a while but I feel like I have no where else to scream into the void.

I find it so hard to make genuine online friends. People will be nice to you on the surface and engage when you reply to them but will never seek you out or care about your thoughts on x or y unless you're a big account. I'm trying to not let it bother me, I should just focus on what makes me happy and whoever is interested will reach out, but I'm just kinda tired of enjoying my hobbies alone when gushing about stuff with someone else is such a great feeling.

I try to talk about things here too on /m/ but that board is really slow and its much harder to generate discussion. I can go on 4ch for certain stuff like manga but that moidfest shithole has so much casual misogyny it just isn't worth it when I'm talking to someone who thinks I'm a moid too.

I need to stop overthinking. I need to just do what I want to do and not care about others. But fuck, I just want someone to enjoy things with. I get so jealous seeing other people scream with their friends and act like I don't exist. Ugh I just need to stop caring, stop giving a shit, this is terminal online brain speaking.

No. 1763255>>1763298

I deleted my past two responses to take my email down, but if you saw them and want to reach out later, please send me an email, I would really be relieved to hear from you.

No. 1763256

post email please

No. 1763286

Hate when I waste like 3 hours online and nothing’s updated or happening

No. 1763297>>1763327

I feel you. I used to have a great online community back in the day when internet was a lot less focused on content and more about enjoying stuff together. I know we're all older now and have grown apart, but it's still crazy to think that I used to have daily conversations with these people, some of us even met irl and had so much to talk about and collaborate on, I never cared about internet fame or followers, I just loved hanging out and creating with these people. It's impossible to find that now. People just don't seem to enjoy talking or connecting. It sucks.

No. 1763298

I didn't see your email but I really hope you come back here in a day or two and let us know how you're going, I know I'll come back and check.

No. 1763299

I think I might snap at my obviously BPD friend. She admitted she's BPD. I usually hate dropping shit like BPD cause I don't believe in labels, and it's usually due to trauma or whatever.
However she is so selfish. 4 kids under 28, with a guy who is a deadbeat weed. None of them have money, and their kid has not been in the same school for more than 1 year. They keep moving, not because of shit like no money or rats or whatever, but because of these weird BPD dreams.
She took her kids out of school to move to Mexico, and they missed out a huge chunk when they had to fly back home in emergency because her husband lost his government bucks, otherwise they would have stayed longer. Now she wants to do 6 months in Canada and 6 months across the world, with her fucking kids. You are not allowed to be this fucking selfish when you have kids. You don't even have the money to sustain yourself normally. Other travel parents have rich husband or WFM homes and they don't usually leave for so fucking long.

No. 1763303

File (hide): 1699580765739.png (2.14 MB, 2048x1468, 1687913968789.png)

I fell for my ex's lovebombing.
It hurts so much to admit but I just wanted so badly to believe his love and his talk about the future were real. I met his family and his brother. Even though I knew deep down something was off, he didn't act right, and the body language was hollow. Noticed he stopped doing things for me as he slowly withdrew and painted me bad in his mind. He got more short, gave me less grace during misunderstandings, and started accusing me of ill intentions.
I didn't even post pics of us on socials or say I was in a relationship…because I knew.
It's my fault. I've been played before. I am experienced enough to have known better, I just didn't listen to myself cause, what, I wanted the hope??? Stupid.

He discarded me in borderline fashion out of nowhere and brought his ex back in who he had cursed so badly before as my replacement.
According to my period tracker, my period is late. I took pricey prenatal vitamins while we were together…he said he wanted a baby with me. I ate healthier. I exercised. I organized his place. Didn't get knocked up then, but maybe it was the universe's way of there being a reason if this was coming regardless.
If my period doesn't come then abortion is on the table for me, again. Of course it's the right thing to do but it is very sad that once again, the plans I wanted were teased and then yanked away from me.
I hate it.
Men will never know the gravity of pain they inflict.

No. 1763305

Jesus christ. I’m sending you warmth anon. I hope your recovery is smooth and you feel comfortable.

No. 1763317

File (hide): 1699581695593.jpg (36.91 KB, 564x564, 023b9158ebf6da37651fe47e8a73f1…)

I've been coming to the realization that I probably have to break up with my girlfriend soon. She's perfect, sweet, and cares about me a lot. We're long-distance, though, and I'm not sure how much I can take anymore. Nothing has happened in the few years we've been together (which, we're poor students so I get it but also…), and I've completely tapped out.

No. 1763327

I feel you so hard. I actually deleted a part of my post that was reminiscing on old fandoms since I never used to have this issue in the past. Its so sad how it feels like nerd spaces now no longer feel like a bunch of people who just want to scream about something they love with friends

No. 1763353>>1763364

I can’t put down my fucking phone I’ve been glued to it for 2 months obsessively checking shit like a schizo because of a moid scare. I even dream about it all. Fucking up my life when I can’t focus on my job or friends and family. Only good thing to come out of it is at least threads here are entertaining.

No. 1763364

Same I’ve had my face in my phone for 12 years

No. 1763406>>1763429

File (hide): 1699583905642.jpg (370.68 KB, 1059x1105, 1692539512051.jpg)

>my dumbass narcissist mother slut shaming me and blaming me for my rape as if she doesn't constantly trauma dump about her third nasty divorce from my serial cheating, financially abusive stepfather

Take several seats, mother.
Evidently men can fuck you after 20 days or 20 years.
I could argue you're more retarded for staying married to a moid who threw you under the bus so many times before you even knew about the cheating. Zero fucking empathy for her own daughter! She claims she "doesn't know the reasons why" I want no contact with her for five years even though this shit RIGHT HERE was one of the things I cited.
Selective memory.
Too bad I wasn't born a male so she could have truly loved me, supported me, and have true empathy.
Horrific woman.

No. 1763417>>1763493

File (hide): 1699584090088.png (947.08 KB, 650x914, 1645361080801.png)

when it comes to looks, i've always wished i was a very tall, skinny, androgynous woman (or man). i think people like that are just so beautiful.

No. 1763429

yeah, i notice women who sperg about how "you should've just picked a better man!" are typically the ones being the biggest doormats for every shitty moid

No. 1763456

I hate how I can never be happy. I finally get employed and work isn't too bad but I'm still dissociating and struggling to not be anxious. I can barely handle change. I feel every fiber of my being wanting to self-sabotage anything good in my life and fall back into a depression spiral.
I'm trying so hard to do better in life and it never feels like enough. I get what I want and I'm still sitting here feeling so apprehensive about it all. Like when do I start living and enjoying myself like a normal person?

No. 1763469

I wish I wasn’t so autistic and anti-social. I’m visiting my friend out of state right now and she continuously wants to go out and get food with her other friends, have friends at her place ect, expecting me to want to join and be social with everyone. But I do so horrible in bigger groups. So tonight they all went out and I said I’m gonna stay back and do some work on my laptop. But I just feel so anti-social and fucking autistic and incapable of being normal. (I don’t think she’s being rude btw because she asked me if it’s okay she goes and does this stuff and I say yes it’s completely fine because I don’t want to keep her from having fun just because I’m autisticly anti-social).

No. 1763492>>1763503>>1763994

File (hide): 1699586217462.jpg (66.99 KB, 736x729, pigeon.jpg)

I absolutely cannot hold a conversation and it plagues me everyday, but it especially feels bad when I see people making fun of those who can't hold a conversation or say that people that have no friends are a "red flag". I just don't have anything to say and I'm painfully boring. As silly as it sounds, I get jealous when I see people irl and characters on TV conversating easily. People say being ugly is the worst but a lack of social skills is the true curse. It's a true hinderance in my life. It's not my fault I've been in isolation and wasn't allowed opportunities to develop social skills for a majority of my life!

