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No. 1728920
real sadgirl hours
>please adhere to board rules>no infighting>report and ignore baitprevious:
>>>/ot/1717396 No. 1729014
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I'm trying really hard to overcome my minor sexual traumas and come to terms with my sexuality. But It's a fucking nightmare as a woman in this world. I feel like to have sex with someone you have to truly love and trust in them, at least for me. But whenever I see a man, I just think of my violent father, I think of my groomer, I think of the boys who hurt me as a little girl. Imagining having sex with one just feels like a defeat, like I'd be losing something I can't get back. I feel in my head like 'this isn't what love looks like'. I know It's not a big deal and there's nothing to be scared of, but I am. I wouldn't want him to be around me afterwards and I even feel like I'd have a hard time looking at them during it. But it makes me feel like a failed woman acting like this, like I'm still just a child.
With women It's different, I don't feel so scared, but I do feel a sense of rejection or that they wouldn't want me or that they deserve better or that I'm going to inevitably disappoint them. Not to mention I feel physically unattractive, especially to women, even if people tell me otherwise.
idk I also struggle with sex just feeling like It's something 'done' to you and not something meant to be mutually enjoyable. The emotional intimacy and vulnerability are really disturbing and upsetting to me. I just have a hard time trusting like that.
No. 1729120
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I hate a wannabe-sly person who thinks she's so deceptive and a master manipulator and she's just tricking everybody into getting what she wants. You're not slick, bitch! You're obvious as hell and the only reason you can't see it is because of how mentally ill you are. A literal child is probably more clever than you.
No. 1729184
>>1729057Ughh I wanna O again but only with somebody I trust which also happens to be nobody
30 just be uncomfy though
No. 1729221
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That wave of calm when you know an abuser is going to go down hard and rough and with no comebacks
No. 1729252
i have a good and financially stable life that i've worked very hard for and basically none of my friends are in the same spot and it sucks that i can't talk about good things happening to me without it feeling like i'm bragging or trying to make people jealous. everyone on this board is a bitter bitch so im sure everyone's going to @ me and say that it must be something about my delivery or behavior, but it's not. i just have a lot of things that a lot of my friends want and lack (own a house, stable partner, good job, etc) and the current mood of everyone who isn't in that position is to be spiteful and resentful towards anyone who is. i've lived on my own since i was a teenager, neither of my parents have been in my life/alive for years, and i battle every day with real diagnosed mental illness i take multiple medications for. the life i have now is 10% not coming from poverty and 90% my own efforts plus luck, but it feels like everyone, even people who had a good financial start or still have financial familial support, expect that everything i have comes from nowhere or was just handed to me by some invisible force. if i talk about my partner being good, it makes everyone who's single or in a happy relationship bitter. if i talk about traveling, it makes all the people too broke to go bitter. i do have genuine friends that are genuinely happy for me, but i know it's never 100%. being told that someone can't handle hearing that i'm happy that my partner was theoretically supportive of something i haven't even committed to and may not even do, because they just can't handle it for their own mental health is a shitty feeling.
No. 1729339
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Stuff like this irritates me. Imagine if it was a white man not wanting black girls to wear his clothes? It would be a whole other story. Black twitter loves to play the victim card as soon as the roles reverse though
No. 1729351
>>1729014You don't have to have sex, so it's okay. I don't have trauma related to sex but it's still scary to think about beyond fantasy. I think a lot of women feel that way. More than you'd imagine, I think.
>sex feels like something 'done' to youYeah especially since males and unfortunately a lot of women perpetuate that. Such as 'getting fucked' 'dicked down' and other terms for it. If you want to have sex someday maybe you'd have to find a virgin or someone else who is as nervous as you. Also you don't have to have PIV sex, and you can keep your clothes on. I don't know how easy or difficult it is to find a partner willing to do that (with women it's probably easier) but if and when the time comes, I hope you find somebody gentle who can respect your boundaries. Or maybe just cuddle. You aren't a failed woman because women don't have to have or enjoy the idea of sex to be women or to even be successful. Besides, what you experience is very woman-specific.
No. 1729357
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bed too comfy, don't want to get up to go to work
No. 1729364
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>>1729357wake up
nonny, the sooner you're up the sooner you'll get to work then be done work then get back to bed
No. 1729365
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I want a guy to slap me around, call me a dumb bitch and fuck the shit out of me
No. 1729383
>>1729382It's not a laziness thing it just feels nice being helpless and listening to commands
I'd do the work if I was asked
>>1729380the problem is I like it but I also think it'd be very embarrassed to actually do it so I wouldn't
With my ex boyfriend I never let him do any of this stuff to me even though he asked because I didn't want to lose his respect
No. 1729386
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sigh /g/ is leaking again…
No. 1729402
>>1729401I’m sorry
nonny that sounds exhausting. I hope you’re paid well and I mean well. If not I wouldn’t be very effective at caring about my employer at all. I wouldn’t accept verbal abuse either way, could you switch patients if you’re working for a private residence?
No. 1729419
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I'm so horny these days that while doing my homework about inguinal hernia, the word "young man" made me a bit horny
Imagine all these young topless men on an operating table…. Ugh
Is this what being a sex brained moid feels like
No. 1729428
>>1729424Instead of changing your number try the other way around: get an extra sim, tell your mother that's your new phonenumber and just don't put it in your phone. If she falls for it you'll never have to listen to her voice mails again.
Have you tried these things first though? No. 1729632
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Just realized I have never been hugged by my parents (except the couple of times I initiated it myself as a child)
I thought I was okay with having absent/neglectful parents because I don't mind spending time on my own now as an adult, but the older I get the more it weights on me and I can't stop thinking about how it would feel to be properly hugged by my mother out of love and not obligation.
No. 1729729
>>1729727Kissing isn't incredibly messy it should start off slow and sensual then get passionate but not nuts it shouldn't be him crashing his face on yours or being slobby.
Sounds like he was more focused on accomplishing the sex than vibing with you from your account of it. I'm bummed for you that he hurt you and wasn't listening to you to adjust what felt good. I think he mistreated you
No. 1729750
>>1729732He's my boyfriend. Yes he knew it was my first time.
>>1729729It really did hurt. I bled 3 times. When he pushed in the last time he forced because I kept rejecting him because the pain. He got on top of me once he was in and pushed his weight onto me and focused on finishing.
I felt kind of felt disconnected through the experience because it was painful.
No. 1729913
I recently took an ancestry DNA test and learned that I have extremely distant relatives in Palestine. I looked at their family tree, we are very VERY distant, but I found them on instagram and Facebook. They’re struggling to get out of Gaza right now, they have a handicapped grandmother, 5 kids, and 3 disabled people (one of which is a child). I found a distant cousin who is my age and has a baby who is very close in age to my own baby. Not only does her baby look like mine, but the disabled girl is an autistic toddler, she looks so similar to me when I was a little girl, and I’m also autistic. My heart hurts for them. I never spoke to them before, they don’t know I even exist, but they’re family. They feel so familiar. Every time I see horribke footage of Palestinian children dying, or mothers mourning, I started to zoom in on faces and praying that it’s not one of them. I wish I could help them, but I can’t.
No. 1729939
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White people are fucking demons they disgust me with every fiber of my being the more I learn about history the more I’m forced to learn about them and their barbaric ways realizing they only “rule” the world because they are the only species of human that lack true empathy and humanity. Instead they were born with a defect known as bloodlust and audacity. They are freaks of nature literally. They sicken me. It honestly scares me that I’ve lived in a world with them. It’s scary because no matter where you go they will always find you like maggots and cling to you, eat away at you, destroy you and then take over you and claim you as theirs. They are parasites of the highest degree. None of them sit right with me. All of you give me the ick.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1729946
>>1729750Wait, was this his first time too? That's the only way I can manage to justify him giving you a shitty first time.
Either way, I'm sorry your first time wasn't enjoyable. You deserve better.
No. 1729973
I have absolutely terrible fucked up nightmares every time I take melatonin. It happens ONLY when I take it. I have no dreams when I don't take it. When I take it, I have only nightmares. And the fucked up ones. My mother being tortured, for example (she's dead and I rarely think about her). Last night I had a terrible nightmare about some crazy, rich scientist who was also a cannibal, kindnapping random people, I saw that couple he kidnapped, locked in some dark room with amputated hands and legs, he left only their heads, and then he started eating meat from their chests while they were still alive, it was very realistic, I could hear their screams etc. I woke up with extreme anxiety, heart palpitations etc. I'm not interested in true crime, I don't think about that kind of shit. Another terrible one was a nightmare with a guy raping little dogs. Like what the fuck??? Why do I get this? If I was a schizo I would believe those are some demonic attacks kek. But this shit happens only after melatonin so I know it has to affect my brain somehow. I saw some posts on reddit written by people who go through similar stuff after taking melatonin so I'm not the only one. Idk what to do because it's the only thing that helps me to fall asleep faster and sleep longer. Before that I was waking up like every 2 hours, I was struggling to fall asleep. Now I'm still tired during the day but not as much as before, and now I can get at least 6 hours of deeper sleep. I haven't had that for years. But those nightmares start to take tool on my mind, especially the ones involving my mother and stuff like torture and rape
No. 1730009
>>1729987Yes, the point is that that's more emotional trouble when it's your precious Nigel. Plus she doesn't have to do the entire list, I'm just throwing off ideas
>>1729983Did you try it on a sadomaso moid,
nonnie? He can't like it and escalate, he has to be shocked and look at you asking you wtf are you doing so you can remind him of the times he did the same. It's usually still not worth keeping a moid like that around, but it becomes easier to get rid of him after doing it a few times. Let's be fucking real, if he's your bf and you're involved enough to lose your virginity to him, breaking up isn't as easy as sending a "it's over" DM and finding a new moid the next week
No. 1730099
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Nonnies, please help me understand something because I am just fucking confused to hell. I just found a bunch of screenshots on my dad's computer of random women on google street view. Mostly taken from behind of slender women between the ages of late teens to maybe early 40's, all conventionally attractive women in either tight jeans, leggings or shorts. Can someone help me understand what the fuck he has these for? Are they jerk off material? How is that even arousing? What the ever loving fuck am I looking at here and I stg I am never leaving my house again in fear of ending up as jerk off material on some disgusting loser old man's computer jfc wtffffffffffffffffffffff
No. 1730119
>>1730105It's probably the peeping tom aspect of it, getting off to unexpecting women who haven't asked for it and haven't put themselves in that situation deliberately.
I remember when I first found porn on my father's computer when I was 9 or so, he had left it open on accident. Shit sucks but at least it instantly disillusioned me about my male friends and boyfriends later in life.
No. 1730157
I quit drugs and I feel like it was all for nothing, I have the social skills of a middle schooler, my memory is still fucked, I feel bored, depressed, life is boring or too much. I did this to myself but I feel more horrible than ever.
>>1730138Gross, you did the right thing by dumping him nonna.
No. 1730219
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>>1730023Tell him he's right and that his insecurities are justified. So he should try triple as hard to please you.
No. 1730253
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All you have to do to break the cycle is turn off your laptop/pc/phone. That's it.
You're disconnected from the online life, you're back to your real life.
You can do so much better things than sit in front of a pc most of the day and waste your hours away.
That's all you have to do, turn off your device. Go back to how you once were.
No. 1730265
>>1730263Seriously. They're like two sides of the same coin. Who cares what scrotes want or don't want as long as you're getting what you want out of it?
>>1730225This smells like a troll post though
No. 1730279
>>1730269No need to apologize I'm here for the bluntness, I appreciate the honesty of you nonnas. Yeah once the other anon mentioned the peeping tom aspect I clued into that's what the appeal probably is for him, thanks for the further explanation. Super fucking creepy to imagine him doing that, he's on the computer for like 7 hours every night and the fact he's saving the screenshots to my home computer is just so fucking dumb. He's really putting a lot of faith into my mom not knowing where to find screenshots and me not using the computer.
>>1730272I've found other jerk off folders of his over the past few years and yeah this one wasn't that bad compared to the rest but the voyeuristic nature of it takes away any of the humor for me. My sister once had some guy take upskirt photos of her in a ferry terminal and a close family friend of ours once got arrested for filming unknowing women in the bathroom. He never took both of those situations seriously and now I know why, he would probably do the same thing to other women given the opportunity. Thinking of him getting off on sexualizing women that didn't consent to be jerk off fodder for an old fat gross loser isn't funny to me it just makes me sad that this is the way the world is for women. My mom sleeps alone every night so my dad can collect fap material for his different fetish folders.
No. 1730330
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>>1730253There is no "once were" I was addicted to computers since I was 6
No. 1730341
>>1730109Your bf is actually a full blown asshole and he doesn’t give a single shit about you. Honestly why are you moulding your whole life around this dickweed who wouldn’t make a simple concession for you? He doesn’t
have to wake up at 10am. He can have a normal fucking sleep schedule.
He’s being crazy inconsiderate with the alarms. I hate people who do that bullshit. Tell him to set one alarm. In the back of his mind he’ll know there’s only one and he’ll probably get the fuck up, just like he magically does by the time the last alarm rolls around. If you want to be soft about it then you could offer to physically wake him when you get up at that time. But don’t be soft because he’s clearly fine with you killing yourself so he can play bidya at 1am
No. 1730403
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I feel like part of what makes it so hard for me to make friends is that everyone wants you to be involved in mainstream social media. I'm a zoomer in uni and it seems like everyone mainly discusses what they posted or what their friends/enemies posted, trends, and pop culture. Even when meeting people into a hobby, like artists or puzzle enthusiasts, they just want you to follow them on Instagram or join their Discord server. I don't want to be all nlog about it but where do I make friends if I don't want to plaster my life online and just want to chat irl and through texts?
I've also been told that I'm just trying to show off or be special by not wanting to use those apps. It's not like I act all smug towards people who do, I just say that it's not my thing. Is it that weird to want privacy?
I have a way easier time talking to older people but I can't help but want to have friends my own age too. I don't feel like some super special outlier type and just want a normal life. Maybe it's ironic saying that on a niche imageboard but this is the only place I know where I can talk to other women comfortably
No. 1730444
>>1730351I'm gonna dusagree and its not because im esl.
I feel like, if you live in a country that doesnt have english as its native tongue, english teachers who arent esl get the job TOO easily. Its like "ur american cool youre hired". Which means they cant explain shit about the language because they only speak it, they dont know the linguistics of it. But the esl teachers actually had to learn everything so they end up knowing more. Like the difference between two very similar sounding grammars, they actually had to learn the difference instead of feeling the difference.
Also anon genuinely asking, are you esl yourself?
No. 1730537
>>1730300No and no, she's in her mid 60's and he's in his early 70's and she has a lot of mobility issues and is about to start undergoing cancer treatment. Telling her would just upset her and I don't think it would even change his behavior, just put more stress on her. It's very blackpilling though, I know now that I definitely don't want kids and if I "settle down" with a moid it'll just be for a warm body in my bed and to split my rent. I'll never trick myself into thinking we are equals or anything like that and I'll be ready to leave him the second I find him doing anything I dislike. Men truly are beneath us in so many different ways.
No. 1730620
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retarded fucking moid in college deliberately touched me when he tried to make a way for him, but he did NOT touch the moids who were also in the way, it was just me, and he was even offended by me reasonably disliking that?
i'm not offended because you're "ugly" or whatever misogynist reason you made up in your head (because of course i'd like it if you were a gigachad, right, incel?), i'm offended because you're a fucking normie who doesn't understand that he should never (unless in case of emergency) touch women he's not close with. also you're old. even the genuinely uglier older moids in our group are nicer to me, though i'd still be disgusted if one of them dared to do the same shit.
No. 1730638
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I miss when going online was fun and full of wonder instead of a glorified home shopping catalog. I miss exploring forums and reading what people thought about the new Lord of the Rings movies, or discussing new video games that cost a reasonable amount and came out complete instead of broken, overpriced pre-order dumpsterware with DLCs and patches added months later, that need a NASA supercomputer to run because good game = realistic graphics now, apparently.
I miss doomscrolling and Instagram not existing, I miss blogs and lighthearted Flash games, I miss decorating my personal online space all pretty instead of being served the same bland page with trash content. I miss not being force-fed ads, subscriptions and popups wherever I turn. I miss feeling excitement when a new gadget came out instead of dread and overwhelm.
>inb4 it's just nostalgia goggles
Anyone with eyes can notice it. Demand for empty "content" created massive volumes of soulless garbage to a point where it's impossible to find anything real, fake news and clickbait/ragebait are everywhere, it just feels like everyone online is out to milk you for money.
I downloaded a PDF reader app on my phone years ago. It was really good at first, but over time it became unusable due to all the ads. The same is happening with any software I'm using atm. I hate technology.
No. 1730678
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It feels like nothing will ever be enough for my mom. I try so hard, I work as much as I can to make all the money I can to help our financial troubles and it never feels like it's enough. There's always some new random expense to pay for that comes out of nowhere. It's been like this for almost a year and I am so tired. The brakes in the only car are going and my work is a 20 minute drive. I can get there with a bus and a trolley but don't have the money to pay for that. Thankfully my job offers a bus pass so I'm going to go look into that.
I am so tired of not being enough. I give her all my money and it will never ever be enough. I just want to be a good daughter but it's never enough.
