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No. 1707649
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vent to this
No. 1707663
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I've been looking for a fucking job for over a year. I'm disabled, i live in a shitty part of town, and every receptionist/clerical position I've applied for has ghosted me. I'm getting so fucking desperate waiting for disability and food stamps and the government is a piece of piss. People probably think im lazy, that I'm not trying hard enough. People think it's easy as pie to get an online job– EVERYONE is looking for a remote job and the competition is absurd. People are working on skeleton crews, companies are firing people that are too expensive. Also my roomate is going to kick me out in a few months. I literally. Can't. Walk. Killing myself soon probably.
No. 1707791
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I feel like such a fucking loser being so goddamn broke and having to do shady poor person stuff but sometimes I am pretty proud of my desperation ingenuity. I've been making myself sick with stress trying to find a new job (my current one doesn't pay enough to live, I'm racking up debt just paying bills on credit cards even while working full time) and I don't have any health insurance AND chronic health conditions that flare up with stress. l o fucking l. I somehow got a YEAST INFECTION and I'm not even having sex because I'm too fucking sad and stressed for hookups so I have no idea how it happened. It was so bad that last night I was waking up with burning and pain. The closest "pharmacy" to me is a 30 minute walk to Walgreens because I am again poor as fuck and have to walk everywhere/no car and there was no way. So I rolled myself into a hot bath, soaked like a potato for like an hour in hot water, and then went through my cleaning supplies and found some pure boric acid that I bought a while ago for pest control (I live in a shithole infested slumlord-owned building because again, poor and bad credit hell yeah). A lot of yeast infection OTC suppositories are just boric acid so I felt like I was on to something but I didn't have any empty capsules lying around to make them…who does..? SO I grabbed a glass dildo, cleaned it as thorough as I could, and dipped it in boric acid like vaginal Fun Dip and stuck that up there. It's been about two hours and the itching/pain has pretty much completely stopped. I don't trust it and I'm still going to get regular Monistat when I get paid in a few days (cause I'm broooooooke bank account empty) but at least now I don't have to take off work and lose a days wages since I have no PTO.
Ugh. Anyway. It's kinda bullshit how hard life is sometimes and how much effort I feel like I put into just getting through normal day to day stuff and its like..I don't even want my life rn. I'm not having fun. I'm busting my ass to survive fcr what?? Shoving pesticide in my coochie at 3am. Oh well. One day at a time.
No. 1707877
I hate my bf's sisters so much. When we first met I always tried to get him to be nicer to them, I was nice to them, always tried to get him to treat them better. He never complained about anything specific, just said he didn't like their personality. Then they started being mean to him in front of me, then started being mean to me. I had been so nice to them, it was shocking. Their mom is a bpd-chan who made them all hate each other and their dad had no emotional involvement. Their sibling relationship is awful, his sisters piss me off so much. They both hate their mom but they ended up being exactly like her, lying manipulative self-centered bpd-chans. The youngest one is socially weird as well, it's as if she had some sort of undiagnosed autism or Aspergers. Just hearing her voice pisses me off because every time she opens her mouth she says some stupid shit nobody cares about, so it's very awkward, and I have to painfully see how everybody ignores her out of place comments.
No. 1707943
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when do i get to live my life? i'm 24 and i've more or less just been bearing it all this time.
No. 1707984
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I don't know why I have been feeling so dysphoric about my breats? sometimes I hate that they get into my way of doing things(sleeping and working) and sometimes I wish they were bigger??(I have a d cup and that's uncomfortable for me as is with the backpain) I went to my gyno and she said it may be related with my period cycle changing? So i shouldn't worry and itll be ok And its only hormonal imbalance? I'm taking meds but it still doesn't feel like enough..I don't know why I'm feeling like this I never felt too conscious about my body before?
No. 1708004
>>1707943In mine and all my peers experience, your 20s are all about the grind. You have to do so much endless bullshit to secure yourself in a life you want. Examples include unpaid internships, menial wages, bachelor's/master's/PhDs, networking with people who disgust you. Unless you were born with connections or money, you're basically going to suffer. But then, by your late twenties and definitely by your early thirties, everything falls into place. You're in the career you want, you're making good money, you've gotten into secured housing, it all comes together.
So keep going. It gets so good afterwards. Though word to the wise: Networking is going to be the most important thing you can ever do to securing yourself a good life. Sometimes you'll have to spend money to make money, such as paying for a business opportunity's drinks or buying a boss a small treat. However, it is usually best to deny yourself everything and save every single penny during these early years. I didn't eat out or buy myself a single treat for six years, and by the time I was 28 I was able to afford a down payment on a house in a small town. Drinking and eating out adds up quickly and it's a money pit.
No. 1708019
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>>1708014Samefag but after that I kinda feel like I might prefer a first date to be coffee because it felt like I got trapped there with him. I should have just left when I immediately saw him walking up in that slow, stifled style of a man who just got railed in the ass and THESE SHOES.
No. 1708039
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>>1707635im so envious of girls who dont have to work or go to school. they have people who love and support them and they just get to life their life and have their hobbies. i try not to dwell on this but sometimes it hurts to not feel good enough to get to do the things i adore. but i know people have it worse, too. i see them getting to spend so much time on their music and craft, but i have to bust my ass to help support my mother and i and i have to finish college because i cannot afford to make minimum wage forever. maybe i can get some accommodations or take less classes per semester. maybe im giving into self-loathing.
university is not forever and neither is this job. i can just try to work hard in my free time on the things i love and wish the best to girls who are better off than i am and those who are not.
No. 1708052
>>1708044thank you
nonnie. i do get some financial assistance from university but not nearly enough to be without a job. i will just try to be positive because envy and negativity has made me worse off, even in more desirable circumstances. i am very lucky in other ways i just hope ill on day have a nicer job and more time for what i love. have a sweet day.
No. 1708099
>>1708039>>1708044Not fully a NEET but I can tell you it's really not that fun. I feel like the past 10 years have been the same, I have no friends to meet up with, and I'm watching relatives go on to properly start their adult lives while I'm in my late 20's having absolutely nothing going for me.
I can't even do my hobbies because the situation depresses me so much all I do is wake up, browse the internet, and sleep.
No. 1708146
I’m sad because a really nice girl friend of mine is having her anime art server taken over by her filthy moid.
She’s super sweet, we met through anime fanfic and she’s a huge art inspiration for me. Her server is super cute, mostly anime art and headcanons about husbandos and waifus. Her one mod is cool too. But I hate her moid.
For one, he’s very ugly. Looks like plaguedmoths retarded fat twin. Second, he hates me because I mentioned disliking dogs. And no, I’m not an angry dog hater who posts about wanting them all dead, I just don’t like being near them. He’s also a retard who thinks that dying dogs is abuse, when it is literally just colored shampoo at most that washes off in a week. Third, he thinks every vent I make about creepy people is an attack on men as a whole. I literally can’t talk about being harassed without this fuck going “but not all men” I know it’s not all men, retard, that’s why I said it’s not all men in the fucking vent.
This dude has so much aggression and hatred towards me it’s insane. Sometimes I’ll post in the wrong chat, or maybe post over someone else, and this fucking yakubian ape goes into my messages and spergs about how he’s always hated me and I’m a terrible person to have here, I’m annoying, I get on his nerves, dude sent me 4 fucking paragraphs about how much I suck, but the message was “please post in proper chats”
I tried to be nice for girl friends sake, but I make one mistake that literally nobody else cares about, he sends another 5 paragraphs talking about how I’m a terrible person, and even insinuating that I don’t like my close friend because he’s a cis guy. I love this friend, I would die for him, so I got pissed and told him not to insult me when telling me to fix something. This freaks his moid brain out and he types ANOTHER 4 PARAGRAPHS about how I’m awful and how he’s so hateful of me and how he’s never liked me and tried to be nice (it was clear he doesn’t like me, there was no trying to be nice). At this point, I’m fuckin bothered. I hate fucjing men yelling at me like that, so I just leave.
I’m still friends with the girl cause she’s very nice and she really seems too good for this moid, but fuck. I hate that stupid asshole so much. He actively tries to drive our friendship apart cause he can’t stand the idea of someone not being a pushover who takes insults. I could a-log about him for hours.
No. 1708155
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So much of my stress could be alleviated by having a good shag every week or so, but I don't trust dating apps (or 99% of men) and I feel ugly these days regardless. What's a girl gotta do to find a cute boy to ride that isn't a coomer these days
No. 1708158
It's really horrifying that misogyny and now hard anti-choice thoughts are propagating so freely and in such extreme flavors. There are actually millions of men out there in this country calling for outright hate crimes against women, and there is no protection for us, we're forced to give these men a floor and cede laws to them. This is driving me insane.
And then if the women decide, "If i'll be punished whether I abort (jail) or don't (childbirth, life permanently destroyed), I just won't date or fuck men." and then the men lose their minds at that, too. "my male loneliness epidemic, where is my state sponsored bangmaid to scream at, abuse, and rape? the system is so against men!" and they go out and commit domestic terrorism because no woman wants to date someone who hates women and wants to assault them and strip away their human rights.
i mean, this is actually happening in real time and we're just sitting here.
No. 1708205
>>1708197Or she set up a trap for the other person; she really wanted one on one time with them but made it out to be a group hang to make it okay. Then whoops plans changed! All innocent on the outside but she keeps her goal to isolate the special employee
Careful anon, its predatory
No. 1708224
I finally got the guts to denounce my abuser. It took me almost 10 years, and I've spent the last week going in and out of hospitals and government facilities, and I don't know how I managed to keep it together.
The worst part wasn't going into the women's ER and being surrounded by pregnant women on birth labor, while I was getting my blood drawn to make sure I hadn't gotten aids from him.
The worst part wasn't when I had to laid on the examining table as a doctor took pics of my vagina to have evidence.
It wasn't the stupid amount of times I was asked why I waited so much time, or why I decided to denounce him at all.
No, the worst part was when I was questioned by this female officer and she asked me if he had raped me via anal, and when I told her that he tried multiple times, but he would stop when I started screaming, begging, and fighting back, not without him warning me that he would try it again, she interrupted me and said "so he didn't?".
I swear I was this close of grabbing the screen of the computer she was writing on and bashing in it her head.
"Why did it take so much time to denounce?" Because of stupid assholes like you, that's why
And then they call me every week asking me if I have any extra information about him. I gave them everything, his parents address, his parents business name, his sister's names, EVERYTHING. They call me asking if I have a photo of him, so that the police can have it. Why the fuck would I have his photo? He does have pics of me when I was 14, tho, why don't you investigate that instead? I'm barely keeping it together, and I'm controlling myself so that I don't end up in a psych ward again, and I can be stable to be at the audience, and these idiots are almost asking me to take them by the hand and pointing at my abuser. Do your fucking job.
No. 1708226
I'm leaving my boyfriend tonight and going back home, I don't want to. My mother is very overbearing and constantly controls me, she holds my passport and even checks my bank statements every time it comes. I am an adult, I have been for a few years. She has been so controlling that I developed social anxiety since I was 12, I have done everything to be approved by her. My father was a junkie who tried his best, but he had mental breakdowns and would sometimes take his anger out on me. My mother did drugs until she had me, and she is a martyr, she likes to guilt me the moment I tell her that she hurts me, she will even go as far as saying that it was because of her and my father fighting before he died, not because of her. She doesn't want to admit the things she's done to me. She was also sick when I was young, so I couldn't go to her. I have been bullied my entire life. I know I'm rambling on, but I don't know what to do when I go back. My boyfriend promised me that I could live with him and his mother in a month or so, but he's made this promise countless of times, him coming down here or me coming to him. I don't want to go back. I dont want to see my stepdad or my mother, I brokedown everyday. I can't work, I panic so easily and don't understand social cues. I hate socializing with others. I am studying math for college, but the idea of working with others makes me hate it. I barely passed my highschool classes, and I spent most of my entire life skipping it to avoid being bullied. I don't know what to do. I have monthly income, but I can't go to anyone except my boyfriend. I don't want to go back home. I begged my boyfriend and he said I could, but he can't afford it, I would have to keep paying for hotels, and he talked to his mother and she agreed, but I am so worried we'll fight and he'll go back on his word again. I feel like crying just having to go back there. I don't hate my mother, because I understand what happened to her as a child was wrong, but I was a child too. She's trying to improve, but everytime I try with her and tell her the things she did, she will deny it. She won't admit she shut me out everytime I came to her, or when I tried telling her the things those men or what my father did to me. I'm so scared of going back. I will go back to rotting in my room hoping for something to happen. I can't even go outside without hearing my mother and stepdad fighting or my mom constantly making comments to me. I don't want to go back home. I have spent everyday crying and wondering what was so wrong with me to make me so unlovable to her and everyone else last month. I can't be there. I want to get a job, but I don't know where to go that would accept me. I live in an overpopulated area where every application has 10+ applicants with much more experiences and a degree, I haven't worked in a year and all my experiences only have a few months in. I applied to 50+ jobs and all of them were not taken into consideration. I just want a job to distract me for a month until I move out that doesn't require much social interaction or that much of a transportation.
No. 1708235
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Bought a NTR drama cd and it was good until I hit the 4th track and they revealed that the dude banging (you) is actually your husband just roleplaying as the bull
Feels like I got scammed tbh
No. 1708241
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why are anachans so fucking insufferable. i struggle with an ed and have recently gained a good amount of weight (i've posted about it in vent threads twice now) and stuff like this is so triggering. shayna is like 160+ pounds. this person needs to gain some weight so oxygen can get to their brain. its normal to be a healthy weight and it doesn't make you fat. i'm trying to cope with weighing 134 at 5'3 and shit like this just makes me sick. why do anachans use this site so frequently and try to normalize this shit…
No. 1708278
>>1708271Try to check in with the targeted employee privately later; make sure shes ok.
Im sorry nonna. People suck, but a boss pulling power to socially pressure can be more than a crush, and your coworker may need support.
I would have covered your shift (if it helps).
No. 1708329
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>>1708322I think smthn similar happened to me before when I had box dye black hair and I bleached it to go lighter- it turned green. I think it might be because the black dye was cool/ash and so it had green tones instead of being warm and having red tones. Maybe putting some kind of red dye or gloss on there might fix it?
I've seen tiktoks of people correcting as well by washing their hair with ketchup lmfao. Maybe that's extreme but I think it "works" bc its just staining it red.
No. 1708352
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Whenever I’m feeling down I just watch this video and feel so much better for some reason idk why
No. 1708393
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The amount of movies that exist stresses me out. I can accept I won't read every book or listen to every album I want in my life. But for some reason I can't accept there won't be enough time to see every movie I want in my life.
No. 1708404
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>>1708353nona you're not recovered at all, and muscles exist
No. 1708413
>>1708407playing devils advocate, but "at least i have a hot gf who i love and the other guy doesn't" doesn't seem like THAT shitty of a thing to do. and seeking closeness out of a loved one when hurt by something also seems quite normal, and since he's a moid he thinks sex is the go to intimacy.
Like if you were insulted by other women and called an ugly ogre who can get no man nor job because of how awful you are, but you get to go home and snuggle up to your boyfriend and remember that you do in fact have a man who loves you and thinks you're hot - would that make it so you used him to make you feel like a woman?
