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File: 1698353703902.png (792.8 KB, 609x644, cat.png)

No. 1740061

No brain? No problem.
Previous Thread: >>>/ot/1734551

No. 1740071

File: 1698354123969.gif (4.45 MB, 560x315, 4DEBE88E-DA4F-4B5C-9992-E00997…)

Can anyone tell me what this is from

No. 1740072

Now nobody will complain about the thread pic lol

No. 1740083

No. 1740086

ooohhh some of my retarded questions never get answered in the stupid questions threads will i be skinned alive if i ask again
/g/ wet dream

No. 1740088

File: 1698354608035.gif (882.43 KB, 360x270, 7 (1).gif)

yes i am the one who requested this thread pic. thank u very much OP

No. 1740092

oh no it’s those guys? Well thanks for comin thru nonna
post ‘em here it’s fine

No. 1740116

File: 1698356537033.jpg (60.68 KB, 500x385, 352e3015a2d6f4b514fce02fe287eb…)


No. 1740117

File: 1698356775445.gif (573.48 KB, 461x347, bugspray.gif)


No. 1740122

ok! can anons confirm to me if theres anyway for a google doc/google drive owner to see an account who viewed and interacted (clicked through, scrolled through etc) with one that’s public? i’ve stupidly clicked on some shameful sims 4 cc links (i just wanted to ww my husbando) without realizing i was signed into my main google account, and no one needs to know i’m reading stupid ass random callout docs.

No. 1740142

>open thread
>see someones 3 paragraph essay
>close thread
Why can't people be considerate to the illiterates

No. 1740148

File: 1698359424802.png (191.49 KB, 848x274, Captura de tela 2023-10-26 193…)

Uh oh op you have competition

No. 1740149

Her threadpic is better than the one I used tbh, no offence to the anon who suggested it. I suggest that one for the next thread.

No. 1740150

i love that image so much

No. 1740155

no, I don’t think they can see who clicks on it you’re safe

No. 1740158

to any anons who may have fantasies of falling for a virgin incel who falls in love with you because you're the only woman who's ever loved them. don't ever do it. don't go near them don't get attached to them in any way don't get your hopes up about fixing them. please god don't. worst mistake of my life

No. 1740163

Probably doesn't have to be mentioned anyway, but don't spend money on moids either.

No. 1740167

I solve these problems by being attracted to 2D manwhores and having no money.

No. 1740170

Lmao the best threadpic to date.

No. 1740172

Don't worry anon, i'm literally a 30 year old perma virgin who gets horny over silly cartoon men instead of birthing children and scrubbing floors.

No. 1740173

File: 1698361290408.png (1.88 MB, 1439x1824, 1698357190750.png)

No. 1740174

who’s ultimate romantic fantasy is to fall in love with a virgin incel? Fuckin hell

No. 1740175

the average /g/ user

No. 1740180

File: 1698361758430.jpeg (122.32 KB, 1054x1035, IMG_6487.jpeg)


No. 1740181

File: 1698361916619.jpg (6.1 KB, 181x200, 1538056533416.jpg)

God this is so ridiculous, this got me crying laughing

No. 1740182

I have this fantasy but only in 2D

No. 1740183

I think it’s pretty cool

No. 1740185

Do you ship Leechcest, nona?

No. 1740194

Go into your google docs or drive or whatever it’s called and see if the shameful documents are there. If they are, yes they can see you. You can remove yourself from the docs in your own account, I believe, but I don’t know if that keeps the owner from knowing you looked once.

No. 1740211

File: 1698363792591.jpg (138.29 KB, 1280x1280, 2a704e2cfd2179967ec07c8a110079…)

yes nonny tweel is cute… tweel with trey, riddle, or azul is cute too

No. 1740237

File: 1698365825144.png (301.79 KB, 810x720, Yellow and Padparadscha.png)

do you ship rocks? you shouldn't.

No. 1740241

File: 1698366119400.gif (2.78 MB, 498x289, golda-rosheuvel-bridgerton.gif)

No. 1740243

is this shit safe????

No. 1740247

File: 1698366538643.png (52.91 KB, 1080x261, Screenshot_20231027_032457_Sou…)

i fucking love soundcloud

No. 1740248

File: 1698366589221.png (98.48 KB, 958x797, Screenshot_20231027_032640_Sou…)

No. 1740250

File: 1698366649326.png (40.39 KB, 655x565, Screenshot_20231027_032901_Sou…)


No. 1740252

File: 1698366941461.png (81.9 KB, 762x548, Screenshot_20231027_033548_Sou…)

he couldn't turn on beast mode the first time so he had to try again

No. 1740256

File: 1698367084998.png (276.55 KB, 1046x1564, Screenshot_20231027_033811_Sou…)

this is al l for now nonnas i am sorry for the spam i amlost pissed myself laughing

No. 1740257

Lmao are they just like typing comments while they listen?

No. 1740278

File: 1698370453879.jpg (122.87 KB, 685x916, rocksdino.jpg)

awww i never read that manga even though i walways wanted to! should i read it now? the art and rock hair is pretty

No. 1740288

It has basically finished but not technically, it’s a good time to start reading it. The author is gonna wrap it up but she’s taking her time and it’s really weird right now (in a good way). The main story is over though I think, so go binge it. And don’t ship the rocks they are ROCKS not boys or girls

No. 1740290

Also the anime is really good, the CG works for the gems unlike some CG anime

No. 1740291

Nta but I’ve shipped weirder things tbh

No. 1740294

That’s fine platonically I guess but they canonically do not have genitals theyre rocks

No. 1740297

Idk. As long as they have human characteristics theyre shippable.

No. 1740298

File: 1698372384918.jpeg (6.57 KB, 265x190, download (12).jpeg)

okie ♥ ill read on the weekend

No. 1740299

I had a little pimple/whitehead on my ear earlier, and it was so satisfying to pop. It literally made 2 pop sounds. It's been there for a while, but it was much smaller so I didn't even realize it was a whitehead

No. 1740315

thanks for using my dumb cat meme. hehe.

No. 1740348

i wish i hadnt lurked the weird fetish art thread, from now on whenver i close my eyes i will be haunted by the memory of that infography about how smurfs reproduce

No. 1740353

I read a sci-fi mpreg BL manga from the 80's earlier today and now I am suffering from diarrhea. God was merciful today.

No. 1740354

File: 1698381920145.jpg (28.24 KB, 564x664, 1697628222066.jpg)

my friend's comming over and i havent cleaned my room aaaa

No. 1740366

File: 1698382566176.jpeg (107.5 KB, 600x811, 1677039246933.jpeg)

should i set up the coffee machine or go for instant coffee?

No. 1740379

My ex boyfriends mother is stalking me.

No. 1740386

I think they're just retarded and haven't connected their brains to their fingers before beginning to type….

No. 1740396

I accidentally made a dumbass shit 142 and immediately deleted it bc i didn’t see this I hate being retarded

No. 1740399

been kind of a doomer lately but these small moments of humanity just being silly makes me feel better thank you for making a donald duck noise 10 years ago stranger

No. 1740404

File: 1698387036301.gif (12.3 MB, 498x376, D758BB4D-ABD6-4F08-8489-877F96…)

It’s okay nonna, you’re in the right place
Feels like people are so bitter now and trying to drag everyone down with them, scrotes especially of course. Always on the most mundane silly or sweet posts theres gotta be some miserable faggy male, “Wow, she’s such a talented singer!” “no shes not” just stuff like that where they can’t allow ANY positivity to exist, like they just have to be combative at all times

No. 1740410

they just don’t make silly boys like they used to anymore now they’re all haters

No. 1740457

File: 1698393265911.jpg (92.11 KB, 1400x1050, wp7683467.jpg)

Why doesn't samsung get any cute phone cases while iphone users have millions of options to choose from.. I'm contemplating about buying a korillakuma phone case even though I kind of hate it, but it's the only case I found to look somewhat decent

No. 1740458

File: 1698393366510.png (104.32 KB, 566x504, sheisme.png)

which one of you is on neopets

No. 1740463

I wish the Samsung Alias would be remade with the ability to use Google Maps. That's it. That would be my dream phone.

No. 1740466

You can't use google maps on samsung? I have the application, but didn't have any need to actually use it, so idk, it seems to work for me though.

No. 1740468

You have a Samsung Alias that works with Google Maps???

No. 1740470

Ah, no, I have a samsung smartphone, I read alias as alliance instead and was confused on what you were complaining about

No. 1740471

File: 1698394270660.jpg (207.44 KB, 1280x1280, u750mock-rs__08269.jpg)

Samefag but this is the phone I'm talking about. If this was brought back and allowed me to use apps like google maps or basic google searching and online banking I'd be utterly old.

No. 1740474

*utterly sold

No. 1740480

No. 1740509

also forgot to mention, the shortest dick-length wise is far-right, and longest dick-length wise and height-wise is far-left, but there's a fifth character that's set to release that going to be longer than him both ways lmao.

No. 1740510

nonna watch this, it'll help you more

No. 1740512

Sorry for making the nerdy thread anons

No. 1740513

File: 1698398377444.jpg (51.97 KB, 1000x1735, 51UFrSElF1L.jpg)

i think samsung does have cute phone cases if it's a z flip lmao

No. 1740515

No. 1740517

File: 1698398574722.jpg (85.84 KB, 720x1040, 1262_3-720x1040.jpg)

I think you should set up one of these bad boys

No. 1740519

wish it was me, too bad my neopets account got deleted for some reason kek

No. 1740520

Nonners im eating spicy with a peppermint tea iced tea am i gonna die

No. 1740525

just read about the shart curse in the lolcow caps thread and i kid you not, i had not sharted in maybe twenty years but this morning after a wash i farted and felt something PLAP on my leg. it was a big string/clump of shitty mucus. i am scarred for life. it got on my towelling shorts.

No. 1740527

Nonna.. You are very silly. I have been using Samsung for a LONG time and I have to admit Samsung S7 had THE cutest cases, S9 was OK and Note 20 is barely worth mentioning, BUT you can still find VERY cute cases. I gotta admit I combed through all of Aliexpress to find shit, trying to go on official phone case sellers for official phone cases is like putting your leg in a bear trap.
With enough dedication and time I know you will find THE cutest phone cases! If you have an older phone it'll be very easy, if it's one of the new ones it's 50/50 whether you'll find a cute squishy molded into something cute case or not. Don't forget; they have the cute phone case superiority ONLY because they can't customize their phone themes/fonts/illegal apps if their life depended on it.

No. 1740528

All of you are making me happy I was too lazy to eat anything all day.

No. 1740529


No. 1740540

i just switched to iphone recently and i have to say, not being to freely theme and easily download ad free youtube app bummed me out for a bit, but it's doable and worth it in the end of course. not trying to shill apple, i have a very specific reason why i switched, but just saying that you definitely can it's just not as easy, and not as customizable (though i don't mind, i like the iphone homescreen personally)

No. 1740546

Why did you switch?

No. 1740552

i wanted a small phone

No. 1740555

File: 1698402333510.jpeg (134.9 KB, 563x900, IMG_3615.jpeg)

I’d give anything to be a vampire. I consume any and all media about vampires, I read any books and watch any films or tv shows that feature them (except twilight. Vampires shouldn’t sparkle in the sun, that ruins them as far as I’m concerned. And they need to consume human blood, what’s the point if they can just drink deer blood and still get their powers?) I fantasise about what it would be like regularly and it makes me genuinely sad it will never happen. I want to live forever and never die. I want to hypnotise people, drain their blood, turn into an owl or a bat and soar through the night sky in search of prey. How it’d make my dull brown eyes a luminous amber, how my skin would become clear and my hair shiny and I could go through life with the knowledge that all the people who have wronged me or looked down on me will become decrepit sick and old before eventually rotting in their coffin whilst I live forever. I want to see the world change. I want 100 years to seem like 10 due to my immortality. I want to watch over my family and my ancestors for centuries. I want to suck and drain the blood of moids.

Obviously there would be down sides. I can’t see myself in the mirror so I have to do my hair and makeup using an iPad or camera (I intend to always look glamorous and well put together even while slumbering in my coffin) how I can never feel the warmth of the sun on my skin again and never walk in the daylight. I love nature and hiking but I don’t mind. Vampires can probably see in the dark quite well, and I always see more impressive nature at night anyway. I can go hiking in the woods at night without walking into trees. I can have a dip in the ocean since it’s not holy water. I can still enjoy the outdoors, just in the darkness. I will spend the day slumbering in a beautiful cosy coffin.

Im 28 years old and I dream of getting married and having children, but if I could be a vampire I’d no longer give a fuck. That’s all I want out of life.

No. 1740569

File: 1698403787668.png (88.8 KB, 640x635, 1668763117788.png)

maxmoefoe is not a nerd why is everyone saying he's a nerd, he's literally a dudebro with a podcast where they do unfunny moid things like testing expensive alcohol. what makes him a nerd?

No. 1740571

the pokemon card autism?

No. 1740572

it's not autism, he doesn't even play the game or cares about the franchise, it's literally an investment for him. Is jake paul a nerd too because he fell for a pokemon cards scam?

No. 1740575

File: 1698404132535.gif (747.59 KB, 220x220, 1646855422424.gif)

this migraine is gonna kill me

No. 1740576

>it's literally an investment for him.
holy fuck he is retarded

No. 1740579

Because he doesn’t fit in the attractive guys I want to fuck thread and he has nerdy habits. It’s not that serious nonnie

No. 1740581

The majority aren’t even nerds, they are just men in glasses

No. 1740582

maybe she is a nerd boy defender

No. 1740587

File: 1698405315337.jpg (172.44 KB, 1024x1280, cosplaylloween_imalia_by_lapra…)

it seems like it's all fun and games until you get embraced by clan nosferatu

No. 1740590

what's your favorite vampire movie? i rewatched interview with the vampire last night and had a blast

No. 1740596

I hope Taylor Swift remains childfree and unmarried.

No. 1740597

he also invested in funkos, he's definetly a tard
post it in the unattractive men thread then or make your own containment thread
i am a purist. calling maxmoefoe a nerd it's like calling normalfag jocks who watched avengers with the bros ''nerds''

No. 1740599

File: 1698407666668.jpg (51.74 KB, 680x596, 1622187243183.jpg)

>nerd boy purist
I like it

No. 1740600

update, it did NOT kill me!

No. 1740601

I hate Rick and Morty. I can't believe it's from Adult swim, it definetly feels like a FOX butt abortion. It doesn't have the genuine feeling other AS shows have. It feels like it's made for normalfags and not weirdos like their other shows. Like it's made for people that would feel ATHF is too retarded and low iq, but they laught at the same jokes in Ricky and Martin when it's under 500 layers of irony. It's also too on the nose, the first episode being about rick murdering a pedo makes it obvious it's pandering to a certain audience that would feel uncomfortable with random people that did nothing wrong getting brutally and hilariously brutalized in Metalpocalypse/Venturebros . I hate it with a burning passion, but at least AS seems to be dumping the money they got from that shit into better stuff like Primal.

No. 1740603

My dream came true Nona's. I don't post here much because I can only phone post (with an apple keyboard no less) but I wanted to share. I got the permit to stay in the country I want, which was the step needed to achieve my ultimate dream, starting a career in the area I want. I was happy crying reading the decision letter. Happy day to everyone on here! Don't even know what tondo. I think I'll bake a cake!

No. 1740605

File: 1698408077179.png (226.5 KB, 298x431, me after being transphobic onl…)

possers don't know how hard it is to be in my 20s in the worst era to be a nerd enjoyer. We had 5 decades of prime nerdy boys and i happen to be born in the one with trannies, jocks larping as nerds because they wantched the avengers and adhd zoomies who leave a 2 hour video as background noise while they play fortnait and think they are true and honest nerds. I will gaslight, I will gatekeep, and I will girlboss.

No. 1740606

holy cow nonners congrats!! you inspire me to follow my dreams of living in another country. I hope your cake is delicious ♥

No. 1740608

my sides

No. 1740609

My favourites are A girl walks home alone at night and what we do in the shadows (I prefer the tv series because it has Nadja whos probably my favourite fictional vampire ever but like the film also) I am currently watching the series of interview with a vampire, I’ve not watched the film yet. I also really like let the right one in.

No. 1740611

File: 1698408324567.jpg (51.79 KB, 564x560, de9bdcd463c1f43d8e2dca6485548f…)

that's so awesome nonna! hope it turns out to be all you wanted and more, enjoy your celebration

No. 1740623

thank you for the reccs! i highly reccomend the movie, though i'm wary of the tv show since i really liked actors in the movie, and the show kind of looks cheap from the caps, are you enjoying it? i watched what we do in the shadows movie, but only recently found out about the show, i must get on it, i enjoyed the movie a lot. i also seen let the right one in, ages ago though, i could rewatch it, good movie. i'm downloading a girl walks home alone at night as we speak, it looks very interesting!

No. 1740632

File: 1698409428350.gif (580.1 KB, 395x327, billy.gif)

>alling maxmoefoe a nerd it's like calling normalfag jocks who watched avengers with the bros ''nerds''
you're so fucking right nonnie. I find max attractive (or found, imo he looked better in 2015-2018) but he is not an actual nerd/geek.
god what I hate the most is the normalfags who larp as nerds/geeks but only have surface knowledge about the interest. (and is most likely something mainstream 'cause they found it on tiktok or some shit). never trust people that found a "nerdy/geeky interest" through tiktok. they're all a bunch of larping 'tards
gifrel loml

No. 1740637

File: 1698409617329.jpg (35.05 KB, 606x350, 1597622538088.jpg)

>someone saved my gif
lol, thanks anon. I am so fucking angry Eltingville club got found out by tiktok/twitter, they forced Evan Dorking to put fucking pronouns. They ruin everything for god's sake.

No. 1740647

File: 1698410193522.jpeg (5.9 KB, 258x195, a true nerd.jpeg)

Ntas but do feel free to post a scrote who you believe ticks all of the correct boxes and qualifies as a superior nerd lmao

No. 1740654

File: 1698410398277.jpg (42.87 KB, 317x476, 1294588823575.jpg)

NTA but picrel

No. 1740657

oh my it's your gif?!!? do you have more of the eltingboys?
>I am so fucking angry Eltingville club got found out by tiktok/twitter
SAY WHAT..how do they manage to ruin everything arghhhhh I hate this timeline. of course they made evan put pronouns in bio. I'm surprised they didn't make him put "they/them" or "it/its"

No. 1740658

scott my beloved

No. 1740661

File: 1698410615128.jpg (91.87 KB, 1110x604, EIzDv9-XsAYhvbh.jpg)

No. 1740663

File: 1698410685382.png (128.39 KB, 218x419, image (1).png)

he has beautiful legs and feet, his gf is so lucky

No. 1740676

Love yourself

No. 1740678

File: 1698411564267.gif (1.91 MB, 440x640, 2NHpX1Vw3JuBDi8C.gif)

No. 1740679

No. 1740680

Shayna wishes she looked like this.

No. 1740682

I am disturbed

No. 1740684

kek. I clicked on the gif from the front page because I expected it to take me to the Shayna thread.

No. 1740689

Same. Hey there /ot/, don't get around much over here anymore.

No. 1740695

File: 1698412948848.jpg (47.07 KB, 400x566, __ootori_kyouya_ouran_high_sch…)

Know that I'm in the same boat as you nonnies
I love authentic nerd boys so much it's unreal

No. 1740702

i love myself very much thank you, i keep my nerd lust to men under 20 and with twinky features, the microsecond he turns 30 its over

No. 1740703

i meant under 30, now i sound like a pdf file

No. 1740710

It's nearly the weekend please oh my god just 1 more hour…

No. 1740716

The creator confirmed that Bill dies a virgin.

