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No. 1675591
>>1675585I can't speak on celebrities anon but people that live excessively have completely fucked up morals.
My dad has a disability he hid from us in it's early stages. That gave him drive to make it big. He was successful in business became wealthy, cheated on my mum with fucking everyone but one of the mistresses dug her claws in deep and she's now my step mother. Their relationship is mental, I saw my dad for the first time in like 6 years last week because she was abroad. His disability has now left him housebound in a mansion. He phoned me late the other night and cried about his life and told me he regrets everything he did since he found out about his disease. Him and his wife are so insecure they both don't trust each other. She still somehow thinks a housebound man is still going to cheat on her. If that's not an insecurity issue idk what is.
Then in the more normal circumstances of just normal men in their 20s-40s, balding and feeling the growing pains of getting older dramatically since most men do not take care of themselves. I work in a male dominated industry and hear their conversations. Status. Status. Status. Did you see the new girl working here? What I wouldn't do to her I bet she'd let me do x, y, z the wife won't haha. They go fucking feral if there's a single woman that sleeps with another coworker, suddenly they're all in with a chance. Men are dogs trying to bark the loudest to impress other dogs. Losers
No. 1675732
>>1675722This is the second time I've seen someone say, "this woman gets more hate because she's less attractive " reasoning on here, and It's really kinda sad that women are doing that more now. I know that attractive people are treated better. But it's such a moid thing to excuse or be a certain way to a woman simply because she isn't attractive to you. Or the other person is more attractive therefore they get a pass.
This isn't towards you nona just s thought.
No. 1675736
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>>1675730She doesn’t look bad there but the camera lense made her look narrower than she actually is. She has a very wide body and face.
No. 1675737
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>>1675730Yeah, are you? This bitch looks like a rat and that’s with insane amounts of plastic surgery.
No. 1676130
>>1675897Florence gets hated on because she pretty but not pretty enough for some anons. Although most anons complain about beauty standards, they also delusionally think they look better than cute(aka not intimidatingly pretty) celebs like Florence.
Those same anons who think they look better were also probably the same ones who posted their bodies on /shay/ board to prove that they're hot while making fun of Shauna - only to get made fun of themselves unfortunately. It's best to ignore that type of anon unless we want the same thing to repeat.
No. 1676179
>>1676130The obsession with how “big” and “wide” FP is should tell us all we need to know about the mindsets of the anons who shit on her. God forbid a woman be anything other than perfectly petite. Broad shoulders? Wide face? Thick legs? Petite but not the right kind of petite? Styles herself in a way she likes regardless of what looks “good”? Might as well kill herself, am I right, nonnies?
It’s the same thing with Lana, Doja, even Ariana, etc. All these nonnas can do is project their derangement onto others because they lack compassion, empathy and self awareness and desire control. Autism and body image issues are a hell of a ride.
Anyway my unpopular opinion is that I like Doja Cat, I think she’s funny and she reminds me of my highschool best friend. The nonnies who hate on her are exactly the kind of people she’s trying to shed. Good riddance and I hope her new album does really well.
No. 1676190
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>>1676179No idea what these retards are on about. She has pretty big eyes, great nose, cute lip shape and looks good without makeup. She's objectively attractive, even if her body is kinda broad and she can't style herself for shit.
Maybe it really is just leftcows Dasha sperging kek. >>1675944This is incredibly low for Hollywood's standards.
No. 1676215
>>1676190She has very small dead eyes, thin lips, a fat wide face, jowls, deep lines around her mouth, thin limp hair, and her body is barrel shaped.
She’s only famous because of nepotism and the casting couch.
No. 1676242
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>>1676215Nta but when you analyze and nitpick people's faces this hard, everyone looks ugly.
E.g. you could say Yasmeen is ugly cause she has a bird beak nose, eyes too close together, huge wide shoulders that aren't in proportion to her waist, narrow hips, long face, masculine jawline, has nasolabial folds in some pics, sunken cheeks, arch of her brows way too high up. That all sounds bad but then you look at her and she's actually beautiful. Before someone bes autism, I'm not saying Florence looks like Yasmeen.
Anyway, if you've been in the celebcow thread long enough you know there's like a rotating list of women anons hate (although I won't pretend some at least don't deserve it), and Florence Pugh is just the new girl. I think for Florence it's just ana-chan anons who think she's literally Hitler because she's a short, girl-next-door pretty, "fat" (she's not) woman who got famous. In reality these anons are probably closer to her than they think.
No. 1676264
>>1676244None of these. Cope!
>>1676248Taylor Swift's small eyes annoy me to no end, still wouldn't argue she isn't conventionally attractive. Florence's face fits conventional beauty standards.
No. 1676265
>>1676215>>1676244NTA but if eyes like
>>1676190 are small then what do actual big eyes look like? I'm genuinely curious cause those look about the same size as the model posted
>>1676242. I thought small eyes would be like Sarah Jessica Parker.
No. 1676271
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>>1676251It's Yasmeen Ghauri. She's a retired 90s model that was on par with women like Naomi Campbell.
>>1676260>claimed that all of her beautiful features are ugly individually.Anon, that is not what I said. The point is that Yasmeen is indeed an incredibly beautiful woman, but if you nitpick someone's features you can make anyone sound like they are ugly. Did I just word it wrong or can no one read? And yeah, most pretty people have individual features that people would deem ugly by themselves. The truth is it's not about individual features, it's about how they all look together.
No. 1676325
>>1676311She isn’t fat, her bone structure is huge so she’ll always look huge no matter how much she weighs. She lost weight recently and still looks huge despite her legs sliming down. Her face is way too wide so she’ll always have a chubby face unless she’s underweight, but then she would look even uglier
>>1676286Anya was made fun of for having big eyes, the anon included her in a list of actresses with big eyes. What do you not understand? Having big eyes isn’t automatically attractive just like small eyes aren’t automatically unattractive
No. 1676418
>>1676370and no one gives a fuck you don't give a fuck, it do be like that
>>1676361>>1676367>obsessive kpop worshippers share a single collective brain cellkek perfectly put. i think ironically the total lack of artistic value is the little artistic value there
is to korean pop culture, like they gather all the most mainstream trends and beauty standards and roll them into a shiny smooth amalgam, wrap it up in crisp crinkly wrapping paper and give it back to us. kinda andy warhol-esque on a society scale and fully unintentional
No. 1676443
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>>1676442Yeah I dont have the resolve or care to fight about it
No. 1676483
>>1676273>>1676361Based, I agree. And kpop trash looks AI generated
>>1675604Exquisitely based and manifestochan-pilled
My unpopular opinion is that anime is 99 percent retarded and cringe, and the aesthetic is horribly ugly and same-y. The difference in quality between the background art, food/clothing/everything else, and the characters' appearance, especially their facial features, is appalling. I know that's to cheap out on animation but it still clashes to the point I can't look at it. The music also sucks.
Anime becoming mainstream is the worst thing that's happened to youth/pop culture in the past century, even worse than the Disco era. There's a good reason weebs were once bullied so heavily. Yeah, there are a scant few great animes, but they're even more rare than men who aren't complete trash.
No. 1676705
>>1676684I've never seen non-ugly non-broke American men shit on their women. It's always the ugly broke men who are mad no woman in their liberal country wants them, they assume they're unwanted because women are independent and they think they'd have a gf/wife if they lived in a country where women are treated worse.
>>1676704Shit bait.
No. 1676711
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>>1676705It's not bait. People were saying this woman has Eurocentric features. It has to stop. I'm tired of racists and insecure pickmes of color negging other
WOC by saying they have "eurocentric features" for the most random reasons. How are Europeans centred in the looks of someone who is completely and totally non-European? It's just a "woke" way of saying "You're pretty? You must be part white", something I only ever saw white racists say up until around 2019 when some liberals fully lost their minds.
No. 1676723
>>1676711Jannies pls no ban, this isn't racebait I'm just making an observation: when
POC neg another
POC for having "eurocentric features" it means that they're conventionally attractive. Tall, waifish women with sharp or delicate facial features have been the supermodel standary for how many years now? In western society it doesn't matter which race you are- if you have model standards looks then conventionally you're very attractive. The issue that these retards have is that having blemish free skin, clean white teeth, good health, generally putting effort into your appearance, is "rooted in white supremacy". Ever since the myth that being a healthy weight comes from white women not wanting to look like black women got spread around in the mid 2010s it has been a shit show for any beautiful
WOC No. 1676728
>>1676668No it's the opposite. You have to go out of your way to change it (in my country anyway) which is actually performative just so your last names match. Just keeping the name you were born with is easier.
Hyphenating last names is the ultimate performative name change when you get married. Bunch of paperwork for nothing and now your name is too long.
No. 1676850
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K-pop and jpop fans are kind of stupid getting upset over most fans being pedos. They are underaged girls, wearing mini skirts, making porn faces and acting cute then they are shocked when they see the fan meets and 90% of the fans are men in their 30s. This music genre is for teenage girls and grown man. You can’t sexualize kids and then get mad when it works.
No. 1676871
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>>1676668A name is always "just a name" but then somehow people still get butthurt when you want control over it
No. 1676941
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>>1676483most anime looks so odd to me. The faces are flat with the simple stylization(pic unrel) so it's boring to look at. 99% of anime relies on stock expressions instead of pulling the facial features to make the characters emote. You never see anime characters wrinkle their noses, move their cheek or jaws when they emote, etc.
And the stock expressions isn't because of the stylization. Many of the girls from the disney Renaissance is stylized the same way (big eyes, small nose, narrow face) with the purpose of looking cute/attractive and even they emote in a manner that is interesting to look at. modern American cartoons suffers the same problem with stock expressions.
I also hate the way anime characters moves. It always looks like it physically hurts them because there is a weird "jittery" feeling to their movements. This is also a thing in high budget stuff like ghibli(picrel) which has the talent and budget and is considered to be the crème de la crème in the animation industry.
Many anime looks jittery due to janky animation but in ghibli's case its a stylization thing so it's not bad I just don't think its pleasant to look at.
I rarely look at anime and get blown away because it looks good. Even when the animation is objectively good there is just too many stylzation things I can't get in to and to much empathise to make the characters uguuuuu cute.
I will admit though, that anime is good at combat scenes. But I think it fails at animating mundane tasks which is ironic since it often gets praised for it's portrayal of mundane life.
No. 1676950
>>1676644>>1676660Twink appreciation is the thinking woman's way, and liking older men is a meme foisted upon us by said old men. Sorry but I like a full head of hair, especially since most actual rich old guys are stingy as fuck and don't share. If you want this ass, give me one of your properties, boomer Bob. Or at least a new car.
Everywhere I go I hear women saying they're into older guys, always these super normie lululemon women saying this shit too. I prefer cute ones a decade my junior, since I can't get past the old man smell.
No. 1677346
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>>1677341Blue jeans
White shirt
Walked into the room you know you made my eyes burn
It was like James Dean
For sure
You're so fresh to death and sick as cccancer
You're so punk rock
I grew up on hip hop
You fit me better than my favorite sweater but I know
That love is mean
And love hurts
But I still remember that day we met in December oh baby
I will love you til the end of time
I will wait a million years
Promise to remember that you're mine
Baby can we speak through the tears
Love you more
Than those bitches before
Say you remember oh baby
Say you remember oh baby oh
I will love you til the end of time
No. 1677364
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>>1677341He looks like a twilight vampire.
No. 1677394
>>1676941I like anime, but you’re right that peak western animation and peak eastern animation are very different styles. Stuff like old Disney movies have more frames and use different timing than anime, so it makes sense you don’t like the stylization.
As for the flat face thing that’s actually why some weebs (including myself) prefer to read manga instead of watching the anime adaption. The anime usually has to heavily simplify the style and it looks far worse. A good example is the My Hero Academia manga, even if you don’t like the style he clearly knows where the cheekbones, nose, etc are on the faces he draws. And then the anime just looks… bad, but it’s still so popular.
No. 1677403
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>>1677341He really is. imo Donald looked quite cute too when he was younger.
>>1677364KEK you're right. He looks like a huge nephilim walking amongst the mortals also.
No. 1677460
