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No. 1739705

Treat others the way you want to be treated.

previous >>>/ot/1728920

No. 1739710>>1739725>>1739728>>1739750

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Absolutely horrified that I spent 5 months trying to find a job and then got fired only 2 days after working for seizing. I’m drowning so far in debt to the point where I really think it’s just the end of my line. My chest and my whole body just aches with sadness. My parents try to tell me that I just shouldn’t work anymore but, whatever.

No. 1739717

I can't do this lol

No. 1739724

The realization that men have absolutely no fucking clue what a woman likes hit me hard, even if I set my expectations low to begin with.

No. 1739725>>1739769

Is it even legal to fire an employee for having a health incident on the job? Maybe you can file a complain against them somewhere

No. 1739728>>1739769

If you have a seizure disorder, first of all they can't fire you for that, second you shouldn't be pushing yourself. You should get medical assistance for your financials and pursuit something you can do from home, there are a lot of options. You're not a failure because you have seizures and your parents are right.

No. 1739734

my coworkers are trying to figure out why their work submissions seem to submit but are then instant declined by the program. i look. i figure out a pattern (most of them have a particular quality in common) and eventually find an error related to that quality that seems to go through fine and isn't flagged, but may ultimately cause the program to reject it. i point it out to them.

immediately i get the stupidest reply that shows they don't even understand what i said, like just pure braindead, and two people agree. why are the stupidest people always the most arrogant. god i hate humanity. i don't even care now, i get paid by the hour. the hilarious thing is i look young and am a new hire so they think i must not know what i'm doing. i've been doing this job for 3 years at other companies and am ridiculously overqualified for this position. but i look young so they are judgemental and assume they're smarter than me. they've also snubbed me and refused to train me, just leaving me to figure everything out on my own, while the coworker hired at the same time as me gets coddled with dozens of hours of personal training. but i'm still better than him and figured it out on my own without training. oh, because i'm more educated and qualified, that's right, but only HR knows that much.

i'm only here to get an entry into this very large company. they mostly hire internally. 6 months and i'm going to be out into a better job here and leave these underqualified bozos in the dust.

No. 1739750>>1739769

I hope you can get on disability. I'm so sorry this happened to you.

No. 1739769>>1742721

It is not legal, my parents are helping me communicate with a lawyer because I’m just over emotional right now kek

They probably are right and you’re definitely right too, I’ve just spent my whole life and my entire career up to now believing that you can’t take days off. I’ve had epilepsy since I was a teenager, I remember working at Starbucks, and I once had a grand mal during my shift there. I’ve probably just pushed myself too far.

Thank you so much nonnilla. The kind words do make me feel seen.

No. 1739777>>1739824

I wish I had been born like, an ant or something. Why can’t I be a little mite who serves its purpose of reproducing and then dying. Everything suffers but I’d take the cruelty of nature over the cruelty of humanity. I’m jealous my the worst thing my dog has to fear is that the sky makes big scary sounds sometimes. I can’t even find anything good in the world to even slightly make up for how shit it’s getting.

No. 1739784

i've never been a heavy smoker yet lately i've been going through a depressive episode and food seems like a barrier, i've been craving cigs instead. if i do eat it's takeout i fucking hate it

No. 1739814>>1739830

I hate male entitlement at work. Your average young adult male behaves like an only-child teen, me! me! me!. So immature. Males should attend compulsory special classes at school that would teach them sharing, empathy, how to behave in a group setting etc. They seem to unable to acquire these skills on their own. No matter how highly-educated a male might be, he is still a special needs kid.

No. 1739824

We could all be living really comfy lives but we create our own suffering through greed, jealousy and pride. Sounds gay but it's 100% true. We have more than enough for everyone and we allow very small amounts of people ruin it for everyone.

No. 1739830

I hate them because they will brag about the smallest achievements and pretend they invented the wheel even when it's the most mediocre contribution. They'll act smug about their job or clever boy degree even if their GPA is like 1.5.

No. 1739874>>1739893>>1740705

I'm kinda sad I'm always alone and never get to dress up on Halloween. It looks like a lot of fun getting all made up for something other than just to look pretty. I'd want to be an axe-wielding grandma covered in blood, I've always wanted to try old people makeup. Or clown makeup.

No. 1739885>>1739904>>1739924

I wish they'd evacuate every woman out of both Israel and Palestine and fucking nuke all the men. I can't stand this discourse anymore, each side calling the other guilty when it's moids from both sides being the apes they are ooga boogaing about muh territory.

No. 1739893

You can still dress up nonnie, do whatever you want!

No. 1739900

i got annoyed and shoved my cat off my bed this morning because he was walking across my chest and meowing in my face like 15 minutes before my alarm was set to go off at 6am. i feel really bad now because after that i didnt really see him and i didnt get to cuddle him and apologize before i left for work. he's a brat but i love him so much

No. 1739904

based and correct. 100% of wars and violence are caused by men.

No. 1739907

Mom won't stop ranting about how evil Halloween is. Acting like a fucking day has actual power because someone said so. "Omg evil people do their evil ceremonies on that day!". It just pisses me off because she has good memories of Halloween, so does my brother and I, but fuck letting kids nowadays have good memories.

No. 1739919

I've been sick for the past four months and I've lost some weight since then. 3 inches off my chest, 2 inches off my thighs but only 1 inch off my waist. My BMI is almost under 30 for the first time in forever. I'm going to continue to lose weight since I have to keep eating a soft food diet right now, but honestly I'd happily gain it all back tomorrow if it meant I could be free of pain again. Also the thread pic makes me feel so hopeless kek, maybe I should just go jump in front of a train like I've been wanting to for a few weeks.

No. 1739924>>1740136

I'm sorry but no. I'm tired of this shit of so-called fake feminists treating women like children and removing any accountability from them.
Female IDF soldiers don't give a fuck when male idf soldiers sexually assault Palestinians or when the settlers go and kill Palestinians.

And same goes for pro-palestinian women who don't give a fuck about about Israel infants being killed because "they deserved it" .

Humans are just shit.

No. 1739927>>1739949

My friend's hosting a Halloween party. I was invited, but I'm so broke right now I can't even afford the bus ticket there, it would suck up the money I have left for food this month. Being unemployed fucking sucks, and I'm so embarrassed that I'm just going to tell my friend I'm too sick to come on that day. I'm happy about being invited, of course, but last time I declined an invite to do something and was honest about the money issue, they acted confused as to how I couldn't even afford a day ticket to travel out to see them and it just broke me, for some reason. Hoping I get a job soon so I can escape this nightmare situation.

No. 1739940>>1740357

I'm so sick of my boyfriend never having anything to say or contribute to the conversation. Or when we are on call, he barely responds and says he's cleaning his desk or something. Do that shit off call you fucking tard. And he's so retarded he can't talk and do shit at the same time? Fucking annoying

No. 1739949

I'm really sorry for you situation. I've been in the same place and it's hard when people don't get it. I did have some friends who had more sympathy and helped me out by paying for me if they could afford it, but they were the exceptions. I hope you find a job soon, but don't feel embarrassed about a situation you don't have full control on. It's not your fault.

No. 1739962

I cannot stand my mental illness or the abuse that I've been put through by society.

No. 1739969

I can't stop being paranoid that I'm secretly pregnant even though I just got my period last week and haven't had sex in 2 months I think it's time to get checked for OCD nonnas

No. 1739998>>1740001>>1740004

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I'm fucking sick of being banned on 4chan for insulting the pedophile Islamic prophet Muhammad Abdullah, 4chan's moderation is almost as bad as reddit's.

No. 1740000

I did something evil out of jealousy and self-interest which is making someone close to me that I love extremely sad and they don't know it's me who did it
I feel kind of bad about it

No. 1740001>>1740006

kek why did this cartoonist make muhhammad a ginger

No. 1740004

they don't want to get allahuakbared by some terrorist, understandable

No. 1740006>>1740009

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Muhammad wasn't ginger, he dyed his hair with Henna like some Muslim men do today.

No. 1740009>>1740010>>1740015

but he was described as being super light-skinned and handsome, pretty much all his companions were also also described as being light-skinned as well.

No. 1740010>>1740024

nice bait

No. 1740015>>1740024

I doubt that very much. The Byzantines in the 7th century described the Arabs as being Brown.

No. 1740018

steam won't let me recover my account so i'm just going to pirate the game i already paid for, i guess.

No. 1740024

He likely wasn't, but that doesn't matter because it's a real thing within the narrative Islamic texts. Islam is an Arab cultural religion where light-skinned individuals were associated with high status. Therefore, in that backward culture, some important Arabian would be described with epithets for being particularly light-skinned, leading Arabs naturally assume, 'This guy must be super noble.'
Muhammad is also described as having many famous relatives. He is a direct line descendant of Abraham and is related to some famous Arab mythic hero who defeated the Ethiopians.

No. 1740041>>1740074>>1740121>>1740123>>1740144

Seeing autistic losers yuck it up over dogs covered in painful porcupine quills was the last thing I needed to see today. At least spoiler that shit fuck I hate seeing animals in pain.

No. 1740074

Thank you for saying this, me too. I don’t get why they can’t just spoiler it ffs. Like just say you enjoy animals being hurt and/or exposing others to images of it and go…

No. 1740095>>1740099>>1740103>>1740109>>1740113

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it's been decades and I'm still mad about that one teacher from highschool who said "thank god" when he thought I wasn't there during attendance call

No. 1740099

Don't worry, I'm sure he's a loser anyway.

No. 1740103

It's been years and I'm still mad about my snarky math teacher commenting about "the downfall of posture" when I caught him and his little teacher's pet staring at me waiting by the door. I had to carry a fat ass backpack around school all day and I just wanted to look at my phone. Like shut the fuck up and get back to being rainman on your little PowerPoint Excel you rude, snoutfaced fuck.

No. 1740109

Years ago uni teacher threw my project back at me (instead of just handing it to me like a human) and I still think about pushing him into traffic

No. 1740113

Once my sixth grade teacher yelled at me for drawing a mean caricature of another teacher but legit she screamed at me and brought up her daughter who was my age and how she would NEVER do something like that and I genuinely wonder to this day why she thought that I cared about her stupid daughter kek.

No. 1740120

I can't wear my earbuds anymore so I'm having more trouble focusing. When I do manage to zone out, get in my work groove, someone has to complain to me or interrupt me to babysit them. I never agreed to be a teacher to a high school kid, I directly told them this. They lied about the kids simply wanting to observe. I have to stop working for half of my long shift and play nice to teach a part timer how to do my job. It makes my day drag on even harder. I have no idea how to teach, I have bad social skills, why the fuck do they continue to force this on me. We are extremely behind, I want to get back to my normal shift schedule, yet here we are wasting time. They fired my coworkers or they quit. I think I will likely be fired soon too but it's in shambles right now so I know they are relying on me to a point but I have no hopes. This company will dig it's grave the whole six feet.

No. 1740121>>1740133

i really wish that thread would get locked. scrote behaviour

No. 1740123

I feel like you guys are all viewing a different version of the thread than me but I'm also not a tumblr type so

No. 1740126

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my mom has such poor…spatial awareness/memory. she eats and drinks her own food gluttonously and wastefully (will pour large cups of milk and not finish them, will make big plates of food and not eat them) then she accuses me of being the one who ate her shit. i get sick of the gaslighting. and god, i hate living here kek. i hate that i can't seem to get ANY job with my cs degree. like literally my ONLY requirement is that it pays a living wage, e.g. one that lets me move the fuck out. i'm soooo tired of her eroding my mental health and making me feel like shit.

like i love her but she's fucking insane. literally unstable mentally. and she never stops talking

No. 1740133

If someone asked me what was the most male scented thread on this entire site it would be the dog and cat hate threads.

No. 1740136>>1740140

why do males love the word accountability so much? it's like they cum every time they use it

No. 1740138

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When my boyfriend says he's too tired to talk on the phone and he's going to bed but then I see he's still online hours later. I am going to commit murder

No. 1740140

meanwhile holding themselves accountable is the literal last thing they'll do. you could put a guy in a saw trap and he'd still refuse to make an actual apology or take responsibility for anything without projecting

No. 1740144>>1740166>>1740188

Writing walls of text about how you hate animals whether it be cats or dogs is deranged behaviour, i'm a dog person and i have that thread hidden at all times i suggest you do the same.

No. 1740145

My friend constantly complains about having bad mental health and not being able to make rent, but she chose an apartment that is out of her price range and refuses to get a stable job and just relies on food delivery apps. I don't know what she expected, I also hate working a boring 9-5 and having a roommate but I know that I have to pay rent so I do it anyway.

No. 1740166

the "dog hate thread" is mostly pitbull and un-picked-up-poop hate thread. maybe you're just making a hasty judgement without listening to other people's words first and getting yourself upset over something that doesn't even exist in reality. lol

No. 1740169>>1741718

I finally realized why I was so uncomfortable with my friends getting children when I caught myself thinking "god, I do not look forward to watching them scream at their children when they act up", even when it's about my most loving and down-to-earth friends. I was aware that I in my mind normalized being screamed at, called things and hiding in my room trying to tell from mom's footsteps what kind of mood she was in. It took until I was 27 and a therapist really break down everything I've told her are clear sign of abuse, something a couple of others had tried to tell me before but I couldn't believe it because I always considered my mom a very strong, independent woman and single mother despite her glaring flaws and instability. For me, for the longest time, was completely convinced that all of that was completely normal. And whenever that realization hits me all over again it just hurts so much and I can't stop myself from crying.

No. 1740171

>another day if trying to take of my grandmother
>left her with my mom the other day and apparently she shat everywhere,, all over her bed and the floor, so I'm super paranoid
>apparently she needs to go the bathroom now
>help her there
>she wants to go the bathroom in her room
>tell her no, that's not where the toilet is
>she fights me on this
>manage to get her sitting on the toilet, she starts screaming and calling on God to smite me, that her son is going to come and get me, etc.
>starts pulling my hair, pinching me, biting me, trying to attack my vagina???!!?
>thank God she doesn't understand English, because I'm pretty damn pissed
>she finally calms down and begins to cry
>afterwards, I try to apologize but she had no idea what I'm talking about and why she would want to go to the bathroom in her room
>I am now covered in scratches and also feel pretty bad for making an old lady cry.
This sucks, man.

No. 1740184>>1740190>>1740191

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I bought a new fridge and the clerk at the store was nice enough to help me with carrying it to my home, I live across the street from the shop but I didn't have anyone to help me with it. I started getting concerned if the fridge would fit in my door so I said out loud
>I'm not sure if it will fit
To which he said after a few seconds
>It was made to fit in
This response sounded so random to me and I said something like
>Oh, yeah
Was it a weird response from him or am I just being a retarded autist

No. 1740188>>1740322


Honestly, both threads are justified complaints but the cat thread is significantly mors sadistic.
Dog hate thread is “I hate dogs and think they’re gross” and the violence on dogs shown is usually animal vs animal, like a horse fighting back or pitbull attacking another dog
The cat hate thread has some serious sadists. Most of it is justified complaints about outdoor cats, but the cat violence they show and talk about is worse, because it’s all done by humans. Bad stuff has been deleted, but they’ll show humans committing acts of abuse or humans getting animals to kill cats.
It’s one thing for a dog to get hurt by an animal cause animals don’t do it to be cruel, but the cat stuff… I haven’t checked it in a while but I hope it’s better

No. 1740190

Sounds like both of you are kinda awkward kek, he probably just wanted to say a witty quip as a response that just fell flat. He's probably also feeling dumb about it.

No. 1740191

kek you're fine anon. this gave me a chuckle.

No. 1740192

I'm grateful that the NHS exists, but being on a 3-month wait-list for talking therapy doesn't feel good. I wish I could afford to pay privately for a therapist because while I'm not in crisis or anything like that, I'm feeling low (winter blues/pseudo-heartbreak) and anxious and would like to talk to someone and work through things.

I also want to know when I'll get over this guy; it'll be 3 months since we parted ways soon, ffs. My period is late, so I know I'm feeling shittier about our friendship ending because my hormones are amplifying my anxiety, but c'mon.

No. 1740195>>1740196>>1740197>>1740201

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>most women my age are married, have at least 1 kid and (seem to have) their shit together
>meanwhile I like to draw and collect cute jpegs of imaginary boys because it makes me happy
I'm wondering if there's something wrong with me because I don't even feel bad.

No. 1740196

You don't need what you don't need anon

No. 1740197

Honesty, you're living your best life. Hell yeah

No. 1740201

Based as hell might be biased cuz this is how i live my life as well kek

No. 1740213

i hate purity culture and religion. you can do everything right like abstain from relationships but still get sexually assaulted and get nerve damage or infections. and yet people will still look at you like a whore. it makes way more sense to educate people on reproductive organs or sex/sa instead of living in ignorance or bringing god into it, but nobody around me thinks like that. what a nightmare, so many problems in life could be avoided through education.

No. 1740219

everything sends me into a doom spiral of rage and hopelessness i had a nice afternoon full of sunshine and walks in the park and ducks and talking to friend and suddenly i see all this bullshit about money hungry youtube disabling adblock and i want to manifest a 2020s kaczynski in minecraft (not the murders tho)

No. 1740235>>1740317

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How do people have several relationships throughout their lives? I just got out of my first ever situationship, first time ever being involved with a man, and want to die thinking about how I opened myself up to a man. He's really just gonna live his life now knowing what my tits look like? Knowing my insecurities, turn-ons, fears and worries, dreams? It gives me so much anxiety knowing he's just walking around with all that info. It feels so weird going from being so intimate to barely acquaintances. You just move on like you never even knew them? Sorry for being such an autistic virgin but this is a lot to me.

So I guess you just have to do this over and over and over? Expose yourself like that to several men in the hopes that it might finally work out? It's so vulnerable and it feels like they have power over you knowing so much.

No. 1740293

Nobody's ever listened to me

No. 1740305>>1740318>>1740330>>1740338>>1740350

God I am so sick of hearing about another mass shooting and the perpetrator turns out to be a another moid ~StRuGgLiNg in mEnTo iLlNeSs~. Give me a fucking break. Everyone is goddamn struggling in this era, and this is the one time in history where moids don't get everything handed to them and their response is to throw a giant mantrum and kill everyone as some kind of giant middle finger to the world. Men are such a fucking cancer to this Earth in how they have to destroy and kill everything in their wake.

No. 1740317

It's sort of like being best friends with someone and stopping doing so eventually for one reason or another, and then moving on. But I'm a virgin with 0 relationship experience so take this with a grain of salt. I understand what you mean though, I'm personally repulsed by the idea of relationships because of that, especially with men. Nobody deserves bringing myself that low for. Not even my current best friend(s) know that much about me because I choose to hide parts of myself in front of them and show them what I want them to see, and I'd do the same if I had to get into a relationship. I just prefer being secretive and I'm an avid believer that no one has the right to, needs to, or deserves to know me truly, it will literally never benefit me in anyway. Anyone who thinks being vulnerable to strangers after a while of spending time with them is retarded. Even being vulnerable with your family members can be retarded at times, I don't get how can anyone do that. I'm immune to loneliness and the need to connect with someone so that's probably why I find relationships retarded. I'll stay single and happy instead.

No. 1740318

they've been and still are so very spoiled

No. 1740319

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Retarded rant incoming.
I hate the way my face looks so much it's insane. Out of all the things that are shitty about my life my brain decided to fixate on my looks to distract me or compensate or something. I don't like that inbred in the mirror and I have some potential with proper diet, exercise, and some minimal plastic surgery. But on camera? I'm a literally demon spawn inbred and hybrid with a goblin. A face so ugly that it makes a man looks beautiful in comparison. And a skinny fat body on top of that all while also being a compressed midget. I am legitimately ready to kill myself over this at one point. And the worst thing about it is it's the accumulation of everything wrong with my life on my face and body because ofcourse it had to signal to the entire the world that I'm an abnormal loser who will never fit it and should just disappear. My face looks strangely projected with an angle on camera it's so fucking gross and cursed to look at, it looks so inhumane and uncanny valley compared to my friends' faces on camera in our group pictures. They all look normal like their irl selves while I look like the skibidibidobo toilet creature. He even has the same nose as me it's insane. I wish I could rewrite my genetic code, go to sleep, and wake up with a new face and body. Or burn my body and face off so people would at least feel sympathy for me and won't think I'm ugly or stop themselves from thinking so because "oh no she went through an accident". But no, that's how I look naturally and it SUCKS. I don't think even the most skilled plastic surgeon can fix this mess that is my face, they'd probably need an entire team or just quit their jobs because I'm the most hopeless case ever. #if I ever decide to kill myself for real I'll make sure to mutilate my body and face as a way to take revenge on my existence the way I do#

No. 1740322

>but the cat thread is significantly mors sadistic

No. 1740327

Guy I was talking with for 4 months and wouldn't facetime with asked me for a loan. I'm sad that this is my 2nd bad relationship in a row. Buy also disappointed with myself for being so stupid.

No. 1740328

Reply to above post.
For anyone wondering I didn't give him any money and I blocked him.

No. 1740330

Yes and it’s another opportunity for everyone to whine about “Aw mental health is so stigmatized for men and he did this because we didn’t coddle him enough.” Women get shamed for anything they do, even just existing but violent men are pitied because of some hypothetical shame if they ever wanted to step foot into a therapy office. And somehow that’s a valid reason for them to normally go on mass murder rampages. I’m sick of this ~men’s mental health~ bullshit as if women’s mental health is much better in comparison. We’re barely treated like human or listened to in the medical world but aw poor men because not everyone cares about their wittle feewings and if only we cared enough he might’ve been healed from the urge to mow down members of the community with an automatic rifle. I will never give a fuck about supporting men’s emotions, grow the fuck up and deal with your shit yourself like everyone else.

No. 1740333

Worst part about being pregnant is the water consumption, I have to sleep next to 4 bottles of water a night and wake up periodically maybe every 2 or 3 hours to chug water and pee. The good part is drinking water feels SOOOO good, it's like drinking ambrosia everytime, then crush the water bottle and toss it and sleep

No. 1740334

I've vented about my ex stalking me for 3 years (only found out 6 months ago) in here before.
My mother just messaged me asking where his parents live because they're in his hometown and my father wants to talk to his father.
I get where they are coming from but seriously we are in our 20s his parents wont do anything helpful, and even if they respond positively to what my parents are saying, it wont do shit because they dont control their ADULT child.

No. 1740338

>guy shoots up a bowling alley
>people are shocked he's mentally unstable
Lmfao just shows everyone's so used to moids acting like violent apes. Insufferable ass world. Also why are they always incels kek

No. 1740350

I genuinely do not give a fuck about them and it’d be great if they’d just off themselves instead of killing other people.

No. 1740355>>1740367>>1740375>>1741127

I wish I wasn’t a lesbian. It’s so lonely being a lesbian, none of my friends understand what it’s like to not be attracted to men. in high school my friends all had boyfriends but I always felt like I wasn’t normal because I never had or ever wanted a boyfriend. I’ve tried forcing myself to like men but I genuinely cannot stand being around men let alone date one and i’m not attracted to them in any way. I once had a conversation with my mum and she told me that if I was lesbian she’d be disappointed which really hurt me. It hurts me even more that the people who would be the least supportive of me being lesbian are the women in my family whereas the men in my family don’t really care at all. I’ve even considered conversion therapy in the past just so I could feel normal and please my family because I want them to feel proud of me. It’s just such a gross feeling like why was I made like this. I’ve never really been feminine either which made me feel like the odd one out when I was surrounded by girls in high school. It’s so frustrating because I want a girlfriend so bad but I also want to just be normal instead of believing that I’m weird for being this way.

No. 1740357

why are you still calling him your boyfriend if he doesn't even like talking to you nona?

No. 1740367>>1742247

There's nothing wrong with you. Being a lesbian is just the minority. It doesn't make you not normal. You will find someone who is special. I'm so happy to be a gay woman. Being heterosexual seems exhausting dealing with violent moids. Don't let anyone bring you down. You are worth so much

No. 1740375>>1740377>>1742247

as a straight woman, don't feel bad. Being straight sucks, all moids are disgusting and by being straight you have to learn to accept you are attracted to your natural predator. It sucks, i am going to die alone because i refuse to date a moid who watches porn, which according to statistics it's only the 5% of men. Hope you find a beauitufl loving woman you can settle down with and form your own family.

No. 1740377

who doesn't watch porn*

No. 1740419

I wish there was a way to help Haiti that doesn't involve giving money to NGOs.

No. 1740421>>1740423>>1740578

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I'm so fucking done with single thread here always devolving to racebaiting and tranny sperging. It's like I'm living on an endless loop, every week there's an another wave of newfag anons who either peaked just recently and have an oral diarrhea about how much they've been deceived by all the fellow 16-year old cringe gendies or some pampered piece of shit fresh off kiwifarms posting bigbrained takes about certain ethnic groups. Every fucking thread, every day. No other discussion ever happens, it's just racebaiting and tranny sperging. Don't people get so tired of this? I can't remember the last time there was a thread that went for 2 days without someone posting the same repetitive shit about trannies or muh rapefugees. Tranny spergs, get a fucking life. Racebaiters, kill yourselves.

No. 1740422>>1740574

Everything was going pretty fine for me after a really rough patch in my life until lo and behold things come crashing down as I was sexually assaulted by my ex that due to situations have to keep living with last night, had a breakdown this morning about it, stupidly publicly asked if it was assault or not, to which someone screenshotted it and sent it to my ex leading to him confronting me about how he didn't know I didn't want it and how he's soo sorry and feels terrible but I should've talked to him first about it instead of turning to the internet to ask if it was actually assault (I was incredibly intoxicated to the point of difficulty speaking, kept telling him I couldn't do it, didn't like it, etc etc)

No. 1740423

It's the same posters (or poster idk) that keep racebaiting or going off about trannies. They also turn every single discussion into a black or white issue that makes it hard to have any kind of nuanced discussion.

No. 1740426

My school friend got in touch after like more than 10 years after we lost contact.
I am quite happy he did though, I wanted to reconnect myself but was afraid to send him a message and get ghosted like so many times before when I tried with other people or have him thinking I'm a creep stalker or something. I am sure he just wants to get more friends and probably feel less lonely since his two friends (also people that went to school with us) are married or about to get married and he probably has no one else, and it's so difficult to make new friends once you're on your early 30s. I am honestly in the same boat, and all my other friends are having fulfilling lives in different countries or with family and a career and I am so far behind I have nothing in common with them. I am even far behind this friend but we could still talk the same way we did when we were teens and he didn't really judge me for not having kids or a career or being single. He didn't even judge when I went too far on my tervery even though he avoided the subject besides telling me the lgbt community is "too politicized", though we laughed about the hogwarts legacy "cancellation" and he liked the game and told me he bought it and it was worth every penny kek. Guy still has a notebook full of our drawings making fun of the teachers and the school mates, I didn't remember that until he told me and I thought it was kinda mean but then I remembered all the heavy bullying that came from these other kids which the teachers knew about and never tried to intervene without causing more trouble to us. It got so bad I almost got expelled from the school when I got into a fight with some kid and he could be seriously injured (he wasn't, fucking twat playing the victim), in the end the school didn't expell me because my parents paid the year upfront and were well liked by the school staff and the principal as well as me never having any behavioral problems until the very end, but then I couldn't do it anymore, I just developed this bizarre and irrational fear of crowds and school settings and that made me avoid furthering my education until now, and I still get extremely anxious when planning anything to do with college or even simple language courses, I can't even hold a proper conversation with teachers or similar authority figures without sounding like a retard child. School really fucked me up and I see it fucked me more than it fucked my friend. I am completely broken I can't even write about it without crying.
My dad sometimes tells this story about the gun he had and he got rid of it because of me and my sis and the dangers of having a gun at home and I am always secretly thinking "thank God" because I would've probably killed myself at 16 or before and be some stupid tragedy where people would say they have no idea why I did it and blame on me being "weird and quiet". I used to fantasize about getting revenge on my bullies too but I don't think I'd ever do anything of the sort because I wouldn't like my family, especially my sis and my mom have their lives ruined because of my bullshit nor have my bullies become poor victims. I feel scrotish posting about it and I never told anyone about this fantasy because I know I'd get judged and called insane.
I hate how people don't really talk how bullying can fuck you unless there is some male killing randos and using it as an excuse. Everytime I tried to talk to someone I'd get it wasn't serious and I was weak or it was nothing because no one tried to physically harm me, but I wish they did, my parents would've done something, the school wouldn't be able to ignore, it would've hurt a lot less because people would take it seriously, but as it is, bullying is only serious when a scrote gets angry about not getting with some hot chick cus he's ugly boohoo mens feefees and some misogynistic crap as if I don't know most bullies of men are other men. I also really hate how these anti bullying campaigns do dog shit and all sound retarded. Yeah dumbasses, kids in class would repeat ad nauseam to not throw trash on the ground cus it's bad and then do that when they thought no one was looking. They will say it is bad, they know it, they don't give a damn nor have the power to do anything if the fucking school won't take it seriously and see victim and bully as two different entities instead of going "I don't care who started it". Fuck you.

No. 1740438>>1740503

My life is so frickin lame I can’t believe my day is already over I feel underwhelmed and disappointed

No. 1740460>>1740477

the traumatic memories are coming on in full force and i can't reach any of my friends because it's the middle of the night. i just want someone to tell me that they care and that i didn't deserve to be beat but i can't even get that. why do i hate myself so much for having been battered

No. 1740477>>1740505

Hey anon, it’s ok, you didn’t deserve any of that and it is not your fault. I went through something similar and I wish I could just.. forget. Listen to some music you like.

No. 1740503>>1740757

what did you do today?

No. 1740505

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thank you nona, i hope you heal too. and everyone else here also. i love you all

No. 1740557>>1740573

It's crazy when you see the advantage of being taken seriously in conversation. My husband was on the phone to do a rollover 401k and the guy on the other line got super rude all of a sudden, explaining the process to him like he was a child while also simultaneously being pissed off. My jaw dropped, if it were me I would have just hung up and called again to try and get someone else, but husband said "I'm sure glad this call is being recorded because I do NOT like the attitude I'm receiving". Then the guy on the other side does a complete 180 and starts apologizing, being extra nice. I was totally blown away, I am generally a pretty direct person who doesn't take shit but overtime I usually take the route of least confrontation because I'm so used to when I confront they go "I mam I am just tryint to explain" or "I am not giving you attitude I am just speaking" or some other dismissive thing. Being a man must be amazing for direct people like me, I'm unfortunely small and a bit spacey so people rarely take me seriously or I have to prove I know what I'm talking about before they listen.

No. 1740573

Sometimes if you’re a woman people don’t take you seriously no matter how much you try to assert yourself. They turn it back on you and play the victim of the evil shrieking harpy. I’ve had people call me insane and crazy when I didn’t raise my voice, didn’t swear and didn’t make threats. Just had an assertive tone and told people no. It makes me sick but you have to be cunning and manipulative, get the right people on your side etc. saying something like that would never work as a woman because the dumb scrote would just double down.

No. 1740574

Get the police on him.

No. 1740577

I don't Have friends or aquintances. I'm also incredibly depressed. If I had more friends IRL it'd be easier to stay afloat.

No. 1740578

I hate the tranny and gender stuff. It's okay to discuss it but it's too much now already.

No. 1740598>>1740640>>1740837

I'm irrationally upset that my younger brother is barely in his early 20s and already balding (and also has a beard now). Drives me absolutely insane despite the common occurence.

My biggest struggle as an autist is my extreme hatred of weird moid hairlines and facial hair. All the rest I can fix with hard work but this is just a weird phobia I've had since I was born that will never change. I can't have a relationship with a moid because of it but it's not the worst part of it. My brother is the person I love and care about the most so I'm basically grieving as if he was sick or disfigured even though he's just losing hair and doing normal adult moid shit. I'll come to acceptance eventually but rn I feel incredibly lonely because I'm "losing" him.

My mom is always teasing him about it too whenever he comes over and I have to make her stop even though I feel way worse than she does. I'm tired of being a retard. I can't believe I lost two relatives this year and somehow still have room to cry about dumbass shit.

No. 1740626

Where are the rare submissive guys that are not pornsick or too mentally ill? That is my vent. Good day to you.

No. 1740633>>1740635

I really don't want to go to my job anymore. It started off as hate, then anxiety, and now its an annoying numb feeling. Everyone there annoys me and never shuts up about media that I will probably never care about. If I didn't have to pay rent I really would start driving to work then drive off to somewhere I actually like. That was my thought a day ago, to just keep driving. Life is way too short to keep spending at a stressful job with people I hate doing something which doesn't satisfy me.

No. 1740635>>1740638>>1740639

God bless capitalism

No. 1740638

might as well be our real national anthem.

No. 1740639>>1740652

So, where’s your commune and why aren’t you working there right now?

No. 1740640

Male pattern baldness is a travesty. His hair loss is also your loss, you are valid

No. 1740652

What the fuck you talking about bitch

No. 1740677

I'm just fucking astonished. This is pure mental illness and it is clearly going to end horrifically so I should just stop caring about what happens to her and let her die in agony with a stomach full of crayons and bleach like I keep fucking warning her against. I don't know what to say. She doesn't want my help. I just want her to kill herself quickly and painlessly. She must be suffering all the time.

No. 1740686

I can't stand it anymore

No. 1740705

Try to find meet ups or events in your area and go there. Don't let being alone stop you

No. 1740729>>1740769

90s nostalgia on this website is the funniest shit to me. I ran into so many 2deep4u "born in the wrong era" egirls who whine about how they would have loved the 90s sooo much unlike today because the arts were so much more interesting and we didn't have muh social media. You have no idea and will never understand how much more personal freedom and mobility we have nowadays. Yeah today sucks but the 90s sucked too, just in an even more stifling, isolating way.

No. 1740752

I hate when people are vague about what they want. Just be specific, how hard is it!!! I'm not a mind reader ffs, how are you going to get mad at me for doing what it was I think you asked for then say "no, I wanted it done like X" THEN JUST SAY THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE damn I hate working here

No. 1740757

I drove my drunk brother in law to the store to get cigarettes, and I’m making a YTP

No. 1740769>>1740796

>I ran into so many 2deep4u "born in the wrong era" egirls who whine about how they would have loved the 90s
Do people really say that? As someone who actually lived through the entirety of that decade I find it curious for people to be so invested because the 90's was always notorious for being considered the lost decade of vapid entertainment with no innovation besides tech stuff. Every big cultural innovation was attributed to the 80's. I see young girls more often being faux nostalgic towards Y2K because of cute flip phones and crop tops which is even more fucked up because Y2K was so filled with misogyny it still makes me seethe.

No. 1740796>>1740806

Yes. I see girls who probably wouldn't be able to take on any job that isn't WFH and who stress out about fast food orders waxing poetic about wanting to be part of the grunge scene and going to see arthouse cinema as if it was more like streaming in person and less like spending all your change on magazines with mail-order postcards attached.

No. 1740806

This is so weird because the grunge scene was basically just teenagers drinking and being depressed and listening to shitty music, that's around to this day. At least they should make up fake memories about actually interesting subcultures. As for arthouse they should just watch David Lynch movies and now you've seen them all kek.

No. 1740837>>1741208

Why do you care so much what your brother looks like and whether he's attractive?

No. 1740862>>1740881

I've been experiencing really weird symptoms for the last three years. Depression, bone aches, brain fog, weight loss. My labs are all just slightly off, so my doctors aren't concerned. I've been on thyroid meds for almost a year. However, my calcium levels are high which is never good and points to issues with parathyroid glands. Except my PTH levels are normal…this is true for 20% of patients with parathyroid tumors. And scans aren't very accurate for diagnosing PTH growths.

Why does this always happen to me? I know something is wrong, but why can't it be something easy to diagnose? Not a rare presentation of an already rare condition?

No. 1740881

I'm not scared of having tumors I'm scared of being labeled as crazy and hypochondriac and being dismissed and feeling this shitty for the rest of my life. Maybe when I get osteoporosis in my 40s doctors will believe me.

No. 1740903>>1740911

Just messaged my first love for the first time in seven years now that I have some awareness of how I treated her when we were kids. (The love was one sided, at least the crush part was, I think she had some normal best friend love for me) I didn't realize how evil my sense of how to treat people I loved was, my upbringing was just fucked and I was too stupid to realize I wasn't special, and I took it out on her. I want to say I hope she forgives me, but I don't, i dont even care if she messages back, the only real hope I have is that it doesn't upset her, that she can go about her day normally and I don't spoil her mood. Our mutual best friend from school who I'm still very close with recently urged me to reach out like this and I'm hoping it wasn't a mistake. Time for day beer

No. 1740906>>1740920>>1740935>>1741057

I'm șo fucking suicidal

No. 1740911>>1741029

What did you say? I'm asking because it resonates with me and I'm curious how you expressed yourself

No. 1740912>>1741889

My boyfriend basically ghosted me for 2 weeks and now he wants to hang out today I'm so confused he either met someone else and was fucking her this whole time or really just doesn't care if he doesn't see me for 2 weeks either way not sure I'm into this anymore. If he's okay not seeing me for 2 weeks why you can date me at all

No. 1740919

I hate my period. I think I have PMDD or some shit. I felt legitimately crazy the day before my period, like low mood, paranoid thoughts, etc. I really hated what was going on in my head the past few days, thinking I was having a breakdown of some kind, wondering what the fuck was wrong with me, and then my period happens, and at the end of the day, I feel this sudden "aha" where I can laugh again and I have more energy. I cleaned my house and moved some things around last night. I hate it because I conveniently forget that I am due for my period and it makes me question everything.

No. 1740920>>1740925>>1741014

Same, I spilled to my therapist about all the details of how I can’t stand living anymore and she just said “that’s hard” and stared at me. Then she told me I should go get my brain electrocuted and that it “doesn’t always” cause permanent years long memory loss and disability. I talked myself out of dying that night and this morning called my psychiatrist’s office and was literally shouted at for no reason and lied to about my options by some unhinged receptionist, when I started crying she hung up on me. My insurance doesn’t cover therapy and I can’t afford a better therapist so what now when the whole world seems to be pointing depressed people in one direction. I hope you live somewhere not America anon so maybe you have a chance of getting help

No. 1740925>>1740945

I hate therapy. If you want to be friends and talk I can give you my Gmail. I'm looking for friends because I literally have nobody to talk to

No. 1740935

Me too.

No. 1740945

Ayrt I’m sorry anon you really shouldn’t give that out here. There are many unhinged moids who stalk this site and could fuck with you. Sometimes they give out emails to trick people too so I’m too wary to take you up. Sorry. I’d delete your post to be safe if I were you.

No. 1741006

I really hope a farmhand comes and deletes that before some guy sends you like a beheading video

No. 1741014

it seems like so many people go into psych because it's an easy degree or clearly should not be working with people who are suffering, and then terrorize the mentally ill. a random person off the street could say "that's rough", what good does that do you? sheesh. i'm sorry.

No. 1741029

Ayrt. Don't want to share too much detail, but I broadly acknowledged the types of ways in which I damaged her and our friendship, I apologized for hurting her and for being unable to express the love I felt for her in a healthy way. I reiterated a couple times that I would not hold it against her if she didn't respond and that i knew sending the message was selfish in the first place, ended off asking that she take care of herself and remember she's loved. We were both at each other's throats for a long time as kids but we fell off without ever working it out, so I'm not holding my breath waiting for her to read it. It's not something I deserve and I don't mean that in a pitiful way. But I guess I had to know if there was a chance, and knowing I might only get one shot, I really wanted the important stuff up-front. I miss her. I hope she's happy and comfortable and doing things she enjoys.

No. 1741030

You can't delete a post 30min after posting it. Maybe reporting your post could work?

No. 1741038>>1741081

Literally every moid I've been close to has abused me in some heinous way. I'm finally in a healthy relationship with a man who makes me feel safe and I just feel so on edge all the time waiting for it all to go to shit again. Like, I've been harmed so many times I can't help but feel like its me. How long until he starts to resent me too? Its hard to get truly comfortable. The stability of it all makes me uneasy, its so unfamiliar. I worry I'll never get past everything that has happened

No. 1741045

You cant delete it after 30 mins. I hope a farm hand deletes it for you. It's not your fault, but giving out your email on a public forum is not a good move. I can try to report as spam

No. 1741057>>1741077

Damn, I wish I could give you advice but I'm in the same boat. For me the shit that's killing me now is financial. This job market is brutal and it's so soul sucking. I don't even think my previous work experience was that bad, but everytime I get to a final stage interview something falls through. I had awful mental health before, and while it's my own fault, I can't help but feel like the current state of affairs is making it so much worse.

No. 1741077

Are a shitload of people look for jobs right now? I've been applying constantly the past month and never had any issues getting hired right away until this year. Nobody will even call or interview me, not even in my own field (floral design). There's nothing wrong with my resume unless employers are looking down on me for not having a degree (can't afford it and I'm not spending 50k to make 12 bucks kek) and only working retail environments. Fucking bleak. I'm sick of boomers saying people don't want to work anymore.

No. 1741081

Hey I have the same problem and if he's really into you he will be faithful to you and understand your past struggles. I've been with my moid for 8 years now and whenever I get paranoid about something, we talk through it and he gives me reassurance. It should be the same for you.

No. 1741098>>1741191>>1748419

My fucking boyfriend left a chewed up glob of gum on his bedside table, I was clearing some cups and it got stuck to me arm and I started freaking out because I have autism and my nightmare sensation is anything too sticky. I freaked out pretty hard and now I've calmed down and I'm just sat here, in a dressing gown with patches of chewing gum all over it just trying to figure out why the fuck he would do that. I grabbed us coffee this morning, there is an empty coffee cup right next to this glob, if he did not want to walk 3 feet to the bin, why not stick it in the coffee cup? Its so fucking gross. ALL I CAN SMELL IS FUCKING MINT

No. 1741101

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DM'd this bar/restaurant on instagram because I couldn't find answers on their website or socials and was expecting to wait for a while because I got some automates reply about them being busy at the moment, but then a while after I got a reply that told me to please use easier language so they can translate it. Their whole fucking website is available in my language and english, they post both in english and in our language yet you can't fucking reply to me in our language yet the automated reply was in our language? Bitch what the fuck, it was basic informal language I used, you fucking learn the language or tell me to message you english and don't pull this weird shit, it isn't my fault our language is notoriously hard to translate, I was not expecting this from a place this small and new.

No. 1741120

There's literally nothing in life I enjoy anymore. My hobbies, spending time with friends/family, traveling, eating, working out etc, they're all so fucking boring. I really want to be able to enjoy things but I just can't.

No. 1741127>>1742247

I'm sorry you had to deal with all the homophobia but trust me, being a heterosexual woman is a curse and I often wish I was a lesbian. You can't win being with a moid, they all suck in some way or another.

No. 1741167>>1741182>>1741185>>1741187>>1741192>>1741221

I’m probably gonna get called an idiot but like me and my bf were alone and I was tickling him and then I grabbed his dick, and he was laughing so I thought he liked it but he was actually kind of sobbing and he’s still pissed off I think he’s being a tad dramatic I usually do stuff like that all the time and he doesn’t really mind it I think it’s just cause this time I teased him about having an erection at an old woman.

No. 1741168>>1741198

i'm so tired of the job rejections god grant me the strength to rope

No. 1741182>>1741276

what the fuck anon, he sounds like a retard but maybe don't grab his schlong abruptly like that

No. 1741185>>1741276

You sound like you are 14 years old

No. 1741187>>1741276

I don't see what the problem was. Why was he crying? Your bf sounds like a little bitch.

No. 1741191

because moids are fucking lazy pigs

No. 1741192>>1741276

he gay

No. 1741198

double post because it's related:

i visited my boomer (he's maybe 62, well off) uncle the other day, and he went on and on about some weird fake story concerning this guy who apparently told his parents he wouldn't work unless he could get a job that paid $22 an hour. this pisses me off because he thinks i'm like that. but i'm not. my only requirements for a job are that it will pay the fucking bills (so i can move!! goddamn) and is in my field (tech). that's it. he's like "if you don't have the experience you need to work jobs that will GIVE you experience :)" while somehow not hearing me when i tell him every ""entry level"" job wants me to have two-five years of experience already. it doesn't make sense to me either. but what tf do you want me to do?

also hate his pressuring that i should be paying my parent's bills while living at home too/get ANY job just to do that…are you fucking crazy? i did not go to university just to end up flipping burgers or packing boxes and getting yelled at all day. i did that shit in high-school, i don't have the patience for it as an adult. it's not even fucking feasible either because we live way, way, way out in the sticks. are you gonna come and drive me to work every single day? 30 minute commute back and forth (longer than that because traffic's awful)? KILL YOURSELF

No. 1741201

my mind keeps revisiting all the embarrasing shit i did in the past i wanna kms

No. 1741208

Can you read ? I said it's a phobia and I've always had it. Like people who are afraid of clowns except I have to keep it more in check. I didn't mention attractiveness anywhere, lay off the porn.

No. 1741221>>1741276

you were tickling him and grabbing him while you teased him about an old woman?

No. 1741276>>1741304>>1741334

We were lying together on our phones and he was watching instagram reels and I was like “you liked that huh?” about a meme he was watching of some old lady dancing sexy it was like “oh hell naw auntie this isn’t Facebook” and then I grazed his thigh cause I knew it’d get him hard. I was like “see? you did like it” when I grabbed his penis and I was tickling him, we like play wrestle sometimes and tickle eachother a lot. He was laughing I think it was an embarrassed laugh. I let him slap my ass randomly I didn’t see how this was any different.