No. 1740718

i remember when he got fucking angry when tomboyanon asked him if bill could be redeem, it's funny he did an 180 now that his failed comic is tiktok famous lmao

No. 1740723

nta but I know max originally from his pokemon card videos that he did way back in the day, that's quite nerdy isn't it? the man can recognize a fake card in a nanosecond wdym he is not nerdy

No. 1740734

he can't even tell the names of the pokemons

No. 1740753

I knew that Bill remained a virgin, but how did he die? I missed that

No. 1740772

Anons itt seriously defending the honor of true nerd moids. Honestly, keep it up, it's your right as autists to gatekeep the nerd thread.

No. 1740778

fuck all my plans for tonight the fnaf movie got leaked

No. 1740779

Don't know about nowadays but 9-10 years ago he could and he was pretty nerdy, I don't really care if he knows nowadays because I don't believe someone's nerdy card just gets revoked because they don't keep up with shitty new gens

No. 1740789

Is that….is that Matpat as the waiter??? Am I tripping???

No. 1740794

File: 1698416856481.gif (2.75 MB, 498x373, say-the-line-bart.gif)

it's him, he even says the line

No. 1740797

What in the shit, I didn't even watch the movie yet but fans are apparently right when they say there's a TON of references in this film KEK. They even threw fucking Matpat in there. Is Markiplier gonna be a fucking janitor or something?

No. 1740807

probably, it looks like turbo shit though and definetly made for the age demographic of 8 to 12 yos

No. 1740810

why would you spoil the biggest jump scare of the movie?

No. 1740821

that's at the end where the credits are rolling and you see a black screen

No. 1740834

when i have some face on the side of my face i think i look pretty cute but once i push it all back i feel like i look like the moon emoji

No. 1740843

reminds me of this trend

No. 1740847

ohh she meant hair on her face…

No. 1740849

damn literally me

No. 1740850

esl sorry

No. 1740854

Why does Ajax have to smell like laundry detergent

No. 1740855

Hahaha ha this is me.
I am so envious of women with slender necks and refined cheekbones who can pull off short haircuts. It's crazy how hair frames round faces, I hate wearing my hair in up for this reason.

No. 1740868

What are the cons to becoming a furfag? Need to know for my sister She's deciding on becoming a furry. Help.

No. 1740884

Doesn't that mean she is already a furry?

No. 1740891

All the men who have broken my heart had 2 older sisters. Weird coincidence.

No. 1740898

Fuck if I know, she said she might be one. I just want some ways to convince her not to be one.

No. 1740901

File: 1698421605817.mp4 (10.73 MB, 480x854, cosplay-Renaissance-Pleasure-F…)

I know exactly what you mean, like how does any of this garish display have to do with Renaissance/medieval aesthetic ?

No. 1740909

i would say having nerdy hobbies like collecting and spending thousands and thousands on pokemon and other video game related stuff counts as a nerdy hobby. and i think that should be allowed on the nerdy thread. But I don't think he is an overall nerd in every aspect but who cares. let anons enjoy and sperg

No. 1740910

File: 1698422102466.jpeg (470.26 KB, 828x584, IMG_2209.jpeg)

after learning about productivity self help I feel weird when relaxing. Anyone else feel the same

No. 1740913

I misplaced my cheese dip, if anyone finds it pls let me know

No. 1740917

Look under any random man's foreskin, you'll find some there.

No. 1740921

No. 1740922

Please don't look at the email, i somehow typed in gibberish.

No. 1740926

you are doxed ms. dshr I am sending pizzas to your email right now

No. 1740928

oh is that where they keep the spicy queso? thanks nonna

No. 1740929

File: 1698422944117.jpg (51.63 KB, 625x469, cat (3).jpg)

I was about to make myself a tuna melt but i just went to the MTF thread (I never do, idk what compelled me to do that) and saw something that completely fucked up my entire appetite

No. 1740931

File: 1698422997039.png (605.06 KB, 1075x1792, X.png)

Some anons in the lesbian thread might have some too. And, as always, the shay thread.

No. 1740932

i was walking infront of a group of school boys and one joined and said "hello my black friend" and I didn't hear what the black kid replied but another boy said "he actually identifies as white" and "he has just been on holiday" i did have a little chuckle to myself

No. 1740933

Kek, I love this tweet

No. 1740936

and any faggot will just reply with "just let people have fun!!!!" what fucking fun is there in me seeing your sexy Shrek cosplay in the damn Renaissance fair.

No. 1740937

I had completely forgotten that episode and I kinda wished it had stayed that way.

No. 1740939

diaper fueled orgies and unwashed everything

No. 1740940

File: 1698423172747.jpeg (152.06 KB, 1244x796, IMG_6464.jpeg)

Meant to post this here but this was a vision I had after reading that Cain tumblr post

No. 1740943

How could you ever forget? The vent cheese will haunt me forever. I miss that show.

No. 1740944

anon don't let your sister become a fury KEK

No. 1740948

File: 1698423508832.jpg (132.79 KB, 972x1200, unnamed.jpg)

i must confess, i used to go to the husbando thread to post but now i just stay and lurk to look at nonna's spicy pics of their husbandos

No. 1740949

You could link her KF's furry section?

No. 1740954

there are lots of youtube videos about furies who are actually predators. like ones who were well known on social media and in the 'fury community' kek. link her those

No. 1740959

I don't think people should be exposing their (presumably younger) siblings to kiwifarms or any sites like this kek. They are cesspits.

No. 1740962

it depends on why she's a furry. if she's a paw patrol and webkinz autist then that's pretty harmless.

No. 1740964

yeah she may go down a rabbit hole and end up joining a fury discord

No. 1740970

i am going through another phase of binge watching hours of kitchen nightmares

No. 1740975

that's called shopping addiction and appealing to the algorithm because pokemon content does well

being annoying and surrounded by trans people and/or sexual predators.

No. 1741003

If anyone goes through KF furry threads and gets to the conclusion "yeah, I wanna join a furry discord" they were already completely beyond salvation

No. 1741017

File: 1698426839150.jpeg (14.2 KB, 340x340, 4d96592f9c2403666ca4e174af906f…)

don't worry I can change that

No. 1741024

who is ur husbando nonnie

No. 1741027

I hate packing for any trip I take. I feel like I always pack too much because I'm afraid of missing on item. It's so annoying and it's a habit I want to break.

No. 1741054

File: 1698428631434.mp4 (9.11 MB, 720x1280, weed.mp4)

But people question me when I say that some potheads have a serious issue. A braided joint? Seriously?

No. 1741062

I too love to go there just to google image search the husbandos of other nonas. most of them are from weeb media and I have no idea who they are

No. 1741064

File: 1698429130185.jpg (239.12 KB, 1609x2048, 20231018_153240.jpg)


No. 1741087

it's Leon, and another obscure male character, but i don't post anymore, the thread's not big enough for two leonnonnas.
this >>1740948 was my post nonna, kek, but Shinji is motto kawaii still

No. 1741096

Nonners, what was the last genuinely cute guy you ever saw in person? not talking about celebs or ytubers or models, just ordinary men that you just came across. For me, it was this mute barista, his face was pleasant and his shaved head somehow didn't make him ugly, and he'd throw a thumbs up everytime while helping customers to ask if everything is right and it made him look so cute, for months i thought about him but i never met him again after that bc the cafe where he works is not in a place i frequent.

No. 1741100

>the thread's not big enough for two leonnonnas
There are many leonnonnas, not just two. And I enjoy thast, not just because it's nice to see other post my husbando, but it also means none of us stand out. No risk of being accused of personality fagging.

No. 1741104

File: 1698431612694.jpg (302.25 KB, 1442x2048, 20231020_070827.jpg)

dropped my nta, sorry

No. 1741109

File: 1698431912383.jpg (277.65 KB, 1920x1080, jill-valentine-resident-evil-3…)

be a proud leonfag nonnie, I'm one as well. also a jillfag. god I love her

No. 1741111

Nta but nice to see a fellow Jill-sister! Absolutely the finest RE lady.

No. 1741112

shinji is kute

No. 1741114

never ever. for the longest time i couldn't tell if i was gay, extremely picky, or surrounded by uglies then i realized i was just [3d husbando name]-sexual

No. 1741116

File: 1698432300738.png (1.56 MB, 1000x1000, 1692233770565.png)

hello fellow jillsister!! I love her so much she's indeed the finest RE lady, Rebecca gets the second place and third Ada. I love the RE girls so much it's unreal… ♥

No. 1741117

File: 1698432306553.png (55.39 KB, 736x450, chrome_mwiZKJZZdv.png)

trannies trained it to act as 'clueless' as them kek

No. 1741119

File: 1698432423381.jpg (117.24 KB, 720x550, Screenshot_20231027-144607_Chr…)

Weird ass ai article

No. 1741121

i actually see a lot of qt boys where i live… am i blessed?

No. 1741124

Yes. Or your judgment is not to be trusted, one of the two.

No. 1741128

I saw a gorgeous guy who looked like an old painting the other day, but he also looked angry and was a manlet.

No. 1741135

there was one time months ago i got stuck on the tube and it was packed inside the carriage. i was wedged next to this tall, gorgeous man in a suit and his arm was right above me since he was holding on to a hanging strap, and i was facing him too since there was pretty much no space to move. it makes me blush thinking about it. can't think of any after that though

No. 1741137

is tumblr loading really slowly for anyone else ? i can't see anything on desktop and it won't even load on safari mobile…

No. 1741145

So, indeed just like a moid from an old painting?

No. 1741148

it's working for me. check ur network

No. 1741149

every other website works fine and fast for me so it couldn't be, which is making me even more upset right now. i wonder if it's an extension problem but then why would it not work on mobile when i have none of them ? i'm so frustrated. technical difficulties freak me out kek

No. 1741153

what extension do you have? you can try to turn them off then go to tumblr, maybe it'll work

No. 1741155

File: 1698435507531.jpg (257.3 KB, 900x675, 1672961209061.jpg)

drop the addy, i need to see for myself

No. 1741156

File: 1698435553805.jpg (7.57 MB, 2894x4093, a891892e09abe5d089676952e55e0e…)

NTA but yes

No. 1741160

No. 1741163

File: 1698435911579.jpg (42.04 KB, 682x633, 0b5423a1c32d794a201b2259dd8d51…)

why does the author hate phos so much…why cant my gay rock be happy for once

No. 1741164

File: 1698435963889.jpeg (45.97 KB, 320x240, 2728267C-3DDC-4F3D-B37D-DC1DEA…)

thinking about this now, was he cute because he was mute?

No. 1741165

Cute things must suffer
It is the natural order

No. 1741170

Reading the fandom discourse thread has truly made me want to go through with creating a women's only fandom nerd imageboard

No. 1741172

fujochan already exists

No. 1741175

What if I'm not a fujoshi?

No. 1741178

That's a shame…

No. 1741179

>a shame
For the love of cows, calves, and heifers. Can you lot not be passive aggressive, obnoxious, and generally slightly annoying for one minute?

No. 1741181

Pizza delivery driver from like two months ago had a cute face and pretty hazel eyes.

No. 1741186

Cartoon network has been streaming their episodes for halloween, I can't wait to watch over the weekend while I work on some projects

No. 1741188

I mean… if you do I wouldn't be mad, just saying

No. 1741194

I can't believe kidz bop is still going. Who the fuck listens to kidz bop in 2023

No. 1741195

Some hot blond baseball player guy I worked with who looked like River Phoenix about 7 years ago. I was 19 and he was only 17 and I remember feeling so guilty for thinking he was cute because he was younger and illegal. Anyone who's a spitting image of River Phoenix has me. Can't believe it's been 8 years since I've seen a hot guy. My mom came into my workplace to buy something once and even she thought he was cute.

No. 1741199

No. 1741203

I hate people who cosplay at the renaissance faire. Nobody is original anymore…it's not a video game/anime con. All those people should be rounded up and genocided. I've been going since I was 5 years old and the cosplaying as video games characters and memes is only a thing in recent years. How hard is it to dress up as a fairy or pirate for these people?

No. 1741204

Thanks. Thing is I have no problem with the set up process, maintenance, and tech aspects of setting up the imageboard but the bigger problem is getting posters I suppose.

No. 1741205

File: 1698437575848.gif (390.82 KB, 220x124, chiikawa-ちいかわ.gif)

its never to late to become fujo nonny… you can be saved

No. 1741206

this nona gets me

No. 1741207

she doesn't wanna have porn addiction, respect her decision.

No. 1741209

Nothing against BL I like it but I just like GL and HL more.

No. 1741210

File: 1698437840907.jpg (55.16 KB, 680x663, sexo.jpg)

No. 1741212

File: 1698437912923.jpeg (25.79 KB, 369x338, 1E2893CE-DCF7-4B3E-BA51-7685BC…)

No. 1741213

your a porn addict whose into little boys, glad to know.

No. 1741214


No. 1741215

Wtf are you even talking about? Claude Frollo is like in his fifties in all adaptations KEK

No. 1741216


No. 1741218

I miss classic videos like this

No. 1741219

No. 1741220

Someone working at my local supermarket that passed by me when I was there today. He had a cute face and a fluffy hair, must have been early 20s

No. 1741223

File: 1698438351141.jpg (64.01 KB, 595x960, VAEriuT.jpg)

This is the twisted wonderland version.

No. 1741225

Okay what? I don't even get why you should feel all guilty for that. It's literally just a two year age gap. You were BOTH even teenagers.

No. 1741226

Still doesn't look shota

No. 1741227

People don't want to fuck the cutesy Disney Tsum Tsums right?

No. 1741228

Kek this is supposed to be a little boy? He looks like he's in his early 20s.

No. 1741229

File: 1698438451326.jpg (1 MB, 2039x2894, nighty.jpg)

frollo-chan is good to yaoi with rollo-chan

No. 1741230

anon thats not a shota

No. 1741231

File: 1698438540625.jpg (335.67 KB, 950x1406, cursed.jpg)

So why exactly do you want to lewd a rapey guy in his 60s?

No. 1741232

Are all the fujos itt underage, or is there something about fujoism that makes you post in a more immature way than the average dumbass shit poster?

No. 1741233

wow i hate this

No. 1741234

I felt guilty at the time because I thought I was so mature but now I realize how that's basically the same age. Calm your tits

No. 1741235

porn brain-rot most likely.

No. 1741238

File: 1698438687296.jpg (370.8 KB, 950x1423, Call-Me-the-Judge-040.jpg)

It gets worse

No. 1741239

Again with the invasion of forced British accents in American media: WHY does Frollo have an English accent in the movie if it takes place in FRANCE? GodDAMN.

No. 1741240

File: 1698438707528.jpg (Spoiler Image,185.68 KB, 1021x1382, 1661638085722.jpg)

no but the tsum misbehave on dere own sometime

almost forhod my spoiler! again!

No. 1741242


No. 1741243

Stop bringing up my boobs. I know what you mean but I hate that phrase.

No. 1741244

what is the appeal? i dont get it.

No. 1741245

>no but the tsum misbehave on dere own sometime
Please be ESL. Anyways, good. I mean, I have no right to judge considering the cutesy nature of my husbando but I don't need to know if people want to bang the Tsum Tsums.

No. 1741247

File: 1698438870185.jpg (42.81 KB, 554x554, 20230805_014741.jpg)

i like to have fun

No. 1741249

Is that supposed to be Scar and some hyenas sucking on his tits??

No. 1741250

british accents=evil
french accents=whores

No. 1741251

well one is a wolf but yes

No. 1741253

All the more reason why Frollo's accent should've been accurate then

No. 1741254

pardon the typos

No. 1741255

Frollo hates whores though

No. 1741256

It's just some unfunny newfag that's trying to force the fujo thing in these threads. I also think they're possibly trying to become a namefag. Honestly I don't mind namefags but that's cause most (if not all) of them are genuine.

No. 1741257

'Hellfire' says different.

No. 1741259

I hid the unpopular opinions threads and life has been so peaceful

No. 1741260

File: 1698439234673.jpg (218.61 KB, 1032x1316, 1689279768162.jpg)

Not to bring back the Astarion discourse but Frollo is at least an upgrade from that

No. 1741264

File: 1698439351534.jpg (19.08 KB, 500x333, 20231024_205738.jpg)

No. 1741265

File: 1698439380863.jpg (81.57 KB, 800x540, 1687279011240.jpg)

This just shows that farmers are too nice to unfunny newfags these days, they get cocky and dare to keep posting.

No. 1741266

It's mostly one poster and they seem to think it's funny. This happened in the christmas bunker threads on cc too but that poster was obsessed with traps (did not have a great understanding of what a trap was though so it was extra retarded).
Wow, can't believe I'm wasting brain space on remembering any of this

No. 1741267

>accusing others of being newfags while revealing your own newfaggotry by misusing other lc terms (namefag)
Every time.

No. 1741269

>but that poster was obsessed with traps

No. 1741271

You're right that I mis-used it, but I was thinking of anons who are known by particular names (pakichan, romanianon, komaedachan, etc…) which all of the personalityfags are.

No. 1741273

I think they mean the usage of namefag

No. 1741274

this image is making me hungry

No. 1741281

Let the fujos have their happy hour and chill out, newfag. They'll tire themselves out for the day eventually.

No. 1741284

Nta but no, it's too much and they already have their own containment thread.

No. 1741285

File: 1698440127580.jpeg (158.39 KB, 1210x1204, F0D116BF-2B6D-4741-AA88-A71C87…)

Post your favorite fujoships

No. 1741286

This "no u!" stuff isn't working anon. And anyway, it's been going on pretty consistently for a while now which is why anyone is even discussing it. You can't recognizably do something everyday and expect anons to not take note of it, or even be annoyed.

No. 1741287

I don't mean "you" as in you're the fujo poster.

No. 1741288

i don't want to

No. 1741290

what if I hold your hand and tell you everything will be alright, will you do it then?

No. 1741291

File: 1698440264873.png (698.01 KB, 863x605, kyman.PNG)

No. 1741292

murricans can't understand french accents. or they couldn't find one to do it idk

No. 1741293

No. 1741295

File: 1698440385135.jpg (241.19 KB, 1000x1000, 1000_F_570635315_JaYL7C6sZXySK…)

everything will be alright

No. 1741298

File: 1698440625325.jpg (16.33 KB, 256x400, otp.jpg)

ok here

No. 1741300

Everything will not be alright

No. 1741305

File: 1698440874610.png (289.49 KB, 2680x1024, 1510705143629.png)

No. 1741306

on god I will fight you sister

No. 1741307

Is trump cheating on biden now? He already cheated on bolsonaro with putin and ruined their relationship and now he is back with putin, this can't go on, this toxic dependency

No. 1741309

Bring it on motherfucker

No. 1741312

>shipped by cute gay boys

No. 1741314

there's a lot of guys on /cm/ and /co/ who like it.

No. 1741315

File: 1698441202328.mp4 (2.46 MB, 720x720, gandilf.mp4)

No. 1741321

File: 1698441389153.jpg (270.45 KB, 1618x2048, 20231021_165400.jpg)

akeshu ♥

No. 1741322

Oh and also, namefag isn't an LC term. It's used here but it's not an LC term and it wouldn't even make sense for it to be. Like how nonnie isn't an LC term but some anons use it anyway.

No. 1741323

did they post dick pics?

No. 1741327

Based but I prefer the other edgy boy purseowner ships

No. 1741328

Maybe clear your cache or something anon.

No. 1741329

File: 1698441606290.jpg (1.06 MB, 2894x4093, illust_103280336_20221209_1347…)

who is d fujo poster?

No. 1741331

okay creek is pretty much low hanging fruit, is the typical archetype of blond x brunette trope, they are shipped because their colours don't clash and their interactions were vague enough to easily fantasise about their dynamics. Kyman has a complex friendship and relationship, both have difficult colours to work with and strong defined personalities, they're well rounded characters and on top of that both are minorities (a fatty and a jew). Their hate-love co-dependent situationship aroused naturally without fandom intervention, they were born to be shipped by virtue of existing, no manufacturing requerd.

No. 1741332

that ones really good too, evertime i see it i wanna try out the p3p 3 gay mod but i already played persona 3 like 4 times zzz

No. 1741333

i want proof of them being cute

No. 1741336

>on top of that both are minorities (a fatty and a jew).
Fat people aren't a minority in the US though.

