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No. 1752261
>>1752217my grandparents houses were bombed in the London blitz when they were 7 and 9 years old. yes, that is my fucking country. I don't need to be raised in London.
>>1752221This is the cringe white self hate that is becoming extremely outdated. Our empire gave those countries western style education (literacy), indoor plumbing, agriculture, medicine, food, billions in foreign aid, internet and on and on. Then we ENDED colonisation when we realised these people don't want us around anymore. We up and left. We ended the Atlantic slave trade when no one cared. And we continue to apologise and apologise and apologise for building these countries.
British people are the most curious, ambitious, empathetic, VIRTUOUS and OPEN to experience and TOLERANT to other cultures in history. We conquered the world because simply no other country was curious about other people. For example, China never did shit. For them it was the opposite, no one gave a fuck about who was over the next village let alone the world.
Who would you rather live under? China, Russia India or any of the various Arab hellholes? oh yeah. you're going to chose Britain every time because we ARE GOOD.
>>1752252You're revenge fantasy is fake and gay. Never has there been a place like Britain that has made the whole world seethe with such jealously, hatred and anger. Kek. The losers of history will never succeed because you're
victims who never did anything. Losers are losers and I love how this is what it all boils down to. getting back at whitey.
No. 1752277
>>1752263I'm a 25 year old woman but ok. I guess moids can only be proud of their country
>>1752266facts are
triggering, aren't they? you going to deny anything I said? Britain didn't give those countries all those nice things?>>1752269
wow. has lolcow been colonised by a bunch of twittertards?
>>1752274move there. I dare you.
No. 1752285
File: 1699133259925.jpg (49.96 KB, 602x452, main-qimg-45ffec4879bc313eb922…)

>>1752277post teeth right now
No. 1752292
>If you think it’s good you’re probably some rich arsehole who lives in Hampstead Heath.My grandparents were dirt poor 3rd class citizens and Ironically its the working class who care most about their country and immigration because they are going to bare the brunt of the consequences. All the woke middle class couldn't care less. They aren't going to have to deal with any of the issues caused by mass migration.
>>1752285>>1752283LMAO. The losers of history seethe. You never did anything. You're seething only validates my superiority. I love how no one can refute anything of what I said.
No. 1752316
>>1752306Brits are cucked because they don’t have guns. Therefore their government can treat them however it wants.
The only thing Brits are good at is banning things. Completely ineffectual in every other way though.
No. 1752321
>>1752314right? the whole
>debate me! DEBATE ME!shit is so onision, kek. no one's going to waste time "debating" with someone who chose to be retarded.
No. 1752326
Talking about “gender” is retarded in many ways, just don’t refer to sex as that, it’s not gender, it’s sex, gender is the word that was made to censor sex because the act of sex exists.
Also, by using “gender” you’re basically enforcing the retarded way in which trannies try to make people believe that there’s more than one biological sex that can be changed with sheer willpower and delusions.
I also think that using “they” as in talking about a singular person who’s sex you don’t know of is retarded, just refer to that person as “she/he” until you know that person’s sex, it won’t take more than 0.3 milliseconds to write that in a text message, and it won’t take you more than 0.4 milliseconds to say “he or she lol”.
Using “they” is dumb, if you really want a grammatically neutral pronoun, just create it, why can’t that be done? Why is it so complicated to everyone? to the point that considering the use of “they” is totally definitely not confusing at all?
It’s just so unnecessarily complicated, you’re making people reread texts because most people will assume that a group of people did an action and not a single individual, it’s obnoxious, specially if you’re reading the news and the retard who committed a crime is some sort of mentally ill freak into being “neutral”.
No. 1752347
>>1752330I'm not versed in politics so I don't know the nuances of the gun vs no gun debate but this is a point that's always stuck out to me. The way I saw it framed was
>for a smaller woman vs a large male aggressor, the woman is basically guaranteed to lose>if she has a gun, she has a chance to win, even if he has one tookek I just thought of this but if we want to sidestep the "what about mass shootings and terrorism" argument we could have guns only for women and not men
No. 1752362
>>1752261kek, ayrt (i'm
>>1752217), i only asked because i was born and raised in london (my parents and grandparents, too); when you are personally raised here you actually grow up alongside the "colonisers" you are whinging about. they are part of my community. there are so many structural problems in our society such as the decline of local community causing degeneracy, fear, isolation and crime, but immigrants are often used as a scapegoat since they represent the general "other". you're just lashing out because you don't like being made to feel guilty about being white
No. 1752385
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>>1752370we love you too
No. 1752390
>>1752361>90% of the time it's either weird fetish reasons or performative activism reasons.i mean, do they say that? sometimes it's as simple as "i just thought this would look interesting/cute and be fun" or something equally innocuous.
>If someone took a dark skinned character and lightened them in a fan art people would cry "whitewashing and racism/colorism" but somehow the opposite isn't true?the people who complain about that are wrong too from my POV. any fan is free to interpret and draw a character as they like. as long as it's not done to be bigoted or whatever, it's all fine.
No. 1752459
>>1752448Scotland humans, Ireland hobbits, Wales dwarves and England elves
Tolkien was best mates with Cs Lewis from Belfast though. Lewis was a prod and Tolkien a Catholic and they met at Cambridge and Oxford and respected each other so much and even would read each others stories and give input.
No. 1752471
>>1752448tolkien basing stuff on celtic folklore doesn't translate to him basing elves off actual celtic people…
sorry but that anon calling irish people elf-like is genuinely one of the cringiest things ive ever seen on LC
No. 1752483
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I like 70's and 80's brit music twinks, so I'll disagree on them being ugly
>>1752475Sowwy I had to delete cause I am retarded and put something in the name field
No. 1752508
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>>1752502> Well that’s just one retarded placeYou can say that again anon.
No. 1752516
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>>1752497Agree to disagree
No. 1752521
>>1752515> They’re all horribly autistic too.kek
But I love bill Skarsgard
No. 1752522
I can't fucking stand Germans. They're like the Indians of Europe. They genuinely believe they're the best, when they're actually the fucking worst. Their "humor" is trash, they fail at understanding human empathy or emotions. Their most famous export besides genocide and bad music is Sigmund Freud, a weird incest fetish pedophile who claimed to be a psychologist but completely failed at understanding the human psyche, as all Germans do. They are all congenitally autistic. If we killed all Germans 100 years ago (as we should've), autism would no longer exist in the European population. Apart from the Chinese (bugmen), Germans are responsible for the vast majority of wars in the history of the world, especially the bloodiest ones. Everything bad that happened in Europe 1200-2023 can be pinned on Germans. They're a race of unfeeling, autistic cockroaches worse than Turks.
German "engineering" has never existed, by the way. All of their creations are faulty, overengineered but still unreliable. Everything that Germans claim to be, the Swedes were.
>hyper competent military
>excellent engineering
>so on and so forth
Their entire national identity is determined by retarded Prussians, who were considered by the saner (yet still defective) forms of Germans (the Saxons, Westphalians, and Bavarians), as subhuman, barbaric mongoloids.
No. 1752550
>>1752515>that’s a myth spread by third worldersthird worlders of german origin*
But I find all you euros to be equally ugly, or equally good looking, whatever. Attractive moids being the small small miniority, like they seem to be everywhere anyway. The one group of people that to me seem to have a greater ratio of beautiful people are the arabs (in regards to moids it doesn't really matter cause they'll either have gross beards or have gross beards and dress like sleazy scammers)
No. 1752556
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some of you nonas might find this interesting
No. 1752558
>>1752550European men are not attractive kek it’s so funny when American or ESL women say this to me, a European woman who lives in Europe.