No. 1763493>>1763506

Same. I love tall skinny androgynous women so much my brain explodes. It's too bad they're so rare… and so popular with the ladies (I do not have a chance)

No. 1763503>>1763687

Completely relate. I always get people saying I had “weird vibes” and things. No I’m not an evil person I’m just bad at socializing.

No. 1763506

samefagging, in my next life I want to be born attractive or charismatic enough to date a woman like that. What is the point in living if no tall skinny androgynous gf? I jest… but do I?

No. 1763532

I hate how even though I’m almost 30, I’m still so scared of my parents disapproving any decision I make. I’m at a point in my relationship where I’m ready to move out of parents house and move in with him, we have the finances ready and our relationship has been nothing but happy and stable but I know my parents are not 100% approving of the idea. It’s making me so hesitant to take the leap even though I want it so badly. I feel pathetic.

No. 1763562>>1763566>>1763574

I just wanna draw but it's so hard cause my pregnant belly is too big. There's no comfortable position to sit in

No. 1763566

yet more reasons to never get pregnant

No. 1763568>>1763579>>1763589>>1763590>>1763638>>1763831

women on here wishing they were lesbians confuse the hell out of me. I get it, men suck, but do you really want to be this lonely?

No. 1763574

maybe you can get some drawing apps on your phone for now? have a healthy and safe pregnancy nona

No. 1763579>>1763585>>1763675

straight women are always lonely in their hearts because men are incapable of the type of actual love women are capable of. They get the physical side taken care of, but the emotional side will always be neglected and shallow. I think this is what makes women say they wish they were lesbians.

No. 1763585

samefag, I said this and then saw the post string you were responding to, and yup, this is the exact reason. Just look at this one kek, >>>/ot/1763577 every time.

No. 1763589

The logic is is that as a straight women who sees men for what they are will always be lonely when a lesbian at least has a chance at finding an equal, loving partner no matter how small the dating market.

No. 1763590

I wish I could date myself.
God tier partner.

No. 1763638>>1763667>>1763990

File (hide): 1699592181019.gif (1.08 MB, 400x225, IMG_4422.GIF)

Lonely doesn't factor into it for me, I'm GNC and often read as lesbian anyway despite being woefully and chemically heterosexual.
All the women in my life tell me I'm so attractive and even today I got told "if I was a man, I'd totally be into you!" Like no you wouldn't Becky! You're picking up on my "mAsCuLiNe EnErGy" and it's why you think I'm attractive, actual men don't think like that, they're attracted to performative femininity and run for the hills when they catch a whiff of my straightforward personality.
So yeah I wish I was fucking lesbian really badly. Not only are women better partners and capable of actual emotion and giving equally to a relationship, you can share clothes and chores, get cats together without worrying if your neanderthal moid is secretly abusing them… not only all of this, but it's literally life on impossible difficulty to be GNC and straight. I even got read as lesbian when I had my hair really long.
The only men who are ever interested in me are too fucking weak to send back the wrong meal in a restaurant, wanting to be pegged types. Or else, worse, narcissistic closet cases. So yeah, lonely is happening regardless, society just really wants GNC women to be lesbian.

No. 1763639

I can't stand feeling worthless and being alone anymore

No. 1763667>>1763670>>1765224

I don't doubt your experience at all. but in mine, every gnc woman i meet has a husband/bf she calls her partner, and about half the time she's a theythem. From what I see it seems incredibly easy for GNC women to find boyfriends.

No. 1763668>>1763836

Me again, I’m still here and took 14 paracetamol which isn’t enough to kill me I think but it still isn’t good lol. I was so anxious but my friend rang the emergency services for me. Currently waiting for my blood and paracetamol levels to be tested and I’m waiting to be referred to a psychiatrist. Thank you anons for replying to me I appreciate it a lot.

No. 1763670>>1763878

nta but she never said it was hard, just that the quality was low. Considering those women are thembies i am 99% sure their boyfriends are coomer redditors into some weird sissy kink

No. 1763675>>1763683>>1763686>>1763699

My husband is my best friend, I dont think thats the case for all women. I do feel like I got the outlier though

No. 1763683

it's not the case for all women, but I do think plenty have managed to find a man they're very happy with. see nigel brag thread.

No. 1763686>>1763767

I mean, you've only got the rest of your lives for him to possibly fuck that up.
Hoping for the best outcome, truly.

No. 1763687>>1763701>>1763841

>No I’m not an evil person I’m just bad at socializing
Oh my gosh, the worst is when people think you're rude or stuck up because you don't talk much. Trust me, I probably do actually want to talk to you but I'm just reserved and don't know what to say

No. 1763698

My entire life since I was maybe 11 has been long stretches of feeling normal punctuated by insane freakouts 1-3 times a year. Usually triggered by someone saying something exceptionally rude or hostile to me or someone else, I feel justified in the moment but I get this insane rush of anger I can’t control and disproportionately lose my shit, like really flip my lip even in public, totally lose my filter and say really shitty things, sometimes feel a strong urge to run away, feel the urge to run to someone for help(?) despite me being a grown ass adult, followed immediately by insane embarrassment and guilt even as it’s happening.

I have worked so fucking hard to restrain it so I can, you know, have a job. I have been seeing therapists since I was a kid. I have considered everything from hormones to PTSD to autism to personality disorders to just being an awful bitch who can’t handle being around anyone. I really wish I wasn’t like this and I hate when people see this part of me. I’ve managed to tone it down but I feel like I’m always teetering on the edge of humiliating myself and messing up my life, again.

No. 1763699>>1763767

It’s so hard to find a moid who actually can see women as genuine friends. It’s really sad and I think a lot of couples wouldn’t be friends at all if there wasn’t attraction

No. 1763701

I unintentionally ended a friendship with a girl I really related to just because I fell into a really horrible slump during a flare up, and I still look back on the angry messages that she sent me that I never replied to and I feel bad.

No. 1763713>>1763717

It's really annoying when you can tell someone is smefagging infighting and even pretending to be nons they argued with just to try to stir the pot again with bait.

No. 1763717

the userbase is small but not every conversation is a perpetual samefag

No. 1763762>>1763765>>1763766>>1763808>>1764139

File (hide): 1699597983676.gif (1.8 MB, 245x165, 1578820635674.gif)

I was reading the meta thread to laugh at the cyberpolice x fujo debacle and it turns out the antifujos posted animal gore on the thread they won over and began about a meme they didn't like, I'm in legit shock they think animal mutilation is fine

No. 1763765>>1763771

Please stop bringing the fight into other threads

No. 1763766>>1763771>>1763784>>1763808

It wasn’t the antifujos it was the guy who posted the unspoilered toilet figurine. He was freaking out about how Elizabeth was ‘retarded’ (it’s just a gazelle) and then posted a gazelle getting eaten by leopards

No. 1763767

I don't really see him doing a huge personality change to the point of what was said.
I agree, we were best friends for nearly a year online before I flew to meet him. Neither of us knew what the other looked like. It wasn't until 3 days into my trip did I realise I was in love with him and vice versa. Even on our worst days (which funny enough don't even come close to the worst days with my ex) he's still the best man I've ever known.