Kek I thought so too, but we made up and it’s all good. he just said he felt humiliated, and that I can grab his pecs and ass randomly but not his dick and he forgave me. i don’t feel that bad,sexual humiliation on a woman is probably 100 times worse I don’t believe in “imagine if the roles were reversed!” Nonsense I am mostly embarrassed of how I acted like a rape ape moid grabbing genitals
I am just kind of stupid. I’m 22.

No. 1741283

tired of coworkers snapping at me or treating me like i'm a child or a nuisance when i'm overqualified for this position and only took it because i thought the company was a good place to be and i could climb ladders. fuck you, bitch. if you're working on something move it into your in progress, don't snap at me when i take something from the general queue you were working on, i'm not a fucking mind reader. and you're my coworker, not my manager, you don't have the right to boss me around.

they're just jealous because they're all fat as shit and i'm not. maybe if they worked more and ate less i wouldn't have needed to be hired to wipe their asses. i was brought in because they needed help, yet they treat me like i'm a bother. joke is on them–the boss thinks they're idiots and he likes me.

middle aged women snappy at a young woman who never did anything to them and was just minding her own business. christ like scrotes aren't bad enough. with women like this, who needs scrotes?

No. 1741302>>1741313>>1741337>>1741368>>1741372>>1741435>>1741444

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Going out with a friend for lunch tomorrow and I made the mistake of getting excited about the prospect of having dessert to my health obsessed boyfriend, who told me "having no dessert is also an option, by the way". If I don't get a job so I can break up with this guy and move out soon I'm gonna end up snapping his little chicken legs in different directions. I've cut out so many types of foods and drinks for this dude and it's never enough, he won't ever be happy.

No. 1741304>>1741426

men sound like genuine retards and I don't get how you can deal with him, hope the dick is good nona because that sounds gross

No. 1741308>>1741319

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I fucking hate this country I hate this government and I hate this retarded war. I was doing so fucking well before all of this bullshit, I was finally able to accept my femininity making new friends exploring new hobbies going out and experiencing the joyful childhood and teenhood that I never got to but now instead of being a normal 19 year old I get to sit in the bomb shelter see my friends mourning their lost loved ones see retards from abroad justifying it look at my government committing atrocious war crimes and making the cringiest most embarrassing tweets ever. And what the fuck am I gonna do? Move to a different country? I'm so autistic and mentally unstable to the point I'm recognized as disabled and unfit for work and not to mention I'm extremely visibly Jewish and with the rise of antisemitism worldwide I don't think I'll be very welcomed anywhere else. I'm scared of telling people I'm Jewish and Israeli because they automatically assume I'm a zionist when I honestly think it's one of the most retarded ideologies ever. During Operation Guardian of the Walls in 2021 I was so done with it I had an almost successful suicide and attempted, It was my 10th suicide attempt since 2016 and my last one. But now that this is a full on war I think I might really be ready for an 11th one. I'd rather kill myself than hear about another woman raped and another child killed, Be they Palestinian or Jewish.

No. 1741313

Wow fuck him, I'd get two desserts just to spite him KEK hope you get a job asap so you can get away from that scrote

No. 1741319

Wishing you the best and for whatever it's worth, my european ass country understands the nuance of not hating everyone from some country that has a fucked up goverment, you're not your countrys leader. Hope you'll have easier and safer days ahead, loads of them nona.

No. 1741334

He felt humiliated? Dump this sperg. He's an overdramatic tard and you two are dating. He shouldn't be offended by a dick grab. You know he liked it anyway especially if he was already hard. God what is wrong with your weird gigantic baby moid

No. 1741337

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No. 1741338>>1741447>>1741460

I stomped on a snail and I'm crying now. Normally I always watch out for snails and I take them off the pavement, especially when it's rainy like today, but this time I was so deep in my thoughts after work that I just didn't focus on it until I heard a loud crack. Nooooo

No. 1741352>>1741369

I'm very far away from the war and I am not Palestinian or Isreali, but I still so terrible seeing what's happening over there. And it makes me sick to see Isreali people acting as if they are the true victims while there's plenty of videos showing them living their life and posting on social media normally. The Palestinians really don't have a chance and no country is defending them.

No. 1741361

Cried about finding out my ex had moved on and had found someone else probably in last thread and forgot about it, it was a recent discovery but after maybe a few days or a week? I don't remember but I don't feel hurt by it anymore. I mean the heartbreak is fully gone, I feel a little empty now but I'm happy that this isn't the thing hurting me anymore…
Did not help the depressive episode I was and am still suffering but I'm glad he has someone who I hear makes him very happy, and I feel a part of me is at peace accepting that this is how it is, the door is fully locked and am just appreciating the experience he was… I just hope he does not interact with me in the future to bury any hatchets since it's in his nature

No. 1741368

What an ass, make sure to order dessert tomorrow.

No. 1741369

I get this nonna. I'm on Instagram and have been following a lot of Palestinians. It looks so rough over there. Very disheartening for sure

No. 1741372>>1741479

It’s funny I had a scrote who was constantly picking at me to eat more because his type was “thick” women and I’m skinny. I’d probably of had more of an appetite if he didn’t constantly fuck with my emotions. Do they just suck no matter what?

No. 1741375>>1741378>>1741405>>1741416>>1741448>>1741458

File (hide): 1698443943296.jpeg (122.54 KB, 1000x1000, 7DFAC6B7-337A-4448-817E-3D06A7…)

This group of like 5 girls (total strangers) started hurling insults at me and making fun of my outfit while I was walking to the store so I turned around and followed them back to their car without saying anything. One of the girls just said “oh hell no” and they drove away. My friends told me I was overreacting and I shouldn’t have done this but I feel like they needed to learn a lesson or they’d go around disrespecting others for the rest of their lives. I don’t care if people make fun of ME but I don’t want these bitches to go around bullying people and getting away with it because no one bothered to put them in their place. I hope I saved whichever poor girl they’re currently bullying at school from getting Carrie’d and they’ll think twice before doing it again

No. 1741378

Absolutely based intimidation nona

No. 1741385

My wokescold Nigel is driving me to my parents' house bc my dad is dying and he's still such a sullen butthole, we're driving through the desolate plains for miles and miles in tense silence while I try to keep the fucking dog in the backseat. Moids know that they're such emotional black holes but they don't care, they want everyone to feel THEIR feelings when they have the slightest inconvenience, then have the nerve to say that society punishes them for expressing themselves. Fuck you, male feelings.

No. 1741405

Kek. I support you crazy nona.

No. 1741411

my parents are becoming fucking intolerable with age. i wish my stupid ass became more independent instead of trying to be the good daughter because i was scared of these people and felt like i had no reason to live other than make these people happy.

No. 1741416

That's really bizarre that they would do that. They were cowards even because they did it right before they were going to drive off kek

No. 1741420>>1741431>>1741461>>1741492>>1741499

It's really awful how as an abuse victim you're always being made to be the villain by everyone. People will see what you went through and still make you the problem. Even now that I'm away from my situation I still don't feel supported and I'm scared to trust people. I'm alone and lonely.

No. 1741426>>1741429

The dick is good but I don’t know if it’s worth it tbh

No. 1741429

Not when he cries over nothing. Imagine when something real happens lel

No. 1741431

And fuck whichever admin redtexted victim. Everyone sucks so fucking much.

No. 1741435

he gets off on being able to control you and escalates because nothing can satisfy control freaks.

No. 1741436>>1741437

File (hide): 1698448565526.png (81.63 KB, 260x226, 1619548475067.png)

There's something comical in knowing and having the self-awareness that shopping won't fix you, but doing it anyway because it feels good. Like you can at least still pretend that getting that new wardrobe or those new fancy knick knacks are the key to making everything better. That once you have enough, you'll be content, the anxiety will stop. I also justify it to myself as I'm someone who grew up without much and always wore handemedowns and never felt allowed to ask for anything. I know this is all just pointless justifications, but still.

No. 1741437

you know it's a pointless justification and an addiction. spend or savethe money on something worthwhile instead of chasing a shopper's high that ends right after you buy an item. pay attention, when do you feel best about it? before you purchase? right after? how long does that feeling last? you tell yourself it feels good to waste money like this, you have to realize and accept it doesn't and you only believe it does.

No. 1741439>>1741442>>1742938

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I think I'll kill myself by the end of the year if my life doesn't get any better, I used to be alive for my art but I'm so depressed it doesn't even feel good to do artistic things and get compliments on it anymore

No. 1741442>>1741599>>1742938

Are you me? I have exactly the same plans and feelings. I'm finishing up a short story I've worked on and after that I'm just gonna wait and see how the last weeks of 2023 treat me. Hope things get better for you. Post some more cute animals if you're here in 2024.

No. 1741444

People who think one dessert will suddenly ruin your health are so annoying. Hope you fun and enjoy that dessert! Good luck on getting a job soon.

No. 1741447

It's okay, anon. It was an accident and it died immediately. I understand your feelings. I try to avoid worms on the pavement when it rains out. You didnt do it on purpose

No. 1741448

Based Queen. You did the right thing.

No. 1741458

You are so awesome anon, you deserve only beautiful things

No. 1741460

It was a mistake anon, not your fault. You know you had no malicious intentions.

No. 1741461>>1741478

I feel this so hard. If I tell people I don't talk to my family anymore for what they did to me people always tell me that I should let it go and forgive them because if I "hold onto bitterness" it's going to reflect on my life. Like they're threatening me that I'm going to have a horrible life because I don't dare talk to the people who beat me and humiliated me for the first 21 years of my life. I just don't talk about it anymore, because the people I thought I could trust with that vulnerability have proven what kind of people they really are.

No. 1741478

Yeah it’s a mixed bag when you tell people you cut your family off. Some people are chill and some people want to swap stories and some people tell you you’ll change your mind and some people say you’re a horrible child (lol). I used to just stone-face people who asked me a lot of questions with a “they were abusive and my dad was a pedo” which is the truth but boy does it shut down a conversation. I try to avoid it now and just talk about how where I grew up was pretty and mention where my family lives (which is far away from me) and that takes care of it for the most part, people assume whatever they want. My best friend was supportive but also told me I had baggage (true) and I should confront them because it worked for her; she was being sincere and it came from the heart so I didn’t feel any type of way about her advice I just am not going to do that. Dad is dead now and it’s really sad there was never going to be a reconciliation which I know because I was never going to try and also my sibling didn’t cut him off and they never got anywhere with him either.

No. 1741479

My first bf was like that. I am skinny, in the lower end of BMI but never was a big eater at all, I've always been like that. He would berate me constantly to eat more, that he disliked my body because I wasn't "cuddly" (fuck him). I learned later he was formerly obese and had a hard time controling his appetite and was projecting it all on me, weird thing where he would have preferred to be skinnier than me or something. His wife, who used to be a healthy, slightly bigger girl (not fat but thicker) looks anorexic and emaciated now. I'm scared he's bullying her about her eating. She keeps posting about exercising and losing weight obsessivly.
Forgot to say, he was 10 years older than me and very very controlling yeah.

No. 1741492

It’s really lose/lose. Either you “should have just left” if you stay or you’re heartless and unforgiving if you leave and burn bridges. Fuck the haters nona, it’s 1000% good that you’re in a better place and it’s not your fault.

No. 1741495

I'm eating canned tuna and partially burnt green beans and trying to not cry (and failing).

No. 1741499

Sometimes you can't trust people. I know this hurts, but don't let them get to you. You know what you've been through. I know I've hurt myself even more by questioning and doubting myself and I had to learn to be my own support system. It's not fair, but sometimes it's all we got. You might meet someone who supports you, but until then, be very careful who you open up to.

No. 1741507>>1741536>>1742938

My same age family member is in pain and potentially losing her eyesight. I don’t know what to do. I want to die so bad. I don’t have any other family members, I dont have any friends. Last person I dated is dead. I’m so scared, I’m so scared oh my god. I’m so alone and scared and there’s nothing I or anyone can do. I’m not obtaining any joy from being alive except the rare times where she is in a good mood and we have a laugh but those are getting rarer and I want to die so fucking bad

No. 1741509>>1742938

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i want to step into traffic but then i won't be able to look at pictures of my husbando so i won't.

No. 1741534>>1741538>>1741543>>1741581>>1741927

i need to admit something. i need to cry and put it somewhere. i dont want to upset my boyfriend, my therapist does not know the answer and my diary will not listen. i dont have any close friends and i wouldnt burden them anyway. i am sick of the loneliness. i work part time 3 days a week at a job i absolutely hate but the pay is decent. the other days of the week i am staring at a screen doing college full time. im tired of being in my head. im tired of being alone. im tired of staring at a fucking screen. i have 3-4 semesters left which makes it hard to justify transferring to campus and taking out a big loan. i stopped going to ballet because i couldnt afford it and almost all at once started binge eating, gained weight, lost happiness in being active. im in therapy and medicated. the good news is my anxiety has vanished and i know the medicine isnt the reason for my weight gain. it does give me low libido and makes me feel more autopilot but the alternative was so much worse i think. but i feel maybe i should just get off of it. i cannot do anything right. why? how do i make friends and escape my loneliness? i wish i wasnt envious of my boyfriend because i love him. he gets to live on campus and meet new people and try all of these new hobbies and doesnt have to work. im alone and stuck at. a screen with no motivation or excitement or happiness. i am better off dead and i hate to say it but im failing my classes too because i have no hope or motivation anymore. seriously why? what is the point? im crying so much. i dont even want to be around my puppy anymore. i want to sleep this away. i want a friend. i want to do things. i used to go places alone but now i see no point. i wish i had what he has. new experiences and friends. but how? how do i do it? how do i feel worth it? how do i see the purpose? sorry nonnies. i feel like i am just getting bad and sinking lower. but i dont know the cure or where to begin. i skipped my assignments again the past few days because i couldnt stand to sit at a screen anymore in silence. something makes me sick about it. a bad freling. so then i go eat eat eat myself sick to fill that feeling. then i cry and sleep. im just existing. i hope i die wt work tomorrow. i just want to call out but my mom relies on me for rent money help. i dont want her to suffer if i got fired. hurts. i guess i need to start making up imaginary friends. find a way to go places and do new things. but again i have no motivation i see no purpose. i cant even do my fucking assignments. im failing. ive neevr been this bad in academics.

No. 1741536

I'm sorry anon that sounds hellish

No. 1741538

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i thought i didnt want to take my life. well i did, but when i really tried i was traumatized and told my boyfriend i will never mention suicidal feelings again. but right now why do i feel it so strongly? i wont do anything but its so strong. and over what? my emotions? well yes. because its every single day. and im deteriorating. i dont know when it ends or how to stop it. i dont want to be alone anymore. i dont want to stare at this screen or be at tthis job but the alternative isnt the “safe” one that supports my mother and i and gets me a degree. i want to feel happier and experience life more but hell i cant even see the point in jt so why do i deserve it? i think i should relapse on drugs or pull a stupid ana and not eat soi i can starve to death. im a 20 year old saying this im sorry i know i sound very weak but i dont know i mustbe honest this is how i feel im willing to fix it but i dont know how or where to start when i feel so empty and alone and with no drive

No. 1741543

Okay… damn I am so sorry this sounds like you’re really spiraling.
Talk to your therapist or whoever gives you the meds. Keep it together a little but tell them the medicine isn’t cutting it, because it’s defiantly not if you feel this way. Talk to your mom and tell her you can’t give her rent money (I don’t know your life but you cannot give her rent money sorry, she’s your mom she has to be able to not rely on you right now). Start doing ballet again or a different physical strength thing that’s cheaper if that’s available to you.

No. 1741577>>1741590>>1741606>>1741607

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I just ate two hot dogs. I feel so ashamed and disgusted with myself.

No. 1741581

Aw nona I would be your friend. Do you miss ballet? If you do, once you can afford it you should do it again. I do ballet and it makes my mental health so much better and gives me something to do besides the old work grind and being glued to a screen. Humans aren't meant to live the way society is now and I feel like a lot of people are burnt out because of that so you aren't alone in your feelings. Your mother also lowkey sounds like a huge burden.

No. 1741588

Every time I’ve had a crush on someone I get really obsessed with their hands. I love hands. Unfortunately my own hands are really ugly so im self conscious. I have fat, short fingers with no knuckle definition like a baby even though i’m thin, it’s really odd. My hands are the smallest of anyone (adult) I know and so not cute or sexy. Fml

No. 1741590

Why ashamed nonna? Hot dogs are tasty

No. 1741599

I hope things get better for you too… This year has really been the worst of my life and thats saying a lot

No. 1741606

Sounds delicious nonnie. But on another note, tomorrow is another day. Try not to stress over a little mistake. If you're worried about weight, just know that 2 hot dogs will not make you gain weight. You'd need to eat many hotdogs every day for your weight to change.

No. 1741607

foot long?

No. 1741624>>1741634>>1741650>>1741686>>1741697

Am I insecure or is it destined to fail?
>Be with b*yfriend for 3 years
>He hit jackpot at new job, makes 115k/year + getting a fat end of year bonus + a huge percent of this project his working on.
>Be me
>Have shitty unfinished college degree
>In process of attending uni
>have shitty receptionist job
Is he going to leave cause I'm behind? I'm fucking insecure about the fucking dynamic. I've been with him from his first job, to when they let him go and I was paying bills to now, and we're the same age but I feel so so insecure that'll leave cause I'm some stupid wagie who doesn't have a career.. I asked him a few times and he says he won't but cannot trust males kek

No. 1741634

I don't see what the problem is. Most normie mens' wives are exactly like this and when they work it's just for fun. If the situation was flipped I'd be more concerned you were the one babying him. Or do you know he's really into aspirational career women or something?

No. 1741638>>1741643>>1741646>>1742938

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I feel so lonely, defeated, and like things will never get better. I keep wishing I'll just pass peacefully in my sleep but I keep waking up and I have to get through work and lifr in pain nonstop. I don't want to do this anymore.

No. 1741643>>1741653>>1741675

The other day I saw a report that some college kid died by drinking Panera’s new extra-caffeinated lemonade. Jealous

No. 1741646>>1741655>>1742938

Feel like picrel with all the Halloween partying going on around me. I almost succeeded in forgetting about it till I went out to the 7/11 a few hours ago and saw everyone else in groups and in fun costumes.

No. 1741650

i don't know your boyfriend and your views on marriage, but if that's something culturally important to you to have a relationship be considered significant, then that is the only thing maybe i'd consider if he sees the relationship seriously. otherwise no, i don't see why he'd want to leave you for not making as much. i'm worried that if you do need to leave you won't be able to financially and so please for your own sake keep working at finding a job that pays. a life partner you trust and are compatible with is someone you don't drop when you start making it big unless you are evil (like men who drop their first wives when they get rich like elon musk).

No. 1741653>>1741656

i went to panera for dinner but didn't get a drink and you told me i could have died that easy? fuck me.

No. 1741655>>1742938

I feel your pain. Every year I want to dress up in a cute, fun costume and show it off but I never have an excuse to do it.

No. 1741656

Ayrt kekkkk that was my reaction exactly

No. 1741670>>1742938

If I had access to a gun I would have shot myself or someone else years ago.

No. 1741675

>you can die from caffeine
Meanwhile my ass was downing 4 pots of coffee a day with 120 lbs of bodyweight through college and nada. God is cruel. How I should enjoy death by lemonade. Release me from my suffering with a sugary beverage.

No. 1741686

Can you rely on him? If you can it’s good that your bf has a high paying job that’s actually so lucky you guys should go on vacation and live it up. If you can’t rely on him or he’s stingy and you’re splitting the bills then that’s concerning, fuck him he doesn’t like you. If you’re just insecure about your status get over yourself. If you’re subconsciously/consciously nervous that you could be financially dependent on him that’s a bad thing and your gut is telling you this is bad, get out now that’s a horrible dynamic, do not entertain it, leave and work on your own shit in peace, you’ll be happier.

No. 1741696>>1741700

>gain 1kg in a month
>spiral and rely on nic and caffeine right after weighing
im not an anachan at all but i wish i could stop doing this shit and just keep a consistent healthy relationship with food. need to lose weight, lost a good chunk.. gain 1 kgback, and bam… joever

No. 1741697

anon… i could've word-for-word written this post, it's eerie how similar our situations are kek. I think it's ok to rely on him for now, especially as in the past you have supported him when he was struggling. And if you're like me, that may have put a delay on your own career and education (moid lost job during covid layoffs, I took a semester off from school to work full-time at a shitty job until he got another). I'm focusing on at least finishing up the degree and moving into a job relevant to its field in case the relationship doesn't work out but I don't think men think about this dynamic as a negative. Even if you make less money, there's a good chance you're doing a bigger share of the chores so it evens out imo

No. 1741700

Me too lol let me know when you figure it out (best time I had was eating a shitload of vegetables every meal but I moved somewhere they’re not affordable/available so I backslid)

No. 1741718

This is my whiny ass again, but holy fuck I'm so easily triggered lately. First this moment and this morning I stumbled upon some instagram story about a woman being shamed by her dates on what she eats, and it threw me back to how my ex would tell me how I was the "fattest chick he'd ever fucked" (I was 65kg at the time, I'm 177cm) and it kinda made me emotional?? Like girl it's been yen years you can let all of his abuse go ffs. I don't think it's pms making me so emotional lately since it's not quite time yet but maybe my period is gonna come early this month?

No. 1741730>>1742938

I'm done with life. I think that I've had the last bits of soul drained out of me. The lies, lack of empathy, the gaslighting, the Blame shifting, the humiliation, harassment. Even in this moment I Have absolutely nobody in my life and all of the people that I've interacted with, all of my aquintances, friends Have left me behind and deeply devalued me. I'm just completely isolated from the social structure and I'm constantly being mentally and emotionally abused. I'm constantly having my experiences denied. Why do people hold such deep hatred towards me? Even the people that are exactly like me. I can't answer.

No. 1741738

I've never seen anyone be mistreated and abused by society to such a degree, gaslit and then blamed for all the abuse. Even when I confess that, I'm just having my truth shifted and I'm told that I'm delusional. So, in the end I can't even communicate my experience to another human being because it's being denied. Most people are allowed to talk about their problems and they are being listened to. I just haven't witnessed anything like my case ever in my life.

No. 1741739>>1742042>>1742938

I'm just going to end my life.

No. 1741753>>1741755>>1741757>>1742105

I don’t know why I fucking talk to my mother about anything concerning weight or food, I must be retarded or brain damaged or something.

I had texted her something earlier today and this evening she called to clarify. We chat about our days and because she is the quintessential almond mom, I peppered in the fact that I was so busy I forgot to eat today. She was soooooo happy.

I mentioned that after running around doing errands and not eating, I started to get dizzy so I bought a rotisserie chicken from the store that was on sale. She was still pleased.

Then I told her I was going to take the rest of the chicken and make chicken salad and have chicken salad sandwiches the rest of the week (which would be my only meal of the day).

She’s silent and I go, “what??” And she goes, “Oh….. nothing……” and sort of sighs. And again I ask her, what? And she goes, “Well, you should really be using a lettuce wrap instead of bread, it’s less calories”.

Okay????? I didn’t fucking ask?? I’m having one fucking chicken salad sandwich a day. It doesn’t matter if it has bread on it, it’s all I’m eating that day!

And it’s like that for every single thing I tell her. She just has to correct everything I do, nothing is ever good enough for her. I could do exactly what she recommends one day, tell her about it, and she would still find something to nitpick at.

I have to call her every day, though, because she has MS and I’m afraid of her dying. I love her. She’s my mom and she gave me life and I can talk to her about terf shit and how men are inferior. But I also fucking hate her and can’t stand her and have nightmares, where we get in a fight and she turns all my friends and family against me, once a week.

She would do anything for me to be under 100lbs (like she is. We’re the same height), even pay me. She offered to buy me a car if I got under 100lbs. I’m trying, but I guess I’m just a fat, lazy, unmotivated piece of shit, because I can’t do it. I’ve lost weight before. But I didn’t have as many responsibilities. My current job involves working with animals in stressful situations, and I have to be fully alert, and it’s hard, when I’m so hungry!

I hate her! I hate myself! I wish I was thin enough for her.

No. 1741755

Why are you talking about food with her? Just stop? Stop mentioning food and if she brings it up just end the conversation..

No. 1741756

It's almost like I'm having no skill of assertiveness. I'm exhuasted.

No. 1741757

So don't talk about food

No. 1741764

My retarded cousin keeps asking my elderly mother for money… How are you 10+ years older than me and you still don't have your shit together?? Get a job and leave her alone

No. 1741771

I'm just constantly accused of things that aren't true about me and ultimately I'm just isolated from the whole structure of society. I have nobody in my life. I don't have people that are like me. I don't have any friends and when I try to get friends they just cross all of my boundaries, then I get angry or upset which is a normal reaction and they isolate me. I'm done. I've just been bullied, berated and dehumanized my whole life. In the end I just don't have anyone in my life.

No. 1741772>>1742042

I m just isolated from the structure of society

No. 1741777


No. 1741782>>1741826>>1741833>>1741840>>1742122

I snitched on my sister and feel bad about it.
As a teenager, she wanted to do pharmacy studies, and my parents were OK with supporting her.

My sister and my parents always had conflictual relationships. They didn't want us to have boyfriends until we were set in our studies ; they didn't want us to drink or smoke ; they didn't allow us to get home past 2 AM when there were parties.

To access pharmacy studies, you have to go through a first year which is competitive in which only the top 20% will pass. During her first year, she played a lot of video games, went to parties, was not the most serious. As a result she scored really badly, not even close ; something like 1000/1200 students.

Then she went on to pass another exam to get accepted abroad. She failed it 3 times then finally passed it last chance.

So she went abroad. Over there, she played video games, partied, sometimes she would even have all nighters playing video games the night before exams. As a result, she failed her years quite a few times, she is about 5 years "late" in her curriculum. She almost got kicked out of pharmacy school in that country. In spite of being 3 years younger, I am 2 years ahead in school.

My parents didn't know of her behaviour while she was abroad, but I knew as she was telling me everything.

This summer, I realized it's been 5 years she is living like this. When I tried to see how she felt about all the years and money she wasted, she didn't seem to feel bad at all. In fact, she felt it was brave of her to defy my parents and live by her own principles, and that they were oppressive and deranged. I do think my parents are rough, but in the end they are making sacrifices so we can have good jobs. I also felt very jealous and also resentful that she had no remorse whatsoever wasting our money. Back at home, we have to watch every penny we spend to support her unresponsible lifestyle. I'll never have an appartment of my own and have to go through 90 minutes commutes everyday because of that, if she had not been unresponsible my life would be much easier.

So I snitched on her. But now she is suffering consequences and I feel somewhat bad about it. My parents set a camera in the entrance of her appartment to check she is not partying and so on. I am trying to get them to remove the camera because I think that's going too far and it makes me feel bad

Do you think I'm the asshole?

No. 1741784>>1742042

Why have I been cursed with this unberable torture

No. 1741789

I hate that my friends all have boyfriends. It used to be just the five of us, now it's always omgcanboyfiecomealongtoo???? In the beginning I was somewhat willing to understand, but at this point everyone's been in a relationship for years with the same guy, majority live together, too, I'm sure he'll survive an evening without you.

No. 1741795

Shit, I'm so fucked. I couldn't sleep and only got like three hours of sleep. Now I have to go to work and see nineteen patients and I'm double booked because my assistant practice manager is a bitch and my practice manager is a spineless idiot. If you are seeing me today, I am sorry because I am not at my best and you are going to get shit care.

No. 1741796>>1742042>>1742938

I just have nobody in my life.

No. 1741813>>1742077

I gained like 3kg over the last 6 weeks, from 54-57kg, because I’m in between jobs right now and moved to a place farther out from the city center, so I’m barely moving compared to before when I was working a physically intensive job and walking a lot in the city. I’m starting my new job soon but it’s not as physically intensive and I also live closer to the station now so less walking in general and I’m scared I’m going to be this lardass forever.

I love food and cooking and baking and I was so content being able to eat whatever I wanted because I burned it off easily, I feel like my age is finally hitting me as I’m slowing down, and maybe I can’t just coast by anymore and eat as much junk as I want. I’m only bmi 20 rn so I shouldn’t even be a lardass, but I’m used to bring bmi like 18.5-19.5. Idk how people say they’re not fat at my weight unless they’re way taller than me because I’m definitely squishy in the belly now. Fuck me, I either have to restrict my eating a lot or hope when I start work that amount of exercise is enough to counteract this shit.

No. 1741825>>1741837>>1742938

File (hide): 1698490580624.jpeg (14.18 KB, 260x194, IMG_8559.jpeg)

being a tall huge woman AND being cursed with autism and severe social anxiety / being unlikable is truly a curse. I lurch around awkwardly like a terrified Frankenstein's monster. I am literally picrel

No. 1741826

You’re a massive asshole.

No. 1741833

>I'll never have an appartment of my own and have to go through 90 minutes commutes everyday because of that
So your parents are only financially supporting one daughter? I would've snitched on her too. But
>My parents set a camera in the entrance of her appartment to check she is not partying
Deranged indeed

No. 1741834>>1742042

I just want to be a normal human being

No. 1741837

Ngl I'd probably like you irl by your description you seem like the type of person I would feel comfortable talking to

No. 1741840>>1741843

While your parents' rules likely played a role in her "snapping" I don't think you did a bad thing. Failing your year FIVE TIMES is insane not to mention she doesn't care that it makes your life way harder. I don't understand why they'd put a camera in her appt though when they could just stop financially supporting her bullshit, I guess she's not too wrong when she calls them deranged.

No. 1741843>>1741844>>1741851

> I don't understand why they'd put a camera in her appt though when they could just stop financially supporting her bullshit, I guess she's not too wrong when she calls them deranged.
Because she is still studying and they want her to succeed

No. 1741844>>1741846

Why don't your parents force her to stay home and commute like you do rn so they can a) keep an eye on her and b) put the money towards you who would presumably not be abusing living on your own

No. 1741846>>1741847

Because she failed in my country so she can't try again
If she fails once again and gets kicked out of pharmacy school, she'll come back home and do something else

No. 1741847>>1741849

I mean why don't your parents make her stay home WHILE attending pharmacy school? Surely they can just stop paying her rent which they are presumably doing?

No. 1741849

OK maybe this is not clear :
I live in country A, in country A, you only get one shot at the entrance exam for pharmacy school
So when she failed in country A, she had to go to country B to start over there
In country B, she alsmost got kicked out (this year is her last chance before she's kicked out)

She simply can't stay home while attending pharmacy studies because it's a 5 hour drive to go to her school from where my parents live

The camera is the compromise my parents found to "watch her behaviour" in spite of the distance

No. 1741851

ayrt and I understand but it's completely delusional at that point. I'm sorry but there's no way she's going to succeed, she's had 5 whole years to get her shit together.

No. 1741854


No. 1741855>>1741915

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No. 1741856>>1741859

that was one of the worst things I have seen posted here I actually want to cry

No. 1741859>>1742008

What was it?

No. 1741883

Search engines: ok we have received your requests to take down personal information/images it will take a few days to happen. few days my ass it’s been a week, fuck Google but at least it’s more effective

No. 1741889>>1743220

I can't help but wonder how people go through these relationships. Ghost him for two weeks on your end and then just say you're breaking up. What's the point?

No. 1741893>>1741897

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I'm close to my period and I keep crying at everything.

No. 1741897

Me too I can't fucking handle it. I was doing fine last night and started proper crying because I don't have an espresso machine anymore.

No. 1741912>>1742938

I'm tired of this trip and tired of my life

No. 1741915

Cute elefant

No. 1741917

The sex isn't even good between us, a queer poly guy has awoken more things in me than this man ever has

No. 1741919

He's so stingy we can't even buy a cold brew from Tim Hortons

No. 1741922

Its like I don't want to keep hurting in my body but when he's finally gone I will miss him a lot.

No. 1741927>>1744496

Hey, Nonnie. I'm sorry to hear you're going through a hard time. No amount of words can help console this pain, but I hope you can at least keep pushing on despite the dread you feel. I've been in a somewhat similar position, and all we can do is move forward. There's no knowing what may happen, but I like to believe it gets better.Also, not to be too weird, but I'm pretty sure I've added you from the fft. You're really fun to talk to, and I hope we may start talking again when you feel better. If not, I'll be cheering you on regardless as your fellow nonnie in arms. Something like that.

No. 1741941

The person I live with is an emotionally abusive alcoholic who occasionally drinks so much their eyes go dead and I'm afraid they're going to physically hurt me. But since rent is so cheap here anywhere else would be much more expensive for much less space.

No. 1741968>>1741990

i never feel like a priority to my boyfriend and i feel like he hates me going out with my own friends (i.e. not mutual friends that he introduced me to). whenever i do there’s an issue when i come home, even though he’s spent the same night out with his own friends which i have no problem with at all, and it just ruins every night out with my girl friends because at the end of the night i come home to him being mad or upset.

sometimes i feel like i’m just seen as a provider or bangmaid because i work full time plus overtime and still do all the chores whilst taking copious amounts of cocaine just to motivate my depressed suicidal husk of a body to actually be productive after work and he works two/three days a week and is financially supported by his mum

we’ve been together four years now something needs to change

No. 1741989>>1742042>>1742938

I am incredibly suicidal. It's just that I don't think it will get better for me at least.

No. 1741990

The housework thing is egregious. Obviously you should dump this pissbaby scrote but at least give him an ultimatum that you’re leaving or kicking him out if he doesn’t take over the housework.

No. 1741997>>1743246

i hate no-win situations. i hate when other people, some of whom don't even know you, unanimously decide that no matter what you do, you'll always be the bad person. i'm starting to notice this theme in my life and i hate it. my family used to do this to me a lot, specifically my narc grandfather and at the time i didn't understand what was going on. no matter what i did i was always wrong, particularly when he would randomly start an argument with me over dumb shit like watering the grass or going for walks at night when i wouldn't be leered at by our neighbors. if i stood up for myself, i was a smart mouth bitch, but it was okay for him to call me all kinds of names and scream at me like a loon. if i said nothing, it was just proof i was stupid, even though he would blow up on me if i did say anything. and he would still scream at me even if i kept my mouth shut and ignored the abuse.

i will admit it's been easier to see how this pattern keeps happening in my life with people outside of my family, but it still sucks because i think there's a third option here, i just don't know exactly what it is. i'm in another one of these situations where it's damned if i do, damned if i don't. i say nothing, then i feel like i'm giving in to bullying and being a coward. if i speak up for myself, i'll be portrayed as an asshole and they will just cry and complain that they didn't do anything wrong. either way i'm screwed. or am i? i don't know. i'm having to figure this out on my own.

No. 1742007>>1742042

What did I do to deserve this?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1742008

cp and I dont want to describe it

No. 1742020>>1742072

A friend of mine that I've known for the longest time refuse to get vaccinated. We discussed it a lot and she still thinks the vaccines are unsafe. We've only met up outside after the pandemic broke out. Now she thinks covid is over and tells me that she wants to meet up at home. This is after I've told her that I'm vulnerable to infections because of my health issues…for fucks sake…I feel so done with her.

No. 1742042>>1742938

It's suicidal saturday. Let's all jump off a cliff together

No. 1742052>>1742055

My car insurance policy just got cancelled because I didn't pay the bill. How fucked am I? If I call them back on Monday and ask them to reinstate it, will they do it? I fucking hate having to keep track of thousands of different bills and I need my car for work so if they don't reinstate it I'll be so annoyed with myself.

No. 1742055

if you pay them they’ll reinstate it.

No. 1742067

I saw someone spitting and it made me gag so hard multiple times. I have a strong stomach but I just cannot do it with spit and vomit.

No. 1742072

A coworker of mine thought covid was over until her dad told her a coworker of his caught it like last month. People really don't understand what "the pandemic is over" even means at all so I'm not surprised at all.

No. 1742077

>Idk how people say they’re not fat at my weight unless they’re way taller than me because I’m definitely squishy in the belly now
maybe you're just skinnyfat, which can feel like being legitimately fat even when you're not. unless you're like 4'10 or something

No. 1742097>>1742103>>1742147

I had a dream my bf trooned out and got fat and now I cant get it out of my head

No. 1742102>>1742938

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i really feel like my sanity is hanging on by a thread that thins a little more with each passing day and i'm afraid of going through another psychotic break. i'm really repressing a lot right now to keep it pushing but it's getting overwhelming. i'm cold with fear and paranoia constantly again it's almost like a feeling of claustrophobia in my head and body. the thoughts are plaguing my mind i wish i could just puke or bloodlet this out but i know i can't. i've been through this already so i'm persevering as much as i can i'm more knowledgeable than i was before so i'm hoping this will pass. i feel ridiculous

No. 1742103

kek anon that’s horrendous. Did you tell him?

No. 1742105

the weight and food obsession seems to be a move to feel in control of her health while suffering with an MS diagnosis. offering you a car if you reach a certain weight is insane. you should check out Jennette McCurdy's memoir, her mom was similarly obsessed with weight.

No. 1742122

you're justified and not responsible for your parents putting a camera. she probably would have kept draining your parents for years if you didn't do this.

No. 1742143>>1742207

winter is approaching and I can feel my soul leaving my body and basically living on power saving mode until march. fuck this.

No. 1742147

Can you ask him to never put you through something like that? lol

No. 1742174

My mother and I have been stuck in a house with an older VERY controlling, abusive moid and cannot get out for almost 20 years (very long, complicated story and my mother made a lot of horrible decisions because of greed, she's in a lot of debt, shitty moid laws don't help us escape, etc). I struggle with not knowing whether to work minimum wage jobs to help dig my mother and I out of this mess a bit faster so I can live in a stable home or pursuing my dream of going to college so that I no longer have to struggle working minimum wage and can actually make real money and have a career and finally focus on MY life.
The thing is, I was working for many years in retail but my mother went behind my back and stole tens of thousands of dollars from me (about 20k+) and gave it to some scrote she was fucking, hoping he would pay it back (he never did) and then bought herself a new car after crashing her previous one from drunk driving. Ever since then, it made me feel hopeless that she could be stupid enough to give money to some random man especially knowing we are abused at home already and that she went behind my back and broke my trust. I worked very hard everyday for that money that I assumed was going to be mine to help myself and after what she did to me, I just felt like everything was pointless. I still do. I don't know what to do in the end long-term. It feels like I need to help clean up her messes and like I'm not in any position to go into debt right now for school when she further ruined our opportunity to escape our abuse situation. I also need a new car very badly (could have gotten one if she didn't steal my money from me) which is another reason why I feel like I need to prioritize working right away instead of sitting at a school. My life is different from the average college student. I don't have a stable house, a decent car, or extra money from mommy and daddy. Nothing wrong with that and good for those people but that is not my life. My mother also gets shitty to me when I say I want to go to college. She gets moody and doesn't want to talk about it and she is uninterested in my life or interests as a person. I feel like she definitely treats me like a work horse and she loves when I work minimum wage jobs. I think she is so stupid that she doesn't realize if I had been to college a decade ago, I would have made way more money in the long run and we would have escaped years ago.

I feel insecure that I'm getting older with no career and because of my mother's poor decisions and living in an extremely rare abuse situation that I am behind in life and a loser. I don't have any support. I never had the same opportunities as most other people because my life was robbed by some psychotic moid who harasses us daily and my mother is not a good parent. I also want to add that I don't have ANY family or friends so once my mother dies, I have no one to fall back on. I would literally be homeless. The moid knows we don't have any family so that is exactly why we are stuck. No money passed down or anything. I don't know what to do with my life and this inflation stuff is not helping at all. I hate this earth and I hate my life.

No. 1742193>>1742223>>1742248>>1742416

I was driving on a backroad while going over the speed limit, and a SUV with two guys that was tailgating behind me drove next to my car in the opposite driving lane and screamed expletives at me before passing by. I fucking hate how needlessly mean people are, it was totally unprovoked and ruined my day

No. 1742207>>1742232


I feel like summer people and winter people are always handing their power back and forth. I will use the life force until it starts warming up and then send it back to you, nonna. Is your bday in the warm times? My tinfoil sociology(?) idea is that people prefer their birth season but idunno, I have a very small set of examples to work with.

No. 1742214>>1742221

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I feel like im missing out on so much when it comes to romantic relationships. Ive tried to be with moids before and every relationship was traumatizing for me. But i still want to experience something nice. The problem is, I feel too old now. I understand no relationship is like those you read about in fiction, but I wish I could experience something close. I think i have the worst luck and im not really social, so ill probably never get a chance. It's depressing and it's eating at me.
Why can't I find a good moid?

No. 1742221>>1742225

Romantic relationships are overhyped. A good friendship can be on the same level and it can be between two straight women. You will find someone one day and hopefully it will be the right person. How old are you nonna?

No. 1742222>>1742359>>1742492

I got an interview for a job and the recruiter told me that he would sent me an email with all the interview information, and never did. I can't even call back because it's the weekend, and I have no idea if my interview is in person or online. I hate when this happens.

No. 1742223

moids and tailgaters suck i'm sorry that happened to you nonna. hoping the rest of your drive went okay

No. 1742225

Thats true. I wish I didn't have problems making friends too. And Im 30 rn

No. 1742232

nta im just going on a blogging tangent so feel free to ignore. but i am autumn born and it's second to if not my least favorite season along with winter. it gets physically painful my fingers and feet swell up and get hella stiff in a really painful way. it's really annoying for me in the colder seasons and i hate it, i can barely handle it i just spend those months suffering in agony until it's spring again ( my favorite season ) plus my dislike for those seasons exacerbated now that i have to commute long hours and take long walks with nowhere to hide from the rain to get from bus stop to bus stop for less than 6 hours of work per day… but i guess you could say that only with autumn and winter can you really appreciate the warmth and beauty of spring and summer. there's beauty to them all of course and i wouldn't wish to remove the cycle but i really hate being cold most of it is probably my fault though because i don't have any cold appropriate clothes and i'm too poor to afford any and i HATE depressing and gloomy white/gray skies i've genuinely cried from how much worse they made me feel and how much i missed the sun. seasonal depression is very real to me but it's a good trade off to really appreciate the coming seasons imo kind of a discipline and i feel bad when there the seasons don't feel like they are meant to ( autumn too sunny and rainless too-warm winters etc. ) i'm glad and grateful things are the way they are in nature

No. 1742247

Thank you nona, you are worth so much too and I'm glad you're able to feel content with being a gay woman.

Thank you for the kind words nonas. And I can imagine, as much as I hate being lesbian I'm also glad I don't have to date moids. I hope you're able to find a man who is good and not a complete degenerate. But those men are very hard to find these days which makes me pity straight women.

No. 1742248

I hate how impatient and aggressive drivers are, is it that hard to calm the fuck down and be aware and cautious on the road. they’re the reason so many stupid accidents happen.

No. 1742274

Men who pay for sex deserve the rope

No. 1742299

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How the fuck am I supposed to get a boyfriend when every man I know is married? And all of them have children, have these retards never heard of condoms? I'll end up dying alone this way

No. 1742300>>1742319

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They need to reimplement conversion camps but instead of pray the gay away I want them to pray whatever this is away, literally my worst fear is my child will be an endo chameleon poly system

No. 1742319

Imagine carrying a child for 9 months only for them to grow up to be non binary with self diagnosed DID. I really don't understand what's so quirky about DID, I'm aware DID exists but I guarantee 90% of "systems" on Tiktok don't actually have it. This reminds me of the Wonderland System meme lmfao.

No. 1742323

I got sent a video of a palestinian toddler who looked broken. It's horrible to see children so young have so much sadness in their eyes. Poor baby I wish we could do more for all the children.

No. 1742359

I genuinely don't get why employers do this. It's extremely rude and a waste of everyones time.

No. 1742380>>1742383>>1742423

What is it called when you cannot do anything while other people are around or in your home? Ever since I was a teenager if a friend or family was home I couldn't bring myself to do anything. Even simple things. Chores. Feeding myself. Getting dressed. I just sit in my bed and wait to be alone again so I can do all the things i need to. I just zone out on my phone while waiting for them to leave the house. Now I live with my boyfriend and it's the same feeling but magnified. Day in and day out I just sit and let everything go to shit around me when he's home. If I'm here alone I get so much done and am happy. I clean and I take care of myself. I feel normal for those few hours. Then he comes back and i ho back to sitting in a chair or my bed waiting to be alone again so I can feel normal and get what i need to done. I remember living with my family felt the same way. I would even sit with my friends in my bedroom and do nothing because I just couldn't make myself do something. I am constantly zoning out in any situation that isn't just being by myself. I am seriously starting to resent my boyfriend because of this. It happened with my family too. I'm so tired of being this way. And I feel retarded and powerless. It's like if anyone is in the fucking radius I just shut down and become completely incapable of doing anything. And it makes me angry and annoyed with myself.

No. 1742383

autism or some kind of obsessive thinking or compulsion, if this feeling is so overwhelming you can't do anything, you keep feeding into it everytime you avoid doing shit when people are around.

No. 1742388

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My sister is younger than me, but she's one of the worst people I know because she's a miniature version of my mom (who's already a sinister and destructive person). She never says "thank you" for any-fucking-thing. When you give in and give her what she begs for, she'll downplay it with some form of "you could have done better". Don't even make food for her, because sometimes she'll beg you to make something just so she can point and laugh at the "nasty dish" SHE ASKED YOU TO MAKE. She's always ready to throw other girls under the bus and to make fun of cases like Amber vs. Johnny but supports trans ""women"" and gay males with undying love. Any kindness is faked because she'll always talk shit about people who are supposed to be her closest friends. Super fucking nosey and thinks she's entitled to know your business, but tells you to fuck off if you even ask her about her day. Two moods: either happy because she's getting attention, or the most sour person in the room because she randomly decided to hate you. If it's ME she decides to hate, there a 50/50 chance she's gonna send me a death threat, because our mom is an animal who raised her to treat me like a punching bag. You can already guess that she never even gets a talking to because she and my mom have the same goddamn brain. There's some other and even more fucked up things she did, but I don't wanna get anymore pissed than I already am.
She has chronic kidney disease, but her hygiene is gross and she's always drinking soda. Don't even tell her that she needs to work on her hygiene and cut back on soda because she'll call you stupid even though she's a fucking idiot. In the past, I tried venting this to friends but they always told me the same: "oh you're just jealous, she's young she doesn't know any better, get over it she's not your problem", and etc. Those past friends would always end it with "but she's your sister, you cant possibly feel this negative about her", but no, I truly do feel this negative about her. She's my sister, but her personality only makes me wish she wasn't. This is real and sometimes, I can't wait for all that soda drinking to pile on and just fucking end her already.