If anything America has more handsome men because they were forged in harsher conditions and also most handsome European moids got killed off in warfare.
No. 1752565
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Wasn’t Hedy Lamarr German and Austrian? I think she was beautiful
No. 1752568
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>>1752546What the fuck? Not my Eric! He really seemed so sweet irl. Never trust actors that play bad characters a little too well, anons.
No. 1752584
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>>1752572Samefag here, so the Greek Israeli and Hungarian moids I met basically looked like this moid but a bit younger and with very bright turquoise eyes. This guy is Corsican and close to how I imagine corsicans and northern Spanish guys look. Basically spicy white boys with dark hair. My type.
No. 1752603
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>>1752597they are quite cute
No. 1752606
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>>1752584corsican you say
No. 1752620
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Dogs with narcolepsy should be put down. It doesn't matter "how well they live their life". They are suffering and can barely stay awake for more than 10 seconds.
No. 1752621
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>>1752565She was actually Jewish/Austrian. She had really nice bone structure imo
No. 1752638
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>>1752600>Give me the name of 1 attractive British celebrityThere you go anon
No. 1752690
>>1752440She was mostly scottish.
>>1752497No? The guy who first photographed her was in awe. But a lot of people don't consider her pretty nowadays, even after the transformation.
>>1752520Her dad looked a bit woggy for some reason imo
No. 1752695
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>>1752656>>1752666I think he was more attractive when he was young but he looks weird from some angles
No. 1752707
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>>1752699He really did. I don’t think males with feminine features ever age well.
No. 1752735
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>>1752726Burger here. A big part of it is the media. American women watch shit like Doctor Who and unironically get the impression that actual British people walk around all prissy, uppity, and classy and shit. The specific British accents in our media is even cherrypicked to be a "highclass" English one. So when Americans watch British people on our televisions, they're receiving a very filtered exposure of what British people are actually like. And because people like to believe what they see on TV, you can do the math from there.
No. 1752787
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>>1752262I'm not into capeshit at all, but i remember seeing the Watchmen movie when i was a kid by accident, thinking it was just a silly hero movie. It legit traumatized me and the amount of female physical and sexual abuse kinda scarred me to the point i freeze when i hear about that movie at age 25, i had to make a conscious effort to forget
that rape scene and i was just 7yo, how dreadful
No. 1752903
>>1752851I hate the sex work/sex worker terms as well, they just hide the reality of what’s going on
>>1751702Which city is this?
No. 1752941
>>1752851it kinda reminds me of how scammers at fake call centers refer to their
victims as "customers" and have other businesslike terms to sugarcoat and obfuscate the fact that they're stealing from people
No. 1752951
>>1752851sex work isn't real
get a job bum
No. 1753006
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>>1752600Cillian Murphy if he were a woman
No. 1753017
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>>1753006Wrong. This is Cillian Murphy as a woman.
No. 1753032
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>>1753017Tranvestites aren’t women
No. 1753044
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>>1753032>>1753037Here’s another of Miss Kill. His annoying facial expressions are endearing when it’s her making them
No. 1753093
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>>1753074Take it back! Miss Kill looks like Aishwarya Rai
No. 1753126
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>>1752460>>1752461The European mind can’t comprehend
No. 1753128
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>>1752261The European mind can’t comprehend deodorant or toothbrushes
No. 1753133
>>1753112So cillian murphy as a troon. That’s being attracted to autogynephiles,
No. 1753178
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>>1753175Nobody is or was talking about your special interest, schizo autist. Genderbending celeb photos as a meme is fun and popular, it means nothing outside of the voices in your head. You are so
triggered over nothing. Stop trying to mini mod and police every square inch of this board you miserable faggot.
No. 1753206
>>1753201Oh this is full-on autism, nice samefagging btw. Fake ass "gotcha", have fun mentally masturbating yourself to whatever it is you're trying to do here. You are
so fragile, why are you even here? Crying and shaking over some dumbass pics of Cillian Murphy with the female filter.
No. 1753208
>>1753202That’s not an excuse to post multiple photos of your obsession with trooned out cillian murphy though,
nonnie. That actually proves that you should’ve anticipated that no one would want to see that.
No. 1753219
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>>1753209You're seizuring, I'm not even the anon that posted them. I will now though. BOO!
No. 1753222
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Hm, this thread is reminding me of the big anger in thr dumbass thread where everyone assumed some anon was a tranny just because the post used the word "dysphoria". It's a really small reason to try verbally tearing into someone. The back to back infights are kind of funny because like, why so angry? Are you lonely? Hit one of these and drink some water. After that, let's get back to the confessions.
No. 1753226
>>1753223There was no Troon fetishism. It was a shared meme. I honestly am starting to think Blaine is the one crying about them because of how pretty he looked, he must be
triggered. We've regularly shared these kinds of memes before, this derailment is so bizarre and fake.
No. 1753230
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>>1753226It actually is fetishism because they verbatim stated “cillian murphy if he were a woman” when asked to name 1 attractive british man, and then posted photos of him in a tranny role he played. It’s literally written out.
No. 1753231
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>>1753169This is what Cillian actually looks like,
>>1753032 is a female version of him. You can see the features are based off of him but it’s the female version, trans would just be him in a wig
No. 1753235
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>>1753230Bitch you are CRAZY.
No. 1753237
>>1753230I’m the one who posted that, and the joke was that there aren’t any attractive British men. He wouldn’t be a woman if he were trans, it was a joke. I’m not the one who posted him playing a transvestite either, I said this
>>1753032 in response to the transvestite post
No. 1753242
>>1753237I am the one who posted him as a transvestite in Breakfast At Pluto as a
very obvious joke. This person is chimping out, just ignore them. They want attention.
No. 1753250
>>1753246Why are you so insecure that you are projecting this onto multiple, at least three, different farmers?
>>1753241>personalityfaggingYou are definitely a newfag because nothing about two reaction images describing your erratic behavior constitutes personalityfagging. My condolences for your very apparent mental illness.
No. 1753255
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>>1753244Same kek it's hilarious to see its developments
No. 1753256
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>>1753251Yeah it actually did. This is all that was said and everyone got all pissy about how it’s suddenly just a joke after you verbatim admitted to thinking that trooned out males were not.
No. 1753263
>>1753208>>1753209These posters you’re responding to aren’t even the ones who posted the pictures
>>1753215Someone did literally ask me to post more kek. Stop being such a humorless killjoy.
No. 1753267
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>>1753263And then someone asked you to stop and it kept going, because you unleashed the troon lovers.
No. 1753298
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>>1753178Genderbent Jeffery Dahmer looks like a Kanker sister from Ed, Edd n' Eddy kek
No. 1753324
>>1753320Oh my good lord. You have reading comprehension issues. I am saying
you might have been “joking” (not even audibly laughable) about finding troons hot, but the other anons who responded were not.
No. 1753325
>>1753322God you wish, you wish so bad. Is there anything that
doesnt trigger you?
No. 1753331
>>1753325>you wish there was a scrote here I don’t need to wish kek what
>>1753330LARPing as what though? A reasonable individual?
No. 1753441
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>>1753430Where have you been since like 2012 kek
No. 1753516
>>1753512How about you
actually become funny instead of having a scrote ass sense of humor
No. 1753540
>>1753535Don't play dumb. Your posts are obvious.