No. 1741339

>i wanna try out the p3p 3 gay mod
That's a thing?

No. 1741340

there are like 3 fatties in the entire show anon

No. 1741342

Raising the bar and fat camp was nothing but fatties though.

No. 1741343

File: 1698442147947.jpg (195.95 KB, 1440x1800, 69899328_1344666465711736_6501…)

nonies please help me

No. 1741344

It’s making me horny.

No. 1741345

File: 1698442314340.jpg (39.87 KB, 480x272, 6272screenshot2.jpg)

>This mod makes some female-exclusive Social Links available for the male protagonist. All special events like the shrine festival, Christmas dates or Sunday dates are also available for the new social links. Dialogue was edited when necessary.

No. 1741347

I unironically would wear these.

No. 1741349

File: 1698442371443.jpg (38.29 KB, 480x272, 6272screenshot1.jpg)

this one is un-based because akihiko's true love is shinjiro and he's lying here

No. 1741353


No. 1741355

cursed with couture

No. 1741357

File: 1698442782542.jpg (109.11 KB, 1029x1029, small horse.jpg)

visualize with me

No. 1741358

Is this supposed to teach you how to ride dick? I'm confused

No. 1741359

Only posh British accents. I dare you to tell me someone from Yorkshire sounds evil. They’re just trying to survive t’pit.

No. 1741360

ew, no

No. 1741362

yeah it originated on 4chan

No. 1741366

I'm headcanoning that over the years all the Ariana Grande seething in the celebricows thread is written by Jennette McCurdy and it all suddenly turns hilarious kek

No. 1741367

I don't think Jennette is sitting in her mansion caring about Ariana anymore

No. 1741370

Let me have my funny fantasy nonny

No. 1741376

File: 1698443991776.jpeg (239.04 KB, 2352x2352, 9951C5BF-4BDE-45F4-96CC-C8C197…)

No. 1741381

I haven't been in to hetalia since my teens but absolutely based taste nonnie.

No. 1741382

Why are you sorry? It's a cute ship
I like Russia and China more though.

No. 1741384

As someone who never read hetalia I have no idea what's it about other than yaoi ships.

No. 1741388


No. 1741389

Historical comedy

No. 1741392

world war 2 but the countries are kawaii anime boys and we dont talk about war crimes

No. 1741394

Make your own. That's what I did. I got a clear case, some clear plastic, some cute stickers, a photo card of a kpop singer I like and a card from a cartoon I like and put the stickers on the plastic after cutting it to fit my phone's size and cameras, placed it in and out the 2 cards inside. It looks super cute and I couldn't be happier. Vidrel is an idea to style a clear case. The possibilities are endless, you can make it themed in any way you want and whatever colors.

No. 1741396

but do they really get into relationships? or is the fujo fandom just that strong?

No. 1741403

File: 1698445925354.jpeg (65.25 KB, 565x1412, CB25B064-DAB2-4BC0-AF26-5717B4…)

Pretty much why it was popular was because of the anime boys and fujo potential. Plus every flavor of anime boy personality, nationality for girls with xenophilia, every fujo ship dynamic possible, huge angst potential, someone’s drawn or written the anime boys sad over any historical event in often hilariously insensitive ways, and the fandom fucking dominated conventions like on the same level as Homestuck.

No. 1741406

File: 1698446204846.jpeg (388.24 KB, 1624x1000, C9636B7F-AA1F-4FD7-98BB-D8D3A2…)

https://www.deviantart.com/hetaliasse/gallery This persons whole gallery is just APH war art, warning for blood and violence… obviously. This is how history should be taught imo.

No. 1741410

File: 1698446602356.jpg (Spoiler Image,504.9 KB, 1329x1000, d3jf07q-11b97076-b399-494f-9df…)

holy shit

No. 1741415

File: 1698447181719.jpeg (100.12 KB, 480x557, 5A0129C0-25FC-4154-AA9F-3137F9…)

It’s my most favorite type of autistic fanart, not just with APH but those arts that are Sonic characters paying tribute to 9/11 or any other tragedy or historical event, it’s (usually) just genuinely made with good intentions and no irony at all. I’d love a whole thread on it but it’s too specific and retarded and I think the autism one in /m/ covers it enough.

No. 1741424

Sad that most of today's edgelords are still pozzed and pro-troon, I miss this.

No. 1741428

why did that anon in the lesbian yumejo thread delete her post i wanted to save that female nagito komaeda picture and tell her that i agree… was that ko-chan? nonniekins (kek) i hope you see this in passing…

No. 1741452

File: 1698450950429.jpg (55.47 KB, 540x517, tumblr_4d80a009959a9c297247406…)

i hope the woman i like didnt see my unhinged ig story about the CIA we are not in the 'comfortably unhinged around each other' stage

No. 1741459

File: 1698451631975.jpg (35.62 KB, 540x377, tweet.jpg)

That one anon in the vent thread reminded me of this tweet

No. 1741462

Rip squirrely

No. 1741464

File: 1698452235736.png (3.9 MB, 1329x1995, never forgetti rest in spaghet…)

No. 1741465

He got ate by a bird in case you were wondering. We lost a lot of good men today.

No. 1741470

RIP wormy

No. 1741473

She probably didn’t don’t worry
Never share anything on stories, for some reason it makes you want to post the most unhinged shit knowing it goes away in 24 hour and not everyone will see it…. It’s a mind trap

No. 1741483

My cat always waits for me to start eating before she eats her food. Similarly, if she sees me eat a snack she'll run over to her bowl to eat the kibble she didnt finish from her last meal

No. 1741484

That's so cute

No. 1741517

I hope my chia seed pudding comes out ok. I've never made it before and i am eating it for my breakfast at work tomorrow.

No. 1741605

File: 1698463802489.jpg (240.27 KB, 724x483, nipples-protruding.jpg)

If Jordan and Ben were going to have a threesome who do you think the lucky third would be?

No. 1741609

No. 1741610

Joe Rogan

No. 1741611

Not sure if I should install 50gb of a newly-released game I had already pre-purchased or just get a refund and wait for all the bugs to be fixed. The reviews on steam have been Mixed and the subreddit is full of people complaining about glitches and bugs. Why can't games just work on launch day???

No. 1741614

good ending - ben selfcest clone
neutral ending - alex or joe (rogan)
bad ending - netanyahu
true ending - blacked by kanye but not really because he's an uke

No. 1741615

I don't know where to post this but I find it extremely annoying that my homosexual neet brother is genuinely against BL and fujos and the like because he genuinely believes in the whole gay fetishization harming actual gays thing.

No. 1741617

Who cares, you can't expect everyone to support your porn addiction

No. 1741621

File: 1698465129386.png (766.84 KB, 1998x1313, 1696830221379.png)

No. 1741622

I don't know what you're talking about. I just found it funny that he's the walking breathing stereotype of a tumblr user who gets upset and worried over fictional gays drawn by women, proshipping, and representation in fandom, when he should worry about finding a job.

No. 1741627

File: 1698465425334.jpg (54.43 KB, 1170x843, xbi83g6.jpg)

Support mine

No. 1741628

>fujo mention
>fandom proshipping mention
this thread really is highlighting the dumbass shit huh

No. 1741633

File: 1698465943301.jpeg (310.83 KB, 1700x2125, Fw9ohaHacAAonzA.jpeg)

It's so oddly quiet during weekends. I'm so hungry, what should I eat?

No. 1741635

what ingredients do you have?

No. 1741639

God I hate moids with pepperoni nipples. Disgusting

No. 1741641

I got tomatoes, carrots, noodles, rice, bellpeppers, eggs. I don't have any meat.

No. 1741648

egg fried rice? could put the carrots and bell peppers in there

No. 1741654

It depends how comfortable Ben is sharing Jordan and how comfortable Jordan is sharing Ben. Both seem to be anti polyamory. I assume in whatever scenario Ben would end up tag teamed or DP'd because he's a whiny bottom.

No. 1741667

I will attempt to drink a gallon of milk in 3 hours.

No. 1741668

I keep hearing faint metal clanking noises outside idk what it is but it's extremely comforting to me because it sounds exactly like someone is outside doing blacksmithing and that makes me feel like I'm in a cozy village in an rpg

No. 1741669

Obviously Bibi.

No. 1741671

that would scare the shit out of me lol

No. 1741672

bless you, I made it and it was delicious, would post a picture if I could

No. 1741674

File: 1698470202146.jpeg (1.54 MB, 2153x2143, E96DC22A-4757-41F3-9A8D-44DE3C…)

I went to the store and saw this image on a cheese brand and instantly thought of here. She is literally so cute

No. 1741680

Her name is elsie too, wow, what a coincidence

No. 1741683

No. 1741692

File: 1698472223833.jpg (36.27 KB, 768x576, NYPICHPDPICT000062354573.jpg)

Why does every man who has done unspeakable evil against you have a 76% chance of looking exactly like this

No. 1741694

wtf? This is too crazy

No. 1741695

File: 1698472514167.jpg (767.88 KB, 1079x1856, Screenshot_20231026_004918_Ins…)

Because men in general are just ugly. They KNOW they're ugly too.

No. 1741714

ntayrt but this idea is so cute! it reminds me of when i tried beautifying my ugly stained brown-yellow old once-completely transparent phone case(that came with my mother's old phone that was handed down to me) by making hearts on it with nail polish and would put pretty decorative tape behind the case sometimes i would cut a paper into the shape of my phone case and put decorative tape on it because my parents would refuse to buy me new phone cases.

No. 1741725

Things got a little too funny yesterday, I left it on top of my car. But I also lost my isopod key chain what the FUCK.

No. 1741749

File: 1698479325259.jpg (Spoiler Image,586.82 KB, 1200x840, 1697803220227884.jpg)

Which one

No. 1741767

bison with the face of dog

No. 1741778

Wild bear all the way

No. 1741780

Moments like these make me wonder if i'm even attracted to men at all. These are all very…well I don't want to cause an infight

No. 1741781

File: 1698485746230.jpg (316.68 KB, 1078x1211, Screenshot_20231028_113423_Fir…)

I'm in love with the blouse in pic related but it's like 30€ and I know I wouldn't wear it but it's so pretty

No. 1741799

how'd it go?

No. 1741801


No. 1741803

let me boot up my laptop brb

No. 1741806

File: 1698489387775.png (515.1 KB, 717x472, shuichi blood.png)

I forgot about the violent yume at the end of DRV3
Truly best girl

No. 1741807

here's the skribbl.io link:

No. 1741808

I'm down

No. 1741810

I,m there

No. 1741815

You don’t have to be attracted to 2D depictions of men to be attracted to men nonna. With some art style tweaks I’d probably like it but i’m not attracted to generic simplistic anime face. It’s gay male art anyways so not meant for our gaze.

No. 1741821

What's the brand? I would totally wear it.

No. 1741831


No. 1741842

Your ship tastes are like a 40 year olds

No. 1741862

monky and its not close

No. 1741866

No. 1741947

File: 1698501563200.jpg (63.03 KB, 600x363, tumblr_m9jb7amRCv1rypeoko1_640…)

take him, quickly

No. 1741971

awww hello sweet frog friend!

No. 1741987

I hate when I cry and then the next days my eyes are puffy. It's not even about appearance but because the skin feels so thick and my eyes feels so heavy. Idk what to do.

No. 1742045

I'm about to have a cookie for my almost afternoon breakfast. This is really bad, but at least it'll just be a small one. Honestly I have basically no food in my house right now that wouldn't take a lot of preparation to cook.

No. 1742051

adorable screecher

No. 1742083

File: 1698510335513.png (1.2 MB, 1159x625, someonesfather.png)

How do you look like you benefit from elderly discounts and have a young anime girl poster. I never saw a man with graying hair be an anime coomer. Probably because most bald before their hair can gray. Someone out there calls this man granddad.

No. 1742087

men the microsecond they turn 20

No. 1742089

Old people always have something in their freezer or kitchen cabinets that's like a century old.

No. 1742093

Who is this guy? Please tell me he’s at least 40 to be looking like that

No. 1742094

Thoughts on the name Mikeicha?

No. 1742096

File: 1698512769553.png (67.86 KB, 257x145, catearfaggot.png)

Random reaction channel on youtube. I thought he was gonna be a professional giving an opinion on a song since he's old so I clicked it but he's just a random guy.

No. 1742100

No matter how many times i’ll clean out my fridge or pantry I’ll still find something that expired in 2007.

No. 1742130

File: 1698514828506.jpg (59.62 KB, 995x797, C_I3G0QVYAAboMw.jpg)

Thinking about this.

No. 1742138

Ah, so my mother's step-by-step guide to handling situations with anyone close to her kek

No. 1742142

I’m so bored nonnies what media are you consooming

No. 1742149

I was reading a forum from the early 2000s. It's interesting to see all the random stuff they talked about.

No. 1742159


No. 1742163

File: 1698515818056.png (50.1 KB, 370x320, 82087796_p0.png)

yyaoaooAOOAI♥ dojin

No. 1742165

File: 1698515847224.jpg (425.47 KB, 717x1280, Big guy.jpg)

Wishing there were more videos of him, I hope he never does a face reveal so I won't be disappointed

No. 1742166

lobster ?

No. 1742168

People on twitter reacting to Hamas' massacre of jewish civilians.

No. 1742169

Aren't you supposed to go find some gluten free bread jewchama(racebait)

No. 1742173

Except it's unironically based and true when they do it(racebait)

No. 1742175

What the hell is that?
No, it's tragic.

No. 1742180

Your biggest struggle in life right now. Must be hard to live in a country where you have to take the bus to find gluten free bread, my heart feels for you. When are you posting your quirky war adventures? The people you kicked out and killed and terrorised for decades just don't understand your struggles you poor chewchew

No. 1742182

File: 1698516981165.jpg (114.02 KB, 720x900, 20231028_131053.jpg)

Why did they become bad at propaganda all the sudden? They had the boomers fooled for decades but Thanos and Voldemort crying is only getting them made fun of

It is, look even Thanos is crying for the Israeli soldiers with gluten allergies who have to eat bagels with gluten in them as they murder and rape innocent civilians(racebait)

No. 1742185

I do not believe this is real. But then again israel official twitter account said they had "receipts" about that hospital that got bombed, so

No. 1742189

File: 1698517541926.jpg (105.07 KB, 1024x1280, 20231028_132521.jpg)

The Voldemort one is, here's the tweet from the official twitter

No. 1742192

Still have no idea what this bizarre rant is supposed to be. What is a jewchama?
They need to fire whoever decided to involve fictional character in talking about such a horrible real life event.

No. 1742194

does anyone else here get anxious sleeping in a dark room? i've developed a lot of anxiety about sleeping in a fully dark room - i have to have some sort of ambient light or at least a nightlight to illuminate things. i think it may be ptsd from growing up in a dysfunctional home and drama always occurring at night. i live alone now and i legit have panic attacks if my apartment is so dark i can't make out shapes. my mom is coming to see me later on this month so i may buy another moon lamp from amazon and have her bring it with her as i've been getting scared at night again.

No. 1742196

I know they're using Thanos and Voldemort to make a point with that "redefine evil" message, but it's also stupid to look at these pictures because at best, Thanos and Voldemort wouldn't give a fuck KEK

No. 1742197

Can JKR or Warner sue them for this?

No. 1742200

i used to live with someone that needs to have her lights on every night because she couldn't sleep in the dark

No. 1742202

They also tried to start beef with one of the Hadid on Instagram, they are really going for a how do you do fellow teminally online kids

No. 1742204

File: 1698518172624.png (21.84 KB, 596x337, israel.PNG)

You can tell they're speaking a certain way trying to be relatable or whatever, but it's not working in their favor at all. It's insane to see an account that's supposed to be representative of a military treating this so un-seriously.

If anyone is wondering, this tweet is they posted a video today warning Palestinians to evacuate northern Gaza to south Gaza. Keep in mind they don't have anyway to see the video and it's in English.
Sorry nonna, reposted to add some stuff

No. 1742208

Idk, fictional characters crying about fictional victims and staged events seems pretty fitting to me. It's not like they have anything else to post besides absurd AI generated garbage and lies to divert attention from what they're doing IRL.

No. 1742210

I get like that when I have PTSD attacks. Definitely get a little night lamp. I have one in a silly design and it helps because it reminds me of the present.

No. 1742211

before i moved into my apartment i had roommates from college when i was in campus housing and they thought i was weird for needing some sort of light. i tried to explain to them i am always afraid of someone screaming at me or what not, they never understood. i'm so damaged, i also get scared when people ring doorbells as doorbells = cops coming to the house to bring back my drunk cousin or my aunt on a 2 am skitzo meltdown. i also hate phone calls as my family only calls me again, when bad shit happens. i sound crazy as fuck but i've had a really traumatic life.

No. 1742212

Go back to the tinfoil thread.

No. 1742213

You don't sound crazy anon, that's all very reasonable.

No. 1742217

them posting this kind of garbage and the thrist trap idf onlyfans thots they keep promoting is making them look crazy to everyone. what was the pr team thinking?

No. 1742219

File: 1698518743184.jpg (30.72 KB, 564x564, 1696140729910.jpg)

>look at old art
>realize i have regressed
art is such a difficult beast to tame

No. 1742220

Go back to your cave, goblin

I really do think they're acting as retarded as possible on purpose to muddy the waters and steal attention from the real footage of what they're doing in Gaza as we speak

No. 1742224

I get this , I try to make it better by drinking a lot of water and washing my face before going to bed. I feel like the salt in my tears makes my eye area swollen because it also happens if I eat a lot of sodium. Nothing like waking up after a shitty night looking like a sumo wrestler that got punched in the face.

No. 1742227

is the whale actually good

No. 1742229

Have you taken into account that maybe the page is run by idf soldiers in their late teens and that's why it comes off as so try-hard. You think anyone above the age of 20 is sitting down and tweeting this shit? Hasbara is so bad because it's literally done by kids fresh out of highschool

No. 1742230

No. 1742231

It's good if you're okay with watching male characters absolutely suffer and wallow in their own patheticness.

No. 1742233

i need some fujo sister itt to writte an ending where the whale guy does yaoi with the christian pastor guy

No. 1742235

God damnit, there’s no official Israel Hetalia character they could haves used.

No. 1742236

what's so good about it

is he set up as a victim or is it more "look at how this idiot fucked up his life"

No. 1742238

Avril Lavigne has always been a dumb pickme who makes shitty music with no taste or innovation and nothing about her has changed in 20 years except she got even more boring and corny, I will judge anyone who likes her unironically

No. 1742239

Both. The characters call him out on his stupid thinking, but it's set up to try and make you feel sorry for his situation too

No. 1742241

File: 1698519606026.jpg (236.73 KB, 756x904, d1y54d6-4af582b0-d0eb-4ff1-98c…)

No. 1742243

Ikr? The "girlfriend" opens up with "hey, I don't like your girlfriend, I think you need a new one". Skater boy is pretty pickmeish too. Damn, the early 2000s were such a pickme time

No. 1742244

Where’s the yaoi

No. 1742245

File: 1698519763866.gif (823.96 KB, 500x230, gTc9RtU.gif)


No. 1742246

>ages 13 and 14

No. 1742250

No. 1742251

Got my first job in the character designing industry. I will graduate from lolcow soon out of fear, but I will keep you all in my thoughts and design men that you will all like

No. 1742252

I miss Hetalia.These are unironically so good.


No. 1742253

>yaoi AND shota

No. 1742255

Did the no-shota posting rule just go null or was that a fever dream

No. 1742257

I forgot to buy my weekend cereal. I'm devastated.

No. 1742258

No. 1742259

I thought it was no posting underage characters in a sexualized way. Whoops.

No. 1742260

I wonder if she ever apologized to Britney Spears for repeatedly calling her a whore completely unprovoked. That said, she just seems genuinely intellectually retarded and was lead around by her label trying to make her into a punk princess pissing off all the poser bitches and most likely told her to start a feud with Britney for PR purposes. Doesn't still make her any less of a dumbass, her weeb era was even more cringe than Gwen Stefani's which already was pretty bad.

