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No. 1734561
File: 1698005506307.jpeg (18.28 KB, 275x208, 1660512077106.jpeg)

How many times a week do any of you shower?
No. 1734563
File: 1698005558825.png (58.68 KB, 200x200, 1668515086324.png)

No. 1734577
File: 1698006185725.png (2.17 KB, 342x34, domb.png)

No. 1734587
File: 1698006512967.jpg (129.94 KB, 1024x681, 20231016_093541.jpg)

No. 1734591
File: 1698006726474.jpg (535.53 KB, 1280x1656, 1547296514290.jpg)

Is this yaoi
No. 1734602
File: 1698007213164.jpg (29.67 KB, 405x388, 1697563893890965.jpg)

>someone makes a new thread because last is close to bump limit
>nonnies nitpick and complain
This happens every thread and I am sick of it. Why can't you just shut up and accept what you're given?
No. 1734608
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>>1734563rollo is very cute
he should have sweaty yaoi sex until his racism is cured
No. 1734614
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No. 1734629
File: 1698008126221.jpg (6.76 KB, 250x248, cat.jpg)

>>1734627Are you alright?
No. 1734639
File: 1698008591570.jpg (677.89 KB, 2104x2653, Rollot_.jpg)

>>1734608You're right…
No. 1734653
File: 1698009253660.jpg (95.8 KB, 1024x699, featured-image.jpg)

My boyfriend got invited to a bread bash (bread-eating party with stews, flatbread pizzas, cakes, and of course copious bread types) by his work and I am foaming at the mouth with jealousy. I love bread so much it's unreal
No. 1734656
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No. 1734661
File: 1698009412596.jpg (60.1 KB, 564x553, 575663ae3a08ce723bc5e05f03d4d3…)

here I go ladies
No. 1734662
>>1734655>help help i'm being harassed by my imaginary enemyGROW UP
No. 1734665
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guess who
No. 1734666
File: 1698009581650.png (766.84 KB, 1998x1313, 1696830221378.png)

No. 1734674
File: 1698009718261.gif (970.16 KB, 320x240, 1697431815229.gif)

No. 1734678
File: 1698009901986.gif (756.74 KB, 498x245, shiki-tnc.gif)

No. 1734689
>>1734682verga me equivoque, le quise responder a esta
>>1734672 perdon
nonnie No. 1734690
I think it's cute that LC refers to Shayna by a nickname like "this is my friend Shay, she's a little weird but she's my friend" (then shit talks her behind her back). I find the parasocial relationship kinda endearing
>>1734671Did that anon elaborate on that? Unironically interested in her schizophrenia
No. 1734694
File: 1698010285019.gif (1.12 MB, 566x225, ezgif-2-7ed18199b2.gif)

No. 1734702
>>1734694FUCKING KEK
who will win?
No. 1734708
File: 1698010740247.jpeg (246.19 KB, 1179x839, IMG_4820.jpeg)

>>1734701That’s fucked! What a prick. also it was he that passed it to her
No. 1734717
File: 1698011018165.gif (1.46 MB, 600x578, music-bussin.gif)

No. 1734762
File: 1698012330539.jpg (38.7 KB, 640x632, hopes and dreams.jpg)

>>1734742i hope her new man is rich too. Meanwhile i have to deal with useless poorfag ugly zoomies, pain
No. 1734770
File: 1698012740935.gif (1.21 MB, 550x550, pink skeleton.gif)

All goons out of the way for I have arrived
No. 1734834
File: 1698016237742.gif (970.04 KB, 275x275, 1662550577622.gif)

I hate that the only visible part of my husbando's body is his head, what the fuck?? males always getting naked female characters, i want eye candy too!! fuckass game, all the uggos almost naked but of course the only young, cute male is wearing full gear, fuck moids and everyone for real
No. 1734912
File: 1698019408242.jpg (247.39 KB, 1366x2048, [19-11-07] 1192370549558632448…)

>>1734834i wish there were more male slut outfits that didnt look like femboy shit, it's really ahrd to achieve the nice combo of hot and manly. I hate crossdressing/sissy shit with my life.
No. 1734925
File: 1698020184265.png (214.76 KB, 762x763, 1693523496420828.png)

>>1734918>>1734908>tfw artist so i can just make a shitty sketch in an hour and get AI to do the heavy liftingskillets keep losing
No. 1734928
File: 1698020445843.jpeg (203.68 KB, 960x641, IMG_6438.jpeg)

>>1734551I hate the couple on this threadpic. I don’t know how to explain it, I wish I were more eloquent. I know men are retarded but I absolutely hate the performative “Hurr durr I’m a male feminist and my heckin amazing wife keeps me in line and is smarter than me, I’m just a lovable, dumb golden retriever!” I don’t know how to describe it but I hate those men. Also they seem like they’re poly and I don’t know how to explain how I know that either
No. 1734942
File: 1698021448811.jpg (44.8 KB, 380x376, 1694285564645.jpg)

No. 1734969
File: 1698022782277.jpeg (56.52 KB, 512x512, IMG_0872.jpeg)

i can still fix him
No. 1734986
>>1734850Yes I would, depending on the type of sexy clothing. I don't like maid costumes or speedos
or bikinis or whatever people like to draw male characters in. I like stuff more like my husbando with his clothing down or unbuttoned, or even fully dressed depending on what he's wearing or how he looks.
INB4 some anon starts trying to argue with me about my tastes No. 1734993
File: 1698023734477.jpg (19.29 KB, 500x375, IMG_2002.jpg)

>>1734987Right? Monster of the week episodes were always my favorite but you usually never get to learn more about them
No. 1734997
>>1734953That is a good one, Gender Bender, right? Sorry I’m an X-Files sperg kek.
>>1734993Kek I always remember the Jersey Devil ep the one drawing he looks at of the female Bigfoot with boobs bc I figured Duchovny just drew it himself prob. Agreed monster of the week episodes are the best, same with early Buffy being better than later for that reason. Also WHERE THE BIG WOLF ON CAMPUS NONNAS AT
No. 1735232
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No. 1735298
File: 1698035438673.gif (309.91 KB, 500x500, stacy.gif)

The virgin knitter
>"Noooo, you're not allowed to use that yarn! Nooo crochet is too easy! It's not good for garments! Now excuse me while I go make a pair of socks for the millionth time..
The chad crocheter
>"Haha it's totally ok if you use acrylic yarn. In fact, there are no rules at all! Make whatever you want!
No. 1735311
>>1735300Depends in what you buy tbh, but I'm not gonna act like everyone needs to be buying indie angora yarn for like $20+ a skein
>>1735304Yeah, it's two different tools with different techniques that produce different outcomes.
>tiny scarfNo.
No. 1735326
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No. 1735400
File: 1698039736939.jpeg (759.71 KB, 2000x3000, IMG_6289.jpeg)

This bitches face used to piss me off so bad when I was little I had to hide my eyes whenever an ad for this movie came on screen
No. 1735489
File: 1698042139243.jpeg (50.02 KB, 736x742, IMG_3311.jpeg)

