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No. 1659561
Speak your truth
>adhere to site and board rules>do not respond to bait>report and ignore trolls or obvious maleposters instead of replying like an idiot Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1640537 No. 1659726
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As much as I think Japan is really overrated nation, I kinda hate this narrative of Japan being a comically awful nation
>"Yeah I think Japan's a pretty cool country"
most people are aware that Japan has crime too.
No. 1659820
>>1659814no there's anthro stuff everywhere and has been for a long time, it's unavoidable and there are bound to be
innocent fans of mickey mouse or whatever. there's definitely a line. if it makes you feel nipply you're a furry, the sexual aspect is the whole point
No. 1659849
>>1659836this feels like a difference in definition. since I first got online in 2001 or whenever furry has meant someone who gets off
sexually to anthro stuff. there was never a non-sexual category of furry. (there was dithering over wether getting off to cat ears made you a furry or not but that's a separate issue)
No. 1659959
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>>1659921It should be illegal to breed them. I know there are groups who's whole purpose is to use selective breeding to eventually breed them to be more healthy but they still focus on keeping them "pure bred" when they should be focusing solely on what would benefit the next generation. Mutts are healthier animals. People say they love their dog but they are fine with it having a poor quality of life? Doesn't make sense.
No. 1660196
>>1660179You're talking about
dating though. That's different from judging friends or even strangers.
No. 1660203
>>1660195don't look for "adult fiction" or "adult books" because that usually means erotic fiction. look for literary fiction or, if you like certain genres, genre fiction (crime, thriller, romance, historical…). i made that mistake too and was wondering what was up with that kek.
also, the book thread is great for recs:
>>>/m/261956 No. 1660296
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picrel: this entire thread
No. 1660315
>>1660244Are you an anon seething from the book thread? KEK try reading a different author if it isn't your taste or try something simpler if Dostoevsky is too hard. Not trying to hate, you can work your way up to reading difficult things if that's the issue
No. 1660374
>>1660364Never read her books, my younger sister had to read em at school and was a big fan. I watched a TV movie of Hercules Poirot on YouTube and it seemed to me, while that movie was probably a good 20 years old, like Agatha Christie's books are good enough to be used as screenplay. So basically as a lever to an actual performance.
(Saged for blogpost-ish)
No. 1660380
>>1660364Most mega-prolific writers are pretty bad. The name is just a brand at that point, and the actual novels are usually ghostwritten, which is possible because it is formulaic slop. My mom and grandmom were the types to read dozens of schlocky genrelit like agatha christie. it's basically junkfood for the brain and probably worse than YA.
I read a little bit of everything but my real pleasure in life is intentionally hatereading lousy books so I can talk shit about them online. I like posting really nasty reviews about overhyped new release garbage so I can make the fans angry.
No. 1660451
>>1660244>there being some girls that would read 30 books over the summergood, that's an achievement.
>then come back to school bragging about it, while the teachers praised themgood, they deserved it.
>more reading = goodyes.
what was your point again?
No. 1660521
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>>1660210the books most often recommended in the thread are unhingend woman stories (see picrel), which are most if not always contemporary fiction and definitely not ya.
re: ya - i read ya for a very long time. i'm not from an english speaking country so books were divided into "kids books" and "youth books" for most of my childhood and teenage years. i only stumbled over the term ya when i was around 20 or older. i'm 31 now and i transitioned to non-ya only recently. it really did wonders to the way i read. i used to be a very impatient reader - not because of my attention span (i don't consume shortform video content) but because i wanted to get into the action as soon as possible. i would very often quit books after a few pages because i had no patience for the initial first chapter info dump. only when i started reading lit fiction did i start to become more patient and give a book more time. ofc there are still boring books and i don't force myself to read something that is entirely incapable of hooking me, but i'm much more inclined to wait it out and give a book 3-5 chapters to get started.
also, not reading exclusively ya makes you less prone to falling for marketing tactics that are rampant in ya/na circles. lit fic rarely gets pretty limited editions or anime convention tier merch. you got a paperback and a hardcover and that's usually it.
some books i enjoyed over the past few months:
-the secret history (donna tartt)
-our wives under the sea (julia armfield)
-the dictionary of lost words (pip williams)
-the housemaid (freida mcfadden)
-convenience store woman, earthlings, life ceremony (all sayaka murata)
-i who have never known men (jacqueline harpman)
-i'm glad my mom died (jennette mccurdy)
-my year of rest and relaxation (ottessa moshfegh)
-the woman in the attic (emily hepditch)
-necessary people (anna pitoniak)
-the new me (halle butler)
-the paper wasp (lauren acampora)
-come closer (sara gran)
No. 1660546
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I dont think "theyre turning the frogs gay" was anything to mock. I dont think the ecological diaster of humanity releasing plastics and birth control into the water which turns animals female or induces homosexual behaviour in male animals bc their pheromones are out of wack is funny or anything to joke about. Sure, Alex Jones is a retard, but its still a very real problem people thoght was hilarious bc they could clown on Alex Jones when its just extremely sad and contribution to the extinction of reptiles, fish amphibians and insects. Just bc the messenger is a retard doesnt mean the message is.
I just wish people cared more about the little icky slimy gross animals too
No. 1660547
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>>1660546aw hell no now the trannies gonna be drinking tap water to get that sweet estrogen
No. 1660570
>>1660564>BC is still primitive with the lack of non hormonal options availablewe all know why's that. because moids don't give a fuck, if moids were the one gestating they'd get the best BC option possible with zero side effects
> I do think it benefits society to place the burden on womenhow does that benefit society though? maybe placing the burden on moids would be better and make them either stop raping everyone or cooperate with women in creating superior BC (or even make moid BC widely available)
No. 1660687
>>1660594Moids are vestigal organ systems enslaved by their own dick. Pity scrotes–they can't even enjoy a book without being distracted by thinking of hypothetical tits. Every thought a moid has will be secondary to, and tinted by, the incessant drooling yearning for intercourse. That's why they are natural servants and dumb laborers.
>>1660603Sentiment has been expressed many times that Murakami is garbage, he's the John Green of Japan. He's just a miso-flavored misogynist coomer-boomer.
No. 1660809
>>1660668Femdom anons be like
>I make him squirm and moan and enjoy the physical pleasure I give to him while he lays there doing absolutely nothing but because I edge him for a while it's so dominant and based! He's soooo degraded for it it's so hot to bully men tee hee!Never got it. Or then it's a full on unhinged pet play setting that seems more like an intricate human experiment or a traumatized anon getting off to taking her pent up aggression out in a violent way than a sexual roleplay.
No. 1660852
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>>1660839I never think of NA when I say Africa. Their culture is different and their issues are too different from other countries in the African Union. And I say 'in Africa' a lot because I work abroad and people who live here don't know much about Africa.
I get the feeling that they cry how they're African too because it gives them more oppression points and/or they think it will give them the authority to speak on matters of the entire continent that usually don't concern them. It's also really annoying when they or Europeans go 'um ackshually Africa isn't a country' and mention Tunisia or Morocco to illustrate their point. They derail potentially interesting conversations in the most Reddit neckbeard of ways just to seem smarter on a topic they're clearly ignorant about. Like yes there's a variety of cultures and ethnicities in Africa, congrats on your ice cold take, but when we're talking about matters concerning large swaths of the continent we're not going to bust out an Excel spreadsheet listing every country involved.
No. 1660867
>>1660839North Africans are African though, I'm middle eastern(half but anyway) and I get upset whenever they claim to be middle eastern as well while usually putting down arab and other brown middle eastern women in the same breath. Most of them literally try their hardest to be perceived as middle eastern or white/European only because they're self hating.
They're white Africans and that's ok but most of them will pretend to be middle eastern, african or even European when it fits their narrative. They're also culturally different and as I said, North African men I know are usually very racist, misogynistic and sexist online. I guess that's why they want to be grouped with middle eastern people lmao.
No. 1660936
>>1660668Femdom is based because what you described isn't femdom. Mark my words, I will abuse a moid and he will serve me as my boyslave.
>>1660934He's not meant to be 'into it' he is meant to tolerate it or be trained into accepting it.
No. 1660938
>>1660934I've seen this discussion before here (more than once)
But the last time it happened it boiled down to
>moid being sub is degenerate>degenerate moids want to fuck other moids>this somehow does not apply to men into being doms No. 1660941
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i dont care if men into femdom are troonies in the making i just like to see cute boys suffer and cry
No. 1661066
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bump for cp, don't scroll
No. 1661110
>>1661087Did you even read the whole post or just ree at the first sentence? Anyway yes I’m pretty sure I would die because I stood up to my abuser
even though he bashed me around for hours, raped me, and was holding a knife at me threatening to kill me because I was so tired of living like that that I no longer cared if i died I just needed something to change
No. 1661342
>>1661312there's tons of women who are furries and into it sexually. women like weird fetish shit, just look at how huge a/b/o fanfiction is. idk why people are so pressed, they're not into or fucking actual animals,
that is something men and only men would do.
No. 1661351
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My new unpopular opinion is that the type of moids who are compatible with femdom aren't the submissive ones, but rather the subservient ones. And yes there is a difference.
No. 1661553
>>1661311It was preventative and it usually happened to relative nobodies, nobodies that they scoped out and worked out were already a little neurotic. Say there was a Green ecologist study group meeting in secret on a university campus, the Stassi would infiltrate the group, select one to laden with job opportunities and presents to rouse suspicion, select others to be gaslit into mental illness, and select others to just outright be arrested.
Their whole mode of operation was to nip groups in the bud before they could grow big.
No. 1661816
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Call me unsensitive but I honestly don't feel bad for this person, she should have known that shit like this was gonna happen.
No. 1661817
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>>1661576yeah, that or they are newfags. Literally who cares if some woman jokingly posts about wanting to rape, dismember and kill men for her fetish. It has literally NEVER happened, so we earned the right to joke about it and it being taken with the little seriousness it deserves. Its like when moids get pissy when a woman makes a sexual harassment joke against a moid as if it was a rampant epidemic.
No. 1661941
>>1661087I live there and I'd definitely do it if trying to leave doesn't work. She's right. If our mothers and grandmas did the same in the past we wouldn't be here. But they never fought back for themselves or anything, they just let things be the way it is and it kept getting worse. And only now that younger women are rebelling against all of this did the older women realize that and all of them are now voicing their regret of never fighting back and always staying silent and coddling their moid husbands and family members all this time. My mom talks about regretting listening to my dad and doing things his way all the time, my aunts do so as well about their husbands. They could write on their marriage contract that they want certain conditions, whatever they want as long as it's legal, and the husband will have to do it and if he doesn't she can sue him for it and get divorced. Not that progressive or groundbreaking but better than nothing. Most smart women wrote they wanted a house, not a rented apartment, and to live with their husbands only and not the husband's family, to get to work and have a housemaid if she ever needs one and to get to drive in more modern contracts. While my mom and aunts didn't write any conditions because they thought it was rude or something and now they realized they were in the wrong for not doing that because their husbands will say no to EVERYTHING. And they don't have anything to back them up and force the husbands to do it legally, all they have is complaining to their brothers who will get into fights with the husbands and they will end up ruining their marriage or whatever so they end up not doing that. I know this sounds like
victim blaming, but they did have some choices here and there and opportunities that they wasted. My mom married my dad at 20 while he was 50, she knew he was old and already married and had 5 kids from his first wife and still said yes even though a rich single childless man who didn't want kids proposed to her. My 2 aunts also married men with kids from his previous marriages that their first wives died, my other aunt married a poor man who works in a village hospital and had to take a loan from a bank to marry her instead of waiting for a better option. Ofcourse all these marriages are sort of forced/arranged, where a man comes to a family and asks them to give him one of their daughters without knowing her.