>>1753527Because its a malding male.
No. 1753553
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>>1753538i do not go on lolcow dot farms to entertain your fat ass, all the stupid shit i post on here is because it makes
me laugh. i dont care if no one else finds it funny. it makes me happy and that is all that matters. love and light
No. 1753562
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>>1753557dont care post lisa frank unicorns
No. 1753578
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>>1753576well i think you are WRONG
No. 1753608
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>>1753601>scared little asp?
No. 1753681
>>1751249I can see what you mean. I was having a discussion with my friends on how the easily accessible videos on whats going on in Gaza was a major turning point for people. Daily live videos of bombings, of people freaking out and grieving, videos of people's last moments. Israel has lost the PR war on this and I know they are peeved. Similar to how the rise of smartphones and made it easier to film cops and their brutality. A Rodney King episode a week, but none of the mainstream narrative.
I'm worried for the future because its easier than ever to make fake videos with fake assets and voices. If you think propaganda is bad now, just wait
No. 1753722
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>>1753493You got me. I DO live on a cellphone tower.
No. 1753823
File: 1699190256647.jpeg (179.46 KB, 2000x1125, andor-1663698904.jpeg)

Disney/Pixar/Marvel titles have been awful and steadily getting worse since the mid 2010s, with the exception of Star Wars. It's the only IP they put a decent amount of effort into without it being a cheap money grab for kids, with the exception of the Mandalorian which was still pretty decent. Pic related was especially great. I get why everyone got butthurt when Disney bought it, but they actually haven't run it into the ground (yet) unlike everything else they own.
No. 1753840
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>>1753462The only stretch marks that make me feel uneasy are the ones very fat people get or pregnant women who were really small before pregnancy so the stretch marks are extremely deep.
I feel terrible for feeling this way, I know it's just a body but something about the skin looking like it's about to split open scares me. Luckily it can improve with time though.
No. 1753881
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>>1752472It has pretty natural scenery and the accent is cute and there are a lot of Irish-Americans. Less common reason is people think the pictures of IRA women with guns are cool
and they’re white people who were oppressed in semi-recent history which I think some people are into even though it was normal class oppression and the English are white too No. 1753951
File: 1699199666897.jpeg (199.03 KB, 736x919, IMG_3965.jpeg)

>>1752483I will never stop Sylvian posting on this site
>>1752488 Based fujo
No. 1753964
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Whenever someone lists their hobbies like this I just know they’re untalented
No. 1754032
>>1752522Germanic tribes destroyed the western Roman empire.
>>1753840My mother had that happen after one single birth pregnancy.
No. 1754043
>>1754039I reckon I'll get dementia as I've suffered with depression since I've been like 11 and my memory is so spotty due to trauma. I've had family members with dementia and alzheimers and it is sad but they get
triggered by something from the past and revert to it.
I've often wondered if making a memory diary for when I'm older will help.
No. 1754108
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There's nothing wrong with buying nice stuff for Christmas if you ain't obsessive about it, consumerism and capitalism in general are 1st world problems and nobody outside of America gives a shit, people just like having fun while shopping with friends or family. Buying cute new stuff for yourself or others feels nice, it makes sense why people like doing it not everything it's a psyop and it's not necessarily meaningless if you're having a fun and sharing memories
No. 1754179
>>1752618No it's because they can't be bothered styling their hair because they don't know how and won't learn.
>>1752616Explain Vitas then
No. 1754212
>>1753839>>1752499Idk about “blocky heads” but they’re stereotyped as having strong facial bone structure and upturned eyes, and I guess being on the taller side but I don’t think the height difference is as much as you’re saying
>Moids recoil at any woman who doesn’t look like an anorexic 4ft childThat isn’t really true, medium height women are usually considered the most attractive because they have better proportions. The shorter someone is, the shorter their arms and legs will be and the wider they’ll look. Which is why tall modelesque women have long legs and look narrow, but men can be intimidated by women who are taller than them. Medium height women are more proportionate than short women while still being shorter than the majority of men.
No. 1754583
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I hate the American norm of moving out the moment you turn 18, and I say this as someone who moved out at 17.
Sometimes it's the parents who kick out their unprepared kid prematurely like they're not part of the family anymore, and sometimes it's the adult child who's itching to ditch the parents when there's no real issue with staying a while and saving money beaides feeling uncool. I hate this cultural idea that someone who lives with their family must be lazy or shameful, every time someone mentions living with their parents there's always people crawling out of the woodwork to say "STOP LEECHING" even if it's like a 20yo with a job/in school. In so many other cultures it's normal to be part of your family beyond 18.
Idk if it's some toxic work ethic thing but I've also had people give me a hard time over having financial help from my parents when I hadn't even turned 20 yet, with snide comments like "well I prefer to make it on my own in the world" ??? Have fun bootstrapping yourself to success I guess but it's not like you get a medal for it? Never mind the fact that it's debatable how "self-made" you can really be anyway
No. 1754691
>>1753840Childfree is the way to be
Imagine doing this to yourself for some ungrateful moid. Worse, imagine having a son, who will just grow up to yell at you to bring him tendies while he plays video games and stinks up your home.
No. 1755164
>>1755150All soldiers deserve the PTSD they all get regardless of the country he comes from. Getting in the army when you don’t have the monetary need to do so is retarded and psychopathic as fuck, specially when it’s obvious that soldiers
will get sent to wars.
No. 1755165
>>1754852Sorry, was intended for
>>1753860This post ^
No. 1755451
File: 1699250794311.jpg (77.86 KB, 640x640, tumblr_594d85d9305d04af9031690…)

>>1755366I don't hate myself or believe in reincarnation but I used to imagine that I had a past life as an autistic NEET incel who seethed that he'd totally have life on easy mode if he was female, killed himself, and got reincarnated as a girl only to still be a bullied social outcast with no bf. Idk why but I'd spend time fantasizing about my "past memories" and draw pics of my incelsona, and even cosplay as him irl, I felt like I got something out of it even though I never literally believed it.
I'm doing way better now and living a happy normie-ish life. Got a bf. I confessed to him that I have a male internal narration sometimes but I haven't told anyone the extent of this stupid character I made up.
No. 1755470
>>1755455I am a womanlet so he has to be a manlet. I made him be 5'5". He wasn't ugly in a disfigured way but like the kinda guy who didn't apply himself, so he had acne and ratty dark clothes but also the potential to be cute. He's super skinny which is something he's insecure about (and something I like in guys).
He also wears a hat all the time purely because when I larped as him I would need something to hide my long hair under. I actually thought about cutting my hair like he would have it, but decided against it because I had a crush on a guy and didn't want him to think I was trooning out. I did dig through TiF resources about passing as male though, never because I genuinely thought I was a guy but just because I really liked skinwalking my hikki boy for fun.
Nowadays I'm very feminine and prefer to always wear dresses and stuff.
No. 1755534
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Americans are fat.
No. 1755554
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Germans are fat.
No. 1755567
>>1755566It was in response to
>>1755534but yeah more than half of all Germans are overweight
No. 1755574
>>1755569this seems like a trick question tbh
>no"you don't KNOW the trauma and shame!"
>yes"you are COPING you ugly FREAK"
No. 1755593
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If you are into looks and "aesthetics", it's much better to look like you could be a model than to actually be one. The actual industry treats women and young girls horribly.