No. 1708417
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Why the fuck did my next obsessive interest had to be cars/drifting? it's the most sexist and mainly male interest, not that there isn't women who enjoy but it's mostly men who wanna flex their pimped out cars with the worst stickers.
No. 1708427
>>1708422nta but you said, and I quote
>I’m years recovered but there’s no excuse to be above like 150 unless you’re pregnant or something. do not try to gaslight anons now
No. 1708432
>>1708427Learn 2 lurk I said this
>>1708394 like 2 mins later stop being autistic about fatties and go lay down jesus.
No. 1708459
>>1708434But the market is soooo tight!!!! There's such terrible shortage of workers!!!! Companies are DESPERATE!!!!
Also something I've noticed is that a lot of employers will offer a lot of "fun" perks to tempt you to work for them but won't offer a more liveable wage. Like anything but that.
No. 1708475
>>1708454Nonny…I'm in exactly the same boat. It's exhausting. My Nigel is great when he's not having an episode, but his extensive sulking absolutely kills.
Honestly, ignoring it (kindly) seems to have been what works the best for me. It can snap him out of it. Whatever you do, if he tries to blame you for how he's feeling, don't accept it.
Take care (im sending my love to you)
No. 1708482
>>1708466That's what I think too. I've put up with it cause it's only happened three times over the course of a year. Plus when things are good, they are great. But it is making me question the relationship. I've worked hard for my own mental health and I'm in a good place myself, I'm not about to let him drag me down with him.
>>1708460I wouldn't describe him as explosive, he always talks about things very calmly and rationally (well as much as you can when talking about irrational things). So it's not your classic bpd meltdown cause it's all internal on his part.
>>1708475Thank you
nonnie and I'm sorry to hear you're in the same situation. I just try to talk him out of it, and it works but it does take an emotional toll on me. It also makes me insecure in our relationship cause I can't be sure if/when he wants to break up next.
No. 1708483
>>1708482I feel you. The kind of decision making a moid with bpd has is like emotional whiplash. I actually split up with mine and we lived separately for a bit less than a year. It helped. He's also getting better as he ages - I'm sure I've read somewhere that a lot of bpd does get a bit better before 30, even without doing anything.
I think im autistic, so its especially hard to figure out what the fuck is going on in his head, and he seems to want a mind reader specifically. I think, in a way, he wants to be babied, as his behaviour has always improved slightly after a firm talk (like how you'd talk to a kid).
The website 'out of the fog' also really helped me.
Sometimes I wish i'd never fallen in love, or that i'd met a woman before i met him. His emotional intelligence is improving, but when he has an episode it goes out of the window.
No. 1708501
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why is it that whenever im running late for work the bus decides to leave early… ran and got to the stop with a minute to spare just to see that the bus had departed like 5 minutes earlier when it usually leaves on time or a few minutes late
No. 1708512
I ended a 4 year situationship a year ago. It practically shook my self-identity and shattered my heart. Been doing good at keeping the No Contact rule to this day.
Forward to this year, I'm now in a happy, stable relationship with someone who genuinely helps me grow, and makes me feel so loved. I wouldn't trade it for anything or anyone else.
However, I noticed that my hatred and anger for my *ex is escalating further where in it has come to a point where in I'm stalking his socials, trying to read what's going on in his life, praying for his failure/downfall.
This hate-scrolling activity of mine has become a routine for me, and it's odd because I wasn't like this until I entered a new fulfilling relationship.
I'm glad that this doesn't affect my current relationship; in a sense where in I have no lingering romantic feelings for the asshole that broke my heart, no name-drops or mentioning either.
But it does take up my time and energy. I hate that I find myself stalking his shit when I could be more productive of my time. I need to know how to stop doing this. I can't tell if this is justified anger from being emotionally blind and misled, or I'm bored and procrastinating with internet access, or maybe I have this need for "closure" -> he sent me an email months ago greeting me a happy birthday, I haven't responded since. Kinda have the urge to rub in his face that I'm happier now.
Fuck him.
No. 1708527
nonnie, are you me?
You are not narcissistic, but you may have some not very good traits because of autism. I recommend you to look for info on "how to recover from npd" even when you are not, but it will help you to start having healthier relationships.
I don't have any advice in the bonding part, as I don't know how to do it myself. I just try to, at least, have nice interactions with other people. It's not bonding, but it's kind of connecting a little.
Take care!
No. 1708533
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I’m a fucking retard and when I was drunk I accidentally added my college classmates (I won’t say friend bc even though we hang in the same group I get the feeling she doesn’t like me much kek) boyfriend on snapchat, we have gone to trips where he has been on as well though but it still feels inappropriate. Should I delete him? I’m a bit older than them, not the older in the group but they are the youngest I think
No. 1708555
>>1708538A little but if you aren't comfortable then you should value your comfort over someone's feefees, you can always re add them again if they insist, and you don't owe them anything not even an explanation
God I hate autocorrect
No. 1708559
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>>1707791>>1707824I came inside after burying the kitty to find this beautiful rainbow prism shining onto my tree tapestry from the window he is buried underneath. Turns out I just left a cd on my desk but still wanted a picture of it looking so peaceful in that serene tree. I enjoy simplistic beauty in things and often imagine that one beautiful thing I am looking at is all that exists and that the world around me would just fall away and I could go be with all those animals that I miss so dearly.
No. 1708565
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>>1708014Same anon but I came to the conclusion that this guy is a psychopath and I wanna try to learn something from this and potentially give some insights to other women. I fixated on so many little things that I missed the bigger picture here.
> First he gave me a sleazy vibe (like gut instinct), I already described his walk and style and how lame it was. I notably got the same sleazy vibe from a guy who tried to pursue me, creeped me out, and later ended up getting kicked out at my college for raping women.> I will admit that this guy had gorgeous eyes but his body language was so over the top and did not match his obvious disinterest in me as a person. He made me so uncomfortable staring intently into my eyes, leaning in, which I guess is to display that they are super interested in you. I did some research and this is called “predatory stare”, which if they’re romantically/sexually interested then they just stare in your eyes the whole time. Apparently they have no fear in doing so. I chalked a bit of my uncomfortableness up to my own shyness but nah nonas he stared into my eyes the entire time for two hours. He took no breaks to look anywhere else or let his eyes wander. So maybe if a woman looks at that alone she might think “oh, how romantic” except he clearly had no interest in me since the entire time he was just talking about himself. And his eyes were honestly really gorgeous, so it wasn’t like the psycho soulless or crazy stare (like picrel) but more like their body language is over interested in you and yet doesn’t match their actions/words (they don’t ask you any questions about you).> I will say that his lack of empathy was so obvious bc when I mentioned that I just had two close family members pass away he just said some careless comment. > He also didn’t understand giving compliments or saying niceties.> At the dinner he also couldn’t help but joke with joy about horrible things like Jeff Bezos killing his poor employees and their labor conditions. He was so happy when he started rambling on about this and I kinda feel like he may have enjoyed seeing my reactions.> He could not feign interest in anything in my life or ask about my experiences in life like a normal person would. The only questions he asked were my opinions on conservative stuff and conspiracies which he would then use to ramble on to show me how much he knows.> he was a financebro that lives for the risk of investing in risky stocks. He seemed so careless and said he doesn’t do any math or coding for his job.I’ve been in a relationship that turned
abusive and my ex had narcissistic tendencies but he was loving and sweet from the start, nothing like this where you just know from the start that they’re a psycho. I genuinely DO wonder what kind of woman goes for a man like this???? He does not seem capable of affection or love. I just hope that this dude’s behavior will be enough to put off other women, which seems to be the case since he can’t keep a LTR. It’s probably the biggest blessing that he can’t help himself to joke about sick things like people dying, which sets off alarms in most people’s heads.
Also he told me he was one of the OGs of r/wallstreetbets for any of you who hate that subreddit.
No. 1708575
>>1708389NTA but didn't you just agree with shaming women under 160 lbs? (which is obese for my height, btw.) body acceptance goes both ways. i can't believe i live in a world where under 150 is considered anorexic… that's the bottom side of obese for every girl under like, 5'10. and there is only one reason for being fat–overeating. that's literally it. none of our ancestors were fat. it isn't genetic. it's cupcakes and frappacinos. we have a huge obesity issue globally. people could do with more fat shaming.
it takes 0 effort to not be fat. being sedentary isn't perfect but at least skinnyfats are not going to have a heart attack. literally just whatever you're eating, eat less of it. that's all it takes. you don't need microgreens and salmon. just take your mcburger and cut it in half. i'd rather live in a world of ana-chans and skinnyfats than a world of beluga whales.
No. 1708581
>>1708575ntayrt but she called her a crypt keeper because that anon mentioned being a former/supposed recovered ana-chan.
but regardless, the ana-chan in the shay thread is the cringiest of all
No. 1708587
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I'm just happy to have functioning running water in my house again after 2ish weeks of not having that
No. 1708685
>>1708657lol, 2 months? i've been unemployed 8. i have like 5 companies interviewing me right now so hopefully will get one of them. the job market has been uniquely fucked this year but it's improving at last. apparently they'll be making a lot of hires 1q of 2024 which is only a few months away.
certain industries like recruiting/hr and maybe tech are totally screwed though. they were bloated to begin with and companies finally caught on and slashed the fat.
No. 1708788
>>1708736This would be a solid point, but their power dynamics are reversed. She almost daily yells at him, shits on him and sometimes threatens to hit him, but god forbid others point out his actual
problematic behavior. He has no spine when it comes to her but lets out his frustrations like a retarded ape. The only reason she hasn't divorced from him, according to her, is because of money and "because he's loyal and at least he won't cheat on her".
>You need to remove your cats and yourself from the situation I'm working on it, but I don't have enough money to move out safely and quickly yet.
>>1708754I have been thinking about that too, but I'm afraid it could be found out. The first time I caught him doing it he played dumb and straight up denied it, the second time today he claimed he didn't see my cat. The motherfucker literally walked all across the corridor to kick at my cat. I already try my best to have my eyes on them all the time, especially when he's around. A big reason I picked night shifts is because I hate leaving my cats alone with him. I wish he'd just die already.
No. 1708850
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I have footage of my delusional toxic narc mother screaming at the top of her lungs at me and verbally abusing me. I know it's not right to want to post it, but for over a decade I have sat and took it. Just once I want her to face some kind of karma for the way she treats me. She will never change, but maybe she would apologize if she could listen to herself.
No. 1708858
>>1708850first of all, don't do that.
second, speaking from experience, publicly embarrassing your
abusive parent only gives you a temporary fake apology to calm the witnesses. they revert back to their ways not long after when they're in the clear again. how they really are is never getting through their skulls, everything is always about them and their experience.
No. 1708875
Just got in my first actual real heavy shit argument over the depp heard thing with a friend this late in the fucking game, it's honestly kinda stupid that it only happened now. Haven't changed my mind in the slightest just made a tear in our friendship, and she ended up storming off in the middle of it. She has really bad argument skills and just refuses to concede on anything no matter how many solid points I put out and just goes around everything I say instead of confronting it head on. I ended up snapping after I had to explain to her that me saying "maybe" in the sentence "maybe she was unhinged and mentally unstable but he is a far worse and more evil person than she could ever be" didn't mean maybe in the "I'm not sure" way but in a sentence structure way that compares A to B, and then when I finally cursed out (not even cursed out her but cursed out loud out of frustration that I have to explain this kind of thing and argue semantics instead of the actual situation at hand) she decided she was done and I was being far too aggressive and shouldn't talk to her like that. For clarification she interrupted me in the middle of my sentence to say "why do you keep saying maybe for her and keep talking like you know everything 100% for him" I just had to grab my head and sigh.
I let her leave and I apologized to her in the moment, and later by text about how maybe my tone was too harsh against her. There aren't many topics that get me heated but this one just drives me mad, and I find it hard to hold my tongue because I feel like everyone has been so brainwashed on this topic that I just have to let them at least know the truth, but as it turns out every time I try they just stick to their ways and call you "a gross feminist man hater (which tbh badge of honor), and just "concede" that he was a piece of shit but still somehow she was was the abuser. I don't think I was actually that in the wrong, I didn't insult her once, I never made a direct attack at her person just her arguments, but perhaps I was just too aggressive in my approach because I got so passionate. I don't know nonas. In a way I think winning arguments isn't everything when it comes to friends especially, it's more valuable maybe to just keep peace instead of being right and I may have gotten carried away. She did say at the point the "debate" was just budding that she didn't want to continue because we wouldn't agree, but I do feel like this is a high stakes conversation because if we just "agree to disagree" without me presenting my reasons I'm just gonna get pinned as someone who supports "abuse". At first I was just getting my points out and eventually it just spiraled.
In the end I do feel like I wasn't actually that harsh, but the conversation was not exactly pleasant for me either so I can understand why she, who was on the defense here, decided she was just done. I'll take that as my fault to some degree, I wasn't yelling but I even when speaking casually have a bit of a naturally angry tone I've heard from people, I think I need to work on sounding more calm. I just got really frustrated and it started showing through because it felt like trying to convince a brick wall a man she agrees is horrible and a rape apologist may have actually raped and abused someone. I think she's come out of this thinking I'm mean and I've come out of it thinking she's really not that smart, after the way she argued here and for the point that she'd rather save a dog from a burning building than a baby.
I'd also politely ask anons not to derail this thread into that same argument on which one of them was actually a worse person, I just needed to vent about how I feel about this situation I had with a friend and maybe get some second opinions on if from what I've typed I seem like I was in the wrong
No. 1708899
>>1708891You’re good enough, nona. I got fired from a piss easy job years ago, I was so convinced I was doomed and should kill myself i checked myself into the psych ward. And then I found a job I’m good at that treats me well and now I’ve been there for years,
toxic workplaces have a way of convincing you that this is all there is and you can’t do better and it’s just not true, don’t fall for it.
No. 1708922
>>1708527>>1708884Glad I'm not alone here
I know one guy who was a diagnosed autist and he's a total opposite of me, but he had a loving mom, a financially stable home and he wasn't bullied at school. I think that if I wasn't treated like shit by my mom, who was a diagnosed narc btw, and severely bullied at school, I wouldn't turn out the way I did.
Also it's hard not to have the "normies bad, me good" mindset sometimes when the same story plays out over and over again. For example, my current job: I'm always extremely stressed out in new environments, so when I started working there my behavior was very stunted and I was often pretty lost and I asked the same dumb questions over and over again. I felt like people thought I'm retarded. Over time, they warmed up to me and now they even think I'm smart and shit and often ask me for help at work, or even ask me about stuff unrelated to work when they can't remember something and I have this "know it all" opinion. But in the back of my mind, I still have the things they said to me when I was a newbie and the way they looked at me. I'm like "this is how you treat people like me". Looking down on them instead of helping them and only starting to respect them when they learn to mask better, like I did, even though it costed me some deep mental damage, I also feel like I literally lost some of my true personality in order to fake being someone I'm not. I'm always nice and helpful to new people, even when they seem "dumb", and I never talk behind their backs like my coworkers do, literally calling them "morons" etc.