No. 1742416

It's always moids. Their aggression and lack of consideration for others gets people killed, and they become indignant for their own follies. I hope you're doing alright now and can put it behind you. I almost got into an accident today because a scrote didn't wait his turn and stop at the stop sign. Their time will come.

No. 1742419

i hate that apple takes a stupid amount of money when you buy a book off of ibooks, i'd rather illegally download than put money in their pocket for holding material hostage on their store. these tech giants are all disgusting.

No. 1742423

It's probably not called anything. How did people react to you getting up and doing stuff when you were a child? Whenever I tried to do chores at home I would get yelled at for doing it wrong, even though no one taught me how to do it right, just told me to stop and then keep complaining about me being useless. I too live with my boyfriend and it took me a while to get myself to do stuff while he was home, since I too used to wait until I was alone to get shit done and I still prefer to be alone when I do chores, clean, cook and other stuff. You could probably tell your boyfriend that you're having this problem and then ask him to not comment or say anything when you're busy. Easiest way to overcome it is to make sure you don't make a bigger deal of it than it needs to be, it's just something you got used to for one reason or another and you can overcome it.

No. 1742433

One time during a manic episode I talked to a redditor who posted on what was supposed to be a pretty girly/artsy subreddit and he was a fedora wearing racist Mexican who used the word "cooney" a lot. He was an autist who made up relationships with different well known posters in the sub if he wasn't a stalker and a pedophile I'd feel sort of bad for him. He definantly goes on 4chan a lot and he's ugly. I don't message anyone on reddit or answer any messages from reddit anymore no matter how benign the subreddit is there will always be some fucked up people around.

No. 1742446>>1742450>>1742464>>1742469>>1742481

I've created a horrible cycle and I feel like I'm at my breaking point..I'm just not physically attracted to my bf and I haven't been for a while now. I try and chalk up my disinterest in sex to my birth control but that's not entirely true because I have instead turned to smut and husbandofagging and will get myself off as frequently as I can. I find myself lamenting not having a muscular partner, even though I work out I'm not like some sort of catch. I think I feel even worse because he tells me all the time how he finds me attractive and tries to help me with my poor self image but it's becoming more common that he can tell i'm not into it when he tries to initiate sex. Part of my disinterest in partnered sex does come from my discomfort with my own body (gained weight during covid, still having a hard time losing it) but also my bf gained weight too, he often acts "immature" and his hygiene has devolved..he will go days without showering and wear dirty, stretched out and stained clothes when he leaves the house. I've had to tell him several times to change his clothes because it's more than I can bear and he gets huffy about it and like i'm being unreasonable. I finally got the courage to ask him about cutting his ratty long ass mullet and he got sad about cutting it. He did at least compromise and got it trimmed but afterwards regretted even that. Besides that, I feel duped. When we got together he was well put together and made more money than me. Now, like I said, he's a slob and I make nearly twice as much. Instead of working hard on his own projects and work, he lets himself get taken advantage of by his "business partner" and thinks more about d&d than getting out of his dead end job..He also can be hard on himself about the weight he has gained and feeling disgusted in himself so I can't just tell him all this. Not to mention I can't even imagine how awful I'd feel if my partner told me he thought I was disgusting. But like I said, I don't know what to do and I don't think there is a gentle enough way to have this conversation. He's promised to work on his weight and fitness in general since he is always worried about getting an obesity related disease, so I'm just going to keep white knuckling it and working on my own fitness too.

No. 1742450

> he will go days without showering and wear dirty, stretched out and stained clothes
you shouldn't have to deal with that anon that is disgusting

No. 1742464

he keeps saying shit but not changing. taking care of and improving yourself is something someone has to want for themselves and is not something you can force someone to meaningfully do long term. especially with the hygeine shit, that's disgusting. leave him.

No. 1742469

You need to sit down and have a talk with him about all of this. It's not your fault he has been letting himself go, and if he cares about your relationship then he will put in some effort. You can try to frame it as worry for his mental health and ask if he's letting himself go because he's depressed or something, then later reveal that you've been having a hard time finding him attractive because he has turned into a slob. Give him a good wake up call. If he still doesn't change then just leave, life is too short to be disgusted by your own boyfriend.

No. 1742481

>wear dirty, stretched out and stained clothes
>when he leaves the house

No. 1742492

Well, there's your problem. They're a waste of time, and I've dealt with enough recruiters to not rely on them or look at those types of listings. Apply to jobs directly on websites instead. Fuck recruiters.

No. 1742518>>1742523

There are so many youtube videos of cops arresting "entitled teens" and "karens" that at this point its just a fetish. Really scary to think how many cops out there have a power fetish like that.

No. 1742523>>1742525

Yeah I know some guy who wants to be a cop so bad, I think he might actually be trying for it. He's a security guard and he waltzes around with his hands in his cheap Amazon vest with his fucking handcuffs dangling as if he's legally allowed to use them. He also wears sunglasses and no shit today he put them on for no reason (indoors) and then took them off dramatically, just for his own amusement. He loves chasing away the crackheads and I overheard him once saying how he can't wait until he's legally allowed to beat them. When he isn't wearing his Shein security vest he is a different person; he's clutching his boba and scurrying away because I guess he doesn't want to be seen in normie attire.

No. 1742525

You should have to get a high score on the SAT's and pass an empathy test in order to be a cop.

No. 1742611>>1742630

My boyfriend eats so much food I’m like ok all stocked up for a few weeks and he literally eats an entire bag of chips and jar of salsa in one day wtf and then he’ll also complain about being fat and gaining a few pounds and it’s like no you’re not but eating 5000 calories in one day isn’t helping…how tf can you eat so much I really can’t fathom as he scarfs down handfuls of chips in one bite. How can you eat a huge dinner and then eat half a bag of chips as a snack it’s so annoying I must spend like 1/10 as much on groceries as he does it’s insane. Anyway it’s his money and his body so I really shouldn’t care I’m just extremely frugal and grew up food insecure so I tend to ration my food and it gives me anxiety seeing him eat so much which rationally isn’t that important in todays world

No. 1742614

I hate my woke uni so much, it's in a liberal area in a red state so all the trannies and faggots in the tri state area flock there

No. 1742630

I could be your boyfriend. I have to eat that much or I loose weight. I eat as much as my 200+lbs boyfriend.

No. 1742637

90% of my dreams is I am back in high-school for some reason, usually cause I somehow missed credits and need to make them up, and I am failing classes because I missed going to them all year and I am trying to log online to find out my schedule because I forgot what classroom I'm supposed to go to at what time. Most of the dream is me walking around the school trying to find my class. I'm 26 when does this stop, one of my worst fears is the afterlife will be a dreams tate and I'll be stuck wandering high-school hallways. Wish I could wash that part of my brain off!

No. 1742647

Since I read some horrifying news, I thought back to how nasty men were as kids. I'm in my late 20s now, but I remember back in elementary school, a kid clapped his hands under his desk while mimicking a higher pitched moan: "yeah, yeah." Later, in middle school, more boys would clap their hands under their desk. It's all so bleak, looking back on everything. Nothing is sacred. Not even childhood.

No. 1742651>>1742659>>1742660>>1742664

The Snapchat/TikTok filter obsession is partly due to how unflattering cameras have become. It's almost impossible to get good pictures of anyone even when you're conventionally attractive. I almost feel jealous of boomers that almost everyone had photos that made them look beautiful and they could easily get a picture of them having the time of their lives or fun with their kids or something without having to worry about every pore showing, every flyaway hair, the slight bloating from lunch, etc

No. 1742654

I just gave my dog her first insulin injection and it was so scary that I can’t stop crying and my legs are weak and I’m not scared to do it again now that I’ve done it but the adrenaline built up so much bc I was so terrified and I WANT TO RUN AROUND THE BLOCK SCREAMING. My wife is the BEST WIFE FOR HOLDING MY HAND THROUGH IT I FUCKING LOVE HER dog is a 12 year old Husky in basically perfect health besides this stupid beetus that apparently is genetic and tends to hit this type breed in old age but I love her and want her to be comfy and happy for however much longer I get to have her. Vet says we caught it really early so there’s that.

No. 1742658

I wish i was likable

No. 1742659

yeah everyone looks good on polaroid or shitty digital cameras. i should get myself a digital camera

No. 1742660>>1742667

Something about my features gets extremely distorted on most cameras to the point where I developed body dysmorphia when I was younger. My brain could not wrap my head around how I looked in the mirror vs every single candid photo of me looking awful. It’s a total crapshoot on whether or not I’ll look good in a picture and I still don’t know how to fix it.

No. 1742664

found out by accident that the nintendo 3DS camera is legit so flattering for me. it doesnt screw up my face and the washed out colors look nice

No. 1742666>>1742709

My boyfriend joined in with his friends to clown on me for being wrong about a fact….WHEN I WAS RIGHT. Pisses me off. Especially since he already knows I am literally alwys right when I state facts, but I guess being wrong and on the same side as his friends is more important that siding with his gf and being right.

No. 1742667

Are you me??? My mom even says I didn’t photograph true to life as a baby/young child and it made her mad. It doesn’t matter how ”beautiful” I am/how many compliments i get from people IRL, I will never photograph well unless I’m taking a selfie controlling everything about it. Very frustrating because it can fuck with your head and make you doubt what you see in the mirror like you said. For awhile i was deeply convinced that i was super deformed and weird looking but somehow delusional and seeing an attractive person in mirrors. It’s okay in the end isn’t it better to be good looking IRL as opposed to in photos? Also it’s humbling kek

No. 1742669>>1742678

For five hours I should've already been to bed but I feel completely unlovable and like there's nothing of value about me. It's the 'tism making me loop over the same thoughts endlessly but it's so hard to get out. I'm hoping I pass out from crying so I don't have to think with my flawed brain.

No. 1742678

i think you feel especially like shit because you're tired. i know i get extremely emotional when that tired. it's hard to fall asleep in that state and seems easier to make yourself dead tired and crash but if you can say drink some water, and try to redirect your thoughts maybe you can fall asleep sooner. best of luck anon.

No. 1742699>>1742720

>looking at house prices
>randomly look in houston, texas for fun
>immediate shock
>3,500 sq foot homes with a pool for as cheap as 300k
The fuck?

No. 1742709>>1742758

What was the fact about

No. 1742720>>1742725

Houstons a nice city, you might have looked in a shitty neighborhood or something else is wrong, I once saw a house that looked amazing for the price, toured it, turns out it was directly beneath high voltage power lines.

No. 1742721>>1744026

Nonnie, I thought of you (even though much time hasn't passed) and I hope you're ffeeling a little better now that time has passed. Fuck those cocksucking cumrag employers for firing you for a chronic illness you can't help. I hope they get what they deserve and then some.

No. 1742725>>1742733

Those homes were very big and beautiful in suburban neighborhoods ending in "Estates". It definitely wasn't a bad area lol. Hoods don't have pools or gigantic 3,500 sq ft brick homes either. I think the south is just cheap. I live up north and a home like at is at least 700k.

No. 1742728>>1742938

I went out to eat, went to an attraction, and a movie with a coworker friend tonight and honestly didn’t enjoy a single minute of it. I think this is the terminal stage of depression.

No. 1742733

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Southern nonna here and yeah its almost disturbingly cheap in certain areas. People can make their mcmansions for 60k-100k and still have a huge yard and the only con would be driving to the city with the rest being all fields and farmland in between

No. 1742758

I said the swastika was the name used before the nazis coopted the symbol and they dogpiled me to say I was wrong and that the nazis made up the word swastika and its ackychullay the sun cross. Bruh swastika is literally a sanskrit word thats thousands of years old and still used in India today. No they arent pol tards they're super leftist

No. 1742760

Went to a local bar by myself. They had a costume contest and I just felt like dancing instead of sitting on my couch alone for the night. At the rate of once every hour I had a guy approach me and ask me to dance, no big deal, but each time he wanted to dance again he would try to get my body closer to his. Honestly I should've expected some dudes to be weird about it, alcohol is involved. The last guy who was dancing with me was rubbing my fingers weirdly during the dancing, towards the end of it he was telling me he's my husband and he loves me, his English was very limited, but I just kept saying "Noooo, you're playing." Eventually he got the hint.
It's just so weird how club culture plays out when a single woman is around. The guys would basically try to "claim me" by dancing in a circle around me, even when I would dance around to different spots.
There was one guy there who was by himself I was remotely interested in dancing with and we locked eyes a few times, but by the end I could only assume he was gay or too shy to approach me. One guy tried to buy me drinks and he introduced me to his friend and he his friend I was alone, kind of concerned, but they quickly realized I just wanted to keep dancing, so that was smooth.
There was a group of grandmas there, it was so sweet to see. They were right in front of the speakers while dancing and drinking margaritas.
So I guess this was something to experience, maybe I'll do it again another weekend. It's definitely building confidence for me, and the entire time I was thinking of jiujitsu moves I could do if a guy tried to hold me way too close and I could knock him to the ground fairly easily. I'm having a date tomorrow so I think this is overall helping me be more social, even if it's awkward, I'm more open to putting myself out in social situations. It even makes me more bold to reject guys who aren't for me.

No. 1742765>>1742768

Genuinely so disgusted by men at all times. Met such an amazing guy, so polite, kind, ect ect. 1st red flag: find out one of his closest friends is a 19 year old girl (he's 32). Ok. Few months later, moves to a new state, makes new friends and one of them being a 28 year old guy, who has an 18 year old girlfriend. My guy ends up hanging out with this girl and her friends all the time and says "well I don't know anyone in this state so I'm desperate for friends!" So desperate you're hanging out with teenagers? At 33? Fucking weirdo. Genuinely hate men more and more every day. What 33 year old would willingly choose to spend time with an 18 year old. A fucking creep thats who. He said "cmon she's a homie she's cool!" Excuse me what? Grow up you fucking freak. His 11 year old son is closer in age to his "new friends".

Dumped him 2 weeks ago.

No. 1742768>>1742798

I said he's fucking weird for hanging out with teenagers at his age and it makes him look like a creep and he said I'm "being insane". and that I'm "verbally abusive". Moids genuinely do not deserve human rights.

No. 1742778

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In the same weekend I walked past my ex helping his new girl out of an Uber and my celeb crush posting his new gf on ig. It’s so over nonnas

No. 1742786

I think my mom's ex bf has some weird cross dressing fetish and enjoys copying women he lusts after for his fetish and that's the fucking old guy with glasses that's been following me. Thank you mom for never giving a shit if any of the men you dated were safe. Thank you so much for inviting so many demented men into our house I'm still suffering 10+ years later trying to hide from this creep. Female enablers are just as bad as male abusers.

No. 1742798>>1743088

You're not insane or abusive. Nine times out of ten, it takes a very immature person to actually hang out with people at least ten years younger (particularly when they just graduated high school). I've unfortunately came across dudes who surrounded themselves with people way younger than them, and those guys would always manipulate and boss around their younger "friends" into doings bids. Playing the role of the "mature one", but steering their "friends" into making bad decisions that will only benefit the "mature ones". Those dudes were always manchildren too; only watching cartoons like Invader Zim and doing kindergarten shit like "tickle fights" and "sleepovers". Worst but common case scenario, they "advise" their younger "friends" into "trying out" sex with them. Males are already gross and pathetic, but it's cranked up to eleven when they do that age gap "friendship" bullshit. 90% of the time, it's basically grooming done by what could only be predatory wastes of space.

No. 1742801>>1742811

i hate having a heavy flow so much!!! i just put out fresh new couch covers yesterday… fml.

No. 1742811>>1742830

you should try period panties for extra security
use them with a tampon or a pad when you're having a heavy flow the first days

No. 1742830>>1742951

thanks nonny, but i just checked and the prices are insane in my country. i think i'm going to ask my grandma to sow reusable pads to underwear, or some other diy alternative, because almost 45 euros for three pairs (on sale!) is just crazy. i'm wondering if the aliexpress ones are just as good

No. 1742843>>1743027

im here to update the saga known as: penis not worky guy
i got him to get a scorpion tattoo knowing full well my sidebitch was a scorpio. about 1-2 weeks later i did finally give up and dump him. the viagra wasnt working, the penis pump made a fart noise everytime he pumped it and wasnt working and he was just getting increasingly angrier, grunting, farting noises, pumping. it didnt work girls, but this is now a core memory of hilarity in my life. anyway so i gave up and dumped him and now im watching him try to slowly remove 300 of my songs from his spotify likes. im now with autist emo scorpio, we fuck minimum 3x a day (love the honeymoon stage) and he has offered to buy me a horse for my birthday, teach me to ride it, and have shared custody if it works out. thats 3 months from now. i know moid promises mean jack shit but ill bet on this horse, if he pulls through on this insane grand gesture and we dont slowly descend into hell, ill marry him eventually. reality is created by our own minds and i am insane, but its not without some benefits.

No. 1742846>>1742938

I genuinely don't think it will get better.

No. 1742853

I don't know what I did wrong.

No. 1742863>>1742880>>1742938

I wanna go and run towards a better life, a better future, a better present. I wanna follow my dreams and succeed and I wanna be happy and stable. even if right now I feel lost, even if right now I have no hope, I wanna keep moving ahead and to never ever stop!

No. 1742880

That's beautiful nonnie, I believe in you!

No. 1742913>>1742949>>1742957>>1742963>>1742971>>1742972>>1742974>>1742976>>1742977>>1743110>>1744556

I don't know if I'm being childish or petty but basically, my family are all meeting up tomorrow for a meal for my birthday (which isn't for another week) and my grandma's birthday which was earlier this month. I'm glad we're able to meet up because I tried to make plans for my birthday and all of my family seem to be busy for some reason. I have been a bit sarcastic with them saying stuff like 'oh that's ok, not 'like it's this day every year since I've been born'. My sister retaliated saying "you've left it too late for people who have busy lives" which is just rude, she also criticised my partner saying he wasn't mature for some reason.

Anyway the main issue comes from the fact I've pieced together that my sister is going to announce her pregnancy at this meal. For context, my sister and I have a strained relationship anyway such as she pretended I never existed growing up and always replaced me for other people such as going out with her friends on my birthday. Even now we speak maybe 2 - 3 times a year and usually for other peoples birthdays or Christmas planning. This year she is taking her fiancé's sister out for a meal which is why she can't attend my plans, which makes me feel even more upset. Since I know about her announcement I feel like my reaction might bring the mood down but even if I didn't know I expected her to be pregnant before next year anyway so I don't think I'd have been that surprised. A petty part of me just simply doesn't care because she never once cares about anything I do.

So I'm feeling so upset she's going to use this meal to announce her pregnancy. She's only 5 weeks along and I was thinking it'd be better to announce it at Christmas when we're all together anyway with both sets of grandparents instead of just one. Plus that's safer as there's less chance of complications. She's very self-centred in general and I just feel upset that she'll take over my one chance of a birthday celebration with my family for her own attention grabbing.

No. 1742934>>1742939

your lip fillers are almost more embarrassing than the fact that you can’t take a selfie without looking at yourself instead of directly at the camera and yeah wow cool you are in a band except you barely sing, don’t know how to play any instruments, and have a producer a decade older than yourself who you are likely fucking behind the scenes so cool everyone wants to be just like you /s

No. 1742938>>1742953>>1743113>>1743589>>1743767>>1744500

No. 1742939

also imagine your first music project going so boring that you have to rebrand and lie that it’s your first show ever in the city just because you changed your stage name after the first project didn’t garnish enough attention. sounds like it’s time to whip out your wallet and buy another round of insta followers

No. 1742949

Christmas would 100% be a better time to announce, even just because 5 weeks is so early.
She could get those cute "I love my grandpa/grandma" onesies and ultrasound or something.

No. 1742951

Have a look at shein

No. 1742953

i absolutely would but what if nobody else shows up and i have to do it alone

No. 1742957

Would your relationship end if you just sent her an email that said something like "I know you're pregnant but please don't announce it at the dinner, it's safer to wait 10-12 weeks. You can announce it at Christmas with both grandparents!" Or better yet get an older lady with children to tell her.

No. 1742963

I don't have any advice but my heart aches for you nona.

No. 1742971>>1742975>>1742980

Push her down the stairs before the dinner starts. Fuck her, fuck that baby, this is your day.

No. 1742972

Tell everyone she’s lying if she tries to announce that she’s pregnant kek. Just embarrass the shit out of her nonnie. Smack her in the back hard with a baseball bat? Maybe it’ll induce a miscarriage. The baby is better off dead.

No. 1742974

if she announces it at your dinner she’s karmically dooming herself to either severe complications or a retard child

No. 1742975

I love unhinged nonnies

No. 1742976

just tell her not to do it up-front.

No. 1742977

you need to start learning about dealing with narcissists and to embrace radical acceptance. her having plans with the fiance's sister on your birthday sounds like a blessing, i'd be glad she wasn't there.

No. 1742980

I was thinking that but didn't dare post it kek. Based anon.

No. 1742994>>1743000>>1743081>>1743904

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I wish I could just stop caring about how other people see me. I think this is the main thing keeping me from having a fulfilling life. I always worry too much about others possibly getting a bad opinion of me and it makes it impossible for me to have a normal social life. I just freeze. I just avoid people. Whenever someone talks to me I always come up with the most boring, braindead responses because my brain is working overtime to come up with an answer that the other person will appreciate. I know the answer is to just stop caring but I can't. I don't know how. I don't see a way out, I think I'm doomed to be a mentally ill autist for the rest of my life

No. 1743000

Big mood. I can't even say hello to people without feeling like they are annoyed by me. There is a girl at work who honestly I think probably feels the same when I really think about it, but she just like doesn't smile back at me when I smile at her and it hurts my little heart. I'm trying so hard girl can we please be buds we have to work together cmonnnnn

No. 1743001>>1743056

Got shit for having my age preference 22-33 as a 29 year old woman on dating apps. I am not attracted to balding men with bad teeth or elderly men/men with visible white hair and bad skin or children. Men get to have preferences so why can’t I? You literally couldn’t pay me to fuck an old guy, even if he is “a whitefox”. They all have bad wrinkly skin, skin tags and marks, gross teeth and receding hairlines. The only ones who aren’t balding are those Asian, Hispanic or Mediterranean ( with arab or gypsy heritage) men and I’m not attracted to them at all. They all have small dicks. Plus ginger men are a huge NO from me and these gingers are mostly single in their late 30s because no woman wants them. I can’t think of anything more humiliating than a fat pasty ginger shooting his shot at me. Makes me fucking shiver. I will have my standards and I won’t be shamed for it. Idgaf if I’m unrealistic I know what I like and don’t like.

No. 1743006>>1743026

I will never settle for an ugly man. It’s a young alpine man with blue eyes and dark hair, perfect skin or no one. Idgaffff especially when these moids cheat after having children. I will never settle for these ugly fucking leftover moids. I’d rather be single or a single mom to a baby I had with a beautiful and high IQ man.

No. 1743026

Good nonnie!! Never settle, being along is better than settling. I didn't even date until I found my ideal man and now I'm married to him, it was worth the wait.

No. 1743027

you are a legend, nonita. keep up the good fight for the nonas (pick any post above (or any of mine)) who cannot summon the pussy strength or wherewithal to Absolutely Do It To Em.
in scorpio season no less? that's what they all should get for the next month.
vidrel and t. scorpio

No. 1743056

I have a similar age preference 24-33 as an almost 31 year old woman. Don't take it personally, they're just uncomfortable they can't find younger guys a potential life partner. There's also a reason a lot of men in their 30s are single. Even my best friend has a husband 10 years younger than her and he's honestly a pretty good hearted man. I can have hours of philosophical discussions with him. I was put off by his age at first because I couldn't make dated references around them and he wouldn't get it, but now that I know him for longer, it clicked for me why my best friend chose him. Before, my range was 29-35 when I was 29, drastic change.

No. 1743081>>1743084

It gets a lot easier to break out of this when you realize that most people are internally sperging about their actual problems/themselves and are not worried about you at all nonita

No. 1743083

I hate seeing comments like “not everyone has that luxury!” when talking about people who live with their parents. I lived with my parents while going to college and they made my life miserable. I had a job and would take classes in the evening, and I was locked out almost every night. Luckily my sister happened to have a house key and gave it to me. My dad was constantly drunk and would take away parts of the computer when he was fighting with my mom, which impaired me from being able to do any hw outside of the school or a library. Until I had enough money to buy a car I’d share my mom’s vehicle, and I’d get phone calls from her while at work/school to pick her up at my grandmother’s house because my dad would lock her out and she’d walk over there.

No. 1743084>>1743332

ntayrt but what if I actually am disliked and pitied by everyone for being weird ugly and fucking retarded
I've been in a lot of situations where people in fact have said as much behind my back

No. 1743087

the jig is up, I showed how pathetic and weird I am, time to find someone new until this happens again

No. 1743088>>1743090

he just keeps sending me texts saying I'm insane and verbally abusive and then attacking things about me because he feels attacked. but I'm just so disgusted and grossed out by a 33 year old willingly choosing to hangout with teenagers again and again…

No. 1743090>>1743094

it's always the absolute worst scumfuck men claiming women are """"abusive"""" lmao
"insane" is even worse

No. 1743093

What the fuck did I do to deserve this

No. 1743094>>1743167

its annoying as fuck because he's extremely well liked and viewed as an extremely nice and kind person so I'm like wtf. how do creeps like this skate by un detected for so long. no one sees who you hangout with and thinks its weird? no one cares?

No. 1743110>>1743235

Ruin it for her or just don't attend.

No. 1743113>>1743589

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No. 1743167

They've probably just never confronted him about it and if they did, he likely did the same he's doing to you. To them, his personality overthrows his actions.

No. 1743179

I'll always support female degeneracy, but some of you make it so hard for me. I met a woman online that is adult and married, something she makes sure you're aware of, yet she posts her cleavage on twitter to win internet fights. On top of that she is also a lolifag that has the gall to complain men are horny posting in her dms while she continues to retweet naked lolis. Lastly, despite being in her early 20's she larps as a 4chan oldfag with a superiority complex because her taste in anime matches that of a random agp troon. There's truly some rotten apples among us, nonnies.

No. 1743208

Social media is so miserable and pathetic, I can't stand it. I've a Twitter and Instagram accounts but I haven't posted anything ever since I was 15 because I genuinely think it looks stupid and superficial to post about yourself but it's insane how you kind of become a ghost when people can't easily search you up and watch a little bit of your life, you miss on so many (still don't know of what quality, but still) interactions. And the whole thing of following, being followed, unfollowing and being unfollowed it's so ridiculous.

No. 1743220

I'm new to dating again after a long time so I got imprinted on him like a retard but my feelings have definitely cooled on him a lot. I'm thinking I'm just going to treat him like a fwb until I find someone I wanna be more serious with or just ghost him like you said. I ended up hanging out with him the day I made that post and I was VERY underwhelmed.

No. 1743235

Samefag, I want you to ruin her announcement. Do it

No. 1743246

This has happened to me too throughout most of my life, even on lolcow plus having my truth shifted/being misinterpreted or being accused of things that I don't believe or that I didn't do. When I'm a people pleaser it's not good. When I state my disconfort, boundaries, what bothered me it's not good neither. Ultimately, I just end up being isolated by society.

No. 1743283

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Got jumpscared last night into seeing pics from my ex’s annual Halloween party. I can’t tell if it was a good one or not because there’s not a ton of pics but the ones I have seen the place looked kinda empty. One guy posted something around 3 am and the table they usually use for beer pong was fucking spotless, like no trash or cups or anything. The party I went to wasn’t all that big and even we left a bunch of shit to clean up kek. A lot of his coworkers seem to be doing other shit this weekend. I hope it was lame and his ghosting everyone is coming back to bite him.

No. 1743284

I've suffered so much interpersonal abuse

No. 1743304

i had to download a sobriety app to stop looking at my boyfriend’s ex girlfriends instagram. i wish i never fucking found it they were together way longer than we’ve been together and like he’s only ever described the relationship as a horrible time in his life and he wants nothing to do with her because of how abusive and awful it was and yet i’m literally driving myself insane obsessing over her. i’m deluded and constantly comparing myself to her and if she’s prettier than me or more skinny than me. but literally like she’s just like a sad person that he doesn’t care about and has completely moved on from so why can’t i

No. 1743310>>1743321>>1743343

I got an ad for easy access to Ozempic for weight loss and tbh it's attracting..
I'm not overweight, but I've gained weight and stupid celebrities making it seem worth while. Sometimes the common sense police ring through my ears and tell me "it's cause you were underweight before."
Fuck man. I hate this.

No. 1743321

Short length fasting and eating an even balance of alkaline/acidic foods is much easier than shooting up Ozempic

No. 1743332>>1743369

That’s actually a tough one. I remember being fat and disliked as a kid for being spergy and really the only thing I could do was lose weight and be more relaxed? Easy ways to make yourself look a little more put together is always clearing up your skin, learning how to move lymph in your face, and consuming more estrogenic vegetables like broccoli, but if you’re like deformed or something I can’t help you unfortunately

No. 1743337

My friend just died of cancer and I found out at her funeral that she killed my tortoise a year ago and didn't tell me. I left the county for work with the understanding that she would watch her for me for five years until I came back but that there were a line of people available if she couldn't do it anymore. Seriously, everyone loved Shelly, she was an amazing tortoise. She was 34.
But when I asked after her, her hand told me she died a year ago, only a few months after I gave her to her for safe keeping. What the fuck Cindy? You killed her for nothing. She could have lived.

No. 1743343

Be more autistic, ads won't convince you of anything

No. 1743369

I'm the kind of off puttingly ugly that losing weight can't quite fix, however being skinny is one of the few things that have helped my confidence in the past. when I'm normal weight I only look even more awkward and disgusting and most of all enormous

the thing is though, it's always been my personality that's the final nail in the coffin. I might me ugly but what makes people hate me is how inept I am, but I'm too old to fix it and don't know how to stop being the way I am

No. 1743373>>1743411

god I wish I were capable of making friends. when I start thinking about this or fail yet another time at putting myself out there or alienate myself out of yet another budding friendship I really want to kill myself

No. 1743384>>1743408

I don't know what to do any more. I'm mid 20s, very good degree but in a useless subject, no job sticks, all I seem to be able to do is temp catering/bar gigs, lived independently for a year and a half but crashed back home because I was spending too much on substances and had no friends, now stuck here with no community and an alcoholic around 24/7. I will be able to move on when we sell the house, but I really don't know when he'll be done with it, progress is going slowly as you can imagine, I'm still grateful for the care and roof over my head though. Don't earn enough to move out right now. Have a boyfriend, love him to death, but I think he is losing interest like they always do after honeymoon phase and that's fucking me up. Hobbies and interests have been forgotten. Can't make myself do anything useful or helpful, I just hyperfixate on cooking meals every day, and I'm really good, but I'm sure the obsession is an ED hangover. At least that's mostly quiet for now, and I'm in decent shape, but, on the whole, I can't shake the feeling that everything is just going to keep getting worse, and worse. I've been crying all the time I'm just in pain.

No. 1743401>>1743405

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This is the 7th cake my mom decided to "experiment with" by baking and chose to throw away right after because she fucked it up, or forgot to make icing for it. Making cakes for parties is her side hustle, and for the last three discarded cakes, it was a recipe she invented that required so much butter. She's wasting so much butter and other ingredients for a cake she keeps fucking up and throwing away. It reminds me of those dumpster diving videos where people find hoards of fresh bread and still-good food that Panera, buffets, and other restaurants decided to throw away for the most trivial reasons. Isn't it ironic that the people whose job it is to make food are the ones who waste it the most?

No. 1743405>>1743432

>forgot to make icing for it
Whaaaat, your mom is a crazy girl. Cakes with no icing are the best. Anyway, is she one of those people who are anti-recipe?

No. 1743408>>1743439

Are you on anti-depressants? It honestly sounds like you have a lot of potential, but unresolved issues and depression are holding you back. A good EMDR therapist would probably do you more good in the long run, but sometimes you just to get shit under control chemically before you can start working on yourself.

No. 1743409

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I'm part of a close-knit group of 4 women, we always do things either as the entire group or one-on-one. We've been hanging out regularly since like 2019, though with some periods where we simply don't have time to do it as much because…well, life.
One of the friends gave birth earlier this year, nothing much changed neither during or after the pregnancy except we got a little +1 from time to time, we still hung out just as much. However this same friend sent us a long message this morning about how left out she's been feeling and like we've become a little trio without her, which came completely out of left field because we haven't really done anything together without her and don't really communicate more or less either. But of course we apologized for making her feel that way, whatever caused it wasn't deliberate in any way and that we would never go off anywhere us three without even thinking about inviting her but she still seems pretty hung up on something, but doesn't want to really specify over text so we are trying to figure out when we all can meet up (but one of us is kinda struggling with her schedule atm).
Not gonna lie, I'm very confused while I also understand if it could be that she got hung up on something and it caused a snowball effect now that she is spending a lot of time at home with the baby and have a lot of time to ponder over things, especially since she is struggling to click with other mothers. I'm so worried about that she is gonna distance herself from us, I've sent her a message where I again apologize for the situation, wrote that I can speak for all of us in that we all really care about her and if she wants to talk about it over the phone a little bit with me or rather wait until we can all see each other. I haven't gotten a response yet, and I haven't been able to focus on anything today. The others seem fairly calm about the situation, since no one has done anything wrong and are just happy that she opened up about how she's feeling and thinks she probably just need some validation that she is loved and always considered a part of the group, like everyone does from time to time. But I just can't still still knowing that she has been carrying all these concerns for so long and I just want to talk it all out. I just can't deal with knowing I unwittingly hurt someone I care about.

No. 1743411>>1743428

It's not just you, it's so hard to make new friends from scratch and trying to break yourself into a friend group for almost anyone. Socializing these days is weird and more difficult than it ever was.

No. 1743412

Nobody's ever really cared about me even though I've been pretty and intelligent most of my life

No. 1743428

I hate it because I live in one of the most isolated countries, failed at making friends during my entire childhood and teens for reasons partly out of my control, my parents are cold autistic npcs and I have no relations with extended family or siblings
if even normies are having trouble making friends what the fuck do I do? I'm panicking about this more and more the older I get. nobody truly wants me around and I can't find a reason to live knowing I will end up completely alone if I even survive

No. 1743432

She does use recipes, but she also tries to make up recipes herself and it's not going well at the moment

No. 1743439

I've tried a few in the past, maybe it is time to go again. I didn't stop due to any negative side-effects after all, but lack of positive ones. Maybe I'll be able to see a difference this time if my starting position is so poor. Thank you for the reassurance, it's sweet of you.

No. 1743442

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Bf is giving me autismo BPD treatment again.

We went to a Halloween event over the weekend and basically spent all of Friday/Saturday together (I did all the driving). Today, I need to drive (4+ hours) back to my hometown for work, and coincidentally, my friends and coworkers from there invited me out for drinking. I might just ditch out on work to chill with them.
I don't have friends in this town because I basically moved out here for bf. Nothing happens out here and he has no non-family to hang out with. The amount of driving that I have to do to make my employment and social life work is abysmal and it gets old.
Anyways, I was finalizing the party details over the phone. I planned to bring alcohol and drugs and asked my friends to be sure everyone on their end was cool and if I could stay at their shared place overnight just in case and get back to me.
The reason I asked is because if I get too high/drunk and it's late then tbh I don't really want to make the drive back to bf's place especially if I have to be there for work on Monday anyway.

Bf overheard my phone conversation. When I approached him in the bedroom he was acting agitated at me when I told him about my party plans and quipped *"Do whatever you want. I guess I'll just watch your dog."
His attitude was so out of left field cause I didn't do or say anything wrong? I said I did not have to go or that he could go with me, and again he snipped "Do what you want." I got the feeling what he was mad about was the part about me possibly staying over. I asked him what was wrong or what did I do wrong cause I was confused and he stormed off saying he did not want to talk to me and to leave him alone.

To be honest…he acts like he hates me. He negs me a lot. He blows up at me over minor things and then treats me like I was the one who escalated, and then he threatens to kick me out if I dare become angry and defend myself from his attack. As if he pulls the rug out from under me when I do not comply with his will. It seems like the rules he has for himself are very different than the rules he wants me to follow.
If his concern is about "cheating" at this party, then I don't understand how holding my feelings hostage and doling out abuse with the silent treatment is supposed to endear me so much to him that I wouldn't pounce at the opportunity when another man treats me with interest and respect.

No. 1743517>>1743526

I'm so over pop music and most popular movies coming out. It's ALL about hot women/girls and sex. I genuinely wish I enjoyed it like before, but I can't. And I just don't understand women who are 30+ and still enjoy it? Like why do you enjoy watching a 19 year old Olivia Rodrigo or whoever dress skimpy on stage and sing about sex and boys? What's the appeal? I feel like a bitter witch for thinking this way, but seriously, I don't get it.

No. 1743526>>1743549

I like some pop music and I think Olivia Rodrigo is gorgeous but I agree nona. Her music is about being a teenage girl and I just can't relate and its not appealing anymore. (Also personally her music is boring but people have different taste ig)
There's nothing appealing about watching a 19 year old dance sexy and sing about her boy troubles.

No. 1743549>>1743566

I didn't just mean that you can't relate to a teenage girl, but a pop star your age as well. The skimpy outfits, the lyrics about their sex appeal, their gorgeous looks. Like, the typical woman can't relate to that at all.

I watched a video from this guy who was like 25 and said he'd grown out of rap music because there was no appeal anymore. Young boys grow up loving that shit thinking they can get that lifestyle, then you grow up, you're just another worker ant, so idolizing rappers who sing about getting 1 million hoes and being rich just loses its appeal.

No. 1743566>>1743591

>The skimpy outfits, the lyrics about their sex appeal, their gorgeous looks. Like, the typical woman can't relate to that at all.
I got stuck in traffic by a house having a college party yesterday and all of the women were wearing skimpy costumes (or just their underwear) and makeup. There wasn’t a single person wearing pants except for all the ugly scrotes just walking around in normal clothes + some stupid accessory like a hard hat. I don’t get why women put so much effort into satisfying what guys want

No. 1743569>>1743826

I wish someone could explain to me the weird cliques with adult women in hobby groups. It’s like you have to have some very specific personality to be friends, it’s not even just be open, talk, and friendly.
>theater group dress rehearsal
>everyone complimenting makeup of the more popular women
>objectively my makeup is better than theirs but no one compliments mine despite me complimenting others
>I’m always polite and helpful, not too quiet but I listen
>the popular women boss people around, incorrectly criticize others skills, and take on the “mom of the group” role despite no one wanting them to
>yet the only people who willingly engage with me is another shy quiet girl who also gets neglected
>it’s not just preference in talking to people but actively making plans that effect the group and not telling us, only asking after half the group left and being like ohhh I can text you it if you wanna know..
>bitch just put it in the group chat where we all will see it or better yet fucking bring it up while we are there??

Seriously why? What is the reason? This similar thing happens in every group I join and it’s always women with this one specific personality that anyone cares about.

No. 1743586>>1743632>>1743641

I'm from one of those poorfag countries steam is ending its service for. I want to DIE nonnies. I can't afford shit in dollars. Can't a girl play games to escape her life anymore? I feel so mentally suicidal I redownloaded lol. At least I got my ass beaten by a handsome beefy dude. Still sad that the games I wait for will be so expensive when they finally come out cause this economy ain't getting fixed. I feel so frustrated that if I was a man I'd punch a hole in the wall right now.

No. 1743589

If only nonnies…

No. 1743591

I don't like judging the choices of other women, but I get such a sad feeling seeing them catering to what men want at all times. It's so sad and negatively effects everyone.

No. 1743595>>1743597

So my guy friend just told me about Matthew Perry's death. He actually said "that sarcastic guy from friends" and I just KNEW before he mentioned that detail that it was Mathew because that actor struggled with problems in the past. Then my friend said that "he did it with his own hand" , referring to depression and the problems, to which I got reeeeally pissed because nobody chooses to have fucking depression.
This resulted in a discussion where I tried to explain him that depression isn't something you choose and he couldn't understand why someone would self harm. I told him that when you're depressed your thoughts are cloudy to which he said "but why would I take it out on my body" and other remarks that upset me. He lacks so much empathy it's shocking.
I then proceeded to tell him that maybe he should read some articles about depression and anxiety…then he hit me with this : "sure anon, because that's what interviewers ask me at job interview" . At this point i lost all my fucking patience and told him that surely the retarded news he reads and the stupid youtube news/ IT influencers or "nodern people" he watches on youtube are surely more interesting. Go back to that shit you fucking idiot and those retarded thirst reels thots with big tits do on instagram , because that's way better than reading one of the many articles I sent you about mental problems a lot of people struggle with nowadays.
Men I fucking swear, ZERO empathy,ZERO desire to learn about real problems.
And this guy is in his mid 30s.

No. 1743597

>having empathy for a mid 50s moid who tried to fuck a 19 year old
>having male friends
Umm… Are you okay?

No. 1743610>>1743613

>try to find some female-only groups in my city
>first result is for a group named "Gay WLINTA"
>click on it because wtf is that
>description says "We used to be called Gay Women, but many members didn't identify with that label so we rebranded as Gay WLINTA (women, lesbians, intersex, nonbinary, trans and agender)"
I'll just stay forever alone

No. 1743613

Lmfao did they not feel embarrassed while typing that?

No. 1743615

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My cat got ear mites and I let my dad know so he could get the treatment for it, and he gets pissed at me for saying this (???) because "you can't treat ear mites you just have to clean their ears occasionally". Where the fuck did you get that advice from? Apparently one of our cats has had ear mites for a while because he genuinely didn't know you could get treatment for it… Sick of having to live with this tard.

No. 1743618>>1743625

I want to kill myself. I cant stand IT anymore.

No. 1743625


No. 1743628

the guy I am in love with has a girlfriend of 3 years and i feel so fucking bad for having such strong feelings for him because she seems really nice.

I don't speak to him because of this but god it kills me so much because I just know we would be so good together. but they're probably good together too so I need to move onto someone else. but fuck its hard. im so picky.

No. 1743632>>1743648

Just pirate.

No. 1743641>>1743648

same here fellow argie nonna i am glad i spent all my money as a wagey in a big ass steam library so i got game to last me over a decade

No. 1743642

I cant stand it anymore

No. 1743648>>1743659

Antivirus subscriptions are also calculated in dollars for some reason so I don't have any. I'm technology illiterate so I'm scared I'll fuck up my pc if I download pirated stuff
Not from there but the pain is the same. I'm wondering if I should buy everything I think I might want before it becomes too expensive. But then I might end up getting too many games I don't like and I'll regret spending money forever. This is why I had a huge wishlist anyway, I hesitate on spending money already and now I have to decide on buying now or forever holding my peace. Can't believe something as global as gaming is making me wish I was a first worlder

No. 1743659>>1743669

>from a poorfag country
>spends hard-earned autism benefits on not just regular games but Steam games, even
>too scared to pirate
Anon, what the fuck? I live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world with the strictest copyright laws and I've literally never been caught. Being a thirdie is basically a free pass to pirate everything, there is no way in hell you'll get clapped for it.
By the way, buying games on Steam does not mean you own them. You are, legally speaking, paying for the right to use them, so when the service ends in your country there's a chance they'll take your games too. You're better off buying games on GOG or just, you know, pirating GOG versions of games. You're basically burning your money right now. Seriously, just pirate.

No. 1743660

I cant stand it anymore mentally

No. 1743669>>1743671

I'm not scared of getting into trouble, what? I'm just too dumb to know how to not get a virus kek and Steam games used to be normally priced because they took our income level into account. It was affordable, not an exact conversion from dollars (a lot less) that's why suddenly it's too expensive even though I could get them in my own currency. This is the first time I even heard of GOG. This is already too much thinking for my level of retardation

No. 1743671>>1743674

ohmy god you zoomer literally just google it getting a virus from pirating stuff is harder tha not getting it

No. 1743674

I'd give you a sad face if I wasn't on my last chance before getting a permaban

No. 1743675>>1743749>>1743777

Any nonnies have to deal with parathyroid issues? Or thyroid issues in general? I've been on levo for a year with no real improvements aside from finally being able to gain weight. My calcium is elevated but the rest of my labs are normal-ish. I haven't had a regular period for more than a year. I'm exhausted all the time, my bones and muscles hurt, my digestion is fucked. I feel crazy.

No. 1743696>>1743711

I'm isolated by the whole structure of society. I'm constantly being accused of things that are not true about me. I don't know what have I done to deserve this. I have absolutely nobody in my life and I have placed too much effort into my life to go through this. People just cross my boundaries and insult me or demonize me and I am not allowed to say anything. I have absolutely nobody in my life.
I can't stand having my boundaries crossed or being dementalized. I have nobody in my life. Everything is constantly twisted against me. Literally, everything that I've gotten out of life is having my boundaries crossed

No. 1743705

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honestly my body is dumb. Eat a ton of high-zinc foods (the main food I eat is meat) yet apparently I have a recurring zinc deficiency. I've been tested for it low before on several occasions, including half a year ago. was having weird infections, hair falling out like crazy, etc, for over a month and I started taking zinc again and it stopped. like wtf?