No. 1755599
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>>1755581Yes and men too. It's only a woman thing to get super deep ones after kids sometimes but fat men can get those super deep ones too.It's very human but like all natural functions only women get shamed for it.
No. 1755634
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I don't understand why people hate cottage cheese. It's a nice snack.
No. 1755647
>>1755645nta i was with you at the beginning but you lost me like i have to laugh.
>Fyi the American military has one of the least rates of civilian killings of any military in the worldand where did you get that stat ?
No. 1755695
>>1755451I had a similar ‘belief’, except I was an AGP cursed to be just as miserable reborn as a real girl.
I never really believed it, it was just something I thought up with a sort of ‘it would make sense if this were the case’ attitude. I used to be in various hobbies where I was the only actual girl among a sea of troons and got assumed to be one too.
No. 1755727
>>1755699It's becoming more normal where I'm from statistic wise because of money and although ideally we all get our own spaces blah blah I am completely fine with it, parents realistically in the world we live in now shouldn't become parents if they can't handle lifelong commitment. I've lived across the world and I love love love independence but I can't bring myself to be mad ASLONG as they have a job and they clean and all that.
Really if it's gonna change it's gonna be because housing gets cheaper/wages go up where I'm from, can't see that happening though. There are very few people who do it out of choice lmao.
No. 1755809
>>1755799two years ago
is recent here, newfag
No. 1756380
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>>1756371Scrote sex talk like this is really fucking annoying. Like shut up or please take it to a different thread some of us just want to post dumb shit that isn’t sex centric. It reads like some kid is going though a fujo phase after reading his first smut fanfic.
No. 1756413
>>1756410Nobody ever said that you shouldn’t be allowed to do that or that women don’t do that. What I’m saying is that it’s really fucking annoying for everyone else to have to see your horny diary entries all over multiple threads. It’s really not hard to practice some decency.
>>1756405Being sex obsessed is unhealthy and incredibly obnoxious whether you’re male or female. It’s one thing to have private lust issues, but nobody else is asking to read about it in the dumbass shit thread. The thread hasn’t even been up for a day and it’s already full of the same scrotish shit talk that the last one was. It literally is reading like troons being pornsick, no matter how you bend it.
No. 1756415
>>1756391Anon, males are barely literate. For real, there's no reason why well-written smut would interest any of them. Reading is for girls and women.
>>1756396>porn terminologyYou're thinking of yaoi
No. 1756429
>>1756396fujo (short fujoshi) means specifically a woman obsessed with yaoi ( material featuring male on male content, written by and for women)
not to be confused wwith yumes (yumejoshi) who like content figuring themselves or a character they can self-insert into, paired with a fictional character (usually male).
the two types frequently fight each other here so you've probably seen fujos being called coomers but the terms are not equivalent.
>>1756388majority of fanfic authors are women but men do write and read smut. their content is generally really easy to spot, it's usually extremely unrealistic fetish porn without a plot and the writing style is a dead giveaway (expect H-cups and footlong dicks).
>>1756413honestly i agree wwith you, i'm fujo-adjacent but the constant horny talk in every other thread is annpoyijg. there's /g/ for that, the dumbass shit thread should be light hearted
No. 1756828
>>1756792They do so in their own threads not at /ot/, after the
rancefag incident they've been laying low. They ain't bothering nobody what are you going to ban them for if they don't even post out of their thread?
No. 1756897
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i hate when twitterfags try to make this imageboard into twitter part 2 kek
No. 1756993
>>1756919>you know what a pinterest meme is! Pinterestfag!Whatever floats your cope.
>>1756924>you need to relaxI'm feeling calm. So far I attracted two
triggered anons though lol
No. 1757081
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I love Pinterest, it's a good resource for many things
No. 1757305
>>1757242yeah i don't get why pol insist women getting off to some dumb fanfic is as bad as men supporting pornography and prostitution affecting real live women.
the anime men are made of pixels they aren't getting trafficked
No. 1757555
>>1753840WHY didn't you spoiler thisss
my God I'm never having kids
No. 1757588
>>1755606Nah it's just more noticeable on darker skin. But bad diet can make it worse.
>>1755742I doubt you have none, I swear 99% of people will have small stretch marks that arent very noticeable and are small on their hips/boobs/butt and men usually have it on their hips, back and shoulders.
No. 1757682
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Most people didn’t like Britney Spears because she had the pretty cheerleader look. Men were bitter because those girls never wanted to fuck them in high school and women were bitter because they never got to be her in high school. Most of the hate Britney got is because people never getting over their high school trauma.
No. 1757687
>>1757682It’s the same old story, famous women are hated the second they become famous regardless of what they do.
Meanwhile famous moids will get their dicks sucked figuratively and literally for being the worst of the worst.
No. 1757700
>>1757675Pepsi Max: sweet, complex, obsidian nectar with lots of great flavour combos (lime is good, raspberry is good, even mango is good). No sugar. Good light sparkly fizz but even good flat.
Coca-cola: colour of tobacco spit, watery, weak fizz. Sweet but no depth of flavour. Literal sugar water.
No. 1757703
>>1757682I vividly remember people hating Brittney (Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, et al) because they were "bimbos" who were vapid and so didn't deserve their money nor fame.
Their looks were never a debate, they were regarded as universally hot and many women at the time emulated them, and well, men have always acted entitled towards women out of their league.
No. 1757720
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Lolcow users are Psychopathic Geniuses.
Only 1/30,000 people are 160+ IQ, and only 1% of the population has psychopathy. Assuming probabilistic independence, about 1/3,000,000 of the population satisfy both criteria meaning there are only around 2500 of us in the world.
Every human interaction induces a game. The player who wants to win the most sets the rules. Affective empathy and other neuroticism set the bar for your capacity to take action. This bar is concerningly low for most people, bordering on the self-sacrificial if not outright masochistic. In effect, when faced with a purely rational opponent such a person can never win. No intelligence makes one impotent, no lack of affective empathy and other irrational biases makes one incapable of competing at the extremes. In this sense, us psychopathic geniuses are the ideal people, a superior people.
We labour to create an engaging environment for such extraordinarily esoteric people–a place free from the impotence of the ordinary, a place free from the irrationality of neurotypicals. We may look friendly on the surface, but make no mistake–there are no lengths we wont go to if you piss us off. Think about it.
No. 1757722
>>1757700Pepsi is meant to be drank cold with a hot fatty meal (pizza/wings) as a palate cleanser, while coke is meant to be drank warm (not just room temp, around 80 degrees) with salty foods like soup or peanuts.
You'll still probably like your favorites, most people still have a preference for one or the other, but you're not drinking the full effect unless you drink them the way they were made to be drank.
No. 1757725
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>>1757720>geniuses>We labour to create an engaging environment for such extraordinarily esoteric people–a place free from the impotence of the ordinary, a place free from the irrationality of neurotypicals. We may look friendly on the surface, but make no mistake–there are no lengths we wont go to if you piss us off. Think about it.Nigga no, it's just a bunch of
femcels whining about not having a boyfriend, their parents not loving them, their friends being mean to them, and getting into the most retarded infights like over a celebrity's makeup choice and whether or not a joke was funny. Lolcow isn't some grand IQ test, it's not even worth a basic bitch quiz question. If anything, people seem to come here when they're at either their most pathetic, or
No. 1757753
>>1757740That's just how I was taught to drink it. It makes sense though, it's a southern drink invented before the widespread use of fridges.