No. 1730703
>>1730692i don't think i'd be able to make a scene but i can certainly make it appear random while it'll be very inconveniencing for him. the problem is, he might think i'm interested in him personally somehow already since on the second time when he passed over me he made a (joking? snarky? ridiculing? i can't tell with males) remark about "it's fine for you, you'll get nothing anyway" (implying that i'm somehow interested, guess he watched too much tsunderebait/can't comprehend that a woman disliking you doesn't equal her being interested in you).
so i guess avoiding him/treating him like he doesn't exist might be the best option, to not give him attention at all, and that means no weird stares either (i'll admit i did some "creepy/mad/target-lock stares" after the first incident which could be interpreted by his moidbrain as signs of female interest, for reasons i've already described).
why do they all take it so personally though? fragile male ego?
No. 1730767
>>1730255i wish this was true but everytime ive tried to use a scrote for sex they somehow put me into a relationship and tell me they've never met anyone like me and that i make their life complete. i enjoy ruining them because they, like all scrotes, deserve it. and if that makes me a twofaced slut, cool, what do you think men are doing while you commit to them and waste your prime years on them, knitting and cooking dinner? nope, they're all watching porn and lying to you, and the second you stop being beneficial to their lives they will cast you out shamelessly for a younger prettier woman. it doesnt matter if you mother them, pay their mortgage, or suck their gross cheesy chodes every night. they are unable to show long term appreciation. in fact, the more you can make a man do for you, the more he will like you! they dont think like us at all, we value them by what they do for us and are expected to worship them for this, they are the opposite. they enjoy the challenge . they can smell the fact that i secretly hate them and it makes them idolise me. and no matter what they do for me i'm never going to view them as human beings, they are goddamn worms with a list of pro's and con's that i consider daily in my ventures. if i can get a worm with better stats, i will do so without wasting my previous time moralizing on their worthless fee-fees.
>>1730267for the life of me i cannot find a normal guy. they dont exist. they either have money and stability and some hidden deep rooted issue or they have some obvious deep rooted issue but are actually likeable. its the 80/20 rule in effect where i can have one to take care of me and fulfil my basic needs and one for personality and sex but not both
No. 1730800
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every time my dad throws a temper tantrum i just silently stare at him like he's a freak. it works pretty well
No. 1730935
i know this might be a controversial thing to write but sometimes dealing with other women is just as terrible as dealing with men. especially normie women who thrive off of being catty, underhanded, backstabbing, and passive aggressive. i am in a situation where i am dealing with four absolute bitches at a magazine i am interning for, and every week i am in office they act even worse than the last. one of them is a young dumb ass who is desperate to fit in, the other is a literal italian linebacker who i’ve seen groping over smaller women in the office; the editor is a depressed indian chick who acts like i need to prove myself to her to write when she herself can barely spell, and deep down i think she is secretly in love with our team leader, a ginger moid who himself never responds to her attempts at flirting with him. he always looks off out the window or walks away from her and it’s kind of tragic.
they’re only nice to the younger girls but off course i get attitude being the oldest comparatively in my late 20’s. i am so sick of this high school shit man. i really do not give a flying fuck about these three broads, and i can deal with them not liking me. it is just that they do not play fair. if you’re going to be a bitch, be a bitch. i hate when normie women act like bitches and have bitch motivations, but refuse to own up to it out of of fear of being labeled a bitch. it’s just hypocritical and dumb imho. they criticize and nitpick my work, and then of course when i do well i never get any acknowledgment whatsoever. i wrote a beautiful article for the magazine that they have given me ZERO feedback on, but they support everyone else on their topics and babysit them. they also all kiss up to each other and UGH.
like i just need the credits for my degree so i can move on and get my masters. i started getting war flashbacks to grade school and being terrorized by girls in school for being different. it’s the same thing all over again so these bitches never grow out of that mentality of being terrible to other women.
No. 1730963
>>1730943>muh normie bitchessorry but that's what they are. especially after i heard them calling me an uppity nigger one morning behind my back when they thought i was out of earshot.
>calls someone a linebackersorry but again that's how she acts. she invades people's spaces and always seems to be on the verge of either punching a baby in the face or self-immolating. i have zero idea why she's so damn aggressive but she just…is. when i first started working there i tried to say hello to her and she slammed the door in my face and has also shoulder checked me for absolutely no reason when i am doing something like printing papers or just minding my own damn business. i am sick of her.
>fun of someone for having a crushour team is leader is nearly 50 years old and married with kids. she does not need to be crushing on him and he knows that as well.
>women are so catty and dramatici hate to say it but you're acting just like them, so thanks for proving my point.
>it's other girls that are the problem thoughpeople are trash in general. women are still human at the end of the day and i don't think all of them are wonderful, perfect, spotless beings who can do no wrong.
>>1730948yeah she's a bit odd. i was leaving for the day when this happened. decided to grab a soda so made a detour to the breakroom/cafe, and saw her cornering another intern and sticking her hand down her blouse and then walking off when they heard me coming into the room. the other girl ran off as well so i never got a chance to ask her if she was okay but that stuck with me.
No. 1731063
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>>1731033I can relate, anon. My mother always saw my constant low mood and social anxiety as an inconvenience to her. She always nagged me to smile more but never asked me why I was not smiling. She also shamed me for not talking enough when we had guests over but never asked me why I was afraid to speak. When I revealed to her that I had suicidal thoughts, she brushed it off saying that I should not cry in front of other people because 'they will ask questions'. When she saw my self-harm cuts, she just commented that I have ruined my skin and that other people will see them. I still struggle with my self-esteem and expressing myself because I don't expect to be heard.
The only advice I can offer is to develop a good relationship with yourself first, Other people might come and go in your life, but you are always with yourself.
Look up reparenting and try and be the person for yourself that your parents were supposed to be, empathetic, kind and encouraging
No. 1731101
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I wonder if these girls know how they are being sold from moid to moid in these group chats. Their modus operandi is insidious, they contact these girls on social media and tell them that they will make tons money on onlyfans but won't have to set up anything.
No. 1731146
>>1731126Grieve the relationship, but also stop checking up on him and her both if it causes you this much pain. Mute or block them, who gives a shit if any of your mutuals notice.
Also no offense, but you sound pretty young. One day you’re going to look back and be really grateful that you didn’t get what you
thought you wanted.
No. 1731169
>>1731141my friends kid is 3
and autistic and it's actually insane to me how well he knows how to use a smart phone. he opened it and went straight to her conversation with her boyfriend and i tried to grab it from him because i thought he was trying to get to the games and accidentally opened the conversation but he started having a meltdown because he actually was trying to facetime her boyfriend
No. 1731180
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im really upset because my college denied my request for a few extra days between assignments and more exam time based on my lengthy depression/anxiety/adhd diagnosis. i didnt know they were allowed to do this. they said it isnt impossible for me to complete the work therefore i dont need it and they dont look at doctors notes or diagnoses. i didnt know this was allowed. i feel like dropping out lol.
No. 1731197
>>1731192thank you nonna
>>1731189kek true
No. 1731333
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I can't think about anything other than killing myself. I've been in this depressive spiral for the last year, tried so many different medications and I just can't stand them. They make me numb but don't help with me being able to rationally know that killing myself is the only option out of this life. I can't stand the idea of having to keep living life.
The only good thing about my life in the last year has been my flatmate but now she's finally found someone she really likes and I can't get rid of the idea that she's going to get sucked up into this relationship and is going to leave me all alone. I don't have anything else in this life. Fuck.
I've started writing suicide letters to people and have a plan to poison myself with nicotine. The only problem is that I don't think I'll actually have the courage to do it. Then I'll just have made some kind of dramatic gesture and everyone is going to be mad at me.
No. 1731347
>>1731330Nonny which candle was it?
I know your pain kek I wanted another Moonlit Graveyard candle but they were all gone on the Canadian site Sometimes you can find people selling them on Mercari and other second hand apps. There's also the Semi-annual Sale in December where they sometimes put leftover stock in stores/online so there's still hope
No. 1731418
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There hasn't been a single cow that hits the same way Mira did…
No. 1731448
>>1731384I've had acid reflex issues for the past year but I thought it was due to silent GERD and extremely poor diet and behavior (I was heavily depressed and my main symptom is a sore throat). I got the endoscopy for that, they said it seems like I have gastritis right after the procedure. Then today I got a letter about scheduling a blood test and possibility of celiac. My only symptoms I've had bloating as well as sour stomach occasionally for years. I'm also autistic, and apparently autistic people have celiac 20x as much as the general population.>>1731398It was a very easy procedure, they use anesthesia and you wake up after. I was tired for the next hour, but it was nothing severe. You can't drive for the day though. My biggest frustration was scheduling it, I had to schedule it months before and wish I'd done it earlier.
No. 1731642
>>1731636>>1731638Thank you, but why? I don't contribute anything and I have no future. I only leave trash and waste resources.
>try to create things yourselfEverything I do turns out shitty, shameful and retarded, I can't even look at it. I am deeply ashamed of everything that's associated with me, so I try to not create anything to avoid cringing at it later and feeling disgusted. Maybe I'm just meant to be an eternal consoomer, not giving the world anything in return, with no purpose in life, just to CONSOOM forever and ever (and greatly hurt people with my shitty behaviour in the process).
No. 1731645
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I shaved my head bc i caught feelings for a guy and wanted to kill my chances off the bat so that I wouldnt get let down in the long run.I wish I couldnt fall in love because I go insane whenever I do
No. 1731646
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>try to draw
>things aren't coming out right
>lose motivation
>give up
Get me out of this cycle. I just want to actually be good at this already.
No. 1731662
>>1731635when did you realize this? i did 2 years ago, this place feels more restrictive nowadays, not fun at all
>>1731658>>1731645I did something similar a year ago, it's awful to have a constant reminder of your breakdown every time you look at the mirror, but don't worry, hair always grows back
No. 1731677
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Holy shit, my university causes me endless amounts of stress. I've had to navigate the administrative nightmare that it is, since the beginning of this year. Now I'm hoping and praying my graduation doesn't get jeopardized because of the comical incompetence that it has EVERYWHERE.
No. 1731728
He started treating me like I'm the ugly one. In the beginning, it took him months to actually believe I was interested in him. So incredibly careful and gentle with me, knowing he had to make sure he didn't fuck this up. He'd be paranoid and jealous of everything. Now that he's "got me," suddenly he's above me? And he actually made me believe it too. I've been sitting here comparing our selfies side by side, and holy fuck, he'll never get a chance like this again. You nonnies seen the "girlfriend effect" on Tiktok? Yeah, that. I made him cut his ratty hair, I made him get new clothes, I got him to cut his fucking nails, I even got him into skincare and he loves it. I motivated him to work out and get bigger. Still, I look way better than him. Know what he complained about? "You're my only option, but you have several." Yeah, he was bitter as hell. He was jealous of me.
No. 1731750
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>no career goals
>can’t think of any kind of person I would want to date
>no desire to find friends, would be impossible anyway due to the following point
>sincerely not interested a single hobby or pastime, don’t even like watching tv or movies
>can’t find any music I like at all. It is all unpleasant to me.
Every day is another day of nothing. The only thing I enjoy is sleeping because it’s comfy and I have crazy dreams. When I get up on weekends at like noon, I loath trying to come up with things to do to fill the time before my 3:30pm nap, then dinner and bed. Sometimes I can’t come up with anything so I just sit on a couch or on the porch staring into the distance and doing nothing until it’s late enough for a meal, a nap, or bed time.
I’ve been like this for years, I’ve been medicated and done therapy and it makes no difference at all. My biggest concern is not being able to find things to fill the time until I die in like 50 years. So much time left and so very little to do.
No. 1731897
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I found a bunch of papers in my mother's room confirming that I was diagnosed with autism at age 8. I'm fucking furious, she lied through her teeth to me for a decade straight. Not just me. My doctors, my therapists, my teachers, EVERYONE. I repeatedly asked her if I had ever been tested for autism and she insisted that I had been and I wasn't autistic. I have no idea why she would lie to everyone about this considering she was always the one insisting that I was too maladjusted to make decisions for myself. Thinking about how things would have been different if I had gotten the help I needed, all of the accommodations I could've been given in school, how much much nicer my teachers would've been to me if they knew I had a neurological condition and I wasn't just this freak of a child who couldn't cooperate with anyone or befriend any of my peers.
No. 1731935
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i have intrusive thoughts of being followed, being framed for crimes, receiving threats of violence, being watched, being interfered with from far away by radiowaves causing me to lose sleep and track of my thoughts. my latest delusion is that my family is against me and is going to sell me out because they could not sell me when i was 14 to a husband. i go through periods of believing that my siblings and parents are all secretly super rich and own multiple properties and work for the government and can see whatever i am doing at all times. i believe then that they can control whatever i am doing by sending strangers to influence me or sending me thoughts telepathically. that i am secretly injected with disease and allergy causing vaccines. that they will steal my everything and are only waiting because i have not achieved anything worthy of stealing yet.
No. 1732054
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When I was eight, my mother would beat me for any little thing that she thought was annoying. I wasn't allowed to stand up for myself, because she thought it was annoying to listen, understand, and address any problem that involved me "making a scene". So when my older step sister brought her bitch friend over to the house so they could kill my plants and bully me, I couldn't yell at them or complain about anything they did. But as if a God was listening, my step sister and her friend once tried playing on our Wii Fit. The friend got on the Wii scale, and it told her that she was basically a big fat bitch (her weight got into the red obese line). She was pissed off, and it made her leave our house with my shitty stepsister leaving the house too in order to make her feel better. I don't remember that cunt coming back to our house since our video game told her she was obese, so I have this to say to the Wii console: thank you. thank you for being able to clock BMIs and shit. thank you for telling that bitch she was fat. thank you for calling her what I didn't have the luxury to say. thank you.
No. 1732110
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At the point where I’m thinking of ending it all again. I have many reasons to live and there will be so many things that I would be taking for granted, and people I would hurt if I did. I’m festering. Like I feel really selfish right now because I just can’t see how I can keep going because I feel so low and I’m so upset. My skin was doing good like I was doing so well and in the course of a day or two all that progress was gone. All those months of getting better and having only the back of my knees be a problem area. Many sores were finally healed. I would be genuinely happy because I could walk around and fully extend my legs. It wasn’t possible every day, but it was more than before. I finally had my natural gait back. My skin wasn’t smooth but it wasn’t dry. Now I touch my back and it’s so rough and dry and I can’t move again. I can’t fucking move again I have to fucking crab walk again. I can’t power through the itch so good anymore and now my skin breaks so easily when it was so normal just a week ago. I’m back to having my skin flake off and open sores. My shit weeps, and it has been at the back of my knees but now my elbows weep too. I’ve been dealing with this stupid eczema for like over two years now and I just can’t go back to the massive flare ups I had. They happen at this time of year, so I think I mentally tripped myself up because I was dreading it. I got sick a week ago, it was literally nothing, but my mom freaked and was like “oh god it’s back,” and I think it fucked me up. It’s that this is so mental, it feels so good and it’s my only self soothing mechanism for my nerves and I can’t help picking at my skin. I’ve gotten so weak that any slight thing makes me wanna scratch and I get so feverish. It’s also why I’m thinking how can I move on. I’m like an animal that just resorts to bottom of the barrel stimulus. Scratching literally feels orgasmic. Yesterday I slept the whole day because I didn’t want to deal with my skin. I actively have to avoid that reality. And then my brother gets mad at me calling me a shitstirrer. And he gets so mad. I love my brother a lot and I’m a neet too but he’s been one since he graduated college in fucking 2011 so I don’t fully grasp what the fuck he thinks this is. He gets so mad at me for making my mom worry because she gets really annoying but he tells me to shut up and that I love to cause problems. Do you think I like to live like this? You hate dealing with mom? LEAVE THEN. So much shit I have to hear. I’m fucking over it. I can’t go back to those old flare ups. The last major one this year was so painful. My morale is low because my skin feels like a prison and I can’t anymore. It’s so unpredictable. I’m so mad at my state right now. So so so defeated. I’m not going to off myself, I really can’t. I need to find faith again. I want to die so bad though. Can’t stop thinking about it. Upsetting really. So mad at the shit my brother said and I can’t fight back. He keeps glossing over my shit and getting so mad when I want to do something about it. I’m not even going to get into how physically disgusting this disease is but it’s fucking disgusting and I hate not being normal. I think I’ll just fantasize about hanging myself so I could get rid of my skin and the way it wrecked my pleasure and pain receptors and I could finally stop having this mangled and candida filled body. Lord I thank you for the chance of life I’ve had and the beautiful body you’ve given me but this is retarded. I’m gonna keep going because I have to. I have to have to have to. It’s gonna keep blitzing my brain though. Each time I think it can’t get worse but it gets worse. This shit is disgusting and painful and pathetic.
No. 1732190
>>1732142I’m aware nonna, I just wish fixing self-worth issues was easier.
One other reason was that I always fantasised about a man being obsessed with me. But that has never happened, I was the only girl who had shown any interest in them and none were obsessed with me, they only liked me for a little bit and got bored after a while. They preferred being alone forever than having to deal with me and it’s just so disheartening.
And I also learnt the hard way that lonely man = porn addict.
However, I’m absolutely terrified of normie men. Somehow they seem even worse than incels.
>>1732165Are they though? All men seem to be sexists and porn addicts. At least with ugly men you can be certain they won’t cheat, or at least they’ll have a hard time cheating.