I had the worst nights sleep ever with reoccurring dreams about being persecuted by someone who hates me I feel like I was being chased by Freddy Krueger all night I have indigestion a headache and aching limbs I do not feel rested AT ALL.
No. 1735645
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I’m still awake its 5 am I laid down before midnight and I have class at 11 am
No. 1735653
File: 1698057075124.jpg (128.26 KB, 806x768, charging-bonk.jpg)

>>1735645I just woke up at 5am to put you to sleep
No. 1735704
>>1735673Yes, I feel the same way about my name too. I don't like any of the nicknames either. It feels wrong and try hard. I think a unisex name would fit me better. I did get yelled at before by a friend because she has my proper full name as her middle name and I lamented that I disliked it for myself. Heh. I'd say go for it.
>>1735677Nice. I find it neat when people go by their middle name.
No. 1735719
File: 1698064959508.png (419.97 KB, 526x475, plush.png)

Just had a big brained moment and realized I can combine my sewing and embroidery skills to make a little plush of my husbando like picrel, why did I never think of this until now kek
No. 1735777
nonny thoughts
No. 1735797
>>1735673I don't want to change my name but my nickname does feel more "natural" to me because that's what everyone has been calling me my entire life, almost like it is my actual name. It's preferable and I always tell people to just call me by that. Kinda like how being called
nonny feels more natural than being called anonymous. I don't mind my real name though and I wouldn't change it
No. 1735859
>>1735673I already changed mine, it was ugly. Glad I did it but I don't tell anyone because people think I'm weird for having changed it and say shit like
>but your paaaarents picked it out just for you!I was an accident and my junkie/alcoholic parents hated me kek. Nothing of value was lost.
No. 1735912
File: 1698079240283.jpeg (83.04 KB, 1506x983, Image 22.jpeg)

so i'm the burger anon who was having issues with my french bank back with more weirdness and dumbassery. i've found more proof over the past two weeks that my conseiller was lying to me and i literally have no idea why. i was finally able to log into my account after testing it out on my laptop, as for whatever reason the mobile site does not work and kicks you out anytime you try to do anything. i did some digging and i found the card she supposedly ordered for me when i first opened the account, which was sent to the bank, not my address. i had an account with hsbc i closed last year and they did the same thing. so in reality i was supposed to go to the bank to pick up my card, not have it delivered to my apartment.
soooooo the only reasonable explanation i have for my card disappearing was that she must have taken it and hidden it once la poste delivered it as i watched them get my second card from a cabinet by the receptionist's desk and hand it to me. i have no idea why she would do this either so don't ask me, ask her kek.
second weird thing: if you guys remember my original post, i think i mentioned how she was bitching at me and going apeshit over me not having a french phone number at the time and how the bank ABSOLUTELY COULD NOT send texts to a foreign number. i ordered a modem to set up internet at my apartment, and my provider offered to upgrade my account so i had to get a new number. i went in to change my phone number at my bank and lo and behold…you can send messages to a number outside of france, so i put in my american phone number just to see and what do you know, it fucking works.
i really do not wtf her problem was. this has literally been one of the strangest experiences i've had with someone since moving here, bar my randomly assigned bipolar college roommate from last year. i only met this woman one time and you would think i took a shit on her croissant or something. people are really fucking strange.
No. 1735989
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No. 1736087
File: 1698083414857.jpeg (79.08 KB, 735x719, 2F9B41CB-61CB-4F7C-998E-9F4E03…)

I came here to post my dumbassery but I don’t even want to anymore. What happened to you dumbass shit, I hardly recognize you…
No. 1736107
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Why are these stupid fucking triangles so hard to unpack
No. 1736117
File: 1698084057853.jpeg (107.37 KB, 735x608, E8C77F4A-C823-4BCB-AE02-200B22…)

>>1736099We’re not being dumbass enough.
No. 1736165
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who else at work right now aha
No. 1736300
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I am the board culture and by culture I mean a bacterial one
No. 1736319
File: 1698091528298.jpeg (262.77 KB, 1000x774, 2014-06-16-BA2.jpeg)

I wish my room's walls looked more interesting than the barren, light gray walls. It makes my room look like a padded cell. Minimalists say that decoration is meaningless trash, but I kind of disagree. My old high school English teachers made their classrooms more "friendly" than mine.
No. 1736403
File: 1698094378735.jpg (149.56 KB, 2560x2560, 711ofBoMxUL.jpg)

I don't like spray deodorants. They do feel better but it's harder to make sure i get my whole pit and it feels like they don't last as long. It also feels like I'm wasting some since some won't go on my skin but into the air.
No. 1736410
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I saved this picture in 2008 I do not completely remember the context. I think it was a real Facebook image from this church but I can’t verify
No. 1736463
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>>1736373yaoi this yaoi that IM SICK OF IT STOP ACTING SPECIAL ED WHY ARE YOU SO OBSESSED WOTH FAGGOTS WHY DO ALL OF YOU KEEP LETTING THIS HAPPEN!! STOP THEM!!!! and why is op so retarded who tf links a thread like that, i tried to resist for so long but the lolcor i knew is truly gone
No. 1736467
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>>1736463We have to resist this scourge on our lolcor
No. 1736468
File: 1698099740622.png (662.51 KB, 1076x795, 2pu5b3.png)

I think I'm a lesbian irl because I find men disgusting but only like fictional or anime guys. Idk
No. 1736476
>>1736463you're too based for this moid obsessed board im gonna have to write you a citation
>who tf links a thread like that(new)faggots thats who
No. 1736486
File: 1698100865601.png (338.53 KB, 491x626, 327.png)

>bechdel thread made specifically for not talking about moids
>nobody ever uses it anymore not even anons who hate moid discussions
this is just like the weekend threads all over again
No. 1736498
>>1736493I dont necessarily
hate fujoshis, but the fujoshi haters have a point when they say fujos can't go a minute without yaoi lol
No. 1736500
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>>1736493>>1736486the skeleton guy and blonde lady would make a cute couple.
No. 1736525
File: 1698102647070.jpeg (588.2 KB, 1219x823, thanksfortoleratingme.jpeg)

Sameanon who's into the Unpopular Opinions threadpic here. I just found this pic again and it also awakened something in me. I guess I just want more bossy women choking cute guys and shoving their faces into things
No. 1736526
File: 1698102722514.jpeg (57.15 KB, 1080x809, 5F5EE707-C422-4F3D-ADD1-55C25E…)

>>1736518>literally me rn you THOUGHT you got me. Hell no
No. 1736541
>>1736497Say it's because of sexual content on their bio making you uncomfortable. Also
>transbians rubbing clitsThat's just faggots rubbing dicks, they're so goddamn annoying, just admit you're a faggot already.
No. 1736552
File: 1698103936322.jpg (790.27 KB, 1816x2048, 20231016_133537.jpg)

the ya0i haters itt don't know i witnessed kaka spergouts firsthand. now you will witness mine.
No. 1736558
File: 1698104011946.png (792.8 KB, 609x644, IMG_0012.png)

>>1736551the other anon deleted her reply so i didn't think it was as funny but that would be an honour
No. 1736564
File: 1698104435968.jpeg (61.62 KB, 739x669, 761277FC-3E64-4229-B2D9-538A5B…)