No. 1708923
I love my cat too much. I know that sounds like a stupid vent, but you don’t understand. When this cat dies, I’m probably gonna follow her. I already attempted when my previous cat died, only saved by teachers at my high school. And that was a cat I wasn’t super close to, she liked me, but I couldn’t hold and cuddle her. My current cat is the best cat I know. She is sweet, loving, and cuddly. She sits with me when I cry. Even today, I accidentally hurt her tail and she hid from me, I cried cause I felt so bad, and she came out of hiding to cuddle with me. I think if I tried to jump off the third story for a cat who never let me hold her, I’m gonna shatter like glass when this cat goes. I don’t even have to worry, she’s 4 and her breed can be 15+ years, but I still get sad.
No. 1708936
>>1708575>here under 150 is considered anorexicwho said this?
> that's the bottom side of obese for every girl under like, 5'10hmm? as laughable as the term big bones are is this true? I know a woman who was wide and 5'6 but started looking like an actual crackhead if she started getting under 145, on another hand I know women who started looking chubby at 120, 5'2
>none of our ancestors were fat. it isn't genetic. it's cupcakes and frappacinos. we have a huge obesity issue globally. people could do with more fat shaming.what? tribal women had its share of hambeasts, even looking at it in Africa or rural asia or something there's plenty of chubby people typically child bearing women
No. 1708976
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Fuck this gay earth
No. 1709018
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I fucking hate job interviews so much. They want you to give them the answers they’re looking for but not too close so that they know you’re an effective liar. Nobody has a fucking story like solving a conflict with a coworker or going above and beyond for a customer unless they’re a goddamn sociopath. I don’t have similar experiences either because I’ve only worked shitty temp min wage jobs and I’m not a language model that walks through a step by step process in figuring out how to manage people. And you can’t even say that NO I don’t have an experience like that to share because then they give you a bad score. And then if you lie they poke and prod at you to point out that you’re just making shit up. IT’S SUCH A STUPID GAME. I can cope with the min wage job you’re interviewing me for I don’t need to be a fucking superstar candidate you fucking asshole
No. 1709032
>>1709018fucking MOOOOOOOOOOD
like i have minimal experience and you know it, can you send like some bullshit online assessment and do a phone screening instead of setting up a whole interview of undetermined time length that requires me to speak a whole nother language. if i was immortal i would kill myself live on zoom for these companies that just want to fuck me over for the cheapest cost
No. 1709035
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I have what many would consider to be a dream boyfriend, however I feel like I can’t even fucking enjoy it because I am so constantly paranoid of the depraved shit men are capable of. I’ve had plenty of IRL experience with abusive men, plus having been on the internet from a young age I quickly learned that even the ones you wouldn’t suspect can do things that will make your stomach churn. I wish I could enjoy my relationship- he truly meets all my qualifications for what would make a man an ideal romantic partner- but I just have this paranoia that one day the other shoe is going to drop. I hate that this is the first relationship I’ve been in where the way I’m treated would have been in my wildest dreams, yet every moment of bliss is accompanied by one of anxiety because I know the safer I feel with him, the more it would hurt if he did turn out to be “just like the rest.” I wish my brain could just chill the fuck out and let me enjoy this aspect of my life that is truly something I have wanted for as long as I remember, yet I feel like a kicked dog that’s perpetually suspicious of humans.
No. 1709044
nonny I found this very comforting
No. 1709067
Ever since I got a job I've been happy. I met new people, I finally felt like I belong somewhere.
My mind was busy, I finally have a mundane life, have friends, have responsibilities, "have money".
But the feeling of something brand new is vanishing already. Cried for the first time in 2 months (before I didn't have a job, or was attending college, pretty much I was stuck as a failure all because I wanted to die everyday)
I've finally remembered that once I'm out of work I'm in a shit hole of a house with a fucking depression room full of garbage that makes me feel dirty. Can't clean since I work 6 days a week and between actually working and taking the bus and then walking home I pretty much just want to lay down and sleep and repeat the cycle.
I feel gross all the time, I never feel clean, no matter how much I always bathe, how many perfume I use, how many mints I eat in a day I always feel dirty.
I really want to harm myself once again but I don't want everyone knowing I'm a depressed loser, I can't never have normal relationships, they always end up knowing I'm depressed and they start to keep distance. I want something bad to happen so I won't have to worry about work anymore… or me living in a shit environment.
Is just that no matter how much I try to make things better for myself it's always the same outcome.
No. 1709117
>>1709035I totally get this and I'm going through the same thing with my bf. I wouldn't say he treats me perfectly because he can be a little ignorant sometimes, but he does listen and take in what I say and really values my output. He also actually makes those changes rather than promising a lot and doing nothing about it, which I'm not used to.
It's so hard, but I do think it's possible to crawl out of that hill and accept being loved.
No. 1709118
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This year has really done it for me. I haven’t worked in over a year, my credit cards are all maxed and not being paid on because I can’t fucking afford them, had to put my dog to sleep a week before my birthday, I’ve isolated myself from all my friends and family because I’m too poor to go see them, I pushed away the few people in my life who actually gave a shit about me, my health is declining at a rapid pace, and I can’t afford the therapy I need. I can’t be intimate with my partner because of some stupid fucking hang up in my brain, sex makes me want to die, I can’t masturbate because my medication makes it near impossible to get off, can’t drink because of meds, and I end up sleeping a lot because it’s the only time my brain and body aren’t screaming. I’m tired. I don’t want to keep doing this. My phone is being shut off this week so I can’t get call backs from jobs I’ve applied to, can’t work in person because my car needs four new tires and maintenance, finding remote work I’m qualified for is fucking impossible. Had to drop out of college because I couldn’t afford to fucking finish my last two courses, my grades were in the toilet because of everything going on in life. I don’t know what to do at this point. My wages will be garnished whenever I do get hired, I’m tens of thousands in debt, and I won’t be able to afford a place to live. At this point I genuinely don’t see a reason to keep going. The only thing that brings me joy anymore is a stray cat I’ve been feeding.
No. 1709195
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>>1709182Don’t ever let a gay man make you feel bad about yourself. Catty little faggots think youth is everything because he knows twink death will ravage him along with testosterone,
No. 1709209
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I had an EMG at the neurologist’s office today where they tested the nerves in my arms with putting needles in my hands and shocking me through electrodes. It hurt then so much but now it hurts a lot hours after where the needles went in my hands. Have any other nonas had an EMG? Anyway I’m glad I Dont have MS or similar and it’s probably a disc in my neck causing hand problems.
No. 1709214
>>1709209Not advice but I used fly agaric tincture topically for two weeks (to depress nervous system) and this decreased tremors. Used the "put mushrooms in vodka and waok away" method of making tincture. Its most famous for its efficiency in treating sciatica.
Normies don't believe but I'm out here s t e a d y
No. 1709388
>>1709349Nooooo my reply got eaten. Here I go again haha: I have really bad anxiety and I'm self conscious about not having friends, but I've been pushing myself to go outside, attend get togethers, meet new people and all. Last time I had an okay time but I mostly had such violent anxiety on the days afterwards (waking up several times through the night wanting to puke) because I just felt too awkward and friendless. I was still proud I took the steps to socialize and talk to others, swapped Instagrams with people, had people take photos with me etc, and I wanted someone to be proud of me too, especially now that I was planning a new trip again despite how rough it was, but she was like "well if it fucks you up that bad then don't go". It annoys me so much because this time other people from the last event recognized me and said hi and tagged along so I could/can feel myself making progress and actually feeling relevant in others lives. What if I had listened to her? I'd have sat at home feeling sorry for myself like I've done all of my life.
I'd try a new therapist but I live in a tiny ass town with like three of them tops, so I'll just be glad I have a female one. Thanks for replying
No. 1709451
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I wish we had a real, proper lunch room here at work. We have two very small spaces and everyone had to sit very close.
Not only I hate that by default because fuck that noise I wanna relax away from people during my lunch break, but also everyone judges my eating habits. Today I was even scolded for eating too fast. Fuck, let me fucking live. If there wasn't so much people and noise all the time, maybe I would take my time more.
Makes me not want to eat at all. I hate the pressure and I feel like everything I do will just be judged at all times.
No. 1709470
>>1709456Dear nonette, maybe the truth of the matter is that you were expected to grow up too fast.
Being married and working full time is a tall order for any 20 year old, nevermind considering suicide when you even admit you're still a 'child' and haven't even experienced life yet–and you most certainly have not. If anything, change the scenery first to see if things get better in different circumstances before arriving to suicide as the conclusion.
I suspect without all the pressure of expectations and being given the space to be yourself, you will be much happier.
No. 1709489
>>1709478It's fine to omit your degrees or experience from your resume to tailor it to the qualifications of the job i.e. a cashier.
Right now employment and money are more important than holding out for your dream job anon.
No. 1709531
>>1709516Not really? The problem with killing yourself in general is that some people are way too “lucky” so they survive even the most violent deaths.
So imagine being in the dessert, with half of your face on the floor, being in so much pain that you can’t even drag yourself on the floor, suffering all alone because no one even heard the sound of the gunshot.
No. 1709610
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So, we have reached the point where even 12-15yo children can make porn out their female classmates using AI. That's something that has just happened in a school where I live.
I'm honestly scared for the future, I'm aware deep-fakes has always been a thing, but now it's avaible to everyone, I could be buying groceries and any sicko could make porn of me in seconds with his smartphone.
I really hope they ban the use and training of AI-generated images and videos someday, ot at the very least its public use.
No. 1709645
>>1709634Yes I know, that's why I specified the
victims were female classmates. The important point on my post was their age, the fact that believable deep fakes are so easy and avaible nowadays that even kids can use it and anyone can be
victim of it.
No. 1709652
>>1709645>anyone can be victim of it.sadly only girls are the
victims, i have never seen deep fakes of moids
No. 1709693
>>1708407Nona you need to give him an ultimatum or dump him.
He will not recover and he will keep doing it everytime he feels emasculated. He could even escalate.
While I understand no having a job is stressing, the fact that he feels threatened by a rando on the gym, and he took it out on you, shows much of a spineless bastard who can only be a man when it comes to women.
This time he got away with it because you consented to sex, but what will happen if you say no? What will happens if something more emasculating happens? Think about this seriously nona, stay safe.
No. 1709698
>>1708426And you get moon-face out of medication too, and yeah, it's really hard to lose. I've seen skinny girls with really round faces and it just looks weird. And buccal fat removal doesn't look good en everyone, some people look like mummies.
You can do certain excercises to target thigh fat for example, but there's no equivalent for face/neck fat
No. 1709764
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>>1709745>moon face prettyWhat. You do know what a moon face is right? They are not the same as round faced girls
No. 1709765
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I've come to the realization that women get boyfriends so easily. Even in this fucking small weeb community where I meet lots of women who play otome games always mention their bf or husband like… I can't even escape this shit in my niche hobby. Am I the only one who is truly forever alone?
I always feel a weird mix of jealousy and disgust. Like, how the fuck did you find someone who doesn't think you're a weirdo for enjoying 2d chinky boys? But then I remember moids will overlook anything they dislike about a woman and even marry them if they want to fuck them enough.
No. 1709776
>>1709770I am an ikuharafag so I'm a bit biased but if you're a fujo then i'd say yes for sure
Also the trap is just for plot reasons
No. 1709805
>>1708146I agree with the other anons. I find it a red flag that that this seemingly sweet and kind friend of yours likes the company of insane moids that bully and harass people online, enough to want to be her boyfriend. If she was a good friend she would tell her moid if knock it off or stick up for you. Sorry this is happening to you though. He sounds like those
toxic autistic aggressive types.
No. 1709839
Work is so exhausting I just want to fucking quit
>>1709803>theyKill yourself and go back to where you came from
No. 1709948
I just found out I could have been born in the USA if my dad wasn't a massive coward piece of shit. I already hated him, but now I will definetly cut ties with him. He fucking ruined my life and I will never forgive him for that, so many opportunities lost thanks to him being a faggot, now I am stuck with a shitty language, in a shitty country, and with no goals in life. It's also halloween/christmas season, which makes me super depressed, I envy amerifags that can look forward towards those seasons, I would kill to be able to celebrate Halloween/christmas but no one does in this shitty boring ass country. And don't try to cheer me up with ''you can just move nonny'' it's not the same, I don't want to move, I am a filthy neet that can barely muster the strenght to wake up, this fucking country has sucked the joy out of my life and i will never get it back. I just want to die.
No. 1709971
>>1709961Seriously, and the worst part is that even if we managed to go to a decent country, we would be treated like shit, even with lots of money in our pockets.
Like, a few months ago I was researching about how to move to first world countries legally, as in asking for a permit and shit, none of those countries even had the option to ask for a form to fill or some shit, like, my country doesn’t even exist, it’s not an option at all that they would accept because we’re undesirables.
I’m sick of being in a country that fell from grace, because no matter what happens, not only this country will never get fixed, I will never, ever get accepted anywhere.
No. 1710094
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>>1710058>>1710058Anon, was he at least attractive? Hot? Ridiculously sensual? Because I know that everyone imagines the same typical neckbeard looking moid, and I don’t know which situation would be worse, the fact that a hot guy that seemed decent showed you this shit, or the fact that you went out and decided to let an ugly, mentally-challenged-looking moid into your home.
No. 1710129
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yesterday when I was going to sleep I thought of cuddling in bed with my husbando and legitimately started tearing up because he’s not real, it’s never made me this sad before i wanna die
No. 1710149
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How are there women this retarded? Sometimes I hate both men and women. I fear for his female children
No. 1710156
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>>1710149Something I came across yesterday
No. 1710170
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>>1709765It’s because we have standards. We see shit as dealbreakers where most women don’t. It’s the downside of becoming a feminist kek. Just for example, I know a nerdy girl with a super attractive guy but he constantly interrupted me, was against anything I said and invalidated my thoughts and feelings. Another friend of mine has a boyfriend who makes fun of their sex life and how vanilla my friend is in the bed. All of these things would have made me immediately leave a man, but these girls don’t even notice it. Pic unrelated.
No. 1710187
>>1709891As a young child, my husband got really bad ear infections and his negligent mom refused to take him to the doctor. Finally when he was 6, he was at his neighbor’s house (his train mom ran off with that lady’s husband) and the pain was so bad that she took him to the doctor. They did emergency surgery the next day to remove a golf ball sized tumor from his skull/inner ear. His fad and him didnt have insurance at the time so out of pocket for that and it was like an 8 hour surgery.
The tumor grew back a few years later and it was again removed, however they had to remove all the bones from his inner ear canal which left an empty golfball+ sized space deep within his ear which NEVER healed and remained astonishingly infected for the entirely of his life from age 11-27. We never had insurance but also he had said the pain from the surgeries was so terrible he would rather die that ever go back to the doctor. Plus he went nearly every other week for about a decade and no doctor could heal the infection completely because of how far into his head it was. The smell was absolutely insane and it was just something we lived with. Every once in a while when it felt worse than usual, he would have me dump straight peroxide into it, let it foam out all the pus, (several times) and then he would have me dump straight rubbing alcohol in just once to theoretically dry out the h2o left behind from the peroxide. He was usually nearly passed out by the end. We lived in the wooded mountains also so there was a great deal of roughing it and quite far from any sort of doctor.
The few surgery options given to ‘possibly’ fix it were not ideal at all (have a massive dent in his head where they would remove even more mass) and all of them would be experimental as this was a unique case.