No. 1763771>>1763808

nice camping, I literally saged to avoid quick attention but oh well

No. 1763784>>1763788>>1763798>>1763808

kek literally not true, what do you guys gain from lying when anyone can check the thread for themselves?

No. 1763788>>1763795>>1763808

I mean yeah you can see that it went from the guy posting the shit figurine to immediately crying about Elizabeth when someone posted her in an attempt to lighten the mood, and he responded by posting the attacked gazelle

No. 1763795>>1763804>>1763808

literally not true wtf the figure was posted AFTER the gore
>>1763330 posted 5 hours ago
>>1763375 posted 4 hours ago

No. 1763798>>1763808

Uh oh he actually sperged about elizabeth and posted the hurt gazelle + shit figurine after someone called him a retard, my mistake nonnie kekk

No. 1763804>>1763808>>1763811

Yeah so he posted the gore because anons were posting about cute shit and then the figurine, I had it switched

No. 1763808


No. 1763811>>1763812

i literally fucked off to the fun thread and only posted there after someone posted the animal gore to point out the fucking hipocrisy, i am not a heinous human being to post animal gore for da lulz. Plus, if i didnt point it out myself no one would have cared about it.

No. 1763812>>1763814

I mean do we have any way of proving that an anti-fujo posted the dead gazelle

No. 1763814>>1763817>>1763819

fujos were banned off the thread at that point

No. 1763817>>1763838

No they weren’t, because the same fujo immediately posted the grotesque scat fetish figurine, purposefully unspoilered.

No. 1763819

This very generously assumes that fujos wouldn’t download a VPN just to shitfling kek

No. 1763831

I’ve been like that my whole life, I love the idea of being intimate and affectionate with a woman. I love being able to appreciate a woman’s body and touch. I know my life is easier because I’m straight but I have my moments when I do wonder.

No. 1763836

14 is still a lot, please be careful, I really hope you come through

No. 1763838>>1763842>>1763857

i posted it to show the hipocrisy of anons not giving a single shit about people posting unspoilered dead animals but completly sperging the fuck about how posting a spoilered(the original was spoilered) figurine of an anime boy that didnt even show genitals was literally sexual assault!!. I literally got dogpilled and called a schizo for pointing out the OBVIOUS animal gore. You can literally read the responses and how i was the only one pointing out the animal gore while everyone else kept memeing about how she ''was sleeping ecksdeee'' but now that it makes the antifujos look bad it's actually bad? a ''falseflag by the fujos''? but i though she was sleeping according to you?

No. 1763841

I feel the same way, like what am I supposed to say? What topics am I allowed to discuss?

No. 1763842>>1763844

But the anti fujos didn’t even post that

No. 1763844>>1763849>>1763859

yes they fucking did. it was posted after the fujo ban, so by the antifujos who wanted a ''porn free thread because it hurts my feefees waah the degeneracy''. The funposting thread has been up for almost a day and has 0 sperging, 0 infight and 0 animal gore even though according to meta ''it was made by pissed off fujos pls close it!!!11!''.

No. 1763849>>1763853

I’m pretty sure only the scat fetish obsessed fujos would post animal gore when everyone else was just talking about Elizabeth and the OP of her…idk why we’re acting like VPN’s don’t exist and aren’t used by people who spam gore/porn/other harmful shit on this site

No. 1763853>>1763856>>1763861

you are literally insane. If it was a psyop by the fujos like you say how come i was the only one calling out the hipocrisy? i bet if i didnt say anything myself literally no one would have cared about the gore. You can read the thread for yourself and see how I was the only one concerned about dead animals being posted, unspoilered at that, and how everyone was calling ME the schizo and justifying that dead deer photo as ''a meme ecksdee''.

No. 1763856

There's no point nona, these people argue in bad faith

No. 1763857>>1763862

I wanted to say something about the gazelle and cat post but what would even be the point? Bad faith anons would assume I was someone else and start with whataboutisms like “oh but you eat meat” (I don’t kek) or “yaoi dick sucking is ok?” and justifying posting that unspoilered. Most people don’t wants to see gore unspoilered whether it’s some scat figurine or animals, the animal one isn’t even funny you could find less cringe ways to make the joke about the meme gazelle being prey that aren’t so moid shock material.

No. 1763859

You can't even help yourself, you had to take your shitty complaining to the vent thread. All of you need to move on with your lives. It was absolutely a samefag and an autist who was avatarfagging. Get a freaking discord.

No. 1763861>>1763886>>1763894

Comparing the deer photo to the fetish figurine, you can walk outside and see a dead deer on the road. That’s not indecent or unnatural. Some guy giving birth to meat out of his asshole? That’s not necessary. You watch a nature documentary on cable television, you see the predator/prey dynamic emerge and who loses. That’s likely why no one was sperging about the leopard grabbing the deer, because from what I can see it’s not egregiously gorey the way that the toilet photo is.

No. 1763862>>1763874>>1763877

It wasnt gore. Real gore is posted by scrotes here all of the time. That's like seeing a stock image of a child on a playground and calling it CP, it's self victimizing. You want attention.

No. 1763872

now that everyone has gathered here, i want a bf or a friend with benefits. i'm over sex, i want someone to vent to then cuddle with after. he needs to ask me out desu

No. 1763874

Attention for what? Just using the wrong word to describe it? I didn’t post it or the shit figure or even get involved in the infight as it was happening.

No. 1763877

its a dead animal, and my point still stands that no one seemed to care about a dead animal but everyone started calling for the mommy mods when anons were talking about yaoi, almost as if it was 100% vendetta.

No. 1763878>>1763928

that's not true nonnie, it's 20% reddit coomers and the 50% is granola guys. only the terminally online they/thems attract redditors. the normies one get hot scrotes it is comical

No. 1763886>>1763893>>1763898>>1763901

>you can walk outside and see a dead deer on the road.
ew wtf no i dont know what white trash shithole you live in but i never see dead animals, i cant even see certain animals liker rats alive let alone dead.
>That’s not indecent or unnatural.
it is if you arent a fucking psycho
>Some guy giving birth to meat out of his asshole? That’s not necessary. You watch a nature documentary on cable television, you see the predator/prey dynamic emerge and who loses. That’s likely why no one was sperging about the leopard grabbing the deer, because from what I can see it’s not egregiously gorey the way that the toilet photo is.
a picture of a limp dead deer being carried by two leopards is miles worse than a low quality anime figurine of a guy squatting showing no genetilas what kind of drugs are you on

No. 1763893>>1763907

Sorry not all of us live in a bubble and have a seizure when seeing a dead animal? What the hell kek. Bottomline, you’re only gonna see one of two things out in the real world, in 3 dimensional reality: either anime boys shitting out meat or a dead animal. Which do you think it’s gonna be?

No. 1763894>>1763900

I want to vent but not under these circumstances, please stop fighting
The person who posted that figure spoilered it and called it "even worse" than the other picture of the other figure posted, it's like you didn't read the og post

No. 1763898>>1763908

>a dead deer is worse than porn
Not if you’re a normal person no

No. 1763900>>1763906>>1763919

No, he didn’t. It’s still up in the thread unspoilered.

No. 1763901

i live in a big city and i have seen roadkill, get over it

No. 1763906>>1763920

Anon go check it

No. 1763907

nuclear levels of autism from them to compare their fetish art to a random dead animal. the fact they keep sperging at everyone.

No. 1763908

Theyre baiting. Ignore them.