No. 1662091
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Men tear eachother apart more than women do. I swear moids are so mean to eachother for no fucking reason.Males will literally make memes and bait videos out of male death/suicide because they’re that bitchy and psychotic. The death grip moids try and have over eachother is also comical, like they can’t even talk about their feelings without worrying about getting called gay. No matter how mundane the situation is moids still find a way to punch eachother down. What’s really gay is having other men Boss you around, you retarded chYmps.
No. 1662151
>>1662145Samefag to add, women bully each other too, but the differences is that women see each other as inherently biologically valuable, so even if there are problems we don't think
killing another woman to establish dominance would be worth it, we ain't as impulsive, but men kill each other every damn minute for no reason, they barely value their own lives
No. 1662161
>>1662154Honey, it's painfully obvious you've got no idea what you're talking about.
>I imagine a very repressed woman who grew up in a hyperconservative puritan household and thinks sex is dirty.I actually laughed, thanks. Please grow up.
No. 1662269
>>1662257>>1662265And now that I started with this kind of unpopular opinion, might as well go all in and say that I think this kind of applies to England as well. France too I guess.
>>1662268Do you even understand what my original post is about? Please describe to me what the point of my post was.
No. 1662272
>>1662265Nooo, the bigger issue is the people who act as if Japan has nothing wrong with it, it's a much more prominent mindset than acting like Japan rape is worse than say, America rape.
Mostly Males have this opinion and it's far more popular and harmful than overplaying Japan's issues. In fact overplaying it doesn't really do any harm because it counters Japan's underplaying of their issues. Women lose out when we let one of these over exaggerations win over the other, I'll let you guess which.
No. 1662298
>>1662295You are angrier than I am.
People diss English food for same reasons, England is an interesting and famous country so people want to knock them down a little.
No. 1662315
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>>1662312Thanks for the selfie here's me in my Scandi glory
(baiting infighting) No. 1662330
>>1662327You are pretty much implying brown moids have bad taste by the virtue of being brown
Secondly, why on earth are you just casually insulting this random woman I found from google pictures, your anger towards me drives you to figure out some bullshit reasons why this reasonable pretty random innocent lady is somehow soo ugly looking, kek, she just has normal casual hair and make up and skin, nothing especially upsetting nor astonishing either.
No. 1662350
>>1662345And now were into the "women are a hivemind" stage of infighting
>>1662348Honestly I was just concern trolling mostly kek but you are correct
No. 1662359
>>1662348No one likes a race of men that's genuinely unattractive and has the smallest average dick size. Even normal women who don't hate any men feel nauseous when you try to talk to them.
No. 1662370
>>1662363Orange skin and yellow hair aren't normal or average, I'm white and had several brown men harass me sexually and tell me I look like the russian prostitutes they sexualize because I had light hair even tlthough I'm from a country that's been invaded from Russia. I can dislike a race of man that feels no shame raping and sexualizing a race of women.
Also them having tiny dicks is more than enough of a reason to see them as inferior. The amount of 11cm dick pictures I've gotten from random men is unreal
No. 1662377
>>1662370Oh I fucking knew there was a finn here my radar never fails
Miksi käytät niin paljon aikaa jonkun random muijan ulkonäön haukkumiseen, kekkistä
>>1662372I am been here since the days of pixyteri
>>1662374This is the Becky theory in action, if this random lady didn't have blond hair or blue eyes, none of you would be so offended by her bland look. No one looks at her twice at the street. She looks normal and bland.
(racebaiting) No. 1662380
>>1662378You can tell yourself that but is is true
Do you guys ever think about that random yahoo answers guy or something who used to post so much ridiculous shit and people just always took it seriously?
>>1662379You all really like using prostitute as an insult, you are talking about some poor trafficked women here
No. 1662384
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>>1662381What is wrong with you
No. 1662402
>>1662397We can hate groups of men that are common sexual harassers, domestic abusers, unattractive, etc and you shouldn't come here to police our hatred. I don't understand why you're personally offended by some anons making fun of subhuman males if you're not one of the subhuman males.
Didn't Indian men sexually abuse child after the said child gave birth just recently? Don't you think that alone is enough of a reason for us to hate them?
No. 1662434
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No. 1662478
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>>1662452This stuff smells gross. Who tf wants tinglingly strong mint shower gel to wake them up in the morning. Its marketed similarly to those mens shower gels that have caffeine in them to get you energized.. have a coffee?
No. 1662552
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I think half-white Indians are attractive.
No. 1662647
>>1659959youre delusional to imply that mutts as a rule are healthier than pedigreed dogs. idk as much about cat breeding but i would argue most registered breeders of dogs that aren't inherently dysgenic (i agree that these breeds, like pugs or "miniature" dachshunds, or even badly standardised show gsheps like
>>1659985 mentioned need to undergo standard overhaul or not exist at all) are deeply passionate about preserving the breeds they work with and creating healthy and stable puppies. backyard breeders, especially of trendy crossbreeds (doodles) or bloodsport breeds, and retards who refuse to desex pet animals are more of a pervasive problem by far. every mystery meat mutt i have interacted with has had skin problems, allergies, gastrointestinal problems (this especially in doodles/bully breeds), etc. medium-large true mutts are usually polluted with bloodsport breed lineage and have the associated temperamental problems which are an antisocial blight.
these are already pretty unpopular thoughts (i hate the adopt-dont-shop guilt trip) but i'll take it a step further and say that i think the vast majority of dog owners should not be allowed to own dogs. the amount of stupidity people exhibit when it comes to dogs makes me seethe. so many fucking cases of big, energetic dogs being kept in tiny spaces, animal hoarders showing off their "packs" of three or more high need animals, the amount of neglect in grooming and diet that i see personally. and the fucking anthropomorphism. "oh my dog bit me/ripped up furniture/attacked another animal but afterwards he was giving me a remorseful look (whale eye) and had his head held low so clearly he felt ashamed and is basically apologising so i will do nothing to change this behaviour!" "you cant say my dog is aggressive! it will hurt her feelings!" "aw dont push my dog off you when he jumps on you, hes just trying to say hello, youre so mean".
anyway i think there should be much more strict and strictly enforced licensing around both breeding AND ownership of dogs. also it should be completely illegal and harshly penalised to sell an intact dog to a casual owner without a breeding license, including for shelters/rescues which should be mandated to desex all animals they acquire, including abortive spays.
No. 1662677
>>1662647You're being kind of aggressive, I think anon had a reasonable opinion. I also don't think every pedigree breeder has best intentions for the animals in mind, I've definitely read my share of horror stories. Like you said, if breeders were really concerned about breed health, pugs wouldn't still exist. I don't know how you could legislate something like that, or if people even care enough to do try.
That being said, shelters do NOT put enough dogs down. Dogs with aggression, severe skin allergies, behavioral problems, and chronic diseases should be put down. We have WAY too many dogs trying to find homes, sending a special needs dog off to be more than likely neglected or abused is irresponsible. Rehoming aggressive dogs should be treated as a crime.
There should be way more laws around animals for owners specifically. If somebody is posting their animal hoards online, they need to be charged with animal abuse. Having an aggressive or untrained dog in public should be a misdemeanor with stacking offenses. Too many people are being maimed, crippled, or killed by dangerous dogs.
No. 1662729
>>1662583>tldr; fibromyalgia isn't a munchie disease, munchies can use it but a lot of the time it's medical neglect being misdiagnosedThe only true opinion. Medical professionals never take female pain seriously and just slap a fibromyalgia diagnosis on them to get rid of their whining and then it turns out they had something that could've been treated much earlier but wasn't being taken seriously and has now gotten worse.
Piggybacking this to drop my own unpopular opinion on lolcow since we have an alarming amount of moon goddess hippies here - alternative medicine is absolutely not the answer to this issue. The solution would be to make the medical field and professionals take female patients seriously and listen to their accounts and offer actual help and give more funding to female-specific health research, not healing crystals and herbal tea. You're just setting yourself up to be swindled by snake oil scumbags.
No. 1662754
>>1662744I was bullied equally by both genders, and one of my friends was completely ignored by boys (to her dismay) but it felt like every teenage girl in our class narrowed in on her as a punching bag. Social dynamics differ from group to generation to social setting. Imo there's no universal "bullying" constant.
Can I ask why you were on the phone with them if they hated you? Were you supposed to do group projects over the phone?
No. 1663083
>>1663078How against your will? You can use iud, birth control, hormonal birth control other than the pill, certain surgeries, etc. Most sexually active women know about these and even if they fail they can get abortions.
You're obviously a failure and you're trying to blame your womanhood for your failed life but it won't work. I've seen anons like you claim they didn't study college because studying as a woman is hard or they're unemployed because working as a woman is hard, stop making stuff up to justify your own misery.
Women have full control of reproduction, most men won't get to reproduce in modern countries because of that since women now don't have to settle with pornsick losers or ugly men just to live economically stable lifes, women are all independent.
No. 1663091
>>1663083What's with the personal attacks?
Anyway what I'm talking about is a point that's been made here countless times, that ultimately if you want children you have to compromise on your dreams in a way that a man wouldn't have to, especially if they're more cerebral.
No. 1663100
>>1663091>>1663089She's obviously trying to make women seem inferior, her other arguments were that we were weak and now we're incubators. It's a misogynist, I doubt it even cares about women's right being removed long as it gets to make fun of women.
>>1663091Not all women are straight like you, I'm planning on having a child with another woman. Stop projecting your own insecurities or issues.
No. 1663138
>>1663124Okay sure, but the question remains the same. In what first world countries have abortion rights been taken away in recent years or are currently realistically at risk of being taken away?
I know this is totally not the point of the discussion anon's post was a part of but I just haven't heard of any 1st world countries where abortion rights are actively at risk if you don't count the USA so I want to know what anon was reffering to.
No. 1663147
>>1663064buy a fucking gun and stop being a pathetic snivelling selfhating doormat.
i have no sympathy for women like you or
>>1663019 you are pathetic and mentally ill
No. 1663149
>>1663147and more importantly, you are inherently male minded. you let moids import these thoughts into your head that make you think that because moids can hurt you that makes you inferior to them. are you hearing yourselves. you think that women being
victims of male sociopathy means that it is actually the women who are inferior and "losing the genetic lottery" or whatever, and says nothing about males at all.
death driven male minded losers, all of you.
No. 1663158
>>1663149"moids can hurt you" is not about male sociopathy, it's about biology. even if all moids were sweet and docile, their love would still result in pain and vulnerability aka reproduction.
as for
>just buy a gun sis!!statistically your cute cuddly boyfriend is more likely to hurt you than some rando on the street. do you plan to fuck your hook ups at gunpoint? do you suggest girls with
abusive fathers pull a gun on them every single time? like yeah, guns are good, but they are not going to solve all of your problems. although i do agree that the
victim mentality is disgusting lmao. the genetic lottery anon needs to touch grass.
No. 1663179
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>>1663147OP isn't a woman, it's a moid who got made fun of in meta for his retardation and y chromosome. So in true moid fashion, instead of accepting the truth, he ultra projects in multiple threads now about how his literally degenerated chromosome pair is akschually totally valuable kek.