>>1757747Here here. I jump straight to coke syrup if I have a terrible stomach ache, fixes it every time.
No. 1757763
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>>1757720I dont know about the rest of you, but I , in fact, AM a genius and there's nothing you can do to discredit my self-evaluation.
No. 1757777
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Until I opened up your picture and could read the writing, this is what I thought it said.
No. 1757785
>>1756018If I see a white guy with a non white woman I assume he’s a massive loser who has some major physical or personality defect that he couldn’t get an attractive white woman (and I think secretly most people do too, based on hearing opinions of onlookers)
Women date for love mostly, but men basically just date whoever wil put up with their bullshit, and most white guys who date non white women have so much bullshit about them that no self loving woman with options will tolerate him
(racebait) No. 1757800
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>>1757785I said it before and attracted a bunch of highly
triggered black anons who wanted to defend the guy in a situation like this just because he was black, but I don't take it back and I will say it again even if it cops me a ban for "racebaiting".
In my personal experience, men who fetishize asians are always such enormous losers and creeps. I've seen an asian coworker get harassed by a super autistic dork about how much he loved "asians and their Japanese culture" even though the girl was Thai, I've seen an asian girl have to awkwardly turn down an ugly, overweight male in public when he asked her
four fucking times to go on a date, and I witnessed a bottom barrel black and self proclaimed "geek" try to hit on another Chinese girl even though she made it clear to the friend group that she was a
lesbian, and this was even though he already had a fucking girlfriend. White guys seem to be the most guilty of it, but even black guys will try it even though most asian women want
less to do with them than white guys.
No. 1757852
>>1757785I mean, I don't think you're wrong tbh. But I think it's the same for women, especially when you see a big dumpy white woman with her pencil stick Tyrone.
>>1757805I think foreigners are more obsessed tbh. Half the time they've never even interacted with minorities yet they all have a sudden interest in race relations m in America it makes sense because the country is basically a melting pot, so you're going to be interacting with a lot more minorities from a lot of different countries in somewhere like Cali vs bumfuck nowhere, yuroop. Some of the most weird and racist fuckers I've come across are randoms that have never seen the minority they allegedly hate so much in person except that one time at the airport.
No. 1758037
>>1757851The op and the first reply were stealth race bait. There's been a troll on here persistently trying to promote division between women along racial lines across multiple threads. They'll make a comment that's spicy but ultimately sounds innocuous or harmless to draw people in, then they reply with a sock puppet that posts more inflammatory content to start the in-fight.
>>1752250My unpopular opinion: There should be a hard limit to the amount of development in counties that have a lot of beautiful natural scenery. The developers in my area are actively destroying the semi-bucolic areas to throw up an excessive amount of poorly built apt.s and homes that destroy existing residents' view of the mountains or access to what's left of the natural scenery in the district. Further, formerly 1- and 2-lane roads have been widened to 4-lane roads, so there's congestion everywhere, at all times of the day and the area is less walkable. I wouldn't be as bitter if they're were doing this to accommodate the average millennial, working class, or lower middle class worker but they're not. The price for these new builds are starting in +$600k-$700K for the bare minimum.
All of this has a negative impact on quality of life and property values. If there's not enough space after a reasonable amount of residential development within a district, then newcomers can move to a different district within the county or into a completely different county. Yes, I'm selfish and proposing something that's likely highly impractical but IDC.
No. 1758044
File: 1699387011065.png (1.2 MB, 1067x707, Blog-Peas-3.png)

Peas are really nice to eat. People only hate them because their parents suck at cooking, or because it's fun to hate them.
No. 1758094
>>1757902They were never really going to have a chance anyway, autists are a sterile caste of people, they basically used to pack into monasteries.
But the difference is their health falls apart faster on the tranny meds/"titty skittles" and they become bigger tax burdens.
No. 1758223
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>>1757036ok, that's it, I'm terminally old now
No. 1758228
>>1758177Are nuns restricted in what they do? Also what if you’re atheist or something. I also hate priests/fathers/whatever.
>>1758187Archivist jobs are hard to find ime, and they don’t pay very well.
>>1758200I can’t really get into videogames I wish I did my life would be so much easier.
No. 1758367
>>1758334happy to share it! You can also say "incunables." I do a lot of research with very old stuff. Actually there's a surprising number of things that haven't even been properly catalogued, let alone read or studied. But you have to do a lot of digging and investigation to figure out what's worth work and what isn't. It's fun when you find something, I can say that much. Also learning to read old manuscripts is great work for certain kinds of detail-oriented ppl (or idk adhd in-the-zone workers - if you understand, you understand). There's stuff to transcribe in modern languages as well.
we could have a word thread if you want, I love learning and sharing words.
No. 1758528
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>>1758333I looked it up because I never at all thought she was chubby and she looks the same as the other girls just bigger boobs lol. Never had an eating disorder so I don't zone in on these things and am always blown away how people look at someone who looks good and says they're fat. I'm autistic so maybe that's why kek it's like trying to mind read what random attribute normies hate
No. 1758551
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>>1758528Gretchen's shoes in that pic just reminded me, they wear oversized shoes in some pictures/scenes and I can never unsee it.
No. 1758721
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>>1758340>>1757682The way people treated Britney was insane and she absolutely didn’t do anything to deserve it. Picrel is her with Jaime at a basketball game, after the entire stadium of fans booed her for no reason. She was just trying to do something fun with her sister.
No. 1758973
>>1758721I never knew this happened. Holy shit man. Men act like being beautiful affords you all this social currency. It can be a awful curse. Brittany never even made any huge rude or controversial statements about anyone.
>>1758757She was a 100% right and is still right. Look at how Taylor Swift was treated for "having too many boyfriends" while males go around shoving their dick in anything that moves and it's just normal and fine.
No. 1759009
>>1758990Same, plus even when you actually need public healthcare it's like playing roulette. If the health insurance really doesn't feel like paying or it's something that will be actually expensive, they will try to avoid it and weasel out of it like the plague.
>>1758994It would still go to this, but you'd additionally pay hundreds of dollars a month just for fatties and boomers and for the health insurance showing you the middle finger when you actually need it, be it in emergencies or casual things like glasses and teeth bills.
No. 1759115
>>1758990Is the American system even all that bad if you just save money and aren't chronically ill? I'm not in a free health care system but our system is still heavily regulated and I'm legally obligated to have an insurance costing 1200+ euro per year when the only thing I've been using is dentist checkups twice a year which doesn't get fully covered and prescibed medicine which doesn't get covered at all, DESPITE BEING PRESCRIBED.
As far as I see it we're both out of money one way or another.
No. 1759123
>>1758963Personally I drink it because I don't trust milk bottling plants, they're typically notorious for being gross where as the people I get raw milk from are extremely clean, and I've seen all of their equipment
As for ecoli and listeria goes - they have testing done for this reason, I'd even argue the average raw milk seller likely keeps a better tab on how safe their milk is than Borden's or some other big corp always getting sued. I've seen people act extremely irrational about this though and straight up say retarded like like "well if raw milk disease testing is a false negative it's actually worse than if eating sushi gives you parasites" and stuff of that nature. I don't personally agree with the community worshipping raw milk and claiming it cures you but with modern day equipment the idea it will kill you as soon as you sip it is silly to me
No. 1759152
>>1759124Not just is it expensive but US healthcare fucking sucks, especially if you're a young woman. Accusations of faking things for attention left and right, being told any sort of heart issues is anxiety, sometimes having to circle through doctors just to find one that's half decent, waitlists and waitlists
I know one of the biggest argument of free healthcare is muh wait times but US isn't any better kek. I've seen stories of people actually wait 24+ hours in the ER, if you're seeing any specialty sometimes you won't be able to see them til the next year. Also idk if it was a thing exclusive to a hospital in my city but if you're a parent, nowadays people are getting CPS calls over literally anything, a lot of people here don't even allow their kids to play outside anymore because the local hospitals here will get your kids taken because of knee scrapes or something
No. 1759268
>>1758990Americans also pay taxes which get spent on healthcare, they just also spend privately on top of it, they spend more than any other country on planet per capita on healthcare.