No. 1742261

It says do not discuss

No. 1742263

File: 1698520139237.png (317.13 KB, 475x2097, sk8.png)

sk8er boi's lyrics were the worst of the worst

No. 1742265

Just rename this to the Pickme anthem or something

No. 1742266

I didn’t cared to read some Hetalia OCs little about me. Most of the canon characters are adults anyways, don’t know why that artist made them 14 unless she was a 14 year old yumejo, we’ve all been there.

No. 1742268

File: 1698520409724.jpg (22.75 KB, 297x495, KEK.jpg)

Mexico x America was my favorite ship
It's kind of criminal there was no canonical Mexican one.

No. 1742269

god what a blast from the past i remember i loved this video

No. 1742273

File: 1698520488123.jpg (88.34 KB, 681x1174, 685bf79d2610978de1e00884a91645…)

No. 1742276

my goal for next year is to draw tons of military guys

No. 1742277

File: 1698520612740.jpg (88.5 KB, 681x1174, 06d52565d0c13f1fbb5dc02b90c28e…)

No. 1742278

sfw is ok, they said only nsfw shota and loli is against the rules on /meta/

No. 1742279

Why do these look like a scrote tried to emulate an anime bishie style but failed miserably

No. 1742280

It is, no one is allowed to post shota/loli unless related to milk. I don't think that hetalia image counts though, it's a SFW pic of anime characters that isn't shota but just teenagers

No. 1742281

The ugly style is more offending than the content.

No. 1742283

yeah these faces are too ugly. like some bad combination of western style and anime

No. 1742285

File: 1698520951996.jpg (94.25 KB, 700x738, oodang.jpg)

but what if some of tgem have floofy ears and tail

No. 1742291

File: 1698521379198.jpeg (3.04 MB, 2632x3680, C3BFC343-E44F-4829-924D-7A0540…)

I think it’s kinda cute besides some proportions, but idk I can see some influence from Himaruya’s art style which I always liked.

No. 1742293

Thought it would be funny to tell my history teacher about Hetalia when I was in high-school. Forgot to ask her what she thought about it, and hopefully she didn't see any "weird" fanart.

No. 1742294

Come on anon their faces look ungodly ugly, Himaruya would be offended

No. 1742296

I just pulled out the hugest clump of wax from my ear, holy shit

No. 1742302

I always found Hima’s art so cute and appealing, I have no idea why so many people shit on it.

No. 1742307

Stayed up till 6am yesterday watching super GALS, going to start reading swan song since my friend found a torrent.

No. 1742308

honestly he's good at character design, all the boys look charming and none of them have those exaggerated bishounen hairstyles you see in otome

No. 1742320

What is it about trad guys that makes them have shitty genes and always long egg-shaped beards?

No. 1742335

the whale would never do that he was permanently heartbroken over his dead husband. pastor guy was a weird liar, I hated his character, he doesn't deserve to be yaoi'd.

No. 1742336

File: 1698525404299.jpg (28.83 KB, 365x220, derp.jpg)

nonnies!! I'm back with skribbl.io! join if you want

No. 1742341

it's skribbl.io, a person has to draw then the others have to guess what the player drew

No. 1742345

Dammit anon, you made me go on a nostalgia trip and search for fan made latin hetalia. Megane Uruguay was cute.

No. 1742347

Okay but France x UK

No. 1742351

File: 1698526526948.jpg (462.04 KB, 1534x1564, tumblr_a6a1d74d61e1bcf304f01c9…)

Brarg was a fun ship too.

No. 1742353

Hero 108. Both seasons are officially on youtube in HD. It's spooky, goofy, and fun. It's about animals and humans fighting each other because of some bad guy telling them to do so and the heros try to stop the war. Season 1 is very formulaic but season 2 is where the plot thickens. Lin Chung can get it

No. 1742356

what forum nonnie? I'm curious

No. 1742365

I actually never listened to her or even read a single lyric of hers and I've seen the first few lines in memes before.

No. 1742366

ALL THIS HETALIA POSTING REMINDS ME of when I was a tween and I was SO in love with the guys and I discovered the dating sim with Seychelles or who ever the hell it was and she was the main protagonist and I DIDN'T KNOW she was meant to be a self-insert so I got SO mad I scribbled my own OC (I think Kaliningrad or something? her theme was ambers and shit kek) and wrote a bunch of fan fics of her getting together with every guy I liked.
I remember that now I feel SO fucking insane.

No. 1742374

My hypothesis: the genes make them ugly and retarded so they fall for the trad bullshit and have similarly ugly retarded children who fall for the trad thing. Rinse and repeat.

No. 1742377


Join us for some drawing fun

No. 1742390

File: 1698529354896.jpeg (123.24 KB, 534x674, IMG_2882.jpeg)

>they don’t know that my lashes are Jurassic Park

No. 1742396

File: 1698529641101.jpg (111.25 KB, 821x567, cccanada...jpg)

No. 1742399

File: 1698529840714.jpg (45.74 KB, 750x600, sheknows.jpg)

on a real note I'm watching Azumanga Daioh. a really addictive anime.

No. 1742401

The other night I saw a businessman drinking the pringle crumbs from the can on the bus and i realized were all a little bit more alike than I thought

No. 1742402

Does anyone here play wolvesville/werewolf online?

No. 1742403

no, what is that?

No. 1742405

It's an browser game where 16 players are given random roles in a village. 4 of the players are wolves and have to kill the villagers until they outnumber them to win but they can only do it at night and must trick the villagers. Some of the villagers have special abilities that can help them detect who is a wolf but so do the wolves to protect themselves. It's a really fun game.

No. 1742406

forgot to add that the village can vote a player who is suspected to be a wolf out of the village during the day

No. 1742487

Is this still full of anons?

No. 1742543

trying to design cute boys for a dating sim im making with my friends, and realized literally all of them have long flowing hair. i definitely have a type

No. 1742545

That's fine, keep making those designs and share them

No. 1742547

File: 1698538499663.png (120.77 KB, 562x350, image (4).png)

I think his humor was just too advanced for the time

No. 1742583

never played but sounds fun. I wish we could all play mario party together.

No. 1742619

why are salons so fucking expensive now? the cheapest one around here is like 50+ dollars for a haircut and doesn't include wash or style

No. 1742633

File: 1698544724440.jpg (65.27 KB, 720x1009, 190fe63d30276f77e7fd8a992645bf…)

Agreed. A lot of his comics have a really interesting and unsettling quality about them. They remind me of Charles Addams a bit.

No. 1742775

I know FNAF fans are children, but I can't stand the manchildren who are prasing that dog shit movie just to be contrarians to the critics.

No. 1742797

it's cool, but make sure to not make it too vtuber-y

No. 1742804

This looks and sounds like Town of Salem but without any of the charm. Not like ToS is the original game with the premise though, it comes from an IRL party game called mafia/werewolf, which is great fun to play with drunk friends. I used to play ToS like everyday years ago, I was addicted. I should play it again…

No. 1742805

me but giving every single male character glasses

No. 1742810

there's a town of salem 2 now. I'm actually waiting for a lobby to fill up while browsing right now lol
It's pretty fun and I have a few hundred hours in it, I like the new art style (it's cuter and not as gritty). The only thing I don't like is that there's 2 or 3 obnoxious troon players who are constantly online and make it a point to tell everyone that they're a twans gurl. One of them is in the official Discord server with a profile with a succubus anime girl and a commie flag, super gross

No. 1742813

File: 1698567484117.jpg (250.3 KB, 787x678, GlamrockFreddysmokebreak.jpg)

>checked social media and saw Fnafags sperging that the movie is "deeper" than they thought because of twist in character symbolism or some shit
>Matpat getting a role with his corny ass internet line in the script gives me the gut feeling it's like the Mario movie with a landfill-worth of references to carry a mundane plot
As a person that cares way more about the game than the movie or even the comics and doesn't care about spoilers at this point, can somebody confirm if it really ended up like the Mario movie? AKA, fucking your face with reference after reference after reference and sprinkled with fifty pounds of nostalgia pandering?

No. 1742815

File: 1698568089589.jpg (852.63 KB, 2999x3999, xsi19ykxrra61.jpg)

ahhh, male megane moe

No. 1742816

samefag, imagine a part-dress up game, part-otome game about giving cute boys glasses frames that suit their faces n stuff.

No. 1742817

what do i have to do to make this happen to me? should i take the mixed-sex coach instead of the women's-only coach from now on?

No. 1742820

It does look cute! I like that they added in animations, I'll be sure to check it out. Too bad about the annoying troons, but there's always gotta be some attention seeking whore in public lobbies of any game, it's a given. I just did one round of classic of the old game, and there had to be a "who here hates muslims" in lobby chat and a gamethrower.

No. 1742821

File: 1698568852926.jpg (145.43 KB, 666x1000, the-banana-splits-movie-2019-p…)

I didn't get the references because i am not a fnafag, i only liked they used the living thompson's remix at the end. It's an extremely boring movie that's made for literal toddlers. It's such a snooze fest, and the animatronics appeared for less than half of the movie's lenght. If i were a fan i would be extremely pissed of for waiting so long for such a mediocre movie, but modern fanboys are bootlickers of the highest caliber. There was so dumb innecesary plot about the main charac's sister being taken away by the evil step mother that felt like some bad disney channel tv movie. The banana splits movie mogs it's ass with half of the budget. I hate how mediocrity is applauded nowadays.

No. 1742822

the new twitter hate thread pic looks funny

No. 1742823

I've been complaining about it non-stop, lol As someone who spent too much of their time and money in the fandom i'll be honest and say it's bad. It's like they gave an Ai a gameplay video to study and asked it to write a script.
The movie is filled with nonstop easter eggs even down to the plot being a hint to the biggest theory within the fandom, The beginning is slow and doesn't explain who the characters are to new viewers and the ending is too fast and tries to cram in more easter eggs while also trying to take itself serious.

No. 1742828

Samefag, but the acting comes off as awkward and stiff sometimes and just like the main character you'll find yourself falling asleep constantly.
You can also tell that the reason they choose two really bad animatronic characters to make the most active within the movie is because they're showing off the props for those two since the rest of the characters are worn props.

No. 1742839

i know anon i woke up and saw it and laughed

No. 1742840

why does my cat sleep on the floor? he has a bed he used to love and my bed. I keep accidentally stepping on his tail

No. 1742851

File: 1698572539235.jpeg (437.11 KB, 1170x632, IMG_3203.jpeg)

This still doesn’t make sense even after reading extensively on all the procedures he had done like he really changed races and managed to be masculine and feminine without being androgynous

No. 1742854

where does he look feminine? he looks like an old busted metalhead singer from the 80s

No. 1742858

File: 1698572875260.jpg (111.69 KB, 928x629, michael_jackson_hospital_bed_-…)

The pepsi commercial incident messed him up.

No. 1742859

File: 1698572935652.jpeg (56.53 KB, 448x720, IMG_3204.jpeg)

I’m using feminine loosely here but his hair and top half of his face appeared more feminine compared to the masculine fake cleft with implanted chin on the bottom half.

No. 1742861

he was the original yasssification

No. 1742865

What I don’t understand is how he got that white. Vitiligo and hydroquinone only do so much.

No. 1742866

I wanna know too, that is to me the biggest mystery of the 21st century,

No. 1742867

I got offered a "job" opportunity that sounds a little too good to be true. I have to livestream for 1 - 2 hours per day just talking. It's targeted at asian men and is no nudity. Should I take it?

No. 1742868

I'd say don't do it, it'll probably end up eating you on the inside, or they'll send you gross shit.

No. 1742870

I can believe that the pepsi hair fire could have given him a pill problem but he already had crazy in his eyes and had started his plastic surgery stuff before that happened

No. 1742872

Michael Jackson got replaced in the mid eighties.

No. 1742874

No. 1742876

do you have to show your face?

No. 1742878

No. 1742879

The second English op is very underrated

No. 1742883

Try it and if you don’t like it, quit!

No. 1742890

careful, moids are going to make deepfakes of you

No. 1742895

maybe the floor is chillier? dunno cats are interesting creatures

No. 1742898

no soz but we'll maybe play later

No. 1742899

could be, he's really fluffly and its almost summer here

No. 1742904

Trust your gut.

No. 1742905

The app they want me to livestream on is called 17Live. Is anyone familiar with it?

No. 1742906

can you get sick from eating too many eggs? i eat nothing but egg+toast because those two are the only things i have at hand

No. 1742910

no but it looks like a regular livestreaming site I guess.. be careful though nonnie

No. 1742911

being a streamer comes with a shit ton of harassment, you don’t have to do anything to be harassed and doxxed just being a female streamer is enough, it’ll be worse with your face attached. anon i wouldn’t do it personally

No. 1742915

File: 1698576333672.gif (Spoiler Image,10.21 MB, 426x240, Satan-gets-slapped.gif)

for the nonnie that wanted to know when she can start slapping and hitting cute boys and for the nonnies that wanted this white-haired loser getting slapped.

No. 1742916

i wanted to upload this as a video with audio n all but no matter how much i edited it, it just couldn't be small enough to upload as a webm or mp4 file.

No. 1742917

Ahhhh he's so cute what's this game, based nonna???
NOOOOOOO nonnies pls help her

No. 1742922

the game's What in Hell is Bad, it's what most nonnies were talking about last thread, tho, the reason why most nonnies hate this guy is bc he strangles FL in his respective sex scene, it's avoidable bc it's a section separate from the main story but it still left a bad taste in my mouth, slapping him was a good form of release kek

No. 1742926

Thank you, nonna!!! i think i saw the cover of this game somewhere kekek Is it similar to NuU: carnival? About this guy, it's a shame, he needs to be slapped harder tsk tsk

No. 1742935

Nowadays when i see a chubby short alt gay man I’m always like "that’s a woman isn’t it"

No. 1742959

File: 1698580958537.jpeg (50.12 KB, 640x485, IMG_3634.jpeg)

I built an office chair by myself yesterday! It wasn’t an ikea one and it was difficult but I did it!!! It is kinda wonky but I’m pleased regardless

No. 1743034

This sounds shady girl. Livestreaming for only 1-2 hours on an unknown app targeted towards men but no nudity. Perhaps I'm just paranoid but sounds like a scam.

No. 1743036

File: 1698585049301.gif (45.49 KB, 364x278, 904120lkxocqky6i.gif)

Nice goin!

No. 1743048

File: 1698585471497.gif (795.07 KB, 500x500, cartoon-bravo-clapping-7qktmxi…)

good job nonnie! speaking of chairs, I shall change mine as well, it's starting to deteriorate

No. 1743052

File: 1698585753311.jpg (391.29 KB, 1525x2033, 1681700072654.jpg)

i shidded

No. 1743063

as long as it wasn't a shart, you're good in my book

No. 1743065

File: 1698586320702.gif (47.26 KB, 391x204, 1552785d1uf4dkzyw.gif)

No. 1743066


No. 1743111

Why do men suck so badly at spotting cheating? From what I've seen typically when men believe their partners are cheating on them it's usually a tactic to isolate them or they're projecting their own cheating and the woman typically isn't even cheating. When women accuse men of cheating they're almost always correct

No. 1743144

i don't fucking know either, the last salon i went to cost me like $60 + tip and they didn't even cut my hair evenly, it was longer on one side than the other KEK i had to go back the next day and get them to fix it and im still finding strands that are longer than the rest. think i'll just cut it at home from now on and save some money tbh

No. 1743147

My pussy smell like millipedes I hate men

No. 1743148

never thought i'd see the day anons side with muslim scrotes lol

No. 1743149

What do millipedes smell like?

No. 1743150

Could never be me

No. 1743151

There are Palestinian women anon, they're also victims of the whole conflict right now

No. 1743153

File: 1698591804941.jpeg (767.54 KB, 1170x1144, 4359B7A9-7224-48E6-8DFB-4D1F5F…)

No. 1743154

the post i replied to was about hamas specifically though

No. 1743155

Almonds smell pretty good. Get some boric acid though anon

No. 1743156

File: 1698591871850.jpeg (85.47 KB, 750x678, IMG_3636.jpeg)

Thanks nonnies!

No. 1743157

Bitter almonds bb. Is a no go it don’t smell like good almonds. Do I put boric acid in my vagina

No. 1743163

File: 1698592287403.jpg (39.58 KB, 800x800, 779b0e19-53dc-5869-a025-d531ab…)

Get the capsule suppositories. You insert them into your vagina, don't eat them. Make sure you wear a pad, they make you produce a lot of discharge so it's best to take it at night. They clean you out and make vaginas basically smell like nothing. It's like douching, but not as dangerous and also not something you're supposed to do on a daily basis.

No. 1743173

Seeing nonnas finding out about Elsie makes me so happy. She kept my childhood full of dairy and her smiling face was a great comfort.
Can I be sandwiched between bison and bear? I can't pick kek.

No. 1743176

I'd honestly watch an entire movie of harry squatter the boy who lifted this shit's got me cackling

No. 1743178

File: 1698593071753.gif (2.78 MB, 498x498, what-in-hell-is-bad-whb.gif)

I sat my eyes on Leviathan at first, but I somehow ended up picking Satan when the game released. I need to shove the water bottle up his asshole ASAP.

No. 1743182

File: 1698593156113.jpg (383.78 KB, 736x1306, retouch_2023102300451369.jpg)

I edited him, now he looks hydrated

No. 1743184

Improved indeed, I'd make him paler and make his hair black or deep brown

No. 1743186

kek, is it bc of the "test" that they make you take at the start of the game? cuz i set my eyes on Levi and ended up getting him too, and i got him twice when rolling in Contracts, Leviathan(Bath) and Leviathan(Selfie). Most of the options i chose in the quiz made me out to be sadist-adjacent, do you remember any of the options you chose, nonnie?

No. 1743190

still ugly, try harder goverment paid actor

No. 1743194

samefag, i absolutely need the Gabriel card next, you can see it around 0:13, foaming at the mouth just looking at it.

No. 1743197

Nta, but I also got him at the start kek. Now when do I actually get to play with him? Just finished the intro tutorial, which was boring as fuck.
Give him hell, anon.

No. 1743202

Is this a game where you torture moids!

No. 1743213

he looks like a sim
the body looks too weird for me otherwise i'd consider checking this out kek

No. 1743221

see this video i've linked, at 0:47 mark you can see the layout of the game(which is slightly different than how it looks now), at the lower left, there's "Secret Club", that's how you "adore" your L-rank characters, and how to actually do it, check this >>1740510 video.
in general, check the official PrettyBusy channel and ZEROPHOS channel.

No. 1743239

File: 1698595375163.gif (1.32 MB, 498x498, what-in-hell-is-bad-hellbad.gi…)

Can't believe some nonna out there getting L-tier drops in their rolls. I'm as proud as I'm envious. And yes it's because of the stupid test but I ended up loving him. I love the korean childhood friend too, can feel the yandere arc already..
OH I didn't see this PV. I need the Mammon puppy-play card so bad..

No. 1743242

Oh I just went back to the game and hadn't understood that I already had Levi and could go to the secret club right away. Been smacking him now.

No. 1743271

File: 1698596564983.gif (1.15 MB, 254x210, ballers-the-rock.gif)

>I love the korean childhood friend too
sameeeee, i like his character, him kissing Ppyoung's ass to get smtg out of him is always funny, and his closer-to-life blushy prudent character makes for a nice break from the unashamed megasluts from Hell, lil bit of both yknow?
happy smackin'

No. 1743280

That ebichu made in hell thing never fails to ear rape me. The true do-s of the show.

No. 1743288

Kek I hate it too.
Kind of, they love it though.

No. 1743289

File: 1698597772205.jpg (489.89 KB, 736x1306, retouch_2023102912412009.jpg)

No. 1743292

Thanks! Would the otome thread be the right place to discuss this game btw?