>>1736552For the love of Elsie can you FUCK OFF. Is being annoying and cringe all you can do?
No. 1736576
File: 1698104718511.jpg (34.56 KB, 564x736, b0e6d1b131b7789f7b485a42ed84a1…)

Hopping on my Rimworld women only colony, my base is fairly protected and right now I'm building a cute little library, might buy some male slaves since my other two got sick and I gave them both cyanide because I don't want a social mood debuff from making my other colonist kill them.
No. 1736577
>>1736564yes. im never been the only person who posts it anyhow, i only came back to /ot/ this month after not using it for years.
the sisters want 'fujo' added to the red filter text, chop chop.
No. 1736595
File: 1698105451510.png (669.47 KB, 2048x1855, tumblr_a36e846acab7ad7f9b37fa8…)

>>1736468I'm like this. I got a fujo wife. Godspeed and may you find one of your own.
No. 1736599
File: 1698105617410.png (1.59 MB, 1732x1246, 1684639108065322.png)

roll for your future nigel's bodyshape
No. 1736612
File: 1698106180206.gif (32.03 KB, 143x125, d2w9fq8-647ccc07-355b-4dec-961…)

>>1736587/ot/ is the main landfill board now, i'm using it as intended
>>1736586lewd bpd-kun will live on in our hearts
No. 1736614
>>1736604you are the problem
No. 1736622
File: 1698106633102.jpg (40.25 KB, 637x513, 7r32435.jpg)

>>1736618i'm too tired to explain it all. just visit the monster thread sometime
No. 1736626
File: 1698106769062.jpg (343.25 KB, 2048x1082, 20231017_193758.jpg)

>>1736615he does though, read more vignette and tamashina story. theres a reason why meow is the most universally beloved dorm leader in canon at the school even though hes lazy, mean, and had ruggie bust the kneecaps of dozens of innocent students. plus ruggie eagerly washes his panties but not before sniffing them.
No. 1736630
File: 1698106835912.jpg (100.32 KB, 736x921, e004d1d0dbbcabaa05476153f8286b…)

I want to be hit by truck-kun and reincarnate as a mexican soap opera villainess
No. 1736637
File: 1698107083347.jpg (1.47 MB, 2500x1617, familyphoto.jpg)

who is your monster factory husbando, anons?
I got dibs on toucan dan
No. 1736667
File: 1698109140631.jpg (143.78 KB, 475x593, 72515943.jpg)

>>1736636>had to hide itWeak
No. 1736671
File: 1698109309850.png (444.76 KB, 1440x932, 1692896841891.png)

>>1736667i already see too much ugliness irl, a woman can only handle so much.
No. 1736695
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>>1736509Based. Also sick of this trope too
No. 1736717
File: 1698111791617.jpg (15.44 KB, 552x414, Futurama-Fry.jpg)

>>1736700And would you know that, anon?
No. 1736723
>>1736599Gonna cheat and choose, 1, 3, 4 (I love the arms and chest but hate the stomach), 7, 9 (probably the best), 11, 13, 14
>>1736608Muscle percentage probably? Thought it was fat percentage but the fat ones made me doubt it.
No. 1736724
File: 1698112023709.jpg (55.56 KB, 720x790, I love you JeSuSSsS cat.jpg)

>>1736599Please give me a good one
No. 1736745
File: 1698113524870.jpeg (41.69 KB, 567x555, F8sdkQaWoAACqND.jpeg)

>>1736599Not the fat one…
No. 1736756
File: 1698114088859.jpg (12.6 KB, 334x350, 71nf7jZZYLL._AC_UF350,350_QL80…)

I always get scared I'm going to accidentally turn on my taser and tase myself even though you have to push a switch up twice and then press a button to tase anyone. Same with my pepper spray, It's so easy to spray and that's why I don't keep it attached to my pant even though the one I have has a clip to.
No. 1736760
File: 1698114560942.jpg (313.96 KB, 908x1200, IMG_9265_1200x1200.jpg)

>>1736756An alternative is to use this
No. 1736798
>>1736795getting called randomly to fix someones mangled leg gives you the munchies ig
No. 1736810
File: 1698119581542.jpg (226.97 KB, 1024x1024, _9ac1818f-1d94-467d-a301-592b2…)

what she saying tho
No. 1736834
>last seasonYou mean the one that came out in 2012 or the new movie? I don't know if the fujo nudge in the movie would have happened at all without South Park doing it first in the time since its initial run, but it was cute. There was no yume pandering. In the end I liked it a lot less than the show, it wasn't as entertaining with the guys being more whinny and watered down and the humor itself wasn't as good either. It was about what I expected from a spontaneous adult swim show movie.
No. 1737028
>>1736992when you put it like that I'm sure he did, and if he didn't the thought of it is SO FUNNY.
these "roasties" Sam hates so much ended up making a pretty sick HBO show with a beloved character in Adam whose actor ended up going on to be in star wars. what's sam doing again besides malding and roiding?
love to see it
No. 1737113
File: 1698145002351.png (15.24 KB, 890x180, 36EAA4D1-BB83-4B39-AE3C-BE1454…)

I bought two different kinds of JBL headphones and somehow they both started having issues at the same time, I’ve had them for just barely over a year what fucking pieces of shit. I’ll try bose next im so fuckin annoyed
No. 1737116
>>1737113are they still under warranty? they should have if not a 1 then a 2 year (I hope), if it isn't user error
not accusing you just the wordage they use could you get them sent in and replaced?
been considering the same with my razer krakens, the volume toggle keeps fucking out and it defs isn't my fault. sometimes stuff needs to go back to the factory to be fixed.
you bought them, they should work for you and if they don't it's on the company.
No. 1737133
File: 1698146733606.jpg (5.77 KB, 179x281, Z.jpg)

I started taking respiridone again and it makes me want to binge eat so much.
Fortunately, I found a way to deal with it. I just drink kefir all day, every day. I've been at it for two days now. Just drinking two litres of kefir every day and lots of water. How long can I keep going like that? I love my fermented bacteria ridden milk so much sisters. Because for me it either chugging down kefir like a maniac or binge eating on pizza. Damn antipsychotics suck ass, wish they gave me less stupid side effects.
No. 1737184
File: 1698148738325.png (29.78 KB, 235x199, 1684909360671618.png)

What's with the amount of retardation around here lately? this place is starting to feel like Twitter/reddit
No. 1737199
File: 1698149291098.jpeg (54.44 KB, 597x599, Mid Week Funny Feline Memes To…)