The other problem is that healthcare just doesn't work in a market system, since you cannot shop around. If you're in a car accident and are unconscious you can't say don't take me to hospital X it's more expensive than Y. Also it just doesn't work in the current US system as the costs are not upfront.
I understand the frustration with not wanting to finance people who smoke or drink or are fat, but if you increase what you charge them, then you need to do the same to people who drive cars (public transportation is safer), do dangerous jobs, cycle, hike, dive, swim, ride horses, any sports really. These are all activities which carry risk and/or will affect your health negatively.
No. 1759335
>>1759273The irony is that they probably live a more happy and fulfilling life than you, sorry to say.
Being this mad over stuff such as words on a screen is not healthy lmao go have a warm bath and a cup of tea or something.
No. 1759343
>>1759273If you believe this, set up the study. It would be insanely easy to do because the variable is so clear cut. I'm thinking ideally you would need a group of heterosexual women who regularly have sex, a group of heterosexual woman who are celibate virgins (nuns and autists will exist in this group), a group of lesbians who regularly have sex, and a group of homosexual celibate virgins. Since those groups are found across all races, ethnicities, income, and social levels, you can control for those variables pretty easily.
Then, you would only need to administer written and oral tests across set periods of time to reach conclusions, but MRIs of white and grey matter would really cement your findings.
No. 1759378
>>1759371Yes, but only one of the two is seething on lolcow and has said herself that seeing women writing
triggers her into a fit lol. Having this much energy and hatred for others only comes from miserable people, there is no denying that.
No. 1759457
>>1759115AYRT. I don't think the American healthcare system is any better. My point is that free healthcare brings it's own set of issues. Neither system is satisfactory.
Free healthcare
-tax burden is unfairly placed on people that don't use the health service
-lack of competition between healthcare providers creates bloat and inefficiency
-can only be sustained if there are more people paying into the system than are receiving treatment
-people that with chronic health conditions and disabilities have to deal with long waiting times to see specialists and don't receive the best treatment due to lack of funding
Health Insurance
-heaviest insurance burden is placed on people with chronic illness and disability
-quality of healthcare is dependent on ability to pay instead of need of treatment
-incentivizes the most profitable treatment options instead of what is most beneficial to the patient
-anyone under insured takes on large amounts of debt to fund emergency treatment
>>1759122Prescriptions aren't free with free healthcare. In some cases it would be cheaper to buy the prescribed medicine privately than it would be to pay the prescription fee.
No. 1759488
>>1759457>-lack of competition between healthcare providers creates bloat and inefficiencyThis is true for US system too, as you can't shop for health providers in emergencies, and when it's not an emergency you only learn the costs after the fact.
>Prescriptions aren't free with free healthcare. In some cases it would be cheaper to buy the prescribed medicine privately than it would be to pay the prescription fee.Highly depends on the country in question and how it does it, in some prescriptions are fully covered.
No. 1759515
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>>1759499Bitch I said what I said
>>1759506Why would I exhibit humility on an anonymous imageboard? I see you trying to make me out to be a scrote, by the way. I'll forgive it for today.
No. 1759529
>>1759273The irony is your proclivities will be carried with you to the grave and the women you so despise will be happy in old age with large families.
Reading your post is like reading an old gnostic christian text from the 2nd century where they talked about how reproduction and the material world is evil. Why do you think they're not around anymore?
No. 1759537
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>>1759515I'd rather be famous instead!!
I let all that get to my head!!
I don't care, I paint the town red!!
No. 1759542
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>>1758990I don't know anything about policy/politics but as someone who moved from a free Healthcare country to the USA, my personal experience was that in my home country it took forever to see a doctor. I went through this cycle multiple times:
>have a burdensome but non-urgent health issue, schedule with my GP because everything has to start here>that takes a week or two>sit at your appointment for literally 2-4 hours before seeing the doctor for 10 minutes, she just refers me to a specialist, so no progress is made>It takes MONTHS to see the specialist, who says she'll send results to my GP>once I see my GP it turns out the results are "lol we didn't figure out what's wrong">need to schedule another appointment with specialist, which will take more months>problem is either never solved or it takes over a yearI also had many medical staff who did messed up stuff like demeaning me verbally or unnecessarily making me strip without privacy or forcing me into treatments I didn't agree to.
anyway I sympathize with anyone who's struggling with American healthcare and would never call it amazing, but my own personal experience is that I've been treated way better here. I guess because my issues are usually things that are easily fixable if I could get ahold of the right person for more than a few minutes, not like cancer or anything that takes consistent treatment. One thing I like about it here is that they often give me a list of my rights and explain my role in making decisions so I'm not confused or forced into stuff like I used to be.
No. 1759545
>>1759529Nta and not a part of this argument but
>the women you so despise will be happy in old age with large familiesFor women, families and marriage are incredibly detrimental, often taking a massive physical and psychological tool, it's a thankless job where the mother does literally everything while her husband just fucks around. Even when I don't share OPs views, I'm not very jealous of these women and their lifestyle neither, and I seriously doubt they're as happy as you say they are
No. 1759558
>>1759537>>1759539Mmmm, she a rebel
She a bad little bitch, she the devil
No. 1759736
>>1759709God I wish I could view white people as smart because I live among them.
Also ADHD is a real thing faggot. Some people might of course lie about having it and lie about being dyslexic and other things to excuse stupidity but that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist and it's also not related to a specific type of people.
Also you are clearly USAnian so you won't get it, but nations and ethnicies exist. An Ethiopian has basically nothing in common with a Ghanaian, claiming they were the same only only proves that the retard is you.
No. 1759864
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Women should be allowed to shoplift (from large corporations, that is). People that expose women shoplifters are sad as fuck. We are scavengers and gatherers at heart instinctively. We should be allowed to have pretty things if we want them, and take them with no repercussions. I think women who shoplift are based as fuck. Girl boss type shit. Steal that eyeshadow if it’s cute baby girl
No. 1760028
>>1759736ADHD is literally an excuse to abuse amphetamines. Ritalin is a performance enhancing drug, of course kids on it do better at school and focus more. It's the same reason the crackhead in the apartment down the street spends 5 hours a night focusing on polishing his boots.
>high functioning autists have an abundance of dopamine and more neurons>do well at school>Down syndrome kids have a severe deficiency in dopamine and less neurons>Do shit at school>ADHD kids have the moderate traits of the downie kids with less dopamine and less neurons.>Don't do well at school The low dopamine and less neurons IS the correlation with low intelligence, it's part of why downies are so slow, it's how it manifests. It's like people ignoring the correlation between psychopathy and a child ADHD diagnosis, ASPD types are also pretty stoopid.