No. 1763912

Can we please ignore him now. The reddit spacing, overanalysis of statements, and strawmanning is outing him as trannyhands. Report and ignore. Vent as you normally would

No. 1763916

File (hide): 1699602209805.jpg (Spoiler Image,7.66 KB, 256x231, poot.jpg)

>this thing is worse than a dead deer
holy shit how insane do you have to be to sperg about this thing and go cry to the mods to ban it when we have more sexual banners and THEN post a dead deer, which is miles worse and actual fucking gore. Literal psychopath behaviour. I would genuinely seek mental health if a stupid anime figurine was more traumatizing to me than someone using a real dead deer to make a shitty joke. Anons have gotten dogpilled for way less.

No. 1763919>>1763922>>1763923>>1763925

File (hide): 1699602286164.png (244.42 KB, 671x844, IMG_20231110_014337.png)

Can we use this thread to vent normally now? This argument is old and I'm tired if both sides being talked about constantly

No. 1763920>>1763924>>1763930

Not posting a screenshot, go look for yourself >>/ot/1763375

No. 1763922>>1763930

Nonnie…that’s from yesterday. We’re talking about what happened today. If you don’t know what the conversation is about, just let the adults talk.

No. 1763923

Inb4 "I liked a video essay" = "I like this figure" because they're completely different statements and she calls it horrifying anyway

No. 1763924>>1763927>>1763930

Samefag sorry I linked it wrong

No. 1763925

That’s the original post nona kekk not from the gazelle gore fiasco

No. 1763927>>1763933>>1763935>>1763960

ok explain me why an anime figurine of a guy squatting that shows no genitals is worse than not one, but three images of a dead deer's limp body.

No. 1763928>>1763940

Normie minded GNC chicks?

No. 1763930

Damn. Well I think those are completely different posters then

No. 1763933>>1763943

Because porn is inherently more indecent than the food chain. Cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it, get over it.

No. 1763935

>shows no genitals
He’s still partially naked shitting out bloody meat on the toilet nonnie. The gazelle photo doesn’t even have any blood present, just animals?

No. 1763940

It is the environmental science major phenotype

No. 1763943>>1763947

we have more sexual banners than that figurine, do you cry about it to the mods too?

No. 1763944

Idk what is happening in this thread
I'm scared of the passage of time. I keep having dreams about school, different ones mixed together, and people I used to see everyday show up in them. It's like my mind can't adjust to the current setting in my life. Things are happening so fast and things are changing, I'm afraid and I'm uncomfortable, I'm tired too. I don't know what to do, I want some solace, I need someone to tell me things are going to be okay or something, I don't know what's happening anymore.

No. 1763947>>1763951>>1763959>>1763988

No because none of the banners that are ‘sexual’ feature fullblown nudity, just fugly faces

No. 1763951>>1763953

Not the pork chop one

No. 1763953>>1763966>>1763967>>1763988

What pork chop one kek? The one of shayna? Because all we see is her face in that

No. 1763954>>1763958

I'm actually so sad I named you girl I'm so sorry i take it back

No. 1763958>>1763962

kek it's okay nonnie it's been very entertaining watching her journey. She really was up to something. Sorry for deleting.

No. 1763959>>1763971>>1763972>>1763981

File (hide): 1699603321133.png (143.41 KB, 562x242, porkchop.png)

Don't fucking lie girl

No. 1763960

Shut the fuck up you probably have cp saved

No. 1763962>>1763969

kek no problem, hope you have a great night/day

No. 1763966

No, the one with the girl's ass in the shower with a sticker that says daddy's little porkchop. It's not Shayna but some Russian pickme who said she wasn't an ewhore and then ended up being an ewhore, for free.

No. 1763967

You haven't seen it? It's there all the time. Pay more attention or something

No. 1763969

File (hide): 1699603429744.png (643.99 KB, 546x597, hmmmmm.PNG)

back atcha

No. 1763971

Not the person youre replying to, but I've never seen that banner personally, gross

No. 1763972>>1763978

I haven’t gotten that banner at the top of my screen since last year? Hasnt it been removed?

No. 1763976>>1763982>>1763991

Gore bad, unspoiled figure bad, sexual banner bad. Please stop fighting, all of them are shit. Move on and let others vent

No. 1763978

No banners have been updated or removed, no.

No. 1763981>>1763984

Woahh that’s an old one. You still have time to delete that and spoiler it, if you’d like to repost it, but I know that one was removed from the site banners a few months ago because anons were complaining about it.

No. 1763982

Nobody’s stopping you?

No. 1763984>>1763996

I took this screenshot just now. If this can show up at the top of my page unspoilered it can show up on this thread unspoilered

No. 1763988>>1763993>>1763995

File (hide): 1699603711873.png (471.6 KB, 777x628, banners.png)

the moriah one is on the same level of ''nudity'' as the figurine. also there is literally cropped porn as banners.
insane levels of newfaggotry

No. 1763990

This is EXACTLY how I feel fuck

No. 1763991

Anons have been asking them to update the banners for literal years. I have seen countless anons complain about the coomer banners, nobody likes them. The problem is that admin is a man who doesn't know how to code and LC is just a datagrabbing honeypot, they're never going to fix it.

No. 1763993

None of these have nudity? The girl who’s ass is showing is wearing a leotard and that’s not as graphic as being hunched over the toilet shitting out blood

No. 1763994>>1764024

yeah, I used to be mildly okay at being social but my skills really degraded late in high school and after graduation since I wasn’t forced to socialize with people every day. Also being a neet for two years fucked me up, people at work try to talk to me and I feel like such an asshole for not saying anything back but I literally have no idea what to say.

No. 1763995

Everyone hates these banners and have been begging them to change them. There are better banners posted regularly in meta but admin is tech illiterate and has fucked up several basic functions here without fixing them.

No. 1763996>>1763999

Just say here refreshing for a few minutes waiting for it to pop up and it never did for me…?

No. 1763999>>1764001

Well you're lucky than. It shows up for me pretty often

No. 1764001

Must be targeted advertising

No. 1764024>>1764048

Ntayrt but I’m the same way. I’m kinda happy to see I’m not alone in this but I’m not happy about it, you know. I’ve been thinking about all kinds of mental illnesses I could have that ”justify” my crippling stupidity and social anxiety but idk. I’m just boring. I never got any hobbies. I never had the ability to be interested in stuff. I never learned to chitchat. This insecurity makes me isolate even more. And people read it as bitchiness so I feel like I have to work harder to prove myself to normies, which I just will not do.

No. 1764043

I've got everything I need to kill myself. I wonder if I'll end up doing it after all, because I don't know if I have the guts. I only know I really don't know what's up with my life anymore.

No. 1764048>>1764057>>1764120

>I’m just boring
ayrt yeah, I’m too depressed/tired to engage in my hobbies and don’t keep up with current shows/movies/music, all I do is go to work and shit post here, wtf am I supposed to talk about with people irl

No. 1764057

Most people I meet irl seem to be talking about what they’ve been doing with other friends or boyfriends, like I could ever join that conversation kek. People are not that interesting and I don’t know how to fake interest in your car tire changing issues, sorry!