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>>1677457That's just what tall people look like sometimes. Tall people can look stretched and lanky, so their proportions can look a little to very unbalanced. I feel like they usually just get very long arms (Like Naomi Campbell, for example) but he has long legs so he kinda looks like picrel.
Sidenote, I remember when an anon said that Barron got so big from eating Mexicans and that's why Trump wanted to keep them out. Kek.
No. 1677802
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This strike to going completely destroy Hollywood and I'm fine with it.
No. 1677831
>>1677802Already caused a couple of shows I was interested in to be canceled. But It will probably bounce back, the previous writers strike didn't ruin anything, though I don't know if this one is lasting longer.
>>1677824They'd probaly be blacklisted and lose opportunities in the future.
No. 1677964
>>1677953It's not just a few bad experiences for everyone, even the ones I thought were normal revealed some misogynistic shit.
>>1677960And this too, even the nicest men get off to porn so they're still shit. Doesn't matter if they save an orphanage or whatever.
No. 1678010
>>1677929I'm not even the "KAM" type but:
> MisandryThe ones who think this is a thing are /pol/ teenagers scrotes themselves or hypocritical/doublethinker liberals who reeee at people implying that "heterophobia" or "anti-white racism" exists because of "they don’t suffer muh structural oppression", it’s like these genderspecials Tumblr trannies using GC ("you can't identify as an oppressed class”) and transmed (“there is no race dysphoria”) talking points whenever the transracials+transableds discourse come up.
That said, I am annoyed by the “blackpilled/rudefem/etc” types being misogynistic at "male-identified womyn" (sic) like TIFs, boymoms, OSA, religious women, etc. Also, adding "male" doesn't give you the right to be bigoted, it's the same thing as these liberal scrotes who add "cis hetero white" as a free pass for being misogynistic. Not that I care about the scrotes themselves, but don't act like hate speech directed at
poc, homo/bisexual, autistic, jewish, etc, moids will not harm women who are part of those minorities.
>>1677947Agree and that shouldn't be unpopular, but common sense.
No. 1678039
>>1678035There's nothing wrong with what she said
nonny… You're just trying to argue for sake of arguing.
No. 1678066
>>1678048>women saying they hate men because men literally try to forve them into sex>hurrdurr men haters are unfuckableIt's the opposite. Most of the
femcels/celibate not by choice women on crystal cafe love men and romanticize dating them. A lot of
femcels will love and praise men but attack other women.
No. 1678093
>>1678068What I love about this website is how biased and dumb the moderators are - they will ban you just for having an opinion they don't personally like.
But what I REALLY love is that they CAN'T ban me for shit. Go on, ban me again. I'll be back in 1 minute and you won't even know it's me. You have no power, dipshit. :)
(ok have at it) No. 1678146
>>1678135I agree but it's whatever.
>>1678068Based farmhand
No. 1678206
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Unpopular opinion: female fashion and most typical female clothes are actually misogynistic, and pushes women to objectify yourself
A man showing their legs that high would be called a faggot and looked down to by other men, a woman doing it is cheered for, because the norm is for women to objectify themselves
No. 1678213
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>>1678206I don't know how women can feel comfortable in short skirts, especially on windy days. If it's like a tennis skirt where there are shorts with it it's better I guess but idk I feel like someone is always staring at my ass. Maxi skirts are so comfortable, cuter imo, and I feel like more protected. But on the other hand, covering yourself is also rooted in misogyny like in cultures like Islam. Anything women do is considered wrong
nonnie, so why even think about it outside of what makes you personally feel comfortable
No. 1678217
>>1678213I agree, maxi skirt are really beautiful
Scrotes hate them though
No. 1678220
>>1678213for me, i hate the feeling of fabric hugging my legs, especially in the wind. not only is it embarrassing but i'm
autistic and i can't fucking stand it slapping around especially my knee area. i don't bare my legs either btw but tights are easy(er) to ignore with the right material. also i'm short so long garments dwarf me, and i'm lucky enough not to have equally as short stumpy legs. i'm a particular case though and i'm sure the majority of other (normal) short skirt wearers don't have the same reasons as i do
No. 1678224
>>1678213I know several of my friends just wear biker shorts underneath short skirts/dresses.
>>1678217All the more reason to wear them in my book
>>1678206Women can't win. If we show our bodies it's for men and if we cover up our bodies it's also for men. Our existence and actions are always related back to something something about men, funny how the reverse isn't a thing.
No. 1678319
>>1678215Yeah it's normal but unfortunately you're likely to get harassed by men because they're retards looking for ways to harass women. My point was that although women are encouraged to wear those skirts, same men will harass us when we do.
>>1678240She's not but a lot of men and women would either slutshame or harass a woman who wears a miniskirt that small. Maybe it's less common in safer cities, idk.
No. 1678354
Insomnia is caused by screens and more people need to be called out on complaining about insomnia, and yet remaining on screens every night. Without screens you go to bed at 9pm and wake up at 5am pretty much like clockwork, with maybe a few outliers creeping closer to 10pm or 11pm.
The fact that the medical establishment doesn't really call out this obvious cause to the problem, and instead glosses over it by prescribing people anti-psychotic medication to fall asleep, is also pretty gross. I've yet to see anybody who suffers from insomnia go without screens, or even try it. They just say it's not that and continue browsing the internet into the late hours of the night.
>>1677151Basic employment law is something that should be taught over basically any other subject, as pretty much everyone is going to get a job. Basic employment law keeps people from being exploited, suffering from white collar crime and allows them to go into jobs with less stress. Understanding how meetings work, what your rights are, what you do and don't have to tell an employer, etc would go a long way.
Which leads into another unpopular opinion. Mental health awareness culture is a capitalist conspiracy by the bourgoise to get around employment laws, a classic case of the base economy influencing the cultural superstructure. They want to bait gullible workers into opening up about their problems so they can increase labour liquidity, as mentally ill people can be dismissed at will for being well, mentally ill. They can go into any litigation weaponizing everything the employee has told them, because once you open up about it, it's fair game in court.
No. 1678418
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Onlyfans thots deserve to be slut shamed. They have the audacity to refer to themselves as “sex workers”, act like they’re an oppressed class because they show their ass for money on the internet, and pretend that they’re above criticism because they’re “sex workers”, acting as if they’re in the same category as prostitutes are forced into that industry through sex trafficking and poverty who actually get raped on a daily basis and murdered. Almost all of them wear sexualized children’s clothing in their Onlyfans photoshoots and cater to pedos. Plus if you’re retarded enough to actually post nudes of yourself on the internet thinking you’re safe because it’s behind a paywall and you don’t realize that anyone can just screenshot those photos and leak your nudes you need to be culled from the gene pool for the good of society.
No. 1678426
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I will never defend a rich person when they are detached from reality and you cannot build real wealth without exploitation. Not reading anything else in their favor.
No. 1678444
>>1678441you'll say this online and then cry about any actual violent revolution because it gets in the way of your starbucks and tv shows lol. keep larping
t. third worlder
No. 1678459
>>1678457it's sad when thirdies cap for colonizers just because they want imported fancy products or some other 1st world privilege anyone can live without. maybe focus on moving to another country to improve your quality of life instead of thinking about tv shows and starbucks drinks? I personally moved out because I was tired of being robbed once a month in my neighbourhood, which I recognise it's nobody but the government's incompetence and also USA's fault for interfering with our governments.
t. also a thirdie but living in a 1st world country now
No. 1678493
>>1678479Maybe you have schizophrenia and the boogey man appears. It's like an obsession.
>>16784871st world countries have poor people too
>>1678488Shut the fuck up stupid fucking cunt get the scapegoat out of your head
No. 1678511
>>1678507She's not. Have you seen romanianon's posts? Foaming at the mouth angry manifestos.
Meanwhile the anon ITT seems like a normal person.
No. 1678520
>>1678477But like 90% of farmers are evil rich bitches. like do you know where you are lol.
>>1678487you should dummy cuz they bash you for being born in your country hell even our own government leaders make fun of you and call your countries "shitholes" but keep caping lol.
my unpopular opinion is its really embarrassing when the oppressed put on their capes for their oppressors. like does it not start to chip away at you slowly when you turn around and realize that these same people you steady run to defend wouldnt even SPIT on you if you were on fire? Like it has to start eating away at the soul. But they swear ONE DAY their oppressors will see them as human beings LMAO KEEP CAPING.
>>1678497I think takes like these are also really stupid and dumb and not nuanced at all.Like what race is this meth addict? what is their socieeconmic background. What is this educated south american educated in? Also i dont believe that that is true because if you are educated in a 3rd world country you probably have access to travel outside of the country or at the very least access to better paying jobs. I'm tired of people trying to downplay the poverty in America. A lot of americans are living very similarly if not worse than "3rd worlders". The comparison is so stupid especially since globalization is here and we have instant access to the poverty stricken in all parts of America. Yall just actively ignore them because they are largely nonwhite and even if they are white they are "rednecks" who deserve it. America only shows the world the richest people from every demographic but the reality is almost everyone is broke and living on credit. And if they arent they just didnt graduate HS yet
No. 1678538
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lolcow is not a subversive secret sight a lot of you guys like to think it is. I bet a lot of the people being posted on here to be made fun of use this site/know about it. Think about it everyone wants to be different online and find an outlet that makes them "unique". imageboards are that thing and have been for about i'd say 5 years now and will only get more popular. Obviously imageboards have existed since the internet has but i'd say GEN Z is resurging it and going to make it go mainstream. Normies are literally using words like "looksmaxxing" unironically. Meaning they've already started adopting imageboard speak. Especially since people are becoming increasingly over traditional social media platforms. its so obvious how many people in real life are lolcow users. So it just makes me laugh when nonnies act all high and mighty about a cringe tik toker or youtuber like…ma'am that's your twin!
No. 1678545
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>>1678540me on my 2 phones samefagging at the same second to go under nonna's radar and still get caught anyway
No. 1678546
>>1678531She thinks anyone that talks about a certain subject is romanianon because she's obsessed with her and hates her
No. 1678551
>>1678520Weapons grade cope. The other anon is right, this shit is nauseating to read. Stop condescending to 3rd worlders and playing
victim in the same breath.
No. 1678564
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>>1678563what the fuck is going on today!
No. 1678565
>>1678500most of these "free" amenities are…nvm, just know it's not good lol
>>1678520i don't have the energy to take this apart, just know you are a sanctimonious, self-victimizing burger who ironically needs to experience reality. i think the thread's getting derailed by a troll or trolls now, so no chance of a fruitful discussion. bye bye for now nonnas
No. 1678566
>>1678559You're doing it again. This ain't tumblr, sis.
No. 1678569
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>>1678564We're imploding nona
No. 1678577
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>>1678575Japaleno™ brand.
No. 1678579
>>1678576You're entitled to that opinion and you literally can't be wrong because your taste buds and mine are different
nonny and I accept that reality.
No. 1678580
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Everyone should have cake/ice cream for breakfast at least once a year.
No. 1678584
>>1678581Gotta be respectful
nonnie she didn't choose to be born that way
No. 1678586
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>>1678577tee hee
>>1678582what do you think about this type of cake
nonnie >>>/ot/1641375 No. 1678593
>>1678586Oh my lord baby jesus mary and joesph
fuck gelatin cakes, that's unfair I've never eaten one. They is very pretty though.
No. 1678611
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>>1678601i'm sure you'll like the crunch of you chewing on your two front teeth when im through with you!!
No. 1678627
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>>1678611Pls no i just want to eat crystals
No. 1678631
>>1678611Woah woah woah
nonnie let's not fly off the handle!
No. 1678646
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>>1678631>>1678627no because you nonnies have clearly never had to wash off sugar/salt rim after a long night. SHIT STICKS TO IT LIKE GLUE. sure you can use hot water to melt it off BUT WHY SHOULD I? why should i risk ashy hands because people want to make their childish sugary mixed drink schlop CRUNCHY AND CHEWY. DISHONOR TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY
No. 1678712
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>>1678708Sure jan. Sorry I didn't like your faggot moid ass gif
No. 1678722
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>>1678712you could just have ignored it. now the thread is about that fucking gif. get over yourself
No. 1678723
>>1678718Yeah no biggie, is this some
gay song?
No. 1678733
File: 1693113683132.png (113 KB, 736x553, Untitled.png)