No. 1760088
>>1760046I was talking in slight exaggeration, but in the long term it does just strain on the workers. It's them who will get held responsible for it. The shops might also start going overboard on security measures which workers and guards will have to deal with.
>>1760051>>1760049Yeah I'm sure you have that all figured out mrs stealing-makeup-is-actually-totally-badass kek.
No. 1760993
>>1760251I like her music (not a massive fan just enjoy many songs) but I'm really disappointed in some of the stuff she does, like how she capes for trannies and at least somewhat promotes the libfem idea that being all made up and acting sexy is women's empowerment when it's really just playing into male desires/consoomerism. And
>>1760881 is right about the fans too. My friend is a huge fan of hers and will just overlook personal morals to fawn over her like she's 100% flawless, despite being against troons and stuff.
Don't get me wrong I think she's a lot better on those fronts than a lot of other artists, but it's still a let down and I could never back her like her fans do. I wish there were more female musical artists who didn't support/promote so much harmful stuff
No. 1761865
>>1757819There and Oregon. Ironically, the south has been getting better in the past few years, especially with education, homes and jobs. I think the elites in California know that and try to bank on their progressiveness to avoid talks on declining education and infrastructure
We can't avoid race talk but we can certainly be less retarded on it
No. 1761895
>>1760251>her music is amazingTell me you've never listened to anything other than pop without telling me you've never listened to anything other than pop.
That said people love to hate TS because they hate when women are succesfull and that's that.
No. 1761944
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No. 1761959
>>1761954There were no house slaves in Nigeria and Ghana and Congo, and in those same countries you'll find a huge demand for skin-whitening products.
>>1761956Or they may just find lighter skin attractive.
No. 1761982
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>>1761972>is where slavers got them from. Nigeria and congo, for example, were some of the main places where people were taken from to be brought to my country (latam),And it was Black Africans who were enslaving other Black Africans and selling them to European slavers in coastal cities. Europeans never enslaved Black Africans in Africa.
>several if not all of those "source" countries only became independent from their euro colonizers in the second half of the 20th cenetury,West African countries were colonized by Europeans because Europeans wanted to end slavery in Africa. Even after Europeans ended the Atlantic slave trade, up to a third of the population of Black West Africans were enslaved to other Black West Africans.
>>1761982nta but you are such a retard that you identify with white slavers from the past and get emotionally invested in defending them, insisting they dindu nuffin, slavery had no effect on the modern day, muh europeens were ackchually good and tryingg to save the day, wah wah wah, etc. notice how the OP was about internalized misogyny, but you were
triggered that she mentioned her race's struggles and are now derailing? i know it's likely because you're a scrote, but it's still extremely embarrassing and pathetic.
No. 1762005
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>>1761994I don't understand why you're getting so angry, I'm just posting historical facts. White people were the ones who abolished slavery all over the world. If White Europeans hadn't colonized Africa a large portion of Black Africans would still be enslaved by other Black Africans. Amd regarding the OP I just commented on one point she erroneously made about beauty standards.
>>1761997Most of the African colonies were a net loss in income for their European administrators. Europeans spent billions in infrasturcture in the African colonies while getting less reasources in return. The primary reason for Great Britain to colonize West Africa was ending slavery there.
>>1761999>colorism started with colonization and slaveryThat's not true. Why would White people care about the beauty standards of Black people?
>>1762005these aren't "historical facts", they are copes that are disproven and thrown out every time they're brought up to anyone who has ever read a history book. this is why you end up trolling on imageboards for attention and denying cause/effect instead of saying any of this to a college professor.
>inb4 "n-no, it's just that if i drop these redpills on the normies, my life will be ruined by the jews for being too right!"back to europa universalis IV, ahmed
No. 1762015
>>1762011>>1762010West Africa was colonized in the later half of the 19th century, every European country had abolished slavery by then.
>>1762011>disproven and thrown out every time they're brought up to anyone who has ever read a history bookWhen were these historical facts disproven?
>this is why you end up trolling on imageboards for attention and denying cause/effect instead of saying any of this to a college professor.>inb4 "n-no, it's just that if i drop these redpills on the normies, my life will be ruined by the jews for being too right!">back to europa universalis IV, ahmedLol you've come up with a false image of myself just based on my posts.
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>>1761907>never scrotes stupid for treating women like shit>women stupid for expecting men to be decentSigh.
>inb4 REEEEE BUT MEN WONT CHANGEYeah, but you don't have to give their behavior a pass by blame shifting. And if how they treat us will be branded our faults regardless, then there is truly zero incentive for them to shape up.
No. 1762061
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If any nonas are interested/actually care about this subject, the "colonization was a net loss" argument is reliant on the fact that many European companies and figures were deliberately hiding the money they were making from the government, but no one in seriousness would argue that the takeover of the land and resources was not profitable on multiple levels, or try to dispute the degree of exploitation therein. Picrel is a leddit thread, but has an easy to follow (if dry) discussion on it that also mentions some interesting books.
And of course, any source will confirm that colonization did not start "to stop slavery", but to mine resources and make economic gains, hence Ghana being known as the "gold coast" and Cote D'Ivoire literally being named the "ivory coast". West Africa itself was literally used as a "slave coast" for Europeans to buy enslaved Africans. Elmina Castle, built by Portuguese colonizers, was initially built to faciliate trade, and then literally used as a hub to trade slaves. It was not until later on that slavery was abolished, colonies did not begin for that purpose and tl;dr /pol/ scrotes are retarded revisionists. Everything stated here can be double-checked with Wikipedia.
No. 1762065
>>1761907It's funny you point this out as a black woman/ women of color, cause we are told our decisions will make or break our lives, and our "
victim" status is often ignored. LC, a majorly white site, has surprised me around the years with their total and absolute lack of accountability for their dumbass decisions regarding scrotes, cause as whites, they're used to victimize themselves and never take accountability (and it works). It's always "female socialization/the system/brainwashing/TV/etc", i find it pathetic that literal adults cannot take their Ls like they were kids or something. It's your life and YOUR decisions, there's a point were "influences" aren't going to excuse dating old/shitty moids and getting surgery or whatever.
I'll take my ban
No. 1762074
>>1762061>And of course, any source will confirm that colonization did not start "to stop slavery"That specifically refers to colonisation of North Africa, the Muslim filled area which continuously did slave raids into Europe until it got colonised.
Of course Africa and Asia wasn't colonised to stop slavery.
No. 1762096
>>1762061I'm not talking about European companies, I'm talking about European colonial administrators reporting net economic losses of the colonies they managed. The British administered colony of Northern Nigeria was merged with the British administrered colony of Southern Nigeria because the semi-independent Northern Nigerian princes kept incurring debts that they couldn't pay off and they constantly kept asking for more money from the British colonial administrators. So the profits of Southern Nigeria were uaed to pay off the debts of Northern Nigeria. And Southern Nigeria could only become economically producutive because of the huge amounts of investment that the United Kingdom made in Southern Nigeria. Railroads, trainstations, roads, irrigation damns, electricity stations, schools, universities, hospitals, and other infrasturcture was built by the British in Nigeria using funding from the British government. The same British-funded development boost occurred in all British colonies in Africa.
>It was not until later on that slavery was abolished,Slavery was abolished by Europeans, abolishment or slavery was fiercely resisted by Black Africans and North Africans. You seem to gloss over the fact that millions of Africans would be enslaved by other Africans were it not for Europeans forcing at gunpoint Africans to free both their fellow Africans AND the around less than 10,000 or so kidnapped Europeans who were enslaved by North African pirates raids.