Anyway, after almost a decade of dating ugly men, I’m officially done.
No. 1732266
>>1732190Every fugly man I dated was a piece of shit. You give “nice guys a chance” and they get an ego and think they can do better. They don’t value you. They’re socially out of their depth, emotionally out of their depth, and can never grow enough to be a good partner or even purse holder.
Dating literally the dude I thought was unattainable now and he’s the sweetest. He cleans the house. Does the dishes if I cook for us. Will cook for us despite it being out of his comfort zone. Sends me miss you texts with lots of hearts and has thrown drinks at creeps and protected me in public.
Look for educated. Good relationship with their parent. Has a least one good male friend and couple of friendly acquaintances. At least 6’0 so they don’t have a short man chip. Employed and has a car. Nice face. Has a couple of shortish long terms like a year relationship and shares a hobby or two. You want attractive or handsome and stable so you don’t have to mommy him.
I hate the meme that nerdy men are nice. They’re absolute dickheads. Even Henry caville is still an incel inside.
Hope it gets better for you anon. Don’t let the moids get to you.
No. 1732274
im fixated on my bf's past fling. his exs don't bother me - the reason i cant get over this fling is because 3 months into our relationship he contacted her. it was christmas and he picked me up from work. i had a bag full of goodies to make his family a tiramisu and was in such a great mood. then her name popped up on the screen of the rental car. his phone was connected and she was calling. i knew her name and knew they used to fuck. i asked him why he wasnt answering and he seemed nervous. she left a voicemail and i pressed play. her voice filled the car, some frantic msg abt how she got his text and "was worried abt him". she even kept saying "baby i love you" i grabbed his phone and opened this "message". it was some cryptic poetic shit, not outright romantic but way too intimate for my liking. i scrolled through their past messages and saw that he did tell her he has a gf now and she found my instsgram and stalked me and seemed jealous and upset. he knew she bothered me because i had seen her blocking and unblocking me. i didnt know she had stalked me and he didnt tell me. i made it clear when i gave him a chance that i do not do that shit. i dont share and i dont tolerate exs trying to hang on. he was a well known band guy and plenty of girls and ex flings were still interested in him. i fucking LOST IT. like most women ive been played hard and cheated on. i screamed at him the whole ride. i needed it to be clear that the consequences of trying to betray me are dire as fuck. i told him now he had to choose between me or her. i dont know what he told her but he claims he told her they crossed a boundary and he has to cut off their "friendship". ever since then she still stalks, blocks and unblocks me.
all of that happened in 2019. i mostly let it go after several bouts of retroactive jealousy.
earlier this year i noticed old comments pop up on his band instagram that weren't there before. it was her, unblocking me again. i clicked her page and she had poems about him pinned. they hadnt even seen each other for a year or more before i got with him. he claims he "wasnt into her" and told her they would "never be together" (MEN ARE SO FUCKING RETARDED REEEEE) and convinced her to move out of state. why the fuck was she still so obsessed w him? so i took my page off private so she could see that 1. im hotter and 2. hes still with me, and then liked one of her old comments so she knew i could see what she was doing. then i made him delete her as a follower of his band page. none of this is healthy, i know, but i have no female friends to help me thru this and men are no fucking help at all.
it worked but bit me in the ass. i stayed away from her page but then had a dream abt her so i was compelled to check again. she had since unarchived old photos from back when she was sleeping around with him. she had photos with his dog, photos he had taken of her in her underwear, things that destroyed me to see. even worse, i found her old tumblr where she had a tag for him and found screenshots of erotic texts he sent her back then, and post after post abt how hes her "favorite person" (ofc shes a bpdtard) and she loves him. they had done things together that i thought were special to us, referenced things i thought were "ours". he always told me it wasnt serious but she made it sound very intense and serious which made him contacting her in 2019 so much harder to cope with. well of course i screenshotted all of this and sent it to him. this time i didnt fight, didnt scream, was just totally defeated and dead inside. he was so pissed that im "bringing up the past" and we almost broke up.
i think he does want us to work and is over her. he says he deleted her number and email and i have his phone passcode and he would let me look anytime i wanted but i dont like looking thru phones so i never have. ever since then he is clearly making an effort to make me feel special and important to him but it all feels so fake. like he just does it to keep peace because we're settled and live together. their relationship seemed so fun and intense and i feel boring and lame. ill never bring it up again but inside i think about it every day. i walk around in a haze of pain. i can barely look at him the same. i used to be so affectionate and loving and now i pull away, dont text first, leave him on read…
love is so fucking not real nonnies. it's not real at all.
No. 1732304
>>1732294i think faking sick for the weekend might be my best option. feels bad though
>>1732298i want to be honest but i dont want her to feel weird about it, idk youre right though i definitely am overthinking it
No. 1732367
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Sometimes I post selfies on 4chan as a form of digital self-harm because I know they'll rip apart my looks. I have this idea that if I eventually put myself in enough situations where I'll inevitably hurt I'll get used to it eventually, but it's been years and I never have.
No. 1732382
>>1732274Agree with
>>1732309, and he's a retard for getting mad at you for bringing it up. 2019 was not so long ago, and he was clearly being sketchy as shit at the time, if not straight-up emotionally cheating.
>their relationship seemed so fun and intense and i feel boring and lameIf he was with a "fun and intense" bpdchan he'd be messaging a girl like you in between fights to whine about how he wants something stable that he can count on, how tired he is, what a burden she is, and how he wishes you'd save him. Some men are just never happy with what they have.
>ever since then he is clearly making an effort to make me feel special and important to him but it all feels so fakeThis is commendable, though, and way more than most moids can manage. Try to be objective here
nonnie, if he really cut her off and has been trying despite your emotional distance, maybe he does value you.
No. 1732384
>>1732367I used to think like you. I was bullied irl quite a lot and thought that hanging out on imageboards enough would make me thick-skinned and immune to insults. It doesn't, you just get traumatized and start hating yourself after years of internalizing the negative self-talk. After I went to college and made some normie friends they actually ended up organizing an intervention because they thought I was going insane, when I was just repeating things I'd been reading online for years, this place included.
Your self-esteem will only get better if you start hanging out with normal people and ignoring imageboards altogether.
No. 1732385
>>1732274Your bf is
sus. You can find a better man with no bpdrama attached to his name. Start looking now, nonna.
No. 1732398
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> can't get horny over rl men who like me
> get waterfalls over 1 fictional man
> prefer to fantasize about said fictional man than go have sex with one of the guys who's into me
and I was called a slut kek, if only those idiots knew
I don't know how the fk I should feel about this but I'm glad that I actually DO feel horny and sexually aroused for the first time in forever.
No. 1732411
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>me after zoning out and picking the skin on my face until it's a bleeding scabby mess for the 694072683th time
No. 1732417
>>1732266You're exactly right.
Nonnie's problem is that she needs to learn that if you're going to allow a moid into your life: make sure he's absolutely worth your time. Too many moids are pieces of shit, look like shit, don't know shit, and don't do shit. So if you are going to pick a moid, make sure that male would be your time's worth. That he's attractive, intelligent, morally adjusted, has a good job, etc. It's also my take on having kids. Women having kids with ugly losers are not so smart, because if you're going to do the massive sacrifice of being a mother, at least make sure that male has good genes.
No. 1732423
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>>1732274Fuck his brother or fittest friend (jk maybe) and move on silently. Go on r/nocontact it you need motivation to not reach out
I did all of the above and he backpedalled after a year of silence and became obsessed with me as he was with her. He flipped us basically the more he realized i was gone for good. Men are always making songs about the girl they don't have because they are FOMO brained bastards. They complain about their BPD exes whether they're broken up or with them, but always think of them and gravitate back.
You are miserable. Being alone hurts and is scary but you are closing off opportunities for something much better. Rip it off and get on with it, band boys are emo faggots anyway and probe to malding at 30
No. 1732438
>>1732405Accurate. AYRT and the guy in the band who was the only clean cut “nicest” one was the most
toxic of all. He constantly tried to have a thing with me and even tried to hook up w me (i said hell no obviously) when he was in the early stages of a relationship that went on to become his wife and mother of his child. All the time I wonder if she has any idea how he treated women before they met, how he acted towards me; I wonder if he is still a nasty scummy cheating little weasel.
No. 1732464
>>1732428I'm not really boy crazy, but I can relate to the rest of what you say
nonnie. I tried to improve my life but it's an uphill battle and I'm extremely lazy.
No. 1732527
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>>1732481UPDATE: I took a walk, no longer fatigued or nauseous. Life good
>>1732508I was about to check my thyroids next week haha! my mom and sister got thyroid problems too so it's kind of a given at this point. How do people treat thyroid problems? meds? diet? i hope i can get help for my acne too
No. 1732571
>>1732527Do your mom and sister have Hashimoto by any chance? it's high likely you got it too
Make sure you get TSH and especially THYROID ANTIBODIES checked.
You will have to take medication forever, it's a smol pill in the morning, on an empty stomach, 30 mins to 1h before you have your first meal. It's mandatory to take it on an empty stomach because otherwise it will not absorb properly
Diet and exercise help a fuckton. In my case dairy and gluten make things worse, but you'll have to do trial and error
For acne, if it's hormonal, spiro can help a lot. I'd get tested for PCOS too if possible, I had a combo of hypo+pcos .
No. 1732598
>>1732561I don’t think it was about saying she’d kill herself if [x] since the redtext was “(sperg)”.
>>1732559You’ll know it when you see it. That was just my opinion that it’s annoying. Kinda hard to suicide bait while anonymous, you’d have to personalityfag first or keep replying to people saying you’re really gonna do it this time!! etc.
No. 1732616
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It's my birthday and my husband spends the whole day playing a video game because it's launch date was the same day as my birthday. I didn't want anything in particular from him but somehow it still burns.
No. 1732630
>>1732616That's fucked, you deserve better than that
nonny. I'm sure he'd have a fit if you sat around browsing lolcow all day on his birthday.
No. 1732638
>>1732616Happy Birthday
nonnie ily and I'm sorry your husband is a total scrote.
No. 1732671
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Every single guy I've met recently and have been seeing or have been talking to (online or irl) is bald/buzz or balding. Is this God punishing me?
I'm in my early 20's and every guy has been around in their late 20s. I see more middle aged men with full heads of hair every day.
No. 1732734
>>1732574i'm also exmuslim and i'm proud of you for doing what you needed to for yourself. i'm going to be honest and say being in a position of depending on your boyfriend sounds really scary and i hope you can get work soon.
>most of the time i don't feel justified in leaving and feel like a disgusting person for choosing myself over my family and making them suffer the emotional and social consequences of me leaving. I wish i had a friend or someone who could understand my situation, i feel so invisible and don't need a justification, your needs and desires are enough. it's natural you feel guilt because it's a serious thing to leave your family and cause them that much distress. but it doesn't make your choice wrong. would you like to keep in touch? i can make a post on the friend finder thread.
No. 1732781
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There was this altogether probably inappropriate game people were playing at work when they said who they thought was fuckable. Nobody said me.
No. 1732859
>>1732818Yeah, it’s rough. I’m barely scraping by. I can’t talk to anyone irl so I go to lolcow with my problems
>>1732850Unfortunately, I don’t really have anyone irl to reach out to. I had an
abusive family, I only talk to my brother and cousin, both of which can’t or won’t help with baby. I have no online friends either, they left once I stopped hanging out ti be with family. I just wish I could have my old life back
No. 1732897
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>>1732896sorry to hear you're feeling sad nona but what do you mean magic tricks, like turn his dick into one of these? genuinely curious.
No. 1732905
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this guy i have been talking to recently seemed cool, until he for no reason started making a lot of weird and uncomfortable sexual jokes at me. granted we met online, but he would say things like "let me sniff your belly button" and did retard roleplays in discord dms like "cums in mouth". i was kind of nervous of telling him confrontationally but i basically went "hey this is super uncomfortable" and told him about my similar experiences, to which he laughed and said "oh did i give you trauma?" it made me so fucking mad and grossed out.
he did apologize, and admit he was being retarded but jesus christ, what prompts someone to say that? one of the very few times guys have taken accountability towards me tho
No. 1732913
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Just stole my brothers oxy. He was a dumbass and threw gasoline on some fire. I’m also a dumbass and relapsed bc I missed a test. Can’t wait to feel good again. It’s been four years. I missed it.
No. 1732915
>>1732906>>1732907we play the same game and meet in the same lobbies, so i will have to see him over and over but i just want to at least keep us on positive terms for the most part.
won't be talking to him tho, hes older than me and i legit felt like i was being groomed or some crazy shit lol, im just kind of tired and all of my anger has basically escaped me now, but thank you nonnas
No. 1732917
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I am doing 4 things at once and i suck at all of them, it's extremely depressing and overwhelming. If i were good at at least one of these things i would feel like life's worth living, but sucking at them makes me feel like i was destined for failure and no matter how much i try it will never amount to anything.
No. 1732931
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The really nice looking ai art in some threads over on /m/ has me freaking out. What's the point of drawing anymore? It's my only hobby and I've put so much time into trying to draw images how I want them to look. But now ai can just pop out something authentic looking and I want to scream. Pic related is a shit example from a prompt i shat out on bing ai. I just feel like drawing is worth nothing now. After all the years of learning just down the drain.
No. 1732998
>>1732459I remember you, anon. I was hoping things were getting better for you, and I'm sorry to hear that this is going on! I feel like your sister's doing these cruel things to you because she has no control in her relationship or life, so she's trying to recoup whatever control she has by punishing you. It's wrong, and there's no way to excuse it - but I wouldn't be surprised if she's utterly miserable while doing this. She's with a scrote that has plainly demonstrated that he would cheat on her, and to dig the knife in deeper, with her SISTER. Her living situation is utter shit as well. I can't imagine she's happy with how her life is going, so she wants to make sure you're unhappy too because she's unwilling to leave this loser/creep.
I'm truly sorry that she took your dogs from you. It's unfair to put them in this situation, but I have a feeling that they'll be returned at some point. Again, her living situation sounds terrible, and bringing 2 dogs into a small space like that isn't feasible. Pity your sister for not having the self-respect or emotional capacity to realise she's not valued by her boyfriend, and that he isn't worth wrecking the relationship she had with you over him. You are in a much better position than her to heal and grow, and you've demonstrated so much strength in reporting your coworker, too. Good on you for establishing boundaries and not deviating from them. Good on you for not giving up in the face of adversity. We don't know each other, but I'm proud of you and am wishing you all the luck in the world.
No. 1733012
>>1733008I agree 100%. You meet women what have been treated like subhumans by their boyfriends and husbands tell young women that they have to find a man before it’s “too late”, then when you bring up red flags they tell you that you’re superficial or have high standards. It’s honestly so scary. Men treat us like shut because they know they have a hoard of pickmees that will defend him and gaslight the
victim. It could be your own mom, sister, mother in law. I will never date a man unless he enhances my life SIGNIFICANTLY. I do not date for love. Men aren’t capable of love, why do you see them divorce their wives and abandon their kids after 25 years of marriage? Moids are more loyal and form a stronger bond to dogs, their bros and hookers. Now imagine being a breeding factory and a housekeeper for this moid. Absolutely disgusting.
No. 1733014
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I hate moids so much I hate them I hate them I hate them. Once you see you can never unsee.
No. 1733024
>>1733014More straight women need to be told this: "If he wanted to, he would." I see this too often where these women are in LTR with men who won't marry them. If the relationship breaks down, they usually find that the next woman their ex gets with is the one he'll marry. A lot of these men also only get married or stay married for selfish reasons. Hell, the man I had an ill-advised emotional affair with (I regret it with everything I have; trauma-bonding is fucked up) even explained why he wasn't ready for divorce despite him being miserable for several years and fundamentally incompatible with his wife: "I'd lose half my money, my house, my pets, my friends." He even pulled out the sunk cost fallacy. These men will keep women trapped in relationships they can't fully commit to because of that inherent power imbalance; unless their partner has iron-clad boundaries, there's nothing to incentivise them to do better (and even then it's soured because if they do commit it feels like it's out obligation/external pressure rather than a genuine desire to take the next step). They may profess to "love" their partners, but they don't respect them at all. I've learned a lot about men over this past year, and it's honestly made me wish I wasn't attracted to them.
I feel especially sorry for this woman because she's done the hardest thing by having children with this man before getting the ring she desperately seems to want and deserve.
No. 1733056
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yet another night ruined because some dumb bitch can't stop snoring and there's nowhere else to sleep
No. 1733158
>>1733150Tried to find sources to hoe marriage impacted women's health and found this.