No. 1764105>>1764117>>1764122

File (hide): 1699608508363.jpg (352.14 KB, 1079x1236, Screenshot_20231110_102102_Sam…)

After doing extensive research I came to the realization that my recurring migraines and eye pain along with dryness are all because of Tretinoin and have to stop using it. Bummer, because it made my skin look so good

No. 1764109

My cousin that pissed me off is coming to our city and I fucking hate it. She'll likely be here for just a day but still. She called me 3 times every day for days and I ignored her every call until she told my mom to talk to me. I used to love this girl, I liked hanging out with her even though we saw each other once or twice a year because we live in different cities. The thing that changed me opinion is that I saw how she interacts with people in her own neighborhood last time and she even gave away that she shittalks me and my mom to them. They're the kind of people to only have other people as a topic of conversation and surprise, they talk shit about people 99% of the time. It's like her whole personality changes and I realised she holds herself back when I show that I'm not interested in gossiping so uglily(?). It's not like I never listen to gossip and the family that lives in our city also gossips about mfs on the regular but this girl and my family that lives there even make shit up about people to talk shit about them. Who does that?? Then they turn and smile at the people they call gold diggers and liars behind their backs. I was already put off, then this retard's friend made a joke about where I live because they live in the big popular city of our country. I can't exactly translate it but it's a joke said to sting, like calling me a poor village girl but in a mean way. Then I pressed and she said even more ugly shit, my cousin looked panicked and idk I just realised she also talks like that about me and my mom. Anyway now my mom doesn't know and she invited them to our house and I don't want to entertain this girl or her friends.

No. 1764110


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1764117>>1764123

i had no idea. I keep hearing people shilling it like there are zero downsides and even borderline shaming others who don't opt into using it, I just absorbed the message that it's a magic potion but felt too lazy to bother getting it

No. 1764120

I'm the same way anon. Adblock on, barely watching shows, not enough care to finish games, ain't no way I'm keeping up with all these useless money grabbing media just to talk about it.

No. 1764122>>1764130

Wait, is this due to an allergy or is this more of a risk if you have dry skin? Wild

No. 1764123

I saw something explaining that the reason you don't see retinol use in Korea despite them being obsessed with skincare is because it solidifies your sebum into hard wax underneath the skin, so you're left with acne thats harder to extract

No. 1764130

I think it comes down to individual sensitivity and I'm just unlucky. When I said dryness btw I meant eye dryness, not skin dryness

No. 1764139

>surprised that anons tard out when they've been arguing for too long
Seen it all the time.

No. 1764154>>1764204>>1764323

so i finally managed to see a dentist yesterday after years of dental care being totally inaccessible to me (none of my local NHS dentists were accepting new patients and I was unemployed). my teeth are falling the FUCK apart. I may need 2 more root canals (i already have 2). i have cavities everywhere. i brush my teeth twice a day with an electric toothbrush and floss with a water flosser. i don't have a crazy diet full of sugar or whatever. the only thing that makes sense to me in terms of cause and effect is the fact that I have staining from drinking coffee – I can accept that as it's just cosmetic. I don't understand why I have to go through this. I had loads of fillings as a child too and that can't have been diet-related because my mum literally did not let me eat sweets and there were no sugary foods in the house!!!! nothing makes me feel more envious and bitter than people who don't even look after their teeth and have "never had a filling" or whatever. what the fuck have i done to deserve this? people in my family have generally poor dental health too and everyone seems to look after their teeth well so it must be genetic. it's so so so unfair

No. 1764165

I woke up from a sad dream. I felt so uncomfortable in it and wanted my boyfriend. Time to move past that.

No. 1764172>>1764181

I feel really sad because I need to rehome my cat. She was one of the only solid things in my life but due to a longggg list of reasons (basically sudden financial, living situations ect) I need to do what's best for her and get her to a better home. I personally know the people who are taking her and I know they will love her to pieces and she's a perfect fit, but I can't help feeling incredibly guilty and like I'm just giving up. I know it's "just a cat" but she was my motivation for reaching goals, getting out of an awful living situation, coping with a long term engaged breakup, bettering myself, was one of the only solid things in my life, looking after myself better (because if I couldn't look after myself I couldn't give her proper care). She is the sweetest angel and I know she will make the new family so happy but I can't help but want to save my guilt and feelings and cancel the whole thing.

I feel so awful partly when I got her I was very much aware it's not a sudden decision, I'm the type who researches for years/months before getting a pet, I had plenty of savings for emergencies, so on. I was so sure I was prepared for anything but I wasn't.

No. 1764181>>1764190

That breaks my heart anon, it sounds like you’re doing the responsible and loving thing. Can you still visit her? What about like a fostering situation where maybe you can regain custody after you’ve landed on your feet (like a cat)?

No. 1764190>>1764193

a large part of me wants to and I'm going to ask I feel anxious though as I'm not sure she will let me. not sure as she's actually going to my ex fiancé's sister. When we broke up I had to block the entire family, not because I have an issue with his sister (she's absolutely lovely) but because I had an issue with his mother and I didn't want to give her some way to contact me. I also feel it would be really awkward and weird because of the whole ex relationship thing. Maybe I'd be able to get pictures or something at least. His sister is lovely though and I'm so thankful she was so eager to take her in. I unblocked her and told her and I was so anxious I would get an earful but she was so kind and understanding.

As for custody a huge part of me wishes but part of the reason I know she would better suit their home is she has two kids + more time at home, my cat is extremely social and wants a lot of attention, and while I'm usually not a kids person those kids are some of the most well behaved, sweetest kids I've ever met and I'd feel so awful taking her away from them. I'd also feel awful taking her away from his sister as well

No. 1764193

Samefag sorry the start makes no sense, I mean "I'm not sure as she's actually my ex fiancé's sister" not "going to let my ex fiancé's sister"

No. 1764204>>1764209

I'm so sorry anon. Dental health can be hereditary, but keep in mind carbs are also sugar. Especially the combo of carbonated/acidic drinks + carbs can be harmful to teeth. Many people think they are in the clear because they don't eat a lot of candies but then they zip on diet coke all day while ingesting carbs, which is terrible for your teeth. My heart breaks for you because I think dental health is so important, but it's something a lot of people just can't afford to keep in check especially when a lot of damage has already been done, and there's also so much shame associated with it. I hope you'll be able to fix this and if it's something medical I hope they can figure it out so you can get it under control.

No. 1764208

File (hide): 1699616419588.jpeg (87.63 KB, 750x750, 1640737014646.jpeg)

just saw a white woman on twitter post about being abused by her male partner while pregnant with his child. a bunch of racist men flooded her comments insisting that he was black and laughing at her for getting what she "deserved" (he wasn't even black).
this is why "race loyalty" is a retarded game for women. men, as a collective, are evil pieces of shit who hold their own cuckold anxiety over any woman's life. no matter what, they love to victim blame. this sort of thing happens to brown, black and asian women whenever moids abuse them too. i wish i could fling every shitty male and idiotic pickme preaching allegiance to any race or group of men (whether it be under tradthotism, hotepery, religion, nationalism, etc) into space.

No. 1764209

thank you for your compassionate reply nona. I'm not big on fizzy drinks either. I know that all of these things can affect your dental health but it doesn't make sense to me how I have friends who don't even floss and they never get cavities, ever, and never think about the impact of their diet on their dental health. I feel like my bones are rotting from the inside for no specific reason and I feel so guilty and ashamed

No. 1764299

2 days later I got a response that basically said ”I can’t help you, ask someone else, but thank you for reaching out”. I feel better having gotten a response at all tbh.
Still, I’m going to be working with them next week. I hope I die this weekend. I’m so ashamed being a whole ass adult getting mixed up in high school tier games of ”he said she said”. Can’t help but to think that I’m rotten and people don’t want to work with me because I’m the problem.

No. 1764323>>1764346

I'm so sorry this is happening to you anon.