No. 1663447
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>>1663441Yeah me too, idk what anon means. I've seen "bedwench" and stuff but never someone using that "white man's whore" picture that wasn't joking about themselves. Except for of course the actual woman in the gif kek.
No. 1663448
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>>1663441Samefag, it would be pics like this except without 'fictional'
No. 1663473
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>>1663457>>1663463nta but i think the point was that people use that moment from the show as meme towards themselves (even though it originally wasn't supposed to). pic is another example i see a lot.
No. 1663481
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>>1663473which is pretty irrelevant, since the point is just that it's a gross insult, regardless of whether women sometimes use it for self-deprecating humor or not. pretty much all misogynistic insults get that treatment from women.
No. 1663492
>>1663488>>1663490what about
>>1663431 are you disagreeing with, exactly? here it is again:
>calling any woman "white man’s whore" for not dating brown, black or asian men is as degrading and incel-tier as calling them "blacked" or "coalburners" for dating black men. it all comes from pathetic moids and pickmes.did you read something else, or just misread the whole thing? the meme used literally comes from either a pathetic moid or pickme who intended to hurt the woman, so no, nothing has been changed.
No. 1663499
>>1663492samefag, but imagine this
>someone posts "calling any woman a "slut" for having sex is as degrading and incel-tier as calling them [insert literally any synonymous term here], both are from pathetic moids and pickmes.">"ummm i only ever see women call themselves sluts?? outside of this image of a woman crying because she got called a slut????"what would be the point of this? also, i doubt this exchange would ever happen around the terms "slut" or "whore" alone. there's nothing special or okay about targeting women and calling them "whores" for the race of partner they choose. there shouldn't be anything wrong with saying that.
No. 1663517
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I find remakes cringe but I can’t help but think most people criticizing the snow white remake for making sw an Independent Leader and not making her get saved by the prince the focus are closet tradtards trying to frame their complaints in a feminist way. They’re the ones whining about how romance is dead and have the delusion to ask “why can’t women be saved for once??” they remind me of picrel.
No. 1663525
>>1663499>i doubt this exchange would ever happen around the terms "slut" or "whore" aloneBecause we've all seen people call
other women sluts or whores. Your post said OTHER women being called that by men or pickmes. You're talking about a very specific term that has been mostly used as a meme. I don't disagree that it's degrading to call yourself that, but you're pretty much coming at me just for agreeing with another anon that I only see women jokingly calling themselves that. Yes there is the gif of Tamera saying that she was insulted as a "white man's whore" but it wouldn't make sense for you to make that post from that one thing. If you meant women calling themselves a white man's whore you could've just worded it better to avoid misunderstanding. This is so dumb.
No. 1663537
>>1663525>You're talking about a very specific term that has been mostly used as a meme. i'm saying it hasn't based on what i have seen. i don't have your eyes or experiences, so forgive me for not taking a stranger's view into account. whether or not you've seen women self-deprecate with it doesn't change the fact that it's degrading to call women that, or any kind of slut or whore.
>If you meant women calling themselves a white man's whore you could've just worded it better to avoid misunderstanding. This is so dumb.i didn't, because women calling themselves that is completely irrelevant to my point. once again, what you've personally seen doesn't matter and changes nothing about what i am saying. this is dumb because you're seemingly incapable of comprehending anything outside your POV under even a theoretical lens. it's up there with a schizo saying "i've never personally watched a woman get assaulted by a man, but i have seen women fighting. therefore, it doesn't happen and you should word your statements better and instead say "women should stop assaulting eachother"." any sane person would just say "yeah, men shouldn't assault women" regardless of whether they have seen it. even the
meme is proof that what i'm saying happens, that's part of what makes it so insane that you're trying to argue about it. just ridiculous and self-absorbed.
No. 1663557
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>>1663549idk why you're playing dumb. you used a literal example of it in your claim that it doesn't happen and said "idk what that anon means", and tried to argue the whole thing further after i explained it clearly here:
anyway, i'm referring to things like pic related. now that you've seen it (it's very easy to find way more), hopefully we're on the same page and you can stop insisting that i focus on self-deprecating women instead of rightfully shitting on pickmes and misogynistic scrotes, kek.
No. 1663559
>>1663557>in your claim that it doesn't happenI did not claim it doesn't happen, just that when
I see people using it, it's to joke about themselves. If you took another way then that's on you anon.
No. 1663592
>>1663517Kek your picrel is spot on, saving it for later. Also agree 100% with your post, the same goes for when people whine about heterosexuals being oppressed because they spend all their time online in spaces popular with gay people.
No. 1663651
>>1663386Browsing /lgbt/ was one of the things that truly peaked me. That and seeing all the misogynist and creepy posts of TIMs on twitter. I talked about this with a trans MtF friend at the time, whom I truly considered to be my friend and didn't care they were trans, and all he could really say about it was (I used to use she/her pronouns on her but I don't believe in that shit anymore)
>Yeah there are some incel trans women but you shouldn't get your entire worldview on 4chan>this is not a trans problem this is a "some people are fucking shitty and are sexual predators problem!"Like okay…. Didn't do much to convince me. If they were really wahmen like they say they are why do they still retain their male typical pattern of thinking and behaviour? Even incel "cis" women don't have this kind of sexualized violent fantasies about the males they hate. It sure is funny that these sexual predators are always somehow transexual males hmm
No. 1663669
>>1663651the number of times trans communities have conflict because of predators among them is jarring to me
I'm talking about people who admit to the worst kinds of stuff and they're always mentally ill trannies on top of it
No. 1664231
>>1664122 >>1664135
Overweight < Obese <Morbidly obese. And while this all is bad stuff, the latter is where nothing except medical intervention can be done. In the first two cases at least, there's still something to be done, meaning people can and should take it seriously and take responsibility for themselves before health problems (that come anyway as we age) start appearing.
No. 1664371
I find calling a woman a landwhale to be rude and scrotish,Just say she's fat, even call her a fat ass, but something about that insult (that is only used towards fat women) bother me. We need to hate fat scrotes more.
>>1664128>any man who obsesses over race like this is a huge redflagKiwifarms is full of scrotes who inject brown/black men into everything and if a thread even includes a black man there will at least be one, ""BBC" Joke, or "Tyrone" or some weirdly sexual shit shit. Honestly, racist men sexualize and masculinze black/brown men more then women do. It all comes off like a fetish. I would'nt be surpised if men afriad of their sisters/daughters/women they are interested in sleeping with non-white men aren't jealous because
>They wish it were them being screwed>They don't think they can measure up to whatever racist stereotype they believe "Black men aren't human" "Black men have BBC".For me, I've noticed their hate/sexual "Humilation" is always towards black/brown men. Their mind always jumps to sex. Men obessed with race are usually homosexual/bisexual. It always is sexual or at the very least, they are always talking about the sexual lives of brown/black men, to the point it gets weird.
No. 1664636
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Oatmeal raisin cookies are so fucking good
No. 1664637
>>1664630Nta and I don't respect trans identifying females either, I just feel bad for them. Referring to those women as he/him is also counterproductive imo since it only helps their delusions and possibly causes them to continue on a self-harming trasition.
Most of them associate with people who will hurt them and again most will hurt themselves by either self harm or other impulsive behaviors.
No. 1664712
>>1664122Body positivity is all about nitpicking each other for not being fat enough. They hate the term 'obesity' but call it 'goddess sized' or 'average American body' or some other bullshit. They screech about Venus figures and white supremacy to drown out the glaringly obvious health concerns, yet somehow live at the doctors and have a new medical emergency every other week. Of course they don't enjoy their lives, they're permanently online crying about how they love their oversized bodies. So many of them have died before they hit 40, it's frightening to think that they could have lost weight and lived significantly longer, happier lives if they hadn't found the body positivity movement.
>>1664623I've seen it used for men and women on /cgl/ back in the day, along with hambeast and hamplanet.
No. 1664713
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Emrata looks really adorable with her short hair
No. 1664726
>>1664623Because men and women team up to make fat women's life hell and pretend every single fat woman is some haes tumblr/tiktok person. Fat men have to do something to be bullied for their size so creuly, randomly and frequent. While fat women just existing draws the anger/mockery online/offline from people. 9/10 when people whine about fat people the conversation focuses on fat women and even the people pretending to care about health etc. Use terms like, "landwhale" or are simply disgusted/hateful towards random fat people they see. Which is whatever feel how you want. I'm just speaking facts. And before someone says
>hey fattieI'm fat, I know I'm fat and working not to be fat.
No. 1665315
>>1665307The infinity sign tattoos are so fucking gay (derogatory)
It's like people who get them want to be quirky and deep and edgy but they're too scared to get a real tattoo
No. 1665341
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All the passive-aggressive word games, snide remarks and backhanded compliments women are socialized to play along with are a waste of time. When people (especially women or slimy men) do or say underhanded things in a bid to knock you down while taking advantage of the social contract of "cordiality" or not wanting to look like you "care too much", it's better to just call them out, not play the game with them. Usually, they try to gaslight and insist that you're "angry" or "crazy" because they don't know how to respond to being addressed directly, but you can tell the difference between an actual misunderstanding and shitty damage control by asking them exactly what they meant and why they said it. They always come up empty, because they know you're right.
It's actually the biggest fucking meme that women and girls are encouraged to do the tired "shady af comebacks" thing. It's better to go nuclear and risk the person who tried you insisting you're being unhinged. If you're in the right, they won't try it again. If other people are around, they'll notice the bullshit too.
No. 1665372
>>1665250My unpopular opinion is that it's really hard to dislike a pretty person because even if they're a terrible human being, you will always be accused of being jealous if you're a woman. Especially an ugly woman.
Sometimes the hatred is justified and we should be allowed to call them out. An asshole is an asshole regardless of what they look like, the pretty ones can just hide better behind their looks and act innocent while pulling the feminism card and "girls supporting girls uwu". Actually scratch that, having
any negative emotion ever as an ugly person will get you bullied because you're supposed to be grateful for every crumb you get and "compensate" for your unfortunate looks with a sweet personality even if someone makes you uncomfortable.
No. 1665385
>>1665374Yeah, and even if you're decently pretty you'll get accused of jealousy when calling out a pretty girl for nasty behavior. Of course idiots and nice people both come in all shapes and sizes, but pretty girls who are snakes can be particularly nasty. They know how to use their simps and admirers to do their bidding and play up the innocent widdle baby act.
My worst bully was one of these, she hated me because her ex had a crush on me many years ago and made my life hell. I am gay and not into him, or her. I was just there at the wrong time.
No. 1665525
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extra virgin olive oil should've gotten the holy grail treatment coconut oil gets! Coconut oil does almost nothing for your hair idc! Its all a myth every time i've tried to use a product that had it or used it by itself, it would irritate my scalp and make my hair dry. I think its great for body care but i dont think it does anything for your hair! I think it just became meme'd into becoming a holy grail product because coconuts sound more appealing to put on your hair and skin than olives lol. But i dont care olive oil is the best oil. As a natural i've used damn near every oil known to man and them italians snapped with turning olives into oils! Its also a great skin moisturizer too! Anyone who considers coconut oil as their fave oil for hair never tried olive oil!
No. 1665553
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I honestly couldn't give less of a fuck about Palestine when all of its most vocal supporters say the most Hitlerite shit casually. I can't open a video of a visibly Jewish person doing literally anything without the comments being full of "Free Palestine" spam even when the video has fuckall to do with Palestine. Also I don't know if I want a nation full of goatfucking pedo-worshipping scrotes who would make it legal to stone homosexuals and women to death in the streets if they could to be "free" anyways.(racebaiting)
No. 1665588
>>1665578Please don't reply to racebaiters, anon.