>The researchers out of Japan’s National Cancer Center examined the medical records of half a million people in their 50s in Asia over 15 years and also determined that married couples had a 20% lower risk of dying from accidents, injuries and heart disease.>Previous studies largely centred on western populations leaving evidence in Asian populations “limited.”>The team examined data of 623,140 people, who were an average age of 54 and were mostly (86.4%) married.>During the 15-year study, a total of 123,264 fatalities were recorded with most deaths resulting from cancer (41,362), cerebrovascular diseases (14,563) and respiratory diseases (13,583).>People with underlying conditions such as cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure were more likely to live longer if they were hitched.>When it came to heart disease, heart attacks and heart failure, 17% of singletons were more likely to die from a circulatory system disease, 19% had a greater risk of dying from an accident or injury, 14% had a higher risk of suffering from a respiratory disease such as lung disease or asthma, while 6% had an increased risk of dying from cancer.>That said, researchers noted several factors that could play a part in the correlation, such as people with lesser financial means who have underlying health conditions may not be considered marriage material.>Married men saw the biggest drops in mortality rates, with research pointing out that men who are tied down are less likely to take risks, get into accidents or consume alcohol and drugs.>The “protective effect” of marriage, where a partner encourages their spouse to seek medical treatment, could be a contributing factor, according to the study, as are better financial situations and healthier lifestyles.>Bad news for women, though, as a deep dive into the data revealed that their mortality benefited less if they were married.>Researchers said that could be due to domestic labour not being equally divided in Asian marriages, thus putting more stress on women which “may counteract the health benefits of marriage.”>The study also pointed out that unmarried women are more likely to have a job and have more money and access to better health.So the claim that married women die faster doesn't seem to be that wrong, because marriage is very frequently a drain to women's happiness and resting.
No. 1733218
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>mrw some scrote tries to tell me about different birth control options when I say I'm not on it
Men really think we're brand new
No. 1733237
>>1733218this shit stresses me out and aggravates me so much
I refuse to take birth control but I feel like the next scrote I'm unfortunate enough to date will try to pressure me into taking that shit and bringing up all the different options as if they all don't fucking suck lol
No. 1733257
>oh you don't want to fuck up your hormones? how about inserting a metal object in your uterus with no pain relief that is likely to malfunction if not straight up hurt you and also to result in an ectopic pregnancy anywayscrotes don't FUCKING deserve it
No. 1733285
>>1733218holy shit i want to add to this, I was arguing with a guy friend lately who got his gf on the pill ,for sex purposes ofc, and who kept debating ME, A WOMAN, that pills are safe and it takes time to get used to them BUT THEY ARE TOTALLY OK, i went absolutely mental on him and nothing I said or provided proof of changed his fucking mind, and he's actually a really smart guy
the irony is they broke up before he even got to have unprotected sex with her lmao and he's suspicious her behavior changed because of the pill, well no shit sherlock, HORMONES.
don't get me started on women who insert objects in their bodies JUST so they can have unprotected sex with their man, women risking their health for men drives me nuts
No. 1733289
>>1733285lol they don't give a shit
a prior male friend tried to whine that his gf "didn't want to" take the pill as if it was something arbitrary that she just didn't feel like, I wanted to alog so bad
No. 1733291
>>1733285>>1733289no matter how much you try to convey that it causes the women they claim to love to suffer immensely it just does not compute. if it involves their penis it's more important than women's lives, their brains literally can't feel guilt or empathy for us and only see women's pain-driven reluctance as an impediment to good dick feels
you can scream about the side effects until you're blue in the face, moids will just stand there slack-jawed and retort "but muh penis?"
No. 1733296
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>>1733283I think men are lying when they diss women they perceive as "whores". I learned that men send hate mail to women in the porn industry, because men get
triggered when they see women having lots of sex with men who don't look like themselves. If women in the porn industry are such "nasty whores who don't deserve love", why do men still care about being "represented" in who pornstars fuck? Also, look at picrel (sorry if it's low quality). It's mentioned that men actually do care if their girlfriends or wives attract the attention from other men, and that their own attraction to their girlfriends/wives goes up the more she's basically ogled at. Attracting the attention from men is something commonly associated with being a "whore" or a "tease", but men seem to love that trait in their own wives.
No. 1733315
>>1733296"men imagine attractive women are into them"
oh lord you should see this shit in the balkans, in 30+ couples, where most women are really pretty , dress well, wear proper makeup, are at a normal weight and the guy is often times fat with a beergut
> men actually do care if their girlfriends or wives attract the attention from other menlmfao guys i knew always said they don't want other men looking at their girl yet the moment they snatched a hot one it was bragging rights 24/7 and their ego went off rails, and they ALWAYS pick on us women for wanting to date hot guys
No. 1733328
>>1733293It really says something when despite greater hardships and stigma against unmarried women the findings are the same across the board. Marriage increases men’s and decreases women’s life expectancy in both the east and west.
>>1733158This article really tried to present the situation as different in Asia by using “people/couples/singletons” rather than “men/women” until they had to at the end. Describing healthy married men in an ocean of incel leeches as “tied down” etc really exposes the nature of whoever is presenting the data. Once again, they want to pressure Asian women into stereotypical marriage while pretending it totally isn’t exclusively for the continued benefit of men.
No. 1733362
>>1733283Seriously, how are they so completely braindead that they don’t see they’re just repeating themselves. “It’s bad when you do it and good when I do it because it’s bad when you do it and good when I do it”.
They’ve already decided women are locks and men are keys. The purpose of a lock is to stay closed and it’s convenient for whoever owns any specific key for it to open multiple things. They answer the question;
> “why is it wrong for women to have sex?”, with > “because I’ve decided your purpose is to not have sex with anyone unless it’s me!!”,And they think that isn’t obnoxiously retarded.
Women are not locks, men are not keys. Since it’s men who dedicate their lives from childhood to “getting a girlfriend”, suicide out of loneliness and only work to financially impress a wife/stripper/drawing of a woman. Doesn’t that genetically make the basic average woman a master key while men are a bunch of shitty faulty locks?
No. 1733399
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>>1733362>>1733283lol you have to see what i read in an anime thread this morning
went in for anime discussion, got misoginy instead
it was related to a character that a lot of women apparently found super hot and kept fawning over
>it's totally ok and even funny if men do itI can't take this mental gymnastics
No. 1733425
>>1733406you are correct yes, and the devolution never ceases to surprise me
>>1733421I just want to have an outlet to discuss my hobbies but some threads are unbearable
No. 1733448
>>1733425you can try crystal cafe, even tho its small
i'm annoyed cause i got banned from there for no fucking reason, but 4chan boards and threads are OK since many of them are just about discussing passions, threads like /mu/ however are just unfortunately too retarded to enter
No. 1733503
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one of the only decent fan artists left in the old ass fandom I’m in trooned out and then turned her cute self insert OC into a troon as well. had to unfollow because all her posts now are full of obnoxious anti-terf virtue signaling. can’t have shit.
No. 1733579
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>be me
>slicking to some porn to relieve stress
>suddenly see a very young boy with a grown woman ON FUCKING PORNHUB
>immediate turn off
>report it
…..i feel gross and horrified now .why cant moids rot in hell…why is this on there why…how does this shit slip in?
No. 1733595
I’ve been in three comas over the last three years because I suck at killing myself. The first one left me unable to walk for about a year. The most recent one was this January; I was found face down in the snow with an internal body temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, having had a bunch of seizures. I still don’t know how I keep surviving.
Since then, I decided to make a bunch of changes to my life so that I wouldn’t keep wanting to be dead. I’m currently retraining as a mental health nurse, I’m attending clinical psychology appointments, I started dating and found a partner. I moved away from family members who were abusive to me in the past and quit my old shitty job. Overall, my life has quantifiably improved.
Nonetheless, I still want to die. I have fantasies of having access to medications that I can cleanly OD on when I get put on placement. I cut myself again yesterday after months of not doing it. I am shocked by how easily it comes now to cut straight through to the muscle. I’m not even trying to be an edgelord when I say I can barely feel it anymore. I’m putting on a good front at university, my lecturers like me and have even offered me some teaching work (since I used to lecture in a different subject). I exercise, i eat well, I sleep well. Things are good, so why do I still feel like this? I can’t stand the company of others. I’m not sad but nothing feels good. I usually don’t feel anything except resentment. I’ve been trying hard to build a life that didn’t make me want to die, and I’ve done well, but nothing really has changed about how I feel. The mental health team can’t really put their finger on what’s wrong, other than “trauma”. I think this just might be my emotional baseline.
No. 1733603
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my best friend is a coomer and its so fucking exhausting and pathetic but shes my only real irl friend so i cant drop her. i can see how much it is rotting her brain in real time. She cant have any real conversations unless its about some anime bullshit or coomer weeb shit. she literally has no filter anymore and talked about hentai in front of my entire family. I'm not a prude but literally joking about that shit in front of my mother is embarrasing and inappropriate. i had to search for something on her phone and her search bar was full of previously searched porn terms or sites. she knows how much i hate porn and how much i hate the industry and she just doesnt want to accept anything is wrong. i feel like im hanging out with a fucking preteen boy who just discovered rule 34 but we are in our 30s. how do i get through to her before its too late i hate this
No. 1733623
>>1733603>coomer weeb shitok how bad can it be
>talked about hentai in front of my entire familyhol up
>we are in our 30sABORT MISSION
nonna what the fuck, is she single? this woman sounds like she needs therapy
does she have a stable job and income, or hobbies?
No. 1733631
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I'm so fucking stressed.
At what point do the police take you seriously when someone's stalking/harassing you?
My ex has had yet another cluster of trying to contact me, multiple phone calls from some random number, given my info to people to pass on messages etc. He's been stalking me online for the last 3 years, I only found out early this year.
I rang the non emergency number a few months ago but they said until he makes a threat against me they can't move forward with anything.
In this cluster he's admitted it's stalking. He's said some threats but I don't have the screenshots because this was before I knew he was stalking me and figured he was still just bitter and venting.
I've tried being nice and talking in a server, I've tried blocking and deleting, I've asked him to leave me alone, I've told one of his irl friends he had contact me and told him that this has been going on for 3 years now could you please help him.
I think he's developing schizophrenia, his age is when it starts to rear its head in adults. He has said that his hallucinations are getting worse to the point he's jumped into the road because one ran at him. He knows my suburb, I've talked about my area enough that he could easily find my apartment.
He's had a girlfriend these last 3 years but didn't stop him, from what I can tell they've broke up now so I'm so worried all that energy is going to be pointed at me now.
There's so much more but seriously do I just try the police line again and hope whoever I get is more helpful than the one I spoke to before? He's admitted to stalking in the texts so surely that means something?
No. 1733639
>>1733629I know it’s easy to say but you’re not missing out on much. Men
are repulsive. You have to kind of overlook it and let them grow on you if you want to be in a relationship with one.
I swore off men for a bit after a physically
abusive relationship and became a diehard husbandofag. I recently got a boyfriend again, but honestly I think I was happier living in my fujo delusions. Even sex is better alone.
No. 1733643
>>1733639Is sex actually better alone?
Sometimes it feels so nice I wonder how a guy could possibly top it
No. 1733681
>>1733631I'm sorry
nonnie. The only reprieve from a stalker is shooting him. Police won't help, getting other males to beat him up don't help, talking to his parents won't help, they win unless you literally wait for them to come into your home so you can claim self defense.
The police would only do something if it's attempted murder otherwise they wont hold him for long if at all. If you are American pls get gun safety training and a pistol. It is the closest thing to an equalizer we can get in this life
No. 1733699
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ugh I am waiting for my Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy game to arrive and it is days past the estimated delivery so I have had to open up a complaint thing
No. 1733725
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>>1733708>Or start cheating if you're in a relationship and make him raise your bastard. He will never know. If you're really pissed fuck his dad or something, that's known to tear them apart>reddit post where a pathetic scrote whines about his girlfriend getting revenge by fucking his superior brother.>source: (>My ex girlfriend got revenge on me and I’m so broken>I ( M25) have been with my ex girlfriend Carly ( F23) for nearly 10 years, we were high school sweethearts and we had a good relationship up until after she completed college.. adulthood has been putting strain on our relationship so bills and finding sustaining jobs has been a challenge. We started arguing a bunch and just started overall being annoyed with each other existence. We weren’t sleeping in the same room let alone be intimate. It was a tough time to say the least, we tried therapy and I felt like it wasn’t working. I honestly wanted to be done but I couldn’t break up with her because we lived together and she helped me get out of debt. So I did something horrible and I started cheating on her with her childhood best friend. I thought she would never find out and my gosh I was wrong. >Yesterday afternoon I came home and she wanted to talk and without hesitation she jumped straight into it and asked me point blank if I was cheating on her and i ofcourse tried to lie and she just starts laughing and says “ I knew you weren’t going to admit it but I was going to give you the benefit of doubt. So now I just feel less guilty..” I just confessed to her and she just looked at me and didn’t have any expression nor speak. When I finished she just laughs and told me and I would never forget it..“ honestly It’s fine because Louie was over last weekend and we had a great time” my heart dropped to stomach, because Louie is my big brother. >I just thought it was low blow on Carly given she knew how insecure I was about my brother, he’s the golden child and literally always did things 10x better than me. I’m stuck having to have some sort of relationship with him and meanwhile she can just drop her friend. My chest and heart has been hurting so much since I found out and I’m so broken. I know I was wrong for cheating first, but if she knew why didn’t she just break up with me first. I called out of work because I feel like throwing up just thinking about It…>Edit: I did not intend for this to be a viral post, I’m just extremely hurt and I get I fucked up… also yes I know she did because she offered video proof and my brother has been dodging my calls. I’m going actually insane right now and all you people here are just obsessed with kicking me while I’m down and it’s Fucked up. Like I get lol so funny… she won good for her. Also with the debt she helped me paid off she just did it from her inheritance …I didn’t ask her. If she asked for the money back I will be willing to set up some payment arrangement with her.honestly, good for her.
No. 1733731
>>1733725that's a MASSIVE win… and kinda kinky!
>>1733715Awh anons here are all so sweet
No. 1733738
>>1733708>don't fuck menbased
>become a walking womb to some random moid who won't even help raise it>fuck a really, really old, geriatric scrotewhat? maybe you should make up your mind
>>1733715>>1733731>dark feminine as a good thing>kinky as a good thingtwitter/tiktok tourists much?
No. 1733743
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>>1733629Im also a 21 year old virgin, its really difficult to find a guy to connect with.. It feels like everybody in my age range just wants to hook up and nobody actually wants to be in a loving long term relationship
No. 1733766
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>>1733681>>1733711I'm not american, I cant own a gun here because the laws mean I need to bolt it to the floor and we're renting. I'm fucked.
He has family but his parents hate me (one reason why I dumped him) and I doubt they will give a fuck anyway.
2 more people have contacted me from him I'm so fucking stressed. I know I shouldnt message them but I'm hoping to get more documentation so the cops might take me seriousy
No. 1733770
>>1733639Same, nona. Every time I get close to feeling lonely and feel like I'm missing out, I remember things like
>>1733296 >>1733158and realize husbandofagging is not pathetic, it's an ensuring reminder that I won't have to deal with that. Not to mention the slew of other horrible risks that are increased when you date, avoiding men is a survival tactic. Even the nicest of of the bunch soon dropthe nice act and reveal their true motives and backwards thinking. A man will never take a woman seriously in the same way he takes another fellow man seriously. Would you want that in the back of your mind, knowing that the only reason he's with you is because he soon wants to turn you into his masturbation tool? Men were never supposed to live as long as they do now. They serve a purpose and one purpose alone. There is no man out there that could dramatically improve my life.
No. 1733776
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I finally found a retarded little game to play that gives me something to look forward to daily. Im still fucking depressed but just having something positive I can focus on a little a day improved my mood. But of course it has a retarded gen z fandom. I went to look up something for tips/tricks on its subreddit and of course it's largely filled with posts saying every cool girl character just MUST be a trans girl or all the guys are big giant fags. Everything must be gay or trans for them apparently. Im trying to not let it ruin the characters for me. It's just annoying that so many unbearable young teens have to impose their intolerable personalities on fictional characters that actually seem wholesome and nice.
No. 1733782
>>1733777I'm probably gonna look like a piece of shit for saying this, but I really wish those types of advertisements would stop showing footage of extremely starved children, at least right off the bat. I clicked on a video for a gameplay, and I got jumpscared by a small child that straight up looked dead because of malnutrition. Of course, it was an advertisement for donating money and goods to starving children, but
fuck man I wish they would at least put a warning before showing things like that.
No. 1733783
>>1733766Are you allowed to have tasers or other self defense weapons? Worth looking into.
If I was you I would nuke everything online and change my phone number so there’s nothing for him to reach you through, move and get a new job. I realize that’s difficult or impossible depending on your situation (I don’t have contact with my family and don’t have many friends so it’s way easier for me to become a new person by moving because no one would know and the people who would know would never let a weird guy contact me through them). Have you considered giving your contact information and socials over to a trusted friend so they can monitor them but not tell you unless it becomes alarming/important? Then they can also forward you information you might want. Kind of over-creative but it’s an idea.
I don’t recognize the screenshots you posted is that discord? Get off discord it’s not worth it.
No. 1733788
>>1733725>the debt she helped me paid off she just did it from her inheritance Women should never help support scrotes financially. I don’t know why so many women think these bottom feeders will respect them for helping them when they’re at their lowest. Everything is a competition for them, and having a woman help them is admitting defeat. As soon as he got the opportunity he cheated on her to get back at her and feel like a man. Fucking pathetic.
>If she asked for the money back I will be willing to set up some payment arrangement with her.I promise she will never see a dime of that money. He’s just trying to save face. Good for her for getting the last laugh though. That shit is priceless.