No. 1743711

Literally, nobody even messages me and I don't get why because I've placed huge amounts of effort into all of my friendships/interactions with people. My only friend left me for my ex boyfriend and he is gay. He cheats on her with men and emotionally/mentally abuses her. She keeps him in her house rent free, he's a slob. Doesn't go to work. I have nobody in my life. She was the only person that I've ever felt connected or close to and the only intelligent or decent person I've had in my life. She was my only connection to society and sanity. I've taught her a lot of things, to the point where she ended up appropiating my personality.

I need support in my life or genuine friendship/connection so fucking much and the only person that got me out of this place is now dating my abusive ex and She completely removed me from her life. She doesn't even message me anymore. I've put in a lot of meaning into our friendship and she keeps that disgusting and mentally abusive slob in her house rent free that cheats on her.

I'm so suicidal due to social isolation

No. 1743719>>1743722>>1743730>>1743735>>1743826

>gets "adopted" by extroverted, no-boundary mom-friend girl for the billionth time
>realize she's incredibly obnoxious and awful
>ends up being friendless because all my acquaintances are hers

i'm too old for another round of this orz

No. 1743722>>1743730

lmao are you me

No. 1743725

i recently fucked up my spine (t12) and i am so sick of seeing doctors, taking medication, justifying why i need or don't need medication, trying to figure out what i can take together or can't, FUCK THIS. i feel sooo nauseous when i take pain meds. all that helps are edibles but they kick in randomly so i can't accurately dose myself if i have to be in public. i have some muscle relaxers but i just KNOW im going to pee myself if i take one before i go to bed. fuck i hate this. all that honestly helps is drinking but that isn't helpful in the long run. AHHHHHHHH

No. 1743730

Where are you guys talking to people at

No. 1743735>>1743754>>1743826

i move semi regularly and call these the 'crazy work girlfriends'. they seem normal and fun because you're lonely, then by the time you realize they're batshit it's too late and you've already met their extended family and know their debit card pin and why they've been banned from most therapy offices in the region

No. 1743746

>make offhand remark to my mother when I was tired to warn her I was at my social limit when she came to talk to me
>she kept talking to me so assumed this didn't matter much to her
>next day this likely set off a ptsd episode where she denounces everyone, hates everyone, and says she'll never come to me to vent again
>also weirdly targeted against people of my race (I am mixed) (I understand but it was uncomfortable)
>tells me she loves me but also begins picking at my life too
I'm just an undiagnosed likely-autist, it didn't have to be this deep. I feel bad because she's been through shit and she's my mom, but I'm also tired. I'll need to watch what I do around her to avoid her ire until she recovers a bit. And then I also feel bad for feeling tired about that, especially since it seems to be my fault.

No. 1743749>>1745085

I take levothyroxine for hypothyroidism (Hashimoto’s) and I haven’t noticed any major changes besides my periods being regular again. I’m surprised levothyroxine made you gain weight though, because it should have the opposite effect since people with hypothyroidism normally have trouble losing weight.

No. 1743754>>1743826

I had a friend like this and still today I’m not sure which of us was actually the crazy one… but I also have a normal cool friend who still likes me so maybe it wasn’t me? God I hope so. Coworker friends are always weird for me

No. 1743756

I just feel so hopeless and stupid. Stupid because I thought for a moment that I was like other people and I could change. I could get happier, fitter, better in 10 or 20 steps. All I did was hurt myself even more because I didn’t understand that people like me just don’t have it. Whatever other people have that makes them have normal interactions and have friends and have things work out for them - I don’t have that. And I wasted years on this. Years of trying to make friends and talking and putting myself out there only to be rejected again and again without understanding why. I tried to change the way I dress. I remembered the way my teachers would grimace when looking at me in elementary school and ask my mom why she didn’t put make up on me, so I’d wear make up; maybe I wouldn’t be pushed to the back and mocked like I was then. I tried to fix my speech disabilities. I got new clothes. I remembered the way people constantly mocked my smile and spent time on stupid looksmaxxing forms and went and got braces. Bad move; my cheeks fell flat and my entire face changed and I look way, way worse. Just plain ugly. I lost so mich fucking weight to get people to love me, just to have a friend. Just not to spend months alone in my room. Just not to go on years without talking to someone outside of work and professional contexts. Now I look fucked up and anorexic and even if I gain weight whatever braces did to my face ruined it. I took down the mirrors around me because I couldn’t stand looking at myself anymore. Not only because I was ugly and felt like my face swirled around in deformities, but I couldn’t look at proof of my existence. It put me in so much pain. I lost my job because I was so depressed. My hair started falling out and my body kept acting up and I get this nerve pain all over and I spent my money on tests. I had to move back in with family and a misogynistic father who I used to financially support. I stopped applying for jobs because what’s the fucking point, I applied for so many and lost count, only to find in some of these companies the people that got the job didn’t get it because they were that much better than me, but because their uncle or aunt or mom knew the higher ups. It feels like torture most of the time and sometimes I get this flare ups where I can’t take it and I keep hitting myself before understanding what’s really going on and stopping. It’s so fucking awful. I have no friends. I was okay with being single forever and dying on my own, but now I feel like some kind of animal. Nothing I do goes right and I don’t understand why. All I know is that it’s just not destined to happen for me. Whatever things happen to normal people. I was okay before, I just wish I didn’t listen to people and try. I wish I didn’t try so hard. I feel like a stupid child who got lied to

No. 1743764

Sometimes I think I wanna try dating again but then I see shit like that emrata pic just now in celebricows and it's just flashbacks to the last guy I went out with who immediately tried to attack my face with his nasty slobbery tongue and I just feel a shudder of disgust and embarrassment at the reminder of my moronic choices, also showing that I in fact prefer life the way it is now. Typing all of this out just brought back the suppressed memory of one particular time when he took my hand and started licking the space between my fingers in what I can only assume was a misguided attempt to be erotic when all it did was make me cringe which he didn't even pick up on and just kept going kek. The point is that slimy kisses and nasty tongues are gross. Idk if it's just me but I've personally never enjoyed a single kiss because it always seems to be some loser coming at me tongue first

No. 1743767

anon I don't wanna die what is going on?

No. 1743777

I take thyroxine and it just causes me to be a bit more anxious, like whenever I have accidentally taken it twice i get really fucking anxious or back when I had to be a few weeks off, no anxiety kek. I've been on it for over a decade so I don't really notice shit about it anymore.

No. 1743792

I can't stand it anymore.

No. 1743802

How do we feel about lamotrigine any experience with it what’s the group consensus

No. 1743821>>1743827>>1743867>>1743931

Why do I keep getting sick but the only symptoms I have are things like body chills and just that general crappy feeling you get when you're sick? No coughing or sore throat anything like that. I'm not complaining but just wonder what causes this. I think my family thinks I'm faking because I never have outward symptoms.

No. 1743825

i hate my mother's alcoholism. to me she's a drug addict loser piece of shit

i also hate winter. it's ugly and boring. fml

No. 1743826

Damn maybe you answered this for me >>1743569 they want doormats and they can tell I’m not one kek

No. 1743827>>1743874

covid can do this.

No. 1743832

Interviews are so HUMILIATING! Especially for low-paying jobs. I'm over here begging for a job that pays fucking nothing

No. 1743853

I cant stand it anymore

No. 1743858

I can't even talk about my problems without just being isolated. I've been gaslit and dehumanized my whole life and accused of things that are simply not true about me.
I can't even talk about it without being stripped of the right to talk about my problems.

No. 1743867>>1743874

No. 1743874

Last 2 times I had this those at home tests came out negative. I might try it again out of curiosity since we still have a few saved.

No. 1743904

Same, I’ve lost hobbies and interests I loved because I care too much. I embarrassed myself years ago at a convention photoshoot once by holding a prop wrong and I still stay up at night thinking about it and eventually decided cosplay just isn’t for me because i’m too insecure so I moved onto art which I keep as impersonal as I can. I’m awkward but not in a charming way, in the off putting way and don’t have the looks to make up for it. Doesn’t even help with online anonymity because I still wonder if some random user I knew for a year in 2012 still dislikes me. Every shitty job i’ve taken where I wore a name tag I used an alias so at least if someone remembers that awkward employee they’ll think of an Elizabeth or Joanne.

No. 1743906

on Friday I got a call that I had tested positives for hsv2, or genital herpes. I was able to hold it together because I was at a convention, but I called to get a western blot test from university of Washington tonight to confirm and broke down crying on the phone. I tested negative for hsv1 (oral herpes/cold sores) and had a value of about 2.4 for hsv2. However, false positives are apparently very common for this test in the 1.0-3.5 range for igg testing, which is what I had done. It’s a 50% chance or so. So the western blot is the gold standard and can apparently confirm if it’s a negative or positive. I’m just so scared. I’m relatively low risk, as I’ve only ever had one partner and we use condoms every time. I’ve never given him a blowjob. I was the first partner he had intercourse with but he did do fingering/handjobs with other partners. I have no reason to believe he’s been cheating as he’s been cheated on and we spend massive amounts of time together. I’m not really worried about getting it from him though, maybe it’s possible but what really scares me is that I might have contracted it from the guy who molested me when I was young if I really am positive. He was an older teen when I was a child so of course I have no idea what his sexual history was, but he did force me to give him oral and there might have been some genital contact, I genuinely don’t remember. My biggest fear was that I got herpes or warts from that and that fear went away after I got full panel std testing done and I had my gyno tell me I had fordyce spots, not warts or a herpes outbreak. But I didn’t realize until doing research this weekend that none of the std testing I got ever included hsv testing. I thought since all my test results were negative I didn’t have it and that it was included somewhere in the test. The western blot is really expensive, it’s 250 for the test alone without including getting the blood drawn and shipped. So probably 350+. But I’m really praying it’s a false positive. Another thing that has me unsure of these results is I had gotten a message from my doctor the day before that all my labs looked normal and I was negative for gonorrhea and chlamydia. Then the next day I got the message about hsv2 and that the lab couldn’t test for gonorrhea and chlamydia for some reason. So I emailed my doctor back this weekend and am waiting to hear more about these conflicting messages, especially because there’s supposed to be a supplemental test done when you test positive for hsv2 in that range and I can’t tell if the lab did that test or not. What’s really fucking with me is I made me and my boyfriend go get tested together before we ever had sex and really thought we were in the clear. I had no idea a lot of std panels, even full ones, don’t include hsv testing because of the high rate of false positives. I’ve never had any herpes symptoms and the only reason I ever thought I might was because I was molested and didn’t know what fordyce spots were. And the CDC doesn’t recommend testing people without symptoms because of the false positive rate. I had no idea the std panel at my doctor was including those tests. I’ll probably just do the western blot for peace of mind. I just needed to get it all out before I can talk to my doctor about where to go from here and tell my boyfriend. I’m also scared this will hurt our relationship. Please pray for me that it’s a false positive nonnies, I’m so scared and messed up over these test results that I had no idea to even expect.

No. 1743931

Maybe you got strep or some other virus? I just got over it myself and it's been going around my community and if you don't get treated for it symptoms can last for weeks as your body ditches

No. 1743941

I wish I had never fallen for her but also I don't, but also I do, but I don't. I look at how mentally stable alternate universe me who never saw her stupid face is and i am so jealous of her, but at the same time I pity her for not being enlightened. But unenlightened and able to get out of bed in the morning trumps whatever this is.

No. 1743960

I'll just cut everything off. I just don't want these people that mocked and humiliated me to win. Which is pretty much the whole planet. I just realize nobody will ever care about me, respect me, love me, understand me. I know that I will never have support, recognition, employment, love, financial freedom. I know that I won't be accepted even in communities with people that are like me. That I won't be allowed to complain. I know my life will stay the same forever. I know my mental health won't get better. I know that I'm just going to get abused while being gaslit afterwards.

No. 1743962>>1743966>>1743967>>1743981>>1744018>>1744020>>1744080

What's with the nonnies going "OMG everyone hates me and wants to see me fail and they probably want me dead too!!!" There's always a couple of you 14 year old mfs in every thread

No. 1743963

if this service doesn’t end within the next 10 minutes i’m going to murder everybody in this church

No. 1743966

Those posts are always the same anon

No. 1743967>>1743969>>1743970

Why are you denying it might be the truth for some people.

No. 1743969>>1743976

NTA but there is no way everyone in your life wants you dead unless you're a cat killer or something. People are too preoccupied with thinking about themselves to care that much

No. 1743970>>1743976

If everyone you come across hates you (extremely unlikely) you're probably a piece of shit

No. 1743976

What if they are horrible and you just respond back to that?

Are 8 year old children that are being sexually and physically abused and that are surrounded by poverty absolved of responsibility?

No. 1743980

i've been sick in bed all day and my bf just hung up on me when i tried asking for help. probably going back to bed after i type this. i already feel terrible and now unlovable. it's technically not true, but it's how i feel.

No. 1743981>>1743983

There's a lot of people that complain about abuse, struggling with mental health, struggling with employment. It seems that everyone is allowed to complain about their childhood trauma, their home situation, parents, their employers. Yet, other people aren't allowed to

No. 1743983

Experiencing all of those things AT THE SAME TIME is way more likely than being someone who "everyone hates for no reason at all"

No. 1743984

I can't stand it anymore. Mentally. I'm just recked.

No. 1743986>>1744440

I want to change jobs but job hunting sucks and it's literally the worst season for that.
I'm just so fucking annoyed, I feel trapped.

No. 1743994

Im done mentally

No. 1743995

Sometimes I think about becoming a youtuber, just turning on my camera and ranting about random shit, talking about video games I played, doing makeup tutorials, talking about my schizo-tier conspiracies, venting. That sort of thing. However, I know how the internet can be and how I'd probably come off as a super duper mega cringelord and I imagine if any people I used to know came across my channel it would make me want to KMS. I still think about it from time to time.

No. 1743997

Starting to think purposely making yourself too busy to care about other people is the real root of evil. At least that seems to be most of my loved ones.

No. 1744018

Get out of the vent thread, we all have our moments of true sadness and despair.

No. 1744019>>1744036

My God I just saw some of my highschool friends for a halloween get together today and lord they all got so fucking fat! Wtf!!

No. 1744020>>1744027

It’s the vent thread you raging faggot

No. 1744026

Thank you so much nonita. So far I’m just holding out that I’ll get some disability back-pay and be able to chill for a little bit before I move forward with sending them any summons. Their whole branding rhetoric being about disability inclusivity just for them to behave in such a disgusting manner towards disabled women is really going to bite them in the ass kek

No. 1744027

Thank you. NTAYRT, but it IS kind of stupid to just assume somebody is an asshole here just because they say everyone in their life hates them.

No. 1744030>>1744061

People keep implying that I'm autistic but I got diagnosed with Schizoid PD and I don't know if that's a less stigmatized condition to correct them with. It doesn't usually bother me but this one person I respect/like keeps hinting at it in a positive way and I want to be like "No that's not correct" but I also don't want to scare them off by saying I have a personality disorder.

No. 1744036

Lmao I seriously can’t believe it they post memories from 6 years ago on snapchat and they look like an entirely different person. I personally would NOT let that happen to me

No. 1744061

PDs are more stigmatized. I don't think schizoid sounds that bad personally but people may associate it with the word schizophrenia which is still heavily stigmatized. If this is someone you're close with, I'd be honest. Otherwise I'd tell them your mental health is something private and you're working on getting help with.

No. 1744073>>1744460>>1744495

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dearest nonnies,
i am legitimately willing to pay someone to give me some solid steps or advice or an outline to dealing with my mental illness and spiraling.

ive had it since i was little. for 11 years. multiple. ive tried medication and therapy on and off and have been consistently going now for over a year but this fucking medication despite fixing my anxiety entirely has done nothing for my depression. im FAILING college for the first time ever. i am careless. i dont like to exercise anymore. no libido. no drive. im apathetic most days. it feels like no matter what im doomed and i keep repeating a spiral. my brain feels fried. mental illness has fucked me up so bad and im doing everything right. im sick of the medication hopping and burn out and fucking up. i just want to love life again and graduate without anxiety and depression. i emailed my psychiatrist asking to get off the medicine and maybe i can do therapy more often and figure out some plan…but im spiraling. i cant decide if the anxiety and suicidalness was worse than this feeling of only existing. all i get pleasure from is food. its so weird. i gained weight out of nowhere. i stare blankly at walls. i have no friends. i dont have any drive to do my hobbies or else i wouldnt fucking mind the lonelienss. im sober. i come here to cry and vent twice a month now. somethings gotta give. somethings gotta work. please nonnies, ill pay you. i have some spare money. i just cant lose my relationship, i cant fail or give up my dreams, but i dont care anymore about trying to keep any of it. it hurts so bad. i need to get my ass into gear. i know its my responsibility but its so hard to control this all. im sorry for whining. i want to be strong and independent and capable. i never used to be like this despite my illness. i was so studious, nobody suspected a thing. now i am a shell. it feels so unfair. i miss my empathy and drive. i just wish it didnt come with bouts of being suicidal and overly emotional.

No. 1744080>>1744086

it's romanianon, check the last thread

No. 1744086>>1744089

not everyone having a breakdown is romanianon, nonnie

No. 1744087>>1744134>>1744461

I really enjoy how it’s always fatties shilling body positivity and then it’s only farties buying spankx and skims. Maybe eat less?

No. 1744089>>1744092

it's not because of having a breakdown, her posts use the exact same wording and weird capitalization over and over that it almost looks copypasted, idk how you can't see it

No. 1744092

I can’t see it because I don’t spend enough time on this website to analyze and notice the textual patterns in anons posts. Sorry to break that to you

No. 1744097

Why do I always have to wake up and take a shit at 4 in the morning I’m too tired to even wipe properly.

No. 1744102

How the fuck do I get better self esteem after a lifetime of abuse from parents and bullying from peers

No. 1744134>>1744178

I hate this too. “Thick” women walk around in Spanx and girdles so they can have any semblance of a figure at all.

No. 1744170

ashwagandha really helps my social anxiety but it also makes me so fucking horny to the point where i cannot focus on anything. Like at all. I guess it makes sense, traditionally it’s an aphrodisiac. But why does the only thing that ever works on my social anxiety had to have such side effect (or perhaps relieving a anxiety is the side effect here lol)

No. 1744178>>1744204

being fat and having a figure is not possible unless you transfer/dissolve fat and get boob implants. so many people trying to achieve that ig baddie/popular rapper big butt but it also comes with guts and flabby arms and saggy tits and a second chin. Funny thing is people call skinny celebs “unachievable” standards and call these bbl celebs relatable when in reality just being skinny is easier to achieve as a normie compared to the bbl body look lol

No. 1744204

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this is very true.

average-slim build: track calories. done

athletic build: same as above, more protein, more exercise. done

ig baddie thick build: get chubby/fat, then get underchin, belly, maybe arm lipo, bbl, hip dip injections, pose perfectly every time to maximize ass, use spanx and tight clothing in every outfit because this looks like shit under regular loose clothing

No. 1744209>>1744220>>1744568

hating on fat women is moidish. a lot of women become unattractive because they overeat most likely as a result of past abuse. ok and? i feel most fatty haters are anachans who know they will eventually gain weight as a result of their disordered eating habits or women who are happy that they're seen as more desirable in the eyes of degen moids who would fuck anyone or anything

No. 1744220

A lot of women also have undiagnosed thyroid or hormone issues that basically makes them feel hungry all the time. If someone is chubby into adulthood the stereotypical "binge eater" typically isn't the case

No. 1744231

I'm heartbroken, everything i worked for a past couple of months was shattered in a single minute. It was my last hope and now i have no strength to go on anymore. It hurts so bad, because i really had some hope for this to work. I just lost lots of money, last hope that's left in me and will to live. I'm literally being persecuted over something i have control over and have no part in. And there's no end to it. All i wanted is to be happy with a person i love and it's never going to happen. I feel like an incel walking around and feeling genuine pain seeing couples, but not being able to be together with my lover. It hurts.

No. 1744311

I’m so dry right now. My lips are so dry and gross. They’re literally like greyish green with a sheet of dead skin over them. It hurts when I open my mouth. I’d post a picture but it would get deleted for being too gross.

No. 1744411

I can't stand my life anymore

No. 1744440

Don't fret. January/February is around corner, and you'll surely get the job then. I believe in you.

No. 1744454>>1744507

I wanted a cute bra so I went to a Japanese online shop and noticed something weird. Normal bras had many pretty white girls modelling them, but maternity bras and underwear either didn't have a model or there was one but her face is completely cut off. It was kinda creepy. In my country they have pregnant models and they're shown posing normally. Why do they do this?

No. 1744460>>1744493

You've vented about this days apart at this point. Get a new psychiatrist or therapist and get them cracking on new solutions for you. You have to be absolutely insistent and bothersome with doctors to get them to budge. Go crazy on them.

No. 1744461

This is so early in the morning to me that I thought fatties and farties were two completely different entities.

No. 1744475

I can't put up with it. I can't even go in an online space to let it all out.

No. 1744485

I wish my Mom would let me ride the bus.

No. 1744493

i know im so sorry ill stop. ive already reached out to them but im waiting for my appointment slot. thank you.

No. 1744495>>1744499

I'm not a medical professional or anything, but imo you should ask your therapist to try a different medication. If they refuse, get a different therapist. I can never find anyone taking new patients near me so I use sesamecare and have had good luck with everyone there. You could also taper off your medication (if safe, idk what you're on or for how long) for two or three weeks and see how you feel, since you mentioned feeling more functional without it. After feeling more like yourself, try a new therapist/medication and tell them about your bad experience with this medication.

I don't know you and am only going off of your post, but to me it looks like your anxiety med isn't working that well since you're coming off a panicking a lot in your life, but again, I don't know you or your situation. I could very well be wrong. Good luck and I'm wishing you well.

No. 1744496

i apologize for not catching this response earlier. your words mean very much and i feel quite ashamed you have to witness me like this if such is true. i would love to start speaking again too if you are who i am certain you are! i am just no good in my mental state right now. i feel like a child. best best wishes.

No. 1744499

i sent an email requesting to taper off and see how i do so waiting for a response. i worry about relapsing into a bad mental state and im willing to try a new medicine if i must but i cant keep living like this, either. ive never had luck with medicine long-term but this one did help stabilize me when i needed it. i know it takes work but ever since i started this medicine, which is the only change in my life right now, i have not a care in the world to improve things. and ive posted in the vent threads here like 5 times because i feel so stuck! my doctors right now are pretty kind & on top of things, but they just get so busy. at any rate thank you so much for responding it means a lot when anyone does i suppose im just so frustrated having taken every ounce of feedback to no avail. i want to get better.

No. 1744500>>1744588

i don't want to die i just have psychosis amongst other shitty things in my life like poverty and i feel myself spiraling. doesn't mean i should kill myself about it. reconsider

No. 1744507>>1744532

isn’t japan known to be weird about pregnancy and motherhood?

No. 1744532

No. 1744538

I hate using the sanic thread but it has unfortunately "predicted" the outcome of certain things and now I have an OCD-like obsession with checking when things get bad. I need to stop but it's right there and it takes two seconds ughgh

No. 1744552>>1744567

every weird autistic girl who used deviantart in the 00s that I could've gotten along with is a fucking he/him they/them now I'm going insane

No. 1744556

Sorry for late but I would put everyone in a group chat and say “Congratulations on your pregnancy sis!” before the dinner. If you can stomach it, do it under the pretence of wanting to plan a baby shower or similar.

My family are shitheads too, sometimes you have to learn to play them at their own game.

No. 1744567

I think about this a lot too. I feel like the only weird girl left who isn't a genderspecial. It's very lonely and makes me not want to try making friends

No. 1744568

based nonnie.

tangentially, i am normal-weighted now, but i used to be BMI 36 after a lot of rebound weight from being BMI 14.
the way men treated me is as you’d expect; at BMI 19 they were on me like flies on shit, over BMI 30 and they were either hostile or refused to acknowledge me. but women were the total opposite. at my current weight, i get a lot of animosity from women, whereas when i was fat, i was very popular and made friends with other women super easily in new situations. i am certain it’s because they didn’t see me as any kind of threat/made them look better in comparison back then. i am not even especially attractive now, just not fat, and the difference is surprisingly pronounced.
it’s funny and i get it, but it does make me sad. i love and appreciate women so much, i value their friendship and do not give a shit about our perceived fuckabilities according to the moid gaze. i just want to have fun and lots of friends again.

No. 1744570>>1744813

it's hard for me to cope with…what the whole planet did to me

No. 1744581

>on disability
>found a way to get a few hours of work online
>this income gets taken from my next disability check, so if my disability is $800 and i make $100, my next disability check will be $700

I'd agree if disability checks weren't so insanely low already but this makes me feel so discouraged. They really can't allow sick/autistic people etc to earn a tiny bit? I'd love to work but employers won't have me because of autism.

No. 1744588>>1744693

Who are You?

No. 1744589>>1744635>>1744695>>1744704>>1744792

please how do I kill this crush

No. 1744594>>1744748

I’m so fucking depressed atm. About five weeks ago I decided to try drinking celery juice every morning on an empty stomach, after seeing tons of people hyping it up on my fyp and claim it’ll give you perfect skin. My skin was already pretty clear and people complimented my skin all the time, and it took me long to get here since I was recovering from acne last year. I only drank CJ for five days until I quit after realising it was purging me like crazy. Now five weeks later my skin still hasn’t healed, and I have barely been outside these five weeks. My birthday even was this month and I had plans for Halloween, all which I had to cancel because of the state of my skin. Some people might think I’m overreacting but to me this is very serious, if my skin isn’t clear I simply don’t feel beautiful.
I’ve cried alot and I feel so ashamed and insecure about myself, I avoid looking in the mirror. And even though I’m using my skincare I don’t feel like my skin is getting better. One day I was actually so upset that I wrote a post about my negative experience with the CJ cleanse of a skincare subreddit, two actually, but they got banned for some reason even though I just tried to warn people. Same happened to a comment I posted on someone else’s post asking what people’s experience with it was. It’s so weird to me how they’re censoring people like that and it hurts me as well. Because if I saw any posts from people saying this would be one of the side effects I’d never even give it a try. My heart is broken and my confidence is crushed. Worst about all of this is that even though it’s kinda clearing up slowly rn, I’ve gotten tons of scarring which is gonna take forever. All I worked for my skin to get to where I was for almost two years was taken away from me in five days just bc I followed some dumb tiktok trend. I’m literally suicidal, I don’t want to live if I can’t be beautiful.

No. 1744596

I hate life and i hate men. I wish we could all wake up tomorrow to a menless life.

No. 1744635

Imagine them shitting

No. 1744647>>1744730>>1744734>>1744789

my girlfriend is a fellow farmer, and i hope she knows i love her a lot
it's not been long, and we didn't even see each other irl yet as we unfortunately don't live in the same country, so maybe these words don't mean that much now, but i hope she will stick with me, she doesn't know how much she brightens my days; i love her laugh, her smile, her dumb little quirks, how innocently spontaneous she can be at times while being also very smart, how she goes along with my weirdness and complements it, how we can go on talking for so long without ever getting tired
i don't care if it may seem hopeless or stupid in many ways, if she stays with me i'm sure we'll make the most of however much time we have, i wouldn't want it to go any other way
i feel like i found my place in the world, i'm very grateful!

No. 1744682

WHY WHY WHY does my mother scream for literally anything?? I can't stand her anymore. She's a grown ass woman yet she acts like an autistic kid having a tantrum over the stupidest thing. I don't know how to talk to her without triggering her screaming fits. I'm constantly walking on eggshells with her. I'm her daughter but I feel like she's a mean spoiled toddler I have to babysit. I wish I had a mother I could rely on in times of need, even just emotionally, but instead I have this yelling motherfucker that won't listen to ANYTHING I have to say if it doesn't concern her. And if somehow I say something she doesn't agree with she'll start raising her voice and act like an absolute retard. I feel bad talking like this about my mother but being around her is exhausting and I don't know what to do anymore. She makes me feel miserable.

No. 1744693

She's you but stronger.

No. 1744695

image them jerking off to porn

No. 1744704

Stalk everything he has until you find the dark weird ass shit he enjoys and likely jerks off to, such as Auschwitz.

No. 1744729

planning a trip over christmas is fucking stressful. it should be illegal for rental companies jack up the prices of everything so ridiculously high over the holiday season. i understand why they do it but fuck is it annoying. i would need to rent a car to get from the airport to family's house, then return the car in their town. the rental place is closed xmas eve thru boxing day so i'd be forced to rent for 4 days which totals to $500 at the cheapest option. that's more than the flight and return flight, plus i'd need to rent another car to get back to the airport a few days later. my other option is driving there, but its an 18 hour drive so i would need to stop overnight in a hotel, and driving through the mountains in the dead of winter is also sketchy and there's always a chance the highways will be closed. i wish this shit was easier

No. 1744730

happy for you but how the fuck is this a vent

No. 1744734>>1744780

>my girlfriend
>we didn't even see each other irl yet
get real

No. 1744748

You probably fucked up your gut biome. Healthyskinglows on insta has a free online course and a $5 ebook on skin barrier repair. She also mentions a lot how a healthy gut biome is very important for good skin, so she might have some information. I have not checked it out or tried anything she recommends yet but I’ve seen good things and she has a degree in molecular biology. It might be worth doing her free course and seeing if there’s any info you can use for your gut health. Of course, she is just someone on instagram so be wary and do supplemental research before you try anything. I’m struggling with rosacea and acne right now after a lifetime of clear skin so I feel your pain. You’ll get through this just like you did before nonna.

No. 1744780

Don't bully online relationshipfags please we're human too

No. 1744782

I want a pomeranian sooo bad but I'm not in any position to own a dog at all.

No. 1744788>>1744795

I relapsed on selfharm. Feels bad.

No. 1744789

>tfw no one will say this about you
Hurts… Happy for you tho nonna

No. 1744792

replace with a different crush

No. 1744794

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I'm quite aware self-pity is pretty faggy but I've been suppressing my emotions so here it goes. My mother makes feel miserable, talking to her feels like walking on eggshells whenever I try to emotionally open myself or make some slight mistake. I try to empathize with her and understand that just like me, she too is frustrated with her life but in a sense it feels like I'm dealing with a turbo sperg that will tell me she wants to make the relationship between us better, only for her to throw a fit for fuck knows why.

No. 1744795

Aww nonnie. I hope you can break the cycle eventually. There's no reason to be so hard on yourself

No. 1744812

I want to end my pathetic existence but I can't allow these people to win, yet I've completely lost the game. I don't think that I will ever adapt socially. I don't think I'll find love, peace or friendship. I wish that I wasn't so mentally ill. Yet, I see people far worse than me. With worse mood swings, personality quirks, symptoms that are part of society, have love, friends, support while I'm dying alone and I needed people in my life more than anything else.
I feel like I've placed immense amounts of effort into my interactions with people for nothing. For what? To be alone? To die alone? To have people step all over me and misunderstand me? Lie about me? Misinterpret me. To be replaced by people that are actually more mentally ill and abusive than I am.

I don't know. I cannot go through this any longer. I can't stand being treated this way and having my truth twisted into such atrocious ways. I don't know. In the end my life makes no sense because I know so many things and I'm an incredibly reasonable person.
I just wonder why God has cursed me with such an atrocious fate.

No. 1744813>>1744821

the whole planet? are you superman?

No. 1744816

I just can't allow them to win. It's just that I know I won't find anything within my life. Any live, friendship, support, empathy, freedom, respect, autonomy. I also know that no matter what I do…I'll just be a strawman and a demonic figure in everyone's life. I don't know how much longer I can stand being accused of things that are not true about me. That I do not believe nor that I want.

Ultimately, I just wonder why this is my fate. I never wanted my life to end like this and if I think about it. It just doesn't add up. Nothing makes any sense

No. 1744821

The superman of misfortune and suffering.

No. 1744823>>1744827>>1744850

A woman at my nigels job decided to pour dangerous chemicals over his work table after she spread trash over it. This was over a petty disagreement about the station being a bit grimy (they clean + repair airplane parts ever desk is always going to be slightly dirty ffs), the intention was very clearly for him to try and pick up the trash with his bare hands and get very badly burned. What the fuck is it about people where they can't just let a petty thing be a petty thing? Why do people have to go "well I complained to management but they told me every workstation is a bit dirty due to the nature of the job. Therefore, I must set a boobie trap to burn my opponents hands off"

No. 1744827>>1744835

Needs to be documented and reported, along with any dermatologist documentation of injury

No. 1744835

It has been reported. It happened on Friday and he had the weekend off so I'm hoping there's more done today, but on Friday they called him into a meeting and essentially told him they can't do much because her team leader is taking her side and because he didn't actually sustain an injury (someone on her team stayed back to warn him about the chemicals). Over the weekend her team who watched her do it has reported what they seen

No. 1744841>>1744851>>1744853

I wish people didn't roast those of us in online relationships so much, some of us can't get or can't handle something real

No. 1744846

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I’m still so angry at my ex for leaving the way he did because he hates himself too much for a real love but I know there was a point in my life where I would’ve done the exact same thing (and I almost did it to him tbh).

No. 1744850>>1744859

why would she be mad that his desk was dirty? do they share a desk?

No. 1744851

I'm only critical of them because I wasted more than 5 years of my youth in them and don't want other women to do the same

No. 1744853

It's mainly a warning. Plenty of women are familiar with LDRs and their downfalls.

No. 1744859>>1744864

The way it works is that there's 3 teams- a day team and a night team. There's 7 desks for 7 workers and they swap out of their assigned desks at the end of their shifts. She is a day shift worker and my nigel is a night shift worker. She's very new to the job and hasn't caught on that everything in a very hot sticky chemical room is always going to be sticky and chemically

No. 1744864

Samefag, I forgot to explain the third team: they clean the chemicals in room off the tables and floors after each shift

No. 1744900

I miss being close to another person but am also tired of all the shit that comes with it. It's been almost 7 years but I guess it won't change.

No. 1744923>>1744944

my starbucks macchiato tastes like warm milk. there's no way there's any coffee in it at all. they always manage to royally fuck up my drink when i decide to treat myself.

No. 1744926

Tired of shitting

No. 1744944>>1745013

That's annoying. Starbucks is stupidly expensive too. 5 bucks for a single drink.

No. 1745013

$5 for a cup of hot milk! one day I’ll learn to taste it before leaving the store… sigh

No. 1745085

Yeah my case is weird. I had all symptoms of hyperthyroidism (extreme weight loss, insomnia, racing heart, no period, anxiety) but according to my labs I have hypo. Now I have "normal" labs but I feel worse. My hair started falling out again too. Because I have high calcium, I suspect I have hormonormal hyperparathyroidism which is how hyperparathyroidism presents in about 20% of cases but I'm in eastern europe and and my shitty old endo never heard of this and keeps convincing me I'm fine. I don't know what to do no one is taking me seriously. He doesn't even want to order a dexa scan, much less an ultrasound or ct. I know something is fucking wrong.

No. 1745108

I have baby fever so bad right now and I could definitely provide a child a good, and loving life. But what if I gave birth to a male? What if I have a daughter, how would I prepare her for safely living in a world with disgusting males and their degeneracy? My younger sister is in middle school and already talking about liking older men and talking to them on Omegle, despite me and Mom trying to have heart-to-hearts about why it's wrong, despite giving her so much love and reassurance, despite having heavily monitored devices. They're literally groomed into it even by their peers as soon as they're old enough to use an ipad. She told me a lot of her friends also talk to older men onine, even sexually and she doesn't see the problem. I had similar experiences, I was groomed online by pedophiles when I was her age and I felt so cool and grown-up even though now I'm haunted by it. I don't know if there would have been a way to convince me to stop back then and I don't know how to help my sister now besides from watching her get burned and learn first-hand how evil men are. How would I handle it if it were my daughter in that situation? What if the world just explodes into a giant fireball within the next decade and we all just die haha

No. 1745135>>1745179

Why do men seem to lose logic when they get angry? I don't get it, my husband when he gets frustrated will lash out and make the situation worse for himself as a result. One time he backed up the car and knocked the mirror on the side of the garage, the cover came off and he got stressed and started mashing the cover against the thing randomly. I just took it from him, lined it up, and clicked it back into place. Then today my dad spilled some dry cereal on the counter and floor and started swearing, grabbed the broom swept shit everywhere and then tried to use the broom to sweep the counter, the handle was banging off cupboards and getting caught on the sink and pissing him off more so I just grabbed the broom pan and used my hand to sweep it off the counter into the dustpan. I truly don't get it.

No. 1745179>>1745184

They're testerical and have a Y chromosome.

No. 1745184

I'm gonna start using that word now.

No. 1745206

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I love my mom but she is so emotionally draining to be around since she takes EVERYTHINGGGGGG that sounds slightly negative as some personal attack.

No. 1745223

when will my bullshit ex fall into a ditch and never be seen again

No. 1745237

my mom is definitely a narc on some level, she's mentally fucked up and is either this hollow disgusting stepford smiler or full on passive aggressive
tfw my entire family is fucked and I have no friend circle to rely on. I'll probably end up with some gross abusive moid in the end if I don't kill myself

No. 1745270

I want to celebrate Halloween too, you know, dress up and shit and have a good time. But I'm trapped in this religious shithole

No. 1745298>>1745316

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I am ovulating so hard and can't stop thinking about torturing a moid, a specific one; I want to conquer his body and mind. He activates every sadistic tendency locked deep within me, but mostly when I ovulate. Is there an herb to take to stop ovulating? I have to suffer here, gooping eternally?

No. 1745307>>1745309

I can't let them win but there's no way that I can be succesful in my life or aquire anything. I am literally incapable of aquiring friendship, love or care. Things that are absolutely necessary in anyone's life. I realize that they will win because inevitably I will be left no other option but suicide(incessant suicidebaiting)

No. 1745309>>1745313>>1745318>>1745324>>1745328

SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!! SHUT!!! THE!!! FUCK!!! UP!!! I HOPE YOU ACTUALLY DO IT. I'm SO tired of you bitch(calm down)

No. 1745312

Yeah I said what we're all thinking. I'll take my ban because FUCK that one nonnie

No. 1745313>>1745320

Lmao how does romanianon not get sick of this

No. 1745316

>gooping eternally
Stealing this one for the days I'm unbearably horny

No. 1745318>>1745321

Thanks dude. I feel amazing being deprived even of the freedom of expressing my pain on an anonymous imageboard that I spent my whole childhood on. I'm so happy my pain isn't tolerated even here. Being deprived of friendship, love or anyone in your life and not even having someone listen to your thoughts is amazing…my life just isn't getting better

No. 1745320

Stop being mean to her!

No. 1745321

>that I spent my whole childhood on.
excuse me?

No. 1745324

Lmaooooo kek and lol even anon be nice tho

No. 1745328

based but you should probably just ignore, she feeds on the negativity

No. 1745347>>1745379

I hate natural gas. I had a gas leak in my home a few years ago and I was obsessive about it after the fact. I would use a combustible gas leak detector every 15 minutes for weeks. If you’ve never used one before, you need to go out to fresh air to calibrate it so I was standing outside in 20 degree weather every time. And I didn’t trust the readings because I could smell it everywhere I went so I didn’t believe that it was calibrated correctly. Now every winter when it is time to turn on the heat, I get a huge anxiety spike but luckily it’s been a few years so my anxiety goes away after an hour or two with no smell but no matter what once it gets cold when I go outside the air just smells like mercaptan and I freak out again. New York was right for banning gas stoves that’s the work of the devil.

No. 1745379>>1745415

I saw so many retarded boomers freak out over that gas stove ban when they didn’t even have one in the first place. Same types of people who think seatbelt laws are evil.

No. 1745381

Taking in person college classes was such a mistake. I just want to skip them all

No. 1745415

Electric cooking is trash. Gas is way better. It's unfortunate that wood stove cooking is also garbage because that would be my preferred method.

No. 1745421>>1745428>>1745429>>1745447

How can some of yall even recognize romanianons posts

No. 1745426>>1745452

i have no understanding of people art history math anything and i need to kill myself so badly to rid the world of my useless presence but i’m too afraid of death and what comes after it

No. 1745428

her posts all sound the same. they're always about how the world is against her, everyone hates her, she can't post here because even we hate her, nobody wants her to succeed, she's incapably of experiencing love, she will never know peace, everyone lies about her, everyone is abusive, the world abuses her, she wants to kill herself but doesn't want to let the world win, bla bla

No. 1745429

>vent thread
I tire of these stupid questions and how idiotic some may be. I need to get my life together.

No. 1745444

My brain is torturing me. I've had this crush on my best friend's husband's best friend. It's gone away and came back recently now that I'm single again.
It first started over a year ago because we would both be third and fifth wheeling when with our best friends, who are husband and wife, and when we were out strangers already assumed we were dating. We'd always end up having to split bills and sit next or across from each other. I was falling hard for him for a good month, drawing scenarios of him protecting and saving me when I fall and us holding hands, and that crush went away when I found my now ex last year.
Now forward to more recently, the feelings for this guy comes back weeks after I dump my ex and I end up being squished next to him the majority of the time at a show, basically covered in his back sweat. It didn't help a week or so before that show, he added me on the one social media platform I still use. Even on the way to the show, we were bouncing off each other joking around and giggling while our best friends were like "what are you two saying?" in a silly tone. Even the other day, he was over at my best friend's house and I was like "Oh yay! He's here!" I'm mostly surprised because he now lives 100 miles away. I was apparently saying things he said earlier before I arrived and it made my friends laugh. There was a point when we were eating dinner I had my hand laid out on the table and then he laid his hand out close to mine, and we had our hands laid out almost touching for a good couple minutes. My mind immediately went to the fantasy of him touching my hand and we lock eyes and smile and discover we both have feelings. Just surrounding recently, he's been more open to talking to me directly and asking me questions and briefly showing me what he's been up to.
It feel like I am having this high school type of crush where you "accidentally" fall for a friend.
I don't want to make things awkward if I come forward with this crush resurfacing, but it's definitely at the front of my mind and the "what if" aspect of it is making my mind race. The husband already told me a year ago this guy isn't interested in me and iirc a few months ago the husband reiterated his best friend said I'm not his type. And after that show, we were sitting next to each other and I got a glimpse of him chatting with someone he probably went on a date with or is trying to go out with or something. I'm keeping in my mind he's physically too far away now, and even initially when I first met him I told myself he was not in the age range I would like a partner to be.
Basically, he's emotionally unavailable for me and for some reason when I don't want someone to be emotionally unavailable, I fall hard. There's that risk I want to take and find out from him he secretly has a crush for me too and we could make it work out, or I could get over this crush and have us just be friends and focus on looking for a guy who's bold enough to approach me and tell me he likes me and accept or reject him instead of wasting my time on someone who won't make any move at this point. And my mind again just thinks maybe he's not making a move to not ruin this friendship we share with our best friends.

No. 1745447

When you've been writing the same schizo rants word for word for two years straight people are bound to recognize you

No. 1745452

there are plenty of more stupid people chill you don't need to get any of that

No. 1745480>>1745503

How do I stop thinking about my loved ones dying?

No. 1745493

i've been going through a severe depressive episode for about a month almost. ironically my desire to kill myself in late november was extinguished thanks to a newfound friend who gave me a little hope… but bam. this fucking episode… when will the mania kick in. lord please

No. 1745503

Think about your enemies dying

No. 1745504

Finishing a good romance story fills me with such a longing I'll never be able to fulfill it makes me want to kms

No. 1745513>>1745517

i hate the term 'pooner' if you use it i automatically assume you're a male.

No. 1745517>>1745536

What is it?

No. 1745536

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It’s a slang for TIF. And I agree with her they post ugly wojack art along with the term.

No. 1745577>>1745606>>1745649>>1745672>>1745712

A friend asked to hang out with me and I said yes only because I keep flaking on them but I just don't want to hang out with them
And now other friends of friend are being invited and I don't even like half of them. Put it nicely they just aren't the sort of person I would have or trust as my own friend
But if I dip out then I look like the asshole, I just don't have the energy for any of this

No. 1745606

Maybe just tell them “hey for future reference, I’m cool with us hanging out one on one, but it’s just kind of draining for me the more people we add.”

No. 1745649>>1745693

How old are you? I used to think like you when I was younger and got invited to hang out with people all the time. “Ugh! I don’t like them! They’re annoying waaa!” Guess what? When you get old nobody will give a fuck about you anymore and you’ll rot alone in your room wondering what happened wanting to slit your wrists. Just get out there and nurture some friendships before it’s too late. You’re not that cool or special anon.

No. 1745672>>1745689

It's so seriously rude to invite other people to come when you're supposed to meet with one person, I've had friends like this in the past who suddenly go "oh by the way I asked so and so to come with" and it's always so awkward. Maybe they're not comfortable with you alone and want backup but if that was the case why would they ask you to hang out to begin with. The next time they invite you tell them you only have energy for just the two of you.

No. 1745675>>1745706>>1745746

sometimes I wonder if I'm truly asexual (how I've identified for years) or if I'm just absolutely insecure. I like imagining that I'll have intimate moments with a kind man but whenever I witness kissing or hear about others' sex lives I can't help but feel that it's absolutely disgusting and I sometimes wonder how ugly people can get so much shitty game just because they put on a fake mask of confidence. I've referred to myself as asexual for years because I felt comfortable with the label, but I'm starting to wonder if I only feel comfortable with it bc it helps me come to terms with my insecurity.
I'm usually thinking about how much I want a nice boyfriend though truthfully I know that I have too much vitriol for nice people in general to even approach them. fuck, I have only begun allowing myself to think about men just this year which is already a big step up. i've also hid behind being a good Christian girl for a while too. I feel so validated when I flip through the Bible to find phrases that justify a higher power validating my virginity as an empowered choice. I also have exclusively surrounded myself with computer science nerds as friends so I can relate when they all say that they're single and happy LOL. the only times I fantasize about real men is when they treat me like shit, because I see myself as shit and believe they're doing the right thing. I guess I want to see myself as a good person and want a man to also see me that way.
part of me still believes that I am asexual, because asexuality usually constitutes having some level of sexual repulsion which I have, and even with a romantic partner I can't imagine having sex every day or doing kinks. so yes, I still hold a level of sexual repulsion even with a partner. but every now and then I wonder what I've been looking for after all is just a label for someone like me who is trying to come to terms with my solitary lifestyle.