>>1678726dont fucking "no, u" me bitch you know you got angry over a gif you could have fucking hidden and moved on with your shitty ass day. here is a tutorial so your dumbass can use this button next time you see something you dislike.
No. 1678734
>>1678722It's a man. Ignore it.
>>1678715>>1678712>>1678726>>1678728Nobody is mad but you are really trying
No. 1678743
>>1678737the fact you know what sites gay males would go to tells me you're projecting something. are you ok
No. 1678748
>>1678741Is this some "original comment donut steel" thing with you?
>>1678742This is actual "no u". See how I'm not whining about it? Again, go to your gay moid site.
No. 1678749
File: 1693114012648.gif (373.05 KB, 155x275, 1693111571642.gif)

why the fuck do most makeup brands only make black af mascara? Why can't mascara come in different shades of brown and why cant those shades of brown be more accessible! It shouldnt cost more either! No one asked to have blonde/brown eyelashes!! And the color 1b lash is too harsh on my skintone so i cant even have a lash moment.
>>1678733you tell her
nonnie No. 1678754
File: 1693114063721.gif (4.65 MB, 573x1024, ezgif-2-7a3535bfac.gif)

>>1678739Life is a test, and I confess I like this mess I've made so far
No. 1678767
>>1678763I didn't post a scrote's ass, so I didn't start it
>>1678761He's obviously closeted
No. 1678771
>>1678759The difference is we weren't
triggered about it. Vidrel, you.
No. 1678775
>>1678771You're so
triggered that you derailed the thread over one anon (me) saying it was faggot shit. That says more about who's lurking here than anything.
(infighting) No. 1678789
>>1678780you're so worked on you fumbled a post somehow and deleted it kek I'm just having a good time
nonny, not gonna change your mind if you dont like men's asses
No. 1678793
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>>1678775does this offend you
unpopular opinion i love man ass as long as its clean, shaven, and perky!
>>1678789it was me im a different
nonny i used the wrong gif
No. 1678794
File: 1693114694840.jpeg (49.94 KB, 768x563, 66YkBtfrzWMUCy5n.jpeg)

>>1678786another saturday night on lolcow dot farm
No. 1678797
File: 1693114732152.gif (9.43 MB, 540x700, tumblr_0d3b1c849a523f4108b02e1…)

It's gay night ladies.
No. 1678802
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Hey. Didn't you read the sign
No. 1678809
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>>1678805we're all anonnymous legion
No. 1678812
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>>1678808If this makes me gay I don't wanna be straight
No. 1678815
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>>1678809We are anonymeows, we have hacked the zip link in the mainframe fire wall and have deleted all instances of gay male asses in the metaverse. Check mate, liberal media.
No. 1678817
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>>1678815Is that a challenge
No. 1678827
File: 1693115490844.jpg (26.87 KB, 500x373, Fg_ukhxUUAA0gre.jpg)

>>1678822I don't think you're saying what you think you're saying
No. 1678839
File: 1693115639039.jpeg (19.78 KB, 400x399, DO8kPQbk8PWibDJpKb.jpeg)

its saturgay ladies purrrrrr yass remember yall are hags xoxo
No. 1678847
>>1678831not involved in this fight but agreed.
No. 1678869
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>>1678852terrible taste this is better
No. 1678877
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>>1678869i need my nonnies to have GOOD fap material not that nonsense>>1678852
No. 1678880
File: 1693116493460.jpg (162.75 KB, 1098x1098, FwnNo7sWwAcXWo4.jpg)

>>1678869Wrong this is peak male physique whether you like it or not
No. 1678887
File: 1693116559143.jpg (347.46 KB, 900x1271, 1665708257898.jpg)

im just gonna post more reigen
No. 1678894
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>>1678852>>1678875and he looks like cheap AI bullshit!
>>1678879what about him?
No. 1678900
>>1678896Then why did you reply to me assuming I was some
other anon? Kekkk
No. 1678912
File: 1693117292280.gif (2.17 MB, 373x280, tumblr_c1b00fb2739b825ca09a410…)

Vintage scrotes are more charming and better at appealing to women than modern scrotes. Modern scrotes try too hard.
No. 1678914
>>1678912Whats your favorite vintage
nonnie kek
No. 1678918
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>>1678908>>1678907>>1678898all you bitches have shit bottom tier taste. how is your taste trash in the 2d and the 3d pick a struggle!
(infighting) No. 1678924
File: 1693117530731.jpeg (16.46 KB, 235x327, E85EEC30-D2FF-403F-8FC5-2A68A9…)

A pretty face is truthfully the only thing I want though, man I wanna cutie bf…
No. 1678926
nonny don't post the sweating bull with ice-cream dripping down his chest!
No. 1678931
File: 1693117715339.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.51 KB, 850x672, __wakan_tanka_tokyo_afterschoo…)

>>1678926You hate him, you insult him, you degrade him but he respects women
No. 1678943
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>>1678914Gene Kelly, Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, Robert Redford, Toshiro Mifune and Robert Taylor just to name a few.
No. 1678951
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>>1678925sowoneul malhaebwa
No. 1678953
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>>1678931Therapist: Comically large penis isn’t real and hurt can’t you
Comically large penis:
(This actually isn’t real)
No. 1678954
File: 1693118133654.jpg (103.83 KB, 744x277, tumblr_3d77a9d5430e63147ac8caf…)

>>1678951Guts is the hottest anime character no man will ever reach this peak male form
No. 1678966
File: 1693118317626.jpg (52.62 KB, 640x360, dy7HCEAZHfUn_640x360.jpg)