No. 1743305

There's a mobile game thread that already talked about it a bit.

No. 1743306

File: 1698598399316.jpg (100.43 KB, 724x965, How to Fry Bologna.jpg)

I'm gonna try to make a fried bologna sandwich. Bologna sandwiches with mustard were like my favorite struggle meal, but after being vegetarian for a long time they kind of gross me out now kek. I like spam so I don't know what my issue with bologna is.

No. 1743319

Spam is made of 5 ingredients, bologna is made of like 30. That might be the case.

No. 1743323

I normally watch its always sunny when i order food, but today I am feeling like watching the nanny instead

No. 1743325

ntayrt, but wow, i thought i wanted white hair on him but black hair works too well everytime.

No. 1743327

Now he actually looks like a vampire

No. 1743329

why does he still have wrinkles

No. 1743334

ofc and this >>1743305 , and besides, it's an otome game in every way, the male pronouns were always an afterthought. Even the day the game was released, anyone that picked the male pronouns was met with female pronouns in sex scenes and vague descriptions of the lead's genitalia(stuff like "wet down there")

No. 1743336

i might sound insane but i've realized that men have a "gangbang" mindset and women do not. a group of men will always be willing to ganbbang an attractive/desirable woman, but a group of women will not gangbang an attractive/desirable male; they will tear one another down instead to get at him.

No. 1743340

i think they're just the folds of the skin nona

No. 1743344

i will not fall for ugly old man propaganda

No. 1743347

I hope a lot of aidens got triggered by this.

No. 1743366

My body rejects spam but I like it so much I tried to make a spam sandwich for myself this morning now I feel like I need a fucking shower again. I degreased the spam slice like ulillillia but I still get he same impact. I hate getting old I eat food and it legit impacts me now I can't eat burgers without feeling like this either

No. 1743380

File: 1698600926976.jpg (1.86 MB, 1700x2000, retouch_2023102913331765.jpg)

I'm still on my bs, I edited this one too
Mega kek

No. 1743386

File: 1698601028669.jpeg (477.28 KB, 1700x2000, 1697824839527.jpeg)

Original pic

No. 1743387

should i have mushroom soup or clear soup? they're both from the bag, i can't decide

No. 1743388

we are the same nona, I jazzed it up a little and am watching the new girl tonight

No. 1743400

File: 1698601490506.jpg (Spoiler Image,180.69 KB, 1920x1080, 20231026_165726.jpg)

No. 1743402

No offence to the anons that like him, but this character is a bit strange to me. His body looks younger than his face.

No. 1743406

File: 1698601669168.jpg (114.33 KB, 944x848, 82906.jpg)

why not choose a husbando who has no wrinkles like shinji did

No. 1743414

Maybe you're right. they're both just sorted into the same category of mystery meat to me.
Anyway, the sandwich was actually pretty good. It pretty much does just taste like spam. I also put an egg and lots of cheddar cheese.

No. 1743415

File: 1698601896712.jpg (30 KB, 390x364, 20220929_205228.jpg)

when she shows me the guy she's been hyping up and it's just randomly generated male sim #41213

No. 1743416

my sleep paralysis demon

No. 1743420

looks like he preys on minors

No. 1743425

File: 1698602361842.jpg (32.86 KB, 564x564, fish want me men fear me.jpg)

I hate the world being so anti-women. I can only get inspired to draw when i find a cute male character, but the iluminatti moids that rule the world refuse to release actual cute male characters because they are snowflakes that get offended over cute male pixels on a screen. The etire world is conspiring against me to ruin my gains

No. 1743426

are they both not made from pork?

No. 1743430


No. 1743434

i am trying but the whole world is against me

No. 1743436

I'm with you girl I am with you

No. 1743479

File: 1698603767682.jpg (75.6 KB, 540x500, tumblr_nrqx66nbGs1qi31vgo1_540…)

He was diagnosed with vitiligo "universalis", a vitiligo type that takes up 70-80% of the body's pigment. It already covered almost all of his face, why waste more money covering with makeup instead of just bleaching the few brown spots left?

No. 1743497

File: 1698604184432.png (256.77 KB, 806x1257, I am at peace.png)

Page 2 of the farms be like

No. 1743510

why are you a phonefag, poor?

No. 1743514

I'm drawing on my laptop

No. 1743519

why you are a bitch, ugly?

No. 1743529

you stink up the thread with your homeless piss smell go get a job or something

No. 1743530

based as FUCK

No. 1743533

File: 1698605030053.jpg (16.13 KB, 519x498, FDvDIiJUYAcuatZ.jpg)

You're so talented at being a bitch I actually really admire you

No. 1743537

File: 1698605121036.jpeg (95.36 KB, 1080x1189, 1692365120096.jpeg)

better a bitch than a phoneposter

No. 1743541

I'm going to phone post more aggressively than ever. All of the caps at the beginning of my sentences are automated and all of my periods are double tapped space keys.

No. 1743544

See how easy it is to make him handsome? Why did they even make him look old when they could make him look like this. Isn't vampires' whole shtick about being young forever

No. 1743546

You're only young forever if you're bitten young.

No. 1743553

I'm not gonna hate on anyone's husbando I'm a real feminist but come on, they could easily make his backstory different so that he gets bitten a decade earlier. Does his age matter for any reason?

No. 1743555

I don’t even judge you for wanting to do a vampire, i judge you for wanting to do a fucking elf

No. 1743556

real feminist force women to get standars and stop lusting for old scrotes

No. 1743559

I can't understand another nonnies loins, I agree with you though

No. 1743561

Naw gorl, nuh uh.

No. 1743568


No. 1743570

Because the game is made by tumblrinas who grew up on tumblr and LJ in the early 2010s

No. 1743572

No. 1743573

the end result of libfemism, women being groomed into finding old men sexy

No. 1743574

I'm not about to get that involved and a fugly fictional man is still better than a fugly real man so I won't judge too much
Don't tell me they have a gendy in the game too

No. 1743578

I counted two implied trans but i may have missed some

No. 1743588

>me signing in to gmail/youtube/whatever on the same phone I’ve had for 4 years
>google: YO WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU??????

No. 1743594

File: 1698606999464.jpg (88.34 KB, 1062x1037, 1682699287072778.jpg)

I want to be good at drawing already so i can draw my history-themed yaoi manga

No. 1743596

File: 1698607132945.png (766.84 KB, 1998x1313, 1698465129386.png)


No. 1743600

I don't know why, out of all movies, Chucky is the only one that activates my motherly instincts. They did such a good job potraying the realtionship of the son and the mother.

No. 1743601

Relatable. I have that happen at work too, even if I have been at that job for three years and have signed up with my Google account on there a few times. This dumb ass IP tracking is also what got my Fb account banned for "suspicious activity" two years ago, which in retrospective is not a huge loss kek.
I miss the times where you didn't get asked by fucking websites why you're not login in anywhere but home/the IP address of your internet provider, it's intrusive af.

No. 1743611

This has been so annoying the past 2 years. They really need to ease up on their "security". I can't sign into half my accounts anymore and I had like 30 emails from over 20 years.

No. 1743612

oi oi savaloy bongs itt

No. 1743617

based. i'd play it

No. 1743619

i cant log in to one of my email accounts anymore because of this. i didn't even switch locations, i just got locked out randomly. mega retarded.

No. 1743620

Same, a mom going through hell and high water for her baby makes me tear up. Feel the same when watching Poltergeist.

No. 1743621

wtf is up with the music in this game though

No. 1743624

File: 1698608464544.png (1 MB, 640x640, 64ad658110c72.png)

Tomorrow is Halloween but also my birthday, so that'll be interesting.

No. 1743626

My nipnops hurt!!! Why my nipnops hurt!! Owwww

No. 1743627

That scene of him making breakfast is so fucking cute, shinzo abe wishes he could make pro natalism propaganda this good. Genuinely the worst parts about chucky are the horror part themselves, I ended up really liking the mom/kid and the mom's friend a lot.

No. 1743629

Happy birthday halloween nona!

No. 1743630

whats a nipnop you are on an human forum alienonna, speak human

No. 1743639

So jealous of you, happy almost birthday nonnaaaaa

No. 1743640

well I'm from a non-western country that really doesn't have Halloween as a thing, so it's never been an issue, still thought it was cool when I was a kid.

No. 1743654

I love him I love him I love him I want to lay on his abs and bite his eye off

No. 1743667

The darker colored somewhat conical extremities of the chesticles

No. 1743668

File: 1698609934309.jpg (163.41 KB, 1392x900, 201410250000681.jpg)

>Shinzo Abe wishes
KEK your brain. The possessed toy thing was novel when Chucky came out so you can appreciate they were trying something new at least, and the doll rig they set up was insane. I only wish the relationship between Andy's mom and that cop wasn't so dated she should have kicked him in the nuts when he didn't believe her

No. 1743673

The special effects are fantastic, it's just that it's not really scary. Even my turbo coward friend who got scared watching fucking killer klowns from outer space didnt flich at it, lol.

No. 1743686

I think it helped accelerate the crazy.
That's cool, happy early birthday. Hope you get to enjoy a delicious birthday cake/dessert.

No. 1743695

I'm in the Bimboland discord server, and one of the state ministers (a moderator) is honestly kind of a bitch kek. You can tell she kind of gets a kick out modding the site/discord and she just muted/kicked some people for discussing the current events on the game in a pretty respectful way. I know no one here cares but I need to laugh about this somewhere.

No. 1743699

I keep farting.

No. 1743701

That's healthy.

No. 1743716

I usually don't fart this much and it smells good

No. 1743720

God is trying to tell you something. Next time you're about to blast off, take a lighter and ignite it by your behind and let it hit the wall and then analyize the carbon left behind like a Rorschach test.

No. 1743731

ive seen like two things now about how glossier isnt popular anymore or like "the rise and fall of glossier" …bitch where. it's still popular as fuck where i am.

No. 1743732

>You can tell she kind of gets a kick out modding the site/discord
thats just how internet moderators are, source: i was a discord mod once (sorry). also i care

No. 1743759

I need $15!! I'm broker then a joke,Kek. And I have to poop

No. 1743761

We can just send all the palestinians to little st james and make it their territory. Boom. Problem solved. New beautiful land coastal for them and the Jews never have to look at the Pals again

No. 1743763

Plus they’ve been trapped in the desert for like a million years some ocean time could do them a little good

No. 1743770

I do not like how my nipples look when they're super hard. Like a brain with extra, extra, extra wrinkles

No. 1743776

can we beg iran to nuke israel after(bait)

No. 1743780

Honestly yeah, I’m fine with them being expelled once and for all kek

No. 1743781

File: 1698615568461.jpg (19.68 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443…)

can't we just holocaust all jews and leave ben shapiro because i want to rape him?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1743796

When Abby Lee said “I feel like if we took JoJo to a funeral home, she would think it was a party” I felt that

No. 1743797

what a cutie

No. 1743799

that heartstopprr twink is so ugly I want to scream

No. 1743807

based but only if its mob x ben x jordan x mob and you're their pimp

No. 1743809

he doesn’t live in Israel bbg he’s from like Nebraskan

No. 1743835

Kek same

No. 1743840

File: 1698619073601.gif (3.16 MB, 498x280, walk.gif)

erm i said jews not israelis you r-word

No. 1743841

God this moid is so disgusting and faggy

No. 1743846

No. 1743847

The way the kids were treated in Hereditary hurt my heart a little. A lot of horror has bad things happen to kids but it’s not scary or packs a punch like it did for me. Charlie was creepy and weird but not the inhuman just straight up evil a lot of spooky children in horror are which I really liked.

No. 1743848

He should volunteer himself as a soldier

No. 1743849

I swear to god, Ben Shapiro gives me the vibes of those faggy ass incels that are always writing scripts and sperging about "black dicks" and how they're "stealing the women and destroying the country" instead of being honest and admitting they're gay as hell and can't stop thinking about dicks.

No. 1743857

File: 1698619893820.jpg (401.88 KB, 1280x1280, aoc_shows_up_to_debate_with_be…)

feelings don't care about your fact

No. 1743864

How is the zoomer party so autistic and humorless if we all grew up with essentially the same meme culture/comedic pillars

No. 1743872

is there a version of that awful couch pic out there but instead of the girl its ben shapiro

No. 1743877

i know this was meant as fetish shit but this is actually hilarious

No. 1743878

a nonce, he got what he deserved

No. 1743879

File: 1698620881188.png (209.74 KB, 818x568, fffffff.png)

Wait would it work tho

No. 1743889

idk but you can get botox for hyperhydrosis

No. 1743895

Any skribblio nonas here right now?

No. 1743901

Same, same same. That’s why he’s funny.
However when I was a mail carrier he pissed me off to no end because old people would constantly get letters from him (his media empire, whatever) beggggging for money and he paid the low bulk junk mail rate like the scammer he is …. He needs to be forced into degenerate cam work as punishment

No. 1743950

I'm live posting from the screening of Taylor Swift's the Eras Tour. I'm super excited.

No. 1744031

File: 1698632831648.jpeg (241.02 KB, 1058x1280, F2ECw43WkAE-wpv.jpeg)

You don't know how I love him…

No. 1744038

I know. I know you're editing yourself into photos with him right now. You're zooming into his fur and pressing your face against the monitor.

No. 1744083

>eat seasoned eggs
>splatter the toilet with diarrhea an hour later
i don’t know what i was thinking

No. 1744085

File: 1698638853108.jpeg (126.55 KB, 302x314, IMG_6713.jpeg)

I understand she’s an abuse victim of yada yada but Jenatte McCurdy making these autistic faces makes it really hard for me to wanna listen to her podcast

No. 1744094

I hope you had fun anon!!

No. 1744095

She's hot. I hope she's secretly peaked

No. 1744106

I had! I just got back home and it was fantastic! The visuals were incredible and me and some swifties stood up to dance to "shake it off", "bad blood" and "karma. I had some awkward moments with myself as some of the songs she sang I had parodied in the absolutely retarded shitposting thread; so there I was trying not to sing about ko-chan while "the last great american dynasty" was playing.

No. 1744123

I love watching pick a card readings on youtube

No. 1744125

I think of the post asking if anyone thinks he ever ate pussy often

No. 1744126

File: 1698643100012.png (282.75 KB, 819x468, 1b97babb4e181a1132245c1b66850b…)

there are way too many panels in chainsaw that have meme potential or replicable text potential

No. 1744141

The only person I know that is praising it also thinks movies like The Nun and Barbie are peak cinema kek

No. 1744144

File: 1698644470313.webm (4.23 MB, 320x568, IZIYmQ6zuY832ir-.webm)

I hope one day the baby gets reunited with his real mother.

No. 1744145

I have never read any FNAF fanfic but I know how fanfic written by 13 year olds generally goes and that was exactly what the movie felt like. It even has moments where the animatronics are just cool and hang out with the kid, they all build a huge pillow fort thing out of furniture at one point, freddy gets in a fucking taxi, tickle the kid character baby’s first attempt at darker themes but throwing in fun wish fulfillment scenes of Freddy beating up your bully. I didn’t find it enjoyable in any way other than imagining if I was Jenny Nicholson preparing to make a 1 hour video on how it’s just a wattpad fanfic or ms paint animated youtube series.

Josh Hutcherson was cute in it tho, zoomies back off that gyatt is mine.

No. 1744148

The way they talk about pregnancy and the life of that baby like it's just clothes shopping tells you everything about how faggots view women, surrogacy, and children.

No. 1744166

this sucks ass i was going to see it in theaters tomorrow as a halloween fun thing. found out about it from the barbie/heimer opening week and had been waiting since. i dont know what else to watch to get me in a halloween mood. maybe some youtuber has a long breakdown video on a different horror related game.

No. 1744346

The water I'm drinking right now has so much fucking oxygen in it, I iwish I could show you guys all the little air bubbles in my cup right now. Anyway, I'm going back to sleep. I woke up to pee and drink some water, goodnight again anons.

No. 1744374

Is that good or bad?

No. 1744431

Why did you post this, now I'm angry

No. 1744443

Why does SSSniperwolf always sounds like she's drunk or high? Does she have brain damage or a speech impediment? Is it her lip fillers making enunciating harder? Genuine question. She's always yelling everything with her mouth gaping open and it's weird.

No. 1744563

File: 1698675522634.jpg (22.47 KB, 203x246, 1676841541499096.jpg)

As a fnaffag myself your biggest mistake was taking fnaf "fans" from twitter seriously, 90% of us don't like them and the biggest names in this fandom don't either, all they do is suck Scott's cock for pumping out garbage, i wish more people dogpilled on his ass for releasing and working on bad games again so we would get actually good stuff.

No. 1744564

By the way what is up with the constant racebaiting here nowadays

No. 1744571

Really? I think it's the constant opposite. Someone will say a fact, such as Gambia has higher rates of female genial mutilation than Norway, and then a bunch of weirdos will start screeching about how OP is being a racist and race baiting. It's like we've been invaded by moids who don't understand that women's oppression isn't okay just because a culture has doing it for a long time.

No. 1744580

Rosemary oiling my scalp and hair because I burnt tonnes of hair off with bleach. Feels and smells lovely, if nothing else. Has anynonny else tried this for hair health and growth? Is it a meme or…?

No. 1744590

It worked for me. Years ago i cut off tons of my hair because i wanted to get rid of all my hair damaged from relaxers. Tbh, i have really fast growing hair in the first place so it's hard to gage it's true effectiveness, but i managed to have hair the longest it's ever been after i grew it all back out. In general, taking care of your scalp, limiting heat exposure to once a week at most with a hair dryer, keeping it moisturized and not being physically rough with you hair will ensure it grows long.

No. 1744598

It makes my hair grow much faster, but it and the garbage water in this city also makes my curly hair very greasy and my curls flat. I'm fine with it when I shower in other states.

No. 1744599

I've read that if the oil is too much, you can try rosemary water but idk how that would work on curly hair, my wavy hair hates water outside of washing

No. 1744608

she probably isn't, i read her memoir online and read smtg that made her align with troons, i can't remember what, but her memoir is easily available found online as pdfs.

No. 1744620

i hope this baby grows up to have narrow eyes, thin hair, a fivehead, and a small mouth and a general tendency to not smile and look intimidating asf just so they can see their fathers for the faggots they really are.

No. 1744632

I put on one episode of a show I watched as a tween, seeing it back now with the overacting and the 2011 fashion is so funny I'm also kind of invested now

No. 1744633

Same. My schizo spiritual ass ends up believing them though and then I get disappointed when I snap back to reality

No. 1744637

I have no idea, it's gotten so bad and I never see mods redtexting it anymore so I have no idea if they even ban them. I feel like literally every thread is just racebait centrum these days.

No. 1744655

I haven't seen the mods redtexting ANYTHING in the past few days. They must be AFK.

No. 1744661

Some particularly nasty types have come out of the woodwork now with the Israel/Gaza conflict. They really shit up threads. Please don't reply to me about the conflict itself, we have enough of that.
I think I've seen 1-2 in recent days. And the mods are cleaning up raids so they're present.

No. 1744662

Do you have any screenshot or links? I've seen some microaggressions but that's not race baiting.

No. 1744670

I didn't think we needed an Israel vs Palestine thread since it would cause infighting, but since anons are infighting over it anyways should there just be a containment threaD?

No. 1744673

there should be a containment thread and it should be bannable elsewhere, and you should have to take a basic history quiz before you're allowed to post in the containment thread

No. 1744674

i like the looser moderation, it's less suffocating to post here now. any talk of israel and palestine can sound like racebait depending on how the reader perceives it based on their personal stance. only that megasperg who hates pregnant women actually deserves to be banned.

No. 1744675


No. 1744678

Alright, I'm making one right now.