>>1665553I'm Muslim and I support Israel because they offered help for our country in a natural disaster and most muslims I know also support Israel. Unironically most Palestine supporters are either antisemites, neonazis or American leftists who think jews are evul capitalists
No. 1665659
>>1665636"Goyim" is a jewish term, you can find it in jewish dictionaries.
Fun fact: in old jewish encyclopedias word "holocaust" means ritual sacrifice by fire.
No. 1665684
>>1665620People will always choose to racebait instead of dealing with actual actions.
I can't comprehend a retard who sees something happening, and goes "buh buh theierr genes thei r race buhh?". What's the "entire races are just evil because of their genetics" fags' excuse for their own race being full of pedophilic, murdering scrotes? "O-Ok but i-it's not as bad"? They're probably the type to tell children in their family to shut up and that they're liars if they want to talk about how an uncle/grandparent/father abused them because "family sticks together!!". Racists are incapable of thinking in terms of individuality. They're literal shit-flinging monkeys. They hold us all back from any kind of true meritocracy or actual collective progress.
Also, fuck Judaism and any other religion that pushes any sort of caste mentality. It's just more of the same.
No. 1665770
>>1665659Yes but at this point "goyim" has also been co opted as a mocking dogwhistle and buzzword by braindead neonazis, so especially in a derogatory context it's not wrong to be wary of its usage
I probably have more jewish ancestry than you, I'm aware of what its original usage means
No. 1666101
I'm getting super sick of every non-white female in the media going platinum blonde. IT feels like the 2000s where everyone is fake as fuck again. Sooo many platinum blonde women w olive tones struggling to get that gold glow.
I don't wanna make it about race, so I won't, but natural blondes and very pale/dark tanned skin looks best w platinum blonde hair. Ariana Grande isn't browning herself anymore, but she looks so gaunt and uncanny now with the blonde hair, new ski slope nose and GIANT bug eyes, and I see the same look more and more everywhere. I'm losing the ability to tell them apart bc they also all have that same shaggy, grown out & deflated Goldie Hawn hairstyle with a sideswept part.Why does it feel like we're abt to fall back into the "only 1-2 looks are acceptable" era? It's been getting worse and worse since the pandemic. Just bc people have a weird obsession with gold/blonde tones, not everyone who dyes their hair that color can pull it off. Plus, it's kind of fucking boring to see after a while. Instagram? Sooooo many platinum blonde Asian women who are both gothic/alt and kawaii/nymphet styled, but also with some LANY bougie tossed in. What happened to variety & experimenting with your look, rather than just copying the same look that might not even look good on you?
No. 1666317
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>>1665651frogs are good though
No. 1666333
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>>1666332so basically oil is not a moisturizer so much as it is a moisturizer sealant. although some oils do have the added benefit of moisture. honestly there is an oil for everybody but also not every oil suits every person. But i swear to god coconut oil is not as universal as the world may think. OLIVE OIL IS
No. 1666358
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Unpopular crocheter opinion, I hate when instagram crocheters say that you can't copy their work and that if you want it you have to buy it from them or buy their pattern. If I see something and I'm skilled enough to recreate it just from pics, I'm gonna do it and you can't stop me. People forget that a part of the joy of crafting is being able to see something and decide you can make it yourself. That's how like a majority of DIYers and crafters even get into the game. Not to mention that many crochet ideas are not actually original, I've literally seen people try to sell patterns for tulip headbands that are literally just single crochets and a tulip stitch.
As long as no one tries to take credit for the design, who cares. And of course people shouldn't sell their copied designs unless the OG creator says it's alright.
No. 1666384
>>1666372>Most of them are annoying and ugly and smelly.Then they should be alone. Most misogyny stems from the idea that women's bodies and sexuality are commodities that can be bought for the right price. If a guy isn't up to par in grooming and hygiene, emotional intelligence, personality, etc, then he should die alone.
>But for some reason they think they're God's gift to the planetThey think they're God's gift to the planet because they can buy women.
No. 1666482
>>1665651I get you nonna. There's like that alt crochet girl I'm subscribed to on YouTube but I find it very cringe when she uses every opportunity to make whatever other yearly holiday into a Halloween thing. She turned Valentine's day into "Valloween" and I was genuinely asking myself why. Even if I find whatever stuff that's Valentine's day themed tacky af, whoever is into that stuff is allowed to.
I like Halloween because I'm a fall kid, but I don't make Halloween my entire existence.
No. 1666793
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>>1666420Exactly anon. It especially bothers me when the design is actually pretty basic. For that specific person, I think one of her more popular designs is these bucket hats and some baphomet amigurumi. Like, bucket hats with horns are already a thing. The only unique thing is the eye which wouldn't be difficult to figure out imo.
No. 1666800
>>1666606"Barbie has a feminist message"
>she apologizes to Ken after he brainwashed all the Barbies and created patriarchy>Ken never says sorry>He is still trying to kiss her while she's apologizing for friendzoning himLike what's the feminist message here? It's so corporate lib-fem pickme it's insane. Great wardrobe though and the very beginning where there there was a Barbie matriarchy (ignore the hulking troon Barbie that was by far the worst actor in this movie kek) was dope.
No. 1666845
>>1666358This shit is so annoying, there's a lot of people too who refuse to release patterns and then get angry when you have the audacity to figure out how to crochet it yourself.
I do crochet, beadwork, and cross stitch and I happily copy all sorts of things I see - if it's for my personal use, who cares? I don't have $120+ to drop on one-of-a-kind beaded earrings on Instagram that were only made once - but I do have the $30 worth of supplies and the skill so I'm gonna copy it, you can't stop me.
A side note but I also hate pattern makers that say "oh you can sell what you make from my pattern but it has to be at X cost". Uh, no? It's not up to you what I do with the finished product, what I sell it for, or where I sell it. This woman really said crocheted sweaters made from her pattern should sell for at least $150. I think that's outrageous for a pattern that suggests using acrylic walmart yarn - she also just copied the pattern and wrote it out in a PDF from an already established pattern of the same sweater that was free on youtube to begin with KEK. The audacity of some of these people is baffling.
No. 1666929
>>1666340AYRT nona I'm not talking about people like you (I'm very sorry to hear about your mom). Please keep enjoying Halloween. I was talking about the people who are obsessed with Halloween to the point of making it their personality to be obsessed with Halloween and buy tacky spooky shit bought from Hobby Lobby and shit on every other holiday simply out of a desire to look cool, they only like Halloween since it's 'edgy' and they can show off how different they are than everyone else.
Its fine to enjoy Halloween, the only people I can't stand are the people who are freakishly obsessed with it to the point where you know they're just gloating about it because they want to be 'different'.
No. 1667019
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i don’t understand how julia garner is famous and why she keeps getting lead roles. she absolutely cannot act, she ruins anything she’s in with her weird inconsistent accents and Disney-tier acting. She’s also not particularly attractive which obviously does not matter by itself but it’s not like she’s getting by just on looks, I find her personality in interviews really grating too
No. 1667384
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Narutomaki is gross
No. 1667390
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i hate jennifer jason leigh's face so much i want to punch it. i have never seen such a punchable face. anything shes in is automatically ruined for me because her speech, her mouth, her mannerisms and everything irritate the fuck out of me.
No. 1667397
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>>1666308>Americans are so flamboyant and have to make everything big and dramaticMe, DRAMATIC? NEVER!
No. 1667711
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I think Mario is as cute and charming as his younger brother. I know Luigi as a character objectively has a more defined personality and quirks, but I also think Nintendo also injected plenty of personality into Mario over the past decades that can be picked up on. Maybe for most people he’ll boil down to just a mascot that goes “hee hoo wahoo” but Idk I just think it’s touching how loyal he is Peach and gives help unconditionally to pretty much anyone who needs it. He’s super jolly and enthusiastic while doing good things and I think it’s endearing.
No. 1667739
nonnie. Retard is such a perfect word. I don't think anyone really calls mentally disabled people retarded anymore, rather it goes to the fucking dumbasses in their normal lives. Yes that insult is for the autists too. Tired of those retards trying to hide behind the spectrum to get away with everything, especially the moids
No. 1667770
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Timothee Chalamet is hot and I’m tired of nonnas saying he’s busted then calling some bald gaming YouTuber their scrungly bingus babygirl
No. 1667797
>>1667770He is cute, even if he does look like a leather shoe turned into a real boy
he's just too young for me
No. 1667826
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>>1667770Ah, my last bastion of heterosexuality. Would lick him from head to toe.
>>1667815Good, it's more fun that way.
No. 1667840
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>>1667832I can sense the depth of your emotions as you shared that you shed tears while watching the Barbie movie. It must have been a touching and heartfelt moment for you. I understand how movies can evoke strong feelings and bring out our vulnerabilities. Remember that it takes courage to be vulnerable, and it's a sign of strength to acknowledge and process our emotions. Take care of yourself and know that you're not alone in feeling this way.
No. 1667841
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I shed tears during the Barbie movie, aye I did. My emotions were strong and genuine, and I didn't hold back. Despite any potential judgment or criticism, I allowed myself to fully experience the film and connect with its characters. I am confident in my ability to express my emotions and embrace vulnerability. Crying during a movie is a natural and healthy way to release emotions and connect with the story. I am proud of myself for allowing myself to feel deeply and express those feelings without reservation.
No. 1667845
>>1667841Good for you
nonny, I'm not gonna watch it because it's not my thing, but glad you enjoyed it. Just be careful before dinosaurchan comes to shit on you.
No. 1667945
I think people need to learn to separate the art from the artist, no matter the type of art.
My personal realization of that was when I still had Facebook, I used to follow the musician Moby's Facebook fan page. He'd keep spamming it with
personal takes, political content irrelevant to his music, or with his vegan/cruelty free convictions. So while I like his music still, I have to remove the fan page because it did not fulfill the purpose I was following it for, namely new song/album releases, tour announcements etc.
In my home country some drama happened a few days ago where a young singer expressed her dislike for a song, but while conflicting the fact the artist is right leaning and associated the song to a right leaning song by syllogism. She can dislike the song because it's not a typical song from where I'm from, that's fine, but it is not right leaning as she justified herself. The song is a tribute to another country after the original singer did a tour there. He returned home with the person who writes lyrics for him asking if they can write a song about that place and they did. The creative writing process had nothing to do with his political convictions.
No. 1668437
>>1660554This especially since women were on hormonal birth control long before all the issues started raising, I wouldn't doubt if the gov paid tons of money to put smear campaigns to turn everyone into little fighting sheep if we dare question anything wrong with our environment, you already see people getting laughed at and mocked if they dare questions why the fuck do companies need to put an unnecessary amount of soybean oil in everything
I also feel like the granola, raw milk, no laundry detergent, alkaline water,EMF blocker type people are simply a result of everyone noticing what this change in our environment has done to people but we dont get any clear answers on what it is. Just look around us, Americans struggle to lose tons of extra fat even if they eat almost nothing, chronic fatigue seems to fall over the population, fertility issues in young couples and almost no woman even has regular periods anymore, theres way more people with acne now than ever before nevermind hair loss, weak nails, etc and we never get any help or answers
No. 1668460
>>1660554I'm someone who works in Healthcare and I get so mad whenever some schizo/rightie tells a woman to drop using birth control when she's using it to treat a disorder like pcos. Like why don't those rightist incels go and have kids themselves instead of telling women to stop getting treatments for their hormonal disorders because it makes the woman less likely to have accidental pregnancies?