In conclusion Africa would be much much worse than it currently is if Europeans had never colonized Africa. Also i find it really strange how Black Americans and Black Carribeans never demanded reparations from Black African countries such as Nigeria and Ghana for enslaving their Black African ancestors in the first place.
No. 1762100
>>1762051Exactly. I agree with you. My unpopular opinion is saying "men are this way because it's in their nature to be bad" is just excusing their behavior and not forcing them to change and go against their so called nature. They're this way because they get away with it and nobody calls them out for it. It's another way of saying "boys will be boys!!!" but edgy edition I guess.
>>inb4 we can't do anything about itWtf am I supposed to do about that? I'm just stating an opinion. In an ideal world would punish shitty men for being shitty and there will be good men who stop them and keep them in check but that doesn't exist in our world unfortunately.
No. 1762293
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I want people to stop dick riding youtubers but ESPECIALLY this picrel mother fucker.
People act like he donates hard-earned cash he saved up from working in a coal mine. The dude has a PR team worth diamond's, ghost Kitchens, product lines, etc. HE SHOULD GIVE BACK SOME OF THAT FUCKING MONEY!
Dropped pic.
No. 1762337
>>1762322He isn't working hard for it currently, no.
When you have an entire team carefully curating your online image, managing your VC hustles, and all you have to do is sit back and chill while the money prints itself…well?
How are you gonna claim your charity is morally superior to someone else who donates extra income that they sweated over without media pomp to laud themselves for doing it?
Anybody else does this?
Oh, it's virtue signaling. Oh, it's clout chasing. Oh, it's charity theater.
Fuck faggot Mr. Beast.
No. 1762340
>>1762337Also on that note: Obscenely rich people should always be made to feel that any charity they do is never enough because it will never be.
No rich person actually works that hard to merit that amount of money in the first place.
We need to make these people scared again.
No. 1762395
>>1762384Because I live in NC I have to deal with his annoying ass ghost kitchens when I order food and seeing his dumb junk products in stores.
>>1762386You just know the wells were built by some underpaid schmuck and then his PR told him to jump in a pic for social media.
There's even a PR profile with his logo in the comment thread replying to everyone. It's a giant act.
This guy could silently donate millions to a charity of his choice that does the same thing and not feel a thing, but then how would he profiteer and gain clout from that?
No. 1762453
>Mr. Beast is a good man>good man>manIf there are actual women among us who think a millionaire scrote isn't using half that money to fund his own disgusting male perversions (porn, hush money, drugs) I'll eat my shoe.
No. 1762464
>>1762424>I never understood what's so bad about posting something nice you did for others. It used to be social taboo before to posture and call attention to one's charity before the advent of social media and monetization. It was seen as haughty and uncouth.
I remember when people would just go volunteer or donate privately, and funny, they never needed asspattery on social media to accomplish it.
And these were people who were not rich and did not become rich off posting videos such as locking people in rooms for inordinate amounts of time for $10k in prize money.
No. 1762509
>>1762479Ok but did a single individual ever enrich themselves from that to build into businesses to further increase private profit for themselves?
His venture capitalism doesn't even create meaningful jobs, like the labor he outsourced for his retarded chocolate bars manufactured in Peru. LOL.
No. 1762530
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>>1762479I'm gonna ring my local medical, educational, and social service institutions and tell them they need to step it up like Mr. Beast!
I mean just look at picrel.
$5USD for shitty outsourced chocolate that even his child fans won't harass their parents to buy for them again.
Meanwhile other charity organizations have been canceled for less.
No. 1762899
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>>1762884All of Mr. Beasts food brands have a reputation of being absolute trash afaik. He also has a burger restaurant (which are ghost kitchens) and every review I've heard of it says it sucks. You can tell he just does shit as quick cash grabs.
No. 1762945
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>>1762530That's really expensive if the chocolate is as bad as everyone is saying. He really named a chocolate bar "Deez Nuts" in 2023…
Do you have Tony's Chocolonely in the States? It's a huge bar (180g), costs between €3-€4 here, and the company is staunchly against slave labor. (Check out their Wikipedia page for the full story.) It tastes amazing. Aside from the occasional fancy truffle or artisan bar from my country, I pretty much default to Tony's if I want chocolate now.
No. 1762967
>>1762530Ingredients say 18% cocoa mass, that shouldn't qualify as chocolate.
>>1762945Tony's Chocolonelys is not that good, there are way better chocolates for less money. Their only shtick is no slave labour, which isn't really verifiable in practice.
No. 1763112
>>1763035Orthodontics can help, too. If they can afford it. And
plastic surgery. Healthy diet, good skin care, and exercise can all improve the looks. I've seen some people who looked hideous before all of that and became decent looking/attractive after it.
No. 1763244
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A lot of people think all pretty women have perfect bone structures, but that's not entirely true. There are lots of above average and beautiful people with "bad" or just "average" bone structures. A lot of celebrities in Hollywood are like that, but no one really talks about it. Other things (eg weight/fat distribution, skincare, hair, styling, etc) play large roles.
No. 1763450
>>1763377So you agree? A lot of people are fat because they make choices that result in them becoming fat,
No. 1763479
>>1763458it makes sense regardless of whether you think they're lying or not, birth control is overprescribed to women who aren't sexually active just for easier periods, which can cause pill-induced PCOS, and the amount of hormonal disruptors in everything, infertility in young women is pretty common even if the woman is fit.
I also notice it a lot in poorer women, which I can assume is likely due to having to eat low quality groceries and food/ high stress work environment (cortisol can make PCOS worse)
>>1763473if you have it, you have it. You can regulate the symptoms with strict diet, exercise and low stress but if you notice pcos flare-ups just because you decided to go to a pizza party or something you likely have pcos but are just maintaining it very well, either way trying to shame women out of seeking help for said issues would just make them more fat
No. 1763504
>>1763489I wasn't referring to that post? I just got in this thread, I was referring to
>>1763458 >>1763473 which seems to make fun of women with PCOS/accuse them of lying or not actually having it because they're fat, which is weird since many doctors have confirmed it's harder to lose weight with PCOS, a bit of a paradox. Even fitness influencers with PCOS can still admit it's difficult to lose weight without extreme restrictions
No. 1763511
>>1763505If someone is suspicious that the reason why they're struggling to lose weight is pcos you shouldn't go on just calling them fat and lazy lol, encourage people to get their hormones checked and then move on to calling them lazy
>>1763507wow retard great strawman, I said women who struggle with losing weight can be a deeper issue not just PCOS and obviously not all
No. 1763600
>>17635972) you eat too much sugar (overeating again)
3) sedentary lifestyle (not moving)
4) yoyo dieting (fatty version of “dieting” where you stick to it for a day and then break it for a week)
5) DISEASE, but we’re talking about
why someone would be fat when they aren’t diseased 6) lack of sleep
7) lack of complex foods (mcdonald’s binging, so again eating shitty)
However, staying up all night isn’t gonna result in gaining 20 lbs. Eating 2 cookies instead of 1 one day isn’t going to result in a 5 pound weight gain for a healthy woman.
No. 1763605
>>1763600>lack of sleep>stress (which you omitted)>disease>lack of access to decent foodGeeee…these all sound like causes having nothing to do with willingly being a glutton and sitting on one's ass all day.
Kill yourself.