No. 1744687

>megasperg who hates pregnant women

No. 1744689

File: 1698683216461.jpg (111.83 KB, 750x754, 1698679107227.jpg)

make this the op pic please

No. 1744691

just kidding, make the AI palestine x israel yaoi the op pic anon PLEASE

No. 1744703

No. 1744708

The looser moderation makes it more suffocating imo because now baiters and infighters are allowed to ruin threads for hours/days

No. 1744710

that's literally how it's always been on /ot/ even when moderation was at its strictest. maybe if anons could learn to not reply to obvious bait, we wouldn't be here but…

No. 1744711

I love this for you anon. Have fun! I started watching anime and cartoons from my childhood since 2019 and it genuinely made me so happy and fixed my brain to an extent. I think I accidentally healed my inner child if that's a thing doing this. Didn't get to watch the cartoons properly as a kid because of the chaos in the household I grew up in so I now have closure knowing how the story starts, goes, and ends and understanding what actually happened as an adult. And so far most of them were great shows worth watching. I even returned to one of them that I had my first husbando from and noe he's my husbando again.

No. 1744713

Seconding this even though I know it's still the same even when mods are up. I don't mind anons disagreeing but the discussions always turn aggressive and it's just plain annoying when an infight is hours and hours of anons repeating the same things back and forth.

No. 1744716

I think it's one that goes "BREEDER!!" at everyone

No. 1744717

Go to the unpopular opinion thread

No. 1744731

File: 1698684449499.webm (Spoiler Image,3.8 MB, 720x1280, 1698626223965138.webm)

male moment

No. 1744735

I got horny watching this

No. 1744737

File: 1698684758381.png (68.79 KB, 243x275, 1686421807670.png)

No. 1744740

what having an acorn dick does to a mf

No. 1744742

Wow it's really small

No. 1744744

He shifted into scrote mode

No. 1744746

Small ass pp

No. 1744747

File: 1698685204841.png (156.16 KB, 585x940, 1697642167772659.png)

No. 1744752

So glad there is a thread now so I can hide it.

No. 1744755

Even an acorn has more width to it.

No. 1744759

looks like Adam Driver love it

No. 1744760

baby carrot

No. 1744765

i feel like having the bait posts redtexted more often could potentially help at least a little bit and maybe anons will start recognizing it better

No. 1744766

File: 1698686012083.jpg (16.08 KB, 275x247, 1696116423698.jpg)

No. 1744767

why does everyone act like they know what's up ? what's going on ?

No. 1744771

It's a moid. No woman would use that term in any context.

No. 1744772

I think the scrote got banned, thank god.

No. 1744774

not gonna lie if i morphed into a moid for a day that's how my day would go

No. 1744781

File: 1698686726182.gif (1.3 MB, 220x220, 1683770181773.gif)

Personally if i morphed into an attractive scrote for a day i would record myself masturbating and acting horny to use in the next day

No. 1744783

I can't tell if you're a genius or unhinged.

No. 1744786

Did he only harass men? Cause I approve of men being harrassed by naked unhinged men

No. 1744787

I luff him

No. 1744790

Funniest part is scrotes are so retarded they ALL resort to beating on each other instead of just…walking away

No. 1744791

It looks like he tried to square up naked with only men kek

No. 1744799

File: 1698687278239.webm (154.73 KB, 560x560, 1686319192065588.webm)

another day of sucking at art

No. 1744802

File: 1698687369455.gif (1.08 MB, 474x266, IMG_1549.gif)

No. 1744805

What is the part you suck the most at art? Mine is eyes, i always end up placing them wrong somehow

No. 1744810

basic construstion, i don't know why but i just cant grasp it. I might be legit tarded

No. 1744817

I keep questioning if i'm retarded too it takes me so long to just process basic art stuff

No. 1744820

Mine has to be the head/face, I can draw bodies well for the most part but I'm never satisfied with how I draw the faces and heads. Guess I just need to practice more but there's nothing worse than only being good at drawing headless bodies KEK

No. 1744838

File: 1698689343488.gif (132.3 KB, 470x344, bonkbonk.gif)

itz gloomy here when everyone recently finished fighting

No. 1744840

File: 1698689421821.jpg (245.26 KB, 1170x1460, dizzy.jpg)

this is for all anachan bitches shitting up my fave threads with your dumb ass "umm she chunky fattie yikesss stinky ham planet!!!!" posts shut uupppp

No. 1744843

You talking about that anon who kinda sperged about Arianna being a "chubby fatass"?

No. 1744844

File: 1698689787351.gif (2.83 MB, 640x640, amber-lynn-amberlynn-reid.gif)

No. 1744870

Please integrate

No. 1744874

File: 1698691678408.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1638x2237, IMG_3642.jpeg)

Can you nonnies please help me with this puzzle!! I hate math/time related ones.

No. 1744876

and you were personally offended by them why

No. 1744877

anywhere you goooo anywhere you goooo you don't nooonnnn

No. 1744880

what game is that

No. 1744882

Laytons mystery journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires Conspiracy

No. 1744891

how the fuck did my mom get a phone virus, boomers

No. 1744908

porn sites. my mom never clears her history and i found porn by accident in her search

No. 1744910

you made me check her history, she's a saint she only uses facebook and searches recipes lmao

No. 1744912

your mom's way better than mine. the disgust when i found porn sites man…

No. 1744914

Answer is 3:33

The clock stopped is 2:18. 4:05 is fast and 3:05 is slow. To get the answer, just add and subtract the fast/slow minutes and look for the 2 numbers that match. Only two clocks actually matter, because one is stopped.
4:05- 3:33 or 4:33
3:05 - 2:33 or 3:33
2:18 -1:46 or 2:46

No. 1744915

Did she get a message from someone with a weird name like "Thompson Wallace" (foreign scammers can't into first names) who offered her free rebates (boomers love the words free and rebates) if she downloads some .exe?

No. 1744929

i once opened the door to her room and saw her doing the dirty with her bf which is arguably worse, morbid question but what kind of porn does a mom watches anyways? i always expected horny moms to be into novels about muscle oiled up pirates or something wtf
no i dont think so, i have no idea how she got it but i deleted it. It was some weird ap named ABwizard

No. 1744932

My cat's omega autistic, he's scared to death of strangers for some reason.

No. 1744934

Cats are autistic as hell by nature. You have to ignore and give them space to themselves just to show them you're not a predator.

No. 1744938

Thank you nonnie! That is correct!! I ended up messaging my sister and she told me kek. But thank you for explaining!!!!!

No. 1744940

File: 1698693688799.jpg (148.65 KB, 1024x566, 1660997449733546.jpg)

>mfw grinding fundies for 4 hours a day to draw the best NTR hentai

No. 1744941

File: 1698693859834.jpg (2.16 MB, 1439x1949, Screenshot_20231030_142306_Gal…)

This is a mock-up of how I broke it down mentally

For the dark blue part I picked one higher and lower until the answers matched

No. 1744943

File: 1698693898404.jpeg (35.66 KB, 735x732, 6a296f49-3a0a-40c8-897a-83646e…)

Uhh guys I was browsing Tumblr, and I came across this one fanart of Goku. It wasn't particularly nfsw or anything, but uhh… Why is Goku hot? I'm not sure how to feel about this.

No. 1744945

File: 1698693966813.jpeg (534.74 KB, 1125x1343, IMG_3915.jpeg)

No. 1744948

File: 1698694146600.jpeg (Spoiler Image,124.06 KB, 972x1296, f95f5ab2c516ed966e553d8ca6ff47…)

No. 1744951

you hyped it up too much what is this garbage get taste

No. 1744952

File: 1698694277448.jpeg (14.13 KB, 500x316, 0000000004062.jpeg)

No. 1744953

File: 1698694284455.jpg (15.59 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

There was a puzzle somewhat like this in Poptropica, I think. I think the puzzle was in the haunted mansion you could 'buy' (when they added the shitty store) for free (yay). It's like a run-down shitty mansion but it has a cat in it so it's cool. I tricked my friend into thinking I bought the house and it was my player's house and it just needed to be fixed up and that it wasn't just free for everyone.

No. 1744954

Carefully explain how it's garbage.

No. 1744957

you are getting turned on to something an hispanic 15yo gay boy would draw

No. 1744958

Developing the bad habit of pressing on my gums near my wisdom teeth to extract the thick, stinky, creamy pus and sniffing it. And then eating it.

No. 1744960

thats possible or are you making it up for the (you)s i didnt know teeths had pus

No. 1744962

I am Hispanic but I am not gay or a boy

No. 1744963

that's gross, nonners…

No. 1744965

makes sense all hispanics are turned on by goky

No. 1744966

Nonny… you have an infection

No. 1744967

No. 1744969

File: 1698694592320.jpg (42.77 KB, 469x625, 6f53733d42a1370b6705546ebc76f5…)

Finally my birthday, although I can't really celebrate it due to my circumstances. Nonetheless, it's a good feeling to grow a bit older and wiser."

No. 1744971

I’m serious! They’re impacted and kinda infected rn.

No. 1744972

>guys guys this goku is so fucking hot
>green goku

No. 1744974

File: 1698694756426.png (868.49 KB, 680x681, 792.png)

Happy birthday

No. 1744975

damn how about you brush your teeth

No. 1744979


No. 1744982

File: 1698694984512.jpeg (67.34 KB, 520x854, cb4f645a-a860-4a26-b1c2-48e812…)

I feel absolutely nothing.

No. 1744983

Netflix is actually so annoying, you pay for these subscriptions only to watch unfinished content, what’s the point?

No. 1744984

File: 1698695023579.jpg (52.57 KB, 564x543, 1d1df98d7cbf3ee182c22e7f5b7e24…)

I wish men were mandated to walk around nakey and if they don't look good nakey they get to go to gulag until they lose abdominal fat

No. 1744988

And scrotes with ugly faces should be beheaded. I don't make the rules.

No. 1744990

File: 1698695167884.jpg (10.39 KB, 480x463, af5c2dc9bdfc6bfbc14d613648576b…)

No. 1744993

No. 1744994

pls no i do not need to see that many micropeens

No. 1744995

Okay any info on wtf is wrong with this moid? Is he on bath salts?

No. 1744996

File: 1698695255996.png (Spoiler Image,128.63 KB, 1280x939, 1523980167.masutaa_goku1700.pn…)


Nonnies pls…

No. 1744998

>foot fetish

No. 1744999

Happy birthday so many birthday posts this month lots of scorpios in the room

No. 1745001

Go to a dentist. Idk if that's an abscess or what, but that's definitely an infection. If you let that sit for too long (and "too long" can be like a day) the infection can spread to your bloodstream and kill you. Always remember your dental health is directly connected to your heart health.

No. 1745003

Samefag, and please for the love of god stop messing with it. You're making it worse and easier for the bacteria to spread, plus also probably opening a wound

No. 1745004

>the infection can spread to your bloodstream and kill you
nothing of worth will be lost

No. 1745006

File: 1698695433623.jpg (133.32 KB, 874x492, tumblr_8733c6d68178d296cfabe93…)

No. 1745008

File: 1698695457612.jpg (804.65 KB, 1396x2381, Screenshot_20231030_145048_Fir…)

Mento illness (male edition)

No. 1745009

how's she doing? i remember when people used to say amber was the funny hahacow and chantal was just the great value version, but chantal has been an absolute fucking trip for the past year.

No. 1745010

>Is he on bath salts?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure he is. Getting tased with no reaction is a telltale sign. Scrote here got high on something and went to town.

No. 1745012

I want a sewing machine

No. 1745014

At LEAST the acorn penis scrote didn't chew anyone's face off like the other male on bath salts.

No. 1745015

i love to get 2 on

No. 1745020

me too, but i don't know anything about any of them. i just wanna sew my socks and shit… ukno?

No. 1745023

I don't like how anime feet don't have a natural blush on their soles and toes. Do japanese have corpse feet? No circulation? Take your iron pills, bakas

No. 1745025

which one would you like?

No. 1745026

I hope you get one, maybe you could find one second hand at a thrift store.
Your socks?? Anon I think you should learn to hand stitch, you don't need a sewing machine for your socks lmao

No. 1745029

she's boring now. she couldn't find a new gf/caretaker and she moved with her mom.

No. 1745031

socks? SOCKS? google how to mend socks, I don't think you're allowed to even operate a sewing machine at this point nona

No. 1745033

what happened to wifey? that sucks though, chantal is at least having fun in some foreign country with her feeder

No. 1745037

wifey dumped her

No. 1745038

They broke up

No. 1745039

She moved to the same state as her mom and she has picked up drinking by herself. Her mom drives her around now and they have been to the casino and bingo, riveting stuff really.

No. 1745048

File: 1698696280401.jpg (195.11 KB, 1362x1332, FO8FGXJWUAYc1zE.jpg_large.jpg)

I just realized that if Betty Boop was a real person, she would be an absolute chinlet.

No. 1745050

if she was real she would look like that tiktok deku cosplayer

No. 1745055

that's so sad i hope she finds a new wipey

No. 1745065

That's something i want to know too. It's probably just either the ones made by production companies on the front page of whatever site I'd imagine. I don't really expect any woman to go out of their way to memorize names or anything.

No. 1745067

No. 1745077

Off topic but I unironically loved Ice Spice's rendition of her for Halloween.

No. 1745084

This isn't the unpopular opinions thread nonaaaaaaaaaa

No. 1745087

Are you serious? Her dress failed to even cover her butt kek

No. 1745091

fucking why, she barely looked like her. chole's is objectively better

No. 1745101

No. 1745105

File: 1698697097983.jpg (739.7 KB, 850x1031, sample_2a39be20afac22cb9758416…)

>blocks your path

No. 1745111

sexooo sexooooooooooo!!

No. 1745114

File: 1698697182587.jpg (28.29 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg)

His butt.

No. 1745121

HEY this is the dumbass thread i am allowed to be a bit retarded kek dw tho' i would actually put it to good use i have a few pretty fabrics i bought throughout the years in hopes of sewing a pillow a dress and a skirt by hand but that'd be so tiresome BUT sewing machines are rare to come by where i live so sewing socks is a far away dream like something rich people do when they have so much money they can wipe them selves after shower with but for me it's socks.. maybe a panty

No. 1745125

File: 1698697337586.jpg (25.04 KB, 554x554, images.jpeg-4.jpg)

pssssssssss I'd mace him

No. 1745126

File: 1698697363623.gif (77.06 KB, 416x402, animated-mexico-image-0068.gif)

No. 1745130

File: 1698697534278.gif (11.88 KB, 90x90, dumb cow.gif)

I just ate tons of cat hair

No. 1745132

File: 1698697586059.png (1.26 MB, 1920x1080, The_Amazing_World_of_Gumball__…)

>snips your tail

No. 1745134

No. 1745148

Me buying mini hay bales and mini scarecrow to make my hamster pose

No. 1745159

No. 1745161

File: 1698698186583.gif (26.33 KB, 100x130, mfw they bumped the snow threa…)

I found this site that shares tons of ancient gifs. They are so cute.

No. 1745166

This is exactly why I stopped drawing kek. Only thing I can grasp is eyes but they're too animu/cartoonish for me to keep on going. Also I just lost passion.

No. 1745167

Is it glitter-graphics or gifcities or do you got another one to add to my bookmarks?

No. 1745174

My mom had a phase were she was into female wrestlers and turkish dramas for the actresses rather than the actors. Guess this is where I got my bi genes from.

No. 1745177

Not 100% my cat but a cat that lives outside our house and won't leave, and it (can't figure sex yet because it's a kitten) fears the sounds of water when our neighbors sprinkle their yard and won't come out of its hideout until the sounds are gone. I love it and I would die for its stinky ass.

No. 1745182

File: 1698698669241.gif (44.1 KB, 214x200, addiced.gif)

No. 1745188

I miss when the Internet was fun. I only use this site and Youtube now.

No. 1745197

File: 1698698901918.gif (23.65 KB, 150x83, animated-lizard-image-0042.gif)

I found cece!

No. 1745200

I’m so bored I just want to talk to someone random and anonymously but I don’t trust omegle or some shit.
Is the red text just a little thumbs up emoji or is it actually something.

No. 1745203

Me too. Once this place is gone, there will be no more spaces for autistic bitches like us and the thought makes me sad

No. 1745208

Just invade crystal.cafe and act super terfy to make the trannies leave

No. 1745209

Farmers giving milk to anons straight from the cows.

No. 1745212

File: 1698699232472.gif (27.93 KB, 200x190, i love my nonnies vert mooch.g…)

i love this site too much even if it's ultimately a waste of time and each year getting worse

No. 1745214

sis you don't make socks with a sewing machine, I mean you can but who would

No. 1745215

File: 1698699357285.gif (5.33 KB, 94x81, animated-cat-image-0288.gif)

this site rules

No. 1745224

File: 1698699710199.gif (55.97 KB, 225x165, animated-frog-image-0103.gif)

No. 1745247

Found creep shots I took of some random guy back in 2013 because hot guys in my area are rare. I wonder if he’s still hot now, probably in his 30s I shamefully like all the cliche 39+ actors so maybe at least for me…

No. 1745260

anything is less boring than wipey. the mom and slots arc is already an upgrade.

No. 1745276

I love the USA i hope i can visit someday

No. 1745280

File: 1698702373735.jpg (17.37 KB, 480x365, copium.jpg)

>find an artist that draws the female bodytypes i like
>it's a furfag

No. 1745283

I want to make a farmer thread on /ot like farm animals and growing food and shit

No. 1745325

I just thought she was cute, she's very pretty to me

No. 1745334

nonny on nonny violence

No. 1745336

I used to kind of think the same, until people said she looks like she has an extra chromosome. Now I can't unsee it.

No. 1745337

I gotta get out of here.

No. 1745338

>I am Hispanic
It must be genetic. Why else would an entire area be so obsessed with a Japanese anime?

No. 1745339

take me with you

No. 1745340

Her head is literally in the shape of an ass. I never noticed before.

No. 1745343

I noticed that the fujo tifs that troon out are the beckys into the semes, none of my superior stacy uke enjoyers have trooned out

No. 1745345

I must be losing it, this entire sentence is nonsense to me. Welp nonas, time to check in to the nursing home.

No. 1745346

In a normie perspective, that sentence is absolutely incomphrensible KEK

No. 1745348

this made me burst out laughing

No. 1745349

TRUE- why wouldn't you want to fuck the uke? Not insert as the uke, insert the uke huehuehue

No. 1745352

i have been posted like 4 times on the funny caps thread in the last week, i am on a roll

No. 1745354

File: 1698706587460.png (Spoiler Image,52.14 KB, 1808x231, ice spice.png)


that one post in celebricows was right (it's deleted now, probably to avoid a potential fight but she's right)

No. 1745355

what should i get for dinner ladies

No. 1745356

you're fine nonna, I wish I didnt understand it

No. 1745358


No. 1745359

Yeah the whole betty boop halloween costume performance thing was super uncomfortable to watch. She does look dead eyed

No. 1745360

No. 1745361

No. 1745364

Really? Bad taste.
A baked potato.

No. 1745367

god forgive me for i have lashed out at my cat

No. 1745368

Cheese sammich with hot cocoa, like me.

No. 1745369

my bad not in a lasagne mood right now. i'm sorry i was rude.

No. 1745371

File: 1698707234104.jpeg (259.13 KB, 1242x1117, 8C026224-F896-48BA-AA6F-CB0187…)

You’re not forgiven.

No. 1745374

i am sorry, he's just being so annoying i had to tell him to shut up. but he's a free untamable soul so he's still being annoying

No. 1745376

I don't trust anons to get the appeal anyway. She is pretty trashy but she's oddly visually appealing to me
>t. a black woman

No. 1745377

seme are boring desu. even if you prefer the bigger guy, you can sinply make him the uke for maximum sexo.

No. 1745378

File: 1698707632138.jpg (162.33 KB, 1704x1496, 20231027_135758.jpg)

shingi > fatworu

No. 1745386

ukes are always sexier. the seme might as well be a faceless mob character in most pairings kek

No. 1745409

Don't most TIFs self insert and transition to become the IRL uke though?