>>1678954>>1678957trying to save his girlfriend from the eclipse long story short
No. 1678976
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>>1678966on more for the road. burn guts for the girlies who are into that shit
No. 1679023
File: 1693119447308.png (374.08 KB, 1000x862, 2885837200318794be0df098013596…)

unpopular opinion since everyone is asleep. casca is black (TO ME) and thats why fantasia griffith has that amazing curly hair. i dont care if you think she is whatever race this is MY unpopular opinion. you can make your own if you think she is latina, indian, middle eastern etc. Either way in my headcanon that's a black queen right there!
No. 1679030
>>1679029You're right.. Netflix doesn't just produce garbage shows they produce garbage animations like seven deadly sins or whatever. I don't know if the Evangalion re-dub was even necessary. Who asked for it?
Back then the community would spend hours translating and bootlegging content. It's not like you own anything you stream. Consumerism ruins everything.
No. 1679038
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>>1679023Zoe Kravitz would make a good casca
No. 1679044
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>>1679038No Zoe is way too light Casca is dark TIRED OF THE MONORACIAL BLACK GIRL ERASURE REEEEEEEEE. Give it to young Lady Danbury from Queen Charlotte. Or another brown skinned/dark skinned girl. Just let the brown skinned/dark skinned black girls back in Hollywood lol
No. 1679054
File: 1693122854081.png (9.08 MB, 1125x2436, BDE7B356-EFB4-42C4-AAC2-4FF2D0…)

>>1679041I agree and to sorta add to this I think Trinidadians have the one of the prettiest accents (I’m partial cuz I’m trini lol) and I honestly think it has to do with the Indian influence! I also really like Nigerian and Haitian accents too
>>1679051One thing I will always commend zoey for is the way she styles her braids. She really inspired a generation with her messy boho braids. Sad that she’s the way she is though
No. 1679091
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>>1679044Hmm ok fair, I picked Zoe cause she was sorta buff looking in Batman your actress is cute and has similar eyes and eyebrows to casca. Who could be Guts then? If it were the 80s I’d say Jean Claude Van Damme.
No. 1679225
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I hate that there is a stigma placed on a woman that she’s desperate if she asks a guy out or to be his gf. It annoys me to no end because ever since I was a child and before I even knew what a gender role was I just naturally always told guys I liked them first. It got shit out of the way for me so much because men will literally waste your time if you let them. Also I was just impatient af and the butterflies in the stomach and pining thing irked me lol. It’s annoying because I tried to play the game of letting the dude take the reigns and wasted years of my life. When if I just trusted my instinct and been like “hey dude you know what I like you and can see a future with you. I want you to be my bf let’s do this” I could’ve saved so much time! But I notice if you watch couple videos where the girl pursued the guy comments always are like “never chase a man ladies” “a guy should love the girl more etc etc” but like why does it automatically mean that when a girl pursued the guy first she auto loves him more? Am I delulu? Personally I just see it as a woman knowing what’s up and not wasting time with the games. Honestly it’s men’s fault for being useless and ugly and not worthy of a pursuit. I get why nonnas would be against girls asking guys out from a feminist standpoint but like anecdotally speaking I just feel like some women are pursuers and that’s okay and shouldn’t be perceived as desperate. Unless she is vying for a man that clearly don’t want her! But if he agrees to it and they are happy who CARES who pursued who!?
No. 1679246
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>>1679237That’s true too! You know what I’m glad I posted this cuz it’s making me see better perspectives! Tbh I still want to confess my feelings to the guy I like just because im a weirdo and I like pain and humiliation apparently. I’ve always wanted to tell someone I was in love with them like I’m a shoujo manga protagonist kek. I’ll let you guys know how it goes.
Just googled woah he’s type fine! Post more guts suggestions guys! It’s headcanon Sunday
No. 1679256
File: 1693148102027.gif (446.04 KB, 533x300, 1692046523679.gif)

It doesn't make me a pedo to refer to boys in their 20's as just that- boys. The word 'boy' and 'man' are overall arbitrary. Just like 'girl' and 'woman.' Hate making a post with a specific moid in mind and using the word boy only for an anon to shit herself and jump to the pedo conclusion. Same with when anons express interest for skinny moids over muscle pigs. I'm going to fucking take what I can get in this awful age of moids hitting the wall earlier and earlier. If a boy has hair on his head and a cute face it doesn't matter if he's 21, he's a boy. He isn't a man. Especially when I have specific irl boys in mind, I just cannot see them as men especially when they are my age or younger by a year or two. They are my height too, or even smaller. Those are boys. Those aren't men. I am not referring to these puppyboys as men because it makes terminally online anons uncomfortable because they jump the gun. Even if they have some facial hair, those are boys. I'm sure they wouldn't refer to me as 'woman' in their head. They probably don't refer to any girl their age as 'women'. Girl is such a neutral term but on this website boy isn't, for some reason. Leave us boyfans alone! I don't want your post-wall balding man! I want a boy my age! A girlfriend free boy!@
>just say guy
No. That's impersonal. If I am hornyposting, if any of we based anons are hornyposting, we want to say boy. Or if you're going to refer to a man, go for it! But don't come for me and my based nonnies for talking about boys, especially on /g/. What does /g/ stand for? Oh it stands for girl. But this website is for 18+ that means it's for women wahwahwahwahwahwhahwahwahwahwahwahwahwahwahwahwahwahwahwahwah- shut the fuck up. If you see 'this boy is so cute' and think oh my god, nonny is talking about an 8 year old- go outside. Go somewhere with boys your own age. You will not see them as men, I can assure you.
No. 1679296
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I feel like a lot of women who have a tiny % of black in them from their great great grandpa or some shit want to claim their black side because of the benefits it gets them. They can get praised and worshipped in the black community for their hair and skin color unlike if they were just some regular everyday white bitch kek (example is pic related)(racebait)
No. 1679297
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>>1679257Me either! It’s stupid if you are less than 50% black you aren’t black sorry. I hate that it’s controversial when black people say this but every other race is allowed to only accept monoracials as them. But because of the one drop rule black people are forced to accept everyone with a whisper of black dna as black! And if we try to be like I don’t consider someone like Zendaya as representation suddenly we are black supremacists lmao. Meanwhile Suzy’s nonblack family ostracizes them constantly but for some reason Suzy only has smoke with her black side. Even though her non black side was calling her slurs as an infant lol.
Leads me to my next unpopular opinion biracials complaining about not fitting in are racist dog whistles because they always seem to have have the most smoke for their black side who actually 9/10 accepts them and has 0 smoke for their nonblack side who 9/10 DONT! I’m not talking just mixed with white. I mean the blasians etc too I hate it! I’ll take my ban but it needs to be said! I’m tired of the biracial pity party when biracials are often EXALTED in the black community especially if they are women lol
No. 1679320
Most forms of at-home workouts, especially youtube videos of like women doing bicycle crunches and claiming that it made them the way they are are insanely misleading. A lot of these women are either extremely active, probably were doing athletics and training for years, maybe even weight training. They might not be selling all kinds of useless weighloss supplements (although I'm sure plenty of them do), but they're still basically deceiving gullible women. I wish people would stop clicking on these "20 min workout for toned abs" videos and falling for videos that are at the intensity level a 60 year-old grandma can keep up with and claiming "visible changes". If you're eating properly you'd lose the same weight just by going out for regular walks. You're not 60, you can challenge yourself, your joints are strong enough.
>Why do you care, let people do what they enjoy, at least they move
It feels like complete wasted effort and wasted time in the end, especially if people do expect a particular result. It's the same shit as with any other type of "beauty product", people with wonderful smiles and beautiful hair selling toothpaste and shampoos, basically false marketing
No. 1679364
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>>1679359I didn’t notice it before but now that you mentioned it…
No. 1679372
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>>1679370Well I’m not a scrote and I’m saying she looks like a man. Not everyone has to be attracted to people you like.
No. 1679373
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I noticed that some people like to downgrade the beauty of women with angular features by calling them manly.
No. 1679375
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>>1679373That girl you posted does not look like a man but Margot Robbie’s hair line is literally receding
No. 1679387
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>>1679375This is so ironic I was just watching Margot Robbie clips because I was on LSA. They were talking about white celebs shilled as attractive. And a lot of comments were defending Margot! she is one of the rare blue eyed blondes in the industry that I ACTUALLY believe is attractive. I think she looks the best in motion! I don’t think still photos do her justice!
No. 1679389
>>1679378it's bait, I forgot you can't even talk about celebrities looks in a good way without someone coming in trying to create
florence Pugh like hilarous melt downs. It's not funny, entertaining or cute. Get a life, and NO I don't think it's impossible for women to truly think that any woman without stereotypcial feminine features, looks like a man.
Like I said, I've seen it online in places like LSA or or twitter. Some women suffer from the same retardation as men. Women are supposed to look effortlessly pretty, while having "Soft faces" never age, look exactly their age or dramatically younger, etc. etc. etc.
No woman with far apart eyes, or a big chin etc. is pretty. We get it.
No. 1679398
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>>1679391Stop Margot is one white woman I will defend to the death she is a certified baddie!
No. 1679415
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>>1679409I think rounder features are prettier. Margot’s face looks to blocky.
(kpop spam) No. 1679416
File: 1693156274071.gif (1.37 MB, 177x250, 6D2916E2-8B4C-4890-95D9-7CB69D…)

>>1679413Kpop ruined a generation of women! Square jaws are ducking beautiful on women Idgaf! Imagine Angelina Jolie hacking off half her face cuz it’s not a ducking V. Meanwhile most Koreans are born with square jaws! They don’t even fit their own standards 9/10. Literally someone like her was considered ugly in Kpop standards cuz her jawline!
(kpop spam) No. 1679432
File: 1693157357379.jpeg (228.29 KB, 1024x1283, 8EA64ACD-5C43-4FE8-B858-9ADFEE…)