No. 1733796
>>1733631>>1733766My ex also developed schizophrenia and harassed me online, he even travelled 6 hours to show up in front of my apartment once. My best advice is to remake or delete all your discord/social media accounts and only telling people you really trust about your new account info. Tell anyone you are staying in contact with that knows him or that he might message to refuse to pass on any messages to you or just block him right off the bat. Screenshot all messages he has sent so far for a paper trail. If at all possible, move away from where you are. Otherwise get cameras around the place. If you know where he lives you can even send a cease and desist to get a foot in the door for a restraining order, but as long as he doesn't harass you IRL there isn't much you can do legally. Schizo men are the worst, sorry you're going through this.
>>1733790Check if there are any pepper sprays meant for wild animals, some countries that don't allow it as a weapon against humans still sell it as bear pepper spray etc.
No. 1733798
>>1733788That's exactly what I was thinking when I read that post. All of her revenge would be perfect, had it not been for that handmaiden move to pick a scrote out of debt. And he said she used her inheritance money? If I had inheritance money, I'm not spending it on a scrote.
>>1733789I agree. To just show such graphic imagery like that for an advertisement feels like an idea from a person who's unwell in the mind.
No. 1733799
>>1733790>no pocket knifeI wouldn’t even suggest that as a self defense weapon
unless you’re a master of the blade (lol) but that’s so retarded your country made that illegal wtf
Does your spouse know about him?
No. 1733804
>>1733725holy shit kek, thanks for the link nona. knowing reddit its probably someone's creative writing, but
>Lol leave her alone because if you piss her off more she will start comparing dick sizes and at that point you will need to get a new family.KEK
No. 1733820
>>1733817ayrt, I'm glad you like drawing. I used to draw as a kid and teen, but I realized i was mostly doing it for attention, not because I liked it. So now that i'm not in school settings where people can compliment me on it I don't care anymore and haven't drawn in years
>>1733818I genuinely can't think of any hobby I would enjoy. Sometimes I try to force myself to do one but I always drop it since it's boring to me.
I liked school because I got positive attention for good grades and I liked outdoing my classmates. I used to always get depressed on summer break since there would be no assignments to keep me busy. Well, now my entire life is summer break.
No. 1733840
>>1733838I would get some if there were any.
>luckily there’s no shortage of cool stuff to do in this world so I’m just gonna craft and travel and skate til I die I guessI think i'm just broken mentally because I can't get into any hobby. I try to force myself into some and can never keep it up. I'm just not interested in anything. Any hobby i did in the past I did for attention, and now that i can't get attention for it I don't care about doing it.
No. 1733872
>>1733869Why do you think so many well-meaning doctors and therapists keep recommending it to me then? I just don't get it. The first time it was recommended to me I was 15. My mom is trying to talk me into it right now.
>>1733871I like to dream (actual sleeping dreams) and I like to eat some foods. I don't like movies or TV or music. I would travel if I could but I can't. A big reason I can't make friends is because the only thing I watch are documentaries and I hate most music. I know that's weird but it's just how I am.
No. 1733914
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I was supposed to be productive today but I was glued to my computer cause this came I play has a competition going on. I even burnt my dinner a little bit. I think I'll get my groove on tomorrow though, I wont have to spend so much time doing the competition now that I understand it better.
No. 1733939
>>1730678Thank you so much for your reply nonnas, it's a shame that we have to go through similar with our own mothers and own situations.
Continuing my vent but I'm really really scared of the brakes now. There was some metal clunking and then my mom had to swerve a little but then she said the brakes were fine after that. I have two shifts left until the car can get fixed but I seriously don't want to be in the car anymore, and no money to take a bus. She doesn't want me to call off but I can't do anything and I don't feel safe. This is so ass.
No. 1733947
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My male housemates are bragging about going to Thailand next year and "finding love" there. They already booked the tickets. God I fucking hate moids
No. 1733964
>>1733954Unfortunately we don't keep our toothbrushes in the shared bathroom so I can't do that
But HOLY SHIT anon I laughed out loud when I saw your reply because that's exactly what I did with my biological father's toothbrush when he was still staying at my mom's house and I hated him kek
No. 1734063
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I just lost my virginity last night while high on edibles. (We agreed to meet up possibly to have sex, I ate an edible to deal with the anxiety.) While the experience over all was an enjoyable one in the moment, and ultimately I don't regret it, but I'm left with a mix of emotions now of how to feel about it. Is that normal? I was an adult virgin and chose to wait until I felt emotionally and mentally ready, and chose someone I felt I could trust and wouldn't catch feelings for. (But I wasn't that attracted to) It's still unearthed a lot of feelings in me, and different thoughts. In some ways I feel changed, and in some ways I feel the same. Some part of me wishes I'd have waited until I found someone I loved. But my own personal hang ups have prevented me from getting close to others. Part of why I chose to have sex for the first time was an attempt to understand adult human connections and relationships better, and to face my fears and anxieties on intimacy. (Not just related to sex) But now I'm left unsure of how to feel, I don't feel bad exactly, but I definitely feel … Strange. Like there's been some imperceptible change to my being.
idk if any nonas have some words for me I'd appreciate it, as I'm unsure of how to feel and am still processing.
No. 1734081
>>1734063I have kinda the opposite case where I did it with someone I really trust and love, but it was a miserable experience (no one's fault it just hurt and didn't feel good. maybe i couldnt relax enough)
but anyway I relate to the feeling of not quite feeling bad or regretful but just changed somehow. On one hand I'm the same person but on the other hand it's like something is permanently altered and I can never go back, which leads me to look back and sort of softly wish I never did it.
I've been feeling really existential about processing it for a while now, I don't think I have any super comforting words since I'm going through it too but for me it helped to hear that someone else expressed a similar feeling so I thought I'd tell you that you're not alone.
Since it went well you can probably feel more confident while you wait to do it with someone you have a real connection with. personally I don't endorse casual encounters bc I think they're disproportionately risky for the woman but that's just me
No. 1734084
>>1734063well anon my first's were all with someone i loved and for a good few months after fairly gentle vanilla sex i would sometimes just randomly start crying afterwards. it does unearth emotions, but the more sex you have, the less it happens, until eventually its about the same as taking a satisfying dump. enjoy these feelings while they last, go out in confidence and create more memories.
my best advice would be, as women, we are unfortunately more susceptible to being brainwashed through sex. the chemical release and feelings of attachment grow much faster than for men who can barely see beyond the physical realm. stay aware of this and how it might influence your interactions. if you suddenly start feeling all lovey dovey over this dude (even though you arent really attracted to him or logically want him) you need to realise the connection here. how you go forward is your own choice, but its hard to wrestle with those brain chemicals
No. 1734085
>>1734059afraid of rape. But considering going out begging and just to interact with people. I think homeless people have better living quality than me because they have significant others, they interact with other people, they live in big cities.
I live in a small town. I can't get a job due to disability. I'm socially isolated, most people reject me. I don't have any freedom within my life.
No. 1734095
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I feel like I'm in a state of limbo. It's been a week, but has it? Why am I sleeping for so long? What am I dreaming about? I don't know. I try to think loudly enough to deceit reality, I can sleep for days, but I can't stop the passing of time. It hurts.
No. 1734124
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>>1734110sounds like classic hedgehogs dilemma bro
No. 1734135
>>1734114I don't think this is always the case and it's mean to assume that based on just a few of that anon's posts. Sometimes everyone around you just sucks and there's nothing you can do about it. If you've ever lived in the projects you'd know what I mean. Maybe it's not her fault, maybe she's just an autistic Latina who gets targeted by bullies for being different. You can't know
>>1734089You should find a job you can do from home. Learn how to build websites or be a graphic designer.
No. 1734149
>>1734135>maybe she's just an autistic latina that gets targeted by bullies.That's not true and it sounds like you're bullying me right now. None of those things are true. People treat me like shit even people with the same values/insult me.
>learn how to build websites or be a graphic designerThose things are really cut off from my reality and are not really possible for someone with my mental resilience. I can't even work a minimum wage job. Probably, after this you will reply with something completely insulting or downplay my problems or even accuse me of something like "self fulfilling prophecy".
No. 1734168
>>1734156>>1734159You're gaslighting me. I told you that I'm constantly being demonized and harassed for no actual justifiable reason and you continue to do that.
>you can't take responsibility for anything that happens in your lifeTake responsibility for being abused and harassed, rejected for no justifiable reason?
>>1734159Like everyone whining about their problems in the vent thread including problems that are less serious than mine? I said that I'm considering going homeless because homeless people have more freedom, social interaction, recieve more moral engagement than I do. Do you think that I would not rather work a wagie job? I would much rather work at Mcdonald's. I just can't because my mental and physical illness makes me incapable to.
No. 1734170
>>1734135First ayrt here. I am absolutely being judgy, but mostly because of her writing style. I’ve seen a lot of people go on these “nobody loves me” rants who turned out to be raging narcs. This
> but yet they talk and whine about their problems non stopSounds pretty textbook to me. Other people have their problems, but that doesn’t matter because it’s her they should be thinking about.
No. 1734175
>>1734159In most groups I've been people constantly whine and complain about less major issues including the vent thread but you have to tell me
>you just sound like a whiny little babyYea. It's like I'm complaining about something incredibly surface level. Bitch, my life is so bad I might go homeless or kill myself.
>>1734170Dude, you're saying my absolutely real problems and the shit I'm going through is not real. Did you even read my original post?
>Other people have their problemsHave I ever denied that? It's just that I have mine but when I share mine with the world I get harassed or my problems are being downplayed.
>>1734102>vent on not really a solution when I get attacked. I am unjustifiably called a narcissist and I get accused of not caring about other people's problems when literally even now I'm literally not allowed to talk about my own life's issues without being attacked and harassed and called a>little whiny babyWhen I'm considering homelesness because despite all of my efforts I found myself in a terrible life circumstance. I've never seen anyone being called a "little whiny baby" over literally considering homelesness.
No. 1734181
>>1734170First ayrt here. I am absolutely being judgy, but mostly because of her writing style. I’ve seen a lot of people go on these “nobody loves me” rants who turned out to be raging narcs. This
> but yet they talk and whine about their problems non stopSounds pretty textbook to me. Other people have their problems, but that doesn’t matter because it’s her they should be thinking about.
I'm not the one going around in the vent thread telling other people that their problems are not real and that they are whiny babies. Sounds like you have some problems or you're incapable of accepting other people's issues.
No. 1734183
>>1734168original ayrt checking in, i see what you mean lmfao but i think you're manifesting this response by leading headfirst with the expectation that people will reject and demonise you. people will notice this and then try to find reasons to do that because you've set the expectation that this is who you are. people will just believe what you say about yourself without giving the benefit of the doubt in most cases, and if you have this negative energy and defeated view of yourself it will definitely repel outwards. likeable people gaslight themselves into believing they are likeable and that their life has value, and other people begin to see that as well, as within as without. you will attract the vibes you emit into the world. its hard to stay positive when life is shit, its utter shit, but positivity wont just hit you over the head like a shovel, you have to appreciate whatever good you have, and force yourself to love yourself. When you drop the fear of rejection and belief you will always be unwanted, thats when this bullshit simulation will give you any luck. but if you only focus on the people who validate your belief that you're unwanted, you'll never get out of the pit
No. 1734186
>>1734183I've been positive most of my life and still do have a positive mindset. It's just that I've been unfairly demonized, rejected, mistreated. Most people are allowed to complain about their problems and they recieve empathy for it, even homeless people do. I don't see why I am not allowed to complain about mine and I'm being constantly demonized even by people that are like me. It's just like saying someone that was raped "manifested" that through their energy. I've been super nice and empathic towards people. I've even played the therapist most of my life.
>>1734185I don't think that I am unpleasant. I think you are. I don't come to the vent thread and tell people "you're a little whiny baby" when they complain about their problems. Downplaying someone's issues makes you unlikeable.
No. 1734195
>>1734186well i cant claim to know how you act IRL but people are more likely to show their true selves on and the current attitude you have and are probably failing to fully hide in person, is the energy most people will fully avoid (scared of transference) unless they want to hurt you more. sure its a vent thread for venting and not real advice, but the literal only answer to your one immediately fixable problem is to be more positive about yourself so that anons wont call you a whiny baby. it wont solve your daddy issues and fucked situation, but you'll probably feel better if you stop carrying the worlds greatest burden of the saddest situation seen in the history of mankind, woe be unto you, undeserving of such evils. it only hurts you in the end.
>it's just like saying someone that was raped "manifested" that through their energy.your situation is more like if a rape
victim went through life assuming everybody wants to rape them, blurring the lines between decent people and rapists to the degree they can no longer tell the difference, until they isolate themselves entirely to avoid further damages.
No. 1734198
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Oh yeah, the average muslim woman in middle east has totally the right to choose her life course and she can totally choose to stay home raising children. She totally has the freedom to choose to wear hijab or not, to get education or a job, and she can totally choose who to marry and how many kids she can have.
Oh yeah, lots and lots of women are killed in our european country and judges pass light sentences, as it appears frequently in national news, so we are worse than them, and muslim women aren't killed at the same rate because they are subservient, and thus valued by their men.
No. 1734219
>>1734190>ignored helpful commentsNo, I didn't but once again you will ignore what I am actually saying over what you have chosen that is true for me and even ignore what happened between me and the anons.
>>1734195>daddy issuesYea, my parents placing their emotional burdens onto me is me having "daddy issues". Yea, I definitely claimed that I have the worst situation in the world. Thanks, you're fighting with a strawman.
No. 1734225
I want to get used to the idea that I will probably never have a bf but it hurts so much. It still hurts after so many years. Could I date out of how desperate I am someone obese, an incel or a geriatric moid? Yes, but I'd rather kill myself than do that. I know the chances of me getting a cute bf are extremely low because I don't have the face that moids usually like. I'm not ugly by any means, but I have more of an androgynous look where people are like "oh she's beautiful" but no one sees me as a potential partner. I can't even complain that well I'm just ugly or fat, no I just have a face and body that lacks any feminine charm or sex appeal. My mother often tries to make me date older moids in their 30s(cause apparently she think those are the only moids who would pay attention to me), and mom, I don't want them. I want a boy my age in the early 20s to mid 20s, am I asking for too much? Yeah I'm asking for too much. I'm never getting a bf at this rate. Why would a cute moid even like me. I have a square chin, low eyebrows, if I posted my face here someone would say I look like a tranny for sure. I always wanted to have a delicate chin, feminine eyes and soft higher eyebrows but I guess it wasn't meant to be! I'll just die alone then!
No. 1734241
>>1734222Right? Nah, I get you. My minds just racing what else he could be lying about. Gladly, there just isn't much. I know he's not having girls run after him, and he does like me else he wouldn't be so mopey if I ever say I'd like to spend the night alone. He's got his kid, (a whole other issue since she never listens to me and I'm just glad I'm child free) his job, and he annoys me at home even if he doesn't have to. I literally have to tell him to go home sometimes. Maybe I just got a nice place and a good pc.
>>1734217I'll see it play out I suppose. Damn. I'm likely working myself up over nothing. I just don't get why he wouldn't tell me "I don't feel like it" instead, lmao
No. 1734246
>>1733631You need to keep him blocked, leave any communities you share, document everything he does (in case things escalate) and don't engage with people he's sending to you. I went through this with a schizo ex, and the harassment was both online and IRL with him calling me on multiple numbers, threatening/attempting suicide, etc. I have no social media presence because of I'm terrified of him finding me, and I get anxious whenever an unknown number calls me. Mine has left me alone, but he did reach out earlier this year to breadcrumb me because I'd forgotten to remove him off I don't know what possessed him to think that after going scorched earth everywhere else, that I'd want to speak to him there - but he still decided to shoot his shot. I didn't even hesitate to remove and block him.
These people are seriously unwell and cannot be reasoned with rationally; their minds don't work like that. I'm sorry you're going through this. I really hope he'll leave you alone because I know how terrifying it is.
No. 1734252
>>1733747kek nonna, I'm 30+ and not dating and I was told to "just get a guy and marry him" or "you don't have to love him, your biological clock is ticking and you gotta have a kid" so many times that I lost count
ignoring them is the best option
your free time and me-time will considerably drop when you commit to someone, I know this from my friends who are in relationships
No. 1734254
>>1734225You need to love yourself, first and foremost. I know that in this society, that's a really hard ask because so much is against us as women re: looks, but seeking out validation through men won't make you happy.
You have the power of choice. There are many women who are stuck in relationships where they aren't valued or respected, yet they stay because of sunk costs, fear of being alone, and so many other things that aren't worth the unhappiness. Anyway, conventionally unattractive people still manage to find partners and have fulfilling relationships, so don't write yourself off because you don't view yourself as beautiful (which is doing yourself a major disservice).
No. 1734276
>>1734243I just did when he came back from dropping his daughter off. Apparently I didn't hear the whole conversation. Sure, he can drive the car if he needs to, but there's work to be done and it might be dangerous. Alright. I don't care, he knows if I have an emergency, he'll have to leave work and drive me. (next bus is a 20 min walk) they don't do taxis out here
>>1734244Yes, he does game at my place I got an old, but good setup. I play some myself, maybe a day a week. He's got his daughter every two weeks on the weekend. Can't get much done when she's fused to me but also won't listen and it ends up being a whole discussion if she would please stop picking up my chickens. And he's inside.. Cooking or gaming.
No. 1734327
>>1734298>>1734302>>1734305This might be the most realistic and brutal wake up call I ever had. Damn, thank you for not fucking around.