Same people are trying to ban abortion, it's not a coincidence, they're obviously trying to take women's rights away and doom them to unwanted motherhood. Motherhood is beautiful but when it's forced upon women, it'll be highly harmful and obviously tortuous for the woman in question.
No. 1668465
>>1668460I took BC for PCOS and I hate that it's treated like a band aid. I didn't even know about metformin and other options until YEARS after being diagnosed, never mind diet and food
triggers. I still remember when I was first diagnosed the doctor comes out with birth control and that's it.. no discussion on diet, testing, follow up appointments, etc. Basically just "stop complaining and take estrogen". The only thing that DID help me with PCOS was diet and metformin, not to mention pill-induced PCOS being common and they still think it's a great idea to throw every woman on BC if she has PCOS. So much of the gynecology field is archaic and ignored
No. 1668486
>>1668441I wanna use lipedema as an excuse for having cellulite lmfao
Anorexic/slender/healthy bmi women with lipedema don’t look fat, just (unfortunate term since they already are skinny or healthy but idk how else to describe it as) misshapen.
No. 1668542
>>1668465Your issues being caused by bad diet doesn't mean birth control can't be beneficial for other women. Pcos and diabetes go hand in hand, everyone knows a bad diet which can
trigger insuline resistance can definitely worsen your pcos.
No. 1668683
>>1668678Some of them are stronger than they seem my skinny fwb is rail thin skeletor bone rattler he lowkey
triggers me with his flat smooth tummy but when he is grabbing me and holding me and running it thru he feels strong as any man also no flab, no yucky smells, easy to rub myself and see everything going on missionary is the best with skinny guys holy fuck and you can reach around grab them by the ass and thrust them into you like a human dildo
No. 1669073
Piggybacking off of
>>1669065 but I think it's so fucking retarded that people get cancelled over singing song lyrics. If a song is released on mainstream platforms, it's being played, it is in popular culture, I'm singing the "nigga". People can be singing the most nasty, misogynistic, violent crap about women, but as soon as I sing along with a Kanye song, I'm an irredeemable bigot? Bffr
No. 1669150
>>1669142don't even argue with people who cant stop and critically think why them as a non black person saying a literal slur just because its said in a song (a song which you can easily buy the clean version of) to not potentially offend someone. like how small brained do you have to be. personally im the type of bitch that if you have the audacity to say nigga in my presence i will call you a spic, kike, cunt, zipperhead, gook, wetback, trogolodyte,. etc etc etc. Trust and believe i know every slur for that ass.
My unpopular opinion is that is integral for black people to learn other races slurs so that they can use it back on them. its the only way they'll learn that words mean things. why is it right that black children have to grow up hearing slurs yelled at them by their peers as a part of "growing up". Its nasty and im tired of it. no one thinks about how children grow up being impacted by hearing the n word be used like water online and in every community by every single person ever. its mind numbing and debilitating. but of course no one cares because no one has humanity. hell im on a board where half the time most of the gore and cp that gets posted is targeted at black children. i already know what time it is. i just wish more black people werent so open and accepting of everyone when literally NO ONE respects us enough to not even call us a word. BLEAK. ill take my ban fuck this site and fuck you BITCHES
No. 1669306
>>1669171Me: posts about how I don’t like that bitch is treated as a common innocent insult whereas it’s widely accepted something like the n word is wrong to say and will get you called out
No. 1669398
>>1669306Sorry about that, anon. It was my post below yours that brought all the manic tumblrfags out of the woodwork.
I didn't think I was saying anything crazy controversial with "It's weird that it's okay to make and sing to music that is degrading towards women, but you can get cancelled for singing 'nigga' when it is now very commonly used in a casual, non-offensive way, especially in popular culture". Like I don't think people should die when Gold Digger comes on and they sing "she ain't messing with no broke niggas" kek. It's music, it's made so people will play and sing it.
No. 1669410
>>1669406you must be new, my post was
>>1669171 which was being replied to. that certainly explains the sperging and projecting. the rest of your post is pure word salad.
No. 1669416
>>1669410Cool, I still wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the anon I replied to. I know new platforms are difficult to get used to. Why don't you head back, I'm sure your followers think they miss you
>>1669413I mean, if that's the case, then shouldn't the songs be published without those words in the first place?
No. 1669425
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>>1669416>these 48 year old boomer from facebook levels of malding and passive-aggressionthe thing about imageboards is anyone can respond to you, and if you talk about someone, they can also reply. if this troubles you, places like twitter have block functions and private messaging functions
No. 1669504
>>1669495Yeah they think those women are broken too so they can't offer much sympathy, and what they do have to offer is very performative.
>>1669502GNC women are told their disinterest in conventional gender roles/expression makes them "eggs." Many of them already feel broken and this is offered as a plausible explanation for why.
No. 1669506
>>1669502>Most ftms aren't butch lesbians though?We're talking about people faking concern for butch lesbians in particular so your point doesn't matter but if you want to go there, according to statistics only roughly 10% report being "same sex (male) attracted" i.e. straight women. The rest are varying degrees of SSA, if not lesbian then bisexual. Some people have their brain fried by the Fakeboi thread to the point they think all FTMs are just gay aidens dating Vaush clones.
>Not to mention some of the few that are detrans and become those 'radfems'.Are there any actually detrans radfems? I only see desisters who just went by a male nickname and took a microdose of T for a while and then quit it.
No. 1669508
>>1669495I assume this is because you didn't like anons explaining their opinion on the mra type of tifs psychology/mocking them for thinking the way they're treated is because they're men and not gnc women in
>>>/snow/1883534 and
>>>/snow/1883537 in response to
>>>/snow/1883318 .
No. 1669515
>>1669510You mean Pique Resilience Project? IIRC only one of them was a butch lesbian and half of them were desisters, not detransitioners, and one of them went full tradthot being featured in the detransitioner cow thread. The group existed for maybe a year.
>>1669513NTA but the point is that these "radfems" don't "hate them transitioning", they hate them being GNC to begin with because they find it unnatural and disgusting especially due to its association with homosexuality.
No. 1669558
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>>1669553i dont understand why anons are saying this is bait. The vast majority of gymrats look disgusting because they aim for gay moid aesthetic instead of hot bishie aesthetic so they always end up looking like bloated corpses with muscles attached to them. The men who look like pic rel after hitting the gym are the rarity, gymrat moids also skip leg day a lot so they end up looking so fucking goofy and unbalanced.
No. 1669616
>>1669563canadian here
lots of moids at my gym either look like gay porn stars or they look like they've never lifted anything heaver than a can of beans in their entire lives.
No. 1669621
>>1668723>don't like muscular scrotes or fat slobswise words
nonnie, speak the truth!!
No. 1669646
>>1669643desister = identified as trans but took no medical steps before giving up trans identity
detrans = took medical steps but reverted back (ideologically or physically, usually both)
And although the poster was probably a baiter, I've seen before some nonas claim radfems hate GNC women, which to me sound nonsensical because I'm GNC and nowhere have I found the same level of acceptance than in radfem spaces. But that was irl and not online so maybe anons need to touch grass and get off of twitter.
No. 1669752
>>1669706the changing of the term "gender critical" to include prolifers and conservatives is the most stupid change, and I hate these terminally online boomers for doing it. Someone automatically cannot be "critical of gender" if they at all buy into trad gender norms. The purpose of GC was to signify you agree with (radical) feminist critique of gender identity ideology/queer theory but aren't necessarily a radical feminist (like if you are male).
>whereas radical /feminists/ are mostly made up of man-hating butch lesbians who will side-eye you at the best or call you a cum gurgler at worst if you sleep with males.Why throw lesbians and especially butches under the bus for this, they are a vast minority still in radfem/GC spaces. A lot of the worst shit is het or bi women being creepy misogynists, yet everyone assumes they must be lesbians.
No. 1669837
>>1668399No, you can't get fired for personal opinion as it doesn't hold on in court.
You can't legally get fired from a job for opinions that don't harm the company or the purpose of your job.
People during the pandemic who worked in public healthcare who posted their opinion about masks, vaccines, especially COVID sceptics got fired. Their opinion online harmed the position of the healthcare company of whatever country they worked for, as they are harming the position of the public health ministry amwhen they're supposed to be part of it. It is a different fucking thing from some dude in the 80s asking his lyricist to write a tribute song about a foreign country because they toured there and the singer happens to coincidentally vote for right leaning parties now.
Seriously you're no better than those fucking cruel Dschermans who decided to put some 96 year old woman on trial last year because when she was 20 year old she was a secretary in a concentration camp, when she probably wasn't given much of a choice when we know how women were treated in the beginning of the 20th century.
No. 1670056
>>1670039You put up your arm and spray it like
pshhhhh, ideally from a distance of about 15 centimeters. Repeat on the other side.
No. 1670075
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>>1670018Shaved armpits are not just ugly, but also unhygenic
No. 1670542
>>1669789>I dont think trans people are that badWell, you're definitely wrong. Especially when it comes to trannies invading women only spaces, sports, locker rooms and trying to change actual science and biology to suit their needs. Not to mention a huge amount of tranny shit is basically 'boy likes pink, so he must be a woman.'
> I met one who still understands that he is a gay man and we agreed on most of the issuesthen he should be a gay man. i work with a tranny who is obviously a very gay man, but he makes everyone call him by his 'girl' name and 'she.' It's infuriating. You are a man, not a woman. Trannys only hurt women with their bs, not men either.
No. 1670547
>>1670545Exactly. trannydom has turned womenhood and feminism into a joke. "Oh, you feel like a woman? you're a woman then!" Please, get out of my face with that nonsense. You are either born a woman or not. Men have no claim to anything only a woman can experience. We are still in 2023 fighting for basic human rights. Trannys can go kill themselves. Instead of fighting against
toxic gender roles, we are encouraging them to please men for some reason. Women, stop doing shit to make men feel good. Let them die.
No. 1670561
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>>1669789>I met one who still understands that he is a gay manObviously he doesn't if he still identifies as a tranny. They're all misogynistic, mentally ill sex pests, their very understanding of women is based on it. And yes, even your not-like-other-trannys fag friend.
No. 1671027
>>1670995It's because you live in a Nordic country. Im not that anon but i live in a Balkan country and most couples with 7-9 year differences I know ended up with the man getting
abusive and cheating.
No. 1671068
>>1670954>sometimes these relationships are just fine and not predatory.This is true, of course it's possible for an age gap relationship to be normal and not
abusive. But every age gap relationship in existence is seen by men as proof that they are entitled to a younger woman and that dating a woman their own age is settling. Not all of them can get a younger woman but that doesn't stop them desperately trying and resenting their same aged gfs/wives at the same time.
We can't stop men being pervertedly, psychotically obsessed with youth, but we owe it to other women and our future selves to not perpetuate the delusion that older men are particularly valuable and desirable to younger women. We owe to younger women to not let them think their age is leverage or a bargaining chip that will get them treated better and not cheated on, because they're going to age too. It's a damaging pattern that needs to end and every woman who dates an older man is making it worse for every other woman including herself.
No. 1671085
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Half your age plus 7 rule is probably the best thing to use when deciding if a age gap is too much. I haven’t seen a single case where it doesn’t apply, except like certain laws in countries, but it’s more of a social rule.