No. 1745681

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i am an actual diagnosed schizo, + ocd/bdd all that bullshit. my coworkers all say they have ocd autism anxiety body dysmorphia and they're so mentally ill. i'm having spergouts on instagram close friends about the CIA trafficking women and being an alien and now they don't interact with me (Fair). but it really shows how much of a fucking sham their mentuls are. they can function and i'm scratching up my face in the employee bathroom bc theres bugs in it how did i even get this job… yeah idk. what the point of this is.

No. 1745689>>1745692

I had a friend do this all the time, when we made restaurant reservations and she would come with one or two more people unnanounced, saying "maybe the restaurant will add more seats uwu" and then we would get kicked out because we're too many people and they don't have enough seats for all of us and end up eating at fucking mcdonalds. She never introduced these people to us either, we needed to guess their names all the time and vice and versa.

No. 1745692>>1745889

That sounds so enraging, it's especially shitty with restaurant reservations because there's only so much room and it ends up being awkward for the people they're bringing over and for everyone else. I had a friend do this too and instead of a nice evening of being comfortable with people you know now there's someone you have never met and know nothing about listening in to your conversations. I have no idea what the fuck is wrong with people doing this, like do they get off to the embarrassment they cause to everyone?

No. 1745693

How old are you?
Not everyone is a person who can't be alone. To have friends is important but you sound like the typical annoying "If you do not have a family and a big friend group you will be a unhappy old hag."
Let people be happy alone, jesus.
Op is mostly annoyed because there are many people coming that she does not like. No need to be so over the top dramatic and aggressive.

No. 1745701

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a girl in one of my classes gave me her contacts to add when i told her she seemed cool she's a BM metalhead which i don't see often if at all irl anymore but it's been two weeks and we haven't exchanged a word kek. it's so awkward now, i was too nervous to say anything and it was nervewracking just sending her a follow request alone… she always views my posts first/within minutes so i don't know if she's silently judging me or something and realized i'm too lame for her kek.
if i see her tomorrow in person idk what to do or how to act. in reality i'll probably just be too nervous to say anything again because i don't know how to act chill about it plus i'm autistic. i did notice she had cute L stickers on her notebook so i'm hoping she doesn't find my behavior too strange and hates me kek. i just don't know how to approach or if it's better i just say something now online or something but i don't know what to say, or if she comes to our class today should i try to sit next to her ? at the same time i don't want to try to pass off as someone very sociable and "out there" because that's not who i am and i won't know how to keep it up if that makes sense. i haven't made a friend since middle school so i'm not sure how to go about it anymore, i know i sound like one right now but i'm well into uni kek i'm just a sperg

No. 1745706

Personally I don't believe in "asexsuality", just eradicated libido… or acquired aversion to intimacy and affection, whether intentional or not. To still have romantic yearning but silence it and cope with stuff like your Bible passages about purity, like an anorexic clinging onto her proana Tumblr posts despite the hunger. She'll claim she's allergic to eating just as someone would claim asexuality, and wave the flag if it helps the ego.

You can be repelled by open discussion of sex and kinks without diagnosing yourself with something. That's everyone else being gross and oversharing.

Overall I've only seen deeply disturbed or autistic people claim asexuality. Sorry

No. 1745711>>1745761>>1745776

I applied to 9 jobs yesterday and today I have an 3 auto emails by the same company saying for me to do these weird video interview things.
From what I can gather I have to record myself answering questions and that gets submitted to whoever is hiring.
Because there was 3 positions for the same job the 3 emails don't have it listed which one I'm recording for.
I hope I dont have to record 3 individual times.
I hate photos and videos of myself. The idea that these videos will be floating around somewhere in their database for godknows how long makes me feel sick.

No. 1745712>>1745854

So you keep flaking on your friend when theyve organized to hang with you, because you dont want to hang out.
Agreed to this time even though you dont want to.
Your friend has invited other people because you've flaked on them so many times, theyre probably sick of you ditching them when they made efforts and plans.
Theyre adding people so when you do flake as you have before they still have people to hang out with lol.
Make an effort going forward to initiate or you will lose your friend.

No. 1745742>>1745745

>leaves bedroom door slightly open
>sits in there and repeats the same weird drawn out sigh and moan sounds every 10 seconds
why does my mom do this every day
it's like compulsive at this point. it's like a soundbyte and it's so put on but it doesn't sound passive aggressive either? it just sounds mentally ill

No. 1745745

I really want to just shut the door sometimes but she'd explode and play the vicrim if I did that
I can already imagine the reaction
>I can't even EXIST in my own house!!!!!!!! you're unbearable to be around!!! it's like I can't do anything!!!!!!!!

No. 1745746

Sex repulsion instigated by religion isn't asexuality. Lack of experience causing you to lack a sex drive and sexual desire isn't asexuality. It often seems that anything but around the clock horniness counts as a form of "asexuality" and it prevents people from looking into the reasons why they might have a bad opinion on sex and how it ties to things like their self worth and body image.

Also holy shit I didn't expect to bump into christcucks on lolcow.

No. 1745761>>1745787

If it's like at my job they're probably going to use the same video for the 3 job offers.

No. 1745776>>1745787

These suck. Even worse is that the company will hold onto them and possibly sell them for use in AI technology to third parties. I refuse to do them anymore, I just send the company an email asking for a face-to-face interview instead stating I'm not comfortable with the format they provided. So far only one company responded with a phone interview, the others just ghost me.

No. 1745787>>1745796

I hope so
Its a huge chain and theyre auto emails, I doubt they would even bother reading any emails I would send. I assume its kind of a retard eliminator so hopefully just by doing the videos I'm more likely to get it.
I applied for 3 different positions with the same company, I hope they will hire me for the main one I was (shelf stocking at night, husband works nightshift so it works best for me). Guess we'll see. About to click the link for it now

No. 1745790

My glasses broke and I'm a poorfag between moving apartments. They have one arm left so if I sit still, I can wear them crookedly. My prescription is -8 for both eyes so I'm blind as fuck without them. Today I'm moving all of my furniture and stuff. Blind, I suppose.

No. 1745796

Man that was embarrassing. They give 5 attempts for each question and I just didnt rewatch anything I submitted.

No. 1745801

got covid after all this time and gave it to my nigel. we're both missing work about it, so pissed.

No. 1745820>>1745822>>1745847>>1745860>>1745881

I wish blue hair wasn't the TRA stereotype, i love my alt fashion blue hair. On the other hand I can easily be a terf spy because they assume i'm one of them and not the raging terf i actually am kek

No. 1745822>>1745881

how I feel about pink hair. god, I miss pink hair. considering bringing it back in sheer protest but they've made it so so so cringe and like an actual dogwhistle.

No. 1745824>>1746002

So anxious I want to curl up and die today, cancelled my appointment the day of meaning I'll have to pay $100+ for nothing. I always do this shit. Probably lost thousands throughout the years.

No. 1745830

I'm going to miss out on a rare opportunity, which I had been looking forward to months, due to my ex being a disappointing moid and ruining yet another thing I care about. Thank God that it's finally over and I can dedicate the energy I wasted catering to his emotional needs on my own healing and growth.

No. 1745847>>1745881

I'm you but with pastel pink hair. I like being a spy

No. 1745853>>1745938>>1747106>>1749868

this one bitch cannot fucking help herself, she has to talk about herself constantly, like other people are her goddamn journal. can you please just shut the fuck up, genuinely no one cares, theyre just being nice. which is more courtesy than you're willing to offer anyone. my god shes so fucking annoying.

No. 1745854

I keep flaking out because I am a person with my own things to do in life and everyone feels entitled to my attention at all times regardless if I say yes or no to hanging out

No. 1745860

I'm like this with my septum piercing

No. 1745881

same but with green hair

No. 1745882

I can't even complain about my problems, although all people do that.

No. 1745887>>1746337

Does it even make sense to force me to meet this cousin (from my estranged dad's side no less)… and I'm expected to be happy? Excited? Just because we're related by blood? Despite the fact that I have never properly spoken to this girl in all 22 years of my life?
>but omg anon you guys met that one time you were both 5 years old how could you forget!!!!
I genuinely cant stand a single person in this family

No. 1745889

I have no clue either. In the specific case I'm talking about the bitch thought she was the main character. She always made everything about herself which fed up everyone else little by little so my close friends and I are ignoring her most of the time now. She found herself a way younger bf at some point so after like a year of ignoring us entirely she decided to bring him with her twice to restaurants and she had enough common sense to let us know in advance for the reservations this time but my god I wish my friends didn't agree out of politeness before I saw her messages because I would have said no with no justification whatsoever. Since we're in out late 20s or early 30s and this guy was barely legal and very immature for a guy his age on top of that he ruined both days with his stupidity. He implied that a friend of mine was a borderline retard for not knowing the zip code of his shithole village when she actually comes from the other side of the planet and doesn't have the time or necessity to know about his shithole, as if he didn't practically invite himself there an entire hour late and as if they didn't both made us eat 1h later than planned to the point where I nearly passed out from hypoglycemia. The dumb bitch didn't even notice at all how awkward it was because she just saw it as hanging our with her bf and her (now ex) friends all at once.

No. 1745893

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I had sleep paralysis that lasted so long (i didn't even realize it was sleep paralysis while it was happening, i thought i was awake which is weird because i usually realize what's going on) that I started trying to yell for help. Idk if I actually made any noise or not. It sucks that my sleep paralysis is starting to get longer. Is this what I get for trying to sleep in my bed for the first time in 2 weeks? And I didn't even really sleep. it was just a nap less than an hour.

No. 1745895>>1746016

I'm just burnt out. I can't even complain about how suicidal I am in the vent thread. I can't afford a therapist nor can I talk with people about it. Although, the vast majority of people do openly discuss their mental health issues with their peers.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1745938>>1746019

So true i hate that romanian bitch too

No. 1745940

My depression and self esteem are so bad I'm jealous of a pretty fictional character for having a whipped pretty boyfriend. That jealousy song was right, it hurts so much to see everything I want and will never have. But I'm retarded so it hurts me even when it's on fictional characters

No. 1746002

Been there before. It sucks throwing away money. Hang in there nonna

No. 1746016

Why was this anon banned??

No. 1746019>>1746211

It's not about her, but it is about an anon. I made the mistake of befriending her, she's like a parasite. She's kidding herself if she thinks any of us actually like her.

No. 1746036>>1746040

Husbands sister is getting her tits chopped off early this month and there is 0 things we can do to try and stop or help her because she will cut contact with him as shes done in the past.
I'm pushing for my husband to invite her places and to do things so when the fall out of this surgery sets in she will hopefully turn to my husband for help instead of killing herself.
I think she assumes her family is accepting or agrees with her ideology and they/them stuff but in reality they're just waiting on a phonecall to say shes killed herself (hubs dad has said this to me) and theyre terrified.
They cannot say a single word about it because she will cut them off again (as she has before).
She went overseas for a retarded reason, when her parents told her to please not go and that the guy she was chasing treated her poorly she cut them off.
They didnt hear from her until a friend of hers was in that city and literally walked past her on the street because she was homeless. As soon as the friend called her parents hopped on the next flight to bring her home.
She would use tinder to fuck guys so she had a bed to sleep in for 8 months because a few days into moving the guy ditched her and she refused to contact her parents because shes too stubborn to admit she was wrong.
My husband has cried to me multiple times thinking of the shit she went through while over there alone, hes said even if she didnt want his help if she had of told him he would have flew over and slept on the streets with her.

She fell into the lefty trans crowd and now shes a they/them and cutting her breasts off.
Its just so fucking sad.
I truly hope that this is something that will help her because holy fuck if it doesnt it will just make it so much worse.

No. 1746040>>1746053

That is horrific. This level of self destruction is unfathomable to me. Can't she tell how much her family loves her? Why isn't that enough? I am so sorry for her and for your husband/family.

No. 1746053

Its honestly so fucking sad.
I truly think shes just kinda into girls and grew up as a bit of a tomboy but the whole trans thing just pushes teen girls/young women into thinking theyre boys because they dont like skirts etc.
I'm in a group chat for the family since my hubs doesnt have social media and it was very awkward when she announced she was a they/them and changing her name.
I'm making an effort to be supportive and using her name etc because I dont want to be the reason she avoids my husband.
She has talked about how intolerant people are of other different opinions but had cut my husband off for a year because of "transphobic" discussions they had (to which she agreed to most of btw) that happened 6 months before she actually cut him off.
I assume she talked to her retarded friends about my husband and they convinced her to ditch him. Its so cancerous.
My husband has told her during that talk where she cut him off that he doesnt have to agree with everything she says in order to love her, and that she knows where he is if/when shes ready to contact him again because he loves her unconditionally.
I just really hope when the reality of what shes done to her body hits she will turn to my husband not those friends.
I dont think she truly knows the lengths my husband would go for her. Her parents too.

No. 1746080>>1746111

So this guy stopped talking to me because I told him I wasn’t interested in a relationship. He made it pretty clear that he liked me, so it wasn’t like this came out of nowhere. I just didn’t want to lead him on. And it’s true that the idea of being in a relationship with someone frightens me. In theory, I want it but irl I always get freaked out. It scares me to lose some of my independence and what if it changes me? I talked to this guy every day and it made me happy, but then I also got worried about how much time this was taking up in my life. But then when we stopped talking I became so aware of how much free time I had.

It was a really nice feeling to know that someone cared about me. And it’s not like it was just vapid male attention because he was the first guy in years that I actually enjoyed talking to. I don’t regret what I said because I don’t know if I was attracted to him enough to ever want to date him and as I said I didn’t want to give him the wrong impression. Anyway it’s just frustrating because it takes me years to meet a moid I actually like and then of course something fucks it up.

No. 1746090>>1746327

I hate men, I hate them so much. Please, just let them all kill eachother already. We've been insanely brainwashed into tolerating how inhumane they really are. Even the most noble and "kind" man still harbors the same inhumane roots. Yes, all men. All of them.

No. 1746111>>1746243

It's one of those things where it would have been nice to know him in a platonic sense, but you made the right decision if the attraction wasn't there. Dating when you're not attracted is really rough. I've made the compromise before and it's easy at first but eventually gets hard and ends up a waste of time. Just a base compatability issue. It's better to find someone who is decent to get along with and decent looking than someone who is max on either level. Plus when you meet the right person it becomes apparent, they once did a survey where married couples were asked to describe their relationship and the word most used for long marriages with high satisfaction ratings was "easy".

No. 1746112>>1746237

I'm so upset my mother doesn't remember that the abusive moid we live with would sneak pictures of me as a child. I was only 8 and I remember being in my room. I turned around and he was standing in the hallway with the camera to his face, taking pictures. He did this for at least a year and I remember feeling so uncomfortable or like I did something wrong for him to do that. I bet he still has those pictures. I still don't know why he did it and my mother apparently has blocked it out of her memory. I'm mad that she ignored this and thought this was nothing and continued to live with this deranged scrote. She's always neglected me and never gave a damn.

No. 1746211>>1746356

someone from the friend finder thread? spill

No. 1746218

i need to do my back taxes TODAY or i will fuck up the 8 years i've spent building my credit to perfect after i missed one month of student loan repayments after i graduated. ONE MONTH. took eight years to fix. i can't afford the monthly payment because i'm unemployed right now. i recently started getting mental healthcare and i'm getting all of these bills despite having government funded health insurance??? i can't keep up with all the things i need to do and all the doctors appointments i need to get before i move and packing and i'm so scared and i'm doing the thing i always do and shut down instead of being proactive and then i'll be like OH SHIT THE CONSEQUENCES OF MY OWN ACTIONS i just feel so overwhelmed that making it to therapy once a week feels like all i can do. i wish the US had normal healthcare so i wouldn't have to jump through all of these hoops i'm not mentally stable enough right now to juggle all of this. i'm also pretty sure one of the companies i go to sold my information because my phone keeps ringing CONSTANTLY which makes me even more anxious because i cannot fucking tell what is a spam caller or, like last week, was a doctor's office saying if i didn't call back they would cancel my psychiatry appointment WHY? I MADE A PSYCHATRIST APPOINTMENT BECAUSE I HAVE ADHD DEPRESSION AND EXTREME ANXIETY WHY WOULD I ANSWER MY PHONE? I MADE THE APPOINTMENT WHY DO I NEED TO DO ANYTHING ELSE UNTIL I COME IN?? so it got cancelled. and now i need to make another appointment with my shitty male GP and have him ask me stupid questions i am so fucking tired

No. 1746237

She didn’t forget. Parents like to pull the amnesia card when you bring up shit they did but the my will magically remember every tiny thing you did.

No. 1746243

Thank you nonny, this was actually quite comforting. I guess if long-term relationships are supposed to feel ‘easy’ then it’s probably not the right guy if I become really anxious at the idea of having a guy in my life- even if I like him. I’m relieved to know I made the right decision. Talking to that guy made me realize how nice a relationship might be and now I’m more aware of how my life feels emptier. You’re right that dating someone I’m not attracted to isn’t the solution to that. I just worry that finding someone I get along with, who I am attracted to, and who is also attracted to me might be very difficult. I wish I knew a way to speed up the process.

No. 1746285>>1746298

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Two of my friends are meeting each other for the first time tomorrow and I'm really nervous how it's going to turn out, they are pretty different from each other. What if they hate each other and it's going to be really awkward?? At least there's alcohol involved so that might make things more tolerable. Or worse, who knows.

No. 1746286

Today I had my last class with him, which I thought was going to be next Thursday. I won't see him until late February. I left the class in a hurry and I couldn't look at him closely. I want to scream. He looked so good today.Aaaagh

No. 1746298

Added this to my ever-growing cat reaction images collection. Thanks nonnita

No. 1746320>>1746321>>1746330

File (hide): 1698783625171.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1170x1665, IMG_6774.jpeg)

I don’t feel bad for munchies with “long covid”

No. 1746321>>1746422

I feel like long COVID is the new favorite munchie illness so I get suspicious whenever I hear it lol, just like EDS and POTS

No. 1746323

I fucking can't stand the neighborhood I live in and can't wait to get out of the lease next year. So many people here don't give a shit about their dogs, while also having them for whatever reason. Can't even go out for a walk to the near by park without running into a loose, often dirty or covered in poop dog. Not to mention I know there are some people who let their dogs out specifically to not poop in their own back yards or a dog I've seen that only has a little run that never gets cleaned so it's just covered in feces and twice i've seen owners not give a shit when their off leash and untrained dog almost gets hit by a car. One time it was so close, it's literally only because the puppy ran into the drain when I blasted my horn so it didn't get pancaked. The owner STILL just nonchalantly walked over and picked their dog up. I fucking hate some of these people so much I just want to fucking punch their faces in. There is nothing more despicable to me than to treat a creature that relies on you for survival with such flippancy. I can't take any of these dogs in and there is no where for them to go. I just fucking hate this place so much.

No. 1746327>>1746392>>1746401

File (hide): 1698783871577.png (230.13 KB, 1024x849, 1681492994348602.png)

I fucking hate arguing constantly with my stupid scrote, like why is he allowed to generalize from his lived experiences but I can't from mine because I'm "just different from most girls"? Like yes I'm a probablyautistic tomboy but that doesn't mean I was immune to female socialization and don't even come at me with that "you choose to be offended" BS…

I suspect that all moids have some level of NPD like, how can they seriously lack self awareness to such a degree
Based, I wish I was not OSA so fucking badly

It sucks so much being an OSA GNC woman

No. 1746328>>1746338

OCD is kinda rough right now, it comes and goes in waves and mines kinda rough right now, I walked into this one store and it looked a little dirty so I couldn't touch anything in it, I touched a doorknob to get to the back section and flinched and realized I couldn't open the door, I didn't have any napkins on me. It's weird cause I was never a germaphobe at ALL, used to eat stuff off the floor but as soon as I got ocd in my early 20s I have trouble with it. It's not really the germs I'm afraid of it's more the "ambiance" of dirt. I know I'm fine if I touch it but touching it feels like it's tainting my sanctity or something

No. 1746330

People used to develop EDs so they could get coddled all their lives, now they don't even have to put the effort anymore. Just say you have "chronic fatigue" because of "long covid" despite your tests coming back fine and you can lay in bed all day pretending to be sick.

No. 1746337

Turns out my cuzzy is the loveliest woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I genuinely cant believe someone as bright, interesting and kind is a part of our awful extended family. The only negative thing I have to say is that meeting her made me feel like shit about being a reclusive retard with no friends and interesting hobbies besides browsing the internet.
I wish my dad wasn't such a human failure so I could've had a closer relationship with my cousins while growing up since we’re close in age

No. 1746338

God I fucking feel this. I have OCD that started in my early 20s too with a good portion of it being about germs, dirt, and dyes. The retarded paranoid thoughts I always have are exhausting and over the top. But I can't stop thinking that way.

No. 1746341>>1746394

Fuck halloween

No. 1746343

I keep getting recurring swollen lymph nodes in my armpit and it's so irritating. I think it must be my deodorant or something.

No. 1746356>>1746363>>1746377

It's a movie night anon.

No. 1746363>>1746366>>1746377

istg don't you dare bring any drama to the movie nights, deal with her over discord or something

No. 1746366>>1747106

Yeah right, I don't even bother interacting with her because she's so annoying to me. Like I'd ruin other people's fun for the sake of her bullshit.

No. 1746369

I love having a mother who is so far up her own ass that she called me on the phone in the middle of a meeting (I even called her back during said meeting and let her know I can't talk) to try and get me to tell her what groceries we need, then came home with no groceries and when I asked why she didn't get any food she screamed at me that she CALLED me and its MY JOB to tell her what we need. I was in a meeting!!!!!!!!!!!! Wtf am I supposed to eat now!!!! Of course she doesn't gaf since she already ate today. Girl what the fuck we need the same exact damn groceries we always get what are you TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!!! And then she had the audacity to scream at me for not offering to share my cobbled-together snack with the rest of the family. Bitch im not sharing my scraps of food because theres not enough left and your ass didnt get any groceries

No. 1746377>>1746379

ooooh I want to hear this milk

No. 1746379

There is no milk nonnie, just your run of the mill narc

No. 1746392

I’m gonna start a chant. Dump him, Dump him, Dump him!

No. 1746394>>1746404

Honestly halloween as an adult is not fun at all. It just gets expensive. Like no I’m not gonna come up with a costume just to go buy drinks! I’m also not gonna pay for candy for anyone else’s kids to come pick up!

No. 1746401>>1746447>>1746455>>1747065

>It sucks so much being an OSA GNC woman
Tell me about it. Sometimes it feels like everyone wants me to be a lesbian - the alternative, a straight butch woman, is just too aberrant and vile to them

I think about it all the time, people just (often wishfully) think I'm gay or closeted because my behavior and appearance aren't feminine enough. It feels straight up illegal to be attracted to men as a mannish woman, I get gaydens I really do

No. 1746404

It's fun if you're into it. I love getting candy for kids, I love seeing their costumes. I enjoy their excitement and I love to decorate. This year I'm making cookies instead of buying candy, every kid will get a little baggie of homemade sugar cookies with a little card to tell their parents exactly what's in em. I don't judge anyone who doesn't enjoy Halloween, because the reasons you state are just as valid as the reasons I love Halloween.

No. 1746422>>1746713

I don’t think this girl is a munchie though, she’s got a pretty prolific YouTube channel. She seems to work super hard so I don’t think she’d take a year off for funsies.

No. 1746447>>1746450

no hetero woman is shamed for being straight outside internet echo chambers

No. 1746450

I don't mean "wahh I'm shamed for being straight" I mean "ew this woman isn't feminine enough to like men I declare her gay"

No. 1746453>>1746464>>1746499

>watch a movie
>get reminded of my rapist over something small
>read manga
>somehow reminded of my rapist
>lay in bed and try to horny fantasize about anime boys
>feel rapist on me and see his face instead
>finally drift to sleep
>rapist plagues my nightmares
>do anything
>involuntarily think about my rapist
>daydream about imaginary scenarios of me getting revenge on him
>one hour gone by
How about I die

No. 1746455

idk, when someone says they wish i was gay i just take it as a compliment. it's not exactly comparable to like if someone transed me.

No. 1746464

Have you been feeling unsafe lately? Are there any ways you can find closure about this? Can you talk about this with someone trustworthy? Intrusive thoughts are awful, stay strong, anon.

No. 1746466

Why is it so hard to chat with people? One is a wall who never replies unless she has something to complain about, and the other one gives me one words or tiktok slangs… unless she has something to complain about. I even thought wow, a chatbot would give me better replies than this. I'm lonely and retarded.

No. 1746474

Was anyone else who started being suicidal at a very young age think it was better to die or ruin your life while you were young because it would be less of a life wasted? I thought it would hurt my family less if I were to die as a 10 year old than an adult, my rationale was just the less years the less impact somehow. Years felt so long that I couldn’t even imagine what it would be like to be a teenager. Even people who deserved to die I can’t help but think about is how many days, how many seconds, how many memories is gone and how you only get this one life. I keep getting to ages I never thought I would reach and I still don’t know if i’m ultimately glad I’m not forever frozen as a child that haunts my family with unanswerable questions.

Thank god my Halloween costume tonight has a mask no one needs to see i’ve been crying over never giving her the future she deserved.

No. 1746499

Daydream about your rapist being tortured then

No. 1746542>>1746667>>1746711

That's it, it happened, my most humiliating fear came true.
I imagined I was being paranoid and insecure when I thought bringing my sister into my friend group would make everyone like her more.
What's there not to like? She's funnier, bubblier, much much prettier.
Guess what?
My friend, whom I have been supporting through his breakup for the last 2 months, and secretely have been putting on makeup and straightening my hair everyday I see him, hoping he'd one day realize I'm good for him.. I introduced him to my sister, and in 2 days he fell in love with her.
Just. Great.
Being ugly really sucks and there's nothing to do to make up for it. No amount of effort will make up for the fact I wasn't born with a face that is pretty enough

No. 1746596

I wanted to do something for Halloween but my nigel waited until tonight to do his assignments so I made treats by myself wearing my costume and now I'm going to go to bed I guess

No. 1746613

I hate that my boyfriend forgot to wear deodorant at this party where he knew he'd dance and be sweaty, and is now acting offended that I asked him if he's wearing deodorant. I also hate that his friends say nothing to him even though he objectively smells bad. But most importantly I hate myself for still not wanting to hurt his feelings about this

No. 1746654

I knew I was ugly alright?
I just didn't know I was that ugly
I thought I was the kind of ugly which would be attractive if I made efforts to be nice and caring
Truth is I'm the kind of ugly not even that will make up for
It really hurts

No. 1746667>>1746684

>My friend, whom I have been supporting through his breakup for the last 2 months, and secretely have been putting on makeup and straightening my hair everyday I see him, hoping he'd one day realize I'm good for him.. I introduced him to my sister, and in 2 days he fell in love with her.
this is so pathetic nonny. you've done yourself a disservice by hoping that engaging in beauty rituals will woo a guy you like. don't waste your time, you should've either asked him out or moved on. you should try to make some emotional distance now that he's into your sister too, you're causing yourself more pain.

No. 1746684>>1746689>>1746697

I like to get to know people before dating them. I thought it was nice, that we were taking our time and getting to know each other.
I really supported him emotionally. Without afterthoughts, I mostly did it because he's a really good friend of mine.
I feel hurt and unappreciated though that after doing my absolute best to be good to someone, my pretty sister just has to come along and "bee herself" to steal them away in a minute. It blows my mind. My slow grind gets completely blown away by natural beauty. It really fucking sucks and I feel so awful right now.

No. 1746689

Yeah, that's how it goes. Sexual attraction is a shallow thing by its very nature.

No. 1746697>>1746703

How do you know he’s that interested? Has he told you?

No. 1746701

its fucking over why did i think you woulddnt be like every other moid its fucking over im so fucking retarded i wish i didnt make such a fool of myself getting caught up in this i hate you so much why do i have to be so obsessive fuckkkkk. why did i think you were going to be any fucking different

No. 1746703>>1746709

Yup he told be
I made the mistake of telling him how hurt I was and now it's going to be awkward
And now I'm loosing sleep over remembering all the times people told me my sister is prettier, all the kids who told me face to face that I'm ugly, when I have to catch up on studying tomorrow!

No. 1746708>>1746709>>1746731

I remember when my friend's little sister in middle school told me "you.. you're ugly!" while we were at the restaurant
you know how they say kids only tell the truth

another kid told me I was a ugly about a year ago, to my face. "Youre kind of ugly!"
I told her that was mean and she apologized.

I remember running into my sister one day, while I was with a friend, who told me "Wow!! This is your sister?? She's so pretty!! How come she's so pretty and you look like.. you. Well, I'm sorry, but you know.."

I remember one day I told one of my guy friends "I was out with my sister, and a guy asked for my number!!" and he replied "he probably wanted to get to your sister through you because you're more accessible"

I remember one day, I was talking with a guy I really liked and I heard from a friend of mine that he asked him "why don't you date anonette?" and he replied "because she's ugly"

anyways, the secret that I'm ugly is not well kept. I just thought, everytime : "No they said this because my hair wasn't done.." "I wasn't looking good that day.." yadda yadda
The truth is, if I wasn't ugly, these details wouldn't matter

No. 1746709>>1746722

eeesh yeah spilling your beans is gonna haunt everyone if they get together, so hopefully they don't. You have my sympathy for being the ugly one of two sisters, i have always thanked the universe I don't have a sister to compare my ugly self to because it sounds hard as fuck.

I've had similar experiences.

>with my friends in early high school and the homliest one goes, "just think, in a few years we could all glo up! Maybe even anon" totally genuinely without thinking before she spoke

>Got asked out by one kid who later was revealed to be purposely asking out the ugliest girls in school cuz he thought we'd e easy. Thankfully I did not agree to give him my number kek that must have stung for him

>Senior year, a time when I was dolling myself up the hardest, a group of popular girls come up to me randomly in english class and say "we just wanted to tell you that you're so pretty." Meaning that I'm not just passively ugly, but so extremely ugly that it counts as a pat-on-the-back good charitable deed of the day to give me a fake compliment. This one hurt the fucking worst out of all of them.

No. 1746711>>1746723

Pfft. Forget about that moid and go find another one that's hotter.

No. 1746713>>1746725

I mean you can’t really work super hard when you’re bedridden and can’t even sit up for a year, the way she’s claiming to have been.

No. 1746719>>1746724

I bought too much groceries and now I don't know what to do it with before it expires or goes bad. Groceries have been so expensive too so it would suck to throw them out.

No. 1746721

File (hide): 1698808891321.jpeg (59.17 KB, 557x578, IMG_1782.jpeg)

my nigel is in the US on a work visa for over a year now and while i can understand what sag-aftra is trying to accomplish with the actor’s strike, i wish they would take into consideration the lives of thousands of post-production workers that are losing their livelihoods over the length of the strike at this point. having to potentially end a good 1.5 year relationship over this shit because he’s going to have to go back halfway across the world is making me a little sick, so i hope it ends up being worth it for whatever the industry is trying to accomplish at the moment

No. 1746722>>1746730

>Senior year, a time when I was dolling myself up the hardest, a group of popular girls come up to me randomly in english class and say "we just wanted to tell you that you're so pretty." Meaning that I'm not just passively ugly, but so extremely ugly that it counts as a pat-on-the-back good charitable deed of the day to give me a fake compliment. This one hurt the fucking worst out of all of them.

How do you know they weren't being genuine?

Besides the one of the guy asking the ugliest girls out, they don't sound as bad and obvious

No. 1746723

He won't want me

No. 1746724


No. 1746725>>1747124

That’s not what I even said kek.

No. 1746730

I can see why you'd say that from a text description alone. But If you could see what I look like (I've had a friend compare me to female stephen king kek), and you could see the look in their eyes and hear the tone of their voices, you'd understand exactly what was going on. They weren't very good actors.
I try not to resent them in my mind because I know they probably were too young and naive to understand why doing that is just more hurtful than helpful.

No. 1746731>>1746733

Whenever I think about the past when a moid called me ugly, I just remind myself they’re probably bald now, and I smile

No. 1746733

kek I'm one of the ugly anons and I'm balding so this made me kek irl, some people really draw the short end on a handful of straws

No. 1746746>>1746748

> almost 30
> gets employed
> in extreme need of money to pay bills, so anything will do
> "finally, life has given me a second chance."
> 9 days later, gets fired; doesn't even receive a reason as to why
> no matter what, following your dreams = even less respect from people
> "You are too delicate to be XYZ. You should work with ABC, it's a better choice"
> therapy session days are almost over, but hasn't solved problems, nor found an answer to overcome said problems
> no motivation to invest in life's passion, neither in a sucessfull, zero risk carreer
> lost all friends
> still lives w/ parents
> alcohol to cope

I just wanna kill myself. I've been surviving since since I became 18. I can never be who I wanna be. I just wanna die, so that maybe my reincarnated self is more lucky and have a better life than mine.
I'm so tired of being treated as disposable flesh bag, or as weak and frail. Or worse, be rejected in some places for being a woman, bc it's alright if its men doing it, but women cannot, as they should only be housewives or work as recepcionists.

(My bad for ramble, im a bit drunk and tired)

No. 1746748

If you're constantly getting fired for no apparent reason you should probably move to a state without the work at will laws

No. 1746750>>1746754>>1746762>>1746763

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i want to ask rich bf for monthly allowance cause im cute and cool and hate uni.
should I? i am kind of spoiled already. just dreading paying university

No. 1746754

yeah. and paypal me some money too

No. 1746762

no lol, debt to a bank is much better than feeling like you owe something to a man

No. 1746763

take advantage of life's gifts! (if an allowance is something realistic for this dude)

No. 1746791>>1746889

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Moid depression is so fucking scary .I'm seeing my father deep dive into it and all he does is to spend money on shit we don't need(a fucking ps5? When we can't even afford the games it has?? Or a fucking new car???) Or physically abuse us and let his moid rage on me and my siblings. my mother is almost on the brink of it I feel miserable looking at my mother so sad and defeated(she can't have a divorce sadly since it's looked as bad in our society we want her to leave him ) I want him to stop since this asshole intends to leave for America this year (alone ofcourse because fuck his kids and wife I guess) the least he could do is not destitute us before he leaves I'm so tired of being on eggshells all the time he choked me last time I spoke up, so now I try to avoid him he's so fucking retarded …but ill say this is the best experience to always remember don't marry moids and don't have kids..I'd rather die alone

No. 1746883>>1747059

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Idk who to talk to about this but I wish I could get some advice on it.
in the past I was hit by a boyfriend on a few occasions, and one time he went very crazy and threatened to kill us while we were in a car. It never really hurt (far from being actually injured) and I wasn't really scared either, even in the extreme situation, and I ended up just not really thinking about it for over a year.
Nowadays it's something that frequently bothers me on and off. Sometimes I feel so upset and frustrated, and I feel like my life is permanently "stained" or "ruined" in a vague abstract sense. Sometimes I feel super disgusted towards myself even though I don't think it's my fault or anything for experiencing that. I just feel grossed out and it makes me feel weird because like, I wouldn't think it's shameful or a flaw if I knew another woman who was hurt by someone?
And I especially feel weird since… I wasn't hurt super bad, and it's almost like I'm upset mostly because I know it was a messed up abusive thing, rather than because of the actual event? I almost feel like if I believed it's just normal behavior I'd just think "well that sucked" and move on, but knowing that I technically went through domestic violence, and that I didn't deserve it, makes me feel sick.
I broke down a few days ago because I was reading a book that cited domestic violence stats and I just kept thinking "that's me, that's fcking me they're talking about, im one of those people"
It's really hard to describe my feelings on the topic and I flip flop a lot. Some days I'm totally fine…

No. 1746889

Really. I noticed that while most women become inertial when they are in this state, most men get absolutely reckless and destructive. It’s so much worse to deal with them. And they mock us saying that we are irrational gender…

No. 1746925

It’s so annoying when moids whine about how “no one cares about men’s mental health” when since forever people have believed women are too sensitive and overly emotional. I hate how prioritised men’s mental health is in my family. I’ve expressed concerns about my mental health for years to my mum and she’s always shut me down instead of listening to me. my brother tells her that something is wrong with him and what does she do? immediately books an appointment for him to speak to someone about it. she’s the prime example of a “boy mum” and it fucking pisses me off. I’ve suffered from depression and suicidal thoughts since I was just 13 years old, my mum saw my self harm and instead of taking me to go see someone like a normal parent she said “we’ll wait two weeks and see if you’re any better” acting like it’s a fucking phase when it’s been years and I feel no different to how I felt as a teenager. but as soon as it’s my brother who is going through all of this she immediately cares. I hate how moids act like victims and think the world is against them when the world was literally built for them and completely disregards women’s issues.

No. 1746929

I truly hate when people don’t appreciate the effort I do to make them feel better even when it means I have to put myself in second place. When I do it it’s because I feel like it, because I care about these people and it’s just integrated in me being helpful and kind and gentle.
I know people won’t act like I think they should and that’s okay, I don’t do things just for the reply I will get but c’mon, I think it’s just pure decency. Not even a thank you.
I spend my time, my effort, also my well being trying to help people who are basically ungrateful because they don’t know any better.

No. 1746934>>1747029>>1747060>>1748620

I'm finding myself placing my self worth on how much a fucking moid values me. He told me he loved me a few weeks ago and then he got sick for a couple of weeks and we didn't see each other and since he got better he doesn't seem the same. He doesn't come over as often and when he does he doesn't touch me as much. I feel like he doesn't like me anymore. Like he's bored of me.
I know that whatever it is, there is nothing wrong with me. I have done nothing wrong. I am enough and I am worthy of being loved but it's so much easier to pick myself apart and find reasons why he would get bored of me than to accept he's just being a fucking man and he's stupid and projecting how he's feeling about himself.
I hate that I allowed myself to rely on someone else for my own sense of self worth and happiness, AGAIN. I thought I held so much value in myself, I was so happy with myself then his behaviour changed and I feel like all the work I put into myself was pointless because I was just reflecting what he was giving me for a while.
I feel stupid, I feel worthless, I feel ugly. I catch myself wondering what was it about his ex that made him want to be with her for so long, what made her so special? what can I do to be more special?
Please nonnas I need guidance on how to find worth and value within myself because the breakdowns are becoming more frequent and it's stupid and pathetic to let a moid make me feel this way.

No. 1747012>>1747027>>1747050>>1747056>>1747090>>1747117>>1747155

File (hide): 1698839265208.jpg (29.54 KB, 564x558, 213f0951c72ed42f8efa91c40db4f7…)

My dad flashed me his porn again…usually it's ai generated stuff but this was real (anal sex) and I got really upset this time, he asked why I got upset and I said "because It's weird because your my dad" and I guess that wasn't a satisfying answer and so he brought up my csa past to guess that was the cause, I just choked up and said "I don't know" because I just wanted the conversation to be done with and he thankfully dropped it.

No. 1747015

I really want to go to a therapist but i dont have money.

No. 1747027

uhh what the fuck anon? What do you mean he "flash you" his porn? Like swung his phone screen to face you then back to him?
This is fucking creepy, tell other people in your family so they shame the fuck out of him and stops doing it

No. 1747029>>1748620

File (hide): 1698840673941.gif (862.27 KB, 400x400, IMG_3387.gif)

Nonna keep your chin up, you are already enough. You have to value yourself before you can allow yourself to be truly loved, and you are already absolutely worthy of that.
Remember; a moid is just a moid. You cannot blame yourself for his faults or weird behavior, they are just retarded sometimes, there isn’t much you can do but keep yourself grounded. Spend some time in your own company but also in the company of friends and family, let them remind you why and how you are already loved. Do something, like a hobby, that you are good at or enjoy doing, let yourself be distracted by it, there are more things to life than this guy. Plus, with a little distance he’ll probably come crawling back to get your attention once again. Honestly, he probably doesn’t even realize what he’s doing, but either way you can’t beat yourself up about it, you deserve a lot better that that.

Don't change to be loved, be yourself and the right people will love you for who you are.

No. 1747044

My mother can't be held accountable for ANYTHING and gaslights the shit out of me whenever I try. I'm so tired of this sour feeling. It's either being a doormat or the evil daughter that behaves too intensely. We argued about some task that needs to be done in the garden. When I first suggested it in a family reunion almost a year ago she yelled at me in front of everybody and said it was unnecesary and stupid. Nothing has changed in that area, the work is still very needed, but only recently she admited this was a number one priority. I've confronted her about it, but my reputation is unsalvageable after all this years, everyone thinks I am the excentric sibling with the terrible ideas no matter what I do. Not the first time this has happened, and it won't be the last time. I'm tired of feeling I am a difficult person, I feel guilty for being an adult and having my own opinion on things.

No. 1747050

Report him for sexual harrassment this is weird as fuck

No. 1747056

Tell everyone you know about this, tell the cops so they have to send someone to talk to him and shame him even if they can’t do much else, that’s weird as fuck.

No. 1747059

You’d probably feel better if you channeled some of the frustration into anger at the guy rather than feeling sick about what what it means about you. He’s part of that statistic AND he’s the reason for it unlike you.

No. 1747060

Maybe he’s mad you didn’t visit him while he was sick.

No. 1747063

I can’t fucking handle how horny I am right now.

No. 1747065

You’re like that one character in But I’m A Cheerleader

No. 1747090

File (hide): 1698847057314.png (56.62 KB, 404x320, angeld.png)

im hugging you anon

No. 1747106>>1749905

>I made the mistake of befriending her
>I don't even bother interacting with her
something's not adding up here.

No. 1747111

Brain real slow today

No. 1747117

your dad is evil and a sick fuck. i am so sorry to ask this, is there a chance he is getting off on making you uncomfortable? it is a clear boundary violation.

No. 1747118>>1747125

I'm so annoyed with how my loads of <spoiler> men </spoiler> in my friend group have been interfering with myself and my partner trying to navigate some really personal relationship issues. Sparknotes is that we were rock solid until the start of this year, when some insane traumatic stuff happened in his immediate family that totally blew our living situation to shit and launched him into an almost catatonic depression. It got to the point where we had to live separately because I couldn't handle both my very high level academic job and his depression. It was my idea to do that but it wasn't sprung randomly, it was the literal only option left after months and months of nothing getting better, everything getting worse. We've made the conscious choice to not break up, but to support each other with a little distance as we build up our professional lives, resilience and mental health.
Anyway we're part of a decent sized but fairly insular alternative scene and despite actively hating being lumped together as 'haha power couple~~' you can't stop people from lumping you together as one entity and as a result feeling like they have some kind of insight into the inner machinations of the relationship, rather than the reality that they know absolutely nothing about any aspect of it. Every time we've gone out and been chatting with a group of people, some <spoiler> male </spoiler> acquaintance-at-best has latched onto my partner and tried to tell him he should be psychotic with rage that I "made him homeless for having depression" (not even going to go into how untrue all of that is). I wish people had an ounce of fucking tact and respect for other people's business.

No. 1747124

I know it’s just that you’re saying she works hard but she ain’t been working hard for the last year nonnie

No. 1747125>>1747133>>1747149

u spoiler with two hashtags like little bookends. Like This

No. 1747133>>1747149

File (hide): 1698850397626.png (127.12 KB, 862x346, Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 10.52…)

you can use brackets too but she used the wrong brackets

No. 1747137

I fucking hate scraping ice off my car I’m on my fucking period and my back hurts and I just wanted to drive somewhere to get a treat but it’s not worth the bullshit task of scraping ice and snow off my whole car so never fucking mind I’ll rot at home and be depressed for the next 8 months while it’s cold as fuck and hurts to be outside

No. 1747143

File (hide): 1698851275951.jpeg (785.03 KB, 3464x3464, IMG_6361.jpeg)

one awesome thing about growing up with a family that throws fights all the time is the drowning-out-the-noise coping mechanism is a skill learned for life once mastered. i'm in a different situation now and i'm making use of it again. i'm so emotionally detached i just don't give a fuck anymore or rather i can't. go ahead and damage your vocal chords and kill yourself about it i'm already mentally checked out i'm just not there. just don't involve me, leave me alone and out of it. only thing i feel is embarrassment living in the same apartment and associated with this loser ass testerical retard. it's humiliating and i can't do anything about it. i can't fucking stand manbabies. but whatever, i'm listening to britney spears and other 90s music and dancing in my room just like i used to as a kid. not to be corny but some things really never change

No. 1747149>>1747163

thank you nonnitas i love you

No. 1747155

He sounds sick. I have a very good father so I seriously do not have any personal bias against fathers but this sounds really messed up, like he was looking for some kind of sexual validation from you.

No. 1747163>>1747258

Go to the /meta/ board in the future if you forget, it’s in the OP of one of the threads there >>>/meta/6821 . Also visit https://lolcow.farm/rules and https://lolcow.farm/info if you haven’t yet.