Post your cars, girls
No. 1737208
>>1737193Nta that's bullshit, it didn't use to be this
toxic yet boring, that's why it feels like Twitter because people there fight all the time about the same stuff and then drag everyone else who doesn't partake in it
No. 1737216
>>1736468I've been thinking this lately as well, I thought I was bisexual for years but I'm beginning to think I'm just a lesbian. Idk what it means that we're only attracted to pixels on a screen though.
like the though of a real man touching me makes me want to off myself and gets me spiralling kek Maybe it's because fictional men are idealized compared to the IRL versions whom 99% of are repulsive looks and personality-wise.
No. 1737227
File: 1698149997342.png (30.24 KB, 758x172, have you heard of kawoshin ?.p…)

from the pixielocks thread. i just want to scream
but i'll be banned for retared ot and i would deserve it
No. 1737264
>>1737257But why is half the bait lately "reeee stop manhating" how are they defending their tranny overlord by shitting on women? Maybe you're right i dunno
>>1737258I miss when farmhands actually redtexted twitterspeak
No. 1737276
File: 1698153411580.jpg (46.59 KB, 743x422, 1698095804534.jpg)

Saw this rambling of a misogynistic moid who pimps women out in /snow/, and it reminded me that there are "anons" here who wholeheartedly agree with it and would think it's a based feminist statement had I not just explained who's saying it.
No. 1737281
>>1737271 >Like you're bothered by twitterisms the same way a twitter user would be bothered by the word retard, you're two sides of the same coin and you both lack any self awareness.Fucking thank you. I'm one of many y'all posters, and back in like 2018 no one on here cared. It's such a newfag trying to fit in thing to get
triggered about. I can call you a cock sucking retard and it's fine, but if I say "y'all" you'll have a tumblrina meltdown? And you don't see the irony? Kek
No. 1737288
File: 1698154985872.jpeg (45.91 KB, 681x562, e341e34b-47d0-4e3a-8046-2041f1…)

>>1734561Usually at least 7
No. 1737295
File: 1698155558910.jpg (3.35 KB, 100x102, 1687072502388.jpg)

>>17345617 but i use soap every other day
No. 1737299
File: 1698155883925.jpg (31.37 KB, 416x657, t4fvt4qjem931.jpg)

"You’ll know it’s me because I’ll be scooting across the floor on my clit like a dog with worms"
Just retarded husbando hornyposting things. I can't go back in there, nonnas. I simply can't.
No. 1737304
File: 1698156231399.jpg (144.01 KB, 640x647, kpoop.jpg)

>>1737242>I know there are some lesbians on social media that are fans of 2D/3D men but are strictly into women in real lifethe only thing close to this i've seen was straight/bi women pretending to be lesbians, especially if they're into live action men
No. 1737310
File: 1698156721935.jpg (75.65 KB, 640x618, ra.jpg)

>>1737270>>>/ot/1712524>>>/ot/1712524>>>/ot/1712524EVERYTIME I TRY TO TALK ABOUT NON-MAN TOPICS YOU GUYS IGNORE ME!! You don't actually care. So I gave up. Go fuck yourself
No. 1737341
>>1736403the dove sprays don't work as well unless you get the advanced care line. that's the one i use both in the usa and europe and it smells so good and actually lasts. i find the european spray deodorants cover better as the mist is finer and dries relatively quickly. i used to have issues with them not lasting and i realized it was my application. you have to spray them at a distance and move the can back and forth quickly while you spray. otherwise it turns into an oily goop and ends up congealing in the folds of your skin.
>>1736409i bet in 10 years we will hear about how these things cause lung cancer kek.
No. 1737354
>>1737347what's your most hated, mine is sandalwood. like remove yourself from my aerosphere fucking hippy
same with lavender. only crunchy and retarded women I know use those "scents" aka oils as perfume. would rather actually die
>>1737351or this? like a nona posted that woman's "my signature baby-powder scent routine" like okay…sure but why? baby powder is carcinogenic and you smell like an infant. reminds me of that fucked up "innocence is sexier than it seems" ad campaign. apparently it stuck?
No. 1737361
>>1737347>>1737351but i'm extra stinky and no one else can smell the deodorant except for me, but if i sweat everyone can smell it
>>1737354lavender smells good tho. you're all NUTS
No. 1737368
>>1737359non-tism nona, what is your fave scent? cause you're so different from all of us, do divulge.
>>1737361lavender smells like bedtime cause that was what the oil was used for when I was growing up. like chamomile tea?
also come to my hood and end up on my end begging all the crunchy retards to stop with the scented oils. they leave residue and shit.
usually they have dreads and lice, or a woman with dreads and lice a BIG DREAM TO GET FAMOUS
in byron bay, doing that one course kek and reek of those two oils combined.
No. 1737382
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No. 1737427
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unironically i want to marry goku
No. 1737589
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So I’m on this medication I’ve been on it for 2 years and I just now found out that it’s been boosting my testosterone levels this whole time that I’ve been taking it and that’s why I look like fucking ethel cain now. And I have to take it to continue living. I guess I’ll just fucking die because I already hate how my face has grown to look since before I took it and if it’s just going to get worse then I may as well end it now
No. 1737641
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bumping for gore
No. 1737670
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The league style is actually so ugly man, they all look like fags! Would still smash the black guy and cat beanie one though
No. 1737676
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Is the blonde one on the right a man?
No. 1737682
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>constantly call my old dumb ass dog dumb
>annoying faggot father calls him dumb
NO fuck you I’m only allowed to say it to him. Don’t be mean to him he’s literally senile and old as fuck
No. 1737683
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>>1737676if it wasn't already obvious that he's a hon
No. 1737688
>>1737670I agree on both statements.
No. 1737700
File: 1698174536377.jpg (51.61 KB, 600x600, 41jF-LrMr1L._AC_UL600_SR600,60…)

post drinks and snacks from your country!!! my fav drink rn is picrel, it's a carbonated drink with cumin in it, ever so slightly sweet, i really really like this drink.
No. 1737717
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>>1737700sugar and caffeine, you know it's good cause the packaging is ugly
No. 1737719
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Which of these would you pick nonnas? and which of these would you guess has the shortest dick?
No. 1737742
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>>1737731Exactly kek, and even though I was
>>1737670 I hate the new side-slicked high-top dreads every black male character has now. They even got my son Miles, like c'mon this looks so bad.
No. 1737747
>>1737719I just googled this and it's from a mobile game. Is it good
nonnie, did you play it?
No. 1737773
File: 1698177342090.jpg (387.16 KB, 728x734, pussay.jpg)

>>1737754nvm I think if he lick my pussay I would accidentally crush his head since it's so small
No. 1737774
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>>1737763one looks like this kek
No. 1737775
>>1737747it just came out, but i'd pre-registered for it so it immediately downloaded. I like the game but i may be a bit biased when playing the game bc the creators are a (supposedly) all-female team and i really wanted to support them and that the game couldn't have a proper release in it's own country so i felt a bit of pity. The developers don't seem to be managing the game very well, the day it released, you couldn't play it bc of the servers overloading, and there's a lot of battles to get thru to read more of the story, and a lot of mechanics aren't explained very well.
Compared to the other EroLab game i've played, Nu:Carnival, it's not as easy to play.
>>1737758>I was going to play this but then it had too many bugs and maledom so I quiti get it, i liked the parts of hitting that guy, but when it came to his H scene and that part of him choking started i skipped it, i liked Sitri and Zagan a whole lot more, esp Zagan bc even FL has to acknowledge how normal he is, he's pretty cute.
>Do you get to dom 1 and 4?i hope so, 4 is Leviathan, his kink is "breath control" and enjoys being strangled, he's the character i liked the most, i have two of his "cards".
>>1737763what did you see nonna? is it that the art in battles and scenes is diff to the "cards"(i just don't know what else to call them)?
No. 1737779
>>1737774def the ugliest one
>>1737719it would only be me to like the shortest one dick-wise.
No. 1737782
>>1737771Yeah I can see that lol, I was the anon who called it a catfish.
>>1737774Lol he got whitewashed. Poor thing.
No. 1737794
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pulling for cards is going to be a bitchhhhhhhhhhhh fuckk
No. 1737807
File: 1698178403288.jpg (Spoiler Image,106.1 KB, 730x836, E7ltl7jVkAMy5jh.jpg)