It's easy to stay with him because of the company and he'll always feel just guilty enough to do the trash and bottles and cans and plastic, and feeds the dogs, gives the cats the meds, refills the water and food for the chickens and carries all the shit I can't. He cooks, I don't. There's always a warm meal at the end of my day. (I just wish I didn't have to clean the kitchen afterwards)
I might just be more comfortable with his contribution, than the actual comfort he brings.
But I did just have a bad back thing. I can barely bend and carry shit. How unethical would it be to stay with him still, just because he can do shit for me?
No. 1734346
>>1734339I hope you find it! I lost something once and realized it was in a corner of items I forgot to clean up a few weeks back. you got this
>>1734343tipping culture has gotten worse since 2020. I used to pick up my own food and tip the workers there because I knew they werent getting anyone sitting in during covid. Now that that's over, i dont tip anymore. if I picking up my own food, i am paying what I owe. Starbucks and most coffee shops want tips now on their ipad, even pizza places have tips on the ipad. It's gotten to a point where I don't remember a place where I don't have to tip. I just dont anymore unless I am specifically eating out with friends.
No. 1734361
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>>1734349Literally the state I found it in. I guess I gotta be more organized
No. 1734381
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>>1734371I’m tracing over an edited version of the fucked up sketch, just fixing it as i go.
Also ty
No. 1734435
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Male moment
No. 1734462
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Hate how no one understand what POV means and how everyone uses it incorrectly. How is a tiktok filming at yourself a "point of view"? They should be filing from their eyes. They just throw in tags and words without giving a shit.
Pic from some cringey self help ad
No. 1734515
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I don't know what it is, but sometimes women just feel as shameless as men. If not worse.
You have anon in the thread not blocking her stalker, and posting about it. With chatlogs. Presumably because she enjoys the attention.
She's been told to block that person and won't, it's just odd moid behavior
No. 1734524
>>1734510I forgot she said in her first post she tried blocking and deleting. I wonder in what way it didn't work, maybe he just gets around it…?
>>1733631>I think he's developing schizophreniaI just had a thought. Do you think the cops would take it more seriously if you just reported him as a danger to himself and others due to his mental state the next time he threatens you or harasses you or exhibits other insane behavior? If he ever suicide baits you in these drunk calls you should definitely call and get him committed.
No. 1734603
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>>1733747I'm 30 and didn't date at all until late 20s. I kept it a secret until I got engaged and eloped at 29. The whole time everyone in my fam was throwing shade at me for not being settled down, but the moment I was they acted like I was selfish for moving away and not being available all the time to fix their computers/drive them around/babysit kids/plan events/bake stuff for gatherings/spend my leftover income on them/taking care of grandma every day/etc.
The suddenly miss the "cool single aunt who was always there to come help"
One of them who had a failed marriage and has bpd, hoarding problem, and substance abuse issues even tried to float the idea of co-signing on a mortgage with her because I was "stuck single anyway". They really think you're a sponge for their problems if you live for yourself.
No. 1734606
>>1734510>>1734495>>1734524I've blocked him everywhere but he is either using friends phones or buying new sim cards to contact me. Same with discord, just remaking accounts and getting his friends to friendbomb me to send messages to me.
At this point he keeps finding ways around it, I'm worried he will start contacting friends or family on facebook if I delete it and I really dont want my husbands family knowing about this creep. He already knows my hubs sisters account.
He hasnt said hes going to kill himself apart from when I dumped him 3 years ago, then he admitted he was lying to get my attention.
From his texts I think messages look like they come through even if someones blocked you so he probably thinks this number is blocked too but hes just texting it incase. I'm hoping he will say something or give an indication hes on his way to me if he decides and at least I'll have a heads up and proof.
No. 1734985
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Hormones are so fucking whack I have a smoking hot boyfriend but whenever my body and hormones decide to finally grace me with some fucking appetite for sex, I lust over the grossest fucking goobers like Shane Gillis, Uncle fucking Lazer, Tyler Grosso, and fucking Astarion can someone please end me
No. 1735107
nonny hope we both get our shit together. i made a little progress after all today myself.
No. 1735590
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Delusional ex friend has been online stalking me since the beginning of the year. Which makes no actual sense because she's the one who cut me off and talked shit behind my back to everyone. Why won't she just leave me alone? What kind of mental illness is this?
No. 1735615
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I hate that america turned halloween away from "dressing up as something scary" to just dressing up. You can dress up in cosplay any other day, this is the only spooky dress up time we get!
No. 1735622
>>1735601A lot of those "beautiful" women are often the ones who put in effort because they're insecure without it. They look good because they wouldn't be caught dead with bad hair or no makeup, their entire confidence is built on it. Despite that the image they give out is typically "high maintenance" and "shallow" so it takes a certain kind of male to want to actually be in a long committed relationship with them. Their curated "beauty" appeals to other women, not men (if women dressed for men they'd just be naked).
And of course women are more willing to choose other factors than looks in their mate, so if a half decent guy is nice to them they'll settle on him.
No. 1735630
>>1735624I'd rather women settle on nice guys than
abusive violent shitheads because they happen to look good
No. 1735631
>>1735630all men are
abusive retards, those ''nice ugly guys'' are deeply misogynistic too. Women need to stop holding men at the insane beauty standars they hold us to.
No. 1735649
I got together with my gf in possible desperation. At the time I was just lonely and really looking for someone to fill a platonic connection gap for me. In my mind, that gap is best filled by a good good good friend who understood me, but I also knew that if someone could achieve that, I would eventually fall. But when it came to meeting her, not only I found what I was looking for in overlapping interests, I found so much more in how we saw life and grew up.
I really didn't think I would ever find someone that I related to that much, to the point that she was someone who was basically like me but slightly different, not to mention being someone with slightly overlapping interests too. I fell hard and I fell quick. I can't tell if it's hard infatuation that will fizzle out soon or what. The worst part is that it's an LDR so what the fuck who cares it's probably all an image in my head. That's what scares me the most. She is just an image in my head. Maybe the real her, the person in real life, is someone I wouldn't like or vice versa. I really want things to work out in the long term between us… The horror stories of LDRs and e-dating scares the fuck out of me always, and I'm only possibly meeting her in months and months from now….
No. 1735654
>>1735643You must be a moid.
Every woman knows if they call a man ugly, it means he's ugly on the inside.
No. 1735674
>>1735654No it doesn't?
>>1735655>>1735666I'm not "lying to women" lol, I'm an anonymous poster on lolcow who has been with both ugly and hot men and they can be as nasty and manipulative as each other. Me and my friends have partners who range from average to ugly to attractive and it has nothing to do with looks but their upbringing and personality.
>All men are trash, so why settle for ugly trash instead of attractive one?Why settle for trash at all and not just be single if you're going to be a terminally online blackpilled doomer? It's not like you could find a good relationship if it smacked you in the face.
No. 1735685
>>1735672nobody cares nonna,everyone is there to do their thing, this is coming from someone who probably embarassed herself a few times , but I brushed it off and continued
do you go to the gym for others or for yourself?
I remember when i started going that ironically the guys who would be labelled as the most arrogant/meatheads turned out to be the most helpful
No. 1735687
>>1735684>I still don't get how male birth control is not a thingas you mentioned, the side effects made it a no go
MEANWHILE I got a little booklet full of side effects and warnings when I was put on b/c
No. 1735701
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My mom would take me to a bunch of her friends parties when I was an older kid, 13-17, and introduced me to her many male friends. About four of them hit on me when i was underage or barely 18, one actively groomed me at 14-15 (nothing physical happened but it was obvious he wanted me wrapped around his finger, and I almost fell for it), and the thing is I had crushes on almost all of them. I thank my lucky stars that that was the worst 'sexual' thing that ever happened to me, but I realise I'm somewhat of a minority, which makes it somewhow worse, because even the mild pedophilia I've experienced already makes me want to hurl.
I feel nauseous when thinking about not only how they wanted to take advantage of me when i was a geeky chubby loner with low self esteem, but also that I was so fucking desperate and horny for any male attention that I kept talkign to them even though I knew they deserved to die a painful death. Not to even mention that my mom knows maybe only a small fraction about this, and that if I didn't feel like I was a little guilty for wanting attention for being pretty, I would tell her. But it would lowkey fuck her up. Imagine you find out that like 4 of your friends wanted to diddle your daughter. I would cry.
I want kids in this world but Idk if they deserve to be fighting against men who want to use them up and chew them out. They deserve so much more than that.
Im gonna go cry and get myself hot cocoa.
No. 1735749
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I miss my ex best friend so fucking much but I just couldn’t put up with the she/they, enby, demi-ace, alt gender shit anymore. She used to be so cool and was a genuinely unique person, very book smart, and participated in the local Shakespeare troupe. Now she has neo pronouns, walks with a cane, and just let herself go in every sense. I sometimes go through her tumblr and see posts of her talking about how lonely she is and how she wants to settle down with someone but I know for a fact that the men and women she chases aren’t into borderline obese women who look and act like a walking Twitter SJW caricature. Her new friend group is just fellow enbys and I don’t understand how they’re all acting like this despite almost pushing 30? I hope that she gets the mental help she desperately needs and is able to move away from this. Breaks my fucking heart.
No. 1735754
Having privacy nightmares right now, nothing has happened yet but I'm bracing myself because I've been dealing with a creepy moid and have really woken up to how much could be found even if I am a cautious person (in my adult years at least). Search engines make it a pain in the ass to remove images of you even if they from sites/pages that are gone. Once you get one down, it'll still remain up on others where there's no way to report it. Archive sites crawl the web and can archive that cringe blog you made as a teen and you won't even know it. You can avoid giving out your phone number and address to apps but other people with you in your contacts won't do the same. You could have your whole family and your addresses listed on an online obituary from when your distant cousin died. Your friends and family might have Facebook accounts that are public or let anyone friend them. Your friends and family might have made a Youtube or Instagram account and posted things publicly, and even if you can convince them to be careful there's nothing you can do it they lost access to it. A stranger could decide to take a photo or video of you in public for whatever reason and have that go viral. Moids could take creepshots of you in public and post you on whatever shady sites they have where anyone could have those saved forever. Your age and if you're attractive don't even matter, sites like Reddit don't care to stop the hundreds of subs dedicated to posting women without their consent, even if one is banned 10 more will pop up. Maybe there was a moid in high school or college you upset somehow, they could just open up a yearbook and find you or anyone you know again. Convincing your loved ones that you aren't crazy or have something to hide is hard, everyone you know is online without a care. If you want social media without having your name or photo attached, you can't add your friends because they all use theirs. Even if you delete accounts or change usernames all your old information is leaked out there somewhere because you or someone you know wasn't aware or careful enough. Every site makes it hard to delete your accounts and your data, and you have to just trust their words that they did if you do request it. Your phone, smart devices and apps all spy on you. Any work or school issued accounts or devices all spy on you. Even if you are using a random bullshit username or anonymous someone could recognize your interests or a typing style you don't realize you have.
I'm not an interesting person and my paranoia has been detrimental to some parts of my life. If I was born 50 years ago I would have been the type of person to live in the woods. I wish I could be normal about it, I look at random strangers in public and envy that they don't care about all this. At least not enough to have full schizo ramblings about it on lolcow. I'm lucky I wasn't born in the generations where your entire life is documented since birth online, and it's only going to get worse.
No. 1735760
>>1735688Ok, go ahead and cape for depraved men who treat women like shit because they know they can I guess. Clearly you don't mind being a side piece or willing doormat to a guy as long as he's hot, while also somehow calling
me a handmaiden lol.
Also, personal hygiene has nothing to do with attractiveness and you know it, otherwise you'd be a walking biohazard I'm sure. Whether he washes his balls or not has nothing to do with his bone structure, but keep coping.
>>1735696Wow, really? Tell me more about these magical attractive moids you've totally seen in real life. Does their breath smell like marshmallows and rainbows? Are they all hot Italian men, every single one? And all of them are just dying to marry you even though you're a mentally ill retard on who has been reading too much shitty Wattpad fanfiction?
Some of y'all need to touch grass.
No. 1735851
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rat shit bat shit pig shit prick!!! bastard bastard bastard bastard bastard bastard bastard cunting weasel son of a bitch!!! guess i should have taken the "so that's it?" at face value then because if you're already looking for dates within a month then i, nor our 5+ years together must have really not meant a single fucking thing!!! bastard bastard bastard bastard bastard i hope whatever poor chick you pulled off tinder isn't traumatised by you crying and going soft halfway through you spineless prick
why the fuck am i always "the best thing that's ever happened" to someone, but simultaneously so completely taken for fucking granted??? i truly don't get it!!!
i don't want to have to be hard and cold to make it out alive, but it feels like i have to be so i don't end up used and abused by selfish, self centred, incompetent and oblivious men who i erroneously assumed knew better!!! i want to be soft and kind and caring and giving!!! i want to be warm!!! i want to love, and be loved in kind!!!
but it turns out that i am just a fool, with legless dreams.
bastard bastard bastard bastard bastard bastard bastard
No. 1735883
You know what, you don't like my tone via writing? I'm going to be even more of a vindictive bitch tomorrow at the team meeting, WITH goddamn receipts why it doesn't matter how my tone is with whomever when I'm in fact right.
We're supposedly the knowledge base of the rest of the company, we share that knowledge and then nothing to correct false information gets done in one godforsaken year? No acknowledgment for the shared information, nothing?
I'm going to show you the receipt if you think I'm bullshitting that this is in fact unacceptable. And we had already told the department responsible that it'll happen as soon as this "improvement"TM happened, since they're a. Understaffed b. Not using the improvement's full capabilities to not have to do the job for others.
And seriously, if nothing happens, then I'll confirm the false information that are not corrected, let the shit hit the fan and then it is what it is. I'm not above a passive aggressive bullshit fight, I can't wait to see the shit flung in other people's directions instead of my department, no fucks given.
No. 1736079
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Told someone that I would never start dating someone as a NEET and got told I was an asshole, eugenics were also brought up for some reason. Me not wanting to date when I feel worthless and should be focusing on getting into a school and a job is somehow selfish? I even said I was talking about myself, but Jesus people are dense, I am so sorry I removed my enticing butt from the dating pool!!
No. 1736169
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>I didn’t answer my 44 year old bf’s call within an hour…
A Reddit post I found. And I realized, it's literally me. This is how I act. And I don't know how to stop or change.
No. 1736369
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I am really tired, right now and all the time, really. And yet I'm in debt of 10 fucking working days, it never ends. I hope things will get better on my new position.
No. 1736566
Called my mom to ask if she could watch my dog for a night, since bf booked something for us to do this weekend and I cannot bring a pet. I never ask my family for favors and this would be the second time I have ever asked my mom to watch my dog.
My mom said how she would have to cut the day after short cause (golden child, manipulative, spoiled) older cousin is having a birthday party that day that she wants to attend.
Of course it got under my skin cause obviously, being the black sheep of the family begging for scraps of help can make my feelings hurt sometimes when even that is shot down. None of them ever give a fuck about making a big day out of my birthday which was two weeks ago but I digress. I accepted it and moved on with the call.
After I hung up the phone, I tried to refocus on driving bf and I through rush hour traffic, which compounded my stress cause of course other drivers were being morons. Bf wanted to go out tonight so I was driving us. Noticed my bf started to neg my driving. Next, he asked leading questions about my cousin and I was going off about how toxic she was until he interrupted me to say I was "giving too much energy into this" and said some turn of phrase that exaggerated that I was madder over the situation than I actually was. He's done this before to me and it's extremely condescending, in a shut up, I don't wanna listen to your feelings, woman type of way. I could maybe understand if I was being hostile and aggro towards him but I was not. Whenever I try to correct him on this he then accuses me of being sensitive or defensive.
It feels like something said out of an attack to control/get me to shut up, and not from a place of concern/real empathy from a loved one. I just kept saying "Ok" but it wasn't good enough for bf cause I was being too dismissive so he dug into me some more. So this turned into a fight where I had to drive us back home, and it was 20 minutes of awkward silence. I feel really gaslit when this happens. Of course, no, he insists I was just that angry and so I need to think about how my emotions make him feel cause don't I know how I stress him?! The things he said to me were so selfish that I couldn't even cry.
I couldn't even look at him, I still feel so disgusted and resentful. I dropped him off at the apartment and then he took off not long after. He's probably gonna go get wasted somewhere.
Why are men always lying about women and their anger?
This man lambasting me about my so-called "anger" cause I have an opinion on my family dynamic is the same man who was sectioned in a hospital a few months ago for a suicide attempt when I broke up with him.
This man acting like I am a threat and insinuating my anger will "escalate" is the same man who knows about my prior ex who actually restrained me, stole my property, put holes in my walls, verbally abused me, and abused my pets.
Oh, but my bad words about my shitty family is the real problematic anger in the word and not the real violence men have put me through so I better just mind my Ps and Qs!
No. 1736592
>>1736580Tbf I didn't know the reason why he was hospitalized initially. He only confessed that part to me a couple weeks ago.
The scary part is this guy painting narrative that I am the one with no handle on my emotions, but that's actually him. He's projecting.
No. 1736771
I was feeling kinda dizzy, then I took a shit, it was very smooth and nice, I feel better now but damn
>>1736716For real, males really didn't like me at all, most thought I was unattractive and gay, instead of y'know, a girl that simply dressed differently
No. 1736816
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I am so sick of opening x and seeing another pedo post like pic related. I see them all the time, this one just now. Are all men pedos? Or is it just the ones on x? Why can’t they just be normal? It makes me doubt the men I know irl, do they secretly think like this as well? I am losing all faith in men because it feels like I see this a ridiculous amount recently, I lament being heterosexual. I know I’m being dramatic but it makes my skin crawl, why do they have to be so gross? Can’t we just castrate them all?