No. 1745465

they don't care about the uke, they project themselves onto him so they can use him as a vessel to self insert with the seme. like yumes with an extra step. whereas people who are focused on the uke want to see his reactions to getting raped, doesn't really matter by who or what.

No. 1745468

nta but the kind i'm seeing is more blatant, using the n word and complaining about "shitskins'

No. 1745500

I wish elouai would come back…

No. 1745502

Tbh, I do that, some stories are okay and don’t have rape, and regular anime porn with straight characters is literally impossible to find because it will always have some retarded fetish like cuckoldry or rape. Sometimes I just want to read romantic stories where sex happens, it’s not deep.

No. 1745508

File: 1698717830007.jpg (31.58 KB, 736x731, 4ea24ef9e15c8ba3545c7213b8dcef…)

Tfw the board's aura is feeling a bit negative and I'm scared about accidentaly causing a infight. So I'm just imagining my post and pretending it go burried by other threads and we are all at peace

No. 1745522


No. 1745532

File: 1698719190143.jpg (439.23 KB, 1079x1138, Screenshot_20231030_220900_You…)

I just discovered that grooms pranking their wives on their wedding day in front of everyone and camera was and still is a thing. The cake smashing has got to be the worst. I've seen these videos of the wife and groom putting up a struggle and practically fighting each other because one of them wants to smash cake in the other one's face. Why even do that if it's going to be so violent looking and uncomfortable? Seriously, I've seen like two videos where grooms even went overboard and smashed an entire cake circle on their wives' heads to "win the fight", and it looks like it hurts. What the fuck? The scrote in this pic put his hands on his wife's throat and tackled her to the ground just to smash cake on her face for a "cute wedding stunt". None of this is cute at all, and the worthless scrote in even smiles and tells his friends that "he's in trouble" when the wife got hurt and ended up bleeding. No "honey, are you alright". "No, I'm so sorry, let me go get a first aid kit". Just a shark stare with a dimwitted smile and a "iM In tROuBLE", as if there's no psychological difference between that man and the average six year old boy. Why would you even want to ruin someone's face on their wedding? Why would you waste cake like that? Why would anyone get so violent about it? What is wrong with these males? I read an article about a woman immediately divorcing her husband after the wedding because he smashed cake in her face after she repeatedly warned him in advance not to do it, due to her claustrophobia from a tragic car accident in her past. Honestly, good for that woman. Personally, I don't think I can stay married to a man that would violently shove cake I my face on our wedding day.

No. 1745533

I’ve said it a million times I’ll say it again, scrotes are inherently aggressive and incapable of care.

No. 1745544

poor guy, imagine having a third pinky finger

No. 1745547

same, and be really really nice to any and all women i meet and wear a shirt with the top three buttons unbuttoned.

No. 1745548

he bonking the cute boy, ODANGGG

No. 1745551

me but learning to draw cute boys crying

No. 1745552

mods kill her pls

No. 1745555

what part about >if they don't look good nakey they get to go to gulag until they lose abdominal fat do you not understand?

No. 1745556

Even if they lose abdominal fat the micropeen will still be there. They just need to be gulaged period

No. 1745560

what are you talking about? both look about the same with only difference in how the hair is styled

No. 1745561

File: 1698722331643.jpg (193.71 KB, 1055x1108, kitty.jpg)

honest fox wobbz kittys..♥wao0dang

No. 1745564

the fuck? talk normal

No. 1745568

File: 1698723163764.png (64.66 KB, 500x405, 1695067365550842.png)

No. 1745571

and he actually cut her face behind her ear, it was no small cut on her arm, it was blood that dripped from the ear

No. 1745572

ayrt, my pologies, fully agree with u

No. 1745576

File: 1698723538057.jpg (19.85 KB, 500x403, 20vcet.jpg)

i thought i hated pasta but i then had pasta from places other than home and it's good and it just turns out my mother and grandfather were just absolute ass at making it and don't even make it correctly.

No. 1745579

File: 1698724073886.jpg (55.61 KB, 640x640, b573b096750ab6616cf6912529cf2d…)

>he cut her at the ear
Unironically KAM. Kill them all and replace them with husbandos. Glamrock Freddy is unapologetically hotter and just better and I don't even care if I get called a furfag for wanting to fuck this bot.

No. 1745580

what did they do? my fam burnt eggs my whole life so I thought they were disgusting and stinky

No. 1745587

how do you fuck an animatronic??

No. 1745588

File: 1698724597726.png (102.16 KB, 500x410, imagination-15206918.png)

No. 1745590

maybe hes got a animatrronic metal pp

No. 1745591

oww and cold

No. 1745593

In my mind, it can emerge from his pelvic plate, it's like silicone and can heat up to be comfortably warm.

No. 1745594

reminds me of der drake sprite commercial

No. 1745600

File: 1698725680964.jpg (2.88 MB, 4080x3060, 169872565636630276050915439025…)

idk whatever the fuck this slop is, it tastes of oil and ketchup

No. 1745601

anon is that fucking… cabbage in there? coleslaw? I…

No. 1745608

File: 1698726834082.jpg (60.43 KB, 820x974, _mikumikudance_mmd__freddy__fn…)

You're not alone, I love this robot bear too and would stupidly rub my face in his plastic chest

No. 1745611

Dafuq. Is that entire slices of an onion and a green pepper?

No. 1745613

If you had to pick and choosing the wrong answer would result in your death, who would you say has the bigger penis between Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro?

No. 1745614

was thinking it crazy how some of you on here could basically be professing your undying love to a nonna who told you to kill yourself in another thread

No. 1745619

What are the odds that would happen? I feel like people who don't get along would consistently disagree on everything.

No. 1745620

jp ez. but I expect them to be about the same size flaccid. ben's probably sucks because he's guaranteed circumcised, not sure about jp.

No. 1745621

Moids and retards will call us autistic. God will say that we're based for picking the superior mate.

No. 1745622

ben, not bc he's particularly gifted but bc Jordan's an old raisin

No. 1745628

File: 1698729570843.jpeg (138.09 KB, 612x841, IMG_4903.jpeg)

Or maybe you’re just a retard with bad taste
You ever think of that

No. 1745629

Ben's Jewish, JP is Scandinavian. Unfortunately Ben is probably bigger, but I'd wager neither are over 6.5".

No. 1745634

I'm not a fan of the Nendoroid dolls because of the head to body ratio. Would be cuter if the body was just like a regular Nendoroid but with the joints and all. Though the clothes and accessories are gonna be much tinier.

No. 1745635

Ben couldn't take more than 6 inches so really JP is the perfect size for him.

No. 1745639

File: 1698731133560.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.76 KB, 748x519, RDT_20231031_01424011367355657…)

Thank god this game's autistic creator allowed an ending where Buddy verbally and emotionally destroys the ever loving fuck out of this dumpster fire moid. I hate Buzzo and all of his fanboys can go cry about this ending.

No. 1745710

i ate 3 cupcakes and one of those had been too many

No. 1745723

take my hand nonnie I'm going

No. 1745749

File: 1698747765034.jpg (26.4 KB, 800x800, 20231031_050019.jpg)

>start fnaf
>male lead has karen blow up on some guy because he thinks he's abducting his own son in a mall
>ruins his whole life
>okay, incoming 'my friend or sibling was kidnapped in front of me' lore peppered in im ready
>Matthew Lillard is trying to give him a job, goes to read his name, stops in the middle of his last name
>okay he recognizes it from newspapers and local lore, prediction confirmed
>validated immediately
I know its kids media and I have no review for it, seeing adults shitting on it like it isnt for children is retarded, I just wish my dork brain didn't immediately know exactly what was going to happen in every movie. Can I not have the element of surprise and enjoyment

No. 1745754

i got my ring measurements and the pandora employees didn't murder me, i'm so happy.

No. 1745793

When mods redtext “(<3)” at people for posting “<3” I like to imagine it’s them sending a heart back

No. 1745799

when i was a newfag i thought it was exactly that kek

No. 1745806

File: 1698754106699.jpg (38.47 KB, 735x616, 1698286329546.jpg)

Art is so painful nonnies. I have bene at this for 3 years and i find 15yos who mog my skills. No wonder so many artists are gendies or draw fucked up porn, you need to be insane to be an artist. It's pathetic how i actually study AND draw and yet the chinese 12yo who draws genshin boys is miles better than me. Lmao.

No. 1745809

File: 1698754695976.gif (1.54 MB, 498x415, cow dance.gif)

what are your favourite bands nonny? mine's are
>jefferson airplane
>big brother and the holding company
>pink floyd
>village people
>bee gees
>king crimson

No. 1745812

Tim Buckley, especially the "sex funk" era, the Grateful Dead/all their bands and David Grisman/all his bands and ensembles.

No. 1745819

File: 1698755722312.gif (610.02 KB, 500x289, tumblr_mj2czbvOck1s1qov3o6_500…)


No. 1745828

File: 1698756810449.gif (203.14 KB, 400x238, the nanny.gif)

can any nonny rec me old american sitcoms? i love them, but i didnt grow up with them because we either got our national verions, or extremely poorly dubbed versions on expensive channels. I like the nanny, married with children and seinfeld, so something with messy characters would be best.

No. 1745836

I Love Lucy

No. 1745842

you are so based i wish we were friends

No. 1745844

Frasier was fun
You gotta watch Roseanne!

No. 1745858

>Skinny Puppy
>Front 242
>Frontline Assembly
>Joy Division
>The Sisters of Mercy
>Nine Inch Nails
>The Damned
>Killing Joke
And some more, it varies through the years
I second Roseanne. I have a thing for old white trash family sitcoms because I come from a working class family kek. Also Malcolm in the Middle if early 2000's are still okay.
And ALF is a classic but the messy characters are only side characters (except ALF himself of course).

No. 1745859

based anon kek. My little sister used to love them. I remember going on holiday to spain when we were kids and she bought this cheap plastic guitar and she would sit on the sun bed by the pool strumming and singing dancing queen

No. 1745890

File: 1698761479921.png (12.66 KB, 1251x79, post.PNG)

I can't stop thinking about this post, it's so funny to me kek. It literally just pops up in my head and makes me laugh every time.

No. 1745896

thrill kill kult good too

No. 1745902

File: 1698762040875.png (1.06 MB, 1300x1321, Marina_small.png)

No. 1745922

>VNV Nation
>Sneaker Pimps/IAMX
>Skunk Anansie
>Atari Teenage Riot

No. 1745925

Worst fucking thing about living with other people is that the toilet seat builds up dead skin so fucking quickly and no keeps it clean except for me

No. 1745926

the who does what how??

No. 1745930

oh no I posted that. Glad it made you laugh tho.

No. 1745931

What??????? Now I've lived in some pretty dirty places but I've never heard of anything like this anon

No. 1745944

wow i thought i was the only one who noticed that… i hate it

No. 1745946

explain pls I'm scared

No. 1745953

a lot of adults are defending tho

No. 1745958


No. 1745964

It’s a build up of nasty shit on the underside of that inner rim part when you lift up the seat. The toilet seat is really shitty quality, the hole is too big so that your thighs and cheeks really sink into it and that extra skin contact from a bunch of people who are slobs just builds up nasty crap, if you’ve ever seen a gamers keyboard or mouse it’s like that but less cheeto dust, probably an equal amount of poop considering moids don’t wash their hands. Sometimes I feel my thighs touch the cold toilet rim and almost go insane.

No. 1745968

File: 1698765371338.png (1.39 MB, 880x1411, fran.png)

she would be a fellow nonny for sure

No. 1745973

>it's for children
no, it's not. It's its for teens and manchildren.

No. 1745981

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No. 1745982

File: 1698766066901.png (530.25 KB, 497x746, Schermafbeelding 2023-10-31 om…)

Should I dress as an early bolshevik (picrel) or a hippie? for halloween kek I don't have any parties but I have some stuff later today, I think it's casual enough

No. 1745988

maybe a hippie would be more recognisable?

No. 1745989


No. 1745991

Thanks nonnies!

No. 1745995

Don't listen these social chauvinists. Go as a force to advance the class struggle. Mir, zemlya, i khleb!

No. 1745996

File: 1698767165813.jpg (45.84 KB, 828x828, sad cat.jpg)

want to sexo yaoi

No. 1745998

File: 1698767258529.jpg (173.62 KB, 1000x1000, 63329c8afcf2f18924785d00_1000_…)

want to sexo otome

No. 1746009

Absolutely disgusting

No. 1746014

File: 1698768139378.jpg (44.87 KB, 504x535, 1_lq9kLNxAri3bmRWcyvgMXQ.jpg)

today i went into the mixed-sex coach because if i tried walking closer to the women-only coach i'd miss the train and also thought to myself that this is a good moment to scout for eyecandy but i get into the train, ugly mugs, ugly mugs, ugly mugs as far as the eye can see and i can't continue looking either bc i might meet some moid's eyes, some male with his son was staring at me and i had to actively stop myself from scowling at him to not get him mad. lesson learned, if your country's trains or subways have women-only coaches/trains, it's probably with good reason.

No. 1746017

File: 1698768311932.gif (2.58 MB, 220x359, erbheriugh.gif)

i hate soft onions in food so much, the texture is too similar to tomato and i immediately feel like gagging

No. 1746018

Boney M., ABBA, Kino, Baby V.O.X, Cat Eye's, Sisters of Mercy, Buck-Tick.

No. 1746021

bad taste! onions are delicious! french onion soup is DELICIOUS!

No. 1746023

>doesn't like tomatos OR onions
What the fuck do you eat

No. 1746029

probably tendies and fries

No. 1746047

Onions and tomatoes aren't exactly a food group nona, and she specified soft onions specifically. Maybe she loves asparagus and you hate asparagus, maybe she likes brussel sprouts. It's not a big deal lmao

No. 1746056

File: 1698769690597.jpg (15.22 KB, 640x360, _101034542_apu-alamy.jpg)

i do like onions, but if they're crunchy-ish, i even eat 'em raw, but soft and squishy onion i hate, i already said it was the texture i can't tolerate. never had french onion soup tho.
rice and chickpeas and pulses

No. 1746058

I love asparagus and brussel sprouts actually, and it was just a little joke anon. I don't seriously care about anyone's food preferences

No. 1746059

Sorry for getting all serious on yooou

No. 1746064

File: 1698770036298.jpg (34.37 KB, 540x540, a99014e55801689d12913f8b3ac8e2…)

It's perfectly alright

No. 1746100

Nonnies, are you team Drarry or team Snarry?

No. 1746104

i cannot believe the fucking shart curse i read about on the LC screenshots thread was real, it had never happened to me before and today i was not wearing underwear and almost diertied my cat's bowl. i already cleaned it up but i'm so fucking mad i want to clean it again

No. 1746108

why is a cat bowl anywhere near your bunghole

No. 1746119

This is the worst thing I've ever had to imagine but I'm guessing anon was naked, she sharted, and as she was getting to the bathroom the shart ended up on the floor near her cat's bowl

No. 1746130

Snarry all the way, with the whole "he's got his mother's eyes" thing.
Drarry is cute though.

No. 1746143

File: 1698774961942.png (193.01 KB, 1300x1306, yesdiana.png)

WhAt Do U lIKe AbOuT bOyZ??

No. 1746160

i like my boys dum adn SKINNY

No. 1746162

bitch be for real right now, I came here for the sole purpose of sharing how I just fucking sharted for the first time in my life, what is going on

No. 1746179

What country is there where you have sex seperated coaches?

No. 1746189

Same, i'm curious to know. I know they exist in Asia, but where else?

No. 1746202

this would be so nice for when you get off work super later, breastfeeding, or you just want to be left the fuck alone and not having some gross guy take up 90% of the available space or grab your ass while you're standing (i have a hat pin for that)

No. 1746255

lol i'm the total opposite to you anon. i absolutely loathe the texture of raw onions. they remind me a bit of raw celery, another texture i hate. i dislike how raw onions sting a little bit when you bite into them (especially red onions), and of course they make your sweat stink the next day. just fucking gross.

if they're cooked and blended into my food they don't bother me, otherwise i pick them out of my food or just skip them entirely. i always get pissed when you go to a mexican restaurant and they cheat you on the pico by stuffing it full of fucking red onions instead of tomatoes and jalapenos.

No. 1746257

It's India of course. It's called a women-only coach, but they make exceptions for the elderly(like really old), disabled people, and children accompanied by women. the coach has some space and women are obvs more accommodating so that's why.

No. 1746270

File: 1698780349944.jpg (120.8 KB, 1200x1203, indian-onion-salad.-Laccha-pya…)

>i dislike how raw onions sting a little bit when you bite into them
kek, that's why i like raw onion to begin with, ofc, if i eat too much it hurts real bad, but i'm not biting into a raw onion like it's a fucking apple, it's just few thin slices. If it's stinging me too much, i put lemon and salt on it and it doesn't anymore, dunno why. and i just realized my household only eats red onions, i always thought onions with the red-purple skin are the "normal" onions. we really are polar opposites.

No. 1746293

I like to think I've grown out of fandom drama and bullshit but it still makes me irrationally SEETHE when I read an offhand comment shitting on my favorite characters and favourite pairings, especially on this site.

No. 1746299

kek me too. Luckily my recent ships and husbandos are so niche that everyone usually ignores my posts, so I don't ever see people call him ugly

No. 1746301

My bf reminds me of Rasputia because when he gets mad and cusses it sounds all raspy and he’s kind of ridiculous, I hate living with a scrote with anger issues

No. 1746315

File: 1698783351534.jpg (42.53 KB, 736x552, 202279432_137822421750544_3891…)

why is everything so grey and dull nowadays. I went to a mcdonald after years and its nothing like how it was when i was a kid, its so ugly now.

No. 1746332

Why am i nauseous after smoking a single cigarette

No. 1746350

smoking bad

No. 1746418

File: 1698789045263.png (228.41 KB, 500x335, meIRL.png)

Playing phasmophobia with my mom and getting filtered to all fuck. I hate no evidence runs kek.

No. 1746426

Anyone try or know anyone in promo/club modelling? I'm so tired of my regular job. I can't find any real stats on pay though. (Canadian)

No. 1746432

Twitterfag tradwife wannabe moms wanting a million babies and then constantly complaining the moment they have one always puts a smile on my face. How stupid do you have to be to not understand that having a baby is a lot more than cute baby clothes and coming up with a name kek. Have fun with that mastitis retard!

No. 1746439

on one hand i feel the same, on the other i'd immediately feel bad for the kids.

No. 1746442

How come whenever a car is driving like some sort of idiot, it's always a BMW? They're worse than truck assholes.

No. 1746448

way to go, superstar

I really like your taste, nonna! these are my fave bands tho
>Linkin Park
>Bersuit Vergarabat
>Soda Stereo

at least in the case of Mcs they want to market millenials and woke people from what i understand and it's a shame.

No. 1746454

I do feel really bad for the kids. I can understand that the mothers probably fantasize about being this well rounded, competent moms but once the effects of postpartum and adjusting to raising a whole human being starts to sink in, many realize that it’s far too much for them. Many (like, more than I expected) more mothers are becoming capable of affording childcare/employees who can care for her home and children while she fucks off, but there’s still the growing population of impoverished unfit mothers. Those poor children have to grow up struggling just to get clothes on their back, let alone steadfast emotional support from their mothers.

No. 1746461

any shaystorians here? has she ever acknowledged her thread or came here to selfpost? i find it weird she doesnt seem to care about her thread from what i have seen(not a shayfag)

No. 1746462

I’ve never frequented her thread I’ve always just assumed that it’s her pulling the strings? It’s gone on for way too long and all the shit she does is way too mundane and common for anyone to genuinely be giving a shit at this point

No. 1746483

File: 1698793507971.png (11.67 KB, 435x364, dyhm.png)

scale of 1-10 how much do farmhands hate me

No. 1746487

No, you probably make them giggle plus I do the same thing sometimes

No. 1746526

File: 1698795927642.gif (2.68 MB, 498x498, 1697615925754.gif)

s-skinny… >.< stop holding that gunpoint at me miss diana(>.<)

No. 1746545

Ran out of Halloween candy already which makes me a bit sad. But idk if it's worth it to go buy more at 8.