Finally when we were about 27 and separated for over a year, he ended up collapsing at work out of nowhere. Luckily his coworkers were very caring and had him brought to the hospital etc. he also was able to have health insurance by then. I am not sure the extent of what the surgery had done but I did go to see him since I hadn’t since we split. We had been each other’s first and only partners from age 17 up until we separated. He had a home health nurse that would drop off his iv medication but he happened to be getting his two pick lines removed right then and there. They just pull that shit right out of your arm. A fucking tube that is over 30” long and goes right to your heart. Gross.
Sadly after just one day he made me feel just as bad as he did when we were together. I felt like he undid all the growth and healing I managed in the time we were apart. I didn’t even visit him the next day because I refused to be forced to feel that badly ever again. Sometimes I wonder if his anger was intensified from all the damage he sustained inside his head. Anyways, that was 9 years ago now. We’ve emailed each other exactly twice. I hardly ever think about that time in my life. I wasn’t able to keep any of my belongings when I got out so I have no photos of that time.
Sorry nona, I realize this is most unhelpful but I have never talked about this to anyone before and I guess I really did need to vent it out. I feel like I’ve lived so many lives and that was an intense one.
Do you swim a lot Anon? As a kid I used to get swimmers ear constantly from being in water and it sucked ass. Never had any lasting damage or required anything beyond amoxicillin and/or drops. Perhaps some oral antibiotics would help?
No. 1710188
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>>1710170i will NEVER quit being a frog. fuck you, time to chill on the leaf
No. 1710220
I don't think there's any shame in being over 30 and not having your life together.
Not everyone's road is the same. Some are lucky and life works out for them early on, some get a lot of support from their family, some are hard working and it pays off whereas others may not have any of those things or even struggle with anxiety and depression, an issue that is bigger than what most "normal" people believe, yet it's treated so lightly it pains me.
"Just be happier" , "just get out of it", "just ignore it" etc are all things said by most people who haven't encountered any serious , possible emotional, troubles in their life. Deep emotional trauma or problems don't work with an ON/OFF button.
I think it's okay to take your time and try to resolve things at your own pace, as long as you manage to succesfully to resolve your issues, you're good.
I've been depressed for most of my late teens/20s with some crippling anxiety scattered throughout, normally I'd be labelled as a failure by society because I should be married and with children by now. But looking back I am really glad I'm not in the space mentally as I was 10 years ago. I've learned a lot and was lucky to have a close friend with her own struggles who understood what emotional intelligence is.
Things will be better, it just takes time.
Yeah I'm over 30.a fossil by zooner and this website standards most likely, but these threads are interesting to check out from a psychological pov.
No. 1710224
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I hate males so fucking much. I made the mistake of reading about that Australian dog fucker/killer pedo and I feel sick. Only a male can do sick shit like this. He was well-educated and respected, had a family and so on. I hate knowing that any random male around me can be a sick monster and I'd never know. I hate that these fuckers NEVER get what they deserve. A woman can never be as horrible as male. I HATE MALES I HATE MALES I HATE MALES I HATE MALES I HATE MALES I HATE MALES I HATE MALES I HATE MALES I HATE MALES I HATE MALES I HATE MALES I HATE MALES I HATE MALES I HATE MALES I HATE MALES I HATE MALES I HATE MALES I HATE MALES
No. 1710225
>>1710193yes, it's
>>1136258 and it's very inactive. they don't know what a "horned frog" is
No. 1710232
Tomorrow I have a flight. I can't even be happy about going home because I'm suffering from diarhhea from the stress, I can't sleep either. I was on a plane only once in my life and I was so scared I was crying for 2 hours straight, so for the entire flight. Just hiding my head between my knees and having a panic attack. I don't care it's way more likely to die in a car crash, I don't care that the airline I chose never had any accidents, this information simply doesn't work on my brain. Just the mere thought I will be trapped in the air, so far from the earth, makes me insane. Now I regret I didn't order a bus, but with a bus it would be at least a 13 hour ride and I have a terrible motion sickness, I also pee very often and I'm sure the driver wouldn't want to stop as often as I would need it. God why is moving from one place to another so hard? I'm so scared I'm going to die, I'm scared of having a panic attack on the airport also, I will be totally alone there
No. 1710233
The true me is a wallflower.
I am actually someone that is extremely, EXTREMELY shy. Someone that gets easily both talked and walked over because she has no presence. Someone that gets bullied, can't stand up for herself and cries easily because she is scared all the time.
Because I got so much shit due to these traits of mine I decided to change myself when I started meeting new people in my teens, to mimic what I believe what my family wanted me to be - or as least as close to it as I could. I was never one that could demand attention and respect the moment I enter a room like my mother, nor could I effortlessly entertain everyone with just the flip of my wrist like my siblings, but maybe…maybe if I created a mask where I made myself the clown, maybe people would like me. Even if someone found me annoying, they would have at least acknowledged my existence, because if no one ever notices me, have I ever been here? Have I ever really existed on this earth? Alcohol also made it easier, if I drank myself into this stupid idiot I could talk to others with no fucks given. Annoying, dumb and over the top, but at least I wasn't the person I was on the inside, the person I considered so small, weak and pathetic. Maybe, with alcohol and stupid jokes I could drown her and let myself merge with this mask.
But after running into a friend earlier this summer where I at the drop of a hat turned into the flailing clown I pretend to be I realized how much I H A T E this mask, how I don't want to pretend any more, how much I let this mask take control of my life and how much I have lost because of it.
So I am letting it go. It is a process where I am trying to figure out where I end and mask starts, but I feel more relaxed than I have in a long time and I enjoy genuinely learning to accept myself for who I am. Allowing myself to be more quiet, allowing myself to truly not care if someone in the room doesn't like me, allowing myself to focus on me and only me.
I am not afraid anymore.
No. 1710254
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It's really not my problem if some people are triggered by the word "colonizer". I mean it how I mean it, it predates any twitterfaggotry and refers to a very specific practice. When I say deranged trannies are colonizing women's spaces for their own gain, for example, I am not sorry.
No. 1710288
>>1710279>>1710277You're probably not as ugly as you think, candids are unflattering especially these days when the beauty standard is "sexy baby who has never used her face to make an expression or have an emotion" –smile lines are cRoWs FeEt, laugh lines are nAsOlAbIaL FoLdS, botox is the standard god forbid the flesh on our faces actually move.
I was also self conscious about candids and eventually made my nigel stop taking pictures and I was very firm about it. But I soon grew to miss him taking a ton of photos of me because it was cute and affectionate, and even when I said he could start doing it again like two years later he was shy about it and worried he'd bother me so he doesn't do it as much. feels like I lost something. plus when I look back at the old photos I look totally fine/good, it was all in my head.
No. 1710317
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this is so fucking dumb but my SIL is Vietnamese and loves pandas so i got her this barbie that was advertised during saturday morning cartoons. THEY GAVE ME FUCKING THERESA WITH THE ASIAN BARBIE LOGO ON THE BOX. the male boardroom joke from the barbie movie isn't a joke. im mad because the actual asian barbie looks exactly like her and they gave me some mormon with a wig on
No. 1710363
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I hate that women can’t even like younger, thin or pretty faced guys anymore without men derogatorily calling them lesbian, saying they are on birth control and have no sex drive and that there’s something wrong with them for not uwu validating their gains. Men complain all the time about how women all want the same thing and the same thing is literally some hideous bald leathery hormone monstrosity. Then tons of women pop up being like “honey I liked pretty boys when I was thirteen, now I’m into BIG JACKED DIRTY BLUE COLLAR PLUMBERS who are 40 YEARS OLD because I’m a real woman. You’ll grow up one day too”, and of course men validate those women to death. Yes the first woman is me, yes I got dog piled on Twitter for this a long time ago causing me to stop using Twitter that much and it still pisses me off, yes I was reminded of this incident by a Reddit thread today and needed to vent. Sorry that I have fucking TASTE and I won’t give the legions of gymgoing pig faces the time of day just because their bulging roid arms might make me feel like a trad smol bean.
No. 1710372
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I feel so lost nonnies, I have very little close friends (just one tbh) and he doesnt like going out (which I understand) but it feels so lonely when I see people from my college just being out and having fun. We go out sometimes but is not as much as I would like and I know he doesnt like when we do but tries because of me. This is why I feel so bad when I tell him that I would like to go out more, because I know he is trying and it makes me feel like an asshole.
I feel like all my uni years will be spent inside of my room and I wont have any good memories of them. I try to make some friends but it never goes past a few conversations because I had very bad social anxiety for so many years of my life
I just really wish I had more friends and that it was easy for me to meet new people
No. 1710392
>>1710372It’s very difficult but you need to either fake it till you make it or do whatever you’re scared of doing, maybe you will find a pleasant surprise.
For example, I was scared of being “too pushy” but I decided to take a deep breath and be pushy, I don’t do it all of the time of course, but when I do it, I get pleasant surprises like the fact that sometimes I’m not even being pushy, I’m just talking and asking stuff like how anyone else would do so.
No. 1710549
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>>1710363Honestly, the way men hate their own beauty for being considered "gay" or "girly" makes me upset. I do agree that it's cringe-worthy to see some women cope by saying they prefer 40-year-old ugly men. Like, I'm sure a 40-year-old with a beer gut is so attractive to you. Also, rural blue-collar guys were plenty attractive in the past as well. they just weren't all fat and lazy.
No. 1710569
>>1710546Fuck anon i am taking a break from weed and I really miss it; especially on my period.
Toke one for me
No. 1710579
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Decided I was gonna post my first ever social media lewd–and pretty tame ngl, think bathing suit with just ass and no booba–and wow, this is the most social media engagement I have ever gotten.
Automatic thirst trap for every single simp that meandered to my profile over a decade of my life.
All my closest friends liked/commented.
Plenty of female onlookers who looked but didn't engage.
I kept it private but I think I could have gotten even more reach if I set it to public which is too scary for me.
>tfw my ass has surpassed every college gradutation, major vacation, relationship, work promotion, and anything else significant that I had ever posted about before in my life
I think I understand egirls now and how the attention can be so addictive. Not gonna post more after this tho esp without monetization, kek.
No. 1710642
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I don't know why I come to this site other than to be yet another time sink, the internet itself is dead and just a place I've always come to in order to wait for better days and turn my brain off. Now I'm getting older, getting to the age you can't just continue to sit around hoping for things to get better somehow. Because you realize the best of your years are coming to an end, and are you going to squander what's left of them? All this self-awareness has done for me is give me more anxiety and feelings of despair, whereas before it was more bland melancholy. I need to change, but I don't know how, I feel like I can't. Like this is all I've known and all I'll ever be. Just …. Forever waiting, for something better, or to die. I hate being so pathetic, but I'm scared. I'm scared to do anything, scared I'm not strong enough and I'll just fuck everything up. I'm scared to do nothing and I'm scared to do something.
No. 1710655
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i'm wasting my life and i have no idea how to stop it. i'm getting into things i shouldn't. i have no hope for the future i am so beyond doompilled. i honestly don't want to change and i hate that so much but at the same time… what is there to change for? the economy is shit, people are batshit woke retards, i'm a lesbian and the dating scene is so grim. all i can do right now is a part time job and disability. the only reason i don't want to die is so i don't hurt people.
No. 1710706
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>be me
>be with a moid I'm attracted to
>have a low libido for some reason
>break up/end it with a moid
>libido goes through the roof but I'm not into casual sex
Yeah yeah, I know I can just use toys instead but it's not the sameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
No. 1710726
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Why does the cook at my rehab have to be so cunty? It's not my fault this place is a shit show and she gets micromanaged. I honestly feel for her, but she's got me wondering if she's withdrawing from alcohol too with this attitude of hers. I could be a cunt too and bitch about how nasty the food is here but I don't.
No. 1710729
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I keep feeling this mans [redacted] in the back of my throat like a phantom limb omg I need it so bad it's depressing.
No. 1710735
>>171040399% of the time I would agree with you but he is a professional photographer and has taken many great photos of women. It's just over for me nonas.
I just wish I was less vain and didn't care what I looked like so much.
No. 1710740
First of all, his name is doughnut
Second of all, my rant.
I find it hard to date and have sex with the double standard men have. I avoid interacting with men when sex becomes an eventuality.
We are told from various sources that if a woman dresses in skimpy clothing for another man, she's a whore. If she does it for me, she's not. You feel me?
You might say "nah she's only a whore if she does it with men other than her partner!", but then, if you do it with a guy and it doesn't work out suddenly you're a whore.
I feel very ashamed and embarrassed when I even contemplate the idea of "acting like a whore", like, sucking dick, dressing up, or generally doing things to appeal to that male domination impulse. It just digusts me.. It might be internalized misoginy I guess.
: ((: ( )
No. 1710746
>>1710742OK but how do you feel sucking the part where a guy pees from?
Why do you think it gets him off so bad? To be inside your mouth? Because he's seen it so many times in pornography
I can't shake that out of my mind
No. 1710748
>>1710747I didn't read your post about sucking dick
I also stopped reading that one post because what's the point talking to someone who's offended by my venting lol..
No. 1710752
>>1710750I genuinely don't care what other women do, I relate to them
It's more about my own situation
No. 1710765
In ancient rome, using your mouth to pleasure the other used to be the highest shame
Because you are allowing someone to use your mouth, the citizen's most important body part, that they use to debate in the agora, give orders or negociate , to pleasure someone. You allowing someone to put their most vile, most infectious-prone, pee organ inside the noblest part of your body.
This is how I feel about sucking dick. I've never liked it and I don't understand people who fantasize of it.. But that's just my opinion and I don't judge people who behave differently to me.
It's just been difficult in some relationships for me, because I have this policy of "not acting like a whore". It's silly maybe. But it's also the fact my past boyfriends were so fucking INSISTANT that I DO act like a whore, which I sometimes did, and it was never enough, and they always required me to humiliate myself more, have new costumes, give them oral sex for longer and longer, and so on, it made slight disgust and disinterest turn into irrepressible disgust
And I'm not sure if I'm in the wrong or not
No. 1710783
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>>1710778Yes they fucking do
No. 1710785
>>1710774i would rather draw and consume gay porn than suck a dirty dick any day. just saying you cant be a feminist or call anyone out for internalized misoginy or whatever when you are sucking cock.
>>1710777i am not a blackpiller i just hate people claiming they are feminists when they arent i bet you nor the other anon have read any literature or volunteered to a shelter or done anything but call yourself feminists just because. i stopped considering myself a feminist once i met a real radfem who actually voluntered herself to help in shelters and had very strict rules like not wearing makeup/shaving, she was super cool. if you just call yourself a feminist but then shave/wear make up/suck cock then you arent a feminist sorry, and there is nothing wrong with that, i dont know why everyone wants to attach labels to themselves nowadays
No. 1710790
>>1710785You aren't a feminist you're a retard
triggered by women talking about oral sex kek are you even an adult
No. 1710799
>>1710793>A man would never allow you such grace. Lmao sucking dick is expected of every woman in scrotal relationship. Every man views it justifiable ground to cheat/dump you for not sucking dick. yep that depresses me
I feel like if I was "free" to do it if I want to, it wouldn't bother me as much too
But no you're an evil boring witch if you don't want to swallow their balls
No. 1710803
>>1710787Scrotes turn everything into a retarded power play and then wonder why women want no part in it.