No. 1736838
>>1736832Imo its alright for older women to date college age men only because most women take relationships a lot more seriously where as most men will only date a younger woman for the sake of saying they did it or wants someone with limited dating experience and therefore cannot spot their red flags and dont know whats normal in a relationship.
Even when it comes to "molding" the younger partner, women typically just mold their younger bfs to have a good career, be fit, act like a good person, etc where as men just give young women eating disorders and PTSD
No. 1736850
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>>1736816Think I need to delete this app. I’ve seen enough.
No. 1736859
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>>1736838Older men everywhere should be rounded up and euthanized behind a big fat barn because they're worthless no matter who they date. Normalize telling middle aged and geriactric scrotes that they don't deserve "young love" and that they need to go die alone somewhere. If any male (no matter the age) unironically believes 13-16 year olds have the "right" to basically be molested, they need to be put down like the hogs they are too. I hope the moids are lurking and seeing this because I fucking hate them.
No. 1736954
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I shouldn't let it get to me but this one autism faker influencer fooling people even on lolcow that she is autistic is so frustrating. She's always lied about everything else but the autism larp is true? Yet none of the words match her actions? You're really buying that???
It makes me feel like when you're around TRA who claim troons are real women, when they're so painfully clearly men but you're not allowed to say it because then you're bullying a poor transwoman/autist.
No. 1736956
>>1736942Idk if it helps but the thing about prescription medicine like that is that you get hooked to it instead of your typical drug of choice and than try to quit it since the meds are easier to ditch.
Like I tried to quit smoking and instead started chewing nicotine gums. I got addicted to them instead but it was easier to quit since the gum isn't as nice as smoking a cigarette, so I didn't have that psychological hook.
I know that smoking isn't that addictive as whatever you are doing, but so far things are not too bad since if you try to quit the prescribed meds it would be far easier. Not easy though, but far more possible.
No. 1736964
nonnie, I was on a steady taper but then my doc put me on the same dose for a month straight and now I can't sleep or feel like I want to be alive. I'll see her tomorrow and explain what's going on but I feel so horrible with this new dose.
No. 1736980
>>1736967I met so many fake bisexuals who later admitted to putting on the label for attention, I'm now under the belief that bisexuality is a very rare thing. Well, except for males, but that's because
they'll fuck anything that moves so they're on a different playground for this matter.
No. 1737018
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I've been daydreaming about receiving nice text messages like "oh youre so cute" or "youre my priority right now" or "cant wait to see you again" until I get this sad, fluttery, hollow feeling in my stomach. Im happy to imagine it but I cry because it's just pretend. I want to make friends with affectionate people who are just as generous with compliments as i am. Unfortunately im severely mentally ill and cant maintain relationships. Maybe its more accurate to say i want to be lovebombed but not by someone who plans to abuse me (again just like how i am when i can manage to be around people) (i think this makes me a bad person. One reason among many)
No. 1737074
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Atsushi buck tick vocalist is dead I’m devastated nonas
No. 1737099
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I hate being so bad at articulating myself. I regret never picking up writting when I was younger even though I was an avid reader. Now i am stuck wanting to write a comic/game, and being absolutely shit at it. I wish i could write like Nabokov's, i find his style of writting enchanting, and i have been enamoured with it since i was a tween. Oh well, i guess i gotta hon in my drawing skills to make up for it.
No. 1737136
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>>1737018I'm leaving an email on this post for you to reach out to me if you ever feel like it! You can save it and email me six months from now if that's what you want. I am happy to be there whenever you wanna chat, unconditionally. I know how it feels to be in your shoes and I'm so grateful for the friends I have now.
No. 1737185
>>1737171Anon don't listen to that b I want you to be happy and you will
No. 1737238
>>1737232Is that poster
No. 1737262
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>>1737074Same nona it hurts so much. I loved Buck Tick. He will always have a place in my heart.
No. 1737263
>>1737232>A year ago she whined about rich first world women and said they deserved to be raped.I've never said that but okay. You can twist my truth and what I believe or say whatever you wish because what I actually stand for doesn't matter.
When pakianon was posting about being a muslim and undermining the suffering of everyone that is not from the third world, I fought against her. Simply, I've never stated that and I don't believe that. You're twisting my stance.
>everyone bullies her and is mean to herYea, you're literally twisting what I believe and what I say and when I'm suicidal you're just telling me to kill myself. I've never ignored advice. Just responded with what I'm actually experiencing in my own life.
File: 1698156973488.jpg (20.77 KB, 564x564, Tumblr_l_4477548085396963.jpg)

>>sitting on the bus
>>around 25 y/o moid is in a seat in front of me
>>i can clearly see what he is looking at on his phone
>>he's looking at tiktok, first video is a woman in skimpy clothes doing a cut to her boobs getting bigger, second video is a scene from porn (?) of a couple about to make out
>>i want to shoot myself already
>>a mother and a girl who looks to be about 5 get on the bus, there's no free spots
>>he offers up his seat for the mother and she lets the kid sit
>>kid's playing with a leaf and the moid starts chatting with the mom and playing hide and seek with the kid
No. 1737332
>>1737272fully agree
wait till HR rejects you and gives you a shit reason when everyone knows it's because you're young and pretty and HR lady is a salty bitch, this shit actually happens and it was eye opening
No. 1737496
>>1737488>30 is old hurrr durrrGo back to tiktok kek.
>>1737455Congrats on your weight loss nonna, I’m sorry you’re having negative feelings and depression though. I know sometimes when people lose a lot of weight they experience some skin sag facially and if you feel really self conscious there’s a world of options out there to make you more confident. Roc makes really effective anti aging and replumping type products, and there’s nothing wrong with getting some fillers if you want them. Wishing you luck and that you will be able to find your happiness again.
No. 1737596
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>>1737555why didn't you guys tell me there were hot moids at these festivals?
No. 1737615
>>1737588They bitch about the prices of the handmade stuff so now a lot of stuff is replaced with aliexpress shit and they can’t leave their weebshit and joker fetish at the comic con
>>1737596You’ll be lucky if you see a guy anywhere near that cute anymore. It’s all greasy Reddit capefags and tiktok weebs now
No. 1737640
>>1737488maybe so, but i was speaking about my face in comparison to other 30 year olds. sorry about your reading comprehension,
>>1737496thank you, anon. i appreciate it ♥ you understand what i'm talking about, that kind of facial gauntness that comes with weight loss. it's the
nasolabial folds that really get me. unfortunately i am gigabroke because i'm a student, so cosmetic fixes are not available to me right now or even in a few years. i guess self-acceptance is free, but that feels a long way off, too. i swear as the world gets bigger, the beauty standard just seems to skyrocket while i get continuously uglier kek
No. 1737710
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>>1737074Oh I know right. that was the first thing I woke up to was my bf telling me. RIP Gorgeous, they literally don’t make ‘em like this anymore I’m so sad, I wanted to take a picture with him, if that sounds weird and unlikely I just wanted to touch him and put my head on his shoulder or hug him.
No. 1737870
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>>1737222Okay, seethey teeth lemon squeezey.
No. 1737894
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REEEEEEEEEEEE I HATE WHEN MY DAD IS UNEMPLOYED BECAUSE HE IS ANNOYING AS FUCK TO BE AROUND he literally gets SO bored and starts doing random shit around the house and he isn't even pleasant to talk to because for some reason every time he's talking he has to be the center of the conversation and always has to be doing something better than you. This dude got jealous of me for starting college and got jealous of me for working in the medical field and won't shy away from bringing up how much he gets paid all the time. Like dude you are like 50 years old and I'm your daughter not your competition. I don't love this man but holy fuck stfu dude.
No. 1738026
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nonnas, all this talk about poor acchan makes me think of him. different circumstances, i know, but i hope he's resting well. he made such a big impact on my life and it hurts he will never know that.
No. 1738213
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>>1737315Picrel maybe. Saw it today from a YouTube videographer I like. He’s a boomer and I thought he was hashtag notliketheotherones. But that’s what love is to him? That’s the extent of the care for his wife? No wonder most men leave if their wives ever develop cancer. There were a bunch of guys agreeing in the comments (blowjobs are key to a man’s heart hurr durr) before he got ratio’d kek
No. 1738229
>>1738213wtf is he even trying to say? was he having a stroke while typing this? lmao it reads like a shitpost especially with the signing off at the end
>>1738216From your mouth to god's ears.
>>1738209You really said it well. We're lucky to have enjoyed this era tbh. The older I get, the more I appreciate it and pity the youngins who missed out, but of course it's bittersweet for the reasons you point out.
No. 1738294
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>>1737074I honestly can't believe it. I need to be held nonas
No. 1738349
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Every fucking day I wish was an only child. That would've solved and prevent 90% of the problems in this family. Fuck people who have 5+ kids.
No. 1738377
>>1738372It was hyperbole, anon, I didn’t actually take like 30, it’s not the usual thing I do in the evening I just tried some makeup on and thought to photograph it.
>>1738373I used to wear it every day but I’ve slowly been wearing less and yeah I do not like make up or I’m just not too good at it. Thank god I wear glasses is all I’ll say
No. 1738493
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I know it might be my PMS too, but I just started crying like a dumb fuck just now at work.
My past regrets are hitting like a truck this time, bet this period will be painful too kek. I just scrolled some social media and I just looked at people I knew from high school who finally achieved their dreams (even in this shithole of a country too) and it hit me, I'm trying to not have a thought of offing myself. I live somewhere that if you don't start investing in your future career at 13-15, you're essentialy done for (and get stuck in shitty 9-5's), especially in everything regarding art, for which I would die for. Here, hobbies are considered only for kids up to 16, after that you need to do real jobs. Art is something that is paid badly here usually, the dream in my family and most people of my country at the time was a 9-5 desk job and I'm so disappointed.
I regret not going to that modelling course when I was scouted at 13 because my bullies were going there too and I thought m'y situation will get worse than it already is. I regret not accepting to go to athletism contests in middle school because of the same reason as the previous one. I regret not going to that acting course in high school because I was too ashamed to ask my parents for 100€ since it was a lot of money at that time in my country's currency and nor was anyone employing a 15 year old, although my parents insisted to go even if it was that much. I regret stopping painting enthusiastically the moment I had my first suicide attempt at 13 and stopping drawing altogether at 16. I regret giving up on voice acting because I thought my recordings were cringe and had shitty equipment.
In other words, I died spiritually the moment I turned 13.
I had so many opportunities for a better and interesting life and I just pushed them away like the dumb slop that I am for thinking I'm not good enough anyway.
Now, I have a few things that I am grateful for, but I feel like I have achieved so much less in life than other people my age:
>my last ever suicide attempt was before the age of 20
>I finally have a good relationship with my parents, which I thought in the past that it will never happen
>the bullying finally stopped (it was half of my entire school life)
>I have friends who aren't backstabbers
>I finished highschool even though I had a few professors in middle school telling me that I can drop out after 10th grade since they deemed me as stupid
>although it has shit working hours and salary, I have a job where I'm gaining work experience from
>most importantly, I'm alive and well
Now I'm not THAT old I guess, I'm 24, but I feel like I missed the ship already since no one from the entertainment industry will look at you at that age if you didn't start in your teens (at least here). Idk, fam, I just want a different life, I don't see myself doing 9-5 for the rest of my life since I already know that my generation will never retire.
No. 1738560
>>1738550a bit
sus, but imo not fully unreasonably since you saw he didn't reply. he 100% should have told you tho, and he should have deleted her, both for her and your sake. leading her on AND lying to you at the same time isn't the great solution he thinks it is
No. 1738569
>>1738556>>1738560He did reply just not to the last 10 messages of her talking about the whole eye contact thing and how intimate it was.
Sucks because when I first met him he made me look him in the eyes because I was shy,knowing it wasn't just a him and me thing sucks.
The chick is pretty nuts and honestly probably needs to be in some care home where someone can watch her and make all her decisions for her. There's more reasons why I'm threatened by her but hopefully she stays in the past. It's the lying that got to me the most, I had never lied to him and that was one of the few times I've caught him in lies (nothing bad bad just shit that would save my feelings). Not knowing the full convo really bothers me, trying my best to just let it go.
I assume the very last message he sent her of "?" Was because she maybe tried to add him back in march 2022? But she never replied.
No. 1738577
>>1738550Lol anon you are so naive to fall for the most common male excuse when they get caught.
He doesn't give a fuck about her mental, what he really cares about is having a "back-up" or a woman in his rotation.
No. 1738579
>>1738571wrong thread anon
I just wish my crush would talk to me today
No. 1738582
>>1738573I don't think he's deleted messages, he's never done it any other time.
The chick is diagnosed bpd along with other stuff. He said when they would hang out she would argue about random stuff, like proper off with the fairies nonsense and he realised mid conversion that he didn't actually know what she was arguing. She just made senseless and dangerous decisions but like unknowingly? She had some sort of argument on how he took his shoes off and stormed out at 2am expecting him to follow her (we live in crack Central), he assumed she went home and walked around until she found a group of men drinking on a balcony, climbed the building and got hammered with them, called him drunk and crying and he and he had to walk around the streets trying to find where tf she went because she didnt know where she was.
Idk if it's mania or just being stupid but holy moly woman what are you doing she's so lucky none of those dudes did something to her.
No. 1738592
>>1738589He felt bad for her and thought he could help her sort her shit out. They dated for a week until he couldn't stand the fighting and just went to texting not meeting up.
His ex before that had mental issues too and he tried to help her as well and she cheated on him.
I've told him before it seems like he goes for people he thinks he can fix. He's said he doesn't.
My issue is I have horrific body image issues, he said I'm the only person he's dated who hasn't self harmed which is just awful poor girls
No. 1738600
>>1738550Worst case scenario: This is emotional cheating and he does have some kind of romantic feelings for her that he may or may not act on should the opportunity present itself. Instead of taking accountability for the circumstance he created, he blames the other woman out of panic and concocts a story about how she is so obsessed and mental cause he knows he made no real moves to cut her off and lied to your face.
What are you gonna do about it?
If there's an exception for why he broke a rule that you agreed to follow, couldn't he technically find other "exceptions" to mutual agreements in the future?
You should trust your gut. You weren't snooping due to being a hysterical woman in an "emotional state," you know that deep down you've sensed something off about him for awhile and you needed closure on the how/why your body was reacting to this relationship situation even if your conscious mind did not know a reason. My point is, if he isn't playing fair then neither should you.
And btw, men get like this whenever they invite you to their living spaces. He's powerplaying.
No. 1738612
>>1738598We're married lol we aren't breaking up. The info I got from him I basically had to pry because he doesn't like talking bad about his exs
>>1738597The fling presented normal until he dated her that week and it was like a switch flipped and his ex hebdidnt know was self harming until they lived together and found her, the guy she cheated on him with was some nasty asshole who used her issues against her, I really don't believe he is the bad guy in this. I truly think he tried to help them. I think since he's pretty online it's just the sort of crowd you end up in, and people tend to hide their crazy until you really like them and at that point you like them enough to want to stay and help.
>>1738600From the convo I read I believe what he says. As I said above getting that much info out of him was hard because he doesn't like to talk negative about them.
Although I agree keeping her around was doing more harm than good, he took her word for it when she said it wouldn't be a problem once he cut her off.
No. 1738614
>>1738600Also my emotional state was a mix between being depressed having moved and quit my job and a super low point about how I look physically. It wasn't anything to do with him truly, he really is a great partner.
He makes me feel so loved and beautiful it's just my dumb brain that hates how I look.
No. 1738615
>>1738612>he took her word for it He's not a lost lamb that was deceived by a conniving woman, he's a man who did not keep his word and YOU took him for it.
He's not a bad guy, okay.
You don't believe he will cheat-cheat, sure.
He still lied to you and is now triangulating himself as the good Samaritan. Like if this isn't the most narcissistic shit…
No. 1738619
>>1738615I get what you're meaning but I don't think he's narcissistic honestly.
But yeah I feel like it's on the line of emotional cheating purely because he told me he wasn't in contact and lied to me about it. I can't say for sure because I didn't read the whole convo which is again very annoying. I've told him if he lies to me like that again I'm not sticking around for a third time. I understand his reasoning and it was probably fairly sound because I would have been seething with jealousy but I'd still rather have known than not know and catch the lie/be lied to. If he explained it I would have taken it way better I believe, I wouldn't have been happy and would have wanted to see the convo as it was happening but I'd have understood he had to taper it off.
Also I don't really blame him for taking her word for it, if you can't believe what people say how are you meant to navigate anything
No. 1738622
>>1738617The way I read it is that she saw a message from him to the other woman during the same month she moved in (March 2022), then when she snooped more the rest of the messages were exchanged in 2021. She waited a few months from March 2022 to confront him with what she found.
She was probably trying to talk herself down from being "crazy" (even though her snooping did turn up evidence that he lied), because the common narrative in relationships is that snooping is never okay cause it hurts ~trust~ even though all that does is protect people with bad intentions and harm people who are being honest.