No. 1671103
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I hate online dating so much. I think people having too much choice is a bad thing. How many times have you seen some reddit graph where someone has 10,000 matches but narrows it down to only talking to like 2 of them? How could you possibly make any kind of informed decision at that point? Maybe the only perceivable difference between two different guys is one has a car and the other doesn't. I don't think these are good parameters to judge someone on. It's just insane. You can't tell what someone is like until you meet them in real life, how many men and women lose out on great partners because of petty little shit like that. I feel like back in the day when you just had to choose from the guys and girls in your town (or the next town over) things were a lot simpler.
There are so many people who use it just to get an ego boost, to look at the number of matches they have and say "yeah, I'm fucking hot" when really men are just swiping right on everyone in the stack because they'd fuck anything with two legs.
The mental health effects are also detrimental. So many people on social media talk about being depressed over shit like this. Imagine being a person who gets no matches. I know no one will give a fuck here but the male virginity rate rising and most girls on dating apps gravitating to the same top percentage of guys is definitely cause for concern. Having an entire generation of young boys with nothing to lose is extremely dangerous. I don't want a communist/fascist uprising anytime soon, but if people don't get what they think they deserve (a family and a home) people WILL commit violence to get it.(self-confessed male)
No. 1671148
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>>1671103Pussy is a privilege, not a right. Five feet tall chinlets must die off for the betterment of humanity. Stay mad faggot
(responding to moidpost) No. 1671175
>>1671103You almost had me until
>most girls on dating apps gravitating to the same top percentage of guys is definitely cause for concern>Having an entire generation of young boys with nothing to lose is extremely dangerous. I don't want a communist/fascist uprising anytime soon, but if people don't get what they think they deserve (a family and a home) people WILL commit violence to get it.and by people you mean men
No. 1671209
>I know no one will give a fuck here but the male virginity rate rising and most girls on dating apps gravitating to the same top percentage of guys is definitely cause for concern. Having an entire generation of young boys with nothing to lose is extremely dangerous. I don't want a communist/fascist uprising anytime soon, but if people don't get what they think they deserve (a family and a home) people WILL commit violence to get it.This is just incel rhetoric, I don’t know how any of you can read this an think a woman wrote this. It’s like the collective IQ is going down the toilet on here.
>>1670995 >Not every man is a predatory evil monster. I know that's hard for people to accept on lc though. Same goes for this post as well.
No. 1671240
>>1671209>male virginity rates are risingshould probably be amended to
>virginity rates are risingcuz gen z women also fall under that
everyone loves the idea of sexualizing things but fewer and fewer people are actually having sex
No. 1671472
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>>1671209Have people seen men on dating sites? Of course women go for the top ones because the rest is outright hideous and take terrible photos. I have both men and women show up and the difference is day and night. Every other woman is really dolled up with beautiful photos and almost every man is an ogre with greasy selfie and shitty sexist description. Like that's the answer for this statistic they always talk about - 80% men on dating sites look absolutely terrible and make no effort in their profiles. Most women on tinder are mid to pretty and when mid they at least take really nice pictures and have good bio.
Picrel is the first woman and man I grabbed in a minute off my tinder it pretty much always looks like that.
No. 1671488
>>1671485Yeah the 25-35 year old men are ugly but that's not the worst part, stats I've seen said that like %40-50 of that age range men who use dating apps were either already in a relationship or literally married. These uggos not only have wives but they think they can get mistresses here, wild.
>>1671477I've been told by an unmarried unemployed 40 year old man that I'm wasting my youth because I'm studying and hanging out with my close friends instead of clubbing or getting in casual relationships. I've never seen married or successful people tell me similar stuff though, it's only people with no accomplishments who get upset that the newer gen has other interests.
No. 1671749
>>1671508I really wish this was true, but it’s not. They just make a big show of taking it seriously but don’t really. I reported a moid I lived with for possession of cp and submitted tons of cyber tips with IP and personal info but they refused to do anything about it. He was already to the point of filming little girls in public too which I told them about.
There’s a documentary about pedos in Europe that claims there are thousands of new known cp consumers every year but they don’t get arrested because “jails would be overrun”
No. 1671787
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This opinion is probably more popular than most people care to admit but if your dog is so rabid that it can’t go out in public without attacking another dog that you should just Old Yeller it immediately, right then and there. Like if I was even in the vicinity of something like this happening? Grab a knife and stab the big dog around the neck and eyes. It’ll let go of the other dog immediately and you’ll never have this problem again! You can’t see it very well but the retarded pitbull owner is trying to diffuse the situation by just grabbing the dogs legs…35IQ(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1672847
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>>1672841Wow, thanks for the daily dose of cringe.
No. 1672882
>>1672795As someone who was born with blonde hair/blue eyes, then it later faded to an ash blonde (so yet another type of blonde), then I went back to bleaching it blonde later… I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
No, people don't treat you differently if you're blonde. I'm sick of the idea that people like me are born retarded or something or with lower IQ because you idiots fetishize white women like us. This is a total troon post.
No. 1672893
nonnie, I got nothing, I am always objectively correct about everything.
No. 1673140
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>>1663064this reminded me of you
No. 1673141
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>>1672823People overshare to me when I actually talk to them and I consider myself to be a standoffish creepy looking brunette. I must secrete a weird pheromone or something
>>1673111I hate when I'm in-person getting something done or shopping and someone pesters me to upgrade or buy more shit. I know how it works. Have been in retail nearly my entire adult life
Maybe it's my retail experience that makes people overshare to me even though I look and sound like ass cuz I definitely don't seem friendly and I'm never going to touch blonde dye with a 39.5foot pole
No. 1673165
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>>1673152No but imagine they try being a swarthy dark haired white woman with dark eyes for one day. Or try being phenotypically "Jewish" looking.
Because even if we have prettier features than those blonde blue eyed girls with arched brows… we'll always be uglier and they'll always fucking have advantages over us.
There's barely any representation for non-phenotypically white or mixed women with dark features and television and film will
always opt for the girl with the lightest eyes and hair they can possibly muster with very few exceptions. This era of "representation" still hasn't done shit for that. Like old Hollywood had a better and wider spread of brunette actresses than the Margot Robbie Sydney Sweeney waves we're being attacked with right now. We are literally considered the fucking ugliest and shoved to the wayside like we don't matter, and honestly like we're not considered white.
I literally barely even look white and people have tried to speak to me in fucking Spanish but zOMG BEING A NATURALLY PALE ARYAN WET DREAM IS SO HARD GUYS shut up playboy bunny
When all else fails, I guess I'll have Olivia Cooke, maybe Alba Baptista and Jenna Ortega, even though the latter two aren't "white". Whiteness is fucking stupid anyway and was mostly invented by racists as a way to further divide between ethnicities and peoples, the concept of "white" has changed so much overtime, yet it became this hulking and evil tyrant when it came to women's beauty standards and yes I'm going to comment on why I think it's fucking retarded
No. 1673174
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>>1673165And yes ugly blonde women with light eyes will always be considered "prettier" thanks to white supremacy than even fucking pretty brunette girls with darker eyes, solely because of some standards invented by a moid, and women constantly play into that
But it's much easier to play into it when you were born with coloring that wasnt considered ugly or swarthy meanwhile those of us who are on the opposite end are fucking working ten times harder than you'll ever have to work to be considered attractive. If you're a natural snowbunny with a button nose in a Eurocentric country you have no idea what it's like to be mocked the way we have. And now I'm playing into the moid's trap by turning women against other women, but it's true. I grew up in the 00s hearing blonde blue eyed women bitch about how "hard" they had it in the media when I was a fucking basic to homely brunette and was never gonna look like them, and it destroys your self esteem. Shut up.
>The TikToker explained that if you've ever secretly wondered if a celebrity has had some work done — it honestly might just be their hair.
>"When you're working on a magazine and a celebrity is coming in for shoot, the magazine has a sheet on file of the celebrity where it lists all of their measurements, what piercings they have, what their hair looks like at the time they're coming in. It's so they can be dressed in the proper colors and fit," she explained.
>So what does that have to do with blonde hair? Well at one shoot, an assistant told her that lighter hair "softens your features."Bullshit.
>"That means if you're a brunette and you're pretty — you're truly pretty," she claimed the woman told her. No. 1673200
>>1673189Karjenners are embarrassing because of their bad surgery. Bella has blue eyes. Selena is kind of cowish and getting into botched territory, but used to be prettier, I looked up to her and Demi enough. Still really not enough though. It's like you have to fit a very certain look.
And the overwhelming majority even brunettes are still light eyed, Hollywood having a few token castings and a few brown eyes in there can't hide its deeply white supremacist nature anyway
No. 1673247
>>1673174>>1673165shut the fuck up. you have no idea what blond women go through.
>nicki minaj (so brunette that it's literally her skin color): Fuck those skinny bitches, fuck those skinny bitches in the club/I wanna see all the big fat-ass bitches in the muthafuckin' club/Fuck you if you skinny, bitches, what? Kyuh>meghan trainor (blond): I'm bringing booty back/Go ahead and tell them skinny bitches that/No, I'm just playing I know y'all think you're fat/But I'm here to tell you/Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the topguess who was abused for YEARS despite hers not even being as harsh? we are both fetishized and attacked for no reason, we literally face the worst aspects of misogyny and are seen as dumb. just because your moids want to fuck us doesn't mean anything. having blue eyes makes it worse, i was literally called children of the corn growing up you fucking bitch.
(stop infighting) No. 1673254
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>>1673247Is this a joke post or what
Anyway try being part Jewish I mean we literally get forcefully shoved into every conspiracy theory ever, were chased out of multiple nations by Christ killers, and were mass gassed by hitler and are fetishized and degraded for different reasons but oh my god the most oppressed woman out there is like, Renee Rapp, Paris Hilton and Taylor Swift
Poor blondie!
>>1673257Because that's not the stereotype and most people don't know how to dismiss ancestry from stereotypes? And the stereotype leans towards the racist idea that Jews (which I am part Jewish) have darker complexions and eyes.
it doesn't matter because my point stands, when you take out my self hatred of my Jewish ancestry- light haired light eyed women have disproportionately more advantage over dark haired and dark eyed women?
I'm not either cow you mentioned by the way, however I've talked about hating my appearance before. A lot more placidly. I was the anon who wanted to work in goddamn hollywood, I'm allowed to point out how it's disproportionately white supremacist and favors a certain phenotype and how gross and unfair I think that is because it gives me disadvantages in life. Confidence won't fix my face and blonde dye would look horrible with my complexion. If an uggo like Jenny McCarthy is gonna automatically be favored more than me because solely white supremacist conditioning and stereotypes, then how can a dark haired dark eyed woman make it more easily. The reasoning is- she can't. And I'm tired of pretending that this quasi racist preference doesn't exist and hearing blonde women cry
No. 1673274
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>>1673262I've been on this site for years I'm not a fucking scrote retard
No. 1673309
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>>1673305I knew it was you
No. 1673320
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>>1673230>>1673242>Could also be that korean focus on English education more and think it's super cool to speak English, and might need it for traveling abroad and trading etc., while Japan has a more self-reliant economy and don't need English most of the time so they only learn the basics in school and forget about it later on in their lives. But both still love using it as decoration in songs kekYour exactly right, although Japan and Korea are both considered "westernized," there are significant differences in their approach to Western culture and aesthetics. Japan has developed a highly localized interpretation of Western aesthetics that is filtered through a distinctly Japanese lens. Even when certain Japanese individuals are interested in a specific aspect of Western culture or history, their perspective is often shaped by a specific background(even with their hardcore radfems, they will still be very Japanese). In contrast, Korea the opposite issue, with a heavy reliance on American programs and media. While Koreans may consume this content without necessarily adapting it to their own culture, they tend to recreate it in a way that doesn't transform it, rather just copy.