Anyone into K-pop knows her but yoona gets praised for being the Korean beauty standard but she honestly looks how old ladies look when they take their teeth out(say no to kpop kids)
No. 1679442
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>>1679418Angelina is not ugly at all now she is just skinny. Also didn’t she have a double mastectomy a couple of years ago? I feel like that health scare impacts someone’s looks. If she put on normal weight she would look the same just slightly older! That’s why I hate that skinny is always shilled! Being skinny makes you loook old in the face after awhile! Everyone needs a little fat on on their face to look more healthy overall.
No. 1679444
File: 1693158182349.png (178.6 KB, 353x450, Jung_Ho_Yeon.png)

>>1679416Kpop standards are so garbage lol they want people to look like eggs. Some of the most beautiful korean women have square jaws.
No. 1679463
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>>1679460It’s a Japanese actress. It’s just the mod being their usual retarded self.
No. 1679469
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Her fame is well deserved. I love her youthful round features, she reminds me of Sarah schauer so I imagine she's funny too! Probably the best actor of the 20's so far. I reckon she'll get far. She has a very homey beauty and it's easy on the eyes.
No. 1679477
>>1679115Yeah, the real miracle products are actually the BB creams/foundations and most importantly the setting powders with the blurring filter effect. otherwise I agree with
>>1679196, lots of gimmicky products and the multiple steps routine is a meme that will give you the same results as just using CeraVe. Although there are also tried and true staples that are efficient and not subjected to trends and the sunscreens are indeed better. To be entirely fair, western products are becoming similar with the trendy overrated ingredients and such.
>>1679416And jaw implants and buccal fat removal are a thing in the west. There's not one better than the other. I'm not a kpopfag so I don't know who your picrel is but she is the most attractive idol I've seen so far. I love this sort of, idk, old-school type of sharpness ? on both sexes, too bad now all we see is either animeface or skeletal.
No. 1679478
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>>1679364not even her real jaw
No. 1679486
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>>1679476It’s possible to have defined jaw without looking like a Lego block head(pic related)
No. 1679499
File: 1693161206612.jpeg (43.42 KB, 831x1000, 778369F7-9059-48E2-A627-668AEB…)