No. 1738626
>>1738503In nature with animals it’s the males who have to impress the females, they do dances or fight other males to even get a chance at female attention, and with humans it’s like reversed, we have fat autistic men who wear Zelda shirts spend 6 hours a day gaming say all they want is a thicc kinky innocent neotenous faced tiny waisted skinny anime eyes big gravity defying titties girl to love them and be their tradwife but most girls are gold digging shallow cheating whores they know cause they saw a porn of a cheating stepmom gangbang, and they follow girls like imskirrbyy on instagram
meanwhile girls (even pretty ones sadly) online will say men are just so
valid and deserve body positivity too “I don’t mind small dicks the big ones hurt, uwu dadbods, I love older men hehe I’m so lanapilled” and post the most mid men ever with heart eyes
like jerma and Pedro pascal I wish we could all get pickier as a whole. They already barely give a shit about their appearance and now we have pretty young girls say old fatties are so hawwttt dilfs
No. 1738634
>>1738626>we have fat autistic men who wear Zelda shirts spend 6 hours a day gaming>men are just so valid and deserve body positivity too “I don’t mind small dicks the big ones hurt, uwu dadbods, I love older men hehe I’m so lanapilled"Men stuck together with the systematic power they had.
Instead of asking the fat, malding uggos to better themselves, men turned to us women and said "do better."
Men rigged a pretty sweet game for themselves.
For the record, I have NEVER seen a fat, ugly, underdressing autismo woman score above her league or be told she's good for just who she is. Nor do I ever see society advocate for fat women to bag beautiful men who perform it all for them. Never, ever, ever.
No. 1738640
>>1738627Not to play devil's advocate, I just think snooping is more of an action to take due to a cause–in OP's case, she knew her man was acting weird and not being transparent.
I dated
abusive dudes who wanted unfettered access to my phone cause they were constantly in paranoia of being cheated on because they knew any woman with sense would have left their asses. It can go both ways.
No. 1738717
I realized that my emotional unavailability and my lack of self steem is messing with my ability to connect with others.
When I was younger, early teens, I didn’t have any close friends due to avoiding opening up with them. I realized how this was a problem and decided to work on it. During the start of HS I was really flourishing my social side, finally connecting with other people, but, after the pandemic started, my progress went to zero. The lack of social activities made start to avoid social interactions. I don’t keep up with my friends, I don’t plan meetups, most acquaintances don’t know how I’m doing, and all this started to feel like a draining duty.
Also, I realized that I avoid conversations and catching up with people because of insecurity. Due to some problems, I had to postergate entering in college, what here problably isn’t as badly seen as in America but I still feel awful. When talking to people, at some point I have to mention that I’m not in work or formal education, what makes me feel like I don’t have nothing to give. I try to remind myself that I’m not a complete neet and that currently
I’m working on getting in a pretty difficult course, but still feels like nothing. Also I started to feel embarrassed for my hobbies and interests as they seen like a reminder that I’m giving attention to “useless” things instead.
I’ve tried to calm myself keeping in mind that all this could end once I get in college next year, but now I realized that the problem is also in me, my mindset and my habits. If anyone went through something similar to this, what did you do that helped?
No. 1738724
>>1738193ayrt and eh, it's not the same thing.
I feel like I need a person to hug me but the moment I feel their warmth my heart starts racing and I feel very uncomfortable and I wanna get throught that but I don't know how…I'm tired of this feeling and I don't want to avoid it, I want it gone
No. 1738795
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My bf hid my weed, if the fucker flushed it down the toilet I'm going feral
No. 1738885
>>1729424Idk, even just by reading this thing you wrote I feel that somehow YOU are the
abusive bitch.
(bait) No. 1738886
>>1738882It's a hard process anon. Because he was already destroying her mentally before they got married and before they even dated. It's a slow rotting process. You have to make her snap out of the love stage or wait for her to wake up.
Sadly that usually doesn't happen until she loses something very important to her or her life is in danger.
What does help is letting her hang out with men of better value or casually talk about better guys and what they do for you.
Also uttering the phrase "Any idiot can make a baby, it takes a man to be a father"
No. 1738889
>>1738882Is there a way you could record him yelling at her to play back to her once you two are alone to make her realize how insane he sounds? Especially him getting angry at their baby, it sounds like a classic case of baby trapping a woman then turning
abusive. I'm sorry your sister is in too deep with this guy to see it.
shit like this keeps me awake at night, i'd be so upset if this happened to my sister so i really empathize with your situation nonnie No. 1738923
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I know my long term bf isn't serious about me and I'm too gutless to end it because then I'll be completely alone. I hate that I can't take my own advice. I hate that no one finds me attractive. I don't think I'm ugly but I know I'm not considered attractive. I feel like I'm in limbo in every aspect of my life, my company isn't doing well, I have a difficult relationship with my family, and nothing with my partner. Yet at the same time the idea of true emotional intimacy makes me want to vom because its never reciprocated. Everyone always leaves. I just want to curl up and cry forever
No. 1738942
>>1738888I'm a girl chill lol
Just force of habbit
No. 1738960
>>1738923Being alone is only as bad as you make it.
As far as unattractive, body > everything else esp as you get older. Book a personal trainer and maybe drop the scrote who's not doing much for you
Also recommend finding female traveller groups online and if you have the funds, taking a fun trip.
No. 1739000
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Fucking cow roommate finally shows her true colours. I ask her nicely not to have the full bright blue lights on at night because I suffer chronic migraines, and not to smoke incense because I have asthma, and that’s it. She comes to me today all teary eyed about how she feels intimidated and ‘restricted’ when I’ve been nothing but cordial about it, even letting her do both every now and again. God forbid a black women ask politely for the world’s minutest health concessions before the asian girl starts victimising herself and feeling ‘threatened’ by the big scary nigger girl. I hate self victimising women so much, you’re not shy and delicate, you’re a vicious little cunt who’s using her privilege to play the victim when you know that the accommodation service will take your side because ‘Hurr durr poor widdle delicate asian girl!!!!’ Mind you, I’ve been bending over backwards for HER needs: sleep schedule, cleaning, emptying the bins, airing the room, etc. and not once have I complained about a thing. She can kindly fuck right off with that pile of utter horsecrap.
No. 1739022
As a fellow black
nonnie you have to fight fire with fire. Stop being nice and putting your grievances to the side in order to be accommodating to others because 9/10 NO ONE is accommodating to us. My advice is to always beat them at their own game. If you are rooming with nonblack people be the most delicate in the room. Make your voice higher than theirs, cry first. And always complain to your advisors with tears in your eyes. Also don’t be afraid to use the black card. Too many people like to be like “oh black ppl always playing the
victim” when the reality is usually everyone else gets to be the
victim when it’s us vs them except us! If they can use their weak frail Asian/white/latina etc woman card than you can use your black card. And say that her saying she feels threatened and restricted by you and crying is a micro aggression. Because what is she crying for? Is she assuming you’re gonna beat her up!? In my 29 years as a black woman I’ve learned to be the weakest,ditsiest and frailest woman in the room. Even though I’m fully capable the moment society peeps it they use it against you. Don’t ever be accommodating to these people! do what they do but do it better is my motto. Good luck and practice perfecting your fake crying cuz every other girl is doing it.
>>1739000 No. 1739062
nonnie. I could understand if I’d eaten a lot of food/
trigger foods but all I’ve eaten is a couple of eggs and some muesli. Do you think an appointment will help? They said in the past they can’t do anything about it.
No. 1739095
>>1739062Eggs fuck me up at times tbh, Muesli is cereal no? i suppose it has some fiber, fiber can make you gassy if you eat it alone with no liquid. I suggested an appointment so you could get some meds to ease the bloating
>>1739080You aren't overreacting fuck everyone who makes you think otherwise! Please stop reading stuff that hurts you anon, don't do this to yourself, don't let that tone deaf manhwa mess with your feelings and memories
No. 1739102
>>1739080You're not the disgusting and worthless one, the manwha author is. Men who make shit like that are actively misogynistic and want to torment women. Rapists and rape apologists are subhuman. You didn't deserve to be assaulted, but you do deserve a chance at recovery.
That being said, I would strongly advise you stop reading material that can retraumatize you. Maybe even consider not reading manga/manwha anymore, since the mediums are a minefield of misogynistic violence and degeneracy.
No. 1739106
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A male student from the school I work at threatened to shoot me while I was walking down the street i live on and I'm just livid
Any lawyer/police/teacher anons here, help me
I am in a union but I am only 7 weeks into this job
I have been assaulted twice by 2 other male students, worked at many schools and never had this happen
I was very popular at the last school I subbed at and the kids begged me to stay and teach them, I do not think I am causing the problem
I am PISSED at the school. I did not study at Yale to be treated like this
No. 1739107
>>1739091>>1739095>>1739101>>1739102thank you nonas… the strange thing is that it was written by a woman; the female lead of the main story (not the
victim i’ve mentioned) is supposedly a rapist herself, even though this was a side story she doesn’t appear in i’ve seen some comments about the character. ig it’s bad enough seeing that anti-
victim garbage coming from men but seeing such an attitude from another woman made it feel even worse somehow. it made me feel even more worthless, the thought that even other women wouldn’t sympathize with me. it’s just one woman, i know that, but it still messed me up…
No. 1739115
>>1739107My first assumption is the author is a troon. It could theoretically be a self-hating woman with porn-rot brain, or one of the very few women who is genuinely a violently misogynistic sociopath in the way usually only men are, but another "female" mangaka was
just revealed to be a TIM in the MTF thread earlier today, so who really knows? Either way, that person and their trash is not worth your time or consideration.
No. 1739132
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My fucking stalker ex was in a fucking discord I was in since he last had his sperg out and left 3 voice mails.
He posted confession assuming no one could see the account who wrote it.
It's literally never fucking ending I'll have to delete my account and hope he can't find my new one.
It fucking sucks because I've had this account for 6 years, alot of chats on it I don't want to get rid of but my ex won't fuckjng leave me alone
Sorry extremely frustrated at the moment I just want to be left alone it's been 3 years fuck off cunt
No. 1739206
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I-i cannot log in my account, I want to kms
No. 1739238
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>i don't care! i don't give a fuck! it's not my problem
>god im so anxious and worried i literally can't think about anything else
this is mental anguish, someone please hit me in the head with a brick expeditiously
No. 1739254
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i am falling in love with my best friend nooooooooo i was able to ignore incubus seduction's for 22 years why now
No. 1739276
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I was trying to make doll hair, so I bought a couple of yarn balls and did the thing of brushing it with a pet brush, but it only ruined the yarn and not even ironing could save it. I'm in despair nonnas, I really want to make plushies with this fluffy hair.
No. 1739289
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>>1739282>How does yours look?It looks like a frizzy colored cloud like pic related, it used to be normal yarn when I bought it, so I'm not sure what happened.
>Did you maybe try tying it to something to keep it stable and neat while brushing?I had a hard carton as a base, maybe I can try it on something harder, actually.
>Using a different brand or fiber or yarn could also possibly yield better resultsYes, tho I'm still a little sad for the now badly brushed yarn balls, kek
No. 1739292
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>>1739289Oh I see, maybe try tying the yarn around something like this. Like a clothing hanger or something. There will be a spot that's unbrushed, but it should brush out straight and you could probably just go over the unbrushed part.
No. 1739294
>>1739291It seems to be, yes.
>>1739292Sounds pretty good, I can try it. Thank you for the advice nonna ♥
No. 1739325
Feel like such a retard for venting and saying so many embarrassing things to a friend who it turns out has a good memory. I laugh when he brings up really old inside jokes but then cringe in the back of my mind remembering he’s seen me at my worse idk how he hasn’t starting hating me yet.
>>1739310i think zoomies find the avatars hot
nonnie but that might attract other problems, you shouldn’t care though be what you want
>>1739315A restaurant and a fucking bowling alley… death would be too kind for him.
No. 1739335
>>1739320>>1739323OK,excuse me for sounding so dramatic! I haven't had any sleep whatsoever, my mind is racing all over the place. Not sure why but I've been going through some decisions on a whim. I'm planning to quit my job soon, a few thoughts later and I'm really doubting my identity. Nothing's really stoping me tbh.
Literally since birth I was mistaken a lot for a boy, always being told that I "act like a boy". I used to find it way easier to make friends with males, I preferred male-dominated hobbies and I didn't care too much for makeup. And I'm not saying that to be female means to act like a stereotype. I wouldn't expect someone to call me he/him pronouns or whatever, I'd just feel way more comfortable if I went to looking more boyish again. These couple of months I've been presenting more femininely, I've gotten attention for it and I hate it. I hate being called pretty. It makes me sad to think a man will never consider me his equal.
Also what really hurts is that I have an older brother and he is much much more successful than I will ever be. He's popular, good at his job, tall, all the things I am not. I think of how much better my life would be if I was born the first born male child.
No. 1739363
>>1739342>Trooning yourself is a betrayal to other women who disregard the traditional feminine idealsHm it's weird bc I agree with you completely but I feel this is something I need to do. Even if it's just a few months of changing things up a bit.
>>1739347One of those "anon said something I don't like/approve of so they must be male" moments. Also 5'7?? Don't flatter me.
>>1739353Yeah that's a very fair point I guess but that doesn't come naturally for me. Maybe I'm overthinking it too much.
No. 1739469
Found an enormous amount of accounts on instagram all with hundreds, if not thousands of followers, that advertise selling CP. Extremely blatantly. Broken english but advertising NSFW 0-9 "and teens". I felt so sick to my stomach. Some even advertised animals with the children."$30 for 1 Terabyte". I reported them all that were advertising. It must have been at least 50 accounts.
When I come back 2 days later, I have a notification for every single one about what happened with my review. They're all still up, all still advertising selling CP. IG told me "the accounts weren't found to be breaking the rules and will remain active". I know it was probably some sort of automated system but what the actual fuck? Their stories were littered with INFOGRAPHICS on the type of CP they were advertising…. Using emoji's of babys and shit like its a fun little infographic. "mom-son, -daughter-father, babies, rap, animal, teen, girl, boy, boy-boy" ect the list goes on. It's so fucking disgusting. And using regular stock images of children as their ig photos. I cannot believe my reports did NOTHING.
No. 1739470
>>1739335Nona making yourself "less stereotypically female" isn't going to make you "more male".
Why do you hate being called pretty? That's not a bad thing to be unless you look down on pretty women. You say you don't think females are a stereotype, but you think not dressing like one makes you more of a boy. Why do you think you have to troon out just to wear "boyish" clothes anyway? You seem to think a man won't see you as equal if he thinks you're pretty. But equal what? Looks? Strength? Intelligence? Value as a person? Do you think men only see value in their own identical twins?
"Presenting more feminine" is a trans ideology term to begin with. I don't wear a skirt to "present feminine", I wear it because it's hot outside and it's airy and comfy. I don't wear a hoodie to "present masculine" I wear it to warm me up on a chilly day. You have this idea that just to wear clothes you have to tie it to your internal identity - that's messed up nona!
What if you were a boy and your brother was still more successful than you? Who are you gonna blame then? Jealously is poison to your mind. You're now a self-fulfilling prophecy, you'll never succeed because you've decided things are out of your control and that only males can succeed so you won't even try. The only transitioning you need is to get out of your perpetual
victim mindset. I wish you the best nona.
No. 1739496
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I know this will sound bad but I can't look at women doing any sexual stuff and I feel disgusted by myself when I'm a horny mood. And I know the backstory might sound stupid but…. a few years ago my then-friend got very drunk one night and she sent me pictures of her masturbating and I think it traumatized me. Yes, she apologized but our friendship was never the same after that and I decided to distance myself from her because it was affecting my mental health. She was hypersexual and it made me almost revert into a prude instead. I didn't want to look at her naked body or hear her dumb stories about fucking men. Now I can't touch myself because all I can think is that I'm gonna be like her and when I remember her naked body I feel extremely nauseous. I don't talk to her anymore but the memory is still ingrained in my mind and the only sexual stuff I can watch or fantasize about focuses solely on men. So basically I don't have any fantasies about men fucking me or other women, just men fucking men or men jerking off alone. And frankly, even that is rare because majority of time if I feel a bit tingly I just pretend nothing is happening and I let it go. Because as soon as a woman is involved, I get disgusted because it reminds me of my friend. I don't want to feel like that because I don't hate the female body, or female genitals, it's just that it makes me extremely uncomfortable now. Please I just want to get rid of that memory forever…
No. 1739607
>>1739581If you were dating someone your own goddamn age instead of a pervert you wouldn't feel most of what you're feeling because you'd actually be with someone on your level and you could actually grow together and support each other through a tough stage in your lives. Can you please grow a brain and understand that the age gap is a
massive issue and he is not a good person at all because he is old enough to fuckin know better??
No. 1739615
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>>1739614Please don't? Pretty please?
No. 1739623
>>1739618Anon, let’s both stick it out together. Won’t pretend to know how you feel but I’m in a very weird, terrifying time of my life right now and have those thoughts on the daily but we can both do better than this.
Just take it one moment at a time, I’m rooting for you. Here’s to both our futures, we deserve them.
No. 1739695
>>1739672NTA but a lot of 4chan memes and references leaked to the rest of the internet so you've probably seen them. there are a lot on this very website.
>>1739684I kinda know what she means but I think she's wrong, the 90s wasn't much different from today –and why would you pick the starting point of everything going to shit? at least go back to the 70s/80s and give yourself a couple nice decades. just saying