>>1737785They show them sometimes but other times they don't, dunno why. But ya no dick or hole because they want to keep it on the Google play store. Nu:C is still the CEO of dick and hole. It's got some damn good dicks though.
No. 1737810
File: 1698178603371.gif (8.17 MB, 498x498, cat-kitty.gif)

>>1737807the fact that i already follow her on twitter and still couldn't recognize her?
No. 1737813
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He is kinda..
No. 1737816
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did the okama character in What in Hell is Bad need an okama personality too? his "ooooh" and elongating the end of any word is annoying, in his 'opinions' tab other players are arguing whether "trap" is a slur or not, the game acknowledges him as male and that's all i can say tho
No. 1737819
>>1737816There is an okama character in an otome game?
>>1737817Cute singing anon.
No. 1737823
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>>1737819His name is Paimon.
No. 1737838
File: 1698179870860.gif (75.38 KB, 350x400, honk.gif)

still drinking faygo, really enjoying. faygo rootbeer might be my new favoite rootbear.
No. 1737858
File: 1698181578009.png (54.72 KB, 300x282, 50278056.png)

cant stop listening to kokomo by the beach boys on repeat at an extremely loud volume
No. 1737903
File: 1698184031047.gif (356.91 KB, 266x198, there's yaoi in a nonyaoi thre…)

No more BL, no more BL, no more BL, please go back to your containment thread
No. 1737913
File: 1698184541382.gif (2.91 MB, 275x275, 1652901131204.gif)

>>1737903seconded, i'm going crazy stop talking about yaoi everywhereee
No. 1737915
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nonny… i wandu gib u ollub my wobbz.. odang odang ♥
No. 1737919
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>>1737700This always seem to sell out quickly grr
No. 1737928
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Yaoi this Yaoi that, wheres my GL nonnies at?
No. 1737929
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No. 1737933
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No. 1737937
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>>1737928himejoshis RISE UP
No. 1737939
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How real men listen to music
No. 1737942
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At least with this argument the thread will fill up faster and we'll get a better thread pic (the no brain cat preferably)
No. 1737950
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No. 1737956
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>>1737951Goat is zoomer lingo just like bussin, fr fr, ong
No. 1737957
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>>1737932Yeah now that I'm looking at it the pose feels a bit stiff
No. 1737958
File: 1698185618829.jpg (65.63 KB, 1470x828, wobbzsegg.jpg)

>>1737931i just like yana toboso kitty and fox boys
No. 1737961
>>1737956I'm just trying to be down with the kids, give me a break
Also Elsie x 2x forever
No. 1737962
File: 1698185684040.jpg (234.02 KB, 2048x1082, ollubmaiwobbzz.jpg)

and I like yaoi nonny
No. 1737963
>>1737934And BL is somehow better?
No. 1737964
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I just wokeup what happened
No. 1737968
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>>1737964we had segg without you odang
No. 1737969
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>>1737964government psyop to fill the thread so we can be free of the cringe op pic…….
No. 1737979
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>>1737961Elsie x Cece better
No. 1737980
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>>1737936There's a lot of art of them and the fanfics are mediocre at best or very ooc sadly.
No. 1737983
>>1737975600 naked ukes
600 replies
none of that flies right over my mind
600 girlies
600 cows
all of that yall can find on?
on lolcow dot farm
No. 1737991
File: 1698186531252.png (332.49 KB, 564x898, 89.png)

>blocks your path
No. 1738006
File: 1698186931691.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1179x1418, IMG_4927.jpeg)

>>1737991God I wish she was a lesbian. Nothing against her being straight but she was so cool and it was wasted on men.
No. 1738008
>>1738000right on this farm
we made the moids die, slow
lay of their backs
let them bleed out slowmo (moo)
none getting out, none coming up
better start praying cuz
your time is up
No. 1738025
File: 1698187322936.png (61.65 KB, 563x849, 754303532.png)

It was raining and I woke up suddenly because the rain patter sounded like someone's footsteps for some reason and I thought there was a random stranger in my house and then I realized that it was just the rain.
No. 1738055
File: 1698188125341.jpg (1.68 MB, 2704x3000, il_fullxfull.2795694531_s48v.j…)

>>1738008You forgot to put on this
No. 1738149
>>1737197I'm on season 2 episode 3 and
I can't believe every single fake tinfoiler scrote from the early 00's onwards on the internet made Mulder's character their entire personality. I spent a good chunk of my youth on paranormal forums, I always thought they all were rehashed retards while in reality they were just a bunch of literal idiots trying to sound "insightful" I guess. also "The Host" was fantastic, it really scared me.
No. 1738156
Off topic but if you read the unabomber manifesto you can see where a lot of people got their ideas too. It’s not a long read.
No. 1738169
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can we stop the twittertard invasion
No. 1738196
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i love sitting on the floor. do any nonnas with the same habit have floor chair recommendations? the style of picrel looks so comfy if it were a little bigger
No. 1738208
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I tried to look at fanart of EC and I found this.
No. 1738232
File: 1698199573146.jpg (32.99 KB, 736x552, 1991 05 06 ピンクエンジェルのさくらちゃん(要…)

>mfw someone hates fujos for reasons different than why I hate fujos
No. 1738237
File: 1698200247109.png (120.98 KB, 680x252, 1597669560308.png)

>>1738208god i hate how EC became popular on Twitter. I miss the glorious days of fujos hijacking the EC club threads on 4chan
No. 1738241
>>1738156ayrt I haven't but now that you mention it I will!
>>1738190keek yes mulder is a good balance of infuriating retard and typical nerd guy with a fixation on a topic. Skully IS indeed everything, she's smart, level headed, honest, fair and open minded specially regarding Mulder's schizotronic behaviour.
HOly cow I CAN'T wait to get to it! I wanna get through all the seasons before christmas No. 1738249
File: 1698201299110.png (6.15 KB, 515x367, Fn5iRGYaQAAgoQU.png)

>>1738232what if youre a fujo yourself who hates certain fujos? also being a fujo is based since it makes troons and moids seeth kek
No. 1738262
File: 1698202816781.jpg (52.54 KB, 640x640, 1675738698568701.jpg)

anyone else likes to start thinking/working on their goals for next year at the end of the year? i want to make a game and start posting my art online
No. 1738263
>>1738262I support your endeavors
No. 1738277
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>>1738273Clearfags it is our time
No. 1738295
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I seem to be really good at filtering schizos without even trying. I was thinking of blocking this girl who's kinda of an annoying attention-whoret that seemed like a future problem, but she blocked me first. Nice.
No. 1738324
File: 1698209169720.jpg (101.44 KB, 770x1100, 8 (2).jpg)