No. 1746546

Confirmation bias just realized three of the worst people I know exist all are cock-eyed. What is it about insurmountable evil and autism that makes your eyes drift in entirely different directions? Brain can't handle the obscene amount of sociopathy, stupidity, and cruelty coursing through those neurons?

No. 1746547

You are 75 years old

No. 1746549

Nah it's kids horror. Relax

No. 1746551

File: 1698797268803.jpg (36.85 KB, 418x640, 5712276e29d20c88d187a1054bed0c…)

If only. I missed out on all the male eyecandy from the 70s/80s and now i am forced to live amongst the prudest of moids who refuse to show even a centimeter of skin.

No. 1746552

It's flu season, you bitches are retarded. Either fix your diet or wash your hands

No. 1746553

its pg-15

No. 1746556

Don't be autistic. A ton of the fans are kids 10+, younger even. It's kiddie horror. While men who are autistic about it are weird and annoying, it's still got a large audience of nerdy young kids. It's like none of you remember what it was like to be a kid.

No. 1746558

when i was a kid they werent shilling movies about kid killers and rapists to me

No. 1746572

Rape is never implied thankfully although yeah that's automatically the adult rationale. Kids who like horror still exist and they think FNAF is cool you're just going to have to deal with it.

No. 1746574

that's scary as fuck, these children are consuming media with fucking pedos and child killers on them, and worst of all they are actually praising these characters. you have to be insane to think it's okay for kids to watch or play fnaf.

No. 1746583

Wah wah wah

No. 1746584

What pedos?

No. 1746589

Are you perhaps an ipad toddler? Why are you defendkng fnaf
The purple guy i think its implied pedo or slmething, there was a controversy about one of the official artists drawing porn of him abusing a little girl or something. Still, it's insane media with child serial killers is being shilled for kids as young as 9. The future generation of discord grooming victims with adhd, desensitized to murder/rape and with severe mental illness scares me. It's already proven by studies that violent media causes more violence, now imagine being subjected to shit like child killing and pedophilia since age 9.

No. 1746590

There is no implication of pedophilia at all, no reference of sex in any capacity either. It's meant to make kids feel a novelty fear, like Pennywise did years ago. It also has a 'happy' ending. It's mildly dark but anon had pizzagate brain sensitivity

No. 1746591

Oh the artist you're talking about is PinkyPills. She did a personal comic about William, and it depicted him as a pedo who sexually got off on little kids being hurt. However, this strays from canon, and William Afton is not a pedophile if we're going by what's true to the story.

No. 1746593

File: 1698799304906.gif (390.82 KB, 220x124, chiikawa-ちいかわ.gif)

im an ipad toddler

No. 1746597

File: 1698799392034.jpg (3.24 MB, 3508x2480, 20231030_140031.jpg)

No. 1746598

File: 1698799428955.jpg (60.97 KB, 768x1024, 1697691017483272.jpg)

No. 1746600

After those two 12yos girls stabbed their friends i dont understand how you cant see anything wrong with the fnaf movie being targetted at kids? Thankfully its pg15 so they cant really watch it if they are really young

No. 1746604

Lol they can and a lot did. Also it's free on streaming services.

No. 1746605

You think kids are going to start sacrificing other kids to […] a giant animatronic bear and his weird looking friends?

No. 1746606

File: 1698799677068.jpg (158.59 KB, 1080x1002, e0aa92e5f00080c5929e30f32c8c35…)

I get what you mean, and I agree that kids in the fnaf fandom kind of ruined it, as with any other horror media let's be honest, but I just think it's kind of unfair to say that William is a pedo when that's not canon. William being a pedo is just something PinkyPills came up with, not Scott, and Pinky is a self inserting weirdo anyway kek

No. 1746608

Creepy, i need to start saving to move into the woods.
Zoomers chop off their tits because they kin south park boys, they are insane. They are growing up on extremely violent media and it's weird how it keeps being pushed to them like it's normal. If they like horror they should stick to goosebumps.

No. 1746609

I dont know anything about fnaf, have always found it to be shit. I still dont like how its being pushed to kids. I think 15 yos+ is fine, but little kids as young as 9 is going too far and really concerning.

No. 1746610

If I had a 10yo and I caught them watching the FNAF movie, I'd be so glad they aren't watching consoomer slime unboxing videos with an obnoxious youtuber with a bad hair dye

No. 1746611

posting a heart used to not even be against the rules

No. 1746612

Stop with your satanic panic

No. 1746614

Idk if kids that young are into it but so many preteens love it?? Isnt fnaf a 12 year old thing

No. 1746615

It truly isn't that bad. These kids don't give a fuck.

No. 1746616

Yeah the complicated aspect is that the gameplay itself is very straight forward and childish (main fear factor comes from jumpscares), but if we're talking about the plot and what the fuck is actually going on? That's where I'd say it's less for kids and more for older teens and adults to be honest. Then again, The Ring is Pg-13 and that movie has the same plot element of a little kid getting murdered too.

No. 1746618

What adult who isn't severely autistic besides markiplier genuinely cares about fnaf

No. 1746621

It's not against the rules, just needs to be written right ♥

No. 1746622

People who are curious to see where the plot goes?

No. 1746627

I don't care, but I am considering giving it a chance

No. 1746629

Sorry but not even even turbo autist chris chan kinnies would be radicalised by the fnaf movie, just watched it so it's fresh in my mind the most gory part to me (happens at beginning) is when he punches some dude multiple times not even the woman being cut in half is super gory, the shock comes from the nerve
Besides I think a movie with a main character who's a fully grown man isn't targeted at kids. It's so clear from watching it that it's for older fans even if they could've done more with the gore.

No. 1746632

No. 1746638

as a shayfag, i can’t even explain the allure, there’s something about her that is so captivating to me for some reason, it’s like watching a sloth in a zoo enclosure, she moves so slowly and her life is so boring but i can’t help but to keep looking. we need a scientist to study this phenomenon

No. 1746639

Why did Michael Myers eat a dog if he could break into stores and homes to get anything why couldn’t he just take a hot dog from a fridge or something

No. 1746640


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1746641

The logical conclusion is that he just liked it

No. 1746642

My go-to answer is that he just fucking loves killing and making things suffer. People, animals, you name it. Anything except for babies, apparently.

No. 1746646

File: 1698802584904.jpg (111.44 KB, 634x953, 77191247-12690265-Her_look_was…)

We do not forget. We do not forgive. EXPECT US

No. 1746648

Which austin powers movie was that

No. 1746651

No. 1746671

File: 1698804711439.jpg (364.21 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg)

NONNIES someone rang my doorbell and when i checked my door cam i saw this what do i do!!

No. 1746673

Give him some candy. Some cat candy

No. 1746679

Thinking about the time in high school me and my friends were smoking together and one of the girls stretched and yawned then someone said Ooou big stretch! like she was a baby stretching kekkk

No. 1746680

No. 1746682

Kek this has me cracking up

No. 1746695

File: 1698806148221.jpeg (742.1 KB, 1106x1250, IMG_6792.jpeg)

So tired of seeing this Christian Bale looking ass bitch on my screen

No. 1746707

handing out candy this year was so underwhelming, only 2 kids that came to my door actually dressed up.

No. 1746714

The only people who showed up to my house was a group of guys who were way too old to trick or treat and only one of them was dressed up…

No. 1746742

I wish I could get a kyocera 903KC but I'm on Verizon…

No. 1746756

it's ok. you don't need it nona

No. 1746760

I feel bad for all the toddlers who go to malls for trick or treating but get turned down because they have no candy.

No. 1746782

File: 1698816376191.gif (4.4 MB, 498x230, BB8736A1-5A73-47A7-8968-FD42D4…)

Anons in the questions thread has my brain playing this on repeat

No. 1746784

File: 1698816465462.jpg (41.21 KB, 440x330, 440px-Bohol_Tarsier.jpg)

Mirror mirror on the wall, who has the longest tarsals of them all?

No. 1746787

She looks like an npc

No. 1746797

reviewbrah is simultaneously autistic and sexy

No. 1746801

back to /g/. he looks like if hunter schaffer detrooned, developed an eating disorder, and died.

No. 1746805

File: 1698820104016.jpg (50.58 KB, 924x461, 1600951922400.jpg)

According to Spotify:
>Everything Everything
>Glass Animals
>Fontaines D.C.
>The Tragically hip
>Talking Heads

I haven't been a kpoopy in about two years and they're still in my top ten kek, such is the mark of being a kfag.

No. 1746809

Fair well spooky month. I’ll miss you.

No. 1746812

wrong. he looks like an androgynous model. and let's not forget about those beautiful hands

No. 1746813

Starting my day with an energy drink and nicotine vape, you would think I’m a zoomer but I’m just a painfully juvenile millenial

No. 1746834

I just bought one for myself because you wanted it

No. 1746842

Protip: If you openly smoke crack people won't lecture you about the vaping or your diet

No. 1746853

Omg that's genius, thank you nonny!

No. 1746867

File: 1698826213948.jpg (14.81 KB, 500x375, 1678213310438367.jpg)

I told my friend I like his pants and he hasn't used any other pants since. Kind of cute, I hope he washes them though kek.

No. 1746872

File: 1698827258390.jpg (343.81 KB, 1080x1090, 1698586846452230.jpg)

It's so scary that empty skinwalkers will spend their entire day devoted to voyeuring you and trying to mimic and basically absorb your essence in the most delusional way possible but they still convince themselves they're the shit and some sort of special figure destined for iconographic stardom… and then they never grow out of it. It's so sad to imagine women in their 30s, 40s, 50s continuing to be these empty husks devoid of anything except mimicking and mirroring and basking in their own delusions of grandeur with no character development, unable to exist outside of the internet or without posturing online for attention in some way. At what point do you look at all the creative fiction you write about yourself and your own entitlement to the thoughts and ideas that you steal from others and try to repurpose as your own ode to individualism and realize you're retarded? When do they move the fuck on?

No. 1746890

Just had one of the toughest shits of my life but it's done

No. 1746891

Congrats. Kill yourself(a-logging)

No. 1746895

Men are always always shitting on women for how they look or dress but there will NEVER be anything funnier than grown ass men nearing and passing 30 that still try really hard to look and dress like a 16 year old. The arrested development is so palpable, its like the male version of a coquette. The facial nuance isnt quite rich, the texture maturing and off, everything about them is being ravaged by test so you know their age range immediately but there they are thinking dressing like a 16 year old boy makes them look like a fashionista. They cannot accept their own aging and look like shit because they try to style themselves like a teen. Its so hilarious. Its like Danny Duncan–drop the stupid fucking haircut bro you're clinging to something that escaped you years ago. How do you do fellow kids looking ass.

No. 1746931

hotdogs at 6 am

No. 1746936

Everybody poops nona

No. 1746945

I think she misstyped shifts tbh

No. 1746963

Idk I've had some pretty tough shits in my day

No. 1746966

Theres a thr3ad for it in /g/ please don't attract diaperfags and men to ot

No. 1746967

Oh grow the fuck up.

No. 1746987

What toddler is so dumb that they think malls have candy but so smart that it can get itself to said mall?

No. 1747000

Trunk or treating is the new way to go. In my area homes decorating and door to door trick or treating has really fizzled out and instead a bunch of community hosted trunk or treats happen around or during Halloween. I’ll always be nostalgic over going door to door but the safety and accessibility benefits with trunk or treating are better.

No. 1747002

File: 1698838718201.mp4 (2.75 MB, 640x358, this-is-so-sad.mp4)

Anon, this is painful to read because I never experienced trick or treating or celebrated Halloween as a kid and I plan to try it once when I live abroad…..you're telling me people are gonna make fun of me for it behind my back?

No. 1747004

Nta but
>tool and bts in the same list
This is so hilarious to me but I listen to tons of metal and Girls' Generation so I can't judge kek

No. 1747005

damn that sounds so lame kek

No. 1747006

I envy all the nonnies who got to celebrate Halloween. Sucks being from a boring shithole.

No. 1747007

I agree that the style and hair is shit, and it's even worse when they ACT like teenagers and talk like them with internet slang and shit. But at least he has hair on his head at 30 and homeless. He figured something out that other males his age didn't.

No. 1747008

File: 1698839147999.jpg (45.53 KB, 639x635, a4e14e03668f334076bc3bbf7eede5…)

I love him so much

No. 1747009

you can dress up, but if your an adult or teenager then yeah people will make fun of you, unless you have a kid besides you.

No. 1747010

Same. Celebrate it your own minimal way though. I watch spooky cartoons/movies and listen to a Halloween playlist during it. But I hope to get to wear a costume for it one day when I live somewhere normal.

No. 1747011

its so boring living in my country amerinonnies dont know how fun they have it. In my country we dont celebrate anything.

No. 1747022

nta but that's what I try to do as well, but really do wish we had something along the lines of Halloween here.

No. 1747024

Just don't care about their opinions. But if you can't stop yourself, if you go live abroad, the day before Halloween drive or take a bus to some other random cite and go trick or treating there where nobody will know you, so you won't feel embarrassed hashtag life hacks

No. 1747025

No. 1747036

Thankfully not that shitty, Argentinian.

No. 1747052

File: 1698842349304.png (241.15 KB, 540x536, oQfBK95.png)

Best of luck to you nonnie, I plan to move to America as well and so maybe we might even see each other.

No. 1747053

what's the point of a female-only imageboard if you're still policing your topics and language for fear of men? moids will try to infringe upon women-only spaces whether they're talking about how to sell skin grafts from male cadavers to mafia members with burn scars or about how men should have their own shelters.

No. 1747055

There’s no real danger on Halloween except from being hit by a car, which is always a danger. Make the kids walk. Driving to get candy is so fat, don’t teach your children that. The hyper monitored parking lot setup is so bleak and controlling, there’s nothing actually fun for the kids just candy. At least set it up in a big park or something so they can run around, fuck. Think bigger.

No. 1747057

File: 1698843344056.jpg (257.66 KB, 1600x900, two-black-and-brown-cats-eatin…)

i want to have two kitty cats and give them the names Miggie and Nonnie, bc why not

No. 1747058

Why the beef? I was constipated af at my bfs yesterday and when I got home I was literally so exhausted o tried to shift it and it was not happening. I had to sleep to build up strength to get rid of the foulness. My ass and stomach hurt like fuck, I'm a survivor. I lived to shit another day

No. 1747062

File: 1698844021827.png (134.42 KB, 500x453, 1698760340378895.png)

i took a small break to be lazy and watch movies and now i have to go back to doing stuff

No. 1747069

NOOOO they’re already annoyed by me but I accidentally sent the same email multiple times because it said it was a draft fucking fuck
I guess you’re right nonna, but trunk or treating isn’t completely boring near me though they have things like games and bouncy castles.

No. 1747071

>married with children

No. 1747073

i like it, fight me.

No. 1747075

fighting you

No. 1747078

It's some diarrhea crier soft shit haver, she can't help she is not as tought as us stone shitters constipation warriors

No. 1747081

the argie version was better actually, i give you that

No. 1747089

File: 1698847054511.png (397.18 KB, 640x758, EtUVCBL.png)

What does this even mean

No. 1747095

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No. 1747096

File: 1698847560894.jpg (19.98 KB, 262x245, anonydesu.jpg)

No. 1747098

reading this makes me feel like I'm having a stroke

No. 1747109

it's some retard, bc len and rin kagamine have voicebanks by the same women but are different as characters/"identity", i'm guessing it's "DID-pilled" bc it's a like one person with different "identities". and it's so retarded, intersex doesn't fucking mean you interchange b/w sexes, just means you're of one sex with a messed up body with messed up hormones

No. 1747136

>genshin impact profile picture
the mark of the tard

No. 1747146

i am so sick of filters istg show ME your shitty myspace photos taken on a camera that used floppy disks. these people look like they're from aliens attack

No. 1747147

i'm not trumpchan my cat just ran over my keyboard sorry

No. 1747159

who's the ugliest husbando in your opinion? for me nothing will top that guy from baldur's gate

No. 1747161

File: 1698852157798.jpg (292.65 KB, 1916x1080, peekaboo.jpg)

No. 1747162

Do you mean mars attack cus if so she sure looks like that alien lady that bites off that dudes finger at the white house, she should be putting all these teeth to good use. The brazilian president has 9 fingers, just think about it.

No. 1747164

File: 1698852311266.jpg (988.06 KB, 2039x1876, stinky.jpg)

ugliest 2 me is paul dano

No. 1747172

File: 1698852869846.gif (2.7 MB, 498x498, helpy-fnaf.gif)


No. 1747174

File: 1698852913037.jpeg (47.42 KB, 457x671, images (22).jpeg)

What do you think of this image i think it goes hard

No. 1747177

It screams autistic retarded and friendless

No. 1747178

It would be perfect, but William is british so wouldn't he prefer knives?

No. 1747179

File: 1698853102718.jpeg (61.92 KB, 512x512, IMG_5164.jpeg)

I think nearly all of the 3DPD ones are ugly, very few anons have high standards for male physical beauty. They might have a goblin face and a pre-obesity level gut and some nona will call them stunning. Or like what’s his face who was in Girls and Star Wars — worked out one time and got some pics taken where he looks like he just finished a bulk/cut and still has loose skin, but they’ll say his body is hot and completely ignore his face which is asymmetrical with crepe skin and remarkably weak eyebrows for how thick his hair is and he doesn’t even have good teeth either.

No. 1747182

File: 1698853210931.jpg (79.99 KB, 720x535, 9243473757ce80a0b52e33317d12d0…)

Nothing wrong with being autistic

No. 1747183

i hate zoomer humor

No. 1747184

File: 1698853409288.jpg (15.49 KB, 275x269, 1694553784493.jpg)

Nonny he's so cute

No. 1747187

No. 1747188

Too bad millenicuck stay sad and angry

No. 1747192

File: 1698853674570.png (188.78 KB, 360x526, DaveNovel.png)

What's more canon to you. Handsome William, or ugly William? Mid William doesn't count, you gotta pick either handsome or ugly

No. 1747195

You guys have a fnaf containment incorrectly made thread, use it.

No. 1747196

File: 1698853787899.jpg (27.85 KB, 292x348, 528cb14d8c737f51eccd2187a6eaa8…)

Do british people like knives?

No. 1747202

I'm internally sqealing so hard at every cute corny thing my bf texts me, I feel so silly but I love him

No. 1747203

I gotta get the answer first.
Well they certainly like them more than guns.

No. 1747205

No. 1747206

File: 1698854119108.jpg (76.01 KB, 735x803, f0fa8d08caa40cb127f56fc78bff6b…)

Aww i can't pick mid? William is like the perfect mix of weird and cute, ok i'll pick handsome because i don't want him a canonically ugly moid like the fatass version

No. 1747215

File: 1698854289302.png (398.71 KB, 1374x1831, rh3vqys9nm541.png)

>the fatass version
God I hate the fatass thing some of fnaf did with William. People meme PinkPill's art about him because he looks like an edgy Peter Griffin but they're right. Wtf was she thinking.

No. 1747219

Nona go to the next thread

No. 1747225

??? Peter Griffin looks like he's doing well after his WLS, you people are so bitter

No. 1747357

that looks like fucking richard rameriz anon

No. 1747358


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1747596

You described me well and I'm a fnafag

No. 1747640

you get me

No. 1747645

File: 1698864794935.jpeg (690.2 KB, 712x1112, 4747724F-7BA6-4FC3-98ED-40D0A3…)

husbando jesus

No. 1747650

File: 1698864946172.png (2.08 MB, 1972x1434, yesanon.png)

No. 1747672

You have to show us the edit nonnie

No. 1748004

nta but if a group of older teens/adults came up to my house in costume and weren't being shitheads I'd happily give them candy. Even better, if you manage to pull together a group they can say "oh our foreign friend never got to trick or treat as a kid so we're showing her our customs uwu", people will find it wholesome and be less likely to judge.

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