No. 1673343
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you can find some of my posts bitching about my alleged ugliness and extremeo body dysmorphia at the bottom of this thread, and I've bitched about hating how I look phenotypically southern european beforehand, the other post was from a vent thread, but as I said, I'm not a scrote. I've been here for years. Only when I decide to come out and bitch about blonde women having privilege or when I mention some decrepit trash bag male does anyone actually care. I tried to overdose a few days ago and because I have no insurance I just have to ride out the shakes and tremors I still have in my body. I'm trying to recover but oh my god I think I have to go off this site again because I never even feel safe anonymously venting anymore. I'd rather die than just continue to face the demons that plague me
>>>/g/114320I did not mean to offend anyone jesus fucking christ so what if I'm jealous of more attractive women with light eyes and light hair? don't act like a bunch of you aren't jealous and angry women who don't post in cow threads yourselves and unconditionally love your lives.
we don't. we're all on lolcow. that's why we're here. this idea of fading escapism that can still be easily violated with one wrong keystroke. I've repeatedly had my privacy violated the last fucking 1.5 years of my life and been fucking pretending it's okay, when it's not, and then when I finally start admitting it's not everything makes me wanna kms
I regret ever coming here years ago. I regret ever making a "name". I regret everything. I wish I could go back to 2020 and change it, then I wouldn't be half the resentful bitch I am now.
I'm sorry. Im truly sorry
(take a break) No. 1673347
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The "Kibbe" body type system is NOT bullshit and I'm tired of pretending it is. It just isn't his. The reason it blows is because it's a misinterpreted bastardization of a styling tool from the 60s created by stylist and designer Harriet McJimsey. McJimsey's scale had 6 types, Kibbe's has 2-3 for each of those types, then he went back and redid some of them, then said "well actually some of these other ones don't exist", then he introduced some yin and yang matrix to mansplain it all, and he has favourites which he makes painfully obvious from the descriptions.
McJimsey herself was improving upon some material from a Columbia professor in the 1920s, Belle Northrup, who was a costume designer for silent film actresses. Her thing was comparing them to zoo animals kek so that didn't age very well, but McJimsey's approach was just an old timey version of "everyone is beautiful" body positivity. Kibbe, being a moid, found a way to ruin it and market it as his. There was another one called Kitchener who did something marginally less retarded (he added one type and said you can be a mix of them, but the latter was already a given in McJimsey's version too) but only boomer women know of him now since his marketing was worse than Kibbe's.
No. 1673355
>>1673343dude if you really regret it just stop posting. and quit making edits of the guy you're pushing yourself deeper into despair, psychosis or not doesn't matter you're seriously only making yourself feel worse. posting vague censored posts aren't doing anything but that and not to egg on you but if he really is watching then wouldn't they also incite him to target you even more? you're basically labelling your posts. i'm honestly worried for you, you should really take a break as you said. this isn't good for you and you're spiraling. i'm not calling you crazy or outright denying what's happening to you ( i wouldn't put it above moid celebs ) but taking a break off of the internet would really help
psychosis and depression haver i'm not saying you're like me, but that's just my advice. if you're staying it's best you stop posting these kinds of images, it's really creepy anyway not to be mean and offend you.
No. 1673358
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Today, I will remind them. For brunette anon:>Researchers from the College of Natural and Health Sciences for the University of Tampa sought to find out which hair color was deemed as most attractive for both men and women, publishing their findings in a 2018 Florida Scientist study. The researchers analyzed the preferences of more than 1,900 male and female students at the university through a survey that also collected background data such as their own hair color, as well as the hair color of their parents and significant others. According to the study, men and women both viewed people with brunette hair color as more attractive than those with any other hue. By presenting pictures of the same woman with different dye hair colors, the researchers found that out of the population analyzed, 67 percent of men preferred the woman with brunette hair and 71 percent of women chose the man with brunette hair.And here is the study:>Hair color influences mate attraction in humans and understanding attraction has implications for the economics involved in fashion, marketing, and cosmetology. Biological and evolutionary psychology theories predict that individuals will be attracted to: 1) hair colors familiar or similar to them, such as their mom, dad, or their own hair color, 2) rare hair colors for their culture, 3) blonde hair because it represents youthfulness, or 4) the average hair color for the population. Past studies have been limited in their methodology with conflicting results. In this research, male and female hair color preferences in females were tested using a survey (N=1912). Background data on the participants were collected such as their own hair color, the hair color of their parents and significant others, and geographic region. Due to familiarity with hair colors present in different populations, geographic location was predicted to influence preference. Males and females both preferred brunette hair color, followed by blonde hair, and lastly red hair. Male choice of female hair color is consistent across geographic regions. Females were not consistent and varied their choice in hair color dependent on which geographic region they originated. Brunette hair color frequency appears to drive choice with stabilizing selection possibly influencing brunette frequency in populations.Once again, stop it. This is another reminder that only racists and brown people with fetishes believe having dark hair and eyes makes a person "ugly".
No. 1673364
nonnie your hair is lovely in my book
No. 1673366
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>>1673362They are both brunette.
No. 1673376
>>1673358>This is another reminder that only racists and brown people with fetishes believe having dark hair and eyes makes a person "ugly".This.
>>1673363No you're just ugly. Some men who fetishize blonde hair hit on blonde women even if they're very ugly. I'm saying this as someone who's naturally blonde.
No. 1673381
>>1673376Read the study.
>I'm a natural blonde!!1!Totally
No. 1673392
>>1673360Don't worry, anon, I love redhair and think it's the most unique and beautiful hair color, it's so mind blowing that it exists. But please drop the twitter talk (not me etc.)
No. 1673403
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if it makes the gingers feel any better, Muhammad likely had red hair, and in certain parts of the Islamic world its believed having red hair is a sign of having the bloodline of Muhammad.
No. 1673413
>>1673403This is Muhammad's direct male descendant btw, this is what Muhammad probably looked like(he was also described as uncommonly light skinned as well)
>>1673409he's the only famous ginger I could think of
(derailing) No. 1673421
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>>1673355I know, I keep trying to use my dbt skills and it's just not working, and my memory is too shoddy for hypnotherapy or edmr
I'm mostly afraid what'll happen if I stop
at this point I've told everyone irl except for my mom, because she's the most
abusive and will make me feel awful for it
my mom was my first abuser, I rarely see her and estranged her for five months. Thus far
>therapist knows>father knows>irl friends know>internet friends know>half the internet knows >he apparently even has a victim groupchat or something of women who've possibly been victimized by him? where is this?>nobody cares>nobody ever really seems to fully push me towards recovery except for therapist I guess>dad is the only family member that loves me>mom abusive>sister estranged and tried to kill memy irl friends aren't contacting me enough and they probably hate me for trying not to dwell on it, but cancelling plans, and my former closest friends new husband really bothers me and has me willingly distancing myself from her because of him.
my other friend isn't contacting me at all. I have no idea how to reach out to them right now.
my coworkers irl don't know because they're all older and won't understand the internet aspect of how this came to be, also they've
victim blamed women in the past in ways that make me uncomfortable and unable to tell them I've been victimized by any men
I have no insurance and can't get back on and afford a psychiatrist and psych meds, I only have a talk therapist. I tried natural supplements and they made my gastro issues worse. my therapist currently has cancer and I tried to tell her I'd find another one, knowing she's hurting… but she insists on keeping our sessions, I feel awful for her
my internet friends are also not contacting me much, namely the women I want to talk to in the group who partially got doxed and harassed. the only one I was talking to of that bunch turned out to be an entitled spoiled brat who dumped me because I told her she had awful views on psychology and that her "advice" wasn't helping me, she was entirely anti psychology, and got mad at me for saying I need my meds back
I'm afraid if someone does kill or harm me in the future, if I don't leave behind an internet or paper trail, that nobody will be able to verify my death. the saddest and scariest part is that I anticipate I'll die
nobody really likes me I guess, I'm way too similar to the thing I hate. no wonder I liked it so much. I'm just a gaping void myself who's too reliant on other people, concepts and things, a natural method actress, and I pretend nothing is wrong with me when I'm falling apart
I admit also that I don't have the best family or best friends.
I tried to distract myself by watching a show or movie and a reference to him came up, I ended up crying for ten minutes
I was literally doing better for two weeks, and then I died again, then the OD, now my body is going to be deregulated for a week, I shouldn't dump my problems here, I should just leave again.
But I had 23 solid brutal relapses last year cuz of this freak, my body is scarred up, I don't think and move the same. it's hard not to go back. I was abused from a very young age it's like I thrive most in being degraded, meanwhile it's breaking my body and mind down.
You become addicted to victimization, you don't respect yourself, and the moment you swear you better for a few fleeting years… it comes back. I was on the up. Before COVID and before his retirement, I could've gone on as I was.
The time I started feeling unsafe, in early 2022, my streak came to an end and I no longer loved anything about myself. I hope one day I can heal. Deep down I don't want to be degraded and I don't want to die, and I don't want to be offended, hurt or hate myself. So I'm sorry to everyone else that I got this way and the world had to deal with me.
No. 1673439
>>1673413samefag, this is also one of the reasons I left Islam, cause Muhammad's "character" is based on solely on what a Medieval era Arab thought an Idea man was, so him having multiple wives was a given, also him being from bloodline from the house of David and being a direct line descendant of Abraham and of course his features, because light-skin was associated with high-class, Muhammad and most of the Sahaba(his companions) are described as super-light skinned, to the point it becomes a feature that sets them apart them, also Muhammad was super attractive when he was young and a capable warrior as well
despite the Quran its self just stating that he was an honest and noble tradesman and he lost three teeth in the one battle he fought it in.
>>1673429I know he wasn't actually ginger, but see point above and these interpretations of Muhammad are even more wild in non-Arab speaking regions.
No. 1673465
>>1673165This woman is beautiful, I feel like your point only applies to porn sick moids though. I noticed they'll turn down/ignore extremely beautiful women if they don't have anything fetishizable/in a porn category. So white women who aren't extremely skinny or with proportions unattainable without plastic surgery and then non white women are forced to only appeal to idiots who fetishize them but also expect them to act like stereotypes. Even then men will only seem to "make an exception" for women of races they don't date if she has as much white features as possible.
This is why I will always believe the female gaze towards other women is so much better, women are so much better at picking out actual attractive features but moids can only seem to drool over whatever porn tells them to at the moment. They'll pick a blonde with an apple body and witch profile over a brown eyed brunette with an hourglass and angel face
Anya Taylor joy IMO is a perfect example of this, she's extremely beautiful and ethereal looking, moids didn't give a single shit about her until she starved herself and dyed her hair blonde
No. 1673492
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>>1673485I’m the one who made the Lucy letby comment. Women also were saying she’s too pretty and innocent looking and doesn’t fit the profile of a child killer. She legit looks evil and I feel like people are distracted by the blonde hair and blue eyes.
No. 1673495
>>1673491Nta but if you didn't want to fuck these men you wouldnt even comment about what moids are attracted to
>>1673492>you feelThats your problem. Pakichan?
No. 1673496
>>1673492NTA but it's probably about her being average thin and a woman. Jodi arias is a good example of this as well, if a thin average woman commits a crime you'd expect from a much bigger men, they'll be perceived less threatening and more sympathetic.