>contort your face into an embarrassing postureUgh. Reminds me of that horrible (nsfl hentai)
dolphin/airplane face trend I've had the misfortune of seeing. Men are incapable of appreciating anything without corrupting it with their own soiled souls.
No. 1710808
>>1710802First of all, people online and people irl are the same people
Second of all, I've had a boyfriend from college pressure me into sucking dick
I have yet to find a guy who says "I don't really care if my girlfriend sucks my dick". I actually kind of fell for my college boyfriend for that reason, and he ended up pressuring me lmao.
No. 1710814
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I want my husbando to eat my tortilla i don't know about you guys
those are my two cents
No. 1710817
>>1710802men literally cheat on their wife all the time for not finding them sexually attractice anymore you think the average moid who has consumed the entirity of pornhub by age 15 is going to think like that?
>>1710807wah waah cocksucker got offended. i got a shit ton of moids behind me for some reason even though i have no interest in dating, they are all fucking disgusting and smell of BO all the time you think they are going to wash their dick properly? daddy petterson has to tell them to wash their rotten dick cheese ridden dicks or otherwise they find it gay, i even got a male friend to comfirm it for me. If that isnt enough determent to keep a normal woman from sucking dick i dont know what else do you need, also alllll of them want rough play and for you to choke on their dick and swallow their cum.
>>1710813i am virgin too, modern men are ugly as sin so be glad you are still a virgin and didnt get pressured to lose it. sex as a woman sounds so boring, it all seems to center on men, sucking men cocks, take mens cock, swallow mens cum, it sounds pretty disgusting honestly, specialyl since i heard PIV isnt really pleasurable
No. 1710819
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>>1710814Same. Let's go ride our husbandos' faces into the sunset
No. 1710825
>>1710808I said people who are not
terminally online and there's a difference. The more time you spend online the more you lose sight of what really matters to people irl when it comes to relationships etc. because you're (not you in particular) stuck in a virtual echo chamber. Similar to people who think that you have to be a 10/10 Stacy or whatever to be successful in life (just using this as an example). I'm not denying that most men are hell-bent on getting their dicks sucked but yes, I know you won't believe it, plenty of people in healthy relationships give oral because they want to please one another and not because of some fucked up power dynamic.
No. 1710834
>>1710821Nobody has claimed blowjobs are feminist. You are grasping at straws and completely doing absolute cartwheels in the mental gymnastics. The OG anon literally said she thinks women who wear tight dresses or give oral are whores and that she's probs a misogynist, and then goes on to claim she draws yaoi and has a bunch of nasty online male simps. Don't be retarded.
>>1710826You must be samefagging. That is one of the most cringe posts I've ever read
No. 1710838
>>1710762Speak for your own gross moid. Mine washes.
If mine goes down on me multiple times per week I don't think it makes me less feminist to return the favour once a month or so. And if he ever tried to pressure me I'd laugh in his face.
>>1710793This entire post is just so wrong on so many levels kek.
>Every man views it justifiable ground to cheat/dump you for not sucking dick.This just isnt true. You have allowed gross internet men to convince you of this very untrue "fact" to make you feel bad about yourself/pressure you into doing it. Majority of men do not feel this way. Do you think your father would dump or cheat on your mother for not sucking dick? Get a grip.
>While you bitches allow them to be “grossed out” by your own body.Speak for yourself kek, 2 out of the 4 guys I've dated love going down and I even have an "outtie vagina" or whatever weird internet guys try to convince us is "gross". Men in the real world truly do not care.
Please anons don't listen to this deranged poster, ironically they have let themself be brainwashed by men.
>>1710805>you will never hear men boasting about pussy sucking like cocksuckers do, kek.idk if you just have absolutely no friends or social life outside of the internet but men absolutely do this. I've seen multiple cases of a man saying he hates going down on girls and then all the other men shaming them/making fun of them.
>>1710809Maybe if you are under 20 years old I guess.
No. 1710851
>>1710844>imagine if 4chan/reddit moidsthat accounts for probably 4% of males. men in the real actual world like licking pussy.
I've seen multiple cases of a man saying he hates going down on women and then all the other men shame them/make fun of them.
No. 1710855
>>1710854what you want me to go record real life men when they say it?
try not sucking your boyfriend's dick for a month or two see what happens
No. 1710859
>>1710853Yes it is actually normal to end a relationship if you aren't sexually compatible.
>>1710855It's actually been a couple months because I've been having tooth pain (that he doesn't know about), and he's asked a couple times, I've said no, and then it was the end of the discussion because we are adults kek. He's not going to dump me for not sucking dick because we aren't 19 years old.
No. 1710868
>>1710865this fucking cake tastes like EGGS, fuck this gay earth
>>1710867>NO ONE should ever make you feel grossed out by your vagina or they're a loserOr gay
No. 1710910
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>>1710907K post them chinese or russian boards or whatever your scrote of choice and prove us all wrong to see what they’re saying is different.
No. 1710928
>>1710897>you would never hear them defend pussy lickingif I was as retarded as you I'd find reddit threads easily of men doing this kek.
ynw I'm bored so here you go>>1710901No, the above male posters are the men in my life kek.
No. 1710951
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It's been really hard for me to cope with the fact that, if I want to fix my OCD symptoms I don't wanna say OCD cause someone might call me out for armchair diagnosing without a professionals help I have to get comfortable with being extremely anxious. Everyday I try really hard. And I also get frustrated that I'm not seeing results, but I'm a WIP and I have to keep working. Also, I'm sorry if anyone recognizes my posts cause I've been making a lot although it seems like you're all too busy arguing about men for some reason anyway so I don't think anyone will notice. I'm just having a hard time.
No. 1710960
>>1710740do you feel good
nonny? do you feel good about what you have done to this thread?
No. 1710999
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I think it’s time to put to rest the 3-year arc of me and my toxic ex-bf.
To go through such chronicles in a single post would take me forever, but for short he would insinuate I was fat, he preferred redheads (I’m a brunette), he had a weird thing about circumcision and he was the average 4chan racist and anti-semite.
Why did I stay honestly? We liked a lot of the same things but there wasn’t much pass that, he was pretty smart though.
We mutually broke it off for the 5th time or something the other day ago, and this time I feel completely fine about it. Like, nothing negative or wanting to go back when usually I’d be a wreck and trying to get him back for some awful reason.
In those 3 years, I’ve gained a lot of self respect for myself and matured a lot. It’s all laughable now and I want it to stay that way.
No. 1711015
>>1711007So we are just going to pretend thar reddit spacing isn't considered a stylistic form of outing yourself and routinely banned for non-integration, what does that have to do with
that prick>>1710740>>1710765>>1710808>>1710814>>1710867 >>1710838I'm not saying these are all the same people but it's all reddit spacing which is b& for a reason and it's all happening at the same time despite being uncommon except for fresh newfags.
No. 1711082
I vented about my BPD bf wanting to break up with me earlier this thread and that's exactly what ended up happening, except it was my idea cause I was tired of him being so unstable. We had a few conversations about it and he said some mean ass things to me. Such as he hasn't loved me anymore in a while (despite saying I love you literally the day before), he hasn't felt happy seeing me in a while, he is disgusted by my cats, he feels resentment over the money he's spend on me (which I never asked for), he thinks I'm a lazy bum for not having a full time job/several part-time gigs, the list goes on… He also used fucking chatGPT to write me a break up letter. It read like a wikipedia article so I just asked if it was written by chatGPT and he admitted it right away. Idk about you guys but to me using a fucking AI in a situation like this is incredibly childish and disrespectful.
I'm pretty shocked that this is the kind of person he ended up being because he was always the sweetest, most considerate, most emotionally intelligent guy I ever met. He deserves an oscar for keeping all of his toxic shit under wraps so well. From my perspective it feels like he just changed into another person overnight like dr. jekyll and mr. hyde but ofc he's always been like this, he was just great at pretending to be something else. That's BPD for you I guess. I'm proud of myself for noping out right away though instead of begging him to stay or whatever. It still hurts like hell, I've been losing sleep cause I keep waking up to anxiety attacks.
Oh well. It eez what it eez as the kiddos would say. Thanks for reading if you got this far.
No. 1711087
nonnie. Those jobs have huge volumes of applicants. Your application is probably not even getting seen. What worked for me a few times was to physically go into the store and ask to speak to a manager. Bring your resume, cover letter, go the nine yards. If you make a good impression then you've just set yourself apart from all the faceless folk that also applied. Good luck and don't give up. The only way to fail is to stop trying.
No. 1711107
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My eye is swollen and irritated enough that I need to patch it. Downside is I have no depth perception and my eye freaking hurts. Upsides are I'm already used to this (had chemical burns on my eye some years back and had to patch for weeks) and it makes me feel like I'm cosplaying picrel.
No. 1711139
I'm finally leaving my abusive narc boyfriend. I'm mad at myself for being such an idiot. He abused me verbally, emotionally, physically. Interrupted, talked over, never listened (unless it was a topic he was interested in). Constant arguing, belittling what I say, playing devil's advocate. Disgusting porn sick scrote. In the beginning,he'd fuck me 3 times a day until I was in pain, then still jack off to porn. Fuck porn, fuck narcs, fuck him. I'm pissed at myself for being so stupid. I'm pissed at my narc mom for not even giving a shit & making it about her/making me feel bad when I told her I was moving back. I'm depressed, ptsd, suicidal, and I know I'll have a hard time finding a job when I move back. But I'm so fucking angry. I'll use this anger to keep me going. I have a fucking preternatural sense for narcs & abusers now. I understand my relationship w my mom and how it's affected my relationships. Never again. Fuck abusive coomers. Anger is an energy. I'm using it.
No. 1711169
>>1711162Zoomer girls typically have large personalities from growing up in a generation of shitty media that revolves around how wearing no makeup, messy hair, etc with a great personality is the most attractive thing for a woman. It almost feels unnatural since they're expected to basically do everything and anything like be in school, work, and keep up with their bodies which is harder now since now you have to work on your ass and do cardio to stay skinny, then they're expected to have friends, be funny and smart, be subservient as possible, have hobbies etc.
it's actually depressing hearing how much shit high school girls have to deal with in their relationships now, the push of BDSM and sex positiveness on young girls stole love from them. Now in high school it's basically expected for young girls to be in open relationships if not poly. A lot of young girls won't experience how it feels to be fully loved enough for someone to remain loyal to you and not want to hurt you
No. 1711326
>>1710363>>1710549>>1710561This is why my bf is 12 years younger than I am.
Old men are bald, fat, divorced, have bad breath, and don't even pay for your shit most of the time. They're bitter and often already have children they bailed out on. Basically all the things incels say about older women are actually true about old men and it's yet another case of patriarchal reversal. And they're just as immature and retarded as the young ones, they still chimp out and punch walls and shit.
I genuinely do not understand why so many women fall for this stupid "Daddy" meme, it's disgusting.
No. 1711343
>>1711325i'd usually agree nona but from what i've seen boymoms tend to have a lot of internalised misogyny which like
>>1711338 said, leads to them being shitty towards other women. these boymoms will defend their misogynistic sons. as much as i agree women are often blamed for men's actions, these women are constantly treating other women horribly and putting men on a pedestal. i just hope these boymoms unlearn their internalised misogyny because it's both upsetting and frustrating to see.
No. 1711378
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No. 1711380
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nonny, same.
No. 1711456
>>1711395I don’t understand this mentality. If you want no engagement then just keep whatever dumb shit you have to say in your private twitter or a diary. Post to your private stories/blog for your little friends.
>>1711445You saw obvious bait, chose to be upset by it, and yet want to let even more bait go unchallenged?
No. 1711457
>>1711139I know you're pissed she angry, as you should, but I wanna add that I'm so proud of you
No. 1711459
They need to check correlation of brain damage to hating dogs, I swear. I always pick up after my dog and take it really seriously (I fully believe if you get a dog without the awareness that you'll be picking up shit after it for years, you're a moron and a liability), yet somehow I'm always a victim of some faggot schooling me about how I need to pick up after my dog! Bitch, she pissed, what the fuck are you talking about! This time I was literally squatting, poop bag on my fucking hand picking up the shit and this fucker starts rambling about how the dog is shitting on the grass, and no one is picking up after dogs… What!? Now, granted, he is schizophrenic, but last I checked, it doesn't cause blindness. Holy shit, I bet you all don't go harassing moids with staffies or other big "dangerous" breeds
No. 1711490
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All this talk about boymoms in this thread. I have this to add: did anyone here mention the incesteous vibes that boymoms emit? I always see these women fixate and verbally rip apart every little detail about whatever girl their sons bring home. It's not the usual "I just want my kid to have a girlfriend that's a good person", boymoms seem to get aggressive, pickme-ish, and actually jealous over their sons' girlfriends. They straight up hate that their sons are paying attention to women that aren't their mothers, not realizing that the love for a girlfriend is different from the love for a mother. Every single time I catch a boymom foam at the mouth and look high on ketamine when glorifying her male child, I want to ask this question: do you want to fuck your son? Because it looks like you want to fuck your son.
No. 1711497
>>1711463moids are ultimately to blame for boymoms, especially their emotionally neglecting husbands, but boymoms actively end up harming other women and girls. they are both
victims and perpetrators under patriarchy, like many other women.
No. 1711519
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My neighbors keep putting shoes in their washer/dryer and my bedroom shares a wall with the garage where the machines are. Like how obnoxious and just straight up stupid can you be fr. Most of us here don't have the luxury of domestic laundry machines and these fucking idiots are putting sneakers in theirs just loudly clunking around for hours. You can literally hear the damage to the machine getting worse over time. There's also no talking to these people so that's out of the question and they're close relatives of my landlord. I'm so close to just going full Dennis Reynolds on this whole family
No. 1711543
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>>1711522>>1711490A radtwt user actually made fairly concise observation of this phenomenon. It's not a new observation though, because I have variations of it from the past many times, often from men themselves. Basically, women with poor relationships with their own husbands try to turn their sons into surrogate husbands who will love them unconditionally. This is considered emotional incest, and its quite common in South Asia and Arab nations. Its super unhealthily for all parties involved.
No. 1711600
>>1711497I genuinely feel for "boymoms" because it's probably the first time they've felt true unconditional love from a moid, AND without the requirement of sexual activity/degradation. They get to love and be loved by a moid finally so they become
toxic as fuck about it. I would never turn out that way as a mom but I understand and feel for their warped world-view. (I find irl that it's always moms that were repeatedly cheated on or dealt a rough hand by the men in their lives).
No. 1711604
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I'm in a long distance relationship where I alternate spending around one month with my boyfriend and one month at home. Whenever it's time to spend my month at home he loses his shit. Constantly thinks I'm cheating, has panic attacks daily, leaves work early because of these panic attacks, and generally stresses the fuck out of me. Whenever he does all of this it makes me not want to come back and to end the relationship, (we have been together only 6 months at this point). I love him but idk what to do, it is way to much to deal with and then I don't even enjoy my time at home with my friends and family because I'm constantly on the phone with him trying to make him feel better.