No. 1747189

I follow art accounts on insta and once while scrolling discover I found an artist who was making a ceramic memento out of semen.
I can understand the hair and breast milk ones but fucking semen? Breast milk actually stands as a memento of a time of a womans life. She tried to defend people doing that in the comments but frankly I find it nasty and self absorbed. Men are super obsessed with their own genitals and spunk I wouldn't put it past me a guy would be willing to do something like that. Reminds of a comment I found by a black guy asking why white dudes are so obsessed with dicks, as they are always making comments related to their penises.
I dont find a semen elephant an endearing symbol of my s/o love, I find it a narcissistic expression of himself and thoroughly disgusting. Plus, wouldn't it all just burn away when firing the piece? I highly doubt it would withstand the temperatures needed to fire clay in the first place so what is even the point of including it?

No. 1747213>>1747229

Anybody has that meme where it's always a hot girl
Like "I love nerdy girls" and it's a hot girl with glasses
"I love girls who can play the guitar" dans it's just a hot girl with a guitar
"I love shy girls"
and so on
I need it rn lol(posting question in multiple incorrect threads)

No. 1747229>>1747523

>vent thread
Stop posting your shit in the wrong threads, lurk more.

No. 1747232>>1747390

Can we stop with the hall monitor minimodding please she just asked an innocent question

No. 1747258

Believe it or not I've been on imageboards for many years (& read the rules), just never felt moved to use a spoiler before. A whole new world of posting has opened before me. sage for no vent i'll stop offtopic posting now

No. 1747342

File (hide): 1698857385942.jpg (36.32 KB, 590x445, panda.jpg)

i feel like such a lame retard lately and i know me thinking this way and being insecure instead of owning it will only exacerbate the issue. i'm just really disgusted with myself as a person right now. i am so deeply uncool and cringeworthy in every way plus i am legitimately dumb as shit which really doesn't help. i hate being a sheltered autist
now that i attached picrel after i said all that i feel mean and cruel which is strangely making me feel better because i wouldn't want to say that about her kek

No. 1747351

Being sweaty is a big cross to bare.

No. 1747390>>1747416

NTA but personally I think newfags need to be bullied even harder. Look at the state of lc.

No. 1747416

We did get a bullypass from cerbmin after the latest hellweek.

No. 1747523>>1747532

Idk where the heck to post it

No. 1747528

I think this is the worst I've felt in a long time.

No. 1747532>>1747554

Try stupid questions thread or help me find… thread

No. 1747554

Now look what you've done, nonnie.

No. 1747564

my mom is ridiculous for trying to control what i do in university. she got mad at me for wanting to take online classes at the beginning of the semester but i went and did it behind her back anyway. best decision i’ve made, my grades are the best they’ve ever been

No. 1747578

>have to wait in my house anywhere between 9am-12pm for a contractor to inspect the heating system
>they didn't come
So not only did I take time off work, I had also wasted my time waiting for them, not knowing exactly when to expect them. I hate dealing with these people.

No. 1747624>>1747689>>1747740

>try to buy car
>guy agrees to trade, just needs part for his car
>no problem
>i get part for his car, we test drive each others cars
>they claim the bounce was super super dangerous (it wasn't) just needed new struts
>whatever, fix struts
>bouncing is fixed
>go out there again, give them an extra 500 + my car
>their car shuts down
>goes out, buys whole new battery for them
>apparently wasn't even the problem
>they refuse to give me my money back
>guy SWEARS he will have it fixed in 3 days, meanwhile I'm fighting my apartment complex because i told them i was getting a new car and they've been threatening to tow mine
>he also lives 2+ hours out and I've been spending upwards of 100 on gas to get out there just to basically give them free parts and leave empty-handed
>3 days pass
>he messages again, asking for 2500 for a truck claiming the og car i wanted wasn't fixable, when I keep bringing up all the money i spent on parts he doesn't even acknowledge it
>claims an actual mechanic will be more expensive than 2500 (clearly not the case)
i cant with facebook marketplace idiots. why even claim you're a mechanic when you're clearly not? I'm not going to just drive out give you free parts and shit for no reason just for you to try to sell me some other piece of crap. how hard is it to be open about your mechanic experience?

No. 1747633

man i wish i had a farmer friend so i could send funny screencaps to her.

No. 1747658

i hste my husband so much rn i don't even want to take him to therapy with me. like i'm embarrassed for myself. and he's one of the good ones lolllllll fuck men

No. 1747685

where the fuck is my goddamn knit high neck sweater, I feel like I'm gonna lose my mind!!!

No. 1747689

You got swindled nonny. Register your current car with your apartment and go through normal car dealers from now on.

No. 1747692>>1747701>>1747815

My father passed away yesterday and he wasn't a good father, but now my estranged sibling suddenly keeps telling me how he definitely cared about me after all and how he couldn't believe I didn't came to visit him when I spent a day in the hospital a year ago after a brain injury etc. and I feel like I'm being last-minute guilt-tripped/gaslighted into feeling regret for this man thanks to whom I have permanent damage to my mental health and development. Idk it doesn't feel fair that I'm now suddenly made to question everything I thought I knew about our relationship the day after I can't ask him anymore. And it's also making me question my evolvement in the funeral because so far I've insisted on being involved as little as possible but now I suddenly don't know if that's the right thing.

This whole situation sucks beyond words.

No. 1747701>>1747737

Just say that your father hurt you when he didn't visit you in the hospital when you needed him and then just spout some bs how you would have liked anyone to visit you then when you needed them your siblings in your time of need.

No. 1747737>>1747742

I made a typo, it was me who didn't visit him in the hospital. Which I didn't think he gave a fuck about because my sibling was clearly the favoured child and he openly didn't like me, or that's what the majority of his actions and words towards me since childhood onwards always had indicated. So now I feel confused about how he really felt about me and I'm starting to feel regretful. But he's also been awful towards so, so many times throughout my life.

No. 1747740

Don't buy cars from randoms. That's for the illegals.

No. 1747742

You not visiting him is simply the consequence of his own actions then. Too bad, if he wanted his daughter to visit him maybe he should have been a good parent in the first place.

No. 1747760

This time last year I posted on lc about having no water because the pipes broke and flooded my house. Well, it's that time of year again and now the kitchen sink is fucked. It's always the end of October, beginning of November. Water hates me. Pipes hate me. My head hurts so bad I have migraines. Oh nonnies I just want a glass of water. Well fix it again but I don't know what it is about this house and bad piping. I guess because our pipes use well water that has hard water vs soft water.

No. 1747777

I had the wonderful idea of checking an ex friend's twitter account because we used to follow each other until a few years ago when I deleted my previous account, and I noticed a few vague posts about me and my friends. Not anything insulting or passive aggressive, but it's super weird how she posts about us being her best friends when she ignored us for nearly a year, talked to us again just a few times to complain about her shit life, and now she's ignoring us again. At some point she lived rent free with a friend for a few months, paid rent for just the last few months, completely fucked over my friend because of a misunderstanding on her part in a way that forced her to move back to her crazy religious family because it caused the other roommate to leave and she couldn't afford the whole place to herself and made her mental health way worse, and all she tweeted was "I'm glad I'm not a burden on my friend anymore but I'll miss living with her so much" like girl… You moved out in less than a week and avoided her and everyone else like the plague stop lying. Since then she has a crazy male stalker as her roommate and I honestly can't bring myself to feel bad for her.

No. 1747812>>1747945

I am so tired of the attempts to making everything about the Current Thing. They just jump from topic of the day to topic of the day, at this point. Like from the bottom of my fucking heart, I genuinely don't care. Please leave me alone.

No. 1747815

It's normal to doubt but what's done is done. Grieve the man or grieve the loving parental relationship you wish you had but were never going to get. When my dad died I suddenly realized I'd been holding onto a tiny fantasy that he would turn into a good father and was sad it was definitely never going to happen now that he was dead (it was also never going to happen while he was alive; nonetheless I was sad.)

No. 1747819

She thinks I'd feel hurt by her ignoring me but she's actually making me a favour at this point. She's the most exhausting person I know, never fulfilled, nothing is ever good enough for her. She’ll end up alone for sure.

No. 1747823>>1748458>>1748559

I’m convinced my best friend lurks here and now I can’t even complain about her and her fake ass without thinking she’ll find out I came here to vent.

No. 1747898>>1749336

I’m so fucking lonely, I live alone with cats and work remotely as a software developer, the past few months I’ve been coping by smoking weed every day but it’s made me even more anxious and reclusive so I stopped. My friend group kinda fell apart, plus the friends I do have also have substance abuse issues and I’m trying to reduce the amount of drink/drugs I consume. But it’s making me realize how alone and disconnected I feel. Thinking about smoking weed again because it’s getting hard to cope. Damn I hate being sober. Anyways, I’m going to the cinema alone tonight to watch the 4K restoration of Gregg Araki’s Nowhere.

No. 1747945

Noooooo how dare you not fake concern like everyone else, you heartless bitch

No. 1747951

I met an amazing guy and I feel bad that I met him while I’m in the condition that I’m in. My last ex broke me and I gained weight. I’m ashamed of being naked and prolonging sex. He’s an amazing guy and I wish I knew I’d meet him because I’d make myself skinny for him. I’m crying because life is so stupid. I gained 10 kg in a year. I can lose it in a year too. It just sucks because I like him so much. If my ex saw me rn he would tell me I look disgusting. I’m so ashamed that I started dating looking like this. I don’t want to waste anymore time healing he took years from me.

No. 1748035>>1748048>>1748049>>1748078

File (hide): 1698882769972.jpeg (59.84 KB, 720x404, 30bd29db506a095ad5e14f79ca2ca5…)

I keep telling myself that it's ok to be single rn because of the current dating scene. The last few dates i was on were mostly awful and I keep losing hope ill ever find a good partner. So I keep telling myself it's ok. Im ok alone. I need to be. And then I watch a tiktok where some girl whines about not having a bf and how she cries herself to sleep most nights. Then she says how being in a relationship is like a human necessity and all the comments say self love doesnt replace romantic love. And that people NEED romantic love. And now I just feel like i took a few steps back. Like maybe i should be unhappy and feel unnatural about being alone. Maybe im not doing enough rn just being by myself. Ill always feel unfulfilled without a romantic partner or something. But how is it possible to be happy with the moids out there? I just feel lost and i want their to be AI robot bfs already so I can just be delusional but happy with one of those instead.

No. 1748048

Eh nonny maybe re-adjust the content you consume.
Half of those people will probably end up in miserable relationships.
I knew an older lady that did the "romantic love doesn't replace self love" spiel. She got into a horrifically abusive relationship and it took her a very long time to leave. She kept telling herself that this was her last chance. Also, in nature it was probably super rare for humans to get together romantically for years. It's mostly a social construct for two people to remain together for decades even if I find it cute. There's nothing evolutionarily that makes romantic love a necessity for people and the real reason that people act as if it's a need is because a lot of people are rapidly losing their ability to genuinely connect to others in other ways.

No. 1748049

Why were the dates awful? As someone who never dated I'm curious. I've only been in "talking stages" that lasted for way too long, and because they lasted for so long, I got to see the polite mask fall off and the scroteisms reveal themselves before putting out.

But there's this TikTok that I keep thinking about. She said "You're either gonna have standards, or you're gonna have a man. You can't have both". And a lot of women talking about how having a man usually isn't a flex. That having a 20-30 year marriage isn't even a flex, it's most likely embarrassing. Because it means you've put up with an insane amount of shit for a long time.

No. 1748055

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Lord give me the strength not to go off on this self-righteous hypocrite

No. 1748062

File (hide): 1698885026698.jpg (41.35 KB, 750x655, 545645.jpg)

Crush and I confessed mutual feelings and we can't even act on them because it would create a conflict of interest at work and we'd get fired. Thought knowing he had mutual feelings would make me feel better but now I'm just bummed because neither of us are going to quit anytime soon and he's probably just going to lose interest. At least my ego is stroked knowing I could have pulled somebody way out of my league.

No. 1748066>>1748145

A year ago i stumbled across an obscure actress so attractive (to me) that my brain malfunctioned, and when it booted back up I no longer thought anyone else but her was good looking. I thought it would go away and I'd return to normal, especially since I haven't been paying attention to her for months now, but my predicament is still the same. Even people I thought were cute before, I no longer feel any attraction to. It's like she was designed to fit my tastes to the nanometer. Like seeing a renaissance painting and then trying to appreciate the cave paintings you used to enjoy. I think god messed with me for fun by letting me see her face. I wish i could be normal again and find other people attractive.

I know anons will want to ask who, and all I will say is I've posted multiple pictures of her in /g/ and /ot/ over the past year. I don't want to be a recognizable personalityfag.

No. 1748069

i've vented here a few times about the same thing, my weight gain. since then i've gained ten more pounds. i'm now at 144 at 5'3 and have this big jiggly belly i can physically grab. i recovered from an eating disorder and got to a stable healthy weight, then went back on my antipsychotic and birth control and suddenly ballooned up (not really so suddenly i guess, it just has given me a huge appetite). yesterday i bit the bullet and downloaded myfitnesspal. my goal isn't much, just to lose 1 pound a week and get back down to 130 pounds. i just hope this doesn't awaken anything from my ed again in me but i honestly had an ed for a very brief time at a later age so i don't think it's something that should be a problem for me. when i hit 130 i plan on continuing using the app to maintain my weight. its much easier to see how much i've really been eating when i track it. the calorie count they gave me to achieve my goal is 1200 calories which doesn't seem that much but i'm going to bed soon and after a snack of popcorn a little while ago i'm still feeling full. i just hope this big belly goes away soon. i also want to add in some exercise and dancing but i haven't found the motivation yet even though i'm fat. i guess it may just be in my lazy brain easier to just "starve" myself. we will see how this goes.

No. 1748077>>1748085

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Is it wrong that I feel a bit weirded out by my 27 year-old jobless neet well he's not a complete neet, he does commissions brother having a new phone given to him by Mommy and Daddy instead buying one for himself? Like, he has money from doing art commissions so I wonder why he doesn't just buy a new one instead of telling our parents. Like, the older I get, the more strides I make towards independence, the more I feel weirded out by how…manchildish my older brothers are getting. It kind of makes me feel like I'm being a stuck-up asshole.

No. 1748078

It 100% is OK to be single, absolutely don't compromise and don't continue to date someone because you're afraid of being alone. Did that once with a super shitty relationship and once I did leave it was 1000x better, people even said I looked healthier after.
A couple bad dates is honestly nothing once you realize that being alone is better than like 50% of it, just stay picky. I think I went on like 30 dates before I managed to find someone I was compatible enough to marry. Worked out great, just finding comfort in yourself and then refusing to settle for less than it will put you ahead of like 50% of people in relationships

No. 1748085

He asked for a new phone, or they just gifted him one? My dad still buys me stuff even though I work full-time because he wants to help me out, but he offers or just does it rather than me asking. I understand being weirded out by it but if your parents can comfortably afford to buy their grown children things I don't think that's a bad thing. Also this is assuming that you are offered the same treatment by your parents lol, if he's getting babied and you're expected to fend for yourself then that's fucked.

No. 1748097>>1748122>>1748388

I just had a conversation on omegle (yea, I know) with a 13 year old girl who wanted advice on dating a 23 year old man. She just met this scrote a week ago and doesn't want to tell any irl friends or family members about this situation. I tried my best to explain to her why this situation is inherently predatory and wrong and dangerous for her. She was stubborn about it though, and kept saying she really liked the guy. I linked her a couple of informative/potentially eye opening youtube videos about the subject, and she said she'd give them a watch.
I'm just still thinking about her and I really hope she's going to be okay. Fuck scrotes for actively preying on children, it's disgusting.

No. 1748119

I feel bad for shouting at my mom but her snoring drives me fucking insane and she has an entire other side of the house + her own bedroom she could be sleeping in. She does this thing where she sleeps for 1-2 hours before getting back up right when I’m going go bed and keeps me up for another hour doing her laundry or some other activity.

No. 1748122>>1748249

Um you had a convo with a pedophile larping with his dick in his hand

No. 1748142>>1748426>>1748444

Men are so fucking over dramatic Jesus Christ. They will blow the most mundane shit out of proportion. I kid you not this moid just described the gameplay of animal crossing as "sadistic" because it encourages daily play in small amounts, and apparently that's way too taxing. Literally he rambled about it for like 10 minutes saying things like "I feel attacked by this game" because he has tasks to complete, like any other game. Men think everything needs to be turned into some weird debate about psychology or some shit when they can't even grasp basic fucking concepts. It's all such psuedo intellectual bullshit, every fucking time. I have never had a truly stimulating conversation with a man because he always blows something out of proportion to the point of becoming comical if not just annoying.

No. 1748145

I feel this so much except with a male actor. I never felt this way for any other actor or real man except him, not even men with similar traits. Even when I saw his red flags and tried ignoring him for months it just increased my obsession. If the me from a few years ago knew I'd become this fixated on a millionaire scrote she would wack me. Also won't say who for the same reasons.

No. 1748245

us exmuslims are the most useless motherfuckers. apparently in the uk, there's a helpline for exmuslims now to talk but what do these hoes in the us do… have some resources and email links? a nice website? useless!

No. 1748249

Yea, this. Did you really think this was an actual girl

No. 1748382

I'm being punished unfairly despite me doing my best. I want to give up on life. I cant anymore. I'm nothing

No. 1748387

File (hide): 1698900540100.jpeg (53.54 KB, 299x222, IMG_6859.jpeg)

Sometimes I really miss cable and the hours long advertisements that would play for products all night

No. 1748388

Now I wanna go on omegle

No. 1748410

If you start fucking the Disney adult I’ll hate you forever!

No. 1748419

I’m still thinking about this. You really need to dump this nigga

No. 1748426

He sounds autistic if he gets that angry over an innocent simple game like animal crossing

No. 1748444>>1748485

Animal Crossing is so fucking boring, I don't understand how someone can enjoy such boring and slow slop

No. 1748458>>1748482>>1748511

I’ve recognized some people I know or follow on here before. Usually pretty funny to me when it’s someone I don’t expect, I can’t judge them because we’re both here to read and post retarded shit. I hope you can find a better friend nonna.

No. 1748482>>1748731

A lot of people think this tho, it's generally just schizo tinfoiling unless you've otherwise seen them use or reference

No. 1748485

it's not meant to be exciting. the game's appeal is that you can just turn your brain off for like half an hour

No. 1748490>>1748566

I'm going to be 25 tomorrow and it's making me depressed and anxious. I haven't been able to achieve anything in life while most of my peers are going places, getting degrees, good jobs, finding lovers, going on cool vacations. I haven't done a thing. I'm untalented. I don't have friends. I'm mentally ill and spent the recent years being sick even physically. I'm tired and lonely. I know technically 25 isn't old but I still feel like I'm too late to do things now, and I'll never be good enough to do anything significant.

No. 1748491

I hate having mommy issues and I hate that I have a constant reminder of her failure to keep her word.

No. 1748511

No you haven't kek I've been accused so many times of being this or that anon. The truth is lives/personalities/writing patterns aren't that unique when you have millions of people and you actually cannot tell.

No. 1748555

The antibiotics gave me a yeast infection now I can't have sex either when literally everything else in my life is bad too. The only thing I like about being alive right now is getting to eat and even then it comes with guilt and half the time I make myself puke and I hate being alive being alive

No. 1748559>>1748731

How likely is that realistically? People are extremely similar nowadays because of the internet, could be someone just like your friend who lives on the other side of the world.

No. 1748566

Nona!! You don't realize how extremely young you are!!
Stop comparing yourself to others. I know it's hard, but know that most people really don't care what you've been doing and won't judge you for it.
But this is a sign that it's time to do something! Then you'll be 30 and regret not doing anything.. And you'll meet 25 year olds, who you'll find out were in the same situation as you and are now getting it together, and you'll regret not doing the same
Fighting nonna!!

No. 1748575>>1748641

File (hide): 1698922012119.gif (768.51 KB, 585x430, 1675646040785.gif)

>find a chinese art account on twitter
>they randomly posted gore of a dead cat
>some tranny account liked the post
i logged into twitter for the first time in forever to report it, but i'm kind of scared nothing will be done. i hate people so much.

No. 1748587

I don’t understand how I’m so fucked up from a 3 month talking stage with someone I met on OLD and never met IRL. It’s almost sent me to the fucking psych ward. I stopped taking my antidepressant just before we “met” and my libido and emotions came flooding back, and I’m hoping this is why. Honestly feels like I’ll never get over it.

No. 1748620

nonna you have me weeping, I needed to hear all of that, thank you, I hope you find a $100 bill today and see the prettiest sunset

This did cross my mind, but he had covid and said he didn't want me to catch it because then that's just another 2 weeks of one of us being sick and not being able to see each other.

No. 1748623

The guy I thought was ghosting me and was done with me came back in my life in a huge way and is ALL about me again and lovebombing me once more. I'm so pathetic I'm just accepting it happily because I'm in a really bad place and he has helped me in many ways. My family is no help and I'm very socially isolated. I'm also ill and struggling with addiction and also dealing with my 3 other serious issues I'm too lazy to list. He is like a little ray of sunshine that gives me anxiety sometimes and at least it's something.

No. 1748641

I understand your revulsion nony but you need to protect your energy from shit like that. Elon twitter’s report box is prob just a black hole. Next time just close the window, or better yet avoid twitter entirely

No. 1748685>>1748701>>1748733>>1748761>>1748766

I thought Ireland would be amazing to live in but it's an actual shithole that has absolutely nothing but ugly, miserable, hateful fucking degenerates who steal from me. Everyone here is horrible. No talks, no one smiles, no wants to engage or be friendly. They throw trash all over their village and neighbourhood. I never seen anything like it my life. I see people throw their trash on the ground with 0 shame. In my home country, people don't litter because we shame them the shit out of them. There are large groups of unemployed males who loiter for hours doing nothing not even talking to each other just staring down anyone who walks past. Every day there are fireworks in the street, it feels like war zone sometimes. There's a robbery every other day. Children roam the streets at all hours of the day. Little girls walk around with fake eyelashes on. The boys are little thugs who never stop stealing. The infrastructure and public transport system is literally third world. Everything is grey, rundown, old and miserable. The health system is third world too. You have to wait 2 years to see A FUCKING GP. I never heard of this in my life. I miss my prosperous and beautiful 1st world country so much. I don't want to be racist toward myself since I'm literally Irish but I'm starting to understand why the Irish were discriminated against and not allowed in certain establishments. just FERAL.

No. 1748701>>1748765

Lol reminds me of when i had the bright idea to spend 6 months there and became a severe alcoholic at 20 just to cope

No. 1748709

inb4 hurdur FB sucks. I get it, I don't have a FB, just a burner account to sell shit and join troon hating groups.
However, I've noticed a sudden burst of these groups that are shitpost related or not even serious asking political questions before you can join and it's so retarded. Let me join a group about men being babies; why does it matter on how many genders I think there are and if TWAW. Gatdamn

No. 1748730>>1748754>>1748785>>1748843>>1748901

I hate the idea of living a normal life so much that it drives me mad.
I despise my super proper normal and well-paying job, I despise all my hardworking passionate good-girl coworkers. The thought of ever marrying and becoming pregnant and a mother makes me feel downright sick. I sometimes feel like I'm about to panic when I watch shows about normal people on tv or when I go shopping or do another activity and am surrounded by normal people who feel joy just doing that.
I always thought I could escape being normal by becoming famous but the older I get, the more I realize that it won't happen.
Now I'm really scared that I'll end up doing other things to not be normal, I'm scared that I'll become an alcoholic or worse, I'm scared that I'll give in to intrusive thoughts and do illegal work or that I end up selling myself just so that I won't have to spend my life among happy good but boring people in an office. All of this sounds so insane but I can't get it out of my head and those thoughts just become louder each day.

No. 1748731

I know because they said or posted the same thing to me or somewhere else. Something extremely specific in one place, not just me being schizo and seeing an anon who posts about a specific husbando or cow and thinking it’s my friend. I just found it amusing, felt like a sister solidarity thing that were both here, did not interact with the posts and just kept scrolling.
Even knowing that someone lurks or posts here, you don’t know how frequently that is and on what boards or threads unless you’re told or spy on them. Someone can’t read every thread, it’s like finding a needle in a hay stack. The average person is really not that attentive to small details of other people, they’re looking more for things that remind them of themselves.

No. 1748733>>1748765

Where are you from originally? Just curious.

No. 1748746

I've been looking for a book to read for a fucking week but every book I haven't read yet is shit. There literally is not a single book out there with a female mc who doesn't either 1. start out retarded, 2. become retarded because she met a man, or 3. pretend to be a man because she's nlog. Why is it that nothing new gets published ever???

No. 1748754>>1748826

You don't have to. I gave up normal life for a career in research because I didn't want kids. It sucked breaking up with a man I really loved, but he wanted kids and a normal family while I didn't. Nobody can goad you into doing things you don't want to do, nor should you let them.
It's gonna be lonely not being a normie following the regular life script for sure, at least it is for me, but it is what it is and I'd rather be this than a mommy to some ungrateful middle class children and a wife to a moid who is going to have it easy by default because he has balls and I don't.

No. 1748761>>1748769

I like the Irish but Dublin is a depressive shitehole. And I say this as someone from North Wales, to give you a picture of how bad it is.

No. 1748765

you get it. I'm so miserable and lonely here too the only fun feelings I can get is from alcohol
Australia but my people are from Ireland and now I understand why they all fled to England and then Australia. fuck this shithole country and fuck all the horrible people here. Growing up in a high trust society and then moving to a low trust society is jarring. Never in my life have I seen people behave the way they do here. I've been told that I live in a terrible area and middle class Irish people are nice and normal but idk both my families were poor 3rd class citizens and they never behaved like these fucking animals. I give up on trying to be friendly to anyone all I get is spit in my face in return.

No. 1748766

Sounds like the united states lol

No. 1748769

I'm well travelled and it's by far the worst city that I have ever visited. Dublin is not ok. AT ALL.

No. 1748775>>1748827

File (hide): 1698937230036.jpg (11.31 KB, 426x289, 80574070_174358283645557_54648…)

I'm so fucking exhausted and it's not even the fault of my studying, but I AM starting to lag behind because EVERY-FUCKING-ONE needs to use me as their personal therapist lately and I'm awful at telling anyone in need of support no. One of my best friends recently got cancer surgery and I haven't really been able to be there for her because of my studying and people either calling or spamming me at all hours for my "wise words" because I'm apparently the one they can count on always being right even when it's answers they don't wanna hear. I'm stretched so fucking thin and I'm about to become a wreck myself. It's ironic that it's my friends are the ones making me this tired and not my actual studies. I'm actually starting to get really mad thinking about it.

No. 1748778>>1750565

File (hide): 1698937295110.jpg (98.78 KB, 426x512, F93NHy3WwAAbFkS.jpg)

Black women have a higher murder perpetration rate than both white men and Asian men.(racebait)

No. 1748782>>1748787>>1748791>>1748798

my boyfriend told me his coworkers were asking him when we're getting married and he replied to them that "we're not there yet". idk why that really hurt me so much. i don't really care about getting married because marriage is never something i've strived for or dreamed of, but the fact that he said "we're not there yet" when we've been living together for over 7 years, moved across the province together, have pets together, etc. like what the fuck do you mean we're not there yet?

No. 1748785

You don’t have to do any of that if you don’t want to though, apart from having a job. And you can still retain your individuality working a regular office job. See if you can get a remote position though, working from home is the best if you hate being in an office every single day.

No. 1748787>>1748842

he's for the streets, nona

No. 1748791>>1748842>>1748846

After you guys break up he will get married within 2 years bet

No. 1748798>>1748842

He means he doesn't wanna marry you but you're the only option for now.
Wanna wait 15 years, anon?

No. 1748803

my cat is meowing incessantly and my back/head hurts

No. 1748822>>1748828

File (hide): 1698939805553.jpeg (36.17 KB, 480x480, IMG_3640.jpeg)

Anyone else suicidal right now?

No. 1748826>>1748901

>It's gonna be lonely not being a normie following the regular life script for sure
That's part of the reason why I feel so torn. As a woman it's either follow your dreams or love and family (and maybe even friends).
Moids never have to make those decisions, they can be broke, trying to make it as an artist or whatever and at the same time still marry and impregnate some girl…

No. 1748827

Reached out to some friends I'm in group chat with, sort of making a joke about it all just to get it out of my system and maybe get some supportive pat on my virtual shoulder. Nothing more.
But of course the guy went "uhm, you can't just fucking write in a chat with me about how YOU are stretched thin with studies" and chastised me for it. It was the last fucking straw that cracked the camel's back and I just started crying my eyes out.

No. 1748828>>1748833

Yes even though I haven't felt like this in years. Very scary feeling I was fantasizing about tying the noose this morning. Calmed myself down a little but wow I'm really not doijng well

No. 1748833

Life is hell isn’t it. I’m glad you calmed down and didn’t tie the noose.

No. 1748839

why is thinking about suicide so comforting

No. 1748841>>1748845

Every Halloween, my husband and I go to my parents house and make pizzas for them, and a lot of kids trick or treat where my parents live so it's super fun. At our own home, we leave a big pumpkin on porch that's full of candy. Usually, some will be gone but not all. This year, it was all gone, and someone kicked our sprinkler set up by the house so its crooked and broken. That just really pisses me off.. Like what the fuck, we decorate nicely and leave candy out and we get… Our property destroyed?? I honestly wish I knew which shitty fuckin kid or whoever did this so I could confront them. Why are people such fucking assholes! Take the fucking candy and LEAVE!! I cannot wait to have a privacy wall built.

No. 1748842

i know you're all right but it's painful. sigh. while he was telling me the story he even made a comment like "i dont think you're going anywhere" like he doesn't think i'll leave him.

No. 1748843>>1748885>>1748901

Same, the thought of just following the status quo lifestyle for a woman (date/hook up with scrotes until you find "a good one", get married, have a kid(s)) makes me feel suicidal. I'd rather die than live in a gilded cage like that, just thinking about how so many people go down that route without a second thought about it weirds me out. It might be hard and isolating being on my own but I know I'd be more miserable chained to a moid and having to worry about him/our family pressuring me into having kids. The only thing I disagree on is the job. I don't mind working a boring job as long as the pay is decent because let's be real, most jobs fucking suck regardless of how glamorized they are.

No. 1748845>>1748848>>1748852

The sprinkler was probably some dumb kid that went up to your house to get some candy, saw there was none left, and chimped out kek. Wouldn't be surprised if one kid took all the candy though, that's what would happen in my neighbourhood if we just left a bowl out for them

No. 1748846

This is exactly what happened to me, except I was only with my ex for 3.5 years. If they want you, then they want you.

No. 1748848

Ayrt and you know what anon I'm sure you're right, that visual actually made me laugh a little

No. 1748852

I couldn't believe it this year there were like 40 pieces of candy left. Other years the bowl would be SHATTERED across my lawn no candy remaining. They are either 80% or 200% these kids are feral

No. 1748853

I'm pissed at my coworker that she can't answer one fucking message. We are supposed to go for a coffee today after my shift and she hasn't been at work for almost a whole year due to "sick leave". She's not sick but is doing some medical testing stuff, but otherwise she's fine.

I know not everyone has to be available 24/7 via phone, but we have plans and I need to organise my own time to fit this in. Since I don't own a car I HAVE to know if and when we're going because going home at 7pm or 10pm is not the fucking same.

It's been 5+ hours and she still hasn't answered and my shift ends in 1 hour. I'm starting to find this really rude.

No. 1748855>>1748868>>1748886

File (hide): 1698942188130.jpeg (23.76 KB, 573x500, 1684185406901.jpeg)

I'm already on fucking mood stabilizers and if I wasn't I'd probably be cutting myself or worse.
I don't know what to do nonnies, I keep trying to distract myself with hobbies but it's not working.
I wish I lived in a tropical beach town, living in Canada sucks and I have a feeling the lack of sunlight is partially to blame. Just imagining myself splish splashing in the ocean to cope.

No. 1748868

Fellow canadafag here, try taking some vitamin d pills if you don't already. I find they help me feel more energized and less like I'm dragging my own carcass around all day plus it's good for you

No. 1748874

Is anyone else just super fucking unlikeable like me? I’m not talkative or bubbly and don’t chitchat with office workers I just can’t. Yes this is about work yes I’m that annoying anon. I just wish people would understand that I’m not trying to be mean I just wanna be left alone to do my work. But also, do your share of work I know I’m a retard who’s happy to grind away doing hours of work with no breaks but still. I hate myself and the fact that others easily hate me.

No. 1748885>>1748901

I know that I technically should feel grateful for at least living in a country in which I have a choice to do what I want in life - but what use is that if literally everybody around me either follows the exact same path or is seen as a miserable loser? As a woman over 25 all you're surrounded by is talk about bf/husband, wedding, baby. That's it, you can't escape.
I thought maybe I could come to turns with living a normal life if I stayed off the internet more but no, that would just be lying to myself. Recently I try to distract myself of those bad thoughts by reading tons of novels but hardly any of them don't have a couple in which the man cheats or who gets divorced or somebody being lonely or somebody having a terminal illness. I simply lost all hope of ever finding real happiness and feeling as carefree as I once was when I was young and dumb and delusional.
Life is simply shit and growing up you've been lied to believe that it's not.

No. 1748886

Same nonnie. It’s been raining for two weeks. I fantasize about meeting a really nice girl and we move together to a warm pacific island to be digital scumbags with 3 cats

No. 1748901>>1748909>>1748912

I'm sorry but ya'll all sound so spoilt, ungrateful and out of touch. Oh nooo you have a boring, stable life and a great job with enough money to maybe start a lovely family? That's so awful oh nooo that's horrible. I feel so bad for you all. lmfao. Get real. Me and so many others in poverty that are fighting just to put food on the table would kill to have your lives. get a grip. If you think being normal, stable and educated enough to make a lot of money is so depressing and terrible then you can gladly take my life of instability, poverty and shit. We can swap right now if you're bored.

No. 1748909>>1748953>>1748955

Cope and get a job poorfag

No. 1748912

Thanks anon for this, so real.

No. 1748925

Getting that good job cost me my entire mental health and I might lose it any hour because my boss and coworkers are catching on to me being mental. It's only a matter of time until you have more money than me again, nonitas.

No. 1748934

i dont know why i bothered coming out to my mom. she pressured me into it but i couldve held my ground better. now shes permanently disgusted by me, and it feels so bad being rejected by a parent

No. 1748951

Im like 60% sure my ex used their “non-binary asexual” title to groom their current gf

For context i figured out they started to cheat on me after the girl turned 18, prior to that they were twitter/tumblr mutuals for about five years.

My ex even admitted they manipulated people to get strangers to like them and that “most of the people i talk to online are in high school”

They’re currently 35 while their gf is 25

No. 1748953

anon, some people have jobs and are poor at the same time

No. 1748955>>1748974

nta but kek those people complaining about the suffocating ordeal of having a stable life should cope and suck it up.

No. 1748960>>1748972

The zionists got the jew thread shut. Surprise! (Let me vent mods lol)

No. 1748962

I wish I had someone to vent to about work lol I mean I have family but I don’t like talking to them about personal stuff and they would have biased opinions anyway. I’m mentally struggling at work and some of it is my “anxiety” that I haven’t bee able to get medication for since I’m so lazy to call my doctor to fill for me (it used to be filled by another doctor but I don’t see them anymore). I want to just vent and have some guaranteed replies lol and honest. I just wished I were more socially aware but I’m not since I haven’t had friends since third grade.

No. 1748972

The what?

No. 1748974

It's not a stable life if the only normal thing you managed to achieve is a job but you fail at that and at any other aspect of life, friends, family, a romantic life, a house and so on.
I'm no longer young, I only had that job for a month and a half but already got called in by my boss, very soon either they or I will end it, and after that I have absolutely nothing. So no reason to be mean or even feel jealous about it.

No. 1748975>>1749111

i give up. i’m going to get on disability and then kill myself after i’ve finally grown tired of the tiny and shallow pleasures that have been keeping me alive

No. 1748981>>1749004

I have people with face piercings especially with some around their mouth and lips it makes me feel queasy seeing them eat

No. 1749004>>1749010

totally understand especially the eating part kek i used to look up if they could shoot water out of the holes way back when. but i can't help but find lip rings sexy… not the ones in the center though.

No. 1749010

I had a lip piercing for about two weeks because eating food was such a fucking hassle. The flat back of the piercing would constantly hook on to my teeth when eating and fuck me it was after nearly ripping my face off whilst eating a sandwich I finally took the fucker out of my lip. Not worth it. Toxic tears lip piercings look so gross to me

No. 1749019

One of the best shows I went to was when rancid and green day played in a park in Belfast in 2018. GDs new album features a photo from belfast in the 70s. One would think that meant belfast was going to get visited on next year's stadium tour but nah just fucking Dublin. I hate travelling down to Dublin for shows, the crowds always stink of of fucking BO. Last one I went to was paramore and it was amazing and Hayley referred to ireland as in the UK and I cheered very loudly but the Irish are so cringe lol. Bloc party opened for them an English band and the vibes were just off. I'm seeing sky ferreira next year in Dublin too and I'm dreading the inside of the venue if it will be similar to paramores crowd. The stench was fucking awful omg.

No. 1749057>>1749059>>1749064>>1749066>>1749081>>1749123

File (hide): 1698951235145.jpeg (333.22 KB, 465x579, 3D237C77-85AF-41A1-9CE1-2478B0…)

Some girl with like 2000 followers following my bf and she only follows 300 people
I hate my whore mongering boyfriend and I’m sorry but I hate girls like that I know he’s the problem and I’m an internalized misogynist but fuck him AND fuck her. I don’t even know why she’s want anything to do with him he’s just so plain and got like 60 followers and she posted her Halloween costume and it is just lingerie and to top it all off they WERE TEXTING. We live together. I shouldn’t have to feel like I’m competing with some ethot this is actually ridiculous I wanna kill myself. I’m an idiot why did he do this to me? He’s only sorry cause he got caught I was using his phone to call cause I don’t have service and this girl texts him like “omg whattttt” and I told him “that chick said something” and he could tell I was sour cause I looked her up and saw the absolute titty and ass pics the grainy selfies in the dark like imskirby lite fml fml fml fml

No. 1749059>>1749067>>1749075

>calling other women whores for merely following your fuggo bf
>crying over a scrote who you obviously don't trust

No. 1749060

I feel really bad using social media. I don't like to see how others are doing well in life, having fun and celebrating their accomplishments while I feel like a loser. I feel guilty for getting jealous like this, I don't want them not to have those things, but I keep wondering what went wrong with me

No. 1749062

please someone yell at me, tell me I’m a horrible person, that I suck, I need this right now I hate myself so much

No. 1749064>>1749075

This is embarrassing

No. 1749066>>1749075

if you think that he's plain and you don't know what she sees in him, why do you still keep yourself in that position lol

No. 1749067>>1749072>>1749075

>don't insult random ethots!!
>on the site whose purpose is to shittalk internet attention whores

Back to reddit/onlyfans with you pendeja

No. 1749072

No. 1749075>>1749078>>1749089>>1749094

Thank you

I don’t know. I thought he was cool I got memed into liking him for his personality but it’s obviously shit

Duh asshole, that’s why I’m venting about it.

She is a whore tho. She posts her ass and titties and “cosplays” aka lingerie and wig. And ya I know following him isn’t a crime but texting him is weird like what does she even want, he maybe was subscribing to her onlyfans and paying to talk idk either way I’m fucked

No. 1749078>>1749084

Samefag and I live with him so obviously it stings. I just hate life right now I wanna check into a mental hospital because I feel like stabbing him.

No. 1749081>>1749086>>1749095>>1749098

Are you with him because he is plain or unremarkable? Sorry to break it to you, but even really conventionally attractive women go after these types of guys because they think that they have no competition, but the thing is, if every girl thinks that those type of men are loyal because they think someone with those plain looks gets no attention and goes for those types, then many women are going to go for the most plain slightly ugly men. The guy that you think is nerdy and gets no attention? He has tons of women talking to him, because they think he is not getting attention and is going to be shy and loyal.

No. 1749084>>1749098

damn, i'd tell you to dump him bc you're obviously losing your time but your situation makes it harder… how hard is for you to find another place now?

No. 1749086

yeah, it's pretty dumb logic

No. 1749089>>1749098

Best thing to do is first find and get a confirm a new living situation. Get the most out of him before you leave. Then break it off and never give him a chance. Women don't deserve to put up with ugly losers.

No. 1749094

If he is watching porn, especially paying for porn, he does not see you as human, he sees you as a free commodity. Absolutely get away from this guy.

No. 1749095>>1749099

I hate ugly pathetic moids with nothing going for them getting their ego pumped by bored girls who enjoy the attention from as many worthless scrotes as possible.

No. 1749098>>1749104

I know I feel very stupid. Another thing was his family I got really attached to them. I just feel like I wasted a bunch of time. He is a little emo faggot and he’s like catnip to those sort of girls, I thought I was getting lucky
I will see if I can stay with family. But yeah I told him that it was a dealbreaker and I broke up with him and I wish I was cool about it like calmly dump his ass and pack up my shit but I freaked out and stormed off

No. 1749099>>1749108

I think with the internet it got worse, because now these guys have access to communicating with all these girls who got memed into thinking these are guys that are lonely cute little virgins. Maybe before, if you dated a nerdy guy, you would have been his only ever gf, but then again nerdy men were not seen as so desirable, now it's cool if you're not obese. Take that back, men that look like Sam Hyde neckbeards get attention from women who think that the guy is too ugly to possibly get female attention.

No. 1749104

Nona, I'm glad you broke up at all. Men like that think women are too stupid to leave them because they think they are unique when there are thousands of other scrawny emo faggots out there.

No. 1749107

File (hide): 1698952998187.png (2.36 MB, 1354x1231, Bun.png)

I drank way too much on Halloween. I was all alone, and that usually is what tends to happen. I feel really alienated from most of the other people in my life who're either in their 30's and have families or are like weirdo-repressed Christians who think wanting to date is a sin. How did people used to do this? My mom got on my case for drinking alone, but, like, is there anything else? Just be happy if you're a girl because guy friends fucking suck and most girls are usually scared to be alone with you unless you're dating. I dunno, I'm moving back in with family soon because I realized I don't have anything else in my life, so I'm hoping that doing that will help me not feel so cripplingly alone. I just wish there was some pill that could make me feel not alone so that I could focus on things that matter more instead of feeling like I'm wasting my 20's being a lonely sad sack.

No. 1749108>>1749113>>1749114>>1749128

i laugh hard when see those girls like "omggg when he's a shy nerdy guy with only 10 followerss they are the best". i know "shy nerdy guy" circles enough to know that guys from this breed are potentially the worst you'll meet

No. 1749110

Living with a mentally ill mother is such hardmode, especially if she's bipolar. I love her so much but she's constantly yelling and having moodswings and the smallest things trigger her yelling bouts. She complains about everything and when one stressor gets taken care of there is never any peace, she moves onto the next thing. She's medicated but nothing has ever solved the yelling. The fucking yelling.
Last night I was trying to help her find a job and was sending a well written letter to the employer and she started yelling and when I asked her to calm down and did a little calming down hand motion she was like "do not treat me like a child" and it made her angrier.
I'm traumatized when I was younger and she would talk about wanting to die or no longer being a mother or putting a key up to her throat and wanting to be 302d, one time the police having to come over for her mental health but that was all before she became medicated.

No. 1749111

make sure you put that your disability started years ago so you will get backpay. good luck!
t. someone on disability about to get over 10k

No. 1749113>>1749122>>1749133

The worst thing is is if you’re significantly out of his league he’ll think he can do better than you even if you have a real connection and dump you for to find something better. (That never comes)

No. 1749114>>1749120

Yea they probably got 20 other side accounts with 15 followers each to trick women into thinking that they're special. Bladee fan, sematary fan, psuedo y2k russian aesthetic = man whore.

No. 1749120>>1749126

loser core anon. not man whore.

No. 1749122>>1749197

i hate to use the term but when you date your 'looksmatch' they will think they can do better than you because men think they are more attractive than they are. Not saying that she is the equivalent of attractiveness as the ex boyfriend but even then, uglier men will still think they are more attractive and can do better.

No. 1749123

I wouldn't doubt for a second that she followed him to get something out of him like money or an OF sub or related. The joke is gonna be on him anyways but you should dump him, he's a loser.

No. 1749126

Losercore manwhores. Those are the type of men to talk to underage girls.

No. 1749128

Hate these types I avoid them like the plague. They literally always have like 5 guyfriends they share crappy tf2 memes with and they all think theyre too good for the women theyre dating and also put no effort into anything. Most bro-ey types that think they're not pros just cause the jerk off to anime and video games instead of sports and babes

No. 1749133>>1749197

Yeah, it seems like it's a confirmation for them that you are the "easiest" that they can get

No. 1749148

i hate how men control women online

No. 1749149

Someone from my class pulled a leaf that lost its way out of my hair earlier. It were like four seconds, but it was heaven, I wish I had someone to play with my hair, because touching it myself doesn't feel nearly as nice also, I was always called gross growing up, so someone casually coming up and touching my hair like it's nothing almost made me wanna cry.

No. 1749154>>1749328

it just kinda fully hit me just now how INSANELY sus it actually is to like fully shaved pubic hair on women
why are men so easy to meme into things just because they're normalized? they literally have zero morals.

No. 1749166>>1749250

File (hide): 1698955713564.jpg (298.27 KB, 600x387, slayers_reunion.jpg)

I was hit with a somewhat somber feeling during work when I was reminded that a convention I used to attend is coming up. It's been a few years since I last attended. The friends I used to hang out with either moved out of state or go with their boyfriends and such. Hell, there was even a year I met up with some /cgl/ friends, but I don't keep in touch with them either. Maybe in the future I'll go again with someone. Pic related is a random old cosplay photo I found online. I miss the homemade, rough look of cosplay back in the day. Maybe I'm not so bothered by it now that I'm writing it out, but I'm glad I was able to experience those memories.