>>1737928only GL i like is pic rel for the art and character design alone(dont read it if you are a lesbian)
No. 1738327
File: 1698209645739.jpg (42.06 KB, 500x700, 9UwukXN.jpg)

>>1737928i only like gl when it's in tv show, video games or books, i can't get into yuri. but i do laugh at the mtfs seething at everyone saying gl is for scrotes because they are obsessed with uwuified anime lesbians and it ruins their larp. i find korean webtoons have less of this, i feel like they have more female authors…
No. 1738335
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Just saw this on pinterest and it reminded me of Lucinda kek
No. 1738343
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>>1738341>>1738340What's your favourite ship? mine's the fujo and the american girl. I want to draw like him, i am angry his BL manga flopped.
No. 1738346
>>1738343I actually like Elisha and Honoka as well. Just keep studying Anon, I'm sure you'll make it. There's something so nice about his style, he draws the girls really beautifully and so distinct it's hard to describe.
>his BL manga flopped.His what
No. 1738347
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>>1738346he did a BL manga that flopped after the first tankoubon. A shame because the glasses slut was everything i wanted in a cute uke and the art was amazing
No. 1738355
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The computer that sang Daisy Bell is creepy as hell. It's creepy to hear something inhuman try to imitate "humanness", y'know? "Uncanny valley" is such an overused term, but I can't think of a better one to describe computers or robots imitating people. They're not sentient, but it's like they're trying to be.
No. 1738361
File: 1698213894176.png (40.23 KB, 324x446, Screenshots_2023-01-15-09-28-5…)

>>1738360The vast majority of sex traffickers are also men. A crime where women and girls are disproportionately the
victims of. No amount of rare geniuses will make up for the fact that 80% of them are just room temperature IQ rape apes tbh
No. 1738362
File: 1698213904511.jpeg (401.92 KB, 756x1234, EM2Q0MNUwAEvS1s.jpeg)

>>1738359its 0 story 100% fetishes
No. 1738366
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>>1738360Oh, and there's this.
No. 1738378
File: 1698214542856.jpg (71.69 KB, 1200x801, How-to-Roast-Pumpkin-Seeds-4-1…)

Recommend me your favorite spices to roast pumpkin seeds with.
No. 1738390
File: 1698215723971.png (1.09 MB, 984x1694, ROLLING.png)

No. 1738392
File: 1698215930874.jpg (127.33 KB, 1080x1080, 1646807316404.jpg)

>>1738390i forgot 0 so uhh i guess 0 is this dude
No. 1738403
>>1738392>>1738400Oh. I'll take it,
kirbyanon has competition.
No. 1738412
>>1738390everything but 8 tbh
>>1738402>>1738405so close yet so far
No. 1738469
File: 1698221488060.gif (1.42 MB, 986x828, IMG_6359.gif)

>>1738459Nah she’s saying faggit lmao
No. 1738478
File: 1698222238331.jpeg (296.07 KB, 716x582, IMG_6360.jpeg)

>>1738472Is that censored? The sound that came out of him reminded me of “bahlegde!” kekk
No. 1738559
File: 1698234987009.jpg (39.31 KB, 680x677, 1683607646766.jpg)

>>1738555>weird height (168cm)explain
No. 1738605
File: 1698237376711.jpeg (617.45 KB, 1139x1652, E1F16994-2892-4994-A4CC-F831A1…)

Who’s the best Debil boy it’s Smile
No. 1738611
>>1738596aww i luv pop'n
>>1738605ash has sexo belly button ring… but i like them all together. my favorite pop'n are cup-kun and sho, i have a mug of cup-kun
No. 1738616
File: 1698238593753.jpeg (337.85 KB, 828x444, IMG_6086.jpeg)

Send me your favorite songs? My bf surprised me with a roadtrip to the mountains and i need some jams!
Wish I could throw a party for the nonnas!
No. 1738652
>>1738635ooh I love it, saved
No. 1738659
File: 1698240845510.jpeg (82.61 KB, 550x543, IMG_6087.jpeg)

>>1738631>>>1738637>1738635>>1738641>>1738652I am so thankful! All the nonnas are so sweet!!
>>1738653 No. 1738668
File: 1698241832677.jpg (77.46 KB, 758x1080, joker.jpg)

What's the most retarded thing you have ever daydreamed about? when i was younger my special interest was the vietnam war. I used to watch all the movie, documentaries and read books about it. I used to put nam era music and daydream i was a nam soldier, i even had a nickname for namsona. It was che because i am argentinian .
No. 1738670
File: 1698241946435.jpeg (30.23 KB, 568x493, EB5CDBA7-E42F-47A8-8705-D5AF03…)

>>1738663anon don’t threaten me with a good time. Listening to the whole thing rn
No. 1738685
>>1738680Tag : night shift
Description : btw for the first year you'll be on day shift
No. 1738686
File: 1698244076099.gif (3.33 MB, 498x280, were-not-so-different-you-and-…)

>>1738668I used to day dream about being a survivalist in the post nuclear apocalypse created by the cold war. Specifically during the eighties. Having to learn firearms inside and out, set up my bunker, etc. I'd listen to punk and thrash from the late seventies/eighties during this period and did intensive research on nuclear weaponry, their effects and how to handle fallout. I still have plans to build a homestead kek.
No. 1738687
>>1738559ayrt kek i am taller than that! what i meant was its not so short as to obvously be a woman, it could plausibly be a very short man. i love my tall women sorry i worded it weird!
>>1738557great advice, ty nona
No. 1738694
>>1738616Have a great birthday
nonnie and enjoy your trip! That is what came to mind when mentioning a fall mountain road trip. Depending on how long the road is, I'd even recommend the full album.
No. 1738811
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>>1738787me thinking about an ice cold diet pepsi
i wish i could kick the habit too kek i just like having one after work but eat well otherwise No. 1738857
File: 1698257015277.jpg (73.91 KB, 539x960, dojacat.jpg)

Just a random thought but it makes my heart swell when I see anons post things they've made for their husbandos, even just little doodles. I love our husbandofags. I love love.
No. 1738866
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No. 1738929
File: 1698260961469.jpeg (186.25 KB, 1398x1805, IMG_4853.jpeg)

Aoba the Seragaki, one of the greatest and most attractive characters ever thought up. He can jog at a decent pace, roundhouse kick enemies in a flash and best of all he's blue colored and knows how to handle the males.
Speaking of males, the dramatical murder universe might also be classified as hot dude heaven because there's such a mess of very slutty and autistic men that it'll make you love the franchise even more.
No. 1738934
>>1738390I like Komaeda but he’s gay and insane
Rolling for Leon
No. 1738940
File: 1698261601816.jpg (7.71 MB, 3428x4100, napoleon-bonaparte.jpg)