>>1679483Literally Margot Robbie’s twin
No. 1679506
>>1679483How about this : both of them look equally retarded and fuck up the proportions of otherwise decent looking individuals. I think you're mistaking me for someone else here.
>>1679494nta but to me she looks like a woman in her early 20s.
No. 1679508
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My unpopular opinion is she looks normal without all the weird makeup and thick eyebrows. Her hair color could also be a factor but I'm not sure how exactly. Picrel is her bare faced and she looks normal and pretty even though she's frowning. The red lipstick especially makes her look strange imo.
No. 1679600
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>>1679256Adding to this, it should be 100% encouraged among women to shame men for having facial hair and mature features. They shame us for saggy boobs and body hair and stretch marks. I don’t understand why some women on a women only site have to pearl clutch over beautiful young men who are like early 20s when men jerk off to literal 9 year old actresses on /tv/ and spam CP as a “joke” we will never be comparable to moids, we’re not pesos for having eyes and pointing out that men like Leonardo DiCaprio and Edward Furlong
were beautiful but now they’re fat and old and ugly and hairy and we should remind men that they will turn into ugly beasts just like how they’re always like “lol ur gonna be 30 and then you won’t be so picky!”
No. 1679606
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>>1679357>nitpicking looksWEW LAD
No. 1679616
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>>1679600Its insidious when thinking about it too hard cuz why is it that girl is interchangeable and can mean woman or little girl but boy usually only means an adolescent boy and isnt as interchangeable. I think it's by design because men are pedos and don’t want to be caught slipping when they tell their buddies about the girl they banged the other day. lol thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
No. 1679624
>>1679613Ma’am you are preaching to the choir I know this! I’m literally black American. And I have about 16% other ancestry 6% being Chinese. It’s obviously an American take Because the 1 drop rule is an American concept. Which is why it needs to be rid of! Why is it okay for the nonblack side to not accept them as them but it’s not okay when blaxk people put their foot down to it? It’s stupid! Is my point. Black people don’t even gatekeep our race like every other race does! If we did people like Halsey or Kehlani wouldn’t claim they are black women because they ducking aren’t and that’s okay!
Like shut up you britbong your racist ancestors started this eugenics race science bs take it up with them!
Why is it okay for Japanese people to not see Naomi Osaka as Japanese but it’s not okay for blaxk people to not see Zendaya as a black woman? This is why biracials need their own identity so they can leave black people alone with this racist Eugenist bs lol
No. 1679722
>>1679688Medicaid fraud is based imo. Medical bills are too fucking expensive for like 99% of the population and youd have to live in poverty to "technically" qualify for it even though even if you're upper middle class a minor emergency is enough to shovel people in debt even with private insurance
I personally under report my income to receive Medicaid for this reason. You get the broke bitch treatment by doctors but at least I don't have to go on a 5 yr payment plan because my tummy hurt
No. 1679729
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>>1679669It's weird how 70s had blacker black women than today
No. 1679776
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>>1679722See now you nonnas are gonna get me on my black girl soapbox. The only reason why government assistance is frowned upon is literally because of racism! American Society literally does NOT want black people to ever get ahead in this world so they shame them into not accepting govt assistance since it’s a “handout” ameanwhile it’s black Americans that are largely considered the poster children for government assistance even though it’s MAINLY white folks keeping it afloat! But black women get the label welfare queens when most times it’s for daring to take care of the kids when white women game the system even when they don’t need to!
This whole country literally fell under all this bullshit reagonomics etc that we are still suffering from because America hates black people so much we as a society are willing to collectively shoot ourselves in the foot time and time again just to ensure that black people remain at the bottom of the class and race hierarchy. Because America is a hierarchical society where not only money but race gives you social capital . It doesn’t matter how much money you make in this country as a black person or how upstanding neverr broke a rule etc. society needs us to be at the bottom so everyone can be like “don’t be like them those useless niggers” it’s all bullshit psyop! Look up why we have credit in this country…. RACISM. Everything messed up in this country the root cause is almost always racism. But black people are the problem for seeing the forest through the trees and calling it out so we can finally get help dismantling this shitty system. But no we just 13/50 aka the new version of 3/5ths compromise lol
(get off your black girl soapbox) No. 1679795
>>1679765Black women were a major part of media in the 90s going into the 2000s especially in music and TV sitcoms and the like.
The 2010s were about 'disappearing' black women.
No. 1679803
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>>1679605There are a bunch of trannies in my social circle and I've always been pretty blunt about my beliefs. One of them was talking to me about how he got put in the men's ward of the mental hospital and he felt unsafe because he had been abused by men in the past but when I tried to explain that most of the women in there are sexually traumatized too he seemed incapable of processing it. I also had a conversation with him about my hatred for porn addicts and sex positivity and he agreed with some of what I was saying but he continues to parrot "sex work is work" bullshit. I've noticed that women who are sexually traumatized try to desexualize themselves as much as possible whereas men who are sexually traumatized (who just so happen to usually be trannies or gay men) become total manwhores.
Their pornsickness bothers me but they were some of the only people willing to take me under their wing when I was being relentlessly tormented by "basic" girls, jocks, and wannabe thug types.
I guess my problem is that I don't really like anyone. I was always told that I would eventually find my people so I spent years friend-hopping before realizing that there is no group of people that I universally like, just some groups of people I hate less than others. I despised normies from the start, they made it very known that I was not one of them and never would be, the extent of ostracization and bullying I experienced for existing made it impossible for me to ever trust people ever again. Began hanging out with D&D/LARP nerds. They were more accepting but they were musty and all of the men in that group inevitably started hitting on me. Started hanging out with theater gays, their wokeness was unbearable and I felt like I had to walk on eggshells around them. The enby ones in particular had an obsession with "reclaiming" slurs that they had never been called yet they acted visibly uncomfortable when I brought up actual discrimination that I've experienced mistakenly thinking that they would relate. Started hanging out with punks and goths until I realized that all of these people were bored rich kids playing dress-up and we had nothing in common outside of surface level aesthetic similarities and shared tastes in media. They also virtue signalled on social media 24/7 about how they don't tolerate abusers in the scene while making an exception for their buddy Raven Darklord Von Doofenschmirtz who currently has 17 underage girls locked in his BDSM dungeon. At this point I'm 18 years old and I'm starting to think that I'm the problem.Men who hate trannies with a passion tend to be more fucked up than trannies are in my experiences. I know two men who hate trannies. The first one really hates the aforementioned tranny and the way he talks about him leads me to believe that maybe he got rejected by him. He always talks about how he's ugly and has a man voice but also calls him a lot of insults that are typically directed towards women (whore, slut, etc). Men get more upset when they get rejected by a "whore" than by a normal woman because it's a blow to the ego on a whole new level when even the town bike doesn't want to sleep with you. As for the second one, he's showing signs of trooning out himself and his behavior has just gotten more bizarre and erratic as time goes on.
Sorry for blogpost just had to get that out there.
No. 1680018
>>1679469She looks really pretty here. I think she's just got proportions that look better at a managed weight.
>>1679470Asian beauty standards are so insane and self-hating. I have seen so many before or afters of genuinely beautiful and strong jawline before just hacked away for the cut and paste v-line. There is nothing normal about doing that to yourself.
No. 1680137
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>>1679715Bush will always win
No. 1680189
>>1680137I’ve been wanting to bring this up on LC for a while but I haven’t known how. I have the most awful razor-bump shaving rash on my bikini line ever since I tried this retarded at-home hot wax kit. At its worst I honestly looked like Shayna down there. Now I’m trying exfoliator, tea tree oil and roll on deodorant and that helps a bit but it’s still there. I regret it so much, it looked fine when I was just shaving but I got sick of how often I had to shave my bikini line before swimming and thought waxing it off would be easier.
Also, I tried it on my legs and it gave me this weird acne all over my thighs, that was like, whiteheads but really small and painful. Thankfully that went away very quickly with exfoliator and witch hazel. I followed the instructions religiously, but it still happened. I wouldn’t recommend these kits. I got a good quality expensive one and it still did this to me.
No. 1680303
>>1680269>>1680203Nonas I don't get you. Micro moids are not only mental and full of rage, they're literally the ugliest compared to short women. Their torsos are so damn long and they have tiny short stumpy legs. Every moid under 175 cm looks messed up. I routinely bully Indian moids on Instagram for their short legs.
Gymbro manlets are the most rancid type of men, they are always vile and sexist as fuck so beware.
No. 1680313
>>1680303Almost all men are ugly if not hideously ugly. Tall moids aren’t any more attractive on average. I think tall men look lanky and dehydrated so I’d prefer the possibility of stumpy legs.
I want an impossibly cute, 4’9, shy bf who I can throw around like a toy.
I’m thinking like Elijah Wood in LOTR but a little more thick. Man I’d love a hobbit bf.
No. 1680314
>>1680295idk personally i like them very short and very thin (ana levels of thin) but they're extremely self-conscious about both of these things so they become bitter and misogynistic
>>1680303tall moids look freakishly scary, especially if they're muscular and/or obese
No. 1680366
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Chubby males are repulsive and should all die.
No. 1680368
>>1680344Not actual obeses obviously, but if some nonnies can like manlets, I can like chubbies.
>>1680349I'm tall mysell. Masochism would be dating some dwarf who treats me like shit because he feels his "mAsCuLiNiTy" is threatened just by staying by my side. Also, you're retarded if you think minimoids are "uwu soft twinks" just because they're micro.
No. 1680562
>>1680514Kimberly shouldn't have had the main part with Nadine. Sarah had a good rocky high voice.
I can't stand Kimberly in fact.
No. 1680683
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Pinterest fucking sucks.
No. 1680794
>>1680401I tend to like the "gentle giants" types, manly man outside, nice guy inside.
>>1680424For me is "don't trust the definition of 'obese' on a site that have a considerable amount of anachans and alt-right trolls". Also, the first person to put the two together was the smurfsexual nonna talking about the type of men she DOESN'T like, i just greentexted what she writed and responded with my opinion.
No. 1681471
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I stand with Leonardo DiCaprio having earphones in when he’s having sex. That has always been my dream to like listen to my favorite song or something while getting waves of pleasure. I’m sure that would lead me to PIV orgasm lol. But men are fragile and will be like “why you got on AirPods” ruining the mood. Even better if a Blcd is playing but that would be harder to explain kek
No. 1681485
I don’t think pretty privilege exists for women, in the same way I don’t agree with the libfem interpretation of sexual empowerment. It’s just the idea of leveraging your looks to access male power and recourses, it doesn’t actually do much to elevate yourself as an individual. It’s entirely contingent on your appearance (and usually pandering to the male gaze) and can be taken away from you at any point. In fact it’s destined that you’ll lose all privilege and empowerment as you age out of male preference.
I don’t know if I’ll get any sympathy from here, but I am attractive. I grew up extremely impoverished and the only thing that “privilege” afforded me was being a target of male abuse. I have countless experiences with men who try to take advantage of me, have me for themselves, because I am pretty and because I was vulnerable. I just felt like easy prey, and really that’s all men ever saw me as. Of course I’ve grown up and improved my circumstances significantly, but I’m still pretty and I still suffer that same kind of targeting.
I dress in frumpy clothes, don’t wear makeup, don’t brush my hair. I’d love to be invisible. I’d love to have what men are always crying about, being ignored, irrelevant, “lonely”. I’d rather blend in with the background than a beacon for predators and just unwanted attention in general. This shit has made me neurotic. I wish I could be carefree land unafraid.
I know all women experience this, and I don’t know if the severity to my mistreatment is abnormal. It definitely feels that way. The amount of stalkers, harassers, and abusers I’ve amassed over my life by simply by existing is something I don’t hear very often. I feel like if I were more invisible these things would have either never happened or happened far less. I don’t want to say I wish I were ugly or I wish I were a man. I like who I am, I just want other people to see me as a human being and not an object, even if the object is of high value.
No. 1681486
>>1681481Lmao anon it's autistic af.
Tons of people fuck to music, it's just that they put it on a tv or a stereo so that they're not literally soundblocking their partner.
No. 1681506
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Women have got to stop fucking men they don’t like for money. Even a job at McDonald’s is better than that life.
No. 1681511
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>>1681481Yeah listening to bunch of fat neckbeard scrotes doing dumb improv about current events and laughing at their own jokes sounds like a great time during sex.
This sounds like the most zoomer take ever. Do you need subway surfers and family guy funniest moments playing in the background too lmao
No. 1681525
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>>1679803I'm sorry nonita, just know you aren't alone in your experience.
No. 1681526