This time of me being at home I've been avoiding his calls more and have been more distant because I don't want to enable his freakouts but it's just making everything worse. I want to end the relationship so badly but I really do love him so it's extremely difficult…
No. 1711621
I can't really describe this feeling, is it nostalgia? It's this pang of sadness and longing inside my chest when I think back on my teens which I spent smoking weed and lying in boys' beds. This was my one outlet, my way of finally feeling some sort of release from the pain and self-hatred. It was euphoric, innocent in a messed up way, I just got high and had sex a lot. (It was just a few guys I was more or less serial monogamously 'dating' after each other, I never hooked up or anything like that)
Listening to the music I listened to at that time makes my chest constrict. I really can't describe the feeling I get from recalling lying in some dude's bed, quiet, high, at peace. I guess I wish I was a teen again? I really was innocent. I still am, honestly, no amount of trauma and dumb decisions teach me. I only look down on myself more, I don't become wiser.
I am so autistic, so stunted, so depressed that the closest I've gotten to real human connection is doing drugs and being fucked. Sad!
No. 1711624
>>1711621It hurts to think back on these guys and what they were actually thinking of me at the time. Sex was always love for me, all I wanted was to shortcut human interaction and be truly seen, if only for a moment and only illusory. Lying in someone elses' bed, at night, looking up at their ceiling, avoiding my problems. I hate social interaction but I am deeply, deeply lonely. All my memories of my teens are really mostly lying in beds high or sitting on the train high, alone, in my own world
What a life, huh?
No. 1711625
despise existing in my body, moving my body, being perceived at all. I hate my body and the way I move in it, the way I look, the way I always do everything wrong and make everyone uncomfortable just by opening my mouth or walking stiffly while internally panicking from feeling peoples' eyes on me. Sex and drugs are an instant way to escape that. I don't have to embarrass myself and be judged if I'm lying in bed and performing sex acts and having sex acts performed on me. It's all just an escape from me and my body, really. I fucking hate myself. Or, not hate exactly, but cringe and shame and loathing… I wish I wasn't like this. My entire existence is just embarrassing and aggravating to others. Even to myself. Especially to myself!
No. 1711626
>>1711604nonnie im not one to defend men or this shit often, but when i was younger (early teens) i used to be this way due to trauma until i sought therapy/help—its a lot of work and effort to this day but i have become so much more stable! i am also in a long distance relationship and my boyfriend and i talk a lot less because he goes to university on campus while my school is online and i only work part time. my solutions have been getting out more and doing more hobby-related things, talking to online friends a bit more as i have none here. i say this incase it might be some help for him?
with that said, even if he does not mean to, he is being very selfish to you and your needs. i cant even imagine your stress and worry. you were correct in giving him in ultimatum. if he wants a healthy relationship and to not push you away then he needs to STOP doing this because its what hes going to do! ruin things! is his insurance not good for therapy? can he get out more? do more things? get a new hobby? work on his self love and independence? i want things to work for you but he must be willing to understand he is being selfish and unfair, and its ok to miss you and hurt but not ok to assume and accuse and do this to you.
No. 1711653
>>1711626He actually has so many hobbies and projects but when he gets in this mode he seems to not work on them for weeks and just paces around the house stressing (what he told me). He's recently moved to a new place where he doesn't know anybody so I feel for him that he is lonely… It's just so much for me to handle on my own.
I'm sorry you went through something similar to him, I actually did too in my early 20's, which is why I feel for him and it's harder to leave because I understand his thoughts. I just wish he could understand mine too.
No. 1711668
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>grab a snack
>tastes extremely terrible but I compulsively swallow a bit
>find out my mom knew the seal was broken at the store and it was already open but left it for someone else to eat instead of throwing it out
I judge myself for thinking I had to eat some (at the time I thought "well it's food I shouldn't let it go to waste" before realizing I was being retarded), but seriously, what the fuck?
No. 1711700
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i was walking home when some guys in his 50's hissed at me from a car
No. 1711702
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when is someone going to make a male honey select/koikatu/rapelay? i am horny as fuck, and otome shit doesnt satisfy me with its disgusting moids that want to chain me and throw me into a basement. i am growing tired of gay porn.
No. 1711771
I will never, ever be as cool as her. I'll never be as creative, as smart, as silly, as passionate, as genuine, as kind, as thoughtful, as motivated, as naturally pretty, as outdoorsy, as her. I'll never be her friend. I tried to be a friend, but she knows I'm beneath her. I was obsessed the day I saw her. I don't think I'm in love. This isn't a crush. It's pure jealousy. I want to be her. I want to be her friend, her sister, raised by her mom. I want her adventures. I want her dogs and cats. I want her handwriting. I want to love my hometown like she loves it. But I'm filled with hate, sadness, laziness. She's the creek and I'm the mud.
No. 1711822
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Its terrifying watching the party votes and see how a polparty that claims
>men are women and are allowed in sports
>trannies trannies trannies
>when it comes to lgbt, only gay men and trannies (down to mtf meds-only) mention, not even a word about lesbians
>all under the umbrella of "we love women but the only good thing we will do to them is related only to periods !"
>freedom of religion (read as violence)
Is almost winning. Its terrifying. I am so shattered that some women voted for this garbage when its clearly hidden "men only" agenda.
No. 1711835
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I mean tranny*
No. 1711954
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Having a crush is so painful but not having a crush feels so boring and empty.
No. 1711970
My boyfriend has a problem with alcohol and now I feel like there is no other way going forward that I can let him indulge because every time I give him an inch he takes a mile and he makes it really fucking weird.
>had a dui before I met him, did his classes and community service
>resents it when I mention his problem with alcohol and he insists he's got a handle on it
>we broke up once already because I left him for a month before on a night where he got drunk and was an inconsiderate crazy ass towards me
>he begged for me back and insisted he would not do that again
>claimed he respected me more for having walked away and put him in check
>I drove us to the theater thinking it was innocent enough that he wanted a couple drinks
>after movie he then wanted me to drop him at the gas station so he could purchase more
>I should have said no but indulged him because god forbid I think a grown ass adult can self regulate and I don't want to always be a nag
>he drank two more things of alcohol while I was prepping dinner
>thought it was cute when he was dancing to music around apartment
>but he went too far and drank too much
>asked repeatedly if he was ok but no real answer, just fidgeting and stumbling about
>he started staggering around the apartment, mumbling nonsense, and crashing into stuff to the point where I thought he may fall and hurt himself
>manhandling his cat, made my dog so nervous that he regurgitated his chow, turned the living room into a disaster
>knocked over something I had to clean up, wanted none of the food I bothered to have made for dinner
>fell onto me for balance, started saying mean and hurtful things in a 'playful' tone like how he was going to kill me, that I was so old, that I didn't really love him…
>yeah I know it's drunk dumbassery and he's blackout but it still got in my feelings
>asked him to elaborate on any of that and ofc no answer
>he stripped off my clothes in the kitchen and tried to make a few moves on me but got no further, how sexy /s
>threw his ass in bed and he passed out immediately
>stole the blankets off me in the middle of the night and I had to yell to get any back
I took a picture of the trashed living room I stayed up to clean and sent it to him. He will probably remember nothing. I thought to record him when I first noticed he was behaving oddly but I forgot.
I hate this. This is such embarassing behavior and the ONLY time I dislike him is when he drinks like this. I'll be curious to hear what he's got to say for himself when he wakes up, if he would even apologize. Never again.
No. 1711975
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>>1711969Thanks nona. My problem is the former… unfortunately someone I can’t ghost so easily.
No. 1712027
>>17119701. You're not safe.
2. Returning after walking away taught him he can pull whatever shit he wants because you'll always come back and you're proving it by not immediately walking away after he threatened to kill you.
No. 1712032
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I'm genuinely upset about some comments on a random post online. While scrolling I came across a video of an overweight lady showing the same main clothing pieces with and without styling, basically just to show how a simple change can make things more flattering. It also had her weight listed which is something I've seen before with plus-size fashion stuff, nothing new.
The comments were VILE. I mean absolutely disgusting. I've been on lolcow for a very long time and even the most bone rattling pro-anas here wouldn't post such comments publicly. It was insane, so many (especially men!) mad at this lady for basically existing while fat. Claiming she was promoting unhealthy behavior as if she wasn't simply giving a styling tip. It honestly ruined my mood for the night.
No. 1712079
>>1711970no to project too much, but as a child of an alcoholic father and a mom that stayed for too long (long enough to have me) just save everyone the trouble and leave now.
>I'll be curious to hear what he's got to say for himself when he wakes upyou're not his mother, you know that? and why does he need to say anything else ever to you after "playfully" saying he's going to kill you? those should be the last words you needed to hear. consider this a wake-up call get out and leave.
No. 1712105
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Why do car repairs take so fucking looooong
No. 1712245
My grandmother got injured and is in the hospital right now and the whole situation is so difficult to process. First of all I'm on a completely different continent right now, so when I got the news from my dad earlier today it was so unexpected. I come from a third world shit hole and while the details aren't that clear I know she got hurt around 3am, she lives in a small town so first the ambulance had to take her to our capital city for a real hospital and some real medical treatment which is an 8 hour fucking ride, so she got there around 11 or 12, but still until now around 7 more hours later there is no real news. I don't even understand what happened nonas. My dad said she slipped, fell and hit her head or something, and that she was even in a coma for a while, but now that she's in the capital where my parents live and in the hospital, he has been with her, he thinks she had a stroke and that's what caused her to fall. They haven't heard any news from the doctors and she hasn't even had any scans or tests and its already been 18 hours of this nightmare for her. My parents are poor so they can't afford to put the money down upfront for her to go to a private hospital, and my rich aunt and her husband are both out of the country right now, so they can't pay for that yet. If she was in a private hospital we would have already gotten scan results, an idea of how bad it is, or at least SOMETHING, instead my granny is probably so scared and hurt in the state hospital which is a nightmare that's understaffed, underfunded and overfilled with patients. My dad is stressed out because all these family members and family friends showed up at visiting hours all wanting to like talk to her, help give her a bath etc, and it was too overwhelming for my granny who was already having problems communicating, and I can only get info through my dad because my moms old ass phone is broken and its currently being fixed and she literally can't afford to buy a new one. This is just too much for me anons I've spent the whole day processing and feeling powerless because what could I actually do? I'm broke too, an international student who can't do much of anything but I just hate that so many things are going wrong at once. My only relief is that I thought it was much worse when my dad first called, I literally thought she was going to die, so knowing that she's awake at times and can try to speak means there's a chance. I'm not much of an emotional person, so I don't know what to feel I don't know what to do, I don't know how to handle this, and fuck then I think about my older brother who was basically raised by her. He's away at police training right now where they aren't allowed to have phones so how is this info gonna reach him? This is too much, and I'm sorry if this rambly post doesn't make sense but I just want to go home and sit by my granny's side
No. 1712259
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She sure proved that statement wrong kek (she chose the pics of her looking "sexy")
I just think it's sick that people expect us to pretend obesity is attractive to normal people, it just isn't. Even obese people aren't attracted to other obese people most of the time ffs. Attractiveness isn't all there is to a person, it's not like it's a moral failure to not fit into beauty standards either.
No. 1712272
>>1712236Please don't, please stay with us
nonny. I know how tiring it is but please there's always better solutions than to end it all. I'm wishing you all the best
No. 1712394
I know I should go to the hospital again but I’m so afraid to do it. My fucked up mind tells me that going there it’s admitting that I have a problem and I shouldn’t be this bad after all these years, I know I shouldn’t.
When I’m okay, everything’s fine. I can pretend and get on with my life. When something makes me sad, I feel like I can’t control my sadness and I just want to die. Like I have this anger and just pure pain inside me, I can’t control it. Even when I know my mind is lying to me. When I get this bad, I don’t care about anyone and anything, I feel like I have no one, I don’t want to have nobody by my side. Even if they love me, it doesn’t seem enough to me and I want to give up once again.
Been this way my whole life and doctors told me I had/have depression but this feels so much wrong than that. It’s the feeling of having to wake up everyday and thinking there will be always another reason to get bad and sad and…like my mind can’t stop these thoughts.
Went to therapy, took my pills, tried so many techniques that help at some point but then something happens and I’m at the starting point and knowing it has been so, so many years. Half of my life I have been feeling like this and I wish I could disappear for real.
No. 1712415
>>1712379I can relate a lot to what you said. I knew some people my age who called themselves anarchists and communists. One day they were making fun of a guy whose job was mostly running a forklift in a warehouse. What? Did they forget that communism was mainly supposed to be a workers revolution? Why are they making fun of people who were doing backbreaking labor? Not a communist myself but even my ass knows what the point was
supposed to be.
No. 1712492
>>1712200yeah I fulfil pretty much all of those, I just don't act out in the typical way. diagnosed adhd + sperg but I have trauma and shit upbringing so I probably have bpd tendencies at the very least
I go insane in relationships, isolating from men indefinitely
No. 1712815
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I’ve been so depressed lately. I’ve been thinking about dying a lot but my bf and parents would be really sad, but my parents are part of why I’m like this. Nothing I do is enough it seems, they ask me for more and more money and I give and I give because I love them so much and it leaves me with nothing but it’s never enough. I know they love me so much but I wish they would say “thank you” more or “we appreciate you”. Neither of them do unless I’m on the verge of a breakdown and then my mom feels really guilty which makes me feel worse. I’m starting a new job soon, more money but I genuinely don’t think I’ll like the job. It’s at a pretty busy restaurant and it’s a lot of standing which I can’t really do. After about 4 hours my feet start screaming in agony. I’m also really awkward and clumsy which is probably the worst thing you can be as a hostess. I also have no common sense. I don’t really have anything to look forward to, I just feel really numb and trying to just float through life.
No. 1712994
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Oh my god why do we have to have a camera of ourselves talking on this video presentation Im so fucking ugly I cant stand looking at myself
No. 1713006
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Sometimes, someone's misery and inability to communicate with other people normally is too obvious
No. 1713010
>>1713008Girl you're seething and malding move on bitch you are not azealia banks
>inb4 I'm ntaDon't lie
No. 1713021
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>>1713011I dont know the full context because I didn't get to see your vent, but I think I get it. At times, there is such a thing as good intentions, but shitty executions of actions.
No. 1713091
I was just reminded of the fact my ex and I were having sex every so often until he moved out after we broke up. During this time, he was very aggressive and did things we seldom or never did while boyfriend and girlfriend. He would choke me, held my head more often, scratch me. When I gave him a blowjob, he was so rough with me my tooth snagged my top lip and I had a bruise there for a few says. He was on top more often, too.
His relationship with sex is so fucked, even worse than my own at the time. I shouldn't have had sex with him before he moved in. I got attached too quickly.
This breakup wouldn't have been this extreme if he didn't move in. This feels like this was all his plan. He took advantage of me and knew how to do it. He messaged an Internet friend near the beginning of our relationship that things were temporary and he wanted to live alone. I was in such denial, I wished so much he was just saying these things because he was scared of commitment and letting his friends know, but it was all an excuse. He told me his friends would be worried if any of them said they're so happy and going to marry someone. I would be called dude and reduced to just a friend when he would tell his Internet friends about his fun weekends. I got on him about not calling me sweetheart when he was chatting with his Internet friends. Everything I would ask him about when I was worried were just things I observed and I couldn't take them as fact, but I would make it an opportunity for him to do what I asked instead, which he wouldn't do.