My grandma was a dental hygienist so I was always fear mongered about my teeth growing up as well. Some things are just genetic unfortunately. For instance, I was diagnosed with periodontal disease after the hygienist noticed I had deep gum pockets on my molars. My mom has the same issue and her oral health is a nightmare at 70. I have great hygiene which staves away infection but the pockets will never go away unfortunately so it will be something I have to be on top of for the rest of my life or else.
Something about hitting 30 nosedived the quality of my teeth. They just started chipping and getting cavities after a life of having next to no issues up to that point. Suddenly I needed crowns on my molars and apparently I need fillings now too. I blame having been pregnant a few times in my life. Please start taking vitamins if you haven't, minerals are leeched from your teeth when your body lacks them due to pregnancy or other issues. If you drink carbonated waters or anything with citric acid stop those too even if they are sugar free. Carbonated water is still acidified like soda and will do the same damage to teeth. Tbh coffee is pretty shit for your teeth too as it's acidic as well.
Only other thing I could recommend further to help remineralize your teeth is prescription florinated toothpaste…but it's a marginal difference at best. Teeth are just poor craftsmanship.

No. 1764342

File (hide): 1699628086551.jpg (37.34 KB, 498x594, 1000013533.jpg)

Put my phone on DND while retarded bf was blowing up my phone talking about something because he can't type a normal paragraph and has to send 50 messages. Forgot to turn it off and now I missed my alarms and I'm late for work.

No. 1764346

really? even just fizzy water? I didn't know that. Thank you nona. I eat shit tons of acidic fruits like oranges so I bet that doesn't help… I'm going to ask my dentist about these things next week.

I'm so sorry about your gum disease, it sounds like an absolute nightmare for you and your mum. I actually do have the prescription toothpaste as of my appointment yesterday thankfully, but yes, teeth are nightmarishly designed and having infections is uniquely horrible. sending you the best of luck.

No. 1764366>>1764383

This morning it is snowing heavily. Last night I got the call from the vet, my girl very likely has cancer.. 16 years and it just doesn't feel like enough. It never would, I guess. I'm lucky that I had the best dog ever. I will love her forever and no matter what, I will make sure she isn't in pain and is comfortable and it will be ok. I can't imagine my life without her but of course I knew the day would come. Oh god I need a hug

No. 1764383

Hugs you through the screen
It's going to be ok nonna

No. 1764391>>1764645

The posters in the Dog Hate/Cat Hate threads are the most psycho, unhinged, scrote-brained people on the whole website and that’s including all of /snow/.

No. 1764470

If you choose to have a child with a man I don’t feel bad for you if he inevitably shows his true scrotish colors. This might piss someone off but it’s true

No. 1764503>>1764509>>1764530>>1764534

My boobs are so sensitive n much bigger than im used to. Im normally pretty flat and now i fill an a cup, which might not be much but for me, i realizef i really dislike my boobs. If i didnt live w my parents, i make enough money to chop them off so i would. Not in a tranny way just in a "i hate my body" Way

No. 1764509>>1764524>>1764537

> now i fill an a cup
anon that's tiny, I had a breast reduction (so I know what it is like to loathe your boobs) a couple of years ago (I was a G) and even now I am not an a cup.

No. 1764524>>1764534>>1764584>>1764585

Thanks for the reply anon. I logically know its tiny but i have been an anachan for a long time so sudden growth of a body part does freak me out more than it should. Theyre also kinda hard so definitely its breast tissue, not fat. I either have hormonsl issues or it idk just happened as i got older (23 now). I do wanna get the surgery, i code so i can work from home but idk if i can do anything without my parents noticing. Coolsculpting seems to only work for fat.
Anon if you dont mind me asking, how long did it take for you to recover? Since i already have small boobs, i feel like i can go without taking sick days. But idk if any doctor will perform on me since i am underweight and clearly not doing this for health reasons (i assume yours was pain related? G-cups sound like they would be really sensitive when you dont wear a sports bra. I hope you recovered well)

No. 1764530>>1764539


No. 1764534>>1764561

>Not in a tranny way just in a "i hate my body" Way
TIFs cut them off for the same reasons. >>1764524
Even more like a TIF. They're women at the end of the day, like you and me. Same kinds of struggles.

No. 1764537>>1764584

I didn't know surgeons would take that much. I figured they placed limits on how low you could go, in order to minimize possible nerve and muscle damage.
When you first woke up after getting much removed, what was the sensation like? Did you feel unbalanced? I once cut all my hair off at once when it was below my butt, and my head felt so light and free.

No. 1764539

Dont think so, they have been like this for 3 months and i had my period 2 times (its kinda irregular either way). But feels like pregnant boobs.

No. 1764551>>1764579

File (hide): 1699639709047.jpeg (93.69 KB, 501x550, 0B56A045-710F-4B3A-958F-C18650…)

I'm struggling with feelings of inadequacy right now. I just got rejected after my first in-person interview in years. Most interviews I've had have been virtual, so my plan for this one was to dress up more than usual and show that I took the interview very seriously. I looked damn good honestly.
To be fair I got gross and dumb vibes from the men I interviewed with but it still feels kinda bad being rejected by a bunch of sleazy petty frat boys. When I was answering their questions they would have times where they'd look at each other and smirk. I didn't say anything stupid so I don't know what the hell was their problem. Like jesus christ get a room if y'all wanna flirt/fuck. I asked them some technical questions and they had no idea what I was talking about. I just got a graduate degree and am very educated in the math/coding end of things which I thought would be a plus for IB. My question is how do so many dumbass moids end up in investment banking firms when they don't understand math or coding? They must hire each other just to continue the "culture", it was seriously like a frat party in there. No wonder the world is in its current state when these are the idiots running it.

No. 1764556

nepotism, good at networking/schmoozing, good at bullshitting during interviews

No. 1764561

Ye youre right i worded it weirdly. Im aware that tifs w 'gender dysphoria' are basically just women w body dysmorphia so i want the surgery they want.
i wrote that so people dont call me a tif and say " You are not a man even if u cut your tits". I know i still shouldnt hate my body but u know i feel like having this sudden growth made my anachanism worse since im scared my boobs are getting bigger because of my diet

No. 1764579

honestly sounds like you dodged a bullet there nona

No. 1764584>>1764768

I don't think you would qualify anon, your BMI has to be normal too (so if you are underweight you wouldn't) I had mine funded on the NHS (bong) because I have suffered with body dysmorphia, I hated them and I was so conscious and yes they didnt suit my frame and it was painful yes. My family all have big boobs even my cousins. My nan actually had a breast reduction that fell on the day I was born kek and with recovery, it is hard to say. I was actually lucky as I didnt have those drains that most women have. i remember the worst of the pain was nerve pain, which I had for about 2 years but not often at all. it was 2019 and feels ages away. my only problem is I do have scars which I am self conscious about BUT at least I don't feel self conscious on the outside which is the main thing

When I first thought to have it, I actually found the reduction subreddit which is actually really helpful and some women were literally HUGE and it makes my amount removed look small.

No. 1764585>>1764768

nona no surgery in the world is going to fix that broken mind of yours. your body was never the problem, and your thoughts can (and will) change

No. 1764640

hnnghh Just ripped my whole fucking nail off! Fun

No. 1764645

Agreed, there are some unhinged freaks posting there. I have both threads hidden, but they typically pop up for me (if bumped) when I have lolcow open in incognito, and they always give me this feeling of revulsion and sadness.