>>1681202> i just don't want to get beaten by my partnerImplying that skeletal gnomes are incapable of this or that tall/muscular/chubby moids are more
abusive than the kind you like. If you are that paranoid to the point where you can't even trust your partner to not beat you, date a quadriplegic or look for the nearest womyn's land.
No. 1681535
>>1681506 Average Russian couple
For real though, I hate this shit tbh it gives scrotes even more audacity, they seem to believe that if one woman is for sale, we all are, and that they can be as ugly and gross as they want since they can just get rich and buy a pickme bimbo.
No. 1681551
>>1681526true and honest anorexic moids often are definitely incapable of this, especially at the cachexic stage. no muscles, no fat either
>tall/muscular/chubby moids are more abusiveif they do decide to beat you up (they're moids after all), you are completely defenseless against them (if we aren't talking about having guns on you), which is not the case for tiny ana moids who could wither up and die at any second.
No. 1681565
>>1681564very sadly no but a
nonnie can dream. maybe i'll become a husbandofag if i find a good one from media.
No. 1681584
>>1681485It most certainly does exist and ugly women aren't exempt from abuse and harassment just because they're ugly.
>I don't know if I'll get any sympathy from here, but I am attractiveMy condolences for your difficult condition others pay good money to achieve. I'd much rather be pretty and be treated like a human being by others (especially other women) than be an ogress, though.
No. 1681603
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I hate Irish-Americans. They are so fucking annoying and so nationalistic about being Irish except nobody in their family lives in Ireland because they are like 6th generation Irish.
>knows 0 british people
>im so irish
>i cant be in the sun, my skin burns too quickly because im so irish
>"GO NOTRE DAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
>has like 200 cousins
>irish catholic pride
>sends kids to irish catholic private schools to get molested
>"IM IRISH!!!!!!!"
>speaks in broken gaelic
>watches shows about irish people
>"did i ever tell you im irish"
>wears green and paints a clover on their face for any irish holiday
>"i have the luck of the irish!"
>names their kids the most hideous names like rolan and dalen and kaylen and nolan
>"imagine not like being proud of your heritage or connected to your heritage"
>their irish heritage is just having a bunch of beer at their house and maybe their 'family crest'
>calls their family the clan
>"I LOVE DRINKING!!!!!!!!!!!"
>takes trips to ireland to see where their family might have lived 300 years ago
>"i kissed the blarney stone!!!! i got the gift of the gab!!!"
>gabs your fucking ear off about being irish
>"yeah my family members are super homophobic and hate gay people"
>"you dont know what its like being irish, my grandfather was called a mc"
>last name starts with mc
>everyone knows they are irish because they are visibly irish-american (inbred looking)
>"imagine not knowing the ancient irish gods"
>is likely actually scottish or even english
>is named dugan mcnemicamencainm
>"um actually my name in gaelic is spelled dgvnvnvnvnhh" and it's pronounced jessica
>deathly loyal to their 'clan'
>'um can you not joke about the potato famine'
>"im irish" smiles revealing their irish-american brand rodent teeth
>"look at my freckles! im irish!" has the ugliest palest 'freckles' or has 1 million dark spots all over their flesh
>"I LOVE DRINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM IRISH!!!!!!!!!!!!"
No. 1681615
>>1681603>i cant be in the sun, my skin burns too quickly because im so irishgod i hate that.
>i have red hair, i must have some irish in me teehee!fuck offffff
No. 1681694
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So many nose jobs are completely unnecessary. I've seen so many where the before pic looks better.
No. 1681826
>>1681819I see people discouraging 35+ year olds from having kids due to the narrative of those being "geriatric" pregnancies and people who act like every kid is going to be born with down syndrome or that the mother won't be able to keep up.
I think it's quite the opposite.
In reality we should discourage those who are below 25 years of age from having kids–they are not established in their careers meaning they are either relying on men, family, or welfare to provide for their offspring which doesn't tend to turn out well; and they are immature and more impulsive as their own brains are still developing.
I trust older women more with children. Society just doesn't profit much from educated and mature mothers who won't be forced into situations where they or their kids will be taken advantage of.
No. 1681839
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>>1681812It’s nasty anyone who has a pet in their house is automatically dirty af! You sleeping in the same bed with your dogs shitty booty every night and wondering why your acne won’t go away. Stank
(integrate) No. 1681850
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>>1681840I’ll sign it eat my ass hoe
(retard) No. 1681881
>>1681864yeah i don't care anymore i was just really vitriolic as a teenager kek i've grown since then and i know there's no reason to put down any feature in general in favor of the ones i prefer.
for me it's the other way around, some noses seem just too small and take away from the rest of the facial features to me. i'm against plastic surgery but tbh a lot of people would probably benefit from having a taller nose instead of the other way around, not that i think that should be enforced at all as it already is in a specific way within my group of people/area and tbh who am i to decide for others i shouldn't anyway kek. natural ones gives unique character and information on your ancestral origins and background etc etc
No. 1681968
>>1681956here you go anon, my favorite one is "song of the sea" btw and it's the first one i had seen
i wish they gave it more screentime because i think it's the most beautiful visually definitely check them out ( or the trailers individually ) i highly recommend
No. 1681983
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The minimalist white aesthetic is boring, sterile, and overdone. Why would you want your home to have a hospital-like appearance?
No. 1681990
>>1681959you don’t need to censor it. and you can call them gypsies anon kek
gypsies are the worst
No. 1682075
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I have more to add about Irish Americans
>only drinks irish brand beer
>"FUCK MARGARET THATCHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
>has never met a brit
>has a collection of shot glasses
>irish flag hanging outside their house
>irish flag on their car
>"GO NOTRE DAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
>shirts with an irish midget on it that says FIGHTIN' IRISH
>'umm leprechauns are offensive'
>"I LOVE DRINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
How is picrel not offensive to them but leprechauns are, it's literally a balding midget man but these weirdos have this thing on t-shirts and shit
No. 1682080
>>1681912im english so im self aware enough to stfu and keep opinions to myself but i really did not enjoy my time spent visiting ireland, outside of dublin which is nice but touristy asf. americans like the ones described in
>>1682075 make me rage though, like i have no problems w irish people but 'irish americans' are really insufferable. imagine living your whole life in america, but bc your great grandparents were irish immigrants you think that you can just shift your whole identity and sense of self around painfully cringe stereotypes of a country you've never even
been to??
No. 1682081
>>1681614it’s true honestly.
>>1682075>>1681603You have a very spastic way of writing nona, why are you so angry kek
No. 1682107
>>1682091It's paddy
>>1682081They are annoying and act better than others because of muh clan
>>1682087I dunno where they keep the gold in their houses, just beer collections
No. 1682114
>>1682060NTA but yes actually
>>1682080Irish immigrants and their descendants have been beating each subsequent generation over the head with the “your grandpop didn’t come over here in a prison ship for you to fuck about” type shit. It’s because of the stories families pass along also. Storytelling is powerful stuff. And the stories Irish families tell often revolve around being Irish and being immigrants. Because that matters to them and that’s what they find valuable. I swear to god even proper Irish people still wax on and on about being Irish and what it means to be Irish and blah blah blah. Most of America and Canada is still a relatively recent diaspora. We don’t have 1000s of years of history on this land. So many of the stories we’ve been told are from other places and come from people who are from other places. Many of us aren’t too many generations removed from these people either. My great-grandmother was still alive when I was younger, for example. And my grandparents were immigrants, although English. So some of us would have known these people, or our parents would. Idk man I just don’t think you guys are ever going to quite get it because you’ve never left.
No. 1682319
>>1682312It’s a shonen anime, what did you expect?
They’re all like this
No. 1682321
>>1681983Yes it's overdone now. Even Ikea feature more dark and decorated interiors now in their ads. I've posted about it before but I tried hard to be a minimalist. I grew up with clutter like
>>1682108 so wanted to avoid at all costs. However, I know realize there is a middle way. Cozy yet organized.
No. 1682359
>>1682355This anon changed her post, she was saying how it's the woman's fault if she dates an
abusive man. My original reply
>>1682357 had both of her questionable views that she removed
No. 1682362
>>1682357It’s not about age because most women are blind to red flags regardless of age and are getting abused at 30 too meanwhile there are women a decade younger who will tell a
abusive scrote to fuck off. I only think the “im just a naive baby” excuse works for women under the age of 21. If you can’t spot an piece of shit scrote at 21 you probably never will be able to and you’ll have issues with scrotes your entire life.
No. 1682368
>>1682365Like I said most 24 year olds look 30. It’s not preying he’s just
abusive already and would abuse a woman his age too. You act like the majority of women over the age of 30 aren’t getting abused and cheated on when they are.
No. 1682374
>>1682368>You act like the majority of women over the age of 30 aren’t getting abused and cheated on when they are.How is that relevant? Anyway, stop defending old creeps. At 21 most women are college students without any financial independence while 30 year old men are usually looking for serious relationships - aside from the ones who knowingly date younger women hoping they'll require less commitment and economic burden.
Be honest with me, have you ever recently seen a 20 to 30 year old couple with 10 years age difference that was healthy and neither of the partners seemed desperate?
No. 1682379
>>1682370Nevermind at 21, you still can't see who is a piece of shit if you think a 30 year old choosing to peruse college students has no ill motive. It's always the stupid women like you who think they can see through everything and will never be like the abused women that ends up getting abused. You're far too dumb but you've bought lies of men about how if he was
abusive, it'd be obvious at the start and huge age differences don't mean anything.
Haven't you noticed that most
victim blamers in amber heard case were abuse
victim women themselves? Women who blame other women for not being able to notice
abusive patterns are the same ones that get abused themselves because you'll never blame the men, even when you're the one getting abused.
No. 1682381
>>1682374My dad was 30 when he met my mom at 23 at work and they have a normal relationship. If you meet a 30 year old scrote and he abused you it’s not because of your age and you’re a little girl, he’s just
abusive and you picked poorly.
No. 1682387
>>1682381I'm saying nowadays, you won't see that age difference nowadays because women are much more independent - that age difference nowadays only exists in reddit tier loser to loser relationships where both partners care about having someone to be with rather than someone their age to relate to, they probably can't find someone their age either and settle out of desperation.
And I've never gotten abused but you probably will as you go for old men and blame abuse on women. As I said, most women who blamed Amber were
abusive victims that once blamed themselves when their husbands or bfs abused them. Women like you who victimblame are the ones who go and get abused, women who blame women in
abusive situations, women who go for older desperate men, women who believe it's ok to date men who are much more powerful financially, women who were raised in families like yours.
You're the one who will get abused although you're going to accuse everyone of getting cheated on or beaten because they disagree with you here.
No. 1682388
>>1682384>women get abused by men at all agesExactly. You didn’t get abused because you’re a child, you got abused because the scrote is just
abusive. 21-24 is old enough to know a garbage scrote unless you’re from some kind of religious cult or home schooled.
No. 1682389
>>1682381>admitting your own mother was as desperate for old men just like youOk what does this add to the argument?
>>1682388You're saying a woman should know what an
abusive man is at 21 yet you still can't tell the redflags yourself. How old are you? You sound like an aging woman who's scared she won't be able to play the 21 year old that goes for older men role anymore. That's why you're bitter.
No. 1682396
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>>1682391Ash stymest was 25 and she was 14
No. 1682400
>>1682397>target younger women to abuse This is true for women under the age of 21. I think the
abusive scrotes are genuinely attracted to 21-24 year old he picks and the
abusive behavior has nothing to do with age. He would be
abusive to any woman because that’s his personality.
No. 1682405
>>1682400I think it does have to do with age, males that age know that younger women are more naive. That's why based anons on this website need to keep blaming moids (it is a moids' fault he's
abusive) and shilling younger moids and saying that old ones are disgusting (yes, I know and agree young moids can also be
abusive but it's probably easier to escape their abuse because they will also be naive, not have their own home/income, and not have the advantage of age) Never fucking date or tolerate an old ass post-wall scrote PERIOD.
No. 1682411
>>1682388You're just
victim blaming ffs. Women that get abused past the age of 25 aren't responsible for it and bringing it on to themselves. You sound far more sheltered than whatever women you're projecting on too. Once people are actually functioning in the real world past school it's not a level playing field. People start to gravitate towards others because of life experience not because of age. It's healthy and normal to mix between the generations. Personally I think an age gap of 10 years is too much due to health disparities and eventual aging like that shit will hit harder if you stay together.
No. 1682420
>>1682416Males will openly say they find like, 14-20 year olds the most attractive; that means the male is an awful predator. It's his fault. If 90% of males think that way, 90% of males get the rope.
>>1682418Yeah they probably are mentally ill and have parents who don't and maybe have never cared about them. I know 20-some year olds aren't children but I honestly wonder what goes through the parents' minds when their 20-some year old daughter gets with a 30+ year old man. Probably grew up in an