And I can't forget about the fact the breakup happened because I found an account on a fringe website connected to his email address used to look at AI generated CP and he denied it and tried to pushback even harder like "My name isn't on this account, it says Mike, how could it be me? I'm not Mike." Duh of course you wouldn't put your real name on an account used for that degenerate shit, jfc. He even had to state "I don't want to fuck kids" Again, of course you wouldn't tell your girlfriend who wants to have children this. The language he used during this entire denial was brash so it is saying something about his own character.
Honestly, what a waste of time. I didn't want it to be, but here I am.
I went to a local trail and I saw so many women my age with 2-5 children surrounding them and the father being present and interactive. My throat was tight, I was so close to crying. How much longer until it's my turn to be a mom?
No. 1713093
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I hAAAAATE MEEEEEN THEY"RE SOOOO DISGUSTING AND Addicted to poooorn but I'm sad and lonely and want to kms cause I lost all my friends due to them being pickmes and I wish there was some decent man thst could sve me from kmsing lmaaooooo
No. 1713098
>>1713091everything will be ok. this man was a monster, you are soon find someone special and kind. never be with a man that mistreats you, he's going to hurt the kids.
>>1713093well, if it makes you feel better, a man is most likely to make you kill yourself other than making you want to live. nah porn is enough trust me
No. 1713107
>>1713105"nah porn is enough trust me"
No. 1713158
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Trying to sell a pair of docs on Facebook marketplace and the only interaction I’m getting is from bots and Polish scammers
No. 1713165
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>>1713160Okay wtf is wrong with you?
No. 1713208
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I’m not scared to interact with people because I’m autistic I’m just afraid of looking busted or ugly in the middle of talking or them seeing me in some bad lighting and now this person is probably going to eventually see me walking around town again thinking Damn its that poor deformed girl
No. 1713212
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>>1713209Ew, another reason why I don't blink when faggots get bullied for being faggots. Males deserve 110% of the bullying they receive in their lifetime. Their suicide isn't high enough, and I will drink hot chocolate when they use shotguns on themselves during their pathetic little live streams of their final hours. If you know what I'm talking about, then you know.
No. 1713216
>>1713215He really truly thought
dumpy little you hit kek what a sad pathetic loser. Does he realize his hairline is going to creep back farther the more he sits and stares at women's posts seething
No. 1713217
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>>1713216Speaking of hairline, why can't males find any better genes? The visual of the male ugliness is mental abuse on humans with an IQ above single digits. It's seriously like even the ugliest woman will always be leagues above the ugliest male.
No. 1713256
>>1713213and look at this post
>>1712978 they're clearly pressed that women can easily feel empathetic for others while moids struggle hard with this concept.
No. 1713293
>>1713280It's tough to tell her something like that but
>>1713290 is right
No. 1713307
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I'm never listening to my family/coworkers again. I've had this pain in my left eye for like a year, it would come and go, and they would be like 'oh it's probably psychosomatic, you're stressed all the time and you ALWAYS say that something hurts you' etc. My vision was also more blurry than usual without the glasses, so I finally went to an ophthalmologist and turned out I literally have a scar on my cornea from some past, probably bacterial, keratitis and I got two antibiotics that I have to take every two hours, for 5 days. God damn it
No. 1713317
>>1713217i saw a tv show about a man who was a sperm donor in my country who had about 25 biological children he doesn't know through it (apparently they get to find out if it's successfully used because children have a legal right to know who their parents are) and he was fucking BALD. the fucking nerve of that pos passing on his shit genes to so many people is infuriating
at the very least they should screen for and remove all bald donors because who the fuck wants bald genes
No. 1713345
File: 1696243902709.jpeg (Spoiler Image,53.63 KB, 242x338, 5456A9BF-BA10-4B1B-84C7-79FB26…)

Confirming more photos of me in the gallery and it asked if THIS WAS ME, IM GONNA CRY OML IDEK WH
it was from a rating scale I screenshotted a while ago to morph into my face on TikTok my bf got a 9 and I got a 4 but I guess I’m a 1!!!?
No. 1713351
File: 1696245041824.jpg (2.94 MB, 2736x3648, IMG_1740.jpg)

I hate how every interior looks like a boring Swedish prison nowadays. Companies and restaurants are bad enough, but people are actually renovating their own beautiful homes to look like a hospital. Scandinavians and the Japanese need to be shot for bringing this abomination into existence. Give me back my baby pink bathroom, tacky Tuscan kitchen and ugly wood paneling. Fuck you.
No. 1713410
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nonnie. I lived in a rental with a bathroom done in this exact tile complete with matching bath tub. Had a wall to wall mirror across the double vanity, too. I tried to find the original toilet but the landlord wouldn't let me install it kek. I fucking hate how soulless interior design has become. I live in a house built in 1916, with five fireplaces. Almost every original mantle had been ripped out, the tile work painted WHITE and all the light fixtures had been replaced with ugly ass modern fixtures. Sloppy paintwork on the wood trim… so many bad choices in this house. We've been steadily fixing her back up and replacing all the fixtures. We found Tiffany style chandeliers for the landings, a rococo revival chandelier for the entry (pulled from a French house after it was bombed in WWII) and a complete kitchen overhaul with edwardian inspired elements. Every time I find a shitty design choice or mutilation of a beautiful original detail I get so fucking angry. How can you just butcher the beauty that was here and survived for so many years? No fucking respect or taste I stg. Btw we named our house Josephine. I hope that makes you smile.
No. 1713423
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>>1713410That sounds gorgeous
nonny! I'm imagining something like the interior of the Charmed house. I hope you get to restore all of it just like it was before.
No. 1713437
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>>1713419Horrid. They don't even look good, it's like they just suck out any personality the home could of had.
I sometimes read my mom's old Southern Living mags from the 80s and 90s. She redid our whole kitchen in pic related style before I was born and it always felt comforting to sit there. I'm glad we never jumped on the modern design bandwagon even when we inherited a decent sum of money, our home has looked the same since my grandparents bought it for my parents. Can't imagine coming home to gray, white and a bunch of geometrical shapes.
No. 1713491
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>>1713423Aww thanks nonners, you're so sweet. Not quite the same details and all the trim is painted white, but the staircase is VERY similar. We painted the walls a cheerful sap green with "vanilla ice cream" accent hallways. Essentially a soft, warm yellow. Kichen is a delicate peach, with cool white poplar cabinets and a touch of gray wash stain. Blue window treatments and accents throughout the kitchen. We do have one original mantle that has carved griffins, I love it so much. One of the previous owners painted the brick of one chimney black… I had to paint it white unfortunately. The wood flooring is heart pine,like pic related. There were rooms here with painted floors, and it was heartbreaking. We decorate with art nouveau floral pieces, classic floral paintings and vine accents. Lots of plant inspiration in the house. Anyway, sorry for going off. I love this house so much and talking about her makes me happy.
No. 1713778
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A concert I was really looking forward to got cancelled and I also just discovered through social media that a good childhood friend of mine that I haven't seen in almost ten years was going to be there and we could have reunited…
No. 1713797
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I really want to spend 50 bucks on mikrotransactions. I'm at my limit. I'm foaming at the mouth. I'm clawing at my pillows. I need my little character to look cute. I want to spend hours dressing her up and listening to lofi music ugh
No. 1713839
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I HATE ART COMMUNITIES SO MUCH!! WHY IS EVERYONE WHO DRAWS SO FUCKING ANNOYING!! WHY DO I HAVE TO SHARE A HOBBY WITH THESE RETARDS!!! taking irl classes hasn't helped either, its literally the same terminally online idiots but now you have to deal with them face to face. at least over the internet you don't have to deal with their fucking stench. I just like to draw, I want to get better at this craft and talk about it with likeminded people, but everyone around me is either a coomer or a spastic sjw type or the type to say out loud, verbatim, unfunny tumblr posts from the 2010s as if it makes them a comedian. Or all three at once. Fucking kill me anons I can't take it much longer.
No. 1713873
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Why are zoomer guys so scared of commitment holy shit just ask me out you bitch
No. 1713874
>>1713859No but he keeps saying he will invite me on a night when the groups together because we would “get along well” lol but then days later he’ll talk “me and the group did x yesterday” and its like okay ssooooo… was that night not right time? lol
I met his friend group. I met the girlfriend of the friend first sooo idk if SHEs the one being like “i dont want her here” because she likes being the only girl or what. Idk if they just decided they dont like me. Idk. It kinda makes me feel like shit because my ex also excluded me from their friend circle, but only because they talked shit about me (learnt this during the relationship lol)
So now im like “oh god its happening again and he’s keeping me for pussy benefits”
No. 1713880
>>1713874Lol asshole behavior
You just know they're posting incel shit in there
No. 1713940
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>>1713935Picrel is advice for you.
No. 1713959
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I can't believe even lc is being invaded by unironic
>only a prruuuuuuuude would think ddlg is gross
>only PRUDES dislike fetishes and kinks
>oh so you're saying women can't have sexual fantasies huh huh?? you don't like nasty shit so you hate sex is that it huh?
why are kinkfags like this, I guess even the most regular normie on the street is a sex hating nun with their logic
No. 1713961
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This morning on my way to work I had the unfortunate luck to sit on a wet bus seat. It left a huge wet spot on my left butt cheeks site, which also took so long to dry on my jeans. I had to walk with those gross jeans with god knows what this liquid was for the entire day until I finally came home, where I threw those jeans and underwear (and basically all other clothes I wore that day) into the washing machine, so I could take shower because because EW. It's the second time something like this happened and I HATE IT IT's DISGUSTANG reeeee.
No. 1714051
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I kind of hate knowing I'll never be the type of pretty I want to be. I know I shouldn't complain, but I just don't feel like what I am. I don't feel like I fit in anywhere. I know beauty in general isn't really that important, but it's hard.
No. 1714085
>>1713160Day late, but fuck off already, retarded cunt. It's you who should be euthanized, you know it and that's why the OP
triggered you so hard.
For every worthless bitch tear you cry about women being decent humans, 10 animals' lives will be saved.
(replying to bait) No. 1714202
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>go to Florida to see friends
>sees every girl under 25 wear these shorts
>they're iconic femboy tee-hee
fucking hate these trannies. they twist every innocent thing we have into a sick perversion.
No. 1714389
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It's hard to face the fact you will, unless for the stars to align, never carry and raise a child.
I'm a lesbian and I finally come to term with how non moral to the child sperm donation is, for straight or lesbian couples.
It make me quite jealous of my friends who choose to be child free, maybe it's due to me having a great childhood with a great extended family and my mom taking care of me and feeling so much love from her when she talked about when she was pregnant with me, and how proud am I to have been able to win over being selfconscious of my physical traits by looking up to her ( and a bit from my dad too ).
I don't even have baby fevers but I'm just deeply conscious I will probably don't find a wife, who luckily could have a great non homophobic family we could do something with, and all that before I'm too old to have and raise a child.
I struggled my whole life with this aspect of homosexuality, I know I would me miserable if I spent my life with a moid, could not fuck one, could not love one.
I wish the world would be much less "hetero normative" and nuclear family centered
No. 1714453
>>1714445thanks. it's so fucked up. in the kitchens, i thought it was hazing. kitchens are full of psychos because it's very physical and sweaty, greasy work, so they can literally hire people who come straight from jail, are alcoholics or from
abusive environments that made them into perps themselves. then i moved to a customer service one and there i thought it must be testing how strong i can be about customer abuse. i always mind my own business and won't make friends at work unless i know they're or i'm going to stay around for at least a year. the job itself is tiring enough and for socializing i would have to constantly fake expressions, monitor my gestures and put tone in my voice. i am on the spectrum but not low functioning, but when i can't sleep because of stress, i get anxious and literally stutter so much i can barely talk. so these shitheads were saying i am a special (retard in normie words) and should not be working here, and would try to give me the hardest tasks while constantly saying it's not good enough. i was just waiting for it to stop, for them to get bored. next time i will only join a place if i already have a friend there or will bring a secret body cam. why expect me to be a social clown when i am paid minimum wage and am trying to conserve my energy
No. 1714463
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I think internet completely skewed my perspective of men. I also suffer from it myself, having almost no experience of real life, besides childhood trauma. I literally never had any friends, male or female, I'm 27 and my only contact with men irl were my teachers, my step father, uncle and cousin (all shitty people), my two male coworkers who are manchildren, and random men on the street who have been catcalling me since I was 11. I never talked to guys at school or guys outside of work. I talked to many men on the internet. My brain just can't imagine an irl man who isn't pornsick, radically right or left (but always sexist anyway), or a manchild or a coomer and always burning with misanthropy. I started physiotherapy and my physio is a guy. He seems so kind and… just normal. We were talking about work and stuff, my side job is digital art and I like doing comics and stuff like that and he liked comics and certain video games in his early 20s but the he had to drop it and now he works 6 days a week and he doesn't really have time for that anymore, same with parties, and the free time he has he prefers to spend with his small kid and his gf, but even though he's not interested in this anymore he doesn't look down on that kind of media. I mentioned I would prefer to work from home and focus only on art, and he said that people who only work from home must have it a little harder to make friends, I didn't know what to say because I don't have any friends anyway. I remember asking him if he's not tired from talking to all those people he works with, and he said like sure sometimes he feels burnout but overall he likes talking to people and he can't imagine that anyone could choose this profession with any other mindset. My brain was like surprised with this answer? In my head everyone is antisocial and nobody actually likes to talk to people. This guy seemed like somebody from another world. But maybe that's how normal people behave, people who weren't traumstized and then spent their entire youth in front of a PC, like me? I can't believe this conversation and being around him affected me that much. There's something really wrong with me, not just autism, but like the total lack of perspective that there is another world besides mine. And it makes me want to cry. I will never have friends like him, not to mention a partner, because those people are just so far from my world. And men like him are always taken before they hit 30 anyway. This guy was attractive in my eyes and he seemed so warm and sweet and genuine, but even if he wasn't taken, I think I would never have the courage to hit on someone like him. The existence of someone like him paralyzes me.
No. 1714503
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How is my bf going to bitch about my dog needing to be let out multiple times while I'm at work because he's too impatient to wait several minutes for the dog to take a shit, yet meanwhile he lets his cats jump up on tables, eat on the counters, and claw up furniture? His cats could literally be spreading shit disease wherever their paws touch on the places where we touch and eat, but my sweet dog has the "behavior problem" cause he's a living being that might need five minutes to work up a poo?
Not all cat owners, obviously, but some of you are delulu.
No. 1714535
>>1714392>>1714401Thank you nonnes, you are all adorable
>>1714440>The only way I see it happening is in some commune situation with other gay couple moids which itself sounds like some bizzarro fictious future that would itself have to clinically be organized through some gross weird dating website. This, In the past when couples could not have childrens they would find solutions but in our current world it's much more complicated.
I do desire to adopt but I don't think I could raise a boy in a all female household.
No. 1714540
>>1714499This is really interesting because it means those dumbass influencers or spokespeople or whatever are SEO targeting people who need ACTUAL advice and sucking them into their useless bullshit
Try searching for productivity or organising tips instead, it might lead to better results.
No. 1714546
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I'm adopting "positive masculinity" approach whereby instead of making a man feel emasculated, I encourage him that he has a handle on matters.
i.e. My boyfriend has been complaining about money lately. He made it a point in our relationship where he would pay for rent/bills and I would pay for incidentals like groceries, and to make it fair, I pick up more domestic duties which is something I like to be in charge of regardless cause IMHO even the most trained men aren't shit when it comes to chores.