>>1738935Men who are worth something do.
No. 1738954
>>1738948idk i'm going by
>>>/ot/1012825 and choose to believe it because it matches his personality
No. 1738955
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No. 1738957
File: 1698262440193.png (130.9 KB, 307x274, what.png)

rereading the holly brown threads and KEK this panel still kills me
No. 1739015
File: 1698266967723.gif (1.18 MB, 220x140, angry-angry-white-woman.gif)

me when people are retarded.. not the lovingly retarded like some of YOU anonymous. but when you type a paragraph and someone just says what.
No. 1739018
File: 1698267067838.jpg (6.69 MB, 2771x4000, b054c20de67ee4d737efa52e59a206…)

rember nonnafrens: every time you respond to bait or engamge in internet discourse, your soul gem gets a little bit more polluted. protect yr soul gems, we r all mahou shoujos!!! ily ♥
No. 1739020
File: 1698267158941.jpeg (370.34 KB, 613x689, IMG_6347.jpeg)

I told myself I was gonna do it after I ended my job and today I got fired. Now is my time!
No. 1739028
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>>1739018Thank you based Madoka
No. 1739096
File: 1698272095382.jpg (402.55 KB, 2000x2000, monster high.jpg)

I love Monster High Skullector dolls. Picrel are the new ones.
No. 1739161
File: 1698281210447.jpg (334.37 KB, 2000x1500, purple-rain-movie-prince.jpg)

That Astarion fella is literally just desaturated prince
No. 1739169
File: 1698281857096.mp4 (140.2 KB, 540x540, Luffybread.mp4)

This clip of the Luffy bread always makes me laugh
No. 1739222
File: 1698287406337.png (41.29 KB, 611x458, fgfgfff.png)

i've been a bad bad girl
I've been careless with a dangerous post
and its a sad sad world
where a girl will shitpost just because she can
No. 1739235
File: 1698288987466.jpg (109.68 KB, 736x1104, Homemade Cinnamon Swirl Raisin…)

I just ate cinnamon raisin toast with sausage on top. Was so good. My grandma loves cinnamon raisin bread but I haven't actually had it very many times, was surprised at how cakey it is.
No. 1739242
File: 1698289149726.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1752x1170, 96372474-A7CD-4F83-81FF-89833F…)

call me lady tiger but i’d never eat my young!
No. 1739257
>>1739222don't you tell me to deny it
I've posted wrong, and I want to suffer for my ban
I've come to lc, 'cause I need dumbass to be true
And I just don't know where I can begin ooOooOH
No. 1739303
File: 1698295567096.jpg (61.76 KB, 720x720, some moobs are bigger than oth…)

I want a bi bf
No. 1739313
File: 1698296100702.gif (118.93 KB, 500x281, 44032df52abb777d335700443dd245…)

No. 1739349
File: 1698300117177.png (495.69 KB, 624x622, 1660121175637.png)

>>1739242tfw my power level will never reach leslie hall levels
No. 1739373
File: 1698301719780.png (6.09 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_3868.png)

Eat, sleep, diarrhoea, repeat. Life is fucking relentless. I’m going to break the cycle, starting with no more diarrhoea. I’m going to blow up like a big shit filled water balloon. I’m going to be a big brown Violet Beauregard (a Brown Beauregard). And then when my skin is tight and thin and stretched out from holding in all my diarrhoea and I’m at my limit, I’m going to pop myself like an enormous zit in a populated area. And you will all be so sorry, mark my words.
No. 1739378
File: 1698302320353.png (364 KB, 667x667, 1676581533740982.png)

it pains me to be so bad at drawing even though i try, and try, and put effort, and keep trying, and cry, and pick it up again
No. 1739380
File: 1698302381464.jpg (45.08 KB, 640x326, 608fc4dbdc31bc4931366364c2071b…)

>you reach the afterlife and see this
What do
No. 1739381
>>1739380rejoice as my hatecrimes against moids have paid and i am now i
terf heaven
No. 1739386
nonny I'm not praying for your egg
No. 1739393
File: 1698303307509.gif (4.43 MB, 640x640, sad wolf.gif)

>>1739384screwed it up again, what did i do to anger good i just want a juicy egg in a hole
No. 1739395
File: 1698303404660.png (36.4 KB, 766x1000, 1692638508925.png)

>>1739393wait, no. i fucking did it, i made a juicy egg in a hole
No. 1739397
File: 1698303849283.jpg (71.52 KB, 736x669, 9283d9635fa94e48836f35dabd89f7…)

All I do on the internet is lie
No. 1739400
File: 1698304091359.png (1.1 MB, 1366x768, 1653954325825.png)

>>1739028Oh I love that meme pic nona.
No. 1739409
File: 1698304871314.jpg (69.39 KB, 640x640, tumblr_bc03db70aaa707888282c61…)

>boy in a yellow raincoat
>girl in a yellow raincoat
>Little Nightmares
>girl in a yellow raincoat
>boy in a yellow raincoat
It's weird that this specific thing happened four times. What is it with horror and kids wearing yellow raincoats?
No. 1739415
File: 1698305123512.jpeg (441.73 KB, 1125x1093, IMG_3591.jpeg)

I re-downloaded Sims 4 and spent most of last night gathering all the nasty sex mods and custom content I wanted. I found mods for the hair and outfits of my husbandos, time to live my best harem life and masturbate myself into a coma.
No. 1739421
File: 1698306496498.jpg (337.77 KB, 2048x1363, 24dark3-superJumbo.jpg)

>>1739409I assume it's specifically used in horror for contrast with the setting/story
No. 1739426
File: 1698306958995.jpg (72.48 KB, 564x752, 8ed8b9093ae43789c2691f21255a12…)

Pretty Patties
No. 1739461
File: 1698311596716.jpg (233.7 KB, 1280x988, a_wild_savage_appeared__by_mep…)

drew for 1:30 time for a snack, then back to my reps
No. 1739484
File: 1698318123231.png (1.08 MB, 723x1028, Illustration2.png)

I really want to like this manga but god the story is so generic and boring. I will limit myself to do master studies of the art.
No. 1739511
File: 1698321389802.gif (103.24 KB, 220x329, jellystone-hanna-barbera.gif)

>tfw into a cartoon so niche not even /co/ autists talk about it
No. 1739518
File: 1698321691793.gif (330.72 KB, 281x281, 1676043797235715.gif)

Having another crisis and thiking about becoming an accountant at 22. I wish i hadnt given up on life at 16, I ruined my life for it.
No. 1739563
File: 1698326057510.jpeg (223.83 KB, 800x1000, 64ad808d7cd44576556d16de_Kuzuh…)