Though I don't doubt there are nazis who would send her love letters to her prison.
No. 1673504
>>1673496*thin average white woman
Literally never seen these sorts of things said about women of other races whn they commit crimes tbh. Not even Asian women, even though they're perceived as more submissive and "innocent".
No. 1673513
>>1673504>>1673500I've seen one asian girl wyo killed her bf also get fetishized and praised but it was by men. But yeah, being white unfortunately plays a part.
Replying since you deleted your post and added asian to it when you first said it would only work on white women.
No. 1673561
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>>1673526She looks like someone who would kill babies to me. I don’t get why the media is saying she’s pretty and innocent looking, they definitely are blinded by her being white, blonde and blue eyed because they are associated with being fun and innocent. She’s ugly as hell.
No. 1673627
>>1673492Even though obviously race plays a part in it, her looking like an average middle-class woman also helps. If she looked like stereotypical white trash, way less people would be commenting on how innocent she looks.
>>1673561NTA (first post itt) but she doesn't look ugly to me, just normal. Damn, some of you really need to go outside since everything is either objectively beautiful or hideous to you. Or go to therapy or something.
No. 1673671
>>1673648a mix of both. super fat people with 35 BMI typically have no self-control. Chubby people are often just a reaction to shit food all eat which is why americans need to resort to ozempic and starving and order to be slightly less chubby kek.
if you've ever lived in a college dorm you know this, I knew multiple chubby girls who couldn't lose weight despite almost eating nothing, my freshman roommate literally had a body similar to fat billie eilish despite the fact the only food she would eat is 3 meal prep container sized meals her mom would make for healthy stuff. I noticied a lot of travelers pointed out skinny women in europe typically look better and more glowing than skinny women in america because they don't have to literally malnorish themselves in order to undo the amount of damage american food does to our body
No. 1673836
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i think she's sexy and i don't think she's that ugly. Even when i first heard of sex and the city, I thought she looked very pretty and didn't get the joke. She's not ugly like everyone claims.
No. 1673853
>>1673714i absolutely believe that anons who call others scrotes & trannies over the slightest disagreements
are scrotes & trannies who saw the rancefag/shayna/etc situations & are trying to neg anons into posting nudes & publicly humiliating themselves.
No. 1673901
nonnie that was holding a piece of paper between her vulva was the real mind bender
No. 1673906
>>1673889What's everyone's favorite
nonny meltdown nude? The celebricow big titty anon was my fav
No. 1673915
>>1673892There's also the anon who posted her boobs in the confessions thread twice and she wasn't even called a scrote, she did it for fun. the anon posting her boobs during an argument about marina and the diamonds tits (she also wasn't called a scrote, just got accused of being flat), the anon posting her boobs on new years, the one in "things that get you called a scrote" thread who kept going for hours because she was having an actual mental episode over scrote accusations (the other posters were clearly trolling her), etc.
as for the rancefag situation basically she got called a scrote for having a husbando from a hentai game where the premise involves him raping women, so she (repeatedly, in 2 different threads) posted her nudes to prove she's a woman.
No. 1674027
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>>1674020I’m a FN with and angelic or ethereal essence I have a romantic undercurrent with natural lowest current according to a quiz using her system, I think angelic esssence is honestly a little ugly.. they look so bare faced and I’m not trynna wear a drapery satin robe or some shit.
No. 1674140
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>>1674048>standards of what they would think a perfect man is.>paedophile warlordCan I get a FUCK PATRIARCHY?
No. 1674145
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>>1674038I haven't looked into many personal style type services because I don't need them but if I were to, I'd see what makes sense to me the most and use that. Keep in mind that these were originally not even meant to be used on yourself but a subject (I wish people would understand that these charts and theories were originally made by fashion industry people for other industry people until they got adapted for normies, and borrow heavily from each other).
I've used Belle Northrup's yin/yang method a lot for designing 2 ballet costumes for uni, she's the OG that basically everyone borrowed from one way or another (Suzanne Caygill and Grace Morton in the 40s, Bernice Kentner, McJimsey and Kitchener in 60s and 70s, Carol Brailey of Colour me Beautiful fame, Pinckney & Swenson, Kibbe - it was a huge thing in the 80s). It's really not new.
McJimsey's is simplest and meant for everyday wear, at least the one book of hers. I don't remember anymore but I think she also had some kind of quiz I did for fun and I found it pretty straightforward. "The Arts of Costume and Personal Appearance" by Grace Morton was actually a home ec textbook in the 40s, I haven't read it but it might be very dated.
Kitchener is another option for people who have more time on their hands, he ties colours in with "essences" (which for him include personality rather than body). His career prime was in the 70s so you'll need to understand his slightly dated flowery lingo, but I adore the 70s in fashion so I'm biased kek
If you're really into colours and telling stories with colours there's a guy called David Zyla but this is already extreme autism territory.
No. 1674192
>>1674048Noor doesn't mean light skin, it means brightness of the face. I know black girls who were told yhey have noor on their face when they wear hijab, you're knowingly twisting the words because you yourself have an obsession with light skin.
Jesus was brown too and they whitewashed him to be pale with blonde hair, you're doing the same to this prophet as well. Stop pretending like some brown man in a middle eastern country was light skin euro looking when he obviously wasn't.
No. 1674194
>>1674192I'm not pretending and obviously I hate him, he would be pretty dark brown, he was a tradesman in central Arabia, that's my point, Islam is such a retarded religion that it makes no sense
also Noor in my country translated to light and so it does get used to describe light-skinned people.
No. 1674196
>>1673915That was bizarre and horrible. That anon admitted to have postpartum psychosis and admitted to being in a hospital bathroom when anons were pointing out the
sus surroundings
No. 1674199
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>>1673465>moids didn't give a single shit about her until she starved herself and dyed her hair blondeIt sucks how many legitimately beautiful women go from healthy looking brunettes to anorexic or plastic fried hair blondes. It's even stupidier when moids want to pretend like they have some sort of 6th sense for breeding the best desires possible despite the fact healthy natural women go unnoticed to them and almost every woman can be their dream if they starve themselves and go blonde
No. 1674247
>>1674240Nta and I didnt see that anons nudes and I'd feel bad making fun of a lactating woman.
The shaynafags and rancefag had very ugly bodies, I'd agree with that. I thought rancefag looked like a woman in her older twenties who never does physical activity and shaynafags had literal breast deformities.
I think a lot of anons like lying to themselves and pretending they look absolutely gorgeous when most of us look average BUT the attention whore type anon like rancefag usually looks very unattractive. Rancefag said she sent nudes to men and posted them on 4chan before so I assume her being unattractive and only being able to get attention if she sends nudes is why she tried to do thw same thing here.
No. 1674320
My unpopular opinion is that I think rancefag looks okay to good, at least she's not fat or skellie, considering her antics I thought she was going to be either massive or late stage ana
>>1674313They're prolly just trying to
trigger her into posting again, there are anons that are schizophrenic like that
No. 1674613
>>1674325Agreed, who even tries to
trigger mentally ill women into posting nudes outside of moids? This should be a wake up call to anons who cry about everyone who disagreed with them being a scrotes though
No. 1674673
>>1674642Kek anon you're 100% correct. Saying the quiet part out loud.
Also women seething about the men who date young are just jealous. 9 times out of 10 it's not about the girl's wellbeing but the older woman's worth. All that holier-than-thou attitude when she thinks moids her own age are fugly.
Men lose their shit at the notion of a woman choosing to date younger guys for this exact same reason, too. It breaks their males-aging-like-wine cope.
No. 1674680
>>1674313I don't think teenagers are more attractive, I know anorexia takes time to make someone look saggy and unhealthy and she looks like someone who's been anorexic her whole teenagehood and twenties judging on her body.
>>1674320>looks okay to goodMoid hands typed this. She literally gave her discord and said she'd send nudes to any anon that wanted it, if anything stating dismay of her body is going to make her less likely to continue spamming her nudes here or on 4chan. The reason why she posted this nudes in the first place is because she used to send nudes to guys from 4chan and enjoyed the positive reaction, she expected the same reaction from here and stopped when she realized everyone was making fun of her saggy ill body.
No. 1674707
>>1674701>but they won’t be weird by dating them because women are normal and men are nothere we go with the coping
>men obsess over barely legal women because they hate women and they’re trying to humble usi assure you men don't play 4d chess to upset old women
No. 1674777
>>1674772Nta but young people are more attractive than old people. It's a a fact. And even you said
>Women might be attracted to young men who haven’t started to look old yet sureSo it's not just a male thing to like younger people. It's a people thing.
No. 1674780
>>1674777Nta but a lot of men admit being morr attracted to women who are 25 but they'll be more likely to try and trick a 18 year old into sex because the younger she is, the easier she is to manipulate. Most people look their best between 25-35 because that's when you have enough disposal income to spend on your looks and you've grown into your features. Most 18-21 year olds don't have good styles, clean skin or nice hair for example.
Inb4 you accuse me of being jealous, I'm 22 myself.
No. 1675140
>>1666488>>1667739Based nonas
>>1667770>scrungly bingus babygirlFucking kek. Looks alone, hard agree, I'd absolutely bang him. He's one of the only hot skinny celebrity men left for us who isn't gay or turning into a troon
No. 1675141
>>1674673>>1674707>>1675121>not saging>disgusting shounen reaction image>the "just jealous" trope>"older woman's worth">"coping">"men don't play 4d chess to upset old women"this must be a stray 4chan incel posting. probably same incel that was in the childfree thread earlier calling an infertile poster a bitter hag and claiming the world is full of good men, she just has bad genes. same deflecting and unsaged spam-replying to every poster.
For anyone younger reading this thread: please use logical thinking, there is nothing to be jealous of and you shouldn't go for older scrotes who go for young women. If they're single and not married cheaters, they're manchildren or mentally ill. If he dumps a woman his age for you, he'll dump you when you get to old. You'll be a mistreated bangmaid who changes his diaper and cleans his dentures in 20 years while you're in your best working years. Find a guy your age that you can grow, travel and experience life together with. being the ugliest mountain hag beats being with an older scrote lmao
No. 1675197
>>1675191I agree (as someone with an alcoholic parent)
But I think there's a difference between abuse that was done on purpose because the abuser had bad intentions, and abuse that happened on accident basically. Or maybe I forgive too much. But my brain sees it as "less bad" idk
No. 1675477
>>1670542>>1670561>when it comes to trannies invading women only spaces, sports, locker rooms and trying to change actual science and biology to suit their needsyeah I mentioned them:
>group of grotesque insane individual men, posting online the loudest and the most, are taking it way too farI'm not saying we need to change society to suit 1% of insane narcissists demands. I'm saying the quiet normal ones that just want to have their surgery and take hormones in their room shouldnt be roped into it. My friend knows he is a gay male that chooses to look feminine and uses hormones and makeup art to look more girly. He's wanted to be a girl since birth, but still knows that will never be possible, that his body will always be male (but softer).
No. 1675536
>>1670545I also hate that a lot of them troon out just because they don't conform to harmful and sexist gender stereotypes/roles. Oh you don't like the colour PINK? Must be a man. Oh you EMPHATIZE with women and don't relate to that
toxic macho male masculinity culture? Must be a WOMAN. It's all so regressive.
No. 1691196
>>1659849Do zoomers even have a "killed my childhood" moment with the sheer amount of
unashamed autistic degeneracy that is on full ?