No. 1749178>>1749248>>1749260

My boyfriend isn't answering my texts since this morning, 12 hours ago.
My best friend has been ignoring me for days, just making the usual polite remarks.
None of my friends has been checking up on me for more than two months, if I’m not the one calling, no one’s asking for me.
Every time I try to talk with a relative to see how they’re doing, they end up talking about these other people who I couldn’t care less.
Am I actually that unimportant? Am I this easy to forget about?

No. 1749191

Thanks to therapy a couple of years ago I finally got rid of the voices I would get in my head when I would start to spiral, but I still get the…sensation? There are no more voices telling me to commit suicide, to self harm, making the line between reality and paranoid thoughts incredibly blurry, or just turning my head into a mess. Just nothing. But I still get the sensation whenever I'm feeling a little anxious, like it feels like something is trying to reach into my head while at the same time trying to break out and the only thing keeping them in/out is my bones. It's very unsettling and confusing.

No. 1749197

They justify thinking that they deserve better in one way or another no matter how much you bring to the table. They don’t actually see women as entire human beings so when the inevitable flaw comes up they justify any and all reasons to get rid of you. Of course they’ll wait until the next thing is lined up before they do so. Or like >>1749133 said even if you are wonderful they still see women as a tiered system to game and once they score a 7 then they’re just a few grinds away from a 9. You literally can never win with these types.

No. 1749198

I’m 18, I’m in university and I’m still a virgin but I’m unbelievably fucking horny and I have no clue how to initiate sex. I’m relatively attractive especially when I make an effort to dress up but I hate parties, I hate socialising, and flirting itself feels unnatural and performative. My ideal relationship is falling in love over the course of months and naturally falling into bed together, but honestly, I’m so fucking horny rn I’m content with having some one night fuck and never seeing them again. Still, that requires the social skills I so desperately lack. And don’t get me started on ‘it’s easier for girls to find sex than for a guy, guys will fuck anything with legs’ then where are they all hiding??? I’m right here waiting!!!

No. 1749237

I feel stupid, ugly, unattractive, horny and sad. I feel so wrong, I just want to feel better again, my period will come in two days, is it the hormones?? I feel like I'm the shittiest human being alive and I was just chilling minutes ago

No. 1749248>>1749329

Why do so many of you have shitty bfs that ignore you?

No. 1749250

I miss the DIY aspect of everything up until the early 2010s, from cosplay costumes to "alternative" goth or punk outfits. I miss having to go to brick-and-mortar stores to find clothes, shoes and accessories to customize yourself. Or making the trek to one, specific store out of town for some cool stuff ("Hey, there's this crazy shoe store in [city] that has these huge awesome rockstar boots, let's go look at them!"). Now absolutely anything you can think of is available online, and everyone just has premade stuff at their fingertips because of Chinese wholesale sites like Shein and Aliexpress and Amazon. You can just buy perfect replica props and costume pieces now and it all just feels a little less special, creative and fun.

No. 1749260

>bf missing for 12 hours
Dump him. He's cheating on you

No. 1749308>>1749408

>sitting at college lounge and overhead a student talking to her parents
>they listen to everything she says about how she’s doing, ask questions and give advice over some drama they had with other students
>parents actually sound super respectful, rational and their conversation is so baffling to me

The other day I left earlier than usual to go to my parents house for Halloween and my dad screamed at me because I unlocked the front door to go inside instead of following him through the garage. I want to fucking die. My parents have done nothing but belittle and grind me down for decades, I don’t even know what it’s like to be able to have an open conversation with them.

No. 1749320>>1749331

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I feel so dirty wtf.
My friend and I invited some people from uni to our flat for a casual meeting including this one moid who we thought was alright. Everyone else ended up cancelling on us so he was the only person who arrived. It was awkward, he's an autist but jfc he turned out to be a misogynist kiwifag who casually name dropped an incel adjacent forum from our country that he frequents and talked about looksmaxing… We were so taken aback that we didn't react appropriately and told him to leave but instead sat there in shock. I feel so disgusting for letting him into our home and I feel guilty for not telling him what a loser he is and to gtfo. I told him looksmaxing is retarded and so is that forum but that's about it. He just changed the subject and it was awkward. I feel like such a pussy I was just so taken aback I didn't know what to do. I need to unlearn this shit, I was way too polite and nice to him and I feel so dirty now.

No. 1749328>>1749344>>1749361>>1749372>>1749377>>1749390>>1749448>>1749575

Honestly only weirdos or teenagers/incredibly immature men like fully shaved women. Every single man I've been with except for ONE prefered bush and said it's weird when it's naked.

However shouldn't care what men prefer anyway.

No. 1749329

many women prefer to be with a shitty moid who hates them than be alone.

No. 1749331

Don't feel bad anon, who knows how that guy would've reacted if you hadn't been polite. There's a reason why women are a lot more non-confrontational than men, you couldn't have defended yourself if he lost his shit and started hurting you in an incel rage. Just stay as far away from him as possible and generally avoid inviting men into your home from now on.

No. 1749336

I wish I was alone, ever, but I live with my mother and she's in my business all the time. Let's trade lives you can have my annoying, needy friends and family and I'll take your software bux and solitude

No. 1749344>>1749349>>1749361

This, even frat boy types I met prefer a landing strip at the very least. I remember years ago on r9k there was a woman who went viral for having the "perfect pussy" and it was literally just looking as close to a child as possible

No. 1749349

The douchiest guys I've ever known even said it looks weird when it's completely bald. It's fr just pedophilic weirdos that like that shit.

No. 1749361>>1749377>>1749413

Same I never shave cause its less work, more comfy, and feels like I'm monkey. Every guy I've been with has either not mentioned it or complimented it. Love my fluff.

I feel like the roastie thing is a 4chan phenomenon too. I was literally insecure about that until college when I started dating and no one seemed to care.

No. 1749366

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My body is in so much pain because I was sick for a week and couldn't exercise. I feel like the rusted Tin Man.

No. 1749372>>1749388

I had a gf who always shaved hers and wanted me to do the same, that's literally the only time I've met someone with that preference. I later broke up with her because she was "bi" but a total pillow princess and still flirted with men kek

No. 1749377>>1749388

My tinfoil is that it's hair removal companies and porn companies who push the idea and meme impressionable men and women into internalizing it. I've only had one bf but he also loves my natural growth. Once I offhandedly suggested removing some of it and he was devastated kek
Also, shaving and waxing leave behind nasty cactus stubble or angry irritated bumps, I feel like people who prefer the bare look are only thinking about it in theory (e.g., porn addicts) and don't understand the practical ramifications
>feels like I'm monkey
one reason i love my body hair is because it makes me feel like a wild feral creature. But I naturally have little body hair… just goes to show that the grass is always greener on the other side

No. 1749386

I cringe so hard when people use the term "the black community" in a serious manner

No. 1749388

correct, unless you have super tough skin a cute bush is better than red inflamed bumps and and big pores. At most, you can have 1 or 2 "good" days but then you just get weird sandpaper stubble and its all over again. I completely understand cleaning it up around the thighs and butt area though
for lesbian relationships its better to trim/shave the labia while leaving hair on the pubic bone area since you have better access to the good stuff without getting crazy long hairs in your mouth

No. 1749390>>1749392

This is creepy because my abusive ex would literally thank me for shaving mine completely bald, it was my first relationship too so I kept doing it. He was pornsick and really rapey. I love having a bush now.

No. 1749392>>1749400

if I ever bone a guy who says they want me to shave I just go "really? you're the first guy I've ever met who prefers it completely bald…" in a judgemental tone and then they shut the fuck up about it forever kek

No. 1749400>>1749407

kek I'm old so I've been around the block a few times. when I started hooking up with gen z moids I had like 1 or 2 point out my body hair, even when they're trying to be "nice" about it and offered to help me shave. I guess I have a thin layer of vellus hair/peach fuzz all over my body, but even looking at HQ pictures it's extremely hair to notice unless you're purposely looking for it, and it's too soft to even feel for it. After some prying it turned out I was the only woman they'd been with that allowed them to keep the lights on, meanwhile I literally never had an issue with them when hooking up with millennial moids

No. 1749407

>vellus hair/peach fuzz all over my body
That's normal. The abnormal are the women that shaves everything exepct the hair on one's head and eyebrows.
>they're trying to be "nice" about it and offered to help me shave
You should offer to help them shave too since men apperantly are the only one allowed to have vellus hair

No. 1749408>>1749491

I feel this so hard. I already have a pit of dread in my stomach over the thought of visiting them over Christmas. The idea that some people actually look FORWARD to seeing their parents is completely alien to me. Every single time I visit, within less than 6 hours of me getting there, my mother screams and screams at me until her face is puffy and red because I apparently said something, did something, made the wrong face, had the wrong tone of voice, put a fucking cup in the cupboard incorrectly ("because they have a different system now!"), etc. And then they complain and wonder why I never go out of my way to visit.
I feel you on the "open conversation" thing, I get so jealous seeing other people just relax, talk, and joke around with their parents. It's like my parents are physically incapable of just chilling and talking and having an enjoyable conversation that isn't stiff and stilted, screaming, complaining, or full of backhanded remarks.

No. 1749413

haven't touched my bush in probably years now kek it's fully grown. so french ! i like it because of what you said and it acts as a loofah in the shower kek. i like the way it looks in general too i think full bushes are really sexy and refined, erotic rather than pornographic like completely bald ones if that makes sense.

No. 1749422

I suicide baited my loved ones today because they were being too mean to me. I honestly don't care if it gets me the support I need. Sometimes you need to speak plainly to let people know you are really struggling and they need to save the tough love for another time. I was on a crisis line last night I'm ripping out my hair I'm crying every day I'm unable to cope. I can't take my loved ones playing devils advocate right now. I'm fragile and I need comfort until I can get myself above water again. Everything in life has decided to come at me RIGHT NOW and I want to give up but I know I can't. So I just need people in my corner. I said that too

No. 1749423>>1749442>>1749463>>1750827

I don't see a future with my boyfriend of almost 8 years but I'm too scared of being alone to end things.

No. 1749442

is it a financial thing or an emotional thing? Personally I was able to get out of an abusive relationship because I was sneaking out/dating until me and my new guy became more serious, then I had an apartment with him lined up and I ditched

sometimes it sucks but if you're codependent and retarded like me, it's best to have a safety net, plus if you know the relationship is failing there's nothing to lose

No. 1749448

I prefer shaved because I don't like hair in my mouth. I won't demand it or anything, but I'm not going to lie and say I don't have a preference. I shave mine bald for the same reason, and also because it's itchy when it grows back in full.
I don't care about hair on anyone other than my gf and myself but people get really assblasted when it comes to my preferences yet it is totally fine for them to shit on me for wanting my own pussy shaved lol.

No. 1749463>>1749514

me too anon. 7 years here. our issue is i want to get married someday but he’s vehemently opposed and i love him a little less and less for stringing me along and acting like he wants a life with me.
i’m afraid (and it’s probably true) that even though i am incredibly invested in him and i know he deeply has love for me that i am just the easiest thing available. i’ve been so depressed because i’ve been killing myself in college trying to secure a future for us and he doesn’t even want it. bitter kek.

No. 1749491

>It's like my parents are physically incapable of just chilling and talking and having an enjoyable conversation that isn't stiff and stilted
Yeeeeep. Even when I had friends they would comment about how my parents/the house always seemed super tense, even if there was no arguing the silence or stilted questions instead of natural conversation gave it away. Now I have a car so I’m free to go but…it still sucks. Driving around aimlessly when a functional family would be doing stuff together.

No. 1749504>>1749508>>1749574

In a conversation with my mom we were cracking jokes and in one she said a very vulgar term that comes from porn to make a pun. It shocked me and I just pretended I didn't hear it and moved on. I hope she heard that from a show and not actual porn.

No. 1749508

…what was it? im curious now

No. 1749514

You should never work and stress to secure a future for a man lol. That literally turns them off and makes them ambivalent. Make them do the heavy lifting, figuring life out, making it work. They are built for labor and service.

All the money you make should go directly to yourself

No. 1749574>>1749687

What word? Wtf.

No. 1749575

The only guy I ever dated wanted it fully shaved because he wanted it to be "just like his anime girls"

No. 1749578

Whenever some creepy guy tries to hit on me I just start to feel miserable, I hate my body, and then I just wanna get high and eat comfort food. Instead of practicing my coding today like I should have I just felt like shit because of what happened and I got high and passed out. I still feel like shit though. Nothing I try to do will ever make those men leave me alone. I hate that they can always immediately tell I'm a woman. I hate my body. I don't even know how to process my emotions right. I don't feel like I can trust anyone. I shouldn't have wasted my whole afternoon being a miserable sack of shit. I hate feeling like prey.

No. 1749581

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I'm sick of having everything keeping me waiting on my toes. As of now there's at least 4 or 5 different things I'm waiting on to see how they develop and it's making me stressed as hell. The impatience is unbearable.

No. 1749597

Well fuck I talked about getting something done once and now it looks like it’s not happening again. Let this reverse that pls. I really can’t wait any longer and they’re uncaring assholes, fuck them.

No. 1749605>>1749669

I rent a room in my best friend's house. She owns the house alone. I'm financially struggling to pay her rent, but she's financially struggling to pay her mortgage, which she just told me went up $700 this month and will be that much more for every month hereafter. She has another house on the property with a tenant living in it, and that tenants checks have been bouncing monthly. I myself am just getting out of a health crisis and have almost no savings. Idk what to do. I'm stressing out and crying right now because I feel stuck here, she's my best friend so I can't just leave her for somewhere cheaper or it would ruin the relationship. I need to contribute the best I can while still putting money in my savings to move out in a year or so. The only things I can think of is asking my parents for help, which I hate, because we rarely ever talk and have a bad relationship. Maybe I can ask my college advisor and my boss at work if there's any sort of financial help available at those institutions for me… I can't even get a second job because I don't have a car. My school and full time job is both online, and I used to live in a big city before I moved here so I never needed a car. Even if I got a car now it would just be another stressful expense just to make it to a part time job which would take time away from school, which I need to graduate to GET a better paying job. I'm stressing out so bad I'm giving myself a migraine.

No. 1749669>>1749672>>1750134

She needs to get a new tenant in the second property or consider selling the second property, depending on how bad her financial situation is.

No. 1749672>>1750134

(I realise she may not want to do that if she's not an asshole)
Second job for her perhaps if it's not feasible for you? More hours where you work? Good luck nonny

No. 1749687

Ntayrt but the first term that came to mind for me was bukkake. Kek

No. 1749703

I just want to be fucking pregnant already. Im so fucking worried I cant get pregnant, but all the testing places say to try for 6 months before getting tested ahhhhhhhhhh

No. 1749712>>1749735

I wish I had never chosen teaching as a career. I’m 29 but look 15. I just got off an interview with 2 principals and they kept commenting on how young I look and that children would eat me alive blah blah blah. I spent years studying and getting a teachers certificate for what? To be treated this way!? I wish I had chosen something else. I hate this so much.

No. 1749735

Oh my fucking god!! I got another job offer but I have to do a fucking IQ and personality test? Wtf has this world gone to? I’m a QUALIFIED teacher, not a 19 year old looking for a McDonald’s position. I’m so sick of this shit.

No. 1749736>>1749740

Honestly this world has gone to shit I’m so over it. What’s the fucking point of living when you can’t even pay for rent or food because getting a job, after slaving away doing minimum wage jobs during college and then finally fucking graduating, is a fucking nightmare because they do all this testing, like for what???? I’m so sick of this shit. I SPENT 5 YEARS IN COLLEGE WHY THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO TAKE AN INTERNET MEME TIER IQ TEST TO GET AN INTERVIEW WTF IS GOING ON IM SO OVER THIS SHIT FUCK THIS SHIT HR CUNTS CAN JUMP FROM A CLIFF USELESS WHORES AND DICKHEADS

No. 1749740>>1749747>>1749786

It's because college degrees are so common these days they basically mean nothing to employers so you're going to be treated like a wage slave. It seems you actually did go to college with great intentions, but are getting mixed up with the many people who mindlessly attend college not knowing a clear direction of what to do because their school failed to prepare them for society and pushed college on everyone instead of offering the various rational options. The absolute state. I wish you good luck on your career endeavors!

No. 1749744>>1749746

Even as a black woman who is pretty critical of the black community, I find it so embarrassing to see posts here of black women talking about how they hate black people and hate being black because they view it as inferior and "conquered". It's basically the same shit as the annoying blackpill feminism anons but a racial twist, and any post mentioning a black person at all can get a 10 paragraph reply from a self-hating anon. It's even to the point where I see anons spewing shit that straight up incorrect or attributing things that aren't a "black thing" to black people anyway (e.g. "only pickmeism is only an issue amongst black women". You can tell these people don't actually look at other races). Again I'm critical, but I feel like being critical and straight up hating yourself are two different things. IDK where these people are coming from. Plus the discouraging and shitting on other black women, talking about how much you hate other women will never be cool to me. This stuff is also why I can't get with divestors ever even if i agree with some things.
I know I'll probably get banned for racebait but I needed to get it off my chest. Those type of posts have always been present on this site for years and i usually ignore, but I keep seeing it more and more. And if any anon tries to argue with me, you can just save it because I'm not gonna infight here.

No. 1749746

Samefag excuse my grammar. I'm tired, phoneposting and going back to sleep.

No. 1749747

100%. Degrees get you a foot in the door but companies are use to shitty workers nowadays everyone gets treated like a wage slave everything is micromanaged and companies have to create so many ways to categorise people's skills and intent because so many people are lazy work shy wanks extremely quick to pull out a doctors note for everything expected of them.

No. 1749762

God, I hate having to do nonbillable work. Especially work that I can't do anything more on. My boss is a joke and so is my work.

No. 1749774>>1749777

There's a guy that moved into the unit below me in August and he's the most obnoxious little prick alive. He was just screaming last night until 4am. Screaming! No words or context. Then laughing endless fake as hell sounding laughing. Since he's moved in the curtains and windows down there have not been opened. A smell wafts up sometimes and it just smells of drink. I've cancelled plans today because I'm so exhausted and my anxiety is spiking because I haven't been able to sleep and listening to some cunt screaming is unnerving. I've reported him to the landlord before and I even said I don't know if he'll be sober enough to take it in. I'm so annoyed I've felt like cancelling my plans but I'd have to do a 160 mile round car trip and after not sleeping and it being stormy here I'm not up for it. I know the person I cancelled on is pissed at me and people go to work on fuck all sleep but I'm so grumpy I can't see how a 2 hour car trip would put me in a better mood

No. 1749777>>1749778

Maybe having some time away from your place/him will make you feel better? Grab a coffee and get an interesting audio book and have the nice drive

No. 1749778>>1749782

I spend a lot of nights at my boyfriend's for this reason but sometimes I just miss my room and my bed and then the dick downstairs is having a one man party by himself.

No. 1749782>>1749785

Our place was nice and quiet until some dude moved in downstairs. He plays video games and yells all night like at 3/4am.
When he first moved in he had a party that lasted until 7:30am, I left a note in his mailbox and he stopped after that.
Randomly one night when my partner came home he mentioned that someone left him a note and if hes ever too loud to let him know.
I doubt he would take very kindly to the amount of times we would actually tell him.
A few months ago some crackhead as moved in below him, so two loud neighbors.
Our packages have been going missing ever since that person moved in.
The first guy actually complained to us yesterday about the bottom floor guy lmao, called him a crackhead and everything.
Sad to think how our peace has been disrupted by 2 dickheads.
We arent bothering about noise complaints because we're trying for a baby soon and they will have to deal with our baby crying at all nights once we do have one.
I cant wait for them to try and complain to us.

No. 1749785>>1749793>>1749797>>1749798

I have a very good sound system and I favour the punk genre (90s punk) so that was put on blast today from 7am. I own my apartment and the landlord knows that so I heard them give off to the wee cunt downstairs to not piss me off. I've spoken to him a few times in the past directly and he's such an ugly looking virgin he gave a weird non verbal apology whilst staring at his shoes. I think it's video games he's fucking screaming at too, he sounds like he's fucking shite at him. I was getting my post this morning and the two girls that live opposite me where giving off about him too. Few weeks ago he was being obnoxious so I went to smoke a reefer on my balcony and he came out the building in a rare appearance with another incel looking prick and they both saw me and started trying to cat call me. Told them both if I looked like them I would never draw so much attention to myself. Think it went over their head. Also asked the tenant what's wrong with his voice he has a very distinct country accent he went what do you mean I said you sound like a faggot. He was quiet for a week or so after that so I think I need to bruise his ego again today

No. 1749786

I scored an iq between 115-129 (84th-93rd percentile, 8/10 according to their scale) I thought the questions were super hard and I just guessed in the end. This world is a fucking joke. Bet I won’t get an interview. Why does the HR recruiting department even exist when I’m qualified for the job?!

No. 1749790>>1749794

I wish I had friends so I could get dressed up in a cute holidays outfit with sparkles and sequins on it and go out to some event or party, it seems so minor compared to other anons vents but ugh I'm tired of being alone. I don't have a single person to do anything with and meeting people you can actually have a lasting connection with as a mid-twenties autist is near impossible. Maybe I'll just dress up and have my own sad little party kek

No. 1749793>>1749799

I admire your attitude, nona. How do you get so confident to tell these moids off? I'd worry that calling them a "slur" would set them off.

No. 1749794

Same. Let's both dress up as mid-twenties farmers and toast to our something or other.

No. 1749797

>he went what do you mean I said you sound like a faggot

No. 1749798

you should knock on his door and ask him to stop talking because you're trying to have a nice day but you can hear his voice.

No. 1749799>>1749806

I'm in my 30s. I've had so much experience with moids. I didn't give up my car to car jackers in Belfast. My grandad was a boxer and showed me how to punch. I've been hit by my mum and one boyfriend enough I'm not scared of confrontation. I don't actively seek it out but I have no issue standing my own ground and I also pick my battles. I can smell a pussy a mile away. I also know how to use my looks in situations and how to gain sympathy. Basically don't piss me off

No. 1749803

Okay then, play your silly tricks. I'm not backing down this time. You have no reason to act this way TOWARDS me.

No. 1749806>>1749875

If you can handle that shitehole too, you're something else. You're cool for standing your ground and being able to fight/defend yourself. That's all I wanted to say.

No. 1749822

I've been sick for 2 months and the doctors are still not sure what it is. Every few weeks I think I'm getting better then it starts again. My university doesn't have support for students who are ill and none of my classmates take notes so I can't skip class to rest or I'll lose my perfect GPA. I'm also leading 5 projects with lazy, dumb as rocks students on top of that. Either I do everything or nothing gets done. I just want to get away. I'm so depressed and so done with humanity.

No. 1749831

Im having a really hard time right now. I cant eat in the morning without vomiting despite being painfully hungry, a side effect from a med I take that got worse recently. Meds to treat side effects from other meds… i feel so wrong and sick now. I could stop the one med thats giving me a lot of trouble , but it helps so much with my actual medical situation. The negatives may finally begin to outweigh the positives while taking it. Im so lost and feel so sad and sick. I just want to go about my day without planning around meds and food and illness.

No. 1749868>>1749903

Nona you have to tell me who this is I cannot stop thinking about it. Name names. I’m wracking my brain over here.

No. 1749875

I've unfortunately been around a lot of scum. They're all easily threatened to be honest you just don't have to be a retard. I'll buy weed off some of the cunts if I'm stuck still and they're all such licks around me. I could threaten some wanker with another one if I could be bothered but there's easier ways to deal with faggots like the wanker downstairs.

No. 1749887

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I hate it when I’m walking my dog on leash and we run into unleashed dogs and the owner’s like oh he’s friendly teehee. I don’t give a fuck!! he can be friendly on a leash jackass. It’d be one thing if we were in a big ass wooded area but I’m always walking him on paths and streets around cars and shit. My other dog got bit in the ass by my neighbour’s off leash dog while she was on a leash. And you know they’re not picking up their dog’s shit either. It’s also fucking stupid when it’s obvious I’m trying to avoid another dog on a walk and the other owner wants them to meet and say hi. I’m walking like 20 metres around you and you’re just letting it drag you towards me. Fuck off

No. 1749903>>1749951

If you've been in there it's pretty obvious who it is. She only pipes up when she wants to tell everyone how awesome she is or to be a know it all.

No. 1749905>>1749951

Those two statements encompass over a year of time, anon.

No. 1749918

i am the most unphotogenic person in the world. i look like a completely different person in pictures than i do in the mirror. in my teen years i refused to have my picture taken because "friends" would purposely post bad pictures of me (which were plentiful) to laugh at. i hate having my picture taken to this day but i also hate that i have no real pictures of myself to look back at besides selfies.

No. 1749926>>1749929

I'm so anxious waiting for the teacher to give us the group pairing for this oral presentation. She decided she wanted to make the groups herself and I fucking hope I don't get paired with a moid because 95% of the time they don't do shit and even hinder the work. How many times have I had to work for two and get embarassed in front of the whole class when it was the moid's time to talk and he was reading my work for the first time in a sheet I printed for him to recite outloud. The grade could never be as good as it could've because he couldn't even read it in an engaging way and look at the audience even though we're in uni and not middle school anymore. Pray for me nonnas so that I end up with a fellow hardworking and motivated girlie

No. 1749929>>1749934

Can you not politely request to be paired with another girl? Or is she not a very approachable/friendly teacher?

No. 1749931

I am sick of being so anxious all the goddamn time. Shaking, cold sweats, feeling like my heart is pounding, shallow breathing. And for what?? NOTHING, NOTHING IS HAPPENING. LIFE IS GOOD IN FACT. Why am I like this???

No. 1749934>>1749936>>1749944

She is very unfriendly and made it pretty clear that she wanted to make the pairings herself and didn't want to hear any 'can I be with my friend instead?' or whatever, which I understand. I don't want to out myself as a misandrist either. She did tell us however that if there were tensions in the group, we could reach out to her. If my prophecy does happen, I won't hesitate to throw a moid under the bus this time

No. 1749936>>1749939

I'll be holding out hope for you nonnie

No. 1749939

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Thank you kind nonna. I'll update here when I know the pairing

No. 1749944

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Sending you some luck and positive thoughts.

No. 1749951>>1749953

I’ve been in there but I really don’t know who it is. I even thought damn maybe it’s me if I can’t think of anyone (I’ve been socially retarded enough to be annoying before) but if this is true >>1749905 then it’s not even me.

No. 1749953

Oh no, don't be thinking it's you nona. I'm so sorry to have made you worry like that, I feel horrible now KEK. Although on the opposite end of that feeling, I wouldn't mind if she read these and knew I was talking about her.

No. 1749997>>1749999

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I saw the disgusting image the tranny moid would post on the front page for the first time today. Beware, nonas. Bumping with cat.

No. 1749999

Thank you nonnie..

No. 1750011

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I'm posting another image for good measure because mentally ill pedo men should disappear. I like this image in particular.

No. 1750013>>1750034

I searched for the character Flick from acnh and google had "safe blur" on because there was so much fucking porn on the first page, i hate this world, its a fucking lizard

No. 1750019>>1750028

Okay I feel kinda guilty about going home an hour early today due to a baby cold because after coming home I'm fine and probably could have stayed at work LOLLLL. And my team lead is a very inexperienced young girl, she's literally my same age and she broke down after she led her first team huddle with us. She's really cool but I kinda feel like I took advantage of her kindness today…. not fun. To be fair we were full up on people today though so some of us had to help out in a different department so I'm sire they're totally fine.

No. 1750028

Nonnie youre honestly such a sweet person. The fact that you feel bad at all for something that's pretty innocent says a lot kek

No. 1750032>>1750036>>1750063>>1750754

There's a guy at my work who smells so bad that his smell actually sticks to my clothes and skin and hair. I've been going crazy over this for months, because at first I didn't realize where the smell came from I just noticed it around the building and that during the day it kept lingering around me too. I take care of my hygiene, I shower every day before and after work and I never noticed the smell anywhere else except work and after work when I took bus home, I've even heard people commenting on it and I've been so baffled because this kind of thing has never happened to me before. I've been going mad over this.

I just recently realized it's this guy, the smell is so strong it stays long after he leaves the room or just walks across the hall, and it comes through the door of his private office. It honestly smells several feet away, through a closed door. I have to spend hours working at the lobby in front of his office, it's annoying because while the other staff knows it's him (I even heard someone commenting on how the smell sticks to my work clothes) we have guests staying over all the time and sometimes they and the people on the bus think the smell is my fault even though there is nothing I can do about it.

I do feel bad for the guy but honestly it's just too much that I have to smell bad because of him, I've been too embarrassed to take the bus so I've just walked the 3.1 miles home some days. I work in maintenance so I am not like actual staff of the building but they are basically my customers, they do have showers but I don't know if I could use them. Today when I came home and opened the bag where I put my work clothes they still stunk.

No. 1750034>>1750041

zoomers are obsessed with pornifying AC characters. it seems to have gotten worse since NH. I hate it all

No. 1750036>>1750043>>1750754

Maybe you could bring clean clothes with you in a plastic bag and change right after work? and then have a designated bag for your work clothes. its hard to just straight out tell someone you work around that they fucking stink. there was a girl that stunk at a coffee shop I worked at so for secret santa we all pitched in and bought her a bunch of soaps and stuff kekkk

No. 1750038>>1750040>>1750067

sigh I think I'll give up on friend finder threads. I put effort into the conversation, even taking me an hour long to respond back to nonnies' emails, but most of the time I just end up getting ghosted. Tired of logging into my email only to get nothing back.

No. 1750040>>1750070>>1750096

hnnnnggg what's your email chump?

No. 1750041

I read this as pony-fying and was like wait but that sounds cute

No. 1750043>>1750048>>1750754

I actually do this kind of thing, I have a whole small changing room to myself basically and I put my own clothes to separate locker from my work clothes and I even separate my work clothes from each other so that I could change during the days I need to go see other buildings because the people over there have commented on the smell too, basically like building A work clothes are in one locker and building B in other. But sometimes the smell stays in rooms even after me, like I'll notice that if I go to some small room with my smelly clothes and then come back the fucking room smells like some sort of second hand version of the guy. I always change after leaving work but the smell really seems to stick to my hair and skin too, I have tried to wipe my face and neck etc with paper and wash myself at least a little over the sink. I honestly don't know how a human being can smell so strong, there is no describing it.

No. 1750048>>1750052

holy fuck

No. 1750052>>1750062>>1750075>>1750107>>1750754

Some days it's so bad it's almost like walking to a wall of smell. One morning I entered the lobby, then went to check some things in other parts of the building and while I was gone the guy had walked through the lobby and when I went back I actually took a step back from the smell. I've never smelled anyone like this, that's why it took me so long to realize it actually is coming from a human. And since the guy is basically my customer, I am in no position to say anything to him since if he gets offended he could complain to my boss that I am being rude to customers.

No. 1750062

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I am so sorry nonnie

No. 1750063>>1750072

>I work in maintenance so I am not like actual staff of the building but they are basically my customers
I was going to suggest if there's some management you can complain to about the smell, but I guess not? Sucks nonna, that moid is a walking biohazard

No. 1750067

Same here. Although, I've been exchanging long messages with 2 nice nonas for a while now. Some friendships just aren't meant to be, especially since people lead busy lives or have poor health to take care of.

No. 1750070>>1750096

she's gonna leave me hangin

No. 1750072>>1750754

Oh the other people are well aware of the smell since they are there fighting for their lives along with me over it lmao. But one higher up staff member seems to like me like she personally actually changed timetables of my keys so that in the mornings I can get earlier inside the building (the keys are usually timed so that I can only enter when my work officially beings) so that I don't have to wait in cold and rain outside, so I guess I could sometime ask her if I could use their showers after work at least.

No. 1750075>>1750077

what the fuck does it even smell like? I've never heard of someone stinking like that. you could type an anonymous note and leave on his office when everyone is gone, something like "you stinky please take a shower and wash your clothing". I wonder if it's something he takes. I heard people who take stuff like garlic oil or other supplements can stink without even realizing.

No. 1750077>>1750754

It's sometimes different from time to time, but usually it's kind of like burned grease/oil type of smell, like if there was a grease stain that had burned or expired oil or something, sometimes it's spicy sometimes like dirty skinfold or something. My work clothes begin to smell like oil like as if I had been in a kitchen where someome burned oily food.

No. 1750089

I think my dad just called me. I don't know why. Idk why I didn't answer.

No. 1750096

Ayrt, why you wanna know?

No. 1750107>>1750120

Is there no way to anonymously leave a serious complaint to management that the smell is effecting employees and customers? Or anyway to anonymously leave him some cheap soap, deodorant and a note? Even just something to drop some hints like putting out hand sanitizer, air freshener and hygiene signs?

No. 1750120>>1750145

I don't know, the other staff talks about it all the time especially since the visitors are always complaining about it and I hear them too complaining and saying it's disgusting. The visitors avoid places and routes if they see the guy has been there and it's honestly embarrassing because they are often foreign visitors so it's like, hi welcome to our smelly country I guess?? And that's why it's so embarrassing to me too to smell like him, to think that they come to visit here and think people here smell awful. I started working in this place just some months ago so I don't know how long it's been going on or if there has been any action taken about it.

No. 1750123>>1750131>>1750136>>1750141>>1750145>>1750152

i live with my boyfriend and best friend. it's fun but i am always always always tidying. my bf isnt that untidy tbf, he's not at all unhygienic, he just does not bother doing any cleaning if it isn't his stuff and isn't directly in his line of vision. he won't do any washing and complains all the time about washing not being done, but he has never once done it himself.

my best friend is the worst though. she just leaves mess everywhere she goes and never ever cleans it. every single day i spent atleast 2-3 hours tidying up other people's mess, doing their dishes, doing their recycling etc. im absolutely fucking sick of it. ive broke down crying over it so many times and nothing ever changes! my boyfriend is marginally better but my best friend is WORSE and now just kinda ignores me or acts like im so annoying when i voice that im sick of tidying her stuff.

I already got upset this morning over it but the final straw tonight was, after tidying ALL day and doing so many fucking annoying household chores, she tells me that she hasnt washed any bedding for her friends that are coming tonight and has to use my freshly washed stuff i left in the drying room.. and i realised I have NO clean towels because she's been asking me not to use the washing machine for the past 2 days because she needs it.

just so sick of it. i want to stop cleaning completely other than my own stuff so they can SEE how much I do but i just know theyre fine living in a messy horrible house so i'd have to do it eventually

No. 1750128>>1750138>>1750602

I'm going to be 30 next year and I thought by now my bf and I would have our own little place with a cat and travel regularly thanks to my small business. Instead I'm in the worst physical and mental condition in my life, I need to replace big essentials like my mattress and computer but inflation is insane and even if I could afford to leave, I wouldn't because I need to look after my elderly family member, who admittedly is taking more care of me at the moment. Life is so bleak. Should I even bother to see if my 30s improve? I feel so hopeless and like things will only continue to get worse. And all of this is my own fault for being lazy and not taking work seriously enough.

No. 1750131>>1750147

stop cleaning for these chimps oh my god. make a list of what you do. these assholes need to get their shit together, you have the same 24 hours and aren't their maid.

No. 1750134

Thank you for your kind advice. She does not want to kick the tenant out because the tenant is sick and constantly in the hospital. We believe that's why she can't pay her rent and that's understandable, but at the same time, since she's old and sick we feel like she should be somewhere that has 24/7 care. As for me, I feel better than last night when I vented here. I did reach out to my stepdad to see if I can borrow some money, and if his company has any jobs I can work from home. He works in car credit and loans and I feel like there must be something I can do from home with that line of work. And he's really far up in the company ladder, so I feel like he'd have influence to see what areas have open positions and may be able to squeeze me in. As for my friend who owns the properties, she's going to try to do instacart on the side for now. And I am trying to talk her into selling the house and downsizing. She wants to, and doesn't want to be here next year she said, but also says she doesn't know where to go and doesn't see her future anywhere. I'm struggling trying to get her to feel motivated or excited about the possibilities of a different future. She doesn't want to move too far because we have a lot of good friends here. But also this area is way too expensive and there are barely any opportunities for growth.

No. 1750136>>1750147

I have lived with various roommates and partners throughout my life and have been on both sides of this problem, since everyone has different views of what chores are important and what needs to be cleaned immediately vs what can be held off. What works for me is getting a white board calendar and marking down everyone's tasks, that must be done by the end of each week. This gives people the freedom to decide what day works best for them to complete the chores, but assures you it will be done by Sunday or whatever day you choose. I used to have to do roommate meetings where we would gather round the white board and decide who gets what chore on what day and fill it out. There's also a free app called "Sweepy" I use where everyone can connect to one household and click off what chores are done. It's like gamifying chores and makes people more motivated to complete them imo. Hope everything works out! Good luck! You should not be spending your time cleaning after others. Find a way through communications to get people to work with you

No. 1750138>>1750190

Are you sure you should be calling yourself lazy? Maybe reframe it as, you took the time you needed to rest. Now that time is over and it's time to kick your ass into gear and work again, until your next period of rest. Of course your 30s will be better. Any energy you put into any part of your life from here on out makes it all worth it to see what will change. I believe in you anon, you have your own business, and are taking care of a family member and you care about your loved ones and your environment. Just knowing those few small things about you I already know you will make it in this life. Find that energy that will force you out of this rut. Do it scared, do it depressed, do it however you have to do it as long as you do it. Good luck!

No. 1750141>>1750147

>just so sick of it. i want to stop cleaning completely other than my own stuff so they can SEE how much I do but i just know theyre fine living in a messy horrible house so i'd have to do it eventually
Are you sure they're fine with living in a horrible mess or do they know you'll give in and clean up for them sooner or later if they just sit it out? Because I've seen that dynamic before.

No. 1750145

Check reviews, someone should have mentioned the stink by now if it’s been going on for so long. If not maybe an anonymous review that mentions it could somehow pop up, wink wink nudge nudge.
Stop being their personal maid before it’s too late, they’re going to get used to it and by the looks of it are ramping up their expectations. The men in my family never had to clean up after themselves and now the women are stuck doing it all and you can’t even change their ways because it’s so ingrained in them now.

No. 1750147>>1750152

if i dont do it, it does not get done though.

sadly i know my best friend is perfectly happy just living in the filth, i've come back from holidays to find mountains of dishes and an overflowing bin etc. my boyfriend will not tidy her stuff at all because he thinks she should just do it (as she should), so it relies on me to do all her work

that's true to be fair, i do like things to be cleaned asap because i hate mess build up. BUT i have tried to have conversations about delegating cleaning duties etc and it's got to the point where my friend just ignores me or gets really mad that i've asked for things to change at all. i think im just trapped doing this stuff until i move away

No. 1750152

You might be right they'd live in filth but you should still abstain from cleaning up after them. Have you done a trial period of this longer than a holiday? Try three months. Literally don't touch anything that isn't yours or that you don't immediately need to use. Go ahead and tell them ahead of time, and discuss a chore wheel again if you want. This may or may not change them but it will definitely be good for you. You're not married, this situation is temporary, you can see a mess that isn't yours and walk past it I promise.

Also, tell your boyfriend to clean specific things that affect you both, like changing the bedsheets and cleaning up after shared meals – his whole attitude about not cleaning things that aren't his is retarded and entitled and you don't deserve that. He should notice you like clean things and do difficult things like secretly clean the oven and then show you as a surprise because he loves you and wouldn't want you to do a big dirty job like that. If he doesn't, dump him.

No. 1750190>>1750813

Thank you anon, your kind reply has brought me to tears again. I'm in pain almost all day, everyday but I'll try to do my best while my body recovers. I want to try my best but I also want to be more kind to myself. A decade ago I used to lay in bed and stare at the ceiling because I was so depressed, and I still am now but I can no longer stay in bed all day because I have responsibilities to maintain. I hope I can work to find a balance in my life.

No. 1750208

I enjoy people watching. That's my preface. I noticed a young couple, probably early 20s, get back in their car from the store. I was on my phone, messaging a friend. When I look up, I see the guy get out of the car and linger at the open door before he decided to walk off to the far side of the parking lot and stand there. He seemed like a douchebag by the way he was dressed with his AntiSocialSocialClub hoodie, and I felt bad for the girl for whatever was going on. I just wonder what goes through moids' minds to be so indignant. Why can't they drive home in peace? I hope she's doing okay, that girl.

No. 1750226>>1750248

My dad took a photo of me and i didnt realize how much weight i gained. So embarrassed. I definitely struggle with binging. I booked a therapy session next week and heading to the gym in an hour.
I know hes proud of me and loves me regardless but i wish he would be honest with me and call out the weight gain. Sometimes the truth hurts, but knowing people are willing to lie to be “nice” hurts more.

No. 1750240>>1750671

Im going on my third date with a guy tomorrow and he doesnt plan anything, it makes me feel like hes not taking it seriously. Am I overreacting nonnitas? I think tomorrow might be the last time I meet him if he doesnt have anything planned

No. 1750248>>1750309

no it's good he didn't bring it up, men should not comment on women's weight. and for many daughters it can feel very intrusive for their dad to bring up weight.

No. 1750309

You gotta point anon, thanks

No. 1750565

Good for them. Keep killing scrotes, queens

No. 1750602>>1751837

We all create expectations for out futures and most if not all never achieve them, don't beat yourself up for not being where you thought you would be, that's a very natural and normal thing to experience. I know people who hyper focused on their career goals and they all feel empty and lost, they commonly say they missed on other opportunities and experiences, so even when you think you got what you wanted, there is always something missing. You seem to have a lovely relationship with your elderly family member, value the people around you and slowly walk towards your goals. Don't let the expectations of something drag you down from actually doing things, just keep doing them and suddenly you'll see them happening before you realize it. Rooting for you, nonna!

No. 1750628>>1750834

It's very blackpilling to me, knowing how much easier my life would've been if I was with a guy in terms of finances, formalities, being able to rent an apartment instead of just one room and stuff like that. Being a lonely woman in my city is a constant struggle, women in relationships just have it easier with everything and I see it constantly. I'm also chronically ill, which makes it even harder for me. I feel envious of that material comfort they have but not of being with a man. I don't want to share my body and my space with a guy. It's so annoying. People also neg me telling me I should find a guy and it would've been easier for me since it's not easy and safe to live totally alone. I had to change my place 3 times until I finally found a home where the housemates are semi decent people, and not raging drug addicts or alcoholics or just very dirty and noisy types. But the entire struggle to get to that point, to a place where I can feel at least a little safe, kinda ruined me mentally. It's really hard to rent anything here. So I have to admit I do envy my female coworkers who were able to rent apartments with their boyfriends and live in the comfort of a bigger space, without sharing it with strangers. They openly admit they wouldn't be able to afford it if they were alone, one even said she admired me for being able to live totally alone. I hate this economy, I wish I could afford renting an entire place for myself

No. 1750671

yeah leave him nonnie, the face that he hasn’t planned anything and it’s only the 3rd date is very telling. be with someone who puts in effort for you. Maybe you can communicate to him, give him a little nudge to see if he will initiate but if he’s one of the “go with the flow” aka no plans, ditch the scrote.

No. 1750748>>1750762>>1750811>>1750908>>1751775

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So I got put on 50 mg topiramate aka topamax for migraines right? And it made me insanely aggressive. Constantly seething with anger. But I was denying that I was angry and just telling everyone else I’m fine and if I’m angry it’s normal levels of anger over normal things that would make anyone angry and not out of character. It was extremely out of character and all my friends and family were worried about me. I was also contacting all my abusive exes and trying to flirt with them and meet up with them even though my Nigel is a beautiful wonderful man whom I love and adore?! Then the dose got upped to 100mg and I went COMPLETELY psychotically insane. I’ve never experienced psychosis before. I thought the CIA was beaming thoughts into my brain and willing me to kill myself.

I took 22.5 grams of buproprion (aka Wellbutrin aka zyban) and spent two weeks in the hospital and a week in the ICU but somehow lived. My bf noticed me slurring when I came to bed (he was already asleep) and then noticed me spasming and saw that my mom had texted him that I’d said some pretty suicidal esque stuff and to keep an eye on me. He asked if I’d taken anything and I kept denying it and he’s like whatever you’re coming to the hospital anyway let’s go. I’m not even a big bitch. I don’t know how I survived. I truly thought I would die. I can’t believe a migraine med made me lose my mind.

But it keeps going. I thought I was doing better. But then I lose two friends that I’d been extremely close to for over 10 years and always had supported them with their mental health struggles. They said I clearly didn’t want to die and my attempt was manipulative and toxic. I guess because I’d been asking them to hang out and they kept saying they were busy? I get that, it had nothing to do with the cia telling me to die. Then they said I’m just avoiding accountability. It’s like they rehearsed it together. Such a blow man. So what did my dumbass do? Well my bf had smartly gotten rid of every last drop of alcohol in the house… except he forgot the gin in the freezer. So I started taking shots. Woke up the next morning and got into a petty fight with my Nigel over something that shouldn’t be such a big issue and I should just deal with. But no I made it a huge fight. Then drank all day. Woke up and was shitty to my Nigel about the same fight as the day before, he got shitty back (understandable) and said some things he didn’t mean. We do a couple errands and are still fighting in the car and I’m being an unreasonable bitch and he’s fed up with me.

When we get home what do I do? I take 5 shots of gin, 3000 mg of sertraline aka Zoloft that wasn’t supposed to be in my reach, 500 mg of hydroxyzine and 16 mg of zofran in an attempt to give myself serotonin syndrome as self harm (didn’t think this would kill me or cause lasting damage). I puked an hour later and felt horrific and told my bf and he got me some activated charcoal pills to take and I napped a bit, but woke up shaking bad and dizzy and tight chest. So we came up with a plan of what to tell them so I wouldn’t get put on a psychiatric hold, thank god it worked. I got a bag of fluids and my bloodwork showed no organ damage and I didn’t have a seizure and ekg and blood pressure were fine and no fever. Im mad at myself and I need to do better.