abusive trad household. Sad stuff.
No. 1682422
>>1682418I agree, women in their early 20s are not that long out of school or from direct care of their guardians. There is of course creepy men who will seek to take advantage of their naivety. All I am saying is that with age does not always necessarily come the needed tools/experience to spot every potential red flag and it's unfair to blame the woman for falling
victim to some dickhead.
No. 1682439
>>1682430I love how you're conveniently never answering how old are you questions. You sound like an aged out woman who enjoyed playing around with older men and now youre mad you have nothing to offer to them and that's why you're attacking younger women and saying they deserved to be abused just because they didn't know better.
>>1682428Tbh no matter the age, her family shouldn't have allowed her to date an unemployed homeless man and she's not the faulty one because he's the one who left. Maybe she was living somewhere where abortion isn't available or even illegal maybe she didn't have the means to get it because her community would've shunned her. Maybe she noticed the pregnancy too late. We don't know her story but either way, he was the abuser and no matter how much anon wants to shit on her younger relative out of jealousy for her youth, it won't change the truth.
No. 1682442
>>1682439I’m 23 so quit it with the aged out shit kek I’ve never been abused and I’ve never dated men 10+ years older than me and never will.
>her family shouldn’t have allowedWhat are they going to do chain her up in the basement?
No. 1682454
>>1682388You’re getting a lot of hate
nonnie but I agree with you, there’s too much infantilizing of grown women going around.
No. 1682459
>>1682457Nta but yeah they're stupid and young, therefore ideal
victim for men like that. Idk why that 24 year old anon hates younger women so much, probably because she knows although shes not old yet, she won't get attention from the old creepy men anymore and that's why she keeps hating on literal 20 year old women who got taken advent age by 30+ year old men.
No. 1682461
>>1682388I think in a lot of cases you don't know what an
abusive scrote is until you experience one. You only think you know what it is like, you can look at all the videos, read all the articles about it thinking you're prepared and still get manipulated and hurt anyway.
No. 1682476
>>1682472Not really. Aging is based on genetics and stress. Someone who's mentally ill and victimblames her own relative out of jealousy is surely going to age even when she's 24 but a normal woman won't look at bad in her thirties. People who
victim blame and support abusers are the types that age worse in my experience, not because of karma but because they tend to be in a constant state of distress and jealousy.
No. 1682481
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>>1682477My bf is 21 and I’m 23. He doesn’t look younger than me. I would not think a person in their 30s is a pedophile for being attracted to is. Pic related is 22….I guess men being attracted to her makes them a pedophile because she looks sooooo much like a child.
No. 1682484
>>1682478Which anon? You're both defending that that age range is both young(since you're either in that range or older) and old(it shouldn't count as grooming to support your argument).
If we consider 18-21 year olds grown adults, then anon is objectively older at 23 but saying she's older makes her mad because as said before, she's scared of losing her youth. Only a delusional person would think she looks the same at 18 and 23, at 18 you haven't grown into your features and you're a highschool student who dresses and acts much differently than at 23. I've noticed that only women who are scared of aging like to pretend they look the same as they did 5 years ago.
No. 1682486
>>1682484I never said I don’t look different from an 18 year old. I said at 23 I don’t look different from a 21-22 year old. Why are you putting words in my mouth?kek
>>1682485My original post said 21-24 aren’t children. When did the topic change to 18 year olds?
No. 1682487
>>1682482Not to nitpick but I think she posted a picture of herself before she met him and got her surgeries + hair dying + makeup stuff etc done and she looked average at best. She just took this opportunity to get the operations for free and take as much money as she could.
I knew another woman who did this, had surgeon husband which helped her meet with and get a boobjob, nosejob, but surgery, liposuction, etc. she dumped him after she healed.
Although he's faulty, she's using him wnd hopefully it'll be his punishment once she leaves
No. 1682489
>>1682484I never said that age range is young…I said that 21-23 years old is old enough to be able to spot a 30 yr old scrote creep, and that if you can’t spot him, it’s not because you’re innocent and naive, because at that age you’re not - it’s because you’re just stupid. Old enough to know better.
I’m not the anon with the cousin or whatever that was.
And no 18 yr olds do not look THAT different from 23 yr olds. Some, but not significantly on average. You seriously have an issue with aging.
No. 1682493
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an lc unpopular opinion but i really don't understand how anons see kiki as ugly. like at worst she's average and imo cute, i hate to drag someone down and i don't mean to "bring her up" per se but i do think between her and dakota she's definitely the better looking sister. i posted this once and someone replied to me with "sure kaka" like i don't know if she's still posting here because i don't follow her antics anymore idk she might but i really doubt she would in a random ass thread kek, or maybe she would do that i wouldn't know. yes she has a really rotten character but i don't think that has anything to do with her looks, i understand that people are more inclined to think of bad people as ugly but she really, really isn't. i'm pro haters but sometimes you just have to wake up like she's not a hideous monster or "manly looking" she's maybe plain but not ugly. i chose the first picture that came on my google search idk how recent it is, no one come for me for cherry picking pls
No. 1682499
>>1682495i mentioned that in my post…
>>1682496wait really? maybe i should delete this then kek i would have thought she only reads her threads
No. 1682505
>>1682493I agree, I think she's pretty.
>>1682496Lying will just make the site look bad. People will come here and think "they're just posting false things" and when cows are exposed for bad stuff they will dismiss all the information.
No. 1682530
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>>1682447Dirty blonde is a real colour and it's easy to tell the difference. I have dark blonde hair and my sister has light brown hair. Both shades have the same amount of lightness. My hair has yellow, green and brass undertones, where as hers has reddish, copper and bronze undertones. Real dirty blondes will also have had light blonde hair as a child. I used to be white blonde when I was 5 and my hair became darker as I got older. My sister's hair colour has always been consistent.
No. 1682563
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>>1681799I love you and your nose, nonna
No. 1682573
>>1681968OMG, thank you for this, I only knew about the first one!
>Saoirse >Pronounced "seer-shuh">???? >>1681603 was right about that much at least lol
No. 1682597
>>1682405>>1682412Immeasurably based, I will shill younger moids until I die. They all act like trash from age 4-94 so get the cute ones with hair and a functioning dick.
I'm 34 and current boy just hit 22. I recommend this to all who can pull it off, being childfree helps btw, they're easy to outmaneuver and smell much better than bald old fat alcoholic divorced millennials. Icing on the cake is how much it makes all the old fucks around me seethe. Most old guys dont pay for shit anyway, they're stingy as fuck, that's how they were able to amass wealth in the first place, by being tightfisted with it. They're the ones making mid six figures clowning their college age pickme into going 50-50.
No. 1682622
>>1682604AYRT and I have a small chest too, I'm a yoga instructor, boy tells me I have an "80s body" kek. You also need to have your own money since the baby boys don't. Remember, this is about good dick and cute, good smelling, pure boys, not getting your bills paid or taken to fancy restaurants.
Young guys haven't learned to check you out subtly yet, so, go out and wait for a cute one to be staring obviously at you. Say hi to him or some shit and that's about it. Forget apps and online anything, good boys aren't terminally online anyway. That's how you can also filter out the ones who are obsessed with porn.
At 25 you're not old enough to even look older than they are, but not old enough to get the ones with the real serious mommy issues. Dressing a little alt might help too, at your age which is still very young it won't look cringe yet. But don't force it if it's not your real taste. 25 is honestly a sweet spot, unfortunately I didn't get fully twink-pilled until my late 20s/early 30s, mostly dated around same age until then. I won't even talk to guys over 30 now lol.
I believe in you sis and I hope we can twink-pill all the straight women.
(ok........................) No. 1682640
>>1682635Gotta have confidence, that's the key takeaway. The old guys are attracted to you because they can sense you're a little uncertain still, I can sense it through your posts even. Walk with your head held high!
Personally, just a dash of alt is what I like, like a little dark nail color or something subtle. If you want normie boys, have long hair and style it well.
No. 1682658
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I assume anyone who unironically uses the word 'shitbull' is severely autistic and mentally ill.
No. 1682698
>>1682645>>1682652>>1682655>>1682656Yes, because someone who is old enough to have completed their Bachelor's is the moral equivalent to a literal minor child.
Seethe more.
No. 1682716
>>1682695I think drug addicts should be too because they keep popping out kids and subjecting them to uncertainty and misery
T. Born to a methhead
No. 1682782
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>>1682760my unpopular opinion is that women don't really have a lot of power over young men even with money and life experience.
No. 1682800
>>1682788This. It's weird at most but not as dangerous or
abusive as the genders reversed.
No. 1682858
>>1682493>>1682489You sound like a dumb bitch. Society brainwashes women to dismiss redflags and apologize for scrotes behavior. Age isn't a great reflection of abuse either, I dated a guy my own age who acted like a perfect gentleman, but overtime I started to notice weird behavior like yelling at video games and road eage and when I mentioned it to friends they'd tell me I was paranoid. It takes experience to trust your gut and learn the red flags. I eventually married slightly older, not all older men are
abusive but the likelihood goes up with the gap and men get better at hiding their shitty behavior as they get older. You sound like a doormat bitch who's going to get walked over because you cowtoe to men and blame the women they manipulate. Good luck sucking off gamer cock because "I can spot the red flags other women are just dumb"
>>1682493Gonna go a step further and admit I find her beautiful, I have that one threadpic of her saved because I like her hair and want something similar lol
(infighting) No. 1683023
>>1682858Lol all your assumptions are wrong and I’m the dominant one
by far in my 10 year relationship but ok
No. 1683044
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Square nails are hideous
No. 1683061
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>>1683044square heels, shoes, etc are hideous as well.
No. 1683071
>>1683044>>1683061I like ‘em
>>1683062Same, I have wide feet Kek
No. 1683096
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Whoever got cancelled on Twitter for saying Kurt Cobain would’ve trooned out if he was alive today was 100% right. And I’m not saying that just because he wore dresses, it has nothing to do with that. It’s just the general vibe he gave off
No. 1683105
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>>1683096Layne Staley will always be the superior grunge junkie
No. 1683188
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>>1683187Dropped pic
But moids sexualize both young and older women and I’d argue moids still hold some power over them. Also it’s wild how many men love MILF and Cougar categories. No one is safe.
No. 1683197
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>>1683196>kidstop babifying moids, it's so annoying
No. 1683201
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>>1683198Anons like that strike me as those women who date 30yos at 20 because they are more ''mature'' and then they end up with saggy balls and dick and having to cook, clean and do everything for him because men don't evolve past 15yo mentally. Let the Stacys pump and dump all the 18yos they want before they end up slaving a poor woman as their bangmaid.
No. 1683213
>>1682489>18 year olds don't look any different than 23 year oldsYeah they do. Why can't you accept that you don't look 18 anymore? You try to argue that you look as young as a teenager when you're in your TWENTIES and keep
victim blaming teenagers, sounds like jealousy and you not coping with aging.
No. 1683225
>>1683023>says she's 23>says her bf is 21>says her relationship is 10 years oldDid you date a middle schooler as a high schooler? And kept dating your first bf for 10 years although you're giving dating advice ans pretending to know better than anyone even though you have such little experience?
You really need to keep your lies on check, it's obvious that you're in your 30s and lied about your age because everyone kept saying the reason you
victim blamed only young women was out of jealousy. You're sad and I'm sure you still delusionally think you look just as young as the teenagers you
victim blame and seethe over, kek.
No. 1683238
>>1683235I've been here longer than you, 'girl' did not originate from twitter–but of course that's what you jump to with nothing else of substance to add.
>>1683234I dont care. How many times do I have to say I don't care about your whiny woe is me 'well men deserve vengeance' stories. If you want to fuck an 18 year old whatever do you but if you're like 30 years old and doing that, you deserve whatever ostracization you get. It's still weird to see a boy whose balls dropped a couple years ago and decide that's prime age for you. I never bring this up irl or online anywhere else but it's hilarious to me that any time I see it mentioned here, anons get so defensive. Muh vengeance.
No. 1683253
>>1683241It's almost like they aren't the same anons posting now
>misogynyFucking kek get real. I see 18 year old girls as kids too, I will side eye any man or woman that acts like theyre prime fuckmeat too.
No. 1683270
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I genuinely think most people look the same in their 20s and can into their 30s depending how well they take care of themselves/genetics and all that. I really don't think anyone starts to looks "old" until they're actually nearing 50.
Also it doesn't help that most people have no idea how to tell a persons age for sure. Everyone is so fucking different.
No. 1683283
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>>1683227I am tired of women being good, we have been good for so long despite all the abuse and it just made men more entitled and lowered our self steem, we need to start being quirky. We need to start being what Incels think we are.
No. 1683290
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>>1683280nta but there was an anon who used to spam seals in some threads. turns out she's like this..