No. 1764677>>1764932

I feel like I've ruined myself, physically and mentally. As a child to teenager I was very inactive, I just stayed inside on my computer all the time. Eating shit food. Had an ana-chan phase where I proceeded to lose a lot of weight rapidly, gain a lot of weight rapidly, rinse and repeat. I also had a gender-special phase where I bound my chest for a year or two (my breasts are now super relaxed and I hate them so, so much). I would go overboard with substances whenever they were available. All this while I was self-harming as well. So even if I buckle down and workout and gain muscle mass, I will always have these ugly scars that immediately tell everyone I am a basket case. I feel like my poor choices and traumatic experieces in my youth prematurely aged me. Realistically I am still young and have made tremendous progress mentally but I still feel so hopeless at times. Feels like I should just kms at this point.

No. 1764768

Aw nona thanks for the long reply, its nice you got it covered. i definitely understand that breasts that big that dont fit your frame can be a huge pain especially during pms. I think i also wont get the drainage thing, i might find a doc that will perform surgery if i gain a couple kilos amd pass bmi 17 since i live in Turkey and doctors will probably perform as long as youre over bmi 17.
But yeah
I hope my thoughts and body hatred change before i get the chance becuz i hate having to hide my body all the time w xxl size hoodies to cover my breasts.

No. 1764853

in a few months, even weeks this whole free Palestine stuff will be forgotten soon. most people on who are protesting are likely just doing it to jump on the bandwagon and people use protests to cause havoc. just like the BLM it brings out the scummiest people who use the cause to attack people and desecrate monuments and loot businesses. it will be forgotten about soon

No. 1764899

>be me working on a holiday to make a deadline
>finally finish this huge project
>double-check that the word formatting looks good
>what a gorgeous document wow
>send the sharepoint link to my coworker to review it
>open up the link in my web browser
>formatting is fucked
>desire for obliteration

At least my coworker is out of the office today so she won't start working on this until next week but fucking hell… I hate you, Microsoft. Bill Gates, get fucked. I need wine.

No. 1764914>>1764935>>1764941

I really really wish I could ignore trannies as they're rampant in every online space but they never shut the fuck up about their mental illness, it's so fucking annoying

No. 1764932

Scars are fixable, and learn to love yourself

No. 1764935

I’m exhausted by how easy it’s become for men to invade female spaces. we need to start forcing them out.

No. 1764941

Same. I don't even care about trannies, I wish I could just not have to think about them. But no, they just have to force it down your throat. The worst part is that they're boring NPCs at best, disgusting fetishists at worst

No. 1764946>>1764959

is that you? or are you posting the picture of some poor that didnt consent to it

No. 1764950

I don't deserve love because I'm an ugly student who works all the time

I don't have time to be sexy for my man
I don't have time to seduce my man
I don't have time to be fun for my friends

I'm just the frustrated, ugly student who works all the time and constantly reminds everyone of how boring, dull, hopeless and repetitive life is

There's nothing to do about it, I have no choice

I wish things were different but my wishes are in vain

No. 1764959

nah it's me but I figured I'd delete it

No. 1764995>>1765030

Does anyone else vent and rant to people irl then regret it immensely? I have a terrible fear of boring people and banging on about crap no one cares about.

Every time my sisters husband comes round, he and I get into heated discussions about stuff, because we’re interested in a lot of the same stuff. But sometimes I end up going on like a 20 minute tangent (and I tend to dominate conversations by accident because of autism) and afterwards I feel like I just annoyed all of them so much. I feel like one of those stupid Joe Rogan guest scrotes that rant about stuff and love the sound of their own voice. My sister just kind of stands there staring at us like we’re crazy and yawns and stuff and makes me feel like I’m boring as fuck. I feel like people think I’m such a bore and gossip about me behind my back and dread having conversations with me because they know I’ll vent about it. But it’s like word vomit. I want to kms whenever I vent irl and feel so dumb and overbearing afterwards.

No. 1765027

My mom is in the hospital and I'm trying to keep it together but I'm so tired taking care of my dementia ridden granpa and the pets and the house and work and visiting her and it's all so much. I don't know how I'll survive the next few weeks. I miss her. The house is so empty. I want to sleep and wake up when it's all over.

No. 1765030

I have this same issue and i am also autistic. At least in my case i want to rant about shit that i know for a fact nobody would care about or would judge me for. I have no solution, sorry.

No. 1765050>>1765267>>1765282

Thinking about the current state of education in the US and predicting how it could get worse makes me so depressed.

No. 1765060>>1765196

I'm so fucking sexually frustrated ever since I layed my eyes on the only hot guy I've seen in 7 years. The worst part is he was just some Menard's worker but he had the most beautiful hair. It was so pretty I almost said something to him about it but caught myself. I want him to eat me out soo bad. I swear he was lowkey flirting with me too with his body language

No. 1765082

I just spent 30 minutes cooking dinner only to immediately get a stomachache that makes the idea of eating disgusting.

No. 1765093

I'm probably going to get demoted at my job next month if my productivity doesn't improve. My supervisor said she's "worried" for me and that I should even work extra hours to increase my productivity if I can because it's that dire. I really don't want to and I'm not going to do it. I feel guilty as though I should be working harder to keep my current position, but I can't. I work really hard at my job already. All of my clients are satisfied with my work. I'd rather be demoted (and then quit my job and go elsewhere) than destroy my mental health for a place I don't even enjoy working for. Is that a stupid decision? I know I could just work harder, but I really, really don't want to. This job sent me into an awful depressive episode last year and I really don't want to go back to that. So I think I'll just have to prepare for the demotion at the end of the month. I wish I had a husbando or something so that I could spend all my time thinking about that instead of this stupid situation

No. 1765124>>1765148

I feel I have liver damange.

No. 1765148>>1765170

You should really get it checked by a doctor, it’s better to be safe than sorry

No. 1765170>>1765178

My urine has been dark and my skin is yellow-ish. I am gonna see someone next week.

No. 1765178>>1765183

We’re saying our prayers for you nonnie, you deserve to be healthy and comfortable, I hope it’s easy to fix!

No. 1765183

Thank you nona

No. 1765196>>1765295

He wants you nona

No. 1765206>>1765225

>realizing that all those times random men were nice to me in my teens was simply because I was underage and they wanted to fuck me
No ickier feeling. At least I never actually fucked them.

No. 1765224

Do you live on the left coast of North America

No. 1765225

I’ve had the same horrible realization, sorry nonna

No. 1765228

>Me, complaining about trannies invading the board, on a thread that was made by a tranny who invaded the board and passed through
le Sigh

No. 1765233

>wash dishes
>ten seconds later mom yelling at me to put them away
>tell her they're wet
>she doesn't care
>tell her she already has soft/rotting spots in cabinets from wet dishes being placed within the cabinet (and she's yelled at me about this before)
>ask if i can grab a towel from the back to dry them off with (she says no)
>ask her what does she want me to do
>unrelated rant about some shit that happened five years ago
>know this is all her taking her man-related stress out on me
literal womanchild

No. 1765240>>1765242

My mom is retarded, old, and mean

No. 1765242>>1765249

She passed down two of those things

No. 1765249>>1765251

She has npd and I don’t so I agree to disagree

No. 1765251

My condolences, narc moms are horrifying.

No. 1765267>>1765282>>1765294>>1765456

Nonnie, working inside a school and not being a teacher is just more and more convincing me I need to double down to homeschool my future children. Second graders cannot write for shit. I feel so bad. It's just a "sophisticated" day care at this point. So many students are just roaming around hallways taking multiple bathroom breaks because class work is so dull and the teachers are aware it's boring.