>>1738605i looked this up and
>vampire boy with white hair and red eyes and typical goth style>english name is Sasha?
No. 1739569
>>1739527>>1739539>>1739541Thanks anons i will give it a chance
>>1739558This is sl relatable, cute, and hilarious. It cheered me up, thanks anon.
No. 1739584
>>1738909it's not a part of the main story nonna, in the lower left, there's "Secret Club" where you engage in "Adoring" with the L-rank cards you get, you start off with three interactions, plain ol' touching, kissing, and patting their heads, when you're "adoring" don't let the red bar fill up, only the blue one
personally i just make the blue bar fill up beyond the second dot near the bar and then press on the region that makes it fill faster bc then you get bits of coins and crowley's books and when you first open the Secret Club, on the lower left for each character, there's the "Unholy Board" in which you can fulfill conditions and unlock more interactions, don't worry, the first interaction to get is slapping the characters.
No. 1739597
>>1739498>>1739590Yeee his hair is ugly kek he'd be better off with typical elf long hair
People admit that much of his charm comes from voice actor
No. 1739620
File: 1698328619627.png (5.28 MB, 2591x3624, 110625270_p0.png)

>>1739609me a tard
found pop'n music doujin of smile x yuli
『宵涼し灼くる熱』スマユリ漫画 | 利音 #pxviewr>>1739619sorry i deleted by accident
nonny No. 1739621
File: 1698328757442.png (1.73 MB, 1501x1369, 107951835_p1.png)

didnt expect dere pixiv ship tag to be really active!
No. 1739635
File: 1698329295067.png (1.96 MB, 1334x1500, 104218983_p0.png)

>>1739627the "deuil" tag is enough i think, looks like fujo ship all 3 of them with eachother and still tag it as that when its just 2 of them
No. 1739636
File: 1698329429715.png (1.33 MB, 1136x1600, 105345720_p0.png)

>>1739631the teef and the sucking
No. 1739642
File: 1698330202985.png (1.12 MB, 1336x1644, Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 10.19…)

sometimes I search twitter for lolcow mentions just to see what comes up. I found a weird one.
No. 1739645
File: 1698330650880.png (1.99 MB, 1330x1694, Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 10.28…)

LMAO why would you do this? dont mention the farms on twitter because you wanna repost someone's cat drawing
No. 1739660
File: 1698331657317.png (228.99 KB, 1097x322, uh.PNG)

This might be the ugliest man I've seen..
No. 1739697
File: 1698333082415.jpg (46.96 KB, 1200x1180, 987.jpg)

>>1739685he's not ugly to me…somebody post the photo where he's wearing makeup. or has his hair combed. or that time he dressed as edward melonhands
No. 1739731
File: 1698334764550.jpg (71.66 KB, 564x564, 156dc178cff61c18c61e895224624b…)

>>1739720I love lolcor bebe
No. 1739739
File: 1698335272993.jpeg (140.51 KB, 1798x1200, AdobeStock_74466779-scaled-e16…)

>>1739732>>1739730sorry i am esl and mixed up my lambs and my goats . pls forgive
No. 1739741
File: 1698335350193.jpg (71.58 KB, 564x752, 8c64cdc7b6e37462985b30279c84ef…)

>>1739739of course i forgive muah muah i love you forever
No. 1739744
File: 1698335474478.jpg (30.78 KB, 335x285, goats-thinkstock-146731223-335…)

>>1739741i love you too smoochie smooch
No. 1739751
File: 1698335701228.jpg (28.08 KB, 563x687, 0b0aeec304705dbb2a8ec8479116da…)

>>1739749i think
you're cute
No. 1739752
File: 1698335828464.jpeg (40.9 KB, 492x492, IMG_3611.jpeg)

nonnie KEK god how embarassing!!! I just love him
No. 1739754
File: 1698335939437.png (1.76 MB, 1748x1903, id.png)

No. 1739774
File: 1698336743618.jpeg (170.6 KB, 640x640, IMG_3612.jpeg)

>>1739751thank u nonette! i just liked the gif. i should have looked harder i guess!! because he is very cute!!
No. 1739780
File: 1698336865194.gif (959.85 KB, 750x563, 254.gif)

>>1739776you can't hide whats inside
No. 1739810
>>1739697I missed this reply!! So I’m glad I am not alone
No. 1739823
File: 1698338462348.jpg (22.67 KB, 512x512, f8b2f43d65db9dba3d869d30ea1510…)

>>1739817I just want to get rid of the op.
No. 1739825
File: 1698338535069.jpeg (30.65 KB, 300x300, 5752C40A-FF9F-48A4-869C-9FC9D7…)

>>1739660>>1739743>>1739810IT IS I, THE ULTIMATE MAXFAG
OP just posted an unflattering image of him kek No. 1739831
File: 1698338642921.gif (2.03 KB, 46x49, kebab.gif)

>>1739820hayaku onegashimasu
No. 1739845
>>1739838oh yeah well
YOU’RE too sweet (kissy)
>>1739840orange juice literally tastes like vomit you psycho
No. 1739861
>>1739825 and if OP wants to change the thread image she can freely
max is a cutie in general though, he had a glow down in 2020-2021 where he got pretty fat and grew that weird ‘stache but overall he’s a pretty boy
No. 1739868
>>1739861>>1739866I'm OP and just asked on meta, I wana change it to this
>>1739825 I just found it on Pinterest too kek. sorry nonnies I just love him and I made the thread in the car on my way to Ikea
No. 1739871
>>1739868don't apologise
nonnie ♥
No. 1739878
File: 1698340586449.jpg (62.39 KB, 1080x728, 305100734_406424798299818_7089…)

No. 1739899
File: 1698342312769.gif (1.64 MB, 356x243, 1656894370622.gif)

I just sharted and don't feel like getting up. I thought it was a fart but then I heard the liquid and I just didn't care, I kept pushing. It was so long that I thought oh wow I'm actually sharting rn as it happened.
No. 1739916
>>1739660 >>1739868
Admins won’t delete my thread kek sorry nonas
No. 1739945
File: 1698345558604.jpg (25.38 KB, 563x415, d10b5070c549b333a67a62ef5111e2…)

>weigh self
>lower than usual
>take a shit
>come back to weigh self
>weigh MORE?
it's not fair.
No. 1739958
File: 1698346699853.png (1023.12 KB, 1140x742, my-image (1).png)

Yes, onions are better than garlic. Get at me.
No. 1740002
File: 1698349672965.jpg (20.29 KB, 512x512, fbd3209a81b65fc7896e773480688b…)

I ate my mcdonalds too fast, I need to stop eating so fast like someone's gonna take my food away
No. 1740011
File: 1698350016008.jpg (32.95 KB, 419x725, 544ba7219890838c4007b587aee20e…)

>>1740002you're wrong actually and next time you are eating mcdonals remember that i am there lurking, waiting for a chance to strike
No. 1740085
>>1740082It's not a big deal anon, only 10 posts. Imo, new threads can be made before 1200 as long as it's less than 15-20 posts left.
>>1740081No, dummies are incapable of hate. I would rather love anon instead.
No. 1740089
nonnie keep fighting with me so the thread will lock
No. 1740098
File: 1698355191618.jpg (36.09 KB, 640x625, download (5).jpg)

>>1740089I just can't do that anon, I'm sorry.
>>1740091It's only ever been an issue to make a new thread before bump limit if there's a good chunk of posts left. No one cares about 10 posts.
No. 1740129
File: 1698357866238.jpeg (56.21 KB, 529x594, 6D607410-638D-48DD-8372-793D0F…)

>>1740114>newfagyou shit breath I’m not a newfag, just autistic about protocol