In my pickme days, the second a man would have bitched to me about money I would have been queueing up to help him pay. Not anymore. All that ever did was give ammo to the man for later that I had somehow undermined him or otherwise had lowered myself into becoming a wallet on top of doing everything else.
So when he gripes about money, I reassure him that he'll figure it out and that a nice hot meal is waiting for him at home when he is done with his day! Surprisingly, he appreciates that more than me ever doling out a check for an ex ever netted. He Door Dashes after his job to earn extra income. Like what a man ought to do, instead of being pathetic.
No. 1714775
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I know this has probably been said like 200 times but Jacob Elordi as Elvis is so embarrassing
No. 1714778
>>1714463We're pretty similar,
nonnie. I never talk to guys and recently got to chatting with a normie one. We were both standing in line and he just starts talking. He seemed like such a real person compared to me. He had experiences and stories to tell. He had this normie light in his eyes that I lack. He didn't even know he was talking to a NEET slug of an autist (me). I kept thinking, hello, do you not see that we're not the same species? I felt like an alien tricking him into letting me know his human secrets.
No. 1714878
nonnie, I've seen it before but haven't read it. Will do.
No. 1714998
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im so lost and alone
i dont even know how to live anymore
No. 1715044
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Big rant for tiny issue incoming, sorry. My eye still hurts and I'm getting real sick of patching it. Don't care so much about only seeing out half my face because I'm used to that, but people are treating me different enough to notice. I should be happy that I'm getting a wide berth in public and moids are timidly ma'am-ing me, but I don't like intimidating people. Nigel's trying to be supportive but also said I looked like Big Boss when he first saw me patched. He meant it as a compliment and I feel the love, but damn if it didn't hurt a little. I'm wearing brighter colors and cute clothes to compensate and come off less scary but it's not helping. The only folks who haven't acted different are at the coffee shop because everyone there knows me already, damn near cried after leaving today because the cool ladies who work there treated me the same as always and I'm just so grateful for them.
No. 1715112
>>1715094That can honestly be mainly blamed on porn damaged scrotes preying on insecure women, on top of troons (both tims and tifs) claiming you're actually a man if you're not comfortable with looking like a blowup doll. I'm not denying the women letting themselves be affected by it - which is honestly a small minority and you know it - aren't using it for moid attention but acting as if it's all women's fault is the actual pickme attitude.
While I'm at it, the line where anons claim others to be pickmes is so fucking thin as well and doesn't make sense most of the time (the irony of me claiming anon has a pickme attitude earlier isn't lost on me). I once wrote about starting studying programming because I find it interesting and I think women that are into it are pretty cool, and got called a pickme for it.
No. 1715202
>>1715075Me too
nonny, me too. I came to this thread to post that I wish every ugly man who hits on me dies painfully, but really I just want them all to die.
No. 1715361
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i had to put my elderly cat down. i love that cat. she was my best kitty friend for 16 years and now she's just gone.
No. 1715543
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H O W do kids and young adults manage to go to school five times a week? I'm 32 and just went back to school with 2-3 days a week, being at the university between 9am-4/5pm, I'm exhausted by wednesday and can barely focus on anything that whole day.
No. 1715556
>>1715543now try working full time six days a week and going to school at night. My days would be 7am till 1030pm. I don't feel too bad for you
nonnie sorry kek
No. 1715566
>>1715528Women have always been like this, we’ve been conditioned to pit ourselves against each other for eons and eons. Wish we’d wake the fuck up and realize women who do this are no better than moids and are completely reinforcing everything they swear they’re against as a feminist.
If you bully a non-cow or any girl irl even if they’re fat, ugly, etc you’re just cruel, it’s so simple.
No. 1715572
>>1715552troons aren’t at fault for the way women on here behave and it’s disingenuous to pretend they are. the issue is that the vast majority of regular users of this site are mentally ill autists who hate themselves and by extension other women who reflect those parts of themselves, even if it means they’ll hate other women for acting like them AND for acting the opposite of them, for example.
really, the problem is that the user base has gone full retard and it’ll probably never go back. radicalism + echo chamber + full on media illiteracy + a genuine lack of empathy for other human beings as a result of personality disorders and being addicted to the internet = this retarded /pol/ level of spergery
No. 1715615
nonnie, don't do anything drastic. Life is hard, what you have experienced so far is awful but I promise it's not the totality of your life. I had a really hard time in my 20s - lost family, pets, friends, partners and jobs. I had some very low stretches where I was suicidal too. Eventually it did get better, and I'm now nearing 30 and happier than I ever was in my early 20s. It's a fucking hard time, please don't beat yourself up for struggling, everyone does. Some people are better at hiding it. What kind of job are you trying to get?
No. 1715625
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Stop it already, I’m just sick of listening to the same shit all of the time aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
No. 1715634
Mom called me last night to tell me that Grandma fell. None of us knew because we don't live together and she didn't have her phone on her but she made it to the hospital okay. They were confident enough that she's okay to send her home last night, but I'm going over today to see how she's doing. We're getting her one of those medical alert bracelets asap and hopefully a fall detection necklace too, I just hope she'll use them because she's stubborn and very resistant to change. She's tough as hell and I love her so much and I'm really fucking scared. I can't go check on her until she's awake and has talked to Mom first, and I've just been freaking out since last night because I have no clue what's going on. Love you nonnies and hoping you all get a chance to hug your loved ones soon.
>>1715308ayrt yes eyepatches. I got one of those simple black protectors you find at the drugstore because I needed one quick. Those pastel gauze-y patches are adorable though, thank you for suggesting those! If I have to wear this again or much longer, I'm definitely going to make a funky fabric shell and cover it in rhinestones or lace and make it real stinking cute!
No. 1715705
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>Wear all black jumpsuit, earrings, scrunchie, sandals
Acceptable to others
>Dare to add black lipstick to the mix
Immediately get those looks and a disgusting scowl from a fat balding pink skinned man. I love seeing other people in gothic fashion, I will continue wearing what I like regardless because I love my community. I wont accept the 'oversized hoodie with pants is the only acceptable outfit' agenda
No. 1715758
>>1715754You’re telling me that not only are you dating a weeb, but one with ethot orbiters?
Nonny pls. Love yourself.
No. 1715761
>Realise I am crushing on a guy at work
>It might not be a good idea because it is a coworker, "dont shit where you eat" etc
>Admit to best friend, she tells me it is totally fine and so many people met at work,ok
>Some team building event comes around, joke around with guy but can't really start any conversation with him
>Tell friend again, she tells me it is normal that people do not want to talk personal stuff at work, ok
>Sometime later, work event again, i lightly joke how we are all 30 or nearly 30 and coworker tells me i will lose my value as a woman when I reach 30, tell him off that he is a creep then
>Best friend: Oh god why did you tell him that, you know men sometimes say stupid things like that when they drink, you took it too seriously it makes you look weird!
>Some time after that guy is acting hot and cold, sometimes super nice and sometimes cold and outright ignores me
>Best friend: Oh that must mean he is shy and likes you!!
>Still can hardly have a normal conversation with him, I kind of over it
>Best friend: Why do you keep running away from relationships?!?!?
why does my dumb ass keep listening to her?!?!?!
No. 1715808
>>1715768Yep, it was weird because he seemed like a good person otherwise and my friend defends it as "oh he was just drunk and men say the darnest things"
for me it was a big red flag though. i hate how i feel every time i confide about him to my friend she keeps telling me i should not give up but i really think i should
No. 1715835
>>1715831>Equating nude modeling with prostitution Batshit.
>>1715826>If you get murdered it’s 100% your faultBatshit insane AND misogynist.
>>1715814These types of gigs typically do not pay as well as you think they do, especially since OnlyFans oversaturated the market. There’s usually very little reward for high risk. Please think about this and research other options
No. 1715844
>>1715832No problem! Softmoc too has free shipping, I hope you get your lil booties,
No. 1715867
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Those who forget history are bound to repeat it kek
No. 1715871
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This is how I feel about men
No. 1715879
>>1715877Omg they sound sooo painful. Imagine trying to close your mouth with those!! They’d stab your gums and inner lips so bad. Not worth it
nonnie your teeth are probably so gorgeous
No. 1715886
>>1715878There’s a difference between understanding that they are often killed and saying they
deserve to be killed. The latter is putting the blame on women for men’s evil behavior. A man abusing or killing a woman is ALWAYS his fault, not hers. You reek of ballsack.
No. 1715893
>>1715886There’s a big difference between getting murdered by a someone just walking down the street and being killed by someone who
you purposefully sought out to ‘work with’, because you were fully aware that you both have similar thoughts about sexual vulgarity and visual perversion. That’s choosing to put yourself in a harmful place. The responsibility falls on you for choosing to be in such a situation.
No. 1715899
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>>1715896It’s whoring. No amount of bending to try to excuse it or accusing us of being men will change the fact that all women are capable of making money without allowing men to abuse us sexually.
No. 1715914
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>>1715903Not trying to freak anyone out but I’ll just leave this here
No. 1715931
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Thought I was a bi but I’m not, don’t really know why I thought that but I think I confused feeling safer around women as attraction. I’ve dated a lot of moids but I didn’t feel safe around most of them in one way or another. It makes me really sad because ideally I would like to get married and start a family with a nice moid but I feel like I will never find one that is actually worthy doing any of that.
No. 1715938
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calm down you freak, just because your friends are praising someone else doesn’t mean they don’t like you anymore or any less shhhhh shhh it’s fine stop freaking out stop freaking out
No. 1715959
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>>1715954God needs to make it illegal for all people under 18 to be on the internet. I think China made it a law for teens to only be on the internet for a few hours a week, and honestly I don't see anything wrong with that. Teens are awful when they congregate, and everything they post on the internet or did because of "internet influence" is proof of that.
No. 1715979
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My bf used to play red dead redemption rp before we started dating and he had an rp wife… who is like in her 30s. hes 20. and even though he doesnt play rp games anymore he still talks to her on discord. Idk what they talk about its making me really nervous ive been cheated on by scrotes multiple times before. she wanted to have a long distance relationship with him out of rp too before we got togther. what the hell do they even talk about!!
Idek how to bring this up I just wanna leave him because its easier than confrontation.
No. 1715985
>>1715979I don't know if you want to hear this but… well! Talk to him. To be honest, to me this shit is cheating already, but you shouldn't hear me. Talk to him, understand his side. No one is going to find you strange/
toxic or anything like that! Be very polite and everything's gonna be okay. If he reacts badily, leave his ass!!! Sorry if you didn't wanted any advice. Hope everything goes the best for you.
No. 1715989
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I miss when my bf didn't have a double chin, but whenever he brings up his weight and says he should lose some I profusely assure him that I don't mind and tell him I'll always be attracted to him, even thought that is a lie. I think the reason I do this is that I'm retarded
No. 1715992
>>1715985Yeah I think I will end up having a conversation with him but my perspective of him is already kinda wrecked because of the situation…
>>1715986Ugh I know I have been there too, Im kind of hoping he is just trying to be nice but at the same time like… why… shes a borderline ped, she was talking to him when he was basically freshly 18
>>1715987Ugh I know every time I think about it I feel disgusted with him
No. 1716003
>>1715954Bratty teenage
When I was a teenager I was held to ridiculous account and adult standards. I heard it's even worse for black female teens who basically are expected to be adult women.
Teenage scrotes are really the only ones who I've seen consistently get away with shit, especially harassment, under the guise of
boys will be boys and cannot hold them accountable because it may ruin their
long lives ahead of them.
Fuck them.
Male teenagers are the most dangerous and risky demographic, they should have the most stringent discipline.
No. 1716008
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>>1715814Your man ain't shit if he cannot support you while you look for better work. The fact that you would have to consider whoring before he would step in to help should be as shameful to him as other men looking at you.
But it isn't. Because men today are pathetic.
He's a bitch and looking to control the situation any way he can except for in the only way that would matter. Idk how you aren't repulsed by him, I couldn't stay with someone who'd only stamp his feet at my solutions instead of offering help to any of my problems.
No. 1716139
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Wanting to practice drawing, but not having the confidence (or a personally satisfying skill level) sucks. It's like
>Great, time to privately humiliate myself
But if I don't get good, I'll never get to see the kinds of things I like.
No. 1716146
>>1716139You can do it
nonnie, thrive in the embarrassment, be your own bff
No. 1716178
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>>1707635i hate working fast food i hate the stress i get from work and fulltime college i hate not having time do create and work on music and sew like i love because the small amount of time i do have i need to workout or clean or sleep and im sick of seeing girls who have their lifestyles funded or dont have to go to school or work and i hate that envy because it gets my nowhere but if i have to be honest a small part of me is still delusional and stuck in this dream of making money from an etsy shop or my music i dont want fame just to do what i love but im studying english because it was the second best thing i love writing but not as much as being ablet o mesh so many things together and its hard to love english when i hsave to balance it with this job i ish i was little again or dead sometimes. i dont want to drop out and i cant not work i have to live…so what do i do anymore?! do i let go of my dreams? drop out and chase them? make room for them? forget them for a while? i feel so lost. so much i wish to do and i cant keep depriving myself. im growing older. i just want to do it.
No. 1716218
>>1716146Ty nona I am trying ♥
>>1716148Inshallah we will both get there,
nonny. Besides fan-art/shipping stuff, I'd like to draw my own renditions of little known mythological creatures from my culture
No. 1716619
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I'm scared to spend time with this crush I have because of how mentally unstable I am. I'm trying my best but I'm still fucked up. I can't hide it forever. I miss when he barely knew me.
No. 1717021
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I have a some fujo best friends who I love and treasure for as long as I live but I'll never stop being surprised at how 90% of the fujos I meet beyond them are miserable as fuck and seethe about literally everything and everyone, even at other female otaku who aren't fujos. Like what makes a group of people so happy to seethe 24/7 just because others aren't like you
No. 1717040
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I’ve been applying for a part time McDonalds job for what seems like a month now. Only 2 interviews, one rejected me the next day and the other strung me along for weeks until I gave up. I know I’m continue signing up for them because they really are the only company that has actually responded and asked for an interview. Maybe if I disclosed I had autism they would’ve forgiven my stuttering? Did I not use enough buzzwords during the interview?
No. 1717066
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Fuck you whoever stole my package. What are you going to do with an old feminist book in English? Nothing! I hope you choke on your toothbrush tonight. I spit on you.
No. 1717188
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Fucking hell nonnies. This moid who I've been seeing for months hurt me so badly that I feel like my chest is about to combust. I know I probably shouldn't do it but I'm gonna send him a long text about how much he hurt me. Yeah, he probably won't care but I need to get it out holy shit this is killing me
No. 1717196
>>1717188DONT FUCKING TEXT HIM THAT i promise you he either knows and gets off to it or doesnt care and will forget by next week
scream it all out into your voice notes instead
No. 1717310
>>1717005I'm sorry mine does the same thing, I keep a water bottle next to the bed now to spray him, but it doesn't work, he just leaves, licks off the water, then comes back and digs at the bedsheets again.
the worst part is he gets woken up when my elderly mother wakes up at like fucking 4 am and then harasses me until I lock my bedroom door
my female cat doesn't do any of this its just the male