No. 1765282

Aren’t a lot of middle schoolers illiterate now? Why did the education system get so much worse recently

No. 1765294>>1765373

If you think homeschoolers are especially literate I have news for you. Also children learn social skills in school which homeschool sorely lacks. I don’t know though, I haven’t been in contact with school age children in a decade, but the public schoolers were leaps and bounds ahead of the homeschoolers I knew myself included lol

No. 1765295>>1765323

God I hope so and that I'm not being delusional but I swear when our eyes first locked we stared at each other for too long and then I broke it off and he came by and asked if I needed help then kept walking in the aisles that I was in which were all over the place. Saw him again in the store later and he smiled at me jesus christ I want him

No. 1765302

Hearing women talking about their nigels and men in general is nauseating, thank god I abstain from this shit lol

No. 1765323>>1765328>>1765336

>man looks at you while doing his job
>man asks if you need help because it's his job
This is a sign that you are touch starved or something

No. 1765328

Shh she said it's been seven years, let her dream

No. 1765336>>1765339>>1765344

Nah he was flirting with me for real

No. 1765339>>1765353

Yes. He has utmost interest in you, divine queen of allurement.

No. 1765344

Unless a man clearly and upfront expresses his interest in you, any time you spend trying to decipher his actions is a waste

No. 1765353>>1765354

Not to brag, but I am pretty sexy

No. 1765354>>1765358

Yes, the seven years was a creative choice for branding purposes

No. 1765358>>1765363>>1765366

What? It's not anon's fault the immense majority of men are ugly

No. 1765363>>1765366

File (hide): 1699675232105.jpg (65.01 KB, 828x1035, 20231009_055503.jpg)

I'm having a lighthearted and unserious exchange with that anon, not you. Please butt out of our moment.

No. 1765366

So true

I love you nona cutie

No. 1765373>>1765383

>Also children learn social skills in school which homeschool sorely lacks
NTA but I definitely didn't kek

No. 1765377>>1765391>>1765408>>1765456>>1765473

Positivity vent but Christ on a cracker, have I scored the man for me?! He's willing to take everything slow for the outcome of everlasting love. He's practically paid for everything, we have so many dates lined up already. The we've only seen each other a few times, we almost made it offical early in the heat of the moment we first kissed, but I'm now hearing he's going to ask me in a more formal setting. He also is planning a date for our first time having sex. This is all so new for me. It's very, very great and deserving of me to meet this guy who's going about a serious relationship in ways I didn't even know a modern man would act this way before. He's so romantic.

No. 1765383

We should be friends, both methods of schooling have failed us or maybe we’re too powerful

No. 1765391

Too early to know true intentions. Hate to be a downer but look out.

No. 1765408

why is he already planning to have sex with you when you're not even official?

No. 1765456

Why the fuck did it? I think they're funding schools more than they used to too. I wish they'd stop pushing social agendas and just focus on the fucking abysmal math scores.

Good luck nonnie! I'm glad he's treating you well! Don't fall too head over heels, always be wary, but accept the green flags as they come. I hope he's the one

No. 1765473

>we've only seen each other a few times

No. 1765479>>1765489

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I am sure that a man has never had a crush on me. I wish I went both ways because women have expressed interest in me at least 3 times in my life, and I get leered at. But never men. Every single crush I ever had has friendzoned me or straight-up avoided me. It's not that I'm coming off too hard or anything, but once I seem to open up since I am quite introverted, I get pushed away. I've had guys who are considered traditionally unattractive or ugly friendzone me before I ever expressed any sort of feelings, usually they make it very clear that they never want to be anything more than friends or tell me not to develop crushes on them. Are men really this picky? I'm not fat, I have good skin, good hygiene, dress decently. I can't tell if I'm ugly or not,the only people who have ever told me I'm pretty or complemented are lesbians. What am I not getting? Am I too autistic or something? I think I hide it pretty well and come off as a quiet person. I feel that these experiences have damaged my self-esteem so much that I cannot try to pine for real people anymore because the fantasy stops as soon as it starts, I feel too ugly to think about myself being loved. My husbandos or fictional crushes are usually monsters because I cannot imagine a human male loving me. It feels bad because I feel like there is some psychology behind it that I am not grasping.

No. 1765489

It doesn't mean anything. Men don't court women anymore and are lazy because they'd rather just go home and tug on their baby carrot to porn to the point their dick rots away. Then they use the excuse that if they talk to a woman they're afraid she will accuse him of being a rapist when they are just ugly, lazy losers who probably expect women to all look like instathot bimbos and think photoshop is real and that they can get that. As for getting rejected by your crushes, maybe they are into another girl. Only you would know the answer best to that. Never chase a guy or come across as desperate, they hate that for some reason despite being animalistic stalker tards themselves 99% of the time.

No. 1765531

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All three of the most catty/delusional men I can think of that always try to align themselves with women's business and pretend to be an authority on everything while trying to constantly deliver shady asf comebacks have ugly and below average sized dicks. You will never see a man with a nice dick getting involved in drama like that or caring about it. Its always the limp little noodles.

No. 1765563>>1765566>>1765570>>1765573>>1765589

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I'm in the process of trying to leave an abusive relationship (physical and verbal) and my friends have been so unsupportive that they're borderline siding with him. They're talking about it as a "both sides" issue where I'm supposed to be nicer and meet in the middle because he apologized, even though he was violent towards me. Or they're calling it drama and being all "ugh I hate fighting, work it out and don't fight anymore!"
And it sucks because I'm the one who's emotionally scarred by it and thus cries and goes in circles when trying to talk about it, making me look crazy, whereas he gets praised for being totally calm…
I blew off all my friends when they were trying to invite me to have fun earlier and I just feel so sick and disappointed with them. I don't have anyone in my life who understands and I feel like now I have to ditch all my friends too if I'm going to leave this relationship, leaving me left with nobody in my life.

No. 1765566

Christ, you have some really shit friends, starting again then being with assholes who'll get you abused.

No. 1765570

Cut them off. And welcome to how people treat abuse and sexual assault victims. They pretend they're supportive of victims until they know someone who is one.

No. 1765571


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1765573

I hope something 10x worse happens to each and every one of them. No I don’t care if that’s anti feminist. Those cunts deserve it for being traitors.

No. 1765582

I'm tired of men punishing me for rejecting them. I can't help that I'm unimpressed by your looks/personality. You can seethe all you want but it doesn't change things. You were a 8 a your peak but you're a balding 6 now lol. Can you stop obsessing over me now?

No. 1765589


When some doors close, others will open. Slam all those ones in their faces, and make room in your life for the new people you will eventually meet. Wish you goodluck. Hope your ex shits himself in public then slips in it.

No. 1765592>>1765594

i can't sleep without white noise and my box fan just broke. i have a white noise thing but it's not the same. and i fell deep asleep during a movie and my s/o woke me up twice ASKING IF I WAS ASLEEP (clearly?) and now i have to listen to them snore and probably won't be able to sleep at all. FUCK i hate people who ask 'are you asleep' if you have to ASK I AM ASLEEP LEAVE ME BE

No. 1765594

just kicked his snoring ass out of bed because i'm still so angry he woke me up TWICE when i was curled up cozy and fell asleep to a movie at a normal time when i have a really hard time falling asleep esp without my fan. white noise machine going at full blast and he can sleep in the garage

No. 1765596

my boyfriend and I won't last because I study all the time and make no effort to be sexy

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