No. 1750754

Just throwing in my 2c on this, but a cloth facemask/Covid-style mask with a little dab of essential oil inside, like eucalyptus or mint, can really help to cancel out offensive odors. Not sure if they are commonly worn where you are but this technique has saved me from the stench of an ancient, dog-piss soaked carpet in someone's house before.

No. 1750762>>1750780>>1751775

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Samefag. The problem is I’m worried the activated charcoal is causing an obstruction or perforation in my bowels. I have not pooped since 10/31 and took the charcoal and Zoloft cocktail on 11/1. I’m still quite shakey. I can’t stand up without getting dizzy and so light headed I have a headache. I’m short of breath while sitting and lying down but it’s worse standing up. I have shortness of breath and tightness in my chest and my abdomen is distended and slightly tender. Even if I do poop im going back to the ER when he gets off this evening. I refuse to be in a hospital alone due to my immense fear of being out on psychiatric hold and having my freedoms stripped away and being ripped away from my support system.

No. 1750780

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Samefagging again but I’ve tried coffee which usually works great for me, tried some senna tea which has never not worked but I took it last night and no dice, and have taken magnesium to try to move things along with rubbing my lower tummy. Nothing is working and I feel like I’m starting to feel worse n worse. I fucking hate trips to hospital I hate doctors I hate the smell and the beeps and the needles

Also all medication is locked away from me and all booze has been located and I even pointed out some my Nigel didn’t remember and we poured it down the drains. I’m dedicated to not risking my sanity with substances anymore.

No. 1750791>>1750804>>1750810>>1750848>>1750978>>1751693>>1751697

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My female coworker who used to bully me for my autistic behavior told me that she overheard our male coworkers talking about me and wondering if I'm so shy because I'm a virgin (I am but that's none of their business) and she told me that she told them I used to take part in gangbangs. Is this supposed to be a joke? Should I suppose to laugh at this? She's fucking with my brain so hard that I don't even know if she actually told them that or if she's just fucking with me because she admitted a few times that she likes to see my confused face. At this point it just seems cruel and I don't understand it. Sometimes I wonder if she talks bullshit about me to other people behind my back. I'm so tired of being around her, she's like a energy vampire but other people like her a lot for some reason

No. 1750804

what the fuck? she sounds genuinely horrible. im sorry nonnie, i hate people like that.

No. 1750810

What kind of weird ass place do you work… All of these people sound like weirdos

No. 1750811>>1750838

I've taken that before. It made me batshit insane with anxiety. I already had pretty bad anxiety problems beforehand and it made them 10000x worse. Would not recommend if taking it with existing anxiety issues, at all.

No. 1750813>>1751324>>1751837

dearest nonnie,
im much younger so i hope my advice does not come across as naive or useless, but i would like to believe that in some regard, at our lowest points, many of us tend to or can feel as though we aren't doing enough or our best.

but the truth it seems we all disregard during those times is how draining depression can be, on top of responsibilities and other stressors. i dont know why a lot of us have the immediate response of beating ourselves up. childhood issues? the idea of tough love? whatever it may be, in my experience, it never seems to work. personally, i always find the most success in self-compassion even if it takes an incredible amount of patience.

you can think of it as delusional. or coddling yourself. but how much further have you gotten with positivity and kindness to yourself? gentleness, rest, recovery, etc.? id argue that very good things have come from the aforementioned vs. cruelty to yourself.

i suppose im not saying anything new, your conclusion is right and i want you to know that. it is okay to rest and recover and be "lazy" as you may feel you are being. but its necessary at any rate. you are not superhuman or a machine. dont discount what you have done well. i know it is easier to focus on the bad during these moments but you will get into gear again soon, just maybe not when you want it right now.

you do not want it to get worse, and as i see it, therefore, it wont. you wont be recovering or relaxing this way forever and even if you have those periods like anon said before, they will be balanced out with your go getter productive periods!

you deserve lots of love and gentleness. try to aim for one small thing to improve a day in times like this. thats more than enough.

best of luck

No. 1750827

Omg are you me? I don’t trust him. He doesn’t appreciate me, he’s unpleasant but I keep him around because I’m lonely and I have no friends m.

No. 1750829

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Yeah, in addition to making me into a fuming rage machine it also made my anxiety unbelievably insanely bad. And that was before upping the dose. Fucking crazy shit. I seriously don’t know how I still have functioning kidneys and liver. I’m seeing hepatology and nephrology and cardiology specialists because I’m concerned about my health and my pcp seems kinda clueless. Even though the hospital said I was medically cleared I checked my tests and labs and they are still pretty alarming especially my CK-MB level. The liver ultrasound I got showed a 1.1 cm lesion that is likely benign but could possibly be something that needs to be lasered off. This is my second time with rhabdomyolysis and acute kidney injury so and my total ck levels are still iffy so I want an expert to evaluate my situation. I don’t want to die and I don’t want to hurt myself anymore. I gotta do better and I’m gonna do better.

No. 1750834

im sorry nonnie. i dont want to give advice when you didnt ask, and relating to situations is how i can best give that advice so im sorry if this is unwarranted just disregard it.

i completely understand how you feel, but in a different way i suppose. i am grateful to have a wonderful boyfriend but he is worse off than i am financially. i used to feel that same envy initially, and it was mostly when i wasnt dealing with my issues properly or putting too much focus on the lives of others. and maybe you do not do this, sometimes its hard to not focus on those things anyway. i mention this because i just kept seeing these girls who had it ALL, and it was during a really financially stressful period of my life. i almost felt like, wow, i need to sell my body! those girls have it so much better! spoiled with no obligations or worries?!

but what can you do? you don't want those things, to give up comforts for a man to support you financially. there is always a trade off, grass is greener, etc. i find these cliches always seem to be true and our emotions make us forget that. is there something you can find to be grateful for in your own situation that those girls do not have? something youd have to give up if you traded lives with them?

No. 1750838>>1750851

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I actually wasn’t taking the Wellbutrin at the time, I was on Zoloft and it had been working fine until I added in the topamax that fucked all my shit up. I hadn’t been on Wellbutrin for over a year, I just had a bottle with a shitload left in it that I found in a coat pocket and took as a sign to die.

No. 1750848

She sounds jealous

No. 1750851>>1750874


Oh, I don't know about the topamax then. I've been on Zoloft before too but it didn't do anything for me other than making me slightly dizzy the first time. Granted I didn't take that one that long for any side effects to kick in, so maybe that's why. But after my horrific experience with Wellbutrin and another antidepressant I was taking that ended up making me try to kill myself, I only peaked on my stance against antidepressants. Especially with how much you are going through already, it may be life endangering continuing to take them as you are. I hope you can seek out another solution ASAP.

No. 1750874>>1750908

Oh yeah I’m off all antidepressants now. Fuck em. Once I’m not so worried about my physical health I’m gonna get into therapy. I bought the DBT workbook to do on my own for now.

No. 1750904>>1752085>>1752086

When I look at my husband there's this warmth and comfort, like if we are in the grocery store and get separated and if I am looking around and see his face my mind goes "husband!" And I am drawn towards. I think if I lost my memory the reaction would remain. One time my husband shaved off his beard though, I've make him keep a thick one cause I like thrm, and the reaction was gone, it was like looking at a strangers face with no reaction. But then he talked and it was him, the disparity literally made me start disassociating. Felt like i was in some kind of a weird dream. He's grown it back and the reaction is back. He brought up shaving again and I almost beat him

No. 1750908>>1750985

I'm so sorry you went through that, I hate those medicines. I was forced to be on a cocktail of different meds when I was younger and none of them helped me feel better but I had random negative side effects. I overdosed once or twice and had to drink charcoal in the hospital which was disgusting. To make matters worse, every time I expressed struggling with the meds, there'd always be a dozen people crawling out of the woodwork to talk over me about how much medication helps some people.
I hope you can find better luck with other paths! If it's any encouragement, I was in that kinda position years ago and it all seemed inescapable but I'm doing really good now.

No. 1750978>>1751897

Go to a manager or HR about this.
They will put her on good behavior and she will either stop, or you can report it again and she will be fired.

No. 1750985


>To make matters worse, every time I expressed struggling with the meds, there'd always be a dozen people crawling out of the woodwork to talk over me about how much medication helps some people.

I'm sure that's true, but the main issue is that they are an overprescribed gamble with your brain. For several different ones to not work for someone and to just then keep getting told to try different ones until they find the one that "does", at that point you're probably too fucked up from the bad ones to even get much out of anything from one that would have otherwise helped. At least you can do CBT without facing the risk of being permanently turned into an asexual, zombie, or another overmedicated labrat moneybag for Big Pharma.

No. 1751061>>1751072

tummy hurt

No. 1751072

same, gotta lie down for a bit

No. 1751263>>1751403

Im so miserable

No. 1751324

nta but your reply was so cute, I hope she reads it and it makes her smile. I am glad we got such supportive and nice anons around, the one that replied to op was super nice too. I got nothing to add, it just makes me happy to read these replies.

No. 1751347>>1751433

i really don’t want to spend Christmas Eve with my boyfriend’s family. i don’t want to spend time with anyone’s family, not even my own! mostly i don’t want to because i speak a different language than them, it will be awkward with everyone ignoring me. i hate feeling that way.
unlucky for me, christmas eve is on a sunday so i probably won’t have work.
help me find a way out of this somehow????

No. 1751403

Find an lsd plug

No. 1751433

Maybe you could say you feel that you have the flu, covid, or a food reaction from the other night and can't make it.

No. 1751450>>1751562>>1751641

File (hide): 1699094117715.jpg (114.25 KB, 1080x2400, leavemealone.jpg)

I wish my ex would leave me the fuck alone.
I've told him to fuck off, Ive blocked him, he sends people to give me messages. Its been 3 years, I'm married, hes had a gf for the whole 3 years.

No. 1751562>>1751670

He sounds like such a loser just from the screenshot kek

No. 1751629>>1751632>>1751639

File (hide): 1699101205553.jpg (23.6 KB, 360x351, sadfatty.jpg)

30 years on this planet and i haven't fallen in love once, despite all the long-term relationships with moids ive been in. I feel like people half my age experience at least a first love. It makes me feel so fucking abnormal.
Why can't I? What's wrong with me

No. 1751632

Maybe don’t be in long term relationships with moids you’re literally not in love with nonna?

No. 1751639

Get your hormones checked out nona, there could be an issue there
Also if you're on meds they could be causing it too.

No. 1751641>>1751670

I hope you're informing all those people he tells to contact you what a shitty person and obsessive stalker he is

No. 1751660

File (hide): 1699102458677.jpeg (24.28 KB, 360x360, D894E0AB-523C-4EF2-8269-98ED59…)

i need to sets for myself from the codependent mess my life has become. it’s siphoning my life and soul away from me. i’m tired of being easy for other people. but it feels so good to be loved for once

No. 1751666>>1751670

File (hide): 1699102679644.gif (249.21 KB, 220x295, dog-triste.gif)

I left my abuser recently but remembered that I had a package being delivered to the apartment's address. I tried asking DHL if they could change it but was told no.
The apartment is a 2 hour drive away from where I took shelter.
I contacted the vendor for my "options" but I doubt there will be anything they can do now that it is en route and there's probably no chance they will send me another $150 worth of merch just because of my sob story.

No. 1751670>>1751685>>1751983

File (hide): 1699102856334.jpg (148.17 KB, 1080x2400, leavemealone1.jpg)

That isnt even the start of it man
Every single one I tell, most go "oh shit sorry didnt know I dont even know him that well".
One said "yeah I know its funny" which is just pathetic
Mark it as stolen and see how that goes.

No. 1751685>>1751695

zamn nonny your ex is a fucking loser lmao is he dating someone new? I would definitely let her know how her bf is treating you.

No. 1751693>>1751897

Please report her anon, you’re not helping anyone but her by putting up with it. It’s sexual harassment at this point.

No. 1751695>>1751698>>1751700

He has been dating her for the full 3 years we've been broken up and hes stalked me for.
I cant find her social media, but even if I could I dont want to contact her because hes made some threats towards me before and theres enough doubt in my mind that he could actually follow through that I dont want to risk throwing fuel on the fire

No. 1751697>>1751897

Report report report

No. 1751698>>1751721

do you know his parents or something? you should contact his mother and say your son is still stalking you. either you could even file a harassment case on him.

No. 1751700>>1751708>>1751721

I thought he broke up with his girlfriend last time you posted about this? I still think you should block him.

No. 1751708>>1751710>>1751721

if her ex is harassing her for 3 years like this and she has done nothing to stop it, she probably gets some kind of psychological enjoyment from his suffering and/or obsession.

No. 1751709

Some scrote I was fucking around with was getting way too uppity and demanding with him so I told him look I think this has run it's course. If you want a woman constantly on call for you maybe find a sugar baby you can pay to care because I have a fucking life and I don't need some retard nagging me to meet up all the time when I have 5 other things on my plate. He's like "if you hurt someone, you can't just say hey sorry I didn't give you a heads up and then dump your problems all at once and expect a caring reply" I'm like I guess life isn't fair huh? You didn't have to listen to me venting all the time if you didn't want to and I don't owe you shit. You're just another cock to me. Leave me alone

No. 1751710>>1751711

That’s a little harsh. There were more details last time she posted. Still, she should block him and keep him blocked forever.

No. 1751711>>1751722

it's not harsh if she is literally posting it periodically. and has been threatened by him.

No. 1751713

Wish I died in the womb.

No. 1751721>>1751725>>1751727>>1751732

His parents hate me and thats where he got his crazy from (mother) so I dont think it would help either. Apparently its not enough yet according to police. Every time I think its stopped it crops up again, I just hope this is the last time.
The person who gives me heads-up seemed to think theyve gotten back together now. In a mean way I was hoping he would project his obsession on her.
I only found out about it 6 months ago, when he made an alt account to talk to me for 3 months without me knowing.
I went to the police a few months ago and they said since I dont have proof of the beheading threat he made of me (someone sent that to me last year and I just figured he was pissed off with me still and just venting, not stalking me) that they have to wait until he either shows up or has a threat I can prove. They wouldnt even call him to tell him to fuck off.
I've blocked 2 phone numbers of his now, I've put off getting a new number because changing everything will be a pain in the ass and there was enough gap between him contacting me that I thought it was over.
I dont know where he works or lives so I cant contact them over it, I dont know the gfs socials so cant contact her, his parents are fucked and hated me anyway so they wouldnt help anyway. Apart from completely disappearing online there isnt much else to do until he threatens me.
I contacted one of his friends he sent to send me a message and asked them to please for his sake just get him to stop and the friend just screenshotted it to him without replying and ex had a meltdown over it.
I'm worried he will contact my husbands family to get a reaction out of me, and at this point I dont want them knowing about the situation of my ex because its embarrassing.
I'm also hoping if he texts and vents to my number now I'm hoping he lets something slip and I can take it to the police.
I'm reluctant to delete my discord because I have a popular crafting discord I made that I will have to get rid of/transfer ownership of but I could never talk in there again because he knows my writing style and could pick out a new account if I remake it (he has done this before to me).
I know that may sound silly but I've had 5 years worth of friendship/collaboration on it and it just makes me extremely sad to get rid of it entirely.
This is a vent thread, I'm venting, I do not like this obsession and I truly want him to move the fuck on for both of our sakes.
I have blocked him over and over, I've begged him to leave me alone. Its not as easy as just deleting all my social media (fb I use for my grandma, discord for friends) because he will find it if I remake it like he has before. Its very isolating to have to completely disappear because of him, I'm in a new town I have no friends here yet and the people I have on discord I know.

No. 1751722

She did go to the police but they said they can’t do anything because he hasn’t threatened or harmed her enough, as is usually the case.

No. 1751723


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1751725

I'm also worried if I disappear completely he will come to my apartment since he tracked me down to a 2 block radius and knock on my door.
Which I guess is good for the cop situation but holy fuck I do not want him at my door.
I know they cant be broken down because my downstairs neighbor tried breaking down his own door because he forgot his keys, but no thank you to that. I keep oven cleaner next to my door now to spray in his face if he got in.

No. 1751727>>1751728>>1751729>>1751736

okay, sorry for making assumptions. some places really dont give a fuck about harassment. I hope he falls and cracks his head so he can't harass you anymore.

No. 1751728>>1751736

Keep a long heavy object like a bat or a broom, something you can keep your distance with, instead. Smack him as hard as you can on the head. This is the best self defence for a woman if you can’t get a gun, better than a knife. Also aren’t you married? What’s your husband doing about it? I want to fucking kill this guy and I don’t know you so I hope he’s good and angry.

No. 1751729>>1751734>>1751736

NTA but you should be you dumb cunt. I hate people like you I swear to god. Anon might forgive you but I don’t.

No. 1751732>>1751736

Make a smaller server with the people you've befriended on your crafting server and delete your old account. You can come back to it after a while once your ex stops obsessing over you this much.

No. 1751734

idk cope? I apologized that's more than can be said about most people.

No. 1751736>>1751738

Its fine, I didnt give full context because I was just so frustrated when I posted the first screenshot. I just want him to leave me alone. I dont know if I should send him another text saying that or just let him continue to rant in my texts until he says something that the cops will take seriously. I think he gets drunk and texts then, his drinking was always an issue.
For context of his crazy mother, she pulled me aside at Christmas to sob and ugly cry about how his drinking had gotten so bad and that I need to help him stop, only to give him 2 1L bottles of rum and a gift card to a liquor store..
I would have to get him the first time because he would be able to beat me until I stop moving if I missed. I was worried it would just be used as a weapon against me where as the oven spray I can spray around in front of me so he would have to walk through it to get to me.
Yes I'm married but my husband cant do much. When we started dating my ex found and messaged him (thats how far the stalk went I should have known then fml) and their conversation was unproductive. What else could he really do? My husband wouldnt win a fight against my ex, my ex has put his dad through a wooden door while drunk. Apparently hes gotten fat now too. He is angry but doesnt want to make shit worse for me by messaging him and telling him to fuck off.
This is a good idea. However according to the person who keeps me updated, the way he was able to get info/stalk me is through someone I'm in contact with. I've cut alot of contact already with people I thought were friends online because I have 0 way of knowing who it is besides the fact that its a girl. It could literally be the closest person I know for all I know, I've stopped talking about important stuff to everyone now and it sucks.
Have a nice cup of tea

No. 1751738>>1751743

the person snitching whatever you do to him is such a fucking snake. I hope she gets what she deserves. fucking cunt. what if you do the server and add people slowly (like one per day?) and see when it leaks? I would hate to be in your place, I would literally trust none at that point.

No. 1751743>>1751747>>1751754

The person who lets me know whats happening doesnt get messaged everyday, its whenever hes in his mood and rants so I would have no way of knowing.
I've thought about faking a story but changing details and sending a different detail to each person and finding out that way, but thats assuming he would even tell the personwhotellsme the story.
Its just alot. I think maybe I transfer ownership and just fuck off for a few months maybe.
But then it goes back to what if he contacts hubs sister or parents and then I have to explain everything. I love my hubs family I dont want them to think I'm a fucking idiot for having had dated this dude who turned out to be crazy.
Rationally I know they wont think poorly on me, just on him. But still its super embarrassing.

Hubs and I have come close to telling his little sister a few times, because ex sent me a picture of hubs sister he found in some random newspaper back when covid happened, but the image link was from discord meaning he had shared her face to someone or some server.
She has alot going on so we havent yet. Maybe its worth the conversation idk, I dont have siblings so I dont know how much to involve her.

No. 1751747>>1751750

I think if his sister is getting indirectly involved she should at least know what is going on.

No. 1751750>>1751754

I dont know the extent, do I just say in passing "hey I have a weird ex, 4 months ago he sent me a picture of you from the paper that I assume was to freak me out just so you know" ?
Or should I jump into everything?

No. 1751754>>1751758

I'm the anon from the last thread who also had a schizo stalker ex. It's best to tell his family. Nobody thought it was embarrassing of me to have dated my ex because he only went schizo after we had been broken up with for a while, and it's not like you got into a relationship with him when he was already acting deranged like that, right? They're just going to have sympathy for you and probably want to protect you. It's important that they know in case he tries to contact them but also so that the men of the family can scare him off if he ever tries to contact any of the women. If a bunch of men from your husbands family tell him they're going to give him a beating if he ever comes close to any of your houses he's going to think twice about harassing you irl.

No. 1751758>>1751853

Thats true, I'll talk about it with my husband and see how he wants to tell them

No. 1751775

File (hide): 1699110553657.jpeg (70.97 KB, 623x939, 3FB814F8-0228-4449-B339-D80610…)

I went to the ER and I’m literally fine they ran a litany of tests and did a bunch of scans and nothing is wrong with me. They were also super insanely nice to me and gave me morphine for my pain so I’m chillin at home and feelin nice. Fixing to go to bed nonnas have a blessed day

No. 1751779

No. 1751780>>1751794>>1751798>>1751812>>1751814>>1751832>>1751914>>1751939

my partners kid is smart if she wants to be, but can be an absolute nightmare. I have no experience with kids, except being an aunt and oldest cousin..
Kid doesn't listen to me at all, even at my house. I don't set ultimatums, I don't get loud,i just explain shit and why.. But I'm a 100% sure she does shit on purpose by now. She's just upset when she gets called out.
Wanted to get work done in the yard, nah, she's hungry right now. Carottes until dinner? No she refuses. Maybe an egg in these trying times? Nope.
Now she was moping because she didn't listen to me when I said to put on her coat and shoes when coming outside. Nope, she won't. Then she got pissy and all, and my partner turned off the TV. Now she's been fake crying in her room for half an hour. I'm literally hiding in the bathroom. Yes, yes I should talk to her. I did in the past, but she's really just pushing what she can get away with and I'm sick of it. I don't want to raise my voice just because she refuses to listen to me. I won't yell at her, I try and listen..
But im just so fucking done with her and yes, I know she's a 6 Yr old kid but fucking hell. When it means no tablet or TV, she always listens. To my partner in general too. Just not to me.
What the fuck do I do

No. 1751794

Don’t date people with kids

No. 1751798

If you're not down to be a step mother with your partner and for (presumably) his kid, you should make your boundaries clear and let him handle his kid, especially when they're over at yours. Either the kid is clearly your shared responsibility or it's clearly not.

No. 1751812

Let her cry and be pissy in her room. Don't feel you have to address every little upset. Your explanations were enough, she's got to learn how to regulate disappointment and frustration. If that's tablet/tv motivated, then so be it.

No. 1751814>>1751914

Your boyfriend needs to raise his kids, not your job

No. 1751832

I work a customer-facing job giving out supplies and uniforms for the company. For the most part, people aren’t rude. However, yesterday, I had these stupid moids come by, repeatedly, all day long, acting rude and even raising their voices towards me and my coworker. The little shits even brought their supervisors around, because they weren’t satisfied with what they got and kept claiming to be “missing items”, which was not our fault because months ago we TOLD their supervisors they needed to order supplies for their division and they neglected to do so. We pieced together what we could for these 5+ asshole moids. At one point, we were trying to help someone else, and here comes these shitheads to the counter again. I told their supervisor that we were busy at the moment helping someone else, and that we would get back to them. With rude ass attitude he says “My guys have been waiting all day to get their stuff, we should be priority” (Again, we gave them what we had…) and then he said he could “hElP” when he and others have already rummaged through our back room. I told him no we’re fine and that I’ll tell my coworker he was there. After that, he wouldn’t even look at me, and kept making these off-hand comments. “Bangs, bangs, bangs”, not sure if that was an insult or not. I was very curt when he asked questions, and when the other person who was pushed to the side said “It’s okay, I don’t mind waiting”, I said “Well at least someone here is patient”. The whole thing was a mess and I hate idiot moids that think they can talk down to people and run them over. According to my coworker, these same asswipes were an issue in the past, but when she complained about them, nothing was done. The whole time, my boss was not supportive, and actively avoided us.
Long vent, but I had to get it off my chest. And I know it’s over, but my anxious self is still feeling sick to my stomach over everything and I couldn’t sleep. They’re likely going to be back on Monday, since one of the members didn’t get their stuff because he didn’t show up. My coworker took off on Monday and honestly, I’m thinking of just calling in sick and not showing up either. My boss can deal with their bullshit. Screw them. I want to punch them all in the face. How do I stop feeling so anxious?

No. 1751837

You're right anon, I'm just sad because a decade seems like so much time but it flew by so quickly and I feel like I've barely grown as a person. I don't even really know what I want anymore. To just be content, I guess. I should be grateful that I don't have a worse condition ailing me like cancer but this pain is no fun either. It's going to take months for my body to heal and probably even longer to get over the anxiety that led to the damage in the first place. I'll try my best to move forward, thank you anon.

Thank you my sweet nona. Self-compassion is something I struggle with a lot. I am very cruel to myself and my own worst enemy. I am an artist yet I feel anything I create is complete garbage despite my customers and clients. I can't grow if I don't stop this pattern of thinking. It's really hard, I've had self-esteem issues since I was very young so it's tough to break the cycle. Thank you again for your words anon and I hope you have a life as sweet as the words you offered me.

No. 1751853>>1751875

Your husband sounds like a useless sack of shit tbh. Tell him to man up and go to the gym.

No. 1751865

I don't understand why literally all my male relatives (my dad, my uncles, my stepdad, stepbro, one of my cousins) have or used to have this odd obsession with blondes and wanting to have sex with blondes when they're all married with dark haired women. It's honestly gross when they admit it to my female relatives like "i always wanted to be with a blonde". I understand that this might be just region specific, and I'm eastern european where this might be a more common fetish so it's not an universal experience but it's extremely annoying like it's just a fucking hair color get over it.

No. 1751866>>1751889

All within the past 5 years I was in the worst relationship of my life, my dad died, I was stalked and threatened by a crazy guy, my sister chose her predatory boyfriend over me and is acting like I'm in the wrong, I got sexually harrassed by a married coworker, I'm just at the end of my rope. I see no reason not to self harm or kill myself but I'm hanging on and refraining for the people that for whatever reason would be sad if I hurt myself. I know things can get better but with more bad days than good life doesn't seem worth it.

No. 1751875>>1751893

How so?

No. 1751877>>1751885

Was watching a podcast and one of the hosts claimed he was molested and my first thought was “kek, so that’s why he has such a wide mouth” Am I a bad person?

No. 1751885

Yes. Sorry. Get your head right.

No. 1751889>>1751925

I'm going through something similar (dead parents, dealing with an ex-friend who has been harassing my workplace with falsified claims.) I feel the same way, but you have to hold on. Do you have any small things that bring you joy? I know it's stupid, but having something to look forward to like a hobby you need to complete or a movie you want to watch helps me when I feel like I can't continue. I hope the best for you.

No. 1751893>>1751919>>1752023

Won’t protect you. Doesn’t seem to care. Not trying to shield you or be protective in any way. You went from one useless man to the next.

No. 1751897

Sweet anons, our team leader loves her and she used to be higher in the hierarchy than me, now we will be equal but she's still more liked and trusted by out team leaders so when they find out about me reporting her I would be one who would be in trouble. I'm just lucky that from next month I won't be on the same shift as her and I will be able to rest at least a little bit. I distanced myself from her and she already started bitching about me not initiating conversations with her anymore and not wanting to go out with her. I wonder, if she's really that oblivious and she doesn't get why some people may avoid her in private settings or is she fucking with me again

No. 1751903

My friend keeps trying to convince me I'm delusional about my future and the changes I want to make. I just want to move to this other state, ive been thinking about it and planning and budgeting for over a year. I think she's just scared of losing me which is sad and I understand, but stop being negative and telling me I'm making a mistake, just support me and tell me you'll miss me.

No. 1751905

I'm both angry and disgusted with myself. I've spent yesterday with a coworker that I haven't seen in a year, we met up because the project is closing down and she said she had some questions. I usually don't go out so I thought why not.

Well… this bitch spent SEVEN FUCKING HOURS talking about herself. Seven. Hours. I came home at 3am. Would've bolted sooner but I don't have a car and the last bus left at 10pm. Didn't expect the whole thing to go down as it did but I don't think I've even spoken 20 sentences or got asked even 5 questions.

It was obvious she needed to vent to someone and I'm always happy to listen but was also expecting, you know, she'd show some interest in my side too since we didn't see each other or really talked to each other in a whole ass year.

What's worse she only talked about herself and had almost no questions about work, but sure was eager to tell me about her traumatic birth and how she had an long ingrown hair near her groin in detail. Somehow she also didn't mind my disinterested or disgusted face and lack of interaction. I'm never doing this shit again, I feel used.

No. 1751908

My co-worker is like 60, I shouldn't have to ask her to keep it down with the sexual jokes at least with me, at the workplace too, out of all places. I'm so happy I only see her three times a week, but those days at work are always the worst. Only like five more years until she gets pension, but here's me hoping she prepones it, her husband works a good job, they can afford it, I'm sure, please.

No. 1751914

I'm not a parent so take with a grain of salt but whenever I was unreasonably upset my mom sent me to my room and I wasn't allowed to come out until I was ready to play nice again. Maybe you can do the same. Agreed with >>1751814 though. From the little context provided here it sounds like the kid might be taking an unreasonable amount of time and energy from you?

No. 1751919>>1752148

What exactly should he do? Go and beat him up? Despite not knowing where he lives, works or frequents? Lol are you ok?

No. 1751925

Same to you, anon. Thank you. We'll make it through

No. 1751939

very cuck of you

No. 1751949

I'm so sad. my boyfriend would be so so perfect if he didn't have autism. he's sweet, loyal, kind, caring, Cooks great, fixes everything in the house, builds stuff, builds me furniture, buys me anything and everything I want but he's mental issues cause fights/sex issues and I'm expected to be mentally perfect 100% or it's a problem. ugh. I hate autism. I hate autism so much. I wish it didn't exist.

No. 1751983>>1751987

Why does he talk like a grade 12 faggot? Holy shit. Men, not even once. What an obsessive BPDfag.

No. 1751987

He was drunk but idk if thats the issue

No. 1752012

File (hide): 1699122129646.jpg (17.21 KB, 236x236, 1000005222.jpg)

My bf and I broke up on Halloween.
We were together only for 3 months but I really wanted it to work. I may have gone a bit too fast, sure. I asked for sex on the third date, but I figured it was okay because he had fucked other girls before and he was my first.
I thought I could be strong enough to handle the sex and not get too attached but my stupid ass is still laying in bed thinking about him. And I'm torturing myself by watching porn and hentai, already missing the feeling of being touched and kissed by someone. I hate loneliness, I was never meant to thrive being single. I've always meant to thrive in a relationship, why does the world curse me this way?

No. 1752021

I've been unemployed and broke for a while. I skip meals most of the time and I have lost a lot of weight so none of my clothes fit me properly anymore, and on top of that they are ragged, worn out and have holes in them since I haven't been able to buy myself new clothes in ages. I look so fucking haggard. My hair has grown out from a nice short cut I had two years ago, but since I can't afford hair appointments it keeps growing at different lengths, and lack of good hair products has made it stiff and unruly. My skin is pale and pasty. A friend accidentally sat on my glasses so now they're sitting a bit wonky on my face due to being bent. I only have one pair of ugly shoes. This really seems to affect me in job interviews because I can't make myself look decent, and looking at myself I just feel so awful, like on top of everything else it's especially sad to see old pictures from me when I used to have a job and a decent income, where I took care of myself, worked out, ate nice meals and kept my hair in good shape. It's one thing being broke and not able to afford anything, but to see the results of that every time I look in the mirror makes it so much worse. The fact that this probably affects me in job interviews as well sucks too, because I can't present as professionally as I'd like to. Instead they see someone who looks sickly and gross, with thinning, crunchy hair and baggy clothes. I just want to scream. I just wish things would change. I just want a some fucking money again.

No. 1752023>>1752046>>1752082

Hate to agree because I’m not usually in favor of ragemoids escalating things but this has gone on for too long. He should have told his family himself and not made her do it or let her stay quiet out of shame because it’s not fucking shameful! He should use his fucking brain to figure out how to scare this guy off I don’t care if the ex is bigger physically that’s not the be-all end-all. Ffs.

No. 1752034>>1752040>>1752048>>1752050

making this as vague as possible - during a rough patch with my husband, I had the option (without cheating ofc) to leave my husband and raise my children with the CEO of a popular company in my city. He had even offered to pay for me to go to school, and childcare, etc. What gave me a weird ick I learned his previous wife supposedly died, after some stalking his wife had died either while pregnant or while TTC (lots of pregnancy and baby books on her amazon). I have no idea why this set me off and gave me a weird vibe.

No. 1752040

The most common way of death for pregnant women is murder.

No. 1752046>>1752082

I agree with both of you, one of the only good things about being in a relationship with a scrote is that they can threaten or protect you from other men when you're in danger. All anons husband has to do is tell the ex that if he ever comes close to his wife him and his buddies are gonna beat him until he can't breathe, it's not that difficult

No. 1752048

Dodged a bullet, that whole situation sounds suspicious as fuck.

No. 1752050>>1752059

It gave you a weird vibe cause that is weird… You dodged a bullet anon, that's literally crazy.

No. 1752059

I guess what makes the story even weirder is that he met me and started flirting with me while I was pregnant. The financial aspect of everything is very tempting but I'd rather drive a 8k car and live in a trailer and have my family be safe. Maybe he's innocent and just seeks out moms because his wife really did die unrelated to him and he feels robbed of the fatherhood experience, but I don't want to risk it and want to work out things with my husband

No. 1752064

Maybe the problem is you, romanianon.

No. 1752068

I have no one to talk to and I just wanna punch something cos I'm so alone. I can't talk to my bf because he gets weirdly annoyed, angry and depressed whenever I start talking about literally anything and I have no idea why. He just did it to me again and I wanted to fucking snap and scream WTF is the problem!!??? cunt but I didn't I just went outside to drink alone. I wish I was normal and had a group of friends like other people my age. I'm completely isolated and wish I had likeminded people to converse with.

No. 1752076>>1752210

File (hide): 1699125265200.png (247.03 KB, 500x411, acceptingdeath.png)

I was given anti-depressants that I haven't been taking. Thought about taking them now only because I've been seriously considering suicide more often and figured I should at least try the pills before that. Only to find out that one of the side effects is possible weight gain, which my doctor never even mentioned.

No. 1752082>>1752100>>1752104>>1752150

Apart from telling his family, what more would you have him do exactly? Threaten him so it gets turned back on us? Go and beat him up and get charged for it? Serious question

No. 1752083>>1752106

>Yea, when other people get abused they get empathy when I get abused I don't
That's the thing, you don't even finish the thought and truly think about it. Why it is that people are nicer to others than to you? You just ask the question to larment in how much of a victim you are, how the whole world is against you and how everything is someone else's fault. The obvious answer is that the reason is probably you and how you're treating other people, especially here on lolcow, but you're too much of a narc to even self reflect properly. Hence why you will never be able to move on.

No. 1752085

>When I look at my husband there's this warmth and comfort, like if we are in the grocery store and get separated and if I am looking around and see his face my mind goes "husband!" And I am drawn towards.
This is my biggest dream

No. 1752086

Wtf this is so cute anon

No. 1752100>>1752160

Why would it get turned on you? Your ex is a lunatic who won't stop spamming you with messages and even threatened you one time. Men naturally respect and fear other men more than they do women, so your husband should tell him to fuck off or else. It's common sense and it's not like your ex is going to be able to call 911 and tell them that the husband of the woman he's been broken up with for 3 years told him to stay tf away from her lol.

No. 1752104>>1752160

Why be afraid of threatening the ex? The cops aren't gonna do anything. The ex has been threatening and harassing nona and the cops haven't done anything. Husband should put together a posse if 1-on-1 isn't a good idea, then find out where ex is and put the fear in him (they don't even have to touch him they can just scare him). Ex sounds like a fat drunk discord loser, he's crazy not invincible.

No. 1752106>>1752120

Don't bother, she never listens and pretends she forgot about all the threats and a-logging she did towards the whole site and random camgirls years ago kek

No. 1752120

I think anons who try to give romanianon advice don't know that she has self admitted brain damage

No. 1752134

It's your victim complex babe

No. 1752137

I wish I could become an anchoress and just not have to socialize for the rest of my life

No. 1752141

I feel like horniness is killing my creativity.

No. 1752143

Are you really unable to see that you're doing exactly what the anons you reply to are accusing you of?

No. 1752148>>1752160>>1752196

>What exactly should he do? Go and beat him up?

No. 1752150>>1752160

Your bf has no balls and that’s the only reason this fucker is still threatening you.

No. 1752160>>1752162>>1752190

My husband saying "stay away from her" won't do shit, my ex would double down harder.
Husband saying "stay away from her or else" would be used against me if/when it escalates because it's engaging and antagonising him and the threat. Seeing as police told me not to contact him and once there is a threat made then they can act, you can see why if we threaten him it could be turned back on us despite him being the one harassing.
You see videos and hear stories all the time of how the person who's pushed into a reaction being the one charged. Beating him up assuming hubs would win will just result in my husband being charged. Especially with exs psycho mother, she would stop at nothing because her precious son could never be in the wrong.
If you all seriously think threatening him or beating him up wouldn't result in a more negative outcome for me then you're just delusional.
He thrives off attention, if my husband messaged just to tell him to fuck off he will try to get conversation out of him.
He's said my husband and him are "destined to goon together"??
You're all operating as if he's just a bit of a cunt, he's literally developing schizophrenia and I'm his obsession. Any reaction is a good one for him. Fuck if he found these posts he would just thrive off it. His hallucinations are getting worse, he's jumped onto traffic to get away from one. Contacting him will not end well.

No. 1752162>>1752165

Has your bf even fucking tried??? No. Because he’s useless.

No. 1752165>>1752167

When we first started dating and ex found him he ended the conversation telling my ex to leave me the fuck alone

No. 1752166

god im having one of those months where i will not start my fucking period. its been like 2 full weeks of pms im so tired of being irritable and horny

kill me

No. 1752167>>1752175

Not good enough. He’s not doing enough.

No. 1752172

kek you literally called other women 'whores' before, multiple times, unprompted. what is this reverse-uno shit

No. 1752175>>1752186

You cannot believe that contacting him in anyway would be a good thing. Do you really think if my husband tells him to fuck off that he will? Truly?

No. 1752182>>1752203>>1752208

I hate when people give their opinions about subjects that they know nothing about and have only very surface level misinformed perceptions of. Literally happens constantly on this board, sorry nonas but some of you are retards who are far too confident in your retardation.

No. 1752183

it pisses me off that when females are feminine people look down on it but when men do it it's suddenly "yassified" and the men copying women get the credit as if they invented it like wtf man

No. 1752186>>1752291

If the only one he could ever get through to was your bf, he would stop. If your bf interfered every time he remade an account or sent someone to bother you, he would stop, but he’s basically leaving you to fend for yourself therefore your bf can still reach you. If every single time he contacted you your bf said “leave her the fuck alone you piece of shit she’s my gf she doesn’t want you kys” then trust me he will stop. If your bf stormed into the police station and asserted to them that you’re in danger and being harassed constantly, they’d be more likely to do something. If you’re gonna have a moid around then fucking well put him to use Jesus Christ.

No. 1752190>>1752225

The real life advice for when you have a stalker is to NEVER contact them because ANY little thing just fuels their fire more, you're doing the right thing in not threatening him or anything like that. I'm currently dealing with a stalker troon myself… it sucks and it's scary. Best thing to do is just to let everyone in your life know, and to tell them to never talk to the guy or give him any information about you.

No. 1752196>>1752209>>1752225

>What exactly should he do? Go and beat him up?
This would result in anon's husband going to jail so the stalker is free to harass her without him being around to protect her. And they'd probably owe him money too for the damage done too. It's a terrible fucking idea. Some kind of restraining order is in need here.

No. 1752203

Reply to the posts you coward

No. 1752206

I needed to get a ton of shit done today, but I came down with a fever overnight and had to sleep in all morning. Why.

No. 1752208

Agreed, and I just have to let them be wrong because I find it too exhausting to defend my position or correct them because it will inevitably turn into an infight.

No. 1752209

The police is never going to do anything about this situation as long as the ex just keeps spamming anon with messages, he's annoying but not an actual threat to her well being right now. Restraining orders are notoriously difficult to get, and having flying monkeys or spamming anon with 20 messages a day isn't against the law.

No. 1752210

They just make you feel more hungry. I really didn't notice any difference and haven't gained any weight, don't let it scare you off if you really need them

No. 1752215>>1752220>>1752223>>1752229>>1752245

My friend always hated her mom and never had a good word to say about her. Her mom was physically and verbally very abusive towards her and the stories she told me were quite shocking, I was there for her and comforted her all through these times and listened to her vent. I would always encourage her to keep away from her mom and cut her off until her mom was ready to treat her with decency. Recently her mom died and she keeps posting about how much she loves and how much she misses her. It’s confusing to me because my friend only ever had very negative things to say about her mother prior to this. She’s also become distant and kind of bitchy towards me and I feel like she blames me somehow for not encouraging her to stay close with her abusive psycho mom. I understand the grieving process is complex and maternal abuse is a difficult topic, but am I being an asshole for judging her about this? It just feels so weird to see her lamenting over the woman who caused her so much trauma and pain and who she would call me in tears about after receiving abuse from her, and talking about how much she loves and misses her, almost romanticizing this monstrous woman. Idk it just seems very odd.

No. 1752220

She's likely mourning the mom she never had. When they're dead and can't prove to your friend how god awful they are, it's easier to be delusional about parental abuse. To the kid it's often not that black and white, the parent can literally be a monster but if there's one single moment where they act remotely normal, it makes victims doubt their abuse or even cling to that moment.
You sound like a kind person and it makes sense that you're confused about this weird behaviour. But your friend is probably just coping hardcore and there's not a lot you can do about it.

No. 1752223

It’s very weird but not uncommon. Give her a loooot of space, this is just the last phase of the psychosis of having a really abusive parent for some people. At least her mom can’t hurt her anymore.
If she really loses it and starts saying she wants to raise her kids the same way, then you can slap her lol

No. 1752225>>1753260

Thank you, I can see nothing positive that could come from us contacting my ex. The likelihood of him stopping because my hubs told him to is seriously so low. He wants husbands attention just as much as mine I'm sure of it. It would just be a doorway and him thinking by doing this he will get a reaction and go harder.

No. 1752229

Neither of you are really wrong here. Unfortunately, abuse and how a victim may feel about it is a very complicated and tricky subject, and I guess it can be confusing for people who are watching from the sidelines. You hate them but you still have a connection to that person, especially if she's been told the "blood is thicker than water" stuff. As someone who also had an abusive mother that I hate and don't/seldomly speak to anymore, I would probably also be sad and cry if I found out she passed.

No. 1752230


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No. 1752245

I have a similiar situation with my father with whom I had a bad relationship (though not physically abusive). When he passed away, suddenly lots of people, even my own mom, started telling all sorts of stories putting him in a good light and complimenting his 'caring character' making me doubt myself and the relationship we had. Even though I personally lived through his emotional abuse and his clear incapability of being a father and husband. On top of that the finality of no longer being able to fix things with your parent made things really confusing and you start remembering the small good things and wondering "what if, what if he tried to reach out and I ignored it". Your friend may be going through something similiar.

The finality of everything is painful and confusing and I'm sure for her the trauma makes that tenfold worse.

>am I being an asshole for judging her about this?

Kinda yes. Emotional and physical abuse damages one's development and mental health, you're basically judging someone with a broken leg for not being able to walk. Someone like her can't think clearly like a normal person, give her space.

No. 1752278

I just feel so disappointed when I look at men in real life. I don't really feel anything when I look at them anymore. It has gone so far that I am now only attracted exclusively to horror movie villains who wear masks or so much makeup you don't see their faces underneath. I guess it has to do with my past bad experiences with men. My parents were emotionally neglectful when I was a child, all of my school bullies were boys and I had an abusive ex boyfriend.
I am scared of even going into the direction of romance ever again because of my past relationship with my ex boyfriend who always made me feel like I wasn't good enough. I am also unable to be wholly intimate with men. Every time I tried it in the past I got a panic attack. A part of me wants to do all of that and be intimate with another person I just cannot do it in real life. Sometimes I feel as if I am not a whole person. I am just so tired but at the same time I want to be loved so badly it is as if there is a gigantic hole in my chest

No. 1752291

>trust me he will stop
You're retarded. Stalkers and harrassers like ayrt has aren't going to "just stop" because some other moid starts telling him to. If anything it'll encourage him. Trying to engage someone like anon's ex always ends poorly, and since the ex's mom is involved in his welfare any threats to the ex have another interested party who would turn them around on anon to make it "her fault" if things escalate.

No. 1752377

I feel like I'm extremely bad at bonding with people

I don't know how to approach people and whenever I do it feels forced

I look at my extroverted friends, and how they do it, it seems so effortless for them
I have no idea how they do it
I feel like if I start talking to someone in a more "personal" manner they'll wonder what I want

I don't mind being like this, it's peaceful and quiet not having many friends, but I do feel jealous sometimes, when there's a specific person I fancy and I can't bond with them

No. 1752410

Obsessive thoughts about lesbianism. I’m 100% sure I could be romantically in love with a woman but I’m not sure if I will sexually. I don’t think I can find out by just making out with a girl because I don’t like making out with guys I’m not in love with either. How could I find out without hurting a woman!

No. 1753260

You’re in this situation because your husband won’t or can’t protect you. You’ve gone from one shit moid to the next and if your current husband had any balls or value as a man your ex wouldn’t be doing this. Hope that helps <3

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